IBWMWTBMT - Real World

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132. Real World - Extra 1
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[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
Five seconds later, Yu Rou's consciousness suddenly faded. When she regained consciousness, she found herself sitting in the classroom.

Yu Rou looked around and saw that her classmates were all listening to the class attentively. She then looked down at herself and saw that she was wearing a blue and white school uniform that did not fit her well and her pants were too long.

Her slender white fingers were placed on the desk. Her nails were trimmed very cleanly and beautifully, but there were rough calluses on her fingers.

She touched her face, which was smooth, tender and full of collagen.

She is seventeen years old now, so young.

Yu Rou sighed in her heart.

Although she was already in her twenties when she was reborn, she also inherited the memory of this body. She remembered that she seemed to have a hard time when she was seventeen.

High school campus life was the memory that Yu Rou was most reluctant to face.

But now she is here.

She has changed the fate of so many people and me, and now she wants to change her own life.

Yu Rou lowered her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Suddenly she felt something hit the back of her head.

Yu Rou looked back.

I met the teasing gaze of a young boy.

He was a tall boy with very white skin, sitting in the last row, with an arrogant expression and a sneer on his face.

But when he saw Yu Rou's eyes, his expression gradually changed.

There was an unconcealable surprise in the boy's eyes, and red clouds slowly appeared on his fair face. He opened his mouth slightly and swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

Yu Rou looked at him, searching her memory for memories of him.

She remembered quickly.

This boy is a rich second-generation school bully in their school. His name is Yan Che. The school's teaching building, library, and playground were all built with money from his family. Although he looks delicate and gentle, he has a very bad temper and is always causing trouble and fighting in school.

The original body had committed many sins in the past, so she had always been targeted by him. Also because of this, many girls who liked him would not play with her and would even exclude her.

Because Yu Rou was reminiscing about the past, she looked at him for a long time. Yan Che's face became redder and redder, and he even avoided looking away.

Yu Rou frowned, said nothing, turned her head away and ignored him.

When Yan Che saw her turn her head back, he felt inexplicably lost. He stared at Yu Rou blankly, his heart still beating wildly.

What happened to him just now?

Why did his heart beat faster all of a sudden? How come Yu Rou... seemed to have changed and become so beautiful? There seemed to be something in her eyes that touched his heart.

But she was still so unfashionable, with those rustic bangs, and he obviously hated her.

Yan Che was stunned for a long while, and only came to his senses after his deskmate called him several times.

"Boss, why are you in a daze? What's wrong?"

Yan Che's face turned grim, and he said with some shame and anger: "It's okay."

The class ended quickly.

Yu Rou rummaged through her schoolbag and found nothing inside except textbooks and a few candies.

Yes, she used to have hypoglycemia and would feel dizzy all the time, so she would put some sugar in her bag.

Yu Rou smiled gently, took a candy, stood up and walked out of the classroom.

Her deskmate was a girl with short hair and wearing a pair of black-framed glasses. She only knew how to study all day long. She would not take a break after class and would always do homework. So when Yu Rou stood up, she didn't even look at her and kept her head down.

Her posture did not change after Yu Rou left.

Yan Che couldn't help but stare at Yu Rou. When he saw her go out, he couldn't help but stand up and go out.

"Boss, where are you going?"

Yan Che didn't even turn his head, "Why do you care so much?"

After Yan Che went out, he happened to see Yu Rou coming down the stairs. He hesitated for a moment, feeling a little puzzled. He paused and did not follow her. He stood in the corridor, frowning in annoyance.

Yu Rou looked at the person in the mirror, slowly lifted her bangs, and tucked her hair behind her ears.

She couldn't help but sigh, the system never lied to me, she was indeed ten times more beautiful than before.

Now, even she herself feels moved when she sees this face.

But this hairstyle is really ugly. The rustic bangs at least reduce her appearance by 20 points. Fortunately, her eyes are really beautiful and eye-catching.

Yu Rou pinched herself. She was very satisfied with the soft and silky touch. A beautiful face really made people happy. With such a face, she could only live to her forties, but she didn’t seem to be dissatisfied. After all, she didn’t want to get old. When she was doing the mission before, she had lived for a long time.

On the way back to the classroom, the bell suddenly rang.

Yu Rou quickened her pace and was almost hit by a boy rushing down from above when she was going up the stairs to the third floor.

She quickly moved to the side to dodge, but bumped into the person walking behind her.

"Sorry, sorry..." The boy apologized quickly and ran downstairs. When he looked back at Yu Rou, he was stunned for a moment and almost fell down. Fortunately, he held onto the wall.

Yu Rou looked up at the person she bumped into.

The man had a cold expression on his face. When he saw Yu Rou, he was slightly stunned and looked surprised.

Yu Rou was also a little surprised, as it was someone she knew.

This man was wearing a school uniform and glasses, but it did not affect his appearance at all. His handsome and delicate features seemed to glow in the sun, and his eyes were like a misty forest, gentle and affectionate, yet separated by a layer of cold frost.

"Be careful." Ye Xian whispered.

Yu Rou nodded, "I'm sorry."

Although she said sorry, her expression clearly showed no apology and was even colder than Ye Xian's.

The reason why she acted like this was because Ye Xian was the person her original self liked. She had confessed to him but was rejected. The love letter she wrote to him somehow did not reach Ye Xian, but was posted on the school bulletin board instead. In the end, Ye Xian knew about it, and so did the whole school. She was still rejected.

For the original body, Ye Xian was also a scar in her heart, which would hurt when it was revealed.

Ye Xian didn't have a deep memory of Yu Rou, but after what happened before, he still remembered this girl. Looking at her at this moment, he had a special feeling for some reason.

My heart seemed to be weighed down by something, feeling heavy, and there was a sense of excitement that was about to burst out.

But before he could think about it, Yu Rou had already left quickly without saying a word to him.

After school, Yan Che came over and knocked on her desk. Yu Rou looked up and looked at Yan Che.

Yan Che's eyes froze for a moment, and he coughed, then said hesitantly, "What's your WeChat ID?"

Yu Rou hesitated for a moment.

Yan Che said unhappily: "Why? You don't want to give it to me?"

Yu Rou said: "I don't have WeChat."

Yan Che was stunned, and his face turned ugly for a while: "Who are you kidding? How could you not have WeChat? If you don't want to give it to me, just say so."

"If you don't believe me, forget it. I don't have a cell phone." Yu Rou looked at him coldly.

Yan Che

The author has something to say: The extra story can be viewed as a small theater. I don't know how many chapters there are in the extra story, just take a look.

[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
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133. Real World - Extra 2
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[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
Yan Che said suspiciously: "You really don't have a cell phone?"

Yu Rou stood up, "Well, please let me go, I need to leave."

Yan Che was a little dissatisfied to see her being so cold to him, but he couldn't say the sarcastic words. After thinking for a while, he moved his body to the side to make way for her and said, "Then I'll give you a mobile phone."

Yu Rou glanced at him, thought he was weird, and left without saying anything.

In the afternoon, when Yu Rou arrived at the classroom, she saw the latest model of Apple mobile phone on the table. It was brand new and unopened, with a folded note on the phone box.

Yu Rou opened it and saw the note saying: Add me after you register on WeChat.

There is a string of numbers written at the end, which should be the WeChat ID.

It goes without saying that it was Yan Che who placed it on her desk.

Yu Rou thought of what the system said. The system said that her peach blossom index would increase significantly. It seemed that it had already been reflected. It could make Yan Che, who hated her so much before, change his attitude towards her. It was obvious that the humorous effect was extraordinary.

Her family conditions were not good. Her parents divorced and her mother remarried. She followed her mother like a burden. Later, her mother gave birth to a younger brother. She had to work and take care of her brother, so she inevitably neglected her. Her stepfather treated her normally and not harshly, but she did not have any spare money, otherwise, in this high school where everyone had a mobile phone, she would not have no mobile phone at all.

However, she was not planning to accept the gift from Yan Che.

Yan Che had always targeted the original body before. Even if he had changed his attitude towards her now, she had no reason to accept this phone.

Yu Rou tore up the note, handed the phone to the classmate in the back seat, and said, "This is Yan Che's. Please pass it to his desk."

There was a girl in the back seat. She was a little surprised to hear her words and hesitated for a moment, but still took it and passed it to the back.

When the phone was passed to Yan Che, Yan Che was stunned for a moment and his face turned ugly.

He threw the box onto the table, making a noise.

The boy sitting next to him saw this and asked in a low voice: "Boss, why are you so concerned about Yu Rou all of a sudden? Do you have any plans to punish her?"

"Shut up, you idiot." Yan Che scolded his younger brother.

"But, Boss, haven't you always been unhappy with her?"

"Who said that?!"

After a while, Yan Che suddenly asked, "You said, she didn't accept this phone. Did she also think that I was going to cause trouble for her?"

On the way home from school, Yu Rou walked home alone.

She lives a little far from the school, and it takes more than half an hour to walk there.

She took the shortcut back as she remembered, passing through several alleys on the way.

The house at this time did not look as old as it did ten years later. When you looked up, you could see colorful clothes hanging on the upstairs, some of which were still dripping.

Yu Rou walked very fast and was almost bumped by a middle-aged man when she was walking out of the alley.

The uncle looked up at her, a little surprised, said sorry, and left in a hurry.

Before Yu Rou could say anything, she saw the uncle disappear at the end of the alley.

She was about to move forward, and when she lowered her head, she saw a brown wallet lying at her feet.

Yu Rou frowned, bent down to pick it up, opened it and saw a thick stack of banknotes inside, roughly estimated to be at least two or three thousand. Two or three thousand was not a small amount of money at that time. There were also some cards in it, but no ID card. Instead, there was an old photo in the place where the ID card was placed.

Yu Rou took the wallet and chased after the uncle, but he was nowhere to be seen.

She had no choice but to put her wallet in her schoolbag and prepare to go to the police station.

The police station and her home were not in the same direction, which meant she had to take a detour for more than half an hour. Yu Rou thought, it was okay to go back anyway, so she might as well just take a walk and have a look.

Opposite the police station was the most upscale garden community in their small town. When she was crossing the road, she saw a litter of newborn kittens in the grass outside the community.

When Yu Rou was wondering whether to take care of these little guys, she heard someone talking behind her.

"It's you?"

She looked back and saw Yan Che looking down at her with surprise in his eyes.

Yan Che seemed surprised to meet Yu Rou here. He blinked, his cheeks turned a little red, and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead. In the sunlight, his facial features were particularly dazzling and beautiful.

"Yeah." Yu Rou's attitude could be said to be very cold.

"Do you live nearby?" Yan Che's home is in this community, but he has never seen Yu Rou here before.

His heart suddenly started beating fast and an idea popped into his mind.

"No, I came here for something." Yu Rou explained for fear that he would misunderstand.

"Oh." Yan Che's eyes were always on Yu Rou and he couldn't move them away.

Yu Rou ignored him and focused her attention on the litter of kittens. She counted them and found there were four kittens in total, three orange and one white. The white one had a little yellow hair on its forehead.

Yu Rou squatted down and reached out to touch the kittens. They were a little wet and looked very weak. They cried softly and looked pitiful.

Yan Che also squatted down, looked at them and said, "They must have been left here by someone."

"Yeah." Yu Rou frowned and hummed.

Yan Che said: "Do you want to raise it?"

Yu Rou said, "My family can't afford it."

The house she lives in now is a mess and she herself is not welcome. If she brings a few cats back, the consequences can be imagined.

Besides, she is at school during the day, so these little guys might be thrown directly into the trash can.

Yan Che had an idea and said, "I can take him home and take care of him first, and then I'll give him to you when you can raise him."

Yu Rou looked at him suspiciously, with a probing look in her eyes. After a few seconds, she asked, "Why?"

Yan Che's cheeks were visibly flushed. He hesitated, not as imposing as usual. After a long while, he said, "It's not like I don't have conditions."

"What conditions?"

"Ahem..." Yan Che said embarrassedly: "That's right...that's right, you accept the phone I gave you, and then we can add each other on WeChat."

Yu Rou was stunned for a moment.

"How is it?" Yan Che stood up suddenly to hide his embarrassment.

"Not very good." Yu Rou shook her head.

Yan Che couldn't help but get angry and look unhappy. He felt very embarrassed, but when he looked at Yu Rou's face, he couldn't lose his temper.

Yu Rou found his expression very funny and asked him, "Why did you add me on WeChat? Don't you hate me?"

"Who said I hate you?!" Yan Che was a little excited.

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not. When did I say that?" Yan Che's voice became smaller and smaller.

Yu Rou suddenly felt that Yan Che looked quite cute. Handsome boys always made her feel good about him. However, she was not immune to cute little boys.

She looked at Yan Che with interest, and said with a half-smile: "So you don't hate me, but you like me?"

Yan Che widened his eyes and looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? I...I..."

Yu Rou laughed softly.

She became even more beautiful when she smiled. She had shallow dimples and her eyes were like a vast galaxy, swaying with sparkling starlight.

Yan Che stared at her intently, his heart beating violently and his lips and tongue feeling inexplicably dry.

Yu Rou reached out and touched his head, "Take these kittens back first, I'll raise them myself in a few days."

The soft hair felt good to the touch, and she touched it again with satisfaction.

Yan Che was stunned, and it seemed like fireworks were going off in his head.

"Oh... OK." Yan Che turned his head and looked away, raising his voice and said, "Don't touch my hair."

Yu Rou withdrew her hand indifferently.

"Well, if you don't want WeChat, do you have QQ? Or email will do..."


Yan Che looked irritated and sad, and soon heard Yu Rou say, "I'll tell you my WeChat ID when I buy a phone in a few days."


His expression was like the sunshine after the rain, so bright that it was a little dazzling.

The kitten next to them raised its head and looked at them, meowing as if to say, "I'm so hungry."

Yu Rou thought: This is a good start after being reborn.

The author has something to say: Ah, I really don't like writing side stories, so that's it~~ My dears, I will start saving new articles today, let's read the new articles, the side stories end here,

I feel like I am more enthusiastic about new articles.

It is expected to be launched before May 10th, muah~~

Thank you to the little angels who cast their votes for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [bazooka]: Qian 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: Sima Jiaojiao 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Sue 50 bottles; Yinsha 30 bottles; I am a baby 10 bottles; Baili Murong 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
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