GTQ (QW) - 5: Planting grassland on the head of the violent prince

5: Planting grassland on the head of the violent prince

☆ 123. Chapter 120, second update, drugging the dog king...
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Chapter 120 Second update, drugging the dog prince...

Jiang Mu called the maid in.

"Madam, have you thought about it? The prince will be back soon."

Chun Tao was a little anxious. She was really worried that if Huanruo became a concubine, her master's status would become lower and lower.

By then, the whole Mingyue Residence would be dominated by the people of Qiu Ya Pavilion.

Originally, they had been watching their eyes for the past few years. Obviously, Jiang Mu was the mistress of the palace, but because the prince only valued the one in Qiu Ya Pavilion, the servants of the palace only knew the people of Ba Qiu Ya Pavilion.

Chun Tao thought of this way, hoping that Jiang Mu could do it with the prince before the prince married that woman into the house, otherwise the title of the princess would be in name only, and she would be laughed at behind her back, and it would also dampen the woman's spirit.

If she could get pregnant, it would be even better.

"I'm thirsty, pour me a cup of tea."

Chuntao didn't know why Jiang Mu was still in the mood to drink tea at this time. Seeing that the prince was coming, the lady could not see the prince many times throughout the year. If the prince was not going to marry Huanruo tomorrow and come to warn Jiang Mu to be honest tomorrow, he would not come to Mingyueju.

But Chuntao was anxious and had no choice but to make tea for Jiang Mu.

After she brought the tea to Jiang Mu, Jiang Mu said slowly: "Chuntao, where did you get the medicine?"

Chuntao answered honestly: "I have a relative who does business in Northern Xinjiang all year round. I asked him to bring it to me. No one else knows. Madam, don't worry, it will definitely not be discovered."

Jiang Mu: "Give me the medicine."

Chuntao: "Ah?"

Jiang Mu: "Give me the medicine."

Chuntao was very confused. She took out a sachet from her sleeve with the medicine hidden inside.

"Madam, what are you doing with the medicine? Aren't I going to rub it on the cup when I make tea later and give it to the prince?"

Jiang Mu smiled, "Don't worry about it. Have you told anyone about this medicine?"

Chun Tao thought for a while and said, "No, I just got the medicine from my relatives yesterday."

Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows slightly and whispered, "I know, you can go down, you can't tell anyone else about this, not even those in our yard, you keep your mouth shut, if anyone else knows, I will punish you severely."

Chun Tao looked confused, so should the medicine be taken or not?

Judging from the madam's meaning, she should still be unwilling.

Chun Tao thought, the days ahead will be difficult.


Jiang Mu held the sachet in one hand and put one hand on the teacup, stroking the edge of the cup.

In the original plot, the original owner did not agree to take the medicine, but Murong Yan was still poisoned.

If this medicine really came from northern Xinjiang, it would be impossible for such a coincidence that other people also had the same medicine.

It is estimated that Chuntao came out of the original owner's house and told other people about this matter, and the medicine was also taken away.

Think about the original owner's frame-up later.

The culprits are the maids Xia He and Huan Ruo in the original owner's house.

It is not difficult to guess.

It turns out that at this time, Huan Ruo had already bribed her personal maid in her house.

Jiang Mu pulled the corner of his mouth and squeezed the sachet tightly.

She put the sachet into her sleeve, then got up and went to find a mirror first.

Take a look at your appearance in this life first.

The mirror at this time is not as clear as in later generations, but although it is blurry, it can still be seen that the original owner has an extremely beautiful and moving face.

It's just that this face looks a little haggard, with resentment and melancholy between the eyebrows and eyes, and there is no youthful vitality of a young woman.

You must know that the original owner was only nineteen years old at this time.

This is ancient times. Even if you have been married for three years, you are still a little girl in modern times.

It's a great time, so you can't be artificial.

Jiang Mu looked at the clothes on her body. It was beautiful and delicate, but it was too dignified.

In order to manage the palace in the past few years, the original owner, a little girl who knew nothing, suffered a lot and made many mistakes. Without the help of her husband, she was not familiar with the palace at all. She wanted to manage many things but didn't know if she could. She had no prestige and some people didn't listen to her.

In order to prevent people from bullying her for her young age, she deliberately wore only some steady and mature clothes.

Such a good young girl was ruined by these dark clothes.

Jiang Mu thought to himself that he would make some new clothes tomorrow.

Just thinking about it, he saw a woman in green clothes walked in.

"Madam, the prince is back and is coming this way."

It was Xia He who spoke.

Jiang Mu saw her and looked at her carefully.

Xia He is more beautiful than Chun Tao, with delicate eyebrows and eyes, but she lowers her eyebrows and is very honest when she speaks.

This person still needs to be judged by his face.

Jiang Mu knew at a glance that Xia He was not a good person. It was just that the original owner had always trusted these maids brought from her mother's home and had never been on guard. Unexpectedly, this ungrateful person had been bribed by Huan Ruo early on, and later killed the original owner's child.

Seeing that Jiang Mu's eyes stayed on her for a long time, Xia He couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Jiang Mu retracted his gaze and said lightly: "I know, come if you want."

Xia He looked at Jiang Mu in surprise. In the past, if the prince came, Jiang Mu would be excited and nervous, pulling everyone to let everyone see what was wrong with her, and then hurried to the door to greet her?

What happened today?

Jiang Mu remained calm, sat and drank tea, and did not speak.

After waiting for a while, the sound of maids saluting the prince came from outside the house.

Jiang Mu put down the cup and thought: This dog man finally appeared.

Murong Yan had not been to Mingyueju for a long time. Every time he came, he thought of seeing Jiang Mu, and he subconsciously rejected him.

It was not because of anything else, but because Jiang Mu insisted on marrying him, and everyone in the city knew that he only had Huan Ruo in his heart at that time, and he could not tolerate others at all, and he only disliked other women.

Even if he married Jiang Mu, he would not give her a little love.

Murong Yan thought that Jiang Mu would stand at the door and look at him affectionately as before, or because he wanted to marry Huan Ruo, he would burst into tears and look like he was dying.

But, none of them happened.

Murong Yan did not see Jiang Mu the first time he entered the door.

Several maids were waiting outside the door.

He asked, "Where is the princess?"

"Madam is in the room."

The maids looked at each other, wondering why Jiang Mu did not come out to greet them this time.

Murong Yan frowned, then strode into the room.

Jiang Mu heard the voices outside, but she still sat there until Murong Yan walked in front of her.

Jiang Mu whispered, "The prince is here, please sit down."

Murong Yan didn't know what Jiang Mu was up to, why was he a little strange today.

He did not sit down, but said in a cold voice, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Mu smiled slightly: "As the prince saw, nothing was done."

Murong Yan snorted coldly, "You are so leisurely."

Jiang Mu did not respond, and the room fell into silence and awkwardness.

In the past, Jiang Mu tried hard to talk to him. Even if he was cold, Jiang Mu would keep asking him this and that, and he felt very annoyed every time.

But this time, Jiang Mu did not say a word, and Murong Yan could not help but wonder if this woman was throwing a tantrum here because he was going to marry Huanruo?

What's the point of throwing a tantrum? It's really ridiculous. It's a foregone conclusion that he is going to marry Huanruo. No matter what she thinks, it can't be changed.

Murong Yan came this time to make Jiang Mu be more sensible at the big ceremony tomorrow and not embarrass Huanruo. After all, there will be so many people at that time. If Jiang Mu embarrasses Huanruo when Huanruo offers tea, Murong Yan can't do anything. So in order to avoid that kind of situation, Murong Yan came to Mingyueju. Otherwise,

he would not set foot here.

"Tomorrow is the day when I marry Huanruo. Do you have anything to say?"

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan happily and said, "The prince is going to marry a concubine. Of course I am happy. I really congratulate the prince. Congratulations to the prince. He finally got his wish and got the beauty. As the prince's first wife, I sincerely hope that the prince can have a son soon, and then the descendants will continue."

Murong Yan: "..."

These words not only stunned Murong Yan, but also the servants standing next to him.

Is the princess crazy?

Murong Yan's expression was out of control. He slowly regained his composure and stared at Jiang Mu for a long time. Seeing that she seemed to be very sincere, he felt even more strange in his heart, but he could not express his thoughts. "Do you really think so?"

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan sincerely: "Of course, the prince's happiness is my happiness. I really want to see the prince happy. I am really happy that someone can help me serve the prince."

Murong Yan coughed, as if there was no need to say what he had prepared.

The room became strangely quiet again, and the servants were all wondering if the princess had been possessed by evil spirits today.

"Why didn't anyone pour tea for the prince? How do you do things?" Jiang Mu suddenly said.

"No need, I'll be leaving in a minute."

"How can that be? The prince is here, so have a cup of tea before leaving, or have some snacks. The prince hasn't eaten yet after coming back from court."

Jiang Mu ignored Murong Yan and said to the maid, "Xia He, go and give the prince a taste of the snacks that Qiu Ya Pavilion sent two days ago. They are made by sister Huanruo herself, and they are delicious."

Qiu Ya Pavilion would send food to the original owner from time to time, so in recent years, the servants in the palace have praised Huanruo.

Hearing that it was made by Huanruo, Murong Yan thought about it and sat down.

Jiang Mu waited for the food to be brought, took it personally, touched the snack with his fingers, and then pinched a piece and handed it to Murong Yan.

Murong Yan glanced at Jiang Mu and said, "I'll do it myself."

Jiang Mu smiled and put the snack back.

Murong Yan picked up a piece of dessert and put it in his mouth, taking two bites.

"How does it taste? Is it delicious? Sister Huanruo's cooking skills are really good."

Murong Yan frowned when he heard her say that, not knowing what he was thinking.

Could it be that he hadn't been to Mingyueju for too long, and Jiang Mu had already changed his mindset? Or was she pretending to be so in order to keep him?

In any case, after a long time, the pretense will always be exposed.

Murong Yan fell into deep thought and ate several pieces unknowingly.

He stood up and was about to leave, but he felt a burst of heat in his lower abdomen, and an unbearable fire of desire burned in his dantian.

Murong Yan felt it carefully and felt that it was getting hotter and hotter.

He widened his eyes and looked at Jiang Mu angrily: "You bitch, you knew that I was going to marry Huanruo tomorrow, and you still drugged me at this time, you..."

"What are you talking about, my lord? I don't understand." Jiang Mu looked at him with confusion.

The medicine from the northern border is really strong. Even though Murong Yan has such a good physique, he can't stand such a strong medicine. His forehead is sweating and his eyes are red.

"You! You put aphrodisiac in the snack." Murong Yan was furious and pointed at Jiang Mu and said angrily: "Do you think I will touch you like this? You are dreaming."

Jiang Mu covered his chest and said with great sorrow: "Prince, what are you talking about? How can you wrong me so much? Do you think I am such a person in your heart? If I want to drug you, would I have waited until now in these years?"

Although Murong Yan's body was very painful, his consciousness was still rational. The effect of the medicine had not yet been fully exerted. Jiang Mu's words did make sense. He hesitated for a moment and frowned, "If it wasn't you, who else would it be? I just ate a snack..."

Jiang Mu stood up in shock, "This snack was sent by sister Huanruo. I have no problem eating it. Prince, you must have been drugged at another time. What should I do? Prince, can you still hold on? I'll go get a doctor!"

Chuntao on the side looked at it with her eyes popped out.

Murong Yan: "... this medicine is useless if you ask a doctor."

"Then... what should I do, Prince, don't worry, I will never take advantage of someone's misfortune. I didn't give you this medicine. Believe me, I will ask Sister Huanruo to give you the antidote!"

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☆ 124. Chapter 121: Two chapters in one, 10,000 nutrient solutions...
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Chapter 121 Double update in one, nutrient solution 10,000...

Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu, his face was already burning, he knew he would soon lose control of himself.

He didn't expect Jiang Mu to actually propose to go find Huan Ruo instead of taking him back to the room. After all, he was in Mingyue Residence now. If Jiang Mu wanted, he could definitely keep him. In his current state, he couldn't leave alone.

Could it be that she really didn't drug her?

Murong Yan stared at Jiang Mu, trying to see through her thoughts, but he could only see worry on her face.

If it wasn't Jiang Mu, who would it be?

Murong Yan couldn't think of anyone else who would drug the snack. The heat in his body had reached an unbearable level.

He forcibly suppressed it with his internal force for a while, but it backfired. After the suppression, it became even more uncontrollable.

Seeing that he believed it, Jiang Mu shouted again: "Why are you still standing there? Can't you see that the prince is dying? Go to Qiuya Pavilion and invite Huanruo over."

Murong Yan felt that it was inappropriate and wanted to stop him, but if he didn't invite Huanruo to come at this time, how would he cure the medicine? He couldn't just find a random woman. If

Huanruo knew about this, she would be sad.

When Murong Yan was struggling, Jiang Mu said to him: "Don't worry, prince, you go to the guest room next door and wait, I will ask someone to invite Huanruo over right away."

"Quick, you two help the prince to the side room." Jiang Mu pointed at Xia He and Qiu Ju.

After Murong Yan was helped away, Jiang Mu called Dongmei who was about to invite Huanruo.

"Wait a minute..."

Dongmei: "Madam, do you have any other instructions?"

"When you arrive at Qiuya Pavilion later, don't say that the prince was drugged. In short, don't say anything about what happened just now. Just say that it's urgent. The prince is in trouble and needs Miss Huanruo to come."

Dongmei hesitated and said, "What if she doesn't want to come? If you don't say anything, I'm afraid she won't believe it. After all, you are asking her to come to our Mingyue Residence."

Jiang Mu smiled and shook his head, saying, "She will come."

Judging from the original owner's experience, Huanruo is a scheming and smart person. Otherwise, how could she, the wife of a guilty minister, step on the corpse of the original owner and become the mistress of the palace. Even

with Murong Yan's indulgence and pampering, if she didn't think about it at all, she wouldn't be able to go that far, and even, she might not even be able to enter the door of the palace.

You know, when the prime minister got into trouble and the emperor ordered the arrest of people, she was divorced the night before, and then she was rescued by Murong Yan. How could it be such a coincidence.


Jiang Mu guessed correctly. Not long after Dongmei left, she invited people.

"Madam, Miss Huanruo is here."

Jiang Mu looked up and saw a woman in a water-green dress walking in.

She was not very beautiful, but she had a cold temperament, with pale eyebrows and eyes. When she looked at people, although her eyes were indifferent, she was vaguely proud. This kind of woman exuded a self-righteous aura.

Jiang Mu thought to himself, it turned out that this was the type of woman that Murong Yan fell deeply in love with.

At the beginning, Huanruo didn't like him, but she didn't reject him directly. While hanging him, she was still dating other men. In the end, she chose the most talented and promising son of the prime minister from several men, but she didn't expect to choose the wrong person.

I guess she regretted it very much.

Jiang Mu looked at Huanruo carelessly, his mind turned quickly.

Murong Yan was not only a dog, but also blind and stupid.

A woman like Huanruo could also make him infatuated.

Seeing Huanruo still look arrogant in front of her, Jiang Mu was really a little disgusted.

I don't know if she is too thick-skinned or if she feels too good about herself.

Not to mention her ordinary background, she is just the daughter of a small minister of rites. Looking at her current situation, she is not worthy of being arrogant in front of Jiang Mu.

Back then, the prime minister's son was also a man of extraordinary talent in the capital. If Huanruo did not choose Murong Yan, but chose the prime minister's son, now that the prime minister's family is in trouble, she is like a vine, clinging to Murong Yan again.

She got married and was divorced and had nowhere to go. She lived in the palace. It can be said that she had nothing. With her humble status, she relied on Murong Yan to continue her extravagant aristocratic life.

Otherwise, she would have been sold as a slave.

Even if Huanruo was to become Murong Yan's concubine tomorrow, she would still be a concubine.

In the palace, a concubine is also a slave in front of Jiang Mu.

But when she saw Jiang Mu, she just knelt down perfunctorily.

Thinking of what was going to happen later, Jiang Mu suppressed his temper and said lightly: "Take her in, the prince is still waiting."

Huanruo didn't know what happened. She thought that after she came, Jiang Mu would tell her the situation, but she didn't expect Jiang Mu's attitude to be so indifferent. He didn't say anything and let her go to see the prince.

What happened to Murong Yan?

The maid who came to report the news just now was so anxious. Although she was suspicious, she thought that Murong Yan was in charge of the palace, so Jiang Mu didn't dare to do anything to her. What's more, as soon as Murong Yan came back, she got the news that Murong Yan did go to Mingyueju, so she was not afraid that Jiang Mu would trick her and do something to her.

If Jiang Mu dared, he would be prepared to bear the consequences of Murong Yan's anger.

Huanruo thought she had thought of everything, so she came here without fear.

But Jiang Mu's attitude made her confused again.

Huanruo said in a humble tone: "Where is the prince? What happened to him?"

Jiang Mu glanced at her, and the contempt in his eyes was not concealed.

"Take her in."

Huanruo felt extremely uncomfortable when Jiang Mu looked at her, as if a thorn had been stabbed into the darkest part of her heart.

Her pride was trampled under Jiang Mu's feet. In Jiang Mu's eyes, she seemed to be someone so lowly that he didn't even look at her.

This was something Huanruo absolutely couldn't stand.

But no one answered her words. Dongmei and Chuntao followed Jiang Mu's instructions and dragged Huanruo to the side room.

"What are you doing?" Huanruo said angrily.

Huanruo only brought a maid when she came, and she was also controlled by the other two people at this time.

No one answered her words.

She glanced at Xia He, but Xia He naturally pretended not to see it in front of so many people. But

Xia He thought, it's not a bad thing. Anyway, Huanruo will marry the prince tomorrow. The prince was injected with aphrodisiac, and she was just making an antidote for the prince. When she sent the prince in just now, she was still thinking that Jiang Mu had a brain problem, and he actually missed this great opportunity to call Huanruo.

But Xia He guessed that Jiang Mu was afraid that he would be furious when he saw the prince after taking the antidote, and he would vent his anger on her.

If she were to say, she might as well just get it done with the prince, maybe she could get pregnant.

But Jiang Mu was stupid, and there was nothing she could do, since she had already taken refuge with Huan Ruo.

In this palace, only with the prince's favor could one live well.

The prince's attitude towards Huan Ruo and Jiang Mu was completely different, and even a fool could see it.

Following Jiang Mu, there would be no good days in the future.

Huanruo was really panicking. She thought Jiang Mu was really so bold that he wanted to punish her.

But she was a weak woman, being held by two maids who were stronger than her. Even if she resisted, she was still quickly taken to the side room.

"Where is the prince? Where is the prince? You can't do this to me."

Huanruo struggled and shouted.

Dongmei said unhappily, "The prince is inside, stop shouting, go in."

"You are lucky." Chuntao didn't understand why Jiang Mu asked Huanruo to come. She glared at Huanruo, opened the door, pushed Huanruo in hard, and then locked the door according to Jiang Mu's instructions.

Chuntao and Dongmei stood at the door and listened to the movement inside for a while. They looked at each other with awkward expressions, and they both saw what the other was thinking.

"What do you think, Madam?"

"I don't know either."

The two walked out and saw Jiang Mu sitting in the hall drinking tea. He didn't seem to care about the side room at all, but looked very happy.

"Madam, why are you not in a hurry at all?" Chuntao was really anxious.

Jiang Mu: "Why are you in such a hurry? Did you lock the door just now?"

Chun Tao pouted, "It was locked, but she didn't want to go in. She must be so happy now."

Jiang Mu chuckled.

This Chun Tao is really a fool, but judging from the expressions of her maids, the others are not very smart either.

Why is there no smart person around the original owner? No wonder he is in such a miserable situation. It's okay that he is not smart, but there is no one who can help him think of a solution. All his ideas are bad.

"Happy? Not necessarily." Jiang Mu smiled faintly.

A woman like Huan Ruo, who has a heart higher than the sky, just wants to be held in her hands, not to be used as an antidote or a tool for sexual gratification. People like her only love themselves the most. She doesn't think she saved Murong Yan.

Afterwards, she will definitely resent Murong Yan. Even if Murong Yan feels guilty about this, Huan Ruo has already fallen from the altar in his heart.

How long can the halo of Bai Yueguang last?

Others didn't understand, nor did they understand Jiang Mu's intention, but Jiang Mu didn't intend to explain, but said lazily: "It's time for dinner, right? I'm a little hungry, let the kitchen make a few more dishes today."

The maids looked at each other, it was already this time, and the lady could still eat.

Not only could she eat, but she also wanted to eat a few more dishes.

What happened to the lady? Could it be because the prince wanted to take a concubine, and she was hit too hard, so she became like this.


At this time in the side room, Huanruo looked at Murong Yan, with a face full of shock and panic.

Originally, in Murong Yan's heart, she was like a fairy, who could be admired from a distance but not played with. Murong Yan cherished her and respected her very much.

She also enjoyed this feeling of being valued and cherished.

It could fully satisfy her vanity.

But now, Murong Yan, who was drugged, could not be very gentle even if he remained rational. After dragging it on for so long, the drug took effect completely, and he was a madman with only desire in his mind.

He waited for Huanruo with his remaining consciousness, and he breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Huanruo.

Huan Ruo tried to push him away in panic, shouting Murong Yan's name, trying to wake him up.

But Murong Yan seemed to be deaf, pressed her under him, and untied her skirt.

You know, the medicine is not an ordinary medicine, and the two will not stop until tomorrow morning.


No matter what others think, Jiang Mu had a very happy meal at night.

I was worried that the dishes cooked by the ancient chefs would not suit my appetite, but I didn't expect them to be delicious.

The whole table of dishes was delicious and fragrant, and each dish was exquisite, and the ingredients were the best. The food at this time was original, and the taste of vegetables and meat was sweeter than that of later generations.

Jiang Mu had an extra bowl of rice, and the maids were very happy. Recently, the original owner had a bad appetite and lost a lot of weight. Everyone saw it in their eyes and worried in their hearts, but they couldn't persuade him.

I didn't expect that after being hit, he could eat more.

Although the maids couldn't figure it out, they still secretly remembered the dishes that Jiang Mu picked up the most, and asked the kitchen to cook more times in the future.

After dinner, Jiang Mu took Chuntao to the garden to walk and enjoy the flowers.

Chuntao asked: "Madam, it's been several hours, why don't you worry about the prince at all?"

Jiang Mu said: "What are you worried about? He is alive and well now."

Chuntao: "..."

After a while, Chuntao couldn't help but asked again, "Madam, did you give the medicine?"

Although the prince was poisoned by the medicine she gave Jiang Mu, she was also frightened by Jiang Mu's swearing in front of the prince.

She was not sure if it was Jiang Mu who did it.

Jiang Mu smiled when he heard it, "What do you think?"

Chuntao: "I don't know."

Jiang Mu stretched out his finger and tapped Chuntao's forehead: "Then just pretend you don't know. In short, no one is allowed to tell about the medicine."

Chuntao nodded, "Yeah."

"Okay, let's go over there again."

Jiang Mu was tired of walking around, so he sat in the pavilion by the pond and fed the fish for a while. Seeing that it was very late, he went back home.

When she returned to Mingyue Residence, Qiuju came up to her immediately and whispered, "Madam, I heard no sound in the side room. Is it done? Do you want to send someone to send them away?"

Jiang Mu: "No, just take the lock off the door and send someone to watch at the door."


The next morning, Jiang Mu was woken up by Chuntao.

She slept soundly. The room was filled with calming incense. That was because the original owner had insomnia and couldn't sleep well, so her grandfather asked for incense, but Jiang Mu didn't have this problem. She slept very deeply with the incense, and didn't get up in the morning.

If it wasn't so late, the maids wouldn't have called her. It was rare for the master to sleep so well these days.

"Madam, wake up, it's getting late, it's time to get up."

Jiang Mu slowly opened his eyes and thought about it. The memory in his mind was confused for a moment, but fortunately she woke up quickly and was helped by Chuntao to sit up.

Jiang Mu: "What time is it now?"

Chun Tao: "It's almost Si Shi (9 to 11 am)."

Jiang Mu: "How is the prince?" Chun

Tao said while helping Jiang Mu put on his shoes: "He hasn't come out yet."

Jiang Mu stood up and walked to the dressing mirror and sat down.

Xia He asked: "Madam, the prince hasn't come out yet. Can we still hold the concubine ceremony today?"

Jiang Mu looked at her and said with a smile: "Yes, of course, why not? Go wake up the prince, and then ask someone to call the people from Qiu Ya Pavilion to take Miss Huan Ruo back. Get ready, don't miss the auspicious time."

Xia He was stunned and muttered in her heart, what does the princess mean by this?

Ask the people from Qiu Ya Pavilion to pick someone up?

That will let the whole palace know that Huan Ruo stayed overnight at Mingyueju last night.

Then the matter of yesterday will spread.

"Answer! I'll call someone right now. I'll ask someone to notify Qiuya Pavilion." Dongmei also reacted and answered immediately. This kind of thing was what she was most happy to do.

Finally, she got the chance to make the people of Qiuya Pavilion look bad. Don't think that the head of the palace is their master.

Jiang Mu nodded, "Go quickly and come back soon. Later, when the people from Qiuya Pavilion come, you personally send them out."

Dongmei said excitedly, "Okay, I know." Xia He

thought about it and suddenly said, "I'll go too."

Jiang Mu stopped her, "Stop."

Xia He was startled and turned back nervously.

"I... I just want to go and take a look."

Jiang Mu said with a smile, "You stay, Dongmei can go alone, you come to help me comb my hair, and help me pick out some clothes later."

Xia He looked at Jiang Mu and didn't seem to have discovered anything, so she put her heart back, "Okay."


After a while, Xia He brought the people from Qiuya Pavilion to pick them up.

There was a lot of noise outside. Jiang Mu heard Huanruo's shouting in the house. Murong Yan also scolded them. But the more this happened, the bigger the noise became. It was estimated that by tomorrow, this matter would spread throughout the palace.

By then, if there were a few more people who were not careful with their mouths, it would spread out.

Jiang Mu smiled faintly, got up and walked out, just in time to see Murong Yan holding Huanruo, because Huanruo refused to go out.

It was a long way from here to Qiuya Pavilion. If she went back like this, she would lose face.

"Your Highness, why are you still here?"

Jiang Mu walked over pretending to be surprised.

Murong Yan saw Jiang Mu coming out in a gorgeous dress and frowned, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Mu turned around in front of Murong Yan, "Does it look good?"

Murong Yan's expression changed slightly. Of course it looked good, but he said coldly: "I asked you why you dressed like this?"

Jiang Mu was wearing a red dress, which made her skin look delicate and rosy, and the whole person exuded an attractive glow.

"Did your Highness forget? Today is the auspicious day for the prince to take a concubine, so of course I have to dress formally. I haven't congratulated the prince yet, but your highness, it's getting late, you and sister Huanruo should also get ready, don't miss the auspicious time. "

Jiang Mu said it very sincerely, not only Murong Yan, but even Huanruo looked at Jiang Mu in disbelief.

Jiang Mu's eyes fell on Huanruo, and he said gently: "What's wrong? Sister Huanruo can't walk? Someone come quickly, get a sedan chair and carry sister Huanruo back. "

"I don't want to ride in a sedan chair." Huanruo's voice was hoarse and sounded a little unpleasant.

Jiang Mu exclaimed, "Sister Huanruo, your voice?"

After she said that, she seemed to have thought of something and looked at Murong Yan, "Prince, why don't you be gentler to sister Huanruo, and make me like this."

Murong Yan: "..."

Huanruo felt the gazes coming from all directions at this time, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"It's okay, stew something to moisten your throat later and it will be fine in a few days. "Jiang Mu said with concern.

Seeing Jiang Mu's concerned look, Murong Yan felt overwhelmed. He hadn't figured out what happened yesterday, and today was a mess again, especially Huanruo's attitude towards him, which was very strange. After a stalemate

, Huanruo was sent back to Qiuya Pavilion.

After returning, she got very angry and smashed everything in the house.

She lost all her face today. Now everyone in the mansion knows that she slept with Murong Yan at Jiang Mu's place before marrying Murong Yan.

No matter what the truth of the matter is, she will be talked about to death. She originally had a bad reputation, and now she has become a shameless woman in the eyes of everyone.

The things that Huanruo smashed were all given by Murong Yan, and she didn't feel sorry for it. Only the servants in the house felt very sorry. These were all treasures and could be exchanged for a lot of silver.

But Huanruo was angry now and could only persuade slowly.

"Miss, someone from Mingyueju is urging us, saying that the auspicious time is coming soon, and let us hurry up."

Huanruo frowned and sneered, "I'm not in a hurry, but she is very anxious. "

What on earth was wrong with Jiang Mu? She felt something was wrong yesterday.

He harmed her like this. She would remember this.


Half an hour later, the concubine ceremony began on time.

A concubine's wedding dress cannot be bright red, only pink. Even if she is Murong Yan's concubine, she must follow the ancestral precepts, otherwise it would be considered a violation of etiquette. Huanruo,

wearing a pink dress and holding a cup of tea, walked towards Jiang Mu.

She had to offer tea to the main wife and get her approval before she could officially become Murong Yan's concubine.

So Murong Yan went to Mingyueju yesterday because he was afraid that Jiang Mu would make things difficult for Huanruo.

Now when Huanruo was holding the tea and trembling towards Jiang Mu, those who didn't understand thought she was afraid and nervous, but in fact it was because her whole body was about to fall apart, she had no strength at all, and even had difficulty walking. As

soon as Huanruo knelt down, Jiang Mu stood up and took the tea in her hand, and said considerately: "Oh, sister, get up quickly. You worked hard to serve the prince yesterday. I saw that you couldn't even walk steadily. Don't kneel down, it's so painful to see you. "


She stared at Jiang Mu with eyes that looked like she wanted to eat him.

Murong Yan's face also became hot. Is Jiang Mu crazy? How dare he say anything.

Jiang Mu's words completely exposed the fact that Huanruo and Murong Yan had slept together last night. Although it was true, it had a huge impact on Huanruo's reputation.

After drinking the concubine's tea, Jiang Mu had nothing to do. Jiang Mu was thinking about lunch, and smiled and "cared" for Murong Yan for a few words, then returned to Mingyue Residence.

Murong Yan helped Huanruo back to Qiuya Pavilion.

The atmosphere between the two of them was a little subtle and awkward. After sitting for a while, no one spoke, and it was Murong Yan who spoke first.

They were all thinking about what happened last night. Huanruo was uncomfortable and didn't give Murong Yan a good look at all.

Usually Huanruo would pay a little attention to Even if she was cold, she could still make Murong Yan infatuated. But today was different.

Huanruo was immersed in her own shame and anger, and did not notice that Murong Yan was also in a bad mood.

Huanruo became more and more angry, and asked Murong Yan what he thought of her, and why he asked someone to invite her over in the situation yesterday.

Murong Yan was upset when he heard this.

What would he do if he didn't invite her over? Should he fight until his body exploded and died, or find another woman to solve the problem?

Isn't it the best choice to find her?

Although it was Jiang Mu who proposed it, Murong Yan also felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

However, Huanruo didn't think so, so she felt that she had lost face and made a fool of herself, and Jiang Mu mentioned that matter again and again today, which was really too much.

"Why did she say that? Didn't you say that if I married you, you would protect me and cherish me, but now, you are watching me being bullied?"

Huanruo looked at Murong Yan sadly.

"I didn't mean that." Murong Yan explained.

Huan Ruo sighed, "Do you think that just because I've given myself to you, you..."

"How is that possible? How can you think like that? Don't you know how I feel about you?"


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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 125. Chapter 122 Loyal Brother Gets
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Chapter 122 Loyal Brother GetsˇWhile

Murong Yan and Huan Ruo were being affectionate, Jiang Mu had already eaten and drunk and was lying on the bed ready to take a nap.

The atmosphere in Mingyue Residence was very lively and cheerful today.

Jiang Mu couldn't fall asleep after lying for a while, so he chatted with the maids.

As they talked, they talked about Huan Ruo's past.

"I really don't know what the prince was thinking. He brought such a woman back and gave her the title of concubine now."

"I heard that she knew the prince before she married Lord Gu."

"You still call him Lord Gu, but you are already a prisoner now. You have been locked up in the cell for so long. I heard that the verdict was finally made a few days ago. That Mr. Gu will be exiled to the frontier soon."

Gu Jue, the son of the prime minister, is Huan Ruo's ex-husband.

When the prime minister was found to be plotting treason, his whole family was implicated. Gu Jue, the pride of heaven, had a bright future, but it was ruined. Although it was later found out that it was all the prime minister's fault, Gu Jue, as the son of a guilty minister, could not escape the responsibility. Now the prime minister has been beheaded and his wife committed suicide. Huan Ruo didn't know how he made Gu Jue agree to divorce his wife. In short, Gu Jue's family is now broken and he has nothing.

He was once known as one of the two best in the capital, with stunning looks and great talent. Otherwise, Huan Ruo, who was so ambitious, would not have given up Murong Yan and chosen Gu Jue. At the beginning, she also thought about it for a long time between the two, and finally felt that her status was too low. Even if she followed Murong Yan, she could not be the main wife. It would be better to marry Gu Jue than to be a concubine. She would be more glorious in the future.

Who knew that now she still married Murong Yan, and she was still a concubine, that is, a concubine, and her reputation was ruined.

I guess Huan Ruo still regrets it in her heart. If she had known earlier, she should have chosen Murong Yan directly.

"By the way, is Gu Jue still in jail?"

"Yes, I heard that the woman has never visited Master Gu once since he was locked up. She is really cruel."

Jiang Mu smiled, but he was just trying to distance himself from him, fearing that he would get into trouble.

"Madam really humiliated that woman in front of everyone today. I think she has lost all face now. Will she dare to be rampant in front of you?"

"Yes, on weekdays, the people in Qiu Ya Pavilion are also very arrogant, and their eyes are as big as their heads."

Chun Tao and Qiu Ju said with a smile.

Jiang Mu waved his hand: "Okay, don't talk about these things in the future. Let's live our own lives. If someone dares to bully you, I will naturally help you vent your anger."

"Got it, we all listen to Madam."

"Okay, I'm going to rest. Wake me up in an hour. I want to go home. Send someone to pass on the message."

"Madam is going back to the Jiang Mansion?" Dongmei said in surprise.

"Well, you guys go and prepare, go to the warehouse and see, didn't they deliver a lot of silk and medicinal herbs a few days ago? Take some, I'm going to take them back to my parents and my aunt."

This is really strange. Madam has been married to the palace for several years, and she never goes back except during festivals.

They are Madam's personal maids, so they naturally know what Madam is thinking. It's not that she doesn't want to go home, but she is afraid that the general and the eldest lady will find out that she is not living well. She also feels that she insisted on marrying into the palace and had a big quarrel with the general. Now she is not living the life she wants, and she feels uncomfortable.

In short, Madam has to force herself to laugh every time she goes back, so she rarely goes back.

Why is she going back now suddenly?

Is it because the prince took a concubine?

Jiang Mu closed his eyes and lay down after he finished speaking. They had no chance to ask more questions, so they had to quietly retreat and prepare according to Jiang Mu's instructions.


An hour later, Jiang Mu got on the carriage back to Jiang Mansion.

Jiang Wangshi, the mother of the original owner, had already received the news and stood in the hall waiting for Jiang Mu's arrival.

Standing next to her was her sister-in-law Jiang Heshi.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. Mu'er will definitely come soon. Since she has sent the news back, she will definitely come. It's still early now."

Jiang Wangshi sighed, "How can I not be anxious? I only have this one daughter. I heard that today is the day when Prince Cheng takes in a concubine. As soon as she was taken in, my Mu'er said she wanted to come back. She must have been wronged. In the past few years, she has never complained to me. Now she must have been wronged so she is in a hurry to come back today."

Jiang Heshi: "Mu'er is a child who I have watched grow up. She has been pampered since she was a child. If she has been wronged, our Jiang family will definitely uphold justice for her. Don't worry, does my eldest brother know that she is coming back today?"

Jiang Wangshi: "I know. I just sent someone to tell the master. He should be back after the court."

As the two were talking, they heard the voice of the maid outside the door.

"Madam, Madam, the young lady is here. The carriage is already outside the door."

Jiang Wangshi walked out immediately, and Jiang Heshi followed.

After a while, the two saw Jiang Mu coming from outside the door.

She changed into a light and gentle skirt before going out. She looked quite pitiful and delicate, which suppressed her brilliance a little. There was a fragile and aggrieved light in her eyes. When she saw Jiang Wangshi, she looked like she was about to cry.


Jiang Mu had been brewing emotions since getting off the car. Now that her emotions were in place, tears could flow out at will.

"My Mu'er, why are you thinner again?" Jiang Wangshi hadn't seen her daughter for a long time. When she saw her haggard face and pale expression, her heart was broken.

Jiang Mu ran over, hugged Jiang Wangshi, and cried like a child.

"Mother, Mu'er misses you so much."

Seeing Jiang Mu crying, Jiang Wangshi was even more distressed and took out a handkerchief to wipe Jiang Mu's tears.

Jiang Heshi: "Good child, stop crying. If you have any grievances, just tell us. Your mother and I will definitely take care of it for you."

"Yes, Mu'er, what happened? Is it because of Prince Cheng's concubine?"

Jiang Mu shook his head, bit his lower lip, and looked at them eagerly.

"Come in and talk. This is not the place to talk." Jiang Heshi looked at the servants around and said in a low voice.


The three of them entered the inner room, and Jiang Mu told Jiang Wangshi everything that had happened in the past three years without hiding anything, even the fact that Murong Yan had not consummated his marriage with her for three years after she entered the mansion. In

addition, Murong Yan favored Huanruo alone, and Huanruo's status in the palace was higher than hers. All these things, one by one, the stones that weighed on the original owner's heart, were all poured out by Jiang Mu.

After Jiang Mu said this, Jiang Wangshi and Jiang Heshi were all shocked.

They never expected that Jiang Mu would live such a life after marrying.

Jiang Wangshi's eyes suddenly turned red, and she cried and scolded Murong Yan for treating her precious daughter like this.

The three of them hugged each other and cried.

Jiang Mu wiped his tears and whispered, "Mother, I don't want to live with him anymore."

"No, mother will never let you live like this. Tomorrow I will ask your father to ask His Majesty to divorce you and bring you back to the Jiang family."

Jiang Mu said, "Although I don't want to let him get away with it. If I leave, I will give way to him and that woman. He is eager for that."

Jiang Wang frowned, "Then tell me, what do you want to do?"

"I want him to regret it, I want to get back everything I lost, Murong Yan is ruthless and heartless, I can't just let it go, the suffering I have endured in the past three years cannot be in vain."

Jiang Mu said, tears rolling down again.

Jiang Wang was very distressed, holding Jiang Mu's face, and said repeatedly: "It's up to you, mother will agree to whatever you want to do."

Jiang He: "But Murong Yan is a prince after all, it may not be easy for Mu'er to take revenge on him."

Jiang Wang thought about it, and was unwilling to accept it. She was furious. She had spoiled her daughter since she was a child, and she didn't expect to be treated like this by Murong Yan. She said angrily: "So what if it's not easy, why should my daughter of the Jiang family suffer such grievances by marrying him? Is marrying our Mu'er wronged him? Where does he put the face of our Jiang family. "

After saying that, she held Jiang Mu's hand tightly, "Mu'er, don't worry, I will explain it clearly to your father when he comes back. Your father will definitely stand on your side and will not let you suffer in vain."

"Mom, you are so kind. I regret it so much." Jiang Mu hugged Jiang Wangshi tightly and lay in her arms, thinking about how to tell Jiang Yongwei about her plan when she sees him later.

Jiang Wangshi will definitely help her, but she is not sure about Jiang Yongwei. Although Jiang Yongwei loved his only daughter very much before marriage, he did not want the original owner to marry Murong Yan at the beginning. Now the original owner regrets it and comes back to ask for help from her family. She doesn't know what Jiang Yongwei will think.

In the final analysis, Jiang Yongwei still makes the decision for the Jiang family. Jiang Wangshi standing on her side can only be said to be half successful, because although Jiang Yongwei is a military general, he has a good relationship with Jiang Wangshi. He has only this one wife, and basically all the family affairs are decided by Jiang Wangshi.

At the beginning, the original owner insisted on marrying Murong Yan, and Jiang Yongwei disagreed. She cried and begged Jiang Wangshi. Jiang Wangshi felt sorry for her daughter, so she went to talk to Jiang Yongwei, and finally Jiang Yongwei nodded.

I didn't expect it to turn out like this in the end.

So Jiang Wangshi actually felt that she had harmed her daughter. If it weren't for her, Jiang Yongwei might not have agreed to let Jiang Mu marry him no matter how the original owner made a fuss.

It was precisely because Jiang Wangshi felt guilty that she would definitely help her daughter to avenge her. No matter what Jiang Mu wanted to do, she would definitely help her.

Jiang Wangshi only had Jiang Mu as her child. When she gave birth to Jiang Mu, she had a difficult delivery, and later her body was damaged and she couldn't have another child, but Jiang Yongwei never took a concubine.

Jiang Mu is their sweetheart.


After waiting for a long time, Jiang Yongwei didn't come back. Jiang Wangshi was anxious to talk to him, so she asked someone to ask when Jiang Yongwei would come back.

"Madam, the eldest young master is back. He said that the master couldn't leave because of something. He can only come back at dinner time. He asked him to come back first to ask what's the matter."

Jiang Mu frowned slightly when he heard the maid's words.

The eldest young master the maid was talking about was Jiang Huaian.

He was the adopted son of the Jiang family's eldest house and the orphan of Jiang Yongwei's subordinates. When Jiang Huaian was three years old, his parents died and his relatives didn't care about him. Jiang Yongwei adopted him and raised him here with Jiang Wangshi.

Although he was an adopted son, Jiang Wangshi always treated him as her own. He was two years older than Jiang Mu. When he came to the Jiang family, the original owner had just been born. When

Jiang Huaian was a child, he was very good to the original owner, but the original owner didn't like him because she heard others say that he was not her biological brother, but someone else's child, and he wanted to snatch things from her.

At that time, the original owner listened to this and rejected Jiang Huaian. Although she knew that those words were false when she grew up and Jiang Huaian never snatched things from her, she couldn't get close to Jiang Huaian.

Jiang Wang thought for a moment and said, "An'er is here, let him in. He probably hasn't seen his sister for a long time."

After Jiang Wang finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Mu again, "Your brother has always been thinking about you."

Jiang Mu nodded, "Well, brother has always been very good to Mu'er."

Hearing this, Jiang Wang's eyes became red again. Her Mu'er has really grown up, but how much has she paid and how much pain has she experienced behind this growth.

She must make those who hurt Mu'er pay the price.

It was because she didn't care enough about Mu'er. Mu'er didn't come home very often in recent years. She thought Mu'er was angry with his father, but she didn't expect that he regretted it in his heart and was too ashamed to come back. She was deceived by the false happiness that Mu'er pretended to be. Why didn't she think of checking it out?

If she had been more vigilant and caring, would Mu'er not have to endure it for so long?

Before Jiang Wang got married, she was the baby of the family and didn't have to worry about anything. After she got married, her husband obeyed her in everything and her life went smoothly. The second wife was in charge of the housekeeping affairs. She was used to having an idle life and didn't think about anything at all. She thought her daughter was as happy as herself and married the ideal husband she liked, so she relaxed her vigilance and didn't even know that her daughter was living such a bad life.

She was really an unqualified mother.

The more Jiang Wang thought about it, the sadder she became. She didn't even notice that Jiang Huaian came in.

But Jiang Mu's eyes fell on Jiang Huaian's face at a glance.

Her brother was born very well.

Although he had been practicing martial arts with Jiang Yongwei since he was a child, his skin became wheat-colored, but with his deep face, he had an indescribable charm.

His eyes were big, and he was obviously a pair of peach blossom eyes, but he looked extremely cold. His nose was high and his nose tip was a little round. His thin lips were slightly pursed, adding a bit of abstinence and coldness. The lines of his jaw were obvious, and his tough facial features gave people a feeling that he couldn't get close to him.

Jiang Mu looked at him, finding it difficult to look away.

If Murong Yan was a handsome man with an extraordinary appearance, like Pan An, then Jiang Huaian was another kind of beauty. In modern times, he would be a tough guy with an amazing appearance.

"Mother, how are you? Second aunt, how are you?" Jiang Huaian bowed to Jiang Wangshi and then to Jiang Heshi.

Jiang Wangshi raised her head when she heard his voice.

Jiang Huaian looked at Jiang Mu, "Sister Mu is back."

Jiang Mu nodded and called out, "Brother Huaian."

"What did your father say? Why did he let you come back alone?" Jiang Wangshi asked.

"My father and I met some of his colleagues on the road. They seemed to have something to do, so they took my father somewhere else. My father told me to come back first and he would be back as soon as he finished dealing with the things."

"What could be so urgent?" Jiang Wang said helplessly: "Well, Mu'er, you stay here today. Mother will cook your favorite pork tripe soup for you in the evening."

Jiang Mu hugged Jiang Wang and said, "Okay, mother is the best to me."

"You, if mother is not good to you, who can I be good to? Mother only has you and Huai'an, and you are my sweetheart." Jiang Wang hugged Jiang Mu and scratched her nose, as if she had returned to the time when Jiang Mu was not married yet.

"Huaian, your sister rarely comes back today, you should stay for dinner too."

Jiang Huai'an nodded, "Okay."

Seeing this, Jiang He stood up and said, "It's getting late, I'll go back first."

Jiang Wang nodded and asked someone to see Jiang He off.

However, she thought about it and stood up, "I'll see you off too."

She still had something to say to Jiang Heshi. After all, she had heard what Jiang Mu said just now, so she had to give him some advice.

As a mother, she had to think more about things in the future and not be like before.


After Jiang Wang and Jiang He left, only Jiang Mu and Jiang Huaian were left in the room.

Jiang Mu blinked, looked at Jiang Huaian, and whispered, "Brother Huaian, I heard that you passed the imperial examination a few days ago, but I haven't had time to congratulate you yet."

Jiang Huaian was a little speechless in front of Jiang Mu.

He knew from a young age that he was adopted, and Jiang Mu was the real daughter of the general's mansion. He regarded General Jiang and Madam Jiang as his benefactors, and Jiang Mu was also his benefactor. General Jiang and Madam Jiang treated him as their own child, but he couldn't take it for granted. He always wanted to become strong so that he could repay them in the future, and he also had to protect Jiang Mu for General Jiang and Madam Jiang.

He thought they should have thought the same when they adopted him, after all, they only had Jiang Mu as a child.

But he wanted to protect Jiang Mu, but Jiang Mu hated him and didn't let him get close.

Over the years, he didn't know how to get along with Jiang Mu, so when he saw Jiang Mu, he would subconsciously stay away, and only help her when Jiang Mu needed him.

In the past few years, he has been practicing martial arts and preparing for the imperial examinations, so he has paid less attention to Jiang Mu. Moreover, Jiang Mu has married his sweetheart, so he can't pay too much attention to her, so as not to cause gossip.

Jiang Huaian said: "Thank you, it's not a big deal."

"Why is it not a big deal? My father and mother are very happy, and I am very happy too. You have brought honor to the Jiang family and brought glory to the ancestors."

Jiang Mu said this sincerely, and Jiang Huaian was stunned. He didn't expect to hear such praise from Jiang Mu.

Does this really treat him as a family member?

Jiang Huaian's mood is very complicated.

He looked at Jiang Mu, as if he suddenly discovered that the proud and willful sister had grown into a charming young lady.

Jiang Huaian pursed his lips and smiled slightly.

Jiang Mu also knew from the original owner's memory that Jiang Huaian was a man of few words, so he didn't care and casually told him some nonsense, at least to make people feel that he was not so repulsive to him.


Not long after Jiang Wang sent Jiang He away and came back, Jiang Yongwei also came back.

Jiang Mu and Jiang Huaian were called out by Jiang Wangshi, who said that they had not seen each other for a long time, and Jiang Mu had not been back for a long time, so she asked Jiang Huaian to take her to the mansion for a walk and reminisce about the past.

Jiang Wangshi did this to get them out of the way and tell Jiang Yongwei everything that Jiang Mu said.

It was not good to let Jiang Mu and Jiang Huaian listen to these words.

After the two went out.

Jiang Yongwei learned everything from Jiang Wangshi, and he was so angry that he almost smashed the screen next to him.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Wangshi sighed and said uncomfortably: "It's all my fault. If I hadn't persuaded you to marry Mu'er to Murong Yan, Mu'er wouldn't have ended up like this."

Jiang Yongwei's chest heaved, and his square face turned red with anger, "How can you be blamed for this? Who could have known that Murong Yan would be so excessive and simply didn't take my general's mansion seriously?"

Jiang Wangshi: "Well, now that it's like this, we can only find a way to make it up to Mu'er. We, as her parents, haven't done enough. We didn't realize that she was having such a bad time in the past few years."

"I will go to see the emperor tomorrow and ask for Mu'er and Murong Yan to divorce."

Jiang Wangshi pulled him, "Will divorce be useful? Do you think Murong Yan will care about divorce after treating Mu'er like this? He would like you to propose divorce. Didn't he marry Mu'er because of your high position in the emperor's eyes and the power of our Jiang family? Now he has directly taken a concubine. Wouldn't a divorce be a bargain for him? How about the humiliation Mu'er has suffered in the past few years?"

Jiang Yongwei's face was solemn, "Then what do you think, madam? What should we do? What does Mu'er think?"

He was good at the affairs of the previous dynasty and the battlefield. He had no idea what to do with the affairs in the harem, but there was one thing, he would never let his daughter suffer in vain, and these grievances must be redressed.

Jiang Wangshi: "Mu'er seems to have her own plans. I told you this to ask for your opinion. Mu'er wants to take revenge on Murong Yan. Do you support her as a father? Will you stand on your daughter's side? Mu'er is probably worried that you will blame her. She has come back so little in the past few years. This matter is also your fault. How can you be angry with your daughter and cause her to misunderstand?"

Jiang Yongwei was speechless and sighed. He also felt that Mu'er was angry with him and blamed him for not wanting to see him.

"Mu'er is my daughter. She has suffered a great injustice. As a father, I must help her vent her anger. She can do whatever she wants. As long as Murong Yan is not dead, I will take responsibility for her if something goes wrong."

Jiang Wangshi pushed Jiang Yongwei, "What are you thinking about? Is Mu'er the kind of person who disregards the safety of the whole family for herself? When you meet Mu'er later, ask her about her plans."


When Jiang Yongwei and Jiang Wangshi were talking in the room, Jiang Mu and Jiang Huaian had already walked into the garden.

Only Dongmei followed them.

Jiang Mu walked beside Jiang Huaian just like an adult leading a child.

Jiang Huaian had broad shoulders and a tall stature, and he walked with a breeze, while Jiang Mu was petite, small, thin, and fragile. The contrast was huge.

Jiang Mu even felt that Jiang Huaian could lift her up with one hand.

"Brother Huai'an, I used to like plum blossom cakes the most. Every time I wanted to eat them, you would go buy them for me. Do you remember?"

Jiang Huai'an: "Remember, you only ate from that store. You would say that the taste of other stores was not the same and you would not eat them."

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "It was so good back then. I don't know if that store is still open. I haven't eaten it for a long time."

Jiang Huai'an: "It's still open. If you want to eat it, I will buy it for you tomorrow."

Jiang Mu was silent for a while and said, "Thank you, Brother Huai'an. You are so kind to me, but I was always mean to you before. Do you blame me?"

Jiang Huai'an was a little nervous when he saw Jiang Mu's clear and gentle eyes. He explained, "No, you are not mean to me."

Jiang Mu smiled.

Jiang Huai'an had never seen Jiang Mu smile at him like this. Her eyebrows and eyes were very beautiful, like a beam of light falling on his heart. He suddenly felt that Jiang Mu's smile was the most beautiful thing in the world, and it was what he wanted to protect all the time.

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 126. Chapter 123 (Part 1)
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Chapter 123

Jiang Mu stayed in the General's Mansion for two days. She felt quite comfortable during these two days, and even experienced the warmth of family affection.

During this period, Murong Yan even sent someone to ask her when she would go back.

This was very strange. Jiang Mu guessed that he was afraid that Jiang Mu would complain and hurt his beloved Huanruo.

Murong Yan did think so, but there was another reason. Jiang Mu's attitude suddenly changed that day. It was completely different from the previous time when he only had eyes for him and only thought about him. In addition, it was not clear who had given the medicine that day. It was

even more strange that Jiang Mu suddenly returned to the General's Mansion at this time and stayed there overnight.

Several abnormal things added up, and it was hard for Murong Yan not to be suspicious.

He took advantage of Jiang Mu's absence to investigate, but did not find anything. He asked people to search Mingyueju carefully, but did not find the medicine from the northern border.

When Jiang Mu left, Jiang Yongwei and Jiang Wangshi gave her one person each.

Jiang Wangshi gave Zhang, a capable steward in the mansion, to Jiang Mu to take to the palace, and Jiang Yongwei found a woman who knew martial arts from somewhere and asked her to follow Jiang Mu closely, so that she could be a maid and protect her safety.

The two of them also secretly gave Jiang Mu a sum of money, which added up to several thousand taels of silver.

Jiang Mu already had a rich dowry, and now he became rich again. He thought that no one was better than his parents. He gave money and gave people. This trip to the general's mansion was really the right one.

Jiang Mu returned to the palace with a full load and asked Zhang to help her manage the house. She gave Zhang the key and the card of the warehouse.

After a few days, Zhang found many problems, among which Qiu Ya Pavilion had the majority of problems. Jiang Mu was happy and called the stewards in the mansion to hold a meeting to shake the mountain and the tiger. The servants in the mansion were punished and rewarded, and most of the people in Qiu Ya Pavilion were punished.

This move immediately changed everyone's view of Jiang Mu.

It was Zhang, the steward, who was asked by Jiang Mu to punish the servants of Qiuya Pavilion.

Steward Zhang remembered the order of the original owner, Jiang Wangshi, and naturally would not show mercy to Qiuya Pavilion.

He took the servants over and arrested all the people who made mistakes and beat them up, all in front of Huanruo.

Although Huanruo brought up the prince to pressure him, he pretended not to hear it.

He arrested several capable servants around Huanruo, beat them up and fined them two months' salary.

Doing this also made the whole mansion see clearly who is the real mistress of the palace.

Before, everyone thought that Jiang Mu was an unpopular princess. The prince didn't like her and only liked to go to Qiuya Pavilion. Jiang Mu was gentle in nature. Over time, the servants in the mansion naturally became bolder. They didn't take the princess' words seriously, but they rushed to do Qiuya Pavilion's orders.

Now, Jiang Mu made them realize again the consequences of standing on the wrong side or disrespecting her.

However, it was impossible for Murong Yan to hide the fact that Jiang Mu had caused such a scene. Even if others didn't say anything, Qiu Ya Pavilion would know everything once he went there.

But Jiang Mu was not afraid. She was clear about rewards and punishments, and she did everything according to the rules. Even if Murong Yan came to make trouble for her, she would ignore her.

But Jiang Mu guessed that Murong Yan would still come.

After all, she had touched the person who was dear to his heart today.

Sure enough, Murong Yan came angrily in the evening.

Jiang Mu still had a smile on his face when he heard the report from the maid.

"Madam, the prince must have heard something at Qiu Ya Pavilion."

Jiang Mu nodded, "Yes, it should be."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Murong Yan walked in angrily.

Jiang Mu stood up calmly to greet him, "How come the prince has time to come here today? Sister Huanruo just came in. Why don't you spend more time with her? I heard that she has been in poor health recently and needs the prince's company the most."

Murong Yan was about to get angry, but Jiang Mu said this to him. He was so angry that

he couldn't vent his anger all of a sudden.

Strange, this woman is so strange.

Murong Yan stared at Jiang Mu, and suddenly felt that he couldn't figure her out at all. "Since you know that she is weak, why do you still target the people in her yard?" Jiang Mu: "Target? Why do you say that, Your Majesty? I handle family affairs impartially, how can it be targeted?" Murong Yan said coldly: "If it is handled impartially, and if you deal with the people of Qiu Ya Pavilion so specifically, I have asked. Today, the people of Qiu Ya Pavilion were punished the most, and you Mingyueju was fine." Jiang Mu was surprised, and then looked at Murong Yan sadly, "Your Majesty's words are really chilling. I run such a big family for you, and I have worked hard for you, but you think of me like this." She looked at Chuntao, "Show the things to your Majesty." Chuntao had been ready for a long time, and handed the account book and book to Murong Yan. It clearly wrote what mistakes the servants of Qiu Ya Pavilion made, and the evidence was on it. Even if Murong Yan checked again, the result would be the same. Jiang Mu didn't wrongly accuse anyone, he just exaggerated the situation. When Murong Yan looked down, Jiang Mu wiped her tears with a handkerchief in a hypocritical manner. Chun Tao and Dong Mei comforted her very tactfully, "Madam, don't be sad, the prince was just deceived." "Yes, you did all this for the prince and the palace." After reading the evidence, Murong Yan found that he was indeed untenable. He rushed to ask for punishment, but was slapped in the face. He looked at Jiang Mu, who was in tears, and was embarrassed for a while. Jiang Mu looked at him aggrievedly. Her eyes were charming, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and she looked at him with deep affection. That look touched Murong Yan a little. If Jiang Mu complained or cried a few words, he might still find a reason to dislike her. But Jiang Mu said nothing, just looked at him like this, a little sad, a little disappointed, so that Murong Yan couldn't find any fault. He felt uncomfortable in his heart, as if he had done something wrong. In fact, he did do something wrong. Murong Yan thought for a moment, looked at Jiang Mu, and his tone was much gentler than before, "I blamed you rashly without checking the matter clearly, but all the people in Qiuya Pavilion were punished. If you let the people in the mansion see it, they will think that you can't tolerate others. In the future, you still have to pay more attention. If there is anything in Qiuya Pavilion in the future, you tell me and I will handle it." Jiang Mu sneered in his heart. This dog man, after all, still feels sorry for Huanruo. It's disgusting to say so much. "Your Highness is right. I really have to pay more attention. However, I'm afraid it's not a good idea to let Your Highness handle the affairs of the harem. Your Highness is a man who does big things. If I trouble Your Highness with these women's affairs in the harem, I'm afraid people will say that I, the princess, am incompetent." Murong Yan frowned and looked at Jiang Mu silently. Jiang Mu continued, "I have an idea, but I don't know whether I should say it or not." Murong Yan: "You say."

Jiang Mu slowly spoke the words he had prepared long ago, "Sister Huanruo is kind-hearted and weak, so it is inevitable that she will be deceived by the people below. You see, what happened today just shows that Sister Huanruo doesn't even know that the people below have done so many things against the rules. If the prince loves Sister Huanruo, he should replace the people around her and send away those with bad intentions, so as to avoid implicating Sister Huanruo in future crimes."

Murong Yan was a little surprised that Jiang Mu was actually thinking about Huanruo.

After listening to Jiang Mu's words, he felt that it made sense, but why should Jiang Mu be nice to Huanruo?

This doubt was figured out when he met Jiang Mu's eyes.

This was a roundabout way to save the country. Knowing that his whole mind was on Huanruo, he thought of pleasing him in this way.

Murong Yan hooked the corners of his lips.

Jiang Mu followed his thoughts and said, "I do this all for the prince, I hope the prince can save his worries. The affairs of the harem should not make the prince spend so much time. The prince is a man who does great things."

After Jiang Mu finished speaking, Murong Yan believed it about 70%.

"Then do as you say. Sell out all the servants who made mistakes in Qiu Ya Pavilion, so as not to ruin the atmosphere in the mansion."

Jiang Mu remained calm and nodded with a slight smile.

In this way, it would be much easier to place a few people in Qiu Ya Pavilion.

"Then the prince should go to Qiu Ya Pavilion to comfort sister Huanruo and explain for me. Sister Huanruo is simple and kind-hearted. If she knew that she was deceived by those servants, she would be very uncomfortable. I guess later, sister Huanruo will plead for them."

Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu more favorably and felt that she didn't seem so annoying.

After all, she was thinking about him wholeheartedly, even if he loved someone else.

She treated him without regrets.

Murong Yan felt a little guilty when he thought about his bad attitude towards her in the past few years.

Maybe he shouldn't treat her so badly.

Murong Yan thought about it and said with rare concern: "You have been back to the general's mansion for a few days, and your complexion is much better. Don't be too tired and take care of yourself."

Jiang Mu pretended to be touched, "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I will take good care of myself."

Looking at Jiang Mu's affectionate look, Murong Yan coughed. He felt a little awkward in his heart, not knowing what he felt.

He stood up, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first... I'll come to see you in a few days."

The latter sentence was something Murong Yan would never say before.

As soon as he left, the maids in the room chattered that the prince's attitude towards the princess had improved, and said that he would come back in a few days.

Only the newcomer Xue Teng didn't speak, with a cold face.

Xue Teng was the maid that Jiang Yongwei gave to Jiang Mu. Jiang Yongwei said that she had practiced martial arts since she was a child and had good skills, about the same level as Jiang Huaian.

When Jiang Mu saw her for the first time, he felt that this girl was not simple. There was no emotion in her eyes. She was very tall and didn't like to talk. It was easy to be ignored when she stood there.

Jiang Mu asked about her life experience, and she only said that she was an orphan. Jiang Yongwei saved her life, and her life belonged to Jiang Yongwei. Now Jiang Yongwei gave her to Jiang Mu.

Then she was Jiang Mu's person and only listened to Jiang Mu's orders.

Jiang Mu arranged several other maids to go out to work, leaving only Xue Teng alone.

Xue Teng: "I have done what the young lady asked me to do."

The other maids called her Madam, but Xue Teng called her Young Lady as soon as she came.

She said that Jiang Yongwei asked her to call him that.

Jiang Mu didn't correct her and let her call him that.

What Xue Teng said was what Jiang Mu asked her to do last night, asking her to find a suitable shop outside, and Jiang Mu was going to open a store.

She was not short of money, but when she thought about what she was going to do in the future, this money was not enough, and a lot of it was dowry that could not be moved. The only money she could use was silver bills, plus the money Jiang Wangshi and Jiang Yongwei gave her a few days ago. If she used the thousands of taels of silver for daily expenses, it would definitely be enough for her life, but if she used it to squander, it would not be enough.

So Jiang Mu thought of making money.

It was not difficult for her, a person from the modern world, to make some money like the ancients, and she had power and background, so she didn't have to worry about having no connections.

So what kind of store should she open?

Jiang Mu thought about

it for a few days and decided to open a brothel. When she told Xue Teng this, Xue Teng just frowned and looked at her, and without asking any more questions, he went to do it.

Jiang Mu thought the shop was hard to find, but Xue Teng found it in two days.

"Really? Where is it?"

Xue Teng said a place name, and Jiang Mu thought about it and his eyes lit up.

That was the most prosperous area in the capital.

Jiang Mu was very happy, "Well done, what about the thing I asked you to find out?"

Xue Teng: "I found out that Gu Jue will leave the day after tomorrow afternoon, and there will be about a dozen people under guard."

Jiang Mu nodded and asked, "If I asked you to kidnap someone on the way, can you do it?"

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 127. Chapter 124 (Part 2)
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Chapter 124 Second Update~

Xue Teng frowned and thought seriously, "It can be done, but it will be very troublesome to kidnap him directly. You can give him a pill of fake death, and take him away before he is thrown away or buried. At that time, a dead person, those who are guarding him will not make it public to avoid responsibility."

Jiang Mu nodded and agreed, "Your method is good, let's do it."

Xue Teng asked, "Why do you want to save him?"

Jiang Mu thought about it, this question.

"Maybe I feel that he can cause trouble for Murong Yan and Huan Ruo?"

Those who can cause trouble for them are her friends.

Let's save him first.

Xue Teng listened to this reason, nodded, and then said, "He looks very good, worth saving."

Jiang Mu was amazed, "I didn't expect that you are also a face control."

Xue Teng: "Face control?"

Jiang Mu: "It means people who look at faces."

Xue Teng didn't say anything.

Seeing Xue Teng's serious look, Jiang Mu leaned over and asked with a smile: "Who is better looking, me or him?"

Xue Teng: "Him."

Jiang Mu's face fell, "Why?"

"Because I like men, not women."

Jiang Mu gave a thumbs up: "Okay, okay."

Xue Teng: "I need time to prepare for the rescue."

Jiang Mu: "Okay, just ask for anything you want, I will fully satisfy you." Xue

Teng didn't say what she wanted, and turned and went out.

Jiang Mu looked at her casual and free-spirited look, and sighed. If she also had such a high level of martial arts, she would also be so crazy and so arrogant.


Xue Teng went out early the next morning. She went out early and came back late every day. The maids in Jiang Mu's room secretly talked about her, and Jiang Mu heard it once.

Later, he saw Xia He asking about Xue Teng's whereabouts, and Jiang Mu decided to find an opportunity to get rid of this Xia He. He

didn't drive her away before because he didn't want to let her get away. After all, in the original plot, the original owner was so miserable in the end, and she also had a share. And keeping her was also useful, and she could spread some false news to Qiu Ya Pavilion.

After lunch, Jiang Mu wanted to go out.

Xia He volunteered to go with her. Jiang Mu smiled and said, "You stay at home. There are things for you to do. Chuntao and Dongmei come with me."

She wanted to go to the shop that Xue Teng found today.

Xue Teng was efficient and had already bought the shop. Jiang Mu asked Zhang, the manager, to renovate it.

In addition, Jiang Mu wanted to cultivate some of his own confidants, otherwise Xue Teng would not be able to do many things alone. For example, a small matter like finding a shop, although she did a good job, it was a bit of a waste of talent.

Jiang Mu took a sedan chair and went to the most prosperous street in the capital. There were many pedestrians and vendors on the road. Along the way, Jiang Mu kept looking out through the curtain.

She was wearing a veil, so she was not worried. She looked around unscrupulously and saw several good-looking people.

One was a woman selling tofu. She was beautiful and had a good figure. She was very charming when she smiled.

If a woman like this sells tofu on the street, then according to the routine in the novel, wouldn't she be targeted sooner or later, and then robbed?

Jiang Mu thought secretly, but she didn't expect it to really happen.

Jiang Mu admired her own crow mouth.

She asked people to stop the carriage aside, and she wanted to watch the excitement first.

Since someone is robbing, someone will come to the rescue.

She wanted to see what this righteous man would be like.

If no one rescues, then she will just do a good thing and save the person.

She is not a righteous person. Seeing injustice on the road often brings a series of subsequent troubles, so she will not take action if she can.

But if a handsome young man is robbed, she will definitely stand up.

Jiang Mu thought with his chin in his hand, with a smile on his face, his eyes staring at that place so intently that he didn't notice that he had already opened all the curtains. The one

who robbed Tofu Xishi was a local bully, who brought several people with him, saying that Tofu Xishi's husband owed money and couldn't pay it back, so he wanted to use Tofu Xishi to pay off the debt.

People around were pointing and talking. Some said that Tofu Xishi had such a face and still came out to sell tofu to cause trouble. Some felt sorry for her for marrying a useless man. Some said that the bully had six concubines at home. If Tofu Xishi went there, she would probably not have a good ending.

Jiang Mu listened with great interest, but Chuntao and Dongmei, the two maids, were very anxious.

"Madam, why don't we help her? She's so pitiful."

Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows and said, "How to help? Give her money to pay off her debts? If her husband owes money again in the future, will it be the same thing again? Or should we beat up this bully and drive him away? What about next time? If he comes again and I'm not here, wouldn't it be the same as not helping him?"

Dongmei said, "How about we rescue her?"

"Rescue? Take her back to the palace and I'll keep her?" Jiang Mu smiled, "If she doesn't want to, maybe I'll be the one who robs her." Jiang Mu thought to himself

, if he could take her back and give her to Murong Yan to make things difficult for Huanruo, then it's not impossible, but Murong Yan probably wouldn't like her, and this tofu beauty might not be willing either. Maybe she and her gambling husband are really in love.

Jiang Mu really didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing. Good people will become bad people.

And she's not a good person either.

But if no one really rescues her, Jiang Mu will have to help.

"Besides, in this situation, it would be nice if a hero had to save the beauty. I'm not a hero. Let someone else save this beauty. If no one goes, I'll..."

Jiang Mu was speaking when suddenly, a strange wind blew, blowing the veil off her face. Jiang Mu

lifted the curtain, but there was no cover. Once the veil fell, her face was directly exposed.

She frowned and looked in the direction of the wind.

Unexpectedly, she also saw a sedan chair. In the sedan chair sat a handsome man wearing a purple robe, with the corners of his eyes raised, and a pair of phoenix eyes staring at her.

Jiang Mu stared at him without dodging.

The two looked at each other for a while, and saw that the smile on the man's face deepened, his facial features became particularly vivid, and there was a sense of evil.

Not knowing the other party's identity, Jiang Mu slowly lowered the curtain.

"Madam, why is your veil gone?"

"It was blown off just now. Chuntao, go outside and pick it up." Jiang Mu thought about the man just now, and her intuition told her that the gust of wind was not accidental.

Chuntao hurriedly got off the sedan chair to pick up the veil, and Dongmei took out a spare veil from her body and handed it to Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu put on the veil again before lifting the curtain again.

The sedan chair was still there, but the curtain was covered.

Jiang Mu observed the sedan chair. Although it was gorgeous, it was hard to tell whose family it belonged to. Moreover, this was in the capital, and there were too many rich and powerful people. Even a noble could ride in such a sedan chair, and his identity could not be seen.

Jiang Mu was deeply impressed by the previous glance, but it was impossible to get more information at this time, so he could only suppress his doubts.

Looking at Tofu Xishi again, someone has come to her rescue. It was a poor scholar who stood up and was beaten by the bully.

Jiang Mu frowned and decided to take action, but when Jiang Mu was about to get off the sedan chair, someone got there first.

The man in the sedan chair called the attendant and gave him a few instructions. The attendant went forward and beat the bully and his group in a few moves, and quickly settled the matter.

Jiang Mu pulled the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Chuntao also came back.

"Madam, you can't find the veil."

Jiang Mu: "Have you looked carefully?" Chuntao

said anxiously: "Well, I looked everywhere and didn't see it. There were too many people. Maybe it was picked up by someone." It was

picked up by someone in just a short while.

"Forget it, it's just a veil, let's go."

There was no mark on it, and no one knew who it belonged to.

It was just that the man just now made her a little concerned.

After returning, let Xue Teng find out who he is. He is so handsome. If he is from Beijing, the original owner should know him. If he is not from Beijing, just ask if anyone who meets the characteristics has come to Beijing recently, and you will know who he is.


Jiang Mu went to see the shop first. She only looked at it from the outside for a few times. This shop used to be a restaurant. It has three floors and is very impressive. Jiang Mu is very satisfied.

Thinking that when the time comes, her own brothel will open here, the business will definitely be very good.

After looking at the shop, Jiang Mu prepared to go shopping. It is a rare trip, so it is good to enjoy the fun of shopping in ancient times.

Jiang Mu only went shopping for an hour, and Chuntao and Dongmei's hands were full. There were still many things that were not taken away directly, and the store owner sent them directly to the palace.

These ancient things are so easy to buy, Jiang Mu wants everything he sees.

Rouge and powder are all things she has never seen before. The packaging is exquisite and the colors are also very beautiful. Although the effect should not be as good as modern ones, Jiang Mu is naturally beautiful, so these are enough.

Moreover, some things are specially for the nobles, with fine materials and lifelike workmanship, which

are pleasing to the eyes. Jiang Mu bought a whole set at a time. Not to mention the jewelry and clothes, the jewelry and clothes in ancient times are simply dazzling.

Originally, Jiang Mu wanted to change the clothes and jewelry of the original owner, which looked too dull. This time, he saw all the good-looking ones and asked the tailor to remake them according to her figure.

In addition to buying for herself, Jiang Mu also bought gifts for the maids in the house, and picked some small things according to everyone's personality and preferences. After

shopping for a while, Jiang Mu was ready to go home. When he was about to get on the sedan chair, he looked up and saw a very impressive bookstore opposite.

Seeing the bookstore, Jiang Mu couldn't help but think of a kind of painting unique to ancient times.

So she turned around and said to Chuntao and Dongmei, "I'll go over there and take a look. You put the things in the sedan chair first."

Jiang Mu walked into the bookstore, and someone immediately came up to greet her.

"Hello, customer. What do you need?"

Jiang Mu thought. It's not good to say that she wants to buy erotic paintings directly. It's better to be subtle.

She said lightly: "Look at the paintings."

So she was taken to the side where the books and paintings were placed. The clerk asked her enthusiastically what kind of paintings she wanted to see.

Jiang Mu's eyes swept over the scrolls in these painting jars.

"Landscape paintings."

She first casually mentioned a category.

The clerk walked to a painting jar, picked up two scrolls, and unfolded them for her to see.

Jiang Mu looked at it absent-mindedly, and then her eyes were still wandering on other painting jars.

She looked at several other categories separately, and then locked her target on the remaining painting jars.

Finally, she found that the paintings in one painting jar were different from the others, and there was a mark on the scroll.

Jiang Mu reached out to take it, but was stopped.

The clerk hurriedly said: "Customer, this is not what you want."

Jiang Mu pretended to be calm, "It doesn't matter, let me take a look, maybe it's what I want."

She blinked and thought: This must be it.

She picked up the scroll and slowly unfolded it regardless of the obstruction.

At this time, two more people came into the store.

Jiang Mu subconsciously looked up, and unexpectedly, the person who came was the man he had seen before.

The man didn't seem surprised to see Jiang Mu. Even though Jiang Mu was wearing a veil, he seemed to recognize her based on her dress.

Jiang Mu was stunned and looked down at the scroll in his hand.

This is a painted erotic picture, depicting the scene of sexual intercourse between men and women with elegant brushstrokes. In the painting, a man and a woman are not wearing clothes, and the white bodies and the brightly colored ornaments around them create a strong contrast to achieve a visual impact.

"What a coincidence, we meet again."

The man took the initiative to greet Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu looked calm and slowly rolled up the scroll in his hand.

The clerk said: "I said this is not what you want, and none of the things in this painting jar are."

The man came over, glanced at the painting jar that the clerk pointed to, his expression changed, and he smiled: "Oh? What's not?"

Jiang Mu quickly rolled up the scroll and said calmly: "Nothing."

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 128. Chapter 125 is published. Thanks for ordering...
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Chapter 125 is published. Thanks for ordering...

Jiang Mu's eyes were full of vigilance. She didn't say much to him, but turned her eyes away, thinking that she was a little disappointed. She didn't have time to look at more paintings.

She picked some calligraphy and painting books at random, asked Chuntao and Dongmei who followed in to pay, and prepared to leave.

During this process, she could feel that the man was always observing her.

Thinking of the previous incident of the veil falling, Jiang Mu became more curious about him, but she would not show it at this time.

After Jiang Mu left, Li Zaoji approached the inner room of the bookstore.

The shopkeeper of the bookstore saluted the man respectfully, "Young Master."

Li Zaoji nodded lightly.

"Why did you come in person, Young Master? Is there something?" The shopkeeper stood in front of Li Zaoji with his head lowered.

Li Zaoji said coldly, "How is the work I asked you to do?"

"I have done it all according to your instructions. Here is the account book. Please take a look."

Li Zaoji took the account book and flipped through it. It didn't take long for him to finish reading the whole account book and even found a few mistakes.

The shopkeeper's forehead was sweating.

Although the man in front of him looked calm and gentle, he gave him a strong sense of oppression.

"You did a good job." Li Zaoji handed him the account book, "I will give you another task."

The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Please tell me, sir."

Li Zaoji: "Did you see the girl who came to buy books just now?"

Shopkeeper: "You mean the woman in white?"

Li Zaoji: "It's her. Check her identity."

The shopkeeper nodded, "Okay, where do you live now? I will send the information to you after I find out the identity of the woman."

Li Zaoji: "No need. I will send someone to pick it up at noon tomorrow."

After saying that, he got up and left.


Three days later, Xue Teng brought Gu Jue back safely. She encountered several crises on the way, but she managed to get through them safely.

When Jiang Mu listened to Xue Teng's report, he was scared to hear those things. Thinking about the situation at that time, he felt that Xue Teng was really amazing.

She praised Xue Teng a few times, but Xue Teng didn't seem to feel anything, and his expression didn't change.

Jiang Mu asked: "Where is Gu Jue now?" Xue

Teng said: "In the manor outside the city, I gave him medicine, and he has been drowsy in the past few days."

Jiang Mu: "Okay, you arrange it, I will go to see him in a few days."

Xue Teng: "Yeah, I know."

Jiang Mu thought about it and mentioned the matter of the shop again, "How are you doing with the other things I asked you to do?"

Xue Teng: "Are you talking about redeeming those famous prostitutes in the brothel?"

Jiang Mu nodded.

"Miss Yanzhi from Zuiyanlou, Su Zhizhi from Yunxianglou, Xia Xiaolou from Hanxianglou... I have already obtained the indentures of these three people, and I have arranged for them to live in the courtyard of Baima Alley."

Jiang Mu was surprised and said, "You got all the indentures of the three of them?"

Xue Teng nodded.

"How did you do it? Did you bring it? Let me see it."

Jiang Mu was very surprised. She was not sure about the rules of brothels in this world, but according to what she knew, it was very troublesome to redeem the courtesans in brothels, and they would generally not let people go.

Xue Teng took out a stack of indentures, "All here, according to your instructions. I also redeemed some ordinary-looking girls with some talents."

Jiang Mu took the indentures and looked at them for a long time. In fact, she didn't understand it very well, but the seals and handprints were all there, so it shouldn't be wrong.

"How much did you spend to redeem them?"

Jiang Mu had a bad feeling.

Xue Teng: "It just happened that I spent all the money you gave me."

Jiang Mu rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

This money is two-thirds of her assets. Although there are many valuable dowries, they cannot be touched. She kept some of the banknotes in her hand for herself, and gave the rest to Xue Teng, for fear that she would have no money and would have difficulty in doing things. Unexpectedly, she spent all of it in just a few days. Thinking that she spent

a few hundred taels on shopping a few days ago to buy a lot of things, she was very happy. As a result, Xue Teng spent several thousand taels in a few days. This is a real waste.

Jiang Mu took these indentures distressedly.

These are all money.

"Why don't you bargain?"

Xue Teng asked in confusion: "Bargain?"

Xue Teng had no concept of the amount of money and never bargained when buying things. When she redeemed the courtesans, the madam said how much money it was, and she directly paid the money, thinking that she had enough money anyway. "

But seeing Jiang Mu's distressed look, Xue Teng probably knew that she had spent too much.

Jiang Mu waved his hand, "Okay, the flowers are all spent. "

She calculated that she had two thousand taels left, which should be enough if she was frugal.

If this brothel could not be opened, it would be a huge loss.

In fact, she was just playful, otherwise there would be no need to open this brothel. It was not easy for her to come to the ancient times, and if she didn't have some fun, she didn't know if she would have another chance.

Now it seems that she was a little impulsive, and many things were difficult to handle.

But the arrow has been shot and there is no turning back. The money has been spent and the person has been redeemed, so she can only bite the bullet and move forward.

In the following days, Jiang Mu was extremely busy.

She only took Xue Teng with her every day when she went out. After getting on the carriage, she would change her clothes and put on makeup. When she came out, she had a completely different look. Thanks to Xue Teng's disguise skills, Jiang Mu's previous appearance was gorgeous and charming, but after the disguise and makeup, she looked very heroic. Even acquaintances could not recognize her.

Jiang Mu went to meet the courtesans first.

Each one was extremely beautiful, and each of the three had her own style. Yanzhi was charming and beautiful, Su Zhizhi was a copy of Lin Daiyu, a cold and sick beauty, and Xia Xiaolou was smart and pure, with a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to speak. When

Jiang Mu saw the three of them, he suddenly felt that there was no need for men.

Aren't beautiful sisters attractive?

This one is so beautiful.

He learned that the person in front of him was The three courtesans smiled at the person who redeemed them at the same time.

Jiang Mu immediately changed her mind. She would not open those brothels that used beauty to serve men. She wanted to create a completely different entertainment venue with a modern mindset.

Such beautiful sisters cannot be allowed to serve those stinky men. Beautiful

girls should be held in the palm of their hands, so that those men can see them but not get them.

So Jiang Mu came to train the three courtesans every day. After they were trained, he let the three of them teach others.

After a week, Jiang Mu came to check the results, and then kept those women who met his requirements, and gave some silver to the rest, and let them decide whether to stay or leave. Jiang Mu asked Manager Zhang to arrange jobs for them in the manor for those who were willing to stay, and those who did not want to stay could leave on their own.

I thought that few people would be willing to stay, but after these days of training, most people were willing to stay. It was probably because Jiang Mu was a good person and they had food and shelter. Only two or three people wanted to leave.

At this time, the renovation of the restaurant was almost completed. Jiang Mu asked Xue Teng to take her in to have a look at it in the evening. It was all renovated according to the picture drawn by Jiang Mu.

The sign was also hung up, but it was covered with red silk to block the words.

The name was chosen by Jiang Mu, called Xunhuanju. It was a bit vulgar, but Jiang Mu liked it very much.

Xue Teng asked: "Is there anything else that needs to be changed?"

Jiang Mu looked around twice and said: "It's pretty good, but the paintings on the wall are not good-looking."

Xue Teng: "Then I'll go buy new ones. What kind do you want?"

Jiang Mu: "No need to buy, I'll draw it."

Xue Teng was not curious, just nodded and said: "Okay."

After coming out of Xunhuanju, Jiang Mu suddenly said: "Take me to see Gu Jue now."

Xue Teng: "Now?"

It was already late, and the journey was not short. It would take an hour to ride a horse.

Jiang Mu nodded. She was not sleepy at all. It was only seven or eight o'clock in modern times. It was too early. She would not be able to sleep if she went back.

Gu Jue had been in the manor for so long, but she had not yet met him.

Xue Teng would go to see him every two or three days. Every time she came back to report, she said that Gu Jue was either farming or arranging flowers. It seemed that he had completely forgotten that he was once one of the two best in Beijing, and he wanted to retire to the countryside.

Jiang Mu thought that if he continued like this, he would probably be calm.

She took so much effort to save him, not for him to return to the countryside.

Xue Teng rode a horse and took Jiang Mu all the way to the manor.

When Jiang Mu got off the horse, she felt that her thigh was about to break. Thinking of riding back, Jiang Mu felt very depressed.

She regretted it very much. She should not have ridden here in the middle of the night. She must take a carriage next time she went on a long journey.

"Is Gu Jue asleep?"

Xue Teng said, "No, I came later last time, and he was still weeding in the yard."

Jiang Mu: "..."

The two walked into the yard where Gu Jue lived. There were only a few lights hanging in the yard. There was no one in the yard. The two walked a few steps inside before they heard a man's voice coming from inside.

"Who is it?"

The voice was as clear and smooth as jade, as clear and pleasant as a mountain spring.

Without waiting for the person to answer, Gu Jue came out with a candle.

He was wearing a single piece of clothing and looked very thin. His hair was spread out, but not messy at all. He walked slowly, his manners were elegant and graceful, and he looked at Jiang Mu and Xue Teng lightly, frowning slightly.

When Jiang Mu saw him, he could only think of two words in his heart, orchids and jade trees, and the appearance of an immortal.

He was dressed in white, exuding a melancholy and cold atmosphere, which made people unforgettable.

It is no wonder that such a man was named one of the two best in the capital, and it is no wonder that so many noble ladies in the capital admired him.

Gu Jue recognized Xue Teng, but not Jiang Mu.

But when he saw the two of them, he knew that Jiang Mu was the one who saved him, and Xue Teng was just following orders.

So he hesitated for a few moments, then bowed deeply, "Gu Jue thanks the young lady for saving my life."

Even when he bowed to express his gratitude, his attitude was still proud and not humble.

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, there is no need to be so polite."

Gu Jue slowly stood up and said lightly, "I wonder why the two of you came here so late at night? What do you need Gu Jue to do?"

Jiang Mu thought about it, yes.

What does she need Gu Jue to do.

She saved Gu Jue because he was Huan Ruo's ex-husband. If he died, Huan Ruo and Murong Yan would have one less worry and grudge, so Jiang Mu chose to save him.

But now that he has met Gu Jue, Jiang Mu's mind has changed. It is indeed a pity for such an outstanding person to die.

Jiang Mu has not yet decided what to ask him to do.

But Jiang Mu didn't want to let him farm here. Jiang Mu said, "I've heard that Mr. Gu's talent is rare in the world. It might not be a pity if he died, so I helped him. As for what I want you to do, I haven't thought about it yet, so I'll owe it to you first."

Jiang Mu's words surprised Gu Jue.

He looked at Jiang Mu's face and felt a little familiar for some reason, as if he had seen it before.

He has the ability to remember everything he has seen, but Jiang Mu changed her appearance when she went out today, and Gu Jue couldn't recognize her. He just felt that he had seen her eyes before, but he just couldn't remember.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Miss, you are Gu Jue's savior. Can you tell me your name? Gu Jue will remember it in his heart."

Jiang Mu: "Just call me Xunhuan."

She said a random name. Anyway, everyone knew it was fake, so just treat it as a name.

Gu Jue just frowned slightly and didn't ask more, "Miss Xunhuan."

Jiang Mu felt awkward and said, "Okay, I just came here today to see how you are living here. Are you used to it?"

Gu Jue lowered his eyes and said, "It's very good here."

Jiang Mu said, "Do you have anyone you want to see?"

Gu Jue looked at Jiang Mu, fell into deep thought, and then shook his head, "No."

Jiang Mu: "Although your parents are gone, isn't your first wife still alive? Do you want to see her?"

Gu Jue's eyes were deep and dark, and he said coldly, "Gu Jue divorced his wife a long time ago."

Jiang Mu: "I heard that she was taken to the palace by King Cheng after you were imprisoned in prison. A few days ago, she was taken as a concubine by King Cheng. Do you know about this?" Gu Jue

's expression became even colder, "I don't know."

Jiang Mu stared at him. If he really didn't know, could he still be so calm?

Or was he pretending?

No matter who it is, he wouldn't be so calm when he heard that his wife remarried after he was killed.

This person should not be as simple as he looks on the surface.

Jiang Mu said, "Well, it seems that you really don't want to see her, so forget it."

Gu Jue lowered his head, his expression was gloomy, his fingers were white, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Jiang Mu noticed his abnormality, and his mind moved, and said, "Do you want to go back to the capital?"

Gu Jue looked up and asked, "Why?"

Jiang Mu smiled, "It seems that you still want to go back."

Gu Jue frowned and said nothing.

Jiang Mu slowly approached him.

Gu Jue didn't move, Jiang Mu walked in front of him, and the distance between them was only two fingers.

"I saved you, your life is mine, now I will help you return to the capital without being discovered, you will help me do things, how about it?"

Jiang Mu looked up and looked straight at him.

The two people's eyes met, and Jiang Mu saw himself in Gu Jue's eyes. Jiang Mu's eyes were firm, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but Gu Jue was a little confused.

Jiang Mu was not in a hurry, and waited quietly for his answer.

After a long time, Gu Jue finally spoke.

"I promise you."


Two days later, Xunhuanju, which had been secretly renovated for half a month and always visited by martial artists, finally opened.

There were many rumors about Xunhuanju in the capital. Some said that the owner of Xunhuanju was the master of Piaomiao Palace. Everyone in the world knew that Piaomiao Palace was rich enough to rival a country. The master of Piaomiao Palace inherited Piaomiao Palace at a young age. He was a martial arts expert, but he was also a business genius. He had shops in all walks of life and had countless spies in the capital.

There were also rumors that Piaomiao Palace actually worked for the court, and the boss behind Xunhuanju was actually a powerful official in the palace.

In short, as soon as Xunhuanju opened, news about it spread throughout the capital.

"I heard that Miss Yanzhi from Zuiyanlou, Su Zhizhi from Yunxianglou, and Xia Xiaolou from Hanxianglou were all kidnapped by Xunhuanju."

"Really? Of the four most beautiful courtesans in the capital, three were kidnapped. That's incredible."

"No wonder when I went to Yunxianglou a few days ago, the madam there said that Su Zhizhi was redeemed. Then I went to Hanxianglou and Xia Xiaolou was also redeemed." "

Then they were not kidnapped, they were redeemed. The redemption money for these three most beautiful courtesans was not cheap. The total price for the three of them must be over ten thousand taels of silver, right? If it wasn't done by Piaomiao Palace, who would be so generous?"

"I guess so... but the Palace Master of Piaomiao Palace has been in the south all the time, and no one in the capital has ever seen him."

"Today I saw a man in white clothes with a curtain enter Xunhuanju. He was surrounded by several maids in front and behind. From a distance, he had a refined temperament, like an immortal. He must be the Palace Master of Piaomiao Palace."


The conversation of several people was overheard by Li Zaoji who was sitting not far away.

The guard beside him said in a deep voice: "Sir, I'll have someone check out Xun Huan Ju."

Li Zaoji smiled and said playfully: "No need, isn't Xun Huan Ju open today? Let's go and take a look."

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 129. Chapter 126 is published. Thanks for ordering...
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Chapter 126 published, thanks for subscribing...

Inside Xunhuanju, Gu Jue and Jiang Mu sat in the room.

Gu Jue was dressed in white, with an elegant demeanor and a cold face, but his appearance was completely different from his original

appearance. Xue Teng taught him the art of disguise, and Gu Jue now looked different. Although he was still good-looking, he was much more serious and cold than he was, and he didn't have the fairy air of a gentle nobleman.

Jiang Mu still liked his original appearance.

And Jiang Mu also disguised herself today, but Gu Jue was surprised when he saw her.

Because she had disguised herself into another look.

In fact, it was not a disguise, it was just that Jiang Mu put on a delicate makeup, and didn't use the disguise technique taught by Xue Teng.

However, modern makeup technology, in ancient times, is indeed similar to disguise, because the eyes became bigger, the facial features became three-dimensional, the face became smaller, and a teardrop mole was dotted under the corner of the eye, which was beautiful and charming.

The face was already beautiful enough, and now just one look at it can make people's heart beat faster and be infatuated.

The two sat opposite each other, but Gu Jue's eyes were not on Jiang Mu's face.

Even he felt that Jiang Mu was too charming at this time, and every frown and smile seemed to be able to seduce people's souls.

She wore a skirt that she had modified, which was coquettish but not wild, charming but still a little pure. Her makeup focused on her eyes, and her lips were indeed light pink, making people dare not look at her eyes.

But if you look at her lips, you will also be distracted.

"Okay, you should go out." Jiang Mu said with a smile. Gu Jue took

a deep breath.

He didn't know whether he should regret agreeing to Jiang Mu, but since he was here, he couldn't regret it anymore.

When Gu Jue stood up, he almost used all his strength. When

he walked out of here, he would no longer be Mr. Gu, one of the two best in the capital, but the manager of Xunhuanju.

Yes, Jiang Mu said that. He said he was the manager, and Jiang Mu was the master behind the scenes and the part-time head of the courtesan.

When Gu Jue heard this, his restraint and demeanor that he had maintained for more than 20 years almost disappeared. His face turned blue, and he argued with Jiang Mu for a long time, but was always rebuffed by Jiang Mu.

Who made him agree before? Now that he has returned to the capital, it is useless to say that he is unwilling.


Li Zaoji arrived at the door of Xunhuanju.

Unexpectedly, there was a long queue of people queuing at the door.

The guard was stunned and said, "Is the business so good?"

A pot-bellied man next to him heard this and said, "Isn't it? I heard that the four most beautiful courtesans will perform on the same stage tonight. Yanzhi from Zuiyan Tower, Xia Xiaolou from Hanxiang Tower, and Su Zhizhi from Yunxiang Tower are all stunning beauties. It's hard to see even one of them, let alone three of them together this time."

The guard asked, "The four most beautiful courtesans? What about the other one?"

"The other one didn't say who it was. It's not Xu Mengniang from Liuyun Pavilion, but it's said that she is more beautiful than the other three most beautiful courtesans. No one has ever seen her."

"Yes, yes, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people queuing up. It's worth spending fifty taels to see the three most beautiful courtesans at once. I don't know what the more beautiful one looks like."

The guard frowned, "What? Fifty taels?"

"Yes, you don't know, the admission ticket to Xunhuanju tonight is fifty taels per person."

Li Zaoji heard this and smiled softly. Xunhuanju is interesting.

Fifty taels per person, so many people this evening, I'm afraid there will be thousands of taels.

The guard whispered to Li Zaoji, "Why don't you just rob it? Fifty taels is too much."

Li Zaoji smiled and shook his head, "It's a lot, but the more it is, the more people will be curious about what is in Xunhuan House that is worth the fifty taels entrance fee. However, this trick will only be used once on the opening night."

Guard: "Sir, are we going in?"

"Yes, why not? I also want to see how beautiful these four courtesans are. Don't men spend a lot of money on beauties? Not to mention the four beauties." Li Zaoji looked up at the third floor of Xunhuan House. A window was open and a figure stood in front of the window with a slender figure.

At this time, another group of people came not far away.

And Murong Yan was among them.

Murong Yan looked at the surging crowd in front of him and whispered to the man beside him, "Royal brother, do you really want to go in?"

"Go, why not? I went on a private visit today and didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing." Murong Heng smiled faintly, "Why? You don't want to go in?"

Murong Yan said, "Royal brother wants to go, so I have to accompany you."

Murong Heng patted his shoulder with a fan, "Didn't I tell you not to call me like that outside?"

Murong Yan: "Second brother."

"That's right, fourth brother, let's go." Murong Heng smiled and walked forward, and the guards beside him opened a way out for him.

Murong Yan hurriedly followed.

The two stood in the crowd and soon became the focus. Murong Heng looked here and there, pushed Murong Yan, and whispered: "Look, isn't that the son of the Minister of Rites?"

Murong Yan took a look, "Yes."

"Hey, and that one, isn't he the Guanglu Doctor and the Shangshu Zhusi Minister."

Murong Yan wiped his sweat, "Yes."

Murong Heng nodded thoughtfully.

"You can enter."

Someone in front struck a gong and shouted.

The crowd rushed forward quickly, and soon it was Murong Yan and Murong Heng's turn.

After entering, Murong Yan showed the token of Prince Cheng's Mansion, and the two were taken to the private room on the second floor.

Jiang Mu also got the news at the first time.

I didn't expect to wait for Murong Yan on the first night.

He couldn't have come alone. After hearing someone describe the appearance of the person who was traveling with him, Jiang Mu was stunned and thought of someone, but she couldn't be sure.

No way, is it so exciting?

Jiang Mu suddenly looked forward to the performance later.

I don't know if Murong Yan can recognize her. She asked Xue Teng, and Xue Teng said she couldn't recognize her. She also felt that even if she looked familiar, Murong Yan would never have thought that his wife would appear here.

Jiang Mu stood up and looked at herself in the mirror, picked up a veil and covered her face, revealing only a pair of eyes. The veil was very transparent, and her appearance could be vaguely seen. In this way, the focus would be on her eyes. The

charming eyes are enough to make people indulge.

At this time, the door of Xunhuanju was already closed.

This was the rule set by Jiang Mu, only so many people would be entertained every day, and no more guests would be accepted when the time came.

Li Zaoji was one of the last few people to come in.

There were no seats left on the second floor, so he could only sit in the corner of the first floor with the guards.

The first floor was much noisier than the second floor, and everyone was discussing who was the most beautiful courtesan tonight.

Those sitting on the second floor were either rich or noble. Murong Heng looked at the audience leisurely, unlike Murong Yan, who wondered when he could go back.

He promised Huanruo to have dinner with her, and now he had to break his promise.

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 130. Chapter 127 is published. Thanks for subscribing...
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Chapter 127 is published, thanks for ordering...

The three courtesans came on stage one by one to perform their talents, and the atmosphere of the entire Xunhuanju reached its peak.

Unlike other brothels, the girls in Xunhuanju can only be looked at but not touched, no matter how much money is spent.

Everyone in the audience felt that the trip was worthwhile, but they were also looking forward to the appearance of the last courtesan.

The music on the scene suddenly stopped, and petals rained in the air. The guests on the first floor looked up at the third floor at the same time.

At this time, a woman in white came out holding a pipa. She half covered her face, revealing only a pair of eyes with spring water. She lowered her head slightly and walked down lightly.

Every step she took attracted the hearts of everyone present.

Everyone wanted to see the face under this light veil.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment. I don’t know how long it took, Jiang Mu sat on the stage, her eyes gently glanced at the audience, and everyone held their breath and looked straight at her face and her eyes.

The VIPs on the second floor have a better view. Those sitting in the middle private room can have a clear view of the entire stage.

Jiang Mu's fingers fell on the pipa, and her slender hands plucked the strings, and the music sounded like flowing water.

She opened her red lips slightly and sang softly in a delicate voice. The song of lovesickness that she had improved touched everyone's heartstrings. After

experiencing several worlds, Jiang Mu's musical attainments have reached a new level. Even a simple pipa song was played by her like heavenly music.

Her singing is different from the euphemistic and implicit style of this era. Although it sounds strange at first, it is amazing when you listen to it slowly. The

clear and beautiful voice reveals a trace of sadness, as if she is completely immersed in the emotions of this song and cannot extricate herself.

Even Murong Heng, who has listened to all kinds of elegant music and has extremely picky tastes, rarely showed an expression of appreciation.

Murong Yan was still thinking about when he could go back, and at this time his mind was all on Jiang Mu.

The beautiful singing voice made him unable to think about other things. He looked at Jiang Mu on the stage and couldn't help but feel curious about this strange woman.

Murong Heng was more obsessed than him. He looked at the woman on the stage infatuatedly and murmured, "Fourth brother, what kind of person is this woman who can play and sing such beautiful music?"

Murong Heng was obsessed with music. The music of this dynasty also developed to its heyday. There were nearly 5,000 musicians in the palace. Every time Murong Heng entertained court officials, he would ask the Jiaofang and the Music Department to compose new songs. In his spare time, he also liked to summon musicians to play and sing in the palace.

Jiang Mu's song taught him to be amazed. He had never heard such music before, and the lyrics were very novel.

He looked at Jiang Mu with shining eyes, and he wished he could invite her up immediately to talk about music theory with her. He completely forgot that she was just a brothel girl.

Murong Yan knew what his brother was thinking when he heard it. His brother's biggest hobby was music, and his favorite instrument was the pipa. Apart from government affairs, he composed music and lyrics in the palace. He often gave his poems to the Jiaofang and the Music Department to compose music, and then played the pipa in the palace for his concubines to listen to. The

concubines in his harem were also proficient in music theory and good at singing and dancing. If any of them sang well or played the piano well, they would be more favored by him.

As a result, the concubines in the harem spent the whole day in the Jiaofang and the Music Department to learn poetry and songs.

Looking at the appearance of his brother, it is estimated that the courtesan on the stage will be taken back to the harem by his brother soon.

Even if her status is low, it doesn't matter as long as his brother likes her.

You should know that the most favored Concubine Yun was just a musician in the music academy before. Just because she had a good voice, she sang a song when Murong Heng played the pipa, and she won the emperor's favor. Now she has become a noble in the palace, deeply loved by Murong Yan, and has unlimited glory.

Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu and said softly: "Listening to the lyrics she sang, she must be a beautiful woman who is good at music and has considerable talent."

"The lingering sound lingers in the beams, the song just now was really wonderful. You said that there are so many people in my music academy, how come no one can come up with such a wonderful song, and those lyrics are lingering and sad, which makes people heartbroken... This song should only exist in heaven, and how many times can people hear it in the world? I came here today, otherwise I would have missed such a heavenly music."

Murong Heng became more and more excited.

Murong Yan knew that he was sick, and he would be like this every time there was a new good song.

Murong Yan: "Your Majesty, what you said is very true."

Murong Heng sighed and said hesitantly: "Fourth brother, do you think I should invite her up?"

Murong Yan also wanted to know what kind of person this woman was. Although he was not as obsessed with music as Murong Heng, everyone in the Da'an Dynasty loved music, and he was no exception.

"If your Majesty likes her, I will bring her up to you right away."

Murong Heng shook his head. He was on a private visit today, so it was inconvenient for him to act too high-profile in such a place.

While the two were talking, Jiang Mu stood up and handed the pipa to the maid beside him. She stood on the stage and bowed gracefully. Her posture was charming and fascinating.

However, she did not satisfy everyone's curiosity. After the song ended, she left the stage.

Murong Heng looked at Jiang Mu's graceful back, and said to the guard beside him: "Go and invite that girl over, and say that it was Prince Cheng who invited her to Prince Cheng's mansion."

Murong Yan: "..."

After Murong Heng finished speaking, he looked at Murong Yan and smiled, "Fourth brother, let me borrow your name for a while."

Murong Yan sighed and said helplessly: "Royal brother."

"Okay, okay, I owe you one." Murong Heng said with a smile.

Even if Murong Yan was unwilling in his heart, there was nothing he could do. This was the difference between the monarch and his subjects.

But what he didn't expect was that after the guard went there, he came back and said that the other party didn't want to come. Even if he said that it was Prince Cheng who invited him, he directly refused and said that he would not meet with guests in private.

Murong Heng was not angry at all after hearing this. He smiled and said, "In that case, let's go over there."

Murong Yan: "Royal brother, I'm afraid this is not appropriate."

"Why not? She doesn't want to meet privately, so I'll take the initiative to meet her. That's all right."

Murong Heng had to see the woman just now. He wanted to ask her how the song was played in some places, and the lyrics. He listened to it once, but didn't remember all of them. If he could get the lyrics and study them, he would definitely find the secret.

Murong Heng pushed open the door and was about to find Jiang Mu. Little did he know that all the people who wanted to see Jiang Mu like him had already rushed over. The VIPs in the private rooms on the second floor all sent people to invite him, but they were all rejected. The guests on the first floor were all shouting for Jiang Mu to come out and play another song. This was

the first time Murong Heng encountered such a situation. He frowned and looked at the room on the third floor where Jiang Mu was. The door was already crowded with people.

He had to go through many obstacles to get there.

"Emperor... Second Brother, why don't we forget about today and come back another day.

Murong Yan felt that he might not be able to see her today.

Murong Heng looked at the guests who were shouting "Miss Xunhuan, Miss Xunhuan", his brows furrowed tighter and tighter. He smiled coldly and said in a deep voice: "I have to see her even if I can't."

There was no one he wanted to see but couldn't. He was the emperor, and he could get whatever he wanted.

The harder it was to see, the more he wanted to see her.

Murong Heng looked up at the third floor, leaped up, and stepped onto the railing in three or two steps. He was as light as a swallow. He took a few steps in the air, stepped on the colorful strips hanging in the air, and easily flew to the third floor opposite.

Someone in the crowd saw him and exclaimed.

"Look at that man!"

Murong Heng suddenly became the focus. Several officials, the ones that Murong Heng had seen outside before, turned pale when they saw Murong Heng, and were so scared that they couldn't speak. They originally wanted to meet this mysterious girl who was looking for pleasure, but they didn't expect to see the current emperor here.

Several people widened their eyes, and after confirming that they were not mistaken, they immediately lowered their heads, and without caring about many things, they shouted to the servants to leave in a panic.

Murong Yan didn't expect Murong Heng to be so persistent. He thought about it and went back to the private room on the second floor to wait for Murong Heng.

At this time, Huanruo of Cheng Wangfu was still waiting for Murong Yan to come back for dinner.

She waited until it was dark, and asked people to go to the door to look several times, but they said that the prince had not come back yet.

She sent someone to ask if the carriage that took the prince to the palace had returned, but who knew that the carriage had returned long ago.

Huanruo was angry and anxious, not knowing what had happened. At this time, the maid that Huanruo sent to ask the gatehouse came back to report that she heard from the people at Mingyueju that the prince had gone to the newly opened brothel Xunhuanju.

Huanruo's face turned blue, and she stood at the door in a daze for a long time. The maid advised her to go back to the house, but she did not say a word, and her face was very scary.

After a long time, perhaps she felt cold, so she turned around and went back to the house. Seeing a table full of dishes, she didn't know where she got angry, and she stretched out her hand and pushed all the dishes on the table to the ground.

The dishes were broken all over the floor.

The maids were all scared.


Murong Yan was waiting anxiously, so he asked the servant to go back to the palace to tell Huanruo that he was delayed by something and could not come back, so she asked her to eat first.

Huanruo had already smashed the dishes on the table. When she heard that Murong Yan had sent someone to say that she was delayed, she did not show any strange expression on her face. After sending the servant away, she sneered twice.

The maids did not dare to speak, and the room was eerily quiet.

Mingyueju was also very quiet today. Jiang Mu often went out recently, saying that he was going back to the general's mansion, but he always took Xue Teng alone. The other maids were very bored staying in the palace. They were a little dissatisfied that Xue Teng had Jiang Mu's trust and favor as soon as she came.

But there was nothing they could do. Xue Teng was given to Jiang Mu by General Jiang, and Xue Teng's cold and indifferent appearance made these maids very afraid of her and dared not provoke her. It

was not until late at night that they received the news that Jiang Mu had stayed in the general's mansion and would not be back until tomorrow morning.

Murong Yan waited for an hour in the private room on the second floor before Murong Heng came back.

Seeing Murong Heng's overjoyed look, Murong Yan was a little curious and asked, "Why is my brother so happy?"

"That Miss Xunhuan is really a wonderful person. She is a soulmate of mine. It's hard to find a soulmate. It's really a blessing in the world."

Murong Heng was in a good mood. Jiang Mu had just given Murong Heng the lyrics and music of the song Xiangsiyin that he played and sang. He had no selfish thoughts and talked with him about music theory. Jiang Mu's attainments in music surprised him. He had never seen a woman with such profound knowledge. Not only was she proficient in various musical instruments, but she could also remember the whole song after listening to it once. Murong Heng played several songs she composed for Jiang Mu.

As long as Jiang Mu listened to it once, he could play it without missing a single note.

The look in Murong Heng's eyes when looking at Jiang Mu could be described as excitement and obsession.

Even if he hadn't seen her true face yet, it didn't matter.

Her talent alone had already made him admire her.

Murong Heng and Jiang Mu chatted so much that he forgot the time. If Jiang Mu hadn't shown signs of fatigue and sounded a little tired, reminding Murong Heng that it was getting late, Murong Heng would have talked to her about everything from poetry and songs to the philosophy of life.

"Has my royal brother seen her appearance?" Murong Yan asked.

Murong Heng glared at Murong Yan, "Fourth brother, you are so vulgar. I told you about the talent and sentiment of Miss Xunhuan, but you only thought about her appearance. With such talent, what does it matter if she is not beautiful? What's more, Miss Xunhuan's eyes are already fascinating and unforgettable."

Murong Yan could only say that he was really mesmerized by the eyes he had just seen.

How could a woman with such eyes be ugly? Moreover, since she was said to be the first of the four courtesans, she must be a peerless beauty.

Murong Yan thought of this and couldn't help but feel annoyed. Why did he have such fantasies about other women? He should only have Huanruo in his heart.


It was already late at night when Murong Yan returned to the palace. He went straight to Qiuya Pavilion, but before he could enter Huanruo's bedroom, he was stopped by the maid of Qiuya Pavilion, who said that the concubine had already gone to bed.

He had just seen the light in the room, so he knew that Huanruo must not have fallen asleep. She must be angry because she didn't want to see him at this time.

Murong Yan was anxious to go in, and looked at the maid who was blocking his way coldly, "Why don't you get out of the way?"

The maid was startled. She was already uneasy about stopping the prince, and now her legs went weak, so she retreated directly.

Murong Yan walked in, pushed open the door, and saw Huanruo lying on the bed, so he leaned over and coaxed her with soft words.

Huanruo opened her eyes, stared at Murong Yan, and said lightly: "Where did the prince go at night? Why did you take so long to come back?"

Murong Yan naturally couldn't tell the truth, so he could only say: "I was discussing matters with my brother and accidentally delayed the time. My brother invited me to have dinner, and I couldn't refuse."

Huanruo smiled coldly, "Really." Murong

Yan was embarrassed by her reaction, "Ruo'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I'm not feeling well today, Your Highness, please go to sleep somewhere else."

Murong Yan looked ugly, but still said: "Why is Ruo'er not feeling well? Do you want to ask the imperial physician to come and see?"

Huanruo closed her eyes, "No, Your Highness, please go to sleep somewhere else."

Murong Yan: "..."

He looked at Huanruo quietly for a while, and was a little annoyed. He only thought about her, but was treated like this.

He shook his sleeves and strode away.

Murong Yan hesitated for a moment at the door of Qiuya Pavilion, then turned and went to the study.

That night, Murong Yan had a dream.

In his dream, he actually saw the veiled girl who was looking for pleasure.

He was standing under the stage of Xunhuanju. On the stage, Miss Xunhuan was holding a pipa, singing and plucking the strings. Her eyes were gentle and charming, revealing a seductive look, and she was always looking at him.

It seemed that he was the only guest in Xunhuanju, and he was Miss Xunhuan's only audience.

Miss Xunhuan started dancing while singing, and the pipa she was holding disappeared. She slowly walked towards him, her eyes were as charming as silk, full of teasing.

Murong Yan's heart was ups and downs, and for some reason, he felt a little flustered.

Until Miss Xunhuan came closer and closer to him, even put her fingers on his face, looked at him infatuatedly, and touched his face.

Murong Yan suddenly felt that the woman in front of him looked familiar.

Especially those eyes.

He stared at her closely, but she slowly approached him, stood on the stage and leaned over, touching his face through the veil.

At this moment, Murong Yan woke up from his dream.

He opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, his body was hot, and he seemed to have reacted.

He panted and lifted the quilt in disbelief.

Under the quilt, he was wearing a single shirt and long pants. The thin fabric could not cover anything.

His face became uglier and uglier. He stood up suddenly and frowned.

Why did he have such a dream?


Murong Yan was restless all day. After entering the palace, he was invited to the Purple Palace by the eunuch beside Murong Heng, who was reviewing memorials.

Hearing the report, Murong Heng looked up at Murong Yan and said with a smile, "You are here. Wait for me for a while. We will leave after I finish reading these memorials."

Murong Yan thought of something, but still asked, "Where is my royal brother going?"

Murong Heng: "Wherever I went yesterday, we will go today."

Murong Yan's mind was a little complicated. Thinking of the dream, his expression became strange, "My royal brother is going again."

Murong Heng: "Yes, yesterday I made an appointment with Miss Xunhuan to meet again today. We had a great chat yesterday and there were still many things to say. Today I will bring the new music I composed a few days ago and take it to her for appreciation."

Murong Yan: "...My royal brother appreciates Miss Xunhuan so much?"

Murong Heng: "Of course, don't you think her talent is outstanding and rare in the world? No, you didn't talk to her yesterday, you don't know how smart she is. Today you just happen to go with me, so you can know that Miss Xunhuan is a rare and wonderful person in the world."

Murong Yan hesitated.

"Why? You don't want to go?" Murong Heng saw his hesitation, "If you don't want to go, forget it, I can go alone."

Hearing this, Murong Yan suddenly said, "I'd better go with my brother."

"Why? It's not that I don't want to go." Murong Heng smiled, put down the pen in his hand, and sorted out the memorials he had reviewed.

Murong Yan said, "I'm worried about my brother going alone."

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 131. Chapter 128 plus a small update
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Chapter 128 plus one small update

Murong Heng waved his hand, "What's there to worry about? I'll bring my shadow guards with me. No one can touch me. If there is danger, it's useless to add you."

Murong Heng's martial arts is much stronger than Murong Yan's. If Murong Heng has something, Murong Yan can't help, and he is still a burden.

Murong Yan looked embarrassed and thought for a while, "I'd better go with my brother."

Murong Heng smiled and said, "Okay, why don't you say you want to go earlier? You are so shy. Are you afraid that your princess will know?"

Murong Yan's expression changed slightly, "How is it possible."

Murong Heng said, "I heard that you only favor your concubine and are very cold to the princess. Don't forget that she is Jiang Yongwei's only daughter. You should always be more restrained in your actions and don't go too far."

Murong Yan was a little surprised. Murong Heng was warning him.

He immediately lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "I understand."

"That's enough. Let's go. It's getting late." In order to go out early, Murong Heng spent the whole afternoon reviewing memorials. He didn't rest at all, and he was thinking about the soulmate in Xunhuanju.

The two went to Xunhuanju again. Today, Xunhuanju was already crowded with people. There were more people queuing outside the door than yesterday.

Yesterday, Miss Xunhuan's stunning work was widely circulated. Almost the whole capital knew that there was a fairy-like figure in Xunhuanju.

Everyone wanted to be the first to see Miss Xunhuan's true face. It was said that Miss Xunhuan said that she would only unveil her face when she met the real destined person.

And what conditions did this destined person have to meet? It was not clear.

Everyone was discussing this.

Li Zaoji frowned as he took the information sent by his subordinates.

His eyes were all over the capital, but he couldn't find out who this Miss Xunhuan was, and who opened this Xunhuanju.

All we know is that a very tall woman bought the restaurant that was transferred before, and now it has been changed into Xunhuanju.

"Sir, who do you think this Xunhuan girl is, and who is the destined person she is looking for?"

Li Zaoji smiled faintly, "What kind of person? An interesting person."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked out.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"To Xunhuanju, maybe I am the destined person."

Jiang Mu hadn't left the house yet. She stayed at Xunhuanju last night and returned to the palace this morning. No one cared about her. Murong Yan was never interested in her whereabouts. When he heard that she had returned to the general's mansion, he didn't say anything, as if he didn't care at all.

Huanruo cared more than him, and sent someone to show concern, but was sarcastically retorted by Chuntao.

When it was getting dark, Jiang Mu returned to her room early and said that she was tired and wanted to rest, and asked others not to disturb her. Then she asked Xue Teng to take her out of the mansion and went to Xunhuanju again.

This time, time was a bit tight. Jiang Mu didn't have time to put on makeup on the way, so she could only rely on the veil to cover her face.

When she entered Xunhuanju from the back door and went upstairs, she saw that Gu Jue had already been in the house.

Gu Jue waited for her for a long time but didn't see her. He thought she would not come. After seeing her, he immediately reported yesterday's turnover to her.

After these few days, Jiang Mu found that Gu Jue was actually a talent in business.

He was very good at arithmetic. He could quickly calculate the total amount of yesterday's profit by looking at the account book.

Moreover, many ideas of Xunhuanju were proposed by him. After implementation, the effect was really good.

When Gu Jue heard that someone from Chengwangfu came to invite Jiang Mu yesterday, his expression was very ugly. Jiang Mu also tested him a few words. Sure enough, he still cared.

However, the person who came later was Murong Heng. When he saw Murong Heng, his face changed immediately. After Murong Heng left, he hesitated for a long time, and still told Jiang Mu that the man just now was the current emperor.

Jiang Mu pretended to be surprised and chased him to ask many questions about Murong Heng.

Gu Jue still knew a little about Murong Heng. After all, his father was the prime minister and had been an official in the court for many years. As the prime minister, he was like a tiger to the emperor. Naturally, he had to know more about Murong Heng. He would tell Gu Jue

about these things at home. Although Gu Jue was just a small official at the time, his father had high hopes for him. So he knew as much as his father knew about Murong Heng.

When Jiang Mu asked, Gu Jue did not hide anything and told Jiang Mu everything.

These things were quite useful to Jiang Mu.

So when Murong Heng came again tonight and Jiang Mu talked to him about their preferences, Murong Heng was surprised to find that many of Jiang Mu's favorite things overlapped with his. However, Jiang Mu was not stupid. In order to prevent Murong Yan from suspecting, she deliberately held opposite views to Murong Yan on several issues, and the two also debated verbally.

In this way, Murong Heng not only did not suspect Jiang Mu, but also looked up to Jiang Mu a little more.

This woman is indeed different from the average vulgar woman. She is not the kind of woman who follows the crowd and easily yields. She not only has her own unique insights, but also a woman with thoughts and content who is unwilling to become a vassal.

When he is with her, he seems to have endless words to say, and his mood is also particularly happy, leaving all his troubles behind.

When Jiang Mu and Murong Heng were talking, Murong Yan was beside him.

If Murong Heng said that he only needs to know more about her, he will find that this woman is really special and full of attraction.

Her eyes seem ruthless, but they are vaguely filled with deep sadness. Many men are not as good as her in her insights on many things.

When getting along with her, you can feel her unique temperament, melancholy and cold, as if she hides many thoughts, which makes people curious about her, and the music she plays and sings always contains strong emotions.

Moreover, Murong Yan always feels that every time her eyes fall on him, her eyes become very complicated.

I don't know if it's because of the dream last night, he always feels that she has a familiar feeling.

Her figure and face were very familiar.

Thinking of the dream he had last night, Murong Yan's heartbeat quickened.

When he saw Murong Heng taking the initiative to get close to her, Murong Yan had a strange feeling in his heart.

In short, he was not very happy.

But he couldn't stop it.

Jiang Mu half leaned in Murong Heng's arms. Murong Heng held her hand and guided her to talk about the song he had just composed.

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan lightly, her eyes were gentle, and contained a trace of emotion that Murong Yan could not see through. Murong Yan stared at her in a daze, as if he was sucked in by her eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he was startled. When he looked at Jiang Mu again, Jiang Mu lowered his head and played the pipa seriously, as if he had never looked at him.

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 132. Chapter 129 is published. Thanks for ordering...
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Chapter 129 is published. Thanks for subscribing...

At this time, Jiang Mu seemed to have noticed Murong Yan's attention. He slowly looked up at him and said, "Why is this young master looking at me?"

Jiang Mu's words were neither light nor heavy, soft and gentle, as if he was just asking casually, but it caught Murong Heng's attention.

Murong Heng also turned back to look at Murong Yan, his eyes were meaningful, and he smiled and said, "Fourth brother, did you listen to the song just now? Do you have anything to say?"

Murong Yan's heart tightened. Murong Heng's question stumped him.

He didn't really listen at all just now. His attention was all on Jiang Mu, and he was still thinking about the dream last night.

No matter what the identity of this woman is, she is the one Murong Heng likes. He can't have other ideas. If Murong Heng knew, wouldn't it cause a rift between the brothers? Moreover, he is the king and he is the minister.

Murong Yan could only pretend to be calm and said: "This song is cleverly conceived and innovative. The lingering sound is unforgettable. It is really a masterpiece."

Jiang Mu wanted to laugh when he heard this flattery.

It turned out that Murong Yan, who was extremely cold and pretentious in front of her, was also a flatterer in front of Murong Heng.

The majesty of the emperor should not be underestimated.

Murong Heng seemed to have heard too many such words. He raised his eyebrows lightly, and was not very happy. He looked at Murong Yan for a while, and then changed the subject.

Seeing this, Murong Yan did not relax, and his heart was still in his throat.

At this time, someone came to the door.

There was a knock on the door.

Jiang Mu said, "What's the matter?"

"Miss, there is a young master Zhao who wants to see you. He said that he admires you and wants to see you." The one

who spoke was Jiang Mu's maid in Xunhuanju. She served tea and water to Jiang Mu and usually stood outside the door to pass on messages.

Jiang Mu frowned. There were hundreds of people who wanted to see her every day these days, but she had already ordered that she would not see anyone unless they were the ones she designated.

Murong Heng was the one who had received Jiang Mu's special permission, and the people below would not stop him when they saw him.

But who was this Mr. Zhao? Since he could have someone report to her, he must be different from others.

Jiang Mu thought about it and said, "No, go and refuse."

The maid said embarrassedly, "But..."

The maid wanted to say that Mr. Zhao was generous and directly threw a thousand taels of silver just to see her, but there were other guests in the room, so it was not easy to say these words. Jiang Mu refused straightforwardly, and she hesitated for a moment, but still did not say anything.

"I know."

After the maid left, not long after, Jiang Mu and Murong Heng chatted for a while, and the two played a song together, one playing the pipa and the other playing the piano. The music spread out, and many people quietly appreciated it downstairs. After knowing that it came from Miss Xunhuan's room, everyone praised it and admired Miss Xunhuan even more.

But when asked when Miss Xunhuan would be able to perform again, there was still no news.

Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang Mu said, "It's getting late, young master, you should go back. You are a little tired of having fun."

Murong Heng had a great time today. He was still in high spirits and didn't want to leave. An idea came to his mind. If he could bring her to the palace, he could talk about music with her every day. Then the two of them would be in harmony, wouldn't they be very happy?

But this matter still needs to be considered in the long run. He really loves this confidant and doesn't want to be too casual with her. He has to give her a name anyway. However, considering that Jiang Mu is a brothel girl, Murong Heng thinks that if he wants to bring her into the palace, he should arrange a suitable identity for her.

And he hasn't told Jiang Mu that he is the current emperor. If he says it now, it would be a bit too sudden.

Murong Heng decided to go back and think about it carefully.

So he nodded, "Okay, I'll come to see you someday."

He picked up the pipa and handed it to Jiang Mu, "I'll give it to you, I think it suits you very well."

Jiang Mu was surprised, "This, this is too expensive, didn't you say that this is your favorite pipa?"

This pipa was made by the best craftsman in the world. Although it is precious, as long as Murong Heng is happy, he will give it to anyone he wants, and he has many high-quality musical instruments.

The world belongs to him, so what does a pipa mean to him.

Murong Heng smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's my favorite, and it has found a more suitable owner now."

Jiang Mu pretended to be moved, "It's rare to have a bosom friend in life, and it's the hardest to find a bosom friend throughout the ages. It's really a great blessing in life to meet a bosom friend like you in your lifetime."

She looked at Murong Heng affectionately, and Murong Yan, who was standing next to him, felt that this look was becoming more and more familiar for some reason.

It was as if... it was the look his princess gave him at the beginning.

Yes, this look, like Jiang Mu.

Murong Yan stared at Jiang Mu, his suspicion growing stronger.

But when Murong Heng finished talking to Jiang Mu and was about to ask Murong Yan to leave, he saw that Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu strangely. He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Fourth brother, let's go."

Murong Yan then retracted his inquiring gaze.

But the doubts in his heart gradually grew.

How could Jiang Mu be here?

Impossible, he should just look a little bit like her.

Murong Yan's absent-minded look made Murong Heng a little dissatisfied.

After leaving Xunhuanju, Murong Heng asked casually: "What do you think of this Miss Xunhuan?"

Murong Yan didn't know whether Murong Heng asked this casually or was testing him. He thought about it and answered carefully: "I don't have any ideas. As long as my brother likes her, it's fine."

Murong Heng suddenly smiled, "Really? I like her very much."

Hearing this, Murong Yan felt a little uncomfortable.

But Murong Heng said, "But I think you seem to have a different view of her."

Murong Yan was startled and said quickly, "My brother misunderstood."

Murong Heng smiled freely, "Why are you nervous? It's normal for a gentleman to be in love with a woman. For a woman like Miss Xunhuan, all the men who come to Xunhuanju are here for her. It's just that, except me, no one is worthy of her."

Murong Heng's words gave Murong Yan a warning.

Murong Yan smiled bitterly in his heart.

I'm afraid that Murong Heng thought that he was also thinking about Miss Xunhuan.

Although Murong Yan felt a little wronged, he couldn't deny that he seemed to have a special feeling for her.


After Murong Heng and Murong Yan left, Jiang Mu lazily leaned on the soft couch to rest.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in. Jiang Mu opened her eyes and found that the window that was originally closed was open.

She got up and was about to go and see. Before she took a few steps, she felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, when she turned around, she saw a man in a purple robe standing behind her.

Jiang Mu recognized that this was the man he had seen that day.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

Jiang Mu looked at him coldly without showing any panic.

If it were an ordinary woman, seeing a strange man suddenly appear in the room, she would probably have screamed.

Li Zaoji was a little surprised. It seemed that this girl who was looking for pleasure was more interesting than he thought.

Just now, he heard two people playing inside when he was outside, so he guessed the reason why she refused to see him.

It must be the people in the house who were more important than others.

So just now, he had been lurking on the roof and peeking, and he also saw the two men in the house.

It is estimated that one of them is her target.

Li Zaoji smiled and said, "It's really not easy to meet the girl who is looking for pleasure."

Seeing that he didn't answer, Jiang Mu stopped asking.

This man was able to come in quietly, so he must have some skills. Seeing that he was so calm and didn't threaten her, he was probably not afraid that she would call for help, or he could subdue her before she called for help.

So Jiang Mu had given up the idea of ​​asking for help. If this man wanted to hurt her, she would not be able to fight back.

"Why does the young master want to see me?" Jiang Mu said lightly.

Li Zaoji: "Of course I came here because of her reputation. I want to know what kind of person is the woman who can play and sing such a stunning piece, and I also want to see the girl's true face."

Li Zaoji did not hide his purpose at all, but said it very frankly.

Jiang Mu smiled, looked at Li Zaoji, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lazily, "Thank you for the compliment, young master."

Li Zaoji became more interested when he saw that she was getting more and more relaxed.

In fact, he felt that the figure of the woman in front of him looked familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere.

"I wonder if I have the honor to see the true face of the girl who is looking for pleasure?" Li Zaoji approached her.

Jiang Mu glanced at him and said nothing, but turned back to lie down on the couch where she had rested before.

She lay on her side with her legs crossed, her posture elegant and seductive, one hand supporting her head, and the other hand lazily placed on her legs.

"This... I'm afraid it can't be as you wish." Jiang Mu said softly.

Li Zaoji's eyes were full of affection, and a slight raise was very attractive. He looked at Jiang Mu steadily and said with a smile: "Oh? Why is that?"

Jiang Mu said: "Xun Huan secretly swore before coming here that only my destined person could see my true face. Before meeting, I would not take off the veil in front of outsiders."

"Destined person..." Li Zaoji read these three words slowly.


Jiang Mu's voice just fell, and Li Zaoji suddenly flashed in front of her. His movements were so fast that Jiang Mu could not see clearly.

The ancient people were really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Not only did the current emperor know Qinggong, but any man who appeared there also had martial arts skills, and it seemed that they were not low.

"Then... take a look, am I your destined person?" Li Zaoji came in front of Jiang Mu and was almost face to face with her.

Jiang Mu subconsciously held his breath and said in a low voice: "No, I don't see it that way."

Li Zaoji then stepped back a little and said with a smile: "Then how do you see it? You tell me."

Jiang Mu: "Of course, she has to be in tune with me, know me, understand me, and love me..."

She talked nonsense, "She has to be proficient in music, love musical instruments, have endless things to say to me, and be handsome so that I can be happy to see her."

Li Zaoji actually thought about it seriously: "Hmm..."

Jiang Mu couldn't help laughing when he saw how serious he was.

"Your requirement is very strict..."

Jiang Mu was about to nod.

Who knew that Li Zaoji grinned and smiled very brightly, "But I think I can fully meet your requirement."

Jiang Mu was stunned.

Li Zaoji: "What do you think of my appearance?"

Jiang Mu looked at his face and commented: "Young Master, you are handsome and have outstanding appearance."

Li Zaoji nodded with satisfaction, "Then I am satisfied with this point. Secondly, I am proficient in music, playing the piano, flute, and pipa. I must have endless topics to talk about with you. As for knowing you, understanding you, and loving you... that's even simpler... In this case, am I not your destined person?"

Jiang Mu was stunned.

Li Zaoji smiled and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied with me as your destined person?"

"Young Master, you are joking. I have to judge my destined person myself. How can you, young master, volunteer to give yourself the title of destined person?"

Jiang Mu was talking nonsense, and he followed suit, and the more he talked, the less reliable it became.

Li Zaoji: "I said it according to your requirements, and it is not wrong at all."

Jiang Mu shook his head, "No, young master, please go back."

Li Zaoji suddenly put away his playful smile just now, and his expression became very serious.

Li Zaoji said: "Well, in this case, I won't force you, but..."

Jiang Mu looked at him in confusion.

"But I heard that the boss behind Xunhuanju is related to Piaomiao Palace. I checked and found that the news came from your Xunhuanju. Is this true?"

Jiang Mu's expression changed slightly, "I don't know, you asked the wrong person."

Li Zaoji: "Is that so, Miss Xunhuan of Xunhuanju, who are you to Xunhuan?"

Jiang Mu said lightly: "I got my name after coming here, but it's just an empty name."

Li Zaoji stood up straight, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at her quietly.

"It seems that Miss Xunhuan doesn't want to tell me the truth."

Jiang Mu remained calm.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Gu Jue said outside the door: "It's me, can I come in?"

Jiang Mu was stunned and said: "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Gu Jue: "I have something to talk to you about."

"Wait." After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Li Zaoji, but Li Zaoji, who was standing next to her just now, had disappeared.

I don't know when he left.


Murong Yan returned to the palace. He wanted to go to Mingyueju, but as soon as he entered the backyard, he saw the maid of Qiu Ya Pavilion waiting at the small door.

It seemed that she had been waiting for a long time.

As soon as she saw Murong Yan, she ran over immediately.

"Prince, you are finally back. Madam is not feeling well. She has not eaten since noon, and she has not eaten at night. She also refuses to see a doctor. Please go and see her."

Murong Yan heard this and his face changed suddenly, "What's going on?"

"I don't know. It's been like this since noon. It seems that she feels sick after eating. Madam is also in a bad mood. She had a quarrel with the prince yesterday and has been in a bad mood today."

Murong Yan was worried about Huanruo, so he walked quickly and arrived at Qiu Ya Pavilion in a short while.

As soon as he entered the yard, someone saw him and ran in to report.

Huanruo was lying on the bed, looking very pale. As soon as Murong Yan came in, she coughed twice.

"Huanruo, what's wrong with you?"

Huanruo frowned and said nothing.

Murong Yan sat beside the bed and held her hand.

"What's wrong? You look so bad and your hands are cold. How did you serve you?" Murong Yan looked at the servants in the room.

Huanruo pulled her hand out of Murong Yan's hand, with a cold attitude and no words.

Murong Yan was a little embarrassed. He looked at the maid standing next to him, "What's the matter? Have you called a doctor?"

"Yes, but Madam doesn't want to be examined by the doctor."

Murong Yan: "Where's the doctor?"

"He hasn't left yet. He's waiting in the hall."

"Go and call him over."

Murong Yan took Huanruo's hand and coaxed her in a low voice, "If you are angry with me, don't get sick, and you can't not eat."

Huanruo glanced at him coldly, but said, "Are you afraid that I will be angry?" Murong

Yan saw that she was willing to talk, which meant that there was a turn for the better, and then said, "Of course I'm afraid that you will be angry. How can you not eat?"

Huanruo: "I can't eat."

"Even if you can't eat, you have to force yourself to eat a little."

He turned around and ordered the servants, "Go and get something to eat."

Huanruo's face looked a little better, not so sad. She looked at Murong Yan, "Where did you go today, and why did you come back so late? "

How could Murong Yan dare to tell her that he went to Xunhuanju? He could only say, "I was discussing matters with some ministers and forgot the time."

Huanruo seemed to believe it, bit her lip and said nothing.

At this time, the doctor came over.

Murong Yan coaxed Huanruo to stretch out her hand for the doctor to feel her pulse.

After a while, the doctor stood up and saluted, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty, this lady is pregnant, and it's a happy pulse. "

When these words came out, everyone's eyes widened, even Huanruo herself did not expect it.

She was indeed a little uncomfortable today, but the reason she made such a fuss was because she was angry, and she did it on purpose for Murong Yan to see.

Who knew that she was actually pregnant.

This is a big happy event.

The servants in the room congratulated Murong Yan one after another.

The whole Qiuya Pavilion became lively.

Murong Yan was very happy, and ordered someone to take the doctor down to ask clearly about the matters that need attention, and then take him to receive the reward.

This matter soon spread throughout the mansion, and the people in Qiuya Pavilion were the happiest.

Murong Yan and Huanruo spoke sweet words to each other, and the two soon forgot about what happened last night and reconciled as before.

The maids brought up many foods that Huanruo liked, and Huanruo's mood became very good. She sat with Murong Yan and prepared to eat.

This matter also spread quickly to Mingyue Residence.

Jiang Mu just came back from outside.

She pretended to have just woken up from a nap, and the maids immediately rushed in to tell her the news.

Jiang Mu didn't react much. In the original plot, Huanruo also announced her pregnancy at about this time, but it seemed a little later, about half a month.

Maybe she felt that no one in the mansion could threaten the safety of her and her child.

They didn't mean to hide it. Instead, the people in Qiu Ya Pavilion publicized it with great fanfare, as if Huanruo's status would rise after giving birth to a child.

Jiang Mu said lightly, "I know."

Everyone thought she would be very angry, but she was so calm. The maids thought Jiang Mu was too sad and didn't want people to know, so she was holding on and suppressing the sadness in her heart.

When Jiang Mu asked them to go down, Chuntao looked at her very worriedly, "Madam, you have to take care of yourself."

Jiang Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly, and could only make the best of a bad situation, "Don't worry. "

As soon as they left, Jiang Mu instructed Xue Teng to tell Qiuya Pavilion about Murong Yan's whereabouts tonight.

Qiuya Pavilion has been inquiring about Murong Yan's whereabouts every day recently, and Jiang Mu's actions would not arouse suspicion. She just told them the truth they wanted to know, and she did not lie.

So, just as Huanruo finished her meal and was about to wash up and prepare to go to bed with Murong Yan, the maid who went to inquire about the news came back.

The maid's face was not good, and she didn't know whether she should say it.

While Huanruo was washing up, she asked the maid what she had found out.

The maid said vaguely: "The prince...he..."

"What happened to him, tell me."

"He went...went..." The maid really didn't dare to say it. Huanruo went crazy about this matter yesterday.

But Huanruo stared at her coldly, and said impatiently: "Are you going to tell it or not?"

The maid was startled and could only lower her head and whispered: "The prince went to that Xunhuanju again."

A quarrel broke out in Qiuya Pavilion at night.

Maybe because she was pregnant and had a bigger support, Huanruo made a bigger fuss this time than last night. She

was still holding back her anger last night and just used the excuse of feeling unwell to drive Murong Yan away.

Now she was forcing Murong Yan to tell her where she had been these two days?

Seeing her like this, Murong Yan knew without a doubt that she had heard some news.

Although Murong Yan felt guilty, he was also a little angry at Huanruo's questioning without giving him face.

But he still cared about Huanruo after all, and admitted that he had accompanied Murong Heng to Xunhuanju, and explained that he was just accompanying Murong Heng.

But Explanation is equal to covering up. In Huanruo's opinion, the reason of accompanying Murong Heng is totally untenable.

And even if he went with her, what did he do in such a place?

As long as Huanruo thought about it carefully, she couldn't believe Murong Yan.

The two had never had a big quarrel before. Last time, they almost quarreled because of the aphrodisiac. In the end, Murong Yan felt guilty and suppressed his anger and apologized to her, so as not to cause a conflict.

However, Murong Yan was still a little dissatisfied in his heart, but he had been suppressing it.

This time, Huanruo questioned him relentlessly and refused to listen to his explanation. Murong Yan did not choose to endure and bow his head.

The two quarreled fiercely.

All this was predicted by Jiang Mu. As expected.

She had long seen that the relationship between Murong Yan and Huan Ruo was actually very subtle.

Before, Murong Yan was an admirer and pursuer. Huan Ruo maintained her goddess image in front of him, cold and elegant, touchable but unattainable...

Later, she married someone else, and she became the white moonlight in Murong Yan's heart. While he longed for her, his admiration for her became stronger and stronger, until Huan Ruo was in trouble and he saved her.

The relationship between the two has changed dramatically. Huan Ruo is no longer so far away. Although she is still cold, she is occasionally gentle and shows weakness in front of him. Although Murong Yan still loves her, he no longer has the same admiration for her as before. feeling.

Huanruo is no longer the high and mighty goddess. The last aphrodisiac incident has actually affected Huanruo's position in Murong Yan's heart.

No matter how proud she is, she is already his. He saved her and got her. This relationship should be dominated by him.

This is what Murong Yan thinks.

Last time Huanruo was unwilling to give him the antidote, Murong Yan felt dissatisfied, as if she didn't love him at all and was with him just to use him, which is why she was so angry afterwards. Murong

Yan was originally in the wrong this time. If Huanruo had just made a few remarks, Murong Yan might have gotten the hint, felt guilty, and then treated Huanruo doubly well.

But Huanruo didn't endure it, and it happened to be when she just found out she was pregnant. She thought she was still the one being pampered and coaxed in their relationship. She was pregnant, so she wanted to make trouble with Murong Yan.

Unexpectedly, Murong Yan didn't bow his head again.

Huanruo waited for Murong Yan to ask her for forgiveness, but Murong Yan turned his face away and left. When he left, he just said coldly, "If you don't believe it, forget it. Go to sleep. I'm leaving." Huanruo

was stunned.

The people in Qiu Ya Pavilion were also dumbfounded.

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 133. Chapter 130 is published. Thanks for ordering...
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Chapter 130 published, thanks for ordering...

Murong Yan had planned to sleep in the study, but for some reason, thinking of the similarity between Miss Xunhuan and Jiang Mu, he turned around and went to Mingyueju.

As soon as he went to Mingyueju, the news was passed back to Qiuya Pavilion.

"The prince didn't go back to the study, it seems that he went to Mingyueju."

Huanruo was so angry that her fingernails dug into the flesh of her palm.

"Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?"

"It shouldn't be. There is no other place in that direction except Mingyueju."

Huanruo's eyes flashed darkly.

Jiang Mu didn't expect Murong Yan to turn around and come to her, she didn't make any preparations. Not only was she unhappy, she also frowned.

However, Murong Yan came at this time, Mingyueju was boiling.

The prince is here?

So late...

Is he going to sleep here?

Everyone was thinking the same question in their hearts.


After seeing Jiang Mu, Murong Yan stared at her eyes for a while.

Except for the mole at the corner of her eye, the eyes are really similar.

Murong Yan asked, "Did you go out today?"

Jiang Mu didn't know if Murong Yan suspected anything. She remained calm and said softly, "Why would your Highness ask that? I didn't feel well today. I stayed in the mansion the whole time and didn't go out."

Murong Yan said lightly, "Yeah."

Jiang Mu walked to his side and asked caringly, "What's wrong with your Highness? Is there something wrong? Why do you look so bad?"

Facing Jiang Mu's worried eyes, Murong Yan shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"Your Highness, I heard that Sister Huanruo was not feeling well. Did you go to see her?" When

Jiang Mu mentioned Huanruo, Murong Yan's face changed and he didn't say anything.

Jiang Mu said gently, "Your Highness, are you too tired?"

Murong Yan: "Yeah, a little bit."

Jiang Mu sighed and looked at him softly, "Your Highness, take care of yourself and don't work too hard on weekdays."

Murong Yan was angry with Huanruo, but when he came to Jiang Mu, he was cared for. Faced with the different attitudes of the two, Murong Yan couldn't help but compare them together.

The look he gave Jiang Mu was not so cold anymore, and his tone was gentler, "I know."

"Your Highness, please stay here tonight." Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan expectantly.

Murong Yan wanted to refuse, saying that he had something else to do, but facing Jiang Mu's eyes, he couldn't say it.

He had come here for no reason, and now he had to leave, which was really unreasonable.

Murong Yan struggled in his heart for a while, and thought of Huanruo. Although he was a little angry with Huanruo, if he stayed with Jiang Mu tonight just because of this, he was afraid that Huanruo would know about it, and the rift between them would be even greater.

Murong Yan wanted to refuse, but before he opened his mouth, Jiang Mu seemed to know what she was going to say, and said before he could speak: "Your Highness, it's getting late, you can sleep in the side room, don't worry, I won't disturb you."

Murong Yan was stunned.

Jiang Mu smiled bitterly and said: "Your Highness, I know you only have sister Huanruo in your heart, it's okay, I won't force you..."

, you don't have to leave in a hurry. "

Murong Yan felt a little uncomfortable when he heard her sad tone.

He said, "You don't have to be like this."

Jiang Mu shook her head, "As long as I can look at the prince, I feel very happy. As long as I can stay by your side... that's enough."

Jiang Mu's words moved everyone, except herself.

"You..." Murong Yan was also moved. He looked at Jiang Mu and couldn't help feeling pity in his heart.

Jiang Mu's eyes were a little red. She bit her lip and looked at Murong Yan eagerly, "Prince, if you really don't want to stay, then I'll send you out..."

Murong Yan said, "No, I'll sleep in the side room today. I'm tired too."

Jiang Mu showed ecstasy, "Really! ? '

She immediately called Dongmei and ordered, "Go and clean up the side room. The prince will stay later. Remember to fumigate the room. And prepare some of the prince's favorite hundred-flower cake."

Jiang Mu's words were full of concern and understanding for Murong Yan.

Murong Yan's expression changed slightly. He didn't know what he was thinking about. He looked at Jiang Mu intently. It

was the first time for him to spend the night in Mingyueju. Even if he slept in a side room, as long as he didn't walk out of the gate of Mingyueju, Jiang Mu could make everyone in the palace think that Murong Yan slept with her.

Huanruo waited for a long time but Murong Yan didn't come out. It was concluded that Murong Yan was going to stay overnight.

She thought Murong Yan still hated Jiang Mu as before. Even if he was angry, it would never happen to him and Jiang Mu.

When she knew that Murong Yan went to Mingyueju, she was angry, but she was not worried. She thought that he was just angry with her and went there on impulse. He would come out in a short while at most. His purpose was just to make her jealous.

But now, half an hour has passed and Murong Yan still hasn't come out. Mingyueju also sent a message that they were boiling water for Murong Yan to take a bath.

Huanruo's expression became cold and stared at the maid who delivered the message.

The maid was trembling with fear and didn't dare to move for a long time.

Murong Yan was actually a little worried about Huanruo.

But Jiang Mu really didn't mean to let him share a room with her. Instead, she personally helped him clean up and prepare the guest room, sent him to the guest room, and advised him to visit Huanruo more often when he had time.

Seeing that Jiang Mu was so broad-minded and cared so much about Huanruo, Murong Yan felt a little pity for Jiang Mu. She

obviously loved him so much, but she pushed him away, and cared about other women who were competing with her for her husband for him.

She really loved too deeply and too humbly.

Murong Yan felt that maybe he should be nicer to her.

So Murong Yan couldn't help telling Jiang Mu, "I went to Qiu Ya Pavilion today, and she was very good."

Jiang Mu smiled and said very sincerely, "That's good. Sister Huanruo is the apple of the prince's eye. As long as sister Huanruo is well, the prince will feel more at ease. The prince is safe and happy, which is my biggest wish. I only have one wish now, that is to see the prince have many children. I am not blessed and cannot have children for the prince. I hope sister Huanruo can give birth to a child for the prince as soon as possible, then I will be satisfied."

Jiang Mu said, his expression was a little sad.

Murong Yan couldn't help but say, "Why are you so stupid?"

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan affectionately. She took a step forward, held Murong Yan with both hands, and said, "No, I don't think I'm stupid. I'm lucky to marry the prince. Maybe I've used up all my luck in this life, so... the prince doesn't love me. I used to complain and cry. Now I understand. No matter who the prince loves, I still love the prince deeply..."

These words were touching. Jiang Mu was so immersed in the play that she was moved to tears.

Murong Yan was even more shocked that Jiang Mu loved so selflessly.

"In fact, Huanruo is already pregnant."

Since this was Jiang Mu's wish, it has been fulfilled.

Murong Yan thought that he could let Jiang Mu know to make her happy.

Sure enough, Jiang Mu showed a surprised expression when he heard this, "Really? When did it happen?"

Murong Yan: "It was discovered by the doctor today."

Jiang Mu smiled and hugged Murong Yan, looking up with a happy face: "That's great, congratulations, Your Highness, Your Highness must be very happy."

Murong Yan was infected by her smile and nodded involuntarily, "Yeah."

When he knew Huan Ruo was pregnant, he was in a very good mood.

"I thought Your Highness came to me to relax because he was in a bad mood

. It turns out that Your Highness is happy and wants to share this joy with me. I am really so happy, Your Highness... I am so touched." Jiang Mu's words made Murong Yan a little embarrassed. He knew best why he came to Mingyueju, but Jiang Mu's words made him seem so good to Jiang Mu.

Murong Yan thought: What a silly woman.

"Since Sister Huanruo is pregnant, the food and clothing expenses of Qiu Ya Pavilion will have to be raised. Prince, I will give orders tomorrow to let the kitchen stew more food for Sister Huanruo to nourish her body. The weather is cold, and the charcoal fire in her room should be more."

Hearing that Jiang Mu had thought of this, Murong Yan smiled and was more satisfied with Jiang Mu.

In the past, he regretted marrying Jiang Mu as a princess, thinking that he should marry someone he liked.

But after what happened today.

He changed his mind and married a virtuous wife. A good wife can be a good helper, help her husband in all aspects, and share her husband's worries.

With Huanruo's temperament, she can't do it well at all. Jiang Mu is the one who is truly suitable for him.

Once this concept changed, Murong Yan's eyes looking at Jiang Mu also changed greatly.

Jiang Mu said: "Prince, it's getting late, you should go in and rest. You still have to go to court tomorrow, I won't disturb you."

Murong Yan rarely smiled at Jiang Mu, "Okay."

Jiang Mu seemed to be moved by this smile, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

Murong Yan also took the initiative to comfort her, "I was not good to you before, I will treat you well in the future, don't worry."

Jiang Mu threw herself into Murong Yan's arms and cried out with emotion: "Prince!"

She leaned on Murong Yan's chest, thinking, I will also wear a few more green hats for you, don't worry.


The next day, Murong Yan was thinking about the pregnant Huan Ruo and decided to coax her. As a result, when he arrived at Qiu Ya Pavilion, Huan Ruo's attitude was still bad, and she even asked him to go to Mingyueju and not come to Qiu Ya Pavilion.

If it were before, Murong Yan would treat Huan Ruo's temper as a little interest, and explain to her tirelessly to make her happy.

But after yesterday, Murong Yan's patience with Huan Ruo was no longer the same as before.

He was so indifferent to Jiang Mu, but Jiang Mu could still be so generous and tolerant. As long as he was happy, he could tolerate everything else.

And he was so good to Huan Ruo, but Huan Ruo made things difficult for him again and again and didn't listen to his explanation. Did Huan Ruo only care about herself and didn't love him at all?

Murong Yan felt very uncomfortable, so he did not humbly ask Huan Ruo for forgiveness.

Instead, he said in a rage: "Since you don't want me to come and want me to go to Mingyueju, then I will do as you wish."


Murong Yan went to Mingyueju again. Although he still slept in the side room, it was a huge change.

The maids in Mingyueju smiled every day and felt that their master's hard days were finally over.

Jiang Mu saw that Murong Yan had completely changed his attitude towards him.

Jiang Mu brought forward the previous plan.

She mentioned to Murong Yan that Huan Ruo was pregnant and no one could serve him, so she wanted to give her maid Xia He to the prince.

Murong Yan was a little surprised, but Jiang Mu had already thought of an excuse.

"This is the one I'm used to having around me. Although she may not be as pretty as Sister Huanruo, she is also very beautiful and can take care of people. Now Sister Huanruo is pregnant, the prince can't be without someone around him."

Murong Yan frowned and said, "Forget it, I don't need it."

Jiang Mu's eyes immediately turned red. He grabbed Murong Yan's hand and begged, "Prince, just agree to me, so that I can rest assured. The prince and Sister Huanruo are in love. I don't want to ruin your relationship and let Sister Huanruo misunderstand, so I came up with this idea. It's just a maid. Sister Huanruo shouldn't mind."

Murong Yan: "You... why are you doing this?"

"As long as it's for the good of the prince, I'm willing to do anything."

Jiang Mu's pitiful appearance made people pity him. Murong Yan looked into her eyes and couldn't say no for a while.

"Prince, just agree to me."

Seeing her like this, Murong Yan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Is your Highness afraid that Sister Huanruo will be angry? No, Sister Huanruo is so kind and gentle, she must think the same as I do. As long as it is for your good, she can do anything. She is pregnant and cannot serve you... Naturally, she has to consider you."

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 134. Chapter 131 is published. Thanks for ordering...
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Chapter 131 is published, thanks for ordering...

Murong Yan finally gave in. Although he didn't nod in agreement, he didn't strongly object. In the evening, Jiang Mu sent Xia He to the side room and asked her to serve Murong Yan.

Xia He never dreamed that she would have such good luck, but she didn't show any joy at all. Instead, she said that she couldn't bear to leave Jiang Mu's side.

Jiang Mu didn't point it out, and looked at her with a smile, "Since you don't want to, then I will change someone."

Xia He was stunned, and those hypocritical words choked on her lips.


Jiang Mu picked up the teacup on the table, held it in his hand calmly, and didn't drink it. She blew it slowly, and her eyes fell on Xia He, which made her very embarrassed.

Immediately, Jiang Mu looked at the other maids, "Are there any of you who are willing?"

Xia He bit her tongue, annoyed that she shouldn't have pretended to be loyal just now. If Jiang Mu really changed someone, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

She looked at the others nervously. Fortunately, the others also said that they didn't want to follow the prince and wanted to stay with Jiang Mu.

Xia He thought that she still had hope, but Jiang Mu didn't say anything and deliberately looked at Xue Teng.

"Xue Teng, why don't you go?"

Xue Teng knew that Jiang Mu would never leave her to Murong Yan. She knew what Jiang Mu had done these days. Jiang Mu would leave the palace sooner or later. She didn't care about Murong Yan at all, so the person sent to Murong Yan at this time could only be an abandoned pawn.

Xue Teng said expressionlessly: "I will listen to the young lady's instructions."

It means that as long as you are happy, I will do whatever you ask me to do.

"In this case..."

Before Jiang Mu finished speaking, Xia He suddenly said: "Madam, Xue Teng was sent by the general to serve you. I am afraid that it is not a good idea to give her to the prince as a concubine. Will it disappoint the general's painstaking efforts?" Xia He

decided to make a move for her own future.

She had agreed to help Qiu Ya Pavilion for this reason. If she had known it would be like this, she would have asked her master for advice. However, she had thought that her master loved the prince so much that she would not tolerate sharing the prince with others.

It turned out that she was wrong.

"Madam, if you must do this, Xia He is willing to share your worries. I just hope you don't forget our master-servant relationship."

Jiang Mu held back his laughter, took a sip of tea, and said, "The taste of this tea is still a little lacking. Maybe it's because this green tea is too tender."

Xia He was stunned and didn't understand what Jiang Mu meant.

Jiang Mu gently raised his hand and sprinkled the cup of tea on Xia He's face.

Everyone was stunned, especially Xia He, who still had a few tea leaves on her face. She looked at Jiang Mu in surprise: "Madam? What do you mean?"

Jiang Mu: "This West Lake Longjing is a kind of green tea, so, Xia He, you have to drink more."

Xia He was confused when she heard it.

"Okay." Jiang Mu clapped his hands and said to Xue Teng, "Take out the things."

Xue Teng took out a hairpin and a jade pendant from his sleeve and handed them to Jiang Mu.

When Xia He saw the two things, her face turned pale immediately.

"This was found in your room. It shouldn't be yours, right?" Jiang Mu threw the things in front of her.

Xia He still held on to the fluke and tried to explain, "This... This was picked up by me. I was greedy and didn't hand it in... Please punish me, madam."

Jiang Mu nodded, "Picked it up? Picked it up in Qiu Ya Pavilion?"

Xia He felt cold in her heart and thought it was over.

She knelt on the ground, "Madam, it was my fault. I was blinded by greed."

Jiang Mu smiled, "How was it wrong? Don't you care about me a lot? You said you would share my worries and even sacrifice yourself to accompany the prince for me."

Xia He's face turned as red as pig liver.

The other maids didn't understand what happened. They looked at Jiang Mu in confusion and asked, "Madam, what happened to Xia He?"

Jiang Mu looked at the embarrassed Xia He. The tea residue on her face was not wiped off. The tea just now left stains on her face. Her eyes were red and she looked pitiful, which made her look a little charming.

No wonder she had such a beautiful face and had thoughts that she shouldn't have.

"Tell me, when did it happen to you?" Jiang Mu stared at her eyes coldly.

Xia He saw Jiang Mu's cold look and knew that she would not forgive herself.

She lowered her head and said nothing.

"Okay, you don't want to say it, right? Then just sell it directly, saying that it is a crime of theft, and let the pimps sell it as far away as possible."

Hearing this, Xia He hurriedly knelt in front of Jiang Mu and begged for mercy.

"Madam, don't, Madam... I'll tell you. "

She told the whole story of how she was bribed by Huanruo and how she tipped off the maids.

Only then did the other maids know that Xia He was Qiuya Pavilion's spy in Mingyueju.

They looked at Xia He angrily, "How could you do such a thing? Madam treats us well, you are such an ungrateful person."

"We all treat you as a good sister, but we didn't expect you to be such a person."

Xia He just looked at Jiang Mu pleadingly, begging her not to sell her.

Jiang Mu had no intention of selling her, as that would be too easy for her.

She wanted to double the pain that the original owner had endured on Xia He.

"Get up and pack up. After serving the prince tonight, you will move to Qiuya Pavilion. From now on, you are a member of Qiuya Pavilion. Miss Huanruo is not feeling well, so when the prince goes to Qiuya Pavilion in the future, you will serve him. However, if Miss Huanruo is dissatisfied, you can only bear it. "

Jiang Mu thought for a while, then looked at Chuntao," Before she leaves, pack her two packets of the best West Lake Longjing tea and let her drink more. This will also prevent her from being unable to defeat others because her level is too low. After all, she is a person who left Mingyueju. "

After giving the order, Jiang Mu didn't care whether others understood or not. He waved his hand and asked someone to take Xia He downstairs to wash and dress, and then send her to the side room later.

Xia He didn't expect that she could serve the prince. She was surprised and happy, and of course afraid, but she couldn't care less at this moment. As long as she was not sold now, she still had a chance. Even if she went to Qiuya Pavilion, she would not necessarily lose to Huanruo.

Both of them were concubines. In terms of status, Huanruo was not more noble than her. As long as she was favored by the prince, she might become the prince's concubine in the future.

... At

night, many people were paying attention to the movements in the side room.

The people in Qiuya Pavilion were curious, and even the maids in Jiang Mu's room were curious.

Only Jiang Mu didn't care. She went to bed early. The maids outside the house were talking about it. They didn't understand why Jiang Mu would let a traitor serve the prince.

These days, the princess's actions have become more and more confusing.

Chuntao: "Yes, and she asked me to bring two bags of West Lake Longjing to Xia He. Why? "

Qiu Ju shook her head: "I don't know either." Dong

Mei sighed and said: "Xia He is not worthy of drinking such a good tea as West Lake Longjing. Madam's idea is really weird."

As the three were talking, Xue Teng appeared out of nowhere, startling them.

Chun Tao asked, "Xue Teng, you follow Madam all day long, do you know what Madam thinks?"

Xue Teng said coldly, "Because Madam wants to see a dog-eat-dog fight." Xue Teng

turned around and left, leaving the three of them dumbfounded.

The next day, Xia He packed up and went to Qiu Ya Pavilion. Before she left, she wanted to see Jiang Mu, but was stopped outside the door. Jiang Mu didn't want to see her, and others also mocked her.

Xia He was thinking about her bright future in the future, and she made a harsh statement to the other sisters, saying that she would become a superior person in the future and would no longer have to serve others.

But what she didn't expect was that as soon as she entered Qiu Ya Pavilion, she was threatened by Huan Ruo.

Seeing that the person coming was Xia He, Huan Ruo immediately understood that Xia He's affair with her was exposed. Xia He was Jiang Mu's abandoned child and could no longer be used by her.

Jiang Mu's move was really a good move, killing two birds with one stone. Not only did she gain a good reputation as a virtuous woman, but she also eliminated the spies she had arranged in her courtyard and annoyed her.

Huanruo looked at Xia He with a sneer and arranged her to the most remote room in Qiuya Pavilion, next to the woodshed, which was cold and shabby.

When Murong Yan came, Huanruo asked Xia He to come out to serve them, serving tea and water, massaging feet, and all such trivial matters were left to Xia He.

Murong Yan didn't care about Xia He at all, so he naturally wouldn't care about such things.

In his eyes, Xia He was just a lowly maid. Even if she slept with her, she was just a maid, and couldn't be compared with Huanruo at all.

Xia He repeatedly cast a pitiful and pleading look at Murong Yan, hoping that Murong Yan would look at her, but Murong Yan didn't even look at her, as if he didn't take her seriously at all, even though she was already his.

Every time he came to Qiuya Pavilion, Murong Yan only had Huanruo in his eyes.

Day after day, Xia He's hatred for Huan Ruo grew deeper and deeper.

But she also learned to be smart, learned to be forbearing, and did not show it.

Instead, she flattered Huan Ruo and gave her advice.

Because she was from Mingyueju, Huan Ruo felt that she was still of some use, so she stayed by her side. Otherwise, she could send her away with just a little trick, and Murong Yan would not say anything.

But she knew that even if Xia He was driven away, Jiang Mu would not give up. Instead, there would be countless women sent over. Maybe the next woman would not be as sensible as Xia He. Moreover,

she had embarrassed Xia He in front of Murong Yan many times, and Murong Yan did not say a word for Xia He, which showed that he did not care about Xia He at all, so gradually she did not take Xia He seriously.


Since Xia He went to Qiu Ya Pavilion, Jiang Mu's mind was basically not in the palace. She was thinking about the business strategy of Xunhuanju every day.

Jiang Mu's questions were both tricky and novel, and many talented scholars could not answer them. This kind of thing spread from one person to ten, and over time, more and more talented people came.

Jiang Mu was determined to build Xunhuanju into a high-end entertainment venue. After

only half a month of operation, Xunhuanju's reputation has been opened, and now it is almost making a fortune every day.

The threshold to enter Xunhuanju is getting higher and higher.

Just having money is not enough to get in, you must have talent, either playing a song at the door, or reciting poems on the spot. In short, you must have real talent and knowledge. At the very least, you must be good-looking, which is also a skill.

Such strange requirements made Xunhuanju a topic of conversation for people after dinner.

Not only did it not drive away the guests, but it also made Xunhuanju more popular.

The courtesans in Xunhuanju don't need to accompany drinking. In Xunhuanju, they are the masters. They can do whatever they want. No one can force them to do what they don't want to do. It's not like other brothels, where they often encounter troubles that they can't help.

Moreover, recently, Xunhuanju has also launched many other elegant businesses, such as painting auctions, drinking games, and treasure guessing games. Such activities have attracted many talented scholars.

Every ten days or half a month, there is a theme event, which is called a party.

Xunhuanju writes the rules and conditions of participation on paper and posts them on the notice board outside the door of Xunhuanju.

At the party, you can eat, drink and have fun for free, and you can also watch grand singing and dancing.

This kind of ingenious activity is simply unheard of.

When Gu Jue heard Jiang Mu say these ideas, his eyes changed when he looked at Jiang Mu.

After getting along with him these days, Jiang Mu really gave him too many surprises.

He asked himself that his talent and knowledge were not inferior to others, but compared with Jiang Mu, his brain always seemed to be insufficient.

Gu Jue originally only regarded Jiang Mu as a benefactor and did things for her only to repay her kindness, but gradually, he was also attracted by Jiang Mu's talent, and his eyes always chased her uncontrollably. Every time Jiang Mu came, he seemed to be in a particularly happy mood.

Seeing that Xunhuanju was on the right track, Jiang Mu considered whether to open another branch, but the shortage of staff was a problem, so she put it on hold for the time being.

Where can she find a talent like Gu Jue? With Gu Jue's help, she only needs to give ideas and leave the implementation to Gu Jue, and Gu Jue can do it perfectly every time. After

Jiang Mu came up with an idea, she only needs to be responsible for collecting money. Every time she went, Gu Jue would give her a handful of silver bills.

Jiang Mu was the happiest at this time.

She took the money, counted it, and then gave it all to Xue Teng.

Although Xue Teng didn't know how to bargain, it was not easy to lose the money if it was with her.

There was the sound of firecrackers outside, and Jiang Mu pushed open the window and looked out.

"Why is it so lively?"

Gu Jue said, "There is a party in Xunhuanju today."

Jiang Mu nodded. She had forgotten that today was a lantern riddle party.

Xunhuanju was full of various lanterns. These lanterns took half a month to prepare. There was a lantern riddle in each lantern. These were the questions that Jiang Mu and Gu Jue thought of together.

"Do you want to go down and play?"

Jiang Mu shook her head: "No, I have an appointment."

She came today because she had an appointment with Murong Heng.

Now the two of them have to make appointments in advance when they meet. After all, Murong Heng is an emperor. He is busy with all kinds of things and it is impossible for him to come every day. So he would tell her in advance that the next time they meet, Jiang Mu only needs to go at this time.

Murong Heng had already thought about redeeming Jiang Mu and bringing her back to the palace, but this matter needs to be arranged well.

His trusted eunuch gave him an idea, saying that he should rectify the palace's music studio, and then let the music studio recruit capable musicians from outside. At that time, he could let Miss Xunhuan enter the palace. First, he would get an identity to let her enter the music studio, and then it would be more legitimate for him to take her into the harem.

It's better than being a brothel girl with unknown origins.

After all, Jiang Mu fabricated a life story for Murong Heng that he had no father, no mother, and no family.

Murong Heng came today just to tell Jiang Mu about this.

And Jiang Mu was also going to take off the veil in front of Murong Heng today. After so long, their relationship should have made some progress. When

Gu Jue heard Jiang Mu's words, his brows frowned slightly.

Of course, he knew who Jiang Mu was talking about.

He had clearly told Jiang Mu that the man was the current emperor. Even if he admired her, he could only take her into the harem and make her a concubine. At that time, her freedom would be restricted and she could only be a canary in the palace.

Gu Jue thought that the Jiang Mu he knew would not want such a life, but Jiang Mu still insisted on his own way and continued to meet Murong Heng. Instead of becoming distant, their relationship became closer and closer.

Gu Jue said, "If you really want to be with him, do you know that you will lose everything you have now after entering the palace?"

Jiang Mu smiled, "What's wrong? You seem to care about me a lot."

Gu Jue paused and said in a deep voice, "No."

"Really not?" Jiang Mu's mind has not been on Gu Jue in recent days. Only then did she realize that Gu Jue's attitude towards her seemed unusual.

Gu Jue said calmly, "I just think you are not a vain person, and I don't want to see you bound by the shackles of the palace."

Jiang Mu nodded half-doubtfully, "Is that so..."

She walked closer to Gu Jue, "I thought you didn't want to see me getting close to other men."

Gu Jue was startled, and a surprised light flashed in his eyes, " worry too much."

"Really?" Jiang Mu seemed a little disappointed. She looked up at Gu Jue's eyes and said with some regret: "But if you said you like me, I might not choose him."

Gu Jue was stunned, his face was flustered, and he didn't speak.

Jiang Mu sat down in front of him, holding his chin and looking at him, "It's a pity that you have someone else in your heart. Even if she abandoned you to survive, she has now committed herself to someone else. You still think about her, right?"

Gu Jue frowned. He just frowned slightly, but now his face showed a disgusted expression.


Jiang Mu continued, "Really? Why do I feel that you are turning hatred into love? I heard that she is pregnant."

Gu Jue stared at Jiang Mu coldly, "So what do you want to hear from me?"

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Gu Jue said nothing, but his expression was very heavy.

At this time, the voice of the maid came from outside the door.

"Miss, the young man is here."

Jiang Mu raised his eyes and said, "Tell him to wait for me for a while, I will change my clothes." Gu

Jue felt very uncomfortable when he heard this, and he felt an indescribable awkwardness. He even wanted to pull Jiang Mu and tell him not to see that person again.

But he was not qualified to do so.

Jiang Mu said lightly, "You can go out, I want to change clothes."

She took off her veil and turned slowly.

Gu Jue turned his head and saw her red long skirt hanging on the hanger. He could imagine how beautiful Jiang Mu would look in that dress.

His steps became heavy.

A moment later, Murong Heng pushed the door open and walked in.

Since he realized that Murong Yan seemed to have some other thoughts about Jiang Mu, he no longer asked Murong Yan to come with him.

Jiang Mu was holding a pipa, and started playing when he saw him.

This song was specially prepared for him.

The lingering affection can be heard from the music.

Murong Heng could understand it, and of course Gu Jue, who was standing outside the door, could understand it too.

Gu Jue clenched his hands tightly and did not let go for a long time.

Murong Heng stared at Jiang Mu intently, and he was still immersed in the music just now until Jiang Mu stood up and put down the pipa.

Although he had heard it many times, he had new feelings every time he heard Jiang Mu play the pipa.

And this time, the feeling was particularly strong. In the past, the music played by Jiang Mu was very subtle, like a bud about to bloom, reluctant to show her charming face, shy and graceful.

But this time, she was wearing a red dress, and the music she played was also passionate.

The fire burned so fiercely that it could wrap him up in an instant.

Jiang Mu walked towards Murong Heng while untying the veil on her face.

When he saw Jiang Mu's face, he suddenly understood what kind of beauty could overwhelm a country.

As the emperor, he had seen countless beauties. He had women of all styles, and there were many beauties who made him fall in love at first sight, but none of them shocked him as much as this one.

Everything in front of him seemed unimportant. Except for Jiang Mu, he couldn't see anything else.

"Didn't you say you wanted to see me a long time ago? Why didn't you say anything today?"

Jiang Mu smiled with her lips pursed. She was usually very generous, but now she seemed a little shy.

Murong Heng couldn't hide the throbbing in his heart at this moment. He looked at Jiang Mu deeply and said in a gentle tone: "Didn't you say that the time was not right and you didn't want me to see you? Why did you change your mind today?"

Jiang Mu lowered her head slightly, "I didn't change my mind, but I thought today was the best time."

Murong Heng lifted her chin, "Since you want me to see you, why are you still lowering your head?"

Jiang Mu looked up at him shyly, and the two looked at each other affectionately for a long time.

Murong Heng saw admiration and joy in her eyes, and his heart was overjoyed.

How could he not know in the past that mutual affection was such an ecstatic thing.

He seemed to have forgotten the last time he was so happy.

Murong Heng could not help but pull Jiang Mu's hand and hold her in his arms.

Jiang Mu resisted slightly, and was then held tightly by him.

Murong Heng lowered his head and kissed her lips, sighing as if he had fulfilled his long-cherished wish, "If I had known that being with you would feel like this, I would not have been able to endure it for so long."

Jiang Mu whispered, "What does it feel like?"

Murong Heng put her hand on his chest, "You will know if you feel it yourself."

His heartbeat was fast and heavy, and as soon as Jiang Mu's hand was placed on it, he was startled and said with a naive and innocent look on his face, "Why is it so fast?"

Murong Heng smiled, "Because I love you."

Jiang Mu's eyes suddenly lit up, like stars in the Milky Way, dazzling and fascinating.

"Me too."

Jiang Mu's words had just fallen when Murong Heng kissed her lips again and picked her up skillfully.

Jiang Mu exclaimed softly.

Murong Heng whispered, "Can I stay tonight?"

Jiang Mu blushed, "But...but..."

Murong Heng smiled and said, "But what?"

Jiang Mu turned away and didn't look at him, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

Murong Heng said gently, "If you don't want to, I won't force you."

Jiang Mu said "um" softly, but Murong Heng heard it.

He smiled brightly and carried Jiang Mu to the inner room. He

opened the curtain and saw a big bed in the inner room.

Murong Heng gently put her on the bed and admired her face carefully in the candlelight.

The tender lips were gently pursed, hiding countless sweetness, and the eyes were full of affection, as if they were filled with spring water, and he fell into them inadvertently.

Murong Yan stretched out his hand and slowly stroked her face, and her silky and delicate skin made people love it.

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Chapter 132 is published, thanks for subscribing...

Jiang Mu's choice to give her first time to Murong Heng was naturally for her own reasons.

Murong Heng was actually quite surprised when he saw Jiang Mu's virgin blood.

After all, it was so precious for a beauty like her to remain a virgin after falling into the dust.

This also showed that she was as chaste as he imagined.

Jiang Mu's body, set off by the pink quilt, exuded an attractive luster. She was like a nourished flower, from shy and innocent to delicate and plump.

Everything just now was memorable. If it weren't for the fact that it was Jiang Mu's first time, Murong Heng really wanted to be entangled with her all the time.

Murong Heng couldn't help but comfort the delicate Jiang Mu, gently stroking her lips with his fingers, and said very gently: "I'll redeem you and take you away."

Jiang Mu's body stiffened for a moment, and her expression became lonely. Her face, which was flushed just now, immediately faded and turned pale.

Murong Heng didn't understand what was wrong with her. Did he say something wrong?

Jiang Mu turned around and faced away from him.

Murong Heng frowned, but before he could speak, he noticed that Jiang Mu's shoulders were shaking slightly.

"What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Mu shook her head, but Murong Heng heard her sobbing softly.

Murong Heng immediately turned her body over, "Look at me."

Jiang Mu's eyes were red and sad. She looked straight at Murong Heng, and her affectionate voice touched Murong Heng.

He had no doubt that Jiang Mu loved him.

Such strong emotions could not be fake, so why didn't he accept that he wanted to take her away.

"You don't want to leave here with me?"

Jiang Mu shook his head and whispered, "No."

Murong Heng: "Then why?"

Jiang Mu: "It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't..."

Murong Heng smiled when he heard this, and said to himself: "As long as you want, there is nothing you can't do. No matter what difficulties you have, I can solve them for you, and I can protect you."

He was the emperor of a dynasty. He wanted a woman. As long as the other party was willing, there would be no problem that would stump him.

Jiang Mu's eyes were filled with sorrow, her tears slowly flowed down, but the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a sad smile, "You don't understand, I can't let you down, I am satisfied that I can spend this night with you, it is my wish to give my first time to my beloved, now my wish has been fulfilled, I can't see you again in the future."

"What do you mean?" Murong Heng didn't understand what Jiang Mu meant, and insisted that she explain it clearly.

Jiang Mu refused to say, and even drove him away.

How could Murong Heng leave? He hugged Jiang Mu forcefully, "If you don't explain clearly, I won't leave. I must take you away."

Jiang Mu said anxiously, "Is it really impossible? Can't we stay like this forever? I will wait for you all the time and won't see other guests."

Murong Heng frowned, "But if you come with me, I can give you wealth and honor, live a better life, and we can see each other every day, isn't it better?"

Jiang Mu sighed and interrupted him, "A person like me is not worthy of you."

"Why do you have to be so self-deprecating? If I think you are not worthy, how can I say I want to take you away." Murong Heng was a little helpless.

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Heng with a heavy expression, "Aren't you afraid that I will affect your reputation?"

Murong Heng smiled. He is an emperor, and he still wants a woman to worry about him. It's a joke to say that she is afraid of getting him into trouble.

"Since I said I want to take you away, I have thought about everything. You don't have to worry about anything else. Just tell me whether you are willing to go with me." Murong Heng did not directly confess his identity. He didn't want the other party to make the decision to go with him after knowing his identity.

Jiang Mu: "If you knew who I am, you wouldn't say that. You don't know anything at all."

Murong Heng didn't understand what she meant.

Jiang Mu took a deep breath, as if she had made a great decision.

She wiped her tears and said coldly: "Go, I can't go with you."

Murong Heng was very surprised. Why?

She gave her virginity to him. She obviously had him in her heart, so why didn't she want him to redeem her?

Murong Heng had thousands of questions in his mind. He repeatedly asked Jiang Mu to explain clearly, but Jiang Mu refused to say anything.

"If you don't explain it clearly today, I won't leave."

Jiang Mu shook his head and closed his eyes: "Don't be like this."

Murong Heng's attitude was very firm. He would not give up until he figured out the matter.

Murong Heng reached out and grabbed her wrist, "Why?"

Jiang Mu pushed him away, "I won't go with you, go."

Jiang Mu's tone was firm, and it seemed that he had changed from his previous fragility.

After she finished speaking, she stood up and put on her clothes, regardless of what Murong Heng thought.

Murong Heng looked at Jiang Mu with a solemn expression.

It was the first time in his life that he was rejected by a woman, and he almost revealed his identity.

But Jiang Mu did not give him a chance to speak. She quickly put on her clothes, walked to the door, turned her back to him and said, "Go now."

Murong Heng looked at Jiang Mu. He could feel her struggle and pain, but why?

Murong Heng couldn't figure it out, and Jiang Mu refused to say anything.

Seeing that he didn't move, Jiang Mu opened the door, but he didn't expect Gu Jue to be standing at the door.

Jiang Mu was stunned for a moment, "Why are you here?" Gu Jue

slowly turned his head with an unpredictable look, "I have something to talk to you about."

Jiang Mu didn't quite believe it, but she nodded, "Wait a minute."

She turned her head to look at Murong Heng, and seeing that Murong Heng had already put on his clothes, she said to Gu Jue, "Please help me see the guest off."

Gu Jue nodded lightly, and he walked up to Murong Heng, "This guest, please go in."

Murong Heng looked at Gu Jue coldly, and Gu Jue looked at him without giving in.

Gu Jue was in a very calm mood.

He is no longer a minister, and the man in front of him is not sitting on the dragon throne. He is wearing a yellow robe and has an aura that is above everyone else. It seems that he does not need to be afraid of him at all.

Gu Jue almost heard half of what happened in the room just now while standing outside the door. When he heard that Murong Heng wanted to take Jiang Mu away, he almost rushed in.

Fortunately, Jiang Mu refused.

Gu Jue's mood was ups and downs, and he didn't know how many shocks he had experienced in a short period of time.

Murong Heng keenly felt the hostility from the man in front of him.

Why was there hostility? It was naturally because of Jiang Mu.

Murong Heng turned around and looked at Jiang Mu again, but in the end he did not reveal his identity.

He came alone today, and even if he revealed his identity, it might not be credible. He thought about it and decided to come again tomorrow. He would bring something that could prove his identity, so that Jiang Mu would not be suspicious, so as to avoid further twists and turns.

Murong Heng: "I will come again tomorrow, you think about it again."

Jiang Mu said resolutely: "No, I have made up my mind, I will not change my mind, we can't be together, if you can't accept the status quo, then don't come again."

Murong Heng was shocked, he never thought Jiang Mu would be so determined and so heartless.

It is said that women are soft-hearted, Jiang Mu just had a tender and sweet time with him, how could she say such a thing in a blink of an eye.

Maintain the status quo? What does it mean? She would rather have a private meeting with him without a name than become his person legitimately?

Murong Heng wanted to say more, but was stopped by Gu Jue.

"Guest, the lady has said to send you away, you should leave."

Murong Heng sounded familiar with Gu Jue's voice.

He frowned and thought about it, and felt that it was impossible, so he didn't pay attention to him anymore.

"I have something to say to her." Murong Heng stared at Gu Jue coldly and asked him to get out of the way.

However, Jiang Mu turned his head back to the inner room and ignored them.

Murong Heng: "..."

This kind of frustration is really long-lost.

He stared in the direction of Jiang Mu, his eyes were deep, he must find out what her unspeakable secret was. After

Murong Heng left, Gu Jue pushed open the door and walked in.

Jiang Mu was leaning on the chair to rest, she didn't show any expression when she saw Gu Jue coming in, she originally supported her head with one hand, she changed her posture when she saw him, sat up straight and asked him, "Didn't you say you had something? Tell me."

"What exactly are you thinking?" Gu Jue asked.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Mu seemed a little tired.

Gu Jue: "Why did you reject him?"

"This doesn't seem to be something you should care about. I naturally have my reasons for rejecting him." Jiang Mu said lightly.

Gu Jue's expression was heavy, and he couldn't help asking again: "Then why did you do that with him?"

Jiang Mu smiled: "Why? Did you hear it outside just now?"

Jiang Mu's smile was a bit ambiguous. She stood up and walked to Gu Jue, "Isn't this a bad thing for you? I heard that Mr. Gu has a noble character, so he must know not to listen to indecent things. How could he do such a thing?"

Gu Jue's cheeks flushed when he heard Jiang Mu's words, but fortunately, he was covered by his disguise and was not discovered by Jiang Mu.

"I didn't mean it."

His tone was completely different from the previous one. His momentum suddenly weakened, and his voice was obviously lowered.

Jiang Mu smiled softly, "Oh? Really?"

"You haven't answered my question yet."

Jiang Mu reached out and climbed his shoulders, and said in a tender tone: "How can I answer your question? Why do you do that with him? If you don't do it with him, do you want me to do it with you?" Gu Jue

was confused, and he held his breath and said, "That's not what I meant."

Jiang Mu put one hand on his chest and blinked: "Then tell me, what do you mean?"

Gu Jue: "I just think that you shouldn't indulge yourself like this."

Jiang Mu's fingers slowly drew circles on his chest, "Why is your heartbeat so fast?"

Gu Jue was stunned for a moment, and reached out to grab Jiang Mu's hand, "You!"

He didn't know what to say for a while.

When Jiang Mu was grabbed by him, he took Gu Jue's hand.

Gu Jue's ten fingers were distinctly jointed, thin and long, and his fingers were cold, just enough to relieve Jiang Mu's body heat.

Jiang Mu looked at Gu Jue's hands, and in comparison, her hands were particularly petite.

She played with Gu Jue's fingers one by one, as if she had found a new toy.

Gu Jue's breathing gradually became heavy, and his heartbeat became faster and faster. He was glad that he had stopped Jiang Mu from touching his heartbeat.

Otherwise, he would not be able to explain it clearly.

Jiang Mu had never found Gu Jue's fingers so beautiful before, like a work of art.

Jiang Mu couldn't help but imagine that these hands must be very charming no matter what they do.

"How long did you listen outside just now?"

Gu Jue was stunned and said hesitantly: "I didn't come for long."

"Then how long did you listen?" Jiang Mu insisted.

Gu Jue: "A quarter of an hour."

"Then you heard everything?" Jiang Mu glared at him in a reproachful manner.

Gu Jue said awkwardly: "No."

Jiang Mu deliberately said: "Then what did you hear?"

Gu Jue: "I didn't hear it."

Jiang Mu laughed, "Liar, if you didn't hear it, how do you know that I did that with him?"

Gu Jue: "..."

Jiang Mu: "Then do you want to do it with me?"

Gu Jue's eyes widened and looked at Jiang Mu in surprise.

Jiang Mu looked at him seriously.

Gu Jue was trying to judge whether Jiang Mu was joking or not. Seeing her serious face, he forgot to breathe and stared at Jiang Mu in a daze.

Jiang Mu smiled and let go of his hand, "I was joking with you, you won't take it seriously, right? I won't do that with a man who has someone in my heart. Maybe, at that time, you are still thinking about someone else."

Gu Jue frowned and said seriously, "Girl, don't joke about this kind of thing."

Jiang Mu: "What's wrong? Am I wrong? Doesn't Mr. Gu have someone in his heart?"

Gu Jue looked at Jiang Mu with a heavy look. He didn't speak for a long time. The emotions in his eyes were about to burst out, giving people a strong pressure.

Jiang Mu was also a little nervous because of his eyes, and she couldn't help but tense her body.

But she quickly adjusted herself, "Mr. Gu's eyes are so scary. I'm afraid I hit the nail on the head. Well, I'll send the Buddha to the west. Since I have saved you, I will also save your sweetheart and send you lovers to get married. What do you think?"

Gu Jue's suppressed emotions were finally aroused by Jiang Mu.

He pulled Jiang Mu into his arms, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Jiang Mu was startled by him, put away his joking expression, and whispered: "Of course I know."

Gu Jue's voice was low and cold, "I divorced her a long time ago, and we have no relationship anymore, why do you keep mentioning

it?" Jiang Mu: "So what if we divorced, maybe she is still waiting for you." Gu

Jue: "Impossible."

Jiang Mu: "Why not?"

Gu Jue closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing him lose his temper, Jiang Mu felt a little bored. He was just teasing him, but he didn't expect that teasing would make him so angry, and Jiang Mu lost interest. Jiang Mu

said: "Okay, since you don't want to say it, I won't ask any more questions. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Mu struggled twice and asked him to let go.

But Gu Jue still held her tightly and didn't let go.

Jiang Mu asked, "Mr. Gu, what do you mean by this?"

"She and I have long since broken off our relationship. Why do you keep bringing it up?"

Gu Jue didn't know why he had to explain this to Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu was stunned for a moment and said, "Then why are you willing to come to the capital? Isn't it for her?"


"Then why?" Jiang Mu stared into his eyes.

Gu Jue looked at Jiang Mu for a long time before speaking, "I am already alone and can go anywhere. Beijing is where I grew up. I don't want to live in a foreign land, nor do I want to be a person who escapes."

Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows, "In that case, Mr. Gu is really a man of ambition and character."

"You don't have to ridicule me. I naturally have my own selfish motives."

Jiang Mu: "Oh? Then tell me."

Gu Jue: "I want to know, the purpose of your saving me."

Jiang Mu: "The purpose of my saving you."

Gu Jue: "It must not be the reason you said at the beginning. You and I don't know each other. There is no need to take risks for me."

Jiang Mu raised the corner of his lips, "You are right about this. I naturally have other reasons."

Gu Jue's expression dimmed a little.

"However, I can't tell you the reason now. You will know it in the future. But the reason I said before is not false. Mr. Gu's talent is rare in the world. I admire Mr. Gu very much. In addition, there are only a few men as good-looking as Mr. Gu in the world. If there is one less, wouldn't it be a pity?"

Gu Jue looked a little unnatural when he heard her words.

Jiang Mu slowly tore off the disguise on Gu Jue's face, revealing his true face. It's not

an exaggeration to say that such a man is a banished immortal under the moon. He

has a noble character and is as pure as a snow lotus.

Jiang Mu couldn't help but wonder, how could such a man like Huan Ruo?

Don't you think she is too contrived?

Jiang Mu felt that this was not her prejudice. She also had women she admired, but forget about Huan Ruo.

Jiang Mu couldn't help asking him.

"The story of Mr. Gu and the daughter of the minister spread throughout the capital. I have always been curious, is it true?"

Gu Jue's expression stagnated, and he seemed to be lost in thought.

"It's an old story, why do you want to know?"

Jiang Mu deliberately said, "Of course it's because I care about it." Gu

Jue turned his head and looked away, "She and I have always been respectful to each other, not as the rumors say. It was her idea to separate, and I just helped her."

Jiang Mu heard a lot of information from his words.

She pursed her lips and smiled, "So that's the case. I thought Mr. Gu would choose a person he loved when he married. It turns out that Mr. Gu is also a vulgar person."

Gu Jue was slightly stunned, looked at Jiang Mu deeply, and asked back, "What about you? You are with him, is he also your beloved?"

Jiang Mu smiled, "Of course not." Gu

Jue: "Then why? I have already told you that he is the emperor of the day, and you and him are destined not to be a couple for life. Entering the palace with him and becoming one of his three thousand beauties is what you want?"

Jiang Mu: "A couple for life? Is this what you want?"

Gu Jue: "If possible, this is indeed Gu's wish now."

"Then do you have a candidate in your mind?"

Gu Jue looked at Jiang Mu without saying anything.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous.

Gu Jue's eyes were clean and pure, just like him, a pure person.

When his father was plotting rebellion, he knew nothing, which also proved this point. His father did not tell him about the matter, because his father knew that if he knew, he would definitely not agree, and might even kill his relatives for the greater good.

Who knows, in the end, the matter was exposed and Gu Jue was implicated.

In the final analysis, he is a tragic figure.

Born in a good family, with impeccable conditions, but unable to have a good marriage, the final end is also very bleak, abandoned by his wife, implicated by his father, and exiled by his loyal monarch.

He lost everything, but his eyes can still be so clean and bright.

Jiang Mu couldn't help being attracted by such Gu Jue.

Just as the two slowly approached and Gu Jue's lips were about to kiss Jiang Mu's lips, Gu Jue suddenly stopped and turned and ran away.

Looking at his panicked appearance of fleeing in a hurry, Jiang Mu couldn't help laughing out loud.

After Gu Jue left, Jiang Mu suddenly felt a little cold. She shrank her neck and found that the window had been opened at some point.

Due to previous experience, Jiang Mu subconsciously looked inside the house to see if anyone else had come in.

However, she looked around and didn't find anyone else.

She breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go forward to close the window, but was suddenly hugged from behind.

Li Zaoji had been hiding on the beam for a long time. He came in after Murong Heng and Jiang Mu had finished.

His martial arts were so strong that even Murong Heng's shadow guards didn't notice his approach, but this couldn't be blamed on the shadow guards. It was mainly because their master was doing things with others, and they didn't want to listen too carefully, so they all hid in the dark and were farther away.

This allowed Li Zaoji to take advantage of the opportunity and hide in.

In this way, Li Zaoji not only knew Murong Heng's identity, but also Gu Jue's identity.

Coupled with the intelligence he had recently received about Jiang Mu, he quickly connected these things together and knew Jiang Mu's purpose.

"Princess Cheng is really elegant. Is it fun to be an oiran?"

Jiang Mu's expression froze.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Mu didn't want to pretend anymore. Since the other party had said so, there was no point in pretending. But she still had to stay calm and not lose the battle.

"What? Did I say something wrong? I heard it clearly up there just now. Princess Cheng not only played tricks on the current emperor, but also played tricks on Mr. Gu's feelings. What a good trick."

Jiang Mu turned back to look at Li Zaoji with a calm face.

Li Zaoji didn't see a trace of panic on her face.

Li Zaoji's admiration for Jiang Mu was beyond words. When he knew that Miss Xunhuan was the woman he had seen before, he was even surprised.

No wonder he felt familiar. It turned out that he had seen her a long time ago.

And he was also very surprised. How could two women who made him like them appear in such a short time? Even if he was a playboy, he would not be so fickle.

It turned out to be the same person.

Li Zaoji found it very interesting.

It was really curious that the princess of the Cheng Palace would come to such an occasion to be a courtesan.

So as soon as he got the information, he immediately came to Xunhuanju.

I didn't expect to be so lucky and encounter so many interesting things.

However, when he saw Jiang Mu and Murong Heng having sex, he was not in a good mood.

He felt frustrated and disappointed that the woman he liked was taken by someone else first.

He almost went out to stop them, but after thinking about it, he did not jump out. Later, he was very glad that he did not go out.

Otherwise, he could not beat Murong Heng's shadow guards. One person would not be a problem, but Murong Heng had at least three shadow guards with him, and he could not escape unscathed by himself.

Jiang Mu looked at Li Zaoji coldly, "Who are you?"

Li Zaoji did not hide anything and confessed directly: "Palace Master Li Zaoji of Piaomiao Palace."

Jiang Mu frowned, "So it's Palace Master Li."

Now it makes sense. With this method, he could find out her identity in such a short time, and his martial arts skills are so strong. No one else can do it except the Palace Master of Piaomiao Palace.

"That's right, since I'm so frank, can Princess Cheng help me solve my doubts?"

Jiang Mu said coldly: "Palace Master Li is so powerful, I believe he can find it out himself."

Li Zaoji smiled. He really likes this woman more and more.

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 136. Chapter 133 is published. Thanks for ordering...
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Chapter 133 is published. Thanks for subscribing...

Li Zaoji lowered his head and approached her, whispering in her ear: "How about, let me guess your purpose?"

Jiang Mu didn't seem to care, and her tone was also careless. She was a little sleepy, and said lazily: "Palace Master Li, please do as you please."

Li Zaoji has always been very popular with the opposite sex. He has never failed to get the woman he wants. But the woman in front of him seems to have no feelings for him at all. She has been particularly cold in her attitude when they met several times.

Could it be that she thinks he is not good-looking enough?

Her attitude towards Gu Jue just now was not like this.

Li Zaoji doesn't think he is inferior to that Gu Jue.

Why is Gu Jue so excellent in her mouth?

Li Zaoji was a little concerned and tried to scare her on purpose, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell your identity to others? If so, all your efforts will be in vain."

Jiang Mu showed a puzzled look and asked with a smile, "Of course I am afraid, but will Palace Master Li do this?"

Li Zaoji raised his eyebrows slightly, "That depends on you. If you don't want me to tell others, you have to exchange something. My Piaomiao Palace will not do business at a loss."

Jiang Mu turned around, pushed him away, and said lightly, "Palace Master Li is really a qualified businessman. He always thinks about doing business."

"Then is the princess willing to do this business with me?" Li Zaoji did not hide his interest in Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu looked up at him, his eyes clear and frank, "What do you want?"

Li Zaoji's eyes were burning, "I will help you achieve your goal, and you go with me, how about that?"

Jiang Mu smiled, "Go with you? Could it be that Palace Master Li has forgotten my identity? I can't just go if I want to."

Li Zaoji: "Of course you don't have to worry about that. I said I would take you away, and I can protect you to leave safely."

Jiang Mu smiled and shook her head, as if Li Zaoji's benefits did not have much appeal to her.

"I am not interested in the business that Palace Master Li proposed. If Palace Master Li has nothing else to do, you can leave."

Jiang Mu's words made Li Zaoji suspicious.

Not only did he know her identity, but he also had many handles on her in his hands, but she could still negotiate with him so calmly.

I really don't know if she is fearless or she is just going all out.

However, no matter which possibility it is, Li Zaoji will not reveal her identity, after all, it is not good for him.

If he wants to get Jiang Mu, he will not do anything to hurt her at this time.

"Aren't you afraid that the emperor will find out your identity? Although you hid it very well, if he really wants to find out, it's only a matter of time."

After all, if Li Zaoji can find out, it's impossible that the emperor's spies can't find out.

Li Zaoji was able to take the lead because of his business all over the world. He has people and spies everywhere, even Xunhuanju has his people.

"Since I did it, I'm not afraid of him finding out." Jiang Mu smiled confidently.

Even if he found out, what would it matter? He slept with his own brother and sister-in-law, should he announce it to the world?

And Murong Heng couldn't get rid of her secretly. One is to take into account the face of the royal family and the dignity of Murong Yan, and the other is to consider that she is Jiang Yongwei's only daughter.

Jiang Yongwei has a large army, and if he knows the cause of Jiang Mu's death, he will not let it go.

Jiang Mu has already figured out the matter clearly, so Li Zaoji can't threaten her at all.

Not only can he not threaten her, but if he exposes her plan, she can also start the second plan.

To get revenge, only one plan is not enough.

Li Zaoji looked at Jiang Mu who was not afraid, and suddenly felt that he had met a worthy opponent.

This woman was indeed the one he had his eyes on, and she did not disappoint him at all.

Li Zaoji quickly changed his words, "How about I help you with something and get a little reward?"

Jiang Mu stared at him for a few seconds, and asked with interest, "What reward do you want?" Li Zaoji

took a step forward, put his arm around Jiang Mu's waist, and pulled her up. Jiang Mu's body involuntarily pressed against him, and she was very close to him.

"What does Palace Master Li mean?" Jiang Mu's eyes flickered with confusion.

Li Zaoji was finding Jiang Mu increasingly unpredictable, as if she was changing at any time.

She was so cold and indifferent the last second, but now she was so charming and seductive.

Li Zaoji looked at her with some obsession, and said in a deep voice, "Of course I want you."

Jiang Mu frowned slightly, as if she didn't understand what he meant, "What does Palace Master Li want me to do?"

He thought this sentence would make Jiang Mu shy.

Who knew that Jiang Mu's straightforward question would stump him.

Before Li Zaoji could speak, Jiang Mu took the initiative to touch his shoulders, put her arms around his neck, looked at him seductively, her eyes flickering with all her charm, "Is this it? Or do you want it this way?"

Jiang Mu pressed her body against him, stood on tiptoe, and left a light lip print on his lips, then she lowered her lips and bit his chin hard, the rouge on her lips fell on his chin, and remained with her bite mark.

Li Zaoji's breathing became disordered, and his eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

"Of course I want both." Li Zaoji picked Jiang Mu up.

Jiang Mu put her hand on his chest to block it, and said with a smile: "Palace Master Li is too impatient, you said you would help me do something, but you want to be paid before you do anything?"

Li Zaoji paused, smiled and put her down, "Okay, then tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Jiang Mu: "I want you to arrange something."

Li Zaoji: "You tell me."

Jiang Mu stood on tiptoe and whispered a few words to Li Zaoji's ear. Li Zaoji's expression changed slightly, and after a while he nodded, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Jiang Mu: "Yes."


Not long after Jiang Mu returned to the palace, Murong Yan came before he had time to remove his makeup and change clothes.

It was so late, what was Murong Yan doing here.

Jiang Mu frowned and asked Xue Teng to go out and delay for a while, so that she could at least change her clothes first.

Murong Yan was still the same as before these days, going to Qiu Ya Pavilion as soon as he came back, but for some reason, these days, he felt more and more that Huan Ruo was like a different person.

Not only was her temper getting worse, but her temperament was also much worse than before.

In the past, she was so talented and proud, and she would talk to him about poetry and books. The two of them always had a lot to talk about, but recently, her focus was all on trivial matters, which made him feel so boring.

These changes were subtle. At first, Murong Yan didn't feel anything, but now that the conflict between the two had intensified twice, he became more sensitive. Thinking carefully, he felt that he might not have understood what kind of character Huanruo was from the beginning.

In his eyes, Huanruo seemed to be covered with a sacred veil, which made her look so noble. Now that the veil was torn, some obvious shortcomings were exposed.

Murong Yan felt that he didn't like Huanruo now.

He fell into confusion. The love he thought of seemed to have become a mess now. It had completely lost its original romance and beauty and became like a stagnant pool of water.

He thought of Jiang Mu.

The woman who was once despised and hated by him.

She seemed to have always been by his side, never changing. Her love for him was always so strong that she could even sacrifice herself.

For his love, she had been waiting for him bitterly, even if she couldn't get it, she wanted him to be happy.

This idea took root in his heart and he couldn't forget it.

Just now, he had another argument with Huanruo in Qiuya Pavilion. Although it was just a small quarrel, he should have been used to it, but for some reason, his mood could not be calmed for a long time.

Those thoughts grew wildly and occupied his whole heart.

He looked at Huanruo who was still waiting for him to coax her in a sullen manner, as if he suddenly woke up.

He finally realized that his love for Huanruo had faded because of the quarrels and quarrels these days. When the love was strong, he felt that Huanruo was everything.

Now he cares more and more about some details, and he always thinks of Jiang Mu and compares the two.

Compared with Jiang Mu, Huanruo may not love him at all.

Otherwise, why would she choose someone else at the beginning.

Only Jiang Mu was faithful to him, always loved him, and paid so much for him.

Maybe the person he should cherish is Jiang Mu, at least she is the only one in the world who is willing to sacrifice for him like this.

After Murong Yan thought it through, the person he wanted to see the most was Jiang Mu.

He walked out of Qiuya Pavilion and turned to Mingyueju.

Now the people in Mingyueju are no longer startled by the arrival of the prince.

In recent days, Murong Yan has come more often than in the previous year.

Compared with them, Jiang Mu behaved much calmer. The servants saw that the master could be so calm, and they could not embarrass the master. Later, when they saw Murong Yan coming, the maids did not cheer as excitedly as before, but saluted him calmly and reported to Jiang Mu in a proper manner.

Murong Yan himself was a little uncomfortable.

His treatment in Mingyueju seemed to be a little worse than before.

When Murong Yan came in, Jiang Mu had just wiped off the makeup on her eyes. She hurriedly wiped the rouge on her lips, then turned her back to Murong Yan and untied her hair.

Murong Yan happened to see Jiang Mu's long black hair, and under the lamp, her profile was extremely beautiful. Murong Yan had noticed Jiang Mu's beauty before, but it was not as strong as this time. He thought of

the girl who was looking for pleasure for a moment.

He finally knew why he felt they were alike.

Jiang Mu turned around slowly when he heard the voice.

"Is the prince here?"

Jiang Mu's voice was soft and graceful, and her delicate tone made people feel itchy.

Although she was born in a military family, Jiang Mu was raised to be very delicate and graceful. Her bright facial features were unforgettable, and her temperament was even more outstanding.

Murong Yan recalled that Jiang Mu was also liked by many children from aristocratic families, but she insisted on marrying him, not hiding her feelings at all, and insisted on marrying into the prince's mansion.

At first, Murong Yan hated Jiang Mu like this, but now perhaps his mood has changed.

He thinks that the innocence and impulse at the time were the cutest and most heart-warming.

"It's me, I came to see you."

Murong Yan walked behind Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu stood up and said with a smile: "Why did the prince come so late? You are wearing so little, don't catch a cold."

Murong Yan: "I suddenly thought of you and came to see you."

Jiang Mu said: "Really?"

Her surprised look made Murong Yan feel very good.

Sure enough, his little show of kindness would make her so happy.

In the future, just do more of this kind of thing.

Seeing Jiang Mu happy, he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Are you ready to rest?" Murong Yan asked.

Jiang Mu: "Well, I'm a little sleepy."

Murong Yan: "Why are you sleepy so early today?" Chun

Tao, who was next to him, heard it and explained to Jiang Mu, "Reporting to the prince, the princess usually goes to bed early, but it's a little late today."

Jiang Mu blinked.

She usually pretends to sleep and sneaks out, so the maids in the room who don't know think she goes to bed early recently.

But Chun Tao, this fool, said this, which made Murong Yan embarrassed.

Murong Yan felt a little guilty. He really didn't know Jiang Mu at all, and he didn't even know her work and rest schedule.

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "Don't listen to what the maid says. I just have nothing to do sometimes, so I go to bed early. This morning, I heard the magpie calling, and I thought something good must happen today, so I went out for a walk and came back late. I was just about to wash up when I didn't expect the prince to come. It seems that the magpie was right, and there really is something good."

Murong Yan couldn't help but smile. He looked at Jiang Mu and felt pity for her.

He just came to see her, but for her it was a good thing that was worth being so happy about, which shows how important his position is in her heart.

Murong Yan decided to stay in Mingyueju at night. He had thought it through. He wanted to be a legitimate couple with Jiang Mu and treat her well from now on.

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 137. Chapter 134 (Part 2)
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Chapter 134 Second Update

Hearing Murong Yan say that he wanted to stay, Jiang Mu pretended not to understand what he meant at first, and ordered Chun Tao to clean up the side room.

As a result, Murong Yan stopped Chun Tao.

"Wait... No need to clean up, I'll sleep here."

The room was suddenly silent.

No one reacted.

Jiang Mu cursed in her heart. At the same time, she looked at Murong Yan in disbelief, as if she was stunned by the sudden joy, and murmured: "Prince, you are..."

Murong Yan smiled gently, stretched out his hand and held Jiang Mu's hand, "I have wronged you all these years."

The maids were all overjoyed and almost jumped up with joy.

Their princess had waited for so long, and finally the clouds cleared and the moon was bright, and finally the prince saw the good of the princess.

This is a big happy event for Mingyueju.

The maids saw Jiang Mu and Murong Yan looking at each other affectionately, and they retreated very tactfully.

They didn't say a word, closed the door, and only started to cheer excitedly when they got outside.

Xue Teng didn't say anything when she saw how excited they were. Jiang Mu had obviously winked at her just now.

She turned around and mouthed something to Xue Teng while Murong Yan wasn't paying attention.

Xue Teng understood what she meant.

After Xue Teng came out, she went to the small kitchen, and she casually brought some food over.

At this time, the atmosphere in the room was already very ambiguous. The better Murong Yan got along with Jiang Mu, the more he liked Jiang Mu. In the past, the two of them lacked this kind of opportunity to be alone and get to know each other.

Now that Murong Yan has finally let go of his worries, he wants to make it up to Jiang Mu even more.

Xue Teng's voice interrupted Murong Yan at the right time.

Although he was a little unhappy, he didn't show it.

Jiang Mu spoke before he could speak, "What's the matter?"

Xue Teng: "Madam didn't eat anything tonight, so she must be hungry. I'll get some food for you. You can have a rest after you eat."

Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu, "Are you hungry?"

Jiang Mu nodded shyly, "Yeah."

Murong Yan smiled, "Then eat something."

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan with love in her eyes, as if she would be very happy no matter what he said.

Murong Yan had to coax Huan Ruo in everything for fear that Huan Ruo would be unhappy, but it was two extremes when it came to Jiang Mu.

He was fed up with that feeling, so he enjoyed the feeling Jiang Mu brought him.

He said to the outside of the door, "Come in."

Xue Teng brought the food in, "These are Madam's favorite."

Xue Teng first placed a bowl of lotus seed soup in front of Murong Yan, and then glanced at Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu understood.

After Xue Teng left, Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, please eat with me."

Murong Yan nodded: "Okay."

Jiang Mu first took a bowl for Murong Yan, pinched a piece of red bean cake for him, and handed it to him.

After eating, Murong Yan felt that it was a bit too sweet. He looked at the food on the table and took the initiative to take the bowl of lotus seed soup closest to him and took a sip.

The original owner knew Murong Yan's taste very well. Although the two rarely ate together, the original owner knew Murong Yan's preferences thoroughly, but Murong Yan never gave her a chance to show her.

Now it's Jiang Mu's turn, but she doesn't care about the favor of the dog man in front of her.

She asked Xue Teng to put drugs in the lotus seed soup.

After he eats it, he will fall into a coma, and he will not remember what happened at night when he wakes up the next day.


Jiang Mu doesn't want to be a legitimate couple with him. One is that it's dirty. She will divorce Murong Yan in a few days. She has no interest in Murong Yan.

Another thing is that there are still some traces of Murong Heng on her body, which he cannot see now.

The next morning, Murong Yan opened his eyes and saw Jiang Mu lying in his arms. He rubbed his temples and couldn't figure out what happened last night. He only remembered that he came to Mingyueju and was going to sleep with Jiang Mu. He also ate with Jiang Mu and fell asleep soon.

He didn't think too long because his attention had been attracted by Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu, who was sleeping with her eyes closed, was like an innocent doll. Her snow-white skin was as delicate as egg white. Her nose and mouth were very delicate and cute. Murong Yan was fascinated by her.

He couldn't help but lower his head and smell the fragrance on Jiang Mu's body. It was a little strange, but this fragrance was like a valley orchid. The faint fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose. Before he had time to think, his body reacted.

He looked at Jiang Mu and saw that she was dressed neatly. He didn't know if anything happened last night. According to his memory, it should not have happened.

But he seemed to have a dream. In the dream, he and Jiang Mu did have close contact.

The dream and reality overlapped too much, making it difficult for him to distinguish them.

Jiang Mu woke up not long after Murong Yan opened his eyes. She had been keeping her eyes closed and pretending to be asleep. After waiting for a while, she felt the changes in Murong Yan's body. She resisted the urge to open her eyes, and her expression did not change at all. Then she moved her arms and pretended to wake up drowsily and opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes and saw Murong Yan, she reached out and hugged Murong Yan.

"Your Highness..."

She deliberately called him in a hoarse and soft voice, looking shy as if she had done something last night.

Murong Yan became even more uncertain. Did she really consummate her marriage with Jiang Mu last night?

Murong Yan concentrated and thought about it, only to see Jiang Mu lift the quilt. Under the quilt, she was only wearing a single piece of clothing, and there were faint red marks on her neck and chest.

Murong Yan frowned, this...

Jiang Mu saw him staring at the marks on her chest, and her face turned red. She said shyly: "Your Highness, you are still looking at it. It was all your doing."

Murong Yan really couldn't remember, but Jiang Mu was like this. If he said that he couldn't remember, wouldn't it make her very sad.

So Murong Yan had to hug Jiang Mu and whispered: "I didn't know the severity of the situation. I won't do it next time. Are you still uncomfortable?"

Jiang Mu lowered his head embarrassedly and whispered: "I didn't blame your Highness, but it still... It still hurts a little."

Murong Yan smiled: "This is normal. It's your first time, so you can't stand it."

Jiang Mu nodded shyly, his voice as small as a mosquito, "Yeah."

Murong Yan smiled, seeing that she was so innocent and shy, he couldn't help but hug her and whispered: "Then can you still stand it?"

Jiang Mu buried his head in Murong Yan's arms and hit him hard, "Your Highness!"

Murong Yan smiled heartily.

Jiang Mu rolled his eyes and said softly, "Your Majesty, please be more compassionate to me next time."

Murong Yan regretted that he could not remember what happened last night. It must have been a wonderful feeling.

After they got up, Murong Yan saw the bruises on her legs again and thought that he was too immoderate last night.

Jiang Mu's skin is very easy to turn purple. If you pinch or touch it a little, it will leave marks, and it will take a long time to fade. In fact, Murong Heng didn't use much force yesterday, but he still made these things on her.

Murong Yan thought it was all his fault at this time, and he felt more and more pity for Jiang Mu, so he asked her to have a good rest today.

Xue Teng got a piece of bloody cloth from somewhere, put it in a box and handed it to Jiang Mu in front of Murong Yan.

Jiang Mu glanced at Xue Teng, who remained calm and said nothing. The other maids were very happy and took the box away very solemnly.

Murong Yan also glanced at Jiang Mu, and the love in his eyes was something he had never seen before.

Murong Yan said that he would come to see her again in the evening, and he was still a little reluctant after saying that.

The two of them looked like a pair of newlyweds with deep affection.

Jiang Mu saw Murong Yan out, and watched him walk away, with a sarcastic smile on her lips.

This dog man is really stupid.

He is quite comfortable wearing this green hat.

Jiang Mu turned around and went back to the house. She was not going to go out these days.

She would not go to Xunhuanju this week. When Murong Heng came, he would be disappointed.

What Jiang Mu asked Li Zaoji to do for her was to interfere with Murong Heng's investigation and prevent him from finding out the real news about her. It would be better to make up some true and false news for Murong Heng to guess.

This way, at least it could delay for a few days.

Jiang Mu still had things to do these days.

The fact that Murong Yan slept in Jiang Mu's room and shared the same bed with Jiang Mu was soon known to Huanruo.

Before, Huanruo could comfort herself by saying that Murong Yan had never touched Jiang Mu, and even if he went to Mingyueju, it was just to make her jealous.

But now, Huanruo no longer had any reason or excuse to deceive herself.


Although Murong Yan had a good impression of Jiang Mu and wanted to make up for Jiang Mu, it did not mean that he did not love Huanruo at all.

The relationship of such a long time could not be lost, not to mention that Huanruo was pregnant now, and he would not abandon her.

After he left the court, he still went to Qiuya Pavilion to see Huanruo, but his attitude towards Huanruo was far worse than before.

Huanruo was confused before, but since she knew that Murong Yan slept in Jiang Mu's room last night, she could see more clearly. She was not stupid. She could tell whether Murong Yan's heart was with her or not. She could see

from Murong Yan's eyes that Murong Yan had changed. Although he was still with her, his heart was thinking about going to Mingyueju.

Huanruo was really anxious this time.

She finally realized that Murong Yan would not always revolve around her.

She couldn't go on like this, otherwise she would probably lose Murong Yan's love.

In that case, her situation in the palace would become very bad.

Huanruo knew very well that she could live a good life now, all thanks to Murong Yan. If Murong Yan no longer loved her, she would lose everything.

She couldn't let Jiang Mu destroy her relationship with Murong Yan. She had to do something.

Huanruo thought hard for a long time, but couldn't come up with any particularly good solution.

She had to hit the target right away, otherwise, after alerting the enemy, she might not have another chance. After

Murong Yan left, Huanruo walked around the room, feeling particularly bad.

Seeing how upset she was, the maids gave her some advice, but they were all bad ideas and none of them worked.

At this time, Xia He suddenly came.

Huanruo, who was upset, didn't want to see her, but after hearing what she said about how she could help her, Huanruo thought about it and let her in.

Xia He gave Huanruo an idea.

After hearing the first few sentences, Huanruo's face changed and she looked at Xia He angrily.

But after she heard Xia He's entire plan, she slowly fell into deep thought.

Although Xia He's idea was risky, if it succeeded, she could destroy Jiang Mu once and for all and make it impossible for her to win Murong Yan's heart again.

But she had to take the risk with the child in her belly.

Huanruo felt a little nervous.

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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Chapter 135 is published, thanks for ordering...

The next day after Murong Heng and Jiang Mu had sex, he went to Xunhuanju again, but he found nothing. There were only some poems and songs left in her room, and a letter written to him.

The letter was full of love for him and the pain of the two of them not being able to be together, making him forget himself. The things she left were for him.

Murong Heng was furious in Xunhuanju and asked Xunhuanju to hand over Jiang Mu.

But Gu Jue was not there either. Xunhuanju had only one manager, who didn't know Jiang Mu's identity at all, and he couldn't even find Gu Jue.

Murong Heng never expected that Jiang Mu would just leave. She was full of mysteries, which made Murong Heng puzzled.

He took the poems that Jiang Mu left for him back to the palace, read them over and over again, and admired her talent more and more. Jiang Mu's peerless beauty that night also lingered in his heart and could not be forgotten.

In order to find Jiang Mu's whereabouts, Murong Yan mobilized half of his shadow guards to investigate, and issued a death order that if he found the person, he must bring her back to the palace without a single hair missing.

But after a few days, not even a shadow of her was found.

Not only could he not find the person, but the information he found was also messy, and the clues were cut off when he found Piaomiao Palace.

Murong Heng was furious and called Murong Yan directly.

Asked him to help find someone.


Jiang Mu naturally knew that Murong Heng was looking for her, so she hid in the palace and never went out of the door. Murong Heng would never dream that the woman who had a night with him was actually in the Cheng Palace.

But even if she didn't go out, Jiang Mu didn't live a leisurely life.

If she didn't look for trouble, naturally something would come to her.

After Xia He went to Qiu Ya Pavilion, Jiang Mu asked Xue Teng to keep an eye on the place and tell her immediately if there was anything unusual. Sure enough, Xue Teng found that Qiu Ya Pavilion was not right recently. One of Huan Ruo's personal maids went out of the house yesterday and went out again today. The doctor was asked to come twice in the past few days and prescribed some pregnancy-protecting medicine. However, Xue Teng asked about it afterwards and the doctor said that the child was fine and there was no problem. Qiu Ya Pavilion asked the doctor to come and check regularly in the past few days.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not normal.

Jiang Mu asked Xue Teng to go to Xia He's place at night and happened to see Xia He secretly giving a bottle to Huan Ruo's personal maid.

Connecting these things together, Jiang Mu knew what tricks Huan Ruo and Xia He were playing.

In the original plot, Huan Ruo also used her own child to frame the original owner, and it was Xia He who suggested it at that time.

Now Xia He saw the opportunity and planned to kill two birds with one stone.

Jiang Mu is increasingly favored by the prince, and Huanruo is pregnant. Only she is not cared for by the prince, and has to endure the cold eyes of Qiu Ya Pavilion.

Xia He is unwilling to endure this. She sees that Huanruo is anxious to get rid of Jiang Mu, so she takes the initiative to offer advice.

If Huanruo really does what she says, then she will have a way to get rid of two enemies at once.

Jiang Mu made preparations in advance, and when that day comes, she is not in a hurry at all.

Huanruo took the medicine and waited for the effect to take effect. Unexpectedly, after the doctor came, she took the pregnancy-preserving medicine, but the stomach pain did not stop, and even became more serious.

Huanruo realized at this time that she had been fooled by Xia He. She was furious and wanted to kill Xia He, but she sacrificed the child in her belly. If she just killed a useless Xia He, it would be a loss.

She could only continue with her previous plan and throw the dirty water on Jiang Mu.

Xia He expected her to do this. Seeing Huan Ruo in such pain, she couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Her trick of killing someone with a borrowed knife was really brilliant.

When the time comes, Jiang Mu will be blamed. Huan Ruo will lose her child and her love. Her day of success will come.

Murong Yan got the news that Huan Ruo suddenly had a heavy bleeding, and immediately rushed back to the palace. When he came back, Huan Ruo had already miscarried. She had lost too much blood and had fallen into a coma.

This was Murong Yan's first child, and it was gone. Murong Heng was furious. The doctor was so scared that he trembled and said, "The concubine's pregnancy-preserving medicine was poisoned."

Murong Yan's eyes were red, and he hugged Huan Ruo and yelled, "Check... Check it for me."

The maids in Huan Ruo's room were also scared. Huan Ruo had just lost a lot of blood. Now that the child was gone, she was also dying. If the doctor hadn't rescued her in time, she would probably be dead.

But before Huan Ruo fell into a coma, she used her last bit of strength to tell her personal maid to frame Jiang Mu.

The personal maid followed Huanruo's instructions and said that she saw someone from Mingyueju at the door of Qiuya Pavilion today.

This was also their plan. On that day, Xia He deliberately asked Qiuju from Mingyueju to pass by the door of Qiuya Pavilion, and then secretly hid the medicine to poison Huanruo in Qiuju's room.

The medicine was also hidden by Xia He two days ago. She and Chuntao, Qiuju and Dongmei grew up together and still have some feelings for each other.

Chuntao and Dongmei knew that she had betrayed Jiang Mu, so they no longer regarded her as a sister and refused to see her. Only Qiuju was soft-hearted. Seeing that she spoke pitifully, she asked her to go to her room to talk for a while.

In this way, Xia He found an opportunity to hide the medicine. When

Murong Yan heard that this matter was related to Mingyueju, he frowned and didn't want to believe it, but who would benefit the most if Huanruo lost her child?

Naturally, it was Jiang Mu.

Even a fool could think of Jiang Mu as the cause of this matter.

It seems that no one would do this except Jiang Mu. Murong Yan never thought that Huan Ruo would personally poison her own child to frame Jiang Mu, so he sent people to Mingyueju to search.

However, Jiang Mu had asked Xue Teng to take away the medicine in Qiuju's room, and put another ordinary tonic in the place where Xia He hid the medicine.

Soon, Murong Yan brought people to Mingyueju.

Xia He and Huan Ruo's personal maids also came with them.

Because of the testimony of the personal maids, they searched Qiuju's room first.

It was said that this was to prevent them from destroying the body.

Qiuju didn't know what happened at all. She saw a group of people rushing into her room and found the package of medicine in her cabinet without much searching.

The medicine was handed to Murong Yan, and Murong Yan's face was gloomy and ugly.

He looked at Jiang Mu coldly. He

felt that he had misjudged someone. He thought Jiang Mu was so kind and innocent, but he didn't expect her to be so vicious.

Jiang Mu saw Murong Yan's ghost look and really wanted to slap him.

But she still maintained her composure and said softly, "I wonder what the prince means by this?"

Huanruo's personal maid relied on the presence of the prince next to her and glared at Jiang Mu loudly, "You vicious woman, you actually poisoned the concubine and killed her child."

Jiang Mu frowned and looked at Xue Teng.

Xue Teng took two steps forward, kicked her away with one foot, and slapped her twice.

Jiang Mu looked at her and said quickly, "Xue Teng, what are you doing? Although she deserves to be punished for insubordination, the prince is here, you must not be rude." Xue Teng

walked to Jiang Mu and the prince and knelt down, "It was I who was too angry. This maid slandered me and wronged my wife."

Jiang Mu thought to himself that Xue Teng was really a teachable child.

She looked at Murong Yan with a loving face, ", do you believe her words? Do you also think that I harmed Sister Huanruo?"

Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu's weak and pitiful face and fell into deep thought.

He glanced at the medicine thrown on the ground, "Huan Ruo's child is gone. Someone put drugs in her pregnancy medicine. Her maid saw Qiu Ju in your room sneaking around Qiu Ya Pavilion today."

Jiang Mu raised his head and looked at Qiu Ju, "Qiu Ju, what's going on?"

Qiu Ju was suddenly thrown a big pot, and the whole person was dumbfounded. She was so scared that she fell to her knees on the ground, "Madam, I didn't do anything. It has nothing to do with me."

Murong Yan: "Then what did you do in Qiu Ya Pavilion today?"

Qiu Ju's eyes dodged and were a little vague.

Murong Yan's eyes became cold and fierce.

Jiang Mu was also a little speechless, and shouted angrily, "Tell me quickly, what did you do, just tell the truth."

Qiu Ju said, "I saw the maids of Qiu Ya Pavilion passing by Mingyueju these two days. I think there is something wrong with them, so I secretly followed them to see what their purpose is."

This statement was not credible at all. Jiang Mu was really glad that he had made preparations early.

Xia He and Huan Ruo were right to pick on Qiu Ju.

If it was Jiang Mu's Murong Yan, he would not believe Jiang Mu's innocence, but would believe that Jiang Mu was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Sure enough, as soon as Qiu Ju finished speaking, Murong Yan's face became even uglier, "Did you just follow secretly to see, or did you sneak in when no one was paying attention and poison the concubine's pregnancy-preserving medicine?"

Qiu Ju shook her head frantically, "I didn't, I really didn't."

"Then what's the matter with this medicine? How did it end up in your room."

Qiu Ju looked at the medicine on the ground with a surprised expression, "I don't know, it's not mine."

Jiang Mu couldn't bear to watch it.

Originally, she wanted to play a little with them, but she didn't expect that the maids around her were not strong enough. If everyone was as smart as Xue Teng, she could put on a big show for everyone.

She calmed down and quickly looked at Qiuju in shock, "Qiuju, what's going on? What kind of medicine is this?"

Qiuju shook her head, "I don't know, this is really not mine, and I don't know why it's in my room."

Xue Teng suddenly said, "I put this medicine there. Qiuju and I used to live in the same room, but I moved out recently. I put this medicine there before, but it's not a poison, but a common medicinal material, honeysuckle and licorice that clear the lungs and moisten the throat."

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan, "Your Highness, let's let the doctor see what kind of medicine this is before we make a conclusion." Murong Yan's

expression changed slightly, he picked up the medicine bag on the ground, opened it and took a look, then turned back and ordered the servants to ask the doctor to come.

But in a moment, the doctor came in sweating profusely.

Murong Yan ordered, "Let's take a look at what kind of medicine is in it. Is it the poison that the concubine was poisoned with?"

The doctor responded repeatedly, took the bag of medicine, and examined it carefully.

Seeing this, Xia He and Huan Ruo's personal maids subconsciously held their breath and were very nervous.

Qiu Ju also widened her eyes and waited for the doctor to speak.

The doctor took the medicine and smelled and looked at it. Although he could tell at a glance that it was not poison, he could not relax in this situation. Maybe there was poison mixed in it. If he made a mistake, his life would be in danger, so he looked at it for a long time without saying anything.

Murong Yan urged, "Do you have to look so long?"

The doctor knelt down and replied, "Your Highness, this is just some licorice and honeysuckle, there is no poison."

As soon as these words came out, Xia He's face turned pale, and she had a bad premonition.

She put the medicine in herself, how could there be a problem.

The personal maid also didn't believe it, how could this happen, she subconsciously looked at Xia He.

This action was seen by Murong Yan.

Just now he didn't notice that Xia He was there too. Now he thought about it, looked at Xia He coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Why are you here?"

"I heard that the concubine's miscarriage was related to the lady, and I was very worried, so I followed to see her. After all, the lady is my old master."

This is reasonable.

However, Jiang Mu laughed secretly in her heart. She looked at Murong Yan with a face full of grievance, and said in a crying voice: "Your Highness, now I can be cleared of all charges."

Murong Yan was stunned.

Jiang Mu looked so pitiful. Murong Yan felt guilty, stepped forward and held her hand, and said pitifully: "I wronged you."

In this way, Jiang Mu's suspicion was completely cleared, but the person who poisoned her still had to be investigated.

Jiang Mu wiped away her tears pitifully, and then pretended to be strong and said to Murong Yan: "Your Highness, the most urgent task now is to find the real murderer who harmed Huanruo. Sister Huanruo is so pitiful..."

Murong Yan saw that she was so kind and was still thinking about Huanruo at this time. She was clearly wronged just now, and Huanruo's personal maid also pointed out that someone in her room had drugged her. It was really difficult for her.

Murong Yan hugged Jiang Mu with pity and said distressedly: "Don't worry, I will find the real murderer. You have been wronged by what happened just now."

Jiang Mu shook his head and smiled with a forced face: "I am not wronged. As long as the prince believes in me, I will not be wronged."

Murong Yan was a little embarrassed and felt even more guilty.


Soon the package of medicine was found in Xia He's room.

Xia He knew that she had no way to survive, but she was unwilling to die alone. She had to drag someone down with her. Since she had been discovered, she told Murong Yan all her plans with Huanruo when he interrogated her.

After listening to Xia He's words, Murong Yan directly asked someone to feed her poisoned wine.

He returned to Qiuya Pavilion, and looked at Huanruo, who was pale and still unconscious, with a chill in his heart.

He had never expected that the woman he had loved so deeply would become like this.

In order to frame Jiang Mu, she did not hesitate to kill their child.

This was their first child.

It turned out that she really only cared about herself and did not love him at all.

Murong Yan was dead to Huanruo. Thinking that he almost wronged Jiang Mu today, he felt that Huanruo did not deserve his love.

In comparison, Jiang Mu was much better.

It was because he was blind that Jiang Mu waited for three years in vain, but it was not too late now. He would definitely love Jiang Mu well, make up for her, and make up for the time he had missed.


After Huanruo woke up, she knew that her plan had failed, Jiang Mu was fine, but Xia He was killed by a glass of poisoned wine.

And she also lost her child. The doctor said that she had lost her body due to excessive bleeding this time, and she might not be able to have children in the future.

When Huanruo heard the news, she fainted again.

The people from Qiuya Pavilion went to invite Murong Yan, but were stopped outside by Murong Yan's guards, who said that the prince was too busy to come over and asked them to invite a doctor.

Murong Yan was too disappointed with Huanruo, and he didn't want to see Huanruo at all.

When Huanruo woke up, she didn't see Murong Yan, so she asked the maidservant beside her. As a result, the maidservant stammered and said that the prince was busy and said he would come over after he was done.

Huanruo immediately understood that Xia He, the bitch, must have told everything.

Huanruo trembled and couldn't speak. She regretted it very much at this moment.

She shouldn't have been so obsessed with Xia He's words that she did such a thing.

In the end, she lost her child, Murong Yan's heart, and she couldn't get pregnant again.

Huan Ruo's heart sank when she thought of this. She felt a heat in her throat and spat out a mouthful of blood, which frightened the maids in the room.

"Go get the doctor, go get the doctor, the concubine is vomiting blood."

The news that Huan Ruo vomited blood soon reached Jiang Mu.

She was drinking tea when she heard the news. She sighed and said lightly: "How pitiful. Not only did she lose her child, but she can't have children in the future. Alas..."

Chuntao said: "Madam still feels sorry for her. She even wants to put the blame on Madam."

Dongmei: "That's right. It's all Qiuju's fault for being stupid. She let that Xia He in. She said she was a traitor, but you still feel sorry for her. She almost hurt Madam."

Qiuju had been crying for the whole afternoon, and her eyes were rotten. "I... I didn't want to do that. How would I know."

Jiang Mu said: "Okay, this matter is over. You should all be more careful in the future."

"Xia He is such an ungrateful person. Madam used to treat her so well, but she didn't expect her to do such a thing."

"She's dead. I heard that the prince personally tried her. She was poisoned to death by a cup of poisoned wine and thrown directly into the mass grave..."

Jiang Mu waved his hand, "Okay, you can go down. There have been so many things today. I'm tired and don't need to serve me."

Xue Teng left last. Jiang Mu said to her, "Thank you for your hard work. Today is thanks to you."

Jiang Mu was the only one left in the room. She stretched and wanted to lie down quietly for a while.

Suddenly, another person appeared in the room.

It was Li Zaoji, whom she had not seen for several days.

Jiang Mu was not surprised to see him, but she did not expect that this person could find the palace.

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Mu lay still, her tone was lazy, her eyes slightly open, although she could see that she was a little tired, but her expression was charming.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Li Zaoji's longing for Jiang Mu did not diminish at all.

"I did what you asked me to do, and I'm here to get my reward." Li Zaoji's peach blossom eyes were romantic and affectionate, with a smile on his lips, and he slowly walked to Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu said lightly: "What reward?"

Li Zaoji squatted down and was at the same level with her eyes, "Could it be that Princess Cheng wants to cheat?"

Jiang Mu closed her eyes and curled her lips: "What can you do if I cheat?"

Li Zaoji leaned over and put his ear close to her, "Then I will ask for it myself, I never do business at a loss."

Jiang Mu hooked his lips and reached out to grab his collar.

"Palace Master Li is too impatient. Let's talk about how you did it first."

Li Zaoji picked her up and said gently, "Of course, I did it exactly as you said. Otherwise, you would still be lying here peacefully and would have been taken away by the emperor long ago."

Jiang Mu smiled, "That's not necessarily the case. After all, I am his sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law, so what? If it were me, I would snatch her away as long as I liked her. What's more, you and Murong Yan haven't slept together for so long. With your plan, Murong Heng will naturally think that you and him are true love. Taking you away is equivalent to saving you."

Jiang Mu said lightly, "How do you know that I didn't sleep together?"

Li Zaoji: "I naturally have spies in the Chengwang Mansion. You can hide your tricks from others, but not from me."

Jiang Mu touched Li Zaoji's face, "Palace Master Li is really powerful."

Li Zaoji's facial features are handsome, especially his eyes, which are naturally affectionate. He is very gentle as long as he smiles.

However, his lips are not thin, and he is still a little sexy when he smiles.

When Jiang Mu agreed to his request, he also looked at his face.

Since he had done it, Jiang Mu would not go back on his word. She put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss.

Li Zaoji thought it would take some time. If Jiang Mu really disagreed, he would not force her. After all, he never forced a woman.

When Jiang Mu touched his lips, his hand subconsciously pressed Jiang Mu's shoulder. He could hear his heartbeat very clearly.

Li Zaoji used to think that he was a master in love. How many women in Piaomiao Palace wanted to climb into his bed. However, although he was romantic, he had high standards. There were not many women who could satisfy him. But he was

not like this now, like a young boy.

Li Zaoji was surprised. He did not expect that he would be attracted to Jiang Mu.

You have to know that although this woman is beautiful, she is also poisonous. Just look at the things she has done and you will know that you can't get involved with her.

But he also has the bad nature that all men in the world have.

The more he knows in his heart that he can't touch her, the more he wants to get her.

Li Zaoji took the initiative to deepen the kiss.

The sweet taste between his lips made him linger, and neither of them could restrain themselves. Soon Jiang Mu was pushed down on the bed by him.

Just as Li Zaoji was about to untie her clothes, a voice came from outside.

"Madam, the prince is here."

Jiang Mu and Li Zaoji froze.

The two looked at each other, Jiang Mu blinked, and said mischievously: "Now I have to trouble Palace Master Li to find a place to hide."

Li Zaoji's face was ugly, and he said angrily: "It's really unfortunate."

Jiang Mu: "Who said it wasn't."

As she spoke, she tidied her clothes and smoothed her hair.

Li Zaoji watched Jiang Mu put away her charming and moving posture just now, and in an instant she became elegant and dignified, and he felt itchy in his heart.

He pulled Jiang Mu into his arms, kissed her hard, and then got up and left.

Jiang Mu glared at him, and when she looked again, she could no longer find Li Zaoji.

She got up and went out to greet Murong Yan.

After what happened today, Murong Yan was actually very tired. After he finished his business, he just wanted to go back to Jiang Mu and have a good rest.

He felt at ease only when he saw Jiang Mu.

Women like Huanruo and Xia He made him feel cold.

"Why does Your Highness look so haggard?" Jiang Mu looked at him caringly, his tone gentle.

Murong Yan's eyes when looking at Jiang Mu were completely different. He looked at Jiang Mu deeply, and as soon as she came over, he hugged her.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?" Jiang Mu also reached out to hug Murong Yan.

Murong Yan whispered, "It's nothing, I just miss you and want to hug you."

Jiang Mu sneered, but her voice formed an ironic contrast with her expression. She said softly, "Your Highness must be tired. Sit down and rest."

Murong Yan sighed, "There are so many things to do today. I am really tired."

Jiang Mu: "Your Highness likes to drink lotus seed soup. I'll ask the kitchen to make a bowl and send it over."

Murong Yan nodded.

Jiang Mu called Xue Teng in, "Xue Teng, go to the kitchen and bring a bowl of lotus seed soup. Make it the same way as last time. The prince likes it."

Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu with emotion, thinking that Jiang Mu really understood his preferences.

Jiang Mu asked in confusion, "Why is the prince looking at me like this?"

Murong Yan smiled lightly, "I just think Mu'er is pretty."

Jiang Mu was not used to hearing him change his name.

She lowered her head shyly, "Why did the prince suddenly say such a thing?"

Murong Yan pulled her into his arms, "Don't you like it?"

Jiang Mu shook her head, "It's just that I've never heard the prince say it before, and I was surprised for a moment."

"It was my fault before. I didn't cherish you well. I won't do it anymore in the future. I will come to Mingyueju every day in the future."

Jiang Mu looked at him in surprise: "Really?" Goodbye!

Murong Yan touched her hair, "Yeah."

Jiang Mu hugged Murong Yan, "Prince, I'm so happy. I've been thinking about it for so long and looking forward to it for so long, and finally I've waited for this day."

Murong Yan: "Silly, are you so happy?"

Jiang Mu smiled shyly.

When Xue Teng came in with the lotus seed soup, the two were still hugging each other.

Jiang Mu shyly pushed him away, and Murong Yan took her hand and sat down.

Jiang Mu smiled as Murong Yan drank the lotus seed soup.

The two exchanged a few sweet words, and then Murong Yan fell unconscious.

Jiang Mu was about to ask Xue Teng to come in and help carry Murong Yan to the bed when Li Zaoji's voice came from behind.

"I wonder how many faces you have, woman."

Jiang Mu turned to look at him, "What's wrong? Is Palace Master Li scared?"

Li Zaoji took two steps forward, kicked Murong Yan, and said lightly: "I just think that you are being hypocritical to such a man in this damn place, it would be better for you to go to Piaomiao Palace with me and be free."

Jiang Mu smiled, "Oh? Palace Master Li, are you speaking up for me?"

"Don't you feel sick listening to Murong Yan's words? He has neglected you for several years for another woman, but now he has come to his senses."

Jiang Mu glanced at Murong Yan and said nothing.

Li Zaoji picked up Jiang Mu and

said, "Let's continue what we didn't finish just now." Jiang Mu frowned, "Palace Master Li is in a very elegant mood."

Li Zaoji, "Then I'll take you out."

Jiang Mu, "No, I'm so tired, you go."

Li Zaoji pursed his lips, "What about you?"

Jiang Mu, "Don't worry about that."

Li Zaoji was very unhappy to see that Jiang Mu was so cold to him, but was so gentle to Murong Yan just now, so he just sat down next to her.

"Why do you call me Palace Master Li all the time? Didn't I tell you my name?"

"Don't you call me Princess Cheng all the time? Don't you know my name?"

After Jiang Mu finished speaking, Li Zaoji laughed again, contrary to his previous depression, "So you are angry because I called you Princess Cheng, well, how about I call you Mu'er?"

Jiang Mu, "It's okay, Murong Yan called me that just now."

Li Zaoji, "..."

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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"Then how do you like me to call you?"

Jiang Mu glanced at him and smiled faintly: "Does it matter what I call you? Call me whatever you want."

"Of course it's important. Are you tired? Let me help you massage." Li Zaoji walked behind Jiang Mu, put his hands on her shoulders, and massaged her shoulders lightly.

Jiang Mu frowned at first, but soon she found that Li Zaoji's massage was quite comfortable, so she didn't stop and let him continue.


Jiang Mu squinted his eyes with some enjoyment and nodded: "Not bad."

Li Zaoji has only massaged the shoulders of two people in his life, one is his mother, and the other is Jiang Mu.

He learned this shoulder massage technique from the nanny who took care of him when he was growing up. Unlike other people, it is easy to make people relax and it is particularly comfortable.

In order to stay, he even used this trick, just to please Jiang Mu.

When Jiang Mu was completely relaxed, Li Zaoji's hand reached down dishonestly.

Jiang Mu reached out and patted the back of his hand.

Li Zaoji grabbed her wrist, placed it on his lips and kissed it gently, then put his arm around her slender waist, his fingers lingering on her waist.

"Don't make trouble." Jiang Mu felt a little itchy and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that she didn't object, Li Zaoji had an idea and took her into his arms with one hand, lowered his head and kissed the sensitive part of her ear.

Jiang Mu couldn't help shrinking her neck, and felt a tingling and sour feeling that made her legs a little weak.

Li Zaoji took the opportunity to pick her up.

"You are tired, I will carry you to the bed to rest."

Jiang Mu rolled her eyes. This man's thoughts were simply obvious.

Well, she would just lie down and enjoy it.

Li Zaoji took two steps at a time and quickly walked to the bed. After putting Jiang Mu down, he looked back at Murong Yan lying on the table, and raised the corners of his mouth, grinning a meaningful smile.


I don't know if it's because Murong Yan was in the room, Li Zaoji used all kinds of methods to please Jiang Mu, just to make her scream.

Jiang Mu couldn't help it several times.

Every time Jiang Mu screamed, Li Zaoji would laugh.

Jiang Mu was so angry at his appearance that she bit him hard a few times, and he restrained himself a little later.

"Little wild cat, you not only like to scratch people but also bite them."

Li Zaoji looked at her lovingly and freed one hand to touch her hair.

Jiang Mu was panting, her face flushed, and she was too lazy to talk to him.

Li Zaoji saw that she was enjoying it very much, so he lowered his head to bite her earlobe, and said in a hoarse voice in her ear: "Do you like this?"

Jiang Mu pursed her lips and didn't say anything. Li Zaoji insisted that she speak, so he tormented her hard.

Jiang Mu finally had to compromise, gritted her teeth and nodded in the most charming voice to say that she liked it. Only

then was Li Zaoji happy.

Jiang Mu was tired to begin with, and after making love, she was exhausted. She didn't even want to move her fingers. She vaguely remembered that before she fell asleep, she asked Li Zaoji to move Murong Yan to the bed before leaving.

Jiang Mu fell into a deep sleep after she finished speaking. When she woke up in a daze in the middle of the night, Li Zaoji had disappeared, and Murong Yan was lying on the ground beside the bed, motionless.

Jiang Mu held her forehead with her hand. This Li Zaoji.

She had no choice but to get up and drag Murong Yan to the bed, then took off his coat, rolled up his clothes with her own clothes, and threw them on the bed. Then she scratched a few nail marks on Murong Yan's body, and pinched a few marks similar to strawberry marks on his shoulders and chest.

This medicine really works. Jiang Mu didn't wake up Murong Yan after all these attempts. It seems that Murong Yan will not wake up before the time is up.

Jiang Mu looked at the embarrassed Murong Yan and felt very happy.

She patted Murong Yan's head and whispered, "In two days, the hat on your head will begin to glow green."

After that, she yawned and fell back to sleep.

The next morning, Murong Yan slowly woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Mu lying obediently in her arms.

Jiang Mu's lips were rosy and tender in his sleep, and he looked moisturized, and his whole body exuded an attractive glow.

And Murong Yan himself had no memory of last night.

He frowned and slowly lifted the quilt, only to see that Jiang Mu's clothes were disheveled, and there were some unspeakable marks on the exposed skin, even on his chest.

Murong Yan's breathing was rapid, and his eyes became deep.

He looked at himself again, and he was similar to Jiang Mu, with scratches and "kiss marks" on his body. He smiled slightly and thought to himself that he must have been affectionate with Jiang Mu for a long time last night.

Seeing Jiang Mu sleeping soundly, he must have been exhausted.

But why he didn't have any memory at all, this was really puzzling.

He touched Jiang Mu's face, feeling a little distressed, and also a little self-blaming for not taking good care of her.

So even if he had a reaction now, he still held it back.

Murong Yan got up quietly, not wanting to wake Jiang Mu up. He put on his own clothes, and did not ask the maids outside to come in and serve him.

Before he went out, he took a deep look at Jiang Mu and kissed her on the forehead.

The maid outside the house had been waiting outside. Seeing Murong Yan come out without a sound, she was startled and hurriedly saluted.

Murong Yan made a hushing gesture, "No need to be polite, don't wake up the princess, let her sleep for a while." Murong Yan's

gentle appearance made the maids dumbfounded.

The maids sighed one after another, saying that the princess had really suffered a lot and now the prince was so good to her.

Jiang Mu opened her eyes after Murong Yan left. She was lying on the bed, laughing so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

This dog man really came to his senses.

I don't know if he will be angry to death after knowing the truth.

Jiang Mu imagined the scene and thought, why not learn a few moves from Xue Teng.


In the next two days, Li Zaoji seemed to have tasted the sweetness and came to Jiang Mu every night to ask for his reward.

Jiang Mu scolded him as a flower thief, but he was not angry. Instead, he said that if he was a flower thief, then Jiang Mu was the most charming flower in the world, and he would be sorry for himself if he didn't pick it.

Every time he came, he would ask Jiang Mu if she was willing to go to Piaomiao Palace with him. As long as she was willing to go, she would have endless wealth and glory, and she would not be trapped in the palace and lose her freedom.

Speaking of which, Jiang Mu was really tempted.

But she still refused. Compared with the wealth and glory of Piaomiao Palace, she wanted to go to the palace to play, stir up the harem, be a beauty who brings disaster, be the most favored in the harem, and make all the women in the harem hate her. When she got tired of playing, she would just leave.

Li Zaoji couldn't persuade Jiang Mu, and could only watch her being found by Murong Heng.

Murong Heng was the emperor after all. Even if Li Zaoji used all the spies in the capital to interfere with Murong Heng's search for Jiang Mu's whereabouts, ten days was the limit.

Murong Heng finally discovered that the girl who was looking for pleasure was Jiang Mu, the princess of Prince Cheng's mansion, and his sister-in-law.

Murong Heng didn't want to believe it, but he had to, because in this way, the reason why Jiang Mu rejected him before could be explained. He had been thinking about this problem these days, and kept thinking about the words Jiang Mu said.

After knowing her true identity, Murong Heng suddenly realized that this was what she meant.

Murong Heng struggled for another two days, and finally decided to take Jiang Mu into the palace.

After the shadow guard found out that Miss Xunhuan was Jiang Mu, he also checked everything about Jiang Mu in the palace in the past few years.

It happened that Murong Heng got the information on the day Huanruo lost her child.

After reading the information, Murong Heng got very angry.

The woman he loved deeply had actually lived like this in the past few years.

Murong Yan didn't love Jiang Mu at all. He hadn't touched Jiang Mu for several years and was always thinking about other women. Jiang Mu didn't know how much grievance she had suffered after marrying him.

A weak woman endured for more than three years and was forced to this point by Murong Yan. No wonder she couldn't think of going to the brothel to play the piano and sing to express her depression. No wonder the poems and tunes she wrote were all depressed.

It turned out that she had been living like that.

It was not easy to meet him, but he and Murong Yan were indeed brothers.

He was also the king of a country. Jiang Mu must not want to see their brothers turn against each other, nor did he want him to do things for her that were criticized by the world, so he rejected him. Even if she liked him, she could only sacrifice herself.

When she gave him her virginity that night, she said that she was satisfied in this life. So this is what she meant.

The more Murong Heng thought about it, the more he felt sorry for Jiang Mu, and of course he was very dissatisfied with Murong Yan.

A woman like Jiang Mu, she is not as rigid and conservative as ordinary women. She is talented, has her own ideas, and her attainments in music are not inferior to his. Murong Yan was really blind to not discover her goodness.

Since Murong Yan didn't know how to appreciate or cherish Jiang Mu, he might as well rescue her. He wanted to take her into the palace and let her become his woman legitimately.

After Murong Heng made the decision, he first sent Murong Yan out of the city to do some work, and then sent someone to the Cheng Palace to announce the decree, saying that the Imperial Concubine invited Princess Cheng to the palace for a gathering and to take Jiang Mu into the palace.

Murong Yan was not in the palace at the time, and Jiang Mu knew what was going on when she saw the person coming.

She had been waiting for this day.

After entering the palace, Jiang Mu was taken to the Imperial Concubine's Palace, but after pushing the door open, she saw Murong Heng.

When Jiang Mu saw Murong Heng, she looked panicked, and hurriedly lowered her head and knelt down, not speaking for a long time.

Murong Heng's expression was cold. He looked at Jiang Mu without saying a word, and the silence in the room was a little scary.

Jiang Mu held his breath and lowered his head.

After a long time, Murong Heng walked in front of Jiang Mu and whispered, "Get up."

Jiang Mu stood up hesitantly and whispered, "Your Majesty."

Murong Heng: "Yes."

Jiang Mu pretended to be very nervous, his face and neck were red.

Murong Heng frowned slightly, "Raise your head."

Jiang Mu did not dare to move.

Murong Heng repeated, "I told you to raise your head."

Jiang Mu bit her lip and slowly raised her head to look at Murong Heng.

Murong Heng stretched out his hand to lift her chin, forcing her to look directly at him.

"Look at me."

Jiang Mu's eyes dodged, not daring to look him in the eye.

"Don't you dare look at me?"

Jiang Mu lowered her eyes, "Your Majesty is the true dragon emperor, so naturally I dare not look directly at you."

Murong Heng smiled, "Really?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in his smile, "I'm afraid you don't dare look at me because you feel guilty."

Jiang Mu was surprised and said, "Why does your Majesty say that?"

Murong Heng looked at her solemnly, "Are you going to continue pretending?"

Jiang Mu took a deep breath, "I don't know what your Majesty means."

Murong Heng's face turned ugly, and he pulled her into his arms, his eyes burning and bright, "You made it so hard for me to find you. Do you know that I have been unable to sleep or eat because of you these days, and you are in my dreams every night!"

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 140. Chapter 137 (Part 2)
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Chapter 137 Second Update~

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Heng in shock, and said in panic: "Your Majesty?"

"What? Are you going to continue to deceive me? Your appearance is different, but I dream of your eyes every night, and I will never forget them."

Jiang Mu's eyes were red, and crystal clear tears filled her eyes. She looked sad, and choked up and shouted: "Your Majesty."

"You knew I was the emperor a long time ago?" There was anger and pity in Murong Heng's eyes.

Jiang Mu nodded slowly, "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell me the truth, why did you keep it from me?" Murong Heng stretched out his hand to hug her shoulders and shook her.

Jiang Mu shook her head with difficulty, "I... I can't say."

Murong Heng hugged her tightly and pressed her to his chest.

"You are such a silly woman. Even if you said so, I can protect you. Don't you believe me?"

Jiang Mu cried and shook her head. "No, I just don't want to make things difficult for you. I... I'm not worthy."

Murong Heng shouted angrily, "Who said you are not worthy?"

Jiang Mu: "I... I can't let the emperor and the prince turn against each other because of me. I would rather... leave alone." Murong Heng: "

Can you not be so silly? Can you think about yourself? Will you be happy if you stay with your fourth brother? How has he treated you in the past few years? Do you think I don't know?"

Jiang Mu's tears burst out, biting her lips and looking at Murong Heng, crying like a tearful man.

Murong Heng was still a little angry at first, but seeing Jiang Mu's appearance at this moment, how could he bear to be angry? He felt so distressed that he hugged Jiang Mu and coaxed her softly, and his voice was not as serious as before.

"Don't cry."

How could Jiang Mu not cry? In order to make Murong Heng feel sorry for her, she cried even harder.

A beauty is beautiful when she cries, let alone a beauty that he loves.

He gently wiped away Jiang Mu's tears, hugged her and said, "Don't be sad. From now on, I will never let you suffer any more grievances."

Jiang Mu said, "But I... I

am still Murong Yan's wife." Murong Heng said in a deep voice, "From today on, you are just my woman, no longer someone else's wife."

Jiang Mu looked at him blankly.

Murong Heng said, "Don't worry, I will make arrangements. You just stay in the palace. Give me some time and I will give you an explanation."

Jiang Mu: "But... but, Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Murong Heng: "Don't worry about it. You just need to stay by my side peacefully."


Murong Yan came back from his work and found out that Jiang Mu had been taken to the palace and had not returned for a whole day.

He immediately sent someone to the palace to ask, but he didn't get any news. He only said that Jiang Mu was doing well in the palace and told him not to worry.

Murong Yan was suspicious. It was impossible for Jiang Mu to stay in the palace and not want to come back. So he could only be kept by the nobles in the palace. However, the imperial concubine and Jiang Mu had no contact before, so there was no friendship at all. It was not that she was reluctant to let Jiang Mu leave. Moreover, it was very strange that she suddenly called Jiang Mu to the palace.

The more Murong Yan thought about it, the more strange it was. He went to the palace to see the imperial concubine early the next morning to find out why Jiang Mu was in the palace.

But when he went to the imperial concubine's palace to ask for an audience, the imperial concubine said that she was not well and could not see guests, and refused him entry.

Murong Yan's suspicion became more serious. Since the imperial concubine was not well, why did she keep Jiang Mu?

Murong Yan could not break into the imperial concubine's bedroom without permission, so he could only go to the emperor to ask about the situation.

Who knew that the emperor would not see him either.

Murong Yan was sure that something must have happened to Jiang Mu.

Murong Yan knelt at the gate of Chengqian Palace and insisted on seeing Murong Heng.

He knelt for two hours, and Murong Heng finally let him in.

After seeing Murong Heng, Murong Yan exchanged a few polite words and then asked about Jiang Mu's whereabouts, saying that he had something to do at home and wanted to take Jiang Mu back.

Murong Heng didn't say anything until Murong Yan said a lot, and then he said, "This is a divorce letter, please sign it, and you will divorce Jiang Mu after signing it."

Murong Yan was shocked, he didn't understand what Murong Heng meant.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Murong Heng: "It means literally. Anyway, you have no feelings for Jiang Mu. Isn't divorce just what you want?"

Murong Yan didn't understand why Murong Heng said that suddenly. This was his family affair. When did he ask others to worry about it? But the other party was the emperor. He could only hold back his anger and whispered: "Your Majesty, I don't want to divorce. Jiang Mu and I are willing. What your Majesty said is all in the past."

Murong Heng frowned and looked at Murong Yan coldly, "You mean, you don't want to?"

Murong Yan heard Murong Heng's displeasure, but thinking of Jiang Mu, he still looked up and looked directly at Murong Heng, "Your Majesty... I don't want to."

His voice was low but firm, as if he had made a great determination.

Since Murong Heng ascended the throne, he has never resisted him. Whether he was dissatisfied with Murong Heng's decision or not, he would compromise.

But this time, he couldn't do it. He

didn't want to.

If it were ten days ago, he might have signed the divorce letter without hesitation, but now, he couldn't.

After being apart from Jiang Mu for the past two days, he truly realized that he had fallen in love with Jiang Mu.

He couldn't leave her.

Maybe Jiang Mu was the woman who loved him the most in the world, and no other woman could do it like Jiang Mu.

Murong Heng was also surprised to hear his answer.

It was obvious that Murong Yan didn't love Jiang Mu at all, so why did he suddenly look so deeply in love with her?

What went wrong?

Murong Heng thought of what happened that night. Jiang Mu's virginity was clearly given to him, which showed that Murong Yan really hadn't touched Jiang Mu in the past few years.

If Murong Yan really liked Jiang Mu, it would have happened recently.

What happened these days?

Murong Heng looked at Murong Yan coldly, "You said you and her were in love?"

Murong Yan said seriously, "That's right, my brother and the princess are in love and don't want to be separated, please don't separate us, Your Majesty." Murong

Heng's eyes became more and more indifferent, and he sneered, "Break up? Are you saying that I'm forcing a couple to break up?"

Murong Yan lowered his head and said nothing, which was considered as tacit agreement.

Murong Heng laughed twice, "Okay, then I want to see how you two really love each other."

Murong Yan was confused and didn't understand what Murong Heng meant.

Murong Heng raised his voice and said, "Come here, invite Jiang Mu over."

Jiang Mu lived in Murong Heng's bedroom yesterday, and the two of them had a passionate and tender time last night. Murong Heng tasted Jiang Mu's charm and tenderness again after many days, and loved her even more. But at this time, Murong Yan was unwilling to divorce. Even

if she didn't want to, she had to divorce.

He had already asked Jiang Mu, and she and Murong Yan had never been husband and wife.

She had given up on Murong Yan a year ago, otherwise she wouldn't have given herself to him.

And Jiang Mu stayed in the palace and didn't return to the palace, which was also her own wish.

She said she didn't want to see Murong Yan again, and hoped that the emperor could help her divorce Murong Yan directly, and

they would go their separate ways in the future. So Murong Heng thought that Murong Yan's coming today would put an end to the matter.

Who knew that Murong Yan was unwilling and said something about mutual affection.

Then he would invite Jiang Mu to come out and make things clear.

Murong Heng didn't want his brother to covet his woman.


When Jiang Mu saw the eunuch beside Murong Heng come to invite her, she knew that it was Murong Yan who came.

Murong Yan would not be willing to divorce.

She guessed it too.

So this side must be seen.

The eunuch was Murong Heng's personal servant, so he naturally knew that Princess Cheng and the emperor slept together last night. He was very respectful to Jiang Mu, but when he lowered his head, he couldn't help but look at what charm this Princess Cheng had. She actually

made the emperor and the prince fight for her.

You know, the relationship between the emperor and the prince has always been very good, and there has never been a quarrel.

However, this Princess Cheng is indeed a beauty, even the imperial concubines in the palace are not as good as her.


When Jiang Mu came to the Qianqing Palace, Murong Yan was still kneeling on the ground.

Murong Heng sat above him, looking down and flipping through the memorials, as if he didn't see it.

The moment Jiang Mu walked in, the eyes of both of them fell on her at the same time.

"Your servant greets the emperor."

Murong Heng frowned, thinking that her attitude was a little cold, but this was in front of people after all, and they had to pay attention to etiquette, unlike when they were alone and more casual.

"Get up."

Jiang Mu stood up slowly.

Murong Yan couldn't help but call her: "Mu'er, are you okay?"

Jiang Mu didn't look at him, but looked up at Murong Heng.

"I don't know why the emperor asked you to come."

"My fourth brother doesn't want to sign the divorce agreement, and he also said that he and you are in love, so I asked you to ask if it is true."

Murong Yan felt that Murong Heng's tone sounded strange, as if there was some unusual relationship between him and Jiang Mu.

Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu, his eyes were full of love, but Jiang Mu had a cold face and didn't even look at him.

This made his heart tremble, and he had a bad premonition.

"The prince and I have no feelings for each other. The prince only has the concubine in his heart. Maybe the prince just feels embarrassed."

Jiang Mu's tone was flat, but every word pierced Murong Yan's heart.

"Mu', what are you talking about?"

Murong Yan looked at Jiang Mu in disbelief, his eyes widened, as if he didn't know the woman in front of him.

Jiang Mu finally looked at him, his eyes were cold and ruthless, "Prince, isn't what I said the truth? Do you remember what you said to me on the night I entered the mansion and married you three years ago?"

Murong Yan had forgotten it long ago.

But his heart-piercing words that day were deeply engraved in the original owner's heart and became her deepest pain.

"You said that you and I would never be a real couple in this life, that you already had someone else in your heart, and told me not to have any hope, and not to try to get a trace of your affection."

Jiang Mu said this in a calm tone and indifferent expression, as if she didn't care about these words at all.

She had no hatred or love for Murong Yan.

Murong Yan remembered that he seemed to have said such words, and he had said a lot in the past three years.

Whenever Jiang Mu pounced on her, he would push her away with cold words. Why didn't he think that those words would be so hurtful before.

When Jiang Mu said it at this time, it was like cutting his heart with a knife.

He was trembling with pain and couldn't speak.

"What? Did the prince forget?"

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan and slowly smiled.

Her smile did not make Murong Yan feel warm at all, but instead put him in a cold ice cellar.

Murong Yan said bitterly, "I remember, but... that was all in the past. I have changed now."

Jiang Mu showed a surprised expression, "Now? Is it still useful..."

She smiled again and looked at Murong Heng, "Your Majesty, I ask Your Majesty to order me to divorce Prince Cheng. If Prince Cheng is unwilling, I can shave my head and become a nun, or ask for a divorce."

Murong Yan couldn't believe that such words would come out of Jiang Mu's mouth.

She...she was willing to do this to separate from him?

But...aren't they fine these days? Are

those all fake

"But we are already husband and wife, we are already a real husband and wife." Murong Yan was heartbroken.

He looked at Jiang Mu, with a painful light flashing in his eyes.

He didn't believe it. Was their happiness these days fake?

Jiang Mu: "Your Highness, what are you talking about? We have never been husband and wife, so how

can we be worthy of the name?" Murong Yan stood up suddenly, and he said impulsively, "That night, the night Huanruo's child was gone, we became husband and wife. Could you forget that?"

Jiang Mu frowned and said in surprise: "Your Highness, I'm afraid you remembered it wrong. That night, we just slept with our clothes on, nothing happened."

"Impossible, how could I remember it wrong? That night was your first time, how could it be false?"

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan, and after a long time, he said: "Your Highness must have remembered it wrong. It's not my first time."

Murong Yan's face was pale, and he looked at her in disbelief: "What did you say?"

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 141. Chapter 138 is published. Thanks for ordering...
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Chapter 138 is published. Thanks for subscribing...

Jiang Mu looked at Murong Yan and said word by word: "Your Highness heard me right. What I said was... This is not my first time."

Murong Yan shook his head, "You are lying to me."

Jiang Mu said indifferently: "No."

"I don't believe it. You must be lying to me. Is someone forcing you?" Murong Yan grabbed Jiang Mu's shoulders and looked at her pleadingly.

Jiang Mu frowned and looked away, not wanting to explain to him.

Murong Yan became more excited, "You are lying to me, right? This is impossible."

Murong Heng suddenly said: "She didn't lie to you. You should let go."

Murong Yan looked at Murong Heng angrily. He no longer cared about the etiquette between the monarch and his subjects. Why did Murong Heng ask him to divorce his wife? What qualifications did he have to control them?

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he suddenly said: "Mu'er, did he force you? Is that right? You don't want to do it at all, right?"

Seeing his hysterical appearance, Jiang Mu took a deep breath and looked at him helplessly: "Prince, you worry too much, I really want to divorce you voluntarily, no one forced me."

Murong Yan was almost crazy, he shook Jiang Mu, staring at her, "I don't believe it, then tell me, you said you didn't give your virginity to me, who did you give it to?" Jiang Mu closed her eyes

, as if she couldn't stand him, she was silent for a long time.

Murong Yan has been recalling the events of these days, the more he recalled, the more confused he became. He and Jiang Mu have been doing well these days, and every day he can see the deep love for him in Jiang Mu's eyes, why is she so heartless at this moment and wants to separate from him.

Murong Yan couldn't accept all this. If what Jiang Mu said was true, it meant that Jiang Mu betrayed him. His self-esteem would not allow such a thing to happen. "Who is it? Tell me! You must be lying to me."

A trace of disgust flashed across Jiang Mu's eyes, "Prince, don't do this... Can you let me go? I've really had enough of these years."

Murong Yan caught the emotions in her eyes and couldn't stand it anymore. He was greatly stimulated. He stretched out his hand and pushed Jiang Mu away.

Jiang Mu was pushed hard and was about to fall to the ground, but there was a pair of hands behind her to support her.

She was so scared that her face turned pale and looked at Murong Heng with a wronged look, "Your Majesty."

Murong Heng wanted to explain it to Murong Yan calmly, but he didn't expect him to be so excited. It seems that he has indeed fallen in love with Jiang Mu and is reluctant to divorce her.


Jiang Mu is already his woman. What he wants, he must get even if he has to snatch it.

Even though the other party is his own brother, what's more, Jiang Mu doesn't want to be with him at all. Even for Jiang Mu, he has to make Murong Yan give up.

Murong Yan looked at the two people in front of him, and was hurt by their affectionate eyes.

"Don't you want to know who she gave her virginity to?" Murong Heng said to Murong Yan coldly while patting Jiang Mu's shoulder to comfort her.

Jiang Mu shook his head at him worriedly, motioning him not to say anything.

But no one could stop Murong Heng from making up his mind.

Murong Yan seemed to have thought of it. He looked at them in shock, already on the verge of collapse.

Murong Heng let go of Jiang Mu and slowly walked to Murong Yan to his level.

But Murong Heng had a feeling of looking down on him and having an extraordinary momentum, while Murong Yan's face was full of frustration and dejected.

"Let me tell you."

Murong Heng actually didn't know how to start.

But there were only three of them in the palace now, and the others had already retreated at the signal of the chief eunuch.

Some things had to be said sooner or later, so it was better to be straightforward and show your cards directly.

Murong Heng said in a deep voice: "It was me. Her first time was with me."

Murong Yan's whole body seemed to have lost his spine, his shoulders drooped. He seemed to have had a premonition, but when he heard this, he seemed to have lost hope.

He looked at Jiang Mu, with only a glimmer of light in his eyes. He asked: "Mu'er, is it true?"

Jiang Mu looked at him, his eyes were calm, without any emotion he wanted to see, no love, no hatred, just a little bit of annoyance.

This hit him hard. Jiang Mu's look was like pushing him down the edge of the cliff.

Jiang Mu: "I said, I don't love you anymore. Please sign the divorce agreement, so that both of us can be free."

Murong Yan raised his head and laughed. He laughed and suddenly started coughing.

While coughing, he said to Jiang Mu with difficulty: "I won't fulfill your wish. I won't sign this divorce agreement."

After he finished speaking, he laughed even louder.

He looked at Murong Heng, "I have always respected you and regarded you as a king and brother. I have never disobeyed your decision, but you took my wife away. It's really good... very good... cough... cough"

He suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground without warning, "I only blame myself. I was blind and didn't see clearly... I thought... hahahaha... I thought you really loved me, the only woman who loved me..."

Jiang Mu looked at him and said sarcastically, "You only care about being deceived and betrayed, but you never thought about how much harm your actions caused me. Now that things have come to this, I have nothing to say to you. The fate has already ended. No one will wait for you in the same place, because the heart that loves you has already been broken."

Murong Yan stared at Jiang Mu in a daze. Her words were like a punch that shattered his internal organs, making him unable to breathe, and he could only watch Jiang Mu leave.

His eyes were red, and the corners of his mouth and his body were covered with blood, looking very desolate.

But Jiang Mu didn't care at all, but walked straight out of the Qianqing Palace.

Murong Yan's eyes became wet without him noticing, and he fell into it unconsciously, while Jiang Mu had already escaped and left, and fell into the arms of others. The one

who had an affair with Jiang Mu was not only his brother, but also his king.

He was powerless about it, and he didn't even have the ability to retaliate.

Murong Heng called the eunuch and asked someone to carry Murong Yan down to see the imperial physician.


After Murong Yan was sent back to the palace, he became seriously ill.

Half a month later, Murong Heng issued an imperial decree, asking Jiang Mu and Murong Yan to divorce. Jiang Mu took her dowry and several maids and returned to the general's mansion without even looking at Murong Yan. The

imperial physician said that Murong Yan's condition was serious and he refused to follow the doctor's advice. If he continued like this, his body would be ruined. But his illness was ultimately a heart disease. If he didn't get out of this hurdle himself, no one else could help him.

A few months later, Jiang Mu entered the palace and was named a noble concubine.

This incident caused a stir in the capital. Many officials from the previous dynasty advised the emperor to revoke his decision, but Murong Heng insisted on his own way and no one could say anything to help.

After Jiang Mu entered the palace, she was the most favored among the six harems. Murong Yan even stayed in her palace for two consecutive months. The concubines in the harem hated Jiang Mu to death, but they had to curry favor with her.

On the day Jiang Mu was canonized, she heard that Murong Yan's illness became more serious, he fainted, vomited a large mouthful of blood, and almost died.

Murong Yan even asked someone to come to the palace to tell her that he wanted to see Jiang Mu again and had something to ask her. Murong Heng might have felt a little guilty about his brother, so he specially allowed Jiang Mu to go to Prince Cheng's Mansion to see him.

But Jiang Mu refused without a second thought.

She said that she and Murong Yan had no relationship for a long time, and there was no need to meet again. The questions he wanted to ask were nothing more than those that already had answers.

Seeing her determination, Murong Heng was actually in a good mood. After all, Jiang Mu was his beloved woman, and Murong Heng would not be happy if he asked her to see her ex-husband.

Since Jiang Mu had made the decision, Murong Heng sent someone to pass the message.

After knowing that Jiang Mu didn't even want to see him for the last time, Murong Yan somehow cheered up, but he had been lying in bed for several months, depressed all day long, and didn't take medicine properly. The disease had already damaged his foundation.

Even if he repented now and wanted to treat it well, it was too late.

Just like after he hurt Jiang Mu, he wanted to treat her well now, but he had missed the opportunity.

Jiang Mu heard Murong Heng say that he coughed all day long, and he found a miracle doctor to treat him, but many medicines were ineffective.

Jiang Mu didn't care about this, but Murong Heng always wanted to test her. He whispered in her ear every time, but when she didn't respond, he stopped talking and hugged her to be intimate.

Since Jiang Mu entered the palace, Murong Heng felt that he was very happy every day.

Jiang Mu always brought him surprises, even her little temper and arrogance were particularly cute, which made him forget other women at all, and he only thought about going to Jiang Mu's palace every day.

Although he also knew that he couldn't favor one person alone, and the way to balance the harem was to treat everyone equally, he just couldn't do it.

He has been on the throne for six years, and this is the second time he has been willful in his children's love affairs.

The first time was also for Jiang Mu, and he made his younger brother's ex-wife a concubine, and the historians all recorded it in the history books.

But for Jiang Mu, he was willing.

And what surprised him most was that Jiang Mu could manage the entire harem in an orderly manner. Although the concubines in the harem were dissatisfied with Jiang Mu's exclusive favor in the past few months, no one made any trouble.

This also made Murong Heng feel more comfortable. He secretly sent a few more shadow guards to strengthen the protection of Jiang Mu, and continued to spend the night in Jiang Mu's palace every day.

A few months later, Murong Yan issued an edict to promote Jiang Mu to queen.

After the queen's coronation ceremony, Jiang Mu held a flower-viewing banquet in the palace.

Huanruo, the concubine of Prince Cheng's Mansion, was also invited.

Huanruo didn't want to enter the palace, but the queen issued an imperial edict and named her to go.

She was so angry that she had to dress up and attend.

Everyone in the palace was looking forward to their meeting. One was the former principal wife of Prince Cheng's Mansion, but the prince's favor was snatched away by the concubine and she was stepped on by the concubine. Now that the principal wife has become the queen, the concubine has lost the favor and her life in the palace is not very good. When

these two meet again, no one knows what kind of sparks will be created.

Who knew that at the banquet, Jiang Mu didn't even look at Huan Ruo, as if he didn't take her seriously. He also arranged her to sit with some concubines of meritorious nobles, which was obviously bullying.

But even if she was bullying, what did it matter? She was the most powerful person in the palace besides the emperor and the empress dowager. Who dared to contradict her in person or be dissatisfied with her decision?

Huan Ruo just gritted her teeth and forced a smile.

When the banquet was over, Huan Ruo was about to leave the palace, but was stopped by Chun Tao.

The little maid before was now a big maid in the queen's palace, followed by seven or eight maids. She was so majestic, and her momentum was greater than that of a concubine of Prince Cheng's mansion.

She was stopped and refused to leave.

Huan Ruo was so angry that she could only follow Chun Tao to the queen's palace.

When she arrived at the side hall of the queen's palace, Huan Ruo was left there for more than two hours. During this period, she drank too much water because of nervousness. She wanted to go to the toilet but was stopped. She was so tired that tears came out and she almost lost control in the side hall.

Finally, she waited for Jiang Mu to summon her. In order to prevent her from losing manners in front of the phoenix, Chuntao still let Huanruo go to the toilet.

At this time, Huanruo's psychology had been completely broken, and she no longer had the pride she had before. After seeing Jiang Mu, she knelt down with humiliation and tears to salute Jiang Mu.

Looking at the humble and embarrassed Huanruo in front of him

. Jiang Mu thought, the original owner must have been waiting for this day.

She said coldly: "Why does the concubine look so bad today?"

Huanruo's heart was beating violently. The woman she didn't take seriously at the beginning has now become a person she looks up to. She has to kneel down when she sees her, and even if she says a word, she may die in the palace.

Although Jiang Mu's words were calm, they scared Huanruo very much.

She was afraid that she would not be able to get out alive, and she was also afraid that Jiang Mu would lock her up in the palace and torture her in revenge.

Just like before, just not letting her go to the toilet made her extremely ashamed.

Huanruo no longer had the courage to be angry. She could only grit her teeth and whisper, "To answer the Queen, I haven't been feeling well recently. I'm worried about you."

Jiang Mu smiled, "I'm not worried. I just saw that you look so bad and I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the stimulation and faint."

Huanruo was stunned. What did this mean?

Jiang Mu didn't keep her in suspense and said to the person behind him.

"Come out."

The person behind him slowly walked out. It was Gu Jue.

When Huanruo saw Gu Jue through the curtain, her face suddenly turned pale. She pointed at Gu Jue in panic and almost fell to the ground. She took a deep breath and said tremblingly, ", are you still alive?"

Jiang Mu smiled, his eyes stayed on Gu Jue for a while, and then fell on Huanruo.

"What? Is the concubine afraid that he is a ghost?"

Huanruo lowered her head, not knowing what Jiang Mu meant. She said nervously, "I...I..."

Gu Jue had been exiled to the frontier and died on the road. The information she got should not be wrong. How could he appear here?

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 142. Chapter 139 (Part 2)
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Chapter 139 Second Update

"Don't be afraid, he's not a ghost, he's a living person."

Jiang Mu stood up and slowly walked to Gu Jue, reached out and touched his face, then smiled and said to Gu Jue: "You said so." Huan Ruo

widened her eyes and watched Jiang Mu touch Gu Jue's face. Gu Jue did not resist, but looked indifferent.

You know, she knows Gu Jue very well. After all, they were once husband and wife. Gu Jue has a cold and arrogant temperament and is cold to people. She has never been so close to him in front of others.

When Gu Jue married her, he always treated her with respect. The couple's life was very dull and boring. She regretted marrying Gu Jue. At that time, she thought that it was useless to only look at the face and talent. Marrying an iceberg, life was dead, not romantic at all, and there was no sweet talk. Even for that kind of thing, she had to take the initiative.

Once she wanted to show a little intimacy and love with him in front of outsiders, but he pushed her away. Afterwards, he told her to be dignified and reserved, which made her very angry.

But why, Jiang Mu teased him so much, he didn't react at all. Is

this still the Gu Jue she knew?

Huan Ruo stared at the two of them blankly, and saw Jiang Mu put his hand on Gu Jue's chest, and then leaned close to his chest to listen.

"He not only has temperature, but also heartbeat."

Jiang Mu's behavior was more than just intimacy.

Huan Ruo said in disbelief: "Queen, what do you mean by this? How can he appear in the Queen's Palace?"

Jiang Mu: "Oh? Why not? Are you going to go out and report me?"

Huan Ruo was startled and said quickly: "No, I dare not."

"Don't dare, do you really dare not or do you dare not now?"

Jiang Mu lifted the curtain, walked in front of her, and looked down at her, as if looking at an ant that could be easily crushed to death.

Huan Ruo panicked, she felt that Jiang Mu letting her see Gu Jue was not a good thing, could it be that she would really kill her here?

If she really killed her, no one would know, then she would just throw her into the lake and say that she accidentally fell into the lake. The prince didn't care about her at all now, and would not seek justice for her.

Thinking of this, Huanruo's palms broke out in cold sweat, and she hurriedly said, "I won't and dare not, Your Majesty, believe me."

Jiang Mu leaned over and lifted Huanruo's chin, "You are so scared,

you really have a pitiful face." Huanruo's body trembled, and she listened to every word of Jiang Mu with ill intentions, and she was really scared.

Jiang Mu looked at Gu Jue, "Gu Jue, do you have anything to say to her?"

Gu Jue frowned, not knowing what Jiang Mu meant. He was not happy that she had called her to see Huanruo, and now he said this, what did he mean? Didn't he still believe that there was no love between him and Huanruo.

"Nothing to say."

Jiang Mu heard that he was a little angry, raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, since there is nothing to say, then don't say it."

She glanced at Huanruo, "Why are you still kneeling, get up and answer."

Huanruo looked at Jiang Mu hesitantly and didn't dare to move.

Jiang Mu said, "Why don't you get up? Do you like kneeling?" Huanruo's legs

were actually weak, and she couldn't stand up without help. She opened her mouth, feeling very ashamed, and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Mu showed a surprised expression, "If you like to kneel, then kneel down. The ground is cold, and it's not good for a woman to catch a cold."

Huan Ruo frowned and said nothing.

Jiang Mu covered his mouth as if he suddenly thought of something, and said, "Oh!", "I forgot that last time you used abortion drugs to frame me and killed your own child. You damaged your body and can't have children anymore. In this case, you don't have to worry about catching a cold."

Huan Ruo's face was pale, her fingers clenched, and she lowered her head to look at the ground.

Gu Jue also looked at Huan Ruo more because of this sentence, but there was no extra emotion in that look, just some surprise.

"The Queen is right."

Jiang Mu saw that she could still endure humiliation at this time, and he thought highly of her.

This woman is really patient in order to survive. To say she is stupid, she is still a bit scheming.

Jiang Mu suddenly said, "It's getting late, and the concubine should go back..."

Huanruo breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she could finally leave, but Jiang Mu changed the subject and said, "But I still have a question to ask you. If you can answer it to my satisfaction, you can leave. What if I am not satisfied..."

Jiang Mu did not finish his words, but the unfinished words made Huanruo shiver all over.

"Excuse me, Madam."

"I remember that Murong Yan was infatuated with you and wanted to marry you, but you tried your best to marry Gu Jue. After Gu Jue was in trouble, you turned around and threw yourself into Murong Yan's arms... I want to hear you talk about your mental journey."

Jiang Mu's words made Huanruo feel extremely humiliated.

Every word she said was humiliating her.

Gu Jue was also watching her from the side. Huanruo bit her lip and said nothing.

Jiang Mu said, "What's wrong? You don't want to tell me?"

Huan Ruo couldn't say anything. She closed her eyes and said loudly, "Because I found that I chose the wrong person."

Jiang Mu smiled, "No... You didn't tell the truth."

She looked at Xue Teng and said, "Xue Teng, go and pour a cup of tea. I prepared it specially for her."

Huan Ruo's body froze and she looked at Jiang Mu in surprise.

Did she really want to kill her?

Xue Teng quickly brought a cup of tea and walked in front of her.

Xue Teng was tall and expressionless. He looked extremely cold and intimidating standing in front of her. Huan Ruo looked at the cup of tea and determined that it was poisoned.

She shook her head and refused to drink it.

Jiang Mu looked at her coldly, "Since she refuses to drink, you feed her."

Xue Teng immediately held her down and tried to force tea. Huan Ruo was so frightened that she turned pale and shouted, "My Queen! I said... I chose Gu Jue before because he was the man that all the women in Beijing wanted to marry the most, and he was also the best man, but I regretted it after marrying him. Later... something happened to the Gu family, and I had no choice but to ask Murong Yan for help."

Jiang Mu made a gesture to stop Xue Teng.

After Huan Ruo finished speaking, she collapsed on the ground and gasped for breath, not daring to look up at Gu Jue.

However, Gu Jue did not react at all, and he should have guessed the reason a long time ago.

Although Jiang Mu stopped Xue Teng, she was still not satisfied. She shook her head and said, "You still didn't tell the truth. I'll give you one more chance. If you don't tell the truth..."

Huan Ruo looked ugly, her whole face was as pale as a piece of white paper. She gritted her teeth and continued, "It was me. I didn't want to die with the Gu family, so I begged Gu Jue to divorce me, and then designed to let Murong Yan save me and bring me into the palace. At the beginning, I lied to him and said that if it weren't for you, I would choose him. Because your Jiang family is powerful, I dare not compete with you, so he hates you so much and hasn't touched you for three years."

These words are Huan Ruo's darkest secret. When she said it out, she was exposing her ugliest side, which simply destroyed her pride and made her unable to deceive herself and face herself.

Jiang Mu looked at her with a sneer and said sarcastically, "You look so pathetic."

Huanruo's underwear was soaked with sweat. She felt cold all over and collapsed on the ground.

Jiang Mu winked at Xue Teng, who drank the cup of tea in front of everyone and threw it on Huanruo.

It was the last heavy blow to her, crushing the last line of defense in her heart.

Before Huanruo was sent out, she saw Jiang Mu smiled at her and then took Gu Jue's hand.


Jiang Mu took Gu Jue into the bedroom. It was still early. Murong Heng had important matters to discuss with the court officials today and would not come to her so early, so she still had time to do something else with Gu Jue.

You know, she spent a lot of effort to let Xue Teng bring Gu Jue in today.

Fortunately, the shadow guards sent by Murong Yan to protect her would not get too close to her. They were all lurking outside the palace to protect her. As long as they entered her bedroom, they would not be discovered.

So here, Jiang Mu could do whatever he wanted.

Gu Jue hadn't seen Jiang Mu for a long time.

Before Jiang Mu entered the palace, Jiang Mu told him all the truth. Although he knew Jiang Mu's identity and the reason why she did all this, he still couldn't change his heart towards Jiang Mu.

Love comes from nowhere, but it grows deeper and deeper. His feelings for Jiang Mu have unknowingly reached this point, and he himself can't explain it clearly. Maybe it was when Jiang Mu came to see him at night that he fell in love with her at first sight.

Gu Jue has never cared about a person so much. Even though he knows that she can't belong to him alone, he is willing to wait for her silently.

Now Xunhuanju is getting bigger and bigger, and he is in charge of it. He gave all the money he earned to Xue Teng, as if he and Jiang Mu are always closely connected.

Even though she doesn't need the money at all now.

She is now the most noble woman in the world.

He didn't expect that he could see Jiang Mu again, and in the palace.

After listening to Huanruo's words just now, his heart didn't fluctuate at all. Huanruo's actions would not affect him at all.

However, when he thought that all this was what Jiang Mu wanted him to know, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Why did Jiang Mu do this?

Did she want him to move on from the past, completely forget Huanruo, and start a new life?

If so, does that mean that she also cares about him?

Gu Jue looked at Jiang Mu with mixed emotions.

He didn't know how to express his feelings, but Jiang Mu had already explained her thoughts with her actions.

She clenched his hand, put it to her lips, and opened her mouth to bite his index finger.

Gu Jue was shocked, his heart tightened, his eyes were burning and deep, wrapping her up, and even swallowing her.

"Gu Jue, from now on, you can do whatever you want."

Jiang Mu's eyes were charming and moving, bewitching Gu Jue and pulling him into the undercurrent of love.

Gu Jue's breathing became rapid, and he hesitated for a moment. Jiang Mu slowly unbuttoned his clothes, not giving him the opportunity to continue hesitating.

"Your heart is beating so hard, you must want me very much, right?"

Jiang Mu said the most charming and seductive words with the most innocent and sweet expression.

Gu Jue closed his eyes, but Jiang Mu did not let him go. She used her boneless hands to ignite him, making him unable to resist the temptation in front of him.

Half an hour later, Jiang Mu slowly got up, and Gu Jue lay beside her. Jiang Mu wrapped in a long towel, walked in front of him. Her face was flushed, her limbs were exposed, and her long hair was loose. She looked very charming. Gu Jue looked at her deeply, a little fascinated.

Jiang Mu lazily made a cup of tea, thinking, how nice it would be if I gave her a cigarette at this time.

She looked back at Gu Jue, smiled gently, and said softly: "You should go."

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Related recommendations: [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of the Peerless Yaohua , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Bitch , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Imperfect Time Travel , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Rebirth of a Happy Little Woman , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Soul Traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , [Rebirth through Time Travel] I Unearthed Myself in Archaeology , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Years When I Swapped Souls with the Factory Officials , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Falling in Love with the Carpenter Emperor , [Rebirth through Time Travel] The Abandoned King's Concubine from Another World , [Rebirth through Time Travel] Going to the Stunning Beauty
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☆ 143. Chapter 140 The End of the World + New World
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Chapter 140 The End of the World + New World

Jiang Mu's eyes were clear and clean, and she seemed to be completely unaffected by what happened just now. Although her appearance was still as fascinating, her smile was still as beautiful as ever.

But her words made Gu Jue a little embarrassed.

He should leave, so where should he go, and when can he meet her again?

Gu Jue looked at Jiang Mu, was silent for a moment, and then calmly got up and put on his clothes.

Jiang Mu sat aside, looking at him leisurely.

It was like appreciating a work of art.

Gu Jue might not know that under the influence of his appearance, no matter what he did, he exuded sexy charm, even if it was just a frown.

What's more, Jiang Mu was also very satisfied with his performance just now.

Originally thought he was a cold person, but he was very hot in bed, hard and soft, and would not stop because of her begging, but gave her the deepest and most loving.

Jiang Mu suddenly felt like an experiencer.

Every time a man was with her, she felt slightly different.

These differences are very subtle, but Jiang Mu thinks they are very important and can tell her a lot of information and her current state.

Gu Jue knew that Jiang Mu had been looking at him. He was in a complicated mood, but he didn't want Jiang Mu to see it, so he kept a straight face when he was getting dressed, looking a little cold and serious.

But Jiang Mu just loved this look of his and wanted to conquer him again.

But time was really not enough. Jiang Mu thought that there was a long time to come. She slowly walked to him, looked at him gently, helped him to straighten his collar, and patted the dust on his shoulders. When she did these, her expression was very natural, just like facing her lover.

Gu Jue didn't know what kind of position he had in Jiang Mu's heart, but he would remember everything that happened just now for the rest of his life. Maybe that would be the best moment of his life.

He said in a deep voice: "I should go."

He also knew that it was getting late, and it would not be good for both of them if he didn't leave.

Jiang Mu nodded, turned around and took a scroll to give him.

"What is this?"

"It's a gift for you. You can open it after you go back."

Jiang Mu blinked, smiled mysteriously at him, and then asked Xue Teng to send him out of the palace.


After Gu Jue left, Jiang Mu lay on the couch thinking about when to leave. She had been in the palace for a long time and had played everything she should have.

At this time, the system suddenly reminded her, [You forgot that the original owner had a wish that you didn't fulfill. ]

Jiang Mu sat up suddenly.

Yes, the original owner wanted a child to make up for the pain of her child being killed.

She actually forgot about this for a while.

Jiang Mu looked at her belly and thought, this is not something she can give birth to just because she wants to.

She has been a mother in the mission, but she has never tried to give birth to a child.

Jiang Mu is not very looking forward to it, but she doesn't reject it. Her current problem is, who should she choose to be the father of the child?

This is really a problem.

Murong Heng is naturally the first one to consider, but if it is his child, it will be so boring.

Jiang Mu's mind reappeared the appearance of Gu Jue and Li Zaoji.

Gu Jue has good genes, so his child must be the best-looking.

Li Zaoji is the richest and looks good, but if she gives birth to his child, given his personality, he might snatch the child away when he finds out.

Jiang Mu thought about it and it reminded her of another person. Jiang Mu found an opportunity to tell Murong Heng that she missed home.

Murong Heng said that he would bring her mother to the palace to live for a few days, but Jiang Mu was not satisfied.

Murong Heng had to agree to let her stay in the general's mansion for a few days.

Jiang Mu got the chance and returned to the general's mansion with a few palace maids.

The queen returned to her parents' home for a temporary stay, which made a lot of noise. The whole general's mansion was decorated with lights and was bustling. Even Jiang Huaian rushed back from other places.

After Jiang Mu returned to the mansion, she still lived in the courtyard where she lived before she got married.

It was not far from Jiang Huaian's residence.

When Jiang Mu told Xue Teng about her plan, Xue Teng didn't react much. It seemed that no matter what she did, Xue Teng would not comment on it. As long as it was her order, Xue Teng would not refuse.

Even though she said she wanted to drug Jiang Huaian, Xue Teng just asked what drug it was and then said nothing more.

Of course, Jiang Mu asked Xue Teng to give him drugs, not aphrodisiacs, but a drug that makes people feel like they are dreaming. People who are drugged by this drug will become unconscious, and after waking up, they will only regard everything that happened as a dream.

Jiang Mu asked Xue Teng to quietly put the drug in Jiang Huaian's tea when he was reading at night.

Every night, Jiang Huaian would read in the study until very late, and sometimes he would sleep in the study. Jiang Mu had people find out all this.

Jiang Huaian's schedule was really suitable for her to take action.

After Xue Teng gave him the drug, she came back and took Jiang Mu to Jiang Huaian's study with Qinggong.

Jiang Mu didn't have the idea of ​​doing it tonight. She just came to test whether Jiang Huaian had other thoughts about her.

If Jiang Huaian could resist the temptation, Jiang Mu would give up this plan.


When Jiang Mu walked into the study, Jiang Huaian was lying on the table.

Jiang Mu felt like a fairy that came at night, and was about to absorb the scholar's energy.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing. Jiang Huaian was not unconscious, he just felt a little dizzy, so he lay down to rest. Hearing the sound, he slowly raised his head.

Jiang Mu was standing at the door, looking at him coquettishly.

Her eyes were innocent, like a young deer, standing at the edge of the forest, not knowing whether to take this step.

Jiang Huaian frowned slightly, "Mu'er? You...what are you..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Mu untied the cloak on her body.

She was only wearing a pink suspender bellyband under her cloak, with a blooming peony on the bellyband. Her skin was white and her legs were straight and slender.

Jiang Huaian immediately looked away, and

everything in front of him made his expression change drastically. He said stiffly: "Mu'er, what are you doing?"

Jiang Mu walked over slowly, and a soft voice sounded behind him.

"Brother Huai'an."

Jiang Huai'an's breathing became disordered, and his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Jiang Huai'an lowered his voice, not wanting her to notice his panic, "Mu'er, put on your clothes quickly."

"Brother Huai'an, don't you like Mu'er?"

Jiang Mu had already walked behind him.

She placed her fingers on Jiang Huai'an's back and tapped lightly. Jiang Huai'an seemed to be acupunctured and could not move.

"Brother Huai'an." She hugged Jiang Huai'an, her face pressed against his back, and her hands reached out to his chest, pressing on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

Jiang Huai'an closed his eyes and reached out to push her away.

He told himself that all this was not real, he must be dreaming.

He tried to wake himself up, but Jiang Mu scratched his palm, and a tingling sensation quickly spread from his palm to his back.


Jiang Mu turned him to face her, then stood on tiptoe, got close to him, and said in a charming voice: "This is just a dream, you can do what you want."

Jiang Huaian shook his head, "Mu'er, we can't do this."

"Why not? We are not siblings. I have always liked you, Brother Huaian."

Jiang Huaian was stunned when he heard Jiang Mu say that she liked him. He looked at her hesitantly, as if doubting the truth of this sentence.

But while he was hesitating, Jiang Mu hugged his neck and kissed him gently.

This was Jiang Huaian's first kiss.

When the soft and warm lips came up to him, he was completely stunned.

He was a little at a loss, and he didn't know where to put his hands. Jiang Mu held his hands and placed them on his chest.

Jiang Mu's kissing skills can be called superb in front of someone like Jiang Huaian who has no experience.

Just one kiss can make Jiang Huaian infatuated and gasping.

For the first time, he understood that kissing also had such magic, making him unlike himself, unable to control his heartbeat, emotions, and even body.

His body changed, which made him panic.

But everything in front of him, plus the effect of the drug, made him more certain that he was in a dream.

But why did he have such a dream?

This thought also made him feel ashamed.

His mind was in a mess, and he couldn't think with his upper body at all.

What happened next was completely natural.

Before Jiang Huaian realized it, he had already pressed Jiang Mu on the desk.


After waking up, Jiang Huaian found himself lying on the desk with his clothes neatly on. He was the only one in the room. His head hurt a little, but his body was very comfortable.

He looked unclear and thought quietly for a long time.

A blush slowly appeared on his face.

He held his head and lowered his head in confusion, a little upset, but when he recalled those details, his heart beat violently again.

Those pictures flashed through his mind, fragrant and exciting, and he even had to admit that it was the happiest moment of his life.

So much so that when he saw Jiang Mu in the mansion during the day, he couldn't look at her directly.

On the contrary, Jiang Mu was particularly intimate when he saw him, and kept smiling and calling him "Brother Huai'an".

Jiang Huai'an could not call her Mu'er as in the dream, but respectfully called her Queen.

Every time he called her like this, she would look at him with a reproachful look, as if complaining that he was too unfamiliar.

But Jiang Huai'an still did not change his words, as if this could alleviate the guilt in his heart.

However, for the next three days, Jiang Huai'an had similar "dreams".

Every time he woke up, Jiang Huai'an would hold his head and think, condemning himself for being possessed by ghosts and having such dreams every day.

On the fourth day, he decided not to sleep, so that he would not dream again. He practiced sword in the yard all night and did not sleep all night.

But the next day, when he saw the morning light and the sky slowly brightened, his mood was not as relaxed as he imagined.

For some reason, he was not happy, but a little disappointed.

He went to pay his respects to Jiang Wangshi tiredly, but heard the news that Jiang Mu was going back to the palace.

Jiang Huai'an was stunned.

Jiang Mu was saying goodbye to Jiang Wangshi, and when he saw Jiang Huaian, he still had that sweet smile on his face.

"Brother Huaian, I'm going back to the palace."

Jiang Mu looked at him with a smile.

Jiang Huaian's thoughts drifted to those nights.

A month after returning to the palace, Jiang Mu suddenly felt unwell. Murong Heng was very nervous and immediately summoned the imperial physician to take his pulse. Sure enough, he found out that Jiang Mu was pregnant.

Murong Heng was overjoyed and held a banquet to celebrate.

This was not Murong Heng's first child, but it was the one he was most looking forward to.

Eight months later, Jiang Mu gave birth to a prince, and a year later gave birth to a little princess.

The names of the prince and the princess were both given by Jiang Mu.

One was called: Murong Qinghuai, and the other was called: Murong Rugu.

After the little princess's third birthday, Jiang Mu decided to leave this world.

She had stayed in this world for too long and gave birth to two children who were connected to her by blood. It was inevitable that she would feel a little sad when she left, but she knew that she would leave sooner or later. She did not belong here, and it would not be good for her to delay any longer.

When Jiang Mu applied to leave, the system responded immediately.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task again. Transmission will begin now. Please prepare.]

Jiang Mu reached out and touched the faces of the two sleeping children, showing a gentle smile. After a few seconds, she closed her eyes.


After experiencing so many worlds, Jiang Mu still feels a little uncomfortable every time she changes to a new body.

She opened her eyes and saw a locker with many personal belongings, such as combs, hairbands, ballet shoes, wallets, mobile phones...

"Is the performance of the group next month in S City?"

"It seems so, but Sister Qi is sick this time, and I don't know who the leader will let replace her."

The two people who were talking were talking, and they saw Jiang Mu standing in front of them when they turned a corner. The two looked at each other and immediately shut up.

Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows, but didn't react. He took out his wallet and mobile phone from the locker, then closed the door and turned to leave. After

she left, the two continued to discuss in a low voice, their eyes fixed on the direction Jiang Mu left.

Jiang Mu walked out of the locker and met a boy at the door.

The boy was very handsome, not very tall, but good-looking and with a warm smile.

As soon as he saw Jiang Mu, his eyes lit up, and he obviously liked her.

"Jiang Mu, are you free later? I have two theater tickets. My friend had something to do and broke the appointment. I heard that you like to watch..."

This kind of unfounded talk was not credible.

The boy blushed as he spoke.

Jiang Mu shook his head lightly, "No, I have something else to do, thank you."

The boy was a little disappointed, but still smiled and said, "It's okay, if you have something to do, then... there's nothing I can do."

Jiang Mu pursed her lips and smiled, then turned and left.

She now wanted to find a quiet environment to receive memories.

According to the current environment analysis, she could only get a little information. She was probably a dancer in a dance troupe. She had a bad relationship with the same-sex dancers, and the boy just now liked her.

The rest would have to wait until she understood all the plot memories to know.

After Jiang Mu went out, she found a cafe nearby and sat down, ordered a cup of coffee, and then quietly closed her eyes and pretended to take a nap.

Memories quickly entered her brain.

Jiang Mu couldn't help frowning while receiving the call.

After a while, the ringing of the mobile phone interrupted her thoughts, but she had almost received it.

The call was from Fu Rong.

Jiang Mu pressed the answer button, and just as she put the phone to her ear, she heard a magnetic and low voice.

"I will be back in the evening."

Fu Rong's tone always lacked any emotion, and could even be said to be indifferent, but Jiang Mu knew that he meant for her to come over in the evening.

Jiang Mu's mouth corners slightly raised, and he replied softly: "I know."

Fu Rong hummed and hung up the phone. Jiang Mu looked at the note that the original owner gave Fu Rong with amusement - Mr. Fu.

The note was very cold, but in fact, this Mr. Fu was not only the original owner's lover, but also her sponsor.

The relationship between the two has lasted for almost six years.

The original owner is now 26 years old, not young anymore. She has liked Fu Rong since she was 18 years old. It has been eight years now, and she has given all her best time to Fu Rong.

But in Fu Rong's eyes, she is just a substitute.

The original owner grew up in the mountains. Her parents were farmers. The family was very poor and could not afford to send her to school. But she was lucky. Fifteen years ago, Fu Rong became her sponsor.

From then on, she was able to continue her studies.

When she was eighteen, the original owner was admitted to a university in A City. She knew that her sponsor lived in A City. She wanted to meet this benefactor who had always sponsored her. If it weren't for him, she might have stayed in the mountains, without education and future.

She took many specialties from her hometown to find the sponsor.

But the first few times she came back empty-handed. Either she didn't wait, or the other party was too busy to see her and let her go.

But she didn't give up. On the last day before school started, she finally met her sponsor Fu Rong.

Fu Rong is the president of a multinational company. He is so busy every day that he doesn't even remember that he has sponsored a girl. These things are all taken care of by his secretary.

It was not until the original owner came to him and his secretary reminded him that he remembered this matter. Fu Rong didn't want to see her at first, but he didn't expect her to be so persistent and wait until very late, so he decided to meet her after the meeting and said a few words to send her away.

But this meeting changed the original owner's life again.

If it is said that Fu Rong's funding pulled the original owner out of the poor mountainous area and brought her to the big city, but the bond between the two since then has ruined the original owner.

The original owner fell in love with Fu Rong at first sight. In her eyes, Fu Rong was like a god, tall and majestic, saving her.

So after Fu Rong asked her to be with him, the original owner agreed without hesitation for a long time.

She became Fu Rong's canary.

When she was in college for the first two years, she didn't live in the dormitory because Fu Rong asked her to move to his villa.

So the original owner lived outside when she was in college. At that time, many people in the school were saying that she was kept.

It is difficult to explain this kind of rumor clearly, not to mention that the original owner was wearing brand-name clothes given by Fu Rong, but she actually had no money, ate in the cafeteria every day, and worked part-time, which was very contradictory in itself.

At that time, she naively thought that she was in love with Fu Rong, and Fu Rong was also very good to her, but he was too busy to accompany her.

She really realized that Fu Rong didn't like her very much after she graduated and joined the ballet company.

Fu Rong didn't seem to like her dancing, but dancing was the only thing she loved. For this reason, she still resisted Fu Rong and resolutely joined one of the best ballet companies in the country. After all, she was talented on the stage and was very popular when she was in school.

After entering the dance company, she also began to get busy. The life of the dance company was training every day, and occasionally she would go to perform all over the country. She and Fu Rong's schedules were always out of sync.

But for Fu Rong, the original owner gave up many opportunities, which led to her joining the company for several years without any promotion. Because of the rumors in the school before, her popularity in the dance company was not very good, especially the female dancers, who were not very friendly to her.

As time went by, the original owner herself also developed a conflicting mentality about her relationship with Fu Rong.

She knew that she and Fu Rong were not together because of money. She had already started to earn her own living expenses when she was in college, and she did not need Fu Rong's money. However, she had indeed been receiving financial support from Fu Rong since she was a child. Now she was with Fu Rong again, living in Fu Rong's big villa, which seemed to be no different from what others called "keeping a mistress".

On her 25th birthday, the original owner considered breaking up with Fu Rong. She also saw that Fu Rong might not like her that much, but when she proposed to break up, Fu Rong proposed to her and promised to marry her in two years.

The original owner loved Fu Rong deeply, and she couldn't refuse Fu Rong's proposal.

So she decided to give herself another two years.

A lot of things happened in the past two years, and the original owner finally had the opportunity to become the chief, but at this time, she suddenly realized that the reason why Fu Rong wanted to be with her

was because she looked very similar to his dead first love, especially the eyes.

So when she met Fu Rong for the first time, Fu Rong regarded her as a substitute for his first love.

He and his first love had a son when they were 18 years old.

He had been hiding this from her, and his son is now an adult.

When his son appeared in front of her and told her the truth, the original owner was hit hard, and the whole person was in a daze. She had an accident before the performance and was sent to the hospital.

The accident prevented her from dancing for three years. By the time she recovered, she had already missed her best time. After three years of not dancing, even if she returned to the dance troupe, her technical level would be far from the previous level.

The original owner was finally disappointed with Fu Rong at this time and resolutely broke up with him.

But after the breakup, she also lost everything. As a dancer, she couldn't dance. What else could she do?

If she left Fu Rong and didn't find a job, it would be difficult for her to survive in such a big city.

But after entering the nine-to-five office worker life, she was getting further and further away from her dream of dancing. Three years later, she wanted to return to the stage again, but she couldn't even do the most basic movements.

The original owner was extremely disappointed with herself and never recovered from it.

[There are two tasks this time. One is to leave Fu Rong and get rid of his control. The second is to fulfill the original owner's dream of dancing and become the principal dancer of the dance troupe.]

Jiang Mu took a sip of coffee.

It has been too long and the coffee has gone cold. Jiang Mu only took a sip and put it back.

She pursed her lips and nodded.

The task doesn't seem difficult, but there are many hidden problems.

The original owner has been with Fu Rong for so long, but in fact she didn't make any money at all, except for those brand-name clothes and jewelry.

After leaving him, the little money she earned from the dance troupe every month was not enough for her to live here.

Then, the original owner wanted to become the principal, which is not an easy thing. There are only a few people who can become the principal in a ballet troupe, not to mention that there are already several principals. If she wants to become the principal, she must be the best one.

Jiang Mu supported her forehead and felt that she might not have much leisure time in the future.

However, she can still find some fun.

Jiang Mu has always been very confident in herself.

She picked up her phone, paid the bill, left the cafe, and returned to the villa where she lived now.

The villa was empty and no one else was there. When Fu Rong was not around, she lived alone, without even a nanny. She had to clean the huge villa.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mu was very dissatisfied with Fu Rong.

Although they were in love, Fu Rong did not fulfill his responsibilities as a boyfriend. But if it was called keeping her, he did not even give her a month's living expenses. This was not that he gave her but the original owner did not want it, but that he never gave her anything at all.

Jiang Mu was very angry and could only comfort himself that the original owner had been using Fu Rong for free in the past few years.

At least, although Fu Rong was a little older, he was still capable and good-looking.

While thinking about it, Jiang Mu walked to the cloakroom and opened the closet.

The closet was full of expensive clothes and bags, which Jiang Mu rarely wore. In the past few years, she basically spent her own money to buy clothes. Those expensive ones were only worn occasionally when Fu Rong came, just to let Fu Rong know that she liked his gifts.

So these clothes look very new, and some even just have the tags cut off.

Jiang Mu decided to sell all these clothes before leaving.

She took down the clothes one by one and took pictures, then downloaded a second-hand resale software, and then posted these clothes, marking the prices randomly.

Unexpectedly, not long after they were put up, someone bought them.

Jiang Mu thought about it and it seemed that she would be able to clear all these things soon.

There were too many clothes, and this project was a bit big. Jiang Mu stopped after buying about ten pieces, and planned to continue another day.

She picked up her phone and called Fu Rong's secretary.

She often contacted Fu Rong's secretary, so she was not surprised when she received the call, but greeted her skillfully and asked if she needed help.

Jiang Mu thought for a moment and said, "Secretary Wang, I will not be here for a performance next month. I may need someone to clean the house. After all, Fu Rong will come back to live here occasionally. Can you help me hire a nanny?"

Secretary Wang was a little surprised. In the past few years, Jiang Mu often went out for performances, but he never asked for this. He once proposed it to Fu Rong, but Fu Rong did not agree. He thought that Fu Rong did not like to have other people at home, so he did not ask for it.

However, since Jiang Mu proposed it, it is indeed his responsibility. He has to take care of all the big and small things in Fu Rong's life and work, so it is right for Jiang Mu to find him.

Secretary Wang said, "Okay, do you have any requirements for the aunt?"

Jiang Mu: "Then find a young, good-looking one who can cook, preferably a man."

Secretary Wang: "Ah?"

Even a calm and composed person like Secretary Wang could not help but make a surprised sound.

Jiang Mu chuckled and said, "Secretary Wang, I was just kidding you."

Secretary Wang calmed down and said, "Then go on."

"Just look for it. I believe in your vision."

Secretary Wang was often praised, but it was the first time Jiang Mu said such a thing to him. He was stunned for a moment and replied, "Thank you. I will reply to you after I have done it."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Mu received a message from Fu Rong.

Mr. Fu: [I will be home in half an hour. ]

This means to tell her that he will be home soon and let her get ready.

Fu Rong used to come back at this time, and the original owner would prepare meals for him, and they were all his favorite dishes.

Jiang Mu changed Fu Rong's note to Old Man Fu, and then ordered a takeaway, all of which were dishes that Fu Rong didn't like to eat.

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