TQOR - Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

☆ 40. Chapter 39 Love Story II: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 39 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Thinking of the social death scene, Yu Xi looked at Chi Juan with empathy.

Chi Juan heard the voice and knew that Yu Xi came out. He had no intention of looking, but he sensitively sensed a sinister breath wrapped around his neck.

He turned back subconsciously and happened to look at Yu Xi.

"What's wrong?" Chi Juan exuded a cold temperament, a little arrogant, as if with thorns. When he raised his eyebrows to look at her, the broken hair between his eyebrows covered his eyes, but could not cover the light in his eyes.

Yu Xi shook her head, then turned around and ran back to the room.

Chi Juan frowned, thinking that this person was weird.

The first thing Yu Xi did when she returned to the room was to take a shower and remove her makeup.

The original owner ran out to buy vegetables alone in such hot weather, and walked back from the supermarket. All the makeup on her face was smudged, and she looked at the original owner's makeup bag. The things were all branded goods, how could they be used on her face like this.

It seems to be a problem of makeup techniques and technology.

It is estimated that she did not put on makeup before going out, otherwise the foundation on her face would not float like this.

Yu Xi found the makeup remover, wiped her face with a cotton pad, and then washed it with facial cleanser.

At this time, she could finally see it.

The face was indeed her own, but it was blurry without glasses.

Didn't they say that she was a real body that traveled through time? How come she is also nearsighted like the original owner?

System: [This is because of the superposition of personality settings. The original owner is highly nearsighted. In order to fit the basic information of the original owner, the data has been slightly changed for you, and the hairstyle is the same. When you return to your own world, it will be restored to its original state. ]

Well, it doesn't affect much. She was a little nearsighted before, and she would wear glasses when watching TV at home.

It just doesn't affect her daily life.

The original owner's myopia is a bit high. She can't see clearly without glasses. Everything is blurry beyond one meter.

There are no contact lenses at the moment, so she can only wear this ugly black-framed glasses for the time being.

But she can finally see without makeup.

She pinched her face. Her skin was a little dry and her eyebrows seemed to have not been trimmed for a long time.

I have to say that the original owner was really a not-so-refined homegirl.

She walked out of the room and found that Chi Juan was no longer in the living room.

Thinking of when Lu Yueyi asked her to cook downstairs, Yu Xi came to the kitchen. Chi

Juan happened to be there too.

He was holding a huge cup and collecting water.

It was estimated that the capacity of this cup was 1.5 liters.

Can an e-sports boy drink so much water?

Yu Xi would usually remind herself to drink more water and replenish water, but she always forgot, so she had many cups of the same type at home, just so that she could drink a large cup when she saw it.

The water dispenser was slow to discharge water, and it took a long time to collect half a cup. Chi Juan seemed a little impatient, and stopped after collecting half a cup.

I saw him raise his head, and then drank half a cup.

After drinking, he turned around and saw Yu Xi staring at him intently.

Although "Elite Dating" has not been promoted much, and it has not bought hot searches for a few days after it was broadcast, there are still many viewers because there are many handsome men and beautiful women among the guests, as well as Internet celebrities and e-sports players with their own traffic.

In addition to the two weekly recorded broadcasts, the program also launched a live broadcast, with cameras installed everywhere in the houses where the guests live, so that they can observe every bit of their lives.

The recorded broadcast has already played a pilot episode, and there is also a main episode.

The pilot episode is a chat between the six guests before they meet.

Everyone checks each other's Moments and then chats in the group chat.

Chat for two days first, and then come here to meet.

In the first main episode, they officially met, and many dramatic events occurred. The program was on the hot search without any water, attracting many passers-by to watch.

After watching two episodes of the program, the audience who still feels unsatisfied will come to watch the live broadcast.

The live broadcast is not as interesting and exciting as the recorded broadcast. Sometimes you can only watch everyone eat breakfast, talk, and play games for an entire afternoon, but it is very stress-relieving to kill time.

There are also many online viewers.

[Yu Xi looks much better after removing her makeup. I really couldn't complain about the makeup on her face before, but now she looks like a normal person. ]

[Especially just now, she was sweating all over her face, her makeup was smudged, and I could still see her mascara on her eyelids. 】

【Yes, yes, Chi Juan was probably frightened by her appearance. I saw him want to say hello but gave up. 】

【It's so funny. This sister should never wear makeup again. Really. 】

【Indeed, she looks good without makeup, just a little rustic, not that ugly. 】

Chi Juan then noticed that her face was clean and without makeup.

It seemed that she was not like this when she came back just now.

Thinking of her appearance when she came back, Chi Juan couldn't help frowning.

When he saw Yu Xi before, she was wearing makeup, and it was the kind of heavy makeup that was hard to describe. He didn't know where she learned it.

Although Chi Juan didn't know how to put on makeup, he would occasionally see some makeup videos when watching videos on Station B, and he would click in and watch them.

I thought she had bad skin before, so she put on makeup like that, but now her skin doesn't seem to be bad.

I don't know why she made herself like that before.

Chi Juan quickly retracted his gaze.

After all, even without makeup, her image was as silly and rustic as before.

But Chi Juan noticed that Yu Xi seemed to be looking at him all the time.

He thought it was an illusion, but he heard Yu Xi whispering his name.

The voice was so small that Chi Juan almost didn't hear it.

"Chi Juan."

"What's wrong?"

Chi Juan turned around and saw Yu Xi's face slowly turning red. She lowered her head, and the thick lenses blocked her eyes. She could only see her lips moving.

It seemed that I had never noticed that her lips were quite nice before, and her nose was tall and beautiful.

"What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

"Aren't you going to play games?"

Chi Juan paused, "Go back to the room later."

I made an appointment with friends to play games together today.

Yu Xi nodded.

Chi Juan didn't know why, but suddenly felt that the girl in front of him was a little different. Her fair face made her look more pure and clean.

Unlike before, he wanted to look away when he saw the makeup on her face.

And she was hesitant in speaking, which made him, who was already impatient, very irritated.

He thought for a few seconds, "What do you want to say?"

Yu Xi: "I... Can I play games with you?"

After that, she added, "I have a computer too."

Her laptop has good configuration, with a configuration of just over 10,000, which is more than enough to play games with Chi Juan.

Yu Xi had no idea about this game, but the original owner knew how to play it.

According to the system, it would change her data to make her more compatible with the original owner. She must know how to play it now, but she just needed to get familiar with it.

"You know how to play it?"

The surprised tone seemed to be that he did not believe that Yu Xi would actually make such a request.

Yu Xi was about to answer.

There was a sound at the door, and everyone else came back.

I just met downstairs.

The other four guests were.

The first female Cheng Xitong, long wavy hair, bright looks, sexy figure, generous and talkative, likes to joke.

The third female Meng Xiao, short hair first love head, lively and generous, cute and sweet, especially love to laugh, and will hum and laugh non-stop after saying a few words.

The first male Lu Yueyi, handsome and mature, introverted and steady, a leader at first glance, always speaks to the point, and is serious.

The third male Zhang Heqi, gentle personality and good temper, often livens up the atmosphere, cooks delicious food, and looks like a good old man.

According to the original plot, at this time, the first male and the third female, since yesterday, have been sending text messages to each other, and their relationship has made rapid progress with the help of the first female.

And the third male also has a good impression of the third female, and has been secretly competing with the first male recently.

Cheng Xitong, on the contrary, likes Chi Juan.

Cheng Xitong is 26 years old, but Chi Juan is less than 20 years old.

The age difference of more than six years makes her a little hesitant, so she has not taken the initiative yet.

Yu Xi is a marginal figure among these people.

The two female guests, female one and female three, live together in the same room. They are good sisters who laugh and give each other advice.

Yu Xi lived alone when she came, and she had to wait for female four to come before she had a roommate.

But female four was not a good person. After she came, Yu Xi's life became even more difficult.

The male guests were polite to her and only polite on the surface.

In fact, they didn't pay much attention to her.

Especially Lu Yueyi, after Yu Xi sent him several heart-warming voice messages, he didn't want to have anything to do with Yu Xi, so he simply told everyone to keep a distance from Yu Xi and just be ordinary friends.

Everyone walked in with laughter.

"Hey, where are they?" Meng Xiao looked at the living room and didn't see anyone, and said in confusion.

Chi Juan's game controller was still on the carpet in the living room, and Cheng Xitong ran into the room to take a look.

No one was there.

At this time, Zhang Heqi discovered Yu Xi and Chi Juan.

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" Chi

Juan raised his cup and said lightly: "Drinking water."

Yu Xi answered with action instead of answering. She was washing vegetables.

Before they came in, the two had finished talking.

Chi Juan said that he would talk about it later and ended the conversation.

Zhang Heqi found that Yu Xi had changed her clothes and removed her makeup, so he looked at her a few more times.

Although she was dressed quite ordinary, her bare face seemed to be more comfortable and attractive than with makeup.

It's just that the glasses were a bit annoying.

Lu Yueyi walked in and saw that Yu Xi had already cooked the meal. He said coldly: "It's enough to cook the meal. I'll cook dinner."

He didn't want to cook with Yu Xi.

Yu Xi nodded after hearing this and immediately put down the dishes in his hand.

Seeing this, Lu Yueyi was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Yu Xi without expression.

In addition to removing her makeup, he also sensitively noticed that Yu Xi was not the same as before.

It seemed that after seeing him, she was a little repulsive, and then she didn't look at him straight in the eye again.

Yu Xi would rather not let her cook.

Cooking is tiring and fumes are generated. Since he wants to do it alone, let him do it.

Yu Xi left the kitchen quickly.

Seeing her leave so quickly, everyone else was stunned.

Although Lu Yueyi looked indifferent, he was a little confused in his heart.

She left like this to comply with his wishes, but it was indeed a little strange.

She always stuck to him before. Even if he asked her to leave, she would stammer and blush and couldn't speak, but she would not leave for a long time, just watching him beside him, as if she would be there whenever he needed help.

This made Lu Yueyi very upset, and he had to be distracted by her presence.

Meng Xiao: "Are you going to do it alone? That won't work. It's hard to cook for six of us."

Lu Yueyi: "It's okay."

Seeing this, Meng Xiao said, "Let me help you."

"No, I can do it myself. Go and have a rest."

"That won't work. You can't handle it alone. It originally requires two people to do it together. Now that Yu Xi is gone, it's better for me to help."

It seemed that Yu Xi was going to leave by herself.

It was Lu Yueyi who wanted to call Yu Xi away.

"Okay, you help me wash the vegetables, just the plate will do." Lu Yueyi smiled helplessly, he looked at Meng Xiao, "If you feel tired, go and have a rest. Didn't you buy a lot of snacks just now? Do you want to eat something first?"

Meng Xiao smiled and said, "Do you want to eat? Are you hungry? Otherwise, I'll get you some."

Lu Yueyi shook her head.

But Meng Xiao still went to get snacks.

She tore open a bag of horn crisps and ate two pieces herself, "It tastes pretty good, I'll give you some too."

Meng Xiao pinched the small horn crisps and put them in front of Lu Yueyi.

"You eat some."

"Put it there and I'll eat it later."

"I've taken them all out." Meng Xiao looked at him eagerly.

Lu Yueyi also looked at her, with the three words "no" written in his eyes.

Meng Xiao had no choice but to purse his lips, "Okay then."

Lu Yueyi nodded this time, "You eat, I'll cook, today I'll make your favorite braised chicken wings."


[I'm so sweet, this couple is so sweet]

[Lu Yueyi is too strong. ]

[Meng Xiao is so cute, well-behaved, and a good match for Lu Yueyi. ]

[It seems that Lu Yueyi doesn't like it much, it's Meng Xiao who is more proactive. ]

[It's obviously a two-way trip, but Lu Yueyi has a stronger personality and is a bit chauvinistic, but he can also make the braised chicken wings that Meng Xiao likes. ]

[But don't you think it's strange, why Yu Xi was so tactful today, and left when she was asked to leave. ]

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☆ 41. Chapter 40 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 40 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Yu Xi was not idle when she returned to her room. She sorted the clothes belonging to the original owner into two categories.

One category is barely usable, and the other is completely unusable.

There are a lot of messy clothes, which are rustic and old-fashioned. Not only do they not show the figure, but they also make people look fat.

She packed them all aside, thinking that she would throw them into the old clothes recycling cabinet downstairs when she had the chance.

There are not many clothes left.

It looks like she must go shopping tomorrow.

And this hair, needs to be dealt with.

Yu Xi pondered in front of the mirror. She has a lot of hair, black and thick, which is an advantage, but with this hairstyle, it is a disaster.

She used a black clip to clip the cut on the top layer of the princess cut behind her ears, so that the short hair on both sides would not block her face, and the long hair at the back could be tied up.

If the bangs were not too bulky, she would have wanted to add them together.

But now it looks a little fresher.

Yu Xi touched her face, feeling good, and sang: "I want to completely transform you, genetically reorganize and transform you. I decided to intervene in your life and be your fashion consultant. Don't say you can't..." After

singing, even she was stunned.

Is my voice so nice?

That's right, the original owner is a well-known female CV, and the reason why she is famous is because of her voice.

Some people even call her a heavenly singer with a changeable fairy voice.

Not only can she make various sounds, but when she sings, it can make people's ears pregnant.

This is a huge advantage. On the Internet, the original owner is very good at using her expertise, dubbing and singing, and attracting countless fans, but in real life.

She becomes timid and unconfident.

Because of her social phobia, she dare not talk to unfamiliar people. Her voice is pitifully small and she often hesitates and speaks unclearly. Even if it sounds good, because it is too soft, others can't find that her voice is so charming.

In this way, things become simple.

Yu Xi blinked and walked out of the room.

Just ran into Zhang Heqi who was about to return to the room.

Seeing Yu Xi's hair tied up, Zhang Heqi was stunned for a moment, and his eyes actually lit up.

Yu Xi nodded to him, then pursed her lips and lowered her head.

I knew that Yu Xi had this kind of personality before, but at this moment Zhang Heqi inexplicably felt that she was a little cute.

It might be because after she lowered her head, she grabbed a corner of her clothes a little helplessly, her fingers were slender and moved a few times, revealing the owner's nervousness.

"Why are you alone in the room? Everyone is chatting outside." Zhang Heqi said while observing her reaction.

After Yu Xi's hair was no longer blocking her face, Zhang Heqi realized that her face was only the size of a palm, her skin was white, and her stupid bangs made her look very young, like a... high school student.

Yes, she really looked like a high school girl who didn't know how to dress up.

Zhang Heqi couldn't help but want to take a few more glances.

In fact, when he came back today, he noticed that Yu Xi was different, and now she has changed again. She

always gives people a new impression.

Yu Xi shook her head shyly without explaining anything.

Zhang Heqi: "Let's go and chat together. It's so boring to stay alone."

He was chatting with everyone in the living room just now. Meng Xiao mentioned Yu Xi and said that Lu Yueyi refused to cook with her, so she went back to her room and asked Zhang Heqi to come and see her, fearing that she was in a bad mood and crying in the room.

Zhang Heqi came then.


She agreed softly.

Zhang Heqi couldn't help but look at her again.

Although she only said one word, her tone was sweet and a little soft.

When they came to the living room, everyone else was there.

Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong sat together affectionately, looking like best friends.

They have only known each other for a few days, and they have already met each other too late.

The original owner used to envy them very much and wanted to fit in, but she didn't know what to do, and often felt isolated.

Now it's Yu Xi's turn. She has no idea of ​​making friends at all. If they get along well, they will talk a few more words. If they don't get along well, they will ignore each other. This state is the best.

Seeing Yu Xi, both of them showed surprised expressions.

Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao looked at each other and both held back their laughter.

In their opinion, Yu Xi always wanted to change herself just to attract other people's attention, but she dressed like this, totally out of place.

I don't know what her job is. Like Chi Juan, she stayed in the small room every day these days and didn't go to work. Maybe she was still on vacation.

It's also possible that she took a year off to participate in the show.

Cheng Xitong said, "Yu Xi, you are hiding in the room again. Why don't you come out to chat with everyone?"

Meng Xiao nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, talk to everyone. Why are you always locked in the room? Come and sit."

After she finished speaking, she patted the seat next to her, "Come and sit here."

She knew that Yu Xi liked Lu Yueyi, but she was still so enthusiastic about Yu Xi and always called her to join.

[Meng Xiao has a really good personality and is so gentle to Yu Xi. ]

[He is really generous. Maybe he feels sorry for her, always alone. ]

[But calling out Yu Xi, a dull person, will only ruin the atmosphere. ]

[Yes, she is too boring and doesn't talk. 】

【Don't say that about her. She is obviously socially anxious and doesn't usually interact with people. 】

But what was unexpected was that Yu Xi shook her head and sat down on the other side.

This was a clear rejection of Meng Xiao's "good intentions".

Meng Xiao is the darling of the group in the cabin. Both men and women like her very much. After all, she is sweet and loves to laugh, and is everyone's happy fruit.

Now, not only Meng Xiao was embarrassed, but Cheng Xitong also frowned.

Chi Juan raised his eyelids, as if he didn't expect that Yu Xi, who had always been honest, would sit next to him.

No one understood what Yu Xi meant.

Although Cheng Xitong was not very happy, he didn't feel any sense of crisis at the moment.

In her opinion, Lu Yueyi looked down on Yu Xi, so Chi Juan naturally looked down on her.

In other words, Chi Juan never looked at Yu Xi

straight in the eye. What she didn't know was that when she didn't come back, Chi Juan had already looked at Yu Xi several times. Chi Juan

was playing games. He was wearing Bluetooth headphones, so others couldn't hear the sound. Just as a game was over, he quit the game directly and switched to the music software to play a song.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Meng Xiao didn't know what to say. After all, it was her freedom to sit wherever she wanted. If she was unhappy about it, she would think she was petty.

So she smiled and said, "I don't know how Lu Yueyi's cooking is going. He cooks by himself and I don't know when he'll finish. I helped him wash some dishes but he called me out and said it wasn't my turn today."

Cheng Xitong blinked: "Oh, isn't it Yu Xi and Lu Yueyi's turn to cook today? Why didn't Yu Xi go?"

Meng Xiao looked at Yu Xi hesitantly, looking a little embarrassed, and didn't say anything.

Cheng Xitong reacted for a few seconds, as if she understood.

She immediately changed the subject, "Then why don't we go to the kitchen and help out, it's getting late, and I'm hungry."

"You guys go, I don't know how to cook." Chi Juan didn't move.

"There's no need for so many people." Meng Xiao glanced at Cheng Xitong, "He Qi, Yu Xi, then the three of us will go, there won't be enough room if there are too many people."

She wanted to create an opportunity for Cheng Xitong and Chi Juan to be alone together.

Since they lived in the same room, she certainly knew that Cheng Xitong's favorite was Chi Juan.

It's just that Cheng Xitong didn't want to show it very obviously because of his age, but as long as Chi Juan gave a little reaction, she would give feedback. For example, when Chi Juan said he wanted to play games at home, Cheng Xitong would say that she wanted to play too, and asked him what game he was playing and whether they could play together.

As a result, Chi Juan said it was a single-player game.

For example, when Cheng Xitong was going to the supermarket to buy groceries and asked if anyone wanted to go with her, she would look at Chi Juan, but Chi Juan did not respond. When

Zhang Heqi heard Meng Xiao asking her to go with him, she stood up with a smile and said, "Okay."

But Yu Xi did not move.

Meng Xiao looked at her in surprise, "Yu Xi, aren't you going?" Cheng Xitong

thought she had to stay and compete with her for Chi Juan. Could it be that she knew there was no hope for Lu Yueyi, so she planned to change her target?

Cheng Xitong smiled and spoke directly, "Yes, isn't it your turn to cook?"

She is usually outspoken and likes to joke.

It's not surprising to say that.

[I said it was strange, probably because she gave up Lu Yueyi. ]

[No wonder, she asked Chi Juan as soon as she came back, wanting to play games with him. ]

[She took the initiative to sit next to Chi Juan just now, which is outrageous. ]

[Does she think that if Lu Yueyi doesn't like her, Chi Juan will like her? 】

【Hahahaha, Chi Juan dislikes her at first sight, and Chi Juan has a bad temper. If she sends a voice message to Chi Juan, she will definitely be scolded. 】

Yu Xi raised her head and rolled her eyes. She seemed a little nervous. She twisted her fingers together and said softly but clearly: "Lu Yueyi said that I just need to cook. He doesn't want my help."

Everyone was stunned for a few seconds. They didn't expect her to say that.

But the most surprising thing was her voice.

Soft, charming, soft, greasy but not coquettish, crisp but not coquettish.

When I heard it, I got goose bumps.

This voice is too beautiful!!!

Before, Yu Xi rarely spoke. She was usually hesitant and couldn't say a word for a long time. Her hesitation made people anxious and speechless.

I didn't expect that her normal words now sounded so good.

It's the kind that makes your ears pregnant!

It turns out that she has such an amazing voice.

【Who was talking just now? Yu Xi? Did I hear it right!!! 】

【Damn, Yu Xi's voice is so beautiful, even a woman like me has goose bumps. 】

【No way, it's too beautiful! 】

【I want to hear it again! This voice is addictive. 】

Chi Juan was sitting next to her, closest to her.

Hearing such a voice suddenly, he turned back hesitantly and faced Yu Xi who was speaking.

Looking at her lips as pink as petals gently opening and closing, her moist lips glowing with a soft luster, the words she uttered were like the sound of nature, a pair of small hands stroking his back, bringing a burst of electricity, a feather fell in his heart, light, numb, and itchy.

Chi Juan suddenly felt uneasy and wanted to change his posture, otherwise his whole body would feel weird.

Zhang Heqi also stared at Yu Xi blankly as if he had met Yu Xi for the first time. The voice just now echoed in his ears, but it never had the impact of what he had just heard.

He kept recalling it, but he only remembered that his heart was tightened just now, as if it was held tightly by a pair of hands.

His whole body was held in the palm of his hand, and those hands were Yu Xi's small hands.

Petite and soft.

"You have a nice voice." Zhang Heqi accidentally said what was in his heart.

He stared at Yu Xi in a daze, and Yu Xi seemed to glow at this moment.

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☆ 42. Chapter 41 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 41 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Hearing Zhang Heqi's praise, Yu Xi pursed her lips, as if she was shy.

Her face flushed, she blinked and lowered her head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Zhang Heqi was even more reluctant to look away.

She is so cute!

Meng Xiao glanced at Zhang Heqi, although she didn't like Zhang Heqi.

But seeing him praising other women like this, Meng Xiao still had a subtle feeling in her heart.

"Lu Yueyi shouldn't mean that, maybe he misunderstood." Cheng Xitong ignored Zhang Heqi's words and looked at Yu Xi teasingly, "Besides, he said that if he doesn't let you help, you won't do it, how can that be, why do you listen to him so much, I remember what he said before, you didn't listen." Before,

Lu Yueyi asked you to keep a distance from him, but you also stuck to him.

Cheng Xitong's words had a hidden meaning.

But Yu Xi seemed to not understand.

She shook her head and looked at Cheng Xitong in confusion. Cheng Xitong

was looked at by her with such a pure and ignorant look, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Just when she thought Yu Xi was still unwilling, Yu Xi stood up and said softly, "Then I'll go and take a look."

Meng Xiao almost said at the same time, "Since Yu Xi doesn't want to, forget it."

Yu Xi looked at Meng Xiao.

She clearly said she was going, but Meng Xiao said this.

[Yu Xi is so cute, silly, and a little slow. ]

[Suddenly got Yu Xi's cuteness. ]

[But why do I feel that Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong are targeting Yu Xi? ]

[No, Meng Xiao is such a nice person, can you not provoke a fight? ]

[I think there is no problem with Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong, they are not wrong. ]

"Forget it, let's go to the kitchen to see how Yue Yi is doing." Meng Xiao pulled Cheng Xitong's hand.

Cheng Xitong looked at Chi Juan and nodded: "Okay."

Meng Xiao asked Zhang Heqi, "Heqi, are you coming?"

"Okay." Zhang Heqi thought about it and went with them. After all, Meng Xiao had asked, and it seemed not good for him to refuse.

In this way, Yu Xi and Chi Juan were left in the living room.

Yu Xi lowered her head, looking as if she was wondering if she had said something wrong just now, looking a little pitiful and aggrieved.

Although Cheng Xitong's words just now were a joke, if you think about it carefully, you can feel that they have some other meanings.

You can't think about it too much.

It may be okay for the audience, but as the person involved, the perception is different.

Chi Juan glanced at her, and although he didn't say anything, he suddenly took off the Bluetooth headset on his left ear and handed it to her, "Do you want to listen to music?"

Yu Xi looked at him in a daze, as if she was a little flattered.

She hesitated like a little rabbit.

"What? Don't you want it?"

Yu Xi nodded vigorously, "Yeah, yeah."

When she was anxious, she bit her lips, and her lips were bitten red.

Chi Juan put the headphones in her hand, and suddenly noticed that her fingers were long, thin and white.

Yu Xi put the headphones in her ears and soon heard a voice.

"Who am I in your eyes? Who do

you want me to replace to

exchange joy and sorrow with each other


The gentle voice floated into her ears, and it seemed to have the power to comfort people.

She blinked and whispered, "You like this song too!?"

Seeing her excited look, Chi Juan felt like laughing. Why was she so excited and still spoke so softly?

Thinking of how she finally spoke loudly just now and her voice sounded so good.

Chi Juan said "hmm", "You like it?"

Yu Xi nodded vigorously.

He pulled the corners of his mouth, narrowed his narrow eyes, and smiled in his eyes, which could not be seen without careful observation.

Although it was only for a moment, Yu Xi still noticed that he seemed to be in a good mood.

The two listened to the song quietly for a while, and the sound coming from the kitchen did not affect them.

[Chi Juan actually gave Yu Xi an earphone, am I seeing it right? ]

[No way, the sun is rising from the west. ] [

Amazing, Chi Juan has changed his personality? He didn't look Yu Xi in the eye before. ]

[Did he send the voice messages to Cheng Xitong the past two days? ]

[The first day was sent to Meng Xiao. ]

"Remember to speak louder next time, otherwise I can't hear clearly." Chi Juan suddenly said.

Yu Xi looked at him in confusion.

"Did you hear that?"

Yu Xi nodded hesitantly, "Oh."

Chi Juan didn't seem to be satisfied with the answer, but didn't say anything.

Yu Xi observed him cautiously.

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows: "What?"


"Why are you peeking at me?"

Yu Xi lowered his head quickly, not daring to look anymore.

Chi Juan laughed out loud.

[No way, this is the first time I see Chi Juan smile so warmly! ]

[Why do I feel a little bit like Chi Juan and Yu Xi. ]

[No, these two people don't match at all! ]

[They really don't match in appearance, Chi Juan is too good-looking. ]

[But Yu Xi made him laugh! ]

After listening to a song, Chi Juan took off his headphones, "I don't want to listen anymore."

He said, with the corners of his mouth raised, as if smiling.

It was too sudden, and Yu Xi didn't seem to react, staring at him blankly.

Because Chi Juan took off his headphones, the sound from the headphones Yu Xi was wearing was also silent.

Chi Juan reached out to Yu Xi.


Yu Xi looked at his hands in confusion. His palms were big, with clear lines on the palms, and his slender fingers were very beautiful. One could imagine that when he was playing games, his fingers must look very beautiful when typing quickly on the keyboard.

"Give it to me."

Yu Xi realized that he was asking her for headphones.

Yu Xi blushed and took off the headphones and handed them to him.


Yu Xi looked at him quietly, and felt that he had a handsome face, eyebrows and hair like charcoal black, and fair skin. He looked cold when he had no expression, but once he smiled, he would be overly dazzlingly beautiful. Chi Juan

got up and went back to the room.

When he came out, Yu Xi was no longer in the living room.

He looked around and didn't see Yu Xi.

"It's time to eat, Chi Juan, what are you doing?" Cheng Xitong came over.

"Yeah." Chi Juan agreed.

Cheng Xitong observed him quietly.

In fact, she noticed Chi Juan as soon as she arrived.

Although she didn't talk much with this boy who didn't talk much in the group chat before, but talked more with Zhang Heqi, she changed her mind as soon as they met.

It's just that Cheng Xitong doesn't know his profession yet, whether it's suitable or not. She has to wait until tomorrow to find out the profession before making the next plan.

"Today we have your favorite taro ribs, made by Zhang Heqi. I just tried the taste and it's quite delicious."

Chi Juan looked at Cheng Xitong with a bit of surprise in his eyes. I don't know if he was surprised that Cheng Xitong knew that he liked taro ribs, because he remembered that he made this dish last time they had dinner.

He nodded and said nothing.

"I didn't plan to make this dish. I saw ribs and taro in the refrigerator, so I asked him to make it."

"It's good."

Cheng Xitong was stunned. Even after saying this, Chi Juan only replied with one word, "It's good. "

I don't know why, the colder he was, the more Cheng Xitong wanted him to say more.

"By the way, tomorrow is Monday. Where is your workplace? If it's on your way, I can drive you there?"

Chi Juan thought for a moment, "Maybe it's not on your way."

He was going to the training base, which was quite remote.

"Tell me where it is, maybe it's on your way."

Chi Juan did not answer, his attention was quickly attracted by another person.

Yu Xi was arranging the dishes and chopsticks. She seemed to have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every set of dishes and chopsticks had to be placed neatly, with almost the same distance between them, right in the middle of the chair.

Seeing her serious look, Chi Juan's mouth corners slightly raised.

When Yu Xi came back, she seemed to be carrying a shopping bag. She bought the dishes today.

[Suddenly I found that I didn't feel anything about Chi Juan and Cheng Xitong. Why did I support them before? ]

[Me too, I wanted to support this sister-brother relationship before! ]

[I didn't feel it before the comparison, but now I see that Chi Juan and Yu Xi are quite sweet. ]

[No, Yu Xi is not worthy of Chi Juan's beauty. Cheng Xitong is a cold and beautiful woman after all! Chi Juan

asked calmly: "Where are the others?"

Cheng Xitong was stunned for a moment. Why did he suddenly ask about others?

"They are all in the kitchen. I didn't see that I was needed, so I came out. It would be crowded with so many people."

As soon as she finished speaking, Meng Xiao also came out.

She rubbed her eyes while coughing, and looked like she was about to cry.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Xitong asked in surprise.

"They were cooking, and the chili was too pungent, so I came out." Meng Xiao pursed his lips, "My eyes are red, can you see it?" Cheng

Xitong hurriedly said: "I can see it, you go to the window and get some fresh air."

Meng Xiao: "The kitchen door is closed, the smell can't get out, it's uncomfortable in there now."

"Are they okay in there?" Chi Juan and Yu Xi were also in there.

"Both boys said it was nothing." Meng Xiao shrugged, "But I guess it must be uncomfortable."

She looked around and asked, "Where did Yu Xi go?"

Cheng Xitong: "I don't know, she went back to her room."

Meng Xiao said worriedly, "Hey, what if it's their turn to cook together next time?"

Cheng Xitong: "Anyway, we can't just not cook every time, everyone takes turns."

[Lu Yueyi herself refused to cook with others, so who can be blamed? Why didn't she say it in front of Lu Yueyi? ]

[It must be difficult to say it in front of Lu Yueyi, Lu Yueyi has such a strong personality. ]

[It's mainly because Yu Xi is too sensitive. If she said one word, she really didn't go to cook. ]

[No one likes her, why should she go? If it were me, I wouldn't go either. ]

[If you ask me, with her personality, why would she come to participate in variety shows? No one likes her. ]

They were still talking when the door to the entrance opened.

Everyone looked over and saw that it was Yu Xi who came back from outside.

She changed her shoes and walked in. Seeing that everyone was staring at her, she blinked and said helplessly, "I'm going downstairs... to get takeout."

She ordered six cups of milk tea, which had just been delivered. The takeout in this building was placed downstairs and was not allowed to be delivered, so she had to go downstairs to get it.

"What did you buy?"

Yu Xi: "Milk tea."

She walked in and handed them the milk tea. Each cup of milk tea was different.

"This is yours." She handed it to Chi Juan.

When Chi Juan took it, he found that his was different from the others. His cup seemed to be a large cup.

Yu Xi whispered, "I'll give them both."

After she finished speaking, she was about to go to the kitchen, but was stopped by Meng Xiao.

"The kitchen is full of fumes. Why don't you put it here? They will come out and drink it later. If you send it in now, they probably won't drink it."

Everyone thought Yu Xi would not agree.

After all, they all thought that the milk tea was intended for Lu Yueyi to drink. He bought it for everyone because he didn't want to be special.

Of course, he had to deliver it personally to show his courtesy.

[No wonder he was waiting here. I thought she really gave up. 】

【See, one of the two cups for Lu Yueyi and Zhang Heqi has a lot of stuff in it. 】

【It's the exclusive milk tea for Lu Yueyi】

【She definitely wants to send it in, but Meng Xiao probably doesn't want her to. 】

As a result, Yu Xi listened to Meng Xiao's words and nodded, "Okay."

After that, she put the milk tea aside.

Now it was the turn of others to be surprised.

Yu Xi was really abnormal today.

At this time, Lu Yueyi came out of the kitchen with dishes.

Seeing that everyone else was holding a cup of milk tea.

He smiled and asked, "Where did the milk tea come from?"

Cheng Xitong: "Yu Xi bought it, you and Zhang Heqi also have one."

Lu Yueyi's expression became subtle.

His eyes seemed to be a little colder. He put the dishes on the dining table and glanced at Yu Xi indifferently.

Only then did he notice the change in Yu Xi.

He has been in the kitchen since he came back and didn't come out just now.

After removing her makeup, Yu Xi's face was fair and pure, her lips were pink and tender, her mouth was slightly pursed, and her ears were exposed. Although she didn't look here, Lu Yueyi found that her ears were red.

Is she shy?

After Yu Xi came back today, she seemed to be different from usual.

Just now, Cheng Xitong came to the kitchen to help, and said that Yu Xi didn't want to come, saying that he didn't let her come in to help.

Although Lu didn't expect Yu Xi to say this, Lu Yueyi thought it was okay. If

he refused directly, she would stay away from him in the future.

"You guys drink, I don't want to." With

just one sentence, he distanced himself from Yu Xi again.

He thought Yu Xi would be hurt and embarrassed, but she didn't react at all.

Meng Xiao stared at Yu Xi, changed the subject and said, "Can we eat now?"

Lu Yueyi: "Well, you guys prepare it, we can eat soon."

Cheng Xitong: "Finally it's done, it's ok."

"I don't know if everyone is used to it." Lu Yueyi is better at making Western food, and he only knows a few home-cooked Chinese dishes, and the taste is average, but the Western food he makes looks good because he pays attention to details and plating.

"It tastes good at first glance." Cheng Xitong walked to the dining table and exclaimed.

At this time, Zhang Heqi also came out. He had just cleaned up the kitchen. "I also helped to make two dishes today. Let's see which one I made."

Lu Yueyi, Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong were in the kitchen with him just now. Isn't this question asking Yu Xi and Chi Juan again?

So everyone looked at Yu Xi and Chi Juan.

Chi Juan glanced lazily, looking uninterested, "I can't guess."

Yu Xi pointed to the two dishes on the table, "This spare ribs and that spicy chicken... right?"

"Wow... you guessed them all right." Zhang Heqi looked at Yu Xi in surprise.

Others also looked at Yu Xi, a little curious.

"Yu Xi is so amazing, how did you know that he made these two dishes?" Meng Xiao smiled, revealing her white teeth. She stood next to Lu Yueyi, very close to him.

"Yes, Yu Xi, how did you guess it?" Zhang Heqi also wanted to know the reason.

Yu Xi whispered: "Lu Yueyi said before that he can only cook Western food. Among these dishes, only these two Chinese dishes are a little more difficult."

Her tone was soft and slow. Her

voice was as charming as silk and as sweet as honey.

Not coquettish but gentle.

It was the most seductive young royal voice.

Everyone else had heard Yu Xi's voice just now, but they were still shocked again.

What's more, it was the first time for Lu Yueyi to hear it.

He was stunned and looked at Yu Xi in surprise. It seemed that there was hot wind blowing in his ears, and it seemed that a dogtail grass was tickling his earlobe.

The feeling brought by this sound floating into his ears was too strong.

There was no way to ignore it.

Meng Xiao suddenly spoke up and said with a smile: "So that's how it is. Everyone must be hungry. Let's eat."

As she spoke, she walked to Lu Yueyi, "Yueyi must be tired too. You've been cooking for so long. Sit down quickly."

Lu Yueyi nodded, came back to his senses and looked away. He pulled out the chair in front of him, sat down and said: "Then let's sit down and eat first."

The others responded one after another.

Meng Xiao didn't sit down, but stood behind the chair. She looked at Lu Yueyi, with some expectation in her sweet smile.

Lu Yueyi looked up at her and said, "Sit down."

"Yeah." Meng Xiao smiled and nodded, then sat down next to him.

Yu Xi turned around and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

"By the way, Yu Xi bought milk tea. He Qi, do you want to have a cup? It's on the table." Cheng Xitong asked.

Zhang Heqi walked over to get it, but saw two cups.

"Why are there two cups? Which one is mine? Who didn't take it?"

Everyone looked at Lu Yueyi.

Lu Yueyi: "I don't drink it. Just take one."

At this time, Yu Xi came out of the bathroom.

She heard what they said and reminded them, "The red one is yours."

Zhang Heqi picked up the red one, "How do you know I like this? I always order this flavor."

The cup he took was the one with the most ingredients, with a thick layer of ingredients at the bottom.

"This taste is super big and super satisfying, but I probably won't be able to eat after drinking it."

Zhang Heqi took a sip and said to Yu Xi with satisfaction, "Thank you, I'll treat you next time too."

Yu Xi smiled and waved her hand, "It's okay."

Looking at the remaining cup, it was just the simplest pearl milk tea, which looked ordinary.

[Fuck, I guessed wrong, is the remaining cup for Lu Yueyi? ]

[Or did she change her mind temporarily to save face? ]

[It should be correct, I saw Zhang Heqi also ordered a cup of this milk tea before, probably Yu Xi saw it and remembered it. ]

[Could it be that she knew Lu Yueyi might not drink it, so she just bought him the cheapest cup, and it wouldn't be a waste if he didn't want it. ]

[The truth in the previous part is really possible. ]

The others also took their seats.

The position of eating in a love variety show is very important.

Every time, there is a turbulent undercurrent, and everyone wants to sit with the person they are interested in.

Just by looking at the position, you can tell who has a good impression of whom.

Today's seats also have a secret.

Zhang Heqi sat down next to Meng Xiao, and Cheng Xitong waited for Chi Juan to sit down first while holding the cup before sitting down next to him.

Everyone else was seated, and only one seat was left vacant.

It was the seat next to Chi Juan, facing Lu Yueyi.

Yu Xi came back and saw the only remaining seat. She blinked, looked at everyone, and walked over slowly. She didn't look at Lu Yueyi, but just sat down silently.

Although Lu Yueyi didn't look at Yu Xi, his attention would involuntarily shift to the person opposite.

I didn't expect Yu Xi's voice to be so charming and beautiful.

She never spoke like this before, but today was an exception.

And the makeup is not so exaggerated, it looks quite comfortable without makeup.

Maybe it's because distance creates beauty. As long as she doesn't pester him in the future, they can be friends. After all, they have to get along under the same roof for so long.

But can she really do it?

She must have remembered everything he said and knew that he was better at cooking Western food. It was not a lucky guess nor was it because she knew Zhang Heqi. Instead, she used her understanding of him to use the process of elimination to find the two dishes made by Zhang Heqi.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 43. Chapter 42 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 42 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong both praised today's dishes. After

eating Chinese food for several days in a row, they suddenly changed their taste and found it delicious.

Yu Xi didn't say anything and kept her head down to eat, but if you pay attention, you will find that she picked up more of the two dishes made by Zhang Heqi, and she only tasted a bite of steak and didn't touch the Western dishes made by Lu Yueyi.

Lu Yueyi didn't know why he noticed this.

But once he started to pay attention to her, he found a lot of small details.

In the past, when eating, Yu Xi would always pay attention to him. No matter how far apart they were, there was always a line of sight stuck to him, which made him tiresome.

Now she was sitting opposite him, but she didn't look up.

And it wasn't the kind of intentional not to look up, but even if she looked up, her eyes would not stay on him, but would just pass by lightly.

No one else noticed anything wrong.

Meng Xiao saw that Lu Yueyi had finished the noodles on his plate, and took the initiative to help him pick up noodles.

"This pasta is really delicious. Have you eaten it?" Meng Xiao asked the others while picking up some noodles.

Lu Yueyi looked at her helplessly.

Meng Xiao winked at him, looking playful. He was so smart and cute that people couldn't help but smile.

[Smile CP is so cute.]

[Smile is the sweetest. My CP is super cute!]

[Meng Xiao is promoting his pasta to Lu Yueyi. Hahahaha.]

[Lu Yueyi's eyes are so amazing. So handsome. 】

Zhang Heqi nodded: "I ate it, it's really good, the viscosity of the sauce is just right."

Cheng Xitong was also very supportive, "How did you make it? I want to learn it next time."

"It's very simple, I'll give you the recipe later."

Cheng Xitong nodded and looked at Chi Juan, "Chi Juan, what do you think?"

Chi Juan had almost finished eating. He usually ate little at night and had no appetite, "I didn't eat."

"Then do you want to try it? It's really good." Meng Xiao handed the tongs to Cheng Xitong, "Xitong, you are close, you can pick up some for Chi Juan."

Cheng Xitong took the tongs and asked Chi Juan, "Do you want it?"

Chi Juan said indifferently: "Eat a little bit, I'm full."

Usually no one would care about Yu Xi when eating.

But today, Meng Xiao felt as if Yu Xi's presence had become much stronger. She didn't know if it was intentional or what, and looked at Yu Xi, "Yu Xi, what about you? Do you want some?"

Yu Xi shook her head, "No."

She didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with her saying no. After that, she took a big sip of the milk tea, sucking up a lot of pearls and honey beans. She swallowed and chewed, and her mouth was full.

The way she ate looked like a rabbit, so cute.

Zhang Heqi saw that she seemed very satisfied with the drink, and also took a big sip of the milk tea that was almost forgotten on the side.

"Yu Xi, do you usually order milk tea from this store?"

Yu Xi nodded.

The original owner had ordered it before, but no one cared.

She asked everyone if they wanted milk tea, and others refused without asking her which store it was.

Of course, the original owner did ask for Lu Yueyi before.

Before she came, she saw Lu Yueyi posted a photo of him holding milk tea in the circle of friends, and knew that he liked to drink it.

Lu Yueyi seemed to have thought of this as well.

He glanced at the cup of milk tea in Zhang Heqi's hand as if nothing had happened.

After a while, he stood up, "Has everyone finished eating?"

He was going to clean up and wash the dishes.

But Yu Xi stood up before him, "I didn't cook, I should wash the dishes, you go and rest."

She spoke slowly and in a low voice, but her pronunciation was much clearer.

"Are you washing it alone?" Lu Yueyi didn't say yes or no, but asked a question.

Yu Xi nodded and said embarrassedly: "Otherwise I didn't do anything... not very good."

[This is more or less, Lu Yueyi cooks and she washes the dishes, it's good, neither of them affects each other. ]

[I didn't expect that Yu Xi has become more sensible. ]

[Originally, Lu Yueyi didn't like her, and it was useless for her to pester him. ]

[Lu Yueyi and Meng Xiaosuo are already locked up, Yu Xi should have given up long ago. ]

[No one can break up our smile cp!! ]

Coming to the kitchen, Yu Xi first poured out the remaining leftovers in the bowl, then put on gloves and prepared to start washing the dishes.

Looking at the pile of bowls, she sighed.

Fortunately, the dishes were not very dirty. She thought that she should be able to finish washing them in half an hour, so she started to dry them.

She turned on the faucet, but the water was too strong, splashing on the bowl and splashing back on her face and eyes.

Yu Xi reached out to wipe it, and felt water droplets on the lens, blurring her vision.

And when she lowered her head, the frame fell down.

She used her wrist to support it several times, but it still fell in front of her nose when she lowered her head.

She didn't want to take off her gloves to take off her glasses, but now she had to take off her gloves to take off her glasses, first wiping off the water stains that were not wiped clean, and then fiddling with the screws on both sides of the glasses.

She lowered her head and studied the glasses by herself.

Lu Yueyi just happened to walk in.

His footsteps were light, but Yu Xi still heard them.

She looked up and saw only a blurry figure.

But she could tell who the person was by the color of his clothes.

Unable to see his face clearly, Yu Xi's eyes widened a little.

Lu Yueyi looked straight over and was immediately attracted by her clear and transparent eyes.

Those eyes hid the stars and the moonlight, without a trace of impurities, and the amber luster was bright and beautiful, making people's hearts beat fast at just one look.

Looking into her eyes, Lu Yueyi felt as if he was soaked in spring water, feeling the refreshing coolness.

Unfortunately, Yu Xi put on his glasses again soon.

Lu Yueyi thought that what he saw just now was an illusion.

Through the thick lenses, the heart-beating feeling just now still remained.

Yu Xi looked at him in confusion. Without saying anything, she knew that she was wondering why Lu Yueyi came.

Lu Yueyi actually wanted to get a drink from the refrigerator.

He was thirsty, and there were iced drinks in the refrigerator. Everyone else had milk tea to drink. He said he didn't want to drink, so naturally he had to get something else to drink.

But he didn't expect to see this scene when he came.

Yu Xi had never taken off her glasses in front of others before. She heard her say that she was nearsighted and couldn't take care of herself without her glasses.

But she is obviously nearsighted, how can her eyes still be so beautiful? Her eyes are obviously lifeless but so clear, clear and confused eyes, because of myopia, it seems that there is a layer of mist between them, so beautiful.

Like a dream.

Lu Yueyi's eyes darkened, and she felt weird.

How could he be attracted to Yu Xi?

Even if he was only attracted by her eyes, it still shocked him.

Didn't he hate her very much?


"Let me help you."

Obviously he just came to get the drinks. Logically, Lu Yueyi should leave directly after getting them, but he looked at Yu Xi and said such words.

Instead, Yu Xi looked at him in surprise.

He wanted to see those beautiful eyes again.

"No, you go out and have a rest." Yu Xi hesitated and blushed.

Hearing the gentle voice in his ear, Lu Yueyi couldn't move his feet.

He stared at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

[What's wrong with Lu Yueyi? He wants to wash the dishes with Yu Xi? ]

[What's going on? Doesn't he hate Yu Xi the most? Is it because he feels bad to let a girl wash the dishes? ]

[Isn't he afraid that Meng Xiao will be unhappy? ]

[Meng Xiao has a good temper, he won't be unhappy, ]

[Lu Yueyi is right. ]

[But I always feel weird about the way he looks at Yu Xi. 】

Yu Xi pretended to be ignorant, but was secretly observing Lu Yueyi's reaction.

In the original plot, the original owner cooked with Lu Yueyi today, and Lu Yueyi also told her to leave after cooking.

As a result, the original owner did not do so, and stayed in the kitchen to help cook. She always asked Lu Yueyi if she wanted to help. As a result, Lu Yueyi was very impatient, and then accidentally burned his hand.

Although his burn was not serious, it looked quite scary.

Lu Yueyi himself did not react much, but the original owner was very worried. She was timid and not good at speaking. She didn't know what to do, and she was so scared that she started crying.

Meng Xiao and others heard the noise and came in. Seeing that Lu Yueyi was injured, Meng Xiao was worried and anxious. She looked everywhere for burn ointment, but there was none in the hut.

She ran out to buy medicine directly.

The original owner brought medicine, and she wanted to apply medicine to Lu Yueyi, but was rejected by Lu Yueyi, who also asked her to stay away from him and not to bother him, with a heavy tone.

The original owner was even more sad and hid in the room crying.

Meng Xiao finally bought the medicine and Lu Yueyi applied it. Meng Xiao was so distressed that his eyes were red. He blamed him for not being careful.

Seeing Meng Xiao so worried and nervous about him, Lu Yueyi felt soft-hearted and moved. The two

looked at each other. The audience screamed.

From here on, the two were really locked together, and the CP fans called it sweet.

Lu Yueyi was injured and could only let Zhang Heqi cook the unfinished dishes. It took a long time and dinner was not served until nine o'clock in the evening. Everyone was starving.

The original owner was still in the room.

Meng Xiao stood up and said that he was going to call the original owner to eat, but was stopped by Cheng Xitong.

Cheng Xitong said at the time that the original owner must not want to eat in that state.

Meng Xiao said that the original owner must be hungry too, how could he not eat.

The audience was attracted by Meng Xiao's kindness and generosity, and Lu Yueyi liked the kind-hearted Meng Xiao more.

In contrast to Meng Xiao, the original owner's popularity was worse, and the audience was also annoyed when they saw her.

It was because of these preparations that when the fourth female came and exposed the black material of the original owner, the original owner could no longer stay.

The audience spoke ill of her because everyone did not have a good impression of her, and the original owner was not good at explaining. After talking for a long time, she got herself into trouble and no one listened to her.

If it was Meng Xiao, she was eloquent and popular. Everyone in the cabin liked her and would definitely not listen to others and would listen to her explanation.

This time, Yu Xi would not let such a thing happen.

Starting from cooking today, she had changed the original plot.

Lu Yueyi wanted her to stay away from him, that was fine.

But she would let him come up to her on his own initiative.

Isn't this man here to help her wash the dishes?

Lu Yueyi: "Let's wash together, it will be faster." Yu

Xi pursed her lips, as if she was a little distressed, and didn't understand why he suddenly said that.

The look she gave Lu Yueyi made Lu Yueyi embarrassed.

She seemed reluctant, "Okay then."

After saying that, she walked aside and kept a distance from Lu Yueyi.

Lu Yueyi was a little confused when she heard Yu Xi's tone.

He said he was here to help her, but she was still unhappy?

Was it because of what he said before that she was hurt?

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 44. Chapter 43 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 43 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Lu Yueyi and Yu Xi stood side by side at the sink.

There were two sinks, sharing one faucet.

Block the drain of the sink and fill it with water, so that the two could wash the dishes at the same time without affecting each other.

Lu Yueyi used to stay away from Yu Xi, but now he took the initiative to help. The audience was very curious whether Yu Xi would rekindle hope.

However, the two did not communicate, and they were both doing the same thing seriously.

It seems that Yu Xi really gave up?

Lu Yueyi and the audience had the same guess.

She told herself in her heart that it was better to give up, but there was another voice questioning that Yu Xi was too strange. She

was obviously happy to cook with him in the morning, and ran out to buy vegetables early, saying that there was no vegetables at home, so she went to buy them. She also asked Lu Yueyi what he wanted to buy and pestered him to write a list.

As soon as she came back, she changed her previous attitude.

Even if she really gave up, there should be a transition period. What happened?

Or was it simply because he said he didn't want to cook with her?

Lu Yueyi was thinking too seriously and was distracted for a moment, so he didn't notice that he had washed the dishes on his side. It

was not until Yu Xi turned on the drain on her side and the water flowed down that he came to his senses and did the same thing.

After washing once, he had to rinse the dishes again.

When the water was dry, Lu Yueyi stretched out his hand, but he didn't expect that Yu Xi and he stretched out their hands at the same time.

Both of them

put their hands on the faucet. Lu Yueyi's hand was on top and Yu Xi's hand was on the bottom. It looked like Lu Yueyi was reaching out to hold Yu Xi.

They were both stunned, especially Yu Xi, whose eyes widened and his body stiffened a lot.

Yu Xi's face turned red quickly, like a cherry soaked in wine, with a seductive luster.

Lu Yueyi's eyes fell on her face and didn't move away for a long time.

Even though he reacted quickly and moved his hand away, the touch left by the previous touch still remained on his fingers.

His fingers were burning.

[So embarrassing, did you see Lu Yueyi's expression? 】

【Hahaha, seeing that, Lu Yueyi quickly took it away, and Yu Xi blushed. 】

【It seems that Yu Xi still likes Lu Yueyi, but has learned to hide her feelings. 】

【Speechless, Lu Yueyi should stay away from Yu Xi, so that she can give people hope again. 】

At this moment, Meng Xiao poked his head out, his body was outside the door, his head tilted, looking at the two people inside,

"Yueyi? So you are here? I couldn't find you for a long time."

Yu Xi lowered his eyes.

Lu Yueyi's expression changed slightly, "Well, I'm washing the dishes."

"Huh?" Meng Xiao looked at Yu Xi, "Yu Xi can't wash it all by herself? Then I'll help."

Yu Xi whispered, "No, I'll be done soon." Meng

Xiao's tone sounded innocent and cute, but from what he said, he felt that it was Yu Xi who asked Lu Yueyi to help, otherwise why would Lu Yueyi help her.

Lu Yueyi wiped her hands, "What's wrong? Is there something you want to talk to me about?"

Meng Xiao blinked, her eyes smiling into a crescent shape, "Well, Xitong has a question for you, why don't you wait until you're done."

She didn't say what the question was, just stood at the door and watched them quietly.

[If I were Yu Xi, I would be so embarrassed that I would want to find a hole to hide in. ]

[She wouldn't feel embarrassed, it's not like this hasn't happened before. ]

[As long as she's not embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed hahahaha. ]

[It's amazing, Meng Xiao is watching at the door, there's no need to worry at all, Lu Yueyi doesn't like Yu Xi. ]

[Xiao Xiao has already fallen in love with Lu Yueyi, this couple is so sweet. ]

"Why don't you go, there's not much left, I'll wash it." Yu Xi lowered her head and said softly.

But Meng Xiao didn't give her a chance to show off, "No need, Yu Xi, it's so tiring for you to wash alone, it's nothing for Yueyi to help you." Meng Xiao

smiled gently and generously, as if I could help him make the decision.

She declared her sovereignty right away.

Although her tone was very brisk, the audience might not feel anything.

But Yu Xi could sense some subtle targeting from her eyes.

This was normal.

Yu Xi did not feel any discomfort, and she nodded silently after hearing it.

Instead, Lu Yueyi glanced at Yu Xi again, which made the audience wonder.

Why did Lu Yueyi still look at Yu Xi after Meng Xiao came?

Meng Xiao also noticed that the smile on her face was getting deeper and deeper.

She also found that Yu Xi was different today. Not only did she not have the exaggerated and bad makeup, she looked much cleaner and more comfortable, and her speech became clearer. Although her voice was still very small, she became more weak and pitiful, like a little white flower.

Although it was still not good-looking, it was much better than before.

In addition... her attitude towards Lu Yueyi seemed to be a little different, and she was more concerned about it.

Meng Xiao certainly did not want Lu Yueyi to pay attention to Yu Xi.


After washing the dishes, Yu Xi took out the teapot and prepared to make tea.

The original owner liked to drink tea and would make tea for herself every day.

Today she went to the supermarket and bought a tea cake.

She has a complete set of tea sets at home, but she can only bring a portable teapot here, which is not very convenient, but she can only make do with it.

In order to maintain her character, Yu Xi must of course continue the original owner's hobby-making a pot of tea every day.

She came to the living room with the teapot with brewed tea.

She found that everyone was sitting on the sofa and chatting, so she paused and turned to the study.

The study has glass walls and glass doors. There is a desk and two chairs in it, as well as a whole wall of books. There is a small coffee table and a bean bag mat in the corner, which is very suitable for one person to sit here and drink tea.

The original owner used to go there often.

But no one cared where she went before.

The study is also a place where no one except her goes. Although it is a transparent house that everyone can see, it has become a real transparent place that no one can see. But

today is a little different.

She walked through the noisy and lively living room to the study, and before she opened the glass door,

she felt someone looking at her.

It was Meng Xiao, and Zhang Heqi who was always paying attention to Meng Xiao.

Zhang Heqi had been looking at Meng Xiao, and noticed that she was looking at Yu Xi, so he looked over.

Lu Yueyi didn't look over here directly, but when he lowered his head to drink water, he raised his eyelids and glanced at her.

"By the way, tomorrow is Monday, shall I drive you to the company in the morning?" Zhang Heqi took the initiative to launch an offensive.

Although Meng Xiao and Lu Yueyi had been texting each other for a few days, Zhang Heqi still didn't give up. He was attracted by Meng Xiao's sweet and pure smile as soon as he arrived.

She is pretty and loves to laugh. Her smile makes people feel like being bathed in spring breeze. Men like this type.

She is a girl who makes people like her at first sight.

Especially in dating variety shows, if you look at the first impression, this type of girl is the most popular.

Often a smile can help them get more votes.

Before the meeting, Cheng Xitong had one vote and Meng Xiao had two votes. On the first day of the meeting, Meng Xiao got three full votes.

Later, Chi Juan gave Cheng Xitong once.

But Lu Yueyi and Zhang Heqi always gave it to Meng Xiao.

Only the original owner got zero votes from beginning to end.

Meng Xiao did not answer immediately, but lowered her head, holding the cup with both hands, as if thinking, and a little embarrassed.

But in fact, she was waiting... to see if Lu Yueyi would say anything.

But Lu Yueyi did not speak.

Although it was expected, Meng Xiao still felt disappointed.

Lu Yueyi's personality is indeed like this. He will not be too proactive, but she wants to test it.

So she held the cup to cover her chin and smiled, "Okay, then I'll trouble you, but I'm a little slow in the morning, will it delay your time?"

Zhang Heqi shook his head, "No, I go to work late, and I can leave at nine o'clock in time."

Meng Xiao nodded, "That's good."

[Why is Lu Yueyi not talking? Xiao Xiao is going to be snatched away by Xiao Zhang. ]

[Lu Yueyi looks unhappy. ]

[Meng Xiao agreed to it himself, what can Lu Yueyi say, is it not allowed? ]

[Don't break up the smile! I don't allow it, the CP I'm supporting must not break up. ]

[Yu Xi doesn't toss anymore, but there is still Zhang Heqi, otherwise they can be a pair. ]

Cheng Xitong cares about Chi Juan.

After dinner, he went back to his room to play games, but Cheng Xitong called him out just now and said that everyone should chat together.

He thought about it and came out.

But if Cheng Xitong didn't take the initiative to talk to him, he didn't say much.

Sitting next to him and watching other people chat.

Cheng Xitong asked Chi Juan where he worked and why he insisted that it was not on the way.

Chi Juan had no choice but to say, "In the suburbs, it's very far, I can just ride my bike there."

"You ride a bike?" Cheng Xitong asked in surprise.

The word "ride" sounds like riding a shared bike.

If it's very far, wouldn't it take a long time?

Cheng Xitong still spoke his mind, "In the suburbs, riding a shared bike is very slow, or I can take you there." Chi Juan

then lazily replied, "It's not a shared bike, I ride my motorcycle."

Meng Xiao was surprised, "You have a motorcycle? Why didn't I see it before?"

"Well, I didn't bring it."

Zhang Heqi looked at the tall and thin Chi Juan, and he couldn't believe that he was a motorcycle boy. "I also have a friend who likes to ride a motorcycle. He's very handsome. I've wanted to try it for a long time. Can I see your motorcycle?" Chi

Juan nodded, took out his mobile phone, and flipped out a photo.

In the photo, he was wearing a cycling suit, holding a helmet in one hand, standing next to a black motorcycle with a film on it and a black eye in front, which was cool and stylish.

Zhang Heqi's eyes lit up, "Sure, this is so cool."

Hearing him say that, others also shouted that they wanted to see it.

So this photo was admired by everyone else.

The motorcycle is handsome, and the man is even more handsome.

Chi Juan was wearing this black suit with white edges, which was so handsome. This bike did not overshadow him at all, but became his accessory.

People didn't expect that he looked weak and delicate at ordinary times, but he didn't look out of place in this outfit.

Instead, their impression of him changed.

Even Meng Xiao, who had no interest in him before, looked at him differently.

Cheng Xitong said with surprise: "This bike is a Kawasaki, right?" Chi Juan

was not surprised to see that she knew it. After all, this bike is very popular, but it's a little hard to buy. "Yes."

Cheng Xitong had seen it on the video software, "Why is the color different from what I've seen."

Chi Juan said lightly: "It has a film, and I changed the color myself."

He answered a little casually, because he felt bored, and his eyes drifted to the study.

Through the glass, he saw Yu Xi seemed to be isolated from the world, drinking tea leisurely. When she drank tea, she slightly raised her chin and closed her eyes to taste it carefully, not paying attention to what the people outside were doing.

He had actually been observing for a while. Yu Xi was not pretending, but was really tasting tea, and occasionally frowned. It seemed that she was not satisfied with the tea today.

In fact, I have discovered that Yu Xi loves to drink tea before, but I didn't watch it as carefully as today.

At first glance, I felt that girls drinking tea are so elegant.

But she was still dressed so rustic, which made people doubt whether there was something wrong with their feelings.

The time was nine o'clock... The clock on the wall of the living room rang.

It reminded everyone that it was time to send a heart-warming voice.

Everyone went to the telephone booth on the balcony alone.

Go there and use your mobile phone to edit a voice and send it to the person you want to send it to.

When everyone has finished sending, everyone will return to the living room, put on headphones in front of everyone, listen to the content of the voice, and respond to the questions raised in the voice.

Yu Xi also heard the voice and came out of the study.

She sat down on the single sofa, looking at everyone, and didn't mean to be the first to go.

"I'll go first." Zhang Heqi stood up.

The observers in the observation room have been watching the live broadcast for a long time. At this time, it is finally their turn to make a heart-beating connection.

It is necessary to determine who will send the voice to whom tonight based on several hours of observation.

There are team battles and individual battles, and tonight happens to be an individual battle.

The five observation teams are host: Li Jie; actor: Deng Siyun; psychological profiler: Shen Yiqiu; male team leader: Zhou Jue; popular female idol: Yang Mengou.

These five people with different personalities and styles have been observing the guests since they just met. They have a certain understanding of them, and have a God's perspective, and can often speak for the audience.

CP often starts to be shipped when analyzing, eating sugar while finding faults, and complaining with regret.

After a few days, the audience also likes to watch the observer's perspective. After all, everyone wants to have a mouth. If their ideas are the same as the observers, they will feel that they are not alone and have a sense of participation.

"Everyone has noticed, right? Yu Xi has changed a lot today!" Li Jie is the most experienced host in the entertainment industry and is a well-known TV host. He is famous for his good interpersonal skills and good speaking skills.

Although he is not the most popular among the observers, no one hates him.

"I've noticed that her voice is so nice. I didn't notice it before." Yang Mengou said excitedly, "She must be very nice when she sings."

Deng Siyun also paid special attention to Yu Xi today. She was a fan of Meng Xiao and Lu Yueyi, and she didn't like Yu Xi. "But she didn't show it before. I don't know why, but she was not so slow today."

Li Jie looked at Shen Yiqiu, "I also find it strange, Mr. Shen, can you analyze it?"

As a psychological profiler, Shen Yiqiu became famous on the Internet because of a case and became a popular profiler. This time he was invited by the program team, which was also a big gimmick.

In the last episode, he made very accurate analysis of the guests' expressions and movements, and grasped the psychology of each guest. The audience and other guests believed him very much.

Shen Yiqiu has always been unfathomable in the program. He always has a gloomy face and his brows seem to be always tight. The reason why he became popular is also because of his handsome appearance and his superb professional ability. It is said that he has helped the police team solve many unsolved cases. The reason why he came to the program this time is because his cousin is the deputy director of the program team.

There was no expression on his face, but he spoke directly, and he didn't need any time to think. He never kept people in suspense, because he already had the answer in his mind before others asked questions.

"It should be because she was very nervous in front of Lu Yueyi before, but she is in a better state today, so she speaks fluently. She used to pay attention to Lu Yueyi all the time, but today she rarely looks at him. People often get nervous and abnormal in front of people they care about."

Zhou Jue said in surprise: "What do you mean? She plans to give up Lu Yueyi?"

Li Jie: "I think it's possible. Didn't you notice that she interacted a lot with Chi Juan today?"

"She should have given up Lu Yueyi a long time ago. He and Meng Xiao are already like that. It's so boring to rush." ​​Deng Siyun said with a smile. Yang Mengou

began to analyze: "Then who do you think she should send her heartbeat voice to? She sent it to Lu Yueyi every day before. Could it be that she would send it to Chi Juan today?"

Deng Siyun smiled, "No matter who she sends it to, she shouldn't receive it."

"But I see Chi Juan talked to her a lot today." Yang Mengou disagreed.

Zhou Jue shook his head, "You have to see the essence through the phenomenon. How could Chi Juan send it to her? Don't you know his personality?"

Yang Mengou is a voice control. She had no feelings for Yu Xi before, but she liked Yu Xi's voice today and started to speak for her. "But what if Yu Xi still can't receive the voice today? Her voice has been quiet, so pitiful."

Zhou Jue shrugged, "There's nothing we can do. I guess there won't be any tonight."

Deng Siyun: "Otherwise, we can only pray that Chi Juan will send it to her, but I don't think so."

Li Jie saw that everyone had different opinions and said with a smile: "Today is a personal battle. It doesn't matter if there are different opinions, but the accuracy rate affects whether we can get the date card. Five people can only make one mistake at most, otherwise we can't get it."

Deng Siyun: "Let's draw now. Teacher Shen is the best. Give the extra one to Teacher Shen."

Five observers, six guests, one more person.

Shen Yiqiu has no objection.

Li Jie: "Then start drawing now."

Everyone draws from the six guest character cards.

Whoever is chosen will connect the line.

Deng Siyun wanted to choose Meng Xiao or Lu Yueyi the most, but unfortunately she drew Cheng Xitong's character card.

However, Cheng Xitong was also easy to guess, she must have given it to Chi Juan.

Others also turned over the cards to see who they drew.

"I drew Yu Xi!" Yang Mengou shouted, "This is difficult, I don't know if she will give it to Lu Yueyi."

"Mine is Lu Yueyi." Zhou Jue was confident.

Shen Yiqiu got Meng Xiao and Zhang Heqi.

And Chi Juan's card went to Li Jie.

"Let's get started."

The same character cards in their hands were posted on the small blackboard, one side was the male guest and the other side was the female guest.

The observers just need to step forward to connect.

The last one to go on stage was Yang Mengou. She looked at Shen Yiqiu for help, "Teacher Shen, how about you give me some advice."

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☆ 45. Chapter 44 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 44 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Everyone looked at Shen Yiqiu.

Yang Mengou: "Teacher Shen, who do you think Yu Xi is most likely to send it to?"

Shen Yiqiu: "It should be Chi Juan."

Zhou Jue asked puzzledly: "Why? Isn't it more likely to send it to Lu Yueyi? I don't think she will change people so quickly. Lu Yueyi even helped her wash the dishes today. I guess she won't give up easily."

Deng Siyun nodded, "I think what Zhou Jue said makes sense."

"Again, her performance today clearly showed that she doesn't care about Lu Yueyi that much. She can even communicate with him normally. I think she shouldn't care about Lu Yueyi that much. Today's voice is a sign that she has let go. She will send it to another person, and this person is Chi Juan who interacts with her the most." Shen Yiqiu analyzed calmly. "

But, she didn't have any communication with Chi Juan later." Zhou Jue still felt that his idea was right.

Even if what Shen Yiqiu said made sense.

Li Jie: "It's up to you, Mengou, to decide who to choose in the end."

Yang Mengou thought for a moment and said, "I choose... to believe in Teacher Shen!"

Everyone laughed.

"Indeed, Teacher Shen's accuracy rate is too high."

Shen Yiqiu frowned slightly, not because of what everyone said, but because he has always been like this. He will not be happy when everyone praises him, and he always maintains a serious look.

At this time, the guests were entering the phone booth one by one to send voice messages with their mobile phones. From their faces, we can see their mood at this time. They are full of expectations and nervousness, and perhaps a little shy.

When the last guest came out of the phone booth, Li Jie clapped his hands, "Now let's see what the result is."


Everyone looked at the screen.

The first person to come forward to listen to the voice was Meng Xiao.

Picking up the headphones on the wall, she looked at everyone and stuck out her tongue playfully, as if she was a little embarrassed.

Everyone looked at her with a smile.

Meng Xiao lowered her head and listened carefully.

A familiar voice came from the headset: "Hello Meng Xiao, good evening, I still have a lot to say to you. Every day I am healed by your smile, and I feel happy when I see you. From the first time I saw you, I felt that you were a kind and lovely girl, but after observing you for the past two days, it seems that you have no interest in me. Didn't I say that I would send you to work tomorrow? In fact, I want to spend more time with you. I want to ask you, are you willing to spend more time with me? If you are willing, please stand up and wink, okay?"

Meng Xiao put down the headset, looking a little hesitant.

"Let me say first, I am really happy to see each of you here, and I am very happy every day. I hope to become good friends with everyone!"

After saying that, she squinted and smiled, with her head slightly tilted.

"Then it's..."

She winked at everyone. She

blinked her eyes quickly, and it felt quite good.

[Ahhh Meng Xiao is too sweet! ! ! ! ]

[I like Meng Xiao so much. ]

[Who doesn't like sweet girls? 】

【However, Meng Xiao did not reject Zhang Heqi. Her response was yes. Didn't she and Lu Yueyi lock in? 】

【Who said lock in? It's only been a short time. Besides, it's not a confession. I just want to get along with her. Being friends is also getting along. It's normal not to reject. 】

【It's still early. It's not wrong to get to know more. 】

Meng Xiao put on the headphones again.

The voice is always played first, and then after responding, I was shocked to listen again.

Sure enough, there is a second one.

Meng Xiao lowered his head and listened carefully.

"Good evening, I have been here for three days. Every day you can bring me joy. It's easy for us to get along, but I am a slow person. Sometimes I may not get into the state quickly. What I want to ask is, do you mind that I sometimes have a strong personality and can't feel your emotional changes in time?"

This question needs to be answered properly, so Meng Xiao thought about it before speaking.

"Each of us has our own personality and ideas. It is impossible to ask everyone to be the same. I think freedom and maintaining individuality are also important, so I don't mind."

Her two answers made it impossible to hear who answered, but the specific question could be guessed.

"I'll be the next one." Zhang Heqi stood up.

He wanted to know if he could receive a voice message tonight. He

hadn't received any voice messages in the past two days, which was actually a blow to him. Although he looked indifferent and laughed on the surface, he was the only one who knew the loss in his heart.

He put on his headphones, held the headphones with one hand, and pressed them gently, trying to make the headphones stick tighter.

But as time passed, the headphones were always quiet.

His expression gradually became bitter. He

took off his headphones with a forced smile, then stood up and sat back in the crowd without even looking at the others.

He didn't dare to look at the others, and didn't want to see those embarrassed, apologetic or regretful eyes.

If he didn't receive it, he didn't receive it.

He didn't need apologies and sympathy.

The next one was Lu Yueyi.

He put on his headphones, pressed the play button, and soon heard the voice.

"I've been here for a few days, and I feel that I have a certain understanding of you, but sometimes I still feel that I can't figure out your thoughts, so I want to know how you feel when you are with me? If you feel very happy, just stand up and make a heart shape with your hands, okay?"

After listening, Lu Yueyi looked at the others who were waiting.

[It's Meng Xiao! So sweet, so sweet! 】

【Make a heart, and it would be better to blow a kiss. 】

【Ahhhh, smiley! I like Meng Xiao so much. 】

【The heart Lu Yueyi made is so ugly, hahahaha, he doesn't know how to make it, it looks like a peach, not a heart. 】

【Others don't know what he is doing, how can someone make a heart upside down, and it looks like a peach. 】

Others saw Lu Yueyi stretching out his hand, with his index finger on top and his thumb on the bottom, making a pattern, and they were all confused, not understanding what he was doing. Only Meng Xiao smiled and showed eight white teeth, and the smile in her eyes could not be hidden. She lay on her knees, covering her face and looking at Lu Yueyi.

After doing the gesture, Lu Yueyi said: "Actually, I am happy, but I think the time is still short, and everyone needs more time to understand, so... just let it go." After

he finished speaking, he did not get up and leave.

Because in the past few days, he listened to one voice after another.

So he was used to continuing to listen, so he put on his headphones again.

But this time, he did not wait for the second voice.

The waiting time was a bit long. After nearly a minute, there was still no sound in the headset. His face was stunned for a moment, but he soon stood up with a smile.

"I'm fine."

His tone was flat, but when he returned to the crowd, he glanced at Yu Xi.

【Fuck! Yu Xi really didn't send it to Lu Yueyi! 】

【What Shen Yiqiu said is right, has Yu Xi changed his target? 】

【He should have let it go, and he didn't change his target immediately, but at least he didn't pester Lu Yueyi so much, which is a good thing. 】

【But why do I feel that Lu Yueyi's smile is a bit stiff? 】

【Where is it stiff? Don't mess with the rhythm, he must be really happy. 】

Everyone Lu Yueyi listened for a long time, and it seemed that there was a second voice, but he didn't answer or say anything, so people couldn't figure out whether it was one voice or two.

If there was only one, it meant that Yu Xi didn't send it to her?

Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong looked at each other, then leaned in and whispered something.

They often exchanged known information, so they all knew about Yu Xi's behavior.

Yu Xi didn't seem to send it to Lu Yueyi, and Zhang Heqi didn't receive it.

Could it be that he gave it to Chi Juan.

Thinking of this,

Cheng Xitong and Chi Juan stood up almost at the same time.

But Cheng Xitong was stunned for a moment, then sat back down, "You go first." Chi Juan

was not polite, nodded, and walked to the front to sit down.

He took off his headphones, adjusted the volume first, and then put them on to listen.

"Hello Chi Juan, this is the first time I send you a voice message. In fact, I mainly want to thank you for sharing your headphones with me today. I am very happy. I also like that song..."

Yu Xi's voice is soft and gentle, and the words are clear but hoarse. Every word seems to be wrapped in a layer of honey and can penetrate into the body. Chi Juan

held his breath because his ears seemed to be suffering from the most numb tickling, and a feather was dancing on his eardrum.

He couldn't breathe normally, couldn't think, and was fascinated by this voice.

Yu Xi continued: "We didn't have any contact before. Today is the only time I can get closer to you. I don't have anything to ask, but I still ask, can I play games with you tomorrow, if possible..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller.

Chi Juan listened attentively, and his expression became serious.

"Please stand up and do a side flip?"

Chi Juan: "..."

[Puhahahaha, what kind of request is this! ]

[Cartoon flip? Are you sure Chi Juan can do it? ]

[Hahahahahaha I can't do it. Yu Xi, are you sure you really want Chi Juan to play games with you? ]

[Chi Juan said: Forget it, I can't do it. ]

[I'm going to die of laughter. Is this the reason why no one chose Yu Xi? ]

[I was so fascinated by this voice that my heart was itching, but the last sentence ruined my stamina. ]

Chi Juan looked at Yu Xi in surprise.

Everyone also noticed that the person he was looking at was Yu Xi.

It was confirmed that Yu Xi sent it to Chi Juan, and everyone's expression was a little subtle.

This was the first time Yu Xi had voted against him. He had previously sent it to Lu Yueyi.

But everyone was more concerned about how Chi Juan would answer. What

would Yu Xi say to Chi Juan? Chi Juan

stood up without saying a word.

Then he clapped his hands, walked behind everyone, looked around, and his expression was a little strange, "It seems that there is not enough space. I don't know if I can do it."

Everyone was confused.

"What are you going to do?" Cheng Xitong asked curiously.

"Yes, you have to answer first. Even if it's a rejection, you have to give an answer." Meng Xiao reminded him, "You can leave after you answer."

Chi Juan: "Yeah, I know."

After he finished speaking, he performed a side flip and jumped from one end of the small garden to the other.

The action was very neat, but he almost fell at the end. It was well done, but it was a pity that it was not perfect.

Chi Juan was not satisfied. He frowned and said, "Wait a minute, I'll do one."

Everyone: "..."

What are you doing?

Only the audience understood

what Chi Juan was doing. [Are you arguing with this side flip? ]

[Hahahaha, it seems that Chi Juan really wants to play games with Yu Xi? ]

[No way, he is just a man with a competitive spirit and he has to do it well. ] [What is

Yu Xi thinking about? Why does he want Chi Juan to side flip? It's so funny. It just so happens that the length of this small garden is enough for Chi Juan to do a back flip. Hahahaha. Chi

Juan did a perfect side flip and finally came back to sit down, "There is a long time to come, let's listen to a different song next time."

His words were like a code, and only Yu Xi could understand them among the people present.

No one knew what he was talking about.

Zhang Heqi said flatteringly: "Chi Juan is quite skilled."

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows and was about to leave when his headphones rang.

"There is another one."

He thought for a moment and sat down to continue listening.

"Hello Chi Juan, it's me, Xitong, I sent you a voice message again. Actually, today I want to tell you that your motorcycle is very cool. I have always wanted to ride a motorcycle, but I don't have the opportunity and no one can teach me, so I want to ask you, before I learn it, can I ride your motorcycle? If possible, please stand up and turn around."

It is said that a motorcycle is a man's wife. If a man is willing to let you sit on the back seat of his motorcycle, it means that you have a special position in his heart.

Cheng Xitong's question was actually a hint.

Chi Juan was silent for a few seconds, and his eyebrows seemed to frown. "No, I'm not used to carrying people."

After he finished speaking, he sat back down among the others.

Meng Xiao looked at Yu Xi with sympathy.

Lu Yueyi also looked at Yu Xi, and seeing her lowered her head, he thought she was sad.

Cheng Xitong looked normal, with no expression.

[He accepted Yu Xi's request and rejected Cheng Xitong. Could it be that he had a crush on Yu Xi? ]

[I don't think so. The two people's requests are completely different. One just asked him to play games, and the other wanted to sit on the back seat of his motorcycle. I would also accept the former and reject the latter. ]

[Men treat motorcycles as their wives, and they can't just let others sit on them. ]

[What's wrong with sitting for a while. ]

[Then Cheng Xitong was so embarrassed, but she pretended that nothing had happened, and other people couldn't see it at all. ]

[It seems that everyone thought he rejected Yu Xi! ]

Only Yu Xi and Cheng Xitong didn't listen to the voice.

"Xitong, go."

Thinking that Chi Juan rejected Yu Xi, Meng Xiao pushed Cheng Xitong beside him and asked her to listen to the voice.

Cheng Xitong hesitated.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 46. Chapter 45 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 45 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

"Xitong, go ahead."

Thinking that Chi Juan had rejected Yu Xi, Meng Xiao pushed Cheng Xitong beside him and told her to listen to the voice.

Only then did Meng Xiao notice that Cheng Xitong's face looked bad.

"Xitong, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Even though she had a good relationship with Meng Xiao, Cheng Xitong didn't want Meng Xiao to know. Meng Xiao often released a sense of superiority. Of course, Cheng Xitong didn't think there was anything wrong before, because she was also very proud, but just now, Chi Juan rejected her like that, which greatly frustrated her, so her psychological defense line was very low at this time.

She hesitated for a moment and stood up.

Maybe because of the rejection just now, Cheng Xitong had a premonition, and her heart was lifted from the moment she put on the headphones.

But when she really listened for a minute and didn't hear any sound.

Her mood was still very bad, and she almost couldn't hold it back. She wrote depression and surprise on her face.

Meng Xiao also saw it now.

Cheng Xitong didn't answer, and walked down without saying a word. Isn't this the performance of not hearing the voice?

Cheng Xitong didn't receive the voice message, so...

She looked at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi just stood up to listen to the voice message.

She walked over slowly and sat down, her expression calm and gentle.

It was hard to tell what she was thinking now, but she felt that Yu Xi had calmed down today.

"I'm Chi Juan..."

A clean voice came out of the headset, and his speech was neither fast nor slow, lazy.

"Actually, there's nothing to say, but I just want to send you this voice message today. We can listen to music and play games together in the future. I'll teach you how to play... If you think it's good, take off your glasses."

At this point, he chuckled, as if he was laughing at his own words, "Actually, there's nothing I want to ask, I just want to see what you look like without your glasses."

After listening to the voice message, Yu Xi took off her headphones, looked at everyone, and slowly took off her glasses.

Her glasses did block a lot of her beauty.

It was like a seal, a pair of beautiful eyes blocking the way .

Before she took them off, she was an honest, rustic, dull, and boring person, with no surprises.

But at this moment, she slightly raised her eyes to look at Chi Juan and whispered, "Okay."

Her eyes were as bright as the moon, shining, and seemed to be flowing with watery emotions.

One look at it can make people's hearts ripple, as sweet as drinking a

clear spring. Yu Xi smiled shyly, like a magnolia flower, exuding a soft, pure and tranquil beauty.

Soon she put on her glasses again and walked back embarrassedly.

Meng Xiao stood up with a smile, breaking the atmosphere at this time.

"We've heard it all, let's go back."

Seeing that they were all looking at Yu Xi, she felt as if something had changed.

At this time, the observation room was also noisy because of the results of tonight.

Fortunately, Yang Mengou listened to Shen Yiqiu's words, so only one line was connected wrongly, and that was Chi Juan's line.

Deng Siyun stared at the screen in surprise, "Didn't Chi Juan and Cheng Xitong always get along well before?"

Li Jie: "That's normal, I don't think there was any spark between these two people, it was always Cheng Xitong who took the initiative."

Deng Siyun: "But didn't Chi Juan respond?"

Shen Yiqiu said bluntly: "That may be because he didn't have anyone else to send it to at the time."

"Sure enough, Teacher Shen is right, Yu Xi would send it to Chi Juan, not Lu Yueyi." Yang Mengou was glad that she listened to Shen Yiqiu, "Fortunately I listened to Teacher Shen, otherwise our accuracy rate tonight would not be enough."

"Yes, in this way, we can get another date card and give the guests one more chance." Li Jie nodded, "I hope that each guest can get a date card by then, as for whether they use it or not, it's their business."

Today is Monday, a working day.

Many people get up early.

When Yu Xi woke up, she heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

She washed up and went to the kitchen.

She saw Zhang Heqi and Lu Yueyi were here.

One was making sandwiches and the other was making soy milk.

Yu Xi saw them nodding their heads, and took it as a greeting.

Everyone was used to hearing no talk, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

But usually other people didn't look at her much, but today they couldn't help but look at her.

The moment Yu Xi took off her glasses last night, everyone was amazed by her eyes.

But later Yu Xi went back to her room and never came out again.

Seeing her this morning, they naturally thought of the scene they saw last night.

"Good morning, Yu Xi." Zhang Heqi took the initiative to greet her.

Yu Xi: "Good morning."

Her voice was clean and light.

Yu Xi walked into the kitchen and wanted to open the refrigerator to see what she had to eat.

Zhang Heqi and Lu Yueyi turned their heads to look over.

At this time, Zhang Heqi said first: "Would you like some soy milk? I'll be ready soon, and there are small fried dough sticks, which are already fried."

Yu Xi shook her head, "No, I'll just boil an egg to eat."

She took out two eggs and walked over to find a pot.

The pot was placed in the cabinet behind Lu Yueyi. When she squeezed over, she whispered to Lu Yueyi: "Sorry..."

Lu Yueyi looked at her.

Yu Xi's face was slightly flushed, like a pink rose in the early morning, stained with mist, and tender.

She said softly: "Move aside, I'll get a pot."

Lu Yueyi moved his feet so that Yu Xi could walk over.

Lu Yueyi could feel the people behind him, and he couldn't help but pay attention to the situation behind him.

It seemed that in addition to the fragrance of food, there was also a faint fragrance of magnolia at the tip of his nose.

"Why don't you bother, I made a lot, enough to eat, boiled eggs are not as delicious as this."

Zhang Heqi tried hard to promote the soy milk and fried dough sticks he made, "This is delicious, you try it."

Yu Xi seemed a little hesitant.

"It's okay, I'll make you a drink."

"Okay, thank you."

Zhang Heqi saw that she agreed, and smiled gently, "You will definitely like it after drinking it."

Lu Yueyi stood aside and watched, his expression was always cold. He made his sandwich and walked out.

Yu Xi did not look at him because he left, and seemed not to care.

Lu Yueyi walked out with the sandwich.

Zhang Heqi asked Yu Xi, "By the way, today is Monday, do you want to go to work?"

Yu Xi did not answer the question about going to work, but just said, "I'll be out in a while."

"Really? Where are you going?"

Yu Xi: "I can go by myself."

Zhang Heqi remembered that he had an appointment with Meng Xiao, so he did not offer to send Yu Xi off.

"Is that so? Then eat before you leave."

"Okay." Yu Xi nodded.

At this time, the soy milk machine made a sound, and the soy milk was ready.

Zhang Heqi took out a cup and poured a cup for Yu Xi.

"The first cup is for you."

[What's wrong with this Zhang Heqi? Is he casting a wide net? Why did

he give breakfast to Yu Xi? ] [Yes, didn't he say he made it for Meng Xiao last night? ]

[It's okay to share so much with Yu Xi. What's there to say. ]

[Yes, it's okay to give it to Yu Xi. They are roommates. ]

[No! The problem is that he didn't give it to her before. ]

[Yu Xi was like an invisible person before, and I sometimes ignored her, but I felt that she had changed a lot since yesterday. ]

Yu Xi took it, and he put two small fried dough sticks on the plate for her.

"Okay, go eat quickly, I'll pour out the rest."

Yu Xi took the plate and cup and went out to the living room.

Lu Yueyi was eating a sandwich, and there was a glass of milk on the table in front of him, and he had drunk one third of it.

He looked up at Yu Xi, eating a sandwich, his eyes fell quietly on Yu Xi's face, but he didn't say a word.

Yu Xi stood in front of the dining table and thought for a while, then sat far away from Lu Yueyi.

There was a dining table and two chairs between them.

Lu Yueyi lowered his eyes calmly, folded up the remaining sandwich in his hand, and ate it in one bite.

He swallowed slowly, and glanced at Yu Xi from the corner of his eye.

While taking the cup to drink milk, he looked in the direction of Yu Xi.

Yu Xi was eating the fried dough sticks slowly, and had no intention of talking to him at all.

In fact, this kind of silence should be what Lu Yueyi wanted, but he felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward at the moment.

Wouldn't it be better if Yu Xi didn't talk to him and stayed away from him?

Lu Yueyi thought so, and frowned unconsciously.

But the pair of eyes from yesterday inexplicably appeared in his mind.

Clear and bright, watery, looking at him timidly, as if there were thousands of words to tell him.

Lu Yueyi drank up the milk and put down the cup, then stood up and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and cups.

When he passed behind Yu Xi, he felt that Yu Xi's body stiffened a little, and the hand holding the fried dough stick froze.

Lu Yueyi suddenly realized.

It turned out that she still cared, but she had been pretending to be strong.

Lu Yueyi raised an eyebrow.

Five minutes later, Yu Xi also finished eating, and Zhang Heqi brought out the food prepared for Meng Xiao.

Yu Xi went back to the room to get something and prepared to go out. When she returned to the room, she happened to see Lu Yueyi coming out of the room.

The two rooms were diagonally opposite each other. Lu Yueyi put on a watch and carried a schoolbag on one shoulder. It seemed that he was going to work.

Yu Xi saw him hesitate for a moment before pushing the door open.

But before she entered the room, Lu Yueyi behind her suddenly asked her: "Where are you going later?"

[Lu Yueyi asked Yu Xi where she was going? Did he want to send her off? ]

[No way? Impossible! ]

[Damn, if Meng Xiao saw it, wouldn't he be upset? ]

[Crazy, why did Lu Yueyi ask her? 】

【Maybe it's just a casual question, why make a fuss. 】

At the same time, Meng Xiao, who lives next to Yu Xi, also pushed the door open.

In fact, she had just gotten ready and was looking in the mirror, but when she heard Lu Yueyi's voice, she quickly opened the door.

Now, she saw Yu Xi was there too.

"Huh?" Meng Xiao's eyes swirled around the two of them. "Yueyi, are you going out now?"

Lu Yueyi: "Yeah."

"You're pretty early today." Meng Xiao walked out and said in a soft and coquettish tone: "I almost overslept.

Seeing this, Yu Xi went straight into the room and closed the door.

【How did Yu Xi become so tactful? She's really different.】

【The sun really rose from the west, hahahaha, as expected, no one can break up the Smile CP, Yu Xi has given up.】

【But I suddenly felt that Yu Xi was so pitiful.】

【Indeed, I hated her before because she was so persistent, but now that she has given up, I feel a little pity for her.】

【Yu Xi is actually not bad, hey, why don't she and Zhang Heqi get together.】

"What's wrong with Yu Xi? "Meng Xiao looked at Yu Xi's door curiously, "What were you talking about just now?"

"Nothing." Lu Yueyi smiled faintly, "I'm going to work."

"Yeah, come back early."

Meng Xiao saw him stunned, frowned and said, "Did you forget? We said we would go buy roast duck together after we came back."

Lu Yueyi nodded, "No."

Meng Xiao smiled happily then, "That's good, go quickly."

The two walked out side by side, and Lu Yueyi suddenly said, "By the way, Zhang Heqi made breakfast for you and is waiting for you."

Meng Xiao: "..."

She was stunned, then glanced at Lu Yueyi, thinking he was unhappy, but seeing his expression seemed very calm, but the words just now were obviously hidden, "Ah? Really?"

"Well, didn't you agree to go to work together?" Lu Yueyi's tone was still calm, although this word did have some other meaning, he wanted to see Meng Xiao's reaction.

Meng Xiao responded quickly, "Because it's on the way, he called me twice, and I agreed. "

Lu Yueyi: "Well, I'm leaving. Let's go have breakfast."

"Okay, see you in the afternoon. "

Meng Xiao smiled and watched Lu Yueyi leave, like a wife sending her husband to work.

[Such a sweet smile, worthy of my CP.]

[Lu Yueyi looks so handsome today, I really want to know his profession.]

[Meng Xiao is also very nicely dressed today, just standing with Yu Xi, he is simply crushing.]

[Indeed, Meng Xiao's outfit is very good, and the bag she is holding is also from L's house, she must be a rich girl.] Before

Yu Xi went out, she brought a big bag with her. The bag was a bit old-fashioned, but it was the biggest bag she found, and she used it to carry some old clothes.

She was going to take it out and throw it into the old clothes recycling bin. If the wardrobe in the room was not too small and could not hold many clothes, she would not have thrown it away, but she went out today to go shopping, and was afraid that there would be no place to hang the clothes she bought, so she had to make room quickly.

She came out with the bag and was seen by Cheng Xitong, Meng Xiao, and Zhang Heqi who were having breakfast in the restaurant.

Cheng Xitong suddenly said: "Yu Xi, where are you going? Carrying such a big bag."

Meng Xiao: "You should be going to work at this time, right? "

Cheng Xitong: "Your company is really humane that you can take so many things with you at work. I usually see you put on makeup on your days off, but why don't you put on makeup today on a working day?"

Yu Xi looked at them.

She clearly saw hostility in Cheng Xitong's eyes.

It was not difficult to understand.

Because Chi Juan's voice message last night was not sent to Cheng Xitong, but to Yu Xi.

"It's inconvenient to carry so many things, how about you wait, Yu Xi, Zhang Heqi will take me to work, and it's on the way for me to take you, so I can take you with me." Meng Xiao smiled and offered a favor.

It sounds kind, but she is not driving the car.

Without giving her a chance to say anything, Zhang Heqi nodded and said, "Yes, it's okay to take you with me if it's on the way."

"No thanks." Yu Xi just replied lightly, then lowered her head and left.

Anyway, she is a quiet person, and she will ignore them when she doesn't want to pay attention to them.

"What's wrong with Yu Xi? She seems unhappy. Did I say something wrong?"

Cheng Xitong patted Meng Xiao. "No, you kindly offered to take her for a ride. What was wrong with that? Some people just don't appreciate it. Don't take it on yourself."

She looked at Zhang Heqi. "Don't you think so?"

Zhang Heqi hesitated for a moment, looking a little embarrassed. "Well, I think Yu Xi may just not be good at talking. She is usually like this, shy."

Cheng Xitong looked at Zhang Heqi in surprise. She didn't expect her to speak up for Yu Xi, and she looked so sincere.

Isn't this person usually only looking at Meng Xiao?

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 47. Chapter 46 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 46 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Yu Xi went out and ran into Chi Juan upstairs.

He was standing next to a black motorcycle, holding a helmet in his hand and about to put it on his head.

Seeing Yu Xi, he stopped what he was doing, looked at Yu Xi, and waved at her.

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment.

After leaving the cabin, they were no longer within the shooting range of the program, unless they had an outdoor date, they had to report to the program team in advance.

The guests on the show cannot contact or meet privately, but Yu Xi and Chi Juan met downstairs, which was not considered a private meeting.

She walked over quickly.

"What's wrong?" Yu Xi looked at him puzzled.

Only when they stood together did they realize how tall Chi Juan was.

He was wearing all black, standing next to the all-black motorcycle, as if he wanted to blend into the black, cool and handsome, and a little cold. The longan pasted on the front of the motorcycle looked very murderous and majestic, which matched Chi Juan's temperament quite well.

Yu Xi walked in front of him and could smell the pleasant smell of laundry detergent on him.

The refreshing scent of grass and wood, mixed with the scent of melons and fruits, is a mixture

of coolness and warmth. I don't know what brand it is, but it smells particularly reassuring and good. It is different from his cold temperament, and gives people a friendly feeling, making people want to get closer to him.

Yu Xi has a keen nose. When she breathes quietly, she feels that the air has become quiet, warm and refined.

"Nothing." Chi Juan looked down at her.

There seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth, faintly.

"What kind of laundry detergent do you use?"


Yu Xi blushed and stopped talking.

"What kind of laundry detergent?"

"I don't know, my friend bought it, and I just took a bag." Chi Juan suddenly raised his eyebrows, then lowered his head to approach her, raised his voice and asked: "Do you smell it?"

Yu Xi lowered her head even more.


Her voice was as small as an ant, and she coughed, "I'm leaving."

Chi Juan directly reached out and grabbed her collar, and his index finger and thumb touched the back of her neck.

She quickly jumped back a big step and looked at him in shock.

Yu Xi's reaction actually scared Chi Juan.

Chi Juan quickly let go of her hand and said awkwardly: "Wait a minute."

"What, what's wrong?" She didn't dare to look at Chi Juan's face.

"Why are you so nervous? I'm not eating people."


"Is my car handsome?"

Yu Xi didn't even need to look at it, and answered: "Handsome."

"You didn't even look at it."

"Just... just saw it."

Chi Juan was dissatisfied, "Really? Then tell me, how handsome is it?"

He inexplicably wanted to tease Yu Xi and see her blushing.

She always blushed, and didn't dare to speak, hesitating, and he didn't think it was so funny before. But

now he thinks it's cute.

"It's just... very handsome, and it matches you very well."

"Oh? So you are praising me for being handsome?"

Yu Xi stopped talking.

"Hahahahaha..." Chi Juan laughed loudly, and his eyes were shining when he looked at Yu Xi. He raised his eyebrows and said: "Then do you want to sit?"

Yu Xi was stunned and shook her head, "No." Chi Juan

stared into her eyes, and his mood seemed to suddenly become not so good, "Oh..."

Yu Xi glanced at him.

"Let's go." Chi Juan shrugged, turned around, put on his helmet, and then lifted his legs to get on the motorcycle handsomely.

His movements were smooth and handsome, dazzling.

He turned the engine, the motorcycle made a sound, and he turned his head to look at her.

Through the helmet, his eyes were separated by a layer of transparent windshield shorts, and when he stared at Yu Xi, his eyes were focused, "Bye."

Yu Xi also waved at him. Chi Juan

raised his chin coolly, nodded at her, and then left in a cloud of dust.

Looking at his receding back, Yu Xi heard some girls behind her discussing exaggeratedly: "That motorcycle boy is so handsome."

"Yes, yes, he is also very tall, so handsome, I didn't see his face clearly just now, but his profile is amazing."


Yu Xi pulled the corner of her mouth, took out her mobile phone and called an online taxi.

She went to the eyewear store first, tested her eyesight, and then got a few pairs of contact lenses.

This pair of eyes is already beautiful enough, and usually she doesn't need to wear cosmetic contact lenses, otherwise it will cover up her original beauty. However, Yu Xi felt that her myopia was serious this time, and her eyes were not so bright, always foggy and pitiful, so she picked a few more pairs of cosmetic contact lenses. She

also bought two pairs of frame glasses. After all, she couldn't wear contact lenses all the time. It would always be uncomfortable to wear them for a long time. The previous frame glasses were too old-fashioned, round and big, and it would be much better if they were replaced with thin-rimmed ones .

She chose a pair of rose gold and a pair of silver.

The rose gold is gentler to wear, while the silver is cooler and a bit student-like. After

Yu Xi finished shopping, she changed to the rose gold pair.

When paying, she also looked at the balance on the original owner's card, which was quite a lot.

She didn't spend much money, but she became famous a few years ago, and now she has tens of millions in savings.

So she doesn't have to be slow when buying things today, just buy whatever she needs.

Yu Xi went straight to the largest shopping mall nearby.

From inside to outside, she bought 2 new sets of underwear, socks and skirts.

If she wasn't afraid of being too exaggerated, she would have bought more. But if she had to bring them back to the cottage, it would seem too exaggerated if people saw her buying so much, so she restrained herself.

Both sets of clothes were in the style of pure little white flowers.

It was the best match for her shy and socially anxious personality.

Pure as a magnolia, shy as a poor little thing.

At this moment, she was wearing a white dress, standing there timidly, even she herself would feel pity and want to hug her. The person in the mirror and the invisible person who was ignored in the cottage were no longer the same person.

I don't know what everyone's expressions will be after I go back.

Yu Xi suddenly became very curious.

When she walked out of the mall, her whole person had been refreshed, but there was still one thing missing that she was most dissatisfied with.

That was her hair.

The most important part was left to the end.

She didn't delay and took a taxi to the styling studio with the best reviews on the Internet.

After Yu Xi went in, Yu Xi went directly to the styling director and said that she wanted to change her hairstyle.

At this time, she just received a text message.

[Please choose a gift before returning to the room today. The gift is related to the next date, so please choose carefully.]

After reading the message, Yu Xi hesitated for a moment and put away her phone.

After she sat down, the hairdresser looked at her and said regretfully: "Your hairstyle doesn't match your face at all. Why did you cut it like this? Leave it to me. What style and feeling do you want?"

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 48. Chapter 47 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 47 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

After Yu Xi left, Meng Xiao and Zhang Heqi also went out.

Zhang Heqi politely helped Meng Xiao open the car door, "Get in the car."

Meng Xiao smiled sweetly, "Yeah, thank you."

"It's okay." Zhang Heqi helped her close the door before getting in the car.

He drove very steadily, and Meng Xiao had ridden in his car once before.

"Did you eat enough just now?"

"Yeah, I was full, and it was delicious."

"That's good, is there anything you want to eat tomorrow?" Zhang Heqi quietly observed Meng Xiao.

Meng Xiao thought for a while, "No, I can eat anything, I'm not picky."

Zhang Heqi: "Okay, then I'll watch and cook."

Meng Xiao blinked a little embarrassedly, "Will it be too much trouble for you?"

"Of course not, after all, I have to eat myself." Zhang Heqi said nonchalantly: "Besides, it's also very happy for me to see you eating so happily. People who cook will be happy to see others like to eat the food they cook."

"Really? Because I really think it's delicious!" Meng Xiao looked at Zhang Heqi seriously.

"That's good." Zhang Heqi blushed, "As long as you think it tastes good."

The two agreed to go out together, so there were cameras in the car.

There were also many people in the audience who liked the CP of these two.

[I still think Meng Xiao and Zhang Heqi are more suitable. ]

["Miracle" CP is the kind of long-lasting and steady life...]

[Lu Yueyi is too chauvinistic, and he doesn't really care about Meng Xiao. ]

[Don't talk nonsense, the smiling CP is yyds]

[But Meng Xiao doesn't like Zhang Heqi at all, I think he just treats him as a brother. ]

[Just kidding, what kind of brother is there in a love variety show, I think Meng Xiao is fishing. ]

Chi Juan rode his motorcycle all the way to the base.

The teammates are waiting here.

He hasn't been to the base for a few days, and everyone is waiting for him to train.

Chi Juan is not only the backbone of the team, but also the top mid laner in the entire Spl. If he is not here, the team's training is meaningless.

Although he is only 20 years old, he created his peak dynasty two years ago.

This year, he has led the team to win two consecutive championships.

"Brother Chi, you came early today."

Chi Juan took the helmet and put it in his locker, "Are all the others here?"

"Of course, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Chi Juan hummed. He didn't like to talk in the team and was a relatively cold and introverted person.

"Then let's get started. Is the second team ready?"

"Yeah, they are all ready. I'll go ask."

"I haven't been here these few days. Have you watched the SKV game video?"

"Yes, we all watched it. We watched it together and even played a few games with them."

Chi Juan nodded, took a can of Coke, opened the pull ring with one hand, tilted his head back and took a sip. Half a can was gone. It took him

half an hour to ride here, and he was thirsty.

"Captain, everyone is curious, how do you feel about participating in the dating variety show?"

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows, a little lazy, "What do you mean?"

"Hehe...it's just...we watched the game video last night...accidentally watched the live broadcast of your show."

"Get to the point!" Chi Juan snorted.

"That's right, we want to ask, who do you like, Captain?"

Chi Juan finally showed some expression, even smiled, "So curious?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several other team members rushing over.

Their eyes were full of eagerness to eat melons.

"Yes, of course I'm curious."

Chi Juan grinned, then moved closer to them and said a few words, "No comment."

After a few training sessions, everyone was tired and said they wanted to take a break.

Chi Juan took another can of drink, and his teammate answered a call from his girlfriend and showed off his love next to him.

After he finished the call, Chi Juan suddenly asked, "Where did you buy that laundry detergent?"


Chi Juan repeated, "Laundry detergent... the laundry detergent you took from your house last time..."

"Oh, that one, my girlfriend bought it, I don't know."

Chi Juan frowned, then coughed, "Then ask."


"Ask where you bought it, I want to buy it."


Chi Juan: "Is there something wrong with your ears?"

"No, didn't you say you didn't like it?"

Chi Juan frowned, "When did you say that it was almost used up, you gave me a small trial bag."


In the evening.

Yu Xi took a taxi back with big bags and small bags. Along the way, many people looked at her.

The rate of turning back was 300%.

Some people even turned back every three steps, just to see her more.

When Yu Xi got off the car, the driver got off the car attentively to help her carry things.

The driver asked her if she wanted to help send it downstairs, and Yu Xi politely declined.

But she did carry too many things, and she felt a little sore in one wrist after walking a few steps.

She had to put it down and take a break, and by the way, adjusted the things in both hands so that the weight was about the same on both sides, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable if one side was too heavy.

At this time, she felt someone coming from behind.

"Hello, excuse me, I want to ask which building is Building 10?"

Yu Xi turned around and saw a man in a suit.

He was tall, with a white shirt and a black suit, his tie was tied very neatly, and he wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which seemed to be the same style as Yu Xi.

When Yu Xi looked up, she saw a hint of surprise in the other's eyes.

Building 10 is the building where Yu Xi lives.

And Yu Xi also recognized that the man in front of him was Male Four.

Male Four is coming tonight.

Yu Xi pretended not to know him, lowered her head nervously, and whispered: "Just walk forward, to the right."

Her voice was so soft that the man almost didn't hear it clearly, and he had to use his brain to roughly understand what Yu Xi meant.

I wanted to ask again, but he seemed to see Yu Xi's nervousness and fear, and he was a little confused, "Sorry, did I scare you?"

Yu Xi shook her head.

Seeing that she didn't want to communicate with him, the man said thank you and left.

Seeing him leave, Yu Xi entered the community from another side. When she

got downstairs

, Yu Xi had to use the access card to open the door and go in, but she had too many things in her hands and the access card was in her bag, so she had to put down her things before she could search in her bag.

Yu Xi put the bag aside, cleared the door, picked up the things but had no hands to open the door.

When she was in trouble, she heard a voice behind her.

"Do you need help?"

Yu Xi turned around slowly.

It was the same man as before.

She was stunned for a moment, and the man was also a little surprised.

"What a coincidence, you also live in this building?"

Yu Xi nodded.

The man took the initiative to help her get the things, "Let me get it."

But Yu Xi did not open the door, but looked at him hesitantly.

The man didn't understand why Yu Xi didn't open the door at first, until he saw the suspicion and uncertainty in her eyes, and then he suddenly realized that he was suspected of not being a resident of this building, and was a bad guy who deliberately followed him up?

"Don't worry, I live here too."

Yu Xi still looked at him, a little hesitant, as if to say, you just asked for directions, how could you live here.

"Because I just moved in."

The man was supposed to bring a suitcase today, but he had to go to work today, so he came here as soon as he got off work, so he only brought a schoolbag. He took out the access card from the bag and opened the door.

"Now you are relieved, right?"

Yu Xi nodded embarrassedly and lowered her head again.

In fact, Man 4 had watched some of the previous live broadcasts, but he happened to be busy recently, so he didn't watch yesterday and today. Yu Xi had changed a lot at this time, and he didn't recognize her as the Yu Xi in the small room at all.

"Thank you." Yu Xi's voice was soft and pleasant.

Man 4 couldn't help but feel moved, but it was his first time to meet Yu Xi, and he thought that he came here to participate in the love variety show, so how could he meet another attractive girl before entering the small room.

So his expression couldn't help but become subtle.

The two walked into the elevator together.

Someone helped her take things, and she felt much more relaxed.

The man pressed the floor number 26, and when he saw that Yu Xi didn't press it, he took the initiative to ask her: "Which floor are you on? I'll help you."

Yu Xi looked at him with a red face, and then stretched out her hand and pointed to the number 26.

"Are you on the 26th floor too?"

The man seemed to finally realize that something was wrong, and stared at Yu Xi for a long time.

Although the girl in front of him had short hair, she was so beautiful that people couldn't keep staring at her face, as if they would fall in love with her involuntarily if they looked at her for a long time.

Her hair was a gentle tea brown, very similar to the color of her pupils. Her eyebrows were thin and curved, shaped like willow leaves. Her facial features were perfectly outlined, and her skin was white with a hint of pink, like a white rose dyed with a hint of light pink, which was even smudged on her cheeks. If you didn't look closely, you couldn't see it at all.

She gently opened her lips, and her lips were like peony moistened by dew, making people want to pick them at a glance.

The most beautiful thing was her eyes.

The elevator was smooth all the way and soon stopped on the 26th floor.

The two walked out of the elevator together. The man looked at the house number and asked in disbelief: "You don't live in 2603 too?"

Yu Xi blinked and looked at him in surprise.

"Are you..." a new female guest?

The man thought that maybe he hadn't seen it recently, so he didn't even know that someone had come.

Before Yu Xi could answer, he heard another sound from the elevator. It was another elevator that also stopped on the 26th floor.

Two more people came out.

They were Lu Yueyi and Meng Xiao.

The two chatted and laughed, and after work, they agreed to meet near the cabin, and then went to buy the things they agreed to buy yesterday.

When they saw Yu Xi and the fourth man, they didn't react at first.

The appearance of these two people is not inferior to anyone in the cabin.

The man is tall and handsome, and his style is different from the other three men in the cabin.

Zhang Heqi is the type of the brother next door, Lu Yueyi is the type of the overbearing president, and Chi Juan is the type of the cold comic boy.

This man is about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, with a steady temperament, but the edges of his facial features are aggressive. Mingming's eyes are gentle, but his appearance is very handsome and eye-catching. He wears gold-rimmed glasses and has the temperament of a gentleman, dangerous and gentle.

And the short-haired girl in front of him, in terms of purity, completely crushes the sweet Meng Xiao, and in terms of brightness, she is charming and moving and is not inferior at all.

She just stood there, and people were fascinated, itchy, and wanted to get to know her.

Obviously, she should be a stranger, but inexplicably felt very familiar.

Finally, Lu Yueyi recognized her.

"You are... Yu Xi?"

As soon as Lu Yueyi said this,

Meng Xiao showed an unbelievable look and exclaimed: "Yu Xi!?"

How is it possible? !!!

She widened her eyes and couldn't make herself believe that the beautiful woman in front of her was Yu Xi.

It was the Yu Xi who was so rustic and dull, and whose clothes made people unable to complain.

How could it be her?

Did she become so beautiful after cutting her hair and changing her style?

Male Four also looked at Yu Xi with a strange expression.

Indeed, the Yu Xi in his impression was completely different from the person in front of him.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 49. Chapter 48 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 48 Romance Variety II: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Today it was Chi Juan and Meng Xiao's turn to cook, but Meng Xiao didn't know how to.

So I went to buy some food so that I could cook two less dishes tonight.

When I asked Chi Juan if he could cook before, he said that he didn't cook very well, just barely edible.

In this way, Zhang Heqi still needs to help with cooking, but he is also happy to help, after all, he is helping Meng Xiao.

He now has to compete with Lu Yueyi, and his biggest advantage is his good cooking skills and good personality.

He himself knows this very well, so he gives full play to his advantages and appears wherever he is needed.

Or it can be said that whenever Meng Xiao needs him, he will stand up at the first time.

Chi Juan hasn't come back yet, Cheng Xitong got off work early, and he had nothing to do. He was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a laptop, handling some emails, and Zhang Heqi was doing preparations in the kitchen.

Although it was not his turn to cook, he was also very active.

The barrage was full of exaggerations and good men. Of course, some people said that he was too much of a dog-licker and would definitely end up with nothing.

The person outside opened the door and entered the house, and the person inside heard the movement.

Cheng Xitong didn't put down the computer, but bent down to see who came back. The one

walking in front was Meng Xiao.

Cheng Xitong called Meng Xiao enthusiastically: "Xiao Xiao, you're back..."

Before he finished the word, he saw the person behind him.

"This is..."

Male No. 4 Wen Chengyan walked behind Meng Xiao. Meng Xiao was not in a good mood, but at this time she still smiled and took out a new pair of slippers and put them on the ground, "This pair is new, you wear this."

After she finished speaking, she said to Cheng Xitong: "Xitong, come quickly, there is a new male guest."

Cheng Xitong suddenly realized and immediately stood up and put down the notebook in his hand.

It turned out that this handsome man was Male No. 4.

This outfit is elite at first glance, and it is also very handsome. The style is different from the other three male guests.

[Damn, is Male No. 4 so handsome? ]

[No way, a new person suddenly came, so exciting. ]

[The long-awaited Male No. 4 is finally here, hahahaha, I like to see the catfish effect in the love variety show the most. ]

[The other male guests will feel oppressive, Male No. 4 is definitely a big threat! ! ! 】

【I like male No. 4, I love the gentlemanly scoundrel so much! 】

Cheng Xitong walked to the door and greeted Wen Chengyan with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Cheng Xitong, nice to meet you, welcome to the cabin."

She smiled generously and appropriately, thinking that her image today should be pretty good.

But the next second, her smile froze.

There was another person behind Lu Yueyi who followed in.

Who is this?

Cheng Xitong looked over in surprise.

Such a beautiful woman, is she female No. 4?

Cheng Xitong resisted the urge to frown, and immediately said with a smile: "There is also a new female guest? So beautiful."

The expressions of several people in front of him became awkward and subtle, especially Meng Xiao.

She looked at Cheng Xitong and said with a strange look: "Xitong... is not the new female guest, she is Yu Xi."

Cheng Xitong: "What?"

She almost exclaimed, and her surprise was all shown in her tone.

"You..." Cheng Xitong just wanted to show friendliness in front of the new male guest, but when she heard that this person was Yu Xi, she couldn't hold it back.

If it was a new female guest, she would just feel a little stressed, after all, the new female guest was too beautiful.

But suddenly she was told that this person was Yu Xi.

In addition to being in disbelief, she also felt a strong sense of discomfort.

It seemed that all her cognition had changed.

"I was also shocked just now. Yu Xi changed so much after going out." In order to save face for her little sister, Meng Xiao hurriedly smiled and made peace for her, "Just now at the door, we were all surprised, not just you."

Zhang Heqi also heard a little noise and came out.

He happened to hear Meng Xiao talking, so he looked over in surprise, and he was the most shocked.

Yu Xi in front of him had short hair and was wearing a white skirt. She was pushing the door in. She bent down to take off her shoes and put on slippers. When Zhang Heqi came over, Yu Xi had just changed her shoes and slowly raised her head.

Look at others with innocent eyes.

As soon as Zhang Heqi came out, he was fascinated by the beauty of Yu Xi's head just now.

How could she be so beautiful!

How beautiful are her eyes!

The misty water vapor is light and agile, like a white flower covered with dew, blooming at dawn, with a green and ignorant sweetness, different from the outward sweetness of Meng Xiao. Her smile is instead a kind of restrained weakness, shyness without showing teeth, which makes people not want to get too close to her, but want to watch her from afar and protect her.

[OMG, is this Yu Xi? Kill me, am I dreaming? ]

[My mom asked me why I was slapping myself while watching TV! Damn, I don’t believe this is Yu Xi! ]

[She is so beautiful! How can there be such a beautiful girl! Mom! I saw an angel! ]

[This short hair is too amazing. Before, I said that Meng Xiao was the goddess of first love, but Yu Xi is much better than her! ]

[Yu Xi? ? ? ? ? Is this fucking Yu Xi? Am I dreaming, or are they drunk? ]

[This expression, it’s really her, the nervous and timid eyes have not changed! 】

"Yu...Yu Xi?" Zhang Heqi's expression was infatuated.

He fell in love with Meng Xiao at first sight because he liked the pure type. Meng Xiao was sweet, cute, pure, and had a charming smile. She

was very close to his ideal type.

However, cuteness is worthless in front of beauty.

If Meng Xiao is the ideal type, then Yu Xi is his dream lover type.

The girl he wants to pursue in life is like Meng Xiao.

But the fairy he dreams of looks like Yu Xi.

This is the difference.

Yu Xi blushed, as if she couldn't face so many people focusing their attention on her.

"Why...what's wrong?"

Yu Xi snatched away all the attention that should have belonged to the fourth male Wen Chengyan.

His arrival should have caused a stir in the cabin, but Yu Xi's change caused an uproar.

But Wen Chengyan was not angry at all, because his attention was all on Yu Xi.

Just now in the elevator, when he didn't know that Yu Xi was the female guest, he was overwhelmed by her charm. What's more, now that he knows that Yu Xi and he will live under the same roof, from today on, he can pursue Yu Xi openly, he knows that it's time for him to show his talent.

Wen Chengyan said with a smile: "Let's go in first, what are we doing here?"

"Yes, go in and sit down quickly, how can we let the new guest stand all the time? We haven't even introduced him yet."

Meng Xiao had been greatly shocked outside the house just now, and she had recovered by now, so she acted much more naturally than Cheng Xitong. Cheng Xitong still looked incredulous and kept staring at Yu Xi.

If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't have plastic surgery in one day, she would even suspect that Yu Xi had had plastic surgery.

Even if it was cosmetic surgery, the recovery wouldn't be so fast.

Could it be that just changing her hairstyle and clothes would cause such a big change?

Cheng Xitong didn't believe it.

She had a lot of questions to ask Yu Xi.

But Yu Xi always looked panic-stricken, as if everyone was looking at her, she was at a loss, and didn't know how to deal with it. She just wanted to hide. Before Cheng Xitong asked, she said cautiously: "I'll go back to the room first."

Zhang Heqi began to act: "Are you tired? Do you want to drink something first?"

Yu Xi shook her head.

Meng Xiao noticed that as soon as Zhang Heqi came over, there was only Yu Xi in his eyes, and he didn't even look at her.

It really changed quickly.

Meng Xiao's expression did not change, but he felt ridiculous in his heart.

"Yes, Yu Xi, what are you in such a hurry to go back to the room for? Show us what you bought. Why did you buy so many things today?" Meng Xiao spoke very nicely, and his tone was cheerful and relaxed. He came over and pulled Yu Xi, as if he was very curious.

Cheng Xitong certainly wanted to know what Yu Xi bought. Yu Xi's taste was very bad before. The clothes she wore today were not bad, but what would she buy? Maybe it was still very old-fashioned.

"Yes, I want to see it too."

Yu Xi didn't want to show them at all, and it was really inconvenient. After all, she also bought some underwear. If these two people took them out and showed them to the male guests, wouldn't it be embarrassing to death?

At that time, Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao pretended not to know and didn't mean to avoid criticism, and she wouldn't have her privacy seen for nothing.

And in addition to the male guests, there were many viewers who could see it.

Yu Xi frowned, "Didn't you say you wanted to buy a gift? I bought a gift, can't I show this to you?"

Her tone was a little weak, as if she was embarrassed to refuse, and didn't know what to do. She looked at the others.

"Let's forget about looking at the things girls bought. It might not be good for us men to see them." Zhang Heqi's heart trembled and numbed by Yu Xi's eyes. He couldn't recover for a long time, but he didn't forget to save Yu Xi.

She must want him to speak for her. Maybe there is something in the things she bought that is not good to show to everyone.

Wen Chengyan also thought that there might be private items.

Yu Xi looked shy, which man would not feel distressed.

He was about to speak when he heard Lu Yueyi calmly: "If you are tired, go and rest first. Whose turn is it to cook today?"

Meng Xiao's expression changed slightly, and a gloomy color flashed in his eyes. He smiled and said: "It's me and Chi Juan. Let's not look at it. I'm just curious. If Yu Xi doesn't want to, of course forget it. Why are you so nervous?"

She looked at Lu Yueyi in a gentle tone, as if she was acting coquettishly.

[Is Lu Yueyi speaking for Yu Xi? ]

[It seems so, but it's also normal. There is nothing wrong with what Lu Yueyi said. ]

[There is nothing wrong with it, the smile is so sweet, the look in Xiao Xiao's eyes when she looks at Lu Yueyi, I am touched. ]

[But why do I feel that Lu Yueyi looked at Yu Xi a few more times just now. ]

[Speechless, what's the matter, Yu Xi has changed so much, anyone can see it. ]

Cheng Xitong saw this and knew that she couldn't see it anymore.

But she still didn't want to give up.

She stared at Yu Xi closely, but avoided her eyes.

Because her eyes were too clean and pure, so beautiful that she didn't want to look directly at them.

Before Yu Xi got up to go back to her room, Cheng Xitong said, "By the way, Yu Xi, why did you suddenly think of changing your hairstyle? I remember you said before that you thought the princess cut suits you." Cheng Xitong felt that there must be a reason why Yu Xi suddenly changed so much.

Of course, Yu Xi had already thought of her words. She touched her hair, which was of good quality, and the brown luster was very beautiful. She said embarrassedly, "Because I felt it was inconvenient when I was doing things yesterday, and it blocked my eyes, so I wanted to trim it a little."

She blinked halfway through her words, and her cute eyes were childish and sparkling.

"As a result, I went to the barber shop, and the hairdresser said that this hairstyle was not suitable for me. He kept recommending me to change it, so I changed it. Do you think it looks good?"

She was so beautiful without knowing it, which was really tempting.

Everyone looked at her.

Cheng Xitong didn't know what to say for a while.

"It looks good. It's the best short hair I've ever seen." Zhang Heqi praised people, and he didn't hesitate to praise them.

Cheng Xitong's mouth twitched when he heard it, and he looked at Meng Xiao, and suddenly smiled and said, "Zhang Heqi is really good at talking. Why do I remember that you said Xiaoxiao's hairstyle is particularly beautiful before."

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Cheng Xitong knew that she had said too much, but she felt that she was not wrong. She had a good relationship with Meng Xiao. Zhang Heqi had licked Meng Xiao before, and now he suddenly licked Yu Xi. She asked him what was wrong.

[It's so embarrassing. Is it necessary for Cheng Xitong to be so ky? ]

[But Cheng Xitong was not wrong. Zhang Heqi did this to make Meng Xiao very embarrassed. ]

[But Meng Xiao didn't have anything to do with Zhang Heqi before, so it's not wrong for Zhang Heqi to change people. ]

[I stand for Cheng Xitong, but to be honest, Yu Xi is really beautiful after changing her hairstyle. The hairdresser is right. The previous hairstyle really doesn't suit her. ]

[If I were a man, I might also be shaken. ]

[But it changed too quickly. He licked Meng Xiao in the morning, and he changed drastically as soon as Yu Xi went home. ]

[To be honest, they only knew each other for a few days. If you don't give it to me, Zhang Heqi is definitely a face control. ]

The barrage started to quarrel.

Zhang Heqi was embarrassed by what Cheng Xitong said, but still smiled and said, "They are all beautiful in their own way."

Yu Xi: "I'll go back to my room to put my things away first."

As soon as she stood up, there was a sound of the door opening.

But no one paid attention at this time.

Meng Xiao was talking to Lu Yueyi. After Zhang Heqi introduced his name to Wen Chengyan, Cheng Xitong took the initiative to take Wen Chengyan to visit the cottage.

Zhang Heqi, who was alone, muttered, "Why hasn't Chi Juan come back yet?" Then he went to the restaurant to continue preparing.

At this time, Chi Juan pushed open the door and saw an extra pair of men's shoes on the shoe rack in the entrance.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 50. Chapter 49 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 49 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Cheng Xitong first took Wen Chengyan to the room to put his things.

Chi Juan was the only one living alone, so Wen Chengyan lived in the same room with Chi Juan.

After entering the room, Wen Chengyan saw that the room was very tidy, and there were not many things, but there was a game notebook on the table, as well as a game keyboard, mouse, and headphones, which looked very cool.

At a glance, he could guess that Chi Juan lived here, so Wen Chengyan put his things down and went out.

Cheng Xitong was waiting at the door, and took him to the audio-visual room, the gym, the study, and the balcony yard. He also told him the function of the telephone booth and that he had to send heart-warming voice messages every day.

Wen Chengyan had watched the live broadcast of the show before, and he knew all this, but when Cheng Xitong told him, he did not interrupt.

Cheng Xitong was observing Wen Chengyan while introducing him.

"By the way, can you cook? We have to take turns cooking." Cheng Xitong asked.

"I know a little bit of simple stuff."

"It's OK. The best cook here is Zhang Heqi, whom you just met. He cooks delicious food. Others can cook a little bit, and some can't cook at all." Cheng Xitong smiled and got closer to Wen Chengyan.

Wen Chengyan nodded, "Who's turn is it to cook tonight?"

"Chi Juan and Xiao Xiao, Chi Juan hasn't come back yet..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Chi Juan walking in from the entrance.

Cheng Xitong was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed, and then he naturally introduced to Wen Chengyan, "This is Chi Juan, he just came back when I mentioned him."

Chi Juan looked at Wen Chengyan.

Because he had seen extra shoes at the door, he was not surprised when he saw Wen Chengyan.

"Chi Juan, this is the new male guest."

Wen Chengyan took the initiative to walk over and stretched out his hand to Chi Juan, "Hello, I'm Wen Chengyan."

"Hello." Chi Juan nodded and stretched out his hand, "I'm Chi Juan."

Wen Chengyan smiled and said, "I know."

Chi Juan thought that Cheng Xitong had just introduced himself to him, so he knew it, and he didn't take it to heart. The two shook hands and let go.

"I'll go into the house to put things away first. It's my turn to cook today." Chi Juan was carrying a bag that was full and a little heavy.

"Yes, Zhang Heqi and Xiaoxiao are already in the kitchen."

Before Chi Juan asked, there was a little confusion in his expression, and Cheng Xitong explained, "Xiaoxiao just came back, and Zhang Heqi saw that you guys weren't back yet, so he helped first."

Zhang Heqi has always been warm-hearted and likes to help, so Chi Juan was not surprised, "Oh, okay."

Chi Juan walked towards the room, and Wen Chengyan also said to Cheng Xitong, "I'm almost done with the tour, thank you, I'll go back to the room to pack up my things."

Cheng Xitong was stunned, "Then I'll go to the kitchen to see if there's anything I can help with."

Wen Chengyan's attitude gave her a sense of alienation, keeping a polite distance, gentle and polite, but his eyes were not warm.

The moment she saw him, it was like being pulled into a mysterious and deep forest by an invisible hand, feeling the clean and cool air, and the natural smell of pine accompanied by the dampness of moss. Gentle

with a cold and clear, calm and elegant.

He has an abstinent and handsome temperament. He is dressed in a well-tailored suit and has a more noble aura than the other three male guests.

It must be said that the charm exuded by Wen Chengyan is very attractive to her, especially when she was rejected by Chi Juan last night, and such a person appeared, the balance in her heart wanted to shift a little.

[Cheng Xitong's eyes looking at Wen Chengyan are not right, he is completely attracted. ]

[Men like Wen Chengyan are dangerous at first glance, but dangerous and charming! ]

[I like Wen Chengyan! ]

[The styles of the four male guests are different, which is great. ]

[Chi Juan hasn't seen Yu Xi yet, he will definitely be shocked when he sees him. ]

Wen Chengyan walked into the room, and Chi Juan was taking things out of his bag, including a gift box.

"Did you buy a gift too?" Wen Chengyan asked after standing at the door and closing the door.

Chi Juan looked up and hummed after seeing him, "Yes."

All the guests received text messages and had to prepare gifts.

He bought them on the way back.

"I bought it too, your box is very beautiful." Wen Chengyan came over.

Chi Juan is slow to warm up, and subconsciously keeps a distance from Wen Chengyan who just appeared.

"Uh... it's okay."

Wen Chengyan didn't care about his indifference and said with a smile: "I've seen your game."

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows and looked at him in surprise, but soon returned to normal.

His popularity is indeed quite high. Before coming, the program team interviewed the guests. None of them played the game that Chi Juan played, so no one knew him.

"Do you play sol?"

"No, my friend does, and he is your fan." Wen Chengyan shrugged, "After the show is over, can I ask you for an autograph?"

Chi Juan was stunned, "Sure."

Wen Chengyan half-jokingly said: "Then my friend will treat me to a big meal."

The two smiled at each other.

The relationship seemed to have become much closer.

"I'm going out to cook, what about you?"

Wen Chengyan: "You go first, I'll make the bed and come out."

Chi Juan: "OK."


At this time, Yu Xi was packing things in the room.

She hung the clothes she bought in the closet and put away some cosmetics and facial masks.

There are two dressing tables in a room, and she only occupies one of them. The other table is very clean, and she doesn't put her things there.

Today is her last day living alone in this room.

Tomorrow, girl 4 will also come, and then she may not live so comfortably.

For the original owner, girl 4 is the beginning of a nightmare.

Not only did it reveal a bad memory of hers, but it also made her deeply involved in public opinion, making her, who was already socially anxious, even more unable to face the outside world, and later she couldn't even do her job.

Originally, her three-dimensional life and the two-dimensional life were separate.

But because of participating in the show, everyone knew that the dubbing boss Yu Xinai Ruohe was her, so that her three-dimensional life also became a mess.

The original owner could only quit the Internet and return to her hometown. Although the money she earned was enough for her to live alone, her personality became more and more autistic, and she even stayed at home.

As for other people, they all gained popularity because of this show, especially girl 4. She was an Internet celebrity and was loved by many people on the show.

At the end of the show, she held hands with Zhang Heqi, and the two showed their love every day, attracting fans online.

Although Meng Xiao and Lu Yueyi also held hands, they broke up less than half a year after the show ended. It was not a peaceful breakup, but a very ugly one.

At this time, only Wen Chengyan and Lu Yueyi were in the living room.

The two of them were talking about wine.

They had been chatting for ten minutes, from the types and taste of wine to the differences between wines from major wineries.

"You've been in the cabin for four days. Are you sure about your feelings?" Wen Chengyan suddenly changed the subject. The first question he asked was very sharp and hit the point.

Lu Yueyi was stunned by the question.

He looked at Wen Chengyan in surprise and suddenly didn't know how to answer.

[Is it so obvious that Lu Yueyi and Meng Xiao are so different? Wen Chengyan, a newcomer, can tell. ]

[Hahahahaha, is Wen Chengyan also shipping Xiaoyi CP! ]

[Is Lu Yueyi embarrassed? ]

[Why do I feel that Lu Yueyi doesn't want to answer? ]

[Everyone knows that Lu Yueyi's feelings are Meng Xiao. ]

Wen Chengyan's eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

At this time, Yu Xi, who had just packed up his things, walked out of the room and happened to hear what Wen Chengyan asked.

Wen Chengyan asked calmly, "Have you not made up your mind yet?"

But Lu Yueyi didn't speak, but looked behind him, and Wen Chengyan also looked over.

To be honest, Lu Yueyi's mood was the most complicated after Yu Xi's change.

The girl who had been rejected by him before suddenly became a fairy-like figure in front of him. He always felt a sense of unreality, or even a sense of separation.

It seemed that he had to separate the previous Yu Xi from the current Yu Xi.

He couldn't accept that they were the same person for a while.

When Yu Xi heard the question just now, her steps hesitated, as if she didn't know whether she should go over.

Wen Chengyan smiled, retracted his gaze, and then looked at Lu Yueyi.

Lu Yueyi always felt that Wen Chengyan's eyes had other meanings, although he was not sure.

Wen Chengyan remembered that Yu Xi didn't seem to be likable before, and was a marginal figure in the hut, and no one would care about her.

And she seemed to have a good impression of Lu Yueyi at the beginning, and her only courage and initiative were used on Lu Yueyi.

Seeing Yu Xi standing still, as if she was punished, Wen Chengyan took the initiative to call her, "Come and sit? We are chatting."

Lu Yueyi looked at her and didn't speak.

Yu Xi shook her head hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Wen Chengyan asked with a smile.

Lu Yueyi's expression also changed slightly. His intuition told him that Yu Xi didn't want to sit here because of him.

Maybe it was because he was afraid of embarrassment.

Lu Yueyi also felt a little embarrassed, but he actually hoped that Yu Xi would sit here.

But this mentality also made him distressed and embarrassed.

He should have been able to answer Wen Chengyan's question just now, but he couldn't answer it, as if there was a contradictory voice in his heart.

"You guys chat, I'll go make tea." Yu Xi whispered.

"Do you like tea?" Wen Chengyan called her.

Yu Xi: "Yeah."

She looked well-behaved, like a bunny.

Wen Chengyan smiled and stood up, "I brought tea, it's the Golden Pumpkin Tribute Tea given by a friend. Since you like it, I can give you some."

Yu Xi waved her hand quickly, "No, you...you keep it for yourself."

This tea is very expensive, and it depends on the quality. If the quality is good, it will be a sky-high price.

"It doesn't matter, of course good things should be shared with others." Wen Chengyan said indifferently.

Yu Xi was still hesitant and unwilling to accept this sudden kindness.

Wen Chengyan saw her hesitation, so he changed his approach, "How about you buy me a cup of tea first? When I make tea next time, you can taste it and see the quality of the tea my friend sent you."

Yu Xi nodded slowly.


Wen Chengyan walked to her side, "Then let's go, I'll go make tea with you."

He was tall and could block Yu Xi's entire body when he stood in front of her, and there was also an ambiguous sense of oppression. It made people

feel at a loss, but there was no way to escape.

Yu Xi has always had a keen nose. She smelled the fresh scent of cedar on him, as well as the fresh and moist scent of soil and moss. He gave people a very different feeling.

It was a mysterious attraction with oppression.

But he soon gave up his position, as if the feeling he gave her just now was just an illusion.

Looking at the two of them, Lu Yueyi's expression gradually became cold and gloomy.

He seemed to have a new answer to the question Wen Chengyan asked just now.

The others in the kitchen were busy.

Zhang Heqi taught Meng Xiao how to cook. Chi Juan had no talent for cooking, so he helped him. The two dishes he was going to make today were scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cold spinach.

He had made both of these dishes before, and he usually didn't make mistakes. They were the ones he could make with a relatively high success rate.

He beat four eggs in a bowl and used chopsticks to stir and break up the eggs. The oil in the pan was already hot. He first put the chopped tomatoes into the pan, and waited until they were juicy before pouring in the eggs.

He was prepared for every step, taking out the seriousness of playing the game, and frowning every day.

There were many of his fans in the barrage, and they found it funny to watch him cook.

Because he looked the same as when he was playing the game, calm and serious.

When Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan walked in, Chi Juan raised his hand to pour the egg liquid in.

He didn't look up when he heard the footsteps.

It was Zhang Heqi who saw them and spoke first: "Are you hungry?"

He thought they were hungry, so he came to the kitchen to see when it would be done.

"It will be done soon, in another fifteen minutes." Zhang Heqi looked at Yu Xi without blinking.

At this time, Chi Juan was still holding the spatula and staring at the pot.

Yu Xi whispered, "No, I'll make a pot of tea."

Wen Chengyan: "Yes, don't worry, you're not hungry yet."

Chi Juan paused, raised his head slightly and looked at Yu Xi.

The next second, his hand loosened and the spatula in his hand almost fell. He was stunned for a moment before he quickly reached out to catch the spatula, grabbed the middle of the spatula handle, and the spatula hit the pot with a sound.

His eyes were still on Yu Xi, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Yu Xi heard the voice and looked at Chi Juan in confusion.

This glance seemed to have passed for ten thousand years.

Chi Juan narrowed his eyes and stared at Yu Xi's eyes.

Meng Xiao said in surprise: "Chi Juan, are you okay?"

Chi Juan frowned, and a trace of irritation appeared on his arrogant and handsome face. He glanced at Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan beside her.

After a few seconds, he quickly retracted his gaze and said in a strange tone, "It's okay."

He lowered his head to wash the spatula, then squeezed some hand sanitizer to wash his hands. He didn't look at Yu Xi again, as if nothing had happened, until Yu Xi came in to get the teapot, his body stiffened again.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 51. Chapter 50 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 50 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Chi Juan dropped the spatula the moment she saw Yu Xi, causing a commotion in the barrage.

The whole screen was filled with hahahaha.

[Chi Juan was frightened by Yu Xi, but he reacted so quickly and caught it immediately, awesome. ]

[I knew it, it's so funny, he was stunned for several seconds just now! ]

[A few seconds is already very good, Zhang Heqi stared at Yu Xi for half a minute without coming back to his senses. ]

[Yes, it's Chi Juan as expected, no one else recognized Yu Xi when they saw him. ]

[But Chi Juan seemed a little unhappy. ]

The arrival of Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan made the originally calm kitchen become turbulent.

Meng Xiao originally had Zhang Heqi to help, but now Zhang Heqi's eyes seemed to be glued to Yu Xi. Meng Xiao didn't change on the surface, but when he lowered his head, his eyes revealed speechlessness. Chi Juan

kept flipping the scrambled eggs with tomatoes in the pan.

The eggs were scrambled into pieces, but fortunately, the egg pieces in the scrambled eggs with tomatoes were not a big deal.

It might be more flavorful.

He always had no expression, so even in the barrage, few people noticed his abnormality.

Only a few die-hard fans noticed that his reaction was much slower, and he kept the same posture, a bit like a robot.

"Huh?" Yu Xi frowned.

Yu Xi has her own special teapot, which others usually don't use.

But today she couldn't find it.

After searching all the cabinets and not finding it, Yu Xi had to ask, "Have you seen my teapot?"

"Teapot?" Zhang Heqi said puzzledly, "Can't find it?"

Yu Xi nodded, "Yeah."

Zhang Heqi stopped the work in his hands: "Didn't you use it yesterday? Did you put it back after using it, or put it somewhere else?"

Yu Xi thought about it, and after making sure that she put it back, she said, "I put it back."

Her tone was soft, and it made people feel pity, as if they could empathize with her anxiety.

"It's okay, it must be there, I'll help you find it." Zhang Heqi comforted.

Wen Chengyan also said gently, "Look for it first, don't worry."

Yu Xi nodded and went to look somewhere else.

"Could it be that someone else has taken it?" Seeing that everyone's attention was on Yu Xi, Meng Xiao's expression remained unchanged, only a hint of annoyance appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Heqi thought for a while, "No way, didn't I see anyone else drinking tea?"

Yu Xi didn't understand who took the teapot.

She looked at Chi Juan, who had not spoken just now. At this time, he was also concentrating on cooking. "Chi Juan..." Yu Xi called Chi Juan's name in

a low voice . Chi Juan paused, "Hmm?" The hand holding the spatula suddenly became very strong, his knuckles were straight, and the tip of his index finger was also white. It seemed that something was blocking his throat, and it was dry when he made a sound. He was going to say a few more words, but he swallowed them back after saying "hmm". "Did you see it?" Yu Xi's tone was very soft, "teapot." "Oh, no." Chi Juan's cooking posture finally changed. He turned around to get the seasoning. When he turned his back, he took a deep breath and blinked his eyes twice. Yu Xi: "Then I'll come in and look for it. It might be somewhere else." She walked past Zhang Heqi and Meng Xiao, and then bumped into Chi Juan who was turning around with the seasoning. Her head hit Chi Juan's chest, making a slight sound. Chi Juan's chest was very hard, and her forehead turned slightly red when she bumped into him. Yu Xi looked up in pain, only to see Chi Juan raised his hands to about the level of his ears, his shoulders hunched, took a step back, stared at Yu Xi, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Are you okay?" Yu Xi shook her head. Chi Juan's skin was very fair. From Yu Xi's angle, she could see that his chin and cheeks were all pink, and his ears were even pinker. "I... I'll go over there." Yu Xi also lowered her head embarrassedly. As soon as she lowered her head, the red on her forehead was seen by Chi Juan. Chi Juan's eyes were squinting around and he didn't notice it. Now he saw it and couldn't help but frowning. Yu Xi passed by him, and he only felt that his arm that was touched by her was stiff and weak. The faint scent of magnolia and the sweet fragrance of hair flowed into his nose. Mingming used to hate sweet fragrance the most, but now he felt it was particularly good. In fact, Yu Xi usually doesn't use shampoo with strong smell, but today she washed her hair outside, and after drying her hair, the hairdresser also used essential oils on her, so she could smell it as soon as she got close to her. Chi Juan's eyes became deeper and deeper, his throat was dry, and he was eager to drink a glass of ice water to cool down. Mingming, as long as he didn't look at Yu Xi and didn't care, he wouldn't have this weird feeling, but his attention was all on Yu Xi. He was a little irritable. Why did Yu Xi change so much when he came back? He didn't want everyone to see her like this. Mingming, everyone didn't like her before, and only he accidentally discovered her uniqueness, but now, she was too dazzling, and other people's attention would be attracted by her. He hated this feeling. It was like a treasure that only he discovered suddenly attracted a group of people's covetousness, and he couldn't help feeling uneasy and annoyed. Yu Xi found his teapot in the cabinet inside. "Here." Yu Xi laughed after finding it. When she laughed, her whole face became lively, as if the breeze was blowing through her eyes, and a soft smile spread. The soft and pure smile was so pure that it moved people's hearts. For a moment, she, who was originally pure and beautiful, suddenly had a gentle style. Just a moment of smile was better than countless flowers and beautiful scenery, as if everything around could only be reduced to a foil. It makes people engrave it in their hearts and think about it. "Why is it placed here?" Yu Xi said in a low voice, and she didn't know who moved her teapot. Wen Chengyan said softly: "It's good to find it." "Yeah." Yu Xi nodded, and took out the tea leaves to get water from the water dispenser to make tea. Wen Chengyan smiled and asked: "Do you need my help?" Yu Xi shook her head, "I can do it myself." Zhang Heqi also said with concern: "Be careful, don't burn yourself." Chi Juan listened to their conversation and frowned slightly. He almost forgot that the vegetables in the pot had been boiled dry. It was Meng Xiao who reminded him, "Is your dish ready?" Chi Juan looked down and hurried to get a plate to serve the dishes. After Yu Xi left the kitchen, Meng Xiao thought the kitchen would be able to return to its previous atmosphere. However, not only Zhang Heqi, but even Chi Juan was a little different. Zhang Heqi was not as enthusiastic towards her, and his words were a little perfunctory. Meng Xiao suddenly had no mood to learn how to cook, and she looked at Zhang Heqi with a little impatience. Thinking of Lu Yueyi outside, and not knowing whether Yu Xi would talk to Lu Yueyi when she went out, her mind drifted even more.

She suddenly said, "Why don't I go out and tidy up the table and set the dishes."

Zhang Heqi was stunned for a moment. He had agreed to teach her how to cook. She was going to set the dishes before the dishes were finished?

What was this?

Zhang Heqi also thought of Lu Yueyi outside, and his face was a little solemn, "Then don't cook this dish first?"

Meng Xiao was stunned. She thought that if she said that, Zhang Heqi would take the initiative to say that the rest would be left to him.

Meng Xiao knew the difference, but she couldn't say anything.

Zhang Heqi's change was obvious, but what position did she have to say about him?

Zhang Heqi probably knew this and did this.

She could only suppress her displeasure and said, "I think I'm almost done here."

Zhang Heqi was actually a little unhappy. He had done a lot, but Meng Xiao seemed to have no eyes for him. He would have endured it before, because in the small room, except Meng Xiao, he didn't like anyone else, so he could only work hard for Meng Xiao.

But now it's different.

Compared with Meng Xiao, Yu Xi is his favorite style. If he hadn't worked so hard before and he had some love for Meng Xiao, why would he accompany her here to cook today.

She likes Lu Yueyi, so why doesn't Lu Yueyi come to help her.

Zhang Heqi suddenly felt that what he did was in vain.

It was not worth it.

Forget it, he is a good cook, helping her is also helping everyone, otherwise the meal will be slow and not tasty, and no one will be happy.

This big family also includes Yu Xi.

Zhang Heqi calmed down after thinking this.

"You go, I'll do the rest, there are only two dishes."

Meng Xiao waited for what he wanted to hear, but his mood had become bad.

"Forget it, I'll ask others to set the table, they don't have anything to do anyway." Meng Xiao said in a low voice.

Zhang Heqi: "Okay." Chi Juan,

who had been standing next to them, didn't hear what they said at all.

He stared at the dishes in the pot

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 52. Chapter 51 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 51 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

The meal was ready, Zhang Heqi asked everyone to prepare to eat.

But because there was one more person, a chair was needed, and Cheng Xitong took the initiative to go to the balcony and bring a folding chair.

"You sit here." Cheng Xitong put the chair aside, and after putting it down, he sat next to it.

Wen Chengyan said thank you lightly and sat down. Chi Juan

came out with the last dish, just in time to hear Zhang Heqi pull out a chair and call Yu Xi to sit down.

This was the first time someone took the initiative to call Yu Xi to sit down. Yu Xi did not refuse, and walked over with a flickering look and was about to sit down. Chi Juan

stood between Yu Xi and Zhang Heqi, bent down and put down the plate in his hand.

Yu Xi tilted his head slightly, and his eyes fell on the bridge of Chi Juan's nose.

His tall nose was delicate and three-dimensional, and the lines of his nose were very beautiful, and below were thin light-colored lips.

I thought Chi Juan would not notice it, but Chi Juan also slowly turned his head.

The broken hair on his forehead blocked his eyebrows, but did not block his eyes as clear as broken stars.

There was a faint smile in his eyes. When he looked at her, he raised his mouth slightly, and there was a hint of teasing in his eyebrows. "I made this."

Chi Juan whispered, then retracted his hand, stood up, raised his hand over Yu Xi's head, pulled out the chair next to her, and sat down casually.

The others also sat down in turn.

Lu Yueyi, Meng Xiao, Cheng Xitong, and Wen Chengyan sat on the same side, and the other three sat on the other side.

Zhang Heqi's cooking skills were certified on the first day. Most of the dishes on the table were made by him, so everyone ate them well.

Only the two dishes made by Chi Juan were not popular because they looked a little ugly.

"Let me try Chi Juan's cooking skills." Meng Xiao stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a little bit of fried tomato and eggs. "Chi Juan was very serious about cooking today. He fried two dishes."

Cheng Xitong was also very curious about how Chi Juan's dishes tasted. It looked bad and people didn't want to eat them. "Really? This tomato was made by him."

"Yes, fried tomato and eggs." Meng Xiao said and took a bite.

Cheng Xitong asked with concern: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Everyone looked at Meng Xiao.

Meng Xiao smiled and said, "It's OK."

This is OK, it should be very watery.

When Cheng Xitong was hesitating whether to eat it, Yu Xi picked up the spoon and picked up the bowl, scooped a spoonful into the bowl.

Everyone looked at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi felt embarrassed by being looked at, lowered her head, and whispered while stirring the rice and the soup of scrambled eggs with tomatoes: "I... I'll try it too."

"Do you like this dish?" Zhang Heqi turned his head and asked.

"Yeah." Yu Xi nodded, although the voice was small, but the words were very clear, "It goes well with rice."

[Goes well with rice? ? So cute, Yu Xi is also a person who eats a lot. ]

[That's right, scrambled eggs with tomatoes really go well with rice, I can just show off a big bowl with the soup. ]

[Chi Juan was very happy that Yu Xi was so supportive. ]

[It seems that Yu Xi really changed her target, she sent it to Chi Juan yesterday. 】

【After Yu Xi, the ugly duckling, turned into a swan, she was so cute, soft and adorable, and her voice was so sweet. 】

Zhang Heqi said again: "Is that so? Next time it's my turn to cook, I'll make more dishes that go well with rice. How about boiled pork slices and braised pork?"

Yu Xi said shyly: "Both are fine."

Seeing this, Cheng Xitong smiled and said: "Is that so? Can we order dishes?"

Although she knew that Zhang Heqi was trying to show her kindness to Yu Xi, Cheng Xitong just couldn't stand it. She had been showing kindness to Meng Xiao before, but her attitude changed suddenly when Yu Xi became more beautiful.

Zhang Heqi had never asked Yu Xi what she wanted to eat before.

What she cooked in the past few days was what Meng Xiao liked.

As a little sister, she was of course unbalanced for Meng Xiao.

Zhang Heqi didn't fail to hear the hidden meaning in Cheng Xitong's words, but he still said in a good tone: "Of course, if I can cook, wouldn't I always cook according to everyone's favorite taste?"

On Cheng Xitong's left hand was Meng Xiao, she looked at Meng Xiao, "Didn't you say you wanted to learn how to cook today? How is it? Did you learn anything?"

Speaking of this, Cheng Xitong actually felt that Zhang Heqi must not have taught Meng Xiao well today.

But she was wrong.

Zhang Heqi asked himself if he had taught very seriously today, but it was Meng Xiao who didn't learn well.

So when he heard Cheng Xitong ask this, Zhang Heqi still looked calm.

Meng Xiao blinked, stuck out his tongue, and felt embarrassed: "I learned a lot, but it was mainly because of Heqi's help. I may not have talent in this area, and Heqi must think it's difficult to teach me."

She easily resolved Cheng Xitong's words and affirmed Zhang Heqi's contribution.

It must be said that Meng Xiao still has some emotional intelligence. She doesn't speak as directly as Cheng Xitong, and it still sounds quite comfortable.

Zhang Heqi: "As long as you like it and do it seriously, you can do it well."

After hearing what Meng Xiao said, Cheng Xitong did not bother Zhang Heqi anymore and simply changed the subject.

"Who's turn is it to cook tomorrow?"

Wen Chengyan put down his chopsticks, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said politely: "How about I do it tomorrow? I just came here, and you should have cooked it."

Meng Xiao was a little curious about this new male guest. After all, he had a good appearance and good temperament. No matter in which aspect, he was no worse than Lu Yueyi.

And he had a mysterious attraction.

"We used to cook in pairs, boys and girls." Meng Xiao changed the subject, "Who do you want to cook with?"

Wen Chengyan was slightly surprised, "Is that so? Of course, the girls have to be willing. I can do either. I can cook alone. I just need to come back early to prepare."

"Are you familiar with this place? There is a large supermarket nearby with fresh vegetables." Cheng Xitong took the initiative to seize the opportunity, "I happen to have nothing to do tomorrow afternoon, how about I take you to the supermarket,

【Has Cheng Xitong given up on Chi Juan?】

【Why do I feel that Cheng Xitong wants to make a move on Wen Chengyan?】

【Chi Juan is more handsome than Wen Chengyan, no objection accepted.】

【Although, I think male 4 is more attractive, mature and mysterious, Chi Juan is too young.】

【Who doesn't like young brothers? Sister-brother love is YYDs.】

Under the warm light of the restaurant, Wen Chengyan's eyes flickered with the change of angles. It was hard to tell what he was thinking at the moment. There was too little expression on his face, and his eyes hardly changed.

"Don't bother, just tell me the address and I'll go by myself. I happen to have an appointment nearby this afternoon, so I can go there after it's over."

Although Wen Chengyan said it very tactfully, it was still a rejection.

Cheng Xitong was a little discouraged, but she didn't show it, "Okay then."

Meng Xiao observed everyone calmly, and she didn't understand Wen Chengyan's attitude. Did he

reject Cheng Xitong because he was not interested in her?

So did he prefer Yu Xi or herself?

Meng Xiao focused his attention on the newcomer Wen Chengyan, and ignored Lu Yueyi.

Lu Yueyi was a little worried. He sat diagonally opposite Yu Xi, and he could see Yu Xi as long as he raised his eyes slightly.

He restrained himself from looking at Yu Xi, but every time he reached out to pick up food, he looked in Yu Xi's direction uncontrollably.

Thinking back to the first two days when he came, as long as he looked at Yu Xi, Yu Xi would definitely look at him. She

looked at him with admiring eyes, full of love.

But at that time, he felt annoyed and just wanted to avoid it.

Now the situation has changed. Yu Xi no longer pays attention to him, and doesn't even look up at him.

He felt even more uncomfortable.

Meng Xiao found that Lu Yueyi was not right because she reached out to pick up the food next to Lu Yueyi. As soon as she stretched out her chopsticks, Lu Yueyi also reached out, and their hands bumped into each other.

Meng Xiao thought it was a coincidence, and smiled to look at Lu Yueyi, but saw him looking at the opposite side absent-mindedly.

Meng Xiao followed his line of sight and saw Yu Xi eating with his head down.

She didn't think much about it, thinking that Lu Yueyi was distracted.

"What's wrong? Are you thinking about something?"

Lu Yueyi came back to his senses, "Ah? Oh... something happened at work."

Meng Xiao asked with concern: "Is it troublesome?"

Lu Yueyi shook his head: "No."

Meng Xiao said considerately and gently: "Eat first, don't think too much after work, and deal with it at work tomorrow."

In the past, her smile often made Lu Yueyi feel healed, but now he felt uncomfortable.


After dinner, Meng Xiao and Chi Juan got up to wash the dishes.

Cheng Xitong also helped to clean up the table. She suggested, "Why don't we go to the audio-visual room and watch a movie after they finish washing the dishes?"

Meng Xiao nodded, "Sure, I haven't watched a movie for a long time. It's nice for everyone to watch it together."

She looked at Lu Yueyi, "Yueyi, do you want to watch it?"

Lu Yueyi also had no objection, "Sure."

Zhang Heqi agreed, "I have no objection either. It just so happens that there are several new movies recently."

Wen Chengyan: "Sure, it just so happens that I can go to answer a work call at this time."

"You still have work so late?" Cheng Xitong said with a smile, "You are really a busy man."

Cheng Xitong was very curious about what Wen Chengyan did for a living.

"No way." But Wen Chengyan didn't mention much about work.

"If everyone agrees..."

Cheng Xitong was interrupted by Chi Juan before she finished her voice.

Chi Juan looked at Yu Xi and raised his eyebrows, "Yu Xi, do you want to play games with me?"

Everyone was stunned, looked at Chi Juan and then looked at Yu Xi.

Chi Juan: "I have an appointment with her to play games together, why don't you go and watch."

Zhang Heqi: "How about we watch a movie today and play next time?"

Although Chi Juan looked indifferent, his eyes were always fixed on Yu Xi: "Do you want to play games or watch a movie tonight? It's up to you."

[Chi Juan is the king of arrogance. ]

[The king of arrogance and the little white rabbit, they look very compatible. ]

[I really want to see Chi Juan bully Yu Xi, Yu Xi is quite cute when she blushes. ]

[Chi Juan is the big devil in the e-sports circle, and he is also arrogant in front of Yu Xi. He obviously wants to, but he still says "I'm up to you." ]

Under the gaze of everyone, Yu Xi said with some embarrassment, "Are you free tomorrow afternoon?"

"Afternoon?" Chi Juan raised his eyebrows, "Not necessarily, forget it, you go to the movie, I'll go back to my room to play games."

He was not interested in movies or anything like that, and asked Yu Xi to play games together, but she actually wanted to change it to the afternoon. She

was embarrassed to spoil everyone's fun.

What a fool.

However, seeing her pitiful appearance, his heart softened.

He had a gloomy face and was about to turn around and go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, but he stopped in his tracks as he thought, "It's almost nine o'clock."

Zhang Heqi: "Yes, it will be time to send a voice message soon."

Cheng Xitong: "Then let's go to the movie after sending the voice message."

Zhang Heqi: "Will it be too late?"

Meng Xiao: "No, it will be done before ten o'clock. The movie is only an hour and a half, so it's just right to go back to the room after watching it."

Cheng Xitong: "Yes, yes, do you all go to bed so early?"

Wen Chengyan: "I'm old, I have to go to bed early."

Zhang Heqi also laughed and joked: "I'm old, and I have the old-age schedule."

Meng Xiao: "That's not the case with me. I stay up late. Of course young people stay up late to play."

"You guys are all old, only we girls are still young." Cheng Xitong said with a smile, and then looked at Yu Xi, "What time does Yu Xi usually go to bed?"

Yu Xi: "If I don't have anything to do, I go to bed very early."

Meng Xiao also asked: "How early is very early?"

Yu Xi thought about it, blinked, and answered honestly: "If I'm at home, sometimes I fall asleep after nine o'clock."

Zhang Heqi said in surprise: "Nine o'clock? That's too exaggerated."

Yu Xi blushed. Chi Juan

laughed, "You are not following the schedule of an elderly person, but a child. School-age children should go to bed between nine and ten o'clock, and kindergarten children should go to bed at eight or nine o'clock. I think you have just graduated from kindergarten."

For some reason, everyone could hear a doting smile in Chi Juan's tone when he said this.

And it was the first time they heard Chi Juan say such a long sentence.

The atmosphere was a little subtle. Wen Chengyan looked at Yu Xi gently and said encouragingly, "Going to bed early is good for your body and your skin."

Yu Xi hummed and stammered, "I also go to bed very late."

She looked very cute at this moment. Her

innocent look was lovable, and the way she explained seriously was really hard not to like.

Several male guests' eyes fell on her and did not move away for a long time.

Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao noticed this, and their eyes darkened and stared at Yu Xi.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Xitong's mood was particularly complicated. She did not receive the heartbeat voice message yesterday, and Chi Juan might not give it to her today. Who should she give it to? Should she continue to send it to Chi Juan or to Wen Chengyan. Meng

Xiao was fine. She didn't have to worry about it because she and Lu Yueyi kept sending messages to each other, but what about her...

What if she didn't receive it again... What should she do.

Thinking of this, she took two steps back irritably and pushed the chair behind her a distance on the ground, making a somewhat harsh sound.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 53. Chapter 52 Love Story 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 52 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

It was finally nine o'clock.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and went to the phone booth one by one.

Zhang Heqi went first. He stayed inside for a long time before coming out. I don't know what he said, but through the glass door, I could see that he was very happy when he sent a voice message.

After several people went, Yu Xi and Chi Juan stood up almost at the same time.

Chi Juan smiled, "You go."

Yu Xi blushed, "You...you first."

Chi Juan sat down directly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Ladies first."

Yu Xi made a mosquito-like humming sound, and then ran out in small steps.

Chi Juan kept staring at Yu Xi, with a playful smile on his lips.

Wen Chengyan was sitting next to Chi Juan, and when he saw his expression, he looked thoughtful.

Lu Yueyi went last. His state today was different from before, and he also went for a long time before coming back.

Everyone was waiting anxiously. If Cheng Xitong was not in a bad mood, he would definitely tease Meng Xiao and say that Lu Yueyi had so much to say that he was reluctant to come back.

Meng Xiao also thought that Lu Yueyi had said a lot to him, and he felt sweet inside.


While they were waiting, the audience saw that the screen had switched to the perspective of the observation group.

The observation room has not calmed down today.

Because there are too many disturbances in the room today.

Not only did Yu Xi transform, but there was also a male No. 4 who was not inferior to the other male guests in the room in all aspects.

When seeing Yu Xi come out, the observers in the observation room thought that there was a new female guest. Their reactions were almost the same as those of the people in the room, or even more exaggerated.

Zhou Jue shouted in surprise: "Male 4 and Female 4 are here together?"

Yang Mengou: "Really? This girl is so beautiful."

Li Jie: "This doesn't seem to be a new female guest."

Shen Yiqiu: "It's Yu Xi."

Deng Siyun's expression management was out of control, "? Yu Xi???"

"No wonder she looks so familiar to me, it's really Yu Xi!" Li Jie stood up and got close to the screen to take a closer look, "Yes, look at her little expression, it's Yu Xi."

Shen Yiqiu nodded, "Although her appearance has changed a lot, her expression and small movements have not changed."

It was through these details that he recognized Yu Xi at a glance.

Zhou Jue's face was full of disbelief, "But...what did Yu Xi do, how did she suddenly become...so beautiful."

Deng Siyun couldn't believe his eyes.

Shen Yiqiu: "She changed her hairstyle, glasses, and clothes."

Yang Mengou blinked: "Just like this, there is such a big change, it's incredible."

Li Jie: "Doesn't this prove the saying that gold will always shine? Yu Xi has a good foundation, she just didn't find a style that suits her before."

Deng Siyun frowned: "But this is too sudden." Yang Mengou

said excitedly: "Chi Juan asked her to take off her glasses yesterday, and I felt that she must have a beautiful foundation and a nice voice."

When Li Jie saw Zhang Heqi's obsession with the changed Yu Xi, he smiled and said: "Yu Xi has become so beautiful, and there is a new male guest, so today's heart-moving line will definitely be hard to guess."

"This Zhang Heqi changes too quickly. Meng Xiao is right next to him. Is it really okay for him to look at Yu Xi like this?" Deng Siyun was speechless.

Yang Mengou thought it was normal, "Meng Xiao doesn't like him anyway. Seeing Yu Xi suddenly become so beautiful, there's nothing wrong with looking at her for a while longer."

Deng Siyun: "How can the relationship change because of the change in appearance? Fortunately, I support Xiaoyi CP. If I supported Zhang Heqi before, I would be so angry."


Today is the team battle.

After watching the video, the observers have to connect together.

The team battle must be correct in order to get the reward of the date card, but the reward can be doubled, that is, two date cards.

After some discussion, everyone finally started to connect.

Li Jie asked: "Will Cheng Xitong still send it to Chi Juan?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Deng Siyun said: "Cheng Xitong is very proactive towards Male 4, much more proactive than towards Chi Juan. I think he will definitely give it to Male 4 tonight."

Zhou Jue: "Yes, Chi Juan is six years older than her. Wen Chengyan is the same age as her and is more suitable for her. She has discussed this issue with Meng Xiao in private before."

Yang Mengou: "Who will Male 4 be given to? I don't think I can tell."

The person Yang Mengou likes to ask the most is Shen Yiqiu.

Shen Yiqiu: "He will give it to Yu Xi."

Deng Siyun: "I see he and Cheng Xitong have talked a lot, why not give it to Cheng Xitong?"

Shen Yiqiu: "Because he refused to go to the supermarket with Cheng Xitong."

Deng Siyun recalled what Wen Chengyan said at the time, "That's not a refusal..."

"If he wants to, no matter what the reason is, he will agree, not to mention that the reason is not force majeure." Shen Yiqiu's tone is strong. When analyzing, he is always like this, firm in his own views.

Deng Siyun didn't like Shen Yiqiu being so strong, but she couldn't refute it, so she had to say: "Then Meng Xiao and Lu Yueyi will still send messages to each other."

Yang Mengou: "There shouldn't be any changes for the others. Chi Juan will send it to Yu Xi, and what about Zhang Heqi? Will it still be to Meng Xiao?"

Deng Siyun: "I think so."

Shen Yiqiu: "No."

The two spoke at the same time.

"You mean Yu Xi will receive three messages?" Deng Siyun didn't believe it.

Shen Yiqiu nodded, "I think so, Lu Yueyi won't give it to her, but Zhang Heqi will vote against it."

Deng Siyun stood up, "Although I said that Zhang Heqi's eyes looking at Yu Xi were a bit too much, it doesn't mean that he will send voice messages to Yu Xi. He has been sending messages to Meng Xiao for a long time. If he suddenly changes people, he should at least say it."

Shen Yiqiu didn't mean to change the heart line, "What to say?"

"That's right, he has always had a good impression of Meng Xiao. This is a well-known fact. If he suddenly changes people, he should also express his thoughts in the voice message at the end. Let's change it tomorrow." Deng Siyun felt that this was at least polite.

Zhou Jue thought it made sense, "I think it makes sense too. Even if Zhang Heqi changed, it wouldn't be so fast."

Shen Yiqiu didn't think so, "He didn't change before, not because he didn't want to change, but he had sufficient reasons to change someone to send voice messages today, and after he saw Yu Xi today, every word he said revealed that he wanted to change someone."

Deng Siyun disagreed, "Where? Why didn't I feel that way?"

Yang Mengou whispered, "I think Teacher Shen observed more carefully, and he didn't miss it before. Otherwise, listen to Teacher Shen and connect like this first and wait and see the result."

"But I don't think this is right." Deng Siyun really didn't want to believe that Yu Xi just changed his appearance and turned from a transparent person into a popular person that everyone likes.

Does appearance have such a big impact?

She still thinks Meng Xiao has a better personality, and his smile makes people happy, while Yu Xi is lifeless, speaks so softly, and can't express himself. How could he suddenly get three votes?

Although Zhou Jue also thinks Deng Siyun is right, after thinking about it, he is more inclined to trust Shen Yiqiu first.

After all, Shen Yiqiu did not miss it, and if the team wins this time, they can get two date cards.

"This time, let's do it according to Teacher Shen."

Zhou Jue was talking about this time, and Deng Siyun understood what he meant.

But she was still unwilling.

[What Deng Siyun said is not wrong. I also think Zhang Heqi can't just run away like this. ]

[Why not? Meng Xiao and him are not locked. Is it possible that he has to keep Zhang Heqi hanging when he already has Lu Yueyi? ]

[How could Meng Xiao keep Zhang Heqi hanging? It was Zhang Heqi who had been licking him all the time. Now he said that it would change. Of course, it is unreasonable. ]

[Anyway, I think that only by trusting Teacher Shen can we be right. ]

[Deng Siyun's expression is amazing, and her face is full of question marks. 】

"I still think Zhang Heqi won't give it to Yu Xi." Deng Siyun thought carefully about the situation in the past few days, "Everyone can see how much Zhang Heqi loves Meng Xiao."

Shen Yiqiu: "But the fact is, he is more concerned about Yu Xi today, and he is more proactive."

Shen Yiqiu's tone was cold and calm.

Deng Siyun felt that if he sat down, he would lose.

Li Jie tried to smooth things over: "In this case, why don't we vote to decide."

In the end, everyone raised their hands to vote on Deng Siyun's side and Shen Yiqiu's side respectively.

In the end, Shen Yiqiu won.

"If it's a team battle, then the minority must obey the majority, so let's listen to Teacher Shen."

After the discussion, Shen Yiqiu picked up a pen, stood in front of the blackboard, and quickly connected the seven lines.

He didn't even hesitate or think.

Deng Siyun looked unhappy, and he forced himself to say: "Then just look at the results."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 54. Chapter 53 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 53 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

After Lu Yueyi came back, Meng Xiao looked at everyone, "Has everyone finished sending? Then let's start listening."

After she finished speaking, she held Cheng Xitong's hand. Before she sent the voice message, Cheng Xitong said a few words from her heart. Meng Xiao could feel that she was very nervous, so she held her hand to give her some encouragement.

Meng Xiao asked, "Do you want to be the first?"

Cheng Xitong, who was always confident, still retreated, "No, I'll be the last."

Meng Xiao looked at her worriedly, "Okay then."

"It doesn't matter." Cheng Xitong said it didn't matter, but she couldn't help but look in the direction of Wen Chengyan.

She left the voice message today for Wen Chengyan.

He should also be able to feel that she likes him.

"Then I'll go first." Meng Xiao stood up and ran over to pick up the headphones.

"Good evening, Xiaoxiao, it's me. You are always happy and energetic, and you care about me very much, so tonight's voice message is mainly to thank you. I hope you can be happy every day in the future..."

The second half was a blank silence, which lasted about ten seconds, and the voice message ended.

Meng Xiao showed a blank expression when she heard this, and then subconsciously looked at Lu Yueyi.

But Lu Yueyi also looked at her calmly.

Meng Xiao was stunned for a moment, then stood up and returned to her previous seat.

Everyone else was confused.

Cheng Xitong even said, "Why are you back? Aren't you going to answer the questions?"

Meng Xiao forced a smile and shook his head.

"What's the situation?" Cheng Xitong looked at Lu Yueyi, and seeing that he looked calm, he said to Meng Xiao, "What did you say?"

[Didn't Lu Yueyi finish speaking? ]

[Did you press send before recording? ]

[How strange? Lu Yueyi's voice, why does it sound a little unhappy. ]

[It's really wrong. ]

[Lu Yueyi doesn't look very happy, is he in a bad mood? Because of work? ]

Meng Xiao was still forcing a smile, "Who's going next?"

"Me, I'll go." Zhang Heqi stood up.

After he put on his headphones, he waited for twenty seconds.

But it was always blank, no sound at all. Even if he listened carefully, he could only hear a faint sound at most, but he couldn't deceive himself that there was a voice message. He could only take off his headphones awkwardly and pretend to be relaxed and go back.

Everyone pretended to know nothing and didn't say anything. At this time, no matter whether it was comfort or encouragement, it would only make people more embarrassed. It was better to say nothing. The

next person to come forward was Wen Chengyan.

It was his first time to listen to a voice message, but he acted very naturally.

"Hi, hello, new friend. I'm Cheng Xitong. You can just call me Xitong from now on. I'm leaving this message for you today because I have a very good first impression of you. I feel very gentlemanly and comfortable when I see you. I like your way of speaking. In short, you are all very good. Then, I want to ask what your impression of me is? If I invite you to have breakfast together tomorrow morning, will you accept?"

Wen Chengyan took off his headphones first, then thought for a while, "First of all, I'm very happy to be here, and I'm also very happy to see everyone. I think everyone here is very nice. Then, I also thank you for showing me around the cabin and talking to me a lot. I feel that you are a generous, enthusiastic and straightforward person, so I have a very good impression of you. The answer to the second question is of course, when you come here, everyone is a friend, I accept it."

Cheng Xitong listened to Wen Chengyan's answer while hiding her smile, but when she heard the last sentence, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then frowned.

But Wen Chengyan had already stood up.

Cheng Xitong was a little confused as to whether Wen Chengyan had a crush on her or just wanted to be friends. However, this was their first meeting, and she knew she had to take it slow, so she didn't ask such direct questions.

"I'll go next." Cheng Xitong stood up and walked to the front.

She thought, maybe after listening to her message, she would know what was going on.

Cheng Xitong walked forward and picked up the headphones while mumbling to herself.

After putting on the headphones for more than ten seconds, her brows were slightly furrowed, and her expression became more and more solemn.

Finally, she smiled and took off her headphones.

The audience could see that this smile was full of helplessness and bitterness.

[Cheng Xitong didn't have any! ? ]

[How could this be? If Cheng Xitong didn't have any, then were all the messages with Yu Xi? ]

[Yu Xi was the only one who didn't hear it. If it wasn't given to her, who else could it be given to, unless the male guest sent it to the male guest. ]

[Damn, then Shen Yiqiu must have guessed right. ]

[No way, did Yu Xi really get three? ]

[The script of an invisible person becoming a heartthrob? 】


Meng Xiao whispered to Cheng Xitong, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Xitong shook his head and whispered three words: "I didn't."

Meng Xiao's face became shocked, and then she wanted to turn her head to look at Yu Xi, but she held back and held Cheng Xitong's hand tightly, "How could this happen?"

The next person to listen was Lu Yueyi.

He heard the familiar voice as expected.

But today, his mood was not as relaxed as before, but a little strange.

Listening to the sweet and gentle voice in the headphones, he lowered his head and seemed to be very serious.

"Yueyi, I'm Xiaoxiao. I'm very happy today. We went to buy my favorite roast duck together and spent a happy night in the cabin. It's just that I feel like you seem to have something on your mind. Is it work that bothers you? If you are unhappy or troubled, you can tell me. I will accompany you and be a good listener. Also, if I want to rate your favorability, I will give you 9.9 points. I deducted 0.1 points because I'm afraid you will be proud. If you are the same as me... Then come and touch my head." After

listening to the voice, Lu Yueyi stood up.

In Meng Xiao's expectant eyes, he smiled, but the smile was a little depressed.

[Go and touch her head, so sweet. ]

[Lu Yueyi, don't hesitate! Hurry up. ]

[Xiao Xiao is too sweet, so good, she is really warm, I like Xiao Xiao. ]

[Who doesn't like such a warm-hearted Xiao Xiao, the smile CP is locked for me. ]

But no matter how enthusiastic and excited the audience was, Lu Yueyi did not go over.

He hesitated and said: "There are indeed things that bother me, but I will adjust and solve them myself, thank you, and then I think, give me some more time, there is a long way to go, or we can talk again when we have time."

Meng Xiao's expression changed from sweet to confused.

She suddenly didn't dare to look at Lu Yueyi's face, as if she suddenly became unfamiliar.

[Ah? What is Lu Yueyi doing? ]

[No way? Why doesn't Lu Yueyi answer? ]

[Is it really about work? ]

[The problem is, even if this is the case, there is no need to affect his attitude towards Meng Xiao. ]

Chi Juan suddenly poked Yu Xi's shoulder, "It's your turn."

Yu Xi looked around, then stood up.

Before listening to the voice, she took a deep breath and began to get nervous again.

She took the headphones and quickly put them on herself, then sat down, holding her right hand with her left hand. Her uneasy look made her look like a child.

"Hello Yu Xi, I'm He Qi. This is the first time I've left you a message. Are you surprised? Actually... I also find it incredible. Actually, since yesterday, I found that I have always misunderstood you. Your performance in the past two days has completely broken my stereotype of you. I found that you are not as dull as I imagined. You have your shining points. Although you don't like to talk and your voice is very low, you have your cuteness. It's a pity that I only discovered it now, but I believe there will be time in the future. If... if possible, are you willing to give me a chance to get to know you? If you are willing, please stand up and turn around. Thank you."

Yu Xi was about to take off the headphones to respond when another voice came from the headphones.

"It's me, Chi Juan. Are you surprised? Today I'm completely different from before. I can't get used to it at all. But..." Chi Juan coughed and changed his tone. Even his voice suddenly turned into a bubbling sound. "It's... quite good-looking. Short hair suits you very well. Uh... In the morning, didn't you say that I smell good? That's laundry detergent. If you like it, I'll bring it back to you another day. And then... We agreed to play games together tomorrow afternoon. Don't forget it. Although I don't have any questions to ask, I still have to ask one... What type of boys do you like? Describe it in one word."

[Why does Chi Juan talk so much? ]

[Is this still Chi Juan? I was shocked. He has always been a man of few words. His previous voice chats ended with only two sentences. What happened today? ]

[Chi Juan is so arrogant. It's so funny. Has he fallen? ]

[Why has everyone changed today? Even Chi Juan has changed so much! 】

Yu Xi blinked, she seemed to be confused by what Chi Juan said, a little flustered and unable to remember. She looked up at the others and had taken off one of her earphones, but she heard the voice again.

"Yu Xi, hello, I'm Wen Chengyan. It's a coincidence that we first meet. When I saw you downstairs, I thought you were very special..."

Yu Xi's expression froze, as if she was also scared.

Her behavior of taking off the earphones twice was equivalent to telling others that she had received three messages.

Everyone was surprised. She only received one message yesterday, and three today.

Only Lu Yueyi didn't give her one.

Lu Yueyi looked at Yu Xi. There was some contradiction and hesitation on his face before, but now he was frowning, and his expression turned into surprise and depression.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 55. Chapter 54 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 54 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Yu Xi did not pay attention to Lu Yueyi, but listened to the voice carefully.

Three in a row, she had to concentrate, otherwise she would not be able to remember what the three people said.

She would have to reply to each of them later.

Fortunately, Yu Xi was very good at memorizing lines, which was similar to memorizing lines. Although you can only listen to it once, you don’t need to repeat it, just remember the general meaning.

Wen Chengyan’s voice in the headphones was mature and gentle, with a slight smile, as if he was in a good mood, and his tone was a little sweet.

Even the audience exclaimed that it was so tempting after listening to it.

What’s more, it was Yu Xi, the voice she heard through the headphones was as if Wen Chengyan was whispering in her ear.

"After chatting for a few sentences, I found that you are a very shy person who is not good at expressing yourself. In fact, you can try to express yourself more, because I also want to know more about you. Finally, the question I want to ask is, what are your favorite foods and fruits? Because I have to go to the supermarket to buy things tomorrow, and I want to buy you some of your favorite foods."

[Oh my God, Wen Chengyan is too good. The questions he asks are different from others, and they are so heartwarming. ]

[Yes, only his questions focus on Yu Xi. ]

[No, I originally thought Chi Juan's voice was so sweet, but now I think Wen Chengyan's voice is more sweet. ]

[I like male 4, the perfect male god. ]


Finally finished listening to the voice.

When Yu Xi put down the headphones, she felt that everyone was staring at her.

She blinked and brewed her words, "I will answer the first question first."

Although she remembered what the three people said, it was actually quite troublesome to answer them one by one.

"Thank you for leaving me a message." After she finished speaking, she turned around in place.

No one else understood what she meant.

Only Zhang Heqi smiled, with the corners of his mouth raised, and a big smile appeared.

"Then there is the second one. I won't forget it. Tomorrow afternoon..." She whispered, "As for the question, I think understanding me is the most important."

Only Chi Juan could understand what question Yu Xi was answering, but Yu Xi's answer made him fall into deep thought.

Originally, he thought she would talk about a characteristic of personality or appearance, but what Yu Xi cared about most was understanding her...

How can one understand her?

Or in other words, what does it mean to understand her well enough?

Chi Juan still needs to spend time to understand this.

The last question is much simpler.

Yu Xi said, "I like to eat grapes and watermelons."

She only mentioned fruits, and that was enough. As for food, she might not be able to cook it even if she bought it, and she is not picky about food.

After answering all the questions, Yu Xi came down.

Up to now, Chi Juan was the only one who hadn't listened to the voice.

Before Yu Xi sat down, he stood up first.

When the two passed by each other, Chi Juan stared at Yu Xi's face, but Yu Xi didn't dare to look up at him.

Chi Juan had a cool and arrogant expression, and his walking was accompanied by his own BGM. He was usually very cold, but now his eyebrows were raised, as if he was in a good mood.

He was anxious to hear what message Yu Xi would leave for him.

Although he was a little angry just now, Yu Xi received three messages.

But the night breeze brought the fragrance of Yu Xi to his nose, and he smelled the familiar fragrance again, and his heart was like a can of nectar, so fragrant that sweet bubbles could emerge.

Chi Juan picked up the headphones and put them on, then opened his legs, resting his elbows on his knees, one hand naturally hanging down, and the other hand unconsciously clenched, revealing his expectation with a hint of joy at this time.

Although his face was still pretending to be cool, his eyes were full of smiles.

"Chi Juan, I am Yu Xi."

Yu Xi's voice was like a drop of water falling into the lake of his heart, making a pleasant sound, and even echoing. He squinted his eyes, and there was an ant crawling slowly on his heart, and every step made his heart burn and tingle.

"I left you a message again today. When I went out this morning, I saw you riding a motorcycle. It was very cool. This is something I have never dared to try. In fact, I envy you very much. You are free, unrestrained and casual. You don't care about other people's views and comments. You can be brave enough to be yourself. I also want to be like you. The question I want to ask you is..."

Her voice is light and ethereal, and it sounds very nice. The

sound of nature is just like this.

Chi Juan heard a hint of loneliness and loneliness in her voice. Although her voice is very nice, it is cold. She seems to be in an empty cave. It is pitch black and can't find the direction. The wind is blowing in, making people feel cold and scared.

Chi Juan suddenly wanted to protect her, be her safe haven, and even become a fire to give her light and warmth.

"If sometimes I am confused or don't know what to do, can I tell you, would you be willing to listen to me? If you are willing, then make an expression that you think is cute."

Chi Juan's expression was a little tangled after hearing this.

It seems that he doesn't know how to respond to others, but in fact he is thinking about what a cute expression is.

To be honest, there is no word cute in Chi Juan's dictionary.

He never thought he had a cute side, but he was often praised for being cute when he was in kindergarten. Later, when he grew up, he was the school bully in school. After playing e-sports, it became even more so. Everyone used words like arrogant and cold to describe him.


How to do it?

Chi Juan looked up at Yu Xi in distress. After

struggling for a while, he could only say: "I am willing. As for the expression... I will do it next time, and show it to you in private..." He

really didn't know how to do it, and there was no way to do it in front of so many people.

After saying that, he hurried down.

[It's so funny, Chi Juan can't make a cute expression. ]

[Don't you think it's ambiguous to make this answer in private! ]

[Yu Xi is really amazing, she can control three male guests at once. ]

[Fortunately, she gave up Lu Yueyi, otherwise it would be four to one! ]

[I want to support Yu Xi and Chi Juan, but I like male No. 4 so much, so why don't we change male No. 4. 】

Wen Chengyan: "Everyone has finished listening, do you still want to watch a movie?"

"Yes, let's go now."

Although Cheng Xitong was still a little unhappy, she knew that it was useless to be angry and sad now. If she wanted to change the status quo, she had to do something. It was only Wen Chengyan's first day here, and sending it to Yu Xi didn't mean anything. She would have the last laugh.

She pulled Meng Xiao, "Xiao Xiao, let's go to the audio-visual room."

"Yeah." Meng Xiao had been absent-minded since Lu Yueyi finished listening to her message, wondering what was wrong with Lu Yueyi.

She thought about it, but couldn't be sure whether her guess was right.

She really wanted to talk to Lu Yueyi alone.

She looked at Lu Yueyi, "What movie should we watch, what type do you like, let's choose one that most people like to watch."

Lu Yueyi knew that Meng Xiao was asking her.

But he said, "I'm fine with it, you decide."

Such an answer was equivalent to not giving Meng Xiao the opportunity to continue chatting with him.

There was already an uproar in the observation room.

They also read the results of the voice message.

The final result confirmed that Shen Yiqiu was right.

Deng Siyun's idea was wrong.

As a little fan of Shen Yiqiu, Yang Mengou said happily: "Fortunately, we won the team battle, and now we have two more date cards."

Deng Siyun stared at the screen, "I don't understand what this Zhang Heqi is thinking, he changes so quickly, even a chameleon can't change so fast."

Li Jie smiled and said: "Matters of love are indeed unpredictable, and the human heart is the most unpredictable. Each of us is different, and we can't use our own ideas to think about others."

Deng Siyun said speechlessly: "But this is completely unreasonable. Yu Xi didn't have any votes before, but now he has changed his image and become more beautiful, so he directly got three votes."

Zhou Jue: "That may mean that everyone actually pays more attention to appearance."

Shen Yiqiu said: "I think everything that happens is reasonable, and there will be twists and turns. They just entered the cabin without In the past few days, especially since Wen Chengyan had just arrived and Yu Xi had just undergone such a big change, it was like a butterfly effect. Everyone in the room would undergo new changes because of these sudden changes. "

Yang Mengou nodded in agreement, "Yes, I think it's normal too."

Shen Yiqiu: "And Lu Yueyi also has a tendency to change his vote."

Deng Siyun was shocked, "How is it possible, he and Meng Xiao have already locked it."

Shen Yiqiu said: "Meng Xiao planned to take a step further, but Lu Yueyi backed off. Did you listen carefully to his voice message tonight?"

Deng Siyun showed a disapproving expression, thinking that there was some reason. She didn't think Lu Yueyi would change, "I listened, he was in a bad mood, so he said less."

Shen Yiqiu: "And his answer to Meng Xiao's message."

"I heard that, too. People who are very depressed are like this. They will have no interest in anything and will be very depressed. I will be like this no matter what I have. I can understand." Yi Xi

Deng Siyun analyzed seriously, "Lu Yueyi said before that he was thinking about work, so he was absent-minded."

Shen Yiqiu shook his head: "If he was really thinking about work, he should have been worried since he came back, but his change started after dinner, and even if there was a problem at work, it wouldn't take so long to send a voice message. It's obvious that he was hesitant about whether to send it to Meng Xiao."

Deng Siyun didn't believe it at all.

"They have been sending voice messages to each other since they entered the cabin, and the two of them are in tune with each other. Everyone has seen it. If you say he wants to change his vote, who is he going to change it to? Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao are good sisters, and Yu Xi has always been disgusted." Deng Siyun argued.

Shen Yiqiu just smiled at this time and didn't intend to argue with her.

Zhou Jue couldn't figure out why Shen Yiqiu said that. In fact, Lu Yueyi had changed a little in the past two days, but nothing happened to change their relationship. They got along well, except that the voice was not right tonight, but Lu Yueyi also explained it. But did

Shen Yiqiu come to this conclusion by discovering some details?

Shen Yiqiu was observant and good at analyzing people's behavior. He was indeed very professional. It was because of him that they won the team battle tonight, so Zhou Jue had to believe him, but he also stood on Meng Xiao and Lu Yueyi. "In short, I think

they will go to the end." Seeing that Shen Yiqiu was silent, Deng Siyun still insisted on his point of view, "I also hope that they can have a good result. The profession will be revealed tomorrow. When the profession is revealed, the heartbeat vote will definitely change again." A suspenseful

crime film was playing in the audio-visual room.

The sound insulation in the room was very good, and the sound effect was also excellent. The whole wall was a screen. At this time, the picture showed a dark alley, a woman in red clothes holding an umbrella walking on the road, and the sound of rain accompanied by the sound of wind had a weird and terrifying atmosphere.

Everyone looked at the screen and dared not breathe.

Especially Chi Juan.

He said he was going back to his room to play games, but somehow he came in with them.

He was holding a pillow, expressionless, but his fingers were completely entangled in the pillow, and the light from the screen occasionally shone on his face.

When he saw something tense, he would hold his breath, and then subconsciously glance at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi was sitting diagonally behind him. When she came in, she chose the position herself, so she could see her when she turned around.

She didn't seem to be afraid, but was concentrating on watching the movie, with her fingers on her knees, obediently, like a good student who listened attentively in class.

Chi Juan was suddenly not afraid anymore, and the nervousness in his heart just now disappeared, and he even wanted to laugh.

This person, how could she be so obedient all the time? I wanted to see what she would look like when she went crazy.

Suddenly I wanted to play games with her. It's impossible that someone could be so obedient when playing games.

Thinking of when I played games with my friends, every sentence was the most beautiful Chinese, without any dirty words, which could make others speechless.

Although he doesn't talk much, when he opens his mouth when necessary, he can make others angry to death.

Yu Xi's voice is so soft and pleasant, it must sound good when used to curse people, and it probably has no deterrent effect.

Chi Juan laughed out loud.

Everyone else looked at him in confusion.

Everyone was so scared by the movie that they dared not move or make a sound, but Chi Juan could still laugh.

How brave is he! ?

"Chi Juan, aren't you afraid at all?"

Chi Juan cleared his throat, "What's there to be afraid of? Look at this murderer, his expression is ugly and funny."

Yu Xi looked at him in surprise.

Chi Juan turned around, glanced at Yu Xi, then leaned over and whispered, "Are you afraid?"

Yu Xi shook her head.

"Huh?" Although Yu Xi had already answered, Chi Juan just wanted to hear her voice.

Yu Xi had to speak, "I'm not afraid."

She said softly that she was not afraid, and Chi Juan suddenly felt like Yu Xi's parent.

Although Yu Xi was older than him.

"Oh." Chi Juan raised his eyebrows, "If you are afraid, you can sit closer."

Chi Juan's voice was very low, and he spoke close to her ear.

Yu Xi smelled the clean fragrance on him, her eyes were a little evasive, she stammered and hummed, then put her hands on both sides of her body, looked at the screen helplessly, and whispered: "Let's watch a movie."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 56. Chapter 55 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 55 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

The ending of the movie was reversed three times. No one expected that person to be the murderer. After watching it, they reviewed it for a while.

"I feel that this movie is the kind that can be watched twice. Many details did not feel right until I finished watching it." Zhang Heqi watched it very seriously, and he could still name a few terrifying plots after watching it.

"But I really have nightmares after watching this. Some parts are quite scary." Cheng Xitong rarely watches this kind of crime film with a bit of blood and suspense, so he still has a bad acceptance.

"I feel that everyone is very brave. If I were alone at home, I would never dare to watch it." Meng Xiao hugged Cheng Xitong's arm, shrank his neck, and still looked a little scared.

"Then we can watch it together in the future." Zhang Heqi smiled, "I actually like watching this kind of thing. I think Yu Xi is also very serious. Do you like it?"

Yu Xi was originally walking at the end, and she didn't expect to be called out. "I'm fine. I will watch it at home by myself."

"Then you are very brave." Zhang Heqi was very happy. He seemed to have found something in common with Yu Xi. He immediately stopped and waited for Yu Xi. "I especially like watching suspense crime movies. If you like them, I can recommend a few to you." Yu

Xi nodded.

"I'll go back and think about it, pick a few classics, write them down and give them to you tomorrow." Zhang Heqi looked very motivated.

Seeing that they were chatting enthusiastically, Cheng Xitong poked Meng Xiao's hand, showing a speechless expression, and then said: "We are going back to the room, you guys can chat slowly."

Yu Xi also reached the door of the room, so he did not continue chatting with Zhang Heqi, but went back to the room.

The others went back to their rooms.

At this time, everyone received a message.

[Guests, please deliver the gifts to the gift tree on the balcony, and be careful not to let others see~]

Since other people can’t see it, there’s no need to rush to put it there. After Chi Juan said something to Wen Chengyan, he threw his phone on the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

About twenty minutes later, Chi Juan came out in gray pajamas. While drying his hair, he walked to the mirror and looked at himself.

He hardly looked in the mirror before, and he didn’t even blow dry his hair in front of the mirror.

Today was very strange. He actually stood in front of the mirror for a few minutes, and took a close look at his skin, and found a pimple that was about to pop up.

He frowned, threw the towel on the bed, and began to rummage through the suitcase.

But he couldn’t find the facial mask after searching everywhere, probably because he didn’t bring it with him. He

had never thought of using this thing before. Only

then did he realize that his roommate Wen Chengyan was not in the room, and he didn’t know where he had gone.

Chi Juan's hair is short, so he doesn't need to blow it. Just wipe it with an absorbent towel a few times and it will be fine. So he picked up the cup and went out to get a glass of water. By the way, he looked outside to see if there was anyone. If no one was outside, he would put the gift away.

After leaving the room, he passed by Yu Xi's room and saw that Yu Xi's door was not closed.

Chi Juan walked over involuntarily. In fact, he was just curious to know what Yu Xi was doing.

But as soon as he got closer, he heard the sound of music coming from her room-"My world has become more wonderful and indescribable. I thought it was a dream that fell from the sky until I was sure that the temperature of my hand came from your heart. At this moment, I finally had the courage to say I love you..."

Chi Juan laughed out loud.

So she likes to listen to this kind of song?

Yu Xi was not listening to the original version, but the male version of the cover, which was more soothing and gentle than the original song, not so lively, but more comfortable.

Chi Juan suddenly heard footsteps coming from the room. He had an idea and planned to slip away immediately. He didn't want Yu Xi to know that he was eavesdropping at the door. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be seen by Yu Xi?

But as soon as he turned around, the door opened.

Yu Xi saw him quickening his pace and running away.

It was a bit funny.

"Chi Juan?"

Chi Juan stopped and turned around as if nothing had happened, "Huh? What for?"

Yu Xi put his hand on the door and leaned his upper body out of the door.

"You...you were at my door just now, were you looking for me?"

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows, crossed his arms around his chest, and raised his chin slightly, "No, I was just passing by."

He deliberately raised the water cup in his hand, "I'll go get some water."

"Oh." Yu Xi's eyes turned and nodded, "Then...then I'll close the door."

Chi Juan: "Uh-huh."

[Anyway, Yu Xi's voice really fascinated me. ]

[Ahhh, Yu Xi was so shy when talking to Chi Juan, and suddenly I got it] Yihua

[Chi Juan is super cute, a tsundere boy! ]

[Damn, I really love Chi Juan's type. ]

[Chi Juan is a real little wolfdog. ]

Yu Xi closed the door and Chi Juan's expression changed immediately. He breathed a sigh of relief, shrugged, and went to the living room.

There was no one in the living room, but he saw Lu Yueyi on the balcony. He didn't make any sound and quietly went to the kitchen to get water.

When he returned to the room, he saw Meng Xiao open the door.

Meng Xiao was a little surprised to see him, and quickly hid his hands behind his back, and then closed the door again. Chi Juan

didn't take it seriously and returned to the room, thinking, just go and put it away in the middle of the night, anyway, he didn't plan to go to bed early tonight. When

he returned to the room and saw Wen Chengyan, Chi Juan asked, "Why didn't I see you just now?"

"I went to the laundry room."

"Didn't you take a shower yet?" Chi

Juan asked casually. Wen Chengyan explained, "I'll go see if there is a dryer."

Chi Juan nodded, "You can ask me."

Wen Chengyan: "I asked, you were taking a shower, you might not have heard it, anyway I had nothing to do, so I went for a walk." Chi

Juan shrugged, "Oh, maybe I didn't hear it."

He would play music when he took a shower.

Wen Chengyan smiled faintly, picked up his clothes and prepared to go into the bathroom, but when he reached the bathroom door, he stopped and asked, "I just came here, and I don't understand many things. I still want to ask some questions so that there will be no misunderstandings."

"Well, ask."

"You and Zhang Heqi's voice messages have been sent to Yu Xi, right? So how do you feel about Yu Xi?"


Meng Xiao opened the door again when she heard the door close. She took the gift and went out, and ended up running into Lu Yueyi who had just put the gift at the balcony door.

This time Meng Xiao did not dodge, unlike the previous time when she hid to prevent Chi Juan from seeing her gift box.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became a little awkward.

Especially when Lu Yueyi saw Meng Xiao, there was no light in her eyes as before, but Meng Xiao smiled happily, "Did you put the gift just now?"

Lu Yueyi nodded, "Yeah."

"Then wait for me, I just want to talk to you." Meng Xiao blinked, then ran over and put the gift down.

"Where to talk?" Lu Yueyi looked around.

Meng Xiao thought for a moment and said, "Why not just stay in the living room?"

"Let's go outside. Someone will come out soon." Lu Yueyi didn't want to be seen by others.

Meng Xiao felt that something was wrong with Lu Yueyi and felt a little uneasy.

"Then let's go."

The two walked out of the house together, but just at this moment, Yu Xi walked out and bumped into the two people who were about to go out.

The three of them were stunned at the same time.

Yu Xi stood there without moving. She was holding a paper bag in her hand, which must have contained gifts.

She was smart and knew to put the gifts in a bag, so that even if she ran into someone, she couldn't see what her gift box looked like.

"Yu Xi, you put the gifts." Meng Xiao spoke to Yu Xi generously.

Yu Xi nodded, "Yeah."

"Yue Yi and I have to go out for a while."

Yu Xi's face still had no expression. She was not sad at all. Unlike before, when she saw Lu Yue Yi and Meng Xiao alone together, she would show a sad look in her eyes, and sometimes she didn't even have the foresight to follow them.

But now she just said "Oh" calmly.

Meng Xiao smiled and pulled Lu Yue Yi's arm, "Then let's go quickly. No one else can be there to put the gifts. We don't want to delay Yu Xi."

Her movements were a little intimate, and she leaned her head towards Lu Yue Yi after she said that.

Lu Yueyi frowned slightly and stood a little to the side. When he looked up at Yu Xi, Yu Xi had already turned and went to the balcony.

[I don't know why, I suddenly don't like Meng Xiao. I feel that she is a bit of a white lotus. ]

[What's white lotus? Is it wrong to love to laugh? Should I blush like Yu Xi and pretend to be a little white flower? ]

[Why do you have to be so tug-of-war with Lu Yueyi in front of Yu Xi? I remember she often did this before. ]

[They are already very close, why do you have to avoid Yu Xi? What's wrong in front of her? ]

[But Lu Yueyi didn't seem very happy today... He just looked at Yu Xi's face. ]

The next day, the working party got up early and went to work.

Only Yu Xi and Chi Juan were still sleeping in the cabin.

The two of them didn't have a good schedule.

One didn't sleep in the middle of the night and didn't get up in the morning.

One night, he dubbed the sound of a game and was busy until late at night, so he didn't want to get up.

When Chi Juan got up, he thought he was the only one in the cabin. After all, it was past eleven o'clock at this time, and everyone probably went to work.

After sleeping for so long, his stomach had already started to growl.

He went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to get something to eat.

He saw a plate of dumplings in the refrigerator with a sticky note next to the plate, which read: Dumplings for Yu Xi.

It was obvious that they were made by Zhang Heqi.

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows, stared at the plate of dumplings for a few seconds, and then looked away.

But after he took a few eggs from the refrigerator, his eyes fell on the dumplings again.

Then he slowly closed the refrigerator door.

In the refrigerator, apart from the plate of dumplings, there were only a few fruits and vegetables left. He didn't want to eat anything, and of course he was too lazy to cook.

So Chi Juan took out a frying pan to fry eggs.

Pour some peanut oil into the pan, and then beat the eggs into the pan one by one with one hand.

The yellow yolk and transparent egg white quickly changed color and made a sizzling sound.

Chi Juan stared at the eggs in the pan and suddenly hummed a song.

"My world has become more wonderful and indescribable. I thought it was a dream that fell from the sky, until I was sure that the temperature of my hand came from your heart. At this moment, I finally had the courage to say I love you..." He

didn't know how to sing the rest of the song after this. He blinked and continued to sing without caring, but he repeated the previous lyrics.

He sang repeatedly: "My world has become more wonderful and indescribable..." After

singing it about three or four times, the eggs in the pot were ready.

He turned around to get a plate to put the eggs.

Then he was quiet for a while.

When he finished eating the eggs and cleared the table, he started singing again.

[I'm about to be brainwashed by Chi Juan, what should I do...]

[No way, Chi Juan, can you change a line? ]

[I don't expect you to change the song, I just want you to change a line of lyrics. I really feel uncomfortable if you only sing the beginning and not the end. ]

[I have opened the original version of this song. ] [

I really want someone to help him sing the next line. ]

[I also watched the live broadcast last night. It seems that Yu Xi also listened to this song in the room last night. 】

"Until I am sure that the warmth of my hands comes from your heart, at this moment I finally have the courage to say I love you..."

Chi Juan was washing dishes while singing, and the frequency of washing dishes was quite rhythmic. He

seemed to be in a good mood.

Until Yu Xi, who was rubbing his eyes and wearing pajamas, suddenly appeared in front of him.

He was stunned.

He swallowed the lyrics that followed in a hurry, and looked at Yu Xi awkwardly, without blinking for a long time.

"Why are you at home?"

Yu Xi was stunned. She hadn't woken up yet, and she wanted to come out to drink a glass of water because she was thirsty. Who knew that she heard singing as soon as she reached the kitchen door.

She was half asleep and hadn't reacted to who was singing. When she walked in and saw Chi Juan, her sleepiness gradually dissipated, "I've been at home."

"Didn't you go to work?" Chi Juan's tone was a little anxious, and there was a little annoyance of being caught.

Yu Xi shook his head and looked at him puzzledly, "You didn't go either."

"Me! I'm resting today."

Yu Xi nodded, "Me too."

"Did you just... did you hear anything just now?"

Yu Xi nodded, "Yeah."


"I heard you singing."


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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 57. Chapter 56 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 56 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Chi Juan: "Then just pretend you didn't hear it."

Yu Xi nodded.

Chi Juan looked fierce with the plate in his hand, without any deterrent effect, "Did you hear it?"

Yu Xi nodded and answered honestly: "I didn't hear it."

"!!!" Chi Juan stared at Yu Xi, his eyes were fierce but not scary at all.

"You told me to pretend I didn't hear it..." Yu Xi had no momentum, his voice was small, and he looked at him pitifully.

Chi Juan couldn't hold back his breath and felt like laughing again, "You are really... You are too stupid... And why are you so aggrieved? I didn't bully you, okay."

Yu Xi lowered her head and bit her lip gently, "You are very loud."

"Being loud doesn't mean I'm mean to you. Who speaks as softly as you do?" Chi Juan scratched his hair and lowered his voice, "Forget it... I'll be quieter next time."

Yu Xi: "Yeah."

Chi Juan coughed, "Are you still sleeping?"

Yu Xi shook her head, "No."

"Do you want to eat something? I'll give you..." He didn't finish his words. Thinking of the eggs he had just fried, which were not very delicious, he swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth and changed them to: "There are dumplings in the refrigerator. Zhang Heqi left them for you. Do you want to eat them?"

Yu Xi looked at Chi Juan.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not eating them." Chi Juan said unhappily.

After that, he went to take out the dumplings from the refrigerator.

"Heat it up and eat it yourself." Chi Juan put the plate on the table, raised his chin, lowered his eyes, squinted at Yu Xi, and then turned back to the room.

He walked a few steps and heard Yu Xi say, "Thank you."

The corners of his mouth raised, "Hmm."


At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yueyi drove back from the company. He had a document left at home, so he came back to get it.

He opened the door and heard a sound in the living room. When he walked in, he saw Yu Xi and Chi Juan playing games in the living room.

The two seemed very happy.

Especially Chi Juan, who was shouting and yelling, while Yu Xi sat obediently beside him.

They played very seriously and didn't notice Lu Yueyi coming back at all.

But it was also because Lu Yueyi's voice was very light and he walked almost without sound.

He walked behind the sofa and looked at the two people sitting on the carpet playing the game seriously.

Although Yu Xi seemed to be a little slow in reaction, she played well and could actually keep up with Chi Juan.

Although Chi Juan was very good at playing this game, he had always played it alone before. This time, he brought Yu Xi with him, and it was not difficult. I don't know how long they have been playing. Maybe they started a long time ago, so the two cooperated very well.

He was in a hurry to get his things and rush back to the company, but suddenly he was not in a hurry to leave.

Chi Juan also noticed Lu Yueyi behind him.

"When did you come back?"

Lu Yueyi said lightly: "Just now." Chi Juan

glanced at Yu Xi and saw that she was not looking at Lu Yueyi, but lowered her head with the game controller in her hand, not knowing what she was thinking.

Chi Juan touched Yu Xi with his elbow, "Still playing?"

Yu Xi: "I'm fine."

"Then take a break." Chi Juan supported himself on the ground with one hand and then stood up.

His feet were numb after sitting cross-legged for so long.

After getting up, he stretched out his hand to Yu Xi, "I'll pull you up, do you want?"

Although he asked whether he wanted to, he had already stretched out his hand, and his attitude did not mean that he wanted Yu Xi to choose. In front of Lu Yueyi, Chi Juan showed his strong side.

"Yeah." Yu Xi hesitated for a while before nodding. She looked up at Chi Juan, with a suspicious blush on her face.

"Yeah?" Chi Juan raised his eyebrows to urge her.

Yu Xi pursed her lips and stretched out her hand embarrassedly and placed it in his palm.

Chi Juan raised the corners of his mouth, and suddenly found that Yu Xi's fingers were thin and small, but all ten of them were evenly spaced, white, and as beautiful as green onions.

He grasped them tightly, clamped her four fingers with his tiger's mouth, and pulled hard, pulling Yu Xi up.

His force was a bit too strong, and Yu Xi was pulled up suddenly, leaning forward, and seemed to be about to fall on him.

Lu Yueyi's eyes deepened a little, staring at the two of them without saying a word.

His expression was slightly gloomy.

Yu Xi also blushed, and quickly stood up, took a step back, and then hurriedly pulled his hand out. Chi Juan curled his lips

and let go of her, "I'm going to get a glass of water, do you want some?"

Yu Xi shook her head, "I'll have tea later." Chi Juan

was not interested in tea. He drank more soda, but the cabin basically didn't buy soda, and he was too lazy to buy it, so he didn't drink it. If he was at the training base, the refrigerator would be full of soda and he could drink it at any time. He could drink more than three cans a day.

Chi Juan didn't think that the two people's interests and preferences had to be the same. He didn't mind this. He glanced at Lu Yueyi and found that he looked unhappy and stared at Yu Xi.

So Chi Juan changed his mind about going to get water alone, "Let's go, you go make tea, I'll go with you."

"Oh." Yu Xi lowered her head and followed Chi Juan to the kitchen. She was much shorter than Chi Juan and followed him like a child.

When passing by Lu Yueyi, Lu Yueyi suddenly said, "Can I have a drink?"

After he said that, Chi Juan and Yu Xi stopped and looked at him.

Lu Yueyi added, "The tea you made."

[No way, Lu Yueyi wants to drink the tea made by Yu Xi? ]

[Yu Xi wanted to give it to him before, and he refused many times. Why would he do that today! ]

[What's going on? I don't understand. ]

[Lu Yueyi, you're not! ]

[Why do I feel something is wrong. ]

[Meng Xiao is not here, Lu Yueyi, you can't do this! 】

Chi Juan: "What? Don't you dislike tea?"

Chi Juan's words were full of meaning, and the look he gave Lu Yueyi was also a little cold.

Lu Yueyi didn't care, "I'm thirsty. I never had a chance to drink before. I want to have a cup today."

He looked at Yu Xi, "Can I?"

Yu Xi looked at him awkwardly.

It wasn't as surprising as everyone imagined.

She was even a little distressed and puzzled.

This look made Lu Yueyi frown.

But fortunately, Yu Xi still said, "Okay."

There was really no need to refuse. It was just a cup of tea. It would be too stingy not to give it to her.

Chi Juan: "In that case, I'll have a cup too. Yu Xi, do you mind?"

【Why do I smell gunpowder? 】

【Why did it suddenly start a Shura field? 】

【Don't talk nonsense, okay, how can this be a Shura field! 】

【Does Lu Yueyi want to drink tea or do something else? No, he won't really make trouble. 】

【Don't make Meng Xiao sad, Lu Yueyi! 】

【Is Lu Yueyi wavering? 】

So, the originally interesting and somewhat cute scene of playing games turned into a strange scene of three people sitting together drinking

tea. None of the three people spoke, and the whole house was very quiet, with only the sound of water from Yu Xi pouring tea from the teapot.

Yu Xi poured a cup of tea for each of them, and then poured a cup for herself.

Her cup was special, and the two of them used disposable paper cups.

The tea soup was clear, with a light tea fragrance. When it was put to the mouth, the fragrance was stronger.

Yu Xi took a sip slowly.

Then she looked up cautiously at the two people sitting opposite her.

They didn't speak or drink tea.

Yu Xi blinked, holding the cup in both hands, and didn't speak. Chi Juan

suddenly said, "You come back at this time, you should still go, right?"

Lu Yueyi hummed, and then said calmly, "No hurry."

His eyes stared at Yu Xi's face as if he was attacking a city, and there was a dark light in his eyes that was unknown and hard to see through.

Chi Juan observed Lu Yueyi, "Generally, the company's lunch break is until two o'clock. It's already half past one. Are you really not in a hurry? It will take time to get there."

Lu Yueyi: "It doesn't matter. No one is checking."

His tone was light, as if he didn't care at all. Then he slowly picked up the paper cup and took a sip of tea.

"The tea is good, it tastes good."

Yu Xi was a little surprised and didn't respond. Chi Juan

was not in a hurry to drink, "It's fine as long as it tastes good. It seems that you didn't have the chance to drink it several times before... You really need to drink more this time."

There was sarcasm in his meaning. Although he was smiling, he was a little careless. His

willful and cold eyes fell on Lu Yueyi.

This might be the first time Chi Juan mocked Lu

Yueyi. [Damn, the arrogant king Chi Juan is online. ]

[Chi Juan is awesome! He deserves to be the king of connotation. ]

[It's so funny. Is this saying that Lu Yueyi gave you a drink before but you didn't drink it, and now you are taking the initiative to drink it! ]

[If I were Lu Yueyi, I would be embarrassed too. ]

[It feels like the two of them are on the verge of a fight, and their eyes are fighting. 】

"Yes, drink it slowly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang.

Lu Yueyi's expression changed. It should be someone from the company who called to ask.

If he was not recording a program, he would definitely ask the secretary to come to get the documents, but he had to go to the cabin to get it, so he had to come himself.

As a result, he left for a long time and didn't come back, and everyone in the company was very anxious.

"It seems that I can't drink it slowly?" Chi Juan raised his eyebrows, picked up the paper cup, showed a playful expression, and took a sip.

He squinted at Lu Yueyi, and that look made Lu Yueyi very uncomfortable.

He hung up the phone, "Let's finish the tea first."

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Yu Xi didn't look at the two of them either. Anyway, it was none of her business, so let them go.

The sarcasm was not talking about her, she just drank tea.

But soon, the phone rang again.

Chi Juan stopped talking, showing an expression of watching a show, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Yueyi, as if to say: Don't you answer it yet?

Lu Yueyi stood up with a cold face, and finally went to the balcony to answer the phone.

Chi Juan laughed out loud, deliberately letting Lu Yueyi hear it.

[No way, is this something I can see? ]

[This plot... is too dramatic, I'm so scared but I still want to watch it! ]

[It's so exciting, so good to watch! ]

[This is a real love variety show, so fun! ]

[I feel like Yu Xi is sitting there so innocently, she seems like an outsider hahaha. ]

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Yu Xi stood up and said, "Someone is coming."

She didn't mean someone came back.

Because the cabin uses a password lock, the door can be opened with a password, and everyone knows the password.

Unless the person coming is a new guest.

Chi Juan also thought of this.

"Let's go together."

He glanced at Lu Yueyi who was answering the phone on the balcony, and it didn't look like he would be able to finish talking right away.

He and Yu Xi went to the entrance together,

and Chi Juan opened the door. Sure enough, there was a girl standing at the door, pulling a suitcase.

Yu Xi stood behind Chi Juan and was blocked by him, so Girl 4 couldn't see Yu Xi at all, but saw Chi Juan at first sight.

Only a soft voice was heard.


The audience couldn't see the angle outside the door, but they heard the voice.

[Is it girl 4 who is here? ]

[Finally here, hahahaha, she came at the wrong time. ]

[Who said that, she came at the right time, it's even more fun now. ]

[Come out quickly, I want to see what girl 4 looks like. ]

[She sounds pretty good. ]

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 58. Chapter 57 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 57 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Mu Siyuan is a fan of Chi Juan, so she recognized Chi Juan as soon as she saw him, but she knew that from the moment she walked into the house, her every word and action was recorded by the camera, so she did not show it very obviously.

She smiled and looked at Chi Juan, "Hello, I'm Mu Siyuan."

Chi Juan looked at the woman in front of him and nodded gently, "Hello, I'm Chi Juan."

His cold tone made Mu Siyuan a little nervous and embarrassed.

However, she is more outgoing and not afraid of strangers. She took the initiative to say, "Are you the only one here?"

Her voice was sweet and coquettish, different from everyone else in the house.

"Come in first." Chi Juan pointed to the shoe cabinet, "There are slippers inside."

As Mu Siyuan walked into the entrance.

The audience finally saw her face.

It was a beautiful and charming face, with fluffy curly hair and snow-white skin that made people shine, and the smile on her face made her more approachable.

The plush wild eyebrows matched with pink blush, the makeup was simple and clean, which was the popular pure desire style.

Whether it is her clothes or her makeup, she fully demonstrates her gentleness.

She has deep double eyelids and delicate contact lenses. She looks a bit like a mixed-race, and her lips are also beautiful smiling lips.

[Female 4 is very beautiful, a beautiful woman with an atmosphere. ]

[She is indeed very beautiful when viewed alone, but compared with Yu Xi, she has a bit of an internet celebrity face. ]

[A beautiful woman with an atmosphere, with a good figure. ]

[She is so confident to dress like this, and her waist is so thin! ]

[She is an internet celebrity, I have seen her, and she has more than one million fans on Weibo. ]

"No, there are others."

After Chi Juan finished speaking, Mu Siyuan saw Yu Xi behind Chi Juan.

Yu Xi had been blocked behind Chi Juan. She was a little nervous and did not take the initiative to say hello. Mu Siyuan's attention was on Chi Juan, so she only noticed Yu Xi now.

Her originally confident smile paused slightly after seeing Yu Xi, revealing a surprised look. Although she quickly returned to her natural state, the camera still captured the stunning look on her face just now.

Mu Siyuan was too busy these two days and did not watch the live broadcasts. She just watched the pilot and the first edited version of the main film.

The live broadcast of the program was not very popular, and the main film would not be updated until tomorrow. It was not very popular on the Internet. It was on the hot search but not at the top. Mu Siyuan had no way of knowing about Yu Xi's transformation. She just heard that the fourth man had arrived.

When she saw Yu Xi at first, Mu Siyuan didn't know who she was. At this time, she showed a curious look and smiled friendly, "Hello, my name is Mu Siyuan."

Yu Xi nodded politely, "I am Yu Xi, welcome."

Hearing Yu Xi's words, Mu Siyuan couldn't suppress the shock in her heart.

She didn't expect that Yu Xi was like that when she first appeared.

How could the Yu Xi she saw here become like this?

It's not an exaggeration to say that there is a world of difference.

Lu Yueyi came out after finishing the phone call. Seeing this, he knew that the fourth woman had arrived, and he also said hello.

The four people stood in the living room.

Yu Xi lowered his head and didn't speak, as if he didn't know what to do at this time. Chi Juan

was lazy and his mind was not on Mu Siyuan.

Lu Yueyi was urged by the company to leave in a hurry.

So Mu Siyuan was a little embarrassed while pushing the suitcase.

"Well, please, where should I put this?"

Lu Yueyi: "Put it in the room."

"Then my room is..."

Yu Xi whispered: "You live with me, I'll take you there."

Mu Siyuan nodded, "Okay."

She walked over with a smile, hugged Yu Xi's arm, and smiled very kindly and kindly.

"Are we roommates? You are so beautiful, I was stunned just now."

Yu Xi shook her head, her unconfident look was lovable, "No, you are the one who is beautiful."

"Hahaha, thank you, your voice is so nice."

[Business compliments? Hahahaha, the fourth girl seems to be a very nice person. ]

[I've seen her live broadcast before, and she really has a very good personality. ] [Is

Yu Xi finally going to have a little sister? ]

[I feel like Mu Siyuan seems to be interested in Chi Juan, she keeps looking at Chi Juan. ]

[If these two people live in the same room and both like Chi Juan... then there will be a good show. 】

Seeing that Yu Xi was about to take the new female guest back to the room, Lu Yueyi said, "Yu Xi, are you at home all day?"

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Lu Yueyi to suddenly ask her this question.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just asking."

"I might go out for a while."

"Where are you going? It happens that I have to go to the company too, or I'll wait for you and I'll take you."

Mu Siyuan's eyes turned around the two of them, revealing an expression of "Oh, that's it", as if she regarded the two as a couple.

Although she remembered that in the first episode of the show, no one left a message for Yu Xi, but seeing Yu Xi's current appearance, she felt that it was not strange that Lu Yueyi had changed.

However, she still remembered that Lu Yueyi seemed to be somewhat ambiguous with another female guest.

Is it because of the editing of the show? Or what happened later.

In a short period of time, Mu Siyuan could only think of these possibilities.

But the audience didn't think so. Seeing Lu Yueyi's attitude towards Yu Xi reversed 180 degrees, most of the audience couldn't accept it, especially the CP fans who were almost crazy about him and Meng Xiao CP.

The barrage was full of malicious words, some directed at Lu Yueyi, and a few directed at Yu Xi.

It seemed that if Yu Xi agreed, she would never watch this show again.

Chi Juan also looked at Yu Xi, waiting for her answer.

Although Chi Juan pretended not to care, if he didn't care, he wouldn't stand here and listen at all.

He was lazy and casual. He always stayed away from things he didn't care about, and would never stand if he could sit.

Yu Xi shook her head, "No, I don't know what time I'll be out, you can go and do what you have to do first."

She said this very smoothly, without any stuttering, and not even nervousness.

It means that she is really not as cautious as before in front of Lu Yueyi.

Lu Yueyi hummed, although she didn't show any emotion, but after leaving the room, she stood at the door for two minutes, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you take her to the room? She's been standing there for a long time."

Mu Siyuan glanced at Chi Juan, a little happy, shook her head, and said generously, "It's okay."

Seeing Mu Siyuan's shy look, Chi Juan couldn't help but feel puzzled.

But he didn't care, turned around and went to the room.


It was about four o'clock, Yu Xi was ready to go out, she wanted to go buy something, and Mu Siyuan, who had just packed, took the initiative to say that she wanted to go with her.

And she kept looking at Yu Xi with her watery eyes, holding Yu Xi's arms and shaking them.

Yu Xi thought of everything that happened in the original plot. Although she sneered in her heart, she still pretended to be unaccustomed to others being so familiar with her, and pushed her away a little embarrassedly.

And Mu Siyuan's face was full of disappointment, but she pretended not to see it.

"No, I'll go by myself."

"Then I will be alone at home with Chi Juan. I don't know how to talk to him. He seems a little cold." Mu Siyuan blinked, "Are you familiar with him?"

Yu Xi hesitated and said, "Not bad."

"Then what does he like to do?"

"Play games."

"Anything else?" Mu Siyuan asked curiously. Her interest in Chi Juan was obvious. She thought Yu Xi liked Lu Yueyi, so it should be okay for her to ask Yu Xi about Chi Juan.

While talking, she also got closer to Yu Xi and stood next to her, looking like a good sister.

Yu Xi tried to move to the side, she shook her head, "I don't know."

[It feels like Mu Siyuan's intention is so obvious. ]

[I think the fourth girl is very good, enthusiastic and generous. Isn't it good to express your love directly? I think that's the way it should be. It's boring to be shy. ]

[She is too familiar. She is a social bull. Yu Xi can't stand it at first glance. ]

[Yes, I think Yu Xi seems to be a little afraid of her. The little cutie just wants to escape. ]

[I have a friend who is also socially anxious. She is especially afraid of social bulls. She talks too much and likes to hug. ]


Yu Xi went out to buy a sound card. The one she brought seemed to have some problems. It didn't work when she used it yesterday. It was too late to buy it online, so she went out to buy one directly.

She didn't want others to follow her, and she didn't want others to know and ask questions.

Although the profession will be announced in the evening, it's not time yet.

Mu Siyuan, who was reluctant to leave and wanted to go out with Yu Xi, took the initiative to knock on Chi Juan's door after Yu Xi left.

Chi Juan was listening to music and playing games in the room. He was wearing headphones and didn't hear the knock at all.

Mu Siyuan knocked for a long time, but no one opened the door, so she opened the door.

She saw Chi Juan sitting in front of the computer, his fingers operating quickly on the keyboard. The speed of his hands dazzled her.

She knew Chi Juan for a long time because she also played Sol. When Chi Juan just started to play professionally, she was taken to play this game by her ex-boyfriend, and then she knew Chi Juan.

Now she is too busy with work and no longer plays games, but she still watches the competition every year.

Seeing Chi Juan playing games, her eyes lit up.

Chi Juan didn't notice anyone coming in at first, but then he felt something was wrong, and he turned around and saw Mu Siyuan standing behind him.

He was startled and his face turned bad, "Why did you come in? Is there something wrong?"

Mu Siyuan was frightened by his cold tone and dared not speak.

He was so fierce.

Mu Siyuan took a step back, "Yu Xi went out, I... I just wanted to ask you something."

"Ask me what?" Chi Juan frowned when he heard that Yu Xi had gone out. He turned around and quickly typed to tell his teammates that he didn't want to play anymore, and then closed the game interface.

Then he stood up and continued to look at Mu Siyuan with cold eyes, "Remember to knock on the door next time."

Mu Siyuan had seen Chi Juan play games and watch his live broadcasts before. She knew that he had a cold personality and didn't have a good tone to anyone, especially when he was in a bad mood. If anyone provoked him, he would be sprayed with cold words and become autistic. He would also lose his temper when he saw the barrage he didn't like during the live broadcast.

But the more he was like this, the more fans he had. They just liked his arrogant attitude and his arrogance of being the biggest boss in the world.

Mu Siyuan used to think so.

But she was really treated like this by Chi Juan face to face.

Mu Siyuan was really in a bad mood.

She whispered, "I knocked on the door, but you didn't hear it."

"What if I was changing clothes or doing something else inconvenient?"

Chi Juan said very seriously.

Mu Siyuan said, "Isn't there a camera in the room? What else can you do?"

Chi Juan crossed his arms and looked at her dissatisfiedly.

[It's so funny. What he said was not wrong. We are all watching. Can you still take off all your clothes? ]

[It's best to take off all your clothes. I want to see it. ]

[Mu Siyuan is a bit unlucky, haha. ]

[To be honest, now I can see that Chi Juan really treats Yu Xi differently. ]

[Definitely different treatment. ]

[It’s okay. I would also be very upset if someone suddenly entered my room without my permission. ]


Yu Xi returned to the cabin, and as soon as he walked in, he saw Mu Siyuan and others sitting on the sofa watching TV and chatting. They looked very happy and seemed to have completely integrated into the group.

Seeing Yu Xi, Mu Siyuan stood up, "Yu Xi, you are back, we were just talking about you."

Yu Xi looked at them in confusion.

"I said that I watched the first episode before, and there is a big difference between when you first came and now. I didn’t recognize it was you when I came in today."

Yu Xi pursed her lips, smiled slightly and said nothing.

Cheng Xitong said with a half-smile: "Yes, Yu Xi changed her image, and she looks brand new."

This sounded good, but her eyes didn't quite agree.

Mu Siyuan: "Yeah, it's generally said that a change of image is due to some kind of opportunity. Yu Xi became more beautiful when she came to the show."

Meng Xiao looked at Yu Xi, her eyes were a little subtle, but what she said was very pleasing, "I think so too. When I went to work today, my colleague also told me that Yu Xi is particularly beautiful now."

Cheng Xitong: "Really? Your colleague also watched our show."

"She watched it. She knew I was coming to participate in the show, so she would watch the live broadcast after work and praised you to me." Meng Xiao blinked and spoke in an intimate tone.

"Why are you praising me? You, my colleague, praise me no matter what." Cheng Xitong smiled, but didn't seem very happy.

Meng Xiao: "I praise you for your good personality. I said that after the program is recorded, I will take you to have dinner with her."

Mu Siyuan said exaggeratedly: "You two have a great relationship. It seems that I came to the right show. I just want to meet beautiful sisters."

The intimacy of these three people makes Yu Xi, who is standing aside, seem particularly out of place.

She is like an outsider.

[The three of them seem to be playing together, and Yu Xi feels isolated. ]

[Looking at it this way, Yu Xi feels a little pitiful. ]

[Really, I didn't feel that Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong were in a group before, but now there is another one, and it has become a group of three sisters, with only Yu Xi alone. ]

[Mu Siyuan is Yu Xi's roommate, how embarrassing. ]

[Why don't I feel embarrassed at all? This is a love variety show, not a place to make friends. Just let the three of them play. Yu Xi is liked by the male guests. ]

[Damn, the truth in the previous part is revealed. This is a cool story with a heroine as the main character. ]

Yu Xi really didn't care at all that the three of them were huddled together. After all, she didn't want to play with Mu Siyuan, so she was thankful that she didn't stick to her.

She was just about to go back to her room to put her things down when Wen Chengyan came back.

Wen Chengyan had just gone to the supermarket and bought a lot of food. As soon as she came in, she saw Yu Xi standing aside and three girls sitting on the sofa.

One of the girls was still a stranger.

When Mu Siyuan saw someone else coming back, her eyes immediately drifted to Wen Chengyan.

She hadn't seen Wen Chengyan yet.

She didn't expect this fourth boy to be so handsome.

Unlike Chi Juan's beauty and aesthetics, he was as handsome and mysterious as the wind. Wearing glasses made his temperament even more unique. After taking a look, you want to look at him again, which made people unable to stop . Mu Siyuan stood up

and greeted him.

Wen Chengyan nodded and said politely, "Hello, nice to meet you."

"Me too, I'm Mu Siyuan, just call me Siyuan."

Yu Xi walked past silently.

Wen Chengyan glanced over and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Mu Siyuan, "Why don't you introduce your name."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 59. Chapter 58 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 58 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

When Wen Chengyan finished answering Mu Siyuan, Yu Xi had already walked away.

He actually wanted to call Yu Xi and tell her that he bought the fruit she wanted to eat.

However, this is not a big deal, just talk about it later.

Wen Chengyan took the things to the kitchen.

Meng Xiao talked a lot with Cheng Xitong last night, and knew that she had changed her mind and wanted to launch an offensive against Wen Chengyan, so she pushed her and said: "Xitong, didn't you say that you learned a dish from Xiaohongshu last night? Why don't you make it, I want to eat it."

Cheng Xitong saw Meng Xiao winking at her, and she knew what the little sister meant.

She smiled and said: "If it's not well done, don't dislike it."

Meng Xiao: "Hehe, no, go quickly."

Mu Siyuan asked curiously: "What dish?"

Although Mu Siyuan can still chat with them, she has just arrived after all, and she has not been with them for so long.

So Cheng Xitong just smiled and said: "It's just a cold dish, very simple."

She got up and went to the kitchen.

Mu Siyuan nodded, and when Cheng Xitong left, she moved closer to Meng Xiao, almost next to her.

"I came the latest, and I don't know a lot of things. Xiaoxiao, can you tell me what's going on with everyone now? So that I don't accidentally do something inappropriate."

Meng Xiao's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

Is he trying to find out the situation from her? Can't he see it with his eyes?

She doesn't look like a fool. He

still asks her this.

Meng Xiao couldn't help but doubt her purpose, "How could it be, everyone is pretty nice, we haven't been here for long, only three days longer than you, and we just met. From what you said, there must be someone in the room that you are interested in."

Meng Xiao smiled and threw the question back directly, and then added, "Everyone is competing fairly, there is nothing inappropriate, and we are all getting to know each other."

Mu Siyuan paused, and had a plan in mind.

Although Meng Xiao looks sweet and cute, harmless, she is actually very scheming.

These words were said without a single flaw.

Mu Siyuan nodded, "You have a point, but I think we should be more careful, after all, some people seem to have a crush on each other."

Meng Xiao was indeed attracted by her words.

But she didn't show it, and said with a smile: "Really?"

Meng Xiao's mind was spinning fast. Mu Siyuan had just come and hadn't met many people yet, how could she know who had a crush on whom?

Just now Mu Siyuan said that she had watched the first episode of the feature film, could that be me and Lu Yueyi.

Meng Xiao: "It doesn't matter, if you like someone, you have to be brave." Mu

Siyuan shook her head, "That's not good either, after all, we live in the same room."

Meng Xiao raised his eyebrows, "A room? Are you talking about Yu Xi?"

"Yeah, yes, today I saw Lu Yueyi take the initiative to say that he would drive Yu Xi out, and he didn't say a word to me. I watched the first episode, and Yu Xi also liked Lu Yueyi very much." Mu Siyuan whispered in Meng Xiao's ear, not noticing Meng Xiao's stiff expression at all.

[Oh my God, I already feel embarrassed! ]

[Meng Xiao's expression is so subtle. ]

[Mu Siyuan did it on purpose, right? Damn, I'm speechless, what kind of person is this? 】

【It shouldn't be intentional, otherwise it would be too deliberate. 】

【I also think it should be a misunderstanding. 】

【Why aren't you focusing on whether Lu Yueyi really changed his heart? 】


Lu Yueyi was the last to come back.

As soon as he came in, he heard that the living room was very lively. When he came back in the past, Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong were usually talking and laughing, Zhang Heqi was laughing and agreeing beside them, Chi Juan lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, and Yu Xi sat aside without saying a word.

But today, Meng Xiao was not in the liveliness, just because there was Mu Siyuan who was better at livening up the atmosphere.

And Meng Xiao became the silent person, she seemed to have something on her mind and sat aside.

But even so, the atmosphere was still more lively than before.

Mu Siyuan was really very familiar with people, and it didn't take long for her to become familiar with everyone.

"Why did you come back just now? We have all finished our meal." Cheng Xitong looked at Lu Yueyi and said.

Lu Yueyi: "Sorry, I've been busy until now because of something at the company."

"We've been waiting for you." Mu Siyuan smiled, "We left some food for you, do you want to eat some?"

Lu Yueyi shook his head, "No, I had some at the company."

Mu Siyuan: "Then you must not be full, eat more."

Mu Siyuan's enthusiasm always seems to be just right, which makes people feel that she is a very friendly person. After all, the care in her eyes is particularly obvious. Even

though you are not familiar with each other yet, she will also think about you seriously.

Although you can't resist it, you won't hate it.

But Lu Yueyi really has no appetite, "Thank you, I won't eat anymore."

As soon as he came in, his eyes searched the room. He

found that Yu Xi went to the lounge to drink tea again. Through the transparent glass, he could see her gentle profile.

Wen Chengyan was also in it. The two of them drank tea together, and it seemed that the years were peaceful.

Cheng Xitong said, "We are all waiting for you to come back and choose a gift. Since you don't want to eat, let's start choosing."

Lu Yueyi: "Okay, I'll put down the things and come out."

Cheng Xitong noticed that Meng Xiao didn't say a word when Lu Yueyi came back. She glanced at Meng Xiao and saw that she looked listless.

What's going on? Lu Yueyi is back, but she is still like this. There must be something wrong.

Originally, Cheng Xitong thought she was sleepy, so she was not energetic and didn't talk much, but Lu Yueyi came back, so she would say something anyway.

What's wrong with these two people?

Cheng Xitong looked at Meng Xiao and said strangely, "Xiao Xiao, are you not feeling well?"

"A little." She actually wanted to talk to Lu Yueyi, but she kept thinking about what Mu Siyuan said.

She was worried and scared in her heart. She was afraid that Lu Yueyi had really changed.

When she saw Lu Yueyi, her sensitive little thoughts became more and more turbulent and unbearable. Many emotions were intertwined, and she didn't know whether to speak or not.

At this time, she also knew that her abnormality had attracted Cheng Xitong's attention, but... despite being a good sister, Meng Xiao did not want to tell Cheng Xitong about this.

She had some pride that was difficult to express, and in front of Cheng Xitong, she did not want to be sympathized and comforted.


At 8:15, the guests sat together to choose gifts.

The gifts for male and female guests were placed separately, and a lottery bucket was prepared, with eight bamboo sticks in it, with numbers 1 to 8 written on them

. The person who drew 1 chooses first, and then proceeds in order.

Zhang Heqi: "Let's open the gifts first."

Cheng Xitong: "It says on this card that after we have chosen the gifts, we will announce who the gifts came from in order, and then guess the occupations..."

Meng Xiao: "Then let's open them together."

Mu Siyuan: "How about this, the girls open the boys' gifts, and the boys open the girls' gifts."

After the distribution, Mu Siyuan reached out and took a blue box and opened it.

The others also chose a gift box to open.

Yu Xi casually took the one closest to him.

This box was the largest, and the things inside were also very heavy.

When she got it in her hand, Yu Xi suddenly remembered something.

She raised her eyes slightly and glanced at one of the male guests sitting opposite.

Sure enough, as expected, there was an antique music box in the gift box she opened.

It was a clockwork-driven turntable music box made of solid wood. It was heavy in the hand, exquisitely made, and the wood was very shiny. There was a golden turntable inside, which was very beautiful and did not look cheap.

She carefully placed the music box.

Lu Yueyi's eyes fell on her fingers, watching her slender hands holding the music box, as if she cherished it very much.

And when Yu Xi looked up, he immediately looked away unnaturally.

Chi Juan casually put down the gift, and he took out an aromatherapy machine.

When he opened the box and saw it, he frowned, wondering what this thing is?

Wen Chengyan opened the gift and saw a record player.

But he couldn't guess who gave it, so he put it down.

He observed all eight gifts, even the box.

Zhang Heqi was a little surprised when he took out the hat, "Isn't this hat the limited edition of the joint venture? It's hard to buy, it shouldn't be bought on the spur of the moment."

The girls looked at each other, also guessing who bought it.

No one answered his question.

But boys who pay attention to trendy brands will know this brand, and they will definitely like this gift.

At this time, all the gifts have been displayed.

The gifts given by the boys are: game controller, music box, aromatherapy, and watch.

The game controller looks a bit fancy, it should be a limited edition of a joint venture;

the aromatherapy packaging is very beautiful, even if it is placed there, it is a good decoration;

the watch is a smart watch with a white strap and a star-colored metal case.

If we sort by value, watches and music boxes are probably more valuable, about two to three thousand yuan, while game controllers and aromatherapy are about the same price, about five to six hundred yuan.

The gifts given by the girls are: Bluetooth headphones, aromatherapy machines, record players and trendy hats.

"Wow, everyone prepared so carefully." Mu Siyuan said with surprise.

After seeing the gifts, everyone really fell into deep thought.

I guess everyone is guessing who these gifts came from.

Even the audience made their own guesses in the barrage.

"Let's draw lots and see who is lucky enough to be the first to choose a gift." Cheng Xitong picked up the lottery bucket.

"Who will draw first?" Zhang Heqi looked at everyone.

Cheng Xitong handed the lottery bucket to Wen Chengyan: "How about you come first?"

She always has some small movements to send some kind of signal, and everyone knows it. Mu Siyuan is also observing Wen Chengyan's expression quietly.

Unfortunately, she can't see anything on Wen Chengyan's face, and can't guess whether he has a good impression of Cheng Xitong.

Wen Chengyan nodded, "Okay."

He stretched out his hand, revealing his slender hands in front of everyone, and picked one out at random with his index finger and thumb.

Cheng Xitong looked at the wooden stick curiously: "What's the number?"

Wen Chengyan turned the wooden stick over and looked at it himself.

He raised the corner of his lips, "Unfortunately, I got 1 first."

"This is amazing!" Mu Siyuan looked at him exaggeratedly.

Zhang Heqi: "Wow, what kind of luck is this!"

Cheng Xitong also smiled and said: "Then you are the first one, you choose first, which gift do you want."

Wen Chengyan's eyes fell on several gifts.

The way he thought seriously was particularly charming, and Cheng Xitong, who was sitting opposite him, was already fascinated.

"This one."

He took the Bluetooth headset, "I just want a headset to listen to music."

Zhang Heqi asked: "Are we going to announce who gave the gift now?"

Mu Siyuan blinked, "No, we have to wait until everyone has chosen, but you can guess first."

Zhang Heqi: "Hahaha, is that so, then I won't guess, just announce it directly when the time comes."

"Who will draw the second one?" Cheng Xitong put the lottery bucket in the middle of everyone.

"Or everyone draws together, and then chooses in order, hurry up." Chi Juan felt that this was too slow.

Everyone nodded, and they really wanted to hurry up.

[Yes, yes, yes, Chi Juan is right, hurry up. ]

[Cheng Xitong acted like a host, and even created suspense. ]

[Hahaha, is her profession a host? ]

[Or is it a teacher? It feels a bit like that. ]

[Whoever chooses this gift will go on a date with that person? ]

Yu Xi looked at the number 5 on her wooden stick.

In fact, these gifts are easy to guess.

Even if she didn't know the original plot, she could figure out who bought them.

Maybe other people could see it too.

So, Mu Siyuan, who drew 2, stood up and took the blue game controller.

In fact, who you choose as a gift can also say something.

Everyone present is smart. It is obvious that Mu Siyuan chose this for Chi Juan.

Everyone looked at her and said nothing.

It was Zhang Heqi's turn.

He took the aromatherapy machine.

Next was Meng Xiao, who chose the aromatherapy.

It was Yu Xi's turn.

She had two choices left, a watch and a music box.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 60. Chapter 59 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 59 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Yu Xi knew that the music box belonged to Lu Yueyi.

She didn't plan to have anything to do with Lu Yueyi anymore, even though he had been acting strangely recently, as if he was paying special attention to her and took the initiative to talk to her.

But Yu Xi didn't want to talk to him, let alone date him.

She took the watch directly.

But when she reached out her hand just now, Lu Yueyi's eyes were very hot, falling on the back of her hand, his eyes were like a tongue of fire, licking an invisible mark on the back of her hand, making her feel very uncomfortable and wanting to rub off this feeling.

She took the watch in her hand and played with it, always quietly, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her .

Chi Juan's face had not looked good since he saw the game controller he had chosen was taken away.

Then he saw that Yu Xi had chosen a sports watch, so he quietly observed, wanting to know whose gift Yu Xi had taken away.

As a result, Lu Yueyi didn't look happy, and Zhang Heqi also had a bitter face.

Then, there was only Wen Chengyan...

It was actually okay to be roommates with Wen Chengyan. He was very polite and would not bother him. He rarely asked him about anything. Although he was mysterious, Chi Juan never had much desire to explore and did not care about other people's affairs.

However, Wen Chengyan seemed to have a little more attention and curiosity about Yu Xi.

Because he only asked him about Yu Xi.

And the Bluetooth headset he took away was also a gift that Chi Juan liked right away.

He bought the headset because he listened to songs with Yu Xi, so he secretly wondered in his heart whether Yu Xi would also think of this.

As a result, Wen Chengyan drew the first order and took it away directly.

Noticing Chi Juan's gaze, Wen Chengyan smiled and looked at him, "What's wrong? Don't you know how to choose?"

After Yu Xi, it was Chi Juan's turn.

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows and looked at the remaining things. He said lightly: "Of course not."

After that, he reached out and took the record player.

Maybe... this is also related to listening to songs. Maybe Yu Xi gave this, and the records inside are the songs she wanted him to listen to.

Soon, everyone got a gift.

Cheng Xitong and Lu Yueyi chose a music box and a hat respectively.


"Okay, let's announce the gifts in order now. Chengyan, you go first." Cheng Xitong smiled and looked at Wen Chengyan.

Wen Chengyan smiled slightly: "Yu Xi took it."

Everyone looked at Yu Xi.

Cheng Xitong's smile froze, "Really? So you bought a watch."

Wen Chengyan: "Well, I usually go to the gym, this is quite useful." Mu Siyuan:

"But... Yu Xi doesn't look like he works out, right, Yu Xi?"

Yu Xi nodded: "Well, I seldom exercise." Wen

Chengyan didn't care: "It doesn't matter, this can be used even if you don't exercise, you can use it to listen to music and check the time."

Yu Xi whispered: "Well."

Everyone announced the results one by one in order.

Wen Chengyan - watch

Meng Xiao - aromatherapy machine

Zhang Heqi - aromatherapy

machine Cheng Xitong - hat Yu Xi -

Bluetooth headset Chi Juan

- game controller

Mu Siyuan - record player

Lu Yueyi - antique music box

"Wow, I didn't expect it at all. It seems that I don't know enough about everyone." Mu Siyuan showed a distressed expression and acted cute.

Meng Xiao glanced at Mu Siyuan. Didn't expect it?

When she took the game controller, she didn't hesitate.

Meng Xiao didn't say anything. After all, she was also distressed that she and Zhang Heqi had a tacit understanding. One bought an aromatherapy machine and the other bought an aromatherapy machine. They also chose gifts for each other.

"It's too coincidental today. Everyone chose gifts for each other in pairs. There was no chaos."

Cheng Xitong was also surprised to see that he and Lu Yueyi chose gifts for each other.

And other people also chose each other.

According to the nature of the program team, the four pairs of them are likely to be arranged to date together based on the choice of gifts.

"That's great. It feels like everyone has chosen a gift they like." Mu Siyuan smiled sweetly and blinked her deep double eyelids.

[I was really dying of laughter at Mu Siyuan's words. She must have chosen the gift she liked. ]

[Yes, I suddenly felt that she was full of tea. ]

[But, to be honest, I am quite looking forward to Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan going on a date together. ]

[Meng Xiao and Zhang Heqi really thought of the same thing. This is fate, hahahaha. ]

"Okay, then next, I should guess the profession."

"Who should I start with?"

"How about this, let's each guess the profession of the person who gave us the gift."

"Okay, okay, I think it's good."

"Then let's do this. Let's not start with Wen Chengyan. Let's start with Lu Yueyi instead?"

The TV screen in the living room was turned on by the program team remotely.

The photos of the eight guests were displayed on it.

It seems that they are preparing to announce the guests' professions.

Lu Yueyi looked at Cheng Xitong, "Give me some hints first."

Cheng Xitong smiled and gave a simple hint: "It's related to finance and you have to deal with customers."

Although she didn't say much, the hint she gave was already very direct.

"Finance... investment banks? Investment bank analysts?" Lu Yueyi knew something about the financial industry.

Cheng Xitong shook her head, "No."

"Then it's securities?"

This time Cheng Xitong nodded.

"Yes, it's securities."

After she finished speaking, the TV made a sound and played a VCR.

Cheng Xitong, wearing a black and gray suit, walked into the tallest office building in S City. As soon as she arrived at the company, an employee nodded and greeted her, "Mr. Cheng."

Then, the scene changed to Cheng Xitong holding a meeting with her employees in the conference room.

She looked like an elite, and her words were concise, sharp and calm.

Finally, a few lines of text appeared on the screen, introducing Cheng Xitong's occupation: Regional Director of SRA Securities.

Everyone was a little surprised, but when they got along with Cheng Xitong before, they could see that she did show her understanding of securities, and she often used some professional words when answering the phone.

"Then let me guess Lu Yueyi's occupation." Cheng Xitong looked at Lu Yueyi, "It's your turn to give a hint."

Lu Yueyi: "I also have to deal with all kinds of clients every day."

Cheng Xitong thought for a while: "Is he a doctor?"

"No." Lu Yueyi shook his head.

Cheng Xitong guessed several more times but still got it wrong, "Give me a few more hints."

Wen Chengyan said, "Lawyer."

Lu Yueyi looked at Wen Chengyan and nodded, "Yes, I'm a lawyer."

Cheng Xitong: "How could I forget this? Indeed, he looks like a lawyer."

Lu Yueyi has a strong personality, speaks logically, is cold and serious, and often drinks something to soothe his throat, which is indeed the characteristic of a lawyer.

The screen showed a scene of Lu Yueyi and the other lawyer arguing. He turned the tide with his own strength and directly won the case that had little chance of winning. In this VCR, the introduction of Lu Yueyi is more detailed, of course, this is also because his qualifications are better than Cheng Xitong's.

He is a partner of one of the best law firms in S City. He has achieved this achievement in five years of working in this industry and is known as a gold medal lawyer who has never lost.

After reading his glittering resume.

Not only did Meng Xiao's eyes shine, Cheng Xitong and Mu Siyuan also looked at him with admiration.

"So amazing, I don't have any lawyer friends around me!" Mu Siyuan held her chin with both hands and looked at Lu Yueyi happily.

"If our company comes to you for consultation on legal matters in the future, can we get a discount?" Cheng Xitong also had the idea of ​​building a good relationship with Lu Yueyi. These days, having a great lawyer friend really saves a lot of trouble.

Lu Yueyi didn't want to spend too much time on himself. He wanted to know other people's occupations more. "Okay, next one."

"Then let me tell you about Chi Juan's occupation." Mu Siyuan kept it a secret. "Actually, I know what he does."

"How do you know?" Cheng Xitong looked at him puzzledly. "Did he tell you?"

Mu Siyuan: "Guess?"

She blinked at Chi Juan, but Chi Juan didn't react. Instead, she said calmly: "You knew me before, right?"

Mu Siyuan: "How did you know?"

Chi Juan's fingers tapped casually on the table, as if he was typing on a keyboard. "I can see it."

Mu Siyuan showed a distressed expression. "How can it be so easy to be seen? My friends say that I can't hide anything."

"Oh, that's it. I know Chi Juan because I also like to play SOL. He is a professional player, very good, so I know him."

Cheng Xitong was surprised. "Are you a professional player? An e-sports player?"

Chi Juan said "um" lightly.

The video of Chi Juan's game in the SOL World Finals immediately appeared on the screen. There were many domestic fans in the audience, who were cheering for him. You could tell how famous and powerful he was by listening to the crazy voices. Soon, the picture changed to the moment when he won the championship for three consecutive years and raised the championship trophy again and again, and a line of words appeared next to it.

He started training at the age of 17 and played in the game at the age of 18. This year is the third year. He led his team to win three consecutive championships. He is a world-class champion mid laner.

Everyone present may not have thought that Chi Juan, a beautiful boy who loves playing games, is so powerful. Everyone initially speculated whether he was a rich second-generation and came to participate in the show because he was bored and wanted to have a relationship. After all, he was so young, how could he be an elite.

As a result, I didn't expect that although he was only 20 years old, he was really an elite.

E-sports players are also a job.

And he has indeed reached the top in this industry.

Chi Juan saw everyone looking at him with an incredible expression, but the only thing he cared about was Yu Xi's eyes.

Yu Xi also looked at him at this time, but there was only a faint smile in her eyes, as if she was proud of him and happy for him.

Her expression was peaceful and simple, and everything was peaceful and good, just like the feeling she gave him.

With her looking at him, he felt at ease and comfortable.

"Okay, it's your turn to guess me."

Mu Siyuan interrupted Chi Juan's thoughts.

However, Chi Juan did not look at her, but directly said: "Internet celebrity."

Mu Siyuan paused.

There was a moment of embarrassment on her face.

No one would say the word "Internet celebrity" like this, so only Chi Juan would say it like this.

[The straight man Chi Juan is too straight, I am going to be laughed to death by him. ]

[Although, Mu Siyuan is indeed an Internet celebrity. ]

[Did Chi Juan know her before? ]

[Maybe I saw her on the Internet. ]

[I think so too, otherwise how would you know. ]

[If Mu Siyuan asks you how you know, Chi Juan, don't say it's because you have an Internet celebrity face. ]

[Help, if you say that, I think he will really say it! ]

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 61. Chapter 60 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 60 Love Variety II: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Mu Siyuan smiled awkwardly and said, "It's actually somewhat related. I'm currently starting a business. I set up an online celebrity studio with my friends, and now I'm my own boss."

After she finished speaking, a VCR was played on the screen, showing Mu Siyuan's environment in the studio. She has her own independent office, which is decorated in a very girly way, and there is also a living area. She sits in front of the computer and edits the video seriously, and then there is a picture of her holding a meeting with her employees.

The VCR was shot very grandly, and Mu Siyuan did not look like an online celebrity in it, but more like a female boss.

But the audience knows Mu Siyuan better than the guests present.

A random search on the Internet will find the videos she posted before. At first, she just shared her outfits and beauty makeup online. Later, short video software became popular, so she shot some short videos and VLOGs. After accumulating millions of fans, she set up a studio.

Mu Siyuan did not ask Chi Juan how she knew, probably because she was worried that Chi Juan would say something she didn't want to hear.

"Who's next?" Mu Siyuan looked at the others.

She was also curious about other people's occupations, and was most curious about Meng Xiao and Yu Xi.

Meng Xiao looked at Yu Xi, "It's Yu Xi's turn now."

Mu Siyuan: "Then let Wen Chengyan guess."

Wen Chengyan stared at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi whispered to him, "I don't need to show up for my job."

"Is it a cartoonist?" Wen Chengyan felt that Yu Xi's temperament was very quiet and gentle, like a girl who would calm down and paint quietly.

Yu Xi shook her head, "No."

In fact, Yu Xi rarely exposed her interests and hobbies because she had too little desire to express herself. When she first came, no one was interested in her, but now everyone wants to know her, but they think she is like a pure, pitiful and fragile flower bud, and no one knows how to approach her.

She clasped her hands together, and her well-behaved and awkward appearance made people's heart beat.

Wen Chengyan: "Screenwriter?"

Zhang Heqi: "Author?"

Yu Xi whispered: "Neither."

Zhang Heqi: "What is that? It feels so hard to guess."

Yu Xi had to give another hint, "It's related to voice."

"Voice? Singer?" Meng Xiao asked.

Mu Siyuan suddenly said, "Dubbing? CV?"

Yu Xi looked at Mu Siyuan, then nodded slowly, "Yes."

Zhang Heqi: "It feels so great, why didn't I think that your voice is so nice, dubbing really suits you."

The screen showed a picture of Yu Xi dubbing in the recording studio.

Her state is completely different from usual.

Usually in the cabin, she is introverted, quiet, and shy.

But in the recording studio, she is full of confidence and radiates light.

This video was recorded by the original owner before, and she has not become beautiful yet, still that silly and earthy image, but everyone no longer thinks she is ugly.

After the ugly duckling becomes a swan, looking back at the ugly duckling period, you will only feel emotional, not disgusted.

For the original owner, voice is the only thing she is proud of. At this moment, she is alone in a small space, and she only needs to use her voice to prove herself.

So she tried her best to shine the brightest.

A picture-in-picture appeared on the screen. The small picture was Yu Xi in the recording studio, and the large picture was an animation.

It was a childish little girl, squatting on the side of the road, looking back and shouting loudly: "Brother, brother, come and see there is a puppy here."

The voice was childish and heroic, so cute.

Then the screen turned into the cover of a radio drama, in which Yu Xi voiced a girl.

"Why are you sticking to me? Am I too cute? Don't follow me! I'm a goddess!"

The voice was very pure, without a trace of impurities, full of vitality, with a sense of clarity, playful and proud, so sweet that people want to laugh.

The last paragraph was Yu Xi's dubbing for the game character.

The handsome sword-wielding female hero danced in the moonlight, the white-clothed female hero turned back coldly, and Yu Xi recited a line: "The moon is waning but the light does not change, the sword is broken but the strength does not change, as long as I am here, there must be a light in this world..."

This time it was a royal sister voice, cold and hoarse, calm and mature, revealing tenacious fortitude, strong and indifferent, giving people a feeling of bright moon in the sky and gentle breeze.

[No way, my favorite female CV is actually Yu Xi? ? ? 】

【No wonder I thought the name sounded familiar before, it turned out to be her. 】

【Oh my god, Yu Xi is so amazing, this voice is really a monster. 】

【Voice actors are all monsters! This dubbing is amazing. 】

【How can someone be so beautiful and have a heavenly voice. 】

Everyone was stunned by the variety of Yu Xi's voice.

Chi Juan's eyes were shining, Yu Xi actually dubbed a character in a game he liked very much.

That game was not popular before, but he liked to play it very much. He played it several times during live broadcasts, and it became popular because of him.

"So you dubbed this character?"

When this hero first came out, he liked it very much and often played this hero in live broadcasts. Friends around him joked that he must like this kind of tall and cool queen with big breasts and thin waist.

But in fact, he felt that the character's skills were strong and easy to use. Another reason was that the character's voice sounded very comfortable and perfectly matched the character, as if it really came out of the game.

At this time, he knew that it was Yu Xi who dubbed the voice.

He looked at Yu Xi with a little more enthusiasm.

The partiality in his eyes almost overflowed.

The audience in front of the screen naturally saw it with their eyes and felt sweet in their hearts.

Recently, many viewers have started to ship Yu Xi and Chi Juan's CP.

Even the CP names have appeared in several ways.

What "Sweeping", "Fish Pond", "Pond Fish Confusion"...

Hearing Chi Juan's exclamation, everyone looked at him in confusion.

The audience was also confused.

But there were fans who were familiar with Chi Juan who were watching the live broadcast, and they came out to explain.

[These two people are too compatible. One plays games and the other dubs games. In the future, Yu Xi will play whatever he dubs. ]

[Yu Xi dubbed fewer games. She used to dub radio dramas and animations. ]

[The dubbing was so good that I was really amazed when I heard

it for the first time. ] [Where can I find a girl like Yu Xi who is beautiful, sweet, and obedient. ]

The screen showed a relevant introduction to Yu Xi, marking some of her dubbing works.

However, when Mu Siyuan saw the sentence: Well-known dubbing actor-Yu Xi Nai Ruo He, she shouted in shock: "You are Yu Xi Nai Ruo He?!"

Her tone was surprised, her face was full of shock, and there was also a kind of anger and disgust in her eyes.

But the others were so amazed by Yu Xi's magical dubbing in the VCR that they did not notice Mu Siyuan's abnormality.

I thought she had heard of Yu Xi's name before, but she just met her in person today, so she was surprised to meet her here.

Zhang Heqi asked curiously: "Yu Xi, how did you do it? How can you make so many different sounds? It's amazing."

Mu Siyuan's expression was strange, and she swallowed the words back when they came to her lips, as if she wanted to say something but stopped.

Meng Xiao also said: "I didn't expect it at all, it's amazing."

Cheng Xitong had never met people with professions like Yu Xi before, so it was really amazing to an outsider, after all, they didn't understand.

But she didn't make a comment, but said: "Now it's Yu Xi's turn to guess Wen Chengyan's profession."

She wanted to know what Wen Chengyan did.

Yu Xi looked at Wen Chengyan.

He just gently hinted: "It's related to film production."

This hint was almost explicit, and Yu Xi knew his profession, so she didn't intend to play dumb, and said directly: "Producer?"

Wen Chengyan really smiled, "Yes, really smart."

Yu Xi smiled shyly.

The VCR played again. Wen Chengyan's identity was not only a film investor and producer, but also the boss of a film company, responsible for coordinating and directing the preparation and production of the film. He came from a wealthy family and did not inherit the family business. Instead, he founded a film company as soon as he graduated from college and invested in films. He has made achievements in the industry and has now established several new companies to get involved in the game industry.

Wen Chengyan's career dazzled Cheng Xitong.

He was indeed better than he imagined.

Even Mu Siyuan, who was full of thoughts, was attracted by Wen Chengyan's identity and looked at him quietly.

Finally, the careers of Zhang Heqi and Meng Xiao were revealed.

Zhang Heqi is the owner of a script-killing store. When script-killing became popular a few years ago, he opened two script-killing stores. Later, he opened chains across the country. Now there are a total of ten chain stores in major first-tier cities, with an annual income of tens of millions. Now he has invested in several Internet celebrity restaurants. Because the stores are handed over to professionals to manage, he is quite idle. He usually likes to cook and grow flowers at home.

Meng Xiao is the financial director of an educational institution. She has a good family background and a high degree of education. She returned from studying in the UK.

It seems that all the guests present are excellent elites, not only with unlimited prospects, but also with very good conditions. They are both

good-looking and financially

capable. Even Zhang Heqi, who is the best at talking and does the most work, is a wealthy man with assets of over 100 million.


According to the original plot, after Mu Siyuan learned that Yu Xi was the well-known voice actor Yu Xinai Ruohe, she quickly exposed Yu Xi's black material, and then refused to live with Yu Xi, otherwise she would quit the show.

In the end, netizens on the Internet did not know the truth and thought that what Mu Siyuan said was true. They launched a boycott against Yu Xi and even accused her of being shameless. The

program team had to intervene. The original owner could not explain clearly, and did not want to tear open the scars to everyone, so she did not want to continue recording, and finally she left the show alone.

After she left, Lu Yueyi and Meng Xiao were sweet and sweet every day, and Mu Siyuan was repeatedly frustrated by Chi Juan, and she and Zhang Heqi, who could not lick Meng Xiao, had the same pain, and the two of them came together.

Cheng Xitong took the initiative to pursue Wen Chengyan, but did not get a response, and finally gave up.

The show brought two couples together, and everyone was happy. No one remembered Yu Xi who was driven away.

After the professions were revealed, it was already dark outside.

The full moon hung in the sky, and it was long past the time to send voice messages.

But because the profession guessing had not ended yet, no one paid attention to the alarm clock. At this time, Meng Xiao looked at everyone, "Who wants to go first?"

Meng Xiao saw that Mu Siyuan was distracted and seemed to be worried about something, so he said, "Siyuan, do you want to be the first?"

Mu Siyuan was stunned for a moment, "Ah? What?"

She has always been talkative and proactive, but now she is not serious, which is indeed not right.

Meng Xiao smiled, "What's wrong?"

Everyone looked at Mu Siyuan.

Mu Siyuan shook her head and said embarrassedly: "You guys go, I have something to do, I need to call a friend."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 62. Chapter 61 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 61 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Zhang Heqi felt strange. What did she have to call now? "Now?"

"Yes, I suddenly thought of an important thing and I have to ask her." Mu Siyuan subconsciously glanced at Yu Xi.

Zhang Heqi: "Then I'll go first."

Mu Siyuan nodded and went out with her phone. She didn't make the call in the cabin, but went to the end of the corridor outside.

As the guests went to the telephone booth on the balcony to send voice messages one by one, the camera switched to the observation room.

Like all the audience, they just learned about the occupations of the eight guests.

At this time, a heated discussion was taking place in the observation room.

Li Jie: "Who do you think is the most surprising?"

"I think it's Yu Xi. The way she voiced is really different from usual. She has a strong aura and is very confident." Yang Mengou has been completely attracted by Yu Xi. "I didn't expect she had such a side. When I saw her, I was completely attracted to her."

Others had different opinions. Deng Siyun said, "I think it's Lu Yueyi. The profession of lawyer is really unexpected, but very reasonable. His aura and personality are particularly suitable for lawyers. He has become a partner in one of the top law firms at such a young age. It's really surprising."

Zhou Jue: "In fact, I didn't expect Zhang Heqi either. I thought he was an employee of a large factory, but he turned out to be a hidden rich man. I've been to that script-killing company before! The environment is great, and the scripts are fun, too."

Li Jie looked at Shen Yiqiu, "Where's Teacher Shen? Based on your previous observations, who's the profession that surprised you?"

Shen Yiqiu: "Nothing is surprising, there are actually clues. For example, when Chi Juan was playing games, he accidentally turned on the microphone, his teammates mentioned the game, and Lu Yueyi also mentioned that his job was very demanding on his voice. He is also very familiar with the law, and he had previously explained it to Meng Xiao... As for Yu Xi, you can tell from her voice that she has been trained, and she doesn't have to go to work as a freelancer."

After listening to Shen Yiqiu's words, everyone remembered that they had indeed seen such details before, but no one thought much about it.

Li Jie: "I feel that there will be something interesting to watch in the Heart-beating Voice tonight. The professions have been announced. Will everyone change their minds?"

Deng Siyun: "I don't think there will be any changes. It mainly depends on who the new female guest will give it to."

Zhou Jue: "I guess she gave it to Chi Juan because she chose Chi Juan's gift. It's too obvious that the game controller is aimed at Chi Juan."

Yang Mengou: "But after the professions were revealed, Mu Siyuan seemed to look at Wen Chengyan a few more times, and when Wen Chengyan came back, she was also very enthusiastic."

Zhou Jue: "She is very enthusiastic to everyone. This is her personality. However, the choice of gifts can best express one's inner thoughts. What you say is not necessarily true."

Yang Mengou didn't believe it. She turned to ask Shen Yiqiu: "Teacher Shen, what do you think? ?”

Shen Yiqiu: “What Zhou Jue said is right. We need to look at what a person thinks, not what they say, but what they do.”

Li Jie: “Today is a personal battle. There are five of us and eight guest cards. Everyone can choose. If you answer one person correctly, you will get a crystal. The more correct answers you get, the more you get.”

Deng Siyun: “Didn’t you say at the beginning of the show today, Brother Li, that the observer with the most crystals can get a mysterious opportunity?”

Li Jie: “Yes.”

Deng Siyun: “Then I will choose two. I have five crystals now and Teacher Shen has six. If I win today, I will have more than Teacher Shen and I will be the first.”

Li Jie: “But Teacher Shen can also choose two. In that case, if you are all right, Teacher Shen still has more than you.”

Deng Siyun frowned and looked at Shen Yiqiu.

Shen Yiqiu said, “I will just take one today.”

Deng Siyun reached out and took two guest cards from the table. He turned them over and placed them on the table. They were clearly Yu Xi and Lu Yueyi.

Shen Yiqiu got Mu Siyuan’s guest card.

Among the others, Zhou Jue also took the initiative to say, "Then I'll draw two today."

Li Jie looked at Yang Mengou, "There's one extra here, do you want to take two too?"

Yang Mengou thought about it, "Okay, I'll take two too."

In the end, only Li Jie and Shen Yiqiu each got one, and everyone else had to connect two lines.

You know, if you connect incorrectly, not only will you not get the crystal, but you will also lose a crystal.

As for that privilege, I don't know what it's for.

The program team only said that the crystal owners can exercise the observer rights once and can influence the arrangement of the next date.

Deng Siyun was attracted by this right.

She was obsessed with the CP of Meng Xiao and Lu Yueyi, and probably wanted to help the two plan a date.

But now the person with the most crystals is Shen Yiqiu.

If he gets this right, what will he do with it? Li Jie was actually quite curious.

The connection results came out quickly, because it was an individual battle, and everyone just had to think it through and make a decision directly.

The time given to everyone was the same.

When the time was up, everyone came forward to connect.

Shen Yiqiu was the first to step forward. He was always the most efficient and directed Mu Siyuan's arrow directly to Chi Juan.

Yang Mengou drew Zhang Heqi and Meng Xiao. These two were also very simple, one for Yu Xi and the other for Lu Yueyi.

Zhou Jue drew Wen Chengyan and Chi Juan, and he connected them all to Yu Xi.

Li Jie drew Cheng Xitong, and he predicted that Cheng Xitong would be sent to Wen Chengyan.

Finally, Deng Siyun stepped forward to connect.

She thought that Yu Xi should still be sent to Chi Juan, after all, they played games together today and got along well.

She connected this line very quickly and spent almost no time thinking.

However, when it came to Lu Yueyi, she hesitated.

Although she supported the Smile CP, she also saw the scene where Lu Yueyi took the initiative to talk to Yu Xi today.

Thinking of what Shen Yiqiu said yesterday.

She couldn't help but doubt, could Lu Yueyi really change?

Deng Siyun wanted to win this game and get more crystals.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Jue asked puzzledly when he saw that she was hesitant to connect.

Deng Siyun's hand holding the pen stopped in mid-air, and after much struggle, he finally connected a line...

Li Jie took out the crystals as rewards and placed them on the table. Each one was unique, reflecting beautiful light under the light.

"Let's take a look at the results now."

He looked at the screen, waiting for the results to come.

Everyone had finished sending voice messages, and the last one to come out was Mu Siyuan.

But she looked solemn, and she kept looking at Yu Xi.

Although some viewers noticed her strangeness, they didn't care much, because everyone was more eager to hear the voice results.

The first person to come forward to listen to the voice today was Wen Chengyan.

He sat down while putting on his headphones, and a voice soon came from the headphones.

"Good evening, I'm Xitong, it's me again."

Cheng Xitong's voice was firmer than before, and there was some joy.

But Wen Chengyan had no expression. He didn't look at other people, but looked in one direction. There were only a few potted plants over there. The night enveloped him. He was dressed in black and blended into it, as if he was being sucked into the night. He was just like this deep moonlit night, deep and elegant.

"To be honest, before you came, I was a little curious about Chi Juan, so I bought a hat as a gift for him, but after meeting you, my mind changed. Maybe it's a bit abrupt for me to say this, but I just want to tell you my true thoughts. If I were to choose a gift again, I would probably choose a tie that suits you. I also know that your two messages were for Yu Xi, so the question I want to ask you these days is... If you were asked to rate Yu Xi and me, how many points would you give each of them? Ten is the full score."

Wen Chengyan frowned slightly after hearing this.

It must be said that Cheng Xitong's questions were a bit tricky and direct.

He took off his headphones and looked at everyone indifferently, and at the same time noticed that Cheng Xitong looked at him nervously.

"Nine points and six points."

He said calmly. Cheng Xitong's face turned pale and the corners of her mouth twitched twice, but she still maintained her dignity and was unwilling to show it in front of others.

But the audience could clearly see the collapse of her expression.

[Cheng Xitong is so miserable. She was directly rejected. ]

[Yu Xi scored nine points, and she only scored six points, a passing score. Who can bear it? ]

[I feel that she is about to cry. ] [

Is Wen Chengyan sure that he has his heart set on Yu Xi? ]

[I really like Wen Chengyan, who is abstinent and cold, but only favors one person. ]

After Wen Chengyan sat down, Lu Yueyi also went forward to listen to the voice.

He seemed to know what he would hear, so he hesitated before putting on the headphones.

It seemed that his mood was not relaxed, but rather a little heavy, and his expression was solemn throughout.

"Yueyi, it's me again, Xiaoxiao, there shouldn't be any surprises, but I still hope you'll be happy to hear my voice."

Meng Xiao's voice was sweet and full of healing energy, but this time, it didn't make Lu Yueyi happy.

Careful viewers can see that when he listened to the voice these days, he didn't seem to have the same feeling as at the beginning.

When he heard the voice before, his eyes were bright and sweet.

"I'm a little depressed that I didn't get the music box you bought today. Well, who made me not choose it, but you didn't choose my aromatherapy either. Next time, let's carefully choose gifts for each other. In fact, I chose this aromatherapy because it has the effect of calming the mind and refreshing the brain. Didn't you say that sometimes work is too annoying and stressful, so you want to relax a little when you smell this aromatherapy when you rest. What about you? When you chose the music box, did you plan to give it to me? If so, come over and touch my head."

Lu Yueyi fell into deep thought.

In fact, this music box was indeed intended for Meng Xiao when he bought it.

But now, his thoughts are getting more and more complicated, not as pure as when he bought the gift.

He thought about it and answered, "It's for you."

But he didn't walk up to Meng Xiao to touch her head.

Instead, he went straight back to his seat and sat down.

[What's the matter? Since you want to give it to Meng Xiao, why didn't you touch her head? ]

[Yes, it's so strange, Lu Yueyi. ]

[I have a feeling that these two people are going to break up. ]

[No way, my smile CP was so sweet at the beginning, how come it has become like this now. ]

[It can't be broken up, don't, Lu Yueyi, what kind of man are you! ]

Zhang Heqi looked around, and the girls didn't move, so he had to say, "Aren't you going to go up? Then I'll go."

Although he knew that he might not leave a message, Zhang Heqi still had hope. But

in the end, he didn't receive any message again.

He had long been accustomed to it and began to learn to laugh at himself. He put down his headphones, "Sure enough, I'm the fastest person."

Cheng Xitong saw that he was still in the mood to tease himself at this time, and added, "It's okay, I'll probably be faster than you when I go up."

After she finished speaking, she stood up.

She went up and put on the headphones, waited for ten seconds, then took them off and returned to her seat. It took no more than a minute to complete.

Zhang Heqi was stunned.

Cheng Xitong shrugged, "Right, faster than you."

After hearing Wen Chengyan's answer, she knew that she had not left a message.

"Who's next?"

She looked at the others.

Unexpectedly, this time, the person who stood up was Yu Xi.

Thinking of the three messages Yu Xi received yesterday, Cheng Xitong pulled the corner of his mouth after listening for a long time, and said, "It seems that I have to wait for a while this time."

Yu Xi walked forward slowly.

Today's moon is particularly bright, and the silver moonlight flows on her body. The night is deep, but her cold white skin actually has a kind of abrupt whiteness in the dark night.

She lowered her eyes and waited quietly for the sound to appear in the headphones, and everyone also focused all their attention on her at this time.

At this time, Yu Xi seemed to be more beautiful than before.

Like a snow-colored peony quietly blooming in the garden, it is a breathtaking beauty.

A voice came from the headphones.

Yu Xi's eyelashes trembled gently, like a butterfly flapping its wings, and her lips were pursed, making people want to reach out and touch her to relax her.

"Yu Xi, this is He Qi, I'm sending you a voice message again. Actually, there are a lot of things I want to say here, and I also want to find a chance to be alone with you and have a good chat, but there are always a lot of people in the cabin, so there is no chance, so I want to ask you, would you like to go to breakfast with me tomorrow morning? I know a very delicious breakfast shop, the wontons and noodles are very delicious, I want to take you to try it, if you agree, just make an OK smile, and I'll wake you up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Hearing Zhang He Qi's voice, Yu Xi looked up at him.

The other party immediately showed an expression like a fanboy, staring at her with wide eyes, as if expecting something.

Yu Xi quickly retracted her gaze.

[It's so funny, Zhang He Qi is like chasing stars. ]

[It feels like Zhang He Qi is more dog-licking than before. ]

[But he is obviously a millionaire, the boss of ZERRO script-killing! He is. 】

【It seems that rich people will also fall in love when they meet a goddess. 】

With previous experience, Yu Xi did not take off his headphones immediately after listening to the first paragraph, but continued to listen.

Sure enough, another voice appeared.

"Yu Xi, good evening, the moonlight tonight is beautiful. I stand here while looking at the moon and leaving you a message. I wonder if you will be like me in a while. I saw another side of you today. When you are working, you are also very charming, which is different from what I imagined."

Wen Chengyan's voice was particularly gentle. Although he usually spoke gently and politely, it was different from now.

Yu Xi blushed, not knowing where to look. His fingers pinched the corner of his clothes, and he looked shy.

"Because I work in the film production industry, to be honest, when I saw you for the first time, I felt that you were born to be admired on the screen, but now I don't think so. You who work behind the scenes are even more unique and beautiful. You are like a flower in a deep mountain valley. Only a few people can see your beauty, so that those who see it will cherish it more... After saying so much, what I actually want to ask you today is, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night? If you are willing, just look at me and say, good night and see you tomorrow."

[Oh my God, Wen Chengyan is so good at flirting, I can't stand it. ]

[Compared with Wen Chengyan, Zhang Heqi is a complete loser. ]

[Wen Chengyan's flirting voice gave me goosebumps. ]

[So awesome, I'm so obsessed with it, the "prophecy" CP is locked for me! ]

[Wen Chengyan said it so well, the flower in the deep mountain valley is really a good match. ]

"It's me, Chi Juan."

As soon as Chi Juan opened his mouth, he had his unique arrogance.

It is possible to imagine that when he said this, his eyebrows and eyes were dancing, and his face, which was so beautiful that it made people's hearts fall, had more lively and agile emotions.

The corners of Yu Xi's mouth were slightly raised, and her snow-white skin was flushed. When she looked up, her beautiful and elegant neck showed beautiful lines. In the moonlight, her slender collarbone and the light and shadow falling on her side face were all very moving.

The beauty at this moment is too much, and one less is a pity.

I can only sigh that God loves her very much and has given her a beautiful face.

"Are you happy playing games together in the afternoon? I didn't expect that you are also very good at playing games. How about playing with me next time? With my friends, cough... There is one more thing. Tomorrow, do you want to ride my motorcycle? In fact, that is not dangerous at all. I will prepare a helmet for you. Of course, you can rest assured about my skills."

After speaking, Chi Juan could be heard laughing. His laughter was very sweet, as if he couldn't hide his joy. He was already looking forward to tomorrow.

[I can't do it anymore. How can Chi Juan be so foul! 】

【Foul, definitely foul, this is too sweet. 】

【Blatant preference, I'm dizzy. 】

【He really likes her! This tone is always laughing. 】

【He is willing to let her ride a motorcycle, doesn't that mean he treats her as his wife? 】

"Take you for a ride around the suburbs of S City, it's very comfortable, I guarantee you will like it, if you like... just do two side flips, ha, just kidding, you turn five circles on the spot."

Yu Xi blinked, as if he was also a little flustered by his straightforward words.

Thinking that there was no more, Yu Xi finally prepared to get up.

But the voice came from the headset again.

- "Yu Xi, I'm Lu Yueyi..."

【Fuck, did I hear it right? 】

【Is Lu Yueyi crazy? 】

【I think either Lu Yueyi is crazy or I'm crazy. 】

【Hahahahaha, the smile seems to be really broken】

【Fuck, what a scumbag. 】

【Are you worthy of Meng Xiao? Lu Yueyi, what are you doing? 】

Yu Xi was stunned, then slowly sat down and adjusted the headphones.

The sound in the headphones was very low, but she could hear it clearly.

Lu Yueyi's tone revealed his hesitation and entanglement.

After he finished his first sentence, he paused for a few seconds before continuing.

"In fact, I thought about it for a long time before deciding to leave you a message. I feel that there were many misunderstandings between you and me before, and there are still many things that have not been made clear. I have never found a chance. I have wanted to talk to you these two days, but... So today I want to tell you about my recent thoughts in this voice."

Although he acted very bitter, the barrage did not let him go, all of them were spraying him as a scumbag, and he suddenly changed people. It's a pity that Meng Xiao was still guarding him wholeheartedly, but he sent it to Yu Xi.

If Meng Xiao knew that he didn't receive the message later, wouldn't he be sad to death.

Yu Xi glanced at Lu Yueyi in confusion, and he was also looking at this side.

The two looked at each other, and everyone else noticed something was wrong.

Meng Xiao is very sensitive. She knows that there must be a reason to look at someone when listening to the voice.

Why did Yu Xi want to see Lu Yueyi? The most likely reason was that Yu Xi received a voice message from Lu Yueyi.

But Meng Xiao still couldn't believe it.

She decided to listen to the messages next to see if Lu Yueyi had left any for her.

Yu Xi finally finished listening to all the messages.

This time she had to reply to four messages at once, so she needed to prepare for it. The audience couldn't wait to know how she would reply, especially to the questions raised by Lu Yueyi.

[Lu Yueyi, this scumbag, die for me. ]

[I don't believe it, don't smile. ]

[Do you think Yu Xi would soften her heart because of Lu Yueyi's change of heart, after all, she liked Lu Yueyi so much before. ]

[Damn, I think it's possible. Yu Xi fell in love with Lu Yueyi at first sight when she came. If Meng Xiao and Lu Yueyi hadn't locked each other, she would definitely continue to rush. ]

[If I were Yu Xi, I wouldn't choose Lu Yueyi. I would piss him off. ]

[Yes, yes, he ignored her at first, but now everyone loves her, why should she care about him? ]

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 63. Chapter 62 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 62 Love Variety II: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Yu Xi sat upright, with her hands on her knees, her eyes glancing around, revealing her nervousness. She first talked about her thoughts after listening to these voice messages.

"I don't communicate much with everyone, mainly because of my personality, but I actually want to make friends with everyone and chat together. I will talk more and express myself in the future... Thank you for encouraging me."

She smiled shyly and raised her head slightly.

"Then I will answer your questions now."

Yu Xi answered in order, the first one was Zhang Heqi's question.

Are you willing to go out for breakfast with him?

She mustered up her courage and looked at everyone with a bright smile. This might be the first time she smiled so brightly, a little shyly, showing eight teeth, her eyes curved into a crescent, and then she made an OK gesture with her hand.

Zhang Heqi's mouth corners were almost grinning to his ears, he couldn't control his expression management, and looked very happy.

Although I don't know what question Yu Xi answered, seeing Zhang Heqi so happy, he must have agreed to something he asked. Chi Juan

had a sullen face, cold eyes, and pursed lips.

Wen Chengyan smiled faintly, his expression seemed calm, but a dark light flashed through his eyes under the lenses. He pushed the frame, seemingly adjusting it, but at this moment he restrained his emotions.

Lu Yueyi had a blank expression on his face, as if he was looking at Yu Xi inadvertently, but that burning gaze made people feel hot when they touched it.

The next question was Wen Chengyan's.

He asked Yu Xi: "Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?"

The words that Wen Chengyan said sounded sincere and simple at first, but they could also be regarded as sweet words, and every sentence was praising her.

But he obviously looked so serious and gentlemanly, always keeping a distance and giving people a sense of mystery.

But in the voice message to her, he revealed another side.

Yu Xi blinked, looked at him straight as he asked, and said softly, "Good night, see you tomorrow."

After that, Wen Chengyan nodded at her faintly, indicating that he knew.

The little interaction between the two made the audience happy.

[It's so sweet, Wen Chengyan and Yu Xi are such a good match. ]

[Wen Chengyan is so attractive, so sweet. ]

[Producer and CV, their professions are also a good match. ]

[Wen Chengyan's voice message, "The moonlight is beautiful tonight", is an indirect confession. ]

Then he answered Chi Juan.

He seemed to have too many questions.

He asked her if she was happy playing games, and if she wanted to play with him and his friends.

Finally, he said that if she was willing to ride his motorcycle, he would turn five circles on the spot.

If Yu Xi had a worse memory, she would not be able to remember so many questions.

She blushed, glanced at Chi Juan, and said slowly: "It's fun to play games. If you have time, let's play together again. And... and, I believe in your skills and I'm not afraid at all." In Chi Juan's eyes, Yu Xi was

like a jade rabbit fairy flying down from the moon.

She was transformed into a human form and was full of innocence. Her eyes were full of yearning for this world. She was obviously timid but tried to muster up the courage.

Seeing her clenching her fists and saying that she was not afraid at all, Chi Juan laughed out loud and said "silly".

Yu Xi was spinning while thinking whether she would feel dizzy after spinning five times.

The moonlight fell on her, and the hem of her skirt fluttered as she spun around, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

The other girls thought that it was over after answering Chi Juan's questions.

After all, they had waited too long to get to Yu Xi.

Mu Siyuan and Meng Xiao hadn't listened to the voice yet.

Who knew that Yu Xi didn't come back, but continued to answer the fourth question.

This means that she received four messages.

Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong looked at Lu Yueyi in surprise. Meng Xiao remained calm, but Cheng Xitong looked completely unacceptable. To defend his sister, he seemed to rush up and question her immediately.

Mu Siyuan didn't expect that Yu Xi would take up four messages on her first day. She looked at Yu Xi with a very strange expression.

She clearly remembered that Yu Xi had not left a single message before.

She should have watched the live broadcast of the previous two days before coming, so she wouldn't be so caught off guard.

Yu Xi: "Actually... I don't think there is any misunderstanding, and there is nothing to clarify. Before, my thoughts were too simple and I didn't do it well, but now I know that I can't get stuck in a dead end. As long as my heart is not limited, there are beautiful scenery everywhere, and you don't have to feel sorry."

Lu Yueyi's question just now was to ask her if she would leave him a message if she had another chance.

Now Yu Xi answered him: "As for the answer to the question, no, I don't want to fall in the same place again."

Her voice was originally very soft, but later she became firm as she spoke.

Even her eyes became more and more tenacious.

After saying that, she seemed to be relieved, smiled, stood up, and returned to her previous seat.

Yu Xi got a quad kill, which may not have been expected by anyone present.

Everyone was digesting this matter,

and Meng Xiao still stood up. Although it was already seen that Yu Xi had received four messages, according to the program regulations, everyone had to go forward to listen.

Moreover, she was still fantasizing, would it be... an extra message, or Lu Yueyi left two.

But soon, the facts gave her a slap in the face.

She listened for half a minute and heard nothing.

She could only force herself to walk down. She didn't look at anyone, especially Lu Yueyi and Cheng Xitong.

She was afraid of seeing apologetic or sympathetic eyes.

She walked back to her seat and heard Cheng Xitong whispering to her, but she pretended not to hear.

She didn't need comfort. Her mind was full of thoughts about why Lu Yueyi sent it to Yu Xi. Did he regret it?

[I feel like Xiao Xiao is about to cry, Lu Yueyi is such a scumbag.]

[Bad man, he always chose Meng Xiao, what does it mean to suddenly change people now?]

[It's so pitiful. Meng Xiao originally had Zhang Heqi and Lu Yueyi, but now there is none.]

[My most optimistic smile CP feels like it's really going to be cold.]

[But didn't Yu Xi reject Lu Yueyi?]

Mu Siyuan knew that she didn't leave a message either, but she didn't care much. After all, it was her first day here and everyone else was familiar with her, but she was confident that she would receive it later. What

she was concerned about now was how Chi Juan would respond to the voice message she sent him.

Chi Juan, as the last person to listen to the message, walked over in two steps and picked up the headphones. After he sat down, he turned his head away from where the others were sitting and leaned sideways,

as if this way others would not be able to see his expression.

"Hello, hello, Chi Juan, I'm Siyuan. I'm very happy to see you here today. After all, you are my idol. I have always liked you. I was super excited when I saw you, but I hid it very well. You didn't notice it. Although I was the last one to come, I still hope to be able to integrate with everyone and become friends with you. We can play games together. I will never cheat. You play mid and I can play jungle. How about our mid and jungle cooperation... Finally, the question I want to ask you is, if I want to ask you out tomorrow, will you accept it? If you are willing, just come over and pat my shoulder~"

Mu Siyuan spoke in a very natural tone, as if she was a friend who had known each other for a long time.

This kind of words sounded not ambiguous, very relaxed, and very comfortable, which made it hard to refuse.

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't react. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. It seemed that he didn't hate Mu Siyuan.

[I think Mu Siyuan's personality is pretty good, but she is very outgoing, which is completely opposite to Yu Xi. ]

[Chi Juan likes the obedient girl like Yu Xi, and definitely doesn't like this type. 】

【No one can stop Chiyu CP, Mu Siyuan is late. 】

【If Mu Siyuan had come earlier, Chi Juan might have developed a relationship with her. 】

【But now there are so many people around Yu Xi, maybe Mu Siyuan still has a chance. 】

Soon, another voice sounded.

Chi Juan's expression also changed.

But in the eyes of other guests, they didn't know who he heard talking.

"Chi Juan, good evening, thank you for playing games with me. I'm very happy, and... you sing very well, I just listened to that song the day before yesterday, and I added the song to the playlist, I didn't expect you to like it too."

She paused for a long time, and when Chi Juan thought it was gone, he suddenly heard a soft and sweet voice again.

"My world has become more wonderful and indescribable, I thought it was a dream that fell from the sky... until I confirmed that the temperature of my hand... came from your heart..."

Yu Xi's voice sang this song, as if there was magic.

It was like a gentle breeze blowing, bringing the fragrance of magnolia flowers, like a dream, he widened his eyes in disbelief.

I just felt that my ears had received the ultimate enjoyment. In the late autumn night, I fell into the soft bed, and the smell was all the smell of Yu Xi.

His body was flowing with heat from every limb, making him unable to say a word, but he knew that his heart was moved.

"I'll only sing a little bit for you. This is my first time singing. Do you like it?" Yu Xi's shy voice was soft, like cotton candy. Chi Juan

was already dumbfounded. He couldn't speak because his heart was beating too fast and was about to jump out of his throat.

"In fact, there are no questions I want to ask. Then I wish you a good dream tonight and go to bed early."

Yu Xi's voice was as gentle as a lullaby.

[Mom, I'm in love! ]

[I declare that these two people are locked up, I swallowed the key, and no one can unlock it. ]

[Kill me to cheer them up! ! ! ! Please. ]

[Wuwuwuwu, get married right here! ! ! ]

[The warmth of the palm of your hand comes from your heart, wuwuwuwu, we haven't held hands yet! Arrange it quickly. Chi Juan

took the headphones and suddenly couldn't bear to take them off. A sweet smile appeared on his face without blinking.

Before, he was leaning sideways, not wanting others to see his expression, but now he had turned around involuntarily and faced Yu Xi, wanting to look at her and listen to her voice.

Even though the voice had been heard, the message just now seemed to be echoing in his ears.

I want to hear it again! I want to hear it again! One time is not enough.

I want Yu Xi to sing the whole song, I want to hear her... sing the last sentence.

There was a little man roaring in Chi Juan's heart.

The little man turned into a giant dragon, very happy, and ran around in his heart, as if he had taken stimulants.

Yu Xi kept her head down and didn't look at him, but Chi Juan felt that Yu Xi was shy. The more she didn't dare to look at him, the more she cared about him.

Mu Siyuan saw that Chi Juan's expression was so happy, and she thought he was very happy to hear what she said.

Thinking that Chi Juan would answer her question in a while, Mu Siyuan couldn't help showing an expectant expression.

Chi Juan stood up without saying a word and walked straight towards the female guest.

Mu Siyuan clenched her hands, lowered her head slightly, but her peripheral vision was still looking forward.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 64. Chapter 63 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 63 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Chi Juan came over with a smile in his eyes. His eyes were sparkling, mixed with an indescribable emotion.

His bone structure is absolutely beautiful.

Although he looks like a beautiful boy from a comic book, his facial features are extremely three-dimensional.

Under the moonlight, in the light and shadow, no matter which angle you look at him, he is so beautiful that there is nothing wrong with it.

Maybe because he came over without saying a word, Cheng Xitong asked, "Don't you have any questions to answer?" Chi Juan

raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "Uh-huh."

Mu Siyuan was stunned, her expression was a little embarrassed. Didn't she ask a question?

But before she had time to think about it, she saw Chi Juan walked in front of Yu Xi.

He reached out and touched Yu Xi's head, then leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I like it. Sing it to me again next time."

His voice was very low, and only Yu Xi could hear it. Others only saw Chi Juan whispering in Yu Xi's ear.

But even if they couldn't hear the sound, the audience was also sweet and numb.

[Help me! These two are so sweet that I am dying. ]

[It's true, Chi Yu is real. ]

[This is much better than that smile, it's amazing, theirs is nothing at all, this is the real sweetness. ]

[kswl, woo woo woo, a fairy CP. ]

[Hey, am I the only one who remembers that Chi Juan hasn't replied to Mu Siyuan's question? ]

Chi Juan sat down after listening, and didn't respond to Mu Siyuan's question at all, not even saying a word.

This is actually very rude, but there are very few people who talk about Chi Juan in the barrage, and everyone is impressed by his blatant and unscrupulous preference for Yu Xi.

Mu Siyuan hesitated for a few seconds, and still asked Chi Juan: "Didn't you hear the message I left you?"

Chi Juan said, as if he just remembered this.

How could he remember? When he heard Mu Siyuan's voice, he didn't listen carefully at all, and then he was fascinated by Yu Xi's singing. How could he remember this?

Mu Siyuan asked him at this time, he thought about it, "I heard it."

But he didn't remember what he said specifically.

Mu Siyuan asked awkwardly: "Then why didn't you answer me?"

"Oh, what did you ask? I forgot."

Mu Siyuan: "..."

[A moment of silence for Mu Siyuan, but it's really funny. ]

[Ahahahahaha, although, it's really funny. ]

[Chi Juan can only hear Yu Xi's voice in his ears. ]

[I know, because his ears go straight to his heart, except for what Yu Xi said, he can't hear anything. ]

[The program team should quickly arrange for these two people to get married directly]

Seeing that Mu Siyuan didn't speak, Chi Juan immediately looked away.

At this time, Wen Chengyan stood up and said, "Nothing else, let's go back."

It was quite cold outside. He saw Yu Xi shrink his neck just now, probably because he didn't wear enough clothes and felt a little cold.

"Then go back, it's late, and you have to get up early tomorrow." Zhang Heqi was in a good mood, thinking about the appointment with Yu Xi to have breakfast together tomorrow morning.

He had to go to bed early tonight and stay in good spirits. Tomorrow he had to be in the best possible state to have breakfast with Yu Xi.

Cheng Xitong pulled Meng Xiao. She was also anxious to go back to the room. She had a lot to say to Meng Xiao.

Everyone left the balcony and walked into the living room. Mu Siyuan walked in the back. Her expression was calm, as if she was holding back something.

Zhang Heqi looked back and reminded, "The last person to walk, please close the balcony door."

This sentence seemed to be the fuse for Mu Siyuan's emotional outburst.

As a newcomer, she wanted to quickly integrate into the group, so she had tried her best to perform and talk to everyone enthusiastically, but she was still a marginal figure. She had obviously talked so much to Chi Juan attentively.

As a result, he didn't listen to what she said at all, and even forgot the questions she asked, and turned to interact with Yu Xi.

These men only saw Yu Xi in their eyes.

However, it was clear that Yu Xi was not a good person at all, and she was not worthy of them at all...

This thought became the last straw that overwhelmed her.

She closed the door hard, making a bang.

Everyone stopped and looked back at her.

Mu Siyuan gritted her teeth, "I... I have something to say."

"What's wrong?" Cheng Xitong asked in confusion.

Mu Siyuan looked at everyone, then mustered up the courage to say: I don't want to live with Yu Xi, I want to change rooms."

Everyone looked at her in shock.

What kind of request is this?

What's wrong with Yu Xi?

Yu Xi showed a blank expression, but smiled in her heart, it seems that she is coming.

"What do you mean?" Chi Juan took the lead.

Wen Chengyan spoke almost at the same time: "Why?" Zhang Heqi

also felt strange, "Only Yu Xi's room has an empty bed. If you don't live with her, who are you going to live with?"

And she was fine when she came during the day, why did she suddenly make a fuss.

"I just don't want to live with her." Mu Siyuan looked at Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao, "Can anyone of you change rooms with me?"

Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao have such a good relationship, how could she change with her? Neither of them wants to live with Yu Xi, nor do they want to live with Mu Siyuan.

"Why do you want to change rooms?" Cheng Xitong was speechless, "You are weird. "

Mu Siyuan bit her lip, "I can't live with someone like her. I didn't want to say it, but I really... I really can't stand it."

Everyone was confused, "What's going on?"

"What are you talking about?" Chi Juan said in a dissatisfied tone.

Wen Chengyan's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "What's wrong with Yu Xi? You should be careful with your words. Why do you become such a person?"

"Yes, just say whatever you want to say. Yu Xi didn't do anything." Zhang Heqi also stared at Mu Siyuan.

Lu Yueyi: "Just say whatever you want to say. If you have any opinions, why didn't you say it when you came here today?"

"That's because I didn't know she was Yu Xi at that time. What can I do!"

Mu Siyuan saw that everyone was targeting her, and her tone became anxious.

The scene in front of her was completely different from the original plot.

Yu Xi looked at them calmly.

In the original plot, Mu Siyuan also suddenly got angry before going to bed, but no one spoke for her with such emotion, but just asked Mu Siyuan what was going on.

"What's going on? Tell me about it. "Cheng Xitong heard something wrong. Yu Xi was the CV of Yu Xinai Ruohe. It seemed that Mu Siyuan knew something about Yu Xinai Ruohe.

Mu Siyuan took a deep breath.

"Anyway, I want to change rooms. If I can't change, I won't record it. I'll quit." She gritted her teeth and announced her decision.

Quitting is not a small matter.

Everyone became serious.

Meng Xiao said, "Don't say that first. It's not impossible to change rooms, but you must have a reason. Besides, Xitong and I are used to living here. Why don't you want to live with Yu Xi?" "

Half a year ago, she stole my best friend's boyfriend, causing my best friend to suffer from depression, attempted suicide, and almost died. I didn't expect to meet her here. Before leaving a message just now, I... saw her dubbing stage name, and it sounded familiar, so I remembered this incident. I called my best friend to confirm some details, and it was her."

"Huh?" Chi Juan sneered, "Who is your best friend's boyfriend?"

Although the barrage was shocked by Mu Siyuan's words, it burst into laughter because of Chi Juan's sneer.

[Chi Juan's reaction is amazing. Is he mocking Mu Siyuan? ]

[Definitely mocking. Your best friend's boyfriend? Yu Xi is also going to snatch him? ]

[Mu Siyuan doesn't look like she's lying. If it's true, then she really misjudged Yu Xi. ]

[If it's true, then Yu Xi is too good at pretending. 】

【I don't believe it, Yu Xi doesn't look like that kind of person at all. 】

Mu Siyuan was also stunned by Chi Juan's question, "My best friend's boyfriend is a planner for a game website. He is also responsible for contacting voice actors. He added Yu Xinai Ruohe, that is, Yu Xi, because of work reasons."

At this point, Mu Siyuan looked at Yu Xi, and seeing that she had no expression, her reaction became even stronger. She didn't understand why Yu Xi could still look calm at this time.

"Anyway, after they added each other as friends, they began to contact each other frequently. The two chatted from morning to night every day. My best friend saw their chat records and found out that they were together behind her back... If I hadn't been watching over her every day, my best friend would have passed away, but even if she was rescued, she still suffered from depression, and it has only now improved."

Mu Siyuan's tone was sad, and she looked at Yu Xi accusingly while speaking.

"I can't accept living in the same room with someone like this..." She looked at Yu Xi with hatred, "At first I didn't believe she was the one, but the information matched. If my best friend hadn't been soft-hearted, I would have exposed this matter. I didn't expect to meet her here now. I originally thought she was a cute and simple girl and wanted to be friends with her, but she turned out to be the kind of woman who pesters others every day even though she knows that others have girlfriends." In

the observation room, the observers originally wanted to check the results and then distribute the crystals.

In the end, no one expected something like this to happen.

Every accusation of Mu Siyuan was shocking.

"If this is true, the production team can't let her stay on the show, right?"

"That's definitely not possible. She has bad behavior. Even the previous videos should be blurred."

"But this may not be true."

"It depends on whether Yu Xi can explain it clearly. I don't think Mu Siyuan looks like she's lying, and there's no need for her to lie on the show."

Mu Siyuan: "Originally I didn't want to say it, but I just thought that if I didn't say anything and continued to stay in the same room with her to maintain a superficial friendship, I would be so sorry to my best friend."

Cheng Xitong looked at Yu Xi, "Yu Xi, won't you explain?"

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 65. Chapter 64 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 64 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

"Anyone with a brain knows that this kind of thing can't be true. What's there to explain?" Chi Juan's tone was ironic. He glanced at Cheng Xitong and then stood in front of Yu Xi.

"What I said was true." Mu Siyuan said firmly, "I definitely didn't lie."

Meng Xiao said, "I don't believe Yu Xi would do such a thing, but Siyuan didn't have to lie to us about this. I think we should listen to what Yu Xi said about the facts."

Zhang Heqi: "You can't listen to one-sided words. This is not a trivial matter."

Lu Yueyi's expression was also very serious. He said to Mu Siyuan: "It's not about whether you lied or not, but what you know may not be the truth. Do you have any evidence? Or, have you seen the so-called chat records?"

Mu Siyuan: "Of course I have seen it. My best friend found out about it and told me. Later, she lived in my house for a while. She took a picture of the chat records between her boyfriend and Yu Xi and showed it to me."

"How much did you see? Did you see all of it?" As a lawyer, Lu Yueyi quickly found a loophole in Mu Siyuan's words.

Seeing Lu Yueyi speaking up for Yu Xi, Meng Xiao felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, stop arguing, Yu Xi hasn't spoken yet."

Everyone looked at Yu Xi.

As the person involved, Yu Xi's words were the most important.

"Yeah, shouldn't we see what Yu Xi has to say at this time?" Cheng Xitong also couldn't stand these men speaking up for Yu Xi.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yu Xi finally spoke.

Although her voice was not loud, she spoke righteously, "I didn't steal your best friend's boyfriend."

Her tender face was flushed, she was neither surprised nor angry, her clear eyes were always calm, and she didn't look like someone who had done something wrong.

With Yu Xi's words, Chi Juan was full of confidence and said coldly: "I said there is no need to explain. If someone throws dirty water on me, I have to explain it. Then how can I live? I might as well explain it all the time every day."

"You can't say that. This is a recording program. If you don't make it clear, who knows what the truth is? The audience is watching."

Mu Siyuan stared at Yu Xi, "I guessed you wouldn't admit it, but I said everything truthfully and didn't spread rumors about you. Don't you know Chen Yi? Haven't you ever talked to him?"

At this time, the live broadcast of the program reached its peak. It was not early at this time. It was past ten o'clock in the evening, but the number of online viewers exceeded five million five minutes ago.

Yu Xi, the guest of "Elite Dating", knew that the third was the third, and this matter had become a hot search.

Many viewers came here from Weibo.

The program team was also very anxious when they saw the sudden surge in the number of viewers.

In order to avoid adverse effects on the program, the staff suggested suspending the live broadcast first and resuming normal after the matter was clarified.

But the director decided to let the live broadcast continue.

This heat is unprecedented.

Moreover, the situation has not yet fermented. If the show continues for a while, the number of people will only increase.

The director team held an emergency meeting, remotely controlled the camera, and pointed the camera at the key figures Yu Xi and Mu Siyuan.

At this time, the audience wanted to see the confrontation between the two of them, who was telling the truth and who was lying.

[I really can't tell, Yu Xi is actually this kind of person, knowing three things and acting like three, too shameless. ]

[It may not be true, it's just Mu Siyuan's one-sided statement. ]

[When I watched the pilot, I found that Yu Xi was better at chatting online than in real life. In real life, he looked stupid and stupid, but he was actually very good at flirting online. ]

[It's really possible. Some people are submissive in real life, but they hit hard online. ]

[Yes, yes, they like to snatch other people's boyfriends online. In the show, didn't they also want to snatch Lu Yueyi from Meng Xiao at the beginning? But they gave up when they didn't snatch him. ]

[Let's listen to Yu Xi's explanation before making a conclusion. ]


The same as the original plot.

Once this matter was posted online, it quickly fermented.

Previously, the audience who watched the show wanted to see sweet love and CP, but now, 60% of the audience who watch online are just spectators, and of course there are some moralists who denounce the mistress.

Just now, there were rational voices in the barrage, and everyone was just analyzing the truth of the facts based on the personality of the guests.

But now, the barrage is full of ugly curses.

Most of these people are seeing Yu Xi for the first time, and have never even heard of her name before, but they hold the banner of morality and criticize her behavior, appearance, and clothes from a high position...

[She likes to seduce other people's boyfriends so much, she is too cheap. ]

[She had plastic surgery, right? This face looks fake. ]

[She is the most disgusting mistress, and she knows that she is a mistress. The program team should quickly drive this person away. ]

[She is so shameless. Fortunately, Mu Siyuan came, otherwise Yu Xi would feel at ease to deceive the feelings of other male guests. ]

[I thought her voice was nice, but it turned out to be this kind of person. ]

Fortunately, the noise and scolding on the Internet did not affect the atmosphere in the room.

Yu Xi is no longer the coward who dares not speak up for herself.

This matter was not her fault in the first place.

The original owner did have an ambiguous relationship with that Chen Yi for a while.

But it was not the original owner who took the initiative.

Instead, Chen Yi kept looking for her under the pretext of talking about work, saying good morning and good night to her every day, sharing his favorite songs with her, and talking about his daily life.

Over time, the original owner became interested in him.

"I know Chen Yi and have indeed talked to him." Yu Xi said calmly, "but I didn't know he had a girlfriend."

"Impossible, his WeChat avatar at the time was a love avatar with my bestie, can't you see that it's so obvious?"

This sentence also appeared in the original plot.

Mu Siyuan kept saying this sentence over and over again, leaving the original owner with no words to refute.

The original owner had asked about the love profile picture, but Chen Yi's original words were: "He and his good friend use it together. They are both single and share the same suffering, so they use love profile pictures together. If she doesn't like it, he can change it, so he changed it immediately."

The original owner didn't doubt it, but he didn't know that he changed it to a love profile picture, but it was not obvious. It was a cute pet picture that couldn't be seen as a love profile picture at all. You

wouldn't think it was a love profile picture just by looking at one picture .

The original owner didn't know that she would be deceived like this. She had never been in a relationship and didn't understand these routines at all. Even when Mu Siyuan questioned her, she didn't know how to explain herself.

After talking and talking, she just said that she didn't know.

Later, she was even more broken and collapsed by what she said, and just wanted to escape.

With her personality, it is difficult to explain these things. It's okay to defend herself online, but she really can't do it in person.

But she didn't explain it clearly on the show, and later she spoke up and mentioned this matter again online, but she was just laughed at.

What's more ridiculous is that she only found out later.

That good friend of Chen Yi and Mu Siyuan has been together until now.

But as a scumbag, Chen Yi received no punishment, and she was the only one who had to bear everything.

So Yu Xi didn't argue with her about this at all. She looked at Mu Siyuan and said coldly: "I can't see it."

Mu Siyuan: "Quibbling."

Yu Xi: "So you mean, as long as it's a love photo, you can see it?"

Mu Siyuan paused, feeling that Yu Xi's words were setting a trap for her, so she said cautiously: "Of course it's obvious."

Wen Chengyan: "So as long as you think it's obvious, everyone should be able to see it?"

Lu Yueyi: "It's not credible to use your own example to deny others. If a man wants to cheat on a girl and he doesn't have a girlfriend, there are many ways. You can't think that everyone won't be cheated just because you won't be cheated."

"Then why don't you say that your bestie found out from the beginning that her boyfriend was a scumbag? She also wants such a rubbish man. Doesn't it mean that your bestie also knew that she picked up a rubbish and kept it with her. Is there something wrong with her?" Chi Juan's remarks stunned Mu Siyuan.

Mu Siyuan said indignantly: "Her boyfriend treated her very well before, but it was because of Yu Xi... Yu Xi took the initiative to flirt with him, so this happened."

Chi Juan sneered: "Ridiculous, are you saying that Yu Xi knew he had a girlfriend, but he himself didn't know he had a girlfriend? He has a girlfriend but still chats with other women every day. Isn't there something wrong with him? If he doesn't reply, can Yu Xi seduce him?"

Zhang Heqi: "I also think that your best friend's boyfriend is the one with the problem. Why do you blame Yu Xi?"

[Chi Juan is so decisive, hahahaha, his sophistry is awesome. ]

[After all this, Mu Siyuan was incoherent. ]

[Zhang Heqi is quite a man! He even knows that men should be blamed at this time. ]

[These men are stupid, they still speak for Yu Xi at this time, I think they are under a spell. ]

[This woman hasn't said anything yet, why are several male guests speaking for her. ]

Mu Siyuan felt that she was fighting one against five, why were all the male guests speaking for Yu Xi.

Why? Why?

Is it because she looks weak and pitiful?

She was pretending!!!

Mu Siyuan looked at Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong, and emphasized: "Because she took the initiative, she knew that Chen Yi had a girlfriend..."

Chi Juan: "She said she didn't know, but you insisted that she knew. Otherwise, you can show me the evidence?"

Mu Siyuan paused. Evidence...

Yes, she had evidence.

She had the chat records with her bestie before, which contained some conversations between Yu Xi and Chen Yi.

"I can show you the evidence. My bestie took a screenshot before. Yu Xi and Chen Yi chatted every day and made an appointment to meet. It was Yu Xi who took the initiative to propose the meeting." Mu Siyuan

seemed to have found the key point, "Yes, it was Yu Xi who took the initiative to propose the meeting. Wasn't she the one who took the initiative to pursue Chen Yi?"

Meng Xiao: "Yu Xi, why don't you tell us the cause and effect of the matter? It's not a good idea to keep quarreling like this. Everyone wants to help you, but we don't know the situation either."

Mu Siyuan had already taken out her mobile phone to look through the chat records.

At first, Chen Yi contacted the original owner for work. Although the two added WeChat, they only chatted about work for a few sentences. Until one day, there was a problem with the audio of the dubbing, and Chen Yi called the original owner.

Since then, Chen Yi has sent messages to the original owner every day, asking about her well-being at every turn, but the two have never met at all. After the original owner fell in love with Chen Yi, she proposed to meet.

At this time, Chen Yi told the original owner that he had just broken up.

Although the original owner minded a little, she thought that since they broke up, it didn’t matter, so she still wanted to meet first.

As a result, the night before the meeting, Chen Yi’s girlfriend, who was also Mu Siyuan’s best friend, found that Chen Yi was not right. He said that he had work the next day and had to go on a business trip. In fact, he had no work at all, so she peeked at Chen Yi’s mobile phone and saw him chatting with the original owner.

Cheng Xitong: "I don't think Yu Xi can explain it clearly. Why don't you just tell me whether there is any evidence or not? This kind of thing is just talk."

Mu Siyuan: "I have evidence anyway. I'll find the chat records right away. If that doesn't work, I can call my bestie and let her talk."

Chi Juan: "Didn't you say your bestie has depression? Can we still call her?"

Mu Siyuan was so angry at Chi Juan that she couldn't speak.

At this moment, she had no idea why she liked Chi Juan. He was really mean.

She thought she would be a different existence.

But she was too late. Chi Juan only had eyes for Yu Xi. Even at this time, he was still speaking for Yu Xi. He

didn't listen to her at all.

"She is much better now. I just called her and told her that I met Yu Xi on the show, and she knew it."

Meng Xiao asked with concern: "Do you really want to call her? Yu Xi, can you do it?"

Yu Xi smiled, "Sure."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 66. Chapter 65 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 65 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Yu Xi looked at Mu Siyuan. Although she was smiling, her weak appearance seemed like she had done a lot of psychological preparation and finally mustered up the courage.

The delicate Magnolia also has strong moments.

Before, other people had always spoken for her.

Now it was finally her turn to stand up. Her eyes were clear and clean, not flustered or afraid, and suddenly people felt that she was innocent.

She took a deep breath, "I can connect with her on the microphone, but if I prove my innocence, I need you and your bestie to apologize to me."

Her tone suddenly brought pressure to Mu Siyuan.

Even though Mu Siyuan was very confident that she was not wrong, she was a little panicked by Yu Xi's look.

Did she really make a mistake?

Impossible... Her bestie clearly showed it to her.

She must be bluffing.

"Okay." Mu Siyuan clenched her phone.

Mu Siyuan called her best friend, "Yinyin, it's me. I need to verify something with you, the things I asked you before. If you agree, I'll turn on the speaker."

Not knowing what was said on the other end, Mu Siyuan's expression froze for a moment.

"I've already told everyone, just say a few words, it's okay."

Everyone looked at Mu Siyuan, and saw her turn on the speaker, and a girl's voice came from the other end.

"What do you want to ask?"

This time, Yu Xi didn't let others speak for her, "I'm Yu Xi, hello."

She suddenly spoke, and there was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, "I know you."

"I heard that you always thought I knew Chen Yi had a girlfriend and still contacted him?" Yu Xi went straight to the point, her voice was not small, although she didn't have much aura, but every word she said was very clear.

"Yes, isn't it?"

Yu Xi: "No, and it was Chen Yi who pursued me first."

"You are talking nonsense. It was obviously you who asked Chen Yi to meet, and you chatted with him every day to share your daily life."

"I asked him to meet because he pursued me for two months. We are not in the same city and have never met. I think we can develop our relationship further after meeting. As for chatting and sharing daily life, he took the initiative first."

"Don't talk nonsense. Chen Yi said that you wanted to pester him and send him messages every day. He saw that you were alone and had no friends, so he chatted with you. As a result, you wanted to be with him even though you knew he had a girlfriend. He was bewitched and agreed to meet you."

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little excited, and it was obvious that he was affected by anger.

"Did you learn all this from Chen Yi?" Yu Xi frowned and asked again, "So, do you believe what he said?"

"I don't believe him, do I believe you?" The other party asked back as a matter of course.

[Why do I feel something is wrong? That woman seems to be speaking for the scumbag all the time. 】

【Yes, although I don't support anyone, I feel that I can't just listen to the man's explanation. 】

【I always feel that Mu Siyuan's best friend is a love-brained person...】

【Is it going to be a reversal? 】

【I see Yu Xi is very calm, could it be that she really misunderstood? 】

【What misunderstanding? Didn't Yu Xi admit that she chatted with that man every day? Isn't it just shameless? It's a fact that she stole someone's boyfriend. 】

Yu Xi heard her say this and said helplessly: "So... you are still with Chen Yi now, right?"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

No way.

But the other end of the phone was silent. Chi Juan

sneered: "It's quite a match, it's good to lock it up."

Cheng Xitong was shocked, "No way? Didn't you commit suicide for him because of depression, and you still want to reconcile?"

Zhang Heqi: "Have you reconciled? Not answering means tacit consent?"

"No, I... we have reconciled again. The breakup was originally because of you. As long as you don't pester him, we will have nothing to do." The voice on the phone was a little chaotic.

Lu Yueyi looked at Mu Siyuan and said, "Do you know that too?"

Mu Siyuan knew that her best friend was still entangled with Chen Yi. She had tried to persuade her, but she couldn't do anything if she didn't listen. However, Yu Xi suddenly brought up this, making the scene awkward.

She had no choice but to say, "Even if they reconciled, what Yu Xi did was true."

Wen Chengyan calmly analyzed, "If they reconciled, it means that your best friend didn't care about the mistakes made by this man. She committed suicide not because of Yu Xi, but because she didn't want to accept the breakup."

Zhang Heqi nodded, "Yes, if it weren't for Yu Xi, the man would break up with your best friend, and I think she would be depressed."

Mu Siyuan: "How can you say that? It was obviously Yu Xi who was the third party and harmed my best friend."

Yu Xi interrupted her, "I won't admit to something I didn't do."

Chi Juan: "Okay, don't you have evidence? Then take it out, everyone can see it."

Mu Siyuan turned over the previous chat records.

See for yourself.

Chi Juan was the first to take the phone. He flipped through it, and his frown suddenly relaxed. He laughed out loud, "That's it?"

Lu Yueyi: "Let me see."

Meng Xiao glanced at Lu Yueyi. Chi Juan

showed a disdainful expression, "This chat record can also be called ambiguous? I chat with my brothers more than this."

But after he finished speaking, he glanced at Yu Xi again.

"But I didn't expect you to chat with such a boring man for so long, two months?"

Chi Juan seemed very unhappy and scolded her for being so short-sighted.

Then, the chat record was checked by everyone. Now

everyone saw how Yu Xi chatted with the man named Chen Yi.

Wen Chengyan also gave his evaluation, "Yu Xi, you haven't been in a relationship yet, right?"

This sentence... He almost laughed at Yu Xi for not being able to date the opposite sex.

She was indeed much more enthusiastic in chatting with people in the second dimension than in reality, but every day, apart from talking about some movies, animations and gossip on the Internet, she discussed food and weather, and there was no ambiguous words at all.

If this goes on, they usually develop into good friends, and the only ambiguous words are sent by the man.

But it was true that they could talk about anything, and it was Yu Xi who took the initiative to arrange a meeting.

Yu Xi took out her mobile phone, "After you finish looking at hers, take a look at mine."

Yu Xi also had a chat record in her hand, but in the original plot, the original owner did not take it out.

Because there were words that made her feel ashamed, she didn't want to show it to everyone.

But now Yu Xi doesn't care.

"I only knew that Chen Yi had a girlfriend after we met, and I can tell from this voice."

Chen Yi and the original owner met at the beginning, a week after Chen Yi had a quarrel with his girlfriend.

But after the meeting, Chen Yi lost his temper.

You know, Chen Yi was originally attracted by the original owner's voice. He thought she was innocent and cute, with a nice voice, and must be very good in person. Unexpectedly, the original owner who was dressed up carefully was so country bumpkin, with hard-to-describe makeup, and couldn't walk at all in high heels. When she appeared, Chen Yi almost ran away. He

barely said a few perfunctory words and quickly ran away on the pretext of having something to do.

From that day on, Chen Yi no longer paid attention to Yu Xi, but went back to find his girlfriend.

He also apologized to his girlfriend and said that it was all Yu Xi who hooked him up.

The original owner didn't understand why Chen Yi suddenly ignored her and wanted to find out.

The following voice message was produced.

"Why do you think I want to chat with you? At first, I thought you had a nice voice and a good personality. You've never been in a relationship and you're quite simple. Even if you're boring to death chatting with me every day, I won't respond. But it's okay to kill time. I didn't expect you to look like this in person. Please, don't ask me to meet you. Can't you just chat online? You still have the courage to meet in person. You're a person who will die in the spotlight, so don't come out to hurt others. Actually, I have a girlfriend. Don't bother me anymore and don't contact me in the future."

These words were a serious blow to the original owner.

Especially in the original plot.

She has always lacked confidence, and no one liked her in the show.

If this voice was released, it would only bring her more painful humiliation. She would not feel that it helped to explain and clarify it, but would feel ashamed and tear open the scar in front of all the audience. She would rather be misunderstood as seducing other people's boyfriends than be laughed at by this man for being a person who will die in the spotlight.

At that time, she also had the foolish and optimistic idea that the innocent will be cleared, but later it was proved that she thought too simply, and it was too late to clarify it.

However, Yu Xi, who was so charming at this time and was able to get four votes, didn't need to care about this ridiculous voice.

No one would think that it was normal for the scumbag to go back to his girlfriend to reconcile after seeing her.

She didn't need to be afraid of such words.

Yu Xi: "Actually, after this incident, I was very autistic for a while, and I was unwilling to open my heart to accept others, especially the opposite sex. It was my friends who signed me up for this program to help me get out of it. I didn't expect that the old things would be brought up again here." Yu Xi smiled bitterly, "But it's good this way. I can also face the pain in my heart and get out of it completely."

[Damn, Yu Xi is the victim? ]

[The scumbag was so ugly that he turned his back on Yu Xi, and then went back to his girlfriend to reconcile, and even turned the tables and said that Yu Xi seduced him. ]

[Damn scumbag, God, how can there be such a disgusting person? ]

[Mu Siyuan was slapped in the face now, her evidence is simply vulnerable compared to Yu Xi's evidence. ]

[Forcing Yu Xi to release this voice and tear open the scar is too much. 】

【Yu Xi, you finally forgot about it, but now you remember it again. 】

Mu Siyuan never thought that this voice message still existed.

The person on the other end of the phone was silent.

Facing the gazes of everyone, Mu Siyuan could no longer stand, and she grabbed the phone: "Yin Yin, did you hear it? That voice message is Chen Yi's voice, right? Is Chen Yi there? Why don't you call him and ask? Did he lie to you?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Two beeps almost suffocated Mu Siyuan.

Her words were stuck in her throat, her throat was dry, and she panicked.

"I... I don't know if this is the case, and I can't... be sure that this voice message was sent by Chen Yi."

"Then do you still want to contact that Chen Yi to ask again?" Chi Juan looked at her with a sneer, "Or give me the phone number and I'll call?"

Mu Siyuan bit her lip and stopped talking. She also knew that if she continued to make trouble, she would still be a joke.

Chi Juan: "So... you don't know the truth at all. You didn't even ask Yu Xi, but just said these things in front of everyone?"

Wen Chengyan: "You could have talked to Yu Xi in private first, asked her, and listened to her explanation, and you could have avoided all this, but you chose to tear your face apart in public. You also know that this is a recording program. Don't you know how many people saw your behavior on the show?"

"Yes, what did Yu Xi do to you? She doesn't look like that kind of person." Zhang Heqi was speechless, "You obviously had a chance to ask her."

Mu Siyuan was already incoherent, "I'm not, I just, I just feel that I have to go back to my room to rest in a while..."

"Siyuan, you are too impulsive." Meng Xiao sighed and took Yu Xi's hand, "Yu Xi, it's okay now, your innocence has been proved, are you okay?"

Yu Xi shook her head, "I'm fine."

Her skin was fair, and her eyebrows were a little sad. You could tell at a glance that she was thinking of sad things and was sad at the moment.

How uncomfortable she must be, the new roommate who suddenly came to slander her like this, and she had to tear open the scar in front of so many viewers to clear herself.

Seeing Yu Xi's depressed and sad look, everyone was filled with righteous indignation and wanted to vent their anger for her.

The direction of the barrage changed in just two minutes.

Those who had previously clamored to drive Yu Xi away suddenly fell silent.

They jumped the highest when they were denouncing her, but as soon as the truth was revealed and things turned around, they disappeared, or immediately turned around and stood on the opposite side, and began to scold Mu Siyuan.

"Will you die if you go back to the room and ask her a question?" Chi Juan's aggressive tone clearly meant to seek justice for Yu Xi.

Yu Xi walked over and said to Chi Juan, "Just explain it clearly."

Wen Chengyan: "Apologize, Yu Xi, don't you want an apology?"

He looked at Yu Xi gently and comforted her with his eyes, "What happened in the past is over, don't think about it anymore."

Yu Xi hummed.

Lu Yueyi also stood up, "The crime of defamation refers to the intentional fabrication and dissemination of fictitious facts, which is sufficient to defame the personality of others and destroy the reputation of others. The circumstances are serious, thus constituting a crime. This is a recording program, and so many viewers are watching. Your behavior has violated Yu Xi's right to reputation, and she also has the right to sue you."

He looked at Yu Xi, "What do you think? Do you want to..."

Yu Xi was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "They also misunderstood. Forget it, there is no need to make it so serious."

"Misunderstanding is misunderstanding, but it is also a fact that you are hurt." Chi Juan's relentless look scared Mu Siyuan.

Mu Siyuan looked at Yu Xi, lowered her head, and an unspeakable humiliation surged in her heart, "I'm sorry, Yu Xi, I misunderstood you."

"And your friend? You hung up the phone suddenly, what's the matter." Chi Juan did not forget that there was another person.

At Chi Juan's request, Mu Siyuan called her bestie again.

The two apologized to Yu Xi together.

The apology scene was very exaggerated. The girl on the other end of the phone was crying so hard that she couldn't speak clearly. She cursed the scumbag on the phone. It was estimated that she had a quarrel with the scumbag.

The program team also contacted Yu Xi and said that they would help her to issue a public clarification announcement.

Let her not worry.

A farce finally came to an end.

Mu Siyuan couldn't stay any longer and left the cabin overnight.

In fact, she didn't want to leave, thinking that she would be fine after an apology. It was the staff of the program team who called her and talked for half an hour.

Her face was pale, and she started packing her luggage as soon as she returned to the room.

Fortunately, she didn't put all her luggage into the cabinet, so she packed it up quickly.

Yu Xi sat in the room without looking at her. Mu Siyuan wanted to say something but stopped herself. She felt extremely aggrieved. Thinking that she had just been targeted by everyone and Yu Xi had been protected, she felt particularly painful.

There was really no place for her here. She was really famous now. She knew without thinking that she would be scolded to death. Even if she left the show, her fans would probably be gone.

Seeing Mu Siyuan's panic packing, Yu Xi didn't have any expression. Instead, when Mu Siyuan left, she kicked the suitcase and fell down. She fell directly in front of Yu Xi, and fell like a dog eating shit. It was really embarrassing and funny.

This scene was also seen by the audience.

No one in the barrage felt sorry for Mu Siyuan. Seeing her fall, they all said it was retribution, and they all hoped that she would leave quickly. [

It's better if Mu Siyuan leaves. Yu Xi must be in a bad mood when she sees her. ]

[Yu Xi is so pitiful. She finally came out, and she has to be tortured again. 】

【That pair of scumbags and bitches should not break up, just lock it up. 】

【Fortunately, all the other guests today are on Yu Xi's side, otherwise Yu Xi would definitely be wrongly accused to death. 】

In this way, Yu Xi still lives alone.

She has changed the original plot and stayed in the show.

Next, all she has to do is complete the task and get three confessions on the last day.

The cabin returned to peace, but the observation room was still in a mess.

The observers who should have been off work a long time ago delayed the distribution of crystals because of this incident.

Deng Siyun connected the wrong heartbeat line of Lu Yueyi, one loss and one win, so he didn't get the crystal.

At this time, the person with the most crystals was still Shen Yiqiu.

The host handed the privilege bag to Shen Yiqiu.

Shen Yiqiu opened the bag and took out the note inside.

Only he knew what was written on it.

And tomorrow morning, the date card will be delivered to the heartbeat cabin. After

Mu Siyuan left, Yu Xi's door was knocked.

After three knocks, Yu Xi opened the door and saw a card on the ground at the door.

It said: "Don't be unhappy. It will affect your mood and how can you go on a date next time."

There was also a small magnolia flower drawn on the card.

There was no signature, so I didn't know who wrote it.

Yu Xi thought about the fact that he had promised to have breakfast with Zhang Heqi tomorrow, and he had to take a slow motorcycle, and he had an appointment with Wen Chengyan to have dinner in the evening.

"It seems that I have to go to bed early today."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 67. Chapter 66 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 66 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Zhang Heqi got up early to prepare.

Lu Yueyi, who lived with him, saw him get up and wash, and also opened his eyes to check the time.

It was not yet seven o'clock.

Zhang Heqi usually got up early, but today was a little unusual.

After getting up, he changed his clothes and chose several sets in front of the mirror. After

Lu Yueyi got up, he asked Lu Yueyi to help him with reference.

"How is it? Which one looks better?" Zhang Heqi held two sets of clothes in his hand, one was a blue and white striped shirt, and the other was a black sweater.

Zhang Heqi put them in front of him and gestured. The blue and white shirt was a bit business, but it was still quite gentle and delicate. The black sweater looked younger. His appearance was between a sunny boy and a handsome little brother, with regular features and strong eyebrows. He

also had a good figure, the kind of person who looked thin when dressed and stylish when undressed.

His style was more casual before.

Today, he dressed up specially, and it looked a bit grand.

"Where are you going?" Lu Yueyi asked.

"Just... I made an appointment with Yu Xi to have breakfast together." Zhang Heqi was unusually shy. Lu

Yueyi pulled open the curtains, and the morning sun shone in. The bright morning light was not as dazzling as the expectation in Zhang Heqi's eyes. Lu Yueyi

looked a little strange, "Oh."

"Help me choose one."

"This one." Lu Yueyi pointed to the blue and white striped shirt.

Zhang Heqi still asked: "Why? Isn't the black one good?"

Lu Yueyi seemed to be in a bad mood and was too lazy to say more. "This one is better and suitable for you."

Zhang Heqi put it in front of him and gestured, and said in a dilemma: "Really?"

Lu Yueyi looked away and went into the bathroom to wash up.

Zhang Heqi finally made a decision.

"Let's wear this one, it looks younger."

He is two years older than Yu Xi, but he looks like he is four or five years older than her. Yu Xi looks too young, especially with that pure and delicate short hair, like a high school student, like a first love goddess. He wants to make himself look younger.

Zhang Heqi changed his clothes and used hairspray to hold his hair up. He looked a few years younger than usual. Seeing

his cheerful face, Lu Yueyi couldn't help asking, "Where are you going to eat?"

Zhang Heqi was a little surprised that Lu Yueyi would ask this. He didn't think much about it and said, "It's a snack bar I know. The breakfast is delicious."

Lu Yueyi: "Oh."

He seemed to be indifferent, but the next sentence surprised Zhang Heqi.

"Then I'll go with you. It just so happens that I don't know what to eat in the morning."

Zhang Heqi: "Huh?"


At this time, all the guests received a message.

Today's date is scheduled.

The date starts at 3 pm.

The date is the person who chose the gift for each other yesterday.

The program team asked the guests to contact each other and determine the date location and time. It can be earlier or later. Three o'clock is just an approximate time.

Zhang Heqi's date is Meng Xiao.

Speaking of which, Zhang Heqi has never dated Meng Xiao alone. Although the person he was interested in before was Meng Xiao, he sent Meng Xiao to work, but it was only a short twenty minutes in the car.

Now that he has changed his mind, he is about to have a date with Meng Xiao.

This makes him feel very complicated.

Looking at Lu Yueyi, who seemed to be locked in with Meng Xiao, Zhang Heqi couldn't help but wonder what Lu Yueyi thought of Meng Xiao.

After all, they were on the verge of becoming a couple before, but no one expected that Lu Yueyi actually left a message for Yu Xi last night.

"By the way, are you going to date Cheng Xitong this afternoon?" Zhang Heqi found a topic through this incident.

Lu Yueyi hummed.

"Then I guess you two will talk about Meng Xiao the whole time." Zhang Heqi's words were suggestive.

Lu Yueyi didn't respond.

"How are you and Meng Xiao doing recently? How is the progress?"

Look at these two people who were once rivals in love.

Zhang Heqi was so jealous of Lu Yueyi for being favored by Meng Xiao before, but now he can talk to Lu Yueyi about Meng Xiao calmly.

Lu Yueyi doesn't seem to be used to this change in relationship.

Zhang Heqi used to look at him with unfriendly eyes, but he has changed a lot in the past two days.

Today he even asked him to help pick clothes.

It seems that he has completely given up on Meng Xiao.

He devoted himself to Yu Xi.

But he didn't want to think that his competitors had increased again.

Lu Yueyi was in a complicated mood and didn't want to continue talking about this topic with him, so he went back to the previous topic.

"Let's go have breakfast together later."


On the way to departure.

Yu Xi sat in the co-pilot seat. Zhang Heqi opened the drawer in the car considerately and pointed to it for her: "There are snacks and drinks in it. I also put the milk you usually drink. You can take it if you want to eat."

"Okay." Yu Xi nodded, "It's okay, aren't we going to have breakfast in a while."

"Yes, but I'm afraid you'll be hungry. But it doesn't take long to drive here. It's only 20 minutes." "Yeah

." Yu Xi sat very well and didn't move around. He fastened his seat belt and looked straight ahead.

Zhang Heqi took the initiative to find various topics, for fear that the atmosphere would be awkward, because he knew that Yu Xi was not very good at talking, so he had to liven up the atmosphere.

"Do you want to listen to music?" Zhang Heqi asked.

Yu Xi said, "Okay."

Zhang Heqi: "What kind of songs do you like to listen to?"

"Anything is fine."

Zhang Heqi played the latest popular playlist.

He said a lot of things, from his favorite singers to his favorite fruits. Yu Xi's reactions made him feel comfortable. She would quietly look at him and listen to him, making him feel that he was valued.

"By the way, Lu Yueyi wanted to have breakfast with us this morning." Zhang Heqi thought it was strange, so he told Yu Xi. Yu Xi looked

at him in confusion, "Ah?"

"Yes, you also feel strange, right? He heard that I was going to take you to a delicious breakfast restaurant and said he wanted to go there too." Zhang Heqi smiled, "I guess he thought it was on the way... but I refused." Zhang

Heqi blinked, and that's what he said at the time - "That won't work. If you want to eat, I'll take you there next time. It's not convenient today."

Lu Yueyi probably understood what he meant, so he didn't say anything more.

The reason why Zhang Heqi told Yu Xi this was to take the opportunity to tell Yu Xi that he cared about the opportunity to have breakfast together this time.

Along the way, Zhang Heqi was very enthusiastic. When they arrived at the breakfast shop, they were even more considerate and helped her move the chairs and wipe the table. They didn't let Yu Xi do anything at all. Except for not feeding her the food, everything else was done by Zhang Heqi.

Later, knowing that Yu Xi did not have to go to work, he sent Yu Xi back to the cabin.

Before Yu Xi got off the car, Zhang Heqi said that he would bring her favorite milk tea in the evening. Didn’t Yu Xi order milk tea last time?

Zhang Heqi: "The store you ordered last time has a new product. I will buy it back for you to try."

He thought that his behavior could make Yu Xi happy, but Yu Xi said: "What new product? Is it a new product with lychee flavor?"

Zhang Heqi: "Yes, that one."

"Chi Juan ordered takeout for me yesterday, and I drank it."

Zhang Heqi's face changed, and he said embarrassedly: "Do you think it tastes good? If it tastes good, I will buy it back for you."

Yu Xi: "It's okay, don't bother, you can order takeout."

Zhang Heqi: "Well... okay, then do you want to drink fruit tea? There is a very delicious one, but takeout is not available here. I will go buy it."

Yu Xi shook her head.

Zhang Heqi was a little discouraged.

"Don't you have something else to do? Go and do it first."

Zhang Heqi did have something to do at the company and had a meeting today, so he had to say, "Then I'll buy it. See you in the evening." Yu Xi

watched Zhang Heqi's car go away, and turned around to see Chi Juan coming downstairs. He crossed his arms and stared at her.

"Where did you go just now?"

"Having breakfast with Zhang Heqi." Yu Xi whispered.

"You ran out quietly to have breakfast so early in the morning. Can't you have it at home?" Chi Juan was wearing a pair of slippers, his hair was a little messy, his eyes were bright, and he looked straight at Yu Xi. His handsome face was full of displeasure, and his mouth was tightly pursed. Although his tone was unpleasant, the look in his eyes when he looked at Yu Xi was gentle.

"Zhang Heqi said that restaurant was delicious."

"What did you eat?"

"I had wontons."

"Oh, was it delicious?"

Yu Xi nodded.

Chi Juan said somewhat unhappily: "What's its name?"


Chi Juan frowned speechlessly and was silent for a few seconds, "I'm asking you, what's the name of that breakfast shop."

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment, "I forgot." Chi

Juan: "..."

He looked at Yu Xi helplessly, whispered "idiot", then turned around and walked back.

Yu Xi looked at him, "Aren't you going out?"

Chi Juan snorted, "I just want to go downstairs to buy a bottle of drink, there's nothing to drink at home."

"No water?"

Chi Juan: "I don't like drinking water, I want to drink carbonated drinks."

"Then why don't you buy it."

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

He saw Yu Xi coming back, so he thought about not drinking and going back with her.

Yu Xi thought for a moment, reached out and grabbed his sleeve, and whispered, "I'll go with you to buy it."

"Hmm?" Chi Juan's eyebrows relaxed, and he was already smiling, but he still asked her, "What did you say?"

Yu Xi repeated, "I'll go with you to buy it..."

She observed his expression and said shyly, "Do you want it?"

Chi Juan coughed, with a smile on his face, "It's a waste if you don't want it."

Yu Xi looked at him quietly.

Chi Juan: "If you want to see it, just look at it openly."

Yu Xi lowered his head, "No." "

I obviously saw it." Chi Juan reached out and touched her head, then walked forward quickly, "Let's go."

Yu Xi followed.

Chi Juan slowly slowed down his pace, "Are you still unhappy?"


"You are slow to react, about what happened yesterday."

Yu Xi shook his head, "No, thank you for always speaking for me yesterday."

"Huh, you are so stupid, if I don't speak for you, you won't say it yourself."

Yu Xi lowered his head.

"I knew you were so honest. If you have any problems in the future, hide behind me. I will support you, okay?"

Yu Xi stared at him in a daze.

"Are you stupid? Just say you know if you know."

Yu Xi's eyes were soft and a little moved.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Chi Juan stretched out her hands and covered her eyes.

He couldn't stand such a look. When she looked at him, he felt his heart beating so fast that it seemed like it was going to jump out.

I can't stand it!!! Chi

Juan's Adam's apple moved up and down, "Okay, anyway, I will help you in the future. If you can't speak, leave it to me. I am very fierce in scolding people. You will know if you have watched my live broadcast."

Yu Xi nodded.

"Why nod? Have you seen it?"

Yu Xi shook her head again.

Chi Juan smiled, "Forget it, you'd better not look, I'm afraid to scare you."

Yu Xi said seriously, "No."

Chi Juan: "Oh? Aren't you afraid that I will be fierce to you? When I get fierce, no one dares to provoke me, not even the people in my team."

Yu Xi thought for a while, "You won't." Chi Juan

looked into her eyes steadily, then turned away, quickened his pace and walked into the convenience store, "Hurry up."

Chi Juan's head was full of pink bubbles, occupying his entire brain, and the sweet taste made him unable to think.


Chi Juan bought a whole box of carbonated drinks, moved to the cashier alone, and saw Yu Xi took two loaves of bread.

He frowned, "Not full?"

Yu Xi shook his head, "This is for you." Chi Juan

said, "Who eats bread so early in the morning." But

he honestly took the bread and put it on his side of the cashier to pay.

After buying it, he carried a box of drinks in one hand and held the bread in the other hand to study what flavor it was.

"Taro and pork floss sandwich... is it delicious?" Chi Juan looked doubtful.

"Yeah, delicious." Chi Juan

raised his eyebrows, "Okay."

The corners of his mouth rose, and suddenly he thought of something, and asked again: "Are you going on a date with Wen Chengyan in the afternoon?"

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment, and nodded, "What about you? That... Mu Siyuan is gone, are you alone at home?"

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows and raised his chin, "Of course not, of course there are new female guests dating me."

Yu Xi looked at him in surprise.

"Why are you so surprised?" Chi Juan suddenly lowered his head and moved in front of her, "Don't you want to?"

His face suddenly enlarged in front of Yu Xi, and his delicate features gave her a strong visual impact.

In the sun, his pupils are a very beautiful color, and there is a good smell on his body.

It's still that grassy fragrance, mixed with a little bit of milk.

Fresh and charming.

Yu Xi quickly shook her head, "No."

"Tsk..." Chi Juan stared at her, then smiled and patted her head, and said solemnly: "Come back early in the afternoon."

Yu Xi looked at him, "Aren't you going on a date too?"

Chi Juan smiled, "Yeah. So what... Didn't we agree to ride a motorcycle? Come back early, I'll take you for a ride and see the night view." Chi Juan walked in front of her. Yu Xi looked at

him: "When will you come back?"

Chi Juan said lazily: "Anyway, I'll be back earlier than you. I'll wait for you."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 68. Chapter 67 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 67 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Wen Chengyan personally drove back

to the cabin to pick up Yu Xi. He waited for Yu Xi to come downstairs, but he didn't expect that they both happened to wear white clothes.

Yu Xi wore a white sweater and a white skirt, and Wen Chengyan wore a white sweater with dark blue jeans.

Wen Chengyan and Yu Xi didn't meet in the morning, so this was a complete coincidence.

Such a coincidence surprised both of them.

Yu Xi looked at Wen Chengyan and looked around a little embarrassedly.

Wen Chengyan walked quickly to her.

"You are wearing white too."

[Wow, couple outfits! Did you agree on it? ]

[It shouldn't be an agreement, it's just a tacit understanding! ]

[They match so well, the height difference is amazing. ]

[It looks like White Lover, so pleasing to the eyes. ]

Wen Chengyan is much taller than her, so Yu Xi's expression is in full view. He saw Yu Xi's eyes widened, which was very cute.

"I like white very much."

Yu Xi blinked, "I... me too."

Finding that she was shy, Wen Chengyan smiled, "Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"The weather is good today, how about I take you to the park for a walk?"

Wen Chengyan made the itinerary in the morning.

The date was set at the riverside park.

He had been there before and liked the park's good environment, suitable for walking and chatting. It was next to the moat, and he could take a boat trip on the river when he was tired.

When it gets dark, he can have dinner at a restaurant with a great atmosphere next to it.

After dinner, he will go to see a movie.

This is Wen Chengyan's plan for today.

When he told Yu Xi about the plan, Yu Xi hesitated and said, "Can we... not go to the movie tonight?"

"What's wrong? Don't you want to watch it?"

Yu Xi shook her head, "I have to come back early."

"Is there something wrong? This movie has a good reputation."

Yu Xi thought about it, and said, "Well, something."

Wen Chengyan looked at her curiously. What could happen in the cabin? If there was something, it must be related to other people.

"Can I ask what's the matter?"

Yu Xi said hesitantly, "I told Chi Juan that I'd be back early."

Wen Chengyan's expression changed, "Is that so."

He slowed down his tone, not unhappy, but said gently, "Then let's come back after dinner."

Yu Xi: "Okay."

Today is cloudy and breezy. It's already autumn, and the sweet-scented osmanthus in the park is rich. Walking on the road, you can always smell the fragrance.

"Actually, I've always wanted to find a chance to chat with you, but now that I have the chance, I don't know what to say." Wen Chengyan's tone was smiling, and his eyes made people blush. He was just looking at her quietly, but the vague sense of ambiguity was hard to ignore. The

white sweater made him look more harmless, and the gold-rimmed glasses made him very gentle.

But Yu Xi always felt that he exuded a dangerous aura.

If you accidentally let your guard down against him, you will fall into his trap.

Yu Xi perked up and whispered, "Just a casual chat."

"Yeah, I think so too." Wen Chengyan's smile deepened, "By the way, I've already used the headphones you gave me, and they're very useful."

Yu Xi: "That's good."

But the next second, his expression became lost, "Don't you like the watch I gave you?"

Yu Xi was stunned, "No."

"Then why didn't you wear it?"

"I forgot, I put it away." Yu Xi blinked, "I don't have the habit of wearing a watch."

"Really?" Wen Chengyan sighed.

Even without looking at his face, I knew that his expression must be very disappointed.

Yu Xi quietly raised her head and looked at him.

This was the first time Wen Chengyan showed such an expression.

"Sorry, I'll wear it when I get back."

Wen Chengyan: "It's okay, don't force yourself if you don't like it."

"I don't dislike it, I like it very much, I just forgot." Yu Xi emphasized hurriedly.

Wen Chengyan smiled again, "That's good."

His expression was controlled freely, and he felt satisfied when he saw Yu Xi's anxious explanation.

"Let's sit here for a while." Wen Chengyan pointed to the bench in front.

"Okay." Yu Xi has never had her own opinion and showed a very submissive look.

Wen Chengyan smiled even deeper.

He reached out and pushed the frame on his nose.

He thought, I should change a pair of frames when I go back, this pair seems a little loose.

After sitting down, Yu Xi looked at the river not far away, and felt a breeze blowing, blowing up her hair at the temples, and also brought the fragrance of osmanthus.

"Is it cold?" Wen Chengyan asked with concern.

"Not cold, very comfortable."

"Do you like it here?"

"Yeah, the air here is very good."

"Then let's come together next time." Wen Chengyan looked very serious when he said this.

Yu Xi lowered her head shyly, "Okay."

Feeling that Wen Chengyan was always looking at her, Yu Xi sat very straight, her eyes looking straight ahead, and she didn't dare to look at him.

Seeing her like a little white rabbit, Wen Chengyan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Don't move."

"Ah? What's wrong?" Yu Xi asked in a low voice.

"There's something on your head." When Wen Chengyan came closer, Yu Xi smelled a cool fragrance, different from the last time she smelled it.

It was even cooler, as if she had walked out of a snowy mountain, and it was still cold, but the cold was mixed with woody fragrance, which gave people a feeling of being aloof and difficult to approach at first. If you take a slow breath, you can feel a little bit of sweetness.

This fragrance matches Wen Chengyan's temperament very well.

He is obviously a cold person, but he likes to show his gentle side, which is invisible.

Wen Chengyan almost wanted to hold Yu Xi's head in his arms, and his fingers gently pinched a piece of dry leaf residue on her head. His slender fingers passed through her hair and seemed to touch her scalp.

The cold touch made people's heart tighten.

"Is it done?"

"It's done." Wen Chengyan showed her what he had taken down, "I don't know when it fell there."

"Thank you." Yu Xi looked up at him.

At this time, the distance between the two was very close.

Yu Xi asked, "Are your glasses too strong?"

Wen Chengyan said, "No, do you want to try?"

Yu Xi wore contact lenses when she came out today.

Before she could say no, Wen Chengyan had already taken off her glasses.

Wen Chengyan has a completely different temperament without glasses.

With glasses, he looks like a gentleman, but without glasses, he looks a little sharp and aggressive. It can be said that wearing glasses makes him look less eye-catching.

[Wen Chengyan looks good even without glasses. ]

[These two people have so much sexual tension that my heart beats faster. ]

[Really, I used to be a fish in the pond, but now I think Wen Chengyan is also very good. ]

[So exciting, I feel that Wen Chengyan is the kind of bad guy. ]

[No, it’s better to be Chi Juan. ]

As the sky darkened, the two took a boat to the other side and had dinner at a restaurant on the other side.

Although it is an Internet celebrity restaurant, the taste is really good. Wen Chengyan also asked the waiter to take a few photos for them.

Because the guests cannot contact each other privately, Wen Chengyan cannot send the photos directly to Yu Xi, but can only send them to the group and let Yu Xi save them himself.

In this way, not only Yu Xi can see it, but other guests can also see it.

In the group photo, the two stood together, and Wen Chengyan turned Yu Xi's head towards him to let her get closer to him.

Although they were not very close, Yu Xi's shy look was particularly beautiful, and with the lighting and background of the restaurant, this photo was very atmospheric.

Not to mention, the appearance of these two people added a lot of points to the photo.

Wen Chengyan did want others to see the photo when he posted it in the group.

When the audience heard Wen Chengyan tell Yu Xi to save the photo in the group, they all said that Wen Chengyan was scheming, but in the love variety show, it is not a bad thing for the male guests to be a little scheming and strive for it. Everyone is happy to see this situation. The more heroes compete, the better, and the more fun the Shura field is. But what

no one expected was.

Soon after the photo was posted to the group, someone replied in the group.

Wen Chengyan clicked it and frowned.

[Don't leave yet, I'll be there soon, ten minutes. ]

It was a message from Chi Juan.

Chi Juan said ten minutes, and it was indeed ten minutes.

When Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan walked out of the restaurant, they saw Chi Juan riding a motorcycle handsomely.

He was wearing a helmet and all black, almost blending in with the black motorcycle, with only a few white lines on the helmet.

He strode towards them with a breeze, stopped in front of Yu Xi, and took off his helmet handsomely. The helmet flattened his hairstyle, and he grabbed it twice indifferently. His hair was messy, but it added a casual and messy beauty.

"Are you guys ready?" Chi Juan looked at Wen Chengyan lazily, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Originally, he was still worried about where Yu Xi was. The dinner over there was over, and he was just about to go back to the cabin to wait for Yu Xi, but he felt that this was too inefficient.

Unexpectedly, Wen Chengyan sent a photo, and he directly checked the Internet based on the information in the photo and confirmed the address in the photo.

It happened to be quite close to him, so he rode his motorcycle and rushed over, so as to get here on time.

Yu Xi asked in confusion, "How did you know we were here?"

"Of course it's thanks to the photos." Chi Juan raised his eyebrows at Wen Chengyan, as if he was really grateful to him.

Wen Chengyan also smiled, and the two looked at each other.

[Why is Chi Juan here? So exciting. ]

[He must have seen the photos in the group and found us! ]

[Chi Juan is awesome, Chi Juan is brave enough to chase his wife! Go, go, go. ]

[Chi Juan is the most powerful as expected. ]

"Okay, Yu Xi is mine, I'll take her away, is it okay for you to go home by yourself?"

Chi Juan put his arm around Yu Xi's shoulders and pulled her over.

However, the next second, Wen Chengyan suddenly reached out and grabbed Yu Xi, "Wait a minute."

Chi Juan frowned, "Anything else?"

Wen Chengyan: "How are you going to take her away?"

"Of course I'll take my bike."

Wen Chengyan glanced at Chi Juan's motorcycle and showed a disapproving expression, "It's not good to let her ride this?"

Chi Juan: "What's wrong with that?"

Wen Chengyan doubted the safety of riding a motorcycle. He had no right to stop Chi Juan from riding it himself, but he was worried about taking Yu Xi with him.

"It's too dangerous."

Chi Juan's face was not good. This was questioning his driving skills.

Although he was unhappy, for Yu Xi's sake, he still said: "I will drive slower."

"That's also dangerous." Wen Chengyan looked at Yu Xi, "You'd better go back with me."

"No, I made an appointment with her and I have to take her away."

Wen Chengyan ignored him and asked Yu Xi: "Do you want to go? If you are afraid, just say it?"

Yu Xi looked at Chi Juan hesitantly.

"I'm not afraid, I want to sit."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 69. Chapter 68 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 68 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

When Chi Juan drove Yu Xi away, he turned back and looked at Wen Chengyan provocatively.

Who told him to persuade Yu Xi not to go with him just now? Fortunately, Yu Xi did not listen to him.

Chi Juan prepared a helmet for Yu Xi. It was white. It was an old helmet he had used before, but it was actually well preserved. It looked almost the same as a new one. It had been kept in the base as a spare. Today, he specially asked his teammates to get it from the base.

It happened that Yu Xi was wearing white today, which matched the helmet very well.

He was wearing black and a black helmet.

Together with Yu Xi, it was simply a black and white match.

Chi Juan was in a very good mood, but he did not forget to slow down.

"If you are afraid, just hug me." Chi Juan shouted.

The voice was covered by the whistling wind and was almost inaudible, but Yu Xi could guess what he said.

Yu Xi said "um", knowing that he probably couldn't hear it either.

Speaking of which, this was indeed her first time riding a motorcycle.

The tension and excitement brought by the speed will quickly make people get high.

And when the wind blows, it always gives people a feeling of about to fly.

Chi Juan is a very good driver, and he drives very steadily. She went from being nervous and excited at the beginning to being only excited later.

The two drove from the city center to the suburbs, and then rode around the river.

I don’t know if Chi Juan did it on purpose, but he always drove on downhill roads. The feeling of falling made Yu Xi hug his waist involuntarily.

Chi Juan’s waist is very thin, but it feels very strong to hug, and his chest is also very broad, which makes people feel very safe.

It seems that he should not be as thin as he looks, and he may have practiced.

The cameraman of the motorcycle program group couldn’t catch up, and the two left the camera, seeming to be more comfortable.

Seeing the moon coming out, Chi Juan stopped on a bridge. The bridge was not very long, and because it was too remote, no one came here.

The two stood on the bridge to look at the moon, and the motorcycle was parked at the end of the bridge.

Yu Xi looked up at the moon, and Chi Juan looked down at Yu Xi.

When he was discovered by Yu Xi, Yu Xi asked him: "Didn't you say to stop and admire the moon? Why aren't you looking at it?" Chi Juan

raised his eyebrows and said in an unnatural tone: "I'm looking at it."

Yu Xi whispered: "Really?"

Chi Juan: "Uh-huh, of course."

He reached out to touch Yu Xi's head, rubbing her hair randomly, and then used his hands as a comb to help her tidy it up. He

repeated this several times, as if he had found fun.

Yu Xi didn't care about him.

"By the way, how did you feel about your date with Wen Chengyan today?" When Chi Juan asked this question, his eyes secretly observed Yu Xi's expression.

Yu Xi: "Well, it was pretty good."

"Huh?" Chi Juan's tone immediately became sarcastic, "How good?"

"It's just pretty good." Yu Xi's answer was very general. Chi

Juan was not satisfied, "Tell me more about it? What did you do?"

Yu Xi: "We went to the park, took a walk and chatted, and then took a boat..."

Yu Xi told Chi Juan everything, but the more she talked, the uglier Chi Juan's expression became.

"Okay, I won't listen anymore." Chi Juan interrupted her.

Yu Xi looked at him in confusion, and that expression seemed to say: You were the one who asked me to say it, and now you don't want to listen anymore, you are so weird.

Chi Juan knew that his behavior was strange, of course.

But he couldn't control it.

Seeing that Yu Xi didn't seem to understand at all, Chi Juan even doubted whether she understood it.

"Okay, it's late, let's go back."

Chi Juan regretted why he asked that question, his good mood was ruined.

He didn't even want to know whether Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan were having a good time.

Why ask.

"Okay." Yu Xi seemed not to notice his mood change, and nodded obediently.

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows and stared at her, "Do you want to go back quickly?"

Yu Xi looked at him, "No."

"It's better." Chi Juan reached out and grabbed her wrist, "Let's go."

She looked at Chi Juan in surprise.

Chi Juan didn't think so, anyway, no one was taking pictures.

But he just pulled it for a while and then let it go. He

just wanted Yu Xi to walk to the side.

On the way back by bike, Chi Juan suddenly thought of another question.

Yu Xi is going on a date with Wen Chengyan today, so will she leave a message for Wen Chengyan in the evening?

He wants to ask but doesn't know whether to ask or not.

If Yu Xi's answer is not what he wants to hear, then he will be very annoyed.

Anyway, it won't be long before the message is left, so he might as well wait and listen to the message to find out.


Back to the cabin, everyone else was chatting in the living room.

Seeing Yu Xi and Chi Juan coming back, everyone stood up at the same time.

"Why are you back just now?" Cheng Xitong's eyes wandered over the two of them.

No one expected Chi Juan to intercept and take Yu Xi away from Wen Chengyan directly, and come back so late after playing.

Everyone else had already left messages and was waiting for them.

Wen Chengyan asked Yu Xi with concern: "How was it? Was it fun?"

Yu Xi nodded, "Yeah."

Cheng Xitong felt uncomfortable seeing this. Chi Juan had taken Yu Xi away to play, but Wen Chengyan was still so concerned about Yu Xi and asked her if she had fun.

Too gentle.

Cheng Xitong went out with Lu Yue today.

She really wanted to talk to Lu Yueyi about Meng Xiao and ask Lu Yueyi what he thought of Meng Xiao.

But what Lu Yueyi said made her feel something was wrong. It seemed that Lu Yueyi did not intend to continue the relationship with Meng Xiao.

Cheng Xitong did not know how to tell Meng Xiao about this, and she was worried when she came back.

She considered the changes in Lu Yueyi in the past two days and knew that he must have become interested in Yu Xi again.

Just like the other male guests.

Their attention has been all on Yu Xi recently.

"That's good. It's quite cold outside at night, right?" Wen Chengyan's caring attitude made Cheng Xitong even more upset.

Lu Yueyi suddenly interrupted the two of them, "You go and leave the voice message first. We have all sent it."

Chi Juan glanced at Yu Xi, "Then you go first."

Yu Xi nodded and went to the balcony.

Chi Juan sat down in the corner of the sofa.

Zhang Heqi suddenly asked, "By the way, didn't Chi Juan have a date this afternoon?"

"No." Chi Juan lied to Yu Xi that he had a new female guest to date him in the morning. The text message he received was that his date was cancelled. Because of Mu Siyuan's departure, he had no date to arrange, so he went to dinner with his teammates in the afternoon.

Meng Xiao smiled and said, "No wonder you went to find Yu Xi."

Several male guests had different reactions when they heard this.

Wen Chengyan changed his sitting position, Lu Yueyi looked at the balcony, and Zhang Heqi frowned.

Cheng Xitong: "I thought there would be a new female guest." Chi Juan

said indifferently: "Not necessarily, maybe tomorrow."

"That's right, it takes time for the program team to change people."

Speaking of this, everyone thought of last night's farce and sighed again.

Zhang Heqi said: "By the way, did you see the wind chime hanging on the door when you came in just now?"

"I saw it, what's wrong?" Chi Juan noticed it as soon as he came in. Yu Xi stared at it for a few times. He thought Yu Xi liked this kind of gadget, but he was not interested.

"There are a few bottles hanging on the wind chime, and there are notes in the bottles. Those are the date notes sent to us by the program team. They say that they can be used to send date invitations, and the invited person cannot refuse."

Hearing this, Chi Juan was not happy, but frowned.


Can't refuse?

His first reaction was that Yu Xi would be invited to various places?

Forget about him, Cheng Xitong probably wouldn't ask him out, but Yu Xi would be in great demand.

Chi Juan frowned and complained, "What's the use of this thing?"

Of course, others thought it was useful.

Zhang Heqi smiled and said, "If you don't need it, you don't have to take it. It's not required to use it."

Chi Juan didn't say anything, but raised his eyelids and looked at the wind chimes in the entrance.


The heart-beating connection changed a lot tonight.

In addition to Yu Xi sending the message to Wen Chengyan, Meng Xiao also changed her vote and sent her voice message to Zhang Heqi.

Neither Chi Juan nor Lu Yueyi received the message.

This is the first time.

Because it is another individual battle, the error rate of the observation team is very high.

The male guests did not change, so Yu Xi still received four voice messages. Chi Juan

didn't receive the voice message, so he knew that Yu Xi sent it to Wen Chengyan.

That night, Chi Juan was not right when he returned to the room, and he became sarcastic when talking to Wen Chengyan.

Wen Chengyan, however, always looked good-tempered and shared his feelings with Chi Juan.

"Yu Xi told me in her message that she likes to wear white clothes. I didn't expect that I would also wear a white sweater today. Do you think this is fate?"

Chi Juan: "???"

He really wanted to show off his skills in scolding people during the live broadcast.

But he held back and simply laughed: "Haha."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 70. Chapter 69 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 69 Romance Variety 2: The ignored black material female CV

Wen Chengyan was not angry, he said it on purpose for Chi Juan to hear.

Chi Juan's reaction was within his expectations.

He stopped when he saw that it was going well, and did not say anything more.

The audience wanted to continue watching the fun, but unfortunately neither of them spoke.

The official Weibo of the program launched a voting discussion:

Whose message is the most touching among the messages tonight.

Wen Chengyan and Chi Juan became the first and second.

A total of tens of thousands of people voted, and Chi Juan was only behind by more than a hundred votes, and the two were almost evenly matched.

At that time, Wen Chengyan's message to Yu Xi was: "From the first time I saw you until now, I have always felt my heart beat. I always told you before that I wanted to know more about you and talk to you alone, but in fact, when we are really alone, I want to keep looking at you quietly. When I don't talk, I feel my heart beating. I am very glad to come here and meet you. This may be the most fortunate thing for me in the past few years, so thank you for coming here. The question I want to ask you tonight is, are you happy to date me? I am very happy, but I just hope that the next date can be longer, and next time, no one will take you away from me."

The audience said that their ears were pregnant after listening to Wen Chengyan's voice.

No wonder Yu Xi's ears turned red when she listened to it. I guess she was shy while listening.

The reason why Chi Juan's message is slightly inferior to Wen Chengyan is mainly because he is too arrogant. Sweet is very sweet.

But this time the selection is to select the most heart-warming message, and what he said is not as provocative as Wen Chengyan.

Chi Juan told Yu Xi in the message that she was the only girl who had sat on the back seat of his motorcycle and served as a fender for him, so her position in his heart was different.

From now on, she would be the only one who could sit on the back seat of his motorcycle. He also said that he would buy her a new helmet and asked her what color she liked.

As for Chi Juan's question, it was very simple. He asked Yu Xi: Was she surprised when he came to pick her up today?

Yu Xi had never been in a relationship before, and the only time she had an ambiguous relationship was when she met a scumbag. The audience hoped that Yu Xi would choose someone in the show who would not let her get hurt and would protect her wholeheartedly and treat her well. The

CP with the highest support rate at present is Chiyu CP and Prediction CP.

But the other two male guests also have supporters.

Zhang Heqi is careful and can cook, and he is rich, with a net worth of hundreds of millions, and can take good care of Yu Xi. If Yu Xi is with him, she will definitely live a life of a princess in the future, be praised, and have no worries about food and clothing.

As for Lu Yueyi, Yu Xi fell in love with him at first sight. Lu Yueyi didn't want to be together before, but now Lu Yueyi has changed his mind. If these two people are together, in a sense, it can be regarded as Yu Xi

's wish come true. It's just that the supporters of these two people are too small, and there are not as many supporters as Chiyu CP and Prediction CP.


Chi Juan thought that he would also receive a message from Yu Xi, telling him that he is also different to Yu Xi.

But in the end, Yu Xi sent the message to Wen Chengyan.

Thinking of Wen Chengyan's vague show-off in front of him, Chi Juan couldn't calm down all night, and the game was a mess. He wanted to tell himself that Yu Xi just sent it to him out of courtesy because he was dating Wen Chengyan.

But some strange thoughts still popped up in his mind, oppressing his nerves.

Until six o'clock in the morning, Chi Juan finally couldn't hold on and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already afternoon.

It happened that Yu Xi had work today and had to dub a game character, so he went out at noon.

Only Chi Juan was left in the cabin.

He walked around the cabin and knocked on Yu Xi's door. After making sure that no one else was home, he wandered around aimlessly.

He took a can of drink from the refrigerator, opened the pull ring with one hand, and glimpsed his face reflected in the glass. His hair was messy, so he scratched it with his other hand. He didn't get it right, but at least it wasn't so flat. He didn't notice that he got two hairs standing on the back of his head. Chi Juan

took a big sip, and the rush of the soda sobered him up all of a sudden. He was a little sleepy at first, but now he was completely awake.

He didn't know how he came to the entrance and looked at the wind chime. It would be fine if he

didn't look at it, but he was shocked when he looked at it. He woke up and found that there were two less glass bottles on the wind chime?

Who took it.

The first person Chi Juan thought of was Wen Chengyan, of course, the other two male guests were also likely.

He turned into a famous detective and began to observe the surrounding environment, and then carefully studied the remaining glass bottles, trying to find clues to prove who took them.

After looking around, he could not come to any conclusion, so he raised his eyebrows and pulled a glass bottle down with lightning speed.

His movements were so fast that he flashed by, then turned and left the scene. The glass bottle had already entered his pocket, and most of the audience did not notice it.

It was only after a few sharp-eyed audience members reminded them that everyone knew that Chi Juan had taken a glass bottle.

[I am dying of laughter. Chi Juan is alone at home, why is he still guilty? ]

[Hahahahaha, amazing hand speed. ]

[I guess he is embarrassed. Who said this thing is useless last night? ]

[Really, don't laugh at Chi Juan. He is also in love. What can we do? ]

[Yes, yes, back to e-sports, he is still the big devil. ]


In the afternoon, the guests received a message.

[The National Day is coming soon. The program group decided to organize a short trip. After returning, the guests will make a choice. So during this trip, please confirm your feelings as soon as possible and make a final effort. ]

Yu Xi pressed the elevator floor number while reading the text message.

Originally, she was the only one in the elevator, but when the elevator door was about to close completely, it suddenly opened to both sides.

Yu Xi looked up in confusion and saw Lu Yueyi standing in front of him.

He didn't expect to meet Yu Xi in the elevator, so he nodded and greeted her.

Yu Xi also nodded.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. The space in the elevator was not small, and it was not crowded with only two people, but both of them felt a little cramped, especially Lu Yueyi. He wanted to speak many times, but he noticed that Yu Xi kept her head down and didn't look at him.

"What did you do when you went out today?" Lu Yueyi still found a topic.

Yu Xi: "Work."

Lu Yueyi: "Oh, are you tired?"

Yu Xi: "Not bad."

Lu Yueyi suddenly felt that this scene was familiar, but the person who asked the question before was Yu Xi, and the person who answered coldly was him.

This is called the wheel of fortune.

Thinking of how he treated Yu Xi before, Lu Yueyi couldn't even get angry.

After all, he had no right to be unhappy.

"Then... did you see the text message sent by the program team?"

Yu Xi nodded.

Lu Yueyi: "You said we were going on a tour around the area. Where would you like to go? Let's just pick a place tomorrow and we'll set off once we're done with the holiday."

Yu Xi said awkwardly: "I don't know either. Let's ask other people."

Seeing her attitude, Lu Yueyi couldn't help but asked, "Do you... do you feel awkward getting along with me?"

Unexpectedly, he would ask directly. Yu Xi hesitated for a moment and said, "It's okay, I just don't know how to face you." There was

something behind her words, and Lu Yueyi's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't know if he was overthinking.

If he didn't know how to face her, did it mean that he was still a special person in her heart, otherwise how could she feel this way?

Lu Yueyi was about to continue talking when the elevator arrived.

Yu Xi walked out first.

Lu Yueyi hurried to catch up.

"Didn't I say in the previous two voice messages that I wanted to find a chance to have a good chat with you."

Yu Xi, who had just given hope, said at this time, "No need."

Lu Yueyi frowned, "Why?"

Yu Xi looked at him in embarrassment.

Her eyes were gentle and clear, but without a trace of emotion.

Why didn't he find her eyes so beautiful before.

Just a glance, his heart hurt a little.

Because he thought that he had rejected the person in front of him before, he felt unspeakable regret.

And he had rejected it so decisively before.

The door of the hut suddenly opened from the inside.

"I just feel..."

Yu Xi took back his words, looked up at Lu Yueyi, and was a little cold.

The person who opened the door was Zhang Heqi.

He saw Yu Xi and Lu Yueyi come in together, his expression changed, "You guys?"

He thought Yu Xi and Lu Yueyi had a date in the afternoon, so they came back together.

Lu Yueyi didn't want to explain, and said directly: "Are you going out at this time?"

Zhang Heqi: "Well, I'll go downstairs to buy something."

Zhang Heqi kept looking at Yu Xi.

Lu Yueyi said: "It's my and Yu Xi's turn to cook today, right? Are there any vegetables at home?"

This is also the reason why Lu Yueyi came back so early today.

After finishing the last big order, he pushed away all the more troublesome cases, just to make time, he had more important things to do.

"It seems that there are not many dishes." Zhang Heqi thought for a while, "You go and take a look, I also know what you are going to do."

Yu Xi even forgot that she and Lu Yueyi were cooking today.

Cooking was arranged randomly. I thought she would switch to cooking with others, but I didn't expect it to be with Lu Yueyi this time.

Lu Yueyi: "I know, I'll take a look later."

After saying that, he looked at Yu Xi, "If there are no more vegetables, let's go to the supermarket together?"

Zhang Heqi's eyes changed and he looked at Lu Yueyi.

Yu Xi didn't look up, but just agreed in a low voice.

Yu Xi walked into the cabin to change her shoes.

Zhang Heqi was still staring at Lu Yueyi.

The two stood at the door, waiting for Yu Xi to change her shoes first.

Seeing that Zhang Heqi was still not leaving, Lu Yueyi said, "Aren't you going downstairs to buy something? Why don't you leave?"

Zhang Heqi smiled and said, "I thought about it, I might as well go to the supermarket with you later."

He stepped back and took off the shoes he had just put on and changed back into home slippers.

Lu Yueyi: "..."

He finally found the opportunity to be alone with Yu Xi, and he couldn't let Zhang Heqi ruin it like this.

Lu Yueyi: "I'll bring back what you want to buy."

Zhang Heqi shook his head: "No need. I'm free anyway, so I'll go with you and can help carry things."

Lu Yueyi: "Isn't it difficult for you to walk?"

Zhang Heqi said calmly: "It's not difficult. Aren't we driving there? If you find it troublesome, I can drive."

Lu Yueyi: "..."

Seeing that Lu Yueyi was silent, Zhang Heqi smiled even more brightly: "Or if you don't want to go, Yu Xi and I can go, or... let Yu Xi and I do the cooking tonight, you can take a rest."

Lu Yueyi: "..."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 71. Chapter 70 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 70 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Since they couldn't be alone together anyway, Lu Yueyi simply called everyone in the cabin to go to the supermarket together.

Meng Xiao and Wen Chengyan hadn't come back yet, so Chi Juan, Yu Xi, Zhang Heqi, Lu Yueyi and Cheng Xitong went together. Five

people could just fit in one car.

Lu Yueyi drove the car, and Cheng Xitong looked at the other three people who were motionless, a little speechless, and took the initiative to go to the co-pilot.

So Zhang Heqi, Chi Juan and Yu Xi sat in the back seat.

Yu Xi sat in the middle, and Chi Juan and Zhang Heqi sat close to the door, leaving a spacious seat for Yu Xi.

After Yu Xi noticed it, she whispered, "Why don't you sit closer, my side is quite wide."

Hearing this, the two squeezed over at the same time, squeezed her in the middle and locked her, unable to move.

Yu Xi: "..."

It happened that they were going to travel in two days, so everyone decided to buy more snacks for the trip.

As soon as they entered the supermarket, Chi Juan pulled Yu Xi to the snack area and asked Zhang Heqi and Lu Yueyi to buy vegetables.

Cheng Xitong was ignored directly.

Zhang Heqi and Lu Yueyi, who were clearly arranged, looked at Yu Xi and Chi Juan who were walking away, and showed puzzled expressions at the same time.

Chi Juan didn't think there was anything wrong with his arrangement.

The audience was already laughing to death.

[Chi Juan was too aggressive and took his wife away directly. ]

[It's so funny, you can always trust Chi Juan. ]

[Yu Xi's silly look is too cute, I really want to take her home. ]

[Wow, my fish in the pond is real. ]

[I want to give Zhang Heqi and Lu Yueyi a piece of advice: Hesitation will lead to failure! ]

"What do you want to eat? Get it yourself." Chi Juan pushed a cart from somewhere.

Yu Xi nodded, but before she reached out to take the things, she saw Chi Juan grabbing things from the shelf as if he was buying goods. They

were all puffed foods, which took up space. After a while, the shopping cart was half full.

"Why are you looking at me? What do you want to eat, take it." Chi Juan stopped and wanted to reach out to touch Yu Xi's head again.

Yu Xi learned her lesson this time and dodged.

Chi Juan touched nothing and looked unhappy, "What are you doing?"

Yu Xi shook her head, "It messed up."

Chi Juan didn't care, "It's not like I didn't comb your hair well."

Yu Xi thought, you just thought you combed it well.

"Why do you buy all these food?" Yu Xi changed the subject.

But Chi Juan crossed his arms and stared into her eyes, "Don't try to change the subject."

Yu Xi: "...I just think puffed food is unhealthy."

Chi Juan: "I love to eat."

Yu Xi: "Everything you like to eat is unhealthy, no wonder you are so thin." Chi

Juan suddenly bent down, lowered his head and got in front of her, snorted, and then almost stuck to her and said, "Why do I feel like you talk more all of a sudden?"

When he spoke, his breath fell directly on her face.

The hot breath made her whole body numb.


Chi Juan smiled, and his originally lazy eyes became serious, "Are you starting to care about me? Huh?"

His tone revealed his mood at the moment.

His eyes contained indescribable feelings. He looked at Yu Xi confidently, greedily and eagerly, wanting to grab the feelings he longed for from her.

Yu Xi: "Ah? No."

She didn't mean that at all.

But Chi Juan didn't care, just thought that Yu Xi was shy. After all

, Yu Xi's eyes were watery and her face was rosy, like a poppy that had just bloomed in the morning, covered with dew and charmingly stretched.

In Chi Juan's view, it was a shy expression of having his thoughts exposed. Chi Juan

put away his nonchalant look, "Okay, since you don't want me to eat it, I'll put it back."

When he spoke, his beautiful lips slightly raised, with a kind of stubborn and arrogant cuteness.

[Puff! I'm really going to die of laughter. ]

[I'll eat it first as a respect! Family members, you guys are free to do whatever you want. ]

[Chi Juan is also in first love, these two are really fun. ]

[Chi Juan is the kind of person who is stubborn but will obey as long as he is given a little sweetness. 】

【It's so sweet, please let's get married on the spot, I'll move the Civil Affairs Bureau here for you. 】

After saying that, Chi Juan put the bags of potato chips that he had just thrown into the cart back to their original places one by one.

"Please help me put them all together, there are so many."

Yu Xi stammered: "I didn't stop you from eating." Chi

Juan was stunned, and suddenly thought of what Yu Xi had just said, "Oh, you dislike me for being thin?!"

Yu Xi looked at him blankly, how did it become dislike for him to be thin?

Chi Juan: "I'm not thin at all!"

He emphasized in a serious tone.

Yu Xi thought of hugging his waist when she was riding a motorcycle yesterday, and she felt thin at that time.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Chi Juan lifted up his clothes to show Yu Xi, "I have abdominal muscles, okay!"

He lifted up his clothes and revealed his belly - and a few abdominal muscles.

Yu Xi was startled and hurried to stop him, but it was too late.

The camera had already captured it.

The cameraman who followed the two of them would not let them go this time. He was scolded for not catching up with the motorcycle last time, and today he just stayed with them.

The audience all saw Chi Juan's abdominal muscles.

[Oh my god, can you see this for free? ]

[Chi Juan really doesn't treat Yu Xi as an outsider. ]

[Oh my god, Chi Juan has abdominal muscles! ]

[Abdominal muscle benefits! So cool. ]

The location of the surrounding tour was decided on Dongji Island after everyone's discussion.

The peak of the National Day holiday was unavoidable, and the program team arranged two SUVs to take the guests directly to Zhoushan.

As for how the people in the two cars would sit, it was decided by everyone's own vote the night before.

The program team asked everyone to choose the two people they most wanted to be in the same car with and send them to the staff.

Then the program team will count their choices and make the most reasonable arrangements.

Everyone thought it was an anonymous vote, but unexpectedly, the next morning, the voting results were publicly released to the group by the program team.

Yu Xi: [Meng Xiao, Cheng Xitong]

Cheng Xitong: [Meng Xiao

, Wen Chengyan] Meng Xiao: [Lu Yueyi, Zhang Heqi] Chi Juan:

[Yu Xi, Yu

Xi] Wen Chengyan: [Yu Xi, Zhang Heqi] Zhang Heqi: [Yu Xi, Meng Xiao]

Lu Yueyi: [Yu

Xi, Meng Xiao] The people with the most votes turned out to be Yu Xi and Meng Xiao. Chi Juan

voted for Yu Xi twice, which only counted as one vote.

In fact, before the results were made public, the staff had a private chat with Chi Juan, asking him to choose two different people.

As a result, Chi Juan did not reply.

In the end, the program team could only arrange seats according to this vote.

They said that they would make reasonable arrangements, but in fact, the seats were arranged according to the number of votes.

Yu Xi, Meng Xiao, and Zhang Heqi took one car, and the other four took another car.

When he saw the result, Zhang Heqi laughed out loud.

And the culprit who voted for Zhang Heqi one more vote - Wen Chengyan received a roll of the eyes from Chi Juan.

Wen Chengyan did not expect that his vote for Zhang Heqi would give him the opportunity to ride in the same car with Yu Xi.

Driving all the way to Zhoushan, a journey of at least eight hours, he can be in the same space with Yu Xi.

No matter how dissatisfied other people are, the arrangement has been made and the program team will not change it.

Chi Juan thought that if he had known earlier, he would have voted for himself.


The night before departure, everyone had to pack their luggage, and the voice message session was cancelled.

Yu Xi was packing in the room. She didn't have much luggage to take. For three days and two nights, plus a day on the road, she took two sets of clothes and a set of pajamas. She only brought skin care products, which were packed in a 20-inch suitcase.

She had just closed the suitcase when there was a knock on the door.

It was so late, and she didn't expect someone to come to see her.

She closed the suitcase and went to open the door.

Wen Chengyan stood at the door, looking at her with a smile.

For some reason, he took off his glasses and looked straight at her. Without the obstruction of the glasses, his eyes were more direct and more attractive.

Yu Xi could see a sense of story in it that was hard to explain.

The dark eyes, like black velvet, had a mysterious luster. From another angle, they were deep and quiet, as if if she wasn't careful, a hand would reach out of his eyes and pull her in.

His bones were strong, with a mature three-dimensional sense.

It was past eleven o'clock, and most of the lights in the cabin were turned off. Although some people were still awake, the corridor was dark because the lights were not on. Only the light from Yu Xi's room fell on them.

With the light in the room, Yu Xi looked at Wen Chengyan, "What's wrong?"

Her voice was very soft, even softer than usual, as if she was afraid of disturbing others.

Wen Chengyan noticed that her lip line was perfect and her full lower lip looked plump. She used to think it was full petals, but today it felt like strawberry jelly, making people stare at her lips and not want to look away.

Wen Chengyan took out a glass bottle.

"This is for you."

Yu Xi was stunned.

Later, she also knew the function of the glass bottle, but she didn't expect that the first one would be received from Wen Chengyan.

Seeing that she didn't reach out to take it, Wen Chengyan said helplessly: "Why do you seem surprised?"

His tone was so gentle, as gentle as the lake under the moonlight, with faint ripples and a little ambiguity.

"Yeah." Yu Xi nodded obediently.

"Okay, take it." Wen Chengyan winked at her, then took her hand and put the glass bottle in her palm, "You can take out the note inside and read it."

Wen Chengyan's fingers were cold.

A trace of coldness was transmitted to the body through the palm of his hand.

Wen Chengyan: "Remember to read it."

Yu Xi: "Okay."

Wen Chengyan: "That's good, go in and have a rest, it's getting late, have you packed your things?"

Yu Xi: "Yes."

"Yeah." Wen Chengyan suddenly felt reluctant to leave, "Good night..."

Yu Xi blinked, and before she could speak, she heard the sound of the door opening.

Yu Xi looked over and saw that it was Chi Juan who came out.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 72. Chapter 71 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 71 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

"What are you doing?" Chi Juan leaned against the door, raised his chin, looked like he didn't care, but his eyes were locked on Yu Xi, observing her expression.

"Yu Xi and I are chatting." Wen Chengyan smiled faintly. Chi Juan

: "Chatting so late?"

Wen Chengyan: "Yes." Chi Juan:

"Have you finished chatting?"

Wen Chengyan: "Just said good night." Chi Juan:

"Then you go back, I'll talk to Yu Xi too."

Wen Chengyan looked at him with a smile on his face.

The conversation between the two sounded calm, but under the calm there was a raging storm.

Yu Xi was like a surfer standing on top of the waves.

The silent wind blew harder and harder, and the waves got higher and higher. She stood firmly on the surfboard, already in the center of the vortex.

After Wen Chengyan returned to the room, Chi Juan was sharp-eyed and soon saw what Yu Xi was holding in her hand.

Chi Juan walked up to her: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Yu Xi: "I just packed my things." Chi Juan

said, obviously in a bad mood.

Yu Xi glanced at him and asked in a low voice: "What about you?"

"I can't sleep. I always go to bed late." Chi Juan stared at her hand.

Yu Xi clenched the glass bottle in her hand, and it was not easy to hide.

"Go to bed early." But Chi Juan didn't want to see what she took.

"Yeah, you too."

"Yeah." Chi Juan made a light voice, a little cold.

After he finished speaking, he turned around.

Yu Xi thought about it and planned to close the door and go back to the room, but just before the door was about to be locked, a hand squeezed into the crack of the door, and a force pulled the door open again.

Yu Xi looked at Chi Juan who appeared again in surprise. Chi

Juan didn't know why he was so capricious, but when he saw Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan just now, he inexplicably developed an inexplicable anger, which made him uncomfortable, so he spoke awkwardly to Yu Xi.

Obviously, he hadn't finished talking yet, and he asked Yu Xi to go to bed early in a tantrum.

Maybe he was still expecting Yu Xi to say something.

But Yu Xi didn't.

Then he couldn't help it...

"Then... go on a date with me." Chi Juan whispered.

Yu Xi: "Ah?" Chi

Juan frowned depressedly, "Didn't you hear it?"

Yu Xi nodded quickly, "I heard it."

Chi Juan: "Well, then... this is for you."

He took out a glass bottle from his trouser pocket.

Yu Xi was stunned.

Chi Juan: "You have another one in your hand, right? Did Wen Chengyan give it to you?"

Yu Xi: "Well, yes." Chi Juan:

"Hmph... Anyway, the first date should be with me."

Yu Xi looked at him embarrassedly: "But..."

Chi Juan: "But what?"

His fierce look made Yu Xi dare not refute.

A bit like a tiger with bared fangs and claws.

Sure enough, Chi Juan is a cat, he will get angry at any time, and he will only behave well if you stroke his fur.

Yu Xi thought for a moment: "Why must we have the first date?" Chi

Juan: "Of course it's because I want to be the first."

Yu Xi: "The later ones are also good, and we will have more time."

[I didn't sleep late at night, but I can still eat the candy of Chi Yu, so I can go to bed sweetly. ]

[Hahahaha, Yu Xi seems to be coaxing a child. ]

[Chi Juan must be jealous. ]

[The scene where Chi Juan blocked the door just now was too idol drama. ]


The next morning, Zhang Heqi went to drive happily.

He wanted to invite Yu Xi to sit in the passenger seat. When he talked to Yu Xi, Yu Xi agreed. As a result, when they were about to get in the car, Wen Chengyan came over, opened the passenger door first, and asked Meng Xiao to get in the car.

Zhang Heqi's eyes widened, and even if he was angry, he could only swallow his anger.

Meng Xiao had already sat in the car, so could he ask her to get off and change seats?

Zhang Heqi was not so ungraceful, so he could only get in the car with a bitter face, and Yu Xi naturally sat in the back seat alone.

Before driving, Chi Juan carried a large bag of snacks and threw it to the back seat of Yu Xi.

"There are food and drinks here, you can eat on the way."

After saying that, Chi Juan left in a daze.

Yu Xi didn't have time to say thank you.


It was already eight o'clock in the evening when the group arrived at the island's homestay.

As soon as they walked in, they found that the dining table in the restaurant was full of ingredients, and there was a shuangyang pot in the middle of the table, and the hot pot base inside had been cooked.

"Wow, there is hot pot to eat!" Cheng Xitong put down the suitcase and walked over, "It smells so good."

Zhang Heqi: "That's great, I haven't eaten well for a day, now I can have a full meal."

Meng Xiao: "Everyone has been tired after sitting in the car for a day, hurry up and put the things back to the room and then come to eat hot pot."

Wen Chengyan: "I'll help you move your luggage, you go wash your hands first, it will be faster this way."

But Yu Xi looked at the others and said, "You help them, I don't have much stuff."

After that, she took the luggage to find the room by herself.

Meng Xiao: "Come and see, there are a lot of things written here."

There is a small blackboard in the living room.

The accommodation arrangements and the itinerary for the next few days are clearly written on it.

Three girls live in a suite on the first floor, and the other four boys live on the second floor, two people in a room.

Three-day itinerary:

On the first day, the guests will be divided into groups according to the arrangements of the observers, and each group of guests will go to the designated location to complete the couple task.

On the second day, the guests can use the date card to invite other guests.

The last day is a collective action. Everyone will go to the beach to take a group photo and leave a heart-warming message at night.

There is a hook under the blackboard, on which hangs a travel guide.

Open it and you can see that it introduces various attractions and route maps on the island, reef beaches, lighthouses, ring roads around the island, fishermen's fishing boats, colorful houses... There are many places to play, which looks very interesting.

Chi Juan: "Have the dates been arranged?"

Zhang Heqi: "It seems not yet. Do we have to find out tomorrow morning?"

Cheng Xitong: "Why is it arranged by the observer? How strange."

Meng Xiao: "Yes, weren't they arranged randomly before?"

Lu Yueyi: "Since we are here, we should make the best of it. Since it has been decided, let's just leave it at that."

Everyone nodded, thinking that it was indeed the case. Instead of worrying, it would be better to fill their stomachs first. As for how to divide into groups, we will know tomorrow.

"Let's move the girls' things to the room first."

It is indeed more convenient for girls to live on the first floor. The boys didn't bring anything, only the girls brought suitcases, so they don't have to climb the stairs if they live on the first floor.

However, Yu Xi had always lived alone before, but now she has to live in a room with Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao. As soon as she entered the room, the atmosphere was a little subtle.

After all, Yu Xi was the one who got all the votes from the male guests.

Meng Xiao and Cheng Xitong didn't have a single vote recently.

"I'll sleep on this bed, I like to be by the window." Cheng Xitong chose the bed first, and after she finished speaking, she wanted to say that she wanted to sleep next to Meng Xiao.

But Yu Xi put the suitcase in the corner of the room and went out, as if she had no intention of choosing a bed at all.

Yu Xi didn't care where she slept, anyway, she was only staying for two nights, and no matter where she slept, there would be three people living in one room, and there would be no private space. Instead of worrying about this, it would be better to go out and eat early. After

a day of traveling, she was already hungry.

But she didn't care, but Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao discussed this matter in the room for a long time.

Cheng Xitong looked at Meng Xiao, "Xiao Xiao, let's sleep here."

Meng Xiao said, "We have decided this. Will Yu Xi be unhappy?"

Cheng Xitong disagreed: "She wants to go out on her own."

Meng Xiao shook his head, "Let's wait until we finish eating. Put the luggage first. Anyway, I'm not sleeping now."

Cheng Xitong: "Why bother so much."

Meng Xiao comforted Cheng Xitong: "It's okay. It's better to discuss it fairly."

At this time, Yu Xi washed her hands and sat down in the restaurant.

She looked very cute when waiting for the meal obediently. The audience shouted that they liked her and shouted for the male guests they supported to come and grab seats.

[Why haven't these men come down yet? They are so slow. ]

[Hehe, I want to see the battle for seats. ]

[The Shura field is never boring. ]

[The best position is actually opposite Yu Xi. It is convenient to talk and you can also enjoy Yu Xi's eating from the best angle. ]

[It's so funny. It's best to sit next to her. You can help pick up the dishes and whisper to her. 】


The male guests probably didn't expect Yu Xi to be the first to arrive at the restaurant. They thought that the girl would definitely take a while to come out.

As a result, when they went downstairs and saw Yu Xi sitting down, their expressions froze for a moment.

The four people went downstairs one by one. At first, they didn't even look at the restaurant. Zhang Heqi was the one walking in front.

His reaction was quite fast and he quickened his pace, but the few people behind him simply didn't follow the ethics of martial arts. They passed the car smoothly and ran directly into the restaurant.

Yu Xi sat at the edge of the dining table, so there was only one seat next to her.

Chi Juan and Lu Yueyi walked to Yu Xi's side almost at the same time.

Both of them put their hands on the chair at the same time, trying to pull the chair open and sit down.

But no one let go, one hand pulled to the left, and the other hand pulled to the back, and the chair didn't move at all.

The two of them competed secretly, their eyes were full of sparks, and the air was filled with smoke.

Yu Xi looked up blankly and saw two people standing beside her with their eyes wide open. "Aren't you going to sit down?"

Chi Juan smiled and said, "Sit down. I'll sit here."

Lu Yueyi: "I'll sit here."

Chi Juan: "I came here first."

Lu Yueyi: "Really? I think it should be me."

Chi Juan: "Your eyesight is not good. I came first."

Zhang Heqi coughed and said, "I think it's best for me to sit here. This position is most convenient for boiling food. I'll help cook."

Chi Juan and Lu Yueyi looked at him coldly at the same time.

Zhang Heqi: "..."

No, no, why are you so murderous.

He shrank his neck, walked around, and sat opposite Yu Xi, thinking, I won't argue with you. It's better for me to sit here.

Wen Chengyan walked at the end and slowly walked to them.

He looked gentle and gentle, seemingly non-threatening, but he smiled and said to Yu Xi: "Can I sit here?"

When he said this, he didn't even look at the other two.

Put your hand between their hands.

The three people held down the chair.

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment and looked at Lu Yueyi and Chi Juan.

In this situation, Yu Xi didn't want to make a decision.

She shrunk her head like a snail.

Lu Yueyi and Chi Juan immediately stood on the same front, looking at Lu Yueyi with a common hatred.

Lu Yueyi: "You are late, change seats." Chi Juan

: "Sorry, there are people here."

Wen Chengyan: "Really? It hasn't been decided yet."

Yu Xi, who didn't want to be burned by the war, thought: It's just a seat, there is no need, really no need.

But the audience was watching very excitedly.

[Fight, fight.]

[Just turn the table over.]

[Don't say anything, fight, whoever wins will sit here.]

[Yu Xi: Trembling.]

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 73. Chapter 72 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 72 Love Variety II: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

In the observation room, seeing the male guests fighting for a seat, the observers sighed, it was just a seat, if it was for a date, wouldn't they really have to fight.

Li Jie: "Wen Chengyan got the seat, so he can be considered as a latecomer."

Yang Mengou: "Yes, come to think of it, he was also the last one to come to the cabin, will he be the one to get the beauty in the end?" Zhou

Jue: "That's not necessarily true, I stand with Chi Juan, just now Chi Juan gave up his seat because Yu Xi was unhappy, I think Chi Juan looks careless, but he is actually very thoughtful, Yu Xi will be very happy with him." But

Yang Mengou thinks Wen Chengyan is more suitable for Yu Xi.

The two disagreed, and they couldn't convince each other no matter what they said.

Li Jie looked at Shen Yiqiu, "Teacher Shen, have you thought about how to group?"

The privilege of the crystal big family is the dominance of grouping on the first day of the trip.

Everyone looked at Shen Yiqiu, wanting to know how he would group.

The program team did not require a certain number of people to be in a group, which means that he can arrange seven guests at will.

If we can divide them into three groups, it will be a combination of 223, and two groups will be a combination of 34.

Of course, we can also divide them into four groups, so that one person will be left alone.

No matter how we divide them, it will be very interesting.

But the decision is entirely up to Shen Yiqiu.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Shen Yiqiu has always made decisions decisively, but today he was really in trouble.

"No way, will Teacher Shen be stumped one day?" Li Jie said jokingly.

Shen Yiqiu nodded. Analysis and observation are his strengths, but matchmaking and arranging dates are his blind spots.

He only knows theory and rational analysis.

But when it comes to love, it is not necessarily right for him to think who is suitable to be with whom.

What's more, absolute rationality makes him feel that each group has its rationality and inappropriateness.

The more he thinks, the harder it is to make a decision.

"If Teacher Shen is so embarrassed, why don't you let me divide the groups." Deng Siyun has been thinking about this privilege since she knew it.

Although she can see that Lu Yueyi has really changed his mind, she still wants to arrange a date for them so that the two can make things clear.

Or, let Yu Xi, Lu Yueyi and Meng Xiao form a group of three, and embarrass Lu Yueyi, the man who changed his mind.

But even though Shen Yiqiu was so entangled, he still wanted to make this decision himself. There was still time. The program team asked him to send the final result before six o'clock tomorrow morning.


The next morning, just after seven o'clock, the alarm clock of the homestay rang.

There were alarms on both the first and second floors, which woke up half of the guests.

Those who were sleeping heavily turned over and continued to sleep.

Those who were sleeping lightly got up directly.

Wen Chengyan glanced at Chi Juan who was covered with the quilt, opened the door and went out to wash up first.

When he came to the living room, he found that he was the first person to get up, and he also saw the group arrangement on the small blackboard.

This group is divided into three groups.

They are: Meng Xiao, Lu Yueyi;

Yu Xi, Chi Juan, Wen Chengyan;

Cheng Xitong, Zhang Heqi.

Wen Chengyan's expression did not change. He stood in front of the small blackboard and looked at it for a minute before moving away.

The second person to discover the group was Zhang Heqi.

He got up to make breakfast for everyone, but when he saw this arrangement, he was dumbfounded.

How could he be arranged in the same group with Cheng Xitong!

He was confused and depressed. He didn't want to make breakfast anymore. He went back to his room and saw Lu Yueyi changing clothes. He sighed and looked discouraged.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yueyi saw that something was wrong with him, "Didn't you say you were going to make breakfast?"

Zhang Heqi said directly, "The date has been arranged."

Lu Yueyi paused and asked, "How is it arranged?"

Zhang Heqi: "You and Meng Xiao are in the same group."

In fact, Lu Yueyi was not surprised, "Is that so."

Seeing that Lu Yueyi didn't look disappointed, Zhang Heqi became even more depressed.

He and Cheng Xitong really had no sparks at all, and they rarely communicated.

"What about the others?" Lu Yueyi asked.

The others were referring to Yu Xi, and Zhang Heqi certainly knew what he wanted to ask.

"Yu Xi, Wen Chengyan, Chi Juan and the other three are in a group."

"Three people?" Lu Yueyi was a little surprised.

Zhang Heqi also came to his senses, "Yes."

It's three people...

That seems okay.

In this case, the two people will definitely quarrel over Yu Xi, and they should not develop any feelings.

Just wait until the next day, and then use the date card to invite Yu Xi.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heqi immediately became energetic again.

"I'm going to make breakfast!"

Yu Xi hadn't gotten up yet, so he made breakfast first and asked her to get up and eat.


Soon, the others got up one after another.

After seeing the date arrangement, Cheng Xitong also looked reluctant.

If Meng Xiao hadn't comforted her, she would definitely have been angry, but when she saw Zhang Heqi had made breakfast, she was less unhappy.

In fact, think about it, she has sent messages to Wen Chengyan for many days, and Wen Chengyan has never responded, and he is usually very cold to her. Even

if she is assigned to a group with Wen Chengyan today, what's the use.

Anyway, she hasn't made an appointment with Zhang Heqi, so just treat it as going out for fun.

In fact, Meng Xiao was also nervous and entangled when she learned that she was going out with Lu Yueyi.

She had a lot to say to Lu Yueyi. It was strange when the two of them were together. She was not stupid. She could see with her eyes that the person Lu Yueyi cared about had become Yu Xi.

However, they still needed a chance to have a good chat.

Chi Juan was the last one to get up. He was a night owl and couldn't change his sleep and rest schedule. He went to bed very late last night. Today, the alarm clock rang for a long time but didn't wake him up. Instead, it made him irritable and he didn't get up until ten o'clock.

When he saw the date arrangement, his expression was not very good.

Although he was very happy to be in the same group with Yu Xi, but... in order to add Wen Chengyan.

Couldn't Wen Chengyan be put in the group with Zhang Heqi and Cheng Xitong?

Why were everyone else in a two-person world, but he was in

a group of three? He didn't want to be in the same group with Wen Chengyan at all.

Thinking of when Wen Chengyan first came, he thought Wen Chengyan was a good person. Now he wanted to go back to the past and tell himself at that time that Wen Chengyan was an old fox with a lot of bad intentions. He

came here to compete with him for Yu Xi.

He was still brooding over the grudge of grabbing a seat last night.

But he and Wen Chengyan were in the same room every day, and they saw each other every time they looked up and down. The two of them had a tense look in their eyes.

Because Chi Juan got up too late, everyone else had already had breakfast.

Zhang Heqi didn't make his share.

Chi Juan had to eat the leftover snacks by himself.

The meeting place for each group was also chosen by Shen Yiqiu.

Lu Yueyi and Meng Xiao were going to the reef beach.

Zhang Heqi and Cheng Xitong were going to the lighthouse.

Yu Xi's trio was going to the coastal highway.

The departure time was left to them to decide, and they could go at any time they wanted.

So the guests were not in a hurry, anyway, they had a whole day.

Chi Juan also thought it was still early, and seeing that the door of the girls' room was closed, he thought about waiting for Yu Xi to come out.

However, at this time, Wen Chengyan knocked on the door of the girls' room.

It was Meng Xiao who opened the door.

Wen Chengyan smiled gently, "Please help call Yu Xi."

Meng Xiao blinked, "Oh, okay."

She turned around and shouted inside, "Yu Xi, someone is looking for you."

She didn't say who it was.

But Yu Xi had heard Wen Chengyan's voice inside.

She was almost ready, but she had just washed her hair, so it wasn't completely dry yet. She just needed to blow it dry.

"Are we leaving?"

Wen Chengyan: "No, I came to ask you when you want to go. There's no rush."

​​Yu Xi: "Oh, I'm fine. I'm almost ready."

Wen Chengyan: "Then let's meet at the door in ten minutes."

Yu Xi thought for a moment, "Where's Chi Juan?"

Wen Chengyan: "He should be ready too. I'll go check on him."

[Chi Juan just got up and is still eating. Wen Chengyan is really scheming. Is he going to take Yu Xi away first? ]

[Wen Chengyan probably didn't see it. ]

[It was supposed to be Xiong Jing, so Wen Chengyan did nothing wrong. ]

[It should be fair, too. We agreed to go together as three people. ]

[Didn't I say I'd go check on him? It's not like I won't call him. ]


Wen Chengyan returned to the room, took the things he was going to take, and then went to find Chi Juan.

"Aren't you finished eating yet?" Wen Chengyan's tone was calm, as if he was just chatting.

Chi Juan didn't think much about it and said coldly: "Well, what's wrong?"

But after he said that, he noticed that Wen Chengyan seemed to be dressed neatly and was holding a sunscreen in his hand.

"Nothing, then you eat first, we'll go over there and wait for you." Wen Chengyan smiled.

Chi Juan stood up immediately.

"We? What do you mean?"

"Oh, it means that Yu Xi and I are ready, so there's no need to waste time, let's go over and wait for you."

Chi Juan: "..."

He put down the food in his hand, smiling, "I'm ready too, let's go together."

Wen Chengyan: "Really? No need to rush."

​​Chi Juan's voice became eight degrees colder, "pulled the corner of his mouth, I'm not in a hurry."

Wen Chengyan looked at the time on his watch.

"Okay then, Yu Xi will be out in a few minutes, let's meet at the door."

After Wen Chengyan finished speaking, Chi Juan glanced at the slippers on his feet, and when he thought of the messy hair on his head, Chi Juan's expression froze. Did

Wen Chengyan want him to go out to play like this?

Although he was still confident in his looks, but...

the choice before him was either to speed up and do it casually, or Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan waited for him.

A wave of anger surged up.

The next second, Chi Juan told himself to stay calm and not fall into the trap. Wen Chengyan just wanted to make him angry.

He couldn't let Wen Chengyan succeed!

He couldn't lose to Yu Xi.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 74. Chapter 73 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 73 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Yu Xi came out and saw Wen Chengyan standing alone in the yard waiting.

She walked over and said, "Why are you alone? Hasn't Chi Juan come yet?"

Wen Chengyan turned back slowly, "He's inside, let's wait for him for a while."

Yu Xi: "Okay."

[Actually, Wen Chengyan was teasing Chi Juan just now, right? So bad. ]

[She said she was leaving first, but she was actually waiting for him at the door, loving and killing each other! ]

[Wen Chengyan is like a fox, and Chi Juan is like a wolf, both are so interesting. ]

[Then Yu Xi is the little white rabbit, destined to be bullied by the fox and the wolf. ]

[No, Xixi is definitely the group's favorite. ]

Wen Chengyan looked at her, "The weather is good today, will it be hot to wear so much?"

Yu Xi wore a long-sleeved jacket just because she saw the sun coming out.

She shook her head, "No."

Wen Chengyan smiled and said, "I brought a camera. I'll take some photos for you later."

"Okay, let's do it together." Yu Xi looked up at him. The sunlight was a little dazzling. She squinted unconsciously.

I don't know if this "we" includes Chi Juan.

Wen Chengyan looked at her face intently, took a step forward, and stretched out his hand to help her block the sun. "Is it a bit hot?"

His actions were very considerate, and in this way, the two were very close. Wen Chengyan's hand was placed above her eyes, only a few centimeters away.

With the light blocked by him, Yu Xi was able to open her eyes normally, "A little bit."

Wen Chengyan looked at the sky, "I'll get you a pair of sunglasses. The sun may be dazzling when we go up the mountain later."

"No need." Yu Xi said hurriedly.

But Wen Chengyan turned around and wanted to go back to the house.

Yu Xi reached out and grabbed Wen Chengyan's coat, "It's okay."

Wen Chengyan slowly turned back and looked at her hand.

His eyes seemed to be smiling, and I don't know if the light in his eyes was refracted because of the sunlight shining in.

Chi Juan ran out in a hurry. He thought Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan should have left, but he saw the two of them arguing at the door. When

he saw this scene, his expression suddenly darkened.

When he saw the people, he was relieved. Just as he was about to smile, he frowned immediately.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Chi Juan realized that Wen Chengyan was lying to him.

This person didn't plan to leave first at all, which made him flustered.

There was no time to wash his hair and blow dry it, so he could only put on a baseball cap as a second choice. Fortunately, the effect was good. With the cap and a black jacket, he was still handsome enough to make people unable to take their eyes off him.

But his face darkened, making this face more indifferent and sharp.

His facial features were originally deep, and now they were like knife carvings, and his eyes were cold.


The Ring Island Highway is actually a road up the mountain.

Going around the island, circles of mountain roads lead directly to the top of the mountain. From the top of the mountain, you can overlook the entire island. The houses on the island are very old, but there is a sense of tranquility and comfort.

They had to walk up the mountain first. The owner of the B&B told them that it would take more than half an hour.

It was not the peak season, so there were not many people along the way.

Chi Juan walked in front. He had been unhappy and gloomy since he came out.

However, he would look back at Yu Xi from time to time as he walked.

Wen Chengyan slowed down his pace and followed Yu Xi.

Chi Juan always looked at the sunglasses Yu Xi was wearing.

They were given to her by Wen Chengyan.

He wanted to take them off immediately.

I don’t know if it was because of Chi Juan’s indifference or because the atmosphere between the three of them was awkward. At first, no one spoke much, as if they didn’t know what to say. After

being quiet for a long time, the atmosphere became tense.

The audience was anxious.

Finally, when they reached halfway up the mountain, Wen Chengyan asked Yu Xi if he was tired and if he wanted to stop and rest.

Yu Xi shook his head.

"Let’s take a rest before we go on." Wen Chengyan pointed to a stone on the side of the road, "Sit here."

His gentle tone was full of strength that could not be refused.

Chi Juan gritted his teeth, and after struggling for a few seconds, he still walked over, "How about I carry you?"

Seeing his awkward and stubborn look, he was inexplicably cute.

After he finished speaking, he walked in front of Yu Xi. As long as Yu Xi nodded, he would squat down and carry Yu Xi on his back.

Yu Xi: "It's okay, I'm not tired."

"Really not tired?" Chi Juan didn't seem to believe it. He glanced at Wen Chengyan.

It was probably because this person was there, so Yu Xi was embarrassed.

"Well, I can still walk."

Chi Juan: "If only the motorcycle was here, I could take you up the mountain in minutes."

Yu Xi smiled: "It's okay, it's nice to take a walk."

After talking to Yu Xi, Chi Juan's discomfort just now seemed to be less depressed.

He was like a mess of wool, which was easily sorted out by Yu Xi.

"Oh." Chi Juan pursed his lips, "The sun is not so hot anymore, take off the sunglasses."

[I knew that Chi Juan has been thinking about these sunglasses for a long time. ]

[Hahahahaha, I don't want Yu Xi to wear something given by Wen Chengyan. 】

【This damn possessiveness! 】

【Chi Juan is so cute, come at me. 】

【I don't like Chi Juan, too strong, very childish, and always unhappy. 】

【You will be like this if you care, this is true love. 】


The wind on the top of the mountain is very strong, not hot at all, and you can see the sea not far away. The scenery is particularly good

. The three of them stood in a row, quietly enjoying the scenery. The atmosphere was particularly good at this moment.

Yu Xi turned her head and looked at Chi Juan on the left, and then at Wen Chengyan on the right.

She smiled, her eyes curved, and a happy smile filled the corners of her mouth.

"This is so good."

Chi Juan rarely saw her smile so contentedly. He couldn't see enough for a while and just wanted to remember this moment with his eyes.

Wen Chengyan raised his camera and took a few photos of Yu Xi.

Seeing that Wen Chengyan was taking pictures of herself, Yu Xi embarrassedly covered her face with her hands, her eyes showing through the gaps between her fingers. She blinked and said, "Why are you taking pictures of me suddenly..."

Wen Chengyan: "Beautiful things should be recorded in time."

Yu Xi blushed.

Chi Juan glared at Wen Chengyan, but he had to agree that Wen Chengyan was right.

He thought for a moment, put his arm around Yu Xi's shoulders, let her lean against him, and smiled: "Take a few photos of me and Yu Xi."

Wen Chengyan: "..."

[Provocation! Definitely a provocation!]

[Chi Juan is too arrogant, I like it so much!]

【Awesome! 】

【Hahahaha, asking someone to take photos for the love rival is too awesome. 】

【Chi Juan is so proactive, why does he put his arm around Yu Xi's shoulders like this, Yu Xi is shy. 】

The three of them played on the mountain for a long time, mainly taking photos.

At first, the camera was still in Wen Chengyan's hand, and later it was in Chi Juan's hand.

Wen Chengyan had promised to take photos of Chi Juan and Yu Xi before, and in exchange, Chi Juan also agreed to take photos of him and Yu Xi.

This was fair, but when taking the photos, no one took them properly.

But even if they didn't take them properly, and didn't focus, they still looked good, because the three of them looked good from any angle, and even the blurred photos had a magical atmosphere, and the light and shadow were incredibly beautiful.

When they were playing and joking, it was even more vivid.

Finally, the camera was in Yu Xi's hand, and she looked at the photos she had taken before, and laughed while watching.

Wen Chengyan and Chi Juan were very curious about what she was laughing at.

They both had the same idea in their hearts.

Did he take funny photos of me and Yu Xi? Definitely not.

After playing for a while, Yu Xi also relaxed.

I have to say that although it was awkward with three people at first, after getting used to it, it was more interesting than two people.

Especially for Yu Xi.

Playing with two boys is more relaxed than playing with one boy alone. It won't be too ambiguous and it's more comfortable.

Yu Xi: "Let me take two pictures of you!"

Her proposal was rejected by the two of them in unison.


"No need."

"Just one, okay?" Yu Xi raised a finger and looked at them eagerly. Chi Juan

showed a reluctant expression, "Tsk... Really, what's there to take pictures of him and me."

Wen Chengyan: "Since you want to take pictures, then okay."

Yu Xi pointed the camera at the two of them, "Come closer." Chi Juan

turned his head to look to the other side, but took a step towards Wen Chengyan.

Wen Chengyan put his hands in his pockets, smiled, and moved a step.

Yu Xi: "Look at the camera and smile." Chi Juan

had a blank expression, and Wen Chengyan adjusted his glasses.

Although he said he would only take one picture, Yu Xi kept pressing the shutter.

After taking so many photos, Chi Juan couldn't stand any longer. "Are you done?"

He crossed his arms and frowned.

Yu Xi took another photo when he saw this.

It happened to capture the moment when Chi Juan frowned and raised his chin.

"Don't move, wait for me." Yu Xi connected her phone to the camera, then found a rock to put the camera in place. After making sure the position was ok, she quickly ran between the two of them.

"Let's take a group photo of the three of us."

The two who were reluctant just now immediately became energetic when they saw Yu Xi running over, and they stopped moving and quickly posed.

Chi Juan turned sideways and looked at his angle. It seemed that this made his legs look longer.

Since he was going to take a photo with Yu Xi and Wen Chengyan, he must not lose to Wen Chengyan.

He and Yu Xi were the most suitable, a match made in heaven.

Wen Chengyan tugged at his collar and raised his hand to tidy up his bangs.

Yu Xi stood between the two of them, "Okay, I'll count to three, and then we'll take the photo." As

she counted down a few seconds, Chi Juan and Wen Chengyan stretched out their hands at the same time, both wanting to put their arms around Yu Xi's shoulders.

But they touched each other's hands.

Chi Juan and Wen Chengyan's faces changed, as if they had touched something dirty, and they both retracted their hands, and their expression management was also out of control.

Chi Juan quickly rubbed his hands on his clothes and wiped them.

Wen Chengyan shook his hands stiffly.

Yu Xi had been facing the camera the whole time, and had no idea that the two people next to her were so dramatic.

When she went to look at the photos, she was dumbfounded.

In the photos, Chi Juan and Wen Chengyan didn't look at the camera at all, but were staring at each other, with strange expressions, as if they were a little disgusted?

Only Yu Xi was smiling at the camera, as if she was an outsider.

[This is too funny! ]

[They both wanted to hug Yu Xi, but they ended up holding hands. ] [

I laughed to death, this is the first time I saw Wen Chengyan's expression management out of control. ]

[Take it again, take it again! ]

[These three people are so interesting, I can watch them for ten thousand years. 】

It took several attempts to take this group photo. By the time they finished, it was already late.

"Let's go down the mountain and take a bus."

When they were going up the mountain just now, they saw a small bus that goes around the island, but when they saw the bus, they had almost finished their journey, so they decided to go down the mountain and take the bus.

Although it is a bus, it is actually more like a tricycle.

The driver is in the front, and there are two rows of seats on both sides of the back compartment, which can accommodate people. The

three of them stopped a bus, paid the money and got in.

Two people sat in a row, and Yu Xi still sat in the middle.

At first, it was fresh and fun, and I had never been on such a bus before.

After the bus started, Yu Xi realized that the road down the mountain was all downhill, and there were no guardrails on one side of the road. It looked very thrilling, and it was still scary even if the driver drove steadily.

This is more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

Chi Juan is brave and often rides a motorcycle in the mountains, so he didn't react.

Wen Chengyan was not afraid either, and his face was very calm.

Only Yu Xi was so scared that her face turned pale. She endured it at first, but as it became more and more exciting, she couldn't bear it anymore. After she screamed, Wen Chengyan asked her if she was okay. Her heart was lifted and she grabbed Wen Chengyan's arm.

Seeing this, Chi Juan's face changed, but before he could react, Yu Xi screamed again and grabbed Chi Juan's hand.

One was an arm, the other was a hand.

Chi Juan's mouth corners slightly raised, and he couldn't hide his joy. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wen Chengyan, then held Yu Xi's hand tightly. Chi Juan

comforted Yu Xi: "Don't be afraid, just hold on to me."

Wen Chengyan: "If you're scared, come over here and hide here. I'll support you."

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 75. Chapter 74 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 74 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

After going down the mountain, Yu Xi's heart finally calmed down.

It was so exciting just now that her heart was about to jump out. Fortunately, the whole journey didn't take long, and they arrived at the foot of the mountain in less than ten minutes.

The driver was willing to drive the car to the door of the homestay where they were staying, so that they didn't have to walk back.

At this time, Yu Xi came to her senses and thought it was quite fun, and even wanted to do it again.

But just as we arrived at the foot of the mountain, it started to rain .

Fortunately, it was just a drizzle, which didn't affect us. On the contrary, it was very cool and comfortable.

The weather on the island is like this, changing quickly. It was sunny just now, but it started to rain now.

The residents of the island have long been accustomed to it. The driver also told Yu Xi and the others to remember to watch the sunrise in the morning. The sunrise on the island is so beautiful.

Yu Xi didn't take it to heart, but the other two remembered it.


In the evening, it was time to leave a voice message again.

This time the voice message was different from the previous one in the cabin.

Because it was outside, the message had to be recorded with a recorder, and then delivered to the other party in person for the other party to listen to.

It was played in front of the two of them, and they listened to it alone, with no one else around.

According to the rules, everyone took a recorder and found a place where no one was around to record a message.

Seven recorders were distributed to each person, and Yu Xi also took one.

The male guests went upstairs, Cheng Xitong returned to the room, and Meng Xiao waited in the living room for her to finish recording before going in.

Yu Xi thought about it and decided to find a place where no one was around to record.

Although it was still drizzling outside, Yu Xi took a hat and put it on and went out.

There was a path outside the homestay, and at the end of the path was a staircase. She went down the stairs, squatted on the side of the road, and recorded a message here.

In fact, she had already decided who she would give her voice to tonight.

The end of the journey is the final decision day, which is only a few days away.

The system requires her to get the confession of the three male guests on the final decision day, although it seems quite simple at the moment.

This time it is an immersive task, which is indeed very different from the last task.

So much so that she sometimes even feels that she is Yu Xi in this world.

It's like being in a play.

It seems that after this mission, she also needs some time to sort out her mood and get out of the play, otherwise the character will remain on her and be difficult to remove.

After saying what she wanted to say to the recorder, Yu Xi did not plan to go back directly.

The island was quiet and peaceful, and it was indeed suitable for a vacation.

She wanted to go around again.

But as soon as she stood up, she heard a voice behind her.

"Why are you squatting here?" Chi Juan stood on the stairs with an umbrella and looked down at her. Yu

Xi: "I'm recording a message here."

Chi Juan: "Why did you run out without an umbrella?"

He just finished recording the message and went downstairs to find that Yu Xi was not there, so he came out to find her.

Chi Juan was still worried that Yu Xi would get lost if she went out alone. She didn't have time to change her shoes, and she was still wearing the slippers of the homestay. The road was full of mud and water, and she was dirty. She would have to pay the owner of the homestay to buy the shoes later.

But when he saw Yu Xi, he was relieved.

"Have you finished recording?" Chi Juan's tone was not very good, staring at Yu Xi's hair, but fortunately he knew to wear a hat.

Yu Xi: "I'm done recording."

He walked down, holding an umbrella to help Yu Xi block the rain.

Yu Xi: "I'm wearing a hat, you can do it yourself."

Chi Juan still held an umbrella for her, and walked in the rain, "Let's go, go back."

Yu Xi: "I want to walk a little bit, have the others finished recording?"

"I don't know." Chi Juan looked around, "Where do you want to go?"

Yu Xi thought for a while: "I just want to walk around, it feels so comfortable after the rain, the air is so fresh."

Chi Juan raised his eyebrows: "Then let's go."

He walked to Yu Xi's side.

"Are you coming too?"

"What else? It's just an umbrella." Chi Juan's tone was matter-of-fact, "I'll give it to you, how can I go back."

Yu Xi laughed softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Chi Juan looked at her.

Yu Xi shook his head.

This has nothing to do with the umbrella.

He just wanted to follow her.

"Which way to go?"

The two stood in the middle of a road, with an uphill slope on the left and a downhill slope on the right. Yu Xi chose the right side.

"This way."

It was raining, and the road was really dirty. It was not easy for Chi Juan to walk in slippers, and soon his pants were covered with mud spots.

He usually had some cleanliness and couldn't stand this, but he didn't say anything.

However, it must be said that the island after the rain was filled with a special atmosphere, the fragrance of soil and grass, the salty and wet smell of sea water, and there seemed to be the sound of waves in the distance.

"Have you seen the photos taken today?" Yu Xi asked.

"Yes, I saw a little." Chi Juan also remembered this incident. When he went back just now, he asked Wen Chengyan to transfer a copy of the photos to him. Wen Chengyan agreed very readily, so that Chi Juan was still wondering if he was up to something again.

Not long after the two of them walked, they saw a pavilion.

"Why don't you go in and sit for a while?"

Chi Juan's shoes were wet, which was actually quite uncomfortable.

Yu Xi nodded.

After sitting for a while, Chi Juan suddenly took out a recorder.

"It just so happens that I'll let you listen to this here."


"Yes." Chi Juan put the recorder on the stone table and pushed it towards Yu Xi. "Anyway, I'll give it to you sooner or later, and isn't the rule that you listen to it alone?"

Then it's okay for him to give it to Yu Xi now.

Yu Xi picked up the recorder and was about to press play when Chi Juan suddenly called her.

"Wait a minute..."

Yu Xi was stunned and looked up at him, "What's wrong?"

Chi Juan stared into her eyes. He just felt a little nervous suddenly and was not mentally prepared.

After all, this time, he could also hear what he said.

And he was listening to it together with Yu Xi, which was weird.

"No... Do you want to prepare before listening?" Chi Juan's eyes were evasive, but in fact, he wanted to prepare himself.

Yu Xi nodded, "Oh, then I'll count down to three seconds."

Chi Juan: "Okay." "

3, 2, 1" Yu Xi counted down softly, and Chi Juan's throat suddenly became dry and he had some difficulty swallowing.

His heartbeat became louder and louder, and he could only look away from Yu Xi.

Suddenly he felt a little embarrassed. If he had known earlier, he would not have recorded so many and such strange words.

Pressing play, a clear voice came from the recorder.

Chi Juan's voice was as clear and clean as ever.

—"Yu Xi, it's me... I'm recording a message for you on the balcony on the second floor. I haven't recorded for a few days, so I'm still a little uncomfortable."

Chi Juan paused for a few seconds and continued, "Today, the three of us are going out to play together. Actually, I would rather be alone with you two. This will definitely be more interesting. However, tomorrow is the time for a private date. I know you will definitely receive several invitations, but... watch the sunrise or the sunset, you have to leave one for me. Anyway, you can choose. Do you want to watch the sunrise or the sunset with me? I prefer to watch the sunrise, but I know that neither of us can get up, so it's best to watch the sunset. If someone asks you to watch the sunrise, don't go. You have to get up at four o'clock, and you won't be in good spirits all day..."

Yu Xi laughed while listening.

Chi Juan listened to his own voice, and it was so embarrassing that he could carve out a three-bedroom apartment.

He couldn't even look at Yu Xi's expression, but lowered his head and secretly complained about how he was so long-winded!

Hearing Yu Xi's laughter, Chi Juan regretted it so much that his intestines turned green. He regretted why he didn't make a draft when he recorded it.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 76. Chapter 75 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 75 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Chi Juan asked Yu Xi in the voice: "Is there anything else you want to do here?"

Yu Xi thought for a while: "It seems nothing."

Chi Juan: "Then... do you want to see the sea in the rain now? Listen to the sound of the waves."


"Yes, if you want to go, we'll go now."

Chi Juan looked at her excitedly, his eyes full of excitement.

"Go, just the two of us."

Before Yu Xi answered, he said again: "Forget it... don't catch a cold later."

Seeing him talking to himself, he went from excitement to disappointment.

Yu Xi pursed her lips and whispered: "It's dark, and you're still wearing slippers."

"I'm afraid you'll catch a cold."

After saying that, Chi Juan reached out and touched her head, and messed up her hair again.

Because of the rain, her hair was wet, and after being messed up, her hair stood up.

Yu Xi saw her appearance in his eyes, and just wanted to tidy it up, but was stopped by Chi Juan.

He looked at her seriously, "I'm the only one who has seen her like this."

Yu Xi looked at him in confusion, "Ah?"

Chi Juan didn't explain, and suddenly stood up, "Have you recorded your message?"

Yu Xi hummed.

"Who is it for?"

Chi Juan pretended to be calm when he asked this question, but he was actually biting his teeth hard.

In fact, he knew that Yu Xi was very likely to leave it for Wen Chengyan.

Compared with Wen Chengyan, he might not be considerate or gentle enough.

His teammates had said before that he had a bad temper and a cold personality. Girls liked him because of his face, but they would definitely not be able to stand him if they got along with him.

The most popular type of girl is Wen Chengyan, who is good at talking, has high emotional intelligence, and is gentle.

The last time Yu Xi was for Wen Chengyan.

He clenched his hands and let go, repeated twice, and kept observing Yu Xi from the corner of his eyes.

But he happened to meet Yu Xi's line of sight. He was afraid of being seen through, so his eyes became flustered.

Yu Xi smiled, "Guess?"

Chi Juan: "I won't guess, anyway... it's not for me."

His tone was awkward, and he kicked the weeds on the ground, and ended up kicking mud.

Mud spots flew up, and his expression became even uglier.

Yu Xi: "Why isn't it for you?" Chi Juan

snorted, "If it's not, then it's not. How would I know why?"

After that, his eyes glanced up at the sky, and his tone was also somewhat unhappy.

But even so, he didn't forget to hold an umbrella for Yu Xi, and the hand holding the umbrella hardly moved.

Seeing that Yu Xi stopped talking, Chi Juan felt suffocated and said, "Let's go, go back."

Yu Xi: "Aren't you leaving?"

"If you're not leaving, don't you have to go back to leave a message for people? It won't waste your time." Chi Juan's words were sarcastic, but his voice was muffled and the volume was not loud.

"Do you want to go back to listen to the message?"

Chi Juan was stunned, and looked at her suddenly, shaking his umbrella twice.

Yu Xi laughed out loud, "What's wrong? The message is for you."

Chi Juan's eyes widened...

a bright smile broke out on his face, "Hey, why didn't you say so earlier!?"

Yu Xi didn't answer, but took out a recorder from his pocket, "Do you want to listen to it now or when you go back?"

Although Chi Juan also wanted to take it back and listen to it in front of everyone, in order to show off, he wanted to listen to it alone. He only wanted to listen to what Yu Xi said to him.

This was the most beautiful thing for him, and he didn't want to share it with others.

"Listen here." Chi Juan took the recorder and handed the umbrella to Yu Xi, "Open it yourself, I want to listen to it over there."

His cheeks flushed, he coughed, and then walked over to the side despite the rain.

"Chi Juan, good evening. It's raining. I'm recording a message for you. The air on the island is so comfortable, even the wind is fresh. I had a lot of fun playing with you today. After thinking about it, I still want to leave a message for you. From the beginning, when you handed me a pair of headphones, I could feel the warmth from you. Even though you are always cold and unkind, I know that you are actually a very delicate person who can bring people a sense of security and courage. Didn't I say that I envy you? When I am with you, I seem to be infected by you, and life becomes rich and interesting... This journey will end soon, and I suddenly feel reluctant to leave. The question I want to ask you is, what kind of person am I in your eyes? Just like the lyrics of the song you shared with me at the beginning."

Chi Juan listened, thought for a while, then returned to Yu Xi, looked at her and said, "In my eyes, you are the unique Yu Xi. The you I see must be different from what everyone else sees, but no matter what you look like, you are the shining you. As long as I am here, I will protect the only you, so..."

He took a deep breath.

"Just hide behind me and let me protect you from the wind and rain. I'd rather be the one who loves you the most."


Back to the B&B.

Several people were waiting for Yu Xi. When they saw Yu Xi and Chi Juan coming back together, they asked where they had been.

Yu Xi: "I just walked around." Chi Juan

was in a very good mood. He showed off to Yu Xi in front of everyone: "Go back to the room to take a shower and change clothes first, don't catch a cold."

"It's raining, why did you run out?" Lu Yueyi said disapprovingly.

Zhang Heqi thought that Chi Juan had to drag Yu Xi out, and said dissatisfiedly: "Yes, it's raining, why did you take someone out to get wet in the wind and rain, your hair is wet."

Yu Xi explained that she went out first.

Wen Chengyan: "Okay, go change your clothes first, I'll wait for you at the door to listen to the message."

He told Yu Xi directly that he would let her listen to the message, without hiding it from others.

"I want to give you this too." Zhang Heqi took out a recorder.

Lu Yueyi: "I'll wait for you to come out too." Chi Juan

frowned. Although he knew it would be such a scene, he still snorted and was not in a good mood.

He wanted to tell everyone that he got Yu Xi's message, but he didn't want to embarrass Yu Xi in front of others.

Forget it, just listen to it himself.

But Wen Chengyan guessed from his look that he probably had listened to Yu Xi's message just now, otherwise, he wouldn't have this expression when he came back. When he heard that everyone was going to listen to the message for Yu Xi, he was not in a hurry.

Wen Chengyan soon confirmed his guess.

Yu Xi received the messages from Wen Chengyan, Zhang Heqi, and Lu Yueyi.

Because the three of them were waiting for her, it was not convenient for her to listen to them alone, so she gave all the recorders to Yu Xi and asked her to answer them alone after listening.

Wen Chengyan: "Yu Xi, it's raining. I didn't like rainy days before, but today, because you are here, even rainy days seem to have become a lot more romantic. A lot of songs about rainy days rang in my mind just now. If I have the chance, I can sing them for you. Before coming here, my life was monotonous. There was nothing else to do except work. But since I met you, I have been thinking about what I can do with you in the future every day, and even wrote it down in a memo. And now I am looking at the photos we took today, laughing as I look at them. These days may be the time when I have laughed the most in these years, and these laughs are all from the heart. I decided to make a movie. Although the complete plot has not been thought out yet, the beginning has been determined. It is you who inspired me... The question I want to ask you today is very simple. After the show, are you willing to go to a movie with me?"

Zhang Heqi: "I heard that this is the last chance to leave a message. I don't know if it's true, but I will treat this time as the last time and tell you what's in my heart. At first, I really didn't notice you. I can even say that my focus was not on you. I was attracted to you later, and then slowly discovered you. Good, people are visual animals, I am no exception, I also feel that I am superficial, I discovered your goodness too late, but... as long as you are willing to give me a chance, I will definitely prove to you that I will make you happy. I went out with Cheng Xitong today and kept talking about you. In fact, I also feel strange that there is nothing to talk about except you. Even if you don’t choose me, I will not change this time. I will stand firmly behind you. I have no questions to ask you today. No matter what your answer is, I will wait. "

Lu Yueyi: "Yu Xi... I thought about this message today for a long time. Really, I don’t know whether I should continue I'll leave it to you, because I'm going on a date with Meng Xiao again today. Although I've made it clear to her, I'm actually very sorry to her. Of course, I'm also very sorry to you... I may be the person who has the least right to say sorry, because I hurt you and hurt her. I know I don't have much chance, but I still want to have a good date with you. Let's watch the sunrise together tomorrow. If I can watch the sunrise with you, I think no matter what the result is, I won't regret it. Are you willing? "

Yu Xi sat in the yard of the homestay and listened to the voice. She put down the last recorder and stared at the roses in the yard in a daze.

The roses were wet by the rain, and all the flowers drooped, like children with their heads down.

The rain didn't seem to stop, but it was getting heavier.

She sat here, her heart slowly calmed down, thinking about how to respond to the three of them in a while.

After thinking about it, Yu Xi went to find some paper and a pen, and decided to write the answers on paper and give them to them.

She wrote their three names on three pieces of paper respectively.

[It's so difficult. If I were Yu Xi, I would be so confused. 】

【What's so difficult? Choose Wen Chengyan without hesitation. Where can you find such a man? 】

【Although I was a little moved by Zhang Heqi, I am still determined to choose Chi Juan. 】

【Lu Yueyi also knows that he has hurt two girls. He is a scumbag. 】

【Chi Juan is better. He is simple and passionate, and his love is pure. 】

After Yu Xi finished writing, she sent the note to the second floor.

It happened that the four of them were sitting and chatting on the second floor.

When Yu Xi came up, she saw that they were all there and stood at the stairs awkwardly.

"I... I'm here to answer you. I wrote it all on the paper."

Chi Juan walked over, "Where's the paper?"

Yu Xi thought they were in their own rooms and wanted to give them one by one. As a result, the notes were folded by her and mixed together. She couldn't tell which one was for whom.

Being stared at by the four of them, she had to open it again to see the name written on it. Chi

Juan took it and said, "Okay, okay, let them divide it themselves."

Yu Xi: "Ah? That's not good. Let's do it separately..."

She looked at the others.

Chi Juan didn't care: "No, it's just for the three of them anyway."

He turned around and looked at the other people: "Do you have any objections?"

The three hesitated for a few seconds and said it was okay.

In fact, they also wanted to see what Yu Xi wrote on the notes to others.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

Chi Juan: "Okay, you go down."

[It's so funny, he's going to drive Yu Xi away? ]

[It's amazing, the notes are mixed together, do you all look at it together? ]

[Chi Juan is really good at making trouble, it's not for him anyway, just watching the fun hahaha. ]

[It's so exciting, I want to see it too, hurry up. ]

[Help, if it were me, I would run away quickly, and Yu Xi could still stand there...]

[I guess he's so embarrassed that he doesn't know what to do! ]


Yu Xi looked back every few steps and saw the three of them. Each of them randomly drew a card and opened it.

It seems that whoever drew it would read it out.

Zhang Heqi: "Oh, this one is for Wen Chengyan."

Yu Xi's expression was subtle, and he couldn't listen any more, so he put on the oil and hurried downstairs.

Chi Juan glanced at the stairs, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then leaned over to read the words written on the note.

Zhang Heqi continued to read: "I also have a song that I like to listen to on rainy days, which is Lin Youjia's "Back View". I think it suits you very well. In addition, I will answer your question after we go back. Of course, I can do it."

Chi Juan looked at Wen Chengyan: "What did you ask her?"

Wen Chengyan did not answer him, but said lightly: "Keep it a secret."

Chi Juan stared at him suspiciously. According to Wen Chengyan's personality, he would definitely tell him something that would upset him.

What could it be? Yu Xi said of course, that should be a promise. Chi

Juan racked his brains for a long time but couldn't think of it, and he finally understood.

Wen Chengyan just wanted to upset him, so he didn't say it. The more he couldn't think of it, the more he cared.

Otherwise, even if Wen Chengyan told him, he would only be depressed for a while.

Not telling him would make him feel uneasy and worried.

This person is so cunning.

Wen Chengyan drew the paper that Lu Yueyi drew.

He read it out calmly.

"Don't be sorry. No one can predict emotional matters. I have never blamed anyone. Everyone has their own pursuits. What they like and what they don't like are all very personal matters... So don't worry about it anymore. Let's look forward together. As for watching the sunrise... I'm afraid I can't get up."

When he read out the last sentence, Chi Juan immediately laughed. He thought of the message he

left for Yu Xi. He asked Yu Xi not to watch the sunrise with others, and Yu Xi refused Lu Yueyi.

Finally, it was the paper for Zhang Heqi.

Lu Yueyi: "Thank you for your choice. I am very grateful and lucky. The journey will end soon. I am also reluctant to leave. I choose to think about it. In fact, every day in the cabin is worth cherishing. Even if not all the time is happy and joyful, I don't regret coming here at all. It is a very lucky thing to meet you all."

Zhang Heqi didn't ask any questions, so Yu Xi didn't have to answer his questions.

The replies to the three people were all said.

They all heard the answers from others and fell into deep thought.

The second floor fell silent. At this time, everyone just wanted to be quiet and had nothing to say.

There was still some time before twelve o'clock.

They planned to wait for tomorrow to come.

Then see who can be the first to invite Yu Xi.

Tomorrow is a free date time.

There is only so much time, and there is only one Yu Xi. Whoever can invite her first can ensure a date with her.

Otherwise, if there is not enough time, they can only watch Yu Xi being taken away by others.

In the girls' room, Meng Xiao was telling Cheng Xitong about the process of dating Lu Yueyi today.

After coming back, they were busy sending voice messages and other things, and had no time to talk about this. Only now that everything was quiet did Meng Xiao tell Cheng Xitong.

Seeing Yu Xi come in, Meng Xiao did not hide it, but just lowered his voice.

"He said that it was before, but it is different now."

"Why is it different!?" Cheng Xitong was indignant and very dissatisfied with Lu Yueyi's sudden change.

"It's just... before he wanted to get to know me better and get closer to me, but then, he suddenly didn't have that idea anymore." Meng Xiao smiled bitterly, "Is it true that sometimes, everything is just an illusion?"

Cheng Xitong: "Isn't it just..."

She looked at Yu Xi and gritted her teeth and said, "Isn't it just his own problem? What's different? It's just an excuse."

Meng Xiao: "But fortunately, I have made it clear to him, and I am relieved now."

"So forgive him and bless him?" Cheng Xitong was not satisfied with the result.

"Otherwise, what else can I do, and..." Meng Xiao was halfway through his words, looking at Yu Xi, and asked hesitantly, "Yu Xi, can I ask you a question?"

[Wow, no way, what does Meng Xiao want to ask Yu Xi? ]

[Actually, Meng Xiao is quite pitiful. ]

[Fortunately, Yu Xi doesn't like Lu Yueyi anymore, otherwise the two girls will definitely fight. ]

[It's all the man's fault. ]

Yu Xi was very surprised, as if she didn't expect Meng Xiao to say that suddenly.

She nodded, "Ask."

"Will you choose Lu Yueyi?" Meng Xiao stared into her eyes seriously.

Cheng Xitong also looked at her.

Yu Xi shook her head, "No."

Meng Xiao: "Why?"

Seeing that she cared a lot, Yu Xi also answered seriously: "Because I won't hang myself on a tree. When I decided to give up, I had already walked over."

Before, she was the one who was not chosen, but now, she has more choices.

Meng Xiao was silent for a long time. Although she knew that Yu Xi was different.

But she always thought that Yu Xi might still choose Lu Yueyi, after all, she was so sincere before.

Until now, she was really sure that Yu Xi had let it go.

But she didn't feel much better.

Obviously, she and Lu Yueyi were a couple that everyone was optimistic about before, and everyone said that they were a good match.

But how did it change all of a sudden?

Cheng Xitong took Meng Xiao's hand, "Xiaoxiao, don't be sad, anyway, the show is almost finished, at least we are still good friends."

Cheng Xitong was also frustrated by Wen Chengyan today, and she mustered up the courage to confess, but Wen Chengyan told her that he already had someone he wanted to choose.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 77. Chapter 76 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 76 Romance Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

Eleven fifty-five.

There are still five minutes until the new day.

The line has been formed at the door of the girls' room.

Four people rushed to the front, but someone was faster and arranged in order.

When going downstairs just now, Chi Juan and Zhang Heqi rushed to the front, and Zhang Heqi almost fell down the stairs.

Chi Juan helped him, but he became the second and was left behind by Zhang Heqi.

Zhang Heqi made an appointment with Yu Xi in the morning, and Chi Juan in the afternoon, just in

time to watch the sunset with Yu Xi. Lu Yueyi and Wen Chengyan will be together in the evening.

The arrangement is very clear.

So the next day, Yu Xi was awakened by Zhang Heqi with a loving breakfast early in the morning.

Of course, Zhang Heqi did not prepare breakfast only for Yu Xi, but also for everyone.

It's just that two more poached eggs were added to Yu Xi's bowl of noodles, hidden under the noodles, and Yu Xi didn't find it until the end of the meal.

When she looked up, she saw Zhang Heqi smiling at her and blinking.

After breakfast, Zhang Heqi took Yu Xi to go fishing at sea.

He had thought of this yesterday. He had contacted the people on the island through the owner of the B&B and rented a boat.

The weather in the morning was good, neither cold nor hot, and there was no wind on the sea, which was the best time to go out to sea.

Zhang Heqi often went out to sea to fish before, so he was very experienced in this area and could think of showing off his skills in front of Yu Xi.

If he caught a fish, he could bring it back to cook a dish.

When Yu Xi and Zhang Heqi went out, they attracted the attention of others.

In particular, Chi Juan stood at the door of the B&B, with his arms around his chest, looking at them and said, "Come back early, I'm waiting for you to come back to cook."

This was said to Zhang Heqi, but in fact he just wanted Yu Xi to come back early.

Zhang Heqi deliberately said, "If we come back late, you can eat by yourselves."

Chi Juan frowned. Could it be that Zhang Heqi wanted to delay his date time?

Yu Xi's afternoon time belongs to him!

But before Chi Juan had time to protest, Zhang Heqi took Yu Xi away.

Chi Juan: "Does Zhang Heqi mean that he doesn't plan to come back for lunch?"

Wen Chengyan: "Maybe."

Lu Yueyi: "It's possible."

Anyway, the afternoon date has nothing to do with them.

Chi Juan saw what they were thinking and snorted: "Anyway, if he delays my time, I won't come back for dinner at night."

Now it has something to do with you.

Sure enough, Wen Chengyan and Lu Yueyi frowned, "If he doesn't come back, we'll go pick him up."

As for who to pick up, needless to say, everyone knows it.


At lunch time, Chi Juan waited for Yu Xi and Zhang Heqi to come back on the shore.

He was responsible for picking them up, and the others were doing preparations in the B&B.

It was mainly because Chi Juan couldn't cook, and he was the most active in the job of picking people up.

Seeing a boat from a distance, Chi Juan took a closer look, and after confirming that it was Yu Xi, he waved enthusiastically.

When the boat docked, he walked down quickly. Zhang Heqi was carrying a bucket with a few fish in it. They were not honest and splashed water from time to time.

But he still remembered to turn back to help Yu Xi.

Zhang Heqi: "Be careful."

Chi Juan also warned: "Slow down."

The distance from the boat to the shore is very close, but the two of them are also nervous, as if Yu Xi can fall from the gap of less than half a meter.

Compared with the tension of the two, Yu Xi seems to be much more relaxed.

She jumped simply and reached the shore.

Chi Juan breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed her wrist.

He didn't care about Zhang Heqi behind him, and pulled Yu Xi to go, "Let's go, I've been waiting for you for a long time."


Zhang Heqi was walking behind and was very dissatisfied to see Chi Juan snatching people so blatantly.

"Hey, where are you taking her?"

She is still dating me now!

Chi Juan didn't even turn his head, "Of course I'm going back to rest. I've been hanging around on the boat all morning. I'm so tired."

After that, he looked at Yu Xi again, "Are you seasick?"

Yu Xi shook her head, "No."

"That's good." Chi Juan didn't look very satisfied with Zhang Heqi's arrangement.

Zhang Heqi was furious when he heard it from behind. He asked Yu Xi if she would not get seasick before taking her to go sea fishing!

Yu Xi was so happy when fishing!

He wanted to yell all these words to Chi Juan.

But Chi Juan walked very fast. Zhang Heqi was holding a bucket with water and fish in it. He couldn't walk as fast as them. He had to be careful to protect the fish in the bucket from falling out, so he walked very slowly. After a while, he was left behind by them.

When Zhang Heqi returned to the B&B, Chi Juan still complained about how slow he was.

Chi Juan: "Yu Xi has already returned to the room to change clothes. I went out with you and got fishy all over my body."

Zhang Heqi: "..."

Well, I want to see how you plan to arrange it in the afternoon!


In the afternoon, I found out that Chi Juan's plan was to take Yu Xi to the lighthouse and watch the sunset.

This is really convenient. Zhang Heqi still thinks his plan is better.

He took Yu Xi on the boat to enjoy the sea breeze and fish, and it was not bad to have a good meal when he came back.

The lighthouse was originally in the itinerary recommended to them by the program team.

Although others have been there, neither Yu Xi nor Chi Juan have been there, so Chi Juan planned to bring Yu Xi here.

He put on his headphones on purpose, and when he got to the lighthouse, he sat on a rock with Yu Xi, watching the sea and listening to songs, waiting quietly for the sunset.

When the sun set above the sea level and dyed half of the sea red, the entire fire cloud blossomed with extreme beauty, the orange light was gentle and charming,

there were seabirds flying on the sea, and everything around was so beautiful that it seemed like a dream.

What's more, the person who made his heart beat faster was sitting next to him.

Chi Juan felt that now was the time.

He looked at Yu Xi quietly and found that she was quietly admiring the sunset.

"Is it beautiful?"

Yu Xi was still listening to the song seriously, so she didn't respond immediately. She was stunned for a moment before nodding, "Yeah, it's beautiful."

The song he was listening to was almost finished, and there was only the last melody left. Chi Juan picked up his mobile phone, found a song from the playlist, and quickly clicked it, as if it was natural to put it on the next one.

His little action was not noticed by Yu Xi.

A cheerful melody sounded in the headphones, a song that Yu Xi had never heard before.

"This song is quite nice." Chi Juan said casually.

Yu Xi nodded, "I haven't heard of it before."

"I don't know why, but last night, Japanese TikTok recommended it to me." Chi Juan put his hands on his knees, then moved them to another place, as if he was fidgeting.

"Really, Japanese TikTok recommends songs like this... I suspect my phone is monitoring my life."

Yu Xi smiled, "Really? Is it because of big data?"

Chi Juan said, "I didn't search anything."

Yu Xi: "That may be because you mentioned it in a chat with others, and it will be monitored."

"Really? I didn't chat..." He paused halfway.

Zuowa also analyzed how to chase girls with his teammates and chatted all night.

His teammates created a group to help him with advice.

Yu Xi couldn't know this.

He coughed, "We didn't talk about anything."

Yu Xi: "Then I don't know, as long as the song is nice." Chi

Juan: "Hmm."

Yu Xi listened to a few lyrics, her eyes changed, and she glanced at Chi Juan and found that his face was a little red.

Chi Juan and Yu Xi looked at each other and then looked away.

In the past, it was only Yu Xi who was shy, but today, Chi Juan didn't know why, it seemed like they had switched places.

The main reason was that he had never done such a thoughtful thing before. His teammates taught him the day before yesterday, asking him to play love songs for Yu Xi and use the lyrics to express his inner thoughts.

So he played this song.

"I want to hug you, hug you many times, want to smell your scent, like an electric shock.

You are my antidote, you will appear soon..."

I didn't know what song to play at first, but this song was recommended by the daily push yesterday.

Just right.

The atmosphere seemed to be infected by the fiery clouds in the sky, and it also became rich and hot.

One time is not enough. These lyrics are like the love words that Chi Juan himself said to Yu Xi.

When singing it again, Chi Juan's heart was about to jump out.

He held his breath and was about to speak when Yu Xi suddenly spoke.

Chi Juan: "You say it first..."

Yu Xi: "You say it." Chi Juan

thought for a while and said, "By the way, didn't you say last time... that you think the smell on my clothes is good? I bought a few bags of laundry detergent from my friends and will give it to you when I go back."

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would remember this matter and go to buy it on purpose.

Yu Xi said embarrassedly, "I forgot everything."

"Then do you want it?" Chi Juan frowned. He didn't expect that he remembered it so clearly, but Yu Xi forgot it.

Did she just say it casually at that time? Thinking of the fact that he had specially asked her that day, Chi Juan felt a little disappointed.

Yu Xi nodded vigorously, "Yes, I want it." Chi Juan

stared into her eyes, feeling mixed emotions.

He has changed so much now. He used to not care about anyone's opinion at all, but now he would be emotional because of her words.

"So what did you want to say just now?" Chi Juan raised his eyebrows and raised his chin slightly.

"It's just... Thank you for taking me to see the sunset. It's really beautiful."

Yu Xi looked at Chi Juan, and the two were very close.

When they talked, they were face to face, eye to eye. The two were handsome men and beautiful women, very pleasing to the eye, and the background was the orange-red glow of the sky, as well as the magnificent sky and the beautiful sea.

It was so beautiful that it made people tremble.

Their facial features were beautiful under the light and shadow. Every frame and every second was so beautiful that it could be used as a screen saver after being screenshotted.

Even the barrage was much less.

The live broadcast was filled with screams of "Ahhhhh" and a few words of admiration for the beauty of the prosperous age.


When Lu Yueyi and Wen Chengyan came to pick up Yu Xi, Chi Juan's face was obviously stinky.

He muttered why they came to pick her up so early, but it was already dark.

They came to take Yu Xi back for dinner, because the time after dinner belonged to the two of them.

[Yu Xi was like a spinning top this day. ]

[Non-stop, never stopped! ]

[Is this the sadness of a popular person? Everyone else was waiting with their number plates. ]

[Yu Xi is too busy hahahaha. ]

[I really want to interview Yu Xi if she is tired]

In fact, Yu Xi also felt tired.

This is much more tiring than filming.

There are times when filming is quiet, but here, men never stop.

They seem to be tireless.

Yu Xi cheered herself up and hoped that the date in the evening would be simple.

But she thought too much.

Because there were two people, Wen Chengyan and Lu Yueyi, they had arranged a full schedule in the evening.

Both of them had their own ideas, and one wanted to go to see the stars.

One wants to set off fireworks.

I want to take Yu Xi to the middle of the mountain to see the night view, where I can look up at the starry sky and overlook the lights of the entire island village.

I want to go to the beach with Yu Xi to set off fireworks and make a wish, and shout out my wish.

It all sounds very romantic.

It's like a plot in an idol drama.

The audience was very satisfied. They thought the arrangements for the first two groups of dates were already good.

Unexpectedly, there would be a new surprise for the last group.

It was a perfect ending.

But as the person involved, Yu Xi sighed: Dating is really a physical job.

To be romantic, it takes more effort.

Yu Xi thought that there was a reason why she hadn't been in a relationship for so many years. Her mind was on her career, and she would never spend it on love.

However, these two tasks really made her experience a lot of things that she had never experienced before.

It was tiring, but it was all quite fresh.

Sometimes there is indeed a feeling of heartbeat.

She is not a stone. When she is cherished and pampered by others, her heart is touched.

What's more, this time she is participating in the love variety show in an immersive way.

After Yu Xi returned to the B&B, she made a decision. This time, she might as well make a good choice.

Although the system did not force her to choose one, she wanted to give this journey a perfect ending.

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Related recommendations: [Male] The female president's old driver , [Danmei] I ran away overnight after the protagonist's HE [Quick Wear] , [Romance] Miss Ji Mo's Empty City Diary , [Romance] Rivers flow into streams [Esports] , [Modern] Double marriage , [Danmei] The beautiful love god of the bosses [Infinite] , [Modern] I became a vicious female supporting cat (Quick Wear) (gl) , [Romance] Wrong track , [Modern] After retirement, she only wants to live in the entertainment industry , [Modern] The secret marriage husband is too mysterious
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☆ 78. Chapter 77 Love Variety 2: The Ignored Black Material Female CV
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Chapter 77 Love Variety II: The Ignored Black Material Female CV

The next day, everyone went to the beach to play for half a day and took many group photos. This was also their last journey together.

After lunch, they had to go back to the cabin. They didn't need to drive themselves back, just to give them time to rest and think, because after returning, everyone would make the final decision.

On the way back, the program team sent the rules to everyone's mobile phone in the form of text messages.

—【The guests' final confession will be made in the form of a phone call. After returning to the cabin, the contact information of all guests will be sent to the group. Guests can call any guest to inform their feelings and tell the other party where to meet. 】

【If the appointment is considered as a willingness to hold hands, the two guests who successfully hold hands will receive the blessings of the program team, a romantic five-day tour and a pair of diamond rings worth 30,000 sponsored by the ID brand, as well as love benefits provided by the Tea in the Tea brand. Guests can drink milk tea for free for one year. 】

The return trip is a car for girls and a car for boys.

This is the arrangement of the program team, which eliminates the possibility of quarrels and grabbing seats.

Everyone expressed acceptance.

On the girls' side, after they read the text messages, Cheng Xitong and Meng Xiao began to discuss what to eat after the show to celebrate their breakup.

They seemed to have sorted out their moods and were not very hopeful about the results in the afternoon.

If you think about it, you will know that these days, they have no sense of participation at all. After all, Yu Xi got four kills by herself, and the four men all revolved around her, and the two of them had long been out of the game.

Even a fool can figure it out. It's just the last call, and they will still make one according to the rules of the show, but it's impossible to say what they are looking forward to.

Although Yu Xi did not participate in the discussion, the two of them talked and laughed, and it was quite lively.

As for the male guests, everyone adhered to the principle of silence and did not speak all the way. They

were nervous.

They were uneasy.

I don't know who Yu Xi will choose in the end.

Although Lu Yueyi already knew that he had no hope, it was Meng Xiao who told him.

Yesterday, Meng Xiao invited him to sit by the sea and told him that Yu Xi said she would not choose him.

Although Lu Yueyi had guessed this, he was still shocked when he heard it.

So when he was dating last night, he made his last effort and did everything he could. In short, he didn't want to have any regrets.

Even if Yu Xi didn't choose him, he wanted to know who Yu Xi would choose.

He cared about Yu Xi's happiness.

He missed Yu Xi before, and now no matter who she chooses, he will bless her.


When he returned to the cabin, Chi Juan found that his palms were sweating.

Now he didn't know what he was thinking in the car, but he thought of many possibilities.

Some of them were good and some were bad, but even if they were good ideas, they made him very nervous. He

had never been so nervous and uneasy since he grew up.

Zhang Heqi was the same. He kept drinking water. He didn't dare to drink too much on the way because he always had to go to the bathroom. When he returned to the cabin, he drank one cup after another. The audience laughed at him for turning into a bucket and drinking so much.

[This is not wine. Can Zhang Heqi still use water to give himself courage? ]

[Maybe it's wine? You can't drink alcohol on the show, so the mineral water bottles are filled with wine? ]

[It's so funny. What kind of wine is this? If this white wine is like this, people will drink it all. 】

【Wen Chengyan was calm, with no expression, while the others were obviously uneasy. 】

【How could he be calm? Didn't you see him walking around for a long time? 】

Everyone's cell phone rang at the same time.

It was the program crew reminding them that they could make calls.

The female guests had no expression on their faces, while the male guests were shocked.

They were panicked, all panicked.

The audience just wanted to know what Yu Xi was doing.

As a result, the camera turned and saw her packing her luggage in the room with a leisurely look on her face.

There was music playing.

【This is really interesting, Yu Xi is indeed the big winner. 】

【See, the male guests are all drafting and thinking about confessing to her, while this person is packing her luggage. 】

【It's so funny, Yu Xi is still calm. 】

【My fish in the pond must not be be, I went to pray for a love knot for them yesterday night, and locked it tightly. 】

【I have been burning incense and praying to Buddha for three consecutive days, just to help Wen Chengyan, the Bodhisattva will bless him! 】

【God bless Chi Juan to get the beauty. 】

Time passed little by little.

Yu Xi's cell phone finally rang for the first time.

The first person to call was Chi Juan.

He couldn't hold back and couldn't hold his breath. He called immediately after writing the manuscript.


Hearing Chi Juan's voice, Yu Xi hummed softly, "I'm here."

"You know what I'm going to say, so I won't say it directly. Just listen."

Chi Juan took a deep breath.

"The last song I played for you yesterday was actually played by me on purpose. The lyrics are my voice. Although we have only known each other for a short time, I want to be with you forever. No matter what I do, I will think of you. I never thought I would care about a girl so much before. Now I know that when I am sure that person is you, you become the most important thing. I want to have more opportunities to get along with you in the future, to be the listener in your life, and to be the umbrella that protects you from wind and rain... I will wait for you at the bus stop at the intersection. When you come, I will take you to eat delicious food."

He was so nervous that he hesitated and couldn't speak clearly at the end. He almost bit his tongue.

After that, he hung up the phone.

It is stipulated that only the inviter can speak, and the invited person does not need to speak, just listen.

Then, Lu Yueyi called.

He had been calling just now, but the line was busy.

Others were also calling, but Lu Yueyi dialed first.

Lu Yueyi: "Yu Xi, it's me. I'm calling tonight because I want to tell you what's in my heart again, even though I know you won't choose me..."

Because she was the only one in the room, Yu Xi could turn on the speakerphone and listen to him while packing clothes.

Lu Yueyi's voice came out of the phone, clearer and louder.

It was really sincere to hear what he said, and many viewers were moved by him.

But Yu Xi lowered her head to pack things, so I couldn't see her expression, and I didn't know what she was thinking.

Zhang Heqi and Wen Chengyan also called one after another.

Zhang Heqi spoke very quickly, and some of his words were unclear. I just heard him emphasize that he was willing to cook for Yu Xi every day and accompany her to do anything she wanted.

I was moved, but he was too long-winded. Others finished speaking in a few minutes, but he had been talking for ten minutes and hadn't finished yet, and he repeatedly emphasized the same thing. The barrage was urging him to hurry up, and Wen Chengyan had been waiting for a long time.

He finally hung up the phone, and then Wen Chengyan called.

Wen Chengyan's voice on the phone was slightly different from his voice when he spoke face to face.

It seemed that the voice on the phone was deeper and hoarse, and it sounded more seductive.

This was known to everyone who had heard his previous voice messages. As expected, he was so charming

as soon as he opened his mouth, and the audience shouted that it sounded good.

"Yu Xi, I have said a lot of things I want to say, but this time, I may have to say something that I would not say normally, and even I would be embarrassed. Fortunately, it was a phone call. If it was in person, I probably wouldn't be able to say it."

Wen Chengyan laughed, and could imagine his affectionate eyes and gentle gaze.

"Coming here, from the first time I saw you, everything I care about is related to you. Even if it is an ordinary little thing, I will think of you. Even if I eat delicious food, I will want to take you to eat it. I want to share a good song with you when I hear it. I also want to tell you when I see something interesting. But we are only here for a short time, and we don't even have time to get along well. We can't contact you privately, and I haven't been able to do these..."


The room became quiet again.

And Yu Xi finally finished packing. She was distracted for a while while looking at the phone on the bed.

The audience was so anxious. At the moment, whoever Yu Xi went to find, she would hold hands with him.

But the male guests seemed to have made an appointment. The agreed places were all in the same direction. The audience was afraid that Yu Xi would go the wrong way. If she met someone she didn't want to see, she would say, "Sorry, I went the wrong way." That would be too embarrassing.

Maybe they would just make the best of a bad situation.

Yu Xi put on a coat and went out.

The camera didn't follow her closely, and the audience's hearts were in their throats.

The observers in the observation room were no exception.

At this time, every move of Yu Xi was very important.

Who she would choose is still a suspense.


Under the street lights, the male guests were pacing back and forth, looking forward to the road from the cabin.

If Yu Xi came, she could only come from this side. They had already chosen the best position, just to be the first to see her the moment Yu Xi appeared.

What was dramatic was that Chi Juan and Wen Chengyan chose two bus stops at the same three-way intersection, one on this side and the other on the other side of the road.

Although they were not at the same stop, they were not far apart, about 50 meters away. When the two had just arrived, they bumped into each other.

They looked at each other from afar across the hustle and bustle of traffic, and neither of them expected that the place they chose was so close to the other, but it was too late to change places.

[Now it's good, I'm Yu Xi and I'm worried. If my eyesight is a little worse, I will go the wrong way. ]

[I hope Yu Xi wears glasses and doesn't make a mistake. ]

[I'm so nervous, MD, I feel I'm more nervous than them. ]

[Who isn't, after all, it's the CP I'm obsessed with. ]

[Anything can be broken up, but the CP I'm obsessed with must not be broken up. ]

Yu Xi finally appeared.

However, the road in front of her led to two people.

Which side would she go, would she cross the road, would she go this way or that way.

Everyone in the observation room held their breath, and the barrage was blank for more than ten seconds.

It seemed that except for the three of them, everyone else had disappeared. Yu Xi was also

stunned when she saw the two people standing on their sides not far away.

She walked on Chi Juan's side of the road, but Chi Juan did not dare to be careless, because Yu Xi might cross the road at any time.

Wen Chengyan also stared at Yu Xi.

Every step she took seemed to step on the tips of their hearts, stepping down their hearts, and falling until they fell into a corner. In the narrow space, they could hear the thumping heartbeats.

[Is it Chi Juan? I feel like she is walking on Chi Juan's side. ]

[But Wen Chengyan still has hope!!! The light is green, you can cross the road! ]

[No way, don't go over there! ]

[Oh my God, I'm suffocating, my god, this is more exciting than bungee jumping. ]

[I'm dying, I don't dare to watch! ]


Just then, the light turned green.

Pedestrians rushed up, and Yu Xi was submerged in the crowd.

It seemed that she had lost her figure.

Everyone was looking for her in the crowd anxiously.

Chi Juan and Wen Chengyan were no exception.

They even stood on tiptoe to look around.

How come Yu Xi disappeared after crossing the road? There

were too many people just now, and we didn't know which way she walked.

It was only a dozen seconds after we lost Yu Xi, but it seemed like everyone had been waiting for a century.

Chi Juan walked to the side of the road and looked around for a while before finally seeing the familiar figure.

When Yu Xi walked in front of Chi Juan and stopped, Chi Juan couldn't believe his eyes.

He asked the stupidest question he had ever said in his life, "Are you... coming to see me?"

After all, he left the bus stop and walked over here, maybe Yu Xi would go around.

His teeth seemed to be chattering, his fingers were shaking, and he didn't dare to look into Yu Xi's eyes.

Until Yu Xi nodded and said, "I'm coming to see you."

He finally put his heart into his stomach, hugged Yu Xi into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

"I've wanted to hug you like this for a long time."

He used up all his strength, but because he was too nervous before, his body had been very tense, so that he was a little exhausted and had no strength now.

"From now on, I hold your hand tightly, and I will never let go again." Chi Juan lowered his head and said softly.

When Yu Xi received the phone calls from the four people, the system had already determined that she had completed the task.

But the system did not make a sound until then.

[Task completed.]

[Congratulations to the host, unlock the second copy, and achieve the achievement: Love Star.]

[Second copy rating: four stars.]

[System comments: The host's acting skills have been improved, and the original owner's personality is very well interpreted. Unfortunately, the host has never taken the initiative in the love show, and is more passively pushed. Although it is in line with the character setting in some aspects, it has lost the original owner's sincerity and enthusiasm. After all, the original owner was relatively active towards Lu Yueyi. However, after the transformation, she has won the favor of the guests and washed away the injustice suffered by the original owner in the original plot, so it is rated as four stars. I hope the host will continue to work hard.]

[Please make a wish for the host, and the system will send the host back to the original world and fulfill the host's wish.]

Yu Xi took a deep breath.

This time it has already fit the character setting, but it is still only four stars.

Recalling the experience in this world, she does not need to take the initiative to get those people's love, so what else does she take the initiative to do, and she didn't come here to fall in love.

But what the system said was indeed correct.

Yu Xi was a bit of a perfectionist, and she still felt a bit uncomfortable for not getting five stars this time.

But for now, she should make a wish.

After returning to her own world, Yu Xi had no time to rest. There were still

a lot of things waiting for her.

After her wish was fulfilled, she got the role she wanted.

And she successfully joined the crew a month later.

Although she played a supporting role, Yu Xi still cherished this opportunity very much, because she was working with a great director.

Moreover, the actors who acted opposite her were all veteran actors. It was the first time for her to have such a good opportunity to learn from them.

Yu Xi worked diligently every day and came very early. Even when she was not filming, she would watch from the side, and she remembered her lines very well. After filming for more

than half a month, the director appreciated her more and more, praising her for being a rare good material among young actors, and what was more valuable was that she was motivated and hardworking.

Yu Xi hoped that after the filming of this play, she would also be able to come up with a representative movie.

She devoted herself to the filming of this play, and even refused other scripts that came to her at the same time.

Her efforts were noticed by the director, so the director decided to give her more scenes.

You know, the supporting actress role of this play had been snatched away by another actress, who brought money into the crew and had someone behind her. As a result, after Yu Xi made a wish, the producer specified that Yu Xi should play this role, so the role went to Yu Xi again.

That actress became the third supporting actress,

and she had quite a few scenes. During these days on the crew, she had a good relationship with the crew. She and the actress who played the female lead had long been good friends in the circle. The director's decision to add Yu Xi to the role was a decision.

Yu Xi snatched the supporting actress role and added more scenes. Her scenes were almost catching up with the female lead, and the director praised her every day.

Naturally, she was an eyesore to others. After

the filming of the play was finished, Yu Xi also finished filming.

As a result, when it was about to be released, Yu Xi found out that her scenes had been cut to only a few shots. She was originally a supporting actress, but now her scenes were even less than the third female lead.

The agent went to find an explanation, but was thrown back with a sentence, saying that the film crew was not satisfied with the editing.

Fortunately, the agent also knows a lot of people in the circle. After asking a few insiders, he found out that it turned out that the producer's company was acquired by someone who was the financial sponsor of the third female lead. In addition, the power behind the female lead put pressure on her, so the director decided to delete her scenes.

But the director invited her to shoot another commercial film.

Because the budget was too high, no one had invested before.

Now that the investment is available, the director invited Yu Xi to play the third female lead.

The first female lead is the third female lead in the previous film.

It turns out that the investment was the money given by the financial sponsor behind her.

Thinking of the reasons, Yu Xi couldn't swallow this breath.

A week before the movie was released. She

entered the task again.

Not only did she have to add back her deleted scenes, but she also had to become the first female lead in the next play!

Opening her eyes, Yu Xi found that there were many people standing around her and the environment was also noisy.

Because there were too many people around her, she couldn't receive the plot immediately and could only observe the surrounding environment.

She was now on the deck of a cruise ship, which was still docked at the shore, and she was wearing a mask on her face.

At this time, the sound of the radio rang in her ears.

【Welcome everyone to participate in the selection of contestants for "Love Werewolf". 】

【The audition is very simple. You just need to enter the room and answer a few questions according to the guidance of the staff. 】

Yu Xi frowned. Why did she have to participate in the selection this time?

Could it be that she would fail?

With doubts, she walked into a room.

There were several people sitting inside, with serious expressions and serious looks. The man sitting in the middle was very handsome, but too cold, which made people feel oppressed. Yu Xi felt a little uncomfortable.

"Contestant No. 108, please listen carefully to the next question and answer it well."

Yu Xi nodded.

"Excuse me, if you were a wolf, what kind of identity would you make up for yourself?"

Yu Xi was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what it meant. Fortunately, the system gave her a prompt at the right time, [This program is called Love Werewolf. Some people come here to fall in love sincerely, and some people come here for the bonus. The latter is the wolf. The wolf can lie and make up an identity. In the end, if the wolf and the lover hold hands, they can get the bonus. 】

Yu Xi roughly understood.

She thought about her previous experience. She had to make up a similar identity. Her information was probably in front of those people.

So she said, "I will say that I am a student of the Film Academy."

Her answer made those people discuss among themselves for a few words.

The man sitting in the middle continued to ask the next question.

"Then you show me, as a student of the Film Academy, what are your specialties..."

Fortunately, Yu Xi had experience in the second world. She seemed to have inherited the ability of the CV in the second world and easily dubbed a classic TV series for them.

Soon, Yu Xi passed the audition. The staff took her to the room on the cruise ship and gave her a key and a manual.

Just when she was about to open the door and enter the room.

Another person was brought by the staff. It seemed that he lived in the room next to her.

He was a very tall man, also wearing a mask. It was impossible to tell what he looked like just by looking at the outline of his face.

After the staff left, the two looked at each other. Although they could not see their faces, they could see their eyes.

"Hello, it seems that we will be neighbors in the future..."

The man stretched out his hand. Yu Xi noticed that his fingers were slender and beautiful, and there were calluses on the joints of his index fingers.

Yu Xi nodded, and stretched out her hand to shake his gently.

She said nothing, opened the door and went in.

She didn't have time to chat with others now, but was eager to receive the plot.


Half an hour later, Yu Xi lay back and fell on the bed.

This time's mission was really bloody.

The original owner was broken off by her fiancé who was betrothed to her, but she unexpectedly learned that her fiancé participated in this program in pursuit of Bai Yueguang, so she also signed up.

Although she passed the audition, the original owner was eliminated the day after she took off the mask.

The rules of the game of "Love Werewolf" are that the mask is not allowed to be removed to reveal the face in the first three days.

On the third day, the face is revealed, and the first round of voting can be carried out to eliminate the werewolf in everyone's mind.

And the original owner was the one who was eliminated, and her fiancé's vote was among the votes to eliminate her.

The original owner and her fiancé played together when they were young. When they were in kindergarten, he was ignorant and said he wanted to marry her, so the two families got engaged. The original owner always remembered the engagement. Even though she had been abroad for many years, she had not fallen in love. She thought she would get engaged officially after graduating from college, but when she came back, she was told that the engagement was cancelled.

She had only seen photos of her fiancé, who looked quite handsome in the photos, but she had no idea what he was like in person. Maybe he was a fake photo.

She only knew that the original owner's fiancé and his white moonlight were on the ship.

Moreover, the guests who passed the audition were all wearing masks, so she couldn't recognize who they were.


the one who lives next door to her shouldn't be him.

She was confused now.

The system issued a task: [This time the task is to stay until the end, successfully hold hands or get a bonus. ]

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