WMPFLMSR - It Started with a Kiss

When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 73 Playful Kiss (Part 1)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

In the huge classroom, the teenage students were spread out widely, with large gaps between the front and back desks and the left and right desks. There was a teacher sitting in the front and back of the classroom, and teachers would occasionally pass by in the corridor outside the classroom and stop to observe the situation in the classroom.

Obviously, this is an examination room.

The full name of the junior high school graduation exam is the "National Junior High School Basic Academic Ability Test". The subjects of the exam are Chinese, English, mathematics, social studies, and science.

It is now the morning of the first day of the exam, and the first subject of the exam is Chinese.

When the invigilator heard the bell for the exam, he carefully opened the envelope of the test papers and distributed them to the students in the exam room in order.

Azhuo sat in the middle of the first row, right under the nose of the invigilator. After getting the test paper, Azhuo was not in a hurry to look at the questions. Instead, he carefully filled in his name, school, class, and test number on the test paper.

Azhuo wrote Jin Yuanfeng after his name. This is his current name. He is sixteen years old and a student who is about to graduate from junior high school.

After handing out the test papers, the invigilator returned to the chair on the podium and sat down. Because Azhuo's sitting position was so strategic, the invigilator noticed Azhuo at first sight.

The graduation exam for junior high school students is held in a high school, which is Dounan Middle School. Dounan Middle School is the best high school in the area, and the invigilators are basically all teachers from Dounan Middle School.

The invigilator is Wen Zhenguan, a teacher at Dounan Middle School. She is about to become the head teacher of the new class of freshmen, and of Class A.

Each grade in Dounan Middle School is divided into six classes from A to F based on intelligence and test scores. Students classified into Class A are naturally the chosen ones who are highly cared for.

That is to say, among the students who take the exam here, those who are outstanding are very likely to become students of Wenzhen Temple.

Wen Zhenguan's eyes were fixed on Azhuo, not because Azhuo had any special temperament that shocked her, but because Azhuo's face looked very bad.

Wen Zhenguan is a woman who teaches and educates people. She is not very old and is a very caring woman. So when she saw the candidate's pale face and hard work, she was a little worried and asked with concern: "Student, are you feeling unwell? If you feel unwell, please tell me. Health is more important than the exam."

Ah Zhuo looked up and saw Wen Zhenguan's concerned look. He smiled with emotion and shook his head. "Thank you for your concern, teacher. I'm fine."

Ah Zhuo's current appearance was indeed not very good. His complexion was very bad and his face was pale. Wen Zhenguan was a little unconvinced, "Can you really continue the exam?"

"Yeah." Azhu nodded. Just then, the bell for the exam rang, and Azhu lowered his head to start answering the questions.

Wenzhen Temple could not force the student to stop taking the exam, so it had to pay more attention to the student. If anything happened, he must be sent to see a doctor in time.

Azhuo had just arrived in this world. When he opened his eyes, he was in the bedroom at home, lying on a hard bed. As soon as he came to his senses, Azhuo felt something was wrong with his body. He was too weak. It was not because of the original body, but because of the overdraft of his soul power.

Fortunately, Jin Yuanfeng was young and his past was simple and innocent, so the weak Azhuo could quickly figure out the previous information. Just as he struggled to figure out his current situation, he was called by Jin Yuanfeng's mother to get up. It turned out that today was a big day for the sixteen-year-old Jin Yuanfeng!

He just came here to take the graduation exam. Although Azhuo was a little unprepared, he was not nervous. After all, Azhuo had gone through many exams in various worlds over the years. Even when he was just Azhuo at the beginning, he had gone through the middle school entrance exam and the college entrance exam.

Azhuo is not afraid of exams.

Although the original Jin Yuanfeng was... how to say it, he was a little silly, and his grades were not only not good, but even very poor! Most of the students in this place were going to Dounan Middle School for high school. Dounan Middle School was divided into classes A and F. According to Jin Yuanfeng's original grades, he would definitely be in class F.

However, Azhu was not planning to take the exam based on Jin Yuanfeng's original qualifications.

So Wen Zhenguan only saw this student who seemed to be in poor health, writing quickly, as if he had all the questions in mind. Could he be a top student? Azhuo's speed of answering questions was really too fast. Just half an hour after the exam started, other students had only finished half of the test paper, but Azhuo had already finished more than half. Wen Zhenguan got up with some curiosity and walked to Azhuo's side.

Picking up the test paper that Azhuo had put aside after answering it, Wenzhen Guan was actually handing in Chinese. He was really surprised when he saw that he had answered all the questions correctly! While Wenzhen Guan was looking at that paper, Azhuo had also finished answering the remaining paper.

In the Chinese language exam in Taiwan, the composition part is a separate test, and the rest are multiple-choice questions, so Azhu was able to finish them so quickly.

Wen Zhenguan picked up another one and saw that it was still all correct. Wen Zhenguan's expression became even softer when she looked at Azhu. Excellent students are all loved by teachers, and this student is very likely to become her student. Wen Zhenguan returned the paper to Azhu and returned to her seat with some joy in her heart.

She had heard before that there was a talented student in this class, named Jiang Zhishu. She just looked at the student's name and it was not Jiang Zhishu. This meant that she would have two talented students. If she trained them well, maybe her class would produce two students who would be admitted to National Taiwan University!

The three-day exam period is over, and the topic that the teachers at Dounan Middle School have been talking about the most recently is about two talented students, Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng.

A few days later, after all the test papers were graded and the scores were counted, the teachers were very curious about who was the first. When the ranking list came out, Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng were ranked first side by side, and both of them got full marks.

When they received the report card, Jin's parents were stunned by the good news. Their son actually ranked first. Jin's mother happily hugged Azhu and cried with joy, "Ajin, you really made me proud! I knew my son was promising. Look at whose son can get full marks and rank first!"

Father Jin was a little suspicious. How could his son do so well in the exam? Even taking smart drugs didn't have such a magical effect. Could it be that he cheated? So Father Jin's face turned grim and he grabbed Azhuo's collar fiercely, "You little bastard! How could you do so well in the exam? Did you cheat?"

Mother Jin glared at her husband, pulled his hand away from her son's collar, and protected her son. "What nonsense are you talking about? Why can't my son get good grades? My son is smart!"

Ah Zhuo rubbed his tired eyes. He really suffered a loss this time. He overdrew too much. He has always been exhausted since he came to this world. "Dad, I didn't cheat. It's just an exam. It's easy. I liked to play and didn't pay attention to my studies. I studied hard before the exam, so I did well."

It turned out that one month before Jin Yuanfeng's exam, Jin's father had locked Jin Yuanfeng in the house and did not allow him to go out and play. He wanted his son to not do too badly in the exam, otherwise he would be embarrassed in front of the neighbors when the report card came.

Father Jin wondered suspiciously, is his son really born smart? Did he always do poorly in the exams because he didn't study hard before? But after being locked up by him for a month to study hard, he did so well in the exam? It seems that this is all thanks to his good parenting! Father Jin suddenly felt very proud and proud of himself.

So Jin's parents believed that their son was actually a genius.

In the past, when Jin's father saw Azhuo looking listless, he would scold him, saying that he was playing too much. But now, he felt that his son was tired because he was studying too hard. He no longer scolded his son, but instead thought of ways to nourish Azhuo's body every day.

No matter how he was mended, Azhuo remained the same. The loss of the soul cannot be made up by eating and drinking well.

After the exams comes the long summer vacation. According to the old Jin Yuanfeng, he would go out and have fun with his friends every day, while Azhuo stays at home every day, either reading books to prepare for high school homework or helping Jin's mother with housework.

Mother Jin expressed with satisfaction that her son has really grown up and become so sensible!

After one summer vacation, no one said anymore that Jin Yuanfeng was a playful and mischievous boy who did not study well. People around him had the impression that Jin Yuanfeng was sensible, smart, polite, and a genius... in short, all good words.

Before school started, the Jin family received a call from Dounan Middle School, asking Azhu to prepare to give a speech on behalf of the freshmen at the opening ceremony. Jin's mother and father were so happy. For parents, it was a great honor to have such a successful son. If parents were not allowed to attend the opening ceremony, Jin's father and mother would definitely have taken a camera to record it.

Finally, the day of Dounan Middle School opening arrived. Early in the morning, Jin's mother was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, and Jin's father went to wake up his son. Azhuo put on a brand new school uniform, ate a delicious and nutritious breakfast, rejected his parents' suggestion to send him to school, and left home alone.

On the first day of school, the school gate was very busy, crowded with parents sending their children to school.

Azhuo walked quietly through the crowd with his schoolbag on his back. Students passing by sometimes looked at Azhuo curiously, and then became dazed after watching him. Especially the girls, most of them were so infatuated with him that they couldn't extricate themselves.

Jin Yuanfeng originally had a good appearance, but his temperament was a bit silly, which affected his beauty. But Azhuo was different.

Azhuo cut off Jin Yuanfeng's original gangster-like hair and kept a simple short hair. He was tall and thin. He didn't stay outside in the sun for a summer vacation, and his originally dark skin became fair again. Coupled with his handsome looks and Azhuo's gentle temperament.

He looks just like the little prince that all the girls on campus love.

"Could he be Jiang Zhishu?" A girl blushed as she watched Azhuo's back as he left. The genius Jiang Zhishu was very famous among the students nearby. Even students who were not originally from the same school as Jiang Zhishu had heard of him. It was said that he was very handsome, like a prince.

A group of girls who were close to each other gathered together to discuss the matter. One of them said, "He is Jiang Zhishu? He is so handsome, with good grades and good looks. There must be a lot of girls who like him, right?"

The other one poked the girl's belly with his hand and said jokingly: "Do you like him too? Do you want to confess to him?"

A girl heard the conversation and shook her head, saying, "The boy just now was not Jiang Zhishu."

"How do you know it's not?" the group of girls asked puzzledly.

"Jiang Zhishu and I were in the same junior high school. I've seen him before. The boy just now was definitely not Jiang Zhishu." The girl said with certainty. Suddenly she saw something and pointed in a direction excitedly and said, "Look, that's Jiang Zhishu!"

It was another tall, handsome boy. Different from the gentle temperament of the previous boy, this boy had a very cold expression and exuded the aura of "don't disturb me".

"This is Jiang Zhishu, he's also very handsome..." The girls looked at Jiang Zhishu walking towards the school gate, their eyes lit up, another handsome guy!

"But..." The girl who spoke first retracted her gaze, "I still think that boy is more handsome. Jiang Zhishu looks cold and not my type."

"I also think that boy is more handsome." Someone agreed.

"I prefer Jiang Zhishu, he is cool and charming." Some people have different opinions.

So on the first day of school, many girls divided into two camps because of who was more handsome and who was the school hunk. Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu each had their own supporters.

Although, Jiang Zhishu would definitely not be happy with this kind of support.

As for Azhu, he wouldn't care either.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 74 Playful Kiss (Part 2)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

The school bulletin board posted the class information, A-F classes, and many freshmen were looking for which class they were assigned to. Those in Class A would happily shout, "Ah, I see, I'm in Class A."

And the F class...

Yuan Xiangqin bit her lip and looked at the last few names in Class F. Her name, Yuan Xiangqin, was there.

"Liunong, we are in the same class, that's great." Two girls arm in arm were next to Yuan Xiangqin. One of them pointed to the last few names of Class F and said happily to the other girl.

"Chunmei," the girl sighed helplessly, "Class F! What's there to be happy about?"

"Are you also from Class F?" Yuan Xiangqin looked at the two girls and smiled friendly, "Me too, my name is Yuan Xiangqin."

The two girls looked at each other, and then saw Yuan Xiangqin not far from their own names in Class F. The girl who spoke first smiled and pulled Yuan Xiangqin, "Oh, that's great, then we will be classmates from now on. My name is Lin Chunmei."

"My name is Liu Yanong, and everyone calls me Liunong." Liu Yanong also smiled at Yuan Xiangqin in a friendly manner.

The three girls quickly became good friends, holding hands and chatting and laughing as they walked to class together.

As soon as Yuan Xiangqin and the other two left, Ah Zhuo walked to the front of the class division table, raised his head and saw his name, Jin Yuanfeng, in the first row of Class A. However, there was another Jiang Zhishu in front of Jin Yuanfeng.

The ranking here is also based on grades, which means that Jiang Zhishu got full marks just like him. Genius? Azhuo's eyes narrowed.

"The first place in Class A is Jiang Zhishu as expected." Someone pointed at the ranking of Class A and said, "But who is Jin Yuanfeng? He is tied for first place with Jiang Zhishu."

Jiang Zhishu also came to the class division table. He was stunned because he didn't need to squeeze in because of his tall stature and good eyesight. From childhood to adulthood, Jiang Zhishu has always been the first. Because he is too smart, everything can be easily achieved for him, and he feels that his life lacks goals.

And there has never been anyone who can compare to him, Jiang Zhishu feels very lonely.

Now someone is tied with him for first place. Jiang Zhishu remembered that he got full marks in the last exam. He looked up at the ranking list of Class A and saw two names tied in the first row, [Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng].

"Jiang Zhishu, it's Jiang Zhishu." A student who used to go to the same school with Jiang Zhishu recognized Jiang Zhishu and pointed at Jiang Zhishu and the people around him.

Azhu turned around and saw Jiang Zhishu, who was tall and thin, handsome but expressionless, and exuded an unapproachable and aloof temperament.

Not knowing what he felt, Jiang Zhishu turned his head and met Azhu's eyes.

Azhuo was stunned for a moment, smiled at Jiang Zhishu, retracted his gaze, and turned away as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Zhishu frowned, looked at Azhuo's back for a while, and walked away, heading in the same direction as Azhuo, both of them were in Class A.

When Jiang Zhishu arrived at Class A, the teacher had not arrived yet, but most of the students in the class had already arrived, and there were only a few empty seats left. Jiang Zhishu stood at the door and looked for a while. The empty seats were basically occupied by girls. Jiang Zhishu frowned unhappily. He hated sitting at the same table with girls the most. It was troublesome.

Suddenly Jiang Zhishu saw that there was an empty seat in the third row near the window, and there was a boy sitting next to it. Jiang Zhishu walked into the classroom and went to that seat.

As soon as Jiang Zhishu appeared at the door, many people noticed him, especially the girls who had empty seats next to them. They all hoped that Jiang Zhishu would sit next to them. When they saw Jiang Zhishu walking towards the seat by the window, one girl said disappointedly, "Ah, this handsome guy doesn't sit with girls either."

Jiang Zhishu walked to the boy and stopped. The boy lowered his head and lay on the desk, seemingly sleeping. Jiang Zhishu reached out and knocked on the desk, lowered his head and asked, "Hello, is the seat next to you taken?"

"Ah..." Ah Zhuo looked up with his head tilted to the side, and blinked when he saw Jiang Zhishu, "No."

"Then can I sit here?" Jiang Zhishu was also stunned when he saw Azhuo. He didn't expect it was the boy just now.

Ah Zhuo sat up and moved his chair forward, which was considered as his agreement. Jiang Zhishu then walked in and sat down on the seat inside. After putting down his schoolbag, Jiang Zhishu seemed to think for a moment before saying, "My name is Jiang Zhishu. Please take care of me in the future."

"Jin Yuanfeng." Azhuo glanced at Jiang Zhishu lazily, smiled faintly, and then lay down on the table to continue sleeping. He was really tired.

Jiang Zhishu narrowed his eyes and looked at Azhuo. He was Jin Yuanfeng...

When the bell rang, the class suddenly became quiet. A female teacher wearing high heels walked in. It was Wen Zhenguan, who had been invigilating for Azhu. Wen Zhenguan glanced at the students in the class and saw Azhu, who had a dazed look in his eyes and yawned. She curved her lips and then pressed them down. When she saw Jiang Zhishu next to Azhu, her eyes flashed and she found it interesting.

What interesting things will these two talented students discover when they sit together as deskmates?

Wen Zhenguan smiled and clapped his hands. "Hello, students. I am the homeroom teacher of Class A, Grade One. I will guide you for the next three years of high school. My name is Wen Zhenguan. I hope that you can get along well and become friends during these three years. Now everyone, please introduce yourselves in order. Let's start with the first student."

The students in class A stood up one by one to introduce themselves, and most of them were quite well-behaved.

"Hello, classmates. My name is Li Dashu. My hobby is playing football..."

When it was Jiang Zhishu and Azhu's turn, Jiang Zhishu stood up first and said, "My name is Jiang Zhishu, please take care of me."

Jiang Zhishu coolly said his name, which was the simplest self-introduction, and then Azhu stood up and said, "Jin Yuanfeng, please take care of me."

More concise...

The students in Class A all looked at Jiang Zhishu and Azhu with shining eyes. These two were Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng who tied for first place!

After introducing himself, Wen Zhenguan took the students of Class A to the school auditorium to attend the opening ceremony. Class A's seats were in the first row among the freshmen of the first year of high school, which was the best position. After Wen Zhenguan arranged the students, he walked to Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng and asked, "Are your freshmen representatives ready for their speeches?"

"We?" Azhuo opened his squinting eyes a little wider.

"There are two freshman representatives?" Jiang Zhishu also blinked in confusion.

"In previous years, the freshman representatives were all the top-ranked students. This year, there are two top-ranked students, so we'll let both of you go up and give speeches." Wen Zhenguan smiled. The school had hesitated for a while about who to choose as the freshman representative, and finally decided to let both of them go up.

When the opening ceremony was about to start with the speeches of the freshmen representatives, Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo had already been taken backstage by Wen Zhenguan to prepare. Wen Zhenguan asked them, "Who will go on stage first?"

Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu both looked nonchalant. After the senior representative at the front desk finished speaking, Jiang Zhishu was pushed up by Azhuo, while Azhuo stood backstage and yawned again.

Jiang Zhishu was the grade representative every year, and he was already familiar with making speeches. He was not afraid, and walked to the podium in the middle of the stage with his chest puffed out. However, he still felt a little bit upset about Azhuo's push just now...

You should at least tell them, right? Wen Zhenguan looked at Azhuo who was still sleepy with amusement and anger, "Student Jin Yuanfeng, didn't you sleep last night?"

"I'm asleep." Azhuo shook his head and looked at Wenzhen Temple with a hazy look in his eyes, "Teacher, I'm not feeling well."

Wen Zhenguan thought of Azhuo's face on the day of the exam and immediately believed what Azhuo said. He felt that Azhuo must be a hardworking and good student despite his poor health. So his eyes softened when he looked at Azhuo and he said distressedly, "Then you should take care of your health and don't be too tired. Although studying is important, you should also take your health into consideration."

Azhu nodded and looked over. Jiang Zhishu was standing upright on the stage, speaking seriously.

What kind of boys do girls in school like? Clean and handsome, tall and thin, and good grades... Suddenly, the freshman representative Jiang Zhishu on the stage became the prince charming in the minds of many girls, and many girls became crazy about Jiang Zhishu.

Yuan Xiangqin was the same. She sat with the two friends she just met. Yuan Xiangqin stared at Jiang Zhishu on the stage with bright eyes, "He...his name is Jiang Zhishu..."

Liu Yanong glanced at Yuan Xiangqin and said with some concern: "Xiangqin, you are not in love with Jiang Zhishu, are you?"

Yuan Xiangqin was awakened by Liu Yanong's words. She felt embarrassed and panicked, and quickly shook her head, "No..."

"That's good. He's Jiang Zhishu, the top student in Class A. He's been a genius since childhood. How could he possibly fall for someone from our Class F?" Liu Yanong looked at Jiang Zhishu rationally, without obsession.

Yuan Xiangqin's face suddenly fell in disappointment, "Really... I know..."

After Jiang Zhishu finished his speech, he bowed and turned to walk backstage, passing by Azhuo who was going on stage.

"Hello everyone, I'm Jin Yuanfeng from Class A, Grade 1. What I want to say is the same as what Jiang Zhishu said, so I won't repeat myself. I wish you all a happy three years in high school!" Azhuo stood at the rostrum and smiled gently at the students and teachers below the stage.

Jiang Zhishu, who was waiting to hear Azhu's speech backstage, froze. This guy... is so lazy.

This was Jiang Zhishu’s evaluation of Azhu when they met for the first time.

"So handsome..." Lin Chunmei instantly forgot that she just thought Jiang Zhishu was the most handsome, and whispered in Yuan Xiangqin's ear, "This is Jin Yuanfeng who tied with Jiang Zhishu for first place. He is so handsome..."

Yuan Xiangqin looked at Azhuo who was smiling gently on the stage and nodded blankly. This boy looked so gentle, like a prince in a fairy tale...

Yuan Xiangqin looked at Azhuo who was smiling gently on the stage and nodded blankly. This boy looked so gentle, like a prince in a fairy tale... (The last sentence should be avoided.)

I'm so sleepy. I feel sleepy all day in winter. I feel so lazy that I don't even want to move...

This time, Azhuo is possessed by the author and is also a lazy guy. He would rather sit than stand, lie down than sit, etc...

Having such a lazy deskmate... Light a candle for Jiang Zhishu's high school life

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
Current location: Homepage › Other Novels › "When the Male Lead Falls in Love with the Male Supporting Role"
Chapter 75 Playful Kiss (Part 3)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

"Xiangqin, who do you think is more handsome, Jiang Zhishu or Jin Yuanfeng?" Lin Chunmei bit a pen, as if she was thinking about some serious problem.

"Ah," Yuan Xiangqin was stunned, the faces of Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng appeared alternately in her mind, the cool Jiang Zhishu, the gentle Jin Yuanfeng, Yuan Xiangqin frowned in embarrassment, who is more handsome, it is really hard to choose, so Yuan Xiangqin threw the question back to Lin Chunmei, "Chunmei, what do you think?"

Lin Chunmei put down her pen and pouted, "I don't know either. Both of them are so handsome... Ahhh, so annoying!" Lin Chunmei threw down her pen.

Liu Yanong looked at Lin Chunmei helplessly and took the papers in front of Lin Chunmei. "What is this thing you have been looking at...ah? The selection of the most handsome boy in Dounan Middle School?"

"Yeah!" Lin Chunmei nodded repeatedly, and said happily and distressedly: "This is the student union's new school beauties and school hunks selection activity this year. Boys vote for school beauties, and girls vote for school hunks. I've got the voting forms back for you.

Liu Yanong nodded, took one for himself, gave one to Yuan Xiangqin, and put the remaining one back in front of Lin Chunmei.

Lin Chunmei held her hands to her heart with an exaggerated expression, "Oh, what should I do? It's really hard to decide! My Naoki... my Yuanfeng..."

Liu Yanong laughed at Lin Chunmei's exaggerated expressions and gave her some advice, "Then choose two."

"Can I choose two?" Lin Chunmei was stunned. Usually, one can only vote for one person in this kind of vote, so Lin Chunmei was so conflicted. Lin Chunmei turned to look at Yuan Xiangqin, but found that Yuan Xiangqin had already written something on the form.

"Xiangqin!" Lin Chunmei suddenly called out to Yuan Xiangqin, "Who did you choose? Show me now!"

Yuan Xiangqin quickly put the form away, held it in her arms, and shook her head, "No... No..."

Lin Chunmei blinked and grinned, "Hey, is there something going on..." Then she stood up suddenly and tried to grab Yuan Xiangqin.

Yuan Xiangqin ran quickly protecting the form, avoiding Lin Chunmei. The two of them chased each other in the classroom. Liu Yanong watched for a while with a smile, picked up a pen and filled in a name on his own form without hesitation.

Lin Chunmei failed to stop Yuan Xiangqin. The person in charge of collecting the forms came to collect them. Lin Chunmei had to quickly fill in her name on the form. She listened to Liu Yanong and wrote Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng together.

After that, no matter how Lin Chunmei questioned and interrogated Yuan Xiangqin, she still failed to get Yuan Xiangqin to confess, so she had to give up.

After the forms were collected, the Student Union announced the new campus beauties and campus hunks the next day.

The school hunk: Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng from Class A of Grade 1. The school belle: Xu Qiya from Class A of Grade 2.

The girls in Class A of Grade One have also been talking about the school hunk selection recently. Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo, who are the focus of everyone's discussion, naturally know about it. When someone comes to congratulate them on becoming the hunk of Dounan Middle School...

Jiang Zhishu's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes became a little colder. "Is there nothing else you can do in your life?"

The students in class A felt like they were being blown by a cold wind and shivered. The students who were the first to be hit were filled with regret. Why, why, why did they have to be so rude to provoke Jiang Zhishu! They were simply asking for an insult!

"Haha." Azhuo laughed as if he found it very interesting, with his eyes curved. He was completely different from his deskmate Jiang Zhishu.

One is like spring and the other is like winter...

Jiang Zhishu looked at his not-so-familiar deskmate. It was just the third day of school, and apart from greeting each other on the first day, they hadn't had any conversation since then.

Jiang Zhishu always arrives at school earlier than Azhuo, and Azhuo always enters the classroom on time when the bell rings. After sitting down next to Jiang Zhishu, he will turn his head and smile at Jiang Zhishu. Jiang Zhishu was confused about how to respond at first... after all, he is not a person who is used to smiling.

But before he could hesitate for two seconds, the other party turned around and concentrated on his own thing, with no intention of waiting for his reaction at all.

From childhood to adulthood, Jiang Zhishu has been known by his surroundings as a person who doesn't talk much. He is silent most of the time, so don't expect him to take the initiative to talk to others.

As for Azhuo, if someone talks to him, he will look at you with a gentle smile, but his reply is always brief and concise, such as "Oh." "Yeah." "Really." "Got it." "Thank you."

But because of Azhuo's sincere eyes and gentle smile, no one minded, and even felt that Jin Yuanfeng was a very gentle and easy to get along with person, so many people liked to find Jin Yuanfeng to communicate with each other during breaks.

According to Jiang Zhishu's observations over the past two days, his deskmate never spoke more than five words in a sentence when talking to others.

Moreover, during break time, his deskmate would lie down on the table, and there was only one word to describe him: "lazy".

As for why he was paying so much attention to his deskmate... Jiang Zhishu was stunned, looking at Azhuo who seemed to be smiling happily at this time, "Don't you feel bored?"

"Hmm?" Ah Zhuo blinked and quickly understood what Jiang Zhishu meant. He held up the selection result sent by his classmates and said with a smile, "This one?"

Jiang Zhishu nodded.

"Interesting." Azhu also nodded.

Jiang Zhishu looked at Azhu for a while, then turned around, took out the book and started reading it seriously.

Ah, the second conversation Jiang Zhishu initiated ended just like that. As for the first one? It was the one when they chose seats.

Ah Zhuo also turned his head and continued to lie on his stomach. The classmate next to him said cautiously, "I heard that the student union is going to hold a welcome dance. Who will you invite as your dance partner, Jin Yuanfeng? In the past, the school beauty and the school hunk would open the dance together. This year, I wonder how you two school hunks will be arranged."

Azhuo was still lying down. Everyone was used to his lazy posture. Azhuo smiled and said, "It doesn't matter."

Jiang Zhishu, who was reading a book, glanced over absentmindedly. Because Azhuo was lying with his head facing outside to talk to his classmates, Jiang Zhishu could only see the back of Azhuo's head. Jiang Zhishu retracted his gaze and continued reading the book.

The bell rang, and the students who were playing around quickly returned to their seats. Jiang Zhishu put away the book he was reading, and his deskmate Azhuo also sat up straight, rubbed his eyes, and straightened his posture.

"Today we are electing class leaders. You can sign up yourself or recommend a classmate, and then we will vote to decide." Wen Zhenguan said today's task with a smile.

The lazy Azhuo did not move. He neither signed up nor showed any intention of recommending others. He looked as if it had nothing to do with him.

Jiang Zhishu glanced at his deskmate and sat firmly in his seat, with no intention of joining in the fun.

Although the two people at the same table did the same thing, they understood each other. Azhuo knew that Jiang Zhishu didn't care, and Jiang Zhishu also knew that Azhuo was lazy...

Yes, even though they had only been together for three days, Jiang Zhishu already knew very well how lazy his deskmate was.

But Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo, who ranked first in the school, were popular candidates recommended by their classmates even if they did not sign up themselves. When the first item, class monitor, was selected, the votes for the two were almost the same...

When the votes were reported, it turned out to be a tie again...

The students in class A, including the class teacher Wen Zhenguan, all felt that Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng were really doomed to fail...

With the same number of votes, who should be the class monitor?

Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo looked at each other. Jiang Zhishu only saw his deskmate open his mouth and took the initiative to talk to him for the first time.

"You do it." Azhuo said without hesitation.

Jiang Zhishu was silent for a while and asked, "Why?"

"Trouble." Azhuo said lazily.

Jiang Zhishu's breathing became a little disordered, but returned to normal after a moment. He nodded indifferently, "Okay."

Ah Zhuo immediately smiled, stood up and said, "Teacher, Jiang Zhishu has agreed to be the class monitor."

This was the most enthusiastic and longest sentence Jiang Zhishu had ever heard his deskmate say, except for the speech. Jiang Zhishu was really...

Wen Zhen looked at Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo, smiled and nodded at Jiang Zhishu, then looked at Azhuo, "Then Jin Yuanfeng will be the study committee member."

don't want……

Jiang Zhishu believed that he definitely saw this word from the look in his deskmate's eyes.

Azhuo's smile collapsed, "Can we not do it?"

Wen Zhenguan is another person besides Jiang Zhishu who sees through Azhuo's lazy nature. Wen Zhenguan smiled at Azhuo and said, "No."

Azhuo sat back in his chair and leaned back on the table.

Jiang Zhishu lowered his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, it was really... interesting...

His desk mate.

After the class leaders have been selected and the two classes are over, the class will officially begin when the bell rings again.

The math teacher is a middle-aged man, a little fat and a little bald, a very ordinary person.

The male students who were expecting a beautiful teacher were very disappointed, and the female students who were expecting a handsome teacher were also very disappointed. However, the female students looked at Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo, and fortunately they still had two handsome guys to look at.

The day passed by without any incident. When the school bell rang, the students quickly packed their textbooks and school bags.

Jiang Zhishu had also finished packing, but Azhuo was still slowly putting books into his bag. Jiang Zhishu did not urge Azhuo to move aside, and Azhuo did not seem to think of letting Jiang Zhishu go first, and continued to move slowly...

So when there were only a few people left in the classroom, Azhuo came out with his schoolbag, and then Jiang Zhishu came out. Then Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu left the classroom together.

When I left the classroom, I found that there were a lot of people crowded outside the corridor of Class A.

When Azhu saw that the road was blocked, he stopped and blinked in confusion.

Jiang Zhishu, who was walking behind Azhu, naturally stopped and saw many students gathered together, looking at one place with excited eyes.

"Please be my dance partner, Jiang Zhishu." The girl with delicate and pretty looks like a doll smiled confidently and said to Azhuo who was a little dazed.

"Please be my dance partner, Jiang Zhishu." The girl, who looked delicate and pretty like a doll, smiled confidently and said to the dazed Azhuo. (The last sentence is for protection.)

The author is addicted to reading novels in the warm bed... so he doesn't want to get out of bed to write until the last minute...

Aaaah, what should I do? I really want to stay in bed all the time in winter!!!

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 76 Playful Kiss (Part 4)
Chapter 76 Playful Kiss (Part 4)

Jiang Zhishu,

Ah Zhuo looked back at Jiang Zhishu, and his eyes met Jiang Zhishu's. Ah Zhuo squinted and smiled, then looked back at the girl, "Classmate, you are looking for me."

"Yes." The girl smiled sweetly, revealing a pair of cute dimples on both sides of her cheeks, "I'm Xu Qiya from Class A, Grade 12."

Azhuo laughed, and the people around him who knew Azhuo, especially the students in Class A, also laughed.

Xu Qiya didn't understand and blinked in confusion.

"Boring." Jiang Zhishu walked out from behind Azhuo and left with big strides. I don't know if it was because Jiang Zhishu's aura was too strong, but wherever Jiang Zhishu passed, the students made way for him without him saying anything.

Jiang Zhishu's boring words undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Xu Qiya. She had been beautiful and had a good family background since she was a child. Her grades were also among the best. She had always been the object of envy of girls and admiration of boys. This was the first time she was ridiculed by a boy like this!

Although, Jiang Zhishu was just stating a fact, Jiang Zhishu really felt bored... He was not mocking Xu Qiya, he would never do such a boring thing as mocking others.

"How rude!" Xu Qiya glared at Jiang Zhishu's back angrily, "Is he Jin Yuanfeng? He's so annoying, he's not even as good as Jiang Zhishu!"

Jiang Zhishu paused.

"Cough cough." Azhuo coughed dryly.

The classmates who knew Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu looked at Xu Qiya with subtle expressions.

"Actually..." Ah Zhuo looked at Xu Qiya with sympathy, "I'm Jin Yuanfeng."

"What?" Xu Qiya widened her eyes in surprise, full of disbelief.

The classmates around nodded one after another. A girl who had talked to Azhuo several times stood up to prove what Azhuo said, "Yes, he is Jin Yuanfeng." Then she did not forget to mock Xu Qiya, "You can't even tell the difference between Jin Yuanfeng and Jiang Zhishu."

Xu Qiya's face was filled with embarrassment. The confident smile she had earlier disappeared. Her face turned red, and she felt ashamed and embarrassed. What had happened? How could she have gotten the name wrong? This was such a disgrace...

Jiang Zhishu turned around and glanced at Xu Qiya. Xu Qiya was afraid that the other party would say something sarcastic again, so she frowned nervously.

Jiang Zhishu seemed to feel that saying one more word was redundant, so he turned around and continued walking.

Ah Zhuo raised his hand and yawned, then waved to Xu Qiya and followed Jiang Zhishu away, "Goodbye, classmate."

Xu Qiya opened her mouth, but in the end she was too embarrassed to invite Azhu to be her dance partner again. Her face turned red and white, and when she saw that there were many classmates watching the show around her, she turned around and left.

The protagonists disappeared, the audience looked at each other, laughed for a while and then left. However, I believe that this farce today will be circulated in the school for a long time.

Yuan Xiangqin, Lin Chunmei and Liu Yanong, a trio who also received the news and rushed over to watch the excitement, left the school together at this time, while discussing what had just happened.

Lin Chunmei laughed and said, "What happened to Xu Qiya? She could have mistaken someone for someone else. Haha."

"And he also said bad things about Jiang Zhishu." Liu Yanong nodded.

"Didn't she say Jin Yuanfeng?" Yuan Xiangqin's brain wasn't working very well.

"Stupid, she was talking about Jiang Zhishu, but she thought Jiang Zhishu was Jin Yuanfeng, so she said Jin Yuanfeng's name. Do you understand?" Liu Yanong explained to Yuan Xiangqin with a helpless smile.

"Ah..." Yuan Xiangqin responded, then scratched her head, "It's so complicated..."

"Stupid..." Lin Chunmei looked at Yuan Xiangqin helplessly.

Yuan Xiangqin pouted, but didn't know how to refute, so she kept her mouth shut.

Jiang Zhishu's home and Azhuo's home are on different roads. At this intersection, Jiang Zhishu should go straight, and Azhuo should turn left.

Jiang Zhishu stopped and looked back at Azhuo who was a few steps behind him. Azhuo saw Jiang Zhishu stop and stopped as well, not knowing why. However, Azhuo remained silent and never spoke.

Jiang Zhishu looked at the distance between him and Azhuo, which was about seven or eight steps away. He had something to say, but at this distance... Jiang Zhishu thought it was too silly to raise his voice and shout, so Jiang Zhishu walked back a few steps and stopped when he was two steps away from Azhuo, "Student Jin Yuanfeng."

"Hmm?" Azhu tilted his head and hummed.

"The classmate just now came to invite you." Jiang Zhishu said in a flat tone, as if stating a fact.

"Hmm?" Azhuo's expression didn't change, he just blinked and said "hmm" again.

Jiang Zhishu seemed a little helpless, but he returned to normal after a moment, "They must have got our names wrong."

"Yeah." Azhu nodded, still with a "hmm", but he removed the questioning tone and changed it to an affirmative sentence.

Jiang Zhishu didn't know how to answer...

Seeing that Jiang Zhishu didn't say anything for a long time, Azhuo blinked again and asked with a little doubt: "So?"

Finally it’s not… Jiang Zhishu felt complicated about the sudden sense of accomplishment.

"She invited you to be her dance partner, I just wanted to say this." Jiang Zhishu put his hands in his trouser pockets and turned away silently.

"Your IQ is very high, right?" Azhuo said six words this time.

Jiang Zhishu also reacted quickly. Six words, the current highest record, and then he felt bored again. Why count this! Jiang Zhishu turned around and faced Azhuo again. After all, the other party was talking to him. It was not polite to talk to someone with your back turned. However, in a short period of time, he turned around three times...

Jiang Zhishu felt that he was indeed too bored. He put aside those inexplicable thoughts and answered Azhuo's question: "IQ 200."

Jiang Zhishu's tone was just stating the facts, without any tone of boasting.

"But the eq is very low." Azhuo said another six words.

"What?" Jiang Zhishu frowned slightly.

"Don't I know who invited you?" This time Azhuo said a long sentence with more than ten words. After he finished speaking, Azhuo adjusted the strap of his schoolbag and turned into the alley on the left with a lazy expression on his face.

Jiang Zhishu stopped where he was and saw Azhuo turn into another street and disappear from sight. Then Jiang Zhishu turned around and continued walking.

EQ is low... Jiang Zhishu still had no expression on his face, but his heart was a little moved. Why did he say such stupid things? His deskmate was a smart guy. How could he not respond to the invitation because he didn't know? Saying that he had a low EQ meant that he had no sense of judgment...

Jiang Zhishu walked to the door of his house, but before he could knock, the door was opened by Jiang Yushu who saw Jiang Zhishu coming back from the window. Jiang Yushu rushed over and hugged Jiang Zhishu's hand and said happily: "Brother, you're back!"

Jiang Zhishu patted his brother on the head, "Well, has Yuki finished his homework?"

Jiang Yushu nodded immediately, smiled happily and said, "It's done! I finished it at school! Brother, mom made a cake, let's go eat it together!"

Jiang Zhishu's legs stiffened and he really didn't want to move. It wasn't because the cake his mother made was not delicious, but because Jiang Zhishu didn't like sweets, especially the sweetest of all desserts, cake. Cake was definitely at the top of Jiang Zhishu's list of the foods he hated the most.

And Jiang Zhishu’s mother…

Mother Jiang is a housewife with a... somewhat nonsensical personality. Mother Jiang wanted a daughter very much, but the two she gave birth to were both sons. Mother Jiang, who was eager to have a daughter, raised Jiang Zhishu as a daughter since she was a child, dressing Jiang Zhishu in skirts and braiding her hair...

This was Jiang Zhishu's nightmare since he was a child. It was not until he grew up and Yuki was born that Jiang Zhishu escaped from his mother's clutches.

Jiang's mother usually likes to buy some things that girls like for Jiang Zhishu and Jiang Yushu, such as dolls and pink quilts with lace...

All of them were rejected by Jiang Zhishu and his friends, and then Jiang's mother started to set up a room specifically for these things, and finally simply made a princess room for girls to live in.

From this, we can see how much Jiang's mother loves her daughter and wants her to be with her... When Jiang Zhishu entered high school, unlike other parents who were afraid that their children would fall in love too early, Jiang's mother's expectation for Jiang Zhishu was that he could have a girlfriend!

Of course, this is also because Jiang's mother is very confident and trustful of Jiang Zhishu.

Mother Jiang has another big hobby, which is making cakes! All kinds of cakes! She makes them as snacks for her family every day.

Jiang Yushu is still a child, and he really likes cakes. Jiang's father can also let his wife eat some. Only Jiang Zhishu is forced to eat by Jiang's mother every time. He pretends to be pitiful and cries that his cooking skills are not good and his son doesn't like it...

Now, sitting on the chair, looking at the big piece of cake that belonged to him on the dining table, Jiang Zhishu's expression finally changed, "Mom, this is for me alone?"

Unbelievable! This is almost half a cake! Not to mention that he would not be able to eat dinner after eating this, Jiang Zhishu might even be poisoned by the cake!

Mother Jiang chuckled, took out a knife, cut two-thirds of it, put it in a delicate box, and put it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. "I forgot, these need to be put in the refrigerator..."

Jiang Zhishu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take it to school tomorrow," Jiang's mother continued.

Jiang Zhishu's breath got stuck in his throat and he started to cough. Oh my god, could the cake be his lunch tomorrow? Jiang Zhishu felt that he would rather go hungry...

Jiang Zhishu had already realized that he couldn't beat his mother in this regard. He ate the cake in front of him silently and didn't comment on the one in the refrigerator. The worst that could happen was that he would just skip lunch tomorrow...

Just hungry...

However, there was still a hint of helplessness in Jiang Zhishu's eyes. Teenage boys are in the period of growing up, their appetite increases dramatically, and they often feel hungry. As the old saying goes, 'the little brats can eat the old man out of house and home.'

Jiang Zhishu decided that he must eat more for dinner and breakfast tomorrow, hoping that he could get through lunch...

Jiang Zhishu decided that he must eat more for dinner and breakfast tomorrow, hoping that he could get through lunch... (The last sentence is for caution.)

Aww, if I hadn't set the alarm, I would have forgotten that I had to get up to write...

I haven't finished watching it for three days. It's really a torture for me. I can't bear to go to bed every night! If my mother didn't forbid me to stay up all night, I would definitely...

⊙﹏⊙b Sweat, I couldn’t finish it even if I stayed up all night, I only watched less than half of it in three days…

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 77 Playful Kiss (V)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

So at dinner time, Jiang Zhishu usually eats two bowls of rice, but today he has already got his third bowl of rice. Jiang's mother asked in confusion, "Zhishu, you are so hungry today, did you not eat enough at school at noon?"

"Ah..." Jiang Zhishu came back with a bowl of rice and sat down. He nodded awkwardly when he heard his mother's question. He couldn't say that he was storing food for tomorrow. "Yeah, I'm so hungry."

"Is that so? Then I'll prepare some more food for you at noon. I can't let Naoki go hungry at school." Mother Jiang looked at her baby son distressedly, "I'll bake a cake later."

Jiang Zhishu couldn't help wanting to vomit blood.

Jiang Zhishu's face twitched a little. Afraid that his mother would notice something was wrong, he lowered his head and pretended to concentrate on picking up the food, then replied, "Okay..."

No matter whether I eat it or not, I have to agree to it first. Otherwise, if my mother knows my plan, she will not let me go...

Jiang Yushu, who was sitting next to Jiang Zhishu, rolled his eyes with a mischievous look on his face. While Jiang's mother was picking up food for Jiang's father and talking, Jiang Yushu quietly touched Jiang Zhishu's hand with his elbow and whispered, "Brother, can you eat so much cake?"

Jiang Zhishu glanced at Jiang Yushu. In response to his brother's teasing, Jiang Zhishu sighed inwardly, then turned his head and ate his meal silently. Well, after finishing this bowl, I'm almost at my limit. If I eat more, I'll have indigestion at night...

The next morning, Mother Jiang was the first to get up. She was busy preparing breakfast and then went to call her husband and sons to get up.

Jiang Zhishu went downstairs carrying his schoolbag and started to eat breakfast quickly again, eating twice as much as usual. Mother Jiang looked at her husband and son eating the delicious meal with a smile on her face and felt extremely happy.

Jiang Zhishu had the earliest class time, so he was the first to get up and go out. Seeing Jiang Zhishu sitting up and starting to carry his school bag, Jiang's mother quickly got up and took out the prepared cake from the refrigerator, "Naoshu, take your lunch!"

"Is this all you can eat for lunch?" Father Jiang saw that there was only cake, and hesitantly said to Mother Jiang, "It's not good to eat only cake. Cake can't be eaten as a main meal."

Jiang Zhishu looked at Jiang's mother with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Mother Jiang persistently put the cake into Jiang Zhishu's schoolbag. Jiang Zhishu's heart sank. Mother Jiang stuffed a bottle of milk into his schoolbag, and Father Jiang shut his mouth and stopped talking.

Jiang Zhishu said with a hint of loss in his voice, "I'm going to school." Then he turned and left home.

When Jiang Zhishu arrived at school, it was still early for class. He walked into the classroom and sat down. Looking at the empty seat next to him, Jiang Zhishu thought to himself that his deskmate had to come to class on time every day. He was really lazy to a certain extent.

But unexpectedly, within a few minutes, that lazy figure appeared at the door.

Azhuo stopped at the door of Class A, his chest heaving with rapid breathing, obviously after exercising. He walked to his seat and sat down, but he still hadn't completely calmed down.

Jiang Zhishu's eyes flashed with surprise. His deskmate came so early? And his breathing was so chaotic. What did he do? However, the two of them were not familiar with each other, so Jiang Zhishu did not ask and lowered his head to continue reading his book.

Azhuo frowned. As soon as he sat down, he smelled a familiar smell, a sweet smell of chocolate and cake. A memory flashed through Azhuo's mind.

Wrinkling his nose and taking a breath, Azhuo set his sights on his deskmate, "Cake?"

Jiang Zhishu was stunned, and looked up at Azhuo, confirming that his deskmate was talking to him. Cake...did he smell it? Jiang Zhishu nodded, "Yes, I brought cake."

"Black Forest?" Azhuo still looked at Jiang Zhishu and asked, glancing at Jiang Zhishu, as if he was looking at where Jiang Zhishu hid the cake, and he also took a closer look at Jiang Zhishu's pockets.

Jiang Zhishu felt a little embarrassed when Azhuo looked at him. Who would put a cake in the pocket of his clothes? Putting down the book he was reading, Jiang Zhishu took out his schoolbag from the desk, opened it, and took out the huge cake that Jiang's mother had packed for him.

Then he saw his deskmate, who had been lazy all the time, eyes light up.

Jiang Zhishu put the cake in front of Azhuo and asked, "Do you want to eat it?"

"Is it okay?" Azhuo hasn't eaten this for a long time, and now when he smells it, he really wants to try it.

Jiang Zhishu opened the box and indicated with his actions that he was willing to share the food with his deskmate.

So Azhu took the spoon from Jiang Zhishu and started eating without hesitation.

Seeing his deskmate eating happily, Jiang Zhishu did not continue reading the book he had just read. Instead, he kept watching his deskmate eat the cake. It was such a big piece, but his deskmate finished it very quickly. Jiang Zhishu could not help asking, "Didn't you have breakfast?"

If he had eaten breakfast, how could he eat so much? Is his stomach made of rubber? Jiang Zhishu glanced at his deskmate's stomach, which was not bulging at all.

"I ate it." Azhuo contentedly took the last bite of cake and burped, "I feel so full."

The corners of Jiang Zhishu's mouth turned up slightly.

He seemed quite happy, but why was he happy? Was he relieved that the cake was finally gone? Or did he think his deskmate looked funny?

I don’t know if it’s because he ate Jiang Zhishu’s food, but Jiang Zhishu felt that his deskmate’s attitude towards him became a little closer, and he actually took the initiative to pull him aside to chat.

After finishing the cake, Ah Zhuo lay down on the table as usual, but his face was facing Jiang Zhishu. He glanced at the books on Jiang Zhishu's table and asked, "Do you like reading?"

Jiang Zhishu nodded. Because he had been a genius since childhood, Jiang Zhishu actually didn't have much of a childhood. He seldom played games with other children. Jiang Zhishu liked to read books since he was young. For Jiang Zhishu, books were his best playmates.

Of course, it’s not that Jiang Zhishu’s parents forbid Jiang Zhishu from playing with other children and force him to read books.

It was Jiang Zhishu himself who was unwilling to play with children. The reason he was willing to play was because Jiang Zhishu was too smart. He felt that children of the same age were too childish and did things that were too childish. It would be better to read books than to play games or anything like that.

"What book is it?" Because the book was open, Azhu couldn't see the title.

Jiang Zhishu closed the book and lifted the pages to show Azhuo. It turned out to be a book on geometry theory.

Azhu nodded and continued to lie down with his eyes closed, indicating that the conversation was over.

Jiang Zhishu opened the book and continued reading from where he was before.

Then everything was the same as usual, the teacher was lecturing at the podium, and the students were listening carefully and occasionally taking notes.

Except Azhuo.

Jiang Zhishu looked at his deskmate worriedly. He seemed to be in a bad condition. Although his deskmate looked tired and weak every day, he would only lie on the desk during his spare time. He would always sit upright during class.

And now, the math teacher was giving a lecture while his deskmate was lying on the table.

The class for class A is math. The middle-aged male teacher with a small belly is a serious man and is very strict with his students. His class absolutely does not allow slacking off, sleeping and other disciplinary violations. So when he saw someone lying on the table as if sleeping, the math teacher immediately got angry. When he was about to scold, he realized that the person sitting in that position was Jin Yuanfeng.

Jin Yuanfeng, the top student admitted to the school, how could such an excellent student deliberately disrupt the class? The teacher quickly reacted and wondered if there was something hidden?

So the math teacher stepped down from the podium and walked over to Azhuo, asking in a gentle voice, "Student Jin Yuanfeng, what's wrong with you?"

A student who was caught sleeping in class by the math teacher was slapped awake and scolded, then kicked out and made to stand outside the classroom as punishment. He was in tears. This is definitely unfair treatment!

Azhu raised his head, and the math teacher and Jiang Zhishu, who was paying attention to Azhu, immediately noticed that Jin Yuanfeng's face looked wrong and sweat was coming out of his forehead.

Jiang Zhishu's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that his deskmate had always looked so weak because he was ill, and now he was having an attack?

The math teacher made a prompt decision and assigned Jin Yuanfeng's deskmate Jiang Zhishu to ask, "Jiang Zhishu, please take Jin Yuanfeng to the school doctor for a checkup."

Jiang Zhishu nodded, stood up, and helped his sick deskmate out of the classroom.

Jiang Zhishu, who had been worried about his deskmate all the way, finally sent him to the infirmary. When the school doctor saw that a student was sick, he immediately examined the student, and then his face looked very troubled.

Jiang Zhishu panicked when he saw the school doctor's abnormal expression. Could it be a serious illness?

"Teacher, what happened to Jin Yuanfeng?" Jiang Zhishu asked with concern.

"He...seems to have eaten too much." The school doctor replied with a troubled look on his face.

Jiang Zhishu: “…”

The school doctor had a strange look on his face as he used some traditional remedies on Azhu. He drew some blood from his finger and then prescribed some stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablets.

The folk remedy was very effective. After putting some blood on his finger, Azhuo felt that the discomfort gradually disappeared and his complexion became better.

To be on the safe side, they took a few more digestive tablets. Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu thanked them and left. The school doctor also advised, "Don't eat so much in the future."

Even someone like Azhuo who has lived for so long couldn't help but feel ashamed...

So on the way back to the classroom, Ah Zhuo kept a straight face and said nothing. Jiang Zhishu glanced at his deskmate and thought to himself, was he also at fault? If he hadn't given the cake to his deskmate, he wouldn't have... eaten too much...

So Jiang Zhishu said with a hint of apology in his tone: "Jin Yuanfeng, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you eat that cake."

It's not relevant to bring up this issue.

Azhuo glared at Jiang Zhishu, then continued walking without saying a word, but he quickened his pace a little, leaving Jiang Zhishu a little behind, refusing to walk side by side with Jiang Zhishu.

Ah Zhuo glared at Jiang Zhishu, then continued walking without saying a word, but he quickened his pace a little, leaving Jiang Zhishu a little behind, refusing to walk side by side with him. (The last sentence is for protection.)

Aaaaaaa, it's too late.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 78 Playful Kiss (VI)
Chapter 78 Playful Kiss (VI)

Jiang Zhishu, who was accused by Azhu of having low emotional intelligence, reacted quickly at this time. He thought that his deskmate must be feeling embarrassed that he brought up the topic again... Jiang Zhishu closed his mouth and said nothing more.

When they returned to the classroom, the get out of class was over. Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu returned to their seats. Azhuo smiled and said to all the students who came to ask about him, "Thank you, I'm fine."

When his classmates asked him why he felt uncomfortable, Azhuo never gave a direct answer.

At lunch time at noon, Azhu, who had just experienced an overeating incident, naturally did not plan to eat. However, seeing that Jiang Zhishu was not eating either, but reading a book, Azhu wondered, could it be that the cake he ate in the morning was Jiang Zhishu's lunch?

Azhu took out the lunch box prepared by Jin's mother and placed it on Jiang Zhishu's desk.

Jiang Zhishu was stunned and looked at his deskmate with some confusion. He originally thought that because of the embarrassing incident in the morning, the relationship between him and his deskmate, which was slowly becoming familiar with each other, would be paused or return to the initial state of unfamiliarity. However, he did not expect that his deskmate was now as if nothing had happened.

"I don't want to eat lunch." Azhuo said lightly, then turned around and lay down on the table to take a nap.

Jiang Zhishu looked at his deskmate for a while before opening the lunch box.

After the Chinese language class in the afternoon, Wen Zhenguan, who was also a part-time class teacher, smiled and told the students before school was over: "We will hold a welcome dance in the auditorium tomorrow afternoon."

The students cheered happily, and then the boys thought about how to invite beautiful female classmates to be dance partners, and the girls thought about which beautiful skirt to wear to the dance...

In the whole class, only Ah Zhuo and Jiang Zhishu were quiet. Ah Zhuo propped his chin with his hand, squinting his eyes, still looking lazy. Jiang Zhishu quietly put books into his schoolbag, obviously not caring about the dance.

As soon as Wenzhen Guanyi announced the end of school, the students in Class A left their seats. Those who knew each other gathered together and started chattering. Some of the bolder boys directly found their targets and went to the female classmates they liked to make reservations for dance partners.

And the girls...

The area where Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu were located was attacked by many girls' eyes. All kinds of nervous, expectant, admiring... eyes fell on Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu. There was no doubt that these two school handsome guys were the most popular dance partners for the dance.

However, neither of them had any intention of looking for a dance partner. Although all students had to participate in the welcome dance, not everyone had to dance. If you didn't want to dance, it was okay to sit aside and eat some snacks or drink some drinks.

So Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu got up and left without any pressure, no matter how many female classmates were sad and disappointed.

The next day, during the after-school hours, some girls who were obviously not from Class A would stop outside the corridor of Class A. They all wanted to attend the dance with Azhuo or Jiang Zhishu.

But after all, they were all girls and were rather thin-skinned. Most of them just hung around outside the classroom for a while. When they saw that neither Azhuo nor Jiang Zhishu came out, they didn't dare to call them out, so they just walked away with their heads down in annoyance.

At the beginning of each school year at Dounan Middle School, the student union would organize a competition for the school beauties and school hunks, and at every year's welcome dance, the people who would perform the opening dance would be the school beauties and school hunks of that year.

This year, there are two school handsome men, Kim Won-bong and Jiang Naoshu, but only one school beauty.

The student union was still worried about how to arrange this. So they first asked the school beauty Xu Qiya. Xu Qiya was a sophomore and was not familiar with the new freshmen. Although she had heard of Jin Yuanfeng and Jiang Zhishu, she had never met them.

So the student union took Xu Qiya to identify them, but unexpectedly, Xu Qiya somehow matched Jin Yuanfeng and Jiang Zhishu with the wrong numbers, causing a big mistake.

She wanted to invite Jin Yuanfeng to be her dance partner, but instead of calling out Jiang Zhishu's name, she said something bad about Jiang Zhishu while also mentioning Jin Yuanfeng's name, thus creating the first classic joke since the start of the school year.

Xu Qiya was too embarrassed to invite anyone again, and no one from Jin Yuanfeng or Jiang Zhishu invited her, so the matter of the dance partner was left unresolved.

In the end, it ended up like this: on the day of the welcome dance, two school handsome boys and one school beautiful girl came without dance partners, and no one came to dance the opening dance.

This year's welcome dance had some more game sessions compared to previous years. When the students entered, they were given a number tag that could be attached to their clothes, saying that it would be used in the game and that everyone would remember their number.

At the entrance, there was a person standing on each side, holding number tags and distributing them to students entering. However, the two people did not give them out to random people. Instead, they divided the work and one person distributed them to boys and the other to girls.

After a while, one of them suddenly had to pee urgently. He couldn't hold it any longer and seeing that there were fewer people coming in at this time, he told his companions and went to the bathroom.

But unexpectedly, just after that person left for a while, more people came suddenly, and the person who stayed behind was in a panic with two number plates in his hands.

Azhuo took the number plate, glanced at it casually to remember the number, and then put the number plate into his pocket.

Before the opening dance, the student union members found Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu and asked if they could dance with them.

Jiang Zhishu glanced at the student union members and said coldly, "Not interested."

Ah Zhuo found a rest area with chairs in the venue. He was the only one in the entire rest area. Others who came to the dance party were excited to join the crowd, standing together and chatting and laughing. Only Ah Zhuo looked for a place to sit as soon as he arrived...

The student union members never thought that someone would come to the dance party instead of having fun, and instead found a resting place to rest before the party even started… After the student union members finally found Ah Zhuo in the resting area, the boy who had been searching the entire venue for a long time asked breathlessly, “Jin…Jin…Yuanfeng, can you…dance for the opening?”

Ah Zhuo said lazily, "I can't jump."

The president of the student union who got the news looked up at the sky miserably, and then said to Xu Qiya: "How about I dance with you?"

Xu Qiya turned and left.

It is said that the current president of the Student Union of Dounan Middle School's campaign slogan was: I am ugly, but I am gentle.

Looking around, no one was going to go up, so the poor student union president dragged his vice president up and forced him to dance, which only earned him sparse applause and the disrespectful laughter of his classmates.

Because the vice president is a strong and muscular woman, which forms a funny contrast with the skinny and petite president.

Although there was no eye-catching opening dance by the school beauties and school hunks, the dance party still went on. Those who had already found dance partners pulled their partners down to the dance floor together. Those who didn't have dance partners searched the crowd and mustered up the courage to invite someone they liked to dance with...

Amid the bustle, the two people quietly drinking drinks and eating snacks in the rest area seemed particularly discordant.

Why two people?

It turned out that shortly after the dance started, Jiang Zhishu, who was not planning to join in the fun, also found the rest area and saw his deskmate. Although Jiang Zhishu did not smile, he nodded and greeted his deskmate.

Azhuo asked: "Why don't you go play?"

Jiang Zhishu replied: "Boring."

Azhu nodded in agreement.

Then the two of them were silent for a while, looked at each other, and both felt that it was awkward to sit there without talking, so they both started thinking about finding a topic to talk about.

Jiang Zhishu thought and thought, and remembered a multi-solution geometry problem he saw yesterday. It was said that there were six solutions. He had thought of four solutions yesterday, and he was still two short of the answer. So he brought up this geometry problem and discussed it with his deskmate.

Azhu listened to Jiang Zhishu's explanation of the problem, and then listened to Jiang Zhishu's four methods of solving the problem. Then he squinted his eyes and thought about it, and after a few minutes he came up with another solution.

Then the two people began to discuss, what is the remaining solution?

After they finished solving the geometry problem, Jiang Zhishu thought of an algebra problem, and the two of them started discussing it again...

In this way, Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu turned a dance party into an academic forum...

At the edge of the crowd, Yuan Xiangqin, who also danced without a partner, and Lin Chunmei, who was dancing with her, were invited to dance, and Liu Yanong took the initiative to invite a boy to dance with her.

Yuan Xiangqin didn't dare to invite boys actively, and no boys invited her, so Yuan Xiangqin was left alone.

Seeing her classmates having fun, Yuan Xiangqin felt like she couldn't join in and walked away disappointedly. Seeing an empty space with chairs available, Yuan Xiangqin decided to take a rest. When she got closer, she saw the school's celebrities, the two school idols, Jin Yuanfeng and Jiang Zhishu.

Yuan Xiangqin looked at the two people in confusion, wondering why Jin Yuanfeng and Jiang Zhishu didn't go dancing either? They definitely wouldn't be unable to find a dance partner like her...

Yuan Xiangqin watched for a while, and out of curiosity, she walked over to a place not far from Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu and sat down, listening to what they were talking about.

As a result, she heard a lot of definitions and proofs... Yuan Xiangqin's already slow brain was confused, but she finally figured out that the two were discussing study topics and were still studying hard at the dance party! Yuan Xiangqin felt that these two people really deserved to be the top students in Class A, and they studied so hard...

And herself... Yuan Xiangqin thought of her last place in class F and lowered her head in disappointment. She was such a bad person, she would definitely not be... would not be taken seriously by him...

The dance floor was bustling with activity, in the lounge area, Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu were holding an academic forum, and Yuan Xiangqin was complaining to herself...

Time passes by so quickly, so slowly...

The music stopped, and the MC took the microphone and said, "Our game is about to begin!"

The author has something to say:

The music stopped, and the MC took the microphone and said, "Our game is about to begin!" (The last sentence is for protection.)

I've been obsessed with watching it... I didn't go to bed until 4 o'clock last night, and woke up at 9 o'clock in the morning to go to the bathroom. I should have continued to sleep, but I continued watching it with my phone, and did so for the whole day... Oh my God, I'm so sleepy.

I was ready to write at 10 o'clock, but ended up having a big fight with my mom...

I was so angry that I just crawled into bed, covered my head with the quilt and said I would not write today because I was really not in the mood...

Afterwards, I lay down for a few minutes, thinking that I had been writing for a month with perfect attendance, and only this last day was left. It was really a shame to fail at the last minute...

Not reconciled!

So I got up and wrote another chapter.

Ahhhhhh!!! I don't know what to say, I'm so annoyed.

I haven't replied to the comments these days because I was saving time to read them. I'll reply in two days... By the way, I finally read two-thirds of it!

But I saw a few comments saying that Azhuo was arrogant, childish and out of shape or something?

Is there one? The one from the last chapter?

I don't feel like I'm being arrogant, I just feel a little awkward because I can't get over it.

Ah, I’m so sleepy. I’ll continue watching.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
Current location: Homepage › Other Novels › "When the Male Lead Falls in Love with the Male Supporting Role"
Chapter 79: Playful Kiss (Part 7)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

On the stage, the president of the student union drew five numbers from a box and handed them to the emcee, who opened them one by one and read out the numbers on the papers, "Students holding number 17, number 23, number 75, number 107, number 132, please come on stage."

There were 5 numbers, but there were 10 people on stage, 5 girls and 5 boys...


The emcee counted carefully. The girls who came on stage were 1, 2, 3, 4! There were only 4 of them! The boys were 1, 2, 3... 6, but there were 6 boys!

Some of them just put their number tags on their chests. Boys and girls with the same numbers stood together in a group. Then only Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu were left, looking at each other.

Jiang Zhishu took out his number plate, the blue number 107.

The MC looked at Azhuo anxiously and asked, "Student Jin Yuanfeng, what's your number?"

"107." Azhu glanced at Jiang Zhishu's number plate and took out a red number 107 from his pocket.

The emcee turned around with a look of despair, looked at the student union president in the audience and said, "The red number plates are for girls!"

The president of the student union gritted his teeth and turned around, slapping the two boys in charge of handing out numbers on the head, "What are you doing! Why did you give the girls' cards to the boys!"

But the show still had to go on, so the MC gritted his teeth and laughed dryly, saying, "Then Jin Yuanfeng and Jiang Zhishu are a group. Okay, let's start the game!"

Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu looked at each other, then walked between several groups of students and stood in the fourth position.

Among the mixed male and female teams, the gay pairing of Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu was quite awkward, and the students in the audience laughed together.

The MC wiped his sweat quietly, "Um... our first game, ahem..." The MC coughed dryly, looked at the president for help, and said with his eyes, "Do you really want to use this game?"

The president looked at her and said, "It's too late to change now, so let's just leave it like this!"

"Our game is called 'Brave Noodles'," the MC said, looking ready to die. "The rules of the game are that each team of two players eats a noodle from both ends together. The team that bravely eats the shortest noodle wins, and the losing team will be punished."

The students in the audience immediately screamed and made a noise. The four pairs of boys and girls on the stage looked at each other. The girls blushed with embarrassment, and the boys were also a little embarrassed.

Only Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu looked the calmest. Jiang Zhishu was still cold and cool. Azhuo looked at the MC and asked, "What's the punishment?"

Azhuo had seen everything and didn't care about such a small game at all. However, he was not interested in being made a laughing stock. Jiang Zhishu was the same. The two looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking. They just admitted defeat and accepted the punishment.

"The punishment is very simple, ahem..." the MC took a step back quietly, "It's just a kiss."

Azhuo looked at the emcee quietly, while Jiang Zhishu looked at him coldly.

The MC wiped his sweat again, dodged the two men's scary stares, and announced hastily: "Ahem, let the game begin!"

Ten people each picked up a pair of chopsticks and picked up one end of the noodles. At the command, everyone stuffed the noodles into their mouths and ate the noodles while looking at their partners...

The noodles are getting shorter and shorter, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer...

The shy girls' faces were already red. If Azhu had not asked what the punishment was before, many of them would have given up by now.

There was only about 4 centimeters of noodles left. The girls in the first group nervously bit off the noodles and quit!

There was only about 3 centimeters left of the noodles. The boys in the third group made a mistake and the noodles broke, so they had to quit!

There were only 2 cm left on the noodles, and only 1 cm left on the noodles... The lip distance with the partner was negligible... The second and fifth groups broke the noodles almost at the same time and quit!

As for the group of Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu, the distance was less than a millimeter, and the last bit of noodles went into Azhuo's mouth, and they won!

The students who liked to join in the fun were laughing and shouting. Because they were far away, they couldn't see clearly whether Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu touched their mouths. However, seeing that the two men looked nonchalant, everyone thought that they probably didn't.

So the students started to cheer for the four groups of students who lost, and shouted, "Kiss! Kiss!"

With this background sound, Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu turned around and walked off the stage, passing by several members of the Student Union. Azhuo also stuck the red number 107 plate on the chest of the Student Union President. Jiang Zhishu stopped behind Azhuo and stuffed the blue number 107 plate into the hands of the Student Union Vice President.

Sitting back in the rest area, away from the noise, Jiang Zhishu's ears became quieter and he could clearly feel his own heartbeat, "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The beating was particularly violent and rapid.

Only he himself knew that just now on the stage, the distance was not just close in appearance, but... they really touched!

Although it was so short that it was less than a second, there was indeed a moment when his deskmate's lips stayed on his lips! The sound of the heartbeat "Bang! Bang! Bang!" kept echoing in Jiang Zhishu's head...

Jiang Zhishu didn't say anything, and neither did Azhuo. There were only the two of them in the rest area. Although they were sitting together, neither of them even looked at each other. Jiang Zhishu's mind was as racing as a horse, with all sorts of thoughts running wild, while Azhuo had his chin supported by his hand and his eyes closed, and it was unclear whether he was sleeping or not.

I don’t know how much time had passed. The students were a little tired after playing enough. The emcee announced the end of the dance at a timely moment. Everyone began to leave. Gradually, most of the people in the auditorium left, and those who stayed started to clean up.

Jiang Zhishu was awakened by the sight of the empty auditorium. Was it over? Jiang Zhishu looked around and saw his deskmate was still there, leaning back with his eyes closed, as if he was still asleep.

Jiang Zhishu thought about it, reached out and patted his deskmate on the shoulder. His deskmate quickly opened his eyes with a clear look.

Azhuo gave a faint smile, "Is it over?"

Jiang Zhishu nodded, withdrew his gaze from his deskmate, stood up and walked out first.

Azhu also stood up and walked behind Jiang Zhishu. They returned to the classroom and packed their schoolbags silently. This time Azhu walked in front and Jiang Zhishu followed behind. They left the school gate one after another and walked through an alley. Azhu turned left and Jiang Zhishu walked straight ahead without looking around.

Just like usual, nothing seems to have changed.

The next day, the students who came to the classroom were chattering about yesterday's dance. Jiang Zhishu sat in his seat, reading a book with a sullen face.

Ah Zhuo yawned as he walked into the classroom, sat down at his seat, and smiled at Jiang Zhishu, "Good morning!"

Jiang Zhishu tightened his grip on the book, turned to look at his deskmate, and nodded without smiling, "Good morning."

Seeing Azhuo arrive in the classroom, the leaders of each group handed in all the homework they had collected, because Azhuo was the study committee member. Soon Azhuo's desk was filled with homework for various subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages...

Azhuo should send his homework to the teacher's office before class, but there are several piles of them... Azhuo frowned.

Putting the two piles together, Azhuo held the homework of two subjects in one hand. Although he picked it up, the shaky look made him look dangerous no matter how he looked at it.

Jiang Zhishu stood up and held up the homework that was about to fall down, and took half of it directly, "I want to go to the teacher's office too."

Azhu glanced at Jiang Zhishu, and Jiang Zhishu coughed and walked straight ahead, "I'm going to get the attendance sheet." This was an explanation.

The two quiet people didn't communicate along the way. When they arrived at the office, Jiang Zhishu knocked on the door. The person inside said, "Come in." Jiang Zhishu pushed the door open and walked in.

"It's classmate Jiang Zhishu..." Wen Zhenguan looked up and saw Jiang Zhishu, then saw the homework in Jiang Zhishu's hand, and Azhuo who followed in behind him, "Hey, classmate Jin Yuanfeng is here too, it's just right, you come over because we have something to talk about."

Jiang Zhishu looked back at Azhuo, who handed the homework in his hand to the desks of the teachers, and then took the homework from Jiang Zhishu and handed it over. Jiang Zhishu then went to stand by Wen Zhenguan, waiting for Azhuo to come over. Wen Zhenguan smiled and said, "Next month, there will be a competition in Taipei, a knowledge competition for high school students in Taiwan. Each grade will have two places, and the two places for our first grade students are you two."

"Knowledge contest?" Jiang Zhishu blinked. "What's the test?"

"We'll test everything." Wen Zhenguan took out two registration forms from a folder and handed them to Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu. "Chinese, science, mathematics... It's a comprehensive knowledge competition. There's still a month left. I hope you two will prepare well before the exam. Both of you have good grades, but you definitely have your own strengths, so more communication will be of great help."

Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu looked at each other, then nodded at Wen Zhen's point and said together, "Got it."

On the way back from the office, Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu both lowered their heads and looked at the registration form, which introduced the scope of the exam content. When he saw the history, Azhuo frowned. He really didn't know much about the history of Taiwan.

Jiang Zhishu noticed his deskmate frowning, his eyes flickered, and he asked, "Student Jin Yuanfeng, is there something wrong?"

"Well..." Azhuo smiled, "My history is not very good."

"Well...if you don't mind, I can help you catch up on some history." Jiang Zhishu said without hesitation.

"Thank you for your help." Azhuo certainly didn't mind and nodded to Jiang Zhishu with a smile.

"Then let's go to my house after school?" This was the first time Jiang Zhishu invited a classmate to his house. Jiang Zhishu's heart started beating "bang! bang!" again. In order to hide his nervousness, Jiang Zhishu lowered his head and looked at the registration form.

"Okay, sorry to bother you then!"

When Jiang Zhishu heard his deskmate agree without hesitation, his lips curved slightly.

When Jiang Zhishu heard his deskmate agree without hesitation, his lips curved slightly. (Be careful with the last sentence.)

I'm back! Hahaha!

The book I read, eh… is “The King’s Avatar” by Hudie Lan. The male supporting characters are so cute!!! So gay!!! Aaaah, I was having a nosebleed the whole time!!!

Too bad it didn't end.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
Current location: Homepage › Other Novels › "When the Male Lead Falls in Love with the Male Supporting Role"
Chapter 80: Playful Kiss (VIII)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

On the way home from school, Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo walked side by side. At the intersection where they separated every day, Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu said goodbye and turned left.

Hey... aren't we going to Jiang Zhishu's house for tutoring?

Time goes back to before school.

"There are so many subjects to be tested, why don't we study together before the competition, so that we can discuss and solve any problems we don't understand." Jiang Zhishu suggested. Because he was nervous, his voice was a little dry, but it couldn't be heard if you didn't pay attention.

Of course, Ah Zhuo heard it, and looked at Jiang Zhishu inexplicably. When Jiang Zhishu felt a little uneasy, Ah Zhuo smiled, nodded and said, "Okay."

Jiang Zhishu breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "When will the tutoring start?"

"Let's start tomorrow." Azhuo thought about it. In the past, Jin Yuanfeng would play outside until very late after school, but he always went home right after school. If he wanted to go for tutoring, he should go back and report to Jin's mother and father today so that they wouldn't worry.

So after school today, Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo went back to their respective homes to see their mothers.

When Azhuo returned home, Jin's father had not yet finished get off work. Jin's mother was washing vegetables and preparing dinner. When she saw Azhuo coming back, she immediately smiled and said with relief: "Jin is back. Today, I bought fish and made fish soup for Jin."

Ah Zhuo nodded, put down his schoolbag, went to the kitchen to wash his hands, and said, "Let me help."

"No, no." Mother Jin quickly shook her head and looked at her sensible son with satisfaction. "Ah Jin, go study. I will take care of these things."

Azhuo smiled and said nothing. He just took the kitchen knife and silently started to scale the fish.

Mother Jin's eyes felt sore and she turned around to pick vegetables with a smile.

"Mom, I will be home later tomorrow." Azhuo moved his hands skillfully. For him, this was a piece of cake.

"Huh? Are you going to play with Xiaobei and the others?" Mother Jin paused, a little worried. Her son always used to hang out with a few naughty kids from the neighborhood, but he became well-behaved after he entered high school and returned home on time every day.

"No." Ah Zhuo smiled and shook his head, "I want to study with my classmates."

"Really..." Jin's mother laughed dryly and asked casually, "Which classmate?" In the past, Jin often sneaked out to play under the pretext of tutoring with his classmates.

"My deskmate is the class monitor." Ah Zhuo certainly understood what Jin's mother was thinking, and had no intention of hiding it. "Next month, the class monitor and I are going to Taipei to participate in a competition."

"Really?" Mother Jin laughed happily, "Are you going to Taipei to participate in the competition? You must be very good, right?" Mother Jin's eyes were full of pride.

"Yes." Ah Zhuo nodded with a smile, "It's a knowledge competition for high school students across Taiwan."

"Good! Good! Good!" Mother Jin was so happy that she said three good words in a row, which was enough to show how happy she was now. Her son suddenly became sensible and motivated this year, making her proud in front of the neighbors. Now he is going to participate in a competition across Taiwan. It's really amazing!

"Go, go." Mother Jin immediately forgot her previous doubts and worries, and waved her hand, "Mom will leave a meal for you alone."

At Jiang Zhishu's house, a family of four was eating together around the dining table. Jiang Zhishu suddenly said, "Mom and Dad, I will bring my classmates back tomorrow."

Mr. and Mrs. Jiang opened their eyes wide with the same expression, surprise and shock. Their eldest son had grown up, but they had never heard that he had any good friends, and he had never brought any classmates home!

Is this the first time I heard my eldest son say that he wanted to bring his classmates home?

Father Jiang coughed, his eyes sparkling with curiosity, and asked, "Who is that classmate?"

"Yes, yes, is it a girl?" Jiang's mother looked at Jiang Zhishu with sparkling eyes, which made Jiang Zhishu feel very stressed.

"Is she pretty? Does she have a good personality?" Jiang's mother had imagined that her son had brought his future daughter-in-law to her house. "How did you two meet? Was she the girl that you, Naoki, actively pursued?"

Jiang Zhishu was sweating profusely, looking helplessly at his out-of-touch mother, "Don't make wild guesses, he's just a classmate."

Mother Jiang was disappointed for a moment, but she was not discouraged. Even if she was just a classmate, the person Naoki brought home was not an ordinary classmate. She must be a classmate with whom he had a good relationship and someone he liked. If they developed a relationship and cultivated it, it was very likely that it would be upgraded to lovers!

So Jiang's mother smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I will prepare delicious food tomorrow and take the students home early!"

Jiang Zhishu, who had long been accustomed to his mother's magical and erratic personality, simply lowered his head to eat and nodded perfunctorily, "Ah... OK..."

Jiang Yushu rolled his eyes and had a mischievous look on his face. No one knew what he was thinking about, but when he thought of something happy, he even laughed out loud.

Jiang Zhishu turned his head and looked at his brother who was grinning. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Yushu dangerously, "Yushu, what are you laughing at?"

Jiang Yushu's face froze. He looked at his brother Jiang Zhishu, shook his body, put away the frozen expression on his face, and smiled at his brother in a flattering way, "No, brother, I just... I thought of a funny joke!"

Jiang Zhishu squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Yushu for a long time. Jiang Yushu couldn't help thinking that his brother had seen through his thoughts. Jiang Zhishu turned his face away and whispered, "Don't try to do anything." Jiang Zhishu knew his brother's character very well. Apart from behaving well in front of his family, he actually liked to play mischief.

Jiang Yushu nodded obediently, but he didn't agree in his heart, and he was more determined to play a trick on his brother's classmate! In Jiang Yushu's opinion, his brother was the best and most powerful person, and those stupid girls were not worthy of his brother at all!

For some reason, everyone in the Jiang family firmly believed that the classmate Jiang Zhishu was going to bring back was a girl...

Jiang's mother's idea is: Naoki's female classmate must be treated well! Make her like this home!

Father Jiang’s idea is: his son has grown up and will find a girlfriend, and he cannot be a hindrance to him, so he must get off work early and go home tomorrow.

Jiang Yushu’s idea is: he must “treat” the female classmate who wants to trick his brother away!

In his own home, Azhuo coughed for no apparent reason... and coughed again... and coughed again...

Mother Jin looked at her son worriedly, "Ah Jin, did you catch a cold? Mommy will go get you some medicine!"

"No need." Azhuo shook his head, "I don't have a cold."

The next day after school, Azhuo followed Jiang Zhishu to his home. Azhuo thought for a moment and asked, "Jiang Zhishu, who is at home?"

Jiang Zhishu coughed and replied, "There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, and my younger brother."

Then he introduced himself to his deskmate, "My father runs a toy factory. He has to go to work every day and comes home late. My mother is a housewife. You will meet her later. She is... very warm and hospitable. My younger brother is in elementary school and has a naughty personality."

Ah Zhuo nodded and said with a smile: "Student Jiang Zhishu's family must be very happy."

Jiang Zhishu thought of his family, the corners of his mouth curled up, he nodded, and then said: "Classmate Jin Yuanfeng, just call me by my name."

"Naoki?" Azhuo smiled, "Then you can call me by my name too. My family and friends all call me Jin."

"Ah Jin." Jiang Zhishu nodded, "Okay."

When they arrived at Jiang Zhishu's house, the door was opened before Jiang Zhishu could open it. But this time it was not the naughty brother, but the mother with sparkling eyes...

Not only that, there was also her younger brother who loved to join in the fun beside her. Looking back, she saw her father who was trying hard to look serious and solemn sitting on the sofa in the living room.

The whole family is mobilized...

Jiang Zhishu felt a headache coming on, "Mom, Yushu, what are you doing?"

"Hey, Naoshu, you're back! Where are your classmates?" Mother Jiang smiled and pulled Jiang Zhishu in to make way, and then she saw the smiling Azhuo.

Mother Jiang was stunned when she saw Azhuo, then she smiled and said, "My classmate's hair...short hair, haha, short hair is good, it looks energetic!"

"It seems to be a boy." Jiang Yushu told the truth, exposing Jiang's mother's self-deception.

"Mom, Yuki!" Jiang Zhishu looked at his mother and brother threateningly, asking them to stop talking nonsense, and then introduced them to his deskmate: "This is my mother, and this is my brother Yuki."

"Hello, I am Naoki's classmate. My name is Jin Yuanfeng, and you can call me Ajin." Of course, Azhu heard the strange remarks of the Jiang family, but he still introduced himself with a smile.

"It's really a boy!" Jiang Yushu said affirmatively after hearing Azhuo's voice, and then he felt distressed. It's actually a boy, not a girl... What should he do with the "welcome ceremony" he prepared? Should he continue?

Mother Jiang patted Jiang Yushu on the head. She was disappointed but couldn't show it on her face. That would be too rude. Although she wasn't a girl, she was the first friend her eldest son brought home. She should treat her well. So Mother Jiang warmly welcomed Ah Zhuo into the house. "Ah Jin, hello, hello, welcome to our home."

Father Jiang in the room was also stunned when he saw that it was not a female classmate, but Father Jiang was a businessman after all, so he quickly recovered and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Naoki's father, you must be Naoki's classmate."

Azhuo greeted Jiang's father again.

Mother Jiang scratched her head in embarrassment, feeling a little conflicted. She originally thought that Naoki brought back a female classmate, and the food she prepared were all sweets that girls liked, such as cakes, biscuits and the like. Although she usually forced her husband and son to eat these things, it didn't mean that she didn't know that boys didn't like them.

Jiang Yushu glanced at Jiang's mother, smiled slyly, ran to the kitchen quickly and brought out the food prepared by Jiang's mother, then pretended to be a good boy, "Brother Jin, this is the food my mother specially prepared, do you like it?"

Jiang Yushu glanced at Jiang's mother, smiled slyly, ran to the kitchen quickly and brought out the food prepared by Jiang's mother, then pretended to be a good boy, "Brother Jin, this is the food my mother specially prepared, do you like it?" (The last sentence is for protection.)

I will continue writing and try to update one chapter today.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
Current location: Homepage › Other Novels › "When the Male Lead Falls in Love with the Male Supporting Role"
Chapter 81 Playful Kiss (Part 9)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

Undoubtedly seeing the devilish nature behind Jiang Yushu's good boy disguise, Azhuo smiled and took the plate, "Thank you, I like it very much."

Mother Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I prepared a lot. If you like, there's more." Then she happily went to get a few more snacks and asked the family to sit in a row. The Jiang family's daily snack time began.

Jiang Zhishu took a piece of cake from his plate with a cold face, just like every day before, neither sad nor happy.

Jiang Yushu ate happily, taking a bite of cake and drinking a sip of milk.

While eating, Father Jiang forced a happy smile to Mother Jiang and praised his wife with a thumbs up: "Wife, the cake you made is delicious!"

Mother Jiang laughed happily, patted Father Jiang on the shoulder, and then looked at the new guests in the house. Mother Jiang's expression became even happier!

The three small pieces of cake on the plate in front of Azhuo had disappeared. There was only one bite left on the fork in his hand. Azhuo swallowed it in one gulp, squinted his eyes in satisfaction, and said sincerely: "Aunt's cooking skills are really good. It's even more delicious than the ones bought in the cake shop!"

"Haha, really?" Jiang's mother laughed happily, and then pretended to be modest and said: "No, I'm not that great."

Jiang Yushu stared, how could this happen! He thought he could see this guy make a fool of himself! Just like his brother, every time he eats cake, it's like poison. This guy is not a child anymore, how can a big boy like to eat sweets!

Jiang Yushu doesn't believe it!

Jiang Zhishu looked at his deskmate's expression, which didn't seem fake, and thought of his previous feat of quickly destroying the Black Forest. Then he lowered his head with complicated eyes and looked at the two pieces of cake on his plate...

"Do you like it?" Jiang Zhishu pushed the plate in front of his classmate, "Then I'll give you all mine."

"Okay, thank you!" Azhu accepted the offer and picked up a piece and continued chewing.

One piece disappeared, two pieces disappeared, and another empty plate.

Azhuo ate happily, which made Jiang Zhishu horrified. However, when he saw that his quota had been eaten up, he felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

Ah, that damn sweet thing, it's so nice not to have to eat it! Jiang Zhishu was thinking in his mind that he would ask his deskmate to come to his house for tutoring this month, so that he could not eat that damn cake for a month...

Azhuo rubbed his stomach, picked up the milk and took a sip. Jiang Yushu gritted his teeth at his satisfied look!

No! No! This development is wrong!!!

Jiang Yushu came close to Azhuo and said, "Brother Jin, you and my brother go to the same school?"

"Yes." Azhu nodded.

Jiang Yushu chuckled, "I heard that your school divides classes according to grades. My brother is in Class A. What class are you in, Brother Jin?"

"We are in the same class." Azhu felt a little amused. The little guy's thoughts were clearly in his eyes, but he couldn't understand why the little guy was targeting him?

"In the same class?" Jiang Yushu frowned, but then he thought, his brother is a genius, he definitely wouldn't play with a fool, so Jiang Yushu nodded and asked with a smile: "Brother Jin, then your grades are also very good?"

"It's okay." Azhuo smiled, then looked at Jiang Zhishu and blinked, "Your brother is so cute."

Jiang Zhishu touched his cute brother's head, but the force was a bit too strong. Jiang Yushu glared and bit his lip.

"What's the good thing? What's the ranking?" Jiang Yushu pouted unconvincedly, and this time he didn't hide his choking. Jiang Yushu was very angry! My brother actually slapped my head for this guy!

"Hey, Yushu, how can you be so rude!" Jiang's mother also patted Jiang Yushu's head.

Jiang Yushu stretched his neck and glared at Azhuo, ahhh, this guy, even his mother protects this guy, so annoying!

"Yuki is curious about my ranking." Azhuo smiled nonchalantly, "I'm the same as Naoki."

"Same?" Jiang Yushu frowned, "What's the same?"

"Ajin is the first." Jiang Zhishu also saw his brother's intention and rubbed his head helplessly. Maybe it was because he was excellent since he was a child, Yuuki always regarded himself as an idol. Because of excessive admiration, Yuuki even looked down on other people and felt that others were not as good as himself and were all fools.

"First place?" Jiang Yushu's face was full of disbelief, and he pointed at Azhuo in shock, "You are also first place?"

"Yes." Azhuo nodded with a smile.

Then Jiang Yushu's expression began to change greatly, and the way he looked at Azhuo also began to change greatly, with stars in his eyes, "Brother Jin is so amazing!"

Jiang Zhishu glared at Jiang Yushu and warned him to behave himself. Jiang Yushu trembled and hid behind Jiang's mother. Jiang Zhishu was afraid of any more trouble, so he took Azhu's hand and walked upstairs, "Let's go to the room to study."

Azhuo followed Jiang Zhishu, but his eyes fell on the hand that was being held, and his expression was a little inexplicable.

Jiang Yushu blinked and wanted to go upstairs as well, saying, "I want to study with my brother!"

Mother Jiang grabbed Jiang Yushu and held him back, "Don't make trouble, be careful not to make your brother angry."

Jiang Yushu pouted in annoyance and glanced upstairs unwillingly.

Jiang Zhishu walked to the door of his room. When he was about to open the door, he found that he was holding the hand of his deskmate...

Jiang Zhishu froze for a second, then he let go of his hand and opened the door as if nothing had happened, pretending to be calm and said, "This is my room, let's study here."

Ah Zhuo took his hand back and put it in his pocket, and nodded as if nothing had happened, saying, "Okay."

At Jiang Zhishu's desk, Jiang Zhishu asked Azhu to sit down and then moved a chair from another room. Because the desk was placed against the wall and they couldn't sit facing each other, Jiang Zhishu could only put the chair next to his deskmate. In addition, the desk was not very big, so when they sat together, the distance between them was closer than when they were in school.

When Azhuo opened his schoolbag and looked for books, he brushed against Jiang Zhishu's arm several times, and Jiang Zhishu was a little dazed.

Azhuo had already taken out the history book, but he said with a troubled look on his face, "The high school ones are fine, I've read them all, but I can't remember the junior high school ones very clearly."

"Oh, my junior high school textbooks and notes are all here. I'll get them for you!" Jiang Zhishu quickly stood up, walked to the bookshelf to look for them, took a deep breath, and felt that something was wrong with him.

It was just a few collisions and frictions, why was the heartbeat so abnormal?

The rapid sounds of "Bang! Bang! Bang!" disturbed Jiang Zhishu's thoughts, and he felt that his reaction was wrong.

This feeling is familiar, like...

The day of the dance.

Recalling that momentary touch, Jiang Zhishu's heart beat even faster, "Bang! Bang! Bang..."

"Haven't you found it yet?" Azhu turned around and looked at Jiang Zhishu's back in confusion.

Jiang Zhishu took a deep breath, holding his books and notes, and walked back with no clues on his face, "Found it." Jiang Zhishu pulled a chair away and sat down, and began to tutor Azhu in history in a normal voice.

If you look carefully, you will notice that the distance between Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo's chairs is a little farther this time.

Jiang Zhishu spoke for more than half an hour and his mouth felt dry, so he stopped to drink some water.

Ah Zhuo looked up and saw Jiang Zhishu's appearance, and smiled, "Thank you for your hard work, Zhishu. Let's stop here today. It's time for me to go home."

Jiang Zhishu frowned and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already half past six, and it was indeed late.

Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo went downstairs together. Jiang's father was sitting on the sofa watching TV. Jiang's mother was busy in the kitchen, directing Jiang Yushu to bring the dishes and chopsticks to put them on the table. Jiang Yushu pouted and looked unhappy, but still wiped the table carefully and put the dishes and chopsticks on the table.

The sound of the TV, Jiang's father's laughter, Jiang's mother's voice instructing Jiang Yushu, Jiang Yushu's impatient replies... the whole house seemed very warm and happy.

Azhuo stopped walking.

Looking at Jiang Zhishu in front of him, there was envy in his eyes that was hard to conceal.

He once had such a happy and complete family, but he eventually lost it...

The beautiful woman was holding a little boy, happily rubbing his chubby face, "Wow! Xiao Zhuo is amazing! He got a perfect score on the test. Mommy will make Xiao Zhuo's favorite sweet and sour pork ribs for him, okay?"

"I want more cake!" The little boy laughed and threw himself into the woman's arms.

"Okay, let Dad buy it for Xiao Zhuo." The beautiful woman smiled and turned to the man beside her and said, "Husband, go buy a cake for Xiao Zhuo."

"Dad, I want chocolate!" the little boy said loudly.

The man looked at the mother and son with a serious expression but gentle eyes, nodded, rubbed the little boy's head, turned around and walked out...

"Ah Jin?" Jiang Zhishu looked back at his deskmate in confusion. His deskmate's eyes...

"Yeah, it's okay." Azhuo smiled, his expression the same as usual, just as nonchalant.

"Hey, Zhishu and Ajin, you guys are here. I was just about to call you down for dinner." Mother Jiang, who was carrying the soup, saw Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo and greeted them with a smile, "Ajin, come and sit down and try the meal your aunt made!"

Jiang Yushu followed Jiang's mother with a plate of food in his hand, smiling widely, "Brother Ajin, let's eat together!" The little guy's attitude towards Azhuo took a 180-degree turn.

Azhuo smiled and said, "No need, auntie, my mother has prepared dinner and is waiting for me to come home."

"Is that so..." Mother Jiang's smile fell and she looked at Azhuo with disappointment. She liked this child very much. It was rare to have a child who was so appreciative of her cake.

Jiang Yushu also had a look of disappointment on his face. He put down his plate and ran to Azhuo and looked up, "Brother Jin, can't you eat before leaving?"

Ah Zhuo rubbed Jiang Yushu's head with a rare softness in his heart, and gave Jiang Yushu a gentle smile that was lethal, "No, can you come and play with Yushu next time?"

Jiang Yushu was instantly killed by Azhuo's smile.

Jiang Yushu was instantly killed by Azhuo's smile. (Be careful of the last sentence.)

Ahem, I was just halfway through writing when I felt hungry, so I went to get something to eat. It took me more than an hour, so I’ve only just finished writing now.

Do you think this world is he or be?

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 82: Playful Kiss (10)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

"Then Brother Ajin often comes to play." Jiang Yushu took a step back and said to Azhu.

"Yes, Ajin often comes to our house to play." Mother Jiang also said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you for the hospitality, Auntie." Azhuo smiled and turned to walk out. "Then goodbye, Uncle and Auntie, goodbye, Yuki."

"I'll go see him off." Jiang Zhishu followed Azhu out.

Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu walked side by side for a while, and Azhuo smiled at Jiang Zhishu, "Zhishu, you go back. I can walk home by myself."

Jiang Zhishu didn't say anything, nor did he stop.

"Uncle and aunt are still waiting for you to eat." Azhuo stopped helplessly, "Go back."

Jiang Zhishu stopped and looked at Azhuo, "Then be careful on the road."

"Yeah." Azhuo nodded and waved goodbye, "I'm leaving. See you tomorrow."

Jiang Zhishu watched his deskmate's back as he walked further and further away, and the look in his deskmate's eyes just now on the stairs kept appearing in his mind...

That sad, lonely, dead look.

Why would a teenager have such a look in his eyes? Jin Yuanfeng, do you have a secret?

Jiang Zhishu turned around and walked back when he could no longer see his deskmate. He pushed open the door and saw his family sitting at the dining table, waiting for him. He hadn't started eating yet, so he walked over and sat down. Jiang's mother started serving the food and said, "Ajin is gone. Zhishu, bring Ajin home more often. It's great to see you have a friend you can play with."

Jiang Zhishu nodded. Jin Yuanfeng...at least he should be his friend, right?

In the days that followed, Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo would walk together after school every day, first going to Jiang Zhishu's house to study, and occasionally Azhuo would help tutor Jiang Yushu with his homework. Sometimes, when it was late, Azhuo would be kept at home by Jiang's mother to have dinner together, and sometimes she would even let Azhuo stay overnight...

Sleeping with Jiang Zhishu.

In a flash, more than two years passed, and Azhuo seemed to have become the third son of the Jiang family. Because the two sons had a good relationship, the Jiang family and the Jin family also visited each other frequently. During the holidays every year, the two families often went out to travel together, and the relationship between the parents of the two families was as close as relatives.

Jiang Zhishu's room almost became a room shared by Jiang Zhishu and Azhuo. Azhuo's things could be seen everywhere, and many of the clothes in the closet were duplicates.

Clothes for the Jiang brothers were all bought by their mother. After Azhuo was born, whenever Jiang's mother went shopping for clothes, she would definitely buy one for Jiang Zhishu as well, just the same style in different colors. Jiang's mother jokingly said it was like she was dressing up twins.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone in school wears uniforms, the students of Dounan Middle School would definitely be puzzled by the fact that the two school handsome boys often wear the same clothes. The same style, that's the trend of couples' outfits...

But even if no one noticed, all the teachers and students in Dounan Middle School knew that Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng had a very good relationship. They almost always went in and out of school together and walked out together after school. Even on the monthly exam ranking lists, their names were closely linked.

There are rumors that a classmate once witnessed Jin Yuanfeng and Jiang Zhishu taking a little boy to the playground on the holiday. The little boy was named Yu Shu, and he was probably Jiang Zhishu's younger brother.

Some classmates also said that they had seen Jiang Zhishu's family and Jin Yuanfeng's family vacationing together at the resort.

Various gossips have shown that the relationship between the two school idols is deeper than just friendship.

The girls of Dounan Middle School kept confessing their love to the two handsome boys on campus, but they were rejected again and again.

According to statistics from a gossiper, female classmates who confessed to Jiang Zhishu were usually ignored and attacked with poisonous tongues, and usually the girls would be shocked and burst into tears. If Jin Yuanfeng was at the scene, he would stop Jiang Zhishu's poisonous tongue attack and comfort the girl. After that, one person from Jiang Zhishu's fan club would quit and one person from Jin Yuanfeng's fan club would register.

The female classmates who confessed their love to Kim Won-bong would usually feel ashamed, and their admiration for Kim Won-bong would turn into worship, and then they would become die-hard members of Kim Won-bong's fan club.

Of course, those female classmates who confessed their love to each other would not tell their classmates about the scene and words at that time, so until now, those who have not confessed their love to each other still don’t know how poisonous Jiang Zhishu’s mouth is, and how lethal Jin Yuanfeng’s smile is...

So people still come one after another to confess their love to the two of them.

Just like this day, before class in the morning, the school square was filled with students going to school.

A petite and cute girl stood in the middle of the square. The figure of a certain school hunk could be seen outside the school gate. The girl took a deep breath, with a look of solemnity as if she was ready to die, and took out a beautifully wrapped envelope from her schoolbag.

Obviously, this is a love letter carrying a girl's pink heart.

The girl stretched out her hand, holding the envelope towards the school gate. She lowered her head nervously because the man was approaching. Eight steps... five steps... four steps... two steps...


Jiang Zhishu passed by Yuan Xiangqin without even glancing at her.

Being completely ignored, Yuan Xiangqin fell straight to the ground, her hand still holding the love letter upward.

Jiang Zhishu walked a few steps past Yuan Xiangqin, and seemed to have just thought of something. He stopped, turned around, looked at Yuan Xiangqin on the ground, and frowned deeply, "Is there nothing else you can do in your life?"

Here it comes, Jiang Zhishu’s venomous attack.

Yuan Xiangqin collapsed and the love letter in her hand fell to the ground.

Jiang Zhishu turned around and left without hesitation. Yuan Xiangqin was lying on the ground, surrounded by a group of students who were pointing and talking.

Afterwards, Yuan Xiangqin sat on the steps in a daze. Four classmates who heard about the excitement came over to join in the fun surrounded her.

a said: "What's wrong with this girl?"

B said: "I heard that she just gave a love letter to Jiang Zhishu from Class A and confessed to Jiang Zhishu from Class A!"

C said: "Is she crazy? I don't know what she is thinking. This kind of thing is impossible!"

D said: "It's normal for people in class F to have bad brains!"

Someone discovered the love letter in Yuan Xiangqin's hand and reached out to grab it. Yuan Xiangqin ran away with the love letter. Along the way, she saw Jiang Zhishu's name everywhere. Yuan Xiangqin was filled with grief and indignation, "Why is Jiang Zhishu everywhere... Can you please not let me see him..."

Yuan Xiangqin hid in the activity classroom and was found by her good friends Lin Chunmei and Liu Yanong who heard the news.

"Xiangqin, I didn't expect you to really do it. You are such a fool. Why would you do such a thing?" Liu Yanong and Lin Chunmei looked at Yuan Xiangqin in disbelief. "And you chose to do it in the square with the most people in the morning."

Yuan Xiangqin burst into tears, "I didn't think that much. I've been secretly in love with him for more than two years, and I finally made up my mind to write him a letter... and he just happened to come over... and he reached into his schoolbag... and he just happened to touch the letter... so I just... I just..."

"He humiliated me and made me a joke that was circulated throughout the school." Yuan Xiangqin cried so hard that she couldn't speak. Liu Yanong calmly took over the conversation. Lin Chunmei said sympathetically, "It's so pitiful."

A good friend is someone who can be your friend's trash can and listen to your friend's stories when he or she is heartbroken. Liu Yanong and Lin Chunmei accompanied Yuan Xiangqin and comforted her.

Liu Yanong suddenly said: "But I find it a bit strange that I have never seen him have a girlfriend."

"Yes, I've never heard that he likes any girl." Lin Chunmei nodded in agreement, "I haven't seen him with any girl."

Liu Yanong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he pointed with his finger raised and said, "Could it be that... Jiang Zhishu actually likes... boys!"

Lin Chunmei's voice became excited. She grabbed Liu Yanong's hand and shook it, "No way..." The ending tone rose and changed.

"Maybe..." New detective Liu Yanong nodded.

Yuan Xiangqin glared at her two good friends, "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Maybe it's possible." Liu Yanong insisted on his reasoning.

"How is that possible?" Yuan Xiangqin retorted without hesitation.

"Yes..." Lin Chunmei suddenly said in surprise: "Now that you mention it, it seems to be true, Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng!"

"What?" Yuan Xiangqin was stunned by Lin Chunmei's guess.

On the way back to the classroom, Liu Yanong and Lin Chunmei were chattering about Jiang Zhishu and Jin Yuanfeng, the inevitable story between the two school idols, while Yuan Xiangqin walked behind them in a daze.

After school, Xiangqin returned home sadly. When she was cleaning the house with Yuan's father, she heard the doorbell. It turned out that Lin Chunmei and Liu Yanong came to congratulate Yuan Xiangqin on moving to a new home.

Yuan Xiangqin entertained Liu Yanong and Lin Chunmei in her new home, but unexpectedly, the new home they had just moved into collapsed due to a magnitude 2 earthquake and even made the nightly news.

In the evening, Jiang Zhishu and his family had dinner together. Jiang's father turned on the TV to watch the nightly news. The host with glasses reported in a low voice: "The earthquake was only felt at magnitude 2 in the north, but there was no disaster in the whole of Taipei. However, in the town of xx in Taipei City, a house collapsed..."

"Wife, isn't that Acai?" Dad Jiang said in surprise, pointing at Dad Yuan on TV.

"Yes, it's Acai!" Mother Jiang stared at her old classmate on TV and nodded.

The next day, Jiang's father and mother followed the address reported in the news and found Yuan Xiangqin's collapsed house. They saw Yuan's father squatting on the ruins and reunited with his old classmates. Yuan's father cried in grievance: "Ali, I have no home anymore..."

"As long as he's okay, I'm glad." Father Jiang and Mother Jiang comforted Father Yuan together.

At night, Yuan's father took Yuan Xiangqin to move again, "Now, we will go to live in the home of a friend of Dad for a while. He is an old friend of Dad, and his wife was chased by Dad."

"Yeah." Yuan Xiangqin's focus was not here. She asked worriedly, "The place we live in won't collapse again this time, right?"

"Yeah." Yuan Xiangqin's focus was not here. She asked worriedly, "The place we live in won't collapse again this time, right?" (The last sentence is for precaution.)

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 83 Playful Kiss (XI)
Chapter 83 Playful Kiss (XI)

Life, why is it so wonderful?

Yuan Xiangqin expressed such emotion when she found out that the family she was staying with was actually Jiang Zhishu's family.

Mother Jiang enthusiastically took Yuan Xiangqin's hand and said affectionately, "It's great that Xiangqin can come to our house. I have always dreamed of having a lovely daughter. Now this dream can finally come true. In the future, Xiangqin will be like my daughter. We can go shopping together... and make cakes together..."

As she spoke, a dreamy smile appeared on Jiang's mother's face.

Sitting on the sofa, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Yuan smiled at each other.

As for the addition of a girl to the family, Jiang Zhishu and Jiang Yushu were not very friendly.

Jiang Yushu hates Yuan Xiangqin very much because Jiang's mother made Jiang Yushu live in Jiang Zhishu's room and gave Jiang Yushu's room to Yuan Xiangqin in order to make room for Yuan Xiangqin.

Jiang Zhishu hated Yuan Xiangqin because of her arrival, forcing him to share a room with his brother, so that when Ah Jin came over, he had no place to stay. He also recognized that Yuan Xiangqin was the girl who stopped him yesterday and confessed to him. Jiang Zhishu always thought that such girls were boring. This made Jiang Zhishu hate Yuan Xiangqin, who he considered boring, even more.

Jiang Yushu rushed over with a stern face, stopped beside Yuan Xiangqin, and stared at her. Jiang Zhishu followed behind him, stopped at one side, and leaned against the wall with a cold expression.

Yuan Xiangqin was shocked by Jiang Yushu's terrifying expression and sharp eyes. She blinked in fear. Yuan Xiangqin felt that she seemed to have come to an unusual place...

Mother Jiang stretched out her hand and pushed Jiang Yushu's face away. "Yushu, what are you doing? This is Sister Xiangqin. We will live together from now on. We must get along well, okay?"

Jiang Yushu pursed his lips, turned away, and sat down on the sofa with his homework book.

"Ahem, this is my youngest son, Yushu." Father Jiang looked at Father Yuan awkwardly and coughed, "Yushu, say hello."

Jiang Yushu pouted impatiently, "Hello, I'm Jiang Yushu, third grade in elementary school."

"Good! Good!" Father Yuan smiled and touched Jiang Yushu's head. "Ali, your son looks amazing. Excellent! Excellent!"

Jiang Yushu impatiently dodged and took the pen to do his homework. Suddenly, Jiang Yushu didn't know what he thought of, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Yuan Xiangqin with a lovely smile, "Sister Xiangqin, I don't know how to do a homework, can you teach me?"

Yuan Xiangqin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay." She walked over to Jiang Yushu and asked, "Which one is it?"

Jiang Zhishu walked over and stood behind Jiang Yushu.

Jiang Yushu pointed at a question and handed it to Yuan Xiangqin. Yuan Xiangqin came over, took a look, frowned, and said with a tangled look: "I'm at my wit's end..."

Yuan Xiangqin laughed dryly, "Yushu, you are only in the third grade and you have to learn such a difficult idiom..."

Jiang Yushu looked at Yuan Xiangqin with disdain, "You don't know how to do it, do you?"

"How is that possible!" Yuan Xiangqin argued, "I'm so much older than you... Of course I can do it! This '黔驴技穷' means... It means... There was a very rich donkey, but later something happened and it became very poor..."

Jiang Yushu looked at Yuan Xiangqin with contempt.

Jiang Zhishu looked at Yuan Xiangqin with disdain.

Father Jiang looked at Yuan Xiangqin in shock.

Mother Jiang looked at Yuan Xiangqin in surprise.

Father Yuan was still laughing happily.

Yuan Xiangqin scratched her head and laughed dryly, "Hehe..." Then she looked at her father for help, "Dad, is that right?"

"Yes!" Father Yuan nodded affirmatively, "That's right. Money is not important. What's important is to master a skill. People with skills will not starve to death! My daughter is right!" Father Yuan patted Father Jiang on the shoulder, looking proud of his daughter's cleverness.

"Hehe..." Father Jiang laughed dryly, and he couldn't say the words of agreement against his will.

Seeing the strange looks Jiang Yushu and Jiang Zhishu gave her, Yuan Xiangqin smiled uncomfortably, then her eyes lit up and she said, "Yushu, I'll teach you a universal sentence-making method! Listen... Today the teacher taught us an idiom, which is called 黔驴技穷!"

A cold wind blew.

Jiang Yushu always hated idiots, let alone a super idiot like Yuan Xiangqin, so he shouted angrily: "I hate her! Living in the same room with her will infect me and make me stupid!"

Yuan Xiangqin's expression instantly became very embarrassed. Jiang's mother glared at Jiang Yushu and angrily patted him on the head, "Yushu, how can you be so rude!"

"Hmph!" Jiang Yushu snorted angrily, glared at Yuan Xiangqin, and then ran upstairs angrily.

No matter how much Jiang Yushu and Jiang Zhishu hated Yuan Xiangqin, the intruder, unfortunately, the children had no say. They could not change the decision of Jiang's father and mother, so Yuan Xiangqin moved into the Jiang family.

The next day at school, after hearing Jiang Zhishu talk about Yuan Xiangqin, Ah Zhuo frowned and said, "Then come to my house to study from now on."

Jiang Zhishu nodded with a depressed expression.

The life that followed can only be described as chaos.

Because of Yuan Xiangqin's arrival, Jiang's mother fulfilled her long-cherished dream of having a daughter. She loved Yuan Xiangqin as if she were her own daughter and took Yuan Xiangqin to do some things she had always wanted to do with her daughter, such as going shopping together, and...

Making a cake with Yuan Xiangqin.

Because Azhuo was not around, there was no one to help Jiang Zhishu eat the cake he didn't want to eat, and the cake made by Yuan Xiangqin and Jiang's mother didn't taste as good as the one made by Jiang's mother before. Jiang Zhishu was forced to eat cake until he vomited every day, and his face began to get darker day by day.

The person who was most happy about Yuan Xiangqin's arrival was Jiang's mother. She even thought of bringing Yuan Xiangqin and Jiang Zhishu together so that Yuan Xiangqin could stay at home and be her daughter forever.

One night, Jiang Zhishu got up to get some water and accidentally overheard his mother and father talking about the grand plan of "letting my brother marry Xiangqin". Jiang Zhishu frowned, and the first thought in his mind was "Spending my whole life with Yuan Xiangqin? It would be better to spend my whole life with Ajin..."

Jiang Zhishu was shocked when he realized his thoughts. How could he want to spend his whole life with Ah Jin...

Jiang Zhishu floated back into the room like a wandering soul. Looking at the room full of traces of Ajin, thinking about every moment he had spent with Ajin over the years, he couldn't sleep.

Jiang Zhishu is hiding from himself.

Azhuo looked at Jiang Zhishu beside him hesitantly. This guy was not right today. He was unusually silent, and even avoided his eyes when he had to speak. Azhuo narrowed his eyes.

Azhuo reached out and patted Jiang Zhishu on the shoulder. This was a very common action, but it caused Jiang Zhishu to avoid it. Azhuo frowned deeply, "Hey, Jiang Zhishu."

Ah Zhuo called Jiang Zhishu's name, and Jiang Zhishu blinked in annoyance. Why did he feel so nervous now even when he had a very ordinary touch with Ah Jin...

Jiang Zhishu suppressed his excitement and tried to look at Azhuo calmly, "Ah, what happened to Ajin?"

"I should ask you what's wrong." Ah Zhuo looked at Jiang Zhishu suspiciously, "You've been acting weird today."

"No." Jiang Zhishu denied guiltily.

But as a close friend of Jiang Zhishu for more than two years, Ah Zhuo was very clear about when Jiang Zhishu was lying. He frowned and said, "Did you do something bad?"

He didn't do anything bad... He just thought of something bad...

Jiang Zhishu, who had figured out his strange feelings for his best friend in one night... In order to hide the shame in his eyes, Jiang Zhishu lowered his head and said, "No, Jin, you misunderstood."

"Then why are you acting so weird today?" Azhuo didn't believe Jiang Zhishu's excuses.

"No, really." Jiang Zhishu didn't look up and said nonsense: "I just don't feel well. Um... I didn't sleep well last night. Yuki stole my quilt at night."

This is not to wrongly accuse Jiang Yushu. Jiang Yushu's sleeping posture is really bad. It is a daily routine for him to grab the quilt. Sometimes he dreams and gets high in his sleep, and it is common for him to dance and jump.

This is the reason why Jiang Zhishu's mental state has been getting worse day by day since Yuan Xiangqin came.

Whenever Jiang Zhishu woke up from the cold in the morning and saw the quilt wrapped around Jiang Yushu, he would feel sad. It's not like he hasn't slept with other people before, Ajin often stayed overnight at home, but Jiang Zhishu never had a bad sleep when sleeping with Ajin.

Not only does Ajin not grab the quilt, he also often covers Jiang Zhishu with the quilt. He has a great sleeping posture and basically remains in the same position when he wakes up as before he falls asleep.

Compared with Jiang Yushu, Jiang Zhishu often misses Ah Jin who has a good sleeping posture...

Ahem, of course Jiang Zhishu doesn’t dare to think about this topic now. Sleeping together or something, Jiang Zhishu’s heart starts beating wildly when he thinks about it.

Secret love is a very painful thing.

Jiang Zhishu has this feeling now.

Especially when the person you have a crush on is also your super close friend, meeting and spending time with him/her every day becomes a torment, a sweet yet painful torment.

As graduation is approaching, the senior high school students are about to go their separate ways. Against this background, more people are expressing their love to the two school idols. After all, if they don’t say it now, they may never have the chance to say it again.

So when Jiang Zhishu saw A Jin being stopped by a girl to confess his love for the nth time, he couldn't help but feel jealous and started to face the problem.

He seemed unable to accept the fact that Jin was dating another girl...

He seemed unable to accept the fact that Jin was dating another girl... (The last sentence is a joke.)

Ahem, no update yesterday because I couldn't help but take a look at "The Heirs", and then...

Jin Tan's deep love for his brother makes my blood boil! ! Aaaaaaa! !

Then I opened my mind and came up with this new idea...

Ahem, I was wrong. I've come to my senses and turned back. I'll lock that idea in place and finish coding this first.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 84: Playful Kiss (End)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

"What's wrong?" Looking at Jiang Zhishu's stiff expression, Azhuo chuckled helplessly, "What are you angry about?"

It all started when a high school girl came to confess her love to Azhuo. What she prepared was not a love letter but a cake. Azhuo, who hadn't been to Jiang's house or eaten cake for a long time, accepted the cake with a smile, and then was glared at by Jiang Zhishu.

The junior high school girl was very skillful and made a delicious fruit cake. When Ah Zhuo opened the box and prepared to enjoy it, Jiang Zhishu was sulking and couldn't help asking, "You have a good impression of that girl."

"Ah..." Azhuo glanced at Jiang Zhishu, smiled faintly, took a big bite of cake, and said vaguely while chewing: "Well, it's very cute."

Jiang Zhishu gritted his teeth, "Do you like her?"

"Hmm?" Azhuo paused for a moment, then scratched his head, "We just met."

Jiang Zhishu was filled with jealousy, "Jin! Yuan! Feng!"

"Yeah." Azhu laughed. "Hey, hey, do you want to eat it? It's really delicious, want to try it?" Azhu scooped a spoonful with the spoon he had used to eat and handed it to Jiang Zhishu's mouth.

Jiang Zhishu turned his face away, "Cakes and the like are the most unpalatable foods!"

Azhuo smiled indifferently, withdrew his hand and ate it himself. Jiang Zhishu felt depressed.

The cake made by the junior high school girl was small and exquisite. Azhuo finished it in a short while. He took out a tissue to wipe his mouth and looked at Jiang Zhishu leisurely, "Zhishu, you have been acting strange recently. What's wrong? Is it because graduation is approaching and you have graduation fear syndrome?"

As he spoke, Azhuo himself found it funny and laughed out loud, saying, "It shouldn't be the case. Generally, people who suffer from this symptom are those who have poor academic performance, lack confidence, and have no clear plans and grasp of the future."

Jiang Zhishu frowned. Ah Zhuo's words touched Jiang Zhishu's heart. Even if he was a genius, he was not sure about everything. Jiang Zhishu was indeed a little confused about the future and didn't know what he was going to do. Jiang Zhishu looked at Ah Zhuo and asked, "Ah Jin, which university are you going to apply to?"

"Is there any need to ask? Of course it's the best one." Ah Zhuo chuckled, took out the university application guide issued by the school, pointed to the first recommended school, "I plan to study at National Taiwan University."

Jiang Zhishu looked at the National Taiwan University in the picture, then looked at Ah Zhuo, nodded and said, "Then let's go to National Taiwan University together, then... Ah Jin..."

Jiang Zhishu's voice suddenly became a little nervous, but his eyes were fixed on Azhuo's eyes, "When we are in college, let's live together..."

"Ah, this is not something we can decide. The dormitories assigned by the school..." Azhuo smiled.

"No, we rent a house outside and live together." Jiang Zhishu looked at Azhuo anxiously, "Our home for the two of us..."

"Jiang Zhishu." Azhuo narrowed his eyes and saw the emotion in Jiang Zhishu's eyes. Was this a hidden confession?

Jiang Zhishu took a deep breath and said seriously: "Ah Jin, I like you..."

In the grove behind the school, a gust of wind blew over, and the leaves above their heads swayed. A few leaves fell and drifted in the breeze onto Azhuo and Jiang Zhishu's white shirts.

Jiang Zhishu was a little nervous and didn't dare to look at Azhuo's expression. Azhuo raised his hands to cover his eyes. It was a long time before he took his hands away and sighed.

Jiang Zhishu's face turned pale all of a sudden. Ah Jin sighed. Was it because he had made things difficult for him...

Ah Zhuo brushed off the fallen leaves on his body, "Jiang Zhishu, you are still young." Ah Zhuo stood up and lowered his eyes, and it was hard to tell what his expression was, "This is not good."

Azhuo once thought about getting Jiang Zhishu to like him, and getting strength from him to improve his current weak state. But after becoming friends with Jiang Zhishu, he went to Jiang Zhishu's home and saw Jiang Zhishu's happy family.

Ah Zhuo was very envious and jealous...

Moreover, there is no way to destroy this beauty.

Although he was in urgent need of strength and the Lord God was watching him covetously, that day at Jiang Zhishu's house, looking at the happiness and warmth of the Jiang family, Azhuo suddenly felt tired.

He traveled through so many worlds, but for what? To live... But, what was the meaning of living...

The warmth he once coveted and the home he once regarded as a treasure had long been destroyed. When he was just Lin Zhuo, it had been completely destroyed.

So, Lin Zhuo should have died at the age of eighteen.

So many years, so many worlds, all because of his infatuation, all because of his self-deception, it is meaningless.

What's the point of being alive?

Using someone else's body and bearing someone else's name, he is no longer himself. And the people he has targeted are Ah Si, Xin, Yingzai, Gongchan, Jeremy, Tae Kyung, and Lian...

They gave me emotions, but I just wanted to get strength from them. What did I give them?

Pain, and sadness.

He could imagine that after his death, that innocent child, Asi, would live in pain and anxiety.

And Xin must be feeling very guilty. He might even blame himself for his own death and feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Youngjae... The only person who made him feel at ease was Youngjae. Over the years, whenever he was troubled by negative emotions, Youngjae's smile before his death, and the words: "Minhyuk, thank you, I have been very happy and blessed in this life..." would always make him smile for a while.

Gongchan... I wonder how he is doing. Will Xu Zhengyu say something nonsense?

I wonder if Jeremy, that reckless kid, still gets into trouble often. Is there anyone to clean up his mess?

Kang Shin-woo cares so much about Tae-kyung, so Tae-kyung must be living a good life.

And Lian, she's lucky she didn't fall in love with Bupo...

Azhuo, who suddenly let go of his burden, carefully recalled his extra life and finally realized how much of a scumbag he was.

No matter how gentle his smile is, it can't hide the fact that he is just a selfish bad man.

That’s it, Azhu told himself.

Stop desiring things that don't belong to you, be a good friend of Jiang Zhishu, live a good life before being found by the Lord God, work hard to get into a good university like an ordinary high school student, and make your parents happy with good grades. If the Lord God comes later, hurry up and make more money, so that that silly Ajin won't come back with nothing accomplished, and let your parents have to work hard for life when they are old.

But when did things go off track again? Why did Jiang Zhishu have such thoughts about him? Ah Zhuo felt a headache. Are these... all debts he owed? How many lifetimes will it take for him to pay them off?

An endless stream of power flowed into Azhuo's soul, bringing a long-lost sense of comfort, but Azhuo covered his eyes in pain, his heart full of confusion.

Before he could come up with a good idea, he was shocked by a memory that did not belong to him, and certainly not to Ajin.

There seemed to be nothing in the silent space, but Azhuo could feel that in the center of that space, there was someone... or maybe not a person at all.

The whole body exuded an oppressive pressure, and a coldness without any emotion... In fact, there was no contact, but Azhuo felt a chill all over his body, a chill emanating from the depths of his heart...

Who is that person? Or who is that?

Azhuo tried to break away from the scene with some resistance. There was still endless power pouring into his soul, but Azhuo got up irritably. He didn't want it anymore... he didn't want these powers, but he had no way to stop it, no way to escape from these powers.

Azhuo said a few words to Jiang Zhishu in an upset manner, then left in a panic as if he was escaping.

He didn't notice the hurt look in Jiang Zhishu's eyes behind him.

Regardless of the fact that school was not over yet, Azhuo did not go back to the classroom to get his schoolbag. He left school and returned to Jin's house. Seeing Azhuo's pale face, Jin's mother asked Azhuo with concern: "Ajin, what's wrong? Why do you look so bad?"

Azhuo forced a smile at Jin's mother with difficulty and said, "I don't feel well, Mom. I'll go back to my room and rest for a while." After walking into his room and locking the door, Azhuo immediately collapsed to the ground.

He was desperately trying to repel that power, but that power was also desperately pouring into his soul. As the two confronted each other, Azhuo felt the pain of his soul being torn apart. Azhuo's face turned pale, and then gradually became transparent...

Jin Yuanfeng's body couldn't bear the pressure and began to reject Azhuo's soul. Azhuo was gradually pushed away from Jin Yuanfeng's body and floated in the air. Then the force suddenly increased and sucked Azhuo away alive.

After a flash of light invisible to the human eye, Azhuo's soul disappeared from this world.

A few hours later, worried about her son, Jin's mother knocked on the door, but got no response. She panicked and looked for the spare key, only to find Jin Yuanfeng lying on the ground unconscious. Jin's mother called the hospital in panic and then notified Jin's father.

Mother Jin and Father Jin sat anxiously outside the operating room door. The door was closed and the "In Surgery" light on the door was on. Mother Jin held Father Jin in a panic, muttering, "What happened to Ajin... Why is my Ajin like this..."

I don't know how much time has passed. The "In Surgery" light went out. The doctor walked out of the operating room and took off his mask. His face was solemn. "I'm sorry, your son didn't wake up, and... we don't know what caused this, and we don't know if he can wake up."

As soon as the doctor finished speaking, the atmosphere froze. Mother Jin, who had come to her senses, burst into tears, "Oh my Ah Jin..."

Father Jin hugged his wife who almost collapsed to the ground, his face also full of confusion, "Ah Jin, my son Ah Jin..."

The author has something to say:

Father Jin hugged his wife who almost collapsed to the ground, and his face was also full of confusion, "Ah Jin, my son Ah Jin..." (The last sentence is for protection.)

I will update the extra chapter later.

Awww, I don't mean to finish it quickly and start a new one!

Please trust me!

Azhuo has not visited two worlds yet, "Autumn in My Heart" and "Sorry, I Love You".

And then there is another one... ahem, should I spoil the plot?

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
Current location: Homepage › Other Novels › "When the Male Lead Falls in Love with the Male Supporting Role"
Chapter 85 Extra
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

The bus to the hospital did not come.

Jiang Zhishu stood quietly under the bus stop. This was the forty-sixth day since Ajin left.

The high school graduation exam is over, and he will go to Taipei to take the entrance exam for National Taiwan University tomorrow. He will go alone because the guy who once said he would take the exam with him is still lying in the hospital and has not woken up.

Jiang Zhishu, who was once confused about the future, has found his direction because of Ajin.

Jiang Zhishu decided to study medicine.

The best doctors in Taiwan were helpless against Jin's inexplicable coma. Some time ago, Jin's uncle and aunt took Jin to Japan, where medical care is more advanced, but the results were not optimistic. The professors could not find the cause of Jin's illness and even thought that Jin was suffering from a disease unknown to humans...

So Jiang Zhishu decided that if Ajin didn't wake up before he became a doctor, he would cure Ajin himself. Everyone said he was a genius, so he must be a genius doctor. Any unknown disease... he would definitely be able to cure it.

Noon in summer is the hottest time of the day. The sun's rays are dazzling and scorching. Jiang Zhishu's eyes are made sore and dry by the sun, and he feels like crying.

Jiang Zhishu lowered his head, looked at the shadow on the ground and blinked. It had been a long time since that guy was around, but he just couldn't get used to it.

"Please be careful when entering the station... This bus is heading to Taipei Public Hospital..."

Jiang Zhishu rubbed his eyes, raised his head as if nothing had happened, stepped onto the bus, dropped a coin into the coin box, and walked to the last row and sat down.

The bus was heading towards the center of Taipei City. Along the way, Jiang Zhishu tilted his head to look at the scenery outside the window. The road was bustling with people coming and going, but Jiang Zhishu just felt suffocated in his heart.

If Jin was here...

"Naoki, let's buy a bag of cream and take it back. Auntie said she wants to make the new matcha cake she learned..."

Jiang Zhishu looked at the empty chair beside him, a trace of sadness flashed across his eyes. Actually...'If you were here, I would be fine even if I had to eat cake for the rest of my life...'

“We’ve arrived at Taipei Public Hospital…”

Jiang Zhishu got up and got out of the car, bought a bouquet of lilies at the flower shop next to the hospital, and walked into the hospital's inpatient building, the special ward on the third floor.

When passing by the nurses' station, a familiar nurse smiled at Jiang Zhishu and said, "Are you here to see your friends again?"

Jiang Zhishu nodded and asked, "Is he in the ward?"

"I'm here. Today's examination has been completed this morning. You can go ahead." The nurse smiled kindly at Jiang Zhishu. Because Jiang Zhishu often came here, she was familiar with him. It seemed that he was a good friend of the patient.

Jiang Zhishu walked to the door of the ward, stopped, and looked at the scene inside the ward through the glass window on the door.

In the dazzling white, the patient lying on the bed closed his eyes and looked lifeless. Jiang Zhishu slowly raised his hand and twisted the door handle, pushed it open, walked a few steps quickly, stood beside the bed, lowered his head and pressed the patient's face, making sure that the other person was still breathing, and then breathed a sigh of relief.


Jiang Zhishu didn't move away in a hurry. He put his face against the sick man's face, feeling the other's not-so-high body temperature. His eyes became more and more sore, and he couldn't help but close them. He said in a dry voice: "Are you okay..."

As expected, getting no response, Jiang Zhishu stood up straight, turned around to close the door, then put the lilies in his arms into the empty vase, and finally sat down on the chair beside the bed.

Taking the sick man's hand out from under the blanket and holding it in his hand, Jiang Zhishu smiled with all his strength and said, "Tomorrow I will take the entrance exam for National Taiwan University. I have signed up for medical school and will go to school in Taipei. I will have more time to visit you."

Jiang Zhishu had never thought before that he would have so much to say, and would keep talking even if there was no response.

Before he knew it, Jiang Zhishu had finished telling the story of what had happened recently. He stopped talking when he felt his mouth dry, and then he sat quietly looking at the sick man's face.

An entire afternoon passed, and during that time only the nurse came once to change the IV bottle.

It was six o'clock. Jiang Zhishu took a last deep look at the sick man, got up and left. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He took the bus back home. His mother had already prepared dinner and was waiting for him. Jiang Zhishu went to the bathroom to wash his hands and face with cold water, then sat down at the dining table with a natural expression.

"Zhishu, did you go to see Jin again?" Jiang's mother looked at Jiang Zhishu with concern, "Is Jin feeling better?"

"Yeah, you look better than last time." Jiang Zhishu forced a smile and lowered his head to eat.

Mother Jiang and Father Jiang looked at each other and sighed softly.

Feeling the atmosphere at the table suddenly become cold, Yuan Xiangqin blinked, thought for a moment and said, "Naoki, aren't you going to take the entrance exam for National Taiwan University tomorrow? Are you confident?"

Jiang Yushu glared at Yuan Xiangqin with disdain, "Of course there is nothing wrong with my brother. He is not like some people who can't even pass the graduation exam and can't go to college."

Yuan Xiangqin's face fell.

Mother Jiang glared at Jiang Yushu and said, "Yushu, how could you talk to Sister Xiangqin like that? Apologize now."

"No need, Yuki didn't mean it." Yuan Xiangqin quickly stopped Jiang's mother.

Jiang Yushu didn't appreciate it and just lowered his head to eat.

Now, the atmosphere at the table became even colder, and Yuan Xiangqin didn't dare to find a topic to liven up the atmosphere.

Jiang Zhishu ate his meal in a depressed mood, and soon stood up after finishing, "I'm done, I'm going back to my room."

"Hey! Zhishu!" Jiang's mother hurriedly called Jiang Zhishu, "How about letting Xiangqin take you to the exam tomorrow?"

Hearing what Jiang's mother said, Yuan Xiangqin blinked in surprise and looked at Jiang Zhishu blankly with a little expectation in her eyes.

Jiang Zhishu frowned and said, "No need. I'm going to take the exam and don't want to cause any more trouble." After saying that, he stood up and walked quickly upstairs.

In the evening, Jiang Zhishu came down to take a shower and happened to meet Yuan Xiangqin who had just finished showering. Yuan Xiangqin bit her lip and smiled dryly, "Zhishu, come take a shower too. I'm just done. You can go in..."

"Yuan Xiangqin." Jiang Zhishu looked at Yuan Xiangqin with a cold face, "I have something to tell you."

"Oh?" Yuan Xiangqin looked stunned. "What did you say?"

Jiang Zhishu looked around. He knew his mother liked to secretly observe them, so Jiang Zhishu said, "Let's go outside and talk."

Jiang Zhishu walked in front, and Yuan Xiangqin followed behind. They stopped under a tree outside the house. Jiang Zhishu said, "Yuan Xiangqin, I know you like me..."

Yuan Xiangqin blushed and stammered, "No...I..." She didn't know what she wanted to say.

Jiang Zhishu didn't care and continued, "I also know that my mother likes you and even wants to bring us together."

Mother Jiang did talk about this topic with Yuan Xiangqin, and Yuan Xiangqin's face turned even redder.

"But what I want to tell you is that it is impossible." Jiang Zhishu looked at Yuan Xiangqin expressionlessly, "So, I hope you can give up this idea."

Yuan Xiangqin's face turned pale instantly, and she bit her lip in grievance, "Why... why... why is it impossible?"

"Because I have someone I like." Jiang Zhishu looked at the tears in Yuan Xiangqin's eyes, feeling a little apologetic but not heartbroken.

"Do you have someone you like?" Yuan Xiangqin's eyes were red, but she tried hard to smile, "What kind of person is it?"

Jiang Zhishu's eyes were a little vague as he said, "He... is very smart, and he studies very well. He understands everything I understand, and we get along very well. He has a very easy-going personality and is very gentle to others. Everyone likes him very much..."

Yuan Xiangqin lowered her head more and more, with a look of inferiority in her eyes, "Really... Such a good girl is really a good match for Naoki, I know."

Jiang Zhishu did not explain Yuan Xiangqin's misunderstanding.

It doesn’t matter whether Ajin is a boy or a girl. What matters is that he is the person Jiang Zhishu likes.

The author has something to say:

It doesn't matter whether Ah Jin is a boy or a girl. What matters is that he is the person Jiang Zhishu likes. (The last sentence is a joke.)

Ahhh! I really can't finish it quickly!

Believe me!

There are 2 more worlds!

Forget it, I’ll give you a spoiler. You should have noticed from the last chapter that the scumbag Azhuo is already feeling guilty, so… after two worlds, after Azhuo kills the main god, he will return to those worlds full of regrets!

Oops, spoilers!

Actually, I really don’t want to give away spoilers, because that way there won’t be any sense of surprise.

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