WMPFLMSR - Blue Life and Death

When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 86: Blue Life and Death (Part 1)
Chapter 86: Blue Life and Death (I)

In the dilapidated and narrow house, Azhuo was lying on the uncomfortable wooden bed, covered with a thin quilt. The quilt smelled damp, and the air in the whole room was also humid, making people feel uncomfortable all over.

Azhuo became a different person again, and his mood was very complicated.

It seemed as if there was a hand behind the scenes controlling everything, making it impossible for Azhu to escape the fate that was decided by others. Azhu thought somewhat self-destructively, who cares who it is? Just consider it as gaining a few more years of life. He would not do anything else and would just regard himself as a person in this body and live an ordinary life.

Looking at the shabby pieces of furniture, Azhu frowned.

This family must be very poor.

Azhuo thought so.

The door of the room was ajar, and the voices of women talking outside could be heard.

A sharp female voice seemed to be in a bad mood and was scolding someone, "What are you doing, Cui Xin'ai! Why are you carrying a schoolbag? Didn't you hear me asking you to wash the vegetables? Why are you standing there like an idiot? Guests are coming to eat soon. Hurry up and move more quickly."

"Mom, I don't have time. I have to go to school." said the voice of a childish little girl.

"Why are you going to school so early? Help me wash the vegetables first. Hurry up, I have to prepare a lunch box for you. Don't you want to eat lunch?" The woman pushed her daughter impatiently.

After such a short period of time, Azhu has already received the memory of this body.

Now he is Cui Yingxiong. There are three people in the Cui family, living in a poor single-parent family. The father died the year his sister was born, leaving behind a large debt. There is only one mother who raised the two siblings alone.

Cui Yingxiong, 12 years old, is a sixth-grade primary school student. Because his father died early and his mother was busy with life and had no time to discipline him, he did not like to study and often hung out and fought outside like a little gangster. He even often stole money from home. He dared to fight back against his mother's beatings and scoldings, and even beat his younger sister.

My younger sister Cui Xinai is 9 years old and a third-grade student in elementary school. Growing up in such a family, her personality is inevitably a bit sharp and she has low self-esteem. But she has been smart and has excellent grades since she was young. With her own efforts, she has always maintained the first place in the class.

Cui's mother is a very miserable woman. Her husband died of illness before her daughter was born. She raised a son and a daughter alone with great difficulty and ran a small restaurant. The oppression of life made her unable to show her maternal tenderness. As a widow, she had to show a fierce face to others in order to avoid being bullied.

"I'm the class monitor and I should be the first to arrive at school. Why don't you let your brother take a shower? Your brother is still sleeping in. I'll go wake him up!" Cui Xinai pushed open the door angrily, preparing to wake up her brother who was sleeping in. However, she met Azhuo's eyes as soon as she entered the room. Cui Xinai's first reaction was to take a step back. After all, she was still frightened by her brother's viciousness.

Azhu looked at the little girl who walked in. She was only 9 years old, but her eyes did not have the innocence that she should have for her age. She was forced to mature precociously by life. Her delicate facial features had lost their beauty because of her sallow and thin face. Her hair was dry and yellow, and she looked obviously malnourished.

Seeing that he was looking at her, the little girl even took a step back in fear, obviously afraid of this brother who would hit her.

Azhuo sighed in his heart. No matter which life he was in, he always lived in a family with good material conditions. This was the first time that he intuitively felt the pain that poverty brought.

Seeing that her brother's eyes were not as fierce as before and did not seem to have any ill intentions, Cui Xin'ai breathed a sigh of relief. She encouraged herself mentally and glared at her brother and said, "Cui Yingxiong, hurry up and get up and help mom with things."

Azhuo lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He walked forward a few steps and approached Cui Xin'ai. Cui Xin'ai immediately looked at Azhuo nervously with alert eyes. Azhuo raised his hand, and Cui Xin'ai closed her eyes with a frightened expression.

Azhuo gently placed his hand on Cui Xin'ai's head and rubbed it, "I know, you should call me brother, Xin'ai." Then he stopped scaring the little girl and pushed the door open to go out.

Cui Xin'ai felt the gentle movement of the hand above her head and opened her eyes in a daze. She looked at her brother's back in shock and narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. What was Cui Yingxiong trying to do again?

The Cui family's house was not only shabby, but also very small. Apart from the bedroom where he had just slept, there was the living room used as a small restaurant. Apart from that, there was only a kitchen and a bathroom. So the three members of the Cui family lived in that small and shabby bedroom.

There were several tables and chairs placed in a mess in the living room. There were oil stains on the table, and it was obvious that it had not been cleaned carefully for a long time. The kitchen was also very small, and Cui's mother was preparing for opening in the morning.

Azhuo walked into the kitchen. The small kitchen suddenly seemed very crowded. Azhuo greeted Cui's mother, "Good morning, Mom." Then he squatted by the sink to wash vegetables.

Cui's mother stopped what she was doing and looked at Azhuo in surprise. Her son had always been lazy and rude. This was the first time she saw him get up so early and help wash the vegetables. He even said "Good morning, Mom" ​​to her...

Cui's mother stared blankly for a while, and seeing that her son was indeed washing the vegetables seriously, her eyes soured, she turned around and continued to prepare lunch for her child to take to school, while saying in a sharp voice: "Don't try to please me, your mother has no money for you to spend, did you sneak the money from my box again last time, you bastard!"

Azhuo paused his hands while picking vegetables and smiled helplessly. Cui Yingxiong had such a bad impression among his family. Azhuo did not refute anything and continued to do his work silently.

Mother Cui didn't hear any impatient complaints from her son for a long time. She turned her head to look at Azhu, thought for a while, took out a cucumber and cut it in half. Their family was so poor that they had no money to buy fruit for their children. These cucumbers were originally sold for cooking. Mother Cui looked at the two pieces of cucumbers with a somewhat dim look in her eyes. As a mother, she had no ability and could only let her children live such a life.

Cui Xinai walked out of the bedroom with a strange look on her face, put down her schoolbag, put the messy chairs in order, then wiped the table with a rag, and glanced towards the kitchen from time to time.

"Hello, I'm here to deliver rice and flour!" Suddenly someone shouted from outside the door.

Cui's mother wiped her hands on her apron quickly, glanced at Azhuo before leaving, and said, "Mom will be out for a while. After you finish washing the vegetables, help mom pack the lunch box and take it to school with your sister."

"Yeah, okay." Azhu nodded.

Cui's mother went out, and after a while Azhuo finished washing the vegetables that needed to be washed. He stood up and stretched, then looked at the two lunch boxes on the table that had not yet been covered, and frowned.

The food in the lunch box was obviously leftovers.

Ah Zhuo sighed, looking at the rice, kimchi, and some messy leftovers in the lunch box, without any greasy smell. No wonder the little girl looked malnourished. Eating this kind of food every day, how can a growing child be nutritious...

After wiping the table, Cui Xinai put down the rag, picked up her schoolbag, and went to the kitchen with a stern face to get her lunch box. When she saw the two lunch boxes, Cui Xinai pouted, and her eyes showed disappointment, disgust, and unwillingness.

Thinking about how her classmates laughed at her for eating leftovers every day at school, Cui Xinai's eyes felt a little sore and red with aggrieved look as if she was about to cry, but she soon turned cold and looked stubborn.

As soon as Cui Xin'ai entered the room, Azhuo had been paying attention to the little girl and naturally noticed the change in her expression. Cui Xin'ai reached out to take a lunch box with an expressionless face, but was stopped by Azhuo.

Cui Xin'ai glared at Cui Yingxiong, "What are you doing?"

"Xin'ai, wait a moment, brother will help you make it again." Azhuo smiled at Cui Xin'ai, poured out the rice from the two lunch boxes, rolled them into rice balls, and seeing some seaweed nearby, he made seaweed rice rolls. Then he smashed the cucumber and added seasoning to make cold cucumber salad. He carefully picked through the leftovers, found the ones that were still presentable, and discarded the rest.

Cui Xin'ai stared blankly at the lunch box that looked much better after Azhuo's processing. She felt a little happy in her heart and felt a little better about her brother.

Azhuo repacked the rice. Looking at this extremely simple lunch box, Azhuo was still not satisfied. When he saw the eggs, his eyes lit up and he reached out to take two eggs.

“Brother!” Cui Xin’ai quickly called out to her brother, “Mom will be angry!”

Azhuo thought about it, put one back, poured a little oil into the pan, made a sunny-side-up egg, and finally sprinkled some salt, put it in a lunch box, covered it with a lid and handed it to Cui Xinai.

Cui Xinai was a little dazed, and her eyes felt sore again, "Why give it to me..."

"You are my younger sister." Azhuo smiled, "Don't worry, if mom is angry, just scold me. Go to school quickly, aren't you afraid of being late?"

Cui Xinai held the lunch box, bit her lip, looked at Azhuo deeply, then left the kitchen, put the lunch box into her schoolbag, put the schoolbag on her back and went out.

Cui's mother was checking out with the clerk delivering rice and noodles outside the door. When she saw her little daughter coming out with her head down and her schoolbag on her back, she asked, "Xin'ai, did your brother bring you lunch?"

"I've got it. I'm going to school." Cui Xin'ai looked up with tears in her eyes, and then she walked away quickly.

When Cui's mother saw that her little daughter seemed to be crying, she frowned, paid the money and went into the house, and asked Azhu loudly: "Cui Yingxiong, did you bully your sister again?"

"No." Azhu shook his head in confusion.

Cui's mother walked into the kitchen and saw the lunch box that had changed drastically. She was stunned for a moment and asked, "Did you make this?"

Azhu nodded.

Cui's mother looked at the lunch box that looked much more refined, and she felt a little upset. She knew that her child was often laughed at because she always brought leftovers to school for her child to eat. It was all because she had no ability...

Mother Cui looked at the lunch box that looked much more refined, and felt a little upset. She knew that her child was often laughed at because she always brought leftovers to school for her child to eat. It was all because she was incompetent... (The last sentence is for protection.)

It’s the end of the year and there are a lot of things going on in real life. I’m very busy and sometimes I don’t have time to write, so the updates are unstable.

But I will code more and update more when I have time. I will try my best to update three times today!

This is the first update.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 87: Blue Life and Death (Part 2)
Chapter 87: Blue Life and Death (Part 2)

Seeing the egg box on the side, there were only five eggs left out of the six eggs. These eggs were prepared for making seaweed egg drop soup. Cui's mother frowned and asked, "Hero, why is there one egg missing?" Then she looked at Azhuo's lunch box and found no trace of the eggs.

Seeing some traces of oil residue left in the pot, Cui's mother frowned and said, "Cui Yingxiong, you are greedy again, aren't you?"

Azhuo blinked and looked at Cui's mother with a smile, "Well, I ate one. Don't be angry, mom. I will help with the work! I promise!"

Cui's mother looked at her son's playful smile with helplessness and amusement, and stuffed the lunch box into Azhu's hand, "Hey, hurry up and go, be careful not to be late again!"

"Okay, then I'll go to school. Goodbye, Mom!" Azhuo smiled, took the lunch box to the bedroom, found Cui Yingxiong's schoolbag, and left home with the schoolbag on his back.

While walking along the way to school as he remembered, Azhuo looked around. Sure enough, there were dilapidated houses everywhere. It seemed that this must be the so-called slum.

When walking past a house's door, Azhuo suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"Hero! Wait!" A silly-looking boy with a buzz cut rushed out of his house, grabbed Azhuo and asked, "You're going to school so early today?"

Ah Zhuo narrowed his eyes, remembering that this boy was Choi Young-hyung's friend, and usually followed Choi Young-hyung in fights and troubles, and was a loyal follower, "It's Cheol-wook, yes, I'm going to school."

Li Zhexu looked at Azhuo in surprise, then said, "Then wait for me, I'll get my schoolbag, and we'll go to school together."

Azhu nodded without comment, leaning against the wall outside Li Zhexu's house, looking at the gloomy sky. Azhu thought about the situation of the family in this world, and his heart became gloomy. This family was not only very poor, but also owed usurious money because Cui Yingxiong's father was hospitalized. The debt was not very high at first, but because it could not be repaid, it kept growing over the years. Every month, most of the money Cui's mother earned was used to repay the debt, but the repayment was only enough to pay the monthly interest.

I pay off my debts every month, but the debts are getting higher every year.

Being in debt with loan sharks is like being in a vicious circle. Given Cui's mother's current financial situation, she will probably have to bear the high-interest loan for the rest of her life and will never be able to get rid of it...

"Hero, stop daydreaming! Let's go!" Li Zhexu reached out and pushed Azhuo on the shoulder.

Azhuo came back to his senses and saw Li Zhexu carrying a schoolbag and holding a loaf of bread. Azhuo smiled and said, "Okay, let's go."

On the way to school together, Li Zhexu was chewing bread and suddenly asked Azhuo, "Hero, have you had breakfast?"

Azhuo was stunned, as if nothing had happened... He had been worrying about the poverty of his family and had forgotten to eat breakfast.

Li Zhexu sighed heavily, opened the zipper of his schoolbag with a troubled look on his face, took out a loaf of bread and handed it to Azhuo: "Here, eat this." Li Zhexu looked at the bread with some reluctance.

Ah Zhuo looked at Li Zhexu's expression and found it interesting. He shook his head and said, "No need."

Unexpectedly, after Azhuo refused, Li Zhexu's eyes became firm. He stuffed the bread directly into Azhuo's hand and said with a face full of loyalty: "Take it. I said I would give it to you, so take it. Eat it quickly!"

"No." Azhu replied to Li Zhexu. He knew that Li Zhexu's family situation was not good. Like Choi Young-hyung, he came from a single-parent family. Li Zhexu's mother couldn't stand the poor life, so she divorced Li Zhexu's father when Li Zhexu was very young and left with a man who had some money.

Li Zhexu's father had no money and never remarried. A bachelor with a child naturally would not be able to take care of the child. Moreover, Li Zhexu's father had to work in a fishery and usually had no time to cook for Li Zhexu. Basically, he would give Li Zhexu some money every day for Li Zhexu to buy bread, and in the evening he would take Li Zhexu to Cui's small restaurant for dinner.

Li Zhexu has a good relationship with Choi Young-hyung, and they became familiar with each other because they had dinner at Choi Young-hyung's house almost every day.

Since he didn't have much money, Li Zhexu bought three loaves of bread almost every day, one in the morning and two at noon. But he gave one to Azhuo, so Li Zhexu could only eat one loaf of bread at noon. How could a boy bear the hunger?

Li Zhexu frowned, "Cui Yingxiong, we are best brothers. How can I watch another hungry brother? Come on and eat!" He stuffed the bread into Azhu's hand again.

Seeing Li Zhexu's serious and persistent expression, Azhuo smiled helplessly and opened the bag of bread. "Okay, thank you. You can eat the lunch box I brought with me at noon."

Li Zhexu pouted in disgust, "Forget it, what can your mother give you to eat? It's probably yesterday's leftovers."

This kid... Azhu smiled helplessly, he really doesn't know how to talk. If the original Choi Young-hyung heard this, he would definitely get angry and fight with Li Zhexu!

Azhuo bit the bread silently. In fact, the bento he improved, although rather simple, should taste pretty good. After all, he has been cooking for so many lifetimes, and Azhuo is still very confident in his cooking skills.

Well, let Li Zhexu have lunch with you at noon, and he will know after he eats it.

In the past, Choi Young-woong and Lee Cheol-wook always went to school very late, and liked to play and make noises on the way, so they were always late. But today they left home very early and didn't waste much time on the way. In addition, boys have good physical strength and can walk fast, so Azhuo actually caught up with his sister Choi Xin'ai who had left home earlier at the school gate.

However, Cui Xin'ai's current condition doesn't seem to be very good...

Several girls blocked Cui Xinai at the school gate, preventing her from entering. One of the tallest girls looked at Cui Xinai's worn-out and ill-fitting school uniform with a mocking look, and said, "Hey, Cui Xinai, why are you still so poor?"

"Yes, we didn't buy school uniforms this year. Is this another unwanted school uniform your mother picked up from the garbage dump? Your family is really a family of beggars." A chubby girl raised her hand and tugged at Cui Xinai's school uniform. She said such vicious words at such a young age.

"Yes, yes, Cui Xin'ai is a little beggar who picks up other people's rags. Her mother is a big beggar. She is shameless. She seduced someone else's father. What a shameless beggar woman!" A girl with small eyes said while pointing at Cui Xin'ai's nose.

Cui Xin'ai, who was surrounded by them, lowered her head, clenched her fists tightly, and gritted her teeth, looking like she was trying hard to suppress herself.

Don't get angry, don't get angry, don't fight with others in school, the teacher will call the parents, maybe even expel her, just bear it, bear it...

Cui Xinai clenched her hands so tightly that even her bones made sounds.

But I felt so sad... Cui Xin'ai's heart was filled with anger and despair. Why, why did she have to live like this, wearing old clothes thrown away by others, eating leftovers that others didn't want to eat, being laughed at and looked down upon...

Suddenly, Cui Xinai's eyes went dark. Someone stood in front of her, made a gesture to protect her, and reached out to hold her in his arms to protect her.

Cui Xin'ai looked up in surprise and saw her brother Cui Yingxiong's scary expression.

But that scary expression was not directed at her, but at the three girls.

“Brother…” Cui Xinai’s resentment, which she had been suppressing, suddenly burst out at this moment when someone was protecting her. Tears welled up in her eyes and she choked up, “Brother…”

"Don't be afraid, Xin'ai." Azhuo smiled at the little girl in his arms, reached out to wipe away the tears from the little girl's eyes, and rubbed the little girl's hair. "Brother is here, brother will protect you."

Cui Xinai's eyes felt sore and her tears fell even harder. She threw herself into Azhuo's arms, buried her head in his chest, and her tears wet Azhuo's shirt.

Ah Zhuo gently patted the little girl's back to comfort her, but his eyes were very cold as he looked at the three third-grade girls in front of him. He said in a low and angry voice: "What were you three talking about just now?"

After all, the three girls were all girls under ten years old. They were frightened by Azhu's terrifying eyes and expression and trembled with fear. The three girls couldn't help but move closer to their companions, sticking close together, too scared to speak.

"You were talking very excitedly just now, why are you silent now?" Azhuo stared at the tall girl with cold eyes. He could naturally see that this girl was the leader among the three girls.

The tall girl trembled, but stubbornly straightened her chest and said calmly, "What's wrong? What does it matter if we say it? Cui Xin'ai is just a little beggar, and her mother is a bitch! I told you, what do you want to do?"

"Hehe." Azhu sneered, raised his hand and tapped quickly on the back of the tall girl's neck, looking coldly at the tall girl's instantly distorted face.

The tall girl cried out in pain: "Ah! It hurts! What did you do to me, you bastard! Ah! It hurts so much! Ah..."

The other two girls looked at the fate of the tall girl, hugged each other in fear, looked at Azhu in horror, shook their heads, and said in a distorted voice: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we were wrong, please let us go, we're sorry..."

When the tall girl saw her friend's reaction, she glared at her friend fiercely, but soon started crying again because of the pain.

It turned out that Azhu had just pressed one of the girl's acupoints. Even an adult would feel painful at that acupoint, let alone a little girl who couldn't bear the pain.

Azhuo didn't want to do anything to the 9-year-old girl, nor was he the kind of person who bullied the weak. He just wanted to teach the girl a lesson. Seeing that the girl had been in unbearable pain for a while, he pressed the acupoint again.

Ah Zhuo didn't want to do anything to the 9-year-old girl, and he wasn't the type to bully the weak. He just wanted to teach the girl a lesson. Seeing that the girl was in unbearable pain for a while, he pressed the acupuncture point again. (The last sentence is for prevention.)

Ahem, Azhuo is becoming more and more shameless, he even bullied a little girl, hahahaha

Two updates already, three updates in sight! Cheer for me, I love you guys, muah~

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 88: Blue Life and Death (Part 3)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

The tall girl stared at Azhuo warily, not knowing what this bastard was going to do next. Unexpectedly, after being poked by him, she didn't feel any pain. Tears were still in the tall girl's eyes. She stared at Azhuo angrily, "You actually bully a girl younger than you. How shameless!"

"Then you three are bullying my sister, do you have any shame?" Ah Zhuo said coldly, not caring about the other party's accusation, "Just now I was giving you a warning. If you bully my sister again, I won't let you go so easily."

Ah Zhuo smiled with his eyes curved, but it made people feel chilling and terrified, "I will definitely let you enjoy the ultimate pain!"

The tall girl trembled, and the other two girls started crying out of fear.

"It's shameless to bully girls..." The tall girl was stunned and kept repeating this sentence dryly.

Cui Xin'ai moved in Azhuo's arms. Azhuo rubbed Cui Xin'ai's head, then looked at the three girls and said, "You have shame? Haha, I only know that if anyone bullies my family, I will bully them back twice as hard, so you all have to remember that I am the kind of person who will hit girls, right, Xin'ai?"

Cui Xinai's body stiffened. She looked up at her brother helplessly and amusedly. What kind of thing was this to be proud of? Cui Xinai's eyes were still red, and she looked as pitiful as a little rabbit. She said to her brother helplessly, "Brother!"

In fact, only three or four minutes had passed here, and Li Zhexu, who was left behind by Azhu, finally rushed over panting with two people's schoolbags.

It turned out that just now, far away from the school gate, Azhuo, with his good eyes and ears, noticed from afar that his little girl was being bullied, so he threw his schoolbag into Li Zhexu's arms and ran over.

Li Zhexu happened to hear Azhuo's threats to the three girls. He panted and stood beside Azhuo like a servile younger brother. He responded, "Yes! We don't care if they are male or female. As long as they are an eyesore, we will beat them up!"

The fat girl and the girl with small eyes burst into tears, turned around and ran away, leaving the big sister behind.

The tall girl, who used to bully others with her large group, became the one who was bullied alone. A trace of fear flashed in her stubborn eyes, and she finally snorted and turned away.

After the girls who bullied her had left, Cui Xinai realized that she was actually crying at the school gate while hugging her brother. It was so embarrassing. Cui Xinai blushed and lowered her head, refusing to look at Azhuo.

Azhuo saw Cui Xinai's shy thoughts, smiled, and did not expose her. Finally, he rubbed Cui Xinai's head and said, "Xinai, go to the classroom quickly."

"Yeah." Cui Xin'ai nodded, lowered her head and walked towards the school. After taking a few steps, she stopped and looked back at Azhu.

When Azhu saw the little girl, he forced a smile and said, "Brother, thank you." After that, he blushed, turned around and trotted away.

Cui Xinai returned to the classroom. The three girls who had bullied her before were in the same class as her. When Cui Xinai passed by them, she clearly felt that the three girls' bodies stiffened for a moment.

Cui Xinai glanced at them, then walked to her seat and put down her schoolbag. The girl sitting next to Cui Xinai was a petite and cute girl named Han Yimei.

Han Yimei smiled and greeted Cui Xin'ai, "Xin'ai, you're here. Good morning. Why are you here so late today?"

Because Cui Xinai's family was poor, many of her classmates looked down on her. Also, Cui Xinai had good grades and always ranked first, so many people were jealous of her. As a result, Cui Xinai never had many friends at school.

And her deskmate Han Yimei is one of Cui Xin'ai's few friends.

Han Yimei's family is well-off, but she is not spoiled like a rich kid at all. Instead, she is very gentle and shy, very friendly to everyone. And because she is not very smart, she admires the smart Cui Xin'ai very much.

Cui Xin'ai smiled at Han Yimei and said, "Good morning, Yimei. I was a little late today because of something else."

Han Yimei nodded, "Oh, I see. By the way, Xin'ai, tomorrow is my birthday. I would like to invite you to my house after school to celebrate my birthday together. Can you come?" Han Yimei stared at Cui Xin'ai with her round eyes, looking very cute. She looked expectantly at her.

Cui Xinai's smile froze, and a trace of embarrassment flashed in her eyes. She was rarely invited to birthday parties, but she heard from her classmates that if she was invited to a birthday party, she had to give a gift...

But Cui Xin'ai didn't have a penny to buy a gift.

Cui Xin'ai looked at Han Yimei apologetically, "I'm sorry, Yimei, I may not have time to go."

"Why?" Han Yimei's face suddenly fell in disappointment and she looked at Cui Xin'ai pitifully.

Cui Xin'ai's eyes darkened, "I'm sorry... I... I need to help my mother run the store. The store at home is very busy at night."

"Ah...Is that so?" Han Yimei was a considerate child after all. Although she felt disappointed, she still smiled and comforted Cui Xin'ai, "It's okay, Xin'ai. I'll save the cake for you and bring it to school the day after tomorrow."

Although her good friend was understanding, Cui Xinai's mood did not improve at all. She was rare in not listening to the class seriously, and her mind would become dazed from time to time. Fortunately, Cui Xinai was looking at the blackboard when she was dazed. And because Cui Xinai has always been a good student, the teachers were very confident and trusted in Cui Xinai, and no one suspected that Cui Xinai was distracted during class.

After school finally ended at noon, everyone took out the lunch boxes they had brought and ate.

The trouble-making trio, led by the tall girl, drove away the classmate in front of Cui Xinai, deliberately opened their rich lunch boxes in front of Cui Xinai, and then said with a smile: "Cui Xinai, what are you eating today?"

Cui Xinai glared at the tall girl who came to laugh at her and said, "Boring."

The tall woman glared at Cui Xin'ai angrily, but because of the huge shadow that Azhu had cast on her this morning, she didn't dare to say anything. She could only stare at Cui Xin'ai's lunch box, ready to mock her with her eyes.

"Xin'ai..." Han Yimei looked at Cui Xin'ai worriedly, "Xin'ai, please eat my lunch box. I brought a lot."

"No thanks, thank you Yimei." Cui Xin'ai shook her head, ignoring the provocative looks of the trouble-making trio, and opened her lunch box. She felt inexplicably proud in her heart. This was the lunch box made by her brother, and it looked delicious.

Seaweed rice rolls, cold cucumber salad, a beautiful sunny-side-up egg, and some green vegetables.

Although Cui Xinai's lunch box seemed too plain compared to the rich lunch boxes of the trouble-making trio, it was very delicate and beautiful under Azhu's arrangement.

The tall girl stared in disbelief. Why didn’t Cui Xin’ai eat the leftovers?

"So beautiful." Han Yimei's eyes lit up as she looked at Cui Xin'ai's bento. "Xin'ai, did your mother make this for you? It looks delicious."

"My brother made it for me." Cui Xin'ai said with pride, then thought for a moment and said, "Yimi, do you want to eat it? We can eat it together."

Because in the past, Yimei often shared food with Cui Xin'ai, and Cui Xin'ai never had the way to repay her, so this time, when seeing the delicious lunch box made by her brother, Cui Xin'ai wanted to repay Yimei.

"Is it okay?" Han Yimei smiled happily.

"Yeah." Cui Xin'ai nodded, picked up a seaweed rice roll and put it into Han Yimei's lunch box. After thinking for a while, she divided the sunny-side-up egg into two halves and gave one half to Han Yimei.

Han Yimei smiled and put some of the vegetables and meat in her lunch box into Cui Xin'ai's lunch box, then picked up the sunny-side-up egg and took a bite.

"It's delicious!" Han Yimei stared at Cui Xin'ai in surprise, "Xin'ai, the sunny-side-up eggs made by your brother are so delicious." After saying that, Han Yimei squinted her eyes and continued to eat with satisfaction.

Cui Xin'ai smiled happily and picked up her piece. The outer skin was fried crispy, the egg inside was tender and smooth, and had just the right saltiness... It turned out that her brother's sunny-side-up eggs were so delicious. Cui Xin'ai squinted her eyes and smiled at Han Yimei.

"Poor! You're so happy even when eating an egg!" The tall girl who was ignored glared at Cui Xin'ai and Han Yimei, then got up and walked away unhappily.

Cui Xin'ai didn't even look at her and was too lazy to pay attention to her.

On Azhuo's side, Li Zhexu finished his bread and was still very hungry. Azhuo smiled and opened his lunch box, "Let's eat together."

Li Zhexu looked at Azhuo's lunch box in surprise, "Hey, your mother actually made such a good lunch for you?"

Ah Zhuo took a seaweed rice roll and stuffed it into Li Zhexu's mouth, "Eat yours."

In fact, he didn't like to hear others say bad things about Cui's mother. Although Cui's mother did not give her children a wealthy life, Azhu could see that Cui's mother truly loved her children. Even if she gave her children leftovers, the good leftovers were for the children. Cui's mother herself ate worse food.

As long as she is a mother who loves her children, Azhu respects her.

After school in the evening, Azhuo and his classmates were often kept after class by the teacher because they were in the senior grade and in the graduating class.

The school bell has been ringing for several minutes, and the math teacher is still talking about yesterday's test paper. Azhuo is looking at the blackboard with his chin in his hand, while Li Zhexu beside him is twisting his body impatiently, looking outside the classroom.

Suddenly Li Zhexu nudged Azhuo and whispered, "Hey, Yingxiong, your sister is outside."

Azhuo blinked and turned to look out the window. Sure enough, he saw Cui Xinai standing by the window with her schoolbag on her back. Cui Xinai's eyes were searching for her brother among dozens of students in the classroom.

Azhuo looked at the little girl looking around, and when the math teacher turned around to write on the blackboard, he smiled and raised his hand and waved. As expected, Cui Xin'ai noticed Azhuo.

Ah Zhuo smiled at Cui Xin'ai and mouthed to her, "Why don't you go home?"

As a result, the math teacher turned around and caught him in the act, "Cui Yingxiong, what are you talking about?"

The author has something to say:

As a result, the math teacher turned around and caught him in the act, "Cui Yingxiong, what are you talking about?" (The last sentence is for protection.)

It’s three o’clock!

Hey, hey, hey, please don't discourage me like this, I finally wanted to update three times a day, but you guys are not happy...

Summer's Desire... eh, I haven't been able to write about it lately.

Well, since you guys force me like this...

Then I'll try to code it. Am I actually working on updating four posts today? If I die, it must be on the keyboard!

Humph, I hate you!

Going to code.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 89: Blue Life and Death (Part 4)
Chapter 89: Blue Life and Death (Part 4)

Azhuo's hand froze and he withdrew it awkwardly.

The math teacher glared at Azhuo fiercely, then looked at the time and said to the students, "Today's class ends here. All homework should be handed in tomorrow morning. Do you understand?"

"Got it," the students immediately answered in unison.

"get out of class is over." The math teacher put away his textbooks.

"Stand up," the slightly fat squad leader shouted immediately.

"Goodbye, teacher," the students stood up together and bowed.

Seeing the math teacher leave, Li Zhexu collapsed on his chair, "I was so scared, I thought the teacher was going to punish you again."

Ah Zhuo smiled, packed up his textbooks, and put on his schoolbag. "Hurry up, let's go."

After saying that, Azhuo walked out of the classroom first. Li Zhexu sighed and started packing his things.

"Xin Ai." A Zhuo walked to Cui Xin Ai's side and asked with a smile: "Why haven't you gone home yet? Is there something wrong?"

Cui Xin'ai pinched her fingers, looking away a little embarrassedly, "I... I'll wait for my brother to go home together."

Azhuo smiled and rubbed Cui Xin'ai's head. Li Zhexu also came out with his schoolbag. Azhuo and the other two went downstairs together. They happened to meet Han Yimei who was returning from taking out the trash on the first floor. Han Yimei smiled and shouted, "Xin'ai, you haven't gone home yet?"

"Yes, Yimei." Cui Xin'ai nodded, took Azhu's hand and said, "I will go back with my brother."

"This is your brother." Han Yimei's eyes lit up, "Hello, I'm Xin Ai's good friend, my name is Han Yimei."

"Hello, my name is Cui Yingxiong." Azhuo smiled. His sister's friend, how nice. He was worried that Xin'ai would be bullied at school and wouldn't be able to make friends.

"Brother Yingxiong." Han Yimei smiled with sparkling eyes and said, "The food you cook is so delicious!"

Ah Zhuo was embarrassed for a moment, and looked at his little girl in confusion. Cui Xin'ai blushed and whispered, "Yimei and I had lunch together at noon. I treated Yimei to the lunch box that my brother made."

"Is that so?" Azhuo nodded with a smile, "Xin Ai's good friends, you can come to our house when you have time. I will cook for you."

"Really? Can I go?" Han Yimei looked at Cui Xin'ai expectantly. She really wanted to go to her good friend's house to play, but Xin'ai never invited her. She knew that Xin'ai was a girl with a strong self-esteem, so she didn't dare to go to Xin'ai's house on her own initiative. Therefore, she could only play with Xin'ai at school.

Cui Xin'ai looked at her brother with some embarrassment. How could they entertain friends with the condition of their home?

Ah Zhuo rubbed his little girl's head and looked into her eyes seriously, "Xin Ai, I believe that true friends will not distance themselves from you because of your family background."

Cui Xin'ai was stunned for a moment, and looked at her good friend Han Yimei. Seeing Han Yimei's cautious expression, Cui Xin'ai had a strange feeling in her heart. After a while, Cui Xin'ai showed a free and easy smile, "Well! Yimei, come to my house to play during the holidays!"

Han Yimei immediately showed a happy smile, rushed over and hugged Cui Xin'ai, "That's great, Xin'ai! I'm so happy!" Then, Han Yimei said a little disappointedly: "I also want to invite Xin'ai to my house to play, it would be great if you could come tomorrow, Xin'ai, Xin'ai is my best friend, I really want to celebrate my birthday with Xin'ai..."

"Yimei, is your birthday tomorrow?" Azhuo glanced at his little girl knowingly. Seeing the little girl's sad look, Azhuo touched the little girl's head and said to Han Yimei, "Of course you have to go. Don't worry, Xin'ai will be there to celebrate your birthday with you tomorrow, right, Xin'ai?"

“Ah…” Cui Xin’ai lowered her head, feeling a little aggrieved.

After saying goodbye to Han Yimei, Cui Xin'ai was absent-minded on the way home, but Li Zhexu was chattering all the time. However, only Azhu occasionally responded. It was rare that Li Zhexu didn't get bored after talking for so long.

Li Zhexu arrived at his home first. Li Zhexu waved goodbye to Azhuo and went into the house. Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai continued to walk towards their own home.

"Xin'ai, are you worried about Yimei's birthday?" When they were alone, Azhuo asked Cui Xin'ai.

Cui Xinai raised her head and glanced at Azhuo, her face was indeed full of confusion, "Brother, I don't have money to buy a gift for Yimei..."

"Is that why you refused to go before?" Azhuo looked at the little girl tenderly. "Regardless of that, you actually want to go, right?"

Cui Xin'ai was silent for a while, nodded, and then said in a muffled voice: "But if you don't have a gift, others will laugh at you."

"As long as Xin'ai wants to go, that's all." Azhuo said to Cui Xin'ai with a smile, "We don't have money to buy gifts, but we can make them ourselves. Wouldn't that be a better way to express our feelings?"

"Do it yourself?" Cui Xin'ai was stunned. "What can I do myself..."

"Hmm..." Azhuo narrowed his eyes, looking like he was thinking seriously.

Cui Xin'ai saw Azhuo's serious expression with concern, and couldn't help but have a little anticipation in her eyes.

Azhuo thought that their home was close to the sea, and Li Zhexu's father worked in a fishery by the sea. There should be a lot of shells on the seashore. If there were shells, he could make a shell wind chime...

Ah Zhuo touched Cui Xin'ai's head and said with a smile: "Xin'ai, I figured it out!"

"What? What?" Cui Xin'ai looked at Azhuo a little excitedly.

"We can make a wind chime. I remember there seem to be some small bells at home. We can just go to the beach and pick up shells." Azhuo asked Cui Xinai with a smile, "What do you think?"

“Shell wind chimes…” Cui Xin’ai blinked and said awkwardly, “But I don’t know how to make them.”

"Brother can." Azhuo said confidently: "Believe me, I will definitely make a very beautiful gift!"

Cui Xin'ai looked a little doubtful. Usually girls are better at handicrafts. Could her brother really do it?

When I got home, Cui's mother was busy. She had to cook, entertain guests, serve dishes and collect money... She was extremely busy.

Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai quickly put down their schoolbags and went to help. Azhuo asked Cui Xin'ai to take charge of the easier tasks of collecting money and ordering food, while he became the errand boy, running around in the kitchen and outside, serving food, clearing the table, washing dishes...

After the busy period was over and the small restaurant returned to silence, the three members of the Cui family began to prepare their dinner. Cui's mother was going to heat up the leftover food from the guests for dinner. Cui Xin'ai lowered her head somewhat unhappily.

Azhuo thought about it and stopped Cui's mother, "Mom, I think we should not eat leftovers in the future."

Cui's mother froze for a moment, then said angrily, "If you don't want to eat leftovers, what do you want to eat? Our family is so poor, what else can we eat? It's good enough that we don't let you go hungry. I, your mother, am not capable enough to provide you with good food and drink. We have to pay off so much debt every month. How can we pay off the debt if we don't save a little!"

"Forget it, brother." Cui Xin'ai pulled Azhuo's sleeve.

Azhuo glanced at Cui Xinai soothingly, then stood up and said, "Mom, this is unhygienic. Guests come and go, and we don't know if they have any infectious diseases. Our family is full of children and women. We eat these leftovers from who knows who every day. What if we get infected?"

Cui's mother was stunned. She thought her son said he didn't want to eat leftovers in the future because the leftovers were not tasty or something like that. She felt at the time that the children were too ignorant, but after hearing Azhuo's explanation, Cui's mother wanted to retort that this would not happen.

However, a few days ago, a man who used to be a regular at the restaurant was hospitalized due to a serious illness.

I heard it's an infectious disease.

They lived in a slum with poor sanitary conditions. It was not uncommon to see sick people. She didn't know whether the people who came to eat at the restaurant were sick or not...

Cui's mother was silent for a while, then poured the leftovers into the slop bucket.

Cui Xin'ai's eyes lit up and she looked at Azhu with admiration. "Brother is so awesome! Finally, she doesn't have to eat leftovers!"

Cui's mother washed the vegetables again and prepared to cook. Her expression was not very good. Although she threw away the leftovers because she was worried about what Azhuo said, Cui's mother was still reluctant to do so.

Azhuo patted Cui Xinai, who nodded in understanding. The two siblings went to the kitchen together, "Mom, we'll help you."

Cui Xinai felt very satisfied while eating fresh meals in the evening. Although they were not big fish or meat, but just ordinary stir-fried vegetables.

"Don't worry, Mom. I will help you make money." Seeing that Cui's mother was sullen and just eating without picking up any dishes, Azhuo picked up some dishes for Cui's mother and said with a smile.

"How can you make money when you are only a few years old?" Although Cui's mother said this, she was still a little happy because of her son's words.

"There must be a way. Our family won't remain poor forever. Don't worry, mom. I, Xin'ai, and I will work hard to let you live a good life, right, Xin'ai?" Azhuo's face was full of confidence, as if this was really easy to do.

"Yes!" Cui Xin'ai nodded seriously, "I will make a lot of money! I will buy a big house and let mom live a good life!"

Cui's mother was amused by her children's words, and a rare smile appeared on her face.

Since her husband passed away, she was left alone to raise two children and pay off a large debt. Cui's mother was almost crushed by the difficulties of life. She was only holding on for the sake of her young children. Over the years, Cui's mother rarely smiled...

After dinner, Cui Xin'ai obediently went to wash the dishes. Azhuo helped Cui's mother clean up the store. When everything was done, Cui Xin'ai looked at Azhuo with bright eyes, "Brother."

"Yes, I know." Azhu nodded to Cui Xin'ai, then said to Cui's mother: "Mom, Xin'ai and I are going out."

"Where are you going?" Cui's mother asked casually, "Go home early, okay?"

"Well, we're just going for a walk on the beach, and we'll be back early." Azhuo held Cui Xin'ai's hand, and with the other hand holding an empty bucket, they went out together.

The author has something to say:

"Well, we're just going to the beach. We'll be back soon." Azhuo held Cui Xinai's hand, and with the other hand holding an empty bucket, they went out together. (The last sentence is for protection.)

I am so tired. I got home a little after ten o'clock today. It was already eleven o'clock when I made dinner and ate it. I feel sleepy and tired and want to sleep.

But in order to avoid disappointing everyone, I still obediently opened the computer and started typing, 嘤嘤嘤

The Cui family is really poor. Fortunately, Azhuo has many talents. People with talents will never starve to death. Haha

By the way, another pair of siblings will appear in the next chapter.

Let me tell you in secret, I don’t like Yoon Jun-hee either!

Han Tae Seok doesn't have anything he likes either!

In "Autumn in My Heart", I only have a deep impression of the two girls. I feel the most sorry for Xin Ai. Eun Hee is also very pitiful. As for the male lead and the second male lead? I just think the actors are handsome╭(╯^╰)╮

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 90: Blue Life and Death (V)
Chapter 90: Blue Life and Death (V)

"Wow, brother, ride slower, slower,"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Is it fun, Eun-hee?"

"Yeah, it's fun,"

Before they reached the beach, Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai heard the sound of the sea breeze, the sound of waves hitting the beach, and the happy laughter of a brother and sister.

"Brother, there seems to be someone here." Cui Xin'ai looked up at Azhuo.

"Well, it's okay, we can just pick up our own shells." Azhu didn't care.

Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai walked to the beach together and saw a brother and sister riding bicycles on the beach. The boy was gentle and handsome, and seemed to be about the same age as Azhuo. The girl had fair skin and a pair of big smiling eyes. She looked cute and adorable, and seemed to be about the same age as Cui Xin'ai.

In terms of facial features, the girl was only pretty, while Cui Xin'ai had delicate features and looked like a beauty. But the girl had fair skin, rosy complexion, and a chubby baby face, while Cui Xin'ai had a yellowish complexion due to malnutrition, and her complexion was far inferior to Cui Xin'ai's.

Moreover, looking at her own ill-fitting and worn-out school uniform, Cui Xin'ai couldn't hide her envy as she glanced at the girl's beautiful white princess dress.

Ah Zhuo naturally noticed Cui Xinai's envious eyes and sighed slightly in his heart. They were all beautiful girls. Other girls had beautiful princess dresses, but his own girl had never even worn a new piece of clothing...

Ah Zhuo rubbed Cui Xinai's head and said, "On Xinai's birthday, brother will give Xinai a new dress, okay?"

"Really?" Cui Xin'ai's eyes could not hide her surprise, "Is it possible?" But she quickly lowered her head in disappointment, "There is no money at home to buy new clothes..."

Ah Zhuo rubbed Cui Xin'ai's head, smiled gently and said, "You have to believe in your brother."

Cui Xinai looked at Azhuo with doubtful eyes for a while, then smiled and said, "Okay, I believe my brother!"

Azhuo laughed, "Well, let's start picking up shells now."

"Yeah!" Cui Xin'ai nodded happily.

Azhuo took Cui Xin'ai to take off their shoes on a high rock, then walked barefoot on the sand, searching for beautiful shells on the beach.

Time passed and the sky darkened.

The brother and sister not far away stopped riding their bicycles on the beach. The boy was a little out of breath from exhaustion. The girl was sensible and considerate and helped her brother fan. Then she found Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai squatting not far away picking up shells. The girl looked at Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai in surprise and asked her brother: "Brother, what are they playing?"

"Looks like she's picking up shells." The boy looked at her for a while, replied nonchalantly, and then said, "Enxi, let's go home."

Unexpectedly, the girl ran happily in the direction of Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai, and the boy followed behind her in annoyance, shouting to his sister: "Enxi, slow down, be careful not to fall."

"Hello! Are you picking up shells?" After running, the girl's face was red and she looked very cute.

Cui Xin'ai glanced at the girl and said stiffly, "Yes."

"Can I play with you guys?" The girl squatted beside Cui Xin'ai with a smile and reached out to look for shells in the sand.

"Enxi, don't pick it up. Your hands will get dirty." The boy behind stopped the girl's hand and pulled her up. "We should go home. Mom will be worried."

The girl pouted a little unhappily and said coquettishly, "But I also want to play picking up shells, brother, let's go home later."

"Look, your hands are so dirty. If they become like a little cat, your mom will criticize you when you go home." The boy helped the girl brush off the sand on her hands, while laughing and teasing his sister.

"Humph." Cui Xin'ai glared at the boy, her eyes full of disdain, "Spoiled young master."

"What did you say!" The boy was angry and stared at Cui Xin'ai.

Cui Xin'ai pouted, too lazy to pay attention to the boy, and turned her head to concentrate on looking for beautiful shells.

The girl immediately grabbed her angry brother and said, "Brother, don't... let's go home."

The boy saw the girl's worried look, and his heart softened. He held his sister's hand, nodded, and then looked at Azhu and said, "Is she your sister?"

Azhu looked up at the boy, his eyes were calm. He thought he was just a spoiled young master. Even if he was... he was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Since you are her brother, as a brother, it is your duty to teach your sister. Your sister is so rude, you should discipline her well." The boy was angered by the disdain in Azhuo's eyes. He stared at Azhuo and said righteously.

“Heh…” Ah Zhuo chuckled silently, looked at Cui Xinai who looked a little uneasy, smiled at her to comfort her, then looked at the boy and said, “Did my sister say something wrong? I don’t think she said anything wrong.”

"You..." The boy was angry and stared at Azhu, thinking about what to say.

As a result, Azhuo raised his hand and placed a shell in front of his eyes, looking at the shell intently, as if it was an extremely beautiful treasure, and said with a smile: "You think shells are dirty?"

The boy was stunned for a moment, then stuttered, "Of course...it's all sand and mud, very dirty."

"But I think it's much cleaner than you." Azhuo gave the boy a cold look and threw the shell back into the bucket. "Don't look down on others in front of others. In comparison, you should be the impolite one."

When the boy heard Azhuo's first words, he was so angry that his face turned red. If he hadn't been stopped by his sister, he would have wanted to fight with Azhuo. But when he heard Azhuo's next words, he was stunned and froze in place.

"That's right." Cui Xin'ai wrinkled her nose at the boy, "Young master who loves cleanliness, please leave this dirty place."

Azhuo glanced at the sky, then looked at the half-filled bucket of shells, stood up, and pulled Cui Xin'ai up as well, "Xin'ai, it's done, let's go home."

After saying that, Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai held hands, ignored the brother and sister who were still standing there in a daze, and turned away without hesitation.

Watching the backs of Azhuo and Cui Xinai getting farther and farther away, the boy bit his lip and said in a low and soft voice: "Is it really me who is wrong..."

"Brother, what did you say?" The girl didn't hear her brother's words clearly, and looked up at her brother in confusion.

"It's okay, let's go home too." The boy shook his head, took the girl's hand sullenly, walked to the bicycle, helped the girl sit on the back seat, and then rode the bicycle to take the girl home.

On the way home, Azhuo carried a small bucket of shells in one hand and held the hand of Cui Xin'ai, whose face was rosy and eyes were full of expectation, with the other hand. When the sun set, the shadows of the brother and sister pressed together were made very long under the sunset.

"Brother, we have picked up so many shells. Can we make beautiful wind chimes?" Cui Xin'ai smiled and tilted her head to look at her brother with anticipation.

"Of course, it will be done beautifully." Azhu promised the little girl confidently.

"Then...will Yimei like it?" Cui Xin'ai was a little nervous but also a little excited. "This is the first time I'm giving someone a gift!"

"I'm sure she'll like it." Ah Zhuo nodded, then looked at his little girl deliberately with resentment, "But, I've never received a gift from Xin Ai. This is the first time Xin Ai gives a gift to someone else, and it's not for me. I'm so sad."

“Ah…” Cui Xin’ai’s face wrinkled. She took her brother’s words seriously and looked at him nervously, “Brother… I…”

“Haha.” Azhuo looked at Cui Xinai’s tangled face and laughed, “Brother was just teasing you.”

Cui Xinai finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she clenched the hand that was not holding Azhuo's into a fist and said seriously: "I will give my brother a gift, and I will rely on my own abilities!"

Ah Zhuo blinked his eyes, looking at his little girl's serious face, a smile welled up in his heart, but because his hands were not free, he couldn't rub the little girl's head, so he could only smile and say, "Okay, I look forward to it."

When they reached a place where they could see the front door of their home, it was already dark. Cui's mother stood by the door, looking out, searching for any sign of her child. She saw Azhuo leading Cui Xin'ai to appear on the street, and her eyes calmed down.

When Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai arrived at the door of their home, Cui's mother asked coldly, "Why did you come back after dark? It's so late, what if something happened?"

Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai looked at each other and smiled secretly. Azhuo said, "Mom, how could we be in trouble? Could we get lost at such a big age?"

"Yes, we are not children anymore." Cui Xin'ai said seriously.

Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai walked into the house together. Azhuo carried a small bucket to the kitchen to get water to wash the shells. Cui Xin'ai jumped to Cui's mother happily and asked, "Mom, where is the bell at home?"

"What do you need the bell for?" Cui's mother asked, but she got up and walked into the bedroom to look for it in the cabinet.

"My brother and I picked up a lot of shells and we want to make shell wind chimes." Cui Xin'ai followed Cui's mother with a smile.

"Shell wind chime?" Cui's mother kept searching with her hands. "What do you want to make it for?"

"It's a birthday present for a friend. Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday." Cui Xin'ai thought about the fact that she was actually going to attend a friend's birthday party. There was a bit of excitement and anticipation in her eyes. After all, this was her first time to attend a friend's birthday party.

Cui's mother just found the bell. When she heard Cui Xin'ai's words, she paused and asked, "Are you going to attend your friend's birthday party?"

Cui's mother just found the bell. When she heard Cui Xin'ai's words, she paused and said, "Are you going to attend your friend's birthday party?" (The last sentence is for protection.)

My mother caught a cold yesterday and today her fever worsened to 38.5 degrees Celsius. I also have symptoms of being infected.

Winter is so cold, it's a season when it's easy to catch a cold. Everyone should take care of their health and wear more clothes.

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Chapter 91: Blue Life and Death (VI)
Chapter 91: Blue Life and Death (VI)

"Isn't it possible?" Cui Xin'ai looked at Cui's mother anxiously.

"No..." Mother Cui lowered her eyes, her expression could not be seen clearly. She gave the bell she found to Cui Xin'ai, turned around and went back to the kitchen.

Cui Xinai looked at Cui's mother in confusion as she left. Then she took the bell and went to find Azhuo. She said in an excited voice, "Brother, I found the bell."

Azhuo was wiping the clean shells with a clean dry cloth. He raised his head and smiled at Cui Xin'ai, "Yeah."

Cui Xinai put down the bell, squatted next to Azhuo, rolled up her sleeves and said, "Brother, I'll help too."

"Okay." Azhuo handed the cloth to Cui Xin'ai, "Then Xin'ai will be responsible for wiping the shells dry."

Cui Xin'ai nodded, pursed her lips and started to act seriously. Azhuo wiped his hands, picked up the tools he had prepared earlier, and drilled holes in the dried shells.

Under the dim light of Cui's house, the brother and sister were busy, occasionally talking and laughing. Cui's mother in the kitchen stopped her work at some point and looked at the brother and sister quietly, with tears in her eyes.

Cui Xin'ai wiped the shells dry, and Azhuo took them over to make holes. With the cooperation of the brother and sister, all the shells were done unknowingly. Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled at each other. Cui Xin'ai looked at Azhuo with bright eyes and asked, "Brother, what next? How do we do it?"

Azhuo patted Cui Xin'ai on the head and said, "Well, look at your brother."

Next, Cui Xin'ai looked at Azhu with admiration. She saw Azhu sewed a long and thin cover with a piece of scrap cloth, and added lace edges to it. He then used an iron wire to make an iron ring and put the cloth cover with lace edges on the iron ring.

Then, several thin strips of cloth were sewn around the cloth cover, and colorful threads were tied to the strips of cloth and passed through the holes nailed on the shells...

Soon, an exquisite and beautiful shell wind chime was completed.

Cui Xinai looked at the beautiful wind chime with shining eyes. It was so beautiful. However, when she thought that she would soon give it to a friend, a trace of reluctance flashed in Cui Xinai's eyes.

Azhuo handed the wind chime to Cui Xinai and asked with a smile, "Do you like it?"

"I like it!" Cui Xin'ai nodded without hesitation. After taking the wind chime, she carefully plucked it with her hand. The wind chime immediately shook and made a pleasant sound. Cui Xin'ai looked at the wind chime with some fascination. After all, Cui Xin'ai was only 9 years old, and because of her poor family background, she had never had any toys...

"Can I hang it next to my bed tonight?" Cui Xin'ai looked at the beautiful wind chime with fascination.

Ah Zhuo quickly saw what was on Cui Xin'ai's mind, and he sighed inwardly, rubbed Cui Xin'ai's head, and said, "Xin'ai likes it very much?"

"Well, it's so beautiful and the sound is so nice." Cui Xinai continued to pluck the wind chime when it was about to stop.

"Then let's make another one for Xin Ai." Azhu looked at the remaining shells and estimated that he should be able to make a smaller one.

"Really?" Cui Xin'ai looked at Azhuo in surprise, "Thank you, brother!"

Finally, Cui Xin'ai, who also had a wind chime, hung her smaller wind chime on the head of the bed with a smile, and then carefully put the other wind chime that she was going to give to Han Yimei into the bag.

At night, Cui Xinai lay in bed, staring at the wind chimes on the bedside with her eyes open, turning them from time to time until she felt sleepy and fell asleep with her lips curled up to the sound of the wind chimes.

Time passed day by day, Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai grew up day by day, and before they knew it, Azhuo had become a high school student, and Cui Xin'ai had become a junior high school student.

Azhuo was not planning to be a prodigy or start a business to make a lot of money at a young age. So over the years, Azhuo just did some things that a more sensible child could do, such as doing odd jobs during holidays to supplement the family income, cooking at home, and teaching Cui's mother some simple but delicious home-cooked dishes, which helped the small restaurant's business improve.

Cui Xin'ai was relatively young and a girl, so Azhuo did not let her work with him. However, Cui Xin'ai also wanted to contribute to the family like her brother, so she had to study harder, participate in various competitions, and strive to win prizes. She received a scholarship every year.

Regarding Azhuo's cooking skills, Cui's mother was somewhat puzzled at first, but later she could only attribute it to the fact that her son might have inherited his father's cooking talent.

All in all, the Cui family's financial situation has only improved slightly over the years, ensuring that after paying off the debt every month, the family can still live a well-fed and clothed life and occasionally buy a few new clothes.

Azhuo's plan was to serve in the military after graduating from high school, and then come back and not continue to go to college. After all, the Cui family's financial situation could not afford to support two college students, or even one...

Cui Xinai is very smart and good at studying. Azhuo doesn't want the little girl to be unable to continue her studies because her family has no money...

After all, the Cui family’s financial situation is obvious. That debt cannot be paid off with the income from a small restaurant in a slum, and a family of three still has to eat and live.

So Azhuo plans to start a business after he finishes his military service. As for what to do... he'll just open a restaurant. Although Azhuo has experienced so many worlds and lived in various identities for so many years, he knows a lot of things.

Ah Zhuo has been the heir of a big family, he can run a company, he has also been the heir of a royal family, he can play politics, he has also opened a film company in the entertainment industry, and he has even been a star himself...

But none of these talents are suitable for a poor boy. Only cooking is not out of place and is relatively normal.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be too incongruous for a poor boy from a poor family who has never even attended college to be proficient in the elite education of children from wealthy families?

This year, Azhuo was 17 years old and Cui Xinai was 14 years old. Azhuo was in the second semester of his second year of high school and was about to enter his third year of high school, while Cui Xinai was in the second semester of her second year of junior high school and was about to enter her third year of junior high school.

The brother and sister have not been studying in the same school since Azhuo graduated from elementary school, but they have a very good relationship. Cui Xin'ai also likes to stick to her brother and often tells Azhuo what happened in school.

So Azhu knew that after junior high school, although Cui Xin'ai had the best grades in school, she lost the election for class monitor to a girl with average grades but a wealthy family.

Cui Xinai, who has always been the class monitor, became the deputy class monitor after junior high school. While still in the ivory tower of school, she had already been exposed to the influence of money and power on life.

Azhuo still remembers Cui Xin'ai's red eyes and unwilling look when she returned home after losing the first election. At that time, Cui Xin'ai bit her lip stubbornly and asked Azhuo: "Brother, is it true that children from rich families are born with everything, while the things we work so hard to get can be snatched away by them so easily?"

Azhuo remembered that he didn't say anything at that time, but just hugged the little girl and gently stroked her black hair.

The little girl has always been a strong person. She quickly calmed down and said firmly: "I will not lose to that kind of person!"

After that, Azhu often heard Cui Xin'ai talking about Yin Eun-hee. Yin Eun-hee got into trouble again, but the teacher did not punish her. Yin Eun-hee's test scores were very poor, but the teacher still made Yin Eun-hee the class monitor. Yin Eun-hee's mother invited the whole class to celebrate her birthday at home...

Only Choi Shin-ae and Han Ye-mi did not go.

The teacher asked with an unhappy look on his face: "Cui Xin'ai, Han Yimei, today is Yin Eun-hee's birthday. We are good classmates and should care about each other. Why don't you go celebrate Yin Eun-hee's birthday?"

Cui Xin'ai bit her lip and said nothing. She hated this teacher very much because his face was full of flattery and utilitarianism.

Han Yimei held Cui Xin'ai's hand. Although she was not very brave, she stood up firmly and said, "But teacher, today is also Xin'ai's birthday."

The teacher was stunned and smiled awkwardly, "Really..."

"Really?" Yin Enxi smiled innocently, "What a coincidence, Xin Ai, our birthdays are on the same day. Can we come to my house and celebrate our birthdays together?"

"Yes." The teacher thought he had found a way out. "Student Cui Xin'ai, let's go to classmate Yin Enxi's house to celebrate her birthday together."

"My mother and brother are preparing to celebrate my birthday at home, why should I go to someone else's house?" Cui Xin'ai looked at the teacher with a look of frank confusion.

In the end, the teacher felt guilty after seeing Cui Xin'ai's eyes and didn't have the face to continue forcing Cui Xin'ai, so Cui Xin'ai and Han Yimei went home together.

Today, the little girl came home with a panicked look on her face. Azhuo asked with concern: "Xin Ai, what happened?"

"Yin Eun-hee was in a car accident." Cui Xin'ai's face was a little pale. Although Yin Eun-hee was not her favorite classmate, Cui Xin'ai felt very scared when she saw her classmate who had been in the same class for two years being hit by a car and bleeding from the body.

"Car accident?" Azhuo frowned. For some reason, he had a bad feeling in his heart. He comforted the little girl and waited for Cui Xinai to calm down and go back to the bedroom to do homework. Azhuo was a little absent-minded while cooking, thinking, is something going to happen...

The next day, Azhu, who had been feeling uneasy, went home early after school. The restaurant at home was unusually closed at this time, which made Azhu feel even worse.

Not knowing what was going on in his mind, Azhuo approached the door with light footsteps, and then heard the conversation at home.

Two women and one man.

The familiar female voice was obviously Cui's mother. The other unknown woman was crying and sobbing, and the man's voice was the one that spoke the most.

Azhuo heard the man say, "This is what happened. Fourteen years ago, you and my wife gave birth in the same hospital. Both of us gave birth to baby girls, but the children... were taken away by mistake..."

The author has something to say:

Ah Zhuo heard the man say, "This is what happened. Fourteen years ago, you and my wife gave birth in the same hospital. Both of us gave birth to baby girls, but the children... were taken away by the wrong person..." (The last sentence is a joke.)

I am sick and have been having a fever. Antipyretics don't work. The fever keeps coming back. Sometimes it goes down to 37.5 degrees, and sometimes it goes up to over 38 degrees.

Lying in bed with my mother as a sick patient, neither of us could take care of each other. In the end, it was my mother's good sister who came to take care of us...

I went to the hospital for three consecutive days to get intravenous drips. At first, I went to a big hospital, but the doctor said I had a viral cold and refused to give me an IV. He just asked me to take medicine. The doctor at the big hospital was so scared... I ended up having a high fever, so I went to a small hospital for an injection.

I had my last shot today and my fever is finally gone, although my cold is still not healed...but my headache isn't as severe anymore, so I can start writing.

I haven't updated for a few days. I'll see how it goes. As long as I feel well, I'll write and try to update more. After all, I'm going back to celebrate the New Year soon. I've already booked a flight for the 26th. I can't write and update during the New Year, so I plan to finish writing "Autumn in My Heart" and "Sorry, I Love You" before I go back to celebrate the New Year. After the New Year, I'll start writing about Azhuo returning to his previous world.

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Chapter 92: Blue Life and Death (Part 7)
Chapter 92: Blue Life and Death (Part 7)

Azhuo frowned, the child was taken away by mistake, what does that mean, could it be that the little girl is not actually his own little girl?

Azhuo's head was suddenly filled with complicated thoughts, but the conversation inside continued.

"Can we... take a look at your daughter?" Yin's father said with anticipation and some trepidation in his eyes.

But Yin's mother, who was sitting next to Yin's father, couldn't help but wanted to stand up, but was held down by Yin's father. Yin's mother shook her head with a choked voice, "I don't want to see her, I don't want to see her, husband, why did you lie to me to come here, you didn't even tell me you wanted to see her..."

"Wife, you can't avoid reality like this." Father Yin frowned, and it was obvious that he was upset. The daughter he had loved for more than ten years turned out to be not his own child. Looking at the dirty and dilapidated appearance of this place, one could imagine how hard his biological daughter's life had been all these years.

Yes, Eun-hee is a very lovely daughter, and he likes Eun-hee very much. But when he thought about it, Eun-hee was someone else's daughter, and Eun-hee lived like a princess in his home, while his daughter lived a poor life that should not belong to her...

Father Yin's mood was very complicated and conflicted.

"I don't want it...Husband, how can you be so cruel? How can you treat me and Eun-hee so cruelly..." Mother Yin couldn't understand Father Yin's feelings. She was only thinking about her Eun-hee, her beloved Eun-hee, her lovely Eun-hee...

"Hubby, I want to go to the hospital." Mother Yin stood up, "I want to accompany Eun-hee, my poor Eun-hee."

Yin's mother stumbled out, and Yin's father followed worriedly behind.

Azhu immediately dodged and hid in a small alley.

Father Yin drove Mother Yin to the hospital to see Eun-hee.

Azhuo looked at the car driving away with a complicated look in his eyes. After a while, he walked out of the alley and returned home. He saw Cui's mother standing there in a daze, looking at a loss and afraid of losing her daughter...

Azhuo walked over and helped Cui's mother sit down, "Mom."

Cui's mother came back to her senses and wanted to smile at Azhuo, but she couldn't. She reached out and patted Azhuo on the shoulder, "Hero, you're back. You're here so early today..."

"Mom, I heard everything." Azhuo's voice was a little low, and it was obvious that Azhuo was also a little at a loss about this situation. "Mom, Xin Ai... is she really not our child..."

"Yes... yes, they said they have confirmed it with the hospital." Cui's mother sighed, her eyes sour, "What is going on? Why does this happen to our family? My Xin Ai..."

Cui's mother was probably confused and didn't know what to do. In addition, her son had always been very independent over the years, and she had unknowingly begun to rely on him. So Cui's mother looked at Azhu and asked, "Hero, what do you think we should do? Xin Ai and... and the child, what should we do?"

After all, this is not a simple matter. Azhu lowered his head and did not dare to express his opinion easily. This matter requires long-term consideration.

On the other side, Yin's mother and father were also discussing the incident of the wrong child being taken away. They only thought that Eun-hee was in the hospital and Jun-hee was not at home, so they sat in the garden at home and talked about it.

However, they didn't know that Yin Junxi was standing behind the tree and heard everything they said.

Father Yin sat opposite Mother Yin, looking worried, "Wife, do you still hate me? Wife, actually you know that you and Eun-hee are the most important people to me, but...but the child's living environment is really bad, wife, that is our biological daughter."

"I know." Mother Yin frowned, tears streaming down her cheeks, her voice choking with sobs, "Hubby, you should go abroad as an exchange professor. Let's go abroad. Husband, I'm really afraid that this matter will get out of hand. I don't want to see anything unfortunate happen."

Father Yin pressed his forehead with a look of pain in his eyes.

"Let's go to America. We have Eun-hee and Jun-hee, and that's enough for us." Mother Yin cried and said, "Let's forget about this and live our lives."

Father Yin nodded, but there were tears in the corners of his eyes. Men don't shed tears easily, but Father Yin shed tears. He made this decision in order not to destroy their current family, but it was also abandoning his biological daughter. Father Yin felt very painful.

On one side are his wives, Eun-hee and Jun-hee, and on the other side is his biological daughter.

No matter what decision Mr. Yin makes, someone will suffer, including himself. No matter what decision he makes, he will suffer. Now, he has chosen his wife Eun Hee Jun Hee and abandoned his biological daughter. He is filled with guilt for the daughter he has never met.

Yin Junxi, who was standing behind the tree, lowered his head and turned away, his eyes full of panic. His sister, his most lovely sister, Enxi, was not their child...

It seemed to be getting dark. Cui Xin'ai said that she would go to a friend's house today and come back late, but now it was almost time for dinner, so Cui Xin'ai would probably go home soon.

In the small room of the Cui family, Cui's mother frowned, glanced at the time, and stood up, "This matter..."

Cui's mother sighed and looked at Azhuo, "Don't tell Xin Ai about this for now..."

"Okay." Azhu nodded and stood up. "I'll go cook. Xin'ai must be hungry when she comes back." Azhu walked towards the kitchen. On the surface, he was no different from usual, but if you look closely, you can find that every move he made was absent-minded and his eyes were dazed.

Cui's mother glanced at the busy Azhu, turned around and went outside to collect clothes, but her eyes occasionally looked into the distance.

Sure enough, not long after, Cui Xin'ai appeared on the path in front of the door carrying her schoolbag. Cui's mother spotted Cui Xin'ai from a distance. Looking at her graceful daughter, her eyes became sore. She turned her face to the side to wipe away a tear, and then returned to normal.

Mother Cui smiled and said, "Xin Ai is back."

"Okay, Mom, I'll help you!" Cui Xin'ai smiled and nodded, then quickly ran to the bedroom to put down her schoolbag and went out to help her mother collect clothes. But when she passed the kitchen, she saw Azhuo and smelled the tempting aroma of food. Cui Xin'ai shouted, "Brother, what's eating today that smells so good? I'm starving just by smelling it!"

Without waiting for Azhuo to answer, Cui Xin'ai ran outside to help Cui's mother collect the clothes.

At the dinner table, Azhuo, as usual, put the meat into Cui Xinai and Cui's mother's bowls. Cui Xinai looked at Azhuo with a smile and helped Azhuo put some vegetables into his bowl, "Brother, you eat too."

Azhuo smiled and rubbed the little girl's head.

Mother Cui watched the brother and sister get along so warmly that she could not help crying. She wiped her eyes in panic and stood up. She was afraid that Cui Xin'ai would see her and said, "I...I'll go wash my hands."

Cui Xin'ai puffed her lips slightly, raised her eyes, and looked a little puzzled, "Mom just washed her hands...Brother, why do I feel a little weird?"

"It's okay." Azhuo looked at the little girl's cute face and rubbed it with his hand, "Let's eat."

“Oh, I told you not to rub my face…” Cui Xin’ai didn’t dodge her brother’s hand again, and said angrily, “It will become ugly.”

"No." Listening to the little girl's accusation, Ah Zhuo became malicious and rubbed her again with a smile, which made the little girl so angry that she glared at him, "Xin Ai is very beautiful, she won't become ugly."

Hearing what Azhuo said, Cui Xinai hummed happily, retracted her glare at Azhuo, and started to eat happily, praising Azhuo generously, "Brother, the food you cook is so delicious, so delicious. I am so happy to eat the food you cook every day!"

Azhuo smiled as she watched the little girl eat with a good appetite. Cui's mother wiped away her tears, calmed down, walked out, and sat back down in her seat.

A few days later, everyone lived as if nothing had happened. Yin's father and mother did not come to see Cui's family again, and Cui's mother and Azhuo did not tell Cui Xin'ai about this.

This day was a holiday, and also the day of the school's poetry and painting exhibition. It had been agreed long ago that the whole family would accompany Cui Xin'ai on this day. Cui's mother specially closed the store today, changed into her best clothes, and finally the three of them went to Cui Xin'ai's school together.

As luck would have it, the Cui family and the Yin family were called to the office together by the class teacher, and the two families officially met. It turned out that the two children who had exchanged their fates since childhood were classmates.

The head teacher introduced the two families with a smile. Father Yin looked at Cui Xinai across from him and heard the head teacher's voice in his ears, "Cui Xinai is the number one student in our school and is also the deputy monitor of our class..."

Cui Xin'ai smiled and greeted, "Hello."

Father Yin couldn't help but say, "This child is so cute." Perhaps it was the nature of father and daughter, as soon as Father Yin saw Cui Xin'ai, his heart was sour and soft. This was his daughter, a daughter he had never seen before...

She is already this big, tall, graceful, with delicate features, and looks a lot like her mother. She will definitely be very beautiful when she grows up. She has bright eyes and seems to have a strong character. She has such good grades and is so smart, so she should be like him, right?

Father Yin stared at Cui Xin'ai infatuatedly, unable to take his eyes away.

Cui Xin'ai felt something was wrong. Why did Yin Enxi's father keep looking at her? Cui Xin'ai felt uneasy and couldn't help but push her brother beside her and whispered, "Brother, the uncle over there is so strange. Why is he looking at me all the time?"

Ah Zhuo sighed inwardly, "Maybe he thinks our Xin Ai is pretty and cute."

Cui Xin'ai pouted quietly.

The author has something to say:

Cui Xinai pouted quietly. (Be careful with the last sentence.)

Sorry for the long wait, come and give me a hug!

My cold is finally almost healed, but my period came yesterday to join in the fun...

This cold really made me suffer. I had a headache, felt sleepy, had no appetite, my nose was always blocked, my throat was inflamed, and I couldn't cough up phlegm. It was painful...

I hope I never get sick again!

Let’s not talk about it for now. I’ll continue writing and will update today.

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Chapter 93: Blue Life and Death (VIII)
Chapter 93: Blue Life and Death (VIII)

Since meeting the Yin family, the lives of both families have begun to change.

Yin's mother and Yin Junxi are becoming more and more uneasy and afraid, they are afraid of losing Yin Eunxi. Yin's father is often not in the right state, blaming himself, and often thinking about Cui Xin'ai, the daughter he gave birth to but never raised for a day.

Yin Enxi, the only one who didn't know the truth, sensitively sensed that something was wrong with her family, but whenever she asked her brother and mother, she couldn't get an answer at all. Yin Enxi was secretly confused.

As for the Cui family, Cui's mother often watched Cui Xin'ai in a trance. She understood what kind of family the Yin family was. She knew how much Cui Xin'ai had suffered in their family. Originally, this child should have been carefree and lived the life of a little princess in a rich family...

But she was born into a poor family, eating leftovers and wearing old clothes she picked up, but she was still so outstanding and smart.

If Xin Ai knew that she was supposed to be a child of a wealthy family, would she want to go back to her biological parents' home? Cui's mother felt very sad and was reluctant to let Cui Xin Ai go, but she was so useless and so poor. Xin Ai was such an excellent and smart child, she would definitely be admitted to a good university and have a bright future, but she didn't even have the money to support Xin Ai to go to university...

Forcing Xin Ai to stay would probably only drag her down.

Cui's mother often thinks of that child, the quiet Yin Eun-hee, her biological daughter. Cui's mother also misses Yin Eun-hee, but she is not too worried, because she can see that the Yin family treats Eun-hee very well. Eun-hee was spoiled and grew up happily in that wealthy family...

Unlike Xin Ai, she was asked to help with housework at a young age...

Cui's mother felt sorry for Cui Xin'ai, but it was hard for her to let Cui Xin'ai go. At the same time, she thought of Yin Enxi, the lovely girl, her own child, whom she had never taken care of for a single day...

These thoughts piled up in Cui's mother's heart. She couldn't talk to anyone, and she didn't even dare to show them for fear that Cui Xin'ai would see anything. She kept them all in, and Cui's mother's mental state became worse and worse.

As for Azhu, after learning that his sister was taken away by mistake, he appeared to be the same as before, but he secretly visited and investigated the Yin family carefully. He felt relieved when he learned that Yin Eun-hee, who was supposed to be his sister, was living well.

He has never thought about exchanging Yin Eun-hee and Cui Xin'ai. It is his little girl who has lived with him all these years, so Azhuo naturally has a deeper affection for Cui Xin'ai. If Yin Eun-hee is not doing well, Azhuo will try his best to take care of her, but this does not mean that he will give up Cui Xin'ai.

Now that he has confirmed that Yoon Eun-hee is very happy staying in the Yoon family, Azhuo is relieved. Of course, this does not mean that Azhuo will ignore Yoon Eun-hee. It’s just that Yoon Eun-hee is also his sister, but Choi Xin'ai is the most important sister.

As for the Yin family being so rich, wouldn’t it be better for Cui Xin’ai to return to the Yin family?

Ah Zhuo sneered. Yes, the Yin family is rich, but is money the most important thing? Ah Zhuo had already decided to earn money to support his sister and pay for her education, so he would never send Cui Xin'ai back to the Yin family because of money.

In addition, he already knew about Yin's mother's attitude towards Cui Xin'ai. Azhuo disdained this Mrs. Yin. As a mother, even if you are reluctant to give up your adopted daughter who you have taken care of for more than ten years, you can't completely not miss your biological daughter, right?

Mrs. Yin, a so-called upper-class person, was a complete turn-off for Azhu. Their Mrs. Cui was an illiterate person who lived in the market. Everyone thought that their Mrs. Cui was vulgar and aggressive, but Azhu felt that their Mrs. Cui was much better than the noble Mrs. Yin.

At least Cui's mother still often misses the daughter she is not destined to be with and worries about Yin Eun-hee.

Mrs. Yin, on the other hand, wished that Cui Xin'ai would disappear immediately, and hurriedly urged Yin's father to go abroad immediately.

Life continued seemingly calm, but it was like the calm before the storm.

Finally, on Cui Xinai's birthday, this apparent calm was broken.

Father Yin finally couldn't bear the guilt in his heart, so he found Cui Xin'ai and told her her life story.

That day, Cui Xinai came home very late. It was dark when she returned home holding a furry teddy bear. Cui Xinai's face was very complicated. When she saw her mother and brother waiting for her in the living room, Cui Xinai's tears welled up in her eyes. She asked with a choked voice, "Mom, am I not your child?"

Mother Cui froze for a moment, and looked at Cui Xin'ai in panic. She was confused and opened her mouth but didn't know what to say or how to say it.

When Azhu saw Cui Xinai's expression and the doll in her hand when she came in, he knew that the little girl might have already known about it, so Azhu's expression was still calm at this time, but he looked at Cui Xinai with some worry, worried about the little girl's mood, and whether she could not bear it?

Ah Zhuo walked to Cui Xin'ai and stopped, then opened his arms and hugged Cui Xin'ai in his arms, "Xin'ai, you will always be my sister."

Cui Xin'ai threw herself into Azhuo's arms and burst into tears, "Brother, I'm not your sister, what should I do, brother? Yin Enxi is your sister, brother, will you not want me anymore?"

As Cui Xin'ai cried, she felt even more sad. Thinking that the brother who loved her the most would become someone else's brother in the future, and that all her brother's care and concern would be given to Yoon Eun-hee, Cui Xin'ai felt extremely sad. She cried even harder, as if Azhu had abandoned her.

Azhuo hugged the little girl tighter, telling her with his actions that he would never abandon her. Hearing the little girl crying heartbreakingly, Azhuo felt a sour pain in his heart, and hurriedly patted Cui Xin'ai's back to comfort her, "Xin'ai, don't think too much, how could brother not want you, brother loves Xin'ai the most, doesn't Xin'ai know?"

"Really?" Cui Xin'ai raised her head slightly and looked at Azhu with red eyes full of tears, which made Azhu's heart soften.

"Of course, I said that I would take good care of Xin'ai, let Xin'ai go to the best university, and save a dowry for Xin'ai..." Azhu looked at Cui Xin'ai with tender eyes, put one hand on Cui Xin'ai's head, and said very seriously.

When Cui Xinai heard about saving for dowry, she blushed. She became shy and forgot to cry. She glared at Azhuo and said, "Brother, don't talk nonsense!"

Ah Zhuo chuckled, "Okay, then Xin Ai won't cry either, okay?"

"Yeah." Cui Xin'ai nodded and pulled Azhuo's sleeve to wipe her tears. After wiping her tears, Cui Xin'ai looked at Cui's mother, "What about mom? Are you going to abandon me?"

Cui's mother was both angry and amused by Cui Xin'ai's words. "Stinky girl, why should I abandon you? I raised you up to this age. Didn't you say that you would be filial to me in the future? If I abandon you, won't I be so disappointed?"

Cui Xinai burst into laughter, ran over to hug Cui's mother, and rubbed against her like a spoiled child, "Mom, I will definitely be filial to you, just wait and enjoy the happiness!"

Cui's mother smiled and hit Cui Xin'ai, "You little bitch, you scared me to death. I thought you would run away with someone else. Fortunately, you still have a conscience..."

"I won't run away, this is my home." Cui Xinai pouted, then smiled and kissed Cui's mother on the face, "You are my mother." She turned around and blew a kiss to Azhu, "And my dear brother!"

Azhuo's lips curled up and his eyes curved.

The dim lights of the Cui family did not seem dark at all at this time. Instead, they made the family of three look extremely warm and happy.

Although this home is not wealthy, although there are not many toys, although there are no beautiful and expensive princess dresses...but this is home, here are her family who love her. Cui Xin'ai knows that she will stay and will never give up these most precious things.

Father Yin returned home. Mother Yin and Yin Junxi were happily celebrating Yin Eunxi's birthday. Father Yin stood at the entrance, looking at the happy smiles on their faces. Thinking of Cui Xin'ai, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

Yin Eun-hee was the first to see Yin's father, and a happy smile appeared on her face, "Dad, you're back! Come and eat cake with us!"

Father Yin forced a smile and walked over to sit down.

During this period, Yin's father's expression made Yin's mother glare at him many times.

At night, the children were sleeping in their own rooms. Father Yin and Mother Yin were in the bedroom. Father Yin was about to go to bed, but Mother Yin pulled Father Yin and wouldn't let him sleep. She said unhappily, "What's wrong with you today? It's Eun Hee's birthday. Who are you showing such a cold face to?"

Father Yin suppressed his emotions. He felt very uncomfortable, but he didn't want to quarrel with his wife, so he said, "The children are asleep. Stop quarreling and let's go to sleep too."

"What? Do you mean I'm wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Yin's mother was relentless. She was very concerned about Yin's father's attitude towards Yin Eun-hee. "Today is Eun-hee's birthday. Not only did you come back so late, but you also forgot to prepare a gift for Eun-hee and even had a sour face..."

Yin's mother was unreasonable and Yin's father finally couldn't bear it anymore and exploded, "Enxi, Enxi, you only remember Enxi! Have you ever thought about Xin'ai? Have you ever thought about Xin'ai once! Xin'ai is our biological daughter, and today is Xin'ai's birthday!"

When she came out to get some water, she heard her parents arguing. Yoon Eun-hee, who was standing outside her parents' door worriedly, was shocked.

Is Xin Ai the biological daughter of her parents?

What's going on? Xin Ai is the daughter of her parents, but what about her? Isn't she the child of her parents?

Yin Eun-hee's thoughts were extremely confused. She felt like her head was a mess and she didn't know what to do...

Yoon Jun-hee heard his parents quarreling and walked out of the room. He saw Yoon Eun-hee standing outside his parents' door. Yoon Jun-hee quickly walked over and pulled Yoon Eun-hee to ask, "Eun-hee, what are you doing? You'll catch a cold if you stand outside wearing so little at night."

Yin Enxi was stunned by Yin Junxi's hand. She looked up at Yin Junxi blankly, with a confused face, "Brother, am I not my parents' child?"

Yin Enxi was stunned by Yin Junxi's hand. She looked up at Yin Junxi blankly, and said, "Brother, am I not my parents' child?" (The last sentence is for protection.)

What will happen next? What will Yoon Junxi, the super sister-con, do to disgust Azhu?

Haha, if you dare to bully Xin'ai, Azhu will teach classmate Yin Junxi a lesson.

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Chapter 94: Blue Life and Death (Part 9)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

Yin Enxi didn't know what she wanted to do.

Originally, she should be in school at this time. Yin Enxi had never skipped classes before, and this was the first time she skipped classes. However, Yin Enxi didn't care about the consequences of skipping classes because she couldn't care about those now.

Yin Eun-xi finally found Cui Xin'ai's house. The small restaurant was open, but there were one or two customers inside. Yin Eun-xi didn't dare to go in. She didn't know what to do or what to say if she went in.

She just wanted to come and see what kind of people her biological mother and brother were, and also wanted to see what kind of life Cui Xin'ai was living on her behalf.

Yin Eun-hee has always known that Cui Xin'ai's family is not well off. Now she knows that she and Cui Xin'ai were the wrong children. Cui Xin'ai should have been her parents' daughter. She should have lived a carefree life in the Yin family...

Seeing the dilapidated house, Yoon Eun-hee felt complicated and felt like she was the murderer who had robbed Choi Xin-ae of her happiness.

She lives in the beautiful villa that should belong to Cui Xin'ai, while Cui Xin'ai lives in the shabby house that should belong to her...Yin Eun-hee feels like a thief who has stolen Cui Xin'ai's life.

Yoon Eun-hee hadn't been standing outside for long before she was discovered by Cui's mother.

Cui's mother saw Yin Enxi outside the door. Yin Enxi had her hair loose, wore a clean and tidy school uniform, and carried a schoolbag. There was a nervous and uneasy expression on her pretty face. She looked around the house carefully, but hesitated to step in.

Cui's mother came out quickly, wiping her hands nervously on her apron. She opened her mouth and nervously called out Yin Eun-hee's name, "Em...Eun-hee."

Yin Eun-hee bowed, but she didn't know how to address Cui's mother, so she just said, "Hello."

Mother Cui looked at Yin Enxi, her eyes red with excitement. She held Yin Enxi's hand and pulled Yin Enxi into the house, "Enxi, let's go into the house first."

Yin Eun-xi did not struggle to break free and followed Cui's mother in obediently.

After the customers finished their meal, paid the bill and left, Cui's mother closed the shop. She didn't want to receive any more customers at this time. She just wanted to take a good look at the child, her daughter.

Yin Eun-hee and Cui's mother sat face to face. Cui's mother looked at Yin Eun-hee greedily. This well-behaved child had a gentle and quiet personality. The Yin couple had educated her very well...

Yin Enxi looked around, thinking that she had taken over Cui Xin'ai's home, and lowered her head with some sadness, but...but her father, mother and brother have always been her relatives. They have been so good to her and doted on her so much. Why did they do this? Why did she suddenly stop being a family member with them...

Yin Eun-hee lowered her head to hide her red eyes. She couldn't bear to leave her parents and brother, but her parents were not her parents, and her brother was not her brother... What should she do?

Cui's mother calmed down and began to talk to Yin Eun-hee carefully, asking about her growth. Gradually, during the conversation, both mother and daughter relaxed. Yin Eun-hee would also curiously ask about Cui Xin'ai and her brother...

After school, because he was worried about Yoon Eun-hee, Yoon Jun-hee came to Yoon Eun-hee's classroom to pick her up, but he learned that Yoon Eun-hee was not in school and did not come to class. Yoon Jun-hee frowned and was very worried about Yoon Eun-hee.

Choi Xin'ai and Yoon Eun-hee are classmates. When Choi Xin'ai saw Yoon Jun-hee, she was stunned. She had always heard that Yoon Eun-hee's brother loved Yoon Eun-hee very much, but she already had the best brother in the world, so Choi Xin'ai returned to normal in a moment.

Yoon Jun-hee also saw Choi Xin-ai. Yoon Jun-hee felt very complicated when looking at Choi Xin-ai. This girl should have been his sister... No, Yoon Jun-hee frowned. His sister was Eun-hee, the one who grew up with him.

Cui Xin'ai packed her schoolbag and walked out, not intending to have anything to do with Yin Junxi. Yin Junxi looked at Cui Xin'ai for a while and followed her.

Yoon Jun-hee wants to find Eun-hee. There is a high possibility that Eun-hee has gone to Choi Xin-ae's house, so Yoon Jun-hee follows Choi Xin-ae.

They were almost home. Cui Xin'ai walked while biting her lip and looking hesitant. Yin Junxi had followed her all the way. What was he going to do?

Finally, Cui Xin'ai couldn't help but stop and turned to glare at Yin Junxi, "Why are you following me all the time, Senior? Your home is not in this direction, right?"

Yin Junxi also stopped and said something irrelevant, "You know your background, right?

This answer was irrelevant, but Cui Xinai naturally understood what it meant. Cui Xinai's face darkened, "So what?"

Yin Junxi only thought that if Cui Xin'ai knew about it, would she want to come back and take away everything from Eun-hee? So Yin Junxi looked at Cui Xin'ai with an unfriendly look, "My sister, there will always be only Eun-hee, Eun-hee is my sister, don't think of taking away Eun-hee's things..."

Cui Xin'ai thought it was ridiculous.

Cui Xin'ai felt a little uncomfortable and depressed. Although having a brother was enough for her, she had never thought that Yoon Junxi would love her like a brother, but... after knowing that she was his sister, Yoon Junxi only thought of warning her not to snatch things from Yoon Eunxi?

Cui Xinai found it a little funny and felt a chill in her heart.

Yin Junxi was still talking, but Cui Xin'ai's head was buzzing and she couldn't hear clearly. She felt her whole body was getting cold, as if she had been thrown into cold water.

Until a familiar warmth embraced her.

Cui Xin'ai looked up and saw her brother, who was carefully protecting her. He looked at Yin Junxi with disdain and anger. Cui Xin'ai immediately felt relieved. Just like a long time ago, when someone bullied her, her brother would hug her and protect her. Cui Xin'ai's nose was sour and she shouted, "Brother."

Azhuo rubbed Cui Xin'ai's head, and Cui Xin'ai pressed her head in his arms. His movements and posture were so gentle, but the look he gave Yin Junxi was as cold as ice in winter.

He had never expected to see such a scene. What was Yin Junxi saying? "Don't even think of coming to our house to take away Enxi's position..." "I only have Enxi as my sister. I will never acknowledge you as my sister..."

"Yin Junxi?" Azhu looked at the handsome boy in front of him coldly, his heart full of disgust. What kind of person could say such vicious words to his own sister? The way Azhu looked at Yin Junxi was like looking at a dirty bug.

"What right do you have to say such things here? Who do you think you are?" Ah Zhuo sneered. He was always gentle to his family, but now he began to speak ruthlessly and derogatorily, "Are you qualified to be Xin Ai's brother? You are mean, selfish, incompetent, and irresponsible."

"You..." Yin Junxi was insulted and accused like this. He was angry and wanted to refute, but when he met Ah Zhuo's eyes, he shuddered unconsciously. That kind of eyes seemed to crush him...

"Your heart is so ugly that you can actually say such things to your own sister." Ah Zhuo really couldn't understand people like Yin Junxi. "You know Xin'ai is your sister. Have you ever paid attention to whether Xin'ai is doing well? Do you know what kind of environment Xin'ai lives in? Yes, your family is rich, and you live a rich and happy life, but our family is poor. Are you afraid that Xin'ai will go back to live a rich life and Enxi will have to suffer in a poor family?"

Ah Zhuo sneered as he mercilessly stepped on Yin Junxi's dark heart. "What makes you feel so superior? Your father created the rich life. You can only live like a young master because you are Professor Yin's son. Xin Ai is also Professor Yin's child. She has the same rights as you. What qualifications do you have to prevent her from enjoying her rights?"

Yin Junxi's face turned pale, he felt uneasy and confused. He wanted to refute but didn't know what to say.

"Don't think too highly of yourself. You don't want Xin Ai as your sister, but Xin Ai needs you as her brother?" Azhuo turned his gaze away with disdain. He felt disgusted just by looking at such a person for even a second.

Cui Xin'ai saw her brother looking at her with concern, and her heart was warm. She smiled at Azhu, then looked at Yin Junxi, "Senior, I also only have one brother, my brother's name is Cui Yingxiong."

Seeing the little girl's excited look, as if she had won a battle, Azhuo smiled and took the little girl's hand, "Let's go home."

"Yeah!" Cui Xin'ai nodded heavily, and no one looked at Yin Junxi again.

Yin Junxi's head was still echoing with Azhuo's words. What qualifications did he have... Was he really that kind of person? From childhood to adulthood, he had always been praised by everyone. No one had ever looked at him with such disdain. Everyone thought that he was kind, polite, and sensible, and was a good child. To his parents, he was a good son, and to Enxi, he was a good brother...

Yoon Jun-hee looked at the two people walking away hand in hand in front of him, feeling complicated, but he finally followed them. No matter what, he had to find Eun-hee.

Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai both noticed Yin Junxi following behind them. Cui Xin'ai whispered to Azhuo, "Brother, why is that guy still following us?"

Ah Zhuo shook his head, "Don't worry about him."

Cui Xin'ai glanced at Yoon Junxi secretly. Yoon Junxi's expression was very strange. He seemed to be in deep self-doubt, with a confused look on his face.

Cui Xin'ai pursed her lips and nodded.

When they arrived home and saw the closed door, Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai looked at each other strangely, then opened the door and went into the house. Yin Junxi followed behind and opened his mouth as if he wanted to shout at them to say something.

Azhu slammed the door cleanly and with a "bang", Yin Junxi was directly turned away.

Ah Zhuo slammed the door cleanly and with a "bang", Yin Junxi was directly rejected. (The last sentence is for protection.)

Embarrassing, I was so sleepy that I planned to take a nap before writing again, but I fell asleep immediately and overslept...

Sorry for the late update. I’m so sleepy. I’ll crawl back to bed and continue sleeping. Good night and sweet dreams.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 95: Blue Life and Death (Ten)
Chapter 95: Blue Life and Death (Ten)


"Hello. (花好田园ml/3/3266/iml)" When Yin Enxi saw Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai coming in together, she immediately stood up and greeted them in a panic.

"Yin Eun-hee, why are you here?" Cui Xin'ai frowned, then thought of Yin Jun-hee who had been following her, and Cui Xin'ai said with understanding: "Yin Jun-hee is here to see you, right?"

"Brother? He came to see me?" Yoon Eun-hee's eyes widened and she looked outside quickly. Through the window, she saw Yoon Jun-hee standing outside in a daze. Yoon Eun-hee's eyes lit up and she was very happy at first, but then she thought of something and became depressed again, lowering her head sullenly.

"Why did you lock people out?" Cui's mother looked at Azhu and Cui Xin'ai disapprovingly, then got up to open the door for Yin Junxi.

The door opened, and Yoon Jun-hee looked up reflexively. Seeing that it was Cui's mother who opened the door, Yoon Jun-hee didn't know why, but because of his upbringing, Yoon Jun-hee immediately bowed and greeted Cui's mother, "Hello, is Eun-hee here?"

"Yes, you are here to take Eun-hee back home." Although Cui's mother was a little reluctant, she still nodded and let Yin Jun-hee in. "Come in first, or you can have dinner with Eun-hee before leaving?"

Yin Eun-hee saw Yin Jun-hee coming in. She was not happy to see her brother for the first time. She didn't want to go back so soon. She didn't know how to face her parents who were not her biological parents, and she didn't know how to face the home where she had lived for more than ten years. Moreover, she was still curious about her biological relatives. She wanted to stay for a while. She wanted to get along with Cui Yingxiong, her biological brother...

Hearing what Cui's mother said, Yin Enxi's eyes lit up again, "Is it okay?"

Seeing Yin Enxi's expression, Yin Junxi immediately felt reluctant to go against his sister's wishes and nodded in agreement. Of course, for some reason, he didn't want to refuse...

Cui Xin'ai glanced at Yin Eun-hee and felt a little depressed. It seemed that her mother liked Yin Eun-hee very much... Cui Xin'ai went to see Azhu again. Where was her brother? Would he also like Yin Eun-hee and not like her...

Ah Zhuo rubbed Cui Xin'ai's head and said, "Don't let your imagination run wild."

Cui Xin'ai lowered her head in embarrassment when her brother saw through her worries. Well, she had to trust her brother and mother. Then Cui Xin'ai stuck out her tongue playfully and took Azhu's hand, "Brother, let me help you cook today!"

"Okay, then you wash all the vegetables." Azhuo smiled and consciously picked up the apron and tied it around himself. Azhuo usually cooks dinner for the Cui family.

"Brother, you look down on me. Am I only capable of washing vegetables?" Cui Xin'ai frowned in dissatisfaction.

Azhuo smiled and said nothing.

Cui Xin'ai rolled up her sleeves angrily and went to wash the vegetables. Well, she really didn't have a talent for cooking. She had once been very excited to learn how to cook from her brother, but in the end she made a dark dish that even her mother and brother didn't want to eat...

"Can I help too?" Yoon Eun-hee looked at Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai with some anticipation and envy.

Cui Xin'ai looked down awkwardly and didn't answer. Azhuo smiled and said, "Okay, then Enxi, can you help wash the rice? Do you know how to do it?"

"Ah, I don't know how, but I can learn." Yin Enxi looked at Azhu nervously. Seeing Azhu nodded gently, Yin Enxi immediately showed a happy smile on her face and walked over.

In the kitchen, Azhuo brought his two younger sisters. With Azhuo mediating between them, they were talking and laughing. The atmosphere between Cui Xin'ai and Yin Eun-hee gradually became normal and harmonious.

Yoon Junxi sat at the table, but his eyes unconsciously glanced at the kitchen from time to time.

"Your name is Junxi, right?" Cui's mother sat opposite Yin Junxi, trying to find words to say awkwardly.

"Yes, aunt, my name is Yin Junxi." Yin Junxi answered Cui's mother politely.

Then there was awkward silence again.

Cui's mother saw that Yin Junxi looked towards the kitchen from time to time, and thought that Yin Junxi was paying attention to Yin Eunxi, so she smiled and said: "Eunxi is doing well and well in your family."

Yoon Jun-hee turned to look back at Choi's mother. Because he was talking about his favorite sister, Yoon Jun-hee's smile was very sincere. "Well, Eun-hee is a very cute sister. She has been very well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. She is the happy pill of our family. But sometimes she is very confused and often makes jokes..."

When Yoon Jun-hee talked about Yoon Eun-hee, there were many topics to talk about. Cui's mother also felt that she owed Yoon Eun-hee and regretted not having taken care of her when she grew up. She was very concerned and curious about Yoon Eun-hee's affairs. Taking Yoon Eun-hee as the topic, Yoon Jun-hee talked, and Cui's mother listened, occasionally interjecting a question, and the atmosphere became unexpectedly harmonious.

After talking about Yoon Eun Hee for a long time, Yoon Jun Hee paused and saw that in the kitchen, Ah Zhuo was stuffing sliced ​​cucumber into Cui Xin'ai's mouth, and then stuffed a piece into Yoon Eun Hee. Yoon Eun Hee smiled shyly, but Cui Xin'ai playfully grabbed a piece and put it on Ah Zhuo's eyes...

Azhu pretended to pat Cui Xin'ai on the head, but seeing Cui Xin'ai was still smiling, he knew it was just a joke.

Yin Junxi thought of what Ah Zhuo had said before, and asked Cui's mother hesitantly, "What was Xin Ai like when she was a child?"

Mother Cui also looked at Cui Xin'ai who was laughing and joking happily with her brother in the kitchen. There was a hint of pride in her eyes. Mother Cui, who was usually fierce, looked very loving at this moment. "Our Xin'ai is also a very sensible child. She started to help me with things when she was very young. She is smart and studious, and has always had good grades. Our family is very poor, and Xin'ai didn't have a good life when she was a child. We never bought her new clothes when she was a child..."

At this point, Cui's mother's voice was a little choked up. She owed her child a lot. "We live in a place like this. She has eaten and dressed worse than others since she was a child, but she didn't learn bad things. She has always been a good child. I really..."

"I still remember one year, Xin'ai was still little, and that day was her birthday. She asked, 'Mom, can you buy me a bottle of Coke?' But I didn't even have the money to buy her a bottle of drink. I scolded her for being ignorant..." Mother Cui held her eyes and couldn't continue.

Yin Junxi pursed his lips tightly, pinched the flesh of his palms with his fingers, and kept repeating these words in his head, "Have you ever understood what kind of environment Xin Ai grew up in?" "Have you ever cared about whether Xin Ai is doing well?" "I think someone like you is not qualified to be Xin Ai's brother..."

After Cui's mother calmed down, she looked at Cui Xin'ai in the kitchen with a guilty look on her face and said guiltily: "I'm sorry for Xin'ai. Xin'ai has suffered so much in our family, but I didn't let her live a good life."

Yin Junxi opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. In the end, he just comforted Cui's mother: "Aunt, this is not your fault."

Yes, the child was wrong. What was wrong with Cui's mother? It was not because Cui Xin'ai was not her biological daughter that she did not love Cui Xin'ai enough. It was just because she was not capable enough. She had already tried her best to be good to the child within her ability.

The person who was wrong was probably himself, just as Choi Young-hyung said... Yoon Jun-hee laughed at himself.

"It's time to eat!" Cui Xin'ai came out first with the dishes in her hand, sniffing the aroma of the dishes with an exaggerated expression, "Ah, brother is so partial. He prepared such a sumptuous meal just because Eun-hee stayed for dinner! I'm jealous."

Yoon Eun-hee followed behind, also holding a plate in her hands. When she heard Choi Xin-ae's pretended angry words, she lowered her head and laughed out loud.

Ah Zhuo came out with the soup from behind. When he put it on the table, his hands were free. He then twisted Cui Xinai's ears and said with a helpless smile, "You..."

At the table, the atmosphere between Azhuo, Cui Xin'ai, and Yin Eun-hee was very good. Azhuo served the dishes to the two sisters without favoritism. Cui's mother looked at the interaction between the three siblings with satisfaction. Yin Eun-hee was very happy throughout the whole process. Her biological mother and biological brother were both very good people, and Xin'ai did not hate her either. It was really great...

It was just like someone was ignored? Yin Junxi was completely ignored, silently eating rice. The dishes seemed to be so fragrant and delicious, but he didn't dare to pick up any food...

Azhuo, who was serving the dishes enthusiastically, completely ignored the existence of Yoon Junxi. Because Cui's mother was concentrating on watching her children, she did not notice that Yoon Junxi did not pick up any food.

Cui Xin'ai did notice it, but she didn't like Yoon Junxi, so she pretended not to see it.

As for Yoon Eun-hee, if it were in the past, Yoon Eun-hee and Yoon Jun-hee had the best relationship, she would definitely keep an eye on Yoon Jun-hee at all times. But today, Yoon Eun-hee's mind was on the Cui family, her biological mother, her biological brother, and Xin Ai. Yoon Eun-hee's brain was not smart enough and could not accommodate too many things, so she did not take care of Yoon Jun-hee for a while.

So Yoon Jun-hee ate a bowl of plain white rice.

After dinner, it was dark. No matter how reluctant she was, Yoon Eun-hee had to go home. It would be unsafe if she went any later.

The Cui family sent Yin Junxi and Yin Eunxi to the street. Seeing Yin Eunxi's reluctant eyes, Ah Zhuo softened his heart and said, "I will take Eunxi home."

"Really?" Yin Enxi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'll go too." Cui Xin'ai said immediately. She was mainly afraid that her brother and Yin Eun-hee would be alone together. In fact, no matter how much she pretended not to mind, Cui Xin'ai was still afraid in her heart. Originally, the biological relatives of the Yin family, her biological mother and brother, all obviously disliked her existence. Cui Xin'ai was afraid of what would happen if her brother and mother liked Eun-hee more...

In the end, Azhuo, Cui Xin'ai, Yin Eun-hee and Yin Jun-hee walked on the way to Yin's house together. Yin Eun-hee was very happy and kept talking, talking to Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai, asking them about their childhood.

Yoon Junxi felt a little depressed as he was ignored all the way.

It was not until they arrived at the Yin family's villa that Yin Eun-hee invited Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai to come in and sit for a while. Cui Xin'ai immediately refused. Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai said goodbye to Yin Eun-hee and turned away.

Yin Junxi frowned and walked a few steps into the yard. Finally, his eyes became firm and he turned and ran in the direction where Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai left. Yin Enxi looked at Yin Junxi's running back strangely, "Brother, where are you going?"

Yin Junxi caught up with Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai, called them, stood in front of Cui Xin'ai, looked at Cui Xin'ai, and said with some breath: "I'm sorry."

Yin Junxi caught up with Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai, called them, stood in front of Cui Xin'ai, looked at Cui Xin'ai, and said with some breath: "I'm sorry." (The last sentence is for protection.)

Well, I was packing and forgot about time, so the update is late.

Every time I go out, packing is a big task.

I’m so sleepy. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. Good night, everyone.

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Chapter 96: Blue Life and Death (XI)
Chapter 96: Blue Life and Death (XI)

Azhu glanced at Yin Junxi. Yin Junxi didn't know why, but he was more concerned about Azhu's reaction than Cui Xin'ai. Seeing the other party looking at him, Yin Junxi looked at Azhu a little nervously, and then he noticed the coldness in the other party's eyes.

Yoon Jun-hee felt a little uncomfortable and very lost.

Cui Xin'ai looked at her brother strangely, then looked at Yin Junxi. Cui Xin'ai pouted her lips and frowned slightly, "What are you sorry for?"

"Ah..." Yoon Junxi woke up in shock, came to his senses and looked at Choi Xin'ai, "I'm sorry for what I said today. I was too much. I'm very sorry." Yoon Junxi bent down and bowed sincerely.

Cui Xin'ai took a step back in shock, at a loss as to what to do. After all, Yin Junxi was her biological brother, and he bowed to her and apologized... Cui Xin'ai looked at Azhu for help.

When Azhu met Cui Xin'ai's eyes asking for help, the corners of his mouth curved slightly. He looked at the little girl encouragingly, signaling her to be brave and generous.

Cui Xin'ai encouraged herself in her heart, and then said solemnly: "It doesn't matter. For me, having Brother Choi Young-woong is enough. I don't care whose brother Yoon Jun-hee is."

Yoon Jun-hee froze, looked at Choi Xin-ae, and then looked at A-zhuo who obviously supported whatever Choi Xin-ae said and did. Yoon Jun-hee was silent for a while, and then he opened his mouth and said, "I know you have the right to be angry, but as a brother, I said that kind of thing. It was all my self-righteousness... But I hope you can understand, because we feel the same way, just like you..."

Azhu frowned and looked at Yin Junxi inquiringly.

Yin Junxi looked directly at Azhuo without avoiding, "Just like you love Xin'ai and can't bear to let her go, I can't bear to lose my beloved sister Enxi. Ever since I heard that my sister was taken away by mistake, I have been very panicked and scared. I can't imagine Enxi... If Enxi left our family, left me... Even if Enxi is not my blood sister, so what? She is Enxi, the Enxi who I watched grow up since she was a child, the stupid Enxi who always needed my care to live a good life..."

Cui Xinai held Azhu's hand very tightly. She also thought of herself and felt the same way. If she was asked to leave home, leave her brother and mother, Cui Xinai pursed her lips and her eyes became firm. She couldn't do it. She couldn't leave her brother and mother. Even if they were not her blood relatives, they had lived together for more than ten years and depended on each other. They were the closest people in the world. It didn't matter whether they were related by blood or not.

Azhu's eyes flashed, and when he looked at Yin Junxi, the disdain in his eyes disappeared a lot.

"Xin'ai, I'm sorry for saying such harsh words, but I can't let Eunxi leave our home. She is my sister and will always be my sister." Yoon Junxi wiped the tears from his face and said, "I'm sorry." After saying that, Yoon Junxi turned around and prepared to go home. But when he turned around, he saw Yoon Eunxi with tears on her face and wet eyes.

Yoon Eun-hee bit her lip and cried out, "Brother." Then she threw herself into Yoon Jun-hee's arms, crying softly.

"Brother?" Cui Xin'ai looked at Azhuo at a loss.

Azhuo rubbed Cui Xin'ai's head and smiled gently at her. Azhuo looked at Yin Junxi and Yin Eunxi who were crying together, then lowered his head and said to Cui Xin'ai, "Let's go home."

That night, Azhuo held Cui Xin'ai's hand all the way from Yin's house to Cui's house. After returning home, Cui's mother hugged her two children for the first time without saying anything.

The Yin family never came again, and the Cui family seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and no one mentioned the Yin family. But not long after, one day Cui Xin'ai skipped school and came home and said, "Enxi didn't come to school today. I heard that their whole family went abroad."

The rag that Cui's mother was using to wipe the table fell to the ground.

The next year, Cui Xingai graduated from middle school and Azhuo graduated from high school. Azhuo did not apply to any university, but directly signed up for the summer conscription and went to serve.

After two years, Azhuo completed his military service. After returning home, Cui's mother shed tears as she looked at her son who had become much darker and more mature. Azhuo, who was already 20 years old, looked mature and reliable after the training in the army, enough to become the pillar of a family.

During these two years, Azhuo did not just serve as an ordinary soldier. Instead, he quickly stood out with his extraordinary skills and was recruited into the secret force. He completed many dangerous missions. Unlike ordinary soldiers who received low subsidies, Azhuo received a considerable salary. At least, the Cui family's usury had been paid off, with some left over.

After careful consideration, Cui's mother agreed to Azhu's suggestion to close the small restaurant and open a restaurant in Seoul.

Cui Xin'ai's grades are excellent. She will take the college entrance examination next year and she is confident of being admitted to Seoul University.

Azhu used some connections and transferred Cui Xin'ai to a good high school in Seoul without spending much money. Generally speaking, for students who are about to enter their third year of high school, transferring schools is a harmful thing, as the change of environment may cause students' grades to decline.

But for Cui Xinai, this was not a problem. The environment and learning atmosphere of her previous school were not as good as the new school. Cui Xinai adapted well and made new friends quickly. In the first test, she got the first place in the grade.

Azhuo's restaurant was also opened. Due to capital constraints, it was just a small store at the beginning. Azhuo was the only chef, and Cui's mother served as a clerk and cashier.

However, the restaurant's profits were very good, enough for the family of three to live in Seoul. Azhuo saved all the money from the first year for Cui Xin'ai's education, and Cui Xin'ai was admitted to Seoul University.

The following year, Azhuo's restaurant expanded its store.

In the third year, the Cui family bought a 150-ping apartment in Seoul, and Azhu also bought a car for Cui Xin'ai, but Cui Xin'ai pouted and was not very happy.

"Originally, I was supposed to earn money to buy a big house for mom to live in, but my brother has done everything. I feel like I'm useless..." Cui Xin'ai pursed her lips in grievance and refused to take the car keys.

Azhuo forced the car keys into Cui Xinai's hand and said, "Here, it will be more convenient for you to go home with a car. Come home more often. Brother and mother want to see you more often."

Cui Xin'ai puffed out her lips and stammered as if she wanted to argue something. Finally, she lowered her head helplessly and took the car keys, but her face was still full of unhappiness.

Azhuo chuckled and rubbed Cui Xinai's head. Cui Xinai grew up to be slender and beautiful. Azhuo looked at the grown-up girl and comforted her, "Xinai, you are the pride of our family. Your brother is still waiting to live in the big house you bought. It must be a big and beautiful villa, right? It must be in a wealthy area, and the neighbors around are all rich or noble..."

Azhuo deliberately made an exaggerated expression to tease Cui Xin'ai.

Cui Xin'ai did not disappoint Azhuo. She laughed out loud and gently tapped Azhuo's chest. "Just wait, brother. I will definitely let you live in a big villa! Haha..."

Azhu's restaurant is located in a very prosperous area of ​​Seoul, opposite a five-star hotel. Azhu's restaurant closes at 10 o'clock every night and basically no longer accepts new customers or orders after 9 o'clock.

At 9:10 that evening, the last table of customers in the restaurant had almost finished their meal. Several waiters would glance over carefully from time to time, hoping that this table of customers would finish their meal and leave early so that they could prepare to go off work.

Ten minutes later, all the guests left. The waiter suppressed his excitement and shouted, "Please take care. Welcome to come again." Then he quickly ran to clean up the dishes and set the table and chairs. At 9:30, everything was done, and the waiters looked at Azhu expectantly.

Azhuo smiled slightly and said, "Get off work, I'll clean up and close the store, you can leave now."

"Yeah! Thank you, boss!" Several young waiters shouted excitedly, quickly ran to change their uniforms, and left one after another.

Azhuo sorted out the unused ingredients and put them in bags, ready to take them home to eat, and put the rest in the refrigerator...

In the five-star hotel opposite Azhuo Restaurant, a man ran out in a hurry. The man looked young, probably around 20 years old at most. He was tall, very handsome, and dressed very fashionably. If it was daytime when there were many people, such a handsome guy would definitely attract the attention of many women.

But now, late at night, there are hardly any people on the road.

No one would notice that such a handsome man had red eyes and was shedding tears.

The man walked with his head down at first, but later, because he was about to cry, he raised his head stubbornly. He didn't want to embarrass himself by letting the tears fall. However, this was obviously of little use. When he was really sad, no matter what means he used, he couldn't stop crying.

The man didn't walk far before another group of people came out of the hotel. They were all wearing black suits. They were all tall and strong. They were either gangsters or bodyguards.

The man was very alert and immediately hid behind a car. He looked around for a place to hide and finally found a restaurant not far away with its door open. The man glanced at the people who were looking for him and ran into the restaurant.

Azhuo finally sorted out all the ingredients, took off his chef uniform, and walked out of the kitchen.

At this time, the man ran into the restaurant and closed the door behind him.

Seeing a panicked young man running into the restaurant, Azhuo frowned and said calmly, "Sir, I'm sorry, we're closed."

The man turned around in a panic, his voice a little hurried, and he gasped and said, "Help me..."

The author has something to say:

The man turned around in a panic, his voice a little hurried, and he gasped and said, "Help me..." (The last sentence is for protection.)

Ahem, I'm back. Did you miss me? Haha~

Long time no see everyone, how was your New Year?

When I got home in the evening, I turned on my computer and saw everyone's messages. I packed my luggage, made a meal, and started typing eagerly.

It’s a pity that I didn’t update today because I haven’t written for about ten days. My hands are a little rusty and I haven’t fully recovered... so I only wrote one chapter.

And now it's very late. I came back by train, which took 30 hours. Although it was a sleeper berth, I was still very tired, so I should go to bed now.

But I promise you, I will definitely make up for it after not updating for so long! See you tomorrow, muah~

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 97: Blue Life and Death (XII)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

Azhuo looked up and down at the flustered uninvited guest with suspicion.

Noticing the distrust in Azhuo's eyes, the man smiled helplessly, "Sir, I'm not a bad person."

Ah Zhuo raised his eyebrows without comment. Not far away outside, there was a noisy sound of footsteps and voices. He could vaguely hear a few words, "Gone. Where did he go?"

Ah Zhuo looked at the man inquiringly, "Is he being hunted by gangsters, or the police, or is he a young master who ran away from home?"

The man's body stiffened and he looked at Azhuo helplessly.

Ah Zhuo laughed lightly, and when the man didn't answer, he gave his own answer, "It's the third one."

Facing Azhuo's amused eyes, the man bowed his head helplessly, patted his head in annoyance, and muttered in a low voice: "Are all men so gossipy nowadays..."

But even though he complained like this, the man didn't dare to walk out of Azhuo's restaurant. After all, the footsteps outside were getting closer and closer. He could only be thick-skinned and looked at Azhuo and said again: "Please help me."

Azhuo didn't say anything else to tease him. He just chuckled and said, "Follow me." Then he took the man to the compartment where the ingredients and tableware were stored, opened the lock on the door, let the man in, and then locked it from the outside.

After doing all this, Azhuo went back to the kitchen and pretended to be busy as if nothing had happened.

After a while, the door of the restaurant was pushed open. Several tall men in ordinary uniforms and suits walked into the restaurant. They looked around and saw that there was no one. The one who seemed to be the leader shouted, "Is anyone there?"

Azhuo walked out of the kitchen and showed a surprised expression when he met them, "What's the matter? If you want to eat, we're closed." After that, he pointed to the business hours hanging on the wall, which stated that no customers would be accepted after 9 o'clock.

"No, we're not here for dinner." The leading man in a suit smiled politely at Azhuo. Because Azhuo's acting skills were so good, the man in a suit didn't doubt Azhuo at all. "We're looking for someone, a man around 20 years old, tall and handsome. He just ran past here. Did you notice him?"

Ah Zhuo shook his head without hesitation, "Sorry, I've been cleaning up the remaining ingredients in the kitchen." Then, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes, like an ordinary citizen who likes to join in the fun, "Who are you chasing? A thief or a criminal?"

"No..." A group of men in suits believed Azhu's words and immediately said goodbye and went to look somewhere else.

Azhuo seemed very curious and kept watching the men in suits leave. After they walked away, Azhuo turned around, and his expression changed in an instant. He opened the door of the compartment with a faint look.

"Are they gone?" the man asked carefully.

Ah Zhuo nodded, and the man let out an exaggerated sigh of relief and smiled, "Thank you."

Azhuo smiled faintly, signaling the man to come out. The man walked out with a relaxed expression, stood aside and watched Azhuo lock the door, and suddenly said: "Hello, my name is Han Taixi, let's be friends."

"Hmm?" Azhuo said in a light voice, looking at the man who suddenly became enthusiastic about making friends with him with a scrutinizing look.

Han Tae-seok was looked at with suspicion by Ah Zhuo. He touched his nose awkwardly and smiled, but this time his smile was a little embarrassed. "Um...friend, can you take me in for a night?"

Azhuo stared at Han Tae-sik for a while, until Han Tae-sik almost lowered his head. Azhuo took out his wallet and took out some money: "I can help you stay in a hotel for one night."

Han Tae-sik stared at the money in A-zhu's hand, feeling embarrassed and angry, his face flushed, "I'm not asking you for money, ah..." I don't know if all Koreans are like this, they like to fan their ears with their hands when they are angry. Han Tae-sik is like this now.

Choi Xin'ai also likes to do this when she's angry, so when Ah Zhuo saw Han Tae-seok's action, he thought of Choi Xin'ai's cute expression when she was angry, and couldn't help but chuckle. His eyes softened a lot, and he looked at Han Tae-seok with a smile, "Oh? What is that?"

Han Tae-seok searched his trouser pockets and took out his wallet. He childishly opened the wallet to show off in front of A-joo. Oh no, he wanted to prove that he actually had a lot of money and was not a liar who cheated people out of money.

Seeing that Ah Zhuo nodded and understood, Han Taixi put away his wallet, but Ah Zhuo continued: "Then you can go to the hotel by yourself."

Han Tae-seok's face fell, and he said in annoyance: "No, I can't stay in a hotel..."

Although Azhuo didn't ask any questions, his eyes showed confusion.

Han Tae-seok lowered his head, "Anyway... it's just... well, if I go to stay in a hotel, they will know as soon as I enter the hotel."

"Does your family run a hotel?" Azhuo understood.

Han Tae-sik nodded helplessly, implicitly admitting that he was a runaway young master, and then looked at A-zhu expectantly, "Can I stay here for one night? Thank you very much..."

Azhu shook his head. Although this boy was quite interesting, it was impossible for Azhu to bring a man he had just known for more than ten minutes home to live with him. After all, there were two women at home.

"Why..." Han Tae-sik was very disappointed.

"Because I have a mother and a sister at home, and you are a man, and a man whose background is unknown." Azhuo told the truth.

Han Tae-seok's face darkened. "Please, do I look like a pervert? How could a handsome man like me be that kind of wretched person?"

"Many people are two-faced." Azhuo teased someone with some interest, which was rare.

Han Tae-seok's face turned even darker, and he felt extremely miserable. He had been staying in the United States and didn't have many friends in Korea. He couldn't find a place to stay or a hotel... He had just registered at the hotel opposite but was called in soon after, so he couldn't stay there anymore. Could it be that Han Tae-seok, who was pursued and loved by countless beauties, would become a homeless person sleeping on the street today?

Han Tae-sik kept shaking his head.

Azhu has been paying attention to Han Tae-sik's performance, and seeing him like this, he finds it even funnier and more interesting.

Han Taixi didn't know what he was thinking of. His eyes suddenly lit up and he held Azhu's hand: "My friend, it's not allowed at your house, but it's okay here. I can put the sofas together and sleep on them."

Ah Zhuo still shook his head and said in Han Tae-seok's desperate eyes: "How can the restaurant keep an unknown outsider in it? If something goes wrong, what losses will there be..."

Han Tae-sik pointed at Ah-joo angrily, his fingers trembling, "I'm really not a bad person..."

Suddenly, Han Tae-sik saw a recruitment notice on the wall. This restaurant was hiring a waiter. Han Tae-sik ran over and tore off the recruitment notice, "I'll apply. If I apply, I won't be an outsider anymore, right? I can stay overnight in the restaurant..."

In order to have a place to live, Master Han Tae-sik has made a huge sacrifice.

"Apply?" A smile flashed in Ah Zhuo's eyes, and then he looked at Han Tae-seok in disbelief, "We are looking for a waiter to serve dishes and run errands. Can you do it?"

"Isn't it just a waiter? What's so difficult about that? Of course I can do it!" Han Tae-sik was inspired by Azhu and became more determined to be a waiter in Azhu's store.

Just like that, Han Taixi, the eldest son who had been pampered since childhood, ran away from home because of a conflict with his family and became a miserable waiter...

That night, the conscientious boss Azhuo did not let his new employee sleep miserably on the sofa in the restaurant, but let Han Tae-sik live in the small lounge in his office, which had a single bed.

The next day, there was a super handsome waiter in the small restaurant.

Originally, Azhuo's restaurant business was very good. In addition to Azhuo's excellent cooking skills, another reason was that Azhuo, the chef and owner, was tall and handsome. In modern society, the appeal of male beauty is no less than that of female beauty.

Now with the addition of Han Tae-sik, who is as handsome as A-joo, the restaurant's business is even more booming. The customers are all sisters, aunts, and even aunties and grandmothers. These customers stare at Han Tae-sik when they have nothing to do, and order Han Tae-sik around when they have something to do. They even ask Han Tae-sik to add tea and water.

"You're such a handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Look at this little face, just like the stars on TV."

"Oh, your skin is so good, more delicate than that of girls."

While talking, some of the bold ones even started to eat the tender tofu of the handsome Han Tae-seok, and patted Han Tae-seok's buttocks with a sweet smile...

Azhu was a little worried about this young waiter, so he came out to check on him a few times. Every time, he touched Han Tae-sik's butt and was filmed live. Azhu smiled a lot more during the day. The female waitress who went into the kitchen to serve food blushed when she saw the smile on the handsome boss' face several times.

By the time he got off work at night, Han Tae-seok had lost count of how many times he had been taken advantage of, especially his buttocks...

Han Tae-sik applied for free food and lodging because he had no safe place to live, so he continued to stay in the lounge in A-joo's office. All the other employees had left, and only A-joo and Han Tae-sik were left in the restaurant.

Azhu was still cleaning up in the kitchen as usual, while Han Tae-sik went to Azhu's office. After closing the door, Han Tae-sik rubbed his butt with a miserable look on his face, thinking that it must be swollen!

Business was so good today that there were no ingredients left, so Azhuo finished quickly. After taking off his chef uniform, Azhuo walked towards the office with a smile in his eyes. As soon as he opened the door, he bumped into Han Tae-sik rubbing his butt, and Azhuo burst out laughing.

Han Taixi immediately withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and said angrily, "Why didn't you knock before coming in?"

Ah Zhuo looked up and down at Han Tae-sik with a teasing look, and finally stopped at Han Tae-sik's butt, with a smile in his voice, "How is your butt?"

Han Tae-sik was really mad at A-joo.

Han Tae-seok is really gritting his teeth at Ah-joo. (Be careful with the last sentence.)

There was no update on the 14th, ahem, because it was a holiday, ahem, I just got back from sitting on the train for so long that I felt stupid, so I didn’t remember that the 14th was a holiday, and I promised you that I would see you on the 14th... Haha, forgive my stupidity.

I'll update one chapter today. I plan to adjust my work and rest schedule to a healthier one, go to bed early and get up early, and not stay up late, so I should take a shower and go to bed now.

I will start adding more chapters tomorrow. That's it, good night everyone, muah!

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 98: Blue Life and Death (Thirteen)
Chapter 98: Blue Life and Death (Thirteen)

Ah Zhuo was not affected at all by Han Tae-seok's stare. He leaned against the door calmly and said with a smile: "Ah, I came to ask you, are you hungry? Do you want a midnight snack?"

The store was very busy all day, and the waiters were all rushing to eat something during their free time. To be honest, Han Tae-seok was a little hungry. Han Tae-seok patted A-zhu's shoulder and said, "Okay, let's go for a midnight snack. It's my treat!"

Although Master Han Tae-seok ran away from home in a fit of rage, he had money with him. If he didn't want to stay at A-zhu's place, he wouldn't have to work with the money he had.

Ah Zhuo looked at Han Taixi's generous expression with amusement, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Okay, then thank you, Master Han."

Han Tae-seok frowned, "Are you mocking me?"

"Ah?" Azhu blinked in confusion.

"A waiter's son?" Han Tae-seok looked at Ah Zhu helplessly, "Can't you just call him by his name?"

Ah Zhuo chuckled, "Taesik?"

Han Tae-sik nodded in satisfaction, and then he went downstairs with A-zhu, "Friends should call each other by their names. Oh, right..." Han Tae-sik suddenly stopped, "I don't even know your name. Do you want me to keep calling you boss?"

"Choi Young-woong." A-zhu was stunned for a moment, then he remembered that it was indeed the case. He had known Han Tae-sik for more than a day and had even taken him in as a waiter in the store, but he had even forgotten to introduce himself.

"Hero?" Han Taixi's mouth curled up immediately when he heard Ah Zhuo's name. "What a good name, great hero, haha."

Azhu looked at Han Tae-sik indifferently.

Seeing Ah Zhuo so calm, Han Taixi couldn't make fun of him anymore, so he stopped talking and said, "Let's go, let's go. I'll treat you to a midnight snack, Brother Yingxiong."

Walking downstairs, Azhuo didn't mean to leave, and went straight to the kitchen to bring out the hot meals. Han Taixi looked at Azhuo in surprise, "No, didn't you say I'd treat you?"

"Sure, you treat." Ah Zhuo put the food on the table and held out his hand to Han Tae-seok with a smile, "I'll give you a discount, a total of 110,000. Thank you for your patronage."

Han Taixi looked at Azhu ridiculously, "What a joke, really..."

Ah Zhuo smiled and took his hand back. Of course, he was not prepared to really take Han Tae-sik's money. He took out a clean set of tableware and stuffed the chopsticks into Han Tae-sik's hand. "Eat quickly. You must not have eaten well today. I'm going home. Lock the door and go to bed early."

After saying that, Azhu picked up a bag and left the restaurant, leaving Han Tae-sik alone staring at the two dishes and one soup on the table. They were all served in small plates. After all, they were for one person, and it would be a waste if there was too much.

One meat dish and one vegetarian dish, both looked delicate and beautiful, and very appetizing. The soup was a health-preserving soup that was supplied in limited quantities in the store every day. Han Tae-sik still remembered that many customers specifically requested this today, but it was limited in quantity and sold out very quickly.

Cui Yingxiong actually left a separate copy for him.

Moreover, this was the first time that someone cooked for him.

Han Tae-sik seemed to want to hide something. He put on a nonchalant look and walked to the table and sat down. He took the chopsticks that A-joo stuffed into his hand and started eating with a picky look in his eyes. However, soon, after just one bite, the picky look that Han Tae-sik had deliberately made disappeared.

Then he quickly finished two plates of food and a bowl of rice. Han Tae-sik was still touching his stomach and looking at the empty plates and bowls with an unsatisfied look, as if he wanted to shout, "One more serving!"

But no one here took an order from him, so Han Tae-sik picked up the health-preserving soup which was still warm at just the right temperature and started drinking it. His body and heart felt warm from drinking the hot soup.

Han Tae-sik worked in A-zhu's restaurant for a week. During this week, Han Tae-sik and A-zhu became very familiar with each other. In order to avoid those sisters, aunts and grandmas who wanted to take advantage of him, and also to make it easier for him to eat secretly, Han Tae-sik often ran to the kitchen.

Azhu originally had the habit of keeping a small portion of each dish to check the taste, but in the past he always tried it himself, but now it has become Han Tae-seok. Han Tae-seok has been promoted from a waiter to a commentator.

Although it was only a short week, Han Tae-sik felt that this friend's boss was very much to his liking and they got along very well. It was no exaggeration to say that they were best brothers.

The most important thing is that the food Choi Young-woong cooks is really delicious. Han Tae-sik pulled the flesh on his cheek. In just a few days, he seemed to have gained a lot of weight with Choi Young-woong's special cooking every day. It seemed that his handsome face had become a little chubby now.

Han Tae-sik had a very happy week and completely forgot about what was happening at home.

But even if Han Tae-sik has forgotten, there are still many people who remember him. Han Tae-sik's father has been worried and sent people to look for Han Tae-sik everywhere. He finally found him a week later.

Han Tae-sik's father came to A-zhu's restaurant in person. When Han Tae-sik saw the door open, he habitually shouted with a smile on his face, "Welcome..." But when he saw his father's face, the word "Welcome" was swallowed back by Han Tae-sik in less than half a second.

"Taesik, have you had enough of fooling around? It's time to go home." Han Taesik's father is a very serious man, often with no expression, which makes people feel stressed just by looking at him.

Han Tae-sik looked unhappy and unwilling to answer his father.

There were several men in suits following Han Tae-sik's father. They were the ones who chased Han Tae-sik that night. Han Tae-sik's father brought them along to prevent Han Tae-sik from running away again.

Seeing this, the customers and employees in the store couldn't help but look around and talk about it in a low voice.

Ah Zhuo came out of the kitchen upon hearing the noise. Seeing this situation, he immediately realized that the runaway bird had been caught. Ah Zhuo patted Han Tae-seok on the shoulder and said, "Take uncle to my office to talk."

Han Tae-seok's father looked at Ah-joo and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm the owner of this restaurant and also Tae-sik's friend." Azhu has seen a lot of ups and downs, and this man's aura can't put any pressure on Azhu at all. Azhu faces Han Tae-sik's father calmly.

There was a glimmer of admiration in Han Tae-sik's father's eyes. He saw that A-zhu was so young, but he was actually the owner of a large restaurant. Han Tae-sik's father himself started his business when he was young, and now he owns a hotel group, so he had a good impression of A-zhu.

Han Tae-sik and his father were talking in Azhu's office. The bodyguards were lined up outside the door. At first, Han Tae-sik's father's loud scolding and Han Tae-sik's rebuttal could be heard. Later, it gradually became quiet. Finally, Han Tae-sik's father came out first and nodded to Azhu in a friendly manner. Azhu smiled and returned the greeting.

Then, after a few minutes, Han Tae-sik came out. There were no obvious scars on his face or body, and he walked normally. It seemed that he was not beaten by his father. A-zhu was observing and analyzing Han Tae-sik with great interest.

Han Tae-sik's face was full of unhappiness, and he stared at A-zhu for a long time.

Azhu looked at Han Tae-sik in confusion, and Han Tae-sik's eyes were very conflicted.

"I...Brother Yingxiong, I'm leaving." Han Tae-sik said in a muffled voice.

Ah Zhuo smiled and looked at Han Tae-seok, "Is it time to go home?"

Han Taixi was reluctant and sad, but he saw that Ah Zhuo seemed very happy and was actually smiling. Did he really want him to leave? Bastard, it was a waste of time for me to regard him as my best brother...

Ah Zhuo saw Han Tae-seok's changing expression and the accusation in his eyes. Ah Zhuo was a little puzzled and put away his smile, "What's wrong?"

"Are you happy that I'm leaving?" Han Tae-sik glared at A-zhuo angrily.

Azhuo shook his head in confusion, "No, you ran away from home, so it's normal for you to go home."

"But my home is in America, and I want to go back to America!" Han Tae-sik spoke very loudly, probably because he was angry.

Azhuo was stunned, "America?"

Han Tae-sik nodded, then lowered his head sullenly.

"You ran away too far from home." Azhu looked at Han Tae-sik speechlessly.

Han Tae-seok shook his head irritably. At this moment, he was in no mood to tell A-joo about the complicated situation of his family.

"When are you leaving?" Azhu looked at Han Tae-sik. Not only did Han Tae-sik regard Azhu as a good friend, Azhu also recognized Han Tae-sik as a friend.

"The flight is at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." Han Tae-sik's father has already booked a plane ticket for Han Tae-sik.

"Then, I'll hold a practice session for you tonight." Ah Zhuo looked at Han Tae-seok with a smile, "I'll take you to the airport tomorrow morning."

In the evening, after the restaurant closed, Azhu prepared a large table of meals. Most of them were dishes that Han Tae-sik liked based on what he had noticed about Han Tae-sik's preferences during this period. He served all the delicious food and wine, and treated Han Tae-sik alone to so many delicacies.

Han Tae-sik, who grew up in a wealthy family, has been accustomed to a frugal life in Azhu's store during this period. Even with Azhu's special meal, it has always been just two dishes and one soup. Suddenly, it is so sumptuous that Han Tae-sik is a little uncomfortable and feels like it is a bit wasteful.

No matter what Han Tae-seok was thinking, there was no sign of it on his face. He sat in his seat and said unhappily, "Is this because I won't be able to eat it anymore, so you want me to hold on until I pass out? Last meal?"

In fact, it’s because I can’t bear to leave.

Ah Zhuo smiled good-naturedly, "Are you never going back to Korea?"

"Who knows?" There was something hidden in Han Tae-sik's eyes, "Maybe he will never be able to come back." He is an illegitimate child, and maybe he will never have the chance to return to Korea in the future. Many people don't want him to come back, because he was sent abroad since he was a child, right?

Han Tae-sik said no, and something flashed quickly in A-zhu's eyes.

Han Tae-sik opened the bottle, filled himself with wine, and poured it into his mouth silently.

Azhu didn't stop him, but just picked up some of Han Tae-sik's favorite dishes and put them in his bowl. If he just drank too much, he would easily get drunk and it would be harmful to his health.

In the end, as expected, Han Tae-sik passed out drunk. A-zhuo helped Han Tae-sik to the lounge, helped him take off his coat and shoes, and Han Tae-sik, who was very drunk, held A-zhuo's hand tightly and refused to let go.

As expected, Han Tae-sik passed out drunk. Ah-joo helped Han Tae-sik to the rest room and helped him take off his coat and shoes. Han Tae-sik, who was very drunk, held Ah-joo's hand tightly and refused to let go. (The last sentence is for protection.)

I just got another one. I wrote a chapter and was about to update it but I couldn’t log into the backend no matter what. I went out to have a meal and finally got it working.

I continue to type. The next chapter will probably be updated between 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock, depending on my typing speed.

see you later.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 99: Blue Life and Death (XIV)
Chapter 99: Blue Life and Death (XIV)

Ah Zhuo looked at Han Tae-seok's drunken red face and frowned brows and sighed. (Play the movie.)

It was quite late, and seeing that Azhuo had not returned home yet, Cui Xin'ai called her brother. Azhuo took out the phone from his pocket, and Cui Xin'ai called out in a sweet voice, "Oppa, why haven't you returned home yet? Did you bring any delicious food? I'm so hungry. I haven't had my brother's cooking for several days at school."

It turns out that Cui Xin'ai went home today.

When Cui Xin'ai came home to live, Azhuo would definitely make her some delicious food to nourish her body, but this time... Azhuo looked at his hand that was being held tightly, and whispered to Cui Xin'ai on the other end of the phone: "Xin'ai, I have something to do today and won't be home. Can you bring her some delicious food tomorrow?"

"Oh..." Cui Xin'ai dragged out the words for a long time, and teased Azhuo mischievously, "What's the matter? You don't go home at night. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"What nonsense." Azhu smiled helplessly.

"Hehe." Cui Xin'ai joked a few times with a smile, then obediently told Azhu to be careful and hung up the phone.

Azhuo put away his phone and looked at the small bed in embarrassment. How was he going to sleep tonight?

Han Tae-sik, who was in his sleep, had no idea of ​​Azhu's struggle and was still holding on to Azhu tightly. Azhu had no choice but to push Han Tae-sik inside to make some space. Azhu frowned and got on the bed, curled up and lay on his side. He could only sleep like this. He hoped that he wouldn't feel sore all over tomorrow and would not have a stiff neck.

I don’t know what Han Tae-sik was dreaming about. Not only did he hold Azhu’s hand tightly, but after Azhu went to bed, he even stuck to Azhu. He then hugged Azhu with both hands and nestled in Azhu’s arms.

Azhu was a little embarrassed, but after seeing Han Tae-sik going through so much trouble, the frown on his face smoothed out and his expression became much more peaceful. Azhu finally resisted the urge to push Han Tae-sik away.

He is holding me so tightly, could this guy be dreaming that I am his girlfriend? Before falling asleep, Azhuo was still thinking vaguely.

Ah Zhuo really misunderstood Han Tae-sik. Although Han Tae-sik has always been a playboy, most of the time he just played around with mutual consent. He only had one serious girlfriend, and that was his childhood sweetheart, Yu-mei.

Han Tae-sik and Yoo-mi broke up several years ago, and now they are very good friends. Yoo-mi also has someone she likes now, Yoon Jun-hee, a good friend of Han Tae-sik who he met in college. However, Han Tae-sik doesn't understand what Yoon Jun-hee is thinking. Yoo-mi is such a good girl, beautiful and gentle, and she has actively pursued Yoon Jun-hee for two years, but Yoon Jun-hee has remained unmoved.

Since the person in the dream was not his girlfriend, what did Han Tae-sik dream about? Why did he keep hugging Azhu? Who did he think Azhu was?

In fact, Han Tae-sik dreamed about his biological mother.

Han Tae-sik is an illegitimate child. His mother is his father's lover. His father has a wife and children at home. When Han Tae-sik was a child, he lived alone with his mother. The time he spent with his mother was the happiest time for Han Tae-sik.

Although her mother's identity is shameful and she is despised by many people, she is a good mother and is very kind and gentle to Han Tae-sik.

Later, after his mother died, Han Tae-sik was taken back home by his father. However, because of his wife and eldest son, Han Tae-sik was sent abroad.

Han Tae-sik was really drunk, so he saw his mother who had died many years ago in his dream. His mother was still so beautiful and gentle, but she kept wanting to leave. Han Tae-sik didn't want to. He didn't want his mother to leave him again, so he desperately pulled his mother to stop her from leaving. Later, he hugged her tightly, but why did his mother's body become so hard? It wasn't as soft and warm as before...

The next day, Han Tae-sik was woken up early by a splitting headache because of a hangover. After waking up, Han Tae-sik wanted to pound his head, and then hesitantly realized that he seemed to be holding something...

Han Tae-seok, who woke up from his drunken stupor, didn't remember what he had done yesterday or what he had dreamed about, so he stared at Ah-joo in astonishment. It was nothing for two men to sleep in the same bed, but he actually slept with Brother Yingxiong in his arms for the whole night! And he was nestled in Brother Yingxiong's arms! The same posture as his women used to nestle in his arms!!!

Han Tae-sik had an expression as if he was struck by lightning. He stared at A-zhu stupidly, and his mind went blank for a moment.

After the blank, Han Tae-sik began to come back to his senses. After waking up, Han Tae-sik's face turned red. It was not the kind of red that comes from being drunk, but the red from embarrassment. At that time, Han Tae-sik's first thought was, "I'm done for. Brother Yingxiong will definitely make fun of me if he finds out!"

Then the second thought was, 'I must not let Yingxiong find out! ' So Han Tae-seok looked at Azhu nervously, and when he saw that Azhu was not awake, he breathed a sigh of relief and tried to move out of Azhu's arms carefully without waking Azhu.

However, just as Han Tae-sik made a small move, a shrill ring suddenly rang out in the quiet rest room, "Ding-ling-ling-ling-ling... Ding-ling-ling-ling-ling..."

Each sound is higher and louder than the last, and more shrill than the last.

Han Tae-sik was startled and his body stiffened. A-zhu, who was face to face with him, opened his eyes. It turned out that A-zhu had set an alarm before going to bed last night because he remembered to get up early this morning to send Han Tae-sik to the airport.

As soon as Azhu opened his eyes, he saw Han Tae-seok's frightened eyes. Azhu smiled and asked Han Tae-seok: "Are you awake? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you have a headache?"

Han Tae-sik shook his head a little dazedly.

Ah Zhuo curled the corners of his mouth and looked at Han Tae-seok jokingly, "Then... can you get out of my arms? I have to make breakfast. Time is running out, and I have to take you to the airport."

Han Tae-seok's head buzzed with a bang, and he yelled in his heart, "Brother Yingxiong knows! He knows!" "Hero really made fun of me!!!" "What should I do? What should I do!!!"

Han Tae-sik clumsily came out of Azhu's arms and jumped off the bed. He didn't dare to look Azhu in the eye. It was too embarrassing!

Azhu was very understanding and did not continue teasing Han Tae-sik. Instead, he went downstairs to wash up and prepare breakfast.

Because of this incident, Han Tae-sik was so embarrassed that the sadness of parting was diluted a lot. When Azhu drove Han Tae-sik to the airport and the boarding information started to play on the radio, Han Tae-sik didn't care about being embarrassed anymore. He pulled Azhu's sleeve and said, "Brother Yingxiong, please contact me often. If you travel to the United States, I will treat you."

"Okay." Azhu smiled and waved his hand, watching Han Tae-sik's figure disappear at the boarding gate, then turned and left.

When the plane landed in the United States, Han Tae-seok came out of the arrival gate and saw his two good friends, Yoo-mi and Yoon Jun-hee. They looked at Han Tae-seok with concern and asked, "Why did you suddenly return to Korea? What happened?"

Han Tae-seok shook his head, "Nothing, just went back to play for a few days."

Youmei happily pulled Han Tae-sik and said that she wanted to go and welcome Han Tae-sik. Han Tae-sik used his mobile phone to text Azhuo to say that he had arrived safely. At the same time, he replied to Youmei that he was a little tired after sitting on the plane for a long time and wanted to go back to rest. Let's talk about it next time.

Yumei was a little disappointed. She looked at Yin Junxi, but found that Yin Junxi was absent-minded and was staring at Han Taixi's mobile phone. Yumei asked puzzledly: "Junxi, what's wrong with you? What are you looking at?"

Yoon Jun-hee came back to his senses, but he didn't bother to answer Yoo-mi's question. Instead, he stared at Han Tae-seok and asked nervously, "Do you know Choi Young-woong?"

Han Tae-seok blinked in confusion, "Ah...ah? What's wrong? Junxi knows him too?"

"Yes... he is a friend of mine. However, his family moved after I went abroad and I lost contact with him. Tae-sik, can you tell me his phone number?" Yoon Jun-hee looked at Han Tae-sik with an anxious expression. Since his family moved to the United States four years ago, he rarely heard news about the Choi family. Later, he completely lost contact with them because his friends told him that the Choi family had moved away, but they didn't know where they had moved to.

"Junxi, why are you so excited? Maybe you just have the same name but are not the same person." Youmei felt a little strange about Yoon Junxi's excitement. If he was just an ordinary friend, he wouldn't be so excited. Could he be a close brother?

"No, I know it's him." Yoon Jun-hee shook his head. He just glanced at the desktop of Han Tae-sik's mobile phone. It was taken in a restaurant. Han Tae-sik was actually wearing a waiter's uniform and smiling happily. But this is not important. What is important is that there is a man passing by behind, and it is Choi Young-hyung, there is no doubt about it.

Yin Junxi returned home. His father was reading the newspaper on the sofa, his mother was making snacks in the kitchen, and his sister Eunxi was helping her. When she saw Yin Junxi coming home, Eunxi shouted happily, "Brother! You are back. Let's eat the snacks that Eunxi made later, okay?"

Yoon Jun-hee smiled at Eun-hee, nodded, then quickly went upstairs to his room and locked the door.

Yoon Jun-hee calculated the time difference. It should be around 10pm in Korea at this time. He wondered if Choi Young-woong would be able to call him at this time or if he would be asleep...

After thinking for a long time, Yoon Junxi felt that he couldn't wait until tomorrow to call again. He thought it should be okay so early. Yoon Junxi nervously dialed Azhu's number on his phone. The phone rang three times before it was connected. A familiar but much more mature voice came from the other end, "Hello, I'm Choi Young-woong, is this Tae-sik?"

Azhu had just finished packing up and was about to close the store and go home when he saw the call was from the United States. He thought it was Han Tae-sik calling and answered without thinking much.

Yin Junxi took a deep breath and said, "Hello, I... I am Yin Junxi."

The author has something to say:

Yin Junxi took a deep breath and said, "Hello, I... I am Yin Junxi." (The last sentence is for protection.)

Phew, finally done. I’m so sleepy. Time to go to bed. Good night everyone. See you tomorrow~Trojan!

By the way, I saw someone mentioned Summer of Bubbles. I won’t give up on Summer of Bubbles, but I plan to finish this book in February and then write Summer of Bubbles, because I can’t work on two things at the same time now. It’s not just my typing ability that matters, but also my thinking ability. If I’m with Master Ou one moment and other male protagonists the next, I’ll be confused and all kinds of things will come out.

So, let's finish this first, okay? One by one, anyway, I won't give up. Also, once I finish writing the blue here, the main story will be finished. I cut off "Sorry, I Love You" because I made a big mistake.

I don't know what I did wrong, I kept thinking of writing about Azhu becoming an uncle and seizing Cui Yun, who was adopted by his biological mother. I had thought of many plots in my head. But one day before falling asleep, my mind suddenly cleared up and I suddenly realized that the uncle in the drama was the male lead and Cui Yun was the male supporting role!!! So it was a tragedy, and I reluctantly cut off this story.

So after the blue is over, it's back to the previous world.

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Chapter 100: Blue Life and Death (XV)
[Summary] When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role

"Yin Junxi..." Ah Zhuo was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect Yin Junxi to call him. Oh, he changed his number last year. How did Yin Junxi know it? Ah Zhuo quickly came to his senses and asked, "How is Enxi?"

"Eun Hee is fine." Yoon Jun Hee felt a little uncomfortable that the first thing A Zhuo said after receiving his call was to ask if Eun Hee was okay, but then he thought that Choi Young-woong and he were not friends, and the relationship between them was because of Eun Hee and Xin Ai...

So Yin Junxi calmed down and controlled his tone, fearing that he might accidentally reveal something, "Is Xin Ai doing well?"

"Well, Xin'ai is studying at Seoul University now and will graduate next year." Azhuo is very proud of Cui Xin'ai, his excellent sister.

Azhu originally didn't think that he and Yoon Junxi had anything to talk about, but because the topic of his sister came up, Azhu told Yoon Junxi about Choi Xin'ai while asking about Yoon Eunxi, and they actually talked for a long time in a pleasant atmosphere.

Ah Zhuo was quite interested in this topic, but Yin Junxi was a little impatient to continue talking about this topic. After answering Ah Zhuo's question about Yin Enxi, Yin Junxi asked before Ah Zhuo continued to ask other questions: "Where have you moved to now? What are you doing now?"

Azhuo answered without any doubt: "Xin Ai came to Seoul to study at university, so we all moved to Seoul, and I opened a restaurant in Seoul."

It was a long-distance overseas call that lasted almost an hour before the call was hung up.

After Azhuo returned home, Xin Ai was not at home today. At school, Cui's mother was relieved to see Azhuo coming back and said, "You are back. Why are you so late today? I was worried that something had happened."

Azhuo smiled at Cui's mother, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just took a phone call and talked for a long time."

Cui's mother nodded, and she was relieved and prepared to go back to her room to sleep, but was stopped by Azhuo, "Mom, that call was from Yin Junxi."

Cui's mother's body froze, and she looked up at Azhuo, with a gleam in her eyes. She asked Azhuo in a dry voice, "Then...did he tell her how Enxi is doing?"

Although Cui's mother has not mentioned Yin Eun-hee in front of Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai in recent years, it is not that she does not miss Yin Eun-hee. Although Cui's mother has not said it in her mouth in recent years, she has always been concerned about Yin Eun-hee in her heart. Is her biological daughter doing well? Is she growing up healthily? Hasn't she become a beautiful girl now?

In many nights, Cui's mother dreamed of Yin Enxi. Sometimes Yin Enxi in the dream smiled happily and said that her parents treated her very well and loved her very much. Sometimes Yin Enxi in the dream would cry in grievance but would not speak...

"Eun-hee is doing well. She just had trouble adapting when she first arrived in the United States. She went to a language school for two years, and then integrated into the environment, made a lot of friends, and went to college this year." Azhu told Cui's mother what Yoon Jun-hee had told him about Yoon Eun-hee.

That night, Azhuo slept well, but Cui's mother in the next room couldn't sleep all night. Before she didn't know about Yin Eun-hee, Cui's mother would think about Yin Eun-hee and wonder if Yin Eun-hee was doing well. Now that she knows about Yin Eun-hee, Cui's mother still can't sleep well and still thinks about Yin Eun-hee. She imagines what Yin Eun-hee is like now in her mind according to Azhuo's description...

And on the other side of the ocean, there was also someone suffering from insomnia.

Yoon Jun-hee couldn't sleep either, because after many years, he finally got in touch with Choi Young-young, and Yoon Jun-hee was so excited that he couldn't calm down.

Yoon Jun-hee has a secret in his heart that he cannot tell anyone. After Yoon Jun-hee's family moved to the United States, American girls were warm and open, and Yoon Jun-hee was often pursued by girls, but Yoon Jun-hee never felt anything. Until now, he is 23 years old, graduated from college and is studying for a master's degree. Other friends have had many love experiences, but Yoon Jun-hee has never had a girlfriend.

At first, Yoon Jun-hee didn't notice anything wrong. He just thought that he was used to Asian aesthetics, so he didn't feel anything for European and American girls. But after Yoo-mi appeared, Yoon Jun-hee was confused. When he was young, he had imagined that his future lover was actually Yoo-mi's type. But now, facing his former ideal type, he still had no feelings.

Yoon Junxi was a little panicked. American society is very open, and Yoon Junxi also knew that in addition to heterosexual lovers, there are also some people who like same-sex lovers. Yoon Junxi studied art, and there are many such homosexuals in art schools. Yoon Junxi has also heard of them.

Yin Junxi had never felt the desire to date any woman, so he had to doubt himself. Was his sexual orientation actually abnormal? However, Yin Junxi did not find anything attractive about men.

In order to find out what was wrong with him, Yoon Junxi once secretly went to a gay bar. The end result was that Yoon Junxi still had no feelings for the men there, but after returning home that night, Yoon Junxi had a blushing dream.

The person in the dream was not any beautiful star, but Choi Young-woong.

Yoon Jun-hee himself didn't understand why this happened. He was scared and conflicted. Not long after, his family went back to Korea to visit relatives, and Yoon Jun-hee went to the small restaurant of the Choi family. Before he thought about what Choi Young-hyung would do, he heard the news that the Choi family had moved away long ago.

That day, Yoon Junxi left in a daze. He suddenly felt very sad, as if there was a big hole in his heart and he was very lost.

Yoon Joon Hee didn't have time to think about how to face Choi Young-hyung in the future, he just wanted to find out where the Choi family moved to. He was a little scared that they might never meet again. However, when Yoon Joon Hee returned to the United States, he still hadn't found out where the Choi family moved to.

So this time, he finally got in touch with Choi Young-young, and Yoon Jun-hee felt very complicated.

Yoon Jun-hee often contacted A-zhuo using the topic of Yoon Eun-hee and Choi Xin-ae, and A-zhuo did not suspect anything.

Half a year later, Cui Xin'ai graduated from university and was admitted to Harvard University as a graduate student. Azhu sent Cui Xin'ai to study in the United States and prepared to meet his good friend Han Tae-seok at the same time.

When Han Tae-seok heard that Ah-joo was coming to the United States, he was so happy that he shouted on the phone, "Brother Yingxiong, when you come, stay at my house. I will take you to have fun, eat delicious food, and see beautiful things!"

Ah Zhuo smiled softly and said, "Okay."

When Yoon Jun-hee learned that A-zhu was going to send Cui Xin'ai to study in the United States, he felt a little excited because they were finally going to meet.

When the plane landed in the United States, it was morning, but Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai were very sleepy due to the jet lag. Cui Xin'ai had just fallen asleep for more than an hour when she was woken up and asked to get off the plane. Now she couldn't even open her eyes, and she was leaning on Azhuo, walking and sleeping at the same time.

As soon as I came out with my luggage, I saw Han Tae-seok and Yoon Jun-hee who came to pick me up at the airport, because they were so conspicuous. Han Tae-seok and Yoon Jun-hee are both handsome men, shining wherever they go. Yoon Eun-hee who followed Yoon Jun-hee is also a pretty lady. The powerful combination of handsome men and beautiful women is dazzling.

As for Azhuo and Cui Xin'ai, Cui Xin'ai is undoubtedly a great beauty. Azhuo's looks are not as delicate and handsome as Han Tae-seok and Yoon Jun-hee, but he is also very attractive. In addition, he has a tall figure and perfect chest and abdominal muscles after training in the army. He is definitely a sexy man that countless women covet.

In one round on each side, five handsome men and beautiful women stood together, attracting a lot of attention. They were more eye-catching than the star next to them who had fans coming to pick him up at the airport.

When Han Tae-seok saw Ah-joo and Choi Shin-ae coming out, he waved loudly. Now Ah-joo came over, and Han Tae-seok hugged him directly, "Brother Yingxiong, long time no see. Did you miss me a lot, haha."

Ah Zhuo patted Han Taixi's shoulder, his eyes softened, and he introduced his sister to Han Taixi, "Taixi, this is my sister Xin'ai. She will go to school here in the future. Please take care of her."

"Of course!" Han Taixi patted his chest and assured, "Brother Yingxiong's sister is my biological sister. I will definitely take good care of our sister."

Cui Xin'ai laughed out loud, and Han Tae-seok said to Cui Xin'ai with a familiar smile: "Sister, come to Tae-seok if you have any problems in the future."

When Yoon Jun-hee saw Han Tae-seok hugging Ah-joo, he tightened his grip. He wanted to do the same, but he and Choi Young-woong were not as close as Han Tae-seok...

Yoon Eun Hee looked at Ah Zhuo and Choi Xin Ai with some shyness and curiosity. They hadn't seen each other for 6 or 7 years, so they naturally felt unfamiliar. Yoon Eun Hee didn't know how to greet them. Seeing Ah Zhuo and Han Tae Seok laughing and joking, Yoon Eun Hee finally summoned up the courage to shout, "Brother Yingxiong, Xin Ai."

Ah Zhuo smiled at Yin Enxi, "Enxi has grown so beautiful. Brother Yingxiong brought you a gift. I will give it to you later."

"Thank you, Brother Yingxiong." Yoon Eun-hee's eyes lit up. Brother Yingxiong was still so gentle, just like when they were in Korea.

Over the years, Cui Xin'ai has let go of the mistake with Yin Eun-hee. She acted very naturally in front of Yin Eun-hee and Yin Jun-hee. She smiled and held Yin Eun-hee's hand and said, "Eun-hee has changed a lot. I also prepared a gift. It's in my brother's bag."

Seeing Cui Xin'ai's attitude, Yin Enxi breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Xin'ai."

Cui Xin'ai's spirits that had been lifted by seeing Han Tae-seok and Yoon Eun-hee disappeared again. She yawned sleepily and fell on A-zhu again, and said coquettishly, "Brother, I'm so sleepy and want to sleep."

Han Tae-seok immediately said, "Let's go, the car is outside, go home and have a good rest first, I'll take you to eat delicious food in the evening."

Han Tae-sik had already planned to let A-joo and the others live in his house. Han Tae-sik's father bought a villa for Han Tae-sik, and Han Tae-sik lived there alone.

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Chapter 101: Blue Life and Death (Sixteen)
Chapter 101: Blue Life and Death (Sixteen)

When Yoon Jun-hee saw Han Tae-seok trying to bring A-joo and the others to his home, his eyes tightened and he said, "Mom and Dad have prepared a room at home. When will Xin'ai start school? Xin'ai and Yingxiong can stay at our house before school starts."

"Yes, yes, Xin'ai, let's live together. I heard that Xin'ai is going to Harvard for a master's degree. You're so amazing. You're not as stupid as me. I only got into a very bad university. Xin'ai is going to be a master's student while I'm only a sophomore." Yin Enxi feels a little inferior. Her brother and Xin'ai are so outstanding, only she is a stupid ugly duckling.

Cui Xin'ai looked at Azhuo and let Azhuo make the decision.

Han Tae-seok immediately glared at Yoon Jun-hee. He didn't know the relationship between Choi Shin-ae and the Yoon family, so he was very angry. "Jun-hee, what are you doing? Brother Yingxiong and I have already agreed that when you come, you can stay at my house and I will host you."

Yoon Jun-hee did not respond to Han Tae-seok's questioning, but just looked at Azhu, looking forward to Azhu's decision. There was a little nervousness in Yoon Jun-hee's eyes.

Azhu had already agreed to live in Han Tae-sik's house. Azhu glanced at Han Tae-sik, who was glaring at Yoon Jun-hee, who was trying to steal her from him. Azhu was amused by Han Tae-sik's expression and laughed out loud.

Yin Junxi looked at Yin Eunxi, who nodded, and moved closer to Ah Zhuo, grabbing Ah Zhuo's hand and shaking it coquettishly, saying, "Brother Yingxiong, Xin Ai, let's go home together."

Han Tae-seok has a good relationship with Yoon Jun-hee, so he often goes to the Yoon family and has met Yoon Eun-hee many times. In his impression, Yoon Eun-hee is a very shy and introverted girl. Once, Han Tae-seok got a little closer to her and she blushed. Han Tae-seok has never seen Yoon Eun-hee so close to a boy other than Yoon Jun-hee, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange. Are Brother Yingxiong and the Yoon family relatives?

Ah Zhuo touched Yin Enxi's head, and then said to Yin Junxi: "Let's go."

Han Taixi's eyes darkened, his face fell, and he looked at Azhu unhappily and said, "Brother Yingxiong, you promised me."

"Let's go visit Junxi's house first." Ah Zhuo glanced at the aggrieved Han Tae-seok with a smile in his eyes, and then said to Cui Xin'ai whose eyes were about to close: "Xin'ai, please sleep in the car later. Let's visit Eunxi's house first, and then go to Tae-seok's house to sleep, okay?"

"Well... okay..." Cui Xin'ai opened her eyes drowsily, then nodded, and followed Azhuo like sleepwalking.

After hearing what Azhu said, Han Tae-sik's smile returned to his face, but Yoon Jun-hee's face darkened. Yoon Eun-hee was also a little disappointed. She looked at her brother, hoping that he would think of a solution, but Yoon Jun-hee just smiled dryly and said nothing.

The group went to Yin's house, and Azhuo presented the gift he had prepared in advance. When Yin's father saw Cui Xin'ai, his eyes turned red and he was very excited.

So in the end, only Azhu and Han Tae-sik left. Cui Xin'ai looked at Mr. Yoon, who kept looking at her with tears in his eyes, and she couldn't bear to refuse, so she was left behind by Mr. Yoon.

Yin Junxi followed out and said he wanted to send Azhu away.

Han Tae-sik glared at Yoon Jun-hee and refused to let her see him off. Just when Yoon's father wanted to let Choi Xin-ae stay, Yoon Jun-hee chimed in and asked A-joo to stay as well. Han Tae-sik drove Yoon Jun-hee away with a stern face.

There were only Azhu and Han Tae-seok in the car. Han Tae-seok was driving, but he was a little absent-minded. After a while, he couldn't help but ask Azhu: "What is your relationship with Yin Junxi's family? Why does Uncle Yin look at Xin Ai like his own child?"

Azhuo didn't want to hide this matter, so he told the truth that Xin'ai and Enxi were taken away by mistake.

After hearing this, Han Tae-seok opened his mouth in disbelief and said in surprise: "There is such a thing..."

After arriving at Han Tae-sik's house and putting down their luggage, Han Tae-sik asked A-zhu to go to bed, but A-zhu shook his head and said that he wanted to sleep at night to adjust to the jet lag.

Han Tae-sik nodded, and seeing that it was almost time for dinner, he said he would take A-zhu to eat something delicious, and drove A-zhu to a restaurant he used to go to often.

That restaurant is quite famous, the chef's cooking skills are excellent, and the restaurant's decoration is also very romantic. Han Tae-sik used to love to frequent this restaurant and had brought many female companions here. This means that Han Tae-sik is always very popular when he comes here.

For example, now, since they walked into the restaurant, three beautiful women have come over to greet Han Tae-sik and stick to him.

Han Tae-seok's eyes were a little melancholy and regretful. He only remembered that the food here was delicious, but forgot this. If Brother Yingxiong saw this, would he realize that he had behaved badly...

Han Tae-sik pushed away the woman who was clinging to him and looked at A-zhu anxiously, afraid that he would see a hint of disgust in the other's eyes.

Azhu was just a little surprised. He originally only knew that Han Tae-sik was a rich young master, but now he found out that this guy was also a playboy. However, Azhu had seen a lot of ups and downs, so he was only surprised for a moment, but soon returned to normal, being very calm and not feeling anything unusual.

Han Tae-seok breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw a familiar woman coming over, he became a little impatient and said, "Brother Yingxiong, let's go to another place."

Unexpectedly, the woman came over and just greeted Han Tae-sik lightly, but she came to Ah Zhuo, "Tae-sik, is this your friend? Please introduce him."

This woman was not very pretty, but she had an extremely hot body. Her breasts seemed to be able to burst her shirt. She deliberately got very close to Azhuo, with her breasts boldly pressing against Azhuo's arm, seducing him nakedly.

Looking at this scene, Han Tae-sik suddenly felt an inexplicable anger in his heart. He felt that this woman was extremely annoying. He knew what this woman meant. In the past, if he encountered such a thing with other friends, he would definitely smile and help the two of them to pair up.

However, Han Taixi is not willing to do this now. He is not even willing to tell the woman Azhu's name. Han Taixi believes that Yingxiong also understands what the woman means. He doesn't know what Yingxiong is thinking and whether he is interested in this woman...

Han Tae-sik looked at A-zhu with a little trepidation.

Ah Zhuo took a step back to avoid the woman's temptation, pretended not to understand and looked at Han Taixi, and said in Korean: "It seems that this place is too lively, let's go home to eat, go buy some ingredients and I will cook."

The woman couldn't understand Korean and looked at Han Tae-seok in confusion, "Doesn't he speak English?"

Han Tae-seok put on a serious expression and said, "Yes, he is here for tourism and can't speak English."

The woman was stunned, but she didn't want to fall in love with Ah Zhuo, so it didn't matter whether they could communicate in the same language or not. She said to Han Tae-seok, "Then tell him for me that I want to invite him to my house tonight."

Azhuo showed a confused expression at the right time. Han Tae-seok found it interesting and tried to suppress his smile to translate to Azhuo: "Okay, let's drive to the supermarket later. I want to eat that crispy shrimp."

Ah Zhuo smiled and said, "Okay, we introduced a new dish some time ago, I'll make it for you to try."

Han Tae-seok showed a happy smile on his face, but he immediately suppressed it and looked at the woman to translate, "He said he was sorry and had to accompany his girlfriend tonight."

The woman walked away disappointed.

Han Tae-sik and A-joo went out together and got in the car. Han Tae-sik thought about what had just happened and leaned over the steering wheel and laughed. A-joo also laughed.

Han Tae-sik drove A-joo to the supermarket to buy a lot of food, and then drove home.

Han Tae-sik said he wanted to help Ah-joo, but he ended up not helping much and just ate secretly. When all the dishes were ready, Han Tae-sik took out a bottle of wine and drank while eating. Han Tae-sik was in a particularly good mood and drank a little too much.

When they were almost done eating, it was time for the kitchen to heat up. Ah Zhuo wanted to go and get it, but Han Tae Seok stood up a little unsteadily and said, "I'll do it."

Seeing Han Tae-sik staggering, A-zhuo followed him with some concern. Sure enough, Han Tae-sik was about to fall. A-zhuo hurried to help him. Han Tae-sik did not fall, but A-zhuo's clothes were soaked by the soup and his skin was burned. A-zhuo took off his shirt, looked at his red skin, took a deep breath and asked Han Tae-sik: "Is there a medicine box at home?"

Han Taixi stared at Ah Zhuo's naked upper body with his eyes wide open. His nose felt a little itchy and he felt restless. Why did he feel that Yingxiong's muscles made him more restless than the woman's soft white body...

Han Taixi went to get the medicine box and offered to help Azhu apply medicine, but after touching Azhu's chest, Han Taixi himself shuddered and felt that something was wrong with him...

Han Tae-sik's hand was still covered with ointment, but he didn't move. Azhu looked at Han Tae-sik in confusion, but found that Han Tae-sik was staring at him blankly, "Tae-sik? What are you daydreaming about?"

Han Tae-seok raised his head abruptly, and when he looked into A-zhuo's eyes, he quickly looked away, and said in a slightly unstable voice: "No...it's okay." Then he quickly applied the medicine to A-zhuo, and said a little panickedly: "Brother Yingxiong, I feel uncomfortable because I drank too much. I'll go back to my room first..."

Ah Zhuo looked at Han Tae-seok's hurried steps in confusion. Why did he feel like he was running away? Nothing happened, right?

Azhuo packed the medicine box by himself. He felt very sleepy, and seeing that it was almost dark, he decided to go to bed.

Han Tae-seok returned to his room, locked the door, rushed into the bathroom, turned on the cold water and poured it over his head. Han Tae-seok, who has rich emotional experience, how could he not know what was going on with his strange feelings.

The cold water flowed down his face, icy but unable to calm Han Tae-sik's restless heart.

Han Tae-sik's mind is full of scenes of his acquaintance with A-zhu. A-zhu's gentleness and care are deeply engraved in Han Tae-sik's heart. Han Tae-sik has lacked the feeling of being loved and cared for since he was a child, so since he met A-zhu, Han Tae-sik has cared very much about the feeling that A-zhu brings him. In his heart, he regards A-zhu's gentleness and care for him as the sustenance that he lacked in his childhood.

He always thought that Azhu was the closest brother to him, but he didn't expect that in the past year, his dependence on Azhu and his longing for him after separation had caused this relationship to deteriorate.

Han Tae-sik knew that he had fallen in love with Choi Young-hyung because the warm feelings that Young-hyung brought him made him irresistibly attracted to him.

Han Tae-seok knew that he had fallen in love with Choi Young-woong because the warm feelings that Young-woong brought to him made him irresistibly attracted. (The last sentence is for protection.)

Ahem, whenever men are attracted to Ah Zhuo, it is time for Ah Zhuo to leave. (Sly smile

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 102: Blue Life and Death (End)
Chapter 102: Blue Life and Death (End)

It was already dark outside. Han Tae-sik was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt. Suddenly he sneezed and wrapped the quilt tightly around him. He felt dizzy, probably due to the effect of the alcohol.

The next morning, Azhuo woke up and went to Han Tae-sik's room to wake him up, but found that Han Tae-sik was burning with fever. Azhuo quickly wrung out a wet towel and applied it to Han Tae-sik. He then went to the medicine box and found some antipyretic medicine. When he came back to wake Han Tae-sik up and take the medicine, he heard Han Tae-sik's voice dazedly calling, "Brother Yingxiong."

Ah Zhuo thought Han Tae-sik had woken up, so he said, "Tae-sik, take the medicine first. What happened to you that you suddenly got sick?"

But Han Tae-sik didn't move, so A-zhu called out in surprise, "Tae-sik, Tae-sik?" Only then did he realize that Han Tae-sik wasn't awake at all and was just talking in his sleep.

Ah Zhuo was a little amused. He was just wondering what Han Tae-sik was dreaming about, and why he was calling his name. He poured a glass of warm water, and then he heard Han Tae-sik say again: "I like you...Brother Yingxiong..."

Azhu's hand froze and he looked at Han Tae-sik in surprise.

Before he had time to think deeply, Azhuo's eyes went dark, and after a dizzy feeling, he came to the cold and lonely space that he had glimpsed from afar before.

This time, unlike the last time when he only saw it from a distance, Azhuo went directly to the center of the space. Azhuo saw a tall pillar standing there, and a man seemed to be standing floating on the pillar. The man had his head lowered, and Azhuo could not see his appearance.

"You are finally back."

Suddenly, this sentence rang in Azhuo's mind. Azhuo looked at the floating man with a sense of something, "Are you talking? Who are you?"

Azhu heard the man chuckle in his mind, and then saw the man raise his face to Azhu.

After seeing the man's face, Azhuo froze. That face was Azhuo's face, the face he had when he first became Azhuo...

"Who are you?" Azhuo's voice was as hard as ice.

"I am you."

When Azhu heard the sighing words, he fainted before he could ask any questions. Azhu fell to the ground and fell asleep. The man on the pillar floated to Azhu's side. When he looked closer, he found that the man seemed to be just a spirit, transparent, without a body at all.

After the man approached Azhuo, he pressed himself against Azhuo without hesitation and merged his body with Azhuo's.

While Azhuo was in a coma, a lot of memories came to his mind.

It turns out that he was the manager of these worlds. He was born inexplicably and had the appearance of a human, but he was different from humans. He had no emotions. He knew everything in the world but he just knew it. He had no feelings of his own and his life was endless.

He didn't know how many years had passed, but he kept looking at the different worlds, watching what the people in those worlds did, why they laughed, why they cried. He gradually began to become curious: why did these people who looked the same as himself have so many strange emotions?

So, one day he decided to be a human being.

He used part of his power to create a being that managed the world on his behalf, and then left a j□j to monitor the world to prevent any problems from happening when he was away. Finally, he dispersed all the remaining power to various worlds to maintain and repair the world when he was away.

In the end, without any power or memory, he was reborn into a world like an ordinary, clean baby. Life after life, he lived like an ordinary person...

Originally, he wanted the j□j who stayed behind to call him back after he had experienced enough of human life, but he didn't expect that he would adapt to and like human life very much, life after life, without getting tired of it at all, so the j□j who stayed behind never called him back.

However, the manager he created developed selfish desires over the years. Because they were of the same origin, the manager felt that the power he left behind was not as strong as his original self. He accidentally discovered that there were powers that could be conquered hidden in each world, and he could gain those powers by changing the course of that world.

So the manager became the so-called Lord God, and started a business with the dead souls, asking the souls to help him gather power, and he allowed the souls to live as human beings...

When Azhu woke up, he still looked like Choi Young-hyung, and the time was still the moment when he was about to call Han Tae-sik to take medicine and accidentally heard Han Tae-sik's confession.

Because, although Azhu has now taken back j□j's part of the power, it is not enough to support the management of the world. He plans to use himself as bait to lure the main god to come and take back the part of the power that created the main god.

Azhu knew that the Lord God was still looking for him, and he also understood what the Lord God once said, that he was very special and could become a god because the power of those worlds belonged to him, and so by being close to him, other souls could only gain a little power even if they could change the course of the world in time, but Azhu could take back all the power he put into that world.

The Lord God said those words only to coax him into doing things for him. It was precisely because of his special ability that the Lord God indulged him so much. At the beginning, the Lord God had the ability to wipe out Azhuo, but he was reluctant to do so.

Azhuo knew that if he returned as a manager, the Lord God would definitely avoid him and would not give him a chance to take back his power, so Azhuo planned to remain Azhuo and continue to be Cui Yingxiong, but unlike before when he carefully avoided the Lord God and ran away when the Lord God came, this time he would deliberately reveal his true colors to lure the Lord God to come.

The Lord God was able to sense the power released by the world, but every time he got the power before, Azhuo left quickly, so he was not caught by the Lord God. This time, Azhuo deliberately released some power into the world, and then quietly waited for the Lord God to come.

Ah Zhuo woke Han Tae-sik up as if nothing had happened. Han Tae-sik opened his eyes, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. After seeing Ah Zhuo clearly, he turned away in panic. Feeling the towel on his forehead, Han Tae-sik asked curiously, "What happened to Yingxiong?"

Ah Zhuo handed the medicine and water to Han Tae-seok's mouth, "You have a fever, take the medicine quickly, what's wrong, it's not cold today."

Han Tae-sik thought of his cold shower yesterday, coughed awkwardly, and took the medicine obediently.

Azhu changed Han Tae-sik's wet towel again before going out to prepare food.

In the morning, Yin Junxi called and said that Eunxi and Xin'ai were going out to play together, and asked Azhu to come too. Azhu refused because he had to take care of Han Taixi. Han Taixi took medicine and his fever subsided in the evening. Azhu took care of Han Taixi at home all day.

Late at night, Azhu was sleeping when he received a call from Yoon Junxi, saying that Eunxi had fainted and was sent to the hospital for examination and was diagnosed with leukemia. Azhu's heart froze and he rushed to the hospital.

Azhu already knew what was going on in this world. Eun-hee couldn't find a suitable bone marrow match for surgery and eventually died at a young age. Yoon Jun-hee then committed suicide.

Regarding the fact that Yoon Jun-hee likes Eun-hee, Ah-joo thought carefully about Yoon Jun-hee's performance, and finally felt that Yoon Jun-hee was really hiding it. When they met, he only felt that Yoon Jun-hee was a brother who loved his sister, and he really didn't realize that Yoon Jun-hee had that kind of feelings for Eun-hee...

But this is not important. What is important is that Eun-hee will die.

At least he is her brother in this life, and Eun-hee is also a lovely girl. A-zhuo doesn't want to see Eun-hee die so young. Unfortunately, Choi Young-woong and Eun-hee are siblings, but the matching is unsuccessful...

Because of Eun-hee's illness, A-joo's return to Korea was temporarily put on hold. Cui's mother also came to the United States to take care of Eun-hee after hearing the news. The hospital finally told them that the hospital did not have a suitable match for Eun-hee and suggested that relatives do a matching test.

Enxi's blood relatives are Azhuo and Cui's mother. The main god has not visited them during this period. Azhuo thought about it and decided to use his power.

The operation was successful, and fortunately the Lord God did not come to Azhu when he was weak.

Azhu and Cui's mother are going back to their country, Yin's father's assignment period is over, and Eun-hee has given up studying at the university due to health reasons, so the Yin family decided to move back to South Korea.

Han Tae-sik didn't know how he convinced his father and followed him back to Korea.

One year, the Lord God did not come. Two years, the Lord God did not come...

Last year, Han Tae-sik finally couldn't hold back and officially confessed to A-joo.

After careful consideration, Azhu accepted Han Tae-seok's feelings. If the Lord God didn't come, Azhu would finish this life and then go find the Lord God. If the Lord God came, Azhu would take back the power and continue to live this life.

Maybe I'm addicted to being a human being and I'm not tired of it yet.

People around them have different reactions to the fact that Azhu and Han Tae-sik are together.

Cui Xin'ai glared at Han Taixi fiercely and said, "I already knew that you are not a good person and you have always had bad intentions towards my brother!"

This is because Han Tae-sik always pesters A-joo calling him "hero brother", and Choi Xin-ae has been at odds with Han Tae-sik for years over his brother, so no matter how much Han Tae-sik tries to please her, Choi Xin-ae always dislikes him.

However, Cui Xin'ai did not object to her brother's relationship with a man. She felt that as long as her brother was happy with the person he liked, it was enough. Cui Xin'ai was just unhappy that Han Tae-seok had competed with her for her brother as a brother before, and now he was competing with her for her brother as a lover with more confidence.

Cui's mother was very conflicted. She didn't want to make her son sad because of her forcing him, but Han Tae-seok was a man after all. If her son was with Han Tae-seok, how could he pass on the family line?

Azhuo resolved Cui's mother's knot by paying for artificial insemination and finding a surrogate mother, and then brought her two sons back home. After Cui's mother had her grandsons, she no longer said anything.

Han Tae-sik's family only has one father who takes care of him, but Han Tae-sik's father is indeed the most resistant. He blocked all of Han Tae-sik's credit cards, took back his house and sports car to force Han Tae-sik. Han Tae-sik responded by going to Ah Zhuo very neatly...

Life seems to be quite peaceful. Eun-hee got a boyfriend last year and now they are about to get engaged. But A-joo is very strange. Eun-hee is getting engaged but Yoon Jun-hee doesn't show any reaction. Instead, he is unusually concerned about the relationship between A-joo and Han Tae-seok, and Yoon Jun-hee's eyes when looking at A-joo are getting deeper and deeper.

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Chapter 103 Extra
When the hero falls in love with the supporting actor

Eun-hee is going to give birth to a baby.

Azhu and Han Tae-sik went to the hospital together. Yin's father, Yin's mother and Eun-hee's husband were all at Eun-hee's bedside to comfort Eun-hee, telling her not to be nervous and not to be afraid. Eun-hee looked at her family with a peaceful smile, who were actually much more nervous than her, and felt very happy in her heart.

Seeing Ah Zhuo and Han Tae-seok, Eun-hee's smile widened, "Brother Yingxiong, Brother Tae-seok, you are all here."

"Of course, I want to be the first to see my nephew." Azhuo said with a smile.

Han Tae-seok looked at A-joo speechlessly and said, "The child's father should be the first to see it."

Eun-hee's husband smiled gently.

Cui Xin'ai also arrived with her three-year-old daughter and said, "Bingxian hasn't finished get off work yet, so I brought Yunxi here first. By the way." Cui Xin'ai looked around and didn't see Yin Junxi. She asked curiously, "Why can't I see Junxi brother?"

"Eun-hee said she wanted to eat fried rice cakes, so Jun-hee went to buy them." Eun-hee's husband smiled. He was originally planning to go, but Yoon Jun-hee saw that he was worried about Eun-hee, so she asked him to stay with Eun-hee and went herself.

Eun-hee had been smiling as she watched her family comfort her with concern, but suddenly she frowned and felt a severe stomachache.

Seeing Eun-hee's expression, her husband immediately called the doctor over. The doctor said that the baby was about to be born and could be sent to the delivery room. Then a nurse came and carried Eun-hee to the car and pushed her to the delivery room.

A group of people followed behind, and finally stood outside the delivery room waiting anxiously.

Giving birth is not an easy thing. Hearing Eun-hee's cries of pain in the delivery room, time passed by minute by minute, and every minute seemed extremely long. Eun-hee's husband was so nervous that he felt like he was going to faint in the next second.

After a while, Yoon Jun-hee came back, but he didn't bring back any fried rice cakes. Mother Yoon looked at Yoon Jun-hee's empty hands, frowned and said, "Why didn't you buy any fried rice cakes? What if Eun-hee wants to eat them?"

Yin Junxi did not answer Yin's mother's words, but looked straight at Azhu with a very strange expression.

Yin Junxi's abnormal reaction certainly attracted Azhuo's attention. Azhuo looked at Yin Junxi in confusion, but Yin Junxi smiled at Azhuo strangely and said softly: "It's you."

Ah Zhuo was shocked, and looked at Yin Junxi sharply. His eyes flashed, and he said coldly, "Long time no see."

The time around was stopped, and Mother Yin still looked at Yin Junxi with a blaming look. Everyone else looked at the delivery room with an anxious expression. Azhu knew that the Lord God had temporarily stopped the time of this world.

"I didn't expect you to be alive. I couldn't find you after searching for a while. I thought you were dead." The Lord God held Yin Junxi's face and looked at Azhuo with deep eyes. "I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have the ability to travel through the world. Last time, I finally found you among so many worlds and almost caught you, but you still ran away."

Azhu knew that the Lord God was talking about the time when he could not break Shang. Azhu looked at the Lord God indifferently. He was not worried at all. Although the Lord God had been collecting the power he had stored in the world over the years, in fact, every time he changed the course of the world, the power he could get was less than one percent of what he had stored in that world.

He left power in each world so that once the world process was destroyed, these powers would be released to repair the loopholes in the world. What the Lord God has done in recent years is just to change the feelings of the main characters in the world. How much power is needed for such a small thing? Unless the Lord God destroys the world, he can get everything.

However, Azhu, who has recovered his memory, can easily take back all the power of the world.

Therefore, even after so many years of accumulation, the Lord God only obtained a small amount. In addition to the power originally given to him by Azhu, he was no match for Azhu at all.

Azhuo can now easily deal with this so-called Lord God who betrayed him, but he is a little confused as to why this guy wants to possess Yin Junxi? So Azhuo did not rush to take action, and asked the Lord God: "It's really strange. This is the first time I see you take action in person, and you are the human being you despise the most."

When he was controlled by the Lord God before, Azhuo felt that the Lord God had a very strong sense of superiority. In his eyes, humans were nothing more than ants. That was why Azhuo was always wary of the Lord God and never believed in his so-called promises.

The Lord God seemed to be confident. In his opinion, Azhuo was just lucky for some reason. The power of the world was somewhat close to Azhuo. But even if Azhuo could absorb those powers, so what? The Lord God knew very well how little power each world could get. That's why the Lord God found a bunch of people like Azhuo to work for him, just to accumulate small amounts into big ones.

Therefore, the Lord God was not worried about how powerful Azhuo could be. In such a short time, how many worlds could Azhuo run to? How much power could he get? The Lord God did not take it seriously. He came in person and condescended to stay in the human shell, just because he was afraid that Azhuo would run away again like last time.

Hearing the Lord God's answer, Azhuo smiled. He didn't expect that he and the Lord God had the same idea. He was also afraid that the Lord God would run away and hide everywhere. There were so many small worlds, and it would be really troublesome to find him.

After Azhu resolved his doubts, he no longer disguised himself and revealed his true face. He smiled at the Lord God in the Lord God's astonished eyes.

“Master… Master…” The Lord God’s calm expression disappeared completely. The moment Azhuo recovered his original appearance, the Lord God felt the power of the Master. It was different from the weakness he felt before. Instead, it was like the power he felt when he was first created by the Master, so strong that he could not even think of resisting…

The Lord God originally developed his ambition because he felt that his master had become much weaker and didn't seem so invincible. He couldn't understand why his master had become so powerful and terrifying, and he couldn't understand why the tiny human being who was originally controlled by him had become the master!

However, Azhuo did not have the kindness or patience to explain the doubts of the Lord God. With a smile on his face, he took back all the power without hesitation, just like he had used his own power to create the Lord God.

The main god?

It's as if that thing never existed.

Just after the main god recovered his original power and was taken back by Azhu, in many small worlds, many souls who were chosen by the main god to perform tasks like Azhu left the possessed bodies and returned to their original worlds to be reincarnated.

The world is a cycle.

And Azhu also returned to his original appearance as Choi Young-woong, allowing time to resume its flow.

Mother Yoon gave Yoon Jun-hee a reproachful expression, then looked at Father Yoon and said, "Honey, go buy some rice cakes for Eun-hee."

Father Yin looked at the delivery room and heard Eun-hee's screams inside. He thought that it would not be over for a while and he should be able to see his grandson in time, so he went out.

The others were still paying attention to the situation in the delivery room, and everything was normal.

Only Yin Junxi looked at all this with a confused look on his face, and asked doubtfully: "Why are all of you here? What are you doing here?"

When Yin's mother heard what Yin Junxi said and saw her son's confused look, she was moved and worriedly grabbed Yin Junxi's hand. She didn't care to blame Yin Junxi and asked anxiously, "Junxi, what's wrong with you? Why are you so weird? Today is the day when Eunxi is giving birth. Eunxi is in the delivery room now. Junxi, don't scare your mother. What's wrong with you?"

Yin Junxi was stunned and rubbed his head. Is it today that Eunxi gave birth? How come he has no memory of it at all? He remembered that he was just drawing at home. The drawing was the scene when he and Choi Young-woong met for the first time. At that time, Choi Young-woong protected Xin Ai behind him and accused him...

Yin Junxi took out his phone and looked at the date. How could this be? The day he was drawing was the 17th, but today was the 20th. He had no memory of the three days in between...

Seeing Yin Junxi's distraught expression, Yin's mother worriedly pulled Yin Junxi to sit on the chair. Yin Junxi smiled at Yin's mother soothingly, "Mom, I'm fine. I've been too tired recently. I'm a little dazed and my memory is not very good."

Mother Yin looked at her son distressedly, "You, have you forgotten the time because of painting again? You haven't taken good care of yourself? I'm telling you, you're not young anymore, you should get married and find a woman to take care of you, otherwise your mother won't be able to rest assured about you. Look, Enxi is about to give birth to a child, Xinai's daughter is already three years old, and you're still the older brother, but you don't even have a girlfriend yet..."

"Mom..." Yin Junxi sighed helplessly. It was like this again. Ever since Xin'ai and Eunxi got married, his mother started urging him to get married. He had no choice but to move out just to avoid his mother arranging blind dates for him every time...

Yoon Junxi turned his head to look at Azhu, but saw that Azhu was talking to Han Tae-seok. Both of them were smiling, and they looked very happy and warm... Yoon Junxi felt sad and lowered his head. His mother's words about which girl was excellent were still ringing in his ears. Yoon Junxi was filled with sadness.

He knew Choi Young-woong before Tae-sik and fell in love with Choi Young-woong first, but in the end, the person standing by Choi Young-woong was Han Tae-sik, not himself.

Maybe it's because I'm a coward. Even though I understand my feelings, I'm afraid of the consequences and never dare to express my feelings. Unlike Tae-sik, after he understood his feelings, he told Choi Young-woong clearly...

"Junxi, did you hear what I said?" Mother Yin talked for a long time, but seeing her son's appearance, the usually gentle person couldn't help but get anxious.

Yin Junxi looked up suddenly, "What?"

Mother Yin frowned and said tiredly, "Junxi, I don't know what you are thinking, and you don't want to tell me, but you are really not a child anymore. Why do you keep dragging your feet on not having a girlfriend or getting married? Do you want to live a lonely life? How can your mother feel at ease with you?"

Yin Junxi bit his lip, looking at his mother's tired appearance, feeling guilty. He looked at Azhu and Han Taixi again, then lowered his head and said in a dull voice: "I know, Mom, I will have a girlfriend and get married, don't worry."

It's time to give up. I was the one who was indecisive at first, but now I should accept my fate.

The author has something to say:

It's time to give up. I was the one who was indecisive at first, but now I should accept my fate.

My period came on the 19th. I was in so much pain that I took painkillers and put on a hot water bottle. I was in so much pain that I couldn't get out of bed...

My period is the biggest enemy in my life, and I can't resist and can only be tortured. In my next life, please let me be a man. Life is so miserable for women.

I want to be a man! I want to be a big and strong attacker!

Okay, let’s get back to the topic. I have been writing this book for half a year, and finally the main text is finished. I am very happy oo~

This is my first time writing a romance, and I discovered my nature as a top. I am a strong top! When I write romances, I will always write about the main character top! In my next life, I want to be a strong top! Haha!

Thanks to all the readers who read this book, thank you for liking my book, thank you for liking my Azhuo, thank you for supporting me, I love you! Azhuo loves you too, haha!

Ahem, but this is not a farewell. Although the main story is over, there is still a sequel. If you want to see the sequel where Azhuo and the male protagonists get together, please continue to support me, support Azhuo!

Let me talk about the update schedule later. The extra chapters of this book will return to the previous worlds, and there are five in total. It is expected that each world will have three to four chapters, so I will update twice a week and finish it in early March.

After finishing this, I will write the article about Summer of Bubbles, which still has about 20,000 words left.

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