BSWL (QW) - Born with Heterochromia

1) Chapter 96 Born with Heterochromatic Eyes 1_Becoming a Scheming White Lotus [Quick Transmigration]
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  That day, the dazzling golden light seemed to cover the whole world. Everyone was blinded by the light. Lysis only heard the voice of Fayinsi, which seemed to be far away in the sky, but close to his ears. It echoed, full of solemnity and displeasure, and full of divine power: "I will send you to the Avici Hell, to bear the punishment of the ghost fire burning your soul and the flaming knife cutting your bones, for the rest of your life!"

  "Filita!" Lysis shouted, and the golden light disappeared in an instant. The blessing sound that was broken into starlight in the air was spread down and merged into the heads of all the Egyptian soldiers. However, there was no trace of the goddess of war and Filita in the sky.

  They disappeared together. Did they

  really disappear?

  For half a year after that, the goddess of war Fayinsi never appeared again. Lysis became more and more depressed day by day. Finally, he cheered up and decided to build a statue of the goddess Fayinsi, standing right in front of the Aubair Palace. Construction of the Gongcheng started soon. Lysis rejected the stone statue carved by the craftsmen seven or eight times. On the ninth time, the craftsmen finally carved a lifelike stone statue of the goddess.

  The stone statue is no different from the real person. The size is strictly carved according to her own proportions. After it was built, it stood in front of Lysis. He looked at the stone statue every day.

  Later, he learned to paint, painted Fa Yinsi's □□, and built temples. His whole life was chasing the gods in the sky.

  The wheel of history rolled forward. Three hundred years later, history was completely rewritten.

  In the realm of God, Lan Yin sat on the throne. The goddess of war Fa Yinsi below explored history and found that the facts had been changed. History wrote: The thirteenth generation of Egyptian Pharaoh fell in love with the goddess of war and became ill. Before his death, he faced the stone statue of the god day and night. However, the god was noble and elegant, and would not easily accept the courtship of a human. The god occasionally sent good news, loving the whole earth and loving us humans even more!

  "Thank you, Supreme God." Fa Yinsi bowed her head and thanked him.

  Lan Yin smiled slightly, and moved her fingers slightly. Fa Yinsi's body lit up with colorful light at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if something was peeled off. Fa Yinsi's face turned pale instantly, "No, you... what are you doing?" Did she take something of hers? ! !

  Lan Yin didn't care much, and blamed her for making a fuss. She said lightly: "Don't be anxious, I won't take your power, I just... take some things that I deserve." The

  colorful light peeled off from Fa Yinsi's body and fell lightly into Lan Yin's palm. She waved her hand, her tone slightly indifferent: "You can go."

  Fa Yinsi looked at the thing and immediately understood what it was. She paused for two seconds, "Yes." She said yes respectfully, and then left the realm of God.

  The Supreme God, actually feeds on human emotions?

  Is this possible?

  When she was herself, she not only gained the hatred of Felita, but also the love of Lysis, as well as the admiration, disdain, and love of the public. So all these messy things were taken away by her?

  Isn't it obvious what these emotions can be used for?

  The emotional objects in the divine world can be compared with the big/smoke/poppy in the human world. The two are not much different.

  Could it be that... the Supreme God is tired of being a god?

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Contact Us My Bookshelf Reading Records2) Chapter 96 Born with Heterochromia 1_Becoming a Scheming White Lotus [Quick Transmigration]
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  ? Fa Yinsi was slightly stunned, and she had a plan in her mind. If the Supreme God gave up his position, it would mean that a new Supreme God would take over the throne. In this way, any god in a small world could make further progress.

  "The thought... is easy to understand." Lan Yin sat lazily on the throne, looking at the colorful light in her palm with a dazed look. She opened her mouth slightly, and the light immediately slipped in. Lan Yin sighed softly, closed her eyes and leaned on the throne, entering a rest period.

  The man of the void sighed and silently guarded the Supreme God.

  The time in the realm of God stops flowing, that is, there is no concept of time here. In this way, the man of the void does not know how long Lan Yin has been asleep. It is unknown

  how long it took before Lan Yin slowly woke up. She lowered her eyelashes and adjusted her spiritual breath, stood up, and waved her hand to summon a light blue window.

  A sickly little girl appeared in the window. She seemed to be frightened by the window. Her whole body trembled, her eyes were terrified, and Lan Yin looked at her indifferently without saying a word.

  The air was silent for five or six seconds before the little girl relaxed and looked at Lan Yin in a low voice, "You...can you really help me?" Her tone was hesitant and a little timid.

  Lan Yin raised her eyebrows: "What do you want?" She guessed that the little girl was probably a child of the poor. Her clothes were tattered and she looked more like a beggar.

  The little girl was silent for a few seconds, and finally cried, "Sister, I am an orphan. My best friend died. He is the only important person to me. Please help me save him."

  Lan Yin heard this and did not accept the task directly for the first time. Instead, she looked at her strangely. She asked almost in a joking tone: "Is your wish just this? Don't you want to find your parents? Maybe...they are tycoons who are powerful in the business world and can let you live like a princess." This is Lan Yin's fabrication.

  The little girl shook her head, "No, they don't want me anymore, and I don't want them either."

  Lan Yin stared at her for two seconds before smiling, "Okay, then it's as you wish." She closed the window neatly.

  The man of the void suddenly spoke, "Master, you are becoming very strange now."

  Lan Yin stepped into the Rebirth Pool carelessly, "What?"

  "Why... can't you understand human emotions anymore?" This is just a euphemism. This Supreme God is no longer like a human being. She is indifferent, like a heartless machine.

  This point is becoming more and more obvious as the tasks are stacked layer by layer.

  "Is that so..." Lan Yin closed her eyes and sank completely into the Rebirth Pool.

  This story...


  indeed, the system is right. She has lost her heart that can feel pity for others.

  From an objective point of view, this story is very miserable, but Lan Yin did not have any other emotions. She only felt an endless nothingness sweeping over her. Has the loneliness of

  tens of thousands of years almost eroded her heart? Lan Yin raised her hand and saw her little hand that was frozen red by the cold. She closed her eyes slightly and sealed her memory.

  On the street, a thin little girl stood stupidly at the intersection. Her eyes were at a loss, like an abandoned bird that could not find its way home.

  A Rolls-Royce luxury car slowly stopped by the roadside, the door was opened, and a man in a black suit got out first, holding another tender little hand, that was a little boy.

  He was very strange, wearing an eye patch.

  The boy had a blank expression, a black shawl on his shoulders, and thin snowflakes that looked like his face fell on his shoulders. His exposed eye was pure black, like a piece of black stone.

  He spoke, "Do you want to come with me?"

  The little girl looked at him blankly, then slowly stretched out her frozen little hand and placed it in his hand.


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Contact Us My Bookshelf Reading Records1) Chapter 97 Born with Heterochromatic Eyes 2_Becoming a Scheming White Lotus [Quick Transmigration]
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  Butler Sen pushed open the door of the study. The room was not very bright, but rather a little dim. It was daytime, but the curtains were tightly drawn. Only the yellow light was hanging on the ceiling. A boy about ten years old was sitting in front of the desk. He had a delicate appearance, but there was an indifferent look between his eyebrows. A black eye mask covered one eye, leaving only the other eye drooping as it flipped through a book.

  Butler Sen asked in a low voice: "Master, the servants have settled the girl down and are having dinner downstairs."

  The boy did not move his eyes or speak.

  Butler Sen continued, "I have asked someone to find out her details. She is an orphan. She was abandoned by her parents at the gate of Guoguo Welfare Home when she was three months old. She had a bad life in the welfare home and was often bullied. She got lost yesterday and no one from the welfare home came out to look for her. She just happened to run into us. She hasn't eaten for two days."

  The boy finally took action after hearing this. He raised his head and looked at Butler Sen. "What's her name?" His voice was tender and crisp, but because of his indifference, it sounded more like the coldness of ice hitting.


  Yinyin secretly raised her eyes and looked at the two women standing respectfully at the dining table. They were wearing work uniforms and aprons. It seemed that the delicacies on the table were all made by them. Yinyin tentatively reached out and grabbed a chicken leg. Before she could take it, a woman exclaimed and immediately stopped her.

  Yinyin was frightened and let go of her hands, huddled in the chair, "I, I'm hungry..."

  The woman sighed, walked to her side and wiped Yinyin's hands with a napkin, "You have to use chopsticks to eat, you can't just use your hands, it's unhygienic."

  "Here, like this." The woman carefully put the chopsticks in Yinyin's young hands. She found that the little girl had difficulty holding chopsticks, let alone using them to pick up food.

  "You... don't know how to use chopsticks?"

  Yinyin didn't hold it firmly, and one of the chopsticks fell, hitting the floor and rolling a few times. She hurriedly fell off the chair and squatted down to pick up the chopsticks, biting her lips: "I'm sorry..."

  "You don't have to apologize," the woman knelt on one knee on the floor, raised her hand to wipe the tears from Yinyin's cheeks, turned her head and said to another woman in an apron: "Go and bring the turtle soup on the fire, I'm afraid it's already cooked." "


  The woman is Su Ling, the housekeeper in this villa who is responsible for the daily life and diet of the young master of the Gu family. She and housekeeper Sen manage this villa from the outside and inside.

  "Come, I'll hold it for you to eat. Later, I'll teach you how to use all kinds of tableware." Su Ling said gently, picked up the chicken leg with chopsticks and brought it to Yinyin's mouth, "Eat quickly, the young master will see you later."

  Yinyin looked at Su Ling blankly, hesitantly opened her mouth, and bit the chicken leg that was close at hand.

  The owner of this villa is the young master Gu Shi of the Gu family, who is only ten years old. The Gu family is a powerful family in the capital. The so-called four young masters of the capital were just a shoe-carrier in front of Gu Shi. It's a pity that it was all because of...

  because of his eye, his fate was ruined. Gu Shi's name was not even on the Gu family's genealogy. Outsiders didn't know that there was such a young master in the Gu family, but the Gu family was not too cruel. It was delicious.

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  Gu Shi was provided with delicious drinks, and he would never be able to use up all the property under his name in his lifetime, not to mention that his account would receive a large sum of money every year.

  The female housekeeper Su Ling and the male housekeeper Sen were able to manage Gu Shi's life in an orderly manner. Apart from that, the Gu family had almost given up on Gu Shi.

  Not to mention that in the past two years, the second young master of the Gu family, Gu Jue, was born, and Gu Shi became completely insignificant.

  The meal was quickly finished with Su Ling feeding her. Yinyin had not eaten for a long time, and she did not dare to eat too much at once, fearing that her stomach would not adapt and get sick. In the end, she drank a bowl of turtle soup. Su Ling wiped her mouth, and housekeeper Sen had been waiting on the side for a long time.

  "Take it away." Su Ling nodded to housekeeper Sen, and took Yinyin down from the high chair and let her feet touch the ground.

  Yinyin had never worn such a beautiful skirt before. She pulled the layers of princess skirt on her body and walked beside housekeeper Sen. She was very well-behaved and did not speak all the way.

  Yinyin saw the little boy who asked her if she wanted to go with him.

  Butler Mori brought the boy to the house and closed the door and left.

  Yinyin was very hesitant and uneasy. She stood at the door for a long time without moving. Perhaps she was a little shy. Yinyin didn't want to get close to the boy. He didn't look easy to talk to. He didn't smile or have any other expression.

  After hesitating for a long time, Yinyin whispered, "Thank you."

  Gu Shi put down his book and jumped down from the chair in front of the desk. He walked in front of Yinyin. There was no emotion in his dark eyes. Yinyin was frightened and took a small step back. She saw her reflection in his eyes.

  Perhaps because of poor development, Yinyin was a head shorter than Gu Shi. She didn't look like she was ten years old, but only five years old.

  Gu Shi stared at Yinyin closely, suddenly raised his arm and pulled off his eye mask. He opened his eyes, and the lamp hanging above his head flickered. The deep red eyes seemed to be burned by fire, symbolizing death and despair.

  Yinyin was so scared that she almost cried out. Seeing her reaction, Gu Shi's eyes deepened. "Are you scared?"

  Yinyin shook her head. "No, it's just that the lights went out just now, like lightning."

  "Why are your eyes red?" She asked curiously.

  Gu Shi: "It's natural."

  "It's natural!" Yinyin looked back and forth at him in surprise. "I also want other colors. I like pink. Pink eyes must be very beautiful." Yinyin didn't know that her childish and innocent words at this time changed her whole life. Pink eyes


  Gu Shi slowly raised his hand and touched Yinyin's eyes. Yinyin blinked and asked: "Brother, the grandfathers in the welfare home will be worried about me. Can you take me back?"

  Gu Shi slowly put down his hand. "From now on, this is your home."

  "Huh?" Yinyin was stunned and looked at Gu Shi.

  Two days later, the snow finally stopped, and thick snow piled up on the road. Early in the morning, someone came out with a broom to sweep the snow. At the gate of Guoguo Welfare Home, a luxury car stopped. Gu Shi took Yinyin's hand and got out of the car. Butler Sen smiled faintly, and the three of them entered the welfare home.

  The director of Guoguo Welfare Home was stunned when he saw Yinyin, "Yinyin...?" He turned around and looked at the teacher who was taking care of the child. Why was the child with someone else?

  Sure enough, the child was lost, but this group of people didn't know.

  Gu Shi glanced at Butler Sen indifferently. Butler Sen nodded and said in a gentle voice: "We want to adopt this child, so we plan to go through the procedures today."


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  The adoption procedures were completed quickly. The director of the Guoguo Welfare Home sighed a little and looked at the car for a long time before turning around.

  "From today on, your name is Gu Yin."

  Facing Gu Shi's instructions, Yin Yin nodded hurriedly. She asked Gu Shi: "Brother, can I really live with you? In that big house?" It was so good there, with clothes to wear, food to eat, and a very gentle aunt to take care of her. Yin Yin was reluctant to leave.

  "Really." Gu Shi touched the top of Yin Yin's head.

  Gu Yin should be old enough to go to elementary school, but the welfare home did not send her to school. Even under the national compulsory education system, there was no need to pay related fees, the welfare home still did not send Gu Yin to school. This is intriguing.

  Gu Shi glanced at the housekeeper Sen in front of the desk and refused, "I will teach her, you go out."

  Housekeeper Sen did not ignore the ability of his young master. He was abandoned a few months after he was born. He had a cold temper since childhood, but his brain was extremely smart and he could learn anything. Although he was only ten years old, he had already accommodated the huge knowledge system before college into his mind.

  He didn't like crowded places, so he never went to school.

  Days passed one by one, and soon the New Year came. The sound of fireworks outside the window was sizzling. Gu Yin jumped down from Gu Shi's arms, ran to the window with her little feet, and opened the curtains in an instant. The gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky, and even the transparent glass windows were reflected.

  Gu Yin was very happy and waved to Gu Shi: "Brother, look!"

  Gu Shi put down the elementary school mathematics textbook in his hand, looked up at the gorgeous sky, and the fireworks were blooming. Gu Yin seemed to be very happy, almost jumping, and was very excited.

  Gu Shi: "Is it beautiful?"

  Gu Yin nodded vigorously: "Beautiful! Very beautiful!!"

  "Then, draw it." Gu Shi said this, and immediately called someone to buy everything for painting.

  Gu Yin was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Gu Shi would say whatever he said without any delay, but she quickly came back to her senses, nodded, and agreed obediently: "Okay, brother, will you teach me?"

  Gu Shi's desire for control was beginning to show.

  The housekeeper Sen quickly asked someone to bring up the painting tools. Gu Shi used the lead paintbrush first, sharpened it with a knife and handed it to Gu Yin, "You take it first."

  "Yes!" Gu Shi sharpened one, and Gu Yin took one. After a while, all the colored pens were sharpened.

  "This kind of pen can be erased with an eraser." It is more suitable for beginners like Gu Yin.

  "Oh, eraser." Gu Yin found a square eraser and held it in her hand, "Here!"

  After setting up the drawing board, Gu Shi picked up Gu Yin and put her on a high stool, "Try to draw by yourself first, I'll teach you later."

  "Okay." Gu Yin agreed softly. Gu Shi

  went back to his work. Gu Yin didn't know what he was busy with. Anyway, she couldn't understand the white files he flipped over and over. It seemed very brain-consuming because Gu Shi would sometimes get angry and gloomy.

  He overturned the table

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Qiangzhuang NiuNiu

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  Gu Yin was looking at something on the table, and his eyes were very gloomy, which was completely different from his usual expressionless and calm appearance.

  Generally speaking, Gu Yin would not dare to provoke an angry Gu Shi, but fortunately, Gu Shi rarely got angry in front of Gu Yin.

  Gu Yin did not follow his instructions to draw fireworks, because the fireworks outside had stopped setting off. Gu Yin thought about it, turned around and quietly observed Gu Shi, who was not far from her. He lowered his eyes slightly and didn't know what he was looking at. It was probably something like documents.

  Gu Yin picked up the paintbrush and began to paint carefully.

  Time passed slowly, and soon half an hour passed. Gu Shi looked up and glanced at Gu Yin, and happened to meet her eyes. She hurriedly looked away, dodging her eyes and pretending to be drawing seriously. Gu Shi looked at her for a while, and then pretended not to notice her little action.

  After Gu Yin finished drawing Gu Shi, she took out a new drawing paper from below and covered it on it, and began to draw fireworks. She didn't remember it very clearly, but could only remember the beauty of the fireworks when they bloomed. She drew it with a few strokes based on her vague memory.

  There was a knock on the door, Gu Shi: "Come in."

  "Master, I'm taking the young lady to take a bath, it's time for her to go to bed." Su Ling asked gently.

  "Go ahead."

  Gu Shi didn't look up. Seeing that Gu Shi agreed, Gu Yin jumped down from the chair happily, "Aunt Su."

  "Young lady, slow down." Su Ling gently pulled her little hand.

  Su Ling's love for Gu Yin came inexplicably, but it was also natural and contradictory. Since she started working for Gu Shi, Su Ling felt sorry for Gu Shi. He was left here alone since he was a child without his father's love and mother's love. He didn't have many friends, and many people around him would be scared when they saw his eyes. Under such circumstances, Gu Shi couldn't have a close friend at all.

  Gu Yin was the first child that Gu Shi took the initiative to approach. If nothing else, she didn't resist Gu Shi's eyes, so Su Ling had to be nice to Gu Yin, not to mention that Gu Yin and Gu Shi had almost similar experiences, so how could she not feel sorry for him?

  Sitting in the pool, Gu Yin lowered her head to play with a Barbie doll. Su Ling washed her hair again. The foam did not get into her eyes at all, but it did not delay her from opening her eyes to see things. Gu

  Yin lost interest after playing for a while. She turned back and asked Su Ling: "Aunt Su, why don't my brother's father and mother come home? If they are my brother's parents, can I also ask them to call dad and mom?"

  Gu Yin's words were innocent, but Su Ling's face changed suddenly, "No, the young master has no parents, just like you, young lady."

  She relaxed her face, "So, young lady is the young master's only relative, you two should be together well, understand?"

  "So, my brother is the same as Yinyin..." Gu Yin was very disappointed and fiddled with the Barbie doll twice.

  After taking a bath, Su Ling blew Gu Yin's hair dry before sending Gu Yin away.

  Gu Yin did not go to the bedroom, his eyes turned, "I want to find my brother."

  "Okay." Su Ling smiled.

  Gu Shi stood in front of the painting stand and touched the drawing paper. There was a little boy on it, frowning and looking at the white paper. Gu Yin's painting was exaggerated, and the frowning action was drawn very big, making the little boy look ugly, but the emotions of the person on the drawing paper were expressed very fully.

  When Gu Shi stayed at home, he would not wear an eye mask. At this time, his red eyes were staring at the drawing paper motionlessly.

  "Brother! Can we sleep together?" Gu Yin pushed open the door and ran over to hug his waist.

  Gu Shi looked back, and his eyes made the expression on Gu Yin's face freeze. Her eyes reflected the gloomy Gu Shi:

  "Who asked you to draw?"


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Qiangzhuang NiuNiu

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  It was the first time that Gu Shi got angry with Gu Yin. This time, Gu Yin was no longer a bystander of Gu Shi's temper, but a direct participant. When he was furious, his fiery red eyes seemed to be like flaming tongues, burning fiercely.

  Gu Yin's legs softened and he sat on the ground, suddenly bursting into tears.


  What a farce.

  Su Ling felt a headache, walked over and half-knelt on the ground, patting Gu Yin's back to comfort her. Looking up, Gu Shi seemed to be stunned for a second, and he had never thought that this would happen. Maybe he didn't even know that children would cry.

  "Master, you scared the young lady." Su Ling complained softly, picked up Gu Yin, wiped the tears from her cheeks, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, the master is just angry, he still loves you very much."

  "Brother, you... don't be angry, Yin, Yin knows I was wrong." Gu Yin spoke with a crying tone, sobbing non-stop, with red eyes. She stretched out her hand towards Gu Shi, looking hesitant, as if a little scared, but she still carefully pulled Gu Shi's sleeve, "I'm sorry, brother." She did

  n't even dare to act coquettishly and willfully. How difficult and pitiful must this child's life have been before?

  Su Ling saw Gu Shi soften his expression and rubbed her hair, so she knew it was nothing serious, and closed the door when she left.

  "Brother, don't leave Yin Yin, I really know I was wrong." Gu Yin cried and begged.

  Gu Shi frowned slightly and put down his hand that was stroking Gu Yin's head. He stared at Gu Yin expressionlessly, "What's your fault?" He was dissatisfied with Gu Yin's attitude. Regardless of whether he had figured out the reason for the matter, he directly admitted his mistake and apologized. This was too self-respecting and too humble.

  Gu Yin was at a loss, with tears on her face: "I..." She didn't dare to shake her head and say she didn't know.

  "You dare to admit your mistake without knowing?" Gu Shi asked coldly, "How can you be qualified to use the surname 'Gu'?"

  Although Gu Yin didn't quite understand what Gu Shi meant, she knew that the other party was dissatisfied and unhappy, and it must be because she did something wrong. Her thinking has been solidified, which is commonly known as being domesticated by the people in the welfare home. She is

  submissive, has no temper of her own, lives cautiously, has no sense of security, and is afraid of being abandoned again.

  Gu Shi doesn't like such people very much. He waved Gu Yin's hand away, "Go back to your room and sleep, right now."

  Gu Yin was at a loss, and it was not right to leave or not to leave.

  But looking into Gu Shi's eyes, Gu Yin intuitively felt that if she left, then Gu Shi might not like her anymore in the future, so she thought about it, and stubbornly clung to the corner of the desk and refused to leave.

  "Brother, what did Yinyin do wrong? Can you teach me? I'm sorry, no one ever told Yinyin what to do in the welfare home before. As long as she apologized, she wouldn't be beaten." Gu Yin wanted to cry, but she thought that Gu Shi probably didn't like her crying, so she held it back.

  Hearing this, Gu Shi turned his head slightly and his eyes fell on Gu Yin. After staying in Gu's house for almost three months, she finally gained a little weight. Her chubby little body stood alone in front of the desk, her cheeks flushed, tears hanging on her eyelashes, and she looked pitiful.

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  Gu Shi's eyes moved slightly. He had indeed never stayed in an orphanage, so he could not understand Gu Yin's words, but...

  "Then, let's start by not saying 'sorry'." Gu Shi thought about it and said this lightly.

  "Hmm?" Gu Yin was stunned for a moment, puzzled, but after Gu Shi looked over, he nodded quickly, "Okay."

  That night, Gu Yin lay on the soft bed, holding Gu Shi's hand who was sleeping beside her, and moved closer to him, carefully leaning against him, and then dared to close her eyes and slowly fall asleep.

  Not only can't you say the word "sorry" casually, but Gu Yin's course started early the next morning, etiquette, speech, expression, dressing, etc., everything, Gu Yin must learn until he learns it.

  As a senior housekeeper, Su Ling can do all these part-time, and it's good that she teaches Gu Yin, so her attitude will be softer.

  After breakfast, Gu Shi was on the second floor watching the course on the dining table diagonally opposite downstairs.

  Gu Yin was confused and did what Su Ling said. When she made a mistake, she wanted to apologize immediately, but she held back halfway through. How could Su Ling not understand what Gu Yin meant? She said with a serious face: "Miss, you are the daughter of the Gu family, the sister of the young master, not those beggars who beg during the festival. You are honorable, and your "sorry" is quite precious and cannot be said easily."

  Gu Yin didn't understand, "But, what if I really did something wrong?" Can't I apologize then?

  Su Ling shook her head: "This is related to your words and demeanor. Remember, you are a rich lady. You can't always show a cautious crying look. It's too petty. You should be generous, sincere and natural. Apologize and don't cry." "

  You should say, 'I'm sorry, I will never let this happen again.'"

  "Then what do you usually say?" Su Ling taught earnestly.

  "I..." Gu Yin shrank her neck. She always said, 'I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, please forgive me?'

  "Remember, you can do whatever you want in front of the young master. You can act like a spoiled child, or you can be willful, or even angry. The young master has a good temper. As long as you don't touch his taboos, he will love you very much. You don't need to be so timid. You are a family, and there is no need to be so distant."

  Gu Yin was slightly startled, "What... is acting like a spoiled child?"

  Su Ling was stunned when she heard this. After a while, she touched the top of her head and softened: "That's it, you can tell him whatever you think, and you can ask him for anything you want. If someone bullies you, you can also go to the young master to complain, and the young master will bully you back."

  Gu Yin hesitated a little, "Brother, won't you be angry? Can I have anything I want?"

  Gu Shi heard Su Ling's soft tone say "Of course I can", he retracted his twilight and turned back to the study.

  The teaching downstairs continued. At the lunch table, Gu Shi noticed that Gu Yin looked at him and made a prophecy, but said nothing, and ate silently and obediently. Before going to bed at night, lying on the bed, before turning off the lights, Gu Yin suddenly pulled his pajamas.

  "Brother." Gu Yin called softly.

  "What's the matter?" Gu Shi asked calmly.

  After holding it in for a whole day, she finally couldn't help but say it? What does she want?

  Gu Yin hesitated for a long time and sat up. Gu Shi leaned against the bed and hadn't gotten into bed yet, "Brother..."

  "Can you smile at me?"

  Gu Shi was startled, turned around and looked into Gu Yin's eyes. The night light at the head of the bed was dim, but it made Gu Yin's light brown eyes incredibly bright. Her hair was fluffy and soft, and her pink nightgown was draped on the sheets. Her thin arms and legs looked delicate and cute.

  "Aunt Su said that my brother would agree to whatever I wanted. Aunt Su also said that my brother and I are family, but... I have never seen my brother smile. Brother, don't you like Yinyin?"

  It seems that the teaching is effective. At least this girl didn't cry and apologize as soon as she came up, and asked her if she had done something wrong and why he was so serious and cold.

  Gu Shi paused for a moment, and then his voice rang in the room, cold and distant: "I won't."

  I have already forgotten how to smile.


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  What is it like to forget how to smile?

  Gu Shi was actually very confused. In his memory, that kind of particularly happy and joyful memory did not exist. When he saw people smiling happily on TV before, he also tried to move the corners of his mouth, but he only moved it a little and could not make any expression.

  Other people's happiness would make him feel annoying and disgusted.

  Happiness, to him, was something that he had no fate with, and he could no longer force it.

  Gu Yin lay on the pillow obediently, tilting her head and looking at Gu Shi's back eagerly, watching him turn off the lights, pull open the quilt and lie down to sleep. Gu Yin whispered: "Brother, can you hold me to sleep?"

  In the darkness, Gu Yin could not see Gu Shi's expression, but could only see his other red eyes looking over. The atmosphere between the two was silent for four or five seconds, and then she felt Gu Shi's hand reaching out to hug her, "Sleep."

  Gu Yin then closed her eyes at ease, and rubbed her little head against Gu Shi's shoulder.

  That night, Gu Shi couldn't sleep for a long time. He stared at the ceiling motionlessly, and fell asleep in a daze in the second half of the night.

  In the days that followed, Gu Yin never tired of making Gu Shi laugh, often doing funny things, or racking her brains to find funny jokes to tell Gu Shi. But every time, Gu Shi looked at her expressionlessly for a long while, and then uttered a sentence: "Idiot."

  "Aunt Su, if your teaching effect is like this, then I advise you to end it as soon as possible, don't waste time." Gu Shi glanced at Gu Yin coldly, without turning his head.

  Seeing this, Gu Yin drooped his head in disappointment, and the whole person was lost, "Brother..."

  Su Ling smiled and shook her head, seeming helpless. She half squatted down to comfort Gu Yin: "Miss, don't be sad, the young master is not angry, he is just being stubborn. He is happier than anyone else to see that you care about him so much."

  That's right, Gu Shi is not like this when he is angry. His tone is not light or heavy now, and he really doesn't seem to be angry.

  Gu Yin hesitated: "Really?"

  Su Ling finally understood. She chuckled twice, touched Gu Yin's hair, and lowered her voice: "Miss, go upstairs now and act coquettishly with the young master. He will definitely change his mood." He said one thing and meant another. Gu Shi was really angry and embarrassed, right?

  Such a proud and arrogant person.

  Gu Yin's eyes lit up when she heard this. She obediently lifted the hem of her skirt and climbed up to the second floor with a cute "da da da".

  In the study, it was quiet. Gu Shi opened the book on the desk. He seemed to be reading something seriously, but if you look closely, you can find that his eyes were fixed on a line of text for a long time. It is unknown whether he was distracted or thinking about something else.

  Suddenly, there was a subtle sound outside. Gu Shi raised his eyes slightly and suddenly met Gu Yin's eyes. She carefully leaned half of her head to look in, revealing her round brown eyes.

  Gu Shi held his breath, but couldn't breathe. He pretended not to see it and put his eyes back on the book.

  A faint voice came from the door: "Brother..."

  Gu Shi looked over and saw Gu Yin still lying by the door frame, blinking his big eyes, just like a chubby cat.

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  What are you doing standing there like an idiot? The door frame is taller and thinner than you, and you still want to steal its job?"

  Gu Yin looked down at her increasingly plump body. Girls all love beauty. Gu Shi's words almost made Gu Yin explode, but fortunately, Gu Yin did not get angry in the end. She held it back and moved over pitifully. She was not tall, and when she stood, she was just a head taller than the desk.

  Gu Yin tiptoed slightly, put her chin on the desk, and said softly: "Brother, please don't be angry, okay? Yinyin just wants to make brother happy."

  Gu Shi ignored this, but changed the subject and said lightly: "The school has been found for you. Housekeeper Sen will send you to school tomorrow morning."

  Gu Yin was stunned for a moment, and she was anxious: "Why?!!"

  "Brother, won't you teach Yinyin?"

  "I don't want to go to school, I want to be with my brother!"

  This was the first time that Gu Yin strongly expressed his wishes. His tone was unprecedentedly firm, which surprised Gu Shi. He put down the book, "Don't make trouble, I'm very busy recently, and I don't have time to teach you those childish things. You can learn them by yourself."

  Gu Shi never spoke mercilessly. Many times, his words were not nice to hear, and they were also sarcastic, which means that he had a built-in "arguing" skill, and the binding effect could not be untied.

  "Is that so..." Gu Yin's tone dropped. She glanced at Gu Shi gloomily and slowly left the study.

  Yes, Gu Shi was indeed very busy recently. Although she didn't know what he was busy with, she also vaguely knew that it was probably something very important. Butler Sen and Su Ling also tried their best not to disturb Gu Shi, and Gu Shi and Butler Sen discussed things behind closed doors more and more often.

  The next morning, Su Ling changed Gu Yin into a school uniform, which looked British style with a hint of aristocracy. Gu Yin figured it out and didn't mess with Gu Shi. Before she left, she held Gu Shi's hand and was reluctant to leave, "Goodbye, brother."

  Gu Shi nodded, "See you in the evening."

  Full-time schools have a special restaurant for lunch, so Gu Yin doesn't have to go home.

  Who knew that on the first day of school, Gu Yin ran into trouble. Aristocratic schools are aristocratic schools, where backgrounds compete with each other. Unlike ordinary schools, grades are not the most important here.

  Gu Yin couldn't keep up with the teacher's progress, so she looked dull in class. She often held the pen and stared at the teacher on the podium, or she was at a loss, not knowing where to look on the blackboard. The teacher asked her to lower her head to calculate, but she couldn't do it and couldn't write.

  Gu Yin was already eye-catching enough as a transfer student, and her performance in class completely stood out.

  During the break, several peers gathered in front of Gu Yin's desk.

  "Are you really twelve years old? You look like you are only eight or nine years old." A little girl looked at her curiously.

  Gu Yin didn't make many friends. In fact, when she was with Gu Shi, she rarely went out. Naturally, she didn't know how to make friends and couldn't communicate normally. She moved her mouth and said dryly: "I turned twelve in April." Gu Shi has indeed been teaching her courses alone for two years.

  Another girl asked: "Who is your father?"

  This question was to inquire about Gu Yin's identity. The students in this school are all the daughters of company presidents, the second generation of officials, the second generation of the red or the second generation of the military, etc.

  Gu Yin was stunned and hesitated for a long time: "I don't have a father."

  "Huh? What about your mother?"

  Gu Yin was a little sad: "I don't have a mother either." She didn't understand why these people asked these questions.

  "Then how did you get in?" asked a girl.

  Being stared at by so many eyes, Gu Yin couldn't stand the pressure. She forced herself to smile, "My housekeeper sent me here..." She thought the person was asking just a superficial question.

  With a housekeeper at home, he doesn't look poor. That's right, how can poor people afford the tuition here.


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  "What's the name of your company?" A little girl pretended to be curious.


  Gu Yin shook her head blankly, "My family doesn't have a company."

  Of course there isn't one. Gu Yin has never seen her brother Gu Shi go to work in a company. He stays at home all day. Although he often stays in the study, how can he run a company in the study? I don't think there is one.

  However, thinking of this, Gu Yin felt strange again. Where does the family's money come from? Why can't it be spent forever?

  Before Gu Yin spoke, she sensitively noticed that the attitudes of the people around her had changed.

  "So it's a nouveau riche." Someone suddenly realized.

  Nouveau riche means that they don't have a very high status, but suddenly get a huge amount of money overnight. Usually they buy lottery tickets and win the prize, speculate in stocks, and sell a lot, etc., and they always don't have a proper identity to match the money.

  Gu Yin opened her mouth to refute, but she didn't know how to refute.

  Things started to change from here. The girls around her were no longer always friendly. Although no one bullied her, it seemed that she was...


  Gu Yin was confused, not knowing what she had done wrong. No one wanted to play with her, and some even walked away when they saw her.

  After Gu Shi finished explaining to Butler Sen, he asked him to pick up Gu Yin and take her home.

  "Master, the situation is not stable yet. Please think carefully before making a decision." Butler Sen made a suggestion. Gu

  Shi said expressionlessly, "I know." He had tried to set up a company several times before, but the result was always failure and acquisition by other large companies. However, this time, he had made great progress, and he could not destroy it in one fell swoop.

  Gu Shi had not seen Gu Yin for a whole day. He closed his eyes and did not want to read the documents. He rubbed his nose and felt that his eyes hurt. He was one year older than Gu Yin, but only one year older. He was only thirteen years old this year, but he was so precocious that his mental age was in his twenties. His

  ability and mind were also extraordinary. If the Gu family knew that the eldest son they had abandoned could achieve such success, they would not know how much they would regret it. When Gu Shi thought of this, he suddenly pulled the corner of his lips and snorted sarcastically.

  Soon, the sound of a car engine came from downstairs. It was housekeeper Sen who brought Gu Yin back.

  Gu Shi went downstairs and arrived at the restaurant. Su Ling was in the kitchen ordering others to busy themselves.

  I thought Gu Yin would be very happy to see many peers on her first day of school, and she would definitely be smiling when she came back. But she was sluggish, with a drooping face. After seeing Gu Shi, she pouted and felt very aggrieved, and rushed over to ask for a hug.

  "What's wrong?" Gu Shi frowned immediately when he saw Gu Yin's performance.

  Housekeeper Sen shook his head and went in to prepare other things, leaving Gu Shi and Gu Yin alone.

  Gu Yin still had a lot of puzzles in her heart. She hugged Gu Shi's waist, looked up and thought for a long time, and then said aggrievedly: "Everyone ignores me. They don't want to be friends with Yin Yin."

  "Tell me slowly." Gu Shi said this sentence lightly and took her back to the room.

  Gu Yin didn't feel particularly sad at first, but I don't know.

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  Why? Maybe it was because Gu Shi doted on her too much. When he asked and said that, Gu Yin started to cry and her eyes quickly turned red.

  "Cry." Gu Shi looked cold and stared at Gu Yin with displeasure.

  Gu Yin immediately fell silent, raised her hand to wipe her tears, and whispered back, "I didn't."

  "That's right, everyone always asks me who my father is, who my mother is, and what my company is called. I'm very unhappy, but I still told them, but they still ignored me." Gu Yin sniffed, "Aunt Su said that you have to be sincere and generous to others in order to gain their favor, but I did it and still no one likes me." Gu Yin felt very aggrieved when she said this. Gu Shi

  understood what Gu Yin meant, and also knew what those people she was talking about meant. He narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand and stroked the top of Gu Yin's head, "Don't cry." The

  aristocratic school is used to comparing family and background with each other. Although he had expected it before, he never thought it would be so serious. However, this also has its benefits, that is, it trains Gu Yin's communication skills.

  She is too timid now, easily frightened, and cowardly wants to hide behind him at every turn. This is not okay.

  How could his sister, Gu Shi, always be like this?

  Two days later, in Gu Shi's study, he knocked on the table and said to Butler Sen: "That project can be taken."

  Butler Sen nodded: "I know, let's start preparing now."

  "In addition," Gu Shi paused for two seconds, "I want to acquire Yandu Enterprise at the lowest price, you go and negotiate." He ordered in a calm tone.

  Butler Sen was only slightly surprised, but the next second he knew why. He smiled and nodded: "Okay, young master."

  Before leaving, Butler Sen turned back and asked: "Young master, I sent the young lady to school this morning. She really wants you to pick her up in the evening."

  Gu Shi asked: "Did she say that?"

  Butler Sen shook his head: "No, I heard it from her."

  Gu Shi paused for a while, "I know, you go out first."


  Gu Yin's situation at school was finally a little better today. After all, they were all daughters of noble status, and school violence was still impossible. Even if they wanted to ignore Gu Yin, Gu Yin could attract their attention by talking about a few interesting topics. Girls are still very innocent at this age.

  Gu Yin followed the topics that Aunt Su prepared for her in advance, and finally made a few friends.

  But this method can't make true friends. Gu Yin felt weird and uncomfortable. She didn't want to be like this.

  She walked out of the school gate absent-mindedly, opened the car door and saw a person who couldn't be here. She opened her eyes wide instantly, screamed in surprise, and rushed over with cheers, "Brother! Why are you here!!!"

  Gu Shi seemed to dislike her: "I won't help you if you fall down." She was still so noisy in the car.

  However, although he said so, Gu Shi's hands were honest and he held Gu Yin considerately. Yandu

  Enterprise was a trial enterprise just opened by the father of the girl who had ridiculed Gu Yin a few days ago. Her father was an actor in the entertainment industry and had no contact with the business circle. It was effortless to acquire it. Gu Shi

  was not soft-hearted at all. Yandu Enterprise was successfully acquired for 10 million, but the original owner of the enterprise spent several years of his film remuneration to build it. It was torn down before it had developed for two years. How could he be happy?

  Even appearing on TV, he was in a bad mood for several weeks.

  Gu Shi gently touched Gu Yin's hair. She was sleeping in his arms. Butler Sen drove very steadily, with almost no bumps, as if he was taking care of Gu Yin who was sleeping.

  My sister, no one can bully her.

  I will support you and become your strongest background, so that everyone will try to please you, and you won't have to desperately find topics to talk about just to play with them like you did today. .


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  Gu Shi's company is currently in the early stages of development. It took on its first project some time ago, and the results were good. It has won a certain reputation in the industry and made great progress. It is impossible for him to acquire Yandu Enterprise with the company's profits, but...

  the Gu family will give him a sum of money every once in a while. Gu Shi doesn't like to spend money lavishly, so the more money he has, the better to use it to do something meaningful. Anyway, what is given to him is his.

  Gu Shi was thinking about starting a company. He had failed twice before, but he is a person who will not give up until he achieves his goal. He will never give up easily.

  There is no absolute genius in this world. Outsiders only see that Gu Shi is extremely smart and has knowledge comparable to a doctor at a young age, but they don't know that he is immersed in the sea of ​​​​hardship twenty hours a day, because it is boring and can only be with words.

  Now that there is an additional goal, he will naturally be more energetic and determined.

  Gu Shi lowered his head slightly, his eyes fell on Gu Yin who was sleeping sweetly in his arms, and his fingertips gently rubbed her little face. He looked at her and didn't know what she was thinking. Butler Sen, who was driving in front, saw all this through the car mirror and smiled silently.

  They arrived home soon. Gu Yin just woke up and was dazed. She rubbed her eyes and got out of the car dizzily holding Gu Shi's hand, "Brother, are we home?" She had just woken up, and her voice was soft and husky, which was particularly cute.

  Gu Shi nodded slightly, "Aunt Su asked someone to make your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs."

  Gu Yin's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this. She let go of Gu Shi's hand and ran in immediately. Gu Shi could hear Gu Yin's sweet voice from a distance.

  Gu Shi looked away, his expression was still indifferent. He went straight to the second floor and seemed to have no interest in Gu Yin and Su Ling.

  Butler Sen laughed. What did Su Ling mean by asking someone to cook the dishes that the young lady liked? It was obviously before he went to pick up the young lady and asked the servants to do it. It was not Su Ling's credit at all. It turned out that the young master was still so stuffy.

  When winter came, Gu Shi's company took on a very large project. If it could be completed perfectly, the company would be able to successfully enter a different field, and perhaps become a dark horse. So Gu Shi was particularly serious. Because of his age, there would be some obstacles and obstructions, and he was worried that he would give the shareholders a feeling that he could not lead.

  So although the chairman's name was Gu Shi, every time there was a meeting or other important events, it was the housekeeper Sen who came forward to execute Gu Shi's orders, and Gu Shi became the person in charge behind the company.

  The winter of this year was particularly long, and for Gu Shi, it was like this.

  The project lasted for two years, including the initial negotiations and the final work, and the project was successfully handed over in another summer.

  Gu Yin's 15th birthday was about to pass a month. The aristocratic school has a special junior high school and high school department, so Gu Yin has been staying in this school for the past few years. From the beginning of being a punching bag and a poor guy, Gu Yin has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

  The change started because of Gu Yin's appearance. Gu Yin was cute when she was a child, and then her face gradually opened up. Her facial features were very delicate. Please

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  It is incredible, plus Gu Shihao is not stingy in spending money on Gu Yin, whatever is good to wear, including all kinds of accessories, cosmetics and so on, so Gu Yin's face is polished to be more beautiful.

  Not to mention Su Ling's etiquette teaching her, which makes Gu Yin slowly exude a special temperament from the grid, thus attracting the favor of a large number of rich young masters in the school, but at the same time Gu Yin has not become the object of jealousy of girls.

  Because she was neglected and isolated when she first entered the school, she has become accustomed to speaking considerately, taking care of everyone's feelings, and staying with girls. She can make everyone laugh and make everyone like her.

  Gu Yin is like a flower that blooms slowly. She has now bloomed and exudes a moving fragrance. It was from this time that Gu Shi noticed the changes in his sister, so slowly, he would pick Gu Yin up from school every day, and rarely agreed to let her go out to play with friends, not to mention male friends, he would be lucky if he didn't drive them away. As

  night fell, the neon lights on the street kept flashing.

  Coming out of the cinema, Lin Cheng looked at the coffee shop over there, "Why don't we have a cup of coffee before we go? The tragedy just now hurt my eyes."

  Lin Cheng is Gu Yin's best friend in recent years. She is the daughter of the mayor of H City. She grew up in a scholarly family and is sentimental, so she can't stand watching some tragedies. Gu Yin nodded, "Okay, I'll call my brother, otherwise he will be worried." When

  Lin Cheng heard this, she thought of Gu Shi's icy face and shuddered. She couldn't help but ask, "Does your brother really love you? I clearly saw him mocking you last time, and it seems..." It seems that he doesn't like his sister that much.

  Gu Yin shook her head helplessly when she heard this, and didn't know what to say. It happened that the phone was connected at this time. Gu

  Shi: "When are you coming back? I'll ask Butler Sen to pick you up."

  Gu Yin was immediately a little embarrassed. She looked at Lin Cheng and was a little embarrassed. "Brother, my friend and I just finished watching a movie and are going to sit in a nearby coffee shop for a while before going back."

  "Butler Sen has already gone." Gu Shi said coldly.

  "No, I've already promised my friend..."

  "..." Gu Shi was silent on the other end of the phone, leaving only a buzzing sound. Gu Yin instantly lost confidence and sighed quietly, "Okay." She compromised. Gu Shi

  has always been very tough and his control desire is incredibly strong. Gu Yin has never had the opportunity to disobey him, nor did she dare to disobey him.

  Lin Cheng held her chin and looked at Gu Yin who was talking on the phone with her back to her. When she saw her turn around after the call, she waved her hand, "I knew it, let's go."

  Gu Yin felt very sorry, "I'm sorry, Lin Cheng, can I treat you next time? Something happened at home, and my brother has asked the housekeeper to pick me up."

  What else could it be? Lin Cheng had heard from her father that Gu Shi's Shiyin Company had just completed a major project and should be in a transitional rest period. Although Lin Cheng did admire Gu Shi for being able to create such an incredible project at such a young age in his first year of taking over the company, she really couldn't compliment this person's character.

  Originally, everyone in the school thought that Gu Yin's family was a nouveau riche. It turns out that her family also has a company. I don't know which elder Gu Shi took over the company from. The source is unclear, but his position as the heir is legitimate.

  Gu Yin also jumped from a tacky nouveau riche daughter to the daughter of Shi Yin Company as she wished.

  From which relative did she take over?

  Gu Shi sat in the car, his eyes swept across the dimly lit scenery outside the car, and then retracted his gaze.

  Yes, he finally officially entered his own company last year. He, the chairman, finally showed his true colors in front of the shareholders. Although everyone was surprised and some even questioned, Gu Shi suppressed the voices of these people with powerful means.

  Gu Yin didn't expect that Gu Shi would come to pick her up in person. She was surprised to see Gu Shi and trotted to him, "Brother, why are you here?"

  Gu Shi glanced at Lin Cheng not far behind him and frowned slightly, "You are not allowed to stay outside at night. Have you forgotten what I said?"

  Gu Shi's tone was not very good. He was unhappy.

  Gu Yin hugged his arm and whispered coquettishly: "Don't be like this, the movie show today is only at this time, I really want to watch it, but my brother is busy with work and can't spare the time."


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  "I will accompany you next time." Gu Shi's tone was unquestionable, almost like an order.

  Gu Yin was surprised: "Really? Brother won't lie to me, will he?" In fact, Gu Shi hasn't found time to accompany Gu Yin for a long time. Although he knew it was because he was too busy with work, because Gu Shi restricted Gu Yin from making friends, Gu Yin was usually a little lonely.

  Gu Shi also realized this. His expression eased a little and he touched the top of Gu Yin's head, "When have I ever lied to you? Go home." When

  he got home from the company, he found that Gu Yin was not at home, which made Gu Shi very angry, but when Gu Yin looked at him pitifully, he calmed down.

  Gu Yin happily said goodbye to Lin Cheng, and followed Gu Shi into the car to go home.

  Because Gu Shi promised to take Gu Yin to the movies, Gu Yin seemed to be in a good mood after getting in the car. She hugged Gu Shi and talked to him sweetly about all the interesting things that happened in school. Gu Yin noticed that Gu Shi was wearing black contact lenses. She blinked her eyes and said, "Brother, Aunt Su said that contact lenses can't be worn often. It's bad for the eyes."

  Gu Shi no longer wears an eye mask when he goes out like he did when he was a child. It's too conspicuous. Contact lenses can effectively cover his red eyes.

  "Where's the lens case?" Gu Yin asked. Gu

  Shi didn't deny it and took out the lens case. Gu Yin cleaned her fingers with a wet tissue and leaned over: "I'll take it off for you." As she said that, she stretched out her fingers. It seemed that she was used to helping Gu Shi take out contact lenses. Her movements were surprisingly skillful.

  Gu Shi subconsciously hugged Gu Yin's waist, fearing that she would fall in the car, but he felt something was wrong in just a second and wanted to let go, but for some reason his hand didn't move, and his palm was firmly against her waist.

  Gu Shi's eyes moved slightly, and Gu Yin's face immediately became serious, "Brother, don't move." She carefully took off the invisible glasses and put them back into the mirror box and closed them.


  The voice suddenly stopped, and Gu Yin looked at Gu Shi. His left eye was incredibly red, but his eyes reflected her figure clearly. Gu Yin realized that the two of them were too close, incredibly close. Her right hand was supported on the back of the car seat, and the other hand held the mirror box and gently placed it on Gu Shi's shoulder. Gu Shi, then slightly raised his face and looked at her, his red and black eyes were full of her.

  This posture...

  is... wall-dong?

  Did she wall-dong her brother? !

  Gu Yin's cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. Gu Shi is very handsome, the kind of man who can attract the attention of most girls when walking on the street, but his cold temperament can also drive away 80% of his suitors.

  In fact, at this age, the two of them are indeed in love, which is the so-called "early love".

  Gu Shi lowered his gaze to Gu Yin's lips. She was probably a little nervous and dazed. Her lips were slightly open, pink and tender, and looked particularly attractive.

  "I..." Gu Yin was a little embarrassed and wanted to step back. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the car suddenly braked. Gu Yin leaned back. She was startled and lost her grip on the seat. Gu Shi quickly tightened his hand around her waist.

  As we all know, after the car braked suddenly

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  The body will lean forward due to inertia, but after braking, the body will be forced to retract.

  Because of this, after leaning back, Gu Yin's body retracted due to inertia, and Gu Shi also leaned forward slightly because of the building, so the two of them were directly face to face. Their

  lips touched, and they felt an inexplicable throbbing.

  Gu Yin opened her eyes wide, not daring to move, her hands and feet were stiff, and even her expression was stiff. The mirror box in her hand fell on the car seat. Gu Shi seemed to be stunned for a moment, and the action of hugging Gu Yin's waist almost turned into a restraint. She half-knelt on him with one leg, and her upper body was almost lying on him. The clothes on her waist slipped down slightly, and one of his fingers directly touched her skin. Butler

  Sen was about to say that there was a car accident ahead and there were a lot of people. He almost hit someone just now, but he looked at the mirror and fell silent.

  After a few seconds, Butler Sen coughed twice, looked straight ahead and pretended that he didn't see anything.

  Then, there was a scream from the back seat, and Gu Yin jumped three feet high like a cat with its fur standing on end, hitting her head. Tears almost fell from her eyes in pain, and she sat beside him, curling up. Gu Shi wanted to reach out and rub her, but he withdrew his hand.

  This was the first time that the two of them were as quiet as chickens in a car, not saying a word to each other.

  The summer was hot, and the weather in midsummer could sweep away all the coolness, but the beautiful girls, miniskirts, ice cream, etc. that symbolize midsummer could also save all the unhappiness.

  Su Ling was in the kitchen, preparing to cook grilled fish tonight. Gu Yin and Gu Shi both had a great appetite for grilled fish, and Gu Yin had a final exam the day after tomorrow, so Su Ling planned to nourish her body.

  Butler Sen stood at the kitchen door in his unchanging black suit, looking at Su Ling. The two of them often discussed the two young masters and young ladies. To them, the two were no different from their own children.

  A servant who was cutting vegetables sighed: "The young master and the young lady are very strange recently. They don't talk much." The person

  who spoke was a young man who was not very sensible. He dared to say anything in front of the two housekeepers. Su Ling and housekeeper Sen looked at each other, and Su Ling smiled and said: "Xiao Li, you go out first, I'm here."

  "Okay." Xiao Li went out.

  Su Ling said to housekeeper Sen in a joking tone: "You also found it, right?" Housekeeper

  Sen's expression did not change, still smiling, "What did you find?"

  Su Ling snorted: "Why are you pretending to be stupid? The young master and the young lady have been very different recently," she considered her tone, "and gave such a implicit conclusion.

  Housekeeper Sen smiled, "Your decision is right. Fortunately, they were allowed to sleep in separate rooms two years ago." Otherwise, it is not certain what will happen.

  Su Ling sighed and glanced at housekeeper Sen: "Hey you, I think there is a difference between men and women." After saying this, Su Ling felt something was wrong and came to her senses: "Wait, you mean..."

  Housekeeper Sen showed a mysterious and intriguing expression and did not express his opinion on this.

  Su Ling thought: "It seems that... our family will be able to have a child in five or six years?" Thinking of this, she was motivated to work!

  Butler Sen shook his head slightly: "It depends on when the young master plans to get engaged."

  Su Ling was shocked: "Does the young master have this intention? !!"

  "He has been absent-minded a lot recently, probably thinking about the young lady."

  Su Ling nodded: "In fact, it's not that there are no clues. As early as a few years ago, the young master's increasingly strong possessiveness of the young lady has exposed everything, but the two of them didn't notice it."


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  No matter how Su Ling and housekeeper Sen imagine the future life of Gu Yin and Gu Shi, for now, the two main characters in question are still in an inexplicable cold war. It's

  not quite right to say it's a cold war. The two of them still talk, but apart from the daily things they have to say, they hardly communicate.

  Lin Cheng poked Gu Yin's arm, "Yin Yin, you've been weird lately."

  Gu Yin blinked and came back to her senses, looking at Lin Cheng in a daze: "What, what's wrong?"

  Lin Cheng frowned: "You didn't hear what I said just now..."

  Gu Yin said "Huh", "I heard it." She deliberately emphasized and emphasized her tone.

  Lin Cheng: "Then what did I ask you?"

  Gu Yin: "..."

  Gu Yin hesitated for a long time before deciding to ask the question hidden in her heart, "Lin Cheng, that..."

  After thinking about it, Gu Yin made some changes, "That is, if you accidentally kissed a boy, and then you two stopped talking to each other, what do you think is the reason?"

  Lin Cheng responded quickly, "Who did you kiss?"

  Gu Yin: "Huh?" Dumbfounded, she immediately reacted and her head was smoking, and she waved her hands in a panic: "No! No, it's not me!!"

  "Oh, I said if, why are you so annoying!" Gu Yin was embarrassed and angry. Lin Cheng

  stretched out his finger and shook it, "Don't you know that when someone tells you 'my friend is so and so', it means that she is so and so, so, Gu Yin, tell me the truth, who did you kiss?"

  Looking at Lin Cheng's face full of gossip, Gu Yin was speechless for a long time, and her face turned red.

  "So... why is he ignoring me!!" Gu Yin didn't care about being shy anymore, and she had to find out why Gu Shi ignored her.

  Lin Cheng laughed so hard that her stomach hurt. She fell backwards on the sofa and laughed non-stop. Gu Yin was so angry that her cheeks were puffed up. Her face was flushed and she was sulking. "Go ahead."

  After laughing enough, Lin Cheng cleared her throat and rubbed her stomach. "In my opinion, there are two possibilities," she pointed two fingers at Gu Yin. "First, he is shy, embarrassed, too shy."

  Shy? Shy?

  Not related to my brother...

  Gu Yin shook her head.

  Lin Cheng said the second possibility: "Then what about the second one... He may not like you, so he distances himself from you and doesn't want you to misunderstand."

  Gu Yin was stunned when she heard this. At that moment, her heart was filled with endless pain. She was lost and muttered to herself: "No, no way..."

  So, does my brother hate her?

  Seeing this, Lin Cheng quickly tried to make up for it, "But it's not certain, why don't you give it a try?"

  Gu Yin: "How to try?"

  Lin Cheng rolled his eyes: "There are so many people in our school who like you, just agree to a date and try it, bring that boy to the person you like, and see what his expression is."

  Gu Yin: "... Wait, I don't like him." She felt a little strange.

  Lin Cheng was stunned: "If you don't like him, why are you so sad, you're about to cry."

  Gu Yin didn't understand: "But I can't like him, how is this possible." He is my brother.

  Lin Cheng keenly caught a word, "What did you say?"

  Gu Yin saw that she suddenly became serious, embarrassed and didn't know

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  Suocuo asked, "What's the matter?"

  Lin Cheng had a bad feeling, "You don't like your brother, do you?" She just guessed, but who knew that Gu Yin almost jumped up and covered her mouth, "Keep your voice down!"

  Lin Cheng opened her eyes wide, "What are you thinking about, little ancestor, that's messy...what the hell!!" She was shocked and surprised.

  Gu Yin was not very happy, but also very disappointed, with a droopy face, "Don't think too much, I was adopted by my brother, I have no father and no mother, my brother saw me standing on the roadside alone and took me home to live together." After saying that, she remembered Lin Cheng's prejudice against Gu Shi, and added: "My brother is a very good person."

  Lin Cheng suddenly realized, "So that's it."

  The two talked about Gu Yin's past for a long time, and finally Lin Cheng happily made a decision for Gu Yin. Before the two parted, Lin Cheng told her: "It's agreed that if a boy asks you out, don't refuse, ask him to pick you up at your house for a date, and see how your brother expresses his attitude."

  Although Gu Shi didn't seem to be the kind of person who was easily shy and embarrassed to talk to his sister, Lin Cheng still felt strange that he didn't have any feelings for Gu Yin and didn't like her.

  Gu Yin was embarrassed for a long time, "Okay then."

  She didn't know that it was this decision that she opened another door for her brother that day.

  After returning home, Gu Yin got off the car and saw a lot of cars parked at the door. It didn't look like their car. Gu Yin felt strange and asked the housekeeper Sen who also got off the car: "Are there any guests at home?"

  Housekeeper Sen looked at the car and said, "Maybe, Miss."

  The two went in. Gu Yin saw a slightly older man in the living room at a glance. He had gray hair and wore a pair of glasses. Next to him was a woman in gorgeous clothes with a curvy figure. She looked like she was in her early 40s. Her eyes seemed to be red. She looked at Gu Shi with a mouth open and wanted to say something.

  "Mom knew it was you, although I didn't recognize you at first because you were wearing contact lenses. Ah Shi, come home with mom, okay?"

  "Master, the master is waiting for you too." The old man with glasses also said.

  Gu Yin blinked: "Brother?" She called out. Gu Shi

  looked indifferent, glanced at Gu Yin, and said: "Housekeeper Sen, take Yin Yin back to the room. You are not allowed to go downstairs without my order."

  Housekeeper Sen nodded, "Yes, Master."

  Gu Yin didn't know what happened, but she guessed that it might be something important. She stopped talking obediently and followed the housekeeper upstairs.

  At the turn, she heard the questioning voice of the woman downstairs: "You have used your father's money to raise her for so many years, this useless behavior should be stopped, your father is very dissatisfied, if you want to go home, she must not be taken back."

  Gu Shi: "Where do you get the qualifications to say that to her?"

  The woman screamed: "I'm your mother!"

  "Then don't talk to me in a tone of alms, I don't want to go back, how, the so-called inheritance of the Gu family, the second young master Gu Jue who ruined the family is not capable of getting it?" Gu Shi mocked.

  She actually negotiated with him that if she wanted to go back to the Gu family, she couldn't bring Gu Yin, and if she brought Gu Yin, she couldn't go back to the Gu family.

  Gu Shi snorted coldly and stared at the woman: "Do you think I cherish your Gu family?"


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  Gu Yin was not a fool, and could understand what this conversation meant. She hesitated for a long time before she grabbed Butler Sen's sleeve and stopped him from leaving. "Who are they?"

  She actually had a hunch in her heart, but she just didn't dare to believe it.

  Butler Sen did not hide it from Gu Yin, "It's the young master's mother, and their housekeeper."

  Thinking of the words Gu Jue, Gu family, etc., an answer emerged in Gu Yin's mind. She asked uncertainly: "Is it... the Gu family I thought it was?"

  Butler Sen smiled happily, and asked instead: "Miss, what other Gu family do you think there is in the world?"

  Of course, it was the Gu family that dominated the entire capital.

  "You go down first." Gu Yin was a little confused, and asked Butler Sen to go downstairs, threw herself on the swing sofa by the balcony, picked up the cat-faced doll on it, and unconsciously tapped the cat's nose twice with her fingers.

  She didn't even care whether Gu Shi liked her or not. She only thought about why the Gu family suddenly came back to find Gu Shi. It seemed that they wanted Gu Shi to come home and inherit the Gu family. But she also knew that the current heir of the Gu family was not Gu Shi, but the second young master Gu Jue.

  But Gu Jue's personality...

  Gu Yin sighed, took off her shoes and curled up on the swing sofa in a trance.

  Gu Jue was a wild and playful person. Although he was only 16 years old this year, he had dated many female models in the circle. He behaved wildly at a young age. He dared to do anything except taking drugs. He was on the entertainment headlines six out of ten days. The famous four young masters of Beijing were his friends. These five people couldn't do anything good when they were together.

  But thinking about it, Gu Yin suddenly felt fortunate. If Gu Shi had grown up in the Gu family, what would he be like now?

  I don't know how long it took, it seemed like the sky had darkened. There was no light in the room, and Gu Yin forgot to turn it on. The light on the balcony had not completely disappeared. She leaned on her knees and looked outside the balcony, and she didn't react for a while.

  Suddenly, the room became brighter. The light was so dazzling that Gu Yin almost shed irrational tears. She squinted her eyes and rubbed her cheeks on her knees. A hand was placed on the top of her hair and gently rubbed it twice.

  "Let's go eat."

  It was Gu Shi's voice. Gu Yin raised her cheeks and looked at Gu Shi with her chin raised: "Brother, talk to me." The two of them have been in a cold war recently, and no one talks much to each other. Gu Shi's initiative is really surprising.

  Gu Shi paused and looked into Gu Yin's eyes, "From now on, call me by my name."

  Gu Yin was stunned, "Why?" She asked hesitantly.

  Gu Shi held Gu Yin's hand, and they walked downstairs together. He said in a light voice: "I have asked housekeeper Sen to handle the termination of adoption procedures."

  Gu Yin's face turned pale and stopped when he heard it, "Why... Brother..." Don't you want me anymore?

  Gu Shi turned around and looked at Gu Yin expressionlessly: "Are you an idiot?"

  Gu Yin already had tears in her eyes, and she denied stubbornly: "You are!"

  Gu Shi looked at Gu Yin for five or six seconds, and he suddenly sighed softly. It was rare for Gu Shi to sigh. He always looked cold and indifferent, and this was

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  For the first time, Gu Yin saw his helpless expression and stared at him blankly.

  Gu Shi suddenly pinched Gu Yin's chin and moved his whole face closer to her. The lights in the corridor were not very bright, but rather dim. The shadows of the two people on the ground were close together. Gu

  Yin held her breath, her eyes widened, her eyes were a little distracted, her whole body was stiff and she dared not move. Gu Shi's breath seemed to be about to enter her body. It was him in her nose. Gu Yin felt that she was about to smoke, and her hands were shaking.

  So... is this the case? Does

  her brother like her too?

  At that moment, Gu Yin felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, which was completely different from the feeling she usually had when she liked her brother. She wanted to stay like this forever, forever and ever, with Gu Shi. Gu Yin

  slowly reached out and hugged Gu Shi's waist. Her hands nervously grabbed his clothes. She didn't know how to close her eyes. Instead, she blinked and looked a little shy and a little at a loss.

  At the dining table, Su Ling and Sen Guanjian saw that the atmosphere between the young master and the young lady had changed again, with pink bubbles everywhere, not to mention how sweet it was.

  Gu Yin hugged her cheeks and smiled as she watched Gu Shi eat. She didn't even eat herself, and she was full of the breath of love.

  Gu Shi pushed her face away expressionlessly, "Eat."

  "No." Gu Yin acted coquettishly and held his hand.

  "Can you say what you just said again?" Gu Yin's eyes were shining.

  Gu Shi pulled back his hand: "If you didn't hear it, forget it." His tone was not very good, but it was not bad either. But Gu Yin knew that Gu Shi was not angry. Maybe, he was embarrassed?

  Gu Yin urged him: "Hurry up and say it, hurry up."

  "You are so long-winded!" Gu Shi's face darkened.

  How could you say such shy words a second time? I think you don't want to live anymore!

  Gu Yin was unwilling, humming and moaning, puffing up her cute cheeks and glaring at Gu Shi, "No!"

  The two of them were making a fuss, and Butler Sen and Su Ling looked at each other. Su Ling smiled, raised her hand to cover her lips slightly, and her eyebrows and eyes were full of joy.

  Gu Yin's heart was sweet, she held her chin and looked at Gu Shi. He just looked at her, put his arm around her waist, and said in the dim corridor: I hope you will be Gu Shi's girlfriend, not his sister. Do you understand?

  Gu Yin whispered, "I understand." She looked at Gu Shi with a smile. Gu Shi was having dinner. When he heard the answer she muttered at this time, he paused for a few seconds and raised his eyes to look at her.

  The two of them were eating dinner happily. The doorbell rang, and Su Ling went to open the door.

  After a while, Su Ling led a boy in. He was wearing a white sports car uniform, as if he was going to participate in a car race. His hair was a little messy, but it made him look more handsome and unruly. He saw Gu Yin and smiled ostentatiously: "Gu Yin, let's go."

  Gu Yin was dumbfounded, "Where are we going?" She knew this man. He was a boy in her group. He was usually very popular. He was a second-generation military man. He was handsome and had a good personality. He had a lot of suitors, but he only showed a little affection for Gu Yin.

  Usually, the two of them didn't have much interaction. Gu Yin was very confused.

  Gu Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Gu Yin." He said in an ambiguous tone.

  Gu Yin suddenly had an idea in her mind and suddenly remembered what Lin Cheng told her yesterday. She asked her to find a boy to test Gu Shi, but... she hadn't agreed to go on a date with anyone yet.

  The boy touched the back of his head, "Don't you know? Lin Cheng said you wanted to watch my game, so I came to pick you up."

  Gu Yin opened his mouth: "I didn't... No, that, actually I suddenly remembered that today I..." Of course, she couldn't betray Lin Cheng, and Gu Yin made excuses not to go.

  Gu Shi interrupted coldly, "No, you go, Yinyin has something to do later and can't go out."

  The boy obviously knew Gu Shi as well, and he was not very straightforward, "You are her brother, not her father, why do you care so much?"

  Gu Yin: I'm in trouble...

  Gu Shi raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this.


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  Gu Shi had a strange expression. To be honest, Gu Yin hadn't seen Gu Shi angry for a long time. He usually didn't show his bad mood in front of her, except for that time when they were young. Gu Yin felt that something was wrong and pulled Gu Shi's hand, "Um, brother..." As soon as she called him, Gu Shi's eyes swept over. Gu Yin was stunned and quickly changed her words: "Ah Shi."

  Just like that, Gu Shi's other eye was exposed. Originally, boys could only see Gu Shi's profile at that angle. He saw Gu Shi's red eyes and was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think it was natural. He thought Gu Shi was wearing contact lenses for fun. He laughed and said, "Oh, Mr. Gu is still playing cosplay at home."

  Gu Yin's face changed drastically, and she was shaking with anger, "You're too much! Get out of my house!" Anyone can say anything to her, but they can't say that to Gu Shi. Gu Shi is Gu Yin's bottom line.

  "Butler Sen, send the guests away!" Gu Yin didn't hesitate.

  "Yes, Miss." Butler Sen was very sensible. He was determined to drive the tactless boy out. He said with a smile, "Please go ahead." He used his arms and legs to take him out.

  The boy didn't understand why Gu Yin suddenly changed her expression. He was driven out. When he turned around, he saw the little girl he had been thinking about turned around and threw herself into Gu Shi's arms. She raised her little face and kissed his chin. The boy dropped his jaw in shock, and tugged at the housekeeper Sen's clothes, "Hey, hey, hey, didn't you see it! Even if they are siblings, they are too close!"

  Housekeeper Sen wanted to kick him out directly, but in order to avoid misunderstanding, he smiled politely, "You are wrong, the young master and the young lady are not siblings."

  "What do you mean? Hey, hey, hey!"

  Housekeeper Sen loosened his hand that pinched his shoulder, "Miss Gu Yin is our young master's fiancée. You asked Miss Gu Yin out in front of my young master. I didn't throw you out directly, which is already giving you face." He finally gave this advice and closed the door directly.

  The boy was stunned after hearing this. He stood at the door and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. After a long time, he uttered two words: "Fuck..."

  "What the hell is this... They are not siblings, isn't this cheating, Lin Cheng, that damn girl, I will kill you!" The boy cursed and took out his mobile phone without saying a word and called Lin Cheng.

  "Lin Cheng! Get out here, you bastard!" the boy yelled.

  Lin Cheng: "Get out of here! You don't have eyes! Call me at this time!" Usually at this time, Lin Cheng would be scolded by her mother and was practicing writing big characters with a brush, so she had to act like a lady.

  "That who, that, that Gu Yin, she she she she...she actually hooked up with her brother!"

  Lin Cheng jumped three feet high, surprised: "Oh my god! Is this true!!!"

  The boy was very depressed, and before he could say anything, he heard a lion roar from the other end of the phone: "Lin Cheng!!!"

  Lin Cheng immediately softened his voice and pinched his throat, "Mom, mom... Mistake, mistake, I'm hanging up now."

  Leaving someone petrified holding the phone.

  No matter what happens over there,

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  No matter how noisy it was, Gu Yin was frightened by Gu Shi. Not to mention how Gu Shi pressed her on the bed and kissed her all night, her mouth was almost swollen, and his appearance had also changed drastically, completely different from the cold and indifferent appearance in the past.

  Gu Yin stepped on the floor barefoot and carefully opened the bedroom door. Suddenly, a voice came from behind, "Where are you going."

  Gu Yin's body stiffened and slowly turned around. Sure enough, Gu Shi was sitting on the bed looking at her. Gu Yin said embarrassedly: "I'm hungry, I want to go downstairs to find something to eat, you go back to sleep."

  "I've asked the housekeeper to bring up the food."

  "Come here."

  From that night on, the two of them inexplicably returned to the intimacy of childhood without gender distinction, sleeping in the same bed, covering the same quilt, and even using the same tableware. Except for not taking a bath together, almost everything was shared. This sense of distance without any gaps made Gu Yin feel a little suffocated.

  She was too unaccustomed to it.

  In fact, even when she was a child, Gu Shi had never treated her like this.

  It was one thing to be unaccustomed to it, but Gu Yin didn't feel any resistance in her heart. She just...

  looked at the door, then she retracted her steps, returned to the bed obediently, and gave him her hand. She just hadn't been to school for several days, and Gu Shi had restricted her from going out. Not to mention the living room downstairs, she wasn't even allowed to go out of the bedroom.

  Gu Shi seemed to like her smell very much, and often held her tightly. Gu Yin blinked her eyes and looked at the light golden gauze curtain in front of her. The morning light outside penetrated the gauze curtain and scattered over. She squinted her eyes comfortably, leaned her cheek on Gu Shi's neck, and held his waist obediently. "Ah Shi, when can I go to school?"

  Gu Shi's voice was a bit lazy as if he had just woken up. "No."

  Gu Yin asked puzzledly, "Why?"

  "I'll teach you," Gu Shi paused slightly, "You used to always make a fuss about not wanting to go to school and wanted me to teach you. Why don't you want to?" "

  I do." Gu Yin answered without hesitation. She just felt a little pity, because everyone in the school was also very good, but in comparison, if she had to choose one, she would definitely choose Gu Shi.

  "Brother is the most important," Gu Yin said, smiled and shook her head, rubbing Gu Shi's neck, "Ah Shi is the most important." She

  didn't like to call Gu Shi's name very much. Gu Yin was always used to calling him brother directly.

  Gu Shi tightened his arms around Gu Yin a little, and the two of them were sitting in a way that was a little too ambiguous. Gu Yin was sitting astride Gu Shi's waist, and a little movement would easily create a different atmosphere. Gu Shi relaxed his body and fell backwards, and Gu Yin lay on his chest, with her hands placed on both sides of his waist, motionless, like a coquettish cat.

  Gu Shi first kissed the corner of Gu Yin's lips, and then tossed and turned to kiss her.

  "Grow up quickly, Yinyin." Finally, Gu Shi said this.

  Gu Yin hummed softly, and kissed his neck unyieldingly, "I will try my best!"

  "You have to wait for me."

  The soft coquettish voice in the room, as well as the low whispers of the two people blended together.

  This sticky day lasted for two weeks, and two weeks later in the afternoon, Butler Sen knocked on the door.

  "Master, the second young master of the Gu family is here to visit and wants to see you."

  Gu Jue?

  Gu Yin suddenly felt like she was facing a great enemy and was about to jump up. Recently, the Gu family has been very active, as if they have reached some consensus with Gu Shi. The Gu family doesn't care about what kind of existence Gu Yin is. It is estimated that there is a problem with the Gu family company, and they urgently need strong means to support the company. Gu Shi's father is seriously ill and is in the hospital and has no ability to handle company affairs. Gu Jue is a loser, so the courage falls on Gu Shi

  's shoulders. It's just a deal. Gu Shi knows very well that if there is no problem with the company, the Gu family will never come to him until they die. It is estimated that they see that his Shiyin company is developing very well and think that he has the ability to manage the company, so they come to him with the idea of ​​​​trying it out.

  However, this decision is a thunderbolt for Gu Jue, which seriously threatens his position. Isn't it true that the position of heir that was originally stable is now handed over to others. How can this be possible?

  His visit today is obviously not well-intentioned.


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  When Gu Shi appeared beside the escalator on the second floor, he happened to meet Gu Jue's eyes when he was looking up. He leaned casually on the sofa, raised his eyebrows, and smiled at Gu Shi, but it was obvious that he had no good intentions.

  "This is probably the first time we meet." Gu Jue raised his voice slightly.

  The first time? It was the first time for Gu Jue, but Gu Shi had seen him several times. The most impressive thing was probably that he didn't give up and wanted to go back home and find his mother, but he watched the woman holding hands with his brother who was born with the same mother as him, and talking naively. The woman bent down and kissed him with a doting smile.

  When was that? Counting it up, it should have been fourteen years ago.

  In fact, Gu Shi didn't really want to meet Gu Jue. Only when he stood in front of him would he feel like a loser. Although he knew rationally that this was not the case, Gu Shi said calmly, "What are you doing here?"

  Gu Yin stayed alone in the bedroom, sitting on the bed bored and thinking about Gu Jue's character and his purpose of coming here. After thinking about it, she still didn't feel at ease with Gu Shi, so she secretly turned the bedroom door open and squatted in front of the escalator on the second floor to look down. As a result, as soon as she saw the living room, she saw two people standing up and going out together.

  "Huh?" Gu Yin asked in confusion, why did they go out?

  Gu Jue said something to Gu Shi, and Gu Shi actually went with him without hesitation.

  Gu Yin hurried back to the bedroom, took out her clothes, changed out of her pajamas, and walked down the stairs, "Butler! I'm going out, get the car ready."

  Butler Sen looked disapproving, "Miss, the young master said you can't go out."

  "Hurry up," Gu Yin urged, "I'm going to chase my brother, that Gu Jue must be doing something bad!"

  Butler Sen heard what Gu Yin said, sighed helplessly, and drove the car. Gu Yin picked up her bag and changed her shoes, and almost flew out. Su Ling looked at Gu Yin's back, laughed out loud, and said to herself with relief: "That's great."

  "Butler Sen, do you know what Gu Jue said to my brother?" Gu Yin held the car seat and looked at Butler Sen curiously in the driver's seat. Butler

  Sen shook his head, "I don't know, the young master asked us to leave at that time." However, he probably said something about Gu Yin, so Butler Sen didn't say it out loud.

  He originally didn't think about it in other ways. After all, Gu Jue and Gu Shi were brothers, so Gu Jue wouldn't have any intention to kill them. However, Gu Yin's worry in the car made Butler Sen worried. "

  Where did my brother go?"

  Butler Sen glanced at his phone, "He went to Xihua Road." Because there were only Gu Shi and Gu Yin who needed to be taken care of in the villa, Gu Shi also knew that he was weak, so he asked Butler Sen to install a real-time locator on his phone a long time ago to prevent any unexpected situations. Now it just came in handy.

  Of course, Gu Yin also had it on her phone, but she didn't know, and Gu Shi didn't intend to let her know. She just thought that the locator was pressed in the car.

  Butler Sen looked at the car and stopped. He frowned slightly, thinking that there shouldn't be anything wrong. In order to avoid suspicion, Gu Jue and the two drove to the west.

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  The car belonged to Gu Shi, and he had no chance to do anything in his car.

  Wait, this place is...

  After realizing where this was, Butler Sen immediately accelerated the car, "Gu Jue took the young master to Xihua Amusement Park."

  Gu Yin heard this and wondered, "Where to go and what to do?"

  Butler Sen was silent for two seconds before saying, "That's where the Madam and the Master left the young master. Later, Su Ling and I were ordered to go to Xihua Amusement Park to take the young master home." Gu

  Yin was surprised, "Why? Why not just leave him at his current home?" Isn't it redundant to run around the amusement park in the middle? Butler

  Sen raised the corner of his mouth and showed a helpless and sarcastic smile, "Maybe, it was to satisfy the Madam's motherly heart. That day, she took the young master to play in the amusement park for a whole afternoon. The young master couldn't walk at the time and was only six months old." He didn't even know what an amusement park was, and had no concept of it.

  Butler Sen had a very vivid memory. The first time he saw Gu Shi was in the communication room of the amusement park. The baby in the swaddling clothes was crying loudly, his little face was red, and the red pupil of his right eye seemed to be about to shed tears of blood.

  How could a child cry for so long? He would hurt his throat. Butler Sen was in his thirties or forties and had never married or had children. He almost treated Gu Shi as his own son.

  As soon as the car drove to the gate of Xihua Amusement Park, Gu Yin saw Gu Shi's car with sharp eyes, "Wait, butler, look!" There were two sneaky men behind the car. No one knew what they were doing. The hood was propped up. Gu Yin suspected that they were doing something. Without saying a word, she took out her mobile phone and started recording. She

  took several photos as evidence. After doing all this, Butler Sen and Gu Yin looked at each other and got out of the car.

  After the two men cut the brake belts, they put down the hood and turned around to avoid running. As a result, when they turned around, they saw a tall man looking at them with a smile, and the petite girl next to him was holding up her mobile phone and facing them indignantly.

  "What are you doing?" Butler Sen asked meaningfully.

  One person pretended to be calm, "Nothing, we're just taking a look, we're leaving now, leaving now."

  Gu Yin shouted, "Don't leave! If you don't tell the truth, I'll invite you to the police station for tea, I've taken pictures!"

  "Do you know whose car this is? How dare you do this!" Gu Yin's ability to bully others is perfect. In the past, it was because of the reputation of Gu Shi's company that she suppressed those little girls who had small actions in school. "You dare to tamper with the car of the young master of the Gu family in Beijing, I think you don't want to live!" Butler Sen

  almost couldn't help laughing in his heart. His young lady's ability to threaten people is not bad, but she stuttered when she spoke, and her momentum was not very strong. Her voice was very childish. No matter how you look at it, she is a young lady who is ignorant of the world. Here he needs to play the villain, "Miss, there is no need to say more to them, I have called the police." He raised his mobile phone.

  The two people were almost scared to pee, and immediately confessed everything.

  Gu Yin recorded everything into the mobile phone without missing a word.

  Sure enough, it was Gu Jue's order.

  When Gu Shi came out, there was no Gu Jue following him. He was surprised to see Gu Yin. Gu Yin rushed over

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  It was a bear hug, and she looked excited, "Brother, I caught a bad guy! Butler Sen sent them to the police station!"

  Gu Shi heard the words, looked at the car, was slightly stunned, and his expression turned cold.

  In the amusement park, Gu Jue told him a lot, saying how the family has been over the years, saying that he still missed him as a brother. In short, he came to buy brotherhood. Gu Shi has never enjoyed any family affection since he was a child, and his guard has been lowered by Gu Jue. He thinks that his own brother will not be so cruel as to persecute his brother, but unfortunately he underestimated Gu Jue after all.

  If it weren't for Gu Yin, he would have died.

  Driving home from here, there will be a slope, and without brakes, the car will overturn. Do

  you want the inheritance right so much?

  Originally, Gu Shi did not value the inheritance right of the Gu family. Originally, he had Shiyin Company, which could be called a dark horse in the business. It had a bright future after two years of development, but now, Gu Shi changed his mind.

  In Mr. Gu's hospital, the two murderers' trembling confessions were played on the phone. The head of the Gu family lying on the bed changed his face, the woman's face was livid, and Gu Jue was very guilty.

  Gu Shi sneered: "If you two want me to go home in this way, then don't do it. I'm fine alone. It doesn't matter whether I have a father or a mother."

  Outside the ward, Gu Shi heard the head of the Gu family scolding Gu Jue. He couldn't hold on while scolding, and he almost passed out. The emergency bell rang, the cry for help, and the ward was in chaos.

  Gu Shi looked cold and walked out of the hospital.

  One was overly doting, and the other had never enjoyed maternal love. The gap between these two sons can never be made up artificially. At the beginning, the Gu family found Gu Shi with the idea of ​​having no heirs, but later they felt more and more guilty and owed Gu Shi. However, the family affection that had been lost for nearly 20 years had been completely missed.

  Gu Jue was forcibly sent to England and was not allowed to return without the order of the head of the family. In the same year, the Gu family, which dominated the business world, announced that the eldest son of the Gu family, who had never shown his true face, had returned from the United States. In the first year after his return, he got engaged to

  Gu Yin. At the engagement party, he entered the business circle as the heir of the Gu family. However, Shiyin Company was not acquired by the Gu family, but existed independently. The entire company was an engagement gift from Gu Shi to Gu Yin.

  Later, the two got married and had children. Gu Yin was still spoiled by Gu Shi like an ignorant princess until she was 80 years old. Although she was old, her eyebrows still revealed clear simplicity and innocence.

  Gu Yin was invited to a variety show and was interviewed about her 60-year marriage life with Gu Shi, including the life of Gu Shi, the leader of the business world.

  Gu Yin's brilliant smile was full of happiness as she answered the questions asked by the host.

  Host: Madam, have you and Mr. Gu never quarreled in all these years of marriage?

  Gu Yin: We can't quarrel. He doesn't want to quarrel with me at all. In fact, every time I lose my temper, he will be infinitely tolerant. Even if he is very angry, he will not ignore me for too long. He will be afraid that I will be sad.

  It's just like this to put a person at the top of your heart and pamper him.


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