IBWMWTBMT - The entertainment industry vase and the schizophrenic ex-husband

The entertainment industry vase and the schizophrenic ex-husband

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92. The entertainment industry vase and the schizophrenic ex-husband 1
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[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
The neighbor's brother is called Ji Youjun. He broke up with the original owner a few years ago and has now become a superstar.

The ex-husband of the sponsor was named Shen Jue. He was framed by the original owner and had a relationship with her. After the original owner became pregnant, she took the opportunity to marry into a wealthy family and gave birth to a son. After that, she entered the entertainment industry and obtained many resources by relying on Shen Jue's power, becoming very popular in the entertainment industry.

But the original owner had always had Ji Youjun in her heart, and she broke up with him only because of a misunderstanding. But it was also because of this misunderstanding that the original owner realized that the two of them were not suitable for each other at that time, and Ji Youjun could not give her the life she wanted.

The original owner came from a poor family. Her father died early and her mother raised her. She had little to eat and wear since childhood. Her beauty did not bring any benefits to her life. Instead, it brought her many disadvantages. Not only was she targeted everywhere, but she also often encountered perverts. Her experiences since childhood made the original owner dream of becoming a rich person and a big star that everyone pays attention to.

The reason for falling in love with Ji Youjun was very simple. Ji Youjun and she lived in the same building. Both of them had no father, but Ji Youjun's family conditions were pretty good. His family had taken good care of Yu Rou since she was a child. Ji Youjun himself was also very good in all aspects. He was handsome, had good grades, was very talented, had an approachable and very gentle personality, and especially he had liked the original owner since he was a child.

It was natural for the two of them to be together. The original owner had always been attached to him, so they had been together for several years and their relationship had always been very good. It was just that Ji Youjun was too indifferent and unmotivated. Although he was talented, he was very easy-going. At the beginning, the original owner liked this kind of personality. She felt that Ji Youjun was different from herself, which made her envy and admire him.

It was not until her junior year that an audition opportunity that originally belonged to the original owner was snatched away by another girl. The original owner was angry and resentful. This opportunity was very important to her. She even prepared for it for several months, gambled her future on it, and borrowed money to buy a very expensive set of clothes.

So the original owner was almost mad because her opportunity was taken away from her. When she complained to Ji Youjun, what she said was a bit excessive. Moreover, that girl had pursued Ji Youjun before. In a fit of impulse, the original owner said a lot of bad things about that girl in front of Ji Youjun, and her wording was inappropriate.

In the end, although Ji Youjun still comforted the original owner, he said that the original owner shouldn't say such things about others behind their backs. After all, there was no evidence, and that this opportunity was gone, but there would be opportunities in the future, so she shouldn't be discouraged...

The original owner would never listen to such words. All she wanted was her boyfriend's support. However, Ji Youjun was too rational. Although he was right, the original owner broke up with him in anger.

Later, the original owner calmed down and thought about it, and felt more and more that the two of them were not suitable.

No matter how Ji Youjun apologized or begged her, she insisted on breaking up.

The two were dating very low-key at the time and not many people knew about it. The original owner wanted to enter the entertainment industry and was usually busy looking for filming opportunities. The two had relatively little time to date, and only a few friends around them knew about their relationship.

At that time, several people in the original owner's dormitory also advised her to reconcile, but the original owner just disagreed, and was even determined to fight for a chance for herself. She began to get close to those rich young men in the school. There were many second-generation stars, rich second-generations, and official second-generations among the students in the film school. There were many people who liked the original owner. The original owner took the initiative to approach them, and naturally she quickly entered that circle through them.

That was how she was able to attend a party with a rich kid and get the chance to meet Shen Jue.

Yu Rou took out her phone and flipped through it again. A latest Weibo post caught her attention.

It was an interview video, and the person in the video was Ji Youjun.

He has now become a superstar who is well-known all over the world. He also held a world tour not long ago. His fan appeal is even stronger than Yu Rou's.

"I heard that you and Yu Rou are schoolmates. What do you think of Yu Rou winning the Golden Crane Award for Most Popular Actress?"

Ji Youjun is no longer the handsome and elegant brother next door in the original owner's memory. He looked at the camera with indifference and said in a cold tone: "He has no acting skills and is unworthy of the reputation. I guess the judges can't tell the difference between haters and fans when they say he is the most popular."

The screen stayed on Ji Youjun's face for two seconds, then switched to the screen of the entertainment gossip hosts. One of the male hosts said, "It seems that superstar Ji Youjun is not optimistic about Yu Rou winning the Most Popular Actress Award. Although Ji Youjun has always been reckless and unexpected in his words, this is the first time he has publicly criticized a star. It can be seen that he has also heard the rumors that Yu Rou is a big shot, which leads to Ji Youjun's bad impression of Yu Rou. As for the fact that Yu Rou has no acting skills, she has also been criticized by many netizens..."

The female host smiled and said, "Ji Youjun and Yu Rou are college alumni. There have been reports that the two of them were dating before. Is this true? It seems that fans of both sides do not believe this statement. Looking at Ji Youjun's attitude today, it can be seen that this matter is groundless."

Yu Rou turned off the video with a cold face.

Xiao Chen was trembling with fear and didn't dare to say anything, but Yu Rou didn't throw her phone, which made him very lucky, because it was his phone that Yu Rou was holding.

Yu Rou was pretending to be angry. In fact, she was a little helpless because she just wanted to know whether her target was Ji Youjun or Shen Jue.

But no matter how she called the system in her heart, the system did not appear, as if it had disappeared.

Did the upgrade also eliminate you? Not only did they not give me the world story, they also didn't tell me the mission objectives. What's going on?

At this time, the assistant on the set ran over and said to Yu Rou with a flattering smile, "Teacher Yu, you can go over and put on makeup and change clothes."

Yu Rou snorted and ignored him.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Sister, let's go over there. It's also very hot here. It's cooler over there."

According to the original owner's memory, when she arrived, the makeup artist was doing makeup for the leading actress Xiao Qiao. The original owner changed her clothes and waited for more than half an hour but it was not her turn. In addition, Yu Rou's makeup and hair were more complicated, and it was unknown how long it would take to finish. It was a hot day, and the original owner became more and more annoyed of waiting, so she lost her temper and simply left.

If Yu Rou was asked to put on makeup at this time, with the original owner's temper, she would naturally be pretentious, otherwise they would probably find it strange.

"Teacher Yu, the director will be here soon, and the two makeup artists are waiting for you over there." The studio assistant had no choice but to continue smiling apologetically, hoping that Yu Rou would stop acting like a spoiled brat.

"Sister Yu." Xiao Chen also followed suit.

Yu Rou then stood up and said, "Okay, let's go. I'm so annoyed."

After spending an hour on makeup and half an hour on her hair and clothes, Yu Rou felt like she was about to melt. It was simply too hot. There was no air conditioning here, and everyone shared a few large floor fans. But even though she was wearing so many clothes, she still felt very hot.

However, the effect after applying makeup is truly amazing, Yu Rou seems like a different person.

She seemed to have traveled from ancient times, wearing a water blue robe embroidered with idle clouds and wild cranes. The workmanship was very delicate, and the neckline and sleeves were edged with precious silk threads, which made her look luxurious and elegant.

This is a male costume, because Yu Rou plays a prince dressed as a man in the play.

Her facial features are like beautiful jade carefully crafted by God, which makes people's eyes bright. Her indifferent and cold eyes give people a cold temperament at a glance. However, Yu Rou's character in the film is not indifferent and cold, but seductive and vicious, making people addicted but fearful, like a poppy.

I thought it would be her turn soon, but she had no part in the first few scenes and the director asked her to watch from the side.

The sun had already risen, and wearing such thick clothes, standing here felt like being roasted by fire. And from what the director said, it seemed like he was giving her a chance to learn.

It's obvious that he's disgusted with her poor acting skills.

The original owner has become more and more popular in recent years, but her temper has become worse and worse. If she heard this, she would definitely not be able to stand it and would just retort.

Just as Yu Rou was about to speak, Xiao Chen quickly grabbed her sleeve to stop her.

"Sister, Sister Yu, calm down."

Yu Rou had an unpleasant expression on her face and looked at him with dissatisfaction and frown.

Xiao Chen was a little nervous, but still tried to persuade her: "Sister Yu, you can't get angry, that's Director Zhang, did you forget what Brother Xiao said yesterday?"

Yu Rou didn't say anything, as if she was thinking about something.

Xiao Chen continued, "Sister Yu, we can't lose the big picture because of the small. This play means a lot to you."

The play that Yu Rou is going to shoot today is "The Face Reader", which is a big-budget movie with an investment of 200 million yuan. It took half a year to polish the script and prepare for the early shooting. The director is the famous Zhang Xu, and the cast is huge. The most popular actor in the country, Chu Zheng, was invited to play the male lead, the leading actress is the queen Xiao Qiao, and the supporting actress is the popular young actress Meng Xiaoyu. With such a large traffic, the movie became popular before it was even shot.

Today is the first day for the actors to join the crew. Several leading actors and Zhang Xu are all here. The agent has repeatedly told Xiao Chen to take good care of Yu Rou and not let her lose her temper. She must leave a good impression in front of Zhang Xu, otherwise with Zhang Xu's temper, he can replace her at any time if he gets angry, no matter how much traffic and topics she can bring.

After hearing what Xiao Chen said, Yu Rou didn't react, but she didn't say anything else. She asked Xiao Chen to get a stool and sat next to her waiting.

Xiao Chen happily moved a stool and asked someone to bring a fan specifically for Yu Rou.

Yu Rou herself used to be an actor and was very interested in acting, but when she sat aside and watched other people’s rival performances, she found it boring. The supporting actors and actresses’ acting was really poor.

She looked at him for a while with a half-smile in her eyes, then said to Xiao Chen, "Go, get me my script."

Xiao Chen hurried to get it for her.

Yu Rou got the script and started reading it carefully. Before she had finished reading for a while, she was noticed by Director Zhang who was standing next to the camera.

The reason why Yu Rou was chosen to play this role was actually because of her looks. To put it bluntly, she was chosen to be a vase. Zhang Xu also wanted to find an actress with better acting skills, but after looking at several, none of them fit the image of the Ninth Prince in his mind, until the screenwriter recommended Yu Rou to him.

Zhang Xu had known Yu Rou for a long time, but he always thought that she was a star rather than an actor, at least not the kind of actor who acted seriously. He accidentally saw her performance in a drama, and the bloody plot and exaggerated acting were really unbearable. If Yu Rou's makeup photo had not completely overlapped with the Ninth Prince he imagined, he would not have agreed to let her join his crew.

Zhang Xu even thought that at worst, he could teach her how to act. After all, it would only be a few scenes, so it wouldn't be too bad. Besides, the investors also hoped that he could find one or two popular stars. Yu Rou had her own fans and was a hot topic. Her joining would be of great help to the box office of the movie. As a director, he had to consider this aspect. After all, the box office was also very important.

If the box office sells well, he will have enough funds to make better movies in the future and have more options.

He stared at Yu Rou for a while and saw that she seemed to be reading the script seriously, so his impression of her improved a little.

After a while, the scene was finished. He called the assistant director, asked about today's arrangements, and asked him to call Yu Rou to get ready so that he could start filming her scenes right away.

Seeing that it was finally her turn, Yu Rou became very excited. After all, she hadn't acted for many years, and she wanted to see if her acting skills had deteriorated.

The script supervisor shouted: "Action."

She immediately got into the plot and the role.

This scene was filmed in which the Ninth Prince, played by Yu Rou, took his servants to Prince Cheng's mansion to search the property. In this scene, she only had three lines.

Zhang Xu stared at the camera screen with a cold expression, seeming a little hopeless.

The author has something to say: Well, I didn’t seem to want to write about the entertainment industry before, but in the end I ended up writing about it.

I hope this one will be more interesting, not take the normal route, and write a silly and happy world.

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But when he saw Yu Rou on the screen slowly walking towards him, his eyes suddenly narrowed and a look of surprise flashed in them.

Yu Rou was dressed very luxuriously, and when she walked into the camera, what Zhang Xu saw was the Ninth Prince he had imagined.

Sure enough, this face is really suitable.

Zhang Xu secretly praised him in his heart, thinking, it doesn't matter if his acting is just okay.

But just as he had this thought, he saw Yu Rou suddenly smile.

No, it was the Ninth Prince in the play who smiled.

In her hand, she held a fine carved jade pendant with a string hanging from it. When she was playing with the jade pendant carefully, the camera fell on her hand. Although it was only for a few seconds, one could see that her slender white fingers were a little rough and had a few old scars.

A row of servants from the palace and concubines from the backyard knelt in front of the Ninth Prince. Everyone looked at her with fear, but she seemed to be very satisfied with their fear of her and walked around nonchalantly.

When Zhang Xu saw the subtle expression on Yu Rou's face, his heart was immediately captured by her.

The corners of her mouth were pressed down, her eyes were slightly narrowed, her expression was cold and sinister, even her smile was frightening, but one had to say that her face was breathtakingly beautiful and had a dangerous appeal.

"Is everything here?"

Even her voice was pleasant to the ear. Her soft tone gave rise to endless reverie, yet it was so cold that it contained no emotion at all.

The man who was following the Ninth Prince and bowing his head said respectfully, "They are all there. We have searched the entire palace."

Upon hearing this, the Ninth Prince's expression turned even colder. He laughed playfully and shook his head, "But the person I want is not here."

As soon as she finished speaking, her smile disappeared and a solemn look suddenly appeared on her face.

The man who had just spoken knelt down and said tremblingly: "I have failed to do my job well. Please punish me, Your Highness."

The Ninth Prince looked at him expressionlessly, as if he was looking at a dead man.

Zhang Xu looked at Yu Rou on the screen and was secretly surprised. Why did he think Yu Rou's acting was poor before? Her performance was no worse than Xiao Qiao's, and even more outstanding than Xiao Qiao's. Under the camera, Yu Rou had a unique charm.

He also has his misjudgments. Thinking back to when he had previously asked Yu Rou to watch other people acting, it was no wonder that Yu Rou had given him a cold look. Now he himself felt embarrassed.

All the staff watching nearby were stunned by Yu Rou's performance. No one expected Yu Rou to have such outstanding acting skills. Wasn't she supposed to be a vase?

The first drama the original owner starred in was a low-cost web drama about gods and demons. No one was optimistic about it before it was aired. But who knew it would suddenly become a hit, all thanks to the publicity and money spent by the sponsors.

That drama was really an eyesore, the costumes and makeup were all rubbish, and it was all supported by the original owner's looks. No one in the whole drama could watch it except the original owner, but it became popular. The original owner's acting skills were really rubbish at the time, so that while she became popular, she also attracted a lot of trolls and black fans.

Later, Yu Rou took on several TV series, all of which were youth idol dramas and urban romantic comedies adapted from popular IPs. Each one was very popular and the ratings reached new highs.

In addition, there have been reports that she is a big shot, has a bad temper, and bullies the staff, so there are more and more haters. There are many people who like the original owner, and even more people who hate her. This situation has brought huge traffic and topic to the original owner, and she has become the most popular traffic star now.

However, due to the smear campaign by some people with ulterior motives, her reputation in the circle is very bad, and people who have never worked with her have a bad impression of her.

Even a big director like Zhang Xu would not have sought cooperation with Yu Rou if the circumstances were not special this time.

Who knew Yu Rou would give him such a big surprise.

This scene was filmed exceptionally smoothly. The only NG was caused by a mistake made by an extra, which caused Yu Rou to have to reshoot it. Zhang Xu did not lose his temper at all and was particularly gentle when he spoke.

Everyone on the set was shocked.

After leaving the crew, Yu Rou was surrounded by reporters who were following her.

She has been on the hot search every day recently because she won several awards and was also ridiculed by Ji Youjun, so that fans of both sides started a war of words and the heat did not go down.

The reporter asked Yu Rou: "Excuse me, what is your response to Ji Youjun's statement that your acting skills are not good and that you don't deserve the award?"

Yu Rou smiled at the camera and said, "Time will tell. I will let my works speak for themselves. I have nothing else to say to him."

The reporters pressed the shutter button frantically, but Yu Rou's face was beautiful no matter how it was photographed. Moreover, the way she spoke just now was both proud and charming. No wonder her popularity has always been so high. Appearance is still what matters in the entertainment industry.

Reporter: "I heard that the two knew each other in school before. Is this true?"

Yu Rou said calmly: "This, I remember I explained it before, if you want to know, go search it online yourself."

Yu Rou was about to leave under the protection of her assistant and security guards.

Another reporter asked loudly, "There are rumors that you have a close relationship with Shen Jue. He invested in your previous TV series, and it was through his connections that you joined the crew of "The Face Reader". Is this true?"

Xiao Chen's expression changed slightly, and he was about to protect Yu Rou and leave first, but Yu Rou had already stopped, looked at the reporter coldly, and said: "You also know that it is a rumor, so of course it is not credible."

Reporter: "But we took intimate photos of you before, and Mr. Shen never responded or denied it. Does this mean that he has acquiesced?"

Yu Rou smiled sarcastically, "This reporter is really humorous. From now on, if you ask a question secretly at home and no one pays attention to you, you can just take it as a tacit agreement."

Yu Rou's words caused the whole audience to laugh, and the reporter who asked the question was also very embarrassed.

Another reporter responded, "I'm afraid Mr. Shen doesn't even know who you are."

Yu Rou took this opportunity to get into the nanny car.

In a villa in the Jade Courtyard.

A cute little boy was lying on the desk watching a video.

He didn't open the full screen, and the page in the upper left corner read: Golden Crane Award Ceremony

On the stage on the screen, two award presenters stood side by side and talked, one of them holding a prize card in his hand.

"Now we're going to announce the winner of this year's Golden Crane Awards for the Most Popular Actress. Who will she be?" actor Chen Lin asked Xie Yunfei beside him.

Xie Yunfei put his hand holding the award card behind his back and said, "I don't know. All the actresses nominated this time are my favorites."

Chen Lin asked: "Who is your favorite?"

Xie Yunfei glanced at the actresses in the audience, and when his eyes fell on someone, he involuntarily stopped and looked at them a few more times.

Yu Rou's name made a bend in his mouth, and then was swallowed. He said, "Let's just go straight to the winner. Everyone can't wait."

Chen Lin said: "Yes, I am also very curious, so let's open the prize now."

Xie Yunfei handed the lottery card to Chen Lin.

Chen Lin took it, opened it and looked at the name inside. Xie Yunfei also looked over curiously.

Chen Lin: "The winner of the 18th China TV Golden Crane Awards for Audience's Favorite Actress is..."

Xie Yunfei said in surprise: "Yu Rou."

"Congratulations! Congratulations Yu Rou."

The camera turned to the woman sitting fifth from the right in the first row of the audience. She was wearing a black dress and looked elegant and beautiful. After hearing her name, she slightly raised the corners of her mouth and stood up with a smile. Under the light, her dazzlingly beautiful face blossomed into a charming smile, which was bold and dazzling.

"Now we would like to invite Yu Rou to come on stage to receive the award."

Yu Rou took the trophy and bowed a few times, seeming very moved. "As an actor, being loved by the audience is the most important thing. I am very excited and happy to receive this award today. I would like to thank all the judges for their affirmation of me and the audience for their love and support. I will work hard to keep up with it and will not let you down."

The little boy stared at the woman on the screen with an awkward expression, but his eyes were filled with longing and attachment. He suddenly jumped off the chair unhappily, and ran downstairs.

A man in a white shirt was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

The little boy looked at the man and called out, "Dad."

The man turned to look at him and frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

The little boy pursed his lips and said, "I just saw my mother."

The man looked cold and seemed displeased.

The little boy said loudly: "On the computer, I saw my mother won the award."

This man is Yu Rou’s ex-husband—Shen Jue.

This little boy is Yu Rou and Shen Jue’s son—Shen Yu.

He is just over four years old, but he is already very smart. He looks very much like Yu Rou, especially his eyes, which are exactly the same. Looking at his eyebrows and eyes, one can think of Yu Rou.

Shen Jue: "So what if I see her?"

Shen Yu said: "Let her come back to see me."

Shen Jue smiled coldly: "What's so good about you?"

Shen Yu said angrily: "Don't you miss her? You always slept together before, but now you can't sleep together. You must miss her too."

Shen Jue frowned: "Who taught you this nonsense?"

Shen Yu's rosy face turned red. "Don't worry about who taught me this. Anyway, I want her to come back to see me."

Shen Jue said coldly: "She won't come back."

Shen Yu: “No!”

Shen Jue: "I divorced her. She is not your mother now."

Shen Yu: "Don't bully me because I'm young and don't understand. You divorced her, she's just not your wife anymore, but she's still my mother!"

Shen Jue looked at him coldly.

Shen Yu shrank back and dared not speak.

After a while, he plucked up his courage and whispered, "Mom must be happy to have won the award. Talk to her and ask her to come and accompany me."

Shen Jue: "You have her phone number, so why don't you just look for her yourself?"

Shen Yu stared at him and didn't speak for a long time.

Shen Jue snorted, "You also know that she doesn't want to see you?"

Shen Yu said unconfidently: "If you ask her to come, she will definitely come. She listens to you the most."

Shen Jue: "You'd better forget her as soon as possible. I will find you another mother."

Shen Yu widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief, "I don't want it! I want Yu Rou to be my mother!"

Yu Rou, who was sleeping with her eyes closed in the nanny car, suddenly sneezed.

She frowned and opened her eyes, still dazed.

"what time is it?"

Xiao Chen, who was sitting in the front, turned around and said, "It's five o'clock."

"Oh." Yu Rou listened and continued to close her eyes.

"Sister Yu, are we really not going to the dinner party tonight? She asked again."

"What dinner?"

"Tonight at Yaqingxuan..."

"Oh! I remember now."

This dinner party was great, with many big directors and producers there, but Shen Jue was also there, so the original owner had already said he would not go.

"If I don't go, I'll be really rejecting it." Xiao Chen felt it was a pity.

Yu Rou smiled and said, "Go ahead, who said not to go? I'll go."

Xiao Chen: “Ah?”

Yu Rou: "I'll go back and change my clothes and then rush over."

She wanted to meet Shen Jue. From the original owner's memory, Shen Jue was also severely abused by the original owner.

At the beginning, the original owner had sex with Shen Jue in order to get close to a rich and powerful man. It was originally a one-night stand, but the original owner used some tricks to get entangled with Shen Jue, and it developed into a long-term sex-buddy relationship, and she got many benefits. Later, she got addicted and simply seduced Shen Jue without a condom, and lied to him that she would take medicine. After a few times, she became pregnant.

Many things happened after that, and she married into the Shen family as she wished.

Although she did not hold a public wedding, she was a real Mrs. Shen. She had endless money and could do whatever she wanted. She did not have to take care of her child herself as she had several nannies. She rested for half a year after giving birth and then proposed to develop in the entertainment industry.

The author has something to say: This world has become a mother directly

Fish meat indicates a lot of pressure

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[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
Although Shen Jue was not very supportive at the time, he still gave her as many resources as possible, otherwise she would not have become famous so quickly.

It only took her three years to become the leading actress. Although her acting skills were not good, she secured her position as the top actress.

But soon, the original owner reunited with Ji Youjun.

At that time, Ji Youjun had already gained some fame on the Internet because of an original song. Later, he signed a contract with Juhua Entertainment Company. With the support of a gold medal agent, his popularity soared and he became the most popular male singer in just one year.

One of them is a popular singer, and the other is a popular actress. Neither of them is the young man and woman of their past.

Ji Youjun no longer had any feelings for the original owner, only disgust towards her. He now had a gentle and considerate junior school girl as his assistant. The junior school girl had been secretly in love with him for years and worked hard to become his assistant. The two gradually developed feelings for each other, but Ji Youjun was hurt too deeply by the original owner and never wanted to have a relationship. He only wanted to make music well. The junior school girl kept her feelings to herself and never said them out.

In fact, the original owner had never forgotten Ji Youjun over the years and regarded him as her white moonlight. Now that she saw him again, her feelings for him were rekindled.

Ji Youjun was indifferent to her, which made the original owner feel uncomfortable, so she cared even more about him.

Later, by chance, the original owner discovered that there was some ambiguity between Ji Youjun and his assistant. She became jealous, and felt more and more that she was still deeply in love with Ji Youjun, so she had the idea of ​​divorcing Shen Jue and getting back together with Ji Youjun.

Shen Jue was cold and had a weird temper. He had no sympathy for women and was not romantic at all towards her. In comparison, she missed Ji Youjun, who used to be gentle and considerate to her and took care of her in every way.

The original owner struggled for a while and decided to divorce Shen Jue. She felt that Ji Youjun must still have her in his heart and they could still be together again. Now that both of them have fame and money, the previous conflicts no longer exist.

She also tried her best to make Shen Jue agree to divorce her, which hurt Shen Jue deeply. She wanted to reconcile with Ji Youjun, but Ji Youjun did not accept her. In the end, she became jealous and hateful, and made one wrong step after another, and finally ended up in disgrace.

These are the memories of the original owner.

Yu Rou analyzed these memories but was unable to determine who the target of this mission was.

Ji Youjun and Shen Jue were both cheated by their original owners, and their final outcomes were also quite miserable.

Yu Rou went back to change her clothes and then took a car to the dinner. Her agent was already waiting at the door. Seeing her dressed up carefully, she showed a satisfied look.

The agent whispered, "Come in quickly, Director Li, Director Zhang, and several other important people are here."

Yu Rou: "Well, is Shen Jue in there?"

The agent was stunned for a moment, "Mr. Shen hasn't arrived yet."

She arrived neither too early nor too late. After she entered the box and sat down, Shen Jue arrived within a few minutes.

As soon as Shen Jue entered the room, he saw Yu Rou. His face darkened and his eyes became cold and a little sarcastic. His gaze stayed on Yu Rou for a few seconds before moving away.

He stopped at the door for a few seconds and was about to turn around and leave when he was seen.

Director Li Ren quickly stepped forward and asked him to come in and sit down, "Boss Shen, why don't you come in now? Everyone is waiting for you."

Shen Jue had previously invested in a big-budget movie for him and made over a billion. This time he had another script that he wanted to attract investment for, so Shen Jue was the first person he thought of.

Shen Jue nodded and went in and sat down.

The people in the room were either producers with a net worth of tens of billions, or internationally renowned directors, and there were also two movie queens. In fact, Yu Rou was able to attend such an occasion because of Shen Jue.

Many people in the circle knew about Yu Rou and Shen Jue's affair, but no one knew that they were married, got married, and had a child.

The two of them had kept it a secret very well, and even when they broke up, few people knew about it. Most people still thought that Yu Rou was still protected by Shen Jue.

Otherwise, the third female role in "The Fortune Teller" would not have been Yu Rou's turn.

It seemed that a month later, Shen Jue said in person that he and Yu Rou had nothing to do with each other, and they were not even friends. Everyone then knew that their relationship was over. At that time, Yu Rou had finished filming her scenes in "The Face Reader", but half of them were still cut. She went from being the third female role to a guest star with only a few shots.

Yu Rou specially reserved a seat for Shen Jue next to her. Since there was no other seat, Shen Jue had no choice but to sit next to Yu Rou.

When discussing cooperation and business over a dinner table, one has to drink.

In such occasions, not only men drink, but women have to drink too, both red and white.

Li Ren: "Yu Rou, I heard that you are working with Director Zhang recently?"

Yu Rou: “Yeah.”

Director Li: "Director Zhang is very good, you should learn from him. I have a role in a script that is very suitable for you, you can come and try it."

"Well, thank you Director Li." Yu Rou had no interest in what he said and had a cold attitude, but she still had to save face.

Yu Rou has never worked with Li Ren. He made many well-received movies in his early years, but in recent years he has become more and more commercialized. He makes money, but people's evaluation of him has become worse and worse. Some people say that he only wants to make money and is not seriously making high-quality boutique movies.

The original owner wanted to work with him before, but her schedules never matched. This time, her agent asked her to come because he thought that the heroine of Li Ren’s new movie had not been decided yet, and maybe Yu Rou would be lucky enough to be chosen.

But Yu Rou didn't think so. She didn't like Li Ren's attitude towards making movies. Yu Rou was still very serious about acting. She would rather suffer from Zhang Xu than cooperate with such a director to make a bad commercial movie.

Seeing that Yu Rou's attitude was not enthusiastic, Li Ren frowned.

But he soon thought of the rumors in the circle about Yu Rou and Shen Jue.

The reason why Yu Rou thinks so highly of herself and acts like a big shot is probably because she really has some relationship with Shen Jue.

Thinking of this, Li Ren looked at Yu Rou in a much gentler manner and spoke more to her.

When Yu Rou was drinking red wine, she inadvertently discovered that Shen Jue looked at her strangely. His eyes were deep, like a spark in the dark and cold night. The restrained possessiveness and deep hatred in his eyes made Yu Rou feel a little creepy.

In the original owner's memory, Shen Jue has always been a person who is frugal with words and speaks coldly. Even when he fell in love with the original owner later, he has always been calm and self-controlled, and even his attitude towards their son is indifferent.

In the eyes of the original owner, Shen Jue is a straight man who doesn't understand women at all, he is not gentle, considerate, or interesting. However, if Yu Rou analyzes from the perspective of an observer, Shen Jue has many advantages. Not only is he rich enough to spend in eight lifetimes, but his appearance and figure are also first-class. Compared with the men present, Shen Jue is so handsome that he has no friends. His personality is a bit cold, but the original owner was attracted by his money and power, and then she despised him, which really doesn't make sense.

When Yu Rou thought of this, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom." Yu Rou said to Li Ren beside her, then stood up to go out. Shen Jue was sitting on her left and didn't react. When Yu Rou walked past him from behind, her arm brushed against his shoulder. Shen Jue slowly raised his hand from the table, put it under the table, clenched it into a fist, and the blue veins on the back of his hand bulged out.

Yu Rou did not go into the bathroom, but put on makeup in front of the mirror at the sink outside.

The bathroom in this hotel is also decorated in great style. In addition to the mirror covering the entire wall above the sink, there are also two floor-to-ceiling mirrors next to it.

Yu Rou was wearing light makeup to begin with, so she simply touched up her lipstick and prepared to go back.

She had only taken a few steps when she saw Shen Jue coming towards her.

Yu Rou nodded slightly, her expression didn't change, but Shen Jue looked at her with an unfathomable gaze.

Yu Rou asked: "It's been a while since we last met. How are you doing recently? How's Xiao Yu?"

Shen Jue stared into her eyes without saying anything. The silence in his eyes was a little frightening.

Yu Rou: "Mr. Shen, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Jue sneered, "Mr. Shen?"

Yu Rou: “?”

Did she call him that wrong? The original owner seemed to call him that in front of others.

Or did Shen Jue dislike her to the point where he couldn't stand hearing her calling him?

Yu Rou's original intention of coming to the dinner today was just to see Shen Jue, and she had no intention of getting involved with him. After all, she didn't know who the target of her trip was yet. A wrong step might bring unnecessary trouble, so she wanted to wait and see for a while to see if the system would appear.

She thought Shen Jue didn't want to talk to her, so Yu Rou lowered her eyes and prepared to return to the box.

Unexpectedly, when Yu Rou and he were about to pass by each other, Shen Jue suddenly grabbed her wrist.

He was very strong, and Yu Rou's hand was pinched by him, which hurt a lot. She frowned and asked, "Mr. Shen, what do you mean by this? What if someone sees us?"

Shen Jue bent down and raised her hands to her shoulders. She felt pain, but didn't know what was going on. She didn't want to shout loudly for fear of attracting others.

"Are you afraid of being seen?"

For some reason, Shen Jue's voice sounded very sexy. It was obviously very cold, but it was low and pleasant to the ear.

Yu Rou didn’t understand what he meant. Wasn’t he afraid of being seen?

Without waiting for her to answer, Shen Jue suddenly put his other hand to her lips and rubbed her lips hard with his index finger.

Shen Jue looked down and saw a deep red stain on his fingers. The bright and beautiful color made his expression even more solemn.

He seemed to not understand why what she put on her lips was fading, and for a moment he was unsure what to do with the color on his fingers.

His fingers were still on her lips, her soft and moist lips felt great. His eyes became blurred and deep, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Yu Rou pushed him away in surprise, "Mr. Shen, what are you doing?"

She scolded in a low voice, her tone cold.

After all, the lipstick she had just applied was smudged by him and even got on the corners of her mouth, which definitely looked ugly.

"Let me go." Yu Rou glared at him.

Shen Jue's gaze was locked on her face, with a struggle flashing in his eyes, an emotion that Yu Rou could not understand. She always felt that the Shen Jue in front of her was not the man in the original owner's memory. Could it be that Shen Jue had a twin brother that the original owner didn't know about?

Yu Rou was thinking randomly, and Shen Jue had already let go of her hand.

Yu Rou took a deep breath, took out a tissue and a mirror from her bag, carefully wiped off the lipstick smears on the corners of her mouth, and added a little more before leaving.

After she left, Shen Jue looked at the color on his fingers, slowly raised his fingers, hesitated for a moment, then put his fingers on his lips, and a hint of tenderness appeared in his sinister eyes.

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The fingertips seemed to still retain the softness and warmth of Yu Rou's lips just now.

There was anger in his eyes, which slowly turned into paranoia and madness, like a withered violet, confused and lonely. He suddenly opened his mouth, placed his finger on his tongue and touched it lightly, then bit his finger hard.

His fingers are connected to his heart, and he felt sharp pain at his fingertips. His fingers were bitten by him and bled, and blood slowly seeped out.

He thought about the cold look Yu Rou had given him just now, and his eyes gradually became silent.

When Shen Jue returned to the box, Yu Rou was drinking with Li Ren. The two clinked their glasses while talking.

Yu Rou saw Shen Jue come in out of the corner of her eye, but without looking at him much, she picked up a few bites of food with her chopsticks.

"Xiao Yu, why don't you have a drink with Mr. Shen?" Li Ren saw that Shen Jue was in a bad mood and tried to please him.

Yu Rou smiled faintly, "I think Mr. Shen doesn't drink."

Li Ren: "How could that be? Mr. Shen can drink a lot. If you toast him, he will drink."

Yu Rou raised her eyebrows and smiled at Shen Jue, "What about Mr. Shen? Would you mind having a drink with me?"

Her tone was a little casual, sounding soft and gentle, giving people a tingling and tingling feeling as if they were electrocuted.

Shen Jue raised his glass, stared at her lips, and took a sip slowly without clinking glasses with her. His eyes always made her feel like he wanted to skin and bone her and eat her.

The dinner lasted more than two hours and ended. Yu Rou had to get up early to film the next day, so she prepared to go back and rest.

She left the restaurant wearing a mask and a hat.

Xiao Chen walked in front of her, "Sister, the car is over here."

Yu Rou said "hmm" and was about to go over when she saw Shen Jue's car parked on the side of the road.

Shen Jue opened the car window and held a cigarette in his hand. There was a dark orange flame on the cigarette butt and smoke was curling up. He looked at her with an unpredictable expression, which made Yu Rou feel strange.

Yu Rou took a few steps forward and said, "Is Mr. Shen waiting for someone?"

Shen Jue said coldly: "Get in the car."

Yu Rou looked puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Shen Jue: "Shen Yu wants to see you."

Yu Rou's mind flashed with the image of Shen Yu, a cute little boy whom she really wanted to meet.

However, Yu Rou still said, "It's not very convenient, right? Mr. Shen, how about I take time to visit him next time?"

"Don't call me Mr. Shen." Shen Jue's eyes were silent, and all his emotions were hidden deep in his eyes, which made people curious.

Yu Rou curled her lips and said, "Okay, Mr. Shen."

Shen Jue glanced at her and asked, "Do you have anything to do when you go back home tonight?"

Yu Rou felt more and more that this Shen Jue was not right. He was not the same person as the original owner remembered. She didn't know the plot of the world now, and she always felt something was wrong. "It's okay, but I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the crew to film."

"Get in the car. I'll take you there tomorrow."

Yu Rou was silent for a moment, "Mr. Shen, it's a little late now."

Shen Jue's eyes darkened slightly, and he frowned almost imperceptibly, with a faint sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He rolled down the window, started the engine, and prepared to leave.

Yu Rou's mind moved, she reached out to open the car door and got in.

After she got in the car, Shen Jue looked at her in the rearview mirror. She lowered her head, took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

Xiao Chen saw Yu Rou get into the car. Just as he was about to chase after her, he received a call.

Xiao Chen: "Sister, are you okay?"

Yu Rou raised her eyes and looked at Shen Jue: "It's okay, Xiao Chen, you go back by yourself. I will go to the crew by myself tomorrow. You just go there early and wait for me."

As soon as Yu Rou finished speaking, Shen Jue drove away.

Xiao Chen said hesitantly: "Sister, is that Mr. Shen's car?"

Yu Rou said softly: "Well, I have something to do with him, that's all, I'll hang up first."

The two of them didn't speak for a long time along the way. The atmosphere in the car was weird. Shen Jue exuded a low pressure, but Yu Rou was contentedly lowering her head to play with her phone and check Weibo.

When the casting of the movie "The Fortune Teller" was announced, because of Yu Rou's participation, there was heated discussion about this drama online every day. It can be called a discussion, but in fact it can also be described as a war between haters and fans.

Yu Rou read the comments online that scolded her with great interest. The original owner's previous Weibo posts were all posted by the team, and there was very little personal content about herself, but even so, those black fans would scold her under her Weibo posts.

Especially after Ji Youjun’s interview video came out a few days ago, the original owner’s fans went to Ji Youjun’s Weibo to scold him, which led to fans on that side fighting back, and Yu Rou’s Weibo was also in chaos.

She followed Ji Youjun's Weibo and occasionally saw the shadow of her schoolmate's assistant in the photos and texts he posted.

Yu Rou clicked on a Weibo post that Ji Youjun posted two days ago. It was a short video and also the MV of his new song.

Ji Youjun is also very popular now. His MV is a collaboration with the hottest young actress. The MV for the single is romantic and beautiful. The comments are full of exclamations and flattery from fans.

But it's normal when you think about it. He looks no worse than those male stars, his voice is clean and spiritual, he has good singing skills, he is a singer-songwriter, and he is very talented. Plus, he has a good company team, so it's impossible for him not to be popular.

It’s not that no one had approached Ji Youjun to sign a contract at the beginning, but Ji Youjun felt that it would be difficult to date freely after becoming famous, and he didn’t want to affect their relationship, so he refused. Later, they broke up, and his photos and a singing video were posted online, and suddenly became popular online. As a result, he was noticed by a gold medal agent, who approached him to discuss signing a contract with the company, and Ji Youjun agreed.

When the light turned red, Shen Jue saw from the rearview mirror that she was staring at her head. He couldn't see clearly what was playing on her phone in the mirror. He turned around and glanced, and happened to see Ji Youjun.

Shen Jue's expression suddenly changed, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightened, and the veins on the back of his hands were noticeable.

Yu Rou sensed a cold gaze above her head and couldn't help but look up, only to see Shen Jue looking straight ahead. He was sitting upright with a perfect profile and cold facial lines.

Yu Rou thought for a moment and broke the silence, "Mr. Shen."

Shen Jue responded calmly, "Yeah."

"I feel like you're not very happy?"

Shen Jue: “No.”

Seeing his cold attitude, Yu Rou didn't bother to ask more questions, "Oh."

Shen Jue narrowed his eyes, unable to suppress his fiery emotions, "Why do you ask?"

Yu Rou said: "I just feel like there's something wrong with you."

Shen Jue suddenly stopped the car, and after a long while, he finally said, "I don't agree to divorce."

Yu Rou was stunned. She didn't agree to divorce? What did that mean?

Didn’t they divorced a long time ago?

Yu Rou opened her lips and just said the word "you" when Shen Jue interrupted her, "Don't mention this matter again in the future."

After he finished speaking, he restarted the car and sped back to the villa.

Yu Rou is so confused. What is the plot of this?

Did Shen Jue lose his memory?

Or is there something wrong with the original owner's memory? So she and Shen Jue haven't divorced yet?

She called the system several times in her mind, but got no response. When would this rubbish system be online? Was it intentional or was there some kind of glitch? Now she didn't know what to do.

She was distracted for a while, and Shen Jue had already opened the car door for her before she reacted.

"get off."

Shen Jue's voice rang in her ears. She turned around and found that he was bending down. Her lips almost brushed his cheek. She was startled by the close distance.

A hint of discomfort and forbearance flashed across Shen Jue's eyes. He moved his fingers and took a step back.

Yu Rou observed him calmly and whispered, "Is Xiao Yu home?"

"Well, let's go." Shen Jue suddenly pulled her into his arms.

Yu Rou's body froze and she looked at him with a frown, "Mr. Shen..."

"I told you not to call me Mr. Shen."

"But..." Yu Rou's lips were pressed by his fingers, and her voice stopped abruptly.

"Don't make me say it for the third time." Shen Jue's face didn't look good.

Yu Rou sighed secretly. It felt really bad to not be able to figure out the situation.

However, she didn't want to be led by Shen Jue. She stretched out her hand to push Shen Jue's hand away, and her tone became colder. "Then what do you want me to call you?"

Shen Jue frowned, not knowing what he was thinking of. His eyes flashed, and he said "It's up to you" and turned to walk forward.

The back of his ears turned red. Yu Rou accidentally noticed it when she was walking behind him. She caught up with him and asked, "Do you want me to call you husband?"

Shen Jue suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at her, and his cheeks turned red.

Yu Rou didn't expect that he was so vulnerable to teasing. He was completely different from the cold and reserved man in the original owner's memory.

"I was just joking." She pursed her lips and said, "Then I'll just call you by your name, Shen Jue, okay?"

Shen Jue said "hmm" faintly, and for some reason he felt that the voice was a bit low.

Yu Rou glanced at him and changed her tone, "So I call you A Jue? Like that?"

Shen Jue opened his mouth, was about to speak, then closed it again. After a few seconds, he nodded stiffly. There seemed to be a faint light in his indifferent eyes.

Yu Rou found his reaction a little amusing, "Then let's go in."

Shen Jue nodded, reached out to hold her hand, and with his other hand pressed the car key and locked the car. The two walked to the door, and Shen Jue pressed the password to open the door.

The lights were on in the house. The huge villa was very bright and the sound of the TV could be heard.

There was a little boy sitting on the sofa and Detective Conan was playing on TV.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Shen Yu stood barefoot on the sofa and turned to look.

When he saw Yu Rou and Shen Jue walking in together, his eyes widened.

"Mom!" He exclaimed, echoing throughout the living room.

"Dad, Mom, why did you come back together?"

Shen Yu's childish voice was particularly cute, and he rushed over without even wearing shoes.

"Dad, you lied to me during the day and brought mom back at night."

Shen Jue frowned and said nothing.

Yu Rou was embraced by Shen Yu and was stunned. She didn't expect Shen Yu to be so enthusiastic towards her.

In fact, the original owner didn't care about Shen Yu at all, and didn't even take care of him. Every time she just said a few nice words to coax him to be obedient. But perhaps because of this, Shen Yu didn't understand the original owner. It was just out of closeness to his biological mother and his childish nature that he believed the original owner's words to coax him, and was quite dependent on and missed the original owner. However, the original owner was busy with her work, and after the divorce, she almost never came back to see Shen Yu.

It was not until later that Shen Yu discovered that the original owner had lied to him. She divorced Shen Jue not because Shen Jue treated her badly, but because she had mentally cheated on him. By then, Shen Yu no longer pestered Shen Jue for her mother, and began to become independent and sensible.

"Mom, congratulations on winning the award, I saw it!" Shen Yu's face was red and his big eyes were blinking.

"Thank you, baby." Yu Rou touched his head.

"Mom, why did you come back with Dad? Did Dad pick you up? I told Dad in the morning that I missed you, and he said you didn't miss me. Tell Dad if you miss me!" Shen Yu pouted, but the excitement and joy in his eyes could not be hidden.

Yu Rou looked at Shen Jue and saw that he was frowning, not speaking, and looked a little confused.

Yu Rou: "I miss you. Mom has been a little busy lately, so I didn't come back to see you."

Shen Yu nodded: "I know, Mom has taken a new job and is going to play house with others."

Yu Rou was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean by playing house?"

"You were playing house with others on TV. I saw it all." Shen Yu said seriously.

"Uh..." Yu Rou was thinking about how to explain to him.

"Mom, that was acting, not playing house. Acting means playing another person, speaking, doing things, thinking and expressing yourself in the way that another person does."

Shen Yu nodded, not quite understanding, "Then I want to act too. I want to play the dad, and mom will play the mom."

Yu Rou didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "This..."

Shen Jue glanced at Shen Yu coldly, "Put on your shoes."

The author has something to say: I mentioned before that I went to Guangzhou for a meeting a few days ago. I went out during the day and wrote at night. I didn’t have enough energy.

It's not because I'm writing another book in double opening and not this one,

There are charts every week, and the pressure is quite high. I will weigh the pros and cons. As I said before, this is the main one.

This week's list has a lot of words, 25,000 a week, this one is 21,000,

I have to update a lot of words. I see that everyone is urging me to do so. I am also anxious because I am stuck in a writer's block. I can't write anything. I stay in the accommodation and dare not go out to play. I have only written one chapter today after writing for a whole day. Now I will continue to make up for what I owed before. I hope I can write faster. I feel bad for making everyone wait for a long time.

I will be going back to my hometown in a few days. I am afraid my hands will get cold when I think about how cold it is and how there is no heating. Seeing everyone's comments also gives me motivation.

Please forgive me for the unstable update.

[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
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Shen Jue had been silent for a long time, but suddenly he spoke. The two of them looked at him at the same time, only to see that he looked unhappy.

Shen Yu had no choice but to run to the sofa, pick up his shoes and put them on, then ran to Yu Rou and said to Shen Yu: "Dad, do you want to act too? Let mom talk to the director and arrange something for you."

Yu Rou suppressed her laughter and looked at Shen Jue's pale face. "Xiao Yu, you are still young. You can only play the role of a child, not a father."

Shen Yu frowned: "What's so good about that kid!"

Shen Yu's eyes lit up, and suddenly he thought of an idea, "Mom! Can I play a shrunk adult like Kudo Shinichi? For example, your husband was drugged and became smaller, is that okay? Let dad play the part before he became smaller, and then let me play the rest."

Yu Rou was shocked by the imagination of a four-year-old child. She nodded and said, "Sure, son."

"Really?" Shen Yu was very happy, "Can I act with my mother?"

"Well, do you want to act with mom so much?" Yu Rou touched his head.

"Because Dad said Mom has been acting all the time, and I want to spend more time with her." Shen Yu looked at her eagerly.

Yu Rou's heart softened at his childish look. "Xiao Yu is so good. Mommy will spend more time with you."

Yu Rou glanced at Shen Jue and said, "But your father must agree."

Shen Yu whispered, "As long as mom agrees, dad will definitely listen to mom."

Yu Rou looked at Shen Jue, "Is your father so obedient?"

Shen Yu shook his head and said seriously: "Not really, sometimes dad is very stubborn."

Yu Rou: "When?"

Shen Yu looked up and saw Shen Jue looking at him.

"Dad doesn't allow me to say it." Shen Yu pursed his lips, looking a little aggrieved.

Yu Rou: "Then tell mom quietly, don't say it in front of him, he won't know."

Shen Yu nodded repeatedly, "Okay! Then can mommy spend more time with daddy? I think daddy will miss mommy a lot too."

Yu Rou: "Really? Your father will miss me too?"

Just as Shen Yu was about to speak, Shen Jue suddenly said, "It's getting late, Shen Yu, you should go to bed."

Shen Yu whispered, "Then I want my mother to sleep with me."

Shen Jue refused outright: "No."

Shen Yu held Yu Rou's hand and said, "I want to sleep with mom, not with you. It's useless for you to say no. Mom, what do you say?"

Yu Rou felt a little pressured by being watched by the father and son.

"Okay, I'll accompany you. Then go and wash up obediently, and I'll go with you."

"Yeah!" Shen Yu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Yu Rou took Shen Yu to the bathroom. He was very independent and washed his face and brushed his teeth by himself without Yu Rou's help. He also asked Yu Rou to wait for him at the door when he came out of the shower.

Shen Yu said loudly: "Mom, don't leave the door."


"Then keep talking to me." Shen Yu was afraid that she would leave quietly.

Yu Rou thought to herself, you clever little ghost, "What do you want me to say?"

"Mom, think about it yourself. You're an adult now, you can't always ask me, a child." Shen Yu's tone was very mature.

Yu Rou rarely dealt with such precocious children, and couldn't help but feel old. "Okay, you're right."

Shen Yu was very happy to get the affirmation, "Then mom, please tell me."

Yu Rou lowered her voice: "Then mom asked you, why did you want mom to spend more time with dad? And you also said that dad missed mom very much."

Shen Yu replied after a while, "I think Dad misses you. He is in a bad mood every day."

Yu Rou said hesitantly: "But, do you know that mom and dad are divorced?"

Shen Yu didn't speak for a long time. Yu Rou wondered if they really hadn't divorced? Was it the original owner's memory that was wrong?

This would be even more troublesome.

The bathroom door suddenly opened. Shen Yu took off half of his clothes, pouted, and said unhappily, "I know."

Yu Rou waited for him to continue.

Shen Yu: "The parents of several people in our kindergarten are divorced, but I heard that some of them remarried after divorce! It's also seen on TV."

Yu Rou really didn't know that children nowadays could know so many things, "Dear Xiao Yu, adult matters are not that simple."

Shen Yu lowered his head and remained silent.

"Okay, go take a shower first. Mom is waiting for you here." Yu Rou patted his shoulder.

"As long as you coax daddy, daddy will make peace with you."

Shen Yu's voice was so soft that Yu Rou couldn't hear it clearly.

Yu Rou asked: "What did you say?"

Just as Shen Yu was about to speak, he saw Shen Jue coming over and standing behind Yu Rou looking at him. He lowered his head guiltily and said, "Well, I'll be out soon."

Yu Rou heard that his voice sounded a little muffled and thought that he was unhappy, so she smiled helplessly.

After Shen Yu closed the door, Yu Rou realized that Shen Jue had come over.

She looked at Shen Jue, her eyes full of inquiry.

Even Shen Yu said that he knew they were divorced, so why did he say he didn't agree to the divorce for Shen Jue?

Did he lose his memory?

Yu Rou hesitated for a moment and decided not to tell him this. If she irritated him, she didn’t know what would happen.

"Xiao Yu went in to take a shower." Yu Rou was just making small talk.

Shen Jue nodded calmly, "I have something to tell you."

Yu Rou asked: "What's the matter?"

Shen Jue looked at her with burning eyes, "Come with me."


Shen Jue frowned and looked at her, "Hmm?"

"I promised Xiao Yu that I would wait for him here and I can't leave." Yu Rou explained.

Shen Jue didn't expect this to be the reason, and his expression changed.

Yu Rou: "Really? How about we talk about it later, after he falls asleep?"

Shen Jue turned his back to her, then nodded slightly and said "hmm" in an almost inaudible manner.

Yu Rou inexplicably felt that he was a little gentle when he said this word. Was it an illusion?

Shen Jue went to the balcony and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but when he felt his pocket, it was empty. He frowned and thought about it, then remembered that he had left the cigarettes in the car.

He looked at his fingers, wondering whether to go to the car to get it, and suddenly a flash of red appeared in his mind.

Shen Jue took out his cell phone and made a call.

Secretary Lin had just returned home from working overtime and was about to take a shower when the phone suddenly rang.

When she saw the caller ID showed it was Mr. Shen, she was so scared that she almost dropped the phone.

Secretary Lin said timidly: "Wow, Mr. Shen called me? It's so late, is there something wrong with the email I sent to him?"

The phone rang three times and she quickly answered it.

"Boss Shen, what do you want?"

Shen Jue said coldly: "Yeah."

"......?" Secretary Lin became even more nervous and slowly sat down on the sofa.

"I have a question for you."

"You say, you say." Secretary Lin's hands trembled.

Shen Jue was silent for a long time before he said, "What brand of lipstick do girls like to use?"

"Ah?" Secretary Lin was stunned. "Mr. Shen, you are..."

"Don't you know?" Shen Jue's tone seemed a little annoyed.

Secretary Lin was still doubting his ears, but he answered carefully, "No, no... usually TF, YSL, Bobbi Brown and Armani..."

“Will the color fade easily?”

"Mr. Shen, what did you say? I didn't hear it clearly, can you say it again?" Secretary Lin seemed to have heard something.

Shen Jue hesitated for a moment and said, "Nothing. Just buy these brands of lipstick for me and send them to my house."

Secretary Lin: "Do you want all of them?"

Shen Jue: "Well, is there a problem?"

"No, I'll buy it tomorrow. Are you giving it as a gift to someone? I'll buy the set for you and pack it for you?" Secretary Lin asked curiously.

Shen Jue: “Yeah.”

Secretary Lin's eyes widened, he couldn't believe his ears, "Okay, Mr. Shen, do you have any other instructions?"

Shen Jue: "It's okay."

Not many people knew about Shen Jue's marriage and divorce, and this was the first time Shen Jue asked her to buy such a feminine item.

Shen Jue put down his phone and looked into the distance with a lonely look, but it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

After a while, he heard the conversation between Yu Rou and Shen Yu behind him.

Shen Yu said in a baby voice: "Mom, can you tell me a story later?"

Yu Rou smiled and said, "What story?"

Shen Yu said dissatisfiedly: "I don't know, but my father never tells me stories, but other children have stories to listen to."

Yu Rou: "Your father is too stupid to speak."

It was as if a dazzling aurora flashed across Shen Jue's silent eyes, lighting up the lonely night.

He turned around and saw the smile on Yu Rou's lips. His expression was cold, but his hands behind his back were clenched.

The author has something to say: The second update is a bit shorter, but it’s a bit late,


It seems like a lot of darlings have discovered my new silly cover. Hmm... can I say that I asked the artist to draw that briefs for me... Hahahaha... The artist gave me a lot of dots to show how tired she was.

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"But Daddy isn't stupid, why does Mommy say he's stupid?" Shen Yu thought for a moment, "Is it because Daddy doesn't make Mommy happy?"

Yu Rou just said it casually just now, and now she doesn't know how to respond. Children are really smart, they can interpret such a sentence with such profound meaning.

She had no choice but to nod, wanting to end the topic, but Shen Yu said seriously: "Then I'll make mom happy, and mom won't blame dad, okay?"

Yu Rou: "Mom didn't blame Dad."

Shen Yu: "Really? Didn't mom just say dad is stupid?"

Yu Rou was embarrassed, "I mean Dad can't tell Xiao Yu stories, he's a stupid dad."

Shen Yu looked at her in disbelief, "Mom, you definitely don't mean that."

"Okay, Xiaoyu, be good...let's go back to our room and go to sleep. Do you want to listen to a story?" She patted his head.

Shen Yu immediately became obedient and said softly, "Yes."

"Then let's go to the study and see if there are any story books."

"Mom, do you still need to look at the book before you can explain? Can't you remember it?" Shen Yu looked at her with those big watery eyes, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

"I'm afraid I've made a mistake."

Yu Rou sincerely feels that raising a child is a brain-intensive job, and you will never be able to keep up with a child's thinking.

"Okay then." Shen Yu pouted and nodded reluctantly, "I'll take mom to get the book."

Yu Rou picked out "Harry Potter", a book that was most suitable for children, from the hundreds of books in the study. The others were all classics, and there was not even a fairy tale book.

After choosing the books, Yu Rou and Shen Yu went back to Shen Yu's bedroom hand in hand.

His room is quite childlike, with sky blue walls, planets and astronauts painted on the ceiling, and some animal stickers on the walls.

"Then lie down quickly. I'm going to start talking." Yu Rou helped him lift the quilt and let him climb up.

Shen Yu lay down cooperatively and then covered himself with the quilt obediently.

"Mom, go ahead and talk. I'm ready."

Seeing him acting like a little adult, Yu Rou wanted to laugh. She opened the book and read to him from the first page.

After all, Yu Rou is an actor, and she treated storytelling as reading lines from a script and was very engaged in it. After a while, Shen Yu was listening attentively and even asked her questions about the character's experiences.

"Mom, little Harry's parents are gone. He is so pitiful."

"But he still has many friends and people who love him." Yu Rou touched his cheek.

Shen Yu pouted, her pink face was really cute, "But, I can't live without mom and dad. Xiao Yu can't live without mom and dad."

Yu Rou pinched the softness on his face and said, "You have a father and a mother, we are all here."

Shen Yu held her hand, "Then you should stay by my side together."

Yu Rou felt like she was being tricked by a child.

"We are all here with you, dear...close your eyes, it's getting late, mommy will talk to you for a while, you should go to bed soon."

Shen Yu: "Okay."

Seeing Shen Yu close his eyes, she smiled helplessly and continued to turn the pages to tell him the rest of the story.

About twenty minutes later, Yu Rou stopped and called him several times, but Shen Yu didn't respond. He closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

Yu Rou breathed a sigh of relief and thought, I finally got some sleep.

She quietly put the book down and walked out.

Shen Jue was waiting for her in the corridor. When he saw her come out, he put out the cigarette in his hand.

Yu Rou looked at him and said, "Xiao Yu is asleep, what do you want to tell me?"

Shen Jue hesitated for a few seconds, "Come with me."

Yu Rou: "Can't we talk about it here?"

Shen Jue frowned and looked at her with a strange look. The heat in his eyes made Yu Rou tremble with fear.

After a while, Shen Jue shifted his gaze and went straight to the master bedroom.

Yu Rou had no choice but to follow him. She also wanted to know what he wanted to say to her.

The master bedroom was originally shared by two people, but the original owner and Shen Jue had been separated for a long time, and Shen Jue also moved to the second bedroom. This room has been uninhabited for a long time. Although it is clean, it is a bit deserted.

Yu Rou took the initiative and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Shen Jue said in a deep voice: "Are you serious about what you said to Xiao Yu?"

He stood by the window, the moonlight shining on his face, clear and cold, and a little lonely.

"What do you mean?" Yu Rou didn't know what he was talking about.

"You said you would spend more time with him in the future."

Yu Rou said calmly: "What do you think?"

Shen Jue stared at her face, "I hope you are serious."

Yu Rou deliberately ignored the hidden meaning of his words and said softly, "I will try my best. If I am not busy at work, I will come over to see him more often."

Shen Jue's expression changed slightly, he took a few steps forward and stood in front of her, "Why?"

Yu Rou felt a sense of oppression, "What?"

"Why is it happening suddenly?" Shen Jue took another step forward. The distance between them was very close, and Shen Jue could pull her into his arms with just one hand.

Yu Rou dodged and didn't look him in the eye. "What's wrong? Don't you want me to spend more time with my son?"

Shen Jue suppressed his emotions and asked, "Aren't you unwilling to raise the child?"

"I was just saying that in anger before." Yu Rou simply refused to admit it.

"Are you doing this because you want me to agree to a divorce?"

Yu Rou glared at him in dissatisfaction, "No, I'm not that boring."

Shen Jue looked at her in silence, not knowing what she was thinking.

Once the room became quiet, it became dull.

Yu Rou didn't like this kind of atmosphere. She took two steps back, looked at Shen Jue, and said, "What exactly do you want to tell me? Just this question? If you have nothing else to do, I'll go back first. It's getting late."

"Where are you going back to?" Shen Jue frowned and said in a cold voice.

"I'm going back to my own home. Didn't you ask me to come and see Xiao Yu? I've already seen him and he's asleep. I'll come next time."

As soon as Yu Rou finished her words, Shen Jue pulled her into his arms.

He was very strong, and before Yu Rou could react, she felt herself being tightened and unable to move at all.

"What are you doing?" Yu Rou pushed him hard and put her hands on his chest, but she couldn't exert any strength.

Shen Jue's gaze was deep and silent, like the vast night sky, as if it wanted to suck her in.

Yu Rou struggled for a while but realized it was useless, so she simply stopped moving and looked at him angrily.

After a long time, Shen Jue took the initiative to let go of her. There was a flash of paranoid and crazy love in his eyes, but he suppressed it. He whispered, "If you want to leave, leave quickly."

Otherwise he was afraid he couldn't control himself.

Yu Rou thought he was a little strange. She glanced at him and softened her tone. "I'm leaving now. I'll come to see Xiao Yu when I have time."

Shen Jue didn't react.

Yu Rou walked to the door and turned the knob to go out, but she couldn't open the door.

What's going on? Why can't I open it?

Yu Rou turned around and looked at Shen Jue, "The door can't be opened, did you lock it?"

Shen Jue frowned, "I didn't."

"But I can't open it." Yu Rou tried again, but still couldn't open it. "Did you really not lock it?"

Shen Jue glanced at her. Although he didn't say anything, Yu Rou felt that he seemed a little angry.

"Well, besides you and me, Xiao Yu is the only one left in this house."

Yu Rou believed that there was no need for Shen Jue to lie. She probably wanted Shen Yu to let her sleep in the same room with Shen Jue, thinking that it would help them reconcile.

This kid is really smart and has a lot of ideas.

"What should we do now? Can we ask him to open the door?" Yu Rou asked.

Shen Jue looked at her and said nothing. It seemed that he was still angry.

Well, she knew, she couldn't.

Yu Rou shook her head helplessly, then looked around the room. There was only a big bed in the room and nothing else to sleep on.

She looked at the time. It was already very late. If she didn't go to sleep, she wouldn't be able to get up to film tomorrow.

"I want to rest." Yu Rou said in a low voice.

Shen Jue looked at her, seeming to guess what she meant.

Yu Rou actually wanted to express that she wanted to sleep on the bed and let Shen Jue find a place to sleep by himself.

Who knew that Shen Jue thought for more than ten seconds, then suddenly came over and hugged her.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Shen Jue: "Don't you want to sleep?"

Yu Rou: "What about you?"

"Let me give you a bath." Shen Jue's voice was low, and saying this at this time seemed to have a special implication.

Yu Rou was startled and struggled to get down, "Let me go first."

"Why?" Shen Jue's hands supported Yu Rou's legs and waist, which were soft and fragrant. He squinted his eyes and asked in Yu Rou's ear.

"What why? We can't do this."

Shen Jue: "We are husband and wife, there is nothing wrong with that."

Yu Rou almost wanted to say that they were divorced.

She endured it, but still felt it was better not to say anything for the time being, and said coldly, looking away, "We are separated, this is not appropriate."

Shen Jue sneered, "You won't let me touch you because of that man?"

Yu Rou frowned, "What are you talking about? What man?"

Shen Jue looked at her, suddenly lowered his head, bit Yu Rou's lips, held her lips, and licked them slowly, sometimes gently and sometimes forcefully. Yu Rou's body stiffened.

She felt puzzled. Shen Jue's attitude towards her was really strange. It kept changing, hot and cold. He was obviously very angry just now, but in the next second, he could kiss her so passionately.

But to be honest, his kissing skills are pretty good and Yu Rou actually enjoys it a bit.

When their lips parted, Shen Jue whispered in her ear, "I told you, I don't agree to divorce, and you can't leave me and find another man."

Yu Rou felt his breath falling behind her ears, and her ears were burning, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Shen Jue narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous aura suddenly emanated from him. Yu Rou swallowed, suddenly feeling nervous for some reason.

He suddenly smiled sinisterly, "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it."

Yu Rou bit her lower lip, leaving marks on her lips with her teeth. Seeing this, Shen Jue immediately pinched her lips to stop her from biting any further.

Shen Jue walked to the bed and put Yu Rou on it.

He stared at Yu Rou, his hoarse voice full of temptation, "You can only be mine."

"what are you up to?"

"Exercise your rights as a husband." Shen Jue raised his hand and unbuttoned his shirt.

Yu Rou felt confused. Shen Jue was really changing his mind. Could it be that he really wanted to do something with her?

Did he really forget that they were divorced? He didn't seem to be pretending when he said that.

If Yu Rou hadn't learned from Shen Yu that the two had indeed divorced, she would have really thought that they had not divorced yet and that there was something wrong with the original owner's memory.

After all, Shen Jue's actions were too cool. The buttons of his shirt were completely unbuttoned, revealing his strong and lean chest.

That figure is so good that it makes people drool.

Seeing him continue to take off his pants, Yu Rou said with difficulty: "Don't do this."

The author has something to say: Fish: You are so sexy

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Shen Jue stared at Yu Rou while taking off his clothes. His eyes were so fiery and naked that Yu Rou's heartbeat accelerated.

"Shen Jue, can you calm down a little?"

Shen Jue's figure is truly a work of art. Every line is very beautiful. Although his waist is thin, he looks full of power. His skin is honey-colored, not too white or too dark, and very sexy.

"You obviously like her, why do you say one thing and mean another?" Shen Jue bent down and lifted his legs to take them out of his trousers. His eyes were fixed on her, not leaving her for a moment.

Of course Yu Rou liked it. She was a person who coveted beauty. But she didn't expect Shen Jue to see through her. Even if Shen Jue said so, she would not admit it. "I don't like it. We can't do this."

She looked down at the ground, one hand was placed on her shoulder, pulling her clothes down, revealing her snow-white shoulders. She had a small frame, and was wearing a skirt with a loose collar today, so it slipped down when Shen Jue pulled it.

Yu Rou stood up suddenly and stepped back.

"You were obviously enjoying it when I kissed you just now." Shen Jue was only wearing a pair of briefs, and he didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Yu Rou said coldly: "That's your illusion."

Shen Jue frowned and leaned closer to her, breathing hot air on her face. He looked at her closely and pinched her chin. "Wait a minute, you'll know if it was an illusion."

He held her in his arms, leaving her no place to escape, then picked her up by the waist and carried her to the bathroom regardless of her struggles.

"What are you going to do?" In order to avoid falling down, Yu Rou had to grab his arm.

His body was hot, and holding her made her hot too.

"Didn't you say you were going to sleep? Don't you want to take a shower before going to bed?" Shen Jue said as a matter of course: "I'll help you wash."

"No, put me down." Yu Rou bit her lip and gripped his arm even tighter as she spoke, her nails digging into his flesh.

Shen Jue seemed not to be afraid of the pain, and even seemed very satisfied. When Yu Rou screamed louder, he blocked her lips with his mouth, paused for a while, and whispered, "Shh, don't make trouble, or our son will hear it."

Yu Rou's face flushed, "You! If you're afraid that our son will hear you, just put me down."

Shen Jue looked down at her hand, "But you won't let go of me."

Just as Yu Rou was about to let go, he suddenly threw her up. Yu Rou screamed in fright, but was caught by him steadily the next second.

Yu Rou was really speechless about this outrageous operation.

Shen Jue smiled gently, but his tone was overbearing and unyielding. The coldness in his eyes revealed his abnormal indifference. "Be good, I won't do anything to you when I bathe you."

Yu Rou had many questions in her heart, but she couldn't get the answers at this moment. She lowered her eyes, thought secretly, and whispered, "But I want to wash it myself."

"It is the husband's duty to help his wife bathe."

Since when did taking a bath become an obligation between husband and wife? Shen Jue still has the ability to lie with open eyes.

"But I don't need it." Yu Rou's tone of resistance became weaker, and her attitude seemed not so tough.

Shen Jue was very satisfied with Yu Rou's change. He looked at her ambiguously and said with a smile, "You will like it."

He really looks like a different person.

Yu Rou actually felt a little bit excited.

It was an hour later when the two came out of the bathroom.

The water in the bathtub was changed three times. Yu Rou felt that her skin was about to become wrinkled. Her face was red and her body was faintly pink. She didn't know if it was because she had been in the bath for too long or because of what Shen Jue had just done to her.

Yu Rou lay weakly on Shen Jue's chest, even her breathing sounded like moans, her eyes were charming and her cheeks were rosy, any man would be unable to walk when seeing her.

Shen Jue put her on the bed. She buried her head, her body wrapped in a white bath towel with only her hands and feet exposed.

"What's wrong?" Shen Jue squatted beside the bed and looked at her, "Are you comfortable, or are you not satisfied?"

Shen Jue's words left her speechless. She pulled the bath towel tightly, blushed and said nothing.

Shen Jue laughed softly, pulled off her bath towel, and lifted the quilt to cover her.

He sat on the bed and looked at Yu Rou for a while before getting up.

Yu Rou looked up at him, and just as Shen Jue turned around, their eyes met. Yu Rou couldn't dodge and had to look at him.

Shen Jue's eyes darkened. He walked back a few steps, grabbed Yu Rou, bit her lips and said, "Don't look at me like that."

Yu Rou frowned in pain.

"I can't help it."

After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath, then immediately turned and walked towards the bedroom. When he stood up, Yu Rou accidentally glanced at his private parts, which were already visibly swollen, and it was obvious that he had been enduring for a long time.

Thinking of what had just happened in the bathroom, Yu Rou's breathing became heavier.

She let out a long breath, put her hand on her chest, calmed her heartbeat, and slowly calmed down.

It was already very late and Yu Rou was already sleepy. She fell asleep after lying down for a while.

When Shen Jue came out, he saw Yu Rou sleeping soundly with her eyes closed.

Shen Jue only had a bath towel wrapped around his waist, with nothing inside.

Seeing that Yu Rou was asleep, his cold and hard facial features gradually softened. He walked to the bed, reached into the quilt and held Yu Rou's hand.

Yu Rou slept very well that night. She felt like she was in a very warm place, lying on a soft cushion, feeling extremely comfortable.

But when she opened her eyes, she found herself sleeping in Shen Jue's arms.

She moved and reached out to push Shen Jue away, but Shen Jue woke up.

He opened his eyes and was confused for a moment, probably because he was not fully awake yet, so there was a flash of shock in his eyes, but no big reaction.

It was not until Yu Rou said "let me go" that Shen Jue pushed her away as if he had seen a ghost.

His eyes were cold, and when he saw him, disgust and hostility emanated from his whole body.

Yu Rou was stunned. Before she could react, she felt a chill. The quilt on her body was pulled away, and the cold morning air blew in from the window. Yu Rou got goose bumps all over her body.

"How will you be here?"

Shen Jue's tone was cold and serious, and he looked at her strangely.

"You don't remember what happened last night?"

Shen Jue frowned, as if he was lost in thought. His face looked very bad. He looked at Yu Rou coldly, with a blank look in his eyes for a few seconds.

"What happened last night?" Shen Jue said this uncertainly, and his expression was as if he was drunk and had a blackout.

Yu Rou looked at him suspiciously, her eyes full of inquiry, "You really don't remember anything? You insisted on having me come to see Shen Yu last night, you bit me, you hugged me and gave me a bath, and..."

Shen Jue interrupted her coldly, "Enough... Impossible, how could I do such a thing, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Yu Rou's face darkened: "If you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say anything. But look at how you hugged me to sleep and refused to let go. Was it necessary for me to lie to you?"

Shen Jue's face turned ugly. He looked at himself. He was only wearing underwear, and Yu Rou was almost naked. They slept in the same bed, but he had no memory of it at all. What happened? Was he drunk?

He only remembered that he drank last night and saw Yu Rou, and then he couldn't remember anything else.

"Forget it, whatever. I'm busy and I need to leave. Mr. Shen, please make way." Yu Rou took the initiative and her tone was even colder than Shen Jue's.

Shen Jue frowned, stared at her for a few seconds, then took two steps to the side.

Yu Rou calmly put on her shoes in front of him, picked up a bath towel to cover her chest, and said with her back to him, "I'm going to get dressed, can you go out?"

Shen Jue looked suspicious and said coldly: "I won't look at you."

Yu Rou: "Then you should go out too. I feel uncomfortable with you here."

Shen Jue paused, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he turned to leave.

Who knew that when I turned the doorknob, the door wouldn't open.

Yu Rou had just put on her underwear when she heard the door open and turned her head to look.

Why did Shen Yu still lock the door?

But Shen Jue twisted it several times as if he didn't know.

Yu Rou said calmly, "Shen Yu locked the door last night, otherwise why do you think I slept in the same room with you."

Yu Rou thought, at Shen Jue's age, would he also suffer from amnesia? Isn't it only middle-aged and elderly people who suffer from this disease?

I often forget what happened the day before, and forget it completely.

Shen Jue was silent for a few seconds, then turned and looked at her, "Shen Yu?"

"Yes, your son. You haven't forgotten that we had a son named Shen Yu, right?"

Yu Rou was putting on her skirt at the time, and she didn't expect him to turn around suddenly, so she was stunned halfway through her skirt, "Why did you turn around again?"

Shen Jue: "My son has already been born, why can't I see him?"

Yu Rou was speechless and was about to retort him, but he sneered and said, "Yes, we are divorced, so we can't watch it anymore."

His tone was sarcastic, but Yu Rou didn't care about that. She only cared that Shen Jue in front of her knew that they were divorced, so...was the one who did that last night pretend?

He's really pretending to be so great. It's not an exaggeration to give him the trophy for Best Actor.

Shen Jue found the clothes he had taken off on the ground. He picked them up, took out his cell phone and made a call.

"I'm in the room on the second floor. The door is locked. Come and open it."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Yu Rou had already put on her clothes. Shen Jue walked slowly into the cloakroom. When he came out, he was already wearing a shirt and trousers, holding a black suit jacket in his hand.

He was wearing a neatly ironed shirt and trousers, which was completely different from when he was naked. One was sexy and the other was elegant, and both were extremely handsome.

After a while, someone came to open the door. After opening the door, Shen Jue went straight to Shen Yu's room.

Yu Rou thought about it and followed him over. Looking at Shen Jue’s expression, she wondered whether he would blame Shen Yu.

Shen Jue pushed open Shen Yu's door. Shen Yu was sleeping soundly. She didn't know what sweet dream he was having. He was smiling and so cute that it melted her heart.

Shen Jue didn't think so. He walked forward with a cold face and called out, "Shen Yu."

Seeing that he was unconscious, she shook him without any gentleness.

"Get up, don't sleep anymore."

Shen Yu was shaken by him and opened his eyes dazedly, but was not awake yet.

"Why are you shaking him like that? You can't shake children like that!" Yu Rou grabbed him and said dissatisfiedly.

Shen Jue was stunned and looked at her in confusion. Yu Rou didn't care so much about children before.

"Why are you looking at me? Go away." Yu Rou pushed him and looked down at Shen Yu. "Xiao Yu, get up. Mom is leaving."

Shen Yu was still half asleep and half awake, but when she heard these words, she immediately woke up and subconsciously grabbed Yu Rou's hand, "Mom."

Yu Rou held him, smiled softly and said, "Mom is here."

"Don't go." Shen Yu said loudly.

"Mom has to go to work. I told Xiaoyu yesterday."

Shen Yu: "No, I want my mother to accompany Xiao Yu."

Yu Rou patted the back of his hand, "But doesn't Xiao Yu have to go to kindergarten too?"

"It's okay if Xiaoyu doesn't go to kindergarten. Just call the teacher and tell him." Shen Yu looked at Yu Rou pitifully.

Yu Rou was a person with little patience, but she was always more soft-hearted towards such a cute little boy. She said helplessly, "But my work is very important. I have to go. I'm going to be late."

Shen Jue was not so gentle and asked directly: "Did you lock the door?"

Shen Yu lowered his head and said nothing. For a child like this, it means he agrees.

"Why do you do this? Who taught you?" Shen Jue said in a stern tone.

Shen Yu's eyes moved back and forth, and he said with a guilty conscience: "I just want Mom to stay and accompany Dad."

Yu Rou's expression became subtle. What does it mean to accompany daddy, baby?

Your father doesn't need me to accompany him.

Shen Jue didn't say anything, but he looked very angry.

Yu Rou: "Forget it, don't blame him. Xiao Yu, don't do this again next time, okay? Otherwise, mom and dad will be angry."

Shen Yu nodded, "Yeah, I understand."

Shen Jue said in a deep voice: "Get up and get dressed now, I'll wait for you downstairs."

He spoke in the tone of a domineering president, which would scare adults, let alone a child. However, although Shen Yu was afraid, he had long been accustomed to it. He nodded and said "OK".

Yu Rou took out her phone and checked the time. It was already late, but she still said, "Let me help you get dressed."

Shen Yu glanced at Shen Jue, then shook his head, "No, I can wear it myself. I'm a big boy now."

A child who is over four years old has to dress himself. It's not like Shen Jue's family can't afford a nanny, but there are only two of them living in such a big house. Before the original owner and Shen Jue divorced, they at least had two nannies and a part-time worker.

How come after the divorce, there is no one left at home? Shen Yu has to be independent at such a young age.

Yu Rou rolled her eyes at Shen Jue, "Is this how you take care of a child? He's so young, but he has to dress himself. Why don't you hire a nanny?"

Shen Jue sneered coldly, "Did you forget what you said when we got divorced?"

Of course I remember that the original owner said that the child belonged to Shen Jue and she would not take care of him in the future.

How could Yu Rou bow her head because of this sentence? She still said confidently: "So what? How could I know that you would treat Xiao Yu like this? If I had known earlier, I would not have given Xiao Yu to you."

Shen Jue raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "Oh? So you mean you want to bring it yourself?"

Yu Rou: "What I mean is, I want you to be nicer to Xiao Yu and take good care of him. I will also pay more attention to Xiao Yu and visit him more often in the future."

"Don't promise if you can't do it. Do you think it's fun to let him still have expectations of you?" When Shen Jue heard this, he didn't know what he thought of. Instead of getting better, his expression became even colder.

Seeing that they were about to quarrel, Shen Yu quickly said, "I can wear it myself, don't be angry."

Shen Jue said coldly: "Miss Yu, aren't you in a hurry? Why aren't you leaving yet? Do you want me to see you off?"

Yu Rou smiled and said, "Mr. Shen brought me here last night, shouldn't he see me off? You should know how to entertain guests, right?"

Shen Yu cooperated and said, "Dad, let's see Mom off."

Shen Jue glanced at Shen Yu, who pursed his lips and dared not say anything. He got up sullenly and went to get the clothes he wanted to change.

Yu Rou received a message from Xiao Chen on her mobile phone.

Xiao Chen: [Sister Yu, have you set off? ]

It's already this late, and she can't ask Xiao Chen to ask someone to pick her up again. It would take too much time to go back and forth, and she would probably be late for the crew again.

Yu Rou had no choice but to say to Shen Jue: "Mr. Shen, can I borrow a car?"

"You asked me to borrow my car? Have you forgotten what you said before?"

Come on, it seems Shen Jue remembers everything she said clearly. This man really holds a grudge.

Yu Rou simply said, "I don't remember."

Shen Jue: “…”

Yu Rou: "Don't tell me, anything I said to you before doesn't count."

Shen Jue: “…”

Yu Rou: "We are husband and wife, and I slept with you last night. Don't deny it. If you didn't insist on holding me, how could I be in your arms?"

A strange look flashed across Shen Jue's eyes, and he looked at her steadily.

After a while, he finally said, "I'll have someone take you there."

"Don't bother, I can drive there myself."

Yu Rou remembered that there were at least five cars in the garage, and she didn't need to drive a luxury car, any SUV would do.

Shen Jue turned and walked out.

"Can you please say something?"

Shen Jue said calmly: "Come down and get the key."

Yu Rou thought that Shen Jue was really capricious and unpredictable.


After Yu Rou left, Shen Jue drove Shen Yu to kindergarten.

Shen Yu sat obediently in the passenger seat, "Dad, will Mom come over tonight?"

Shen Jue: “No.”

Shen Yu said blankly: "Why?"

Shen Jue: “I don’t know.”

Shen Yu didn't believe it and said loudly: "Mom promised to come and accompany me often."

Shen Jue paused for a moment, "She lied to you, she is a liar."

His tone was strange, and his words were mixed with mixed emotions.

"Mom is not a liar!" Shen Yu said fiercely, "Dad, you are talking nonsense. I will tell Mom."

Shen Jue said nothing.

Shen Yu: "I'm going to call my mother and tell her."

Shen Jue said calmly: "How can you call if you don't have a cell phone?"

Shen Yu was stunned, his eyes widened. After a long while, he said angrily: "Then give me your phone."

Shen Jue didn't even look at Shen Yu, nor did he say anything.

Shen Yu said dissatisfiedly: "You obviously miss mom too. You said yesterday morning that you would not look for mom, but you brought her back in the evening. Dad, you are saying one thing and thinking another!"

After sending Shen Yu to kindergarten, Shen Jue turned around and went to the company.

Secretary Lin would bring him a cup of coffee every morning. Normally, he would just put it on the table and leave. But today, he hesitated and looked at him a few more times.

"What's the matter?" Shen Jue looked up at her and said coldly.

Secretary Lin was a little nervous, "Mr. Shen, there is a problem with what you ordered last night."

"Last night?" Shen Jue frowned. He didn't remember looking for Secretary Lin last night.

Secretary Lin: "Well, you asked me to buy lipstick. I bought it, but..."

Shen Jue: "What lipstick?"

Secretary Lin: "It's those lipsticks from TF and YSL. I bought a set of each brand, all the colors. There are hundreds of them in total. I don't know where I should send them to your house?"

Shen Jue fell into deep thought, staring at Secretary Lin with a grim expression.

The author has something to say: Shen Yu: Mom is not a liar, Dad, you are the liar!

Fish: dei!

My dears, I am almost frozen to death. My hands are frozen and I am crying... It is too difficult for the big guys in the south to type. It is really too difficult. I want to go back to the north.

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Shen Jue was silent for a long time. The atmosphere in the office was very cold. Secretary Lin thought he had said something wrong and his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

"Mr. Shen?"

"You mean, I asked you to buy lipstick last night?"

Secretary Lin: "Yes, Mr. Shen, don't you remember?"

Shen Jue: "Did I say who I bought it for?"

Secretary Lin was a little confused, "You didn't say."

Shen Jue: "I understand. Send her to the villa in the Jade Courtyard."

"Okay, Mr. Shen, I'll send it over today." Secretary Lin nodded as if relieved.

Shen Jue frowned and said coldly: "Okay, you can get out now."

There was some traffic jam along the way, and Yu Rou bought a change of clothes on the way, so she arrived relatively late. Everyone else had arrived, and she was the last actor to arrive at the crew. Xiao Chen was getting anxious waiting at the door. Today was the main scene to be filmed, and if the director got angry later, Yu Rou would be accused of being unprofessional again. I'm afraid that her opportunities to work with such a big director would become fewer in the future.

The original owner had already offended many directors before. If she offended a few more, no one would dare to use her.

When Xiao Chen saw Yu Rou, he ran over quickly.

"Auntie, you are finally here. The makeup artist is waiting. Come in quickly."

Yu Rou didn't waste any time and followed Xiao Chen to the dressing room.

There were other people in the dressing room. The heroine Xiao Qiao had just finished her makeup and was about to go out. Meng Xiaoyu had also just arrived not long ago. When she changed her clothes and came out, she met Yu Rou face to face.

Yu Rouhe greeted the two of them lightly and found a seat to sit down.

Xiao Qiao nodded at her and left, and it was her turn to perform.

Meng Xiaoyu was originally sitting opposite Yu Rou to the left, but now she walked over to sit next to Yu Rou. She and Yu Rou had worked together on a commercial before, and also appeared on a variety show together, but each time they worked together, there were some unpleasant things.

Meng Xiaoyu has a financial sponsor. This is something that everyone in the circle knows but does not say out loud. However, she herself is a professional actor, has good acting skills, has good resources, and has many works, so her popularity has risen rapidly in recent years. Although she is not as popular as Yu Rou, the evaluation of Meng Xiaoyu in the circle is much better than that of Yu Rou.

Because they are of similar age and debuted at the same time, the two are often compared with each other and have secretly competed with each other several times.

Meng Xiaoyu watched Yu Rou acting yesterday and was quite surprised to see how well she acted, especially after Yu Rou left and she had to do several NGs in a row. Director Zhang then said something about Yu Rou, which made her very angry. When she saw Yu Rou today, the anger came out.

"I heard that you went to dinner with Director Li and the others yesterday?"

Meng Xiaoyu also wanted to go yesterday, but something urgent happened last night so she didn't go. Later, when she heard that Yu Rou had gone, she felt even more awkward.

Yu Rou knew that the original owner and Meng Xiaoyu had a bad relationship, so she didn’t bother to talk to her. She said “hmm” and stood up, and said to the makeup artist: “Should I change my clothes first?”

The makeup artist nodded, "Yes, go change your clothes first and then put on your makeup. You'll also need to do your hair later."

Yesterday Yu Rou was dressed in men's clothing, but today she has to change into women's clothing. Today she has a scene with the movie emperor Chu Zheng. The director said yesterday that this scene is very important, so every step cannot be wrong. First of all, the makeup and hair are very particular.

"Then I'll go change my clothes first."

Yu Rou stood up after she finished speaking. Meng Xiaoyu felt strange when she saw that Yu Rou was not being sarcastic or showing off.

If it were in the past, Yu Rou would have spoken up long ago. But when she asked about it today, Yu Rou didn't respond. There must be something wrong. Maybe something happened yesterday that she didn't want to mention.

Could it be that Yu Rou made a fool of herself at the dinner party last night?

The more Meng Xiaoyu thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible. He picked up his phone and sent a message to his assistant, asking him to check who was there last night and whether anything had happened.

After Yu Rou changed into a red dress and put on her makeup and hair, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

If she looked cold and evil yesterday in men's clothing, now she was wearing a dark red dress, like a bewitching flower, captivating everyone's heart.

When Meng Xiaoyu saw her, her eyes widened. Then, looking at her own plain skirt, she suddenly felt that she was completely outdone. Originally, people said that she was prettier than Yu Rou, but now their outfits were so different. Yu Rou was wearing luxurious and beautiful clothes, but she was wearing a plain and simple cloth skirt. When the movie was released, they would definitely be compared again.

Meng Xiaoyu was angry and annoyed, but there was nothing she could do. She played the role of the male protagonist's childhood sweetheart cousin. Her family had fallen on hard times and she was the daughter of a minor official. She could only dress like this to fit in with her character. There was nothing she could say about the clothes, so she could only strive for perfection in her makeup. She disliked the makeup artist for making her look too old, and changed the shape of her eyebrows several times. She also asked the makeup artist to use a whiter base makeup for her. All this took more than half an hour.

After Yu Rou went out, the director was still filming Chu Zheng's scenes. The sun today was not as scorching as yesterday, but the weather was still hot. The staff over there were sweating profusely. Yu Rou asked Xiao Chen to move a chair and sit where the fan could reach them to read the script.

The script of "The Fortune Teller" is adapted from "The Prime Minister", a work by the famous novelist San Yuan. Yu Rou only read a dozen pages and felt that the script was very well written. Her role was also very malleable, which aroused her interest. Yesterday, time was tight and she only watched the scene she was supposed to perform yesterday. Now, as she slowly watched it from the beginning, she found the plot more and more attractive.

Yu Rou plays the role of the ninth prince, Ling Qingchen, who is the daughter of the favorite concubine, Concubine Li. Concubine Li was originally a concubine of the previous emperor. She had a relationship with the current emperor when she was young, but later she entered the palace by mistake. The current emperor rebelled for her and seized the throne.

After ascending the throne, the emperor changed Concubine Li's identity and took her into the harem, but Ling Qingchen was actually the child of Concubine Li and the previous emperor. At that time, Concubine Li was already struggling in the harem, and the empress hated her to the core. In order to save the child and to gain a firm foothold in the harem, Concubine Li took the risk and bribed the imperial physician and the midwife, and lied that her daughter was a son.

Ling Qingchen was originally a girl, but had to grow up disguised as a boy. She had a harder life than other children since she was young, and she could not play with other princes. She was only accompanied by a secret guard. Later, Ling Qingchen learned the truth that the current emperor was not only her father's murderer but also her adoptive father who loved her the most. Her temperament became weird and cruel, and after she became an adult, she became more and more reckless.

As the third female villain, her ending is destined to be tragic.

Although she does not have many opportunities to appear on the screen, Ling Qingchen is an important presence in the film. The reason why Concubine Li became the most favored concubine of the two emperors was because of her stunning appearance. Ling Qingchen completely inherited her mother's beauty and has a stunning face. Because of her personality, she is even more charming than Concubine Li. She has also secretly gone out wearing women's clothes several times, and her appearance in women's clothing is even more beautiful.

She fell in love with the peaceful Sixth Prince and did many things for him, but in fact the Sixth Prince was just using her. In the end, the Sixth Prince failed to seize power and even gave her to the Second Prince in order to protect himself. The Second Prince later became the new emperor. Ling Qingchen killed the Sixth Prince with her own hands and then committed suicide.

The male protagonist of this drama is the counselor of the second prince, and is finally appointed as prime minister. The main plot of the whole film revolves around him. The female protagonist and the supporting actress are his two confidantes.


"Teacher Yu, you can come over now. It's time to shoot your scenes now." The assistant on the set ran over and called Yu Rou.

Yu Rou was watching with fascination, and only looked up after the assistant called her twice.

"Got it, I'll be right there."

The camera is ready, and Yu Rou will be filming a scene opposite the movie emperor Chu Zheng.

He plays the male lead Qin Yanze in the film. The two do not have many scenes together. One time, when Ling Qingchen was wearing women's clothes and went out, he happened to see Qin Yanze being chased. Ling Qingchen didn't know him at the time. When he passed by, he was disturbed by those killers, so he killed all those people and saved Qin Yanze by accident.

The scene described in the book was that Qin Yanze was shocked when he saw Ling Qingchen dressed as a woman. He even asked around about her identity and whereabouts, but got no response.

The second time was when Qin Yanze led people into the palace to rescue the emperor and spoke a few words to her.

The rest of the time, when they met, they just looked at each other from a distance and never spoke.

Today's shoot is the first time.

There will be a fight scene later, and a body double will be used. The original owner asked her agent to negotiate before the filming. She didn't want to be suspended by wires, and the director agreed. After all, he didn't have high hopes for Yu Rou's acting skills, and he was afraid that if he asked her to take part in the fight scene, she wouldn't be able to shoot it well, which would waste everyone's time.

So the original plan was for her to show her face a few times and use a stand-in, and then the main fighting and floating scenes would be performed by a stand-in.

But Yu Rou wanted to try it herself. When she was an actress in her previous life, she studied for a period of time just to shoot action scenes, so hanging on wires was a common thing for her.

"Director, I don't want to use a body double. Can I try it myself?" When Yu Rou saw a woman wearing the same clothes as her coming out, she remembered that the original master wanted to use a body double, so she walked up to Director Zhang and said to him.

Zhang Xu: "No need for a stand-in? Didn't you say you would use one before?"

Yu Rou said sincerely, "Yes, no need, Director. I thought about it all night and still feel that I can't use a body double just because I'm afraid of heights. This is too unprofessional. I have worked with so many excellent predecessors, and none of them used a body double. I should learn from them."

Zhang Xu looked at her in confusion. Although he was surprised, he had to admit that Yu Rou's words made Zhang Xu change his mind about her.

Zhang Xu: "Okay, then you try it first. I hope you won't ask for a substitute again later."

"No, I've made up my mind." Yu Rou smiled.

Zhang Xu: "Okay, assistant director, come over here."

Zhang Xu called the assistant director over and said, "No need for a double. Ask the props team to check the wire and props and put the wire on Yu Rou."

Just now, Yu Rou spoke to Zhang Xu in a low voice, so no one else heard Yu Rou say that a body double was not needed. At this time, Director Zhang was talking to the assistant director, and everyone present heard it.

Meng Xiaoyu heard it as soon as she came out of the dressing room. She was surprised at first, then she said to the assistant beside her with a gloating look: "It seems that Director Zhang wants to teach Yu Rou to be a dedicated actor. Look, he won't let her use a double. Alas, it's pitiful."

The author has something to say: I'm late. I'll continue writing one more chapter tonight. I'll wash my hair later and then continue writing. I have to go out during the day tomorrow.

There's something going on these days

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Xu Jiao was ready to go on stage, but the assistant director told her not to go on stage yet, saying that Yu Rou didn't want a stand-in and wanted to go on stage herself, so they would wait and see.

Xu Jiao was originally just a minor role, playing a passerby maid in this play, the kind with no frontal face shots. She worked hard for an unknown period of time to get the opportunity to be a stand-in, and even made some sacrifices to please the assistant director, all for today's highlight. If she performs well and is noticed by Director Zhang, she might get better opportunities.

But Yu Rou didn't want a substitute anymore.

How could she not be angry.

Everyone knows that Yu Rou is a vase. Apart from her good looks, her acting is not that good at all. She was ridiculed by the whole network for winning the Golden Crane Award a few days ago. Xu Jiao doesn't have a good impression of Yu Rou either. As a result, she hates Yu Rou even more and is just waiting to see her make a fool of herself before she takes the stage.


Qin Yanze, played by Chu Zheng, escaped from the alley in a panic. Qin Yanze held a long sword with blood on it, and his expression was solemn, as if he was about to die.

Qin Yanze was being chased here and had no way to escape. There was a wall in front of him and the other three roads were blocked by men in black.

The leading man in black sneered and asked Qin Yanze to hand over the things.

Qin Yanze was already exhausted, and his stubborn resistance could only hold out for a short while. His eyes were filled with despair, unwillingness, and resentment.

Even the director sitting in front of the camera could feel this emotion, as if he was feeling the same way.

Chu Zheng is worthy of being his favorite actor. Such acting skills are rarely seen in other actors.

Zhang Xu watched it seriously, but he was also a little worried. If Yu Rou didn't perform well later, Chu Zheng would be implicated as well.

However, thinking of her performance yesterday, Zhang Xu still had some expectations.

Finally, the men in black lost their patience and decided to deal with him when they saw that he refused to hand over his things. A wine jar fell from the sky and smashed in front of them, filling the ground with the aroma of wine.

"It's so noisy."

The androgynous voice was like a clear mountain spring, yet as cold as frost.

Ling Qingchen floated down from the roof in a red dress, which fluttered in the air, raising red waves, but the first thing everyone saw was her stunning face, so beautiful that it made all the flowers pale in comparison and brightened the night.

The leading man in black looked at her, unable to tell whether she was a friend or an enemy. He only felt that the woman in front of him was very powerful and secretive, so he did not dare to act rashly.

"Girl, please stop meddling in other people's business. It's better to leave now."

Ling Qingchen sneered. She landed gracefully, her eyes sinister, and the corners of her mouth raised. "Let me leave? You disturbed my fun and asked me to leave? Damn it."

Her voice contained no emotion. As soon as she finished speaking, cold light flashed and countless blades shot out from her sleeves and pierced directly into the body of the leading man in black.

The man in black vomited blood, stared with wide eyes, said the word "you", and then fell to the ground, dead.

The rest of the men in black rushed forward with knives in hand, but all died at the hands of Ling Qingchen.

Looking at the people lying on the ground, Ling Qingchen said coldly: "Don't overestimate your own abilities."

Under the moonlight, her face glowed with a white luster, like a dream. Her skin was white, as white as ice and jade, and her facial features were delicate and charming, like a fairy in the moon. However, she was wearing such gorgeous clothes, and her methods just now were so cruel that Qin Yanze, who was sitting next to her, was stunned.

Ling Qingchen glanced at Qin Yanze indifferently. She didn't recognize him. Seeing that he had no strength to fight back, she had no intention of killing him.

She seemed to feel bored and a little annoyed. She glanced at the wine on the ground and frowned slightly.

Zhang Xu stared at the camera closely, not missing any expression on Yu Rou's face. Although the character of Ling Qingchen was complicated, she was only the third female lead, with few lines and not many scenes. In the original novel, there was a long section describing her life experience, but after the script was adapted, most of it was deleted, and she was no longer an important character.

Otherwise, Zhang Xu would not have agreed to let Yu Rou play the role.

But in today's scene, Yu Rou showed even better acting skills than yesterday, which was really hard to believe.

The character of Ling Qingchen also becomes more vivid because of her interpretation.

It is said that acting becomes better when you meet stronger actors. When acting with good actors, it will be easier for you to get into the role and better understand the character and lines.

At this time, Chu Zheng, who was acting opposite her, that is, Qin Yanze in the film, stared at Ling Qingchen blankly. He opened his mouth as if in a dream. When Ling Qingchen was about to leave, he shouted as if waking up from a dream: "Thank you for saving me, young lady."

Ling Qingchen frowned and gave him a dissatisfied look, then he leaped up and used his Qinggong to fly onto the roof and disappeared.

Only Qin Yanze was left staring in the direction she left.

The scene ended here, but no one spoke for a long time. The assistant director asked Zhang Xu, "Director, how is it? Is it OK?"

Zhang Xu looked at the camera and said with satisfaction: "Okay."

The assistant director shouted, "Cut, this take is over. Let's take a break. We'll continue shooting the next take in half an hour."

Chu Zheng looked at Yu Rou who was untying the wire, walked over and said to her with a smile: "I heard that this is your first time hanging on a wire?"

Yu Rou smiled faintly and nodded, "Yes, I don't have much experience."

Chu Zheng looked at her admiringly, "But you performed very well."

"Really? Thank you for the compliment." Yu Rou took the tissue Xiao Chen handed to her and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Her physical condition was not good, and it was a bit strenuous for her to hang on the wire just now. Fortunately, she kept her balance and performed quite well.

Chu Zheng is also good-looking. He is in his early thirties, and it doesn't feel out of place for him to play a twenty-year-old. When he was acting just now, he restrained his maturity and sophistication very well. His lines are solid, and it felt good to act opposite him.

Yu Rou smiled and said, "I still need more guidance from Teacher Chu on my shortcomings."

Chu Zheng was about to speak when the assistant from the set ran over.

"Teacher Yu, Director Zhang wants you to come over."

Yu Rou looked at Chu Zheng but didn't say anything.

Chu Zheng said: "It just so happens that I also have something to ask the director, let's go together."


This is the only scene where she dresses up as a woman today. She only needs to change clothes and reshoot a few scenes later. She doesn't know why Director Zhang wanted to see her.

After Yu Rou finished filming, it should have been Meng Xiaoyu's turn to go on stage, but she was suddenly told to take a half-hour break. So she had to wait another half an hour, and the makeup she had just put on fell off again, so she had to touch it up again.

She was watching the segment that Yu Rou was performing just now. She originally wanted to see how she would embarrass herself, but she ended up watching a wonderful performance.

Yu Rou was acting opposite Chu Zheng, but surprisingly she was not overshadowed at all. You know, even the movie queen Xiao Qiao would be overshadowed by Chu Zheng if she acted with him. However, Yu Rou felt like she stole the limelight from Chu Zheng, especially the moment she appeared on the stage. All the attention of the audience was on her. That scene was unforgettable. Yu Rou's face was just too beautiful.

Meng Xiaoyu felt that Yu Rou was just acting in her true colors, which was why she performed so well and allowed her to take full advantage.

She only relies on her looks. Her acting range is too narrow. Moreover, in the past few years, Yu Rou has been going downhill. No good works have come out. Sooner or later, she will be out of date. Unlike her, she has been developing in all aspects. Sooner or later, she will step on Yu Rou's head.

Moreover, she is the supporting actress now, while Yu Rou is only the third female role with only a few scenes. When the finished film comes out, her part might even be cut out.

Thinking of this, Meng Xiaoyu felt better. She took the script and planned to find Chu Zheng to talk about the next scene. The next scene was between her and Chu Zheng.

Meng Xiaoyu asked someone where Chu Zheng was and was told that Chu Zheng was with the director.

Meng Xiaoyu went there with his assistant and saw Yu Rou was there too.

Zhang Xu held the script and said to Yu Rou, "You performed well just now. You made the right decision not to use a double. You should do this in the future. To become a good actor, you have to be able to endure hardships."

Yu Rou's attitude was very humble, "Well, I will continue to work hard."

"Chu Zheng, how did you feel just now?" Zhang Xu looked at Chu Zheng.

"Very good." Chu Zheng recalled the scene just now and still remembered it clearly.

"I have an idea, but I need to discuss it with the screenwriter." Zhang Xu suddenly said, "I plan to change your role."

Meng Xiaoyu happened to hear this when he walked over.

Her face froze slightly, she stopped and continued to listen.

"I plan to change the scenes between you and Chu Zheng and give you more roles."

After finishing the filming, Yu Rou was going to shoot a commercial somewhere else, a promotional advertisement for a short video app, which was scheduled to be held in the studio. On the way, she received a call from her agent, saying that a recently very popular online variety show invited her to be a guest. The information and other guests had been sent to her, and she was asked to take a look to see if she was interested. The agent also specifically said that Ji Youjun was the main guest.

Ji Youjun said those two sentences about her in an interview before, and it is still being discussed online. Although the heat is not as high as the day before yesterday, Yu Rou's fans are still very excited. Ji Youjun's agent found Yu Rou's agent to reconcile, saying that Ji Youjun did not mean it. Yu Rou's agent is also a protective person, and immediately retorted.

Today's variety show invited Yu Rou, and her agent originally wanted to turn it down, but this variety show is very popular recently and someone else had already been booked. If that person hadn't canceled due to schedule conflicts, the production team wouldn't have come to invite Yu Rou. The reason is probably because Ji Youjun complained about Yu Rou in an interview, and the production team may have found out that Yu Rou and Ji Youjun were indeed from the same school.

In order to shoot the movie "The Face Reader", Yu Rou turned down several TV shows. She doesn't have any works now, and her reputation is very bad because of the Golden Crane Award. I heard that several celebrities who were criticized on this variety show have been whitewashed a lot. If Yu Rou can be on the show, it may be good for her, and it can also promote "The Face Reader". After weighing the pros and cons, the agent still wants to ask Yu Rou if she is willing to go. He still hopes that Yu Rou can be on this show.

Yu Rou didn't even look at the information and agreed directly over the phone.

"Okay, help me reply to the other party and tell them I'll go."

"Really agree?" The agent was obviously surprised.

Yu Rou: "Well, go."

Since Ji Youjun was there, of course she had to go. She finally had a chance to see him. She had been there for two days and hadn't even had a chance to see her ex-boyfriend. She didn't even know who her target this time was. How could she not meet him?

Yu Rou agreed so readily that her agent hesitated, "You won't do anything weird on the show, will you?"

Yu Rou: "No, don't worry."

Agent: "Then Ji Youjun said that about you in the interview last time, and you weren't angry. He is the main star this time."

Yu Rou: "I know, so I have to go even more. I want to complain about him, so I'll go and make fun of him to vent my anger."

Agent: "Don't even think about it. The jokes are all prepared in advance. It would be best if you can memorize them. If you can't, there are prompters." The agent said helplessly.

Yu Rou: "Okay, anyway, I agree to go. There is one more thing. Today Zhang Xu said that he wants to give me more scenes, but it has not been confirmed yet. I am going to discuss it with the original author and the screenwriter. You can find the producer in the next few days to finalize the matter. If more scenes are really given, I guess I can be considered a supporting actress."

The agent was pleasantly surprised and said, "Really? This is a good thing. What's going on?"

Yu Rou: "It's hard to explain over the phone, let's talk about it tomorrow."


The advertisement was shot for a whole afternoon. She changed three or four sets of clothes and shot indoors and outdoors. Yu Rou was exhausted. As it was getting dark, she thought she was done and could go back to rest, but her cell phone rang again.

Yu Rou took a look and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, so she was about to hang up.

But after changing my mind, I accepted it.

Shen Yu's childish voice came from the phone.

"Mom, where are you?"

Yu Rou was stunned for a moment and said, "Xiao Yu? How do you have your mother's phone number?"

"I secretly used Dad's phone to call you. Mom, are you done with your work?"

Yu Rou: "Well, mom just finished her work, what's wrong?"

"Mom, are you coming back today? Xiaoyu misses you... Dad misses you too."

Yu Rou hesitated for a moment, and just as she was about to say that she would go back in a few days, she heard Shen Jue's voice from the other end of the phone, "Who are you calling?"

Shen Yu whispered, "Mom called and said she would be back tonight. She said she missed me and Dad too."

Yu Rou: “…”

Kid, who did you learn this from?

Shen Jue took the phone but remained silent.

Yu Rou waited for a long time but didn't hear any sound. She guessed that the person holding the phone was not Shen Yu. She hesitated for a while and said, "Mr. Shen...what Xiao Yu said is not..."

"Where are you?"

Before Yu Rou could finish her words, Shen Jue interrupted her.

Yu Rou glanced out the window, not knowing where she was, and asked Xiao Chen who was sitting in front of her, "Xiao Chen, where are we now?"

Xiao Chen turned around and said, "Beijing Road."

Yu Rou told Shen Jue.

Shen Jue hummed, "Wait for me there, I'll come pick you up."

Yu Rou: “…”

What is going on? Why do I have to go there again?

"Mom, Dad bought you so many lipsticks! They are so beautiful!"

Before hanging up the phone, Yu Rou heard Shen Yu yell.

[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
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Yu Rou thought for a moment and said, "Xiao Chen, let's find a garage to park."

Xiao Chen: "What's wrong? Aren't you going back?"

"Mr. Shen wants to see me...something. He will come to pick me up later."

Xiao Chen only knew a little about Shen Jue and the original owner. He thought that the two had dated, but he didn't know that the original owner and Shen Jue got married and divorced.

The original owner and Shen Jue had not been in contact for a long time after their divorce. Xiao Chen asked her about it indirectly once, and the original owner just said that they had no relationship in the future. Xiao Chen thought they had broken up. After all, people of Shen Jue and Yu Rou's status were rarely together and there were many people coming and going around them, so breaking up was a very normal thing.

"Mr. Shen?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

Yu Rou said calmly: "Yeah."

Xiao Chen turned around hesitantly and asked, "Sister Yu, have you reconciled with Mr. Shen?"


Seeing that Yu Rou's attitude was a little cold and she seemed reluctant to talk about this topic, Xiao Chen stopped asking.

To be honest, after Yu Rou and Shen Jue broke up, her resources became much worse, and she also had fewer advertisements from big brands. If the two really reconciled, Brother Xiao would probably be the happiest. Shen Jue would give Yu Rou the best resources. Before, Yu Rou would be the heroine in any TV series Shen Jue invested in, and she could even choose to appear on the most difficult variety shows.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Yu Rou sent the address to Shen Jue, then closed her eyes and took a short nap. About half an hour later, Shen Jue arrived.

Yu Rou originally wanted to sit in the back seat, but the back door couldn't be opened. She walked over and knocked on the driver's window. Shen Jue lowered the window and looked at her with an unpredictable expression.

Yu Rou looked around and whispered, "Open the door."

Shen Jue looked away, "It's open."

Yu Rou frowned and pulled the back door again, "It's not open."

Shen Jue's tone darkened, "Come sit in the front."

"Why?" Yu Rou asked.

Shen Jue: “Not used to it.”

Yu Rou looked at Shen Jue suspiciously, and felt that he had become strange again, "Okay."

The passenger seat was opened with a simple pull, and after Yu Rou sat on it, Shen Jue started driving.

The car was quiet for a long time. Yu Rou looked at her phone for a while and felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. She explained, "Mr. Shen, it wasn't me who said I wanted to go over. It was Xiao Yu who called and said...he missed me. Mr. Shen, please don't misunderstand."

Shen Jue glanced at her indifferently.

Yu Rou always felt that there was some resentment in that look.

Yu Rou felt confused. Could it be that Shen Jue really thought that she missed him?

She couldn't guess what Shen Jue was thinking, so she lowered her eyes and simply stopped talking.

After a while, Shen Jue asked her, "Have you had dinner?"

Yu Rou had a box lunch when she was filming the commercial, but she didn't have an appetite at the time, so she didn't eat. Shen Jue asked her if he wanted to take her out for dinner. Yu Rou thought about it and said, "I ate some fruit, but didn't eat."

Shen Jue murmured "hmm" in a low voice and turned around at the traffic light.

Yu Rou looked at the road outside the car window in confusion, "Where are we going?"

"I'm hungry. Let me go eat first." Shen Jue gripped the steering wheel, his fingers exerting a little force. His fingertips turned white, but a hint of red appeared behind his ears.

"But... aren't you going back first?" Yu Rou thought he came to pick her up because Xiao Yu missed her, "Where's Xiao Yu?"

"Eat your meal first and then go back." Shen Jue's tone was unnatural.

"Okay." Yu Rou was actually a little hungry. It would be better to go eat first, in case there was nothing to eat when she got to the villa. She thought about it and asked again, "Has Xiao Yu eaten?"

"I ate it in kindergarten."

Yu Rou nodded, "Yeah, by the way, what about the lipstick Xiao Yu mentioned?"

"Nothing." Shen Jue looked away. Yu Rou could only see his profile. She didn't know what his expression was at the moment and thought he didn't want to say it.

She nodded and lowered her head to continue playing with her phone.

But after a few seconds, Shen Jue said, "I bought it for you."

"What?" Yu Rou was slightly stunned.

Shen Jue pursed his lips and glanced out the window, "We're here."

Yu Rou put on her glasses, hat and mask before opening the car door and getting out.

Just after getting off the car, her cell phone rang again. It was an unfamiliar landline number, but it looked familiar. She thought about it carefully and remembered that it was the landline number of the villa. The original owner had called it twice before, but later deleted the number.

Shen Jue was right next to her, so it seemed that the call was from Shen Yu.

Yu Rou looked at Shen Jue and said, "It seems to be Xiao Yu calling."

Shen Jue frowned, "No need to answer it, I'll be back soon."

Yu Rou said, "You should answer it. Maybe it's something urgent."

After Yu Rou finished speaking, she pressed the answer button, and Shen Yu's voice came straight into her ears, "Mom!"

Yu Rou agreed, "Xiao Yu, what's wrong?"

"Mom, has Dad come to pick you up?"


"Where are you? I've been waiting at the door for a long time." The TV was playing a TV show. Shen Yu's expression was very vivid. He stood on the sofa with a proud look on his face and a loud voice.

"Your father said he was hungry and took me to eat. Have you eaten, Xiaoyu?" Yu Rou said softly.

"No, Mom and Dad, please come back for dinner. I had dessert in kindergarten, but I didn't have dinner. Mom, I want to eat something delicious. Please come back soon and make something delicious for me." Xiao Yu said excitedly.

Yu Rou looked at Shen Jue, covered the microphone, and said, "Xiao Yu asked us to go back, saying that he hadn't had dinner yet."

Shen Jue said coldly, "Give me the phone number."

"What's wrong?" Yu Rou asked puzzledly.

Shen Jue reached out and snatched the phone from her hand, then walked away. Yu Rou saw him talking on the phone from a distance, but she couldn't hear what he said because she was far away.

After a while, Shen Jue came back and returned the phone to her, "Shen Yu wants to talk to you."

Yu Rou took the phone and put it to her ear, and heard Shen Yu say, "Mom, you and Dad will be back after dinner. Don't eat too fast. I'm not hungry at all. There are a lot of food at home, including fruits and snacks. I'll wait for you at home."

Yu Rou looked at Shen Jue blankly and said softly, "What's going on?"

Shen Yu said, "Goodbye, Mom," and hung up the phone.

Yu Rou asked Shen Jue: "What did you say to him? Why did he suddenly change?"

"Nothing, go in." Shen Jue locked the car and walked in front.

Yu Rou and Shen Jue had been to this restaurant once before. It was difficult to book a seat, but as soon as Shen Jue went in and said his name, the two were led by the waiter to the best private room.

Yu Rou asked him, "Have you reserved a seat?"

Shen Jue: “Yeah.”

Yu Rou didn't even see him making the call, "When was the order made?"

This restaurant has a good environment and a romantic atmosphere, so it is usually visited by couples. Shen Jue brought her here to eat, and his intention was very obvious.

However, Shen Jue has been too capricious in the past two days, and Yu Rou suspects that he is not the same person during the day and at night.

"It was decided before I came." Shen Jue said calmly.

After entering the private room, the two sat down face to face. Shen Jue handed the menu to Yu Rou, "What do you want to eat?"

Yu Rou blocked it for a moment and shook her head, "You order it."

Shen Jue: “Yeah.”

He flipped through a few pages of the menu. The dishes mentioned were all Yu Rou's favorites, or rather, the original owner's favorites. Perhaps it was the system's way of making it easier for Yu Rou to replace the original owner, so the preferences of the hosts she transmigrated into were generally similar to her own.

After the waiter left, Yu Rou couldn't help but ask tentatively: "That divorce matter..."

Shen Jue's originally gentle eyes suddenly became gloomy. He looked at Yu Rou and slowly opened his lips, "I'll say it again, don't say these two words again."

Yu Rou thought, this time, he is not admitting the divorce.

Could it be that Shen Jue has schizophrenia? Is he the same person during the day and at night?

The more Yu Rou thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. The personality during the day was not the same as the current one. The current personality should not remember about the divorce.

Yu Rou fell into deep thought and didn't speak for a long time.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit depressing, and Shen Jue looked at her several times without saying anything.

Yu Rou casually flipped through her phone to ease the embarrassment.

When the waiter came in to serve the dishes, the silence in the room was broken. However, Yu Rou did not speak and her expression was indifferent, as if she was unhappy. Shen Jue frowned slightly and asked her, "I heard that you are playing the third female role in the movie you are filming now?"

"Yeah." Yu Rou didn't understand why he suddenly asked this, so she put down her phone, looked up and said, "It's almost finished, but there may be changes."

She didn't mention much about the director wanting to give her more roles, after all, nothing had been decided yet.

Shen Jue said: "Do you want to play the leading female role?"

Yu Rou: "What do you mean?"

Shen Jue was silent for a moment, then said, "Don't mention divorce anymore. You can just play the leading female role in this play."

Yu Rou: “…”

Shen Jue: "Why don't you speak?"

Yu Rou: "No, I prefer my current role."

Although the heroine in the drama "The Face Reader" has many roles, she is just a vase. Compared with this movie, which is a male-centered movie and focuses on power struggles, the role of the heroine is just to be the male protagonist's confidant. There is nothing outstanding about her, and she is not as good as the role of Ling Qingchen she is playing now.

Shen Jue was surprised that Yu Rou refused without even thinking about it. Shen Jue said this because it was not an easy thing to accomplish. Not to mention that the filming had already started and the heroine had been decided, and he was not the investor of this film. The most important thing was that he knew that Yu Rou's acting skills were not very good.

But he was willing to do this difficult task because he thought Yu Rou would want the role of the heroine in this play. Yu Rou's company had tried to fight for her before, but was completely uncompetitive. In the end, it took a lot of effort to get her the third female role.

Who knew that Yu Rou would reject him outright.

"Really, there's no need." Yu Rou said again.

Shen Jue stared at her, not knowing what he was thinking. His expression became increasingly gloomy. He lowered his head and suddenly sneered.

Yu Rou frowned secretly, feeling a little wary.

"Because of Jiyoujun?"

Shen Jue finally spoke, but his voice was cold and without a trace of warmth, and a chill penetrated into Yu Rou's ears.

Yu Rou said calmly: "What does it have to do with Ji Youjun?"

Shen Jue's mouth was cold, "Do you really want to leave me? Just because of him?"

"What do you mean?"

How could Yu Rou admit it at this time? She could only play dumb and blame others. "I have nothing to do with him. What do you mean by that?"

Shen Jue stood up and walked behind her. He leaned over and put his mouth close to her ear, breathing on her earlobe. "Do you really think I don't know what's on your mind?"

"What am I thinking? Tell me." Yu Rou lowered her eyes to hide the smile in her eyes.

Shen Jue put his hands on her shoulders, holding her down hard. Yu Rou was unable to move, as if she was under a spell of immobilization.

"If you dare to mention divorce again, I will make him regret meeting you."

"What are you going to do?" Yu Rou felt that this personality of Shen Jue was much more interesting than the one during the day. He even used Ji Youjun to threaten her. Unfortunately, Yu Rou didn't care at all.

[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
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Yu Rou wanted to turn around and look at him, but he held her down so tightly that she had no choice but to let him go.

She smiled calmly, "I think Mr. Shen must have misunderstood. What you want to do is your business. Ji Youjun has nothing to do with me."

Shen Jue looked at her, seemingly not believing her words, thinking that she was afraid that he would hurt Ji Youjun, so she said this to him. Shen Jue's face was gloomy, and a look of hurt flashed across his eyes. After a while, he whispered: "Then why don't you want to accept my proposal?"

Yu Rou: "What's the proposal?"

"You really don't want the leading lady of this play?"

"That's not the case." Yu Rou picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip. A faint lip mark was left on the teacup. When Shen Jue noticed it, his eyes dimmed.

Yu Rou continued, "I just like my current role more. Whether I am the heroine or not is not that important."

She had played the heroine enough in her previous life. She just liked acting. This role happened to be one she liked. She had never tried dressing up as a man before, so it was a new challenge for her and more interesting.

Shen Jue looked at her and his expression became confused.

"You seem to have changed."

Yu Rou smiled, not showing any fear at all, "Why don't you say that you have never really understood me? These are not what I need now."

Shen Jue seemed to be lost in deep thought.

Yu Rou tilted her head, revealing a hint of playfulness, "I'm hungry, can I eat first?"

All the dishes were served and Yu Rou had been wanting to eat for a long time.

"Eat first." Shen Jue's eyes were fixed on her face.

It was already past eight o'clock when Shen Yu returned to the Jade Villa. When he heard the door open, he immediately turned off the TV, put on his shoes and ran to the entrance.

As soon as Yu Rou opened the door, Shen Yu hugged her tightly.

"Mom, you're finally back."

"Well, Xiaoyu, be good and let mommy change your shoes first."

Yu Rou rubbed his hair, which was soft and delicate. She couldn't help but touch his face again, thinking, the little boy was so cute.

"Okay, Mom, you wear this pair. This pair is yours." Shen Yu opened the shoe cabinet and took out a pair of pink plush slippers. Then he took out a pair of black slippers of the same style and handed them to Shen Jue, "Dad's are these."

Yu Rou glanced at what Shen Yu was wearing, which was the same style, gray.

This child has made clear arrangements. He knows that the whole family should dress neatly and the shoes should be parent-child styles.

Yu Rou changed her shoes and went into the house, held by Shen Yu's hand the whole time, and Shen Jue followed behind.

Shen Yu pulled her inside and said, "Mom, come and see, these are the gifts Dad bought for you!"

Yu Rou asked: "What gift?"

Shen Yu: "So many beautiful lipsticks."


Yu Rou was stunned. Why did Shen Jue buy her lipstick?

When she saw the lipsticks on the bed in the guest room, she was really surprised. The 1.8-meter-long bed was filled with lipstick boxes, from several brands and almost every color.

Yu Rou also used to like buying lipsticks, but later she got a terminal illness and stopped wearing makeup, so she gave up the idea of ​​buying cosmetics. In the several worlds she traveled through afterwards, she rarely wanted to buy these things. Now seeing so many lipsticks at once, she is still very happy.

"Mom, do you like it?" Shen Yu asked in a baby voice.

Seeing his innocent look of expectation, Yu Rou nodded cooperatively and said, "I like it."

Shen Yu said loudly: "Dad, look, Mom said she likes it."

"Yeah." Shen Jue's voice was very soft, but Yu Rou could feel that he was in a good mood.

After talking to Shen Yu, it was getting late. Yu Rou took Shen Yu to take a bath, and then went to Shen Yu's bedroom. Having learned from the last lesson, Yu Rou did not give Shen Yu the chance to make trouble. She coaxed Shen Yu to sleep, and then slept in Shen Yu's room.

When Shen Jue pushed open the door, Yu Rou and Shen Yu had already fallen asleep. They were sleeping soundly, and Shen Yu's hand was on Yu Rou's ear, moving from time to time.

Yu Rou hugged Shen Yu, looking very warm.

Shen Jue slowly closed the door, walked to the bed, lifted a corner of the quilt, and climbed onto the bed quietly.

Yu Rou was almost woken up by him. She frowned and turned around, just in time to meet Shen Jue.

The two of them were very close, and Shen Jue could smell her fragrance, which was gentle and sweet. He gently held Yu Rou in his arms, and then took Shen Yu's hand away from Yu Rou's ear.

He placed his head on Yu Rou's shoulder, revealing a bit of vulnerability, and whispered in her ear, "Don't even think about leaving me."

After saying that, he gave Yu Rou a gentle kiss on her lips before closing his eyes.

"You are mine." There was a strong desire for control in Shen Jue's eyes, and deep emotions were like huge waves, rolling in his eyes.

The next morning, when Yu Rou woke up, she saw herself lying in Shen Jue's arms, squeezed between Shen Yu and Shen Jue.

The father and son were still sleeping. Yu Rou felt her back and waist aching, probably because she didn't sleep well. Her head was still resting on Shen Jue's arm. She moved slightly, and Shen Jue frowned and his eyelids moved, as if he was about to wake up.

Yu Rou immediately closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

When Shen Jue opened his eyes and saw the person in front of him, his expression changed immediately.

When he saw Shen Yu next to him, his face changed again. He frowned, stared at Yu Rou, was silent for a long time, then suddenly stood up, pushed Yu Rou away, and stood up from the bed.

Yu Rou slowly opened her eyes. Shen Jue had already gotten out of bed and was putting on his clothes with his back to her.

"What happened last night?" Shen Jue said in a deep voice.

Yu Rou pursed her lips, feeling that the person in front of her had changed his personality.

Shen Jue turned back coldly: "I know you are awake, when did you come last night?"

Yu Rou: "Nothing happened last night. This is Xiao Yu's room. I still want to ask you, why are you here?"

Shen Jue looked around the room, thought about it carefully, and suddenly had a splitting headache. He couldn't remember what happened last night.

Shen Yu was awakened by the sound and opened his eyes dazedly, "Dad, Mom...what are you doing?"

Yu Rou: "Did mom and dad do anything? Did they wake you up?"

Shen Yu rubbed his eyes and said, "No, Mom and Dad, why are you all here? What time is it now?"

Yu Rou smiled and said, "It's time to get up. Dad is here to wake you up. Do you remember that Mom slept with you last night?"

Shen Yu nodded, "I remember, my mother sang a song for me."

Yu Rou: "Then get up quickly. Mom will take you to wash your face, brush your teeth and change clothes."

After hearing what Yu Rou said, Shen Jue's face turned even paler.

Yu Rou went back home after leaving the villa. In the afternoon, Xiao Chen came to pick her up to record the show.

The variety talk show that the agent mentioned yesterday is called "Too Much to Complain About", jointly produced by Qixing Video and Yingyue Culture Media. It focuses on light-hearted and funny complaints. Each episode will invite a hotly searched star and many mysterious guests, and let the guests comment and complain about the star anonymously.

The main guest of this episode is Ji Youjun, who the program crew took great pains to invite. Ji Youjun almost never participates in variety shows and is rarely interviewed. In everyone's eyes, he can be said to be the most mysterious superstar.

On the way, Xiao Chen compiled a list of the jokes and lines that would be told and showed it to Yu Rou. The manuscript was written by someone from the program crew. It looked very humorous and a bit sarcastic.

Yu Rou took a quick look and memorized the general idea. Her agent even called her and reminded her to be careful with her wording and not to say anything extra beyond what was written in the manuscript.

Yu Rou agreed casually, but was thinking in her heart what she would say when she saw Ji Youjun later.

As soon as Yu Rou arrived at the recording studio, she saw several other guests, but Ji Youjun was not there.

There are six guests today, including Yu Rou, three of whom are singers and the other two are stars who have worked with Ji Youjun.

The program "Too Much to Complain" is divided into three stages. The first stage: anonymous complaints.

Guests can complain and complain about popular stars in a small dark room. The audience can see the guests' faces, but the stars can only hear voices processed through voice changers and don't know who is complaining about them. However, they have a list of guests and can guess. If they guess correctly, they will confront the guests and start exposing each other's shortcomings.

Phase 2: The star makes fun of himself and complains about each guest in turn.

This stage is the best time to show emotional intelligence. As the object of complaints and criticism, if the star has a bad mentality and gets angry after the first round of bombardment, then his performance in this round will not be very good. However, this is also what the audience looks forward to the most. If the star's crazy self-deprecation can resonate with the audience and show their truest self, then the effect of the show will be achieved.

The last stage: "Ridiculous ridicule and counterattack".

In this segment, the guests and stars will put aside their grudges and talk it out, air all their complaints and dissatisfactions, and then explain them clearly, so that the stars can be "cleaned" after being "blackened" and gain more fans.

The guests and celebrities will have a truth or dare game session, but these are basically questions designed in advance.

Yu Rou had finished putting on her makeup in the waiting room and was about to go out when she heard a voice from outside, "Teacher Ji is here, did you see her?"

"I saw it. So handsome."

"Let's go get an autograph together later!"

The staff outside the door were discussing in low voices and seemed very excited.

Many people present today are fans of Ji Youjun. Ji Youjun has a great influence in the music scene. In recent years, the songs he composed have been the most popular songs. His songs are sung in the streets and KTVs. His popularity is unmatched by anyone else.

Before Ji Youjun entered the stage, the guests had to randomly enter a small, makeshift dark room on the stage, which only had a screen and a microphone through which they could see the stage.

After Yu Rou entered and sat for a minute, she heard the host begin to introduce today's invited stars. As soon as the words "Ji Youjun" were uttered, the audience below the stage shouted and cheered enthusiastically.

"Everyone should already know that our main guest for this episode is the sweet superstar - Ji Youjun. It took a lot of effort for the program team to invite him this time. Let's applaud and welcome Ji Youjun."

The cheers from the audience were deafening, growing louder and louder. They lasted for five full minutes and hadn't stopped yet.

Yu Rou could see from the screen that Ji Youjun was walking towards her from the red carpet opposite the stage. He was wearing a black sweater and jeans. He looked a little different from the last time she saw him in the interview video. Today he looked younger and more approachable.

The host and Ji Youjun first exchanged a few simple words. The host complimented him a few times, and then talked about a few points about Ji Youjun that were often complained about by netizens. The audience laughed and the atmosphere became a little warmer.

The host said to Ji Youjun: "Next, we invite the first mysterious guest to speak... You will choose the guest who made fun of you on the screen. If you guess correctly, this guest will be sent out to receive your response. Who do you think will be the first one?"

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Ji Youjun certainly knew that Yu Rou was one of today's guests. He was reluctant at first, but for various reasons, he finally agreed after being persuaded by his agent.

He also knew that the first person to complain was not Yu Rou. The program team had already arranged for Yu Rou to appear last. He also knew the order in which the other guests would appear, and he even basically knew how those people would complain.

Yu Rou and other guests were in different rooms, with an extra-large curved TV in front of them so they could watch the live broadcast.

She was not the first person to complain, so she sat on the sofa and watched TV, feeling very comfortable.

The voices of the guests who make comments in the lounge will be changed and will be completely different from their original voices.

The first guest of the micro-complaint was a singer who had a good relationship with Ji Youjun. The two often interacted on Weibo, and their fans all knew about it.

"Knowing that I was going to come and criticize Ji Youjun, I prepared for three days. The pressure was too great. After all, everyone knows that his fans are too powerful. But why did I still come? Because there are too many flaws in him, and I really have to complain..."

His voice was processed into a loli voice, which sounded a bit funny.

"The first point is that this person has a very high sense of humour and is also a topic terminator. When working with him, everyone has a tacit understanding not to joke around. Otherwise, there will be a scene where everyone else is laughing but he is the only one emitting cold air, which is super embarrassing."

After he finished complaining, the host asked Ji Youjun to select the corresponding avatar of this guest on the screen. As a result, Ji Youjun chose the wrong one, so he continued to complain about the second guest.

After complaining about three guests in a row, Ji Youjun still didn't "guess" them. According to what had been agreed before, he had to guess at least one correctly. During the intermission, the director talked to Ji Youjun for a few words, and asked him in a nice tone to cooperate more next time.

Yu Rou had been in the lounge for quite a long time and was about to go to the restroom, but just as she walked out, she saw that the door of the lounge opposite was also opened. Opposite her was Liu Xinyu, a singer who had previously been rumored to be in a relationship with Ji Youjun, but the scandal soon came to nothing under the influence of fans' opinions, and she later denied the rumor by saying that the two were just good friends.

Yu Rou was not familiar with Liu Xinyu, but Liu Xinyu seemed to be very familiar with her. When she saw her, she asked enthusiastically, "Do you also feel that the room is too stuffy?"

"Yeah, a little bit." Yu Rou nodded, "I'll go to the bathroom."

"Then let's go together. I'll go wash my hands too." Liu Xinyu closed the door and walked to Yu Rou.

Yu Rou was pulled by her to the bathroom. After taking a few steps, she bumped into Ji Youjun and his assistant.

When Ji Youjun's gaze fell on her, his expression froze a little and his eyes were cold.

Yu Rou also looked at him calmly. From such a close distance, Ji Youjun was indeed a very handsome man.

Perhaps it was because Ji Youjun usually had this kind of cold expression, so Liu Xinyu didn't notice his abnormality. Instead, she pulled Yu Rou over to greet him.

"Youjun, you really couldn't tell which one of the people who spoke just now was me?"

Ji Youjun shook his head coldly, "No."

Liu Xinyu seemed to be used to his coldness and knew that he was like this, so she said, "You won't be unable to guess any of them later, right?"

Ji Youjun didn't say anything. Liu Xinyu turned around and asked Yu Rou, "You're not among the people I just mentioned, right?"

Yu Rou said: "Well, I haven't said it yet."

"I heard that you and Youjun are from the same university. Is that true?" Liu Xinyu suddenly asked.

Yu Rou looked at Ji Youjun with cold eyes and a faint smile on her lips, "It seems so."

"Then haven't you met before?" Liu Xinyu said meaningfully.

Yu Rou: "I have seen him before, but we are not familiar with each other."

Ji Youjun didn't respond, "I have something else to do, so I'll go over first."

Liu Xinyu originally wanted to test the waters a few more times, but seeing that they all looked so cold and indifferent, she gave up the idea and took Yu Rou's arm to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, the show continued.

Ji Youjun cooperated a lot in the following process, but his expression was not as gentle as before, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Finally, it was Yu Rou's turn to complain, and the voice she randomly came up with was a shota voice, young and cute.

Yu Rou's manuscript had been revised by her agent, so it was a bit boring, but at least there was nothing wrong with it. After all, her and Ji Youjun's fans were very sensitive, and if she complained too much, her Weibo account would definitely be overwhelmed.

She complained dryly about Ji Youjun's expressionless face. This was known to everyone. Even Ji Youjun's fans themselves said that he had no expression when singing. Only in his early videos when he sang his most famous songs did he reveal heartbreaking emotions. Fans speculated that those songs were written by Ji Youjun for someone, and there must be a story behind them.

After talking about the facial paralysis, Yu Rou continued, "Some time ago, Ji Youjun's emoticons suddenly became popular, and he was photoshopped into a panda head. I used it for a long time before my friend told me that it was Ji Youjun. I was shocked. Since then, I can't look directly at his face. When I see him, I think of the panda head emoticons, especially the two emoticons with the nose in the air and the three consecutive denials. Everyone should know them. They are all in my mind."

The audience smiled politely, and the big screen on the stage played animated images of emoticons.

Yu Rou felt that what she said was good and pressed the stop button with satisfaction.

The production team did not arrange for Ji Youjun to guess her, so after Yu Rou finished speaking, she leaned back and lay comfortably on the sofa, waiting for the show to move on to the next round.

The host said: "The guests have finished their comments at the last second. Now please guess who this mysterious guest is."

Ji Youjun looked down at the selector in his hand, hesitated for a few seconds, and pressed it.

There was only a bang, and the host was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded and shouted, "Yeah, another correct guess, let's invite this guest to come out and be the main guest."

Yu Rou was also surprised because the schedule did not allow her to go out.

Ji Youjun is messing around.

Yu Rou was completely unprepared, but she still had to go out.

She walked out while smiling, because she knew the camera must be facing her. She pretended to be nervous and said to the assistant beside her in a low voice: "I didn't prepare anything, how come you guessed me right? I'm so nervous, I don't know what to say later, I hope Master Ji will be lenient with me."

The audience who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but worry about her when they saw her like this.

Even Ji Youjun's fans felt that Yu Rou might be embarrassed by Ji Youjun later.

After the main guest guesses correctly, they will enter a mode of exposing each other's shortcomings. The two of them will complain face to face and counter each other's moves. This is also a highlight of the show. Many viewers like this segment very much. Watching two stars arguing until they are blushing and short of breath seems very real, and there is a mysterious sense of pleasure.

When Yu Rou came out, the audience was very excited.

The host asked Yu Rou: "I've heard that Yu Rou and Ji Shen graduated from the same university. They are of similar age, so they should know each other, right?"

Yu Rou smiled and said, "Ji Shen is very famous in school, of course I know him."

Host: "How do you feel about competing with Ji Shen?"

Yu Rou: "I'm very nervous. If I say something wrong later, please don't mind it, Ji Shen. But I benefited a lot from Ji Shen's comments on me last time. I hope to learn something from Ji Shen's complaints this time."

As soon as Yu Rou finished speaking, there was silence for a few seconds on and off the stage.

It's really rare that Yu Rou is so polite and humble.

Fortunately, the robot's prompt sounded and took over the conversation, so as to avoid a dull silence.

"The mutual ridicule will begin immediately. The guest will start the ridicule first. The time limit is two minutes. The guests can interrupt each other."

Ji Youjun looked at Yu Rou coldly, and the atmosphere became subtle.

After a few seconds, Yu Rou finally spoke, "It's still very stressful to stand face to face with a superstar. I've almost said everything I want to complain about. Since you want to argue with me again, I'll just add a little bit."

"Since Ji Shen thinks I'm not good at acting, then when can you work with me so I can see how good Ji Shen's acting is? Everyone knows that Ji Shen is a singing god, but they don't know that Ji Shen is also quite insightful in acting. Ji Shen didn't explain it clearly in the last interview, so how about we discuss it again here?"

Yu Rou was fighting back against Ji Youjun's comment in an interview last time that her acting was poor. The sarcasm was obvious, but she kept smiling gently. This contrast inexplicably gave people a sense of drama.

Yu Rou only said two sentences, and with more than half of the two minutes left, she handed the microphone to Ji Youjun.

Ji Youjun looked at her for a long time before he spoke slowly, "Are you saying that I was wrong? Do you have acting skills?"

Yu Rou smiled, "Of course."

Ji Youjun's voice was different from what the original owner remembered. He was no longer the warm-hearted brother next door. He was cold and serious, and even looked at her with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

Yu Rou looked at the audience, "How about Ji Shen and I do a scene performance? Didn't Ji Shen shoot an MV before? Let's just pretend that we are shooting an MV? How do you think?"

Yu Rou's proposal drew cheers from the audience. The director was originally very anxious, thinking that this episode of the live broadcast would become a joke, but he heard the assistant's voice in his headphones, "Director, the ratings have exceeded the highest in the previous episodes, and are still rising."

The director's eyes lit up, and he immediately turned on the host's audio and told the host into the microphone, "Cooperate with Yu Rou and let them improvise."

"Also, Group Three, pick a few of Ji Youjun's famous songs and come up with some scenarios, right now!"

"The camera mainly focuses on the two of them, especially Ji Youjun's expression."

When the host heard the director speak, he immediately responded, "The audience is so enthusiastic. It seems that everyone wants to see you two compete in acting skills. In that case, how about a performance?"

Yu Rou spread her hands and said with a smile: "I have no objection. It is a rare opportunity to perform on the same stage with Ji Shen."

Yu Rou has already said this much, if Ji Youjun doesn't nod, the situation will be awkward.

Ji Youjun's agent was also winking at him. If he refused at this time, then his previous public comments about Yu Rou's poor acting skills would be enough to be criticized.

Ji Youjun didn't hesitate for long, and gently opened his lips, "Okay."

Seeing that he agreed, Yu Rou also smiled.

I knew he would agree.

Host: "Then randomly pick one of Ji Shen's songs, and improvise based on the lyrics."

After the two agreed, Ji Youjun's original classic songs began to play randomly on the big screen.

When the screen finally stopped, the song "Sinking Stars" remained on the screen.

This song is recognized as the saddest of all Ji Youjun's songs. Many people say that they will cry after listening to it. Especially after a breakup, this song should never be listened to.

"I didn't expect it would be this song. It seems very difficult. Let's give them a round of applause and give them both some time to prepare." The host is also very much looking forward to the collaboration between Yu Rou and Ji Youjun, and it can be predicted that the ratings of their show tonight will definitely be explosive.

The prelude of "Sinking Star" is very low, and a few cello solo tunes are added to the prelude, using a soothing rhythm with a sad melody.

When Ji Youjun sang the first note, the whole audience held their breath. That soft, foamy voice was so beautiful that it moved people's hearts and made them cry unconsciously.

Ji Youjun's early songs have a kind of magic. Many of his die-hard fans say that his current songs are completely inferior to the ones he created when he first debuted. Although his current songs are also very nice, they don't have such deep emotions, like the pain of losing something.

After hearing the first line of lyrics, Yu Rou had already entered into the role she had imagined for herself.

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Yu Rou had already constructed a melodramatic plot in her mind. She imagined the role of herself as the heroine who had to leave the hero, had no choice but to suffer in silence, but was deeply in love with him.

She looked up at Ji Youjun without saying anything, her eyes hiding complicated emotions. Ji Youjun met her gaze and was involuntarily attracted by her eyes.

Ji Youjun had learned a little acting in the past, and the results were well received when he filmed the MV. However, he never developed in the field of film and television, but concentrated on music creation. Even if he could act, he was not professional and could not compare with Yu Rou.

Yu Rou's eyes were filled with sorrow. Her dialogue skills were fully revealed in just a few words, and Ji Youjun seemed very unfamiliar with the dialogue.

But when the two of them stand together, despite their unequal acting skills, it is still pleasing to the eye.

In just a few minutes, the song ended and the audience was still immersed in it.

The last words Yu Rou said to Ji Youjun were a line from the song, "You are the Milky Way in the sky, and the only starlight left in my heart."

Ji Youjun looked at her with a serious expression and a depressing emotion in his eyes.

The audience in the audience and those watching the live broadcast were all shocked. When did Yu Rou's acting become so good?

Moreover, Ji Youjun looked very strange. Was he brought in by Yu Rou?

At this time, in the Emerald Villa.

Shen Yu looked at Yu Rou on the huge TV screen with a face full of admiration and attachment.

"Is mom acting? She's like a different person all of a sudden. So amazing! Who is this uncle? He can't act as well as mom."

Before Shen Yu finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound. He turned around and saw broken glass all over the ground and blood on Shen Jue's palm.

Shen Yu was startled by Shen Jue's eerie expression. "Dad, what's wrong with you..."

Shen Jue was still looking at the TV screen without saying a word.

Shen Yu's voice became smaller and smaller, and soon he dared not say a word anymore.

After the recording of the program was over, Yu Rou and Xiao Chen were about to leave, but they saw Ji Youjun's junior assistant wiping Ji Youjun's sweat with a worried look on her face.

Ji Youjun's face turned pale, and he held his stomach with his left hand, looking very uncomfortable.

It looks like a stomachache.

While thinking, Yu Rou turned her head and asked Xiao Chen, "Did you bring stomach medicine?"

The original owner had poor health, always suffering from stomachaches and catching colds easily, so Xiao Chen always carried stomach and cold medicines with him.

Xiao Chen: "I brought it. It's in my bag. Is Sister Yu feeling unwell?"

"No, go over there and ask Ji Youjun if he has a stomachache and whether he needs stomach medicine. I'm going to the bathroom first, you just wait for me at the door." Yu Rou's tone was flat, and she went straight to the bathroom after she finished speaking.

Xiao Chen stood there in a daze for a few seconds before realizing that Yu Rou asked him to deliver the medicine.

Although he was surprised why Yu Rou was suddenly so kind and sent medicine to Ji Youjun, he didn't know about the past between Yu Rou and Ji Youjun. However, Ji Youjun had clearly said bad things about Yu Rou in an interview a few days ago, which made Yu Rou very angry. Shouldn't she be disgusted when she saw him? Could it be that Yu Rou liked Ji Youjun?

Xiao Chen thought about it carefully and actually thought of some details. The original owner seemed to be very concerned about Ji Youjun in the past, and she also asked him about Ji Youjun some time ago. When he saw her listening to music before, she also often listened to Ji Youjun's songs.

No way!

Sweat broke out on Xiao Chen's forehead and he walked hurriedly towards Ji Youjun.

Ji Youjun was preoccupied and his stomach suddenly ached badly, so he didn't hear Ye Man's words clearly. Yu Rou's face lingered in his mind, and he even remembered her voice clearly. He also couldn't forget the look Yu Rou gave him on the stage just now.

"Youjun, how about I help you sit in the car for a while and I'll go buy medicine right now?" Ye Man said worriedly.

Ji Youjun didn't respond, he lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Youjun?" Ye Man called again.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Ye Man felt that his tone was not right, but she did not think much about it for the moment. She was just worried that he might feel uncomfortable.

Just as she was about to speak, a man walked up to her and said to Ji Youjun, "Hello, Mr. Ji, sorry to bother you. I saw you seemed a little uncomfortable just now. Do you have a stomachache?"

Ye Man thought about it and remembered that he was the assistant following Yu Rou, "Are you Yu...?"

She didn't say anything else, but quietly looked at Ji Youjun's expression.

"Yes, I'm Yu Rou's assistant, you can just call me Xiao Chen. Sister Yu saw that you were not feeling well, so she asked me to come and give you some medicine. I just happen to have some stomach medicine here."

Ye Man saw that Ji Youjun's face changed immediately after hearing Yu Rou's name, and her expression also became nervous.

After a few seconds of silence, Ji Youjun said coldly, "No need."

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, but he was not surprised at all. He nodded and said, "Okay, sorry to bother you. You should take a rest."

Ji Youjun's face was very pale and his expression was unpredictable. As he watched Xiao Chen's leaving, Yu Rou's voice seemed to echo in his ears.

When Yu Rou returned to the car, she received a call from Shen Yu.

Shen Yu: "Mom, where are you?"

Yu Rou: "Mom just finished her work and is about to go back to rest."

Shen Yu made the call while hiding. His voice was a little soft and Yu Rou could barely hear it.

Shen Yu: "Are you coming back? Mom, Dad is injured, please come back and see him soon."

Yu Rou: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Dad's hand is injured, the cup is broken, and there is a lot of blood on his hand." Shen Yu spoke unclearly and slowly, and some of his pronunciations were not standard. It took Yu Rou a while to react before she could understand.

Yu Rou: "What's going on now? Why did the cup break?"

"The doctor is here. I don't know. Dad and I were watching TV just now. We were watching a show starring Mom, and the cup broke..."

Shen Yu didn't explain it very clearly, but Yu Rou roughly understood what was going on.

Yu Rou: "Xiao Yu, be good and take good care of daddy. Mommy can't come over tonight because she has some work to do later."

Shen Yu: "Is there any work that can't be done here?"

"It's not very convenient. There are many things to do."

Yu Rou spoke a few more words to Shen Yu and then hung up the phone.

She thought clearly that she couldn't sleep over there every night. Keeping a proper distance would help her to sort out her thoughts. Although she still liked Shen Yu quite a bit, thinking of Shen Jue's schizophrenia, she decided to observe him for a while longer.

Although Shen Yu made the phone call secretly without knowing it from Shen Jue, he could not hide it from Shen Jue. As soon as he entered the room, Shen Jue knew that he was going to call Yu Rou.

Just after cleaning the wound, Shen Jue stood up and walked out after hearing the sound of the door opening. The doctor called him a few times, but he ignored him.

But when Shen Yu came out of the room, his face was gloomy, and it was obvious that Yu Rou was not coming.

Shen Jue's face darkened. He had some medicine on his hands, but no gauze wrapped around them. They looked bloody and had many small wounds. Just now, his family doctor had spent a long time picking out the glass shards.

"Dad." Shen Yu looked at Shen Jue gloomily.

Shen Jue nodded and walked to Shen Yu's side, "Yeah."

"Mom won't be back tonight. She said she has something to do." Shen Yu said while looking at Shen Jue's hand.

Shen Jue's expression was cold and gloomy, "I understand."

"Dad, is Mom's work also very hard?" Shen Yu asked in a low voice.

Shen Jue didn't answer.

Shen Yu added, "Then Dad, can you help Mom? Boys should care more about girls. Mom is also a girl. Dad, don't you think so?"

"Wash up early and go back to the house to rest."

Shen Jue didn't respond to his words, which made Shen Yu unhappy. He pouted, a little reluctant, but still said, "Dad, does your hand hurt? It looks scary. Do you want to take a picture and show it to mom?"

Shen Jue frowned.

Shen Yu grabbed Shen Jue's wrist and said, "Dad, let me take a picture for you and send it to mom. She will definitely feel distressed when she sees it. Maybe she will stop working and come back to see you right away."

Shen Jue blinked.

Shen Yu jogged over and took out his cell phone, then took several photos of Shen Jue's hand.

Shen Yu sent the photo to Yu Rou, and Shen Jue watched beside her.

The two sat on the sofa, no one spoke, and waited for a long time.

Finally I got Yu Rou's reply.

Yu Rou: "Xiao Yu, be good and go to bed early."

Shen Yu looked at Shen Jue and felt that his father's eyes seemed a little resentful. He stood up nervously.

"Dad, I'm going upstairs to bed then."

As soon as Yu Rou returned home, she received a message from her agent, telling her that she was on the trending search again, and asking her to stay calm, not to make public comments, and not to let her secondary account go online.

Yu Rou replied, "I know," and went to check the trending searches herself.

The video of her acting competition with Ji Youjun became a trending search.

Most netizens were shocked that she could perform so well and show such complex emotions in just a few minutes. The main reason was that the song was sung by Ji Youjun, and she performed it together with Ji Youjun, completely outshining Ji Youjun. Everyone was so busy looking at her that they didn't even look at Ji Youjun.

It doesn’t feel that intuitive when it’s live streaming.

Looking back at the edited video, I feel that every movement and expression of Yu Rou is very real, especially her eyes and the last line she said.

It simply astounded everyone who liked the song, and fully displayed the mood and emotion of the song.

The most important thing is Ji Youjun’s attitude towards this matter.

Everyone can see from the video that there's something wrong with the way Ji Youjun looks at Yu Rou.

Even though he was acting, the emotions he expressed were totally different from what the song was trying to express. Instead, they were a bit hateful and infatuated.

The next day, Yu Rou went to the crew to shoot the last two scenes. The director told her that her role had been changed and a few more scenes had been added to her. The script had also been revised. The screenwriter had already changed her lines overnight and a new script would be given to her tomorrow.

Although it was said before that she would have more scenes, Yu Rou was still a little surprised after seeing the revised script. Her role was changed a lot, and she had more lines than the second female lead.

Previously, the Ling Qingchen she played was just a key character to promote the plot, but now she has been changed into the red rose in the hero's heart.

Ling Qingchen loves the Sixth Prince, but by accident she saves Qin Yanze, who will become the Sixth Prince's mortal enemy in the future. Qin Yanze falls in love with Ling Qingchen at first sight when she is dressed as a woman. Ling Qingchen also frequently appears in Qin Yanze's dreams. He even sends people to look for Ling Qingchen everywhere, but to no avail.

Later, the Sixth Prince failed in his attempt to usurp the throne, and Ling Qingchen was also implicated.

Qin Yanze went personally to sentence the Sixth Prince and Ling Qingchen to death, but he saw Ling Qingchen changing into women's clothes before her death. Only then did he realize that the woman he had been thinking about for several years was Ling Qingchen.

Ling Qingchen had not saved him intentionally that day, so he did not take it to heart and had long forgotten about it. Only Qin Yanze still remembered Ling Qingchen's unparalleled elegance that day.

Yu Rou's role has been increased so much, and her image has been made particularly likable. Although she is a tragic character, her character is colorful and much more outstanding than the other two female characters. This change has caused the entire crew to privately say that Yu Rou has the help of a financial sponsor.

But in fact, this matter has nothing to do with Shen Jue directly. Shen Jue had intended to help Yu Rou and replace her with the heroine, but Yu Rou strongly refused. He just made a phone call and didn't have time to do anything.

There are many reasons why Yu Rou had more scenes. At first, Director Zhang just wanted to add some scenes and lines for her because he felt that Yu Rou's acting skills were really good. Later, he inadvertently mentioned it to the original author and screenwriter of "The Face Reader". The original author went to see the clips that Yu Rou had previously performed, as well as Yu Rou's performance on variety shows. He was completely amazed by her and took the initiative to ask to revise the script himself.

This is what happened next.

The director had just given the new script to Yu Rou in the morning, but in the afternoon the news went viral. Someone with ulterior motives posted it online, saying that Yu Rou had relied on someone powerful to get to the top, and that she not only acted like a big shot but also relied on financial sponsors to steal the show. A third female role was about to drive out the leading female role.

The author has something to say: I'm back home, and I'm updating daily

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In fact, a big V had previously revealed that Yu Rou had a financial backer, but there was no evidence and no one in the circle came out to say it. As soon as the news came out, Meng Xiaoyu immediately posted a blog hinting that this was true, and fans of both sides immediately started arguing under their Weibo posts.

In the evening, actor Chu Zheng liked a video of Yu Rou and Ji Youjun showing off their acting skills. Although he quickly deleted it, he has so many fans that naturally some of them took screenshots. Later, they explained that Chu Zheng had accidentally liked the video.

As the male lead of "The Face Reader", what exactly did Chu Zheng mean by liking that Weibo post? This has caused netizens to speculate.

It was not until the author of "The Face Reader" responded in an interview that he had indeed added more scenes to Yu Rou that everyone began to believe the rumor that Yu Rou had a financial backer. Even though the author explained that the reason for adding more scenes was because he felt that Yu Rou acted very well and brought the character to life in his mind, not many people believed it.

There are too many haters of Yu Rou, and there are also many netizens who are leading the trend. They have a lot of excuses, and it is really unreasonable to suddenly give Yu Rou, a female third role, more scenes.

Especially those black fans, even if they watched the video of Yu Rou acting with Ji Youjun on "Cao Duo Wu Kou", they still felt that Yu Rou had no acting skills at all and that was just a coincidence.

Meng Xiaoyu and Xiao Qiao's Weibo posts were filled with messages comforting them. Xiao Qiao was fine, she didn't say anything. No matter how many scenes Yu Rou had, she was still the leading actress, at most she would be overshadowed.

However, after Meng Xiaoyu found out that Yu Rou had more scenes, she went to complain to her sponsor. Her sponsor doted on her, so she called the producer herself to ask about it. However, she was told that Shen Jue had added 500 million yuan to the investment of "The Face Reader" yesterday, and Shen Jue was now the main producer of the film.

Meng Xiaoyu originally thought that with the help of his financial sponsor, he would be able to curb Yu Rou's arrogance. After knowing the result, Meng Xiaoyu was so angry that his face turned blue.

She secretly went to the studio to discredit Yu Rou without telling her agent.

The matter fermented for a few days, and suddenly many netizens started a vote online, saying that they wanted to replace Yu Rou, or delete Yu Rou's role, or they would refuse to watch "The Face Reader".

Most of these people are fans of Meng Xiaoyu and Xiao Qiao. They both have a lot of fans, and with some keyboard warriors who don't know the truth leading the trend, things have become a little difficult to handle.

Meng Xiaoyu originally thought that what she did would cause the director and crew to respond, but the filming went on as normal and Yu Rou was not affected at all.

Originally, the movie "The Face Reader" had a lot of investment, but Director Zhang had high requirements and was always striving for perfection. Many costumes, props, and scenes had to be produced at great expense, so funds were still tight. Shen Jue suddenly added 500 million yuan, and he didn't want Yu Rou to be the main character, but just keep her original role. Of course, the director agreed, and over the past few days, he was very satisfied with Yu Rou. She had solid acting skills and was not as unprofessional as rumored. Some shots were obviously good, but she still wanted perfection and did her best in the reshoots. She is indeed a rare good actor.

Therefore, Director Zhang not only did not delete Yu Rou's scenes, but he discussed the plot with Yu Rou on the set every day, acting as if he valued and liked her very much.

The filming went smoothly. A week later, Yu Rou finished filming her scenes and the crew even held a dinner for her.

Originally, Yu Rou didn't know what Shen Jue had done in private until the dinner when Yu Rou held up a glass of wine to toast Director Zhang.

Director Zhang was drunk. He was usually serious, but now his face was red. He smiled and raised his glass, saying, "Xiao Yu, please say thank you to Mr. Shen for me."

Director Zhang deliberately lowered his voice. Everyone was talking and laughing, and the room was a bit noisy, so only Yu Rou and the assistant director and Xiao Qiao who were sitting on both sides of Director Zhang could hear it.

Xiao Qiao looked at Yu Rou with an ambiguous look, as if he was smiling but not smiling.

Yu Rou only raised her eyebrows without showing any unnaturalness. She smiled and nodded, then drank the wine in the glass. "Director Zhang, I'm sorry to have troubled you these days."

"No, you're great. You've been under a lot of pressure these days. Now that the filming is finished, take a few days off. I've been preparing for a play for several years, and there's a role in it that's quite suitable for you. When the time comes, come and try it out."

As soon as Director Zhang said this, Xiao Qiao's expression changed. He had a smile on his face just now, but now his eyes were much duller.

Many people know that Director Zhang has been preparing for this drama for several years. It is a film that will compete for international awards, but the leading actress has not been confirmed yet. Director Zhang will not really choose Yu Rou as the leading actress, right?

Xiao Qiao originally wanted to fight for the female lead in that drama. Her agent tried to get it for her for a long time, but Director Zhang refused. Later, he agreed to let her play the female lead in "The Face Reader". Xiao Qiao was not very willing at first, but she agreed later. She also wanted to take this opportunity to perform well in front of Director Zhang. Maybe Director Zhang would change his mind and let her try that role.

Could it be that Yu Rou got there first?

That shouldn’t be the case. The supporting actress for that drama hasn’t been decided yet. Maybe she’ll just be a supporting actress.

Xiao Qiao's mind was in turmoil and he stared at Yu Rou for a long time.

After the dinner, Xiao Chen sent Yu Rou home.

Yu Rou called her agent and asked him to check and found out that Shen Jue had become the new investor of "The Face Reader". The agent didn't know about it before and asked Yu Rou vaguely on the phone what her current relationship with Shen Jue was.

No one knew about Yu Rou and Shen Jue's secret marriage. They had agreed not to make it public, and even their agent couldn't tell anyone. Although they were divorced, it was also a secret.

Yu Rou had no choice but to say, "It doesn't matter."

Of course the agent didn't believe it, and said in a bad tone: "Is it necessary for you to hide it from me at this time? It's not a bad thing for you to be with Mr. Shen. If you really are together, I have to prepare in advance."

At this time, Shen Yu called.

Yu Rou had no choice but to say that it was Shen Jue’s call. The agent hesitated for a moment and hung up the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Shen Yu's voice came from the phone, her voice was so childish that it made people feel soft-hearted.

Shen Yu: "Mom, have you finished your meal today?"

Shen Yu made a phone call before going to the dinner.

Yu Rou: "I've finished eating and am on my way back."

Shen Yu: "Mom, aren't you coming back tonight?"

These days, Yu Rou was busy filming and recording a variety show in another place. She had very little time to rest and did not go to see Shen Yu.

Shen Yu knew that Yu Rou had finished filming today, so he was looking forward to her coming back.

Yu Rou: "It's a bit late, why don't you go to bed early, Xiaoyu, and mom will come back next time."

Shen Yu reacted strongly, "No, Mom hasn't been with Xiao Yu for a long time, doesn't Mom miss Xiao Yu?"

Yu Rou looked at the time, it was already nine o'clock.

Yu Rou: "Of course I miss Xiao Yu, but mom has been too busy recently."

Shen Yu asked: "Does mom miss dad?"

These days, she and Shen Jue actually had no contact.

The last time his hand was injured, Yu Rou did not go because she guessed that Shen Jue would be very angry when he saw her interaction with Ji Youjun on the show. At that time, she was thinking that she would go to see Shen Yu in two days, and Shen Jue should be calm by then. Unexpectedly, many things happened later. She was followed closely by paparazzi and was too busy filming, so she had no time to think about anything else.

A few days ago, when she went out of town to record a program, she met Ji Youjun at the airport. The two didn't talk or even say hello, but they were still photographed by reporters. The photo of the two of them together became a hot topic again. I guess Shen Jue saw it.

But Shen Jue never looked for her once. It was conceivable that Shen Jue must be very angry. Yu Rou didn't want to provoke his anger. After all, Shen Jue was not a normal person. She couldn't look at him with ordinary people's thinking. If he suddenly went crazy, who knew what he would do.

Yu Rou thought about it and felt that Shen Yu might have asked this question for Shen Jue to hear.

So Yu Rou hesitated and didn't answer, and asked, "Is your father here?"

Shen Yu glanced at Shen Jue, "Dad is not here."

Yu Rou didn't believe it either, and said, "Is Dad not home? Mom has something to say to Dad."

Shen Yu pretended to be calm and said, "Dad is at home, upstairs. I'll go ask Dad to answer the phone."

"Well, be good, little Yu."

Shen Yu pretended to shout: "Dad, Mom is looking for you, Dad, answer the phone."

He stamped hard on the floor several times, pretending to jog.

Shen Jue watched his performance with a frown, stretched out his hand and waited for a long time before taking the phone from him.

Shen Jue was silent for a few seconds, then asked, "What's the matter?"

Yu Rou: "We're having dinner tonight, and Director Zhang asked me to say thank you to you."

Shen Jue: “Yeah.”

He held the phone tighter and tighter, frowning tightly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Shen Yu looked a little nervous, but still whispered, "Dad, tell Mom to let her go home."

Yu Rou heard Shen Yu's voice, "How is Xiao Yu these days? I was too busy, so I didn't go to see him."

Shen Jue didn't say anything, his expression was very unhappy.

Although Yu Rou couldn't see his face, she could feel that he seemed angry.

As for why he was angry, Yu Rou could guess a little.

"Is your hand feeling better?" Yu Rou asked.

Shen Jue pursed his lips and replied after a few seconds: "Nothing."

Hearing Shen Jue's tone softened a lot, Yu Rou said softly: "Then you should be careful too."

Shen Jue's expression changed. He changed his hand to hold the phone, walked forward a few steps, went to the balcony, and locked the glass door of the balcony.

After closing the door, Shen Yu was isolated inside and could not hear Shen Jue's voice.

Yu Rou: "When did you invest so much money in "The Face Reader"?"

Shen Jue: “Two days ago.”

Yu Rou: "Why didn't you tell me? I just found out today."

Shen Jue: “…”

Yu Rou: "Anyway, thank you."

If Shen Jue hadn't intervened, things wouldn't have been so easy to settle down. Now that her part has been finished and Shen Jue is the main investor, as long as Shen Jue stands on her side, nothing will change.

Shen Jue: "You are looking for me for this matter?"

"Not really. I'm done with my work here. I can spend time with Xiaoyu tomorrow. It happens to be the weekend. Xiaoyu doesn't have to go to kindergarten, so I'll tell you something."

Shen Jue: "I have something to do tomorrow, so I have to fly to City S."

Yu Rou: "Well, then go ahead."

Shen Jue was silent for a while, then said unnaturally: "I'll be back in the evening."

Yu Rou: "Just focus on your own things. You don't have to worry about Xiao Yu. I will take good care of him."

Shen Jue's face turned pale and he said unhappily: "Where are you?"

Yu Rou thought, was Shen Jue going to ask her to stop the car and wait for him again?

"On the way, I'll be home soon."

"Home?" Shen Jue frowned.

Yu Rou: "...It's my apartment in Qinghuaju. I'm staying there temporarily."

Shen Jue: "You only have one family, Shen Yu and I are your family."

Yu Rou was speechless. Shen Jue was too sensitive.

Shen Jue: "I'll come pick you up now."

The author has something to say: It took me a long time to write this, but my writing style is so bad that I wasted a thousand words. I am sorry that I just finished writing it now.

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Shen Jue arrived at Yu Rou's apartment at around ten o'clock. He called Yu Rou and asked her to come to the underground parking lot.

Yu Rou packed some clothes and went downstairs with the suitcase.

When she arrived at the parking lot, she just walked out of the elevator and lowered her head to send a message to Shen Jue, saying that she had arrived.

Three seconds later, she heard the whistle.

Following the sound, I saw a black car parked in a remote location.

Yu Rou walked over quickly and found that the back door was still locked.

She knocked on the window, Shen Jue lowered the window, looked at her and said, "Get in the car."

Yu Rou originally wanted to ask him to open the back door, but after thinking about it, she decided not to say it because Shen Jue didn't let her sit in the back last time.

Yu Rou had no choice but to change sides and go to the passenger seat, and the door opened as soon as she pulled it.

Only after she got in the car did Shen Jue close the window.

Yu Rou also took off her hat and sunglasses, turned around and threw her luggage bag onto the back seat.

As she turned around to fasten her seat belt, Shen Jue grabbed her wrist.

Yu Rou cried out in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Shen Jue pulled her into his arms, pressed her head against his chest, and held her back with his other hand.

Yu Rou's face was pressed against his, and her breathing was a little difficult. She heard his steady heartbeat and said in a muffled voice, "What are you doing? Let me go."

Shen Jue: "Don't move."

His voice was low and somewhat sexy, and it floated into Yu Rou's ears, making her feel a little itchy.

After a while, Shen Jue let go of Yu Rou, sat down as if nothing had happened, and reminded Yu Rou to fasten her seat belt.

Yu Rou looked at him in confusion. After the car started moving, she asked, "Why do you have to ask me to go there tonight?"

"Xiao Yu, I haven't seen you for many days." Shen Jue said as a matter of course.

Yu Rou said "hmm", and after a while asked again, "Is that all?"

Shen Jue was silent for a while, "What do you want me to say?"

Yu Rou: "Shouldn't it be what you want to say?"

Shen Jue: "Starting today, you move back here."

Yu Rou: “…”

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Shen Jue thought she was unwilling, so he opened his mouth, but didn't say what he wanted to ask.

The vehicle drove out of the dim parking lot. Although it was night outside, it was still brightly lit.

Yu Rou looked out the window and said, "When you wake up from your sleep, you might regret it. You want me to leave again. It will be troublesome to move back and forth."

Shen Jue frowned and his expression turned ugly.

Yu Rou said this to test him, but she didn't get a response for a long time. She didn't know whether Shen Jue knew that he had two personalities at night.

Yu Rou still can't tell which is the main personality and which is the secondary personality. She will wait until dawn and then test Shen Jue during the day to see if she can make any new discoveries.

Shen Jue suddenly said: "I never let you pass by."

Yu Rou was stunned and looked at him.

Shen Jue gripped the steering wheel tightly, his fingertips turned white, and slowly calmed down. He asked her: "How many days will you rest this time?"

Yu Rou said, "Not sure yet. I haven't taken on any new roles yet. I should be able to rest for at least a week. I might go record a show in accordance with the company's arrangement."

Shen Jue: "A week is too short. Take a rest for half a month and come with me to City S tomorrow."

Yu Rou was not satisfied after hearing that he had made so many decisions for her. She raised her voice and asked, "Why? Aren't you going to work? Why did you bring me with you?"

Shen Jue frowned: "You follow, Xiao Yu will go too, you take care of Xiao Yu."

Yu Rou: "Wouldn't it be the same if I stayed here to take care of Xiao Yu?"

"I may have to stay in City S for three days."

Yu Rou thought, if he wanted to stay with her, he should just say it directly. What did the insistence about having to stay in S City for three days have to do with her? Bringing Xiao Yu along was probably just an excuse.

Haha, man.

The way a straight man pursues his wife is really frustrating.

Yu Rou cooperated with his performance and pretended to be stupid: "But I only brought things for living in the villa."

"You don't need to bring anything, you can buy them over there." Shen Jue said lightly, not taking these trivial matters seriously at all.

"Since you've made up your mind, let's do it. However, isn't it too ostentatious for you to take Xiao Yu and me to City S? We've been photographed by paparazzi before."

"So what if it was photographed?" Shen Jue said calmly.

Yu Rou was speechless for a moment. After a while, she said, "You don't really care. We agreed before that you don't want to make it public."

Shen Jue: "The child is already this big."

Just as Yu Rou was about to retort, Shen Jue's phone suddenly rang.

Shen Jue turned on the Bluetooth headset, said a few words and hung up. He turned his head to look at Yu Rou and said, "Xiao Yu fell asleep."

Yu Rou: "Well, I'll go to the guest room and sleep later."

Shen Jue paused for a moment and said coldly: "The guest room is not cleaned up yet, you sleep in the master bedroom."

Yu Rou looked at him suspiciously: "Let Auntie clean it up now."

"Auntie has already finished get off work."

My aunt lived in the small house next door, so it was just a matter of words for her to clean up. It was obvious that Shen Jue wanted to sleep with her.

Yu Rou raised her eyebrows: "Where do you sleep?"

Shen Jue's tone seemed a little unnatural: "Master bedroom."

Yu Rou snorted and was too lazy to argue with him. It's not like they had slept together before anyway, so there was no need to be pretentious. Shen Jue was handsome and ate well.

When they arrived at the villa, Yu Rou went to Shen Yu's room first. Shen Yu was indeed asleep, and he was sleeping soundly, holding a pillow with his little face pressed against the pillow, looking pink and tender. Yu Rou couldn't help but touch him twice when she saw him.

After being touched, Shen Yu pursed her lips, turned over and called out "Mom".

Yu Rou couldn't help but lean over and rub her face against Shen Yu's.

In the previous world, after she gave birth to a child, she couldn't help but do such actions, which were warm and down-to-earth.

Shen Jue stood outside the door and watched the scene in the room. His stern face was now covered with a soft light, and the strong emotions in his eyes seemed to have found an outlet.

Yu Rou slowly stood up, helped Shen Yu cover the quilt, then turned and walked out.

She saw Shen Jue staring at her and said, "Go out first, don't disturb the children."

Shen Jue said "hmm", but as soon as Yu Rou closed the door, Shen Jue picked her up in a princess hug.

Yu Rou's body suddenly lost balance and she had to hug Shen Jue.

"What are you doing?" Yu Rou's heart was in her throat.

Shen Jue leaned close to her ear and said, "It's getting late. It's time to go to bed."

Yu Rou felt a tingling sensation in her ears. When he spoke, his breath was hot, giving her goose bumps.

"Put me down first."

Shen Jue ignored her and carried her towards the bedroom.

Yu Rou pinched his arm hard, but she pinched a muscle and couldn't move it.

Shen Jue lowered his head and glanced at her with a smile, his eyes smiling and a bit ambiguous.

Yu Rou thought, okay, just go to sleep, it won’t be her who will collapse tomorrow anyway.

When Shen Jue opens his eyes tomorrow, he will probably turn the tables again, so she has to think about her words first.

The next morning, Yu Rou did wake up earlier than Shen Jue, but she was woken up by the ringing of her cell phone.

She opened her eyes dazedly and saw a leg and an arm pressing on her body. Shen Jue tied her tightly in his arms. It was difficult for her to move. She didn't know how she fell asleep last night.

Yu Rou pushed him away with force, crawled out of his arms, got out of bed naked, and found the cell phone that she had placed in her clothes.

It was a call from my agent.

"Where are you?" the agent asked bluntly.

Yu Rou: "What's wrong?"

Agent: “Where are you now?”

Yu Rou heard that his tone was not right and asked, "What happened?"

The agent didn't know that Yu Rou and Ji Youjun had been together, so he was very angry. "The photos of you and Ji Youjun were posted online. You were together, why didn't you tell me? What did you think?"

After Yu Rou hung up the phone, she quickly went online to check.

The intimate photo of the original owner and Ji Youjun mentioned by the agent was actually just the two of them holding hands, standing close to each other and looking very intimate.

Ji Youjun in the photo is completely different from now. In the photo, he is as gentle as jade and has a bright smile.

After this photo was released, the entire Internet was in an uproar.

Judging from the photos, it should have happened a few years ago. It is not difficult to guess that they dated when they were in school.

But Ji Youjun and Yu Rou are definitely not together now, otherwise Ji Youjun would not be so targeting Yu Rou.

Before, everyone thought that Ji Youjun just couldn’t stand Yu Rou’s style, but now they know that it was out of love that turned into hate.

But if the previous rumors are true, then Yu Rou must have a financial backer behind the scenes.

Before, it was just the black fans and internet trolls who were causing trouble, but since the photos came out, all of Ji Youjun’s fans have been unable to sit still.

Most of Ji Youjun's fans are his wife fans and girlfriend fans. Also, because Ji Youjun had targeted Yu Rou before, they didn't have a good impression of Yu Rou. Now they suddenly knew that Yu Rou and Ji Youjun had been together. Everyone was stunned. No one was willing to believe it at first and thought the photo was photoshopped.

Later it was proved that the photos had not been processed, and fans went crazy. Ji Youjun's Weibo was overwhelmed and was forced to turn off comment permissions. Ji Youjun's agency was also blocked by fans.

When Yu Rou and Ji Youjun were dating, they were actually quite low-key. Only a few people knew about it. No one knew where this photo came from. Yu Rou didn't even know.

Almost all of Ji Youjun's early songs were written for Yu Rou. If you look carefully, you can find the details.

There is no need for anyone to reveal the news, as we can tell from Ji Youjun's songs that it was Yu Rou who took the initiative to break up, and Ji Youjun was very hurt.

Although we knew before that Ji Youjun had an ex-girlfriend who loved him deeply and hurt him badly, we didn’t know who she was, so even if the fans were angry, they had no one to vent their anger on. Now that they know Yu Rou is the real person, how can they hold back?

The video of Ji Youjun in the previous episode of "Cao Duo Wu Kou" was also watched repeatedly by those black fans. After knowing that the two were ex-boyfriend and girlfriend, they could see at a glance that there was a problem between Yu Rou and Ji Youjun. The look in Ji Youjun's eyes when he looked at Yu Rou was full of hatred and struggle.

When Yu Rou was thinking about what to do, Shen Jue also woke up.

He was sleeping soundly, and when he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Yu Rou's naked back.

Seeing such a slender and graceful figure early in the morning, his body immediately had a physiological reaction.

Shen Jue lifted the quilt and saw that he was also naked. His face stiffened.

When he saw Yu Rou turn around and face him, he became even more excited.

Yu Rou subconsciously picked up the towel on the ground, wrapped herself up, looked into Shen Jue's eyes, and said lightly, "Are you awake?"

Before Shen Jue could speak, Yu Rou spoke up again: "Well, you don't need to ask, I did it."

Shen Jue's expression became even uglier.

Yu Rou added: "Don't ask me why I'm here. You brought me here. We can talk about other things later. I have something to do now."

After saying that, she turned around and was about to leave.

Shen Jue's face was gloomy, "Stop."

The author has something to say: I am not in a good state. I wanted to update daily. Today I re-read the previous articles and hope to get back to the state.

Sorry for the late update

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Yu Rou turned around and looked at Shen Jue: "Anything else?"

Her eyes fell on Shen Jue, she raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled, "Mr. Shen is so energetic so early in the morning."

Shen Jue immediately covered himself with the quilt, but even through the quilt one could still see a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. He looked up at Yu Rou.

Yu Rou's eyes became more and more teasing, and the veins on Shen Jue's forehead were faintly revealed, and he was very annoyed.

"Yu Rou!" Shen Jue's tone was harsh.

Yu Rou: “Hmm?”

Shen Jue saw her blinking and looking playful, and felt helpless and annoyed. He raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, "What happened?"

Yu Rou thought about it and said, "An old photo suddenly came out and needs to be processed. It's about me and Ji Youjun."

Hearing this name, Shen Jue's face suddenly turned cold.

Since he was married to Yu Rou, he naturally checked her past and knew about Ji Youjun's existence a long time ago. He didn't take this matter to heart before, after all, it was a thing of the past. But Yu Rou wanted to divorce him because of Ji Youjun, and this name became a thorn in Shen Yuyue's heart.

After Yu Rou finished speaking, she also observed Shen Jue's reaction. Although Shen Jue's face looked not good, she did not say anything and just opened the door and went out.

She brought some clean clothes yesterday and left them downstairs. She wrapped herself in a towel and went to the bathroom to get a bathrobe and put it on, then went downstairs to get her own clothes.

After a while, the agent called again.

The agent's voice was a little hurried, "Where are you now? Xiao Chen went to your house but didn't see you."

Yu Rou had no choice but to tell the truth: "I'm here with Shen Jue."

"Mr. Shen?" The agent sounded surprised.

Yu Rou replied in a low voice: "Yes."

"Last time I asked you, didn't you say that it had nothing to do with Mr. Shen? Yu Rou, are you telling the truth? If this continues, let's terminate the contract. I can't be your agent anymore, you should find someone else."

Yu Rou said: "It was Shen Jue who forbade us to say it."

The agent was silent for a long time, then heaved a long sigh. He must have been used to cleaning up the mess for the original owner. What he said just now was just angry words, and he probably said this at least ten times. "So what is your relationship now?"

"It's hard to say." Yu Rou thought about it and felt that the relationship between her and Shen Jue was quite complicated.

Originally, they could only be considered a divorced couple, but they slept together again last night.

The agent said, "Okay, I won't ask any more questions. It's okay if you're not at home. Things are getting serious right now. Ji Youjun's fans are going crazy. Just now, a crazy fan came to the company to look for you. The address of your residential complex has been exposed before, and there are people outside the complex now. Don't go back."

Yu Rou: "Did the company say how to deal with it?"

The agent said seriously, "You are still in a meeting. You just finished filming. Take a break for a while. Once this matter is dealt with, we are contacting Ji Youjun to see what they think. This matter has a great impact on Ji Youjun."

Yu Rou frowned and said, "I see. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Just stay still. The company will use your account to issue a statement. Don't talk nonsense on your own."

Yu Rou heard footsteps and turned her head to see Shen Jue, already dressed neatly, walking downstairs.

"Okay, I understand. Let's leave it at that for now. Call me if you have any news." Yu Rou lowered her voice.

Just now when Shen Jue was upstairs, he received a call from Secretary Lin, saying that he had asked Secretary Lin to book two tickets last night, one of which was for Yu Rou, who was going to fly to City S with him, but Shen Jue had no recollection of asking Secretary Lin to buy Yu Rou's ticket.

Things like this have happened a lot these days. Shen Jue suspected that there was something wrong with his memory. He went to see a doctor the day before yesterday, and the doctor suggested that he see a psychologist, but he didn't have time recently so he didn't go. It seems that it is necessary to make an appointment with one.

Yu Rou hung up the phone and looked at Shen Jue. His face was solemn, as if he was worried about something.

Yu Rou said, "What's wrong with you?"

Shen Jue: "What?"

"You don't look well. Is there something wrong?" Yu Rou looked at the time. It was already past nine o'clock.

Shen Jue looked at her, and the cold words came to his lips, but when he saw the kiss mark on her neck, he swallowed it back and said, "It's okay."

He looked away, but couldn't help looking at her neck, thinking back to what happened last night.

How come I don't have any memory at all? I can't remember anything.

Shen Jue was a little overwhelmed.

Yu Rou asked: "You said yesterday that you were going to City S today. When are you going?"

Shen Jue looked at her with a pale face. Going to City S was a sudden decision made yesterday. If Yu Rou knew about it, it seemed that he really told her about it.

"Did I say I would take you there?" Shen Jue asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, and Xiao Yu, but... given the current situation, my agent told me not to go out, so... I can't go, sorry."

Shen Jue hadn't originally thought of letting Yu Rou go, but when he heard this, he thought of Ji Youjun again, and inexplicably felt a surge of anger.

He originally thought that he would no longer have any emotional ups and downs because of Yu Rou's affairs. These days, he didn't know what was wrong with him.

Shen Jue: "What's going on with this matter?"

"Hmm?" Yu Rou looked at him puzzledly.

"Have you found out? Where did the photo come from? Ji Youjun..."

Yu Rou heard that his tone was quite serious, so she looked at him and waited for him to continue. However, he didn't finish his words. She raised her eyes and met Yu Rou's. When their eyes met, he immediately pursed his lips, turned his face away and stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Yu Rou asked.

"Nothing, I'm leaving." Shen Jue looked at the watch on his wrist.

Yu Rou: "Well, you'll be gone for three days?"

Shen Jue hesitated for a few seconds and said calmly: "Well, what about you?"

"I'm here to accompany Xiao Yu. I can't go out these few days, so I'll stay here. When things calm down in a few days, I'll leave." Yu Rou said to Shen Jue in a negotiating tone.

Shen Jue looked at him deeply, and after a while he said, "It's up to you."

"Then you should go quickly and don't miss the plane. I'll go upstairs to wake Xiaoyu up." Yu Rou nodded and said casually.

Shen Jue frowned, walked a few steps forward, and then stopped. However, he did not look back. He just stood there for two seconds and then walked away again.

The news that superstar Ji Youjun's first love was Yu Rou, one of the four great actresses, spread throughout the entertainment industry.

For two whole days, the top trending searches on Weibo were all about these two people.

New revelations kept emerging, and many of their classmates and friends came out, saying that they knew their story. There were more than a dozen versions of the reason for their breakup on the Internet, and even a novel story had come out.

Ji Youjun's team was as anxious as ants on a hot pan and hadn't slept for more than 30 hours. Yu Rou's agent was also very busy.

Ji Youjun was originally preparing for a new album, but now the progress has been delayed. The album originally planned to be released next week has to be postponed. He himself did not sleep well because of the series of impacts brought about by the fans' out-of-control, and under the current circumstances, he can't go anywhere.

However, Yu Rou and Shen Yu were leisurely strolling in the Emerald Villa. They slept until they woke up naturally, and when they got up, their aunt prepared a large table of delicious food for them. After eating, they went to the open-air balcony on the third floor to bask in the sun and take a nap. After waking up from the nap, Shen Yu watched cartoons on the first floor while Yu Rou watched a movie by herself. After dinner, they played games together. The parent-child activities were arranged very compactly.

When Shen Jue called back in the evening, Shen Yu reported to Shen Jue what the two of them had done throughout the day.

After listening to Shen Yu's words, Shen Jue said nothing and asked Shen Yu to give the phone to Yu Rou.

Yu Rou guessed that since he called on his own initiative, it must be the enthusiastic Shen Jue from the evening.

She took the phone and just put it to her ear, she heard Shen Jue say: "You played with Shen Yu all day today?"

Yu Rou: "Well, didn't he tell you everything?"

Shen Jue: "Why don't you come with me to City S?"

Yu Rou: "It's suddenly inconvenient."

Shen Jue: "I will handle this matter, it will be fine soon, I have found the person who leaked the photos."

"How are you going to deal with this?"

"Make our relationship public."

"What?" Yu Rou was stunned and blurted out: "Our relationship?"

"Well, just use other news to crowd out the popularity of this news."

"No, there's no need." Yu Rou knew this was a bad idea without even thinking about it.

It was a good thing that Shen Jue said that, as if she didn't know what he was thinking.

It was Shen Jue who took the initiative to suggest not making their relationship public when they first got married, but later Shen Jue said that they wanted to make it public. However, the original owner disagreed. Her career was on the rise, and making it public would be a devastating blow to her star career.

She makes a living by her looks. If she lets her fans know so early that she is married and has children, what future does she have?

Yu Rou disagreed, and no matter what Shen Jue said, it was useless.

She asked again who was the person who sent the photos. Shen Jue said a name. Yu Rou seemed to have some impression of it, but she couldn't remember who it was.

She sent the information Shen Jue found to her agent and asked him to check it carefully. When she received the detailed information from her agent, she found out that the person was a stand-in in the previous "The Face Reader" crew. Originally, Yu Rou was supposed to be on the stage with wire support, but Yu Rou suddenly didn't need a stand-in, so she was replaced. In the end, she became a supporting role and got a little injured.

According to the information, she, Yu Rou and Ji Youjun were from the same school, but there was no information as to how she got the photo.

The next afternoon, Shen Yu was watching cartoons, and Yu Rou was sitting next to him playing with her phone. Shen Yu suddenly said:

"Mom, I want to drink milk tea."

After two days of getting along, Yu Rou and Shen Yu became closer and closer, and Shen Yu became even more attached to her.

Yu Rou: “Yeah.”

Shen Yu: "Then let's order takeout."

Yu Rou: "Okay, mom will give you some. Would you like to have the strawberry bubble tea?"

Shen Yu nodded, leaned on Yu Rou's shoulder and watched Yu Rou place an order using the food delivery app.

He blinked and said, "Mom, let's buy a cup of milk tea each."

Yu Rou: "No need, Mom is on a diet, just buy me a cup and I'll just take a couple of sips of yours."

Shen Yu: "Mom, let's each have a cup... otherwise you'll drink mine again."

Yu Rou: "Kid, when did your mother drink yours?"

Shen Yu said aggrievedly: "Yesterday! You said the same thing, but you only drank two sips of that glass and there was not much left."

Yu Rou: "Really?"

Shen Yu nodded heavily.

Yu Rou laughed dumbly: "Okay, order two cups."

Yu Rou was about to place an order when Shen Yu suddenly said, "Mom, let's order three cups."

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"Don't worry, I'll only drink one cup, you won't grab yours."

"No, Mom, it's Dad who's back. I saw his car." Shen Yu jumped off the sofa.

Yu Rou was stunned for a moment and looked outside the house. It was indeed Shen Jue's car.

Isn't it going to be another day before you come back?

"Why did your father come back suddenly? Did he tell you that he would be back today?" Yu Rou asked Shen Yu.

"No." Shen Yu shook his head, put on his shoes, took Yu Rou's hand and walked out, "Mom, let's go open the door for Dad."

Yu Rou: "Your father can open the door by himself."

Shen Yu said happily: "Let's give him a scare."

Yu Rou: “…”

What is the operation of giving him a scare?

Shen Yu: "Mom, let's hide behind the door and wait for Dad to open it. Then we can scare him."

Yu Rou: "No, your father is more scary."

Shen Yu tilted his head and thought about it. He seemed to think Yu Rou was right, so he became a little hesitant.

At this time, Shen Jue had already driven the car into the yard.

Shen Yu said: "But, with my mother here, I'm not afraid of my father."

He pulled Yu Rou to the entrance, holding Yu Rou's legs with one hand and holding Yu Rou's hand tightly with the other hand, "Mom, we'll hide here."

Yu Rou was embarrassed, but seeing Shen Yu's excited look, she had no choice but to cooperate with him. She touched his soft hair and said, "Do you still want to drink milk tea?"

Shen Yu: "If you want to drink, you have to buy three cups, mom."

Yu Rou: “I understand.”

Shen Yu shook Yu Rou's hand and whispered, "Shh, Mom, don't talk anymore. Dad is here. Mom, you have to jump into Dad's arms later."

Yu Rou: "No, your father will be angry..."

If she threw herself into Shen Jue's arms during the day, she would probably be thrown away.

Shen Yu pouted immediately, "Mom, you don't love me, can't you cooperate with me?"

Yu Rou didn't say anything, and Shen Yu kept shaking her hand, looking like he was about to cry. His pitiful eyes were really heartbreaking.

Yu Rou: "Okay."

After Shen Jue opened the door, he glanced into the room and saw no one. He put the things in his hand on the cabinet, lowered his head and was about to change his shoes, but he heard a slight sound of clothes rubbing against each other. He frowned and quickly changed into his home slippers.

He noticed that the only pair of slippers here was his. The ones belonging to Yu Rou and Shen Yu were not there, so the two of them should be at home.

Shen Jue took two steps forward and was about to enter the living room when he was bumped into the leg by Shen Yu who suddenly rushed out, and a soft body threw itself into his arms.

"Dad!" Shen Yu shouted happily.

Shen Jue lowered his head and looked at Yu Rou in his arms, his expression became subtle.

Yu Rou was also very conflicted. Why did she agree to Shen Yu just now? Now, it seemed a bit awkward.

Shen Yu: "Dad, are you scared by me and mom? We all miss you so much."

Shen Jue's attention was still on Yu Rou. Shen Yu shook his hand and he came back to his senses. He restrained his expression and said "hmm" coldly.

"Did Dad miss us too, so he came back early?"

Shen Jue was stunned for a moment, as if his secrets had been exposed, and there was a strange look in his eyes for a moment.

Yu Rou pushed Shen Jue away, stood up straight, and coughed softly, "Okay, your father just came back and needs to rest, don't stand here."

Shen Yu nodded. "Then let's go sit down. Mom, please order the milk tea."

Shen Jue: "What kind of milk tea?"

Yu Rou said: "Xiao Yu wants to drink milk tea, I'll order some takeout, do you want some?"

Shen Jue frowned, "I don't want to drink. I have something else to do. I'll go upstairs first."

After he finished speaking, he turned around to leave, but stopped after taking a step. He looked at Yu Rou again, as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.

Yu Rou: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Shen Jue: "It's okay."

Shen Jue walked up the stairs and heard Yu Rou say to Shen Yu, "My dear son, let's drink by ourselves. After we finish drinking, mom will play games with you."

When Shen Jue turned around, he saw the bright and gentle smile on Yu Rou's face. He slowly clenched his hands into fists and his eyes became deep.

He returned to the room and sat in front of the computer for a long time but still couldn't calm down. His mind was in a mess and he couldn't sort out many things. After hesitating for a while, he took out his mobile phone and called Secretary Lin.

Secretary Lin is now accustomed to receiving sudden calls from Shen Jue.

But Shen Jue usually called her at night, and today he called her during the day, which was the first time in recent times.

But even though he was curious, Secretary Lin quickly picked up the phone and asked in his usual tone: "Boss Shen, what do you want?"

"What are my plans for tomorrow?"

Secretary Lin thought for a moment and said, "There is a board meeting in the morning, and you have an appointment with the president of Kangcheng in the afternoon."

Shen Jue: "The board meeting will be rescheduled to the day after tomorrow. Also, please find me a psychologist who is the most professional in memory. We will meet tomorrow morning. Send me the psychologist's information within two hours."

Shen Jue's orders could not be refused. As long as he arranged it, it would definitely be completed, so Secretary Lin said directly after listening: "Okay, got it."

Shen Jue put down his phone and took a deep breath.

He suddenly remembered something, picked up the mouse and clicked a few times on the computer. A folder appeared on the screen, containing a video software.

Shen Jue clicked on one of the videos and adjusted the progress bar to last night based on the time displayed in the lower left corner of the video.

Soon, he saw himself and Yu Rou on the screen.

He saw Yu Rou being carried into the master bedroom by him.

His eyes slowly widened, and after watching for a while, his face turned red and white, until the person on the screen rolled onto the bed, and then he turned off the video.

Shen Jue remained calm for a minute, his face gloomy. He slowly raised his hand to check the watch on his wrist, and called Secretary Lin again.

"Make an appointment with a psychologist right now, don't wait until tomorrow. It's 3:30 now, give me a reply before 5 o'clock."

Secretary Lin had just called the board of directors to tell them that the meeting time had been changed and that the matter of the psychologist had been handed over to her assistant. When it was about time, Shen Jue suddenly changed his mind again. Secretary Lin secretly groaned but had no choice but to agree.

Secretary Lin: "Okay, Mr. Shen."

After the call, Shen Jue started searching online for what disease his symptoms were and read some reports that described all sorts of things.

His face became more and more ugly. Half an hour later, Secretary Lin sent him a message saying that a psychologist had been arranged for him to see her at 5:30.

Of course, the psychologists were off work at this time, but Shen Jue was not short of money. Secretary Lin quoted a high price, and the other party agreed after hesitating.

Shen Jue almost immediately got up, changed his clothes and prepared to go out.

The takeaway that Yu Rou ordered has arrived. In addition to milk tea, Yu Rou also ordered a lot of desserts. On the table were Oreo boxes, mango mousse, and durian pancakes...

Shen Yu was so happy to see so many delicious foods, and was unpacking them one by one, "Mom, can we finish all of this?"

Yu Rou said: "Yes, you have to believe in Xiao Yu's fighting ability."

Shen Yu smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a line, "Okay, Mom bought it, Xiao Yu will try her best to eat it, let's call Dad down to eat together."

Yu Rou: "Dad is working, don't disturb him."

Shen Yu thought for a moment and said, "Okay, then let's leave one for Dad?"

Yu Rou: "Well, which one do you want to leave for daddy, Xiao Yu?"

Shen Yu's eyes rolled around as he looked at the desserts on the table. He thought for a while, "This is for Dad, Xiao Yu will have the Oreo, Mom will have the mango, and the durian will be for Dad."

Yu Rou smiled and asked, "Why?"

Shen Yu chuckled and whispered, "Because durian is so stinky, I'll leave the stinky ones for Dad to eat."

Yu Rou couldn't help laughing, she hugged Shen Yu and kissed him, "My dear son, you are such a clever boy."

Shen Yu: "I'm not a ghost, I'm a human."

Yu Rou: "Okay, okay, mom is wrong."

When Shen Jue went downstairs, he happened to see Yu Rou and Shen Yu hugging each other happily. It was originally a very warm scene, but when he saw Yu Rou now, he couldn't help but think of the scene he had just seen in the video.

How he took the initiative to strip off Yu Rou's clothes last night, how he said those blushing dirty words, how he pushed Yu Rou down on the bed...all these scenes appeared in his mind.

Shen Jue looked embarrassed and didn't know how to face Yu Rou.

He shook his head violently and thought: No, that's definitely not me!

When Yu Rou heard footsteps, she turned around and saw Shen Jue staring at her with a red face and a strange expression.

"Dad, Dad, are you done with your work? Come and eat with us." Shen Yu broke free from Yu Rou's arms and ran to Shen Jue.

Shen Jue looked away, cleared his mind of all the messy things, and said in a deep voice: "No more eating, I need to go out for a while."

Seeing Shen Jue's cold attitude and bad tone, Shen Yu didn't dare to say anything more.

Seeing Shen Yu feeling wronged, Yu Rou said, "Why don't you take one and eat it on the way?"

Shen Yu nodded vigorously, "My mother bought it."

Shen Jue looked at Shen Yu's happy expression and felt a little powerless.

Shen Yu still relies on his mother.

Even though Yu Rou had never taken care of Shen Yu since he was a child, and even abandoned Shen Yu and divorced him, Shen Yu still thought about her and missed her. As long as Yu Rou gave him a little care, he would be extremely happy.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Yu Rou felt that Shen Jue looked strange.

Shen Jue retracted his gaze and said calmly: "I'm going out, you take good care of Shen Yu."

Yu Rou looked at Shen Yu, picked up the durian pancake on the table, put it in the bag, walked to Shen Jue and handed it to him.

"You take it."

Shen Jue looked at the thing handed to him, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

The woman in front of him seemed both familiar and unfamiliar. She was obviously the coldest and most selfish person, and the one who abandoned them. But at this moment, she seemed like a different person.

Just as Shen Jue was about to refuse, Yu Rou couldn't wait to grab his hand and put the thing in his hand. Yu Rou's fingers brushed across his palm.

The cold touch made him feel a strange sensation in his heart. His heart skipped a beat, first contracting and then suddenly swelling.

This woman.

Why does he still have such feelings for this woman? He has clearly given up on her.

Shen Jue's body tensed up, his hands suddenly grasped the bag tightly, and he looked into Yu Rou's eyes with a burning flame in his gaze.

Yu Rou was stunned by his gaze and took a step back.

Shen Jue said nothing, just turned around and left.

Shen Yu watched Shen Jue leave and whispered, "Mom, is Dad unhappy?"

Yu Rou comforted him and said, "No."

"Then Dad looks like he's unhappy."

Yu Rou had no choice but to say, "Your father is just shy. Sorry."

Shen Yu: "Really?"

Yu Rou: “Yeah.”

Shen Yu: "So is Dad more shy during the day and not shy at night?"

Yu Rou was a little surprised. She looked at Shen Yu and thought, children's eyes are really sharp.

She patted Shen Yu's head and said, "Okay, come and eat. After that, we'll continue playing games."

"Yeah." Shen Yu's attention was easily diverted.

The decoration style of the rooms in the psychological counseling center is very simple and clear. The whole room is in soft tones, mainly ivory and barley. There are various ornaments with different functions in the room, most of which have special functions for psychological testing games.

Shen Jue stayed inside for a long time, and the sky gradually darkened.

Shen Jue said: "You mean, I suffer from schizophrenia?"

"No, your current condition should be a symptom of multiple personality disorder. Multiple personality disorder means that there are multiple souls living in one body, while schizophrenia means that there is only one soul in one body."

Shen Jue was silent.

The psychiatrist checked the time and said, "It can now be basically confirmed that you have another personality. You will suddenly change into another personality at night."

The author has something to say: Happy Valentine's Day~~

ps: I got the title wrong.

The male protagonist has multiple personalities, not schizophrenia.

But I am too lazy to modify the chapter titles one by one, so let it be. If I need to change it later, I will change it later.

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"Generally speaking, when you reach night and another personality appears, all your cognition, emotions, and behaviors are carried out according to the will of that personality. That is, the personality that appears at night exists in your identity, and you have no memory of what it does."

Shen Jue frowned, "What do I need to do to get back to normal?"

"Multiple personalities are often triggered by emotional trauma, and there are many ways to treat them, depending on your situation."

The psychologist said a lot, and the more Shen Jue listened, the uglier his face looked. The psychologist suggested hypnotizing him, hoping to understand his situation more deeply.

Shen Jue hesitated for a while, but still refused.

The psychologist didn't insist. Shen Jue saw that it was getting late. Thinking that he might become a different person in a while, he decided to leave first.

Shen Jue returned to the car and was about to drive when his vision suddenly blurred. When he could see the things in front of him clearly, his eyes were completely different from before.

He looked around and pondered for a moment before driving back to Emerald Villa.


At this time, Yu Rou received a call from her agent. Shen Yu was watching cartoons next to her. Yu Rou got up and went to the bathroom to answer the call.

The agent immediately asked, "Are you still with Mr. Shen?"

"Yeah." Yu Rou heard his tone and it seemed that something had happened again.

Agent: “There is good news and bad news.”

Without waiting for him to ask, Yu Rou made a choice directly, "Let me tell you the good news first."

"The good news is that your matter with Ji Youjun can come to an end."

Yu Rou was very calm, "Oh, what about the bad news?"

The agent said seriously: "The bad news is that the news about you and Ji Youjun was suppressed because your relationship with Mr. Shen was exposed."

"What's the meaning?"

"There were rumors about you and Shen Jue before, but there was no evidence because no intimate photos were taken. I have an acquaintance who works at Yijia Entertainment. He just contacted me privately and said that their company's reporters took photos of you and Shen Jue. The photos were obtained before, and they decided to release them tonight."

Yu Rou frowned. A photo of her and Shen Jue? When was it taken?

Yu Rou slowly calmed down and asked, "What kind of photo is it?"

Agent: "I haven't seen the photo, but he said it was very intimate."

"..." Yu Rou thought about it. There were not many occasions when they could take intimate photos of them, only those few times when they met, or maybe it was a long time ago, but it shouldn't be released at this time.

"Once the photos are released, it will probably be troublesome. How do you plan to explain your relationship?" the agent asked the crucial question.

Yu Rou: "What do you think?"

Agent: "It would be best if you could make your relationship public."

Yu Rou: "That's impossible."

Shen Jue could cooperate at night, but if the other one went against her during the day, then it would be all over. People would say that she was the one-sided one. Even if she revealed that they had been married before, it would only cause more trouble for herself.

"It is rumored that Shen Jue has a son. Do you know about this?" the agent asked.

Yu Rou said, "Well, what's wrong?"

"Do you really have a son?" The agent also heard about it suddenly; he didn't know about it before.


"Then he can't be married?" the agent asked in a serious tone.

Yu Rou: "He is single now."

"That's good." The agent breathed a sigh of relief, but soon changed his tone, "Why haven't you mentioned that Shen Jue has a son before? How many things are you hiding from me? Yu Rou, if you continue like this, I won't be able to help you if something really happens."

If she were accused of being a mistress, Yu Rou would be ruined.

Yu Rou was about to speak when she heard voices outside.

She leaned out and took a look, and saw that it was Shen Jue who came back.

The agent didn't hear her response and said unhappily, "Are you listening to me?"

"I'm listening. Shen Jue just came back."

The agent said, "Tell Mr. Shen about this and see how he reacts. The studio will have to issue a statement tomorrow at the latest to prevent the rumors on the Internet from getting more outrageous."

Yu Rou: "I see. Let's leave it like this for now. I'll go ask him."

When Yu Rou walked out of the bathroom, Shen Jue came towards her. The way he looked at her was obviously different from during the day.

Yu Rou didn’t know whether she should tell him that if the two personalities were not consistent, there would probably be trouble.

Shen Jue didn't know how he could tell that she was worried. "Do you have anything to say?"

Yu Rou hesitated for two seconds and shook her head, "No."

Shen Jue was a little unconvinced, but he did not ask further. Instead, he asked her: "Are you hungry?"

Yu Rou: "I ate something, are you hungry?"

Shen Jue: "What did you eat?"

Seeing him like this, Yu Rou knew that he had no memory of the day, and said, "I just ate some dessert."

Shen Jue's voice suddenly became much softer, "I'm hungry."

Yu Rou was stunned for a moment, "Then...what do you want to eat? Do you want to drive out to eat?"

Shen Jue frowned, "Cook it for me."

The original owner’s cooking skills were actually pretty good. After all, he grew up in a poor family and had been independent since childhood. He knew how to cook, although his food wasn’t very delicious.

In order to please Shen Jue, the original owner cooked for Shen Jue for a period of time, but after she got married, she stopped cooking for him.

"You want to eat what I cook?" Yu Rou was a little surprised.

"I want to eat too. I'm hungry too." No one knew where Shen Yu came from. He grabbed Yu Rou's hand and joined in the fun.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?" Yu Rou shrugged helplessly. "No, I'd better see what's in the refrigerator first and make whatever is available."

Yu Rou walked towards the kitchen while speaking, and both the big and small ones followed her.

There were a lot of things in the refrigerator, but it was late at night and she was too lazy to make things too complicated, so she simply cooked some noodles, fried two beautiful golden eggs, and stir-fried some green peppers and shredded pork to put on the noodles.

The originally simple clear soup noodles immediately became rich, with a little vegetable oil floating in the noodle soup, the aroma of shredded meat stimulated the taste buds, and the poached egg was also very tempting.

Shen Yu had never eaten food made by Yu Rou before, and he shouted with joy, "It smells so good and looks so delicious. Mom is so great."

"Okay, you can go eat now. Ask your dad to bring it to the restaurant for you." Yu Rou took off her apron with a smile, and turned back to look at Shen Jue while saying, "You come and bring it."

Yu Rou paused in the middle of her words because Shen Jue's eyes were looking at her so passionately that after staring at him for a few seconds, she felt like she was being swallowed up by the emotion in his eyes.


Shen Jue stretched out his hands as if to hug her, but he walked around her and picked up two bowls of noodles.

Yu Rou's heart felt numb, and she was a little aroused by him.

"Let's go." Shen Jue lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Let's go out and eat."

Yu Rou narrowed her eyes slightly, and there seemed to be an ambiguous fire burning between the two of them, "Yeah."

Shen Jue: "You and I will have one bowl, and Xiao Yu will have one bowl by himself."

Shen Yu: "Okay, okay."

Yu Rou: "I'm not hungry."

"Even if you're not hungry, eat a little too. I can't eat much." Shen Jue's tone was inexplicably gentle.

"Xiao Yu can't eat so much. Xiao Yu and I can have one bowl. One bowl is not too much." Yu Rou said deliberately.

"I can finish it. My mother made it, so I can definitely finish it." Unexpectedly, Shen Yu did not cooperate with her.

There was a smile in Shen Jue's eyes, which was completely different from his cold image during the day.

After eating a bowl of noodles, Shen Yu took the initiative to collect the bowl. The atmosphere was particularly harmonious. Yu Rou took him upstairs to wash up and sleep.

After coaxing Shen Yu, Shen Jue came over and took Yu Rou to the master bedroom, just like the previous nights, and stayed up very late again.

Early the next morning, Shen Jue woke up earlier than Yu Rou. Although he was still very surprised and looked gloomy and ugly when he saw Yu Rou in his arms this time, he quickly calmed down.

He did not wake Yu Rou up immediately, but stared at her in deep thought.

When Yu Rou opened her eyes, her gaze met Shen Jue's clear brown eyes, and she was also stunned.

Thinking of the already cold Shen Jue in front of her, Yu Rou pursed her lips and turned away.

After a while, Yu Rou said, "I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

Yu Rou took out her phone, opened the webpage, and handed it to him, "You'll know for yourself if you take a look."

Shen Jue took the phone, his expression becoming even uglier, "When did it happen?"

Yu Rou said calmly: "Last night."

Yu Rou knew that Shen Jue would not remember what happened last night. She did not tell Shen Jue last night because she planned to tell him directly today and see his reaction during the day.

Shen Jue: "When was this photo taken?"

Yu Rou glanced at them. They were the photos of Shen Jue forcefully kissing her in the hotel that day, and the photos of Shen Jue picking her up at her apartment a few days ago. There were many photos, and they were all quite clear.

"What do you think? Aren't you in the photo? Don't you remember?"

Shen Jue was not used to the fact that he had multiple personalities, and he didn't react at first. But when Yu Rou said it, he remembered that it was probably the guy who did it that night.

He threw back the quilt, stood up, and when he saw the ambiguous traces on Yu Rou's body, his face darkened even more.

He did it very violently last night, and there were many red marks the size of fingernails on Yu Rou's snow-white skin.

Shen Jue felt a surge of anger in his heart, feeling irritated, annoyed, and even having an inexplicable jealousy. He stared at Yu Rou and slowly clenched his fists.

After a while, Shen Jue bent down to pick up the pajamas on the ground, put them on and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Me? Does what I say count?" Yu Rou sneered.

Shen Jue looked at her coldly, "You tell me first."

"If Mr. Shen has no objection, I will publicly say that we are in a romantic relationship, and then announce our breakup after a while." Yu Rou said calmly.

Shen Jue: "How long is a period of time?"

Yu Rou: "How long do you think it will take, Mr. Shen?"

Every word of him being called Mr. Shen sounded strangely harsh to Shen Jue's ears.

It was fine before, but ever since he knew he had another personality, he started thinking more. Looking at the video, when Yu Rou was pressed under him at night, she was not so cold, and her voice was charming to the core when she screamed.

Shen Jue said angrily: "One month."

Yu Rou said: "Three months."

Shen Jue didn't expect that she would still bargain, "..."

In the end, the two reached an agreement.

Yu Rou put on her clothes and said that she would send Xiao Yu to kindergarten today. Then she went out without even looking at Shen Jue.

Shen Jue looked at Yu Rou gloomily as she left, then got up and went to the study.

He locked the door, turned on the computer, and found the surveillance video from last night.

After reading it, Shen Jue's face looked very strange. His body reacted, but his expression was very angry.

He sat there calmly for a long time before his reaction slowly faded away. He stood up suddenly and rummaged through the desk, making quite a noise due to his large movements.

After a while, he finally found what he was looking for in the drawer.

The words "Divorce Certificate" were written on the little red notebook, along with a divorce agreement.

Shen Jue took the divorce certificate and wanted to open it, but somehow he put it down again.

He looked at the divorce certificate in silence for a long time, then put it in his pocket and placed the divorce certificate in a prominent place on the desk.

Shen Jue took a deep breath, checked the time, then stood up and left the study.

Yu Rou and Shen Yu were already having breakfast downstairs. The breakfast was very rich, made by the aunt at home, and included steamed buns, dumplings, soy milk, porridge and side dishes.

Yu Rou was feeding Shen Yu milk buns, and Shen Yu was smiling happily.

When Shen Jue saw this scene, he felt a little touched.

He walked downstairs slowly. When his aunt saw him, she called out, "Mr. Shen, it's time for breakfast."

Shen Jue: “Yeah.”

Shen Yu heard the voice and turned around and said, "Dad, come and sit down."

Only Yu Rou didn't react and didn't even look at him.

The author has something to say: I would like to recommend a book-traveling novel, "Becoming the Male Protagonist's Dead White Moonlight" by my gay friend Mu Tian. It is a very exciting book-traveling novel. If you like it, you can collect it.

When Jiang Xiaoyu woke up, she found herself transformed into the white moonlight in the novel "The Squeamish Girl Escaped from Marriage 99 Times", the male protagonist who had died.

In the novel, Bai Yueguang is a good person, but it is a pity that she was frail and sick since childhood and died at a young age.

Now it is Jiang Xiaoyu who has taken over. She is healthy and has no illness at all, so naturally she wants to live a different life.

Weird relatives? Secrets of wealthy families? Rivals in the entertainment industry? No one can bully her anymore.

The goddess Bai Yueguang has become the heroine of the happy novel, so the male protagonist who was originally not destined to be with her will naturally be kicked away.

Male protagonist: I won’t let you run.

[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
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[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
Shen Jue also shifted his gaze away from Yu Rou and sat down at the dining table.

Yu Rou was full, so she put down her chopsticks, took a piece of tissue paper, and wiped the corners of her mouth. "Xiao Yu, eat quickly. Mom will take you to kindergarten later."

"Really?" Shen Yu still had food in his mouth. He swallowed it quickly in surprise, his bright eyes shining.

Yu Rou: "Well, be good."

Shen Yu: "Okay, I'll eat quickly, my mother is going to take me to school."

Shen Jue suddenly said coldly: "I'll go and see you off."

Yu Rou raised her eyebrows: "Didn't we agree that I would deliver it?"

"Mom and Dad, stop arguing. Just send me off together."

After Shen Yu finished speaking, he stuffed a steamed dumpling into his mouth and nodded happily while eating, as if he thought his suggestion was great.

Shen Jue didn't refute it immediately after hearing it. Instead, he hesitated for a moment before saying, "No."

Yu Rou had her own plans and said, "I'll go and deliver it today, that's all."

When she took a tough stance, Shen Jue fell silent. After a long while, he asked, "How are you going to make our relationship public?"

Yu Rou glanced at Shen Yu, "The child is here, let's talk about these things over the phone later."

Shen Jue frowned. He couldn't refute Yu Rou's words, but for some reason he felt a hint of joy and hope in his heart. This feeling made him uncomfortable and a little at a loss.

Shen Jue stood up suddenly, his eyelids drooping, a shadow under his eyelashes, and said coldly, "I'm leaving first."

"You haven't eaten anything yet." Yu Rou glanced at the food in front of him and basically didn't touch it.

Shen Jue: "I won't eat anymore."

"Oh, drive slowly on the road." Yu Rou said casually.

Shen Jue paused and said "hmm" lightly.

"Say goodbye to Dad." Yu Rou patted Shen Yu.

Shen Yu nodded and said loudly: "Goodbye, Dad. Be careful on the road."

Shen Yu had more and more strange emotions in his heart, which surged up to his chest uncontrollably, and he quickened his pace and walked out.

After sending Shen Yu to school, Yu Rou went to the company.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Rou's studio released a statement on Weibo, which became a hot topic in less than half an hour. The content of the statement roughly said that Yu Rou and Shen Jue are currently in a relationship, and her relationship with Ji Youjun is a thing of the past.

Before the statement was issued, there were many rumors that Yu Rou was being kept by someone, and there were even reports that Yu Rou was a mistress who abandoned Ji Youjun for money and now has a sugar daddy. There were all kinds of rumors like this, and they all seemed reasonable and well-founded. Of course, some of them were true, but the truth wasn't very nice.

It was not until the statement was issued that Yu Rou's studio sued several entertainment media that spread the rumors, and the rumors were suppressed. However, new revelations came out in the evening.

A paparazzi secretly took pictures of Yu Rou and Shen Yu and posted them online. Although Shen Jue asked to delete the pictures soon, the news that Shen Jue had a son still spread online.

If Yu Rou had not publicly announced that they were in a relationship, she would have been accused of being the third party who destroyed someone else's family. Now that it has been made public, the public will naturally think that this son is Shen Jue's illegitimate child, or the child of Shen Jue and his ex-wife.

There had actually been some news that Shen Jue had been married for a long time, but few people knew who he married and when. After all, Shen Jue's parents had passed away long ago, and he had no other direct relatives, so there was no way to check these things.

Shen Jue is a low-key person and doesn't like to attend shows, let alone be interviewed. If he wasn't so rich, more handsome than a star, and had invested a lot in the entertainment industry, he probably wouldn't be known by so many people.

When Yu Rou fell in love with him, everyone thought that she was marrying above her station.

It is very common for female celebrities to be together with wealthy men, and it is also common for female celebrities to marry into wealthy families, but there are only a few who can actually rise to the top and marry into wealthy families.

So when Yu Rou and Shen Jue's son appeared together, everyone thought that Yu Rou deliberately tried to please Shen Jue's son in order to get promoted.

The photos taken by the paparazzi this time were not clear. In the first photo, Yu Rou and Shen Yu were sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger seat respectively, waiting for the traffic light. Shen Yu was looking out the window, and Yu Rou reached out to touch Shen Yu's head, but netizens saw it as Shen Yu turning his head to avoid Yu Rou's hand.

The second photo was taken at the entrance of the kindergarten. At that time, Yu Rou wanted to carry Shen Yu out of the car, but Shen Yu said that he was too old to be carried anymore and it would damage his image if other children saw him.

This has also been over-interpreted as Shen Yu rejecting intimacy with Yu Rou.

The number of Yu Rou's black fans has far exceeded that before the affair between her and Ji Youjun was exposed. Now, whenever there is any disturbance, public opinion is against her. Her reputation is not good and she has offended many people. There are very few people who speak for her, but there are quite a few who come out to spread negative information about her.

Many haters mocked Yu Rou, saying that Shen Yu would never recognize her as his mother and that she had no hope of marrying into a wealthy family.

All kinds of news were flooding the Internet, but just as the agent said, Ji Youjun's fans were strangely quiet.

It seemed that after seeing that Yu Rou was not doing well, or that she had a new boyfriend, the fans calmed down. Only a few of them insisted on diss Yu Rou online and joined the army of Yu Rou's haters.

Yu Rou didn't care about the public opinions. She was used to all the storms and thus remained calm. If it were the original owner, she would have been furious.

Seeing her indifferent look, the agent thought she was acting abnormally because she was upset, so he told Xiao Chen to send her to her residence safely, and almost asked Xiao Chen to stay with her to prevent her from doing anything stupid.

It was a little late when she returned. On the way, Yu Rou received a call from Shen Yu, asking her when she would return.

Yu Rou asked Xiao Chen how long it would take to get there, and after getting the answer, she told Shen Yu, "We'll be home in more than half an hour."

Yu Rou saw that the phone number belonged to Shen Jue, and asked again, "Where's your father?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chen looked up at Yu Rou in the rearview mirror.

Shen Yu said on the other end of the phone: "Dad said he had something to do and went upstairs first, so he asked me to call you and ask you something."

Yu Rou didn't notice Xiao Chen's gaze and continued, "Did he ask you to call?"

Shen Yu: "Yes, Dad just came back, and the driver came to pick me up in the afternoon."

"Okay, then you just wait for me, I'll be back soon. Is there anything you want to eat?" Yu Rou just saw that there was still a dessert shop open.

Shen Yu whispered, "I don't want to eat anymore. Mom, please come back soon. I think Dad doesn't seem happy."

Yu Rou: "What's wrong?"

Shen Yu: "I don't know, it's just a little scary."

There was nothing more to be gained from asking Shen Yu, so Yu Rou said a few more words and then hung up the phone.

After a while, Xiao Chen asked Yu Rou, "Is it Mr. Shen's child?"

Yu Rou: “Yeah.”

Xiao Chen thought to himself that it was true, and became even more curious. He had also seen all the comments on the Internet today. In fact, he had been with Yu Rou for so long, and although Yu Rou was not nice to him, he still had feelings for her, so he cared about her a lot.

"Sister Yu, are you getting along well with Mr. Shen's child?"

Yu Rou smiled and said, "Very good."

Of course the son has a good relationship with his biological mother.

"That's good. Then the photo on the Internet..." Xiao Chen seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"The photos are real, but not what is circulated online." Yu Rou explained lightly.

"It's all nonsense on the internet. Sister Yu, don't take it to heart. They are all trolls hired by people who are jealous of you. Your fans won't believe them."

Xiao Chen had always comforted the original owner in this way before, and it basically worked every time. He had said it so many times that he could do it fluently and was very skilled at it.

"Okay." Yu Rou knew he meant well, nodded and said, "I know."

At this time, Shen Jue was sitting in the study, holding a divorce agreement in his hand. His face was pale, his fingers were trembling, and his face was full of disbelief and anger.

He tore the first page of the divorce agreement so tightly that he read every word carefully. When he saw the two people's signatures, he almost tore the agreement into pieces.

When he was about to leave the company after the meeting, Secretary Lin reminded him that he had left a document in the study yesterday and needed his signature urgently.

On the way, he habitually checked Yu Rou's Weibo and happened to see the news online that Yu Rou was obsessed with marrying into a wealthy family and took the opportunity to please Shen Yu in the hope that she could become Shen Yu's stepmother.

When Shen Jue saw these remarks, he was so angry that his face turned blue. He originally wanted to call Yu Rou, but on second thought, he hurried home first.

That's why Shen Yu said that Shen Jue was very unhappy when he came back.

Half an hour later, Yu Rou opened the door and just then Shen Jue walked out of the study with a divorce agreement in his hand.

"Mom, you're back." Shen Yu ran over and stood in front of Yu Rou.

Yu Rou: "Well, be good, mommy will change your shoes first."

Shen Jue's footsteps were very light. He walked downstairs and to the entrance, and then Yu Rou and Shen Yu saw him.

Yu Rou saw that his face looked very bad and his eyes looked strange, so she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Yu Rou: "Why are you walking without making any sound?"

Shen Yu turned around and looked at Shen Jue, "Dad, Mom is back."

Shen Jue didn't say anything, just stared at Yu Rou.

Only then did Yu Rou see that he was holding something in his hand.

Yu Rou: "What's wrong with you?"

Shen Jue looked at her delicate face, his mind in a mess, the anger and pain in his heart made him breathless.

He threw the divorce agreement on the ground and said gloomily, "When did it happen?"

Yu Rou frowned, bent down to pick up the agreement on the ground, and her expression changed after seeing the words on it.

Finally found it.

For some reason, Yu Rou felt as if she had been waiting for this moment.

What is meant to come will come.

She lowered her head, not looking at Shen Jue, and said, "We divorced a long time ago."

Shen Jue felt even more distressed when he heard her calm tone, "Why?"

Yu Rou: "Why?"

Shen Yu was frightened by their behavior and said blankly, "Mom and Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Rou frowned and said, "Let's go upstairs and talk in the room."

She felt that they would probably have a quarrel later and didn't want Shen Yu to see it.

Shen Jue remained silent, staring at her, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yu Rou said to Shen Yu, "Mom and Dad have something to say. Can you play by yourself for a while? Be good and I'll come back to accompany you later."

Shen Yu shook his head: "No, Mom and Dad, please don't quarrel."

Yu Rou: "We didn't quarrel. We won't quarrel."

Shen Yu looked at her in disbelief, "No."

Shen Jue looked at Shen Yu, then at Yu Rou, and said, "Does he know that we are divorced?"

The author has something to say: I have been behind on a few chapters recently, so I will stay up late tonight to write a chapter and update early tomorrow morning

After this story ends, is there any other world you want to see? If not, I will write about the real world and the sequel.

For example: The bad woman and the punched bag exchange souls

The sick husband of the period novel turns evil

Or there are others

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[Inform Android book lovers that more and more free sites will be closed and invalid, and there are many fake Android apps. It is very necessary to find a safe and stable app for reading books. The webmaster strongly recommends the source-changing APP, which is very useful for listening to books, changing sources, and finding books! ]
Yu Rou looked at Shen Jue with an uneasy feeling. She took two steps forward, took Shen Jue's arm, and said in a low voice, "Let's go upstairs and talk. Not in front of the children."

Shen Jue looked at her and felt a pain in his heart.

Is the child the only thing she cares about at this time? Now that they are divorced, does he have nothing to do with her in her heart?

But no matter how uncomfortable Shen Yude felt, he still followed Yu Rou upstairs.

After entering the room, Yu Rou closed the door and looked at him, waiting for him to speak first. But Shen Jue seemed to be waiting for her to speak first, so the two looked at each other in silence for a long time, and the atmosphere in the room became weird and depressing.

Yu Rou sighed and said, "Shen Yu knew about our divorce, but you forgot it."

"I forgot?" Shen Jue didn't believe it. "How could I forget?"

Yu Rou hesitated for a few seconds: "Then I don't know."

Shen Jue tried hard to recall what happened before, but he couldn't remember when and how he got divorced.

He suddenly felt a splitting headache. He was so uncomfortable that he slowly squatted down holding his head, and his face became paler and paler.

“Why did we become like this?”

His body was shaking slightly and he covered his face as if he was crying.

Yu Rou squatted down and tried to pry his hands open to see if he was crying, but he pushed her away.

"Do not touch me."

Yu Rou frowned, "We're already divorced, what do you want to do?"

Shen Jue stood up with his head still lowered, so Yu Rou could not see his expression.

He didn't say anything, and Yu Rou didn't know what he was thinking. She waited for a long time, but he still didn't say anything, so she had to push his arm.

Yu Rou: "Say something."

Yu Rou: "If you don't say anything, I'll leave."

Before she could finish her words, she was grabbed by the shoulders and pushed back several steps until she hit the wall. She frowned in pain and said, "What are you doing?"

Yu Rou looked up and finally saw his face. It was gloomy and expressionless, with a hint of tears in his eyes, reflecting a cold light.

Shen Jue looked down at her coldly, "Where are you going?"

Yu Rou turned her head away from him and reached out to push him away, "I'm just saying, if you don't have anything to say, I'll go out and accompany Xiao Yu."

"You can't go anywhere." Shen Jue pinched her arm hard and pressed her against the wall.

"Can you let me go first?" Yu Rou said angrily.


Yu Rou glared at him. "What do you want? You were the one who signed the divorce agreement. Your name is on the divorce agreement."

Who knew that after hearing her words, Shen Jue showed a painful expression, as if his memory was confused. He let go of her, covered his ears, and shook his head violently.

"No...I didn't..."

He was talking incoherently and it was hard to hear what he was trying to say. Yu Rou saw that something was really wrong with him and became a little nervous.

"Are you okay?" Yu Rou thought, he wouldn't be crazy.

Shen Jue heard her voice and hugged her again, "We are not divorced, right? Those are fake, right?"

Yu Rou looked at him and could see despair and regret in his eyes. There was no point in hiding it. Besides, the other personality knew clearly that they were divorced. It was not a good thing for this personality to keep deceiving her.

Yu Rou said in a deep voice: "We are already divorced, it is clearly written in black and white, Shen Jue... don't be like this."

After hearing what Yu Rou said, Shen Jue suddenly laughed. His laugh was a little scary, which made people feel scared and sent a chill down their spine.

When Yu Rou thought he would do something to her, he suddenly let go of her, turned his back to her, sneered and said, "Get lost."

Yu Rou was stunned for a moment. She said nothing, turned around and walked out.

But just as she took a few steps and reached out to open the door, Shen Jue suddenly hugged her from behind.

Shen Jue's chin pressed hard on her shoulders, his lips seemed to be close to her ears, and his breath was on her neck.

"Let go... didn't you tell me to get out?" Yu Rou couldn't help but find it funny. Shen Jue's roar just now really sounded like that, but he turned around and hugged her again.

I don't know how to describe this man.

Yu Rou has always been soft-hearted and does not respond to harshness. Shen Jue's behavior made her feel a little soft-hearted.

Shen Jue said nothing, just hugged her tightly.

Yu Rou was about to speak when she felt a sharp pain coming from her shoulder.

Shen Jue bit her shoulder with such force that it hurt so much that she wanted to cry.

Yu Rou tried to break free from his restraints, but she was not as strong as him and could not move at all.

"Shen Jue, are you crazy?" Her voice changed due to the pain.

The pain made Yu Rou's eyes red. Shen Jue finally let go, and Yu Rou broke free from his arms and slapped him in the face with her backhand.

After being slapped, Shen Jue didn't move at all. He frowned and closed his eyes.

Yu Rou ignored him, reached out and unzipped her clothes, and looked at her shoulder. There was a deep tooth mark on her white shoulder, which was red and eye-catching.

At the same time, a familiar mechanical voice appeared in her mind, "System upgrade completed, loading... Please wait..."

Yu Rou no longer cared about the pain in her shoulder and quickly called the system in her mind.

Is it finally online?

About ten seconds later, the system made another sound. "Sorry, we encountered a small problem with this upgrade. Something happened at the mission center, so I temporarily went offline. Only ten minutes have passed in the system time. How long has it been for you?"

Yu Rou: “…”

Ten minutes in the system is really a long time.

"It's been a long time. Just send me the world storyline right now and stop talking nonsense." Yu Rou originally had many questions to ask, but now she was too lazy to ask. She decided to wait until she had sorted out the storyline. The system wouldn't suddenly go offline again.

System: "Okay, please wait a moment. The plot will be transmitted immediately. This mission is an upgrade mission, so it is relatively complicated. In view of the sudden problem with the system, which has brought you unnecessary trouble, the system will give you some compensation."

Yu Rou: "What compensation?"

"This mission is originally an upgraded version of the difficulty, so the mission points have been doubled, and as a compensation, you will be given the privilege of choosing a script. For the next mission, you can choose one of the three missions to do."

Yu Rou thought it was good, "Okay, how many points do I need for the mission?"

"Wait a moment, I'll check." The system was silent for a few seconds, then said, "Your performance is excellent. The points you have accumulated far exceed those of the taskers who entered the system at the same time as you. You only need to complete two more tasks to complete your goal."

"Two tasks, that will be quick." Yu Rou felt relieved, but for some reason she still felt a little regretful.

"Yes, but for an excellent tasker like you, it would be great if you were willing to stay and help."

Yu Rou smiled and did not respond, thinking that she would see what happened later.

"The world story has been transmitted."

"Oh, that's it." Yu Rou was a little surprised. She remembered that when she first received the world plot, she felt a headache because of the discomfort, but now she didn't feel anything at all.

The system seemed a little proud. "There are still many improvements after the system upgrade. For example, the time for transmitting the plot has been shortened, and the tasker will not feel uncomfortable."

After watching the entire plot, Yu Rou's expression did not change much. Most of it was the same as she guessed, except that the ending of the original owner and Shen Jue was very sad.

In the original story, the original owner always wanted to stand out and live an enviable life. She dumped her Buddhist first love, Ji Youjun, and hooked up with Shen Jue. She got married to Shen Jue under the pretext of being pregnant. After giving birth to the child, Shen Jue promoted her and made her a big star. But after she reunited with her first love, she found that she still loved him, so she wanted to divorce Shen Jue and be with him again.

But in this world plot, Ji Youjun is the male protagonist, who later became a superstar. The female protagonist is Ji Youjun's assistant, who later became his agent. She accompanied Ji Youjun through many things, and the two finally got their happy ending.

Most of the plot tells the story between the two people, and the story about Yu Rou and Shen Jue only occupies a small part of the whole text.

Shen Jue was heartbroken by the original owner, and because of love turning into hate, he suffered from multiple personality disorder. Under the repeated stimulation of the original owner, one of his two personalities turned evil and went crazy, and finally died in a car accident with the original owner.

Shen Jue has two personalities. The main personality appears during the day and he has given up on her after their divorce. The secondary personality only appears at night and is deeply in love with the original owner.

Later, when the original owner found out that Shen Jue had two personalities, she was very scared and rejected him even more, so that the secondary personality was stimulated and became more and more extreme and weird, and finally she did the crazy act of dragging the original owner to commit suicide for love.

The original owner also ignored Shen Yu. Later, Shen Yu stopped pestering for his mother and became much more withdrawn. Later, the original owner and Shen Jue died, and he had the right to inherit a huge amount of assets, but for such a young child, the environment in which he grew up must have had a great impact on him, and no one knew what the final outcome would be.

System: "Your target this time is Shen Jue, but since he has two personalities, your whitewashing mission is for these two personalities."

"Is it possible for him to return to normal in this situation?" Yu Rou still had a headache when she thought about the difference between the two personalities.

System: "In the original plot, there is no cure, but it should be possible, as long as the treatment is appropriate and the patient cooperates."

Yu Rou thought about it and said, "I know."

The system prompted: "The whitening points of the two personalities are evaluated comprehensively. During my absence, you have already whitened thirty points. This is a very good result."

Yu Rou resisted the urge to hold her forehead. It was only thirty o'clock. Okay, this mission was indeed different from the previous ones.

After communicating with the system, Yu Rou turned her attention back to Shen Jue.

The place where I was bitten just now still hurts.

Shen Jue was slapped by Yu Rou just now, but he didn't react at all. In the short half minute that Yu Rou communicated with the system, Shen Jue suddenly frowned and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, there was silence in his eyes and he looked at Yu Rou coldly, as if it was not him who bit someone just now.

Yu Rou was slightly startled and felt that the Shen Jue in front of her seemed to be the same one from the daytime.

Is it possible to suddenly change personality?

Yu Rou wasn't sure if it was what she thought. After hesitating for a moment, she raised her hand and slapped Shen Jue again.

This time, the force was not controlled well and a loud slap was heard. At the same time, a red palm print appeared on Shen Jue's face.

The author has something to say: To add,

There are still two chapters to come in the evening. I will try my best to finish this story today.

Haha, the next story will be about a bad woman and a wolfdog who travels through time and space to seek revenge, but there will be no soul swap. I changed the idea.

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"Are you a dog? Why are you biting people?" Yu Rou accused first.

If he remembered what happened just now, then he probably didn't change his personality.

Shen Jue was still pinching her waist. When he heard Yu Rou's words, he didn't react for a moment.

Yu Rou was almost certain that Shen Jue in front of her had turned into the main personality. This was too sudden. Was he beaten by her?

If a slap in the face can change his personality, then why didn’t it change back after she slapped him just now? Should she try slapping him again?

Forget it, Yu Rou was just daydreaming and had no intention of taking any action.

Yu Rou frowned and looked at him without answering.

"I bit you? Didn't you slap me just now?" Shen Jue's tone was cold, without any warmth at all.

"Look for yourself." Yu Rou pulled open her collar and showed him the tooth marks, which were so severe that they almost broke the skin and caused bleeding.

Shen Jue looked at Yu Rou's shoulder with a puzzled expression, his brows tightly furrowed, as if he was recalling something. Judging from the bite on the wound, he must have known about the divorce. Otherwise, from what he saw from the previous surveillance video, the personality at night was still very gentle to Yu Rou.

This is a good thing. He deliberately asked Secretary Lin to remind him to go home and look for documents in the study, just to let that personality find the divorce agreement at night.

Now that it has been discovered, what happened during the time he was unconscious?

Shen Jue looked up and saw that the lights in the room were on. He looked out the window and saw that it was still night and not yet dawn.

What's going on? Shouldn't he have a different personality at night?

Many thoughts flashed through Shen Jue's mind at once. He was anxious to go to the study to check the surveillance video, and his mood was very complicated.

Yu Rou pushed him away while he was dazed.

"That's it. I'm leaving now."

Shen Jue did not stop her and let her open the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, I saw Shen Yu standing outside.

His face was red, tears were streaming down his face, and he was crying silently, which made people feel very distressed.

"Xiao Yu, why are you here?" Yu Rou said in surprise.

When Shen Yu saw Yu Rou coming out, he burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" Yu Rou walked over and hugged him.

"Mom..." Shen Yu cried out loudly, "Mom, don't leave."

"Mom hasn't left." Yu Rou guessed that he might have been eavesdropping outside the door just now.

Thinking of the child's ending in the original plot, Yu Rou felt a little uncomfortable. Children are always pitiful and innocent, and the one the original owner felt most sorry for was this child.

Yu Rou reached out and wiped away the tears on Shen Yu's face, "Be good, don't cry, mommy won't leave."

Shen Jue looked at the scene in front of him, was silent for a moment, walked forward and separated Yu Rou and Shen Yu.

"Didn't you say you were leaving? I will take good care of the child." When Shen Jue said this, Shen Yu looked up at him with tearful eyes. His heart felt like it was being grabbed by a dry hand, and the nails were poking into his heart, causing a cold and sharp pain.

"No, I won't let mom go." Shen Yu cried loudly, "I don't want to."

"Don't say such things in front of the children." Yu Rou looked up at Shen Jue and rebuked him in dissatisfaction.

"Oh? Don't you remember what you said in front of the child? You said you didn't want Shen Yu, you wanted to leave this house, and you asked Shen Yu to stop calling you mom. Didn't you say these words?"

Shen Jue's voice was cold but filled with anger and resentment.

Yu Rou glared at him, "So what? I want to make it up to the child, but what you are doing now is hurting him."

Shen Jue sneered, "Make up for it?"

"What can you do to make up for it? What qualifications do you have to say the word 'make up for it'?"

"Of course I do. I'm Shen Yu's mother. Even if we get divorced, I'm still Shen Yu's mother." Yu Rou said righteously, holding Shen Yu in her arms and coaxing her in a low voice.

Shen Yu cried so hard that her face turned red. "Dad, I don't want Mom to leave, okay? Dad, don't chase Mom away!"

Shen Jue was stunned for a moment, his expression turned gloomy, and he said in a low and self-deprecating voice: "I chased her away? She always left on her own accord."

His face turned cold, "This woman doesn't love you or this family at all. She only loves herself. She is not your mother."

He reached out to pull Shen Yu out of Yu Rou's arms, but was blocked by Yu Rou.

"I'm not his mother, but are you? Can you give birth to him by yourself?" Yu Rou glared at him.

Shen Jue was speechless after being rebuked.

Shen Yu cried, "Mom and Dad, I don't want you to separate, I don't want you to quarrel... Can you get back together?"

Shen Yu's words left Shen Jue silent.

Shen Yu's crying echoed in the corridor. Seeing that Yu Rou and Shen Jue didn't say anything, he grabbed their hands and shook them, crying and begging.

Yu Rou glanced at Shen Jue, sighed, and said, "Xiao Yu, don't cry, be good."

Shen Yu just kept shaking his head, "No, please promise me, Mom, Dad has always missed you. Dad will treat you well, and I will be very good and will not make you angry."

Shen Jue frowned, "What do you know? Let her go and let her go."

Yu Rou turned around and said, "What are you yelling about? Did I say I was leaving?"

Shen Jue was stunned and wanted to say something, but he held back and didn't say it out loud.

Yu Rou: "Xiao Yu, be good. Mommy will go back to your room with you to sleep. Mommy won't leave."

Shen Yu shook his head and asked stubbornly: "Then you promised me."

Yu Rou looked at Shen Jue with an unnatural look.

"Where's Dad?" Shen Yu put Yu Rou's hand and Shen Jue's hand together.

When Shen Jue touched Yu Rou's hand, his body immediately froze.

System: "The whitewashing index increased by twenty points."

Yu Rou thought about it and decided to add fuel to the fire.

She gritted her teeth, made an awkward expression, and held Shen Jue's hand tightly.

Shen Jue looked at her in surprise and was speechless for a long time.

The two looked at each other in silence, and no one spoke.

Shen Yu was still coaxed by Yu Rou to wash up and go to bed. After accompanying Shen Yu to sleep, Yu Rou went to the master bedroom.

Shen Jue had just finished taking a shower and was sitting on the bed thinking about something. His hair was still wet and he was only wearing a bathrobe.

Hearing the voice, he looked back and saw it was Yu Rou. His expression became a little subtle. He had just gone to the study to watch the surveillance video and saw the other personality's obsession with Yu Rou. He actually felt a kind of envy in his heart.

Shen Jue whispered, "What's the matter?"

Yu Rou: "Let's talk."

Shen Jue: "Go ahead."

Yu Rou: "I've thought about it carefully."

Shen Jue knew what she meant, but he couldn't help asking, "What did you consider?"

"Regarding remarriage."

Shen Jue looked away with his eyes lowered, hiding his emotions.

He didn't realize that his heartbeat quickened. He didn't say anything, waiting for Yu Rou to continue. But after waiting for a while, he didn't hear Yu Rou speak. He hesitated for a few seconds and said, "And then?"

Yu Rou walked over and sat down next to him. "If I say I can try to start over, would you... believe it?"


Yu Rou entered into the state of making up stories, "If I didn't want to reconcile with you, I wouldn't move back."

Shen Jue was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

He thought back to what he had said to Yu Rou these days, and actually caught some details from her words.

is that so?

The intimate scene between another personality and Yu Rou appeared in his mind. His face turned strange and he said, "Are you sure you want to reconcile with me? The me in front of you, the me now?"

Yu Rou pretended to be dumb and asked, "What do you mean?"

Shen Jue hesitated, but still said, "Nothing."

Yu Rou put her hand on Shen Jue's shoulder. Shen Jue couldn't help but frown. He felt an electric current running through his body and he sat up straight with his legs tensed.

"You haven't told me what you think yet." Yu Rou approached him.

Shen Jue: "Didn't you say that the person you love is Ji Youjun? Are you with me just for my money?"

Yu Rou thought to herself, okay, now that it’s time to confess, I’ll have to play the game.

This was the right move. The fact that Shen Jue could say such words showed that he still cared about her in his heart.

It is said that women have zero IQ when they are in love, but in Yu Rou's opinion, men will also become fools for love, even dumber than women.

Yu Rou: "I lied to you. If I loved him, I would have gone to find him a long time ago. Why am I here now?"

Shen Jue: “…”

Yu Rou continued, "I divorced you because you are too unromantic, have a bad temper, and are always cold. We are both busy with work every day, so we are rarely together..."

Shen Jue: “…”

Yu Rou said a lot and analyzed it to Shen Jue. Half of it was truth and half was nonsense, but Shen Jue listened very carefully.

The original owner had never told him these words.

"Besides, I also have postpartum depression, which I didn't even tell you about."

As she spoke, Yu Rou began to cry, and Shen Jue was completely stunned.

A man like him, to put it nicely, is a cool and aloof president, but in fact he is just a straight man with low emotional intelligence.

He couldn't help but feel upset when he saw a girl crying, especially when Yu Rou hugged him and hugged his neck while crying, which made him even more upset.

Shen Jue didn't know how to coax people, and for a moment he became flustered.

Another voice suddenly appeared in his mind, telling him to hug Yu Rou and kiss her.

Shen Jue was stunned for a moment. For some reason, his first reaction was that the person who spoke was his other personality.

Shen Jue's eyes looked a little strange, but he still reached out and held Yu Rou's face.

Tears kept flowing out of Yu Rou's eyes. She was an expert at crying scenes. Tears came easily and she cried beautifully.

Yu Rou: "What are you doing?"

Before she could finish, Shen Jue lowered his head and kissed her, biting her lips and tongue hard, and then became gentle again.

After kissing for seven or eight minutes, Yu Rou felt like she was about to suffocate. Shen Jue finally let her go and whispered in her ear, "You owe me this."

Yu Rou was addicted to crying just now, and she choked up a little when she spoke. She blushed and said, "You haven't told me what you think."

Shen Jue concentrated on unbuttoning her clothes without saying anything.

Yu Rou pushed him and said, "Don't take off my clothes. Tell me whether you want to remarry or not first."

Shen Jueting did stop, but asked her, "Do you love me?"

Yu Rou looked at him eagerly, then bit her lip and said nothing.

"Do you love me?" Shen Jue continued to ask.

Yu Rou turned her head and said, "I don't love you."

Shen Jue narrowed his eyes and his face darkened, "Who do you love then?"

"Didn't you say it yourself? You said I don't love you, I only love myself." Yu Rou picked up what he said before and retorted to him.

Shen Jue bit her other shoulder, not very hard, but it still hurt a little.

"Why are you biting again!?"

Shen Jue: "One on each side."

The voice inside him said: One for each person.

"You are a dog." Yu Rou cursed, and was then carried to the bed.

The author has something to say: The next chapter will end, and then a new story

Don't say I'm too fast.

It's that fast~

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A few days later, paparazzi took photos of Yu Rou and Shen Yu eating ice cream on the streets of Japan.

The two people in the photo look very close. Yu Rou is hugging Shen Yu, and each of them is holding an ice cream. Shen Yu feeds the ice cream in his hand to Yu Rou.

This photo directly slapped the faces of those who said that Shen Yu hated Yu Rou and would not accept her into the Shen family.

For a time, rumors were circulating online that Yu Rou was about to marry into the Shen family, but most people still didn't believe it.

Yu Rou's career is on the rise, and everyone thinks that a man like Shen Jue is just playing around with Yu Rou and will not really marry her.

It just so happened that Ji Youjun's new album was released, and he participated in many activities to promote it. It was inevitable that some reporters would mention Yu Rou at the promotional meeting.

The reporter asked him, "As Yu Rou's ex-boyfriend, do you think Yu Rou and the wealthy Shen Jue are in a good relationship? Now everyone is saying that she is going to marry into a wealthy family, what do you want to say?"

Ji Youjun had no expression at first, but after hearing this question, his face immediately darkened. He looked at the camera coldly, "Her affairs have nothing to do with me. I have nothing to say."

The reporter pressed on: "Will you bless her? If she invites you to her wedding, will you go?"

Ji Youjun's eyes turned gloomy, which made the reporter feel numb in his heart and a chill down his spine.

This topic was quickly smoothed over by others. Seeing this, other reporters did not mention Yu Rou anymore, but asked about the album. However, Ji Youjun's attitude was very cold and uncooperative, and the whole promotional meeting was ineffective.

After the promotional event ended, the reporter was told that Ji Youjun would no longer accept any interviews from their family.

Two months later, the post-production of "The Face Reader" was finally completed. In order to promote the film, Yu Rou also started to get busy.

This is the only movie Yu Rou has filmed since she came to this world. Yu Rou herself takes it very seriously. She wants to know if her acting skills have declined, and she also wants to see what the final effect of the movie will be.

On the day of the premiere of "The Face Reader", Director Zhang had great influence, so many celebrity actors and actresses in the circle came to show their support. Yu Rou and several other leading actors also attended in their best attire.

After the movie, the audience applauded for a long time. Several leading actors and directors came on stage and talked about their thoughts on the film. Then the guests and the audience gave their thoughts after watching the film.

Almost the vast majority of people expressed high praise for Yu Rou.

As soon as the premiere ended, the word-of-mouth of "The Face Reader" swept the Internet, and many film critics who watched the premiere expressed great appreciation for the film.

"Yu Rou's acting is so great. For Yu Rou, I will go watch the movie again when it's released!"

"Yu Rou is so handsome in men's clothing. She is also very beautiful in women's clothing. Most importantly, her acting skills are amazing. No wonder Director Zhang wants to give her more scenes. I can't get enough of it."

"I originally asked a friend to get tickets for the premiere with the intention of blackening Yu Rou, but now I have turned from a hater to a fan."

Similar reviews flooded the WeChat Moments overnight. Although the release date has not yet arrived, the pre-sale box office of "The Face Reader" has exceeded expectations. After watching the trailer, everyone was full of praise for Yu Rou's performance in the trailer.

On the evening of the release, Yu Rou posted photos of her marriage certificate and photos of her, Shen Jue and Shen Yu, father and son, on Weibo.

In less than an hour, Weibo crashed.

This wave of operations shocked netizens.

It also brought great benefits to the movie's box office. The entertainment industry is a circle of traffic. When Yu Rou announced her marriage at this time, the movie's box office doubled again the next day.

The biggest investor of this movie is Shen Jue. Although he doesn't care about this amount of money, it is the most money he has ever made from investing in a movie.

Having owed Yu Rou a wedding before, Shen Jue decided to give her a grand wedding of the century this time.

After the premiere, Yu Rou found out that she was pregnant, so she turned down all her work and stayed at home to accompany Shen Yu.

Shen Jue found a well-known domestic wedding planner to plan the wedding for the two of them. Yu Rou would occasionally meet with him to discuss the details of the wedding.

The wedding was scheduled to be held in a castle in Florence, Italy. Yu Rou's wedding dress was a global limited edition style tailored for her and worth tens of millions.

This wedding of the century also invited most of the celebrities in the entertainment industry and the country's famous wealthy people to attend. The wedding cost nearly 500 million yuan.

Coincidentally, the wedding day happened to be the day when Ji Youjun's world tour was held in France. France is not far from Italy. When he was resting backstage, he saw the live broadcast of the wedding.

He turned off his phone with a grim look on his face. At the concert, he sang "Sinking Stars", a song he had not sung publicly for many years. At the end of the song, he turned away from the audience and his emotions were somewhat out of control.

Eight months later, Yu Rou gave birth to a daughter. Shen Jue named her Shen He, which means a hundred years of reconciliation and being of one mind.

However, the whitewashing index in this world increased very slowly. Only when her daughter was born did the system remind her that the whitewashing index had reached eighty points.

She stayed in this world for ten years before she was completely cleansed.

System: "Congratulations, you have successfully cleared your name. You can now enter the next world. As compensation, I promised you that you would choose one of the three scenarios as your next mission world. I will now transmit the outlines of the three worlds to you. Please wait."

Yu Rou: "Okay."

Two minutes later, Yu Rou finished reading the basic plots of the three worlds. She was particularly interested in one of them. The original owner was the worst person she had ever seen, the kind of self-centered person, and his acting skills were also first-rate.

“I choose the third world.”

"This world is more difficult than the other two. Are you sure?"

"That's it."

"Okay, start transmitting immediately."

"Knock, knock, knock." There was a knock on the door.

Yu Rou suddenly opened her eyes, her consciousness was still not very clear. The knocking on the door continued. She looked up and said, "Come in."

Ye Qiao walked in nervously, holding a folder in her hand. She walked up to Yu Rou and said, "Manager, do you think this is okay?"

Yu Rou took the plan that Ye Qiao handed to her and secretly looked at Ye Qiao, a pretty young girl in her early twenties.

Yu Rou opened the plan and read it carefully while absorbing the original owner's memories.

After reading it, she frowned and was about to speak, but when she looked up, she saw Ye Qiao was so nervous that she was about to cry.

She hesitated for a few seconds and looked at the time on the computer.

It's already 8:05 and the company's working hours are 5:30.

"You can go off work first. We can talk about any problems tomorrow." Yu Rou said in a light tone.

"It still doesn't work?" Ye Qiao asked in a low voice.

"Well, no, I will arrange someone else to do this. You can study with Wang Wen for another month." Yu Rou closed the folder and put it aside. Without looking at her, she picked up the mouse and slid it across the computer and clicked the email shortcut key.

After a few seconds, Yu Rou said, "You can go out now, get off work."

Ye Qiao pursed her lips and said sadly: "Okay, Manager... I'm sorry, I'll leave first."

After hearing the door close, Yu Rou looked up at the door, relaxed her straight body, leaned back and leaned back in the chair.

Her shoulders felt a little sore.

The phone on the table suddenly rang. She picked it up and saw that it was a WeChat message from Chen Qinglan.

The original owner's note for Chen Qinglan was little boy.

Little boy: "Sister, I want to fuck you."

Yu Rou was stunned for a moment, then she curled up the corners of her mouth and laughed.

She did not reply. Instead, she opened her mailbox, read through the unread emails, deleted the useless ones, replied to an email from a downstream company, and then turned off the computer.

At this time, she received another WeChat message from her best friend.

[Are you off work yet? Come and have a drink. 】

Yu Rou thought for a moment and replied: [Why are you so drunk? I was just about to get off work.]

[A 30-year-old woman without a man only knows how to work. What time is it now? 】

Yu Rou: [Go away]

[Old place, come over. ]

Yu Rou: [I’m not coming. I’m a little tired today. I’ll go back early.]

Yu Rou stood up, picked up the bag hanging on the coat rack, and went to the bathroom.

Seeing the delicately made-up and soft-featured face in the mirror, she reached out and touched her face.

In this world, she is already thirty years old and works as a manager in a multinational company. At her age, she is already considered a strong woman. Although she is beautiful, she is notoriously strict and cold in the company.

A single woman in her thirties, who is beautiful and capable, will inevitably be gossiped about and become sexually apathetic.

But in fact, the original owner was a very wild woman in private.

She is a queen during working hours, but a scumbag who plays with people after get off work. She claims that she has no boyfriend, but she often makes appointments for sex on social software, changing her partner every half a month.

She has been a philandering scumbag since high school. She appears to be aloof and cold, and has always been the unattainable school goddess. It is common for her to cheat on her boyfriend secretly, but she is good at disguising herself, so no one has ever discovered her.

There was only one time when I was discovered by the school hunk I was dating at the time.

However, the original owner was also a natural actor with superb acting skills, and he was fooled by her in just a few words. After a few days, the original owner found an excuse to dump that school hunk.

This is the memory of the original owner.

However, considering the world plot, this school hunk is her mission target this time.

But as expected of an advanced mission, the plot is not simpler than the previous mission, but more complicated.

The system had previously said that it would give her the privilege of choosing her own mission, and Yu Rou still chose this one, mainly because the world plot this time was special and exciting enough, and the mission objectives were also her favorite type.

Let’s go back to the school hunk.

The school hunk’s name is Xu Juan. Even after being dumped by the original owner, he is still deeply infatuated with her and even wants to reconcile with her.

Although the original owner was very satisfied with Xu Juan's appearance, she refused to get back together with him because he almost discovered her true face.

Until going to college, Xu Juan also applied to the same university as the original owner. He was a grade lower than the original owner, so the original owner was already a sophomore while he was a freshman.

At that time, the original owner already had a boyfriend, so Xu Juan could only treat her well silently. A year later, when the original owner's boyfriend broke up, Xu Juan found an opportunity to pursue the original owner again.

At this time, three years have passed since we were together in high school.

Having seen so many handsome guys, Xu Juan’s beauty was considered top-notch. He followed her to college so devotedly and loved her wholeheartedly. The original owner was moved and agreed to reconcile with him, but she actually had a boyfriend outside of school at the time.

Xu Juan was very good to the original owner, but the original owner did not truly fall in love with him. In the original owner's words, she just liked him, but there were many people she liked.

It can be said that her boyfriends are just her backup plans.

Coincidentally, no one else had discovered the original owner's true identity, but Xu Juan discovered it twice. Perhaps it was because he was the man who was most obsessed with the original owner, and the most devoted and attentive to her.

When he found out that the original owner was having two relationships at the same time, he fell into pain, but was reluctant to leave the original owner.

He had a strong possessiveness, but just to make the original owner willing to restrain herself, he kept accommodating the original owner and gave the original owner a lot of freedom. But no matter what he did, the original owner did not change her mind. Instead, she wanted to break up with him because he discovered his true face.

But the original owner was a cold-hearted person. In order to make Xu Juan give up, she said a lot of heartless words, which broke Xu Juan's heart.

Later, the two had a car accident. Xu Juan died in the accident, but the original owner was still alive.

Xu Juan's soul followed the original owner for seven days and completely saw the original owner's true face.

On the seventh day, he was unexpectedly reborn in the body of a little boy.

The author has something to say: The new world needs to be cleared for you

The original owner is really a scumbag

She's just a scumbag.

But after the male protagonist was reborn, he also became a scumbag in order to take revenge on the female protagonist.

See who can conquer whom

Well, of course fish is the best.

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The little boy's name was Chen Qinglan. When Xu Juan entered Chen Qinglan's body, he was only a sixteen-year-old high school student. He was slightly fat and was bullied at school. He came from a poor family and his only strength was good academic performance.

After Xu Juan came here, he became Chen Qinglan. At first he was not used to it, but later he successfully lost weight. After graduating from high school, he became a handsome guy and was admitted to the school Xu Juan used to go to.

From then on, there was no Xu Juan in the world, only Chen Qinglan.

When Chen Qinglan was a freshman, the original owner was already a senior and about to graduate. He had already started an internship at a good local company and rarely appeared in school.

However, as a goddess-like existence, the original owner still has a great reputation in the school.

Chen Qinglan learned that after her death, the original owner dated two more boys, both of whom were very good, but they broke up not long after being together.

Ever since discovering the original owner's true identity, Chen Qinglan's love for the original owner turned into hatred, and in the past few years, the hatred has never diminished, but has become stronger and stronger.

He was determined to take revenge on the original owner, let her taste the pain, and let her know what it felt like to fall in love with someone but be ruthlessly abandoned.

Looking at the original owner again, after Xu Juan's death, although she continued to live her own life and did not feel sad for him, her taste became more and more picky. She had been with too many boys, and she was tired of normal relationships between men and women. She felt that it was a waste of time and meaningless. In addition, she was too busy with internship work in her senior year, so she did not have a stable lover from that year until a year after graduation.

Gradually, the original owner no longer wanted to find a boyfriend, and her personality even became more and more cold and withdrawn, and she seldom interacted with others.

As a result, Chen Qinglan had been preparing for a long time but could not find a good opportunity. He had no chance to contact the original owner in the past one or two years.

It was not until his junior year that Chen Qinglan finally discovered the original owner's account by accident on a social software.

It is a dating and love app, which is anonymous and private. It can record your mood, and can also be used for making friends and chatting. It also has various matching functions.

Chen Qinglan accidentally saw a photo of a person’s legs. There was a red mole on the calf. He recognized it as the original owner at a glance.

Although the original owner had slept with many men, only a few remembered every mark on her body. Xu Juan, now known as Chen Qinglan, was one of them.

Chen Qinglan read all the status updates posted by this person and was certain of it.

The original owner had many followers on this social software. Although she did not show her face, she occasionally posted photos of certain parts of her body, which were full of sexual temptation, the kind of high-level coquettishness. Looking at some of the daily life photos she posted, one could tell from the details that she was a mature and wealthy woman.

Every time she posts a status, there will be hundreds of likes and hundreds of comments, and countless people will send her private messages.

Chen Qinglan chatted privately with the original owner that night, but the original owner didn't even read his message.

Two days later, the greeting message is still unread.

Chen Qinglan was anxious, but he kept his composure and began to make his own plans.

He first spent a month updating his status every day, just like the original owner, posting some photos of body parts and photos of his face covered by a full-length mirror. Not surprisingly, he soon attracted a lot of girls.

After a month, he had figured out the time when the original owner posted his status online every time.

Basically, the original owner posted status updates around 11 or 12 o'clock at night. He stared at the phone for two hours and finally waited for the original owner to post a photo of herself wearing a sexy black fishtail skirt and walking barefoot on the ground. Her almost naked legs were breathtakingly beautiful, enough to drive people with foot fetishes crazy.

He commented within ten seconds: "I hope my sister's feet won't be on the ground, but on me."

Half a minute later, he received a reply.

The two began chatting from that night.

Chen Qinglan is no longer the innocent boy who loved the original owner deeply and was as humble as dust in front of her.

Because he attaches great importance to his privacy, the original owner only revealed a little bit of personal information to him after chatting for more than a month. It is rare to see such caution on this software. Most people will ask you where you are, how old you are, and what your name is on the first day, and then exchange photos within three days.

Even though she knew that they were in the same city, the original owner had no intention of meeting them. But she could not stand Chen Qinglan shouting "Sister, I want to see you, Sister, I want to fuck you, Sister, I feel so uncomfortable" every night.

Moreover, Chen Qinglan would also send voice messages to the original owner.

Chen Qinglan's voice carries the immaturity of his age, but is also seductive and charming, and is not inferior to those voice actors. Even the original owner, who has seen countless men and is already thirty years old, is itching for him.

Finally, the two of them finally had sex.

In the suite of a five-star hotel, the two made love for a whole night. For Chen Qinglan, this was his first time, and for Xu Juan, the original owner was also his only woman.

For the original owner, this night was also particularly enjoyable.

Chen Qinglan seemed to know her body very well and every sensitive spot on her body. Every time he hit her, he hit the key point. This time, they had sex so thoroughly that she felt as if her Ren and Du meridians were opened. The next day, her legs were so weak that she couldn't even stand up.

The original owner, who had planned to meet him just once and then be done with it, was reluctant to throw away this satisfied little boy.

The two met three times in a row within a month. The original owner was getting a little too excited and was considering whether to end it when the company recruited a group of interns, including a few from her department.

What the original owner never expected was that Chen Qinglan was also among them.

I heard that the director arranged Chen Qinglan to be in her department because he knew that Chen Qinglan and the original owner were alumni of the same university and that Chen Qinglan's performance was very good.

The original owner, who had always been calm in the face of adversity, could not hide his surprise when he saw Chen Qinglan, and almost revealed his true colors in front of everyone.

Chen Qinglan naturally knew that the original owner worked here a long time ago, but he still pretended to know nothing and was as surprised as the original owner.

The original owner returned to the office and, for the first time ever, logged into the social software during the day and sent a message to Chen Qinglan.

Chen Qinglan responded very quickly, and just a few words actually made the original owner, who wanted to end the relationship, change his mind.

It is undeniable that Chen Qinglan is indeed very handsome and has good abilities in that aspect. Most importantly, he knows the original owner very well. He is like a puppy under the bed, willing to lick her, but he becomes a wolfdog on the bed, making the original owner feel unable to stop.

The two of them had been in a secret relationship for a long time. Since the original owner was Chen Qinglan's boss, this change in identity made the original owner feel more excited, and he even fell in love with this feeling.

Later, Chen Qinglan felt that the time was almost ripe, so he started the second step of his plan.

It just so happened that at this time the company boss's daughter returned from studying abroad.

The boss’s daughter is only twenty-three years old, the same age as Chen Qinglan, and is a pure little princess.

She fell in love with Chen Qinglan at first sight.

Her appearance made Chen Qinglan change his plans again.

Yu Rou's thoughts were interrupted by the message alert on her mobile phone.

She looked down at the calfskin watch on her wrist. She had been standing there for four minutes, and Chen Qinglan sent another message.

Little boy: "Sister? Why are you ignoring me?"

Yu Rou thought for a moment and replied, "I just finished my work and am getting ready to leave."

Chen Qinglan responded quickly.

Little boy: "Sister, I miss you."

Yu Rou replied: "Well, what do you miss about me?"

Little boy: "I want everything about my sister. I want my sister."

These straightforward words are indeed very provocative, especially when spoken by such a handsome and naive little boy.

Yu Rou simply replied, "Hmm."

Little boy: "Sister, I'm here."

Yu Rou raised her eyebrows. Yes, today is Friday, the day they had agreed to meet.

She arrived at just the right time, which was the night they first met.

The system treats her very well.

Yu Rou: "I'll be there in half an hour."

Little boy: "Well, I'll take a shower first and wait for my sister obediently."

Yu Rou narrowed her eyes, he really was just a sweet puppy with his fangs hidden.

She didn't reply, but took out powder and lipstick from her bag and touched up her makeup in front of the mirror.

She is thirty years old, but looks to be in her early twenties at most. She is very pretty, full of the charm of a mature woman, and she dresses very intellectually. She exudes a faint fragrance. Yu Rou feels that if she were a man, he would want to have sex with her.

Such a woman has the capital to be a scumbag, so that men can be willing to become her slaves.

The original owner had her own executive car for transportation, and she drove directly to the agreed hotel.

When she arrived at the door of the room, she didn't knock, but directly sent a message to Chen Qinglan asking him to open the door.

A minute later, the door opened.

A neatly dressed boy was standing behind the door.

Chen Qinglan was wearing a white shirt, dark jeans, and a pair of canvas shoes. His hair was dry, his shirt was a little wrinkled, and a few buttons were undone, revealing his bony collarbone. He looked like an ignorant little deer, looking at her timidly with a gleam in his eyes. His facial features were extremely delicate, like a handsome man carefully carved out.

"elder sister?"

Hearing his voice, Yu Rou's heart trembled.

Damn, that's her favorite one.

She remained calm, looked at Chen Qinglan with a smile, and said "hmm" lightly.

There was a hint of surprise in Chen Qinglan's eyes, as if she didn't expect Yu Rou to be so calm.

The two of them have never exchanged photos. Logically, any normal person would be surprised to see his appearance.

But there was only some amusement and interest in Yu Rou's eyes, without any other emotions.

"You won't let me in?" Yu Rou looked at him with a curled lip corner.

"Sorry... sorry." Chen Qinglan lowered his eyes, not letting her see the annoyance in his eyes, and took two steps back awkwardly, "Sister, come in."

The immaturity and shyness he displayed formed a contrast with the naughty words he said on the Internet, which was also an important reason why the original owner was reluctant to end her relationship with him.

He looks like a shy boy, but he always says obscene words to her, shows his lustful side only in front of her, is crazy about her, and can even fully satisfy her in bed.

Who can resist such temptation?

Moreover, when Chen Qinglan was working in the company, he had a different feeling. He was cool and focused, which attracted almost all the young girls in the company. However, he was serious and never talked much with other girls.

Even though the original owner was very confident and didn't think she was worse than anyone else, the fact that Chen Qinglan, who could make all the girls in the company fall in love with her, kneeled down in front of her and bowed down to her fully satisfied the original owner's vanity.

After entering the room, Yu Rou closed the door calmly.

She looked around the room and noticed that the bathroom was wet. It seemed that Chen Qinglan had already taken a shower but put on her clothes.

Yu Rou put down the bag in her hand, raised her chin, looked at him, and asked, "How long have you been here?"

Chen Qinglan pursed her lips, looked at Yu Rou with an obsessed look, and whispered, "Not long."

Yu Rou was also wearing a shirt today. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt in front of Chen Qinglan.

Chen Qinglan swallowed and looked at her blankly.

When her chest was about to be exposed, Yu Rou stopped and said with a chuckle, "What are you looking at?"

Chen Qinglan's eyes sparkled, "Looking at my sister."

“Does it look good?”

Chen Qinglan said: "It looks good."

Yu Rou snorted softly, "Come and help me take it off."

Chen Qinglan was stunned, a dark light flashed in his eyes, but he stammered: "Is it really okay?"

Yu Rou smiled, stretched out her hand, and stroked his cheek charmingly, "What do you think?"

Chen Qinglan froze.

Yu Rou sneered, "Why? Weren't you very flirtatious when you were chatting there? Why can't you let go now?"

The author has something to say: Fish: Let’s see how much more flirtatious you can be

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