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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (2)
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  [Rebirth through Time Travel] " Quick Travel : The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character " Author: Yi Zhi [Complete]


  In many romance novels, there are always some female supporting roles who have all the advantages but are still no match for the late-coming heroine. No matter how early they appear in the hero's world, as soon as the heroine appears, they can only leave with their hearts full of desire.

  A Nian’s mission is to help the cannon fodder female supporting role defeat the heroine who comes later and win the hero’s heart.

  But for A Nian, the task itself is not important, what is important is the endless love.

  She travels through the world, and love is at her fingertips, but only she knows that she has never felt truly satisfied.


  1. Each world has a male protagonist, and the female protagonist's story will be placed in the last world.

  2. The characters in the story are heartfelt, but the heroine is not

  3. It seems that there will be more feedback after the second world. Patient treasures can read a few more chapters~

  Content tags: Era, romance, legendary female supporting role

  Search keywords: Main character: Anian┃ Supporting characters: ┃ Others:

  Love happens in an instant

  Concept: Stick to your heart and be independent and self-respecting

  Chapter 1 Idol 1

  Wangjing is one of the top entertainment companies in China. The industry chain for cultivating artists is becoming mature and covers a wide range of entertainment industries. Every day, countless young people with dreams come here to create their own legends.

  Lin Shuang went through several rounds of brutal screening before coming here. In the corridor on the tenth floor of a high-rise building in Wangjing, one can see photos of Wangjing artists carefully placed on the wall. Each of the photos is a well-known figure in the entertainment industry today , and these photos inspire countless ambitious young people.

  As the lead singer of a fledgling band, every time Lin Song passed that corridor and walked to the practice room at the end, the first thing he saw was always that photo.

  The photo was not from some gorgeous and exquisite photo shoot, nor was it from some star-studded award ceremony. The photo was taken in his familiar practice room. The man in the photo was sitting astride the window with a guitar in his arms, and the moonlight generously enveloped him.

  The man in the photo is the most popular idol in the circle today - Ning Yan.

  As we all know, Ning Yan joined an idol group through a talent show at the age of seventeen. His popularity remained high before the group debuted, and he has been even more popular after the group disbanded.

  As a dream factory for creating stars, many people come to Wangjing just to replicate his path to fame and become another rising star.

  Lin Song has always been self-important and complacent. But the deeper he gets into this circle, the more he realizes how difficult it is to stand out in this circle just by relying on so-called talent. Most people may be so conceited that they can't stand out even if they work hard all their lives.

  This is an arena for starlight, but it also buries the light.

  The more cruel the law of the jungle is, the more it highlights how difficult it is for people to be well-known in this circle today.

  Today is the first album released by their group since its debut. In order to continue to make efforts in the future, the company specially asked Ning Yan to record a promotional video to increase the exposure of the group.

  I heard that Ning Yan has been on the set recently, and he took a special leave this time to have a non-stop schedule. When his agent learned that he was coming to the company, he specially asked them to come to express his gratitude. Although it was arranged by the company, Wangjing has always had the tradition of seniors helping juniors, but they still have to be polite.

  This was the first time that Lin Song met Ning Yan face to face. Even though he had passed by that corridor countless times and seen his photos and videos of him attending events, when the agent introduced them to him with a smile, Lin Song subconsciously tensed up the moment his eyes looked at him.

  He couldn't describe the feeling, even though he was the same height as him and there was no contempt in his eyes when he looked at him, he still knew that they were different.

  There was a sky full of stars and countless eyes between them. Although he remained gentle and polite to his unknown junior, he could only force a stiff smile to hide the hidden emotions in his heart.

  After saying thank you, Lin Song and the others did not leave immediately, but watched Ning Yan's interview recording. Although he had a heavy schedule, his face did not show any signs of fatigue, and he was always calm and measured.

  Everyone's attention was on him. Lin Song relaxed his body and half leaned against the wall. His eyes were obscure and unclear because of his hair. Hearing his teammates expressing their excitement and admiration for Ning Yan, he just remained silent.

  He slowly looked away, but suddenly caught a glimpse of the figure standing in the corner.

  It was a tall and slender figure. The simple close-fitting gray skirt with a corset perfectly showed off her waistline and posture. Looking upwards, one could see a low ponytail that was casually pulled up, and a fair neck that was half-hidden by her hair.

  Even if she said nothing and just stood there quietly, no one could look away once they noticed her.

  Even if you can't see the face clearly, you can still feel the presence of the heart beating.

  "Look, look! Which artist is this?" The person next to him also noticed it and exclaimed.

  "Where is this?" Others stopped discussing and came over, "Where did this beautiful girl come from? How come I have never seen her before?"

  "He should be a new employee in the company, right? He looks so cute and innocent."

  The person being talked about didn't notice at all, her eyes were always fixed on the person who was shining brightly in the crowd.

  "What are you thinking about?" Someone slapped him on the back of the head without any hesitation. They turned around and saw that it was their agent.

  The agent was an old employee of the company, with sharp eyes. He recognized her identity at a glance. Then he followed her gaze to the center of the crowd not far away, and an unfathomable expression appeared on his weather-beaten face.

  "Don't look at her, she's not from the same industry." Then he turned around, put his hands behind his back and called out, "What are you still waiting for? Go back to rehearsal!"

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Previous article: Paper Wedding_Wang Ruo【Complete】Next article: Puppy gives you a hug_Cooking Puppy [End]
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (3)
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  Hearing this, everyone stopped thinking. The five older boys wailed, their faces showing misery, but their bodies followed obediently.

  The rehearsal ended very late that day. As the team leader, Lin Song stayed until the end, waiting for his agent to explain the future arrangements. When he raised his hand to say goodbye, Lin Song couldn't help but asked, "Brother Jiang, what did that sentence mean?"

  "What?" Manager Jiang was stunned at first, and when he realized what he was asking, his eyes suddenly became serious. However, when he saw the seriousness in the eyes of Lin Song, who was always rebellious, he couldn't help but sigh.

  Still a child after all.

  "Don't worry about it. She is the daughter of Wangjing's CEO."

  No need to say much, just a simple sentence with a sigh, as if warning or alerting someone.

  At a distant time, Lin Song came to the company for the last time to terminate his contract. After coming out of the office, he stood in front of the window in the corridor and was in a daze for a long time, so long that when he saw two figures standing side by side, he suddenly came to his senses and remembered some rumors that he had inadvertently heard when he was in the company.

  It is said that the daughter of Wangjing's CEO is a fanatical fan of Ning Yan. From the time Ning Yan entered Wangjing's company through a talent show to her solo debut, she has been able to rise to the top all the way, which is inseparable from this reason. And only with this identity, even when Ning Yan was at the peak of his career, there was no news about them.

  The rumors might be exaggerated, but when they passed by him, Lin Song still noticed the eyes she looked at Ning Yan.

  A love that is blazing and bright, sincere and fearless, and open and honest.

  That coldness seemed to be completely washed away by those eyes.

  Even though he knew that luck alone would not allow him to get that far in this circle, and he also knew that rumors were mixed and should not be taken seriously, he still couldn't help but feel envious. Ning Yan was indeed very lucky, wasn't he?

  Being followed by such a pair of pure and passionate eyes.

  Ning Yan, who was surrounded by a crowd of people, raised his head with awareness and saw Wen Zishu in the distance. She stood gracefully outside the crowd, but her eyes, which were looking at him, never deviated from the direction.

  There were so many passionate and intense gazes around him, but he could still feel her.

  Suddenly their eyes met. Even though they were so far away that their eyebrows couldn't be clearly seen, Wen Zishu still blinked awkwardly, as if she wanted to restrain those overly explicit and inappropriate emotions. Then she slightly raised the corners of her mouth, tilted her head and pointed to the right. After making sure that he understood, she walked away first.

  Ning Yan withdrew his gaze, as if that moment of wandering had never occurred. The assistant beside him helped him separate himself from the crowd.

  "I'm sorry, Ning Yan has other work to do later, so that's all for today. Please make way for me. Thank you for your cooperation!" Ning Yan said goodbye to them with a smile, and reminded them to be careful and not to crowd.

  Until he reached the floor where the studio was and saw the figure standing in front of the stairs.

  She walked towards him, and the smile in her eyes began to deepen the moment he appeared, but she first waved to the assistant who had tactfully not come closer, and then looked at him.

  Wen Zishu watched the hero in the story walking towards her step by step.

  After all, he is the male lead. Both his face and figure are pleasing to the eye, blessed by God. Coupled with his own temperament and the makeup artist's creation, people only feel that no matter how dazzling the starlight is concentrated on him, it will not diminish his own brilliance.

  Some people are born with brilliance.

  Wen Zishu kept smiling, and no one could hear what was going on in her heart.

  A Nian: He’s very handsome, right? My leading actor.


  System : Your handsome hero has met his heroine.

  There was no hint of tone in the system's mechanical and rigid voice, but A Nian chuckled in his heart.

  The hero and heroine in this world are the popular idol Ning Yan and the powerful actress Song Nuan. They fell in love through movies and became the envy of the entertainment industry. As the storyline develops to the present, Ning Yan and Song Nuan have become friends after a period of cooperation. As a professional actor, Song Nuan provides Ning Yan with a lot of help in acting.

  Ah Nian is a veteran tasker in the system world. She can select the world by binding tasks to the task space , and travel through the storyline to achieve the final strategy goal. This time she chose the "Female Supporting Character Counterattack Strategy". Most of the characters in this task world are those cannon fodder female supporting characters who originally had the upper hand. Although they always appear by the side of the male protagonist first, they are still no match for the female protagonist who comes later, and finally have to leave the stage in loneliness. Her task is to help them get the love of the male protagonist and fulfill their unattainable wishes.

  "Long time no see." She paused before calling out his name, "Ning Yan."

  Ning Yan stopped at the most appropriate distance according to social etiquette, and her smile seemed to have no barriers at all. It had indeed been a long time since their last unpleasant parting.

  He thought so, but smiled gently, "Long time no see."

  That handsome and elegant face with a warm smile was even more fascinating at such a close distance.

  It's a pity that this smile, just like the one he showed to other people just now, didn't make any difference because of her. The more gentle and friendly someone looks, the harder it is to let down your guard.

  In this story, Wen Zishu was initially attracted to Ning Yan and became his fan, but later the relationship gradually deteriorated. She was such an introverted and reserved person, and her love was also restrained and silent. She didn't even dare to try to possess him. Until the end of the story, everyone thought that her love for Ning Yan was just a fan's admiration and worship for an idol, and even Ning Yan thought so.

  Why does the love that still shines even when we are far apart through the screen retreat when we get close?

  Chapter 2 Idol 2

  "How do you feel about being on the set?" Wen Zishu's eyes fell on him and she hesitated, "I heard that Director Luo is very strict."

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Previous article: Paper Wedding_Wang Ruo【Complete】Next article: Puppy gives you a hug_Cooking Puppy [End]
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (4)
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  Ning Yan noticed her reservedness and knew why she was being so reserved, so he naturally wouldn't bring up the past and make it awkward for either of them.

  "It was a little bit difficult to adapt to at first, but I got used to it later." He smiled and said, "Director Luo is very demanding, but not too strict."

  His attitude when dealing with people is always like this, neither cold nor hot, not making people feel perfunctory, but also making it difficult to get closer to him, because he is alienated in his bones.

  Ning Yan had specially taken leave this time to "repay his debts", and his schedule was very tight. After just a few words, Wen Zishu saw the figure of his agent Lin Ke not far away. He seemed to want to urge him but did not step forward because of her.

  Ning Yan also noticed him, but before he could say anything, Wen Zishu's eyes darkened, but her smile was still gentle, and she spoke first considerately.

  "Brother Lin seems to be urging me. I am sorry for wasting your time. Go and get busy first."

  "It's just a chat, it doesn't count as a waste of time. I'll be leaving now, and we'll talk next time." He always spoke in such a considerate and caring way.

  Just as he was about to leave, Wen Zishu called him again.

  "Ning Yan." He turned around, and Wen Zishu's eyes were filled with concern and worry. "Remember to get some rest."

  Although he concealed it well, she could still see through the fatigue beneath his smile. Ning Yan was startled, and before she could respond, Wen Zishu's voice became even softer.

  "If you feel tired, you can listen to some songs. Every time I feel confused, I listen to your songs and I feel much better."

  Although she was spoiled since she was young, Wen Zishu was never the kind of arrogant and domineering lady. On the contrary, she was well-mannered since she was born. Therefore, she was always humble and polite in dealing with people. Even as the daughter of a company boss, she never acted arrogantly. Even if she was his fan, she kept the proper distance.

  For example, now, although she noticed something, she did not point it out, but just expressed her concern gently in her own way.

  Ning Yan was distracted for a moment and stopped because he noticed something strange in her words.

  Wen Zishu's eyes passed through him and looked at Lin Ke who was a little anxious in front of her. She raised her chin and signaled to him, "Brother Lin is urging you, so see you next time." While speaking, she took the initiative to wave goodbye to her agent in the distance.

  Ning Yan knew his schedule well. He had his own bottom line and requirements. He had never been late for any event over the years. So even though he couldn't help but feel surprised, he didn't hesitate any more. He turned around and walked quickly to his agent, and the two of them rushed to the next recording site together.

  While Lin Ke was negotiating with the staff of the next session, he could also carefully notice the strange expression of his own artist, "What's wrong?" He turned around and glanced at the figure who was still there, "What did Zishu say to you? Haven't you explained the last matter clearly?"

  The entire company knew that their boss's daughter was a loyal fan of Ning Yan. They had witnessed the little girl's daily star-chasing life with their own eyes. In addition, Wen Zishu's personality was sweet and gentle, so the staff around Ning Yan couldn't help but treat her as a little sister and would occasionally use this as an excuse to tease her.

  After all, the graceful and elegant Miss Wen only acts like a shy little girl when she meets Ning Yan.

  But... Lin Ke thought of the only time Wen Zishu acted unusually, and a look of worry appeared on his face.

  Ning Yan shook his head, and after a while, he hesitated and asked, "Does it look obvious to me?"

  After all, they have been partners for several years and know each other well. Lin Ke immediately understood what he meant and stopped typing.

  "There was something wrong with you during this filming. You don't know that when I first picked you up from the crew, you looked strange to me."

  Ning Yan is not a professional actor after all. To play such a complex and profound role well, he can only devote himself to it. Lin Ke has heard about this situation in the industry. When he saw Ning Yan like this, he was thinking about finding a psychologist to help him. But fortunately, once he entered the working state, Ning Yan returned to normal mode. Now, there is no abnormality.

  "What? Zishu also found out?" After getting Ning Yan's answer, Lin Ke raised his eyebrows in surprise, but then smiled, "Our Zishu really deserves to be your loyal fan."

  If you don't know a person very well, how can you tell that something is wrong with him the moment you meet him?

  Ning Yan didn't say anything, but when he reached the corner, he looked back for some unknown reason. From such a distance, he could only see that slim figure.

  But he felt inexplicably confident in his heart.

  She was looking at herself, she should be smiling.

  Ning Yan had always known that his boss' daughter was his fan, but he didn't take it to heart. The young man's mind was fickle, and his love for something came and went easily. He just regarded it as a little girl's whim, so he naturally didn't care.

  But I didn't expect that she said she liked him and had liked him for so many years.

  This circle is changing with each passing day, new generation idols emerge in endlessly, and the names on the entertainment charts have been updated several times, but she has always been his fan.

  At first, even Ning Yan's team couldn't figure out Wen Zishu's attitude. As the daughter of the Wangjing CEO, she naturally didn't need to worry about anything, and she made no secret of her enthusiasm and love for him. The chairman's doting and indulgence of his own daughter inevitably made people a little worried.

  But later everyone realized that it was their own thoughts that were too complicated.

  Over the years, the most outrageous thing Wen Zishu has done by taking advantage of her identity as the daughter of the chairman of Wangjing Entertainment is to get VIP seats at every Ning Yan concert, to be the first to know about her idol's dynamics and the latest autographed albums.

  Her feelings for him were nothing more than the purest and most sincere feelings of a girl.

  Wen Zishu is indeed a very sensible person. She has always adhered to her duties as a fan and has never interfered with any work matters related to Ning Yan.

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Previous article: Paper Wedding_Wang Ruo【Complete】Next article: Puppy gives you a hug_Cooking Puppy [End]
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (5)
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  So no one would have thought that after learning the news that Ning Yan was about to play the leading role in Director Luo's movie, she would stop him and express her disapproval.

  Ning Yan still remembered the day he came to the company to sign a contract. As soon as the elevator opened, he saw Wen Zishu standing in front of him with an unusually serious expression. Others noticed her unusualness, looked at each other, and then went into the meeting room first to leave space for them.

  She seemed to have been choosing her words for a long time, and at the moment when the footsteps disappeared, they both spoke together.

  "Zi Shu, what's the matter?"

  "Can we not take the photo?"

  The sudden words caused both sides to fall silent.

  This was the first time she had interfered with his work arrangements.

  Ning Yan did not give a direct answer, but asked first: "Is this your opinion or the company's?"

  These are two completely different natures, but Ning Yan also knows that if she wants, the company may not necessarily go her way. The chairman has always doted on his youngest daughter, not to mention that this is one of her rare wishes, so naturally he is reluctant to go against her.

  "If I say that it's me and I hope you don't make this movie, then..."

  Wen Zishu stood in front of him, her tone as gentle as ever, but with a tremor that she herself was not aware of. She didn't know that her sparkling silver eyes looked like she was about to shed tears.

  However, he didn't understand where her mood swings came from.

  Ning Yan looked at such eyes and did not avoid them, "Then I would ask, why?"

  Why? When the cast and script of the movie were announced, he knew that many of his fans were opposed.

  This is a realistic theme, and the role he plays is not positive. As early as when he negotiated with the director, he knew that a lot of intimate plots were inevitable. The director chose him to be the male lead, and he chose to take on this movie. It was an adventure for both of them.

  He has played many guest roles over the years, but he is inevitably limited by his idol status. When the director found him, his team was surprised. Traffic itself is a double-edged sword, not to mention that he is not a professional actor.

  But with such an opportunity in front of him, he had no reason to refuse, nor could he let the director down.

  He has always been like this. Once he makes a decision, he will go all out.

  After the news came out, there were many doubts from both inside and outside the industry. However, he did not expect Wen Zishu to be one of them.

  He looked at her, unable to suppress the feeling of disappointment rising in his heart.

  "Ms. Wen, you know, this is a decision I made after discussing with the team and the company. If there is no reasonable reason, I can't agree to it."

  In just a few moments, his name had changed from Zishu to Miss Wen.

  His attitude was always gentle and polite, and he was neither humble nor arrogant even when facing her inexplicable request. But Wen Zishu opened her mouth, but in the end she could only close it in vain.

  Wen Zishu's upbringing prevented her from doing anything unreasonable. Moreover, she couldn't explain her thoughts clearly. What was she afraid of? Was she afraid that he would get too deeply into the role, or that he would turn the fake into real life?

  She always felt as if she was about to lose something, even though she didn't have it.

  They didn't remain in a stalemate for too long. Seeing that she was just silent, Ning Yan said, "Director Luo and the others are waiting. I'll leave first."

  He didn't look back at those eyes that were filled with so many inexplicable emotions, but walked around her and into the meeting room.

  "I'm sorry I'm late."

  Facing the puzzled look of his agent Lin Ke, he shook his head inaudibly.

  Then, during the negotiation between him and Director Luo, no one came in to disturb them, as if the previous incident was just a harmless episode. They successfully signed the contract and began to prepare to join the crew.

  Until he joined the group, he had never seen Wen Zishu again.

  After more than a month of seclusion for filming, he felt an uncomfortable and unfamiliar feeling towards the prosperous new world outside when he came out. This unfamiliarity was not only towards the outside world but also towards himself. For a moment, he couldn't tell which Ning Yan was the real Ning Yan. Perhaps everything was just a show.

  There was even a moment of noise when he wanted to go back to the deep mountains and forests.

  It was not until he started the interview and stood in front of the media again that he gradually returned to reality, but there was still a sense of distortion in his body.

  So the moment he saw Wen Zishu, he, who had always been dedicated to his work, was distracted for a moment, and he suddenly recalled that inexplicable dispute.

  As a mature entertainment company, Wangjing has always been very timely in controlling public opinion. Ning Yan has too much traffic and too many eyes are focused on him, so they will naturally protect their own artists and ladies.

  But there is no impenetrable wall in the circle. Although no one will gossip about the rumor that the eldest lady of Wangjing is obsessed with the company's artists, it is inevitable that rumors will spread in private, and the rumors will always change their meaning if they are spread too much.

  But Ning Yan and the people around him would not care about those exaggerated nonsense. Although Wen Zishu was his fan, her love was not crazy. More often, her love was like the bouquet of tulips that arrived as promised after each performance, exuding a gentle and light fragrance.

  But that day, he saw her stubbornness and persistence for the first time. Even during the thirty days without any contact, those eyes would occasionally appear before his eyes in his spare time.

  On that day, she was like a dormant volcano, steam rising from the sea, revealing her scorching interior.

  He couldn't help being surprised, confused, but he couldn't ignore it completely either.

  To this day, she still has no explanation for her sudden behavior that day, but when Ning Yan looked into those eyes again, it seemed as if she could see through that gentle sea and see the secret suppressed deep inside.

  An incredible answer flashed through his mind.

  That was a possibility he had never guessed, but it was not completely impossible.

  Chapter 3 Idol 3

  Ning Yan had just gotten into the car when he received a message from Song Nuan.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (6)
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  "What's the world like outside the mountain? Big stars."

  Song Nuan is the heroine of this movie. They had never worked together before filming, but fortunately she is a cheerful and playful person, and she became familiar with the crew in a few days. On the set, he was often infected by her enthusiasm and happiness.

  More importantly, although he had acted in dramas before, most of the roles were not difficult. This was his first time to play such a complex and heavy role. During the filming process, he was unable to really get into the role. When he was unable to do his best, he was not without frustration and depression, and even doubted whether his choice was correct. Perhaps it was right to let Wen Zishu stop him.

  As the heroine who had the most scenes with him, she naturally noticed his problems. Not only did she give him a lot of help, but she also taught him many acting skills. Even someone as cold as Ning Yan gradually opened up to Song Nuan and they became close friends.

  At this moment, he could imagine her teasing expression from the teasing tone, and couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth.

  ——To be honest, life as an idol is not bad.

  Because Song Nuan is a professional actor, whenever Ning Yan encounters problems with acting, he always subconsciously wants to ask her. For example, he seemed to be too immersed in the role. Although he has recovered now, he still remembers the feeling of self-rejection he had not long ago.

  He typed hesitantly: It's just me...

  He was still considering his words when he heard the voice of his assistant Su Yujie.

  "Brother Ning, it's a flower."

  He looked up and saw red tulips, passionate and unrestrained. Over the years, there was only one person who would greet him with tulips at every concert.

  Everyone around Ning Yan knew about Wen Zishu's habit.

  Su Yujie was confused and said, "Strange, today is not a concert, why would Sister Zishu specially send flowers over?"

  Ning Yan did not respond, but reached out and took out the card on the bouquet. When she saw the words on the card clearly, she was stunned, and then the smile disappeared from her brows.

  ——Belated congratulations on the start of filming, so I wish you a happy wrap-up in advance! (If you need, I can recommend a few songs of my idols to you, you will definitely like them.)

  Her idol is self-evident.

  He changed his mind, swiped his finger, exited the chat page, and opened the music software. Maybe it would be useful?

  Su Yujie was still thinking about it, and when he thought of something and looked up, he saw that Ning Yan had closed his eyes, with headphones in his ears, and seemed to be listening to music.

  The mobile phone screen next to it fell into darkness because it was not in use.

  Ning Yan has seen countless fans since his debut. Some of them waited patiently at the gate where he boarded or disembarked to see him. Some of them saved money just to buy a concert ticket that was closer to him. Some of them even held a half-height device to look him in the eye from both ends of the camera...

  Some people take a quick glance and then disappear into the crowd, while others follow you day after day for ten years.

  He has long been accustomed to the coming and going of people around him over the years, and to the fleeting love and admiration. It is impossible for him to remember every fan, nor is it possible for him to empathize with every encounter.

  But the moment he saw the card, he realized that his first impression of Wen Zishu was clearer than he thought.

  At that time, they were at the peak of their popularity. The young people were clean and bright, and they captured the hearts of countless people. After the recording of a program was finished, they walked out of the studio while thanking the staff, and as soon as they walked out, they saw the chairman of Wangjing standing outside the door.

  “Thank you for the hard work in recording.”

  After some simple pleasantries, the boss patted the head of the person next to him and introduced them with a smile: "This is my daughter. She likes your group very much."

  Only then did they notice the girl next to him, who was wearing a school uniform, with a neat high ponytail and a faint smile.

  "Hello, I'm Wen Zishu, and I'm your fan." The girl who looked soft and tender spoke in a very confident manner. Then her eyes fell on Ning Yan, and she suddenly became uneasy. "I, I'm also Qingqing's student."

  With her sharp transformation, everyone immediately knew who she was coming for. As the most popular lead singer in the group, everyone was used to it.

  "Hello, I'm Ning Yan." The young man's fingers were white and slender, and he clenched them lightly and then separated them.

  Ning Yan had received countless such admiring looks since he became famous, but he remained calm as always. Even when the visitor was the daughter of his superior, he simply expressed his gratitude in a gentle and polite manner.

  The complacent young man will not remember every loving look, but his tenderness and thoughtfulness will shine on everyone who looks at him.

  Under the autographed photo was a handwritten note: "Thank you for your support."

  In recent years, there have been countless idols in the entertainment industry, and their names appearing on the entertainment headlines are changing in turn every day. As she said, she has always been supporting him as a fan.

  Even he himself, even though he was always grateful for the love he received, sometimes felt confused when he stood on the stage. What on earth did those people who raised glow sticks and looked at him with tears in their eyes love about him?

  How can someone passionately love someone who is far away?

  There was no dispute between them in the original story line. Wen Zishu always respected Ning Yan and she faithfully supported all his decisions and choices.

  Even after learning the news, she felt an uneasiness in her heart that she couldn't even explain.

  This uneasiness was later confirmed, and this drama indeed laid the foundation for the relationship between Ning Yan and Song Nuan.

  Ning Yan, who had been going smoothly all the way, suffered a severe setback during the filming of this movie. He was surrounded by glory all the way and naturally did not notice the glory of others. That was why Song Nuan, who appeared by his side when he was in trouble, seemed special.

  In addition, he was too immersed in the role during the filming. Although he was able to deal with his mentality later, it must be said that his later relationship with Song Nuan also laid the foundation for the character's emotions. With such deep emotions, how could the actor not be moved by it?

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[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (7)
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  A Nian entered the plot neither too early nor too late, just after Ning Yan made the decision to star in the movie.

  She could certainly try to stop him from signing the contract, but that would certainly cause him to resent it. No one likes others to dictate their lives, even in the name of love. Moreover, she did not intend to stop Song Nuan from entering his life.

  After all, it would be more interesting this way.

  The mission copy will not force the host to follow the story line. She only needs to get the love of the target without deviating too much from the character setting.

  After writing the card, Wen Zishu put it into the bouquet, bent down and took a light sniff. She really enjoyed this task.

  I also like the floral scent that is soaked in love.

  Ning Yan took three days off to work, and returned to the crew to film as soon as he finished all his schedules. The crew had strict control and there was almost no news. However, he didn't expect that any news would be bad.

  It is said that the car broke down during the filming, causing Ning Yan to fail to brake in time and get into a car accident. She was sent to the hospital at the time of the accident. Although the studio immediately issued a statement to appease fans, it still became a hot search.

  Ning Yan, who was in a coma, was unaware of all this.

  When he slowly woke up, he first heard Lin Ke's voice talking in a low voice, as if he was talking to someone on the phone.

  "He hasn't woken up yet... There's no one here right now... When you come back..."

  The next second, the sound was interrupted by an excited female voice.

  "Ning Yan." Song Nuan noticed his movements immediately and stood up quickly. "How are you? Do you feel better?"

  He rubbed his head and his eyes gradually became clear. He could see Song Nuan who came to his bed with a concerned look on her face. Lin Ke beside him also came forward, helped Ning Yan sit up, and pressed the pager.

  Ning Yan smiled at the two of them, his voice a little weak, "I'm fine."

  Lin Ke breathed a sigh of relief after the doctor examined him and said there was nothing serious. He first looked at Song Nuan, then pointed outside the door towards Ning Yan.

  "Then you guys chat first, I'll go outside and make a phone call."

  There are still a series of things to come, and only after knowing that Ning Yan is fine can he deal with them with peace of mind.

  Ning Yan noticed that he did not hang up the phone, but he did not say anything, just nodded.

  Lin Ke even thoughtfully closed the door when he left.

  With the sound of the door lock closing, "Would you like some fruit?" Song Nuan sat down on the chair and looked at the fruit on the table.

  "No." Ning Yan shook his head slowly and took the cup of water she handed over, "Thank you."

  Although he had just woken up, he was still in good spirits, but his complexion looked a little pale.

  After all, he was a handsome young man. He drank water with his eyes half-closed. The blue and white hospital gown made him look frail, adding a bit of indescribable charm.

  Ning Yan took a sip of water and asked, "But why are you here? Will Director Luo let you go?"

  The crew was on a tight schedule and Director Luo was his usual impartial and impartial self-discipline.

  Seeing that he was still in the mood to joke, Song Nuan felt relieved, "It's okay, did you forget, I'm shooting a night scene today, I'll just rush back later."

  Their filming schedules just happened to overlap recently, and that's why she was able to come to the hospital to see him when she learned that he had been in a car accident.

  Ning Yan looked at the clock in the room. "That's why you don't have to come to see me. You should conserve your energy and have a good rest. It's a big project tonight."

  "But if something happens to you, what should I do..." Song Nuan stopped talking halfway.

  When she got the news that Ning Yan was in trouble, she was completely shocked. Even though she knew that all major media outlets were paying attention to the news, she still found a way to rush to the hospital just to see him.

  As soon as the words fell, both of them fell silent, but both knew what the unfinished second half of the sentence meant.

  Her face showed undisguised concern and worry. Thinking of how her movements were even faster than Lin Ke's when she just woke up, Ning Yan's heart softened and his eyes gradually became gentle.

  He was about to speak, but was interrupted by several knocks on the door.

  "I have sent away all the media outside the hospital. Director Luo said that you should rest well in the hospital these days and don't worry about the crew." Lin Ke walked in with a bouquet of flowers, put the flowers on the table while speaking, and then turned to look at Song Nuan.

  "However, Miss Song, you still have to be careful when you go out. I'm afraid there are still paparazzi hiding outside and refusing to leave."

  Song Nuan nodded, and her cell phone vibrated. It was a call from her assistant. She looked outside the door and saw the assistant standing at the door waving at her, reminding her that it was getting late.

  "Then I..." She pursed her lips and looked at Ning Yan hesitantly, but found that Ning Yan's gaze had turned to the bouquet of flowers at some point, with a heavy look in his eyes. He only came back to his senses when he heard her speak.

  Ning Yan smiled and said: "Thank you for coming to see me, be careful on the road."

  This was his usual gentle advice, but out of a woman's intuition, Song Nuan felt a little weird. She nodded and forced a smile, "Then you have a good rest. I'll come to see you next time."

  Lin Ke had just come in and didn't even sit down when he picked up his coat. The message notification on his phone kept ringing, and he spoke faster. "I'll take Miss Song out. I just happened to have something else to deal with. Xiao Su went to get the toiletries and will be here soon. If you have anything to do, just go find him. I may be a little late tomorrow morning."

  What he meant was that he should have a good rest and not worry about other things.

  "Okay." Ning Yan paused as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it and watched them leave the door.

  However, at the moment the door closed, Song Nuan saw from the corner of her eye that he sat up straight and reached for the bouquet of flowers.

  It was a bouquet of fresh white tulips.

  Who sent it?

  Chapter 4 Idol 4

  When Lin Ke walked in with the bouquet of white tulips, Ning Yan guessed who sent the flowers and who called Lin Ke just now.

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (8)
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  but why……

  When the room was completely quiet, Ning Yan's hand uncontrollably reached into the bouquet for the card that he had noticed at the beginning.

  But when I opened it, it was unexpectedly blank.

  He was just staring blankly when suddenly a message came from his cell phone. It was the person he had guessed.

  Wen Zishu: Take good care of your injuries.

  Ning Yan stared at the four simple words for a long time without moving. Everything was as he had guessed, but also different from what he had imagined. Even he couldn't tell whether he felt disappointment or something else at this moment.

  The next second, another message.

  Wen Zishu: Go to bed early.

  At that moment, he suddenly felt blessed, as if he had realized something. Perhaps because the room was too quiet, he was eager to talk to someone, even though they were not close to Wen Zishu.

  As soon as this thought came to his mind, his finger unconsciously touched the call button.

  The person on the other end picked up the phone almost immediately, leaving him no time to regret.

  The call was connected, but neither of them spoke. The only sound in their ears was the crackling of electricity and the intertwined breathing.

  Ning Yan's fingers unconsciously stroked the blank little card. He held it close enough to faintly smell the floral scent on the card.

  "Have you been here?" Perhaps due to his weak body, his voice became soft, and he directly cast out the doubts in his heart.

  Wen Zishu did not answer his question, "How do you feel now? Does the wound still hurt?"

  The gentle voice from the other end of the phone fell into his ears, like the sound of Xiaotan Creek flowing through the mountain stream, bringing indescribable comfort. Ning Yan subconsciously changed to a more comfortable position and leaned on the pillow.

  "It's not a serious injury. I feel much better now." He answered her question first, and then changed the way he asked, "Why don't you come in now that you're here?"

  Seeing that she couldn't escape, the girl made up an excuse, "There are too many paparazzi outside, and I'm afraid they will make up stories."

  Ning Yan laughed muffledly, "Miss Wen is not someone who would care about paparazzi."

  If she really cared about him, she wouldn't have followed his schedule so often over the years. She was just relying on the company to help her shut up the paparazzi.

  She laughed too, her laughter was short and shallow, like a kitten gently scratching your chest.

  But the next second, her voice suddenly became low, "Ning Yan, I'm sorry."

  Ning Yan put away the smile on his face and asked softly, "Why do you want to apologize?"

  "I told you before that I don't want you to go to film." She paused after saying this.

  Well, regarding her sudden action that day, no one knew what was going on. Ning Yan did not urge her, but just waited quietly, waiting for an answer that he also cared about.

  After a long time, her voice slowly came from the other end.

  "Because I like you, I get a lot of strength from it, so sometimes I really want to do something for you. Sometimes this feeling is too urgent, so urgent that I even lose my reason and sense of proportion, even though I have been reminding myself."

  Although Ning Yan knew that the love that Wen Zishu mentioned was just the kind of love that fans have for their idols, his heart still skipped a beat at her straightforward words.

  The unreasonable obstruction and vague words seemed to tear the hole in the speculation, making it easier to be peeped into.


  "That day I heard my colleagues in the company chatting about seniors who retired from acting because they were too immersed in their roles, and I suddenly felt a little scared. They all said that it is easy to get too immersed in acting, and I was afraid that I might not be able to see you again, just like three years ago."

  Three years ago? Ning Yan lowered his eyes.

  Even though he was considered a gifted talent by everyone, he had a long period of time when no one cared about him before he appeared on the stage. He never got discouraged because he was not seen, but he underestimated what he would suffer when he stood under the spotlight. His fame at a young age brought him countless glory, but also carried malice that others could not imagine. No one knew that he had thought about giving up in countless late nights, but when the sun rose, everyone saw his impeccable smile.

  Those who suppressed their tempers and thought they didn't care eventually exploded.

  The three years ago she mentioned was probably his darkest time. He had just experienced the disbandment of his band, and at a party he had a serious stage accident that damaged his vocal cords. What finally overwhelmed him was that he sat in his room for countless days and nights, but could not write a single song.

  There was a time when he thought he would leave the stage completely.

  His personality would not allow him to show any weakness to outsiders, so he asked Lin Ke to help him turn down all the work and chose to go abroad alone to relax and recuperate. During that time, no one knew where he was going, and no one knew how he was healing little by little.

  Her words were filled with regret. "But I should trust you, right? As a fan, I should trust all the decisions you make. Just like three years ago, I could have done it three years ago, why have I forgotten it now?"

  Hearing her words, some neglected details in my memory that I had not noticed at first were suddenly triggered after so many years.

  He remembered that on the day when he adjusted himself and showed up at the company, the only bright spot in the neat and clean office came from the bunch of yellow tulips on the desk.

  But at that time he was busy with his return and immersed in the joy of everyone knowing that he had recovered, so he didn't care about the origin of the bouquet of flowers.

  Now that I think about it, it was her, and it could only be her.

  He looked at the bouquet of tulips beside the bed, and the dew-covered tulips of that morning came to his mind. Such a bright and colorful bouquet, but the person who received the flowers didn't care at all.

  She knew he didn't want to be disturbed, so she didn't ask Lin Ke where he was. But she would put a bunch of new tulips on his desk every day after he left.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (9)
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  Ning Yan gently covered her eyes and felt the warmth.

  Not only did he arrogantly take her trust and love for granted, he also misunderstood her and her original intention and purpose in stopping him.

  The silence on the other end of the phone lasted so long that Wen Zishu began to feel uneasy and her tone became cautious, "Ning Yan, are you listening?"

  "I'm..." When he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice had become dry, "Zi Shu..."

  He called her name gently, with great solemnity, "Thank you for your love all the time, and thank you for what you said."

  This is a thank you that is many years late.

  "You didn't do anything wrong. I should be the one to apologize."

  He was used to her being his fan, used to her always supporting all his decisions. So when she suddenly didn't stand in his camp, he felt disappointed at first.

  She was clearly worried about him, but he misunderstood that she didn't trust him.

  "Ah?" Wen Zishu was stunned.

  But Ning Yan remembered another thing, "So you noticed something was wrong with me that day." On the day he went to the company, she saw the difference under his disguise at a glance, "You are reminding me, right?"

  "Yeah." She chose her words carefully. "That day you were being interviewed, but your fingers were tapping the microphone. This is a little movement you make when you are upset. And your eyes, that is, I don't know how to put it, but your eyes are different from usual. Ning Yan's eyes are very gentle and peaceful, but that day..."

  So that’s how it is. That’s how Ning Yan is in her eyes.

  Perhaps it was because the night was too gentle, or perhaps it was because the fragrance of the flowers was too charming, but for the first time, he wanted to let down all his defenses and open up his deepest part to others.

  "Zishu, actually, even now, I can't say that the decision I made was right. I had no idea how to play this role at the beginning. You probably wouldn't have guessed that I was the one who made the most NGs in the entire crew. Later, when I found a way and devoted myself to the role, I found that it had such a profound influence on me, so profound that it almost replaced me."

  Although she didn't speak, he could feel her breathing rising and falling with his words. Because of her presence, he had the courage to say these words.

  "Even if I leave the crew and that environment, his shadow still looms over me, making me feel repulsed by the real world. I'm trying to control myself, but I can't seem to completely get rid of his influence. Moreover, as long as I want to play this role well, I can't get rid of it." He smiled bitterly, his voice becoming low, "Maybe your worry is right, I can't play this role well..."

  "I'm not worried about that." She eagerly denied his words, "I've always known that you're amazing, no matter what you do. I will question everything in this world, even myself, but I won't question this."

  Her decisive voice fell into his ears, as if trying to dispel the self-doubt that followed him like a shadow. He stood on the bed in a daze for a long time before a smile appeared on his lips.

  There is someone who trusts him more than he trusts himself.

  I have to say that being trusted so firmly is indeed a very happy thing.

  “So, is it still like this now?” She spoke softly, as if talking to an extremely fragile child. “I was thinking, if you feel that you can’t see yourself clearly, you can listen to the songs you wrote, and maybe you won’t feel so unfamiliar with your true self.”

  The girl was too gentle, so gentle that he had the illusion that she would agree to whatever he asked for.

  As he thought about this, the words came out of his mouth. "I have tried your method, but listening to my own voice doesn't seem to have that effect."

  The person on the other side paused for a moment, and he said hesitantly, "Then... do you want me to sing a song for you?"


  "Which song shall we sing?"

  "Sing what you can sing."

  "I can sing every one of your songs! And I remember every one of them clearly!"

  When she heard his chuckle, she realized what she had said, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn't say a word.

  That day, they talked on the phone for a long time. He felt a wonderful feeling listening to that gentle and pleasant voice singing his song.

  Because of the effect of the drug, Ning Yan fell into sleep uncontrollably. A second before he lost consciousness, he was still thinking that he forgot to tell her that she sang very well.

  Only after hearing the light breathing sound from the other end of the phone did Wen Zishu hang up and walk into the ward.

  She stood in front of the bed and looked at him sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed under the light, a smile gradually appeared in her eyes. She leaned over slightly and touched his brows with her hand, then stood up, picked up the bouquet of flowers beside the bed, and threw it into the trash can after leaving.

  Chapter 5 Idol 5

  Perhaps it was because he went to bed too late the night before. When Ning Yan woke up, it was almost noon. He hadn't had such a long and sound sleep in a long time.

  "Brother Ning, you're awake. Let's have breakfast first."

  Ning Yan came out of the bathroom and stretched lazily. The sun shone into the quilt from the window, making the room warm. He was still a little confused. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something was wrong. He looked carefully and found that the bouquet of flowers that appeared on the table last night had disappeared.

  Was it a dreamless night, or was last night just a dream?

  Su Yujie had prepared breakfast, but found that the person behind him was motionless, so he turned around and asked, "Brother Ning?"

  "Where are the flowers?"

  Su Yujie scratched his head and pointed to a pile of bouquets and fruit baskets in the corner. "Aren't they all there?" Then he noticed the direction of Ning Yan's gaze and patted his head with sudden realization. "You mean, the flowers sent by Sister Zishu. She said she remembered that the scent of tulips was too strong and not suitable for the patient's recuperation, so she threw them away."

  Ning Yan didn't react when he heard this. Lin Ke, who just walked in, replied while replying to the message in his hand.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (10)
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  "Didn't Zishu leave last night?"

  As he spoke, he reached out, picked up a bun and stuffed it into his mouth, while his other hand was still busy.

  Su Yujie whispered, "Brother Lin, you haven't washed your hands yet."

  "I forgot. I was too busy." Lin Ke chewed the food in a few bites before falling on the sofa. "By the way, when I first entered the hospital, I saw paparazzi sneaking around the door. I guess they wanted to get some big news while you were in the hospital."

  Ning Yan nodded without comment, sat down at the table and opened the porridge, then asked casually: "Zi Shu came to the hospital yesterday?"

  "Didn't you see her?" Lin Ke was a little surprised, and then he realized, "Yes, when she came yesterday, you were still asleep. Later she said she was going out to buy a bunch of flowers, but when she came back and saw Miss Song, she asked me to take the flowers in and left first. But why did she come back later?"

  Lin Ke looked at Su Yujie, and Su Yujie shook his head blankly.

  "When I came here last night, I happened to see Sister Zishu coming out with flowers, and then she left."

  Ning Yan listened to their conversation and drank a mouthful of porridge in silence. So, when she called last night, she was in the hospital.

  She came from afar to apologize to him and gave him flowers. She said so many things to him but didn't say a word about herself.

  He lowered his eyes and concealed all his emotions in a sigh that no one could hear.

  "As for Zishu, the company will take care of it. But Miss Song, the media still photographed her rushing from the crew to the hospital to visit you yesterday. Fortunately, the company has negotiated with us, and the headlines of the reports all say that the cooperation is harmonious and they care about each other." At this point, Lin Ke hesitated, "Ning Yan, you and Miss Song..."

  Lin Ke has been Ning Yan's agent since he debuted, and they have always worked together happily. Over the years, as Ning Yan's development has become more and more stable, the company has also relaxed its restrictions on him.

  As an idol who became famous at a young age, Ning Yan has been in the spotlight for many years. Not to mention that he has no love affairs, there are not many scandals. He is a sober and self-controlled person. He knows better than anyone what rules need to be followed to achieve the glory brought by traffic, and he always keeps himself clean. However, he is 27 years old this year and has long passed the initial turbulence. Even if he has a love affair, as long as the public relations are properly guided, there will be no large-scale backlash in the fan circle.

  So after he joined the group, Lin Ke saw him and Song Nuan getting closer, but he didn't warn them. The ambiguity between adult men and women is nothing more than that. Although Ning Yan's attitude is unclear, he did not show any alienation. With his understanding of him, Lin Ke naturally knew that he did not reject the development of this relationship.

  In addition, with Ning Yan's accident yesterday, Song Nuan's anxiety and worry were obvious. It was for this reason that he sent away the other visitors yesterday but allowed her to stay.

  It's a pity... Wen Zishu's eyes suddenly flashed before Lin Ke's eyes. When she saw the two people chatting and laughing in the ward, the light that had been on because Ning Yan woke up dimmed a little. Finally, she just handed the flowers to Lin Ke, smiled dejectedly, and turned away.

  In fact, Lin Ke has been in the company for a long time, and Wen Zishu can be said to have grown up under his watch. At first, she was a little girl with a ponytail and a smiling face, and now she has grown into a tall and beautiful young lady.

  She has been following Ning Yan for all these years, and everyone thought that she was just a fan who admired and loved her idol. Lin Ke only recently discovered that her thoughts might be more than that. He just didn't know whether the girl understood the sincere feelings of this girl.

  He looked at Ning Yan, who was sitting on the bed in a hospital gown. Even while drinking porridge, he looked gentle and elegant, which was pleasing to the eye.

  I just feel that beauty can mislead people, and love can cause a lot of harm to people.

  "Song Nuan and I, nothing's wrong." Ning Yan finished the bowl of porridge in his hand slowly before speaking. Facing Lin Ke's exaggerated raised eyebrow in surprise, he didn't explain much, or perhaps, he couldn't explain his rapidly changing thoughts in just one night.

  He just realized that he had been too immersed in the role before, not only for himself, but also for Song Nuan.

  "She came to visit me out of the good intentions of a friend, so don't let people with ulterior motives misinterpret her intentions. I don't want to see some messy reports."

  A gentle word can directly stamp and authenticate certain things.

  Ning Yan remained expressionless, but the emotions in Lin Ke's eyes changed several times. Finally, he smiled knowingly and said, "Okay, I understand."

  Although he knew Ning Yan, he had not been in the group, so he naturally did not know that his feelings for her were vague. Now that he saw that he had made a decision, he did not ask any more questions. They were all adults and could handle their personal feelings.

  "By the way, Director Luo has discussed this with me. As you know, the crew is already on a tight schedule, and you are the male lead with a lot of scenes to play and a tight schedule. So if your physical condition allows, you may need to hurry back to the crew to catch up on the work."

  Lin Ke immediately became serious when he mentioned the serious matter. "What do you think? The crew is mainly responsible for the accident this time. The contract is clearly written in black and white. If you don't like it, I will go and talk to you. Anyway, the director is also in the wrong."

  Ning Yan thought for a while and said, "It's okay. I can do it." As he said this, that confident voice sounded in his ears again.

  How could he be willing to betray such firm and pure trust?

  "Okay, I understand." Lin Ke was not surprised. After all, his artists have always been dedicated to their work.

  "Oh, right." Ning Yan suddenly remembered something and added, "We can put that matter on the agenda and start making arrangements."

  When these words came out, Lin Ke was stunned at first, then he reacted and immediately smiled. Su Yujie watched his boss smiling coquettishly at Ning Yan with a confused look on his face.

  Then, something flashed through his mind and he almost forgot about it!

  Then he quickly took out a card from his pocket.

  "This is the card on the bedside table. It seemed to have been blown to the ground by the wind, so I put it away."

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[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(11)
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  It was the blank card from last night. Ning Yan glanced at it calmly and said, "Throw it away." Then he changed his mind and said, "Forget it, give it to me."

  He took the card casually, only to find that there were a few more words on it, written in a familiar and beautiful handwriting, and the content was as concise as ever.

  ——I haven’t forgotten a single word from yesterday. I remember it better than someone else.

  When Su Yujie picked up the card, he accidentally saw the contents on it and was completely confused by it. However, he didn't know why Ning Yan's eyes blossomed with a brilliant smile after he took it.

  Different from his usual gentle and shallow smile, this was a genuine smile that touched people's hearts.

  Su Yujie's gossipy heart suddenly began to boil, and he always felt that he had discovered some big secret.

  Although Ning Yan was asked to have a good rest for a few days, he still tried to be discharged from the hospital early and return to the crew to continue filming. He had no complaints about the crew's arrangements, which made the director secretly praise him. Everyone who made it out of this circle did so for a reason.

  With the joint efforts of everyone, the crew's progress is also moving forward efficiently. Another scene is over, and Ning Yan took the water cup handed to him by Su Yujie.

  "Brother Ning, your birthday is coming soon. Brother Lin just called me and asked if you have any plans. You have been in the crew for a long time this time, and you haven't left the crew except for the last event. In addition to this accident, your fans are very worried about you. You should at least show up to comfort them."

  As usual, on the birthday, there will either be a birthday party or a live broadcast, or at least an event where he can interact with fans, which can be considered a benefit for fans. However, this time, he was filming on the set and naturally could not make arrangements as usual.

  Ning Yan rubbed his sore neck, "Do you have any ideas?"

  "Brother Lin said that we shouldn't do a live broadcast this time. You must be very tired after filming for a whole day. You should just film the daily life of the crew, and then you can record a few words and edit a short video at the end."

  "Okay." Ning Yan took another sip of water. "What about the daily clips? Will you come and shoot them?"

  Ning Yan didn't bring many people with him into the team. The others had clear division of labor. Only assistant Su Yujie had a relatively free time. He thought that this job would naturally fall on him.

  Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Su Yujie looked aggrieved, "Brother Lin said that my photography skills are too poor, and he said that he had asked the company to arrange someone to come over, and it seems that they will be here soon."

  "Well." Ning Yan seemed to be thinking about something. Before he could say anything, the next scene was about to start filming. He only had time to quickly say, "Then let's do this. Just bring him to the set later."

  It just so happens that there is a shooting schedule today that can be used as material.

  But when Ning Yan finished today's filming and stepped away from the play, he looked up and saw a completely unexpected person.

  The man seemed to have been there for quite a while, and was now looking at him with his head tilted and his eyes curved.

  He thought he already knew who came up with the idea of ​​making a short film.

  The author has something to say:

  Welcome to catch bugs

  Chapter 6 Idol 6

  Hearing the director's loudspeaker shout "It's OK", Song Nuan first adjusted the hem of her skirt. When she turned around and was about to talk to Ning Yan, she was surprised to find that he had already stood up and walked away.

  She looked into the distance and saw his assistant and a girl she had never seen before. Although he was walking towards them, Song Nuan couldn't help but feel subtle emotions towards that strange presence.

  His pace was neither fast nor slow, but he had never left without even saying goodbye like today.

  "It seems that this is a new staff member working for Teacher Ning." She was not the only one who noticed that person. Thinking of what she heard from Xiao Su in the morning, the assistant mentioned it casually, and then quickly put the small fan to Song Nuan's face, "Sister Nuan Nuan, please sit down and have a rest. You are sweating a lot."

  "Really?" Song Nuan didn't look away.

  She was a very pretty girl, who would not be inferior even in the entertainment industry. The only thing that made her look out of place was her coldness that could not be concealed even on a noisy set.

  She stared for too long, and the girl seemed to notice something and looked over from a distance. Song Nuan habitually smiled kindly, but lowered her head before waiting for the other party to respond.

  Ning Yan hadn't even come close when a smile appeared in his eyes. "Why is it you?"

  Wen Zishu seemed to be worried about being rejected. She stood there obediently and blinked: "I signed up for a photography club when I was in school, and no one was more suitable than me."

  "Oh?" Ning Yan looked at her with amusement.

  "This is a short film made for fans. Of course, only I, as a die-hard fan, know what they want to see."

  Her words made sense, but Ning Yan still frowned slightly, "There are many people in the crew and they all have different opinions."

  "It's okay." Wen Zishu raised her hand obediently, "I will be an honest and responsible assistant."

  In the following days, Wen Zishu acted as an honest assistant as she said, always holding her camera and working diligently. However, Ning Yan noticed from the corner of his eye that although he was supposed to be filming his daily short film, someone was often not doing his job and went to take pictures of the sky, flowers, and passing kittens.

  When Ning Yan wanted to review her shooting results, she hid behind him, as if she was hiding some huge treasure.

  Speaking of which, Ning Yan and Wen Zishu have known each other for so many years, but the time they have spent together is not as much as in the past few days. They are not as fans and idols, audience and singer, but just as friends.

  Because there were so many people on the crew, she seldom got close to Ning Yan on the set. Most of the time she just quietly recorded with the camera. Only when they returned to the nanny car and he was the only one left, would she mutter to him.

  For example, the lunch boxes on the set today smelled a bit burnt, and she wondered if the chef was in a bad mood. In the afternoon, a kitten came to the set, and she teased it for a long time but the kitten refused to let her touch it. The actor who acted opposite her looked so familiar, but she couldn't remember which drama she had seen him in. The weather forecast said it would rain these days, but it was sunny all the time...

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (12)
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  She spoke slowly, her voice soft and gentle, like a breeze blowing past her ears, all the fatigue seemed to be blown away.

  The amazing thing is that during the time she was on the set, he never lost focus even in the most demanding scenes. Maybe it was because when she looked at him, he knew clearly who he was.

  The only person who could be looked at so passionately by her was Ning Yan.

  So after she left, Ning Yan felt a little uncomfortable not seeing the little girl with the camera after the show, and always felt like something was missing.

  As he was thinking this, a message came from his cell phone.

  It’s his promotional poster in the company lobby.

  It turns out that he is not the only one who has this habit. Even if she is not by his side, Wen Zishu will still share with him what happened that day, the only difference is that she changed from face to face to text messaging.

  Ning Yan usually only had time to reply to messages after finishing filming, but she didn't care. The two of them chatted intermittently despite the time difference.

  Ning Yan's birthday happened to be his last day on the crew. It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening when they finished filming the last scene. As soon as Ning Yan stood up, the lights on the crew suddenly dimmed, and then the crowd came forward while singing birthday songs.

  The only light was the big cake that was approaching little by little. Behind the faint candlelight, there was a shadowy figure holding a bouquet of flowers. Ning Yan felt an indescribable expectation in his heart.

  The man came up to her and Song Nuan smiled and said, "Happy birthday!"

  Ning Yan's smile remained unchanged as she took the bouquet and said, "Thank you."

  "Make a wish, make a wish." The sense of ritual of a birthday is indispensable, and the director and others joined in the cheering.

  The director took this opportunity to give the crew half a day off, and the crew had fun for a while. After taking the group photo, Ning Yan smiled and hugged and said goodbye to the crew one by one, saying polite words about working together again next time.

  Song Nuan stood at the back and waited until Ning Yan said goodbye to everyone else before walking forward. Ning Yan also gave her a gentle hug.

  "You're free today. What do you feel, my male protagonist?" Song Nuan had a bright smile on her face, but her eyes were sad.

  She didn't know who had been in a quarrel with her before, and a small smear of cream was smeared on her pretty face as a joke. She didn't notice it at all. She frowned with the cream on her face, looking funny and cute.

  In those days, Ning Yan was attracted to Song Nuan, the heroine with a bright and cheerful smile who extended a helping hand to him when he was helpless and confused. It was impossible for him not to be moved.

  It's just that how much of this touching feeling was influenced by the character's emotions, and how much was subconsciously seeking comfort from others in this environment that he was not fully adapted to. At first he thought it was more or less about love, but after that day he understood.

  The reason why he was attracted to Song Nuan was that in some ways, they were the same people. Working hard for the career you love will make you shine brightly. He was blinded by that light and mistook his own heart.

  Song Nuan is a very good and excellent partner, but this kind of appreciation and recognition does not come from love.

  Ning Yan took out a tissue from the table beside him, handed it to her, pointed to the location, and smiled gently: "It's a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for your help during this period."

  Song Nuan was standing in front of Ning Yan. How could she not see his momentary distraction? Just like his gentlemanly but distant attitude during this period, how could she be completely unaware of it?

  But in the end, she just took the tissue and wiped her face clean. When she looked up again, she had a bright and playful smile on her face: "I heard that tickets for someone's concert are hard to come by. I wonder if I have the honor to have one?"


  When Ning Yan was still filming, the studio had already uploaded the recorded short film to Weibo. In addition to his daily life, the end of the short film was recorded by Ning Yan himself.

  After the camera switched, a pair of white and slender hands appeared. He seemed to be fiddling with the camera. After a while, he figured it out and sat in front of the camera.

  This clip was recorded while he was resting in the hotel. He was wearing a casual white short-sleeved shirt and had no makeup on his face. The fresh and clean big boy sat on the sofa and smiled and waved at the camera, just like the summer he appeared many years ago.

  "Hello everyone, I'm Ning Yan. It seems like I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing recently? I'm in the crew's hotel now. This short film should be released on my birthday. Speaking of which, time flies so fast. When I think about it, it feels so wonderful that we have known each other for so long."

  He seemed to be chatting with his good friend, speaking ordinary and simple words in a gentle voice.

  "Let's stop here for now." At the end of the video, he looked straight at the camera with his usual gentle smile on his face, "As a gift to myself and you at the age of 27, let's see you at the concert."

  It was just a simple sentence, but the entire Weibo was suddenly boiling with excitement. Before fans could recover from the previous emotion, they were overwhelmed by the surprise and started beating drums and gongs and running around to tell others.

  God knows, it has been two years since Ning Yan’s last concert.

  "Really? Really? Really? Really!!!"

  Ning Yan received a call from Wen Zishu on the way back to the hotel. The hotel corridor was quiet, and Su Yujie, who was sitting next to her, could hear her excited voice through the phone.

  This was the first time that the girl, who was always gentle and soft-spoken, was so happy. Ning Yan glanced at the assistant who was trying not to laugh and asked casually, "You called me just to ask this?"

  No one knew that when Ning Yan saw the man holding the flowers walking forward today, a flash of anticipation flashed through his heart.

  As a result, this guy who claimed to be his fan not only did not show up, but also did not even say happy birthday. He called him excitedly and asked about his new songs and concerts.

  So, fans are really fans.

  As soon as these words came out, Su Yujie beside him widened his eyes. He had never heard his boss speak in this tone before. However, the girl on the other end of the phone seemed to be overwhelmed by joy. She didn't hear the implicit meaning at all and continued to complain.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (13)
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  "Why didn't the people in the company tell me in advance? They would never do this before."

  Ning Yan listened to this long-lost voice and finally compromised helplessly: "It was me who asked Lin Ke not to let you know first..."

  As they were talking, they had already reached the door of the room. Su Yujie took out the room card first. Just as Ning Yan was about to step in, the lights came on and a large field of colorful ribbons came into view.

  “Happy birthday! Surprise!”

  Ning Yan came back to his senses, held his forehead and chuckled, "There are really too many surprises today."

  "This was Zishu's idea." Lin Ke smiled and walked up to him, patting him on the shoulder, and betrayed the mastermind without hesitation.

  The culprit was standing in the middle of the crowd, holding the phone that was still online, and smiling at him triumphantly.

  "Who told you to hide it from me? Let's just write it off." Wen Zishu met Ning Yan's gaze and started to act timidly, smiling obediently.

  Everyone in the room was their own family, and Ning Yan's smile was more casual and genuine than on the set.


  Although it was a surprise, they didn't plan to make a big scene. Lin Ke clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let's do this. Ning Yan is tired after filming all day. Let's go back and rest first."

  But when everyone left one after another, Wen Zishu, who was walking at the end, suddenly poked her head out from behind the door, but didn't say anything, just blinked at him.

  Ning Yan asked softly: "Any other surprises?"

  The floor of the room was covered with colorful ribbons. He stood alone in the dim light and gave her a faint smile.

  But Wen Zishu still saw the tiredness behind his smile, as if today was his birthday, but he had prepared a long-awaited grand surprise for his fans.

  She shook her head gently, "Can I hug you?" As if she was worried that he would not want to, she added, "I saw that everyone hugged each other when the filming was finished."

  Ning Yan was stunned for a moment, then slowly opened his hands.

  Wen Zishu didn't hesitate, let go of the door handle, and ran into his arms.

  The girl in his arms was so small that Ning Yan could smell her faint fragrance just by lowering his head.

  He had hugged many people today, but maybe because it was too quiet or because he was too tired, Ning Yan seemed to be able to hear his own unusual heartbeat.

  In such an environment, the atmosphere became subtle. Ning Yan slowly loosened his hands and planned to take a step back to end the hug.

  The little girl in his arms suddenly said, "The company has received a lot of greeting cards and letters from fans, and they are all on the desk in your office."

  Ning Yan never accepts gifts from fans, only letters. Therefore, every birthday, the fan club will ask the studio to pass on the prepared letters and blessings to Ning Yan.

  "Ok, I know."

  The girl in his arms raised her head. "I used to secretly put the letter in it and send it to you." She paused. "But I didn't do that this year."

  Ning Yan would sometimes open those letters and read them. In many of his free time or tired moments, those sincere and pure hearts supported him through many moments when he felt helpless.

  But there were too many letters, most of which were unsigned, so he didn't notice that there was one from the little girl next to him. She was right next to him, and she could have given him the letter directly, but she still stuffed it into the countless letters.

  He didn't say anything, just lowered his head and looked at her.

  The lights in the hotel were dim, making those eyes shine as brightly as the moon. She tilted her head devoutly and focused, her love so full that it was about to overflow.

  "Because this time, I want to tell you in person."

  His heart skipped a beat.

  Her voice was not loud, but every word she said fell clearly into his heart.

  "Ning Yan, thank you. Thank you for your existence, thank you for never stopping your steps forward, thank you for appearing in our world across the screen, and thank you for always being so bright and shining. I often feel that this world is nothing but this, but because of your appearance, this shallow and dull life has become splendid and interesting."

  Chapter 7 Idol 7

  After the filming was completed, Ning Yan devoted himself to the preparations for the concert, spending most of the day in the practice room.

  One day, when he walked into Lin Ke's office to discuss the details of the concert with him, he happened to see the stage clips playing on his computer. He leaned against the table to watch a few more times and casually praised it as not bad.

  Hearing this, Lin Ke pulled himself out of the document with great interest, "This is the new group the company has recently launched." As he spoke, he glanced at Ning Yan, "Don't you remember? The company asked you to help promote them before. They are both good-looking and talented. With the company's strong support, they might become very popular."

  Ning Yan's mind was still on the concert. He flipped through the documents in his hand and joked nonchalantly, "Why? Want to bring them?"

  Usually, an agent will not have only one artist under his management, let alone an experienced agent like Lin Ke who has brought out popular artists, who is even more popular.

  "Come on. You alone are enough to give me a hard time." Lin Ke waved his hand in disdain, then rolled his eyes as if he remembered something, and put on an appearance of watching a good show, "But I heard that Zishu asked someone to get their autographs some time ago. I have to say that the lead singer is handsome and has some of your style back then. After all, you are old now, and you can't resist our eldest lady's love for someone else."

  Ning Yan naturally didn't take Lin Ke's joke seriously, but when he suddenly heard him mention Wen Zishu's name, he realized belatedly that he hadn't seen her for a while.

  During this period, he was rehearsing day and night in the practice room, and in his spare time he was looking for inspiration for new songs. Ever since she said those words that day and immediately jumped out of his arms and ran away, they had never met again except for the usual nagging on WeChat.

  Ning Yan casually threw the document in his hand into Lin Ke's arms, "Don't talk nonsense."

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (14)
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  As an agent, Lin Ke is best at observing people's words and expressions. Noticing that Ning Yan looked unhappy, he immediately quit.

  "Okay, no more jokes." Seeing Ning Yan holding his brows, he also frowned, "But, Ning Yan, don't try too hard. What I just said was not completely nonsense. Your body is not as good as when you were young. Don't forget what the doctor told you before."


  One look at his expression told you he was just being perfunctory, he said yes easily but in reality he was still doing what he wanted. Lin Ke had worked with him for so many years, he knew his character, this guy had been like this since he was young, otherwise he wouldn't have had so many problems.

  Since he couldn't persuade her, he didn't say anything more and started to discuss the details of the concert seriously.

  But that night, Ning Yan practiced until late at night, lying exhausted on the floor of the practice room, when he suddenly heard the sound of light and slow footsteps. The footsteps slowly covered his rapid heartbeat.

  He gasped, tilted his head and opened his eyes, watching the figure walk step by step to him, then squatted down and looked at him with his head tilted.

  The moment their eyes met, Ning Yan's ears suddenly buzzed, and it took a while for him to recover.

  He curled the corners of his mouth but didn't say anything. The person didn't speak either, but just squatted quietly. After a while, as if she felt that this posture was too tiring, she simply sat down.

  After his breathing gradually stabilized, Ning Yan asked, "Did Lin Ke ask you to come here?"

  His throat became dry due to the high-intensity training. His low and hoarse voice was very magnetic, and the echo in the room was really fatal.

  Ning Yan watched the girl in front of him blush because of his words, and the corners of his mouth rose a little more.

  Wen Zishu covered her face, but she was still very loyal. She shook her head and denied it. "Brother Lin just told me that you often practice until late recently, and your body can't take it. I know he wants me to persuade you." Then she sighed, "It's just that he really doesn't understand the psychology of fans. Since he knows that you are trying to give us the best stage effect, we will not go against your efforts no matter how distressed we are. So I specially brought some snacks to replenish your energy."

  She raised the bag in her hand, her eyes sparkling.

  Ning Yan laughed in silence, slowly sat up and half leaned against the wall.

  In the empty and silent practice room, there were only the intermittent sounds of two people talking and chewing.

  "How long have you been here?" Ning Yan opened his phone to check the time, only to find a message from Wen Zishu a few hours ago asking if he was still in the company. "Sorry, I haven't checked my phone."

  Wen Zishu hugged her legs, her eyes curved, "I guessed it, I knew you must have been practicing and had no time to look at your phone, so I came directly here."

  "What if I'm not here?"

  "Then I'll go back. Come back next time."

  She answered without hesitation and as a matter of course, as if she didn't care at all what would happen if she made this trip all the way here only to come back empty-handed, just like all these years when she said she was his fan, followed him but never needed him to respond.

  She seems to never be disappointed, never fail, and always remain as enthusiastic as ever.

  Ning Yan stopped chewing, his eyes were obscure behind his bangs, and he seemed to be avoiding something and changed the subject.

  "I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but I keep thinking about the past. It was the same in the past, practicing day and night in the practice room, but at that time, the biggest worry was that even if I tried my best, I still couldn't get on the stage. We even joked that if we couldn't debut, we would dance on the street. We couldn't let these nights go to waste."

  Thinking back on those days now, it seems like something from a lifetime ago; so long ago yet still so vivid in my mind.

  The nights before his debut were long and agonizing, and it seemed like he would never see the light of the next day. During the countless nights of rehearsal alone, he lay on the floor of the practice room, sweating and exhausted, listening to his heavy breathing and violent heartbeat.

  Sweat wet his eyes and he couldn't see the road ahead.

  This was the first time Ning Yan mentioned himself. Wen Zishu hugged her legs and looked at him intently, listening carefully to every word he said. After he finished speaking, she whispered, "I'm sorry."

  Ning Yan turned around in surprise, and seeing her serious expression, he subconsciously asked: "What?"

  "Sometimes I think, I wish I had liked you earlier. When you first stepped onto that stage, when you introduced yourself and said the name Ning Yan, or even earlier, before anyone had a chance to see you, I wish I had liked you earlier."

  In the summer when Ning Yan debuted, many people got to know him through the talent show and became his fans, but Wen Zishu was not among them. Perhaps because of the rebellious mentality of a child, the more highly respected someone is, the more disdainful they are. At that time, she never thought that she would fall in love with an idol so fanatically in the future.

  But by the time she fell in love with him, he had already gone through the obscurity and dull days on his own, and turned into a shining presence, distant and untouchable.

  "In this way, I can tell you at that time that you don't need to worry, you are good, and no one is better than you. You are so good and so dazzling that everyone will see it."

  Her words were like waves, wetting and drowning his heart little by little.

  The originally steady heart rate became flustered again.

  "Zi Shu." He called her name softly, "I don't think it's too late. No matter when, your love is precious."

  When Ning Yan said this, he always looked into her eyes gently and firmly, without any hesitation.

  The love she gave with all her heart was also well cherished by the person who received it.

  "Ning Yan, you know, you are a very gentle person. It is really a lucky thing to like you." Wen Zishu avoided his gaze somewhat embarrassedly, her voice unconsciously filled with tears.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(15)
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  "I feel honored to be liked by you."

  When Wen Zishu lowered her head, Ning Yan considerately looked away and no longer looked at her losing composure.

  But when he lowered his eyes and saw the moonlight coming in through the window, he suddenly remembered the joke Lin Ke told him during the day, and how he was inexplicably restless tonight and was so engrossed in practice that he forgot the time.

  And during this period of time, he noticed changes and strangeness in Wen Zishu.

  "Zi Shu." He carefully arranged his words, "Have you ever thought that there are many kinds of love?"

  Now it was Wen Zishu's turn to look up in surprise. The tears in her eyes had not yet completely dried up. Ning Yan looked into those crystal clear eyes, trying to express himself clearly with every word, fearing that he would make her cry.

  "For example, you like to admire many people, and you regard many people as idols and think they are good, but this is not love. In other words, it is a kind of sustenance of yearning and longing. Moreover, the person you like is often just a beautiful illusion in your imagination. In real life, there is no such good person as imagined."

  The meaning of idols to fans lies more in a kind of sustenance and belief. That distant and beautiful existence standing on a bright high place. In the final analysis, what they love is the beautiful fantasy they yearn for.

  Sometimes Ning Yan would feel confused when he looked at those sincere and pure eyes. He wondered if the person they were cheering for and following so fanatically was really him, or the perfectly packaged "idol" in their imagination?

  Without the dazzling flash lights and exquisite packaging, Ning Yan is just an ordinary person.

  "But I've only been a fan of you for so long." This was the first time Wen Zishu interrupted Ning Yan.

  Ning Yan was stunned for a moment, "That's not what I meant."

  "I know, I know what you are going to say. Admiration and liking are two different things." She smiled gently and said firmly, "Ning Yan, if I say that I have always been very clear about what I like. What if I say that the person who is unclear is you?"

  Her eyes were always clear, bright and fearless. He looked at her and could no longer utter a word.

  Chapter 8 Idol 8

  During the last period of planning for the concert, Wen Zishu almost never appeared in front of Ning Yan. After all, she was not a staff member. Apart from the assistant muttering a few words about not being used to it, no one had the time to think about it and all their energy was put into the concert.

  Apart from daily rehearsals, Ning Yan would lock himself at home in his spare time. Everyone around him knew that Ning Yan was used to finding inspiration in this way every time he wrote a new song, and he didn't like anyone to disturb him.

  Everything seemed normal to him, but after a meeting, the team members left one after another, and he and Lin Ke were the only ones left in the meeting room.

  "Send the concert tickets to Song Nuan, as we agreed before." He mentioned it casually.

  "Okay, I almost forgot, I have to leave one for Zishu." As the concert was approaching, they were busy like a top, especially Lin Ke. Although he was already an old job, he still had to consider every aspect carefully, which was really troublesome.

  Hearing the name, Ning Yan's men paused. Lin Ke noticed his abnormality out of the corner of his eye, and calmly raised his arms and clasped his hands together.

  "I wanted to ask you after the concert, but now it seems like you have something to say."

  Ning Yan leaned back and sank into the chair. After a while, his voice came out, "Zishu, she..." He started to speak but stopped.

  Compared to Ning Yan's hesitation, Lin Ke didn't have so many concerns and went straight to the point, "She likes you."

  Seeing Ning Yan's stunned expression, he couldn't help but tease, "Isn't this something anyone with a discerning eye can see?"

  The man opposite him looked like he deserved a beating, but Ning Yan was in no mood to teach him a lesson. He just rubbed his brows in distress and said, "I'm afraid she can't tell the difference."

  When idols are on stage, they shine brightly. That is the unique charm given by the lights and the stage. Anyone who is packaged like that and put under the spotlight will be dazzling.

  And the real Ning Yan is just an ordinary person.

  He has always been sober, so he doubts her love. She loves him because he is perfect under the packaging, and such unequal love will give people an illusion.

  This kind of love is not fair to her.

  "I used to think that Zishu's infatuation with you was just her idol. But later, I noticed that the way she looked at you was not just the pure admiration of a fan for his idol." Lin Ke said, his expression became more serious. "Ning Yan, you said you were afraid she couldn't tell the difference, but after so long, do you still think she was just acting on impulse?"

  He remembered something and laughed, "You haven't seen that short film yet?"

  Ning Yan realized that he was referring to the short film about his birthday. Seeing Ning Yan shaking his head, Lin Ke looked as if he knew it, opened the computer and found the short film.

  There are various kinds of him in the camera, different from the radiant and perfect him on the stage, but he is still real and vivid away from the flash.

  There was him sitting under a tree to rest, the shadows of the tree falling on his tired and peaceful face and the script covered with notes in his hand; there was him finishing a day's filming and walking back to the hotel slowly with his assistant; there was him secretly eating the props of the crew in the last second, and sitting upright to start filming in the next second; there was him trying to be funny but being teased by others, and laughing helplessly after being humiliated; there was him standing on the balcony of the hotel smoking, his fingers unconsciously tapping the melody on the railing...

  The short film is not long, the composition techniques are not perfect, and the camera sometimes even shakes and is out of focus, but you can feel the photographer's sincere and pure love in every scene and every frame, and those shot with love are always moving.

  Those trivial and ordinary moments captured the most real and lively side of him, coupled with light and soothing music, causing many fans to cry on Weibo.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (16)
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  Lin Ke saw the obscurity in Ning Yan's eyes and just sighed softly. Even an outsider like him would be moved when watching this short film, let alone him as the person involved.

  He stood up, patted him on the shoulder, and left him alone.

  After the short film ended, it started to play automatically. At the beginning, the camera was pitch black, with only the hustle and bustle in the background. Then someone called out "Ning Yan". The screen lit up, and a person who was standing with his head down among the crowd raised his head. The pair of smiling eyes looked straight over at him through the crowd.

  Ning Yan suddenly remembered the firm voice from that night. She said that she had always known clearly what she liked.

  He closed his eyes and felt only waves of intense stabbing pain in his chest.

  During the time when he was not there, A Nian was quite relaxed, lying in his room watching movies comfortably, and he even called it observing and learning, because only by learning can there be progress.

  The system also enjoyed many touching, earth-shattering and heart-wrenching classic scenes, but the people on the screen were crying so hard that it was heartbreaking, but A Nian in front of the screen was watching with gusto and commenting from time to time.

  On the day of the concert, she leisurely put on a delicate but not deliberate makeup, wore a white halter dress, raised the corners of her mouth towards herself in the mirror, and her voice was gentle and pleasant.

  "It's almost over, and I really don't want to let it go."

  The climax of the story is at this concert. Ning Yan's relationship with Song Nuan gradually heats up in the crew, and Song Nuan is naturally invited to the concert. Then she was photographed and became a hot search on Weibo, and was caught in a public opinion storm for a while. After this incident, Ning Yan realized that his feelings were not because he was too immersed in the play, but because he really fell in love with the play, so he directly confessed to Song Nuan and admitted the relationship.

  Wen Zishu was just a fan in the audience from beginning to end. She sat in the seat closest to him, but she never owned him.

  But the story line has now developed very differently from before, and naturally it will not develop according to the original plot.

  The system looked at the face that expressed regret but was eager to try. A Nian was the most cooperative and excellent host it had ever bound to. After reaching the top of the points, he still chose to stay in the system world to continue to carry out tasks.

  She seemed to enjoy the process of completing the strategy more than the system did.

  A Nian didn't say anything and picked up the flowers that were carefully prepared on the table.

  She just likes the rich and grand love.

  An hour before the concert was to start, the backstage staff were busy with the final preparations. Ning Yan changed into her stage costume and sat quietly in front of the dressing table while the makeup artist checked for any omissions.

  In order to avoid being photographed secretly, Song Nuan wore a simple T-shirt and jeans, and a baseball cap and went backstage with Su Yujie and her assistant. This was her first time seeing the backstage of a concert, so she was inevitably surprised.

  "Thank you for your help, Xiao Su." Considering that Ning Yan must be very busy at the moment, Song Nuan asked her assistant to contact Su Yujie, saying that she wanted to come and say hello to Ning Yan and wish him good luck, but she was afraid that the backstage was too big and she couldn't find anyone, so she asked him to lead the way.

  Su Yujie knew Song Nuan would come early in the morning, and he led the way while introducing the general process of the concert. He scratched the back of his head embarrassedly when he heard her words, "You're welcome, Miss Song. Brother Ning is still in the dressing room putting on makeup."

  He just greeted a passing staff member with a smile, and suddenly looked up as if he saw someone, his eyes lit up, "Sister Zishu", Song Nuan looked from afar, only to see a tall and thin figure holding flowers flash by.

  Su Yujie pointed ahead with an excited tone, "We're almost there, it's in that room."

  Song Nuan smiled and nodded at him, but a sense of disappointment rose in her heart, as if she was always one step late.

  Wen Zishu, who was familiar with the place, had already walked to the door. Seeing that the door was slightly closed with a gap, she reached out and pushed it open.

  When Ning Yan first heard the sound of the door opening, he didn't care, thinking it was Lin Ke or other staff members, so he kept his eyes closed to conserve his energy. It was not until he smelled a familiar floral scent that he suddenly opened his eyes and saw Wen Zishu standing at the door holding a flower.

  She had long black hair that reached her waist and was wearing a white dress with pearl straps. The bunch of purple tulips in her arms contrasted with her fair skin. The whole room seemed to light up because of her smile.

  Seeing that he was just staring at her blankly without moving, Wen Zishu walked straight to him, bent down slightly, and looked at his makeup and hairstyle.

  "Ning Yan, has anyone ever told you that purple hair suits you very well?"

  For this concert, Ning Yan dyed his hair specially, into a seductive and mysterious purple hair, paired with a heavy and gorgeous stage makeup. The elongated eyeliner and the blue-purple pupils complement each other. This kind of makeup does not look incongruous or enchanting on his face, but instead blends with his gentle and cool temperament, making him charming but not coquettish.

  Just now, he was sitting quietly under the dim light and looked up at her, which made Wen Zishu's heart tremble. She could almost imagine how thrilling it would be under the gorgeous lights of the stage.

  The fragrance and floral scent from the girl's body rushed towards him all at once, and what was even more intoxicating was the undisguised amazement and admiration in her eyes.

  Ning Yan avoided her sight in embarrassment, grabbed the armrest of the chair and stood up, then he suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

  "I thought……"

  Since when did Ning Yan hesitate to speak more and more often?

  "Why?" Seeing him stand up, Wen Zishu also stood up and handed the bouquet to him, "I will never miss your concert."

  "I know." He said in a low voice.

  Over the years, she would attend every one of his concerts, sit where he could see her, and cheer for him.

  "It's just that I thought you were going to wait until it's over..."

  In the past, she would hold the bouquet of flowers and wait backstage until he came down from the stage, and then she would smile and give him the flowers. It turned out that he was used to it, used to hugging the bouquet of flowers as a real end to a concert.

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[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (17)
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  Hearing his words, Wen Zishu just smiled. When Ning Yan reached out to take the flowers, she spoke hesitantly, "Ning Yan, after the concert, I..."

  She was halfway through her words when she was suddenly interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps, and her hand holding the flowers also stopped there.

  It was Su Yujie who brought Song Nuan and the others.

  At this moment, everyone inside and outside the house was stunned.

  Su Yujie met the gazes of the two people, and when he moved his eyes down to see the half-handled flower, his thick-skinned nature finally made him realize that something was wrong with the atmosphere, but having come to this point, he had no choice but to speak up first.

  "Brother Ning Yan, I've brought Miss Song and the others over."

  Song Nuan beside them looked at them with a slightly dimmed look in her eyes, but the smile on her face did not change, "Sorry, did we disturb you?"

  Wen Zishu shook her head gently, loosened the bouquet in her hand, and said softly, "Then I'll go in first, see you later." Then she smiled at them, and when they stepped aside to make room for her, she whispered thank you.

  Before Ning Yan could see the emotion that flashed across her eyes, and before he had time to ask what the unfinished sentence was, she had already walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

  The dark purple bouquet seemed to have a kind of magic that made his mind confused. Ning Yan carefully placed the flowers on the table, then turned to look at Song Nuan and the others, apologetically saying, "Sorry, I can't spare the time, so I'll have to trouble Xiao Su to pick you up."

  "It's okay. This is the first time I've seen you like this, and I seem to understand why tickets for your concert are so hard to get." Song Nuan looked at him teasingly. She joked familiarly, but she was smiling bitterly in her heart.

  They hadn't met since the crew finished filming. This time, she came to see him before the concert. It was impossible for her not to be looking forward to it. But when Song Nuan saw Ning Yan like this, he was completely different from the one in the crew under the unfamiliar makeup and hair color.

  Stunning but unfamiliar, it made Song Nuan realize very clearly that they were really just meeting briefly.

  Ning Yan smiled gently, "Let Xiao Su take you in first. He knows the seats."

  "Okay. I wish you a successful concert then."


  After Song Nuan entered and sat down, she immediately saw the girl she had just seen backstage. There were two seats between them. The only difference was that she had a fluorescent light with horns on her head and a few fluorescent sticks on her legs. She lowered her head as if she was sending a message, and looked well-behaved and docile.

  If she hadn't just met her, she would have thought she was just an ordinary fan, no different from anyone else.

  Or maybe there is no difference at all.

  A second before the lights dimmed, she saw her put down her phone and look up, her eyes filled with the same pure and passionate love as everyone else's.

  Chapter 9 Idol 9

  The entire hall was plunged into darkness, with only the glow sticks in people's hands flashing. In the very center of the stage, as the audience watched with bated breath, a beam of light appeared and moved closer, and the figures in the beam gradually emerged.

  He held up the microphone, looked at the sea of ​​people in front of him, and chuckled.

  "meet again."

  Suddenly, the lights came on, and along with the brilliant beams of light came screams that resounded through the sky.


  As the concert was drawing to a close, Ning Yan had just finished a passionate dance. He removed the headset from his mouth, propped up his knees and took several deep breaths. A staff member bent over and ran up to him to hand him the microphone, and everyone knew that this was the regular part - chatting.

  But unexpectedly, he drank a sip of water, then walked straight to the steps and sat down.

  The crowd screamed and the girl near the stairs almost fainted.

  He put a finger to his lips and his voice was calmed down.

  Ning Yan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "I'm writing a new song recently." The crowd screamed again, and then they immediately stopped it by covering their mouths.

  "But it's still in production, so I can't tell you." After a grumbling voice, he just smiled and shook his head, indicating that it was not negotiable. "But you can tell me about the song."

  "When writing songs, I often think of the days when I first debuted, the moonlight when we practiced all night, the rapid heartbeat when I first went on stage, that long but grand summer, and many, many moments that I thought I had forgotten but actually always remembered." He pursed his lips, as if he was a little embarrassed, "And, I think of you."

  "If someone had told me then that I would go this far, stand on such a big stage, and have so many people come to listen to my singing, I would definitely not have believed it. Even now, I often find it incredible. Incredible that someone would love me with such a grand love. Along the way, sometimes I would doubt myself, sometimes I would even wonder, can I continue to sing and continue to appear on the stage? But fortunately, I still came to this point, to this place."

  There were faint sobbing sounds in the crowd, and everyone's eyes were red from the smoke.

  "A fan friend once told me that she was very grateful to me, grateful for my existence, and grateful for my presence in her world and bringing light. But I think I should be the one who should say thank you. Thank you for your existence, thank you for appearing in my life, thank you for your love and support. Because of you, I have come this far step by step. Because I am loved by you, I am who I am."

  He sat in the light, looking at the crowd in front of him with sincere eyes.

  "Okay, enough of the sentimental talk." He patted his legs and stood up, looking up at the night sky, "It seems like it's about time, let's sing one last song to end this evening."

  The heart-wrenching screams almost blew up the entire stadium, "No!"


  After the concert, Song Nuan slowly left the venue with the crowd. She could even hear the sound of her crying.

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (18)
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  The assistant's voice was almost gone after the concert. "Sister Nuannuan, why don't you go say hello to him before leaving?" Considering the crowd around her, she did not say his name.

  Song Nuan's face was mostly covered by her baseball cap, and her throat was still hot and hoarse. In the past two hours, she and her assistant were infected by the atmosphere of the concert, screaming and shouting, and even humming along even if they couldn't remember the lyrics.

  Hearing the assistant's words, she just shook her head slightly, and glanced towards the stage at the last moment before leaving the venue.

  On the stage, that brilliant presence has gone, leaving only silence under the bright lights and the passionate love lingering in the air.

  She remembered how he had looked at this corner countless times on the stage just now, remembered his gentle smile when he mentioned someone, and remembered the pair of eyes they met backstage at inopportune times.

  She seemed to be more clear about her feelings than when she came, but there was no need to get closer anymore.


  Backstage at the concert, Ning Yan was surrounded by the usual cheers from others. After the celebration ceremony ended, he took off his gorgeous stage makeup and put on comfortable and simple clothes. The others went to do the final finishing work, leaving Ning Yan to rest quietly in the lounge.

  He lay on the sofa with his eyes closed to rest, calming his breathing and heartbeat. After a long time, he came out of that empty and selfless state and slowly opened his eyes.

  He leaned sideways and saw the bouquet of tulips.

  Ning Yan looked at it quietly, but his mind recalled that just now on the stage, he looked from the light to the darkness, his sight passed through the dense crowd, but he could catch a glimpse of Wen Zishu at a glance.

  She stood there waving her light sticks like everyone else, her eyes fixed on him with intense concentration. Her eyes were the same as those of other fans, but there seemed to be something different.

  Or maybe it was just that he was different. The feeling in his heart when he looked at her was different from when he looked at others.

  Ning Yan heard the half sentence she hadn't finished saying before the concert started. She suddenly sat up and walked quickly towards the door, taking out her cell phone as she walked. Then, she stopped the next second after opening the door.

  The person he was looking for was right in front of him, but he stood there in a daze, as if he was frightened by the door that suddenly opened.

  Ning Yan subconsciously lowered his voice, fearing to scare her again, "Why don't you come in?"

  Wen Zishu stared at him blankly, and it took her a while to react.

  "Because I'm about to do something terrible."

  After saying this, she seemed to have made up her mind. She reached out and gently pushed Ning Yan. After Ning Yan took a few steps back due to her force, she stepped forward, walked into the room, and closed the door.

  She leaned her back against the door, as if trying to gain some strength from it. "I have something to tell you. It may be very long. Please don't interrupt me, okay?"

  Ning Yan looked into her eyes and said softly, "Okay."

  The fingers hanging by his legs tightened little by little, along with his heart.

  Wen Zishu took a deep breath and said in one go, "Ning Yan, I like you."

  She avoided his eyes, as if she was afraid of something, and just lowered her eyes and blurted out what was in her mind.

  "I found out that people are really greedy. At first I just wanted to get in front of you, then I thought it would be great if you could see me too, and then, it seemed like it wasn't enough no matter what I did.

  Just like at the concert just now, I was so close to you, so close that I could see your eyes and eyebrows clearly when you lowered your head, and the lights were shining brightly on you. I can't describe the feeling. Then, you walked closer to me, waved to the thousands of people, and said we met again. You said sweet words that moved everyone, and I seemed to have lost you countless times in that moment.

  Every time I went backstage to give you flowers, you were surrounded by people and stood only a few meters away from me. When you took the flowers from my hand and said thank you to me, I was secretly happy in my heart. Even though I knew that I was mean, overbearing, and had ill intentions, I took advantage of your tenderness that could not bear to reject every sincere heart. At that time, I knew that everything I did had long exceeded the limits of a fan to his idol. But I clearly knew that you did not belong to me, but when I looked at you, I always dared not blink too much, for fear of missing you. Such love sometimes even scares me myself. "

  Only then did she look up at him, her body trembling with the sound.

  "You asked me why I always like to apologize. Because I am the only one who knows my own thoughts. Ning Yan, I often feel like a traitor. I was sitting in the concert seat, surrounded by countless people who had the same sincere love as me, but I was the only one who knew that I actually wanted to take you for myself.

  I like you, so every time you look at me, I just want to bow my head and apologize. I should say I love you, but every time I blurt out "I'm sorry."

  She spoke incoherently and incoherently, and in the end she didn't even know what she was saying. In the end, she could only squat down in embarrassment and bury her head, like a child who knew she had committed a serious sin and was powerless to change her fate, and who didn't even have the courage to face the trial.

  She lowered her head, so she couldn't see the man's eyes, couldn't see his shock, then his emotion, then his heartache.

  Although her voice was so gentle, Ning Yan felt as if her words were bombarding his heart with countless artillery fire, and he heard chaotic and sharp alarm sounds in his ears.

  His heart told him that this land that had never been set foot on was about to fall.

  He just wanted to give up resistance and surrender.

  "You don't have to... you don't have to take all the blame on yourself. Ning Yan sighed in disbelief, with a hint of bitterness on his lips, "Wen Zishu, how can I deserve you to like me so much?"

  He slowly squatted down and whispered her name in the most gentle and affectionate voice until she raised her head. Then he carefully held her in his arms, as if he was embracing the most precious treasure.

  The body in his arms was too stiff to move, and he could only listen to his voice falling into his ears bit by bit.

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Quickly Wear: The Female Supporting Character's Monologue_Yi Zhi【Complete】(19)
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (19)
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  "I'm not such an ungrateful person. How could I not feel the slightest bit moved when you treated me like that?"

  "Wen Zishu, it's never a bad thing that you like me. On the contrary, it's the luckiest thing for me in this world. Every time you give me flowers, I'm also very happy. You are not a mean and domineering person. On the contrary, I am the cowardly coward. I have obviously been moved for a long time, but I have many concerns. I obviously like you so much, but I dare not tell you."

  In front of love, he is just an ordinary person. He longs for someone to love him for who he is, not the beautifully packaged Ning Yan. But when someone really loves him as he expected, he becomes timid and worried about gains and losses.

  He is the one who will be doomed once he reaches out.

  "Has anyone ever told you that someone like you is not suitable to be a suitor?"

  She should be a blessed and cared for existence, such a cold and clean person that even the snow falling on her branches is afraid to disturb her silence. But who would have thought that she would be willing to fall into the mud for a person.

  He loosened the hug and looked down. The girl in his arms had tears still on her face and was staring at him blankly with her eyes wide open.

  He smiled and used the greatest sincerity in his life, "I like you, I can't tell exactly when it started, maybe I was a few steps behind you, but when I realized it, I already liked you very much. So Wen Zishu, are you willing to give me a chance to make up for the time difference? I will like you more than you like me."

  Wen Zishu was almost overwhelmed by so much love, and in the end, the only word left in her mind was "like".

  "If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent."

  After Ning Yan said this, seeing that the girl in his arms hadn't responded yet, he lowered his head and kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, and the fluorescent sticker on her left cheek. His kisses went all the way down to the final destination.

  Finally, a precious kiss.

  Wen Zishu only felt a light touch on her lips, and then his noses touched hers, and their breathing intertwined, making it hard for her to breathe.

  Until she was once again held in his arms, pressed against his chest, and listened to his heartbeat of the same frequency, she was still a little bit unbelievable.

  She couldn't believe that that distant, bright existence truly belonged to her.

  She murmured, "Ning Yan, this seems like a dream."

  She felt the tightening of her waist and the smile coming from the chest pressed against her, and finally she secretly curled up the corners of her mouth.

  Ning Yan gently placed a kiss on her hair and closed his eyes contentedly, feeling that his heart was filled to the brim.

  "It doesn't matter. Things in dreams also count."

  The author has something to say:

  Woohoo, I woke up and saw the only two collections and comments. I felt like crying.

  The first story is almost over.

  Chapter 10 Idol 10

  The next morning, Ning Yan's phone kept ringing.

  "I know you must be resting right now. I didn't want to wake you up, but it's urgent. I'll hang up after I finish speaking." Lin Ke on the other end also knew that he was in the wrong and took the initiative from the beginning. "Did you know? Song Nuan was photographed at the concert yesterday. Now the whole Weibo is saying that you and Song Nuan fell in love because of the drama, and you even invited her to the concert. In addition, what you said at the concert last night, now everyone thinks that your relationship is set in stone..."

  His mouth was like a machine gun, he kept talking non-stop. Ning Yan had no chance to interrupt him, so he simply turned off the conversation and planned to wait until he finished talking before making any more moves.

  Suddenly, the door of the room opened, and the person who came out rubbed his eyes sleepily, and stood there looking at him in a daze.

  Seeing this, Ning Yan walked forward, picked the person up and sat him on the sofa. He also turned on the speakerphone of his cell phone and put it aside. The voice on the other end of the line just finished speaking.

  "The crew said that your drama is about to be aired, so why not stir up some gossip? So, I want to ask you what your plans are."

  Wen Zishu was still feeling dizzy, but when she heard the voice, she subconsciously looked up and asked, "Brother Lin?"

  "Ah, hey." Lin Ke also subconsciously answered, and only then realized something was wrong, and asked hesitantly, "Zi Shu?"

  Wen Zishu seemed to find it funny that they were asking each other questions from a distance . She couldn't help laughing, which made Ning Yan curl his lips and touch her hair gently.

  "Are you hungry?" After she nodded, he kissed her eyes again, "Then go wash up first, breakfast will be ready soon, come out and eat after you wash up."

  After coaxing Wen Zishu to wash up, Ning Yan picked up the phone again. Lin Ke, who had been silent on the other end of the phone, spoke slowly at this time: "Ning Yan~"

  Before he finished speaking, Ning Yan knew what he was going to say, "Put away the mess in your mind."

  Wen Zishu regained consciousness halfway through brushing her teeth and realized why Lin Ke called her so early in the morning. However, when she finished washing up and walked into the kitchen to ask, she was lost in the happiness of her idol cooking a loving breakfast for her. It was not until she finished her meal and leisurely fell on the sofa and checked her phone that she knew how Lin Ke handled the matter.

  In response to the rumors, the studio directly issued a statement to clarify that Ning Yan and Song Nuan are just partners, and the invitation was also out of friendship. However, regarding Ning Yan's love life, the statement also stated that there has indeed been new progress, and that good news will be told to everyone later.

  She casually scrolled through the comments below, and sure enough, there were a lot of ghosts and wolves howling. One of the comments was highly praised, "To be honest, I felt something was wrong at the concert last night. When has our A-Yan ever spoken of someone in such a gentle way? It's just as I expected."

  Ning Yan came out of the kitchen after cleaning up. He sat down next to Wen Zishu, hugged her, rested his head on her shoulder, and took a look at his phone.

  "What's wrong?"

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (20)
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  "I don't know why I always feel like I've betrayed the organization."

  Ning Yan smiled and rubbed her cheek, "It's okay, I'm your ally."

  However, after he finished speaking, he showed a thoughtful expression, which made Wen Zishu feel uneasy. She couldn't help but shrink back, but was pulled back the next second.

  "Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard you call me A-Yan."

  Wen Zishu's face suddenly turned red with shame, and she stammered and wanted to run away, but she was held in his arms and kneaded for a while, until she said the name she wanted, and then someone stopped.

  After the concert, the company gave Ning Yan a day off, so they cuddled on the sofa in the nice sunshine and chatted about random things.

  Ning Yan asked the question that he had been curious about for a long time: "Why do you always give me tulips?"

  It wasn't any other flower, it was always tulips. He originally thought that was her favorite, but then he felt something was wrong.

  "Because you like it." Wen Zishu answered as a matter of course.

  "Huh?" How come he didn't know he liked tulips.

  "Isn't it? The company had a questionnaire before, asking about your preferences and so on, and you wrote tulips as your favorite flower. Did I remember it wrong?"

  Ning Yan had long forgotten when he had filled out this strange questionnaire before, and he didn't have any particular preference for flowers, so he probably just filled it out blindly following others' answers. But he didn't expect that someone would find out and keep it in mind.

  “I’m not mistaken.”

  His favorite flower now is indeed tulips.

  Then he noticed another important point, "It seems that someone has done a lot of things to abuse his power for personal gain ."

  Hearing this, Wen Zishu shrank her head guiltily at first, but then she became confident again. "This is not abuse of power for personal gain. This is a fan's concern for his idol. What's more, I didn't have any bad intentions at that time."

  The little girl was spoiled and arrogant. After confirming his feelings, she felt confident. Although she glanced at his reaction from the side while talking, she did not show any caution at all.

  Like a little kitten raising its paw to show off its power.

  But Ning Yan really liked this look of hers. He touched her hair, stroked her fur, and lowered his voice as if he was coaxing her.

  "When did that start?"

  He had discovered it since last night, and he never tired of hearing about the details of her liking for him.

  Although his heart would feel a dense and itchy pain like needles when he learned about her sad past, the numbness brought by that itch made him even more addicted.

  Wen Zishu seemed to be recalling, "I can't explain it clearly, but I remember the time you were injured on the set, I ran to see you, but I saw you lying on the bed with your eyes closed. I was suddenly scared, afraid that you would disappear from my world. Then I left halfway, and when I came back I saw Song Nuan in the room. I realized that what I feared most was not that you would leave, but that one day you would return to the crowd, and all your tenderness and preference would be given to the person in your arms. Then what about me? Where should I go?"

  "It's not fair, is it? I was the first one here, but you smiled at her. I was thinking, if you're always going to fall in love with someone else, why can't it be me? I was the one who was by your side from the beginning."

  Wen Zishu raised her head stubbornly and kissed Ning Yan's mouth rashly. Ning Yan was stunned for just a second, and immediately responded to her fiercely and gently, with comfort and heartache.

  She closed her eyes and indulged in his surging and intense love.

  Ning Yan's vacation was not long. Before long, the work of movie release and new song recording came one after another.

  In the conference room, he and his team were discussing the production of the album. When they came to discussing the heroine of the MV, Ning Yan, who had been silent, suddenly stood up. Everyone looked at him and walked towards Wen Zishu who was reading a book on the side.

  He bent down slightly, met Wen Zishu's eyes, and asked gently, "I wonder if Miss Wen Zishu is willing to play the leading role in the MV?"

  "Ah?" Wen Zishu looked at him in confusion, then looked at the others who were all staring at this side.

  "You don't need to show your face, just take some silhouettes." Ning Yan looked at her confused eyes and couldn't help but touch her face. He whispered, "Didn't someone say a few days ago that I'm not allowed to be intimate with other people?"

  "That was a joke."

  Ning Yan's movie happened to be released a while ago, which made Wen Zishu very jealous. She said angrily that she would not allow him to film such intimate scenes with other women again. But they all knew it was just a joke.

  She has always given full respect to his work.

  He resisted the urge to kiss her, "I know, but I want you to be my heroine, okay?"

  Ning Yan knew best that the little girl had almost no immunity to him, and he deliberately lowered his voice to seduce her. Sure enough, Wen Zishu couldn't resist the next second and could only nod with a red face.

  In the end, it was Lin Ke who couldn't stand it first, and rolled his eyes, "That's enough, there should be a limit to showing affection, can you take care of the single guy?"

  Lust can blind one's mind, and men and women who fall in love are the most terrifying.

  The MV of the new song was recorded at Qingqing Middle School. Just like his original intention when he wrote the song, it is about youth, faith, that grand summer and unknown love.

  The scorching hot sunlight, the camphor tree blown by the wind, the clean and bright boy, and the distant but persistent figure.

  Later, he became the most dazzling person among the crowd, but no one knew that, long before he was nameless and dim, some people had already worshipped him as a faith.

  In the final chapter of the story, the light that was being watched and followed finally turned around and looked at the figure.

  Those lonely loves also have their home.

  On the day of Ning Yan's new song release conference, when a reporter asked who the figure that appeared in the MV was, a gentle smile unconsciously appeared in his eyes.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (21)
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  "My love. She is a very good and brave girl. I often feel that I am the luckiest guy in the world because I am loved by her."

  She is a believer in love, and she is unswerving and invincible. And he is so lucky to be loved by her.

  After the press conference, Ning Yan just walked to the backstage when he saw someone walking towards him slowly with flowers in his arms.

  Someone took a photo of them hugging each other and posted it online.

  The sun was shining brightly. Ning Yan held tulips in his left hand and wrapped his right hand around the girl's waist. He lowered his head and kissed her between the eyebrows. His tenderness and joy could be felt even through the photo.

  As the mission was completed, the system heard someone's satisfied sigh, and felt that she was just like an old monster that "sucked" blood for a living.

  The points obtained after completing the task are countless, but compared with the points and the redemption rewards, it is obvious that what A Nian likes more is the love that he gets as he wishes.

  A Nian could naturally hear the system's complaints, but she didn't take it seriously.

  I'm just really good at playing the role of love.

  When she said this, her eyebrows were curved and her voice was gentle. Even though there was nothing in front of her, her eyes were full of love.

  Being looked at by her like this, everyone would have the illusion of being deeply loved.

  Even though they were old partners, the system sometimes created unnecessary confusion.

  System: Won’t you get tired of playing such a role all the time?

  Although she can now choose a variety of worlds to conquer, she has always been interested in tasks related to "love".

  A Nian tilted his head in surprise. How could that be?

  She is an evil ghost that survives by absorbing this love, so how could she feel disgusted with her own food?

  Love is a strange thing. It makes different sounds when it is put in different bottles.

  Some love is genuine, some love is fake, some love is loud and known to everyone, and some love is silent and unknown to everyone. She likes to fill the gaps in her heart with bottles and jars of love.

  The system couldn't understand what she meant, nor did it understand the subtle light that flickered in her eyes when she said this.

  The only thing that is certain is that A Nian will never fail when it comes to love.

  [Wen Zishu's glass bottle smells salty, perhaps because she likes summer.

  She liked Qingqing's summer very much, even though it was extremely hot. Sitting in a stuffy and narrow classroom, she would sweat profusely in just a few minutes, and her body would always be sticky and hot, as if even the air would make her feel suffocated. But even so, she still liked summer. Such an annoying summer, because of the existence of that boy, suddenly became bright and clear, with a vitality that people could not refuse.

  She always felt that she showed up too late, so late that the boy she liked had become such a dazzling and bright existence on his own, and so late that everything she did afterwards was just futile icing on the cake.

  It wasn't until Song Nuan showed up that she realized that love has nothing to do with the order of appearance. Even if that person came so late, she could still easily get the love that someone wanted. Isn't this very unfair? But talking about fairness in love is a ridiculous thing in itself.

  Later she thought that maybe she only had that summer that belonged to her for a short time. 】

  The author has something to say:

  The first story is over, there will be a sequel later (not the sweet kind)

  Chapter 11 Idol 11 (Extra)

  Ning Yan first appeared in the public eye on the talent show stage that summer. The handsome young man wore a simple shirt and trousers, with a clean and shy smile.

  Even the most calm and generous person will inevitably feel nervous when standing on the stage under the spotlight and facing countless curious and probing eyes. Old fans who have followed from the beginning all remember that the big star who later became a shining star was just a young boy at first. He would hold the microphone tightly when introducing himself and would subconsciously purse his lips when faced with difficult questions.

  The only thing that remains unchanged is that his gaze towards the audience is always focused and gentle. Among so many handsome and outstanding boys, he still stands out.

  His clear and pleasant voice, just like him, is the clearest and purest sparkling water in that hot summer day.

  "Hello everyone, I'm Ning Yan, and I'm very happy to be here."

  At that time, no one could have guessed that he would become an overnight sensation and continue to enjoy great success for more than ten years afterwards.

  Even he himself didn't expect it.

  Later, he stepped onto bigger and bigger stages, and the trophies in his hands became heavier and heavier. There were always countless people boasting that he was blessed with talent and was the most popular, but he always remembered that this was not the case.

  No one can get the spotlight easily.

  He rarely mentioned the sweat he shed in the practice room until the early morning, the time he was abandoned in the corner and no one cared about him, and the countless figures who once fought side by side but gradually walked away.

  That grand yet short summer, the prosperity came to an end, some people left sadly, and some set sail.

  From the beginning, he was very nervous and treading on thin ice, worried that all the prosperity was just a dream. Later on, he was able to take all the glory and applause calmly.

  Once you get used to it, all the starlight that makes others envious will become sparse and ordinary.

  But he is indeed a lucky man. He became famous at a young age and was full of ambition and success. His subsequent journey was mostly smooth and successful.

  He received so much admiration and love that it was impossible for him to remember every look. But Wen Zishu was a special one.

  Before meeting Wen Zishu, he had heard of her. At that time, the group was about to disband and the contract with the company was about to expire. He was faced with the decision of whether to renew the contract and plan for the future. During a casual chat, his agent joked that the daughter of the company's boss was a fan of yours and had liked you for many years.

  At that time, he didn't take it seriously and thought it was the company's way of retaining him. After all, he was quite popular at that time.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (22)
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  So he just smiled and put it out of his mind. But when they met for the first time much later, the first thing he thought of when he saw her was her name.

  The name is just like her. She looks like a gentle and quiet girl just like her name.

  Then he realized that the agent's joke was not an exaggeration. The love in the little girl's eyes could not be hidden. When she looked at him, there was the passion that only fans have.

  He heard her say that she was also Qingqing's student.

  Qingqing... A trace of melancholy emerged in his heart.

  He remembered that after he became famous, he once returned to his alma mater to give a speech. The familiar auditorium, the familiar background, the familiar old microphone, and a large group of young students wearing Qingqing school uniforms were sitting below. He stood on the podium and couldn't see every blurry face. In between speeches, he suddenly remembered that he used to sit there and chat with friends to kill time. As for who was on the stage and what they said, no one cared.

  When he came to his senses, he saw her slightly embarrassed look. Perhaps she was also sitting in the auditorium at that time, but the next second he didn't think about it anymore and gave her his habitual gentle smile.

  She is his fan, one of millions of fans.

  If there is any difference, it is probably that she is closer to him than others. He is not used to fans entering his life. He is the kind of person who clearly distinguishes between work and life. The so-called idol and star are just a profession for him from beginning to end. Even if he is watched all the time, he is just living an ordinary life off the stage.

  But the amazing thing is, if it was her, he would not feel repulsed. Perhaps it was because her love was passionate but not crazy. He had met fans who lost their minds before. Compared with this, she could do whatever she wanted with her status, but she never crossed the line.

  She is dignified but not arrogant. She is a girl who grew up being pampered, but she has rare courtesy and propriety.

  She would not miss any of his concerts or his new songs, but she would not step into his life or have too much contact with him off the stage. She could even have a good chat with the staff of his team, but when she faced him, she was still as nervous as when she first met him.

  Sometimes he would think that the Ning Yan she loved might be the one who shone brightly on the stage, not the real Ning Yan.

  This happened to be what he wanted.

  He gradually got used to receiving the same bouquet of flowers from her after the concert. She never said much, and he never asked much, as if this was their unique understanding and sense of propriety.

  About idols, about fans, about the distance that seems far yet near.

  When Ning Yan was 27 years old, he accepted the invitation to play the leading role in Director Luo's movie. With such a subject and such a script, he naturally knew that his decision would cause opposition and doubts from fans. He debuted through a talent show and has always adhered to the basic professional standards of an idol. Even when he starred in movies over the years, there were almost no real intimate scenes.

  He was not sure whether his choice was right or not, he just knew that this might be some kind of watershed, just like when he chose to stand on that stage at the age of 17, he was not completely sure and determined in his heart. But people like him, once they make a decision, they will go all out without hesitation.

  Although he had acted in dramas before and even worked as a worker before joining the crew, he was definitely a natural at singing and dancing, but he was just a beginner in acting.

  That was not his area of ​​expertise, and the director was not a good-tempered person. Even though he was mentally prepared, when the director pointed at his nose and scolded him in front of everyone, he still felt the long-lost embarrassment and helplessness.

  In a trance, it seemed as if he had returned to many years ago. He stood awkwardly in the practice room, and the sunlight shining through the glass window made the air in the whole room thin.

  But fortunately, he met an enthusiastic heroine. Unlike him, she was a professional actor who was never stingy or selfish. She would help him understand the psychology of the character, comfort him quietly, help him adjust his mentality, and overcome difficulties bit by bit.

  He is not a stupid man, and with such guidance, he will gradually improve.

  "Come to think of it, I'm also a fan of yours." She said this during a break on the set. She even hummed a few lines on the spot to prove herself. Unfortunately, the song was totally out of tune and even he, the original singer, almost couldn't recognize it. Seeing the smile on his face, she felt shy and annoyed.

  Even the crew's exquisite makeup couldn't hide the shyness on her cheeks.

  Ning Yan's heart trembled slightly at that moment.

  He thought he was too immersed in the play. This was the first time he devoted himself to a role. Sometimes after the performance he couldn't tell who he was. He thought the same was true for his emotions.

  But it was not until he finished filming and returned to the familiar stage, and saw her at the concert as promised, that he realized that maybe it was not the case.

  Standing on the stage, he felt his blood boiling and his heart was out of control.

  He loved the stage and he loved her.

  Paparazzi never miss any opportunity. Even though she was so low-key at the concert, she was still photographed and recognized. The media heard the news and moved. He was informed of this by his agent as soon as he came down from the stage. When he saw her appearing backstage in a rare panic, he walked straight up to her.

  She was stunned at first, then smiled and nodded under the gaze of everyone.

  The lights backstage were dim, and he gently held her in his arms, with the sound of others cheering and applauding in his ears.

  He didn't see it, and of course he couldn't see the stiff figure in the crowd.

  That day, they directly and generously admitted their relationship, and with the help of public relations and guidance, they received everyone's blessings. Later, he and she had a stable relationship, and on the day of the movie press conference, they attended together. He smiled and held her hand, and their eyes were full of smiles.

  After the press conference, he saw the familiar bouquet of tulips in his agent's hand and was slightly stunned.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
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My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Quickly Wear: The Female Supporting Character's Monologue_Yi Zhi【Complete】(23)
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (23)
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  At this moment, he realized belatedly that he had not received this bouquet of flowers for a long time, and had not seen her for a long time.

  When was the last time he saw her? Ning Yan couldn't remember, but a pair of calm and sad eyes suddenly flashed before his eyes. He wanted to capture them, but couldn't find them.

  Just like her departure, silent and without leaving any trace.

  He smelled the long-lost fragrance of flowers and said, "Put it over there."

  Maybe she likes another idol.

  As he thought about this, he hugged the girl beside him into his arms.

  The author has something to say:

  This is the original story from Ning Yan's perspective. In his world, Wen Zishu has always been just a fan, and some love seems difficult to be seen.

  The first story ends here. Do you have any friends who want to chat with us?

  📖 True and False Daughter📖


  Chapter 12 True and False Daughter 1

  The day when the young master of the Gu family returned to China, the whole of Yuncheng received the news. In order to welcome him back, all the prominent families in Yuncheng received invitations.

  At the welcoming banquet, everyone's eyes were focused, either explicitly or implicitly, on the tall and graceful man.

  The Gu family and the Shen family are both well-known families in the circle. The wedding of their business marriage was also grand and extraordinary. Who would have thought that they divorced in the third year after Gu Qingzhou was born. No one knew how they discussed it. When Gu Qingzhou was five years old, he went abroad with his mother and did not return to the Gu family until he finished his studies.

  As everyone knows, as the only son of the Gu family, Gu Qingzhou came back this time to take over the Gu family's business, which is why this grand welcoming banquet was held.

  As the focus of the whole event, Gu Qingzhou has been under everyone's gaze and scrutiny since he appeared at the banquet with his father Gu Chen. He did not disappoint Gu Chen's expectations and was always at ease at this banquet.

  With his handsome appearance and elegant and calm demeanor, I don't know how many famous ladies in Yuncheng he has conquered.

  When the banquet was nearly over, Gu Qingzhou finally had time to walk to the balcony to take a breath. He untied his tie. Someone came up to him and handed him a glass of wine. He nodded slightly to take the glass, and his Adam's apple rolled as he raised his head.

  Just a few movements show his elegance.

  Shen Yi took in all the covetous looks from the people around him and said with a wicked smile, "Master Gu is really amazing. He has captured the hearts of countless girls as soon as he came back. He is really lucky."

  Hearing this, Gu Qingzhou didn't even glance behind him, but just clinked his glass with him lightly.

  "When it comes to attracting bees and butterflies, this guy can't compare to Master Shen."

  Shen Yi rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, stop being so rude. Haven't you had enough socializing tonight?"

  This is something only someone close to you would say.

  Tonight was Gu Qingzhou's first appearance, and all the families that received the invitation sent people. Everyone present was smart, and no matter what they had in mind, they were all sincere and affectionate when they met. Gu Qingzhou had been entertaining for an entire night, and it was inevitable that he felt a little tired.

  As a member of the Shen family, only Shen Yi has a true friendship with him. In addition, Shen Yi has a carefree personality and has gone to London to hang out with Gu Qingzhou many times over the years.

  In front of his own people, Gu Qingzhou put away the smile that he had been wearing all night. He leaned his arm on the railing, his eyes wandering aimlessly, looking at all kinds of unfamiliar faces in the garden, even if he had a good memory, he couldn't remember all of them after just one greeting.

  Suddenly, his eyes stopped at a corner.

  It was a handsome but slightly immature face. Even in a suit, he couldn't hide his youthfulness. He was holding the hand of the girl next to him, mumbling something, as if he was acting coquettishly.

  But what concerned him was that this face inexplicably gave him a familiar feeling.

  Shen Yi noticed that his gaze lingered, and also looked over there. After seeing who it was, he sneered.

  "Young Master of the Jiang family, it's inappropriate for a young boy to wear adult clothes." He raised the corners of his mouth maliciously, "But maybe he will be your brother-in-law in the future. Uncle Gu just brought Miss Jiang to you to introduce her. The Gu family and the Jiang family have been close in recent years. I guess he wants to bring you together."

  The Jiang family moved to Jiangcheng only a few years ago, and they established a good relationship with the Gu family not long after they arrived. In recent years, they have become increasingly close, and marriage plans are also the first choice. Before Gu Qingzhou came back, he had already roughly understood the power of Jiangcheng, so he was naturally not surprised by Shen Yi's joke.

  But he also heard the indifference in Shen Yi's words. Shen Yi's mother and Gu Qingzhou's mother were cousins ​​and had always stood on the side of the Shen family.

  Gu Qingzhou just smiled when he heard it, but did not shift his gaze.

  Only then did he see the girl next to the boy. He had met her not long ago, but Gu Qingzhou didn't take it seriously. She was also a pretty face, but she looked a little less pretty when standing next to the bright boy. Moreover, the two of them didn't look alike at all, so he didn't immediately realize that they were siblings.

  However, the boy's dependence on and closeness to her is evident.

  Shen Yi looked at the brother and sister who were chatting and laughing, his eyes flickering slightly, as if he remembered something funny.

  "Speaking of the Jiang family, it's really a good drama. I heard that there was a mistake in the hospital that year, which caused the daughter of the Jiang family to be mixed up with other children. It was not until Jiang's father fell ill that he discovered that the child he had raised for more than ten years was not his biological daughter. It was not easy to find her, but this real daughter was sent abroad again not long after returning to her biological parents. Speaking of which, this Miss Jiang is really amazing."

  Gu Qingzhou had naturally heard about this farce about the real and fake daughter, but he didn't know the details.

  He raised an eyebrow, "What happened?"

  Seeing that he was interested, Shen Yi patiently told him what he knew.

  "I heard that not long after the real daughter came back, she and the fake daughter accidentally fell into the water together. Outsiders don't know what happened. We only know that not long after, the real Miss Jiang went abroad to study. She said she was going abroad for further studies, but anyone with a discerning eye could see clearly what a drama it was. Poor girl, she was thrown into an orphanage after her adoptive mother passed away more than ten years ago. She probably didn't even have a good schooling. The Jiang family was really cruel, throwing such a little girl in a foreign country where she was unfamiliar with the environment. Although they are blood relatives, even her own brother is only close to this Miss Jiang. No wonder the saying goes, the grace of giving birth is not as good as the grace of raising."

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