TWLDA (QW) - (Female Queen) Prince's Little White Lotus

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Chapter 10 (Female Queen) Prince’s Little White Lotus 1
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  In the first year of Daxia, the empress Qu Chen came to power, changed the name of the country to Qi, named the eldest daughter Qu Huang as the princess, her sister Qu Ning as the prince of Rong, and Prince Rong's daughter Qu Yu as the daughter of the world.

  Daxia fifteen years.

  The most lively event in the capital today is that the noble and honorable daughter, Qu Yu, will be crowned.

  Qu Yu is the most desired wife among young people in the capital and even across Daxia, and his number of admirers far exceeds that of the concubine Qu Huang.

  She possesses the appearance of a celestial being, has a romantic temperament, is unrestrained and unrestrained, and holds a high and powerful position. Even her position as servant to the king is the wish of countless outstanding young people.

  What's more, there are so many beautiful men around her, but the backyard is extremely empty. There are only a few servants who never appear in front of others. The positions of the main monarch and the side monarch are all vacant.

  Therefore, there is a saying in the market:

  Only those with high status, unrivaled beauties, and unparalleled wisdom can win the title of Qu Yu's husband. If there is less than one of them, you should feel ashamed and abdicate.

  Imperial study room.

  The empress sat in front of the case, looking with a headache at Qu Yu, who was sitting next to him with his head bowed while sipping tea. He put his hand on his forehead and said: "Yu'er, in the past you used to prevaricate me and refused to marry me before I got the crown. I am following you, now You are about to be crowned, why don't you want to look at me? I can't even take a step back, even if you let a few of your courtiers and your little royal granddaughter give me a hug."   Seeing Qu Yu, you still don't want to do that


Moved, the empress turned her artillery fire to the concubine Qu Huang who was looking at the book: "You still have me, so you won't care about your sister?"

  Qu Huang was so innocent, how could she care about this devil incarnate!

  She closed the fold and said angrily: "Mother, I don't care about my daughter, I am really my cousin..."

  Qu Huang was about to express his bitterness, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Qu Yu glance at her sideways, and his words changed instantly. : "...My cousin is so outstanding that she can't look down on many beauties. She must be waiting for the one who has the same feelings as her to appear."

  Qu Yu finally put down the tea cup, turned the jade ring on his hand, and gave it to Qu Yu. With a satisfied look in his eyes, Huang stood up and gave a half salute to the empress, saying:

  "Yu'er, thank you, Auntie Huang, for your concern, but what Yu'er thinks is just as my cousin said, beauties are easy to come by, but close friends are hard to find.

  And my cousin's husband is having a baby now . She is pregnant, and my aunt will be able to hold her granddaughter in her arms soon, so there will be no need for my child to hold her!"

  The empress was amused by these words, she shook her head helplessly, and said with a smile in her eyes: "It's okay if you are used to being slippery. I don’t care about the matter, but your unknown confidant needs to be convinced by the world, otherwise I may not be able to guarantee your stable life.”

  The empress patted a few notebooks on the desk, changed the subject, and said: "Come and take a look at these excerpts. They are all about Lin Wu. It really upsets me. Please give me some ideas."


  After leaving the palace, Qu Yu lay in the carriage with his eyes closed and meditating, with a small attendant kneeling next to him. Massage her legs.

  Qu Yu is Li Sang.

  She borrowed the method of obtaining energy from the previous dream. In order to make it easier to earn energy, she deliberately only accepted a few top beauties this time.

  If the owner of this dream also falls in love with her, then she will marry him back to the house to fight with those beauties, and if she helps him a little, it will probably be done.

  If not...

  No, how could anyone not love her? This wouldn't happen.

  A boss is always confident.

  "Go to Guilan Tower and have a drink." Qu Yu said leisurely, touching the waiter's face.

  The driver responded respectfully.

  The carriage turned a corner, and the breeze lifted the curtains of the windows.

  Qu Yu accidentally saw at the corner a young man wearing a white cloth, thin and pitiful but with a hint of strength kneeling there. There was a white cloth behind him, and what looked like a human figure under the cloth.

  The young man also held a piece of cloth in his hand, which read:

  Sell yourself to bury your father.

  "Master, the mental fluctuations captured by the master of this dream are the same as the master of the previous dream."

  The author has something to say: The author loves to read comments. If there is anything that can be improved, please give me your opinions! !

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That white lotus is so damn alluring [Quickly Wear]
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Chapter 11 (Female Queen) Prince’s Little White Lotus 2
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  At the same time, the jade ring on her hand was heating up slightly.

  Qu Yu immediately stopped the carriage and asked the waiter to tie up the curtains. He was in high spirits and prepared to watch the show.

  There are many wealthy people in the capital, but there are few people with such miserable life experience, and there is no shortage of money to buy one.

  But most people in the capital also have some sense, and they are all watching, waiting for someone to come forward to explore the truth.

  Finally, a butcher put down his knife for chopping pork, wiped his saliva, and stepped forward.

  Qu Yu looked attentively.

  I saw this sturdy woman with a sinister face standing in front of Xiao Baihua, and said with a flattering face: "Little beauty, what is your name? Come with me, I will marry you as my husband, and I will bury my father-in-law properly."

  Xiao Baihua seemed to be frightened, and she shrank and said, "Thank you, Miss. My name is Lin Xiu. I only want a few taels of silver to bury my father and then I can go with the lady."

  "How many taels of silver are needed?"

  "Ten thousand taels." He said softly. , no one around him heard it clearly, only the butcher heard it clearly.

  Qu Yu, who knew lip reading, could also see clearly.


  The butcher was furious. She raised her hand and knocked him to the ground. She cursed: "You little bitch, you are playing with me."

  After that, she kicked him again, He was about to lift the white cloth and said, "Let me see if this is really your dead father..."

  Unexpectedly, Lin Xiu, who had no power to fight back, suddenly lifted the stone on the ground and hit the butcher's head hard. , which hit her head and blood.

  The butcher staggered and fell to the ground.

  See blood! Killed!

  The onlookers quickly dispersed. They did not want to be involved in this matter, and those who were quick had already reported it to the authorities.

  Lin Xiu sat slumped on the spot, his head lowered, his expression unclear.

  The scene was very desolate for a while.

  Qu Yu waved away the waiter, got off the carriage, and walked to Lin Xiu with his hands behind his back.

  "Ten thousand taels?"

  She looked at Lin Xiu playfully. This person noticed that a wealthy family was observing, and deliberately shouted such a high price to make the butcher furious and give the hero a chance to save the beauty.

  It's just that the butcher wanted to touch his late father and ruined his plan. He must be planning something now.

  "Miss, please investigate. The butcher is vulgar and cruel. I heard that she had several husbands, but they divorced her because they couldn't stand her.

  If I fall into the hands of such a person, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive. How long will it take for him to die with regret?"

  Lin Xiu endured the pain and struggled to kneel down, as if he didn't dare to raise his head to face Qu Yu.

  "It makes some sense. Just raise your head and let me take a look." Qu Yu looked romantic and affectionate.

  Lin Xiu raised his face slightly, half of it was horribly swollen, and blood was still flowing from the corner of his mouth, but his expression clearly did not show the inferiority complex of being beaten in the street, nor did he look panicked as if he had killed someone, he was still upright.

  "Do you know what it is to hurt someone on the street?" There seemed to be a cold light in her eyes.

  "Zuo is dead. I just pity my father. He doesn't even have a place to sleep after his death." Lin Xiu replied.

  He noticed that she used the word "injury" instead of "kill" in her words, and his eyes flashed.

  "Do you know who I am?"

  "I don't know."

  Qu Yu unfolded his fan and hid it in front of his face, hiding his uncontrollable smile. He looked at the leader who had arrived with a dozen policemen and said, "Very well. You'll know soon."

  The visitor's expression changed when he saw Qu Yu, and he came forward to salute, his eyes blazing: "This is a wrong place, so the young prince might as well avoid it first. Just avoid it and don't get any bad luck."

  "No problem, I happened to be passing by and saw the butcher hit someone first. She accidentally fell and hit a stone. She was really unlucky."

  Qu Yu said. He picked up his fan, patted the person on the shoulder, missed her, picked up Lin Xiu on the ground, and left without saying a word.

  "I believe Mr. He has made his own decision in his heart."

  The author has something to say: I don't know if the little cuties will watch the heroine. I'm afraid that the subject is too cold and no little angel will want to read it. I

  wish the little cuties a big fortune in 2019! ! All the best! ! Success in your studies! !

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That white lotus is so damn alluring [Quickly Wear]
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Chapter 12 (Female Queen) Prince’s Little White Lotus 3
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  He Captou thought about it secretly for a while, his eyes glanced at the blood-stained cloth on the ground that still had writing on it, and he turned around and said: "What are you doing standing still? Didn't you listen to what the young prince said? Butcher Zhang deliberately made trouble and hurt people. Take her away with your life!"

  The policemen said: "Yes."

  Young Prince Rong, who no one in the capital dared to offend, spoke in person, so there was no need to mention the future of Butcher Zhang.

  Qu Yu placed Lin Xiu on the couch where he was resting, asked the waiter to clean him up, and then ordered the coachman to change lanes and quickly return to Prince Rong's Mansion.

  Lin Xiu sat up weakly, not daring to look directly at her: "Miss, my father..."

  The little waiter who cleaned up the dirt on his body paused and whispered: "Young Master, please do not call yourself 'I' in front of this daughter of the world. "

  Lin Xiu looked up innocently, his face was miserable, and his only pair of watery eyes were crystal clear.

  "It's okay. I'll let him do whatever he wants with my daughter. Don't worry, we've already made arrangements. When you recover from your injuries, you can go and worship your father."

  Qu Yu sat on the edge of the collapse and touched the warmth in his hand. He licked his fingers and closed his eyes.

  "Thank you so much for saving me. Xiu'er has nothing to repay. I can only..."

  Lin Xiu said shyly, but was interrupted by Qu Yu, who didn't know how to be charming.

  "Save? Are you overthinking? You were bought by this daughter of this generation, and she bought your prison sentence with peace of mind. Isn't this deal a great deal?"

  It is true that Lin Xiu's appearance at this time is unsightly. Yu moved his gaze to the window again.

  "...Xiu'er will be the daughter of the world from now on. I hope the daughter of the world will take pity on her."

  Lin Xiu looked unnatural for a moment, and then his face became affectionate again.

  He is a ruthless person.

  There was silence in the car for a while.

  Prince Rong's Mansion.

  When Prince Rong heard that his daughter had not returned yet, he called the doctor in the palace to wait. He thought something had happened to Qu Yu and waited anxiously at the gate.

  When Qu Yu got out of the car, he was hugged by Prince Rong and listened to her cry.

  "My poor good daughter, you just went out for a trip, why did you get hurt! If you have any shortcomings, how can you live as a mother!"


  In this world, Prince Rong, she His mother, Qu Ning, is also a ruthless person who even Qu Yu can't resist.

  Her head was buried in that towering chest, and it took her a long time to break free. She said helplessly, "Mother, my daughter is fine. She just picked up someone on the road. He was the one who was injured."


  Prince Rong He immediately stopped crying, stood up, straightened his clothes, flicked his sleeves, turned his hands behind his back, and said majestically: "I see, Yu'er is fine, so I, the king, can rest assured."

  Qu Yu saw Prince Rong standing there uncomfortably. He knew it well and took out a money bag and stuffed it into her hand and said: "My daughter saw that her mother looked tired, so why not go out and have some fun."

  "That's very good, very good."

  Prince Rong smiled happily and did not ask questions. Yu brought someone back and left with a few guards.

  This scene was all seen by Lin Xiu.

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  He stood up and was about to get out of the car when he pulled on a painful spot. He accidentally lost his strength and was about to fall to the ground when a pair of hands wrapped around his waist.

  I don't know when Qu Yu, who had his back turned to him, noticed it. When he hugged him, there was a breeze around him, which raised her long hair, and some strands fell on his face.

  Four pairs of eyes.

  Lin Xiu felt his violent heartbeat.

  Qu Yu suffered the biggest visual impact in his life.

  "The current collected energy value is 5%."

  She looked away, put one hand around Lin Xiu's waist, and put the other hand between the crooks of his legs, and carried him to the inner courtyard.

  This person belongs to her and will not be held by anyone else.

  However, we should go back quickly to see the beauty and wash our eyes.

  Seeing this scene, all the servants were frightened. This man looked so shabby and frail. Could it be that his daughter's aesthetics were abnormal?

  Everyone in Prince Rong's Mansion knows that there are only three servants in the Prince's Courtyard, but all of them are top-notch.

  A peerless beauty who excels in singing and dancing; a gentle young man with both ability and political integrity; a tall, tall and heroic warrior.

  The Xia Dynasty has always been civilized, because most women are beautiful and well-proportioned, and most aesthetic standards require that men should also be pleasing to the eye and not be too far away from their wives, but some also prefer stronger ones.

  After all, a stronger man is more able to satisfy his wife in sexual intercourse. If the wife feels comfortable being served and is willing to let the man conceive, then a strong body will be able to give birth to a healthy child safely.

  But this young man has neither of them. At first glance, he looks like a master who is not good at raising children, but he is also cherished by the ladies of the world. This shows that there must be something special about him, and he must be treated with care. The servants thought.

  In a bedroom in the inner courtyard, two people were already waiting.

  When they saw Qu Yu's approaching figure, their eyes lit up and they looked at each other warily.

  Qu Yu came over with Lin Xiu in his arms and was overjoyed to see one of them. He casually put Lin Xiu down on the couch and told the doctor: "Doctor Duan, please give him the best wound ointment."

  After that, he went to bed with him . The other man looked at each other and smiled, took his hand and left, his steps a little hasty.

  The light in Duan Mu's eyes dimmed, knowing that the lover would not be able to hear, but he still responded softly: "Yes."

  Lin Xiu's eyes flashed with a look of inquiry, and he said softly: "Doctor Duan "Can I ask who that person was?"

  "That person is Meng Shijun who was the first to be given a title by the world's daughter," Duan Mu replied warmly while checking Lin Xiu's condition.

  "What kind of person is Meng Shijun?"

  "The breeze is bright and the moon is bright, the humility is like a valley, a pearl in the ocean."

  The author has something to say: Happy New Year everyone! !

  Okay, I admit that I am short-tempered

  . It is really difficult to write ancient poems. I tried my best. Tell me, the writing in this female world is much better than the previous one, isn't it? !


  Daily lament: My heroine is such a scumbag

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Chapter 13 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 4 1/2
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  Qu Yu pulled Meng Zike quickly into his yard.

  Seeing this, the servants in the courtyard retreated with great look.

  As soon as he entered the bedroom, Qu Yu picked him up and threw him on the bed. After admiring his handsome face for a while, he eagerly entangled himself with him.

  After several exercises, Meng Zike panted slightly, his hair stuck to his face with sweat, and he lay in Qu Yu's arms and closed his eyes to rest.

  Qu Yu put one hand around his waist and massaged him gently, and combed his messy hair with the other hand, and asked: "Zike, why are you waiting there with Dr. Duan?"

  "I happened to be consulting Dr. Duan on medical skills. Hearing that his wife was urgently calling for a doctor, the waiter was worried, so he followed suit. "

  Meng Zike was pressed comfortably by Qu Yu, and he put his arms around her waist and said, "Fortunately, my wife is fine. Qu Yu paused his hand and said helplessly: "

  Zi Ke, don't worry, your wife and I will never get into trouble easily."

  She squeezed his slender and delicate hand, turned over and pressed against him, stealing some fragrance. Kissing him, he said: "Also, how many times have I said that in private, 'you and me' can be compatible, why can't I remember it?"

  Hearing this, Meng Zike's expression darkened. She would never know that he How much I cherish the opportunity to call her that. Every time, he called her as if it was the last time.

  Unexpectedly, her thigh rubbed irregularly at this time, and Meng Zike immediately gasped, trying hard not to let the sound out of his mouth, and his face turned red with embarrassment.

  This person has such an ability to make people forget their worries without even realizing it.

  In this world, men are more passionate than women, and their bodies are ten thousand times more sensitive than women, but his wife is different. He can't get out of bed with anything she wants, which is really embarrassing.

  "Master Wife, will the person you brought back today also become your servant?" Meng Zike didn't respond to her, and turned to ask the person whose face was unsightly due to injuries.

  This is hard to answer. Should we say that he may be her future king?

  "Probably." Qu Yu replied vaguely.

  She started moving again, leaving him with no energy to think about other things.

  I don't know how many rounds it took, but Qu Yu finally asked his servants to bring him hot water and bathe himself and Meng Zike.

  Meng Zike was so tired that he quickly fell asleep wrapped in a quilt.

  Qu Yu softly asked someone to change her clothes again, dressed neatly and went out again.

  It was already evening, and the sky was still covered with bright red and beautiful sunset glow.

  This Wushan Yunyu experience made her feel physically and mentally comfortable, and she felt like she could act in front of Lin Xiu's face again.

  Qu Yu thought like this, but his steps gradually became heavier.

  Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in front, a figure appeared. It was Duan Mu who was carrying a medical box. At this time, he was picking sweet-scented osmanthus flowers from the tree for unknown purposes.

  Qu Yu's eyes lit up and he stepped forward and called out: "What a coincidence, why is Dr. Duan here?"

  Duan Mu turned around after hearing the voice of Qu Yu, with a look of joy that he could not hide on his face.

  He bowed, bowed his head and said: "My dearest daughter, I am picking osmanthus flowers. Osmanthus flowers have the effect of warming the lungs and transforming into drinks, dispelling cold and relieving pain, which is exactly what Young Master Lin is doing."

  "So, how is Lin Xiu's recovery? "

  I used the Qingyuan ointment brought by the palace to Young Master Lin. It was very effective, but within a few hours, there were no scars on his face."

  Duan Mu replied respectfully, thinking of something in his mind, and then said: " It's just that Young Master Lin asked me about a lot of things about you, and I thought that the person you brought back to the house in person must be trustworthy, so I told him everything."

  Qu Yu said with interest: "What did he ask?"

  "Master Lin asked you what you like to eat, and the character of the servants around you..."

  Qu Yu really wanted to believe Lin Xiu's lies!

  She waved her hand to interrupt Duan Mu's words and said: "Okay, if he wants to know these things, just tell him. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." She

  originally thought of testing Lin Xiu's inner feelings first. What do you think, now it seems that it is better to check the information from the secret guards first.

  Qu Yu turned around and walked towards the study room in the front yard.

  Duan Mu was left alone, looking at her back with nostalgia in his eyes.

  A gust of breeze blew by, causing the shadows of the trees to dance, and the light and fragrant osmanthus blossoms were turned pink by the sunlight and fell one after another.

  If Qu Yu turned around, he could see how beautiful this scene was.

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  Qu Yu entered the study and saw a pile of paper on the table. She sat down on the chair, picked it up and looked at it carefully.

  Lin Xiu, whose real name is Lin Jin, is a sixteen-year-old who has no official identity and sneaks into Beijing with a caravan. His father, Xu Yuan, is deceased, and his mother, Lin Wu, is unknown.

  People from the south of the Yangtze River, due to the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River due to the change of power in the Xia Dynasty fifteen years ago, fled northward. Their father was abandoned by their mother, and all their bank assets were taken away. It is said that his mother learned some medical skills.

  His father, Xu Yuan, took Lin Jin, who was still a toddler at the time, to beg for food. Later, he was taken in by a peasant girl, Lei Yuan. Xu Yuan married for the second time and had nothing to do for ten years. When Lei Yuan saw that Lin Jin was growing up, he became evil and was noticed by Xu Yuan. , and Lin Jin escaped overnight.

  Lin Jin and Xu Yuan once worked as odd jobs in the school, and the teacher in the school changed their names to Lin Xiu. However, the father and son were found by Lei Yuan. After half a month of beating and torture, the two found an opportunity to flee north again.


  A father and son are penniless. The father is seriously ill, but the son is still beautiful. This shows how bumpy the journey has been.

  But Qu Yu's eyes only fluctuated when he saw the name "Lin Wu" at the beginning. After reading a few pages of paper, there was no emotion on his face, but for some reason, there was a gloomy feeling in his heart.

  Putting aside his inexplicable depression for the time being, Qu Yu recalled some things and had a plan in mind.

  Stepping out of the study, she summoned a waiter and ordered: "Go and find Prince Rong, and tell him that if he doesn't come back tomorrow morning, I won't give her another penny this month. "

  The little waiter is here. "

  A more vicious threat was needed to get the unconventional King Rong to take him seriously.

  Finally at nine o'clock on the second day, Prince Rong will drive back in a carriage.

  "What's going on, you're so anxious to get me back?" Prince Rong yawned, looking sleepy and tired.

  "Of course I have something I need to discuss with you and Your Majesty."

  Qu Yu squeezed into Prince Rong's carriage, pushed her aside, and fell down side by side, feeling equally sleepy.

  Seeing his daughter's appearance, Prince Rong showed rare kindness and gave a corner of the thin blanket covering him to Qu Yu.


  There was a lot of fighting in the carriage, and the two of them each got half.

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Chapter 13 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 4 2/2
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  Nine times out of ten, Prince Rong came to court without being seen, but it was very strange. The ministers exchanged pleasantries, and those who didn't know thought that Prince Rong and Qu Yu were very popular.

  After hearing the summons from the previous court, everyone looked serious and dressed up to enter.

  Only Prince Rong looked very sad.

  At court, several adults indeed listed all the evil deeds of Prince Rong's foster sister, bullying good people, acting unscrupulously, and doing random things...

  The empress and Prince Rong looked at each other vaguely, and saw that the other party also had a headache, which was a little comforting.

  Qu Yu watched from the wall.

  "My dear friends, even if Lin Wu is Prince Rong's sworn sister, I will never let her go if she gets into so many troubles." The empress said with integrity.

  The officials were silent.

  Seeing this, Prince Rong received the signal from his sister's eyes, put it on the shelf, and casually sold his daughter: "Your Majesty said that my adopted sister did something wrong, and I am also responsible, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation. Why don't you come and help me discuss how to hold Yu'er's coronation ceremony?"

  All the officials immediately rushed out to speak:

  "I have a suggestion, why don't we decide on it at the young prince's coronation ceremony? "I agree with you!"

  "I agree with you!"

  "I agree with you!"


  Qu Yu had a friendly smile on his face.

  Prince Rong has already begun to worry about the whereabouts of next month's pocket money. Well, he should ask his sister for it.

  It is really sad that she has endured an economic crisis that should not be experienced at this age! What a shame!

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Chapter 14 (Female Queen) Prince’s Little White Lotus 5
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  The court hall was very lively.

  Qu Yu secretly resented that his concubine, Qu Huang, was busy accompanying Zhengjun to have a baby and would go to court in the future, otherwise these people would only be nagging him.

  The empress had seen enough of the excitement and saw Qu Yu's face turning dark, so she finally said: "We will discuss this matter later."

  The courtiers did not dare to go out of their way. They were silent for a while, looked at each other for a few times, and then started discussing again. other things.

  After going down to court, everyone walked outside the palace.

  A waiter came forward, knelt down and said, "I have met Prince Rong and Young Prince Rong. Your Majesty invites you."

  "Lead the way." Prince Rong said.

  When the group arrived at Gonglu Pavilion, Prince Rong and Qu Yu paused slightly before walking straight in. The attendants beside them stopped quietly and stood guard outside the pavilion.

  Gonglu Pavilion is a place specially used to store scrolls. On the scroll, all the people who were kind to the royal family were recorded.

  At this time, the empress was holding a scroll in her hand, with her back to the way she came from, and she was standing by the window, reading it carefully, with a dark side face.

  Hearing the footsteps, the empress turned around. She was unrivaled in beauty, majestic and inviolable.

  "Yu'er, take a careful look at the contents of this scroll."

  The empress closed the scroll and threw it into Qu Yu's hand.

  Qu Yu caught it and looked at it intently.

  King Rong on the side also came over curiously to take a look.

  In the seventy-eighth year of Dayi, the princess Qu Chen and the third princess Qu Ning hid in Yangshao Mountain for several days to avoid the pursuit of the second princess and her father's family, the Jiang family. The third princess blocked a fatal arrow for the princess and was seriously injured and fell into a coma. , they were discovered by an Orion Lin Wu, who rescued them and used all the silver coins and medicine to treat their wounds, and the three princesses were saved from danger.

  Later, the guards of the two princesses searched Lin Wu's residence and interrogated him in every possible way but did not disclose their whereabouts. As a result, the two were able to maintain their strength and return to the capital.

  When the empress ascended the throne, in order to repay her kindness, she gave Lin Wu one of the most prosperous restaurants in the capital, and King Rong recognized her as his adopted sister.

  Qu Yu glanced at ten lines, and after reading it for a few seconds, he had already memorized the contents in his mind. He raised his head and said, "Aunt Huang, this Lin Wu may be Lin Xiu's mother that I brought home yesterday."

  "Yes, there is a lot to do here. "The empress nodded.

  King Rong was confused and asked: "When did Lin Wu have a son?"

  The empress twitched her brows, ignored King Rong, and said patiently: "In the past fifteen years, the royal family has repaid Lin Wu enough to repay their past kindness. If she had always been as knowledgeable as before, I would have been able to give her a lifetime of glory and wealth, but she was so wild-minded that she thought..."

  "Yes, yes, I have taken a lot of blame for her over the years!" Rong! Wang Qi said.

  Qu Yu's thoughts were interrupted, his eyebrows were sharp, and he threw a fatal blow at King Rong: "Mother, what good things did you do to make you short of money every day? Also, your daughter was only four years old and Sister Huang was five years old, and you were Where did they leave us?"

  The two precocious children had a good time, but their fathers died in unbearable humiliation after being taken away in order to keep the secret.

  The empress and Prince Rong are obviously cruel people, and now they only hang up the phoenix throne to express their condolences.

  "Well, you guys pretending to be beggars are quite similar, haha, haha."

  Prince Rong poured himself a cup of tea, then poured a cup for the empress and handed it over to the empress. He took the tea cup and walked to the window. Look at the scenery.

  Qu Yu chuckled and said to the empress: "When Yu'er takes action, please ask the emperor's aunt for your cooperation."

  The empress picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said: "This is natural."

  The problem can be solved, and the empress thought of teasing. He took another sip of tea and said jokingly: "However, why did you bring that person who didn't know the details back to your home? I heard that he sold himself to bury his father. Could it be that he is your intimate person?"

  Unexpectedly, Qu Yu said righteously: "That's right. This person."



  the not elegant duet sounded in the attic.

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  "In just half a day, that boy has become your intimate?" the empress asked curiously.

  "You can tell with just one glance whether you know someone or not."

  Qu Yu Anran poured himself a cup of tea and sat down to sip it, not knowing whether what she said was the truth.

  Prince Rong was holding a cup and standing by the window, with a complex expression on his face. He didn't know what he was thinking.

  The empress frowned, disapproving very much, and said: "Yu'er, based on your status, how can you be worthy of such a poor family? On weekdays, you are fooling around, and you put everything good and bad into the house, just to give a I also accept your title of serving the emperor, but how can a man from such a family background secure his position as a king?"

  Qu Yu put down the tea cup, knowing that the empress was thinking about him, so he stood up and bowed, and said seriously: "All knowledge and accomplishments can be acquired. No matter what your family background, it is just dispensable to Yu'er. I only ask the emperor's aunt to fulfill her."

  The empress was about to retort, but was interrupted by Prince Rong.

  "It's a good thing to find someone who knows you. You live your own life. If you can convince the world, I and your aunt will definitely not stop you."

  Prince Rong's eyes seemed to have pain and reminiscence, but for just a moment Then disappeared. She looked at the empress with pleading eyes.

  The empress couldn't help but recall Prince Rong's past, and she felt a little distressed in her heart. Finally, she stopped saying any objections and pretended to be impatient: "Okay, both of them are like this, and they are not as obedient as my Huang'er. You can go on your own. Well, I will be responsible for any trouble."

  The empress waved her hand, indicating that the two of them should leave, and she sat down again and looked at other scrolls.

  The success was firmly established in the Empress' heart, and the purpose of this trip could be considered fulfilled. Qu Yu pulled Prince Rong to salute and left together.

  On the gorgeous and comfortable carriage, Prince Rong and Qu Yu lay down and rested lazily, each with their own thoughts, and they were silent all the way.

  When he arrived at the Prince's Mansion, Qu Yu took out another bunch of banknotes and shook them.

  Prince Rong's eyes sparkled.

  "Mother, I'll give you this money. You can spend it when you go out to play. But the secret guards around you must not be sent away, you know?" Qu Yu said seriously to Prince Rong while holding the banknote.

  Even though she knew intellectually that these people were all fake, these mutated dreams were so terrifyingly real that she also had some feelings for her relatives in this world.

  The future will be troubled, and Prince Rong is also someone who truly loves and protects her, so Qu Yu chooses to protect her.

  "I listen to Yu'er. You also know that as long as you are not involved, your mother and I will cherish my life the most." Prince Rong seemed to be joking, but a serious look flashed in his eyes.

  The royal family is the most ruthless, but they have experienced life and death together, and their relationship is extremely deep.

  There is a connection between mother and daughter.

  Qu Yu handed over the banknote, got off the carriage, and watched it leave, the worry in his eyes swept away.

  The waiter beside him was waiting quietly for the daughter to enter the house. He moved slightly, and Qu Yu glanced at him and went to the backyard.

  Lin Xiu's yard was extremely busy today.

  Qu Yu was a little surprised when he stepped in. He really didn't expect that all three of his servants were here. At this time, the four of them were sitting in a circle around the stone table in the small pavilion in the garden. They sounded like they were talking in the distance. she.

  After shooing away the waiter who was about to report, she lowered her voice, walked quietly to the tree, and eavesdropped openly.

  "Actually, when it comes to knowledge, Brother Meng must be the most knowledgeable." A charming and gentle man said this, it was Tan Dbr />

  "But when it comes to being able to please the wife, it is still t艿Naizhisi Meng What a sudden disaster

  ! I don't know anything, except that I am nimble with my hands. I am neither as strong as Brother Zhu, nor as good at singing and dancing as Brother Tan, nor as knowledgeable and knowledgeable as Brother Meng. It is really useless. "Lin Xiu's voice was filled with loneliness.

  Then he heard Meng Zike say: "Brother Xiu, there is no need to belittle yourself. I see that you have a delicate mind and are very smart. I wonder if I am lucky enough to be able to teach you?

  "Thank you for the compliment, Brother Meng, but don't think Xiu'er is stupid when the time comes. " Lin Xiu said happily.

  At this time, Zhu Nian, who had been silent until now, spoke up: "There is a bad guy listening to our conversation." "

  The pavilion suddenly became quiet.

  He heard Tan's slaves and his bones breaking down. Look at the condyle playing with the dragon! br />

  Qu Yu knew that Zhu Nian had smart ears and eyes, so he might have discovered that she was there already, so let her have more time. It took me a few words to figure it out. It was really hard to predict that Lin Xiu could get along with them.

  She coughed slightly and walked out with a smile on her face.

  "Why are they all so busy today?" here? "

  Qu Yu walked to the pavilion and stopped their salutes.

  There were four people sitting around a small round stone table. The one in green was as gentle as jade, the one in black was heroic, the one in red was charming, and the one in red was charming.   She was pure and elegant in white.

  The four people looked at her with different meanings.   The waiter waiting at the side came to serve tea.

Qu   Yu sat down and saw a chessboard on the table, with the game still unsolved.   "I was in a hurry yesterday . , I can see Brother Xiu in the future, but today I forced him to drag his injured body to chat with us. "Meng Zike smiled gently and dropped his hand.   Lin Xiu's eyes flickered, and he said shyly: "I was the last one to come in, so I should have gone to see some brothers, and I made them worried. It's not me. " 8BooK.cΟмThe   speed of Qu Yu and Meng Zike's moves gradually slowed down. Both of them were concentrating and did not say a word.   Seeing that Lin Xiu was left out, Tan 漺枢C Φbroken bones pulled out Yi Xiangji and Tang Aotanna played with gorilla locks.   "Brother Tan is saying that Xiu'er is really blessed today! " . " Lin Xiu said with a smile.   Zhu Nian was a man of few words, so he agreed upon hearing the words and called the waiter to get the sword. Just   as the waiter was about to go, he was stopped by Qu Yu: "There's no need to get another sword. I have a handful here, take it. "   Without raising her head, she pulled out a sword with a gem-encrusted hilt from her waist.   The sword was cold, extremely sharp, and not as gorgeous as it was. It was a fine sword.   I wish you a happy new year . After he became Qu Yu's servant, Qu Yu often competed with him. He had been coveting the sword for a long time, but it was just his nature that he was embarrassed to ask for it, so Qu Yu was too embarrassed to give it to him   . , danced for a few times, and got used to the weight of the sword.   The sound of the piano gradually began to play, and a man danced the sword in a high-spirited manner.   Wherever the sword moved, leaves fell and flowers flew.   Meng Zike put down the white zi in his hand and said with a wry smile. The Lord is still so powerful, and I am willing to be defeated. "   "It's because you're absent-minded. "Qu Yu also threw away the sunspot in his hand, picked up the slightly cold tea on the table and took a sip, no longer looking at the person opposite. Accompanied by the high and undulating music of the piano, he admired the figure of the man dancing the sword in the garden.

  Meng Zike's pupils shrank, his face was blank for a moment, then he returned to his gentle smile and stopped talking.

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  Qu Yu sat quietly, sighing in his heart that this peaceful and harmonious afternoon might never be possible again.   After a while, Zhu Nian stopped, his face turned red, his breath was slightly confused, and he said with embarrassment: "I haven't danced with the sword for a long time, so I feel a little rusty."   Lin Xiu stepped forward and handed out the handkerchief, with a smile on his face . Admiration: "Brother Zhu is very powerful."   Zhu Nian took it and wiped off the sweat, and said awkwardly: "I can also teach you martial arts, but it is really vulgar and not as elegant as Brother Meng."   This Zhu Nian really doesn't know how to do it . When he speaks, those who are not familiar with his character will definitely think that he is being sarcastic.   Tan 谸隢觖堙@诘诘 skeleton pull out a drum of fu tang 阌子盅诺mother 枘枘剀兀丝喽嗽婷! br />   Lin Xiu was very happy and said: "Xiu'er has a humble status, but he is able to know several brothers and be taught by you. It is really a blessing for Xiu'er."   "How to say this, you should be most grateful. Isn't she my daughter?" Qu Yu stood up, with a half-smile on his face, but his phoenix eyes that were supposed to be attractive were extremely majestic.   Lin Xiu hurriedly came over again, gently grabbed her sleeves, and looked at her cautiously: "My wife, I..."   "Huh?"   Qu Yu lifted his small chin with one hand, and their faces were different. Only ten centimeters away, the aura was lingering and ambiguous, making Lin Xiu blush with embarrassment.   He lowered his eyes, his eyelids trembled slightly, and his red lips were moist: "Xiu'er is most grateful to you, my wife."   Qu Yu rubbed his lips, his eyes darkened.   "Clean up and wait for me today." She leaned close to his ear and whispered softly.   Lin Xiu's ear clip turned red and he let out an inaudible "hmm".   Qu Yu straightened up, glanced at the beauties in this courtyard, smiled mischievously, and said: "I am very happy today. Let's go to Weilan Pavilion to have a drink together in the evening. We are not allowed to miss it."   Everyone's faces were filled with joy and smiles . He replied: "Yes."   In this world, married men can walk freely on the streets, but they must be accompanied by their wives, otherwise they will be said to be indecent.   Qu Yu had taken them out to play several times in the past, but the closer they got to the weak crown ceremony, the more arduous things the empress gave her to prevent her from causing trouble. It had been almost a whole year since they had gone out to play together.   Qu Yu's backyard is also unique. The several servants have a very good relationship with each other. They usually treat each other sincerely, which makes the other women who Qu Yu is friends with envious.   Qu Yu said again: "I just heard that you want to teach this one and that one. Then let me see how well you can teach Lin Xiu."   Meng Zike had somewhat guessed what his wife was thinking, but now he heard When she said this, she was even more certain that Lin Xiu felt a little different in the wife's heart.   His eyelids drooped to cover the loneliness in his eyes, and he said gently: "Brother Xiu has excellent qualifications and character. With the guidance of us, he will definitely satisfy his wife."   Lin Xiu was a little uneasy, because he was still kneeling on the street yesterday. Will I be able to live the life I dreamed of before if I let others step on me? He couldn't help but tighten his grip on Qu Yu's sleeve.   Qu Yu noticed, turned around, touched his face, and said casually: "You can rest assured, I have never broken my word, and your brothers are all people who stick to their word. My daughter will make you live a safe life, just believe it."   These words were so touching, Lin Xiu's eyelids trembled slightly, and there seemed to be pearls in the sunlight.   Wife, I want to believe it.   "The current collected energy value is 10%."   The author has something to say: ------Mengmeng Little Theater----  Heroine: Ha! If you want to play backgammon with me, you'd better be young! 8BОok. COм

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  In the afternoon, everyone went back to the courtyard to rest.

  Each attendant is assigned two attendants, and Lin Xiu is flanked by Liu Yun and Liu Shuang. Liuyun has a calm personality and is calm about things; Liushuang has an out-of-touch personality and is lazy.

  Liu Yun was sent by Lin Xiu to be responsible for decoction. At this time, he was only served by Liu Shuang. After Liu Shuang poured the tea and placed the cakes, she went out, her attitude a bit scornful.

  Seeing this, Lin Xiu took a sip of tea and said with a gentle smile: "Liu Shuang, let's talk."

  Liu Shuang stopped reluctantly, turned around and walked to Lin Xiu's side and stopped with his hands down.

  "You must also know that I have a low status. I must have accumulated virtues in my previous life to win the attention of the daughter of the world. But on weekdays, how about we treat each other as brothers?"

  I don't know if this person mentioned the daughter of the world. Intentional, but in the end Liu Shuang put away the contempt in his eyes, but his tone was still not very good: "Thank you for your appreciation, but this cannot be done. If you mess up, you will be punished."

  "Where to start? I just want to be more cordial in private, so how can others know about it? I am used to serving tea and pouring water, so brother Liu Shuang can be more casual."

  Lin Xiu seemed to be restless, turning his back to Liu Shuang . Shuang wiped the dust on the shelf with a handkerchief, her voice still gentle.

  Sunlight shines in from the window, reflecting the dust flying in the air, and falls on the treasure that ordinary people can hardly see, but here it is just used by a small servant.

  A trace of ridicule flashed in Liu Shuang's eyes. He was indeed a lowly person, who was worse than himself. He felt uneasy about letting him enjoy the blessings, so he spoke with a bit of casualness: "It's great to be able to serve someone like you. My blessing."

  Lin Xiu's face darkened for a moment, but when he turned to face Liu Shuang, his smile was gentle and soft: "Brother Liu Shuang, does he know the origins of his wife's servants?"

  Liu Shuang didn't want to. He wasted his time on Lin Shijun, who had no chance of winning, but after thinking about it, it was a win-win situation and a loss-win situation. There was no harm in knowing more, so he sat down comfortably.

  "It's natural. Meng Shijun got acquainted with Shi Nu through poetry during the Flower Festival; Tan Shijun was originally a shepherd of Wanhua House, and was redeemed by Shi Nu with a generous 10,000 taels; Zhu Shijun met Shi Nu when she was traveling and was assassinated Standing up to protect each other, this is the fate." Liu Shuang said excitedly, picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the table and ate it himself.

  Seeing this, Lin Xiu silently poured a cup of tea for Liu Shuang and said with a smile: "What about their family background?"

  Liu Shuang drank a few mouthfuls of tea and said: "Only the daughter of the emperor knows this."

  Lin Xiu's expression remained unchanged and he asked instead: "What about Weilan Tower?"

  "Weilan Tower has three and a half floors. The top floor is a magnificent pavilion. It only entertains royal nobles. It's ordinary. The prices of the dishes are more than ten times higher than usual. Moreover, the host Lin Wu is the sister-in-law of Prince Rong. If you can go to Weilan Restaurant for a drink in the capital, it means that this person is of high status and power."

  "Lin Wu... ..." Lin Xiu repeated the name softly, covering the darkness in his eyes by raising the teapot. Qu Yu must have known about this. It turned out that she was kind to him because he was still valuable.

  "Yes, Mr. Lin didn't know what kind of luck happened to him. Suddenly one day he became the prince's sworn sister. Now in the capital, he doesn't even dare to offend her daughter easily."

  "She also has a daughter?"

  "That's right. She was born to the husband she married after she became the sworn sister of the prince. She is only twelve or thirteen years old now, and that dandy is extremely arrogant in the capital..."


  a few yards away.

  "Ayang, what are the circumstances under which the owners of two dream realms are the same person?"

  In the study, Qu Yu looked through Lin Xiu's past deeds, and used his mental power to control Li in the jade pendant. Yang asked.

  "Master, the intensity of this dream lord's obsession ranks first in the test. Perhaps because of his extremely poor luck, past dreams have accumulated mutations and doubled their energy, so we are attracted to it." Li Yang replied.

  "The worse his luck, the deeper his obsession, the worse his dream, and the obsession that cannot be eliminated affects himself. It's a vicious cycle, right?" Qu Yu put down the paper, walked to the window, and looked out the window with his hands behind his back. , the eyes are thin and cold.

  The mutated dreamland has broken away from the original rules, the energy has materialized, and it even has the meaning of forming a small world of its own.

  "Such people can just give them some sweet treats and just have fun in these worlds."

  These words floated in the air lightly.

  "Master has no plans left."

  Lin Wu received the news from the Prince's Mansion, saying that the daughter-in-law wanted to bring the newly-acquired lord to see the world. After thinking about it, she ordered her servants to prepare a banquet in the top pavilion and personally Standing at the door waiting, with a handsome face, the men passing by looked at her again and again, but she remained motionless.

  I saw a few carriages with the emblem of Prince Rong's Palace coming from a distance, and even the carriage drivers were more elegant than others.

  The first one was naturally Qu Yu, followed by three more. Lin Xiu's carriage was still being built, so he squeezed into one with Meng Zike. No matter what was going on in his heart, he looked happy on his face.

  Several owners got out of the car, each with only one waiter, and there were more than ten people.

  Lin Wu stepped forward, acting like an elder, and glanced at the people behind her. He didn't look rudely at his appearance, but he just saw that the stranger was handsome, handsome, and somewhat familiar.

  She led them inside and said with a big smile: "Good girl, it's been a long time since I saw you come out to have a drink with me. Could it be that you are drunk in your own gentle country?"

  Although Lin Wu was not a very knowledgeable person in the past, However, she has been actively studying for more than ten years and has not forgotten to keep fit. Now she is still in her prime, and she is very comfortable dealing with noble people.

  "What's going on? Isn't my daughter here to flatter you?" Qu Yu smiled with a treacherous look in his eyes.

8BОok. COмSeveral

  people behind her also had the same idea. They all had dangerous eyes, but a white man dared to be so rude to the prince's daughter.

  "Then you must have a great time today. I specially prepared the cold pool incense for you. You can't eat it anywhere else."

  Lin Wu Anxin accepted Qu Yu's honorific title and took the group to the top pavilion. If it is an eyesore, leave voluntarily.

  This small pavilion is inscribed with the name Yiying Pavilion. Under the illumination of Bilin Lake and surrounding lanterns, there is a floating light on the top of the pavilion, which looks very beautiful at night.

  The waiter who had been waiting there led Qu Yu to sit down. He wanted to kneel down and serve the dishes, but she waved him away.

  Qu Yu said: "You are not needed, Lin Xiu is here."

  Before Lin Xiu could sit down, he said "Yes" after hearing the words, walked over and knelt down, picked up the chopsticks, and waited for Qu Yu's instructions with a low eyebrow. What to eat.

  Unexpectedly, Qu Yu hugged his waist with force, and the chopsticks fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

  After several other people took their seats and saw this scene, they averted their eyes as usual and admired the beautiful night view outside.

  Lin Xiu lost his balance and threw himself into her arms. His face touched a soft place. He was stunned for a moment, then realized something, and his face turned red. He immediately struggled to get up, but he didn't know where to put his hands, and his nose was filled with her fragrant breath.

  "My wife..."

  Qu Yu pinched his chin with one hand, put his red lips close to his tender white ears, and exhaled quietly: "You have been in my hospital for a few days, and you have never had a good conversation together. Today I will let you get to know you better." My wife is mine."

  Lin Xiu's ears were also dyed pink.   She poured a glass of wine and put it to his lips. The aroma of the wine was astonishing.   How could Lin Xiu refuse? He had no choice but to take a sip. It was sweet and had an endless aftertaste, but he couldn't taste the wine. It was so strange that his eyes lit up.   "My wife, why does this wine smell so strong but not taste like alcohol in the mouth?" Lin Xiu was like a greedy kitten, with his nose turned up and his eyes only staring at the wine in the glass, forgetting that he was at this moment The posture is very bold.   "This is what Hantanxiang is famous for. Although it has no alcoholic taste, it has a strong staying power. The small sip you just took is worth ten gold." Qu Yu picked up another piece of fish and handed it to his mouth. , "Have you drunk before?"   Lin Xiu ate obediently, shook his head when he heard the words, his eyes were watery, showing obvious desire. No matter how depressed he was in the past, he was still an innocent man and would never drink alcohol.   This look was so well-behaved, Qu Yu complied with his wish, took a mouthful of it, leaned over and pressed his lips against his, and when he left, he said inaudibly: "Ajin, trust me."

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  This look was so well-behaved, Qu Yu complied with his wish, took a mouthful of his own, leaned over and pressed his lips against his, and when he left, he said inaudibly: "Ajin, trust me."

  Lin Xiu thought that he was the one who Koudujiu was at a loss, but calmed down after hearing her call him "Ajin".

  She was telling him that she knew about his relationship with Lin Wu. She knew everything, and she was still on his side.

  Suddenly, Lin Xiu felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, almost as if his heart was broken. His face instantly turned pale and he let out a cry of pain.

  "It hurts so much, Wife, this wine is poisonous..."

  Lin Xiu gritted his teeth and yelled out this sentence. He looked at Qu Yu and strangely understood what the other person meant. He relaxed and fainted in her arms.

  At the same time, Qu Yu used his inner strength to smash the wine glass to the ground, shattering it into pieces.

  There was chaos at the table. Zhu Nian pulled out the soft sword from his waist and quickly moved it in front of Qu Yu, making a protective gesture. He glanced at the surrounding attendants suspiciously.

  Meng Zike and Tan ? A colorful wall boat, a horse, a fairy, a fairy, a wolf, a phantom br />The

  surrounding attendants fell to their knees, and they quickly went to Lin Wulai smartly.

  "Master! It's not good! The young prince Rong's servant drank our wine and fainted after shouting 'poisonous'! The young prince is furious!" The young prince's legs were shaking with fear and his speech was unclear.

  "What did you say?!" Lin Wu's eyes were about to burst.

  At this time, she was writing something, but her hand lost strength, and the ink smeared, and the full page was wasted.

  Lin Wu's hands were shaking a little, and he wanted to put the brush back into the pen holder, trying to calm himself down, but he couldn't put it back in several times, so the waiter stepped forward to take it and put it away.

  She put her hands on the table, closed her eyes and said: "Go tell my husband and take Qin'er away quickly."

  Qu Yu is both good and evil. He has done a lot of good and bad things, but he never hurts the weak. Her husband Completely unaware of what she was doing. Qu Yu wanted to deal with her, but he would never hurt them, for fear of being joined...

  There was a person unconscious in Qu Yu's arms, but he still sat there boldly, watching Lin Wu alone appear at the entrance, his eyes were cold, his face was cold However, Shang said with a deep smile: "Lin Wu, do you know your guilt?"

  The author has something to say: Today is Valentine's Day, so I want to give the male protagonist poisonous arsenic/frost (sinister laugh)

  Of course it's a joke~ Everyone's Valentine's Day Happy~ If you have a boyfriend, hang out with your boyfriend. If you don’t have one, celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day this year~

  I’m afraid it will be the end of the year of the monkey when the contract is over, so I’ll secretly add another chapter...

⑻BοOk. СOм

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  As soon as Lin Wu appeared, Zhu Nian's eyes were trained on her, the sword tilted and pointed from a distance.

  "What is the girl doing? What crime am I guilty of?" Lin Wu shook his sleeves, glanced at the waiter who was kneeling on the ground, and said calmly with his hands behind his back.

  At this time, the two parties were confronting each other. Lin Wu was alone but not weak.

  The stars twinkled at night, and the wind blew a bit cool.

  Qu Yu didn't look at her, but just fiddled with the jade ring on his hand as if unintentionally: "Zike, tell me what her crime is."

  Meng Zike said: "There are three crimes.

  One is that the following commits the crime of being disrespectful. Humility, this is a crime of great disrespect.

  Secondly, harming one's own children is a crime of disharmony.

  Thirdly, harming one's heirs is an unforgivable crime."

  He lowered his eyes and said nothing.

  Before leaving, Qu Yu gave him a note, and the look he gave him at the end was somewhat meaningful. Meng Zike thought about it carefully, and added the conversation with Lin Xiu when they were riding in the same car together, and then he confirmed Lin Xiu's identity. .

  No one noticed that Lin Xiu, who was probably unconscious, had his eyelashes trembling and his pink lips pursed slightly.

  When he heard Meng Zike's first accusation, Lin Wu still looked calm and smiled confidently.

  But when she heard the second line, her eyes changed drastically, and there was a hint of murderous intent. She squeezed the hand behind her back and used the pain to force herself to calm down. How could that thing that always succeeds and fail easily allow them to live?

  After hearing the third item, Lin Wu smiled instead of getting angry.

  "You are just a little servant, but you dare to criticize me, the step sister of the honorable prince. These accusations are so ridiculous! As an elder, how could I poison the girl? Where does the confusion of honor and inferiority come from, let alone I only have a daughter, Qin'er, so I should ask who came to recognize my mother!"

  Lin Wu took a few steps forward to see clearly the appearance of the person in Qu Yu's arms, but his eyes were dazzled by the wish. Nian aimed the tip of his sword at his neck!

  Zhu Nian's eyebrows were sharp and he said expressionlessly: "If you dare to step forward again, try again."

  Lin Wu had no choice but to hide the murderous intent in his eyes and stood still.

  Qu Yu put his hand on Lin Xiu's face, blocking Lin Wu's sight for him intentionally or unintentionally. His eyes were cold and cold: "I'm just my mother's adopted sister. How do you get such confidence?"

  She deliberately emphasized. The sound of "righteousness" sounded like a smile but not a smile: "What a coincidence, this woman came up to me and said, 'She made the famous Mr. Lin in the capital cuckold him for more than ten years.' I don't know if he was talking nonsense."

  Lin Wu broke into a cold sweat and said angrily: "It's ridiculous. Who doesn't know that my husband's family background is pure? Even if I treat my child badly, what kind of crime is it ?

  " , the crime can implicate nine clans," Qu Yu said unhurriedly.

  "This is even more nonsense! What's the benefit of me harming the girl? You can also test whether the food and wine are poisonous." After saying that, Lin Wu looked at the waiters around him again. If it is really poisonous, feel free to deduce it. Just one person takes the blame.

  "Who said that my daughter was poisoned and harmed? The victim was obviously the flesh and blood in the belly of my servant, my daughter. This is the heir that even my aunt the emperor values."

  Feeling the man in his arms tremble slightly, Qu There was a hint of smile in Yu's eyes, and the upper corners of his mouth were very dazzling.

  Hantanxiang is a taboo for pregnant people. As long as you drink a little, it can cause a tire slide in the slightest, or kill two people in the worst case.

  And this cold pool incense was what Lin Wu specially ordered to prepare.

  The people around Qu Yu naturally guessed the inside story, but they couldn't smile openly like her. They could only look sad and angry, holding back the pain.

  Lin Wu took a breath: "You are talking nonsense!"

  Qu Yu said: "How can you publicize the pregnancy of someone in the backyard?"

  Lin Wu was so angry that he couldn't speak.

  At this time, there was a commotion outside, and the door to the top pavilion was kicked open. A group of officers and soldiers rushed in, all holding a big knife in their hands. Light and shadow were intertwined in the pavilion.

  Afterwards, another group of family guards with the emblem of Prince Rong's Mansion, armed with knives and sticks, poured in.

  Suddenly, the not-so-small attic became very crowded. Everyone stared at Lin Wu standing in the middle, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

  One of the officers and soldiers came out, and he was an acquaintance. He Yuren hugged Qu Yu and showed the signing order to Lin Wu.

  Lin Wu sneered: "Oh, what a big battle. Do you think that if you catch me, you will never have any trouble?"

  Lin Wu and Qu Yu looked at each other.

  "Whether there will be any future troubles is another matter. Today you harmed my daughter's servants and children. This is an unforgivable crime. I hope you will be blessed." Qu Yu said pointedly.

  Lin Wu looked uncertain and wanted to speak, but was restrained by several officers and soldiers who rushed towards her. Before being taken away, she took a deep look at Qu Yu.

  After the people in the pavilion had almost dispersed, Qu Yu said softly: "This is just the beginning, the fun is yet to come."

  "The current collected energy value is 25%." Li Yang reported dutifully. data.

  Lin Xiu's eyelids moved slightly and slowly opened. It was only then that he was convinced that Qu Yu was really helping him, even if she had other intentions. He wanted to sit up, but he couldn't muster the strength, and his expression was miserable. However, he couldn't move after being suppressed by Qu Yu.

  "You will feel like you have had a miscarriage in the past few days. Just bear with it for a few days."

  Zhu Nian silently sheathed his sword and stood behind Qu Yu.

  Tan tgu feed韪中奕蛛怼br />

  Meng Zike looked unclear.

  Everyone went home. There was no relaxation and comfort on the road, only Qu Yu was very at ease, and even carried a pot of cold pond incense back.

  Behind them is the Weilan Tower, where the guests are asked to leave and the door is sealed.

  Who would have thought that in just half an hour, the prosperous Weilan Tower would become so desolate, which is sad.

  The next day, the news that Prince Rong and his daughter personally sent Lin Wu to prison spread throughout the capital.

  At noon, the storytellers in the teahouse were all talking eloquently as if they had seen it with their own eyes.


  "Then Lin Wu was just destined to be with Prince Rong before, and was recognized as his adopted sister. Who would have thought that in the past ten years, he has been so ambitious that he actually wanted to poison Prince Rong's daughter, and even killed the daughter. The unborn child.

  What’s even more chilling is that the Shijun she harmed was her biological son! On that day, Lin Shijun was innocent and wanted to meet Lin Wu, but who would have thought that he would end up with such a murderous hand!


  Under the seat, an incomparably handsome man stood up, it was Qu Yu.

  She looked at the storyteller on the stage and walked out of the door with Lin Xiu beside her as if nothing had happened.

  Qu Yu: "How is it? Did you let out a bad breath?"

  Lin Xiu half-leaned on Qu Yu, his face soft, but his eyes were dark, and his tone was a little sinister: "It's not enough."

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Chapter 17 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 8 2/2
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  Early this morning, Qu Yu took him to the prison.

  It was cold and damp inside, with only the candlelight on the wall emitting some gleaming light, and the figures scattered here and there.

  The door of the cell where Lin Wu was imprisoned was locked and airtight. There was only a small window in the center that could only be opened from the outside.

  In the darkness, Lin Wu was wearing prison clothes, sitting on the withered grass with disheveled hair, his face seemed to be scarred, and he felt very depressed.

  Seeing a glimmer of light leaking in, Lin Wu raised his eyes and looked over fiercely.

  As if frightened, Lin Xiu shrank back and hid in Qu Yu's arms.

  Qu Yu patted him comfortingly and said to the prison guard on the side: "Open the door."

  The prison guard said "yes" respectfully, opened the door and left on his own. This Lin Wu had a miserable life. The young prince personally ordered him to be treated well and he enjoyed the punishment for one night. Now he probably doesn't even have the strength to move.

  "Today's humiliation will be repaid a hundredfold when I get out." Lin Wu said pitifully.

  "If you can go out, that's your job. You can come and cause trouble for this daughter of mine. But you should be more obedient now and answer whatever I ask." Qu Yu pulled out a bloody long whip with barbs. , twitching the ground, causing a gust of wind to roar.   "My mother and the emperor's aunt treated you well, why did you betray them?"   Lin Wu's eyes shot out with strong hatred: "I saved their lives. Without me, the grass on their graves would have been three feet high. But they gave me the status of an underground businessman, and as the sworn sister of a prince, I had no official position and no power, so I was ridiculed. Why should I still be loyal to them?"   Lin Xiu asked at the right time: "You and Lei Yuan have nothing to do with each other? What's the connection?"   Lin Wu said with a mocking look on his face: "You and your bitch father should thank me for letting Lei Yuan take care of you all these years."   "Do you know what life is like for me and my father? "Lin Xiu's eyes were dark.   Lin Wu sneered: "I didn't torture you to death. Lei Yuan is useless."   "You are just a rich merchant. Who helped you find out the whereabouts of others?" Qu Yu suddenly interrupted and asked.   Lin Wu looked at them quietly, with a sarcastic smile on his face and did not answer.   Seeing this, Qu Yu also had a smile on his face: "Since you don't answer, let my good Ajin vent your anger."   She placed the long whip in front of Lin Xiu.   Lin Xiu took the whip and whispered: "I have changed my name a long time ago. Please don't call me Ajin."   "Why don't you call me such a nice name?"   Qu Yu smiled and looked at Lin Xiu with a sharp look in his eyes. The long whip swung and fell hard on Lin Wu.   A whip.   "The current collected energy value is 26%."   Two whips.   "The current collected energy value is 27%."   Three whips.   "The current collected energy value is 28%."   ...   "The current collected energy value is 40%."   Lin Xiu was not in good health yet. He was already panting after being whipped twenty times with all his strength. Huh, the corners of the eyes are reddish and the lips are white.   Qu Yu grabbed the whip and stopped his attempt to raise his arm.   The man on the ground had shrunk into a ball, and the blood marks on his body were so deep that he could even see the bones. He didn't even have the strength to cry out in pain.   "Japan didn't want to know anything from you today. I just brought my Ajin to vent my anger. It depends on whether the person behind you still wants to save you, who has lost the reputation of the prince's sworn sister."   Qu Yu supported him . Lin Xiu turned around and left. With one last glance, he saw with satisfaction the frightened look on Lin Wu's face.   Some people, in return, gave her the best thing that matched their status. As time went by, they forgot how satisfied they were in the first place, and also forgot that this reward was just a gift from her and could be taken back at any time.   After that, Lin Xiu was led by Qu Yu to sit in the teahouse for a long time, listening to the storyteller telling joking stories, and then he calmed down.   It wasn't until he had to be supported by Qu Yu when he was walking on a crowded street that Lin Xiu realized he felt ashamed.   It's all because of this bad guy that he had an inexplicable "miscarriage"! Otherwise, how could he be so weak? He was obviously very strong when he was healthy in the past.   Will my wife feel that I cannot satisfy her in bed? Lin Xiu thought with some distress.   "The current collected energy value is 45%."   The author has something to say: When writing the prison part, the image of your friend Lafayette being online was lingering in my mind. . . 8ЬOок. cоm

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Chapter 18 (Female Queen) Prince’s Little White Lotus 9
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  "The current collected energy value is 45%."

  Qu Yu glanced at Lin Xiu strangely. Now he can earn energy just by going shopping with him?

  Noticing that Qu Yu was looking at him, Lin Xiu blushed slightly, resisting shyness and put his hand into hers, squinting at her to observe her reaction. It is very much like a little rabbit that tentatively pokes its head out, but will immediately retreat into its nest once it detects danger.

  But this soft black-hearted rabbit still pretends to be very bold, which is quite entertaining.

  Qu Yu looked at him with a smile, but his hands did not move.

  Lin Xiu was anxious and tried to pull back his hand: "Why, does my wife think that I am evil and unfilial enough to beat my own mother, and that I have lived a lowly life in the past, so she dislikes me and looks down on me?"

  "How could that be ? , I think Ajin is very cute, and it’s too late to feel sorry for you, so how can I dislike you? It’s just that you have to be in confinement for a few days, and the things that were supposed to be done last night have to be postponed for a few days, which is a pity.” Qu. Yu not only grabbed his hand, but also hugged him and even wanted to kiss him.

  Lin Xiu's face turned red with embarrassment. You must know that this was on the street! Both of them are well-dressed and good-looking. I don’t know how many people are watching. This person dares to act recklessly. He is really shameless! Even though I want to be intimate with her in my heart, I still need to be reserved as a man.

  He turned his head to avoid it and complained in a low voice: "Who did this confinement thing? Doesn't the wife have any idea?" Just thinking that Qu Yu likes the real him makes him feel sweet in his heart. .

  "The current collected energy value is 50%."

  The more a person grows up in an environment lacking love and comfort, the more he desires sincerity and kindness from others, and the easier it is to be satisfied.

  Qu Yu has dealt with countless dream masters, but his emotions fluctuated in these two small worlds created by mutations, and his feelings for this dream master who could keep up with her thinking were also somewhat complicated.

  She touched Lin Xiu's face and said with a smile: "You can't do what you love to do, but you won't even be kissed?"

  Lin Xiu seemed to understand, but subconsciously felt that what she said was definitely not a good thing, and he couldn't say it. This man had no choice but to shut up angrily.

  Qu Yu stopped teasing and just whistled, then a horse slowly approached them. She got on her horse, grabbed Lin Xiu's waist, placed him in front of her, and hurried away.

  Lin Xiu was startled, and tightly grasped the skirt of her chest. Her heart was pounding from the stimulation, and she ignored her shyness and buried her head in it.

  Someone behind them said: "Look at these two polite people, they are making love to each other and riding horses in the busy city. It is really a declining world and there is no king's law."

  Back at the Prince's Mansion, Lin Xiu was shaken and felt uncomfortable all over. , please go back to the house to rest first, leaving Qu Yu to touch his nose in embarrassment, rarely feeling stupid.

  After that, for more than ten days, everything in the court was calm, and it seemed that Lin Wu, the sworn sister of Prince Rong, who was still in prison, was forgotten.

  The empress waited for a long time and no one mentioned it, and her sister Prince Rong, who knew her best, was not here, so she had to send the news to Qu Yu one day in advance. She looked at her several times intentionally or unintentionally before urging her to go out. .

  Qu Yu's face was really a bit bad. After finally waiting for Lin Xiu's "miscarriage" syndrome to disappear a few days ago, he somehow colluded with a few other people, saying that he wanted to make her memory long. If something happens in the future, You should also inform them in advance. None of those people allowed her to enter the room, which made her feel better.

  The stinking look on her face just matched what she wanted to say: "I have a heartless request, please do it for your majesty."

  "If you want anything from Yu'er, just tell me."

  "I will finally have a child soon. " , but was brutally killed by Lin Wu, and my servant was heartbroken over this, crying all day long, she should be punished." Qu Yu lowered his head, as if he was sad and angry.

  "I don't think so. All the servants present that day could see clearly that it was your servant who accidentally drank Hantan Incense and had a miscarriage. How unjust Lin Wu was!" the first- and fourth-grade servant said.

  Qu Yu looked over and recognized the person Lin Wu often invited to have drinks with and befriended him. It's just that this person has an upright nature. I'm afraid he was being taken advantage of without realizing it, and he didn't bother to pay attention to her.

  At this time, another official said: "After all, this is the daughter's first child, and her status is very valuable. Lin Wu knew that the daughter would bring her family with her, but he also prepared Hantan Incense, which should be rarely used by male family members. His heart can be said to be evil, and he is still her own son. For such a person, it is not an exaggeration to sentence him to exile."

  This was a very nice thing to say, and the empress nodded with a smile: "This is reasonable, and my Qu family treats him well, and she does. But because of his ambition, he ransacked his home and exiled him. "

  People who are kind to the royal family cannot be punished at will, but if that person harms the royal family again, it is still unforgivable.

  All the officials had also heard about the reason why Lin Wu became the adopted sister of Prince Rong. Therefore, the former empress's tolerant attitude towards her benefactor made them feel at ease. The royal family's benevolence and righteousness were what officials wanted to see most.

  "Your Majesty, there has been frequent harassment by nomadic tribes outside the border recently. The soldiers are going to fight to defend the country. We should allocate more military pay. Why not use Lin Wu's confiscated property as a reward."

  Qu Yu is serving in the Ministry of War, and is the Minister of War . I also urged her to mention this as soon as possible. It just so happens that this can also be used as bait for fishing.

  The empress looked moved and was about to speak when she saw a man coming out from among the old ministers who rarely spoke. It was Mu Youning, a highly respected veteran of the three dynasties, who had fought countless victorious battles and was named a general to protect the country by the late emperor.

  I just don’t know why she wants to wade into this muddy water.

  "Your Majesty, Lin Wu has been in business for many years and has a huge fortune. He should have someone of high status to protect his hair on the road. This will not only prevent him from having evil intentions, but also he needs to be able to suppress all the soldiers. Why not ask Prince Rong to take on this important task? ? "

  The author has something to say: The author loves to read comments. If you think there is room for improvement, please give me your comments! !

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Chapter 19 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 10
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  The fact that General Mu mentioned was beyond the expectations of the Empress and Qu Yu. They originally wanted to give the man behind Lin Wu a chance to take action, but the old General said that even the Empress did not want to refute her face easily.

  Mu Yuning wants to use other people's hands to push this mud away! Or is it reminding her that this matter has something to do with Li Guo outside the customs? Or maybe she knows the person who wants to disrupt Kasumi's state affairs? Or both?

  At this moment, many thoughts ran through Qu Yu's mind.

  She looked at Mu Youning inquiringly and said: "General Mu is ridiculous. I am just a civilian official in the Ministry of War and have never experienced any experience in the military camp. How can I convince the soldiers?"

  The silent officials did not dare to express their anger. General Mu was already It was rare for them to go to court, and when she came out, none of them could get a word in.

  Mu Youning smiled and drew out the long sword hanging from his waist.

  I saw that this sword was 2 feet 1 inch long. The blade was made of black iron and was very thin. It had a faint cold light. The hilt was made of a golden dragon carving. It looked extremely majestic. The blade was extremely sharp. It must be a real sword like Autumn frost. (Note)

  As the late emperor's personally appointed general to protect the country, she was the only military general who could wear a sharp weapon and enter the court. The name of this sword is Aoxue, which means "Ao Xue" in the snow. It was also given by the late emperor. It represents the Tian family's trust in her and also represents the supreme glory.

  It was also the first time for Qu Yu to see the Aoxue Sword. He had some guesses in his mind, but he said with confusion on his face: "I wonder, General, this is...?"

  "This sword was given to me by the late emperor and has been with me for most of my life. Back then, With the change of dynasties, His Majesty is in deep danger, and I stand by and watch, because after all, the world is still full of people with the surname Qu.

  But now that there are outsiders making trouble in our country, I dare not do anything anymore, and I should let this sword that has been dormant for decades return to the world. , so that foreigners with disloyal intentions will not dare to step into our Qu Dynasty again!"

  Mu Youning put the swords back into their scabbards and threw them to Qu Yu, with a vicissitude in his voice: "Young prince, you don't have to be humble, you have been smart since you were a child! You are smart, you have exquisite skills, you are able to manage the huge prince's palace at a young age, and you can be a civil servant with filial piety as your first priority and obey the wishes of Prince Rong. In terms of talent, virtue and intelligence, who can be better than you? "When

  the country is worried, officials should be responsible for it? " Share the burden together, but the big bosses above are too capable, leaving the officials with little use. He could only remain silent, secretly cursing that Mu Youning had been half-retired for decades and had always been the God of War in the hearts of the people in Xia Dynasty. He didn't expect that he could speak so nicely.

  Qu Yu casually caught the Aoxue Sword, and his relaxed expression showed that she was actually not weak in martial arts.

  Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, and if he doesn't take action, he will do it. Once he takes action, he will be vigorous and resolute, eradicating the root of the problem, openly laying out the conspiracy, and letting others take the move forcefully.

  "I dare not live up to General Mu's expectations. I would like to ask for orders to go to the outside of the pass with military pay, money and food to suppress foreign tribes and promote our country's prestige." Qu Yu put away his sword, knelt down and said to the empress.

  The empress was overjoyed, but thought of another thing in her mind, and said: "Very good, very good. It's just that it will be your weak crown gift soon, so I will leave it to Huang'er and the Ministry of Etiquette to handle it together."

  She has been playing the song of the invisible man . Huang frowned slightly and said solemnly: "I accept the order. Yumei is about to travel far, and I will definitely arrange her coronation ceremony."

  She turned to Qu Yu and said: "I wish Yumei a smooth journey and a safe return. "

  The Qu family has difficulty in producing heirs, and the royal family has a strong sense of loyalty. Qu Huang is very aware of how outstanding her cousin is, and she has no grudges about her unparalleled words of praise. However, this line of work must be dangerous and her safety is not guaranteed.

  Qu Yu nodded, naturally understanding the thoughts of these relatives. Just as he turned his eyes, he suddenly felt a headache. He cupped his hands to Mu Youning and said: "General, I ask you to persuade my mother."

  Prince Rong only has her as her daughter. She usually does everything she pleases, but she only asks that she not Don't do dangerous things. If she knew that her daughter would be sent outside the customs, the consequences could be imagined.

  Mu Youning's eyelids twitched uncontrollably. He recalled Prince Rong's aggressiveness in the past and said with difficulty: "This is natural. I will keep you safe from the rear."

  The rest of the court had no objections to the matter and discussed it. The entourage then went down to court.

  Qu Yu closed his eyes and meditated on the carriage returning home.

  Lin Wu used the name of Tianjia to make money everywhere, which made countless merchants dare not speak out. But over time, clues finally emerged. Lin Wu purchased grain privately, and a large amount of money was missing. There was a lot of ironware registered, but it was far less than the amount purchased.

  She can check these, and so can the Empress and Mu Yuning.

  The news that the eldest daughter will distribute military pay and escort grain and grass to the outside of the customs has already been sent back to the prince's palace. The servants didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but a few people in Qu Yu's backyard vaguely guessed the inside story, and they all gathered at Meng Zike's place to wait for his wife's return.

  The author has something to say: (Note) The stupid author really doesn’t know how to describe swords, so he searched online and came up with the name of the sword himself.

  Emmm, I’m short and I admit my guilt

  . Happy Lantern Festival! ! !

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Chapter 20 (The Queen’s Little White Lotus 11 1/2
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  After more than ten days of practice, Meng Zike's elegance, Tan 曮q Nuo Nang Qiao D, Ba Xuan Shuo Na, Ji Huan Zhong Meng, stirred Si Fu, Zheng Ku, Huang Yan, Xin Si Fu, held a beetle, suppressed Yong Na and took br />

  一On the one hand, Lin Xiu himself is smart and has a strong learning ability. On the other hand, Meng Zike's terrifyingly serious teachings can even be called strange, as if he wants to make Lin Xiu good enough in a short period of time.

  "Brothers, please try the tea I brewed. I'm afraid I haven't learned anything from Brother Meng, so don't dislike it." Lin Xiu made the tea with a smile, his movements were elegant and pleasant, and he was a little submissive at first. The look is quite different.

  Naturally, the first cup of tea was given to Meng Zike first. He took it, took a sip, and smiled gently: "It's already pretty good. Brother Xiu will definitely achieve something if he insists on practicing this tea ceremony."

  Lin Xiudao: "This is Brother Meng. I just don't know if my wife will like it."

  Meng Zike forced a smile, looking a little ugly, and took another sip of tea absently, and stopped talking.

  Tan  | D Gao Yong Ji Yan Lazy Song Ang Coal Take Baoxiang Lu Liao Wai Zheng Arm Wai Silly Every Jealousy S Qiao Xie Neon Leng Ji Chat Hu Chu br />

  Seeing this, Lin Xiu secretly guessed that Qu Yu might be going to the border. It's not as simple as it seems on the surface, but these people treat him very kindly but never mention anything about Qu Yu to him.

  Only when it came to Qu Yu did they have the jealous thoughts of normal men.

  Lin Xiu felt inexplicable when he thought that Qu Yu had a lot of past that he didn't know about, but her own past was clearly found out by her, and that she could make these men who had more contact with each other and understand his excellence more. There is a sense of crisis.

  The few people were not kept waiting for too long. The waiter in front of Qu Yu received the news that Qu Yu had returned, but there was an unexpected word.

  "Your Majesty, please go to the study to have a talk with Sir Meng."

  The people in the backyard are always not allowed to enter the wife's study, not to mention that the timing is a bit coincidental, so these words made several people a little surprised.

  After Meng Zike was surprised, there was a complexity on his face that others could not understand, and he followed the waiter silently.

  Perhaps for others, the study is a forbidden space for people in the backyard. But Qu Yu is different. She never despises men's abilities, nor does she treat them like canaries. There is no distinction between superior and inferior status when they get along with each other in private, which makes people feel very comfortable.

  This was not the first time he had entered this study, but this time he was tormented inside. When he saw the man standing in front of the window, the fear that had been buried in his heart welled up.

  Maybe there will be no chance to call me "wife master" again in the future.

  Meng Zike thought sadly, looking at Qu Yu who smiled at him from afar, and smiled in return.

  "Come on Zike, I have something to discuss with you." Qu Yu smiled and turned away from the window.

  Qu Yu stood in front of the desk with his hands behind his back. When he heard the footsteps, he grabbed Meng Zike and pulled Meng Zike into his arms. His movements were ambiguous and hot, but his face showed a coldness that he couldn't see.

  "Would you like to go with me outside the customs?"

  Meng Zike said: "Of course I am willing to serve. But you are doing official business after all, and I am afraid you will be criticized if you bring your family with you."

  "Why should I care about other people's opinions? It's all up to me. People around me won't do things that chill me, right?"

  Qu Yu's eyes were dark and he looked at him with a smile.

  Meng Zike was stunned, and the chill spread in his heart. He knew that he should talk to her at this time, but he couldn't say a word.

  Unexpectedly, he saw that Meng Zike was unusually slow. Qu Yu's hand on his waist slowly moved to his neck, caressing him gently: "Zike is well-educated and knowledgeable. Do you still remember the last discussion I had with you? "The first plan in the art of war?"

  Meng Zike subconsciously said: "Hit the sky and cross the sea."

  The next moment, he trembled violently and his pupils shrank.

  The hands on his neck were clenched at the same time.

  Qu Yu never even criticized people around him, and he never treated them coldly.

  But at this time, the doting that she always had when facing them was gone from her eyes, and she didn't even bother to give them a sneer. The corners of her lips were pursed, showing that she was in a bad mood at this time.

  The coldness in her eyes was like a sharp sword that could penetrate the heart. Even the painful suffocation feeling is far less than the pain from the heart.

  Meng Zike did not struggle and resisted, and closed his eyes. A tear slipped from the corner of his eye and raised the corner of his mouth.

  The darkness was suddenly washed away by fresh air.

  Qu Yu let go of his hand, letting him fall to the ground, and threw a piece of paper on the table next to him: "Zike is indeed the person I like. This trick is very clever." There was a

  burning sensation in his throat . The pain left Meng Zike speechless. He covered his throat and coughed lightly a few times, then moved his eyes to the paper aside.

  Meng, the owner of Yimo Book Club, had a son named Zike. In the first year of Xia Dynasty, he was four years old. He was seriously ill and lived in seclusion for ten years. He got well and got acquainted with Prince Rong's daughter and entered the palace as a servant.

  The other few scattered and exposed, with just two words, completely defeated Meng Zike.


  The father of the second princess who usurped the throne was the Jiang family, a wealthy family that had been passed down for hundreds of years but ended up with the death of the daughter and the consignment of the male family members to slavery.

  "There was a fire before Mrs. Jiang's house was confiscated, and her legitimate son Jiang Yixun, who was only four years old, was burned beyond recognition. Mrs. Meng, who had been greatly favored by Mrs. Jiang at that time, also had a four-year-old child. The book club used it to pass on The news couldn't be better." Qu Yu knelt down and looked at him, "Jiang Yixun, is this woman's power useful?"

  Meng Zike lowered his eyes and avoided her gaze, remaining silent.

⑧bOоК. cOm

  "Send a message, I will confide with you in private. I really don't want to go and suffer outside the customs. I also have resentment towards the empress. I will take my family with me when traveling to show my dissatisfaction. I heard that there are many beauties in Jiangnan, so I will go to Jiangnan first to have fun." "

  Qu Yu helped him up and saw that his face was pale, and said: "Zike is a smart man, he should know what to do."

  Meng Zike smiled miserably. She also called him "Zike" just to give him a chance. Bury his past, as long as he listens to her, he will still be Qu Yu's servant Meng Zike, not Jiang Yixun, the son of the guilty minister.

  From the very beginning, he knew what to do. But in this world, things are always involuntarily. What he doesn't want to do must be done, but what he wants to do cannot be done.

  "Yes." Meng Zike replied in a hoarse voice, taking out his arm held by Qu Yu, bowing and turning around to leave, his steps feeble and feeble. The scorching sun shone on him, but there was no warmth at all.

  Qu Yu turned the jade ring on his hand, his eyes darkening.

  "Master, he betrayed you, why did you give him a chance?" Li Yang asked.

  "He is not the person I trained, so how can he say he betrayed him? If they dare to plot against me, let them taste the true feeling of being betrayed." Qu Yu said with a sarcastic smile, showing an arrogant attitude.

  Let them see what a real show is.

  On the day of the coronation ceremony for the daughter of Prince Rong, the Shenglong Platform, which represents the royal dignity, was opened. Anyone with a little respect in the capital could go to watch the ceremony. Its grandeur was enough to become the talk of a generation, and it was firmly remembered by everyone. The heavenly being on the stage was so noble that even the concubine Qu Huang beside him was overshadowed by him.

  The third day after the weak crown ceremony is the day of departure.

  The concubine supported Prince Rong, who was unable to stand due to crying, to see Qu Yu off. The originally heavy atmosphere was disrupted by the sound of crying.

  "Woohoo, good daughter, you must be careful along the way, you must not be injured, but don't go out erected, come back horizontally, oh oh ..." Said, Prince Rong wiped his nose with his sleeves.

  "..." The concubine's newly wet eyes could not squeeze out the tears for the time being. She couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Aunt, don't you know Yu Mei's martial arts? Besides, she also has a servant who is very capable of fighting, and there are countless others. The master will accompany you, and nothing will happen."   "Sister Huang is right, mother doesn't need to be so sad, wouldn't there be no one to restrain you when I'm gone? Isn't that great?" Qu Yu said helplessly.   "Uuuuuuuuuuuah...that's true. If you are safe outside, it doesn't matter if you stay a little longer and come back." Prince Rong burped and stopped crying.   Qu Yu tried his best to maintain self-control, not looking at Prince Rong, and whispered to the concubine: "Sister Huang and Aunt Huang must trust me when the time comes."

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Chapter 20 (The Queen’s Little White Lotus 11 2/2
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  Qu Yu tried his best to maintain his composure, not looking at Prince Rong, and whispered to the concubine: "Sister Huang and Aunt Huang must trust me when the time comes."

  "?" The concubine was a little unclear about what he meant, but seeing Qu Yu's appearance He knew that it was not easy for her to say anything, and she must have a plan in mind, so she responded: "You can disbelieve anyone, but I can't disbelieve you."

  Yumei has been smart since she was a child, and she relied on her efforts to save her life when she was in trouble when she was young. If she had the will, her position as a princess would be within her reach.

  The officials on the side came up and said a few auspicious words at the right time, and it was time to set off.

  Countless people were also waiting to see him off. Lin Wu had long been forgotten by people in the past. He only sighed when he learned about the huge amount of property gained from confiscating his house. He only coveted the money that was heavily guarded and had no other thoughts.

  On the surface, Qu Yu's mission is to distribute military pay and escort grain and grass along the way. It can be called a logistics army. Therefore, he is only equipped with a total of 10,000 troops to accompany him. When he arrives in a county, he will hand over the general's pay to the county magistrate, and then keep him for supervision. Let's send it down, and then catch up with the army after it is completed. This way the marching speed is not too slow.

  At first, the soldiers were not convinced by the prince who brought his family with him when he went to the army, and even scorned her order to let a man lead a small team.

  It wasn't until Qu Yu picked a place and competed with them together with Zhu Nian that the soldiers were convinced.

  Along the way, Qu Yu made no secret of the fact that he took his servant with him, and the nourishment of his life made the soldiers very jealous.

  Grilling fish and barbecue is a common thing. If everyone just does it by themselves, that's it. But the weak and frail servant next to her is terrifyingly capable. Not to mention serving Qu Yu up and down, he can even grill the fish better than others. fragrant!

  What's more, the game that the man with strange strength caught to celebrate the New Year was fatter than others.

  The most beautiful one could play the piano at night, which gave the soldiers some comfort.

  It took nearly a month before the army set foot on the border of Jiangnan.

  Prefect Zhuo Yan had received the news that Qu Yu, the daughter of Prince Rong, would be passing by Jiangnan territory more than half a month earlier. He also heard from his subordinates that Qu Yu liked to have fun and had already collected many beauties. After waiting for news of Qu Yu's arrival for a long time, he hurriedly prepared a banquet and went out of the city to welcome him in person.

  The author has something to say: Welcome to catch insects~ Alas, I really like Meng Zike, but I am still hesitating whether to torture him harshly (the difference between gentle torture and severe torture).

  I want to listen to rainbow farts...discuss the plot or blow. The author randomly drops red envelopes~

  There are also reasonable and vicious comments~

  --------Thank you to the little cuties who threw mines! !

  I am a scumbag and I admit that I threw 1 mine 2019-02-2109:41:34

  I threw 1 mine unknown 2019-02-2012:25:51

  I threw 1 mine ruthlessly2019-02-2000:11:10

  I threw 1 ruthlessly A landmine 2019-02-2000:09:41

  Chang An dropped a landmine 2019-02-1519:28:05

  Peppa Pig’s best friend Lucy dropped a landmine 2019-02-0313:21:20

8ВОOК. сОm

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Chapter 21 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 12
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  Zhuo Yan and a group of people waited under the city for a long time in the cold wind, but they never saw the army.

  "It's been almost an hour, why hasn't the daughter arrived yet?" Zhuo Yan asked the messenger on the side.

  The messenger thought of Qu Yu's laziness in the past few days and the attendants in her car, and replied with a headache: "My daughter may be delayed by something, and she should be here if she waits a little longer."

  Zhuo Yan was secretly dissatisfied in his heart, and he couldn't wait . Backache and leg pain.

  In the distance, a carriage without a driver came slowly.

  I haven't heard any news recently that a noble person is coming, and seeing that the carriage is ordinary, probably for ordinary rich people, Zhuo Yan just turns a blind eye.

  Unexpectedly, the carriage stopped in front of everyone and stopped motionless.

  Seeing that the prefect's face was getting darker, the junior official on the side stepped forward and raised his voice: "Who is so ignorant? I wonder if this is the prefect. Why don't you get out of the way and get out of the car to pay homage?"

  The messenger officer had no time to stop him and listened to this. He suddenly had a disheveled look on his face and his eyes were weird.

  I saw a pair of bare hands gently lifting the curtain, and a young man stuck his head out and said timidly: "Excuse me, my lords, is this Fengcheng?"

  The young official said: "Where are the ignorant people from? This is Fengcheng. Standing here is Fengcheng. " This is Prefect Zhuo, why don't you come down and admit your mistake and beg for mercy?"

  The messenger's eyes wandered and he quietly took a few steps away from this junior official.

  A female voice with a smile came, a little low through the carriage: "Do you believe it now? I have already said that these horses can go the right way on their own, but you still say you don't believe it."

  Another soft male voice said : "My wife is really amazing."

  When the junior officer saw that he was being ignored, wasn't this a slap in the face in front of his boss? She stepped forward and opened the car door, shouting: "How dare you not show respect to the prefect, I want to see who is so secretive!"

  Her eyes met the man sitting casually in the middle of the car. , one glance fell into those dark eyes, and he suddenly froze there.

  The car was very luxurious, with soft and gorgeous soft couches, and three people sitting on them, but everyone's eyes fell on the most imposing person.

  Zhuo Yan, who had been to Beijing several times to report on her work, recognized Qu Yu and secretly hated the junior official for fear that he would ruin her good deeds. He hurriedly knocked away the people who were stupidly standing in front of him, stepped forward and saluted: "My dearest daughter, please be on your way. After a tiring journey, I have arranged your accommodation and prepared the banquet. Why not go to the city to have some rest?"

  Qu Yu nodded, got up and got off the carriage, his every move filled with nobility.

  She walked slowly to the trembling little official who was kneeling on the ground. The shadow in the sun shrouded her: "May I ask, what is your official position?"

  The little official had a cold sweat on his face, lowered his head and replied with a trembling voice: "I have seen the world's daughters, little one. The villain is Cheng Jiang Qiming of the lower county of Yi County. I have offended many times and begged the world's daughter to forgive me. "I cried out in my heart that this life is over. Who doesn't know that the prince's daughter Qu Yu is moody, arrogant and domineering, even the princess. Don't dare to mess with her.

  "As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty. I see that you are smart and smart, so I will let you take charge of the affairs for the next few days."

  Qu Yu turned around and returned to the carriage. The three fat and strong horses moved forward independently, and a group of bystanders He gave way blankly.

  Jiang Qiming collapsed on the ground, gasping for air, the joy of surviving the disaster and the anxiety of going to work next to Qu Yu lingering in his heart.

  The prefect walked up to her, with contempt in his eyes, and said: "It's a good thing that my daughter didn't punish you. If you do your job well, my daughter won't make things difficult for you. But you should know what words you shouldn't say and what things you shouldn't do." You should do it."

  Jiang Qiming hid his fisted hands in his sleeves, but his face was always flattering: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely say more good things about you to my daughter. Don't talk too much."

  Zhuo Yan waved his sleeves with satisfaction, got on his horse and chased Qu Yu's carriage.

  The author has something to say: This chapter is dead because I was watching the live broadcast of Xiaoyao Sanren. It was too ridiculous. Hahahahahaha. The most powerful brains are all talented people.

  I promise you crazy coding on weekends. Gu Gu Gu Gu.

  ————Dove God Chengcheng said this

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Chapter 22 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 12 times
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  There were many wealthy people sitting at the banquet, including magistrates from various counties who had made a special trip, as well as wealthy local businessmen.

  The real host had not arrived yet, Zhuo Yan sat at the side and did not say anything about starting the banquet, so everyone had to talk a few words to pass the time.

  "Mr. Xu, have you heard that the daughter-in-law has important things to do on this journey, but she actually took her family members to travel around the mountains and rivers, and even asked one of her servants to lead a team of dozens of soldiers. It's simply unbelievable. She doesn't take His Majesty seriously and is extremely arrogant."

  "I've heard that the lady doesn't care about the honor of serving the king, so it's just a matter of letting the wife show up. I heard from the people who accompanied me to send military pay that the lady said something to the queen. It's hard to describe how much the women looked down on them and didn't care about anything at all. They only cared about eating, drinking and having fun along the way, often leaving the army. "


  A handsome man in black clothes appeared at the door, followed by a man dressed as a waiter. man.

  When the people who were nearby saw her, they all stood up and saluted, saying: "Bless you, my dear daughter."

  Qu Yu didn't even look at her from the corner of his eyes, he went straight to the main seat and took his seat in a arrogant manner, which made many people feel even more dissatisfied because of his status. Sit down.

  Zhuo Yan's expression remained unchanged, he poured a glass of wine and raised it to Qu Yu, smiling and saying: "It's rare for the world's daughter to come here once, I would like to offer you a glass of wine. I hope the world's daughter will have a lot of fun in my Jiangnan land."

  The waiter on the side kept saying lowly. With his head down and his hands and feet moving quickly, he also poured a glass of wine for Qu Yu.

  Qu Yu picked up the wine and raised it casually, drank it in one gulp, and said: "I have always heard that the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque. I have seen a lot of things along the way. It is indeed soothing and comfortable."

  Zhuo Yan said: "The scenery here is natural. It's good, but the beauties from Jiangnan are also outstanding."

  The person next to him moved, but Qu Yu ignored it and said curiously: "It is said that the men here have skin as smooth as gel, and their manners are gentle and soft, much like the beauties in the capital. It’s different, I have never seen this woman before.”

  “I have spent a lot of time to find some clean and stunning beauties for you. Please reward them.” Zhuo Yan smiled and clapped his hands, thinking about this woman. If it is true as the rumors say, he was born well and has a good-looking face, but he is of little use inside.

  A young man wearing a veil and snow-colored cicada clothes emerged from under the curtain on one side.

  The sound of the piano suddenly starts, and the beat of the drum follows.

  The young men all held a wooden sword and moved in unison to the music. The white gauze on their bodies fell on the sword, casting a layer of ambiguous temptation on the man's elegance.

  The fluttering veil vaguely reveals her delicate face.

  The teenagers danced closer and closer, and waves of fragrance hit them.

  Among them was a bold young man who picked up the wine glass on the table with his sword, turned around and fell softly into Qu Yu's arms. With a seductive look in his eyes, he took the wine glass in his mouth through the veil and brought it to her lips.

  Qu Yu was very generous and drank all the wine in one gulp.

  The wine glass fell down smoothly.

  She lifted the obstructive veil, leaned over and pried open the boy's lips, and let the spicy wine flow through.

  The young man choked, his beautiful eyes were watery and the corners of his eyes were slightly red. He raised his head to cater to her, and accidentally saw the sinister eyes of the waiter next to him. He was not afraid and just glanced at him contemptuously.

  As if completely unaware of the secret confrontation, Qu Yu stood up and left the table with the young man in his arms, his back looking a little hurried.

  Someone secretly had a satisfied smile on his face and his eyes were filled with calculations.

  The waiter, who had always had no sense of presence, remembered this man's appearance and followed Qu Yu away.

  After returning to his residence, Qu Yu threw the person in his arms to the ground, not showing any tenderness and affection as before.

  The young man cried out in pain, with doubts in his eyes: "Why are you doing this, sir?"

  Qu Yu adjusted his sleeves slowly, without answering, and someone walked out from behind.

  It was the waiter just now.

  Lin Xiu took out a small dagger from his sleeve and squatted down in front of the boy.

  There was finally fear in the young man's eyes, and he shrank and wanted to crawl back.

  "Move one more time, and I'll make one more cut on your face." Lin Xiu smiled softly, and uttered terrible words.

  As expected, the young man froze and dared not move.

  The author has something to say: This chapter is a make-up for yesterday, and there will be an update today

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Chapter 23 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 13
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  The tip of the knife touched the young man's face, and a drop of blood emerged.

  "Your name?"

  "Rong'er..." the young man replied with a trembling voice.

  A cold light flashed.

  Lin Xiu controlled his force accurately and drew a blood mark on "Rong'er"'s face: "Don't you want to tell the truth?"

  He had long been displeased with this face. If Qu Yu hadn't been watching, he would have wanted to draw more lines. knife.

  "Ah——!" The young man covered his face and screamed, "Xu Jin! My name is Xu Jin!"

  "Tsk, what's the purpose of getting close to my wife?" Lin Xiu was a little dissatisfied. Why didn't he stop talking so hard for a while? .

  "Master Wife...are you not a waiter?" Xu Jin said in shock, it turned out that they had planned it for a long time! If he had known that the princess was attending the banquet and was bringing his servants with him, how could he have appeared in front of the princess so early!

  Lin Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "You can call me my wife, too?"

  The knife on Xu Jin's face slashed again.

  Xu Jin knelt on the ground: "I know I'm wrong, but I really don't have any purpose. I'm innocent!"

  Qu Yu watched the show for a long time and admired Lin Xiu's behavior of doing one thing on the surface and another on the surface.

  Seeing that his anger had subsided, he said: "If you don't tell me, then listen to what I have to say, right? The Li Nu family has joined forces with me, the remnant of Daxia's former dynasty, to test whether I really mean to betray the royal family. Seeing that Jiang Yixun has become increasingly useless in recent years, I sent you to find out.

  If you find out, someone will be on the line with me next, right?"

  Xu Jin suddenly raised his head and looked at it in fear. Looking at the two people in front of him who smiled equally evilly.

  Their plan has long been known! Doesn’t it mean that all this is a trap set up by the person in front of me?

  "If you still want to save your life, then obediently spread the news that I intend to usurp the throne."

  After Qu Yu said this, seeing the uncertain look on Xu Jin's face, he snapped his fingers again.

  The door was pushed open and Jiang Qiming came in. He scanned the scene in the room and said timidly: "My dearest daughter, I wonder where the villain is used?"

  "Don't be pretentious. You heard what I just said. This person is left to you. No matter what method you use to keep him locked up, you will be a meritorious official. It just depends on whether you can grasp it."

  Qu Yu said with a smile. After passing Lin Xiu, he was about to go inside and said as if unintentionally: "I heard that there is a medicine that is a specialty of Jiangnan. It can make people feel ecstasy after use, and the users are addicted. I don't know if it is true or not."

  Jiang Qiming understood. .

  She approached the ruined Xu Jin, a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes, and a ferocious smile appeared on her face: "I've had enough of being bullied at will, and I want to thank you so much for giving me this gift." Opportunity."

  Xu Jin looked at the white powder she took out, and tried to escape if he resisted. Before he could shout out, a full amount of powder was poured into his mouth, and his mouth was tightly covered by a pair of hands.


  "My wife just drank wine, please drink a cup of tea, rinse your mouth and then take a bath." Lin Xiu brought the tea to Qu Yu virtuously.

  The cup of tea was brought directly to her mouth. Qu Yu couldn't see the annoyance in his heart and couldn't help but laugh: "I didn't smell the wine on me, but I smelled vinegar, it was so sour.

  Lin Xiupi smiled but said: "My wife, I thought I could have a beautiful younger brother. It's a pity for you."

  "Ajin is joking. He is neither as capable as you nor as caring as you and me . " How could I fall in love with someone else?"

  Qu Yu pushed him towards the bed step by step.

  Lin Xiu backed away, something stuck in his mind: "My wife, what do you want to do..."

  Qu Yu just pushed him lightly, and he fell softly on the bed. The submissive meaning was so obvious that he couldn't help but laugh: "Of course I do/you."

  Since Lin Xiu personally killed Lei Yuan who was captured by her, and knew that the so-called exile Lin Wu actually assassinated her, 60% of the energy has been collected.

  Adhering to the principle that the harder he pressed, the bigger the rebound would be, Qu Yu had never taken Lin Xiu to pieces. This was a good opportunity.

  The author has something to say: Gu Gu Gu

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Chapter 24 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 13 Times
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  She caressed the side of Lin Xiu's face and asked warmly: "Why did Ajin change her name to Xiu?"

  "Forget the past and correct the future." Lin Xiu closed his eyes to escape Qu Yu's gentle gaze, but could not control the tears in the corners of his eyes. Sliding out an arc, the darkness of the past is like yesterday's nightmare. Even if I can't remember it clearly, the fear still remains in my heart.

  "Jin is a beautiful jade that can only be shaped after carving and polishing. In my heart, Ajin is already a unique jade and does not need to be modified."

  Qu Yu's words made Lin Xiu couldn't help but open his eyes. In her eyes, there was a layer of mist covering the hard-to-find seriousness.

  Wife, I will only be your beautiful jade.

  Lin Xiu closed his eyes again, put his arms around the man's neck, and put his red lips on it.

  "The current collected energy value is 65%."

  The clothes gradually faded away, and the white jade was flawless, with a little bit of red.

  The red quilt was rolled over the waves, singing softly and humming, dripping with fragrant sweat.

  Qu Yu always seemed cynical, but when he was with her, he gave people a sense of security that he could wholeheartedly trust.

  The closer people get, the more addicted they become, and the more they can't extricate themselves.

  I really want to stay with her forever.

  "The current collected energy value is 70%."

  On the second day, the two of them slept until they were exposed to the sun for three days before waking up, but their conditions were obviously different.

  Qu Yu felt refreshed and energetic, and even wanted to exercise.

  Lin Jin, who relented and agreed to change her name back to her original name, had a sore waist and weak legs. She looked troubled. She felt the hands massaging her waist and her eyes were horrified.

  "What's your expression? I'm just giving you a massage. What's on your mind? If you don't have the energy, just go back to your room and rest. You'll have to make a show with Xu Jin later."

  Qu Yuyi He moved his hands away with a serious face and generously opened the quilt to get dressed.

  Lin Jin was so shy that she hid under the quilt and didn't want to move. After listening to the second half of Qu Yu's words, she got the strength to stand up and put on a middle coat at will. After serving her, she also dressed neatly.

  But after this movement, his legs were already shaking weakly.

  People outside heard the commotion, knocked on the door and asked, "Is your daughter up?"

  Qu Yu replied, "Come in."

  The door opened, and Lin Jin looked around and saw Xu Jin naked. He came in wearing only a coat.

  "!!!" Lin Jin stared at Xu Jin as he pulled off his coat with a dull expression and got into the bed where he had just come out.

  Not long after, a group of waiters came in to clean up the room, and under Lin Jin's gaze, they took away his red sheets.

  Noticing Lin Jin's gaze, Qu Yu said sarcastically: "Ajin, you don't want me to really mess with dirty people outside, right?"

  Lin Jin made up his mind to never pay attention to him again until his body regained its strength. This person is extremely bad!

  "Did Qu Yu really want Xu Jin and not rest until midnight?"

  In a small courtyard, a person asked in unskilled Mandarin.

  "Back to your Majesty, it's true. The villain's eyeliner reported that there was red on the bed where Xu Jin slept, and the sound in the room lasted for a long time before it stopped."

  "It seems that this dignified prince and daughter are nothing more than idiots. They just need to wait." When Xu Jin comes back with the news, our great cause will be a success!" the man laughed.

  "Your Majesty will be able to unify the Central Plains and his name will last forever."

  Qu Yu teased Lin Jin for a long time, but failed to make him talk, so he had no choice but to find Tan V Pay Beer br />

  Tan v Meteor Xiao Private Xian Huai Nai Zhi to play tricks on him.獯Υ Lu Nao proud species shirt 婒 yellow harrier Ping neck wren fortunate ring E Ding S around the eggplant Juan beard ﹤ Lai Mu 朹楹 Tuo card sugar Yan school Huan jump drop out of the hospital Si 浵 二敝 beer br />

  Jiang Qiming is now at the gate of the hospital There, Xu Jin followed behind him. Seeing this, he coughed slightly and did not dare to look more.

  Qu Yu

  straightened him up and said helplessly: "You often say that Zike is the most observant of etiquette, I see. It's obvious that you are bound by etiquette the most, and it's not a big deal to show your face outside. "

  Tan Xiu returned to his hometown, pulled out his body, and defeated the imperial minister Ying Ying. br />

  He was not from a serious family. Even though he gave his innocent body to his wife, his former identity always reminded him of how miserable he had been.

  Qu Yu couldn't help it, and turned to Jiang Qiming, who was still there with his head buried in the ground and didn't dare to look around: "Whatever happened, just tell me."

  Jiang Qiming's face was tangled, his eyes twitched and said: "They have an appointment at Yinlan Building."

  Qu Yu Not understanding, he frowned and asked, "Where is this place?"

  "It's Hualou." Jiang Qiming closed his eyes. It was really not her fault. She winked when she saw your lord's servant standing by her side!


  The author has something to say: Gu Gu Gu

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Chapter 25 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 14
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  Tan _Yue Hao Tong Chi  盅嫫婕妀FU阍荧〈ρ心码枥Frame br />

  On the other hand, Lin Jin was very nervous, so she disguised herself as a woman and followed Qu Yu step by step.

  After all, Qu Yu has a criminal record.

  "Do you know what I'm going to do there?" Qu Yu was a little confused as to what Lin Jin was thinking.

  "I know, but I will follow you even if there is danger." Lin Jin held her sleeve and replied seriously.

  Qu Yu had another plan in mind, so he didn't stop him because he wanted to see how far he could go.

  Along the way, Lin Jin was like a puppy guarding its food. She looked soft and had a fierce sideways look. She wanted to bite the men in cool clothes when she saw them.

  A bit cute, Qu Yu thought to himself.

  Yinlan Tower is the largest flower tower in Fengcheng, with countless people coming and going.

  Qu Yu was dressed luxuriously and had an extraordinary temperament. As soon as he arrived, several people came to greet him.

  A burst of aroma hit him, and Lin Jin was so smoked that he sneezed and felt dizzy for a moment, and Qu Yu's figure disappeared in front of him.

  Qu Yu directly inhaled the fragrance and immediately realized that it was mixed with a drug that could cause people to lose their clarity of mind, so he pretended to be unconscious and was carried inside.

  There were people like this everywhere in the flower building, and no one noticed anything wrong.

  After walking for a long time, she was taken into a dark room, which was a normal study room.

  Qu Yu seemed to be unsteady on his feet, so he supported the wall and heard a slight echo, indicating that there was something else going on in the dark room.

  "I have heard about the name of the worldly daughter for a long time. When I saw her today, she was really a dragon and a phoenix among men. She must be a real dragon and a goddess."

  A person walked out from behind the bookshelf. He had an exotic appearance, a strange accent, a strong body, and an astonishing momentum.

  "Who are you?" Qu Yu looked at her warily.

  "I, Li Nusheng, am the one who can help you win the throne. Believe me, we are friends."

  Li Nusheng poured a cup of tea and put it on the table, motioning for Qu Yu to sit down. Seeing that Qu Yu was still looking at her suspiciously, he sneered, drank all the tea in the cup, and showed her the bottom of the empty cup.

  Qu Yu felt relieved, sat down, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "My friend who drugged me as soon as he came here?"

  "This is for your own good. You don't want to go out to meet foreigners in Hualou publicly, do you?" ? And the young man who came with you, I will treat him well." Li Nusheng stared at Qu Yu with a strange smile, obviously there was something behind his words.

  This means that if she doesn't cooperate, they will spread the news that the prince's daughter has met with foreigners in private and has evil intentions, and Lin Jin's life will be in danger. Qu Yu could only choose the path of cooperation.

  Qu Yu frowned and said with twinkling eyes: "What do you want to do? Can you guarantee that I will sit in that position?"

  Li Nusheng saw the greed in her eyes and smiled: "As long as you cooperate with us, we will definitely make it happen."

  "You guys What do you want?"

  "It's very simple. Let me, the envoy of the Li clan, be in your capital. If you have anything to discuss with us, just provide us with a little money and food every year." This was said very eloquently. light.

  Qu Yu said angrily: "You want me, Daxia, to bow down and surrender!"

  "You can't say that. No matter what, you will be the most supreme person in Daxia when the time comes. We won't be in charge of you all the time. When the time comes, The emperor is far away, you will be many times more beautiful than you are now."

⑧bОок. CΟm

  Qu Yu looked ugly and said: "Let me think about it for a while. How can I find you then?"

  Li Nusheng said with satisfaction: "You only need to tell Rong'er who was with you last night, and we will contact you automatically."

  If so. Qu Yu agreed without hesitation, but she would doubt Qu Yu's purpose.

  "You have been targeting me for a long time? Do you still have your spies around me?" Qu Yu was extremely dissatisfied with this.

  But the meaning behind these words means that Jiang Yixun's identity has not been exposed and he is still safe.

  "We are recognizing your ability." Li Nusheng smiled but did not answer the latter question.

  Qu Yu wanted to throw up his sleeves and leave, but he paused for a moment as if he just remembered something and asked, "Where are my people?"

  There was no reason to let go of the hostage who was sent to his door. Li Nusheng replied, "I'll wait until the daughter of the world thinks about it." If you want to cooperate with us, your people will be returned to you."

  Qu Yu finally left with a dark expression.

  There were two of them when they left, but only one was left when they came back, and Qu Yu's expression was a bit unpredictable.

  He massaged Qu Yu's shoulders with moderate force and asked softly: " Wife, what happened? Where is Brother Jin?"

  Qu Yu opened his eyes, and the dark clouds in his eyes dispersed.酅鍤芤槐韽皇锟斤拷yyichimiao 恔攔甴生斤拷! br />

  Tan tS Yan Yi Zhao Π Department Ne Zheng Hui 捌拗錌 br />

  Qu Yu held his hand and said with a smile: "My ? Tou Meng Tai Cooking is sick and gray, the emperor is haggard and has no belly. Cut off the gums

  and slough the weapons to hang with the fishy smell! After Jun br />

  said the last sentence, he buried himself in Qu Yu's chest.

  Qu Yu felt a little moved .

  Somehow, Qu Yu suddenly remembered Lin Jin who was being held captive at this time. Lin

  Jin was just the opposite of him. Underneath his innocent appearance, he seemed to be passionate. Fire. Qu Yu is a person who adheres   to

  the principle of enjoying life in time.

br />

  She picked up Tan V Nettles br />

  The author has something to say: Daily sigh, my heroine is such a scumbag hehehehe (the author couldn't control his laughter)


  Thank you you! ! !

  Reader "Yan Susu" Irrigation Nutrient Solution +20

  I am a scumbag and I admit that I threw 1


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  Lin Jin shook his head, became more awake, and looked around the room.

  The dim room had no windows, only weak candlelight, which was very small. A wooden table with a bronze mirror, probably for dressing. A few steps away is a colorful gauze curtain, with a small bed inside.

  There is almost no room to move.

  He crawled to the corner of the bed and sat with his knees in his arms. Endless fear filled the air, as if he had returned to the days when he was locked up and beaten.

  Wife, you told me to trust you.

  There were two women guarding the outside, one short and thin, the other tall and fat.

  Hearing the faint sound in the room, the two couldn't help but recall how this person had tender skin and tender meat, and what the nobles enjoyed was indeed different from ordinary people.

  The tall and fat one couldn't help but sip his saliva and shouted inward: "I would like to remind you, please stay calm in there. If you, my daughter, don't cooperate, you will just serve us."

  After hearing this, the short and thin one couldn't bear it . Zhu Xie smiled and said: "Yes, yes, we sisters will definitely take pity on you."

  "I'll come first then!" Gao Fat argued.

  "Why should you go first? You went first last time, but I should go first this time!" Shorty glared angrily.

  Lin Jin raised his eyes, the dusk in his eyes was dark.

  The candle in the candlestick was almost burned out, revealing a sharp iron rod.

  Ash smoke mixed with firelight spread out through the door gap, and bursts of heat came from the wooden door.

  "No! There's water inside. Nothing can happen to this man. Please call someone to put out the fire. I'll go in and save people." Gao Pang reacted quickly. As he spoke, he opened the door and was about to go in.

  Shorty agreed and ran away quickly.

  The room was filled with thick smoke, which made me choke and couldn't see at all.

  Gao Pang covered her nose and shouted: "Where are you, come out!"

  A sudden sound of wind was covered by the sound of burning wood around her. It wasn't until Gao Pang felt the coolness coming from the back of her neck that she realized something was wrong. It was just the timing. It's too late.

  Lin Jin jumped down from the wooden table, holding the candlestick tightly in her hand and stabbed the person in the back of the head.

  Gao Pang stared at him and slowly fell to the ground, hitting the ground hard.

  Lin Jin seemed to have just done a small thing casually. He patted the dust on his hands indifferently, then leaned out the door and carefully chose the opposite path from when he came.

  He walked carefully and walked as quietly as possible.

  Just when passing by a certain room, he heard a faint conversation.

  "...It's really stupid. When she cooperates with us to break into the Central Plains, of course I will eradicate the roots. Maybe she is still dreaming about the Spring and Autumn Period."

  "Your Majesty is wise. But if Qu Yu is unwilling to cooperate, we will She was the only man caught last time. Can she be forced to do something? "

  "It's not that Jiang Yixun is useless. He has been with Qu Yu for so many years and has not caught anything. He was abandoned by her in the capital and was still trapped. "But didn't he say that Qu Yu valued this man very much?"

  "It's true, the spy said that this man was the only one who allowed Qu Yu to conceive a child, and it was because of him that Lin Wu died." It's unjust, and Qu Yu even came here with him..."

  If there was a seemingly invisible noise, Lin Jin didn't dare to listen anymore, and randomly found an empty room to hide in.

  Lin Jin covered her burned hand and suddenly understood Qu Yu's plan.

⑧ьOOк. cомThey

  have long planned to eradicate dissidents, and he, whose traces were buried by Lin Wu, is a good candidate. He can be "pregnant" without letting other forces notice in advance.

  As Lin Wu's biological son, he was murdered, so it is reasonable to feel hatred and get rid of Lin Wu because of this, and it will not alert others.

  This also made others think that he was important to Qu Yu and that he was a weakness that could force her to submit.

  Now Lin Jin, Qu Yu's "weak spot", should play a role in making people believe that Qu Yu is sincerely cooperating with foreigners and betraying the Qu royal family. So what he just did may have ruined Qu Yu's affairs.

  "Not necessarily." Lin Jin murmured to himself.

  When a group of people broke into the room where Lin Jin was hiding with knives, what they saw was a man in tattered clothes, huddled in tears.

  "...We really underestimated you, how dare you set fire to kill people." Li Nusheng said with his hands behind his back.

  Lin Jin raised his head in panic, with tears in his eyes: "Killing people... no, no... I didn't kill people... I wasn't the one who killed people!"

  Shorty got through the crowd. He came out and glared at Lin Jin: "You didn't kill me, then who was it?"

  When Lin Jin saw Short and Slender, he grabbed his clothes tightly as if he was severely frightened, and stepped back crazily: "Don't touch me! Please!" Don't... don't kill me..."

  "..." Everyone looked at Xiaoshou without words.

  "What do you mean?" The short and thin man was about to step forward and hit someone.

  Li Nusheng signaled his men to control Xiao Shou and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

  As if he realized that he was safe now, Lin Jin said blankly: "It was the two of them who came in together and said that my wife doesn't want it." They tried to catch me, but when I refused, they started arguing among themselves, stepped on the table, and the candlestick fell down... It caught fire, she ran away, and I ran away too... .."

  He covered his face and cried again: "You must be lying to me! Where is my wife? There are bad people here, she must not be afraid of me."

  "You are so cruel! Trust me, how could we do this? Do it!" Shorty looked at Li Nusheng pleadingly.

  But these people all know that tall and fat and short and thin are the most lustful, and they have defiled many men in the past. If the short and thin killed the tall and fat, then they will naturally not believe it, but if it is an accident...after all How could this person be so weak and kill someone!

  "I'm not talking nonsense! Just come in and say, 'You will serve us well, and we sisters will take pity on you.'" Lin Jin cried hard, burping and imitating the words.

  This is indeed what the tall, fat and short thin people often say. If they had not said this, Lin Jin would not have made it up with exactly the same tone.

  Li Nusheng was seven or eight percent convinced, and became very angry. He said to Xiaoshou: "Are you trying to ruin my big event? I'll punish you with a second-degree crime, and it will make your memory worse."

  Li Nusheng did not tolerate disobedience, and she gave the order. If she refutes it again, , just to refute her face, Xiaoshou had no choice but to shut up, and gave Lin Jin a sinister look before leaving.

  Li Nusheng then ordered: "Give this gentleman a room and serve him carefully. Don't make any mistakes again."


  Within three days, Rong'er sent back the news.

  Qu Yu and Li Nusheng changed to a private place to discuss.

  Before leaving, Qu Yu mentioned Lin Jin again: "Since we are friends now, shouldn't my husband be returned to me?"

  Li Nusheng knew how important Lin Jin was to Qu Yu, so how could he let go so easily? She smiled and said: "You and your husband are a perfect match. When the situation is settled, wouldn't it be a good idea for you two to get together again?"

  "Then take good care of him. If I hurt him, I don't know what I will do. Already." Qu Yu looked worried, turned around and left without saying a word.

  The author has something to say: Can you please comment more~ I am crying, my writing skills have improved so that I can write better~

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  Sent Tan V to meet with Zhongqianjia D. Qu Yu led the army that had eliminated her spies and was subdued by her to destroy several bandit villages, and finally found a useful person in one place.

  The bandit initially refused to comply, but when Qu Yu revealed his identity and whispered something in her ear, the bandit's eyes flashed with fanaticism.

  Dozens of people were quietly incorporated into the army to make up for the vacancies, and they marched for another whole month before arriving at Qinan Pass. Beyond that was a large grassland, and the main road was only for caravans to enter and exit.

  The general stationed at Qinan Pass is the old general of General Mu Youning, named Shao Xun. He has grown from a young soldier back then to a mature veteran now, but he still trusts the God of War back then and now General Mu from the bottom of his heart.

  The sunset glow on the horizon was a bloody color, blocked by light-colored clouds. The escaping bloody light pierced people's eyes, heating up the dullness.

  Shao Xun stood on the city wall holding a long spear and looked out into the distance. There were frost marks on the corners of his eyes, showing deep contemplation.

  She had already received news from General Mu, asking her to fully cooperate with Prince Rong Qu Yu's actions. During this period of time, there were a lot of rumors, all saying that Qu Yu was actually a dandy, a man with nothing but money and a lot of money. It is far from what General Mu said that "no one can surpass him in virtue, talent, and intelligence."

  The 10,000-strong army arrived at noon. Shao Xun gave Qu Yu enough face and led the eighth lieutenant to personally welcome her into the camp.

  In accordance with military regulations, they did not drink. They just exchanged money and food and complimented each other. Qu Yu then asked for a rest.

  It is said that along the way, the princess often left the army and her whereabouts were unknown. The marching life was probably not to mention hard work. This posturing can be described as extremely perfunctory. The only comforting thing was that there was no servant around her.

  So what exactly does Qu Yu want to do? Can Mu Youning be willing to use his past favors to help her?

  Forget it, the thoughts of these high-ranking people are more complicated than the others. It is really not something that rough guys like them can guess. Shao Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head. He stopped thinking about it and just obeyed his orders.

  On the third day and night after Qu Yu arrived outside the pass, the Li clan, which had been harassing them recently, made another small-scale raid, which was extremely annoying.

  Several high-ranking generals gathered in the meeting hall. What was surprising was that the daughter-in-law Qu Yu was not absent. She had already put on her armor and uniform, as if she was asking to go out to fight.

  "General Shao, please allow me to go to battle." Qu Yu went straight to the topic as soon as he arrived.

  "No, the young prince has never been on the battlefield. War is not a trivial matter!"

  Among the several captains, only Colonel Zhaowu voiced his disapproval.

  "Although I have never been on the battlefield, I have read a lot about military science and have destroyed several bandit dens on the way here. Don't you trust me?" Qu Yu had dissatisfaction on his face.

  It's like a child who is curious about a novel thing. The more it is blocked, the better it gets.

  Shao Xundao: "His Majesty asked you to come to the border just for you to practice. We naturally trust your ability, but for safety reasons, can we send Zhaowu to accompany you in the battle?"

  Captain Zhaowu is so proud of his achievements that he looks down on the fragile people in the capital. The ladies of the aristocratic family, who looked like men, looked down upon this daughter who came to the border to enjoy military glory.

  She glared at Qu Yu and said, "The last general accepts the order."

  This did not give Qu Yu a chance to refuse, so she was not angry and smiled good-temperedly: "That's fine. The captain has experienced hundreds of battles and is famous for his bravery and proficiency in battle. I just want to learn from it. Without further ado, let’s get going.”

  After hearing the compliment, Colonel Zhaowu couldn’t help but slap the smiling person: “Young lady is too flattering.”

  But if she could guess, she would leave most people. In her sight, if Qu Yu was a completely different demon, he would never agree to fight with her even if he died.

  When ordering troops, Lieutenant Zhaowu originally wanted to bring the most brave and capable troops to let the noble ladies from this city experience it. Unexpectedly, Qu Yu disagreed and insisted on bringing the troops who came with her from the capital. Soldiers.

  You must know that excluding the logistics troops, there are only more than 6,000 serious soldiers, and she is not familiar with the combat effectiveness of these people, so it is not appropriate to rush them into battle.

  Qu Yu lowered his attitude and said sincerely: "The captain doesn't know something. They have been with me day and night. They may not be as brave as you, but they are also very good soldiers. Besides, with you here, they will definitely win a complete victory.

  " The prince's daughter boasted like this, and Colonel Zhaowu became very excited, and said without shame: "It's up to you. I'll help you after all. This raid is just a piece of cake."

  Qu Yu agreed with a smile.

  Sure enough, as Captain Zhaowu said, the Li clan was very invincible this time and fled within half an hour of confronting them.

  Zhaowu Xiaowei was able to climb up to the rank of Xiaowei because of his repeated military achievements. He was brave enough but not resourceful. When he saw this, he wanted to catch up and destroy the opponent completely so that Qu Yu could see it.

  Shao Xun watched from the city wall. In what was originally a good situation, Captain Zhaowu actually led a small team to chase the fleeing army on the other side and disappeared. Qu Yu seemed to be unable to stop them, so he had to lead the rest of the troops to catch up.

  Zhaowu must be reckless again! She originally thought that Qu Yu had a good brain and the two of them would not mess around, so she agreed to go with Colonel Zhao Wu.

  Shao Xun suddenly had an ominous premonition.

  Once he was completely out of sight behind him, Qu Yu's expression that had been suppressed relaxed.

  She held her mouth sideways and said with a smile: "Tie up Captain Zhaowu."

  The soldiers following him listened and blew their whistles in a strange tune.

  The six thousand people who had always behaved mediocrely showed great momentum.

  Captain Zhaowu was wondering what the whistle meant. When he turned around, he found that the soldiers he led had strange smiles on their faces.


  She was still in a very confused state until Colonel Zhaowu's hands and feet were tied tightly to the horse.

  Seeing Qu Yu riding a horse, the captain of Zhaowu said angrily: "Qu Yu! What do you mean! Why don't you let me go quickly?"

  Qu Yu smiled and said nothing, but one of the soldiers next to him came out and asked Zhaowu The captain saw her face clearly.

  The general said: "Take a closer look first. Do you still recognize me?"

  Captain Zhaowu looked at him and said in shock: "Duan Wu? You... you're not dead?"

  "I'm so glad you still recognize me. It's just me. "You're not dead, are you disappointed?"

  "You...why are you with Qu Yu? I understand, are you targeting me on purpose? I know you're wrong! Let me go." That's okay!" Captain Zhaowu's eyes were about to burst, but he didn't expect that they were just doing it casually.

  Duan Wu said with a smile: "You have forced us to become bandits all these years. You have treated us as deserters and deserved to die. We have a family and cannot return. Can you, a little captain, bear the pain?"

  "What on earth are you doing ?" What do you want?"

  Qu Yu said: "It's very simple. Tell us the various agencies and escape routes at Qinan Pass, as well as the secrets about foreigners that you have heard about over the years but have not been reported to the court."

  Shao Xunbu . It's so easy to deceive, and he is from Mu Youning. Asking these secrets rashly will definitely make her suspicious, but this is different for Colonel Zhaowu...

8вООк. Colonel   Zhaowu's eyes flashed and he said: "Let me go back to Qinanguan Pass and I will tell you."   This level of stupidity is simply unbearable to watch.

  Qu Yu waved to her and said, "I wish you a pleasant journey."


  The horse under Captain Zhaowu seemed to be going crazy. It stuck out its hooves and began to run in a crazy circle, jumping a few times from time to time. .

  Along with the miserable cry, Qu Yu turned around and asked the person next to him: "I really can't imagine that you would be plotted by such a stupid person."

  Duan Wu did not dare to roll his eyes openly, so he could only smile and said: "The horse stumbled."

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  Duan Wu did not dare to roll his eyes openly, so he could only say with a smile: "The horse has stumbled."

  After only half a tea break, Captain Zhaowu broke down and cried: "I said, I said, please Please spare me!"


  Since it is a serious crime to deceive one's superiors and claim military merit, Lieutenant Zhaowu returned to Qinan Pass with a dull look on his face. He was scolded by Shao Xunhao but did not dare to tell the truth.

  After staying at Qinan Pass for more than half a month, the generals all recognized Qu Yu as a man with great martial arts skills and real talents.

  So when the Li clan launched a large-scale attack, Shao Xun allocated half of his troops to Qu Yu, in order to ensure that she would not be in danger and get military honors.

  Except for Lieutenant Zhaowu, who was asked by Qu Yu to accompany the army to fight, the other generals each led 50,000 people to guard each city gate.

  This time the Li clan's attack was very fierce, erasing the timid appearance of the good-for-nothing before. If all the soldiers work together, the defense of the fortress can still be guaranteed.

  But no one could have expected that Qu Yu, who had always been relaxed, would send troops randomly. The nearly 300,000 troops would be separated by several routes. She and she were nowhere to be found, and most of the organs installed in the city had also disappeared.

  The city gate was lost.

  Qinan Pass was forced to give up, the defense line was broken, and they had to retreat to Yuecheng, which was thirty miles away.

  News of Qu Yu's treason spread, causing an uproar throughout the country.

  Officials who usually kept a low profile jumped out and cursed loudly, listing Qu Yu's crimes in detail.

  How could the empress and concubine believe that Qu Yu would treason? Remembering what Qu Yu said before leaving, they made up their minds and remembered the restless officials one by one, waiting for the future to settle the accounts.

  But the most urgent thing right now is to find the whereabouts of Qu Yu. The battlefield

  in Anqing Temple

  was originally so far away from him.

  The wife's master must be in danger, otherwise she would not have allowed him to take refuge in the temple.

  Tan _vinegar climbing and throwing Muxian Street 笫γball is a certain orangutan br />   Buddha, please protect my wife and my wife in safety. Disciples are willing to stay away from the world of mortals and serve you all their lives.   At this time, Qinan Pass had been occupied by Li Nusheng for seven days.   The cool breeze blew in the night, and Li Nusheng inspected this place with satisfaction. How many times in the past, the people from the Central Plains had hidden in this city wall and were complacent, but never thought that she could easily win it by just using her brain and calculating.   There were drunken soldiers staggering around everywhere, and Li Nusheng was not angry when he saw them. It was time to enjoy a few days of happiness.   After taking down the Qinan Pass, which was as difficult to conquer as an iron barrel, other places were not easy. When she entered the capital, she would also sit on the emperor's seat and enjoy the enjoyment. The arrogance and extravagance of the Central Plains people would only be theirs in the future. Lived.   A flash of fire from the horizon interrupted Li Nusheng's fantasy.   Countless firelights and boulders fell down, and when they hit the people, flesh and blood splattered.   Wails everywhere.   Li Nusheng dodged and ran up the city wall quickly. He couldn't see clearly at night, but he could see that some of these torches and boulders were thrown in from outside the city, while others were thrown in from inside the city!   An arrow was shot at her. She dodged and the arrow fell to the ground. There was a cloth belt tied to the arrow.   Li Nusheng took a look and said: This is a surprise for you, do you like it? Qu Yuliu   When Li Jun launched a massive attack that day, Shadow Guard Zhu Nian, who had been returning to his original job, was ordered to lead 50,000 people to transport the mechanism to the outside of the pass, and then divided into small groups to hide inside and outside the city, waiting for the opportunity.   Another 250,000 people, led by Qu Yu, bypassed Li Jun through a secret passage and attacked directly at the rear.   Seven days, exactly one round trip.   Li Jun was made a dumpling in this way.   Li Nusheng was furious. He didn't expect that Qu Yu would dare to play tricks on her, even giving up the Qinan Pass to deceive her!   Fortunately, she still had a hand in hand. Lin Jin had been under strict supervision and must not have been rescued yet.   When Qu Yu led his army back to Qinang Pass, what he saw was the desolate scene of corpses scattered all over the place where the fire had not been extinguished.   Zhu Nian knelt in front of her with an injury on his body, looking ashamed: "I didn't rescue Lin Jin. He was taken away by Li Nusheng. There are still more than ten thousand of them. We were too scattered and couldn't catch up."   Qu Yu's expression did not change . She helped Zhu Nian up and said warmly: "It's okay, I will take care of this matter. Go heal your wounds quickly."   Seeing that Zhu Nian frowned and didn't want to obey, she said again: "My daughter orders you to heal your wounds."   Zhu Nian had no choice but to comply . Down.   Most of the people who came out with Li Nusheng were injured and finally found a temporary safe place to stay. Endless hatred was directed at Lin Jin.   The author has something to say: The prediction failed, and the world of the heroine will end in the next chapter ~   I found the article on the Internet, and I was so angry that I felt a little happy at the same time. . . 8ьОΟк. Соm

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  At this time, the sun was at its strongest at noon, and the already painful wound was soaked with sweat. Li Nusheng became angry and gave Lin Jin a whip: "Tell me, did Qu Yu have evil intentions from the beginning?"

  Lin Jin said His face turned pale in pain, but he just covered the wound and looked into the distance without saying a word.

  Seeing this, Li Nusheng whipped him again: "Stop thinking, you are an abandoned person now, no one will come to save you."

  Lin Jin groaned in pain, lowered his head and murmured: "No way...she You won't abandon me..."

  The words were said in a low voice, and Li Nusheng didn't hear them clearly. He grabbed Lin Jin's neck and asked, "What did you say?"

  "I said, you are not as good as a beast, but you dare to go there. It's so ridiculous to be above my wife." Lin Jin smiled, but his eyes were as cold as frost, sweeping away the simple weakness shown along the way.

  "You are looking for death!" Li Nusheng's eyes were blood red, and the veins on his hands were exposed, and he wanted to strangle him to death.

  She was not stupid to begin with, so she naturally understood everything when she saw Lin Jin like this.

  It turns out that she was the only one who was being teased from beginning to end!

  Everything she had planned for so long was destroyed in the hands of these people in just one night!

  Lin Jin's face gradually turned pale, and his contemptuous eyes seemed to be looking at a clown.

  At this time, a short and wretched man came out. It was the short and thin man who was condemned at the beginning: "Your Majesty, let him die like this, wouldn't it be an advantage for him! Your Majesty, leave it to me, I must let him survive. I have to die."

  Li Nusheng glanced at her, let go and threw Lin Jin to the ground, saying harshly: "It's up to you to deal with it."

  The hatred of being unjustly punished was combined with the hatred of being tricked this time. It's time to report them all together. The short and thin man turned the knife in his hand, seeming to think about where to put it: "The bitch's acting skills are very good, but it's a pity that this mouth can only talk nonsense, why not cut off the mouth first? "

  Before she could get closer, there was a sudden sound of wind whistling in the air, which became increasingly clear.

  The short and thin man moved his ears and tried his best to avoid it, but still got a scratch on his arm.

  She didn't care about the wound, immediately pulled out a knife and held Lin Jin's neck, looking in the direction of the arrow.

  Li Nusheng got on his horse, ready to meet the enemy or escape depending on the situation.

  The sun was too strong, and the silhouette of the horse approaching from a distance was somewhat distorted.

  Lin Jin raised his eyes and looked at the familiar person seriously.

  She said, just believe her.

  So he was convinced.

  Qu Yu led five thousand light cavalry and kept approaching the remaining soldiers of the Li clan.

  Li Nusheng saw it clearly and raised his voice: "Qu Yu! If you come any closer, your man's life will be in danger!"

  Shorty used a knife at the right moment to force Lin Jin to raise her head, letting the visitors see clearly that Lin Jin's life was in their hands. in hand.

  Qu Yu really stopped, but she raised the bow and arrow in her hand, pointed it at Li Nusheng, and said with a smile: "Do you think my arrow is faster, or you die faster?"

  Li Nusheng felt like he was enveloped by death. Illusion, I was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and after I realized it, I said angrily: "Why do you think I must die first?"

  There was a dull sound of a heavy object falling on the grass from behind.

  "I won't let myself be the one who holds her back." There was a hint of smile in Lin Jin's voice.

  The surrounding Li soldiers surrounded Lin Jin and did not dare to make any unauthorized move.

  Everything just happened so fast.

  I thought Lin Jin was just an ordinary delicate man, but who knew he could also do martial arts!

  When Qu Yu spoke, Lin Jin understood Qu Yu's eyes, and the short and thin man's attention was distracted by Qu Yu.

  However, in a flash of lightning, Lin Jin finished digging into the wound on the short and thin arm with the blade. The short and thin arm reflexively lost strength, and the knife fell into Lin Jin's hand.

8BOK. сom

  quickly dispatched Xiaoshou, and Lin Jin stabbed the knife into the belly of the horse Li Nusheng was riding.

  The war horse was in pain and raised its hooves to throw Li Nusheng out.

  Qu Yu's arrow also arrived, right at the center, and the force it brought caused Li Nusheng to take a few steps back.

  At the same time, Qu Yu rode over, grabbed Lin Jin with one hand and placed him in his arms.

  Among the harvested heads, Lin Jin struggled and said: "I can still fight, but to protect me, I have to distract you..."

  Qu Yu cut off the spear that was stabbing him with one knife, and replied with ease: "Yes, but It's not necessary. You have been injured enough. I have wronged you during this period. You can rest well."

  Lin Jin was indispensable for her plan to go so smoothly. This feeling of being connected is a bit refreshing.

  Especially with one look from her, he understood and responded with a smile that was damn alluring.

  Lin Jin, who had been living a very "wrongful" life, suddenly felt sad. He buried himself in Qu Yu's arms and muttered: "I miss you so much."

  His clothes became wet, and what followed was Li Yang's cold and ruthless expression. sound.

  "The current collected energy value is 95%."

  The news of Qu Yu's treason had just spread for a few days, and the news that Qu Yu led the army to regain Qinan Pass and took the territory of the Li clan outside the pass was sent to the Above the court.

  The court was still talking non-stop, and the officials who urged the empress to punish Qu Yu were stunned when they heard the news.

  What are you doing? Is the traitor actually a great hero?

  The official suddenly felt as cold as being in an ice cave.

  Those who have cursed and slandered Qu Yu in the past few days also feel the same way.

  When Qu Yu led his army through Fengcheng, he met Zhuo Yan, the frightened prefect, and Jiang Qiming, who was smiling proudly.

  Before Zhuo Yan could make a move, Jiang Qiming stepped forward and took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Qu Yu.

  On the paper, there is evidence of Zhuo Yanman's crime.

  Without Zhuo Yan's cover, it would be impossible for Li Nusheng and others to freely develop their power and plant spies everywhere. There are also traces of Lin Jin's past. He was originally from Jiangnan and was found out by Zhuo Yan and given to Lin Wu.


  The guilty are punished according to law, and the meritorious are generously rewarded.

  Qu Yu, who was supposed to ascend the throne, was given the title of Prince He.

  Qu Yu, whose reputation once changed from good to bad, has completely become the dream lover of thousands of teenagers.

  However, Qu Yu told the world about Lin Jin's achievements and formally proposed to the court that he would marry him and become the rightful king.

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That white lotus is so damn alluring [Quickly Wear]
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Chapter 28 (Female Queen) The Prince’s Little White Lotus 17 2/2
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  Such a man who can endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens and share weal and woe with his wife on the battlefield is naturally worthy of being a prince.


  "The current collected energy value is 100%."

  ​​"Escaped from the dreamland successfully."

  "About to enter the next dreamland."

  The author has something to say: Regardless of the pseudo-NP method: don't elaborate on the ending, use your imagination freely ~

  For example, that so-and-so who wants to meditate in bed, and that so-and-so who is following closely as a shadow guard, and the royal prince’s impossibly empty backyard...


⒏BoOК. СΟm

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