IBWMWTBMT (QW) - The Prince's Long Journey to Chasing His Wife

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Chapter 50 The Prince’s Long Road to Chasing His Wife 1 1/2
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  "Which sisters do you want to bring with you? The reason why our Yu family has been invited to the palace banquet this time is because you are engaged to the prince. We have never been invited in the past." Wang said with emotion and pulled her Yu Rou's little hand said, "My Jiao Jiao'er has really brought glory to the Yu family."

  Yu Rou smiled and said, "Bring the second sister, the third sister and the fifth sister."

  Wang didn't think much, "Okay, I Someone will tell them later and let them prepare well. You should also take good care of yourself, so that you don’t get better by then."

  Yu Rou nodded, "Well, mother, that's the matter with Mr. Guhe . Leave it to me, I have a way."

  Wang thought that the way she said was to ask the prince, so she said: "Okay, it will be hard on my Jiaojiao, but don't force it."

  "I know. "

  After a while, a mother-in-law came to invite Mrs. Wang, saying that she had a guest at home. Mrs. Wang carefully warned Yu Rou and asked her to take medicine before leaving.

  As soon as Mrs. Wang left, another female envoy came in and reported: "Girl, the second lady, the third lady, and the fifth lady are here to see you."

  Yu Rou blinked, really not letting her idle, she said: "Let them in. Right."

  Among the sisters, the eldest is the original owner.

  "Eldest sister, my second and third sisters and I came to see you."

  The speaker was a girl wearing a bright red plain face and a goose-yellow skirt. She had a beautiful face and a smile in her eyes. She looked very youthful, beautiful, lively and cute at first sight. , she is the fifth lady that Yu Rou said she would take to the palace to attend the palace banquet - Yu Si.

  Yu Si's father was Yu Rou's third uncle, and he was a concubine. However, Yu Si had been very obedient and sensible since he was a child, and he was very popular with the old lady of the Yu family, so he was not ignored at home.

  In the original plot, the original owner was set up by the prince, and Yu Si also played an indispensable role in it. She discovered that someone had drugged the tea, but she did not remind the original owner. Later, when the princes and ladies came over, they also She accidentally opened the door to the room where the original owner was, and was the first to find the original owner.

  Therefore, if it weren't for her, the original owner wouldn't be so miserable.

  This time Yu Rou decided to take her with her, but she had other plans.

  "Well, thank you sisters." Yu Rou's eyes scanned them lightly, and finally fell on Yu Si, but she didn't stay any longer.

  Yu Si saw the medicine bowl on the table and asked with a smile: "Is eldest sister feeling better?"

  Yu Judao said: "Much better, please worry me."

  "It's all my fault that I took eldest sister to see that beauty under the moon. My eldest sister has caught a cold, and my mother has already punished me by locking me in the house for several days. Today, the confinement is lifted, so I hurriedly came to see you," the second wife, Yu Ting, said with a guilty look on her face.

  Yu Ting's father is Yu's father's younger brother, so her relationship with Yu Rou is closer than other sisters.

  Yu Rou shook her head and comforted: "I don't blame you, you took me there because I said I wanted to see it. Besides, the beauty under the moon is so beautiful, and it is even more dazzling under the light at night. Unfortunately, it didn't take long after it bloomed. It's closed."

  "I feel relieved if my eldest sister doesn't blame me. My mother scolded me like a dog." Yu Ting walked to Yu Rou and held Yu Rou's hand and said pitifully, "Now is the time. During the spring outing to enjoy flowers, my mother didn’t let me go out. Sister, please get well soon and take me out to play.”

  Yu Rou smiled and said, “Don’t worry, there will be a flower banquet in the palace in a few days. I have already joined my mother. I said, I’ll take you guys with me.”

  “Really?” Yu Ting was overjoyed.

  "Of course it's true." Yu Rou said while observing the expressions of the other sisters. A hint of surprise flashed in Yu Si's eyes.

  Even though Yu Si had a lot of talent at a young age, in Yu Rou's eyes, Yu Si was just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl. She wanted to see what Yu Si could do.

  The little girls' conversation was a bit too innocent for Yu Rou, but Yu Rou still chatted with them for a while and heard some interesting gossip.   For example, Yan Wanyun's poems and paintings a few days ago were astonished by Zilian layman, who called her the most talented woman in Bianjing and received praise from several great scholars.   Yan Wanyun's name is very familiar to Yu Rou, she is the heroine of this world.   Although she has the same idea as the original protagonist, her goal is to become a queen inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, but she is much smarter.   Yan Wanyun came from a low background. The Yan family was not an aristocratic family and did not have a deep foundation in Beijing. Her father, Yan Lei, was admitted to Jinshi the year before last. However, Yan Lei was outstanding in learning and was promoted by the prime minister. He made several meritorious deeds. He was promoted to five levels in two years and was very popular in the court.   The great thing about Yan Wanyun is that although she thinks she is aloof, she is very good at pleasing people, and all the noble ladies in the capital like her.   The Da'an Dynasty valued literature over martial arts, and talented people were valued. The same was true for women. In women's schools, the noble girls looked up to her, and she was also very skillful with the opposite sex. She was not as beautiful as Yu Rou. She is just pretty, but the people who want to marry her are all the sons of nobles in the capital.   In the original plot, she helped His Royal Highness the Crown Prince many times, and finally successfully married into the Prince's Mansion. The Prince crowned her the Queen on the day he ascended the throne. At that time, the original owner had not yet married, and became an old girl at home. No one cared about her, and everyone only knew her. While chatting, he remembered that she had been engaged to His Highness the Crown Prince and teased her for her stupidity.   ...   After Yu Ting and the others left, Yu Rou asked Haitang to quietly send someone to Baima Lane to find out if there was a Mr. Guhe named Jia living there. If so, don't be alarmed, just come back and report. .   In less than half a quarter of an hour, Haitang came back, "Girl, we have sent people to check according to your instructions. It is the son of Zhang Er's family who went there. The news will never be leaked. Girl, who is this Mr. Guhe?" , Why are you so careful not to let anyone know? "   Yu Rou did this to hide the truth from His Highness the Crown Prince. She knew that the Crown Prince had planted someone in her courtyard. Although she was not in the inner courtyard, her actions were still easily detected. You know, if the prince knew, how could she snatch someone from him?   Yu Rou coughed and whispered: "How many people are rushing to invite a great scholar like Mr. Gu He home. I overheard this from the prince. If other people get the news from me, they will be the first to take the lead. Please leave, wouldn't it be a big loss?"   Du Juan nodded in understanding, "The girl is right."   Looking at Du Juan's naive appearance, Yu Rou couldn't help feeling that the people serving around her were all stupid. Yes, no wonder the original owner was not clever either.   "Well, you can ask two more people to go to the bookstore outside and buy more books, including the Four Books and Five Classics, Unofficial History Travel Notes, etc." Yu Rou had just drank the medicine and had no strength in her body, so she leaned weakly on the cave.   "Why is the girl buying books?" Haitang asked doubtfully.   "Of course I will read the book when I buy it. There will probably be some kind of gifted girl's game at the harem banquet in the next few days. If I don't read it, I'm afraid I will make a fool of myself." Yu Rou sighed, looking sad.   Haitang looked at her in surprise and said: "The girl is now the future Crown Princess. How can she make a fool of herself with His Highness the Prince's help?"   Yu Rou thought to herself: His Highness the Prince will only be a disservice. I wish I would make a fool of myself. If you expect him, your girl will be in trouble. Yes, in the original plot, the original owner was embarrassed at the palace banquet, and the prince did not help at all.

  But Yu Rou does not need to stop reading. The games those talented girls play are poetry contests, couplets, drinking orders, etc. She was tired of playing these games when she was a princess in her previous life. In that life, she had played with several emperors since she was a child. She studied with the Taifu together, and she learned better than her brother. Her father praised her for not being inferior to men, and for being smarter than men.

  It's just that the original owner was a noble girl born into a family of military commanders, and she hadn't read a few books at all. If she made a big splash in a few days, she was afraid of arousing suspicion, so she had to find an excuse to hug the Buddha's feet for a few days, so that she could evade her when asked. sentence.

  "Then I can't embarrass His Highness the Crown Prince." Yu Rou said casually.

  Haitang listened and nodded, "The girl is absolutely right. You will be the queen in the future. It is always right to read more. I will ask people to buy more now. Buy more."


  That night, Yu The news that Rou asked his servants to buy two carts of books reached the prince's ears.

  "Aren't you sick? Why did you buy so many books?" After hearing the servant's report, the prince dropped the half-read book in his hand and raised his eyes coldly.

  "I heard that the past two days have been fine. I bought the book for the palace banquet that will take place in a few days. I'm afraid there will be some competition." The servant lowered his head and said respectfully.

⒏ЬОΟк. The СΟm  prince's eyes were cold and he sneered, "Well, she must understand."   The servant frowned and couldn't figure out what the prince meant. Didn't it mean that the prince liked this lady of the Yu family very much? It sounds like the tone is disgusting.   He hesitated for a moment, then continued: "I heard that Madam Yu didn't want to embarrass His Highness, so just now..."   The prince was stunned for a moment, and seemed a little surprised, but he quickly showed a sarcastic look, "Okay. , I understand, go down and let the people over there keep an eye on you."

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Chapter 50 The Prince’s Long Road to Chasing His Wife 1 2/2
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  The prince was stunned for a moment, seeming a little surprised, but he quickly showed a sarcastic look, "Okay, I understand, go down and let the people over there keep an eye on it."

  "Yes, I'm resigning."

  "Wait a minute "..."

  "What else is going on, Prince?"

  "How is Master Guhe doing? Are you still unwilling to see him?" The Prince's expression became much more serious.

  "My servant is incompetent. The boy who has always been a layman has been spreading the message. I haven't even seen his face." Cold sweat broke out on the servant's forehead.

  The prince frowned and said, "It seems I still have to go there in person."

  "How can the prince go in person? That layman Guhe is too arrogant and rude."

  "Okay, I have decided, you let someone Get ready, I'll go there myself tomorrow."


  Yu Rou woke up early the next day. She had a good appetite and asked the small kitchen to make a lot of delicious food to satisfy her appetite.

  The ancient ingredients were green and clean, and they tasted sweet and delicious that are not available in modern times. She was very happy to eat them.

  After the meal, she was about to go out for a walk to refresh herself when Haitang suddenly came in and reported that she had inquired about Mr. Guhe's residence.

  Yu Rou thought for a while and decided to go there in person.

  She was just sick, and she had to hide it from Wang when she wanted to go out, so she didn't find the opportunity until Wang went out in the afternoon.

  She took Haitang and rode a carriage to Baima Lane and found the house where Mr. Guhe lived.

  Yu Rou opened the curtain of the carriage and took a look, only to see a simple plaque hanging on the door with three characters: Floating Cloud Residence, with a couplet on both sides: "I occasionally pass by blue sky and white clouds, and always sleep with green mountains and green waters."

  Isn't this a portrayal of Xianyun Yehe's leisurely life? Living in the city but living in seclusion in the mountains and forests is indeed different from ordinary people.

  Yu Rou said to Haitang: "Go and knock on the door. Just say that you are here to see the layman Guhe. Just follow what I told you before I came. Don't make a mistake."

  Haitang got off the carriage and knocked on the wooden door. After a while, she came out. A twelve- or thirteen-year-old man dressed as a bookboy saw a woman knocking on the door. He asked in surprise: "Who are you looking for?"

  Haitang said: "My wife wants to see layman Guhe."

  "Who is your wife? What are you doing with my husband?"

  Haitang thought for a while and said: "My wife has said that I have long admired my husband and I want to ask him something. Please tell me."

  The book boy looked puzzled and said hesitantly: "Then wait a moment, I will. Go and ask."   About half an hour later, the book boy came out again.   "Sir, he said that he has guests to entertain and it is inconvenient to see your wife. He also said, if you have anything to tell me, I will tell you."   Yu Rou couldn't help but said: "Please tell me again, sir. I am sincere. Please see me. I am willing to wait here until you are free."   Her voice was like an oriole coming out of the valley, soft and soft, which made people's hearts tremble. After hearing this, the book boy was stunned, his cheeks suddenly turned red, and his eyes suddenly turned red. He was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. He quickly closed the door, and then a voice came from the door: "Wait a moment."   After a while, the book boy came out again, and he said hesitantly: "Mr. "I told you that you don't have to wait any longer. We won't see any other guests today."   Haitang walked to the window and whispered, "Girl, that's what everyone said, so let's go back."   "Keep waiting and let the coachman drive the carriage. " Go to the alley next to it, as long as you can see this side."   She is determined to get Mr. Guhe. If she can't see him this time, she will come back next time, but she also wants to see who Mr. Guhe's guests are, so as not to miss him. Someone got on first.   Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the sky became dark, and light rain began to fall from the sky.   "Girl, we should go back home. Madam must have gone back." Haitang urged in a low voice.   Yu Rou opened the curtain and took a look outside, and said calmly: "No hurry, wait a while." It was time to come out at this time.   Haitang sighed and had no choice but to continue waiting.   Sure enough, not long after, the door opened.   Haitang said softly: "Girl, someone is coming out."   The door opened from the inside, and the first person to come out was a boy in Tsing Yi.   Yu Rou frowned, and Haitang exclaimed: "Madam, that's not..."   "Shut up." Yu Rou whispered.   Haitang covered her mouth in shock, her eyes widening.   Yu Rou also recognized that the boy in green clothes was Bai Ye, the prince's attendant.   After Bai Ye came out, he stood aside respectfully.   Yu Rou saw his lips move slightly and say something, and then a man in luxurious clothes walked out.   That is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. His appearance is rare and handsome, but the most attractive thing is his demeanor. His elegant posture makes people unable to help but take a few more glances.   The white brocade robe he wears is very gorgeous. The robe with auspicious cloud patterns as the base is embroidered with golden silk threads with clouds and cranes soaring in the sky, which matches his temperament very well.   Haitang tugged at Yu Rou's sleeve, "Girl, it's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"   "I saw it, please don't say anything."   Yu Rou was not as happy as Haitang imagined. Instead, she frowned a little coldly, and Haitang pursed her lips. Mouth, thinking, could it be that the girl wants to give His Highness the Crown Prince some surprise? 8Book. соm

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Chapter 51 The Prince’s Long Road to Chasing His Wife 2 1/2
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  Haitang: "But..."

  Yu Rou pretended to be annoyed and said: "If you talk too much, don't come out with me next time."

  Haitang immediately covered her mouth and shook her head.

  Yu Rou lowered the curtain, and after the prince got on the carriage and left, she asked Haitang to borrow pen and paper from the bookboy.

  She scribbled down a few paragraphs, and when the ink was dry, she folded the paper and asked Haitang to hand it to the book boy.

  Haitang asked: "Girl, what did you write?"

  Yu Rou said: "I told you, you don't understand."

  Haitang said "Ah", why do you still don't understand after I told you? Am I so stupid?

  She pursed her lips, but got out of the car and gave the pen and paper to the little book boy.

  "My girl said, please transfer it to Mr. Guhe, and we will come to visit another day."

  When Haitang returned to the carriage, Yu Rou said, "Okay, let's go."

  Haitang: "Are we leaving now?"

  Yu Rou said funnyly: "What else? You've been urging me to go back."

  On the way back, Haitang couldn't help it anymore, "Girl, why didn't you call His Highness the Crown Prince just now when you saw him?"

  Yu Rou said . He said casually: "What do you want him to do?"

  Haitang was stunned. What else could he do? He is your fiancé.

  "Don't you miss His Highness the Crown Prince very much? His Highness the Crown Prince has sent you a lot of things these days when you were sick."

  "I want to dress up nicely in a few days before seeing him again," Yu Rou said casually.

  Haitang immediately believed it and complimented: "But the girl is beautiful every day. I will be fascinated when I see the girl every morning. His Highness the Crown Prince should also want to see the girl."

  Yu Rou smiled, "You stupid girl, Do you really think His Highness misses me?"

  "Of course, he sends supplements and silk to the girl every day." Haitang nodded matter-of-factly.

  Yu Rou's eyes were sarcastic, "That's nothing, it's just an order for the servants to deal with the daily routine."   "Ah?" Haitang's eyes widened in surprise, "But..."   "But what?" Yu Rou opened the window in boredom. He opened the curtain and looked at the bustling street outside.   "But the prince obviously likes the girl very much. Didn't the girl herself say so a few days ago?" Haitang frowned, a little confused.   "But he didn't come to see me when I was sick. Didn't you read what was written in the notebook? Men are always attracted by strange things, and they might fall in love with someone else." Yu Rou patted Haitang's head, "Next time you Don't be so excited when you see His Highness. Maybe one day His Highness will change his mind and the engagement will be terminated."   After hearing this, Haitang had a big mouth and a look of surprise on her face, "Girl, don't scare me."   "Okay . Just remember what I said." Yu Rou saw that she was so frightened that her mood improved somehow.   ...   A few days later, it was the day to enter the palace.   Sanniang fell ill last night, which would inevitably infect the nobles in the palace. Old Mrs. Yu warned her not to go, so only Yu Rou, Yu Ting and Yu Si entered the palace to attend the palace banquet.   Entering the palace is no small matter. The etiquette in the palace is complicated, but you have to follow the rules of the palace. Even the clothes and jewelry you wear must be paid attention to, and no taboos are violated.   Yu Rou was dressed up early in the morning by the female envoys, which lasted half an hour. She didn't come out of the room until Yu Ting and Yu Si couldn't wait any longer and came to look for her.   She wore an alsi-colored cloud-colored satin woven with colorful flowers and flying butterflies. She had a double-snail bun, which made her look young and beautiful. She had a lavender daphne flower pinned to her ear. She looked very stunning at first glance, but upon closer inspection It was very comfortable and not too fancy. She touched some sweet honey behind her ears, and it lingered beautifully along with the natural peach blossom fragrance on her body.   When Yu Ting and Yu Si saw her, their eyes widened.   Yu Ting, in particular, blushed and said, "Sister Rou is so beautiful."   Yu Si also praised her.   Yu Rou smiled and said: "It's getting late, let's go."   This time the palace banquet invited young unmarried men and women from the noble families of the court, so the elders of the family did not accompany them. The carriage was waiting at the Chuihua Gate. The three sisters were riding in two carriages respectively, with their personal maids, all the way to the palace gate.   The aunt in the palace had been waiting for a long time, and when she saw the carriage with the Yu family's brand name on it, she immediately came up to meet him.   After some pleasantries, Yu Rou asked Haitang to stuff a few gold leaves into her aunt, so her aunt led them into the palace. Yu Rou and others followed her closely, and she led them to the imperial garden in the palace.   No matter where you go in this huge palace, you have to take a long detour. The original owner has only been here twice. If he hadn't been following someone, he might have gotten lost.   It was Yu Ting's first time here, and her face turned red with excitement. She whispered to Yu Rou: "Sister Rou, the palace is so beautiful." ⑻ьOOK. СΟm  "Shh, don't talk yet." Yu Rou shook her head at her and lowered her voice.   Yu Ting pursed her lips, made a gesture of closing her mouth, and nodded obediently.   Yu Rou quickly glanced at Yu Si and saw that she was very calm with low eyebrows, completely different from Yu Ting. Yu Rou smiled secretly and quickly looked away.   The Imperial Garden is the back garden of the Imperial Palace of the Da'an Dynasty. It is full of strange and beautiful scenery, with jagged rocks, beautiful flowers and trees, and fragrant grasses. There are many terraces, pavilions and pavilions in the Imperial Garden, and their names are also very elegant.   There is a mirror lake in the Imperial Garden, which is very beautiful. It is connected by four bridges and has three water pavilions in the middle. Together they look extremely spacious and can accommodate fifty or sixty people.   Maybe she accepted the benefit from Yu Rou, or maybe Yu Rou was engaged to the prince now, and she might be the future princess or queen. The aunt was particularly enthusiastic about them and kept talking about them all the way.   She introduced the imperial garden to Yu Rou and others and told many allusions to the palace. Yu Ting and Yu Si listened very carefully, but that was not what Yu Rou was concerned about. She asked, "Auntie, I didn't know you are here today. " Who are the noble ladies?"   "Not only the noble ladies, but also young ladies and gentlemen from major aristocratic families will come, as well as several princes and princesses. This year's flower viewing banquet is hosted by the queen and the eldest princess, and it is more lively than ever. "Yeah."   Yu Rou nodded calmly and asked a few more innocuous questions, which the aunt answered seriously.   When they arrived at the lake, Yu Rou saw from a distance that there were already many people in the waterside pavilion.   The noble ladies also have their own small groups. The noble ladies from the civil servant family, the noble daughters from the military general family and the royal relatives are in three waterside pavilions respectively.   "That's where the ladies are staying. If I can't go there easily, I can't see you off." My aunt lowered her head and said respectfully.   Yu Rou smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can go about your business, we will go there ourselves." As soon   as Yu Rou led Yu Ting and Yu Si over, she attracted the attention of all the ladies in the waterside pavilion.   Her dress today is slightly different from before, much more sober, but it also has a different kind of beauty.   As soon as a young lady saw Yu Rou, she immediately stood up and walked quickly towards her, blocking her way.

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  As soon as a young lady saw Yu Rou, she immediately stood up and walked quickly towards her, blocking her way.

  The road leading to the waterside pavilion is a promenade built on the lake. The promenade is only so wide and the road is too narrow to allow two people to pass side by side. Now it is blocked by He Yulian and her female envoy, and Yu Rou and others cannot get through at all. .

  Yu Rou raised her eyes and met He Yulian's proud and flamboyant face.

  "I didn't believe it when I heard you were coming, but I didn't expect you were here. Aren't you sick? Don't spread your illness to the nobles in the palace."

  The speaker was He Yulian, the noble daughter of the He family. One of the four wealthy noble families in the capital, He Yulian's father married the daughter of another wealthy noble family, the Yang family, and the Yang family was the natal family of the current queen. He Yulian is the queen's biological daughter.

  The He family has an extraordinary family background, and He Yulian is the legitimate daughter of the family, with a higher status than Yu Rou. She has been pampered and spoiled since she was a child, and has a bigger temper than the original owner. Moreover, she dislikes the original owner, and both of them are attracted to her every time they meet. There's going to be a quarrel.

  In the original plot, before the palace banquet started, the original owner was still recovering from illness and did not go out to participate in the activities of the noble ladies. He Yulian told the other noble ladies that the original owner would not dare to enter the palace to participate in the palace banquet for fear of being embarrassed. His Highness knows that she has no talent and virtue, so he is afraid that he will regret getting engaged to her.   The circle of aristocratic ladies in the capital is either small or large, and everyone knows each other. This word was spread to the original owner by someone who was interested. The original owner has a strong temper, and he was a little worried at first, not knowing whether he should go. But after hearing this, I was so angry that I decided to go no matter what. The illness in my previous life was just over, so I had already prepared to enter the palace.   Who would have thought that they would actually make a lot of jokes during the talent competition at the palace banquet.   He Yulian was waiting to see the original owner's joke. After being ridiculed by her for a few words, the original owner became angry and quarreled with He Yulian.   The Queen was also there at that time, as were several princesses. The third princess was the younger sister of His Highness the Crown Prince, and she also hated the original owner. Naturally, they helped He Yulian, and they picked He Yulian out in just a few words. The original owner But she didn't know how to defend herself. In the eyes of many noble ladies, she was not a kind and honest mistress, and He Yu Lianchun's interpersonal relationships were much better than hers. When this happened, no one came to help her. This matter turned out to be that the original owner was short-tempered and was not convinced after losing, so he lost his temper at He Yulian.   The original owner was a little cautious at best, but he couldn't do it in the face of these people. The people who were watching at the time thought that the original owner had taken the initiative to find the matter. After being said a few words by everyone, he almost cried, and then he was set up by the prince. When something went wrong, no one spoke for her, which resulted in her reputation being ruined and she almost committed suicide after she returned.   Thinking of this, Yu Rou looked at He Yulian with a meaningful look.   He Yulian also dressed up carefully today, wearing a emerald-green quilt with an ice plum pattern and dark flower pattern. The edge of the garment is decorated with rose flower and butterfly pattern woven gold ribbon. There are three pearl buttons on the chest and lotus color grape lace pattern. She wears a pleated skirt, wears gold bird emerald beads on her head, and even hangs a pearl necklace around her neck.   Wearing this dress on He Yulian really makes her look much more delicate and beautiful. Such style and craftsmanship are rare to see.   In the past, when the original owner heard He Yulian's provocation, she would always get angry and argue with her, but at this time, she smiled and said: "My illness has been cured long ago. Thank you for your concern. Of course I will have such a lively flower viewing party." It's coming, aren't you coming too?"   He Yulian felt like she had punched cotton, and Yu Rou's reaction was completely different from what she expected.   Not only did he not quarrel with her, but she was not angry at all even when he ridiculed her. Could it be that she was sick and confused?   He Yulian looked at Yu Rou while thinking, secretly thinking that she was quite plainly dressed and not as flamboyant as before. Fortunately, she had carefully prepared today to compare with her. But now the clothes are really better than before, and He Yulian feels a little uncomfortable. Although Yu Rou is not wearing gorgeous clothes, she still looks better than herself. This face is really annoying. It not only attracts His Highness the Crown Prince, but also And her brother also likes her.   She was so angry that she said: "Don't you know that you will have to compete with your talents later? If I were you, I would go home quickly and don't be embarrassed and cry later."   Yu Rou said lightly: "You don't have to worry about this. Don't block the road. Although I'm not good at learning, I also know what the saying means... don't block the road."   He Yulian turned pale with anger, and when she was about to get angry, Yu Rou said again: "Look over there, Prince. His Highness and several princes and princesses are here."   He Yulian glared at Yu Rou, "Wait and see, I'll see you later."   After saying that, she turned around and left. Yu Rou smiled lightly and was not angry. look.   "Sister Rou, why aren't you angry when she said that to you? I was so angry when I heard that." Yu Ting tugged on Yu Rou's sleeves, her face flushed.   "There's nothing to be angry with her, just treat her like a clown." Yu Rou narrowed her eyes.   "Why don't you tell His Highness the Crown Prince later and let him help you vent your anger." Yu Ting has a childlike nature and doesn't speak out of her mind. ⒏BОoк·сOm

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  Yu Rou did not retort and said with a smile: "We will talk later, let's go there first."

  Yu Ting pursed her lips and said: "Didn't you say that the Crown Prince is here? Is it true that my sister is not looking for the Crown Prince?"

  "They are all over there . Nobles in the palace, what did I do in the past? You must be careful in everything in the palace. Before coming here, my grandmother told you not to talk nonsense, especially you, don't always talk about His Royal Highness. "Yu Rou. The tone was serious, and she took on the attitude of an eldest sister.

  Yu Ting was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Yu Rou to say that, but her mother did say such things to her before she came. She nodded honestly and said: "I know."

  Yu Si also said: "Sister . It's true that we will be careful."   Yu

  Rou then nodded, "Well, let's go."

  Yu Ting and Yu Si quickly followed, and Yu Si asked: "Sister, are we going to Shuixieli?"

"Well, I saw Sister Jiang."

  Yu Ting also looked over, her face showing the joy of seeing an acquaintance, "Yes, I also saw Sister Zhao."

  All noble ladies have their own small circle. Daughters from powerful families generally associate with daughters from famous families, and daughters from official families also play with girls from scholarly families. As for Yu Rou, the family of noble generals and the ladies who have been influenced by poetry and calligraphy since childhood Of course we can't play together.

  The Yu family, the Zhao family, and the Jiang family are all noble families with military backgrounds, especially since the ancestors of the Yu family and the Jiang family were both founding heroes of the Da'an Dynasty. The relationship between the two families used to be very good, but since the Jiang family abandoned military service, After the wedding, the two families gradually became estranged, but they still looked good.

  Now that I think about it, the Jiang family is indeed far-sighted, but the Yu family is not as far-sighted as the Jiang family.

  There is only one legitimate daughter in the Jiang family, named Jiang Yuyan. Her talent and character are among the best among these noble girls, but her appearance is average and a bit rough, not like a girl, but more like a boy, but her personality is very straightforward and generous.

  The Zhao family, like the Yu family, valued martial arts over literature, or even more so. The Yu family practiced military affairs and did not like reading, while the descendants of the Zhao family were rude and domineering. Scholars always had an instinct of hostility and rejection.

  Logically speaking, the Zhao family offended more people. If the old man Yu hadn't passed away and Yu Si's father colluded with the rebellious minister, the Yu family would not have been the first to fall.


  When Yu Rou arrived at the waterside pavilion, she saw many acquaintances, including several ladies from the Zhao family and the Jiang family.

  The first person to see Yu Rou and others was the noble daughter of the Zhao family. She stood up suddenly and waved to Yu Rou, "Sister Rou, you're finally here!"

  Yu Rou walked over with a smile, "You guys are so early."

  "I I didn’t want to come at all, I’m not interested in this palace banquet at all, but I also heard that He Yulian and Yang Sanniang made a bet, so I guessed that you couldn’t bear the excitement and would come, so I came to take a look.”

  Zhao Lanjia raised her eyebrows, looking like she was waiting for a good show.

  Yu Rou didn't answer and found a seat to sit down. The atmosphere was tense for a moment. Zhao Lanjia looked embarrassed and couldn't help but feel that Yu Rou was deliberately embarrassing her.

  Jiang Yuyan smiled and said: "Sister Rou seems to be in good spirits. I heard that you were ill a few days ago, but you seem to be well now."

  Yu Judao: "Well, I received the sachet sent by Sister Yan. I'm very happy. "I like it."

  Jiang Yuyan was stunned and smiled more gently, "It's fine if you like it. I usually like to make these things."

  "I don't know what spices Sister Yan uses. It smells so good, but I can't bear it." Take it apart, Sister Yan, can you tell me, I also want to try to make a few."

  As I said before, with Yu Rou's character, if she wants to please others, she will definitely make them like her.

  No, just a few words made Jiang Yuyan's affection for her greatly increase, and the relationship between the two became much closer.   "Look over there, Yan Wanyun is here." Someone suddenly shouted.   The ladies in the waterside pavilion subconsciously looked towards the shore.   He Yulian, who was in the waterside pavilion next to her, hurried forward to greet her, but this time she was not looking for trouble. She originally hated Yan Wanyun, but since Yan Wanyun helped her once, she regarded Yan Wanyun as her Intimate sisters. It was precisely because of He Yulian's help that Yan Wanyun, who came from a humble family, was able to successfully break into the circle of noble ladies in the capital.   Yu Rou watched calmly as Yan Wanyun walked over under the enthusiastic guidance of He Yulian.   Yan Wanyun also dressed up today, with delicate makeup on her small melon face. Her skin color was not very white originally. Compared with the pampered and pampered noble daughter from aristocratic families in the capital, her skin color looked darker. The original owner had said this secretly before She is a black girl, but now it seems that the capital has a good environment, and the Yan family is now prosperous. She looks much fairer. She is wearing a rain-stained sky blue rose pattern bright satin double-breasted jacket, with lotus color woven silver silk. She wore a pleated skirt, a double-knot hairpin made of white jade inlaid with red coral beads, and a pair of red gold and purple ying pendants hanging from her ears. Her face was a little cold, she smiled faintly, and she had a sense of aloofness and pride in her body.   Yan Wanyun noticed the way Yu Rou looked at her and looked over in confusion. Her eyes only stayed on Yu Rou for a moment, and then moved away lightly. Yu Rou also noticed her slight frown. .   Everyone originally thought that Yu Lian would take Yan Wanyun to sit at the waterside pavilion next to them, but for some reason, the two of them came to Yu Rou and the others.   Yu Rou raised her eyebrows, her expression still calm.   Everyone else in the waterside pavilion glanced at Yu Rou. Everyone knew that He Yulian and Yu Rou were not getting along. With Yu Rou here and He Yulian coming again, they were afraid that the two of them would quarrel again.   Jiang Yuyan is also a good dancer. When she saw that the atmosphere was a little tense, she smiled and said: "I wonder what the content of today's competition will be."   This topic was of concern to everyone, so everyone began to speculate.   "It should be inseparable from pairs, crossword puzzles and the like."   "I guess so, last year it was just like this, and it's almost the same every year." Zhao Lanjia frowned as she said it.   "I wonder if it's the same rules as we usually play?" someone asked.   Jiang Yuyan said: "I heard that this year the empress, Princess Yuande and Princess Rongde will be the judges together. As for the rules, I can't say for sure, although they are inseparable from couplets, poems and lyrics every year. But the tricks and rules change every year."   He Yulian said with an arrogant look: "I heard that the Queen attaches great importance to this palace banquet, and the top three in the competition can get a lot of good things.   " It’s just pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and other flowers and plants. It’s like this every year, nothing unusual.” Zhao Lanjia curled her lips.   She didn't like such useless things. She took back the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and it was of no use at all. As for the flowers and plants, she didn't care about them even more. If her mother didn't have to bring her here, she wouldn't be willing to come to this flower-viewing feast, and What kind of poems and songs do these people compare to each other?   As soon as Zhao Lanjia said this, everyone didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.   Those are not ordinary pens, inks, paper and inkstones. They are good things that literati can ask for. Last year, Princess Rongde took out a propaganda pen made by the Zhuge family. You must know that the pens made by the Zhuge family were all made by the previous dynasty. The great calligraphers Meng Xi, Liu Quan, etc. both wrote "pen-seeking notes" to Zhuge to ask for a pen. People at the time praised this kind of Zhuge pen as "hard and soft, suitable for human hands, and can be used every time." ".   The year before last, Princess Danyang also gave three of the She inkstones she had hidden away to the top three, making many people present jealous.

  She inkstones are as firm and soft as jade, as moist as jade, and produce ink like oil. The pen is undamaged, absorbs almost no water, and becomes clean after washing. It can store water in cold winters without freezing, and in midsummer it can store water without rotting. It has always been a regular tribute to the imperial court. A total of only twenty-eight pieces of She inkstones are paid as tribute every year. If Princess Danyang hadn't been favored by the emperor and the queen mother, she wouldn't have been able to come up with three pieces at once.

  As for the flowers and plants in Zhao Lanjia's mouth, they were all expensive. Famous flowers, such as peony treasures: Yuhuchun, Oujiabi, Yuyihuang, Luoyang red, camellia treasures: Eighteen Bachelors, hibiscus, mandarin duck and phoenix crown, etc.

  Everyone in the Da'an Dynasty loved flowers, especially some literati who were obsessed with flowers. Many expensive flowers could not be bought with money.

  Zhao Lanjia's words can only show her vulgarity. No one can comment on her and don't want to talk to her. Telling her how good these things are is a waste of time and thankless effort.

  Fortunately, she was on this side of the waterside pavilion. If she had been on that side, it would be strange if Zhao Lanjia wasn't criticized by all the talented girls. Furthermore, if these words reach the ears of the eldest princess and the princess, it will be troublesome.

  "I told you not to come here. Wanyun, you must come here. Listen to what idiots are here." He Yulian pulled Yan Wanyun and said.

  Yan Wanyun just frowned slightly, "There are too many people over there, and it's the same here. Yu Lian, don't say that."

⑧BООK. сΟm  "Wanyun, you are so kind-hearted. A talented woman like you has nothing to say to them. Really... let's go." He Yulian's words made the other noble ladies present look ugly.   "It's getting late. The Queen and the princes and princesses will be coming soon. Let's just stay here." Yan Wanyun shook her head.   "But I don't want to stay with them, especially..."

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  "But I don't want to stay with them, especially..."

  He Yulian probably felt that her voice was very small, but the entire waterside pavilion was so loud, and Yu Rou could hear it clearly even sitting on the other side.

  Jiang Yuyan had a cold face and said sarcastically: "If Madam He doesn't want to be here, you can leave. We happen to feel a bit crowded here."

  "You! Jiang Yuyan, what do you mean?" He Yulian stood up , said angrily.

  "It's not interesting, I just can't stand some people being too arrogant." Jiang Yuyan said lightly.

  Yu Rou took Jiang Yuyan's hand and said, "Sister Yan, some people like to show off their power, so we'd better ignore her. Wouldn't it be better if no one exposes her and lets her live in a dream?"

  Jiang Yuyan immediately beamed, " Sister Rou is right. Since there are annoying people here, I don't want to stay here. Let's go and see the fish on the bridge instead of staying here. "

  Jiang Yuyan is from a noble family like them . The eldest among the girls, the one who learned the best. When she said this, everyone responded and wanted to leave. Only a few noble ladies who were afraid of He Yulian's revenge did not dare to move, but soon there were only two people left in the waterside pavilion. There were five or six people.

  He Yulian looked at the empty waterside pavilion and was so angry that she almost tore the handkerchief in her hand.

  Yan Wanyun looked at Yu Rou's back with an unpredictable expression and said nothing, which aroused He Yulian's dissatisfaction.

  "Wanyun, why don't you help me? I can't explain it for a long time. You have to come over!"


  "Ladies and gentlemen, the Queen, please come over. The palace banquet will begin soon." The maid was wearing a pea green dress. The plain-faced lady wore a simple double bun and a silver hairpin with crimson butterfly flowers on her head. She looked very alert and lively.

  Everyone followed the female envoy out of the water pavilion and went to the flower garden across the lake.

  By this time, the Empress/Princess Eongdeok, Princess Wondeok, and other princesses had all arrived. They were sitting in the pavilion by the flower garden, talking and laughing.

  Everyone saluted and said hello.

  "Get up." The Queen's voice was very gentle.

  "Thank you, the Queen."

  The Queen gave a few instructions to the maid beside her. The maid nodded and quickly walked out of the pavilion. She looked around and said loudly: "The rules of today's game have been revealed. Your Majesty and The two eldest princesses discussed and decided that today we will select the most talented girl through the drinking ceremony."

  As soon as these words came out, the ladies all started talking in low voices.

  Drinking order is a kind of entertainment game at the banquet. Generally, one person is elected as the ordering officer during the banquet, and the others take turns to say poems, couplets or other similar games according to the order. Those who disobey the order or fail are punished by drinking, so it is also called "drinking order". Order to drink."

  These are all games played by literati at the drinking table. They are all women. We can't let the losers drink a few drinks. Wouldn't they be drunk by then?

  It wouldn't be a big deal if it was at home, but since it was outside, everyone was naturally afraid of losing face.

  Lady in the Palace: "The wine we drank today is royal wine from the palace. The best wines are not available outside. To add to the fun, the queen brought them out to share with everyone."

  The wine order is divided into Ya Ling and Tong Ling. Since it is for What these talented girls play is of course Ya Ling.   It's just that there are many types of Yaling, including the Four Booklings, Huazhi Ling, Shiling, Riddle Ling, etc. Everyone can't guess what to play today.   The method of executing the order of the drinking order is: first nominate one person as the ordering officer, or write a poem, or write a couplet, and the others will continue the order according to the meaning of the first order. The continued order must be consistent in content and form, otherwise they will be fined to drink alcohol . When performing elegant orders, one must quote scriptures, chant in rhyme and couplets, formulate ideas at the table, and respond impromptu. This requires the person who performs the wine order to have both literary talent and talent, as well as agility and wit. Therefore, it is the best way to display the drinker's talents among the wine orders. project.   "Today's game is divided into two stages. The first order is the poem order with the word spring. The second order is the daughter order. The one who can't catch it will be considered a loser. The one left to the end will be today's leader." The palace maid sang crisply and melodiously. Wei Dao made it very clear. She looked like she was not an ordinary maid, but quite talented.   The spring character poems and daughter's orders mentioned by the palace maid are common among literati and elegant orders. They not only test literary talent, but also test the amount of reading and reaction ability. It doesn't seem difficult, but those who can persist to the end with so many people competing together can be regarded as the greatest talents among women.   Before the palace maid finished speaking, a young eunuch suddenly appeared. The queen recognized him as someone serving the prince, and asked him to come closer to speak.   After the little eunuch said a few words, the queen looked surprised, but nodded anyway, and then called another maid next to her to call back the maid who announced the rules.   Everyone didn't know what happened. After a while, the palace maid came out again and continued what she had left unfinished with a calm face.   "The Queen saw that many gentlemen came today, and together with the princes in the palace, she was able to combine with the noble ladies to give orders. In this way, the gentleman and the noble ladies formed a team by drawing lots, and the two of them worked together Cooperate with the order. The Empress said, since we have to divide the rankings, we will also learn from the academic examination. The top three are divided into the number one, the second, and the top three. The prize for the winning group today is an Ou Jiabi, a unique copy of Purple Lotus. A book of incense written by Huayan layman. "   Everyone was surprised by the sudden change in the rules.   "Do you have any questions?"   The palace maid had already explained clearly. The rules were stipulated by the Queen, and the lottery was so valuable. Naturally, everyone had no objections and nodded in agreement.   Some noble ladies who originally had no hope of being able to stay until the end seem to have seen the light of day again. These husbands are all among the best. If the husband you choose is a powerful one, then even if she lacks literary talent, she can still be successful. May win.   "In this case, I will invite the prince and the princes to participate in the game."   After a moment, the princes and princes from the aristocratic families, headed by His Royal Highness, came in groups, and the Da'an Dynasty was so beautiful. Among the men who can enter and leave the palace, there is no one with imperfect looks. These princes and husbands are all handsome and outstanding in appearance. When they are gathered together, it is really a dazzling scenery, which makes people dazzled.   All the noble ladies blushed, and only some bold ones dared to raise their heads and look directly at them.   His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was walking in the front, was the most exciting man among them. He did not wear casual clothes in the palace, but wore an apricot-yellow crown prince's uniform with an eight-clawed dragon embroidered on it and a moon on his waist. He wears a white waistband, his black hair is tied up, and there are thirteen eastern beads on the top of his crown. There is nobility and arrogance between his eyebrows, which is really dazzling.   Behind him were several equally handsome and extraordinary princes. They were also among the best among men. Among them, the fifth prince with the most outstanding appearance was a warm temperament, eyes like morning stars, and a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth. But this The smile didn't reach his eyes, but it seemed a little more mysterious.   Yu Rou didn't look too much. She only heard the exclamations and whispers of the ladies around her, and she knew how popular her fiancé was.   Judging from the memory of the original owner, he was not as popular as the fifth prince before his rebirth. Now his demeanor is different, which makes him even more fascinating.   Yu Rou quietly glanced at He Yulian and Yan Wanyun. They were both staring closely at His Highness the Crown Prince, with obsession and admiration in their eyes, as if they were deeply attracted by him.   Yu Rou couldn't help but find it funny. These two people seemed to have such a good relationship. Do they actually like the prince? Are they planning to serve the same husband together and be good sisters for life?

  Everyone thought that the prince would also join them in the drinking ceremony, but the prince casually said, "There are so many people, so I will not participate. I will be the commander."

  Except for Yu Rou, everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly The prince will take the initiative to be the commander.

  In the game of Drinking Order, the commander plays both the question maker and the referee, but usually they play the game of Drinking Order by beating the drum and passing the flowers. The commander shouts stop and lets the prince do it, which seems to be a bit overqualified.

  The queen also looked stunned, but she soon recovered her composure and said: "Why is the prince so elegant today?"

  "On a whim, the queen mother will promise her son." His Royal Highness the prince said solemnly.

  Yu Rou raised her eyes and looked at the prince, meeting his eyes. The prince had no expression and quickly looked away.


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  The queen had no choice but to say: "Then it's up to you."

  "In that case, it's up to you to draw lots and group them."

  "That's good." The queen didn't know why the prince suddenly had a whim, but such a trivial matter didn't matter. Necessity rejects him.

  "Prince, please follow me to draw lots." The palace maid in green who announced the rules before bowed her head and said respectfully.

  Another palace maid in purple walked down the steps of the pavilion and said to the others: "Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me and take a seat over there. The results of the lottery will be announced soon."

  When they arrived at the pavilion, two people were already placed there. There are large round tables made of red sandalwood, each of which can seat twelve or three people, and there are about a dozen red sandalwood drum-style poufs beside the round tables.

  The results of the lottery came out soon, and His Royal Highness the Prince handed the bamboo plaque with his name engraved on it to the palace maid in green.

  "The husbands of each group have been sorted out."

  "Then tell me quickly, which husband belongs to which family?" The ladies are in a group," the queen asked with great interest.

  "The third prince is paired with the third lady of the Xie family, the fifth prince is paired with the lady of the He family, the eldest son of the Xie family is paired with the eldest lady of the Zhao family, the eldest son of the Xie family is paired with the eldest lady of the Yang family, the second prince of the Xie family is paired with the eldest lady of the Cui family. Groups include the Yang family's eldest son and the Zhao family's fifth lady, the Gu family's eldest son and the Jiang family's eldest lady, the Guangcheng prince and the Yan family's lady, Qin Langjun and the Yu family's eldest lady..." Green The maid of honor spoke eloquently. Fortunately, she could explain this series of people clearly. She even knew which woman was the eldest.

  After hearing this, the Empress nodded with satisfaction, "Then let's start giving orders and bring the wine."

  Yu Rou didn't expect that she was in a group with Qin Shen.

  It is estimated that His Highness the Crown Prince did this deliberately. Qin Shen should be the one with the worst family background and the worst temper among these men.

  However, Qin Shen's talent is no worse than anyone present, but his family is poor and he is not good-looking, so his reputation is not great. In the heart of His Highness, she is a vain woman, so he will not let her be with the aristocratic family. The children or princes are in a group, and Qin Shen's family background is not good. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince should think that she looks down on Qin Shen. In addition, Qin Shen has a bad temper, and there will probably be a quarrel if he gets together with her.

  But for Yu Rou, this grouping suits her very well.

  Qin Shen is a nerd. The fact that a boy from a poor family can enter and leave the palace is enough to show how outstanding he is in talent and learning. Even the original owner has heard that he is charming and good at diction. He has passed the provincial examination at a young age and is famous for his famous works. At that time, he was the youngest Jinshi in the Da'an Dynasty, and now he has entered the court as an official. Today he can enter the palace because of the Queen's message. She probably knows that his future is limitless and wants to show it to the princess. She should recruit him. It means to be a prince-in-law.

  However, He Yulian and the fifth prince were assigned to a team. It can be said that they joined forces. They were an opponent that could not be ignored for Yu Rou. Who in the capital didn't know that the fifth prince was very fond of poetry, had a lot of savings, and was good at painting flowers and birds. He is proficient in calligraphy, painting, and chess, has a good memory, and is widely read. He has been called a child prodigy since he was a child, but his sharpness has slowed down a lot in recent years.

  However, Yan Wanyun was unlucky enough to be assigned to Prince Guangcheng, which really made her want to laugh.

  Who doesn’t know that Prince Guangcheng is a famous dandy, uneducated, extravagant and eccentric. His father, Prince Guangcheng, is the uncle of the emperor. Prince Guangcheng is also the only son of Prince Guangcheng. Although he acted wildly and unruly, no one could control him. It was said that he loved beautiful women the most, but he refused to get married, which made the princess worried.

  While Yu Rou was thinking about it, Qin Shen had already walked over and saluted Yu Rou, and Yu Rou quickly returned the salute.

  She quickly raised her eyes and glanced at Qin Shen. Qin Shen should be around seventeen or eighteen years old now. His appearance was just delicate, his face was expressionless, and he looked a little cold. When he spoke to Yu Rou, his voice was also very low. Listen, It sounds pretty good.

  He sat down next to Yu Rou and did not look at Yu Rou. This also showed that he was not affected by Yu Rou's beauty at all.


  The drinking ceremony began soon. Exquisite wine glasses were placed on the table in front of everyone, and they were all filled with wine. The aroma of the wine was intoxicating.

  Knowing that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was going to be the Commander-in-Chief, the ladies present were very excited.

  The palace maid in green said: "Everyone should be clear about the rules of the Spring Character Poetry Order and the Daughter Order. I will tell you again. The Spring Character Poetry Order requires everyone to recite one line of poetry. The first person to recite the verse must have the word "spring". The sentence recited by the second person has the word "spring" in the second place, and then the word "spring" comes in the seventh place. It cannot be repeated from the beginning. The person who repeats it will lose. There are several ways to do it, including the daughter's temperament, speech, behavior, and stewardship. Do you have any questions? "

  Most people are familiar with the rules of these drinking orders, but only a few people are hearing it for the first time. explain. But looking at everyone's expressions, it was obvious that they were very interested in this game and were a little eager to try it.

  No one raised any questions, so the palace maid in green continued: "Now let's beat the drums and pass the flowers, one by one from left to right. Your Highness the Prince will sing the marching song, and the servants will play the drums. The drums will stop when His Highness the Prince says, and keep a constant speed." "No one can be faster. Whoever has the garland in his hand when he stops will start first."

  This is very fair. Everyone nodded in agreement, and the drinking order began.

  The palace maid in green brought a colorful wreath made of winter jasmine, azalea, hosta, redbud and willow branches, and handed it to the prince.

  "Please ask the prince to sing the marching song."

  Everyone couldn't help but laugh softly.

  But the prince was not affected at all, his expression remained cold, his lips moved, and he recited the song of the drinking order, "I have a flower, pour me purple wine..."

  The garland was passed from the hand of the prince to the third prince. , and then passed it down one by one, everyone passed the flowers slowly and leisurely.

  "I only hope that the flowers will be like my heart, and we will stay together for many years. I will be full of golden cups. I will smell the flowers. I don't want the flowers to be beside me and given to other people's hands..."

  When the wreath fell into the hands of Jiang Yuyan on Yu Rou's right. At that moment, His Highness the Crown Prince's eyes flashed, "Stop."

  The drums stopped, and the garlands could no longer be passed down.

  "Madam Jiang, you come first." The palace maid in green said.   Although Jiang Yuyan comes from a family of military generals, she is also recognized as a talented woman. A mere poem that begins with the word "spring" cannot trouble her at all. She opened her mouth and read out "The garden is full of spring scenery and I can't shut it up."   This was not difficult, so the wreath was gone. It was passed to Yu Rou's hands without any disturbance.   Yu Rou was different. In the eyes of everyone, she was just a vase with no knowledge, no knowledge, and only a beauty skin. Of course, the original owner was good at martial arts, but in the Da'an Dynasty, which valued culture over martial arts, women Martial arts training was not a merit at all, so the original owner never mentioned it to outsiders when he grew up.   Everyone was waiting to see Yu Rou's joke, but unexpectedly, she glanced at Qin Shen with a smile and said, "Mr. Qin, how about you come first."   Qin Shen and she were already in the same group, so Yu Rou asked him to go first, and he Without thinking much, he opened his mouth and read: "The light rain in early spring is as moist as butter."   Yu Rou smiled and praised Qin Shen, "Qin Langjun is really knowledgeable and talented."   When she smiled, her face became more soft and beautiful. She was so charming, especially those eyes with pierced water, that Qin Shen was stunned for a moment, and the other gentlemen were also distracted.   His Highness the Crown Prince glanced at Yu Rou, his eyes dark and unpredictable.

  Yu Rou's operation was unexpected by everyone, but it was reasonable. No one could say anything. Only a few ladies murmured a few words in a low voice. Jiang Yuyan reached out and patted her hand, telling her not to be nervous. .

  Yu Rou looked calm and nodded in thanks. He Yulian, who was close by, became angry and ugly after hearing this.

  She didn't look nervous at all, she looked obviously complacent.


  Spring-Character Poetry is just something that comes easily to these gentlemen. They can't eliminate anyone in the first few rounds, and it takes ten or so rounds to decide the winner.

  As a result, the Yang family man behind Qin Shen felt that the spring character order was too simple, so he specially said a poem containing two spring characters: "Spring breeze, spring rain, and flowers in the eyes."

  No one showed any weakness, and for a while, there was a lot of discussion about the word spring . Poems are flying all over the sky, just in time for the spring scene at this time.

  Later, it evolved into a situation where everyone would not talk about very remote poems. One person would say a poem with the word spring, and the rest would answer where the poem came from. It seemed that the more remote and unknown the poem was, the more powerful it would be.

  Soon it was Yu Rou's turn again. Under everyone's attention, she looked at Qin Shen with a smile. Qin Shen took the initiative to answer the next sentence without her having to say anything: "The grass is green when the spring shadow hangs."

  When Qin Shen was reciting a poem . , the voice was different from when she spoke. It was gentle, warm and soft. Yu Rou felt that it was a pleasure to listen to it.

  Yu Rou looked at Qin Shen with much more concentration.

  The prince's expression changed slightly, his eyes were gloomy, and the cup in his hand was cracked.

  "This... I have never seen this poem. Who among you knows it?" The Yang family man didn't know where this poem came from, and he thought the poem had a beautiful artistic conception, so he asked the others.

  "The wild grass is green in the spring shade, and sometimes there are flowers and trees. This poem comes from the poet Su Shunqin's "Late Mooring at Dutou in Huaizhong"."

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  Everyone looked up and saw that it was Yan Wanyun who was speaking.

  Ever since, everyone praised Yan Wanyun again, saying that she was really well-read and so on.

  Yu Rou said: "Qin Langjun is still very good. He can blurt out such a cold poem."

  Qin Shen's face did not change, and he said without any arrogance or arrogance: "Thank you."

  Yu Rou smiled and winked at him, "Qin Langjun is too humble. "Yes ."

  Qin Shen was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, he felt an inexplicable chill on his back. He looked behind him in confusion, but only saw the prince. Qin Shen thought to himself: "Did I answer too slowly?" We have to speed up."

  After eighteen rounds, someone finally couldn't catch up, and one group was eliminated. After this group started, after ten rounds, there were only five groups left in the ten groups.

  Yu Rou had known that Qin Shen had good literary talent and must have memorized many poems, but she did not expect that he would be able to advance successfully on his own. In the past thirty rounds, Yu Rou did not have to say a single poem, taking advantage of him.

  This also caused many of the eliminated ladies to secretly say that they burned some incense and worshiped which Buddha. They were so lucky today that they were able to stay till now.

  In the end, there were only a few sets of seasonal orders left, and it became increasingly difficult. There are only so many poems by the predecessors that contain the word spring. One is less than the other. There are rules for the order of the words spring. It's your turn to arrange the words spring. For the third poem, you can't say it starts with the word spring. Ten groups of people said it for twenty rounds. Even if all the poems containing the word spring are not said, there are not many left. What's more, although the people present read it There are many books, and some are very knowledgeable, but it is impossible for anyone to memorize all the poems from ancient times to the present, so it is difficult to continue until now.

  The empress and the eldest princess, who had been watching the battle, came up with an idea to ask those who could not recite poems to compose poems on the spot.

  It doesn't matter if the poem meets the requirements, but it can't be written randomly and must be considered good by everyone. You can't just make a random poem and get away with it.

  When this idea was put forward, the remaining five groups thought it was a good idea.

  Yu Rou smiled and said to Qin Shen: "Qin Langjun, come on."

  It wasn't that she was unwilling to help, but it was just not the right situation for her to take action.

8BOОk. ccom   In the eyes of everyone, she has always been an image of beauty but no ink in her belly, but if she can suddenly start poetry, it will be too doubtful. She can only contribute in the next round.   After she asked Mr. Guhe to study for a period of time, she no longer had to hide her clumsiness.   The speed of composing poems is much slower than before. It is not easy for Cao Zhi to compose a poem in seven steps. Let them compose poems on the spot, which of course requires a certain amount of time to think.   A cup of tea was enough to barely make it through one round. The other groups had noble girls helping to discuss poetry with the husbands. Only Yu Rou didn't help at all. She sat next to Qin Shen and watched. Like an outsider.   The handkerchiefs in the hands of the ladies watching the battle were almost torn to pieces, and they wanted to squeeze her down and go into battle to help Qin Shen.   Qin Langjun was also very good-tempered, so he just let her do this and watch.   In fact, the noble ladies knew in their hearts that Yu Rou could not do anything even if she didn't watch. She could not even recite the poems, so if she was asked to compose poems, she would not be able to do anything.   The princesses who were watching the battle were also angry, especially Princess He Ning. She was the prince's sister. She had been very opposed to the prince and Yu Rou's engagement before, but the prince insisted on having his own way. It was useless no matter what she said. Now she sees Yu Rou being a little bit more. She had no talent, so she became even more angry.   Princess He Ning thought that she must do something to prevent Yu Roubai from becoming the leader.   ...   Among the five groups who stayed, Yan Wanyun and Prince Guangcheng were also there.   Their combination is almost the same as that of Yu Rou and Qin Shen, but it's the other way around. Qin Shen was the one on Yu Rou's side, but Yan Wanyun was the one in their group. Prince Guangcheng sat and watched the show, and occasionally criticized Yan Wanyun, saying that Yan Wanyun's poems were not good enough, and that Yan Wanyun's poems were not good enough. Yan Wanyun kept holding back on being too slow, looking very embarrassed.   In comparison, Yan Wanyun looked at Yu Rou more and more often, with dissatisfaction and contempt.   Yan Wanyun was angry and thought: Qin Shen and Yu Rou were paired together. It was a pity for Qin Shen's talent. Yu Rou should be put together with Prince Guangcheng.   But Qin Shen didn't think so. He was speaking cheerfully, and Yu Rou was watching from the side, which satisfied his thoughts. Under the urging of His Highness the Crown Prince's eyes, he spoke faster and faster, and wrote poems at a faster speed. Leave others in the dust.   The others were stunned, but Yu Rou kept looking at Qin Shen with a smile, her eyes full of admiration.   Every time Qin Shen finished a line of poetry, Yu Rou would praise him in different ways.   Qin Shen felt that his back was getting colder and colder. He looked back again. For some reason, His Highness the Crown Prince's expression was still a little strange.   ...   The order was still going on, and it had reached a fever pitch. When it was the turn of the fifth prince, He Yulian reminded him softly and shyly that he could use the scene to show off. The fifth prince was quick-thinking and turned his head to look at the willow branches by the lake. Soon, He said: "I sneak back to the willow branches in the new year."   I saw that his face was like the Mid-Autumn moon, his color was like the flowers of spring dawn, his temples were like knife cuts, his eyebrows were like ink paintings, his face was like peach petals, his eyes were like autumn waves, and his pair of peach blossom eyes were slightly narrow. , that is, seeing and feeling. He looked like a handsome and elegant young man, which attracted ladies to peek at him frequently.   He Yulian was the closest to him. Her cheeks were slightly red and she didn't even dare to raise her head to look at him carefully.   For a moment, he seemed to have forgotten that his previous crush was His Highness the Crown Prince.   It was the turn of Yan Wanyun's group. Prince Guangcheng said with a smile: "Mrs. Yan, it's your turn again."   "Your Majesty, you plan to just watch like this?" Yan Wanyun said lightly.   "Then what should I do? If what I say is not good, won't it mean that you will be eliminated? Otherwise, let me try?" Prince Guangcheng suddenly sat up straight, "Okay, let me do it this time... ..."   Yan Wanyun's eyebrows moved in dissatisfaction, "I'll do it."   Prince Guangcheng's face suddenly turned cold, and he said with uncertainty, "Then the Yan family's wife must work harder.   " Yun was stunned for a moment, feeling a strange and indescribable feeling.   Her mind was restless, and it took her a long time to come up with the next sentence, "Unexpectedly, the spring breeze changed the wicker."   Prince Guangcheng laughed, and Yan Wanyun felt like he was sarcastic. She gritted her teeth and turned pale.   Suddenly a high-pitched voice came from a distance, "The Emperor has arrived."   Everyone was stunned, and then stood up and knelt down in the direction of the visitor, shouting in unison: "Long live the Emperor, long live the Emperor."   Xiaozhen The emperor was wearing casual clothes when he left the palace this time. Behind him were many guards and two fair-faced father-in-laws.   Emperor Xiaozhen looked at the lady who was kneeling with her head bowed, waved her hands and said: "Get up."   After the emperor finished speaking, the kneeling people stood up respectfully, and soon everyone consciously made way for Emperor Xiaozhen to ask. Sit on.   Who else dares to sit here while the emperor is here? Everyone stands with their heads bowed and their backs straightened, with their eyes and noses attentively.   "Today I heard that the queen was holding a palace banquet here, so I came over to join in the fun." The emperor smiled and said, "Don't be restrained, please sit down."   Everyone   nodded and replied respectfully: Yes.

  "Is this a drinking ceremony?"

  "If I return to the emperor, it's a drinking ceremony."

  Emperor Xiaozhen looked very interested and said, "Where are we now?"

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  "Reporting to the emperor, we are now carrying out the spring character order. Now it is time for spring to be the fourth character."

  The palace maid said this not because she was afraid that the emperor would not know the rules of the spring character order, but because there are several types of spring character orders, one They did this one today, and the other one was a poem with the word "spring" in the last word of the poem, so the poem the next person said should also be seven words long, and the last word of the poem should be the word "spring".

  "Whose turn is it?"

  The fifth prince replied humbly and politely: "Father, it's my turn."

  "Then just start. Do I need to give you time to think about it?" Emperor Xiaozhen was obviously interested in this. My son likes it very much and has a gentle look on his face.

  Everyone knows that poems beginning with the character spring are the easiest to compose, and poems ending with the character spring are not difficult either. Among the other sequences, only the character spring as the fourth character is the most difficult to compose.

  There was some confidence in the smile of the fifth prince, and he chanted directly: "Since I am late to go to school in spring, there is no need to be melancholy and resentful."

  Emperor Xiaozhen nodded with satisfaction.

  With Emperor Xiaozhen around, the poetry writing speed of several groups seemed to have accelerated. After a few exciting rounds, two more groups were eliminated, leaving only the three groups of Yu Rou, He Yulian, and Yan Wanyun.

  Emperor Xiaozhen's expression became more and more serious. Emperor Xiaozhen was a talent lover, and he also liked reciting poems and making poems. Such competitions interested him the most.

  Princess He Ning thought for a while and quietly walked to the emperor's side, "Father, I think there are only three groups left in this spring character poem, which can be used for the next round. Besides, look, all the ladies from the Yu family are It's really unfair to rely on Qin Shen to fish in troubled waters until now. If she really relies on Qin Shen to win the first place, it will be too easy for her."

  Emperor Xiaozhen knew this daughter very well, and he also noticed that Yu Rou had not contributed. Princess He Ning's meaning was exactly what he wanted. He smiled and said: "Then what do you think we should do?"

  "The spring character order has been going on for so long, why not just play the next daughter order."

  Emperor Xiaozhen did not object, and she Said: "I think the husbands are answering the spring poems, and the ladies didn't perform well. I think the daughter orders are answered by three young ladies, and the three husbands are watching. "Every lady has three chances to ask for help. If she still can't answer after three times, she loses." "

  You're right,"

  Princess He Ning thought for a moment and said, "Moreover, we have to change the team and start again." Draw lots."

  Princess He Ning felt that the prince's brother must have chosen Qin Shen for her purpose, but she didn't say anything.

  Emperor Xiaozhen said: "Okay, just do what you said."

  Then Emperor Xiaozhen smiled and ordered the changes. Although everyone was confused, they nodded in agreement.

  The emperor wants his ministers to die, and the ministers dare not not die. No matter whether the emperor's words are reasonable or not, everyone can only obey them. What's more, this is just a trivial matter, so naturally no one will say a word "no".

  The sudden change did not surprise Yu Rouduo. Everyone was racking their brains to give orders, but she was the only one who sat leisurely and watched the battle. She was the only one who could be in the top three despite not having any talent. Others If anyone could notice her, Emperor Xiaozhen must have noticed it as well.

  In the original plot, the emperor did not come to the Royal Garden. She changed the original plot, which also caused many things to not develop according to the original plot. She did not know what would happen next.

  She raised her eyes and looked at the noble ladies, and found that some people's eyes were also on her at the moment, with jealousy, disdain, injustice, and inquiry...

  It seemed that everyone was very dissatisfied with her, but in the next round, they Might be even more dissatisfied.

  "I will draw lots again." Princess He Ning took the initiative to stand up.

  She asked the palace maid to hand over the bamboo rafts with the remaining few people to her, then picked out Yu Rou's name, and directly put Yu Rou and Guangcheng Prince together.

  Princess He Ning thought: Let these two harm each other so as not to affect others.

  After making arrangements for Prince Yu and Rou Guangcheng, and the rest, she randomly formed four groups, and then handed them over to the palace maid and asked her to announce the new groups.

  When Yu Rou saw that it was Princess He Ning who was coming to smoke, she felt confident.

  As expected, she was paired with Prince Guangcheng, while Qin Shen was paired with He Yulian.

  Prince Guangcheng walked to sit next to her and said frivolously, "Okay now, should we abstain directly later?"

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  Yu Rou looked up at him, "The prince is joking. Now that he is here, how can he abstain from voting? If I can't do it later, I will have to ask the prince for help."

  "Don't dare, I don't know anything, I can only do it all. " I'm counting on the Yu family's wife." Prince Guangcheng had a half-smile, and his peach blossom eyes were very attractive.

  When the people next to them heard their conversation, they couldn't help but complain in their hearts. These two people are really enough. They will probably be eliminated in the first round later.

  "Oh... we can only adapt to the situation later. Two cobblers can still compete with half Zhuge Liang." Yu Rou frowned, her worried look was really pitiful.

  Prince Guangcheng was happy and continued to pretend: "It's a pity that we are assigned to a group. It's really a trick of fate. This is great... I will cheer you up in a while. You work hard. I am optimistic about you."

  "Your Majesty, you are serious . ..."

  The prince suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two, "Prince Guangcheng, the order will begin soon."

  Prince Guangcheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Tsk, it seems that the prince is unhappy.

  " Looking back at the prince, he showed a bright smile and winked at him, "Your Highness."

  The prince was stunned and his expression became strange.

  I was just chatting and laughing with other men, and now she is ogling me again. This woman is no different from her previous life, she is extremely hypocritical.


  Seeing that everyone was ready, Emperor Xiaozhen raised his finger and pointed at the fifth prince, saying: "Yu Jin, let's start with you."

  The fifth prince is the Yu Jin that Emperor Xiaozhen mentioned.

  "Father, you forgot, we just said that this round is dominated by the noble ladies, we cannot let the royal brother speak first." Princess He Ning said loudly.

  Emperor Xiaozhen: "Then let's start with their group."

  Song Yujin said: "Since the father has chosen me, let me take the lead. Aren't there three opportunities for help? What do you think of the Yan family?

  " Being in the same group as Song Yujin, Yan Wanyun felt a lot more relaxed. She pursed her lips slightly and said with a smile: "I have no objection, Fifth Prince, please."

  Song Yujin pondered for a moment, and quickly said the first thing A daughter's order: "It's hard to be a daughter, it's hard to say goodbye when we meet."

  As soon as Song Yujin came out with this sentence, the difficulty of this order suddenly increased a lot. You must know that the next seven characters of the daughter's order are the best to use in a sentence.

  After Song Yujin finished speaking, he looked at Qin Shen and He Yulian beside him.

  What Song Yujin said, using three words "difficult" in a row, was really good. He Yulian couldn't think of such a good sentence for a while, so she said to Qin Shen immediately: "Qin Langjun, the first round is up to you. Take the order."

  Naturally, Qin Shen would not be troubled and quickly answered: "My daughter is happy, Zhu Lou Biwa Qingqiu has passed."

  The daughter's order is very strict and difficult, and most people don't dare to do it. Asking questions, this sentence of Zhu Lou, Bi Wa and Qing Qiu passing by was really wonderful. Everyone read and recited it repeatedly and felt that it was superb. Qin Shen's level was indeed very high.

  After Qin Shen finished speaking, it was the turn of Prince Guangcheng and Yu Rou.

  Prince Guangcheng showed a playful smile, "It sounds pretty simple. Madam Yu, what do you think?"

  Yu Judao said: "Your Majesty, you think it's easy. How about you give it a try first?"

  Prince Guangcheng squinted his eyes . Looking at her, "Madam of the Yu family, do you want to help me?"

  "Your Majesty, are you willing to help me?" Yu Rou said with a smile.

  Prince Guangcheng took out a piece of green jade pendant from somewhere and played with it, "Then you can help me get started."   The two of them talked to each other without giving orders, and there was no doubt that they became the most popular among everyone. focus.   Princess He Ning had a headache after hearing this, and urged dissatisfiedly: "Hurry up, if it takes more than half a stick of incense to answer, you will be considered unable to answer, and you will be eliminated."   Others did not think Yu Rou and Prince Guangcheng could answer it, but When they are stalling for time.   Those who had been eliminated long ago, but were unwilling to do so, murmured in the crowd: "I guess they lingered for a long time, but still couldn't say anything."   "No, just pretending, it's better to admit defeat early, so as not to worry about it later . It's an ugly loss."   These people's harsh words reached the ears of Yu Ting and Yu Si next to them. Yu Ting was a little angry. Even if it wasn't her, she was still her sister. Although she has no talent, she understands the principle of both prosperity and disgrace. She is also a person who expresses emotions and anger. Her face immediately darkened and she said in a cold voice: "Some people are full of sourness and ill-will." , but don’t forget, whoever is still sitting there has been eliminated long ago.”   One of them blushed so hard that he could bleed, and the other with a bad temper was even more angry. If the emperor hadn't been sitting on it, she would have taken action.   Yu Si tugged on Yu Ting's sleeves and whispered, "Sister Ting, don't be angry. The emperor is still sitting up there. It would be bad if someone heard you."   Yu Ting pursed her lips and remained silent . .   Yu Si herself was defeated in Chunzi Shiling. She is only eleven years old this year, and the Yu family has no teacher. She can only rely on reading and memorizing some knowledge by herself, so that she can become a self-taught person at a young age. impossible.   Yu Si has always believed that although she is not as good as other noble girls, she must be the most talented in the Yu family. However, she did not expect that she was eliminated, but Yu Rou actually stayed until now. She was not jealous in her heart. She did that just now What the two said was what she felt, but Yu Ting's words also slapped her in the face.   Yu Si suppressed the strange emotions in his heart and stared straight at Yu Rou with a pair of big and bright almond eyes.   "The time is almost up, Gu You, can you answer it?" Emperor Xiaozhen smiled and named Crown Prince Guangcheng.   Gu You looked up at Emperor Xiaozhen and smiled mischievously, "With the beauty on your side, can you always give it a try? Your Majesty, what do you say?"   "You kid." Emperor Xiaozhen laughed. He listened to Gu You Yuu didn't get angry at all with these nonsense words, but instead laughed happily.   "Okay, Madam of the Yu family, I sacrificed myself for you. If you want to repay me, come on, give me a start first." Gu You lazily picked up the wine on the table and took a sip.   This was obviously drunk by the person who lost the order, but he drank it in one gulp. He was indeed a wanton character.   Yu Rou thought for a while, "Let's start with my daughter's sorrow."   Gu You looked like she was thinking hard, and suddenly she slapped the table, causing the cups on the table to tremble.   "Thinking of it, my daughter is sad, and the strong wind blows down the dressing room."   What kind of poem is this?   A noble girl just wanted to shout loudly, but after reading it carefully, she found that this poem was no worse than what Qin Shen and Song Yujin had said before. Although the artistic conception was slightly inferior, the rhyme was very good, and the meaning was simple and easy to understand. .   Everyone was stunned. Emperor Xiaozhen was stunned for a moment, then he slapped the table and laughed, "The strong wind blew down the dressing room? Hahaha, it's wonderful, the dressing room was blown down, isn't it sad!"   Princess He Ning looked at her eyes There was a flash of surprise in his voice, but he couldn't fault it at all. Not only was it coherent, but it also had rhyme.   Yu Rou also looked at Gu You with surprise on her face, and said softly: "Your Majesty is so awesome, I admire you little girl."   Gu You shook his head, winked with a mischievous smile, and approached Yu Judo: "Hey, what do you admire? Come on. Pour me a glass of wine."

  Yu Rou looked back at His Highness the Crown Prince and saw that he had an ugly face and was looking at them coldly.

  Yu Rou thought for a while and called the maid behind her, "Come and help the prince pour the wine."

  Seeing that she asked someone else to come, Gu You didn't say anything. He kept staring at Yu Rou, unable to tell what he was thinking.

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8bOoК. COm   "What are you guys doing in a daze? Since I passed, let's go to the next one." Gu You picked up the wine glass and drank it down, then looked around at everyone and said.   It was the turn of Song Yujin and Yan Wanyun again. Yan Wanyun pondered for a long time and said: "My daughter is happy, the color of her makeup is beautiful when I look in the mirror."   After going back and forth like this, Song Yujin is the best among the three. In one sentence There are three difficult words, which not only echo before and after, but also form a sentence in the second half, taken from "It is difficult to say goodbye when we meet, and the east wind is powerless and the flowers are withered."   Everyone's eyes fell on He Yulian again, and He Yulian thought about it for a long time Only then did he come up with the idea, "Daughters are crazy, and they only use time as love."   When we arrived at Yu Rou's place again, everyone was waiting to see how Yu Rou and Gu You could survive this round.   Gu You said nonchalantly: "How is it? Madam Yu, are you going to ask me for help again?"   Everyone thought that Yu Rou would struggle to the death and use up the three opportunities.   Unexpectedly, Yu Rou said: "No need, the prince's words just now gave me a lot of inspiration."   Gu You was startled and said in surprise: "Oh? What inspiration?"   Yu Rou smiled and said directly: " My daughter is worried and has no money to apply hair oil. "   What is this?"   Several ladies held back their screams, how could this happen?   This was the first time they had heard a noble girl write poetry like this. It was simply too... too vulgar, not elegant at all, and the words used had no sense of beauty.   The people present were either from Bianjing's powerful families or from the royal family and nobles. How could anyone worry about money issues? As soon as Yu Rou said this, everyone's eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe it.   Gu You raised his eyebrows, becoming more interested in Yu Rou.   Yu Rou's calm and composed appearance was also very charming. While the gentlemen present were shocked by her words about daughter, they were also attracted by her stunning beauty.   The prince looked around and found that all the men were looking at Yu Rou, and he couldn't help but sink his face.   Gu You smiled and said: "Since Madam Yu is worried about not having enough money to buy combing oil, I will buy the best rouge, gouache and sesame oil in the capital and deliver them to your house someday?"   "Thank you, Your Majesty, it's just a joke, where can I Use the crown prince to spend money." Yu Rou smiled.   Prince Guangcheng suddenly came up to Yu Rou and whispered: "I think His Highness the Crown Prince is cold and cold. He is definitely not gentle and considerate enough. How about you terminate your engagement with him and stay with me?"   Although his voice was small, But His Highness the Crown Prince has sharp ears and eyes, and heard this sentence completely.   Feeling a sudden chill behind her, Gu You looked back and said, "Tsk, His Highness the Crown Prince seems to be very angry."   Yu Rou pretended not to hear.   The order was still going on, Yan Wanyun said after Yu Rou: "My daughter is worried, and it will be hard to keep the flowers after they are gone."   As if he wanted to compete with Yu Rou, Yan Wanyun also said something about one worry being the main one. Daughter order.   Everyone couldn't help but clapped their hands and applauded, Yan Wanyun is really a talented woman worthy of her name.   He Yulian racked her brains and finally came up with a good saying: "My daughter is sad, why do pear blossoms bring rain to me?"   No one realized that these normal things could no longer make them look forward to it. Instead, they began to want to hear Yu Rourou's words. What other amazing sentences can Gu You say?   After more than ten rounds, Yu Rou was able to come up with some surprising but very reasonable daughter orders each time without even asking for help. The people present looked at her in a completely different way than before.   There was anger that could not be concealed in Yan Wanyun's eyes, but it only flashed past and no one noticed it.   Emperor Xiaozhen smiled and said: "This granddaughter of Yu Gutong is quite smart. She can understand everything and learn it quickly."   When it was He Yulian's turn again, she racked her brains and couldn't think of the next sentence.   She had already asked for help once more, and now she only had the last right to ask for help.   She hesitated for a while but decided to ask for help, so she asked Qin Shen to help.   She was angry, her tone became irritable, and her words were particularly unpleasant.   Qin Shen thought for a while but couldn't think of anything particularly good, which made her even more annoyed. She couldn't help but make some sarcastic remarks. She knew Qin Shen's background before, and she didn't like him in the first place. Didn't look good on Qin Shen.   Qin Shen frowned, but He Yulian was still chattering. Qin Shen said coldly: "Shut up."   He Yulian's eyes widened in disbelief, "How dare you speak to me like this with your status! "   Qin Shen's eyes became sharp and cold, he sneered, stood up directly, and said loudly: "I can't tell, I abstain."   The other gentlemen were all surprised. Although they didn't have a close relationship with Qin Shen. But I somewhat understand his character. He is extremely talented. Although his family background is not good, he has a high self-esteem and never lags behind others. It is really unbelievable that he would voluntarily abstain from voting today.   He Yulian's emotions can be described as complicated, both shocked and angry.   She glared at Qin Shen fiercely, as if she wanted to eat someone, she lowered her voice and said: "Did you do it on purpose?"   Qin Shen looked at her sarcastically and said coldly: "Yes, so what if I did it on purpose. You are really annoying and vulgar, and the Yu family is much better than you." No matter how arrogant   He Yulian is, she is just a teenage girl. She has never been humiliated like this, and she can't help but blush and feel embarrassed. To the point where I want to leave.   She gritted her teeth and looked at Yu Rou, as if she was placing the blame on Yu Rou again.   Qin Shen abstained, and this group was eliminated, leaving only Yu Rou and Yan Wanyun.   Strange to say, Yan Wanyun seemed to be in confusion after Qin Shen and He Yulian gave up. She couldn't figure it out for a long time. In full view of the public, her face, as proud as a peacock, looked a little lewd. Changed, she paused and used her second right to ask for help.   Song Yujin didn't even think about it and just picked up the next sentence, and Yu Rou read another sentence right after.   This back and forth took less than ten breaths, and Yan Wanyun had no time to think of the next sentence. She couldn't help but feel a little at a loss. She faltered a few times and saw everyone staring at her. Yu Rou looked at her with a smile on her lips. Yun felt that the smile was full of irony.   Amid everyone's surprised eyes, Yan Wanyun pondered for a moment and had no choice but to continue asking for help.   Yu Rou was waiting for her to take this step.   Song Yujin didn't expect that Yan Wanyun would ask for help one after another. His heart sank, thinking that the leader might have no hope today, but that's all. It's just that the eldest lady of the Yu family was beyond his expectation, and he was impressed.   When the prince was fascinated by Yu Rou and wanted to get engaged to her, he had secretly ridiculed the prince for being seduced by her beauty. Now it seemed that Yu Rou was definitely something special.   Song Yujin's eyes fell on Yu Rou's face involuntarily, and he saw her charming smile, which really made people's hearts itch.   With such a beauty, it's no wonder that the prince insists on marrying her regardless of the obstruction.   But looking at Yu Rou's performance today, he suddenly felt that the prince was not attracted by Yu Rou's face. There must be something else he didn't know.   He stared at Yu Rou for too long. After the prince saw it, his face became more and more gloomy.   This woman... she wants to seduce so many men, but he won't let her get her wish.


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  When it was Yan Wanyun's turn again, she finally came up with one, but she managed to say it, but Yu Rou seemed to be able to pick it up without any effort at all.

  After less than five back and forths, Yan Wanyun finally ran out of options and reluctantly gave up.

  All the noble ladies were shocked. Before this, who would have thought that Yu Rou could break through the encirclement and overpower all the noble ladies to win the title?

  Only then did Princess He Ning realize that she changed the rules and helped Yu Rou win.

  Otherwise, how could Yan Wanyun and the Fifth Prince lose if they join forces?

  But this has also shown that Yu Rou won Yan Wanyun on her own.

  This shows that Yu Rou is not the idiot she thought she was.

  She hated Yu Rou before, but actually it was because she didn't want the prince's brother to marry such a woman. She thought she must have seduced the prince's brother with her beauty. In fact, this was indeed the case in the original plot.

  Now, Yu Rou has proved with her strength that she is not without talent. She can be so powerful just by performing on the spot. If she studies hard, she will be even more powerful than many men.

  Princess He Ning's expression changed several times in a short period of time, and the way she looked at Yu Rou was different.


  "Daughter's order, Madam Yu and Prince Guangcheng win." The palace maid in green announced.

  The Empress sent someone to bring over the lottery prizes that had been agreed upon before, and Emperor Xiaozhen was so pleased that he sent two famous paintings from his collection by the former painter Zhang Wenxuan to Yu Rou and Gu You as rewards.

  These two paintings can be separated into two pieces and spliced ​​together to form one painting. It is very clever. Emperor Xiaozhen had been collecting it before, but today he actually asked someone to bring it to Yu Rou and Gu You.

  After hearing Emperor Xiaozhen's words, the prince's expression changed.

  Yu Rou did not expect that she would be so lucky. The original owner had heard of these two paintings. Literati and scholars highly praised Zhang Wenxuan's works, especially these two paintings, which are treasures for those who love painting.

  However, Mr. Guhe happened to be obsessed with painting, and she concluded that Mr. Guhe could not refuse this great gift.

  Use this as a stepping stone, and you will definitely be able to successfully meet Mr. Guhe.

  Yu Rou was surprised and happy, and quickly knelt down to thank her: "Thank you, Your Majesty for your grace."

  "Get up." Emperor Xiaozhen said with a smile.

  He lowered his head and said to the queen beside him: "I thought the prince was willful in insisting on marrying the eldest lady of the Yu family before, but now it seems that the prince still has a vision."

  The queen was also very satisfied and nodded in agreement: "I am the same way. I thought, this lady is not as smart as the rumors say. The Yu family is the founder of the country. She has made great contributions to Da'an and is loyal to the emperor. The prince must have thought carefully about getting engaged to her. , Maybe the Yu family has not always been stubborn and unwilling to follow the literary tradition, but they just haven't had a good chance to prove themselves."

  Princess He Ning, who was listening next to her, also looked like she suddenly understood.

  No wonder the always smart brother of the prince asked to marry Yu Rou. He must have discovered her advantages and saw a side that no one else could see. It was because she had misunderstood the brother of the prince and Yu Rou.

  She is really blind, and she actually listened to the nonsense of those people who talk nonsense. If she didn't understand it today, when the prince's brother marries Yu Rou in the future, she will still be against her. Fortunately...

  thinking of this, Princess He Ning stood up He got up and walked to the prince, "Brother."

  The prince turned back to look at Princess He Ning, "YunG poked Shuajunbr />

  Princess He Ning smiled, "It's nothing, I just came to ask you, Madam of the Yu family Why don't you go talk to others if you win? "

  The prince looked at her doubtfully.

  Princess He Ning winked, looked at Yu Rou and Gu You said: "Prince Guangcheng loves beauty the most, and he has always been lawless and willful. You must take good care of the Yu family's wife, don't Let him do something ridiculous. "

  The prince followed her line of sight and looked over, only to see that Gu You was barely clinging to Yu Rou. Gu You's peach-blossom eyes made her smile particularly eye-catching, and her frivolous appearance was also disturbing.   "Yes. "The prince said in a deep voice.   "The wife of the Yu family really makes Gu fall in love with her. "Gu You blinked at Yu Rou somewhat exaggeratedly, his eyes full of affection.   Yu Rou smiled, because she was in a good mood, so she smiled even more softly, and she was instantly radiant.   "Your Majesty, don't make fun of me, the little girl is already here. There is an engagement. "Yu Rou lowered her eyes, her tone was calm, neither happy nor panicked.   Gu You looked at her with more interest, tapped her fingers on the table, did not continue talking, but looked at her with a half-smile. She.   At this time, the eunuchs who were ordered to pick up the paintings came back.   Emperor Xiaozhen ordered him to give the paintings to Yu Rou and Gu You.   The empress also asked the maids to hand over the prizes to the three winners. In the hands of the group. However, among the three groups, the faces of the other two groups were not good-looking   .   The two husbands were okay, they had no expression, and they could not tell whether they were happy or angry, but He Yulian and Yan Wanyun were obviously forced to smile. He stood up with a glass of wine and said: "I was just paying attention to the drinking order and didn't drink much wine on the table. Otherwise, if we all have a drink together now, we won't live up to the beautiful spring scenery."   Emperor Xiaozhen laughed when he heard this and said, "But you didn't stop when I was watching over you. You kept toasting and drinking. " "   Gu You smiled without scruples, "Your Majesty is still sharp-eyed. I can't help it. Who makes the imperial wine in the palace so fragrant and tempting? Why don't your Majesty and the empress allow me to take a few jars back after the palace banquet and let me drink at home? Enough, he won't be so worthless next time he enters the palace. "   You boy, don't you think the wine in your house is not enough for you to drink? You want to take wine away from the palace and let your father know about it? Don't come to me to plead for mercy." "Emperor Xiaozhen also joked with him.   "Your Majesty, please let me go." "   Okay, Li Desheng, prepare ten jars of wine for Prince Guangcheng and send them to the palace." "Emperor Xiaozhen waved his hand, as if he was too lazy to tell him @Alshubr />   "Thank you Lord for your kindness! "Gu You immediately knelt down to thank him, causing Emperor Xiaozhen to laugh and shake his head. ⑧bООk.сοm   The Queen Mother said: "Then let's all raise a toast together and have a drink. Someone, come and pour wine for all the ladies and gentlemen. "   Seeing everyone picking up the cups on the table, Yu Rou hesitated.   From the memory of the original owner, he learned that when the original owner drank alcohol, his face and body would become red and hot, and the reaction was obvious. This kind of physique is not easy to get drunk. , but she looked red all over. The original owner rarely drank in front of others after knowing that she would look like this after drinking. As an ancient person, she naturally did not understand any scientific principles and did not ask the doctor, thinking that there was something wrong with her body. No alcohol.   “Sister Rou, why don’t you drink? "Yu Ting had already had a drink. Seeing that Yu Rou hadn't picked up the cup yet, she asked doubtfully.   Her voice was not high, but it still attracted the ladies next to her to look over.   In fact, it was just a small cup, and it was okay to drink it. Even if you blush, you just need to dissipate the heat after a while.   "It's okay. "Yu Rou picked up the wine glass and drank all the wine in one gulp.   Seeing that she had already drank, no one paid attention to her anymore.

  Yu Ting smiled and said: "Sister Rou, this wine is quite delicious. No wonder the prince asked for a few jars to take back. I have never drunk this kind of flower and fruit wine before."

  Yu Rou: "Well, the palace royal The wine made here is naturally incomparable."

  "I have another bottle here. Let's have another drink." Yu Ting blinked and poured another glass for herself and Yu Rou.

  "Don't be greedy for drinks. You will make a fool of yourself when you get drunk later." Yu Ju said.

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  "No, sister Rou, have you forgotten that I often drink at home?"

  The Yu family is a family of military commanders, and the upbringing of girls is not like those of literati. The daughter's family will also learn to drink from an early age.

  Yu Ting's drinking capacity is indeed pretty good. Thinking of this, Yu Rou has no use in trying to dissuade her.   "Sister Rou, don't you drink?"   The original owner was not bad at drinking, but her face was red and hot. Looking at Yu Ting's expectant eyes, she also picked up the glass of wine and took another sip.   ...   Emperor Xiaozhen said that he still had memorials to approve, so he told the queen and left.   The empress was also tired and was ready to drive back to the palace so that everyone could enjoy the flowers in the imperial garden as they pleased.   The noble ladies discussed going to the peach grove over there to enjoy the flowers. Yu Rou's face had begun to feel hot, making her uncomfortable.   She took a few steps and touched her face. Her fingers were all hot. She felt hot when she touched her face. She knew that she must be like a cooked shrimp at this time, and it would only get redder and redder in a short time. She Not wanting to be seen by the other noble ladies, she quietly left the queue and did not follow the others. Instead, she separated from the other noble ladies at the intersection and took another road, intending to sit down to rest and enjoy the cold breeze.   She had just seen from a distance that this road led to a bamboo forest, and she thought it would be cooler.   Sure enough, Yu Rou walked around the wide and flat path and saw a dense forest of bamboos ahead.   There is also a stone tablet beside the bamboo forest with a few words engraved on it. When I got closer, I discovered that it was planted with various rare bamboos contributed to the imperial court from various places, and a large area of ​​them was beautiful mottled bamboo.   Unlike ordinary bamboo, spotted bamboo has light ink spots of varying sizes, so it is also called tear-stained bamboo.   There are trails through the dense forest, which are green and quiet. A breeze blows and large bamboo leaves rustle. It doesn't sound noisy, but it makes people feel calm.   No wonder the stone tablet just now said "Bamboo Quiet Garden".   Yu Rou looked around and saw no one else. She let out a long sigh of relief. She felt stuffy and hot, so she pulled open the collar that was tightly strangling her neck, trying to get some air.   The clothes she wore when entering the palace were too thick, and the spring day was warm. She had already felt stuffy, and it became even more unbearable after drinking wine.   But as soon as she pulled open her collar, she heard a cold voice coming from behind her.   "What are you doing?"   Yu Rou was startled. Just now she had seen that there was no one around, so why did a person suddenly appear, and the voice was quite familiar.   Yu Rou slowly turned around and saw that it was His Highness the Crown Prince.   "Your Highness?" Yu Rou looked at him in surprise, "Why are you here?"   The prince frowned and stared at her coldly, his eyes falling on her face.   Yu Rou's face was red, her eyes were sparkling, her cherry-red lips were slightly opened, her eyes were lazy, and she looked very seductive.   His face was so red, he even pulled open his collar, and his tone of voice was soft and delicate. Could it be that he had been hit by an aphrodisiac?   But didn’t he make people stop having to do it? Didn't Bai Ye stop the person who drugged him?   Yu Rou touched her face, but it was still very hot. She said, "I drank just now...I..."   The prince couldn't help but sneered when he thought of her tender and charming look towards those men just now.   "No need to say it."   "What's wrong?"   The prince's eyes were sinister, flashing with hatred, "As long as you beg me, I will find someone to help you with the antidote."   Yu Rou looked confused, he was thinking too much Yet? ⑻ьOΟK. Cом

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  Seeing her innocent and confused look, the prince thought she was still pretending, and said coldly: "What? Or do you want to find the antidote for Qin Shen or Prince Guangcheng?"

  Yu Rou looked at him speechlessly and said with He said in a confused tone: "Your Highness, did you misunderstand something?"

  "What misunderstanding? You just called Qin Langjun. I misheard you and thought you were calling me lover, and you smiled like that at Gu You , aren’t you just trying to seduce him?” The prince sneered after speaking, his face was solemn and his eyes were scary.

  Yu Rou was stunned, what on earth was he talking about?

  "Don't you have anything to say to refute?" The prince glared at her bitterly, "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking."

  Originally, he was planning to continue to make excuses with her, but he did not tell her that he had no intention of doing anything until after the engagement was broken off. I want to marry her and let her feel the pain of being abandoned.

  He also made arrangements to poison her wine today to set up a scheme between her and her fifth brother, ruin her reputation, and make her father disappointed in her fifth brother, killing two birds with one stone.

  But when he saw Gu You's eyes on Yu Rou, he changed his mind.

  Even if Yu Rou's fifth brother was designed so that she could not become the princess, she might still seduce Gu You. After all, Gu You was obviously very interested in her today. With Gu You's character, he could guess that as long as he As soon as the engagement is broken off, Gu You will immediately take her back to Prince Guangcheng's Mansion.

  This woman is very capable, and maybe she can become the crown prince after her reputation is damaged.

  He couldn't let her get what she wanted, so he couldn't break off the engagement, he wanted her to be bound.

  "Prince, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

  Yu Rou's ears were still flushed, and her slender neck exposed her fair and tender skin.

  The prince thought to himself, if he hadn't come, would she really have found someone else to get the antidote? Did this woman forget that they still had an engagement? Before he broke off the engagement with her, she was facing other people in front of him. The man laughed, what else did she dare not do.

  How could he be fascinated by this kind of woman in his previous life? He was willing to give up everything for her, but she threw herself into the arms of others without hesitation.

  The prince clenched his fists, feeling uneasy.

  "Before I change my mind, you'd better ask me to help you, otherwise the medicine will take effect and you will lose consciousness immediately."


  Yu Rou couldn't stand it anymore. She lowered her head to hold back her laughter, and her shoulders could not help but smile slightly. Jitter.

  The prince frowned and thought: I am crying now, do you think I will be soft-hearted?

  Yu Rou thought to herself that the prince's misunderstanding seemed to be quite big. Wouldn't it be good to expose it directly, but she didn't want to make a mistake.

  How to tell him that he was not drugged at all but just a natural reaction after drinking alcohol.

  This prince was more awkward than she thought. He looked like he hated her, but he still paid attention to her. When she was doing the drinking order just now, she felt that the prince had been staring at her closely, causing her to always be distracted. he.

  Seeing that she still didn't raise her head or speak, the prince looked irritated and said, "Do you think I will be soft-hearted?"

  Yu Rou pursed her lips to stop laughing, "Your Highness, you really misunderstood."

  "I said you don't have to pretend anymore..." The prince's words stopped abruptly.

  Yu Rou looked up at him, her cheeks were slightly red, her cherry-like lips were so delicate, and her watery eyes looked straight into his.

  There is a touch of spring on the cheeks, and thousands of green hairs stretch out around the neck.

  The prince's heart felt as if he had been hit hard. A stone fell into a calm pool of water, causing ripples in circles. He could not calm down for a long time.

  He looked away from her, and after a while he said: "Come with me, and I will take you to get the antidote."

  Yu Rou thought to herself: His Royal Highness is too capricious.

  She simply stopped explaining, wanting to see what else he could think of.

  The prince grabbed her, and he didn't know what kind of martial arts he used. He walked like flying and took her deep into the bamboo forest.   Yu Rou felt a gust of wind blowing by her ears, and the heat on her body gradually dissipated. It was estimated that the flush on her face would soon fade away.   Yu Rou saw a long stream. There was a courtyard not far from the stream, surrounded by seven or eight ancient pines, which diverted water around it.   To get to the courtyard, you have to cross a small bridge. The bridge spans both sides of the stream, and the sound of the gurgling water is very pleasant.   "Where is this?" Yu Rou asked in surprise.   The prince ignored her, flew across the bridge and entered the courtyard, which was guarded by palace maids and eunuchs.   The palace maids and eunuchs inside were obviously frightened when they saw the prince, and they all knelt down and saluted. The prince waved his hand and said coldly: "Go and find Bai Ye."   The eunuch left in response.   Yu Rou secretly looked at the courtyard, wondering where it was.   The prince took her all the way into the back room, and Yu Rou smelled a faint incense, which smelled very similar to the prince's scent.   "Your Highness, put me down, I have something to say."   The prince said coldly: "Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to make your antidote myself. I brought you here just to force out the medicinal properties of you."   Yu Rou raised her eyelids and said seriously: "Your Highness, I am just a little hot after drinking wine. I have not been drugged. I will be fine later. You really misunderstood."   The prince's movements froze and hesitantly let go of her, " What did you say?"   "Your Highness, where did you think you were? Why did you think I was drugged?" Yu Rou looked at him curiously.   The prince's face turned blue and he was speechless. He was wondering whether he had been kicked in the head by a donkey just now and what he was thinking about again.   "Did His Highness say those words just now because he was jealous?" Yu Rou stretched out her hand and tugged on his sleeve, "If the Crown Prince doesn't like me talking to others, just say so. There's no need for this." ⑧BОOК. The prince   couldn't help but became irritated: "What are you talking about?"   "It doesn't matter, I understand." Yu Rou blinked at him, "I will pay attention to it in the future. If you don't like it, I will ignore other people, okay?" Yu Rou blinked at him   . Rou's voice was soft and sultry, like a pair of gentle hands wrapping the prince's heart, caressing it gently and giving it great joy.   The prince threw her hand away in shame, "You woman, don't think I will believe you."   "Prince, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? Why are you talking nonsense all the time." Yu Rou reached out and touched him. head of.   "No."   "Would you like to ask the imperial doctor to take a look at you?" Yu Rou looked at him worriedly, "I feel like something is not right with you. Are you overly worried recently and having hallucinations in your mind?"   If it weren't for Yu Rou , Rou's expression was so worried that the prince was almost sure that she was sarcastically sarcastic.   However, he must not fall into her gentle trap again.   A woman like her is scheming and greedy for power. She uses her clever words and tricks to get the status of the crown princess she wants from him. Once he loses power, she can hide faster than anyone else.

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  "You go."

  Yu Rou pursed her lips and flinched when he yelled, but she still said: "Prince, don't hold on, I don't think your face looks good, it's better to ask the imperial doctor to check your pulse. ."

  The prince's chest rose and fell faster, and his face became more and more ugly. "Shut up."

  Yu Rou looked hurt and bit her lips and stopped talking.

  Seeing her look like this, the prince felt vaguely regretful in his heart. He shook his head and wanted to get rid of those thoughts of pity and cherishment. He grabbed her, how he brought her here, and how he took her out.


  At this time, those noble ladies had discovered that Yu Rou was missing. Yu Ting was worried about Yu Rou, so she proposed to go find her. Yu Si would definitely follow her. Unexpectedly, Yan Wanyun also said that she wanted to go look for her together. Everyone Saying that she has a kind heart, all the ladies will go back and look for Yu Rou along the way.   It happened that when everyone reached the intersection where Yu Rou separated from them, they saw Yu Rou and the prince walking out together.   The prince's face was very ugly, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the prince was angry again, and there was only Yu Rou next to him, and Yu Rou's face and eyes were red.   Everyone suddenly started thinking, thinking that Yu Rou had offended the prince and was reprimanded by the prince.   Seeing the others, the prince didn't say a word, just threw down Yu Rou's hand and left.   Everyone is more convinced that Yu Rou has angered the prince.   Yu Ting trotted over and asked Yu Rou: "Sister Rou, what's wrong? Why does the prince look so angry?"   When Yu Rou saw the others looking at her inquiringly, she looked sad, " "Hey, I said something wrong that made the prince unhappy."   "How could this happen?" Yu Ting looked shocked.   "I want to go back."   Yu Rou looked like she didn't want to say more, so Yu Ting had to swallow a bunch of questions.   "Well, let's go back first. It's getting late..." Yu Ting gritted her teeth. Seeing everyone looking at them, she also knew that now was not the time to talk. She might as well leave the palace quickly and ask Yu Rou what happened. She was dying of curiosity about what happened.   ...   After the palace banquet, the news that Yu Rou offended the prince and was rejected by the prince somehow spread throughout the circles of the royal family in Beijing. Even the husband of the Yu family got the news and came back to ask what was going on.   All of a sudden, everyone in the Yu family came to ask her what happened.   Yu Rou always said that nothing happened, and even when it came to Wang, she was vague and didn't make it clear.   A few days later, Prince Guangcheng suddenly sent someone to deliver another painting, as well as a lot of rouge, gouache, silk and satin, and invited her to go boating on the lake tomorrow.   Yu Rou took the letter inviting her to go boating. Looking at the gifts all over the room, I felt a bit dumbfounded.   She knew the reputation of Prince Guangcheng, and she had no intention of agreeing, but Wang quickly got the news and came to her in a hurry.   Yu Rou was instructing the female envoys to return all the gifts, leaving only the painting, when she heard a female envoy reporting that Madam was here.   Yu Rou hurriedly went out to greet her, just in time to catch up with Wang who was in a hurry.   "Jiaojiao'er."   "Mom, why are you here?"   "I heard that Prince Guangcheng has brought you something?" As soon as Wang finished speaking, she saw the room full of things, and her mouth opened wide. , said blankly: "Is this all a gift from Prince Guangcheng?"   "Yes." Yu Rou nodded.   "This is too exaggerated." Wang's expression was a little subtle.   "Mom, please sit down first, and then we talk."   Wang shook her head, took her hand, and persuaded her earnestly: "Jiaojiaoer, please don't be fooled by the prince. That prince is not a good man. " Mother   , what are you talking about? I haven't even said a few words to the prince." Yu Rou said with a smile.   "Then why did he give you so many things?" Wang said in surprise.   "My daughter doesn't know either. Maybe it was a whim." Yu Rou said casually.   "There were rumors before that the prince was going to break off the engagement with you, but mother still didn't believe it. With the prince's behavior now, could it be that he really got some news from the emperor?" Wang said with a worried look. 8ьoОК. СΟm

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  Yu Rou: "Mom, don't think too much. The prince and I are on good terms. Those are all groundless rumors."

  But Wang didn't believe it at all. "For so many days, the prince has not expressed the slightest sign. If you say that nothing happened, Mom won’t believe it. Jiao Jiao’er, tell Mom, what do you think? If the prince really breaks off the engagement, what are your plans?”

  Yu Judao: “Mom, don’t worry, the prince will not break off the engagement. "


  "Really." Yu Rou said firmly.

  "Hey, what about Prince Guangcheng? I think he seems to be very attentive to you. Look at the gifts in this room. This gift was delivered with great fanfare today. I'm afraid everyone in the capital will know. His Highness the Crown Prince I will definitely know soon." Wang said with a sad face.

  "Your Majesty, it's just a whim. He will forget about me in a few days." Yu Rou comforted her.

  Although Mrs. Wang didn't quite believe what Yu Rou said, she had to say that Yu Rou gave her a reassurance and relaxed her tight heartstrings a little.

  Mrs. Wang sighed: "Hey, okay, I hope that's the case."

  Yu Rou: "Mom, I'm going out tomorrow. I plan to visit Mr. Guhe who I told you about last time."

  She was originally worried that she only had one painting by Master Zhang Wenxuan, and she was missing another one. She wondered whether it would be possible, but Prince Guangcheng came to her in time and sent that painting.

  It just so happened that she would send it to Mr. Guhe tomorrow. If Mr. Guhe agreed to her request, then she would have to thank Prince Guangcheng.

  "If someone doesn't want to, don't force me. Mom can find a way on her own." Wang was very satisfied when she saw that she really cared about her brother, but she was afraid that she would be embarrassed if she couldn't do it after she said it. Say, force yourself.

  "I know."

  Ms. Wang thought for a while, frowned and said, "Mom, I think it's still inappropriate. As a girl, it's always not good for you to go out in public to meet a man. In the past, forget it, but now if someone finds out, If you want to talk too much, it's better for you to send someone."

  Yu Rou could only say, "I'll go there tomorrow and deliver the gifts and come back. I'll sit in a carriage and put on my hat so no one can see me. "

  Well, when the time comes, sir, you will come and learn. Mom will find some female gentlemen for you to teach piano, chess, calligraphy and painting." Privately, Mrs. Wang still hopes that her daughter can learn more talents.

  She had heard about Yu Rou's limelight at the palace banquet a long time ago. When the ladies saw her, they praised her for her good fortune. She gave birth to a smart and beautiful daughter and was engaged to the prince.

  Women's education has always received considerable attention in the Da'an Dynasty, and the women's schools in the capital are getting better and better. The women's schools teach not only classical and historical articles, poetry and music, but also music, chess, calligraphy and painting, women's virtues, women's beauty, etc. .

  There is a prestigious family in the capital. Their daughters have been learning poetry, calligraphy, etiquette, music, chess, calligraphy and painting since they were young. They enter a girls' school when they are thirteen years old.

  If Yu Rou could be like those noble girls and become a princess in the future, she would not be gossiped about. If the prince ascended the throne, she would have to be a mother and honor the world. Wouldn't it be bad to learn from it if she didn't have the guts to do it?

  In the past, Yu Rou was unwilling to learn, but now that she is willing to put in the effort to invite her husband, she must have changed her mind.


  The next day, when Yu Rou knocked on the door in person with the two paintings and asked to see her, she was wearing a curtain hat, and her face under the gauze could not be seen clearly, but the book boy still remembered Yu Rou's voice.

  "Sir, we are entertaining guests. I'm afraid it's inconvenient to see you."

  Haitang frowned and said, "Why are there guests again? Girl, we are very unlucky."

  Yu Rou shook her head to signal her not to talk too much. She looked at the book boy and said, "It's okay. , please help me pass this to Sir."

  The boy took the two scrolls handed to him by Haitang, "Is this

  a gift for Sir?" Yu Rou said with a smile, "Thank you. Please tell Sir that I am." I sincerely ask for an audience."

  "Please wait a moment, guest, I'll report it," said the boy.   After the bookboy came in, Haitang said softly: "Girl, are you really waiting here? What if the gentleman still disagrees with you?"   "Well, don't worry, we will see you." Yu Rou was not worried.   Sure enough, after a while, the book boy came out and said: "Sir, please come in."   Yu Rou nodded, told the coachman to stop the carriage at the corner of the alley, and then followed the book boy into Fuyun Residence.   As soon as you enter the door, you will see a bluestone path. In the northwest corner are two large trees with lush foliage. In the southeast corner is a patch of medicinal herbs, fruits and vegetables, occupying most of the yard. There is also a flower stand covered with green vines.   After passing through a small gate, there is another empty courtyard, which is particularly elegantly decorated. Stone tables, stone piers, and medicinal tea leaves are dried on the ground and shelves. The air is filled with a refreshing fragrance.   There were two people sitting on the stone table. One of them turned out to be Qin Shen, whom Yu Rou also knew. He was dressed casually today. He wore a dark blue robe and looked a little thin. His facial features were delicate and the expression on his face was just like that day at the palace banquet. Same as above, cold and calm.   The other person sitting opposite Qin Shen looked to be forty years old and should be Mr. Guhe.   Qin Shen and Mr. Gu He were admiring the two scrolls. Mr. Gu He was full of joy, which showed that he was very satisfied with the gift.   Yu Rou felt relieved.   "Sir, the guests are here." The book boy reminded, interrupting the conversation between Qin Shen and Mr. Gu He.   The two of them turned around at the same time and saw Yu Rou.   Yu Rou smiled and lifted the curtain, revealing her stunning face.   "Little girl Yu Rou, I have met you sir." Yu Rou bowed.   The book boy stood nearby and his eyes widened when he saw Yu Rou's face. ⑻BοOК. cоmQin   Shen also stood up and greeted Yu Rou.   "Qin Langjun is here, what a coincidence." Yu Rou smiled.   "My husband and I are old acquaintances from the same hometown. I came here to ask for a cup of tea from you today. I didn't expect to see Mrs. Yu here." Qin Shen said.   "No coincidence can make a book." Yu Rou said calmly.   "Why does this lady send such an expensive gift?" Mr. Guhe carefully rolled up the painting and asked the boy to pack it up again.   "I have two older brothers who are eager to learn, but the teacher has returned to his hometown for business. Now that he has no teacher, I'm afraid his studies will be delayed. I heard that Mr. Gu He has a great talent, so I want to invite him to teach at my house."   Gu He The husband didn't expect that she was doing this, so he was a little surprised.   "Sit down and have a cup of tea first." Mr. Guhe touched his beard and asked the book boy to bring the tea set immediately and prepare to make tea.   Mr. Guhe's attitude made Yu Rou a little confused. She might have thought too simply before. To invite Mr. Guhe, a big gift alone might not be enough. The prince himself had not invited him before.   She still had to put in more effort.   Yu Rou nodded, walked forward calmly, and sat down on the stone pier next to Qin Shen.   The tea set was brought out quickly. A wooden tray was filled with various utensils, and there was a bamboo basket with charcoal and broken firewood in it.

  Yu Rou used to be a tea lover. She became obsessed with making tea for a while, and she learned from many masters. She can’t say that her skills are superb, but she can still master them.

  Just as Mr. Guhe was about to take action himself, Yu Rou said with a smile: "Sir, wait a minute, let me do it. If the tea I brew can satisfy you, please consider it again."

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  Mr. Guhe said: "You are a guest, how can I let the guests make tea."   Yu Rou said: "I am a person who has a request. Sir, you should give me a chance to express myself."   Qin Shen helped: "Sir, I love you. Why don't you try her tea art?"   Mr. Guhe: "Okay."   Yu Rou moved slowly but skillfully. She wrapped the freshly baked tea in paper to prevent the aroma from dissipating, and waited for the cake tea to cool down. During her free time, she picked up the charcoal and hard firewood placed aside.   After she grinds the tea cake into fine powder, she puts it into a bamboo box for later use. Then she can officially start making tea. The tea mainly uses cake tea, which is roasted and ground into powder. When the soup begins to boil, add the powder, stir it in a ring, and stop when it boils.   Her movements never stopped, and the surroundings were so quiet that she could only hear the faint sound of boiling water. Yu Rou listened carefully and did not miss a single sound.   When you hear the sound of pine wind, it means that the tea has been cooked. The foam of the tea gradually forms a layer of snow-like foam on the water surface, and the fragrance of tea overflows for a while.   Qin Shen wrote a poem: "A cup of flower milk is light and round. When you smell the fragrance of tea, you will know that Mrs. Yu's tea art is exquisite."   Mr. Guhe thought she was just showing off her skills, but he didn't expect that her tea art was so good that she was not inferior at all. Those masters.   Mr. Guhe said excitedly: "Drink it while it's hot. Only when it's hot can you taste the delicacy, freshness and richness of tea."   After that, he picked up a cup and savored it carefully. Before he even took it into his mouth, the aroma that hit his nostrils was overwhelming. People are relaxed and happy.   "Good tea!" Mr. Guhe praised.   After drinking tea, Mr. Guhe's attitude towards Yu Rou was obviously different. He had previously avoided talking about Yu Rou's request, but now he said he would consider it.   Even if she didn't agree immediately, Yu Rou was very satisfied.   Qin Shen suddenly said: "There is also a tea shop in Zhongwa, called Yangmen Tea House. There are often tea parties. Many tea lovers take turns gathering tea in the lecture hall. There is also a game called tea order at the tea party, which is related to the wine order. Similar. I wonder if Mrs. Yu is interested in going to the tea party together?"   Yu Rou was stunned, and Qin Shen looked at her seriously, waiting for her answer.   Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and someone came to visit again.   Mr. Guhe said: "Xiaoyun, go and see who it is."   The boy called Xiaoyun hurriedly ran to open the door and ran back in a hurry. "Sir, it's the distinguished guest here. Do you want to see him?" ?"   Mr. Gu He looked at Yu Rou and Qin Shen and said thoughtfully: "Just say that I have a guest and ask him to come back another day."   Xiao Yun responded, ran out of the yard and went to the door to answer. .   Mr. Gu He said: "Let's continue drinking tea."   Qin Shen glanced at Mr. Gu He, "Madam Yu hasn't answered my question yet, sir, don't interrupt."   Mr. Gu He looked at Qin Shen with a half-smile. , said: "Okay, okay, I won't interrupt."   Yu Rou originally thought that she just changed the topic and didn't need to answer, but Qin Shen, a serious nerd, brought it up again.   Yu Rou was about to answer, but she was interrupted again by Xiaoyun.   Xiaoyun brought two jars of wine, "Sir, this is what the distinguished guest asked me to give to you. He said he would come to visit another day."   Yu Rou recognized the wine jars when she saw them. They were from the palace a few days ago. Yujiu arrived, so the person who came just now was not from the palace. From Xiaoyun's tone, this distinguished guest had been here before. Yu Rou immediately thought of His Royal Highness. Wasn't this where she stumbled upon him last time. ⑧ьOOOК·Сοm

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  Mr. Guhe took a jar of wine and opened the hijab on it. The aroma of wine suddenly hit his nostrils.

  It is indeed the imperial wine in the palace.

  Yu Rou was deep in thought when she looked up and found Qin Shen still looking at her.

  His eyes were focused and serious, and his dark eyes were very lively.

  Yu Rou suddenly thought of something and said: "I heard that there are tea fighting competitions at tea parties. I wonder if this is what Qin Langjun said?"

  Qin Shen shook his head and said: "No, it's at tea parties. The tea order is just that everyone enjoys tea together, pointing out an object as a theme, and each tells a story, or uses the theme of tea to continue a tea poem. Anyone who fails to answer the poem will be punished on the spot, while the tea fight includes a tea fight. "Three aspects: tea ceremony and tea play." Mr. Guhe also   looked

  eager to try it, "This is interesting, and I will definitely see many tea masters."

Down to the common people in the market, everyone is bad at this, and Mr. Guhe is also a master at it.

  The original owner didn't have much memory about the tea party, but he seemed to have heard that during the Qingming Festival, Yan Wanyun and several noble ladies participated in a tea party in Beijing. They made a big splash and were praised by several great scholars. Wanyun was also accepted as a disciple by layman Qingyue, and she immediately became famous and became the first among the noble ladies.

  "I wonder if Qin Langjun has ever participated in a tea fight?" Yu Judo.

  "That's not true, but I heard that during the Qingming Festival a few days ago, Prince Guangcheng will hold a tea party."

  "Prince Guangcheng?" Yu Rou was a little surprised.

  "Yes, he likes the tea ceremony the most. He holds tea-fighting parties in various places every year. In previous years, it was held in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. This year, it is said that it will be held in Bianjing City. The crown prince's tea party can be described as extravagant and luxurious. Even the tea-fighting parties are made of high-grade tea. Good Longtuan tea cakes and Wuxi Huishan spring water are worth thousands of gold, "Qin Shen said.

  "Such a tea party must not be for casual people to attend, right?" Yu Rou asked.

  "Indeed, Prince Guangcheng only posts fifty posts about attending tea parties every year. Even if one post is enough for two people to attend, less than a hundred people can go." Qin Shen said.

  Yu Rou thought for a moment and realized that Prince Guangcheng was not as incompetent as he appeared. Perhaps his bad reputation was deliberate. This is why the emperor always indulged him but loved him so much.

  Everyone knows that King Guangcheng is very powerful and respected - such a person will be feared by the emperor no matter how good the relationship is with him. However, King Guangcheng only has one son, Gu You, so Gu You deliberately ruined his reputation. Protect yourself wisely.

  However, some rumors do sound very true. For example, he can count on one hand the number of beauties he has had romantic relationships with. He often misses flowers and has confused many noble ladies with his charming face. Or the heart of a young woman in the boudoir, but not responsible.

  Qin Shen thought for a while and said: "If you want to go, I can take you to participate."

  Originally he didn't like such noisy occasions, but seeing that Yu Rou seemed to be very interested, he didn't want to brush her off. Xing, although he didn't receive the invitation, he can still get it if he thinks of a way.

  Yu Rou smiled and said: "No need to trouble Mr. Qin, I'm just asking casually. Next time we have time, we can go to the tea party you mentioned."

  Yu Rou mainly didn't want to owe him any favors. Or, she is not stupid. The man took the initiative to invite her, and there was no other reason besides being interested in her. She is still engaged, so it would not be good to get involved with him.

  Qin Shen heard what she meant and was a little disappointed, but he didn't show it. It was not that he didn't know about Prince Yu Rou's engagement. He had also heard a lot of rumors recently that the prince was going to break off the engagement with her.

  Ever since the palace banquet, he always thought of Yu Rou and could not forget her smile that day. He even had an idea: if the prince really broke off the engagement, he would be willing to come to ask for her hand in marriage.

  However, Yu Rou had to be willing. He couldn't take advantage of others, so when he saw her here today, he couldn't help but feel happy. He wanted to know more about her, so he proposed to attend the tea party together.

  Yu Rou sat for a moment longer, then stood up and left.


  Mr. Tao Nuo, it's getting late, so I'll stay soon." Mr. Gu He said: "What's the matter with Nao Nuo? Being able to drink tea made by the girl today is the most gratifying thing today."

  Yu Rou said quickly "If you agree to my request, I will make tea for you every day."

  Mr. Guhe touched the short beard on his chin and said with a smile, "Since you said so, I can't seem to find any way to refuse." "That's the reason."   Yu Rou said in surprise, "Are you serious about what you said?"   "That's still false." Mr. Guhe laughed.   "Thank you sir! I will keep my promise and make tea for you every day!"   Yu Rou smiled brightly, showing that she really wanted to invite Mr. Guhe to teach.   Qin Shen looked at her blankly and involuntarily curled his mouth.   He also stood up and said that he was going to see Yu Rou off. Yu Rou smiled and shook her head, "No, my carriage is right outside the door."   Mr. Guhe seemed to have noticed Qin Shen's affection for Yu Rou and said: "You just Let him see you off for me."   Yu Rou was stunned and said: "Then I'll ask Mr. Qin."   Qin Shen: "You're welcome."   Yu Rou and Qin Shen walked out almost side by side, followed closely by Haitang. Yu Rou and Xiaoyun are leading from the front.   It was actually only a few steps from the yard to the door. Yu Rou walked not too slowly and arrived in a short while.   When they arrived at the carriage, Yu Rou looked at Qin Shen and said, "Mr. Qin, please stay."   "Yes." Qin Shen looked at her intently.   Yu Rou put her feet up and stepped on the small stool that Haitang took out. She bent down and got into the carriage. Haitang followed her.   Qin Shen stood there until the carriage gradually disappeared from his sight, then he turned around and entered Fuyunju again. "   ...   Two people flew down from the roof. One of them looked gloomy and looked at the direction Yu Rou left.   "Your Highness, Mr. Guhe agreed to teach in Yu Mansion, what will happen next? "Bai Ye lowered his head and asked.   The prince was silent for a moment.   "The Yu family's wife is very different from before. I think she couldn't do the tea art she just did without a few years of effort. "Bai Ye said.   The prince's expression was dark, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking. Seeing that he was silent, Bai Ye stopped talking.   The prince said coldly: "Check it for me.   Bai Ye: "What about Mr. Guhe? "   "I have my own plan. " "The prince squinted his eyes, and his sinister eyes made Bai Ye feel cold in his heart.   ...   At night, Yu Rou was leaning on the couch and reading a book, when she suddenly heard a series of footsteps. Before anyone reported it, Mrs. Wang came in with a happy face. He pulled her and said: "Jiaojiaoer, there is a letter from the palace. In a few days it will be the Cold Food Festival. Princess He Ning and Princess Hua Ning will be fifteen years old. A wedding ceremony will be held. Your grandmother will be invited to the palace to observe the ceremony. The Queen Mother He also specifically asked me to take you with me. "   It is an established practice of the Da'an Dynasty to hold a crowning ceremony on the Cold Food Festival. Men are crowned when they are twenty, and women are hairpins when they are fifteen. Every year during the Cold Food Festival, a coming-of-age ceremony is held for these married men and women.

  In the original plot, the original owner broke off her engagement with the prince at the palace banquet. Naturally, she was not invited to the wedding ceremony of the Cold Food Festival. However, I heard that nothing special happened in the palace. I don’t know what will happen if she goes this time. Change something.

  Yu Rou asked: "Are the two princesses married?"

8ьoоK. cоm

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  Wang said: "Yes, His Majesty has given me the marriage, but it will take another two years to get married."

  Yu Rou recalled that Princess He Ning didn't seem to like her. She glared at her several times at the flower viewing banquet last time. Eyes, this is normal, not many noble girls in the capital like her.

  Wang smiled and said: "This time the Empress specially sent someone to invite you. It seems that you are right. The prince will not cancel the engagement. This time, he will make those who are talking nonsense slap themselves in the face."

  Yu Judao: " Well, mother, don’t worry. I also have good news to tell you. Mr. Guhe has agreed to teach the two brothers. In a few days, you will send your housekeeper to see what the husband’s instructions are and when he can be available. Move here."

  "That's good. This is a big deal. I need to discuss it with your father. Why are you telling me now?"   "

  I didn't think it was a hurry."

Don't worry, okay, I won't tell you anymore, your father is coming back soon, I have to tell him about this quickly, and I also need to talk to your grandmother." As soon as Wang finished speaking, she left in a hurry. .

  On the day of the Cold Food Festival, Yu Rou did not dare to slack off and followed Old Mrs. Yu carefully. When she arrived at the palace, she saw He Yulian, Jiang Yuyan and the three noble daughters of the queen's natal family among the female relatives.

  Yu Rou and He Yulian looked at each other with disgust. Seeing her, He Yulian stared at her angrily, as if she shouldn't be here. Yu Rou pretended not to see her and ignored her completely.

  Ji Ji Li set up an incense table in the palace and a crown seat outside the east room. The various dresses and accessories worn by the princess as an adult were placed on a plate, covered with a veil, and supervised by three female deacons.

  The deacons and concubines in fine attire stood aside, music was playing, and a eunuch invited the emperor to ascend to the imperial seat.

  Emperor Xiaozhen was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and was very majestic. Behind him was a large group of people, including not only concubines but also eunuchs and maids.

  When the music stopped, the Tijuan official shouted loudly: "Princess, give her hairpin ceremony."

  After some busy work, the music started again. The sound of the music started and stopped, making Yu Rou feel dizzy.

  I don't know how long it took, but the banquet for Ji Hairi finally started. The princess should go to the emperor, empress, concubine and other elders according to etiquette to express gratitude and kneel down.

  Yu Rou felt tired just watching this battle.

  After the hairdressing ceremony was completed, the two princesses sat down again. The queen and concubines congratulated one after another, and then the ministers congratulated, and the rest of the people followed suit.

  For a moment, the solemn atmosphere in the palace was gone. Emperor Xiaozhen smiled and said many things to his two beloved daughters.

  Princess He Ning and Princess Hua Ning's eyes were slightly red, as if they were about to cry.

  Emperor Xiaozhen was a kind emperor and was very gentle to his children. He smiled and comforted her a few words, and then asked the two princesses to lead the ladies who came to watch the ceremony today to play in the imperial garden.

  As for the elders, the elder ones were also invited by the Queen Mother to chat in Cining Palace.

  Surrounded by the maids and officials, Yu Rou followed the princesses to the royal garden of the palace.

  The princesses began to discuss what to play. Princess Hening wanted to fly a kite, the younger Princess Jianning said she wanted to play on the swing, and Princess Shuning wanted to play with a horse and play with leaves.

  Princess He Ning was the eldest princess and the most favored by the emperor. Princess Shu Ning was born to the current noble concubine and had a lower status than Princess Ning. The two had been at odds since they were young. They often opposed each other and it was extremely difficult to unify their opinions.

  "I learned how women play leaf cards at a young age." Princess He Ning glanced at Princess Shu Ning with a somewhat sarcastic tone.

  "Aren't you so childish that you already know how to fly a kite?" Princess Shuning glared at her.

  "So what, the prince brother made this kite for me, and you don't have it, so of course you don't want to fly it."

  Princess He Ning saw that Princess Shu Ning had no words to refute, and she laughed, with a look of spoilt on her face. of willfulness.

  She turned around and asked the palace maid to get the kite, and happened to see Yu Rou.   Princess He Ning's eyes lit up and she walked quickly towards Yu Rou.   "Madam of the Yu family, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why do I think you are dressed so beautifully today? Did you apply powder on your face? Why are you so white and tender?" Princess He Ning took her hand and said with a smile.   Yu Rou was frightened by her sudden enthusiasm, "Princess."   "Hey, you didn't apply any powder! You are so ice-cold, no wonder the prince brother likes you so much."   Princess He Ning's words made everyone excited. Look at her face.   "Princess, you're rewarded." Yu Rou didn't understand why Princess He Ning's attitude towards her suddenly changed so drastically.   "The hands are so slippery. What did you eat growing up?" Princess He Ning looked at her curiously and squeezed her little hand.   Yu Rou really didn't know how to answer this question. Fortunately, Princess He Ning didn't seem to really want her to answer, she just sighed.   The palace maid came with a kite, and Princess He Ning took it and handed the kite string to Yu Rou, "Let's go fly the kite."   This didn't seem to give her a chance to refuse, so Yu Rou had no choice but to nod.   Several other princesses and noble ladies looked at each other. No one expected that Princess He Ning would be so friendly to Yu Rou. They had heard before that Princess He Ning didn't like Yu Rou.   Especially He Yulian, her face turned blue when she saw this scene, and she stared at Yu Rou as if she wanted to eat her.   She was clearly Princess He Ning's cousin. Princess He Ning didn't say a word to her, but instead went to talk and laugh with Yu Rou. How could she not be angry.   She gritted her teeth, forced a smile on her face and stepped forward, "Princess, didn't you agree to play chess with me last time?"   "I don't want to play chess today." Princess He Ning said lightly, as if she was not interested in her.   He Yulian wanted to say more, so Princess He Ning pulled Yu Rou and walked away quickly, "Let's go over there, there are too many people here."   Princess He Ning walked so fast that Yu Rou almost couldn't keep up. she.   Arriving next to the rockery in the Royal Garden, Princess He Ning suddenly stopped, "Oh, I'm so tired."   She panted slightly, as if she was tired, the tip of her nose and cheeks were red, and her face was as white as a peach. Looks extra cute.   Yu Rou was amused by her appearance, "Princess, take a rest when you are tired."   Princess He Ning said, "Aren't you tired?"   She ran too fast just now, and she felt her breath was unstable when she stopped, but Yu Rou Rou was fine, her breathing was steady, and there was no sweat on her forehead.   "I have been exercising with my father and brother since I was a child, and I also learned some health-preserving techniques to strengthen my body, so I don't feel tired."   Princess He Ning nodded and handed the kite to her.   "How's it going? Brother Prince made it."   This is a pure white kite, with two white straps added to the tail of the kite. There are two lines of words written on the straps. The handwriting is elegant and beautiful. The kite looks a little old, but it is well-kept, which shows that Princess He Ning likes it very much.   "Very good." Yu Rou praised.   "If you like it, you can ask the prince brother to make one for you." Princess He Ning said softly, her eyes flashed and she looked to the side. ⒏bОOK·сOm

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  Yu Rou smiled and shook her head, "It's better not to use it."

  Princess He Ning thought for a while and said, "I heard that you annoyed the prince's brother last time. Is it true?"

  Yu Rou hesitated, "Who did you listen to, princess?" "You said that?"

  Princess He Ning pursed her lips, "It's not important. Many people said it. Is it true?"

  "Well, maybe." Yu Rou thought of the prince's face that day, and she must have offended him. But this can't be blamed on her, it was indeed the prince who misunderstood.

  Princess He Ning said thoughtfully: "No wonder, I seem to be in a bad mood when I see the prince brother in the past two days, so I asked the queen mother to invite you. How about I take you to find the prince brother."

  " What are you doing with him?" Yu Judao.

  "Explain clearly." Princess He Ning's tone was very matter-of-fact.

  Yu Rou looked at Princess He Ning with a puzzled expression, but said nothing.

  Princess He Ning said: "I think you are quite good and can be my sister-in-law, so I want to help you. Why, don't you believe it?"

  Yu Judao: "No, I just didn't expect it."

  "Ahem... That's normal. I didn't like you very much before, but I found out at the palace banquet that I misunderstood you, so I decided to help you. "

  Princess He Ning is very free and easy, and her willful character makes Yu Rou. He developed a certain liking for her.

  "Then thank you princess for your kindness first." Yu Rou bowed and said sincerely.

  Seeing her like this, Princess He Ning was a little embarrassed, "It's better to wait until you can help."

  "I'm very grateful that the princess is willing to help." Yu Rou said softly.

  Princess He Ning was obviously pleased by her words. She looked at her more kindly and pulled her to say: "I heard that you didn't like reading before. Are you studying hard for the sake of the prince brother?"

  Yu Rou was stunned. She was stunned and thought to herself that the princess had thought of a good reason for her. If someone asked her in the future, she could indeed say this.

  So she lowered her head in shame, looking embarrassed to admit it.

  "What's wrong? Did I get it right?" The princess was very happy.

  "Princess, can you please not tell His Highness the Crown Prince?" Yu Rou lowered her eyes and said hesitantly.

  "What's wrong? You don't want him to know?" Princess He Ning blinked blankly.

  "Yeah." Yu Rou nodded, "I...I don't want him to know."

  Princess He Ning showed a puzzled expression at first, and then said loudly as if she suddenly realized: "Oh! I understand, you don't want the prince brother to know that you think you I'm not worthy of him, so I want to work hard silently."

  Yu Rou still lowered her head, it was actually a bit difficult to hold back her laughter.

  These two brothers and sisters are truly biological.

  Seeing her embarrassed look, Princess He Ning stopped her teasing smile and promised: "Don't worry, I won't tell him."

  As she said this, she kicked the stones on the ground, and the stones flew away. I hit it on the rockery and made a small sound.   "I've had enough rest. Let's go and fly a kite." Princess He Ning took the initiative to hold her hand and held it tightly.   Yu Rou was dragged away by her and glanced at the narrow path on the right side of the rockery.   ...   After returning from the palace, Mrs. Wang came to ask her what happened in the palace. She told the truth. Mrs. Wang was visibly relieved and showed a look that was indeed the case.   Yu Rou knew what she was thinking and asked about other things, "Mom, have you sent the housekeeper to find Mr. Guhe? Did Mr. Guhe say when he will move in?"   Speaking of this, Wang said seriously "They said they would move here in a few days after he has finished handling some personal matters."   "Then where do you plan to let Mr. live?"   Wang said: "I asked someone to clean up a courtyard for him, which is in the wing of the outer courtyard. So that he can live with his book boy, and arrange two servants for him to take care of their daily life." She paused, and then said: "I discussed it with your father, since you and your two brothers. We all have to learn, and we can’t forget the children with second and third bedrooms.”   Yu Rou nodded and said, “Then send someone to ask the second and third bedrooms first to see if they want to go to school together. The same teaching."   Wang said: "I think so too. If there are many people, the amount given will be different. I have heard that if there are less than six disciples, only three stones of brown rice will be given to eight people. Forty is given, and five stones is given to ten people. There are also many children in the family. We have three in the room, and the two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments add up to more than ten people. Calculating in this way, I will give my husband ten stones a month, and then In addition to fifty taels of silver, we have paid for all other daily expenses."   Yu Judao: "What did dad say?"   "Of course your dad will follow me. He always doesn't care about this. He just wants me not to favor one thing over another. Bring two and three bedrooms," Wang said helplessly.   Yu Rou thought it was pretty good. Mr. Guhe didn't care about these vulgar things. "That's it. It's just that the daily tea and the Four Treasures of the Study must be provided with the best."   As the mother and daughter were talking, Haitang walked in from outside the house. , standing aside with strange eyes, she looked at Wang, as if she didn't know how to speak, but luckily Wang didn't notice.   Yu Rou thought about it, raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and said: "Mom, I'm a little tired and want to rest for a while. I flew a kite with the princess in the palace today and ran around for a long time."   "Then take a rest, mom. Go back." Wang didn't doubt his presence, touched Yu Rou's face distressedly, stood up and prepared to leave.   "Well, I'll see you off."   "No need." Wang walked out nonchalantly.   When Wang walked away, Yu Rou glanced at Haitang, "Tell me, what's wrong?"   Haitang said with a blank look on her face: "How did the girl know that I have something to say?"   Yu Rou rolled her eyes at her, not bothering to explain to her, "Quickly " Tell me."   "Just now I went out to watch the little girls pruning the flowers and plants, and suddenly a flying man appeared and startled me. He gave me this, saying that Prince Guangcheng asked him to get it. , let me give it to you." Haitang took out an envelope and an exquisite jade plaque from his sleeve.   Yu Rou took it over doubtfully, "Are you sure it's Prince Guangcheng?"   "Well, I've asked again and again, and the man said he wouldn't let me tell others." Haitang said a little nervously.   Yu Rou took the jade plaque and looked at it carefully. This piece of jade can be said to be a flawless piece of beautiful jade, with exquisite workmanship and unique shape, with the word "tea" engraved on it.   She thought for a moment and tore open the seal on the envelope.   Haitang suddenly said: "Girl, does the prince send these again because he likes girls?"   Yu Rou did not answer, but took out the letter paper from the envelope. ⑻вooK. cоm  only saw a few lines written on it, and they didn’t mean anything else. They just invited her to attend the tea party he held on Qingming Festival. By the way, he expressed that he had not seen her these days and wanted to meet her.   If I have to say something special, it's that his wording is a bit ambiguous.   Yu Rou held the jade sign and fell into deep thought, a little hesitant whether she should go or not.

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  Yu Rou held the jade sign and fell into deep thought, a little hesitant whether she should go or not.


  The next day, news suddenly came from the palace that the emperor wanted to choose a reading companion for Princess He Ning.

  The news came suddenly and said everything.

  Some said that Princess He Ning was going to get married in two years, and the emperor wanted her to calm down and study hard for another two years. I was afraid that she would not be willing to study hard by herself, so I found a companion for her to study with.

  Some said that they wanted to choose a princess for the prince of the right age in the palace, and used this reason to see what suitable ladies there were in each family.

  Others are even more outrageous, saying that this was the Queen's idea, and she wanted to take this opportunity to select a lost girl from her mother's family into the palace. It just so happened that Yu Rou was about to be annulled, and she would let the princess accompany her and the prince to train her more. Love means that she can become the crown prince's concubine and kiss her.

  But no matter what the reason was, this news aroused the minds of the ladies of the powerful families in the capital. In just half a day, it spread throughout the circles of the capital's aristocratic families.

  Whether you are actually serving as a companion to the princess or being a candidate for the prince's concubine, it is a great thing in the eyes of these noble ladies.

  But before these ladies could figure out how to be chosen as the princess's companion, news from the palace came out again the next day.

  Princess He Ning personally selected the eldest lady of the Yu family to come to the palace as a companion and asked her to come to the palace tomorrow to accompany the princess in class.

  After this news came out, the rumors that Yu Rou was going to be divorced by the prince were self-defeating.

  Although the Yu family is a noble family, because the children in the family are good at martial arts but not literature, and have never produced a Jinshi, they have long been ignored by the powerful officials in the court. The old man of the Yu family was still there to support him, but when the old man left, , The Yu family has long been outclassed among the aristocratic families in the capital.

  The prince's sudden engagement with the Yu family brought the Yu family to attention again. Some famous noble families once again remembered that the Yu family was also extremely wealthy and powerful in the capital.

  But why can Yu Rou become the princess's companion? How does she meet the conditions for being a companion? Could it be because the prince is showing favoritism?

  This is also illogical.

  This happened so suddenly that not only others found it strange, but also everyone in the Yu family was surprised.

  It had only been two days since she entered the palace last time, and now she had to enter the palace again. It was so frequent that it made people nervous. Mrs. Wang's heart was always hanging.

  At dawn in the morning, the palace sedan arrived, specifically to take Yu Rou into the palace.

  Yu Rou first went to the Ci Ning Hall to pay her respects to the Empress Dowager. The Empress and the other concubines happened to be there, so Yu Rou bowed and said hello together, which saved her from having to go to the Empress Dowager's Ci Yuan Hall again.

  The Empress Dowager is as kind and kind as the last time I saw her at the Princess and Hairpin Ceremony, but her majesty as a superior person cannot be ignored. Yu Rou had done her homework early and knew that the Queen Mother liked well-behaved and sensible juniors, so Yu Rou had always behaved very docile and quiet in the Queen Mother's Palace. As expected, the Queen Mother was quite satisfied with her appearance and asked the nuns around her to reward her a lot. Give her something.

  When she came out of the Queen Mother's Palace, she saw the maid serving Princess He Ning coming to pick her up.

  Princess He Ning lived in Liufang Palace, but halfway through, they stopped because they saw the fifth prince.

  Yu Rou bowed to the fifth prince. She was planning to wait until the fifth prince left before leaving. Who knew that the fifth prince had no intention of leaving when he saw her.

  "I heard that Madam Yu has become He Ning's companion. Are you going to Liufang Palace now?"   Yu Rou nodded: "The fifth prince is right."   The fifth prince looked at her face with appreciative eyes. It lingered on her face and never moved away.   What a rare beauty.   "The performance of Lady Yu last time was unforgettable for Yu Jin. I didn't expect to see Lady Yu again so soon."   "The fifth prince is over praised. It's just a fluke." Yu Rou lowered her eyes and said calmly.   Yu Rou's calm and non-cowardly appearance attracted him even more, making him feel that this woman was indeed special. No wonder the prince fell in love with her. If he had found out earlier, he might also ask his father to marry her.   If only he had found out earlier.   "Madam Yu is so humble. Gold will always shine, and those who should shine will never be forgotten by everyone." The fifth prince looked at her straightforwardly, "Madam Yu has become the princess's companion. I think we can see her often in the future. We're here."   Yu Rou couldn't figure out what he meant and didn't answer.   "Madam Yu, it's getting late, and the princess is still waiting." Princess He Ning's maid seemed a little anxious.   Yu Rou leaned over and said to the fifth prince: "Fifth prince, I will take my leave first."   The fifth prince looked at her again with some regret, then looked away and said lightly: "Yes."   Yu Rou said to the palace maid: " Let's go."   The two continued to move forward, and after walking for a while, Yu Rou saw a man in black clothes standing in front of a palace gate.   Yu Rou also recognized that person, he was Bai Ye next to His Royal Highness.   After seeing Bai Ye, the palace maid bowed to Bai Ye and then left.   Bai Ye bowed and saluted, "Madam of the Yu family, please come with me."   Yu Judao: "Where to go?"   "Fu Yue Zhai."   ...   It was the blurry spring day, and the yellow birds were flying in Fu Yue Zhai, and the green branches were green. Lianli. There is a crystal clear lake in the small garden on the west side. There are fields of lotus leaves on the lake. It is green and verdant. The spring feeling in the garden cannot be hidden.   When Yu Rou walked into the yard, she saw two century-old pine trees that were as thick as each other in the southeast and southwest corners. There were several flower stands on the left side of the yard, covered with green wisteria and colorful flowers, with stone tables and stone piers placed underneath.   What caught Yu Rou's attention the most was a tall, solid stone fish tank next to the rockery.   The fish tank must have been a few years old, but the patterns on it were still very clear, including patterns, entwined branches, gluttonous patterns and zigzag patterns. Like a tripod, there are seven or eight red fish in the fish tank. There are a few fallen leaves and a small flower lying in the clear water. The fish are blowing bubbles in the water, very leisurely.   She entered the house and saw His Royal Highness standing by the window.   Hearing Yu Rou's footsteps, His Highness the Crown Prince turned to look at her. He looked at her face coldly, as if looking at a stranger.   He frowned and said calmly: "Come here." ⑻bbООk.CΟm

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Chapter 60 The Prince’s Long Road to Chasing His Wife 11 1/2
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  "Your Highness." Yu Rou raised her eyes, revealing a nervous and expectant look, like an ignorant and harmless rabbit.

  The prince looked at her, "When did you and Mr. Guhe meet?"

  "So His Highness also knows Mr. Guhe." Yu Rou's eyes were bright and clear.


  Seeing her calm face and clean eyes, the prince thought to himself: Is it really a coincidence?

  "The husband at home has returned to his hometown, and the two brothers have no teacher to teach them. Later, I asked someone to inquire about Mr. Guhe, so I went to ask him to teach at home." Yu Rou's voice was small, unhurried and sounded very soft. .

  "Mr. Guhe agreed?" The prince had already received the news, but he still asked.

  "Well, I refused several times before, but then I agreed." Yu Rou showed a happy smile.

  The prince was suddenly not interested in asking any more, but the person in front of him gave him a strange feeling. Bai Ye had asked Bai Ye to check before, but other than this matter, nothing was wrong. The servants in the Yu Mansion all said that Yu Rou There's nothing wrong, just that his temper is better, but that doesn't mean anything.

  Is it possible that she was reborn like him?

  The prince suspected this, but he couldn't ask directly.

  "Your Highness..." Yu Rou suddenly looked at him without hesitation.

  "What's the matter?" the prince asked.

  "Is the prince still angry? What happened last time." Yu Rou lowered her eyes and spoke in a low tone.

  The prince was stunned. He didn't expect that she would bring it up. "Why do you ask?"

  "Because the prince was very angry last time and hasn't looked for me these days." Yu Rou's frustrated voice was like a stone, pressing on the prince's heart. , a bit heavy.

  “I’ve been a little busy lately. "The prince's sarcastic words were on his lips, but he somehow managed to swallow them.

  Yu Rou bit her lip, as if she didn't believe it.

  "What did you hear? "The prince approached her. Hearing her soft tone, he felt a little irritated for some reason.

  Yu Rou shook his head.

  The prince wanted to see a trace of false emotion in her eyes, but he stared for a long time and found nothing.

  After a while, Yu Judao said: "If the prince is tired of it, don't feel embarrassed. It doesn't matter to me. You can tell the emperor to cancel the engagement. "

  Yu Rou's eyes were very moist, shining with crystal luster. She was about to cry but pretended to be strong, which was really endearing.

  The prince was stunned, not expecting that Yu Rou would take the initiative to bring up the matter of breaking off the engagement.

  Thinking of Bai Ye telling him Prince Guangcheng gave her many gifts last time, and also gave her another painting given by the emperor. The prince couldn't help but wonder if she was beginning to favor Prince Guangcheng,

  but this was incompatible with his treatment of her . The impression is contrary.

  Isn't she vain and wants to marry the future emperor?

  Can Prince Guangcheng give her what she wants?

  Didn't he see that Prince Guangcheng has been hiding his strength and pretending to be stupid and incompetent? His identity meant that he had to bear this title for the rest of his life. In the eyes of outsiders, he was a carefree and incompetent prince.

  If it wasn't for Prince Guangcheng, who else could it be because of? Prince

  Qin Shen   thought of that day in Fuyun. When Ju saw the way Qin Shen looked at her, even a fool could see the admiration in his eyes.   But it was even more impossible for her to give up her identity as the crown prince for Qin Shen.   The prince suddenly felt confused and the memories in his mind were gone. The mixture gave him a headache.   Since his rebirth, he has suffered from headaches. As long as he thinks too much, his mind will not be in pain.   Yu Rou continued: "As long as it is good for the prince, I will do anything. "   Her eyes were sincere and full of affection. The prince paused and was involuntarily attracted by her eyes.   The prince's heart was ups and downs and he had many thoughts in his mind.   Did he misunderstand her? Why did she use such affectionate eyes? Looking at him?   Yu Rou suddenly hugged him and looked at him with gentle eyes, "Your Highness. "   She tightly grasped the clothes on his back with her fingers, and slowly buried her head in the prince's chest. Her breath was so hot that his chest felt hot.   The prince was shocked, and his body became tense, wanting to push . He opened her hand, but froze when he raised his hand. He put his hand in mid-air and almost touched her head.   When he realized this, his cheeks turned red. His breathing was messy.   Many fragments flashed through his mind, and he couldn't forget those things in his past life.   She was obviously a hypocritical woman,   "Your Highness, you will leave me.   " ? "   She raised her head and looked directly into his eyes.   The roots of the prince's ears turned red. After Yu Rou noticed it, she continued: "I don't want to affect His Highness because of me, so I keep working hard. I really... really... really want to be with His Highness. "   The prince's eyes became blurred and he avoided her. Yu Rou felt his body trembling slightly.   She was suddenly pushed away. The prince took a few steps forward, turned his back to her, took a deep breath, and put his forehead on Turning red and sweating, he stopped at the door and said in a panic: "You think too much, I won't break off the engagement, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first, He Ning will be here soon.   "Your Highness! " "Yu Rou hurriedly stopped him.   The prince's just-raised feet seemed to be stuck to the ground, "What's the matter?   "Your heart was beating so fast just now. " "   The prince clenched his hand suddenly, took a breath, and seemed to hear his heart beating loudly, and then walked quickly without looking back.   When he walked away, Yu Rou lowered her head and raised the corners of her mouth.   The prince was quite good . It's fun.   If you pretend to be indifferent in front of me, then I'll pretend to be affectionate.   After a while, Princess He Ning came, and she was accompanied by Princess Jing Ning.   Princess He Ning didn't seem to know what the prince had just been. He only said that he originally wanted to ask her to go to Liufang Palace, but the prince sent someone to invite her and said that Yu Rou was already here, and the female gentleman who taught music, chess, poetry and painting would also be here, so he asked her to come over.

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Chapter 60 The Prince’s Long Road to Chasing His Wife 11 2/2
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  The environment of Fu Yuezhai was better, so Princess He Ning went there to appreciate it. When she met Princess Jing Ning on the way, she took her with her.

⑻BoOК. The female teacher сOm   arrived after the two princesses arrived. After teaching for two hours, today's class was over.   Yu Rou was about to leave, but she was pulled by Princess He Ning to have dinner. After dinner, Yu Rou returned to the Yu family. After returning, she was pulled by Wang and talked about her for a long time.   In the evening, the prince sent many things to him, and Mrs. Wang smiled from ear to ear.   The next day, the annual Qingming Festival finally arrived.   On this day, no matter the noble or the common people, they have to go out to the suburbs to sweep tombs to pay their respects. However, because the tomb sweepers go to the suburbs, the surrounding countryside is like a city, and there is a custom of outing during the Qingming Festival.   Since ancient times, the emperor has given fire to the close relatives of the marquis during the Qingming Festival. In the Da'an Dynasty, the emperor also gave elm fire to his courtiers. However, since the current emperor ascended the throne, the Yu family has not received the elm fire from the emperor every Qingming Festival. This year, however, For some reason, the fire was given to the Yu family and a giant candle was also rewarded.   Everyone in the Yu Mansion was overjoyed. When they were happy, they all said that it was because of Yu Rou that they received the emperor's favor, and praised Yu Rou very well.   At this time, the flowers in Bianjing were blooming and the willows were green, and the weather was sunny and peaceful. Everyone in the Yu family took a carriage and headed to the suburbs to collect graves.   All the young ladies put on curtain hats one after another, and Yu Rou, Yu Ting and Yu Si rode in a carriage.   The carriage arrived on the street. It was very lively outside. They sat in the car and heard only the shouts of sales. Yu Ting couldn't help but lift the curtain and look outside.   The maids and wives were in the carriage behind, and there were only three of them in the carriage. After Yu Ting opened the curtain, the three of them began to look outside the car frequently.   There are many kinds of things sold on the street, but most of them sell sacrifices. The paper horse shop is built on the street with paper gongs to look like a pavilion, which is very eye-catching.   There are also people carrying burdens selling food, such as thick porridge, wheat cakes, milk cakes, etc.   Whether it is a shop or a B&B, there are wickers in front of the doors, which are called bright eyes. This is a custom during the Qingming Festival. Regardless of officials or citizens, willows are planted in every house. At a glance, the eaves at the door are green, which is really fresh.   Take willow branches and place them on your door to keep all ghosts away. "   Guanyin held a willow branch dipped in water to save all living beings. Willow branches are called "ghost-scary trees" and have the effect of exorcising ghosts and warding off evil spirits. "   Suddenly there was only a burst of music playing, and the carriage quickly moved aside.   "What's wrong, what's wrong?" Yu Ting was the first to shout, unable to hold her breath.   Soon, before the mother-in-law of the Yu Mansion came over to explain, she heard a passerby outside saying: "This is the mountain spring water from the Prince Guangcheng's mansion."   Yu Rou also became interested, and like Yu Ting, she turned her head When he got close to the window, he saw the guards of Prince Guangcheng's Palace. They were all tall and mighty. They were holding a huge wooden bucket in their hands and walking steadily forward. It seemed that this contained the mountain spring water that would be used at the tea party.   There was a handsome man riding a horse in front of the guards, it was Prince Guangcheng.   He was dressed extraordinarily coquettishly today, but he looked very eye-catching. Many young ladies threw handkerchiefs at him. He caught a few casually and threw them out again. There was overflowing affection in the corner of his eyes and eyebrows. Those little ladies’ hearts were filled with excitement.   Even Yu Ting was dumbfounded and said in a daze: "Prince Guangcheng, you are so handsome."   Yu Rou didn't know whether it was okay or not, so she laughed out loud, "You little idiot."   Yu Ting blinked in embarrassment. , "Really, eldest sister, don't you think so?"   Yu Rou thought for a moment, "It's quite good-looking."   "So, eldest sister, do you think it is the prince or the prince who is more beautiful?"   "How do you ask me this question?" Yu Rou shook her head. He shook his head and didn't answer.   Yu Ting smiled and said, "I'm curious. Everyone said that Crown Prince Guangcheng also liked his eldest sister and wanted to marry her, but my sister was already engaged to His Highness the Crown Prince, otherwise the Crown Prince would have come to propose marriage."   " Where did you hear that? "Yu Judao.   "The maids will occasionally say, I heard it, but I won't tell it out anyway." Yu Ting said with a smile, "If the eldest sister had not been engaged to His Highness, would she have accepted the crown prince?"   "There are so many what-ifs. "It's not that Yu Rou doesn't want to answer, but when she sees Yu Si, she has to be a little wary.   After the guards of Prince Guangcheng's Mansion had gone far away, the carriage slowly arrived at the Yu Mansion Cemetery on the outskirts.   When we arrive at the cemetery, we will start sweeping the tomb. Everyone will weed and add soil to the tomb, burn ingots, and put paper money on the tomb head.   After everything is done, the young ladies and gentlemen can go out for an outing to enjoy the flowers. After the elders gave some advice, they took the carriage back.   Yu Ting and Yu Si didn't want to go back, so they both followed Yu Rou.   Yu Rou originally didn't want to bring Yu Si here, but after thinking carefully, she decided to bring her along so that she wouldn't appear to be fine and talk nonsense in the room. She knew that a lot of news actually came out of the Yu Mansion and then in again.   But that wasn't the only thing she was guarding against.   "Sister, where are we going?" Yu Ting saw that everyone in Guangcheng Prince's Palace had left and there was no excitement, so she calmed down and talked to Yu Rou.   Yu Rou asked about the time. It was still early and there was no point in going to the tea party. She might as well go shopping.   When Yu Rou said this, Yu Ting was very happy, "When you said it, I remembered that I was at the Meng family a few days ago and saw the sachet worn by the young lady of the Meng family. The pattern was very unique and delicate, and the embroidery was good. I She liked it very much, and after asking, she found out that she bought it in a shop under the Panlou Hotel. Everything there is unique and different from other stores. Not to mention the novel style, everything is the same. It was a unique place. I had wanted to visit it for a long time, but I forgot about it after a few days. The young lady from the Meng family said that in addition to sachets, there were also headdresses, hats, combs, and embroidered handkerchiefs. Children, treasures and antiques..."   Who in the girl's family doesn't like these little things? Shopping is a woman's nature. Even Yu Rou is interested in it. "Then go."   Even if you take a carriage, you have to go to Panlou Street. It took an hour, about a quarter of an hour, before the carriage stopped.   Everyone was feeling hungry, so the accompanying woman went to buy food for the four young ladies. Yu Rou asked Haitang to give them more than ten cents, and asked them to buy some more milk cakes and steamed buns to share among the   three of them. With the help of the female maid, I got off the carriage. When I looked up and saw the dense shops, busy streets with people and traffic, and the majestic pavilions, my eyes immediately widened. I was embarrassed and a little surprised.   They wore curtains and hats so that others could not see their faces, but they were gorgeously dressed and accompanied by many female servants. It was obvious at a glance that they were daughters of noble families.   A woman came out of the shop, her round face smiling like a flower, "Go back to the ladies, this is the shop the second lady mentioned."   Yu Rou nodded and said with a smile: "Then go in."   Just now. As soon as he stepped into the shop, a sharp-eyed waiter came to greet him, with Yu Rou walking at the front.   "I wonder what the distinguished guests want to see?"   Yu Ting raised her head and said, "I want to buy a few sachets. Bring them to me to see."   Yu Rou looked around, pursed her lips and said, "Take the things to the inner room and take a look. There are too many people here. "   Generally, large shops like this have inner rooms for distinguished guests to rest or select products.

  The business of this store is very good. Although the store is very spacious, the shelves with goods are still full of people. Some are wearing silk and satin, some are wearing coarse cloth, and some are wearing gold and silver. There are also people wearing wooden hairpins and silk flowers.

  "That's right." Comrade Yu Ting said: "Take us to the inner room. Bring the things in too."

  After entering the inner room, the three of them took down the curtains one after another, revealing their beautiful faces.

  The shopkeeper who came in to greet him was stunned. In Bianjing City, beautiful women are nothing, but there are very few women as beautiful as Yu Rou, so he accidentally lost his temper. However, he has seen the world. , and soon returned to nature.

  What the shopkeeper brought in caught the attention of the three people.

  Those exquisite sachets, unique handkerchiefs, and unique jewelry are all rare, and even Yu Rou was secretly amazed.

  When the three of them were picking up what they liked and looking at it carefully, the curtain in the inner room was opened again. The sound came before anyone arrived, and Yu Rou heard a familiar voice.

⒏bOΟK. СOm

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  Yu Rou looked up and saw two gorgeously dressed, tall girls wearing curtains and hats walking in hand in hand.

  Before Yu Rou could react, the girl in the crimson dress on the left said in surprise: "Madam of the Yu family!"

  This was the voice of Princess He Ning.

  Why is the princess here?

  Before Yu Rou had time to think about it, the girl in the crimson dress had already ran over. The girl in the lotus dress beside her also said softly: "Madam of the Yu family, what a coincidence."

  This is Princess Jingning, and it is indeed them. .

  "Yes, what a coincidence." Yu Rou was about to kneel down and salute, but Princess He Ning stopped her first.

  "You don't need to be polite outside." Princess Jingning explained with a smile.

  Yu Rou knew that they didn't want to say anything, so she nodded and said, "You two...what...?"

  "Let's go out and have fun. This is what the father agreed to do." Princess He Ning whispered, with a hint of emotion in her voice. A bit proud and happy.

  The two princesses were accompanied by several palace maids dressed as envoys and many guards hidden in the crowd. They were not familiar with Bianjing City, so they walked to the most prosperous area. Seeing that the shop was doing well, they came in to take a look. , I didn't expect to see a lot of things I liked, so I entered the inner room and met Yu Rou and others.

  After finally finding someone he knew and liked, Princess He Ning would not let her go just like that. She had to let her accompany him and Princess Jing Ning around.

  But Yu Rou originally planned to go shopping first, and then go to the tea party when the time was almost up. Now that she met the princess, what should she do?

  She was a little hesitant, but the princess suddenly said: "It's almost time. We plan to go to the tea shop to watch the tea party held by Prince Guangcheng. Madam Yu, do you want to go with us? I have two jade tokens for admission, okay? Take you with me."

  Yu Rou looked at Yu Ting and Yu Si behind her and said, "But my sister can't follow."

  She originally planned to take Yu Ting in later and let Yu Si go back. , now that the princess has two jade tokens, which can bring four people, she doesn't want to take out her jade tokens.

  Yu Si usually pretends to be the best, not irritating, and probably won't show her fox tail. After all, she is a little girl. After a few times, she will definitely not be able to hide her thoughts.

  "You can bring someone with you." Princess He Ning didn't know what Yu Rou was thinking, so she blurted out her words without thinking about it, just as Yu Rou expected.

  "Sister, I want to go." Yu Ting had a simple mind and tugged on Yu Rou's sleeves, looking at her eagerly, "I want to go with you."

  Princess He Ning said, "Just go if you want to."

  Yu Ting looked at Yu Si, "Sister Si, you should go back first and tell your family that I went to the tea party with my sister."

  Yu Si still had such a low eyebrow, and there was a flash of light in her lowered eyes that no one noticed. In the haze, she nodded and said with a smile: "Well, I will go back first, sisters, have fun."

  Yu Ting said happily: "Well, wait until I come back to tell you what happened."

  After Yu Si left , they asked the shopkeeper where Prince Guangcheng held the tea party.

  The shopkeeper said: "Turn right after exiting the door. Walk less than a hundred steps forward. This is the tallest and most magnificent one."

  Even though it was only a few steps away, they still put on their curtains and hats, got on the carriage and headed to the teahouse.

  Yu Rou and Yu Ting were in a carriage, and the two princesses were in a carriage.   After getting in the car, Yu Rou told Yu Ting to just watch the excitement later and not to talk too much.   The two princesses took out a small jade bottle, poured out two pills from it, and drank it with tea. When they spoke again, their voices had changed. The original soft voice was obviously higher and clearer. Well, it doesn’t sound like their own voices anymore.   Soon we arrived at the tea shop.   The two princesses first explained to Yu Rou and Yu Ting the reason for the change in their voices, and how they walked to the teahouse together.   Before any of them could reach the steps of the tea shop, they were stopped by two young men wearing the same uniforms guarding the door. There were several big men standing next to them, probably because they were afraid that someone would cause trouble.   The princess took out the jade token, and the four of them were released, except that the palace maid and the envoy were placed in a nearby restaurant to wait.   Entering the tea shop, what you see is the large tea room, which is very elegantly decorated. There is a sense of elegance and vulgarity when you enter. There is a beautiful woman sitting in the room. The woman has the air of a celebrity, although her appearance is gorgeous. , but gorgeous but not vulgar, but giving people a noble and unyielding feeling. Even if someone came in, she would not even glance at it.   With her slender hands, she played the guqin in a melodious, soothing and gentle way, like the sounds of nature coming from the clouds, with the feeling of fairy music floating in the air.   There is a light, relaxing fragrance in the air.   There are many famous calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall facing the west window, the most conspicuous of which is a calligraphy and painting on which a pagoda poem about tea is written.   There were already many people in the tea shop, and Yu Rou also saw He Yulian and Yan Wanyun. They were holding hands and looked very close. They seemed to have come together.   "Sister Rou, I saw Sister Jiang." Yu Ting suddenly raised her voice.   Yu Rou followed her gaze and saw Jiang Yuyan and the Gu family's wife together.   They also heard Yu Ting's voice and looked over, 8bOОk. cОmSince   Yu Rou and others were still wearing curtain hats, Jiang Yuyan said hesitantly: "Is it...sister Yu Ting?"   Yu Ting opened the curtain hat and said with a smile: "It's me, it's me."   Yu Rou noticed. Seeing that a lot of appraising eyes were gathered on him, he simply lifted his hat and greeted her with a generous smile.   Yu Rou turned back to look at the two princesses with an apologetic look on her face, only to see them shaking their heads at her. They did not want to identify themselves in a crowded place to avoid trouble.   The princess definitely didn't want others to know that she was out playing this time, otherwise she wouldn't be wearing a curtain hat and taking voice-altering medicine.   "Why are you here too?" Jiang Yuyan said with a smile.   "I happened to get a jade plaque from Prince Guangcheng, so I came over to take a look. These two are my friends." Yu Rou said with a faint smile.   When Yu Rou said this, although everyone was surprised, they did not doubt whether she was real or fake.   Instead, He Yulian pulled Yan Wanyun over and said with a cold smile: "Today the most powerful master in the capital is having a tea fight. Do you understand, you just come to join in the fun."   Yu Rou was unwilling to pay attention to her. So I just treated her words as fart and turned a deaf ear.   He Yulian became even more angry when she saw her indifferent look, and said: "The competition is not only about tea, but also about cooking skills. You don't know anything. It's a waste of quota and taking up space. King Guangcheng The Crown Prince just fell in love with you, you are already engaged and you still accept the invitation, you are really shameless."   He Yulian's words were so outrageous that Princess He Ning couldn't stand it anymore. She and He Yulian were originally cousins, but she She has not liked He Yulian since she was a child. Now that Yu Rou was brought by her, but He Yulian said this to her, she couldn't help but feel that she was being disrespected by He Yulian, and her face became ugly under the curtain.

  She was about to open her mouth to scold He Yulian, but Yu Rou pulled her back, shook her head, and said: "Ms. He family is joking. Although I am not good at tea, I understand it, not to mention that Prince Guangcheng personally sent it to me." Invitation, ask me to come and watch, there is no reason why I can't come. Unlike Madam He, there is no invitation. I am afraid that she came with her brother's jade plaque, right? I heard Madam He, you seem to be very interested in tea ceremony? She's not very proficient   in it. "He Yulian is indeed not very good at tea ceremony, and she stole the jade medal from her brother, so Yu Rou was right.   She became angry with embarrassment and was about to get angry when Yan Wanyun tugged her sleeve, "Yu Lian, keep a low profile. We are all great scholars here. We don't want to argue with her."   As soon as Yan Wanyun's words came out, Princess He Ning and Jing Ning The princess looked at her with disdain.   Yan Wanyun naturally couldn't see the eyes of the two princesses, so she pulled He Yulian and said: "Let's go in, it should start soon."   He Yulian glared at Princess Yu Rou and He Ning again, and then followed Yan Wan The cloud is gone.

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  He Yulian glared at Yu Rou and Princess He Ning again, then followed Yan Wanyun away.

  The princess said happily: "Let's go in too."

  Jiang Yuyan thought for a while and walked with Yu Rou.

  Yu Rou asked: "Sister Yan, do you know who is participating in the tea fight today?"

  Jiang Yuyan said softly: "There are not many people participating in this tea fight, but they are all well-known tea art masters in the capital. I I’ve heard that Master Zilian, Master Chunxi and Master Puji are all here.”

  A strange look flashed in the eyes of the two princesses.

  The people invited this year are all great.

  Jiang Yuyan's pretty face showed joy, and she said softly: "Speaking of which, I haven't met Master Puji yet. Also, I heard that Lay Master Chunxi is a woman who is as good as any woman, not only in poetry. She is quite accomplished and is very proficient in tea ceremony. I have wanted to meet her for a long time, but I didn't expect that I got my wish today."

  Princess He Ning suppressed her excitement and said, "Let's go quickly.

  The tea fight will begin soon." The place is in the courtyard behind the teahouse. Enter through the corner door of the teahouse. There is a boy waiting at the corner door to guide the way.

  When he saw someone coming, he hurriedly saluted everyone, and then led the way with his eyebrows lowered and his head lowered.

  Through the twists and turns of the path, I saw a red sandalwood screen with carved begonia embroidery. Going around the screen, I saw a set of steps that were neither high nor low. Scattered small flowers were planted along the steps. Next to them was a low red wall. You could see On the other side of the wall were ancient pine trees, and soon I saw a bamboo house with a plaque hanging on the door that read: "Ji Ao Zhai" in three big characters.

  The name of the room, Zhaihao, often became a pronoun for the owner of the study. The word "Ji Ao" was probably also a pronoun for the owner of the teahouse.

  When everyone entered the door, they saw that it was already full of people.

  Only a deep and deep voice was heard, "Today's tea fighting party is fortunate to invite Prince Duan, Jia Xianggong, Wen Guogong, and Master Puji to be the referees of today's tea fighting party. The rules of tea fighting are that multiple people fight together in the first round, and in the second round, many people fight together. In the second round, two people competed against each other, winning two out of three fights. In the first round, they only competed on tea products. In the second round, they not only competed on tea products, tea orders, but also on various tea tricks. Finally, three winners were selected. "

  Yu Rou's expression perked up. Even the judges were so aggressive. I have to say that Prince Guangcheng's reputation is really great.

  "Those who want to participate in the tea fight can register now."

  As soon as he finished speaking, many people came forward to register.

  Yu Rou was also pulled forward by Princess He Ning to sign up. Princess He Ning didn't know that Yu Rou was good at tea, so she just wanted to help her vent her anger, hoping that she would try her best to help her later.

  After a while, a young man in Tsing Yi came forward with a booklet and announced the list of people who would officially participate in the tea fight.

  Who would have known that Yan Wanyun, He Yulian, the fifth prince, Chunxi layman... and so on were all on the list.

  There are also several anonymous people who do not want to disclose their identities. They are mysterious and very curious.

⒏BBoooк. СΟм

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  "The rules for the first round are that one person will finish the sencha, one bucket of soup color and two buckets of water traces. Everyone, please take your seats."

  As soon as he finished speaking, thirteen pretty women came out carrying tea sets and placed the thirteen sets of tea sets one by one. On the table, there are soft cushions.

  The thirteen women all wore pink satin embroidered butterfly skirts with silk belts around their waists and high buns. All of them were refined and beautiful. They wore no jewelry and only had a peony pinned to the edge of their buns.

  They come and go gracefully.

  There are many tea utensils for tea fights among nobles, such as cups, bottles, whisks, mills, baskets, ladles, washers, pots, spoons, and forks, etc. Unlike ordinary people in the market, tea fights mainly focus on three types: cups, bottles, and whisks.

  Just setting up the tea set took a stick of incense.

  Participants in the tea fight sit down casually, while spectators stand behind the contestants. There were only four referees sitting on the Grand Master's chair in the hall.

  After sitting down, Yu Rou saw everyone taking out a bamboo water bottle and tea cup.

  She originally thought that the place would provide high-quality tea cakes and spring water, but she didn't bring anything else. Now she saw that others had even brought tea cups, and she couldn't help but frown.

  However, this did not affect her. She tidied the table and began to boil water.

  After boiling the water, you need to start warming the cup.

  She was about to pick up the ordinary tea cups provided by the tea shop, but suddenly a hand stretched out in front of her and placed a set of black and green glaze rabbit hair cups on her table.

  "My master asked me to give this to you." The man in Xuanyi whispered, then stood up and left.

  The glaze of this kind of tea cup shows rabbit hair stripes, so it is called rabbit hair cup. There are radial stripes on the bottom of the tea cup, and the silver light flashes very beautiful. Especially when making tea with this kind of tea cup, the tea soup will match the black and white of the tea cup, and the tea surface will White foam soup flowers will look better.

  In fact, in addition to this kind of tea cup, there are also tea cups with partridge spots, pearl spots and sunbeam spots, which are most suitable for tea fighting. Once the tea soup is poured into the cup, it can radiate colorful dots of light.

  Most of them use these kinds of tea cups.

  Yu Rou thought for a while and couldn't guess who the master in that person's mouth was. She picked up the tea cup and washed it with the freshly boiled water. The boiling water washed the tea cup very clean. She Just feel free to use it.


  If the Qi is hot, the tea will not float if it is cold. If the cup is hot, the tea will be difficult to cool. If it is difficult to cool, the taste of the tea will remain unchanged. The most important thing when looking at a person's tea art skills is whether he can warm a cup.

  The thirteen people present who were participating in the tea fight were all quietly warming their cups, and no one had forgotten this step.

  The next step is to prepare the paste, and finally boil the water to cook. Everyone's previous actions are almost the same, and the most important step is here.

  Yu Rou expected that in this first round of tea competition, a few people would not be eliminated. Everyone would use good tea and water. It would depend on the tea cup they used and their understanding of the nature of the tea and the quality of the water.

  When it comes to tea fighting, the "newness" of the tea is the most important, while the water used in the tea fighting is "live". However, both water and tea are the same, and the winner depends on superior technology.

  Not long after, I smelled the fragrance of tea.

  The boy in Tsing Yi said: "First fight the tea color to see if the color of the tea soup is bright white. The one who is pure white wins, and the one who is blue-white, gray-white, or yellow-white is the loser."

  The pure white tea soup indicates that the picked tea is fat and tender, and the preparation is just right; the greener color indicates that the steamed tea is If the heat is insufficient; if the color is gray, it means the steamed tea has been overheated; if it is yellow, it means it was not harvested in time; if it is red, it means the tea has been roasted too long.

  Don't be careless at all. Even if the tea is good and the water is good, if you don't pay attention to the heat, the color of the tea soup will change.

  Everyone's eyes were on the freshly brewed tea soup.

  Yu Rou looked at Princess He Ning's tea soup, and saw that it was bright white in color, with a pure luster, and the tea soup was even and moderate.

  Princess Jingning on the side was obviously very happy and said: "Jinzhu is really amazing."

  Yu Rou smiled but said nothing. It was too early to be happy now. The tea soup of the thirteen people must be pure white. They will sign up to participate in the tea fight. Tea Art It won't be bad, so in this round of brown, the possibility of making mistakes is very low.

  Several judges came down to check the contestants' tea soup, but after a while they heard the waiter announce: "No one is eliminated, let's fight again."

  Hearing this, some spectators immediately clapped their hands and applauded.

  Then, almost at the same time, the thirteen contestants used the tea whisk to rotate, hit and stir the tea soup in the tea cup.   It's just that everyone's habits are different, and their movements are slightly different.   Suddenly someone shouted: "Bite the cup, bite the cup!"   There was surprise in the voice.   Yu Ting couldn't help it for a long time. She didn't know what these people meant by talking about brown color, water marks, and biting the cup. She whispered: "Sister Rou, what does biting the cup mean?"   "I don't know any of this. It's ridiculous to come to the tea party." He Yulian somehow overheard their conversation and said sarcastically: "Tanghua clings to the rim of the lamp and stays together for a long time, which is called 'biting the lamp'."   After that, He Yulian said. Lian glanced at Yu Rou provocatively again, the teasing and sarcastic meaning was self-evident.   He Yulian did not participate in the competition, but stood behind Yan Wanyun. She probably had little confidence in her tea art. But when she saw that Yu Rou also participated, she was upset and regretted not participating. She felt that Yu Rou was sure It was just for the limelight. Anyway, if you lose in tea art, you won't be criticized or anything. Instead, you show your cowardice and lose to Yu Rou.   "Mrs. He is really well-informed. Can you explain to me, what skills are tested in making tea by biting the cup? Where did the water marks come from? And why do tea makers like to use rabbit hair cups and oil? "What about the two types of tea cups?"   The series of questions may seem simple, but in fact they contain profound meanings and hit the point. If you don't have research on fighting tea, you will definitely not be able to answer these questions, and Yu Rou is accurate. He Yulian couldn't answer.   Sure enough, He Yulian's face turned from red to white, and finally she snorted in embarrassment and was speechless.   Yu Rou turned around and smiled, her eyes bright, like a deep lake rippled in the sunlight, shining brightly and movingly.   After smiling slightly, she no longer looked at He Yulian and said gently to Yu Ting: "The so-called "biting the cup" does not just mean that the soup flower bites the rim of the cup. As long as there is a soup flower floating in the cup, no matter where it is, through the If you look at the corresponding parts of the soup flower, the rabbit hair lines or oil drop marks on the bottom of the cup will appear to be bitten. If the soup flower floats in the cup, the rabbit hair lines and oil drop marks on the bottom of the cup will appear to be pulled, which is very lively and interesting. This is also The reason why people like to use the rabbit hair cup and the oil drop cup to fight tea is that when the soup flower spreads, you can't bite the cup, because it will spread out quickly, and the place where the soup and the cup meet will show "water marks". But if you want to bite the cup, you must grind it carefully, order the tea, order the soup, and whisk it just right, which means you need to have superb skills in brewing and brewing the tea soup."   Her voice was soft and pleasant, which was what she had just said. Yu Liantian answered the questions one by one, and gave a deeper explanation to He Yulian's answer about biting the lamp.   The naked slap in the face not only exposed He Yulian's self-satisfied and self-satisfied character at the slightest knowledge, but also told He Yulian not to look down on others, so as not to be embarrassed and embarrassed in front of others.   After Yu Rou asked those questions just now, He Yulian became angry and unbearable. Now He Yulian is furious and hates Yu Rou to the core.

  Although Yu Rou's voice was not loud, due to He Yulian's arrogance just now, many people heard their conversation. This means that He Yulian was not only embarrassed in public, but also gained an unpleasant reputation. You must know that everyone present Not a nobody.

  But He Yulian can't do anything to Yu Rou. She is not stupid. If she provokes Yu Rou now, it will only make other people watch and it will not do any good to her reputation.

  She glared at Yu Rou bitterly.

  I will repay you for today's humiliation tenfold.

  Not long after, the results of the first round came out.

  In fact, all the thirteen contestants have bitten the lamp, but it is impossible for everyone to advance in the first round, and the winner must be divided.

  The sooner or later the water marks appear is the basis for the quality of the tea soup. In tea fighting, if the water mark appears late, it is a winner, and if the water mark appears early, it is a loser. This eliminated three contestants.

  The remaining ten people continue to the second round.

  The tea soup with the latest water marks was made by two masked men.

  Yu Rou had not observed them carefully before, but now that she looked carefully, she suddenly felt that their figures were somewhat familiar.

  Before Yu Rou could think about it, she heard the young man in Tsing Yi announcing that the second round of tea fighting had begun.

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  "The rules of tea fighting are that five people compete against each other and are divided into two groups."

  "The tea order is made in circles. Poems based on tea are acceptable. The first and last words in the poem are related or repeated. If you make two mistakes or you cannot answer, Those who make mistakes will be eliminated. Duke Wen Guo and Master Puji will serve as the commanders, and those who make mistakes or fail to catch up will be defeated


  The rules of this tea order seem simple, but in fact it is quite difficult. It is indeed too difficult to come up with a tea-themed poem in a short period of time, and the first word of the poem is limited. This is much more difficult than the drinking order that Yu Rou played at the flower viewing banquet before. And in a group of five, they can execute orders very quickly.

  Such a difficult looping poem, if the theme were changed, Yu Rou might not be able to do it, but this time it was tea as the theme. She was so addicted to tea that she gathered many talented people, and she did not know how many tea poems she wrote. Often play tea games with others.

  As soon as the rules were announced, the results of the lottery came out. The fifth prince, Yu Rou, Yan Wanyun, Zilian layman and a masked man were in one group, and the other five were in one group.

  The second round started immediately. Master Puji and Duke Wen who were sitting in the hall discussed it and said the first tea poem respectively.

  Master Puji was wearing a monk's robe and cassock, holding a Buddhist bead in his hand. His eyes were clear and tranquil. His voice was calm and he said every word: "The autumn waves of the stone tripod are quiet, and there is Yue tea in Zen meditation."

⑧BοΟk. СOм   ends with the word tea. It seems that Master Puji wants to give them a slightly easier beginning.   The fifth prince stood up first and bowed, showing a graceful and elegant image. Under the gaze of everyone, he quickly picked up the next sentence, "The green milk flowers cooked in tea reflect the curtain, and the bitter bamboo shoots supported by the sand are slender and silver."   This poem The artistic conception is wonderful and the wording is excellent. It is really wonderful to use green milk to refer to the juice brewed from green tea.   Practitioner Zilian was still very young, and she became a widow two years after her marriage. However, her reputation was unknown to everyone, and she was regarded as a guest of honor by all the great ancestors. Many noble ladies wanted to invite her to teach in the mansion.   In the original plot, Yan Wanyun was appreciated by her and accepted as her disciple, becoming famous all over the capital.   She immediately added the next sentence: "I can make clouds with my delicate hands, and grow my own tea through the forest."   The next one is Yu Rou. In everyone's eyes, Yu Rou is not even close to the word "talented woman".   Many noble ladies have been staring at Yu Rou, and they couldn't help but think of those stunning daughter orders that Yu Rou made at the flower viewing banquet that day. No one expected that she would win the first place, but she could advance to the third place. One round is already surprising enough, so everyone is curious about how far she can go.   In particular, He Yulian couldn't believe that she would win in the first round. She just thought that she must be lucky, so even if it started with the word "tea", she didn't think that Yu Rou could say it.   Unexpectedly, she looked calm and sternly recited: "Tea is boiling in dripping springs, and leaves are picked up."   Those who were originally disdainful now widened their eyes.   Yan Wanyun also looked at Yu Rou in surprise, showing a bit of doubt, but she quickly continued: "The leaves grow with spring, and the tea smells like the rain."   After Yan Wanyun, she was the one who led Muli. The man is wearing a moon-white long brocade robe with ink-colored bamboo leaves embroidered on the cuffs. The collar is piped with silver threads and moire patterns. He has a wide-brimmed brocade belt around his waist and a jade pendant of Liuyunbaifu. . He hid his face and looked mysterious. His identity was unknown, which aroused many people's speculation.   Without thinking about it, he said calmly: "When the fragrant spring closes the milk, it will boil."   Yu Rou looked at him suspiciously. The man's voice sounded like he had taken the same medicine as the princess. It sounded strange. Yu Rou had a guess in her mind, but she couldn't be sure.   There were no problems in the first round. Everyone took orders very quickly, almost all of them saying the next sentence without thinking.   It was not until the eighth round that everyone began to struggle. There were many tea poems written by predecessors, but there were only a few sentences that met the conditions of the loop poem order, and the first sentence was almost different every time. After several rounds in succession, the feeling in my stomach was The inventory was also used up, so we had to make new ones on site.   But writing tea poems on the spot is not that easy.   And Yu Rou's performance is really astonishing. When did the eldest lady of the Yu family become so powerful?   People who originally wanted to see her make a fool of themselves were disappointed. When it was her turn, not only did they not see their hesitation or embarrassment, but they heard a beautiful poem being recited.   In fact, after living in modern times, Yu Rou was different from the ancients. She did not rely on ordinary poetry methods to compose tea poems. She had read hundreds of tea poems in her previous life and had already memorized some of the commonly used words in them. , such as: drink, fry, boil, bi, run... etc., as long as they rhyme well, have concise meanings, and can be related to tea. Although this is opportunistic, no one can find her fault. She doesn't expect every word of her poem to be praised by others, as long as she can pass the test, the one who stays until the end is the winner.   These rigid-minded ancients could not do such a thing.   In the ninth round, the tea poem written by Purple Lotus lay at the end of the word "cake", which was difficult to pronounce.   Yu Rou thought about it for a while and finally answered, "The cake is as beautiful as the water shield soup, and the tea is as beautiful as the Yue Waterfall."   Master Puji touched his beard, nodded repeatedly, and said in a low voice: "Not bad."   You can get Puji. What the master said is true, that is, it is really quite good.   There was a hint of amusement and excitement in the fifth prince's eyes. His eyes were always attracted to this beautiful young lady of the Yu family again and again, and she also surprised him again and again.   He Yulian had been watching the battle from behind. At this time, she felt like vomiting blood, and the handkerchief in her hand was almost torn.   Next it was Yan Wanyun's turn. Except for the first time when Yu Rou left a simple suffix for her, the words that followed were not words that often appear in ordinary tea poems.   It can be said that no matter how tricky you are, you will show no mercy.   This time it was the word "fried", and later the word "iron" was added.   Yu Rou wanted to laugh when she saw Yan Wanyun's frowning face and racking his brains.   In the memory of the original owner, Yan Wanyun was always aloof, arrogant and cold, as if no one could compare with her.   Now she was stumped.   "This poetry order is really difficult. Even the most talented woman asked for help."   "Last time I heard that she lost to the eldest lady of the Yu family at the flower viewing banquet. I think she is the first The title of a talented woman is not worthy of the name. Even the eldest lady of the Yu family can't win. Everyone knows that the eldest lady of the Yu family is notoriously talentless." The   noble ladies standing in the back row watching the game were discussing among themselves, wondering if it was true. Deliberately, their voices were just loud enough for everyone present to hear them clearly.   Some ladies were still snickering, their voices were so low that it was hard to hear what they were saying.   Yan Wanyun's expression suddenly became stiff, her hands hidden in her sleeves clenched tightly into fists, and her nails dug red marks on her tender palms. Only she knew how humiliating she felt at this moment.   She struggled for a moment and finally raised the skip sign.   He Yulian stood behind and exclaimed, "Wanyun, what's wrong with you!?"   The rules allow you to skip once. If you fail to answer the question next time, you will be eliminated.   The masked man was not as embarrassed as Yan Wanyun at all, and answered the next sentence directly, "The snow in the iron bowl is early, and the tea in the charcoal is late."

  The beginning of the word "iron" is really difficult. In fact, just now everyone thought it was reasonable that Yan Wanyun couldn't answer, but this man must have answered too quickly. After so many rounds, he was the only one, and every time he blurted out the next sentence without having to think hard, as if he had already prepared it.

  After that, Yu Rou persisted and was not defeated. Although Yan Wanyun held on for a few more rounds, she could not withstand Yu Rou's deliberate efforts to embarrass her, leaving her with unusual suffixes, such as: brick, moss. ", Jin", how could she write a poem that started with the word "jin" so quickly? This was clearly making things difficult for others, but she could only accept the next sentence honestly, because she knew that the rules were the rules, and everyone followed the rules. If it's because she can't do it, she blames the last person's suffix which is too difficult to come up with. Not only will it not change anything, but it will leave a worse impression on people. The most taboo thing in front of all the literary talents is He tries to make a fool of himself and tries to make excuses for his own incompetence by looking for excuses from others.

  Soon she couldn't finish the next sentence.

  Yan Wanyun's face turned very ugly. At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on her. She knew that she had no choice but to admit defeat at this time.

  But she was unwilling to do so.

  With so many people looking at her, she was obviously praised by everyone on such occasions. This time... it was a joke.

  She could obviously stay until the end, but if not, if this Yu Rou hadn't deliberately made things difficult for her, how could she...

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  Thinking of this, a trace of resentment clearly flashed in her eyes.

  But soon, she smiled calmly, still looking elegant and refined, and said, "I give up."

  There seemed to be a trace of regret in her voice, but there was no other emotion.

  This battle of tea poems lasted for a full hour before it ended. Even the people watching the battle were excited and excited.

  In the end, seven people entered the final tea fight. Three more winners will be selected for the tea fight.

  This means that in the last round, four people will be eliminated.

  The competition system can be described as intense and cruel, which makes people look forward to it.

  Before the tea fight, the referees asked them to take a break by burning incense.

  At this time, those graceful women in pink skirts came out to help them tidy up the things on the tea table and prepare for the next scene.

  Yu Rou's group of five eliminated only one person, Yan Wanyun, while Princess He Ning's group eliminated two people, and Princess He Ning was among them.

  She was still feeling sorry for herself, but when she learned that Yu Rou had been promoted, she immediately laughed.

  Yu Ting also ran over and cheered for her.

  Compared with Yan Wanyun and He Yulian's, the atmosphere here is completely different.

  Yu Rou and the others were chatting and laughing. From the corner of her eye, she saw the masked man who had been with her before getting up and leaving. She followed him subconsciously.

  "Who are you looking at?" Princess He Ning asked doubtfully.

  "I'm looking at the man over there. He was in the same group as me just now. He also advanced, but his face was covered. I don't know who he is."

  Princess He Ning followed Yu Rou's gaze and looked over, only for a few glances. , his face changed.

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  Princess He Ning followed Yu Rou's gaze and looked over. After only a few glances, her face changed. She pondered for a moment and then said: "That's the imperial brother."

  It turned out to be the prince.

  "How could the prince..." Yu Rou stopped talking in the middle of her words.

  Princess He Ning didn't care. Since she told Yu Rou, she regarded her as one of her own.

  "Brother Huang has always loved tea, and I also learned my tea art from him. Naturally, he will not miss such an occasion."

  "You and His Highness are really close as brothers and sisters. You two are so familiar that you can easily recognize each other even if your faces are covered. When you come out, the prince must have already recognized you." Yu Rou said with a smile.

  Princess He Ning smiled and said slyly: "No, I saw the guard behind the emperor brother. He always likes to wear black, and there is always an ugly red rope hanging on his waist. , He has been following Brother Huang for many years, but rarely appears in the palace, and not many people have seen him. Brother Huang once went out to play with me before, and something almost happened. Brother Huang asked him to come look for me, so I have seen him. If I hadn’t seen him, I couldn't recognize him even with his red rope."

  The two were talking and laughing, not affected by the tense atmosphere at all.

  He Yulian was filled with hatred. She originally thought that Yu Rou would soon be embarrassed in front of everyone, but little did she know that Yu Rou would once again make everyone look at her with admiration.

  However, Yan Wanyun, whom she admired, failed in the tea fight and was ridiculed by other noble ladies. This was hateful.

  Seeing this, Yan Wanyun also felt an unspeakable anger in his heart.

  He Yulian approached Yan Wanyun and whispered a few words to her. Her eyes were full of hatred. Yan Wanyun hesitated for a moment and nodded.

  In the last round, the tea fight begins.

  The young man in green clothes stood in the hall and said in a clear and deep voice: "This is the last round of a tea fight. Prince Duan, Mr. Jia, Mr. Wen Guo, and Master Puji will select the three winners through discussion. "

  The young man in green clothes paused for a while and then said: "Cha Baixi, also known as Fencha or Shui Danqing, uses a special trick to make the water veins in the soup form animals, insects, fish, flowers and plants. It is delicate and picturesque, but it will disappear in a moment. This change of tea is also known as tea play. The water veins can transform into various patterns, such as mountains, rivers, clouds, and mist, or flowers, birds, insects, and fish, just like ink paintings, so it is also known as 'water painting'."

  Everyone was excited when they heard the young man's introduction.

  In the Da'an Dynasty, tea was mostly used to entertain distinguished guests. Drinking tea was a luxury thing for the lower class people. The more difficult tea games were popular in a narrow range and were generally only spread among the palace and nobles. .

  There are very few people in the aristocratic family who know the skill of Cha Baixi, so everyone is most interested in this game.

  The tables are arranged in a row for the seven who won in the previous round.

  "Then seven, let's get started. The four of us are just waiting to see." Master Puji chuckled.

  "Is there a time limit?" someone asked.

  "No." Although Master Puji didn't know where he came from to ask, he answered quickly.

  Tea Baixi tests the tea-making skills and has no time requirements.

  The person who asked the question was the guard behind the prince. He naturally asked the question on behalf of the prince. After receiving the answer, he took out the incense burner and started burning incense.

  His movements are skillful, and he must have done this kind of thing often.

  What does burning incense mean at this time? Is it possible that it will help form a more spectacular tea show? Most people couldn't figure out what he meant.   Only Master Puji touched his beard and nodded slightly, looking very appreciative. Burn some sandalwood to cultivate your mood. Incense can remove dirt and purify the body and mind, but few people know how to do this step.   However, besides him, another masked man also started to burn incense, cleansed his hands in a decent manner, and changed his coat.   After Yu Rou raised her eyes and saw it, she wanted to laugh a little. This person was also interesting. She suddenly thought of a person, and the more she looked at him, the more he looked like him.   When the man saw her looking at him, he looked directly at her with bold eyes. Yu Rou even felt that he was smiling.   The steps to make Chabaixi are a little more complicated than the previous Sencha.   It can be roughly divided into fifteen steps, testing your skills step by step.   The previous steps are both energy-consuming and time-consuming. For example, use a tea mortar to crush the cake tea, use a tea mill to grind the tea into fine powder, and then use a tea rack to sift the tea powder... These are all slow work and careful work. Don't use your hands. To people.   When all the preparations are done, it’s time to start serving tea. There are two methods of "dividing tea": one is to use "stirring", which is easier to master because it can be in direct contact with the soup noodles; this method is to stir the tea soup with a teaspoon, bamboo stalk or tea spoon. The second is to directly "inject" the flower out of the soup, which is difficult to master.   Most people will choose the first method. The second method is not only difficult, but also has a high possibility of failure. Few people can use the second method to make water paintings.   Unexpectedly, this time two people chose the second method to divide tea. Even those two mysterious men, Yu Rou can actually do it, but she doesn't want to attract too much attention. After all, it's surprising enough that she stayed until the last scene. It's not good to have too much limelight.   As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.   When the prince picked up the soup bottle and poured the boiling water into the cup with the tea powder in one hand, someone exclaimed: "Look, he is going to pour the soup directly into the flowers!"   For a moment, everyone in the room was shocked. The voices of admiration continued, and the ladies who didn't understand the secrets also asked the people around them in low voices.   Prince Guangcheng was a little slower than the prince, and he also picked up the soup bottle.   "That one too!" Someone quickly noticed.   Watching them do these actions is like admiring a scenery and an art. Moreover, while pouring the tea soup, they stirred the tea cup quickly with a tea spoon and did not spill a drop of the tea soup.   Yu Rou heard the exclamation and subconsciously glanced next to her. She saw that the prince treated every tea set with great care and gentleness, as if these things were alive. Put the very fine tea powder sifted by Silo into the bowl. In order not to damage the tea noodles, he was very careful when using the soup bottle, and controlled the water flow very well, and the water drop point was even more accurate.   Yu Rou couldn't help but be a little surprised. She didn't expect the prince's tea art to be so amazing.   "It's out, Shui Danqing is out." A noble lady standing behind Master Chunxi exclaimed.   Everyone's eyes were attracted.   really. The veins of the tea soup in Chunxi layman's tea cup form a painting. It's just that what he was pretending was a water painting of mountains locked in green smoke. Although the artistic conception was beautiful, the time it stayed was too short. After only a few glances, the smoke dissipated, leaving behind the lonely mountains, which were a bit depressed and empty. The beauty.   The veins of the tea soup in the tea cup of Purple Lotus lay form a painting. In the tea cup, there are auspicious clouds, a beautiful peony, and butterflies flying, lifelike.   "A green cloud fills the air, trapping butterflies about to fly. What a picture of butterflies in love with flowers."   Yu Rou's tea cup is just a few small begonia flowers, which are much simpler than the water paintings of others, nothing surprising. Yes, but just when everyone was about to turn their attention, the pattern on the tea soup changed. The budding flower bones opened slowly and bloomed petals, and each flower had a different shape.   "It's amazing that such a young lady has such exquisite tea skills."

  "I didn't expect it. When did the Yu family learn to make tea? I have never heard of it before."

8BσoK. cOмEveryone   was talking a lot, and looked at Yu Rou differently.   At this time, only two people were left with Shui Danqing who had not yet finished.   After watching the five people's tea show, several judges nodded repeatedly. They felt that this tea fight was really worth it. They said it was a gathering of experts. Especially the picture of peonies in full bloom had never been seen before. Although other It's not the most difficult, but the ingenuity is admirable.   "Look, it's finally finished. Ah, there's a bright moon on the sea, but compared to the others, it's not outstanding." A middle-aged man commented on Song Yu's tea drama.   "Look again." Master Puji has been paying attention to Song Yu's tea cup. He believes that this man who knows how to burn incense and meditate will surprise him.   Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and sure enough!   "Look!" Master Puji shouted at the top of his voice.

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Chapter 63 The Prince’s Long Road to Chasing His Wife 14 2/2
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  "Look!" Master Puji shouted at the top of his voice.

  The other three judges also looked at the tea cup, but they didn't think it was anything special, so they didn't take it too seriously. Master Pu's voice made them gather in the tea soup again. They were still confused at first, but soon became shocked. .

  There was another full moon on the magnificent sea, and the full moon slowly floated up, above the sea level, and slowly rose into the sky. There was a vague outline of a palace in the moon.

  "This...how was this done?"

  As everyone exclaimed, another fairy flew out of the moon.

  The prince's table was crowded with people. At this time, everyone couldn't care about anything else and just wanted to take another look at this fleeting spectacle.

  No matter how superb his skills are, he can't maintain the water painting for a long time. He uses the veins of the tea soup to form a delicate and picturesque object. After all, it will fade away in just a moment.

  The exclamation finally turned into a sigh of regret.

  "It seems that today's winner has been announced."

  "I don't know who this gentleman is. I have never heard of such a master of tea art in Bianjing City before."

  "Look here!"

  The masked person at another table said The man's water painting also came out, and his tea soup was like an animated picture. Carps jumped over the dragon gate, one by one, and even the water splash was very clear.

  "How is this possible!?"

  Everyone was no less surprised than when they saw Fairy in the Moon just now.

  The seven water paintings have been completed, and the four judges will discuss and select the winner.

  In fact, everyone can guess this result.

  Sure enough, as everyone expected, the three winners were the two mysterious men and Yu Rou.

  The other four people had no objections to this, and could even be said to be convinced. Especially after seeing the masterpieces of those two people, no one dared to say how superb their tea art was.

  None of the people here are narrow-minded. Even if they lose, they are extremely free and easy. After all, if you lose, you have to be able to afford it, so as not to make people laugh.

  And Yu Rou is also considered to be very clever. Although her skills are not that outstanding compared to others, like the other two, her tea soup has changed a lot. Even if she is said to be in third place, no one would be dissatisfied.   However, both of them had their faces covered, and their identities were not known, so everyone was very curious.   Two of the three winners of this tea party are unknown and cannot be announced.   So Master Puji stepped forward and asked them if they were willing to lift the veil and reveal their faces. Unexpectedly, they were rejected directly by the two.   Princess He Ning asked Yu Rou: "I have never heard that your tea art is so good before. When did you learn it?"   Yu Rou lowered her eyes and whispered: "Because His Highness likes to drink tea, I secretly learned a lesson Time, I want to give His Highness a surprise."   "Really!?" Princess He Ning widened her eyes, and then laughed, "You are really passionate about the Emperor."   Yu Rou blushed, "Princess, don't tell His Highness. "   How can that be done? How can you not let him know that you have worked so hard for him? Brother Huang will definitely be very happy," Princess He Ning said playfully.   As soon as she finished speaking, she sneaked over to the prince.   The prince was not surprised when he saw that she recognized him. He glanced at Yu Rou and saw a man in purple walking towards Yu Rou.   That person, like him, was carrying Mu Li, and he was one of the winners just now.   Princess He Ning said to the prince: "Brother Huang is so awesome!"   The prince stared at the man Yu Rou. He didn't hear what Princess He Ning said clearly and said casually, "Yeah."   "Brother Huang came here today and didn't say anything to me. , If I had known, I would have come with you."   The prince frowned and saw the man in purple talking to Yu Rou.   "Brother Imperial, did you see how the Yu family behaved just now? What do you think?" Princess He Ning asked.   "What's going on?" The prince's tone was displeased, his eyes always fixed on the man Yu Rou.   Princess He Ning did not notice his gaze and continued: "Are you very happy? Mrs. Yu's tea art is so good. I feel more and more that you and her are a perfect match."   The prince's expression became a little strange. , "Really?"   "Yes, I didn't understand the Yu family before." Princess He Ning nodded.   "You don't understand her." The prince's tone suddenly turned cold again, "I know very well who she is."   Princess He Ning said innocently: "Brother Huang really likes the Yu family's wife."   "How could I possibly do that? ..."   He paused, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly walked towards Yu Rou.   "What are you doing!?" The prince stared coldly at the man in purple with sinister eyes. 8Books. сΟm

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  The prince looked at her from the angle just now, thinking that the man in purple wanted to reach out and hug Yu Rou, but when he got closer, he realized that the man in purple was just handing Yu Rou a cup of tea.

  Just as Yu Rou was about to reach out to take it, she stopped when he shouted.

  The prince's voice was not loud, but it still attracted the attention of many people.

  Princess He Ning also came over, "What's wrong?"

  Yu Rou was calm and collected. The first thing the man in purple said to her just now was: "Madam Yu, you have not let me down. I feel more and more for you." I'm interested, what should I do?"

  Upon hearing this, she was almost certain that he was Gu You, the crown prince of Guangcheng.

  But Gu You's performance today really surprised her, which showed that he was not as unlearned as people said, and Yu Rou was a little curious about him.

  "Nothing, this gentleman just wants to buy me a cup of tea." Yu Rou explained.

  The prince's expression softened a little, and he stared at the man in purple, as if he wanted to see through his face behind the curtain, "Since we are just drinking tea, why don't we all come together."

  "But I only want to invite this lady to drink this cup of tea." Gu There was an uninhibited smile in Yu's tone, and it was a bit provocative.

  The prince didn't get angry, he smiled and looked at Yu Rou without saying anything.

  Princess He Ning was naturally on her brother's side. She looked at Gu You displeasedly and said, "You want to invite me, but Madam Yu didn't say she wanted to drink."

  "Madam Yu, are you willing to drink?" Gu You smiled. Feixiao said.

  Now that they have reached this point, it doesn't matter whether they drink it or not. Yu Rou can only say: "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Lang. I'll make a pot of tea and invite everyone to taste it together."

  Gu You's smile faded. , he handed the tea in his hand to the entourage behind him indifferently, "Okay, the tea has become cold after carrying it for so long, so please take it."

  The prince still felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, thinking of what Princess He Ning just said, He suddenly didn't understand what he was thinking.

  The tea table had been removed and the tea sets were gone. Yu Rou called the young man in Tsing Yi to help him get some more.

  A few people went to the cubicle next to it. It was called a cubicle, but in fact it was a place separated by several screens. It was not big or small. There was a table and four cushions inside. Through the screen, there was only You can vaguely see the figure of the person inside.


  The waiter first brought tea cakes and water for making tea, and after a while he brought the tea set.

  They had all seen Yu Rou's tea skills just now, but they were just competing and didn't drink the tea she brewed, so they were all looking forward to it at this time.

  Yu Rou was very serious when making tea, and her every frown and smile were particularly charming, especially her eyes, with curved ends and a slight blush, like peach blossom petals. Her eyes were focused, and she was obviously looking at the tea soup in her hand with all her concentration. But she is charming and delicate, seeming to seduce.

  Every movement is so beautiful.

  Princess He Ning stared at the movements of her hands, while the Crown Prince and the Crown Prince stared at her face, a little distracted.

  The two of them were about to look away to calm down, but their eyes happened to meet.

  The moment they looked at each other was like fire and smoke.

  Yu Rou held the teapot and poured the tea soup into the cups in front of them one by one. From left to right, she poured a cup for Princess He Ning first, then for the Crown Prince, and finally for the Crown Prince.

  When the prince saw it, he pursed his lips, and for some reason, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

  "Please use it slowly." Yu Rou smiled, her eyes curved into crescents, very gentle.

  She actually smiled at three people.   Princess He Ning didn't pay much attention, picked up the tea cup and smelled it.   The prince and the prince were both stunned by her smile, and it took a long time to pick up the tea cup.   The prince heard his heart pounding, which made him panic.   The prince stared at Yu Rou intently, his eyes flashing with the emotion of inevitable victory.   Yu Rou poured herself a cup of tea, blew the heat away and was about to drink it when she saw the prince looking at her from the corner of her eye, so she stopped and winked at him.   The prince looked away, his cheeks covered by Mu Li turning slightly red.   Yu Rou smiled and took a slow sip.   The prince was distracted and drank all the tea in his hand.   The temperature of the tea was very high, and his tongue was burned. There was a hint of pain in the burning, but the taste was wonderful.   "How is it?" Yu Rou asked.   The prince raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw her looking at him eagerly. His breath was suffocated, and he whispered: "The entrance is refreshing and fragrant, and the taste is strong. It is very good."   The prince also raised his glass and took a sip, "It is indeed a good tea... ...It leaves a fragrance in the teeth and cheeks." Before   he could finish his words, Yu Rou suddenly looked ugly. She loosened her hand and knocked over the tea cup in her hand, falling to the side.   She clutched her chest, looked at the cup of tea, and thought to herself, she must have been poisoned.   Princess He Ning exclaimed, "Madam of the Yu family!"   The prince was shocked and stood up immediately. In the blink of an eye, he appeared next to Yu Rou and helped Yu Rou up. "What's wrong with you?"   Yu Rou was supported by him again. She sat up, her face turned pale, and she bit her lip as if she was in unbearable pain.   The prince stared at the cup of tea, picked it up and smelled it, and his expression suddenly changed, "The tea is poisonous."   The guard standing outside the screen rushed in immediately, "Master, what happened?"   The prince stretched out his hand to explore Yu Rou. pulse, and his expression became increasingly ugly.   Yu Rou's face turned frighteningly pale. The prince took out a small bottle from his arms and poured out the medicine in the bottle without hesitation. It was a fish-eye-sized pill that was completely black.   Princess He Ning said in shock: "Brother, this medicine..."   This pill was given to the prince by Emperor Xiaozhen. Ten kinds of rare medicinal materials were used to refine it, and only three pills were made in total. The miracle doctor who made this pill has passed away. A few years ago, Emperor Xiaozhen was poisoned and ate one pill. There were only two pills left in the world. When he established the crown prince, Emperor Xiaozhen kept one for himself and gave one to the crown prince. Legend has it that this pill can cure hundreds of poisons and can be said to be a life-saving pill. thing.   Before Princess He Ning finished speaking, the prince had already stuffed the medicine into Yu Rou's mouth and poked her acupuncture points a few times with his index and middle fingers.   After doing this, he relaxed slightly and said to the guard with a gloomy face: "Seal the tea shop and no one is allowed to enter or leave. Send me an order to find the people from the Yamen."   The guard immediately took out a whistle and blew it. Within a moment, dozens of guards in black rushed into the tea shop.   The prince picked up the unconscious Yu Rou, and just as he was about to leave, he paused, looked back at the prince, and said coldly: "Your Majesty, this is your place, and I leave it to you."   Princess He Ning's eyes widened. He looked at the prince with an expression of disbelief.   "He Ning, let's go." 8bοоk. cOm

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  The prince watched Yu Rou being taken away with a sullen expression, and coldly opened the curtain, revealing that handsome face. He squinted his eyes, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and kicked the screen open.

  The teahouse was already in chaos. The sight of Yu Rou being taken away by the prince in a coma made everyone panic. In addition, the sudden appearance of the prince kicked down the screen, and many noble ladies screamed.

  Yu Ting was so frightened that she almost fainted and didn't know what happened. Fortunately, Princess He Ning remembered her and asked the guards to go to Yu Ting before leaving and tell her that Yu Rou had been taken to the palace for medical treatment.


  Yu Rou was lying unconscious in Princess He Ning's Liufang Palace.

  A group of people gathered around the bed. After the imperial doctor took her pulse, the prince asked: "How is she?"

  "Reporting to Your Highness, this lady is out of danger and is fine. She will wake up in half an hour."

  "She What kind of poison is it? "

  " This poison comes from the Western Region. It is not fatal, but the poisoned person will suffer unbearable pain, even affect the intelligence, and may develop small dark yellow spots. "

  The prince listened and did not say anything for a long time. The air became oppressively cold.

  Cold sweat broke out on the imperial doctor's forehead, and he couldn't help but want to kneel down. He continued: "Fortunately, taking the detoxification pills in time will not affect the body, but there is still residual toxicity. I will prescribe a few pills for her." He will be cured after taking the medicine for half a month. "

  Prince: Go down."

  The doctor breathed a sigh of relief and quickly excused himself.

  Princess He Ning was called over by the Queen to inquire about the situation, and there were only a few palace maids left in the room.

  The prince: "You all get out."

  The maids were already frightened by the prince's low pressure and were eager to leave. Now, after the prince's order, they trotted out one by one.

  The prince stood by the bed, looking down at Yu Rou sleeping with an unpredictable expression.

  Yu Rou's face was still pale and she looked very weak.

  The prince slowly sat down on the edge of the bed and put Yu Rou's hand into the quilt. Yu Rou frowned and her eyelashes fluttered. The prince's expression paused, his arms froze, and he seemed nervous.

  When he found that Yu Rou was not awake, he slowly pulled his hand back.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as he let go of Yu Rou's hand, he heard Yu Rou shout in a low voice: "Your Highness."

  The prince was stunned for a moment, then stood up immediately, took a step back, looked away, and coughed twice.

  But after waiting for a while, he heard no more sounds, and then looked at Yu Rou again.

  Yu Rou closed her eyes tightly and moved her lips slightly.

  It turned out that he was talking in his sleep.

  The prince's face looked a little unnatural.

  Was she dreaming about me?

  The prince looked at Yu Rou curiously, hoping to hear more sleep talk from her mouth.

  Yu Rou was indeed dreaming at this time, but what she dreamed was completely different from what the prince had imagined.   She dreamed that she had been completely cleansed, and that the prince was once again deeply in love with her and could not pull it out.   But when they were getting married, she suddenly regretted the marriage and accused the prince of being too cold and treating her badly.   The prince took her hand and said that he knew he was wrong and asked her not to leave him.   She called out and said to him as if it was already too late: "Your Highness, let me go."   After saying that, Yu Rou raised the corners of her mouth and smiled.   But the prince only heard the four words she called Your Highness, please let me go. Yu Rou did not say a word.   The prince saw Yu Rou smiling and called his name again, thinking that Yu Rou was smiling so happily because she dreamed of him.   He pursed his lips unconsciously, but his eyes curved into a nice curve. He hesitantly reached into the quilt and held Yu Rou's hand.   The smooth and tender skin made his heart flutter.   "Brother Imperial!" Princess He Ning's voice suddenly came from outside.   The prince jerked his hand away and stood up again.   Princess He Ning happened to walk in. She saw the prince's face red and asked in confusion: "Brother, what's wrong with you? You look weird."   "I'm fine." The prince hid it.   "No, did you do something secretly just now? You were the only one in the room." Princess He Ning circled the prince twice.   "What nonsense are you talking about?"   "Okay, I'm just kidding, I just came back from my mother's place." Princess He Ning walked to the table, picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water and took a sip, "I'm dying of thirst, so I hurriedly Run back. How is the Yu family?"   "It's okay." The prince glanced at Yu Rou, but quickly looked away.   After drinking the tea with Princess He Ning, she said with emotion: "The Yu family lady went to learn tea art because the emperor likes to drink tea. The emperor brother is willing to give up the Baihuan Dan to save the Yu family lady. The relationship between the two of you is really amazing." Envy, I wanted to break you up before, but now it seems that it's okay."   "Is she learning tea art for me?" the prince said in surprise.   "Yes, Mrs. Yu is really infatuated with the emperor. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to hold on." Princess He Ning said to the prince   : How is it possible? She must have deliberately deceived He Ning, thinking that I would Believe it or not, I'm not that stupid.   System: "The whitewashing index has increased by ten points..."   "I hope Madam Yu wakes up soon so that I can tell her how much you care about her."   The prince coughed, "What's there to tell you? You're not allowed to "   Why? Tell her to move her."   "It's not necessary."   The prince thought: I don't need her to be moved, I just... just acted on impulse.   System: "Host, the whitening value has increased by fifteen points... Now the whitening value has reached thirty." ⒏вOОK.comm

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  "How could it be unnecessary!" Princess He Ning shook her head, thinking that the emperor really didn't understand girls' thoughts at all.

  She thought for a while and then said: "Brother Emperor, did you see his attitude towards the Yu family's wife at today's tea party? I am worried for you."

  The prince was silent.

  Princess He Ning: "If you don't tell her, how can she know what you did for her? I think Prince Guangcheng is more proactive than you."

  The prince's face immediately darkened when he thought of how many times Gu You had been courteous in front of Yu Rou . Come down.

  "Brother Emperor, are you embarrassed? It doesn't matter. I'll help you. Don't worry, I will express your feelings clearly."

  The prince subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he swallowed the words again. .

  Princess He Ning was startled and said: "Oh, I forgot that the Queen Mother asked me to ask you to go to Qian Ning Palace. Go quickly, the Queen Mother is waiting for you."

  The prince could guess why the Queen wanted to find him, and he He glanced at Yu Rou and said, "Just watch her here. If you have anything to do, ask someone to come to me."

  Princess He Ning nodded, "I understand, I will definitely guard her."


  Qian Ning Palace.

  The queen dismissed the maids, leaving only the nanny who was serving her. Looking at the prince standing in the palace, she pointed to the seat and said gently: "Sit down."

  After the prince sat down, the palace was quiet for a while.

  The prince took the initiative and said: "The queen mother called the son here for the sake of the Yu family's wife?"

  The queen nodded and asked: "I heard from He Ning that you gave the Baihuan Dan to the Yu family's wife."

  The prince: "Yes. "

  My mother has always wondered why you suddenly got engaged to such a woman. I thought you had your own considerations before, but now it seems that you are sincere about her."

  The prince was expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking . something.

  "Emperors have been ruthless since ancient times, but you have been a good boy with a gentle heart since you were a child. The queen mother is afraid that you will be trapped by love. Just like you took out the Baihuandan to save her this time, what about you next time? Will you sacrifice yourself for her? ?" The Queen's words were full of meaning.

  The prince was stunned, thinking of his past life.

  After Yu Rou abandoned him, he went to find her, and her heartless look chilled him.

  He had obviously decided to take revenge on her in this life, but why could he still not be able to control himself.

  "I won't do that."

  The queen sighed and said, "If your mind is already determined, you might as well get married as soon as possible. I'll go tell your father and let Qin Tian Jian choose an auspicious day for you."

  She also listened. After talking about the recent rumors, Yu Rou has become a piece of cake inexplicably, and many people are thinking about it.

  She also learned about what happened at the teahouse today from He Ning. If she could get the top three at Gu You's tea party, if word spread, she would probably be in the limelight again. Moreover, He Ning also said that Gu You seemed to be interested in the wife of the Yu family. His attitude is very unusual.

  The prince: "I have no plans to get married yet."

  "You... the queen mother doesn't understand. Since you are willing to give her the Baihuan Dan, why don't you want to marry her."

  The prince paused, "Now Don't worry, I have my own plan. How does the Queen intend to deal with the poisoner?"

  The Queen hesitated for a moment and said, "Your uncle has just arrived."

  He Yulian is the Queen's biological daughter, and it was just found out. Because of her relationship, He Yulian was brought into the palace and is now locked up in the queen's side hall.

  The prince was unmoved and told the queen what the doctor said.

  The queen sighed after hearing the properties of the poison, "When it is found out, you can deal with it."

  The prince said: "I know."

  "Okay, I'm tired, you go back." The queen rubbed He rubbed his temples.

  "My son, I take my leave." The prince bowed and saluted.   After leaving Qianning Palace, the prince saw a young eunuch guarding the door.   As soon as the young eunuch saw him, he bent down and greeted him, "Your Highness, Madam Yu is awake."   The prince's expression changed and he immediately walked towards Liufang Palace.   ...   In Liufang Palace, Yu Rou was sitting up while being served by the palace maid.   As soon as she woke up, she heard the system's beep. It rang several times before it stopped.   Why was she unconscious for so long? The whitewash value has increased so much?   Yu Rou was a little confused.   Seeing her dazed expression, Princess He Ning thought she was not fully awake yet, so she ordered the palace maid to call the imperial doctor.   "How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" Princess He Ning asked.   "No." Yu Rou learned from the system what happened after she fell into coma.   "Brother Imperial is so anxious. You don't know how scary his face was when he saw you were poisoned and passed out." Princess He Ning held her hand and said.   Yu Rou said: "Where is your Highness?"   "He is at Mother's place. He should be back soon. I have sent someone to call him."   Yu Rou nodded lightly, "Yes."   She lifted the quilt and wanted to get up but was blocked. Princess He Ning held down, "What are you going to do?"   "I just want to get up and walk around to get some air." Yu Ju said.   "No, the emperor said, let me keep an eye on you, you can't move now." Princess He Ning said seriously. ⒏BОоК. Сοm   Yu Rou laughed dumbly, "Okay."   Princess He Ning sat down on the bed and stared at Yu Rou for a while without blinking, her expression changing very much.   "Princess, why are you looking at me like this?" Yu Rou asked doubtfully.   "Hey, why are you so beautiful?" Princess He Ning held her chin and pursed her lips.

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Chapter 65 The Prince’s Long Road to Chasing His Wife 16 2/2
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  Yu Rou didn't know how to answer the call.

  Princess He Ning thought for a while and then said: "I think if I were a man, I would fall in love with a beauty like you."

  "Why did the princess say this?" Yu Rou didn't understand what she wanted to say.

  Princess He Ning said with a sad face: "I'm just worried about your royal brother."

  Yu Rou: "Worried about His Highness? What do you mean?"

  Princess He Ning raised her eyes and saw the prince standing at the door. With a thought in mind, she changed the subject and asked: "What do you think of Prince Guangcheng, Madam Yu?"

  "Crown Prince? I don't understand why the princess asked that. Did the princess also believe the rumors?" Yu Rou frowned.

  Princess He Ning was a little nervous and a little excited. Her eyes flickered and she said: "Not really, I'm just worried that Brother Huang will not please girls at all. Will you..."

  How could Yu Rou be possible? She didn't notice anything strange about her. When she suddenly changed the subject, she guessed that the prince had already arrived. She said seriously: "Princess, you are worried too much. My heart is all about your highness and it will not change."

  Her tone was firm . , looking sincere and unwavering.

  Princess He Ning burst out laughing, "I knew it. I saw it right. You are sincere to the emperor."

  The system suddenly prompted: "The whitewashing index has increased by ten points."

  Yu Rou rolled her eyes. It was dazzling, she was right.

  The prince felt happy in his heart and raised the corners of his mouth.   He opened the curtain and walked in, making a soft noise.   Princess He Ning pretended to just see him, "Brother, you are here, the Yu family's wife is already awake."   "Yes." The prince whispered.   "Your Highness." Yu Rou looked at the prince with affectionate eyes, her voice was soft and a little weak.   The prince's heart skipped a beat when she saw him, his steps paused, his eyes averted for a moment, and his breathing became disordered unconsciously.   Princess He Ning stood up knowingly, looked at the prince teasingly, and said in a pretentious manner: "I'm going to ask the imperial doctor why he hasn't come yet."   After Princess He Ning went out, the prince took two steps forward. Get closer to Yu Rou.   He looked at Yu Rou: "You... how are you?"   "You're much better now. Thank you, Prince, for saving me." Yu Rou lowered her head, a little shy, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.   The pink skin and the faint body fragrance are alluring. The prince clenched his hands and looked at Yu Rou's side face with deep eyes.   The room was quiet for a while, and the atmosphere was a bit ambiguous.   Yu Rou whispered: "Your Highness."   The prince said: "What's the matter?"   "Have you found the person who poisoned him?" Yu Rou lowered her head, her voice was very low, and her expression could not be seen.   "Found it, it's the eldest lady of the He family."   "He Yulian?" Yu Rou was not surprised. After all, she had only offended a few people, but she looked shocked.   "Yes." The prince's expression was gloomy. He paused and promised: "I will give you an explanation."   Yu Judao: "Thank you, Your Highness. I'm just glad. Fortunately, it was me who drank the cup of tea, not His Highness or The princess drank it, but everyone drank the tea, why was I the only one who was poisoned?"   Yu Rou knew that the poison was on the cup, but she deliberately asked more.   The prince's expression became even more ugly. If he thought about it carefully, on the surface, He Yulian just poisoned Yu Rou, but if he or He Ning drank the poison, he would not have a hundred-repair elixir.   He Yulian's crime was to murder the prince and princess.   "The poison was placed on the teacup in advance, so you were the only one who was poisoned." The prince said solemnly.   Yu Rou nodded and said no more.   Her behavior made the prince hate He Yulian even more, and he also made a decision in his heart.   After the imperial doctor arrived, Princess He Ning blocked the door and stood there for a long time. It was not until the prince called someone that Princess He Ning allowed him to go in and check Yu Rou's pulse.   After making sure that Yu Rou was fine, Yu Rou proposed to go back to Yu's mansion to avoid worrying her family.   The prince personally sent Yu Rou back. Wang and the old lady of the Yu family had received the news in advance and stood guard at the door. Seeing Yu Rou, Wang almost shed tears.   After this incident, Yu Rou stayed in the house for several days without going out.   Prince Guangcheng sent many gifts, but Yu Rou turned them back.   The day after the gifts were returned, Crown Prince Guangcheng visited Yu Rou's two brothers in person.   No one would believe this. Prince Guangcheng and Yu Rou’s two brothers had never interacted with each other and had only met a few times.   But when he said this, he couldn’t shut people out and had to be respectful. Welcome him in respectfully.   Yu Rou's two elder brothers, Yu Shizhen and Yu Shili, were studying with Mr. Guhe. They were very surprised when they suddenly heard the news that Prince Guangcheng was here.   Prince Guangcheng came to the school with his entourage.   The princes of the Yu Mansion came out to salute one after another. Prince Guangcheng looked carefree and said with a smile that he wanted to take a tour of the mansion. ⑧ЬOOК. COm

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Chapter 66 The Prince’s Long Road to Chasing His Wife 17 1/2
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  Yu Shizhen and Yu Shili accompanied Gu You for a walk in the garden of Yu Mansion. Gu You was talking nonsense the whole time, and occasionally brought the topic to Yu Rou, and learned a lot about Yu Rou from them.

  The sky was getting dark, but Gu You still had no intention of leaving. When it was time to have dinner, Yu Shizhen asked politely if he wanted to stay for dinner. He originally wanted to hint to Gu You that it was getting late, but who knew what he meant? As soon as he left his mouth, Gu You smiled and said: "I had a great time chatting with you two today, and the hospitality is hard to refuse, so I'll stay for dinner."

  The two gentlemen of the Yu family looked at each other, really confused about what the prince wanted . do what.

  Gu You was an honored guest, he wanted to stay for dinner, and his peers at home were originally supposed to accompany him, but Mrs. Wang didn't want Yu Rou to meet Gu You, so she found an excuse to say that Yu Rou was still resting in the room before she recovered, so she let her rest in the room. Don't come over. He even went out of his way to tell Yu Rou to stay in his yard and not come out.

  Gu You's purpose in coming to Yu's house was to see Yu Rou. Who knew that after a long time, he still couldn't see Yu Rou.

  During dinner, Gu You took a few bites and then asked to leave.

  Mrs. Wang breathed a sigh of relief and asked Yu Shizhen and Yu Shili to escort him to the door.

  At this time, Yu Rou was eating in her room, feeling very comfortable.

  Mrs. Wang asked someone to come and tell her that she didn't have to go, so she asked the cook in the small kitchen to cook her a lot of favorite foods. Because she always felt weak after being poisoned and had to take medicine every day, so she didn't know how to eat at all. I feel sorry for myself, but the table is full of delicious food, including five meat dishes, two soups, and one beet.

  The meat dishes include white kidneys with wine and vinegar, stir-fried quails with three fresh bamboo shoots, roasted dove roe, lake fish paste, West Lake fish in vinegar... The beet dishes include frozen almond tofu, and the soups include Changchun soup, straw mushroom and egg drop soup, with a few Pickles, rice and porridge.

  It is fresh and delicious, smooth and tender, fragrant, and has good color and taste, leaving a lingering fragrance on your lips and teeth.

  Yu Rou only took a little of each dish and was eighty percent full.

  She was about to tell the maid to take the rest away when she heard the window slam shut.

  Yu Rou frowned and asked Haitang to go see what was going on.

  She and Haitang were the only two people in the room. Yu Rou didn't like to be served by too many people when eating. She always felt uncomfortable being looked at, so she usually left Haitang alone.

  As soon as Haitang's front legs left, Yu Rou felt someone behind her. When she turned around, she faced Gu You's smiling face.

  "It's not easy to be like the wife of the Yu family." Gu You sat down opposite her without restraint.

  "Oh? Why does the prince want to see me?" Yu Rou was very calm.

  "Do I need a reason to see you?" Gu You said calmly, staring at Yu Rou with an unpredictable look.

  "But this is a women's boudoir. I'm afraid it's not good for the prince to come uninvited." Yu Rou said seriously.

  "What's wrong?" Gu You smiled lazily.

  "I'm already engaged. If any bad rumors spread, I'm afraid it will damage the reputation of the prince." Yu Rou looked outside the door and wondered why Haitang hasn't come back yet?

  Gu You smiled, "My reputation? Haha, don't you know my reputation? What else can be damaged?"

  Yu Rou pretended not to understand and said: "I think it's better for the prince to keep his distance from me.

  "Ms. Yu said that, but it hurts my heart. I've sent so many gifts these days, but why do you return them without even opening them?" Gu You raised his eyebrows .

  "No reward for no merit, the prince's gift is too valuable."

  Gu You had known that she would answer this way, so he was not annoyed. He shrugged his shoulders, picked up a pair of clean chopsticks on the table, picked up a piece of fish and put it on the table unceremoniously. Putting it into his mouth, "You eat quite a lot by yourself."

  "You have a good appetite recently."

  Gu You was a little surprised, and then laughed, "Madam didn't say that you were unwell and resting in the room, it turned out that you were eating and drinking heavily. "   Yu Rou pursed her lips, "It's true that she is feeling unwell, but her appetite has not been affected."   Gu You took a bite of the fish and praised: "The dishes you have here are very good to my taste, especially this fish. It's fragrant, tender, fresh and delicious, I like it very much."   When Gu You said this, he kept looking at her, his dark eyes making Yu Rou feel uncomfortable.   "The cooks in the prince's house should be better than the cooks here." Yu Rou looked away and said calmly.   "No, what I like is the fish here."   When he said the fish, he deliberately emphasized the tone. Yu Rou's face changed, but she still pretended not to understand.   Seeing that she stopped answering, Gu You smiled even more wantonly.   "Your Majesty, do you want rice?" Yu Rou wanted to see where Haitang had gone. She didn't come back for a long time. It was probably Gu You's fault.   "No need." Gu You smiled.   Yu Rou put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hand helplessly, "I've already eaten, please use it as you please."   "Aren't you even willing to eat with me?" Gu You looked sad, and he frowned, which was really a bit annoying. I can't bear it.   Yu Rou looked at him awkwardly.   Gu You said: "Your maid is outside the door, but she can't move for the time being. You accompany me to finish eating, and I will relieve her acupuncture points. What do you think?"   Yu Rou looked at him without speaking.   Gu You sighed, "Well, my beauty is of no use to you. I'm so sad that I can't eat anything."   "Prince, don't be like this."   "At the tea party a few days ago, Do you recognize me?"   Yu Rou nodded, "Well, I can still recognize the prince's words."   Gu You smiled brightly, "I knew you could recognize me, how about my tea art?" " Isn't it not bad?"   "The prince is too humble. The prince's tea art is already extremely exquisite, and it is more than good."   After receiving Yu Rou's praise, the corners of Gu You's mouth rose, and there was a trace of pride in his eyebrows.   "You are also very good, you can surprise me every time." Gu You looked at her eyes steadily, the ambiguity and affection in his eyes were very clear.   Yu Rou lowered her eyes and did not look at him.   "Are you shy?" Gu You had the urge to lift her chin.   "No." How could you tell that I was shy? Yu Rou didn't know what Gu You was thinking.   After spending a long time with modern people, she came back to interact with ancient people, and she felt more and more that ancient men liked to take things for granted, which could also be said to be pretentious.   Naturally, Gu You didn't believe her. He smiled at first, but when he thought of something, his face suddenly turned cold. "At that time, you were suddenly poisoned and passed out. It's not that I didn't save you. Given the circumstances, it would be better for you to hand you over to the prince." Better."   Yu Rou didn't expect him to explain this suddenly. She didn't even think about asking him to rescue her. Moreover, it had been several days, so he wouldn't think about the situation if he didn't mention it to her. ⒏BσΟK·СoмThe   prince sent a letter the day before yesterday, saying that it had been processed.   Noting the affection of the He family, he did not publicly deal with He Yulian. He only said that Yu Rou accidentally ate the food that was incompatible with each other, but he did not let He Yulian go.

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  Noting the affection of the He family, he did not publicly deal with He Yulian. He only said that Yu Rou accidentally ate the food that was incompatible with each other, but he did not let He Yulian go.

  The He family made a marriage promise to He Yulian and married her to the south.

  For the arrogant He Yulian, this was more uncomfortable than killing her.

  Especially He Yulian knew that this matter was handled by the prince, and she cried all night. She wanted to commit suicide the next day but was saved by the female envoy. News came out from the He mansion that two months later, Come over from the south to pick up the bride.

  However, Yu Rou felt that the poisoning should not be planned by He Yulian herself. She was not so confident on her own. She was with Yan Wanyun at the time. If Yan Wanyun did not know about it, Yu Rou was I don’t believe it, but things are like this. He Yulian didn’t confess Yan Wanyun. It’s probably because the two of them have passed their anger.

  In just a few moments, many thoughts flashed through Yu Rou's mind. She still lowered her eyes and said in a low tone: "The prince's words are serious. It has nothing to do with the prince at this time. The prince does not need to worry about it."

  Her unfamiliar and polite tone made people laugh. Gu You was very dissatisfied, but thinking of Prince Yu Rou's engagement made him even more angry.

  Gu You hesitated for a moment, thought of the purpose of his trip, and asked: "Do you really want to marry the prince? If I make the prince regret the marriage, will you marry me?"

  Yu Rou looked up in surprise, "Why did the prince say this? , Marriage is nothing to play with. The prince and I are already engaged. Please stop joking. "

  "You know I'm not joking, or are you misunderstanding me because of my bad reputation?" Gu You thought for a while and didn't know how to explain to Yu Rou that his bad reputation was all spread by random people in order to hide his edge when he was young and ignorant.

  At that time, he didn't want to get married. He felt that women were boring, and he never felt that there was anything wrong with his bad reputation.

  Until now, he fell in love with Yu Rou, but was rejected by Yu Rou time and time again, causing him to be frustrated repeatedly. Only then did he feel frustrated in his heart, thinking that it was due to his reputation.

  Looking at Wang's attitude towards him today, he could guess a thing or two.

  "Your Majesty, you are worrying too much."

  Yu Rou's faint words made Gu You feel powerless.

  Yu Rou looked out the window, night had fallen, and the moon had climbed above her head at some point.

  She hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, it's getting late."

  Gu You slammed his chopsticks on the table, stood up, and stared at Yu Rou. "Are you just waiting for me to leave?"

  Yu Rou sighed, "Then what do you want from me?"

  Gu You suddenly felt that coming here was really boring, but he was unwilling to give in. All he wanted was Yu Rou. , everything else doesn’t matter.

  He has never felt such a strong feeling in all his life.

  Ever since he played with Yu Rou in the palace, he couldn't forget her.

  If Yu Rou accepted his invitation and wasn't even so cold to him, maybe he wouldn't be so persistent.

  "I want you to look at me carefully. I'm not kidding you. I want you not to marry the prince, but to be with me."

  "Prince, you!" Yu Rou looked stunned.

  "What do you want? I can give it to you too."

  Yu Rou shook her head, "Prince, please leave."   Gu You reached out to hold her shoulders to let her see his sincerity, but Yu Rou resisted. The look hurt his pride.   His hand froze, and after a long time he returned to his confident look, but his eyes were a little disappointed. He took out an exquisite dagger from his arms and handed it to her, "This is for you. I asked someone to find it." "This dagger is as sharp as clay and easy to carry. You can use it for self-defense."   Yu Rou was stunned and was about to refuse, but Gu You held her hand down and said, "Take it."   Gu You turned his back to her. "Next month is my birthday. After you accepted my gift, you must also give me a gift in return."   He didn't give Yu Rou a chance to speak, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.   Yu Rou stood stunned for a moment, and then Haitang rushed in, "Girl! I just..."   Yu Rou made a gesture that said nothing should be said, "I know everything, don't say anything, go down first.   " Yu's birthday is next month, and the prince's birthday is coming soon.   She rubbed her temples and thought to herself, she thought Prince Guangcheng was joking, but he turned out to be serious.   In the original plot, the original owner and the prince were not involved at all.   A few days later, news came from the palace that Yu Rou, the reading companion, had not been in the palace for a long time. It was said that Princess He Ning missed her and her poison should have been cured long ago, so she was sent to the palace.   Yu Rou shied away for a few more days, until the day of the prince's birthday, she dressed up and entered the palace to attend the prince's birthday banquet.   The prince happens to be twenty years old this year, so the birthday party is extra grand.   All civil and military officials were present, and distinguished ladies also brought gifts to the palace to celebrate the prince.   Yu Rou was engaged to the prince, so the gifts prepared by the Yu family were even more expensive. Wang worried about it for more than half a month before finally preparing the gifts.   On the day Yu Rou entered the palace, she dressed up carefully. She was already extremely beautiful, and her beauty became even more breathtaking. When you saw her from a distance, you had the feeling that all the glory in the world was in her.   After the palace banquet, a prayer lantern party was held in the palace to pray for the prince. River lanterns could be placed on the royal river in the palace. All the noble ladies went to look at the lanterns. Yu Rou noticed that He Yulian did not come. Wan Yun didn't come either, probably because he was locked up at home because of what happened last time.   Yu Rou was also dragged to Yuhe by Princess He Ning. As the two were walking, Yu Rou noticed something was wrong with Princess He Ning. She thought Yu Rou didn't notice, so she ran away quietly from the side road.   Yu Rou pretended she didn't know and continued to walk a few steps forward when she suddenly bumped into a strong chest.   She was prepared, but she still exclaimed.   I thought I would hear the prince's voice.   Who knew, it was another person.   "Madam of the Yu family?"   Yu Rou was stunned, and when she looked up, under the bright silver moonlight, the man in front of her turned out to be the fifth prince.   Yu Rou quickly stepped back a few steps and saluted, "Your Highness the Fifth Prince."   "No need to be polite."   Yu Rou glanced behind her, a little strange. ⒏bOОK.cоm

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  "Why are the fifth princes here?" Yu Rou lowered her eyes and secretly observed the surrounding places where people could hide.

  The fifth prince has been thinking about her since he last saw her. When he saw her in the palace today, he fell in love with her even more. Yu Rou stood among the many noble ladies, so dazzling.

  Just now, a little palace maid came to him and told him that Yu Rou was waiting for him here. Although he knew that it might be a scam or a trap, he hesitated for a moment and came over. Unexpectedly, he actually saw Yu Rou.

  The fifth prince's heart skipped a beat. Hearing her soft voice, his eyes became even hotter when he looked at her.

  However, Yu Rou asked him why he was here, which also made him cautious. From what Yu Rou meant, it seemed that she didn't ask him to come, so what was the purpose of the person who asked him to come?

  Being in the palace, he was no stranger to such plots and intrigues, and the fifth prince quickly came up with several possibilities.

  Yu Rou is engaged to the prince, and there are probably many jealous women. Asking him to come here to meet Yu Rou alone is probably a design by people who want to cause her to lose her reputation, or who don't want to see the prince marry the Yu family. The purpose is to let the prince see that she is involved with another man. In this case, the prince, as the crown prince of a country, will terminate the engagement with her.

  This is exactly what he wants.

  The fifth prince gently twitched the corners of his lips and approached Yu Rou.

  "I am here, of course, to meet you, Madam of the Yu family." The fifth prince smiled lightly, looking elegant and gentle.

  Yu Rou frowned. She also guessed various possibilities. It was the princess who brought her here. Could it be that the prince was testing her?

  Her face darkened, and she felt something was not right. She asked tentatively: "Who told the fifth prince that I was here?"

  Seeing that she had figured it out so quickly, the fifth prince couldn't help but look at her higher, half-smiling but not smiling. He looked at her and took a few steps closer.

  "Isn't Madam Yu looking for me? Why do you keep your head down?"

  "I'm afraid the fifth prince has misunderstood."

  The fifth prince smiled softly, his laughter was ambiguous and a little teasing, and he put his hand on Yu Rou's shoulder, To take her into my arms.

  Yu Rou was startled, and immediately took a few steps back, and ran away before the fifth prince's hand touched her shoulder.

  Unexpectedly, after running a few steps, she bumped into the fifth prince again.

  Yu Rou was secretly annoyed, how could these ancient people know martial arts, it was just like teleportation, it was really annoying.

  "Where do you want to go, Mrs. Yu? Isn't it a bit rude to run away before you finish speaking?" The fifth prince's voice sounded above her head.

  Yu Rou wanted to raise her head and roll her eyes at him, but she held back,

  "I don't have anything to say to the fifth prince, and I would like to ask the fifth prince to give in." Yu Rou raised her chin and said coldly.

  Her eyes were filled with indifference and alienation, and she told the fifth prince straightforwardly that she had no intention of overstepping his rules and asked him to respect himself.

  The fifth prince was slightly stunned, but he wanted to get her even more.

  His eyes darkened, but there was still a smile on his lips. He grabbed Yu Rou's wrist and said, "Madam of the Yu family, you have nothing to say. How about you listen to what I have to say?"

  Yu Rou frowned, "Fifth prince, please respect yourself. , I am engaged to the prince..."

  The fifth prince put his finger on her lips, blocking her next words. Yu Rou's lips were soft and petite, and the fifth prince couldn't bear to take them away when he placed his fingers on them. Instead, he slowly rubbed them with a look of obsession.

  Yu Rou was already sure that the fifth prince's arrival was not planned by the prince, otherwise he should have come out long ago. Her eyes grew colder, and she thought to herself: If she finds out who did it, she will make him/her regret it.

  "It doesn't matter if there is an engagement, it can be broken off. Do you think you have to be the prince?" The fifth prince leaned close to her ear and said with a smile.

  Yu Rou's eyes were cold, she opened her mouth unexpectedly and bit his finger hard.

  The fifth prince let go of his hand in pain, and Yu Rou kicked him in the crotch, then turned around and ran away while he was bent over.

  Who would have thought that the fifth prince would hold on to her clothes despite the pain.   Yu Rou was extremely angry, and suddenly thought that the original owner was actually good at martial arts, so she punched and kicked the fifth prince hard.   The fifth prince never expected that Yu Rou would suddenly be so rough. She only covered her crotch and was beaten violently by Yu Rou in other places.   She looks fragile, but she is very strong.   The fifth prince's face turned blue after being beaten by her, and there was still a dull pain there. He angrily pushed Yu Rou and pressed her against the rockery next to her.   The rockery was not flat, and the rocks hurt Yurou's bones, and she felt a burning pain in her back.   Yu Rou was about to shout when she heard a familiar voice.   "What are you doing?"   Yu Rou's face turned pale and she shouted quickly: "Your Highness, save me!"   The fifth prince's face changed when he heard the voice, but he had already thought that the prince would come, just to let the prince see him. Yu Rou has a close relationship with him, which makes the prince feel dissatisfied with Yu Rou. As long as the prince takes the initiative to terminate the engagement with Yu Rou, he can propose marriage to Yu Rou.   Just as the fifth prince was about to hug Yu Rou, he felt his collar being grabbed and thrown back.   In order to avoid being thrown down, he had to let go of Yu Rou to resist.   After Yu Rou got free, her first reaction was to rush over and hug the prince.   Smelling the faint sandalwood scent of the prince, Yu Rou breathed a sigh of relief, then hugged her tighter, and clearly felt the prince's body stiffen, "Your Highness, the fifth prince is obsessed with lust and intends to do evil to me, Your Highness, save me! The   fifth prince's eyes widened and he quickly retorted, "Brother, she brought me here on purpose."   The prince sneered and ignored the fifth prince, looking down at Yu Rou with a nervous look on his face, "Are you okay?"   As soon as Yu Rou raised her head, her eyes were red and her eyes were wet. She looked at the prince with tears in her eyes without saying a word. She was so pitiful.   The prince was stunned. Yu Rou's appearance was really seductive. His heart felt a pain at first, and then he was swept away by anger.   "What did he do to you?"   Yu Rou cried aggrievedly: "He just wanted to belittle me, but fortunately His Highness came in time."   The prince took a deep breath and looked at the fifth prince coldly.   The fifth prince felt bad. He should not underestimate Yu Rou. He should have known just now that she was not a stupid person and would not let herself be misunderstood if she was caught.   The fifth prince was secretly annoyed. What Yu Rou said just now was right. He was indeed obsessed with sex, but he didn't think clearly about it...   "Brother, the wife of the Yu family asked me to come here to have a tryst with her. I am indeed obsessed with sex." Xinqiao was seduced by her for a moment, but it was indeed her initiative." He gritted his teeth.   "Your Highness..." Yu Rou didn't say much, looking at him, tears streaming down her face.   How could the prince believe what the fifth prince said.   He Ning had told him a long time ago that he would secretly bring Yu Rou to him tonight as a surprise, but something went wrong. The maid who came to deliver the message actually mentioned another location. He had been waiting there for a long time. There was no one in sight. If he hadn't reacted in time and went to find He Ning, he couldn't imagine...   The prince's eyes were terrifyingly gloomy.

  How did the fifth prince know that the truth of the matter was like this? He only guessed the second half, but he did not expect that Yu Rou was brought here by Princess He Ning.

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  "Brother, this is the palace, and today is your birthday. If she hadn't asked someone to tell me to come here, how could I be here with her." The fifth prince was still trying to make the prince believe him.

  The prince had his back to the light, so the fifth prince couldn't see his face clearly, so he didn't know what his expression was now. He felt uneasy and couldn't help but regret it.

  He is too reckless. Even if he wants to get Yu Rou, he should think about it long term and should not use other people's traps to get him into it.

⑧BσОk. Сom   But it was too late to regret, so he could only try his best to excuse himself.   If the emperor's brother reported this matter to his father, his father, who loved his brother so much, would definitely punish him severely.   The prince sneered.   At this time, Princess He Ning also came looking for her. It was only when the prince found her that she knew something had happened.   But the prince was good at Qinggong, and there was no way she could catch up with him when he ran, so she was panting from exhaustion and finally got here.   "Brother Imperial! Wife of the Yu family!" Princess He Ning shouted softly.   Her voice sounded particularly clear in the empty garden.   At this time, the sounds of girls laughing again came from the path on the right. It sounded like there were quite a lot of people, and they were rushing here directly.   This time, it's right.   The person who harmed her not only wanted to bring her into contact with the prince, but also wanted to ruin her.   If the scene of her being pinned down by the fifth prince was seen by those noble ladies from the royal family, she would not be able to explain it clearly and would become a laughing stock.   The royal family will not allow such a woman to marry.   It would be impossible for the fifth prince to marry her by then.   What a vicious mind.   In the flash of lightning, the prince, fifth prince and Yu Rou all thought of this level.   "He Ning, I'll leave this place to you. I'll take her away first." The prince said solemnly.   He Ning reacted immediately and nodded heavily, "You guys leave quickly."   No matter what, this scene cannot be seen by others. They all know how terrible the rumors are. Ten mouths can turn falsehoods into truths, not to mention that this is It was designed by someone with good intentions. Even if it is explained clearly, it is useless.   Yu Rou was suddenly pulled into a warm embrace, "Hold me."   The prince's voice was low, with suppressed anger, but he still restrained himself and tried to make his voice not sound so fierce.   Before Yu Rou could react, she felt her body suddenly vacate.   When the prince picked her up, he felt her body was light and soft.   The prince jumped into the air with her in his arms, used Qing Kung Fu, and flew up the tree in the blink of an eye.   Yu Rou felt herself moving through the leaves. She heard the sound of wind blowing through the leaves in her ears. She looked down and saw that she was already more than ten meters above the ground.   The prince stepped on the branches as if walking on flat ground.   Yu Rou was dumbfounded.   After a while, the prince finally stopped, and the two of them had arrived at the pavilion of Zhujingyuan.   When Yu Rou was put down by him, she was still a little overwhelmed. The feeling of being held and flying was really fun.   The tears on her face had long been blown dry by the wind, and there were tear stains hanging in the corners of her eyes. Her face was still very pale. In fact, it was caused by the cold wind, but the prince thought she was in shock and frightened.   The prince was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.   Yu Judo: "Your Highness, do you believe me?"   The prince looked at her in surprise.   It turns out that at this point, what she cares about most is whether she believes in her or not.   The prince's hands were curled into fists and he was struggling a little. Does she really care about him?   The system's prompt sounded suddenly in Yu Rou's mind: "The whitewashing index continues to increase...it has risen by ten points."   After Yu Rou heard this, she hugged the prince tighter.   After a long time, the prince's hand fell on Yu Rou's hair, and he said quietly: "I know it's not you."   "Your Highness, just trust me. I know Your Highness will definitely come to save me." Yu Rou hugged me again. The prince's waist.   The prince's breathing tightened and his heartbeat continued to accelerate.   Yu Rou put her ears against his chest and naturally heard everything clearly.   Yu Rou continued: "Your Highness, I will always be by your side."   The tense string in the prince's heart suddenly broke, making a buzzing sound in his head.   She seemed to have said something like this in her previous life.   He smiled bitterly, looked up at the sky, and suddenly a voice in his heart said:   Since you can't let go, just protect it.   Since she loves power, then I will firmly hold my position as prince. When I ascend the throne in the future, she will be my queen, and she will never leave me again.   The surroundings were extremely quiet, and the two hugged each other like this for a long time.   Yu Rou heard the prince's heartbeat slowly calm down.   The prince let go of her and suddenly said: "It's my birthday today, don't you have anything to give me?"   Yu Rou was stunned and thought to herself, why did she suddenly mention this? Didn't the Yu family have prepared many gifts for him? ?   She also added gifts.   But judging from the prince's intention, it seemed that he wanted her to give him a gift alone.   But she was completely unprepared.   At this time, to be honest, it seems to be a bit ruining the atmosphere.   Yu Rou thought for a while and said: "I was prepared, but I was afraid that His Highness would dislike it, so I didn't take it out."

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  The prince pursed his lips, looked away, and said: "If you don't give it to me, how do you know that I will dislike it? Besides..."

  He paused and swallowed the following words embarrassedly. He coughed and opened his eyes. Chu was as bright as a star, "Show me."

  Yu Rou hesitated for a while before taking out a sachet.

  This was something she put on her body when she was sick last time. It contained some calming spices. It smelled very comfortable and could relieve headaches and brain fever, so she kept it with her these days.

  "This is made by me myself. Your Highness, please don't dislike it. There are some spices in it, which can calm the mind and relieve headaches. I heard from Princess He Ning that the prince has not been able to sleep well recently, so... I made half of it. "Yue, I just sewed this sachet, but I didn't embroider it well..."

  Yu Rou blushed as she spoke, looking charming and charming.

  The prince took the sachet and saw that it was embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water.

8bОoK. Соm

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  The pattern was very delicately embroidered, every stitch and thread was meticulous, which showed that she was very attentive. If she had been embroidering for half a month, she should have already started preparing for his birthday.

  The prince held the sachet, and he didn't know how to feel in his heart. Anyway, he felt warm, and he said: "The embroidery is very good."

  "As long as your highness likes it."

  The system suddenly said: "The whitewashing index has increased, and the current whitewashing The value is sixty-five points."

  If it exceeds the passing line, it is not far from completing the task.

  The prince pulled off the jade pendant hanging from his waist and put it in Yu Rou's hand, "This is a return gift."

  This is a jade pendant of Liuyun Baifu. The pattern on it is cloud patterns, bats, the cloud patterns are in the shape of Ruyi, and there is a simple The shape of a bat means good luck and happiness.

  Yu Rou knew about this jade pendant. In the original plot, the prince was always wearing it and it was given to him by the empress when he was born.

  "I can't accept this." Yu Rou thrust the jade pendant back into his hand.

  The prince tied the jade pendant in a knot and hung it on her waist.

  "Here you go, it's yours now."


  "Let's go, it's getting late, the palace banquet is almost over."


  As soon as Prince Yurou left, the ladies came around the corner Walked out.

  The first person walking was Princess Huayang of Prince Qing's Mansion, followed by Princess Danyang, and many other women from aristocratic families, most of whom frequently visited the palace, including two ladies from the Yu family.

  Seeing Princess He Ning and the fifth prince, everyone saluted. No one asked about Yu Rou.

  Princess He Ning was full of doubts and looked back and forth between everyone.

  Who brought the fifth prince here, and who gave the wrong news to the prince.

  This must not be a coincidence.

  "Why are you here? Are the river lanterns finished?" Princess He Ning asked.

  Princess Huayang said: "Everyone wants to put the Kongming lanterns in the garden in front."

  "You can't put the Kongming lanterns anywhere, so why do you have to go to the garden over there?" Princess He Ning's smile did not reach her eyes, and she looked at everyone indifferently. .

  Everyone heard that something was wrong, but they didn't know what happened. Seeing that the fifth prince's face didn't look good, they guessed what was going on.

  Yu Si whispered to Yu Ting: "Sister, Sister Rou was with the princess just now. Why don't you see Sister Rou? Could something have happened?"

  Yu Ting stepped forward anxiously and asked: "Princess, my sister Rou didn't come with me . Are you together?"

  After she finished speaking, everyone looked at her.

  She couldn't help but be a little scared and took a step back, but felt that she couldn't show her timidity. She straightened her neck and looked at Princess He Ning anxiously.

  Princess He Ning suddenly smiled and said: "Today is the birthday of the Crown Prince and the Royal Brother. As the future Crown Princess, the eldest lady of the Yu family is naturally with the Crown Prince. The two of them are admiring the moon in front. Why don't you let me have a look here? , Do you also want to go and have a look?"

  Everyone looked at each other.

  Yu Ting's cheeks turned red and she lowered her head and said, "As long as sister is fine, I won't go there."

  Others had no choice but to turn around and decided to put the Kongming Lantern somewhere else.   After everyone left, Princess He Ning asked the fifth prince about the characteristics of the maids who sent him messages. However, most of the maids had these characteristics, and the maids all wore the same clothes and combed their hair the same way. , the fifth prince didn’t look at his face carefully and couldn’t tell the difference at all.   Princess He Ning tortured the maid she asked to deliver the message several times, but failed to get any useful information.   ...   After the palace banquet was over, Yu Rou and the other noble ladies left the palace. On the carriage, Yu Rou specially asked Yu Ting to ride in a carriage with her, and Yu Si took one by herself.   Yu Rou asked Yu Ting some questions intentionally or unintentionally, because Yu Ting and Yu Si had been with Princess He Ning before they took her away.   From Yu Ting's words, Yu Rou found that something was wrong with Yu Si, and her intuition told her that what happened tonight was related to Yu Si.   A few days later, it was spring hunting time.   Emperor Xiaozhen led the princes, ministers and princes to the Fengtou Mountain paddock for spring hunting. Although the Da'an Dynasty valued literature over martial arts, there were many princes and ministers who were skilled in martial arts. In addition, Emperor Xiaozhen liked hunting very much, so he would go there every spring and autumn. Go hunting.   This year it was much later than before. From the emperor and princes to the ministers and common people, hundreds of people participated in the royal hunt, including several princesses, and the husbands and ladies of noble families also came to join in the fun. .   All the ladies of the Yu family were dispatched. Yu Si couldn't go originally, but Yu Rou specially begged the old lady for her and said that she would take her with her, so Yu Si followed.   There is a special hunting ground on Fengtou Mountain, and the surrounding area has been completed a long time ago. However, there is no palace on the mountain, so many tents have been set up in safe places, but even the tents have everything available inside.   When we arrived at Fengtou Mountain, we just rested for a night and started hunting the next day.   On the first day, the emperor and ministers went hunting, and then the emperor watched the hunting. The princes and the sons of ministers had a hunting competition. All the prey they hunted would be recorded in a book, so that they could be ranked after the end, and the ones who hunted the most and the most powerful ones could be ranked. The one who preys is the winner, and Emperor Xiaozhen will reward him when the time comes.   Yu Rou stayed in the tent on the first day, and Princess Ning came to play with her for a while. By the way, she told her that the prince had to accompany Emperor Xiaozhen, so he was too busy to come and see her, and asked her not to be unhappy, and also He brought her some desserts specially for the nobles in the palace.   Yu Rou couldn't finish it herself, so she gave it to Yu Ting and Yu Si. ⒏вOOк. соm   Ever since the prince's birthday party came back that day, Yu Rou designed a maid to be placed in Yu Si's house. This spring hunting, she gave her personal maid some innocuous medicine, so that she had to put it down this time. The maid was brought to serve her.   ...   The next day, the prince went hunting with other princes and the sons of important ministers.   Naturally, this also includes the Fifth Prince and Prince Guangcheng.   The three of them tried their best to compete for the first place, and even chased a prey and fired arrows.   In the end, several of the prey they hunted had arrows with the names of the three of them on them.   When the hunting was over and the prey was counted, Yu Shizhen of the Yu family ranked third, the prince and Prince Guangcheng tied for first, the fifth prince ranked sixth, and the fourth and fifth in the middle were the Jiang family and the Zhao family respectively. The husband of a family of military generals.   Emperor Xiaozhen was very surprised when he heard the result.   The crown prince and Prince Guangcheng, who tied for first place, hunted twice as many prey as the third place, and since it was spring hunting, there were no cubs or pregnant females among the prey. This shows that these two men They are all trying their best to compete.   This is completely different from the past. Prince Guangcheng did not get any ranking in the hunt last year.   This year, the two of them seemed to be at odds with each other. Even when they were receiving the reward, they felt at war with each other.   After the whole spring hunting is over, we have to stay one more night in Fengtou Mountain and set off back to Beijing early the next morning.

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  That night, Emperor Xiaozhen hosted a banquet for ministers and relatives of the emperor with the prey he had hunted, and rewarded the princes who had achieved the highest rankings.

  The ladies and princesses did not attend. They each had dinner in their own tents and prepared to take an early rest before packing up and setting off early the next morning.

  The same was true for Yu Rou. She was not used to living in a tent, so she asked Haitang to pack her things after dinner.

  At this time someone opened the curtain and came in.   It was the envoy she placed next to Yu Si.   Yu Rou had told her before not to come to her easily if there was nothing important. She took the risk to come here at this time, presumably because she had something important to do.   Yu Rou first asked Haitang to guard outside the tent to prevent anyone from coming in, and then asked her in a low voice: "What happened?"   The female envoy said: "The third lady and the Yan family met quietly, and the servant discovered that she had hidden something."   "Do you know what they said when they met?" Yu Rou said seriously.   Female envoy: "My slave is far away, so I can't hear clearly. I only heard something about Misty Smoke and the Fifth Prince."   Yu Rou's eyes turned cold, "Where   did she hide the things?" "Originally, she hid it under the pillow, but slave girl It disappeared when she was not prepared to look at it. She must have taken it away again. The slave came quietly and cannot stay for too long, otherwise she will become suspicious. "This female envoy is Yu Rou who came quietly. Bought from outside, very alert and smart.   "I understand. You go back first. I will be careful and keep an eye on her. If anything happens, come and tell me, but don't stop her. If an accident happens, you can go directly to His Royal Highness or Princess He Ning for help." Yu Rou thought for a moment and said.   "My slave knows."   Haitang came in after the female envoy left. She didn't know that the female envoy next to Yu Si was hers, "Girl, isn't that the one who serves the third girl? Why did she come to find you?"   "Si There is something wrong with my sister. Please ask her to come over and send a message. Don’t tell anyone about this matter. No one can ask." Yu Rou warned her sternly.   Although Haitang was a bit silly, she was still very obedient and nodded when she heard the words.   Yu Rou thought for a while and could roughly guess what Yu Si and Yan Wanyun were planning, but she was not ready to alert the enemy just yet.   ...   Emperor Xiaozhen was still drinking with the ministers, and the prince quietly withdrew, wanting to see what Yu Rou was doing.   Since he figured out his feelings at the last birthday party, his attitude towards Yu Rou has slowly changed again.   The events of the past life have passed, and he is also persuading himself not to cling to things that haven't happened yet. Since he can't let go of Yu Rou, he should just deal with it as he pleases.   He came out of the tent and walked a few steps, and saw several noble ladies chatting and laughing under a tree not far ahead.   After one of them saw him, he said something to the other ladies, and then they came towards him.   There was a gloomy look in the prince's eyes, but there was no expression on his face.   The noble ladies came over and bowed, and the prince calmly said no courtesy.   He was about to turn around and leave, but his expression suddenly changed.   He saw a sachet hanging on one of the noble ladies, and the sachet looked very familiar.   He has been carrying the sachet given to him by Yu Rou these days. He takes it out and looks at it for a while every day, so he is very familiar with this sachet. He even knows every stitch and thread on the sachet and the thread used.   "Show me the sachet you are wearing." The prince said solemnly, startling the noble lady.   The noble lady uneasily took off the sachet and handed it to him, asking, "Your Highness, what's wrong with this sachet?"   The prince took the sachet and looked at it carefully. It turned out to be exactly the same, even the pattern and stitching were exactly the same.   The prince's face sank, and his tone became more indifferent: "Where did you get this sachet?"   The lady said: "Your Highness, I bought this at Duobao Xuan." 8ВoОк.cOm

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  "Duobaoxuan?" The prince's voice was hoarse, and the words came out of his throat with difficulty.

  "Yes, it's just a shop where you can buy some gadgets." Seeing that the prince's expression was wrong, the noble girl explained bravely.

  The prince pinched the sachet and suddenly felt like a fool for treating it like a treasure these days.

  He crushed the spices in the sachet into pieces, and a fragrance wafted out. He took a deep breath, lowered his face and returned the crumpled and deformed sachet to the noble lady, and then strode away.

  The noble ladies looked confused. They had no idea what had happened to the prince and how he could be offended by a sachet.

  Really moody.


  Yan Wanyun's tent is on the southwest side, some distance away from the tents of several noble ladies of the Yu family.

  Yu Si covered her face with a veil and quietly went to Yan Wanyun's tent under the cover of night.

  She stayed inside for half an hour, and when she came out again, she had an exquisite wooden box in her hand.

  Under the veil, her face turned a little pale, a cold light flashed in her eyes, she clenched the wooden box and quickened her pace.

  After Yu Si left, Yan Wanyun asked the female envoys around her to follow her quietly to see if she did what they said.

  In the tent, He Yulian walked out of the screen at the back.

  She looked at Yan Wanyun and said, "Will she do what we say?"

  He Yulian has been locked up in the house since the last tea party incident. This time she comes out may be her last time out. After returning home, we must prepare to get married.

  The biggest reason why she didn't confess Yan Wanyun that time was because Yan Wanyun and her would help her take revenge on Yu Rou.

  She originally didn't plan to come to Chunxie, but it was Yan Wanyun who sent her a letter asking her to come.

  The He family is very strict with her now. If she hadn't cried and begged, they probably wouldn't have let her out.

  Yan Wanyun said calmly: "I think so." However, even if she disobeys me, I have a backup plan.

  He Yulian seemed to have thought of something, with hatred in her eyes, "That's good. I'm sure there won't be any mistakes this time, right? "

  Yan Wanyun smiled lightly: "No, I have made arrangements, don't worry. "

  He Yulian also nodded: "Well, I have asked my people to go find the fifth prince. We can just wait and watch the excitement. " "

  It's getting late. You should go back first, so as not to arouse suspicion." "Yan Wanyun said.


  The prince angrily arrived outside Yu Rou's tent. He frowned when he saw no one outside the tent.

  Logically, there would be female envoys and guards guarding the noble lady's tent, but Yu Rou There was no guard around.

  The prince quickly stepped forward and called Yu Rou's name several times in a bad tone.   He

  waited for a long time, but there was no response from the tent.

The tent was dark and the candles were not lit.   He

  walked in and found that it was empty and quiet.

  Where could she go if she was not in the tent at this time?

He lit a candle on the ground, and the tent quickly became bright. With the candlelight, he saw that the quilt was a little messy, and there were a few dirty footprints on the ground, which were obviously not women's.

  He felt bad and was about to go out. Calling someone,   he suddenly smelled a strange smell. He stopped and smelled it carefully, and his face suddenly changed.

  This smell... is the scent of joy.

  Why is there the smell of joy here?

When he came out, the prince immediately covered his mouth and nose, and his face became ugly.

  Huanqingxiang is a kind of obscene fragrance. It has strong medicinal properties. If you smell it even a little bit, you will get sick. Once the medicinal properties of this fragrance take effect, your limbs will be affected. Weak and unconscious, after half an hour, the whole person will be controlled by the medicine.

  The prince wanted to go out and call someone, but he just took a step and his legs became weak.   He almost fell if he hadn't been helped . He leaned on the table next to him and fell to the ground.   He lay on the couch, his vision gradually blurred, and he couldn't speak.   He vaguely saw someone walking in and called out to the prince softly.   He couldn't tell who it was . , and his whole body became hot.   The corners of the prince's lips moved, and he raised his hand, and was grabbed by someone,   "Help me lift him up." "   This was the last word the prince heard before he fell into coma.   Half an hour later, the drug took full effect. Several heat currents were flowing in the prince's body. His whole body became hot. He felt like he was dreaming. Look. When Yu Rou sat next to him and looked at him tenderly,   he was driven by desire and stretched out his hands to hug Yu Rou. Feeling the coolness on her body, he couldn't bear it anymore and looked at her attractive face. He pressed her lips against   Yu Rou's in the dream, as sweet as nectar, which made him want to stop.   Yu Rou was touched by the prince, but the most important thing was that she was still very young.   Yes , Yu Rou didn't want to be with Prince Yunyu at this time. He was now drugged and he didn't know the severity of it. If he really did it, she would be unable to get out of bed. She still had important things to do tomorrow. When the prince put his hand into her underwear, she grabbed his hand and stopped him from continuing.   The prince thought he was dreaming. In the dream, Yu Rou was always shy and liked to use her seductive eyes. Looking at him, his expression was slightly different, but still alluring. The prince was made uncomfortable by the effect of the medicine, and he pulled Yu Rou onto the bed with force, and then pressed him under him, just as   he was about to cling to her . When she did,   Yu Rou raised her hand and gave him a slap.   The slap was loud and clear, and the prince was stunned.   "Your Highness . "After the beating, Yu Rou felt a little guilty and called him softly.   The prince looked at Yu Rou in shock, "You are brave. "   His voice was a little hoarse, suppressing a strong desire, but also with a hint of incredible emotion. ⑻ВoOk·CΟmYu   Rou quickly hugged him and kissed the corner of his mouth affectionately, "I didn't mean it. "   The prince frowned in confusion. Was he dreaming? Why did his face hurt from being beaten just now?

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  Under the influence of Huanqingxiang, it was difficult for him to stay awake. In just a few moments, he suddenly couldn't remember whether it hurt or not.

  "Your Highness." Yu Rou saw that his expression kept changing and pushed him hesitantly.

  The prince frowned, looked down at Yu Rou, and saw that her clothes had become wrinkled at some point, and her collar was loose, revealing her white and smooth skin.

  His throat was dry, and his lower body felt a little painful, with waves of heat.

  Smelling Yu Rou's fragrance, he couldn't think at all. He bit her lips and kissed her fiercely.

  Yu Rou was breathless from his kiss, and he took off her coat.

  When she was about to be stripped naked by the prince, she gritted her teeth and slapped him again.

  The prince grabbed her hand, and just as he was about to speak, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then he fell forward.

  He pressed heavily on Yu Rou, causing her chest to hurt, and she felt as if her breasts were being crushed by him.

  She pushed the prince away and saw Haitang standing beside the bed holding a large, black inkstone, looking at her in panic.

  "Girl, are you okay?"

  Yu Rou saw that she was scared out of her mind and laughed out loud, "It's okay."

  "Your Highness, he... he... he's not dead, is he?"

  Yu Rou was so shocked by her. One sentence made my heart lift.

  He quickly put his hand between the prince's nose and felt it, and breathed a sigh of relief, "No."


  The prince had another dream, in which he dreamed that his whole body was cold and he was locked in an ice cellar, and his whole body was about to freeze.   But there was a fire burning in his body. He was tortured by the ice and fire outside here and broke out in cold sweat. There were still people chattering around him.   He wanted to wake up, but he couldn't open his eyes. There was darkness in front of him.   This night is a long one for many people.   They were all looking forward to dawn, and as soon as it dawned, the show would begin.   He Yulian and He Yan Wanyun went to bed early. They didn't have to intervene in this matter at all. Everything had been arranged. They just waited until dawn and watched with everyone the excitement of Yu Rourou and the fifth prince being caught in a secret meeting. .   Emperor Xiaozhen is also here, so it is impossible for this matter not to cause a big fuss.   Yu Rou was ruined.   Not only could she not marry into the royal family, but she would also become a ruined beauty in the eyes of everyone.   Thinking of this, the two of them slept even more soundly.   Before dawn the next day, a scream broke the silence and woke everyone up.   Yan Wanyun and He Yulian were washing and changing clothes in their tents at this time. After hearing the sound, their eyes lit up and they told the maid to move faster.   The prince was also startled, for the sound was not far from his tent.   As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that he was sitting in a bucket half a person's height. Yu Rou was lying next to her with disheveled clothes. She was sleeping deeply, with a frown on her face, and her lips were red and swollen.   She also heard the sound and slowly opened her eyes.   "Your Highness." Yu Rou's voice was full of surprise, and her eyes suddenly lit up after seeing him.   The prince was stunned, feeling so cold that he lost consciousness. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when his nose contracted and he sneezed loudly.   "You...why are you here?" He stood up, splashed with water, and suddenly felt a severe pain in the back of his head. When he reached out and touched it, he found that it was a big swollen bump, which was bulging high, and his face was also Hot.   The prince frowned and thought about it carefully.   His memory still lingered on that he went to Yu Rou's tent, but did not see Yu Rou.   He remembered that he had been intoxicated by the fragrance of joy.   "Your Highness, how are you? You became very strange last night and your whole body felt hot." Yu Rou whispered.   "What happened last night?" He looked around, where is he?   Suddenly, there was a noise outside.   "What happened?"   "I heard that the eldest lady of the Yu family and the fifth prince were caught and raped in a secret meeting!"   "How could it be!? Is it true?"   "I just went to report it to the Holy Father. Can there be any lie? We Come and take a look, the fifth prince is still there."   "What about the prince?"   "The guards went to look for the prince just now, but they couldn't find him.   " How could a lady do such a thing?"   "Beauty is a disaster."   Prince Yu Rou looked at each other, and for a moment, both of them were speechless.   The prince came out of the water and was about to speak when he sneezed again.   The atmosphere became strange.   He suddenly remembered his dream last night. He pressed Yu Rou under him, kissed and touched her, bit her lips and touched her body.   The prince's pale face suddenly regained its color, and the roots behind his ears were stained red.   He swallowed, looked down at himself, and actually reacted. His wet pants were pushed up high, and the shape was clearly visible. ⑧вОo. cОм

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  Yu Rou glanced down and was immediately stunned, her cheeks flushed.

  The prince quickly turned around, facing away from Yu Rou, trying his best to calm down.

  I don't know how long it took, but the atmosphere in the tent became extremely awkward. After a while, the prince's reaction slowly subsided.

  "What exactly happened last night?" the prince said solemnly.

  Yu Rou hesitated for a moment, "Has Your Highness forgotten everything? Last night, Your Highness was hot all over and his behavior was very strange. I had no choice but to put His Highness in cold water and soak him in cold water. Your Highness won't blame me, right?"

  She said Subconsciously, I glanced at the prince's face. It was still a little red, but at least there was no slap mark.

  The prince thought about it for a while, but he still could only recall some scattered fragments, and he couldn't tell whether they were dreams or reality.

  What Yu Rou said should be correct. He was under the influence of Huanqingxiang. She said that he behaved strangely. Could it be that in his memory, when he held Yu Rou and kissed and touched her, it was not a dream?

  The prince didn't know what to say for a moment. Even though Yu Rou was engaged to him, the two of them had never been so close.

  The prince's mood became very complicated.

  Yu Rou thought that the prince was doubting her words. She had already thought about how to explain why she was not in the tent yesterday, and was waiting for the prince to ask questions.

  Unexpectedly, the prince hasn't spoken yet.

  The system suddenly spoke, "Congratulations, the whitewash index has increased by ten points."

  Yu Rou was stunned and looked at the prince in confusion.

  His face was flushed, his head lowered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Yu Rou asked in confusion: "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

  The prince looked at her, pursed his lips, not knowing how to speak.

  At this time, there was another noise outside the tent, and I didn't know what happened.

  Thinking of the conversation he just heard, the prince's expression became serious, and he thought that he should do business first and talk about the rest later.

  "Nothing, I'll go see what's going on outside first." He took two steps, suddenly stopped, and asked: "I came to see you last night, why weren't you in the tent? Where have you been?"

  "Yesterday, the second sister talked to me and asked me to stay with her for a while. I saw that it was getting late and the tent I lived in was a bit far away from her, so I changed tents with the third sister. I stayed at the second sister's place until very late. Late at night, after I came out, I remembered that I still had something to pick up. Unexpectedly, I saw His Highness. "

  Yu Rou had already thought of these words. Even if the prince went to investigate, he wouldn't find anything.

  However, the prince did not doubt Yu Rou. He thought of the footprints he saw last night and the fragrance of joy in the tent, and his expression became ugly.

  Based on what he just heard, he could almost guess what happened.

  If Yu Rou hadn't changed the tent, I'm afraid what those people said would have come true.

  When the prince thought of this, a stern look flashed in his eyes, who dared to attack Yu Rou.

  He was silent for a moment, and the aura around him almost turned into ice. Yu Rou could feel the cold energy he released even standing next to him.

  The prince said solemnly: "I'll go out and take a look first."

  After he said that, he walked out. Yu Rou quickly reached out and grabbed his arm, looking at him hesitantly.

  "Your Highness..."

  The prince only felt that the place where she touched him was numb and numb. After last night, his body seemed to have opened a mechanism. When he was touched by Yu Rou, he would have a strong reaction.

  "What's wrong?" The prince's eyes fell on Yu Rou's face, and his mind suddenly became restless.

  "I'll go get the clothes for His Highness. Your Highness will put on his clothes before going out." Yu Rou's voice was very soft.

  The prince's Adam's apple moved and he coughed lightly, "Okay."

  After going out, the prince went back to his tent and changed into clean clothes. He quickly ordered people to find out who was secretly framing Yu last night. soft.

  Everyone knew what happened with the fifth prince Huanqingxiang. When the emperor got the news, he was so angry that he was about to go there.

  Unexpectedly, I met the prince on the way.

  Seeing the prince's calm face, the emperor thought that he didn't know about this. Just when he didn't know how to talk to him, the prince took the initiative to bring it up and wanted to go with him.

  If the prince hadn't gone to the tent last night, he would probably have been deceived, but as a half party, he also knew some things from Yu Rou. With a little association, he could guess what happened.

  When the prince ordered his men to investigate, he had already given them several directions for investigation, and the results should be available soon.

  "Father, this matter is a misunderstanding. I just met the Yu family's wife, and the person who is with the fifth brother is not her." The prince whispered in the emperor's ear.

  The emperor frowned, "Oh? What is going on?"

  "My son has sent people to check. Let's go and have a look first." The prince said.

  The emperor, the prince and his entourage soon arrived outside the fifth prince's tent.

  There were many guards outside the tent, as well as some ministers and ladies, who must have heard the news.

  If no one planned it, it would be impossible for so many people to come over to watch the excitement at dawn.

  The prince smiled coldly and glanced around the crowd.

  Everyone knelt down to salute the emperor, and the sound was heard in the tent. The two people in the tent had woken up a long time ago, and neither of them knew what to do.

  Yu Si lowered her head and wiped her tears beside her. Seeing her like this, the fifth prince could only comfort her in a low voice.

  Yu Si's mind moved very quickly, and she even guessed that Yu Rou had discovered what she had done, so she was the one who fell into the trap of Huan Qingxiang, and she was the one who was kidnapped by the people sent by Yan Wanyun and the others.

  Originally, Yu Rou and the fifth prince were caught and raped in bed, but now she is lying here.

  It was impossible not to be angry, but now that the matter had come to this, she should think about what to do next. Fortunately, the other party was the fifth prince, not an ordinary person. If she could marry the fifth prince...

  Yu Si lowered her eyes. , crying even more pitifully.

  Later, we must blame everything on Yan Wanyun and the others.

  Fortunately, she still has a hand. As long as the matter has nothing to do with her, she is the victim.

  Yu Si immediately made a decision.

  The emperor had tables and chairs set up outside the tent and waited for the fifth prince to come out.   The prince whispered a few words in the emperor's ear, and then the emperor ordered the eunuch beside him to go into the tent to see what was going on inside. The   eunuch went in for a while and then came out, with a strange look on his face.   The emperor asked: "How is it? Who is inside?"

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  The eunuch looked at the prince and whispered: "It seems...it seems to be the Yu family's wife."

  Everyone was in an uproar. Although they had heard that the Yu family's wife and the fifth prince were caught in a secret meeting, after confirming it, everyone still couldn't believe it. .

  Everyone looked at the prince with strange eyes, and many noble ladies were even more furious.

  The prince smiled brightly in front of everyone, and said: "Then please invite Madam Yu and the fifth brother to come out. It's been a long time, so they should be dressed neatly."

  "Go and ask them to come out..." The Emperor He raised his hand and ordered.

  At this time, the prince's men also traced the clues to He Yulian's head, because she was the one who sent people to kidnap Yu Si and put him on the fifth prince's bed, and the fragrance of joy also came from her.

  The fifth prince's tent was also quietly lit with incense of joy.

  The original scent of joy would only stay for less than an hour. Once the time passed, no one would know that they had been drugged. Who knew that the prince arrived just in time to smell the scent of joy.

  After hearing what his subordinate said, the prince sneered and looked at where He Yulian was.

  She didn't shed tears until she saw the coffin. It seemed that the last punishment was too light for her and she didn't remember it long.

  The tent curtain was lifted.

  All attention is focused on the person coming out.

  When the fifth prince came out, he looked very unhappy. Everyone whispered to each other but kept staring behind him.

  But after waiting for a while, no one was seen.

  The emperor asked: "Where is the person?"

  The fifth prince looked back, showing impatience.

  The eunuch quickly went in and called the person out.

  The moment Yu Si walked out, everyone's eyes widened.

  Why...it's this lady from the Yu family! ?

  He Yulian and Yan Wanyun were not standing together, but when they saw Yu Si, they were dumbfounded at the same time, and then looked around to find each other...

  What on earth is going on?

  Where is Yu Rou? How could it be her?

  Seeing the expressions of He Yulian and Yan Wanyun, the prince was already sure that they were the ones who did this.

  The emperor was slightly relieved when he saw that it was not Yu Rou. He was not in the mood at all by this farce. He waved his hand and asked the prince to handle the matter while he turned around and left.

  In front of everyone, the prince asked the guards to arrest Yan Wanyun and He Yulian.

  This is more humiliating to them than beating and scolding them. ,

  seeing that the matter was exposed, Yan Wanyun wanted to drag Yu Si into the trap, saying that she was also an accomplice and that she actively wanted to seduce the fifth prince, so she took advantage of the scheme.

  But she had no actual evidence, so she was beaten down by Yu Si.

  Yu Si took out Yan Wanyun's token and said that it was obtained from the criminal who captured her.

  In this way, Yan Wanyun had nothing to say.

  She wanted to harm Yu Rou, but she lifted a rock and smashed her own feet, and also harmed the whole family.

  After this incident, the Yan family, which was originally highly valued, was abandoned by the emperor. Yan Wanyun's father was demoted. Soon, news came out that Yan Wanyun was seriously ill. It didn't take long for her to be sent to the temple.

  The people in the south heard about what happened in the capital and canceled their engagement with He Yulian. Later, He Yulian was imprisoned at home for two years. In the end, it was said that he went to Shandong as a matchmaker and married a military commander. This is all a story later.

  As for Yu Si, she was able to escape at that time entirely because Yu Rou didn't want to expose the family scandal, so she didn't tell what Yu Si did.

  But this doesn't mean that she will let Yu Si go.

  After Yu Rou returned home, she took the female envoy assigned to Yu Si to the old lady's house and explained clearly the cause and effect.

  The old lady was furious and asked her mother-in-law to call Yu Si. At first, Yu Si didn't admit.

  But Yu Rou put the evidence in front of her, leaving her unable to quibble.

  Yu Si was imprisoned in the ancestral hall and made to kneel for three days by the old lady. Finally, the old lady wanted to send Yu Si to the fifth prince's house in a small sedan chair, but the fifth prince refused.

  In shame, Yu Si bumped her head against a pillar, almost disfiguring her face.

  Yu Rou took the opportunity to propose dividing the family and divided the third bedroom.

  The big room and the second room are still adjacent to each other, with only an open wall separating them.


  After the prince returned to the palace, he immediately proposed to the emperor to marry Yu Rou.

  The emperor and the queen were very happy. It was a major matter for the country that the prince get married as soon as possible, so they ordered the Qintian Supervisor to choose a good and auspicious day.

  The efficiency of Qin Tianjian is also very fast, and the three days were delivered on the second day.

  They are September this year, February next year, and July next year.

  The emperor and the queen all had their eyes set on February next year, but the prince said it would be September this year.

  A prince's wedding is no small matter. It cannot be rushed. Some people need to prepare for a year or two. It is almost May now, and September is too soon.

  However, the prince insisted on going his own way, so the emperor and queen had no choice but to leave him alone. They ordered the Ministry of Rites to take care of it immediately and informed the world.

  Prince Guangcheng got the news that day and entered the palace angrily.

  I heard that Prince Guangcheng had a fight with the crown prince and destroyed most of the bamboos in Zhujingyuan. At first, they tried with swords, but later they even fought with fists.

  Both of them had bright faces, and were later taken to the emperor.

⒏вОok. сOмBoth   of them insisted that it was just a martial arts competition, and the matter was ignored.   After Prince Guangcheng left the palace, the emperor asked the prince who had won the battle.   The prince showed dissatisfaction and said, "It's a draw."   The emperor sighed with regret, but said he couldn't do this again.   Unexpectedly, the next day, the two fought again outside the palace.   This time the fight lasted a whole day, and in the end the prince won.

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  This time the fight lasted a whole day, and in the end the prince won.

  Prince Guangcheng shouted that he wanted to win two out of three games, but the prince disagreed, and the two broke up unhappy.

  In the evening of that day, Crown Prince Guangcheng went to Yu Mansion. He did not go through the main entrance, but directly climbed over the wall and entered Yu Rou's courtyard.

  His face was bruised and swollen, and he had completely lost his usual coolness, which shocked Yu Rou.

  Prince Guangcheng said: "The fish I ate at my house last time was very delicious and made me miss it a lot, so I came here again today to try it again. Madam Yu, won't you mind?"

  "If the prince likes it so much, How about I send my cook to your house?" Yu Judao.

  Prince Guangcheng couldn't help but feel sad when he saw her being so cold, "Why are you so cold to me? Do you hate me so much?"

  Yu Rou thought to herself, where did this start? Isn't her attitude normal?

  "Your Majesty, your words are serious. I don't hate Your Majesty." Yu Rou could only soften her voice.

  Prince Guangcheng was silent for a while and said: "Do you really want to marry the prince?"

  "The engagement has been made long ago. Marriage is a matter of time. The Holy Father has already decreed it." Yu Rou's tone made Prince Guangcheng even more irritated. .

  The whitewash index has not changed for many days. Although the relationship between her and the prince has been very close these days, the whitewash index has not improved. This shows that it is a critical moment. Yu Rou feels that only marriage can change this situation.

  Prince Guangcheng said: "Why don't you ask me where the injury on your face came from?"

  Yu Judao: "The prince will naturally tell you what he wants to say. If he doesn't want to say it, if I ask, it will inevitably make the prince unhappy."

  "You! Don't you think I'm waiting for you to ask?"

  Yu Rou lowered her head and remained silent.

  Prince Guangcheng sneered again and again, "It seems that you really don't have any joy for me. If you have a heart for me, I will try my best to snatch you back even if I run away with you... But you just choose me. Unintentionally, it seems that I am being aggressive and being sentimental."

  Yu Rou was a little surprised after hearing this. She didn't expect him to be so obsessed with her.

  It's just that it's impossible for her to be with him, so there's no need to give him hope and only add trouble.

  After all, for Yu Rou, she never paid attention to him from the beginning.

  "Prince, I'm going to tell the cook to cook. What else do you want to eat?"

  "No!" Prince Guangcheng saw that he had received no response to his sincere confession. He was so angry that he vomited blood and raised his hand to eat. table.

  Prince Guangcheng left the capital as soon as he left the Yu Mansion. He didn't even pay any respects. He only took a young boy with him, and he didn't know where he went.

  Time flew by like a flash, and soon it was the birthday of Prince Guangcheng.

  Yu Rou still remembered what Prince Guangcheng said that day, so she sent a heavy gift to Prince Guangcheng's palace.

  She originally thought that Prince Guangcheng was not in the capital, so she was just giving it as a pretense. But not long after she sent the gift, Prince Guangcheng rushed to bring her two peach trees from the south. There were still knots on the peach trees. Bearing fruit.

  In addition to the peach trees, a letter was also sent, saying that he was not planning to return to Beijing this year, so these two peach trees were given to her as a gift for her wedding to the prince.

  Yu Rou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and she didn't know what he meant. She was too lazy to think about it, so she picked a peach and tasted it. It was sweet and sour and tasted very good.

  After the prince knew about this, the prince asked someone to send several jars of peach blossom wine to Prince Guangcheng, and also brought a message to him, asking him to play outside for a few more years, and it would be best to wait until he and Yu Rou had a child before coming back.


  On the day of her wedding to the prince, the whitewash index reached full value as she expected.

  The prince's grudge completely dissipated when he removed her hijab.

  Looking at Yu Rou's beautiful face, he suddenly felt that his previous life was just a dream, and the Yu Rou in front of him was the one he should love and cherish for the rest of his life.

  Yu Rou did not stay in this world for too long, because less than half a year after she and the prince got married, the emperor suddenly said on a whim that he would take the queen on a private visit to Jiangnan incognito and pass the throne to the prince.

  On the day the prince inherited the throne, Yu Rou applied to the system to leave this world.

  System: "Do you want to go to the next world now?"


  "This world is starting to freeze, host, please prepare."

  After several times of traveling, Yu Rou has gotten used to it.

  Her soul was pulled out of this body, traveled for a while, and soon arrived in a new world.

  "Second Miss, we will be there soon. The road is too congested." Lao Yang turned around and said, fearing that she would be anxious.

  Yu Rou opened her eyes, looked at the person in front of her, and said, "Well, it's okay."

  It was the morning rush hour, and it became even more congested when they approached Changli Middle School. The car would stop after a few steps. The driver, Lao Yang, was afraid that Yu Rou would be late, so he kept checking the time.

  Yu Rou's attitude was lazy. She suddenly felt that the car was stuffy, so she opened the window. Suddenly, a chill hit her face, and her nose smelled a damp smell.

  She suddenly said: "Uncle Yang, stop the car. There are only a few steps left. I'll walk there by myself."

  "I'd better send it to the school gate..."

  Old Yang was a little embarrassed, but before he could finish his words, Yu Rou had already picked up her schoolbag. I got out of the car directly with my umbrella.

  Lao Yang had no choice but to press down the car window and shout: "Be careful on the road. I'll pick you up after school."

  Yu Rou agreed and didn't look back.

  In October in the south, it often rains. Every time it rains, it is always accompanied by a gentle breeze and drizzle, giving people a very gentle feeling.

  The sky was a little dark, and there seemed to be a layer of mist in the air.

  When we arrived at the gate of Changli Middle School, the gate at the school gate was closed. There was only a small door next to the guard room. The students entered through that. Standing at the door were two students wearing school uniforms with the student union logo on their sleeves. It seemed that they were in To catch those who were not wearing school uniforms, a boy who was holding a school uniform but not wearing it was stopped and asked to put it on before going in.   Yu Rou looked down at her clothes and walked straight over.   Because everyone was holding umbrellas, it was a bit crowded to go through the small gate, and only two people could pass at a time.   As expected, Yu Rou was stopped.   "Classmate, where are your school uniforms?"   Yu Rou was about to speak when she saw a boy walking out of the guard room.   She was startled, she didn't expect to see Qi Yu so soon.   Qi Yu was probably over 1.8 meters tall, and stood out among the crowd of students under 1.7 meters tall. He has an overly handsome face, clear eyes, dark pupils like a grape, with more whites than the eyes, and a distant and cold temperament.   "Boss, this female classmate is not wearing a school uniform." The boy who stopped Yu Rou said to Qi Yu.

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  "Going inside to sign without wearing school uniform will result in deducted points."

  Qi Yu's tone was indifferent and serious, and his cold voice floated into Yu Rou's ears, tickling her auricles.

  Yu Rou raised her head to look at him, tilted her umbrella back, revealing her fair face.

  Her delicate and petite facial features make people unable to take their eyes away. Her moist and bright eyes are like glass beads, with a slight pinkish tint around her eyes, and a small cherry-colored mole on the right side of her eyebrows.

  Qi Yu turned back to look at her. If Yu Rou hadn't been staring into his eyes, she would have missed the surprise and confusion in his eyes.

  The emotion in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and when he looked at Yu Rou again, it could be said that he was very cold.

  Pretending not to know her?

  Yu Rou secretly felt funny and looked at him intently, her eyes slightly curved, as if to seduce her, "I'm a transfer student, it's my first day here, and I don't have a school uniform yet."

  Qi Yu frowned slightly, Without looking at her, he said to the boy: "Take her over there to register."

  After the boy saw Yu Rou's face, he was stunned for a while. If Qi Yu hadn't talked to him, he might still be in a daze. She quickly smiled at Yu Rou in a friendly manner and explained, "It's just a name for the class, no points will be deducted."

  Yu Rou nodded and followed him into the guard room without saying a word to Qi Yu.

  After she entered, Qi Yu's eyes darkened.

  The boy handed the register and pen to Yu Rou, "Write your name and class here. The last column is empty..."

  Yu Rou picked up the pen and wrote her name and class.

  The boy lowered his eyes and saw that she was holding the pen in a very upright posture. The words she wrote were in regular script. The writing was smooth, free and elegant. Very few girls could write in such a font.

  "Okay, can I go?" Yu Rou asked.

  The boy took the booklet and saw it said: Yu Rou, Grade 2, Grade 3.

  "What a coincidence, we are in the same class!" The boy's voice was loud. Qi Yu heard it from outside, and his face became even more ugly.

  Yu Rou smiled, her eyes narrowed into two crescent moons, "It's quite a coincidence. Can you tell me where Teacher Jiang's office is?"

  The boy was a little embarrassed, his cheeks turned red, "Uh... it's right there. The first room on the right side of the corridor on the third floor of the teaching building."

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome... By the way, my name is Yang Lei."

  Yu Rou nodded, looked at Qi Yu outside, and then turned around and left.

  The plot this time is complicated, bloody, and a bit sadistic.

  The indifferent boy just now is the hero of this world.

  Twenty years ago, Qiyu's mother and the original owner's mother were college classmates and best friends. They fell in love with a man at the same time.

  That is, the father of the original owner - Yu Jiayang.

  Qi Yu's mother, Qi Xuan, was fair, rich and beautiful at that time. The original owner's mother, Lin Zhi, was just a daughter from a poor family in a small city, but Yu Jiayang fell in love with Lin Zhi.

  But Qi Xuan was unwilling to give in, so she arranged for Yu Jiayang to have a relationship with herself, hoping that Yu Jiayang would break up with Lin Zhi and be with her.

  Of course Yu Jiayang was unwilling, but he felt sorry for Lin Zhi, and was torn between the two. Later, Lin Zhi found out about this, and she couldn't accept it for a while, so she quietly left.

  Qi Xuan took the opportunity to pretend that she was pregnant and let Yu Jiayang take responsibility.

  Forced by helplessness, Yu Jiayang had no choice but to marry Qi Xuan.

  But he also soon discovered that Qi Xuan was not pregnant, but was already married. He wanted a divorce, and Qi Xuan was seeking death and survival. He had no choice but to make do with Qi Xuan.

  Two years later, Qi Xuan was really pregnant. Qi Xuan and Yu Jiayang went to the hospital in the city center for a pregnancy test, but who knew they stumbled upon Lin Zhi.

  Originally, even if Yu Jiayang still had Lin Zhi in his heart, but he and Qi Xuan were married, it was impossible for him to have anything to do with Lin Zhi. However, Qi Xuan may have a more irritable and sensitive personality because of her pregnancy. Not to mention that Yu Jiayang had feelings for Lin Zhi. The old love is unforgettable and he wants to leave her and be with Lin Zhi.

  No matter how Yu Jiayang explained and guaranteed, she wouldn't listen, and she would quarrel with Yu Jiayang every day as if she was nervous.

  Yu Jiayang has gotten used to it in the past few years and didn't say anything. He opened a company last year when he was busy. He didn't take Qi Xuan's unreasonable troubles to heart.

  But Qi Xuan was reluctant, feeling that Lin Zhi had not appeared in the past few years, and suddenly appeared just to take Yu Jiayang away to retaliate against her.

  Impulsively, she spilled the beans about how she set up Yu Jiayang. Only then did Lin Zhi realize that what happened back then was all set up by Qi Xuan and was all a misunderstanding.

  The two quarreled. Qi Xuan's pregnancy was inherently unstable, and she was in a bad mood during pregnancy. She was always suspicious, so much so that after she and Lin Zhi quarreled, the baby died on the way home.

  She was afraid that Yu Jiayang would get back together with Lin Zhi because the child was gone. After much deliberation, she said that she would go back to her parents' home to have the baby, and she would not let Yu Jiayang accompany her.

  Yu Jiayang had no choice but to let her go, thinking of visiting her occasionally, but she wouldn't let him see her. Seven months later, an abandoned baby was found in Qi Xuan's hometown, and Qi Xuan took it directly. Come, take it as your own and bring it to Yu Jiayang.

  Naturally, Yu Jiayang didn't know that the child was picked up and raised him as his own. However, Qi Xuan felt awkward whenever she saw Qi Yu or Yu Jiayang because of this incident, and she couldn't get close to Qi Yu at all.

  When Qi Yu was half a year old, Qi Xuan suddenly proposed to divorce Yu Jiayang.

  There was a man who had been chasing her and was very kind to her. In contrast, Yu Jiayang was very cold to her. After all, there was no love between the two.

  Under the fierce pursuit of another man, Qi Xuan decided to divorce.

  For the sake of the child, Yu Jiayang disagreed at first, but Qi Xuan forced him to sign in order to be honest with Xin Huan. He didn't love Qi Xuan in the first place, so he persisted for several months and still divorced.


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