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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(135)
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  Song Minglang elegantly found a stone and sat down, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by people, and then patiently answered their questions.

  "Yes, the one just now is our Lianyun Sect's senior sister. She is used to practicing sword skills behind Jingshan Mountain on weekdays. She practices sword skills day and night regardless of the weather. Otherwise, her sword skills would not be among the best in the sect."

  "Ah, but hard work is not the most important thing. Senior brother, I think talent is the key. Our senior sister's talent is rare in a century. Otherwise, how could she be the master's personal disciple? Our master has always been fair and selfless. He will not show favoritism just because she is his daughter."

  "What did I say? I told her that the cafeteria cooked her favorite sweet and sour pork ribs today. Don't disbelieve me, I am the closest junior brother to my senior sister. Don't look at my senior sister as cold and icy, she just doesn't like to talk, but in fact she is very interesting. Yes, yes, yes, she is approachable, kind-hearted, beautiful and intelligent... Boy, were you a scholar before you came here?"

  "Brother Qin, who else could it be? Of course it's our second brother, Brother Qin. He has been on a mission for more than three months. I guess you haven't seen him yet. He and our sister are a perfect match. Don't just listen, move your hands as well..."

  Qin Yi and Xu Nian are the only two disciples of the headmaster, and they are also the most outstanding disciples in the sect. The upright and self-respecting senior brother and the elegant and graceful senior sister are a perfect match in the eyes of almost all Lianyunshan disciples. Whether in appearance or talent, they are a perfect match.

  Even their mutual admirers had to admit that they were a perfect match.

  The senior brothers and sisters that Song Minglang mentioned as a perfect match were standing in the sect's hall at the same time.

  The head and other elders were asking about Qin Yi's situation when he went down the mountain, but Xu Nian, who was standing with her hands behind her back, looked calm and composed. Qin Yi glanced at her unfocused eyes while speaking, without any pause, but a strange color flashed in his eyes.

  Xu Nian met Qin Yi halfway on the way to the cafeteria. Before the two of them could talk, they were called into the main hall by the headmaster.

  By the time they had questioned him in detail, more than half an incense stick of time had passed. There was no desire in Xu Nian's eyes anymore. Needless to say, the sweet and sour pork ribs must be only sweet and sour at this point.

  And then, the leader remembered her.

  "Xiao Nian, why are you here?"

  Xu Nian smiled and said nothing, but the expression on his face made it clear that it was not you who asked me to come here.

  Faced with his daughter's silent accusation, the head of the sect stroked his long beard guiltily. It's just that old people tend to forget things. His eyes were wandering and the elders beside him all looked like they were watching a show.

  The headmaster cleared his throat and asked, "You seem to have encountered some troubles in your cultivation recently?"

  Xu Nian's cultivation had reached a bottleneck. Although it was more difficult to break through as she advanced, her trouble had only lasted for a long time. Xu Nian was gifted and hardworking, and her swordsmanship was far superior to other disciples of the same generation in the sect, but sometimes cultivation also required some opportunities.

  Okay, he found a very good topic. As soon as he said this, it attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. After all, Xu Nian was the most outstanding disciple of this generation, and they all had high hopes for her.

  Elder Lin on the right glimpsed the tall and graceful figure next to Xu Nian, and suddenly came up with a good idea: "On the path of cultivation, companions are also very important. A good companion can bring a lot of benefits."

  Upon hearing this proposal, the elders in the hall looked at the two equally handsome young men in front of them and smiled amiably.

  The two people in front of him were the most outstanding disciples of this generation in the sect. When the sect leader accepted Qin Yi as his disciple, he had his own selfish motives. After all, his daughter was so outstanding that she naturally had to be matched with the best man.

  Looking at the sect now, there really is no one more suitable than them. If they become Taoist companions and practice together, they may both be able to reach a higher level.

  When the two parties heard this, they were slightly stunned. Qin Yi half-closed his eyes and looked thoughtful, but before he could react, Xu Nian beside him took a step forward with a clear voice.

  "I feel it is inappropriate."

  Another half incense stick passed, and a man and a woman walked out of the hall. Xu Nian looked at the sun, still unwilling to give up, and wanted to walk towards the cafeteria, but was stopped by someone behind him.

  "Xiao Nian." Qin Yi said in a gentle tone, and took out a bottle of green porcelain from his sleeve under her calm gaze, "This time when I went out, I got a few Qianxin Pills by chance, which may be helpful for my cultivation."

  Qianxin Dan is a pill with extremely strong medicinal effects for practitioners. It is not easy to make. Not only are the herbs used rare and hard to find, but it also requires extremely high skills from the alchemist.

  He casually called it a coincidence, but who knew it was actually the result of a lot of thought.

  Xu Nian looked at the porcelain bottle that was handed to him, took it and shook it gently, then raised his eyes and asked him, "How many?"

  Qin Yi said gently: "Three."

  There were exactly three pills in the bottle. He didn't take any, but gave them all to her.

  She had clearly just rejected him in the temple, but he was not annoyed at all at this moment, and his eyes were full of concern.

  Looking at Qin Yi's gentle face, Xu Nian poured out a pill and then returned the rest of the medicine, including the bottle, to him.

  "Too much, I can't use it."

  Hearing this, Qin Yi didn't say anything more.

  He did not ask her about what she said in the hall, and she did not care about his feelings after hearing it. The two of them faced each other, one with a calm expression and the other with a gentle look.

  "Qin Yi." Xu Nian seemed to remember something, and suddenly raised her eyes to look him in the eye, "Where is your sword?"

  Qin Yi was stunned. He had already explained what had happened along the way in the hall just now. He did not expect her to ask again, but he still patiently answered again.

  "I encountered a difficult demon cultivator on the road. I was careless for a moment and the sword was destroyed in his hands."

  The answer was the same as in the hall, and there was no emotion on Xu Nian's face.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (136)
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  "To save a little demon?"

  "Hmm." Qin Yi paused, thinking of the prejudices that most cultivators have against the demon race, he continued, "She is a demon race that has not been in the world for long. She..."

  Xu Nian interrupted him: "Did you save him?"

  "Yeah." He nodded.

  "That's good."

  Xu Nian's noncommittal look made Qin Yi stunned again, and he subconsciously asked: "Is it because of her that Xiao Nian rejected the master?" Because she cared about him saving other women, she was unwilling to become his Taoist partner.

  "No." Xu Nian's eyes and tone were calm, "I have already given the reason."

  Thinking of Xu Nian's words in front of the hall, Qin Yi was speechless for a moment. The reason for her refusal was simple, "I like young, handsome and talented youths. Qin Yi does not quite meet my requirements for a Taoist partner."

  The person who said this did not change his expression, but the person who heard it almost couldn't control his face. Qin Yi, who was standing aside, had a flash of surprise in his eyes. This result was indeed different from what he had imagined.

  The hall fell into silence for a while. One elder even looked up. He felt that some strange creatures were flying silently in the sky.

  Even though the leader's mouth twitched and his face was distorted, he didn't say anything in the end.

  Becoming a partner and practicing together was originally a matter of personal will. If the disciple did not have this idea, they naturally could not force it. But he did not know when his daughter had such an idea.

  Listen to what these words are. Is this something a serious ascetic would say?

  "Besides, you don't want to, do you?"

  After saying this, Qin Yi looked at her in surprise, but saw that she had a calm face and didn't care at all about the meaning of his words.

  Then she turned around and left. This time no one stopped her, but she could still feel Qin Yi's gentle gaze.

  Qin Yi has been trained as the sect leader since he entered the sect and became the disciple of the sect leader. He is virtuous, polite, upright, and kind to others. He is the eldest brother loved by everyone in Lianyun Mountain. Xu Nian and Qin Yi are both disciples of the sect leader. They have practiced together since childhood and have a deep relationship. The sect leader has high hopes for Qin Yi and even betrothed his daughter to him.

  In the original plot, the leader proposed that they become Taoist couples after Qin Yi came back. At that time, Xu Nian did not express any objection. Instead, Qin Yi refused in the surprised eyes of everyone.

  He did not explain the reason at that time, but later, everyone knew the reason for his refusal.

  Who could have thought that Brother Qin, who was the most conservative, would one day fall in love with a demon girl, betray his master, fall into the devil's way, and become an enemy of the world. Later, for her, he was willing to overturn the world.

  The scene of devastating suffering seemed to emerge in front of Xu Nian's eyes. At that time, the person who caused such a situation no longer had the gentleness of the past in his eyes, but only bloodthirsty indifference.

  There were corpses everywhere, he stepped on her blood and walked towards the abyss of no return without any hesitation.

  The author has something to say:

  This is a very imprecise world of cultivation .

  Chapter 70 Senior Sister 2

  The words Xu Nian said in the main hall spread throughout the entire Qishan within a day. She ignored the sound transmission jade that kept flashing, and naturally did not care about the various looks from others.

  But from that day on, the number of talented young men around her increased visibly. Before, although many disciples admired the heroic figure of the senior sister, they also knew that the headmaster preferred Senior Brother Qin. No matter who was compared with Senior Brother Qin, they could not help but feel ashamed. They could only suppress their sincerity and watch the two talented and beautiful figures from afar.

  After Xu Nian expressed his feelings, admirers of both of them began to get excited.

  When Qin Yi once again helped up a junior sister who had accidentally fallen in front of him and almost fell into his arms but was avoided by his quick eyes and hands, although there was still a bright smile on his face, perhaps only he could feel the blue veins throbbing on his head.

  He suppressed his inner anger, said "be careful" in a gentle voice, then pretended not to hear the exclamations around him, and slowly walked out of the cafeteria under a group of shy gazes.

  As soon as I walked out the door, I saw the culprit.

  Under the willow tree not far away, Xu Nian was wearing the sect's blue and white uniform, with her waist tightened, her posture upright, and her demeanor graceful. She stood with her hands behind her back, her high-bundled black hair fluttering in the wind, and she looked at the person opposite her with a calm gaze.

  In front of her stood a young man who was also wearing the sect uniform. He held a sword in his hand and bowed towards Xu Nian. His voice trembled slightly: "Inner sect disciple Lin Yun asks for guidance, Senior Sister."

  Qin Yi stopped and watched the drama with the crowd around him. Someone approached him silently. He didn't turn around but knew who it was from the voice.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk." Song Minglang was still holding the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, and he commented while slurping noodles: "Looking at what's happening today, it should be that the stubborn and tenacious junior brother asks the senior for swordsmanship, and the senior sister is willing to teach him. Then during the fight, she finds that the junior brother is gifted, and the two gradually heat up during the competition. I don't know if the senior sister likes this unconventional routine."

  In the past few days, the plays at the foot of Qishan Mountain have been extremely popular, and the plays on Qishan Mountain are also extremely interesting, with almost all the popular classic plays being performed in turn. Although Xu Nian's attitude has always been cold, it does not prevent them from becoming more and more courageous.

  The people around him said nothing, but that did not hinder Song Minglang's enthusiasm to share his views: "But this title is good. As long as we are discussing swordsmanship, Senior Sister is always willing to teach us."

  Xu Nian has a beautiful face and a refined temperament. She is the most unattainable iceberg in Lianyun Sect. Although she is cold and serious, she never refuses any disciple who asks for advice. After her generous advice, they will gain something and make progress. Over time, almost all the disciples of Lianyun Sect love and respect this cold-faced but warm-hearted senior sister.

  Just as Song Minglang guessed, Xu Nian nodded and said "OK", and a sword shadow flashed in his sleeve, and a silver sword was already in his hand.

  Qin Yi, who was originally careless, suddenly froze his eyes the moment he saw the sword. When he looked at Xu Nian again, his expression became inexplicable.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(137)
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  No wonder, he almost walked through the entire sword cave, but couldn't feel it...

  In the so-called sparring match, although Xu Nian deliberately restrained his sword intent, after only three moves, the man who was originally quite high-spirited had been defeated one after another. He stood there in a daze, looking at his shaking hands.

  He had just entered the inner gate, and was young and energetic. Although he wanted to attract Xu Nian's attention, he also had the intention of competing. All the disciples who could enter the inner gate were outstanding, and he always thought highly of himself. Who knew that the moment Xu Nian made his move, his hand holding the sword was already trembling, and he could hardly hold the sword in his hand.

  Only at this moment did he truly realize the gap between himself and Xu Nian, and also understood the realm that the senior sister of Lianyun Sect was at.

  He murmured, "I don't know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is."

  Xu Nian walked up to him and said calmly: "There are ten levels of sword intent, and each level is worlds apart. You just had an epiphany, and now you can still hold the sword in your hand and stand in front of me, which is already good."

  When she said this, her eyes were calm, and her tone was her usual cold and serious one. She did not try to be gentle just to comfort him, but Lin Yun's heart was still warmed when he heard her words, and he bowed with his fists clasped in submission.

  "Thank you for your guidance, Senior Sister."

  When Qin Yi approached, he saw the admiration that could not be suppressed on the man's face. Then he looked at Xu Nian's indifferent eyes and just felt funny in his heart.

  The people next to him have already helped him express his feelings: "Come on, another unlucky guy who is deeply in love."

  Xu Nian looked at the two people who walked up to her. She remained calm when she heard Song Minglang's words, but the two people in front of her could understand that it was clearly written on her face: What nonsense are you talking about again?

  She asked, “Is the show good?”

  "It's OK, but the ending is really unoriginal. No, Senior Sister, you say you like young and beautiful junior disciples, but you are so cold to them..." Song Minglang had already stuffed the bowl and chopsticks in his hand to the new disciple next to him. At this moment, he suddenly patted his chest and pretended to be surprised, "Senior Sister, are you actually hinting at me?"

  The corners of Xu Nian's mouth twitched, and Qin Yi even saw her clenching the sword in her hand.

  The next second, her sword pointed directly at Song Minglang.

  "Draw your sword."

  "I was wrong, Senior Sister. I was talking nonsense. I won't dare to do that again, Senior Sister." Song Minglang's body trembled. Facing Xu Nian's serious eyes, he ran away. "Ah, I remembered that I should go practice sword skills. I'm leaving first. Goodbye, Senior Brother and Sister!"

  After Xu Nian watched Song Minglang disappear from his sight with an expressionless face, he turned around and met Qin Yi's gentle eyes.

  "Xiao Nian." Qin Yi smiled and glanced at the sword in her hand. "I didn't know when you changed your sword."

  "It was during the time when you were out." Xu Nian's expression remained unchanged. "The original sword was broken, so I went to the sword cave to get another one."

  They walked side by side towards the back mountain. Xu Nian did not explain the reason for the broken sword, and Qin Yi did not focus on it. He smiled and said, "This is the first time I have seen it since I came back."

  The sword is of vital importance to sword practitioners. Most sword practitioners will carry it with them carefully in case of emergency, but Xu Nian just put it casually in the storage bag and took it out only when needed.

  If it weren't for this fight, he wouldn't have noticed that she was holding this sword.

  His eyes darkened, but his smile became gentler.

  Xu Nian naturally understood the hidden meaning in his words. As if reminded by his words, she casually threw it into the bag.

  Qin Yi watched the sword disappear into the bag and felt a flash of resentment. Before he could look away, he heard Xu Nian's light voice.

  "I can't help it. It's too ugly."

  He looked up in astonishment, only to find that the person in front of him was not joking. After a long moment, he laughed and said, "So that's how it is..."

  Late at night, the entire Lianyun Sect fell into silence, with occasional light footsteps passing by and low voices of conversation. Xu Nian's residence was in the back mountain, far away from the residences of other disciples. She was cold and didn't like to be disturbed. Although the location was remote, as the daughter of the head and the eldest sister of the Lianyun Sect, Xu Nian's residence was naturally exquisite and grand. Even at night, the corridors were lit with faint night pearls.

  Under the moonlight, the dark shadow strolled into the hall and opened the door without a sound. Lijia walked to the bed. The veil on the bed was blown by the wind, and it was vaguely visible that someone was lying on the bed, sleeping upright.

  The green storage bag was placed casually on the table, with the clan uniform underneath.

  He casually picked up the storage bag, glanced at the swaying gauze curtain, and then disappeared into the hall.

  "Why did you come just now? I've been waiting for you for so long that my sword is almost white!"

  In the back mountain, Qin Yi just opened the storage bag and saw a flash of silver light. The sword suddenly stood in the air, and then he heard the long-lost familiar voice crying out to the sky.

  Qin Yi sat on the stone calmly, and waited until the words fell before he spoke slowly: "Waiting for me? I thought you were waiting for someone else."

  "You don't believe me? I am the ancient divine sword, and you don't believe what I say!"

  "Louder." Qin Yi looked at the sword that was shaking with excitement in the air, and said in a dull tone, "It's just right to wake up your new master, so that the new and old masters can get to know each other well."

  As soon as these words came out, the air froze.

  Not all swords have sword spirits. Only ancient swords from ancient times can give birth to sword spirits. And only the owner of the sword and its former owners can sense the sword spirit.

  When he saw Xu Nian draw out the sword, Qin Yi knew why he had found nothing in the sword cave after searching for it for the past few days. It turned out that the sword had already recognized a new owner and left the sword cave.

  After sensing his presence, the sword spirit was too guilty to even speak a word until he heard Xu Nian's comment. Then he couldn't help but curse in frustration, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was thrown into the storage bag by Xu Nian.

  Looking at the indifference in Xu Nian's brows, it was obvious that she had become accustomed to the crudeness of the sword and had also found a way to deal with it, which was simple, crude, and very practical.

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Previous article: Paper Wedding_Wang Ruo【Complete】Next article: Puppy gives you a hug_Cooking Puppy [End]
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(138)
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  Seeing that his expression was unclear, the sword spirit thought he was still angry, and hesitantly said: "The reasons are complicated, I can explain..."


  Qin Yi's attitude was noncommittal, but the sword spirit was stunned by his attitude. He was stuck for a long time and finally decided to turn the tables.

  "You are useless. If I had known that you would show up within a month, I would not have done this. I am not impatient. I finally found a good candidate and I want to get out of the sword cave first. You don't know how dark the sky is in the sword cave and how hard it is to be buried in the soil..."

  As the sword spirit spoke, it seemed as if the scene moved him to tears, and he could not help but start to cry. However, the man who was listening had a heart of stone. Not only did he not feel any sympathy, but his thoughts gradually drifted away.

  As the former master, he naturally knew that this sword had no loyalty. The only thing that bound it was the contract. Now that the contract was no longer in place, it could not restrain it. But he also knew how picky this so-called ancient sword was. It had only recognized a master twice since its birth. Even if it was eager to find a master, it would be hard to find a master willing to recognize it. It was precisely because he knew its nature that he was not in a hurry after arriving at Lianyun Sect. Unexpectedly, he was a step too late.

  But, Xu Nian... When he thought of her, his ears could not help but ring with Xu Nian's plain words from the daytime. When he saw the gray silver sword in front of him, he couldn't help but chuckle.

  The sword spirit's words were interrupted by laughter. He found that the man was not moved by his sincere complaint, but a smile appeared on his face. For a moment, he was furious and horrified at the same time.

  This guy doesn't smile often.

  "why are you laughing?"

  Hearing the sword spirit's questioning, the man restrained the smile on his lips and his expression returned to indifference.

  "I just don't know when your requirements for selecting a sword master have dropped to this level."

  Xu Nian is the disciple with the highest sword intent in Lianyun Sect. Even if we look at other sects, she is considered to be one of the best. But in his words, she seems to be nothing special. But the person who said this had no expression on his face and a cold tone, as if he was just stating something that was very ordinary.

  After hearing his words, the sword spirit put away its pretentious expression and smiled in a pretentious manner.

  "Su Xun, she is not as simple as you think."

  Chapter 71 Senior Sister 3

  "Legend has it that there are only two ancient divine swords, born from heaven and earth, and possessing unique sword spirits. One is called Wen Nian, and the other is called Wen Xin. They were lost on the continent, and no one knows what they look like. Every sword cultivator is looking for their traces, but they are nowhere to be found."

  A disciple raised his hand: "Which sword is more powerful?"

  "There is no difference between the two swords, and the Questioning Heart will be more well-known than the Questioning Mind, only because it has recognized two masters since its birth. Its first master was the Immortal Yanhe who practiced in Lianyun Sect hundreds of years ago. Everyone knows that there have been countless immortals since ancient times, but only a few have achieved the right path. When the Immortal Yanhe experienced the thunder tribulation, he used the Questioning Heart to block the last lightning strike, and finally he was able to achieve the right result and become an immortal. But after Yanhe became an immortal, he did not take away the sword that accompanied him in his practice, but left it in the world, just to benefit future practitioners."

  "Immortal Yanhe really has good intentions..."

  Someone couldn't wait: "What about the second one? Tell me about the second owner."

  "After Yan He became an immortal, the Heart-Searching Sword fell silent for hundreds of years. When it was seen again, it was found in the hands of the Demon Lord Su Xun. The Demon Lord Su Xun was also a strange man. He was born with innate magic power. His mother died of exhaustion the moment he gave birth because she could not bear this huge magic power. He was born in the Demon Realm and was gifted. After only ten years of sword practice, his swordsmanship was second to none. Only such a person could be recognized by the Heart-Searching Sword."

  "That's right. The Sword of Questioning the Heart has had two masters, one of whom became an immortal, and the other was born a demon. Questioning the Heart, as its name suggests, contains supreme magical power, and how to use it depends entirely on the heart of the sword holder. So when the major sects at that time found out that Su Xun had obtained the Sword of Questioning the Heart, they worked together to trap Su Xun, who had not yet fully mastered the sword, in the abyss. The battle lasted for three days, and in the end, it took all the magical powers of the five sect leaders to destroy Su Xun's body and scatter his soul, thus preventing a massacre of lives. The Sword of Questioning the Heart also fell silent again, waiting for its next appearance."


  The teacher in the lecture hall couldn't help stroking his long beard as he spoke, his tone was profound. Although the disciples in the hall were already familiar with these legends, they still focused their attention when they heard them, and they yearned for the sword of self-examination in the legend.

  The people in the hall were full of longing, while the people outside the hall yawned leisurely.

  “I’ll tell you, I come from a very important background. It’s your blessing that you’re favored by me. You may not be grateful, but you are not allowed to put me into your Qiankun bag again!” As the only immortal of Yanhe in a hundred years, the Demon Lord who is gifted with extraordinary magical powers and needs the strength of five masters to annihilate him, the ancient divine sword that the two of them carried, Nicholas Wenxin, was finally mercifully thrown out by its new owner to bask in the sun.

  Xu Nian was sitting cross-legged on a stone, absorbing the light of the sun and the moon. Hearing this, he didn't even open his eyes and spoke in a flat tone.

  "Speaking of which, Yan He abandoned you on the day he became an immortal, and you were unable to save Su Xun from the dire situation on the day he was trapped. It seems that your sword is of no use at all."


  The magic sword that everyone has been longing for had just been seen in the light of day, and he was so angry that he wanted to go back into his Qiankun bag.

  It has never been insulted like this since its birth, nor has it... It couldn't help but think of a long time ago when it was sleeping in the Demon Realm and sensed Su Xun's magic power. It ran to find him out of loneliness. At that time, the Demon Lord Su Xun was just a teenager who was fighting against a monster. Seeing that he was defeated, it flew forward to lend a helping hand.

  "Conscience? Ancient divine sword?" After listening to the sword that flew into his hand halfway and introduced its origins in a condescending manner and expressed its willingness to condescend to give him a chance, Su Xun just raised his eyebrows and asked thoughtfully: "So why didn't Yan He take you with him when he became an immortal?"

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(139)
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  The sword spirit didn't expect that his first question would be this, and was speechless for a moment.

  Not getting an answer, Su Xun nodded in understanding: "It seems that you are of no use."

  The sword spirit was furious: "What do you know? Yan He has become an immortal. Why would an immortal need a sword? He is an immortal. He can slap you away with just a flick of his finger."

  If it saw Yan He, it would make sure that he would teach this ignorant guy a lesson.


  The sword spirit thought that he had come to his senses, and was ready to wait for him to express his gratitude for his favor.

  Unexpectedly, Su Xun just dropped it and walked away without any reluctance, leaving behind a sentence.

  "Then I don't need it either."

  When his ability reaches a certain level, he can still exert his maximum power even with a wooden sword. He will become such an existence, and naturally he does not need the so-called ancient sword. For example, even if this sword did not appear just now, he could still defeat the monster, it was just a matter of time.

  If the contract had not been signed and could not be easily destroyed, Su Xun would probably have thrown it away directly, and how could he put his old face down?

  Thinking of the past, the sword spirit felt even more depressed, especially when it saw Su Xun walking slowly towards it not far away, it felt even more depressed. What evil had it done? There were so many people in the world, but it had to pick two blind and ignorant guys.

  Blame it, blame it for its eagerness to seek the Lord, its thirst for talents, and its unbearable loneliness...

  As Su Xun just walked to Xu Nian's side, he saw from the corner of his eye that the sword was emitting an extremely resentful aura under the sun. It was obvious that the resentment was directed at both himself and Xu Nian.

  As the sword master, Xu Nian was still meditating leisurely.

  "Now that I look at it closely, I can't understand why Xiao Nian picked such an ugly sword." Su Xun looked at Xu Nian with a smile.


  After hearing his voice, Xu Nian slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the sword spirit that was shaking with anger.

  "It crawled into my hand on the day I entered the sword cave."

  There are tens of thousands of swords buried in the sword cave, and each sword is waiting for the destined person. There is no sunlight inside, and it is full of obstacles. After the sword cultivator enters, he cannot see the way forward, and can only move forward according to his heart. The choice of sword is about chance, which lies not only in the sword chooser, but also in the sword's own consciousness.

  The moment Xu Nian stepped into the sword cave, the swords in the sword cave began to move, sensing her cultivation level. She did not walk around, but just stood there calmly, as if waiting for something.

  The Sword of Questioning Heart, which had long sensed Xu Nian's presence, stared at the figure standing calmly, but in the end he could not hold back his eager heart to seek help from the Lord, and appeared in front of her.

  A sharp and brutal sword energy attacked her out of nowhere, carrying an unstoppable murderous intent, but Xu Nian remained motionless as a mountain, just staring calmly at the nothingness in front of her. In a moment, the sharp edge stopped abruptly just inches away from her. The strands of hair on her temples were gently lifted, and an ancient silver sword stood in front of her.

  After a long time, Xu Nian opened his thin lips and said, "So ugly..."

  The air in the sword cave froze and fell into deathly silence.

  Then all the swords in the sword cave heard the famous senior's loud cursing, until Xu Nian stuffed it into the Qiankun bag and took it away, they could still feel the lingering sound, like thunder in their ears, and would never forget it.

  "Is that so..." Su Xun glanced at the sword spirit that fell silent after Xu Nian said that, and thought of the perfunctory and casual contract-making ceremony, and commented leisurely: "That really is, there is no bottom line."

  He still remembered that a guy had explained last night how he could not resist Xu Nian's sincere yearning for the magic sword, and how he had given up on her profound enlightenment in the way of the sword, and how she was diligent in her training at a young age, so he reluctantly left his old master and found a new one.

  Now it seems that he is really full of nonsense, it is nothing but bullshit...

  Hearing his comments, Xu Nian nodded in agreement and added, "Very noisy."

  Blade and Soul: Damn, can it hear me?

  Her tone was flat, and she seemed unaware that she had inadvertently revealed the existence of the sword spirit. Su Xun, who heard her words, only had his eyes flickering slightly, pretending not to know.

  "However." Xu Nian paused, "It seems that it will be quieter when you are here."

  A certain sword continued to be as quiet as a chicken.

  Logically speaking, only the owner of the sword can sense the existence of the sword spirit and communicate with it, and others cannot sense it. It's just that because of the special condition of this body now, he can actually hear the conversation between Xu Nian and the sword spirit.

  But Xu Nian should not know about this.

  Hearing this, Su Xun smiled softly and pretended to glance at the plain silver sword, "Maybe it's because your sword doesn't like me very much."

  After he finished speaking, he half-lowered his eyes, and his gentle and handsome face seemed to reveal a hint of grievance.

  Blade and Soul: Haha.

  Xu Nian looked at the faint loneliness on his face and said, "It doesn't matter. It doesn't like me either."

  Su Xun looked up in surprise, but saw that the girl in front of him had a serious look in her eyes, and she didn't look like she was joking. She seemed to be comforting him very seriously, and he raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

  "Listening to this sword, it doesn't have a very good temper either."

  No boundaries. Loud and noisy. Bad temper.

  Sword Soul: Yes, today is also a day when I hate everything in this world equally, and I especially hate Xu Nian and Su Xun.

  When Xu Nian was about to throw the silver sword into the Qiankun bag, Su Xun reached out to stop her.

  "It's been a while since I've practiced swordsmanship with Xiao Nian. Now that I've got a new sword, why not practice with him and see if I've made any progress."

  It is perfectly normal for fellow disciples to learn from each other privately.

  But Xu Nian still threw the sword into the bag and said calmly: "Since it is a sparring match, a wooden sword will be enough."

  Su Xun did not ignore Xu Nian's casual glance at his hand. After discovering that the Sword of Questioning had been taken away by Xu Nian that day, he casually took a sword from the sword cave.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(140)
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  To others, this sword is not bad, but if compared with the Sword of Questioning the Heart, it is naturally far inferior. But to him, there is no difference.

  He looked into her calm eyes, smiled and said "OK".

  Since it was just a competition, both of them only used 30% of their sword intentions, and their moves were all basic sword techniques. But during the exchange, Su Xun's eyes became more and more obscure.

  The sword wielder practices the way of the sword, and the way of the sword is divided into ten levels. From the fifth level onwards, each level is vastly different. Countless sword practitioners stop at the fifth level and find it difficult to move forward. For most people, this is already the best. After all, there are also people who cannot even comprehend the meaning of the sword throughout their entire lives.

  Although he knew that Xu Nian was the most talented disciple of Lianyun Sect in the past few decades, and had already reached the seventh level of sword intent at a young age, looking at the entire Lianyun Sect, apart from the Sect Master, only Qin Yi, who had reached the sixth level of sword intent, was qualified to fight him.

  But he remembered that she had been trapped on the seventh floor for a long time and had been unable to break through.

  But now it seems that is not entirely true.

  If it was the real Qin Yi, he would naturally not be able to see the sword intent in Xu Nian's moves, but the soul in his body was Su Xun.

  Later, storytellers loved to describe that great battle, in which good and evil faced off, and in the end, evil was defeated by good. Of course, everyone overlooked that the demon king Su Xun, who could kill people with a flick of his finger, originally used a sword, and his swordsmanship was unprecedented in hundreds of years, and no one in the world could match him at that time.

  Those who have achieved immortality no longer participate in the mundane world, so no one knows who will win if the Immortal Yanhe fights the Demon Lord Su Xun.

  In those few short moves in the back mountain, he immediately realized that Xu Nian's sword intent was not only at the seventh level.

  In other words, based on her sword skills, she shouldn't stop at the seventh level.

  The author has something to say:

  The contract ceremony of the ancient sword is: whoever I get into the hands of will be my sword master

  Chapter 72 Senior Sister 4

  When Su Xun returned to his room, he slowly put away the gentle smile on his face. He casually placed the sword on the table, his eyes revealing an evil charm that only a devil could have, and his deep black eyes, like ink jade, casually swept over his right shoulder.

  The silver butterfly that had landed on his shoulder halfway flapped its wings and flew up. After a flash of silver light, a graceful woman appeared in front of him.

  She was wearing a white dress with silver patterns embroidered with pink butterflies. Her face was pure and lively, but her silver eyes were evasive for some reason. When she saw that handsome face, she blurted out subconsciously.


  The person in front of her raised his eyes slightly, his gaze was cold, and one glance made her pause.

  The woman immediately lowered her head, revealing her fair and slender neck, in a gesture of submission: "Demon Lord."

  Su Xun didn't look at her, he held his head wearily and said nothing.

  Without being stared at by that captivating gaze, she finally had the courage to raise her head. She bit her lip and said hesitantly, "Does the Demon Lord want to take back the sword?"

  Su Xun remained silent, his expression indifferent.

  It is useless to get the sword, because the contract has been concluded. When the sword recognizes its master, it will conclude a contract with him. As long as the contract lasts for one day, the sword will regard him as its master and obey his orders. The contract cannot be terminated midway. Only when the sword holder disappears from this world will the contract be automatically destroyed and the sword will look for the next master again.

  Now that Wenxin has signed a contract with Xu Nian, there is only one way to get the sword back.


  "Nothing to do with you."

  He said coldly, and she subconsciously closed her mouth and lowered her head in fear.

  Su Xun closed his eyes. He thought of the sword spirit's pretentious words, and also of the sword intent he felt when they just fought. A faint smile appeared on his cold face.

  Now it seems that it is not as simple as he thought.

  Seeing that he was just silent, the woman couldn't help but secretly look up at him. Wasn't that the smile that would appear on Qin Yi's face? She still remembered this swordsman whom she met halfway, with gentle eyes, and even towards the demon girl, he still had a warm smile.

  This is the kind of violence that only the Demon Lord Su Xun could have. The woman's eyes were timid, and her clean eyes looked pitiful because of the fear.

  If it were an ordinary man, such as the real Qin Yi, seeing such a look, he would only feel pity.

  But Su Xun didn't even raise his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Get out."

  After receiving such an order, the woman naturally did not dare to say much. She immediately turned into a butterfly and obediently left the room, leaving the man with his eyes closed in thought.

  Who would have thought that the second senior brother of Lianyun Sect, who was extremely talented and respected by everyone, had long since passed away, and that the person occupying this body was the legendary Demon Lord Su Xun, who had long since died. No one knew that Qin Yi, who was clear and bright in everyone's eyes, was actually the child of a demon and a human, with the blood of both humans and demons in his body.

  That day, Qin Yi fell into the abyss in order to save the phantom monster, broke the seal and awakened Su Xun's soul. Because of his half-human, half-demon blood, he was able to occupy this body, break free from the shackles of the abyss and return to the world.

  He occupied Qin Yi's body, took over all his memories, and naturally discovered the unknown hatred buried deep in his heart.

  Hate him? How could he not hate him? Because of the demon blood in his body, his mother was burned alive, and he was bullied by the villagers since he was a child. The demons despised him, the humans hated him, and he lost his parents and was rejected by everyone. And all this originated from a word from a passing monk. He told him that he had demon blood in his body, and since then, his fate has changed dramatically.

  Later, he practiced hard and found ways to come to Lianyun Sect, and became Senior Brother Qin, who was respected and loved by everyone in Lianyun Sect. However, he still could not eliminate the hatred deep in his heart.

  The abyss would arouse the malice in people's hearts, and then magnify it endlessly, and finally let the malice devour the soul and become part of the abyss. When Su Xun woke up, Qin Yi's soul was struggling desperately, but he didn't know that in the abyss, the harder you struggle, the faster you will be devoured.

  Su Xun took over his body with almost no effort. He looked at the unrecognizable black mist in front of him that was madly shouting with hatred, and spoke calmly.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(141)
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  "Everything that causes you hatred will disappear."

  Since you hate it so much, just destroy it all, not only the village, but also the human race, the ascetics, and everything in this world. They are all rotten and ugly, so it’s better to let them disappear together.

  After getting his promise, the sharp and piercing sound gradually quieted down. Just as the black shadow gradually dissipated, he heard a hesitant male voice.

  "...Xu Nian..."

  But before he could finish his words, the soul had been completely devoured.

  Qin Yi's memory was split into two halves by the fire, and all his memories afterwards were dim and gray. After he came to Lianyun Sect, in his long memory of practicing Taoism, the one who practiced sword the most was Xu Nian.

  That upright senior sister who is devoted to the truth, has extraordinary talent, and is pure and innocent.

  But when Su Xun returned to Lianyun Sect under the identity of Qin Yi, he discovered that the so-called old-fashioned and dull senior sister in his memory was more interesting than other pedantic and hypocritical cultivators.

  It's a pity that she shouldn't have gotten that sword.

  However, Xu Nian is much more likable than the sword. He doesn't chatter incessantly like the sword spirit. Su Xun hates noisy existence the most. If it weren't for the contract, he really couldn't stand having such a noisy existence around him all the time.

  The day his body was destroyed, his contract with the Sword of Heart-Searching naturally ended, but his soul had not completely disappeared from this world, so he could still sense the existence of the sword. In his current body, he wanted to destroy this world, and he could only rely on the power of the Sword of Heart-Searching. He never thought that he was one step too late.

  The Sword of Questioning the Heart has already recognized its new master. If one wants to take it back, the only way is for the sword master to disappear from this world.

  What a hassle. Su Xun closed his eyes, his face full of annoyance and fatigue, wondering why such a boring world still exists.

  Qin Yi gained a lot from this trip. After coming back, he broke through the sixth level of sword intent and became one of the only two sword practitioners in Lianyun Sect who reached the seventh level of sword intent.

  As soon as he came out and opened the door, he saw Xu Nian in the yard.

  She stood under the tree and looked over the moment he appeared. The bright peach color in the garden could not suppress her coldness.

  The calm voice was mixed in with the sound of the wind, without any emotion.

  “You’ve made a breakthrough.”

  "Yeah." Su Xun walked to her side, as if he remembered something, and smiled suddenly. That smile was different from his usual gentle smile. It was casual and frivolous, and against the backdrop of the spring behind him, it looked quite seductive.

  The person laughing was unaware, but the person watching was stunned.

  However, the real Su Xun would not take the mere seventh level of sword intent seriously, but Yu Qinyi's body broke free from the shackles that had bound him for so long, and his body and mind felt lighter. Naturally, his mood improved a lot, so much so that he forgot himself for a moment, and his true intentions were revealed between his eyebrows.

  When he realized his negligence, he found that the woman in front of him, who was always indifferent, was staring at him in a daze. Her autumn eyes only contained his reflection, and the hazy shadow reflected her clear heart.

  Su Xun paused, then called softly, "Xiao Nian."

  Xu Nian suddenly came back to his senses, quickly retracted his gaze, blinked several times, and then asked: "Well, what did you say just now?"

  He stared at the rare confusion on her face, and raised the corners of his mouth in pleasure at the helplessness caused by him.

  "I just said." Su Xun spoke every word slowly and clearly, "I wonder if Xiao Nian regrets directly rejecting the headmaster's proposal that day."

  The Sect Master's proposal referred to the matter of him and her becoming Taoist partners.

  "What a bullshit proposal from the Sect Leader." The sword spirit's voice rang out of nowhere. It couldn't stand it any longer. "Don't listen to this guy's nonsense. He just asked you why you were here."

  Su Xun's eyes turned cold, but he still looked at Xu Nian with a smile, waiting for her answer intently.

  Xu Nian glanced at the indignant sword in his hand, then looked up at him, "My sword spirit said you are talking nonsense."

  Blade & Soul: Even though I know someone can hear me, why is it that I feel like I’m being sold out without any hesitation?

  Even Su Xun was speechless for a moment because of her honesty and outspokenness. After a while, he slowly said, "Oh? This sword has a sword spirit?"

  Xu Nian nodded calmly as the sword spirit let out a loud "Pah".

  Then he uttered another sentence lightly.

  "This sword is called Questioning the Heart."

  At this moment, a certain voice flashed through Su Xun's mind, just like the sword spirit, but unlike the sword spirit who was shocked to the point of jumping up and down, he just looked at her in silence, with a hint of darkness passing through his dark pupils.

  Since the birth of the sword, countless people have coveted its power, and would even dig deep into the ground and spend all their money to get its trace, and fight for it at all costs. With the mentality that if they can't get it, they can't let others get it, countless disputes and duels have been caused from ancient times to the present.

  But the person who now owns it told him of its existence so calmly.

  Was it because of trust? Trust in this body? Trust in him as Qin Yi?

  The sword spirit was scolding them angrily, but they pretended not to hear it and just kept looking at each other calmly. Finally, Su Xun looked away first and looked at the gray silver sword.

  "The legendary ancient sword." He said leisurely: "It is really not good-looking..."

  The sword spirit who was teaching Xu Nian earnestly that he was the master of such a famous sword and should know how to hide his treasure, when he heard Su Xun's words, he wanted to expose his identity directly and rushed to him to curse.

  However, Xu Nian, who had ignored his words from beginning to end, nodded to Su Xun to show his agreement.

  Blade and Soul: Forget me in the rotten soil.

  "But." Xu Nian said slowly: "Why did you lie to me?"

  Unexpectedly, she would still dwell on this question. Su Xun thought for a while before answering, "It's probably because the young talents inside and outside Lianyun Sect have been working hard to practice day and night because of Xiao Nian's words these days. As a senior brother, I also feel a sense of urgency. So I want to ask, can I now meet Xiao Nian's standard of outstanding talent?"

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Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (142)
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  The man in front of him was smiling, and there was a hint of joking in his words, but Xu Nian thought seriously before answering.

  She said: "I think being young and beautiful is more important."

  How does she manage to say something so funny with such a blank face?

  Su Xun couldn't help laughing softly.

  He couldn't bear to destroy such an interesting person for the sword.

  The author has something to say:

  Blade and Soul: When you were thinking about it alone, did you ever think about one thing: in your current body, you are completely unable to defeat the other person.

  Su Xun: ...

  Blade and Soul: And you are laughing so happily because you can't hear that she is talking about your old age and ugly appearance?

  Su Xun: ...Shut up!

  (I may revise the article later, as I am too busy these days.)

  Chapter 73 Senior Sister 5

  When Su Xun asked her why she came, Xu Nian said calmly, "Today is the ninth day of the tenth month."

  He was stunned for a moment before he reacted. The ninth day of every lunar month is a big day at the foot of the mountain. The market at the foot of the mountain is the most lively, and on this day the sect will send people down the mountain to purchase goods.

  Logically speaking, this kind of work does not need to be done by Xu Nian, the senior sister. She only needs to give an order and someone will take care of it. The reason why it fell on Xu Nian's head was simply because she liked it.

  This time, there were not only the two of them traveling together, but also Song Minglang and two unfamiliar fellow junior brothers and sisters. As soon as Song Minglang saw Su Xun, he discovered that he had made a breakthrough in swordsmanship, and he was full of flattery along the way. Su Xun listened with a gentle smile, but he did not miss the look that the fellow brother gave Xu Nian, which he thought was hidden.

  His smile couldn't help but fade a little. Xu Nian's words that day really fueled a lot of thoughts that he originally didn't dare to have.

  But when he glanced at the instigator, he found that she didn't notice the thoughts of her companions at all, and her attention had already flown down the mountain. Although her eyebrows and eyes were still indifferent, the sword tassel shaking in her hand had already revealed her owner's excited thoughts.

  "Xiao Nian."

  He called out softly, and everyone looked over. He looked into her calm eyes and smiled, "Don't you think the sword is ugly? Why are you willing to carry it with you?"

  Everyone's eyes turned to the sword in Xu Nian's hand again, and Song Minglang became curious. He also knew that his senior sister disliked this sword. After leaving the sword cave, she threw it directly into the Qiankun bag, indicating that out of sight, out of mind. Why was she willing to take it out these days?

  "Because of this." Xu Nian raised the silver sword, and the tassel on the hilt shook. A delicate light pink tassel was hanging on the gray silver sword.

  “It won’t be so ugly this way.”

  Song Minglang blinked silently. To be honest, this color combination would only make it more horrible. Obviously, others felt the same way, but they didn't dare to say it out loud.

  Su Xun looked at the sword tassel and slowly raised the corners of his mouth, not trying to hide his smile.

  No wonder, no wonder the sword was so quiet along the way. It was obvious that it could not resist Xu Nian's aesthetic taste, so it could only pretend to be dead in depression and pretend that it did not exist.

  "Actually, this is the case..."

  Could it be that the second senior brother couldn't accept such an aesthetic and planned to tell the truth? The three of them looked at him in shock, and even subconsciously took a few steps back to prevent the senior brother from speaking bluntly and angering the senior sister and causing some bloody scene.

  Xu Nian just looked at him expressionlessly, waiting for his next words.

  Su Xun added under everyone's expectant and nervous gazes: "Actually, it does look much better this way."

  "This time when you go down the mountain, Xiao Nian, you can buy more colorful sword tassels. I think your sword will like it very much."

  Blade and Soul:?

  Everyone was disappointed and relieved at the same time. It was good that Senior Brother Qin’s personality did not change drastically because of his improved cultivation. He was still the gentle and considerate Second Senior Brother.

  Xu Nian blinked, and the sword spirit, realizing that she seemed to be really thinking about this proposal seriously, began to jump up and down wildly, and then was finally thrown back into the storage bag by Xu Nian because it was too noisy.

  Blade and Soul: Okay, that’s fine.

  Su Xun looked at Xu Nian's movements and suddenly asked, "Is this the sword tassel that Xiao Nian made himself?"

  "No, my craft is very poor."

  As everyone knows, the eldest sister of Lianyun Sect can perform the best sword moves with her hands, but she can't even do the simplest embroidery. Her hands are naturally suitable for holding a sword.

  "I was wrong." Su Xun smiled and said, "Which clever and skillful junior brother is this?"

  The three people's eyes widened again. Why did they feel a chill even though Senior Brother Qin's tone was gentle? Could this be the oppressive feeling brought by the seventh level of sword intent?

  Xu Nian shook his head calmly: "It's a little demon."

  Song Minglang couldn't help but ask, "Little demon? When did the Lianyun Sect get into the demon tribe?"

  Unlike the shock on their faces, Xu Nian remained calm.

  "A few days ago, when I was practicing in the back mountain, I suddenly found a phantom monster. She thought my sword was too plain, so she made this sword tassel for me. I like it very much."

  She spoke lightly, but there was no sign of anything unusual on her face, as if she was just stating a very ordinary matter. However, the three people who heard her words had strange expressions on their faces, as if they wanted to say something but did not dare to because of her.

  This group of sanctimonious ascetics. Su Xun noticed their looks and sneered in his heart.

  Is it just an illusion?

  At this time, Song Minglang pointed to the front and said, "We are here, look, it is so lively."

  His ability to change the subject was really poor. Only Xu Nian was really attracted to it. There was a rare fluctuation in her eyes, and she walked into the crowd first.

  When they sat at the simple stall by the bridge, even Song Minglang couldn't help but sigh: "Our senior sister really has remained true to her original intention and is very loyal."

  The two people next to them couldn't help but show curious expressions. Song Minglang, who was Xu Nian's closest junior brother, skillfully began to explain on behalf of his taciturn senior sister.

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Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (143)
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  "Since my senior sister first discovered this stall, she has been eating a bowl of wontons here every time she goes down the mountain. She has been doing this every day for ten years and has never gotten tired of it. Later, the stall owner also remembered my senior sister..."

  At this time, the stall owner had already walked up to their table. He was a simple and honest young man. He asked with a smile: "Excuse me, gentlemen, what would you like to order?"

  It's a stranger.

  "Wasn't there an old man running this stall originally?" Song Minglang couldn't help but ask.

  "That was my father. He passed away two years ago."

  "Oh, sorry."

  "It's okay, it's okay." The young man waved his hand and smiled, "It seems that you are old customers, but I have never seen you on weekdays."

  Song Minglang was greeting the shop owner skillfully. Su Xun's gaze subconsciously fell on Xu Nian who was standing quietly beside him. Her face was calm, and even after hearing the news of the shop owner's death, she still did not show any extra emotions.

  In Qin Yi's memory, Xu Nian liked the wonton shop in Qiaotou the most. Since he came to the sect, he always accompanied her down the mountain, and at sunset, they would come to Qiaotou to eat a bowl of wontons.

  “Five bowls of wontons.”

  "Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

  After the shop owner left, the junior brother couldn't help but comfort her, "Don't be sad, senior sister."

  "Why should I be sad?" Xu Nian asked calmly, and then he understood what he meant when the other party hesitated to speak, and lowered his eyes slightly, "I am not sad, birth, aging, illness and death are just the normal state of the world."

  Song Minglang nodded and said, "Yes, even cultivators cannot escape this cycle of reincarnation. They just live longer than ordinary people."

  "It's better to be a god. You are immortal, and you are not troubled by emotions."

  They talked, with longing in their eyes.

  "But in the past few hundred years, only Immortal Yan He has achieved immortality." The junior sister said, looking at Xu Nian and Qin Yi with her big eyes, "Nowadays, probably only the eldest sister and the second brother have the hope of cultivating the right way."

  As soon as these words were spoken, the other two people all looked on in agreement. The most important things in practicing Taoism are talent and hard work, and their senior brothers and sisters obviously have both.

  Su Xun looked at the envy in their eyes, raised his brows slightly, and said nonchalantly: "Who said that practicing Taoism requires thinking about becoming an immortal? What's the fun in being an immortal?" It's obviously equally boring. Not only immortals, but everything in this world is boring. Such boredom should not exist.

  The others were speechless for a moment, not knowing how to understand the inexplicable emotion in their senior brother's tone. Xu Nian just looked at Su Xun seriously, which made him look over. Facing her gaze, he still did not hide the contempt in his eyes.

  He openly expressed his disdain and looked at her deliberately, as if he wanted to see how she would react.

  "I don't want to become an immortal either." Xu Nian picked up the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, "I think this is good enough."

  Su Xun was slightly startled when he heard this, her eyes were as calm and indifferent as ever, she was not joking. Realizing this, Su Xun's eyes became more interested, but after saying this, Xu Nian had already lowered her head and started eating wontons.

  The others looked at each other, wondering why the seniors were not the same as they had imagined.

  Song Minglang: "This is probably what a strong person is." The pursuits of a strong person are different from theirs.

  The three of them finished eating the wontons before Xu Nian, so Song Minglang took his two junior brothers and sisters to go shopping, leaving only Xu Nian and Su Xun slowly eating the wontons.

  The stalls not far away were bustling with people, and noise was everywhere. Su Xun frowned slightly. He didn't like such noise. But when he turned his head to look at Xu Nian who was quietly looking at the market ahead, she was looking seriously and attentively, as if she was enjoying what was happening in front of her.

  He couldn't help but say, "Xiao Nian seems to like the human world very much."

  "Yeah." Xu Nian answered, still looking forward, "I like this world very much. Although life is fragile and human power is limited, they have a power to make this life prosperous and lively. After walking through the world, it is hard not to love this fireworks."

  This was probably the longest sentence he had heard Xu Nian say since he returned to the sect, but he never thought that it was to hear her say that she liked this noisy world. Is such a noisy world worthy of her liking?

  Then Xu Nian turned around and looked at him, "Besides, the food in the human world is delicious."

  She turned around unexpectedly, and Su Xun had no time to retract the gloom in his eyes, so their eyes met and they were both stunned. This was not the emotion that should appear in Qin Yi's eyes, it was too violent and gloomy.

  As Xu Nian showed doubt on his face, Su Xun's eyes became darker and his hands unconsciously gathered strength.

  "Qin Yi." She asked hesitantly, "Don't you like these wontons?"

  His accumulated anger was instantly released by this sentence. Seeing the seriousness in her eyes, it seemed that this was not a big deal.

  "I..." If she thought so, he should have gone with the flow, but facing those calm eyes, Su Xun was at a loss for words and had the desire to tell the truth.

  “I can’t taste it.”

  He said this in a daze. When did it start? Probably when he was still Su Xun, his sense of smell and taste had been damaged since the day he was born. The so-called delicacies and fireworks of the world were like chewing wax to him. Even if he was eating this bowl of hot wontons in Qin Yi's body, he still seemed unable to truly appreciate the real taste.

  So he couldn't understand, couldn't understand Xu Nian's seriousness about her oral desires, couldn't understand her love for the human world.


  ...Oh? He rarely reveals his true feelings, so he changed his mind? Su Xun looked at her with a slightly gloomy look.

  "Actually, I can't tell whether it's good or bad." Xu Nian slowly turned the wontons in the bowl. "No matter what the taste is, whether it's good or bad, I can't tell."

  Su Xun was stunned. How could that be?

  Xu Nian half-closed his eyes and said calmly: "Song Minglang thinks I like this store because the taste of the wontons here suits my taste, but I just think that I can see it most clearly from here."

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (144)
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  “If you can’t feel it yourself, you might as well listen and watch, and feel the taste through others.”

  Su Xun looked at her in astonishment, watching her put down the chopsticks in her hand and look forward.

  "For example, wontons have a light flavor. Some people prefer this light flavor, but some people have strong flavors and find it uncomfortable. The man at that table put a lot of vinegar, and you can smell the sour smell even from such a distance. The couple next to him obviously like spicy food. Both bowls are covered with chili oil, and they sweat profusely while eating."

  He followed her gaze, listened to her light words, and seemed to see the world in her eyes. It was a world completely different from what he saw, with fireworks in the market, dim lights, and everyone's face had a variety of expressions.

  Xu Nian's gaze fell on the bridge, and saw a child half a person's height sitting on his father's shoulders, holding a string of candied haws in his hand. The child's mouth was full of stains from eating, but his eyes were bright, and he mumbled something from time to time.

  "He wanted to save the biggest one for last."

  Sure enough, as soon as the child finished eating the one on top, he began to lick it from the bottom with great effort, while his eyes were fixed on the largest and fullest one in the middle. Su Xun couldn't help but smile as he watched.

  “Sometimes, looking at it like this, it seems like I can also feel the taste.”

  Hearing her voice, Su Xun withdrew his gaze and looked back at the person next to him.

  Xu Nian had a calm face and clear eyes. She sat on a wooden chair with her back straight. Her white shirt seemed to be out of tune with the noisy world around her, but she blended into the dim light and shadows on the bridge. She sat quietly, looking at the prosperous Ukiyo-e in front of her seriously and attentively. Her voice was like a spring flowing slowly into his dry and gray heart.

  He seemed to understand a little bit. She liked this world and liked to be a spectator.

  She didn't want to get involved, but just sat aside quietly watching the clouds roll by and people come and go, guessing their stories from their expressions and actions.

  As he sat beside her, he actually felt that the world, which was originally boring and noisy, was not that bad after all.

  "There is a tea shop on the other side of the bridge. Although the tea there is average, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that goes with the tea is a must-try. Many passers-by will go out of their way to buy some."

  Su Xun looked at her calm face and raised the corner of his mouth, "Then let's go and try it too."

  He seemed to smell the fragrance of osmanthus as well.

  "Such delicious pastries should be paired with good wine."

  The author has something to say:

  A little late, but a little longer.

  Chapter 74 Senior Sister 6

  But he didn't expect that the good wine Xu Nian mentioned was not in the wine shop but in the brothel. He looked at the embroidered pearl curtain in front of him and paused slightly. The woman next to him was calm and composed and walked straight into the luxurious and warm fragrance.

  As soon as she stepped through the door, a group of gentle and charming women came forward. Even when they saw a visitor like Xu Nian, they still smiled charmingly. The warm lights in the attic were dim, and she was surrounded by a charming scene, which contrasted with her bright eyebrows and eyes, making her look pure and elegant. A woman came forward with a tender and charming look, but Su Xun could only see her cold profile.

  She was clearly in the midst of it, but she was still like the bright moon hanging high in the sky. The clusters of flowers only highlighted her coldness and uniqueness. With laughter filling her ears, Su Xun's eyes darkened and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

  "My dear sisters, this is not the master who needs your service." A woman came down gracefully from a high pavilion. The misty purple gauze bloomed like lotus flowers under her feet. She had a pink face and red lips, and her eyes and eyebrows were full of seductive charm.

  When Xu Nian saw her, he nodded slightly, and the coldness on his face dissipated a lot.

  As soon as she appeared, the other women quietly and obediently retreated to the side. It was obvious that she was the head of Wangchun Tower.

  "It's been a long time since I last saw you. I was worried that you might have forgotten the promise. Now that I see you, I feel relieved." She raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Su Xun, her smile deepening. "You came here, but why did you bring such a handsome man with you? You've made my sisters here so crazy."

  As soon as she said this, there was another burst of coquettish anger from the side.

  In the face of such beauty, Xu Nian remained as still as a mountain, with a hint of incomprehension, "I'll get the wine."

  "I know, I have prepared it long ago, and am just waiting for you to come and get it."

  After the two immortal figures slowly left, someone came up to the boss, patted his chest with a frightened look on his face.

  "It's really scary. I thought they were here to catch us."

  The two of them looked extremely aloof and kept strangers away, especially the man. She was just flirting with him out of habit, but she was almost frightened out of her true colors by his focused gaze.

  "Look at what you have accomplished." The head of the family waved his fan and smiled charmingly. After all, he was young, but he didn't know that such sharpness and such suppression were not as simple as those of a cultivator. It was really interesting~

  They walked to the bridge, and Su Xun looked at the pot of sake in Xu Nian's hand.

  "I heard that the Pingyao fox tribe is best at two things, one is to charm people, and the other is to make wine. It only takes a blink of an eye to charm people, but it takes ten years to make fox mulberry wine. The wine is brewed with the true heart of a thousand-year-old fox demon. The fragrance of the wine is like nectar, and you will get drunk just by smelling it."

  Su Xun raised his eyes and met Xu Nian's calm eyes.

  "Husang wine is indeed a good wine."

  Xu Nian's eyes rarely flashed with a smile. She shook the wine pot in her hand and said, "I just don't know if it's an exaggeration."

  It wasn't all lies. When the demon tribe offered their loyalty, this wine was the only one among all the gifts that caught his eye. Even though he couldn't smell the aroma of the wine or taste the nectar, the wine was the only thing that could make him drunk.

  The wine is indeed good, but...

  "When did Xiao Nian make such an agreement with the fox demon?" Su Xun's eyes showed deep meaning.

  "Three years ago, there was an evil spirit causing trouble at the foot of the mountain. I came here to exorcise the evil spirit and happened to discover that the head of Wangchun Tower was a fox spirit. Her elixir was taken away by the evil spirit. After I subdued the evil spirit, the elixir naturally returned to its original owner. She said she owed me a favor and would give me a few pots of good wine in three years."

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(145)
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  She explained the whole story in just a few words, which was concise and clear, but Su Xun still looked at her, his lips slightly raised, but his eyes were full of inquiry.

  "Xiao Nian, don't you hate monsters?"

  Aren't these so-called famous and upright sects the most self-righteous? They always claim to be the righteous side of the world, regard slaying demons and eliminating evil as their own responsibility, and appear to be hypocritical, as if they care about the people of the world.

  "Why should you hate it?" She asked him back, her tone calm and serious, as if she thought this was a very strange question.

  Su Xun looked at her solemnly and said softly, "Because they are greedy, cruel, and disrupt the order of the world."

  Su Xun still remembered that hundreds of years ago, the demons were born in the wild land and were not tolerated by the world. They practiced hard and occupied a place to survive in this world little by little, but were feared by humans and hated by ascetics. They said that the demons were greedy and the monsters were cruel. Their evil ways disrupted the so-called world order and they should not exist in this world.

  What is even more disgusting than the human race who are afraid of death and love life is the group of ascetics who talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality. They enjoy the best resources, but stand idly by when it comes to suffering that has nothing to do with them, and they still say that all beings are equal.

  He curled his lips: "Or, in Xiao Nian's eyes, all beings are equal."

  "All beings are naturally equal." Xu Nian didn't hear the weirdness in his words.

  As expected, the mockery on Su Xun's lips deepened, and hostility grew in his eyes, but the next second, he froze there again.

  "It's just that God is unfair."

  "God is unfair, so there will naturally be resistance. The so-called greed and cruelty are only from the perspective of the monks and the human race. It can be said to be biased. For them, it is just a matter of survival. Right and wrong cannot be summed up in one word."

  "As for disrupting the order of the world, since they exist in this world, they naturally have the right to enjoy everything. How can they disrupt it? Regardless of their position or identity, even God has no right to deprive any existence of its right to survive."

  Her tone was calm, as if she was talking about something very ordinary, but the person who was listening looked at her deeply.

  She was different from the ascetics he had seen, or rather, she was different from every life he had ever seen. She followed the rules of this world, but had her own order in her heart. She was not blinded by her position, nor did she lose her own judgment.

  Such a clean and innocent person. Su Xun sighed with a smile, his eyes becoming more obscure, but the more clean and pure she was, the more his heart was eager to pull her down from that height, to watch her fall into the abyss, to watch her be stained with the same filth as him.

  She seemed to be able to arouse the desires and greed deep in his heart even more.

  Xu Nian looked at him: "Besides, aren't you the same? If you had any grudges, you wouldn't have saved the little demon, nor would you have allowed her to enter Lianyun Sect and let her stay by your side."

  No. The person who risked his own life to save the demon was not him, but Qin Yi. He let her stay in Lianyun Sect just because he was too lazy to care about this stupid little demon.

  He hated everything in this world. He hated the noisy, selfish and cowardly humans. He hated the sanctimonious and self-righteous ascetics. He also hated the greedy and cruel demons. He hated all existence. Later, he even hated himself. He hated Su Xun who lost himself in frequent killings, and hated himself who was driven by desire and malice.

  So, later on, he wanted to use the power of the Sword of Questioning the Heart to destroy this hopeless world.

  Xu Nian's eyes were clean and clear. Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, it seemed that all the filth had nowhere to hide.

  The violence in his body surged, and evil spirit slowly overflowed from his eyes. He was almost unable to suppress the demonic energy that had awakened since the day he sank into the abyss.

  "What if Xiao Nian has mistaken someone?" Not only him, but also Qin Yi. Thinking of Qin Yi, and the thoughts he had seen through when he occupied this body, his eyes became more mocking.

  But the next second, a crisp sound covered his voice and awakened his consciousness.

  The jug of wine broke into pieces on the ground.

  Su Xun looked at the pool of wine, and at himself in it. Even such turbid wine could not hide his ugly heart. He slowly raised the corners of his mouth, and the hostility in his eyes slowly dissipated. When he raised his eyes, he still looked calm and composed.

  Xu Nian looked at the wine on the ground and said calmly, "It seems to smell better this way."

  Xu Nian didn't seem to notice what was wrong with him just now. Instead, he took out two pots of wine from his Qiankun bag and threw one into Su Xun's arms.

  "It's wrong." She shook the wine in her hand and sighed, "Don't waste such good wine."

  Because she had come down the mountain, her black hair was only tied up by a white jade hairpin. She was wearing a white shirt and black hair, and her face was as white as jade. There was a faint smile in her eyes, and the bright moonlight seemed to be gathered in her eyes.

  How could someone, after seeing this rotten and decaying world, still retain his sincere love?

  The world that he hated so much, was loved so much by her.

  The aroma of wine on the ground diffused and permeated his nose. Su Xun smelled the aroma of wine and felt that this body was really useless, otherwise how could he feel drunk before he even drank.

  Xu Nian took a sip of wine, and when he looked up, his eyes lit up slightly, "It really lives up to its reputation."

  Su Xun looked at the smile in her eyes, and a smile appeared on his face that he had not even noticed. He raised his head and took a big sip. He saw the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and the back of his hand itched slightly.

  Then, he looked down and saw the black hair brushing against his hand which was resting on the railing. He moved his fingers slightly and slowly turned his hand over to hold the black hair.

  For the first time in my life, I felt that such moonlight, such fine wine, and such a world were quite interesting.

  The next day, when Su Xun woke up, he still felt a splitting headache. He couldn't help but curse Qin Yi's useless body. He was so unconscious after drinking a few bottles of wine last night.

  Thinking back then...

  Noticing the movement in the room, Song Minglang, who was outside the room, poked his head inside. After finding that the person on the bed had woken up, he quickly poured him a cup of warm tea.

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (146)
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  Su Xun reached out to take it, drank it all, then handed the teacup to him and pressed his forehead. When he gradually recovered, he saw Song Minglang sitting at the head of his bed, staring at him eagerly, and his hands paused.

  "do what?"

  Because of his headache, he didn't even bother to pretend, but the person in front of him obviously didn't notice his unusual attitude, but moved his chair forward and moved closer.

  "Brother Qin, you know you were drunk yesterday, right?"

  He thought he might know why Xu Nian always spoke so little to Song Minglang. This guy just liked to ask nonsense questions that he already knew the answer to. Thinking of this, he gave Song Minglang a look that was exactly the same as Shen Nian's.

  As a result, the person in front of him looked even brighter. "Brother Qin, do you remember what you did when you were drunk yesterday?"

  What did you do? Su Xu's eyes darkened. It was impossible for him to be possessed by the devil and start a killing spree, slaughtering all the living things in the world. If so, he would not wake up and be tortured by such nonsense.

  But why, looking at Song Minglang's excited and happy expression, he had a feeling that something was worse than this.

  Su Xun's veins twitched: "Just say it if you have something to say."

  "Then I'll tell you, Brother Qin." Song Minglang could hardly suppress the joy on his face, "You know? After you got drunk last night..."

  He deliberately prolonged his tone, and then when Su Xun's patience was about to run out and he was about to pick up the sword and attack, he finally tactfully revealed the answer.

  "You keep calling Senior Sister's name."

  He spoke very quickly, and as soon as he finished speaking, I stared at him excitedly, wanting to see his reaction.

  Su Xu blinked slowly, as if understanding the meaning of his words.

  Seeing that his senior brother just kept a sullen face and didn't say anything, Song Minglang stepped forward and patted his shoulder considerately, comforting him earnestly: "I know that you have deep feelings for my senior sister, but it's a pity that my senior sister is too hard-hearted. What she said at the beginning must have broken your heart, but you endured it for her, and only spoke the truth after getting drunk. I understand us men..."

  Song Minglang was thrown out. At the moment of the action, Su Xun cast a seal on the room, and the world suddenly became quiet.

  The author has something to say:

  Blade and Soul: Wow!

  Su Xun said gloomily: That's not me, it's the remaining soul in this body that's causing trouble

  Song Minglang: But besides Senior Sister, have you ever shouted "Wenxin, shut up"? Why does the name Wenxin sound so familiar?

  Blade and Soul Tears: How can this old slave be so worthy of the title?

  Su Xun: Shut up

  Chapter 75 Senior Sister 7

  After throwing Song Minglang out of the house, Su Xun uttered a few words expressionlessly.

  "come out."

  After a dead silence, the silver butterfly flew tremblingly from the windowsill to the front, revealing a human form.

  Su Xun sat on the couch, one leg resting unrestrainedly on the pedal, his slender fingers playing with the teacup in a nonchalant manner, but only the shivering Susu in front of him could feel the oppressive feeling coming towards him.

  The absolute oppression of demons over monsters.

  "Master Demon."

  "I said, there is no Demon Lord Su Xun."

  He hated the title of Demon Lord, and had hated it for a hundred years. The demons were as difficult to deal with as the Sword of Heart-Searching. They looked at him with fanaticism and greed. When the Sword of Heart-Searching appeared beside him, countless demons wanted to kill him and take the sword. But when they found that they couldn't beat him, they took it upon themselves to worship him as their master, throwing all kinds of treasures on his way and using his gimmicks to do whatever they wanted.

  So when he heard the rumor that the so-called Demon Lord Su Xun had obtained the Sword of Questioning and was about to lead the demon clan to kill all the famous and upright sects and rule the world, he only had a very simple and pure thought at that time: to destroy the world, right now.

  It's just that he realized it too late, and before he could do anything, he was destroyed by the famous and upright sects who came after hearing the news.

  After returning to this world, he naturally knew how to learn from his mistakes and take the Sword of Integrity without making any noise. But as expected, things still did not go as planned.

  The wings of the phantom butterfly were trembling so much that silver light was fluttering off its wings. Its eyes were already filled with tears that were about to fall in the next second.

  Su Xun ignored such a pitiful face and just looked at her indifferently. This phantom monster had been following him since he came out of the abyss. Even though it knew that the person in this body was no longer Qin Yi, it still refused to give up. It was so stupid that it was ridiculous.

  I thought she hadn't appeared since that time, and had left Lianyun Sect and completely faced the reality, but I didn't know that she actually ran to Xu Nian.

  And Xu Nian actually allowed her to approach and put the sword tassel she made on the sword.

  A trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. Xu Nian had such a poor taste to use such an ugly sword tassel.

  He felt her presence last night and wanted to see what this phantom demon was up to. However, the fox demon in Wangchun Tower was too generous and he indulged himself for a moment. He did not expect Qin Yi's body to be so useless. After drinking a few pots of fox mulberry wine, he had lost his mind.

  And do such stupid things.

  Thinking about what Song Minglang had just said, Su Xun exerted force on the hand holding the teacup, and the cup immediately turned to ashes. The crisp sound made the woman's body tremble even more violently.

  After a long while, a gloomy voice came from above.

  "what have you done?"

  She said weakly: "I used an illusion."

  Illusionary monsters were born in the abyss, where they were bred and born. They could create illusions and make people addicted to them. The most extreme illusions could trap people in illusions forever, making it impossible for them to escape.

  However, she was not very skilled, so she had to wait until Xu Nian drank and relaxed before she had a chance to take advantage.

  Hearing this, Su Xun turned his gaze to the woman in front of him and moved his lips slightly: "Why?"

  Hearing his question, Huandie was a little dazed. Why? It was a waste of time and effort.

  It was just because she was a little curious, curious about what the woman who appeared in the mouth of such a clear and bright man would look like. During the journey together, he felt pity for her and took good care of her, but when he mentioned Xu Nian, there was a sigh in his eyes that even she couldn't see clearly. He said that person was a woman completely different from himself. She had righteousness in her heart, and only cultivation and swordsmanship in her eyes. It seemed that no one could enter her eyes.

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Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(147)
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  "I want to see what is the most important thing to her?"

  She bit her lip and didn't say the second half of the sentence. She wanted to know whether the woman he cherished so much had him in her heart. Even if that person was no longer there, she wanted to get an answer for him.

  When the woman in front of him mentioned that man, her eyes were full of melancholy, and she looked foolish as if she was deeply in love.

  But when he heard the meaning of her words, Su Xun's cold and deep eyes flashed with a strange color.

  Xu Nian’s desire?

  He slowly raised the corners of his mouth, with an evil look on his handsome face.

  He was also very curious about what the deepest desire of such a person who always looked calm and indifferent, seemed to treat everything equally and didn't care about anything.

  "So what did she see?"

  The woman then raised her eyes, still with a hint of fear in her eyes: "She saw you."

  "Qin Yi." His eyes darkened. It was really not surprising at all. He sneered, but in his heart, he felt a bit unhappy that he couldn't even explain.

  The woman pursed her lips and hesitated: "Not only Brother Qin, but also you."

  Su Xun was stunned, frowning: "What do you mean?"

  She thought about the scene she saw after she pulled her into the illusion, and wanted to explain it clearly, but because she was not good at speaking, she simply revealed her true form.

  He saw the silver light slowly unfolding before his eyes, presenting the illusion of that night.

  The illusion presents the truest thoughts in the heart of the person entering the place. The illusion monster is merely the builder, and the perspective is also changed by the person entering the place.

  He saw Xu Nian at first sight. She was not wearing the usual blue and white sect uniform, but a solemn red wedding dress with brocade and gold, a phoenix crown and a pair of hairpins on her head that shone brightly in the sun. She stood straight, with a vermilion phoenix belt outlining her slender waist. From a distance, she stood gracefully in front of the sect hall. Even the red makeup on the mountain could not match the bright red between her eyebrows.

  I didn't know that a woman who was usually plain and simple would be so graceful when she put on red makeup. Su Xun didn't know when he stopped his movements, and looked at the woman with half-closed eyes with a heavy look.

  But when he thought that the person she was going to marry was Qin Yi, he felt that such wedding dress was an eyesore.

  Xu Nian had just fallen asleep. She first saw the exquisite red wedding dress she was wearing, and then she slowly raised her eyes to see flower petals all over the sky and endless red makeup.

  Her face was as calm and indifferent as ever, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

  A familiar, gentle voice came from the front.

  "Xiao Nian."

  She looked in the direction of the voice and saw Qin Yi, who was also wearing a bright red wedding gown. His black hair was tied up high with a golden crown. The red outfit made his features look handsome, completely different from his usual appearance, but his eyes were still as gentle as ever.

  He smiled and held out his hand to her.

  "Come to me."

  Xu Nian blinked, as if he had just realized what was happening. Today was their wedding day, and the entire Lianyun Sect was covered in red. The headmaster and the elders were sitting in front of the hall, and all the disciples were gathered here, looking at the well-matched newlyweds with smiles on their faces.

  Xu Nian looked at the familiar smile on his face, slowly raised her leg and walked towards him, just when her hand was about to fall into his palm.

  Her hand paused there.

  There was an uproar in the hall, but Qin Yi's smile was still gentle. His hand was still stretched out, and he called her name softly: "Xiao Nian?"

  Xu Nian looked into his eyes, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes: "Qin Yi?"

  "Yes, it's me."

  But after his response, Xu Nian's eyes gradually became clear, and she shook her head, "No. You are not Qin Yi."

  Not only the people in the illusion were in disbelief, Su Xun outside the illusion also had eyes full of surprise. When he came back to his senses, he saw that she had already pulled off the hairpin on her head. As the hairpin fell to the ground with a crisp sound, her black hair had spread out, half covering her red dress. She walked out slowly, with light steps and no reluctance or nostalgia in her eyes.

  Watching her back as she walked faster and faster, an unbelievable thought flashed through Su Xun's mind.

  Then, as if to verify his guess, the person in the illusion flew directly on the sword, and the place she went to was Qin Yi's courtyard. Under the peach tree in the courtyard, the figure slowly turned around.

  It’s Qin Yi.

  No, Su Xun stood there in a daze, then stood up with a ridiculous look on his face.

  Xu Nian walked step by step to the man. Qin Yi, who was standing under the tree, smiled gently when he saw her. However, Xu Nian said nothing and just looked at his face. There was a serious inquiry in her eyes, which made the smile on his face gradually fade.

  Su Xun's eyes became deep and focused. She looked at him in the illusion, but he outside the illusion was staring at her.

  Who was she looking at at that moment?

  Then, he heard Xu Nian's calm but somewhat confused voice.

  "Who are you, then?"

  The illusion suddenly shattered, and the person in front of her turned into ashes. In the chaos, only Xu Nian was standing under the tree. The strong wind blew up her black hair. She seemed to want to reach out, but she only grabbed something empty.

  The teacup in Su Xun's hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound, just like the wine jug that was dropped on the ground last night.

  Some fragmented images suddenly flashed through his mind, and those memories he had forgotten emerged bit by bit.

  He remembered that he was half leaning on the stone railing of the bridge, and he asked her with drunken eyes, "Don't you find the life of a monk boring?"

  She looked at him and nodded slowly, then said, "But any day is boring."

  Hearing her answer, he laughed out loud, poured the jug of wine in his hand into the river, and sat down dejectedly leaning against the railing.

  "Since it's so boring, why not just destroy it?"

  When Xu Nian heard his words, her face remained calm. She slowly walked in front of him and squatted down. When he raised his eyes, he saw her calm eyes.

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My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (148)
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  "Because what is interesting is never the world, but the life that exists in this world."

  Then he heard her voice.

  "You are not Qin Yi."

  She said this with certainty.

  "Who are you, then?"


  He looked at himself in her eyes, the self with Qin Yi's face, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

  "Xu Nian."

  He called her name, raised his hand and pulled off the hairpin on her head. Her black hair spread out and he smelled the familiar intoxicating scent of wine. Then he threw the hairpin to the ground.

  With a crisp sound, his voice rang out again.

  "you're good."

  The picture broke and twisted again, everything gradually turned gray, revealing its original appearance. In front of him was the same moonlight as always, and those calm eyes.

  Xu Nian squatted in front of him, her black hair falling to her waist adding a touch of softness to her, and a genuine smile appeared in her usually indifferent eyes.

  "Although it's still a little bit behind. But Su Xun, you are also very good."

  The author has something to say:

  La la la ~

  Chapter 76 Senior Sister 8

  Under the bright moonlight, he stared at those clear eyes. His consciousness probably had not yet fully awakened, otherwise why would he suddenly have the urge to reach out and touch those eyes.

  Su Xun's fingers trembled slightly, but his face remained calm: "When?"

  When did she realize that he was not Qin Yi? And when did she set up this trap step by step? She took advantage of his moment of unguardedness and created this illusion for him together with the phantom monster.

  Xu Nian stood up, thought for a moment, and then answered: "The day you return to the sect."

  Su Xun did not expect this answer, and a look of strange surprise appeared on his face.

  Xu Nian sighed: "Actually, your acting is very good." Perhaps because he had all of Qin Yi's memories, he acted very well, and almost no one in the sect noticed anything unusual about him.

  "But you still don't know him well enough. If it's the real Qin Yi, he will definitely not reject the proposal of the head."

  Su Xun found that he did not like Xu Nian's confident tone, as if she knew this body very well, knew Qin Yi very well, and she was so sure of Qin Yi's feelings for her.

  Because of this inexplicable irritation, he raised the corners of his mouth with a hint of mockery and looked up at her: "Why? Because of love?"

  Xu Nian shook his head indifferently under his gaze.

  "Because he hates me."

  The unexpected answer made Su Xun's pupils dilate slightly, and he was speechless for a moment.

  "He hates me so much, hates the cultivators of Lianyun Sect, and hates all decent people. Naturally, I have to agree to it. When he succeeds as the Sect Leader, he will humiliate me severely on the day of our wedding, and make the entire Lianyun Sect a joke. Let the world know that the new Sect Leader of Lianyun Sect, my husband Xu Nian, the respected and beloved Senior Brother Qin, is a demon cultivator who is not tolerated by the righteous path."

  "This kind of revenge is satisfying and can offset the hatred he has accumulated over the years."

  Xu Nian spoke in a calm tone, not caring at all about how shocking what she said was. Instead, after she finished speaking, she slightly curled the corners of her mouth, tilted her head, and her eyes were clear and bright.

  "Why are you so surprised? Su Xun, you obviously know everything."

  Su Xun leaned against the bridge wall, half-supported his right leg, lowered his eyes and slowly laughed out loud. At first it was just a low laugh, but later the laughter became more hearty and unrestrained, and the people in front of him just looked at him quietly.

  In the cool night, only his laughter echoed.

  After a long time, he stopped smiling, but there was still a frivolous smile between his eyebrows. Under her gaze, he nodded.

  "Ok, I know."

  The one who disguised himself well was not him, but Qin Yi. He was full of hatred, but he could still endure humiliation and stay in Lianyun Sect. Who could have seen that Senior Brother Qin, who always had a gentle smile on his face, wanted to destroy all the famous and upright sects. Decades of careful cultivation, but a traitor who betrayed his teacher and ancestors was raised. It was indeed a huge joke.

  After Su Xun came to Lianyun Sect, the more they admired and loved him, the funnier he found it. No one in the entire Lianyun Sect could see through Qin Yi's disguise. He didn't know whether they were too stupid or Qin Yi disguised himself too well.

  But it turns out that there are smart people too. When the illusion was broken, when he realized that he had been seen through, when he saw Xu Nian with clear eyes in front of him, Su Xun did not feel annoyed by being teased, but found it interesting instead.

  If it was her, he wouldn't be surprised at all.

  This senior sister, who was devoted to the study of the Dao without any distractions, was a talent that even he, who was proud and arrogant, was reluctant to admit. When he found out that she was not deceived or fooled by Qin Yi like the others, he felt a rare joy in his heart.

  Su Xun tapped his fingers lightly on the floor: "So, you already knew that he has demon blood in him?"

  Xu Nian nodded without comment.

  "It's not just me. The head of the sect also knows that he has the blood of the demons flowing in his body. They just didn't expose him because they saw that he was intelligent and kind." Xu Nian said calmly, "But they didn't expect that the most difficult thing to dispel in the world is hatred. They thought that he came to Lianyun Sect to leave the past behind and start over, but they didn't know that he had been hiding hatred in his heart all along."

  His heart was blinded by hatred. He was completely blinded by the sect's attention and love. Instead, the hatred in his heart grew. He was hypocritical and greedy. While enjoying the glory brought by the identity of the second senior brother of Lianyun Sect, he could not let go of the hatred in his heart.

  Su Xun raised his eyes and looked at Xu Nian: "So how did you find out?"

  Qin Yi disguised himself so well that he fooled almost everyone, but why was she the only one who could see through him clearly?

  "If you were being watched by a pair of eyes like that, you couldn't be unaware of it."

  Hearing Xu Nian's words, Su Xun's mouth froze. Yes, he knew, he knew those dark and dirty thoughts. Although he hated the ascetics, he still couldn't help but feel greedy and yearning for Xu Nian. While he hated his love, he also felt hatred because his love was not reciprocated.

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Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(149)
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  "Although I don't know why he hates me, I can feel his hatred, the hatred that he suppresses."

  Su Xun didn't say anything. No one knew it better than Qin Yi himself.

  Qin Yi hated Xu Nian. He hated her swordsmanship which was always superior to his, hated her superior attitude with no distractions, hated her indifference to him and others, and hated her for making him fall into a situation of love and hate while she herself remained untainted by worldly affairs.

  As expected of him, he has half demon blood and has completely learned the greedy and despicable nature of the demons. They are full of plunder and possession in their bones. When they see the moon hanging high in the sky, they just want to pull it down, want to see her fall into the dust and be infected by worldly desires, and want her to be in love like himself but unable to obtain it.

  His hatred is born out of love, and his love is as hypocritical and despicable as he is.

  "Once, a certain daring demon cultivator secretly broke into the sect's library. After discovering it, the elders annihilated it. The first person to discover this demon cultivator was Qin Yi. I don't know what happened that day, but later I found a sealed book in the attic of the library. It recorded the duel between the five major leaders and the Demon Lord Su Xun a hundred years ago. Everyone thought that the Demon Lord Su Xun had already died in that battle, and the Demon Lord was destroyed and his magic power disappeared, but the actual truth is that Su Xun's soul was sealed in the abyss. Only the blood of the demon clan and the blood of the phantom butterfly born in the abyss can break the seal of the abyss."

  Su Xun raised his eyebrows slightly: "You didn't stop him."

  "Yeah." Xu Nian admitted frankly: "I want to see what choice he will make."

  The final result is obvious. After verifying something, Qin Yi accepted the mission and went down the mountain. On the way, he accidentally met Huandie, who was not very experienced in the world, and fell into the abyss to save her. Perhaps he himself did not expect that when he came out, he had changed his soul. If he was bewitched by the evil spirit at first, but later when he made that decision, it was completely from his heart. The evil thoughts in his heart were aroused and magnified, and finally swallowed him.

  "Aren't you worried?" Su Xun looked at her deeply. "If Chen Yuan really sealed that magic power, if he really got that power, what would you do?"

  Xu Nian: "It doesn't matter, he can't beat me."

  "The book also records that after the great battle, the ancient sword was taken back to the Sword Cave, waiting for the next sword master to appear. He went to the Sword Cave many times, but still found nothing in the end."

  Blade and Soul: Yes, I am so picky and principled. I won’t be satisfied with just anyone.


  Everything was under her control. Even when faced with his unexpected incident, she remained calm and took every step carefully. However, the person who was seen through still thought his disguise was perfect.

  From beginning to end, she was teasing him. Su Xun's eyes became deeper and deeper, and the air pressure around him dropped. He gently raised one corner of his mouth, and the cold and sinister murderous aura instantly dissipated from his body, and wherever it went, there began to be depression.

  Faced with such a cold and murderous aura, Xu Nian just looked at him calmly, letting the long hair around her waist flutter.

  "Su Xun." She called his name in a calm voice, "If you don't suppress your magic power, all the elders of the sect might be led down the mountain soon."

  A strange color flashed in those bloodthirsty eyes.

  The sword spirit who had been quietly standing by couldn't help but ask, "Is there a possibility that he released the magic power on purpose to teach you a lesson?"

  When Xu Nian heard this, he still looked at Su Xun: "Is that so? But you can't beat me."


  "I heard that Demon Lord Su Xun was the second sword cultivator to reach the ninth level of sword intent after Immortal Yanhe. If he had not been killed in the abyss, he would have definitely reached the Mahayana stage. If the rumors are true, you should know my strength."

  Su Xun fell silent because of her frank confidence. He knew that Xu Nian's sword intent was definitely not limited to the seventh level, but she was unable to reach the upper level for a long time. Perhaps she herself was unwilling to break through. The most important thing in asking for the Tao, cultivating the Tao, and realizing the Tao is the word "realization". She was unwilling to realize it, and she didn't want to realize it, so naturally she couldn't achieve the right result.

  In his silence, Xu Nian glanced at the sword on the ground beside him and said, "Besides, I still have a conscience. After all, it is an ancient divine sword, so it is still of some use."

  Blade & Soul: Why am I not happy at all after being praised?

  “Su Xun, with your current body and without this sword, you can’t beat me.” Xu Nian’s tone became lighter. “If someone from the sect comes and you can’t beat me, you might really be annihilated into ashes this time.”

  Obviously it was such a tragic result, but Su Xun didn't care at all. Instead, he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Why do you seem reluctant?"


  Xu Nian answered without hesitation, causing Su Xun to look at her in surprise, but he only saw the serious look in her eyes.

  Is she serious?

  Su Xun's eyes were obscure and difficult to read: "Xu Nian, I am a demon." A demon that everyone can kill, a demon that is not tolerated by the righteous path, a despicable and lowly demon.

  "And I am no different from Qin Yi."

  She knew that Qin Yi hated her, but she didn't know that this hatred was caused by love, and he also had the same feelings for her.

  "A different Su Xun. Your illusion tells me that this is not the case. Illusions only reveal the truest desires and wishes in your heart."

  Her words made Su Xun lick his lips uncomfortably. His lips were bitter and alcoholic. Thinking of the illusion just now, he couldn't help but lose his mind. Even he himself didn't expect his illusion to be like this. Or maybe he didn't really understand himself...

  "Su Xun." Xu Nian called his name softly, in the same tone as usual, without changing because of who he was. "I've said before that all living things are equal. The moment a creature is born, it has nothing to do with good or evil."

  She did say that. Such righteous words were obviously what he hated and sneered at before, but looking at Xu Nian's calm and indifferent eyes, he found that she really thought so. It was not a pretentious righteous word, nor a hypocritical fig leaf. It turned out that there were really people who believed that all beings were equal and abided by such a creed.

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Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(150)
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  No matter what happens in this world, she is always sober, firm and untainted by worldly affairs.

  "No matter what it is, the most important thing is the choice of your heart. Su Xun, you have a second chance to choose, you can make your own choice."

  "Even in this boring world, there are always things worth your nostalgia."

  The moonlight was bright and clear, and the water-like moonlight enveloped the person in front of him. Xu Nian stood in front of him, his body full of faint light. He looked up, looking at the cold moon in front of him.

  The author has something to say:

  The Sword Spirit is ready to move: You are tempted, Su Xun

  Su Xun: ...Yes, I know

  Chapter 77 Senior Sister 9

  Follow your heart? But what is his heart?

  He was a little dazed, and many images flashed before his eyes, but most of them were fleeting and did not stay for too long in his long and repetitive life. He had always been wandering outside the world, so he felt bored and felt that everything had no meaning.

  But perhaps, being a passerby also has its own pleasures.

  He was silent for a long time, and Xu Nian did not urge him, but just waited quietly. The wind blew gently across the lake, creating ripples. After thousands of ships passed by, only her eyes, which were always calm and clear, remained in front of his eyes.

  In front of her, Su Xun honestly followed his heart and asked the question he wanted to ask the most: "Before making a choice, I want to know, who are you looking at now?"

  Hearing his words, Xu Nian was slightly stunned, and then smiled. It was rare for her to show such a smile, gentle and gentle, the moonlight also became soft, the snow on the branches melted suddenly, and he seemed to hear the sound of the lake flowing in his ears.

  "It's the person in front of me."

  She looked into his eyes, as if she could see through his skin and into the depths of his soul. The amazing thing was that he didn't feel unhappy when she saw through him. Instead, he felt a tremor from his soul because of the truth and sincerity.

  The joyful feeling made him even want to laugh out loud.

  He stood up from the ground, patted his sleeves casually, then raised his hand and swung out a silver blade. The crabapple leaves rustled in the wind. He flew to the tree beside the bridge and picked up the branch that was cut by the blade.

  Xu Nian looked at him quietly, watching him standing in that beautiful scene with his brows lowered and smiling, watching him fly back to the bridge bringing a scent of flowers, watching him pace around behind her.

  Su Xun's slender fingers shuttled through the silky black hair. He gently used a branch to tie up her black hair, and the small cluster of light pink crabapple flowers inserted diagonally swayed and tied it beside her ear.

  She allowed him to do what he did until she felt his hands leave. Then she reached out to touch the trembling flower, but her wrist was grabbed the next second.

  Su Xun grasped that slender wrist, his eyes darkening.

  The black hair is as black as ink, and the crabapple blossoms are gorgeous. The woman beside the wine shop is like the moon, and her white wrists are like frost and snow.

  Xu Nian struggled lightly and easily broke free from his restraints. She turned around and calmly looked at the man in front of her with deep eyes.

  Su Xun raised his lips slightly: "Maybe I was wrong, maybe it's not this world that is boring."

  But the person he used to be.

  Xu Nian looked at him and didn't say anything for a while. They stood there quietly. Finally, the quiet moonlight was broken by Song Minglang and others who arrived late.

  "Senior sisters and brothers, we have been searching for you for so long!"

  Song Minglang, who was already crying, came closer and saw the empty wine jug beside them, and started to cry even more: "Such good wine, this smell is the best wine, you drank it all, not leaving a drop for us? We specially bought osmanthus cake, but you are so heartless, Senior Sister, don't even think about taking osmanthus cake from me if you have a mouthful of it like this!"

  Song Minglang held his heart and shed tears, but when Xu Nian looked over, his fellow apprentice beside him had already presented the osmanthus cake to him with both hands with great attentiveness.

  "Senior Sister, try it quickly, it's still hot!"

  The junior sister also came forward: "Yes, senior sister! We waited in line for a long time and almost didn't get a seat."

  "You two are not the ones who want to destroy the bridge after crossing it! I was the one who lined up with you guys, how come all the credit belongs to you two? You can't do this if you want to please me!" Song Minglang howled dryly without tears, "Save some for me and my brother! Don't go too far!"

  The aroma of wine had not yet dissipated, and with it the scent of osmanthus. Even though Su Xun's sense of smell was impaired, looking at them laughing and making noise like that, he inexplicably felt as if he could smell that sweet scent.

  He never thought that one day he would feel that it would be a good thing to stay in Lianyun Mountain and be a little disciple practicing Taoism.

  He never thought that one day he would find love interesting.

  He looked at Xu Nian's faint smile as she ate the osmanthus cake, and he also curled up the corners of his mouth until a voice sounded.

  Jian Ling: "What we are saying is that you are old but still acting like a little girl, it's really hard to watch."

  Su Xun: "Shut up."

  Song Minglang, who was scrambling for the osmanthus cake, caught a glimpse of the actions of the people next to him and immediately let out a loud cry, and the actions of the other two people also stopped.

  "Sister, my brother threw your sword into the river!"

  Xu Nian swallowed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, clapped his hands, and looked at Su Xun who was throwing the sword into the river. He was caught on the spot, but he was not panicked at all. Instead, he turned around, shrugged, and smiled at Xu Nian. He smiled wantonly, without any haze, as if he had completely left behind a gray and boring life.

  Xu Nian looked at him with a faint smile on his lips. It was strange to say, they had the same face, but this Qin Yi who was pretending to be Su Xun's soul was more pleasing to the eye than the real Qin Yi, and his smile was also more beautiful than Qin Yi's.

  Fortunately, as long as it is "Qin Yi", it doesn't matter who it is.

  Because of the fear of being noticed by the sword spirit, the system has not appeared since it obtained the sword: That being said, I always feel that something is not right.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(151)
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  A Nian came to this world very early, so early that there was still a long time before the actual plot point, and the first thing she did after entering this world was to practice, endless practice.

  In the stone cave, the system looked at the woman who was so absorbed in cultivation that she seemed to have forgotten her mission, and couldn't help but call her name.

  System: Anian, Qin Yi has already joined the sect.

  Hearing the system voice, Ah Nian slowly came back to his senses, as if he remembered something: I almost forgot, is there any cheat code? The kind that can directly make my sword power reach the top.

  Faced with A Nian's rare request, the system said weakly: No.

  A Nian closed his eyes and continued to practice: Then don’t disturb me and let me finish this quickly.

  From the very beginning, her target was Su Xun, not Qin Yi. Compared to such a hypocritical soul, at least Su Xun was honest and upright. What's more, even Xu Nian herself probably couldn't tell who she was looking at.

  Everything that followed was carried out in an orderly manner according to her plan. She practiced hard and reached the standard of the sword of the heart, and got the sword before Su Xun, and also dispelled his idea of ​​destroying the world. It was efficient and simple.

  Until this moment, the system finally realized that something was wrong: you seemed to hate this world.

  Ah Nian looked down at the bridge, her shadow reflected in the lake. She just didn't like the endless life. If time lost its meaning, all emotions would become bland and tasteless.

  “If you have ever tried to wait for someone endlessly for a long time, it is hard not to get tired of it.”

  System: ...Then you probably don’t like the mission world either.

  "No, I like it very much. I like traveling outside of time and space and being a temporary passerby, just like that person."

  He is the creator of that world. He is the wind, the rain, and all living things. He travels in the world he created. And she wanders in the world that belongs to him.

  She changed into countless appearances and met countless him. He tolerated everything, but rejected everything.

  "Someone taught me how to look at the world, to take everything in the world into consideration, and to have compassion in my heart."

  Thinking about it this way, there is no difference between her and them.

  One afternoon, Su Xun walked towards the back mountain and saw the stupid illusion butterfly. When the butterfly saw his figure, it ran away in panic. Ever since it led him to the illusion, it no longer had the courage to appear in front of him.

  He once asked Xu Nian why she kept this little demon and why she didn't tell her Qin Yi's true identity. You have to know that this demon is still thinking about the dead guy and is still counting money for others after being cheated.

  Xu Nian asked him in return why he told her the truth.

  "There's nothing wrong with her doing this. At least in her memory, she fell in love with a very good person, and that person died for her. As for the rest, demons have such a long life span, she will always meet someone better, and by then, she will naturally forget about it."

  When Xu Nian said this, his eyes were indifferent. He looked at her calm eyes and suddenly became curious about what her fantasy would be like, what she really wanted, and what her desires would be.

  The sword spirit, who had nothing to do but bask in the sun by the lake every day and wandered around in the lake when he was free, scaring the fishes to run around for fun, spoke slowly when he heard his words.

  "This guy's desires are so great that the lake is about to overflow."

  This ancient sword is not a good character. It is best at arousing people's deepest desires, and then watching the choices that the sword holder will make when facing infinite power.

  It has no distinction between good and evil, and the use of power depends entirely on the intention of the sword holder. For example, Yan He's wish is to become an immortal and live a peaceful and peaceful life, so it helps him become an immortal and cultivate the right way to benefit heaven and earth. When it learned that Su Xun wanted to destroy the world, it simply said, "Then destroy it."

  But what it didn't tell Su Xun was that the Heaven would not allow it. Even if he had the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, the Heaven would stop him at the last moment. Not only did he not dissuade him, he was still thinking that maybe at that time, he could still see that old friend.

  When Su Xun was trapped in the abyss for hundreds of years, he finally realized the cunning of the sword. It would not suppress the desires and ambitions of the sword holder, but would instead give him strength. When a person possesses supreme power, his ambitions would also expand, and unsatisfied desires would only destroy him in the end.

  But when he thought of this and wanted to remind Xu Nian, he found that it was unnecessary. Just as the Heart Sword said, Xu Nian had many desires, and even the fact that the cafeteria was making sweet and sour spare ribs today could be one of his desires.

  But for her, desire is just desire. If she can't get it, she will just say lightly, "I don't want it anymore."

  She didn't want to become an immortal. Even though her sword skills could be cultivated to the Mahayana level, she refused to break through. She just wanted to be a Taoist priest who lived longer. She would fly to the market at the foot of the mountain on her sword every once in a while, and practice swordplay and meditation in her free time. Such a life was interesting enough for her.

  Later he felt the same way, and sometimes when he felt really bored, he would look at the moon beside him.

  [Su Xun's bottle is colorless, tasteless and empty.]

  He has been unable to smell since he was born. The moment he opened his eyes, the sky was full of red. His mother was lying in a pool of blood, but he could not smell the blood.

  He also could not smell the odor of the Demon Realm. Everyone said that the Demon Realm was dirty and rotten. He killed the ugly monster deep in the swamp with one sword. The rotten smell filled the air around the Demon Realm, but he could not smell it.

  Later, he left the Demon Realm and went to the human world. The streets were bustling, and he walked among the crowds of people laughing and talking, but he still could not smell anything. At that time, he wondered, why does such a boring world exist?

  But he met a person, the cleanest color he had ever seen. Although he couldn't smell it, he thought she must have a fragrance that was pure without any impurities. Demons are born mean, and he once wanted to drag her down from the height, wanting to see her as dirty as himself. But then he thought that it was good for her to be like this, hanging cleanly in the sky. He occasionally looked up at her, and felt that this boring world still had meaning.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(152)
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  He didn't know whether love could redeem a person, but it was his love for her that pulled him back from the brink of collapse. 】

  The author has something to say:

  Quote: "The woman beside the wine shop is like the moon, and her white wrists are like frost and snow" is from "Bodhisattva Man" by Wei Zhuang, a poet of the Tang Dynasty

  There will be a special episode tomorrow.

  Chapter 78 Senior Sister 10 (Extra)

  The first time Xu Nian met Qin Yi was during the ceremony for outer disciples to pass the trial and enter the inner sect. She stood on the high platform with her hands behind her back, and her father, who was also the head of Lianyun Sect, pointed at the disciples below and introduced them to her: "That's the first place in this sect trial."

  She looked over and saw the man at first sight among the all-white and blue sect uniforms. At that time, Qin Yi was talking to the person next to him. Compared with the other disciples who were full of excitement, he seemed calm and generous.

  As he nodded and smiled, he seemed to notice something and looked up. When he saw it was her, he smiled gently.

  Xu Nian had seen this kind of smile countless times during the decades of their cultivation together. He always smiled at her in this way, peaceful and gentle.

  The headmaster treated him differently, and Xu Nian was not surprised at all. The most important thing in cultivation is ability. Xu Nian was able to become the headmaster's personal disciple not only because she was the headmaster's daughter, but more importantly, she was the most talented disciple of this generation in Lianyun Sect, and the youngest swordsman to break through the fifth level of sword intent in the past hundred years.

  So at the inner sect ceremony, the sect leader accepted Qin Yi as his disciple, becoming his second personal disciple after Xu Nian. Everyone felt that it was natural. Although Qin Yi's talent was not as good as that of the eldest senior sister, no one in Lianyun Sect could match his talent and diligence.

  Qin Yi is not only diligent in his cultivation, but also considerate in his interpersonal relationships. He understands Xu Nian's personality and knows that she doesn't like to deal with sect affairs, so he takes all the big and small matters on himself. Therefore, although Xu Nian is the eldest sister of Lianyun Sect, almost all matters, big and small, are handled by the second senior brother to assist the sect leader.

  He never made any mistakes and was honest and thorough, so the head of the sect became more and more dependent on him. The head of the sect knew that his daughter was only interested in Taoism and had no intention of leading the sect, so he carefully cultivated Qin Yi as his successor.

  The importance that the Sect Master placed on Qin Yi was obvious to the entire sect, and everyone also understood and had no objection to the Sect Master's intention to bring together the two most outstanding disciples of the sect.

  For Xu Nian, this was not something she needed to care about. She was casual about things she didn't care about, whether it was him or someone else, it made no difference. But if it was Qin Yi, who was with her day and night and was considerate to her, she thought it was better than others.

  Until the day before he went down the mountain. It was a common thing for the sect disciples to accept missions and go down the mountain every month, but that time Qin Yi was a little bit abnormal. Or rather, since he subdued the demon cultivator who sneaked into the library that day, she often saw Qin Yi looking thoughtful, but she didn't take it to heart and never asked more questions.

  Ever since Qin Yi entered the sect, he was always smiling, with gentle eyes and brows, and it seemed that he had never been angry. Such a calm person, but his emotional ups and downs on the day before his departure made even someone as dull and indifferent as her feel that something was wrong with him.

  When she returned to her room that night, she saw Qin Yi standing outside the room. When he saw her, he showed his familiar gentle smile again. Seeing the sword in her hand, he naturally knew that she had just returned from sword practice in the back mountain.

  "Xiao Nian is already extremely talented, and he practices so hard. I wonder when I will be able to catch up with you?"

  When it comes to kendo, talent is always the most important thing. Although he practiced just as hard, he was still not as good as Xu Nian. The gap between them existed from the beginning, and no matter how hard he tried, he could never catch up.

  But when Xu Nian heard this question, he just remained silent.

  Her silence was not because she found the question difficult to answer, but because she was not good at lying or comforting others.

  Qin Yi naturally understood what kind of person she was, so without getting her answer, the smile on his face remained gentle, but his eyes gradually became colder.

  "Senior Sister." He called her that at the last moment.

  This long-lost address made Xu Nian stunned. He hadn't called her like this for so long that she almost forgot that Qin Yi should call her "Senior Sister" like everyone else.

  The cultivators are ranked according to seniority and pay attention to qualifications. But when did Qin Yi, who has always been virtuous and polite, stop calling her senior sister and start calling her Xiao Nian so affectionately?

  She had never paid much attention to anything, so she suddenly became confused at this moment.

  The night was dark that night, and Qin Yi's eyes were also dark and deep. His expression was too complicated. Xu Nian could not understand the emotions in his eyes, but he felt familiar with them.

  It seemed that he had looked at her like this more than once, at many times when she had not noticed.

  His voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible amid the rustling of the wind.

  "To my sister, besides practicing Taoism, is there anything else that you care about?"

  At that moment, Xu Nian had a ridiculous illusion. His tone was a little humble and eager, as if he was begging for something.

  She wanted to say yes. In addition to practicing Taoism, she cared about many things, such as the wontons at the foot of the mountain, the spareribs in the cafeteria, the disciples of Lianyun Sect, and many other things in the world. She cared about them all, but looking at his smile, she felt that this was not what he was asking about.

  She suddenly couldn't understand Qin Yi, or maybe she had never understood him. Lianyun Sect's mature, steady, self-disciplined Senior Brother Qin was the way he wanted others to see him. He had never shown his true self.

  But does she really not understand?

  On the day Qin Yi returned to the sect, the head of the sect proposed that they become Taoist couples, but the gentle and polite man refused for the first time.

  There was an uproar in the hall. No one expected that he would refuse. The head of the sect suddenly looked gloomy. Xu Nian, who was standing next to him, looked at the gentle smile on his face, but felt a little confused.

  It doesn't seem right.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(153)
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  Qin Yi shouldn't be like this. He wouldn't reject others directly like this. His smile was as gentle as usual, even the curve of his mouth was exactly the same, but Xu Nian was keenly aware that something was wrong, and he felt an indescribable weirdness when looking at him.

  But he, such a stranger, made her feel an inexplicable sense of reality, as if the disguise that bound her had been torn off, leaving her surprised and unable to take her eyes off him.

  But this feeling came suddenly, so she just forgot it and didn't think about it anymore. As for his rejection, she also accepted it calmly. Just like when she first learned that her father had such an idea, she didn't show any objection, just because everyone thought they were a good match, and she didn't reject his closeness and thoughtfulness, so she accepted it.

  Now that he was unwilling, she naturally wouldn't force him.

  Qin Yi's sword was accidentally damaged during the duel with the demon cultivators when he went down the mountain this time, so he went to the sword cave to choose a new sword. When he came out of the sword cave, Xu Nian happened to pass by and saw the silver sword in his hand at a glance.

  "Xiao Nian."

  He called her, and from that day on they continued to get along as usual. Compared to others who felt awkward and uncomfortable, the two of them were actually calm and composed.

  "It's been a while since I last sparred with Xiao Nian. Now that I've got a new sword, why don't we have a competition?"

  Xu Nian naturally would not refuse, but in that competition, she didn't know if it was because of the new sword, or if Qin Yi had some opportunity when he came down the mountain this time, but she felt that his swordsmanship had improved a lot compared to before, and he was more at ease and more sharp.

  To the extent that she actually found it somewhat strenuous during the process, and although she managed to win in the end, she felt that he was holding back.

  "I haven't held a sword for a long time." He sighed softly, looking at the sword in his hand, with a happy smile on his face after the duel. Then he raised his eyes to look at her, but his eyes paused, and he said, "I'm sorry."

  Following his gaze, Xu Nian felt the slight pain on her cheek. She ignored the scar and looked at him quietly, watching the smile in his eyes.

  Seeing his smile, that strange feeling came to her mind again. Qin Yi would never smile like that. His smile was always gentle. Occasionally, she felt that his smile seemed to be restrained by something.

  He would never show such a smile that was filled with evil and satisfaction, because such a smile was too wanton and ostentatious, and it was unlike him. But such a smile suited him, because it was more vivid and real than his usual smile that seemed to be made from a template.

  When she looked at it, she couldn't help but lose herself in thought.

  But before she could figure out where the strangeness came from, everything changed. Qin Yi suddenly betrayed his master and fell into the devil's way, and the Lianyun Sect fell into chaos. At this time, the demons that were already ready to move began to run rampant and cause trouble in the world, and wherever they went, there were lives destroyed.

  The world was in chaos, and the disciples of the righteous path went down the mountain to stop the demons from wreaking havoc on the world. However, the man who caused this situation seemed to have disappeared, and rumors about him betraying his master and ancestors were rampant. It was said that he betrayed the righteous path because he fell in love with a little demon, and because the little demon died at the hands of the righteous path, he wanted to subvert the world.

  There were many different opinions. Compared with the angry disciples of Lianyun Sect, Xu Nian seemed much calmer. Even Song Minglang once asked her in confusion, asking her if she really didn't hate him at all? Xu Nian shook his head. This was his choice.

  Only occasionally would her eyes appear on the night before she left, and the smile on his face that day.

  On the day when the demons attacked Lianyun Sect, she saw him. He was standing indifferently on the top of the mountain and did not participate in the melee. He just watched the fight between demons and Taoists coldly, as if he was looking at a group of ants.

  Blood flowed like a river and corpses were everywhere, but his eyes were full of boredom, not only towards them, but also towards everything in this world.

  Because of this moment of distraction, her chest was pierced by the sharp claws of a monster. The world suddenly became quiet. She half-knelt, feeling her life slipping away bit by bit.

  Then she saw him coming down from the top of the mountain. He was walking slowly up the mountain. When he was about to pass her, she called his name softly.

  She hadn't had any hope at first, but she never expected that he would stop and look at her. Although his eyes were still cold, he was indeed looking at her.

  "You are not Qin Yi."

  He raised his eyebrows slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes.

  In fact, he had seen her when he stood on the top of the mountain. He had fought with the eldest sister of Lianyun Sect before, and she did not disappoint him when he raised his sword for the first time in a hundred years.

  They stood on opposite sides of good and evil. He did not expect her to call him, and he did not know why she was still struggling with the answer to this question before she died, but looking at her clear and calm eyes, he still spoke.

  "Su Xun."

  He is not Qin Yi, he is Su Xun.

  Then he saw a flash of emotion in her eyes that he couldn't understand, and then she slowly closed her eyes.

  He crossed the field of corpses, leaving the hell behind, and at the moment when he raised his sword, the way of heaven stopped him. He felt the power that surpassed heaven and earth, and even the most powerful magic power turned into nothingness in front of it.

  Hearing the judgment given to him by heaven, he just chuckled and threw away the sword in his hand. In fact, it should have ended long ago. He was already tired of such a world and even more tired of himself.

  He accepted the so-called punishment calmly, but at the moment when the last trace of his consciousness disappeared into ashes, a pair of eyes flashed before his eyes. Those ever-calm eyes showed relief, as if a puzzling question had been answered.

  During the short time in Lianyun Sect, he could feel her gaze lingering on him, a little stubborn but not annoying. He just thought she was looking at the owner of this body, so he never cared. But it turned out that she was looking at him.

  Su Xun.

  The last words she spoke before she died were his name.

  The author has something to say:

  Xu Nian had always thought that when "Qin Yi" refused, she was surprised but also took him seriously at that moment. However, she was able to notice his abnormality so quickly, so didn't she have an understanding of the real Qin Yi that she herself was not aware of?

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Previous article: Paper Wedding_Wang Ruo【Complete】Next article: Puppy gives you a hug_Cooking Puppy [End]
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