TQOR - The wife of a wealthy president who was ridiculed by the whole network

☆ 108. Chapter 107 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 107 The wife of a wealthy president who was ridiculed by the whole network


The environment of the poultry meat area is relatively poor. Not only is it filled with blood and fishy smells, but the ground is also full of oil stains and sewage. However, Yu Xi did not mind at all. She walked to a meat stall skillfully.

Seeing Yu Xi coming over, followed by many people holding cameras, the owner of the meat stall showed a surprised expression, but still greeted Yu Xi warmly.

"Beauty, what do you want? The meat is very fresh today."

Yu Xi: "Look at the ribs."

The boss pointed to two ribs, "Here, do you want dragon bones or pork ribs."

Yu Xi took a look.

With the original owner's life experience, Yu Xi was able to quickly distinguish which of these ribs were better.

"If you want pork ribs, choose two front ribs for me."

The front meat is thinner than the back ribs, and the meat is more tender, and it is easier to take off the bones when eating.

"These are all front ribs." The boss picked out two and handed them to him.

The ribs were red with white, and the color was bright. Yu Xi reached out and touched it. The surface was smooth and tender, and it would bounce back when pressed. It was indeed very fresh. She nodded, "Okay, this one."

The owner of the meat stall laughed when he saw how good she was at choosing. "Do you want to stew soup or make braised spareribs? Do you want to look at other things? The meat is very fresh."

Yu Xi: "Choose another pound of pork belly."

After she finished speaking, she looked back at the photographer who was following her.

The camera was pointed at her, she frowned, quickly retracted her gaze, and dodged a little, as if she was not used to it.

However, she was not as petty as the original owner. Although she was embarrassed, she did not shrink back.

Once she shrugged and shrank, people would think that she was not presentable and not worthy of Guan Linyu.

The original owner was criticized by everyone for this reason, and the whole network was waiting for Guan Linyu to divorce her. Although Guan Linyu was also ridiculed because of this program, he also attracted countless fans. He even made it to the list of the most wanted male gods to marry, and his ranking was still at the top.

There are even more ID nicknames on Weibo like: When will Guan Linyu divorce Yu Xi, Guan Linyu won't change her name unless she divorces Yu Xi, Have Guan Linyu and Yu Xi divorced...

Yu Xi knew that her outfit today would be criticized in the pilot film, it was too rustic, but rustic can also become simple, generous and low-key.

So many people scolded her before because they thought her behavior was not worthy of her status as a wealthy wife.

She is so rich and her husband is so outstanding, how can she make herself like this?

This is the voice of everyone after seeing her and Guan Linyu standing together. After

buying the meat, she opened her Chanel bag, tore out a piece of paper from it, and wiped her fingers.

Just now, she touched the ribs with her hands, so her fingers were dirty. She didn't take out the whole roll of paper, so no one knew that she had a large roll of paper in her bag. She could only see that she casually pulled out a piece of paper from her bag. Her movements were casual, and she looked very clean. After wiping her hands, she didn't throw the paper away casually, but kept it in her hand, then turned and walked towards the trash can. The trash can was still some distance away. She narrowed her eyes and aimed at it.

I saw that small ball of paper drew a parabola in the air and fell into the trash can without any suspense.

Her movements were smooth and natural. After throwing it, she clapped her hands and returned to the meat stall.

What was astonishing was that she opened her bag and casually put the ribs she had just bought in it.

Such an expensive bag is used to carry vegetables?

The staff of the program group looked at Yu Xi in surprise.

Yu Xi also looked back at her, but she didn't seem to know what she was surprised about.

In fact, there is a lot of space in this bag, and it is not too much to put two pieces of meat. After putting them in, the bag is still beautiful.

Unlike the original plot, the original owner stuffed all the vegetables she bought into the bag and then carried the bag. The bag worth tens of thousands of yuan was used as a cheap shopping bag, which looked ugly and rustic.

This time, Yu Xi casually put the ribs in the plastic bag into the bag, and then continued to carry the bag on one shoulder.

All her actions were filmed, and she didn't take the bag seriously at all.

The staff thought, maybe she is not rich enough.

Rich people don't think this bag is expensive at all.

Although I thought Mrs. Guan looked a little... plain at first.

I investigated and got to know Guan Linyu in depth before coming here, but I didn't expect his wife to be so... ordinary.

I heard that she was just a farm girl in the countryside.

But now it seems that she is quite special.

After buying meat, Yu Xi went to buy some vegetables. It was the original owner who wanted to cook for Guan Linyu, not her.

So she didn't plan to cook many dishes, just bought some and prepared to go back.

She walked all the way back and sent a message to the driver to tell him that she had bought the vegetables.

As a result, a man on a bicycle almost hit her on the road, but Yu Xi dodged quickly and evaded.

In the original plot, the original owner had been shopping for groceries for a long time and had not encountered this incident.

But Yu Xi dodged and was splashed with water.

Although it was not much, her body was still wet. If it were someone else, they might have made a fuss and screamed, but Yu Xi was very calm. She waved her hand and said it was okay, and then calmly pulled out paper from her bag.

She pulled out a long section of paper, and then she pulled out half a meter of paper, and then wiped the water off her body.

After wiping, she might feel that it was not clean enough.

So she pulled out another half meter.

The staff and photographer were dumbfounded.

Staff A whispered to the colleague next to him: "This... How much paper did you bring? Why does it seem like you can't tear it all?"

Staff B also lowered his voice: "Why do I feel that this bag can hold anything, like a treasure bag."

They stared at Yu Xi in amazement, and wiped off the water on her body with a calm expression. If it hadn't left traces, it would have been as if nothing had happened just now.


After getting in the car, Yu Xi took out her cell phone and called Guan Linyu.

The original owner rarely took the initiative to call Guan Linyu, and always contacted her secretary.

In fact, Guan Linyu did not say that she could not contact her directly, but Guan Linyu always asked the secretary to contact her, so the original owner thought that she should also contact Guan Linyu through the secretary.

Over time, the two of them almost never talked directly.

The secretary became their messenger.

But in fact, the original owner had Guan Linyu's phone number

. Yu Xi took out her cell phone and opened the address book.

The note she gave to Guan Linyu was Guan.

This note was simple and distant, but in fact, the original owner still had a good impression of Guan Linyu, otherwise she would not have agreed to get married before.

Yu Xi stared at the mobile phone number and thought about it, then dialed it.


At the same time, the pilot films of several other couples were also being filmed.

The program team arranged a total of four groups of staff to follow the four couples.

Yu Xi's side was Group A, and the others were Groups B, C, and D.

The staff of Group B was responsible for the other wealthy couple.

As soon as they arrived, Xie Yilin asked her servant to serve a bowl of bird's nest soup to each staff member.

This bird's nest is not cheap, and she brought it out for everyone.

The staff wanted to refuse, so she asked the servant to bring it directly to the front, so that they could not refuse it anyway, and everyone could only finish drinking before starting to shoot.

When they were not given to drink, the staff sighed in their hearts that Mrs. Lu was really generous, and this rich person was really different.

I heard that Mrs. Lu and Mr. Lu are both wealthy families. The two are married to wealthy families, but after marriage, they are very affectionate and can be called the best model couple in S City. The two

often attend charity dinners together. Whenever there is a disaster, donations will be organized. As long as there are donations, they are indispensable. Last year, when H Province had a flood, the couple donated 10 million together. During the epidemic, they also sent various supplies to areas in need. The popularity of this wealthy couple is not low, and many people are obsessed with their fairy love. It was

also good luck to be able to invite them to participate in the show this time.

At that time, they didn't plan to come, saying that they didn't have time. As a result, when they heard that the program team had invited Guan Linyu and his wife, they immediately changed their minds and agreed.

When asked the reason, Mrs. Lu said that she and her husband were good friends with Guan Linyu in the early years. Although they were not in such close contact later, they were still friends. So when they knew that they were also going to be on the show, they wanted to take the opportunity to reminisce about the past.

After drinking the bird's nest, it was time to start filming.

Xie Yilin wore a white camellia suit from Chanel, which was exquisite and generous, but also sweet. Although she was nearly 30 years old, she still looked like a 20-year-old girl and was well maintained.

Seeing that she was so generous to give the staff bird's nest, it was estimated that she had drunk it herself.

Her complexion was ruddy, her skin was fair, and her face was full of collagen, without any depression.

Her smile gave people a gentle feeling like a spring breeze.

And Mr. Lu, Lu Jinnian, although he appeared a little late, he was also wearing a black suit. He looked like he was exhausted and hurried back, but he was still handsome. He also held a bouquet of white flowers in his hand. The flowers were beautiful and the packaging was also very delicate.

As soon as Xie Yilin saw Lu Jinnian, she went to him, held his hand affectionately, and said coquettishly, "You're back!"

Lu Jinnian smiled and said, "Yes, I just came back from another place. I bought this on the way. I didn't choose it carefully because I was afraid of wasting time. I hope you like it." "

Wow, it's so beautiful. Of course I like it. How can I not like the one you gave me?"

She took the flower and looked at Lu Jinnian.

The affectionate look at each other was like filming an idol drama.

The staff was stunned.

These two people are really loving and corny.

Although they are both thirty years old, they still maintain a sense of freshness and romantic ritual, which is really rare.

The photographer gave Xie Yilin's face a close-up.

Xie Yilin looked over from the corner of her eye and knew that she was being photographed, so she slightly turned her face to show her best jawline. She knew which angle she looked best, and of course she had to show her best side in front of the camera.

Today was just the pilot shoot. She had already discussed with Lu Jinnian that she must come back early today and not fool around outside. If she was not satisfied, she would not accompany him to the dinner next month when he wanted her to cooperate.

Fortunately, Lu Jinnian did a good job.

Thinking that she would meet Guan Linyu tomorrow, Xie Yilin felt a little nervous and excited.

When Guan Linyu got married, she happened to be on vacation abroad. When she heard the news, she was going to rush back, but she heard that the Guan family did not plan to hold a big wedding and only invited relatives and friends, but did not invite her, so she did not go. She also did not see what Mrs. Guan looked like. She only heard from others that Mrs. Guan was not from their circle. She was a rural woman who was found by the old lady from the countryside and matched Guan Linyu's horoscope.

Xie Yilin was furious when she thought about this.

Back then, she liked Guan Linyu and pursued him for two years, but he never even looked at her. Later, she got engaged to Lu Jinnian. She thought Guan Linyu would never get married. After all, he was so old and there was no woman around him, but he got married suddenly.

Guan Linyu has always been a thorn in her heart, and no one can say anything.

Nowadays, everyone envies her marriage, and everyone thinks that she and Lu Jinnian are a loving couple, but who knows that there is still someone hidden in her heart.

However, it is impossible for her and Guan Linyu, but she participated in the variety show this time just to see what kind of woman Guan Linyu married. She refused to be with her at the beginning, but now she is married to a rural bumpkin. She wants to make Guan Linyu regret it.

Lu Jinnian also knows what she is thinking.

After all, the whole circle knows that Xie Yilin pursued Guan Linyu back then.

Lu Jinnian has always disliked Guan Linyu. They are of similar age, Guan Linyu is only one or two years older than him, but everyone follows his lead and is praised by adults. He used to be called a playboy, but what about now?

He is a famous philanthropist and entrepreneur, and his fame is not inferior to Guan Linyu.

His marriage is also happy, and he also wants to surpass Guan Linyu.

At least he heard that after Guan Linyu got married, his relationship with his wife was very incompatible, and he even divorced some time ago, causing the old lady to threaten to commit suicide.

Thinking of this, Lu Jinnian looked at Xie Yilin with more affection.

"Do you remember what day it is today?"

Lu Jinnian's voice was lazy and charming.

It was so sweet that people got goose bumps.

This scene confused Xie Yilin.

How could she know what day it was today.

Lu Jinnian didn't need her to answer. He played the role of a gentle, caring and considerate husband. Although he was busy with work, he still didn't forget the anniversary with his wife.

"This is the third anniversary of our meeting. Three years ago, when I first saw you, I knew you were the right person, so I have always been grateful that God let me meet you..."

Xie Yilin's mouth twitched, and she smiled happily and moved. She buried her head in Lu Jinnian's arms. After covering her face, she was finally able to roll her eyes and showed an expression of wanting to vomit.

Not to mention, Lu Jinnian loves acting more than her. It's a pity that he is not an actor.

But the staff all believed it.

Some people even applauded for their love.

The staff sighed: "When this segment is broadcast, it will definitely move many people."

"I am about to eat sugar. They are too happy. They are so rich and so loving."


The filming of the other two groups was also carried out simultaneously. The Internet celebrity couple cooperated very well and it went smoothly. They often took some vlogs and posted them online, so today's filming was just a record of their daily life. The two went out to the supermarket together, just like an old couple. Although there were differences of opinion, they reconciled quickly and took good material. The staff of this group finished work very early.

But something went wrong with the entertainment industry trainee couple.

One was a popular female idol, and the other was a talented singer-songwriter.

The two looked down on each other as soon as they met, and even quarreled during the recording of the pilot, and then both said they would not record.

The staff had no choice but to call the agent to persuade them.

After a long time of persuasion, they finally calmed down and agreed to continue, but not long after, the two started to sneer at each other again because of a disagreement.

The staff of Group D were very worried. They just met and it was like this. What should they do with the next filming?

The director of Group D reported the situation to the chief director in the group. He also saw that the people of Group C said they could call it a day. The people of Group B also said that the filming was good. Mrs. Lu also invited them all to drink bird's nest.

The director of Group D sighed. It seemed that only the people of Group A shared the same pain as them.

So he privately chatted with the director of Group A and asked him about the progress.


At this time, Guan Linyu was in a meeting.

In order to participate in the program, he had to arrange his work in the next two days. In such a large company, many things can actually be handed over to his subordinates to handle, but he is a workaholic, so he chooses to do many things himself.

If he didn't explain it properly, he would not feel at ease to leave, but in fact he often answered work calls when recording the program.

During the meeting, Guan Linyu's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard the phone ring.

Everyone was also worried and looking for the culprit.

No one dared to speak, because Guan Linyu was notoriously strict, and everyone in the company was afraid of him, except for his secretary, who had been with him for five years and knew that Guan Linyu only looked strict. When he had no expression, others would think he was angry, but in fact he had a good temper and a gentle personality.

Guan Linyu found that it was his cell phone that rang, so he hung up.

He didn't even look at who was calling, and was about to turn it to silent.

Of course, he didn't save Yu Xi's phone number, after all, the two hadn't called each other for more than a year.

But unexpectedly, just as he was about to set it to silent, the phone rang again.

Guan Linyu frowned, looked at the strange number, and hung up again.

As for Yu Xi, after the call was hung up twice, she had guessed that Guan Linyu didn't know it was her who called.

So she called Secretary Lin directly.

Secretary Lin was also in the meeting room, but his cell phone was on 24 hours a day, and he put it in his pocket with it set to vibrate. When he saw that it was the president's wife calling, Secretary Lin's expression changed, and then he went out to answer the phone.

"Madam, hello, what's the matter?"

Yu Xi: "Where's he?"

Secretary Lin understood, this "he" was naturally referring to Mr. Guan.

Secretary Lin: "Mr. Guan is in a meeting."

Yu Xi: "Give him the phone."

Secretary Lin held the phone in surprise, and didn't say anything for a long time.

Yu Xi: "Didn't you hear it?"

Secretary Lin: "No, the president is still in a meeting, it may not be convenient..."

Yu Xi's tone was calm and unquestionable: "I told you to give him the phone."

Secretary Lin didn't know why Yu Xi suddenly became so strong, she had never made this request before.

He didn't know how to answer for a while. Although the relationship between the madam and the president was not very good, she was still the president's wife after all, "Okay, I know."

Secretary Lin thought about it, is there something urgent?

Maybe it's about the president's grandmother?

Then he must tell the president.

Secretary Lin immediately turned and entered the meeting room. He quietly walked behind Guan Linyu, and then whispered "Mr. Guan".

His voice was neither loud nor soft, but it interrupted Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu turned back in confusion, "What's the matter?"

Secretary Lin thought for a moment and whispered to Guan Linyu, "Boss Guan, your wife called and said she has something to talk to you about."

When he said this, his voice was a little low, and Guan Linyu just didn't hear who called. He said coldly, "What?"

Guan Linyu didn't like being interrupted for no reason when he was doing things. In his opinion, Secretary Lin always knew his limits. Why did he suddenly let him answer the phone at this time?

Secretary Lin had been with Guan Linyu for so long, so of course he could hear Guan Linyu's unhappy tone. He tightened his throat and said, "My wife called and said she wanted to talk to you."

Guan Linyu: "Who?"

It's not that he didn't hear clearly, but he didn't react for a while, because Yu Xi never called him, nor did he let Secretary Lin answer the phone for him.

He frowned and stood up.

Secretary Lin: "My wife's call."

Guan Linyu was silent for a moment.

The participants in this meeting were all senior executives of the company. Everyone was listening and watching, and they understood what was going on in a few words.

The president's wife, whom he had never met, called.

We all knew that the president got married a year ago, but no one had ever seen the president's wife.

It was as if there had never been such a person.

Guan Linyu said in a deep voice: "Give it to me."

Maybe Guan Linyu's tone was too low, Secretary Lin was a little panicked and stunned.

Guan Linyu frowned: "Phone."

Secretary Lin hurriedly handed the phone over: "Here."

Guan Linyu turned his head and said to everyone: "Take a ten-minute break and continue later."

After he finished speaking, he left the meeting room.

Yu Xi on the other end of the phone also heard the voice here.

Guan Linyu thought that the reason why Yu Xi called was related to her grandmother, so the first sentence she said was: "What's the matter? What's wrong with grandma?"

Although she had just heard Guan Linyu's voice.

But at this time, Guan Linyu's tone was different from his tone to his subordinates.

His tone to his subordinates was very serious and cold in a businesslike manner. He

was not enthusiastic about her, only distant and polite.

But the more this happened, the more he felt that they were far apart.

Not only did they have no feelings, but they could also maintain strange politeness.

No wonder the original owner didn't know how to get close to her.

It was Guan Linyu who always treated her as an outsider.

Yu Xi was not sad, and her tone was also distant and polite, "Grandma, it's okay, I'm looking for you."

When Yu Xi and Guan Linyu were talking on the phone, the camera was still filming Yu Xi.

This pilot film had to be filmed from the time she went out to the evening.

But the edited version was broadcast, not all of it was released, and the same was true for the other three groups.

Since the other groups were pilot films shot by couples, only Yu Xi was alone.

So when Yu Xi called Guan Linyu, the director was very happy.

In this way, it can be regarded as two people being filmed, although Guan Linyu only appeared with his voice.

But it is better than having no sense of presence throughout the whole process.


Hearing that it was Yu Xi looking for him, Guan Linyu was even more surprised, but his tone was still calm, "What's the matter?"

Yu Xi: "You didn't answer my call just now."

Guan Linyu was stunned, "What?"

Yu Xi: "I said you didn't answer my call, did you not save it, save it."

Guan Linyu then realized that the two calls just now were from Yu Xi.

Guan Linyu was not embarrassed, but just felt strange.

"Okay, I'll save it later. I'm in a meeting."

"Well, by the way, add me on WeChat. We're going to record the show so it's convenient for us to contact each other."

Guan Linyu: "...Okay."

All the staff members of Group A were shocked. Are they still a couple?

They didn't even add each other on WeChat?

What? ? ?

Rumor has it that Mr. Guan and Mrs. Guan are not in a good relationship, but now it seems that it's not a bad relationship, but a lack of love, like strangers...

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☆ 109. Chapter 108 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 108 The wife of the rich president ridiculed by the whole network At

four o'clock in the afternoon,

Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian came to the address given by the program team together.

It was the entrance of a village, where there was a large round table with an earthy smell and eight plastic chairs.

It seemed that it was for the four couples to sit.

Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian arrived the earliest. After finally arriving here, their shoes were all covered with mud, especially the high heels worn by Xie Yilin. The white heels had now turned dark brown. The two came over in a dusty manner. Their faces were not very good at first, but as soon as they saw the camera, they immediately smiled.

"Jinnian, we seem to have arrived."

"Are you tired? Can you still walk?" Lu Jinnian said caringly.

"I'm fine." Xie Yilin smiled and raised her head to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

Lu Jinnian said distressedly: "You must be exhausted. When we get there, I'll boil hot water for you to soak your feet."

Xie Yilin: "It's okay. How can you be so delicate."

From the day of the official recording, the guests entered the live recording range as long as they arrived at the entrance of the village.

Therefore, the intimate interaction between the two was seen by the audience.

Although it was the first day of the trial broadcast, there were still many viewers, many of whom came for Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian.

They have many fans online, mainly CP fans.

The CP name of these two people is Yi Nian CP.

Seeing them appear, the fans were excited, not to mention seeing them so loving.

The barrage had long been crazy.

[I like Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian so much. They are still so loving after being married for several years. It's so enviable. ]

[I used to think that the marriage between wealthy families was the result of no feelings, but I didn't expect that their relationship was so good. ]

[So sweet! Oh my God, I heard that they had a good relationship before, but I didn't expect it to be true. ]

[Xie Yilin is so beautiful, she doesn't look like she's 30 years old at all, I like her so much. ]

[Xie Yilin is dressed so beautifully, love it, and she is well maintained. She looks like a college student. ]

Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian walked to the round table and sat down. They saw four envelopes and a piece of paper on the table. It seemed that they were for the four couples.

"Sit down first. Are you thirsty?" Lu Jinnian started to ask about her well-being as soon as he sat down.

Xie Yilin nodded: "A little."

Lu Jinnian looked around and found that there were several boxes next to him with drinks provided by the sponsor.

He knew at a glance that it was drinkable, so he walked over and took two bottles.

"Drink this."

This drink is a new product of a famous milk brand. Xie Yilin opened it and took a sip. It tasted really good. She smiled and said, "It's quite delicious."

If you want more shots, of course you have to give a gg to the sponsor. And if it is the title sponsor, the guests have to help read the broadcast. Xie Yilin knows this well. She has also participated in several variety shows. Although she was just a guest before, she also knows some of the rules of variety shows.

"If it tastes good, drink more." Lu Jinnian looked at Xie Yilin intently, with a deep and affectionate look, making it impossible for people to doubt his feelings for Xie Yilin.

"You can't drink it all, or there will be nothing for other people to drink when they come." Xie Yilin said gently.

While drinking the remaining milk, she picked up the piece of paper on the table.

There were a few words written on it, which meant that when they were all present, they would randomly select four envelopes, and each envelope would correspond to the room they had drawn.

With Xie Yilin's little understanding of variety shows, she guessed that the rooms that each couple stayed in must be different, and there must be good and bad ones.

If you want to stay in a good room, you have to rely on luck.

Xie Yilin picked up the envelope and studied it, and found that each one looked the same on the outside, without any difference.

At this time, someone else came.

Kong Miao and Ling Su had been quarreling all the way.

In order not to come together, Kong Miao even asked Ling Su's flight and wanted to buy an earlier flight to come. As a result, the flight she bought was temporarily cancelled. If she didn't take the same flight with Ling Su, she could only wait until after 10 o'clock in the evening, which was too late. So after tossing and turning, Kong Miao still took the same flight as Ling Su, and both of them sat in business class. As soon as she got on the plane, Kong Miao saw Ling Su.

Both of them felt that the other was haunting them, but they forgot that they were now "husband and wife". Even if they didn't go together this time, they would live together in the future.

Kong Miao was walking on the muddy road, and her mood was getting worse and worse. She almost fell just now, and Ling Su didn't help her. She turned her head to look at Ling Su, and her tone was very unfriendly, "Can you stop following me?"

Ling Su: "Funny, who followed you."

Kong Miao: "Then can you stay away from me?"

Ling Su: "Do you think I don't want to?"

If the contract hadn't been signed and the agent had insisted that he come, did she think he would come and pretend to be a husband and wife with her?

No way. "

But now it's already like this, he has no choice, he just wants to get through this half month quickly, so that he can have nothing to do with Kong Miao, and it would be best if they never meet again.

Kong Miao's thoughts at this time are similar to Ling Su's. She just hopes to finish recording the show quickly and not even hear his name after that.

"We'll be there in a while, and the recording will be live later. I'll make three rules with you in advance. First: Even if we are an imaginary couple, but... we must keep our distance, you can't touch me, second: we have to live in the same room, but you can't enter the room at will without my permission, third! Most importantly, don't think of me cooperating with you to hype up the couple."

After listening to Kong Miao's words, Ling Su said coldly: "These are the words I want to give you."

"It's better this way." Kong Miao gritted her teeth in anger and stared at Ling Su with a knife-like look in her eyes.

They came to the entrance of the village and saw Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian had already arrived.

Kong Miao said: "However, there is one more thing I want to tell you. We can't quarrel in front of others. I don't want to lose face in front of others. "

Ling Su: "As long as you don't bother me."

Kong Miao stood there, staring at Ling Su. Before he could scold him, Ling Su had already walked to the front.

[My Miao Miao is here!]

[Ling Su is so handsome, my god, these two cool guys and cool girls are really a good match!]

[This is the pair I'm most looking forward to. I hope they can create real sparks!]

[She's so pretty. How can Kong Miao be so pretty? I feel like Ling Su doesn't deserve her.]

[Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, okay? Ling Su doesn't deserve Kong Miao? What a joke. Do you know what Ling Su's identity is?]

Xie Yilin pushed Lu Jinnian, "It seems like someone is coming. Let's go and greet them."

Lu Jinnian took a look and said, "Let's go."

The two stood up together to greet the newcomers.

Kong Miao also knew who the other couples were before he came. Among them, only Guan Linyu and Yu Xi had the least information, and there was almost no information about Yu Xi.

But Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian were full of news, and they were often on the hot search for their love.

One of them reads: #Can people's relationships return to the simple and pure ones they were back then?

The accompanying picture is a photo of Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian.

In addition to disaster relief donations, most of the hot searches for Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian are about how enviable their relationship is, or that Lu Jinnian bought something for Xie Yilin and prepared a surprise for her.

Kong Miao is an expert at surfing the Internet, and her fans all know that she uses 5G Internet access, so she often saw Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian before. She also supports their couple, and now that she has seen them in person, she is even more delighted.

"Hello, hello, how are you." Xie Yilin greeted the two.

Kong Miao changed his attitude towards Ling Su just now, walked up to Xie Yilin and said enthusiastically: "Hello, you are Sister Xie, right?"

Hearing the three words Sister Xie, Xie Yilin's mouth twitched twice, "Yes, you are here to participate in the show too."

Kong Miao: "Yes, my name is Kong Miao."

Ling Su is completely opposite to Kong Miao. Kong Miao is 5G surfing, so he is the first person to delay the news, and often eats second-hand melons. It can be said that he cares about almost nothing else except writing songs. He

can stay at home alone for ten days and half a month without going out. He rarely uses his mobile phone. Basically, he writes songs, listens to music, and occasionally goes out for a run.

Ling Su: "I am Ling Su."

"Hello, I am Xie Yilin, and this is my husband, Lu Jinnian."

Kong Miao looked at Lu Jinnian. Just like in the photo, he is still so handsome at the age of 30, and it is said that he has no airs at all, has a good personality, and is a wife-loving maniac.

"Mr. Lu, hello, hello." Kong Miao greeted him politely.

Lu Jinnian nodded.

"Come and sit down. You must have had a hard journey here." Xie Yilin asked with concern. Her tone sounded very comfortable.

"It's OK. How did you get here?" Kong Miao asked.

Xie Yilin: "Jinnian and I drove here. It took us four hours to get here. We just saw that the distance was not very far, so we drove here directly."

They said they drove, but in fact it was the driver who drove the car. It was just that when they were almost there, Lu Jinnian took over and the driver took the high-speed train back.

"You drove here, so you are much more tired than us. We came here by plane, but after getting off the plane, we took another hour's car to get here."

Kong Miao seemed to have opened up a chatterbox. She was originally a social cow and talked a lot.

Xie Yilin: "It's OK. It's mainly because Jinnian drove. He was more tired."

She looked at Lu Jinnian.

Then Lu Jinnian also looked at her, and the two looked at each other affectionately.

Lu Jinnian: "It's not hard. With you by my side, driving for a few hours is nothing. I can drive all night."

Xie Yilin smiled shyly, with a blush on her face. "There are other people here, and you still say that."

Lu Jinnian didn't seem to care. "What's the big deal? I'm telling the truth."

Kong Miao watched from the side with envy, thinking, wow, their relationship is too good. They show off their love in front of me. Although it's a bit sour, it feels so sweet.

She felt unlucky when she thought about pretending to be a couple with Ling Su.

It would be better if she could find someone she could talk to.

She glanced at Ling Su from the corner of her eye. She

found that Ling Su was not listening to them at all .

Ling Su looked down at the envelope on the table, as if he was distracted.

Xie Yilin: "That one is randomly drawn when everyone is gathered. It is related to the allocation of rooms."

Ling Su nodded and didn't say anything. He was relatively silent.

Lu Jinnian: "How many years have you been married?"

Kong Miao quickly explained: "No, no, he and I are an imaginary couple, not real."

Xie Yilin: "Oh, you are the youngest couple, I heard that they invited a pair of trainee couples from the entertainment industry."

Kong Miao: "Yeah."

She and Ling Su are fake, but the couple in front of her is really a loving couple.

Kong Miao felt that when they were together, she and Ling Su looked so plastic, and were completely outdone.

Although she wanted to eat sugar, she didn't want to be compared, so she began to look forward to the arrival of other people.

"Are there two more couples coming?" Kong Miao asked.

Xie Yilin nodded, "Yes."

She was waiting too.

When will Guan Linyu and his wife show up?

She will wait and see.

Kong Miao: "There is a couple of internet celebrities who are also very popular on the Internet. I have seen their videos on a certain audio platform. Their life vlogs are very interesting. I don't know what they are like in person, and whether they are as interesting as in the vlogs."

Xie Yilin: "Really? I'm not sure."

Kong Miao: "They are also very loving, but I don't think they are as sweet as you. They quarrel all the time." Xie

Yilin was stunned for a moment, "Really? I'm not sure about this."

"Let me show you, I saw a video of theirs with a lot of likes before." Kong Miao took out his mobile phone and wanted to show it to Xie Yilin.

Xie Yilin's eyes showed a trace of impatience, but she smiled and said, "Okay."

Kong Miao finished showing the video to Xie Yilin.

Xie Yilin commented: "Indeed, it's quite interesting. I don't have much time to watch this usually. I'm too busy."

Kong Miao was a little embarrassed, as if she seemed to be very idle.

She actually has a lot of announcements, and she uses some fragmented time to go online. When others are rushing to sleep, she rushes to play with her mobile phone.

But she thinks Xie Yilin should have no other intentions, and she can't think too much.

At this time, one kilometer away from the village entrance, another person got off the bus.

Hu Bu'ran and Chen You came in by taxi, but their location was not accurate, so the driver dropped them off here.

After walking for a while, they realized that they were still very far away.

But there was no other way, Hu Bu'ran and Chen You could only drag two huge suitcases to the village entrance.

The road was full of potholes, so it was difficult for the two to walk, and the suitcases were very heavy.

Hu Bu'ran walked in front, but he would look back at Chen You from time to time.

Hu Bu'ran is very tall, 1.88 meters tall, but Chen You is a short person, barely 1.58 meters tall. Standing with Hu Bu'ran, she looks like a child, but her small body has huge energy, a strong personality, a stubborn and tough appearance, and beautiful facial features, but at this time she has a gloomy face, as if she is tired.

Hu Bu'ran found her stern face funny: "Can you do it? Or give it to me."

Chen You didn't even look at him, "Yes, you can go on your way, don't bother me."

Hu Bu'ran laughed, "Don't be so stubborn." Chen

You rolled his eyes, "You are so annoying, don't bother me, I can walk faster."

Before she finished speaking, Hu Bu'ran walked back to her, snatched the suitcase handle from her hand, and dragged two suitcases away by himself.

Chen You was stunned and hurried forward to chase him.

But Hu Bu'ran walked very fast, his long legs walked so fast that Chen You's short legs couldn't catch up, so he could only be angry and scold him: "What are you doing!"

"Help you carry the suitcase?"

"You're walking so fast, and there are still a lot of bottles and jars in my suitcase. If they break, I won't forgive you."

Hu Bu'ran was stunned and stopped. Chen You finally caught up with him.

Chen You: "I'll do it myself."

Hu Bu'ran reached out and touched Chen You's head, "Okay, don't be angry, we'll be there soon."

"How can we be there soon? I wouldn't have gotten off there if I had known." Chen You finally expressed her dissatisfaction. She had been angry since just now.

"I knew you were because of this. It's okay, it's okay." Hu Bu'ran thought Chen You's angry look was funny.

But Chen You hated Hu Bu'ran's giggling the most. She was obviously angry, but he thought it was funny. He didn't know where the fun was. He had to walk such a long way. The road was full of mud. Her new shoes and new suitcase were all going to break.

Chen You was speechless, but he was used to it. He could only walk forward by himself. Since he wanted to take the suitcase, he took it for him.

Chen You lowered his head and rushed forward. Hu Bu'ran knew that he had irritated her again.

Just when Hu Bu'ran was struggling to figure out how to coax her, there was a "thump, thump, thump" sound behind him.

Hu Bu'ran and Chen You both looked back.

They saw an old and dilapidated three-wheeled tractor coming towards them, with a red front and a blue open-air compartment, but the paint was almost peeling off. The driver in a sweatshirt was sitting in the front, and a young woman was sitting in the back, holding the handrail in front. She looked at Hu Bu'ran and Chen You on the side of the road.

The speed of the tractor was not very fast, so the two of them and the woman in the car looked at each other for a while.

Chen You's first impression was that she was so beautiful. This woman looked very energetic and very kind. She was dressed simply. She gave people a very beautiful feeling, but there was no sense of distance. Instead,

she was very friendly. She was incompatible with this tractor.

Hu Yitian showed a surprised look. It was the first time he saw such a beautiful woman. Of course, it was not to say that Chen You was not good-looking, but he could not deny that this woman was better looking than Chen You just because the person he loved was Chen You.

But this did not affect his feelings for Chen You.

But he felt that it was a little abrupt and strange to see such a woman in such a village.

Just when they thought that the tractor was going to drive away, it made two sounds like it was about to stop and stopped.

"Do you want to get in the car?"

After the car stopped, Yu Xi stood up.

Hu Bu Ran and Chen You looked at the woman in the car in surprise and waved at them.

Chen You and Hu Bu Ran looked at each other. Was she talking to them?

But there seemed to be no one else around except them.

The two reacted for two seconds. Of course!

Who is willing to walk this road? Although it is a tractor, it can at least be used as a means of transportation.

"Okay!" Chen You's bad mood was gone with the wind in an instant with the words of the beautiful woman.

She even ran over without paying attention to Hu Bu Ran, saying, "Thank you, thank you."

Yu Xi was also lucky to meet this tractor.

The driver of the tractor was a simple and honest uncle who looked to be in his fifties. Yu Xi said that if he gave him twenty yuan and asked him to take her a ride and take her to the village entrance, the driver agreed.

I didn't expect to meet Hu Bu Ran and Chen You on the road.

It's nothing to do a favor, and Yu Xi knew from the original owner's memory that this couple was pretty nice.

Hu Bu Ran finally brought up the two big suitcases.

Yu Xi said, "Oh, why are you thanking me? It's not my car. I also paid the driver. Twenty yuan per person, two of you with luggage, add another forty yuan, no objection, right?"

Forty yuan is nothing!

Chen You waved her hand, "Okay."

She didn't want to go on this road at all.

If it weren't for Yu Xi's appearance, she would probably be in a bad mood all day.

"Then get in the car, what are you doing?"

After getting in the car, Yu Xi sat on one side, and Hu Bu Ran and Chen You sat on the other side.

The three of them were strangers, but the atmosphere was not awkward at all, mainly because Yu Xi was easy to get along with.

Yu Xi looked at the two of them, and then said, "You are also going to record the show, right?"


This word made Hu Bu Ran and Chen You's eyes light up.

"You too? Longing for a married life?"

But after saying that, Chen You felt that he might have misunderstood, because Yu Xi came alone.

Of course, a married couple has sex with two people. How could they come alone?

Who knows Yu Xi nodded, "Yes, me too."

"Then... why did you come alone?" Chen You asked curiously.

"Are you talking about Guan Linyu?" Yu Xi's reaction was very calm and she answered easily.

Chen You smiled. Did you call him by his name? It seems that they have a good relationship.

Chen You sometimes calls Hu Bu'ran by his full name and sometimes calls him Lao Hu.

"Oh, oh." That's it.

In fact, when she just heard Yu Xi say that she was here to record the show, she had already guessed it in her heart.

She had seen the photos of the other groups, but Yu Xi had never seen them.

Xie Yilin has a sweet princess style. Although she is 30 years old, she still follows this route. The pictures on the Internet are even more exquisite and elegant. At first glance, she is a wealthy woman. Kong Miao

is an idol, beautiful and young, and she dresses very fashionably. She is completely different from the woman in front of her.

Yu Xi's clothes are as simple as a magnolia flower, but her appearance is eye-catching. It is the kind of appearance that makes people want to keep looking at it after taking a look.

It turns out that she is Guan Linyu's mysterious wife.

But didn't I hear that she was a country bumpkin?

How could she be so charming? And she seems to have a good personality.

However, the clothes she wears are not of any brand, but very simple clothes, which seems to be possible.

In fact, Yu Xi didn't make any major changes before she came.

In order to be closer to the character, she didn't directly transform like before, but just changed the low ponytail of the original owner to a high ponytail.

Before, the original owner looked rustic in everything she wore, because she didn't know how to dress up since she was a child, and she was just randomly wearing two clothes every day. In addition, her temperament was timid, so even if she had a good foundation, she didn't look good. Whether

a person is good-looking or not, you can't just look at the face.

Out of ten, the face occupies five points, the temperament and figure add up to four points, and the dressing also counts for one point.

The original owner has a five-point face and a good figure, but the clothes she wears don't show it, and her temperament and dressing are not good, so even the five points of appearance have to be subtracted by one point, so everyone gives her four or five points.

Yu Xi's clothes were also selected from the original owner's wardrobe. Some of them had never been worn by the original owner, so they were bought by Old Lady Guan. Others were bought online because she wanted to change her lifestyle for a while.

But before the show, she heard that she was going to work in the countryside, so she brought all her old clothes with her, because the simple concept of rural people is that they don’t need to wear new clothes or dress up when working.

As a result, everyone else is radiant, but she is a bumpkin, dressed like a village woman.

Especially Xie Yilin, who is as delicate as a princess every day, she is like a maid.

Xie Yilin also pulls her along every day, ostensibly wanting to be friends with her, saying that she and Guan Linyu are old friends, so she is willing to play with her.

In fact, it is just to make her feel inferior and make her feel inferior in front of her.

Of course, the effect is indeed achieved. When the audience sees the two of them in the same frame, they all praise Xie Yilin for her beauty and step on the original owner's ugliness.

A lot of people on the Internet jumped out to pity Guan Linyu for marrying such a wife.

Among the four couples, the other couples have many CP fans, and everyone loves to watch the shots of other people.

The show became very popular as soon as it was broadcast, and the reason why the audience likes this show is very real.

It is not according to the script, not to say 100%, but 80% of it is real.

The production team dropped four couples into the village and gave them tasks. Only if they completed the tasks could they get food. Otherwise, they had to find food by themselves and earn food through their own labor.

As a result, the couples in the program reacted very realistically when they encountered various situations. Sometimes, they would quarrel if they said they wanted to, and they would not record if they said they would not record. It was completely different from those happy reality shows.

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☆ 110. Chapter 109 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 109 The wife of a wealthy CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network.

At the beginning, Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian showed their affection anytime and anywhere, which made everyone feel sick. Later, they stopped showing their affection and quarreled constantly.

Kong Miao and Ling Su didn't like each other from the beginning. Halfway through the recording, Kong Miao even ran away alone, dragging her luggage.

Chen You and Hu Bu'ran quarreled every day, but everyone liked them the most. They had the realism of today's young couples, and even their quarrels were very real.

Everyone would support the other three couples and hope that they would be fine.

But only Yu Xi and Guan Linyu, as soon as they appeared, the screen was full of comments saying that they were not a match and advised to break up.

Half a month later, the show became popular, and the four couples in the show became popular as well.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu also divorced with the support of the majority of netizens.


Chen You: "The program team is really good at finding places. Why do they let me record the program in such a place? What is there here?"

Yu Xi thought of the original plot, where the original owner fed chickens, rabbits, and pigs every day, and her scalp tingled.

She will definitely not do it this time. Whoever wants to do it can do it.

Yu Xi: "I guess it's for us to experience rural life."

"I think so." Chen You nodded. In fact, Chen You was quite looking forward to it. She came to participate in the program this time for many reasons. One is that the program team gave too much, and the other is that it can increase her popularity. The third reason is that she wants to take this opportunity to relax, meet more other friends, and see how other couples get along.

She is a freelancer. She usually shoots some vlogs, cooks at home, and takes care of pets. There is only her husband around her. The two stay together every day. She doesn't have any other friends. At the beginning, there was nothing. Now they have been married for three years, and she and Hu Bu Ran have quarreled more and more.

Maybe this time participating in the program can change her relationship with Hu Bu Ran.

Thinking of this, Chen You was also curious why Yu Xi came to participate in this program.

"When will your boyfriend arrive? Why didn't you come together?"

Yu Xi: "He's too slow. I was too lazy to wait for him, so I came first. I guess he won't arrive until dinner time."

Chen You listened to Yu Xi's tone and felt it was very real. He nodded, "Yes, sometimes Hu Bu'ran is also very slow, as if he is a woman and I am a man. He changed two sets of clothes when he went out today. I was so anxious."

Hu Bu'ran was a little helpless when he heard Chen You complain about himself in front of others.

"Yes, you don't remember when I was waiting for you."

"But I didn't rush you today. I don't know how many times you would rush me normally."

Yu Xi found it very interesting to see the two of them talking like this.

She had never seen this before. She looked at the two of them with a smile, and her expression was like watching a TV series.

Not to mention, it's quite sweet for a couple to quarrel like this.


The three of them appeared at the entrance of the village on a tractor, and others also heard the noise.

After all, the sound of the tractor was really loud.

Xie Yilin stood up and looked out, just to see if Guan Linyu had come.

Lu Jinnian also noticed her movements and sneered in his heart. Of course, he knew what Xie Yilin was thinking.

Xie Yilin: "It seems that someone has arrived." Kong Miao:

"Is it another guest?"

Xie Yilin: "I can't see clearly, but it seems that there are three people."

The others also stood up.

The first to get off were Chen You and Hu Bu'ran. They didn't bring any cash and wanted to transfer money to the driver, but the driver didn't have WeChat or Alipay, so they couldn't pay. They could only use cash, so Yu Xi helped them pay first.

Yu Xi took out a few twenty-dollar bills from his pocket and handed them over, then went to move the luggage.

Chen You and Hu Bu'ran hurriedly thanked her and said that they would transfer it to her later. Chen You also asked Hu Bu'ran to help Yu Xi move her things quickly.

The two had a very good impression of Yu Xi, and their favorability has been increasing since they met.

"I'll do it myself. My things are very heavy." Yu Xi reached for her suitcase.

But Chen You grabbed her and said, "It's okay, just let Hu Bu'ran get it."

After that, Chen You pushed Hu Bu'ran and said, "Why are you standing there? Help them move the box down."

Hu Bu'ran nodded in agreement. He just heard Yu Xi say that the box was heavy and didn't take it seriously. He thought it would be OK no matter how heavy it was. But when he picked up the handle and lifted it, his expression was stunned for a second. He was not weak, but why was the box so heavy?

No way.

He was 1.88 meters tall and worked out regularly, but he still felt it was heavy.

How did Yu Xi bring this box by herself?

In order not to let them see that he was struggling, he acted casually, but in fact, the muscles on his arms were bulging and his expression was a little weird.

Finally, the box was moved down, and Yu Xi reached out to pull the box over.

Hu Bu'ran looked at Yu Xi quietly, and saw that she lifted the box without much effort and crossed a puddle in front.


how could it be so?

Chen You didn't know about the suitcase problem. Her attention was drawn to the people in front of her. "It seems that others have arrived. Let's go over there quickly."

She pushed a suitcase and walked forward quickly.

Hu Bu'ran followed her and kept staring at her feet, afraid that she would step on a puddle.

Yu Xi walked slowly behind.

Xie Yilin was a little disappointed when she didn't see Guan Linyu. She thought that no one had arrived yet and thought that Yu Xi, who was walking behind, was a staff member. Because she was alone, she didn't care and didn't look at Yu Xi's face. She retracted her sight and prepared to go back and sit down.

Chen You came over and greeted everyone.

Chen You: "Hello, I'm Chen You, and this is my husband Hu Bu'ran. You can call me Youyou and call him Xiao Hu."

In order to leave a good impression on everyone, she wanted to be more friendly, but she was actually a little embarrassed, so she turned her eyes and subconsciously glanced at Hu Bu'ran.

Xie Yilin: "Hello, I'm Xie Yilin."

Xie Yilin was rather cold to Chen You. She was rather picky about people.

Kong Miao is okay, but she doesn't like Chen You, who is short and looks like a little loli and has a soft voice.

So she just smiled and said her name, and there was no other reaction.

Lu Jinnian and Hu Bu Ran nodded, "Lu Jinnian."

"Hello, hello." Hu Bu Ran shook hands with Lu Jinnian and looked at Ling Su.

Ling Su also shook hands with him, "I'm Ling Su, hello."

Unlike Xie Yilin, Kong Miao likes Chen You very much.

Kong Miao: "Hello Chen You, I'm Kong Miao, you can call me Miao Miao."

Chen You: "Hello, hello, you are super beautiful in person, much better than on TV, and you are so thin. Are all celebrities so thin?"

Kong Miao: "It's okay, you are also very cute."

[It's Youyou and Xiao Hu, I like this couple the most, and I often watch their vlogs. ]

[Beautiful girl stickers. ]

[This height difference is amazing. Hu Bu'ran and Chen You look so good together. ]

[The cutest height difference, I love this! ]

[The styles of the male and female guests are so different. ]

After Chen You sat down, she remembered that Yu Xi hadn't arrived yet, so she stood up and looked back at Yu Xi. She said loudly, "Yu Xi, do you need help?"

Xie Yilin asked casually, "Who is that?"

Chen You: "She is also a guest participating in the show like us, but her husband will be here later."

Hearing this, Xie Yilin's expression suddenly changed. She looked closely and her eyes fell on Yu Xi's face.

Is this Guan Linyu's wife?

She didn't expect Yu Xi to have such a style.

She looks very young, full of spring breeze, leisurely, and casual.

As for her clothes...

very casual, like she was wearing them to walk the dog, or to take a plane. Didn't

she change her clothes after getting off the plane? In order not to mess up her hair, she didn't dare to sleep on the way. She was not as relaxed and casual as Yu Xi.

But Guan Linyu didn't come with her.

It seems that the rumors about the couple's discord are not false, at least Guan Linyu doesn't pay much attention to her.

The others all appeared with their husbands.

"Hello, so you are Linyu's wife. Seeing is better than hearing." Xie Yilin walked over and smiled brightly at Yu Xi.

In the original plot, the original owner was a little timid when facing Xie Yilin's enthusiastic greeting. He lost his momentum when he met her for the first time and was completely suppressed by her.

Later, Xie Yilin even called her at any time and ordered her at will, like a servant, and helped her do a lot of things.

At this time, Yu Xi looked at her puzzledly: "Excuse me, who are you?"

Xie Yilin: "I am Xie Yilin, Guan Linyu and I are old friends, maybe you haven't heard him talk about it."

Yu Xi showed an expression of sudden enlightenment, "Oh! I know you."

Xie Yilin was stunned: "You know me? Has he told you about me?"

Yu Xi covered her mouth pretending to be embarrassed, "Uh, not either."

Xie Yilin became curious. Would Guan Linyu actually mention her?

Or where did she know her from?

Xie Yilin: "Really? Have you heard of my name?"

Yu Xi: "I guess so... I heard that before Guan Linyu married me, many girls seemed to like him, so I was very curious. With his dull personality, he was only good-looking. I didn't expect that I would find a lot of unopened gifts at home. I was bored so I opened a few of them. It seemed that there were gifts and greeting cards from you."

This was actually discovered by the original owner after she returned from the show. She was preparing for a divorce and packing her things. As a result, she found some old things, among which there was a gift from Xie Yilin to Guan Linyu. It was

also several years ago. Xie Yilin wrote a poem on the greeting card, expressing her affection for him. However, when the gift was delivered to the company, Guan Linyu did not open it after receiving it, and asked the secretary to deal with it. The secretary probably took it back and asked the servant to put it away. As soon as

Yu Xi said this, the expressions of the whole audience were not good.

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

[No way? Guan Linyu's wife means that Xie Yilin has money over Guan Linyu? ]

[Lu Jinnian's expression is so green. 】

【Is it so explosive? 】

【The program team invited these two couples to participate in the program, and they have ulterior motives. 】

【They are making trouble. Guan Linyu's wife looks a bit powerful. 】

【It will be more fun if Guan Linyu comes. 】

Xie Yilin suppressed her dissatisfaction, suppressed her anger, and smiled vaguely: "That, I don't remember it, is there?"

"Yes, it's been too long." Yu Xi also smiled.

The two looked at each other, and there was a different communication in their eyes.

I thought this matter was just over, but I didn't expect Yu Xi to add: "Then I will call the maid at home next time and ask her to find it and take a photo for me."

Xie Yilin: "...Don't bother."

Yu Xi smiled, didn't say anything, but walked forward and sat down next to Chen You.

Others also came over and sat down. Everyone

looked at each other.

The atmosphere was a little subtle, but generally harmonious. Lu Jinnian was also observing Yu Xi.

Guan Linyu's wife.

Looks very different from what I imagined.

Young, and with beautiful facial features, no wonder Guan Linyu is willing to marry a country woman, it turns out that she is so beautiful, if it were him, he might also be willing, after all, it would be nice to marry her home to pleasing the eyes.

However, his family would not allow him to marry a country woman, and marriage is the best way for the two families to grow, just like Xie Yilin.

Although he doesn't like it, he has to admit that after they got married, their status in the family has risen sharply, and the popularity on the Internet has also brought them a lot of benefits, otherwise why would they work so hard to market the persona of a loving and wealthy couple. After all,

even Guan Linyu, a person who has the final say, can't follow his own wishes to marry a wife.

I heard that he married Yu Xi because of the old lady Guan forced him.

Lu Jinnian was thinking about things while looking at Yu Xi, but in Xie Yilin's opinion, Lu Jinnian was just staring at Yu Xi in a daze.

He actually stared at Yu Xi in a daze.

Could it be that he thinks Yu Xi is more beautiful than her?

Although the couple has no feelings, she will still be jealous and angry when she sees her husband staring at other women.

Xie Yilin raised her foot and stepped hard on Lu Jinnian's foot, and said at the same time: "Everyone is almost here. Should we draw the room first, or wait until Guan Linyu arrives?"

Her words attracted everyone's attention, so no one saw Lu Jinnian's eyebrows frowned for a few seconds.

Whether to wait until Guan Linyu arrives is not easy for others to decide, and it depends on Yu Xi's opinion.

Yu Xi: "It's OK when I arrive. I don't know when Guan Linyu will arrive, so I'll draw."

"Then draw now." Xie Yilin put the four envelopes in the middle of the round table, "Who will draw first?"

Chen You pushed Hu Bu'ran: "You have good luck, you draw."

Hu Bu'ran's luck is better than Chen You, so he agreed directly: "That's fine."

Kong Miao looked at Ling Su, and seeing that he didn't care, he said: "Anyway, we can't tell what it is, everyone can choose whatever you want."

In the original plot, the original owner was the last one to get it.

But as the last one to get it, she drew the best room, so she didn't rush to choose this time.

After everyone had chosen, she picked up the remaining envelopes on the table.

Hu Bu Ran: "I'm in room 302 on the second floor."

Kong Miao: "I'm on the first floor." Yi

Yue: "I'm also on the second floor, room 301."

Yu Xi tore open the envelope: "I'm on the third floor."

"Are there only one couple living on the third and first floors?" Chen You asked curiously.

Kong Miao shook his head: "I don't know, let's go and take a look first."

She was quite satisfied with the first floor she drew, as she didn't have to climb the stairs, which she hated the most.

Although the second and third floors were not high, it was best not to have to climb.

Chen You: "Let's go, let's go and take a look at the house first."


The group picked up their luggage and set off. They could see some local villagers along the way. There were vegetable fields and ponds next to the muddy path. They passed a lotus pond, in which the lotus flowers had all withered, and the whole place was dry and bleak, with only yellow leaves left. There was also a mountain next to it.

Xie Yilin had only seen such a rural environment on TV since she was a child, so she endured it all the way, and was worried that the house she was going to live in next would be terrible.

The others were very excited to look around.

Kong Miao was like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden, as if she had never seen anything before, and kept asking questions.

She pulled Chen You and asked, "What is that? Cabbage?"

Chen You couldn't see it clearly because it was far away. She thought for a while and said, "It seems so. It looks like pakchoi."

Yu Xi: "No, it's Shanghai green."

Kong Miao: "Oh, what about that? What is that?"

Yu Xi: "Red amaranth."

Kong Miao didn't understand, "Ah?"

She thought for a while and asked again, "What pickles? Aren't pickles pickled?"

"No, it's amaranth." Yu Xi explained.

Ling Su couldn't stand Kong Miao's embarrassment. After all, she is his "wife" now.

"It's amaranth with a grass radical and a see character. You can search it on Baidu yourself."

Kong Miao pouted and stared at Ling Su with dissatisfaction: "I didn't ask you."

Ling Su shook his head.

Kong Miao stopped talking and didn't continue to ask. She was so excited and curious about everything just now, but now she is listless and a little uninterested.

Yu Xi thinks this couple is also very cute.

This kind of show is much more interesting than other love variety shows.

This kind of show is already a good match from the beginning, so you can just eat it directly.

She doesn't need to care about others, since she has her own official partner.

As they walked, Xie Yilin lagged behind. She was wearing high heels and walked slowly. The male guest was pulling a suitcase in the middle, and the other female guests were walking in front.

Seeing that Kong Miao was unhappy, Chen You whispered, "He was afraid that you didn't know, so he explained it to you."

Kong Miao whispered, "No, he thinks I'm stupid."

Chen You: "Really, if you don't believe me, ask Yu Xi."

Kong Miao: "What do you think? Is Ling Su very fierce and impatient with me?"

Yu Xi: "No, I think he pays attention to you. You didn't ask him just now, but he took the initiative to explain to you."

Kong Miao was not sure: "Really?"

Chen You: "Yeah, I feel so too. Why don't you try him next time."

Kong Miao turned her face away proudly, "No way."

But her mood has improved, "Do you all know these dishes? Why don't I know any of them."

Chen You: "Do you usually go to the supermarket?"

Kong Miao shook her head.

Chen You: "Then you definitely don't know. I only know more about it when I saw the name written on it when I went to the supermarket. I didn't know it before."

"What about you? Do you go to the supermarket too?" Kong Miao asked Yu Xi.

Yu Xi: "I don't go."

Kong Miao: "Then how do you know?"

Yu Xi: "I go to the vegetable market."

[Laughing to death, damn vegetable market. ]

[These three female guests are so cute. ]

[Does Xie Yilin feel a little isolated? It's not good to leave her alone behind. ]

[Of course she walks slowly in high heels. We can't all wait for her together. ]

[Then you can show some concern, but you don't even look back. ]

[She has her own husband, why should she let others worry about her? Doesn't Lu Jinnian love his wife very much? Why doesn't he carry her on his back? ]

[Oh, right, didn't Lu Jinnian say he would carry her on his back when he got off the car. ]


After walking a long distance, they finally arrived at the house prepared for them by the program team.

This is the house built by the program team. It started to be built a year ago and took several months to build. It has been a long time since the smell has been dissipated. Only when it is confirmed that it can be moved in, the guests were brought in.

The house is a three-story rural villa, very rustic, with a couplet on the door: "The red sun shines brightly on the new house; happy flowers bloom in the happy home."

The horizontal banner in the middle reads: The House of Longing.

Everyone stood at the door and stared at the house.

Chen You: "It looks really good."

Kong Miao looked inside and screamed: "There are chickens in the yard!"

After that, she ran over.

"Wow, really." Chen You also went to see.

[These guests are so funny. They have never been to the countryside, but they are so surprised to see chickens. ]

[Kong Miao is so cute, I like it. ]

[Are you going to let these guests raise chickens? ]

[Is Xie Yilin afraid of chickens? I saw that her face turned pale when she heard about chickens. ]

Yu Xi walked into the yard. There were indeed many chickens wandering around in the yard. There was some rice on the ground, which should be for the chickens to eat. Moreover, these chickens were not afraid of people at all. They did not run away when they saw people, but observed them while walking.

Hu Bu Ran walked around the yard, went to the back and looked around, then came back and said to Chen You: "Chen You, come and take a look at the back."

Chen You was talking to Kong Miao, and when he heard Hu Bu Ran calling him, he didn't want to go, "What?"

"Come and take a look."

"Can't you just say it directly?"

He said so, but still walked towards Hu Bu Ran.

Kong Miao also went over curiously.

The others in the front yard heard Kong Miao's surprised cry, and their attention was drawn to it.

Yu Xi knew what was behind.

There was a pig pen in the back, with a big sow and two piglets.

"So cute!" Kong Miao was just like a child who could find surprises everywhere.

Yu Xi glanced at Ling Su and saw that he smiled helplessly, and it was obvious that he didn't hate Kong Miao.

Sure enough, Ling Su had a good impression of Kong Miao.

She must have found out.

Ling Su noticed that Yu Xi was looking at him, and pursed his lips unnaturally, and then tried to walk away.

"This pig is so cute, I want to raise one." Kong Miao pulled Chen You and shook her hand.

Chen You: "Then you catch it and keep it in the room."

Kong Miao: "Ah? No, I'm afraid it will bite me, I dare not catch it."

Hearing this, the corners of Ling Su's mouth rose unconsciously.

Yu Xi stepped forward and said: "It's okay, you let Ling Su help you catch it."

Kong Miao pursed his lips and looked at Ling Su. Seeing that he seemed to be leaving, he showed a reluctant expression, "No, this pig is dirty, let's not have it."

Ling Su said nothing and walked away.

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☆ 111. Chapter 110 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 110

After Ling Su, the wife of a wealthy CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network, left, Kong Miao seemed to have lost interest in raising pigs. She turned around and said, "Forget it, let's go in and take a look."

Everyone went into the house together. They didn't expect that the outside looked good, but the inside was so simple and shabby.

There were very few furniture. At first glance, there was only a large round table in the huge living room, which was the same as the one at the entrance of the village. There was reason to suspect that the program team bought the table wholesale.

It's just that the chairs used here are not plastic, but wooden chairs, painted with a layer of paint, and look like a set with the round table.

In addition to this, there is nothing else.

Everyone was dumbfounded: "Isn't this too empty?"

"Are they asking us to work in exchange for supplies?" Kong Miao finally got an epiphany and said the smartest sentence from the beginning to now.

Chen You: "Hey, here's a note."

"Welcome everyone to stay at the House of Longing. Please check in according to the room you have drawn. The ingredients for dinner have been prepared and placed in the kitchen. After tomorrow, you will have to get the ingredients on your own. I hope you will spend a wonderful fifteen days here."

Kong Miao and Ling Su lived on the first floor, and it was very convenient not to have to carry luggage upstairs, so everyone went to see their room together.

The room was next to the kitchen, and the bathroom was on the right.

In addition to the bed, there was also a desk and a large wardrobe.

Kong Miao sat on the bed and felt it.

"This mattress seems quite comfortable." She reached out and pressed it.

The others were relieved to see that their room was not bad. After all, the living room was too shabby, so they were worried that there was nothing in the bedroom. At least there was a wardrobe, which was okay.

"Then let's go upstairs too." Chen You looked at Yu Xi and Xie Yilin.

Hu Bu'ran said, "We two men will take the luggage up first, and you can come up later."

Chen You thought for a while, "What about Yu Xi? How about you help her carry it up as well?"

Hu Bu'ran thought of the weight of Yu Xi's suitcase, and his expression froze for a second, but what could he do? Yu Xi was a woman, and her husband was not at home, so of course she had to help, so she had to bite the bullet and said, "Okay, I'll move our own first, and then move hers."

Yu Xi: "No, I can do it myself."

Chen You said worriedly, "But, it's on the third floor, it's hard to move."

She actually hadn't lifted Yu Xi's suitcase, and didn't know how heavy it was, but seeing that it was 28 inches big, she felt that it should not be light, so it would be better to let a man carry it.

Although Yu Xi didn't look delicate.

Xie Yilin glanced at Yu Xi from the side, "It's so tiring for a girl to move this, Jinnian, why don't you come and help."

Lu Jinnian nodded and looked at Yu Xi politely, "I'll do it."

Yu Xi looked at Lu Jinnian

and Hu Bu'ran also looked at Lu Jinnian's figure.

Hu Bu'ran's muscles were obviously trained, while Lu Jinnian looked pampered and handsome, but he probably didn't have much strength.

He was just about to say that he should do it, but Yu Xi said, "Then thank you for your help."

Hu Bu'ran didn't say anything. He had two large boxes here, so he would move them up first.

Hu Bu'ran carried a box in each hand, and when he raised his hands, he looked like a strongman.

Chen You nodded with satisfaction, and then said with a little boasting, "My old Hu is very strong."

Xie Yilin smiled and said lightly, "Yes, it's better to have my husband here, otherwise there will be no one to do the hard work."

After she finished speaking, she pretended to say casually, "By the way, why didn't Guan Linyu come with you? What happened to you?"

As she spoke, she showed a concerned look.

Yu Xi: "He's too busy and can't leave until the afternoon. I was too lazy to wait for him

, so I came by myself." "Really? Then it would be bad for you to go alone. If you go together, you can take care of each other." Xie Yilin almost had the question of whether your relationship is not good written on her face.

Yu Xi: "Forget about taking care of me. Men are a burden. They only know how to make money and have no self-care ability."

[Hahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter. ]

[Why are you so direct? ]

[It's a bit funny, hahaha, men are a burden. ]

[Yu Xi's tone seems to be very disgusted with Guan Linyu. ]

[I'm dying of laughter. I don't know how Guan Linyu reacted to this. ]

Xie Yilin was also obviously dumbfounded. She never expected Yu Xi to say such a thing.

For a moment, she didn't know how to respond.

On the contrary, Chen You agreed: "Yes! I often think so. My old Hu often does some outrageous things, and I have to take care of him."

Yu Xi smiled, "The main reason is that my family is old and in poor health."

Chen You was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked: "How old is he?"

Yu Xi: "Already thirty-five."

When Yu Xi said this, he glanced at Xie Yilin vaguely.

Xie Yilin's face suddenly became bad.

Because she is also thirty.

"Thirty-five, that's right, Lao Hu and I are not even thirty, so how old are you?"

Yu Xi: "I am eight years younger than him."

"Ah? There is such a big difference, then how did you know each other." Chen You started to eat melons.

She looked at Yu Xi with sparkling eyes.

[It turns out that this pair is a combination of an old man and a young wife]

[Thirty-five? Is he this old! ]

[I found a photo of Guan Linyu on the Internet, very handsome! He doesn't look thirty-five at all, he looks like twenty-five or twenty-six. ] [I

have seen the interview video of Guan Linyu, super handsome, cold and abstinent! Family members can go and search for it. 】

【Wow, family members, I searched it and it's back, it's really sweet! 】

Yu Xi shrugged and acted helpless, "It was introduced by someone, and I agreed because I thought he looked okay at the time."

Chen You said in surprise: "So you are obsessed with looks?"

Yu Xi: "I guess so."

The two chatted enthusiastically, and Xie Yilin felt uncomfortable listening to them. What

do you mean by introduced by someone? It was obviously old lady Guan who forced Guan Linyu to marry you.

You took advantage of the situation and acted like a good kid, looking dissatisfied.

Xie Yilin suddenly felt a stomachache and

was choked by Yu Xi's words.

Chen You loves to listen to stories, especially the love stories of people around her. She couldn't help but continue asking, but Yu Xi didn't say anything.

At this time, Hu Bu Ran came down.

He just carried two large boxes upstairs in one breath. It would be a lie to say that he was not tired.

Although Chen You complained about her husband, she still felt distressed when she saw him breathing heavily due to exhaustion, and said, "Hu Bu'er, you should take a rest."

Yu Xi: "Why don't you go upstairs and take a rest after you've finished moving? I asked Lu Jinnian to help me with this."

Xie Yilin suddenly felt that she shouldn't have asked Lu Jinnian to move the boxes for Yu Xi, but now that things had come to this, she couldn't just say no.

And Lu Jinnian hasn't come down yet.

The reason why Xie Yilin said that just now was to stimulate Yu Xi, to make her feel depressed that others have their husbands to help them, but she doesn't.

As a result, Yu Xi was not depressed at all, and even pretended to dislike Guan Linyu. I don't know if it was true or not.

Chen You: "It's okay, I'll go up with you."

Lu Jinnian finally came downstairs. He was sweating from moving boxes just now. He wiped the sweat off before coming down, pretending that nothing happened, but there were actually cameras upstairs. The audience had already seen that he was tired and panting. He only took one box, and that's it. Hu Bu Ran at least carried two boxes in one go.

"I'm here. I just packed up and was delayed." Lu Jinnian smiled.

Yu Xi: "Then I'll trouble you. If you think it's too heavy, I'll do it myself."

This sentence was said very plainly, but Lu Jinnian still felt looked down upon by her.

He is a man and she is a woman. She

actually said that if it's too heavy, she will do it herself.

What kind of words are these.

Of course Lu Jinnian would not say that he can't do it.

He pulled the box in front of Yu Xi over, and the moment he was about to lift it up, his expression became solemn.

How could it be so heavy! ?

Shock appeared in Lu Jinnian's eyes, but he couldn't let go, so he could only force himself and use all his strength to lift the box up a few flights of stairs. After

finally reaching the second floor, Lu Jinnian carried them on his back and gasped.

He thought no one would notice, but he didn't expect Yu Xi's voice to come from behind.

"Can't lift it anymore?"

Lu Jinnian was completely embarrassed.

He forced a smile: "What are you packing in here?"

Yu Xi: "Just some daily necessities, it's very heavy."

Xie Yilin was walking behind and heard Yu Xi's words. She felt very ashamed.

Her husband couldn't even lift a box.

Hu Bu Ran: "Your box is really heavy, how did you move it by yourself?"

Yu Xi: "Then I'll do it myself."

She put one hand on the handle of the box, lifted it with force, and then hurried upstairs. Under their gaze, she went up to the third floor in one breath.

After going up, Yu Xi looked down from the stairs, "You guys should go back to your room and pack your things, I'll come down later."

After she said that, the other four were stunned.

Hu Bu Ran scratched his head, "Haha, this Yu Xi is really strong."

Lu Jinnian doubted himself and said awkwardly, "That's right."


Yu Xi was satisfied when he saw the French windows and the balcony.

Although there was no furniture in the room, it was enough to have a bed. Although it was a hard bed, it shouldn't be difficult to sleep with a thick mattress.

The most important thing is that you can see the back mountain from the French windows. The trees are lush and the green mountains are in the clouds. The scenery is very good. There are many flowers and plants on the balcony. You can smell the sweet fragrance of flowers in the bedroom.

Yu Xi put down the luggage, opened the box, and took out some things he brought from home, a food processor, coffee beans, a folding foot bath bucket, a foot bath bag, a health pot, wolfberries... and some preserved fruit snacks.

[Why did Yu Xi bring all these things? No wonder it's so heavy, there's even a food processor. ]

[Why does it look like he's here for vacation? It's so funny, there's even a foot bath tub. 】

【I love watching the unpacking the most. I've always been curious about what these guests will bring when they come to the countryside. 】

【Wow, Xie Yilin brought a lot of luxury clothes and bags, and even two pairs of shoes. This is what a rich woman is. 】

【To be honest, I think the things Chen You and her couple brought are the most practical, seasoning packets and first aid kits, they are just needed. 】

【Why did Kong Miao bring so many pairs of socks! Does she sell socks? 】

She packed up briefly and took some things downstairs.

Everyone else was busy in the room, so she went to the kitchen to take a look.

At this time, someone finally came to the village entrance.

Guan Linyu came with his secretary. He didn't have much luggage, just a small 20-inch suitcase. It wasn't even full yet, so he put some clothes to change. If the secretary hadn't reminded him to put toiletries, he wouldn't have brought any toiletries.

"Boss Guan, we're here. I can only take you here."

Guan Linyu looked at the road under his feet. When he got off the car, his leather shoes were covered with mud. He hadn't changed his clothes yet. He was still wearing the same clothes he wore in the company this morning. He looked like he was going to attend a business meeting. His hairstyle was also rigorous and mature. He looked wise, steady, handsome and indifferent.

"Yeah." Guan Linyu nodded, "Remember to send me a work report every day."

"I remember Boss Guan. Have a good trip." Secretary Lin handed the box to Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu didn't put the box on the ground to pull it, but kept carrying it, mainly because the ground was too dirty.

He didn't know where he lived. After looking around, he didn't see the house mentioned by the program team. He picked up his phone and took a look.

Although he added WeChat with Yu Xi, neither of them spoke.

Yu Xi should have arrived a long time ago, but he didn't say a word to him, let alone tell him the specific location of the house.

Guan Linyu thought about it and found a villager on the road to ask for directions, but the other party didn't understand what he said at all.

And he didn't understand the dialect here.

"Thank you." Guan Linyu didn't understand at all, but he didn't plan to continue talking to the villagers.

It would only waste time.

Fortunately, the staff of the program group also received the news that he was coming, and the staff brought the photographer to find him.

When they saw Guan Linyu, they started recording with his face.

Guan Linyu had a blank expression, and looked away after looking at the lens.

[Oh my god, is this Guan Linyu? His eyes are so amazing. ]

[You told me that a 35-year-old president looks like this? ]

[I can understand why Yu Xi said that she married Guan Linyu because of her face. ]

[Damn, how can there be such a rich and handsome man. ]

[I envy Yu Xi so much! ]

[Where can I find a handsome, rich and mature man? Why doesn't anyone introduce me to one! ! ! ]

After Guan Linyu knew how to get there, he soon saw the house.

It turned out that he just turned left at the previous intersection and went around.

Guan Linyu remembered the way and walked straight towards the house.

Chen You was hanging clothes in the room on the second floor. He saw a man coming from a distance. He was holding a suitcase. He was very tall and walked vigorously. He had his own aura. Chen You couldn't help but say, "It seems someone is coming. Old Hu, come and take a look."

Hu Bu'ran was squatting on the ground sorting things in the box. Hearing what Chen You said, he looked up and glanced casually: "Really?"

Chen You: "It should be Yu Xi's husband."

"It should be." Hu Bu'ran didn't look carefully.

Chen You couldn't see Guan Linyu's face from a distance. "No, I'll go find Yu Xi and tell her."

Hu Bu'ran: "The things haven't been sorted yet. Why are you going? Come if you want to."

But what he said was useless, Chen You had already gone out.

Chen You went up to the third floor and didn't see Yu Xi. She found that Yu Xi's room was connected to a balcony and floor-to-ceiling windows. She couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that the rooms on the third floor have such a good view, and there is also a balcony. It's great."

Compared with Yu Xi, her room was a little worse. There was no balcony and no floor-to-ceiling windows.

Girls all like floor-to-ceiling windows.

But Chen You just sighed and turned to go downstairs.

She guessed that Yu Xi was probably on the first floor, so she called Yu Xi's name when she went downstairs.

"Yu Xi, where are you?"

Yu Xi was in the kitchen. She was testing her food processor to see if it was broken. She put it in a box and didn't wrap it well. She was afraid that it would break, so she just took a cucumber and made some cucumber juice.

Hearing Chen You's voice, she walked out of the kitchen: "I'm here, what's wrong?"

Chen You's voice was loud, and everyone except Yu Xi heard it.

Kong Miao was arguing with Ling Su again. Hearing the voice outside, he snorted and stopped arguing with him.

Chen You: "I saw someone coming, it should be your husband."

Yu Xi: "Really?"

Her reaction was too calm, Chen You was more excited than her.

"Yes, I just saw it from the second floor window, I guess he will be at the door soon, do you want to go and greet him?"

Yu Xi: "He is coming, why greet him, he is not the prime minister."

Chen You: "..."

[You are right, hahaha. ]

[This relationship doesn't seem to be very good. ]

[How can it be so real, just like how I treat my husband. ]

[Too real, he is not the prime minister, I am dying of laughter. ]

[I am attracted by Yu Xi, she is really funny. ]

[Please! Guan Linyu is so handsome, can't you treat him better? ]

[Yu Xi doesn't cherish him, let me do it! Give this husband to me. ]

Guan Linyu heard Yu Xi's words as soon as he opened the door.

His face did not change, standing at the door looking at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi turned around and happened to look at Guan Linyu.

I have to say that Guan Linyu looks really good. He is 35 years old, but still so handsome. He is obviously a workaholic, but his skin is still so good, without any dark circles or fine lines at the corners of his eyes. The most important thing is that he is dressed so seriously and rigidly, but still looks very young.

Chen You thought that it would be embarrassing for Guan Linyu to hear what Yu Xi said, but she found that there seemed to be no embarrassment between the two of them.

As a married woman, Chen You couldn't help but want to take a few more glances at Guan Linyu when she saw him.

They are so well matched.

Yu Xi is so beautiful, and Guan Linyu is so handsome.

One is gentle as the wind, and the other is cold as the moon.

It is simply a kind of enjoyment to see these two people in the same frame.

Chen You didn't say anything, holding her breath and watching Guan Linyu walk towards Yu Xi.

She was looking forward to what the two would say.

Just like an idol drama.

Guan Linyu stood in front of Yu Xi. He was very tall, just a head taller than Yu Xi. The two wore black and white, just like the male and female protagonists in a Korean drama.

One is a mature and wealthy CEO, and the other is a beautiful young Cinderella.

It was getting darker, and it was getting cooler outside. Guan Linyu carried the chill from outside, mixed with an indescribable woody scent.

He looked down at Yu Xi, his eyes deep, and his dark brown pupils were clear and bright.

[I declare that this couple has the highest appearance. ]

[I'm going to ship it! ]

[No way, this couple standing together is too authentic. ]

[I thought I was watching an idol drama! ]

[Guan Linyu's appearance is really amazing. ]

[To be honest, Yu Xi is really beautiful, and I guess Guan Linyu is also a face control. ]

Chen You felt like a CP audience.

Seeing such a pleasing couple, pink bubbles were about to pop up.

As a result, Guan Linyu said in a low voice: "Which floor do you live on?"

Yu Xi: "Third floor, there is only one room."

After Yu Xi finished speaking, Guan Linyu went upstairs.

Chen You: ? ? ? Huh? ? ?

Going upstairs now?

How could this be?

If Hu Bu'er treated her like this, she would definitely be mad to death!

But Yu Xi didn't seem to react at all, but turned around and went back to the kitchen.

After Guan Linyu left, Chen You hurried over, "Yu Xi, you..."

Yu Xi poured the cucumber juice into the cup, "What's wrong?"

"Why are you so... cold?"

"This is normal."


"Yes, he and I have always been like this." Yu Xi looked indifferent.

"Ah?" Chen You couldn't accept it, "But I see that you two are very cold to each other."

Chen You wanted to ask Yu Xi if she didn't like Guan Linyu?

But it was not easy to ask this question, after all, it was a recording program, and there were cameras everywhere.

In fact, Chen You thought Yu Xi and Guan Linyu looked very compatible.

How could there be no feelings.

What went wrong! ?


Guan Linyu happened to bump into Xie Yilin when he went upstairs.

Xie Yilin walked out of the room and saw Guan Linyu going upstairs, and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Lin..." Xie Yilin took a deep breath, "Guan Linyu, you're here. I was just talking to Yu Xi, why didn't you come with us?"

She hadn't seen Guan Linyu for a long time, let alone face to face so close.

The last time was at a business party, she and Lu Jinnian attended together, and saw Guan Linyu from a distance, but she and Lu Jinnian were already married and were a loving couple, so she naturally couldn't go to greet Guan Linyu, after all, many people remembered that she had pursued Guan Linyu in that way. Guan Linyu didn't seem to

expect to see Xie Yilin here.

He frowned slightly. Before coming, he didn't know about this program at all because he was too busy. Maybe Secretary Lin had made a document about the program for him to see, but he glanced at it and threw it aside without caring.

"I have something to do in the company, I'll come later." His tone was very cold, and it was different from when he was talking to Yu Xi just now. When talking to Yu Xi, he

was at most a little distant and polite, but when talking to Xie Yilin, he completely exuded an indifference that kept people at a distance.

Xie Yilin could also feel it, and she certainly felt uncomfortable, but thinking about the bad relationship between Guan Linyu and Yu Xi, she and Lu Jinnian were at least in love on the surface.

"My husband is here too, Lu Jinnian, you should know, right?"

Xie Yilin turned around and called Lu Jinnian out: "Jinnian, come out quickly, Guan Linyu is here."

Of course Lu Jinnian heard the conversation between the two people outside the door. The reason why he didn't come out immediately was that he was waiting for Xie Yilin to call him.

Of course, the two of them understood each other tacitly. As soon as Lu Jinnian came out, Xie Yilin walked to his side and hugged Lu Jinnian's arm, "Guan Linyu is here, you two should say hello."

Lu Jinnian stretched out his hand to Guan Linyu, "Long time no see."

But Guan Linyu did not stretch out his hand, but said, "Sorry, my hands are dirty just now."

Lu Jinnian's hand froze in mid-air, and he smiled, "It's okay."

"I'll go upstairs first, you guys are busy." Guan Linyu said and left without looking back. After

Guan Linyu left, Lu Jinnian and Xie Yilin were still standing there.

The two still maintained the decent smiles on their faces.

Xie Yilin smiled: "Let's go downstairs."

Lu Jinnian: "Okay."

Both of them were angry, but they didn't show it.

Lu Jinnian was fine, he had dealt with Guan Linyu before, and Guan Linyu was always like this, arrogant, superior, as if he was so superior.

Isn't he also a mortal?

But Xie Yilin's mood was much more complicated, because she found that her heart would still beat violently after seeing Guan Linyu, and she seemed to have not forgotten him.

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 112. Chapter 111 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 111 Guan

Linyu, the wife of the rich CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network, came to the third floor. It was indeed as Yu Xi said, there was only one room here, and there was a ladder hanging next to it, which seemed to lead directly to the roof.

He opened the door and saw the suitcase on the ground. The suitcase was not closed, and the things inside were in sight.

Guan Linyu's eyes stayed on it for nearly half a minute, mainly to see what Yu Xi brought.

Then he put his suitcase next to it, without opening it, but while pulling his tie, he walked to the balcony.

After the tie was loosened, his meticulous image changed slightly.

From the balcony, you can see the scenery outside, the green mountains and trees, plus the fresh air, it really makes people feel refreshed.

Guan Linyu's face had no expression all the time, and he slowly relaxed at this moment. His cold facial features made him look special. Compared with the other male guests, he seemed more like a robot, which should not be so attractive, but because this face was too good-looking, coupled with deep eyes, everyone couldn't help but look at him a few more times when they saw him.

The audience has been discussing him since he came.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu seem to be the most special couple among the four couples.

They are not in sync, not enthusiastic, and even communicate less than others.

Even Kong Miao and Ling Su, the imaginary couple, are more like real couples than them. But

the more this is the case, the more curious people are about how they will get along in the next half month.

After all, they are a couple and have to sleep together at night. Only Kong Miao and Ling Su's room has two single beds.

After they drew the room, the staff of the program group immediately asked someone to change the bed on the first floor.

Guan Linyu stood on the balcony for only two minutes before going in. Looking at the 1.5-meter bed in the room, he may have thought about the problem of sleeping at night, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

He touched his pocket, and the audience thought Guan Linyu was going to smoke, but he took out a box of mints from his pocket. The blue transparent box showed oval candies one by one. He took one out and put it in his mouth.

[I also like this brand of mints, super refreshing. ]

[Does Guan Linyu like candy? The personality is a bit cute in contrast. 】

【It's so funny, I thought he was going to smoke, but it turned out he was eating candy. 】

【The more I look at him, the more I love him. It's hard not to like a man with this kind of appearance. My DNA is moved. 】

【I really envy Yu Xi for having such an excellent husband. 】

Yu Xi sat on a bamboo chair in the yard and drank a glass of cucumber juice slowly and leisurely.

She looked relaxed and happy, as if she was here for a farm trip.

Chen You and Hu Bu Ran volunteered to handle the ingredients. Chen You is half a food blogger. There are many food elements in her vlogs. She cooks every day at home. She and Hu Bu Ran can cook.

In the original plot, the original owner was also a good worker. She rushed to do everything, cooking, feeding pigs and chickens, and doing everything. Chen You and Hu Bu Ran would help at the beginning, but later they saw that the original owner did a good job, so they became lazy. After all, people are like this. They thought to themselves that those who are capable should do more work. Since you can do it well by yourself and you can do it better, then I'll leave it to you.

But in fact, the original owner just felt that she had no other strengths, and wanted to leave a good impression on everyone, not to show herself.

After the misunderstanding, the original owner had to do everything. Although everyone said, "You are really great," there was nothing else.

People don't like her just because she does everything.

And she is also busy with work, and she doesn't even have time to communicate with Guan Linyu.

This time, Yu Xi will not be stupid enough to grab the work, there is no need.

There are so many people, how can it be her turn to do everything, and Chen You and Hu Bu Ran said that they would cook a table of meals for them, and they were quite happy to let them cook.


As soon as Xie Yilin came down, she saw Yu Xi sitting in the yard, and a few chickens were walking around beside her. She took some rice in her hand and occasionally sprinkled it on the ground.

Xie Yilin's expression became rich. She

really came from the countryside and could feed chickens.

She didn't like this kind of sharp-beaked animal, and she felt a little repulsive when she saw it, so she didn't want to go over, and turned to the kitchen to take a look.

Kong Miao finally packed up her things and walked out. She also heard that Yu Xi's husband had come. She was very curious and looked around to see where Yu Xi's husband was. As a result, she only saw Yu Xi in the yard.

She walked over to talk to Yu Xi.

"Yu Xi, what are you doing here?"

"Just sit down."

Yu Xi pulled out the chair next to her for Kong Miao to sit on.

Kong Miao was not polite and sat down next to her.

The chickens were not afraid of strangers and walked next to them. Kong Miao found it interesting and stared at the chickens.

"Are these chickens raised to lay eggs?" Kong Miao looked like a spoiled rich girl who didn't know the sufferings of the world. She didn't suffer much after entering the entertainment industry, so she was curious about everything and had simple ideas.

Yu Xi: "When hens grow up, they can lay eggs."

Kong Miao: "Oh, then do they eat this rice?"

Yu Xi: "These free-range chickens will find food outside by themselves. You can feed them corn or rice. If there is leftover rice, mix it with other vegetable leaves and feed them. They will also like to eat it."

"Wow... they can find food by themselves." Kong Miao's expression is really cute, like an innocent baby.

Yu Xi: "Yes."

"How do you know everything? Have you raised chickens?" Kong Miao is very curious about Yu Xi. In her opinion, urban people nowadays should not know these things.

Yu Xi: "I have raised them. The chickens I raised before all grew very well. I would use the residue left over from pressing peanuts for oil, grind them up, and put them in rice to feed the chickens. After eating them, the chickens would grow meat very easily and become very fat."

Kong Miao looked at Yu Xi with admiration, "Really? How about we use this to feed the chickens?"

Yu Xi saw that she was looking forward to it and was a little amused, "But we don't have peanuts to press oil. It's unnecessary to press this just to feed the chickens."

Kong Miao lowered his head, "Okay."

Seeing that she seemed to raise these chickens as pets, Yu Xi didn't want to tell her that the chickens were fattened up in order to be killed and eaten.

Kong Miao would probably be shocked if he knew.

Kong Miao finally remembered that she came to see Yu Xi to see her husband, "By the way, is your husband here? I seemed to hear someone saying he was here just now."

"Yes, he's upstairs." Yu Xi said nonchalantly.

Speak of the devil .

As soon as Guan Linyu was mentioned, he appeared behind them.

But Kong Miao and Yu Xi didn't hear the footsteps, because the surroundings were not very quiet. Apart from the conversations in the kitchen, there were birds singing not far away and sounds in the pigsty, so no one listened carefully or looked back.

"How long have you and your husband been married?"

"One year."

"Then how long have you been dating?"

"I'm not dating him."

"Ah? Did you get married through a blind date?" Kong Miao looked at Yu Xi in surprise.

Yu Xi: "Yes and no, we just met once and got married very soon."

"So hasty? You can get married after just one meeting." Kong Miao was stunned.

Yu Xi: "Yes, so I regret it."

Kong Miao's mouth had grown as big as an egg.

Is this something she can say?

The camera is facing them!

Kong Miao leaned close to Yu Xi's ear and whispered, "It's not good to say that."

Her voice was very low, but she forgot that she had a microphone on her collar. Even if her voice was very low, the microphone had good sound reception and could still be heard, so the audience heard everything she said.

"Do you really regret it?" Kong Miao looked at Yu Xi with concern. She was still young and was actually full of longing for marriage, but she was also confused, after all, she hadn't fallen in love yet.

This time, she was going to be a virtual couple with Ling Su on the show, and she was actually quite nervous.

Yu Xi smiled and said nothing, and didn't answer this question again.

Kong Miao caught a glimpse of someone standing behind her from the corner of her eye. She turned around and saw Guan Linyu standing behind the two of them, looking at them with a low gaze.

"Ah!" Kong Miao screamed, "You! You you..."

It was the first time she saw Guan Linyu, and she was startled, but she also stared at Guan Linyu's face.

When Yu Xi saw Guan Linyu, she didn't react much. It would be a lie to say that she was not surprised, but she was not in a hurry after saying that just now, and she was not afraid of being heard by Guan Linyu.

Instead, she said calmly: "Have you packed your things?"

Guan Linyu: "Well, there are not many things, no need to pack."

Yu Xi nodded and said nothing.

Kong Miao was still in shock.

Is this the husband who came from a blind date that Yu Xi mentioned?

The husband who made Yu Xi regret and want to divorce?

No way! Super handsome!

Kong Miao has seen so many handsome guys in the entertainment industry, but few of them can be as elegant as Guan Linyu. He looks smart at first glance, but he is also very handsome, steady and mature, but not old-fashioned. He looks very comfortable, serious with a bit of coldness and dignity, serious, abstinent and noble, with calm eyes, which makes people curious, just like the mysterious and vast interstellar, which makes people fascinated. Do you

really want to divorce?

No, you two are a perfect match.

Kong Miao thought to herself.

She also had a good impression of Yu Xi. Although they had only been together for a short time, she felt that her tone was different from those of the girls around her. She was like a free and easy sister with personality. She knew a lot, but was relaxed and comfortable. She would not pretend deliberately, and would patiently tell her some things she did not understand.

Although she wanted to build a good relationship with Xie Yilin when she first came, after a while, she felt that Yu Xi was easier to get along with.

The three of them suddenly fell into silence, and the awkward atmosphere spread. Kong Miao was already fidgeting.

At this time, two chickens walked to Guan Linyu's feet.

They pecked at his shoes twice.

Guan Linyu lowered his head and stared at the two chickens.

But the chickens were not afraid of him and kept pecking at his shoes.

Kong Miao could not help laughing.

Yu Xi: "This is taking the mud spots on his shoes as food."

Yu Xi looked up, took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to him. Guan Linyu had been looking down at the two chickens, so after reaching out to take the paper, he not only grabbed the paper, but also grabbed Yu Xi's hand holding the paper.

Guan Linyu was stunned for a moment, and when he wanted to let go, Yu Xi had already gently pulled his hand out.

Yu Xi didn't look at him, but Guan Linyu seemed to look at Yu Xi more.


Guan Linyu walked around the area and observed the surrounding environment. When he came back, Yu Xi was no longer in the yard.

Thinking of what Yu Xi said just now that she wanted to divorce, Guan Linyu didn't feel anything.

They had no feelings in the first place, and marriage was an accident.

Divorce is sooner or later.

If it weren't for the strong opposition of his grandmother and Yu Xi's own disagreement, they might have divorced a few months ago.

He felt that divorce was better, and there was no need to delay Yu Xi. After all, he was away from home all year round, and their personalities were indeed not suitable.

Based on his previous observations, he thought that Yu Xi was a traditional woman who wanted to take care of her husband and children, but he couldn't give her such a life. He didn't even plan to have children. After all, without feelings, he couldn't guarantee that the children would have a happy childhood.

Since she also wants a divorce, then just get a divorce after the show is over.

Chen You and Hu Bu'ran worked together as a couple and cooked very quickly. Although Xie Yilin did not help the whole process and even made things worse, a table of dishes was still cooked successfully.

Eight people, ten dishes, five meat dishes, three vegetarian dishes, a salad dish and a soup, it was considered very rich, and almost all the ingredients given to them by the program team were used up.

When Yu Xi saw this table of dishes, he actually regretted not reminding Chen You and the others to cook less, because the program team really would not provide them with any ingredients later. This was only because they had just arrived and gave them so much. Originally, they thought that even if they did not give them later, they could still rely on these foods for a day or two. As a result, Chen You and Hu Bu'ran cooked such a large table of dishes to show their cooking skills.

Although everyone was very happy to see this table of dishes, Yu Xi began to worry about how to find food for the next two weeks.

Since it has come to this, let's eat first. There is always a way, and there is no need to spoil the fun. Of course,

the couples sat together, and Yu Xi and Guan Linyu sat down together.

It must be said that Chen You and Hu Bu'ran are really good at cooking.

The dishes were delicious and tasty. Only one or two did not suit everyone's taste, but most of them received good reviews.

"My taste for Lao Hu and I is salty and spicy, but we have restrained ourselves and put less pepper and salt. If you think it's okay, make it according to this taste next time." Chen You was a little embarrassed by being praised by everyone in turn. Although he was not flattered, he was very happy, so he said that he would do this again next time.

Yu Xi said flatteringly: "It's good, thank you for your hard work, I think it's delicious."

"That's good." Chen You looked at Guan Linyu and her eyes stayed on him for a few seconds. It's not good to stare at him too blatantly. After all, he is his husband.

If Lao Hu found out that she was peeking at Yu Xi's husband, he would catch her pigtail.

But Chen You couldn't help but say: "Yu Xi, why doesn't your husband pick up any food? Is he not used to it?"

Guan Linyu only ate the two bowls of food in front of him.

He has a light taste and his stomach has not been very good in the past two years. He also eats very little for dinner. Although the dishes on the table are good, they are not his usual dishes. In addition, he has no appetite, so he didn't take much food.

Yu Xi glanced at him and said to Chen You: "It's okay, don't worry about him. He has a bad stomach and eats little."

Guan Linyu didn't know when Yu Xi knew that he had a bad stomach.

Chen You: "Bad stomach? I should have made something warm and easy to digest."

Hu Bu'ran glanced at Chen You.

It's not that he is jealous that she cares so much about other men, but when he wants to eat something, Chen You will not be so nice to him.

This is his wife.

Hu Bu'ran shook his head and said: "We have stomach medicine. If you feel uncomfortable, let me know and I will get you some medicine."

Xie Yilin had been restraining herself from paying attention to Guan Linyu and talking to the couple, but during the meal, she couldn't help but look at Guan Linyu.

Listening to their conversation, Xie Yilin's expression and eyes kept changing.

Yu Xi's attitude towards Guan Linyu was completely different from what she imagined.

She was a rural woman, and she should feel honored to marry Guan Linyu. It was her blessing in eight lifetimes. Instead of cherishing it, she looked cold to Guan Linyu. How could she be so unsatisfied?

No wonder Guan Linyu wanted a divorce. What's the use of such a wife?

No background, no culture, and she can't even care about her husband. Guan Linyu might as

well have been with her. Xie Yilin made a decision right away. She wanted the two to divorce. Not for herself, but because they had no feelings for each other. Guan Linyu didn't love Yu Xi, and Yu Xi didn't love Guan Linyu either. Why force them to be together? But Xie Yilin didn't know how to deal with this matter specifically. Because she knew that Guan Linyu would never listen to her. Although the meal was rich, Xie Yilin ate it without any appetite, and her mind was full of other things. So she didn't notice that Lu Jinnian beside her was always looking down at his phone to reply to messages. ... At night, everyone was tired after a day, and they dispersed after dinner. There were still tasks tomorrow, so they should rest early today. If there was anything to say, they could talk about it tomorrow. Yu Xi and Guan Linyu returned to their small room on the third floor together. Yu Xi's box was still spread out on the floor in the room. She walked over and took out the underwear and pajamas, a brand new silk four-piece suit and toiletries, and then closed the box and put it on the balcony. The underwear was covered by pajamas and placed on the bed. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little subtle. Although they are a real couple, they have rarely had the opportunity to be alone in a room like this in the past year. Not to mention that they will sleep together soon. Moreover , although this room is not small, it is not big either. At least there is no distance between the bathroom and the bedroom, unlike the big villa they lived in before, where the bathroom is as big as this room. They will take a shower later, and they can still hear the sound of water here. This situation has never happened before. Guan Linyu has been standing, and there seems to be no place to sit except the bed. Yu Xi didn't even look at him. After getting everything ready, he said, "Then I'll go take a shower first." Guan Linyu paused: "Okay." Yu Xi: "Then make the bed. I brought a new four-piece set." Before Guan Linyu could answer, Yu Xi went into the bathroom. Guan Linyu looked at the four-piece set beside the bed. [This is completely the way an old couple gets along. ] [Is it so cold after only one year of marriage? But their looks are really amazing. ] [Yu Xi said that he regretted it, so let's divorce quickly. How many people are lining up to want a superb man like Guan Linyu. ] [For example, Xie Yilin? I saw Xie Yilin was looking at Guan Linyu while eating. ] [No way, aren't Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian a model loving couple! ] [Who wouldn't be moved by a man like Guan Linyu? Don't say that Xie Yilin liked Guan Linyu before, it's normal to look at him a few more times. 】Yu Xi was thinking while taking a shower that Guan Linyu didn't seem to know how to make the bed. She did it on purpose, asking him to change into a four-piece suit. But Yu Xi also knew that even if she saw Guan Linyu's clumsy appearance when changing into a four-piece suit, there would still be people crying and shouting to marry him. Who made him handsome, good-tempered, and rich? Such a man is in the market wherever he is thrown. What's more, in the eyes of most people, a man who can't do housework is not a problem at all, and there is no flaw. And some people will say that there is no perfect person. If he is too perfect, it is not real. He has no self-care ability in life, so he needs someone to take care of him, otherwise what is the point of marrying a wife. Others say that men like Guan Linyu are the best. If he has no problems with such an excellent man, he will feel insecure. The original owner was brainwashed by such remarks and pua, and he always doubted himself and thought it was his own problem. Sure enough, when Yu Xi came out, the bed was already messed up, the sheets were wrinkled, and Guan Linyu was fighting with the quilt and quilt cover. He had a serious face, staring intently at a corner of the quilt, as if he couldn't find the direction and was thinking about some extremely difficult problem. Yu Xi said exaggeratedly: "I've finished washing, you haven't done it yet?" Guan Linyu: "..." When had he heard such words before? He had never done such a thing before. Yu Xi asked him to do it. Although he didn't know how to do it, he also felt that he should be able to do it well, but he couldn't do it. And as soon as Yu Xi came out, he almost said this sentence, "You are too stupid. You can't even do it well. " Guan Linyu was about to say something. Yu Xi changed his tone again: "Don't you know how to put on the quilt cover?" Guan Linyu looked at her. "This is common sense in life. Come, I'll teach you." She had just finished taking a shower and came out with steam. She was wearing a dry hair cap on her head and a black long-sleeved pajamas. When she came over, the fragrance of shampoo and shower gel instantly spread in the room. It was the sweet fragrance of lychee and rose. It was not strong, but very sweet, making people's noses full of sweetness. Guan Linyu was a little unaccustomed to the warmth she brought when she approached. I saw Yu Xi pulling the quilt out of the duvet cover, and suddenly Yu Xi grabbed Guan Linyu's hand. "Pull a corner of the quilt first..." Yu Xi's fingers were soft and warm. She quickly stuffed the corner of the quilt into his palm, then let go and walked to the other side. The remaining temperature in his palm told him that it was a real touch just now. Guan Linyu was not used to this feeling. But he inexplicably did not reject it. Then Yu Xi seemed to teach him how to put on the quilt cover very seriously. Guan Linyu felt that Yu Xi had turned into a teacher, and he was treated as a kindergarten kid. "Do you understand? Do it this way from now on." Her tone made Guan Linyu feel helpless. You know, he is so much older than her, and it was the first time she dared to speak like this in front of him. When she spoke to him before, her tone was clumsy, and she was a little timid and inferior. After being apart for so long, she has changed a lot. Guan Linyu's impression of Yu Xi seemed to still remain at the time of their first meeting. She timidly glanced at him, and then never looked away. There was joy and admiration in her eyes, but also a bit of clumsiness and simplicity. But now, there was no light in her eyes when she looked at him, no light of hope and expectation, no joy and admiration. There was only calmness, indifference, and even indifference. After meeting today, she didn't even look at him a few times.

The words: "So I regret it already." echoed in his mind again.

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 113. Chapter 112 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 112 When

Guan Linyu, the wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network, came out of the shower, Yu Xi was already lying down.

She slept on the left, covered with a quilt, holding a book in her hand.

Guan Linyu didn't expect Yu Xi to read a book before going to bed. Unexpectedly, when he walked closer, he saw that the cover of the book in her hand said: "Women's Capital".

Guan Linyu: "..."

What book is this?

His eyes stayed on the title of the book for more than ten seconds.

There was a blonde woman on the cover, and a line of small words was written next to it: A good woman in the eyes of a man.

Guan Linyu's cold and stiff expression mask cracked at this moment, and he looked at Yu Xi slowly with a surprised expression.

Yu Xi looked back at him, "Are you done with the shower?"

She looked indifferent, glanced at him and continued to read.

Guan Linyu usually lives in the company. There is a suite in his office. When he sleeps in the company, he always wears loose and comfortable clothes to sleep. He didn't buy a set of pajamas specifically. This time he came and packed a few clothes he often wears.

After taking a shower, he came out wearing a navy blue T-shirt and pure cotton black trousers. He was tall and thin, with muscles on his arms, broad shoulders and narrow waist, and he maintained a good figure.

He casually combed his wet hair back with his hands, revealing his forehead. Only a few strands of disobedient hair were placed on his eyebrows, adding a touch of messy beauty.

[If I had a husband like this, I would probably wake up laughing even when I was sleeping. ]

[No, if I had a husband like this, I wouldn't sleep at all and would keep looking at him. ]

[What is Yu Xi reading? I'm dying of laughter. ]

[Women's capital Hahahaha, what the hell is this, so tacky. ]

[What kind of book is it? What's so good about a book? Look at your husband! ]

Guan Linyu: "What are you reading?"

"A book." Yu Xi's attitude was so perfunctory that Guan Linyu could sense it.

She didn't even raise her head.

Of course he knew she was reading a book, but he just wanted to know why she was reading this kind of book.

Seeing that Yu Xi didn't seem to want to talk to him, Guan Linyu went to sit on the balcony for a while.

Although the temperature was a little low at night, it was quite comfortable to blow the wind. He was in good health and was not afraid of the cold, so he only wore two layers of clothes in winter.

Guan Linyu had short hair, so he thought about blowing the wind and his hair was dry immediately.

Secretary Lin called at this time.

There was a knock on the door of their room.

While Guan Linyu was on the phone, he looked back into the room and saw Yu Xi put down the book and got up to open the door.

It turned out that it was Chen You who came to find Yu Xi, "Yu Xi, do you want to drink some peach gum soup? I made a little bit. How about eating something before going to bed?"

Yu Xi: "Now?"

Chen You nodded: "Yes, by the way, let's girls chat together."

Yu Xi thought for a while, "Are the others going?"

Chen You: "Yes, I just asked, and they all agreed."

Yu Xi: "Okay, I'll come down."

Chen You: "Yeah, then I'll go downstairs to prepare, you hurry up." After

Chen You left, Guan Linyu hadn't finished his call yet. Secretary Lin was reporting to him over there. There was a problem with a project that needed to be dealt with. Guan Linyu told Secretary Lin how to deal with it with a serious expression, and glanced in the direction of the bathroom out of the corner of his eye.

A minute later, Yu Xi came out of the bathroom wearing a coat. She walked to the balcony and said lightly: "I'll go down and chat with them, you go to bed first."

The night in the countryside is very quiet, and most people go to bed early, so except for their house, there are not many lights as far as the eye can see, and there are no buildings in front and behind this house. There are fields and mountains behind it, and a road in front of it, and there are houses dozens of meters away.

Guan Linyu held up his mobile phone in one hand and looked at Yu Xi sideways. His figure was hidden in the moonlight, his eyes were stained with moonlight, and he nodded slightly when he looked over.


When Yu Xi came back, Guan Linyu was sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall, holding the book that Yu Xi had read before.

As soon as the door opened, when the two looked at each other, Guan Linyu put the book in his hand aside.

Yu Xi actually felt that he saw a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

Was it because he was peeking at her book that he was embarrassed?

But the two of them understood each other tacitly and no one spoke. Yu Xi touched her hair and felt that it was almost dry. She turned around and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She used skin care products carefully and came out while applying hand cream.

Guan Linyu felt strange. Yu Xi didn't seem to be such a delicate skin care person.

Could it be because of the book he read?

Thinking of what he had just read in the book, Guan Linyu couldn't help but frown.

Yu Xi lifted the quilt and got on the bed. Guan Linyu's body was stunned. He felt a burst of heat brought by Yu Xi's approach. Before he got used to her approach, she suddenly leaned forward, turned around and crossed her body over his legs. Her face came close to his shoulder. As long as she turned her head, she could touch his neck or chin.

Guan Linyu didn't dare to move.

It's not that he didn't dare, but he didn't move. Instead, he looked away and frowned and looked elsewhere.

But soon, he couldn't help looking at Yu Xi again, and saw that her fair face was shining with a moist luster, her skin was clear and shiny, and there was a faint fragrance. Her ears were neither big nor small, and her earlobes were very beautiful.

He had never noticed that she had such a beautiful pair of ears before.

Of course, her other parts were also beautiful, but he had not paid attention to them before.

Yu Xi reached over him and took the book that was placed beside him, then sat down, and kept a distance of nearly 30 centimeters from him. This distance was already the limit, because if Yu Xi went any further, she would fall down, and the bed was so wide.

Yu Xi picked up the book and continued to read.

Guan Linyu then realized that she had just wanted to take the book.

"How is it?"

Yu Xi suddenly spoke.

Guan Linyu: "Hmm?"

Yu Xi raised the book, "Weren't you reading it just now? What do you think?"

Guan Linyu paused, "I don't know what you are talking about, and your words are meaningless."

Yu Xi chuckled, without refutation or saying anything, and turned to the place where he had read before and continued to read. This time, Guan Linyu was curious.

"What are you laughing at?"

Yu Xi: "I think it's quite interesting, and some of the places make sense."

Guan Linyu: "For example?"

Yu Xi thought about it, turned to one of the pages, and pointed to a line for Guan Linyu to see.

In order to let Guan Linyu see clearly, she leaned over.

Guan Linyu felt her body close to him.

It was not just the heat, but the softness and warmth could be felt even through her pajamas.

Guan Linyu looked down.

The line she pointed to was: "Women - learn to get along with loneliness."

After reading the following paragraph, Guan Linyu's eyes became very subtle.

What was she hinting at?

However, he didn't even need to ask, Yu Xi explained it himself: "I think what this paragraph said is very right, especially for a woman like me who stays alone in an empty room all year round, shouldn't I get used to being lonely?"

Guan Linyu: "…………"

It turned out that it was not an allusion, but a naked indication to him.

Yu Xi: "Are you right?"

Guan Linyu didn't say anything.

Yu Xi didn't seem to care, but smiled and continued to read.

[It's amazing, I'm really going to be laughed to death by Yu Xi, a woman who lives with loneliness. ]

[How could she say that, I'm really shocked hahahaha. ]

[Staying alone in an empty room all year round? No way, is the relationship so bad? ]

[It feels like Yu Xi's words are a bit weird. ] Although Guan Linyu

didn't say anything, he did think about it in his heart because of Yu Xi's words.

She should indeed have a complaint against him. After all, they have been married for so long, and he has only gone back a few times all year round. The two are husband and wife on the surface, but in fact, they are worse than ordinary friends.

Guan Linyu suddenly felt as if he had never seriously examined their relationship, nor had he considered her thoughts.

After all, they were already married, and they were husband and wife.

But... hadn't she regretted it?

Guan Linyu: "Don't read it, go to bed early."

He thought Yu Xi would tell him to go to bed first, but unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, Yu Xi actually nodded obediently and put the book down.


She put the book under the pillow at the head of the bed and lay down.

Her sleeping posture was very regular, with her legs together, her hands on her stomach, her head facing up, and her body straight.

Guan Linyu also liked to sleep like this, very formal and well-behaved.

Yu Xi: "Turn off the lights."

He glanced at Yu Xi, as if surprised that she could go to bed just because she said so.

He got up to turn off the lights, but there was still light from the window shining into the room, so he could see people's shadows. Yu Xi said again, "Draw the curtains too."

Guan Linyu had to draw the curtains again.

Now the room was completely dark, and it was pitch dark. When Guan Linyu returned to the bed, Yu Xi could only intuitively feel that someone was coming next to him. Because the bed itself was a hard board bed, Guan Linyu did not make any noise when he got on the bed.

When the quilt moved twice, Guan Linyu also covered himself with the quilt.

Just now, Guan Linyu had blocked the camera in the room with a towel. Although the audience was still not satisfied, the screen was black here, and there was nothing to see, so they had to go to other people's rooms.

In the darkness, Yu Xi could not fully perceive the distance between Guan Linyu and herself.

She could not even hear his breathing, so she felt that Guan Linyu seemed to be very far away from her.

Of course, Guan Linyu felt the same way.

Guan Linyu stared at the dark ceiling. It felt the same to close his eyes and open them.

So he simply opened them.

I don't know how long it took, but Guan Linyu still didn't fall asleep. The surroundings were very quiet, and there was no sound.

Normally, he could fall asleep after lying down for a while, because he would usually finish his work before washing up. But today, it seemed that he didn't do much and went to bed so early, so he couldn't fall asleep. His

habitual sleeping position became awkward.

If Yu Xi wasn't lying next to him, he could just turn over at will, or get up and turn on the light to sit for a while.

But there was one more person, so he couldn't do anything for a while.

He didn't know if Yu Xi was asleep.

Guan Linyu resisted turning over, but Yu Xi beside him suddenly turned around.

Guan Linyu couldn't see, but his intuition told him that Yu Xi was facing him, not with her back to him.

He had this feeling even though he couldn't see anything clearly.

Guan Linyu clenched his hands lightly, his fingers had turned white because of the force. In the dark, he turned his head to look at Yu Xi.

Although he couldn't see anything, it seemed that her outline vaguely appeared in his mind.

At this moment, Yu Xi's fingers stretched out and covered the back of his hand. Her fingers were thin and tender, and Guan Linyu was startled when she touched them.

Because right after that, Yu Xi held his hand.

Guan Linyu hesitated for a while, then reached out to take her hand away.

Yu Xi was also very obedient, and turned over and fell asleep as soon as her hand was taken away.

It seemed that she fell asleep.

Guan Linyu could smell a little bit of sweet fragrance, which should be the fragrance of Yu Xi's body. His mind was empty, so he opened his eyes and lay for a while, until he felt thirsty and wanted to get a glass of water, then he asked: "Are you asleep?"

There was no response, and even Yu Xi's breathing slowly stabilized.

Guan Linyu seemed to relax slowly, his chest rose and fell, obviously taking a deep breath.

But Yu Xi didn't turn around again, so he reached out and touched the distance next to him. It was empty, only the sheets were a little warm, probably because Yu Xi got hot when she leaned over just now.

The bed was not very big, and Yu Xi was so far away from him that he might fall off if he was not careful, so Guan Linyu was curious whether Yu Xi was very far away.

Otherwise, when he fell asleep, Yu Xi suddenly fell to the ground with a plop.

Guan Linyu thought for a moment and whispered, "If you really want a divorce, I'll find a lawyer to draft a divorce agreement when I get home."

Guan Linyu's voice echoed in the room.

His voice was too soft, there was no echo, and no one answered.

The room was still quiet, with only Yu Xi's eyelashes trembling slightly.

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 114. Chapter 113 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 113 The wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network

The next day.

Yu Xi got up very early.

But Guan Linyu actually got up earlier than her.

When Yu Xi opened her eyes, she saw someone taking a shower in the bathroom. Through the glass door, she could hear the sound of water splashing.

It was not the sound of washing face, but the sound of the shower splashing water.

Taking a shower so early, Yu Xi frowned slightly, and took a rest in bed, and then lifted the quilt to put on her shoes.

When she lowered her head and saw the shoes on the ground, Yu Xi was stunned.

One of her shoes was taken away by Guan Linyu.

The key is that he only took one away, and he kept one of his own shoes to make a pair of shoes for Yu Xi.

I don’t know if Guan Linyu doesn’t think her shoes are too small.

Yu Xi had no choice. She couldn’t go barefoot, so she had to step on Guan Linyu’s shoes and walked to the bathroom door and shouted: "How long will you take to take a shower."

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and Guan Linyu answered her in the bathroom: "Right away."

"Hurry up." Yu Xi urged in a low voice.

She looked back at the camera, and the towel on it was gone.

Guan Linyu: "Okay."

Yu Xi wore two different shoes and went to the balcony. She stretched and did a few stretching exercises. The air was very fresh. She breathed in comfortable oxygen. Her sleepiness and pajamas disappeared in an instant. She

turned her head and saw Ling Su sitting in the yard downstairs, holding a guitar in his hand, playing casually, and then picking up a pen from time to time to record the melody on paper. Getting up

so early to write songs.

Is this a creative genius singer?

There is something.

Yu Xi turned around and saw that Guan Linyu had come out. His head was still dripping, and his face was also wet. He seemed to have put on his clothes without drying his body.

When he looked up, water droplets flowed down his forehead and ears, making his clothes even wetter.

"Okay, go in." Yu Xi didn't expect him to be so anxious to open the door and come out

. At least he should dry his hair.

Yu Xi: "Don't you want to dry your hair?"

Guan Linyu: "It's okay."

Yu Xi: "You're wearing the wrong shoes," Yu Xi pointed at the slippers on his feet.

Yu Xi's shoes are pink, Guan Linyu's are gray, and the size is different. I really don't know how he got it wrong, and he wore them to take a shower, and he hasn't noticed it yet?

Guan Linyu looked down and his expression froze for two seconds.

"Change it back." Yu Xi saw that he didn't move, and reminded him.

Guan Linyu took off his shoes.

"Don't they squeeze your feet?" Yu Xi glanced at him, and then put on his shoes.

Guan Linyu didn't know how to answer for a while.

I always feel that after this, Yu Xi will nag me everywhere.

It was the same when I changed into a four-piece suit yesterday.

[It's so funny, Guan Linyu is really a novice in life, and I feel like he needs Yu Xi to take care of him. ]

[I don't think Yu Xi cares much about Guan Linyu. ]

[This couple is probably going to get divorced, they are not loving at all. ]

[Look at the idea CP downstairs, they kiss and hug each other early in the morning to show their love. 】

【Chen You and Hu Bu'ran are also very sweet. Hu Bu'ran helped Chen You squeeze the toothpaste and wash her face. 】


The program team said they would not give them ingredients, and they really did not give them.

Chen You brought all the ingredients for making peach gum soup yesterday, so she could only use the leftover food from yesterday to make breakfast this morning.

But it was not enough for eight people.

Just when she didn't know what to do, Hu Bu'ran found the card on the table.

It turned out that the program team had assigned them tasks.

The program team prepared breakfast for them at four locations in the village, but they had to find the locations based on clues and complete the tasks to get breakfast.

The four breakfasts were different, and the difficulty of the tasks was also different. It all depended on their luck.

The eight guests set off directly after they were dressed neatly.

At the beginning, they could still be together with eight people, but they had to separate to do the tasks separately later.

Xie Yilin came over and asked Yu Xi: "Yu Xi, did you sleep well last night?"

Yu Xi: "It's okay, but I'm not used to sleeping with two people."

Guan Linyu glanced at Yu Xi.

This sentence also made Xie Yilin unable to do it.

Yu Xi: "It's quite comfortable to sleep alone, but suddenly it feels weird to sleep with two people."

Chen You: "Really? I'm used to sleeping with two people now. If my husband Hu is not here one day, I will feel awkward."

Yu Xi: "You are different. You have a good relationship."

Guan Linyu glanced at Yu Xi again.

Chen You thought, only Yu Xi dared to say this.

[What? Yu Xi, are you going to make me laugh to death? ]

[Guan Linyu, I just want to ask you if you regret coming to participate in the show? Now everyone in the country knows that you don't go home to sleep. ]

[Hahahaha, not used to sleeping with two people, absolutely absolutely. ]

[Guan Linyu must be numb. ]

[Yu Xi did it on purpose, although it's very funny, it's so embarrassing. ]

When we arrived at the fork in the road, we saw a sign in the middle of the road with a route map and mission points drawn on it.

It can be clearly seen that in this three-way intersection, one road has two mission points, and the others have only one mission point.

This means that at this point, everyone has to act separately.

Yu Xi was the last one to choose, and the road on the right was left with only one mission point.

After the others left, Yu Xi and Guan Linyu also set out to walk towards the mission point on the map.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu walked almost side by side, but there was a distance of one meter between them.

This distance seemed to be a safe distance for the two of them, and basically they kept this distance no matter where they were.

After walking for several hundred meters and not seeing any suspected mission points, Yu Xi sped up.

She walked faster than Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu was left behind by her.

The other couples were either walking hand in hand or the husbands were carrying their wives on their backs. Even Kong Miao was following Ling Su closely. Only

on Yu Xi's side, Yu Xi was walking in front to lead the way, and Guan Linyu was following her slowly.

Yu Xi turned her head and glanced at Guan Linyu: "You should walk faster, don't dawdle."

It wasn't that Guan Linyu was dawdling, it was that Yu Xi was really walking very fast. She seemed to be as light as a swallow, and she walked as if she was about to fly, almost like running. Guan Linyu

could only try his best to keep up.

Guan Linyu: "Are you hungry?"

Yu Xi: "Whether I'm hungry or not, I have to find it quickly."

Yu Xi's expression seemed to be asking, what's wrong with you, do you have any awareness at all?

Guan Linyu said helplessly: "Okay."

Yu Xi: "Didn't you get enough sleep? You woke up so early in the morning. How many hours did you sleep?"

Guan Linyu certainly didn't get enough sleep. He kept his eyes open until the second half of the night before falling asleep, and then woke up early in the morning. Although it was daybreak when he woke up, the room was still dark with the curtains drawn.

Yu Xi had half of her body pressed on him, and one hand was still on his face, touching his nose and mouth from time to time. He didn't know if he was dreaming.

Although it was just touching his face, Guan Linyu felt a little strange after being touched by her for so long.

Yu Xi slept for seven or eight hours, but he only slept for more than three hours. How could he not be tired?

Thinking of the scene of Yu Xi hugging him last night, Guan Linyu said lightly: "I didn't get enough sleep, but you slept soundly."

He thought Yu Xi would feel embarrassed, but Yu Xi said.

"Who told you not to sleep? What did you do secretly at night?"

Guan Linyu was silent.

He just couldn't sleep.

Yu Xi stared at Guan Linyu with the expression of a famous detective, as if he had seen through him: "You secretly play with your phone at night instead of sleeping?"

Guan Linyu: "No."

Yu Xi smiled, "If you say it's not true, then it's not true."

Guan Linyu: "..."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 115. Chapter 114 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 114

The task point found by Yu Xi and

Guan Linyu, the wife of the rich president who was ridiculed by the whole network, was an old lady's home in the village. Breakfast was a few steamed buns, a dish of pickles, and a pot of white porridge.

Although this table of breakfast looks simple, the white porridge is cooked white and glutinous, the steamed buns are soft, big and white, and the pickles are made of papaya shreds and sour beans, with chili oil added. It looks bright in color and full of sauce flavor, which makes people very appetizing.

The food is made by the old grandmother. The old grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Her son and daughter-in-law are working in other places and rarely come back.

The task assigned to Yu Xi and Guan Linyu by the program team is to play the son and daughter-in-law of the old grandmother, accompany them for a meal, and then coax the old grandmother to take the medicine.

The task was given to them, but Guan Linyu fell into deep thought when looking at the content of the task.

He turned his head to look at Yu Xi, but she had already started acting.

"Mom, why are you sitting here, eat."

The old grandmother looked at Yu Xi with turbid eyes, "Ah?"

She didn't recognize the person, but was a little touched when she heard this mother.

Yu Xi: "Mom, your son and I are back to see you. Let's have dinner together."

Yu Xi said, pointing at Guan Linyu and asking the old lady to look.

The old lady looked at Guan Linyu in confusion, "Is it Guawa?"

Yu Xi was serious, acting at full capacity, "Yes, it's Guawa."

Yu Xi called Guan Linyu: "Guawa, mom is calling you, come here quickly."

[I fucking burst out laughing, I laughed to death. ] [

My dear mother cried with laughter. ]

[What the hell is that, hahahahaha, the name Guawa is too funny. ]

[Yu Xi simply doesn't give her husband face everywhere. ]

[This couple is so amazing, especially Yu Xi is so funny. ]

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi in a messy way and took a step hesitantly.

The old lady was really happy, and tremblingly reached out to grab Guan Linyu, "Guawa, how did you grow taller?"

Yu Xi: "Guawa eats a lot, so he grows taller."

Guan Linyu's expression became more and more serious as he called Guawa one mouthful after another.

He looked at Yu Xi, his eyes seemed to ask Yu Xi not to call him like that.

But how could Yu Xi listen?

She coaxed the old lady to sit at the table together, so that the three of them could eat together.

Yu Xi: "Gu Wa, quickly serve mom a bowl of porridge and feed her."

Guan Linyu gave her an unhappy look.

Yu Xi became even more excited. She picked up a steamed bun, tore off a small piece, took a bite herself, and ate slowly with the porridge and pickles. Then she instructed Guan Linyu: "Gu Wa, don't just feed porridge, pick some pickles for mom."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi's smiling look made Guan Linyu feel a little strange and a little weird. Did

Yu Xi do this on purpose?

The old lady was very happy with this meal. In her opinion, her son and daughter-in-law who worked outside came back and were so filial to her. She was so happy that she ate a bowl of porridge and a big steamed bun. Her eyes narrowed into a slit and her mouth was never closed.

Her hands kept holding Guan Linyu's arm.

Guan Linyu actually felt a little embarrassed at first, but he also found that the old lady was in a good mood, and the loving eyes made him see this as a meaningful good thing.

So he became careful when feeding the porridge, and took out a tissue to wipe the old lady's mouth after eating.

After the meal, he had to chat with the old lady and feed her medicine.

The old lady's Alzheimer's disease was not serious, but she just didn't want to take medicine, so now she couldn't recognize people.

The old lady pulled Guan Linyu and whispered to him: "Guawa, when do you and Chunhua plan to have a baby?"

Guan Linyu's eyebrows moved twice, and he was silent for a few seconds, and said slowly: "No hurry."

"How can I not be anxious!" The old lady became anxious all of a sudden.

[It's so funny, I'm really going to die of laughter. ]

[Guawa and Chunhua, it's true that no one can dislike each other. ]

[Call you Guawa, do you dare to agree? ]

[Guan Linyu probably won't be able to look at these two words in the future. ]

[Hearing Guan Linyu say that he was not anxious after holding back for a long time, I burst into laughter. 】

Yu Xi washed the dishes and came over with medicine and warm water. Seeing the two talking, she opened her mouth and said, "Guawa, what are you talking about with mom?"

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi with a strange look in his eyes.

"We're talking about when we're going to have a baby."

Now it was Yu Xi's turn to be embarrassed.


Is Guan Linyu doing this on purpose?

Guan Linyu saw that Yu Xi was stunned for a second, and seemed to think that he had made a comeback, and his eyes raised.

The old lady nodded: "Yes, yes, Chunhua, you are not young anymore, have a baby with Guawa as soon as possible."

Yu Xi: "Mom, it's not that I don't want to have a baby, it's that Guawa is too busy and has no time." The

old lady shook her head, "No matter how busy you are, it won't delay having a baby. How busy can it be!"

Guan Linyu didn't continue the topic, and asked Yu Xi to give him the cup of water and medicine. He persuaded the old lady to take the medicine.

"You have to take medicine every day in the future, understand? Come on, drink this."

Guan Linyu's tone softened, and Yu Xi couldn't help but glance at Guan Linyu.

It turned out that he could be so gentle with such a voice.

Guan Linyu himself didn't seem to notice it, but he was indeed very patient with the old lady.

Yu Xi stood aside and watched, secretly complaining: He was so cold to his wife, but he had a good temper to a stranger.

But even so, she had to say that Guan Linyu was indeed very charming at times.

[Guan Linyu is so gentle, he feels like a good man. ]

[Men who are patient with the elderly and have a good temper are definitely good men. ]

[Guan Linyu's voice is so nice. ]

[I was so touched, how could Yu Xi regret this kind of top-notch man? ]

[Top-notch men are useless, they don't go home, they belong to others, and they can't even see them. ]

When they were about to leave, the old lady took Yu Xi's hand and Guan Linyu's hand and put their hands together, "Guawa Chunhua, you must work hard this year and get pregnant." When

their hands touched, they subconsciously looked at each other.

Especially Guan Linyu, when he looked directly at Yu Xi, a trace of discomfort appeared in his eyes.

Yu Xi didn't care, "Mom, this can't be solved by just trying hard."

The old lady was very worried, "Why? Is there something wrong? There is a doctor in our village who specializes in this. There is a folk remedy that is very effective. Why don't you go and ask him."

Yu Xi: Really? I'll take Guawa to see him. "

The old lady looked at Guan Linyu in surprise at first, thinking that there was something wrong with him, then showed a helpless expression, nodded and said: "Let's take a look, we have to go and see."


Yu Xi and Guan Linyu were the couple who finished their task the fastest, had breakfast and went home.

They returned home, and there were only the two of them.

As soon as Yu Xi entered the yard, she found that there was no one else, so she poured herself a glass of water.

Guan Linyu said nothing, did not go upstairs, just stood in the yard, and no one knew what he was looking at.

Yu Xi drank water while looking at Guan Linyu.

The two were separated by a distance, just like that, you look at me, I look at you, and then look at other places.

"Gua Wa, go feed the pigs."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi was joking, and after saying that, seeing his dumb face, she smiled and walked away, leaving Guan Linyu where he was.

[Hahahahahaha, you can't get through, right? ]

[Yu Xi, why are you calling your husband Gua Wa, it's too ugly. ]

[Guan Linyu seems to have been numb. ]

[Help! I can't connect this name with Guan Linyu's face! ]

Everyone thought Guan Linyu wouldn't listen, but unexpectedly, after Yu Xi said that, he really went to the pigpen.

There was a little odor in the pigpen, but it was not unacceptable.

Guan Linyu has seldom been to the countryside since he was a child, let alone come to the pigsty to feed pigs. Looking at the pigs in front of him, his expression was very conflicted.

He seemed a little hesitant and observed the pigs in the pigsty for a while.

The pigs also looked at him.

Guan Linyu stood in the pigsty for a few minutes.

The audience took screenshots one after another, and the barrage was full of things like the years when the president raised pigs and the president went to the countryside to raise pigs.

Guan Linyu came out to find Yu Xi and wanted to ask her what to feed her, but he didn't see Yu Xi. When he was hesitating whether to go upstairs to find Yu Xi, other people came back.

It was Chen You and Hu Bu'ran.

When the two came back, they also brought a basket of eggs, which were gifts from the villagers.

Chen You: "Hey, why are you here alone? Where's Yu Xi?"

Guan Linyu: "She should have gone upstairs."

Chen You nodded, "You guys are back so soon, have you eaten?"

Guan Linyu: "I have."

Hu Bu Ran: "Have you been back for a long time?"

Guan Linyu shook his head, "No."

Chen You asked Hu Bu Ran to put the eggs back in the kitchen first, but Hu Bu Ran was not very willing to do so. He found that his wife seemed to like staring at Guan Linyu.

Hu Bu Ran also knew that a man like Guan Linyu would definitely be liked by any woman. There was no way. If he looked like Guan Linyu and was as rich as him, he would probably have floated to the sky and would not be able to get any woman.

Hu Bu Ran gave the basket of eggs to Chen You: "You go put it, I'll talk to Brother Guan for a few words."

Guan Linyu was the oldest among the men, but he looked younger than him.

This was also something Hu Bu Ran couldn't figure out. Guan Linyu was thirty-five years old, and he was only twenty-six. Guan Linyu was nine years older than him, but he still looked about the same as him, or even younger.

Chen You could tell Hu Buran's tone was strong, so she pursed her lips and did as he said.

Although she was always giving orders to Hu Buran, she was actually an obedient person at heart. Once Hu Buran became strong, she would become weak.

After Chen You left, Hu Buran coughed, walked to Guan Linyu, and asked him in a low voice: "Brother Guan, what skin care products do you usually use? "

Guan Linyu was stunned.

"I mean, I think your skin is in good condition. I also use the cosmetics my wife uses, but the effect is not very good." Hu Buran chuckled.

Guan Linyu pondered for a long time and said something that made Hu Buran feel more complicated, "I only use facial cleanser."

Hu Buran almost blurted out the impossible sentence, and then it became: "Really? Impossible."

Chen You walked out and asked curiously: "What's impossible?"

Hu Buran: "Nothing, just chatting for a few words."

Chen You: "Don't talk nonsense with others. "

She thought Hu Bu'ran was joking with Guan Linyu.

Men always like to play some messy jokes with each other, and she thought Hu Bu'ran was talking nonsense with Guan Linyu without any sense of propriety.

At this time, Yu Xi came down with a hand-grinded coffee machine and a bag of coffee beans. Chen You heard the footsteps and looked back at Yu Xi: "Yu Xi, you also brought coffee beans, so cool, are you going to make hand-grinded coffee?"

Yu Xi: "Yes, do you want a cup?"

Chen You: "Okay, okay."

Yu Xi: "Then I'll make you a cup too."

Hu Bu'ran: "Then I want one too."

Guan Linyu was the only one who didn't speak, but Yu Xi didn't ask him, she smiled and nodded to agree to Hu Bu'ran and turned to go to the kitchen.

Guan Linyu hesitated for a few seconds, but still walked up and asked: "Yu Xi."

Yu Xi stopped, looked back at him, "What's wrong?"

Everyone thought Guan Linyu wanted to drink too, but they heard him say: "What to feed the pigs, what... do they eat? "

Guan Linyu's words made Hu Bu'ran and Chen You open their eyes wide.

Guan Linyu is going to feed pigs? Why?

With his image and temperament, no one can connect him with feeding pigs.

A dignified president came to the countryside to feed pigs.

Yu Xi didn't expect him to ask such a question. She asked him to feed pigs, would he really be so obedient?

Otherwise, forget it, she was joking.

Guan Linyu's appearance really has nothing to do with feeding pigs.

Yu Xi: "Are you really going to feed them?"

Guan Linyu looked at her confusedly. Didn't you ask me to feed the pigs?

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 116. Chapter 115 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 115 The wives of the wealthy CEOs,

Hu Buran and Chen You, who were ridiculed by the whole network, were watching them from the side, and both of them showed curious eyes.

Yu Xi thought for a while, "Then I'll take you to cut grass for pigs in the afternoon."

Xie Yilin heard this as soon as she came in.

She was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "What do you mean by cutting grass for pigs? Yu Xi, you can also cut grass for pigs? Do you want to feed pigs? I heard that you grew up in the countryside before, no wonder you are so experienced."

She said this very cleverly. She

also secretly observed Guan Linyu's expression.

Guan Linyu must want to save face, and she probably doesn't want others to know that Yu Xi is a farm woman, right?

But Yu Xi also smiled: "It's not me, it's Guan Linyu who wants to feed pigs."

Xie Yilin: "Ah?"

Xie Yilin looked at Guan Linyu in shock.

Although Yu Xi said that he wanted to, Guan Linyu still had a calm expression, as if he was used to Yu Xi's nonsense. After all, she hadn't told everyone his new name yet, as if it was already good.

So Guan Linyu said calmly: "Yeah."

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Yu Xi turned around to grind coffee beans.

Xie Yilin was still immersed in the shock of Guan Linyu wanting to feed the pigs.


No one had enough food at noon because of the shortage of food. If they didn't get some food back, they would probably go hungry at night.

The program team was really cruel. If they said they wouldn't give them food, they wouldn't give them food.

Not giving them food at least gave them a hint.

They can find tasks to do. After completing them, they can accumulate points and go to the village supermarket to exchange for supplies.

There are many kinds of tasks. Some are the same as the tasks this morning. You can find task points and get points after completing them.

Also, they can get food directly from the villagers by helping them work.

So everyone decided to go out to find tasks separately. Yu Xi said that he would take Guan Linyu to cut grass for pigs. Xie Yilin

took the initiative to say that everyone would be divided into two groups, and four people would act together, and she proposed to go with Yu Xi.

Since she said it, the others had no objection.

So the grouping was decided.

Chen You, Hu Bu Ran, Kong Miao, and Ling Su went to the villagers' homes to ask if anyone needed help. If they saw a task point, they would do it together.

Yu Xi, Guan Linyu, Lu Jinnian and Xie Yilin were in a group. They went to find some wild vegetables first and get some pig grass. At five o'clock in the afternoon, they gathered at the village supermarket.

When they set out, Xie Yilin armed herself fully, sprayed a lot of mosquito repellent on her body, and put on gloves. Almost no skin was exposed except for her face.

Lu Jinnian said with concern: "Why don't you stay at home? There are mosquitoes all over the mountain. Don't get bitten when the time comes."

Xie Yilin imagined the mountains full of mosquitoes and the rugged mountain roads. Her brows frowned and stretched, and she smiled reluctantly and said: "It's okay, no, I used mosquito repellent."

She insisted on going, and Lu Jinnian knew why. He let her do whatever she wanted at other times, but it was different at this time. She'd better be careful. If people could see her thoughts about Guan Linyu, Lu Jinnian would not give her face.

After setting off, Lu Jinnian took Xie Yilin, turned his back to the camera and gave her a warning look, his lips slightly opening and closing, silently telling her: Be honest.

Xie Yilin bit her lip and said nothing.

Unexpectedly, they were lucky and did find some wild shepherd's purse by the field.

"Just dig it out directly." Yu Xi directed Guan Linyu.

No one expected that although Guan Linyu was not talkative, he was a doer.

He basically would not refute what Yu Xi asked him to do.

Seeing that Guan Linyu was so obedient, Xie Yilin's face looked very bad.

What she could not accept the most was that Lu Jinnian also followed to dig wild vegetables, and would show them to Yu Xi to see if he dug them correctly.

"Okay, that's how you do it." Yu Xi nodded and commented that Lu Jinnian was right.

Lu Jinnian was in a good mood.

This was also his first time to return to the countryside to experience life. He found things like digging wild vegetables fresh and interesting. It was quite interesting.

Lu Jinnian asked Yu Xi: "How do you eat this?"

Yu Xi: "You can mix it with meat fillings, use it to make dumplings and wontons, and you can also stir-fry it."

Lu Jinnian didn't understand either.

He had never cooked since he was a child, and he didn't understand what Yu Xi said. He could only nod blankly, as if he understood but not really, "Oh, so that's it."

Xie Yilin felt very uncomfortable when she saw Lu Jinnian acting like a primary school student in front of Yu Xi, but she just happened to have a chance to talk to Guan Linyu.

So she took advantage of Lu Jinnian and Yu Xi talking to Guan Linyu and said, "Then let me help you."

Guan Linyu frowned, he didn't say anything, but took a few steps to the side and distanced himself from Xie Yilin. Xie

Yilin was stunned for a moment.

Does he hate her so much?

He walked away as soon as she approached him.

Xie Yilin endured the anger and simply didn't get close to him to face his cold face, and just followed behind to watch them do things.

[Why is Xie Yilin's face so bad? ]

[Her husband kept pestering Yu Xi to ask questions, probably because he was jealous. ]

[Yes, Lu Jinnian seems to treat digging wild vegetables as a recreational activity. I think he is so happy. ]

[It's so funny. A rich kid like Lu Jinnian has never dug wild vegetables. ]

[It's just like finding supplies and picking vegetables in the game. I also think it's very interesting. ]

Yu Xi saw that the two backpacks were full, and looked up. It was getting late.

"I think it's almost time. You don't dig anymore. Let's go to the supermarket."

Lu Jinnian was still unsatisfied: "So early?"

His backpack was full and about to overflow. Lu Jinnian excitedly took a photo of the wild vegetables he dug.

Seeing him like this, Xie Yilin secretly disliked Lu Jinnian for being too childish.

She quietly looked at Guan Linyu.

He was sorting the weeds in the backpack, picking out some useless weeds and throwing them away.

He looked serious and rigorous, his handsome eyebrows drooped, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on him. Everything was exceptionally beautiful.

Yu Xi: "That's enough. If we make too much, the pigs won't be able to eat it all. Let's go find other people first."

Lu Jinnian: "Okay, let's come another day."

Hearing that he wanted to come again, Xie Yilin rolled her eyes. Her feet were sore from walking so much, and even though she was wrapped very tightly, she still felt itchy on her body. She didn't know if there were bugs.

Guan Linyu looked over at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi's facial features were tranquil, and in the light of the setting sun, there was a kind of pure beauty of peace and quiet.

Her skin was like cream, emitting a faint luster. Maybe because of sweating, her whole body seemed to glow.

Yu Xi also looked at him when she noticed Guan Linyu's gaze.

Guan Linyu then withdrew his gaze indifferently, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, Yu Xi was just a commander and did nothing at all. It was Guan Linyu and Lu Jinnian who were digging wild vegetables and cutting grass for pigs.

At most, she taught them how to identify which grasses are edible.

Compared with the original owner, Yu Xi has saved a lot of trouble and effort.


The supermarket is full of various supplies, and it is indicated on it how many points are needed to exchange.

A handful of vegetables, a handful of bananas, a pound of apples... This kind of supplies requires fifty points to exchange.

A chicken, a five-kilogram bag of rice, a pound of beef... require one hundred points.

A barrel of oil, a box of Coke, a large bag of potato chips... require two hundred points.

Chen You and his group worked hard for an afternoon and only got one hundred points, so they could only choose to exchange for two fifty-point items or one hundred-point item.

Before Yu Xi and his group came, their group was still struggling about what to exchange.

Until Yu Xi came over, took a look around, understood the current situation, and made a decision directly: "Just exchange for a pound of pork and a bag of flour."

"Is it enough for us to eat?" Kong Miao said worriedly.

Yu Xi: "I got a lot of wild vegetables here, I can make wild vegetable soup and scrambled eggs with wild vegetables. Don't we have eggs at home?"

Chen You: "Yeah, yes, there is still a basket of eggs, and there is a little rice left."

Yu Xi nodded: "That's enough, I see peppers and cherry tomatoes planted in the yard, I can pick them to cook."

Kong Miao looked at Yu Xi with admiration: "Yu Xi is still amazing, he knows everything."

Chen You: "Yes, I will be in a group with Yu Xi next time. We didn't know how to do a lot of things this afternoon, so the task was completed so slowly."

Kong Miao: "I want to, too. I will go with Yu Xi to cut pig grass next time."

When she saw them bringing back so much pig grass and wild vegetables, she felt novel and wanted to go and see.

Chen You: "Hahaha, if you want to snatch Yu Xi away, you should also ask her husband if he agrees."

Kong Miao looked at Guan Linyu and whispered: "Brother Guan should not mind lending his wife to us, right?"

Without waiting for Guan Linyu to speak, Yu Xi said proudly: "How can he care about our women's affairs! Men should stand aside."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 117. Chapter 116 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 116 The wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network

. Everyone looked at Guan Linyu.

It seems that Guan Linyu can't control Yu Xi at all.

Guan Linyu didn't expect Yu Xi to say such a thing, but he didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear it.

But his silence made everyone think that he was unhappy.

Chen You was a little embarrassed, after all, she was the one who provoked the words.

If Yu Xi and Guan Linyu quarreled, it would be her fault.

Just when she didn't know what to say to ease the atmosphere, Xie Yilin smiled and said, "Oh, you can't say that. Sometimes I listen to my husband, but most of the time he listens to me."

She looked at Yu Xi and said, "It's not good for girls to be too strong. Husbands and wives should always respect each other. Chen You, don't you think so?"

She asked Chen You, but pointed at Yu Xi.

Chen You thought about it, it seemed that what she said was correct, but Xie Yilin's words at this time seemed to have a little more meaning.

Chen You: "It depends on the situation. Everyone has different ways of getting along with others."

Xie Yilin heard that Chen You wanted to smooth things over, and her smile faded a little. "That's right, but Jinnian and I will discuss everything, so that there will be no conflicts when we get along. Yu Xi, you always say that you and Guan Linyu have a bad relationship, maybe this is also a reason."

Yu Xi: "Really?"

Xie Yilin: "Yes, I think you need to make changes, so that you can reduce quarrels and disputes."

Yu Xi nodded in agreement: "I think so, but Guan Linyu and I haven't quarreled yet."

Xie Yilin: "..."

"Did you and Lu Jinnian often quarrel before?"

Xie Yilin never thought that she would shoot herself in the foot. When she and Lu Jinnian just got married, they did quarrel every few days.

Later, the two of them played their own games, and it became a habit for them to show their love in front of everyone in a seemingly harmonious way.

Now even if there is a dispute, it is resolved privately and never let anyone know.

"How could that be?" Xie Yilin's expression showed some barely noticeable panic, "Jinnian and I have never had a quarrel since we got married, and he has always given in to me."

Yu Xi looked at Guan Linyu, "Guan Linyu, did you hear me? From now on, you just have to listen to me about all the family matters, so there won't be any conflicts."

Xie Yilin: "..."

This was obviously not what she said.

She thought Guan Linyu would be unhappy, but Guan Linyu didn't refute at all.

Not speaking, doesn't that mean tacit consent

? Is Guan Linyu so indulgent to Yu Xi?

No, he just doesn't want to pay attention to her, or rather, ignores her and lets her do whatever she wants.

After watching for a long time, Kong Miao, a novice in love, asked curiously: "Sister Yu Xi, do you and Brother Guan get along like this usually?"

Yu Xi: "No."

Kong Miao: "What about you? How do you get along?"

"He and I only see each other a few times a year, so we don't get along at all."

Guan Linyu finally looked at Yu Xi, and a sentence popped up in his mind: "Here we go again."

Kong Miao exclaimed, "How can this be!"

She was about to continue asking, but Ling Su said first: "You are afraid of dirt and tiredness, so don't go to cut grass for pigs, otherwise you will cry and make a fuss." Kong

Miao's attention was immediately diverted, and she snorted: "Why can't I? Do you think I am you!"

"Because you are not me."

Kong Miao said unconvinced: "Huh, next time you men should be in one group, and we women in another group, to see if we women are better than you."

Chen You: "Oh, this is a good suggestion. Then let's act separately tomorrow and do the task together to see who gets more points."


After dinner, everyone sat in the yard and chatted.

Yu Xi went upstairs and came down with a bag of melon seeds in her hand.

"Wow, you brought this!" Chen You said in surprise.

Yu Xi: "Yes, do you want to eat it?"

Chen You nodded: "Give me some."

Yu Xi tore open the package and poured her a handful. Chen You couldn't hold it with her hands and kept saying: "Enough, enough."

Kong Miao said beside her: "I want some too, I want some too."

Yu Xi poured her some more.

Xie Yilin didn't say she wanted it, and Yu Xi didn't even look at her, let alone ask her if she wanted it. They

were already eating melon seeds, so of course they had to gossip.

Kong Miao suggested playing truth or dare.

Chen You responded enthusiastically, and she even pushed Yu Xi, "What do you think?"

Yu Xi didn't care: "I'm fine."

Xie Yilin: "I have no objection."

Since several women said they wanted to play, the man would naturally accompany them.

Kong Miao found a bottle and placed it on the ground. "I'll spin the bottle. Whoever the bottle cap is facing will be the one who can choose truth or dare. Hehe, everyone can ask questions and make requests. If there are no objections, I'll start."

Everyone nodded.

Kong Miao was very active. He squatted on the ground and spun the bottle first, then returned to his seat and sat down, waiting for the bottle to stop.

Yu Xi squinted and smiled, saying, "What a coincidence, it just happened to be Ling Su's turn." Kong Miao pouted

and glared at Chen You embarrassedly, saying, "Then you can ask him."

Yu Xi said, "Ling Su, do you want to choose truth or dare."

Ling Su: "Truth or dare."

Yu Xi thought about it, and for a moment she really didn't know what question to ask.

After all, it was a question, so it couldn't be too fierce, and the degree had to be well grasped.

Her brain worked quickly, and finally she came up with one, "Use two words to describe the image of Kong Miao in your heart."

After asking this question, Kong Miao immediately looked at Ling Su, her eyes sparkling, and it seemed that she also wanted to know the answer.

Ling Su thought for a while.

Kong Miao muttered, "Is it that difficult?"

He was probably thinking bad things about her in his heart.

Ling Su: "Quirky, lively and cute."

Kong Miao was stunned for a moment, blushing, and repeated these two words in his mind several times. Is this a compliment to her?

Chen You laughed twice, "What a talent, he even rhymes two words, not bad."

Although Ling Su's expression did not change, he also looked at Kong Miao.

Kong Miao happened to look at him secretly, and when he met his gaze, he quickly shrank back and whispered, "I don't know if you really think so."

Chen You heard Kong Miao's words, "Of course, this is the truth, you can't lie."

Kong Miao pursed his lips and his face became even redder.

Yu Xi sat next to him, eating melon seeds and laughing, "Then Ling Su, go spin the bottle and help your Kong Miao."

Ling Su glanced at Kong Miao, said nothing, and did it anyway.

Kong Miao snorted and looked at Yu Xi embarrassedly.

The person the bottle was facing this time was Yu Xi.

Kong Miao: "So do you choose truth or dare?"

Yu Xi: "I'll go with truth too."

For some reason, everyone wanted to ask Yu Xi questions. Xie Yilin racked her brains and tried hard to think of a more difficult question to ask Yu Xi, but Chen You got there first.

"Yu Xi, when was your first love?"

Yu Xi: "First love?"

Chen You: "Yes, the first time I fell in love."

Yu Xi: "Then no."

"Ah? No?" Chen You said in surprise: "How is that possible?"

Yu Xi: "No, only in high school, I had a crush on a classmate, and then I didn't fall in love."

This shocked even the men. Lu Jinnian asked: "Never had a relationship?"

Hu Bu'ran: "What about Brother Guan?"

"I married him directly, and we didn't fall in love. It was a flash marriage." Yu Xi's tone was natural, and he looked at Guan Linyu: "Don't you think so?"

Guan Linyu hummed.

"Then how long did you two know each other before you got married?" Hu Bu'ran asked curiously.

Yu Xi stretched out his index finger and shook it, "This is the next question, keep spinning."

The task of spinning the bottle was given to Ling Su. Hearing Yu Xi's words, he spun the bottle again.

This time it was Chen You's turn.

The person asking the question was Kong Miao.

"Chen You, how did you and Hu Bu'ran get together?"

Chen You thought about it for a moment, then smiled, "It's... it was when we were in college, we met in the library, his cell phone was on, I was reading, his cell phone rang, and he sat opposite me, I thought it was very noisy, so I glared at him, but I didn't expect that when I was about to leave, he came to ask for my WeChat."

As he spoke, the smile on Chen You's face became even sweeter.

She and Hu Bu'ran looked at each other, and then said, "Later, he pursued me for two months, and then we were together."

Hu Bu'ran: "I didn't pursue him, I just came to you for dinner every day."

Chen You said speechlessly, "Isn't this pursuing him?"

Hu Bu'ran said stubbornly, "I don't think so anyway."

Kong Miao kept laughing quietly, "You two are so interesting and sweet, and it's still a campus romance, so good."

[All these couples are good to support, except Yu Xi and Guan Linyu. ]

[Kong Miao seems to have a crush on Ling Su, too, I saw her face was so red just now. ]

[The most loving couple is Hu

Bu'ran and Chen You. ] [Obviously the sweetest are Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian. ]

[Actually, I still support Yu Xi and Guan Linyu, the abstinent president and the Cinderella wife. ]

[I want to support them too, after all, they have the highest appearance, what a pity. ]

The bottle turned many times before it aimed at Guan Linyu.

"Truth or Dare?"

Xie Yilin had been waiting for the bottle to be transferred to Guan Linyu for such a long time. She had already thought of what to ask.

But Guan Linyu said, "Dare."

Xie Yilin was stunned. Just when she was about to think again, the opportunity was snatched away by someone else.

Hu Bu'ran: "Can you pick up Yu Xi like a princess with one hand?"

Guan Linyu looked at Hu Bu'ran.

Hu Bu'ran immediately looked around awkwardly. He didn't know why Guan Linyu looked at him like that. Did he say something wrong?

"Can't?" Hu Bu'ran whispered, "If not, then change to..." one.

Before he finished speaking, Guan Linyu said, "Okay, but it depends on whether she is willing."

It also depends on whether she is willing. She is your wife, of course she is willing.

Yu Xi did not refuse. She was casual.

She knew Guan Linyu could do it, and he was very strong.

Sure enough, Guan Linyu could pick her up with one hand and even spin her twice on the spot.

I don’t know why Guan Linyu had to hold her and turn around twice and walk back and forth a few steps, as if to prove that he really had her, and he was not forcing her to hold her, but could do it very easily.

In this way, Yu Xi had to hold Guan Linyu’s neck tightly to avoid falling off him. He supported her body with one hand, his palm was warm and strong, but Yu Xi couldn’t relax, and her body was tense.

After all, she lacked trust, so of course she was afraid.

Maybe he felt that Yu Xi was a little nervous, he suddenly looked down at Yu Xi.

He didn't speak, but his eyes were asking Yu Xi what was wrong.

In fact, this look was a little gentle, and in the eyes of others it was also a sweet and warm look, full of tenderness.

But the first thing Yu Xi said was: "Why don't you put me down, how long are you going to hold me."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 118. Chapter 117 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 117 The wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network

[Yu Xi is too unromantic, I am dying of laughter. ]

[How long do you have to hold him, he is your husband!!! ]

[Guan Linyu's eyes are so gentle, I see the light. ]

[But there is no light in Yu Xi's eyes, and there is no Guan. ]

[Fuck, so perfect, there is no light and no Guan, are these two destined to be? No! ]

Guan Linyu bent down and put Yu Xi down.

After Yu Xi stood up, she patted her clothes, straightened the wrinkles on her clothes, and then quickly returned to her seat.

Guan Linyu looked at her figure, his expression thoughtful.

Kong Miao whispered to Chen You: "They are too unfamiliar, do you want to think of a way to help them?"

Chen You: "Yes, how can I help?"

Kong Miao blinked and whispered in Chen You's ear.

Chen You widened his eyes, "Okay, I think it's feasible, we will cooperate later."

Kong Miao: "Yeah."

In the expectation of the two, the bottle finally turned to Yu Xi.

This time, Yu Xi also chose the big adventure.

Yu Xi looked calm, because the requirements they put forward for the big adventure just now were not difficult at all, and it was estimated that they would not ask her to do anything when it was her turn.

Kong Miao smiled and said, "Yu Xi, you and Brother Guan hold hands and look at each other for one minute. You cannot blink. If you blink, you will have to add ten seconds until you finish."

Yu Xi frowned. Is it so difficult when it is her turn?

Chen You: "This is OK, it's very simple. You and Brother Guan are together. Brother Guan, come here quickly, I will make room for you."

With the enthusiasm of Kong Miao and Chen You, Yu Xi and

Guan Linyu sat down face to face even if they were hesitant. "Hold hands." Kong Miao did not forget to emphasize.

Yu Xi said helplessly, "I know."

She stretched out her hand and was about to hold Guan Linyu's hand, but Guan Linyu had already held her hand.

Guan Linyu's palm is very big. Compared with him, Yu Xi's hand is like a child's hand.

He completely wrapped her hand, and the hot palm made it impossible for her to ignore his presence.

The two looked at each other slowly. His eyes were clean and clear, as if there was an endless universe hidden in them, full of brilliant starlight, and the little bits of broken light brightened her eyes.

They were a little uncomfortable at first, and although they tried not to blink, they still blinked a few times.

Chen You had sharp eyes and immediately counted beside him, "You blinked twice, add twenty seconds."

Kong Miao immediately agreed, and counted while answering: "Got it, 30, 31, 32..."

The two of them really cooperated well.

[It's so funny, Chen You and Kong Miao must have done it on purpose. ]

[I think so too, they want to match Yu Xi and Guan Linyu. ]

[In fact, I think Yu Xi must like Guan Linyu, otherwise why would she marry him. ]

[Didn't she say that she agreed to marry him because he was good-looking? It was probably love at first sight, but after so long, the passion has faded. ]

[In fact, Yu Xi is also quite pitiful. If Guan Linyu doesn't go home, it must be difficult for her to be alone. ]

[Where is pitiful? Damn, marrying a very handsome man, rich, a peasant girl married directly into a wealthy family, and she doesn’t even have to worry about it, she is so lucky. 】

【I think so too, if it were me, I would wake up laughing in my dreams. 】

Guan Linyu found that it was the first time that he looked at Yu Xi’s face so carefully.

Even on the day of their wedding, he didn’t look at her face like this.

The sixty seconds were getting longer and longer, but he seemed to have forgotten the time.

Yu Xi opened her eyes hard to stop herself from blinking. Her expression was very vivid. Her gentle eyes had become moist because they had been open for a long time. The soft light was full of water, like a meteor, falling into her eyes, stirring up circles of ripples. In the shimmering water, he had been slowly absorbed by her eyes.

She did not notice the change in Guan Linyu’s eyes, but just listened carefully to Kong Miao’s count, thinking to herself, why is it not over yet. At

this time, Guan Linyu suddenly blinked.

Chen You immediately said, "You blinked again, add ten seconds."

Yu Xi immediately glared at Guan Linyu unhappily, looking at him accusingly, "Why did you blink again?"

Guan Linyu was suddenly stunned by Yu Xi's retort.

Annoyance appeared on Yu Xi's face, and her eyes were bright. What was different from before was that her eyes were not so empty, but became lively and bright, and the whole person was as fresh as a flower that suddenly bloomed.

Although Yu Xi's tone was a bit fierce, Guan Linyu actually raised the corners of his lips.

Yu Xi looked puzzled. He could actually laugh. When would he be able to see this? Her palms were sweating. It was all because this man's hands were too hot and burned her hands.

This was the first time that Guan Linyu smiled on the show. In fact, he almost never smiled in front of Yu Xi.

But Yu Xi's mind was not on this at all, so he didn't react immediately.

[Guan Linyu actually smiled? I must have seen it wrong, his smile was too beautiful! ! ! 】

【Oh my god, this is my dream man! 】

【Wow, it must be love! 】

【Guan Linyu has feelings for Yu Xi! I can guarantee it. 】

【I suddenly feel like I'm okay again, I can do it! 】

When Chen You said it was okay, Yu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes were sore.

Maybe they had been holding hands for too long, so she was used to it. Although she told them that the time was up, she and Guan Linyu didn't let go of each other's hands immediately.

Yu Xi forgot.

When she reacted, she looked at her and Guan Linyu's hands in surprise. What's going on?

Don't let go?

Yu Xi felt her palms were full of sweat. She tried to break free, but found that Guan Linyu held it tighter.

Yu Xi glanced at Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu also looked at her, his eyes seemed a little gentle.

Yu Xi said puzzledly: "Did you forget something?"

"What?" Guan Linyu tilted his head and looked at her.

I don't know why, from Yu Xi's perspective looking at Guan Linyu, he actually felt that his action just now was a little silly.

"Let go of my hand." Yu Xi raised her hand.

Guan Linyu seemed to have just remembered this. He was stunned for a moment, nodded and let go of her hand.

Yu Xi finally regained her freedom. Her palms were wet, and the heat seemed to still remain in her hands. Although it suddenly became cold and her palms were still a little uncomfortable, the feeling of being held was not very comfortable.

Because Guan Linyu kept holding her tightly and did not move at all. He kept her hand imprisoned in his hand. She could not move at all. It would be strange if she felt comfortable.

Yu Xi took out a tissue from her pocket and wanted to wipe the sweat off her hands, but her behavior was seen by others as something else.

[It is too obvious that she has to wipe her hands after holding hands with Guan Linyu. Does she dislike Guan Linyu so much? ]

[Why is this happening? It seems that Yu Xi does not like Guan Linyu at all. ]

【Guan Linyu saw it! He looked very surprised. 】

【Who can stand this? Yu Xi is really something. Is he

doing this on purpose? 】 【I don’t understand. Do you hate Guan Linyu so much? 】

【It turns out that love can really disappear. If that’s the case, then why get married. 】

【Fortunately, there are no children, otherwise the children will be sad to see their parents like this. 】

Yu Xi didn’t think so much at all. She just felt uncomfortable with sweaty palms.

But when she looked up, she saw Chen You and Kong Miao with heartbroken expressions.

Guan Linyu looked at her strangely.

But Xie Yilin smiled happily.

Guan Linyu stood up and said, "It’s late. Let’s not play anymore."

Xie Yilin said with a smile, "You are tired, so let’s not play anymore. Go upstairs and rest early." Guan Linyu

didn’t look at her. He hummed and walked into the house.

Xie Yilin looked at Yu Xi: "Yu Xi, have you finished eating the melon seeds? Give me some, I want to try it too."

Yu Xi said lightly: "Then the rest will be given to you, I don't want it either."

Xie Yilin: "..."

What does Yu Xi mean by this? Give her the rest?

Will she take what she doesn't want?

She gritted her teeth, although she was angry, she couldn't vent.

Because her words were not obvious, if she made a fuss, the audience might say that she was troublesome.

Yu Xi stood up and said, "I'll go count the chickens to see if they have come back."

Kong Miao and Chen You looked at each other and followed.

When there were only three of them left, Kong Miao said, "Yu Xi, do you really not like Brother Guan at all?"

Yu Xi asked puzzledly, "Why do you ask that?"

Chen You: "When you wiped your hands just now, Brother Guan's expression was very ugly."

Yu Xi: "Really?" It seems so.

Kong Miao: "Really, I saw that he was in a good mood, but suddenly his face darkened."

Yu Xi smiled, "Is it so obvious?"

Chen You nodded vigorously, "Yes, he must feel uncomfortable when he saw you wipe your hands quickly after holding hands with him."

Yu Xi: "Oh... but I was sweating."

Kong Miao: "Ah? Are you wiping sweat?"

Yu Xi: "Yes, his hands are too hot, and he sweats after holding hands for a while. It's so uncomfortable if you don't wipe them dry."

"So that's the case, then you should go up and explain to him quickly, so as not to cause misunderstandings." Chen You said hurriedly.

Since it's a misunderstanding, explain it clearly as soon as possible.

"Why explain to him?" Yu Xi said puzzledly.

Kong Miao: "Of course I have to explain, otherwise it will affect your relationship."

Yu Xi: "But I don't have much feelings for him, it doesn't matter."

Chen You: "...ah this..."

Kong Miao had a sad face. She was eating candy just now and felt very sweet. Yu Xi's words were simply feeding her a knife, which was really hard to accept.

"But you are husband and wife."

Chen You continued to persuade: "Yes, you are so well-matched, Miaomiao and I don't want to see you separate!"

Yu Xi asked doubtfully: "How are we a good match?"

Kong Miao: "Face!"

Chen You: "You look like a pair of lovers, made in heaven!"

Yu Xi thought about it, "That's true."

Kong Miao looked at her in surprise, thinking that her persuasion had worked.

Chen You's eyes lit up, "Then do you want to go upstairs quickly..."

Yu Xi shook her head: "No, didn't I say I would count whether the chickens have come back?"

Kong Miao took a deep breath and couldn't stand it anymore, "You, you, you, hurry upstairs, I'll count the chickens!"

Chen You also pulled Yu Xi, "You are still thinking about the chickens at this time! Don't you want to think about your husband being sad upstairs."

Yu Xi: "He will be sad?"

I don't believe it.

Chen You: "Of course, I can see it."

Kong Miao also nodded vigorously, "Yes, just believe us."

Xie Yilin just saw the three of them sneaking here, they must have something to say that they were hiding from her alone, so she followed them.

Sure enough, she heard them talking about Guan Linyu.

But she had only listened to a few words when she was discovered by Yu Xi.

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 119. Chapter 118 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 118

Yu Xi, the wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network, turned her head and looked at Xie Yilin who was sneaking behind her: "Why are you hiding behind us?"

Xie Yilin: "Ah? I just came to see what you are doing, I'm not hiding."

Yu Xi: "Then you didn't say anything either."

Xie Yilin was embarrassed, "I forgot."

Kong Miao and Chen You didn't think much about it, now they just want Yu Xi to go upstairs quickly.

Chen You: "Hey, Sister Xie, come and persuade Yu Xi, let her go to coax Brother Guan."

Xie Yilin asked knowingly, "Coax Guan Linyu? Why?"

Kong Miao: "Of course it's because Yu Xi's action just now made Brother Guan misunderstand and unhappy."

Xie Yilin: "What action? Why don't I feel there is any problem."

Yu Xi smiled, "Okay, don't worry, I will take care of it myself."

Xie Yilin: "Oh, are you talking about Yu Xi's action of wiping her hands just now? I think it's okay, it's nothing, I think you are just thinking too much." Chen You

thought about it in confusion, but Guan Linyu's expression just now was really not very good.


Yu Xi opened the door and saw Guan Linyu smoking on the balcony.

He had a newly lit cigarette between his fingers. The slender cigarette body and white cigarette paper made his fingers look slender and straight. The scarlet cigarette butt flickered in the dark night, flashing a dark red light. His figure disappeared in the night. At first glance, his tall figure gave people a sense of oppression and depression.

The moment Yu Xi opened the door, he put the cigarette in his hand back. After seeing Yu Xi, his deep eyes flashed. He looked at Yu Xi steadily and did not move his eyes away for a long time.

Yu Xi entered the door and closed it. He glanced at Guan Linyu, walked to the balcony door, and looked down at Guan Linyu, "Why are you smoking?"

Guan Linyu: "Well, I suddenly want to smoke."

He rarely smokes, and only smokes one when he is upset. In fact, he doesn't feel much about cigarettes, but he has to say that sometimes smoking one can calm his mind.

It seems that when he is puffing, his mind can be clear and relaxed for a moment.

Yu Xi frowned slightly.

The two looked at each other, and Yu Xi suddenly asked, "Do you want to drink something?"

"Hmm?" Guan Linyu asked hesitantly, "What?"

He probably understood, but was not sure.

"I mean, drink some wine. I brought plum wine and peach wine that I brewed myself. Do you want to drink?" Yu Xi pointed to the suitcase, "If you want to drink, I'll take it out."

Guan Linyu looked at her in surprise.

Yu Xi shrugged, "Forget it if you don't want to drink, then I'll go wash up first."

Guan Linyu's fingers paused, "Hmm."

Yu Xi turned and went to the bathroom.

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi's back, and slowly put out the cigarette butt with his fingers. His fingers didn't seem to feel any pain, and his expression was always indifferent. The

handsome eyebrows and eyes also exuded extreme attraction in the dark.

Yu Xi lingered in the bathroom, taking a shower and washing his hair, doing a facial cleansing massage, and applying a facial mask before coming out of the bathroom.

Guan Linyu had been blowing the breeze on the balcony for an hour.

There were two cigarette butts in the ashtray. He was leaning back in the chair in a relaxed manner. He was originally lying down to look at the moon, but when he heard the sound, he turned around and looked over.

Guan Linyu suddenly said, "Have a drink."

Yu Xi: "What?"

Guan Linyu: "Drink a little, not too much."

Yu Xi smiled. When she smiled, her dimples and eyebrows became lively. Her beautiful eyes suddenly became charming and seductive. She walked in front of Guan Linyu and said, "What? I asked you if you wanted to drink just now, but you didn't say anything. Why do you want to drink now?"

Her tone was teasing, and she didn't realize that she was wearing pajamas. Although not revealing, they were thin. Because they were wet when she applied the mask and washed her clothes just now, the collar of her clothes was faintly transparent.

The fragrance on her body almost surrounded Guan Linyu, and his nose could only smell the fragrance of Yu Xi.

Last night, he kept smelling this smell and fell asleep. Now he smelled it again, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Yu Xi sat on the bed, letting her long wet hair wet her shoulders. She just stared at Guan Linyu, wanting to see how he would answer.

But Guan Linyu looked at her, not saying anything for a long time, his dark eyes seemed to pull her in.

"I suddenly want to drink."

"Then go get it." Yu Xi wiped her hair lazily.

Guan Linyu: "Is it in the box?"

Yu Xi: "Yeah."

Her voice was lazy and charming, and a hint of charm seemed to be able to penetrate into people's hearts without a trace.

Maybe it was because the night was so charming, so the room where they were alone also gave rise to a hint of ambiguity.

Guan Linyu blinked, not understanding what the strange thought in his mind was at the moment. He didn't think much about it, and stood up to open the box to get the wine.

Yu Xi stepped lightly on her slippers and walked to the balcony. She tilted her head and let her long black hair fall down. She slowly turned her head and gently swept her eyes towards Guan Linyu, "Oh, by the way, there are no cups in the room. Go down and get two cups."

Her action was like a charming smile, revealing her charming beauty.

[Oh my god, I can't stand it. Yu Xi is so beautiful. ]

[I'm really going to cry because of Yu Xi's beauty. With such a wife, Guan Linyu, you don't even go home. What kind of man are you? ]

[Guan Linyu, you are so lucky but you don't cherish it. ]

[These two people are really a good match. ]

[Want to drink? Will something happen after drinking? ]

[Hahahaha, although, I really want to see what will happen after they drink. ]

[It can't be broadcast! Hehehe. ]

Guan Linyu passed by the second floor and heard a voice coming from Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian's room. It seemed that Xie Yilin said she wanted to go downstairs to take a look. Guan Linyu didn't stop for a moment, and went directly to the first floor to find two cups and went up.

But he was seen by Kong Miao who came out to get water. Kong Miao saw him holding a cup and going upstairs. Curious about how he and Yu Xi were doing, she called him.

"Brother Guan, wait a minute." Kong Miao was afraid that Guan Linyu would leave, so she ran over to stop him.

"Is there something wrong?" Guan Linyu had hardly ever talked to other women.

This was also the first time Kong Miao took the initiative to talk to Guan Linyu. To be honest, she was quite nervous.

Because Guan Linyu's expression was too cold, Kong Miao's heartbeat quickened. She regretted that she shouldn't have called Guan Linyu. Wouldn't it be better to ask Yu Xi tomorrow?

But since she had already called him, she might as well ask.

Guan Linyu is not a monster. What is there to be afraid of? He is just too handsome and intimidating, so he gives people a great sense of oppression.

Kong Miao: "Brother Guan, how are you and Yu Xi doing?"

"Huh?" Guan Linyu looked at her puzzledly.

Kong Miao thought about it and didn't know how to ask, "That is, you didn't quarrel, did you?" Guan Linyu

's expression also changed a little, but he still answered lightly: "No."

"Really? That's good." Kong Miao breathed a sigh of relief, "I was still worried."

After asking, Kong Miao was about to get some water, but Guan Linyu said, "What are you worried about?"

Kong Miao: "Just... worried that you two would quarrel." Guan

Linyu thought for a while, "We won't quarrel."

Kong Miao listened and thought about it, and for a moment he couldn't figure out the specific meaning of this sentence.

Won't quarrel? Is it impossible to quarrel, or does he think that with their relationship, there is no need to quarrel, anyway, there is no emotion, and there is no good impact?

Not knowing which one it was, Kong Miao was curious, but she also knew that she couldn't ask too much, so she nodded, "That's good, I think Brother Guan and Sister Yu Xi are a good match, I hope you will always be well."

Guan Linyu frowned.

A good match?


Back in the room, Yu Xi was already lying on the bed.

She was reading again.

I don't know when she loved reading so much.

Guan Linyu glanced at her, and seeing that she seemed not to have heard the sound of his return, he said, "I've got it."

Yu Xi was lying on her back reading a book, and she placed it on the bedside. She supported her upper body with her hands, and raised her legs with her legs bent. When she heard the voice, she slowly raised her head and looked at Guan Linyu.

"Well, then you take out the wine and drink it on the balcony."

She directed Guan Linyu, not at all embarrassed.

Guan Linyu thought carefully, it seemed that in the few times they had been together before, Yu Xi had always done everything well, and he didn't need to do anything, not to mention like now, he just opened his mouth and closed his mouth and asked him to do anything.

Guan Linyu didn't know what caused Yu Xi to change so much.

But he didn't reject doing these little things, and he did it as Yu Xi said.

When he opened the box, he found two pottery jars filled with wine, and the bottle mouths were tied tightly with ropes, so there would be no leakage.

Guan Linyu thought that such bottles would definitely leak some wine, but the bottle of wine was wrapped tightly, and it was difficult to open it.

Guan Linyu: "Aren't you coming?"

Yu Xi hummed, "Come on, aren't you ready yet?"

Guan Linyu took the wine to the balcony, poured it, and then called Yu Xi over.

Yu Xi glanced at the two cups indifferently, knowing that the wine was poured, and then he got up with a smile, "You know what, this book is quite interesting."

"Is it the same one as yesterday?"


Guan Linyu was a little curious, so he took a closer look.

It was indeed a new book, with a pink cover, a woman on it, and a lot of words.

The most eye-catching sentence should be the title:

Guan Linyu was stunned for a few seconds when he saw the title of the book. His expression was obviously stunned, and his eyes were fixed on the cover of the book.

He was even more surprised than when he saw the name of the book yesterday.

Guan Linyu: "..."

He finally couldn't help asking: "Where did you get these books?"

Yu Xi: "I borrowed them from my aunt at home."


Guan Linyu had no idea that his aunt at home had such books.

In fact, it was because Yu Xi and Guan Linyu had a bad relationship, and Guan Linyu didn't go home. The aunt at home thought that reading these books would help Yu Xi change her personality a little and become more likable.

Otherwise, if Guan Linyu was away from home for such a long time, the marriage between the two would really end.

The aunt herself didn't know how to teach people. She had been honest all her life, and her husband was also met by her family through a blind date, so she got two books for Yu Xi.

One was the one Yu Xi read yesterday, and the other was the one Yu Xi was reading - "How to Make Your Husband Spoil You Forever"

. Yu Xi laughed as she read.

Guan Linyu thought she was reading a joke book.

But thinking of the title, it didn't seem like a joke book.

Is it so funny?

Guan Linyu felt that he was getting more and more confused about his wife.

He always felt that he and his wife were from two different worlds, and it was difficult for each other to enter each other's world, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​trying.

Now, he has only been with her for two days.

He also felt that he seemed to have never really understood the woman in front of him.

Guan Linyu absent-mindedly arranged the table and chairs, and put the wine bottle and cup on the table. After doing this, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have changed recently.

"Do you want to read more?"

Yu Xi: "No, I'm coming."

Yu Xi got up from the bed and threw the book aside.

"Why are you reading that kind of book?"

Guan Linyu didn't think that Yu Xi was reading to understand "how to make your husband spoil you forever."

Yu Xi: "Study, study."

Guan Linyu: "..."

He didn't believe Yu Xi's nonsense.

Yu Xi poured a glass of wine for each of them. The glass was not big, and there was not much when it was filled.

She picked up the wine and was about to take a sip to taste it, when she heard Guan Linyu suddenly ask: "So what did you learn?"

"I learned a lot."

"Tell me about it."

"This, it can only be understood but not expressed in words." Yu Xi kept it a secret, pretending to be mysterious, and then drank the glass of wine directly. Guan

Linyu was shocked by her drinking.

"Why do you drink so fast?"

"This is fruit wine, and there is not much in a glass." Yu Xi didn't care.

Guan Linyu frowned and looked at Yu Xi disapprovingly, "Although it is fruit wine, it is the wine I brewed myself, and the alcohol content is not low. You can't drink too much just because it tastes good."

Yu Xi showed a surprised expression, "Okay, okay, didn't you say you wanted to drink? Why are you talking about me?"

Guan Linyu took a sip helplessly.

He can drink. There are so many banquets and dinners, so it is inevitable to drink. He doesn't smoke, but he drinks a lot of wine and has a good alcohol tolerance.

But he never knew that Yu Xi can also drink and brew wine by himself.

This plum wine tastes really good, with a mellow aroma, comfortable in the throat, and also comfortable in the stomach.

"Did you brew it yourself?" Guan Linyu asked.

Yu Xi raised his eyebrows, "Well, is it delicious?"

Guan Linyu nodded, "Yes."

Yu Xi smiled and poured herself another glass, but did not pour for Guan Linyu, but drank a glass by herself.

Guan Linyu saw that she was drinking so vigorously alone, and stared at her for a long time.

But Yu Xi didn't care. She drank and admired the moon. "The moon is so beautiful tonight. It's really suitable for drinking."

Guan Linyu saw that she was in high spirits. "Do you like drinking?"

"It's okay." Yu Xi smiled. "Anyway, I drink a little when I have nothing to do."

Otherwise, she wouldn't have brought wine this time.

Guan Linyu: "How much can you drink?"

Yu Xi raised her eyebrows, "I don't know, I rarely get drunk."

Guan Linyu was a little surprised. Does this mean that she can drink a lot?

"Why would a girl drink so much?"

Yu Xi changed her sitting position, leaned forward, and got closer to Guan Linyu. She looked up and looked at him, her soft eyes looking at him, as if there was a spring of spring water hidden in her eyes, and her watery eyes made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Guan Linyu leaned back and kept a distance from her, "What's wrong?"

As soon as Yu Xi got closer, he smelled the fragrance and felt a little weird.

Yu Xi: "I think you're weird." Guan Linyu

: "What's weird?"

He picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass. When he looked up, he subconsciously glanced at Yu Xi from the corner of his eye.

"You never cared about me before, you didn't know whether I drank or not." This time, Yu Xi didn't pour only for herself, but filled Guan Linyu's glass as well.

Guan Linyu glanced at the wine glass, "I'm very busy at work, you know."

Yu Xi: "How should I know? Besides, what does it matter if I know?"

Guan Linyu didn't understand what she meant.

What does it mean to know?

The two were silent for a while.

Yu Xi toasted Guan Linyu one glass after another.

Seeing that the bottle of plum wine was almost empty, Guan Linyu said, "Just drink a little, no more."

Yu Xi: "I'll drink mine, if you don't want to drink, go wash up."

She looked like she didn't take Guan Linyu's words seriously at all, as if she was going to get drunk alone tonight.

"Don't get drunk."

Yu Xi waved her hand, "No."

After saying that, she got up and went to get another bottle of wine in the box.

Although she wasn't drunk, she still felt a little dizzy when she stood up suddenly.

She swayed a little, and Guan Linyu immediately reached out and grabbed her.

Yu Xi didn't even fall, but Guan Linyu made a fuss and said, "You said you wouldn't get drunk."

Yu Xi didn't want to explain that she wasn't drunk, because once she said I wasn't drunk, she would look more like a drunkard.

She rolled her eyes at Guan Linyu, as if she was not satisfied with what he said.

Guan Linyu was confused by Yu Xi's glare.

She was about to fall, and he helped her up, but she got angry.

Yu Xi broke free from his hand, put her hands on her hips, and said to him in a very imposing manner: "Don't meddle in the affairs of beautiful women."

Guan Linyu: "..." It seems that he is very drunk.

[Yu Xi is so cute, hahahaha. ]

[Don't meddle in the affairs of no-girls! What a cute thing to say. ]

[The daily life of this couple is so good to watch. Although not as sweet as others, I always feel the excitement of getting married first and then falling in love. ]

[I am attracted by Yu Xi, who is strong and cute, so interesting. ]

[Why do I feel that Guan Linyu's eyes are a bit doting when he looks at Yu Xi. ]

[I have already begun to wonder what will happen when these two are drunk! ]

Yu Xi took out another bottle of wine, and when she was about to pour herself a glass of wine, Guan Linyu held her wrist.

"What?" Yu Xi said in a dissatisfied tone.

Guan Linyu: "I'll pour it for you."

Yu Xi raised her eyebrows, "Hmm?"

She looked at Guan Linyu in disbelief, with an expression that said you must be trying to snatch my wine.

Guan Linyu: "I'll pour it for you, you give it to me."

Yu Xi snorted, "I don't believe it."

Guan Linyu: "Really."

"Liar, I won't believe a man like you."

Guan Linyu didn't understand what a man like you was.

"What kind of man am I?"

Yu Xi narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Do you really want to know?"

Guan Linyu: "You say."

Yu Xi: "Dog man."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi poured herself a glass of wine after she finished speaking, "Hehe, go take a shower, stinky man."

Guan Linyu: "Are you sure you're not drunk?"

Yu Xi: "No."

Not drunk, at most a little drunk, so she didn't have to think about what she was saying. This kind of tipsy feeling was actually the most comfortable.

In this state, she didn't have to be polite to Guan Linyu at all, but she was still restrained.

Otherwise, his crimes would be too numerous to list.

Yu Xi thought about it, and he deserved to scold the original owner for his cold violence.

Yu Xi wanted to continue drinking, and Guan Linyu sat down again.

Seeing that he seemed to want to continue drinking with her, Yu Xi was unwilling, "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to take a shower?"

Guan Linyu: "I want to drink with you."

"I won't."

When she said these two words, she glanced at Guan Linyu lightly. She was imitating Guan Linyu, and she was very similar.

Especially that expression, which was very vivid.

Guan Linyu was stunned.

Cold and pure, proud, and a little distant, just a look can distance the two people.

Make the other party not know what to say, and dare not approach easily.

Guan Linyu is such a person.

Seeing such an expression on Yu Xi's face, Guan Linyu was not used to it for a while.

When he treats others, of course he will not look in the mirror, but he still knows himself, so he didn't react at first glance, and after a while he thought that this is how he usually treats others.

He didn't know how Yu Xi learned it.

He looked at Yu Xi helplessly, "Okay."

Yu Xi ignored him.

Guan Linyu showed patience to Yu Xi, "Either drink together, or don't drink at all."

"Why? I brewed the wine, I said I want to drink it by myself, so I drink it by myself." Her stubborn tone didn't seem like she could negotiate at all.

Guan Linyu was silent for a long time, "Yeah."

[It feels like Guan Linyu is angry, it's a bit scary. ]

[No way, Yu Xi is so beautiful and cute, who can bear to be angry with her. ]

[To be honest, it's also very interesting to watch them quarreling, hahaha. ]

[I think it's very real, not like acting at all. ]

[This is a reality show, it's great. ]

When Guan Linyu stood up, the audience thought he was going to leave, but he stood there staring at Yu Xi for a while.

Although Yu Xi knew he was looking at her, she didn't even raise her head.

Guan Linyu suddenly reached out and took the bottle of wine from Yu Xi's hand.

"No more drinking."

Yu Xi: "If you say no, then no, I said you can't control me."

Guan Linyu said coldly: "Why can't I control you."

Yu Xi smiled, grabbed his collar, hugged him as if hugging his neck, and then leaned close to his ear, her hot breath fell on his ear, leaving a wet and hot touch. The

strong impact made Guan Linyu tense up in an instant.

He didn't move, his heart was already tightened.

Yu Xi whispered in his ear: "Because... after we leave this show, we will get divorced."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 120. Chapter 119 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 119

Yu Xi, the wife of the rich CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network, said this to him after she pulled off the microphone.

The audience only saw her talking in Guan Linyu's ear, but didn't hear what she said, and thought it was rye.

Because they couldn't hear, they only saw the two of them hugging each other, and the audience was all screaming and eating it up.

[Oh my god, they actually hugged each other directly. ]

[Fuck, the atmosphere is so intense, it's going crazy. ]

[Yu Xi is so flirtatious, who can resist this. ]

[What are you talking about? Can't we listen to it? ]

[Wow, I really want to know what you are talking about, is it something very flirtatious. ]

Guan Linyu stared into Yu Xi's eyes.

Yu Xi didn't let go, she still hugged Guan Linyu's neck, because of the height difference, she was almost hanging on his neck.

When she looked up, she found that the temperature in his eyes slowly faded, and the look in his eyes when he looked at her became deep.

"Then it's up to you."

After saying that, Guan Linyu didn't care about Yu Xi anymore, but he didn't push Yu Xi away, letting Yu Xi hug him like this.

Instead, Yu Xi laughed, then lazily let go of her hand. Her indifferent attitude made Guan Linyu's eyes even colder.

After turning off the lights and lying down.

Guan Linyu and Yu Xi both kept their distance deliberately.

Unlike last night, both knew that the other was not asleep, but neither of them spoke, and they slept with their backs to each other.

Guan Linyu kept thinking about what Yu Xi said.

Leaving the show will lead to divorce.

Yes, that was what he planned at the beginning.

Half a month passed quickly, and after it passed, they got a divorce.

But the moment he heard these words from Yu Xi's mouth, his first reaction was surprise, not relief as he had imagined.

In the darkness, all the faint sounds were amplified, and Guan Linyu's mind was a little confused.

He had smoked two cigarettes today, which was already a lot for him.

But at this moment, he had the urge to smoke again.

His heart couldn't calm down.

Even keeping himself in one position was a little difficult. With

an uneasy heart and a confused mind, he couldn't fall asleep peacefully.

He finally turned over and looked at Yu Xi.

Although the room was dark, he could feel that Yu Xi only had his back to him.

Time passed by bit by bit, and Guan Linyu was still not sleepy.

He finally got up and turned on the bedside lamp.

The dim light hung on the wall, and he could see that Yu Xi had her back to him as if she was asleep.

Guan Linyu got up and wanted to smoke another cigarette, but his reason was restraining him. He has always been a restrained and self-controlled person.

But today, in front of Yu Xi, his self-control seemed to disappear, otherwise he would not have smoked the previous two cigarettes.

He was originally annoyed because Yu Xi wiped her hands and disliked his touch. Yu Xi took the initiative to ask him if he wanted to drink. He thought that Yu Xi was taking the initiative to break the awkwardness. His previous emotions dissipated a lot under his self-regulation, and he didn't need to care about it.

But at this time, the previous annoyance came up again, coupled with the entanglement at this moment.

Forget it, let's get some fresh air to calm down.

When Guan Linyu got up, he was very careful, supporting himself on the bed with both hands, without making a big noise. After putting on his shoes, he looked back.

Seeing that Yu Xi didn't react ,

he felt a strange discomfort in his heart.

In fact, Yu Xi was not asleep, and she also felt that Guan Linyu got up, but she was too lazy to move, and she really fell asleep not long after.

Guan Linyu came back from blowing the wind, looking at the situation on the bed, his expression was a little stunned.

Yu Xi didn't know when, turned over to his side, occupied his position, and hugged his pillow in her arms as a pillow.

Of course, it is also possible that she was hugging her own pillow while resting on his pillow.

In short, there was no pillow left for Guan Linyu, and she occupied two-thirds of the bed, leaving him only a place at the top edge.

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi helplessly, shook his head, sighed, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He went around to the other side of the bed and reached out to pull the pillow in Yu Xi's arms, but she didn't expect her to hug him tighter and lean towards him, almost pushing him off the bed.

Guan Linyu pushed her shoulder, and Yu Xi seemed to notice something, and actually made way for him.

However, she turned her back again. Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi with his eyes straight, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Guan Linyu picked up the quilt and covered her, then lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling thoughtfully, and didn't fall asleep until late at night.

The next morning.

Guan Linyu woke up, and Yu Xi was no longer in the bed.

He sat up, looked around but didn't see Yu Xi. For some reason, he got out of bed immediately, went to the balcony, and then went to the bathroom.

[Looking for a wife so early in the morning? ]

[If this is not love! ]

[It is said that Guan Linyu doesn't care about Yu Xi, I don't think so. ]

[Look at this anxious look of looking for a wife. ]

[Where is he anxious? It's so funny. Guan Linyu has no expression at all. ]

[Although I didn't see any anxiety, it didn't affect my candy. ]

Yu Xi was making food for herself downstairs.

She brought many packages of powder made from low-temperature roasted grains, such as red bean, coix seed, wolfberry powder, black sesame, mulberry, and chia seed powder, which can be eaten directly after mixing.

This kind of breakfast is convenient and nutritious, and it also has various health-preserving effects.

They are all made by the original owner. They are not only delicious but also very healthy. Although they look gray and not very good, they smell very good when mixed.

"It looks really good." Chen You praised: "Did you make all these yourself?"

Yu Xi nodded, "Yes, do you want a bowl?"

Chen You: "Then I'll try it. I made it myself before, but it didn't taste very good. Yours smells different."

Xie Yilin came downstairs with a cup of water. When she heard their conversation, she came over and said, "What are you talking about?"

Unlike Chen You and Yu Xi, Xie Yilin dressed up carefully early in the morning, with exquisite makeup, wearing a beautiful suit, and her hair was fluffy and shiny, but her complexion didn't look very good. It was obvious that she didn't sleep well.

She dressed up like this yesterday.

Chen You thought it was just the first day, and she would be a little lazy afterwards. Now it seems that she will probably stay like this forever.

Chen You also wanted to put on makeup, but when she got up, she thought that it would be better to sleep for half an hour longer. After all, she is married. Although this is a dating show, she doesn't have to show it to other men, so it's okay to be simple.

Seeing that Yu Xi didn't wear makeup either, she felt relieved.

However, she had to say that even without makeup, Yu Xi was very beautiful.

She is a natural beauty, with light eyebrows but beautiful shapes, full of hair flow, eyes full of spirit, fair skin, or that light cherry pink, lips are darker, perfect, plump and moist, like petals covered with dew.

Seeing such a beauty early in the morning will make you feel better.

When Chen You saw Yu Xi, her first thought was that Guan Linyu was so lucky to see Yu Xi when she woke up in the morning and start a beautiful day.

But if she were a man, she probably wouldn't want to sleep when she saw such a beauty. She would kiss her hard in the morning.

Chen You couldn't tell Yu Xi about the messy thoughts in her mind.

However, when she saw Xie Yilin, who was also very beautiful, she didn't have the same idea.

Instead, she felt that Xie Yilin was a little deliberate. She wasn't a star, and she didn't have any idol baggage. Why did she dress so delicately every morning?

In comparison, Chen You liked Yu Xi more and more.

Yu Xi, a naturally beautiful beauty, is more likable.

Yu Xi didn't seem to want to answer Xie Yilin. Chen You thought about it and replied, "Nothing. Yu Xi made some food and I wanted to try it."

Xie Yilin: "What? Let me see... Grain powder. I rarely eat this. I usually like to drink some bird's nest. It's a pity that I didn't bring it."

Chen You and Yu Xi ignored her.

Xie Yilin quickly added, "But this is also very healthy and smells good. Where did it come from?"

Yu Xi didn't want Chen You to speak for her all the time, so she said lightly, "I brought it from home."

"You have to bring this from home, that's not troublesome, I see you brought a lot of things." Xie Yilin secretly laughed at Yu Xi's petty-mindedness and bringing everything with him.

Yu Xi didn't even bother to perfunctorily respond, and said lightly, "I don't think so." This choked Xie Yilin.

Chen You could feel that something was wrong between the two of them.

But it was normal to think about it. Didn't Xie Yilin like to pass the level before?

In the original plot, no one knew about this. Sometimes, even though Xie Yilin said something unpleasant, no one would think too much about it, nor would they think that Xie Yilin was targeting the original owner.

Now that Yu Xi has laid the matter out on the table, everyone is not a fool. If they just use their brains, they can hear that some words are implicit.

According to Chen You's personality, she is not familiar with everyone yet, so she is naturally impartial and will not tend to help anyone. However, she wanted to get closer to Yu Xi at this moment, so she said, "If I had known earlier, I would have brought more things. The program team really didn't give me anything. Now there is nothing I want to eat."

Three women in one drama.

Xie Yilin immediately heard that Chen You was speaking for Yu Xi.

She smiled, "Yeah, I didn't think of this before I came. I thought we were just having fun together, chatting and having a vacation, but I didn't expect to do so many things."

She found a way out.

After she finished speaking, she smiled and prepared to leave, but when she turned around, she saw Guan Linyu coming over.

Xie Yilin was stunned.

[Guan Linyu is exactly like my dream lover. 】

【He is really handsome. Thirty-five is the best time for a man. 】

【A man is in his prime at the age of thirty-one, and Guan Linyu is the most beautiful one. 】

【My family, I am dying of laughter, but Guan Linyu is indeed aloof, mature and handsome. 】

【I don’t want to covet other people’s husbands, but he is really too handsome, and his parents are both dead and he is rich! 】

【Damn, both parents are dead? He is simply the man chosen by God! Yu Xi, please cherish him! 】

Guan Linyu always attracts the attention of the audience when he appears.

He dressed casually today. After all, he only brought two sets of clothes, and it was just like that after changing them. But he killed other men in seconds with his face and noble temperament.

Everyone loves beauty.

Although he is someone else’s husband, it doesn’t prevent Chen You from secretly admiring him.

She pushed Yu Xi, "Your Lao Guan is here."

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment. What is this name?

What is your Lao Guan.

She turned back helplessly and saw Guan Linyu staring at her intently.

After a good night's sleep, Yu Xi had forgotten what happened last night. She lazily asked, "I'll make some whole grains flour. Do you want to eat it?"

Guan Linyu probably didn't expect Yu Xi to ask him again, and hesitated.

Yu Xi retracted his gaze, "Forget it if you don't want to eat it."

Guan Linyu: "I'll do it myself."

Yu Xi: "Whatever."

She handed Chen You a bowl, "Let's go sit in the yard and eat."

The yard was cool and comfortable. Sitting on a chair with a breeze and eating something was very comfortable.

Chen You also glanced at Guan Linyu and thought, this Guan Linyu is handsome, but he just can't make his wife happy.

And Yu Xi, although beautiful, doesn't give face to her husband.

These two.

It seems that she has to think of a way to help them.

This pair of beauties made in heaven can't be separated.


"Yu Xi, did you explain to Brother Guan when you went upstairs yesterday?" Chen You asked Yu Xi in a low voice.

Yu Xi lowered her head to eat and answered casually: "What do you need to explain?"

Seeing that she had obviously forgotten about it, Chen You said helplessly: "Didn't I ask you to tell Brother Guan last night that you didn't wipe your hands on purpose? It was because of sweating. Did you tell him

about this?" Yu Xi said, "Oh, so that's it."

"Yes, did you tell me?" Chen You looked very concerned.

"No, I drank a little and forgot about it."

Unexpectedly, Chen You's eyes lit up, "Did you drink?"

Yu Xi: "Yeah."

"Then you didn't get drunk?" Chen You was very curious. Although she knew that nothing would happen because she was recording a show, her gossipy eyes exposed her thoughts.

Yu Xi: "No, neither he nor I got drunk."

Chen You's eyes immediately showed a pity, "So, then nothing happened between you?"

[It's so funny, Chen You looks a lot like me last night. ]

[I think Yu Xi was a little drunk last night, but she didn't admit it hahaha. ]

[Not drunk, but definitely tipsy, the two of them were close to each other. 】

【I really like Yu Xi and Guan Linyu. Their suppressed love will explode sooner or later! 】

【Where is it suppressed? You are overthinking. This couple obviously has no feelings for each other. I bet they will get divorced after the show ends. 】


In the afternoon, everyone went out to do the task together.

Just like what I said yesterday, one team for men and one team for women.

The two teams are simply two extremes.

In order to get points, the women worked very hard, especially Chen You who was full of energy and Kong Miao who was full of energy. Although Yu Xi was very Buddhist, she was also very hard-working because she thought that there was no food at home. Seeing that everyone else was so active, Xie Yilin naturally did not dare to slack off. After all, it was important for her to maintain her personality, and she could not let the audience think that she was the only one who did not work.

In the end, they picked all the fruits in the orchard, weighed the fruits and settled the accounts, and directly received 500 points.

As for the men, it was simply a disaster, but it also brought a lot of jokes to the audience that made people laugh and cry.

They first looked for tasks everywhere. Along the way, Hu Bu Ran also said something about making a thousand points to make those women admire him.

Lu Jinnian also agreed, thinking that the four of them could do a big deal together.

Guan Linyu and Ling Su did not speak.

Guan Linyu had been hit by Yu Xi a lot in the past few days, and he had deeply realized that he was not good at this kind of thing.

And Ling Su was also a life rookie who devoted himself to creation.

Unlike the two people who were full of confidence, they still knew that they had no advantage.

Sure enough, it took the four of them half a day to find a task to dig lotus roots.

None of the four of them understood this, so they followed the villagers to learn. Hu Bu'ran didn't learn well either. Seeing that it was getting late, he was eager to go into the water and start digging.

Lu Jinnian thought he understood, so he followed him into the water.

Only Guan Linyu and Ling Su studied hard for a long time.

You have to know that digging lotus roots is not only a physical job but also a technical job.

You have to change into a special outfit for digging lotus roots, carry a high-pressure water gun, and carry a weight of fifty or sixty kilograms. The whole person is heavy. After entering the water, use the water gun to spray water columns to flush the silt fiercely, and after flushing it, you can see the lotus roots.

Lu Jinnian was blinded when he entered the water. It was difficult for him to move when he put on the outfit, and he was not very flexible with the high-pressure water gun. He just stood there and flushed randomly, and the water all rushed to his face.

The flesh on his face was washed back and forth, and his expression management was out of control, and it was distorted and particularly funny.

The audience laughed like thunder and took screenshots crazily. It is estimated that it will not be long before Lu Jinnian's emoticon package will be released.

Hu Bu'ran managed to dig out a few lotus roots by brute force, but they were all broken.

Although Guan Linyu and Ling Su were slow to enter the water, they soon found their way out. However, just as they figured out what to do, they heard Lu Jinnian calling for help.

It turned out that Lu Jinnian had fallen into the mud.

Hu Bu'ran was close, and he ran to save him, but got himself trapped.

Now Guan Linyu and Ling Su couldn't dig any further, and after discussing, they decided that Guan Linyu would go to help, while Ling Su would go to find someone else.

As a result, Guan Linyu ran to save people, but was dragged into the mud by Lu Jinnian and Hu Bu'ran again and couldn't get out.

When the three of them were stuck in the mud, their faces were covered in mud, their hair was a mess, and their bodies were extremely dirty. They

no longer looked as handsome as before.

And their expressions as they looked at the shore waiting for rescue were particularly funny.

Guan Linyu had a blank expression, Hu Bu'ran sighed, and Lu Jinnian kept frowning and wiping the mud off his face.

The scene was so beautiful that the audience was shouting to let their wives come and see what they looked like.

Unexpectedly, the wives were really called over.

The four women had just come out of the supermarket, and their faces were full of smiles, because they exchanged a lot of food with their points, and the four of them felt the joy of labor.

These were all earned by their own hands.

"We must have beaten them today!" Chen You said with a smile.

Kong Miao nodded, "I think so too, we are too awesome, 500 points."

But before they were happy for long, they got the news that their husbands were in trouble, in the direction of the pond.

Several people didn't care too much, and hurried over with things.

When Xie Yilin saw Lu Jinnian, her expression froze.

The next second, she ran over, "Husband, are you okay."

Although she was calling her husband, her eyes were fixed on Guan Linyu, "Why are you like this?"

"Why did you all fall into the mud pond?"

The anxious shouts made the audience laugh.

Chen You was also startled and ran over quickly, "Hu Bu'ran, what are you doing? What's going on."

Kong Miao had a dazed look on his face, and didn't understand what they were doing.

Only Yu Xi was very calm, and walked over slowly.

[I can't laugh anymore, family members, how the hell did you fall into the mud. ]

[Lu Jinnian, tell her quickly that your husband is digging lotus roots, hahaha. ]

[How can Yu Xi be so calm, this is the difference. ]

[It turns out that you don't love them, you guys should stop criticizing this couple. ]

[If you want to criticize them, of course you have to criticize Xie and Lu, look how anxious Xie Yilin is. ]

Yu Xi: "I guess they won't be able to come out for a while, let's go back and cook first."

Chen You: "Ah? That won't work, what will happen to them if we leave."

Yu Xi: "It's useless for us to be here, and you can't go down to save people."

Xie Yilin looked at Yu Xi in surprise: "Yu Xi, how can you do this, even if we can't save people, we can still cheer them up here, otherwise they will be so sad."

Kong Miao: "I also think it's not a good idea to leave now."

Chen You: "We can't leave them behind." Yu Xi

said calmly: "Aren't you hungry?"

Everyone was silent.

Hungry, of course I'm hungry!

I have been busy all afternoon and done so much physical work. I have never been so tired since I was a child!

Xie Yilin's stomach growled at the right time.

Then the others seemed to be infected.

Kong Miao and Chen You's stomachs also growled.

The sounds of their three stomachs were different.

Yu Xi looked at the three of them, and they all looked away embarrassedly.

Yu Xi asked the three men in the quagmire: "Where is Ling Su? Where did he go?"

Hu Bu'ran: "He went to find reinforcements. Someone should be here soon. Don't worry!"

Lu Jinnian: "Yes, we are fine. We will be out soon." Guan Linyu

did not speak, nor did he look at Yu Xi.

Although he was in this situation, he was still awe-inspiring and arrogant, but the way he avoided Yu Xi showed that he knew he was in a mess.

Chen You glanced hesitantly at Hu Bu'ran who was in the mud, "Hubby! Are you okay?"

Although Hu Bu'ran felt very uncomfortable, in order not to worry his wife, he kept shouting, "Hubby, don't worry, I'm fine, it's just an accident."

Chen You: "Then... why don't you wait here for Ling Su to come, and we'll go back to make food first."

Hu Bu'ran's pupils trembled, and he looked shocked.

But his face was covered in mud, and Chen You couldn't see it at all.

Xie Yilin said sweetly, "Hubby, are you hungry? Let's go back and prepare food first, and you'll have food when you come back."

Of course Lu Jinnian knew what Xie Yilin meant. He forced a smile, but he felt even worse when he smiled. "Okay, then you guys go back first."

Kong Miao knew Ling Su wasn't here, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't say anything, she also wanted to go back. She was sweating all over and was anxious to take a shower.

[I'm dying of laughter. I really can't take it anymore.]

[Just now she was indignant and said she wanted to wait for her husband to come out together.]

[Hahahahaha, she was talking about Yu Xi just now.]

[Being hungry is the most important thing in the world!]

[Suddenly I felt that my husbands were so miserable, but it was so funny hahaha.]

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☆ 121. Chapter 120 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 120

Yu Xi, the wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network, looked at Guan Linyu, thought for a while, and called out: "Guan Linyu."

Guan Linyu was stunned for a moment, and he looked over hesitantly.

Yu Xi: "We are leaving, you can just go take a shower when you come back later."

After that, Yu Xi left without looking back.

Hu Bu Ran saw that they really left as soon as they said they would, and sighed exaggeratedly: "I didn't expect them to really leave, I thought they would stay with us."

Lu Jinnian: "You can't help if you stay, it's better to go back first."

Hu Bu Ran: "That's what I said, but I'm really sad that they really left."

Lu Jinnian didn't care. Anyway, even if Xie Yilin stayed, it was just a pretense, and he had to cooperate. He thought it was fun to act occasionally, but if he kept acting, he would be exhausted. Now he was only thinking about when Ling Su would bring people to rescue them.

"How long has Ling Su been gone?"

Hu Bu'ran: "I don't know, it seems like a long time."

Guan Linyu: "Thirteen minutes."

"So long." Lu Jinnian felt that his face was very dry, and the mud on his face had been stretched tight against his skin, turning into layers of cracks as he spoke.

"By the way, Yu Xi just asked you to take a shower as soon as you got back. Do you dislike us being dirty in here?" Hu Bu'ran suddenly said.

Guan Linyu: "..."

[Hahahahaha, do you even need to ask this? Of course. ]

[Seeing through but not saying it, Guan Linyu didn't say anything, but Hu Bu'ran still had to point it out. ]

[To be honest, it's really dirty, no matter how handsome he is, he's still dirty, he's not a lotus, he can't get stained by mud. . ]

[The husbands are really miserable, it's so funny, no one has come to rescue them yet? ]

[To be honest, I think Guan Linyu is really a bit like a lotus, he still maintains his temperament in the mud. ]

Only a few lotus roots were dug out, and the three of them were trapped in the mud for more than half an hour before they were rescued by the villagers.

Now, the audience knows how difficult the job of digging lotus roots is. The three husbands were made into various emoticons. The program was on the hot search and became popular overnight.

The next day, the husbands received their own emoticons.

Guan Linyu stood in the mud, expressionless and stiff, with the caption: Untainted by the mud.

Lu Jinnian used a water gun to flush the mud, but the mud was all washed onto his face, with the caption: Caught off guard.

Hu Bu Ran fluttered to rescue Lu Jinnian, but he also fell in. He grabbed Lu Jinnian with one hand, and the two fell into the mud, with the caption: I won't leave you alone.

Ling Su brought five villagers to help, standing on the shore shouting to his brothers, with the caption: Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you.

Yu Xi saw a lot of Guan Linyu's emoticons on the Internet.

She was sitting in the yard, scrolling through Weibo and laughing. When Kong Miao came over, she happened to see Yu Xi laughing from ear to ear.

Kong Miao: "Sister Yu Xi, what are you laughing at?"

Yu Xi: "I saw something interesting."

Kong Miao: "What? Let me see."

Yu Xi held up her phone to show her. Kong Miao leaned in and saw that it was Guan Linyu's emoticon package and laughed out loud, "Pfft! This... I saw a lot of it today, hahahaha, so funny."

"Yeah, only your Ling Su didn't fall into it, everyone else has a lot of emoticons."

"Ling Su has one too, I'm still showing it to him." Kong Miao thought about how she had just sent a whole set of emoticons to Ling Su, and Ling Su looked like he had no desire to live, and she found it interesting. "

Sister Yu Xi, do you want to send Brother Guan's emoticon package to him to see how he reacts." Kong Miao suggested.

Yu Xi: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it, he definitely won't look at it."

As she spoke, she looked for Guan Linyu's name on WeChat.

The two hadn't spoken since they added each other as friends, so her and Guan Linyu's chat box had been pushed to the bottom, and she searched for a while before she found it.

There was only an initial notification of adding a friend in the chat box.

At this time, Guan Linyu should be upstairs, and no one knew what he was doing.

Yu Xi first sent an emoticon package to greet him.

It was a photo of Guan Linyu preparing to go into the water on the shore, with a few words: "Be careful of testing."

Guan Linyu happened to be dealing with company matters, and he received a lot of emails every day, and some of the documents in them needed his review.

When Yu Xi's message came, he did not check it immediately, but waited until he finished reading the email he was reading before switching to it.

Seeing that it was a message from Yu Xi, his face was a little confused.

This was the first time Yu Xi sent him a message.

The message box showed that she sent a picture.

Guan Linyu hesitated for a moment before clicking in.

The moment he saw his own emoticon package, Guan Linyu frowned, and he held the phone for a long time without knowing what to reply.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xi sent another picture.

[How could this be.jpg]

This picture was a picture of him digging out a broken lotus root after going into the water, with a dull expression.

He looked at the phone helplessly and replied with a question mark.

After receiving the question mark, Yu Xi became more excited.

In a fit of anger, he sent him three more pictures.

Kong Miao watched the whole process and laughed the whole time.

"Brother Guan must be embarrassed."

Yu Xi smiled, "He won't, men are thick-skinned."

Kong Miao: "Really?"

Yu Xi: "Yeah."

"Then why don't you send a few more." Kong Miao suggested.

Yu Xi: "Sure, you can see which ones are funnier."

The two of them went to Weibo excitedly to choose. Just after they made their choice and before they had time to send it, they heard Guan Linyu's voice from above their heads.

"Yu Xi."

Guan Linyu was standing on the balcony, looking down at them.

He had an indifferent expression and frowned, "Are you okay?"

Yu Xi looked up and said, "Nothing."

Guan Linyu: "Don't send it."

Yu Xi: "Oh."

After that, she moved her fingers and sent the emoticon package she had just selected.

After posting, she added one more picture: [Didn't you eat Lychee Plum?jpg]

Kong Miao whispered, "Sister Yu Xi, Brother Guan won't be angry, right?"

Yu Xi shook her head, "No, he's just a stone. Can a stone be angry?"

Kong Miao thought for a moment, "That shouldn't be the case."

Yu Xi laughed, "Okay, nothing to do today, and we still have enough points to eat for two days. I'll take you to the back mountain to play."

Kong Miao: "Okay, okay, shall we go now?"

"Sure." Yu Xi raised her eyebrows, she was indeed in a good mood.

"Then I'll go back to the room to get something." Kong Miao was very happy, she had always wanted Yu Xi to take her to the back mountain to play.

Yu Xi: "Okay, I'll go up and get a hat too. Do you want to call Ling Su and say you're taking him to the mountain to find inspiration."

Although Kong Miao muttered, "Why call him?", there was some expectation in her eyes.

Yu Xi smiled without saying anything, and turned to go upstairs.

She put her phone in her pocket and did not exit the dialog box, so there was no message notification, so she did not see the message Guan Linyu just replied to her: [Come up]

When Yu Xi went upstairs, she just pushed open the door and took a step forward, and she was caught off guard and bumped into Guan Linyu's chest.

She covered her forehead, "What are you standing here for?"

Guan Linyu said lightly: "Waiting for you."

Yu Xi: "Oh? Waiting for me to do what?"

Guan Linyu: "Did you make the emoticon?"

Yu Xi chuckled and looked at Guan Linyu with a look that asked if he was abnormal: "I'm not that free."

Guan Linyu stared at her and said, "I think you are quite free."

Yu Xi thought about it, it seemed so, otherwise why would she send emoticons to Guan Linyu, "Anyway, it's not made by me, it's everywhere on the Internet, don't you know you're famous?"

Yu Xi's eyes were full of smiles, and Guan Linyu certainly knew what she meant.

Although he didn't pay attention to it, he also saw some reposts.

Yu Xi walked around Guan Linyu and went into the house. At this time, her cell phone rang. She took out her cell phone and looked at it. Only then did she see the message Guan Linyu had sent her before. She asked Guan Linyu: "Why did you ask me to come up?"

At the same time, she opened a new message.

It was Kong Miao who told her that he needed to change clothes and asked her to wait.

Yu Xi was about to reply, and Guan Linyu asked: "Do you have something to talk to me about?"


"Didn't you send me a message?"

"Oh, that."

Guan Linyu looked at her intently.

Yu Xi just thought it was fun to send him a few emoticons, but it seemed that Guan Linyu thought she had something to say to him.

"I'm fine, so I'll share emoticons with you. How about it? Am I fine?" Yu Xi blinked, a little playful.

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi found her baseball cap, put it on, adjusted her hair, and prepared to go out.

Guan Linyu: "Are you going out?"

Yu Xi: "Yes, to the back mountain."

Guan Linyu: "Are you alone?

"No, I'm going with Kong Miao and Ling Su. "Yu Xi guessed that Kong Miao would call Ling Su.

Guan Linyu stood by the door and looked at her, "You three? What are you going to do?"

Yu Xi said with a smile: "What? Are you afraid that I will be a light bulb?"

She took two steps outside, and Guan Linyu suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm.


"What's wrong?" He wouldn't let her go out because of the emoticons she sent him, right?

"I'll go with you."

"You want to go too?"



Guan Linyu was silent for a moment, he looked into Yu Xi's eyes, "I have nothing to do."

Yu Xi: "Are you very free? I see that you have work arrangements every day. Have you finished your call with Secretary Lin today? Have you finished reading the emails? Have you made work arrangements?"

Yu Xi's serial questioning made Guan Linyu look strange. How could she know so much.

Of course Yu Xi knew that in the original plot, Yu Xi wanted to get close to Guan Linyu many times, but he would tell her that he was busy with something, and the reasons were probably these things.

Men are like this. No matter what you want, he won't let you have your way.

But often, as long as you don't really want to, they will try every means to get close to you and find various ways to solve obstacles and problems.

In the original plot, Yu Xi wanted to go for a walk and chat with Guan Linyu many times, but was always rejected by Guan Linyu for one reason or another. What

he said most was that his work was not yet finished.

Guan Linyu never thought that Yu Xi would care so much about his work arrangements.

"It's okay, I'll take care of the arrangements."

Why is it so important to provide emotional value? It's because everyone is different and needs different things.

Guan Linyu in the past may need more quiet time without being disturbed.

So what does Guan Linyu need now?

Yu Xi smiled and said, "Forget it, the three of us will go pick wild vegetables, and you can feed the pigs at home."

Guan Linyu: "Feed the pigs when you come back."

Yu Xi: "It's too late to come back, and the piglets are hungry."

Guan Linyu: "How do you know the piglets?"

Yu Xi: "...Then go if you want to."

Yu Xi was really amazed to hear these words from Guan Linyu's mouth.

She said helplessly, "You have to follow me. Don't blame me for treating you like a laborer later."

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi stared at Guan Linyu up and down, "Are you really going? What for? Guan Linyu, I find something wrong with you."

Guan Linyu didn't say anything, and his eyes turned around.

Yu Xi: "What? I was right, was

n't I?" "Let's go." Guan Linyu walked out without answering Yu Xi's words.

"Guan Linyu, you are just not right, why are you following me?" She quickly followed Guan Linyu and patted him on the shoulder.

[Does Guan Linyu know to follow his wife? ]

[Wow, I feel like this couple is a little ambiguous. ]

[Is Guan Linyu afraid that his wife will run away? It's really not right. ]

[Oh no, Guan Linyu, are you in love? ]

[Family, it seems that we can eat now? It's not my illusion. ]


When they reached the back mountain, Yu Xi and Kong Miao walked in front, and Guan Linyu and Ling Su followed.

Yu Xi only needs to give orders and let Guan Linyu and Ling Su do the work.

Ling Su really thought he was here to sketch. He did have a lot of inspiration recently, but there were too many and too complicated, so he needed to calm down and sort it out. Kong Miao asked him to take a walk in the back mountain, and he agreed. Unexpectedly, he came to dig pig grass.

"Tiantian in this family likes it the most, dig more."

Tiantian is the name Kong Miao gave to the biggest pig.

When feeding the pig grass these days, Kong Miao found that it liked to eat this kind of pig grass. Although she didn't know what it was called, she knew it when she saw it.

"Who is Tiantian?" Ling Su asked.

Kong Miao: "Tiantian is Tiantian, the whitest and biggest pig."

Ling Su: "Why did you name the pig?"

Kong Miao: "You already have a name, why not give it a name?"

Ling Su looked at her speechlessly: "Only you would do such a thing."

Kong Miao pulled Yu Xi: "Sister Yu Xi, look at him, he never says a good word, he just knows how to make me angry, I shouldn't have asked him to come."

Yu Xi likes to watch this pair of happy enemies laughing and playing, she smiled and said: "Really? Isn't he praising you for being cute? It's so cute to name a small animal, and the name Tiantian is also very cute."

Kong Miao snorted, "No, he was just talking about me."

Yu Xi looked at Ling Su: "Ling Su, tell me, is Kong Miao very cute?"

If Kong Miao asked this question, Ling Su would definitely say how could it be possible.

But when Yu Xi asked, the look in her eyes seemed to say, tell the truth, you can't hide it.

Ling Su didn't know what to say, he looked away and whispered, "Yeah."

Yu Xi: "See, I said I was praising you for being cute."

Kong Miao didn't expect Ling Su to admit it, and her face suddenly turned red.

She pursed her lips and snorted, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, "Tsk, I don't believe it."

After that, she ran to the front quickly, "I'll go to the front and take a look."

She pretended to cover up, but she couldn't hide it from everyone.

Ling Su: "Why are you running? The road is so narrow here."

He shouted, and then followed.

This time, Yu Xi and Guan Ling were left behind.

Yu Xi smiled, "This young couple is really interesting."

Guan Linyu glanced at her.

"Oh, I'm not saying you're old."

Guan Linyu: "..."

[Why did Yu Xi emphasize this? I'm dying of laughter. ]

[Hahahaha, I didn't say you're old, don't take it personally. ]

[Guan Linyu: Where's old? ]

[Both couples are a little cute. ]

[Compared to Ling Su, Guan Linyu is indeed a little older, hahaha. ]

[There's nothing I can do. Ling Su was born in the 2000s, and Guan Linyu is more than a generation older than him. ]

Guan Linyu suddenly stopped, and Yu Xi looked back and saw that he was not walking, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Guan Linyu: "I'm old, I can't walk anymore."

Yu Xi: "..."

You're really good.

You panted when I told you you were fat, and you took a rest when I told you you were old.

Guan Linyu looked calm, as if he didn't think he was doing it on purpose.

Yu Xi smiled and said, "Okay, you take a rest, I can walk."

Guan Linyu stood there for a while, and seeing that Yu Xi really had no intention of waiting for him, he quickly followed.

Yu Xi didn't turn around when she heard his footsteps following him, but she saw a stream in front of her and walked over.

There was a large fish tank in the yard, with a few small fish in it, but there were not many water plants. She thought it didn't look very good and was too empty, so she thought about picking some wild water plants by the stream and taking them back.

For example, wild calamus and wild foxtail grass are good choices.

These plants like to grow near water, such as ponds, mountain streams, and streams in the countryside, and they can often be seen even by the paddy fields.

She stood by the stream and took a closer look, and sure enough, she found a calamus.

Calamus looks a bit like leeks, but it is much more beautiful than leeks. The leaves are more upright, and the appearance is elegant and handsome. It is also very easy to grow. It can be grown in water, mud, and stone. In addition to its ornamental value, it can also be used as medicine.

Yu Xi squatted down and found two pieces that looked good, so she turned around and asked Guan Linyu to come over and give her a shovel. She wanted to dig some out.

Guan Linyu didn't understand this, and didn't understand what she was going to do. "What are you going to do? I can do it."

Yu Xi pointed at the calamus in front of her, "Then dig out this piece of grass with its roots."

Guan Linyu: "What is this? Leek?"

Yu Xi laughed out loud, she raised the corners of her lips, her eyes sparkling, "No, this is calamus, I plan to dig it out and take it back to the yard and fish tank."

The sun sprinkled on the water, and the water light reflected on Yu Xi's face. She smiled, and her whole face bloomed with extreme beauty under the mottled and dazzling water light. Her smart temperament made her look like an elf in the mountains.

Guan Linyu stared into her eyes, and for a moment he was actually dazed.

Yu Xi looked at him motionless, "Why are you in a daze? Aren't you going to help me?"

Guan Linyu: "Well, don't stand by the water, I'll do it."

Yu Xi: "Then you have to be careful." Guan

Linyu nodded, his brows relaxed, and in the sun, his expression was surprisingly gentle: "Well, just two pieces?"

"Yes, you watch it, be careful, don't dig it badly."

Guan Linyu: "..."

It turned out that he was asking him to be careful about this.

Seeing the black-shelled shrimps in the water, Yu Xi said with some regret: "I didn't bring anything that can prevent water leakage, otherwise I could catch some small fish and shrimps back."

Guan Linyu was still digging water plants, so he didn't look back, "What are you going to take them back for?"

"To raise them." Yu Xi squatted down and looked at the shrimps in the stream, "It seems that there is nothing in the fish tank, and there are too few fish. The program crew must have done it casually." Guan Linyu

didn't quite understand why Yu Xi was interested in these things.

But she used to live in the countryside, living alone in a two-story self-built house with a large yard, but he had never been there. He asked Secretary Lin to compile a file of Yu Xi, which included photos of her home. It seemed that there were many flowers and plants in the yard, and a large blue and white porcelain fish tank.

Since getting married, she seemed to have rarely taken care of these things. Although she lived in a villa, there were bamboos planted in the yard, and there was also a pavilion. There was only a small piece of land, which she used to grow some vegetables.

"If you like, go back and get some more to grow."

Guan Linyu said to go back.

It was a bit ambiguous, and he didn't know whether he meant to go back to the house of the program group or their own house.

Yu Xi didn't ask, just pretending not to hear.

Guan Linyu handed the dug calamus to Yu Xi, "Is this enough?"

"Enough, it's good." Yu Xi took it and put it in the basket, "Let's go, go find Ling Su and Kong Miao."

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

He looked at Yu Xi and felt the sense of distance again.

She always gave him a feeling of being close and distant, sometimes close to him, and sometimes pushing him away.

"Do you want to see if there is anything else you can take back?"

Yu Xi was a little surprised to hear Guan Linyu take the initiative to say this.


"Didn't you say that there are too few things in the fish tank, do you want crabs?"

Guan Linyu just saw that there were still small crabs in the stream. It seems that crabs can survive without water. Just take them back and put them in the water.

Yu Xi couldn't help laughing. She looked at Guan Linyu with a smile, "Who raises crabs? And I said I want to take black shrimp back because black shrimp can eat algae, but crabs can't."

Guan Linyu: "Oh."

Yu Xi was still laughing, "You are really going to make me laugh to death."

Although Guan Linyu was embarrassed, he still didn't show any expression.

But everyone could feel his embarrassment, because he was moving around with the shovel and his eyes were always staring at the stream.

[Guan Linyu's IQ is not reflected at all in this place, it's so funny. ]

[So cute, so sweet. ]

[Guan Linyu actually cares about Yu Xi, right? Otherwise, why would he ask her if she wants crabs?]

[Here, Yu Xi is good at what she does, so Guan Linyu has no place to show his proficiency.] [

It's so interesting that the president also gets frustrated sometimes. 】

Yu Xi: "If you like it, just grab some and take it back."

Guan Linyu: "No need."

Yu Xi: "Really not?"

Seeing him lowering his head, Yu Xi wanted to tease him deliberately. She walked in front of him, looked up and looked at him, "Why do you feel a little embarrassed?"

Guan Linyu: "No."

Yu Xi said with a smile: "Really? Then why is your face so red?"

Guan Linyu paused, a trace of panic flashed across his eyes, and he refused to admit it, "What nonsense?"

Yu Xi: "Really."

Guan Linyu: "Okay, let's go."

Yu Xi took his hand, "Why are you leaving? Are you shy?"

Guan Linyu stretched out his hand, his expression a little stiff: "No." "

Still not admit it." Yu Xi laughed even harder, "Guan Linyu, it turns out you are embarrassed too."

Guan Linyu: "I'm not."

Yu Xi lifted his hand and pried open his fingers, "Then why are you clenching your hands so tightly?"

She stared at the palm of Guan Linyu's hand, and then drew two circles on his palm.

Guan Linyu only felt numbness and itchiness in the palms of his hands. He stared at his palms, and then his hands seemed to have no strength left.

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 122. Chapter 121 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 121

Yu Xi, the wife of a wealthy president who is ridiculed by the whole network: "If you like it, just grab some and take it back."

Guan Linyu: "No need."

Yu Xi: "Really?"

Seeing him lowering his head, Yu Xi wanted to tease him deliberately. She walked in front of him, looked up and looked at him, "Why do you look a little embarrassed?"

Guan Linyu: "No."


"Then why is your face so red?"

Guan Linyu paused, a trace of panic flashed across his eyes, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yu Xi: "Really."

Guan Linyu: "Okay, let's go."

Yu Xi pulled him, "Why are you leaving? Are you shy? Tell me."

Guan Linyu: "No."

"Don't admit it." Yu Xi laughed even harder, "Guan Linyu, it turns out you can be embarrassed too."

After returning, Guan Linyu has been feeling unwell.

Yu Xi didn't care. She asked Kong Miao and Ling Su to feed the pig grass to the pigs. She cleaned the water plants she picked up and put the rain flower stones she picked up from the stream in the fish tank, pressing the calamus under the stones so that the calamus would not float up.

Guan Linyu went upstairs as soon as he came back.

Chen You saw something was wrong and ran to ask Yu Xi, "What happened to you two?"


"Did you and Brother Guan have a quarrel?" Chen You felt that Guan Linyu looked a little strange just now.

Yu Xi thought for a while and said, "No, nothing happened."

Chen You: "Really? Where did you go this afternoon?"

For some reason, Chen You was very concerned about the emotional life of Yu Xi and Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi wiped the water off her hands, then stood up and said, "We were in the back mountain, picked some pig grass, and then went to get some water plants. We didn't do anything else."

"Oh, maybe I was wrong." Chen You touched his chin, "But... I think Brother Guan still cares about you. He took the initiative to go out with you in the afternoon."

Yu Xi: "Really? I think he is bored."

Chen You shook his finger, "Absolutely not, I understand men."

Yu Xi laughed out loud: "What do you mean?"

Chen You pulled Yu Xi and took her aside, "To be honest with you, men are creatures who only do what they want to do. If he doesn't want to go, he will never take the initiative to follow you. He must want to stay with you. Take my Hu Bu Ran as an example. Every time I asked him to accompany me to do something, he would refuse and always have various reasons and excuses not to go, but once he wants to be with me, he will pretend to be indifferent and take the initiative to say go together." Yu

smiled, "There are also such things."

"Of course, you don't understand at first glance. Although I don't have much experience, I know men better than you." Chen You pretended to be a teacher, "I tell you, Guan Linyu is definitely not as cold as he appears to be. Maybe under his cold appearance, he hides a passionate heart."

Yu Xi: "I don't believe it."

"Look at you, why don't you believe me? I'll teach you a trick, you'll know if you try it." In order to prove his guess, Chen You decided to let Yu Xi do something.

Yu Xi: "Then tell me."

Chen You: "It's very simple. You will pretend to fall down in a while and see Guan Linyu's reaction. You will know if you try it."

Yu Xi thought for a while, "Forget it, it seems very troublesome."

She waved her hand, looking unwilling to try.

Chen You said anxiously: "Oh, it's just pretending, not letting you really fall down."

"It's just too troublesome to pretend. It's so embarrassing to be exposed." Yu Xi disagreed.

Chen You fell into deep thought and said hesitantly: "Then how about... you do it for real?"

Yu Xi: "..." Thank you.

[Chen You, you must be a funny guy, hahaha, you are the one who can think of such a thing. ]

[In fact, maybe it can be tried out, I want to see it too! ]

[Yu Xi is too straight, she will definitely not do it. ]

[But I also want to see how Guan Linyu will react. ]

[Guan Linyu went upstairs as soon as he came back, there is indeed something wrong, wasn't he shy before, is he still embarrassed now? ]


Although Yu Xi rejected Chen You's proposal, she actually tripped on the threshold and fell at night.

However, Guan Linyu was not there at the time, and no one else was there. Except for the audience, no one saw Yu Xi fall.

She stood up and lifted her pants to take a look. The skin on her knee was broken and there were some bruises.

She rubbed it and felt that she was unlucky. She was about to ask Chen You and his wife for some medicated oil for injuries, but she happened to see Kong Miao and Ling Su walking in from outside.

Kong Miao looked shy, and Ling Su's expression was also a little unnatural.

Yu Xi immediately forgot about her fall, and her leg didn't hurt much. She dodged and hid in the house, quietly watching Kong Miao and Ling Su.

As soon as the two came back, they looked around, as if observing if there were other people.

Seeing that there was no one else, Kong Miao said, "You can't tell others about what happened just now."

Ling Su: "Who can I tell?"

"How should I know? Anyway... you can't tell."

"What will happen if you tell?" Ling Su stared at Kong Miao's eyes.

As a result, Kong Miao's face became redder and redder. After a long time, he said, "You're done if you tell me," and then ran back to the room.

Ling Su hooked the corners of his lips, shook his head and followed him in.

Yu Xi came out with two clicks of his tongue, "These

two seem a little sweet." It seems that something happened when they were alone this afternoon.

Yu Xi thought about Kong Miao and Ling Su while going upstairs, and didn't know what Kong Miao was talking about just now.

A little curious.

She decided to find a chance to ask tomorrow, and ignore it today, let them stay by themselves, and don't disturb their world of two.

Yu Xi opened the door, but before she closed it, she heard a bang. She looked up and saw Guan Linyu's hand on the pillow, holding the book that Yu Xi brought.

When he saw Yu Xi, his eyes were a little flustered.

Yu Xi: "What's wrong? Did you do something wrong? Are you so scared?"

Guan Linyu: "No." "

Then what are you doing?" Yu Xi walked over, "Reading my book?"

"Just leave it here, I'll take a look." Guan Linyu said lightly.

"Then why are you so flustered?" Yu Xi smiled and walked over to pick up the book on the pillow, "How is it? Is it good?"

Guan Linyu: "Not so good, all conclusions are drawn without basis."

"Oh? For example?" Yu Xi picked up the book, glanced at it casually, and handed it to him, "Tell me, what part of it do you think is unfounded?" Guan Linyu

pondered for a moment, and under Yu Xi's gaze, said: "For example, this sentence, women who love to cry have the best life."

Yu Xi: "Hahaha, what's wrong with this? Don't you like women crying? It is said that women's tears are pearls, and men will feel pity when they see them, isn't it?" Guan Linyu

: "That's all nonsense, how can crying bring good luck, what can you get with tears?"

Yu Xi thought for a while, "Really? Are you so sure?"

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi blinked, and then stopped talking.

Guan Linyu thought she had nothing to refute, so he put down the book, got up and prepared to wash the clothes he had changed. When

he washed clothes, he just rubbed them casually, and he didn't know whether they were clean or not. He just hung them up immediately after washing, otherwise he would have no clothes to change.

Ten minutes later, Guan Linyu took the washed clothes and prepared to hang them on the balcony, but saw Yu Xi with his head down, not knowing what he was doing, his body twitching, looking a little strange.

Guan Linyu hesitated for a few seconds, and still said as he walked: "What are you doing?" "

Yu Xi shook her head and made a whimpering sound.

It was really a bit strange, Guan Linyu immediately walked over: "What's wrong with you? "

Yu Xi finally raised her head. At this time, Guan Linyu saw the water in the corners of her eyes and the traces of tears on her face. Her face and eyes were red, and she looked pitiful and weak, like a white flower swaying in the wind, which might fall at any time, making people want to reach out and hold her, not letting her fall, and not wanting her to be stained by any dust or stains.

"My legs hurt." Yu Xi bit her lip.

"Why do your legs hurt?" Guan Linyu strode over, his tone low and serious.

"I fell down." Yu Xi whispered, and Ren rolled up his trouser legs to show Guan Linyu the injury on his knee.

"How did you do it?" Guan Linyu's tone became even more indifferent, with pressure and momentum, making people not know how to fight him for a while.

Fortunately, Yu Xi did not want to confront him, but went along with him and pretended to cry.

Yu Xi: "I fell down when I went out."

Guan Linyu's voice was heavy: "Why are you so careless? "

Yu Xi bit her lip, and the tears accumulated in her eyes fell like rain.

She looked at Guan Linyu eagerly.

The moment Guan Linyu met her gaze, he was speechless.

Yu Xi looked at him, "I... just fell when I was going downstairs just now."

"Then why didn't you tell me when you came up?" Guan Linyu stared at her legs, frowning, thinking that he didn't seem to have brought any medicine.

He didn't ask much, and walked around the room, "I'll ask other people if they have brought medicine, don't move."

Yu Xi blinked, pursed her lips, and was already trying to hold back a laugh.

Just when Guan Linyu was in a hurry to go downstairs, she finally laughed out loud: "See... what the book says is right, women who love to cry have the best life, when women cry, men will feel pity for them, even you, and you still say it is unfounded, but the facts prove... it's not wrong."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 123. Chapter 122 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 122

Guan Linyu, the wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network, stared at Yu Xi, "So you just cried to prove this?"

Yu Xi nodded, "Yes."

Guan Linyu: "With your acting skills, it's a pity not to act."

Yu Xi looked like it was nothing, "It's very simple, just keep your eyes open and you will cry, you will know if you try it."

Guan Linyu: "..."

His face became more and more ugly, but Yu Xi was not afraid at all.

"I just can't stand you, you say one thing and mean another, you say this, but you don't really think this way in your heart."

Guan Linyu turned his head and went out with a cold face.

Yu Xi rubbed his knees, smiled and picked up a spray bottle, went to the bathroom to fill it with water, and then went to the balcony to water the flowers.

[Yu Xi is too absolute, crying deliberately just to prove that Guan Linyu is not saying one thing and thinking another. ]

[To be honest, I felt distressed when Yu Xi cried just now. The killing power of a beautiful woman's tears is too great. ]

[No one can stand this, Guan Linyu was really nervous just now. 】

【Why do I feel that Guan Linyu will fall in love with this couple first. 】

【I think Guan Linyu is already angry, and their relationship is probably going to become rigid again. 】

Although the audience was discussing it very intensely, Yu Xi still looked like nothing had happened. She watered the flowers carefully and rearranged the flower pots. She didn't get up until she was satisfied and went back to her room.

Guan Linyu didn't know when he came back, and was standing at the balcony door staring at her.

Yu Xi was stunned and didn't say anything. She was about to go around him to the bathroom to wash her hands, but was grabbed by Guan Linyu.

He grabbed Yu Xi's arm and pressed her against the door frame.

Yu Xi was not flustered, but just looked at him in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Guan Linyu: "Didn't I tell you not to move?"

"But I won't listen to you." When Yu Xi said this, he was righteous and made Guan Linyu angry.

He closed his eyes, obviously angry.

It was not the first time that Yu Xi spoke like a straight woman.

Just when the audience thought Guan Linyu was going to rush out again, Guan Linyu suddenly picked up Yu Xi horizontally.

Yu Xi exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

[What the hell? What's going on. ]

[Suddenly, he carried her like a princess. Are you going to throw her onto the bed? So exciting. ]

[Wow, the plot suddenly took a magical turn! ]

[Is this something I can see without paying? ]

[Guan Linyu is so domineering and strong. I like it. ]

Guan Linyu carried Yu Xi like a princess. Even if Yu Xi didn't want to, she could only be forced to hug him, "Let me go." But

Guan Linyu learned bad things and looked into her eyes and said, "Aren't you holding me too?"

Yu Xi was stunned, and then fought back, "That's because you suddenly picked me up like this. If I don't hold you, you will fall down."

Guan Linyu: "Why am I like this, don't you know?"

Yu Xi was a little flustered by his burning gaze, and didn't understand what he was going to do.

"Put me down first."

Guan Linyu ignored her, but slowly walked to the bed, then stretched out his hand and threw her onto the quilt.

Yu Xi's body bounced on the bed, and the next second Guan Linyu grabbed her ankle.

Yu Xi had wanted to run away immediately, but her ankle was restrained and she couldn't break free.

"What are you going to do?" Yu Xi's fierce tone did not intimidate Guan Linyu.

Because of her pretending to cry just now, he no longer trusted her.

Guan Linyu dragged Yu Xi's ankle towards him.

[Exciting, exciting, are you going to force love? ]

[No way, we're still recording the show. ]

[You're overthinking it, Guan Linyu is not that kind of person. ]

[Wow, Guan Linyu is getting more and more exciting. ]

[How can you bully a beauty like Yu Xi, but I'm so excited to see it! ]

[A man like Guan Linyu actually has this side. ]

Just when everyone thought something was going to happen, Guan Linyu put one of Yu Xi's feet on his leg, then slowly rolled up her pants and held down her legs to prevent her from getting away.

He took out a bottle of medicated oil from his pocket, poured it into his palm, rubbed it clumsily to warm it up, and then hesitated for a moment before applying it to the bruise on Yu Xi's knee, rubbing it slowly, applying it to her with the hottest part of his palm to rub her bruises away.

This was the method Hu Bu'ran taught him just now.

He went downstairs to ask, and only Chen You and Hu Bu'ran had medicated oil.

Hu Bu'ran taught him how to use it. Chen You was beside him, and when he heard that Yu Xi fell, he looked at him excitedly. Guan Linyu was a little puzzled, and didn't understand why Chen You had such an expression after hearing that Yu Xi fell.

But Guan Linyu was not in the mood to ask so many questions. After taking the medicated oil and asking how to use it, he left immediately.

Yu Xi looked at Guan Linyu in a daze. Her knees were burning, and maybe not just her knees, but her entire legs, and her entire body became hot.

Guan Linyu's palms were so hot that they almost set her skin on fire.

Why did he do this suddenly?

Yu Xi looked at him in confusion, pursed her lips and said, "What are you doing? Why didn't you tell me earlier that you wanted to apply the medicine? Why do you have to do this?" Guan

Linyu didn't explain. He was still angry. He glanced at Yu Xi and said nothing, but his hand movements became more severe. Yu Xi stared at him, "It hurts, you did it on purpose." Guan Linyu didn't deny it, but still didn't speak. Yu Xi snorted, "When you're done, let me go." Guan Linyu was annoyed by her attitude of keeping a distance at all times. Although he also knew that he had no position and no reason to be annoyed, he just didn't like her attitude. "Don't you think I like crying women? Then cry again and I'll let you go." Yu Xi's eyes widened. Has this man learned to be so bad! ? "No, do you think you can cry just by saying you want to? It's very troublesome." In fact, for Yu Xi, crying scenes can really be done at any time. As long as she builds up her emotions, she can cry immediately. But she doesn't want to. "You said there was no basis, so I proved it to you. You got slapped in the face and got angry out of shame." Yu Xi lay back and simply stopped resisting, letting him do whatever he wanted. Guan Linyu saw that her knees had turned red and the bruises had spread, so he stopped. Originally, he held Yu Xi's ankle with one hand and applied medicine to her with the other hand. He didn't think much about it, but when he stopped, he suddenly felt that Yu Xi's skin was smooth and tender. Although his actions just now were just to apply medicine to her, he touched her for a long time and pressed her legs on his legs. Her legs were long and slender, and her snow-white skin seemed to glow, and it had an enchanting cherry pink luster. Guan Linyu's heart was beating too fast, and he threw Yu Xi's legs away as if he was escaping.

"Okay, you have to apply medicine these two days." Guan Linyu's voice was dry.

Yu Xi: "No, it will be fine soon."

Guan Linyu saw that she didn't care, and held her down again, "If you don't want me to apply medicine like this, just be honest and apply the medicine yourself."

Yu Xi looked like a loser, "I don't care, if you want to apply medicine to me like this, then it's up to you, anyway, I don't apply it myself, it makes my hands stink."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi: "Go wash your hands quickly, the whole room is full of this smell, it's so bad."

Yu Xi's topic jumps too much, even if Guan Linyu was still angry the previous second, he couldn't do anything about her the next second.

After Guan Linyu turned around, Yu Xi kicked Guan Linyu on the butt.

This was to avenge the fact that he had pressed her down and didn't allow her to move just now.

Guan Linyu's butt was very perky, and the kick felt very good.

Yu Xi: "It's quite elastic, I thought it would be very hard."

Guan Linyu: "..."


The next day, the couples received a collective task.

Four couples had to help four families sell agricultural products in town.

The money they earn is used to rate the couples. The couples with the highest scores can go to the hot spring villa in the town to experience a hot spring suite for one night. The couples with qualified scores can have a big meal, and the couples who fail to meet the standards will be punished. The

four couples are divided into four groups, and they draw different agricultural products. Yu Xi and Guan Linyu drew dried tofu. Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian drew salted duck eggs. Kong Miao and Ling Su drew shrimp paste. Chen You and Hu Bu Ran drew honey. The agricultural products are all made by the villagers in the village. After they are done, they will be sold at the market in the town. Before leaving, the couples will receive training from the villagers to understand the characteristics of these agricultural products, so that they can better answer questions raised by customers when selling them. The dried tofu that Yu Xi and Guan Linyu drew is a kind of dried tofu unique to the local area, and the method is different from that of other places. The villagers took out the dried tofu they made, including semi-finished products and cold dishes and stir-fried dishes made with dried tofu, and gave them all to taste. This kind of dried tofu is very suitable for making cold dishes, because it is made with a special medicinal marinade, without adding pigments, bright luster, fragrant smell, each piece is very firm and chewy, and the more you chew it, the more delicious it tastes. "As long as you sell all the boxes, you will complete the task." The villagers put two boxes of dried tofu on the cart and handed them to Yu Xi and Guan Linyu, "If you sell two boxes, it will be considered an over-fulfillment. Dried tofu is weighed by kilograms, and one kilogram is fifteen yuan." Yu Xi calculated that a box is about fifty kilograms. If you sell one box, it will be six hundred and fifty yuan, and if you sell two boxes, it will be more than a thousand. It is not easy to sell so much today. And you have to bring Guan Linyu. Yu Xi thought, forget it, she doesn't really want to go to this hot spring. After setting off, Yu Xi asked Guan Linyu while sitting on the tricycle, "Hey, Lao Guan, do you think we can sell it all?" Guan Linyu: "Yeah." Yu Xi: "Really? You mean two boxes?" Guan Linyu: "Is there any problem with that?" Yu Xi didn't believe that Guan Linyu, a CEO, was willing to sell dried tofu on the street. Is he so confident? Yu Xi didn't want to discourage his enthusiasm, "Then how do you plan to sell it?" Guan Linyu: "Two boxes of dried tofu, a total of 100 catties. The villagers said the retail price is 15 yuan per catty, but we can set it at 20 yuan per catty, according to the promotion of buying two catties and giving half a catty..." Guan Linyu talked freely and said a lot. Yu Xi looked at him in surprise, "You have come up with so many things in just a short while?" Guan Linyu: "Yeah." Yu Xi: "..." Tsk, this man is still good at doing business. Except for the fact that he can't take care of himself and lacks some common sense in life, he is still very good in other aspects. For example, business, it's the area he is good at. It seems that she can lie down directly, very good. "Okay, then I'll leave it to you and I'll collect the money, okay?" Yu Xi made a good calculation. "It's up to you, just don't make a mistake in calculating the money." The audience thought Yu Xi might get angry, but Yu Xi smiled and said, "Ah? That's right, then I'll leave the collection to you, and I'll just sit by and watch you."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 124. Chapter 123 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 123 The wife of a wealthy president who is ridiculed by the whole network

Arrived in the county, Yu Xi and Guan Linyu went straight to the largest farmer's market.

This is a gathering place for vegetable vendors, and there are also many stalls selling agricultural products.

The two attracted everyone's attention as soon as they got off the car, not only because they were followed by a group of cameramen and staff.

Guan Linyu stood at the entrance of the farmer's market and looked around. It was his first time to come to such a place. The farmer's market in the county was messier and dirtier than the farmer's market in the city center. In addition to the smell of fruits and vegetables, there was also a mixed smell of earth, rotten leaves and fish in the air. It was not smelly, but it was not pleasant.

He looked around and didn't know where to set up the stall for a while.

Although Yu Xi was also here for the first time, he acted very naturally, "Let's go, why are you standing there?"

Yu Xi patted Guan Linyu on the shoulder.

Guan Linyu: "Where to go?"

"Go inside? Find out where soy products are sold, or see where there is a lot of traffic and there are vacancies and put it there." Yu Xi said casually.

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi is more experienced in such places.

Guan Linyu followed calmly.

After finally choosing a location, Guan Linyu took out the folding table he brought, unfolded it, and spread a piece of cloth on it, and then took out the dried tofu in the box.

Dried tofu is divided into several types, one is dry and the other is semi-dry. The former is more chewy and smaller in size, while the latter is moist and soft. Although it is also a marinated product, the color is much lighter, a lighter yellow.

Yu Xi opened the folding chair and sat beside her to watch Guan Linyu busy.

She seemed a little sleepy, supporting the chair with one hand, leaning back as if she was about to fall asleep.

Guan Linyu wanted to ask Yu Xi if the table was tilted, but when she looked back, she found that Yu Xi was already drowsy. Guan Linyu did not call her, but walked to the front to observe the position of the table.

Yu Xi opened her eyes lazily. She really did not rest well. She got up too early today. Because they had to catch the lunch market, they got up at more than six o'clock, packed up and went to the villagers to get agricultural products, and also trained for half an hour.

It's already ten o'clock when we get there.

The peak of traffic is coming soon.

Guan Linyu has always slept little. When he was busy with work before, he could only sleep six hours a day. He

made a sales plan before coming here, but he didn't have what he needed at the moment.

He needed a marker and a piece of cardboard to write the price and activities of the product.

If it is written clearly, customers will come to buy it if they need it, and he doesn't have to answer customers' questions all the time, which can increase efficiency.

He thought about it and seemed to see a stationery store where he came in just now. He could go there to buy

some. "Yu Xi, you watch here, I'm going to buy something."

Yu Xi: "What to buy?"

Guan Linyu: "Paper and pen, I want to make a simple price tag."

Yu Xi immediately understood that writing down the price is indeed very useful, "Do you want me to go with you?"

Guan Linyu thought about it, "No, you stay here, I can go by myself."

Yu Xi: "Are you sure? You won't get lost, right?"

Guan Linyu doesn't seem to know the way very well.

Guan Linyu: "...I can't."

Although he doesn't know the way, it's no problem for such a short distance.

"Then tell me, how are we going to get back? Do you still remember where this place is?"

Guan Linyu: Just turn left and go straight, and when you see the sign..."

He got stuck and hesitated for a while before saying, "Then turn right."

"Are you sure?" Yu Xi crossed his arms and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Guan Linyu was a little uncertain. He relied on the memory in his mind to review the path he had just taken. "I think I remember it correctly. What's wrong?"

Yu Xi: "Yes, it seems that you really remember it. Then go quickly. ”

[Yu Xi is really something!]

[Hahahaha, Yu Xi makes me laugh to death every day.]

[Yu Xi is so funny, I thought she was going to accompany Guan Linyu.]

[Just wanted to try and see if he really remembered.]

[Guan Linyu is at a loss for words.] When

Guan Linyu came back from buying things, there was already a group of people gathered in front of Yu Xi's stall, but Yu Xi herself was not there. Guan Linyu

frowned and looked for Yu Xi everywhere. Finally, he found Yu Xi at the fruit stall next to her. She was talking to the stall owner with two apples and an ugly orange in her hands. Guan Linyu

walked behind Yu Xi and interrupted her conversation with the stall owner.

Seeing how excited she was chatting and talking to others, Guan Linyu's face sank, "Why aren't you watching the stall?"

Yu Xi: "Aren't you back yet?"

Guan Linyu: "Didn't you see anyone buying things?"

Yu Xi took a look and heard that his tone was a bit bad, but he didn't take it to heart, "Those people were there just now, and they didn't look like they were going to buy anything. "

Guan Linyu turned and left.

Yu Xi didn't care, she paid for the fruit, and said a few more words to the stall owner before leaving.

Guan Linyu was just about to greet the people who had just gathered in front of their table, but when he asked if they wanted to buy anything, they quickly waved their hands and left in disappointment.

Guan Linyu: "..."

He stood there in confusion.

Having never been to a market before, he didn't understand at all that there were people in this world who just liked to watch the excitement and didn't need anything at all.

Yu Xi walked over, "How is it? Didn't you buy anything?"

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

He took out the paper and pen he had just bought and placed them on the table, writing the types and prices of the dried tofu on the paper.

His handwriting was very beautiful, with fluent and elegant regular script and powerful strokes, and every word seemed to be copied.

But as soon as she finished writing, Yu Xi said, "This won't work."

Guan Linyu looked back at her in confusion.

"Who will read it if it's written like this?" Yu Xi said dissatisfiedly, "This is a vegetable market, and your handwriting is like street performance, and you can tell at a glance that it doesn't blend in here. "

Yu Xi snatched the pen from his hand, threw the one he had written to him, and then wrote a new one.

The content was written the same as Guan Linyu had just written, but the handwriting was completely different, each word was very large, and there was no aesthetic appeal. The sizes were almost the same, but the handwriting gave Guan Linyu a headache. Guan Linyu had written better-looking handwriting in elementary school with such a childish font.

"This is more like this." Yu Xi shook the paper and handed it to Guan Linyu, "Okay, stick it on."

Guan Linyu was not very satisfied, but Yu Xi looked as if there was no problem, "Hurry up, there will be a lot of people here soon."

Guan Linyu hesitated for a moment, staring at the words on the paper with a conflicted expression.

Yu Xi patted him on the chest, "Don't waste time."

Guan Linyu was caught off guard by her sudden attack. She was quite strong and hit Guan Linyu so hard that he coughed.

Guan Linyu had no choice but to stick the paper on the edge of the table so that passers-by could see it.

He sorted the dried tofu and piled them into three piles of the same size, which looked quite realistic. Yu Xi praised from the side: "Not bad, not bad." Guan Linyu saw that she was calm and relaxed, sitting on the chair and swaying, and said helplessly: "Are you just sitting like this?" "No." Yu Xi smiled. "Then what did you do?" "Come on." Yu Xi blinked, and her tone was as if it was a matter of course, as if she was proud of it. Guan Linyu couldn't do anything about her, so he had to ignore her. At this time, someone finally came over and seemed to want to buy dried tofu. Guan Linyu's expression immediately became serious, and he looked at the person seriously. It was a sister in her forties, who looked very simple and wore a flowery sweater. When she came over, her eyes were fixed on Guan Linyu. Guan Linyu: "Excuse me, what do you need?" The sister's eyes were still looking at Guan Linyu's face, "What is this?" Guan Linyu: "...dried tofu." [Hahahaha, is this sister here for Guan Linyu or to buy dried tofu? ] [I think she is drunk and not interested in wine. ] [It's so funny, Guan Linyu sells tofu, why not marry someone named Tofu Pan An. ] [Tofu Pan An is good, just use it as a signboard. ] [This sister has been staring at Guan Linyu. ] Hearing Guan Linyu speak, the sister nodded with satisfaction, "Dried tofu, how much is it?" Guan Linyu pointed to the paper with the price written on it, "It's written on it." His tone was stiff, but it didn't scare the sister, but even if he said it was written on the paper, the sister's eyes didn't leave his face, as if she didn't know there was a third eye somewhere. "Oh, then buy a pound." "Which kind do you want to buy?" "Just give it to me, whichever one tastes better." Guan Linyu stared at the three piles of tofu and fell into deep thought. He didn't know which one tasted better. Although he had eaten it before, he felt that they were all the same. But he also felt that the customer in front of him didn't care about anything at all, so he directly chose the driest tofu and weighed a pound for her. The sister took the bag and asked before paying: "Young man, do you have a girlfriend?" Guan Linyu was stunned. He didn't react why the topic jumped to this. The sister asked again: "How old are you this year? Why are you selling tofu here? Do you want your sister to introduce you to a girlfriend? It's my cousin. She is very pretty and has a good personality. She is a teacher in town." Guan Linyu: "...No need." Sister: "Sister, I'm serious with you. Many people want to date my sister, but she is picky and likes good-looking people. I think you are quite suitable. Otherwise, I will leave you a contact number. It's okay to chat." [It's so funny, it turns out that she wants to match Guan Linyu. ] [Hahahaha, she has taken a fancy to Guan Linyu and wants to arrange it for her cousin. ] [Guan Linyu is really popular. ] [This sister must have never seen a man like Guan Linyu, she took a fancy to him at first sight. 】【Yu Xi was sitting next to him and listening. I don’t know what he felt hahaha. 】Yu Xi chuckled. Guan Linyu and her sister both looked over. Yu Xi: "Sister, you are late. He is married." Her sister was stunned, "Really? That's a pity." Yu Xi: "That's right, but you can leave a contact number. If you get divorced, we can contact each other." Guan Linyu's face darkened and looked very ugly. He stared at Yu Xi, as if he was very unhappy with her nonsense. Who knew that her sister waved her hand, "Forget it, my sister can't find a divorced man, let alone a tofu seller." Yu Xi laughed even more exaggeratedly, "That's really not fate." Her sister smiled, turned around and stared at Yu Xi, "Isn't it? You are his sister, right? I think you are pretty, do you have a partner?" Yu Xi nodded with a smile, pointed at Guan Linyu and said, "He is my partner, sister."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 125. Chapter 124 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 124 The wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network

"He is my boyfriend, sister."

[This person must be so embarrassed. ]

[It has to be you, Yu Xi. ]

[As expected of you, Yu Xi, you are a funny person. ]

[Introducing a boyfriend in front of someone else's wife, this is really super embarrassing. ]

[Yu Xi is too amazing, she is not angry at all, she is not an ordinary person. ]

Yu Xi's shocking words directly stunned the sister.

"Ah? You?" The sister looked at Yu Xi, and then at Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi nodded, "Yes, you think he and I look alike, right? In fact, we look like a couple."

Guan Linyu heard this, and a smile appeared in his eyes. Although he was a little helpless, he just shook his head and didn't say anything to her.

The sister looked at Yu Xi with a strange expression, and then looked at Guan Linyu. She was probably at a loss for words because of Yu Xi's nonsense. "I'm so sorry, so you are a couple."

She really wanted to find a hole to crawl into, and wanted to leave quickly in embarrassment.

As a result, Yu Xi called her again, "Sister, you haven't taken the tofu yet. It's 20 yuan per catty. If you buy two catties, you can get half a catty for free. If you want to buy another catty, you can get half a catty for free. What a

good deal." The sister was probably embarrassed because she had just said that in front of the couple, so she immediately said, "Then give me two catties."

Yu Xi glanced at Guan Linyu, "Why don't you give it to me? Fill another catty and a half."

Guan Linyu couldn't help but laugh when she saw her sitting there commanding him, looking like a boss lady.

The sister looked at Yu Xi and then at Guan Linyu, thinking that this man was probably the kind of man who was oppressed by his wife at home. You can't judge a person by his appearance.

"Forty yuan, do you want to pay in cash or scan the code?" Guan Linyu asked.

The sister took out her mobile phone, "Scan the code. Who still uses cash these days?"


The first order was sold for forty yuan. Although it was still a long way from completing the task, it was a good start to sell the goods so quickly.

I thought the second order would come soon, but I didn't expect that no one came after ten minutes.

Seeing that other stalls were full of people, their side was deserted.

Yu Xi: "It's useless to just stand there. You need to shout. Look, everyone else has a loudspeaker."

Guan Linyu: "..."

He looked at the other vendors, and it seemed that all of them had loudspeakers with built-in speakers.

Even the one next to him who was driving a tractor to sell sugarcane and pears was holding a loudspeaker and shouting: "Big and sweet Qiuyue pears, five yuan a pound, sugarcane is not sweet, no money, twenty one, twenty one..."

Yu Xi: "See, you have to shout, otherwise no one will come."

Guan Linyu hesitated for a moment, staring at the dried tofu in front of him and fell silent.

Yu Xi knew that Guan Linyu was too embarrassed to sell. How could someone like him shout in the vegetable market?

She said that just to tease him.

Although Yu Xi said that she didn't care when she came, it was just talk. Whether the task could be completed or not could not be relied on Guan Linyu alone. She got up and ran to the fruit stall just now and talked a few words to the stall owner, and then borrowed a loudspeaker.

"Dried tofu, selling dried tofu, homemade dried tofu, no additives, delicious and healthy, buy two pounds and get half a pound free."

Yu Xi shouted twice, and the recording function of the speaker recorded this sentence. Yu Xi pressed the play button, and the speaker played it in a loop.

Guan Linyu didn't expect there was such an operation. When he heard Yu Xi's loud voice coming out of the speaker, his expression was very subtle.

Yu Xi's voice was actually very nice, ethereal and soft. He spoke Mandarin, which became an outlier among those local dialects.

However, this also made their stall seem special in the entire vegetable market. Being special can attract people, and sure enough, someone soon looked over.

As long as you catch people's attention and someone is willing to look over, the transaction rate will increase greatly.

What's more, standing in front of their stall is a rare handsome guy like Guan Linyu and a beautiful woman like Yu Xi who can't be seen in ten miles.

The couple standing there is a landscape.

People were coming and going in the vegetable market. Everyone was shopping with a purpose, but if they suddenly got the urge, they would buy something they didn't intend to buy.

For example: dried tofu.

Business gradually improved, and Guan Linyu's cold attitude did not affect it much, because his serious look was actually quite interesting.

Some women even ran over in groups to see Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi sat in the back and heard several women discussing Guan Linyu.

"Look at this man, he looks really good, I haven't seen him before, is he a star?"

"I think so, so many people are taking pictures, it must be a TV show." "

He looks like a big star, do you want to go over and buy a piece of tofu and take a photo?"

"I can't be willing, right? I can take a photo with you for 20 yuan a pound of tofu?"

When Yu Xi heard this, he immediately stood up and raised the loudspeaker and shouted: "You can take a photo with tofu if you sell it, limited to the first 100 people, hurry up if you want to buy, if there are more than 100, you won't be able to take photos with the rest."

Guan Linyu: "..."

He hadn't figured out what was going on yet, and just when he was about to ask Yu Xi what was going on, he saw many people running over and saying, "Then I want to buy a pound too."

"I'll buy it too."

Yu Xi saw that it really worked, and didn't miss the business opportunity: "Buy two kilograms and get a chance to take a photo and a half kilogram of tofu. Buy five kilograms and you can shake hands. Buy ten kilograms..."

Guan Linyu interrupted Yu Xi immediately, "Yu Xi!"

Yu Xi: "What's the matter?" Guan

Linyu: "Do you know what you are saying?"

Yu Xi blinked and said innocently: "Doing business? There are always sacrifices, so you just make some sacrifices."

Guan Linyu: "Give me the loudspeaker!"

Yu Xi: "Okay, then you shout yourself?"

Guan Linyu frowned and turned off the loudspeaker, "Just stay still."

"Can you shake hands with five kilograms?" At this time, a woman stared at Guan Linyu with shining eyes.

Yu Xi lost the loudspeaker and said with a smile: "Now you can only buy two kilograms and get a photo. He is shy and doesn't want to."

Guan Linyu looked at her helplessly.

Fortunately, Yu Xi didn't continue to say anything about five kilograms and a handshake, and what ten kilograms could give. Guan Linyu didn't dare to imagine what shocking words Yu Xi would say.

[She sold her husband just to sell two kilograms of tofu. It's so funny. 】

【Yu Xi, you are awesome. Is there a wife like you? 】

【If I were Guan Linyu, I would be so angry that I would die. 】

【Why do I think it is quite interesting? I want to hear

what Yu Xi can do with ten kilograms! 】 【I want to go too. Ten kilograms is nothing. I will just buy all of them and shake hands all day long. 】

【The sister in front is amazing. My house is quite close to the filming location. It only takes an hour to drive there. I want to buy two kilograms of tofu. 】

There was a handsome guy selling tofu in the farmer's market. The news that you could take a photo with him if you bought two kilograms spread quickly.

Some people said that he was a big star experiencing life, and some people said that he had a wife and was filming a reality show with his wife...

Soon, the tofu stall was surrounded by people and there was a queue.

Guan Linyu "sold his sexiness" and really took photos with customers who bought two kilograms, so that everyone bought more than two kilograms.

He couldn't collect the money, and he didn't know where Yu Xi got a sticker with a WeChat payment code from, so that everyone could buy and pay in an orderly manner, and then take photos with the payment information.

Guan Linyu didn't know when he became a photo machine, and Yu Xi just stood there and reminded customers to take good things, pay and take photos.

The first 100 orders could take photos, which actually just completed the task of 2,000 yuan.

The original plan was to sell out before closing the stall at 5 pm.

As a result, at almost 2 o'clock, the dried tofu was almost sold out.

There were fewer people buying tofu.

After all, most of the people who bought tofu for photos were female customers.

In just a few hours, a small farmer's market could not handle the business of the entire county, and could only handle the business in the nearby area.

Yu Xi thought that if she sold out, she could just go back early, but Guan Linyu was unwilling to do so.

After the first 100 orders were sold, he directly contacted the staff of the program team and asked them to transport another box of dried tofu from the villagers, saying that he wanted to sell all the tofu himself. The tofu that was sold through his group photos did not make him very happy.

Yu Xi saw that he seemed to be in a bad mood, and it was clear that he wanted to sell the tofu through his own efforts, not through such an opportunistic way.

She realized that there was something wrong with her approach. Although Guan Linyu did not say anything to her, he actually disagreed. It was just that her words had been spoken, and it was not easy to take them back. Guan Linyu reluctantly agreed to take photos for the first 100 orders.

Seeing Guan Linyu put the dried tofu that was transported again on the table with a sullen face, Yu Xi walked over and patted his arm.

Guan Linyu did not respond.

Yu Xi knew that he was too lazy to pay attention to her now. Although she didn't think she did anything wrong, she was just trying to complete the task, but she did not take Guan Linyu's feelings into consideration.

She should discuss it with him.

"Are you angry?"

Guan Linyu still didn't speak.

"If you are angry, just say it. Why are you ignoring me?"

Guan Linyu: "No."

"Then if you are not angry, turn around and look at me."

"Is there something wrong?"

Yu Xi took out her mobile phone and turned on the selfie. "Look here."

She took a photo of herself and Guan Linyu's face.

Guan Linyu was stunned for a moment and looked at Yu Xi with a strange expression.

Yu Xi snorted: "So many women have taken photos with you today. As your wife, I want to take a photo with you too."

Guan Linyu was silent for a few seconds, but stopped what he was doing and looked at Yu Xi intently, as if he wanted to see through her heart.

Yu Xi pointed at the phone and said unhappily: "Look at how ugly your expression is. You have a sour face when taking pictures with me, but you look cool and handsome when taking pictures with others."

Guan Linyu's expression was stunned, "I didn't realize you still minded this."

Yu Xi: "Of course I mind."

Guan Linyu: "Why?"

Yu Xi raised his eyebrows: "Anyway, I mind."

Guan Linyu didn't ask any more. He looked at Yu Xi, "If I hadn't stopped you just now, wouldn't you have asked someone to shake hands with me? What's wrong with buying ten kilograms? Tell me." Guan Linyu

rarely spoke so much, his expression was very serious, and his tone was oppressive.

Yu Xi: "If you buy ten kilograms, then... pack up ten kilograms of tofu and take it away."

Guan Linyu: "..."

In fact, he didn't know why he was so angry, but just thinking about the situation just now, he felt very uncomfortable and was holding back a lot of anger in his heart. In fact, he was not angry with Yu Xi, but had all kinds of complicated emotions that he didn't know how to resolve.

Guan Linyu: "Forget it, I want to continue selling this box myself. If you don't want to be here, you can go back first."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 126. Chapter 125 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 125

Yu Xi, the wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network: "I'm afraid you don't want me to stay here, and want me to go back."

Guan Linyu looked at her, hesitant to speak, and finally did not refute, saying: "It's up to you."

After he finished speaking, he observed Yu Xi's reaction with the corner of his eye.

She just smiled indifferently.

Her indifferent attitude made the fire in Guan Linyu's heart burn more vigorously, as if it was smoking, but his heart was blocked tightly.

The old house was on fire, the fire burned the mountain, and he seemed to be in the flames.

Guan Linyu turned his back to her with a cold face and arranged the dried tofu on the table. In fact, it was already arranged very neatly, even obsessive-compulsive disorder could not find fault, but Guan Linyu was still arranging it, as if he wanted to arrange it in a flowery way.

Yu Xi: "You said you are not angry, but you are obviously making a fuss."

[It feels that Yu Xi doesn't care about Guan Linyu at all. ]

[Indeed, if I were Guan Linyu, I would definitely be angry. ]

[I also think Guan Linyu is making a fuss. 】

【But Yu Xi seemed to be coaxing him. I think the group photo just now was very sweet. 】

【Yes, yes, it's a little sweet. I'm getting it. 】

Guan Linyu turned off the loudspeaker and didn't organize any group photo activities. The flow of people immediately became smaller.

He didn't use Yu Xilu's voice to sell, which showed that he was obviously unhappy and refused to admit it.

People came to buy dried tofu intermittently, and it was not like before, when they would buy two kilograms at a time. At this rate, it would be impossible to sell out this box of tofu in a short time.

Seeing this, Guan Linyu hesitated for a while, and actually shouted a few times: "Selling dried tofu, handmade dried tofu, delicious and not expensive..."

The voice was not loud, but the people around could hear it.

He shouted in a rigid voice, which sounded very discordant.

It was the first time Guan Linyu did this kind of thing, and his shouting voice was a little intermittent. After shouting twice in a row, he slowly raised the volume.

The vendors nearby all looked over. After all, Guan Linyu's unique Mandarin, mixed with everyone's dialect, seemed very abrupt. In addition, his voice was really nice, so he didn't sound like a local.

It seemed that shouting was effective. After shouting for a while, two people really came over.

Guan Linyu insisted on staying to sell another box. In fact, he was also under pressure. Of course, he hoped that this box could be sold quickly so that Yu Xi wouldn't have to wait here.

But just as he was packing dried tofu for the customer, Yu Xi suddenly stood up and walked out.

Guan Linyu didn't notice it at first, until he handed the dried tofu to the customer, and then his eyes swept over and saw Yu Xi leaving. The light in his eyes dimmed, and he stared at her back for a long time without moving.

[Did Yu Xi really leave? Guan Linyu's eyes were a bit cruel. ]

[This time I stand with Guan Linyu. I think Yu Xi is a bit too much. ]

[What's wrong with Yu Xi? It was obviously Guan Linyu who was giving her a cold shoulder and ignored her. 】

【That was Yu Xi who sold Guan Linyu out first. Don't tell me it was to sell tofu. There's no need. 】

【We are a family. We quarrel at the head of the bed and make up at the foot of the bed. I am enjoying it. What are you quarreling about? 】

Guan Linyu's face became ugly, and the tone of his hawking was different from before.

Someone came to buy things, and he was a little absent-minded.

The barrage also quarreled. Some viewers condemned why Yu Xi left Guan Linyu alone, and others thought that Guan Linyu's attitude was too bad, so Yu Xi left.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu both have their own fans, and each has their own opinions. Only the CP fans are very enthusiastic. The sadder Guan Linyu is, the more he cares about Yu Xi.

Just when everyone thought that Yu Xi was really gone, Yu Xi came over with a big bag of things.

She quietly came behind Guan Linyu, and when Guan Linyu didn't see it, she patted Guan Linyu's left shoulder, and then went around in front of him.

When Guan Linyu turned around, she stretched out her finger and tapped Guan Linyu's cheek.

"Did you think I left? Your eyebrows are so tightly furrowed." Yu Xi's finger poked a shallow dimple on his face.

Guan Linyu was stunned. He didn't expect Yu Xi to suddenly appear again.

"Where did you go?"

Yu Xi: "I went to borrow some things."

She put the bag aside and took out a cutting board, a knife, and two bowls.

"Please move aside."

Yu Xi asked Guan Linyu to make room. She stood in front of the table and cut the dried tofu into thin slices of the same size, and then placed them separately in the bowls.

Then she poured a small amount of chili oil and seasoning salt into two plates, and added a little soy sauce.

After stirring with disposable chopsticks, she took out a piece of dried tofu and handed it to Guan Linyu's mouth, "Try it."

Guan Linyu opened his mouth passively, and Yu Xin put the chopsticks into Guan Linyu's mouth, "Try how it tastes."

She looked up at Guan Linyu's face and observed his expression, "How is it?"

Guan Linyu looked away, "Well, it's okay."

Yu Xi: "That's fine."

She took out a small bag of toothpicks, put some in both bowls, then picked up the bowls and stood on the side of the road.

Guan Linyu looked at her in confusion, and only then did he understand that she was planning to do a taste test.

The effect was really good.

Yu Xi stood on the side of the road and let passers-by taste it. She was tall, beautiful, and had a nice voice. Standing there was a signboard, and no one would refuse to eat the taste she gave out.

And the seasoned dried tofu tasted really good.

Everyone ate it, as long as it tasted okay, most people would want to buy some, and Yu Xi said sweetly beside him: "Delicious dried tofu, if you like it, you can buy some."

Basically everyone who tried it bought it.

Some people buy one pound, some buy two pounds, and the business picks up again.

Although it is not as good as before when you buy two pounds of dried tofu and take a photo with them, it is still pretty good.

Seeing that the dried tofu in the box is getting less and less, Guan Linyu is too busy. Yu Xi is busy sending out samples, and there are customers surrounding her to ask how these dried tofu are made, what kind of chili oil is used, and why they taste so good.

Seeing Yu Xi answering other people's questions with a smile, Guan Linyu doesn't understand why she treats him like this when she is so nice to others.

He also found the reason from himself.

The two of them have never communicated well. Although they are husband and wife, they don't even have the trust between ordinary friends.

Both of them are getting along with each other with the feeling that they can't go on. It is normal that she doesn't care about him. He didn't need to get emotional just now. After all... In Yu Xi's eyes, she never regarded him as a husband.

How could she care about him with other women?

Let alone taking photos, holding hands or even hugging, she may not care.

So why is he unhappy about this?

Seeing other men around her, he still wants her to come back.

[It seems that Yu Xi doesn't care about Guan Linyu so much, and he even comes back to help. ]

[As expected, I still have to rely on Yu Xi. When I'm away from home, I rely on life experience. ]

[From this perspective, Yu Xi and Guan Linyu are actually a good match, and they are a good match as a team. ]

[Didn’t you notice that Guan Linyu has been looking at Yu Xi? There is light in his eyes! ]


After all the dried tofu were sold, Yu Xi and Guan Linyu were finally able to go home.

At this time, everyone else had already set out on their way back.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu went back and sat on the tricycle, each sitting on one side. They had to go to the villagers’ homes to hand in the task first, and then they would be scored based on the money they earned. The

three boxes of dried tofu were sold for a total of more than two thousand yuan, which was beyond expectations. Before, they were only asked to sell two boxes, and now all three boxes have been sold. It is estimated that the task has been completed, but it is not certain whether they will be the first. The

road in the village is bumpy and the mountain road is rugged, so the tricycle kept shaking, and the two could not sit steadily at all.

Guan Linyu saw that Yu Xi's body was shaking all the time, and it was useless to hold on to the tricycle, so he sat closer to Yu Xi, "Do you want to hold on to me, it will be better." Yu

Xi was stunned for a moment, "No, it's okay."

Being rejected seemed to be what Guan Linyu expected.

He looked at Yu Xi. Just at this time, the tricycle passed by a big pit. Instead of going around it, it fell directly into the pit and then drove out. The body of the tricycle shook severely. Yu Xi was caught off guard and did not hold on firmly, and hit Guan Linyu directly in the chest.

Guan Linyu groaned, probably because he was hit hard.

Yu Xi also felt that her head hit Guan Linyu. Even she felt pain, and Guan Linyu must have felt bad too.

"Are you okay?"

Before Yu Xi could speak, she heard Guan Linyu's voice from above her head.

"I'm fine."

Yu Xi held Guan Linyu's arm and tried to sit up straight.

Unexpectedly, Guan Linyu put his arm around her shoulders and said, "Don't move, just sit still."

Yu Xi: "..."

Guan Linyu's voice was low, but gentle. He didn't look at Yu Xi, but looked straight ahead, holding the car with one hand and pressing Yu Xi with the other.

[So sweet, who said Guan Linyu didn't have feelings for Yu Xi, you're slapped in the face. ]

[I can see that too, Guan Linyu is quite protective of Yu Xi. ]

[Yu Xi's reaction is so cute, this couple is quite good to eat. ]

[Ahhhh, they just hugged each other, not bad. ]

[This couple is really good to eat, different from others, very real, I'm optimistic about them. ]

Yu Xi felt Guan Linyu's heart beating and could hear the sound. She was not used to such a close proximity, and more importantly, she could still smell the faint fragrance on Guan Linyu's body. Smelling it

carefully, it seemed to be the smell of cedar, sea salt mixed with rosemary.

His hands were getting tighter and tighter. She could hardly move. She could only be held in his arms quietly. At this time, it seemed that she didn't need to say anything. Just by feeling, she could feel that Guan Linyu was slowly accepting her.

Yu Xi whispered, "I can't move. Let me go."

Guan Linyu's hands loosened a little, but the car shook again. The next second, he grabbed Yu Xi's arm.

Yu Xi: "..."

It was useless to say it.

Guan Linyu: "You'll get hit if you keep shaking."

Yu Xi: "No."

Guan Linyu: "Wait a minute."


The two of them drove towards the village slowly and ran into Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian. It turned out that the car they were riding in broke down and they were waiting on the side of the road for the car to be repaired. Seeing

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu coming, the two immediately stopped in the middle of the road.

Xie Yilin didn't look carefully at first. It was not until Yu Xi's tricycle stopped that she found that Guan Linyu was hugging Yu Xi.

Her expression suddenly became very strange.

Lu Jinnian: "Our car broke down and we can't move. Luckily we met you, otherwise we don't know when it can be fixed."

Xie Yilin's eyes were still fixed on Guan Linyu, "Let's take a ride and go back together."

There was not much space in the car, but it was still possible for two more people to squeeze in.

Yu Xi said indifferently: "Come on in." Guan Linyu

didn't say anything, sat a little further inside, and then motioned Yu Xi to sit a little closer.

Yu Xi ignored him and just kept a little distance from Guan Linyu.

Seeing that she was unwilling, Guan Linyu didn't say anything.

After Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian got in the car, Xie Yilin deliberately sat next to Yu Xi, and got very close.

"What farm products are you selling? Have you sold them all?"

Yu Xi looked at Guan Linyu lazily, meaning for him to answer.

But Guan Linyu didn't say anything either.

Xie Yilin was a little embarrassed. At this time, Yu Xi said casually, "We are selling dried tofu and we are all sold out."

Xie Yilin: "That's good. We are all sold out. It was a lot of effort. I don't understand any of this. Thanks to Jinnian. If it weren't for him, I don't know what I would do."

Lu Jinnian smiled, "I am a man, so I must stand up at this time. You just need to collect the money."

Xie Yilin nodded sweetly, "Yes, I just need to use my QR code to collect the money. What about you, Yu Xi?"

Yu Xi squinted his eyes and said helplessly, "Me? My Guan Linyu is not as good as Lu Jinnian. He needs me to accompany him in everything and can't do anything without me."

Xie Yilin was stunned. She looked at Yu Xi in surprise, and then looked at Guan Linyu, obviously not believing what Yu Xi said.

Yu Xi patted Guan Linyu on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Old Guan, you have to learn from Lu Jinnian, do more things yourself, and save me the trouble, understand?"

Guan Linyu: "..."

Xie Yilin always felt that Yu Xi's words were more than what they seemed.

Xie Yilin: "You can't say that, everyone is different."

Lu Jinnian was very happy to be praised by Yu Xi, but he said modestly: "Oh, it's nothing, it must be done to be good to your wife."

Yu Xi looked at Guan Linyu: "Did you see it? Did you hear it? This is a model husband, how good people say it is."

After that, she pretended to dislike Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu glanced at her silently.

Yu Xi was not panicked at all, but laughed even happier.

Xie Yilin suddenly felt that Yu Xi's words just now were ironic, otherwise why would she be so happy.

Thinking of this, her mood was not very good.

And Guan Linyu looked like he indulged Yu Xi, which made her very confused.

The relationship between them seemed to be completely different from what she thought.


When we got to the entrance of the village, we had to walk in by ourselves. Xie Yilin got off the car with the help of Lu Jinnian, who asked her how she was and if she felt carsick.

Guan Linyu got off the car first, but Yu Xi stood on the car and refused to get off. She raised her eyebrows and pointed at the mud on the ground and said, "Guan Linyu, the ground is so dirty, you carry me."

Xie Yilin was about to say that she was fine, but when she heard Yu Xi's words, she was stunned and looked up at Guan Linyu.

She thought to herself, it would be strange if Guan Linyu was willing to carry you.

In order to compare with her in front of her, he could even say such words. Did he really think of himself as a princess?

Want to compare with her?

But what stunned her was that Guan Linyu actually turned his back and bent down, letting Yu Xi lie on his back and carry her on his back.

Looking at Guan Linyu and Yu Xi who were slowly going away, Xie Yilin felt very unhappy.

She couldn't ask Lu Jinnian to carry her on his back at this time, that would be too artificial. And Lu Jinnian would definitely not want to do it.

If she said it and Lu Jinnian refused, wouldn't it be very embarrassing.

So she smiled and said, "It must be so tiring to carry you all the way back. You've had a hard day today."

What she meant was that Yu Xi didn't know how to feel sorry for Guan Linyu, and insisted on letting Guan Linyu, who was tired all day, carry her on his back. It was too hypocritical and ignorant.

"I didn't see Yu Xi would be like this before." Xie Yilin added. It was

implied that Yu Xi, a woman from a rural area, was obviously able to endure hardships, but she insisted on letting Guan Linyu carry her on her back, which was intentional.

[He actually carried her on his back, it turned out to be love. 】

【To be honest, Guan Linyu was really manly at this time. 】

【I like Guan Linyu very much. In fact, he also dotes on Yu Xi. 】

【Was Yu Xi acting like a spoiled child just now? So coquettish and soft. If I were Guan Linyu, I would definitely carry him on my back. 】


Guan Linyu carried Yu Xi on his back to hand in the task. The villagers didn't expect that they could sell all three boxes of dried tofu. They were very happy.

The cost of dried tofu is very low. Although it is not easy to make, it is low in cost and high in profit. If so much is sold in one day, it is also a lot of money.

The villagers gave them more than 500 points in proportion, and also gave them a large bag of dried tofu and some agricultural products made by themselves.

When they went back, Guan Linyu took the things by himself, and Yu Xi was empty-handed.

Yu Xi did nothing, and so many things were taken by Guan Linyu alone. Guan Linyu's image suddenly became a mature husband who indulged his little wife.

According to the rules, the couple with the most points will be the first.

The other groups also handed in their tasks at about the same time.

As soon as they got back, the program team announced the results.

All four groups passed, and the first place went to Yu Xi and Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu won the quota for the hot spring night. After changing their clothes, they could go to the hot spring hotel for dinner, and then enjoy their own hot spring time.

Everyone else was envious. In this rural area, it was quite enjoyable to be able to go to the hot spring.

And it was a real world for two people. Before, everyone lived together and there was no private space. Going to the hot spring hotel was like a couple's vacation.

Before leaving, Yu Xi was thinking about what to wear. Guan Linyu

didn't have to think about it. He only had two sets of clothes. He wore this set today and another set tomorrow. Today he took a car and moved things. The road was dusty and he was covered in dust. He changed his clothes and took a shower when he came back.

When he was taking a shower, someone knocked on the door, and then he heard the voices of Chen You and Kong Miao.

They came to find Yu Xi and called Yu Xi out.

When Guan Linyu came out, Yu Xi had already returned.

Guan Linyu: "Did anyone come just now?"

Yu Xi picked up the clothes and bath towel she wanted to change, and prepared to go to the bathroom. She answered casually: "Well, Kong Miao and Chen You came to talk to me."

Guan Linyu didn't ask any more, but just glanced at the clothes in her hand.

It was a white suspender skirt and a white tassel sweater.

Yu Xi had never worn this before. It looked like there was very little fabric, and it looked very figure-revealing.

Guan Linyu just took a closer look at the clothes in Yu Xi's hand, and Yu Xi said: "What's wrong?"

Guan Linyu lowered his head and coughed: "Nothing."

Yu Xi walked towards Yu Xi, and Guan Linyu took out a mint candy from his pocket and ate it.

The refreshing and cool taste of the mint candy spread in his mouth, making his mind suddenly clear, and the faint aroma of the mint candy filled his lips and teeth.

He sat on the balcony for a while, thinking about the things he had done with Yu Xi today, his mind was running fast, as if many scenes were passing by like a revolving lantern.

The most profound memory was that Yu Xi stood in the car and asked him to carry her on his back in a slightly coquettish tone. This

was the first time he saw Yu Xi talking to him like that in these days.

Guan Linyu got excited and stood up, taking the book brought by Yu Xi from the pillow.

He opened the page he had seen before: A woman who acts like a spoiled child has the best life.

A wife who knows how to act like a spoiled child is the most attractive, and a man can never refuse a woman who acts like a spoiled child.

When a woman acts like a spoiled child, she is the cutest, and men are often the most helpless at this time.

Guan Linyu frowned and fell into deep thought.

He thought of the last time he and Yu Xi argued about the fact that "men hate to see women cry the most, and they will become soft-hearted when they cry."

Could it be that this book is not just made up, but is well-founded?

Guan Linyu thought that he might need to correct his attitude towards this book.

So why did Yu Xi want to read this book?

The title of this book is: Women, How to Make Your Husband Spoil You For Life.

So is Yu Xi doing this for him?

Guan Linyu didn't think so.

But he didn't want to completely deny this possibility.

This contradictory mentality made him more curious about this book.

He carefully flipped through the table of contents of the book, and the more he read, the more surprised he was.

It was simply a field he had never understood or touched before.

Yu Xi changed her clothes and came out. She saw Guan Linyu lowering his head and reading a book attentively. She was puzzled.

Why did Guan Linyu always read the books she brought?

To be honest, she read these two books as joke books. She found some remarks in them funny. He

didn't have a learning attitude at all. He just complained while reading because there was nothing else to do here.

The last time she refuted Guan Linyu, it was simply to slap him in the face. It wasn't really because she felt that everything the book said was right. Of course, there were some remarkable points in the book.

"What are you doing?"

Guan Linyu was reading very seriously just now, and he didn't even notice that Yu Xi came out.

He put the book aside and said, "Just take a look at the book you brought."

Yu Xi: "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

Guan Linyu: "Just take a look."

Yu Xi said jokingly: "You are reading it so seriously, are you really just taking a look?"

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi: "Then what did you see?"

Guan Linyu pondered for a moment, his expression a little unnatural, "Nothing, are you okay?"

Yu Xi: "Why are you changing the subject?"

Guan Linyu's face was calm, but his eyes did not look at Yu Xi, "No."

Yu Xi smiled and slowly walked in front of him, "If you say no, then no."

She raised her eyebrows slightly and reached out to pick up the book, "I'll give this book to you, take it and study it."

Guan Linyu: "What to study?"

Yu Xi pointed at the title of the book: "Just read it the other way around, as a man, how to make your wife love you forever."

She lowered her voice, put the book on Guan Linyu's lap, and looked at him with a smile, "Actually, think about it, after you separate from me, you can use it when you remarry. You are not young anymore, it is enough to learn a lesson from this one divorce. You must learn to plan ahead. I am different from you."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 127. Chapter 126 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 126 Guan

Linyu, the wife of a wealthy CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network, was so angry with Yu Xi that she didn't say a word to Yu Xi until the end of the meal.

Because it was a hotel in the scenic area of ​​the village, the environment was not very good, but fortunately the scenery was good, the air was good, and it was very quiet.

The dining place was outdoors, so it was still a bit cold at night.

After the meal, neither of them took the initiative to mention going to the hot spring. They just sat there, with Yu Xi holding a wine glass, and red wine flowing in the glass. The red liquid flickered, and under the warm yellow light, the color became more seductive and attractive.

Yu Xi drank two glasses. Although she only poured a little in each glass, her face was already slightly flushed.

Guan Linyu didn't drink, but only ate a little steak. He didn't seem to have a good appetite, but he was still handsome. The barrage was mainly licking the screen for Guan Linyu and Yu Xi's gorgeous beauty.

However, many viewers also complained about Guan Linyu's two clothes.

[As a CEO with assets of tens of billions, he only brought two sets of clothes. 】

【Should we find a suit brand sponsor to send some clothes to Guan Linyu? 】

【What does a man need so many clothes for? He looks good in anything. 】

【Yes, he always wears shirts and suits, so they look the same. 】

【Yu Xi looks so tempting when she drinks. I want to overwhelm her. 】

【What is Guan Linyu doing? Hurry up and take Yu Xi to the hot springs. 】

Guan Linyu's eyes were faintly lit. He stared at Yu Xi intently, without any emotion in his eyes or expression on his face, but he was always like this. It

was just that he looked at Yu Xi motionlessly, which made people feel so sweet, even though he didn't say anything or even show anything. But

Yu Xi didn't even look at him, just focused on the wine glass and looked at the scenery next to him from time to time.

Time passed by little by little, and the staff of the program group probably couldn't stand them sitting there without talking, and kept worrying behind the camera. Later, they simply asked the hotel waiter to remind Yu Xi and Guan Linyu to change clothes.

"Sir and Madam, the hot spring is ready for you. You can change your clothes now. Please follow me, this way."

Yu Xi put down her wine glass. She supported the table with one hand and stood up slowly. "Let's go."

She took two steps. The ground was a gravel road, and it was not stable to walk on it. Her steps were slightly crooked, and Guan Linyu stretched out his hand.

But he took it back before he touched Yu Xi.

Yu Xi didn't see his action, but the audience saw it.

[I'm so anxious, Guan Linyu, just go up and help her. ]

[They are husband and wife, and you are still embarrassed. ]

[Wow, I really like this couple, it feels like Guan Linyu has fallen. ]

[Yu Xi, look back at Guan Linyu. ]

[Help, I like them so much, this couple is really cool. 】

Yu Xi walked neither fast nor slow. Guan Linyu's legs were longer than hers, so if he wanted to walk slower than her, he could only move at a snail's pace. Otherwise, one step of his would be equivalent to three steps of Yu Xi's. So it was funny to see him slowly lifting his feet behind Yu Xi.

It was not easy for him to walk behind Yu Xi.

Soon, they arrived at the place where they changed clothes. Men and women were separated. The waiter took Yu Xi and Guan Linyu separately.

Yu Xi went to the women's fitting room, where there were many new swimsuits. Yu Xi randomly chose a white swimsuit. The style was not sexy, but it was definitely not conservative. It was a white one-piece sling swimsuit with ruffles on the hem. It looked very sweet and pure, and the waistline was very thin.

As soon as she came out, she caught people's

attention. Her fair skin and white swimsuit revealed a bit of pure beauty. Her long hair was down, and she looked like a seductive beauty. Her

beautiful lips were painted with soft and moist apricot pink lip glaze, and her face had a pink sheen. At this moment, she was glowing.

She raised her hand, gathered her long hair and tied it into a bun, revealing her beautiful forehead.

Guan Linyu changed clothes faster than Yu Xi. He had come to the hot spring pool under the guidance of the waiter. He stood by the pool without entering the water, but stood there wrapped in a white robe and looked into the distance.

It seemed that he was waiting for Yu Xi.

It was just that he was looking in the wrong direction. Yu Xi's fitting room was not in the same direction as his, so he looked to the left, but Yu Xi came from the intersection on the right.

When Yu Xi saw Guan Linyu, Guan Linyu hadn't noticed her yet.

Yu Xi was wearing wooden slippers, which made a slight sound when stepping on the gravel road.

When Yu Xi approached, Guan Linyu heard the sound.

He slowly turned his head, and the light shone on Yu Xi. Yu Xi's face and body were white and glowing. She was like a moonlit elf, with dreamy wings behind her, flapping as she walked towards him.

[So beautiful, who can resist Yu Xi's figure. ]

[Sister is so amazing, so beautiful. ]

[Guan Linyu was stunned. 】

【Wow, it's so exciting to take a hot spring bath together! 】

【Hurry up, I can't wait to see the two of them take a hot spring bath together. 】

Yu Xi walked over, but did not walk to Guan Linyu's side. Instead, she squatted down three meters away from him, put her hand into the hot spring, and tested the water temperature.

The water temperature was hot, and because she was not used to it yet, she felt very hot when she put her fingers in. She hesitated for a moment before walking down the steps and putting one foot in first.

The water surface flooded over the instep, and she stared at the water surface. The warm white water was shining and smoking.

Yu Xi sighed softly, "It's a bit hot."

Guan Linyu's gaze was so hot that he quickly looked away after he noticed it.

After both legs had adapted to the temperature of the water, Yu Xi slowly walked down the hot spring and sat down with her arms folded. She only exposed the area above her shoulders, and her collarbone was bouncing up and down on the water surface. The water droplets on her body had a crystal clear luster.

Guan Linyu's attention was slowly attracted again.

He stood by the pool, not knowing what he was thinking.

The audience was so anxious, why didn't Guan Linyu get into the water.

In the expectation of everyone, Guan Linyu finally raised his hand to untie the laces of his robe. He took off the robe and threw it on the stone beside him, revealing his body.

[Damn, Guan Linyu's abdominal muscles are so amazing. ]

[Is this something I can see without paying? ]

[This is the ultimate beauty. It's really rare for someone in his thirties to keep this up. ]

[This figure is so youthful, and the skin color is also very beautiful]

[You don't know until you take it off. Once you take it off, you will be shocked. It's so handsome. It's more sexy when it's undressed than when it's dressed. ]

Guan Linyu's figure is almost perfect. His abdominal muscles are not big, just eight abdominal muscles, but he doesn't have strong chest muscles and biceps. He is perfect for being thin when dressed and having meat when undressed. He is flat but very healthy, and every inch of his skin is beautiful.

Yu Xi didn't intend to look at it. She was very comfortable in the water. It was only when she heard the movement that she looked over lazily.

Seeing Guan Linyu's figure, Yu Xi had to admit that it was indeed rare to have such a beautiful face.

Speaking of which, Guan Linyu is indeed a very good marriage partner, if you don't have any feelings for him.

Both her parents died, and no one cared about her after she married him. She could do whatever she wanted, and he didn't go home all year round, so she could play around and spend endless money. She could even swipe his card as much as she wanted.

But she didn't know if he would be angry if she secretly used his money

to support a gigolo. But the original owner married Guan Linyu to live a good life with him.

The two people had different demands.

Yu Xi drank wine and soaked in the hot spring. The blood made her feel a little dizzy. She was not drunk, but her brain was slow to react.

So when she thought about this, she kept looking at Guan Linyu and forgot to look away.

So Guan Linyu looked at her for a while. Although Yu Xi was distracted, in the eyes of others, the two seemed to be looking at each other affectionately.

Even Guan Linyu himself had a little ambiguous illusion.

The hot spring was already very hot, and with the heated atmosphere, it was difficult for people not to think too much.

After Guan Linyu went into the water, he sat down like Yu Xi, relaxed his body, and felt the water soaking his body. This feeling would make people relax.

But he still couldn't completely relax, his body was always tense.

He and Yu Xi were not far apart, after all, the whole pool was just like this, and the program group specially chose a small hot spring pool for them, just to let them have close contact in the pool and develop better.

Looking at Yu Xi's face getting redder and redder, Guan Linyu hesitated for a while and then leaned over.

He didn't lean over obviously, but changed his posture, as if his feet were numb and he had to move a few times, but after changing his posture, he was side by side with Yu Xi.

Yu Xi's attention was attracted by Guan Linyu.

"Why are you coming over here to get close to me?"

[Ahhhh, I hate you for being a blockhead, Yu Xi. ]

[Guan Linyu is so hard, how did he meet this straight wife. ]

[It's so funny, Yu Xi, your wife is leaning over, why are you asking her, of course she wants to get close to you. ]

[Guan Linyu: I want to get close to my wife. ]

[Guan Linyu, don't say anything, just hug directly. 】

Guan Linyu answered the question irrelevantly: "You just drank some wine, and your face is very red."

Yu Xi touched her face, "Really?"

Her hands were all wet, and when she touched her face, her face was also wet, and there were water droplets on her face.

Guan Linyu resisted the urge to reach out and help her wipe it off. His fingers moved slightly in the water, but he didn't lift them up.

The water temperature was very hot, and Yu Xi's hands were also hot after being soaked in the water. When she touched her face, she couldn't tell whether her face was hotter or her hands were hotter.

She hesitated for a moment, stretched out her hand and put it on Guan Linyu's forehead, and used the back of her hand to test his temperature, and then put it on her forehead and touched it.

After the comparison.

Yu Xi stared at Guan Linyu and said, "Obviously your face is hotter than mine."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi's action made him hold his breath, because when Yu Xi touched his forehead like this, when her body got close to him, he smelled a sweet fragrance, the smell of cream and lychee rose, mixed with the fragrance of hair, just like the natural body fragrance of a girl.

Guan Linyu: "Hmm."

He didn't know how to answer for a moment, and could only reluctantly say "hmm".

Guan Linyu's eyelashes trembled slightly.

After being fumigated by the hot steam of the hot spring, Yu Xi's mind seemed to be confused. She looked at the man opposite her.

Through the mist, he also looked a little hazy.

It was like seeing flowers in the fog. The more he looked,

the more handsome he became.

Although the man in front of her was her own husband, she and him didn't seem to have any substantial relationship.

Yu Xi stared at him.

Guan Linyu: "What's wrong?"

Yu Xi waved the water surface and asked, "Do you think the water is too hot?"

Guan Linyu said, "Not bad."

After he finished speaking, seeing that Yu Xi didn't respond, he added, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Yu Xi sneered and sighed, "Hmm, I thought you were a person who didn't care about others, but it turns out you have a mouth."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Seeing that he didn't speak again, Yu Xi held her chin with both hands and sighed a little bored.

After a while.

"It's so boring." Yu Xi muttered, trying to stand up, but accidentally stepped on the pebbles at the bottom. She had been soaking for too long and had drunk some wine, so she felt a little dizzy, so her body was unstable.

She fell down, the water made a splash, and she supported herself on the edge with one hand and threw herself into the water with the other.

Guan Linyu hurriedly stood up to help her. Yu Xi's hand was under his shoulder, and she finally stood up and breathed a sigh of relief.

Guan Linyu could smell a faint smell of alcohol, coupled with her faint fragrance and erratic eyes, which made him a little drunk.

He obviously didn't drink, but his eyes were blurred unconsciously.

"Are you standing firm?"

"Well, wait a minute, I'm not ready yet." Yu Xi responded, but her hand didn't move away, and Guan Linyu didn't remind her to stop.

She slowly stood up with the help of his body, and the water flowed down from her collarbone. The beautiful scenery that was just blocked by the water surface was finally half exposed, without any cover.

Guan Linyu glanced and quickly looked away.

Yu Xi seemed not to notice. As she retracted her hand, she bent it slightly. Her beautiful nails scraped across his shoulder and quickly disappeared.

Guan Linyu paused slightly, his eyes following her hand as it sank into the water.

Yu Xi said casually, "You're too hot."

"..." Guan Linyu pretended to be calm and replied, "Maybe the water is too hot."

Hearing this, Yu Xi's lips curled up a little, and she followed his words and said, "Really? I just said it was hot, and you asked me. I thought you weren't hot." It

was clearly her first sentence, but now it has become his excuse.

Both of them knew it in their hearts.

Guan Linyu said, "I didn't feel it just now, but it's a little bit because it's been soaking for a long time."

He glanced at her, "Do you want them to send you a cup of sobering tea?"

Yu Xi smiled slightly, "How do you know I'm drunk?"

She scooped up some water, sprinkled it carelessly, and then raised her red lips slightly, "It's not you who's drunk."

Guan Linyu looked at her, "I didn't drink."

"Can't you get drunk without drinking?" She blinked.

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi stood up from the water suddenly, and some water fell from her body, and some splashed on Guan Linyu. The

warm water drops fell on his face, shoulders, and collarbone. He raised his head slowly, and suddenly Yu Xi turned around and faced him. She put her hands on the stones on both sides of him and leaned over slightly, "Just teasing you, you are always silent, so boring."

Her body fell into Guan Linyu's eyes, too close, and her fair skin came into view, making him very uncomfortable for a moment. He subconsciously held his breath, but he couldn't resist Yu Xi getting closer and closer.

He had to close his eyes and turn his head to look elsewhere.

Yu Xi laughed out loud, "Look at you."

She took a few steps back and finally decided to let him go, but her feet slipped again. This time she fell straight back. If she really fell, it would be much uglier than before, and she might even hit the stone next to her.

Fortunately, Guan Linyu opened his eyes in time, quickly grabbed her hand, and pulled her into his arms.

He immediately felt a smooth and tender touch on his body. He hugged Yu Xi, "Are you okay?"

After saying this, Yu Xi suddenly looked up at him.

She was still in shock and looked at him with delicate eyes. Guan Linyu's body froze, and his heart beat too fast, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

Guan Linyu's Adam's apple moved up and down, and he took a deep breath, but he did not let go of his hand. Instead, he unconsciously hugged her tightly.

[Ahhh, this is what I want to see! ]

[Guan Linyu, well done! ]

[It's so exciting, it should be like this. ]

[I always love to watch the scene of a hero saving a beautiful woman. 】

【I'm dying, this couple is definitely a happy couple. 】

"You..." Yu Xi felt his strength and blinked. In order not to fall, she unconsciously hugged him tightly.

Yu Xi's heart was beating very fast. Fortunately, he held her, otherwise it would be very ugly if she fell.

When Guan Linyu lowered his head, Yu Xi did not dodge.

Their lips were getting closer and closer. Her eyes were a little hazy. For a moment, an impulse surged in her mind.

She felt itchy in her heart and dug her fingers into his skin.

A strange numbness rose in her heart, and she seemed to be eager to get closer.

Both of them could feel each other's breathing. At this moment, it seemed that everything around them disappeared. They even forgot about the camera and what they were doing. Their

minds were blank, and when they realized it, their lips were already pressed together.

This kiss was not deep, and they almost separated as soon as they touched, but the soft touch was definitely real.

She seemed to have touched Guan Linyu's teeth just now. When her tongue touched his, she woke up as if she had been electrocuted.

Even though the process took less than a minute, it still hit them like a heavy blow.

The two of them widened their eyes.

Did they kiss just now?

[Oh my god, they kissed!!! They really kissed!]

[Who's not going to ship it? ? ? Press your head and ship it for me.]

[Family, the CP I'm shipping is real.]

[Wuwuwuwu, why did they kiss for such a short time!]

Yu Xi turned her head and looked around. The staff looked at them excitedly. She even thought they were going to applaud.

Why are everyone so happy?

Yu Xi's feet suddenly felt numb. She took a deep breath and felt a chill in her body, dispelling the heat from her body.

What should I do now?

This voice rang in her mind, but she smiled calmly, "Are you still going to soak? It's not good to soak for too long. How about leaving?"

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."


This is not the peak season for the hot spring hotel, so there are not many people in the hotel.

The two returned to the room, speechless all the way, the atmosphere was ambiguous and awkward, this might be the first time the two have had such an atmosphere.

Yu Xi said nothing, and went back to the room and said he was going to take a shower first.

The room was a king-size bed room with mountain view. Yu Xi went to the bathroom, and Guan Linyu sat outside and waited. He sat on the sofa, staring at the mountain view outside the window in a daze.

Although it was dark outside the window, a few street lights could be vaguely seen, and there were not many stars in the sky. He stared for a while, and then looked back in the direction of the bathroom.

The sound of water was already heard in the bathroom.

Guan Linyu touched his pocket, took out the mint candy, and found that there were only two mints left in the box. He ate one himself, and then put the box with only one candy left on the table.

Secretary Lin called, interrupting Guan Linyu's thoughts.

He picked up the phone, and Secretary Lin wanted to report on his work as usual, but was interrupted by Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu said lightly: "No need to report today, you can sort it out and send me an email, I will take a look tomorrow."

"But, didn't you say yesterday that this matter must be dealt with immediately..." Secretary Lin said halfway, and reacted, "Is it inconvenient for Mr. Guan now?"

Secretary Lin's words made Guan Linyu suddenly embarrassed.

What he said was inconvenient, which could easily lead people to think wrongly.

Although only he could hear these words and he did not turn on the speaker, it did change his expression a little.

"No." Guan Linyu simply did not want to think about work right now, and he just wanted to spend the night quietly.

This was also the first time he put work aside.

Secretary Lin was very surprised. Guan Linyu was a workaholic, and everything else was put behind work. What happened today?

There must be something, but Guan Linyu did not want to say it.

Secretary Lin was very curious, what could make Guan Linyu change his principles.

On the phone, Secretary Lin tried again and asked him when it would be convenient to call him tomorrow.

As a result, Guan Linyu said that he would take the initiative to find him and asked Secretary Lin to wait for him to contact.

This was the first time.

Secretary Lin was so shocked that he could not speak, and Guan Linyu had already hung up the phone.

Yu Xi was taking a shower in the bathroom, looking at her face in the mirror, she could not help but pat her face.

What happened in the hot spring just now was also something she did not expect.

There was clearly no spark between her and Guan Linyu. Although her mission was not to divorce, did she really want something to happen between her and him?

In fact, she originally thought that as long as she was not hated by everyone on the show like the original owner, and she got along with Guan Linyu in a friendly and respectful manner, Guan Linyu would not want to divorce.

After all... he didn't need love, so it didn't matter who he married. She just needed to let Guan Linyu know that she might be a tool man's wife, not bring him trouble, and would not ask him to pay anything, then he would have no reason to divorce her. Didn't

his grandmother also want him to divorce? In the original plot, the two of them could not go to the end because the original owner wanted to get love from him and expected him to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband. She wanted to get close to him again and again, which made him feel that the two were not suitable because he could not give her anything.

This time, she thought very clearly that the two were just superficial couples anyway, so there was no need to get close to him, just keep a distance.

However, the accident tonight... was out of her control.

She must have been drunk and fainted.

Yu Xi took a deep breath and said, "Drinking will cause trouble."

There was no camera in the bathroom, so she could complain here. She would

have to face the camera again when she went out. Everything that happened between her and Guan Linyu in the hot spring was probably seen by the audience.

She rubbed her forehead, wondering what to do now. Should

she continue with the original plan?

It seemed that she had to find an opportunity to talk to Guan Linyu and make things clear with him. It was better for them to keep their distance. This would make the relationship between husband and wife the most stable and more like a cooperative relationship.

Yu Xi looked at the mirror again and decided to just pretend that what happened in the hot spring had never happened. Guan Linyu should think the same.

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☆ 128. Chapter 127 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 127 The wife of the wealthy CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network

was worried that it would be embarrassing, but after Yu Xi came out, Guan Linyu also looked fine, so Yu Xi felt relieved.

It seems that she was worrying too much.

She naturally lay down and prepared to go to bed early today.

Guan Linyu asked without thinking, "Have you brushed your teeth?"

Yu Xi looked at him puzzledly, "Yes."

Of course she did, she would not go to bed without brushing her teeth before going to bed.

But Guan Linyu seemed a little disappointed. Although he still had no expression, Yu Xi felt it.

"What's wrong?"

Guan Linyu was silent for a few seconds and said, "Nothing."

Yu Xi was even more confused, but did not ask any more questions.

Guan Linyu picked up the box of mints on the table and put it back in his pocket, "I'll go wash up."

Yu Xi: "Well, then I'll go to bed first." Guan Linyu

: "..."

He stared at her for a while, and nodded after a long while.

Yu Xi couldn't figure out his thoughts. Of course, she didn't plan to figure it out. She just covered herself with the quilt and lay down to sleep. She also said, "Then I'll turn off the lights. Just leave a wall lamp for you. Remember to cover the camera."

Guan Linyu hummed.

Yu Xi turned off the lights and closed her eyes with satisfaction. Guan Linyu stood at the head of the bed and looked at Yu Xi. His eyes were deep and his gaze was fixed on Yu Xi's face. He looked at her quietly for a long time.

Her sleeping posture has always been very well-behaved.

Guan Linyu pursed his lips tightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, a faint tenderness appeared in his eyes, and his eyebrows were also soothing and soft.

After only looking for a minute, he turned and went to the bathroom.

[I'm crazy, I'm shitting, I don't want to live anymore, kill me to cheer them up. ]

[I'm willing to dedicate ten pounds of meat for their love! ]

[Eat it well, I love this kind of repressed and restrained love. ]

[Why can Guan Linyu only look at Yu Xi secretly, and can't express it at all. 】

【To be honest, Guan Linyu's feelings for Yu Xi really resonate with me. I felt the same way when I first started to like my boyfriend. 】

Yu Xi slept soundly, but she suddenly woke up from a nightmare in the second half of the night.

She sat up in shock, her chest heaving, her mind a little confused, and she couldn't tell whether she was in a dream or the real world. She vaguely remembered that she was always going down the stairs, and something was chasing her from behind. She kept running and running, and the endless stairs made her panic, as if she would never reach the first floor. She was so scared that she kept looking back, but it seemed that she could only see a terrifying shadow.

This dream was so real that when she woke up, she couldn't help but look around.

She grabbed the nearest thing around her helplessly, her mind a little confused, so she didn't immediately realize that she was grabbing Guan Linyu.

"What's wrong?"

Guan Linyu didn't sleep well, and he felt it when Yu Xi woke up. As soon as Yu Xi grabbed him, he woke up immediately.

Maybe he felt Yu Xi's uneasiness, so his voice was very gentle.

Yu Xi slowed down and took a deep breath, "It's okay."

"Did you have a nightmare?" Guan Linyu's voice seemed particularly gentle in the darkness, so much so that Yu Xi felt it was unreal.

She even suspected that she was still dreaming. This was a dream within a dream, and the person next to her was not Guan Linyu. She frowned, and her fingers tightened unconsciously. She suppressed her uneasiness and said with a sullen face: "Turn on the light."

Guan Linyu also sat up, and his hand held Yu Xi's hand.

His palm completely wrapped around Yu Xi's hand. Yu Xi was stunned, but inexplicably felt relieved.

Because his hands were big and hot, she immediately felt real.

Before, she disliked Guan Linyu's hands for being too hot, but now she felt that it was okay.

Guan Linyu turned on the light with his other hand.

The room was suddenly bright.

Yu Xi slowly looked at the person next to her. Guan Linyu's face was particularly clear under the light. His facial features were three-dimensional and handsome, so handsome that it made people feel unreal.

Yu Xi felt at ease having found someone familiar. Although in her heart, Guan Linyu might not be an important existence, at this moment, having someone around her could indeed relieve her anxiety.

In fact, she hadn't had a nightmare for a long time.

Guan Linyu's hand hadn't loosened yet.

Yu Xi looked dazed, more adorable than usual.

This was also the first time Guan Linyu had seen her like this.

However, Yu Xi quickly pulled herself out of her anxiety. It was just a nightmare.

Everything would be fine once

she got back to reality. But just as she was about to pull her hand out, she heard Guan Linyu ask her, "Are you feeling better?"

She didn't know if it was her illusion, but Guan Linyu's expression didn't seem so stiff and indifferent.

At least, his tone was gentle.

Yu Xi nodded, "It's okay, go back to sleep."

Guan Linyu: "Do you want to turn on the light?"

Yu Xi felt strange that he asked her so considerately about everything. She thought about it and said, "Turn it on."

It was estimated that she wouldn't be able to fall asleep for a while, and it would be a bit strange to turn off the light. She was particularly energetic now.

Yu Xi pulled her hand out, tidied her hair pretending to be calm, and then continued to lie down.

The room was very quiet, but the window seemed not to be closed tightly, so the sound of the wind outside could be heard. Yu Xi slightly tilted her body, not facing Guan Linyu, leaving him with her back.

Although she couldn't see Guan Linyu at all, Yu Xi could vaguely feel that Guan Linyu was looking at her.

The more this happened, the more she couldn't sleep.

Time passed slowly, and it wasn't long before dawn. If she didn't sleep, she would have to go back soon. Yu Xi decided to sleep for a while longer. She turned around and wanted to tell Guan Linyu to turn off the lights, but when she turned around, her eyes met Guan Linyu's.

Their eyes met, and they thought of what happened in the hot spring at the same time.

Guan Linyu's expression suddenly became unnatural, but he just flickered his eyes and didn't move his face away.

Yu Xi whispered, "Turn off the lights and go back to sleep."

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

He raised his hand to turn off the lights, and lifted the quilt at the same time. A gust of cold air poured into the quilt. Yu Xi reached out and pressed the quilt, and at the same time, the lights were turned off. It

suddenly became dark in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see her hand in front of her.

She put her hand back into the quilt by feel, but touched a hand.

Needless to say, she knew it was Guan Linyu's hand. Yu Xi was about to take it away, but he held it.

Yu Xi was stunned.

What did Guan Linyu mean by this?

Yu Xi's mind was full of thoughts.


She struggled to break free, but was held tightly, "Go to sleep."


Yu Xi didn't understand what Guan Linyu meant, but Guan Linyu had no intention of letting go. Could it be that he wanted to hold her hand while sleeping?

Who can sleep like this?

Yu Xi closed her eyes, her mind was very clear.

Was he afraid that she would have a nightmare?

Or was he afraid that she would move around?

She couldn't figure it out, so she simply stopped

thinking about it. But she couldn't fall asleep, so she struggled hard again, but Guan Linyu asked her what was wrong.

Yu Xi told him unhappily, "I can't sleep like this."

Guan Linyu was silent for a moment before saying, "Okay."

After he let go of her, Yu Xi immediately took her hand back.

This is much better. Who wants to sleep holding hands? Their hands are so hot, they burn.

Yu Xi secretly complained in her heart, closed her eyes, and finally felt sleepy.

After dawn, Yu Xi woke up again. She slept very well on her second night. Not only did she not have nightmares, but her sleep quality was also exceptionally good. When she woke up, she felt a full sleep and felt very relaxed.

But she felt something was wrong just as she was about to get up.

It turned out that her hand was held by Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi was a little confused for a moment. Didn't he let her go last night?

Did she fall asleep after he let her go?

Or did she remember it wrongly?

That's not right. She clearly felt that she couldn't sleep if she held his hand, so she asked him to let go. Why is he still holding it now? The most outrageous thing is that she is sleeping soundly.

Yu Xi pulled her hand out with all her strength, but it didn't move

at all. She stared at Guan Linyu. What's wrong with this man? Can't he sleep without holding his hand?


He slept even more soundly than her. She woke up, but he was still asleep.

Yu Xi stared at his face and saw that he was sleeping very soundly. He closed his eyes and there was almost no flaw on his face. It seemed that she seldom stared at his face carefully before.

And he always woke up before her before, so Yu Xi didn't see him sleeping.

Looking at him now, she couldn't help but think that he seemed to be more pleasing to the eye when he was asleep than usual. He

was still holding her hand so tightly even when he was asleep. Yu Xi helplessly pushed Guan Linyu's shoulder with her other hand, "Hey, Guan Linyu, wake up."

With this push, Guan Linyu slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as Guan Linyu opened his eyes, his whole face suddenly became more lively. His noble and cold temperament was ignited at once, exuding an addictive charm.

It was as if all things were awakening, and vitality suddenly flourished.

Yu Xi stared at him for a few seconds.

Guan Linyu actually smiled at her, "Morning."

Yu Xi stared at him in surprise.

Guan Linyu seemed to have woken up from a sweet dream, looking at Yu Xi, with sleepiness in his lazy eyes, and he had not completely come out of the dream.

Yu Xi said speechlessly: "You sleep so soundly."

Guan Linyu didn't speak, but looked at her.

Yu Xi: "Let me go."

He seemed not to understand.

Yu Xi: "Let go of my hand first, you hold it so tightly, I'm numb."

Guan Linyu frowned, only to find that he was actually holding Yu Xi's hand.

His expression was stunned for a moment, and then his fingers loosened and let her go.

Yu Xi's hand was finally freed, "What's wrong with you? I can't even pull it out."

She complained, then shook her hands to stretch her fingers, put on her shoes and got out of bed, and then went to the bathroom to wash her hands as soon as possible.

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi expressionlessly, his eyes full of embarrassment.

After Yu Xi finished washing up and came out of the bathroom, she saw Guan Linyu still in bed, she glanced at him, "Do you want to sleep more?"

Guan Linyu: "No, I'll get up right away."

Yu Xi looked at him strangely, as if she had discovered something, "Strange, you are very strange today."

Guan Linyu: "What's strange about it."

"What sweet dream did you have?" Yu Xi asked.

Guan Linyu was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything. It seemed that he didn't want to tell Yu Xi.

Yu Xi: "See, I know it."

She thought about it, smiled and teased, "It must be a dream of something good."

Guan Linyu didn't look at her, his eyes were unnatural: "Not bad."

"Forget it, I'm just asking casually." Yu Xi really didn't care much. She changed her clothes and prepared to go downstairs for breakfast.

"By the way, I won't come up after breakfast. You can just come to the door later. I'll wait for you at the door."

Hearing that Yu Xi had no intention of waiting for him to have breakfast together, Guan Linyu hummed and said nothing else.

Yu Xi thought for a while, "I'll go see if there's anything to eat, take a photo and send it to you. If you want to eat, hurry up. Breakfast is only available until ten o'clock, and it's already past nine o'clock."

Guan Linyu said in surprise, "So late?"

"What else? It seems that you really slept very soundly." Yu Xi smiled and left.

Guan Linyu thought of his dream, his fingers moved slightly, and his eyelids blinked unnaturally.


The two returned to the house in the village, and as soon as they entered the door, others came to greet them.

Chen You asked Yu Xi with a smile: "How was it? How was your time as a couple?"

Yu Xi said critically: "It was OK, I slept OK, but I had a nightmare."

Chen You said in surprise: "How can you say you slept OK if you had a nightmare? How did you feel when you were taking a hot spring bath?"

Kong Miao was also very curious, "Yes, yes, did anything happen?"

Yu Xi thought of what happened in the hot spring, she pretended to be calm, with a calm face: "It's just a hot spring bath, what can happen."

"Really?" Chen You was a little disappointed.

Kong Miao: "Then was it comfortable to take a hot spring bath?"

Yu Xi: "It was OK, I felt very sleepy after taking a bath, and I went back to sleep."

Xie Yilin listened to everything and said: "How is the environment of the hotel? I heard that it is in the mountains of the next village."

Yu Xi: "It's very good, the room is big, the bed is also very big, Guan Linyu and I rolled on it."

Xie Yilin looked at Yu Xi in shock.

Chen You couldn't stop laughing, and Kong Miao also laughed out loud.

[I can't laugh anymore, I'm rolling around. ]

[Why bring Guan Linyu along, hahahaha, how could Guan Linyu roll around on the bed. ]

[Xie Yilin was stunned, hahahaha. ]

[Yu Xi is really a talent, she made me laugh. ]

[As the wife of the president, she has no image burden at all, hahaha. ]

[Does Guan Linyu know that you are so funny? ]

Xie Yilin regretted asking Yu Xi, this person talked nonsense and had no integrity, no wonder Guan Linyu looked down on her and wanted to divorce her.

After the show, she was too late to cry, now she was in the mood to talk nonsense and joke.

Anyway, she was the one who made a fool of herself in front of the audience.

Xie Yilin also laughed twice, "Yu Xi, you are so humorous."

Yu Xi didn't take her words seriously, "I'll go grind some coffee, do you want some?"

She looked at Chen You and Kong Miao. Although this question was for everyone, Xie Yilin felt that it didn't include her.

So when Chen You and Kong Miao both said they wanted to drink, Xie Yilin said, "I won't drink. I have to take a nap in the afternoon, otherwise I won't be able to sleep after drinking."

Yu Xi didn't seem to hear, "Then I'll make two more cups, you drink latte with milk and sugar, and you drink Americano, right?"

She asked Chen You and Kong Miao respectively.

Chen You: "Yes, you still remember."

Kong Miao: "Yeah, I only drink Americano."

Xie Yilin felt like she was excluded, but she couldn't say a word. She could only watch the three of them walk away hugging each other, and she stood there, and no one cared.

On the other side, Guan Linyu ran into Hu Bu'ran behind the house.

Hu Bu'ran was smoking, and when he saw Guan Linyu, he thought he was here to smoke too, so he smiled and handed him one.

There are no cameras here, so you can smoke a cigarette here.

Hu Bu'ran asked Guan Linyu how the hot spring was.

Guan Linyu: “It’s OK.”

“Come to think of it, I also wanted to go to the hot springs with my wife, but what a pity, I lost to you yesterday.” Hu Bu’ran sighed, “By the way, I saw that the atmosphere was a bit strange when you came back. What happened? Did you not have a fight?”

Guan Linyu thought about it. Was the atmosphere between him and Yu Xi awkward?

He didn’t feel awkward just because they didn’t talk much.

Guan Linyu: “It’s OK.”

Hu Bu’ran: “I can see that too. It’s almost the same for you guys. How long have you been married? It seems like you don’t have much communication.”

Guan Linyu: “More than a year.”

Hu Bu’ran: “I think it’s just that Brother Guan doesn’t talk much. You don’t usually chat with your wife, do you?”

Guan Linyu didn’t answer. How could he have chatted with Yu Xi before? They added each other on WeChat after appearing on the show. Up to now, the chat conversations on WeChat have not exceeded ten.

Hu Bu'ran: "I don't think you will talk much."

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

"That won't work. It's boring if a couple doesn't have a common language. The desire to share is the highest level of romance. My wife and I talk about everything and share everything."

"Really?" Guan Linyu was unfamiliar with the kind of married life that Hu Bu'ran was talking about.

"It's funny to say that. My wife tells me every day that she is secretly eating your sweets. To me, you and Yu Xi really don't have much sweetness, but she just thinks you two are a good match."

Guan Linyu: "Really?"

Hu Bu'ran glanced at Guan Linyu, "To be honest, I understand why you and Yu Xi have nothing to talk about, and I can't talk to you either."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Hu Bu'ran felt that he might have said a little too much, so he made up for it: "Uh... that's right, you talk too much."

Guan Linyu: "I don't chat much."

Hu Bu'ran: "I can see that, but if you don't chat with your wife, it's so boring to get along with her. There is no soulmate. Even if there is, you have to communicate in language and spirit."

Hu Bu'ran's words hit Guan Linyu's blind spot.

He is a complete novice in relationships. He used to focus on work, and his love history was blank. He never liked anyone, and even thought that he could live alone until the end of his life. If his grandmother hadn't insisted on him getting married, he and Yu Xi might not have met.

"Last time we played Truth or Dare, I heard from Yu Xi that you two met through an introduction and got married in a flash. Generally, such marriages have no emotional foundation. Do you quarrel?" Guan Linyu

: "No, I haven't quarreled."

Hu Bu'ran was shocked, "You haven't quarreled for more than a year, that's pretty impressive."

Guan Linyu didn't think it was impressive, because they hadn't seen each other a few times a year, and they didn't contact each other much, so how could they quarrel? It was impossible. Before, Yu Xi seemed to care about him through Secretary Lin, and occasionally sent some soup she cooked herself to Secretary Lin for him. She didn't come to the company to find him, and she also told him through Secretary Lin when she had something to say.

Guan Linyu didn't think there was anything wrong before.

Now he suddenly feels that the way he and Yu Xi got along before seems really strange.

Especially after participating in the show and seeing how other couples get along.

Hu Bu'ran finished smoking, threw away the cigarette butt, leaned against the wall, and began to gossip, "So what do you usually do on dates?"

Guan Linyu: "Date?"

"Yes, it's just going out to play together as a couple. Chen You and I basically watch movies together, play script-killing games, go to the gym to play bowling, and go to the supermarket. We go there often."

Seeing Guan Linyu's surprise, Hu Bu'ran also widened his eyes, "You won't tell me that you don't date."

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Hu Bu'ran raised his thumb, "Qiang, what do you do?"

"We rarely see each other."

Hu Bu'ran's thumb did not move, he paused for a while, "This... okay then."

It seemed that he could no longer speak.

Hu Bu'ran could probably understand their way of getting along, that is, a couple who are only in name but don't act like a couple at all.

At this time, the two heard laughter and looked back at the same time.

Kong Miao and Ling Su came out from the other side of the wall. Kong Miao hit Ling Su's chest twice, glared at him with a complaint, and whispered: "If you do this again, I will beat you."

Ling Su grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms, "Well, you beat me."

Hu Bu Ran opened his mouth wide, stunned.

Guan Linyu was puzzled.

Ling Su and Kong Miao also saw the two of them. Kong Miao was shocked, but Ling Su was fine, just a little embarrassed. Kong Miao quickly pushed Ling Su away and jumped back, but Ling Su looked very natural. Kong Miao

blushed and ran away immediately.

Ling Su walked towards Hu Bu Ran and Guan Linyu.

"Brother Hu, Brother Guan, you are here too." Ling Su's voice was very light, different from the tough and domineering look he had just shown towards Kong Miao, and became humble and casual again.

Hu Bu Ran: "What are you doing? Are you having an underground relationship?" Ling

Su remained calm: "We are husband and wife." Hu Bu

Ran gave a thumbs up again, "Strong, you are also strong."

Guan Linyu fell into deep thought.

Hu Bu'ran: "You are hiding your true abilities. Don't you two usually hate each other and quarrel all the time?"

Although Guan Linyu doesn't care much about others, he can still see such an obvious thing.

Ling Su: "You can call this a pair of happy enemies, flirting."

Hu Bu'ran laughed for a long time.

"You are great."

Ling Su smiled faintly.

"You and your brother Guan are really two extremes. You handled Kong Miao without saying anything, and you hid it so deeply. I think brother Guan hasn't figured it out yet. You have to learn from Ling Su."

Ling Su looked at Guan Linyu, "What's wrong?"

Hu Bu'ran knew that he had said something wrong. There was no need to tell Ling Su about Guan Linyu. After all, he might not be willing to tell others: "Hahaha, I was just kidding. It seems that brother Guan and Yu Xi don't talk much. They don't quarrel like you usually do and get intimate behind your back." Ling

Su was not embarrassed by being teased. "They don't quarrel like you usually do. It's just that she is afraid that everyone will know, so she is embarrassed, so she keeps pretending."

He looked at Guan Linyu, "Why, is there a problem with the relationship between Brother Guan and Sister Yu?"

Guan Linyu pondered for a moment, "No."

Ling Su nodded, "Then?"

Guan Linyu: "There has always been a problem."

Hu Bu'ran laughed and nodded, "It seems that Brother Guan has finally realized it."

Ling Su was a little confused: "What problem?"

Guan Linyu didn't know how to describe it. He and Yu Xi had always had problems. He didn't think there was anything before, and he wouldn't think about it.

But Hu Bu'ran's words made him feel weird. He suddenly began to think about what kind of married life Yu Xi wanted?

Is it like other people, like Hu Bu'ran and Chen You, or like Ling Su and Kong Miao.

Thinking of this, Guan Linyu realized that he seemed too selfish before, maybe he was forced from the beginning, and he never examined this relationship carefully.

Yu Xi also always thought that they would divorce after the show.

He thought so before, but now...does he still want to divorce?

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☆ 129. Chapter 128 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 128

Yu Xi, the wife of a wealthy CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network, could feel that Guan Linyu's attitude towards her had changed.

Ever since they came back from the hot spring hotel, Guan Linyu had been acting strangely. He saw that Yu Xi was always hesitant to speak, as if he had something to say.

Two days later, the four couples took on a task to go to the tea mountain to pick tea together. If they completed this task, they would get a thousand points.

Before leaving, everyone made a preliminary plan to complete two-thirds of the task today. If they worked harder today, they would be more relaxed tomorrow.

Although picking tea is a bit time-consuming and requires training first, it is easier than farming and digging potatoes. Moreover, tea leaves are light and easy to carry, unlike potatoes, which are so heavy that you have to dig at least several hundred kilograms and carry them to the warehouse where they are stored. That is tiring.

The couples formed their own groups, a total of four groups, and chose areas to pick tea separately.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu were on the northern hill.

Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, Guan Linyu said; "How do you feel? Are you hungry?"

Guan Linyu seemed to ask this question the most.

Yu Xi always felt that Guan Linyu was just making small talk.

She raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her face. In the sunlight, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, which made her even more beautiful. "Is everything okay? Do you want to go eat something before continuing?"

Guan Linyu has said a lot more in the past two days than before. This time, the two of them have been working together because of the mission, so they have been communicating intermittently.

It's just that although she was not picking tea very seriously, she didn't want to chat with Guan Linyu very much. The

weather is good today, the sun is shining, the wind is gentle, and the mountain breeze is blowing on the mountain. Everyone feels very comfortable. All they can smell is the fragrance of tea and trees all over the mountain.

Guan Linyu's attention is not on eating, because he himself is not hungry, but he stared at Guan Linyu and said, "I don't feel like eating, how about you?"

His voice is soft, not strong at all, and in fact, it can't be called gentle, but compared with the previous Guan Linyu, it seems that he has changed a lot.

Yu Xi: "It's okay, I'm not hungry. Why do you always ask this?"

Ever since she realized that Guan Linyu's attention was on her the whole time, she was also wondering why Guan Linyu was like this.

Mainly looking at his attitude, Yu Xi felt that he seemed to have something to say to her, and it seemed that his eyes became worried.

Yu Xi raised her hand to comb the broken hair behind her ears, "If you are hungry, go eat first. I guess someone has come to deliver food by now."

Before coming, it was agreed that everyone would eat some boxed lunches together, but the restaurant guaranteed that the dishes must be three dishes and one soup.

Guan Linyu said, "I'll wait here for a while. I'm not hungry. What do you want to eat? I'll go get you a boxed lunch first."

"Then go." Yu Xi said hurriedly, as if she wanted Guan Linyu to leave quickly.

Guan Linyu thought for a while, "Then wait for me, I'll be back."

Yu Xi waved her hand, "It's okay if you come back slowly. I'll sit here alone for a while. The scenery is great."

After watching for a long time, Guan Linyu became much more proactive. 】

【Really, he has been actively chatting with Yu Xi these two days. 】

【How can Guan Linyu be so proactive? I can't believe it. 】

【Guan Linyu wanted to chase his wife, and finally came to his senses? 】

【But Yu Xi is still a straight woman. 】

【I am always laughing to death at Yu Xi's remarks. 】

After Guan Linyu left, Yu Xi sat down on a pile of weeds. There were many dogtail flowers on the ground, swaying in the wind. Yu Xi picked two of them casually and turned them in her hands.

In the sun, her side face was haloed. She looked at the mountain from a distance, holding her cheek with one hand until she saw Guan Linyu coming with a lunch box.

In addition to the flowers, Guan Linyu also held a bunch of fresh flowers picked on the road.

Seeing the flowers, Yu Xi was a little surprised.

This person actually has such leisure.

Guan Linyu handed the lunch box to Yu Xi first, "It's time to eat."

Yu Xi glanced at the lunch box. The lunch box had a transparent lid, and she could see that the food in today's lunch box was indeed good.

Thinking of the original plot, when she was picking tea, the original owner kept circling around Guan Linyu, paying attention to Guan Linyu's every move, which made Guan Linyu want to stay away.

This time, Yu Xi wanted to avoid it, but Guan Linyu kept sticking to her.

"Why are you picking flowers?"

Guan Linyu hesitated for a few seconds: "For you."

Yu Xi waved his hand, "I don't want it."

Guan Linyu: "... Let's eat together."

"Don't you have one yourself? Why do you want to eat together?" Yu Xi took the lunch box in confusion, and the dishes were the same.

Guan Linyu's explanation was, "I am a vegetarian, I can give you meat and give me vegetarian dishes."

Yu Xi: "No, I don't like it. You can say that I like to eat alone."

After that, she took the lunch box and went somewhere else with a smile.

She went to talk to Chen You, and Hu Bu Ran was quietly pulled aside by Guan Linyu.

Seeing their mysterious look, Yu Xi didn't know what they were talking about.

Yu Xi asked Chen You: "Is there something going on between your Hu Bu'ran and Guan Linyu? They seem to be chatting secretly."

Hu Bu'ran: "I don't know. Are you curious? How about I go and ask."

Yu Xi: "No need, I'll just ask casually."

Chen You blinked, "I don't know, he didn't tell me anything, hehe, I'll find a chance to ask."

When the sun went down, Guan Linyu sped up his speed. He picked almost all the tea leaves in this area. He was efficient, had good skills, and didn't make many mistakes.

Yu Xi cheered him up lazily beside him, "Guan Linyu, work harder."

Guan Linyu: "Okay."

Yu Xi: "Are you tired?"

Guan Linyu shook his head: "I'm not tired." "Okay

, then you work hard." Yu Xi took out a tissue from his pocket and wanted to throw it to Guan Linyu, "Then wipe your sweat first, you are busy here, I'll go see how the others are doing."

Guan Linyu: "...Okay."

Watching Yu Xi walk away, Guan Linyu sped up the speed of picking tea.

[Yu Xi is so comfortable. ]

[Yu Xi can win by lying down directly with Guan Linyu around, so comfortable. 】

【Everything is handed over to Guan Linyu, so why not hand you over to him too. 】

【It's so funny, Guan Linyu is so indulgent. 】 【Hehe

, although there are not many candies, it's just delicious. 】

After going down the mountain.

Each of the eight people carried a backpack full of tea leaves, which they had to take to the tea house to hand in. Before they picked tea, the program team invited people to train them, otherwise it would be too serious to let them pick tea randomly.

After testing by professionals, the qualified rate of their tea leaves is still very high.

Everyone was very happy, exchanged points and set off on the way home.

On the way, they went to the supermarket together again.

Now they have no shortage of points. Although they are not rich, they are not tight on exchanging some food and drink.

This time, everyone was very generous and exchanged two lamb chops, a piece of beef, a chicken, and various fruits and vegetables.

Everyone went back with food and snacks, all smiling happily.

Xie Yilin kept saying worriedly: "Don't get tanned today. Although it's not very hot, it's very hot on the mountain. We

've been exposed to the sun for a whole day." Kong Miao: "It's okay, it's okay. Aren't you well protected? You always wear a hat and apply sunscreen. We will use facial masks together later."

Chen You: "Ah! I tell you, I'm not happy when it comes to this. I originally prepared two boxes of facial masks, but Hu Bu Ran didn't put them in the box for me. They have been on the table. Now I have no facial masks to use!"

Yu Xi: "It's okay, I have some here. Is it enough for me to give you one box?"

"Wow, Yu Xi, you are so nice! Love you, love you." Chen You hugged Yu Xi and jumped twice with great joy. Looking at her like that, she has completely regarded Yu Xi as a good sister.

"It's okay." Yu Xi said indifferently.

Guan Linyu watched Chen You hugging Yu Xi like this. Although he walked behind, he kept looking at Yu Xi.

After returning, the girls discussed doing care together and applying facial masks, and tonight's dinner was left to the men to prepare.

Hu Bu'ran, as the one who was best at cooking, assigned tasks to the other husbands.

"Guan Linyu, you go wash the vegetables, Ling Su, you cook and peel garlic, Lu Jinnian... you just help me kill this chicken."

Lu Jinnian was shocked, "What? Kill a chicken?"

Hu Bu'ran: "Yes, let's kill the chicken together, I can't do it alone."

Lu Jinnian stared at the chicken awkwardly, "How about not killing it?"

"If you don't kill it, keep it?"

"It's not like we don't have chickens at home, why do we need to add another chicken."

Although Lu Jinnian resisted, he had no choice in the end and could only do it honestly. Guan

Linyu was the one who finished his work the fastest. Although washing vegetables was a lot of work, because many vegetables had to be washed, Guan Linyu was quick and nimble, and he finished it in a short time, and he did it quite well.

Hu Bu'ran whispered to Guan Linyu, "You are done. Why don't you go and talk to Yu Xi after the game is over? Remember?"

Guan Linyu: "Today?"

Hu Bu'ran: "Of course, you have been waiting for two days. A strong woman is afraid of a clinging man. You should take the initiative."

Guan Linyu thought about the words "a strong woman is afraid of a clinging man" and said, "It's okay."

In his heart, Yu Xi is not a strong woman.

Although Hu Bu'ran has given him advice, Guan Linyu still doesn't plan to go directly to her.

There are so many people here. Even if he goes to find Yu Xi, Yu Xi will not come down, and probably won't listen to him.

Guan Linyu already had a general understanding of Yu Xi.

As a result, Guan Linyu didn't go to find Yu Xi. Yu Xi suddenly came down and ran into Guan Linyu in the living room.

They were both stunned at the same time.

Yu Xi: "Aren't you going to cook?"

"I have something to do." Guan Linyu said.

Yu Xi: "It's dark, and you are still wandering outside. Although you are not young anymore and can't be considered a boy, you should protect yourself."

Yu Xi said jokingly.

Guan Linyu said helplessly: "What's the point of protecting yourself?"

Yu Xi shrugged: "Then who do you want to protect?"

Guan Linyu: "What do you think?"

He looked at Yu Xi without blinking.

Yu Xi looked away, "How can I guess."

[You guessed it!]

[Don't play dumb, Yu Xi!]

[Guan Linyu is like this! Go for it.]

[Hahahaha, Yu Xi, you know clearly that he is talking about you.]

[Guan Linyu has really changed, so cute.]


The husbands made dinner, but the color, aroma and taste only satisfied one of the fragrances.

When the wives were still upstairs, they smelled the aroma of the dishes coming from downstairs.

It aroused everyone's greed.

As a result, everyone went to sit down excitedly, and after tasting a bite, two of the three people looked embarrassed.

Chen You looked at Hu Bu Ran in shock: "Did you make it? Why is it so unpalatable?"

Guan Linyu actually tasted it himself, but he was never picky about food, and he usually ate it casually. Seeing that everyone seemed to dislike it, he didn't even know what was wrong with it.

After everyone ate the dishes, they all lost their appetite.

Hu Bu'ran was a little desperate, "This... This can't be blamed on me. We four men came to cook, and it can only be said that the whole line collapsed."

Chen You couldn't speak for her husband, "The chicken feathers were not cleaned up. How about letting a girl come next time? Men are either very good at cooking or they know nothing about it. Only my old Hu knows how to cook but not completely."

Yu Xi: "Then the girls will cook a meal tomorrow. Discuss what to eat in advance so that we can prepare the ingredients tomorrow."

Hu Bu'ran nodded vigorously: "That's great."

Kong Miao: "Don't we have to go to the tea mountain tomorrow? Will you come back to cook after you go?"

Chen You: "I'll cook when I come back. It's still early."

Everyone agreed not to let the four husbands cook in the future. It was really a disaster.

The meal was tasteless, but Yu Xi still picked up the dishes for herself slowly. Although she had no appetite, she also wanted to eat more or less. She did a lot of hard work today. It was impossible not to be tired. She always had to replenish.

Guan Linyu kept looking at Yu Xi, but her attention was not even towards Guan Linyu.

Hu Bu'ran looked at Yu Xi, and then at Guan Linyu.

In order to help Guan Linyu, he said: "Old Guan, your wife looks exhausted. You should give her a good massage later."

Guan Linyu was stunned for a moment, and Yu Xi did not expect him to say such a thing.

Chen You sighed: "Look, you still know how to feel sorry for Sister Yu Xi. Brother Guan is here, do you still need to say anything? You are really a lot of nonsense."

After driving Hu Bu'ran away, Chen You whispered: "Hu Bu'ran's cooking is like this, but it's okay occasionally."

Kong Miao: "It's already very good. Ling Su can't do anything. I saw that he was very stupid when peeling garlic just now, not as good as me?"

Yu Xi: "I'm full. I'll go see how the pigs are. Who has been feeding them these two days?"

Yu Xi suddenly changed the subject, stood up, and planned to go to the pigpen to see.

As a result, Guan Linyu also said: "I've been feeding the pigs recently."

Yu Xi looked at him in surprise, "Really?"

He thought it was always Chen You who was feeding them.

Guan Linyu nodded. "Yeah."

Yu Xi: "You're quite diligent, I'll give you a reward."

Guan Linyu was stunned.

Hu Bu Ran asked for Guan Linyu: "What reward? A kiss or a stick."

Yu Xi laughed: "Neither."

Hu Bu Ran: "What is the reward?"

Yu Xi: "Leave the glorious work and sacred mission of raising pigs to Guan Linyu. These pigs have become fatter recently."

I thought Guan Linyu would refute or refuse.

But Guan Linyu agreed too quickly.

Xie Yilin, who was sitting next to him, had a very complicated expression.

In her opinion, Guan Linyu has always been aloof and arrogant, keeping people at a distance, and not caring about what others think of him.

Why is he who came to the show and the Guan Linyu she knew, completely different?

Xie Yilin: "Yu Xi must have a lot of experience in raising pigs before, so you can leave it all to Guan Linyu."

Everyone laughed and wanted to play some more games.

But everyone was tired after a hard day, so they agreed to come back tomorrow to cook, drink, eat, chat, play truth or dare, or play something else.


After taking a bath in the evening, Yu Xi went to bed with a book.

Guan Linyu was busy with various things. He did not go back to the room with Yu Xi, but held a meeting with several other husbands. The content of the meeting was to discuss how to make Yu Xi look at Guan Linyu differently.

Hu Bu Ran's suggestion was: "Fall down, pretend to be sick, and test Yu Xi's reaction."

Ling Su said: "Yu Xi probably won't have any reaction. I think she is quite calm every day."

Ling Su was right. Yu Xi would not care at all.

Guan Linyu was not sure what would happen, but he did not dare to try. If the result was different from what he thought...

Guan Linyu did not expect that he would have a time of worrying about gains and losses. He has never thought about it

over and over again and worried about someone.

And Yu Xi could not sleep because he felt that something was wrong with Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi thought about whether he should talk to Guan Linyu now. It was the middle of the night and the camera should be turned off. They did not bring microphones, which was just right for a chat.

When she heard Guan Linyu turning over, she asked quietly, "Are you asleep?"

A few seconds later, a voice came from the room: "Not yet."

The voice seemed to be very far away from Yu Xi, but she knew that the two of them were in the same bed, but because the room was pitch black and there was no light at all, she subconsciously felt that Yu Xi must be far away from him.

Didn't he fall asleep holding Yu Xi's hand once before? She was very cautious and had hidden her hands when she slept these days.

"What time is it now?" Yu Xi asked.

Guan Linyu picked up the watch on the bedside and looked at it. "A little after four o'clock."

Yu Xi: "Oh."

Guan Linyu: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Yu Xi: "I can't sleep, how about you?"

Guan Linyu: "I'm fine."

Of course he was not sleepy anymore.

Yu Xi: "What are your plans after the show ends?"

Guan Linyu couldn't figure out what Yu Xi meant by asking this question. Thinking of how she always talked about divorce before, his expression changed, "What do you mean?"

She hesitated for a while, and he said, "

Yu Xi: "Let me ask you what you think. Didn't we agree before that... if after the show ends, you still feel it is not suitable, then..."

Guan Linyu interrupted her, "It's only been a few days, there is still early."

Yu Xi: "Really? I feel like time has passed very quickly. Don't you have any ideas?"

Guan Linyu: "What do you want to say?"

His tone was low, completely different from before, as if he had become a different person all of a sudden.

"I just want to ask, do you think it's good for us to be like this?"

Guan Linyu was stunned, as if he didn't expect Yu Xi to say that.


Yu Xi was more direct, "I mean to ask you, do you still want to divorce now? "

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi in surprise. Although he only saw the back, he imagined Yu Xi's expression at the moment.

Guan Linyu's heart was pounding, and he almost blurted out that he didn't want to, but after thinking about it, he felt that he couldn't rush to say it.

He thought about it seriously and thought that Yu Xi was asking him something very important, so he had to answer carefully.

"Why do you have to think so long?" Yu Xi said dissatisfiedly.

Guan Linyu: "I want to give you a well-thought-out answer, not a perfunctory and simple reply."

Yu Xi: "..."

Thinking too much.

Guan Linyu: "I don't think we can get a divorce."

Yu Xi was not surprised to hear his words, "Why?"

Guan Linyu is really not a person who is good at saying nice things in this regard.

It can even be said that Yu Xi is a steel straight woman, and he is a straight man.

But he still tried his best to speak his mind.

Guan Linyu: "Although I don't know what you think, but in my opinion, we seem to be suitable for each other. We haven't been getting along before, and now we have been together for a few days. I think there are many places where we are still attracted to each other. "

Yu Xi: "Huh? "

Where did he see the word 'mutual' in the sentence?

" "Are you serious?"

Yu Xi's question left Guan Linyu speechless.

Yu Xi: "You mean, you don't want to get a divorce because you think we are attracted to each other?"

Guan Linyu: "Yes."

Yu Xi: "Then... then you may have misunderstood."

Guan Linyu: "..."

The room fell into silence and no one spoke.

Guan Linyu's expression was very subtle. He stared at Yu Xi, and Yu Xi also looked at him, but Yu Xi's eyes were very calm and not afraid at all.

She even had a kind of righteous and completely genuine aura.

Guan Linyu didn't know how to continue.

Yu Xi: "I actually want to tell you that I think there are many inappropriate places between us. We don't even have a common language, and we don't need to pretend to have anything to talk about, especially in the past two days, I feel that your behavior is very strange."

Guan Linyu: "What's strange?"

"You have changed a lot. You took the initiative to talk to me a lot, but I am actually not very interested in what you said. Moreover, I am not used to being together no matter what. In fact, you can completely maintain the previous way of getting along. "

Yu Xi's tone made Guan Linyu's heart slowly grow cold.

It was like a hot heart that had its blood drained out, and then the temperature slowly lost.

Yu Xi's words were like a heavy blow to Guan Linyu. His mind was almost blank, and he could only look at Yu Xi blankly.

This might be the most painful blow he had ever suffered in his life, emotionally.

He couldn't even fully understand what Yu Xi said, but he also knew that Yu Xi's main meaning was that she didn't want him to change to get closer to her. She felt that there was no spark between them, and there was no need for intimacy.

When he was silent, the atmosphere in the room became depressing.

Yu Xi: "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 130. Chapter 129 The wife of a wealthy CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 129 The wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network

After Guan Linyu expressed his thoughts, Yu Xi's performance was particularly cold, which was completely beyond Guan Linyu's expectations.

"Do you understand what I said?"

Guan Linyu looked at her with a sullen face and frowned: "I don't understand."

Yu Xi: "If you don't understand this, how can I tell you?"

Yu Xi looked at him helplessly.

Guan Linyu: "So what do you mean?"

Yu Xi: "What I mean is that it's good for us to maintain our previous relationship. Aren't you a workaholic? You are busy with yours and I live mine. We don't need to divorce or deliberately close the distance."

Guan Linyu: "I didn't say I wanted to divorce."

Yu Xi thought to herself: It's really amazing. Does he listen to people's words without knowing the beginning or the end?

Guan Linyu thought for a while and added: "I didn't deliberately close the distance. I will adjust the time for work."

Yu Xi: "..."

This is really good at chatting. It seems that she has been talking to a cow for a long time.

"Forget it, let's go to sleep." Yu Xi lay down again, covered himself with the quilt, covered his head, turned around, and continued to sleep.

Guan Linyu, however, kept sitting and looking at Yu Xi, with a gloomy expression, and no one knew what he was thinking. After

sitting for about ten minutes, Guan Linyu finally lifted the quilt and got up. He went to the balcony. It was quite cold outside at night. The night wind made the treetops outside rustle. He looked into the distance, thinking about what Yu Xi said to him in his mind. He

seemed to understand every sentence, but he found it difficult to accept the meaning expressed together.

The wind made his hair very messy, and the temperature of his body slowly dropped, but he just didn't want to go into the house. He just wanted to cool down in the wind.

But it was actually useless. His heart was still restless.

After all, he still lit a cigarette for himself. When did he start to use cigarettes to calm his mood? It was after he came here. He

actually smoked half a pack of cigarettes in the past few days.

In the past, if I put a pack of cigarettes on me, I might not be able to finish it in half a month.

He stared at his fingers, took a deep breath, and then exhaled, followed by a deep sigh, but it did not relieve his irritability at all, and suddenly his mood became more and more depressed.

Fortunately, Guan Linyu had good self-control, even if he used his fingers to pinch off the cigarette butt, and then sat outside for a while before returning to the house.

He brushed his teeth, washed his face, looked at himself in the mirror, and felt that he had become a stranger for a while.

Not only did he change, but Yu Xi also changed, or he just never knew her.

Coming to her field, there were many things about her that surprised him.

In his eyes, the current Yu Xi was completely different from other women, with her own ideas, not only a lively and interesting soul, but also an attractive enough appearance.

He had never tried to get along with her before, and this time he was actually forced, but now it has completely deviated from his idea.

If according to what Yu Xi said, she did not divorce him just to maintain the previous status.

Then can he do it?

Guan Linyu was in a dilemma.


The next day, the village was going to hold a wedding.

Their task was to help the couple decorate the wedding scene and the wedding room.

From planning to layout, everything is handed over to them. It is a big project. It has to be completed in three days, and the time is tight.

Eight people went out together, but they were divided into four pairs, each doing the arranged things.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu were going to purchase wedding candies and wrapping paper for wedding candies, and buy a few pairs of newlywed couplets and wedding characters.

Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian were going to the city to purchase props for decorating the wedding room, such as red eight-piece bedding, red cloth, and some lotus seeds and red dates.

Kong Miao and Ling Su accompanied the newlyweds to choose wedding dresses and toast clothes, and they were also responsible for makeup.

Hu Bu Ran and Chen You were responsible for the scene layout of the banquet, and they had already communicated with the emcee and photographer. They

almost took care of everything on the wedding day, and there were also some miscellaneous trivial matters that they had to communicate with the newlyweds.

This task was arduous, but everyone was very motivated.

After all, they were contracting marriage for others, which was a once-in-a-lifetime happy event. They all felt that they had a great responsibility and were determined to do it well.

Since Xie Yilin, Lu Jinnian and Yu Xi, Guan Linyu, the two couples, had to go to the city to buy things, the four of them took a car to go there.

This time they didn't have to take a tricycle, because the newlyweds' family drove a Mercedes-Benz and lent it to them for a few days.

So they had a car to drive these days, which would be more convenient for them to do anything.

Before leaving, Xie Yilin was still dressing up. It was not easy to go to the city, so she dressed more attentively than in the past few days.

Lu Jinnian had urged her several times, but he really didn't have the patience and couldn't show it, so he had to say that he would go downstairs and wait for her.

As a result, as soon as Lu Jinnian went out, he saw Yu Xi and Guan Linyu coming down from upstairs.

Yu Xi was dressed very casually, a long white sweater, a white long skirt with a large hem, her hair was tied up, and she used a chopstick as a hairpin. She had a clear and elegant temperament. Standing with Guan Linyu, they were simply a pair of fairy lovers, and they were a perfect match.

Lu Jinnian looked at Yu Xi a few more times, and when he came back to his senses, he found that Guan Linyu was staring at him.

He looked away awkwardly. Indeed, it was not polite to stare at someone else's wife for too long.

Lu Jinnian: "Are you ready?" Yu

Xi: "You can go now. What about you?"

Lu Jinnian: "Yilin is still changing clothes. Go downstairs and wait."

Yu Xi nodded and went downstairs first.

Lu Jinnian and Guan Linyu walked behind, side by side. They were almost the same height, one handsome and the other handsome. When they walked downstairs, Yu Xi led the way. It was a visual feast that made people unable to see anything else.


The others had already gone out. Because there were still many things to do, Yu Xi didn't see anyone else after going downstairs. He went to the yard to look at the chickens, and then went to the pigsty at the back to look at the pigs.

Seeing that there was not much food for the pigs, Yu Xi turned around and said to Guan Linyu: "You are going to get some pig grass tomorrow morning."

Guan Linyu nodded: "Yeah."

[Picking pig grass hahahahaha, when did Guan Linyu become a professional pig grass cutter. ]

[The president made a fortune by raising pigs. Maybe he will open a pig farm in the future. 】

【It's really possible. I see those pigs are very fat, all white and plump. 】

【Is Guan Linyu so easy to talk to? He's much better than my husband. He won't do anything you ask him to do. 】

【I hope they can be together forever, really! 】

【It's impossible for this fake couple to be together forever. 】

Guan Linyu always stands behind Yu Xi, as if he would be there whenever Yu Xi turned around.

It's been like this recently.

Whenever Yu Xi asked him to do something, he would say yes and would not argue.

Seeing that he was so easy to talk to, Yu Xi said, "Then you have to get up early and go. Remember to feed the chickens after feeding the pigs tomorrow."

Guan Linyu stared at her intently, as if he was not listening.

Yu Xi: "Huh?"

Guan Linyu: "You come with me."

Yu Xi: "What?"

Guan Linyu repeated, "I'm going to collect grass for the pigs. I'll call you when I come back. You and I can feed the pigs and chickens together."

Yu Xi looked at him strangely, "Why? Why do you want me to feed them with you? Can't you just feed them by yourself?" Guan Linyu

was silent for a few seconds, looking at her as if she shouldn't ask that.

After a while, he said, "I don't want to feed them alone." Before

Yu Xi could answer, Lu Jinnian came to find them, "You can go, get in the car."

The two had to stop communicating and go to the car together.

"I'll drive on the way there, and you drive on the way back. What do you think?" Lu Jinnian said to Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu: "I have no objection."

Lu Jinnian was driving, so it would be better for Xie Yilin to sit in the front passenger seat, but she did not go to the front passenger seat, and instead looked like she wanted to sit in the back seat, "Guan Linyu, you should sit in the front, it's spacious, and you can also chat with my Jinnian, and we two girls can sit in the back."

Xie Yilin's words were nice, but she actually just didn't want to see Guan Linyu and Yu Xi alone in the back seat.

I thought Guan Linyu would definitely agree, but he glanced at Yu Xi and didn't say anything.

Yu Xi: "Are you going?"

Guan Linyu: "It's fine for me to sit in the back." Xie Yilin

: "The front is spacious, and you are so tall, it would be so constrained to sit in the back."

Guan Linyu: "It's okay."

Xie Yilin looked at him helplessly, "It's okay to go to the front and chat with my Jinnian, and I can also chat with Yu Xi."

Guan Linyu: "There's nothing to talk about."

Xie Yilin didn't know whether he was saying that he and Lu Jinnian had nothing to talk about, or that she and Yu Xi had nothing to talk about, or both.

Guan Linyu opened the car door and sat in the back, and Xie Yilin had no choice but to sit in the front.

After she got in the car, Lu Jinnian looked at her thoughtfully, as if warning her not to have any bad thoughts.

Xie Yilin was in a bad mood and smiled falsely, "Husband, let's go."

This sweet and sticky voice sounded a bit sticky. The audience has seen a lot of it recently, and they don't like this couple as much as they did at the beginning.

In comparison, Yu Xi and Guan Linyu are more real, their feelings are hidden in the dark, and the feeling of undercurrents is more exciting.

[Xie Yilin's coquettish voice feels a bit fake after hearing it too much. ]

[I still like Yu Xi, who is real and natural. Why does she speak so tightly? ]

[It is true that there is a little bit, but doesn't she always speak like this? ]

[Yu Xi's voice is rarely royal, so nice to listen to. ]

[Guan Linyu is peeking at his wife again! So sweet. ]

On the way, Yu Xi took the opportunity to catch up on sleep. She talked to Guan Linyu last night and didn't sleep much. She got up early this morning. It takes an hour to go to the city, so it's just right to sleep.

She held up the glass window with one hand, but the road in the village was too bad, with potholes everywhere. Even if she changed cars, it was still very shaking.

Yu Xi's head couldn't rest steadily, and kept hitting the glass window, and her elbows were bruised.

Guan Linyu: "Come here."

Yu Xi looked at her hand in pain, and didn't hear Guan Linyu speak.

Guan Linyu repeated it again, stretched out his hand to pull Yu Xi to his side, and then pressed her head on his shoulder, "Lean here and sleep."

Yu Xi was frightened by his tough attitude, "No need." Guan

Linyu put her head on his shoulder, and he deliberately lowered his body, so that Yu Xi could find the most comfortable position.

Yu Xi was comfortable, but his shoulders and neck were sore, and he didn't dare to move his body.

Yu Xi opened his eyes and wondered what was wrong with Guan Linyu, was he showing off his affection too?

Cooperating with Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian's performance?

They are a loving couple, what are they?

Yu Xi didn't have time to think about it, and could only passively lean on Guan Linyu's shoulder. It's true that leaning on him really didn't shake much, and it was much more comfortable.

Yu Xi closed her eyes with satisfaction, but the audience could see that in order to keep his body still, Guan Linyu held the armrest above the car door with one hand. Because he was holding too hard, the veins on his exposed forearm and the back of his hand bulged out.

As for the other hand, he supported Yu Xi and protected her from being bumped.

His behavior made the audience shout that he was such a boyfriend.

[Guan Linyu, who acts silently, is really much better than those who talk about everything.]

[Yes, don't look at what he says, look at what he does.]

[So sweet and doting, I'm dying.]

[It's true love! I really hope that the wedding this time is Yu Xi and Guan Linyu's.]

[I also want to see their wedding. I heard that they didn't have a big wedding before. 】

After Yu Xi fell asleep, Guan Linyu remained motionless until they reached the destination. Both of his arms were numb and he couldn't move at all.

"We're here." Guan Linyu reluctantly moved his fingers. Although they were numb and almost cramped, he didn't move away immediately. Instead, he gently patted Yu Xi's shoulder.

Yu Xi woke up very quickly. Although she had just fallen asleep, she could wake up with the slightest movement. Moreover, she was not a deep sleeper and could only take a short nap with her eyes closed outside.

Yu Xi found that Guan Linyu was not quite right, so she stared at him, "What's wrong with you?" Guan Linyu

shook his head: "Nothing, let's go, get off the bus."

Yu Xi felt strange. If it was nothing, then his expression was so strange, as if he was in great pain.

She thought about it, and suddenly realized it. She moved in front of Guan Linyu, hooked her finger at him, and motioned him to put his ear over, "Come here." Guan

Linyu thought she was going to say something, so he lowered his head and put his ear over.

All he heard was Yu Xi whispering in his ear: "Do you need to go to the bathroom?"

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi: "If so, don't hold it in, we can take you to the bathroom."

Guan Linyu had a strange expression, "No need."

Yu Xi: "Can you still hold it in? Even if you can, it's not good for your bladder."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 131. Chapter 130 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 130 Guan Linyu, the wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network,

is speechless about Yu Xi.

He obviously doesn't need to go to the bathroom, but Yu Xi went to ask for directions and took him to find the bathroom.

It was as if she was afraid that he would be embarrassed to tell the truth and didn't want him to endure it.

No matter how Guan Linyu explained, she didn't believe it and felt that he was just holding it in.

When they arrived at the bathroom, there was a sink and a mirror at the door, and Yu Xi happened to tidy up her hair in front of the mirror.

[Yu Xi insisted on coming to the bathroom, maybe she wanted to look in the mirror? ]

[Hahahaha, it's not because Guan Linyu wants to go to the bathroom at all. ]

[It's really funny, I thought Yu Xi cherished him for

a moment. ] [Guan Linyu is so miserable, Yu Xi doesn't treat him special at all, it seems that she just treats him as an ordinary friend. ]


When they arrived in the city, they had to split up for shopping, but the things they wanted to buy were on the same street, there was a one-stop wedding street, and almost everything related to weddings was sold there.

The four of them separated only after they reached the street. Xie Yilin held Lu Jinnian's hand and

said, "Come and see us when you're done shopping." Yu Xi thought it was okay and was about to nod in agreement when she heard Guan Linyu say, "When we go back, you go first. Yu Xi and I have something that will delay us for a while."

Yu Xi: "What are you going to do?" Guan

Linyu refused to say at first, but waited until Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian left before he spoke, "You accompany me to buy some clothes."


Yu Xi was shocked. Why was he thinking about buying clothes?

"Yeah." Guan Linyu looked a little unnatural.

To be honest, he not only talked more recently, but also had expressions on his face, which was different from the robot before.

"Okay, I want to buy some too."

Guan Linyu nodded, with a smile in his eyes, "Okay, I'll buy it for you."

Yu Xi stretched out his hand, "Where's your card?"

Guan Linyu didn't understand: "What?"

Yu Xi: "It's the card for swiping. Give me one and I'll swipe it later."

Guan Linyu: "I didn't bring my card, just use my phone."

Yu Xi was not very satisfied, "Okay."

After being married for so long, the original owner didn't spend much money on Guan Linyu.

He doesn't buy famous brands or wear luxury goods. Unless it's given by others, the original owner hasn't used any expensive things himself.

If it weren't for recording a show and going back to the village, Yu Xi would have wanted to take Guan Linyu to go shopping, preferably to buy a whole house full of clothes, bags and cosmetics.

"If you want, I'll give it to you when I get back."

Yu Xi raised his eyebrows: "It's up to you."

Guan Linyu nodded.


When buying wedding candies, Yu Xi and the boss lady bargained wildly, and Guan Linyu was stunned. He had never seen such bargaining since he was a child.

Yu Xi tried the food while buying, and even fed Guan Linyu a few.

Because there were several kinds of candies that came in a pack, Yu Xi ate one himself and handed the rest to Guan Linyu.

Maybe because Yu Xi didn't even look at him and just handed it over casually, Guan Linyu thought he was feeding him, so he leaned his mouth over, but Yu Xi didn't notice at all and moved his fingers around.

After a few times, he didn't want to do that anymore.

"Is this mint candy your favorite?"

Guan Linyu looked surprised, "Do you know?"

"Didn't I see you've eaten it?" Yu Xi said casually.

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi waved his hand and said to the boss lady, "This candy is packed in ten boxes. Do you have other flavors?"

Without the boss lady's answer, Guan Linyu said, "There are also white peach and grape flavors. If you want to eat them, the white peach flavor is sweeter and the grape flavor is sourer."

Yu Xi thought for a while, "Then take five boxes of each."

After that, Yu Xi wrote an address to the owner of the candy store and asked him to pack them all and deliver them directly to the newlyweds' home in the village.

In this way, she and Guan Linyu didn't have to carry so many large and small bags when shopping.

Originally they were out to complete the mission together, but it's okay to take a stroll on the side.

There is a park next to the Wedding Street, and the shopping mall is opposite. If the two take a shortcut, they can go through the park to the downstairs of the shopping mall.

Yu Xi left the candy store, and there were still some candies in Yu Xi's pocket. They were all delicious just now, so she took some and put them in her pocket so she could eat them at any time.

Guan Linyu: "Do you like candies?"

Yu Xi looked up at him, "Generally, I rarely eat them."

Guan Linyu is a person who loves candies, so when he heard Yu Xi say that he rarely eats candies, he was a little disappointed.

"What's wrong?"

Guan Linyu: "Nothing, I like to eat them."

Yu Xi: "I know you like to eat them. You like sour and sweet candies. Didn't I buy them for you just now?"

She even put a lot of them in his pocket.

Guan Linyu was in a good mood when he heard this, "Then why don't you eat?"

Yu Xi walked forward and said without looking back: "Girls should eat less sugar, otherwise they will age easily."

Guan Linyu: "No."

"I'm not lying to you, eating less sugar can help delay skin aging, because sugar will undergo oxidation after absorption." Yu Xi thought he didn't believe it.

Guan Linyu: "No, I mean..."

Yu Xi: "What is it?"

Guan Linyu: "You won't age."

Yu Xi: "Hahahaha, you really know how to talk."

Yu Xi didn't take it to heart, but she was indeed very happy to hear this.

She squinted her eyes, looked at Guan Linyu, stood on tiptoe and patted his shoulder, "Next time someone asks you, you should say the same thing."

Guan Linyu looked at her intently, as if seeing her happy, his mood also became uncontrollably joyful.

Yu Xi advised seriously: "Then you should eat less candy in the future. Come to think of it, you are much older than me, but you still love candy so much."

Guan Linyu: "Men don't need to care about this."

Yu Xi shook her finger and said disapprovingly: "How can you think so? A man's face is also a kind of asset. You know, if you hadn't been good-looking, I wouldn't have married you."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi: "Do you understand?"

Guan Linyu didn't say anything.

Yu Xi: "So you should eat less candy."

Yu Xi stretched out her hand and took out all the candy that had just been put in Guan Linyu's pocket.

She took it out with both hands, as if she was reaching out to hug Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu froze, a little unresponsive, and thought that Yu Xi really wanted to hug him. He looked at Yu Xi blankly, with a moment of confusion in his eyes, and then he was very happy the next second, and stretched out his hand to hug Yu Xi, but Yu Xi took the candy from his pocket and left.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu both felt it was a pity.

It was a pity for Yu Xi that she could not eat candy anymore. Guan Linyu looked quite cute when eating candy, and she loved watching him.

Finally, they arrived at the department store in the city center. As soon as they reached the first floor, Yu Xi looked around and her woman's shopping desire was aroused. His card might be maxed out. After

staying in the village for many days, the only shopping was to go to the supermarket, and the things came and went.

After walking in together, the two of them attracted onlookers.

Although they wore masks outside, they were still regarded as big stars who came here to participate in the event. The security guards of the mall came to clear the way for them.

Yu Xi: "You want to buy clothes?"

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

"Then what kind do you want to buy?"

Guan Linyu thought for a while and looked at the clothes on Yu Xi, "Sweater."

Doesn't Yu Xi like to wear sweaters and hoodies the most?

"What style? Only sweaters?" Yu Xi felt that Guan Linyu looked at her strangely.

Guan Linyu: "Buy what you like."

Yu Xi: "I'm asking you, to buy it for you."

"Well, I know, I mean you buy what you like for me to wear." Guan Linyu patiently explained what he meant.

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 132. Chapter 131 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 131 The wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network

[Guan Linyu can also say such things? ]

[Fuck, he learned it! So sweet! ]

[Guan Linyu actually!!! ]

[It's getting better and better. Buy me what you like to wear. Wow, the more I think about it, the sweeter it gets. ]

Yu Xi waved her hand: "What I like, you may not like it. You should choose it yourself." It was a

lie to say that she didn't understand what Guan Linyu meant. Yu Xi walked forward with a smile, thinking that the topic was over.

But Guan Linyu said stubbornly: "It doesn't matter."

When she arrived at the mall, Yu Xi bought a few boxes of facial masks. She had almost used up her own, and she also bought two boxes for Chen You and Kong Miao.

Yu Xi was choosing at the counter, and Guan Linyu stood not far away and watched her.

Although he was just standing there, he easily became the focus. The saleswomen and customers at the counter were curious about why there was such a handsome man in the cosmetics counter area. His appearance caused a lot of discussion.

The salesgirl who was helping Yu Xi pick out a facial mask asked her, "Is that your boyfriend? I see he seems to be waiting for you."

Yu Xi: "He's not my boyfriend."

"Then? Is that a friend?" The salesgirl's eyes lit up.

Yu Xi said calmly, "He's my husband."

The salesgirl was surprised and said, "Really? You two look so good together."

Yu Xi: "Really? How are they good together?"

"You're so good-looking, and your husband is so handsome too. They look very pleasing to the eye. If you have children, they will definitely look very good."

Yu Xi smiled and said nothing. She didn't take her words to heart. She took the facial mask, paid for it, and left.

As soon as she left, Guan Linyu followed her.

The salesgirl who had just served Yu Xi watched Yu Xi and Guan Linyu walk away, then she said to the salesgirl next to her with emotion: "That couple just now looked so good, but it seemed like their relationship isn't very good."

"How can you tell that they don't have a good relationship."

"How could anyone leave her husband so handsome aside to buy things by herself? Besides, they didn't even hold hands, and there was no interaction. You can tell at a glance."

"But they are also a couple that everyone envies. The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful."

"There are not many men willing to accompany their wives shopping these days. I think men are more attentive, while women don't care much."


There are various brands of men's clothing in the men's clothing area. Yu Xi took a look around and pointed to a store that specializes in business suits and casual wear and asked Guan Linyu: "Do you want to go to that store and have a look?"

Old men might like this style. After all, Guan Linyu usually wears formal clothes.

As a result, Guan Linyu took a look and said, " Let's go to another store. "

Yu Xi didn't expect that he didn't want to buy it. "Then what do you want to buy?" Guan Linyu looked at her, "Let's go to other stores first." Yu Xi asked, "Do you really want me to help you choose?" Guan Linyu: "Yeah." Yu Xi's eyes swept across the floor and finally locked on a store, "Then let's go." Yu Xi took him to a store selling trendy brand clothing. The store was full of some fashionable and alternative clothing. The model was wearing an irregular shirt and a sweatshirt with a very abstract pattern on the chest. Guan Linyu felt uncomfortable when he walked in. He had never worn such clothes. As soon as he came in, he felt out of place. But Yu Xi started to choose seriously, and said, "Really let me help you choose? Then I'll just choose randomly." Guan Linyu hesitated for a few seconds, and actually nodded. This made Yu Xi uncertain. I thought he would quickly say no. Unexpectedly, he let her choose. "Okay, then I'll try some." Yu Xi deliberately picked up a black sweatshirt and compared it in front of him, and handed it to him and said, "Why don't you try it on." Guan Linyu looked at the skull and strange patterns on the sweatshirt, his expression froze. But he still took it, "Yeah." Now it was Yu Xi's turn to be surprised. One dared to give it and the other dared to try it. Yu Xi was actually looking forward to what Guan Linyu would look like in such clothes. "By the way, wait." Guan Linyu stopped and turned around to ask, "What's wrong?" "You need to change your pants too. They don't match you." Yu Xi picked a pair of pants from the shelf next to him and gave it to Guan Linyu. Guan Linyu didn't think much about it and went to the fitting room. When he changed, he found that the size of the pants was a circle larger, to the extent that they would fall down if he let go of his hands. He changed back into his own pants hesitantly, and wanted to go out and talk to Yu Xi, but when he looked up and saw himself in the mirror wearing a sweater and trousers, it was indeed a bit out of place, so he had to call Yu Xi's name, "Yu Xi." Yu Xi had already picked up seven or eight pieces of clothes, all for Guan Linyu to try on. She was immersed in the joy of picking clothes, and didn't hear Guan Linyu calling her. It was the clerk who reminded Yu Xi, "Your boyfriend seems to be calling you." Yu Xi was stunned for a moment before she realized that it was Guan Linyu who was talking. She walked over and asked, "What's wrong?" "The pants are too big, can you help me change them." Guan Linyu told her his size. Yu Xi: "Oh, okay, then these are all for you, you can try them all later." Yu Xi pushed the big bunch of clothes in her hand to him. Guan Linyu took it, and he was numb, why were there so many. Yu Xi asked the clerk to change Guan Linyu's pants to the right size and send them over, and then she went to pick clothes again. It seemed that she had found the joy of playing dress-up games when she was a child. She didn't know what Guan Linyu would look like when he came out later. When Guan Linyu came out, he saw Yu Xi picking up clothes one by one, and they were all very strange styles to him. "Yu Xi." Guan Linyu called her name helplessly. Yu Xi turned around and saw Guan Linyu standing in front of her wearing a black sweatshirt and blue-gray overalls. The reflective design on the sweatshirt was drawn in a weird shape with lines, but it was surprisingly coordinated. At first glance, no one would think that this clothes was suitable for Guan Linyu, but after he put it on, he was actually quite handsome. It's just that his hairstyle might need to be changed. But even if he doesn't change it, it still looks good. Guan Linyu was not used to it, his face was expressionless, a little cold, standing there as if he was unhappy, "How is it?" Yu Xi raised an eyebrow: "Not bad." Guan Linyu: "Really?" Yu Xi: "Yes, you should try the others as well." Guan Linyu: "All?" "Yes, you try them all, and then buy the ones that look good." Guan Linyu: "I only need one set." "One set? That won't do. I finally came out to buy clothes for you, of course I have to buy more." Guan Linyu: "..." [Yes, yes, we want to see them all. ]

【I love watching Guan Linyu's one-person fitting show. 】

【I can watch it all day and never get tired of it. 】

【I didn't expect Guan Linyu to be able to hold this style, looking cool and cool. 】

【She looks so young, no one would believe her if she said she was 25 years old. 】

【Why do I feel like Yu Xi treated Guan Linyu like a Barbie doll and changed her clothes. 】

Yu Xi bought three pieces of clothes for Guan Linyu in this store, all using his credit card.

When paying the bill, the clerk mentioned that these clothes were the same for men and women, and asked if they wanted to take another look.

Yu Xi: "No, just these few." Guan Linyu

: "Sure."

The clerk smiled and looked at the two of them, "Why don't you try it on too? You and your boyfriend should look good in the same ones."

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi, "Let's take a look."

The clerk immediately went to find Yu Xi's size.

Yu Xi didn't expect that she would also be arranged, and frowned and said, "It doesn't fit, right?"

Guan Linyu: "Try it on." Guan Linyu

just tried on more than a dozen pieces, so Yu Xi had to take the clothes and go to the fitting room.

When she came out, the clerk smiled and said, "It looks great."

Yu Xi pulled at her wide hem, then looked at herself in the mirror.

She would look good in anything she wore, it's just that she had never tried this style before.

In the mirror, Guan Linyu was standing behind her, just a head taller than her. They were wearing the same clothes, and they looked more coordinated and matched when standing together.

Guan Linyu walked to her side and stared at her in the mirror.

When she looked up, she could see his focused eyes in the mirror. He looked a little silly with his fixed gaze.

Yu Xi was about to say that she would change it, but Guan Linyu spoke first: "You buy it too."

Yu Xi: "Are you serious?"

Guan Linyu: "Yes, take the other pieces in her size and pack them together."

Yu Xi: "..."

No way, how come there are suddenly three couple outfits?

Guan Linyu was checking out. Yu Xi stood in front of the mirror, looked at herself again, and then turned back to look at Guan Linyu. "Didn't this person dislike the clothes she chose at first? Now she is quite happy."

When they returned to the village, Yu Xi and Guan Linyu attracted everyone's exclamations as soon as they entered the door.

Because Yu Xi and Guan Linyu both came back wearing new clothes, and they were couple outfits.

"Wow, did you go shopping for clothes?" Chen You immediately came to greet them.

Kong Miao exclaimed: "You two look so good in couple outfits."

Chen You: "Not bad, you two, you've been out for so long, you went to buy clothes."

Chen You: "Brother Guan can actually wear such clothes, I can't recognize him."

Hu Bu Ran: "Hahaha, he looks like a student."

Everyone surrounded Guan Linyu and Yu Xi, Chen You said: "Let me take a few photos of you."

Yu Xi: "No need."

"Why not, you look so good, of course I have to take a few photos, I didn't expect you to secretly buy couple outfits, really." Chen You joked, picked up the phone and pointed it at Yu Xi and Guan Linyu, "Stand up, get a little closer, yes, Yu Xi, tilt your head a little towards Brother Guan..."

After taking several photos, Chen You was not very satisfied, and asked Guan Linyu to hug Yu Xi's shoulders.

Yu Xi: "No need for that."

As a result, Guan Linyu raised his hand and put it on her shoulder, and hugged her to him.

[Oh my god! Hug, it's great. ]

[Ahhhhhh, I'm going crazy, I didn't see it wrong, Guan Linyu is serious about Yu Xi. 】

【I said Guan Linyu likes Yu Xi. 】

【It was said that the couple was not getting along and wanted to divorce, but it was all rumors. This is too sweet. 】

【Guan Linyu, I didn't misjudge you! You should be more proactive with your wife. 】

Chen You was also very satisfied with Guan Linyu's behavior. She praised him in her heart, and then took a lot of photos with her mobile phone.

Chen You was a little excited, "Yes, it's super beautiful. Do you want to make a heart, hug or something?"

Unfortunately, neither Yu Xi nor Guan Linyu responded to her. After taking a few photos, they said they had to go upstairs to put things away. They bought so many clothes and had to put them upstairs.

Chen You: "What else did you buy? Can I see it?"

Kong Miao: "I want to see it too."

Yu Xi took out a few boxes of facial masks from the bag and distributed them to them: "I bought facial masks for you."

Chen You: "Wow, really? You are so nice."

Kong Miao: "I have used this facial mask before, it is very useful."

The girls were chatting enthusiastically, and Guan Linyu took all the things upstairs first.

Seeing this, Chen You pushed Yu Xi, "Look at your Lao Guan, he's so nice, he can take the initiative to do things, unlike my Hu Bu'ren, he won't do anything unless I tell him to, he's like a puppet, he takes one step at a time."

Kong Miao thought about it, Ling Su didn't seem to be like this, Ling Su was domineering and strong, he never listened to her.

She turned her head to look at Ling Su, and found that he was also looking at her, Kong Miao felt sweet in her heart, blinked at him, then quickly retracted her gaze and pretended nothing happened.

Ling Su walked over as if nothing had happened, raised his eyelids, there was no expression on his face, he just glanced at Kong Miao for a moment, and then walked out, but Kong Miao already understood what he meant.

"Oh, I'll go out for a while, it seems like something fell outside just now." Kong Miao's poor acting skills fooled Chen You, but Yu Xi saw through the clues.

Yu Xi smiled and said, "What is it? Do you want me to help you look for it?"

Kong Miao shook her head fiercely, "Nothing, just an earring, maybe in the yard outside, I'll go take a look, you've been busy all day, you should take a rest."

Yu Xi: "Then Chen You, you go with her."

Kong Miao's expression became embarrassed, she looked at them eagerly, "I can go by myself."

Little girls like Kong Miao simply have everything written on their faces, so cute, this little girl's thoughts can't be hidden at all.

It seems that Ling Su has her under control.

Yu Xi smiled, "How about letting Ling Su go with you to find it?"

Kong Miao widened her eyes and looked at Yu Xi, afraid that she knew something, "I don't want him to accompany me, I'm annoyed to see him, I'll go by myself."

Her tone was obviously trying to cover up, arrogant and cute.

Yu Xi just teased her deliberately, "Then go, don't look for too long."

Kong Miao: "Yeah, yeah."

She breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and ran away quickly, fearing that Ling Su would wait for too long.


There is a place behind the pigsty where there are no cameras. Kong Miao and Ling Su would meet secretly here and say things that they would not say in front of the camera.

"I'm here. Have you been waiting for a long time?" Kong Miao patted Ling Su's back.

Ling Su: "Well, no."

"Humph, why did you suddenly hint at me to come here? You knew I was chatting with them, but you suddenly asked me to come." Kong Miao acted reluctant.

Ling Su reached out and pulled her into his arms, "Is it not possible?"

"I didn't say no. You always act so suddenly anyway."

Ling Su's voice was low. He pressed his chin on the top of her head and hugged her tightly. "I just suddenly wanted to hug you."

Kong Miao blushed and whispered, "A little...sweet talk."

Ling Su chuckled and didn't refute.

Kong Miao: "Brother Guan and Sister Yu Xi look so good in couple outfits today."

Ling Su: "Why? You want to wear them with me too?"

Kong Miao's face was very hot, "I didn't say I wanted to wear them with you, I was just expressing my feelings."

Ling Su said softly: "I know, I'll take a look later and buy a few pieces."

Kong Miao's voice became shy, "I didn't say I wanted to buy them."

Ling Su: "Just wear them when the time comes."

Kong Miao laughed softly, "That depends on my mood."

Ling Su: "What mood do I wear them in?"

Kong Miao thought for a while, "Anyway... I will only wear them with you if you make me happy."

Ling Su pressed her against the wall, held her cheeks with both hands, and lowered his head to kiss her. His movements were not gentle, but rather a bit strong and overbearing, but the look in Kong Miao's eyes was full of tenderness, which made her fall in love at a glance.


Two days later.

The wedding was held as scheduled. In the early morning, before dawn, when the cocks crowed, most of the villagers in the village had already gotten up.

The village is not big, and everyone is a neighbor and friend who has known each other for many years, so a wedding is a matter for the whole village, and everyone will work hard. Early in the morning, the aunts and sisters-in-law who are responsible for the banquet all got up to prepare.

They have to wash the vegetables, prepare the dishes, and cook. More than 20 tables of dishes cannot be prepared in less than five hours.

Yu Xi also got up early. Although they are not responsible for the wedding banquet, they have to go to the wedding site to confirm. The wedding

was held in the village. The villagers built a stage. When the ceremony was held, there were various performances.

When Yu Xi got up, Guan Linyu had already changed his clothes.

It was one of the white sweatshirts that Yu Xi helped him pick out yesterday, with a pink Bichon Frise puppy on it.

Yu Xi also had a similar one, and Guan Linyu bought it without even trying it on. When

Guan Linyu wore this dress, Yu Xi was stunned. In fact, she thought Guan Linyu was forced to buy it, because when he tried it on, he had a blank expression on his face and seemed to dislike it very much, so Yu Xi bought it on purpose.

I thought Guan Linyu wouldn't wear it, but today he actually took the initiative to wear it.

"Why are you wearing this today?"

"Don't you like it?" Guan Linyu looked at her.

Yu Xi looked at his face, then at the Bichon Frise on his clothes, and the two people's eyes were surprisingly 80% similar.

With this dress as a backdrop, she suddenly felt that Guan Linyu also had a cute side.

Yu Xi: "It's okay, it suits you well."

Yu Xi's evaluation was not against her will, but Guan Linyu looked good in anything, and there was no clothes that didn't suit him.

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi: "Are you done?"

Guan Linyu: "Yeah, I'll wait for you."

Yu Xi looked at the time, "Then you go down first, I'll come down when I'm done."

Guan Linyu: "I'll wait for you here."

"Okay." Yu Xi got up and went to the closet to get clothes. She had already decided to wear the champagne apricot dress today.

But just as she took out the skirt, Guan Linyu said, "I put your clothes in the bathroom for you."

Yu Xi: "What?"

"You are wearing the same clothes as me."

Yu Xi: "......???"


Guan Linyu came over and took the skirt from her hand.

[It was so funny, Yu Xi was dumbfounded. ]

[There is still a way to let others wear couple clothes with you. ]

[Guan Linyu is so funny, he took Yu Xi's skirt away and didn't let her wear it. ]

[Yu Xi, just wear it, I changed my clothes early in the morning and waited for you. ]

[Really, Guan Linyu got up early in the morning and put on this dress. ]


When Xie Yilin came back yesterday, she didn't see Yu Xi and Guan Linyu wearing couple clothes, because she and Lu Jinnian came back too late, and everyone was going to bed at that time, so they didn't look for others. I

just went downstairs this morning and saw Yu Xi and Guan Linyu wearing the same style of sweatshirts. Even a fool can see that this is a couple's outfit.

But Xie Yilin didn't think so. She thought that Yu Xi insisted on buying the clothes, and that Guan Linyu agreed to wear the clothes only after Yu Xi pestered him.

"Why are you wearing the same clothes?" Xie Yilin walked over with a fake smile.

Yu Xi: "This is called couple clothes."

Xie Yilin: "..." She is not a fool.

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi, his eyes raised, "Yeah."

He nodded, "It's a couple outfit."

Xie Yilin was even more shocked when she saw Guan Linyu's response, and she almost popped her eyes out of her sockets.

Now that they are standing together, Xie Yilin always looks at Guan Linyu uncontrollably.

She never thought that Guan Linyu would agree with Yu Xi's words and say that this is a couple outfit.

Xie Yilin took a deep breath. So

what if they wear couple clothes? Even if they use a couple avatar, they are not necessarily a couple.

But... she also knows in her heart that Guan Linyu has his own principles and thoughts, and he will not easily listen to others.

"Did you buy it yesterday?"

Yu Xi's tone was helpless: "Yes, he pestered me to go shopping for clothes, and he insisted on buying couple clothes. What do you think of this person!"

Xie Yilin gritted her teeth secretly, and was being sarcastic with her, right?

What Guan Linyu insisted on buying, how could it be possible.

Guan Linyu would take the initiative to wear couple clothes with her?

That sow can also climb a tree.


At the wedding scene, at an auspicious time, a couple of new people appeared.

Yu Xi and the other eight people also appeared on the scene to witness their wedding ceremony. The host asked the newlyweds to read the oath on the stage. The people in the audience sat and stood, all looking at the stage intently.

But some people still looked at Yu Xi and the others.

After all, the villagers were very curious about what program these people were recording and why there were so many cameras.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu standing together were the most eye-catching couple in the audience.

The two of them came out in couple clothes again today, and everyone else laughed at them.

But only Xie Yilin couldn't laugh.

After the bride and groom held the ceremony on the stage, the bride picked up the bouquet and planned to throw it.

The bridesmaids were the bride's friends, and they were all eagerly waiting to grab the bouquet.

Yu Xi stood not far away and watched the fun. Guan Linyu stood next to Yu Xi, but kept looking down at Yu Xi.

The bouquet turned several circles in the air, and it actually passed the bridesmaids and ran to the back. Yu Xi also reached out subconsciously, because no one else saw it. If she didn't catch it and it fell to the ground, it would definitely be scattered all over the place.

The moment Yu Xi received the bouquet, everyone was stunned. Guan

Linyu next to her didn't react immediately.

"This..." As a married woman, Yu Xi couldn't catch the bouquet.

Yu Xi seemed to have heard that usually an unmarried woman would receive a blessing and become a bride when she caught the bouquet thrown by the bride at a wedding.

But she was married, and she couldn't just throw it away after catching it. The bouquet represented luck, so she could only hold it temporarily.

Yu Xi thought about it and decided to give the bouquet to other bridesmaids. She walked forward with the bouquet, intending to send a blessing first, and then pass the bouquet to others.

She walked forward slowly with the flowers.

Of course, the villagers didn't know that she was married, and they all applauded.

Yu Xi was not embarrassed, she smiled frankly and walked onto the stage.

She first said a few nice words of blessing to the bride and groom, and was about to give the flowers to someone else, but the host said, "This beautiful lady, do you have a partner?"

Yu Xi: "..."

In front of all the villagers, Yu Xi had to say, "Yes."

The host probably thought she had a boyfriend and was not married yet, "Who is this lady's partner? Please come on stage."

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☆ 133. Chapter 132 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 132

Before Yu Xi, the wife of a wealthy CEO who was ridiculed by the whole network, had time to say anything, she heard a commotion from the audience. Even those who knew that she and Guan Linyu were a couple applauded.

Hu Bu Ran pushed Guan Linyu forward and said, "Here, this is her boyfriend."

Guan Linyu could only be pushed onto the stage under the spotlight of everyone.

Yu Xi blinked at him, as if to say, "What are you doing here?"

Guan Linyu was also helpless.

The host smiled and said, "They are a perfect match made in heaven, don't you think?"

The villagers all said enthusiastically, "Yes!"

"They are even wearing couple outfits! It seems that the two of you have a good relationship."

This intense wedding ceremony always makes people feel at a loss.

Host: "What does it feel like to be with such a beautiful girl?"

After speaking, the host pointed the microphone at Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu glanced at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi thought to herself, this is really embarrassing.

Fortunately, it's not her who is being asked. Guan Linyu, keep up the good work.

Yu Xi gave Guan Linyu an encouraging look.

Guan Linyu didn't know what to say. He had never encountered such a situation before. He was always calm and was looking at the audience in silence.

The host had been working in wedding planning for so long and had seen all kinds of people. He said, "It seems that the handsome guy is a little shy! Don't be shy. Just say, are you happy? Do you want to be with her every day?"

Yu Xi glanced at Guan Linyu. In fact, she wanted to laugh.

The host called Guan Linyu a handsome guy, which was very funny. What's more, he was asked by the host whether he was happy or not.

Is there anything more dramatic than this?

But Yu Xi felt that Guan Linyu would probably not answer. He was always stubborn and didn't care about other people's feelings. If he didn't want to say it, he wouldn't say it.

But she heard two words come out of his mouth: "Happy."

The host really didn't disappoint people. When he heard Guan Linyu answer, he became more excited. "The voice is so soft, I can't hear it. Speak louder so that everyone can hear it."

[Family members burst into laughter. This host is so awesome. ]

[This is the fun of rural weddings. The host is so funny. ]

[Guan Linyu, tell everyone louder. 】

【Why do I suddenly feel like I'm watching Guan Linyu and Yu Xi. 】

【Should the program team hold a rural wedding for the guests? It feels so interesting. 】

Guan Linyu's expression was very subtle. After he came on stage, he didn't look at Yu Xi much.

Host: "Girl, didn't you hear the boy say he was happy just now? If you didn't hear it, ask him to speak louder."

Yu Xi quickly said, "I heard it."

The host was stunned and looked at Yu Xi in surprise. Why didn't he follow the routine?

"Since he received the bouquet, it means that the two of them are destined to be together. The boy hasn't proposed yet, so why not just propose to the girl here? Do you want to see him propose?"

The audience continued to make a fuss.

Yu Xi and Guan Linyu were squeezed together, their bodies close together, standing in the middle of the stage, and the villagers in the audience were all enthusiastic.

"Propose! Propose! Propose!"

Yu Xi whispered to Guan Linyu, "How about we run?"

Guan Linyu was embarrassed at first, but suddenly relaxed after hearing Yu Xi's words, "Where to run?"

Yu Xi: "Are you going to propose here?" Guan Linyu

didn't say anything, but looked down at Yu Xi's profile. She was holding a bouquet and trying to smile at the audience. Her eyes were smart and playful, like a deer in the forest, pure and clear. She whispered, "Will you go? I'll count to three, I'll give the flowers to the bridesmaid, and we'll run down quickly."

After she finished speaking, she calmly put her hand on Guan Linyu's wrist and grabbed his hand.

Before everyone was prepared, she pulled Guan Linyu to the bridesmaid next to the bride.

Just now, she saw the bridesmaid staring at the bouquet, as if she wanted it very much.

She handed the bouquet to the bridesmaid, "This blessing is for you. He and I are already married, so let's pass on the happiness."

Yu Xi said beautifully, and then winked at the host.

The host immediately understood, "Ah! So they are already married, what an enviable couple, let's congratulate the bridesmaid who got the bouquet."

The villagers in the audience continued to applaud, it seems that everyone was cheering.

Yu Xi quickly pulled Guan Linyu down from the side.

"Do you think I saved you, otherwise you would have proposed." Yu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and thought about the situation just now and found it funny.

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi: "Okay, you go over and continue watching."

Guan Linyu: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the back to find something to drink." The back that Yu Xi was talking about was the kitchen.

Guan Linyu: "I'll go with you."

Yu Xi waved her hand, "No, I can go by myself."

But she took a few steps and turned around to see Guan Linyu still following her.

Yu Xi: "What's wrong?"

Guan Linyu: "I'm thirsty too."

Yu Xi: "Okay, let's go."

The kitchen was busy and the aunts in charge of the banquet in the village didn't care about Yu Xi and Guan Linyu at all, but when they saw strangers coming in, they looked at them.

It was the first time that the aunties saw such a good-looking couple in the village. They all stared at Yu Xi and Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi found a bowl and poured a bowl of water to drink. Guan Linyu was watching her from the side.

"Don't you want to drink?"


"Then pour it yourself."

Could it be that he was waiting for her to pour him water?

Yu Xi was busy all morning and didn't drink a sip of water, so he drank two large bowls before putting down the bowl. Just as

she was about to put down the bowl, Guan Linyu reached out and took the bowl from her hand, poured a bowl of water as well, and drank it in front of her with the bowl she had just used.

Yu Xi: "You...you don't know how to change the bowl."

Yu Xi's tone seemed to be a little disgusted.

[Yu Xi always has a way to make Guan Linyu break down. ]

[The despised Mr. Guan! ]

[Guan Linyu is despised by his wife every day, so pitiful. ]

[Hehe, is it wrong for Guan Linyu to want to use the same bowl with his wife? 】


The wedding kept everyone busy, and after the evening banquet, everyone finally felt relieved.

Witnessing the union of a couple and putting in so much effort, although it was hard work, everyone was very happy.

In the evening, eight people sat in a circle in the yard and chatted.

"Today is a good day, how about we drink and play games?"

Hu Bu Ran exchanged his points for two boxes of beer. He didn't drink at the banquet in the evening, so he was happy now and wanted to drink with everyone.

Lu Jinnian: "Okay, I'll be leaving in a few days, so let's drink together."

Xie Yilin: "What if you get drunk later, husband, you haven't drunk for a long time."

Lu Jinnian: "It's okay, drink less."

He looked at Yu Xi and Guan Linyu, "What about you? Can you all drink?"

Xie Yilin: "I remember that Guan Linyu didn't seem to drink much before."

She looked like she knew Guan Linyu, and smiled and said to Yu Xi: "Yu Xi should be able to drink, right? I heard that girls who grew up in the countryside can drink since they were young."

Yu Xi: "Yes, Guan Linyu was drunk by me. Didn't he drink before? But he drank with me a few days ago. Maybe he wanted to drink with me, but unfortunately he was too weak and couldn't drink more than me."

Hearing Yu Xi's nonsense, Guan Linyu just looked at her indifferently.

But Xie Yilin heard that Yu Xi was showing off his affection with her, and smiled with gritted teeth, "Really, then you are very good."

Yu Xi: "It's normal, or you can compete with me to see who is better."

Yu Xi seemed unintentional, but stared at Xie Yilin, with a sharp tone in his words and a not very friendly smile.

Xie Yilin was embarrassed by Yu Xi's attitude, but she still had to remain elegant, "I don't drink."

Chen You saw that the atmosphere seemed a little wrong, and quickly changed the subject, "When I first came, I thought half a month was a long time, how come it's almost over in a flash."

Kong Miao: "Yes, yes, I don't want to separate from everyone at all."

Hu Bu Ran thought of the last time he saw Ling Su and Kong Miao secretly meeting, and joked: "Do you not want to separate from everyone, or do you not want to separate from Ling Su?"

Kong Miao seemed to be caught with a pigtail, and his face turned red: "Of course I don't want to separate from everyone!"

Chen You only found out yesterday that Kong Miao and Ling Su were already together in private, and smiled and said: "Hu Bu Ran, what are you talking about, Miao Miao is shy."

Kong Miao was too shy to speak.

Hu Bu Ran laughed twice, opened two bottles of beer, one for Guan Linyu and one for Lu Jinnian.

Chen You: "Oh, I really don't want to be separated from you at all. When we go back, it will be just me and Hu Bu'ran. I'm used to living with everyone."

Yu Xi: "It's more fun with more people."

Hu Bu'ran looked at Ling Su, "Would you like to drink too?"

Ling Su nodded, "Sure."

Hu Bu'ran opened two more bottles.

Chen You: "Why don't you open some wine for us girls? We can drink too."

Hu Bu'ran: "Can you drink? Or should we drink beverages?"

Chen You: "Who are you looking down on? Why can't I drink?"

Hu Bu'ran said helplessly: "Your alcohol tolerance is so low that you'll still make trouble when you're drunk."

Kong Miao: "Who said we can't drink? At least Sister Yu Xi can drink. Didn't she say she could make Brother Guan fall down after drinking?"

Everyone looked at Guan Linyu.

Hu Bu'ran didn't quite believe it: "Really?"

In fact, everyone didn't quite believe what Yu Xi said just now. Guan Linyu could be drunk down by Yu Xi, so how bad is Guan Linyu's alcohol tolerance? Yu Xi didn't look like a very good drinker.

But Guan Linyu nodded and said, "Yeah."

Unexpectedly, Guan Linyu would cooperate with her. Yu Xi smiled and said, "I'll go get some snacks. Drinking straight won't do."

Seeing her generous and generous appearance, Hu Bu Ran suddenly felt that Yu Xi might really be a hidden talent.


The game of drinking is to grab fingers. First, one person spreads his palm flat with the palm facing down, and the others extend their index fingers and put them under the palm of the first person.

Then the person who extends his palm decides the way to play, counts down three numbers, and when the last number is counted, the others retract their fingers, and the person who is caught loses.

You can also relay fingers, imitate movements, etc., and the last person loses.

This game tests the ability to adapt to changes.

The loser has to drink.

The rules of the game are very simple, and most people have played it, so it is not difficult to introduce the rules. Everyone understands it after saying it once, and those who don't know it will understand it after playing it twice.

The game starts with rock-paper-scissors, and the loser makes a palm first.

Guan Linyu was unlucky, and he lost the rock-paper-scissors game, so he had to extend his palm, and everyone surrounded him and put their index fingers under his palm.

Everyone else put their fingers away. Guan Linyu kept looking at Yu Xi until Yu Xi's finger poked his palm, and then he looked away.

He counted down in a deep voice: "Three, two, one..."

After the numbers were announced, Yu Xi's hand was the first to retract.

She reacted very quickly, and Xie Yilin and Kong Miao were slower.

But Guan Linyu didn't catch any of them and chose to drink by himself.

If he didn't catch it, he couldn't pass it on to others, so Guan Linyu had to continue to stretch out his palm.

[Yu Xi, can't you just be slower? ]

[I saw Yu Xi was the first to retract her finger, and I laughed to death. ]

[Yu Xi didn't give her a chance at all. ]

[Why do I feel like Xie Yilin was so slow on purpose? ]

[Not really, my husband is watching next to me. ]

Guan Linyu grabbed three more rounds. Xie Yilin was very slow twice, and Kong Miao was slow to react once, so he didn't catch it, so he drank four glasses of wine in a row. On the fifth time, he finally caught Hu Bu Ran's finger.

"Okay, okay, it's my turn now."

Hu Bu'ran drank a glass of wine happily, then stretched out his palm and said to Chen You: "I'll catch you later."

Chen You: "Humph, I won't let you catch me."

Hu Bu'ran laughed, and when he finished the countdown, he made a thumbs-up gesture, which meant to pass the fingers. Everyone reacted and immediately held his fingers, one after another. The

last person to fall behind was Chen You.

Chen You glared at Hu Bu'ran: "You suddenly changed without telling me."

Hu Bu'ran smiled and said nothing. Chen You went to get a glass to drink, but Hu Bu'ran snatched it and helped her drink, "I'll do it, I'll do it."

Chen You's expression was better.

The game continued.

Then Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian also lost a few times, but Yu Xi didn't lose once.

Everyone drank a little, except Yu Xi.

Chen You was already dizzy after a few drinks, so she only asked Hu Bu'ran to help her drink a glass, and the rest insisted on drinking by themselves. She looked at Yu Xi and found that the glass in front of her was the first one, "Yu Xi, why haven't you drunk yet?"

Yu Xi smiled, "Yes, I'm so thirsty."

"Ah! Sister Yu Xi, you are so arrogant." Kong Miao also got dizzy after two glasses of wine, and drunk after three glasses of wine. She was smiling after just drinking one glass.

Yu Xi found it funny to see them drunk after drinking so little, "Are you okay?"

"Of course, I can drink several more glasses."

Yu Xi nodded, "Okay, let's continue playing?"

"Play! Of course we have to play."

Xie Yilin also drank a little. In fact, she just wanted to watch Yu Xi drink, but Yu Xi never lost. This time it was her turn to make the palm. After the countdown, she made a sexy imitation move.

Everyone else was acting strangely. Yu Xi knew that she wanted her to drink, so she was too lazy to do anything else and just picked up the wine glass to drink.

As a result, Guan Linyu stretched out his hand to stop her, "Let me drink."

Yu Xi looked at Guan Linyu in surprise, "Why do you need you to help me drink?" It's not like

she can't drink. Guan Linyu has drunk many cups. Although his face doesn't blush, the less blushing one is, the easier it is to get drunk.

Guan Linyu didn't answer, but drank the wine in front of her.

Yu Xi had no choice but to let him go.

Everyone played until ten o'clock in the evening. Chen You and Kong Miao were already drunk and talking nonsense.

Although Hu Bu'ran still wanted to play, he had to take Chen You back to the room.

Kong Miao was clamoring to continue playing, and Ling Su picked her up. She was so scared that she hugged Ling Su and looked around, but she didn't shout anymore.

Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian had a good alcohol tolerance. Although they drank a lot, they were not drunk. They also returned to the room after the show.

Guan Linyu looked fine, but he didn't say anything, and his eyes were a little straight. Yu Xi knew that he was probably drunk.

It's just that he was quieter when he was drunk.

This is fine, as long as he doesn't get drunk, he's drunk.

Yu Xi stepped forward and patted Guan Linyu, "Let's go, we'll go up too."

Guan Linyu looked up at her, and after a while he responded, "Yeah."

Yu Xi: "Can you walk by yourself?"

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi saw him nod, and walked into the house, but as soon as she took a step, Guan Linyu grabbed her hand.

Yu Xi was stunned, and when she turned around, Guan Linyu held her hand in his, holding it tightly.

What was he doing?

Yu Xi didn't react, but Guan Linyu looked calm, as if he didn't think his behavior was strange.

[Hahahaha, why are they holding hands suddenly. ]

[Is Guan Linyu drunk? It doesn't look like it. ]

[Hehe, the sudden hand-holding is so sweet. ]

[Yu Xi's expression is so cute, she didn't expect Guan Linyu to hold her hand at all. 】

Yu Xi was led back to the room by Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi didn't understand what he was doing. Was he pretending to be crazy because of the alcohol?

Or was he really drunk and unconscious.

"Are you drunk?" Yu Xi pulled her hand out of his.

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

He didn't refute. So was he drunk or not?

Generally, drunk people would say they were not drunk.

Guan Linyu actually admitted it to her directly.

Yu Xi didn't understand him, "Then you take a rest. I'm going to take a shower."

Guan Linyu leaned against the wall and looked at her. There seemed to be a fire burning in his eyes. The burning gaze made her feel strange.

Yu Xi took the clean clothes and went to the bathroom. Thinking of the way Guan Linyu looked at her just now, she thought of the kiss they had before.

She shook her head and said to the mirror: "I didn't drink much. What's the matter."

She came out of the shower and saw Guan Linyu sitting at the head of the bed in a daze. She didn't know what he was thinking.

Yu Xi: "Are you feeling better?"

Guan Linyu didn't answer.

Yu Xi: "You should go in and take a shower too, so you can go to bed early after taking a shower."

Guan Linyu nodded, Yu Xi walked over and sat down next to him, "Then you go."

Yu Xi felt that Guan Linyu's eyes were already dazed and unclear, and it seemed that he was really drunk.

"Are you okay? Can you take a shower by yourself?"

Guan Linyu shook his head.

Yu Xi: "..."

She paused for a long while, "Then you have to go by yourself."

[Hahahahahahahaha, I laughed like a pig. ]

[Guan Linyu shaking his head is so cute, could it be that he wants Yu Xi to help you wash. ]

[You have to go by yourself even if you can't, hahahaha, Yu Xi is so decisive. ]

[It's another day for Mr. Guan to be disliked. ]

Yu Xi helped him find his pajamas and threw them to him, "Go."

Guan Linyu took the clothes to the bathroom and glanced at her before going in.

Yu Xi inexplicably felt that his eyes were a little resentful.

Yu Xi thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

She wrapped her hair, put on a facial mask, and then blew it dry. She was ready to go to bed, but Guan Linyu hadn't come out yet.

It's been so long, Guan Linyu wouldn't fall asleep while washing, right?

Yu Xi was worried that he would fall asleep naked in the bathroom, so she had to knock on the door, "Are you ready?"

No sound.

Yu Xi thought to herself, no, and knocked on the door again.

"Guan Linyu."

The door finally opened, and Yu Xi saw Guan Linyu behind the door, and her expression became subtle.

Guan Linyu's hair was wet and messy, and the buttons of his clothes were buttoned incorrectly. He looked at her blankly, looking like a mentally retarded child. Although he was still handsome, he was really a little silly.

Yu Xi laughed out loud, "You are too funny."

Guan Linyu: "Huh?"

Yu Xi reluctantly pulled him to sit down by the bed, and then helped him unbutton the wrong button and button it again.

Because the buttons were unbuttoned, she could see his abdominal muscles and beautiful body lines.

For some reason, Yu Xi was also a little embarrassed, probably because she felt that Guan Linyu was staring at her.

"Okay, you can go to bed after your hair is dry."

A man's hair is so short that it dries quickly, so Yu Xi didn't plan to help him blow dry his hair.

Yu Xi stood up and tried to climb onto the bed, but was pulled back by Guan Linyu.

Yu Xi: "What's wrong?" Guan Linyu

took her hand and played with it, pinching her fingertips and rubbing her palms, as if he liked it very much.

Yu Xi: "Let me go first."

Guan Linyu: "I don't want to."

Yu Xi: "Ah?"

It was really funny to say the word "unwilling" in a serious manner.

"Then what do you want?"

Guan Linyu: "Always like this."

Yu Xi: "You're really drunk."

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi: "..." You're just pretending!

She patted the back of Guan Linyu's hand, a little hard, probably hurting him. He frowned, looked up and stared at Yu Xi with wide eyes.

Guan Linyu: "Do you hate me?"

These words actually came out of Guan Linyu's mouth, which really made people want to laugh.

Yu Xi: "No, who said I hate you."

"Then why can't you hold my hand?" Guan Linyu seemed very persistent in holding her hand, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Yu Xi: "Because I want to sleep."

Guan Linyu: "..."

Seeing him not talking, it was even funnier. Was he angry?

"Then I'll go to sleep."

"I don't want a divorce."

This sudden remark made Yu Xi look confused.

Yu Xi: "I didn't say I wanted a divorce."

Guan Linyu: "You're my wife."

Yu Xi had already climbed onto the bed and covered herself with the quilt, and replied lazily, "Hmm? Then what?"

Guan Linyu turned around and looked at her, "Why can't I hold your hand?"

Yu Xi: "No one said that you have to hold your hand if you're my wife."

Guan Linyu: "..."

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 134. Chapter 133 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 133

Guan Linyu, the wife of a wealthy CEO who was mocked by the whole network, frowned. It was not known whether she did it on purpose or because she did not sit firmly. Her body slid down and she just sat on the ground.

He leaned his head against the bed, and the water on his hair rubbed against the sheets, making them wet. His profile looked very calm, but with a bit of displeasure and depression.

Yu Xi thought it was funny. Is this guy sulking?


he insisted on sitting on the ground. Yu Xi was too lazy to care about him at first, and sat on the bed playing with his mobile phone.

As a result, half an hour later, Guan Linyu still maintained the posture from half an hour ago, motionless.

Yu Xi: "Guan Linyu."

Hearing Yu Xi calling his name, he had some reaction, but he just glanced in Yu Xi's direction, without saying a word or moving.

Yu Xi: "You are so old, are you still throwing a childish tantrum?"

I really don't know if he is really drunk or just acting.

Yu Xi stared at Guan Linyu for a while, got up and walked over to pat him, "Guan Linyu, get up, don't sit on the ground."

Guan Linyu looked up at her blankly, his face full of unhappiness, and he didn't say anything.

I don't know what to be unhappy about. He got

so angry after drinking. He

doesn't have so many things to do at other times.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Yu Xi said, "If you ignore me, then I won't care about you."

Yu Xi went downstairs to pour a glass of water. After drinking it, she was going to go upstairs directly, but after thinking about it, she went upstairs to get a bottle of milk.

Let Guan Linyu drink milk to sober up.

This person should not drink in the future. He becomes a childish character when drunk.

He is usually old-fashioned and doesn't like to talk. Although he has changed a little recently, he is still serious and solemn. As a result, he became like this after drinking too much. She really didn't expect it.

Yu Xi returned to the room and saw that Guan Linyu had fallen asleep on the ground. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

If she didn't care about him, would he lie on the ground all night.

Yu Xi walked over helplessly, "Guan Linyu, wake up."

Guan Linyu's eyelids didn't move, he slept on the ground, his body curled up, it seems that he feels cold.

Yu Xi squatted down, patted his shoulder, and patted his face, but he didn't respond.

"Guan Linyu, if you don't get up, I won't care about you."

Her voice was low and low, as if she was teaching a pet.

Guan Linyu seemed to hear it, but he just frowned and didn't open his eyes.

Yu Xi stood up speechlessly and kicked his butt with her foot. It wasn't very hard, but it wasn't very light.

Guan Linyu's butt was round and elastic, and it was fun to kick him twice, but Yu Xi didn't want to play with him at the moment. Seeing that he didn't get up, she didn't want to care about him anymore. She was about to turn around, Guan Linyu suddenly opened his eyes and reached out to grab her feet.

Yu Xi: "..."

Her instep was held in his hand, and the cold hand made her shiver all over.

In her impression, this person's hands were always hot, why is it so cold now.

She was probably frozen from sleeping on the ground. She was only wearing pajamas, and the temperature was low at night.

He held Yu Xi's feet and didn't move.

The scene became a little strange.

Yu Xi: "Why don't you let me go?"

Guan Linyu didn't let go, and his fingers slid across the soles of her feet. Yu Xi couldn't help laughing, it was so itchy.

She was eager to take her feet back to look, but Guan Linyu held them very tightly, and asked in confusion: "Why did you kick me?"

Yu Xi shook her head helplessly, "You can't wake up if I shout you, so I can only kick you."

Guan Linyu still didn't understand, "But I'm awake."

"I kicked you awake."

Guan Linyu looked at her disapprovingly.

Yu Xi: "Get up quickly when you wake up, don't dilly-dally, let go of my feet."

Her fierce tone made Guan Linyu a little uncomfortable.

Guan Linyu moved the corners of his mouth, threw her feet away, turned his head and ignored her.

He sat up, lowered his head, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Yu Xi: "Drink the milk first."

She threw the milk into Guan Linyu's arms and hit his stomach. This action was not gentle at all, and it was even a bit rude, but Guan Linyu's expression did not change at all, and he obviously didn't want to pay attention to Yu Xi.

But Yu Xi didn't indulge him, "Hurry up."

Guan Linyu slowly picked up the milk, but he seemed to have forgotten what to do next, and he didn't take the next step for a long time.

"Open it and drink it." Yu Xi reminded him.

But he still didn't break off the straw to drink, staring at the box of milk for a long time.

She didn't poison him in the milk, so why did she stare at it for so long? Yu Xi really wanted to find a way to deal with him, so she had to snatch the milk again, tear off the straw, insert the straw, and then pass it to Guan Linyu's mouth, "Drink it quickly." Guan Linyu

's mouth was poked by the straw, and he opened his mouth passively.

The straw was pushed into his mouth, "Drink it all in one breath."

Yu Xi's operation directly made the audience dumbfounded.

【How come this is the same as my mom forcing me to drink milk. 】

【He drank it all in one breath, hahahahahaha, Guan Linyu is so pitiful. 】

【It’s so funny, Yu Xi is so fierce. 】

【How come Guan Linyu becomes a pitiful little thing after getting drunk, it’s so funny. 】

【Yu Xi looks so impatient with Guan Linyu. 】

【Guan Linyu really drank it, oh my god, so obedient. 】

Seeing Guan Linyu gulp down all the milk, Yu Xi reached out and touched Guan Linyu’s head, “Okay, brush your teeth after drinking, and change clothes to sleep.”

Guan Linyu reached out and pulled Yu Xi’s clothes, “There are no more clothes to change.”

Yu Xi paused and looked at Guan Linyu, as if he really only had one set of pajamas.

Yu Xi: “Then why don’t you... sleep naked?”

Guan Linyu: “…”

Yu Xi: “Just kidding, but if you want, it’s not impossible.”

Guan Linyu stared at her.

Yu Xi: “Don’t get me wrong, if you sleep naked, I will keep my distance from you and will never touch you.”

【It’s so funny, why does Yu Xi and Guan Linyu seem to have swapped roles. 】

【I will definitely not touch you, hahaha, how can you say that. 】

【Women's mouths are lies. 】

【It's good to sleep naked, it's good for your body. 】

【So exciting, Guan Linyu, please agree to her. 】

Before Guan Linyu could speak, Yu Xi said, "Don't be embarrassed, or I'll go cover the camera first."

Guan Linyu looked at Yu Xi, his head was not so dizzy anymore, but his reaction was still a little slow.

Yu Xi did what he said, and actually covered the camera with a towel.

Guan Linyu stood up, faced Yu Xi, and actually started to undress.

Yu Xi naturally couldn't show her fear, and she looked straight at Guan Linyu, wanting to see if he dared to take off his clothes.

The two looked at each other, neither of them avoiding the gaze.

Guan Linyu's shirt was quickly taken off.

Yu Xi suddenly wanted to cough, but she stopped herself, absolutely not wanting him to see her embarrassment.

It's just a naked man, although she hasn't actually seen it, it's not something strange.

Yu Xi secretly told herself that she had to overwhelm the enemy with momentum.

Guan Linyu put his hand on the waistband of his pants, Yu Xi's eyes rolled around, and she subconsciously held her breath.


Guan Linyu is serious.

Yu Xi crossed her arms across her chest, showing a leisurely and indifferent attitude.

Guan Linyu unbuttoned his pants, and was about to take them off, Yu Xi coughed, "Well, why don't you go to the bathroom to take them off?"

Guan Linyu looked at her in confusion.


Under Guan Linyu's gaze, Yu Xi turned around and took out a pair of pants he usually wore from the cabinet and threw it to him, "Go to the bathroom and change into this."

Guan Linyu threw the pants back to her, "No, it's uncomfortable to sleep in this."

Yu Xi: "..." Do you

really want to sleep naked?

"It's up to you." Yu Xi stared at his upper body and commented in a relaxed tone, "You are busy with work every day, and you still have time to exercise?"

Guan Linyu was stunned for a moment: "There are fitness equipment in the office."

Yu Xi said, "Oh." She knew that Guan Linyu's office was about the same size as an ordinary family of three, more than 90 square meters, with everything.

When Guan Linyu took off his pants, Yu Xi turned around and said lazily: "I'm going to sleep first."

She lifted the quilt and lay on the bed, glancing at Guan Linyu from the corner of her eye.

Guan Linyu's legs are tight and slender, the lines of his thighs are very sexy, the beautiful and perfect mermaid line extends downwards, the muscles of his calves are beautiful, and even the color of his skin is an attractive honey color.

Such a superb figure is really dizzying.

Yu Xi only took a few glances and thought, how come this man has a better figure than a male model.

Guan Linyu's mind was not very clear, but after drinking milk, he could barely stand without dizziness.

He looked at Yu Xi and walked over slowly. Yu Xi felt his approach and her breathing became disordered.

She quickly lay down, wrapped herself completely in the quilt, and then turned her back to Guan Linyu, "Turn off the light."

After saying that, she closed her eyes.

The previous strength disappeared at this moment. The moment she felt Guan Linyu pulling the quilt, her hands grabbed the quilt on her body, and her mind was a little messy.

Guan Linyu lifted the quilt and got on the bed. His body was very cold, but as soon as he got on the bed, he could feel a heat source next to him.

Yu Xi lay on the bed for a while, and her body was already warm. She was hot, but Guan Linyu was still cold.

People all desire warmth, so they will involuntarily move closer to places with heat, and Guan Linyu is the same.

But Yu Xi kept her back to him, clearly expressing her resistance.

Looking at her back, Guan Linyu's eyes were deep.

Although he was still drunk, he was still conscious.

She seemed to hate him very much.

Guan Linyu took a deep breath.

"Let's talk about it again. Do you hate me very much?"

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 135. Chapter 134 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 134 Guan Linyu, the wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network,

spoke with a slightly drunken tone. If he hadn't been impulsive, he wouldn't have asked. But

after he said it impulsively, he felt even more depressed, as if a pair of hands were tightly grasping his heart, his body was tense and curled up, as if there was a villain in his heart who was locked in a small dark room.

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment, "What? Did I say I hate you?"

Guan Linyu: "After we got married, I was not good to you, and you should hate me." Guan

Linyu recalled to himself.

He really didn't treat Yu Xi well at all.

If he hadn't realized that his feelings for Yu Xi had changed, he wouldn't have had any idea of ​​changing.

This marriage, for him, was dispensable, so it was a mistake from the beginning. In his opinion, wrong things don't need to be maintained with effort.

But now it's different. If

he wants to continue, he can only change.

But Yu Xi thought differently from him. Yu Xi was willing to maintain the mistake and didn't want to change.

For her, things that may have become accustomed to have become normal and indifferent.

Guan Linyu took a deep breath,

as if he inhaled a cold air into his lungs, making his body more and more stiff. He was obviously in the quilt, but his body was still cold. His hands and feet were cold, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Then why don't you just be nicer to me?" Yu Xi said it very simply. Guan

Linyu: "Do you think so?"

Guan Linyu couldn't figure out what Yu Xi meant. "The show is about to end. Have you thought about it after you go back?"

Yu Xi: "I haven't thought about it carefully. What? What do you think?"

Guan Linyu said "hmm".

Yu Xi: "Then tell me."

"We..." Guan Linyu's breathing was a little disordered. He turned around and looked at Yu Xi. Although he was only looking at the back of her head, he also felt nervous. When

Yu Xi heard that he stopped talking halfway, she turned around and looked at Guan Linyu curiously.

Guan Linyu was startled when she turned around.

Guan Linyu held her down with his hand, "Don't turn around."

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment, "What...what's wrong?"

Guan Linyu held her down hard, "Turn around and face away from me." He couldn't

say anything when he saw Yu Xi's face.

He didn't want to tell Yu Xi the reason.

Yu Xi thought he was inexplicable, "What are you doing? Then tell me."

Guan Linyu: "Can we try to get along like an ordinary couple and be a normal couple?"

Yu Xi didn't speak, and the atmosphere in the room began to change. It was

very quiet around, as if only the breathing of the two of them was left, especially Guan Linyu could still hear his own heartbeat.

He waited for Yu Xi's answer, and his heart sank a little with every passing second. As time passed, his heart slowly sank, as if falling into a bottomless black hole.

Finally, Yu Xi whispered, "What do you mean by getting along like an ordinary couple? Haven't you always been busy?"

This sentence made Guan Linyu's expression solemn.

"Being able to have a meal together, being able to be alone one day a week... understanding each other, tolerating each other, and doing what each other likes to do together."

Guan Linyu's voice trembled a little because he was too nervous.

He didn't know if what he said was right or not. He had learned these from Hu Bu'ran recently. He thought that if he and Yu Xi got along like this, maybe it would be wonderful.

Guan Linyu was not sure, but at least he expected it in his heart.

Yu Xi was very surprised, "We seem to have never done these things."

Guan Linyu was once again doused with cold water by Yu Xi, and suddenly lost his confidence. He whispered, "Well, would you want to do this?"

Yu Xi: "I haven't thought about it."

The word "never thought about it" made Guan Linyu's heart even colder.

Guan Linyu sighed, "Don't you have any idea of ​​trying it?"

Yu Xi: "Try it? How to try it?"

Guan Linyu: "After I go back, I will live at home."

Yu Xi was shocked, "You want to live at home?"

Guan Linyu: "Well, if there is no special situation, I will come back every day."

Yu Xi thought, no way, this person is serious.

Her purpose is just not to divorce, but Guan Linyu's idea is to be a real husband and wife with her?

Yu Xi: "You? You... live at home, and then what?"

Guan Linyu thought she was testing him and testing him.

"You can tell me what you want me to do, and I will try my best to do it."

Yu Xi wanted to tell him that she wanted him to do nothing, as long as they didn't get divorced, nothing else would change.

But it seemed that he had deviated from her plan.

This was a bit complicated.

Yu Xi couldn't help but turn around, "Guan Linyu."

She called his name suddenly, making Guan Linyu a little confused.

"Well, you say."

The bedside lamp was dim, so the two of them could only see each other's faces clearly. Under this close eye contact, Yu Xi found that Guan Linyu's face was very pale, and he did not radiate heat, his body was very stiff, and his expression was very strange.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu Xi looked at him strangely.

Guan Linyu's voice was a little tense, and his hoarse voice sounded wrong.

"It's okay, maybe it's a little cold."

"Cold?" Yu Xi reached out and touched his face strangely.

Guan Linyu immediately held his breath, and an electric current ran through his body.

Yu Xi: "It seems very cold, what's wrong with you?"

Guan Linyu gritted his teeth, "Nothing."

Yu Xi: "Did you catch a cold just now?"

Guan Linyu's mind was empty, "Yeah."

Yu Xi shook his head, "You are so old, and you still have to sleep on the floor. You must be frozen now."

Her tone was full of disgust, but Guan Linyu thought she was saying that she cared about him. He said, "It's okay, it will be fine soon."

Yu Xi hummed, "Let me tell you this, after getting married, have you never gone home, and you don't care about family matters, and you are devoted to the studio?" Guan

Linyu nodded.

Yu Xi: "Then tell me now, you want to return to your family, give me a reason."

Guan Linyu stared at Yu Xi intently, and his answer seemed to have emerged in his eyes. Yu Xi caught a trace of uncertainty in his eyes. She was stunned for a moment, thinking, no way.

He likes her?

She didn't seem to like him very much, and this time she decided not to pester him, not to be attentive to him, and even to ignore him, just to let him know that she would not ask him to be a qualified husband like before, nor did she need them to live like ordinary couples.

As a result, he fell in love with her.

On the contrary, he wanted to be an ordinary couple with her and cultivate feelings with her.

Yu Xi was not very sure before, but now he completely understood.

Guan Linyu: "I want to be with you. In my heart, you are no longer just a wife in name... yes..."

He hesitated, his expression a little flustered.

Yu Xi slowly backed away. Even though Guan Linyu did not move at all, she felt that he was slowly approaching her. His eyes were like a vine, binding her and entangling her whole body. She suddenly wanted to escape.

But she didn't back away much before she reached the edge of the bed. If she was not careful, her body would fall down.

She was so scared that she quickly reached out, but she grabbed Guan Linyu's arm.

Guan Linyu pulled her back. Yu Xi was still in shock. When she looked again, she found herself lying on Guan Linyu's body.

Guan Linyu was not wearing anything. She pressed her hands on his chest and felt his heartbeat violently. His body seemed to be suddenly ignited, from cold to warm in an instant, and slowly getting hotter and hotter.

"You..." Yu Xi was speechless. She swallowed and said with difficulty: "I'll come down first."

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

There was something wrong with his voice.

Yu Xi didn't bother to think about it, so naturally she didn't notice.

"Are you okay?" Guan Linyu's voice was full of concern.

Yu Xi: "It's okay."

She sat up, because she felt that something would happen if she lay down. She calmed down, "That..."

She called Guan Linyu "that", not even his name, which meant that her heart was in turmoil. She felt embarrassed to call him anything, so she called him that in a panic.

"Otherwise, think about it again, maybe everything is just a misunderstanding?" Yu Xi tried to brainwash Guan Linyu.

Guan Linyu's face darkened, "What misunderstanding?"

Seeing that he suddenly became serious, Yu Xi couldn't say the words on the tip of her tongue, so she had to change her way of speaking: "That is to say, you don't want to be a nominal husband and wife with me, maybe because you want to..."

Guan Linyu interrupted her abruptly, "What are you thinking about, I definitely don't have that kind of crooked thoughts about you."

Yu Xi was stunned, and didn't understand at first, but when she saw Guan Linyu's serious face clarifying, she understood.


That's not what she meant.

However, what does it mean that he definitely doesn't have that kind of crooked thoughts about her?

Is she not attractive?

Yu Xi looked down at Guan Linyu.

Speaking of which, Guan Linyu and the original owner had never had a relationship, could it be that he was not capable.

Yu Xi stared at him with a suspicious expression, "You... have never thought about it? Then don't you..."

We are all adults, there is no need to make things too clear, everyone can understand after listening half of it.

Guan Linyu's expression became ugly, "What are you thinking about."

Yu Xi muttered, "I didn't say that, you said it yourself."

Guan Linyu: "I... I'm normal, don't worry about that."

"Who knows." Yu Xi's eyes squinted, "You don't have any evidence."

Guan Linyu: "You mean... you want me to prove it?"

Guan Linyu's tone made Yu Xi feel pressure and crisis.

She immediately retorted, "No."

You must not doubt a man's ability at this time.

Otherwise, she can't bear the consequences.

She coughed, "I didn't ask you to prove it, I believe you, I believe you 100%, you can do it!"

Guan Linyu: "..."

This emphasis on the lack of evidence makes people feel uncomfortable when they hear the proof.

Guan Linyu looked at her solemnly, "Speak nicely."

Yu Xi: "Speaking of which, I'm suddenly curious about one thing..."

Guan Linyu: "What is it?"

Yu Xi gave him a heads-up in advance, "You can't be angry when I ask, and you can't do anything to me."

Guan Linyu frowned, "Tell me."

Yu Xi blinked, "You're not still a virgin, are you?"

Guan Linyu: "..."

Yu Xi said quickly before he got angry, "It's okay if you don't want to say it, even if you are in your thirties and have no experience, I won't laugh at you, hahahaha, it doesn't matter, really not, although it is a bit unexpected, but..."

Guan Linyu: "...Yu Xi."

He read out her name word by word.

Yu Xi: "It can't be true, right?"

Guan Linyu took a deep breath.

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 136. Chapter 135 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 135 Guan

Linyu, the wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network, held Yu Xi's hand and stared into her eyes. Her expression was gloomy and uncertain, sometimes helpless, and sometimes angry. After

looking at her for a long time, he shook her hand off and said with gritted teeth: "What are you thinking about?"

Yu Xi: "Isn't it because you don't sleep to talk to me about this and that? How did it become what I was thinking about?"

Guan Linyu took a deep breath, turned around and pressed Yu Xi under her body, which scared Yu Xi.

Just when she thought Guan Linyu was going to do something, Guan Linyu whispered: "Do you regret marrying me?"

Guan Linyu's tone was lonely.

Yu Xi was stunned, thought about it carefully, "No."

The original owner should not have regretted it, and as for herself, she should not regret it either.

After all, Guan Linyu's external conditions and economic conditions are very good. He has not returned home for many years, has no parents to support, has a simple family relationship, and has no requirements for his wife at all.

She will not regret marrying such a man, but will feel leisurely and comfortable.

Guan Linyu was not very happy to hear Yu Xi's answer, but just said: "Are you still willing to give me this chance now?"

Yu Xi looked into his eyes and felt that Guan Linyu was like a little child.

No matter how mature and calm, or even indifferent, he would be confused, melancholy, fragile and incompetent after falling in love.

He held Yu Xi's face and stared at her devoutly.

Seeing that Yu Xi did not answer for a long time, Guan Linyu turned around and lay down in disappointment.

Seeing that he was so sad, Yu Xi reached out and patted him, saying, "Go to sleep."

Guan Linyu felt a warm little hand on his hand. Although it was just a pat and then taken away, Guan Linyu held Yu Xi's fingers tightly like a drowning man grabbing a driftwood, first one, then two. The

touch just now was the softness and warmth that Guan Linyu longed for.

Yu Xi didn't pull her hand out, "Don't think too much, wasn't it fine before?"

Guan Linyu: "Some things, once changed, can't go back."

Yu Xi turned to face him and said seriously: "You don't want to get divorced, you want to live a good life with me?"

Guan Linyu looked at her seriously: "Yeah."

"Even if I don't like you, it doesn't matter?"

Guan Linyu frowned, and the air was silent.

"It matters." Guan Linyu said this after thinking it over. Although there was only a short half minute between Yu Xi's question and his answer, he had thought about it a long time ago.

"It's true that we are husband and wife, but you have always pushed me away in your own way. Before, you didn't want to be a normal couple. Now you want to get closer, it's just one-sided. Do you understand?"

Guan Linyu: "Sorry."

Yu Xi shook her head: "Sorry is meaningless."

Her tone was not cold, but the calmer it was, the more uneasy it made people feel.

"It's my problem. I will treat you well in the future."

After saying it, Guan Linyu seemed to see his inner thoughts and made up his mind.

Some things don't need to be asked at all. It's better to do it well than to talk about it.

He kept asking Yu Xi, but he hadn't done anything for her yet, so how could she answer?

She hadn't seen him really change.

How could she give a positive answer?

"I won't ask these questions in the future, I know what to do."

From Guan Linyu's tone, she could tell that he valued her.

When she got back, she would see his changes. After that

, he put his arms around Yu Xi's shoulders and gently kissed her forehead.

Yu Xi didn't push him away.

Although she was touched, in her opinion, the problems between her and Guan Linyu were far more than that.

Although she didn't deny that she was attracted by Guan Linyu's charm, the previous kiss was proof that she would leave in two days, so it was better not to think too much.


Yu Xi had a hard time falling asleep that night. Although she and Guan Linyu kept a distance, he insisted on holding her hand to sleep.

If Yu Xi had to choose between sleeping in her arms and holding her hand, she would of course choose to sleep holding her hand, so when she got up in the morning, her hands were sweaty, her fingers were soft, and her whole hands were powerless.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Guan Linyu looking down at her. She didn't know when he got up. He was holding his phone in one hand and replying to messages, and the other hand was still holding hers.

"Why don't you let go? Why do you really hold my hand all night?" Yu Xi was shocked by his actions. Guan Linyu

didn't seem to care. He put down his phone and said, "You're awake. Get up. I'll go downstairs and see if there's anything to eat."

Even his tone became gentle.

Yu Xi looked at him uncomfortably, feeling inexplicably touched.

In the last two days, Guan Linyu's changes can be said to be very obvious. Several other couples noticed that he was unusual, and quietly asked them if something happened after they got drunk that night.

Yu Xi avoided the main point and only said that the two of them talked about the way couples get along, and Guan Linyu said he wanted to change.

Chen You: "Brother Guan is very aware. When you first came here, your relationship was a little strange. Unfortunately, the more it is like this, the sweeter it feels compared to now. To be honest, I have been online for a long time. "

Kong Miao: "Yes, yes, I also think you two are a perfect match."

"Really?" Yu Xi said puzzledly: "I think you two are the normal way of getting along with each other as a couple and a young couple.

Guan Linyu and I don't match each other no matter how you look at it." Chen You: "No way, you two are the most popular couple, okay? You don't even know it."

Kong Miao: "Yeah, my fans have sent me private messages asking me if you have always been so straight, and that you and Guan Linyu are so sweet."

"What's sweet about it?"

"Hahaha, it's the kind of sugar that needs the audience to find it themselves, and it's the kind that is sweeter when it's on the surface. People will get tired of it after a while." Chen You's words are meaningful, but everyone just understands it without saying it out loud.

Yu Xi smiled helplessly, "Is that so?"

She really didn't read the reviews online.

In the original plot, the original owner had no good comments except being ridiculed. At most, people said that she was hardworking and did not have the airs of a rich wife, but this was not a compliment, because as a rich wife, she did not need the quality of hard work, so everyone thought that she was not worthy of Guan Linyu, and she could do nothing but work, so it was better to hire a nanny.

Now, Yu Xi treats Guan Linyu with a straight girl's thinking, and does not spoil him at all, nor does she do anything for him. Instead, it became Guan Linyu chasing Yu Xi, and the wind direction has changed.

Some viewers like to watch Guan Linyu's long journey to pursue his wife, and let Yu Xi not accept him easily.

Some will "About" cp to death.

There are also those who support the divorce of the two, and Yu Xi Dumei will pursue love again.

But the highest support rate is of course: Guan Linyu will pursue his wife well, and he and Yu Xi will be a couple for the rest of their lives.

It was the day when the show ended.

Everyone packed up and left the countryside, heading to S City together to record the last episode.

The program team prepared a romantic lawn wedding for the four couples.

The audience can watch the live broadcast simultaneously.

When Yu Xi walked out in a white wedding dress, the live broadcast room was full of messages such as "Ahhh, so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful".

This is not the first time Yu Xi has worn a wedding dress. She wore it when filming a movie before, but it was the first time she was so cautious. Filming a movie is because of the plot, so no one paid much attention to it.

But this time, for some reason, she felt that everyone was very serious since she started to put on makeup in the morning. The wedding dress she wore was different from others, although the style was similar.

At first, she thought that the program team treated every couple like this until she saw the staff brought her a pair of limited edition high-end crystal shoes.

She recognized it as well.

Even if they paid more attention, the program team could not get a pair of these shoes for everyone. It was definitely not arranged by the program team.

In addition to the program team, there was only Guan Linyu.

While Yu Xi was putting on makeup, she picked up her phone and sent a message to Guan Linyu, asking him how it was.

Guan Linyu didn't reply, maybe he didn't have time to check his phone.

The husband and wife were styled separately, and the wedding process was very similar to the ordinary wedding process, except that some complicated steps were omitted.

However, there was a step of picking up the bride in a luxury car. In a while, the four husbands would drive to where their wives were and pick them up.

When the eight of them got together, the wedding party could begin.

Yu Xi simply called Secretary Lin. If Guan Linyu had anything to do, he would definitely ask Secretary Lin to do it.

But Secretary Lin didn't answer the phone.

I don't know what they were doing.


Secretary Lin showed Guan Linyu his phone, "Mr. Guan, the wife called, do you want to answer it?"

Guan Linyu: "Don't answer it for now."

Secretary Lin: "Will the wife not find out?"

Guan Linyu thought for a while, "Probably not."

He wanted to take advantage of today's opportunity to confess and propose to Yu Xi in front of everyone. The wedding arranged by the program group this time was just an engagement banquet. When Yu Xi fully accepted him, he would give her a grand wedding.

In fact, he was still a little nervous, after all, he had never done this kind of thing before.

He reached out and touched the ring in his pocket.

"Mr. Guan, are you okay?" Secretary Lin noticed Guan Linyu's abnormality.

"It's okay, go and get busy first. Have you arranged the car?"


Guan Linyu nodded and looked up at himself in the mirror.

He was wearing a white shirt and a bow tie. His hair was made very handsome by the hairdresser. He also had a little makeup on his face. This was also his first time to put on makeup, and he was not used to it.

But everyone else said that it was very good and the bride would definitely like it, so he didn't wipe it off.


Yu Xi wore a wedding dress and crystal shoes and took a few photos in the corridor. She didn't plan to take pictures, but Chen You ran over to see her and insisted that she was as beautiful as a fairy. She had to take a few photos quickly, so as not to be in a hurry and have no time to take pictures. Moreover, the corridor of this hotel had a 19th century European feel. She was wearing a wedding dress, standing in the corridor and looking back, and the effect of the photos was amazing.

Chen You: "Oh my god, I'm so fascinated by you. Brother Guan is so lucky."

Yu Xi smiled, "You are beautiful too."

Chen You: "Of course, it's been a long time since I last wore a wedding dress. I didn't expect to have the chance to wear it again."

[I can't wait to see Guan Linyu appear. ]

[I'm finally going to finish watching my "About" CP today. Will they still participate in the show later? Will we not be able to see them? ] [

I don't think so. Guan Linyu said before that he doesn't like being interviewed. ]

[Doesn't that mean we really can't see them anymore? I still want to continue watching them. ]

[If you can't see About, just watch Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian. ]

[To be honest, Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian are really boring. Yu Xi and Guan Linyu are more real. ]

Yu Xi was the fastest to get ready, but the other three wives were taken away and Guan Linyu didn't show up yet.

When Ling Su took Kong Miao away, Kong Miao waved to Yu Xi reluctantly, "I'll go first, we'll wait for you over there."

Yu Xi nodded, "Go quickly."

Time passed slowly, and it was not long before the auspicious time of the wedding.

Some people in the live broadcast room were already speculating whether Guan Linyu had encountered something, why hadn't he come yet, wouldn't he not come.

At this time, Secretary Lin appeared, followed by a group of people, including a person wearing doll clothes.

"Madam, I'm here to pick you up on behalf of Mr. Guan. He encountered something on the way and can't come, otherwise there won't be enough time, so I'll take you to the wedding first."

Yu Xi said indifferently, "Okay."

[No way, he didn't come to pick you up, that's too insincere. ]

[What kind of thing could he encounter, he didn't come. ]

[So disappointed, I still want to see Guan Linyu's expression when he sees Yu Xi. ]

[Yu Xi doesn't care, you're still talking, take a break, this couple really has no feelings. ]

[I cried, Guan Linyu shouldn't always drop the chain at the critical moment. 】

Yu Xi's skirt has a long train, which is long and big. Someone must help hold it from behind, otherwise it would be difficult to walk.

She lifted the skirt with both hands, but could only lift the front part. She looked back at the train behind her and found that someone had already helped her hold it.

It was a tall teddy bear.

Yu Xi nodded at him and said thank you for your hard work, then continued to walk forward.

In the elevator, Yu Xi stood at the front, Secretary Lin stood beside her, and the teddy bear stood in the corner holding the skirt, with little presence.

After getting in the car, Yu Xi sat in a car alone, and Secretary Lin sat in the car behind. When Yu Xi's car drove away, Secretary Lin ran to the teddy bear and said, "Mr. Guan, do you want to take off your hood and get some fresh air? Are you okay?" Guan Linyu

shook his head, and his voice sounded a little muffled coming from the hood. "It's okay, let's go, and catch up with her quickly."

Secretary Lin nodded, quickly opened the car door for Guan Linyu to get in, and sat in the passenger seat, telling the driver to catch up with the car in front.

As soon as Yu Xi arrived at the wedding scene, Secretary Lin's car also arrived.

Yu Xi came to the scene alone, and everyone else was very surprised.

Especially Xie Yilin, she has been much quieter in the past two days, because Guan Linyu is so good to Yu Xi, she doesn't even have the chance to find fault with him, no matter what she says to Yu Xi, Yu Xi doesn't have to say anything, Guan Linyu will come to help her, so Xie Yilin simply ignores the two of them, regretting why she came to participate in this show, not only did she not see the excitement, but also made herself angry to death.

Now seeing that Yu Xi did not appear with Guan Linyu, she had an idea and walked over to ask Yu Xi what happened.

Yu Xi: "It's okay, I'll come over first, Guan Linyu will be here soon."

Xie Yilin: "Why don't you wait for him to come? It's not good for you to come alone."

Yu Xi smiled, "What's wrong with that?"

Xie Yilin sneered secretly. Although Yu Xi pretended to be indifferent, she must be very uncomfortable.

The characteristics of lawn weddings are fresh and romantic, and the atmosphere is very good. Moreover, the four couples held it together, so there were many people, which was more lively. There was also a band performance on the stage. The guests were all relatives and friends invited by the program team for them. Everyone was familiar with each other and started chatting as soon as they came.

Yu Xi didn't eat anything in the morning and wanted to get some cake to eat. She took two steps and remembered that the tail behind her was not easy to walk. She was looking for Secretary Lin to help, but she saw the teddy bear standing behind her and had helped her pick up the tail.

Yu Xi stared at him for a while, said nothing, came to the dining table, picked up a plate, and ate a small piece of cake to fill her stomach.


The arrival of the host announced the start of the wedding ceremony.

The other three couples came forward one by one and swore in front of everyone.

Xie Yilin and Lu Jinnian talked about their feelings after getting married, as well as their gratitude and love for each other. They were exaggerated but very sweet. The audience had long been tired of watching them, and the response was average.

Chen You and Hu Bu Ran each wrote a handwritten letter. The content of their writings was from the heart. They talked about many topics that most couples would resonate with, which was very tear-jerking and touching.

Not to mention the guests on the scene, even the audience was moved to tears.

When Ling Su confessed to Kong Miao and proposed to her, everyone hadn't reacted yet. At first, they thought it was a show effect, until they found out that he was serious and wanted to officially announce his relationship with Kong Miao, everyone was stunned.

The audience didn't know when this pair of happy enemies would become real.

The agents of the two were also caught off guard, but Kong Miao was very moved. She hugged Ling Su with tears and said she was willing.

Seeing this, Yu Xi also smiled.

Guan Linyu saw a smile on Yu Xi's face through the headgear, and he suddenly felt neither hot nor stuffy.

His hands clenched and unclenched, and his heart beat very fast, which was a manifestation of nervousness.

Everyone else performed very well, and it was his turn soon. He didn't know if Yu Xi would like his arrangement.

"Now let's invite the fourth couple to come on stage today."

After the host finished speaking, Yu Xi did not go over, but walked to the teddy bear. She reached out and poked the teddy bear's big belly, "Guan Linyu."

Guan Linyu didn't know when he was exposed. He was ready. After Yu Xi came on stage, he took the ring box and waited for her to open the ring box before taking off the headgear.

But why did Yu Xi move in advance?

"I knew it was you a long time ago." Yu Xi blinked.

Guan Linyu: "How did you find out?"

Yu Xi: "Intuition."

Guan Linyu was stunned for a moment, and reached out to take off the headgear. His hair was a little messy, but it didn't affect his handsomeness. Under the teddy bear's clothes was a white suit.

The transformation from a clumsy teddy bear to a prince charming was surprising and pleasant.

Guan Linyu took off the heavy teddy bear clothes and remembered that the ring was inside.

Yu Xi couldn't help laughing when he saw him hurriedly digging out the ring box from his clothes.

"Guan Linyu, you are quite good at creating surprises."

Guan Linyu felt a little embarrassed when he heard Yu Xi's teasing.

He had never done such a thing before. It was Secretary Lin who suggested it. He improved it himself. Originally, Secretary Lin was supposed to make the teddy bear and give them the rings, but Guan Linyu decided to do it himself.

Now it seems that the effect is not very good. Yu Xi doesn't know how he found it, but it is a good thing to see Yu Xi smile, at least she doesn't hate it.

[Oh my God, it turns out that Guan Linyu has been hiding in here. ]

[Just now, he was the one who followed Yu Xi and lifted her skirt. ]

[So considerate, I didn't expect it at all. ]

[Wow, he said it's not good, he's almost dying. ]

[It's so sweet, he really loves her. ]

Yu Xi's reaction was calm, but others were screaming and exclaiming.

Especially Guan Linyu's friends and partners, when they saw Guan Linyu crawling out of the teddy bear's clothes, their eyes widened.

Can Guan Linyu do such a thing?

In everyone's eyes, he is a cold and arrogant male god, but he would do such a stupid thing for a woman.

Amid the cheers of the crowd.

Guan Linyu knelt on one knee and raised the ring.

"Yu Xi... I never thought that there would be such a day, looking forward to seeing you in a wedding dress. When I saw you, I realized that I was so wrong before..."

Guan Linyu said every word sincerely, and there was a light in his eyes when he looked at Yu Xi.

People like him have always been wrapped in a rigid shell, but today, he took off his shell like taking off the doll costume just now, and the whole person was completely displayed in front of Yu Xi, holding the ring like his heart.

"I hope that every day in the future, I can see you when I wake up. I said these words too late. If possible, all the people here today can bear witness for me. I - Guan Linyu, am willing to take care of you for my whole life and will never let you live alone again. I will regard you as the center of my life, care about you, cherish you, and protect you."

Yu Xi stared into his eyes, as if she was attracted by his deep affection at first sight.

His eyes were full of true love. She believed him and every word was sincere.

"I will try my best to make you open your heart to me. Please accept this ring. When you see my changes and are willing to give me another chance, let's have another wedding, okay?"

Someone among the guests at the scene shouted "promise him" and everyone else shouted.

The shouts were like waves, one after another.

Guan Linyu frowned and made a shushing gesture to quiet everyone down.

He looked at Yu Xi gently, "Don't feel pressured. It doesn't matter if you refuse. Anyway, we are still husband and wife. Even if we want to divorce, there is a cooling-off period."

Yu Xi laughed and said, "That's right."

Then he accepted the ring.

Guan Linyu's heart was finally relieved, but he was still not completely at ease.

He reached out and took Yu Xi's hand and helped her put the ring on, "Then you promise me that after putting it on, even if you give me a chance, you can't give up easily."

The wedding ceremony finally ended and everyone cheered.

Guan Linyu held her hand and kept looking at her, not willing to blink.

Seeing him so happy, Yu Xi also felt a little strange in her heart.

The show was over, and it was time for her to leave.

But she waited for a long time, but did not hear the system prompt.

Could there be another accident?

Soon, the answer came.

The program director came over and said to them, "The program recording should have come to an end, but the audience was too enthusiastic, so our director team discussed recording two more life episodes, just like the pilot, to observe your family life after participating in the program, which will take about two or three days. What do you think?"

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Related recommendations: [Modern] Marry first, love later: Don’t come, overbearing husband , [Modern] The Dumb Flower Shop , [Danmei] The sick beauty with the paranoid top can’t escape , [Modern] Rebirth of the Rich Family’s Love , [Romance] My heart is like the bright moon , [Danmei] Junior, beg for medicine , [Romance] She shattered the male god’s halo with one palm , [Modern] You are my morning star [Republic of China] , [Modern] Marriage turns into love Q CEO boss, please stay , [Modern] It turns out it’s you
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☆ 137. Chapter 136 The wife of a wealthy CEO ridiculed by the whole network
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Chapter 136 The wife of a wealthy CEO who is ridiculed by the whole network

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Xi was arranging flowers at home. These were the flowers that the flower shop had just delivered in the morning. She had been awake for a few hours and was just beginning to trim them.

She was on the balcony and put her mobile phone in the living room.

She didn't know if the phone rang or her aunt heard it and came to find her.

"Madam, the phone is ringing."

Yu Xi sat on a low stool, holding a flower and a pair of scissors in her hand. She was wearing a linen dress, her hair was loose, and she looked beautiful without makeup.

The audience had been watching her trimming flowers for several hours and didn't feel tired at all. They even felt a sense of happiness that the years were quiet and beautiful.

"Give it to me." Yu Xi put down the things in her hand and reached out to take the phone.

She saw that it was Guan Linyu calling, so she called him back.

Guan Linyu answered quickly.

Guan Linyu's voice was a little low on the phone. There seemed to be other people next to him, and the environment sounded a little noisy.

"What's wrong?" Yu Xi asked lazily.

"I'll be home for dinner later. Do you need me to bring anything?" Guan Linyu said in a low voice, as if whispering in Yu Xi's ear, with a kind of ambiguous feeling.

"No, we have everything at home." Yu Xi came back this time and went shopping when she had nothing to do. The aunt at home had to spend two hours every day sorting out the express delivery, but the aunt didn't feel tired. She seemed to like opening the express delivery very much and was curious about what Yu Xi bought every day.

"Secretary Lin said that a pizza shop opened near the company and the pizza tastes good. Do you want me to buy some for you to try?"

Yu Xi: "It's up to you."

Guan Linyu: "Well, I'll go over and take a look later."

Yu Xi: "Okay, anything else?"

The implication was that she was going to hang up.

Guan Linyu: "Are you busy?"

Yu Xi: "Yeah, yes."

Guan Linyu: "What are you busy with?"

He had no intention of hanging up the phone at all, and actually chatted with Yu Xi like this.

Yu Xi: "The flower shop sent a lot of flowers this morning. I need to trim them and then put them in a bunch."

Guan Linyu: "Why don't you let Auntie do it?"

"I want to do it myself."

Guan Linyu seems to talk a lot to her recently, and Yu Xi is used to it. Seeing that he really doesn't intend to hang up, she simply turns on the speaker, puts the phone aside, and continues to be busy with her own things.

Even if it's just a meaningless chat between a couple, the audience is still enjoying it.

Watching the cold and arrogant president tirelessly chasing his little wife, it's sweet no matter how you look at it.

Moreover, Yu Xi still looks indifferent. When she is in a good mood, she will give her a sweet date, and when she is in a bad mood, she won't even look at her, but Guan Linyu still enjoys it.

In addition to Yu Xi, Guan Linyu also has a photographer following him in the company.

The audience can see how cold and strong Guan Linyu is when he is working. He has almost no expression and doesn't smile at anyone. The whole company is even more afraid of him. Wherever he goes, there is silence, and the atmosphere is very serious during meetings.

This comparison highlights Guan Linyu's specialness to Yu Xi.

She has become the most special existence in his world.

After Yu Xi finished arranging the flowers, she noticed that the phone was still on. She picked it up and called out "Guan Linyu".

Guan Linyu was in a meeting. The meeting room was originally very quiet. Only the marketing director was reporting on the work situation. As a result, Guan Linyu suddenly interrupted him.

"I'm here, what's wrong?"

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Marketing Director: "Mr. Guan?"

Guan Linyu made a gesture and pointed to the Bluetooth headset on his ear, indicating that he should not speak first.

Everyone realized that Guan Linyu was on the phone.

But why did he suddenly make a call in the middle of the meeting? They didn't know that Guan Linyu had been on the

phone before the meeting started, but he didn't speak because he was wearing the headset. No one knew.

When he heard Yu Xi calling him, he answered immediately.

Yu Xi: "Why haven't you hung up yet."

Guan Linyu: "Well, since you didn't say you wanted to hang up, I left it alone."

Yu Xi: "Oh, I don't have anything to do, hang up."

"Well, I'll be off work soon."

As soon as Guan Linyu finished speaking, there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

He took off the headset and asked the marketing director to continue.

After the meeting, the news that the president had called his wife at the meeting spread throughout the company.

The president's show was watched by the whole company, and many people were attracted by Yu Xi after watching the show.

Although the president's wife had never been to the company, everyone knew her.

There are many employees in the company who are fans of "About".

Guan Linyu looked at the time and got off work on time, leaving the rest of the work to Secretary Lin. Secretary

Lin had more work, his salary increased exponentially, and he also hired an assistant to help him deal with some tedious matters.

After arranging all the work, Guan Linyu found that he didn't have to be so busy. He had more important things to do-such as making the people he cared about happy.

Guan Linyu drove to the pizza shop and found that there was no place to park here, so he had to park the car in the parking lot two hundred meters away. When he came over, there were already many people queuing in the store. Judging from the speed of the line, it would take at least forty minutes for him to order and get the pizza.

Guan Linyu called Yu Xi and told her that he might be back later, and asked her to eat first if she was hungry and not wait for him.

Yu Xi hadn't planned to wait for him to come back for dinner. When she heard him say that, she casually asked him if he was going to work overtime.

As a result, Guan Linyu said that he was queuing at the pizza shop.

Yu Xi: "...Or don't buy it."

In fact, she was not very interested in this pizza.

Guan Linyu thought that Yu Xi cared about him and didn't want him to wait there, so she raised the corners of her mouth and said, "It's okay, eat first if you are hungry, I will come back after buying it."

Yu Xi knew that he must have misunderstood, but she felt that there was no need to explain such things, so she let him misunderstand.

"Buy it next time, Auntie made a lot of delicious food, I guess you can't eat pizza after dinner."

Guan Linyu: "It's okay, you try it."

Yu Xi: "Really not, come back soon!"

Guan Linyu was stunned, and soon a faint smile appeared on his face, "Okay, I know."

Yu Xi frowned, as if the misunderstanding was even bigger?


Guan Linyu returned home, and Auntie had just finished the last dish.

Today's dishes are really good, all of which are Yu Xi's favorites.

Braised spare ribs, cold shredded vegetables, steamed scallops with garlic, boiled pork slices, and a white-cut chicken.

Knowing that Guan Linyu was coming back, she specially added a boiled chicken. Usually, Yu Xi was alone at home, and usually only ate three dishes. In the past, the original owner would cook by herself and let her aunt eat with her. Anyway, there was no one else at home, and it was boring to eat alone. Instead of eating alone and letting her aunt eat the leftovers, it was better to eat with her aunt.

But today when Guan Linyu came back, her aunt said she didn't want to eat together and insisted that Yu Xi and Guan Linyu eat alone.

Guan Linyu didn't buy pizza, so he bought two cakes nearby.

He put the cake on the table and found that there were flowers everywhere in the house, which was fresh and warm.

"Sir, you are back, and the food is ready."

"Where is Yu Xi?"

"Madam..." Before her aunt finished speaking, Yu Xi answered herself.

"You're back." Yu Xi walked down from the second floor. She had just gone upstairs to change her clothes. When she was trimming the flowers, she wore clothes that were resistant to dirt and not easy to get damaged, but they were not very comfortable, so she changed into a comfortable silk suspender skirt, and put on a fluffy long cardigan on the outside. The snow-white cardigan was long to her ankles, and the hat hung behind her. She looked like a princess from the snow country, with bare legs and fluffy rabbit fur slippers, looking lazy and charming.

"Why are you wearing so little?"

He was talking about the suspender inside the coat. It was too thin. Even though the coat was fluffy and looked warm, it seemed that she was wearing very little because of this thin suspender. Her

collarbone was exposed, and half of her legs were exposed. No wonder Guan Linyu was concerned about whether she was cold.

Yu Xi: "It's not cold."

The central air-conditioning at home was always on, and the temperature was always kept at 26 degrees. How could it be cold ?

Although she felt that Guan Linyu's worry was unnecessary, she did not point it out.

Unexpectedly, the aunt also said, "Oh, why are you wearing so little, it's cold at night."

"It's okay." She really wasn't cold, but under the concerned gazes of the two, she had to pull her cardigan closer to cover her body.

Guan Linyu: "Let's eat first. I brought back some cake. If you still have an appetite, eat some later, otherwise use it as a midnight snack."

Yu Xi clicked his tongue twice, "What midnight snack? You will get fat if you eat this for midnight snack." Guan

Linyu stared at her, "With your small body of two taels of flesh, how can you get fat to death."

Yu Xi was too lazy to explain to such a straight man, "You won't understand even if I tell you, just eat it yourself."

[Yu Xi is still as straight as ever, and doesn't understand romance. ]

[Their married life is so real. ]

[Beautiful women don't eat midnight snacks. ]

[What Guan Linyu said is exactly the same as my boyfriend. Every time I say that I'm fat, he replies to me like this. ]

[Guan Linyu's way of pampering his wife is a bit difficult, hahahahaha. 】


When eating, Guan Linyu has been observing what Yu Xi likes to eat and which dish she picks up more.

He observes so carefully that he eats very slowly.

Yu Xi finished her meal, and he only ate half a bowl of rice.

"Is it not to your taste? Tell your aunt what you want to eat, otherwise there is no dish you like at home."

He has not been home for many years, and his aunt doesn't know what he likes to eat.

In fact, Guan Linyu is not picky about food at all. He just didn't move his chopsticks because he saw Yu Xi too much.

Hearing Yu Xi say this, he knew she misunderstood, so he explained, "No, everything is good."

Yu Xi: "That's good, I'm done, you eat slowly."

She put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up.

Guan Linyu was surprised.

[Run after eating, Yu Xi, wait for your husband. ]

[Guan Linyu's expression is too funny. ]

[These two people have never lived together properly before. ]

[Guan Linyu stopped eating and followed his wife wholeheartedly. Why are you so clingy? 】

Yu Xi planned to watch TV for a while. Seeing Guan Linyu following her, she was a little surprised, "You don't want to eat?"

Guan Linyu nodded.

Yu Xi turned on the TV and saw that the homepage was the variety show they participated in. She clicked it on a whim. She

played a random episode, which was the one where the two went to the county town to buy dried tofu.

Yu Xi couldn't stop laughing when she saw Guan Linyu hawking.

Guan Linyu, who was sitting next to her, looked at the TV and then at her. He didn't feel embarrassed at all, but felt at ease and satisfied.

So this is what it feels like for a couple to sit together and watch TV. It turns out

to be so comfortable and happy to watch someone you like laughing in front of you .

He reached out and stroked Yu Xi's hair.

Yu Xi looked up at him in confusion, "Why don't you watch it? Don't you think you're funny when you're hawking?"

Guan Linyu nodded. He didn't say anything, as if he couldn't hear what Yu Xi said, and his eyes were full of her.

Yu Xi looked at him strangely, "You're weird."

After that, she ignored him and continued to watch TV.

Guan Linyu took the opportunity to put his arm around her shoulders and let her lean on him.

At night, Yu Xi went to the bathroom to take a shower, and Guan Linyu worked in the study.

Although he had already handed down many tasks, he still had to do some things in person. He had been participating in the show for these days and had a backlog of things to do. He took the opportunity to work while Yu Xi was taking a shower.

Because he had to receive documents, he logged into his work WeChat account, which he had not logged into for a long time, and noticed that he had been pulled into the company group without knowing when.

He never checked the group before, because there were too many messages in this group, most of which were just small talk, basically not talking about work, and it was an anonymous group.

But as soon as he logged into WeChat, he saw a few flashing messages, mentioning the president's wife and Mr. Guan.

Such keywords attracted Guan Linyu's attention, and he thought about it and clicked on it to take a look.

This was amazing.

The messages in the group kept popping up, and the messages were updated very quickly. There were also many pictures, all of which were screenshots of the videos of him and Yu Xi in the show.

Some of them were made into emoticons.

[Mr. Guan got off work very early today, he must be in a hurry to go home to see his wife. ]

[Absolutely. Mr. Guan was connected to his wife's microphone during the meeting today. I was there and was shocked. ]

[I didn't expect it. Mr. Guan was suppressed by his wife in the program. I thought it was a program effect. ]

[How could it be a program effect? ​​People like Mr. Guan will not follow the script at first glance, not to mention the president's wife. How can it be written in a script? ]

[I heard that the president's wife wants to divorce, but Mr. Guan disagrees. Do you think Mr. Guan can succeed in pursuing his wife? ]


Guan Linyu browsed the news for a long time and saw that many people said that there is a high possibility that he and Yu Xi will divorce. Guan Linyu's expression became ugly.

He resisted the urge to reply in the group, closed the computer and stood up. He called Secretary Lin and asked him to send an email to all employees in the company tomorrow, telling them not to discuss the boss's private affairs in private.

Secretary Lin was eating melons in the group. He was shocked to hear Guan Linyu say this. He thought that Guan Linyu knew what he said in the group.

"Boss Guan, did you see anything there?"

Guan Linyu did not tell Secretary Lin about what he said in the group, but just asked him to pass it on.

Secretary Lin quickly said yes, and changed the subject, "Boss Guan, does your wife like pizza?"

Guan Linyu: "I didn't buy it, I'll buy it tomorrow."

Secretary Lin: "Do you need me to buy it for you?"

Guan Linyu thought about it, "No, I'll go by myself."

Secretary Lin: "Okay, Boss Guan."

Guan Linyu hung up the phone and turned on his computer again. He just closed it and didn't shut it down, so he could see the WeChat interface again when he turned it on.

Of course, the people in the group didn't know that he was peeking at the screen, and they were still chatting enthusiastically.

[Boss Guan used to live in the company every day and didn't go home. Who could stand it? It's normal for his wife to want a divorce. ]

[But hasn't the president repented now? ]

[You know that the president's wife is the president's first love. Boss Guan is probably a novice in love. I don't think he can make his wife come back. ]

[Boss Guan is not young anymore. Will his wife dislike his age? ]

[Someone saw Mr. Guan queuing up at the pizza shop in the afternoon. Could it be that he bought pizza for his wife?]


Guan Linyu's face darkened again when he saw the word "old".

Although someone refuted it for him, saying that he was old but you couldn't tell.

But Guan Linyu didn't feel much better. Wasn't he still said that he was old?

In fact, he was much older than Yu Xi. He

didn't care much about this matter before, but now he was a little bothered when he heard others talking about it.

Guan Linyu didn't have the heart to deal with official business. He turned off the computer and planned to go back to the room to wait for Yu Xi.

Yu Xi just came out of the shower. She wrapped her hair with a dry towel and was applying a facial mask.

Guan Linyu suddenly appeared behind her and scared her.

"Why are you walking without making any sound? It's so scary." Yu Xi complained and rolled her eyes at him.

Although she glared at him, Guan Linyu saw that her anxiety was slowly dissipating.

Yu Xi was wearing pajamas, with a slim and graceful figure. She exuded a faint fragrance that made people feel peaceful.

Yu Xi smoothed the mask paper on his face in front of the mirror and said softly, "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

Guan Linyu: "Yes, go now."

Yu Xi: "Then I'll go to bed after my hair is dry."

Guan Linyu hummed.

Yu Xi ignored him and turned to walk towards the bedroom.

She walked past Guan Linyu, and the fragrance drifted into his nose, stirring his heart.

When Guan Linyu was taking a shower, Yu Xi's face appeared in his mind. Her lips opened and closed, as if she was telling sweet words. Although she had never said it to him, he had such an imagination in his mind, and he didn't know what was going on. In

the steam, he opened his eyes hazily, only to feel that the water temperature was getting higher and higher, making his whole body become scalding hot.

This bath took a little long, and the mist in the air wet the walls. Guan Linyu's eyelashes were full of water droplets. He closed his eyes tightly, supported the wall with one hand, and turned off the shower for a long time.

Coming out of the bathroom, Guan Linyu's eyes were as deep as the night sky, with a few stars twinkling. His wet hair hung on his forehead, and he casually grabbed his fingers to comb his hair back. His handsome features were extremely charming at the moment.

He walked to the bed and found that Yu Xi was still awake and was playing with her mobile phone.

"Your hair isn't dry yet?" Guan Linyu's voice was hoarse.

Yu Xi didn't hear anything unusual, and hummed, "It's dry now, I didn't notice it."

There were no cameras in the bedroom, and the filming would end tomorrow. Tomorrow someone would come and remove all the cameras in the house.

Guan Linyu stood by the bed and looked at Yu Xi for a while before lifting the quilt and getting on the bed. Yu Xi glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and moved aside.

But Guan Linyu reached out and pulled her.

Yu Xi: "What's wrong?"

Guan Linyu: "It's okay."

He said it was okay, but his hand didn't let go.

Yu Xi frowned and said with a smile: "We are not going to sleep holding hands again?"

Guan Linyu: "Yeah."

Yu Xi: "You are a child, do you need to hold hands to fall asleep?"

Guan Linyu: "I sleep very well holding hands."

Yu Xi: "You are not young anymore."

Guan Linyu: "Do you think I am old?"

Yu Xi: "Indeed, I am a little old."

Guan Linyu looked at her, as if he was hit hard by her words.

Yu Xi: "I am kidding, I can't tell." Guan Linyu

stood close to her, reached out and touched her hair, which was still a little wet. He pulled her into his arms and put his forehead on top of her head, "I want to be with you forever even when we are old."

Yu Xi laughed, "You can't say for sure."

Guan Linyu held her hand tighter, "I have the final say."

Yu Xi didn't think so, she didn't take it to heart, "Okay, you have a day's work, don't you want to go to bed early? You still have to go to work tomorrow, right?"

Guan Linyu: "Yeah, I will go to sleep after chatting with you."

Yu Xi heard that he actually wanted to communicate between husband and wife, it seemed that he was serious about maintaining their relationship.

She sighed, "Then you can talk, I'm sleepy, and I fell asleep while talking."

Guan Linyu nodded and let her lean on his arms, then took her hand, played with her fingers, clenched her hand and loosened it, then clenched it again, kneading it one by one.

Yu Xi thought to herself, this man is really a bit childish.

If you say he is old, he will not be willing, and if you say he is childish, he will probably be unhappy.

Guan Linyu talked to her about his childhood.

Yu Xi listened carefully at first, but then she felt sleepy. Guan Linyu's voice really had a hypnotic effect.

Seeing her slowly fall asleep in his arms, Guan Linyu felt a little uneasy. Even if she was in his arms, he felt as if she would leave him at any time.

"Yu Xi." Guan

Linyu whispered her name, "We will always be together, right?"

Yu Xi had fallen asleep, and Guan Linyu's voice seemed to come from a dream.

She heard the system's prompt sound in a daze,

[Task completed. ]

[Congratulations to the host, unlocking the fourth copy and achieving the achievement: Love Variety Master. 】

【Rating of the fourth copy: four stars. 】

【System comments: The mission was successfully completed and the original owner's wish was fulfilled. The program gained good popularity and good reviews from the audience. The shortcoming was that the attitude towards the target was uncertain, and the final relationship with the target did not meet the original owner's expectations. 】

【The host's wish has been fulfilled, and the host will return to the original world. 】

When she opened her eyes again, she was already in another place.

Yu Xi stood on the stairs, still holding the suitcase in her hand. Her memory was still a little confused. It was difficult to pull herself away from the mission and think about her current situation.

The system solved the problem again.

Yu Xi thought of the last task, as if she had just starred in a play. Now that it was finished, she became herself again.


Half a year later, Yu Xi starred in a movie about the story of a low-level peasant. In the film, she played a woman who was disliked by her family because of her intellectual disability and was introduced to a lame man in the next village. After the two got married, they supported each other, knew each other and stayed together. After finally giving birth to a child, the child died unexpectedly. Her husband also died in an accident. She survived to fulfill her husband's last wish.

In order to shoot this film, she spent more than half a year in the countryside. In order to fit the role, she was made ugly and dirty by the special effects makeup artist almost every day.

Experiencing rural life, learning to work with peasant women for three months, plus three months of shooting time, after the shooting, she was completely dark.

If the director had not won various international awards, Yu Xi might not have taken on this film, and this time she played the leading role. This movie was clearly aimed at winning awards. Many actresses fought hard but didn't get this opportunity, but Yu Xi got it.

Many Internet trolls say that Yu Xi has capital and backing.

But in fact, before the audition, the director was not optimistic about her because she was too beautiful and did not fit the character image at all.

At first, it was the agent who helped her get the audition opportunity, and the director did not have high expectations. As a result, after watching her change clothes, put on makeup and act out a scene, the director immediately decided to let her, but she had to go to the countryside to experience life for three months before the official filming could begin.

In the past six months, Yu Xi felt that she had suffered all the hardships in her life.

After the filming, she just wanted to rest, but there was nowhere she wanted to go, so she remembered the system and simply went to do a task to relax.

After the previous tasks, she found that she was actually very relaxed when doing tasks. She didn't have to be herself, nor did she have to perform hard. She was not as nervous as in front of the camera, and she didn't have to be a professional actor. It was more like dreaming.

Yu Xi opened her eyes and had entered a new world.

She was sitting in a room with a mobile phone in her hand, and a message appeared on the screen: [Your ex did not choose to send you a message. ]

The original owner's emotions still remained in her mind, and her heart ached badly. She only felt a burst of aggrieved pain, her eyes were hot, her nose was sour, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

Yu Xi took a deep breath and forced to stop her tears, but the girl who suddenly came in still found that something was wrong with her.

"Yu Xi, you...what's wrong with you?"

Yu Xi turned her head so that the other party could not see her eyes, and whispered: "I'm fine."

"Are you okay?" The girl's tone was full of concern, and it didn't sound fake.

Yu Xi shook her head and said nothing. After all, she didn't know what her current situation was, so it was better to talk less.

The room was quiet for a while, and the girl said: "Then I'll go get you a glass of water?"


Yu Xi quickly received the plot, and memories flooded into her brain like a tide.

It didn't take long for her to know the plot of this mission.

The love variety show she participated in this time was a former love variety show called: "Swap Love", which brought together some couples who broke up, allowing them to reunite with their exes, or start a new relationship.

The rules of the show are different from other love variety shows. They are always creating Shura fields and making trouble every day. Originally, the ex is a special existence for everyone. It is uneasy to date other opposite sexes in front of the ex, and you have to watch your ex date others. So much

so that "Swap Love" was called the most unethical love variety show on the second day of its broadcast.

Yu Xi's current identity is a silly and sweet lover, and she and her ex are childhood sweethearts.

The original owner had been in love twice, once with a college classmate who pursued her for two years, and the second time with this ex.

The original owner and the ex knew each other since childhood. She was outstanding and began to have a crush on the ex, but because she was inferior because she wore braces when she was a child, the ex has been very handsome since junior high school. He is a celebrity in the school. He is not only intelligent, but also has high emotional intelligence and is good at sports. There are countless girls chasing him.

The original owner stayed with the ex as a friend at first, and watched him dating others since high school.

Seeing that he had been in love many times, the original owner did not dare to confess her feelings until her ex-boyfriend also fell in love with another woman and was hurt. The original owner comforted him, drank with him, and then confessed the truth after drinking.

The ex-boyfriend began to avoid him. Only then did the original owner want to give up, so she accepted the pursuit of others.

As a result, the ex-boyfriend saw her dating someone else and came to her again. After

entangled for a few months, she still couldn't forget her ex-boyfriend, so she broke up with her boyfriend at the time and got together with her ex-boyfriend.

At that time, many people around her said that she would wait for the clouds to clear and the moon to appear.

But after the two were together for a few months, the ex-boyfriend wanted to break up with her.

The original owner cried and begged him for several months, but he didn't agree. The original owner looked for him like crazy, causing the ex-boyfriend to even block her contact information.

When she was discouraged, the ex-boyfriend called and asked her if she wanted to participate in the show together

. The original owner thought this was an opportunity to get back together, so she agreed to participate.

As a result, after entering the show, she watched her ex-boyfriend having intimate contact with other female guests

all the way. The original owner cried all day long. Although her ex-boyfriend comforted her, he advised her to go date someone else. The original owner couldn't stand the torture and had to get off halfway.

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