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  The recording of the variety show "Reality Adventure" has been suspended. The day is coming to an end. Each artist also has other work to do, and it is impossible to stay at the recording site of the variety show 24 hours a day.

  Assistant Xiao Cheng followed Lin Shicha outside the recording site, carrying large and small bags in his hands.

  After getting into the nanny car, he was greeted by the anger of his manager sister. Shang Yue endured his anger: "You are going to die, right? Even if your character collapses, don't break it! Look at what you said, Those people on the Internet can hate you to death!"

  The petite girl in Lolita's pink princess dress tilted her head, "Who allowed you to point your finger at me?" Her tone was extremely domineering, but not subtle. There was a hint of guilt in the investigation.

  "Changing the subject again!!" The Great Demon Shang Yue turned into the Great Demon King and roared at Lin Shicha's forehead.

  Lin Shicha hugged herself with tears and stared at him on the spot: "They are all bullying me. I can't pretend if I don't care!! I want to tell grandpa that you are cruel to me!"

  Shang Yue's forehead jumped: "If you have the ability to get angry, Just hold back your tears if you can!"

  "You can hold it back if you want to!"

  Xiao Cheng sighed on the side. Shang Yue, the always shrewd and capable gold medal manager, couldn't help it. There is no way around it, even being influenced by her makes him childish.

  The two of them had been quarreling ever since they met. Shang Yue's voice became hoarse. He turned away the mineral water and took a sip, gasping: "I really owed you in my previous life." Lin   Shicha

  said fiercely: "It's good that you know!"

Yue held up the mineral water bottle: "???" and threw the bottle cap on her head.

  During the second half of the journey, the little ancestor held his head and stayed quiet for a long time.

  The company Lin Shicha belongs to is called Tiandong Entertainment. It is the largest entertainment company in the industry, and it was thanks to the old man that the original owner was able to sign it.

  After getting out of the nanny car, Lin Shicha followed Shang Yue. Xiao Cheng came over and put the lace hairpin back on Lin Shicha's head. Every time she took a step, her fluffy skirt swayed.

  Taking the elevator straight to the 19th floor, I met a very unexpected man in the corridor outside. That man was Su Luoyan.

  Lin Shicha let go of her skirt and raised her chin like a proud white swan. Unexpectedly, Su Luoyan passed by her without even looking at her.

  Lin Shicha blinked, then turned around and grabbed the corner of his clothes, "Hey, didn't you see me?" She stared at him.

  Su Luoyan gave a fake smile, "Oh, it turns out to be Miss Lin. Forgive me for not seeing it."

  She looked a little surprised, as if she had never treated Su Luoyan like this before. He was very cold, smiling but not smiling. "What's wrong with you?" she asked strangely.

  "It's nothing, I just suddenly don't like Miss Lin anymore." Su Luoyan pulled off his clothes, not wanting Lin Shicha to stumble.

  God knows how he felt when he saw that his goddess persona collapsed and her appearance at the variety show was recorded.

  It felt like he liked the wrong person or was a fan of the wrong person.

  I used to like her, just like the feeling that the cute and kind-hearted Lolita heroine in the comics came out of the drawing paper, but now I found that she was not the kind of person I imagined at the beginning.

  Unexpectedly, after hearing this, she opened her eyes wide and suddenly became unhappy, "No!!"

  Shang Yue was embarrassed and angry, "Chacha, hey, Chacha, Mr. Su still has something to be busy with, why not Let's just..."

  "You lied, you said you would always like me! You are a big liar!" Lin Shicha glared at people with his hands on his hips, but because he was too short, he tried to raise his chin. His appearance did not show his ferocious aura at all.

  Su Luoyan was very calm, "Just think of me as dead."

  Lin Shicha was like a puffer fish about to explode, grabbing Xiao Cheng's sleeve with one hand, and the three of them walked towards the office.

  Xiaocheng comforted Lin Shicha all the way, saying that men are unreliable and are just big pigs, and asked her not to believe in men's promises.

  Lin Shicha was convinced.

  The boss of Tiandong in the office also cared about the old man's face and did not scold Lin Shicha too much. He only scolded Lin Shicha a few words and then asked the company

  team to formulate a transformation plan for Lin Shicha.

  Lin Shicha listened indifferently.

  After returning to her apartment at night, she lay on the bed and scrolled through Weibo. Sure enough, all the posts on Weibo were ridiculing her for losing her personality, and her latest Weibo post was a direct hit.

  There are also many people cueing Su Luoyan in the comment area.

  Lin Shicha replied to that comment.

  At twelve o'clock that night, Su Luoyan inexplicably became the number one hot search on Weibo.

  He was confused when he clicked on the hot search, and the first thing he saw was the screenshot of Lin Shicha's reply.

  @林时茶V reply?a data-cfemail="411e01">[email protected]I love drinking milk tea: Su Luoyan is dead.

  He was so angry that he kicked the quilt to the floor and stood on the bed staring at the phone, as if he wanted to poke a hole in the phone.

  "Lin Shicha!!!"

  He just said it casually! ! !

  In order to express his attitude, Su Luoyan retweeted Lin Shicha's post and attached three angry emoticons


  Now, all the vicious comments that were originally directed at Lin Shicha suddenly changed their tone.

8bOOk. Сом
  ——Su Luoyan’s reply made me laugh to death.

  ——The baby is not dead, the baby jumped out to prove it.

  ——Do you two have a good relationship? But Lin Shicha's joke was a bit too much.

  ——I heard from my cousin that Su Luoyan had been chasing Lin Shicha before, so I don’t need to identify my cousin as a staff member in the industry.

  ——This tone sounds like a situation where a girlfriend curses her boyfriend to death after a boyfriend and girlfriend break up. I kind of want to laugh hahahaha.

  ——I heard that you tell people everywhere that I am dead?

  ——Don’t make any noise upstairs hahahahaha.

  Shang Yue's text message popped up appropriately: Are you desperate? ? ? ? ? ?

  Lin Shicha ignored her message and turned off her phone to sleep.

  Early the next morning, Shang Yue led a few people and knocked on Lin Shicha's door. "Put on your makeup and have breakfast. The filming of "Real Life Adventure" is about to start.

  Ancestor, this is a live broadcast. Please be serious."

  Lin Shi Cha obviously hadn't woken up yet, so he let out a sleepy "Hmm" and was woken up by Shang Yue's slap on the back of his head.

  There was a thumping sound from the house next door at 5:30 in the morning. Qiao Li pulled the quilt and covered his head hard. He didn't go to bed until 12:30 last night during the live broadcast. He had only slept for a few hours now. He was irritable. Incomparable.

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  After a while, there was a loud banging on the door outside. He got angry and opened the door angrily without putting on his slippers. He immediately faced Lin Shicha who was passing by.

  She was wearing a light purple tutu, with a rabbit ear hairpin that hung half down. The ends of her black hair were slightly curled, and the fluffy ones made her cheeks more delicate and petite. Her eyelashes were very long, and it looked like It will tremble slightly when it comes over.

  There is also a colorful lollipop in his hand.   Something's wrong with your eyes?   Qiao Li was dumbfounded and closed the door again with a bang. His heartbeat kept banging and banging, and he muttered to himself: "Is this a real lolita?"   The next second, he pulled the door again. When he opened the door, she was no longer in the corridor.   He covered his forehead and leaned against the door. His feet were dangling as he walked to the bed. There was actually a lolita living in this apartment? Why didn’t he know?   "It looks familiar..." he muttered.   Shang Yue went down the stairs, thought about the person who opened the door just now, and muttered to Xiao Cheng: "Did you see the person who opened the door just now? He looks good, but I don't know if he signed for an entertainment company or not."   Xiao Cheng thought for a moment, "Sister Shang , he is a game anchor, I know him, he should not sign with the entertainment company."   "Oh, that's a pity." Shang Yue asked again: "Is he very famous?"   Xiao Cheng replied: "It's pretty big. It seems that he is the number one guy on a certain platform with over 10 million followers on Weibo. When he was looking for an apartment for Chacha, he was selected just because he would not harass Chacha due to his status."   Lin Shicha was standing next to him, biting his tongue. Lollipop, thoughtfully.   When they arrived at the variety show recording site, everyone who was supposed to be there was basically there. Shang Yue took down the fruits and distributed them to everyone one by one, while apologizing for Lin Shicha.   There were two people in Lin Shicha's group, a man and a woman, Meng Weixi and Li Susu.   Yesterday's character collapse was also because of Meng Weixi and Li Susu. This show is said to be a real-life adventure, but in fact it is just an idea to force the artists and create difficulties for them. Their original intention is to see how the artists will choose in difficult situations.   The collapse of Lin Shicha's character was exactly what they wanted.   There are three groups of guests on the show, with three people in each group.   At the beginning, tents, pillows and quilts were provided, and nothing was given to the guests, so they had to solve the problem of eating by themselves.   On the first day, everyone has to rely on their own labor in exchange for food and cooking tools.   Everyone else showed that they could endure hardships and stand hard work, but Lin Shicha was the only one who disliked it and refused to do anything. He even said that he should not participate in this annoying show.   Naturally these words were recorded and played.   Everyone here saw that Lin Shicha was wearing gorgeous and complicated clothes again today. She had no intention of going to the fields to do farm work, so few people wanted to talk to her.   Lin Shicha really has no intention of going to the fields to do farm work. After all, her personality has changed. To suddenly go to farm work to please her is also an act that destroys her personality, and may make everyone hate her even more.   Meng Weixi also liked the original owner. Now that Su Luoyan has lost her fandom, what is Meng Weixi's attitude?   In the original plot, his attitude was very ambiguous.   Meng Weixi was planting rice seedlings in the field with his trouser legs rolled up. He had never done such a thing before and found it quite novel. The uncle on the side taught him one by one how to plant rice seedlings so that the seedlings could survive. When he looked up, he saw a man wearing a light purple suit. The person in Rita's princess dress stood on the smooth road and looked at him.   When she moves, the bunny ears on her head will sway slightly.   "What's wrong?" Meng Weixi kept her gentle smile unchanged, feeling itchy in her heart and wanting to touch her head.   She didn't speak, as if she was in a daze. She spoke after a while: "I just saw a car with lobsters passing by. I want to eat lobsters tonight."   Meng Weixi nodded: "Okay, I got it." She responded. After that, the action of planting rice seedlings in my hands sped up a bit.   Li Susu was startled and paused at him: "No, are we going to replace the lobsters tonight? How long will it take to transplant the rice seedlings?" She was very dissatisfied. ⑻BοΟK. сОm

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  "Don't you want to eat too?" Meng Weixi asked Li Susu.

  Li Susu frowned: "I——" I was speechless, but I have to be diligent and thrifty in running the house! "Then we don't have to eat tomorrow?"

  "We'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow." Meng Weixi's voice was always as gentle as jade, unusually calm.

  Li Susu couldn't come up with any rebuttal because of the camera, so she just scolded Lin Shicha in her heart for being a prodigal.

  But Lin Shicha over there followed the truck carrying lobsters. The simple farmers built a large pool in the village specifically to hold the lobsters. The lobsters were all huge and plump.

  Lin Shicha swallowed a sip of saliva, held up the lollipop and joined in the fun.

  After all the lobsters were served, Lin Shicha stepped on the bricks curiously and looked into the pool. However, the pool was too high and she couldn't reach it. She still had to stand on tiptoes when stepping on the bricks.

  Looking from the other end of the pool, only a pair of purple rabbit ears could be seen twitching. After a while, two cute little hands appeared, scratching the edge of the pool and looking up.

  The live broadcast room of the variety show exploded when they saw this scene.

  ——Oh my god, it’s so cute!


  ——She is short. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  ——Is this a foodie?

  ——Get has reached the loli cuteness point. Is Meng Weixi treating Lin Shicha as a daughter?

  ——Then Li Susu is just an occasionally harsh mom.

  Bullets were flying on the screen. Three children noticed Lin Shicha and approached her after secretly talking for a while.

  A stone hit his head. Lin Shicha let go of his hand and almost fell off the brick. He covered his head with one hand and looked back. The expression that was about to get angry stopped when he saw the three children.

  "Are you here to steal lobsters?" asked the boy with a tweet on his head.

  Lin Shicha: "I'm not, I'm just looking at my lobster in advance!" She snorted.

  "Your lobsters?!" the little girl next to the little boy asked curiously, "But these were bought by the village chief's grandfather from the farmer's market, and they belong to us."

  "I will exchange them for them." She explain.

  The little girl thought for a while, "What do you want to exchange for? My mother said give me a lobster, and I can exchange it with you, sister." Her eyes were burning.

  Lin Shicha thought seriously for a while, seemingly distressed. After a while, he took the initiative to take off the bunny ears on her head, "Can I give this to you?" She smiled, a very cute smile.

  The little girl had a look on her face, clapped her hands and jumped up: "Okay!!" She stared at the bunny ears for a long time.

  Meng Weixi and Li Susu had sore backs and backaches from planting rice. Li Susu was thinking about Lin Shicha wandering off somewhere, when they saw the real owner coming back.

  She jumped up and down, "Meng Weixi, Li Susu, look!" She was holding a big lobster. The lobster was so big, one was much bigger than her face.

  Meng Weixi noticed that the rabbit ears on Lin Shicha's head were missing.

  But Li Susu's focus was on the lobster. She yelled and ran over to catch the lobster, "Oh my god, how can you have a lobster?"

  Lin Shicha proudly showed a pair of tiger teeth, heyed twice, and showed off with his hands on his hips: "I've rewarded you, Li Susu!"

  When Li Susu saw the lobster, she didn't care about Lin Shicha's tone and was happy to act with her, "Oh, thank you for the public donation."

  "You don't need to plant rice seedlings, please rest today. "Lin Shicha deliberately acted cute and raised the corners of her skirt.

  Just as Meng Weixi showed a warm smile, she saw Lin Shicha's expression changed again, and he said fiercely to the other two groups: "What are you looking at!"

  The other two groups: "..." Lonely, lonely, cold, we want to eat too lobster.

  ——This face change is too fast!

  ——This is protecting food, it makes me laugh to death.

  ——To be so generous and give the whole one to Li Susu.

  ——I would like to put the lid on the pot and say, I think Lin Shicha is quite cute. She shouldn’t be so sarcastic, right?

  ——What a arrogant young lady.

  ——People she agrees with will be kind to her.

  ——She is much better than the cute and kind person she pretended to be before. I feel like vomiting when I see her before.

  At night, there were stars outside the bonfire. Lin Shicha was sitting in the tent obediently. Her tutu made her look like a cute dumpling. When she smelled the scent of lobster outside, she moved her nose and sat up.

  Li Susu neatly took out the cooked red lobster and soaked it in cold water, while Meng Weixi cut the auxiliary ingredients on the chopping board, including almond slices and garlic slices.

  Then add cheese powder, bread crumbs and olive oil and mix well.

8BooK. CοмLin
  Shicha squatted by the bonfire and raised her head. The firelight illuminated Meng Weixi's face particularly beautifully. She held her chin and asked: "Can you cook?"

  Li Susu kept moving her hands, breaking off the lobster's claws . He opened the door and quickly took out the lobster meat inside, and said: "Meng Weixi also participated in the show "Six Delicious Dishes", and his cooking skills are very good."

  Meng Weixi was making creamy mushroom sauce, and just chuckled, "Su Su It's too exaggerated."

  Here, Li Susu has finished processing the shrimp meat and refilled the shrimp shells. The mushroom cream sauce made by Meng Weixi is also good. After pouring it, add the chopped ingredients and send it to the oven. Grilled inside.

  The three of them had a hearty meal, which was the envy of others.

  As a result, Li Susu had a fever that night and concluded that she was tired during the day. The cause of this disease is strange, but the program team did not let Li Susu go off the air like this, and the live broadcast is still in progress.

  Meng Weixi used physical methods to cool down. When he left the room, he saw Lin Shicha standing outside the room in a daze.

  "What's wrong?" Meng Weixi asked.

  "Nothing." After she answered honestly, she disappeared.

  Two hours later, the door of Li Susu's room moved. She was not asleep yet, but her head was very dizzy and she felt very uncomfortable.

  She was surprised when she saw the person coming. What was surprising was not that the visitor was Lin Shicha, but the clothes she was wearing.

  She took off her complicated princess dress and wore only pink puff-sleeved pajamas, puff shorts underneath, and a pair of

  bunny ear slippers of the same color on her feet. Her hair was tied back by buns, with cat ears. The stunned look is particularly cute.

  ——No makeup! ! ! Holy shit! !

  ——This makeup-free look is incredible!   ——Beauty without makeup!

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  ——Beauty without makeup!

  ——Is this an angel? The eyes are so big!

  Lin Shicha held a box of medicine in his hand and said, "Here you go." He put it on Li Susu's quilt.

  She crossed her arms and said arrogantly: "Li Susu, I took my skirt to them to exchange for antipyretic medicine. You have to listen to me in the future."

  Li Susu was confused: "...???"

  "That's my favorite Skirt." She snorted and left.

  But she moved very gently and closed the door slowly.

  Li Susu was stunned for a long time, then picked up the medicine box, and a strange emotion arose in her heart: Is she caring about her?

  She actually exchanged her favorite dress for fever-reducing medicine?

  When the show came to an end, Lin Shicha came home in her pajamas. Xiao Cheng was afraid that she would catch a cold, so she put on a small black women's suit.

  Before leaving, she noticed Li Susu locked in the back and was particularly dissatisfied: "Hey, Li Susu, you should jump out and hug me and say goodbye with tears. This is how it is done in TV dramas."

  Li Susu: "...You should be less sensational. "The Mary Sue TV Series."

  Naihe stretched out her arms, with a gesture of saying, "I won't leave until you come over." Li Susu had no choice but to go over and hug Lin Shicha, facing the other person's gaze, "It's good for you to leave." I can't bear to do it."

  "It doesn't matter, I'll come again next time. I'm very kind," Lin Shicha replied.

  Li Susu: "Then why are you saying goodbye?!"

  Drama queen!

  Xiaocheng successfully sent Lin Shicha to the apartment, "The next recording of the show will be next week. Sister Shang has picked up another variety show for you. Su Luoyan is also there. She said she hopes you can restrain yourself."

  "... Uh, don't . As soon as we met, he said he was dead."

  "That's what he said, not me." Lin Shicha chuckled and then closed the door.

  Of course, after the editing of this episode was completed, Lin Shicha aroused a lot of interest on Weibo.

  @Open the room: Has Lin Shicha changed his character? I admit that this persona is more likable than the previous persona. She is a tsundere loli who dislikes the integrity of her body, but sometimes she can also be very bitchy. You see, she makes demands on Meng Weixi as she should, saying that she wants to eat Lobster, but she doesn’t work in the fields. If I knew such a person, I would blow her head off.

  @dingdingdingding: Replacing the loli clothes with antipyretics was well received. Not only was Li Susu confused, but I was also confused. I didn’t expect that Lin Shicha would be kind to her. Before that, she was very arrogant and said that they wanted to take the camera. The camera was given to them.

  @ Struggle happened: Before the person above said this, I suggest you watch the clip of the first issue again. Although Lin Shicha said this, her hand moved slightly, and her subtle expression told me, She felt aggrieved.

  @大方说: In short, Lin Shicha’s current performance is pretty likable. Although sometimes what he says is unpleasant, the things he does are quite cute, especially changing the rabbit ears into lobsters to show off after he returns home. , it almost made me laugh to death, and I can’t forget the expressions of the other two groups to this day.

  @thirdpartySatan sent to: [恓比], the emoticons came out hahaha, I took three little brats and hit her on the head with rocks. Her expression when she turned around was so funny. She wanted to get angry at first, but she held it back. , she should be a gentle person at heart.

  @ Struggle happened: Wuwuwuwu my Zai Zai, mommy loves you, mommy will always love you Wuwu, Zaizai is so cute, mommy will buy you lots and lots of bunny ears right away, don’t feel wronged.

  Surprisingly, after Lin Shicha's former fans fell away, now her mother's fans are rising sharply.

⒏BooK. CΟм

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  Qiao Li heard the noise and found that the loli next door was back. He quickly changed his clothes, tidied himself up, and went to visit with the small cakes he bought from the bakery in the afternoon.

  After knocking on the door twice, someone came out and opened the door.

  The immediate visual impact after opening the door, her bubble pajamas were so cute, he met her eyes and was stuck for a moment, "Hello, I am your neighbor, this is the cake I made - bought , do you want to try it?"

  She frowned slightly, stared at him with beautiful eyes for a while, and then said: "No, thank you." She

  knelt down and said it in a baby voice.

  "Wait...wait! Can I have your WeChat account?" Qiao Li tried his best to look innocent.

  Unexpectedly, Loli Benli looked at him strangely for a while and asked, "Don't you know me?"

  "Huh?" Qiao Li was puzzled.

  "Oh, it's nothing," she breathed a sigh of relief, took out her phone and scanned his QR code, "Added."

  "I live next door, my name is Qiao Li, Qiao in disguise, Li inside and outside."

  She There seemed to be some hesitation, but he still said, "Lin Shicha."

  "Do you usually play games?" Qiao Li had a very positive attitude and asked proactively.

  "I'm not playing." Lin Shicha shook his head, "But I know you. Are you the anchor?"

  "How do you know?" Qiao Li asked.

  "My agent told my assistant this morning. I heard it. I'm going to bed. Goodbye." After saying that, she came over with one hand to take a small cake, retracted it and closed the door.

  Qiao Li was stunned outside the door for a long time before he slowly regained his composure.

  "Agent, assistant?"

  "Lin Shicha??????"

  Damn it! !

  He said why Lin Shicha looked so familiar. He didn't react when he heard her introduce herself just now. She just smiled at him and his IQ was negative, and he couldn't think of anything else.

  Which artist is Lin Shicha, whose character collapse has caused a lot of trouble recently?

  Qiao Li checked the information for a long time, and finally secretly chose to follow her Weibo.

  Qiao Li didn't care whether it was true or false in the entertainment industry. He was simply attracted to Lin Shicha.

  Lin Shicha made his debut last year and is now only 17 years old, while Qiao Li has been live streaming for two years and is now only 19 years old even though he is the number one brother on the platform.

  After all, those who engage in e-sports have an advantage when they are younger. Both in terms of hand speed and reaction ability, they are much better than those in their twenties. 16-25 years old is the golden age for playing e-sports.

  So when I sit on the live broadcast platform, there are a lot of anchors who are 17 or 18 years old, but they are just not looking for glory.

  Although Qiao Li didn't look shy and dared to directly ask for WeChat ID, he was actually not very good at flirting with girls, so he was in trouble at this moment.

  After hesitating for a long time, he sent Lin Shicha a WeChat message: How about I take you to play games?

  It took ten minutes for the other party to reply: I don't.

  There were only two words, followed by a period. Qiao Li stared at those two words for a long time, and when he patted his head, he actually thought she was cute.

  After a while, another message came from somewhere: If you use the big account to follow me, aren't you afraid of others scolding you?

  Qiao Li replied to her: Not afraid.

  Lin Shicha: Do you want to chase me?

  Qiao Li didn't dare to reply now, for fear that admitting directly would be too frivolous, but he was also worried that if he didn't admit it, he would miss the opportunity.

  Just like that, time passed, and another message came from her: Oh, men are all big pigs.

  Qiao Li was lying on the bed, holding up his mobile phone, laughing for a while, and then replied: Yes, I am a big pig's trotters. I can taste whatever you want me to be. Do you want braised pig's trotters?

  Lin Shicha: Eat.

  At this time, Qiao Li's cell phone rang. It was his manager. As soon as he answered the call, he heard the roar on the other side: "Qiao Li, am I pretty? Am I pretty?"

  Qiao Li scratched his finger. Ear, replied lazily: "Pretty, pretty, eldest brother is the prettiest."

  "What time is it and you're not broadcasting live yet, check out what time it is! Are you growing mushrooms at home!!!"

  "Oh!! I forgot! "Yeah!" Qiao Li sat up straight and turned on the computer quickly, "Right away."

  "Oh, by the way, brother, can you make braised pork trotters?" Qiao Li turned on the computer and asked the agent on the phone.

  The agent was stunned: "Yes, for what?"

  "Then you teach me."

  Qiao Li paused and leaned on the back of the chair. His black hair was messy in two parts. He straightened it casually. The eyes were like black gems, with a cunning, fox-like look inside them.

  In the blink of an eye, his portrait appeared on the screen. He waved his hand, put away his unruly look, and coughed: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm late. I'm late."

  A bunch of fans accused him.

  Lin Shicha fell asleep soon after lying on the bed. She received a package the next day. She opened it and saw that it was a brand new loli skirt, light purple, with bunny ears inside.

  There was a note inside, written by Li Susu.

  --Thank you.

  It took a lot of effort behind it.

  It turned out that she still remembered what she said about that skirt being her favorite.

  Lin Shicha posted on Weibo and asked Aite’s Li Susu.

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  @林时茶V: Thank you and I will accept it reluctantly?a data-cfemail="cb8d8b">[email protected] Li Susu V

  commented below Heaps of hahahaha.

  @ Buddha blocks killing Buddha: The word reluctant is too much [squint].

  @地达达fdsf: Look at Li Susu’s repost, her reaction is so funny hahahaha.

  @地达佛杀佛?a data-cfemail="b8f2f8">[email protected]Lin Shicha V, Li Susu asked you to take off your skirt Return it.

  It was still impossible to pay it back. When Lin Shicha went to the new variety show on Monday morning, she put on the dress given by Li Susu. The dress was cuter than the one she bought herself.

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  Passing by the door of Qiao Li's house, Qiao Li also sent a message: Good work!

  Lin Shicha didn't reply to him, but just looked at him twice.

  The new variety show is called "One Day and One Night" and it is a survival variety show in the wild.

  The purpose of inviting Lin Shicha to this kind of program is not simple. He just wants to use her to attract gimmicks. However, it is undeniable that Lin Shicha has changed his personality now, and what he needs is such a variety show to consolidate his personality.

  That’s why the company took it over.

  When we arrived at the show, the director gave us an hour to prepare. This variety show recording was not in the form of a live broadcast, so everyone was somewhat relieved.

  Drawing lots to determine the combination, Lin Shicha was matched with Su Luoyan, and the other one was the heroine Sheng Fan.

  In the original plot, Su Luoyan was deeply attracted to Sheng Fanding because of her relationship with this variety show.

  Sheng Fan had the aura of a leader, attracting everyone present.

  Lin Shicha glanced at her a few more times out of curiosity and was caught.

  "Do you want me to put on makeup for you?" Sheng Fan asked proactively, her voice soft and sweet, like gentle water.

  To survive in the wilderness, everyone will have green marks painted on their faces, and Lin Shicha is no exception. All their loli skirts were taken off and put on neat camouflage uniforms.   "Okay." Lin Shicha blinked and raised his chin on his own initiative.   Sheng Fan dipped his paint into his hands and applied two lines of dark green to Lin Shicha's face with the small brush.   Kind of cute, like a cat.   Sheng Fan poked Lin Shicha's cheek and said, "It's done."   After Su Luoyan finished the painting, he turned around and saw the two people who had painted each other. Sheng Fan was a head taller than Lin Shicha, and they were like sisters. Same as my sister.   Su Luoyan: "..." Why is this feeling so subtle?   "I'll protect you in a moment, and you stand behind me." As soon as Sheng Fan finished speaking, he saw Lin Shicha already standing behind her, very self-conscious.   Su Luoyan: "I'm a girl too, okay??"   Lin Shicha looked back at him, "Then you stand in front of us."   Su Luoyan: "Aren't you telling people everywhere that I'm dead? I won't stand."   Lin Shicha Shi Cha answered honestly: "But that's what you told me. You said I would treat you as dead."   "I was just joking!!" Su Luoyan was furious.   "I'm sorry I took it seriously." Lin Shicha shook his head.   "I've lost my powder." Su Luoyan held his breath.   Lin Shicha chuckled: "Fans are all big pig's hooves, and Su Luoyan is also a big pig's hooves. Anyone who says he will like me forever is a lie!"   Su Luoyan was just about to say that the show was still being recorded, but Lin was interrupted. Shi Cha's provocative eyes were irritating, "Then why didn't you say you lied to me! I liked you before, not you now!"   "Five percent of the fruit in the orange is called fruit. Li Cheng; then what I show is only 5% true, so why don’t I call you Lin Shicha?”   “You are arrogant!   ”   Sheng Fan said with a wonderful expression: “You like Lin Shicha? ” ?" she asked Su Luoyan.   Su Luoyan's whole body exploded: "That was before! Before!!!"   Sheng Fan calmly pointed to the camera: "Everyone is watching."   Su Luoyan immediately turned off the camera.   Lin Shicha: "Isn't it embarrassing to like me?" She glared at Su Luoyan angrily.   Su Luoyan replied: "Stay away from me. If you have a low IQ, it will be contagious."   Sheng Fan thought to himself: Your IQ is not high either.   "I told you that I have already taken off my powder." Su Luoyan became angry because of embarrassment, but he saw Lin Shi's cheeks were rosy when the tea was full, and he was short. He glared at him and even raised his head vigorously. However, he looked strangely cute. feel.   So Su Luoyan stuttered, "W-what do you think I'm doing?"   "Look at how hypocritical you are!"   The man snorted and hugged Sheng Fan's arm, "Sister Sheng Fan, you have to protect me."   "Okay. ." Sheng Fan protected Lin Shicha.   The plot that originally caused Su Luoyan and Sheng Fan to have a good impression of each other because of the mutual cheek painting suddenly disappeared. Sheng Fan has wanted to have a cute and soft sister since he was a child, but unfortunately he has always been the only daughter in the family. Lin As soon as Shicha appeared, she immediately liked it.   This is the sister in her heart!   Su Luoyan looked at Sheng Fan, attracted by her focused expression, and looked away for a moment. He took the initiative to stand in front of the two of them, "I will protect you." After all, he was also a man. 8ЬσOKK.сOm

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  As the game begins.

  Different groups of people were landed at different locations. Su Luoyan, Sheng Fan and Lin Shicha landed close to each other in a dense forest.

  Lin Shicha tugged on her collar. The corners of the camouflage uniform were stiff and the skin on her neck felt itchy and painful.

  Sheng Fan noticed this, took off his headscarf, bent down and tied it around Lin Shicha's neck and arranged it carefully. Her hair suddenly became dazzling, with slightly big waves, and sharp eyebrows. She There is a different kind of beauty.

  Lin Shicha touched the colorful gauze scarf obediently.

  "They're all red." Sheng Fan rubbed her cheeks, "Let's go, hold me."

  "Okay." Lin Shicha held the corner of her clothes with his hands and followed her closely.

  Su Luoyan: "..." Is there something wrong?

  This variety show is somewhat similar to a certain game. They are all in the military warfare category, and the equipment is replenished by equipment boxes dropped from the sky by the program crew.

  Landing once every half hour.

  Sheng Fan led the two novices and nimbly avoided the crowd. After all, everyone was unarmed now.

  Soon half an hour had passed. Sheng Fan raised her head and looked at the sky above the dense forest. A beam of purple gunpowder was launched. She took Lin Shicha's hand and said, "Here we go, let's grab the equipment."

  Lin Shi Cha ran for a few steps and couldn't run anymore. He was panting and his cheeks were red. Seeing her like that, Su Luoyan was about to awkwardly say, "Why don't I carry you on my back?" when she saw Sheng Fan think briefly for two seconds before taking a few steps up a tree.

  Then he reached out towards Lin Shicha below: "I'll pull you up."

  Lin Shicha didn't hesitate and gave her his hand.

  Shengfan neatly pulled her up and put her on the branch, "Wait for us here. We will come back to pick you up after we get the equipment. No matter who appears in a while, don't make a sound. Don't let them find you."

  Followed . Unlike Lin Shicha's confusion, Su Luoyan simply suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes. He held it in for a while before speaking out: "

  Why are you so strong?"

  Sheng Fan explained along the way, "I practiced with my grandfather when I was a child. Yes, my grandfather served in the army." This is a humble statement. Sheng Fan's family is from a military family, so naturally she is very skilled. This is one of the reasons why the program team invited her to this variety show.

  "Besides, Chacha is very light." Sheng Fan slowly turned to look at Su Luoyan, "You can hold her too."

  Su Luoyan was furious: "Who wants to hold her!!!"

  Those two people went. After getting the equipment, Lin Shicha lay down on the branch. After lying down for a while, she almost fell asleep. Her little head kept nodding, and she almost fell from the tree. She was so frightened that she hugged the branch tightly with her hands and feet, and burst into tears. son.

  Suddenly, a gunshot sounded in the distance, Lin Shicha woke up completely, and a war broke out between the six people.

  They form a group of two, each holding a gun in each other's hands. Of course, this is not a real gun, but a model gun. The ammunition inside is made of blue paint. As long as someone is sprayed with the paint, he will be eliminated.

  Lin Shicha held the branch and looked down. The exchange of fire between the two parties was quite fierce.

  "The equipment was snatched by Sheng Fan. This is not our fault. We definitely did not form an illegal team! We didn't even touch the short box. We are wronged!" Illegal team formation means forming a team outside the rules.

  Sheng Fan grabbed the equipment.

  Lin Shicha pulled his head and looked down hard.

  It turned out that the people speaking were a trio of contemporary traffic stars. All three of them were men, and each of them was a young student. Naturally, they had a huge number of fans.

  "Guess whether we believe it or not." The answer came from a trio of powerful movie stars, each of whom was a cunning fox.

  Just when the old fox team was about to take action, the branch Lin Shicha was holding made a "chuck" sound. She looked over in confusion, and then followed the broken branch with a "wow" sound.

  The good-for-nothing fell right on top of the heads of the traffic niche group, causing all four of them to fall to the ground in a panic.

  The guns of the old fox group were empty.

  They were also stunned, where did this little girl come from? ?

  Lin Shicha's eyes were filled with stars, and he stood up dizzily. The other three people also did the same. One of the boys with burgundy hair lit up: "Chacha!!"

  Lin Shicha said 'um', "Huh?" he said in confusion.

  As soon as the words fell, the old fox group immediately shouted, "Hit! She has no equipment in her hand!" If they get a kill, they will also get a bonus point at the end of the game.

  Lin Shicha screamed in fright.

  At this moment, a cold female voice cut through the sky from behind: "Chacha! Get down!!"

  Lin Shicha recognized Sheng Fan's voice and quickly crawled to the ground.

  Only a series of gunshots were heard, shooting intensively and penetrating through the sky above Lin Shicha.

  Then the voices of swear words started one after another.

  All six people in front of him were killed.

  "It's Sheng Fan! How come she's here so soon."

  "Hacha teamed up with her, have you forgotten? She came to support her."

  "How could Wuwu defeat Sheng Fan? She has an innate advantage. Ah! Devil! !"

  The cream boy group was dragged down unwillingly by the man in black. Before leaving, the burgundy-haired boy looked at Lin Shicha longingly: "Chacha, can I treat you to dinner when you go out later?"

  Lin Shicha stood up, patted the grass on his body, opened his mouth and showed his little tiger teeth. , put his hands on his hips: "Are you also a fan of mine?!"

  "Yes, yes, yes!" He nodded one after another, staring at each other.

  "That's not okay. Idols cannot be too close to fans! I am a very qualified idol and I belong to everyone." She raised her chin, and the dark green marks on her face made her look quite petite. momentum.

  Sheng Fan rushed over and checked Lin Shicha's camouflage uniform, "Did they hit you?"

  Lin Shicha put away his proud expression and calmed down: "No."

  Sheng Fan was relieved and said All the equipment in the backpack was placed on the grass, and he sat down cross-legged. "You can choose which one you want."

  At a glance, they were all dark guns.

  Xiao Zaizai looked at it for a long time, but couldn't figure out what was going on. Then he took a fancy to what Sheng Fan was holding, "What are you holding?"

  Sheng Fan replied: "M416."

  He didn't understand, "I want it. " This."

  "Here it is," Sheng Fan said happily and put it in Lin Shicha's hand.

  Su Luoyan's eyes widened, "She doesn't know how to use it, brother!" What's the use of having such good equipment?

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  Sheng Fan ignored him and gave her the rest of the things, "I'll put on the six-fold mirror for you. Look, when you turn on the mirror, if you look here, you can see far, far away."

  Su Luo Yan: "Are you coaxing a child?!!!" I also want a six-fold lens. Did you hear that? ! !

  Sheng Fan glanced over and said, "You're so blabbering, you're holding 98K, so let me see how it works in your hands."

  Lin Shicha tried to fire his gun at the tree. As a result, one gun after another hit the sky, and finally the gun muzzle was aimed directly at the top of the head in a straight line.

  The recoil shocked her so much that she couldn't even react.

  Su Luoyan choked up and burst out laughing: "Look at her!"

  Su Luoyan laughed at Lin Shicha all the way and couldn't hold it back.

  As they started to hit the road, Su Luoyan asked Sheng Fan: "Then what do you use?"   Sheng Fan took out a shotgun and said: "This." There was also a gun on his left waist.   Su Luoyan: "..."   Meeting Su Luoyan's gaze, Shengfan said calmly: "That's enough."   "There are still three groups, which should be finished before dark." Shengfan saw the afterglow of the setting sun, and then He turned around and asked Lin Shicha: "Are you hungry?"   The little Zaizai had already stuck out his tongue tiredly, looking pink and tender, looking like a cute little fox.   "I just saw an orange tree over there." It should have been specially transplanted by the program team, otherwise the orange tree would not be able to survive here. "Now the other three groups should also be replenishing their physical strength. We can relax appropriately." , I will go find them after I have eaten and drank."   Su Luoyan no longer had the energy to express his surprise, this woman kept refreshing his outlook.   too strong!   "What if the three of them form a team?" Su Luoyan asked. Because Sheng Fan single-handedly killed two teams, he would definitely arouse the fear of the other three teams.   This is not impossible.   Unexpectedly, Sheng Fan didn't even look back, he just held Lin Shicha's hand and said, "If someone stands in the way of a person, a person will be killed, if a person stands in the way of a Buddha, the person   will be killed ." It feels like a light bulb.   Lin Shicha was really hungry. The program crew didn't give them anything to eat. They had to find all the food themselves. At noon, she found a piece of bread and a carton of milk in her backpack. She was only half full.   As soon as they arrived near the orange tree, Sheng Fan suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Su Luoyan and Lin Shicha's movements: "There's someone."   This sound scared Su Luoyan, and he immediately lay down and took a look over there with his gun. Sure enough, Saw six people.   "Sure enough, we formed a team."   "But there are only two groups." There is another group missing.   Sheng Fan was calculating something in her mind. She looked over there, not knowing what she was thinking. She just didn't speak or fire the gun, as if she was waiting.   "You lie down and don't move." She said.   "Two Voldemorts, one ghillie suit." Voldemort refers to a person who has been lying on the grass, and a ghillie suit is naturally a person wearing special clothing that blends with the color of the grass.   Su Luoyan: "??? Where is it?" Why didn't I see it?   "Because you are blind." Sheng Fan retorted quietly.   Lin Shicha said: "So the nine of them formed a team to set us up for a trap?" The three men lay in the grass and sniped at them, waiting for them to be fooled.   "Chacha is so smart." Shengfan praised.   "Don't be so pampering! I'm still here!!" Su Luoyan roared in a low voice.   After waiting for a while, Sheng Fan gave the order, "Su Luoyan, you wait here for the signal and then fire the gun. I'll go back. Can I trust you?" After explaining, she turned back and looked at Su seriously. Luo Yan.   Su Luoyan doubted his life: "Do you want me to be a bait?"   Sheng Fan waved his hand: "Don't say that, we are comrades in arms, this is a strategy."   Su Luoyan said with a dead eye: "Why not let Lin Shicha be the bait ? ."   "Are you kidding? It's too dangerous."   Su Luoyan: smiled.   The author has something to say: There is a surprise today, it is the third update. ⑧BοоK. COm

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  Su Luoyan was lying on the grass alone, with no one around him: alone, weak, lonely, and cold.

  Looking at the other side, Sheng Fan placed Lin Shicha in an absolutely safe position, whispered something to her, and finally touched her head gently.

  Su Luoyan: I don’t deserve such caring and gentleness!

  It should be that he was telling Lin Shicha not to fire the gun and just watch the show, otherwise it would attract fire.

  As expected, Sheng Fan circled back. She made a very large circle and tried her best not to be discovered by the other party. She occupied the commanding heights on a small hillside.

  Then he spoke into the headset: "Su Luoyan."

  Su Luoyan understood and immediately fired his gun. He changed to a gun that could fire continuously, and fired at the other side with great firepower, but he didn't hit anyone.

  Su Luoyan was almost nervous to death, but a speechless voice came from the headset: "Okay, one person has the momentum of a master."

  She pointed the gun at that side, and hit a head with one blow, and there was a crawling person there . The three of them all stood up. Perhaps Su Luoyan's posture made them think that the three of them were staying there together.

  After killing three people with a sniper first, she switched to a gun. She was extremely calm and her bullets were all fired without missing a beat.

  In just a few minutes, the nine people were quickly wiped out.

  Sheng Fan didn't lose any blood, but Su Luoyan was beaten so hard that he was almost eliminated.

  After the fight, Su Luoyan and Sheng Fan went to pick up Lin Shicha, only to find her sleeping soundly on the stone.

  Su Luoyan with colorful paint on his face: I want to hit someone!

  Sheng Fan squatted aside, "So cute."

  Su Luoyan said: "...Don't you think it's weird that you use such a plain voice and say such crazy things?"

  Sheng Fan turned around and said, "Were you a master of making complaints in your previous life ? "

  Su Luoyan: "Don't worry about me."

  Until the end of the show, when the host came out to announce the results of the competition, Lin Shicha was still sleeping. This episode ended in an unprecedented short time.

  After the program clip was broadcast, Lin Shicha caused a lot of heated discussion.

  @飞 Other party is definitely: Oh my god, Zaizai is really winning! You see [screenshot] the host seems to be speechless. Everyone has changed their clothes to listen to the results of the game. Only Zaizai is huddled up in a ball and sleeping on the rocks wearing camouflage clothes. Hahahaha, it becomes the background.

  @Van der Sar van der Sar: Sisters, I have a bold idea [screenshot].

  @小发达达︰Don’t leave upstairs, I thought I was the only one who noticed Shengfan and Zaizai’s sweets.

  @风动动: Sheng Fan is so pampered. I envy Zaizai to death. But Zaizai is so cute that it explodes. He fell from the tree and laughed to death. He smashed Gu Jiu into confusion, but he didn’t expect Gu Jiu. I am also a fan of Zai Zai. As expected, my fans are everywhere.

  @vandersarvandersar: Zaizai’s pressure gun is so real. When I was eating chicken, I was always ridiculed by my teammates for being very human-machine. Su Luoyan managed to achieve the strength of a division by himself. This description is so accurate. I’m really worried. It hurts to laugh, hahaha.

  @太碰S: In this episode, Su Luoyan is really a lemon. He keeps trying to make lemons. You see, his expression is so sour, hahahaha.

  @法thirdStephen: I want to know what happened when it was said at the beginning of the show that Su Luoyan likes Lin Shicha, hahaha. Have the two people dated before?

  @ Jiangjijuji: But I think Su Luoyan seems to have a good impression of Sheng Fan. So the question is, is Su Luo Yan jealous of Lin Shicha or Sheng Fan? [Thinking]

  @ founding army day founding army day: No, Su Luoyan likes Lin Shicha, aren’t the fans angry? Go tear up Lin Shicha!

  @苏鲁素小佳妻: Who doesn’t like Lolita [loud Bibi]! ! ps: Anyway, it’s impossible for both of them. I think my family’s banquet towards Zaizai is more like the attitude of fans towards Allah.

  The online dispute was beyond Shang Yue's expectation. She called Lin Shicha to announce the good news, but found that Lin Shicha hadn't woken up yet.

  "Ancestor, aren't you getting up yet? It's eleven o'clock."

  Lin Shicha said, rubbed his hair and sat up from the bed, "I'm starving, I want to eat."

  "...Okay Ancestor." After Shang Yue hung up the phone resignedly, he called his assistant Xiao Cheng to place an order for Lin Shicha.

  At the same time, the entry "Sheng Fan's Boyfriend Power MAX" was a hot search on Weibo. When you clicked on it, various shots of Sheng Fan in "One Day and One Night" appeared frequently, whether it was his determined eyes or his handsome and smooth movements.

  They all gained a lot of fans for her.

  Even Su Luoyan's number of fans is rising.

  Lin Shicha put down her mobile phone and changed her clothes after washing up. There was a knock on the door. She thought it was Xiao Cheng who had ordered a meal, so she went to open the door wearing slippers.

  What caught my eye was the handsome face of Jory next door.

  "Huh?" Lin Shicha was confused.

  Today was also the day Qiao Li was captured by Lin Shicha. "Would you like braised pig's trotters?" he invited.

  Lin Shicha was surprised. He tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay." He followed Qiao Li to his house.

  Qiao Li took a few more glances at Lin Shicha. She was wearing a lemon yellow skirt today. The very high proportion of lace and ruffles

  perfectly . The skirt was knee-length, and the skirt was decorated with two cute cloths on the left and right. I.

  There was a round lemon headdress on his head, which looked very realistic. Qiao Li couldn't help but poked it, and the lemon turned out to be very soft.

  The little loli turned around and swung her paw over: "What are you doing!"

  "I'm sorry, I was wrong." Qiao Li apologized neatly, Qiao Li pushed Lin Shicha's shoulder, "I made the braised pig's trotters with my own hands, you didn't do it last time Want to eat? Come on, come on."

  As soon as Lin Shicha came in, she smelled the strong aroma of braised pig's trotters in the air. She turned around and blinked: "You can cook?"

  "Of course you can," she said. I wanted to brag that I was all-powerful, but then I thought it was too pretentious, so I swallowed it back.

  "I watched your variety show. The games I usually live broadcast are very similar to the ones you play. Do you want to play together?" Qiao Li tried hard to find a topic to talk to Lin Shicha.

  Shicha raised his chopsticks and said, "qiang?" after a long time, he uttered one word.

  "Yes, yes!" Qiao Li nodded wildly.

  "Okay." Little Loli readily agreed.

  "But I want to take sister Sheng Fan with me. She can protect me." Lin Shicha said naturally.

  Qiao Li: "I can also protect you, I'm very powerful." He spoke sincerely.

  "Let's play a game after dinner later. You can give it a try."

  "That's okay." Lin Shicha reluctantly agreed.

  The braised pig's trotters were very well cooked and delicious. Lin Shicha's mouth was filled with red soup. Qiao Li didn't move and just watched Lin

  Shicha eat. After finishing, he handed her a tissue and said, "Does it taste good?" "

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  "It's delicious." She was very satisfied.

  "Shall we play games?" Lin Shicha suggested curiously.

  "Okay!" Qiao Li agreed, "I'm going to turn on the live broadcast first. I will lower the camera so that you don't show your face."

  But she didn't seem to care very much, "Okay."

  Qiao Li opened it During the live broadcast, fans rushed over immediately. Ten million fans were not enough to cover it, and they came very quickly. The barrage immediately started flying:

  —Big pig hooves, you are here.

  —Why are you broadcasting live this afternoon?

  —Are you going to ask for leave again tonight? ? ?   Suddenly, a voice appeared in the live broadcast room: "Should I sit here?" The voice was delicate, soft and waxy, with a slight hint of doubt.   Then half of the skirt was revealed in the camera. The legs were slender and straight, the skirt was fluffy, and there were two rag dolls.   —Thief, you actually have a lolita at home! ! ! !   - Qiao Shen Who is that? ?   —Female, alive? ! !   — Qiao Shen is single? ? ?   Qiao Li coughed dryly, and after placing Lin Shicha in place, he cleared his throat and said, "This is... uh, little sister. I'll take her to play two games, and the broadcast will start normally tonight."   —Little sister?   —Such an ambiguous title.   —The yellow-haired sister?   —The one with the yellow hair made me laugh so hard hahahahaha.   Two computers were placed side by side. Qiao Li explained the operation to Lin Shicha for more than 20 minutes. It should be a boring live broadcast, but the number of people in the live broadcast room increased instead of decreasing, which was very strange.   Twenty minutes later, the live broadcast officially started.   Everyone found that this little loli's voice was a little too sweet, and she always called Qiao, saying "Qiao Li", "Qiao Li", "Qiao Li!"   An old man in the barrage got angry   - Qiao Ricciori! Jory? Jory? Is that you, Jory!   Qiao Li: "Don't think I can't tell you are scolding me." What Qiao Li? Isn't it M?   Qiao Li said he was protecting Lin Shicha, and he really protected her well. He didn't let her get hurt at all, and he protected her from the beginning.   After another wave of manipulation show turned the audience upside down, Qiao Li shouted at the people who fell to the ground: "How dare my people move?"   After saying that, he called out: "Come here and take care of them. I'll go find the rest of them." Get rid of that teammate."   The little loli came right away, driving her M416 and fired at the three people kneeling on the ground. After all the bullets were used, the three people were killed.   On the other side of the house, Qiao Li was having a life-and-death duel with that man again, showing off each other's skills. On the other side of the house, the little loli was licking the boxes of the three people, wondering whose clothes looked better.   After Qiao Li fought back, the bandages were useless. When he ran back, the character controlled by Lin Shicha on the screen turned around and asked him: "Does this suit look good?"   Qiao Li praised: " Looks good.”   —I’m fighting and you’re changing clothes? ? ?   - This tone of voice is too doting. God Qiao doesn’t like this little loli, so I’ll eat shit on the spot.   —Eating shit doesn’t matter. If he doesn’t like this little loli, I will steal the sow and blow up the manure tank.   —Brother, you can, but it’s not necessary.   Qiao Li turned to look at Lin Shicha, who was holding the mouse and humming next to him, and the corners of his lips curled up.   Lin Shicha naturally saw those barrages, and she asked directly: "Qiao Li, they said you like me."   Qiao Li admitted generously: "Yes, I like you."   The author had something to say: Every chapter must be Leave a comment everyone! ! ⑧BοоK. COm

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  "Oh, what's the answer?"

  "It's just that I don't like your answer."

  After answering this question, Qiao Li covered his chest, and there was a burst of laughter in the barrage.

  "It doesn't matter. I'm close to the water. I'll catch you."

  "Then what if I move away?" Lin Shicha finally looked at him.

  "That's not okay," Qiao Li answered subconsciously. Seeing that Lin Shicha's expression didn't look like he was joking, he immediately said in a coquettish voice, "No, I will never bother you."

  - Qiao Shen was humbled.

  -It turns out that I didn’t catch up with the girl. Qiao Shen is so handsome. It seems that the little loli is not ordinary pretty.

  —It’s very cute. I like it too.

  —It’s a bit like Cha Zai. I brought in Cha Zai’s face, so I can do it too! ! !

  —But the baby sounds are all like this, and it’s definitely not Cha Zai himself.

  —Artists are very busy.

  When Qiao Li saw the barrage mentioning Lin Shicha, his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He was frightened to death. At this time, Lin Shicha also proposed to leave.

  "I still have work, let's play together in the evening~ Bye, Qiao Li."

  Danmu also waved goodbye.

  After Lin Shicha left, he raised the camera to his face and said with a sullen expression: "Hey, I really don't know how to chase. What should I give to a girl like her?"

  - I'm convinced, I Seeing as she likes Lolita very much,

  Qiao Shen must be able to afford Lolita.

  —The new lo-clothes that have been released recently are all super beautiful and gorgeous. Let me share some links with Qiao Shen. She will definitely like them if you buy them.

  —Nine out of ten lolita are rich, and one of them owns a mine. This is not easy to chase.

  Qiao Li was so excited that he bought all the links shared by fans that night.

  Lin Shicha really has a job. The company has received a lot of notices for her, and the quality of them is quite good. Now is Lin Shicha's rising period after transformation, but she needs a lot of exposure.

  The company never interferes with Lin Shicha's own dressing style, so Lin Shicha often wears his own private clothes when attending shows.

  The guest this time was a variety show similar to an interview, called "Artist Revealed", and there was also a female artist Lan Xin present in the same company.

  Lan Xin never dealt with Lin Shicha. Shang Yue was also afraid that Lan Xin said something he shouldn't have said, so he asked Lan Xin's agent to warn Lan Xin. After all, they were in the same company and had the same interests.

  The recording of the show started soon, and the MC host asked questions one after another, all of which took some tricky angles.

  When asked about Lin Shicha, the host suddenly changed the topic, "I heard that Chacha dated Su Luoyan. Is it true? Chacha's participation in "One Day and One Night" has recently become popular in everyone's circle of friends."

  Lin Shi Cha shook his head: "No, we haven't dated."

  Lan Xin covered her mouth and snickered: "Although we haven't dated, Su Luoyan likes our Cha Cha very much. He has been pursuing Cha Cha some time ago, but I don't know why. One day I stopped pursuing him, probably because he found that he was not suitable to be a lover, but was more suitable to be a friend. "

  What does one day mean? That day is not the day when Lin Shicha's character collapsed.

  Just as the audience was making noises, Lin Shicha started to yell, "Are you the only one with a long mouth?" There was a sudden

  silence on the stage. Even Lan Xin did not expect that Lin Shicha would dare to speak directly. Don't give her face.

  "Whether or not Su Luoyan likes me to care about your affairs, who allowed you to say it directly? Am I familiar with you?" She frowned and stared at Lan Xin.

  The host was stunned and embarrassed for a while before he quickly picked up the topic and signaled Lin Shicha not to get so angry.

  Lan Xin was neither embarrassed nor embarrassed, her expression was straight, as if Lin Shicha was just joking with her again, "Why are you so mysterious? Chacha's fans are everywhere, and naturally there are many suitors. Doesn't Meng Weixi also like you? How about you pick one and

  fall in love?"

  Her hands were clasped tightly, her expression unchanged, but her mood should be quite ups and downs.

  "Liu Xin, shut up!" Lin Shicha glared at her.

  The host was just about to grimace when he heard her voice and couldn't help laughing. After two seconds, he maintained his position and said, "Chacha, my name is Lan Xin. Blue's blue."

  "No one likes too much gossip. "Are you envious of me?" Lin Shicha raised his chin and looked at Lan Xin with disdain.

  The host did not expect that Lin Shicha was not a good person, and it looked like the two of them were going to have a fight.

  He rushed to the rescue and finally separated Lin Shicha and Lan Xin, but the editor backstage was in trouble. How should he edit it?

  The director rolled his eyes and said: "Why do you need to edit? Of course you have to release them all, such an embarrassing clip."

  "Make the subtitles into a Q version and paste them under the face to make them bold."

  "Director, you are too much It's broken."

  The director slapped him on the head and said, "Smooth talk, hurry up!"

  After an interview, Lan Xinguang started to argue with Lin Shicha. The two of them looked incompatible, no matter how nervous they were. You can also notice it, not to mention the fans who watched the show later and their eyes were like a magnifying glass.

  Lan Xin's fans were all speechless, and many even lost their followers, feeling that Lan Xin's behavior was too suffocating.

  And Lin Shicha's fans were shouting everywhere that his Zaizai was too domineering and no conspiracy or trick would work at all.

  @太台S大: Lan Xin’s face turned green and I laughed to death.

  @Engine on the Plane Satan: Meng Weixi also likes Zaizai, but I saw it. I saw the clues during "Real Life Adventure", but because Meng Weixi is gentle to everyone, I didn't think much about it. Now that I think about it, , although Meng Weixi is also very gentle towards Zaizai, but she is a little too unprincipled.

  @Van der Sar van der Sar: Especially in the part where the lobster was changed, Li Susu’s face changed. She dared to be angry but dared not speak.

⑧BοOK. cOm

  @ Waiting for Van der Sar van der Sar: I have a crush on Meng Weixi. A gentle and sinister man is the most charming, okay? ? ?

  @ will make the most of his plan: Yancha CP will never admit defeat and hold high the banner of Yancha CP! !

  @久久久久就是: Can I say... Can the traditional tea be delicious too? Am I crazy?

  As soon as someone mentioned the couple between Sheng Fan and Lin Shicha, many people immediately recognized it.

  And that night, Lin Shicha and Sheng Fan went out for dinner.

  Gu Jiu was actually there.

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  "Thank you so much, Sister Sheng." Gu Jiu burst into tears and pulled Sheng Fan to thank her.

  Sheng Fan smacked his mouth: If I hadn't been in the same company as you and couldn't stand your bullying, I would have brought you here.

  "Ah, I remember you, you are the wine-red head!" Lin Shicha pointed at Gu Jiu and shouted suddenly.

  "My name is Gu Jiu, Chacha." Today, Gu Jiu's hair has changed color. It is pure white, a bit messy, but very handsome.

  Gu Jiu: Well behaved.

  Sheng Fan was only concerned about Lin Shicha's meal: "What do you want to eat? The lobster here is delicious. Would you like to order one to try?"

  "Okay~" Lin Shicha was very obedient. To be precise, he was very obedient to Sheng. complex words.

  The lobster arrived quickly, and Sheng Fan thoughtfully peeled the shrimp shells for Lin Shicha while wearing transparent gloves.

  Gu Jiuze looked at Lin Shicha with bright eyes, "Chacha, I will release a new song next week, can you be the heroine in my MV?"

  "Heroine?" Lin Shicha took a bite of the song that Sheng Fan handed over. Xiarou thought for a while before agreeing: "Okay!"

  "I haven't acted before."   "This MV is very easy to shoot. You don't have many scenes. You just play my girlfriend..."   He didn't finish his sentence. , Gu Jiu was interrupted by Sheng Fan. She stopped peeling the shrimp and said, "Girlfriend?"   "Are there any kissing scenes?" Sheng Fan asked.   Gu Jiu was startled by Sheng Fan's expression and subconsciously replied: "Yes, there is one...but I can borrow the seat! I know Chacha doesn't do kissing scenes." He immediately explained.   Lin Shicha bit the shrimp meat, glanced at Gu Jiu's lips, and said thoughtfully: "It's okay if you don't want to borrow the seat. I haven't been kissed yet."   "What does that feel like?" she asked. .   Gu Jiu: "..." How should I answer this?   Sheng Fan said calmly: "Nothing special, let's borrow your seat, otherwise your mother's fans will tear Gu Jiu to pieces. Be obedient."   "Okay then." Lin Shicha reluctantly agreed.   Afterwards, Gu Jiu quietly asked Sheng Fan: "Sister Sheng, are you also a fan of Cha Cha's mother?" Why did he feel that Sheng Fan also wanted to tear him apart?   As soon as she caught Sheng Fan's gaze, Gu Jiu hesitated: "Forget it, I don't want to know."   After a while, Sheng Fan said: "I am a sister fan, Zaizai is still so young, you can't bear her to come into contact with those stinky men "You guys?"   Gu Jiu argued: "But I don't smell bad..."   "Huh?"   "I didn't say anything. Sister Sheng, I'm leaving. I still have some songs to record." Gu Jiu walked away.   Shang Yue received Lin Shicha and asked her: "Are you familiar with Gu Jiu?"   Lin Shicha stuffed a lollipop into his mouth, his cheeks bulging: "Gu Jiu said that he would like to invite people to the MV next week. I will be the heroine, and I have already agreed."   Shang Yue thought for a moment, "Okay, Gu Jiu is now an idol male singer on the rise, and he has many fans, but his fans are very powerful. Did you ask about the content of the MV? "   Asked," Lin Shicha turned around, "I played his girlfriend, and there was a kissing scene."   "Sister Sheng Fan proposed to take the photo."   Shang Yue was so interested, but he almost didn't do it. Lin Shicha was frightened to death, "Just lend me a seat, just lend me a seat."   "If you two really kiss, the fans who don't just drink wine won't be happy, and your fans won't be happy either. If they start fighting each other, Weibo will probably I'm going to die."   Lin Shicha asked, "Is it okay to kiss in private?"   Shang Yue quickly became alert, "Are you in love?"   Lin Shicha shook his head, "   Then why do you ask ? ?" Shang Yue stared at Lin Shicha, "Chacha, your grandfather told me that you can't fall in love now."   Lin Shicha resisted: "I'm 17 years old!"   "In short, you can't find it in the circle. " Boyfriend." Shang Yue said flatly, assuming a non-negotiable attitude.   "I don't want a boyfriend. You're so scary." Lin Shicha took out a lollipop, glanced at Shang Yue, and laughed at her mercilessly.   Shang Yue slapped her on the back of the head, "Be more honest, mother."   "I know!! Child abuse!" Lin Shicha protested.   The author has something to say: I have accumulated 100 mines, so I will update it today.   Landmine thank you list   : So full X10, Xiaoye Xiaoye X1, Zhi. X1, X1, DZX1, Yingying X10, Molu X3, Jie Xun Соm

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  Shang Yue had to report to the company before agreeing to Gu Jiu's invitation.

  The afternoon of the shooting was sunny and sunny, but still a bit hot. The shooting location was in a very hot resort area. Because there were special scenes, there were many tourists here.

  But the large number of people is a bit too much.

  Lin Shicha covered her eyes with her hands and stood on tiptoes to look to the left. She even heard shouting from the center of the crowd.

  Xiaocheng explained: "Actor He is filming a new movie over there, so there are a lot of people." She brought out two sets of clothes and said, "You change into this set first, and then wear the next set after that." In

  short, it is impossible to shoot a MV . Let Lin Shicha continue to wear Lolita.

  Gu Jiu was also putting on makeup and getting ready, so Lin Shicha went to change clothes.

  After she came out, she bumped into Gu Jiu. Gu Jiu's eyes were unconcealed and she showed surprise. She was very skilled in rainbow fart blowing her idol: "Chacha, you are so beautiful. This is the first time I see you wearing shorts." Her legs were not good. It is straight and slender, but soft and white. At first glance, it looks like an underage child.

  Her hair was tied low into two ponytails hanging down on her shoulders, and the ends were slightly curled. She wore a pink straw hat on her head,

  candy-colored overalls, and a pair of sky-blue canvas shoes on her feet, wrapped delicately in socks. calf.

  Full of girly vibe.

  Lin Shicha took off his hat and revealed a small tiger tooth, "Of course."

  Gu Jiu came up and took a photo with Lin Shicha, and immediately posted it on Weibo with the text: Cha Fan brings party fee to request to join the organization !

  As soon as this Weibo was posted, Gu Jiu's fans exploded.

  Tea fans are naturally happy to see the success, and they have a sense of accomplishment and pride that "my idol is the idol of other people's idols". Many fans even went to Weibo to show off.

  Although Gu Jiu's fans were furious, they didn't say anything. They must have followed the people who liked their idols. Some who were originally resistant to Lin Shicha were willing to take the initiative to get to know her.

  As a result, I fell into a trap as soon as I understood it.

  Lin Shicha needs to play the role of Gu Jiu's girlfriend. The plot is very cliché, nothing more than sweetness in the early stage, noisy in the later stage and a breakup routine.

  It was not difficult to shoot, but the most difficult part was the kissing scene in the middle. Even though both parties agreed to take their seats, everyone present was very nervous.

  The director also gave instructions on how to borrow it, the position of the jaw, the expression of the expression, etc.

  This scene is actually very beautiful. Gu Jiu is very handsome today. Even with makeup, it does not dilute the masculine aura in his facial features. When he stares at someone, it is easy for people to suspect that he is his world. .

  According to the description of the plot, Gu Jiu approached Lin Shicha with gentle eyes. Her lowered eyelashes trembled slightly, and her pink lips were like freshly opened strawberry jelly, with a delicious smell. He moved his Adam's apple slightly. , almost forgot to borrow the seat, and moved it a little at the last moment.

  She raised her eyes, her pure eyes reflected his appearance, and she suddenly whispered: "Do you want to kiss me?"

  Gu Jiu: "!!? Huh?"

  He was so stunned, and his movements were unprepared, She just happened to move forward half a minute, lips brushing against each other, and he kissed the corner of her lips in a subtle way.

  The feeling was too hazy, like a kiss, but it didn't seem like a kiss.

  Gu Jiu couldn't even explain what was going on. His ears were red, his eyes were evasive, and somehow, he tightened his wrist and pulled her into his arms, and she smiled brightly and put her chin on his shoulder.

  The plot of the MV was perfectly performed.

  No one could see this small movement. Even the director had been calculating how to use a different camera to create the effect of a real kiss, so the camera was not particularly close.

  At the end of the clip, the little Loli jumped towards Xiao Cheng. Xiao Cheng opened the water and handed it to her, "Chacha, are you thirsty?"

  She nodded: "Yes!"

  Gu Jiuze's face turned red. He was Lin. Everyone who was a fan of Shicha knew that everyone was joking when they saw him like this.

  Gu Jiu covered his face and said, "Don't laugh at me, I can't control my moans." He was a little frustrated again and glanced at Lin Shicha a few more times, trying his best not to show anything strange.

  So it really happened accidentally?

  His Chacha is so cute and innocent, how could he deliberately tease him.

  The second half was easy to shoot, and the entire MV only took one afternoon. While waiting to leave, it happened to be dinner time.

  Just in time, another crew also finished filming.

  Xiao Cheng went to drive, and Lin Shicha was waiting for her at the corner of the parking lot. She happened to bump into a man. He was so tall that he almost enveloped Lin Shicha. She accidentally bumped into his back. , the phone was almost knocked off.

  Hearing the sound of pain, He Jingran turned sideways and saw the petite girl picking up the phone like a baby and blowing on the dust. Two pigtails were placed on the back shoulders obediently. The black and red dark gothic The hem of Rita's skirt was very eye-catching, and he frowned: "Don't look at your phone while walking, kid."

  "You're just a kid!!"

  The little guy was very excited and tried to raise his chin to glare at him, "Who made you so hard! They played me so far!" When she said the word "so far", she gestured with her hand for a long distance.

  Is this his fault too?

  This little guy confidently threw the blame without any guilt, "You look familiar." He Jingran suddenly frowned, interested, "What's your name?"

  "Don't even think about chatting with me, this routine is too vulgar. "Yes." The little loli snorted and took a detour, tugging at the hem of her skirt to make it fluffy.

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  was unlucky when her skirt caught on the fire hydrant next to her. She didn't take two steps before she was mercilessly pulled back, and the fabric made a "tearing" sound.

  He Jingran raised both hands to indicate that he had done nothing.

  The little guy looked at him in confusion, and then at his torn skirt. After struggling to take it off, he held the hem of the skirt and looked like he was about to cry.

  Xiaocheng shouted from afar: "Chacha!! My car is parked."

  " Ah, He Jingran - God! What are you doing? Chacha!!!"

  Half an hour later, the 37-year-old Her uncle He Jingran put the little boy on his lap while Xiao Cheng drove in the driving position. She felt embarrassed and helpless.

  "I'll buy you another skirt. Why are you crying?" He Jingran's usually expressionless face showed a trace of helplessness, "You just bit me and I didn't say anything."

  "You are young and have a bad temper. Be reasonable."

  "You're crazy to be reasonable with a girl." She wiped her face with a tissue.

  She climbed down from He Jingran's lap and sat down properly, "Uncle, you took advantage of me."

  Wasn't it because you just bit someone and wouldn't let go, so they couldn't hold you? It doesn’t matter if it’s photographed by the media! ! !

  Xiao Cheng roared in his heart.

  He Jingran didn't care: "I can be your father." This meant that he had no nostalgia for Lin Shicha at all.

  She looked at him for a while, then muttered: "My dad is not as good-looking as you."   He Jingran laughed out loud, "Huh?"

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  He Jingran laughed out loud, "Huh?"

  He Jingran admitted that the place he was standing just now was indeed in the wrong place. He was standing on the side of the stairs. Lin Shicha came over in a hurry, and no one expected to bump into him. It was also because This accident caused her skirt to get caught on the fire hydrant.

  He gave her a dress as an apology.

  It turns out that this little guy is the recently popular artist Lin Shicha. Some people say that she is the darling of the variety show group. Looking at her appearance, she is indeed squeamish and cute. She is absolutely right to say that she is the darling of the group.

  The key is that he is not annoying and has a very cute personality.

  After sending her to the apartment, He Jingran asked for Lin Shicha's contact information before the group said goodbye. Xiao Cheng escorted Lin Shicha into the room before leaving. She sighed before leaving, with a complicated look on her face:

  "He The actor is famously difficult to hook up with in the entertainment industry. He usually doesn’t like to make friends and is very indifferent to everyone. It’s hard to hook up with him. Unexpectedly, you bit him today and he took the initiative to contact you. Way."

  Lin Shicha held the door, "I am Mary Su Bensu, right?"

  After closing the door, Xiao Cheng was startled and thought that there was really nothing she could do against this ancestor. After being angry, Shang Yue came to anger her.

  Qiao Li had been guarding the door, and as soon as Xiao Cheng left with his front feet, he arrived with his back feet.

  He made Lin Shicha a snack today, making effortless yet delicious Coke chicken wings. Lin Shicha tasted delicious after eating, "My agent

  sister won't let me eat it, Qiao Li, you are so kind."

  Qiao Li watched her eat and said, "You are growing tall, so you can't go on a diet." He looked at Lin Shicha, wondering if her family had abused her. How could she grow so small at the age of 17?

  Qiao Li himself was not very tall, so he didn't expect Lin Shicha to stand with him until he reached his chest.

  "By the way, Chacha, don't you study?" Qiao Li asked.

  Lin Shicha bit into a chicken wing, "I finished high school in the United States. My mother promised me that when I get bored, I can continue studying when I go back."

  The co-author is still a lolita with a high IQ. She finished high school at the age of 17?

  "What about you??" Lin Shicha asked Qiao Li.

  Qiao Li twitched his lips in embarrassment, "I... uh..." his eyes wandered for a moment, "I didn't finish college, I dropped out of school in my sophomore year." He had a lot of quarrels with his family.

  His parents wanted him to finish his degree in finance and help in his family's company, but he didn't. He was only interested in e-sports. At first, he thought about joining a professional team, but when he wanted to go professional, his original intention changed. He just wants to play e-sports, not to treat e-sports as a lifelong belief.

  So I turned to become a game anchor. Maybe after two years of broadcasting, I would go home and accept the socialist beating from my father.

  He didn't want to say it, and Lin Shicha didn't ask in detail, "Why is your cooking so delicious?"

  Qiao Li didn't say that he had nothing to do at home and studied the dishes for Lin Shicha many times before he dared to When he brought it to her, he only replied lightly: "I have talent."

  "People say that to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach. It should make sense to exchange." He was very calm and did not hesitate. To hide the warmth he felt towards her.

  Unexpectedly, she bit her chopsticks, frowned and said disdainfully: "How does this make sense? Did you see that man cheating on you because the mistress's cooking was delicious? It's just a brainwashing package thrown at women."

  Qiao Li: " ..." It seems to make sense.

  The author has something to say: It’s late, it’s late, everyone doesn’t mind if you give it a try, right?

  The second update will be before twelve o'clock, I will code it out as soon as possible~

8bOOk. cOм

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  After finishing the meal, Qiao Li was forced to leave Lin Shicha's house. Before leaving, he scratched the door frame and asked: "Miss, can I get you?" He was pitiful.

  "Why are you so rude? Go back to bed." Lin Shicha didn't even look at him.

  Qiao Li could only see the profile of Lin Shicha's face. She was loosening the ponytail on her head, so he said again: "Then I'll think of a way and try to be polite next time."

  The door quilt was gently opened. close.

  The phone rang by chance. Lin Shicha finished doing her hair before sitting on the sofa. She answered the call and heard Sheng Fan's voice. Her voice was very distinctive, cool and cold, like ice cubes talking to each other. The impact came out, but it also had a strange touch of softness:

  "Are you asleep?"

  Lin Shicha touched his belly, "No, Sister Shengfan."

  "I'll go back to "Real Life Adventure" tomorrow, right? ? Liu Rui from your show quit due to illness, and my manager suggested that I be a substitute, so..."

  Before she could finish her words, Sheng Fan heard screams on the other side of the phone. She should be very happy. Cheering, a faint smile appeared on Shengfan's face, "So happy?"

  "Yes!" Because she was with Shengfan, Shengfan would always take special care of her.

  "Do you want something to eat?" Sheng Fan asked proactively.

  As expected, the little guy named a lot of snacks, and the two talked on the phone for a long time, and finally ended up hanging up the phone because Lin Shicha was sleepy.

  Sheng Fan called his assistant in the middle of the night and asked her to buy something before picking her up tomorrow.

  The assistant grimaced: "Sister Sheng, your manager won't let you eat these things." The calories are too high. "Aren't you going to join the cast of "The Heart Is Unchanged" next month? But you still have to keep in shape."

  Sheng Fan replied calmly: "It's for Chacha, you can buy it."

  The assistant was stunned, "Cha...Lin Shicha?" Seriously, the relationship is really that good?

  "Oh, okay..." After a pause, the assistant asked cautiously, "Sister Sheng, can I ask why you are so nice to Lin Shicha?"

  Sheng Fan paused before speaking: "I used to have When she was two years old, her family went to the beach and accidentally drowned and she never came back. If she was still well, she should be as old as Chacha. "

  So when she first met Lin Shicha, Only then did she say that she wanted a sister.

  The assistant felt that he had touched upon a taboo topic and hurriedly kept silent. Then he sighed in despair: "Oh, that's it..."

  The two of them didn't talk for a long time. The assistant hung up the phone and resignedly took the list and went to the supermarket downstairs to buy snacks.

  Sheng Fan slept soundly. She dreamed of Lin Shicha. She was wearing a white dress, with a pair of white wings on her back, and her big eyes fluttering like stars in the sky.

  She smiled cutely and reached out to her, calling her sister affectionately.

  Probably because I think about it every day and dream about it at night.

  After waking up to the alarm clock the next morning, Sheng Fan was still in a daze for a while.

  The phone beeped, and someone sent a message. Shengfan picked it up and looked at it. The note was "Tucao Xingren". This was the message she had written to Su Luoyan.

  —I heard that you are going to "Reality Adventure"? No, you still like men, right?

  Sheng Fan sneered and replied with two words: sick.

  When Sheng Fan went to the set, the director had already sold out the show. As soon as she appeared in the live broadcast, the barrage in front of the director increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  —Fancha! ! Damn it’s Fancha! Sisters, hold the flag high, okay! ! !

  — Fancha has merged together. Woohoo, this must be true love. I’m still guessing who the substitute artist is!

  —I can finally see Meng Weixi. Oh my God! Why are there so many traditional tea powders? Western tea is almost overwhelming! !

  —You are all a cult! ! Get out of here, those who are playing GL!

  The more noisy the barrage became, the happier the director became. He put out his cigarette, entered the camera, and introduced the new member Sheng Fan to the group.

  Naturally Shengfan was not in the same group as Lin Shicha, but fortunately their group's station was very close to Lin Shicha.

  In the camera, Sheng Fan's assistant appeared, a woman who was unfamiliar to everyone. She stuffed a large bag of things into a small bag toward Xiao Cheng, "Our sister Sheng specially brought things for Chacha."

  The camera said. I took a close-up of the bag. When I opened it, it was filled with snacks like lollipops.

  Xiao Cheng couldn't help but turned her head to look at Lin Shicha. Who knew that this little bastard actually pretended not to see her, drawing circles on the ground with his feet, humming a song and looking away.

  "Sister Shengfan gave this to me on her own initiative. I didn't ask her for it. How could I be that kind of person? I never like to eat those things, but I can't refuse Sister Shengfan's offer because we have such a good relationship. ”

  She explained a lot and squeezed next to the snacks.

  Xiaocheng's face was stiff, "Really? Then I'll keep it for you."

  "Oh no!" She revealed her true colors and fiercely rushed over to protect her.

  A bunch of people were barraging, hahahaha.

  —I specially bought snacks and sent them here. They are so pampering. I couldn’t help but twist them. I’m sorry everyone.

  —I’m so sad, I also want a sister like this.

  —Why do I like Cha Cha so much? Maybe I was Cha Cha in my previous life [What am I talking about? I’m thinking shit. ]

  —You like Chacha so much, you must have been Chacha’s mother in your previous life.

  -you're right! ! !

⑧BOoK. CΟm

  —I saw the way Meng Weixi looked at Chacha. I cried, ah, my Chacha is the group favorite, the one everyone loves.

  The director has watched Lin Shicha's successful transformation all the way. Now that she is gaining momentum, he doesn't mind helping to promote her, so he specially added the word "group favorite" to Lin Shicha in today's live broadcast, which confirmed her success. The title of her group favorite.

  Li Susu saw Lin Shicha from a distance and surprisingly took the initiative to say hello, "Chacha, good morning."

  "Good morning, Susu!"

  "I'm full of energy today, how about doing farm work?"

  "I don't want it, you see. What did I bring?" Lin Shicha opened the suitcase and Li Susu was surprised by the contents. They were pink, purple, blue, white, all kinds of cute accessories, and even a little skirt.

  "What are you...?" Li Susu was shocked.

  Meng Weixi smiled slightly, "Exchange?" He looked at Lin Shicha intently.

  "The kids here like it very much. I'll go see what delicious food they have first." Apparently she didn't eat enough of the cheese and prawns last time.

  Meng Weixi noticed that those cute things had not been opened, and they should have been bought specially by her.

  Even some of the exposed trademarks showed that the things in the suitcase were valuable. After all, they were Lolita-related things, and those were very expensive.

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  Speculations about Lin Shicha's identity have been swirling in the entertainment industry. The phrase "nine out of ten lolita are rich, and one lives in a villa" is often mentioned on Lin Shicha's head. Some people speculate that she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman. But unfortunately, her identity was well protected and no one could find out.

  Director: "Oh, oh, oh, you just changed it last time. Why did you bring your own bag just to change food this time? You cheated!"

  Lin Shicha suddenly became unhappy. The little one, Standing with arms akimbo, swearing and arguing with the director, it’s hilarious no matter how you watch it.

  Of course, the result ended with the director's persistence and Lin Shicha's defeat.

  Carrying her suitcase, she decided to give those things to the children in the village.   The little girl who traded lobsters with Lin Shicha last time was wearing the bunny ears on her head. She was very surprised when she received the gift. She ran home and brought a few black things over, "Sister, give these to You."   "What is this?" Lin Shicha wondered.   The little girl wiped off the black mud on the surface, revealing the dark purple skin. "This is a purple potato. It's delicious. I dug it out of the ground this morning. Because of the morning water, the soil is very wet. You don't want it." I don't mind, just wash it and it will be clean."   "Thank you." Lin Shicha took it carefully.   Then he distributed the things to many children, and Lin Shicha received all kinds of wishes.   It was useless for the director to stop him now, but fortunately, what he got instead were some very common local products, and there were no lobsters or anything like last time.   Meng Weixi handled the ingredients carefully, while Lin Shicha held her chin and looked at him intently, chatting with him at random.   Li Susu also talked about the difficulties he encountered when he first debuted. For a moment, the atmosphere was very warm.   "What does Chacha want to do in the future?" Li Susu asked.   In fact, since Lin Shicha's debut, apart from being relatively active in variety shows, he has not been involved in other fields.   She lowered her head and focused all her attention on the roasted purple sweet potatoes she put into the fire. After hearing this, she was confused for a while, "Well, I don't know." She simply dropped the sentence and poked it with a wooden stick. She poked Zishu and said, "I want everyone to like me."   She said this bluntly.   "Last time I participated in Gu Jiu's MV. I thought acting was quite fun." She scratched her cheek with her fingers, which immediately left a dark mark on her cheek.   Meng Weixi took out a wet wipe and handed it to Lin Shicha. Seeing that she looked confused, he wiped it for her himself.   Danmu went crazy when they heard this news.   - I’m laughing so hard. Hahahaha, Gu Jiu has been hiding the truth from the MV heroine on Weibo, but the heroine blew herself up? ?   —Gu Jiu cried.   —It turns out that the heroine is Chacha. I only saw the cover trailer of the MV, which shows the back of a very young and fresh girl. I look forward to Chacha taking off her Lolita look!   —Self-destruction is okay, Aite is drinking, hahahaha.   —Wait a minute, I heard that the MV has a kiss scene?   —Kiss scene? No, no, no, no! ! !   —Chacha is still so young, I don’t accept it, no, no, I wish Chacha would never grow up and be a child.   —If you refuse the kiss scene, whoever dares to kiss Chacha will be beaten with a stick!   —Nima, we Gujiu fans haven’t said anything yet, okay? Why can't our brother kiss Lin Shicha? This is my   first kiss since debut!   —You must be stunned, Lin Shicha is already 17! What happened to a kiss?   The author has something to say: Landmines grow very fast~ This is almost 100. It seems that everyone likes to add more hehe~   I also saw a little cutie who changed the reader ID to Chacha [Guardian of the best Chacha little Angel! ], so cute, I’m so surprised, hmm.   Landmine thank you list:   Thank you for being idle Emmm~X1, Daidaidaiyu X1, momoX1, Nanmu Xiaoxiao X1, the best guardian Chacha little angel! X20 ⒏BoOК. СOm

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  When Gu Jiu saw the news leaked, he was completely confused. He forgot to tell Lin Shicha to keep it a secret. Now, the heroine blew herself up in person, and the entire MV was revealed.

  Gu Jiu hurriedly sent a text message to Lin Shicha, but because the live broadcast was delayed, by the time Lin Shicha received the text message during the live broadcast, she had already mentioned the MV, but fortunately she did not mention the plot or song style.

  Lin Shicha received a text message, which contained an emoticon of Gu Jiu showing his teeth and claws, followed by two big words on the screen: Don't say it! ! ! !

  She realized something: "Ah..." she said, raised her head to face one of the dark cameras, "So it's a secret? I'm sorry, Gu Jiu..."

  Li Susu burst out laughing, and the almost roasted purple sweet potato made her laugh. Even though her hands were so hot that she didn't forget to laugh, her expression was a little weird and she let out a goose-like laugh.

  The camera captured Lin Shicha's cell phone screen, and the note on Gu Jiu was simple and clear: wine red head.

  These three characters were enlarged several times and circled in the later stage.

  —What the hell is a burgundy head? Hahahahahaha, this comment made me laugh to death.

  —It was the first time Zaizai and Gu Jiu met. Gu Jiu had dyed burgundy hair.

  —Gu Jiu doesn’t deserve a name? Hahahahaha.

  Li Susu also came over and said, "Your comment is really interesting. Why don't you change it to your name?"

  "I forgot to change it. I'm too lazy to change it." Lin Shicha lowered his head and poked at his phone, exiting the chat interface with Gu Jiu, and the WeChat list window appeared. All is revealed.

  She was also on guard. After logging out, she immediately turned off the screen and stuffed her phone back into her pocket. She pushed the approaching camera with one hand: "Why are you so nosy? Why are you so close?"

  Then Lin Shicha's palm appeared on the screen, small and white. .

  —I was pushed in the face by Zaizai, I can do it again!

  —[Dead pig idiot face] One more time, one more time.

  —To be honest, I almost licked the screen.

  —Is there anyone who can take quick screenshots? I want to know all about Zaizai’s list [Ba Zong Style Smoking].

  When it comes to screenshots, all kinds of gods appear on the Internet. No matter how difficult it is to capture, they can capture it. arrive.

  However, it is still being broadcast live and the replay has not been released. Everyone is waiting to take screenshots after tonight's replay is released.

  The director rubbed his chin and asked an editor backstage to check: "Take a look and play it back in slow motion to see who is on Lin Shicha's list. There might be some big stuff."

  "Okay, leave it to me." The editor perked up.

  Ten minutes later, the editor came back with an extremely excited expression. He first looked at Lin Shicha, who was still on the live broadcast. Her profile was very cute, "Oh my god, director, it's amazing."

  He put the tablet over , it was clearly what appeared on the screen at the last second before Lin Shicha turned off the screen.

  Looking from top to bottom, the first person is Gu Jiu, who is noted as having a wine-red head.

  The second is the agent Shang Yue. The note she gave is the female devil.

  The third note is three words: Qiao Li.

  The fourth avatar is clearly that of He Jingran, with two words: uncle.

  The fifth person’s comment was: Grandpa, the avatar is a picture of a baby.

  Further down are the pictures and notes of father, mother, etc. that have no reference value.

  The director hesitated for a moment and pointed to He Jingran's profile picture: "Is this He Jingran?"

  "It's absolutely true." The editor nodded vigorously, "And this 'Qiao Li' is a very famous game anchor."

  "You How can you be sure it's true?" The director frowned.

  The editor clapped his hands: "Oh, director, whether it's real or fake, it's just a gimmick, isn't it?"

  The director frowned: "You're right, okay, don't cut this shot. I think all the people on the Internet are... I'm waiting for the screenshots."


  After hitting it off, the live broadcast in the background, the editing, and the special effects were all going very harmoniously.

  After the recording of this program was completed, Lin Shicha received the small skirt from He Jingran. The black series of Lolita had been sold out, so he turned to the pure white 'Huayuan' series. It's also very beautiful.

  Lin Shicha even tried it on.

  Then He Jingran sent a message: My kid, my new drama is missing a supporting role. Do you want to give it a try?

  Apparently he also followed Lin Shicha's live broadcast during the day.

  He Jingran was waiting for the staff to remove his makeup, and Lin Shicha's reply was that he was not allowed to call her a child, and then the second question

  asked him what his role was.

  He Jingran replied: The hero's daughter.

  Lin Shicha hesitated for a moment, put the fruit he was biting on the coffee table, and sent a screenshot of the chat with He Jingran to Shang Yue.

  The next second, Shang Yue's voice call popped up directly.

  Lin Shicha was almost frightened to death after the call was put through because Shang Yue's voice was too loud.

  "He Jingran invited you to participate in his movie!!!! Lin Shicha, what kind of bad luck did you have?"

  "I don't like your statement very much." She retorted in a low voice, not very happy.


  "Promise, agree quickly," Shang Yue ignored her temper, "Even if you have to turn down some variety shows, you still have to participate in He Jingran's movie. This is your last chance to appear on the big screen. What a great opportunity!"

  Little Loli lay half-back on the sofa, picked up the fruit and ate it, saying vaguely: "Is it necessary to be so rare? I want to act in a movie, and my grandpa will give it to me every minute. Join a crew, huh."

  Shang Yue's excitement calmed down: "...That's right." Why do I always forget about that old man.

  "But isn't it easy to spread rumors that you are under unspoken rules? Your grandfather doesn't want your relationship to be exposed." Shang Yue said politely, "He Jingran's film is a big investment and will be sent to the Golden Dragon Awards for review at the end of the year. You If you can win the prize, it will be easy to switch to the screen in the future.

  "I know!"

  She was impatient to listen to Shang Yue's many rationales, and hung up the phone after hurriedly agreeing, and replied to He Jingran. response message.

  At the same time, He Jingran saw the little guy's reply, raised his head and looked back at the fuming director over there. Standing in front of him was a girl of the same age as Lin Shicha. Because of her background and connections, She especially likes to act like a celebrity, and the crew stopped filming several times because of her relationship.

  This time it was because she couldn't get into the mood again, which caused He Jingran to not take many pictures.

  He Jingran called his assistant. After Fu Er said a few words to her, the assistant showed a surprised expression. He Jingran waved his hand and motioned for her to go quickly.

  The assistant looked a little dazed and unreal, and looked back at He Jingran several times before going to the director. When the director saw her, his expression softened a bit.

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  She leaned over and conveyed what He Jingran said to the director.

  The director frowned and glanced at He Jingran from a distance. He was a little agitated, but in the end his desire to make a good work defeated his surrender to the sponsor's father. He took a breath and stared at the unconvinced man. The girl: "You can't shoot in this state, so just leave. I'm looking for someone else to play the role of Haiyin tomorrow."

  The girl was stunned. "Are you kidding?"

  "I'm not kidding, take off your makeup and leave. Come on." The director waved his hand impatiently.

  The girl suddenly screamed: "No! Aren't you afraid of being defunded?!" The people over there came over and held her back to prevent her from doing anything out of the ordinary.

  He Jingran finished taking off his clothes, changed his clothes, and glanced at the noisy people over there before leaving.   "Do you think I'm short of that much money!!!"   The director's angry roar rang in his ears.   That night, the cast of "Desperate Rescue" temporarily changed roles, which caused a heated discussion on Weibo. However, the new replacement actor has not yet joined the cast, and everyone has different opinions.   Immediately afterwards, Lin Shicha's chat friends were exposed, and a few minutes later, Weibo was paralyzed.   The programmers all collapsed.   Qiao Li, who was live broadcasting at night, looked confused. He just casually paid attention to the popularity of the live broadcast room and found that the number of people increased sharply, and there were many first-level users posting crazy comments.   Almost every barrage cue Lin Shicha.   Jory was stunned for a moment.   —Thief, you are so confused. Is the young lady you are going to take with you one day Lin Shicha? ! You even confessed to Lin Shicha about the visitor!   —Oh my God, how did you meet? My Cha Zai doesn’t know how to play games. There should be a wall between you two, right? !   —You just like my Zaizai? A guy with nothing but his face, haha.   —Today’s young people are addicted to playing games. Life is not just about games. I don’t even have to guess that you must be a loser who knows nothing but playing games.   It's hard to hear Lin Shi Cha Wei's fans curse. In addition, contemporary game anchors are not a particularly noble profession. In the minds of some feudal people, playing games is not doing their job properly.   So Jory was sprayed bloody.   Of course, there are also some people who are fans of the couple "Celebrity X Anchor", but these only account for a very small part.   Qiao Li looked at those barrages, his eyes changed, and he didn't speak for a long time. There were only people on the computer screen holding guns and   collecting supplies in the house.   Some true fans noticed this and comforted Qiao Li.   Qiao Li was silent for a long time before speaking out: "Please ask the room manager to block the names related to Cha Cha."   To be honest, Qiao Li never thought that one day he would be scolded like this. He originally thought that only People who cheat in games and have bad character will be criticized by everyone.   In the end, he was criticized just because he played games.   Holding the mouse in his hand, he felt the desire to play professionally for the first time in his heart. He wanted to make a name for himself and impress those who looked down upon him.   The desire came so fast that Qiao Li's breathing became a little uncomfortable. He stared at the screen and didn't pay attention to the other party's headshot with a silencer. The game was over.   The comments online are also very chaotic.   - Mom fans, please calm down! ! Didn't Zaizai say he didn't like that Qiao Li? You don’t have to worry at all, and even if Zaizai likes it, it’s too much for you to go and troll Qiao Li. Some people’s mother-in-law attitude should not be too high! Don't bring trouble to Zaizai.   Lin Shicha's call came soon.   Qiao Li took off his earphones and said hastily: "Answer the phone." Then he left the live broadcast room where he always loved to stay.   Lin Shicha posted a Weibo post, which was not under Shang Yue's control, and the content was related to Qiao Li.   The author has something to say: Professional contempt really stinks.   I know several people who are full-time writers, and I have also heard some strange things. Because they stay at home and write articles all the time, although they make a lot of money, there are rumors around them that a girl does not go out. To make money, maybe sell it. I also think that writing about the Internet is vulgar and unethical.   The second update is at nine o'clock. ⑻bboOК. СOm

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  "I'm sorry... I've caused trouble for you. I didn't expect the program team to go so far. I shouldn't have replied to Gu Jiu's WeChat message during the live broadcast."

  Her soft voice was full of guilt, "I don't feel like it at all. Playing games is such a failure. Every profession has its own nobleness. You are so good at playing games, so many people like you."

  Qiao Li said in a relaxed tone, leaning against the door: "What? , I look like the kind of person with a small belly? Don't feel guilty, it's none of your business."

  "If you are really sorry, just come back early, haha, I need a hug."

  "Not now, I don't. He is about to join the group "Desperate Rescue" and may not be able to go home for several days."

  The sound on the phone disappeared, only the sound of each other's breathing. After a while, he whispered: "I like you. , I won’t back down for any reason.”

  “Are you a lolicon?” she asked over there.

  "I'm not," Qiao Li replied, "I admit that I was attracted by your lolita costume when we first met, but what I like more is your personality."

  "Oh..." She probably ran out of words. Or maybe I'm short of words.

  But it was also appropriate. Qiao Li collected various interview clips of Lin Shicha and heard her mention that she had never been in love because her family was too protective.

  After a long time, Qiao Li took the initiative and said in a smiling voice: "No more, I'm still live broadcasting, let's talk about it after you come back."

  "Okay." She agreed.

  The two men hung up the phone.

  Qiao Li stood at the door of the toilet and pulled out a person who was buried under various chat windows. He thought for a moment and finally sent him a message:

  - Regarding the invitation from the LC professional team, is it still valid?

  The other party responded to the message quickly, as if he had been watching over him.

  —Of course, Mr. Qiao, let’s make an appointment and you can come to the company team to have a look? A new round of the World League is about to begin again. Our team is in great need of players like you. If you are willing to sign, the captain position can be given to you.

  Lin Shicha's Weibo posts also caused a sensation. She speaks unscrupulously and can easily attract bad people, but

  those who know her know that she never cares about anyone.

  @林世茶V: Qiao Li and I are very good friends. I won’t tell you how we met. I don’t want some people to go to Qiao Li’s live broadcast room to curse. You are hurting the relationship between us by doing this. As for feelings, Question, I won’t fall in love until I reach adulthood, so what are you worried about? Finally, I would like to say that for those who hold professional discrimination, you are really low.

  The next round of comments were full of people crying, and many mother fans were apologizing and telling Zaizai not to be angry.

  In a rental house, a shirtless old man swore: "Fuck! OK, I was wrong, I was wrong. That's okay." He is a typical father fan, and he will do whatever his son says. The big man's attitude of bowing his head and admitting his mistake was extremely stupid.

  I quickly went to Qiao Li's live broadcast room and bought a lot of gifts.

  Shang Yue was helpless, but she had no choice but to help her ancestors. After discussing with He Jingran, she invited the navy to guide Feng Xiang to He Jingran, which indeed attracted a lot of people's attention.

  At the same time, the director of "Death Salvation" posted on Weibo, announcing that the role of He Jingran's daughter Haiyin has been won by Lin Shicha, and he will join the set for filming in the near future, so everyone can look forward to it.

  @objectionfa: So the person marked as 'uncle' is not a middle-aged uncle who changed the avatar of He Jingran to show off? ? ?

  @地达达: Damn it, Cha Zai gave He Jingran a note of uncle. Hahahaha, I laughed to death, but considering my age, there seems to be nothing wrong with calling him uncle.

  @otherwater and electricity bill: I can’t believe that my movie star has reached the age of being called uncle, so I’m urging him to get married.

  @发水电狠水电费: I really doubt that He Jingran is gay.

  @飞电fan: My Zaizai is so popular, he actually knows the movie star Da Da! pride! !

  @ Send to Send to: He Jingran can be the father of Zai Zai. Father and daughter are so suitable. By the way, I think Qiao Li and Cha Cha are a good match. Will anyone criticize me...

  @法三级Stephen: What about two children? Yes, it's okay to fall in love, but I'm more attracted to Meng Weixi's calm, gentle and sinister character when it comes to marriage! Or maybe Cha Zai and Sheng Fan go to the Netherlands to get married! It’s okay over there!

  @ Pay a fine design fee: I’m really looking forward to Zaizai’s acting skills. The preview of Gu Jiu’s MV has come out. I think Chacha’s acting skills are actually okay.

  Weibo was successfully attracted by the new drama between He Jingran and Lin Shicha, and He Jingran sent a WeChat message.

  -Boy friend?

  It's rare for an actor to gossip.

  Lin Shicha stamped a few words hard and sent them angrily.

  -Dad, don’t gossip.

  When He Jingran received the text message, he chuckled and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

  Lin Shicha did not return to the apartment. She slept at Shang Yue's house that night. She did some ideological work for her for a long time. Grandpa also made a video call and told her that she should see the other person's character and personality clearly when falling in love. Even though Lin Shicha denied it repeatedly, Grandpa said that he would keep an eye on Qiao Li in the future.

  She was tired.

  "Okay, please read the script carefully. I just printed it out. The crew is in a hurry to hire people. I guess you have to start filming when you join the crew. You can't let the director down, and don't live up to He Jingran's expectations."

  Lin Shi Tea responded.

  Gu Jiu's new song was officially released at 12 o'clock in the morning. As soon as the MV appeared, Lin Shicha's fans instantly swept across all major platforms.

  Especially after the kissing scene came out.

  Fortunately, the two companies had anticipated it early on. When the new song was released, they separately clarified the kissing scene, explaining that it was

8вOΟk. сOm   A borrowed position, the two of them had no other intimate behavior except hugging.   Only then did the fans give up. Fans of my mother, my sister, and my father were relieved.   Gu Jiu's fans, on the other hand, were cursing. While they despised Lin Shicha's fans for daring to despise their own brother, they also thanked Lin Shicha's huge fan base for helping Gu Jiu rank on the charts.   A group of people are going to be divided.   And Lin Shicha finally joined the cast of "Desperate Rescue" three days later. This role was quite different from her own personality, so the director was a little worried that Lin Shicha would not be qualified for the role at first, but after seeing her in person, he felt that she could listen to her opinions and was also very well-behaved.   Who would have thought that Lin Shicha got into the mood quickly, and her acting skills exceeded everyone's expectations.   Desperate Rescue tells the story of a rebellious girl who ran away from home and was involved in a mysterious case and was kidnapped. She actively rescued herself and contacted her father on the other side of the Atlantic. His father spanned half the world and commanded his daughter remotely. To save myself, I bought a ticket and went to where my daughter was.   To him, his daughter is his equal, and no one can hurt her.   Naturally, He Jingran plays the retired agent father.   There are a lot of action scenes in it, and there are also many touching descriptions of family relationships. It is an action-warmth film.

  The concept is very good, so the director hopes to win awards for it.

  Lin Shicha changed her costume, put on a wig, and wore very thick smoky makeup. This makeup did not suit her facial features. She was chewing gum in her mouth, and after meeting the director's eyes, she blew a bubble nonchalantly. Bubble.

  Then he folded his arms and leaned against the door, raising an eyebrow. His black eyes were full of malice, with a hint of youthful rebellion.

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  Then he folded his arms and leaned against the door, raising an eyebrow. His black eyes were full of malice, with a hint of youthful rebellion.

  The director was so pleasantly surprised that he shouted several times, "Haiyin!!"

  This was exactly the girl he had in mind, Haiyin, who would wear clothes that were inappropriate for her age.

  He Jingran smiled, his iceberg face melted slightly, and touched Lin Shicha's head, "Have you received the clothes? Do you like them??"

  "Yes, thank you uncle." Xiao Zaizai replied lightly, raising his hand to thank him hard. His hands, "his hairstyle is all messed up!"

  and he pouted, really like a child who has not grown up.

  At this moment, He Jingran suddenly felt why his friends in the circle were showing off to him every day after they had a child.

  It can indeed make people's hearts soften.

  "Drink more milk, you're too short." He Jingran said seriously.

  Hearing this, the little guy opened his eyes wide and looked up at He Jingran, his expression gradually becoming angry and resentful, so He Jingran smiled and said, "I was just kidding."   The way He Jingran and Lin Shicha got along was so strange. Within a few days of the group meeting, some people began to gossip and speculate that Lin Shicha might not be He Jingran's illegitimate daughter.   But it was just a joke and no one took it seriously.   Later, someone leaked out Lin Shicha's daily life on the set.   In that set of videos, the little guy was still wearing a costume, standing in front of He Jingran and talking. He Jingran leaned over and touched her head, with a vaguely doting expression on her face.   She was biting a packet of yogurt in her mouth, looking cute and charming at the same time.   @divine the third prize: Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha: This couple is too sweet. People in the crew said that the actor was responsible for Chacha’s milk. They said he thought Chacha was too short hahaha.   @vandersar发utility bill: Sorry, I can’t think of anything else about this couple. The actor is just like a tea baby.   @ Buddha blocks killing Buddha: There is a real example of the father and daughter in the comics.   @风动强: I like He Jingran and Cha Zai so much! Ahhhhh the prairie dog screams!   @vandersarvandersar: I heard that the names of the two people on the set are also very interesting. The actor calls Cha Zai 'kid', which is such a sweet name.   Just half a month after Lin Shicha entered.   An official Weibo post silently posted a message.   @LC Team V: Congratulations to the team on the new member, @jorie, who has breakthrough skills and good looks, has joined the club! I believe that under the leadership of Captain Qiao Li, the LC team can go further and let the LC team go further. Let's join hands to create new glory!   Weibo was silent for a few minutes, and then this Weibo was retweeted wildly.   @Struggle happened: I didn’t say it, but I actually think Qiao Li is a bit cute...Does he want to play professionally? Is it because of Cha Zai?   @otherwater and electricity bill: I thought it was too much to scold Qiao Li some time ago. I even suspected that he was a fan of Cha Zai dressed in black.   @地达达是︰How cool hahahahaha, in order to prove myself or something, I have always paid attention to the professional league. I hope Qiao Li can lead the LC team to win the championship.   @bothsleepvandersarvandersar: Your courage is commendable, yo boy, I am impressed by you.   The author has something to say: The movie mentioned in the article has a prototype. It is a foreign film called "Taken". It is very interesting. If you are interested, go and watch it.   Today is a troubled day for Gege. Didn’t I tell you a few days ago that I was allergic to sushi? In fact, it is a very strange thing. I have never been allergic to seafood before in my life, so I tried my best not to believe in evil. Last night I went to eat grilled fish with my friends. This morning I woke up with allergic swelling and my breathing was a little strange. , the doctor also said it was very serious, saying that allergies can also cause death and respiratory failure.   My father was frightened, and I was also frightened. I took injections, took medicine, and applied medicine to prevent my face from becoming swollen like a pig, hey.   I will never seek death again. ⒏bboOk. сOм

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  Qiao Li is one of the few high-tech anchors in the industry. People have been posting comments asking why Qiao Li doesn’t play professionally. Some fans even joked that professional teams don’t accept Qiao Li, not because of poor skills, but because No dirty talk is allowed on the field.

  Jory had previously avoided answering the topic.

  However, the official Weibo account had already announced that he had joined the LC team, so the live broadcast room was particularly lively that night. The members of the LC team came to support him and gave him a lot of gifts.

  The game was on in the live broadcast room. The character controlled by Qiao Li landed and entered the military base. He only picked up a handful of trolls. He relied on the dense container area and took several heads. His operation was superb.

  While he was operating, he casually chatted with the viewers of the barrage.

  "Being a professional isn't that unpredictable, right? Don't be surprised... Hey, I still want to trick me and send you out quickly to start the next round."

  "...No, this is the time. Don't mention her. Treat her. The impact is not good. To be honest, I never thought that I would be exposed

  one day . Some people say that I am just trying to gain popularity. I don’t want to explain it. I really don’t have much popularity in the e-sports and entertainment circles, but I understand. Everyone is on her side - I'll get down and get some blood first."

  "In my opinion, everyone is equal. Does it mean that because I'm not a big star, I don't have the right to pursue love. Is it not illegal for me to confess?" As he said this, he raised his eyelids lightly and looked at the camera, his tone of voice was lazy, even with a hint of disapproval.

  There was a small smile in the corner of his eyes.

  "To be honest, I don't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, so when I first met her, I didn't know she was the famous one... I was quite surprised when I found out, but I didn't think about shrinking back. I just like her if I like her. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it.”

  “Anyway, just wait and see.”

  The content about Lin Shicha mentioned in Qiao Li’s live broadcast that day was cut into a video by fans and widely circulated on various video platforms.

  He also indirectly admitted that he participated in professional competitions partly because of Lin Shicha. Furthermore, he also wanted to prove himself and this profession.

  After Lin Shicha finished the project and returned to the apartment, Qiao Li had already moved out.

  She opened the door, and there was a pink note on the floor by the door, which he must have inserted before leaving.

  There is only one sentence above: Looking forward to the next time we meet.

  Lin Shicha raised his eyebrows, groaned slightly, and put the note on the refrigerator.

  Then look forward to it ~

  Shang Yue came to the apartment in a hurry with a lot of luggage. After knocking on the door, he threw the suitcase on the floor. After taking a few breaths, he threw himself into the soft sofa. He flipped through the memos on his phone and talked to Lin. Shicha explained: "The movie requires post-editing time, but because you are also one of the starring actors, you have to go along with the promotional activities. There will be a promotional variety show for "Fun House" next week, and the entire crew will go."

  "In addition, you and He Jingran recorded the ending song together. You have to go to the recording studio tomorrow."

  "And then!" Shang Yue put down the phone, "Little boy, your transformation has been smooth. Invitations for movies and TV series have been flying in. to my mailbox!"

  "I have accepted two high-quality movies for you. Although they are not the leading roles, they can hone your acting skills and the role is also very popular. Sheng Fan will be the third female lead in "The Heart Will Not Change" next month. , she recommended you to the director team, let’s go to the audition first.”

  “Are you going to exhaust me to death?”

  Shang Yue rolled his eyes, “Why are you exhausted? You are going to be popular, so don’t seize the opportunity. "Don't worry, I have arranged your rest time."

  "The company is very satisfied with your 'group pet' personality and hopes you will continue to maintain it." Shang Yue smiled and touched Lin Shicha's head.

  "What is character design?" Lin Shicha waved her hand away and nestled on the sofa. "This shows that I am popular and everyone likes me." She looked proud and cute, with her little tiger tooth on the left exposed. .

  "Then, don't have too much contact with that Qiao Li..."

  Shang Yue was mid-sentence when Lin Shicha interrupted, "He moved away, probably to the training base. Anyway, he won't come back to live again. "

  Oh, that's good." Shang Yue didn't care, and explained to her for a while, asking her to go to bed early and record songs the next day.

  Lin Shicha took off her makeup, applied a facial mask and fell asleep soundly.

  Xiaocheng came to pick her up early the next morning.

  Now it has entered the end of autumn, and the weather is getting colder. Lin Shicha is wearing a furry cloak brought by Xiao Cheng outside her skirt, and it also comes with a hat. When they arrive at the recording room, Gu Jiu is also there.

  When Gu Jiu saw Lin Shicha, he greeted Lin Shicha with a bright smile and hurried over, "I knew Brother He was coming to record a song, so I thought Chacha would be there too, and sure enough."

  Beside Gu Jiu was someone saying: There was a person holding a camera. She blinked and tilted her head to take another look at the camera.

  Gu Jiu explained: "I am participating in a variety show for impromptu songwriting performances, and this is the video guy who is accompanying me."

  The video guy's heart is already filled with pink flowers. The camera keeps focusing on Lin Shicha, but it is Gu Jiu beside him. Completely ignored.

  "By the way, this."

  Gu Jiu took out a transparent crisper from the bag behind him. When he opened it, there was strawberry mille-feuille inside. "I made it myself. You can try it." He handed over the spoon as if he was offering a treasure.

  "Wow, really?"

  The two little guys chatted together and ate cake together.

  He Jingran took the lyrics, shook his head and expressed helplessness, and told the assistant beside him, "Prepare a glass of water and let her drink it later to clear her throat."

⑧BoΟК. сOmAssistant

  went obediently.

  In He Jingran's eyes, Lin Shicha was a round soft dumpling, and Gu Jiu next to him was a pure white smiling angel Samoyed. They were both cute creatures, and together they were naturally very pleasing to the eye.

  Therefore, even if two people behave a little more intimately, it is difficult for everyone to think of them as an ambiguous couple.

  After Gu Jiu's episode aired, the Internet burst into laughter.

  @分达流S大: I’m laughing so hard. After the cameraman saw Cha Zai, the tiny pink flowers filled the entire screen. He must be a loyal father fan.

  @fendingfeidansha: He Jingran is so doting, but his eyes look like he is watching his daughter playing with his pet...

  @Health Education: My daughter and pet are very considerate hahahaha, two cute little creatures. !

  @佛袁杀佛: When Gu Jiu and Cha Zai are together, they are really just friends. They are both so cute, but as soon as they get on stage, Gu Jiu becomes a good brother!

  @ a few pounds and a few ounces: The strawberry mille-feuille made by my brother. It looks delicious. Did you learn it from the last time you went to "I am a Chef"?

  @看: Looking forward to the new movie of Cha Zai and the best actor Daba!

  Singing is not difficult for Lin Shicha. The recording was completed in one afternoon, and the entire movie entered post-production. At the same time, the recording of the variety show "Happy House" was about to begin.

  This program is more about quizzes and it is a very relaxing and entertaining variety show for everyone.

  At the same time, there was another group of guests attending the variety show, Zhao Qiming and Song Lan, the well-known diva and king couple in the industry.

  Song Lan is the pop queen of the Chinese music scene, and Zhao Qiming is the big screen brother of the previous generation who was active in Hong Kong and Taiwan.   The couple never wanted children. After Song Lan saw Lin Shicha, she kept pulling her to talk backstage.   He treated Lin Shicha completely like a baby and spoke in a very light and childish tone.   He Jingran saw that Lin Shicha could talk to her quite well. In the crew of "Desperate Rescue", the little guy said that he was not like his mother since he was a child.

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  He Jingran saw that Lin Shicha could talk to her quite well. In the crew of "Desperate Rescue", the little guy said that he has not

  been close to his mother since he was a child, because his parents are busy working all year round, and Song Lan has no children, so the two of them must be so compatible.

  The program started soon, and the host also adhered to the idea of ​​​​picking up as many gossips as possible, and most of the questions he asked were very interesting


  Especially the currently popular father-daughter CP, the audience also maintains a happy attitude.

  The second male lead next to him took the microphone and laughed: "Actually, even though He Jingran is so calm, he actually has a very childish side."

  The audience expressed surprise, and He Jingran also curled his lips slightly and said nothing.

  "He often bullies Chacha because Chacha is short. For example, he lifts something to eat high to deliberately rush her. It's very interesting. I think Chacha is very silly and cute sometimes hahahaha..." said He laughed out loud.

  Lin Shicha noticed what he wanted to say, and immediately jumped up to cover his mouth: "No! No, no, no!"

  He carefully hugged Lin Shicha and ruthlessly chose to reveal: "She was worried about He Jingran coming to the set once. Then he grabbed her snacks, so she walked around the set and put the snacks on the top of a cabinet that was very high for her. She was so proud at the time, hahahaha, but as you can imagine, the right person The cabinet, which is very tall for her, is very short for He Jingran, and he can easily see it."

  The audience burst into laughter.

  Song Lan covered her lips and smiled, and then said: "Chacha should put the snacks in a low place so that He Jingran can't see it."

  The second male lead hugged his belly: "I remember that Chacha tried her best to stand on tiptoes. He laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

  "What happened after the snacks were discovered?"

  He Jingran replied: "She was very confused." He didn't say that the little guy cried in anger. , rolling vigorously.

  "These three words are very essence."

  Lin Shicha, who was standing next to him, looked at everyone angrily, "Is it so funny?" she asked loudly.

  Then the audience laughed louder.

  "We are here to promote the movie, not to expose my information, bah!" She suppressed the blush on her cheeks.

  The last step is for the two guests to choose one person to connect outside the scene.

  Song Lan chose her mother. The two talked for a long time and shed tears on the spot.

  The host here asked Lin Shicha to connect.

  The program team had agreed early in the morning that the numbers would be randomly selected and broadcast. Fortunately, Shang Yue knew about this as soon as the link started, so Lin Shicha's WeChat account had been processed before he came in the morning, and no secrets would be leaked. .

  The number was randomly dialed, and the four words Sister Shengfan appeared on the big screen.

8BoOK. Cοм

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  The phone rang twice before it was answered.

  After the noise, Sheng Fan's gentle voice came: "Chacha, what's the matter?"

  It was so gentle! ! !

  Everyone in the audience tried their best to suppress the screaming and remained quiet.

  "Hmm..." Lin Shicha's eyes turned around. The host handed over the cardboard and asked her to speak according to the questions on the cardboard.

  "What happened? Why are you hesitating?" The voice over there was very patient, quite different from the usual cool image in the circle.

  Lin Shicha saw the questions on the cardboard clearly, "Sister Shengfan, let me ask you a few questions."

  "Okay, ask."

  What is this question? Lin Shicha glared at the host, who laughed twice and motioned for her to ask quickly.

  "How many times have you been in love?"

  Sheng Fan over there suddenly heard this question, and seemed to be surprised why Lin Shicha was so gossipy. He didn't react for a while, and after two seconds he chuckled, " Why are you asking this? Three times, what's wrong? "

  Looking at the second question, Lin Shicha's expression was full of shame. What do you think?

  Sheng Fan answered after a while: "Are you doing a show? " "She asked directly.

  "Huh? "Lin Shicha looked at the host.

  Sheng Fan's voice was very steady, but also very pleasant: "Because you don't seem like someone who would ask such a question," Sheng Fan laughed twice and continued. : "I really hope you can be my biological sister, so I like Fancha CP very much. "

  Fancha CP with the seal of Allah!!!

  Although the meaning is a bit off, it does not prevent Fancha CP fans from eating sugar crazily.

  At this time, the audience could no longer hold it in, and screams rang out, almost to the point of The recording scene was overturned. The host suppressed his laughter and explained the current situation to Sheng Fan on the other end of the phone.

  The host: "How come our Sheng Fan was a little hesitant when he heard Chacha's question just now?

  Sheng Fan: "No, no, I'm just a little doubtful. "

  "My sexual orientation is still normal. " "

  A group of people joked and laughed, and this program came to an end.

  After the recording of the program was completed, Song Lan asked for Lin Shicha's contact information, "I'll invite you to my house for dinner next time. I should be pretty good at my craftsmanship. . "

  "OK. " Lin Shicha readily agreed.

  On the way back to the company, Sheng Fan even called her again and asked if the program crew had bullied her. Lin Shicha slumped in her seat and said, "No, they just exposed a lot of stuff about me. What a shame. "She muttered softly, and Xiaocheng peeled a banana for her.

  "Then I have to watch that program carefully.

  "Bah! " "

  "By the way, your birthday is coming soon. Sheng Fan suddenly raised this question.

  Lin Shicha was confused, "Well, it's almost there." She thought for a while, "Sister Sheng Fan, do you want to give me a gift?"

  "Why do you still ask for gifts? " "

  "I do not care. "She acted like a baby.

  The eighteenth birthday is a coming-of-age gift, so you have to prepare it carefully. Sheng Fan was still wearing the costume, thinking carefully in his heart.

  On the other hand, fans are also paying attention to Lin Shicha's upcoming eighteenth birthday. Adult birthday.

  Most of Lin Shicha’s fans are adults who are already working. Fans of mothers and sisters account for the majority. In a large fan group, a group of fans discussed giving Lin Shicha a birthday. A huge birthday surprise.

  At the same time, I also want to let other fans know that their family is definitely not someone to be trifled with!

  A month before her birthday, fans started planning,

  and Lin Shicha has been busy with her birthday. Not sad at all.

  On October 23rd, Lin Shicha’s birthday,

  Weibo Tianwen’s official Weibo account suddenly posted a Weibo post:

  @中国 Astronomical Planet V: #林世茶18岁狠的吃了chafans raised funds to buy it. The newly discovered blue asteroid was named "Lin Shicha".

  This news shocked everyone. Are Lin Shicha's fans so rich?

  But this is just the beginning. All the posters and LED screens in major airports, shopping malls, bus bodies, and station signs were all replaced by Lin Shicha overnight.

  On the rolling LED screen of the tallest commercial building in H City, 'Lin Shicha, 18 The words "Happy Birthday" scrolled all day long. It is expensive to rent this screen for one hour, let alone 24 hours.

  Not only that, fans also made related videos. The first five minutes. Lin Shicha's photos and videos were edited together to summarize her various journeys since her debut. The next five minutes were filled with birthday wishes from fans all over the world, including those in New York, the United States, and some in London, the United Kingdom. In India.

  This video was put on a huge projection screen in H City Plaza and played for a full six hours. Now, even those who did   n't

  know Lin Shicha were forced to know her. For a moment

, the fans

  of other rivals were as quiet as chickens, fearing that their idol would jump out to compare the fans of the two families.

  What was even more surprising was that Lin Shicha had been strongly recommended to film "Angel" in the past. 》This movie is a very famous movie. Some people say that the heroine here is tailor-made for Lin Shicha,

  but because the copyright has not been sold, the filming is even more nonsense

  Fans raised funds to buy the copyright, and some rich fans contacted the famous director and asked Lin Shicha to be the heroine.

  As soon as this news came out, the entire entertainment industry exploded:

  Renbiren, This is so annoying.

  Fans: please stop showing off.

  Then, starting at 8pm, half of the entertainment industry stars posted on Weibo to wish Lin Shicha a happy adult

  . At the same time

  , the Game World League officially kicked off,

  with players from all over the world, and Qiao Li’s LC team got the opportunity to represent China.

  A strong team needs strong players and captains. The LC team has always been among the best in the country. Now because of Lin Shicha, the World League has become more popular than ever.

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  The person in charge of Shengxing Construction, a leader in the business world, posted a Weibo, quietly throwing a deep-water torpedo into Weibo, causing an uproar.

  Qiao Sheng V: You have been willful for three years, and you have finally grown up! If you don't work hard and get good grades, just go home! ?a data-cfemail="b9f0f9">[email protected]Jory V

  @Van der Sar van der Sar posted: Construction is booming! ! ! Oh my God! ! !

  @和UI欧家: That’s the NO.1 status! It’s amazing!

  @涶瑞: If you don’t work hard, you will have to go home and inherit hundreds of billions of assets? [Kneel down] [Kneel down] [Kneel down] I would rather choose not to work hard woo woo.

  @UI ErurIE: I'm sorry. I apologized to Qiao Li. I scolded him a few days ago. I didn't expect him to be so awesome [kneeling down]

  @Healthy Weight Loss: One is Qiao Sheng and the other is Qiao Li. Both have the surname Qiao. , why didn’t I think of it before, hahahahaha. The person who said before that Qiao Li is a loser who only knows how to play games, please stand up and get beaten.

  @Room Alone Guarding the Empty Room What time do you sleep: Qiao Li? ! ! ! ! So pretty! !   Qiao Sheng's self-destruction caught Qiao Li off guard. He was besieged by other team members at the training base for a long time. The fight lasted for more than an hour before he finally calmed down.   Late at night, with headphones around his neck, he tapped the screen of his mobile phone with his finger. After hesitating for a while, he chose to dial the phone number.   The call was picked up quickly.   "Qiao Li?"   The voice was drowsy, probably because he was sleeping.   Qiao Li suddenly became nervous, but he maintained his composure: "Did I disturb your sleep?"   "No..." She rubbed her eyes. There was no light in the room, and it was dark.   "Have you read Weibo?" Qiao Li suddenly asked.   "Huh? What?" she wondered.   "'s okay, just don't look..." Qiao Li was a little embarrassed. In fact, he didn't want Lin Shicha to know that he was Qiao Sheng's son. In his opinion, no matter what honors his father obtained, he was actually It has nothing to do with him, that's his business, not his business.   "Yes, happy birthday." He wished happily.   "Where's the gift?" Her voice sounded like she was sleeping, soft and sweet.   "Of course there are gifts, I sent them to the apartment." Perhaps it was because they were talking on the phone, but when he laughed softly, it sounded very nice.   "The other thing is... you said before that you wouldn't fall in love before you become an adult, so... what about now?"   Qiao Li held his breath.   There was silence on the phone for a moment, and then she spoke: "Don't you people in the e-sports circle say that having a girlfriend affects your gaming speed?"   This little guy suddenly spoke in a pornographic tone, leaving Qiao Li stunned for a while, his ears shaking. Blushing, "No... do you know what it means to affect hand speed?" He suspected that she didn't even know what it meant.   "Just the skill and speed of playing games? What else does it mean."   Qiao Li: "Well, your understanding is correct." He did not explain to her in detail, "I don't know how to do it with you." What he meant was that she It can't affect him.   "I will do my best. If you can accept it, then let's be together." Her voice suddenly became cheerful and seemed very relaxed.   Qiao Li's heart was in his throat, and blood rushed to his head for a moment. Although he had thought about Lin Shicha agreeing to him, when this moment came, he was still so overwhelmed that he even lost his words and didn't know. How to pronounce and speak.   "However, it cannot be made public for the time being. If you can win the world championship, I will take you to meet my fans."   "Okay!" Qiao Li suddenly became determined.   World champion?   After hanging up the phone, Qiao Li was so excited that he pulled a few team members to get up and insist on holding some training match, which made a lot of people curse inexplicably.   Then everyone discovered that today's captain was very different. He was very tough in playing games. He dared to fight two full formations by himself.   The key is to be bold if you are bold. He was also very focused, calm and careful, and he was different from before. Big difference.   In short, it is stronger.   In the other half, Lin Shicha joined Sheng Fan's "The Heart Will Never Change". The script "Angel" that fans bought for her has also been revised and is entering the role audition stage.   The author has something to say: I have reached 100 mines, and I will add more tomorrow ~   mine thank you list:   Zhaohua X15, I am your little cutie X1, Xu Yu X6, 28112395X1, Molu X1 8Bo⦅k. сΟm

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  The plot of "Angel" is very different from conventional movies that promote justice. It tells the story of a girl with a bad personality who pretends to be a cute and kind angel, but is actually vicious and selfish.

  Lin Shicha's appearance is indeed very suitable for such a role.

  The sharp contrast is also a test of acting skills.

  However, the filming of "Angel" has not started yet so soon, and Lin Shicha has joined the cast of "The Heart Is Unchangeable".

  This is a fairy tale drama with a female protagonist, Sheng Fan, and the male protagonist is a popular niche actor with a large fan base nowadays.

  Lin Shicha plays the heroine's pet rabbit.

  Needless to say, he is a regular character, lovable and cute, which solidifies Lin Shicha's acting career.

  At the same time, "Death Rescue" has finally been scheduled for Christmas.

  Snowflakes were falling on this day. Lin Shicha was wearing a hat on her cloak, and the white furry edges made her feel warm.

  The snow on the ground has been swept cleanly, and the street lights cast many irregular light yellow ovals on the road.

  The shadow gradually became clearer. He trotted to Lin Shicha's side, grabbed her hand and asked, "Is it cold?" and stuffed it into his arms to keep her warm.

  Lin Shicha put her whole body into his arms, "Cold."

  Today was her first date with Qiao Li. Although they had been dating for almost two months, they actually spent very little time with each other. It's also a pity.

  "Do you really want to watch it?" Lin Shicha asked Qiao Li.

  Qiao Li's hair hadn't even been dried, but at this moment, there was a faint tendency to freeze at the ends of his hair. The outline of his facial features also seemed to be dyed light blue, making him look much colder. When he smiled at him, it became diluted. Got that feeling.

  "I want to see him." Qiao Li muttered, holding her tightly, "I'll just watch!"

  Recently, because the movie is about to be released, the censorship between the actor and Loli has become more and more popular, although the cp direction is not... Love orientation still makes him extremely jealous.

  The tickets had been booked long ago, but because it was the first day of the release, the cinema was extremely crowded. Qiao Li wore a black mask and protected Lin Shicha as he checked in.

  It didn't take long for the movie to start.

  Qiao Li was prejudiced against He Jingran, and naturally he disliked him no matter what. He spent the entire movie finding fault with him. At the end of the movie, while belittling He Jingran, he also blew Lin Shicha to the sky.

  Afterwards, the two of them had dinner together.

  Qiao Li took Lin Shicha to his training base.

  It was already half past nine in the evening, but the training base was still bustling with activity.

  When Qiao Li pushed in the door, a group of team members were fighting with each other and making bad remarks. After hearing the noise, they turned to look at the door in unison.

  The fat man joked: "Captain, I'm going out on a date for Christmas. You have a girlfriend."

  "When will you bring me back - who is that behind you?"

  Lin Shicha stuck his head out from behind Qiao Li and exposed himself to everyone. He made a face, waved his hand with a smile, "Hello."

  The fruit in the fat man's hand fell.

  The four eyes wearing glasses opened their mouths silently.

  A burst of foul language erupted from the training base: "Holy shit!!!"

  "Lin Shicha!!!"

  "You actually did it for real!"

  Qiao Li kicked him over, "What are you talking about? From now on, this is my sister-in-law. , be respectful." He carelessly put a hand on Lin Shicha's shoulder.

  The fat man said rudely: "Is it Qiao Li!"

  "Get out." Qiao Li said rudely.

  Half an hour later, all the team members were driven back to their rooms. The fat man encouraged several other people to squat on the corner of the stairs and look down.

  He happened to see Qiao Li holding Lin Shicha in his arms, and the two of them were sitting on a computer chair. His whispering voice was particularly magnetic. He was probably teaching her how to play games, and the pictures on the screen kept switching.

  "The viewing angle is very important. You are wearing a headset. Sometimes footsteps can reveal a person's position."

  "Hey, if I lie down in the grass, will there be no footsteps?"

  "Yes, but there will be. The sound of friction was very small."

  She complained softly, "I played a game that day, and there were ten people in the finals. Everyone was lying on the grass, and I couldn't find anyone." "It's true that there was no one

  in the grass . It’s easy to hide your body.”

  “Ah, tell me, what would happen if two people crawled in the grass?”

  Qiao Li was amused: “One of them will die.”

  The fat man swallowed. Make eye contact with four eyes.

  "By the way... there are a lot of girls in the game, haven't you met them while playing games?"

  "Have you ever met them..." Qiao Li's voice became weird.

  The fat man sighed, pulled his eyes back to the dormitory, and beeped all the way, "Qiao Li really likes her, I think she's really embarrassed."

  "Isn't this nonsense? If it weren't for this, your captain Can my surname be Qiao? "

  In e-sports, dishonesty is the original sin, and my captain has never let any girl get away with him. His headshot is a clean one.

  Occasionally, when I am ranked in my own ranking and encounter a girl who is opening the mic, I will exit the game neatly.

  His level of consciousness has reached the point where the fat man is stunned.

  Lin Shicha's hand was held by Qiao Li, and the two of them shared the same mouse. It was also because of this that she could experience firsthand how agile his reaction speed was. She couldn't quite understand the game, and most of the time people couldn't see it. , he had already gotten several kills in a row.

⒏BOOK. cOmShe

  suddenly said: "I know what that joke means. You didn't explain it to me last time, and I misunderstood it for a long time."

  Qiao Li asked casually: "What joke."

  "It's just that having a girlfriend will affect your hand speed. "

  Qiao Li almost choked on his saliva, and was hit by a gun without paying attention. He quickly retracted his body and hid behind the bunker, lay down and took a medicine, and turned his perspective to look for people around him.

  He: "...How do you know?" The point is why you can bring this up to him so calmly! !

  "Xiao Cheng told me." Lin Shicha blinked and glanced back at

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  Qiao Li: "...Where are you looking?!" He was completely irritated.

  "It's not illegal to just watch." She retorted confidently.

  "I checked on Baidu, and it said that masturbating too much can be harmful to your health, so you should pay attention to moderation." She said as a kind reminder.

  Qiao Li held it in for a while and didn't know what to say. He had no choice but to throw the mouse away after she turned back with bad intentions again, grabbed her chin with one hand and closed her mouth.

  The characters on the screen were quickly killed by the concentrated fire from the opposite side, but the people in front of the computer screen were too busy to take care of themselves.

  After the kiss ended, he leaned very close to her and said, "For the first time, I know that a girl's mouth is really sweet when kissing." The voice was soft and a bit ambiguous.

  "Because I just ate strawberry toffee. Are you stupid? How could your saliva be sweet?" She stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, then raised her eyes to look at his face.

  "...Why are you such a straight girl?" Qiao Li kissed her forehead again, thinking of the thing that made him angry just now. When he kissed her face, he whispered in her ear, and kissed her ear by the way.

  Her cheeks quickly turned pink, and she raised a paw.

  Qiao Li held her wrist and pulled her into his arms, "I was joking, I was wrong, hahaha." It's normal for lovers to make some colorful jokes and love words.

  "Then...can I stay here tonight?" She knelt on the chair, winked close to him, and hinted in a low voice.   Qiao Li was stunned and immediately understood what she wanted to say.   It wasn't that he couldn't control it, it was just that he really liked her so much that a look from her could make him have some unspeakable reaction. He was shamefully moved, but it was only for a moment, and he quickly suppressed it. Got that impulse.   Of course he hopes to spend more time with Chacha, but it's not that kind of relationship, it's a normal relationship.   If he was not sure that he would marry her and be with her forever, Qiao Li would not touch her.   He needs to be held accountable for his actions.   It was too cold outside, and Lin Shicha didn't want to leave, so she flirted with Qiao Li. In fact, she knew he wouldn't treat her badly, and   she still trusted his character.   After taking a bath in the evening, she rolled into bed early.   Qiao Li wanted to hug her, but in the end he made the bed silently.   She sat on the bed: "What are you doing?"   Qiao Li only showed one head: "I don't believe in myself." He laughed dryly, so he simply eliminated the root cause.   She snorted, pulled the quilt and fell asleep.   Angry?   Qiao Li couldn't make up his mind. The lights had been turned off and he couldn't see clearly in the darkness. Slowly, his eyelids began to become heavy.   At this moment, he was suddenly knocked awake and his stomach hurt.   When he opened his eyes in the darkness, he saw clearly what was going on. It turned out that she had jumped off the bed, and she was minding her own business, lifting the quilt and   insisting on getting into bed with him.   "I want to sleep in your arms." She requested with great grievance.   Qiao Li smiled and chuckled, "Okay." He agreed. For a moment, her breath also filled her nose, with a sweetness that seemed to be absent.   But in the dark, all senses become extremely sensitive. She is hyperactive in her sleep, and may have rubbed into something without noticing.   Qiao Li barely slept that night and opened the door the next day with dark circles under his eyes.   The fat man and several people were squatting at the door, which startled him: "??"   The fat man winked at him: "Captain, you have dark circles under your eyes. What time did you go to bed last night?" It was full of suggestive meaning.   Qiao Li rolled his eyes at him angrily, unable to think of anything to answer.   "You keep this matter a secret. Her fans don't even know about it, otherwise they can tear me apart." Qiao Li rubbed his hair, and his black hair suddenly became messy.   "Okay, I got it, it will be kept strictly confidential."   After hearing the assurance, Qiao Li breathed a sigh of relief.   "Qiao Li."   Qiao Li was training someone when he heard a soft cry from inside the room. Hearing this, the fat man froze half of his body and pushed him with his eyes.   I saw the captain immediately turning back and closing the door to prevent anyone from entering.   "I also want to fall in love sweetly." The fat man held his heart in his hands.   Four Eyes: "You are ugly, you don't deserve it, give up."   Fatty: "It's so true..."   The author has something to say: Leave a comment! ⑻Book.Соm

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  The little girl was very squeamish when she got up. She put on the shoes that Qiao Li personally put on, squeezed out the ointment, handed her the toothbrush, and rolled up her lace sleeves to prevent her clothes from getting wet when she washed her face later.

  It can be said that he took care of her as a child.

  All she had to do was use her hands to brush her teeth.

  After washing up, he was carried back to bed. The two had breakfast at the base. Qiao Li finished his disguise and sent Lin Shicha back to the company.

  Xiao Cheng was extremely anxious.

  The group of people did not dare to park too close to the company because they were afraid of paparazzi, so they stopped at a busy intersection.

  Qiao Li protected Lin Shicha and got out of the car. Xiao Cheng was quite satisfied when she saw Qiao Li, "Fortunately you are wearing a mask. It would be troublesome if you were photographed."

  Lin Shicha jumped up and hugged Qiao Li before leaving. For a moment, Qiao Li bent down slightly to cooperate with her.

  Xiaocheng sighed and let herself relax.

  The two chatted for a while before parting ways.

  As soon as she got in the car, Xiao Cheng pricked at Lin Shicha's neck and opened her collar.

  Lin Shicha waved his hand: "Huh?" She asked her unhappily, "What are you looking at?"

  Xiao Cheng said, "Let me see if there are any hickeys. I have to cover them with makeup for a long time! You can't be seen by the makeup artist yet!"

  Lin Shi Cha sighed, "We didn't do anything shy last night, how could there be a kiss mark?"

  "Hey, you don't know how to be shy, what is shameful thing-" The topic changed, " "So what did you two do last night?"

  "We watched a movie, ate, played games, and then went to bed," Lin Shicha replied matter-of-factly.

  Xiao Cheng: "...What a man." She praised Qiao Li sincerely.

  "It's almost the Spring Festival, so you will have more work. Your role in "The Heart Has Changed" has been completed. The director of "Angel" means that the movie will be released as early as possible during the Lunar New Year. It will be a little late, so you You have to join the group in advance."


  "There are still three commercials to be shot, and the variety show has not accepted you anymore recently."

  "And then..."

  Xiao Cheng stopped talking about work. Without getting down, Lin Shicha listened to the conversation and quickly arrived at the company.

  What she is thinking about is that the World League has entered a fierce season. With the top eight in the world competing, Qiao Li will be very, very busy.

  But when the new year is over, maybe everything will be fine.

  Her mission finally came to an end.

  At the end of December, Sheng Fan went to visit Lin Shicha on the set of "Angel" and once again became a hot search, but this time the hot search was quickly replaced by the next one.

  The exposure of Sheng Fan's relationship with Su Luoyan became the longest trending trend in December, and it has been in the spotlight for a long time.

  Later, Lin Shicha met Su Luoyan once more, but this time it was Lin Shicha who Sheng Fan took him to meet, and it was quite formal.

  Regarding the previous scandal with Lin Shicha, Su Luoyan was interviewed on a variety show. He sighed and was not particularly willing to answer the question, but he finally spoke.

  "Actually, Chacha..." he used this slightly intimate name in the show, "I actually chased her back then, hahaha." He laughed dryly a few times, then secretly glanced at Sheng Fan aside.

  Sheng Fan was unmoved. He continued, "It's probably because of curiosity. Actually, it's not that I like her very much. Now that I think about it, my feeling towards her is really similar to the feeling that a fan would have when meeting an idol. Well, I admit that I am also a fan of Chacha now. "

  "Because Xiaofan likes Chacha very much, and I have learned it subconsciously. Besides, the barriers between cute lolita and tsundere lolita are not big," he muttered, causing the audience to gasp. Hilarious.

  "I'll never take off my powder again." He promised, stretching out his fingers.

  "We will definitely go and see "Angel" when it comes out. You don't have to ask. Xiao Fan went to visit the cast a few days ago. I heard that the filming is progressing very quickly and is about to be completed."

  This statement aroused excitement among fans, " On the day "Angel" was released, many fans grabbed tickets just to meet Sheng Fan and Su Luoyan. This is another story for now.

  In early January, the TV Drama Festival was held in S City as scheduled.

  Lin Shicha won the Best Newcomer Award for her supporting actress role in "The Heart Never Changes". This is a good start to the new year.

  Fans sent their blessings on Weibo.

  At the same time, at the National Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony, Lin Shicha successfully won the Best Supporting Actress for her role as Hai Yin in "Death Rescue".

  She is the youngest Best Supporting Actress in recent years and has caused quite a stir. However, her acting skills cannot be bad.

  This award was expected.

  The World League comes to an end.

  The last game was held in Seoul, South Korea. Lin Shicha bought a plane ticket to go to Seoul to watch the game. She didn't tell Qiao Li all this. He had been preparing nervously and she didn't want to disturb him.

8ьoO. СOмMany

  Chinese fans are also at the competition venue. Xiaotao is one such person. She is a loyal fan of the LC team and feels proud to accompany LC all the way. Especially at the critical moment of the World League, she How could you not be there to witness it?

  Xiao Tao came alone. She looked at the time and thought it was still early, so she bought some cheering items from a nearby stall. When she got there, she saw a little girl carrying a pink bunny schoolbag standing with her back to her. She wore a pair of ponytails, and her black hair hung down to her waist.

  He wears the LC team's permanent hairpin on his head, and the yellow light plate flashes.

  A pleated skirt one centimeter above the knee, black tube socks, and a pair of small leather shoes.

  She seemed to have encountered some kind of problem. When Xiao Tao saw that she was a fan of LC, she was eager to help: "What's wrong?"

  The person turned around and saw a pair of big eyes under her bangs. Her eyelashes were very long and curled. Her eyes were clear, "Chinese?" She was wearing a black mask.

  **Lori, Xiaotao opened her mouth and helped her enthusiastically. It turned out that she wanted to buy milk tea, but she really couldn't speak Korean, and the merchant couldn't understand English. She was anxious but had no choice.

  After helping her in Korean, she said, "Thank you."

  In a naturally sweet baby voice.

  Xiao Tao took the initiative to strike up a conversation, "You are here to watch the game, right? What's your seat number? Let's go in together?"

  The little girl took out the ticket, and Xiao Tao was amused when she saw it, "Oh my god, we are next to each other!!" "It's so fateful.

  The little girl smiled and rolled her eyes, then followed Xiao Tao into the arena. Xiaotao is a chatterbox, and she kept beeping all the time, but no one found her annoying.

  The two people are located relatively forward, close to the big screen. Xiao Tao complained to her, "If LC really wins the world championship, I wonder if Lin Shicha will accept Lili in my family."

  Lili is the nickname given to him by Qiao Li's fans, because the homophony of his name is Qiao Li. ? Because of this.   Xiao Tao was complaining to herself, but she didn't notice that the little girl next to her had a strange look on her face.   After a while, the little girl asked her: "Aren't you unhappy that Qiao Li is in love?"

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  After a while, the little girl asked her: "Aren't you unhappy that Qiao Li is in love?"

  Xiao Tao was surprised, "Not happy? Why should you be upset?" She felt funny and waved her hand, "The e-sports circle It is very different from the entertainment industry. Although Lili has many fans, it is obvious to everyone how much Lili likes Cha Zai.

  "I am not happy that the two of them can be together."

  "But... Cha Zai's fans probably won't be happy." Xiao Tao said as she scratched her cheek, "Her family are all fans of her mother. It would be fine if her daughter were to be married off. She wouldn't cry to heaven and earth. But they see Lili's progress, so they shouldn't be too opposed to it. "

  "And! Lili is the heir to Xingxing Construction. If Lili doesn't play e-sports in the future, she will inherit the company, no matter what. No matter what job you do, you can definitely afford Cha Zai."

  The little girl laughed twice but said nothing.

  Xiao Tao really wanted to know the true appearance of this loli, but it was hard to say anything even though she was wearing a mask, so she kept enduring.

  The game started soon. Xiao Tao stopped talking, and the little girl stopped talking. Both of them concentrated on watching the game.

  The map is huge, and everyone's nationality is marked above their head.

  The commentator's voice was sonorous and powerful. The little girl watched the game absent-mindedly. She focused her eyes more on the person behind the isolation window and in front of the computer. His expression was very serious and his eyes were always staring at the computer screen.

  Ten minutes had passed in the game, and the poisonous circle had only shrunk a few times. The commentator suddenly became excited: "Okay! Let's see the IR team. They got four signal guns and they fired them!" In his opinion, this Definitely not a wise choice.

  "Forcibly start the finals! Let's see the actions of other teams. Do you want to go?!"

  The atmosphere of the game suddenly improved.

  At this moment, there are many live broadcasts of the league on major online platforms, and there are also many people watching the live broadcast in front of the computer. Perhaps because of

  Lin Shicha, many fans who cannot understand the game also stay in front of the computer screen. , just to see if Jory can win the game.

  From a distance, you can see Qory's mouth moving as he communicates with his teammates.

  Starting the finals early is very risky. I don’t know what the team that is calling the signal gun wants to do. This is the World League, and it is not an ordinary small game where you can do whatever you want.

  Qiao Li looked back and forth on the map, and his teammates kept marking him to indicate danger ahead.

  He did not act impulsively and sneak around the finals.

  In the company, Shang Yue and Xiao Cheng were watching the game nervously. The company boss coughed twice and said, "If he really

  wins the championship, according to the little ancestor's temper, will he rush directly to the competition field?" Self-destruction."

  Shang Yue and Xiao Cheng both chose to remain silent: ...It's very possible.

  "In this way, the company's public relations should prepare quickly. No matter whether Qiao Li can win the championship in the next game, there will definitely be a lot of news on the Internet when the game ends. It's better to prepare early."


  "This is awesome. It was such a tense half hour." Shang Yue said to himself, his head hurting.

  The author has something to say: Leave a comment! !

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  After the finals were forcibly opened, the number of remaining people continued to decrease sharply. In the end, only him was left in Qiao Li's team.

  The poisonous circle has shrunk to the point where it can no longer shrink.

  Qiao Li was not licking the bag after beating someone to death. He and the captain of the ST team were the only ones left in the arena.

  He moved flexibly and was not afraid of this formidable poisonous circle at all. It is estimated that the captain did not expect Qiao Li to dare to climb over the wall through the poisonous circle.

  He landed from the second floor, with his back on him, and swept the person to death.

  The moment the dust settled on the game, the audience burst into violent shouts. All members of the LC team jumped up, with tears in every excited eye.

  Jory was surrounded and hugged.

  The sound of Sky Color Silk's launch was 'bang bang bang', and the host's passionate voice sounded: "Let us congratulate the LC team from China for winning the World League Championship!!!"

  After that, the announcement was also made in English three times in a row.

  Lin Shicha faced the cheers of the crowd, took off his mask, turned his back to the stadium, took a selfie, and uploaded it to Weibo.

  The person sitting behind Lin Shicha was caught off guard when he saw her face, and was stunned by her screaming movements. Lin Shicha raised his finger and made a 'shhh' gesture, put the mask back on, stood up and put it on. The supporter left the seat.

  After reflecting for more than ten seconds, the man suddenly shouted: "I saw Lin Shicha!!!!!!"

  The audience in the stadium suddenly became excited, and everyone began to look for Lin Shicha, but there was no one. People can find it.

  At the same time, Weibo also exploded and became paralyzed.

  The technical guy said he was tired.

  The cause was a Weibo post by Lin Shicha.

  @林世茶V: I believe you can do it, so this Weibo was edited early in the morning. Okay, it’s public. This is my boyfriend @千里V.

  A photo is attached below.

  The lolita with twin tails looked at the camera with a bright and cute smile. The background was the league match field with colorful silks flying in the background. In the blur, you could still see Qiao Li on the stage who was holding the trophy.

  What time does @ Buddha block the killing Buddha’s sleeping space: I knew it would be like this! ! It's just that after this day came, I still whined, "No, whining, where is my cub?" It was raised so big, why did it suddenly disappear?

  @ Struggle happened: That’s not right. Judging from Zaizai’s tone, she has been dating Qiao Li for a long time? ? ? Damn it! !

  @eireewir9f: I don’t agree with this marriage! !

  @PINK’s vvxccv: I guess it’s what everyone expected. Qiao Li can be called an unparalleled hero. He returns home with great success and marries the little princess. It’s so sweet.

  @唷nienie: I never expected it to be Qiao Li! I even considered the father-daughter CP!

  @二 brother-in-law’s credit card payment: Qiao Li I can do it! I can! Lili rushes to the duck! Don't let us down, Lili! !

  @太碰S大: Actually, it’s okay. Qiao Li and Zai Zai are a good match. He can do so many things for Zai Zai, which is enough to prove that he really likes Zai Zai and loves Zai Zai. I am willing to hand over Zai Zai to him. he.

  @康坷坷: I went to Seoul without authorization, I’m angry, Chazai! ! What if something happens? Why don't you go find Qiao Li quickly?

  Xiao Tao, on the other hand, was completely confused. She held up the support light and was stunned for a long time before convincing herself that it was not her fault that she was an idiot and sat with Lin Shicha and watched the entire game without noticing her.

  "It's not my fault... Why am I so mentally retarded?" Xiao Tao was about to cry but had no tears.

  At this moment, Lin Shicha appeared in the waiting area. She smiled at Qiao Li who was standing at the door, "World champion! Long time no see!"

  Qiao Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Come here." He opened his hands towards her.

  She was so happy that she ran like a cannonball into his arms, jumped up and hugged Jory like a koala.

  "I miss you so much."

  "I miss you too." Qiao Li's heart was filled and he kissed her hair.

  I am happy here, but Shang Yue is very worried.

  Mr. Lin shook his head helplessly at the computer screen, "Hey, this girl." But she was an adult after all, and he couldn't interfere with her love affairs, so he had to accept it.

  In the end, he just said to her and asked her to take Qiao Li home during the New Year.

  Mr. Lin did not choose to reveal his relationship with Lin Shicha. He hoped that her stardom would be smooth and he did not want her to bear the shadow of XXX's granddaughter.

  Still, she's great.

  "Not bad."

  This was the first time that Lin Shicha could truly feel the feeling of growing up being loved by people all over the world.

  He lived happily until the second before his death.

  After the normal death, the system sound finally came online again:

  [Congratulations to the host for completing the "Popular Group Pet" mission and receiving an SS-level rating! 】

  Before the system could continue, Lin Shicha interrupted it, "Why is there an SS missing?"

  The system's voice was very flat, with a mechanical indifference: [The love object pursued by the original owner is not Qiao Li, but Qiao Li. The male protagonist Su Luoyan. Although the host guide has the wrong partner, she has lived a wonderful life, so she is willing to give you an SS-level rating. 】

  Lin Shicha was speechless for a while, "How about love? I don't like Su Luoyan. Besides, she is the heroine's official partner. Why should I join in the fun

  ? Isn't my Lili cute?"

  The system did not respond. :

  [The task jump is completed. The host needs to complete the entire story line in place of the original owner in "The Famous Daughter". ]

  [Warm reminder from the system: There are reborn people in this world, please treat them with caution. 】

8bOOк. cOm   [I wish you success in your mission. ]   As always, the familiar feeling of weightlessness came over her. As soon as she opened her eyes, Lin Shicha saw a girl with short ear-length hair standing at the top of the stairs looking at her coldly, while she was rolling down the stairs quickly because her body was still. .   She only had time to protect her head with her arms, and the pain of falling down the stairs was extremely painful. She screamed to attract the attention of others.   Without the memory of the original owner and no clues to the original story, Lin Shicha felt dizzy after rolling down the stairs.   She only had time to think that those in the TV series were all lies. If she fell down the stairs, she would not directly fall to death.   There is only pain, a lot of pain, and extremely painful and dizzy feelings.   "Lin Shiyan! What are you doing!! How could you push your sister?!" A man roared. Lin Shicha was held in the arms of the woman. Her hands trembled as she dialed the number of the family doctor.   Call someone quickly to check her out.

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  Call someone quickly to check her out.

  The girl with short hair and ears was standing at the top of the stairs, not saying a word.

  Lin Shicha's head no longer hurt so much. She shrank her neck and hid in the arms of the woman behind her, pretending to be afraid of Lin Shiyan.

  At this time, two boys walked out of the stairs, both wearing white school uniform shirts. The first one had a cold expression, with a hint of disgust in his eyes: "I saw it. It was Lin Shicha who fell back by himself. He didn't fall down at all." It's none of Yan Yan's business."

  "Yes, she also threatened Yan Yan, saying that if she didn't take the initiative to get out of the Lin family, she would be killed." Another boy with a slightly shorter face also frowned.

  "Uncle Lin, I didn't expect that the first time I came to your home, I would encounter such a thing. Yan Yan has suffered so much before she found a home. You can't accuse her wrongly. She also longs for father's love and mother's love."

  Qi Er The short-haired girl was unmoved, but she slowly clenched her hands hanging by her sides, and then she said softly: "Stop talking, you can leave. If it weren't for you two, she wouldn't have targeted me. "

  With a few words, Lin Shicha can almost straighten out the plot.

  The woman holding her hesitated for a moment and stared at her with a scrutinizing gaze, "Chacha, is that so?"

  Lin Shicha's eyelashes trembled twice, shivering, "I-I didn't say it was her who pushed me, it was I couldn't stand upright, and her eyes were so scary that I fell down because I didn't pay attention. "

  "I did say something outrageous, but it's all my parents' fault, I'm afraid you won't let me go!" , I'm sorry, I apologized to her, I didn't mean it." Lin Shicha cried aggrievedly, tugging at the woman's clothes tightly.

  After all, she was the daughter she had cared about for more than ten years. When the woman saw her crying with grievance, she couldn't help but soften her heart and coaxed her: "How could daddy and mommy not want you? Okay, okay, don't." Crying."

  "Look, apologize to your sister quickly. That's your sister. You two can't get along." The man pointed at Lin Shiyan and ordered Lin Shicha.

  Lin Shicha wiped her tears, pouted her mouth, and took a long time to speak: "I'm sorry!"

  Lin Shiyan stood on the second floor, sneering in his heart.

  How could this woman sincerely apologize to her? In her previous life, she returned to the Lin family at this time, and was targeted by her everywhere. She was like a poisonous flower, pretending to be weak and kind, and attracting pity from others.

  She was almost deceived into thinking that she truly regarded her as her sister, but what was the result? Framed, slandered, everything

  was taken away.   It made everyone hate her. If it weren't for her, how could she commit suicide by jumping off the building! !   She was too cowardly in her last life. If she had to start over in this life, she would definitely make Lin Shicha pay the price! !   With all kinds of thoughts running around in his mind, Lin Shiyan took a deep breath and calmed down, "It's okay." He forced himself to accept this apology.   Time suddenly stopped.   The system sent the original plot.   Lin Shicha clutched the woman's clothes and was forced to endure the pain. She didn't know what the original owner had gone through to be like this, but the pain attached to the memory was really hard for her to accept.   After the memory and plot were transferred, Lin Shicha raised his eyes and looked at the girl with short hair and ears standing on the second floor.   Because time stopped, she could look at her carefully.   In a certain sense, Lin Shiyan can be regarded as the heroine of the rebirth and counterattack, and the original heroine is the vicious female supporting character.   The story is simple.   The Lin family has deep roots. It was a well-known wealthy businessman as early as the last era. Because it was inconvenient to do business, the eldest daughter Lin Shiyan stayed at her grandmother's house. The couple did business in the United States. During this period, his wife became pregnant and gave birth to their second daughter, Lin Shicha. .   Naturally, the two of them doted on their little daughter in every possible way, but they didn't care about their eldest daughter who was across the Atlantic Ocean.   Many years later, the Lin family settled down and stabilized in H City, and took their eldest daughter, Lin Shiyan, back to the Lin family.   The original owner was not happy. She was jealous and didn't want outsiders to take away all the things that originally belonged to her, so she targeted Lin Shiyan everywhere, eventually causing her to commit suicide by jumping off a building.   This is Lin Shiyan's previous life, and the current storyline is the story of Lin Shiyan's rebirth.   After Lin Shiyan was reborn, he knew the tricks of the original owner and slapped her in the face.   The original owner was a delicate green tea girl who had a lot of suitors in school. After Lin Shiyan was reborn, everyone saw the true face of the original owner, and she fell over.   In the end, he failed to harm his sister, but was beaten back by her sister with the same method. He lost the favor of his parents, lost the admiration of everyone, and was sent to the countryside to reflect.   The original owner was such a delicate girl. She couldn't get used to living in the countryside at that time, which attracted the attention of the gangsters around her. Her grandmother was also unhappy with her because she bullied Lin Shiyan. After arriving in the countryside, she made her do farm work, and once went to collect firewood. On the way, he was surrounded by gangsters.   Later she committed suicide.   Lin Shicha rubbed his brows, it turned out to be Jiwen this time.   The memory of the original owner told Lin Shicha that she truly regretted it in the end, so this time, what she wanted to change was her   relationship with her sister. She didn't particularly care about other rumors about the school.   The author has something to say: There is a lot of affection between sisters in this world, and the important thing is to capture the sister, so in front of boys, Chacha will not change the character of the original owner, she will still be a weak and bitchy persona. 8bOOк. cOm

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  Time resumes its flow.

  Her eyebrows suddenly became vivid, and she looked down at Lin Shicha in such a condescending manner. Although she had such a thin body, her expression carried an inoffensive coldness.

  However, she still has thin eyebrows and big eyes, a slightly high nose bridge, and deep and three-dimensional facial features, which gives her a sense of the exoticness of an ethnic minority.

  This deepened the coldness on her body.

  Lin Shicha lowered her eyes. Her mother Liu Fanqian, who was holding her behind her, was gently wiping her tears and coaxing her softly. Her father Lin Wei asked the two male students to leave the Lin family in a deep voice.

  The two boys said goodbye politely and walked down the spiral staircase one after another. Before leaving, one of them glanced at Lin Shicha angrily.

  Lin Weitao looked at his two daughters again and again, and finally sighed: "Chacha, your sister has lived with your grandma since she was a child and has suffered a lot, but you have been pampered and pampered by your mother and me. We owe your sister a lot. Of course we are trying to make up for it, but we try not to be biased against any of you. I hope you can be sensible and get along well with your sister."

  Lin Shicha lowered his head and wiped his tears without saying a word.

  Although Lin Weitao was helpless, he had nothing to do with his little daughter. He could only think about teaching her slowly, as the days to come were still long.

  After helping Lin Shicha stand up, the family doctor also came. Liu Fanqian asked the doctor to take a look at her head, while she went upstairs and gently hugged Lin Shiyan's shoulders, whispered something, and coaxed him back to the room. .

  Dinner time came quietly.

  Lin Shiyan changed into comfortable clothes and went downstairs. She saw that Lin Shicha had already sat down at the dining table. She didn't know what she was talking to Lin Wei, but she actually made him laugh.

  After seeing her come down, the sweet smile on Lin Shicha's cheeks faded slightly, and then a more disgusting smile bloomed, "Sister."

  Lin Shiyan did not respond, pulled out the chair and sat down on his own.

  Lin Shicha didn't mind, and even moved close to sit next to Lin Shiyan. Lin Shiyan's eyebrows moved, "What are you doing?" He asked in a cold voice.

  "You didn't do anything?" she replied innocently.

  Lin Shicha's lips were slightly opened, and his voice was very soft and weak. Only two people could hear it, "Go to the other side."

  Lin Shicha's eyelashes fluttered, he raised his light brown eyes to look at her, and bit his lip. , chose not to speak, but did not listen to her words or actions.

  Lin Shiyan's eyes turned cold, "Don't let me say it a second time."

  As soon as her voice fell, she saw her pick up the floral pink skirt with lace trim and quickly return to her seat, then she coughed twice and faced Liu Fanqian, who came downstairs after dressing up and wearing a cheongsam, praised: "Mom is so beautiful today."

  Liu Fanqian's eyes widened with a smile after being praised, "Your father and I will not accompany you to dinner today. There will be a cocktail party later. , we will be back very late, you have dinner and go to bed early." She wore a pair of black gloves, the diamond ring on her ring finger reflected

  the bright light, and her hair and makeup were all exquisite.

  She looks like a typical wealthy lady from a famous family.

  Lin Weitao then put down the newspaper and took off his glasses, "Sister-in-law Li will come and clean up the tableware. Remember to do your homework." He explained seriously.

  In the eyes of their two daughters, the parents left Lin Zhai.

  The living room became quiet, with the only sound being made by Mrs. Li wearing an apron and walking back and forth carrying dishes.

  The two ate in silence and exchanged for fifteen minutes. Lin Shiyan took the lead in wiping his mouth and getting up to go upstairs.

  Upon seeing this, Lin Shicha put down his chopsticks and followed.

  Lin Shiyan quickened his pace, returned to the room and immediately closed the door and locked it. Sure enough, he heard footsteps outside the door and paused for a while before entering the opposite room.

  To be honest, she couldn't understand what Lin Shicha wanted to do, but she knew that she didn't have any good ideas. She was always so

  mean and pretended to be innocent and kind, which attracted everyone's liking.

  Lin Shiyan sat down in front of the desk, her eyelids cast a shadow under the desk lamp, her expression became more and more indifferent, and after a long time, she closed her eyes.

  She hated this family, hated everything here, including her biological parents, but she was unwilling to give up. She was unwilling to have everything taken away by Lin Shicha, and she was unwilling to admit defeat.

  Then she had a share, right?

  At night, Lin Shiyan had a dream. It was a nightmare. In the dream, there was Lin Shicha's sweet but vicious cheek. She was standing by the escalator on the second floor wearing a small dress, holding a rag doll in one hand and looking down. When she came in from the countryside, she was panicked and uneasy, even with a hint of inferiority complex.

  Her chestnut hair is slightly curled and fluffy on her shoulders, her thick eyelashes are like fans, her cherry pink lips, and the sweet pear dimples on her cheeks when she smiles.

  She was like the doll she was holding in her hands, everything was taken care of and maintained delicately and cutely.

  But the way she looked at her was like looking at the dirt that had fallen into the dust.

  How could the two of them be biological sisters with the same father and mother? She hated bleeding the same blood and breathing the same air as her.

  After waking up, Lin Shiyan realized that her cheeks were already wet. Before she could wipe away her tears, the wind blew the curtains, the moonlight shone down, and a figure stood in front of the window.

  After seeing her face clearly, Lin Shiyan immediately pulled up the quilt and sat up, her voice so high that she said: "How did you get in!" Yes, no matter what, she hated Lin Shicha.

  "Because of you, you keep calling my name."

  Lin Shiyan saw the rag doll she was holding in her hand. It was thrown to the ground. She approached the bed, her features reflected in the moonlight, "Are you crying?"

  "I'm asking you how you got in!" Lin Shiyan viciously waved away her extended hand, trying to show off his own embarrassment.

  "Well, I have the keys to all the rooms in the house..." She bent down and suddenly came closer. Lin Shiyan's shadow was reflected in her light brown pupils. Her expression was very strange, with an indescribable meaning.

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  "Lin Shiyan..." She no longer called her sister intimately, but called her name. Lin Shiyan stiffened, calmed down immediately, and met her eyes.

  She was like an angel, but more like a devil. He reached out and touched her cheek, murmuring: "You probably haven't looked in the mirror, you look very much like me."

  "If you're afraid," she The soft embrace came unexpectedly, and she hugged Lin Shiyan, "As a sister, I can comfort you a little."

  Lin Shiyan's pupils shrank violently, and he was about to push her away without thinking, but when he touched her When she was wearing pajamas, she suddenly stopped moving, raised the corners of her lips, and moved her eyes away.

  "Are you wondering what kind of tricks I'm playing?" Her voice was very sweet, and she usually liked to sound artificial, but now it had become calmer.

  "It's better to struggle with this problem than to struggle with why I keep targeting you, sister." She smiled, let go of her shoulders, gently touched her short ear-length hair, and then leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. With a kiss, "Good night."

  The door was gently closed, and Lin Shiyan's chest and abdomen were heaving violently. She grabbed the pillow and threw it to the ground. After a while, she saw the lonely doll on the floor. He got off the bed barefoot, walked to the doll and stared at it for a while before bending down to pick it up.

  The weather in October can sometimes be ruthless, sometimes a bit hot, sometimes a bit cold.

  It rained heavily early this morning, completely soaking the ground.

  In the private car going to school, Lin Shicha and Lin Shiyan were separated from each other, neither talking to the other.

  Soon we arrived at a school with a strong medieval style. A huge pendulum hung above the white pillars at the school entrance. The boys were wearing black Zhongshan school uniforms and all looked extraordinary.

  Lin Shicha pushed the door open and got out of the car, stroking the hem of her skirt. As soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of everyone at the school gate.

  She has straight bangs and waist-length hair. Even though she is wearing the same school uniform as other girls, she can't hide her aura of elegance mixed with a hint of softness and gentleness.

  Soon two boys came out of the door. They were the two who stayed at Lin's house yesterday afternoon: Fang Lin and Fang Ping.

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Green Tea Beauty [Quick Wear]
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Chapter 60 The daughter of a famous family 2/2
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  It was raining, and two people rushed over holding a black umbrella. Fang Lin, with thicker eyebrows and bigger eyes, covered Lin Shiyan from the rain with a smile: "Yanyan, what a coincidence, why didn't you bring an umbrella?"   Lin Shi Cha stared at Lin Shiyan, but Fang Lin said: "Fang Lin, I don't have an umbrella either."   Fang Lin didn't give Lin Shicha a good look.   Lin Shiyan looked at Lin Shicha and said coldly: "Childish." She didn't use anyone's umbrella and walked into the drizzle without fear of the rain.   Fang Linzheng was angry, "Lin Shicha, why do you have so many troubles? I really wonder if you are Lin Shiyan's biological sister. Why are you targeting her everywhere."   After saying this, he turned around to glare at Lin Shicha. He might as well After meeting her eyes, he was stunned for a moment. She glanced at him without any emotion, her eyes were cold and strange, and then she walked into the rain without saying a word.   Fang Pian touched the back of his head, a little confused: "Brother, Lin Shicha is acting weird today, and his face is also weird. Could it be that the two of them had a fight last night."   In fact, the rain was not heavy at all, and it hit people. , a soft feeling.   Lin Shicha soon caught up with Lin Shiyan.   Lin Shiyan didn't even look back and said calmly: "I'm not interested in Fang Lin. It's really fun for you to argue with someone you don't have."   "I'm not interested in him either." Unexpectedly, the person behind him said the same thing. .   Lin Shiyan sneered, "Are you interested in me?"   The person behind her stopped talking and just followed her step by step.   Lin Shiyan only thought she was lying.   The two sisters were not in the same class. Lin Shiyan's mood improved slightly after they separated. The rain stopped at 9:30 in the morning. The class at 10:40 in the morning was physical education. The group went to the locker room to change into sports clothes.   As soon as Lin Shiyan opened her cabinet with the key, a black shadow rolled down. She was startled and shrank back, and the girls around her burst into screams.   Lin Shiyan's heart was in her throat. After seeing what the thing was, she actually wanted to laugh.   It's a snake.   When I looked into the cabinet, I saw densely packed notes inside, with only three words written on them: Country Girl.   I almost forgot that before she was reborn, she was not only targeted by her half-sister, but also in this school where aristocrats gathered, there were also many wealthy ladies who looked down on her.   Their pranks are also endless.   "Hahahaha, look at her face. Hahaha, I'm laughing   so hard ."   "She was really shocked, hahaha." "A country bumpkin is a country bumpkin. He's always startled."   "Sister Qiao's pet snake is really powerful, haha."   Lin Shiyan's eyebrows were cold, and she took out a note and held it in her hand, "Who wrote this?" She turned around and looked at Zhao Yueqiao, who was enchanted by the stars.   The instigator, Zhao Yueqiao, crossed his arms and laughed, "What do you want?"   At this time, the door of the locker room made a sound, and the group of people turned to look.   It turned out that Lin Shicha, the famous figure in the next class, was standing at the door. 8BboΟК.Соm

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