WMPFLMSR - Gorgeous Challenge Continuation

Gorgeous Challenge Continuation

When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 116: Magnificent Challenge (Part 1)
Chapter 116: Magnificent Challenge (Part 1)

In a school in Tokyo, there are no students in class because it is a holiday, but because it is rented by the crew of "Evening Moon", the crew of "Evening Moon" are busy setting up the scene, the actors are changing their costumes and putting on makeup, and director Keifumi Ogata is checking around.

As soon as Kyoko Mogami changed into the school uniform in the play and sat in front of the mirror, she immediately entered the state of the character in the play. Her gloomy and silent look was a bit creepy, and the makeup artist who was doing her makeup couldn't help but tremble.

Yukiichi Sha was sitting next to Ren Tsuruga in the corridor outside the classroom. Ren Tsuruga was reading a script, and Yukiichi Sha was looking through his recent schedule.

Suddenly, Tsuruga Lian frowned, moved her hands to cover her stomach, and bit her lips, looking a little painful.

She Xingyi immediately noticed that something was wrong with Tsuruga Ren. Seeing that Tsuruga Ren seemed to be enduring something, She Xingyi hurriedly asked with concern: "Lian, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Tsuruga Ren covering her stomach with her hands, She Xingyi immediately stood up and said, "Is your stomach disease acting up again? I'll go get you some medicine!"

Tsuruga Ren nodded, but didn't say anything because he was gritting his teeth to endure the pain.

Sha Xingyi immediately ran to the parking lot. There was always stomach medicine in the medicine box in the car. When Sha Xingyi hurriedly came back with the stomach medicine and water, he unscrewed the bottle and gave the medicine to Tsuruga Ren. Tsuruga Ren took a breath, the pain was slightly relieved, and slowly loosened his clenched teeth.

Sha Xingyi tightened his grip on the medicine bottle, looked at Tsuruga Ren and sighed, "Len, you've had stomachaches too often recently. Fuwa-kun just helped you take care of your body, but now you're torturing yourself like this again..."

Hearing that name, Tsuruga Ren's body stiffened, with deep sadness in his eyes, and Sha Xingyi stopped talking helplessly.

At this time, after putting on her makeup, Kyoko Mogami walked past Sha Yuichi and Tsuruga Ren with an expressionless face. Sha Yuichi smiled faintly and called out to Kyoko Mogami, "Ms. Kyoko, the shooting is about to start. Where are you going at this time?"

Mogami Kyoko stopped walking, as if she had just noticed Sha Yukichi and Tsuruga Ren, and turned to face them. Although her face was still expressionless, her eyes were at least a little softer, "I left my phone in the car."

Sha Yuichi smiled at Mogami Kyoko and said, "Is it the company car? I'll get it for you. I'm going to the parking lot now. Miss Kyoko, please stay here, in case you can't find anyone when the filming starts."

"Thank you for your help." Kyoko Mogami smiled slightly to express her gratitude.

Sha Yukiichi took the medicine bottle and turned around and walked downstairs to the parking lot. Tsuruga Ren squinted his eyes and leaned back in his chair. Mogami Kyoko hesitated for a while and walked to sit next to Tsuruga Ren. "Ren-kun, is your stomach problem acting up again?"

Tsuruga Ren glanced at Mogami Kyoko and smiled faintly, "What's wrong?"

Mogami Kyoko frowned, and after thinking for a while, she couldn't help but say what she wanted to say, "Lianjun, please stop doing this. Even if it's for Xiaoshang, please take care of your body. Xiaoshang will be sad if he sees Lianjun not caring about his body like this."

When Tsuruga Ren heard what Mogami Kyoko said, the faint smile on his face could no longer be maintained. He rubbed his forehead tiredly, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything. In the end, he just sighed, "I know."

Kyoko Mogami hid the worry in her eyes, nodded, and stopped trying to persuade Ren Tsuruga. Someone came over and called Kyoko Mogami, saying that director Keifumi Ogata wanted her to come over. Kyoko Mogami glanced at Ren Tsuruga, got up and left, "Then I'll go over first."

Tsuruga Ren nodded, "When Xingyi comes back later, I'll tell him to look for you."

After a while, Sha Yukiichi came back with Kyoko Mogami's cell phone, but Tsuruga Ren was not there. It turned out that the filming had already started. Sha Yukiichi was worried about Tsuruga Ren's health. He stood behind the director and watched for a while. Seeing that Tsuruga Ren's expression was normal, he felt relieved.

The phone in Sha Xingyi's hand suddenly vibrated. Sha Xingyi was afraid that it would ring and interrupt the filming, so he hurriedly pressed the answer button and said quietly as he walked away, "Hello."

Hearing Sha Xingyi's voice, the person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then carefully looked at the number in the address book, and then asked in confusion: "Hello, isn't this Miss Mogami Kyoko's number?"

"Oh, oh, yes. Miss Mogami Kyoko is at work and can't answer the phone. I'll tell Miss Mogami if you have anything to say." Sha Yukichi breathed a sigh of relief when he walked into the corridor.

"I see." The person on the other end of the phone said, "This is Tokyo Hospital. I'm calling to inform Miss Mogami Kyoko that her family member, Mr. Fuwa Shang, has just woken up. Could you please tell Miss Mogami Kyoko..."

Sha Xingyi's eyes widened, and he was stunned for a while before he reacted, with a look of surprise in his eyes, "Really? You mean Fuwa-kun has woken up? Okay, okay, thank you, we'll be there right away."

After Sha Xingyi hung up the phone, he quickly walked towards the classroom where the filming was taking place. Just as he had finished filming one take, Sha Xingyi immediately walked to the side of Tsuruga Ren and Mogami Kyoko and said, "Ren, Ms. Kyoko, Fuwa-kun has woken up!"

When Tsuruga Ren and Mogami Kyoko heard what Sha Yukiichi said, their minds went blank for a second before they realized what had happened. They immediately ran out with surprised smiles on their faces.

Seeing the two people not caring about anything, Sha Xingyi smiled kindly, told Ogata Keifumi about this matter and asked for leave for the two people. Ogata Keifumi pursed his lips, then smiled and said: "It's okay, you go ahead, I will arrange it, let's shoot other parts today."

Yukiichi Sha immediately thanked Keifumi Ogata, then chased the two guys out. When he arrived at the parking lot and saw both of them standing by the car with anxious looks on their faces, Yukiichi Sha took out the car keys from his pocket and laughed.

At this time, in a ward in Tokyo Hospital, Azhu was being examined by a group of doctors and nurses. The agent sister Ayumi Shoko, who arrived first, was standing aside waiting with a concerned look on her face.

After the doctors said that Azhu was fine, Anyun Xiangzi smiled and took a breath, her heart finally at ease.

After the doctors and nurses left, Anyun Xiangzi sat next to Azhuo and said, "We were only halfway through the concert tour when you suddenly fainted. We were so scared. You had slept for more than two months. We were almost worried to death."

Azhuo smiled apologetically at Anyun Xiangzi, "Sorry to bother you, sister."

Aki Shoko waved her hands, "It's not your fault. You're lucky to finally wake up. You should take a rest for a while. After you recover, we can talk about the concert after you are fully recovered. The hospital has already notified Kyoko, and she will be here soon."

Azhuo thought of the little girl in his memory and a smile appeared on his face, "Well, is Gongzi in class now?"

Aki Shoko shook her head. Thinking of the person she had favored, Kyoko Mogami, who ended up going to LME, she looked a little disappointed. "Kyoko said she wanted to inherit your dream, but ended up signing a contract with LME to be an actress. She's now filming on the set. Oh, and she's working with Ren Tsuruga."

Ah Zhuo was stunned. "He went to act?"

"Yes, I originally wanted to sign Kyoko, but Kyoko said that your dream is to surpass Tsuruga Ren. She said that she is not good at singing, so she wants to become a better actor than Tsuruga Ren." As Aki Shoko spoke, she looked at her watch and said to Azhu, "I'm going to go out for a while. There are reporters waiting outside. I have to announce that you have woken up safely. Your fans have been worried about you."

Azhu nodded and watched Aki Shoko walk out. After the door was closed, Azhu closed his eyes and a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. Kyoko was actually acting with Tsuruga Ren...

Tsuruga Ren...it's been a long time since I last saw you. But for Tsuruga Ren, it's probably not too long. After all, this world is only two months away from when he left.

Ah Zhuo thought about how he had put a lot of thought into Dun He Lian in order to take back the power of the world. However, before he could take Dun He Lian down, the Lord God chased him and forced him to leave this world...

He left in a hurry, and he didn't know what Dun He Lian was thinking. A Zhuo thought about what he had done to Dun He Lian before. Because Dun He Lian was too tall, he had to be a little bit cunning to have an overwhelming advantage... Thinking about it, A Zhuo couldn't help laughing. Dun He Lian, what will happen if we meet again...

Sometimes, when you think of someone, that person will always appear immediately, just like now. Azhuo just couldn't help laughing when he thought of what he had done to Dunhe Lian before, and the door of the ward was pushed open eagerly. Azhuo turned his head in confusion and looked over, and his eyes met with Dunhe Lian.

Azhuo didn't stop smiling, and just greeted Tsuruga Lian with a smile, "Lian Jun, you are here."

When Dun He Lian saw the long-lost smile on this man's face, he thought of the night two months ago when this man also smiled like this before leaving. He felt a little sad, but also happy to see that this man had woken up and was doing well. The two emotions mixed together, and Dun He Lian couldn't help feeling complicated.

Behind him, Kyoko Mogami couldn't wait to push aside Atsuga Ren, ran into the ward and threw herself on Azhuo, crying and laughing, "Xiao Shang, you really woke up, Xiao Shang! I'm so happy, it's great that Xiao Shang woke up!"

Azhuo patted the emotional little girl's back to comfort her, and said with a smile: "Yes, I'm awake, Gongzi. I promised to update three chapters before going to bed, but I was so engrossed in the movie that I am so sleepy now that I am ready to go to bed. I even forgot what I said before about going to bed early and getting up early. I slap myself!

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 117: Magnificent Challenge (Part 2)
Chapter 117: Magnificent Challenge (Part 2)

There was nothing wrong with Azhuo's body, he just had been lying in the hospital for more than two months. Because he was in a coma and unable to eat, he had been receiving nutrient solution to maintain his life. So the doctor said Azhuo could be discharged from the hospital, but he needed to supplement his nutrition and exercise more after discharge.

Aki Shoko completed the discharge procedures for Azhu, and then sent Azhu and Mogami Kyoko home.

Because Azhu was trying to comfort the emotional Mogami Kyoko, Tsuruga Ren didn't say a few words to Azhu. In the parking lot, Tsuruga Ren stood aside and watched Azhu and Mogami Kyoko get into the car together. She wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

After getting in the car, Azhuo rolled down the window and looked at the hesitant Tsuruga Ren outside, and smiled, "Lian Jun!"

Dun He Lian immediately looked at Azhu and blinked in confusion.

Ah Zhuo smiled and shook his hand: "If you have time, can you come to see me often?"

Dun He Lian was stunned for a while, not knowing what was going on in her heart, but suddenly she felt settled, and nodded to Azhu with a smile on her face, "Okay."

An Yun Xiangzi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, turned around and smiled at A Zhuo, and asked, "Shang, can I drive now?"

Kyoko Mogami looked at Tsuruga Ren outside, then looked at Azhuo, squinting her eyes and covering her mouth with her hands while laughing. Azhuo nodded to Shoko Aki, who started the car. Azhuo then looked at Kyoko Mogami who was laughing happily, and patted her shoulder, "What are you laughing at?"

Although Mogami Kyoko covered her mouth, the sound of puffing still leaked out. Azhuo patted her shoulder and asked her a question. Mogami Kyoko let go of her hand and looked at Azhuo jokingly and said, "It seems that Lianjun is reluctant to leave. Is Xiaoshang reluctant to leave too?"

When Aki Shoko heard what Mogami Kyoko said, the corners of her mouth curled up. As Azhu's agent, Aki Shoko was naturally the person who knew Azhu's whereabouts best. How attentive Azhu had been to Tsuruga Ren before, Aki Shoko knew it. It was not uncommon for men to be together in the entertainment industry. Aki Shoko had been in the entertainment industry for many years, so she didn't find it strange.

Azhuo was helpless with these two gossipy women. He laughed and closed his eyes to indicate that he wanted to rest.

Although Kyoko Mogami likes to read gossip, after all, Azhu had just woken up and been discharged from the hospital. Kyoko Mogami was still worried about Azhu's health. When she saw Azhu began to rest, she immediately stopped talking and did not make any sound for fear of disturbing Azhu. She also took out a blanket and gently covered Azhu with it.

When he returned home, Kyoko Mogami cleaned Azhu's room every day, and there was no change from before Azhu left. Kyoko Mogami also washed the sheets and quilts in the room on time, and they were all clean so Azhu could use them directly.

Because Azhuo woke up and An Yunxiangzi had to go back to the company to arrange follow-up matters, she left without staying long.

After helping Azhu back to the room to rest, Kyoko Mogami resolutely followed the doctor's instructions and prepared to make a lot of nutritious food for Azhu. Azhu couldn't help but smile when he saw Kyoko Mogami's energetic look. Kyoko is still so energetic.

Azhu was resting in the room and felt bored, so he went out to the living room, turned on the TV, and leaned on the sofa to watch the show. After Kyoko Mogami prepared a nutritious lunch in the kitchen, Azhu and Kyoko Mogami sat down to eat together. Azhu began to ask Kyoko Mogami about her entry into the entertainment industry.

Azhuo said, "I heard that Gongzi became an actress to fulfill my dream? Gongzi, you don't have to do this. You should have your own life. You are still young now, so you should go to high school like an ordinary girl, then go to college, and do what you like in the future."

Mogami Kyoko smiled shyly, "Xiao Shang, thank you. Actually, although I became an actor for Xiao Shang at the beginning, but now, Xiao Shang, I think I really like acting. I think I have found what I like."

Azhuo looked into Kyoko Mogami's eyes steadily. After confirming that Kyoko Mogami was speaking from the heart, Azhuo smiled and said, "Well, I'm glad that Kyoko can find something she likes to do, but Kyoko, you still have to study hard."

"Yes!" Kyoko Mogami nodded seriously, "I will study hard. I want to apply to Tokyo University of the Arts!"

Azhuo smiled and nodded, "Then Gongzi needs to work harder!"

The next day, Kyoko Mogami got up early to film "Dark Moon". Azhu wanted to go with her, but Kyoko Mogami was worried about Azhu's health. After all, Azhu had just been discharged from the hospital yesterday, so in the end Kyoko Mogami let Azhu stay at home to rest.

Ah Zhuo thought of what Kyoko Mogami said to comfort him before she left: "Xiao Shang, have a good rest at home. When I come back, can I bring Xiao Shang his favorite eel sushi?"

Azhuo couldn't help but frown. The little girl was probably because, although she was younger than Bupo Shang, she was the one who took care of Bupo Shang in the past, so now she was coaxing Azhuo like a child.

When Kyoko Mogami came back from filming in the evening, she really went to buy eel sushi. Not only that, she also brought back someone she thought Azhu would definitely want to meet.

Tsuruga Ren followed behind Mogami Kyoko, holding the eel sushi that Azhuo was said to love. Tsuruga Ren looked a little reserved. Although he and Mogami Kyoko had become very familiar with each other during the filming, for some reason, when Mogami Kyoko thought about finishing the filming today, she ran over and said, "Ren-jun, do you want to go home with me? Xiaoshang will definitely be very happy to see Ren-jun!"

Tsuruga Ren still remembered the smirk on Sha Xingyi's face at that time. Tsuruga Ren ignored the shyness in his heart and tried to say normally: "Okay."

Sha Xingyi smiled and patted Tsuruga Ren's shoulder, saying, "Then Ren, you drive with Ms. Kyoko and go. I'll take the company car back to the office."

As a result, on the way, Mogami Kyoko said that she wanted to buy the food that Fuwa Shang liked to eat. Tsuruga Ren resigned herself to being the driver to find the sushi restaurant that Fuwa Shang said he loved the most. Along the way, Mogami Kyoko changed her usual silent appearance on the crew and kept chattering about what Xiao Shang liked and what Xiao Shang didn't like...

Tsuruga Ren felt that Mogami Kyoko's motives for telling him so much were not pure, because no matter how you looked at it, it was like she was nagging someone else's mother-in-law who was entrusting her own daughter to someone else's...

Bored Azhu was leaning on the sofa watching TV. A TV series was being broadcast on TV, and the male lead was Tsuruga Ren. Hearing the door open, Azhu turned around and saw Kyoko Mogami and Ren Tsuruga.

Kyoko Mogami smiled happily at Azhuo and said, "Xiao Shang, we are back!"

Azhuo smiled.

Kyoko Mogami shook the bag in Tsuruga Lian's hand and said to Azhuo as if offering a treasure: "Xiao Shang, look! Your favorite eel sushi! Lian-jun bought it!"

For some reason, Azhuo and Dunhe Lian looked at each other with embarrassment.

After entering the house, Mogami Kyoko went to the kitchen to cook, leaving Azhu and Tsuruga Ren alone in the living room. Tsuruga Ren carried the sushi bag and sat down next to Azhu. She coughed and said, "Are you okay? How do you feel today?"

Ah Zhuo looked at Tsukuhe Lian's uncomfortable face, put on a smile, and moved closer to Tsukuhe Lian, "I feel very well... It's really boring to stay at home. Fortunately, there are TV series starring Lian Jun to watch."

Tsuruga Ren moved aside a little. The TV was broadcasting a TV series in which he had starred a long time ago. Tsuruga Ren frowned as he looked at himself on TV. Probably many people would have this feeling. When they see their old works many years later, they would feel dissatisfied no matter how they looked at them.

That's what Tsuruga Ren is feeling now. Watching the TV series he starred in when he just debuted, and seeing his own shallow and immature acting skills at that time, Tsuruga Ren felt quite embarrassed, so he frowned, picked up the remote control and changed the channel.

Ah Zhuo laughed and asked, "What's wrong? Why do you want to change the channel?"

Tsuruga Ren gave Azhu a fake smile and said, "If Fuwa-kun is bored, why don't you do something meaningful?"

Ah Zhuo blinked his eyes to show his confusion, "What is more meaningful?" He did not forget to tease Tsuruga Lian and said with a smile: "I think watching Lian Jun is quite meaningful."

Dun He Lian glanced at A Zhuo lightly. Despite this level of teasing, Dun He Lian seemed very calm and not affected at all.

Azhuo smiled and leaned back to watch the variety show on TV, which was quite funny.

Azhu knew when to stop. After all, Kyoko Mogami was at home. If he went too far and was seen by Kyoko Mogami, she would probably cover her mouth and laugh again.

After finishing the meal, Tsuruga Ren stood up to say goodbye, and Azhuo also stood up and said, "I'll take you downstairs."

Kyoko Mogami smiled but said nothing.

Tsuruga Lian originally wanted to say no, but after meeting Azhuo's eyes, she was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

After leaving the house, Dun Helian was about to go to the elevator, but who would have thought that Azhuo suddenly reached out and held Dun Helian's hand, and pulled Dun Helian into the stairwell. Everyone used the elevator to go in and out, so there were basically no people using the stairwell, and it was night time, so there was even less people.

The lights in the stairwell are voice-activated and won't come on at all unless there's a loud noise.

Dun Helian was pulled in by Azhuo, and immediately everything in front of him was dark. Dun Helian blinked twice before adapting to the dimness of the stairwell. He looked at Azhuo and asked, "What are you doing?"

Azhuo smiled, stretched out his hands to hold Dun Helian's neck, let Dun Helian lower her head, and then kissed Dun Helian's lips in Dun Helian's astonished eyes. Dun Helian didn't know whether she was too surprised or what, and she didn't react and let Azhuo kiss her.

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Chapter 118: Magnificent Challenge (Part 3)
Chapter 118: Magnificent Challenge (Part 3)

At first, Azhu just gently pressed his lips against Dunhe Lian's, rubbing them softly, then he stretched out his tongue and licked Dunhe Lian's lips. Without any resistance, Azhu's tongue slipped into Dunhe Lian's mouth.

No one knew how long this kiss lasted, and no one knew when it started. Tsuruga Ren actually responded by kissing Azhuo... Their lips and tongues intertwined, exchanging each other's saliva and air...

When the two people finally separated, Tsuruga Ren was panting, with a blank look in her eyes for a moment.

Azhuo curved his lips and called out Tsuruga Lian's name with a smile: "Lian."

Azhuo's tone sounded gentle, and maybe because of the long kiss just now, Azhuo's voice was a little hoarse. His magnetic voice sounded a little sexy, which made people feel itchy.

Tsuruga Lian was awakened by the word "Lian". Her eyes regained clarity and she glanced at Azhuo. She felt a little burned by the smile on Azhuo's face, so she turned her head away and said, "I should go back."

But Azhuo didn't let Dun Helian go. He put his arm around Dun Helian's shoulders and whispered in Dun Helian's ear, "I miss Lian a lot. Does Lian miss me?"

Dun He Lian felt as if his ears were burned by something, but thinking of the time when Azhuo was unconscious, and the dull pain in his heart when he heard the news, Dun He Lian pursed his lips, lowered his head slightly, and looked at Azhuo without avoiding, "Bupo-kun, the day before you fell into a coma, I vaguely realized my feelings for you, but at that time I thought there was still a lot of time, and I thought everything could be done slowly without rushing."

Azhuo blinked and listened quietly to what Dunhe Lian said next.

Tsuruga Ren seemed to have made up his mind, with a serious determination in his eyes, "When I heard the news that you were in a coma, I felt very sad. I regretted not telling you that day. I think I fell in love with you."

Azhuo smiled and touched Tsuruga Lian's smooth cheek, "Well, since Lian has said so, there is no way I will let Lian go."

Dun He Lian was somewhat dissatisfied with Azhuo's action. It looked like what the male lead did to the female lead in the love scenes he had played. Dun He Lian turned his face away and sneered at Azhuo's words. He had never seen Azhuo let him go before. He had shamelessly invaded his life and left deep marks...

Tsuruga Ren narrowed his eyes and said with a half-smile, "Isn't sticking to people your strong point?"

"Yeah, so Lian, are you ready to be inseparable from me in this life?" Azhuo was not ashamed but proud.

Tsuruga Lian rubbed his head pretending to have a headache, "I feel like I've gotten myself into a lot of trouble."

The crew was filming, and the heroine was accidentally injured. The hero played by Den He Ren nervously bandaged the heroine and looked at her affectionately...

"Okay, this scene is over. Let's take a break and shoot the next one later!" Ogata Keifumi smiled and shouted "Cut" loudly.

Tsuruga Ren walked to a chair at the side of the field and sat down. Sha Xingyi took out a bowl of sweet soup for Tsuruga Ren. Tsuruga Ren took it and ate while reading the script for the end.

Sha Xingyi smiled and asked, "Is the sweet soup delicious? Fuwa-kun had someone bring it over."

Tsuruga Ren paused, glanced at Sha Xingyi and was too lazy to reply.

There was no scene with Kyoko Mogami today, so she stayed at home with Azhuo and did not come to the crew. After finishing today's filming, Sha Xingyi and Tsuruga Ren left together. Tsuruga Ren drove the car. Sha Xingyi thought about it and couldn't help asking: "Ren, what is your relationship with Fuwa-kun now?"

Tsuruga Ren blinked and thought about his words. After all, Sha Xingyi was not only his trusted friend, but also his agent. Tsuruga Ren didn't think he should hide it from Sha Xingyi, and...

When that guy Fuwa Shang was courting him, he never thought of hiding from others. She Xingyi basically knew everything about this matter and he was just short of admitting it himself...

Finally, Tsuruga Ren looked at Sha Xingyi helplessly and said, "It's just as you imagined."

"Oh? What I thought?" Sha Xingyi asked with a smile.

"A romantic relationship." Tsuruga Ren was speechless and didn't bother to even give Sha Xingyi another look.

Sha Yukiichi didn't mind Tsuruga Ren's attitude at all. Instead, he smiled happily. To be honest, Sha Yukiichi knew very well that Fuwa Nao was pursuing Tsuruga Ren. He was a little bothered at the beginning because both Fuwa Nao and Tsuruga Ren were men. But later, seeing Fuwa Nao's almost meticulous care for Tsuruga Ren, Sha Yukiichi let go of that hesitation.

Sha Yukiichi and Tsuruga Ren have known each other for such a long time, and he knows best how badly Tsuruga Ren can take care of herself. Maybe other agents would not allow their artists to fall in love, but Sha Yukiichi really wants the best for Tsuruga Ren, so he always hopes that Tsuruga Ren can find someone who can take good care of her.

I just always thought that this person would be a woman, but I didn’t expect it to be a man.

Sha Xingyi got off the car at LME, and Tsuruga Ren drove back to his home. Who knew that after opening the door, the lights in the house were on, and there were a pile of boxes in the living room. Tsuruga Ren remembered that Fuwashang called her last night. She had just finished filming a night scene and went home too tired to lie on the bed in a daze. It seemed that Fuwashang said something and she agreed in a daze.

Now that I think about it, at that time, Bu Po Shang seemed to be talking about moving to his own house?!

Sure enough, after hearing the door open, Azhuo and Mogami Kyoko, who were originally cleaning up the guest room in Tsuruga Ren's house, came out and said to Tsuruga Ren with a smile, "Lian, you're back!"

Mogami Kyoko looked at the time and said, "Ah, it's getting late, I have to go back. Then Lianjun, get along well with Xiaoshang!"

Tsuruga Ren watched as Mogami Kyoko picked up her backpack and ran out of her house like the wind, then she looked into Azhu's eyes and was speechless for a moment. After a while, she said, "I didn't hear clearly what you said yesterday."

Ah Zhuo opened his eyes wide and said with an aggrieved look: "Lian, are you going to chase me away?"

Tsuruga Ren was defeated by Azhuo's expression, which was not fake at all. Although he knew that Azhuo was definitely acting, he couldn't say anything to chase Azhu away. He could only rub his forehead in annoyance, "Shang, I think it's too fast for you to move in now?"

"I just live in the room next to yours." Azhuo said seriously.

Tsuruga Ren was slightly relieved, but still a little entangled. After all, Fuwa Shang was only 17 years old and still a minor! Although he admitted his feelings for Fuwa Shang and confirmed their relationship under the stimulation of Fuwa Shang's coma for more than 2 months.

However, he is still a minor! If he goes to school normally, he is still a high school student!

Tsuruga Ren was very conflicted and bothered by this. He couldn't get over it. If it weren't for the sudden coma of Fuwa Shang, even if Tsuruga Ren knew his feelings for Fuwa Shang, he wouldn't admit it so quickly. He would have to wait until Fuwa Shang grew up, at least until he was 18 years old.

And now, even though she had confessed her feelings and confirmed her relationship, Tsuruga Ren had never thought of moving on so quickly and moving in together directly...

In Tsuruga Ren's plan, he was still prepared to keep a certain distance and wait until Fuwa came of age.

In short, Tsuruga Ren was very concerned about Fuwa Shang's age. He felt that falling in love with an underage boy condemned his moral sense and was too much of a loss.

Dun He Lian sat there. Although she didn't say anything, her face was full of hesitation and confusion. A Zhuo quickly understood that Dun He Lian had something on her mind.

Azhuo sat next to Dunhe Lian and looked at her sideways. Dunhe Lian's eyelids were drooping, and she seemed to be thinking about a very distressing problem. Azhuo patted Dunhe Lian's shoulder very considerately, "What are you struggling with?"

Tsuruga Ren looked up at the little lover beside him, and felt guilty again at that tender face, "Shang, how long will it take for you to be eighteen?"

Azhuo blinked twice, understanding what Dunhe Lian was thinking. Azhuo laughed in his heart, and then, Azhuo, a real old man, said seriously: "I don't mind you being old, really."

Dun He Lian looked at A Zhuo speechlessly. He was only 21 years old, absolutely not old. In fact, he was only four years older than Fu Po. Four years was not a big age difference at all. It was only because Fu Po was not yet an adult that Dun He Lian was very concerned about this.

Looking at Fupo's suitcase beside him, Tsuruga Ren finally sighed. He had already moved in, could he really not get rid of Fupo? Forget it, he would just move in. At most, he would pay more attention to it. Even if he lived in the same room, he would keep a good distance. Before Fupo came of age, nothing unexpected should happen.

Dun He Lian stood up and helped A Zhuo clean up the room. In this way, A Zhuo successfully moved into Dun He Lian's house, and their cohabitation life began.

The author has something to say: Go to sleep!!! Good night everyone!!!

I wish myself a good dream. Since I have updated so much today, I hope I won’t have nightmares anymore. Amitabha, bless me.


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Chapter 119: Magnificent Challenge (End)
Chapter 119: Magnificent Challenge Follow-up (End)

The TV series "Dark Moon" starring Tsuruga Ren and Mogami Kyoko has been completed and will be broadcast on TV soon.

After finishing filming "The Moon Is Dark", Tsuruga Ren did not take any new work and prepared to take a break for a while, while Mogami Kyoko was sent back to school by Azhu, and they made three rules: she could only take work during the holidays and should focus on studying at this stage, and must not take leave to delay her studies because of acting.

Azhuo had just completed his previously delayed concert schedule. The company was planning to release a new album for Azhuo, but it was still in the preparation stage of song selection. Azhuo said that he was too tired from the concert schedule and wanted to take a break and have a vacation or something.

With the help of An Yunxiangzi's persuasion, the company saw that Azhuo resumed his activities shortly after being discharged from the hospital, and had been working almost every day without a rest during the more than one month of the concert, so they agreed to let Azhuo rest for a while, only saying that after the album selection was completed, Azhuo had to come back to start preparing for the new album.

Before, Tsuruga Ren went to the crew to film every day, leaving early and returning late, and Azhu also flew to various cities in Japan for concerts. Although Azhu moved into Tsuruga Ren's house, the two had very few opportunities to meet.

Now, Azhuo and Dunhe Lian, two busy people, started their vacation at the same time. Azhuo narrowed his eyes and looked at Dunhe Lian with a curved lip. Dunhe Lian didn't know why he felt a little nervous in his heart, as if something uncontrollable was going to happen?

Today is the first day of vacation. In the morning, Azhu opened his eyes in his room and glanced at the clock on the table. It was 7:10.

Azhuo stretched himself, threw off the quilt and got out of bed, and went straight to the next door to knock on the door. Ahem, he went to wake up Dun Helian. After Azhuo knocked on the door, there was no movement inside. Dun Helian was probably still sleeping soundly. Azhuo's mouth curled up, turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

You said Azhuo should continue to knock on the door? No, Azhuo would not do that. If Tsuruga Ren didn't wake up after knocking on the door, then he would go into the room and shout.

With a faint smile on his face, Azhuo walked into Tsukuhe Lian's room. There were thick black curtains in Tsukuhe Lian's room, so not much sunlight could get in. Therefore, the room was quite dark. However, Azhuo was familiar with the place and walked to Tsukuhe Lian's bed very smoothly. He bent down and leaned close to Tsukuhe Lian's ear, and called softly, "Lian, get up."

Tsuruga Ren frowned and waved his hands near his ears, as if trying to drive away some annoying noise.

Azhu cleverly dodged and was not hit by Dun He Lian's hand. Dun He Lian waved his hand twice and then put it down. He rubbed his face on the pillow twice and continued to sleep.

In her sleep, Tsukuro Ren looked very relaxed, as peaceful as a simple child. Ah Zhuo smiled softly, leaned over to kiss Tsukuro Ren's face, "Lian, it's time to get up." Then he leaned back and kissed Tsukuro Ren's lips, first touching gently, then slightly opening his lips to hold Tsukuro Ren's lower lip, sucking it, and licking it with the tip of his tongue, as if he was eating a delicious jelly...

Azhuo let go of Dun Helian's lower lip, put his tongue into Dun Helian's mouth, licked Dun Helian's teeth, and lifted Dun Helian's jaws. Although Dun Helian's eyes were still closed, her eyelashes trembled. I don't know if it was something she felt in her dream, her face turned a little red...

Dunhe Lian's chest rose and fell noticeably. She loosened her teeth slightly and was invaded by Azhuo's tongue, which scraped Dunhe Lian's tongue coating ambiguously. Dunhe Lian took a breath and opened her eyes. Her eyes were confused for a moment, but the naughty tongue in the cavity entangled Dunhe Lian's tongue and sucked it. Dunhe Lian's eyes flashed with a hint of helplessness and a hidden pampering.

Azhuo and Tsuruga Ren's eyes met, and Azhuo narrowed his eyes with a smile.

After the kiss ended, Tsuruga Ren pushed Azhu away and asked, "Why did you come to my room?"

Ah Zhuo smiled, not feeling guilty at all, "I came to wake you up and... to give you a good morning kiss."

After saying that, Azhuo naturally leaned over and licked Dun Helian's Adam's apple, and gently scraped it with his teeth. Dun Helian took a breath, his throat tightened, and his lower abdomen, which was already raised, became even harder.

Dun He Lian glared at A Zhuo with dark eyes, pulled the quilt to cover it, and said, "Stop fooling around, Shang."

Ah Zhuo chuckled, "Okay, then Lian, get up quickly. I'll make breakfast. Don't forget that you promised me yesterday that you would go out and play with me today."

Dun He Lian pursed her lips until she saw Azhuo leave her room, then her back relaxed. She rubbed her face, looked at her lower body, sighed, lifted the quilt and went straight into the bathroom.

When Azhuo was ready for breakfast, Dunhe Lian came out after washing and changing clothes and turned on the TV.

Azhuo handed the hot milk to Dun Helian, who took it and drank it while flipping through today's newspaper. When Dun Helian finished the milk and put down the cup, Azhuo had spread peanut butter on the bread and put a fried egg on it and handed it to him. Dun Helian didn't even look up, but she took it accurately and put it to her mouth...

The breakfast for two was harmonious, warm and tacit in atmosphere, just like an old married couple.

After dinner, Azhu packed up his things and went back to his room to change clothes.

When Azhuo changed his clothes and came out, Dun He Lian had just finished reading the newspaper. Azhuo was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt with a plaid shirt on the outside, which was simple and casual.

Ah Zhuo held two large-brimmed caps and two pairs of sunglasses that covered almost two-thirds of his face. He put the hat and sunglasses on Dun Helian very smoothly, and then put them on himself. He pulled Dun Helian to stand up and said, "Let's go."

Tsuruga Ren adjusted his sunglasses and said a little worriedly, "I hope no one will recognize me."

Ah Zhuo chuckled, "You must not have gone out to play openly for a long time."

Tsuruga Ren pursed her lips and blinked, thinking for a while and said, "Well... the last time was more than four years ago. By the way, where are we going today?"

"Is there any place you want to go or anything you want to do?" Azhu asked Dun He Lian.

Tsuruga Ren thought about it carefully. In addition to work, he usually went on vacation abroad where no one knew him. He really had never had a good time in Japan and didn't know what fun there was. So Tsuruga Ren shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Ah Zhuo scratched his head. What do people usually do on a date? Watch a movie? Forget it. As for the amusement park... that's for kids and girls, and we can't go to places with too many people...

In the end, Azhu narrowed his eyes in frustration. He had finally persuaded Tsuruga Ren to go out and play, but when the time came, he didn't know what to do. Azhu himself had no dating experience, so he sighed.

The TV started advertising, and a hot spring resort advertisement was playing. Azhuo's eyes lit up and he said to Dunhe Lian, "Shall we go take a hot spring bath?"

Tsuruga Ren's face, which was hidden by his sunglasses, began to turn red because he remembered that particularly real dream...Tsuruga Ren shook his head fiercely, "No."

"Why?" Azhuo frowned, "Soaking in hot springs is good for your health, go ahead."

The muscles on Tsuruga Ren's face were all stiff, and his mind began to work at high speed, trying to come up with a bunch of legitimate reasons not to go to the hot spring. "It's too far. I won't be able to make it back today."

Azhuo smiled and said, "We have a few days off anyway. If we can't get back today, there's nothing to worry about. We can just stay there for a few more days."

"It's only early autumn now, and winter is the right season to go to hot springs." Tsuruga Ren said again.

"What does it matter? We can go to the bar all year round. Let's not talk about whether we have time to go in winter. There are not many people going to the hot springs now. Isn't it just right? We don't have to worry about being discovered." Azhu rejected Tsuruga Ren's reason without hesitation.

In the end, even if Tsuruga Ren was reluctant, she couldn't find a normal reason, and could only watch helplessly as Azhuo packed a simple luggage with a smile, put the luggage in the car, and drove to the hot spring villa. When they arrived at the hot spring villa, Azhuo smiled and asked for a room with a private hot spring, and prepaid a week's fee.

The two were taken to their accommodation by the waiter. After putting down their luggage, Azhuo took the yukata and said, "Let's go to the hot spring first, Lian."

Tsuruga Ren put on her yukata stiffly, and it was not until she entered the hot spring pool and was surrounded by the warm hot spring water that the stiffness disappeared a little.

Dun He Lian and A Zhuo were sitting next to each other. A Zhuo lowered his head and took off his yukata. Dun He Lian immediately stared at A Zhuo with wide eyes and asked in a panic, "Shang, why are you taking off your yukata?"

Ah Zhuo blinked and said innocently, "I don't think it's comfortable to bathe in a bathrobe."

"But..." Tsuruga Ren wanted to stop him but couldn't say anything. She could only watch Azhu take off his bathrobe, revealing his fair skin. Tsuruga Ren's throat moved and his lower abdomen tightened.

As a result, Azhuo not only took off his own clothes, but also took off Tsuruga Lian's clothes, and said with a smile: "Lian, it will be much more comfortable to soak without clothes, you should take them off too."

Tsuruga Ren wanted to say no, he felt comfortable like this, but he was too late to stop Azhuo who was quick. Azhuo untied the belt and then gently pulled the yukata, which loosely slid down.

Many things flashed through Tsuruga Ren's mind, but disappeared very quickly, and finally his mind seemed to be in a mess.

Just when Dun He Lian was in a daze, A Zhuo put his arms around Dun He Lian's shoulders and kissed her.

Then, everything that happened afterwards, just like the scene in the dream that day, began to repeat itself.

At the moment when Azhu entered her body, Tsuruga Lian was confusedly thinking, fortunately, Fupo had already celebrated his 18th birthday last month...

The author has something to say: I turned off the lights, haha. There are many reasons for turning off the lights, such as the crackdown will get me locked up, and the hot spring h has been written before, but it was a dream before and it is real now. The most important point is that I really don’t write sex! Today, there is only this one update, because I have to get up early tomorrow morning to pick up my little sister at the airport, and then we have a chat tomorrow, and I may go home very late, so tomorrow’s update is uncertain, and if it is updated, it will be very late.

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