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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(154)
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  Chapter 79 Amnesia 1

  In the underground parking garage of the airport, Shi Yun was just about to get in the car when he heard someone calling his name. He turned his head and saw a head popping out of the car not far away. The bright smile was hard to ignore.

  "Uncle Zhang, you go back first."

  "Okay." The middle-aged man who was stuffing his luggage into the trunk also saw the familiar face and nodded in understanding.

  Shi Yun got into the car and fastened her seat belt while asking, "Why are you here? Doesn't it start in the evening?" Knowing that she had a flight today, her good friend Song Nan had arranged tonight's party several days in advance, just waiting for them to have fun together. She had been thinking of going home to take a shower and sleep before going out, but Song Nan came to pick her up without even saying hello.

  "I just missed you and couldn't wait to come see you." Song Nan started the car and threw her a wink. "Baby, I haven't seen you for a long time. You look more beautiful again."

  Shi Yun was naturally beautiful. Although she didn't wear heavy makeup because she was on a plane, her delicate bone structure made her look bright and charming even with light makeup.

  Shi Yun ignored her enthusiasm and said, "Don't give me that. I've been so exhausted following my mother these past few days." She opened the mirror above her and complained, "I don't know how she can be so energetic at her age."

  "By the way, I was just about to ask, why didn't Aunt Qing come back with you? I was thinking of saying hello to her."

  Shi Yun yawned leisurely: "Your Aunt Qing is having so much fun out there that she doesn't want to come back with me." Her mother met a good friend before registering, and she immediately changed her flight ticket, planning to go to Vienna for a few days.

  Song Nan sighed and said, "Look at our Aunt Qing's comfortable life. She has money, free time, and her husband doesn't have to worry too much. If my mother could have this awareness, she wouldn't put all her heart on my father."

  Among the ladies in the celebrity circle of City F, Mrs. Shi, Chu Wanqing, is the most enviable one. She was born as the apple of the Chu family's eye and was held in the palm of her hand since childhood. When she grew up, she married the president of the Shi Group and the couple loved each other. Most of the upper-class circles are family marriages, but her husband is a childhood sweetheart who grew up with her and has a close relationship with her. President Shi is also famous for loving his wife. After marriage, the children born are also Zhong Lingminxiu, so she doesn't need to worry about it. It can be said that Chu Wanqing has been spoiled all her life, and her daily life is to travel around the world.

  When people in the circle talk about her, they can't hide their envy, whether openly or secretly.

  Shi Yun recalled the forced smile on Shi Yao's face when Mrs. Shi informed her husband that she would not be returning home for the time being. "Don't say that to my dad. He almost cried when he knew my mom didn't come back this time."

  Hearing Shi's father's reaction, Song Nan laughed so hard that her body shook. The two chatted along the way. Unexpectedly, the direction seemed more and more wrong. After seeing a conspicuous road sign, Shi Yun expressed his confusion.

  Song Nan rarely showed a bit of coquettishness, "This is, I met a student from Jiang University not long ago. He accidentally sprained his ankle during the basketball game last week, so I had to go and ask about his well-being and show concern for him."

  Shi Yun's mouth twitched a little: "Miss Song, if you are in such a hurry, I can go back directly with Uncle Zhang, so there is no need to trouble you, Miss."

  "I'm just being polite. I heard that his friends will be there today, a group of young and handsome college students. I just want you to go and meet them, so you don't have to say that your sister didn't share with you."

  "Come on, sister doesn't like young people like this." Shi Yun was not tempted at all.

  "I know, I know, but it's okay to take a look and feast your eyes." Song Nan looked ahead and thought of something, "By the way, have you reconciled with our President Mo?"

  Shi Yun paused while swiping the screen of his mobile phone. "Who are you talking about?"

  "Okay, let's not ask anymore."

  But when he arrived at the hospital, Shi Yun didn't have time to see the 1.9-meter-tall college student with eight abdominal muscles that Song Nan mentioned. Instead, he saw a completely unexpected figure.

  He was half leaning against a stone pillar in the hospital corridor, holding a cigarette between his slender fingers, listening to the conversation on the other end of the phone with a stern face, occasionally frowning with a hint of impatience. He didn't open his mouth many times during the entire call, but seeing the fierce look in his eyes, Shi Yun could guess what he was going to say.

  She raised the corners of her mouth with interest, left Song Nan who was typing with her lover, and walked straight to the man. He noticed someone approaching, half raised his eyes with a cold look.

  Shi Yun smiled at him, pretending to be polite and unfamiliar, "Sir, smoking is prohibited in the hospital. Be a decent person, okay?"

  The man looked at her smiling face and said calmly, "This is the smoking area."

  "Really?" Shi Yun took the cigarette from his fingertips and said, "But I don't like it."

  The man's eyes darkened, but he did not stop her. He watched her put out the cigarette butt, then turned sideways and threw it into the trash can beside her.

  Shi Yun turned around and looked into the man's calm eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he tilted his head to look him over from head to toe.

  "Why are you in the hospital? Are you feeling sick again?"

  The man's eyes became increasingly profound, but before Shi Yun could wait for his reaction, a clear voice suddenly came from a distance, filled with joy and excitement.

  They all turned their heads and saw a girl appear by the fountain. She seemed very happy, so happy that she didn't notice Shi Yun's existence at all. She just looked at the man with sparkling eyes and ran into the man's arms.

  "Xiao Mo Xiao Mo, my grandma's operation was successful!"

  The man took a step back because of the momentum of her running. The next second after he steadied himself, he held down the girl's arm and gently pulled her away. The girl seemed to notice that she was out of control, and hurriedly let go of the hug and clenched her hands.

  She stammered, "I'm sorry, Mr. Mo, I, I'm too excited."

  "It's okay." The man said in a steady and low voice, "Congratulations."

  When the girl heard his words, the corners of her mouth raised even more and her eyes flashed with tears of joy.

  Shi Yun, who had been standing aside, crossed his arms unconsciously, watching the scene in front of him. He raised his eyebrows leisurely, then coughed lightly, causing the two men to finally notice that there was someone like him beside them.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(155)
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  "Xiao Mo..." Shi Yun called him out playfully, with a half-smile on his face, "Would you like to introduce me?"

  The girl also looked at the woman in front of her with hesitation and asked, "Boss Mo, who is this?"

  The man in the center of sight had a calm expression, only his slightly furrowed brows revealed some of his emotions. He looked at the bright and attractive face in front of him and his mind changed.

  "Shi Yun?"

  What kind of tone was that? Shi Yun felt unhappy, the smile on his face gradually faded, and his tone became mocking.

  "It's been such a short time since we last met, Mr. Mo is really a noble man who forgets things easily."

  The man did not answer, but stepped over her and looked behind her. Shi Yun turned around and saw someone who appeared not far from them at some point. It was his assistant.

  Chen Zhu, who was hesitating whether to step forward, immediately walked over quickly after receiving a signal from his boss.

  "Mr. Mo." He called out respectfully first, then looked at Shi Yun, with a hint of apology in his eyes, "Miss Shi, something happened during the days you were away..."


  "So Mo Chaosheng has lost his memory?!"

  The cell phone on the table buzzed, and everyone in the room heard the shocked voice coming from the other side of the ocean.

  Shi Yun elegantly flipped through the fashion magazine in her hand. "To be precise, it is retrograde amnesia caused by concussion, a temporary loss of memory."

  "..." A strange silence followed. "What's the difference between this and amnesia?"

  Shi Yun said slowly, "He has lost his memory and can't remember anything. Our CEO Mo Chaosheng remembers his name, how to get home, and that he is the general manager of Chenyi. He even remembered to handle the documents while in the hospital. He just unfortunately forgot what happened in the past few months and forgot that he has a beautiful, generous, elegant and moving fiancée."

  "After all this time, he's probably forgotten about you?" There was an unceremonious laugh from the other end. "No, isn't this really his revenge for you running away from home and losing contact for more than half a month after you had a fight with him?"

  "To be honest, I've thought about this, but..." Compared to the wanton ridicule from the other side, Shi Yun seemed much calmer. She pointed to the booklet in her hand and said, "How about this color?"

  After getting the answer agreed by the people around him, he continued: "But unfortunately, he did lose his memory."

  The person on the other end heard the noise from her end: "Where are you? Why do I hear Nan Nan's voice?"

  "Shiqing. Song Nan is with me."

  Hearing this name, the man on the other end laughed again, "No, your amnesiac fiancé is still in the hospital. Instead of taking care of him, you went to get a beauty treatment with your bestie. Aren't you a little too careless?"

  Shi Yun said indifferently: "Is it important for a man to have a good face?"

  "No!" Song Nan next to him raised his hands and said firmly.

  Such tacit cooperation caused the other end to fall into speechless silence again.

  "Besides, there are people taking care of her." Shi Yun yawned slowly, "Okay, let's stop talking. You can withdraw your seal."

  "No, I haven't..."

  Shi Yun ruthlessly cut off the conversation before it was even finished. She closed her eyes, changed her position comfortably, and when she heard the female masseuse behind her asking if the force was acceptable, she nodded slightly.

  Song Nan, who was eating fruit, muttered, "You're dead now. Aren't you afraid that Feng Zihang will be unable to resist his curiosity and fly back directly from Los Angeles?"

  "Then let's wait until he comes back. I don't want to recall the embarrassing scene of yesterday anyway."

  Hearing this, Song Nan laughed even more happily.

  Miss Shi was not careless about this accident. She was clearly too embarrassed. After all, whenever she thought of her series of actions yesterday, she thought it was a long-lost interest between them, but in his eyes it was just a stranger chatting up. She wished that Mo Chaosheng would never appear in front of her again.

  "But, what's going on with the woman next to Mo Chaosheng? Have you found out?"

  Shi Yun slowly opened her eyes, and faced Song Nan's curious eyes. She moved her red lips slightly, "Nan Nan, do you think it's possible? This is a melodramatic novel. I'm not the heroine, but the vicious female supporting role who doesn't have much to do."

  Song Nan looked her up and down, then nodded: "It sounds like that. After all, you look like that arrogant and domineering female supporting role who has beauty but no brains."

  Shi Yun: Thank you.

  The author has something to say:

  I'm really, really sorry for my damn procrastination. Actually, I could have resumed updating some time ago, but after thinking about it, it would be better to just write a complete story and post it.

  Chapter 80 Amnesia 2

  Shi Yao and Chu Wanqing had only one child after they got married. As the only daughter of the Shi family, Shi Yun has been the center of attention since she was born. Her father doted on her without limit, and her food, clothing and daily necessities were all exquisite and luxurious. He was very obedient to her. His wealth was so great that even her good friend Song Nan was amazed.

  When learning about the marriage between Shi and Mo, two prominent family businesses in City F, everyone couldn't help but envy Shi Yun's good luck like her mother. Putting aside the Mo Group, the young master of the Mo family is already in charge of the family business at a young age. Not only is his ability so outstanding, but his appearance is also gentle and handsome. He is a young talent praised by everyone of this generation, and is often used as a role model for families to give orders to their younger generations. For example, Young Master Feng Zihang is one of those who suffered greatly from this.

  Although she had heard of Mr. Mo's name for a long time, Shi Yun had never really dealt with him. After all, she had an unreliable mother who liked to take her around the world since she was a child, and she and Mo Chaosheng were a few years older, so naturally she would not see him in the circle where she hung out. Coincidentally, when Mo Chaosheng was studying abroad, she was playing around everywhere. After he returned to China and joined the group, she went abroad to study again. When she graduated and returned to F City, he happened to be transferred overseas. This coincidence led to Shi Yun not even having a clear face of Mo Chaosheng from beginning to end.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(156)
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  So when he learned that the Mo family wanted to form an alliance, although he knew that family marriage was his responsibility, after all, since Young Master Mo would be his partner for decades to come, Shi Yun couldn't help but have some concerns. But when the two families had a formal dinner together, he saw that gentle and polite figure, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, the rumors were true, and Young Master Mo's face was indeed handsome.

  After several rounds of negotiations, the engagement process was quickly put forward when both parties reached a consensus and were satisfied with each other. However, no one expected that Mo Chaosheng would lose his memory in an accident during a business trip, and the story took a turn at this time.

  Shi Yun always thought that she had gotten the script of a rich and successful heroine, but when she saw the pure and simple girl next to Mo Chaosheng, she realized that this was not a story of marriage first and love later. The real story was about the love between a rich young man and a Cinderella who crossed classes and went through all kinds of things to finally get married. If they were the destined true love, then she was the spoiled and willful vicious female supporting role in the story. No matter how she messed around, she only fueled the relationship between the hero and heroine.

  Mo Chaosheng was a man of measure. Even though he had no memory of Shi Yun, he would abide by the rules and agreements when he learned that he had a fiancée. But perhaps love was the most unsolvable thing. When he realized that he liked Tangning, he would listen to his heart. Even in the face of Mo Qishan's rage, he still insisted on his feelings.

  Miss Shi had the best of everything since she was a child. She was not tolerant and had no big heart. She could not tolerate any grain of sand in her eyes. So when Mo Chaosheng proposed to cancel the engagement and said he would make amends, she decisively gave him a loud slap in the face and got out of this bloody true love story without hesitation.

  It was already afternoon when Shi Yun arrived at the hospital after finishing her makeup. She walked to the private ward in her high heels. The door was half-open. She was about to knock on the door but stopped because of the conversation in the room.

  "In the past two years, the Mo Group has gradually expanded into the jewelry industry. Before that, the jewelry industry in City F was dominated by Shi's Jewelry. Because of the transactions, both parties wanted to deepen their friendship."

  Assistant Chen was introducing the background of the relationship between the Mo and Shi families to Mo Chaosheng. Shi Yun put down his hands and listened to the sounds in the room, but his thoughts gradually wandered. Mo Chaosheng had lost his memory for half a year due to a blow to his head, and these half a year happened to be the time when their two families decided to marry.

  So, as luck would have it, she was the only one he forgot.

  "Before the two families had a dinner together, Mr. Mo and Miss Shi had actually met each other."

  The marriage between the Shi and Mo families was a great help to each other, but unlike the Shi family, which only had Shi Yun as its daughter, the Mo family had more than one young master, Mo Chaosheng. The head of the Mo family, Mo Qishan, was a playboy by nature, and he married a new wife not long after Mo Chaosheng's mother, Madam Mo, passed away. The interesting thing was that the new wife already had a boy by her side when she got married, and the child was only one year younger than Mo Chaosheng.

  The Mo Group is a huge enterprise. Now the two sons have grown up and hold important positions in the group. Although Mo Yu is much inferior to Mo Chaosheng in terms of ability, Mo Qishan loves the youngest son more, so there are naturally different opinions about who will hold the power of the Mo family.

  Not only the eldest young master Mo Chaosheng attended the dinner that day, but the second young master of the Mo family was also present.

  But after Yun greeted the elders one by one, when she was introduced to the two tall and handsome men behind them, she felt sad when she saw the man who walked forward first.

  The two greeted each other politely, and smiled at each other in a way that only they could understand.

  They have seen it.

  Shi Group is involved in a wide range of industries. Although Shi Yun is not very interested in business and finance, he will also invest some of his spare money in financial management. Not long ago, an art exhibition was held on the third floor of the exhibition hall of the business center. Shi Yun also went to the exhibition on the opening day. The exhibition was the paintings of Mu Lan, a well-known young painter from F University. He had just won the international award of Aier. Many people came to the exhibition because of his fame, so the exhibition was naturally crowded.

  Shi Yun was strolling leisurely among the crowd and picked up a painting at random, but was told by the staff that it had been bought by someone else. Fortunately, she was just there to join in the fun and didn't care. But just when she was about to leave, the painting was delivered to her.

  At that time, the man in the gray windbreaker was standing not far away and smiled at her gently. Assistant Chen, who came forward to give her the painting, told her that such a good painting should be kept in the hands of people who like it.

  He knew that she was the investor behind the exhibition, so when he gave her the money, he also considerately presented her with the paintings.

  She was not some naive young lady. She was more familiar with the rules of adulthood than anyone else. So when she saw Mo Chaosheng at the dinner table, she instantly understood his actions that day and realized that he was coming for her. In this marriage for the sake of interests, he was the first to show his sincerity, and she always liked smart people.

  Mo Chaosheng in the room also understood the whole story from Assistant Lin's words. From the very beginning, he took the initiative to approach her with a purpose, and the subsequent developments were as he wished.

  Mo Chaosheng was flipping through the documents in his hand, but suddenly remembered the first time he saw his fiancée, whom he had no memory of, after he woke up yesterday. Shi Yun had a delicate and beautiful appearance. She appeared suddenly and her subsequent actions were also abrupt, but Mo Chaosheng still remembered her face, a strange but bright face.

  He paused for a moment.

  And those eyes, Shi Yun's eyes are very beautiful willow-shaped eyes, with a slender shape, and when she is expressionless, she gives people a sense of indifference, as if she doesn't care about anything. Especially when she gets angry and questions herself, she still smiles, but her eyes are full of mockery, which is obviously an overly noble and arrogant attitude, but it doesn't make people feel disgusted when it appears on her face.

  She was the same delicate and delicate young lady as imagined, but she was also more charming and attractive than expected.

  After Assistant Chen explained the whole story clearly, he looked at the silent and absent-minded man in front of him and said hesitantly: "Mr. Mo, the doctor just said that the brain condition is quite special, and this lost memory may never be remembered."

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(157)
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  Mo Chaosheng came back to his senses and said calmly: "Forget it if you can't remember."

  It was not a surprising answer. He had only lost half a year's worth of memory, and it would not affect his normal life, so he naturally did not care.

  "But Miss Shi..." Assistant Chen seemed to be hesitant to speak.

  Mo Chaosheng suddenly remembered something and interrupted him: "When will the meeting with Yamei start?"

  Assistant Chen immediately replied: "Half an hour later."

  Mo Chaosheng seemed to want to say something, but he heard a knock on the door the next second. He and Assistant Chen looked over and saw the protagonist of the previous topic walking in leisurely.

  Shi Yun walked with an elegant and calm posture, gently lifting the long hair beside her ear as she walked. As she passed by him, she brought a refreshing fragrance to his nose.

  Mo Chaosheng, who was sitting on the sofa, subconsciously looked at the wavy curly hair. Logically, he should not notice such details of the hairstyle, but he vaguely remembered that someone seemed to have black curly hair yesterday.

  Now, his hair is dull green.

  Beautiful and eye-catching.

  Then he heard her pleasant and direct voice asking.

  "Why don't you listen to what others are saying?"

  Shi Yun did not hide the fact that he had just heard their conversation at the door, and questioned Mo Chaosheng the moment he sat down on the sofa.

  As soon as these words were spoken, the room fell silent. Facing Shi Yun's frank and straightforward gaze, Mo Chaosheng seemed to notice her seriousness. He did not explain anything, but looked at the embarrassed assistant beside him.

  "What did you mean to say?"

  Assistant Chen, who suddenly became the focus, had a blank mind for a moment, and then he said awkwardly: "I want to say it, but Miss Shi will be unhappy. If Miss Shi is unhappy, you, Mr. Mo, will also feel troubled because you like Miss Shi very much."

  Assistant Chen didn't have time to organize his thoughts and just unconsciously said what was in his heart. Looking at the stunned expressions of the two people on the sofa, he suddenly had the urge to cry. He shouldn't be so straightforward.

  Mo Chaosheng was silent for a moment, then his gaze slowly moved to Shi Yun's face.

  Shi Yun, who reacted first, was smiling. Noticing his gaze, he waved his hands and said, "Why are you looking at me? I didn't teach him to say that. But..."

  Her smile became more and more exaggerated: "Although this is the first time I've heard such a thing, it is true."

  About the fact that he liked her very much.

  The atmosphere fell into a stalemate again. Mo Chaosheng looked at the pair of smiling eyes in front of him. Perhaps because Shi Yun's tone was too familiar and matter-of-fact, he actually felt helpless out of habit, "Why are you here?"

  "I came to visit my fiancé." Shi Yun was still confident, but the next second, he changed the subject, "Also, I want to tell you that the engagement is cancelled first."

  According to the original schedule, they were going to get engaged in half a month.

  Although Mo Chaosheng's expression was not as shocked as Assistant Chen's, there was still a flash of surprise in his eyes. "Why?" He thought about something and added, "If it's because of my amnesia, I don't think it will affect our relationship."

  He was a little puzzled. From his understanding and Assistant Chen's words, he could tell that this marriage was largely a family marriage of responsibility. There was only pure interest and no feelings between them. Knowing this, he felt it didn't matter if he couldn't remember it.

  "But I think it's unfair." Shi Yun smiled nonchalantly. Facing Mo Chaosheng's still confused eyes, she did not continue to explain. Instead, she stood up with her bag. She looked towards the door and spoke in a light tone.

  "I left, and someone just happened to come."

  He followed her gaze and saw Tang Ning standing at the door, looking a little embarrassed while holding a lunch box.

  Chapter 81 Amnesia 3

  The lights in the manor in the suburbs of City F were brightly lit; the annual charity dinner was being held.

  All kinds of expensive vehicles are driving on the winding mountain road outside the manor. The silent mountain forest cannot cover the hustle and bustle of the traffic. It looks more lively than the city. The guests who come in one after another are all wealthy aristocrats. What is more dazzling than the exquisitely decorated banquet is the people in the room with beautiful hair, fragrance of clothes and jewels.

  Mo Chaosheng arrived not too late. As soon as he stepped onto the steps, people came up to him to greet him and talk to him. He nodded and greeted them one by one. He was holding a glass of red wine in his hand when he heard a commotion behind him.

  The car stopped in front of the garden. As soon as the door opened, Mo Chaosheng recognized the person he had seen at home not long ago. However, he clearly remembered that Mo Yu had left home before him, so why was he late?

  Mo Chaosheng took a sip of wine and lost some interest. He was about to look away, but he paused when he saw the next person getting off the car.

  In the late autumn night, the cool breeze rustled, and even in a suit one could feel the chill. But the woman was wearing a tube top dress, with purple silver ornaments on her ears and her hair swaying in the evening breeze. She stood beside the car and let go of the gauze skirt in her hand, and the hem of her skirt fluttered.

  Looking at the figure facing the wind, Mo Chaosheng's mind moved slightly, and then, the next second, Mo Yu beside her had considerately and gently draped a shawl around her. Shi Yun tightened the shawl, turned his head and said something to him, and both of them smiled.

  The pictures of handsome men and beautiful women are always pleasing to the eye.

  Not only he saw this scene clearly, but all the guests at the banquet also took it in. Only after that cold and noble figure walked into the hall did they dare to gather together and discuss it out loud.

  The news that the engagement party originally scheduled for the Mo family was cancelled had long been known to the whole city. However, although the engagement was cancelled, the two families did not seem to give up the intention of marriage. Now, looking at the attentive attitude of the second young master Mo, it is inevitable that people will wonder whether the protagonist of the final marriage will change.

  Although they came together, when Song Nan appeared, Mo Yu was very tactful and took the initiative to leave, leaving them some space to be alone.

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(158)
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  Compared to the covert gazes of others, Song Nan, as a close friend of the person involved, was quite outspoken. She looked at the man who was slowly walking away, stroking her chin with approval.

  "I have to say that the Mo family's genes are very good. Both of their sons are handsome." Song Nan nudged Shi Yun with his elbow and winked, "If you want to change this, I think it's not a problem."

  "It's just that Mo Yu looks a little thin. I wonder how his health is." After all, other skills are also very important.

  At the magnificent banquet, Shi Yun listened to Song Nan's words, regardless of whether it was meat or vegetables, and even rolled his eyes elegantly in between eating.

  Song Nan, who had successfully provoked Shi Yun's contempt, laughed even more happily, but his tone became more serious, "But have you really changed your mind? Because of that woman? Didn't you say that apart from the old man's surgery, the others were not arranged by Mo Chaosheng?"

  There is a reason why Assistant Chen can stay with the demanding and meticulous Mo Chaosheng. When Mr. Mo was a little dazed after Shi Yun left, he cleverly chased after Shi Yun and explained everything clearly to him.

  Mo Chaosheng had an accident while on a business trip to Yucheng. He fell down a hillside and was rescued by a passerby in the village, Tang Ning. Because of the impact on his brain, Mo Chaosheng's memory was a little confused when he first woke up. After he recovered his memory, he contacted Chen Zhu and returned to City F. Because of Tang Ning's help, he arranged surgery when he learned that Tang Ning's grandmother was ill but had no money to treat her.

  Originally, the problem should have been solved after the successful operation, but Mrs. Mo said that it was a life-saving favor after all, and that it was too pitiful for the two of them to depend on each other, so she arranged for Tang Ning to join the group as a secretary.

  Although this reason sounds kind and gentle, considering Madam Mo's position and Mo Yu's attentive attitude, only Mo Qishan is willing to believe her intentions. Although Madam Mo's trick is not brilliant, it is indeed effective. Later, Mo Chaosheng was indeed moved by Tang Ning's independence and strength. He was moved by this person who was still tenacious and optimistic in difficult situations and had a rare kindness and filial piety. Even though he knew the value of the marriage between the Mo and Shi families, he still chose true love without hesitation.

  "No." Shi Yun said calmly, "It's because I'm still angry."

  "What?" Song Nan was stunned, and then she realized what she was referring to. "No way, grandma, you are still thinking about this. Not to mention that Mo Chaosheng has lost his memory and he definitely won't remember that you were quarreling. As for you, I don't believe you can still remember why you are angry with him now."

  If they were good friends who had been hanging out together since childhood, Song Nan's understanding of Shi Yun would almost catch up with her own. Just based on the enthusiasm of this young lady's circle of friends during her overseas trip, she was sure that she had completely forgotten the reason for the quarrel.

  “I don’t remember.”

  She just said it.

  But Song Nan still underestimated the shamelessness of his childhood friend.

  "But it doesn't stop me from being angry."

  Song Nan looked at Shi Yun's pretty face with a righteous look on her face, and silently expressed his blessings to the two young masters Mo Chaosheng and Mo Yu. Our Miss Shi is not someone who is easy to deal with, and there will be a lot of fun to watch.

  As expected, after the auction started, Shi Yun was in low interest throughout the whole process and was only busy chatting about gossip with Song Nan. It was not until the third to last item came out that her eyes lit up slightly.

  The item for auction was placed in the glass box on the auction table. It was a dazzling purple diamond necklace. Shi Yun touched the necklace around his neck and felt that compared to the other necklace, the one on the table was more suitable for his outfit.

  Thinking of this, her hand moved and was about to raise the sign, but she heard Mo Yu's voice.

  "Eight hundred thousand!"

  Shi Yun looked over and saw Mo Yu holding a sign and looking at her. The moment she looked over, he smiled. With this smile, Shi Yun understood what he meant and let go of the sign.

  Tsk... Song Nan obviously also noticed the dark waves flowing and blinked at Shi Yun. It seems that the second young master Mo is quite attentive.

  Charity auctions are all about the thought behind the gesture, and with Mo Yu's determined attitude, even those who were somewhat fond of the necklace would just compete for a few rounds and then stop.

  Just when the item was about to be sold for three million, a completely unexpected voice suddenly rang out.

  "five million."

  This sound attracted everyone in the room to look over. After seeing the person who made the sound, everyone's expressions became even more strange and unpredictable.

  Shi Yun looked at Mo Chaosheng, who was sitting in the back, with his eyes flickering slightly. Even though everyone's eyes were focused on him, he remained calm and collected, leaning against the back chair with a calm expression. He didn't look at anyone, but just looked at the auctioneer on the stage calmly.

  Such an unexpected event made Song Nan, who was feeling a little sleepy, suddenly alert. She looked at Mo Yu, whose face was slightly gloomy, and then at Mo Chaosheng, who was as still as a mountain, and could not help but move closer to Shi Yun.

  The tone was excited: "We just said that this drama is exciting!"

  Shi Yun, who had already withdrawn her gaze, tugged at her shawl, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said nothing.

  Three million is already a high price for a necklace like this, and the price of five million really depends entirely on the auctioneer's taste. After Mo Yu raised the price again and Mo Chaosheng followed suit, everyone realized that Mo Chaosheng was not joking on a whim, and no matter how unwilling he was, he had to give up.

  In the end, Mo Chaosheng bid six million and won the auction item.

  After the auction, Shi Yun just stood up when two people walked towards her from different directions, one with hurried steps, while the other walked slowly and calmly.

  Mo Yu walked up to Shi Yun first, smiling gently: "Ayun, shall I take you home?"

  Song Nan, noticing that the atmosphere was a bit weird, sat back in his seat silently and swallowed the words he was about to ask Shi Yun whether he wanted to go back with him.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(159)
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  Shi Yun looked at Mo Yu and before he could speak, Mo Chaosheng slowly walked up to them. Although he didn't say anything, his aura could not be ignored.

  "Brother." Mo Yu greeted with a smile, but secretly took a step closer to Shi Yun.

  Mo Chaosheng looked at the two people standing side by side in front of him, nodded coldly to Mo Yu, and then looked at Shi Yun, "Do you have time to chat?"

  As they got closer, the beauty and charm on Shi Yun's face became even more dazzling. The fatigue from a night of banquet did not diminish her beauty at all, but instead added a bit of laziness and casualness between her eyebrows.

  Hearing his words, she raised her eyebrows and agreed.

  The two of them walked to the side. Song Nan, who was sitting, glanced at Mo Yu's clenched fist, responded to the forced smile he gave her with a polite smile, and then immediately left the battlefield under the pretext of going to the bathroom. The moment he turned around, he took out his mobile phone and typed quickly.

  Song Nan: Feng Zihang, you don’t know what drama you missed! ! ! !

  Mo Chaosheng and Shi Yun didn't talk for long, and the next second after the conversation ended, Mo Yu, who was waiting not far away, walked forward with a warm smile on his face.

  "I'm sending Ayun back home, do you want to come with me?"

  Faced with Mo Yu's stiff enthusiasm, Mo Chaosheng remained silent. Their relationship was not close. If they were not outside, Mo Chaosheng probably would not even bother to look at him.

  So in the end, it was Shi Yun who answered him, "No need."

  Hearing Shi Yun's refusal, Mo Yu's smile finally faded, but his tone was still gentle: "Are you going to send A Yun back?"

  "No." Shi Yun shook his head and looked down at his vibrating phone. "It's Feng Zihang."

  The two men were stunned. Then they heard the sound of a speeding car outside the garden. They saw the red Ferrari speeding towards them from a distance, and stopped at the door with a sharp brake sound.

  As the car stopped, everyone could see the handsome and affectionate face clearly, and some girls even let out short exclamations. The man was obviously accustomed to being in the spotlight like this. He casually shook off his hair that was messy from the wind, and glanced at the crowd casually. After discovering the target, his eyes lit up, and he waved to them enthusiastically and whistled frivolously.

  "Baby, here!"

  Shi Yun, who had been smiling when she saw Feng Zihang, stopped smiling after seeing his show-off behavior. She met Song Nan's eyes when he returned to the hall. Her eyes were filled with questions: Who is this person? I don't know him. Did someone take him away?

  How come after not seeing him for so long, this person has become even more coquettish.

  Chapter 82 Amnesia 4

  It was purely because of their friendship of more than ten years that Shi Yun and Song Nan did not turn around and walk away. They walked towards the car reluctantly. Song Nan hooked Shi Yun's hand and curled his lips: "You came here really quickly just to watch the fun."

  She had just finished sending a message to Feng Zihang when this guy came running over in a hurry. He was never so active at other times.

  "That's not the case. Such a good show must be watched live to be fully satisfied." Feng Zihang smiled and waved to the two brothers of the Mo family, but only received a polite smile from Mo Yu in return.

  The other person just looked at them quietly and nodded dignifiedly as a greeting. Feng Zihang looked at him coldly, tutted his lips, and then turned to look at Shi Yun who had just got in the car, "Why do I feel that Mo Chaosheng is looking at me strangely?"

  Shi Yun fastened his seat belt and said casually, "I have lost my memory and may not even remember who you are."

  Unexpectedly, Feng Zihang retorted: "How is that possible? How could he not remember me?"

  Before Shi Yun could reply, Song Nan in the back seat had already retorted skillfully: "He doesn't even remember his fiancée, how could he possibly remember you? How dare you?"

  The forgotten fiancée smiled.

  "That's different. After all, I'm one of the few young talents in F City who can match his status and appearance." Feng Zihang said as he winked at the beautiful woman who was looking at him from a distance, "Look, how destructive this young master's long-awaited appearance is."

  As soon as these words were spoken, Shi Yun and Song Nan both made movements to get out of the car immediately.

  "Ayun." Song Nan ignored Feng Zihang and asked curiously while leaning on the front seat, "What did Mo Chaosheng talk to you about?"

  As soon as these words came out, Feng Zihang, who had been looking outside, turned around. Facing two fierce eyes, Shi Yun said lightly, "He apologized to me."

  The two people said in unison.


  Shi Yun's eyes were filled with smiles, and she tucked her hair behind her ears. She looked at Mo Chaosheng in the distance, who was standing at the door with his hands in his pockets. Mo Yu beside him seemed to be saying goodbye to him, but until Mo Yu left, his eyes were always calmly looking at their position.

  Across the distance, they looked at each other, but couldn't see the expressions on each other's faces.

  At that time, they walked to the corner of the banquet hall. The wind in the hall blew past them. Mo Chaosheng took a step and stood on her right side, just blocking the wind. She looked up at him and fell into his focused eyes.

  "Shi Yun." He called her name, his tone serious, "I'm sorry."

  Shi Yun's eyes froze, as if she understood what he said, and she blinked slowly. She did not respond, but just waited for his explanation.

  "I'm so sorry I forgot about you."

  Her first reaction after hearing this was to find it funny. Shi Yun couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth, but in the next second, her eyes became uncontrollably hot.

  She also didn't expect that he came to her specifically to apologize. Everyone knew that she had a flamboyant personality, and since she learned that he had lost his memory, she had always acted as if she didn't care. Even when she didn't know and saw that there was someone else around him, she was able to maintain the proper decency.

  But only she herself knew that she did not care.

  Who would have thought that she just went on a long trip and her fiancé would lose his memory, and the kind of memory loss that only forgot about herself, but she couldn't blame him, because he was the most innocent unlucky guy in this accident.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(160)
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  The smile on Shi Yun's lips grew wider, but his eyes were flashing with tiny lights.

  The bustling noise of the banquet intertwined around them, and they seemed to be separated into another world. In this world, Shi Yun could only hear his low voice.

  "Although it was not my original intention, I did forget about you. I was not considerate of your feelings when I spoke before. I am very sorry." Mo Chaosheng paused. "It was not my arrangement for Tangning to become my assistant, but it was indeed my fault for not stopping her. I have already transferred her to a position that is more suitable for her. I hope you don't misunderstand me."

  His words were smooth and appropriate, just like his thoughtful arrangements. He admitted his previous negligence and responded immediately after Shi Yun pointed out his emotions. Even if she was deliberately making things difficult, she couldn't find any fault with such an arrangement. Moreover, he was also the victim in this matter.

  He was in a car accident and lost his memory, but he didn't get any comfort from his fiancée. Instead, he had to take care of her mood and feelings.

  Song Nan stroked her chin, "It sounds like our Mr. Mo is quite loyal." Then she pouted, "It's really hard to choose. Mo Yu is not bad either. After all, he was willing to spend a fortune on you at the auction just now, although he still couldn't beat his brother in the end."

  The evening breeze blew Shi Yun's long hair, she curled her lips and said nothing.

  "Didn't you spend all your money?" Feng Zihang said nonchalantly while steering. "I think these two are no good. One of them has no means, the other one has no brains, and they also made our little Ayun suffer."

  Hearing Feng Zihang's words, Shi Yun retracted his gaze and saw the rare seriousness under his casual eyes. He couldn't help but smile, and received the same smile from him in return.

  This so-called business marriage was the best choice for the two families after weighing the pros and cons. For Shi Yun, it was just the most appropriate decision she made among the limited options. But later, it was more than just that.

  As a fiancé, everything Mo Chaosheng did was impeccable. He was a very good lover, and even his occasional indifference was not enough to overshadow his merits. So even though their original intention of meeting each other was not pure, let alone true love, she was truly moved during the days they spent together.

  How can the person you care about not feel wronged?

  Song Nan was still leaning forward, as if thinking about something. Feng Zihang took the time to pat her on the head and said earnestly, "Comrade Xiaonan, I've told you so many times that you can't just look at a man's face."

  "How many times have you been deceived by men? Why don't you have any brains?"

  "Feng Zihang, damn it!"

  Standing on a high place, Mo Chaosheng could feel their laughter and joy even from a distance, as well as the joy and happiness revealed in that exquisite profile.

  The lights on the mountain road were dim, and some distant images from many years ago suddenly popped up in Mo Chaosheng's mind. They were about Shi Yun, but not in the past six months when they met.

  For some inexplicable reason, the old memories were loosened, and fragments appeared in front of him out of thin air. It should be the year before he went abroad. He forgot which business party it was, and they, a group of young people, also attended. They felt lazy about the hypocritical socializing at the banquet, so they walked straight to the balcony.

  The banquet was almost over at that time, and many people were leaving one after another. He seemed to be standing on a high place just like he is now.

  The voices in one place were so cheerful and loud that he, who was standing in a quiet place, subconsciously looked over there. At that time, he saw a profile like this.

  She sat in the man's car, her arm casually leaning on the door, her black straight hair lazy and smooth, the people in the car were joking, and she joined in from time to time. The noisy banquet was not as ostentatious as that place. Maybe he looked at her for a long time, and she glanced in this direction casually while joking.

  The glance from afar was affectionate and cold.

  The next second, her attention was drawn to the person next to her, and he turned back to the hall.

  Years have passed, and this glance seems to overlap with the scene at that time. The cool breeze blew, and the already slightly drunk feeling became more sober. He saw her sitting in that man's car just like before, chatting and laughing with her friends.

  It suddenly dawned on me that what he remembered was the scene that even I didn't care about at the moment. It turned out that he remembered her inadvertently.

  He watched her smile at others, intimately and casually, and suddenly felt some inexplicable emotions in his heart.

  Just like the auction just now, Mo Chaosheng naturally saw through the thoughts of his half-brother. Originally, he would not have taken him seriously, but that day, he didn't know why, as if a surge of anger suddenly arose out of nowhere, and he let his heart go against him.

  He wanted to please Shi Yun, but he didn't want him to get his wish.

  After all, this was his fiancée, wasn't it? Even if he didn't remember it.

  The car was getting farther and farther away, and the sound of car horns whizzing past could be heard from the mountains. However, Mo Chaosheng's ears rang with their conversation at the banquet just now. After hearing his apology, the person in front of him was still smiling, but the emotion in his eyes became a little inexplicable.

  She asked softly, as if jokingly, "Are you apologizing to win me back?"

  This was a question he had thought about before, so the answer was a safe one he had thought of. "I just feel that I should apologize to you and make the necessary explanations. This is not specifically to redeem anything." He paused and said softly, "If you are willing to accept my apology and want to change your mind..."

  "That's good." Shi Yun tilted his head and interrupted him with a chuckle, "But I have no intention of changing my mind."

  Although Mo Chaosheng was somewhat surprised by this answer, he was not too surprised. Even though they had not had much contact after the incident, he could tell that she was not someone who was easy to please.

  Before he could say anything else, he heard her voice again.

  "Because I think it's unfair, not only because I'm the only one who remembers that memory about us."

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(161)
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  Shi Yun looked into his eyes, the smile on his face noble and restrained.

  "Also because you don't like me right now."

  It was not until this moment that he was truly stunned.

  The lights in the banquet hall were brilliant, and the woman in front of him stood in the dark, but her eyes were bright. The earrings beside her ears swayed gently with her movements, and the refracted light passed in front of his eyes, making him a little dazzled.

  Although Shi Yun often looked contemptuous when talking to others, he would habitually look people in the eye. This should be related to his upbringing since childhood. He was arrogant but did not make others feel rude.

  At this moment, she was wrapped in a shawl, hugging her arms, with her head slightly raised. Her neck was slender, her face was arrogant, but her eyes revealed an indescribable seriousness.

  He thought this was a casual affair for the sake of profit, and that neither of the two people in the engagement was serious. There were many couples in this circle who looked like they were in love but were actually not, and many people followed this rule and made the necessary compromises. But at this moment, he never thought that when he saw the smile in Shi Yun's eyes and realized that her eyes were not fake, he began to question for the first time whether his judgment was too rash and casual.

  The following words seemed to confirm his guess.

  He heard Shi Yun's soft but firm voice.

  "Mo Chaosheng, you forgot, so you don't know. Our marriage was not just a simple family marriage before."

  "I like you, and you originally liked me, too."

  Chapter 83 Amnesia 5

  The headquarters of Chenyi Group is located in the most prosperous commercial street in City F. In the high-rise building made of reinforced concrete, people perform their duties in an orderly manner.

  As the door of the conference room opened, a man in a neat dark suit walked out while adjusting his cuffs. Assistant Chen, who was waiting at the door, immediately followed the tall and elegant figure.

  They walked into the office one after another. The assistant who had prepared the coffee in advance closed the door skillfully. Mo Chaosheng sat down, loosened his tie, closed his eyes and continued to listen to Chen Zhu's report.

  After reporting all the work and receiving instructions, Assistant Chen looked at President Mo, who had regained his energy and was looking at the documents. He hesitated for a moment, then said quickly: "The chairman said there will be a family dinner tonight, and he specifically reminded you to remember to go home at night."

  Sure enough, after hearing his words, the man in front of him raised his head from the documents in his hand. He could already feel the chill emanating from the gaze fixed on him.

  After a while, Chen Zhu finally heard a cold reply.


  Chen Zhu breathed a sigh of relief inaudibly, and just when he was about to retire, he was suddenly called again.

  "Chen Ming." Mo Chaosheng called out his name, but in the other's respectful gaze, he suddenly thought of what Shi Yun said that night, and remembered that she was not the only one who said such words.

  He still remembered what someone said in the hospital not long ago, that he liked Miss Shi very much.

  As long as it is a fact, there will always be a basis for it.


  Finally, Mo Chaosheng just whispered "It's okay", waved his hand to indicate that he could leave, and then lowered his head to look at the documents.

  He is used to handling things in a swift and decisive manner, but for things that cause him some trouble and for which he has no solution for the time being, he might as well put them aside until he finds a breakthrough.

  But he didn't expect that this trouble would come to him first.

  In the evening, Mo Chaosheng finished work and returned to the Mo family. As soon as he walked into the hall, he heard a cheerful conversation. He took off his coat and handed it to the nanny, then looked towards the source of the sound, but saw a completely unexpected figure.

  They were walking towards the dining table, two by two, laughing and talking, looking more like a family than he did. She stood beside Mo Yu, and her bright eyes smiled even more deeply when she saw him.

  The first person to greet him was Madam Mo, who said in a gentle tone, "Chao Sheng is back."

  Mo Qishan, who had already walked to the main seat, nodded when he saw him, "You're back, let's eat."

  When it was time to take their seats, Shi Yun took the lead and walked towards Mrs. Mo who was walking to the right. He took the opportunity to sit down beside her while talking to her, which made Mo Yu, who was about to pull out the seat on the left in a gentlemanly manner, pause. Mo Chaosheng, who was walking slowly, then sat down gracefully. He even thanked him when he sat down, which made Mo Yu's face become even stiffer. In the end, he just said awkwardly, "You're welcome."

  Perhaps because Shi Yun was there, Mo Qishan only mentioned a few official matters to Mo Chaosheng when he sat down, and stopped talking when Madam Mo complained in anger. He then started chatting with Madam Mo and Shi Yun about family matters, and Mo Yu at the side also interjected with witty remarks from time to time. At the entire dinner table, perhaps only the silent Mo Chaosheng seemed a little out of place.

  Madam Mo seemed to notice that he was too lonely here, so she stood up and scooped a bowl of soup for him. As she scooped, she said, "Chaosheng seems to have lost some weight recently. Do you still feel unwell after the accident? You don't come back often for meals and we don't know your physical condition. Your father and I are very worried about you."

  "Speaking of that accident, I was planning to invite Miss Tang to our house for dinner today. After all, she is Chaosheng's lifesaver. I heard that her grandmother's surgery was very successful. It's rare to have such a kind and filial child."

  Mo Chaosheng, who was eating, paused what he was doing. At the same moment, he felt a seemingly unintentional glance from the opposite side.

  "Since it's a family dinner, there's no need to invite irrelevant people." Mo Chaosheng slowly turned the spoon in his hand, his tone flat.

  Hearing this, Madam Mo's smile was a little forced. "I worry too much. Let's not talk about this anymore. Drink more soup. I knew you were coming back, so I asked Aunt Zhang to stew it for you."

  But just when she was about to hand the bowl of soup to Mo Chaosheng, Shi Yun next to her suddenly spoke.

  "Aunt, there is abalone in the soup." Shi Yun blurted out, causing Madam Mo to freeze in shock. Others also looked over. Facing everyone's confused expressions, Shi Yun blinked in confusion, "I remember Mo Chaosheng was allergic to seafood. Am I wrong?"

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(162)
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  Hearing Shi Yun's words, Mrs. Mo's expression became even more surprised. She laughed and said, "Xiao Yun, you must have remembered it wrongly. Chao Sheng is not allergic to seafood and was able to eat it before."

  Mo Qishan also echoed, "If he is allergic to seafood, how could his family not know?"

  Because of the engagement, Shi Yun's contacts with the Mo family became more frequent. Mo Qishan and Madam Mo had also come into contact with her several times. Shi Yun would naturally not reveal her true nature in front of her elders, so they just thought that she was a sensible junior who was occasionally a little spoiled. At this time, they really thought that she had remembered it wrong.

  "Is that so?" Shi Yun suddenly realized, and then smiled embarrassedly, "Because Mo Chaosheng never touched seafood before, whether he came to my house or went out with me, I thought he was allergic to seafood."

  She paused, then looked at Mo Chaosheng, her smile as sweet as her voice.

  "So, if he's not allergic to seafood, then he probably doesn't like seafood."

  Mo Chaosheng, who had not said a word since Shi Yun opened her mouth, just looked at her silently. When she looked at him and saw the lively smile in her eyes, his eyes became even more obscure.

  How funny! His family, who he lives with day and night, didn’t even know that he hated seafood. Their understanding of him was not as certain and clear as that of an outsider.

  Then she raised her eyebrows at him, her face full of "I'm right, right?", and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. During those few seconds of staring at each other, there was an interest that only they could understand.

  Then, everyone heard his low and steady voice, "Well, I don't like it."

  Now, the gentle and warm smile on Mrs. Mo's face finally disappeared.

  After dinner, Mo Chaosheng was called to the study by Mo Qishan. Shi Yun accompanied Mrs. Mo for a walk and chat in the backyard, but Mrs. Mo found an excuse to leave while they were walking, leaving only her and Mo Yu.

  They strolled in the garden, chatting casually, but it was obvious that Shi Yun was a little absent-minded. Only when her hand was suddenly held did she come to her senses and feel the warmth wrapped around her hand. She looked at Mo Yu in front of her with affectionate eyes.

  The night was charming, the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers, and the man in front of her had eyes full of affection, but before he could open his mouth, Shi Yun had already pulled his hand away without hesitation.

  In Mo Yu's lost eyes, Shi Yun raised his eyebrows with interest: "Have you forgotten that the person who is married to me is not you?"

  Mo Yu pursed his lips slightly, but his eyes remained stubborn: "I know, it's just that I like you."

  "Since I met you, I have thought about it countless times. If Mo Chaosheng can do it, why can't I?" He lowered his eyes slightly, and even his tone became fragile. "Do you also think that I can't compare to him?"

  Although they are half-brothers, Mo Chaosheng and Mo Yu both look more like their mother, one is noble and elegant, the other is gentle and graceful. Compared with Mo Chaosheng's coldness, Mo Yu's eyebrows are more gloomy. In such a quiet night, he frowns slightly and his eyes are a little sad. If it was Song Nan, he would have softened his heart long ago.

  Shi Yun just crossed his arms, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and answered without hesitation: "Yes."

  Hearing her answer, Mo Yu raised his head in surprise, a trace of gloom flashed across his face uncontrollably, but then he revealed a hurt smile.

  But in the next second, that smile froze there.

  "You don't need to keep pretending. You're so angry that you're almost dying, but you still want to smile at me." Shi Yun said bluntly, "Because even if you are very unwilling, you really can't compare to him."

  "Mo Yu, what do you think of me as? A bargaining chip to compete with your brother for your father's attention? Or an exhibit worthy of your status?"

  Being exposed so mercilessly, the smile on Mo Yu's face gradually disappeared, replaced by confusion: "Even if my motives are not pure, he is the same as me."

  Family marriages and business cooperation are not all driven by interests. This is true for him, and so is Mo Chaosheng.

  "It's different. It's always been different. Trading and cooperation are two different things." Shi Yun's eyes became colder and colder, and that bright face seemed to be covered with frost. "Mo Yu, you see others as items to be sold, and others see you the same way. From the beginning to the end, it is you who looks down on you."

  As she spoke, Mo Yu's face became more gloomy, but Shi Yun didn't care at all. He walked up to him and raised his chin teasingly with his slender fingers.

  "Moreover, young master, is this your sincerity towards your partners? When you were hugging another woman and boasting about it in Qiyou, and betting that you could win me over within a month, you should have been prepared for today, right?"

  It was not until this moment that Mo Yu truly understood why she had been playing along with him these days and why she was so ruthless today. Compared to other high-sounding words, this was the real reason.

  As everyone knows, Miss Shi has always been a vengeful person.

  Knowing that Shi Yun would not let him suffer any loss, Feng Zihang stopped the furious Song Nan after learning about this. He said, "I think our Shi Yun prefers to do it herself, so that she can feel more comfortable."

  The next second, a loud slap was heard in the garden.

  Shi Yun shook his hands and said, "Mo Yu, I admit defeat and the bet is over."

  However, the gloomy-faced man in front of her didn't seem to have any intention of letting it go. He suddenly grabbed her hand. Shi Yun, who was about to turn around, faltered because of the sudden force.

  No way, so tasteless?

  Looking at Mo Yu's livid face, Shi Yun remained calm, but he couldn't help feeling a little guilty. At this moment, another voice sounded out of nowhere.

  "Mo Yu, don't embarrass yourself."

  Shi Yun looked at the man in front of him, looked at his wrist which was vaguely wrapped around him, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

  Chapter 84 Amnesia 6

  After Mo Yu left, Mo Chaosheng turned around and looked at the person behind him, "Are you okay?"

  His eyes fell on her wrist. There was a light red mark on her fair wrist, but what was more eye-catching were the ten bright red nails. When he saw the nails, he couldn't help but think of the loud slap just now and her dashing and heroic posture.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(163)
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  "My hand is fine." Shi Yun turned her wrist carelessly and lowered her head to look down at her feet. Before Mo Chaosheng could follow her gaze, she had already raised her head, "But my foot seems to be sprained."

  Mo Chaosheng then noticed that her posture was a little strange. She must have accidentally twisted her foot while pulling, but there was nothing unusual on the surface.

  Shi Yun, whose feet were being stared at, did not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he frowned at his silence. "What are you looking at? Do you think I'm lying to you?"

  "No." Mo Chaosheng raised his eyes, and seeing her puffed up expression, he unexpectedly smiled, a smile that even he himself found unexpected. His smile was somewhat helpless, "Do you want to support you or..."

  What followed was self-evident, because his attitude was so good that it seemed that her temper was a little bad, but Shi Yun's shame only flashed across her mind, and then she looked into the distance and measured the distance in her mind.

  Then, he opened his hand without hesitation.

  Seeing this, Mo Chaosheng tactfully bent down and gently picked her up.

  But when Yun put her hand on his neck, as her body was lifted up and swayed, her necklace that was originally covered by her clothes also swayed out.

  A purple light flashed before his eyes, and when he saw the familiar necklace, Mo Chaosheng paused subconsciously.

  The person he was holding also noticed his strangeness, raised her head, and found where his gaze was resting. She couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth, then took back one hand and picked up the diamond, stroking it with interest. As she moved, Mo Chaosheng's gaze slowly moved to her face and he saw the smile flashing in her eyes.

  Shi Yun deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was telling a secret, "Mo Yu probably thought I was doing this just to tease him, but that's not the case. He's not worth my effort."

  Mo Chaosheng looked at the girl in his arms. The bright moonlight shone on her jade-like face. Even more eye-catching than her bright and delicate face were her bright and cunning eyes.

  Only when he was so close to her did he notice that she had a small mole under her right eye. When she smiled, the tail of her eye turned up, and the mole under her eye highlighted the charm in her eyes.

  His breathing stagnated, and he lowered his voice and asked, "Why is that?"

  Then he heard her clear laughter.

  Shi Yun did not answer, but loosened the necklace in his hand and asked him with a raised eyebrow: "Is it beautiful?"

  Mo Chaosheng's eyes swept across the necklace and her delicate collarbone, and he said calmly, "Very beautiful." Then he added, "It suits you very well."

  This was his thought when he was sitting in the audience and saw the necklace for the first time. The reality was exactly as he had imagined.

  Because she is dazzling enough, no matter how luxurious and expensive the jewelry is, it will not steal the show on her, but will only highlight her beauty.

  Hearing Mr. Mo's honest answer, Shi Yun raised his chin slightly in satisfaction and said in a proud and noble tone: "I think so too."

  She spoke proudly and her legs shook subconsciously, showing her master's happy mood.

  Mo Chaosheng tightened his grip slightly, holding the person in his arms more securely.

  Perhaps the body and the brain do not share the same memory. Unlike the brain without Shi Yun at all, his body seemed to retain memories of her. He did not feel uncomfortable at all while holding her in his arms, as if he had held her like this many times before.

  And she seemed to be accustomed to it as well.

  After such a commotion, the task of sending Miss Shi home naturally fell on Mo Chaosheng without a doubt. On the way back, Mo Chaosheng glanced at Shi Yun who was skillfully changing the car music, and his fingers tapping on the steering wheel from time to time.

  Then, in the interval between the music changes, he casually said: "So, how come you don't know that I don't like seafood?"

  Shi Yun, who was playing with his phone, didn't even raise his head, "You told me."

  The prelude to the next song sounded, passionate and cheerful, just covering the silence in the car.

  After Shi Yun sent the message, she realized what question he had just asked. She raised her head thoughtfully, but only saw someone's calm profile. He was looking intently at the road ahead, as if the question was just a casual question, and he didn't care much about the answer.

  "Aren't you curious? Why would you tell me about your preferences?" Shi Yun put down his phone and stretched out his voice, "After all, it's hard for you to reveal your true thoughts."

  Mo Chaosheng glanced to the side calmly and saw someone's smiling face. Her tone was so confident that he inexplicably felt like he was being seen through.

  Then, he followed up with, “Well, why?”

  His words made Shi Yun's smile deepen. She held her chin with her hand, her eyes and eyebrows smiling.

  "Because..." She deliberately dragged out her tone and pretended to be mysterious, causing the driver to look at her again, and then slowly said: "I can see through all your disguises."

  Hearing this answer, Mo Chaosheng smiled and nodded, "So that's how it is."

  From his tone, it can be heard that he didn't take it seriously. Shi Yun was deflated: "Okay, I was just kidding."

  But because she was in a good mood, Miss Shi didn't keep the secret. She thought for a moment and said, "When we first went out on a date, I told you about the things I avoided eating, but when I asked you, you just smiled and said no."

  "But one time when we went to eat Japanese food, the ingredients were very fresh, but you barely touched the food, so I asked you if you didn't like Japanese food, and then you told me that you didn't like seafood. You probably sensed that I was a little unhappy, so you explained that you just didn't like it, not that you were avoiding it, and you could still eat it."

  It wasn't a particularly special story, and Shi Yun's narration was plain and straightforward. Mo Chaosheng could tell that this was indeed the truth.

  Shi Yun is a person who is easy to see through. Her emotions are always shown on her face. Even Mo Chaosheng, who is not familiar with her, can tell what she likes and dislikes. Just like when she is with Mo Yu, if Mo Yu is not so self-righteous, he can find that even during those days when she was pretending to be nice to him, her smile is completely superficial.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (164)
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  But it makes sense. Given her identity, she doesn't need to pretend, and she doesn't bother to pretend. She is a child who grew up being spoiled by love, and her world is always beautiful, so she doesn't need to rack her brains to get everything she wants, and she can naturally turn her face to people and things she hates.

  Such a genuine and casual person probably can't stand others' hypocrisy. Mo Chaosheng held the steering wheel. Logically speaking, she shouldn't like him. Because even if he knew her personality, it didn't mean he would let down his guard according to her preferences.

  They were people who acted differently but were equally stubborn, but strangely, he could feel that she treated him differently.

  Then he heard what she said next.

  "I know you mean it when you say it's okay." Shi Yun said this with a slight pout. "If it were any other day, it wouldn't be a big deal, but on a day like today, I have to force myself to eat something I don't like. How uncomfortable that is."

  Mo Chaosheng was stunned, and before he could react, Shi Yun suddenly looked forward.


  The car slowly stopped at the door of the villa, but when Mo Chaosheng was about to speak, the person in the passenger seat had already impatiently unbuckled his seat belt and wanted to get out. Seeing this, he had no choice but to get out first and walk around to the side door, bending down and trying to carry her out.

  But Shi Yun stepped back slightly, and facing his puzzled look, he stretched out his hand.

  "Just hold on."

  Mo Chaosheng naturally had no objection to this. He put his arm around her waist in a gentlemanly manner and helped her walk slowly towards the villa. Perhaps because he was still thinking about his doubts just now, he did not notice the joy hidden in the slightly drooping eyes of the person next to him.

  Arriving at the door of the villa, Mo Chaosheng finally spoke, but he was interrupted as soon as he called her name.

  "Wait a minute, we can talk later if you have anything to say."

  Shi Yun tightened her hand on his arm. Mo Chaosheng raised his eyes and saw that she put her other hand to her mouth and shook her head at him.

  Looking at her sparkling eyes, he obediently closed his mouth and followed her instructions, walking back along the path. The trees beside the cobblestone path were hung with warm and colorful lights. The further they went in, the clearer the voices and music became.

  He already had a vague guess in his mind.

  When they arrived at their final destination, there was a warm bonfire and twinkling colored lights beside the lawn, the barbecue was slowly turning and the smoke of cigarettes was slowly rising on the barbecue grill, and men and women in the garden were scattered in every corner. When they appeared, they all looked at them with a smile without exception.

  Feng Zihang, who was toasting with others, said with a smile: "The protagonist of the evening has appeared." He raised his hand and gestured, and the singing stopped.

  Mo Chaosheng looked at the lively crowd in front of him, and couldn't help but lower his eyes to look at the person beside him, and met her smiling eyes.

  "Happy birthday, Mo Chaosheng."

  Following her soft and pleasant voice, the crowd began to cheer, and everyone shouted Happy Birthday in unison. The band in the corner picked up their instruments again. Amid the cheerful songs, the emotions in Mo Chaosheng's eyes seemed to be infected by this atmosphere. He showed a genuine smile on his face and whispered, "Thank you."

  "You're welcome."

  Shi Yun smiled, loosened her hand on him, stepped back with her injured foot, lifted up the non-existent hem of her skirt with both hands, bent her knees slightly, and performed a graceful princess salute.

  Then she raised her head and winked at him playfully: "I'm going to change my clothes."

  Everyone at the banquet was familiar friends. As the birthday boy, Mo Chaosheng accepted everyone's blessings. However, no matter who came to him, no one offered him a drink. They just clinked glasses symbolically. The air was filled with the rich aroma of wine.

  In the end, it was someone close to him who helped him solve his doubts.

  "Our eldest lady Shi said that we are not allowed to bully the birthday boy, so as to avoid causing your stomach disease to relapse."

  Mo Chaosheng was stunned and subconsciously shook the wine glass in his hand. He looked at the dark liquid, somewhat confused about what the emotions rising in his chest meant at this moment.

  The friend clinked glasses with him and said, "It's not like that. Didn't they say your engagement was cancelled? I thought you two had already..." The friend moved closer, his eyes ambiguous, "Now it doesn't look like that."

  Mo Chaosheng curled his lips and did not answer, but just raised his head and took a sip of wine.

  To be honest, even he, the person involved, couldn't see clearly what Shi Yun was thinking. However, although there were still many doubts that had not been resolved, at this moment his heart still felt indescribably light.

  This feeling of lightness had already emerged when he heard her conversation with Mo Yu, and it continued to grow stronger and stronger along the way. Finally, at the moment when Shi Yun said happy birthday, there was a loud bang, and it exploded like a huge firework in his heart.

  No one will not feel happy because of such serious treatment, especially after making a comparison.

  He has always been an introverted person. Although he was happy in his heart, there was only a faint smile between his brows. His expression was clearly seen by Feng Zihang who was walking towards him, causing him to couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

  Feng Zihang looked at Mo Chaosheng, who looked up when he noticed his approach, but he didn't say any more greetings.

  "Ayun is looking for you."

  The lively ballad came to an abrupt end, replaced by the melodious piano music.

  Chapter 85 Amnesia 7

  The piano is located in the corner of the garden. The star lights on the trees are flickering. The person is wearing a silver-white long dress, and his fingers are dancing gracefully and deftly on the keys.

  When everyone saw the person playing the piano, their eyes turned back to Mo Chaosheng tacitly, with a look of good-natured mockery in their eyes.

  Feng Zihang was the first to half-bend down and stretch out his hand towards Song Nan who had returned to the garden. As they spun into the crowd, the men and women next to them also linked arms with each other and danced to the music.

  But Mo Chaosheng just held the champagne in his hand, walked through the dancing figures, and looked at the figure shrouded in the moonlight.

  He looked at her quietly for a long time, until the song was nearing its end, then he walked towards her, and when the last note fell, he stood in front of her.

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(165)
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  The girl playing the piano gracefully withdrew her hand, looked up and smiled, the moonlight and the colored lights intertwined to form a gorgeous halo that fell on her fair face, inevitably causing some distortion.

  This caused Mo Chaosheng, who was about to speak, to get stuck unexpectedly.

  Shi Yun didn't pay attention to his silence, but glanced at the dance floor behind him, her eyelashes fluttering, "Actually, I wanted to dance with you, but..." But then she smiled again, "Fortunately, it's always good to have many skills."

  If you can’t dance, you can still play the piano.

  Hearing her words, Mo Chaosheng came back to his senses. He leaned forward slightly, looked at her seriously and attentively, and whispered, "Thank you."

  He naturally understood what she meant, and he also knew who this evening's arrangement was for.

  "It's better not to say thank you yet." Shi Yun opened his arms to him again, "Can you trouble Mr. Mo to accompany me to a place?"

  Of course Mo Chaosheng would not refuse. He gently picked her up. The band started playing again. People in the dance floor danced more casually and happily. They left the lively banquet quietly.

  "With our Ah Yun's skills, which man wouldn't be tempted?" The two who had already left the dance floor were now sitting in a corner drinking champagne. Song Nan looked at them leaving, and shook his head. "As soon as I saw our President Mo's expression, I knew he was 100% captured."

  Feng Zihang, who was standing next to him, loosened his tie and said, "It's a blessing for him to be cared for by Ayun."


  Mo Chaosheng followed Shi Yun's instructions and slowly walked towards the second floor of the apartment. When he saw the layout of the balcony, his eyes darkened, but he did not stop. After helping Shi Yun to sit down slowly, he walked to the seat opposite her.

  "Candlelight, cake, gifts." Shi Yun, who had already sat down, tilted her head and looked at him with a sweet smile, "And a beautiful female companion."

  "Are you satisfied with this birthday party, Mr. Mo?"

  Mo Chaosheng's gaze moved little by little as she spoke, and finally fell on the delicate and bright face in front of him. His Adam's apple moved, and his voice became low because of complex emotions.

  “Satisfied, very satisfied.”

  After getting his answer, Shi Yun smiled with satisfaction.

  She pushed the cake in front of him. Mo Chaosheng picked up the spoon slowly. Shi Yun noticed his intention and waved his hand to refuse, "I don't want to eat it. I have already tasted many semi-finished products when I made them this afternoon."

  Hearing her words, Mo Chaosheng paused what he was doing and looked up in surprise.

  Shi Yun was amused by the expression on his face: "Do you have to be so surprised? Of course you have to make the birthday cake yourself to show your sincerity." She couldn't stand his slow temper, so she stepped forward, snatched the knife, fork and spoon from his hand, and put a bite to his lips.

  "Try my cooking."

  Seeing the excitement and anticipation in the eyes of the person in front of him, he obediently lowered his head and ate the cake.

  The cream is delicate and melts in your mouth. It has just the right sweetness without being overly sweet.

  He said honestly: "It's delicious."

  "Of course not." Shi Yun raised his chin proudly and put the knife and fork back into his hand. "Since it's delicious, you should eat it all. I specially made only four inches."

  Mo Chaosheng looked at the delicate and small cake in front of him. It wasn’t a very complicated design, but one could see the care that the maker put into it.

  He recalled how he had just seen Shi Yun playing the piano under the lamp. Oftentimes, Shi Yun was like a gorgeous and valuable exhibit in an exquisite display window, perhaps not soft and delicate, but definitely exquisite and beautiful.

  But actually, that’s not the case. Sometimes, she is also soft.

  But she didn't easily reveal her softness to others. Thinking of this, his heart seemed to sink as well.

  Then, he saw the cherry on the cake being taken away by a white hand. He raised his head and saw her leaning her head to put the cherry into her mouth. She noticed his gaze and was not aware of what he had just said.

  Instead, because of his gaze, she thought of something and suddenly spoke.

  "I've been thinking about what kind of gift to prepare for a long time, but I have no idea. Young Master Mo seems to have everything he needs. The only thing he wants is probably the position of power in the Mo Group, which I can't give him. After thinking about it, I decided to hold a birthday party. I always feel that birthdays still need a lot of blessings."

  "This isn't a very special party, and it's certainly not the most luxurious and extravagant birthday, but I can guarantee that there won't be any seafood you don't like, nor will there be any socializing or business, and yes, no Mo Yu either."

  Hearing this, Mo Chaosheng couldn't help but curl his lips.

  She held the cherry pit in her mouth, her words were a little vague, and her tone was solemn: "Mo Chaosheng, this is the birthday party I prepared for you, I hope you like it."

  Obviously, Miss Shi Yun did not have the good character of doing good deeds without leaving a name. She openly expressed her good intentions, hoping that the other party who was treated seriously could accept it.

  "I like it very much. I really like it." He repeated it, wanting to convey his sincere feelings to the person who prepared all this.

  Shi Yun squinted her eyes and smiled proudly and playfully. Mo Chaosheng couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth when he saw her like this.

  "Shi Yun, thank you." Mo Chaosheng looked into her eyes and couldn't help but ask, "Can I know why?"

  He didn't say it clearly, but Shi Yun knew what he was asking.

  Her smile faded a little, and she waved the cherry stem in her hand nonchalantly. Unlike the seriousness just now, her tone became very light now, as if she was trying to hide some emotion.

  "Because I promised Mo Chaosheng that I would spend his birthday with him and give him a surprise. Even though you don't remember it, I don't want to be the one who broke the promise."

  This was an unexpected yet not unexpected answer. Mo Chaosheng slowly tightened his hands holding the knife and fork. He kept looking at her. Shi Yun, who had been looking at him directly from beginning to end, turned her head after saying this and turned her gaze to the lively banquet in the distance.

  Perhaps it was the flickering candlelight and the soft moonlight, the person in front of him seemed to be a little cooler, completely different from his usual high-spirited and arrogant appearance.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(166)
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  Although Mo Chaosheng had already apologized for his amnesia, it was not until this moment that he truly realized the sadness that she had never expressed.

  That memory originally belonged to two people, but now, she is the only one who remembers it.

  Mo Chaosheng slowly put down the fork in his hand, looked at the person who was rarely quiet, called her name softly, and asked the question after she turned her head.

  "So, you like me?"

  His emphasis is not on the word "like" but on the "I" at the end.

  Shi Yun turned around and was stunned for a moment, then he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his eyes curved, and nodded and said: "Yes, I told you. I like Mo Chaosheng."

  Her answer was as frank and direct as ever, and she seemed to have no scruples or hesitations. This was the second time he had heard these words since he woke up. If he had been half-believing and half-doubting before, at this moment, looking into her pure eyes, he no longer had any doubts.

  His eyes became dim. Although the sweet taste of the cake was still in his mouth, he felt inexplicably bitter in his heart. Even the words he spoke carried a sour taste that he was not even aware of.

  He turned the spoon unconsciously and asked in a nonchalant manner, "Like...my previous self...what?"

  But she immediately understood from his tone what he was worried about, and he looked like he couldn't help laughing, and his laughter became louder and louder. In the end, he even laughed so hard that he held his stomach and couldn't breathe. Mo Chaosheng, who was already full of mixed emotions, looked at the person in front of him who was staggering back and forth, and his heart was filled with helplessness.

  After a long while, Shi Yun finally stopped laughing. She wiped away the tears from her laughter, but did not answer the question directly. Instead, she asked, "Mo Chaosheng, do you know what you were like before?"

  The him before... Mo Chaosheng pursed his lips and shook his head.

  "In fact, I didn't have much impression of you before this year. What I did hear was from other people, who said that you were a young and promising young man with a successful career. Anyway, you are not on the same path as us idle dandies. And you know, Feng Zihang always thinks you are hypocritical and pretends to be a good person. After all, he has been hit by you a lot." Speaking of this, Shi Yun's face was full of smiles. "Later, when we got to know each other, I found that what he said was actually right. You are indeed more interesting than the legend. You look bossy and serious, but you are actually quite easy to talk to. Although your personality is not very likable, you are still cute after all."

  Hearing Shi Yun's smile when recalling the past, Mo Chaosheng's eyes became more serious. Although he was clearly being praised, he did not feel happy.

  Then, Shi Yun changed the subject.

  "You asked me what I like about you. Well... I like your youthful spirit and your generosity in spending money."

  Mo Chaosheng, who was originally immersed in his emotions, was slightly stunned and was amused by her words.

  Seeing the smile on his face, Shi Yun also smiled. After a while, she restrained the smile on her face. She held her face and looked at him seriously, "Mo Chaosheng, when I was with you, I felt relaxed and happy. It's the same now. To me, you have always been you, and I like you too."

  Her eyebrows were curved and her tone was intimate.

  "My dear, you have lost your memory but not your mind. Why would you ask such a stupid question?"

  Mo Chaosheng had realized the stupidity of his question when she was halfway through her speech. Such a question was unnecessary. From the beginning to the end, he was still himself, and nothing would change because of losing his memory.


  He sighed softly, looked into her smiling eyes, and admitted his stupidity, "Maybe it's because love makes people stupid."

  Because you care, you will worry about it and can't help but worry about gains and losses.

  Shi Yun's eyes were slightly stunned by such straightforward words, but the corners of her mouth became more and more upturned. She turned the goblet unconsciously with her fingers and hummed with interest: "Hmm?".

  The interest in her eyes was so strong that Mo Chaosheng couldn't help but feel a little helpless, but he still spoke honestly: "Shi Yun, you are right, I should like you too."

  Ha... Shi Yun tilted her head. She clearly remembered that "should" was not her original words.

  "I'm glad you agree with me." She still had a smile on her face, but she said, "It's a pity that I've decided not to like you."

  Perhaps he did not expect to get such an answer after saying that, which made Mo Chaosheng pause, and his eyes revealed a rare look of helplessness and confusion.

  Shi Yun didn't care about his reaction, but raised his eyebrows and pointed at the small gift box on the table with his eyes: "You haven't opened your gift yet."

  She changed the subject so abruptly, so he could only stop talking and open the gift box. However, when he saw the ring in the gift box, he looked up in surprise and did not understand what she meant for a moment.

  "This is our engagement ring." She reminded me, "I'm giving it back to you now."

  He closed the lid without saying anything. He was not a fool, so he could naturally guess that she did not simply mean to return the ring.

  "Mo Chaosheng, I was actually quite happy when I found out you had lost your memory, because I didn't like the beginning of our relationship at all. It was too frivolous and casual. Maybe that's why you forgot me so easily." She shook the wine glass in her hand. Her cheeks were slightly flushed because of the wine, and her eyes were frivolous. "As for the love you said, I believe it, but I also know it doesn't mean much. But fortunately, I feel the same way."

  Her voice was flat but her tone was firm. Mo Chaosheng couldn't help laughing when he heard her words. The seemingly innocent and simple young lady was actually smarter and clearer than anyone else.

  "Perhaps this amount is enough for a deal."

  Relationship is more like a cooperation for them, and the sincerity they give now is already enough to support them to enter into marriage and fulfill the so-called husband-wife obligations.

  "But I want more than that." Shi Yun shook his head and asked softly, "Compared to transactions, I prefer that kind of sincere and wholehearted love. Don't you like it?"

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(167)
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  While she was speaking, his eyes were always looking at her seriously. He did not answer, but he heard his own answer.

  How could I not like it?

  "Of course I can afford what I want, but I don't like to suffer losses, so you know the principle of equal exchange."

  "I know." Mo Chaosheng smiled gently and raised the wine glass on the table: "I should say thank you, thank you for your gift."

  Her gift was not to return the ring, but to give them each other a chance to start over.

  Chapter 86 Amnesia 8

  However, Miss Shiyun always speaks her mind.

  When Mo Chaosheng carried her to the room on the third floor, her gaze slid from his lowered eyes to his high nose bridge, his thin and cold lips, his Adam's apple that rolled as he swallowed, and his shirt that was wrinkled because he was holding her, then turned back and met his half-smile.

  Mo Chaosheng had long noticed the bold and burning gaze of the person in his arms. When they looked at each other, he saw the malicious emotion in her eyes and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

  She slowly tightened her grip around his neck, leaned over to his ear and whispered, "Mo Chaosheng, is the birthday cake I made tonight sweet?"

  A tickling sensation near his ear caused Mo Chaosheng to purse his lips subconsciously, then he nodded honestly.

  "You've been busy for so long." Shi Yun curled his lips, "Is it okay for me to take a little reward?"

  He heard the unusual meaning in her words, but before he could react, she had pulled him closer and kissed his lips. His body subconsciously froze there, and his hands around her suddenly tightened.

  Then, he kissed her back instinctively.

  This was a kiss that was neither long nor short. Even without the memory, he could feel the familiar trembling in his body, and the addiction that he could not stop once it started.

  After finishing, Shi Yun distanced herself from him, her lips and eyes as bright as ever.

  His voice was hoarse. "Are you satisfied? Your reward?"

  "It tastes good." Shi Yun smacked his lips deliberately, "The technique is just so-so."


  Mo Chaosheng asked back in a low voice, and without waiting for her to answer, he took a few steps up the stairs, then put her on the railing, half-supported her waist with one hand and clasped the back of her head with the other, and tilted his head back to kiss her.

  The sweetness of the cake is mixed with the astringency of the wine, strong yet gentle.

  Outside, there were brilliant fireworks and laughter. They kissed in the empty corridor, with only the distant music and each other's entwined breaths in their ears.


  Mr. Mo treats relationships and work with the same vigorous and resolute style. Flowers and high-end fashions appear at the door every morning. He also takes time out of his business trips to accompany her on outings, and gives her her favorite jewelry in a romantic restaurant after watching an opera. Such a high-profile and ostentatious pursuit of style is something that anyone with a discerning eye can tell who he is.

  Although it's tacky, Shi Yun likes it very much.

  As a good friend, Song Nan could only shake her head and sigh, it’s a two-for-one situation. However, when her eyes fell on the figure beside the swimming pool that attracted countless eyes even when lying quietly, she felt that it was too easy for Mo Chaosheng.

  Song Nan swam to the shore, scooped up a handful of water and threw it at Shi Yun, causing Miss Shi, who was sunbathing, to glare at him.

  "Sister, we agreed to have a party in the swimming pool, why are you just lying there the whole time?" Song Nan wiped his hair with the towel thrown by Shi Yun with a smile, and couldn't help but complain.

  Shi Yun half sat up slowly, biting the straw and said, "I'm tired."

  "Come on, you're tired just because you've been in the water. Maybe you're tired from last night." As she spoke, Song Nan's eyes wandered ambiguously over Shi Yun's body. She saw the tender red mark at a glance, but she obviously still underestimated someone's shamelessness.

  Miss Shi didn't even blush and nodded seriously.

  "Well, after all, I'm old and can't stand the hardship."

  Song Nan exclaimed: "Didn't they say that Mo Yu has been full of fighting spirit lately? Young Master Mo is busy fighting openly and secretly during the day, but he is still so energetic at night?"

  "It just shows that Mo Yu is still too young." Shi Yun was calm and composed. The family struggle of the Mo family was in full swing, but Young Master Mo was obviously not affected at all. He even seemed to be getting braver and braver. Thinking of something, she couldn't help but rub her waist.

  Seeing Shi Yun's actions, Song Nan couldn't help but sigh, "But what's the situation now? Although dealing with Mo Yu is not a big deal for Mo Chaosheng, I'm afraid someone is too partial."

  Shi Yun still said calmly: "It's okay. Although Mr. Mo's heart has long been crooked, his brain is still intact."

  Okay, the final winner is beyond doubt.

  Song Nan was about to say something else when she saw Shi Yun suddenly stand up. Before she could react, she was splashed with water. She didn't even need to wipe her face before she heard the culprit's triumphant laughter.

  "What are you talking about? You look so focused, you won't say anything bad about me, right?"

  "Ayun, why didn't you remind me that Feng Zihang is dead! You are dead!"

  When Mo Chaosheng arrived, they had just finished playing and everyone was a mess. They were slumped in the recliners and chatting idly. He saw Shi Yun at a glance. She had her back to him and was skillfully untying her hair with her hands. Her long, half-wet, half-dry hair spread out, instantly covering her graceful figure.

  But this half-covered look made the scenery even more beautiful, causing his breathing to slow down.

  But when he heard their conversation, his charming thoughts disappeared in an instant. He glanced coldly at Feng Zihang who was talking, but met his provocative gaze.

  "I don't think Madam Mo sounds as nice as Madam Feng. Ah Yun, have you forgotten that we agreed before that when you want to get married, we will pick a sunny day to hold a grand wedding."

  Mo Chaosheng paused. Now, even Song Nan noticed his presence. She had a subtle look in her eyes and couldn't help coughing a few times. However, Shi Yun, who had her back to him, was unaware of it. She was braiding her hair and didn't even raise her head when she heard Feng Zihang's words.

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (168)
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  His pause was only for a moment, and when Mo Chaosheng continued to move forward, he also heard Shi Yun's voice.

  "But the premise is that we haven't met someone we like enough to spend our lives with."

  Her answer was nonchalant and understated, but Mo Chaosheng stopped in his tracks again. It seemed that he had heard Shi Yun express her love many times since he woke up, whether from her mouth or from others, but each time seemed more thrilling than the last.

  Each time is more exciting than the last.

  When Shi Yun finished braiding her hair, she looked up and saw the strange expressions of the two people in front of her. She noticed something and wanted to turn around, but the person behind her gently hugged her in his arms, and then his kiss fell on her wet eyelashes.

  "I'm here to take you home."

  The man's voice was low, and Shi Yun didn't feel shy at all when he heard his confession. Instead, he turned his head and gave him a light kiss on the lips.


  In the end, Shi Yun left the swimming pool to change clothes amid the disgust and helpless driving of the other two people. Mo Chaosheng stood up and watched her walk away, only to be called back to attention by Feng Zihang's voice.

  "It seems that our President Mo is very satisfied with the answer he heard." Feng Zihang shook his hair and changed his posture from leaning to sitting astride.

  Mo Chaosheng didn't care about the hostility in his words, and just said gently: "I'm just happy."

  He was very happy to hear that she liked it, and he was also happy that they treated each other with the same feelings.

  Feng Zihang looked at Mo Chaosheng's calm face and suddenly asked, "What do you like about our Ayun?"

  There is no doubt that he likes her. Even people who are not familiar with them have witnessed the way Young Master Mo pursues his sweetheart.

  But what do you like about her?

  Such a question came suddenly, and the person asking the question was even more inexplicable. Mo Chaosheng looked back, but saw that the man who was usually nonchalant now had a serious look in his eyes that only they could see.

  What did he like about Shi Yun? He thought about it for a while, and the answer that came to his mind subconsciously was: "Beautiful, exquisite, and arrogant."

  Such superficial and shallow vocabulary.

  Feng Zihang, who was rarely serious when asking questions, now returned to his usual cynical self. He chuckled and said, "It's quite accurate."

  He asked him what he liked about her, but he said what she was.

  "And her love." Mo Chaosheng continued: "Her love is simple and innocent."

  This time, Feng Zihang laughed even more exaggeratedly, "Brother, do you know how many relationships Comrade Shi Yun has had?"

  "Yeah." Mo Chaosheng also smiled, but his eyes were still serious. "But her love is always pure, isn't it?"

  Shi Yun is a very lucky person. Her life has been smooth sailing, everything she wants has come true, and she gets everything without any effort. The same is true for her love. It is precisely because of this that her love is more simple and pure, because she has all the other worldly conditions, and her love has never cared about gains and losses.

  Her liking is simple, just out of liking.

  Feng Zihang could instantly understand what he didn't say. He still had a smile on his face, but his tone became lighter: "Yes, so it's a lucky thing to be liked by Ayun."

  Shi Yun is very good at loving people. A child who grew up in love has received a lot of abundant love, so when she loves others, she is never stingy.

  Mo Chaosheng didn't say anything, but lowered his head and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

  Well, that's right. It's really a blessing to be loved by her.

  But these words, when heard by Shi Yun one night later when they were whispering in each other's ears, made her chuckle.

  "Lucky? I thought I was unlucky. After all, I did this for myself. I like you, so whether you remember it or not, you have to like me."

  Mo Chaosheng looked at the person who was breathing lightly in his arms. The corners of her eyes were red, and the mole at the end of her eye seemed to be stained red as well. She probably didn't know how seductive she was with those charming eyes.

  He kissed the mole and said vaguely: "Then I should feel even luckier. Whether I have memories or not, I can still be loved by you."

  "It's OK. Your looks and figure are in line with my aesthetic taste." Shi Yun said as he turned over. He was also pressed under her, and she allowed her to run her fingers over his body with a smirk. "It's because our 'cooperation' has always been so compatible and pleasant."

  "You are the best one among my limited choices. I feel it would be a pity if I missed you." Shi Yun said as he lowered his head and kissed his lips, murmuring between his lips, "Who knows that you are the same. Mo Chaosheng, you will regret it if you miss me."

  Shi Yun is proud and she always likes to hold her head high, so when she lowers her head for him at this moment, she looks so touching.

  His body became uncontrollably numb at her words.

  Shi Yun left his lips and saw his red eyes and the desires in them. She couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth. Her hair fell on his face and was gently lifted up by his hand.

  “But I don’t want to deny that I’m good at it.”

  "Dear, love is a wonderful thing. If my love can make you happy, I will be happy too."

  Chapter 87 Amnesia 9

  The handover of the power position of the Mo Group went through a turbulent struggle, and finally fell into the hands of Mo Chaosheng without any surprise. Although Mr. Mo Chaosheng has not yet received the title he deserves, everyone has clearly realized that Shi Yun will be the boss's wife sooner or later.

  So one day, after shopping, Yun suddenly had the urge to take a detour to Chenyi's office building. Before he could send a message to Lin Zhu, he was welcomed in by the sharp-eyed receptionist.

  Although it was his first time visiting the set, he was still recognized and led to the elevator without any notification. He was told that President Mo had already given instructions, so Shi Yun naturally accepted this matter, even though he had only wanted to give him a surprise secretly at first.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(169)
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  Because Mr. Mo was still in a meeting, Shi Yun was taken to the general manager's office. However, on the way, he was stopped by someone unexpectedly. The people around him had different expressions, but Shi Yun just looked at the girl in front of him quietly.

  She seemed to have learned of my coming and ran upstairs in a hurry, her breathing was still uneven. After a moment of silence, she wisely blew up the door of her house.

  "I'm Tangning." She briefly introduced herself and wanted to add something but didn't know how to say it.

  Shi Yun's eyes were calm. In fact, she had just recognized her, but she was not sure why she stopped her. After all, this person had disappeared from the story line for a long time, and she did not expect her to suddenly appear today.

  After seeing this scene, Assistant Lin sensibly and skillfully led the other people away from the scene.

  Tang Ning ignored the frantic look her colleague gave her before she left. Her courage suddenly surged when she learned that Shi Yun was coming to the company. Although most of her courage had been lost while she was running, she still made it to her. Although the person in front of her remained silent after hearing what she said, she still took a deep breath and raised the gift bag in her hand.

  "This is a gift I bought with my first paycheck after joining Chenyi. It may not be very expensive, but I am really grateful to Mr. Mo and Ms. Shi. I hope you can accept it." Tangning bowed slightly and spoke with a desperate tone.

  Her heart was still beating so violently that she couldn't tell the time, but her hands were not taken away until they became stiff and sore.

  "I didn't do anything." After a while, a calm female voice came to her ears, "You don't need to thank me."

  Tangning helplessly withdrew her hand and looked up at the woman in front of her with delicate makeup and a calm face. She hesitated and wanted to explain, "I..."

  "Actually, this is a thank-you gift for Mo Chaosheng." Shi Yun said.

  The person who was exposed was instantly in a state of panic. Tangning tightly grasped the gift bag in her hand. She knew that the person she should really thank was Mr. Mo, but she felt that if she gave him the gift alone...

  "Why not give it to him yourself?"

  The next question made Tangning even more flustered, and she subconsciously said what was in her mind, "I'm afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings." But the next second, she realized that the misunderstanding in her words could easily lead to more misunderstandings.

  But the person who heard the answer didn't say much, "I have no such obligation."

  Tangning's heart sank to the bottom of the valley after being rejected so directly. She knew her actions were abrupt and she also knew she had no right to do so. However, she still couldn't help but feel embarrassed and ashamed. Her face turned red, "I'm sorry..."

  "If you want to express your gratitude, it's better to say it in person." Shi Yun interrupted her apology, his eyes passing over the gift bag in her hand, "Besides, you stay by my side all the time just to have the courage to take out the gift one day. If you can't express it in person, you will feel regretful, right?"

  Her tone was light and it seemed like she was just saying it casually, but Tangning remained stunned until she left.

  A familiar colleague pulled her to the lounge, looked at her red eyes and the gift bag that had not been given out with some helplessness, and couldn't help but sigh.

  "Why are you doing this? Miss Shi doesn't look like someone who is easy to talk to. If you do this, others will only misunderstand your intentions."

  Tangning bit her lip and shook her head, but did not explain anything.

  Later, Tang Ning personally gave the gift to Mo Chaosheng. It was actually much easier than she had imagined. It took less than two minutes from the time she walked in, took out the gift, to the time she put it down and left. When he heard her thanks, he just nodded to show his acceptance and didn't say much.

  Tangning was still a little dazed when she walked out of the office, but when she saw Assistant Lin at the door, she subconsciously smiled and thanked him.

  Not everyone can enter the general manager's office. If he hadn't helped convey her wish to meet President Mo, she would not have been able to send this long-overdue gift.

  Assistant Lin shook his head: "It was Miss Shi who ordered it."

  It was not until this moment that Tang Ning was truly stunned. Shi Yun's beautiful but distant face and her words from that day suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

  She lowered her head and murmured, "Miss Shi is a very gentle person."

  Others would probably be surprised to hear such words, but Assistant Lin nodded. Perhaps because Tangning's expression was too pitiful, Assistant Lin couldn't help but say a few more words.

  "In fact, Miss Shi and Mr. Mo are the same kind of people." Assistant Lin said gently, "Their gentleness is just due to their own etiquette, and this politeness and gentleness sometimes gives people a certain possible illusion."

  Tangning understood Lin Zhu's meaning almost instantly. She was not a fool, but she was not completely rational either. As long as one is human, they will have expectations and fantasies.

  It's so strange. Her almost absurd thoughts should have been shattered long ago when she heard the rumor that Mr. Mo was pursuing Miss Shi, when she saw the exquisite and beautiful Shi Yun, and when she stood in front of Mo Chaosheng but found that the man in front of her did not overlap with her so-called memories.

  But she still clenched her hands and couldn't help asking, "Is Mr. Mo happy during this period?"

  Or maybe she wanted to ask, is the man who once briefly and abruptly appeared in her world, who said he was thanking her for her help but actually changed their predicament, happy?

  She remembered that her grandmother had a bad memory. Even though Mo Chaosheng had introduced her name, when her grandmother subconsciously called out Xiao Mo, the man sitting in the yard reading a book did not correct her. Although he was a taciturn person, he always agreed in a gentle voice. And when she was picking tea leaves nearby, she would always see the comfortable and relaxed smile on his face when she looked up.

  That kind of happiness seemed strange yet rare to him.

  Assistant Lin smiled: "Mr. Mo is naturally happy to be with Miss Shi. Besides, how can people like them not be happy?"

  No matter how great the pain is, it will seem insignificant in the face of absolute money, and even if they are unhappy, they can't afford to worry about it.

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(170)
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  Assistant Lin's words were gentle yet straightforward, almost cruel, and up to this point, he had done the most he could.

  So Tangning just forced a smile in the end, and ultimately did not ask the question which would have humiliated her.

  So, order of appearance does matter, right?

  But if that was the case, why did God arrange for them to meet?

  They loved each other, and remained steadfast even after losing their memories. So why did she have to meet him, to allow two parallel lines that should have nothing to do with each other to interact, to let her think that even in different worlds there could be people like her.

  But this question will probably never be answered. No matter whether it is her or Shi Yun who is troubled, there will never be an answer.

  Mo Chaosheng was still discussing the work of the meeting with his assistant until the second before he approached the office. The next second, his voice stopped abruptly when he saw Shi Yun sitting on the sofa.

  The surprise on his face was so obvious that Shi Yun couldn't help but curl his lips, "If you didn't say it was your order, I would have thought you knew it."

  Mo Chaosheng smiled and looked at the assistant beside him.

  "Mr. Mo has instructed us before that if Miss Shi comes, we should just bring her directly to the office." After the assistant finished explaining, he sensibly closed the door.

  Shi Yun raised his eyebrows: "It seems that Mr. Mo is looking forward to my visit?"

  "Yeah." Mo Chaosheng did not deny it at all. He took a few big steps to her side, stretched out his hand and held her in his arms. They sat down at the desk together and rubbed her nose with his nose.

  “I just can’t wait.”

  Although his tone was serious, it revealed a bit of grievance. Shi Yun couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth, "I'm here." She pressed her lips against his as if to make up for it, but the next second, Mo Chaosheng took control.

  After a long while, the eye-watering and ear-burning panting sounds in the office finally subsided a little.

  Shi Yun licked his lips and said, "To be honest, I still prefer Mr. Mo, who was so ruthless and strategic before he came in." But after noticing someone's dangerous eyes, he tactfully changed the subject and said, "I bought you a shirt, do you want to try it?"

  But after Mo Chaosheng took off his clothes, Shi Yun felt that it seemed even more dangerous. In order to avoid being cast as an 18+ office drama, she suppressed her desire and waited until Mo Chaosheng buttoned his clothes before she dared to step forward and help him fix his tie.

  Looking at Shi Yun who was lowering his head and carefully helping him tie his tie, Mo Chaosheng felt that the self-control that he had always been proud of was approaching the edge of being out of control. He restrained himself and shifted his gaze to the bag next to him.

  Shi Yun sorted it out, stepped back a few steps, looked at it for a while, and then nodded with satisfaction: "My vision is really good."

  Mo Chaosheng laughed dumbly, "Do you want to try that too?"

  Following his gaze, Shi Yun shook his head: "No, that's for Feng Zihang. That one is too flashy and not suitable for you."

  Hearing Feng Zihang's name, Mo Chaosheng narrowed his eyes. The clothes on his body were inexplicably tight and he couldn't breathe. He took a step forward, hugged Shi Yun in his arms again, and stroked her neck.

  "For him?"

  Even though she couldn't see Mo Chaosheng's expression, she could still sense the jealousy coming from him. Shi Yun pushed him with amusement, but when she found that she couldn't push him anymore, she gave up and smiled in his ear, "His birthday is coming up soon, and when I was picking one for you, I remembered it and bought you one, so that he won't complain about not having a gift."

  Knowing that Feng Zihang was the one who came along, Mo Chaosheng's aura softened a lot, but he still stroked Shi Yun's earlobe with his lips.

  "Which one is better, his or mine?"

  Perhaps she didn't expect such a question to come out of Mo Chaosheng's mouth. Shi Yun laughed even more wildly. She pushed him away with her elbow. Mo Chaosheng noticed her strength and obediently loosened his grip.

  When I lowered my head, I saw the person in my arms looking at me with a smile on her face. I began to feel embarrassed for what I had just said without thinking.

  Miss Shi didn't intend to let him go. She put her arms around his neck, chuckled and asked, "Why do I feel like someone is asking, who looks better dressed, you or him?"

  Mo Chaosheng couldn't help biting his lower lip, but he couldn't resist the fierce gaze in front of him. In the end, he just went all out and pressed his lips against hers, uttering "hmm" in a whisper.

  Shi Yun's mouth corners turned up more and more, she leaned close to his ear, "Of course it's you, I never said that I like men wearing shirts very much."

  The gentle voice in his ear made Mo Chaosheng's eyes darken. What finally stopped the office drama from happening was not their rationality that they had long forgotten, but the call from Shi Yun's parents.

  Chapter 88 Amnesia 10

  It was said that Shi's father had fished all afternoon and had a good catch, so he specifically asked Shi Yun and Mo Chaosheng to go home for dinner. But when Yun looked at the overly delicious and rich food on the table, she ruthlessly exposed her father's lie.

  "To be honest, I would rather believe that this dish tonight was made by the beautiful and generous Ms. Chu Wanqing than to believe that this fish was taken from your hook."

  Her words were directed at two people. Madam Shi, who came out of the kitchen leisurely, gave her a fake smile and said, "You know what, I did cook tonight."

  Mrs. Shi, who had never touched a dish before, was cooking for the first time in a long time. Shi Yun could only express her awe with a pale face: "Tell me which dish is your cooking. I will definitely keep my distance."

  "I don't like to hear what you said." Father Shi, who had been silent, took the dish from Mrs. Shi and retorted with a serious expression.

  "Don't just be unwilling to listen. Just talk more later."

  It was just a matter of sitting down, but it was also a good show. Even after getting close to Shi Yun and visiting her home several times, Mo Chaosheng still found it interesting when he saw how they got along.

  He couldn't help laughing when he saw Shi Yun, who didn't forget to glare at him while showing off and bickering. Miss Shi, who was already spoiled, became even more spoiled and overbearing at home, acting like a spoiled young lady. However, both Shi's father and mother and Mo Chaosheng were completely indulgent.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(171)
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  This look will only make her more playful and lively in the eyes of the person who likes her.

  I don’t know if Mrs. Shi couldn’t stand such unlimited doting, so she interrupted the flirting between the young people under the pretext of picking up food.

  "I remember you don't like seafood, so don't eat fish and try other dishes."

  Hearing Mrs. Shi's gentle words, Mo Chaosheng was slightly stunned, but before he could obediently pick up the food in the bowl, he heard Shi Yun's kind reminder beside him.

  Shi Yun bit his chopsticks, his eyes sympathetic: "Mo Chaosheng, I advise you to be cautious."

  Just the next second, a large piece of food of unknown color appeared in her bowl.

  "I almost forgot about my baby daughter." Madam Shi said in a sweet voice, "Eat quickly, this dish is nutritious and can improve your skin and body."

  Amidst the sounds of Shi Yun's struggle to escape and Shi's father's mysterious and aloof smile, Mo Chaosheng took a bite with a smile, but the next second, his smile became a little stiff.

  Even though Mo Chaosheng drank several cups of tea after dinner, he still couldn't cover up the indescribable taste in his mouth.

  It was not only Mo Chaosheng who kept drinking tea, but also Shi's father. His expression was the same, but Mo Chaosheng remembered that most of the dish just now went into Shi's father's bowl.

  They sat on the sofa and talked. In the backyard, there was the sound of women laughing and the barking of cats and dogs.

  Shi Yun recently got an Alaskan dog, and whenever she had time, she would help the dog develop a relationship with the cat of her senior, Madam Shi, but it was obvious that Madam Shi and her pet were not very respectful. But Shi Yun was not the type to compromise easily, and she was fully focused on the sisterly relationship between her cat and dog, so she naturally didn't know what the two men in the room were talking about, and their attention was attracted from time to time.

  After hearing what Mo Chaosheng said, Shi's father withdrew his gaze from the backyard and instead looked at the young man in front of him who solemnly expressed to him that he hoped he could safely entrust his daughter to him.

  As for the relationship between them, no matter when Shi Yun announced the cancellation of the engagement or when she later brought her former fiancé home for dinner, Shi's father and mother did not ask the slightest question. Their attitude was simple and clear, but it was all based on Shi Yun's feelings.

  Even though Mo Chaosheng has proposed successfully, he still can't help feeling nervous when facing his father-in-law. He knows that although Shi's father and mother will not interfere with Shi Yun's choices and decisions, because they are the parents she cares about, he naturally hopes to get their approval.

  Father Shi sensed his seriousness and nervousness, and his attitude was as gentle as usual. He just asked, "Why do you want to be with our Ayun?"

  This kind of question seems familiar.

  "Ayun once told me that her parents were very loving, and she had hoped to meet a lover like that. And I was looking forward to that, too, looking forward to that kind of relationship, and hoping that I could be her lover. Shiyun is the only person I want to spend my life with."

  Whether talking to Shi's father or Feng Zihang, Mo Chaosheng spoke the truth.

  He liked Shi Yun very much. He liked her arrogant look and her innocent smile that seemed to show she had never experienced any hardship. But later he realized that he just liked her, no matter what kind of person she was.

  Originally, he never thought that love was an indispensable part of life, but after falling in love with Shi Yun, he realized the beauty and happiness of love, and understood that love is the indispensable meaning of life.

  Later, when the car they were traveling in collided with an oncoming car, Mo Chaosheng subconsciously protected Shi Yun beside him in his arms, and at that moment, their problems emerged in his mind.

  What do you like about our Ayun? Why do you want to be with our Ayun?

  He suddenly understood why everyone around her asked him such questions.

  Only after getting his clear and firm answer and confirming his intentions, she was willing to put her hand in his. They held the little girl in their hands and spoiled her little by little into such a delicate and precious girl. They must hand her over to someone who is reliable enough to ensure that she can remain innocent, still do as she pleases, and still be spoiled and cherished.

  And it turned out that he loved her as much as they did. When the accident happened, he only hoped that the lover who had just been laughing and chatting beside him could always keep that innocent smile and live happily and contentedly throughout her life.

  Because of this thought, when Mo Chaosheng woke up slowly and saw Shi Yun's tearful eyes, his first reaction was to reach out and wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, but he was stopped by the IV hanging on the back of his hand.

  Shi Yun, who had been crying silently in the previous second, quickly threw herself into Mo Chaosheng's arms when she saw his actions.

  "Mo Chaosheng, you scared me to death, you know that? What were you thinking at that time..."

  The girl in his arms' crying and accusing voice echoed in the ward. Mo Chaosheng felt the weight on his body and breathed in the scent of her hair almost greedily to prove his feelings.

  Shi Yun complained and accused for a long time, but the person she was hugging didn't react at all. She finally realized that something was wrong, and she suddenly raised her head and looked at him suspiciously.

  "Mo Chaosheng, you're not losing your memory again, are you?"

  Facing her distrustful look, Mo Chaosheng laughed and reached out to pull her back into his arms, stroking her hair soothingly: "How could that be? How could I forget you?"

  Hearing his words, the girl in his arms couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but she still subconsciously retorted: "Of course not, you have a criminal record."

  "No, I won't forget it again. How can I bear to forget my love?"

  The man spoke in a gentle tone, and he lowered his voice deliberately to coax her softly. Shi Yun, who was being obeyed obediently, suddenly noticed the weirdness in his words. He sat up straight again, and looked straight at Mo Chaosheng, as if he was confirming something.

  However, even though Mo Chaosheng was being stared at like this, his eyes were always full of affection.

  After a long while, Shi Yun asked, "So you remembered?"

  "Yeah." He didn't object.

  Then he said seriously: "Ayun, I'm sorry."

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(172)
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  The first thing he did after regaining his memory was to apologize, but Shi Yun was not surprised at all. He just looked at him and said, "Well, what's your fault?"

  "I'm sorry I missed your birthday."

  "Well, what else?"

  "Also, I didn't really accept you as my wife at that time."

  That was indeed how the story began. After weighing the pros and cons and various considerations of business cooperation and family marriage, he took the lead in approaching Shi Yun. However, even though both families reached a consensus, he and Shi Yun got along harmoniously, but it could not be said that they loved each other.

  At least that's how it felt to him.

  The engagement was originally based on interests. After realizing that Shi Yun had the same attitude as him, they had a tacit understanding of each getting what they wanted, so naturally he would not pour too much emotion into it. So when he prepared a grand birthday party as a surprise for his fiancée, but he did not attend, he explained to Shi Yun that it was because of work. Later, she found out that he had a stomachache that day and was admitted to the hospital. But he did not expect Shi Yun to get so angry because of his concealment, and even unilaterally went into a cold war with him and went abroad when the engagement day was approaching, as if he would not be able to contact her until he figured out what he had done wrong.

  He was confused at the time, but only now did he realize what she cared about.

  What she cared about was that he didn't really accept her, that he had never thought of revealing his true self in front of her, and that she was still just an outsider to him who didn't need to be informed.

  Just a partner, not a lover.

  He would never forget his lover, but before he lost his memory, he did not consider her as his lover.

  "Since you are so unlucky and have had two accidents in just a few months, I will forgive you." Shi Yun said magnanimously, then lay back down beside him skillfully.

  Mo Chaosheng looked down at her sparkling eyes.

  "And since you love me so much now, I will forgive you for not liking me enough before."

  He chuckled and then kissed her forehead solemnly.


  Thank you that she fell in love before him in that self-righteous deal, thank you for giving them a second chance, and thank you that they now have the same love for each other.

  There were faint sounds of conversation in the ward.

  "But aren't you afraid, Ayun? Aren't you afraid that one day I will remember and find out that you have been lying?" After all, after he lost his memory, she was the one who had been emphasizing that he liked her.

  The female voice did not hesitate.

  "What am I afraid of? Besides, when you think about it, you will find that it is indeed the case. You are just one step late."

  The male voice laughed softly.

  "Who told me that I'm so nice and beautiful, how could you not be tempted?"

  Everything was just as she said, he liked her very much and they loved each other.

  [Shi Yun's glass bottle is red. Her love is just like her, fresh and casual.

  She always thought she was the heroine, but she later found out that she was actually a vicious villain in Mo Chaosheng's story. What's infuriating is that she does fit the mentality of a vicious female supporting role, otherwise when she knew that Mo Chaosheng liked someone else, her reaction would not be sadness and heartache, but anger. What a clichéd and bloody plot.

  She couldn't understand, if that person was the true love that he had given up worldly standards, transcended class hierarchy, and was willing to give up everything to pursue, then what was she? The more sincere and pure he was to Tangning, the more embarrassing and sloppy their past was.

  But no matter how much emotion there was, it almost dissipated after the slap, not to mention that he gave the due compensation.

  Later, she extricated herself from their so-called love story. Sometimes she would think of Mo Chaosheng, of him standing in the Mo family and saying that he didn't want to face Mo Qishan's anger, of him standing in front of her, saying sorry and taking a slap in the face with a calm look in his eyes, and of her later seeing him getting what he wished and standing side by side with that woman.

  She was a little curious.

  It's not that she has never been in love before. Miss Shi has had so many relationships that she can't count them with both hands. She also feels that Mo Chaosheng doesn't dislike her at all, but his love for her is more like his love for the exquisite exhibits in the exhibition hall. He likes it to be gorgeous and valuable enough to match him. Who would have thought that such a person who weighs the pros and cons and only talks about transactions would fall in love with someone he had never liked before after losing his memory.

  So is this what true love is? What does it feel like to be loved like that?

  She also liked him, but it wasn't until she saw how he loved someone else that she really began to fall in love with him. 】

  Chapter 89 Amnesia 11 (Extra)

  Mo Chaosheng and Shi Yun's wedding was held on an island.

  The October sunshine was just right, gentle and bright but not too hot. Song Nan looked out the second-floor window at the lawn not far away. The guests attending the wedding had already entered the venue one after another. Even standing high up, he could smell the sea breeze and the fragrance of flowers and plants in the air.

  She withdrew her gaze and looked at the bride sitting in front of the dressing table.

  The pure white and gorgeous wedding dress wraps the woman's graceful and elegant figure. Her long black hair is tied up in a complicated and delicate bun. Two slightly curly strands of hair by her ears and the misty veil are gently lifted up. The bougainvillea placed on the table makes the bride's slightly red cheeks look even more delicate.

  It was clearly a very familiar face, but when Song Nan looked at Shi Yun in the mirror, he couldn't help but be distracted by the charm between her eyebrows.

  Song Nan couldn't help but sigh: "Only such a grand wedding can be worthy of such a beautiful bride like our Ayun."

  The preparation for this wedding took so long, the effort was so great, and the cost was so extravagant that even Song Nan would complain that it was inhumane. But the moment she saw Shi Yun in her wedding dress, she had to admit that if she were Mo Chaosheng, she would probably be even more exaggerated than him.

  Shi Yun smiled and said, "After all, this is our first marriage, so we have to be serious."

  The wedding arrangements were all arranged by Mo Chaosheng, but every detail was arranged entirely according to Shi Yun's preferences.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(173)
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  When Feng Zihang called, the makeup artist was carefully lifting the veil that was draped behind Shi Yun, slowly covering this bright and beautiful face.

  They could clearly hear the music on the phone overlapping with the music outside the window. Song Nan held the phone to his ear, and heard something, then cursed under his breath with a smile, causing Shi Yun to look over.

  Song Nan still had a smile on his face as he relayed to her, "Feng Zihang said that when he saw such a grand and magnificent wedding, he suddenly had an interesting idea."

  As she spoke, she put her phone on loudspeaker, and Feng Zihang's nonchalant voice was accompanied by the sound of ice cubes falling into the champagne.

  "I don't know, beautiful bride, do you want to have a romantic escape with her handsome best man?"

  Everyone in the room was shocked by such words, only Shi Yun slightly curled the corners of his mouth.

  "Next time, I am very satisfied with the groom this time."

  The moment the light music switched to elegant piano music, Mo Chaosheng saw the bride slowly walking towards him. The clouds were dyed into fluffy light pink by the sunset, dotted beside her pure white veil. He felt that the blood in his body seemed to boil and heat, bringing him an incomparable wonderful feeling.

  Shi Yun walked arm in arm with her father on the grass surrounded by bouquets of flowers and silk, step by step towards the groom in a well-dressed suit. Through the transparent veil, she could see the setting sun falling into the deep sea in the distance, her mother sitting in the first row with tears in her eyes, Feng Zihang who was winking at her in a best man's suit, and her handsome groom.

  At the moment when her father handed her hand to Mo Chaosheng, they looked at each other with the same smile on their faces.

  "I suddenly remembered..." When putting the ring on Shi Yun's finger, Mo Chaosheng lowered his head slightly and spoke in a voice that only they could hear clearly: "On the night of my birthday, you returned the ring to me."

  Then ask him if he wants that kind of sincere and wholehearted love.

  At that time, he had not yet recovered his memory, and was not even sure of his own heart, but when she asked that question, he already wanted to give her that kind of love first.

  When he said the first half of the sentence, Shi Yun knew what he was going to say. She took the ring handed to her from behind, put it on his finger, raised her head and smiled brightly.

  "Well, happy cooperation, Mr. Mo."

  Mo Chaosheng looked at her bright smile in the twilight, reached out to lift the hazy veil, and gently kissed his beloved bride.

  On her birthday, under the witness of the sea, they fulfilled the deal they had made, promising to give each other the most sincere and loyal love until death.

  Next to the flower stand behind them, her bridesmaid had already burst into tears, her eyes blurred with tears but she was still staring at her best friend. The best man next to her had a look of disgust on his face, but still took out a handkerchief from his pocket. However, before he could hand it to her, Song Nan had already buried herself in his arms without any hesitation, and her clothes on her chest were soaked with tears. In the end, he just scolded her for being useless while patting her back to comfort her.

  Until the time of throwing the bouquet, Song Nan looked at the bouquet that Shi Yun handed directly to her, her nose tip still red. Shi Yun looked at her bridesmaid who had cried so much that her makeup was smudged with amusement, gently held her hand, and stuffed the bouquet into her arms.

  "Who is this? How can she be so pretty even with her face all red from crying?"

  Song Nan was still holding the flowers and was still in a daze. Just as he showed an angry expression, he heard Feng Zihang's protest.

  "We agreed that the three of us would work together and depend on each other for our old age. Now Shi Yun has betrayed us and abandoned our organization. Xiao Anan, you must not follow her example and break your promise. I can't bear this kind of blow."


  The night enveloped the entire island, and the sparkling waves of the deep sea added a hazy fog to the night. Shi Yun changed into a blue and purple tulle halter dress with a dark rose adorning her hair. The evening breeze blew across her skirt, and the layers of tulle sparkled silver under the light.

  Mo Chaosheng also took off his suit jacket and rolled up his black shirt at the sleeves. He held her hand and walked through the bustling crowd, drank countless glasses of wedding wine, and never let go of her hand.

  And tonight was the first time he witnessed Miss Shi's drinking capacity. After walking around, even his face inevitably turned red due to the alcohol. But when he looked down at Shi Yun beside him, he saw that her eyes were still clear, with only a hint of lazy drunkenness between her eyebrows.

  "Ayun can drink a lot."

  This is a declarative sentence with a slightly rising ending tone.

  Shi Yun raised his eyebrows without any modesty, "That's right, don't you see who I am?"

  Miss Shi, who has been on the battlefield and has been fooling around since she was a child, said that this is just the beginning.

  As she spoke, she stretched out an arm and wrapped it around his thin waist, poking it with her fingers.

  Mo Chaosheng's body stiffened. He held down her mischievous hand, took the wine glass from her hand and placed it on the table, then took her hand and walked into the dance floor next to them.

  He leaned down and invited, "I wonder if you would have the honor to ask this beautiful lady to dance with you?"


  Shi Yun chuckled and placed his hand in his palm.

  The music on the dance floor was slow and long, and they made up for the dance they had missed that time.

  They spun and jumped to the beat of the music. The next second she opened her arms and left, she followed his strength and returned to his arms. The silver light reflected by the earrings passed in front of his eyes, and his pupils were always looking at her affectionately.

  Although she sometimes went off track, she always came back to him in the end.

  Although his love seems to be a step late, it will always reach the same destination.

  They will always love each other.

  There was no light in the room, only the moonlight passed through the waves and came to the bed. They stumbled into the softness. Mo Chaosheng supported himself with his arms and looked at the smiling person in his arms.

  Shi Yun's long hair was spread out, and the flower by her ear had long been lost on the way to the kiss. Only a petal was still playfully tucked in her hair. Mo Chaosheng gently picked up the petal and pressed it against her lips.

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