TSOW: I cover this male god

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 836: I cover this male god【1】
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The emperor is the famous wife of the Three Realms, and only the emperor can sit on his dragon back.

En-en-love-love has been passed down into a story.

Since then, there has been such a misunderstanding, saying that all the fairy monarchs in the fairy world are love species, and they are beautiful and extraordinary. In the next few hundred years, these immortal monarchs were all chased by the demon realm women. Even if some of them didn't follow, they became strict with their wives behind them.

It hurt them all miserably.

System: "Baby, the thirteenth mission has been completed! Ready to start again!"

Experience: [26100]

Divine power: [0.33]

Skills: [Big guys can do whatever they want]

Appearance: [I'm just a little cute]


When Teacher Liu brought the transfer students in, all the students in the third and second grades came over.

"My name is Su Ci, hello."

The girl looked fair and tender, and her voice was soft. Eyes drooping slightly, under dark eyelashes, beautiful eyes like black onyx, full of water and mist.

Renmei is also petite, looking like a piece of glutinous rice cake.

The boy could not help but blow a whistle.

"It's so cute."

Su Ci tilted his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Xu Ran in the corner.

The other party was sitting by the window, his slender fingers holding a ballpoint pen, his eyes drooping slightly, obviously not interested in anything outside. The school uniform, which was washed a little white, looked particularly good when worn on him.

The thin pale red lips looked a little cold, and the faces were cold.

"Student Su, just sit in the third seat in the first row, Cheng Hao, change your position."

Teacher Liu said.

Su Ci retracted her gaze, looked up slightly, shook her head and said, "Teacher, I'd better sit back."

Teacher Liu was taken aback for a moment. He only arranged the young girl in the front row after receiving an instruction from the principal. He couldn't help but glanced at someone and said, "Student Su, you are relatively petite. Sitting back may affect your study progress."

Su Ci seriously thought, what's the problem with this, it's all the things she left behind.

But considering the teacher’s face problem,

She raised her small face, thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Teacher, I actually have respiratory depression in the front seat."

Teacher Liu: "???" What disease is this?

Although the students below didn't understand, seeing the sincere face of the girls, I always felt that something really seemed to be happening...

When Teacher Liu reacted, the girl had already walked down, got to the position, and raised her face.

He asked softly: "Teacher, can I sit here?"

This was originally where Cheng Hao went.

And Cheng Hao breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to sit with Xu Ran.

Everyone in the class didn't want to sit with Xu Ran. After all, everyone was worried that he might contract some strange disease, and who made him have such a mother.

The girl looked at him obediently, and looked over with her big round eyes.

Let Teacher Liu's heart soften, there is nothing wrong with it.

When a few boys saw this, they couldn't help saying: "The new cutie, why did you go by your side? Do you know what kind of person his mother is?"

At this moment, Xu Ran raised his face, and those nice peach eyes looked at the talking boy without any emotion.

The other party paused, and said angrily: "Cut, isn't this true? Everyone knows what your mother is like, and I'm afraid of the ugly family."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 837: I cover this male god【2】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 837: I cover this male god【2】
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"Does his mother matter to you? Your family lives by the sea?"

There was a glutinous voice from the girl.

She raised her thick black eyelashes, and her red lips spit out soft words: "Or, you can say such uncultivated words without your mother's teaching."

The students around couldn't help being taken aback.

The boy's face immediately became ugly, with a cyan color in the white, looking at the girl who was tender and soft for a second in disbelief, and then said something like this in this soft, cute and harmless appearance in the next moment.


"What am I, am I wrong?"

Su Ci raised her face and asked in a serious tone of asking for advice.

"Chen Feng!"

Teacher Liu calmly said: "Get out! It's class time! You don't want to go to class, other students still have to go to class!"

Chen Feng kicked off the stool and reluctantly went to the corridor to stop.

Su Ci tilted her head slightly and looked over.

Touched with the boy's sight.

The tails of those peach blossom eyes are slightly raised, the nose is tall, and the facial features are perfectly proportioned. Unbutton a button at the collar of the school uniform, revealing a delicate and thin collarbone.

He lowered his eyes slightly, but quickly turned his gaze back.

Sit tightly.

The slender eyelashes drop a beautiful silhouette in the eye sockets, revealing a cool ascetic indifference.

Su Ci couldn't help looking at it for a long time.

He glanced at the teacher on the stage again.

Lie on the table softly, stretched out a hand, and let it go: "Hello classmate, my name is Su Ci, Su from Suzhou, porcelain from porcelain."

"I heard them call you Xu Ran..."

"It's class now."

Xu Ran raised his eyes and looked over. The pale red thin lip line was unspeakably beautiful, but what he said was an inhumane indifference and a sense of distance.

Su Ci's eyes fell on his eyes, thinking that his eyelashes are really long.

He took the little hands back and nodded.


Xu Ran put his gaze on the podium and straightened his body, like a white poplar, tough, showing the stability that does not belong to this age.

The girl turned her face slightly and blinked.

"All, he doesn't seem to like me very much."

The system proudly said: "Now he is indifferent to you, and you will make him unable to climb high in the future."

Su Ci thought for a while and said, "I will be able to climb high in the future."

System: "QvQ cub, don't you love Baba anymore?"

It makes sense to let the money jars who have gone through countless examinations go to junior high school and go back to kindergarten with students who have graduated for many years. Su Ci thinks these are as simple as eating and drinking, she doesn't even want to pretend.

So wait and wait until the get out of class is over.

She raised her long eyelashes, looked over intently, and asked seriously: "Now get out of class is over, can I talk to you?"

Xu Ran closed the book, his eyes fell on the girl's beautiful, soft face, and said coldly, "Sorry, I don't have time."

He got up, and at this time he was 1.8 meters taller than his peers.

Su Ci looked at the back of him leaving, a little frustrated.

She felt that she behaved very well and very well. Why, Xu Ran didn't want to talk to her?

Several classmates in the class saw Su Ci struck up Xu Ran, one of the girls came over and said, "Xu Ran's mother is Xiao San."

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes and looked over in confusion, "Does this have anything to do with me?" She paused slightly, "Besides, what evidence do you have?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 838: I cover this male god【3】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 838: I cover this male god【3】
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The girl disdainfully said: "Everyone in the school knows about this. It is also true that his mother is a junior. The victim's son was in the school next door. Last time we were blocked by Xu Ran, all of us I see. It's not the first time his mother has done this. You'd better stay away from him. Who knows if he has been infected with any disease."

Su Ci stared at the person for a long time.

The girl couldn't help but stunned: "What are you doing looking at me like this?"

The girl looked at her face, and said with a slight upward face: "You are young and have a bit of virtue in your mouth, so you will get better in the future."

Su Ci stood up and walked out of the classroom.

She bought a bottle of water.

I received a call from Dad Su: "Daughter, how is the new school? Have you been bullied? I have only been apart for five hours, and I have already started to miss you. I have to take care of myself at school, and whether my pocket money is enough. Do you want Dad to call you hundreds of thousands?"

Su Ci leaned there and said softly: "Enough Dad, I can't spend so much."

Father Su said: "If you can't spend that much, ask a friend to help you spend a little. You can always spend it."

The money jar thought carefully, she didn't want it, those classmates didn't have a good thing.

Knowing to bully Xu Ran.

Father Su said something more.

Su Ci felt that if this went on, it would not work. Besides, it was about to go to class, so she interrupted his words: "Goodbye, Dad."

Dad Su: "Hey, my dear girl, goodbye."

Chen Feng hugged the ball and brought a few people from the other side: "Damn, that newcomer is so nosy, reminded her kindly, and it turned out to be a faceless, disgusting?"

"But to be honest, Xu Ran's mother must also look good, otherwise, how could he give birth to a son like Xu Ran?" someone suddenly said.

Others said unclearly: "Can it look good? I heard that his mother didn't know how many men he had with. I have a neighbor who lives near their home. Xu Ran's mother would take strange men home almost every night. Those who knew thought they did that."

"I think it's almost the same. I don't know if there is any disease on my body. Tsk, it's **** bad. I have to be a classmate with him for a semester. I feel sick when I think about it. I want to disinfect the classroom every day." Chen Feng made a vomiting face.

What they didn't notice was the teenager standing on the dilapidated staircase.

The beautiful peach blossom eyes stared coldly, and his feet moved slightly.

The next second, he stopped.

Chen Feng stumbled on something, and the ball in his hand fell.

All the way down.

He looked up and found that the girl beside him had picked up the ball.

"It's you."

Chen Feng hated her itchy teeth. The girl was beautiful and soft, with big eyes and milky muscles, placed on her like a nice porcelain doll. When he first saw Su Ci, his heart throbbed.

But the girl helped Xu Ran, who he hated the most, to speak, which made Chen Feng unbearable.

The other boys followed his gaze and looked at him, and they were amazing for a moment.

"The transfer student in your class?"

The girls are charming and lovely, even if they are wearing the school uniform of the second middle school with short-sleeved trousers, but with their heads tied up, they are soft. The eyes are watery, and the lips are cherry-colored.

She tilted her head slightly and asked glutinously, "Is this your ball?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 839: I cover this male god【4】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 839: I cover this male god【4】
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These boys were taken aback, only to feel their hearts trembled.

After all, such a cute and soft girl looks like a piece of glutinous rice cake.

"is ours."

One of the boys said.

Chen Feng's face was not very good. If he hadn't noticed the mistake just now, it was the girl's little feet that tripped him, and he almost lost his face.

"Su Ci, what do you mean?"

"You want to provoke me openly?"

Su Ci looked at the person without blinking, and passed the ball over: "Return your ball."

She obediently raised her small face, her big beautiful eyes are clear and clean.

Chen Feng was slightly taken aback, and reached out to receive the ball, the next moment.

He felt a hand grabbing his wrist and tightening it slightly.

Chen Feng's expression changed.

The girl let go and raised her long eyelashes and said: "You also make me feel very sick."

She said with a voice that can only be heard by two people.

Then turned and left.

The ball in Chen Feng's hand fell and was caught by a friend: "This transfer student in your class is so cute."

He sullen his face, shook his wrist, and moved his lips.

Chen Feng was so painful that he was about to pee.

However, he couldn't say it, let alone whether anyone would believe that he, a big man, was almost squeezed by a little girl to pee his pants. Saying it would only make people feel a joke.

After a few of them walked far away.

Xu Ran walked out, his gaze fell in the direction where the girl had left, but there was no expression on his face.

The news of his mother was revealed half a year ago, Xu Ran was isolated and even spoken against.

Disgust, ridicule, contempt, pity look.

Xu Ran watched these growing up since she was a child, and she has already passed that age of emotional impulse fluctuations. Zhao Meixin moved him from place to place since he was a child, and Xu Ran suddenly became bored.

Mercy, he doesn't need this kind of thing.

Xu Ran never felt that she needed sympathy.

No matter who it is, it is the same.

Su Ci sat in her seat. She turned her head and watched the teenager walk into the classroom. She raised her small face slightly, and the eyes under the black eyelashes looked intently, and said softly: "Can you talk to me now? ?"

The boy looked over, peach blossom eyes seemed to have a thin layer of glacier.

"What they said is true."

Xu Ran said.

After saying this, he turned his face back.

The bridge of the nose on the profile is perfectly tall.

The buttons at the mouth of the school uniform were tied meticulously, and even the legs were too long to pick out a flaw.

He is like living in his own deserted and remote independent kingdom, without any thorns around, but the cold surroundings alone is enough to make people stop.

"Do you still want to talk to me now?"

Su Ci nodded, lay down on the table, blinked and said, "Yes."

The hand of the young man holding the pen paused, and a faint voice came: "Are you not afraid that I will pass the disease to you?"

The girl Shui Yingying looked at her beautiful eyes.

Xu Ran turned her face slightly, her gaze fell on her white and soft face, she raised her small face so slightly and said seriously: "Not afraid, I am even more afraid that you will ignore me. I don't know anyone, I only know you."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say, but don't ignore me."

The girl lowered her eyes slightly and said softly, "Xu Ran, let's make friends, okay?"

"I don't have a friend, can you take pity on me?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 840: I cover this male god【5】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 840: I cover this male god【5】
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The pen left a trace on the white paper, and Xu Ran turned his gaze back and lowered his eyes slightly.

"Except for me, many people will be happy to be friends with you."

The neatly trimmed fingers of the slender nails tore it off. Without looking back, the ball of paper threw a graceful arc in the air and fell steadily into the trash basket behind.

The indifferent profile slid down the line until it disappeared to the perfect jaw.

Su Ci looked over without blinking, pressed her face to the back of her hand, and whispered: "But I, I just want to be friends with you."

"All, I seem to be too ill-intentioned?"

System: "Cub, you are so cute, he doesn't take a second look, he will regret it later, hum QWQ."

The anger that Chen Feng felt in the girl's place was counted on Xu Ran's head.

The reason why he couldn't understand each other was very simple. A wild species without a father didn't know which man was born from his contribution. My mother is like that kind of stuff again, and she looks like no one can look at her all day long.

Without any capital, give him madness.

Many girls liked him in the past, but now he is not missing. It's just that on the bright side, most women have a good face and don't want to admit it.

Everyone has a mass psychology, a unique existence. When there are too many people isolated, you will also choose to stay away.

Chen Feng called his brother and asked him to find some people, and when Xu Ran left the school, he would teach him a little lesson.

Those people are all members of society, and they will leave after the fight, even if Xu Ran wants to sue, he can't find a place.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng looked around and saw that there was no one. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and smoked it.

But a few minutes later.

I was caught by the dean of "coincidence".

Chen Feng was so depressed that he wanted to vomit a mouthful of blood.

Su Ci returned to the classroom, there was one last class, and it was about to end.

She held her cheeks and glanced at Xu Ran.

Look down and think seriously.

If she tells the other party directly, even if Xu Ran believes to avoid it this time, then next time, she won't let Chen Feng be allowed to let someone stop him.

what can we do about it.

Su Ci looked down, thought for a while, and had a good idea in his heart.

When Uncle Wang came to pick up people, he looked at the white lady and helped open the car door.

Su Ci asked: "Uncle Wang, what do I ask you to prepare?"

Uncle Wang said: "Miss, in the back seat, everything is ready for you."

She nodded and began to smear her face, within a few minutes. The girl raised her face and asked softly: "Uncle Wang, look at me."

Uncle Wang glanced back, a little suspicious of life.

Who is this girl with the fancy face? Where is their cute and beautiful girl?

Su Ci humbly asked her opinions.

Uncle Wang slowed down for a while before he came back to his senses and raised a thumb: "Don't say it's me, even Mr. Su can't recognize it."

She blinked.

What is needed is this effect.

System: "QAQ boy, why do you make yourself so ugly?"

Su Ci put on a yellow wig, and said seriously: "Xu Ran doesn't like me interfering in his life too much, so I'll change my identity." She pursed her lips slightly: "And I just met him and I don't want to be caught by him. I hate it too soon."

System: "But it's really ugly to watch QvQ."

The money jar looked in the mirror and felt very satisfied. She was based on a bad girl, and even Uncle Liu couldn't recognize it.

Xu Ran would definitely not recognize it.

I like the quick walkthrough strategy: the enchanting male god, super Su's! Please collect it: (mtlnovel.com) Quick Wear Guide: Enchanting God, Super Su's! The literature is updated the fastest.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 841: I cover this male god【6】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 841: I cover this male god【6】
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When Xu Ran was blocked by someone, his schoolbag was also snatched over.

The few people across the room took his book, flipped through a few pages, and sneered: "Xu Ran, it seems we should have found it right. Do you know why we are bothering you?"

The boy raised his eyelids, his peachy eyes were calm and indifferent: "If I knew, do you think I would still talk nonsense with you here?"

The few people who were on the opposite side of the society paused, one of them shook with a cigarette in his hand, holding it in his hand.

Sneered: "I can't see that you are pulling, but I don't know if you can't get it up later."

Xu Ran didn't speak, but looked at them indifferently, his eyes fell on the hand of the person holding his bag.

Look at the back of these people as a little hairy.

They threw the bag away: "You offended someone, and the other party invited us to teach you a lesson."

The book flew out and picked it up with one hand.

Xu Ran's gaze paused slightly and looked over.

The people on the opposite side also looked over, and when they touched the girl's face, their eyebrows jumped.

The girl wore blue eye shadows and the blush and powder on her face. It is estimated that even her parents would not recognize her.

One of them couldn't help but frowned and said, "Go away, it's nothing to do with you."

Su Ci stands still.

Not moving like the wind.

She looked over and said nothing.

If the money jar can't speak, she will be exposed as soon as she speaks.

But the few people were dissatisfied: "Are you dumb or deaf, don't you understand people?"

The girl glanced at the boy.

The other person was also looking at her, the beautiful peach blossom looked at her, and his eyes fell on her face.

Su Ci couldn't help but pursed her lower lip.

Turned his face slightly.

The heart beats a bit fast.

She is very fierce and uncomfortable now, and Xu Ran must not recognize who she is.

Give yourself a reassurance.

Su Ci slightly raised her face and walked over.

Although the girl looks a little strange in makeup, she is petite and cute.

Obviously it looks ugly.

The slap-sized face was inexplicably charming and lovely.

So these people don't feel that the other party is in any danger at all.

and so.

When the girl stretched out her hand to pick up a brick from the back and slammed them on their foreheads, the person in front was stunned, dragged the other person next to her, and staggered along with her.


Several people looked at the girl with fancy-faced faces in horror in front of them, lifting up the bricks, punching them on their faces without blinking, and kicking them one by one.


After Su Ci smashed this, she ran her feet down on the person's face, then lifted the slab again, without blinking.

Seeing blood is about to flow into a river.

Those few people pull me one, I pull you one, and go away cursingly: "Damn, you wait for me."

Su Ci tilted her head slightly, staring at them and leaving.

Then he turned around and gave the book to the boy.

Xu Ran didn't speak, just looked at her.

Su Ci was seen as ignorant.

But she still stared at people without blinking.

"All, you say, will he see it?"

System: "Baby, your makeup skills are so good, even if it turns to ashes, Xu Ran won't recognize it."

Su Ci was relieved.

She leaned back slightly, her small face tense.

I look fierce.

Then he took it out of his pocket. . .

A cell phone.

Su Ci lowered her head, struck earnestly, and then lifted it up.

Xu Ran followed his gaze and saw a few words on the screen.

[Me, bad girl. 】

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 842: I cover this male god【7】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 842: I cover this male god【7】
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The other party looked over and looked intently, as if waiting for his response.

Xu Ran took the book and said faintly: "Well, I see."

Su Ci deleted the deletion on the phone again and typed a sentence.

[From now on, I will cover you. 】

She was worried about her toes, for fear that the young man would not be able to see it, and tried her best to tiptoe.

Xu Ran leaned down slightly and raised his hand.

His peachy eyes are slightly raised, his shoulders are wide and his waist is narrow, and there is a faint smell of laundry detergent on his school uniform. The thin pale red lips have beautiful lines, but they always seem to have a kind of unconscious ascetic sexiness.

The girl's fancy face was reflected in the retina.

The warm breath approached.

Su Ci's cheeks couldn't help being reddened, and she raised her long eyelashes, a little nervous.

The outstretched finger paused slightly in the air, turned a corner, and picked up the book in the girl's hand.

The young man stood up slightly and said coldly, "Although I don't need it, thank you anyway."

Xu Ran picked up the bag with one hand and turned to leave.

Su Ci stood straight in place.

Face up, intently.

She was a little discouraged.

Xu Ran seemed to be the same to everyone, keeping a distance. He would not prevent you from approaching, but he would not allow you to step into his world.

The boy took a few steps and then stopped.

Look back.

He was against the light, unable to see the look on his face.

Under the white-washed school uniform were black school pants, wrapped around those long legs, eyes were slightly drooping, it seemed.

"Why don't you leave and stay there?"

Su Ci blinked and followed.

She turned her face slightly and looked at the young man. His thin lips are very beautiful, with a light red color and no lines, so he looks extraordinarily graceful.

The hand carrying the bag is slender and strong.

Because he was still fifteen or sixteen years old, he looked a little bit green.

Su Ci thought, he should grow taller in the future, how tall will he grow?

The girl pressed her lips slightly and compared the shadows of the two.

Can't help but stand on tiptoe, this is a little satisfied.

Xu Ran stopped and looked at her.

Su Ci immediately stopped and stood in place obediently.

But then she realized that she was a bad girl now, so she tightened her face again.

I'm so fierce.

Xu Ran's eyes fell on this small face like a color palette. After a while, he said: "When will you stay with me?"

He stood in place, narrowing his eyes so slightly, his peachy eyes were cold and indifferent.

Su Ci looked over, she was holding her mobile phone.

Typed a sentence.

【I want to cover you, if you are bullied, I will lose face. 】

She raised her hand and looked at the person intently.

Xu Ran didn't speak until the next intersection, he picked up the girl and put it on another road.

Slightly lowered his eyes: "Don't follow me."

Regardless of the strange gaze that others were looking at her, Su Ci just raised her face slightly and nodded.

I typed a line on the phone again.

"Xu Ran, I will always protect you."

Xu Ran stood there, watched for a while, didn't speak, turned and left.

Turn on the lights in the living room.

Xu Ran changed his shoes.

The house is cold, there are garbage left by women eating and drinking on the table, and cigarette butts scattered all over the floor.

As usual, he cleaned up the living room and cooked himself a meal.

Being proficient is like doing it a thousand times and ten thousand times.

Xu Ran didn't know who her father was. In Zhao Meixin's words, she followed so many men, who knew who he was.

I like the quick walkthrough strategy: the enchanting male god, super Su's! Please collect it: (mtlnovel.com) Quick Wear Guide: Enchanting God, Super Su's! The literature is updated the fastest.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 843: I cover this male god【8】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 843: I cover this male god【8】
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At about eight o'clock, Zhao Meixin came back.

With a man.

The sound insulation of this house is not good. When Xu Ran was doing homework, they were next door and didn't know how to converge.

The teenager put on the earphones blankly.

The script under the lamp was delicate and beautiful, Xu Ran looked at it for a while, put down the pen in his hand, and became a little irritable.

He took off the headset and walked out.

Knocked on the door.

When Zhao Meixin came out, she had big wavy hair, and her gorgeous face was pretty and pretty. Even if she was in her thirties, she looked like she was in her early twenties. No wonder so many men like her. She yawned and said impatiently: "What are you doing?"

Xu Ran stood at the door: "Noisy."

His peachy eyes looked over coldly.

Zhao Meixin felt strange, lit a cigarette, and sneered: "It's not the first time. I haven't seen you out before." She spit out her eye circles and squinted her eyes: "Why, the mood is affected today, because of whom? "

"It's not like my son's style."

Xu Ran did not speak, turned around and left.

Zhao Meixin is his mother, and he sometimes hates the way she sees everything.

When the boy closed the door, he made a noise.

Zhao Meixin's finger was holding the cigarette, and a man behind her was holding her waist: "Your son is this old?"

"Yeah, he looks like his dad."

When Zhao Meixin said this, there was no slight smile in her eyes: "Sometimes it is annoying to come back and face such a face."

The man was a little jealous, and said grinning: "Why don't you give me someone who looks like you."

Zhao Meixin patted his face: "Go in."


When the teenager entered the classroom, the girl sitting in the seat straightened slightly, tilted her head slightly, and looked over intently.


Su Ci blinked her eyes softly.

Just when she thought Xu Ran would not care about herself, the teenager sat down and put the book on the desk: "Morning."

Su Ci pursed her lips, Xu Ran didn't look at her when she said this.

But that's okay.

She will work hard.

Song Qi couldn't help turning his head. The young man sat in the seat, and the girl next to him tilted her head slightly, looking at him seriously with her beautiful eyes.

Xu Ran lowered his eyes slightly, that face had no dead ends no matter what angle he looked at.

The school uniform of No. 2 Middle School is blue and white, which always looks particularly good when worn on him.

Song quietly noticed that at the moment when he entered the classroom, Xu Ran's first gaze was placed on the girl's body. Although it was only 0.5 seconds, she still caught it.

Xu Ran will not respond to other people's early questions.

Song Qi couldn't help biting his lip.

"Quietly, what are you looking at?"

The girl at the front desk turned her head and followed her gaze: "You are looking at Xu Ran. That Su Ci must be interesting to Xu Ran. I have been trying to talk to him these days, but Xu Ran is totally unwilling to talk to him. she was."

The girl looked a little gloating.

Song Qi's face was a bit ugly.

She shook the pen.

If Xu Ran didn't want to talk to him, he could just treat the other party as air.

But he didn't.

The canteen of No. 2 Middle School has a good mix of meat dishes, and the price is not cheap, but it is not too expensive.

When it was Xu Ran's turn to swipe the card, he realized that there was not much money in it.

Sometimes when Zhao Meixin goes out, she goes out for several days and does not come back, as if she has forgotten that there is a son in the family.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 844: I cover this male god【9】
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When she was young, Xu Ran couldn't wait for her to come back, so she could only take a stool and cook for herself in the kitchen.

Once, I almost burnt the kitchen.

After Zhao Meixin knew it, she just bought him a week's worth of bread and threw it in the refrigerator.

Xu Ran was used to it, and he sat down with a vegetarian dish and a few taels of rice.

Some of the girls around couldn't help but look over and talk in a low voice.

Xu Ran has always been very good, even if he is isolated by many people, he is the most eye-catching existence.

Song quietly noticed, and she couldn't help walking over: "Xu Ran, let me borrow your meal card. I still have a lot of money in my card."

The boy looked over.

Those beautiful peach eyes were alienated, holding chopsticks in one hand, and said coldly: "No need."

Song Qi couldn't help biting her lip. Before the meal card in her pocket was sent out, the other party's words blocked her in place.

Father Su has charged a lot of money in his daughter's meal card.

In the words of her daughter's control, she was worried that his good girl would not have enough to eat at school and would be hungry.

Su Ci thought to her heart that she couldn't finish this meal card even if she had to eat it for a few more years.

"Auntie, I want this, and this..."

The girl raised her small face slightly and said softly.

The auntie in the cafeteria felt softened.

Ouch, when did their school come to such a cutie?

The dishes in the spoon are half more than others.

Su Ci blinked and said, "Thank you Auntie."

The aunt in the canteen said with a smile, "You're welcome."

When it was the next girl's turn, the aunt returned to the original amount of food.

The classmate said aggrieved: "Auntie, I think you called her a lot just now."

The aunt said without changing her face: "That's my hand shaking."

Classmate: "...Can you give me a hand shake?"

Auntie: "No."

Classmate: "........"

Su Ci looked at the dishes on the plate, and thought there were so many, she must not finish eating.

How to do.

The girl blinked, and the next second she saw the boy sitting there.

She walked over and sat down.

Xu Ran raised his eyelids and saw the person opposite.

Shui Yingying's beautiful eyes are open.

He raised his face slightly and said seriously: "Xu classmate, can you help me eat some?"

Xu Ran followed his gaze to see that the amount of food was indeed much more than other students, and it was not difficult to see the selfishness of the aunt in the cafeteria.

Su Ci touched her stomach, pursing her lips softly: "I can't finish eating, and I can't waste food. You are a good person, okay?"

The girl looked at him intently, her small slap face was delicate and cute.

The whole little one sat there, arranging it like a schoolboy.

Xu Ran paused slightly and stretched out his chopsticks.

Song quietly saw this scene.

Her eyes widened slightly.

I can’t believe that the boy will accept the girl’s kindness, obviously...

She was obviously more tactful, she did a better job, and took care of his self-esteem.


Xu Ran was willing to accept Su Ci, but she was unwilling to accept her.

Su Ci tilted his head slightly and noticed that the boy had only one vegetarian dish.

She lowered her eyes slightly.

You can probably imagine how Xu Ran came here all these years.

My heart overflows a little distressed.

Slightly raised his long eyelashes, while eating the food, he thought seriously.

It doesn't matter, no one in this world is willing to treat him tenderly.

She is willing.


When Su Ci was asked by the teacher, she couldn't answer anything.

She said sincerely: "I'm sorry, teacher, I won't."

The classmate next to him whispered: "Why is she so stupid? I can't do this, will I be fine?"

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 845: I cover this male god【10】
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"Su Ci's family seems to be rich, and there is a special car to pick you up after school. The car is very expensive."

"Oh, it's Missy, it's no wonder that the grades are so bad. Even if you don't work hard, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, but we are poor."

System: "I'm so angry, Zizai, aren't these things leftover from your play? QvQ, why can't you answer?"

Su Ci lowered her eyes slightly and hesitated: "I'll know everything in a while."

Just as the classmates were talking, one hand was raised: "Teacher, I will answer this question."

The boy stood up from his seat, his thin red lips slightly opened.

Speak the answer accurately.

The classmates turned their heads back. Although Xu Ran has such a mother, his grades in school have always been very good.

"Xu Ran, sit down."

The teacher said, looking at the girl again, and said helplessly: "The college entrance examination is coming next semester. You have to listen to the class carefully, you know?"

Su Ci nodded.

After class, she passed the questions that she had done a lot of wrong.

Intently said: "Can you teach me? I seem to know nothing."

Only then did the system understand the purpose of its own cubs.

Xu Ran's grades were very good, and Zai Zai used the excuse of studying to get close to this big pig's hoof.

Xu Ran turned his face slightly.

He leaned on the position, his eyes fell on the girl's face, and he whispered, "Which question?"

Su Ci stretched out her pink finger, pointed it, and said seriously: "This, this, and this, I will do everything else."

Xu Ran looked in the direction she was pointing, and the shadow of the slender eyelashes lay down.

A gust of wind blew and the leaves rustled outside.

The boy said blankly: "You did the other things wrong too."

The girl was a little embarrassed lying on the table.

He raised his long eyelashes and looked over: "Xu classmate, you are amazing."

Xu Ran didn't speak, just took a pen to help her correct.

Su Ci lifted her face slightly, and looked at it with a correct mistake.

The teenager is very good-looking, like a man who walked out of a comic. His peach blossom eyes looked a little passionate, but inside was indifferent and cold.

When he lowered his head to look at people, his handsome and exquisite facial features, every line is perfect.

The girl's gaze fell on the other's eyelashes.

The money jar Jing couldn't help blinking his eyes.

Very long, long and dense.

Su Ci was a little bewitched, she stretched out a small hand and leaned in.

next moment.

Grasped by a hand.

Xu Ran looked over.

Su Ci's cheeks were slightly hot, and said seriously: "I didn't want to touch your eyelashes, I just saw a mosquito on your face."

Xu Ran lowered his head and lowered his eyes: "This reason is very lame."

Su Ci was a little embarrassed, she tilted her head slightly: "Your eyelashes are so long, can I feel it?"

She asked softly, her eyes shining brightly.

Xu Ran didn't answer her, but just returned the homework.

Su Ci was a little disappointed.

She looked over intently.

Look at the eyelashes.

I really want to touch it.

Su Ci fell asleep in the last class, and the noise in the class stopped shortly before she woke up leisurely. She tilted her head slightly and found that the classmates in the classroom were almost gone.

Su Ci raised her small face slightly and found a figure standing in front of her.

Xu Ran bent down and looked over, "I'm going back."

Su Ci looked at him without blinking.

The teenager grabbed her hand: "You only have one chance now."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 846: I cover this male god【11】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 846: I cover this male god【11】
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Su Ci raised her long eyelashes: "Really...really?"

The young man didn't speak, but just looked at her, bent over, the collarbone at the collar of the school uniform was white and thin, and it was indescribable.

She stretched out her little hand gingerly, for fear that she would be rough. He pursed his lips slightly and touched them softly.

Xu Ran's pupils are not dark or light, just like him, and they always give people a cold feeling of distance. He stretched out his hand, rubbed the girl's head with care, and then stood up slightly.

He opened his mouth and said: "Let's go."

Su Ci was still sitting in the original position, looking back carefully.

"All, Xu Ran's eyelashes are so long."

Her cheeks were a little red, and she felt that the distance between her and the boy was suddenly closer.

Slightly looking forward to it.

Let her touch her eyelashes this time, can she hold her hand next time.

Xu Ran's hands are also beautiful.

Su Ci left the school gate with her bag on her back. She doesn't need Uncle Wang to pick him up because she wants to protect Xu Ran.

What if the other person is bullied in a place she can't see.

The girl followed.

He raised his small face slightly and looked at him intently, for fear that he would be lost in the next second.

The boy stopped when he was at the next intersection.

With a heartbeat, Su Ci hurriedly pressed her body to the side of the shop window, and then poked her head out.

Xu Ran didn't seem to find her.

The boy walked forward. There was a bus stop where many students were waiting for the bus.

Su Ci stared at it for a long time, tilting his head slightly, wondering if it would pass.

Several boys walked over, and one of them said humanely: "Qiao Yu, look, is it the son of the third one? What is the name of the one in the second middle school?"

The boy named Qiao Yu looked over and burst a box of drinks in his hand in the next second.

His complexion became unkind: "Xu Ran."

The boys are all about loyalty, and Qiao Yu is quite popular, and he usually plays well. Everyone knows what happened in his family.

"I didn't succeed last time, let's get him this time."

"That's it, it's cheaper for this little San's son. His mother is not a good seller. Let's go."

Qiao Yu walked over with them.

Su Ci raised her face, looked for a few seconds, grabbed her schoolbag, and walked over together.

When the bus came, the students all walked up.

The girl threw a coin.

Xu Ran stood on the top, cast his eyes down, and looked over.

Su Ci blinked her eyes: "Student Xu, what a coincidence."

The young man did not speak, but turned his face slightly, giving up a piece of his side.

Su Ci walked over, clinging to the handrail obediently.

At this moment.

Qiao Yu and the others also followed. Several people were eating bubble gum and looked towards this side.

Xu Ran obviously saw them too, and paused slightly.

Qiao Yu and the others didn't come up for trouble at the first time, but laughed and scolded there. Then, two people squeezed over.

They were talking above first, and then they found a petite girl standing next to Xu Ran.

Not easy to get started.

One of the boys stepped forward, intending to knock him away first.

Just when he was ready to do it. ‘

The boy stretched out his hand, grabbed his arm, and Taohua looked over coldly, tightening his strength slightly.

Boys suffer from eating.

The driver turned a corner and the car bumped a little.

Su Ci didn't notice, and crashed into the boy's arms.

She hugged each other subconsciously.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 847: I cover this male god【12】
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After a pause, Xu Ran let go of the boy's hand.

Lower your head slightly.

Su Ci also just raised her small face slightly, her cheeks flushed, Shui Yingying's eyes looked over, let go, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

The girl stood up slightly.

With his eyes down, there was nowhere to put his little hands. After several scratches, he grabbed the handrail and pressed his lips slightly. The head looked fluffy and wanted to be rubbed.

Xu Ran looked at it for a long time, her thin pale red lips slightly hooked.

The two people who were with Qiao Yu didn't have the opportunity to do anything. At the moment when the car was unstable, the other people in the car were also affected and squeezed them out.

When Xu Ran got out of the car, Su Ci followed.

She followed the young man. When the other party looked back, she raised her face and said solemnly: "I'm here to buy things."

Xu Ran did not speak.

Qiao Yu also surrounded him.

Of course they also found a petite and lovely girl with a beautiful and delicate face with big palms and pink lips.

Just follow Xu Ran behind, without saying a word.

It looks weird and cute.

Qiao Yu thought she was Xu Ran's girlfriend, but they didn't beat women, so he said: "This is our grievance with him, you go."

Su Ci glanced at the boy.

I found that the other person was also looking at her, and said: "You go first."

Xu Ran is tall, among a few people in public, especially the tallest and tallest.

Su Ci took a few steps back with her bag on her back.

Xu Ran looked away.

Qiao Yu sneered: "I heard that your mother has found a man again. Maybe she will be a junior this time."

Xu Ran heard this many times, but his expression remained unchanged.

As if the other person said it wasn't his mother.

In fact.

When Xu Ran was very young, she used to rely on Zhao Meixin and cling to her like other children did to their mothers. But women always come back with all kinds of men. Sometimes, Xu Ran feels like a little cat and puppy picked up by the roadside.

When he was in a good mood, he would feed him a bite of rice, and when he was in a bad mood, he would put him in the room for a whole day.

Xu Ran ignored the people and turned to leave.

Qiao Yu stopped him.

"Where are you going, your mother ruined my family, you mother and son are really shameless."

A boy next to him took a cigarette, held the cigarette butt, and walked up.

Just at this time.

Something, patted the back.

The boy staggered and fell forward, scratching his face.

He raised his head.

I saw the **** the opposite side.

The other party held a red brick in his hand, and looked over without blinking with Shui Yingying's beautiful eyes.

Qiao Yu and the others were all stunned.

How could they have expected that this delicate and soft little cutie would not know where to take out such a big thing, and then they would come to their brother.

The boy who fell on the ground wiped his face and cursed lowly.


Su Ci held the slab in her hand, her red lips uttered soft words: "You are not allowed to bully him."

Qiao Yu thought to himself, where the **** is Xu Ran such a good blessing.

Then they were drunk by a traffic policeman on the side of the road: "What are you doing, what are you doing!"

Xu Ran didn't learn the lesson from Qiao Yu, but was taught the lesson by the traffic police.

The boy who was smashed was a little unconvinced: "She is still hitting people with bricks."

The traffic police looked over.

The boy saw the girl holding the brick, handed it over, and slightly pursed his lips: "I'm holding it for fun."

The traffic police picked it up. It was indeed made of bubbles. He glanced at the boy: "Where did you hit you? Did you break it?"

The boy was dumbfounded.

No, that really is?

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 848: I cover this male god【13】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 848: I cover this male god【13】
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He glared at the brick, particularly aggrieved: "She hit me with this just now, and my back still hurts."

The girl stood in place obediently, Shui Yingying's beautiful eyes looked over, her lips were pursed, and she said softly, "You are the one who troubled Xu Ran first."

She is porcelain-white and cute, and her eyes are round and childish.

It reminds the traffic policeman of his niece. Every time he sees him, he opens his little hand and hugs her with milk.

Then he said with eyebrows and eyes: "Is what the little girl said true? Did you find the difference first?"

An aunt who was picking vegetables next to him said at this time: "Uncle police, they are the first to do it. You have to take care of it."

The traffic policeman glanced at the little girl and returned the slab, his tone softened a bit: "Although this thing is fake, don't take it out casually, you know?"

Su Ci nodded.

Qiao Yu cursed badly in his heart.

Then he was detained for a few minutes of ideological education, and watched Xu Ran walk away with the girl.

The boy who was smashed still felt wrong: "She took a real brick, and it hurts me to smash it, **** it!"

The traffic police squinted: "You try to scold someone again?"

Boy: "...what I said is true."

Traffic police: "Okay, let me explain now, why are you looking for trouble?"

The money jar followed Xu cunningly until the boy stopped and turned around.

Looking down, the peach blossom eyes are cold and confusing.


Su Ci blinked her eyes: "What is it?"

She raised her small face slightly, too soft.

Xu Ran bent over: "What do you think?"

The boy's face leaned close, there was no expression on his face, he just looked at the girl quietly.

Xu Ran is exquisite, but not feminine, even a little over-looking. Looks like comics, handsome and clean, but the whole person's breath is a bit cold.

But not arrogantly following, just let people clearly realize his temperament, as if he was born with a sense of indifference and distance.

Su Ci couldn't help but flushed, she took a step back, tilted her head slightly, and looked at her toes: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Did Xu Ran find out?

But she.

Obviously it is very hidden.

Su Ci couldn't help but slightly pursed her lips, tightening her hand holding the bag, half pretending to be dead on the ground.

The warm breath came out.

Xu Ran's voice came: "If you don't give it to me, I will do it myself."

The slender fingers touched it.

Brushed the girl's back.

The pink on Su Ci's cheeks spread to her neck, like a little rabbit, raising her head, her feet stepped back.

He hugged the schoolbag tightly, and said softly: "In...in the bag."

She bowed her head and took out the real brick silently.

He raised his little face slightly and handed it over.

Not blinking.

Xu Ran took it, and Taohua looked at her for a long time, and said, "Don't bring this kind of thing in the future."

He lowered his head, and he heard a voice with a cool texture like a clear spring: "You are still developing."

After speaking these words, the young man stood up slightly, turned and walked forward.

Su Ci raised her face slightly.

Understand what the other party meant.

This thing is very heavy, she is still young, and if she keeps carrying it, it will have an impact.

The girl's cheeks couldn't help but burn slightly.

She followed without blinking, pursing her lips slightly, trying to defend herself: "I picked this up on the side of the road."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 849: I cover this male god【14】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 849: I cover this male god【14】
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Xu Ran didn't speak, but the pace slowed down intentionally or unintentionally.

The distance between the young slender shadow and the young girl's shadow is gradually getting closer.

Su Ci held the schoolbag and grabbed the corner of his clothes with a small hand.

Xu Ran looked over.

The girl raised her white and soft face, with the childishness of a baby fat. Shui Yingying's eyes looked over intently, and she explained earnestly and hard, "Really, I don't actually know how to fight."

Su Ci racked his brains.

After thinking about it, he exposed his little arm and said softly: "I just want to scare them. I'm still afraid of bugs."

She didn't want Xu Ran to know that she would fight.

In front of him, she just wanted to be a cutie.

Su Ci just wanted to change her identity to protect him, but she didn't want the other party to know her another look.

Because she was afraid, and she was afraid that Xu Ran would change her opinion after she knew it.

Because of youth.

What is endured is the bullying from this kind of power.

Xu Ran lowered his eyes slightly, and his pupils reflected the appearance of a young girl. He stretched out his hand and rubbed her head.

With a low hum.

"I hate her sometimes and all the trouble she brings to me."

Su Ci looked over.

The teenager stood there, looking far away, and his voice became a little low: "She is not a good mother, but her only principle is not to get involved in other people's feelings."

Su Ci looked at his profile.

I thought, Xu Ran said this to her, he might not have said such a thing to anyone.

She bowed her head and took out the candy from her pocket: "Here you are."

The boy looked over.

The girl raised her small face and said to him: "When you are unhappy, eating sweets will heal."

"I will give it to you now."

The candy wrapped in sugar paper was put in the palm of the girl's hand.

Xu Ran paused slightly.

Watching the girl seriously said: "Xu Ran, I don't want you to be unhappy."


Song quietly took the broom and saw that Su Ci on the outside of the glass, the girl's red lips breathed, and her small hand was wiping the dirt on it.

The fingertips are all beautiful pink.

When he stood on his toes slightly to wipe the top piece, the passing boy bent slightly, took the wet cloth in the girl's hand, wiped off that part expressionlessly, and then returned it to the other party again.

"Quietly, what are you looking at?"

The classmate followed her gaze curiously.

Song quietly shook his head, but his heart was bubbling with sourness: "It's nothing."

Her gaze followed the girl's hand, put the broom down, and said, "I'll wipe it."

Su porcelain wring out the water from the damp cloth.

"You seem to have a good relationship with Xu Ran?"

The girl's voice came.

She raised her eyes to look.

While wiping the glass, Song Qi said: "His family's situation is special, so she always keeps a distance from others." She pinched her nails into her palms and said, "But Xu Ran doesn't seem to like to owe favors to others, who helped me? He, he will definitely return."

Su Ci did not speak.

She raised her long eyelashes slightly and wiped the glass clean.

When Song quietly twisted the water, most of it splashed out. She said, "Xu Ran." Song quietly lowered her head, and her voice became softer: "It's just such a person, sometimes you feel like you are away It seems to be very close, but in fact, he still can't enter the world that belongs to him."

"If you like him, you will probably be very tired."

Su Ci stopped, looked over, and said softly: "Did you tell me this because of jealousy?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 850: I cover this male god【15】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 850: I cover this male god【15】
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Song Qui: "What?"

She was a little startled.

The girl looked at her, with Shui Yingying's eyes, her red lips spit out soft words: "Because you can't get close to Xu Ran, do you want me to retire?"

The money jar can see at a glance what the human being is thinking.

She looked at people intently, thought about it, and said seriously: "If you want me to give up, it's impossible."

"Because I will work very hard to walk into his world."

"You can't, but I can."

Su Ci is telling the truth, Jin Shi is open, as long as she perseveres, Xu Ran can be regarded as a block of ice.

She will also muffle him up.

But Song Qi's expression turned a little ugly. She felt that Su Ci was provoking, even showing off. Showing off Xu Ran did not resist her approach.

Song quietly felt a sense of crisis.

In the eyes of the teenager, she saw emotions she had never seen before, and she could feel Xu Ran, even tacitly approving the approach of the girl, and she was a little indulgent.

Song quietly looked at the water on the ground and stepped on it.

She fell to the ground and shouted: "It hurts."

All the students around are looking over.

They all looked at the girl standing above, the other side holding a wet cloth in his hand, looking down at Song Wei, very close.

Song Qui's friend went up to help: "Quiet, are you okay."

Song quietly glanced at Su Ci, bit his lip, looked at the large piece of torn skin on his arm, resisting tears and said, "It hurts a bit, I can't stand up."

My friend followed her gaze, his eyes changed: "Quietly, did she push you?"

Song quietly didn't speak, but just bit his mouth tightly and said, "My leg hurts a little too."

But her friend acquiesced, and she raised her face and said, "Su Ci, why are you pushing people? Why are you quietly complaining about you? Why are you so cruel?"

System: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, dad is **** off, this green tea bitch! How dare to frame my cubs."

The surrounding classmates also saw the girl's eyes change a little, and said in a low voice: "How can Su Ci push people? She and Song Qi should have no hatred."

"Girls and girls are always a little jealous. Isn't Song Wei's grades very good? It may be because of this."

"It's so cute to look so cute."

Those who did not trust, suspicious, and all looked over.

Su Ci raised her face slightly.

A figure walked out of the crowd, and he lowered his gaze slightly, colliding with the girl's gaze.

It's Xu Ran.

Su Ci pursed her lips, she looked at each other nicely and thought to herself.

Will Xu Ran misunderstand her?

Song Ji on the ground also noticed the young man. She watched the other person coming and stopped when she passed her.

Song quiet's heart beating, she looked over.

Even her friend whispered: "Quietly, do you think Xu Ran wants to take you to the infirmary."

Song quietly shook his head: "I don't know."

But seeing Xu Ran squatting down, he said calmly: "If she pushed you..."

The young man analyzed the traces on the ground one by one, speaking in a reasonable manner, and his words clearly fell in the ears of the people around him.

The people around were stunned.

Xu Ran stood up and looked at Song Wei without any emotion: "Su Ci can't push you."

"She won't push you, this matter is over here, don't make the scene too embarrassing."

Song Qi's face was blue and red.

Her friend said angrily: "Xu Ran, you haven't seen it with your own eyes, why are you sure that Su Ci pushed it quietly? Are you going too far?"

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 851: I cover this male god【16】
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Xu Ran said lightly: "I said, don't let me make the scene too embarrassing." He paused slightly, and peachy eyes glanced over: "Song Qui, what do you think?"

Song Qi's face was a little pale.

She knows, she knows.

As long as Xu Ran thinks about it, he must have a way.

"It wasn't Su Ci who pushed it, but I fell down by myself."

Song quietly said, a little afraid to look directly at the boy's gaze.

He pulled his friend's arm and said, "It's because I feel so painful that I can't speak."

"You should apologize to her, not explain."

Xu Ran didn't look at her again, and wanted to move on.

Song Ji grabbed her hand, and she said pitifully, "Xu Ran, I didn't have time to explain. I can apologize to Su Ci. Can you send me to the infirmary? I feel so painful."

Xu Ran bowed his head: "Let go."

Song Qi was taken aback by his gaze, and let go of his hand subconsciously.

Xu Ran walked to the girl, the other party raised his small face slightly and looked at him intently.

The boy passed by and said, "What are you still standing here for, do you want to be framed again?"

The words fell into Song Qui's ears, and her face was even paler and her blood was lost.

Su Ci shook her head and followed.

She wanted to speak, explaining that she was not so bully.

But I opened my mouth.

Her cute image doesn't seem so strong anymore.

So the money jar followed each other's footsteps obediently and pulled the other's hand.

Su Ci saw it, and Song Qui took the young man's hand just now.

She was a little unhappy.

Xu Ran stopped, turned his head, and noticed that the girl had put something on her palm, so she couldn't help but look at it.

The other party raised his face slightly, and said softly, "Sugar, here you are."

"Also, thank you."

Xu Ran didn't speak, just pinched the candy and watched the girl turn and leave.

With her eyes down slightly, she seemed to be able to feel the girl's soft little hands.

He leaned aside, peeled the candy wrapper, and put the candy in his mouth.

Very soft.

It's also very sweet.

There are similarities in the same way.


"I just wiped the traces of Song Qui, all, am I very smart?"

Su Ci secretly touched the young man's hand by giving sugar.

Lower your head and purs your lips.

Moreover, she also held Xu Ran's hand, although it was not the other party's initiative.

But last time, they still hugged each other.

Su Ci's cheeks are a little red.

I seriously thought that although they are still young and cannot fall in love now, Xu Ran will also belong to her sooner or later.

Think of it as... it's good to advance the boyfriend's welfare in advance.

System: "The cub is smart. For the sake of the big pig's hoof, Dad will reluctantly let him take advantage of you."

Su Ci corrected it and said: "All, I took advantage of him."

System: "..." Dad's silly cub QvQ, it is obviously that big pig's hoof is taking advantage of you!

The girl had been waiting in the classroom early, she was lying on her seat, and Yu Guang watched when the teenager would enter the classroom.

But this time.

Xu Ran seemed to be late when class was about to start.

It was a lot slower than usual.

The teenager sat down.

Su Ci tilted his head slightly: "Morning."

The other party raised his eyes, paused, and said: "Morning."

The sound is lower than usual.

She looked at it without blinking, always feeling that the color of the young boy's lips seemed a little light today.

Xu Ran withdrew his gaze, and the girl's watery eyes looked softly and obediently like a kitten.

Let him almost reach out his hand.

But the last trace of reason stopped Xu Ran.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 852: I cover this male god【17】
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Su Ci felt a little strange, she felt that Xu Ran seemed to avoid her gaze today.

The girl couldn't help but raised her hand and touched her face.

Is she different today?

The teacher on the podium was giving a lecture, and the next moment, he asked questions. She turned her eyes around and fell to one of the positions: "Xu Ran, you will answer."

The boy stood up, his tone paused for a few seconds before he answered.

Su Ci tilted his head slightly. If Xu Ran had been in the past, she would probably be very decisive, without even a trace of hesitation.

Is this problem difficult?

She lowered her head and thought, after the boy sat down, she turned her face slightly and went to see him.

Xu Ran sat in the position, under his slender eyelashes, there was a tall nose bridge, and his slender white hands were placed on the top of the Zhuo. Each one had distinct joints and was very beautiful.

Those peach blossom eyes stared at the front, but the breathing rate was a little faster than before.

But the look of the boy was still full of calm and cold feeling.

Su Ci couldn't help pursing her lips.

Xu Ran knew that the girl was watching him. He wanted to be as calm and self-contained as usual, but the finger bones were slightly bent and white.

So when get out of class was over, the teenager got up and walked straight out through the back door.

Su Ci raised her face slightly and looked over.

She felt that Xu Ran seemed to be something wrong today.

Why is this?

The girl watched for a while, and followed.

Su Ci followed, Xu Ran went to the vending machine, put coins in two fingers, bent over and picked up a can of soda.

The boy bent one leg slightly and opened the easy pull ring with one hand.

Slightly raised his head and took a sip.

The Adam's apple moved slowly along with his movements.

There is an unspeakable abstinence and sexy.

When Su Ci walked over, Xu Ran just bowed his head. He stood by the vending machine and looked over.

The girl stood in front, as if looking at the soda drinks, but in fact she was looking at the teenager from the sidelines.

But pretending to be very serious in choosing.

When Su Ci turned his face, the boy lowered his head: "Which one do you want?"

They are very close.

She could even feel the breath of Xu Ran's body. Those peach blossom eyes looked at her for an instant. They were not as cold as usual. It was like a faint mist of cold water, which was hazy and a bit cold, just falling on her face. .

But the breath that came out was abnormally warm.

Su Ci couldn't help his cheeks reddening, and then pointed at one of them with a small hand.

Xu Ran bent over, turned her body slightly, put her chin on her head, and said unhurriedly: "Like this?"

Su Ci wanted to look up. She felt that the teenager was a little bit strange, but she couldn't tell what was strange.

Xu Ran took out the box of orange juice and stuck it on the girl's face.

When she shrank slightly in the cold.

He hooked his lips.

Su Ci raised her face slightly, took the orange juice, and couldn't help but said, "Xu Ran?"

The girl's voice was soft and waxy, and she was very well-behaved, and she felt very bullied at first glance.

The boy looked at her for a long time, bent over, and whispered: "If you call again, I will kiss you."

Su Ci stared at people intently.

The cheeks were stained with a pale pink color and spread all the way to the neck.

She was tangled in her heart.

Is she going to kiss Xu Ran? But they are still very young. Isn't that bad?

Just in the money jar, I thought and thought.

The boy suddenly stood up straight, covered his forehead, and said, "Sorry."

He returned to his original cold look.

Then turn around.

I like the quick walkthrough strategy: the enchanting male god, super Su's! Please collect it: (mtlnovel.com) Quick Wear Guide: Enchanting God, Super Su's! The literature is updated the fastest.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 853: I cover this male god【18】
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Su Ci was a little confused, she subconsciously pulled out the young man's hand.

Xu Ran looked back.

The girl stood on tiptoe slightly and stretched out her hand hard, seemingly out of reach, she said softly: "You bow your head, okay?"

The teenager looked down at her.

A small hand touched his forehead.

The other person looked at him and said, "You seem to have a fever."

Xu Ran had a low fever.

Su Ci was a little worried, but the teenager seemed to be a little slower than usual in class, everything else was normal.

But she still looked over from time to time.

Until school is over.

Xu Ran got up from her position.

Su Ci followed the young man until she left the school gate, she followed one step and three steps.

Then grabbed the corner of the opponent's clothes: "Xu Ran."

The boy turned around, looked down at her for a long time, and then whispered: "Huh?"

Those peach eyes fixedly looked at her.

Su Ci stood on tiptoe and touched his forehead again, a little hot.

The burn is more serious.

She stretched out her hand, grabbed his big hand, and said seriously: "You are burning a bit badly, I will take you home."

The teenager didn't speak, just looked at her.

Su Ci was a little embarrassed by him, and pursed her lower lip, but she didn't let go of her hand.

She walked ahead, holding the young man's hand.

The boy was much taller than the girl, so he followed behind her and looked at her with his eyes down slightly.

It's almost the green light.

Su Ci felt that Xu Ran behind him, bent over and hugged herself, putting her face on her shoulders.

The boy's body is a little hot.

It made her seem to be a little bit infected to her body temperature.

The posture of the two is very ambiguous.

Xu Ran didn't speak, but just hugged her so quietly, causing passers-by to look over.

Su Ci was a little embarrassed, turned her face slightly, and whispered, "I'm going to cross the road."

The boy stared at the green light and said: "Yeah."

Then there is no more text.

He stood still on the spot, holding the girl from behind, slightly lowered his eyes and said: "When the red light comes, we can pass."

Su Ci corrected: "It's the green light."

She found that Xu Ran had a fever, and it seemed that she would be different.

Xu Ran hugged her and looked a little obedient: "Then the green light."

Quite a bit of what you mean.

But when Su Ci tried to get him down, the boy stopped doing it.

He is so dependent on her.

So that Su Ci could only watch a green light slip past her, and the adults next to her looked at her with strange eyes.

The money jar was thin-skinned and couldn't help but blush.

She turned her head, coaxing humanity: "Xu Ran, I'll take you home, okay?"

The boy lowered his eyes slightly, but said: "Why do you call me Xu Ran?"

Su Ci also looked at him and said softly: "Student Xu?"

Xu Ran said: "I don't like it."

Su Ci thought about it again, her cheeks were a little hot, and asked softly, "Then I call you, OK?"

Xu Ran nodded, hugged her neck, and leaned over.

Kissed her face: "I like what you call me."

System: "Ah, ah, this dog man, my cub takes advantage of her when she is so young, so I'll take Dad a knife!"

Su Ci obediently said: "Everything is not angry, he is sick now."

System: "If it weren't for seeing him sick, Dad would kill him!"

Su Ci was a little embarrassed, but she felt that Ranran's nickname was indescribably nice.

She turned her face slightly and asked, "Of course, can we pass the traffic lights now?"

Xu Ran: "No."

I like the quick walkthrough strategy: the enchanting male god, super Su's! Please collect it: (mtlnovel.com) Quick Wear Guide: Enchanting God, Super Su's! The literature is updated the fastest.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 854: I cover this male god【19】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 854: I cover this male god【19】
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Su Ci blinked her eyes, and some unexpected teenagers who looked cold, self-sufficient and cool would also shame.

She couldn't help but raised her small face slightly and raised her long eyelashes: "Why not?"

Xu Ran hugged her neck and inadvertently rubbed her warm thin lips, and said dullly, "Unless you kiss me."

System: "...Don't stop Dad, Dad must hack this dog man to death!"

Su Ci's cheeks were hot. Just now when she was kissed on the cheek by a teenager, her heart was already beating very fast, and she was very embarrassed. After all, everyone is still young, and it's not right to fall in love early.

So she is waiting for Xu Ran to grow up a bit, and then they can fall in love.

But now this development is a bit too fast.

The money jar pursed his red lips: "Can you change the request?"

Xu Ran resolutely refused: "No."

His peach blossom eyes were slightly drooping, as if he was obsessed with such an exchange.

Su Ci was a little distressed and entangled. Looking around, there was only a woman holding her baby waiting next to her. She lowered her head as if teasing the baby, and did not notice them.

So the girl turned around, holding the boy's face.

Gently kissed his cheek.

Then he let go, stood up slightly, his cheeks flushed, and said softly, "Okay... Alright."

Xu Ran raised his hand and touched the place the girl had just touched.

not talking.

But his eyes kept falling on her, not knowing what she was thinking.

Su Ci was a little shy by the young boy's deep eyes, she couldn't help but change the subject, stretched out her hand and said, "I'm kissing, you have to obediently cross the road with me."

Xu Ran handed it over.

Let the girl lead.

When it's green light.

Su Ci led Xu Ran and walked to the opposite side.

But I heard the boy suddenly say behind him: "I like you to kiss me."

She couldn't help but look over.

Xu Ran lowered his head, looked at her intently, and said in a tone like eating and drinking: "Can I make an appointment next time?"

He didn't look shy at all, and even took the initiative to grab the girl's fingers and crossed them in.

Repeatedly, said flatly: "I like you to kiss me, I like it very much."

Su Ci's heart beat.

She pressed her lower lip slightly, and kept her face away: "We'll talk about it when we grow up. It's not possible now."

"Is it enough to grow up?"

Xu Ran lowered his head, looked at her, and asked faintly.

Su Ci felt that the teenager was like a serious hooligan, and she couldn't find any evidence yet. And Xu Ran is sick now. I guess he doesn't even know what he is doing. Maybe after he gets better, he may not even think of it.

She took his hand and nodded.

Perhaps the answer was affirmative.

Xu Ran had been obediently letting the girl lead.

But he still looked tall and cool, his peachy eyes looked cold and confusing, and there was no expression on his face.

No one would have thought that he burned his brain.

Su Ci first took the teenager to a small clinic and took his temperature.

The little nurse asked: "I have a fever, do you want an injection?"

"I don't want to get an injection."

The boy bent over, hugged the girl, and said.

The little nurse couldn't help but glanced at the tall and handsome boy in front of her and asked, "Are you his girlfriend?"

Su Ci shook his head: "We are classmates."

Not a boyfriend or girlfriend yet.

The little nurse gave a cry, and couldn't help but glance at the two again.

He looks like a student, and he is still very young.

I like the quick walkthrough strategy: the enchanting male god, super Su's! Please collect it: (mtlnovel.com) Quick Wear Guide: Enchanting God, Super Su's! The literature is updated the fastest.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 855: I cover this male god【20】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 855: I cover this male god【20】
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The little girl looked white, with big eyes and small lips, beautiful and cute. The man grows very handsome, tall, and his legs are long. It is not difficult to see how many women will be charmed when he grows up.

Although it looks a bit cold, but also a bit cool.

But when facing a little girl, she was clingy and leaning on her body, her eyes lowered slightly, she was behaving, and she felt like a big bird.

The heart of the little nurse was all over by Su.

I think back then, when she was studying, why didn't she meet such a handsome and sultry person.

She sighed in her heart.

When the little girl was going to get the medicine, the little nurse couldn't help asking: "Are you really in a relationship? Don't worry, even if it is, I will keep it secret for you."

Her aunt couldn't help but overflow

Especially when the little girl had just walked a few steps, the boy raised his head and looked over intently.

The little nurse felt that in the other side's heart, she must like this little girl, and she liked it so much.

"No talk."

The boy looked over, and denied a bit coldly.

Just when the little nurse was a little dazed.

Those peach eyes met her, and the voice of the teenager came: "She is my future girlfriend."

After saying this sentence.

Su Ci just came back, the boy stretched out his hand, waiting for her to lead.

Then he stood up, followed the person quietly, walking in accordance with the rhythm of the little girl.

The little nurse stared at this scene for a long time, unforgettable.

After Su Ci left the clinic, she held the medicine in one hand and the young man in the other, with her small face tilted up slightly, "Xu Ran, where is your home?"

The boy said lightly: "Ran Ran."

Su Ci yelled softly, "Ran Ran, where is your home?"

Xu Ran: "I don't know either."

Su Ci was a little entangled. She thought to herself, did Xu Ran, who was ill, really forget where her home was? What to do tonight?

But I felt a warm breath approaching.

Xu Ran's voice was a little bit magnetic in her ear: "I lied to you."

When Su Ci brought Xu Ran back to his home, there seemed to be no one at home. She couldn't help turning her head and asked for the key.

Xu Ran leaned against the wall and looked down at her: "In his pocket."

The girl waited for a long time, and couldn't help blinking her eyes when she saw that the other party didn't want to show it to her.

Putting his little hand into his left trouser pocket.

Su Ci raised her small face, a little confused: "No."

"on the right."

Xu Ran paused and said.

After Su Ci took out the key on the right and opened the door, the living room was dark. She fumbled for the switch to the side.

But I can't touch anything.

Can't help but stand on tiptoe, and his little hand fumbled towards the top.

And at this time.

Xu Ran leaned over behind him, as if shrouded her under her, full of warm breath.

Perhaps because of the darkness, Su Ci was a little nervous. She opened her eyes without blinking, and her heart beat slightly.

Xu Ran grabbed her hand, moved it to the left, and said in a low voice, "Here."

His hands are wider than his own, but his fingers are slender and strong.

Su Ci felt a little hot, so she pursed her lips slightly and turned on the light.

With a click.

The living room is wide open.

The next moment, Su Ci's eyes were covered: "Don't look."

She couldn't help blinking her eyes.

A little curious.

Why didn't Xu Ran let her see, is there someone else there? Or something else.

I like the quick walkthrough strategy: the enchanting male god, super Su's! Please collect it: (mtlnovel.com) Quick Wear Guide: Enchanting God, Super Su's! The literature is updated the fastest.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 856: I cover this male god【21】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 856: I cover this male god【21】
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The girl's long eyelashes, like small feathers, made her palms scratchy.

Xu Ran's mind was a little confused, almost unable to react.

He just subconsciously hugged the girl and said for a long time: "Why are you helping me? Why are you talking to me?"

Su Ci is a little confused.

She felt something, as if lightly touching her hair: "Forget it."

Xu Ran looked at the living room, a mess, there were still melon peels scattered on the table, and cigarette butts everywhere. He covered the girl's eyes and pushed her forward until he opened his bedroom.

Reached out and rubbed her head: "Wait for me."

Su Ci raised her face slightly, a little unsure, so when the door was closed, she softly called out Xu Ran's nickname.

No response was received.

Su Ci didn't know what the boy was going to do, but after waiting a few minutes, she couldn't help but opened the door and went out.

When I saw Xu Ranwei in the living room leaning on the sofa.

A little anxious.

Su Ci leaned over: "Xu Ran?"

The teenager paused and opened his eyes. He stretched out his hand, covered her eyes, and whispered: "Dirty, don't look."

Xu Ran leaned her head on the girl's body, hugged her, and whispered: "It's dirty."

Su Ci couldn't help but stretched out his hand, grabbed his hand, and touched the young man's forehead. As expected, it was even hotter.

"you are sick."

The girl's soft voice came into his ears.

Xu Ran opened his eyes and whispered: "Well, just sleep for a while."

Su Ci got up and glanced at the living room.

The young man paused, he lay on the sofa, listening to the slight footsteps and walked away.

I closed my eyes.

Zhao Meixin probably won't be back today. When he was a child, he was ill. He just lay on this sofa for a long time. If he is lucky, the woman will come back early the next morning.

Xu Ran hadn't had time to clean up the living room.

When he thought of the girl clutching the corner of his clothes and seeing Shui Yingying's beautiful eyes, he felt an indescribable irritability in his heart.

What upset.

Xu Ran's mind is a bit unhalal.

It may be irritability, she is different from Xu Ran in the girl's mind.

He has a terrible environment, worse than imagined.

So when Xu Ran thought the footsteps had gone out, it came back.

He opened his eyes slightly.

Seeing the girl looking over with her eyes down, holding a cup of hot water in her hand and pursing her lips, she coaxed a little waxy, "Of course, I'm taking medicine."

Xu Ran lasted all day.

Su Ci fed him the medicine, then whispered to him for a while, and he fell asleep.

But that slender hand held her tightly.

Su Ci lowered her head, looked at it for a long time, stretched out her small hand, and broke that hand almost half-tempered and half-coaxed.

She cleaned up the living room.

When I opened the refrigerator, I received a call from Su's father.

The other party asked anxiously: "Good girl, good baby, why don't you answer my dad's call?"

Su Ci said embarrassedly: "Dad."

She accidentally turned the phone to silent.

Dad Su asked: "Where are you now? Dad asked Uncle Wang to pick you up."

Su Ci told a little lie to deal with Dad Su, and then found some ingredients in the refrigerator.

Made some porridge for Xu Ran.

The doorbell rang when she was about to take the boy over.

Su Ci looked over.

As she walked a few steps, the door was opened and a woman walked in, followed by a man.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 857: I cover this male god【22】
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The woman froze for a moment, then smiled: "Hello, I am Xu Ran's mother, Zhao Meixin."

She was very beautiful, and Xu Ran obviously had half of her genes inherited from her partner.

Su Ci slightly raised her face, still holding the porridge in her hand. She felt that she was a little inappropriate and stayed here. She asked auntie hello, and then handed the porridge over: "Xu Ran is sick." He looked over without blinking, pursed his lips slightly, and said softly: "Take care of him, please."

She didn't know how Zhao Meixin usually took care of the teenager, but she felt that she might not be like other mothers.

Su Ci looked at people intently.

Zhao Meixin was taken aback, and smiled softly: "Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

She stretched out her hand, rubbed the girl's head, and asked, "Are you Xu Ran's classmate?"

Su Ci heard the assurance, released her hand and nodded.

Zhao Meixin smiled.

The other party spoke softly and softly, for fear of disturbing her son.

Su Ci noticed another look at her, and she couldn't help but look at it.

The man standing behind the woman seemed to have his eyes on her for a while, then smiled at her, looking very easy-going and elegant.

Su Ci retracted her gaze. She looked at Zhao Meixin and said, "I'm going back first, bye."

"It's getting a bit late."

The man’s voice came: "You little girl may not be safe."

Zhao Mei said without looking back, "Why don't you give it away?"

Her tone was a bit lazy, as if joking or acting like a baby.

Han Cheng grabbed her by the waist and kissed her: "As if to please your son, I can see that this classmate treats him quite unusually."

Zhao Meixin smiled: "Really."

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes. Under the light, her white skin was a little shaky: "Thank you, no need."

She lifted her foot and walked towards the door.

Han Cheng kissed Zhao Meixin on the cheek again, followed, and took out the key and said: "It's okay, you and Xu Ran are classmates, and I should give you a gift."

As soon as his voice fell, there was a huge sound of glass breaking behind him.

Su Ci couldn't help but look.

The boy who had already fallen asleep didn't know when he would wake up. He raised his eyes and looked at the man without any expression on his face.

Han Cheng was taken aback for a moment.

Zhao Meixin smiled and explained: "I was not awake, I accidentally smashed the water glass." She said, and said with a tut, "Look at what it was like, the glass **** rolled under the sofa. ."

Xu Ran didn't speak, but just stood up, walked to the girl's side, grabbed her arm and said, "I'll see you."

His drooping eyes are still a little hazy, but the strength is slightly tightened.

Su Ci reached out and touched the boy's forehead, pursing her lips slightly: "It's still very hot."

Xu Ran took her and started walking outside, her whole body strictly blocking Han Cheng's gaze.

Zhao Meixin stepped out on high heels: "It's not always certain who will give it to anyone at that time, Xu Ran, do you think you are very capable?"

She handed the porridge over: "Let me do it, someone made it specially for you. If you don't eat it, it will be cold."

Su Ci raised her small face, looked over, and withdrew her hand, her cheeks were slightly red.

Xu Ran looked at her for a long time, then took the porridge from Zhao Meixin.

He opened his mouth and said: "Trouble."

She is obviously a mother and son, but she has to use polite words. Zhao Meixin doesn't mind, she just smiled and said, "I guess there is still a lot in the pot, you remember to save me some, I haven't eaten yet."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 858: I cover this male god【23】
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Xu Ran looked at her.

Zhao Meixin stretched out her hand, touched his forehead, and said in a voice that can only be heard by two people: "You don't want her to know, I can't say a word."


Su Ci felt that Zhao Meixin was too young, so she probably went out with Xu Ran and said they were sisters and brothers, others believed.

But she is indeed Xu Ran's mother. They stood together, and their eyebrows were somewhat similar.

The woman seemed to be used to being unscrupulous, took a cigarette from her body, and asked her symbolically: "You don't mind."

Su Ci shook his head.

Zhao Meixin took a breath and spit out a smoke ring: "You also cleaned the living room, right."

She couldn't help but look, a little confused.

Zhao Meixin curled her lips and smiled, looking a little gentle: "My son has obsessive-compulsive disorder. I can tell at a glance whether he cleaned it up."

Su Ci was a little embarrassed, and said softly, "I'm afraid Xu Ran is hungry, so I didn't clean up."

"Don't feel sorry, this is not what you should have done." Zhao Meixin narrowed her eyes and said: "I have been bad to him since I was a child. He can do everything, unlike other children."

She bowed her head and asked: "You probably heard some of my rumors in school, right."

Su Ci looked over and nodded.

Zhao Meixin didn't help herself, but she suddenly said, "He is different from his dad."

The girl looked at people intently.

Zhao Meixin pressed the cigarette, rubbed her head, and said, "You are a good boy, and you know that you are born from a good family."

Su Ci thought the woman would say something, but she didn't.

Just stopped a taxi.

Then he took a photo of the license plate number and shook his cell phone to the driver and said, "If you don't bring this little girl home safely, I will let the police come to you tomorrow."

Then he helped the girl open the car door, bent her eyes and said, "Go back, your parents should be worried."

Su Ci sat in, her face slightly raised.

Zhao Meixin rubbed her head: "Don't worry, I will take care of his fever today."

Su Ci wanted to say thank you, but she didn't seem to have any position to say these two words.

In the end, I could only say obediently: "Goodbye, Auntie."

Zhao Meixin curled her lips and smiled: "When Xu Ran was still in my stomach, I thought I would have a daughter, almost like you."

It was her idea with that man, but fortunately now she is not a daughter.

She is not suitable for being a good mother, never has been.

If it weren't for the big belly, it's not suitable for abortion.

Zhao Meixin would not give birth to Xu Ran either.


After Zhao Meixin went out, only Han Cheng and Xu Ran were left.

He greeted with a little embarrassment: "I am your mother's friend."

The boy sat on the sofa, glanced at him, and said coldly: "Is there any difference between a boyfriend and a friend?"

Han Cheng smiled.

A child of this age, no matter how precocious, can't conceal the most direct hostility under his eyes.

He didn't think it was because of his mother, but another one.

Han Cheng didn't mind, and sat down, tilted Erlang's legs, and started playing with his mobile phone.

When I smelled the scent, I couldn't help but say: "The porridge made is good, and the little girl looks cute. Are you classmates?"

Xu Ran paused slightly, raised his eyelids, and said in a chilly voice: "It has nothing to do with you."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 859: I cover this male god【24】
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Han Cheng laughed.

He lowered his head to play with his cell phone.

When Zhao Meixin came back, Han Cheng took over and smiled and said, "It's quite stressful to be with your son."

The woman lifted her hair, hugged his neck, smiled and said: "He is sick now, I have to take care of him. It seems that you are not here today."

Han Cheng said, "Then next time?"

Zhao Meixin laughed and kissed him on the cheek, saying, "I'll talk about it next time."

How could Han Cheng, a love veteran, not know what the other party meant, he shrugged, took the key and walked out.

Zhao Meixin closed the person and went to look at the pot.

Tut: "Have you finished eating?"

Xu Ran just said: "When do you see a man's vision becomes so bad."

Zhao Meixin was a little upset because the porridge was gone, but she knew that her son was even more upset than she was now.

She shrugged, sat down, leaned on the sofa, smiled and said, "I'm only a few years old, I want to fall in love early?"

Xu Ran did not speak.

He just stared at the woman with no expression on his face.

Zhao Meixin bit her cigarette **** and said: "Don't put on such a terrible expression, you know, some of my men have known each other for a few days and a half, and sometimes they don’t even arrive. Talk to me and see that the person looks good and the figure is good, so he brings the person back."

"It's been a long time since I saw you angry with me."

She sighed: "It seems that she is really unusual in your heart."

Xu Ran neither denied nor tacitly agreed, stood up directly and walked in the direction of the bedroom.

Zhao Meixin looked at his back and said, "When I was about your age, I met my first man. We have been in love for three years."

Xu Ran stopped.

Zhao Meixin lit the cigarette and blew out: "The little girl is good and soft, very flattering."

Then smiled: "She likes you, do you like her?"


Father Su is a daughter-in-law. If he knew that his daughter has a boy he likes now, it might be going to turn the sky upside down.

So Su Ci lied without blinking, telling herself that she had made a particularly good friend.

After knowing that his daughter's friend was a girl, Dad Su felt relieved.

"A good friend of a good girl must be very cute too! Be sure to bring her back as a guest often! Dad treats her personally!"

Su Ci was a little cautious about her lying, but she thought about it seriously and waited until her relationship with Xu Ran stabilized.

It's not too late to get on the train first and then make up the ticket.

Jin Jingzi buried her face in embarrassment, so she felt like she was very narcissistic.

But she felt that Xu Ran was different to her.

What happened last night is still vivid.

Su Ci sat on the seat, her cheeks a little hot.

I don't know if Xu Ran still remembers.

She couldn't help but look.

The boy's performance was the same as usual, she was a little disappointed and a little grateful.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly.

Asked in a low voice, "Of course, which high school are you going to take exams in the future?"

Xu Ran paused slightly and looked over: "What do you call me?"

Su Ci blinked her eyes, her long eyelashes drooped slightly, and said shyly: "It's Xu...Xu classmate."

She forgot that Xu Ran now is not Xu Ran after fever.

Xu Ran narrowed his eyes, set his eyes on the girl's white cheeks, and paused slightly.

He said: "I don't know."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 860: I cover this male god【25】
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The girl said to him softly: "Then tell me when you think it over, okay?"

Xu Ran gave a hum and turned his face back.

But the heart in his chest throbbed uncontrollably.

Su Ci felt that the teenager might not remember what happened yesterday, and she couldn't help staring at his profile.


In fact, she likes this nickname very much.

Qian Jingzijing said the name silently several times in his heart, remembering how Xu Ran was clingy when he had a fever.

I think he looks really cute in that way.

After school.

Su Ci kept a short distance, following behind the person, she raised her small face slightly, and looked at the young man in front of her intently.

Xu Ran was already very tall at this time, especially those long legs, following the steps under her feet, they looked indifferent and cold.

It seems that no matter what kind of clothes he wears, he can feel different.

The girl thought a little in a trance.

Xu Ran is so tall now, will he grow to more than 1.9 meters in the future?

She couldn't help but look at her short hands and short legs.

Can't help but puff his cheeks slightly.

It's too short.

Su Ci felt that if she was standing next to Xu Ran, she might be ignored if she didn't pay attention.

Small, if you are a girlfriend, you will definitely embarrass each other.

Su Ci thought seriously that she didn't even notice the people in front stopped, so she ran into it directly.

The girl held her forehead and looked a little confused.

Xu Ran looked down at the person, carrying a bag in one hand, and said faintly: "Are you so ecstatic when you pass traffic lights?"

He bent over naturally.

Su Ci noticed this movement and pressed her lips slightly before realizing what the boy had said.

She blinked.

Gazed intently.

traffic light?

Xu Ran was slightly turned away by the girl, and straightened up and said, "Am I wrong?"

His look is very natural.

Su Ci was puzzled for a moment, hesitated, and shook his head.


I still don't remember.

"Su Ci, why do you want to go to the same high school as me?" Xu Ran's peachy eyes looked over. Under the tall bridge of the nose, the thin red lips looked extremely **** and seductive.

Su Ci was a little embarrassed to see it.

She turned her eyes slightly away and said seriously: "Because you are my favorite classmate."

Although Qianjinzijing wants to fall in love very much, it is not good, and it will also affect learning.


In her mind, premature love is wrong.

But it doesn't matter, she can wait for Xu Ran to be older.

Su Ci secretly converted people into classmates. She looked at the teenager intently, and said, "When I first met you, I wanted to be friends with you. Very good friends."

"Good friends" who will kiss me in the future.

Xu Ran didn't speak, but looked at the girl for a long time.

There seemed to be something in his eyes, disappearing.

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes, squeezed her small hand, and asked nervously, "Student Xu, what did I say wrong?"

Xu Ran stood up straight and said, "No."

He lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Thank you for sending me back yesterday." His slender fingers touched the girl's head and rubbed it: "I like porridge too."

There are other.

Like it too.

Su Ci walked on the road, looking at her toes: "All, I think Xu Ran looks a little unhappy."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 861: I cover this male god【26】
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System: "What's unhappy about him? It's him who takes advantage."

The girl tilted her head slightly and said in confusion, "Should I confess to him."

But now they are still too young, and this stage is very important, if they fall in love, they will definitely be affected.

Xu Ran's grades have always been very good, and Su Ci can tell that the teenager seems to focus on this.

She lowered her head and thought to herself that it's really bad to fall in love with each other.

Zhao Meixin is rarely at home today.

Without going out to indulge, she cooked a few dishes, and when Xu Ran came back, she said hello.

When I was a child, Xu Ran wanted to eat meals made by women. In a month, three or four times were considered good times.

Zhao Meixin lit a cigarette, saw a corner exposed from the boy's schoolbag, stretched out her hand and pulled it out.

"give me back."

Xu Ran raised his eyelids and said coldly.

Zhao Meixin took a look and returned it.

Seeing the young man squeezed it into a ball and threw it into the trash can, he squinted and smiled: "Why? I don't want to go to school anymore?"

"Didn't you really want to go? In order to stay away from home, but also because it has the best conditions."

Xu Ran did not speak and went into the bedroom.

After Zhao Meixin waited for him to come out, she continued: "Let me think about it. When you were in the first year of middle school, you didn't have any interest in learning. Then you suddenly took the first grade exam and came back. Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?"

She spit out the smoke ring and laughed: "Son, you want to use this method to get rid of the status quo. You think this kind of life is very annoying. Although the road is not necessarily what you want, at least it is your brain. Choice."

"In the second year of junior high, there were two students next to me talking about high school. I knew that you always wanted to take this exam."

Xu Ran stood in place.

Faintly said: "Do you think you know me well?"

Zhao Meixin nodded and sighed: "I don't want to understand you either. Who told you to be born by an old lady."

"You are very promising to shake your thoughts for a little girl."

She took a puff of cigarette and slowly said, "She must be very poor in study, otherwise you wouldn't consider those broken schools and still so close to home."


Su Ci was walking on the road, biting the straw.

When Han Cheng saw someone, he said goodbye to his friend on the other end of the phone, and then hung up.

He drove the car over, rolled down the window and said, "My kid, do you remember me?"

The girl looked over.

Some beauties have been spoiled since childhood and have not suffered much. And some beauties, with thorns on their bodies, with a whole body of defensiveness, and they seem to have stories in their eyes.

Han Cheng looked at the little girl in front of him, and he could guess that she was the former.

Soft, clean and beautiful eyes. He is good and glutinous, and he can pierce people's hearts when talking.

Too sweet.

System: "This big pervert! Dad thought that his eyes were not right when he looked at you that day!"

Su Ci is not a little white rabbit who hasn't gone through the human affairs. She can see what is in the other's eyes, especially those who are unkind to her.

She retracted her gaze and said seriously: "I don't remember, goodbye."

Han Cheng smiled, opened the car door and followed up: "Don't be afraid, I am not a bad person, I am a good friend with your Aunt Zhao. When I saw you that day, I was very impressed with you. I have a niece about the same age as you. , The temperament is very different from you. Rebellious and disobedient."

"If only my niece was as good as you."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 862: I cover this male god【27】
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Seeing him in front of him, Su Ci pursed his lips slightly and said, "But I don't have any impression of you, I am going home."

She raised her small face slightly, and her beautiful eyes seemed to soften her heart.

Han Cheng was tickled by being hooked, and his prey always looked at the feeling. He prefers this kind of clean, pure, and cute little sweetheart to Zhao Meixin's experienced and spicy female spider.

After all, everything is green without going out of society.

Very tempting.

Han Cheng could see that the girl was wary of him, and naturally understood that she had a good impression of Xu Ran. But what about it, the prey he is fond of, as long as others have not tasted it first, then he doesn't need to give up.

"Do you like Xu Ran?"

He smiled: "What do you like him? Handsome, young, cold and inaccessible? Have a sense of mystery?"

Han Cheng said meaningfully: "When you grow up, you will feel that this type is actually very boring. You don't even know what romance is, and you will only enjoy the pursuit of some girls, but don't know how to be considerate and gentle."

"Besides, they don't necessarily really like you. They just think that you look very well-behaved and have a sense of satisfaction of being needed."

Su Ci felt that this person was shameless.

She raised her face slightly, her red lips spit out soft words: "I just like the way he doesn't like me."

After the girl said this sentence, she went around directly.

Han Cheng was stunned for a moment, and curled his lips.

It seems that the little milk cat is frying, which is also very interesting.

"Just kidding, don't be upset."

"Actually, your Aunt Zhao told me something Xu Ran, are you interested in listening?"

The girl stopped.

When Han Cheng saw this, he thought to himself that the kitten had taken the bait.

Unexpectedly, the girl raised her long eyelashes slightly and said, "It's impossible for Auntie to tell you this. If you follow me, I will call the police."

Han Cheng wanted to say something, he saw a figure walking over, pulling the girl behind him, and looking over coldly: "What do you want to do?"

Those peach blossom eyes were aggressive and hostile, and even his face was unabashedly polite.

Han Cheng smiled and said, "It's Xu Ran. Uncle just passed by and said a few words to your classmate. Don't get me wrong."

Xu Ran stared at the man, dragged the girl past, and when he passed by, she said, "If you dare to come to her next time, don't blame me for being polite."

Han Cheng didn't speak.

He leaned against the car, watching the girl obediently let the boy lead, thinking with disdain.

You're welcome?

What a blissful method.

Young people are naive.

Han Cheng smiled and threw the cigarette **** to the ground, twisting it.

"What did he tell you?"

After Xu Ran pulled the girl away, he stopped, bending over and asked.

He lowered his eyes slightly, his peachy eyes were cold and deceptive.

His eyes fell on the girl's face.

Su Ci's cheeks were a little red. She didn't know if the teenager had seen it. She stood there, clutching the corner of her clothes, and said, "Just say hello to me and want to ask me to eat."

She dropped out the things about Xu Ran.

Xu Ran opened his mouth and said, "You are not allowed to see him next time."

It was almost a commanding tone.

However, the boy had a natural look and didn't seem to feel that there was something wrong with him.

Su Ci blinked and nodded obediently.

"If he pesters you, come and find me, you know?"

There was a cold light in Xu Ran's eyes.

Reached out, rubbed the girl's head, and said: "He is not a good person."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 863: I cover this male god【28】
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If there are classmates who have been with Xu Ran for a few years here, I will be surprised. Xu Ran is used to being alone. Although he is a little cold-tempered, he will not be arrogant and will not look down on anyone. It will not evaluate what a person is like, even if those people have offended him.

In Xu Ran's mouth, there was also a vague impression and name.

Almost no one would use this tone to judge what a person did when he heard him.

Su Ci looked at the young man intently, and responded very well.

Xu Ran looked at her for a long time before she stood up straight.

Su Ci pursed her lips and couldn't help but grasp the corner of the boy's clothes: "You are too tall."

She looked at the person without blinking, and said in a soft voice, "Xu Ran, can you, wait for me to grow taller, and then continue to grow."

Su Ci is a bit troubled.

She feels that she is too short now and can't keep up with the teenager at all. If the other person grows to 1.9 meters, she is only 1.6 meters, what should I do?

Probably when kissing.

They were all waiting for Xu Ran to kiss her. She stood on tiptoe and needed to jump up and hug her before she could kiss him.

It's a bit lost.

System: "Baby, don't you think your thoughts are a little impure? Uuuuuu where did the pure cub of Dad go?"

Su Ci is a bit shy.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the toes and said: "The book says that if you fall in love for a long time, you will become an old driver."

The girl tilted her head slightly and said seriously: "All, I am an old driver now, which proves that I have grown up."

System: "No, cub, you are not, that dog man is."

Eat it to death, change the world, and change the trick.


The voice of the teenager came.

Su Ci looked over.

Xu Ran stood there, looking at her, and whispered: "Actually, it's fine now."

Su Ci couldn't help but puffed up her cheeks: "Not good."

"When you speak, I have to look up."

Her tone was a little bit glutinous and acting like a baby.

Xu Ran paused slightly: "After that, I'll lower my head. You just need to be responsible for listening, that's enough." He rubbed the girl's head and curled his lips and said, "Otherwise, you can hold it."

Su Ci's cheeks were hot, but she blinked and shook her head.

"No, you must wait for me, you can't grow too tall."

She raised her face slightly and said seriously: "I will grow taller right away, really, very quickly, so you have to grow slower."

Xu Ran looked at the girl for a long time, and gave a low hmm.

The voice was unspeakably deep and indulgent.

Su Ci made an agreement with Xu Ran, and the whole jar was happy.

"All, what do I have to do to grow taller quickly?"

She wanted to try to hurry up, boys always grow faster than girls, maybe, by the time she got to high school, Xu Ran grew a lot taller. If she doesn't hurry up, she really can't keep up.

System: "Dad doesn't know...Drink milk, right?"

Su Ci lay on the bed, took notes seriously, and checked a lot of information on the Internet.

When Dad Su came in, he saw the good girl browsing the information, leaned over and was surprised: "My good girl, why do you suddenly want to grow taller?"

Su Ci hid the notes secretly, face to face, looked at Father Su and said, "Because it is taller, it will be very convenient."

Dad Su wiped his tears: "But, you are also very cute now, and Dad likes the way you are now."

Su Ci said: "I don't like it."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 864: I cover this male god【29】
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Su's father is sad.

When my daughter grows up, she has her own careful thoughts.

"It's not easy to find someone if you are too tall." Father Su wanted to work harder to dispel the terrible thoughts of his own good girl, especially when he thought of a cartoon that he didn't know where he saw. Little Nezha who fisted to death.

What a lovely face, but with such muscles.

Father Su couldn't help but fantasize, waiting for his sweet girl to grow taller, this cute baby with fat face and big watery eyes, but it is matched with a height of 1.8 meters. Then he took himself into his arms and said coquettishly: "Dad."

The whole old father is not good.

"Ouuuu, dear girl, calm down, dad agrees to how much you want. Go shopping with friends and spend whatever you want, okay?"

Mother Su passed away very early, so Dad Su took the love of the two of them as a pet, for fear of suffering a little bit and being a little wronged.

Su Ci tilted her head slightly, her red lips pursed slightly, and she said embarrassedly, "Don't worry, Dad, I can find someone."

But father Su looked at his daughter's shy and cute appearance, and the alarm bell rang in his heart.

"My dear girl, tell dad, are you in love?"

The girl raised her long eyelashes slightly, her wet eyes looked over, like a deer, a little frightened, retorted: "No, no."

The money jar lowered his eyes vainly, and lied without conscience: "I'm a good boy."

Father Su was very pleased to hug the baby girl: "Wuuuuu, dad knows that you are the best, don’t you know that you are not allowed to play with those stinky guys? My daughter is the cutest. She doesn’t need to grow taller. Everyone sees you. like."

System: "......" Shameless old thief! I'm the cub's old father!

But Su Ci still wanted to grow taller. She didn't want to wait for Xu Ran to take the initiative to kiss her every time.

But she nodded obediently.

Dad Su was relieved now. He didn't need to worry that his good girl would grow up to 1.8 meters and hug him and act like a baby. By the way, he changed the subject and said, "By the way, good girl, don't you have a very good friend?"

He was a little bit sour when he said that, after all, his daughter seemed to be with each other often, and she was very happy.

But Dad Su is a little jealous when he is jealous. He is still kind to the girl who likes to be friends with his baby girl: "Is she in the same class as you?"

Speaking of Xu Ran, Su Ci's cheeks were red, and he nodded, "Well, Dad, he is my favorite...friend."

Will become a boyfriend in the future.

Father Su inquired about this friend, and the more he listened, the more he felt wrong. Is this girl a bit too tall? Is the development of the child so good now?

"If you have any photos, show them to Dad."

Su Ci pursed her lips, in fact, it was true. When she secretly photographed Xu Ran, the teenager just turned his face to the side.

The slender eyelashes fall down, and the side face is cool and beautiful.

But she can't show it to Dad Su.

So he shook his head without blinking: "No."

Father Su is really curious, he still finds it a bit strange, after all, it's only the third year of junior high school, and some boys may not have grown to a height of 1.8 meters. The good girl has made such a friend, and maybe it is because of the other person that his good girl wants to grow taller.

Father Su felt that he was the truth, and he suddenly felt a little crisis: "What does your friend look like?"

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 865: I cover this male god【30】
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For fear of being suspected by a good girl, he coughed slightly: "Dad is just curious.

Su Ci seriously thought about Xu Ran's appearance.

He pursed his lips and said softly: "It's pretty, especially pretty."

She raised her long eyelashes, her heart beating a little.

I want to say something nice for Xu Ran: "I like him so much, and Dad will like him too."

After all, young people are so good.

Although Dad Su was a little bit cautious and sour, he was finally relieved. Although the little girl was about 1.8 meters tall, at least she looked good. It won't affect the aesthetics of his own good girl, he is old bones, and it is really not scared.

"Then dad is waiting for you to bring people over another day and take a look."


Song quietly stopped the boy with a box of biscuits wrapped in a ribbon with a bow.

She handed it over, her eyes full of admiration: "Xu Ran, I got up early in the morning to prepare this gift. I know you are not like a birthday, but would you please accept this gift?"

Song quietly bit her lip and stood on tiptoe boldly: "Happy birthday."

Before his lips touched the boy's cheek, he was indifferently pushed away: "You take it back, I don't need it."

The girl was taken aback, her eyes flushed.

After all, she likes Xu Ran so much, has been classmates with him for so long, secretly paying attention to him. But Xu Ran is the same to everyone, no, except for one person.

Song Qi said unwillingly, "Are you not willing to take a bite? When I made it today, I almost hurt my hand. Xu Ran, you can eat one piece. I promise I won't bother you, okay?"

She humbled and prayed, and looked pitiful.

Some students around noticed.

Look over.

Song Qi felt a bit awkward at first, but quickly bit her lip and said: "Don't let me lose face in the public, can you?"

Xu Ran didn't speak, just looked at her.

Song Qi said again: "You only have to take a bite. It doesn't matter if you don't eat it, as long as you are willing to accept it. I really like you, but I won't be delusional on your birthday."

She looks good, and she usually likes a few boys. When her eyes are red, it is easy to arouse some male chauvinistic protective desires.

A female classmate said, "Song Wei looks pretty today. She is well-dressed and can be compared with the next class."

"Yes, I don't know if Xu Ran will accept her gift..."

Su Ci followed their gazes.

The girl is holding a gift in front of the teenager.

The height of the two seemed to be just right.

She pursed her lips slightly, and stared at the opposite boy intently, but the other's eyes were placed on Song Qui's body.

Then Xu Ran moved.

Su Ci could even hear the gasps from several girls.

"This is your business."

Xu Ran passed by without looking back.

Song Quiet stood there in embarrassment. She didn't expect that the teenager would be so ruthless that she didn't even think about it.

Obviously in front of Su Ci, he is not like this.

"Today seems to be Xu Ran's birthday."

A girl said, "Even if Xu Ran's family is like that, some girls still can't help but like him and want to give him gifts."

"Xu Ran doesn't eat this set at all. It seems that he has never mentioned his birthday. Xu Ran probably doesn't want to celebrate his birthday."

"Yes, you see how terrible Song Ji was rejected."

Su Ci lowered her eyes slightly as she listened.

Can't help but pursing his lips.

She seems to have forgotten Xu Ran's birthday.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 866: I cover this male god【31】
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Jin Jingzi was a little upset, how could she forget such an important thing.

Su Ci stayed in her own little world.

Until Song quietly walked up to her and whispered: "Are you proud? I tell you that there is such an irresponsible mother. It is normal for Xu Ran not to have a birthday. You think he has rejected my gift. Accept yours, he won't."

The girl looked over and said, "Whatever I think or do, it doesn't matter to you."

Song Qi snorted coldly, returned to his usual appearance, and walked by with a gift in his arms.

Several girls whispered: "Speaking of which, Su Ci seemed to fall in love with Xu Ran at first sight. He always pestered Xu Ran, and Xu Ran didn't care about her at all."

"But speaking of it, even though Song Wei is very beautiful today, she was compared to Su Ci when she stood with him..."

Su Ci could no longer hear what she said later, she looked at Xu Ran's side face, and wanted to ask.

I dare not ask again.

She didn't know if Xu Ran really didn't want to celebrate her birthday.

What if Xu Ran is unhappy if I ask.

However, Su Ci couldn't help thinking about today.

Because it's a boy's birthday.

The girl's pace has slowed down a bit today, and the little head doesn't know what she is thinking.

So much.

She found a teenager leaning on the side, waiting for her to come.

Su Ci raised her face slightly, "Ran Ran?"

As soon as the money jar sperm finished saying this, his cheeks became a little hot.


She seemed to have called her nickname again by accident.

Su Ci lowered her eyes slightly, not daring to see the look of the young man at this time.

So she naturally missed it, Xu Ran looked at her with that deep gaze.

Stayed for ten seconds.

"Why are you walking so slowly?"

The voice came.

Su Ci raised her small face slightly and blinked her eyes.

Softly said: "Not next time."

The girl is too good and too soft. Whoever reads it wants to hold it in the palm of his hand, pampering him well.

Xu Ran looked at her, her heart was uncontrollable and slightly swollen.

Even want to hold people in his arms.

But I was afraid of shocking her suddenly.

So I can only bear it a little bit, and exercise restraint.

"send you home."

Xu Ran retracted his gaze, raised his foot and walked forward, turning his face slightly, his thin, pale red lips were sexually abstinent: "Catch up."

Su Ci thought she had heard it wrong.

She looked intently and found that the young man was standing in place, looking like he was waiting for her.

A little joy and joy in my heart.


Nuoqi said: "I can go back by myself."

But she found that Xu Ran looked at her with a good mistake, and her eyes were unspeakably deep, like the fangs of a beast extending from the darkness. Aggressive and dangerous: "I don't worry."

After saying these words, the boy continued to walk forward.

He is tall and has long legs. The typical perfect ratio, looks cool and handsome, and when you don't talk, it is cool and sexy.

Su Ci lifted her face slightly.

My heart beat slightly.

The tips of the ears are red.

Is it because of yesterday?

Su Ci seriously thought that she couldn't control her heartbeat a little, and wanted to go and hug Xu Ran.

Why is he so good?

Especially good.

The girl raised her small face slightly, looked over intently, and slightly pursed her lips.

Softly thought, Xu Ran likes her.

When they go to high school, they can fall in love.

High school also seems to affect learning a bit.

Su Ci struggled for a while, and decided quickly, it didn't matter, it could be a little later.

Xu Ran turned around again when he saw that no one followed.

Seeing the girl standing in place, with big beautiful eyes, staring at him intently.

Walked in front of people.

"what happened?"

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ran saw the delicate and soft girl, pinching the corner of his clothes, and said in a glutinous voice, "Xu Ran, my feet hurt."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 867: I cover this male god【32】
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Su Ci raised her small face slightly, and looked at each other, Shui Yingying's beautiful eyes looked abnormally moist.

She couldn't help squeezing the corner of the boy's clothes, a little nervous. Afraid of being seen as a flaw, the lies will be revealed on the spot.

Qian Jing Zi Jing has heard people say that she would be the most reassuring if she only acted like a baby.

So when Xu Ran put his eyes on her feet, he leaned forward, holding the young man in his little hands, and said softly, "You carry me, okay?"

It's like a milky and well-behaved little milk cat, standing in front of you neatly. Then one day, I suddenly stretched out my small paw, first opened my mouth and let out a soft cry, turning over my soft belly at you, begging you to touch it.

Acting like a baby to you.

No one can stand it.

Xu Ran's breath was slightly choked, and he hung down his beautiful peach eyes for a moment.

Su Ci thought he was going to bend over to come in person.

Even on the back of his hands, there are faint blue veins slightly bulging.

The boy turned his face slightly to the side.

"Come up."

Su Ci blinked her eyes, stretched out her hand, hugged the boy's neck, and lay down.

She took a little breath.

Hold it.

Su Ci didn't have any other thoughts, she just suddenly wanted to, and wanted to hold her promise.

So there was a little panic.

Su Ci licked a little vaguely, thinking seriously, they don't fall in love right now.

It's just a hug.

Not too much.

The boy's body stiffened slightly.

"Don't do this again in the future."

Xu Ran's voice came, but it was inexplicably dark.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly.

She dropped her head, thinking, Xu Ran doesn't like it?

I don't like her coquetry, or she doesn't like her coquettishness.

Su Ci tightened her small hand slightly.

But she.

Still don't want to go on.

"Especially in front of others."

The voice of the young man came into the ears of the young girl.

Su Ci blinked.

She opened her soft red lips and hugged them a little tightly: "Right?"

"Can I call you that?"

"I promise not to call you that in front of others, okay?"

The girl’s ending sound is glutinous and coquettish, just like cotton candy, it is sweet in her mouth, sweet to the heart.

After Su Ci finished speaking, she felt that she was a bit intolerant, but she really liked this nickname.

Like to call Xu Ran like that.

Xu Ran did not speak.

When she was a little confused whether the teenager could not hear, or something else.

The boy hummed.

Su Ci was a little happy, her ears were reddish, and she leaned forward: "Ran Ran."

Even tightened his hands.

But he didn't know, Xu Ran's heart palpitations at this time were like a sailboat on the sea encountering a huge wave and suddenly crashed into it.

The girl's breathing was also soft and soft.

It was like a little fluff, inadvertently rubbed off his skin.

Xu Ran's whole body seemed to be numb.

That skin was half red.

The boy calmly said: "Don't move."

Su Ci found herself leaning a little bit, and cleverly returned to her original position.

She was afraid that Xu Ran thought she was troublesome, so she put her down.

Su Ci didn't want to go down now, she wanted to stay on Xu Ran's back, this was the first time he carried her on his back.

Although she was fooling around.

Qian Jing Zi Jing feels that she is a bit bad, obviously today is the other party's birthday, but she has to rely on herself as a cutie.

Bully him.

But when Su Ci thought that Xu Ran would also be her boyfriend in the future, she became confident.

it does not matter.

She will just bully him back in the future.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 868: I cover this male god【33】
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The girl tossed on the bed, a little unable to sleep.

Today is Xu Ran's birthday.

These words kept popping up in Su Ci's mind. Will Zhao Meixin celebrate his birthday before?

What did Xu Ran have for dinner? Is he asleep now?

"All, I didn't say happy birthday to him today."

Su Ci buried her face in the pillow, said a little disappointed.

When the money jar was about to speak, the boy couldn't tell.

She thought of Song Wei's words, Xu Ran might not want to celebrate this birthday.

Su Ci thought about it seriously and got off the bed.

System: "Baby, what are you going to do?"

Su Ci pursed her lips: "Birthday for him."

When the girl was passing by the living room, she saw Uncle Wang. She stretched out a finger and looked upstairs.

Uncle Wang was a little surprised: "It's so late, is Miss going out?"

Su Ci nodded obediently.

"I want to go to my friend, can Uncle Wang not tell my father, I will be back soon."

The girl raised her small face slightly, with the childishness of a baby fat, and her eyes were big and beautiful. It's soft, nice and cute.

Uncle Wang has always been the most unbearable young lady acting like a baby.

Nodded helplessly: "However, the lady will be back before ten o'clock, or I will tell Mr. Su."

Su Ci nodded.

Looking down at the time, she had two hours left, but it didn't matter, it should be enough.


From the time Xu Ran had remembered, he had passed his birthday.

As a child, Xu Ran, who was only a few years old, was envious when he saw other parents celebrating other children's birthdays. From birth to adulthood, he rarely cried. Even people who have seen him tell Zhao Meixin that you are quiet and obedient, unlike other children.

At the age of school, the kindergarten will give each child a birthday. Xu Ran was a bit naive at that time, he thought Zhao Meixin would take him to dinner to celebrate his birthday.

The perfume-scented woman looked down at him: "What are you doing while looking at me like this?"

Only a few years old, Xu Ran was taken aback: "Mom, today is my birthday."

Zhao Meixin looked as if she was just forgetting a trivial matter, and she bent over and pinched Xu Ran's face: "Didn't you pass it to you in kindergarten today?"

Xu Ran held her hand silently.

Zhao Meixin was chatting with someone's mobile phone, and intentionally or unconsciously took off his hand.

Xu Ran followed her, chased up in small steps, and grabbed her.

But I can't catch it anyway.

He was a little anxious, so he could only grab the corner of the woman's clothes: "Mom..."

Zhao Meixin seemed to remember that she seemed to have a son. She didn't know what she said to the man opposite, and took out a piece of chocolate from her bag: "Hey, mom is talking on the phone."

Xu Ran didn't remember what the kindergarten cake was like, he only remembered that the woman gave a piece of dark chocolate that day.

Very bitter.

Even if he didn't want to eat it, he couldn't bear to throw it away.

Zhao Meixin seems to never remember her son's birthday, the only time it was on the day Xu Ran fell ill, which happened to be his birthday. When the teacher called and was about to hang up, he mentioned by the way.

At that time, Xu Ran was the best-behaved child in the class.

Zhao Meixin was just cooking noodles, so she put an extra egg, and the woman put the noodles in front of him: "Son, happy birthday."

Xu Ran still didn't speak, but ate the noodles that night very clean, and there was no soup left.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 869: I cover this male god【34】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 869: I cover this male god【34】
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after that.

It is the feelings between mother and child that are getting weaker and weaker, and there is more and more wordless between them. The least one recorded is that within a month, they added up to no more than ten sentences.

Zhao Meixin didn't come back.

Xu Ran turned off the light in the living room and entered the bedroom. He turned on the lamp and began to review his homework.

Even if there is no plan to go to school.

The habit that can be cultivated is to let the teenager complete the task day after day.

Xu Ran lowered his eyes, the cold color of the cold light reflected in the corner of his eyes, and it seemed that the peach eyes were also ruthless.

With the teenager's slight distraction.

Dye the temperature little by little.

Xu Ran's life has always been dull. In his opinion, his life is peaceful.

He has always been unfamiliar with the term father, and he doesn't even have much feeling for it.

His mother played a role in his life, and this role influenced his life. Xu Ran didn't feel much in the past, and only recently did he feel a little bored.

Xu Ran wanted to go to the high school, just to get rid of the current state.

Zhao Meixin has nothing to say with him, and he is the same.

Obviously mother and son, but like a pair of strangers living together.

Until the appearance of the girl.

Broke the ripples.

"Ran Ran."

The girl's soft voice came, like a cat's paw, which can scratch the softest part of the person.

Xu Ran's body paused slightly.

"Ran Ran?"

The glass window was knocked, and the girl's voice was deliberately lowered, but it was still waxy.

Becoming a little confused: "Are you asleep?"

Su Ci couldn't help but slightly pursed her lips, she came over on impulse.

Fortunately, she remembers Xu Ran's path.

Su Ci needs to climb a wall, but it doesn't matter.

Can't beat her cuteness.

The system was frightened: "Cub, cub! Be careful, you will fall in half if you fall!"

Su Ci said while crawling, "I am not a jar now, I can't break it."

No one noticed that there was a petite and soft figure here, pushing hard against the wall, then pushing up his round buttocks and climbing up.

Also panting slightly.

Su Ci couldn't help but puffed up her cheeks: "If Xu Ran is there, he just needs to turn it over."

After all, it is 1.8 meters long.

And she doesn't even have one meter six now.

Su Ci's mood fell a little when he thought of the sad thing.

System: "Daddy's cub is the best! Even if the cub is less than one meter six, he is also a giant in action! Dad is proud of you!"

Su Ci was not comforted.

Instead, she was reminded of the fact that she was less than one meter six, and it was even more sad.

System: "......" Dad QvQ didn't mean it.

"Baby, you will grow taller."

Su Ci nodded.

Xu Ran promised to wait for her.

The girl was extremely convinced that the other party would not lie to her.

Su Ci crawled into the wall, smeared the skirt, and she patted it indifferently.

Lifted his face slightly.

Looking intently at the room belonging to Xu Ran, the light was still faintly lit.

Su Ci leaned forward with anxious feet, knocking on the window with her little hand.

She pursed her lips slightly.

I was a little worried if Xu Ran was asleep.

The window was opened from inside.

The boy stood in front of the window and looked over with his eyes down slightly: "What are you doing?"

The girl looked over and her eyes looked unusually bright in the dark. She held the small cake in her hand, lit a candle in front of Xu Ran, raised her small face slightly, looked at him without blinking and said, "Happy birthday, Ran Ran."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 870: I cover this male god【35】
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Xu Ran suddenly stopped in place.

The young man turned his back to the light source, and he couldn't see the look on his face, but Su Ci could feel the gaze of those eyes sticking to his body, and he never shifted it for a moment.

Slender fingers clasped the edge of the window, faintly white.

After a while, he said, "How do you know that today is my birthday?"

Su Ci couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy, and she didn't want to lie, and honestly replied, "I listened to others."

"I am sorry..."

The girl's glutinous voice came, and even a little guilt was soft enough to make people feel a little sweet.

She raised her small face slightly and said, "I ran over without your consent."

Su Ci didn't know if Xu Ran would be angry, she just thought it was a special day, and she wanted to tell Xu Ran.

It's ok.

I will spend your birthday with you.

As long as you want, I can do it.

But with the silence of the teenager, Su Ci flinched a little, she thought seriously, if Xu Ran would be sad because of this.

She will be sad along with her.

The hand holding the little cake goes back.

But in the next second, I was grasped by a hand, so powerful that I could even feel the hotness under the skin.

"Did I say that I would let you go?" Xu Ran's voice came.

Su Ci lifted his face slightly, the boy lowered his eyes, bent over, his thin red lips slightly hooked: "Hold the height, let me blow the candle."

Xu Ran looked at the girl in front of him. Under the firelight, Shui Yingying looked at herself with unblinking eyes, the baby's fat face was childish and soft. His Adam's apple moved imperceptibly, and his dark eyes were floated by the light.

Then in the girl's eyes, the candle was blown out.

The two were very close, even though they were only separated by a window, the boy's breath seemed to stick to his skin.

Brings a little scarlet.

Su Ci also noticed that the boy's fingers touched her cheek inadvertently, and couldn't help but feel hot.

Could not help taking a step back.

Xu Ran took the cake from the girl's hand, and didn't notice it, but was escaped by the little loach. He raised his eyes and looked over.

Leaning over slightly, his voice is a little low: "Aren't you going to celebrate my birthday? What are you hiding from me?"

Su Ci lifted her long eyelashes slightly, pursing her lips: "I didn't hide."

The kitten took one step forward, another step, and the tips of her ears could drip with blood.

Xu Ran did not speak, but watched his kitten approach him.

A few steps away from him, she stretched out her hand and grabbed her. There was something surging in Taohua's eyes, and she whispered, "Su Ci."

"How are you going to be responsible?"

The girl looked over, a little confused to hear the last sentence of the boy, showing a little confused expression.

Forget it.

Xu Ran thought.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the girl's finger, bent over, and hugged her.

A kiss was gently dropped from the lips on the hair, imperceptible.

Not that kind of forget it.

It was because she was still too young, Xu Ran always couldn't restrain her overwhelming emotions, just like today, when she saw the girl lying in front of his window, those bright eyes looked over softly.

He looked down and kissed her desperately.

There has never been such a person, so that he has such a strong and uncontrollable emotion.

She is his only light.

Still very ignorant, sometimes shy and sometimes brave. Those eyes always looked at him like that, and Xu Ran's habitual indifference was disintegrated layer by layer.

She is still so young.

He already wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 871: I cover this male god【36】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 871: I cover this male god【36】
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Su Ci stood in place, held in her arms by the boy, raised her long eyelashes slightly, and her cheeks were indescribably hot.

After hesitating, he stretched out his hand and hugged him back.

They are not in a puppy love now, it should be okay to hug a few more.

Money jar essence pays attention to scale.

Su Ci stood on tiptoe slightly and said embarrassedly: "I'm going back."

Although she really wanted to be with Xu Ran for a while, the time was too late. The girl whispered in the ear of the teenager: "Good night, Ran Ran."

After saying these words, Su Ci left the boy's arms, like a small wild cat.

Xu Ran's extended hand couldn't even catch anyone.

Lying down on the soft big bed, the girl pinched her back.

The door was knocked.

Except for Su's father, there is no one else.

"Good girl, are you asleep?"

Father Su came in.

The girl pretended to be a little sleepy and got up, her beautiful eyes looked a little squishy: "Dad?"

Su's father is so cute, his daughter is so cute.

He calmly said: "My dear girl, when my father came in just now, he didn't see you, where did you go?"

Su Ci said softly without blinking, "I'm going to drink milk."

Father Su was in the study and when he was passing by the good girl's room, he saw that the light was still on, and knocked on the door. He pushed the door in without hearing a response, but he didn't expect that there was no such girl in the bed.

Moreover, he found many places in the house but couldn't find a good girl, so he almost called the police.

Now listening to the good girl say this, my thinking has been interrupted.


Father Su wiped away his tears and said, "Didn't you not drink milk before? Do you want to grow taller?"

Su Ci pursed her lips and nodded.

She thought about it seriously, and Xu Ran estimated that she would grow to about 1.8 meters in the future. This way, you can stand on your toes a little bit and do bad things.

So Qian Jing Zi Jing spoke out his ideals sincerely.

Su's father's eyes went dark, he didn't expect that what he was worried about would come true. I just feel that the whole world is dizzy and about to collapse: "No, Dad doesn't agree!"

System: "Dad doesn't agree either!"

Su Ci asked in confusion: "Why?"

Don't all adults in the human world want their babies to eat well, sleep well, be fat and tall?

Although she is not fat, she has such great ambition.

Shouldn't we give support and encouragement?

System: "No, Dad doesn't want to, cub, you calm down. You don’t grow up so well, and you can easily bump your head while walking! QvQ, Dad will never allow you to be hurt."

Su Ci: "All the people who hit the head are the not very smart Yazi, I am very smart."

She pursed her lips slightly and retorted glutinously.

System: "..." Dad... Dad has nothing to say...

Father Su here only felt that the volcano hit the iceberg, the landslide, the ground broke, the ground was shaking, and the whole person could not stand: "My dear girl, you look very good now. 1.8 meters is too high. Let's discuss it. Discuss whether you can set the target low."

He really couldn't bear it, the soft and lovely girl suddenly became 1.8 meters.

Father Su felt that he was not mentally prepared yet.

Su Ci tilted her head slightly, feeling that Dad Su didn't really want her to grow so tall.

The money jar is a bit bothersome.

Is 1.8 meters bad? She thinks it's good.

But Dad Su treats her very well, a very good kind. If he didn't like it, Su Ci looked down and thought for a while.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 872: I cover this male god【37】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 872: I cover this male god【37】
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He raised long eyelashes again, and said softly: "1.75 meters, can't be lower, Dad."

Xu Ran said that she would wait for her, Su Ci had a little confidence and reluctantly cut off the five centimeters.

Dad Su's eyes were tearful, as if he saw his good girl turn into the appearance in the cartoon, even though that was... also cute. It's his own baby, no matter how cute, but he doesn't want to be held in his arms by his own baby, acting like a baby!

He is only 1.74 meters, alright.

But watching my baby girl sitting on the bed, soft as glutinous, big eyes, white skin, don't mention how cute it is.

Su's father sucked his heart, reluctant to bargain.

What if his good girl cries wronged?

When Father Su went out, Su Ci held the quilt and thought softly.

Finally, the topic was transferred.

Then fell into a sleep.

And the money jar Jing naturally did not expect that Father Su, who was outside the door, was ignorant of his conscience and prayed to heaven.

It would be better to let his dear girl grow up so tall, it would be a little bit less than expected.

One meter seven?

What to do if it's still a bit high.

Just lower it a little bit.

Later, even Su's father didn't know how much he wanted his good girl to grow.

Woo woo woo.

The daughter is so cute.


When Zhao Meixin came back, it was already early in the morning.

She didn't bring the man back, but smoked a cigarette in the living room. After she found a little light in her son's bedroom, she walked over and knocked on the door.

The boy opened the door and frowned slightly when he saw her.

Zhao Meixin knew that he didn't like the smell of cigarettes and alcohol on her body, so she narrowed her eyes and smiled indifferently: "Son, help me pour a glass of water."

Xu Ran did not speak, passed her and walked towards the living room.

Zhao Meixin leaned against the door and glanced at the bedroom.

Then I saw the little cake on the table. It looked very sweet and weirdly cute.

It was given by a girl.

She thought.

Then he paused, looking at the boy who came to her and handed the water glass over, said: "Today is your birthday?"

Xu Ran gave a hum and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Zhao Meixin was stunned, her lips curled, and she reached out and rubbed his head: "Happy birthday."

This is the rare warmth of a woman.

She rarely showed such a gentle look in front of her son.

Xu Ran was also a little surprised, but he just glanced at Zhao Meixin, said nothing, and then closed the door.

Zhao Meixin raised her head, looked at the bright light in the living room, and then walked towards the bathroom.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he washed his face with water.

Then he took out a few bottles and cans from the bag, poured out a few white-yellow pills from the brown bottle, and swallowed them with warm water.

It was the end of class when Xu Ran was locked in the toilet.

He retracted his outstretched hand.

The mop blocked the door.

"Xu Ran, we just want to teach you a lesson, who made you so recruiting in school."

An arrogant voice came, accompanied by several other voices: "Brother Chuan, why do you tell this kid so much? Just leave him here and lock him for a lesson..."

The person called Chuan Ge said: "The beauty of thinking, I don't just want to shut him off for one class." He sneered: "Even if get out of class is over, I won't let him go so easily."

Su Ci waited for a long time, but did not wait for the boy.

She tilted her head slightly and glanced at the only empty spot in the class.

He pursed his lower lip.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 873: I cover this male god【38】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 873: I cover this male god【38】
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The teacher on the stage was also a little puzzled. Although Xu Ran was cold-tempered and difficult to approach, he had never been absent from class for no reason. In school, learning is even more dull.

Originally wanted to reserve a high school place for him, who knew it was rejected by the teenager.

Until the end of get out of class, Su Ci did not see Xu Ran coming back.

The girl got up from her seat, and in the crowd, two voices were heard saying: "I saw Xu Ran last class. He seemed to be blocked by someone... It seems that I was looking for Xu Ran trouble..."

"On the side of the laboratory building, don't people often sneak in from the back door..."

"Xu Ran is going to suffer again now... but who made his mother offend so many people... all day long, not trouble with his son, who trouble with him..."

Su Ci raised her small face and looked intently.

The crowd returned to the hustle and bustle, and she couldn't even tell who said it.


The steps under my feet are moving in another direction.

The back door has not been repaired all year round, and the teacher is not strictly supervised. After all, you have to remember to skip classes. Except for a few disobedience, other students are well managed. After all, it is just an ordinary high school.

The girl walked out from the back door, shouting Xu Ran's name.

The beautiful eyes stared unblinkingly, not letting go of any possible place.

But just after a while.

She stopped.

Su Ci felt that it was a bit contrary, and based on intuition, did not move forward.

Sure enough, a car drove over from behind.

Han Cheng walked down from above, curled his lips and said, "Meet again."

She lifted her eyes and squeezed a cold arc: "What do you want to do? What about Xu Ran?"

Han Cheng said, "I just want to have a meal with you."

When he said this, he seemed very sure that the girl would follow him.

Su Ci did not speak, she was a little unhappy.

Han Cheng felt that the little girl was unspeakably beautiful. She was still young, and at this time she was still a bud. It's already so attractive without even showing her beauty completely.

She probably never realized her charm.

The whole body exudes unconsciously alluring breath, pink and tender, and soft.

Xu Ran is out of luck.

Han Cheng thought, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the girl’s arm, lowered his head, and smiled as he thought he was mature and charming: "Just eat a meal, and I will take you home after eating. If you don’t listen to me, Zhao Aunt’s son, I can’t be sure that those people will do more to him.”

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes and looked over.

Han Cheng was taken aback by her.

The few people who were called by Han Cheng were smoking outside the toilet at this time. When the students who came over saw that they were wearing school uniforms and looked uncomfortable, most of them hesitated and chose to ignore them.

"Brother Chuan, when are we going to detain him?"

Brother Chuan spit out smoke rings: "You ask me, who do I ask."

Just as the other boy was about to say something, he heard movement from the toilet. As soon as he got up, he looked at the boy.

Xu Ran walked over directly: "Where is Han Cheng?"

His voice was indescribably cold.

That kind of coldness seemed to extend from the inside out of those peach blossom pupils. The gaze that looked over seemed to carry a substantial sword.

Several people were slightly stunned.

They didn't even know how Xu Ran knew about Han Cheng, and even guessed it sharply.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 874: I cover this male god【39】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 874: I cover this male god【39】
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After a moment of panic.

Lin Chuan got up and pinched off the flue in his hand: "I don't know who you are talking about, Xu Ran, I underestimated you..."

Before he finished speaking, he touched those deep and bottomless eyes.

Lin Chuan reacted.

It was only then that Xu Ran had walked in front of him and lowered his eyes slightly: "I'll ask you again, where is Han Cheng?"

Except for those who had hatred with Xu Ran, the people in the school had also been addicted to the mouth in private. Few people would be bored and find trouble for the other party. Besides, Xu Ran would be fine if his grades were poor, but his grades were good. If something really happened, the teachers would show up in some way.

No one will have less trouble.

But many people know that Xu Ran is a fool. Bai Chang is so tall, he can't fight, being ridiculed by others, he also walked directly in front of people, ignoring them.

At this moment, Lin Chuan swallowed involuntarily.

Some people, no matter how tall they are, and lack momentum, they cannot cause psychological oppression. At this time, Xu Ran not only caused his Tianlinggai to surge up for a moment, but also subconsciously replied: "I don't know, he just let me bet you for a longer time... and then let the other people reach three. Say a few words at the class door..."

"What are you talking about?"

Xu Ran grabbed his clothes, condescendingly, and warned word by word: "You'd better not play tricks with me."

Lin Chuan didn't know why, but inexplicably thought of the offended male lion on the grassland. Only oneself can know how terrible the approaching danger is: "Han Cheng asked them to say that you were taken to the back door by us... I don't know the rest."

Xu Ran paused slightly and let go of his hand. At that moment, his entire face sank.

Then he turned and left without saying a word.

Lin Chuan staggered.

Several boys reacted, caught the person, and then said: "Brother Chuan, how did you let the person go... How can we explain to Mr. Han..."

Lin Chuan returned to his senses and cursed in a low voice: "Damn..."

It's really wicked.

That kid Xu Ran was a bit stronger than the Han Cheng he had seen.

A successful person like Han Cheng, at most he thinks this person is not easy to provoke. And Xu Ran showed his true side, and he directly felt that this person was a bit unspeakable and terrifying.


The girl looked at him and said softly: "If you don't let me go now, you will regret it."

Han Cheng found it interesting.

Just like a little milk cat, using her non-destructive appearance, she yells at your milk and is wary of you. Then he arched his body, as if he would grab it at any time.

It is a pity that the milk cat has forgotten that she is just a little milk cat, not a wild cat.

Because of this, Han Cheng's heart is even more itchy. He evoked a trace of the girl's hair: "How are you going to be rude to me, children can't be too fierce, it's better to behave like you look good." "

System: "This pervert is disgusting! Dad sees him as lacking a social beating!"

The girl looked soft all over, and she seemed to have a little marshmallow sweetness on her body. Han Cheng could almost smell the smell, he was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Just as Han Cheng leaned forward, Su Ci raised his eyes, looked at the person for a moment, and then raised his other hand.



Han Cheng was pushed onto the car in a little embarrassment, the young man grabbed his neck with one hand

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 875: I cover this male god【40】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 875: I cover this male god【40】
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"Don't touch her."

Xu Ran's face was almost icy.

Han Cheng coughed, his face flushed, and he was a little surprised that a child this age was already so strong.

Then smiled indifferently: "Do you want to choke me to death?"

Xu Ran said coldly: "I said, if you come to her again, I won't let you go."

Han Cheng was beaten a few times, and he wiped the blood stains on his lips: "Is that so much more capable?"

Then he stood up and sorted out his clothes. He was still handsome, but he was good in shape and added points to the whole person, giving people a gentle feeling: "I thought you wanted to warn me."

Xu Ran didn't speak, the veins on his hands violent.

His eyes became colder and colder: "You try."

In the nearby Bentley, a middle-aged man rolled down the car window and said when he saw a place inadvertently.


Tang Tianrui's gaze fell on the young man, he was held by the girl behind him, and the man opposite raised his hand to wipe the blood from his lips. He didn't know what he said, opened the door of the car, and walked away.

Driver: "Do you know Mr.?"

Tang Tianrui said: "Keep closer."

Su Ci didn't notice a car parked nearby. She took Xu Ran's hand and hesitated to say: "He can't bully me."

Xu Ran pulled the girl into her arms, hugged her, and whispered: "Sorry."

If it hadn't been for that night, Han Cheng would not have met the girl.

Naturally, these things will not happen later.

Xu Ran couldn’t imagine what he would be like if he came one step later.

Han Cheng's expression of certainty came to mind.

Peach Blossom Eyes were like a layer of cold ice, Xu Ran's lips tightened, and his arms tightened involuntarily.

Su Ci didn't know how to comfort the teenager, she was suddenly a little confused.

Do you want to... just admit it.

She is actually very powerful, no one can bully her.

Xu Ran will believe it?

Su Ci didn't know. She just wanted to open her mouth when she heard Xu Ran's voice: "Don't be afraid, I am here."

She pursed her lips slightly, a little forgotten what she was about to say.

The little hand held the boy back, and whispered: "Ran, is the cake delicious?"

Xu Ran hummed.

Su Ci was a little embarrassed, and said softly, "I did it."

Xu Ran paused slightly and said in a low voice: "It's delicious."

Su Ci was a little happy, she wanted to say, okay if we celebrate my birthday together next year.

But I also felt that Xu Ran had agreed to go to high school with her, and felt a little unreserved.

So he swallowed the words and said softly in his heart.

I really like you.

Su Ci was held by her hands, her cheeks were a little hot, and she felt that the two of them were tacitly tacitly aware.

It just didn't pierce the window.

Xu Ran's legs are very long. When she walks, she walks faster than her even at a normal pace.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly, realizing that the young man was accommodating herself.

He didn't go fast at all.

It even made her realize that she was silently contained by moisturizing things.

This is the silent tenderness of a young man.

The driver seldom sees that his husband is interested in a stranger. In the past, even in a robbery or bleeding accident, he would not take a second look and delay his time.

I felt that the boy was a little unspeakable, and he was a little surprised and said, "He looks a little like his husband." After speaking, he felt a little gaffe, and said quickly, "It's just that his eyes are a bit like."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 876: I cover this male god【41】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 876: I cover this male god【41】
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Tang Tianrui retracted his gaze and said unclearly, "Yes."

This episode passed quickly.


Xu Ran opened the door, Zhao Meixin was smoking a cigarette frantically on the sofa, her eyebrows looked a bit violent.

Take a hard breath.

Take another one.

Something knocked over on the ground.

In the past, many men gave Zhao Meixin gifts, but this time, it can be seen that the other party's handwriting is much wider than those people.

Zhao Meixin is not a material person, but she always accepts what other men give her. Even if some men didn't give it, she didn't care at all, just enjoying the slutty life.

This was the first time Xu Ran saw her throwing things delivered by others as **** on the ground.

The boy took the cigarette from the woman's hand, pressed it into the glass jar in front of him, and said quietly, "Enough."

Zhao Meixin sneered, ignoring him, but took another one directly from the bag.

He was very heavy, and his mood seemed to be extremely bad.

Xu Ran did not speak, and carried the bag in one hand and entered the bedroom.

Time is running out for the high school entrance examination.

Su Ci still didn't know which high school Xu Ran wanted to go to, but she thought to herself that the other party's grades are so good, it should be the best high school.

There must be no problem.

While the classmates were not paying attention, the girl stretched out her small hand, pinched the corner of the boy's clothes, raised her small face slightly, and put the things in his hands.

Then he pursed his lips softly.

Nuonuo said, "Hurry up and don't be discovered by the teacher."

After saying these words, Su Ci looked upwards intently, unbehaved.

It seems that she was not the one who drove the errand just now.

The boy's peachy eyes drooped slightly, and he looked at the girl for a long time, his pale red lips hooked slightly, and he put the candy into the palm of his hand.

The teacher just caught this smile and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Xu Ran is usually cold.

Few people saw his smile. The handsome and beautiful young students are the yearning of many girls in the school. But the teacher can't take his distraction as blindness, because it's an excellent student.

I had to cough lightly, "Xu Ran, you can answer this question."

Song Wei took everything into his eyes.

She bit her lip slightly, her unwillingness to the extreme.

Especially when she accidentally heard someone compare her with Su Ci.

"Whether it is family status or appearance, Song Qui is incomparable with Su Ci."

"Yes, many boys in school like Su Ci, how long has she been here..."

Song quietly harbored a grudge.

She didn't think she was inferior to Su Ci, she just lost because of her family background, nothing more. Girls have been spoiled since childhood, and what they wear and eat is the best.

Of course so is skin care.

Apart from this, Song Qui has studied well, and her performance ability in other areas is not bad. What else can Su Ci know?

"Xu Ran, someone is looking for you."

After class, a classmate called out before get out of class 3.

Xu Ran raised his eyes.

Went out.

Su Ci stretched her neck and couldn't help but wonder if a girl would come over to confess to the teenager.

And this time.

A boy handed an envelope over: "A man surnamed Han asked me to give it to you."

Xu Ran's eyes turned cold.

He took the envelope, and the edge was sealed perfectly, proving that it had not been taken apart.

The boy tore open the envelope, the moment he saw the contents.

His face was gloomy and scary.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 877: I cover this male god【42】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 877: I cover this male god【42】
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Those were photos taken secretly in the changing room of the school.

The girl was changing clothes, she seemed to notice something, stopped her movements, and turned her head slightly. Despite this, the white and soft waist was still photographed.

Although the No. 1 Middle School is just an ordinary high school, it is a place where privacy matters, except for the female students of this school, no one else can enter.

And the person who was secretly photographed was bought by Han Cheng.

There are no classmates on the side who don’t know Xu Ran. Many girls are very impressed by the teenagers in Class 3. No matter when they stand in the crowd, they are always the most conspicuous presence.

Those peach blossom eyes pick out the indifferent arc intentionally or unintentionally, not to be surprised.

Even if he was deliberately isolated and provoked, he never showed such a terrible look.

Xu Ran's finger bones holding the envelope glowed with pale color, and his eyes were cold and gloomy, causing the people around him to lean aside unconsciously.

Whispered: "Xu Ran looks so scary like this."

"Yes, I feel a little bit cold behind my back..."

The boy didn't speak, and put the entire envelope in his pocket, the blue veins on the back of his hand faintly shocking. After exhausting all his strength, he couldn't control the anger in his heart.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly. She couldn't see the situation clearly, but knew that Xu Ran seemed to be in a bad mood after going out.

Although he was restrained and suppressed, the deep voice between his eyebrows could not deceive anyone.

The girl tilted her head slightly and stared at her for a moment: "Aren't you happy?"

Regardless of whether others are watching, Su Ci stretched out a small hand, pinched the corner of the other party's clothes, and asked softly.

Xu Ran paused slightly: "No."


She thought seriously, she was obviously unhappy, she could see it.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly and asked in a low voice, "Is someone bullying you again?"

She was a little upset, Xu Ran was covered by her. Whoever dared to bully Xu Ran, she would slap her on the head.

Will they dare to see them in the future?

The boy didn't speak, but just looked at her, with a look like suppressing something, and finally said: "I will take care of it."

He will not let Han Cheng go.

Absolutely not.

Although Xu Ran said so, Su Ci was still a little worried.

But in the next few days, the boy was like a okay person, and no one else caused him any trouble.

The girl was a little confused.

But she observed for a while and found nothing wrong.

it does not matter.

If anyone dares to bully Xu Ran, ask her whether she agrees with the money jar.

Xu Ran sent Han Cheng to the police station.

He looked at the opposite person coldly.

And the moment Han Cheng saw him, his face changed a little, and he returned to his original look. He smiled and said, "You have some skill."

He dug up all the pieces of his old past.

And Xu Ran only took half a month to bite like a lurking poisonous snake.

Of course, this is just a metaphor, and Xu Ran is not a poisonous snake now, but it might be in the future.

Han Cheng was beside the passing teenager, whispering: "She is very beautiful, especially her thin waist. I have seen so many women, it is not as powerful as the impact a little girl gives me... It's a pity. Nothing else was photographed, otherwise I wouldn’t give it to you."

The boy's eyes burst into cold anger, he grabbed the man's collar and stared at him, his face terribly scary.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 878: I cover this male god【43】
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But Han Cheng smiled.

Fearless appearance.

The person next to him stopped the boy and stopped his movements.

When Xu Ran went home, he found a car parked.

The man withdrew from the door, Zhao Meixin threw the thing out, stretched out her finger, and sneered: "Get out of here!"

Tang Tianrui raised his face and didn't seem to feel embarrassed at all. Ashamed, he just smiled and said, "Xiao Ran, school is over?"

Xu Ran didn't speak, he just looked at the man.

The other party's eyes are extremely familiar.

As if he had a premonition, his face became cold.

Tang Tianrui didn't mind seeing his son ignore him. He just said when he was passing by: "Do you need my help with your little girlfriend?"

Xu Ran looked over suddenly.

Tang Tianrui leaned against the car and said, "I don't mean anything else, I just want to help you."

Xu Ran's face was a bit ugly, but he calmly said: "I don't need it, you'd better not give her any idea."

Tang Tianrui looked at the boy.

I sighed in my heart.

When he was young, he met Zhao Meixin, and the two had a good memory. At that time, Tang Tianrui also liked each other, but what about it, he was already in his twenties at that time.

Commercial marriage is inevitable, but Zhao Meixin does not want to break up.

Tang Tianrui felt boring, no matter how beautiful a woman was, she would get bored after a long time. Zhao Meixin loved him with all his heart, but Tang Tianrui would not marry her. Later, he took some measures to make the other party completely give up on himself.

But he did not expect that this woman would actually give birth to one of his children.

Tang Tianrui had a child with his wife, but that child unfortunately died when he was a teenager. The original partner is too sad, and there is resistance in that respect, every time he touches it, he will vomit to death. Tang Tianrui naturally lost his interest, and became more and more unscrupulous outside.

Those lovers that can be raised either tried to enter the door or gave birth to a daughter. After finally giving birth to a boy, there was a problem with IQ.

Tang Tianrui was tired after tossing for so long.

Fortunately, he happened to see Xu Ran's photo a few months ago. After careful investigation for a period of time, he confirmed that this was his biological child.

Tang Tianrui didn't come here the first time, he was not so irrational. Xu Ran wanted to enter the Tang family and be a qualified heir, but he also had to have extraordinary skills.

Fortunately, he did not let himself down.

Xu Ran's plasticity is very strong, whether it is temperament or other aspects, it is a bit like him back then. Tang Tianrui was very satisfied, especially Xu Ran's handling of Han Cheng's affairs, which made him feel that his intuition was not wrong.

Xu Ran likes that girl very much, and has a different character from his Huaxin. Xu Ran is serious about feelings, and has not inherited the gene of his lover's proliferation at all.

Han Cheng took a photo and sent it to the boy.

This is undoubtedly a provocation.

Not to mention Xu Ran at this age, even an adult man would not bear this breath.

What's more, he is only fifteen or sixteen years old this year. As a normal person, he has long been impulsive and went to trouble Han Cheng directly.

But Xu Ran did not do so.

Because he knew in his heart that it was a wise decision not to sleep head-on with Han Cheng. The boy was very calm, and even though no one knew about the storm in his heart, he restrained it.

Then calmly went to collect evidence that Han Cheng had accidentally left behind.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 879: I cover this male god【44】
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Even Tang Tianrui had to admit that even if he was young, without any conditions, he might not be able to do like Xu Ran.

He felt relieved and satisfied.

Xu Ran's temperament is very suitable for the market, and also suitable for this heir.

"You are still too naive."

Tang Tianrui said meaningfully: "I will come again, I hope you will change your mind at that time."

Xu Ran entered the living room.

Zhao Meixin was smoking again, making the whole house smug. He raised his eyes and said, "You haven't mentioned him to me before."

The woman's red lips are wavy and look beautiful, but she can't resist the years, and there are some fine lines on the corners of her eyes.

She held the flue and said, "What can I say? He dumped me? When I was pregnant with you, I was reluctant to go to him, and found out that he was married to another woman?"

Zhao Meixin sneered: "At that time, I was afraid that he would kill you. I went to find someone after being pregnant for five months. People didn't see it, but I heard that he was going to marry the Lin family daughter."

"Do you think I'm so cheap? By coincidence, I think so too. I'm so **** cheap. When I was young, I fell in love with such a thing."

Xu Ran's expression went cold when she saw her emotionally and did not speak.

Zhao Meixin glanced at him, her lips moved.

But still nothing said.

He was just squeezing out the cigarette, and when the person turned and returned to the room, he said, "He has no son and wants to pick you up."

The answer to her was Xu Ran's closing of the door.

I knew that when Han Cheng was released, it was five days later.

At the beginning, a provincial competition that belonged to Xu Ran was replaced by someone else. Later, when the partnership was framed, Xu Ran became the target of the whole school's attention again.

The people Zhao Meixin had provoked before were also found, and the house was left in a mess, as if he had been robbed.

Han Cheng called the phone: "The little girl is very fierce. I went to trouble those few people by myself." He chuckled, "Xu Ran, I can't move her on the face, but I still move." Can't you?"

"In the three days of being locked up, I was really taught a lesson by you."

Xu Ran flexed his fingers on the phone.

"I really like her, otherwise I won't put you in my eyes. Who makes a little girl love you?"

"I especially want to hold her in the car and make her cry in my arms."

After Han Cheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xu Ran's lips tightened sharply as he listened to the beeping sound.

Tang Tianrui came the next day.

He seemed to have expected these things a long time ago, and said leisurely: "I told you a long time ago, you are still too naive. I don't know the real people in this society are sinister, Han Cheng's background is not simple, you think you have collected the evidence , Can you send him in completely?"

"On the contrary, you will only make him want to play with you more, like a cat teasing a mouse."

Xu Ran looked at him without speaking, her eyes filled with depression.

Tang Tianrui paused slightly, and he knew that he was right.

Xu Ran is really suitable.

Otherwise, he wouldn't come over, as long as there is a slight deviation from his heart, Tang Tianrui may have to think about it for a long time instead of coming over now.

Although Tang Tianrui was dissatisfied with the environment given by Zhao Meixin, he had to admit that Xu Ran trained in this way had no weaknesses.

Do not.

There is still one.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 880: I cover this male god【45】
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But it does not matter.

Tang Tianrui didn't pay much attention to girls. He started dating and playing with women when he was fourteen. He didn't know how many girlfriends he had changed when he was at school.

He still remembered his first love at first, but as more people went through, the feeling faded. She couldn't even remember her appearance, let alone her name.

The world of adults is different from that of children. Xu Ran feels unforgettable now, but not necessarily in the future.

"The reason why Han Cheng was able to come out is very simple. His background, including the evidence you collected." Tang Tianrui smiled and said: "You are indeed very powerful. It took him a lot of effort to come out. But you forgot. , The evidence is not enough to kill him, do you know why?"

Although Xu Ran didn't answer, his expression already gave the answer.

Tang Tianrui said: "You are a smart boy. There are some things that are not accessible to your current status and status. No matter how smart you are, you have no connections, no rights, and you can't compete with those scumbags."

"The girl you like has a good family background, but it's only good. Is Han's achievement poor? His worst thing is money. How long do you think he can play this game?"

He said meaningfully: "Behind is more than just photos, are you sure, don't need my help?"

Xu Ran was silent for a while, the lines on his face seemed to be covered with frost.

The jaw is tight.

Tang Tianrui didn't expect that it was all like this, and the boy did not accept his kindness.

He stayed for a while with an unclear look, then turned and left.

Su Ci felt that Xu Ran had offended someone, and that this person might be Han Cheng.

The young man took her hand, not knowing what he had noticed, and turned his head. He raised his eyes, stared at the man holding the phone to shoot, and walked over.

When the man saw this, he staggered back, then turned and ran, not knowing how long he had been behind to shoot.

Su Ci followed her gaze without blinking.

Xu Ran did not chase people.

He just looked at the direction where the other person was leaving, not knowing what he was thinking.

Su Ci received a call from Su's father.

The other party said over there, "My dear girl, Dad can't accompany you to dinner tonight."

She pursed her lips slightly: "Are you going to work overtime again?"

Su Ci feels that Su's father has been running to the company in recent days.

Dad Su: "Yes, Dad took a big order. You have to eat on time, baby."

The girl nodded: "Goodbye Dad, don't work too hard."

Dad Su gave a big one, but after hanging up, he rubbed his temples tiredly.

After Su Ci hung up the phone, she wanted to invite Xu Ran to her home, but she thought for a while. There is another sense of sight that my father is not at home, and he secretly takes the wild man back.

The girl shook her head.

Xu Ran is not a wild man.

Is the future boyfriend.

Su Ci looked at her toes and hesitated, but she still felt that she shouldn't take it home.

What if Su's father doesn't like Xu Ran.

Moreover, human parents seem to always disapprove of puppy love.

Su Ci raised her face slightly, and the boy was also looking at her.

I couldn't help but stretched out my little hand, hugged him, and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't let others bully me."

Nor will others bully you.

Su Ci is really angry. Does Han Cheng think she can really be at the mercy of others?

Xu Ran paused slightly, lowered her eyes slightly, and hugged the girl back.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 881: I cover this male god【46】
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After a while, she lowered her head slightly, and dropped a precious kiss on her soft hair.

Tang Tianrui was not surprised when Xu Ran took the initiative to find him, and even asked the people below to pour a cup of hot water.

This is just a branch of his company, if it weren't for his son, he wouldn't come over.

"Think about it?"

The man cocked Erlang's legs and asked.

Xu Ran stood there and said straightforwardly: "Her father's company, did you do a little trick?"

After hearing the girl's phone call, Xu Ran became suspicious for the first time and immediately inquired about the gossip.

The young man couldn't help but clenched his fists, with a calm and calm look, and now there were faint traces of cracking.

Tang Tianrui didn't deny it either, only said: "You are just trying to support it. Since the lesson Han Cheng taught you is not deep enough, my father will teach you another lesson."

He looked over and crossed his fingers and said: "I just want to tell you that Han Cheng is great, but he is in the upper class, and he is just a thing that can't be on the stage. If you want to, I can make him never Will play the little girl's idea, let the girl you like live her life peacefully and steadily."

"Xiao Ran, you are too young. Without me, would you think you could fight Han Cheng? What kind of person he is, I believe you know the best."

Xu Ran had a sullen expression: "I said, don't make her mind."

Tang Tianrui shook his head: "I didn't give her an idea. It's because you don't have enough power to let me take advantage."

He smiled and said: "If you have those rights, let alone a Han Cheng, I believe you can handle them well even if you have ten. Instead of just sitting and waiting to die like you do now."

"Han Cheng once saw a girl who was still in high school. She also had a boyfriend who fell in love with each other, but it only took Han Cheng two months to let them break up and change the girl's heart. Later, Han Cheng let her He was tired of being pregnant, the girl had a baby, dropped out of school, and was ruined."

"Of course, I don’t mean to question your feelings. But Han Cheng’s method is something no one can resist. You can guarantee that the school’s photo shooter will not appear second and third, and you can guarantee that you can always Protect her, relying on your current ability?"

"Taking photos is a trivial matter."

Tang Tianrui said meaningfully: "If Han Cheng recognizes it, even the most nasty things will be done."

He could see a faint twitch on the boy's face.

The lip line was even taut.

Xu Ran still didn't speak, but the look on his face, including those eyes, exposed his inner struggle.

Tang Tianrui is not in a hurry.

Just sipping tea casually.

a long time.

He heard the boy speak: "Your terms."

Tang Tianrui said: "I need a qualified heir."


Su Ci closed the computer.

Those sordid things about Han Cheng are not easy to investigate, and she will take a while.

After all, the other party is also experienced and knows how to cover up those important things.

Su Ci also noticed that something went wrong with Su's father's company. She originally thought it was Han Cheng's work. But when I checked it down, it seemed to be another force.

But she still doesn't know who this force belongs to for the time being.

As soon as Su Ci entered the classroom, she felt that many students had watched it, with curiosity, weirdness, and envy, all kinds of gazes.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 882: I cover this male god【47】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 882: I cover this male god【47】
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She tilted her head and looked at it. Some people turned their heads, but they still discussed in whispers: "It won't be true..."

"How long has Su Ci been here? So, Xu Ran...wasn't he indifferent to anyone before? Xu Ran returned all the love letters from the school flowers."

"Student Su Ci, you can change seats with Student Fang."

In class, the teacher suddenly made such a request.

Su Ci subconsciously looked at the teenager next to her, who was also looking at her. There was no expression in those peach blossom eyes, but it was always wide on her.

The girl stood up and asked puzzledly: "Why?"

The teacher was also a bit embarrassed. Father Su was a generous and rich man. When Su Ci first came, he donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on food improvement, fearing that his daughter might not eat well.

She hesitated, and said to the boy next to the girl: "Xu Ran, you come to the office after class."

Su Ci wanted to follow Xu Ran.

But the boy turned around and rubbed her head: "Be good."

She blushed with no promise.

Qian Jingzi raised her face delicately, she just couldn't resist Xu Ran's occasional gentleness, not obvious, but it made her heart hot.

After Xu Ran went in.

The teacher took out the photo and said, "Explain, what is the relationship between you and Su Ci? Are you in a relationship?"

Xu Ran followed his gaze, and the two people in the photo were holding hands together.

He retracted his gaze and said lightly: "No."

The teacher sighed: "You are still young, and the school finds out that you are in a puppies. It is punished. You have to write a review book in front of the whole school.

She felt that it was the teenager and the girl who had been discovered, and they had discussed it together, and refused to admit it.

But the photos are all handed in, and many teachers know: "The student in Class 3 who has good academic performance is in association with the student who is poor in learning?"

"That Xu Ran, grades are really okay. Many little girls like him, why does he like a poor grader."

"I remember he originally wanted to apply for high school, but the school planned to reserve a place..."

"I remember, didn't the little girl's family conditions be good? And I heard that she was very concerned about Xu Ran when she came to the first high school, it won't be..."

"Ms. Yuan, it's better not to talk nonsense..."

"Sorry, sorry..."

"We are not dating." The boy looked over, with a cold and indifferent expression in those peach blossom eyes.

Just when the teacher just wanted to open his mouth and say something.

The other party's voice came over: "I was pestering her, teacher, and I took the initiative to wait for her to leave school and follow her."

"It has nothing to do with Su Ci."

"I can write the review alone."

The teacher was stunned, but this matter must have a destination. She hesitated, but still criticized the person.

After all, just relying on a few photos, it is impossible to tell the truth of the matter.

In the end, the teacher was still a little unwilling to ask: "Xu Ran, you have to know that this matter will still affect you..."

Xu Ran didn't return her.

In the broadcast that day, the rustle's voice rang shortly, and then it was noisy.

Because of the change of voice, the boy's voice is a little low.

But it's still very nice.

But everyone's attention was quickly attracted by the content.

"I am Xu Ran from Class 3, and I will explain and review some rumors in the school..."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 883: I cover this male god【48】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 883: I cover this male god【48】
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As the young man's voice fell, those words clearly fell into the ears of all the students in the school.

"No way, is what Xu Ran said is true? He likes Su Ci? And still unrequited love?"


"Didn't Xu Ran never ignore any girls? How could he haunt Su Ci, joking."

Some girls feel unbelievable. In their eyes, Xu Ran is cold-tempered, independent and casual, different from other boys of the same age. A bit too precocious and calm, with a charm that is different from ordinary people.

Not to mention the teenagers are like coming out of comics.

In their hearts, even if Xu Ran is not a prince, he is not easily approached by others. He is like staying in his own independent fortress, which can only be looked up to.

Precisely because these people can't reach it, when they know someone can touch it. The first reaction is to be jealous, not to believe, but to conspiracy theories in my heart.

But whether they believe it or not.

Xu Ran read the review book word by word in front of the school.

The girl who was sitting in the seat walked towards the broadcasting room in the eyes of everyone.

"not like this!"

Su Ci entered the door and opened his mouth.

She raised her face slightly.

Look intently.

Xu Ran turned around, holding the review book in his hand, and said nothing.

Su Ci walked over, pinched the corner of the boy's clothes, and pursed her lips: "Xu Ran, you don't need to do this, I don't need you to do this."

She knows, she knows what it means.

Xu Ran has nothing to do with her if she takes everything down.

The boy raised his hand, rubbed her head, and whispered: "But this is the only way. If you admit it now, it proves that I'm lying."

Su Ci is a little confused.

System: "Baby, what he said is not unreasonable. If you stand out, you will be wasting his mind."

But boy, obviously lying.

Anything pestering her is fake.

Mingming Suci herself, wholeheartedly wanted to get close to each other.

The money jar is a bit sad.

She said she wouldn't let Xu Ran be bullied by others, but in the end, it seemed that she was hurting him.

It would be great if she restrained a little.

Don't want to hold hands, don't hug, there won't be these things.

Su Ci raised her face slightly: "I can tell them, tell the truth about the matter."

She was pestering Xu Ran, not Xu Ran pestering her.

Xu Ran paused slightly: "It's true now." He turned his gaze away slightly, and said lightly: "There is nothing to explain."

The eyes of the school increased.

There was a lot of discussion about the relationship between Su Ci and Xu Ran.

Xu Ran's review was posted on the notice, and Su Ci stared at it for a while before tearing it off.

Then he was called over.

"Su Ci, why did you tear up Xu Ran's review book?"

The questioning voice followed.

The girl raised her long eyelashes slightly and said in a calm tone: "What he said is false, teacher, Xu Ran is a good student, do you think he will haunt me?"

The teacher sighed: "Don't be arrogant, since Xu Ran has already told the story. The dust has settled, so don't trouble us anymore."

Su Ci pursed her lips.

She raised her eyes and asked, "Who gave the teacher the picture?"

The teacher was a little sullen and said: "If it weren't for some classmates, when would you and Xu Ran still..."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 884: I cover this male god【49】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 884: I cover this male god【49】
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Do you know that Xu Ran originally wanted to take the high school entrance examination, because of this matter, he changed all his wishes. He is an excellent child, and choosing the right school can affect his entire life. Student Su Ci, for the sake of your father's contribution to the school, I hope that in the next time, you and Xu Ran will still have nothing to do with each other. "

She feels sorry in her heart, Xu Ran is an excellent student, and she must not fall in love at this moment.

But who knows, the teenager, who usually seems the least likely to be emotional, has done such an irrational thing.

"You have a good dad, but perhaps it is an ordinary family. Many people belong to this kind of family. You are hoping that learning can change your life. Do you know how much difference you will make with others when you go to a good high school? If he misses Such an opportunity.... The road ahead will have to go a few more ways than others..."

The teacher couldn't help but said, "It's not like your classmates. They just have fun with their studies."

Su Ci looked over.

There was a dazed look in her big beautiful eyes.

Does Xu Ran want to take the high school exam?

She asked the teenager, but the other party did not say her wish.

Is it because she feels that learning high school is still very difficult for her?

Su Ci regretted it a little, she shouldn't pretend to be a scumbag in order to get close to Xu Ran.

Is it too late to take off the vest now?

Su Ci didn't know, Xu Ran didn't come to class anymore.

She was lying on the table and wanted to see each other.

Tilt his head slightly.

Looked over.

The boy still didn't come.

Su Ci stood on tiptoe, looked into the wall, and crawled in like last time.

But as soon as she got off, she was discovered by a middle-aged woman.

The other person looked at her strangely: "Little girl, who are you?"

Su Ci was a little confused. She raised her face slightly and asked: "I'm looking for my classmate, his surname is Xu."

The middle-aged woman said: "You are looking for Xu Ran." She curled her lips and said: "Don't look for it. He has gone with a man, and he doesn't know what he has done. The hostess will go out before that. I came back and left her son alone. Anyway, it was born in her stomach. I didn’t care about it before. Now my son has left with others and she is not seen. I think her son is also disheartened towards her. , I chose to go with others."

"If you want me, I don't want to follow such a mother, who will bring back wild men every day, not like a mother..."

The babble behind Su Ci can no longer listen.

She stared at the house a little blankly.

Did Xu Ran really leave?

Su Ci didn't know, she was a little out of breath.

He stood on tiptoe and knocked on the window.

For a long time, no one opened the window to her.

Like that night.

The young man lowered his eyes slightly and looked at her, with starlight in the sky.


The only vacant seat in the class was moved, and some students couldn't help asking.

The teacher stood on the podium: "Xu Ran has already transferred."

Many people looked at the girl.

I found her soft little face, but there was no expression.

"What? She is too cold-blooded. Didn't Xu Ran leave because of her?"

The boy tutted: "You group of licking dogs, didn't you hear that Xu Ran admitted that he was fond of Su Ci's fortune, so he would pester her?"

The girl was annoyed: "It's like you are not licking a dog."

Su Ci turned a deaf ear to their quarrel.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 885: I cover this male god【50】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 885: I cover this male god【50】
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She lowered her eyes.

Slightly pursed lips.

System: "This stinky man, you left without saying a word after teasing, scumbag! I'm **** off dad!"

Su Ci was walking on the road. A few days ago, the boy was here, holding her hand.

She can still remember the temperature coming from her skin, a bit hot.

It's a bit scorching.

Su Ci lowered her head and looked at her toes.


Now Xu Ran is no longer there.

he's gone.

The eye circles couldn't help but become a little red.

Su Ci sniffed.

"We weren't dating in the first place."

She and Xu Ran didn't have a puppy love, they just held hands, because of a few photos, things would become like this.

But in the eyes of others, holding hands is already a measure of an abnormal relationship.

Su Ci thought, has Xu Ran gone? Who did he go with? Who is that man?

Han Sung?

not him.

Han looks like a bereavement dog, and everything has been unhappy recently.

She couldn't help but feel wronged.


Even if they are not dating, are they reluctant to say goodbye when they leave?

Su Ci even wondered a little dazedly, does Xu Ran like her?

A strong hug came with one hand.

Embrace the girl in his arms.

Su Ci smelled a familiar smell. She wanted to raise her head, but was held down by the teenager. The other party whispered, "It's me."

The girl stretched out her little hand and hugged the boy tightly. She asked in a low voice, "Are you leaving?"

Xu Ran hummed.

But he didn't let go, instead he hugged a bit tightly.

Su Ci thought, he really wanted to leave.

She opened her mouth slightly.

I want to ask Xu Ran if I can leave.

But Su Ci still didn't say anything in the end.

Xu Ran can give up high school for her, can send her home, and stand up alone.

Su Ci felt sad.

She knew that she had spoken, and the teenager might hesitate. Although she is not a human being, she also understands that she can't be too selfish.

The money jar essence grabbed his little hand tightly: "I will miss you."

The boy turned his face slightly.

Su Ci felt her face as if she had been rubbed by something.

She reached out and touched.

Xu Ran had already stood up straight, and he had disappeared following the flow of people.

Su Ci stood there.

I watched it for a while.

The strangeness on her neck made her reach out and grab it.

That is a necklace.


Xu Ran's departure made the atmosphere in the class a bit depressed.

After all, there are many girls who like him.

Song quietly lay on the table and cried for a long time, his eyes turned red: "Is Xu Ran really not coming back?"

Her friend nodded.

Song Qi was resentful in her heart. She hated Su Ci. If it were not for the other party, Xu Ran would not leave Yizhong.

Especially when she saw that the girl didn't have any guilt on her face, she didn't even feel sad at all.

More and more angry.

"Su Ci, Xu Ran left this school because of you! How can you be so cold-blooded!"

Song yelled quietly.

The girl raised her long eyelashes slightly and looked over: "Isn't it because of you?"

Song Qi was in a panic for a moment, but she quickly put away her expression and forced her to calm down: "What are you talking about? It's obviously because you are pestering Xu Ran, and Xu Ran was forced. If he doesn't say that, his The end is just as difficult, you, the culprit, continue to stay here with peace of mind! Why!"

Su Ci looked at her intently, her red lips spitting out soft words: "You gave the picture to the teacher, and you reported it. Do you really think I don't know anything?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 886: I cover this male god【51】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 886: I cover this male god【51】
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Song Qui's pupils shrank for a moment.

She looked at these eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, and for the first time there was a feeling of fear.

I couldn't help but step back: "What about me? If you didn't take the initiative to pester Xu Ran, how could he end up like this. You are not from the same world. Your presence will only stop Xu Ran. You don’t really like him at all! It’s not like liking someone! It’s not as selfish as you are!”

"You still have the face to stay in one!"

System: "Let dad give her a big mouth! How dare you scold my cub!"

Su Ci lowered her head, looked at her toes, and let the other party curse for a while.

Then he tilted his head, looked over, nodded and said, "I was planning to leave No. 1 Middle School."

Song quietly froze.

Immediately after, she saw the girl opposite and said unhurriedly: "But now I have changed my mind, why should I leave? I haven't seen your annoyed look."

She widened her eyes in disbelief, as if she had heard something funny: "Insane? Why are you? Do you want your father to deal with me?"

Song quietly gritted his teeth: "Yes, you only have this ability."

Su Ci shook his head: "I don't need my father to go out to deal with you."

She looked over without blinking: "Don't you really want to go to high school?"

Song quietly sneered: "You shouldn't let your rich dad get a place for you as a referral."

"Yes, your father is so powerful, you are so rich, and you don't have anything, I'm so angry."

There was disdain in her eyes.

Sarcastically said.

Su Ci was not angry, and turned and left.

Song Wei felt that he had stepped on the other's painful foot.

Otherwise, based on Su Ci's ability, can she be admitted to a high school? Even at their school, not many people can be confident that they will be able to attend this school.

The reason why learning high school is controversial is that it is difficult.

Song Qi was almost laughed to death by Su Ci's big talk. Even if the other party worked hard now, it was too late. Because there is not much time left for the exam.

So she didn't put Su Ci in her eyes at all.

So when the exam results come out.

Not only was the teacher shocked and stunned, the whole school was also boiling!

No one can think of it.

The reason why Su Ci was frantically discussed for the last time in No. 1 High School was because she got the first place in the school!

Of course, there are voices of doubt.

Su Ci's previous results were so bad! How could it be possible to get the first place!

cheat! It must be cheating! It was her father who bought this ranking!

Otherwise, in just two months, from the worst grades to the best grades, fools doubt whether there is something tricky in the middle.

Then someone came out.

With a sneer, "X's son is also in this exam, and Su Ci scores higher than him! Can Su Ci's father be more powerful than X's son?"

When everyone heard this, they also reacted, feeling a bit embarrassed, and their IQ was all taken away by those mentally retarded.

Long X’s son is also taking an exam inside. Which capitalism is crazy, choose to fake it!

The teachers at the school also felt a little embarrassed.

Especially those who have discussed young girls in private, feel dull.

Who said that the other party was a bad student, who came to mess around.

stand out.

Guarantee not to be killed.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 887: I cover this male god【52】
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Song Wei couldn't believe it.

How is this possible? How could the poor student of Su Ci be admitted to the high school!

In the past, when the teacher asked her questions, she didn't know anything, just like a fool. In the end, Xu Ran stood up and answered.

Over time, the teachers were reluctant to ask questions.

Because of her father's face, she only opened one eye and closed one. Otherwise, with Su Ci's grade, can she enter Class 3!

Song Wei was not reconciled before, because she and Su Ci liked Xu Ran, so those people often compared them secretly. Said that she was not as beautiful as Su Ci, and that she was not as popular with boys as the other party.

Song quietly gritted his teeth, unwilling to reconcile. But she thinks she is different from Su Ci, she has good academic performance, and she is the same as Xu Ran.

A good person is of course worthy of a good person.

Otherwise, even if the two are together, sooner or later there will be conflicts.

So Song Qi was a little complacent in her heart, especially when those girls were helping her to speak: "Song Qi is learning well, it's not the same as Su Ci's kind of girl."

"Yes, Song Wei, if I were Xu Ran, I would definitely choose you."

But what she didn't know was that those girls were jealous of the girls, so they stepped on each other and raised her up.

But now, Song Qui has worked hard for so long, often studying until midnight. Even came to school early, just to go to high school.

But the result is.

The school she couldn't go to was actually taken by Su Ci!

Song Qiao was so angry that she was about to vomit blood. She felt that God was really unfair! Su Ci usually doesn't seem to work hard at all!

She didn't speak actively in class, and she hardly took any notes. I have never seen her studying hard, yet get a good result so easily!


Song quietly walked up to the girl and asked unwillingly, "Su Ci, what exactly did you use! I don't believe that the score is yours!"

The other party looked over and said without blinking: "You are just so angry if you are the first in grade. If I get the first in the province in the future, wouldn't you be angry."

Song Qiao was trembling with anger.

She studied so hard in order to get her ideal score. Even if she was as pompous as her, Xiao had never thought about it this way, but the girl said it lightly.

Song Qui has a subconscious illusion.

She felt that if Su Ci wanted to get the first place in the province, she might really get it!

"My life experience is given by my parents. My father is rich." Su Ci said softly, "Not only is my family rich, but my grades are also very good. Don't you think I am not worse than you."

"I'm sorry, I am much better than you in every aspect."

"Including the matter of liking Xu Ran."

Song Qiao was dizzy with anger, and was almost unsteady on his feet.

Su Ci glanced at her and passed by, "Even if I don't study hard, I will still be the first place."

This sentence seemed to stimulate Song Qui's nerve.

Screamed: "Ahhhhh, shut up!"

And Su Ci has also become a shadow of Song Qui's life. No matter how hard she works, she can't compare to the other side in any way.


Father Su found that his daughter has been in a depressed mood recently.

He tried to coax his good girl to be happy.

For example, when he gave a lot of money to a good girl, although the good girl was very restrained, her eyes were bright and she said softly, "Thank you, Dad."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 888: I cover this male god【53】
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But now.

No matter how much Su's father gave the good girl, the good girl seemed to be a little unhappy.

His heart is breaking.

Can only find a way to coax people, Su even pretends to be a rabbit, and then dance the rabbit dance for the baby girl to see.

"Why is the little princess unhappy? Did someone bully you? Tell Master Rabbit, this master will definitely help you uphold justice! See who is bullying my little princess!"

Su Ci stretched out her small hand, hugged Papa Su who was pretending to be a rabbit, sniffed, and said softly, "He's gone."

Father Su's heart is breaking: "Who's gone? Good girl doesn't cry."

Then stretched out her furry hand and gently patted her daughter on the back.

"Is it the little girl who is very good at you, who is only 1.8 meters long in the third year of junior high school?"

The more Su Ci thought about it, the more sad she felt, and her nasal sound made a hum.

Dad Su said distressedly: "A good girl doesn't cry. Even if she goes abroad, Dad will allow you to see her. You can still call her without crying or crying."

Su Ci said, "I didn't cry." She thought about it for a while and said, "It's not going abroad, it's going to a place. I can't find him for the time being."

Father Su sighed.

I was depressed and thought, his baby girl is so cute, how could that little girl be willing to make his baby girl so sad.

If Papa Su knew that this little girl was a stinky kid.

It is estimated that it is not sulking, but directly copying the knife to cut Xu Ran's leg.

Su Ci entered the high school.

She has good grades and looks good, which naturally attracted the attention of many boys.

Not long after school started, several boys stared at her, trying to abduct her to be a girlfriend.

There was a little hope in Su Ci's heart, she remembered that Xu Ran said she wanted to go to higher school.

But she couldn't find the other party's name.

Xu Ran is not studying high school.

The girl who heard the news felt a little disappointed.

System: "Oh, dog man."

Wait for the crematorium.

Su Ci made a good friend, You Yu.

You Yu was dissatisfied with his name: "My dad likes to eat squid, so he filled in my name without authorization. When he came back, his grandfather almost broke his leg."

The girl pursed her lips and smiled.

You Yu was dumbfounded, and she said, "Porcelain, you look so beautiful when you smile, it's sweet to my heart. No wonder those boys always think of you, hum, I won't let those pigs come to you."

Su Ci said: "I don't want to make a boyfriend yet."

If you let these words go, you can't stop the peach blossoms in a place.

Later, I don't know why, there are fewer people chasing Su Ci.

You Yu feels that these boys are really superficial, but they are not at all sincere.

Su Ci received a call during the summer vacation.

The other party did not speak.

She showed a slightly confused look, but quickly asked in a low voice: "Right?"

"Is that you? Ranran?"

Su Ci asked a little nervously, and she pursed her lips.

She thought Xu Ran.

Miss that boy.

The phone was hung up a bit shortly, leaving only a beep.

Su Ci stood there and looked at the phone for a long time.

Hang it up.

She also called Xu Ran, but no one answered.

Su Ci even felt a little dazed.

It seems that the existence of a teenager is just a conjecture of her.

Su Ci's results have always maintained the most outstanding position, and her photos have also been hung in the bulletin board.

Only one day.

It suddenly disappeared.

You Yu muttered, "Damn, which kind of pervert is it?"

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 889: I cover this male god【54】
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In order to prevent students from making trouble, the bulletin board has always been electronic lock anti-theft protection.

But now someone stole the photo under the nose of the school! ?

When the monitoring was brought out, it was suspected that he was not from the school, but he should be an adult man. She covered herself tightly, like a super agent in a movie. It was very cool, but after the other party saw it around the school, he went directly to the bulletin board and broke the electronic lock.

Then put the photo in a box, put it on the top, and finally turned and left.

The school is stupid.

Looking at the other person's body shape, it's like a habitual offender, with a very professional technique. But so much time and effort, just for a photo.

Because of this incident, the whole school was a sensation.

The boys thumped their chests and said: "That picture is so good. I used to stand there and watched it for half an hour. Those girls called me a pervert. No matter how perverted I am, there is no such pervert to steal photos."

"Damn, I can't see the real Su Ci, look at the photos to solve the problem! Which **** stole it!"

"Which big brother, although I had this idea, I didn't dare to steal it."

You Yu was worried whether the girl was really targeted by the pervert, and volunteered to send her home.

Then one day, when she saw the delicate and soft Su Ci beating a pervert violently, You Yu was stunned!

Porcelain is mighty!

You Yu felt that there was someone in the girl's heart, but she didn't know who the other party was.

"Do you still like him?"

Su Ci bit the straw, lowered her eyes, and nodded.

You Yu asked again: "Then doesn't he like you?"

Su Ci shook her head and nodded again.

She looked at each other and said seriously: "I should have liked it before, but now I am not sure."

She didn't even know what Xu Ran had become now, or if the teenager continued to like her.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly, and said softly, "We haven't been in contact for a long time."

You Yu feels sorry for her. She thinks that Cici should like that person very much.

But she didn't dare to continue to ask, for fear that the girl would be sad.

"If he really likes you, he will definitely continue to like you!"

Su Ci raised her face slightly, and said seriously, "Thank you."

But the money jar is uncertain.

She wasn't sure when she would meet Xu Ran, or whether the other person's heart remained the same. She even felt that she felt a little bit out of her heart when she said that Xu Ran liked herself.

Because the two of them had never dated before.

But Xu Ran's embrace was so hard.

Su Ci lowered her head.

I thought, Xu Ran should like her.

I just don't know if the current partner continues to like it.


Su Ci's entire high school is simple, she went to the university in X province.

You Yu just passed the score line because of her help.

Freshman admission.

Su Ci and You Yu were assigned to the same dormitory by fate.

Excellent people are always the most eye-catching, plus a military training photo, the girl is in a big fire in A.

Do you know the freshman student bully? The one that looks particularly delicate and beautiful.

Her name is Su Ci.

In their province, he is the top pick.

People are good-looking, talented, and outstanding in grades. People in the world can't be exaggerated.

Many seniors stood on the high platform, and some even held binoculars excessively.

There was a cheer: "She looked at me!"

Happily is as loud as setting off firecrackers during the New Year,

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 890: I cover this male god【55】
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Then he was a man by the instructor church.

After military training, his body was like a limp rubber band, unable to exert strength. You Yu leaned on the girl and said breathlessly, "I'm going to do it."

Su Ci fed her a sip of water.

Just about to say something, I heard a small exclamation not far away.

You Yu curled his lips: "Those girls are yelling again."

Su Ci followed her gaze and saw a figure with her back facing her. She was tall, especially those legs, which were put in camouflage uniforms, which looked slender and beautiful.

The boy looked nearly 1.9 meters away, picked up a bottle of water on the ground, and tilted his neck slightly.

Her heart beat slightly.

As if he had noticed something, the other party turned his head and looked over. Those peach blossom eyes were still as cold as ever.

Su Ci subconsciously turned away, allowing You Yu to block herself.

She pursed her lips slightly and said in a low voice, "Let's go."

Although You Yu thought the girl's reaction was a little strange, she didn't think much about it.

Su Ci took the person and turned away, but she did not look back.

Naturally it will not be discovered.

The young man stood still, his eyes kept falling on her, and he did not leave for a moment.

He pinched the water bottle in his left hand a bit deformed.

"Who is Xu Ran looking at?"

Some girls couldn't help asking.

"Is it Su Ci?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Xu Ran has the same attitude towards all girls, and the senior sister specially gives him water. She looks very beautiful, and the broadcaster is also not given special treatment."

"Is that Su Ci? I think he looks pretty ordinary. I thought it was really as good-looking as those boys."

Su Ci couldn't help but raised his face and looked intently: "Yuyu, do you know who he.. is?"

You Yu thought for a while and said, "It seems to be called Xu Ran."

She blinked her eyes, the frequency of her heartbeat was a little messy.

"You shouldn't have fallen in love with him." You Yu muttered: "But it's really handsome, let alone a freshman, there are also senior sisters who came to see him specially."

Su Ci thought to herself, this is how she feels.

But the memories belonging to the teenagers only stayed in that summer.

She looked at her toes, with too much uncertainty.

Pursing lips: "No."

You Yu hugged the girl's soft body and hummed: "I'm telling you, people who are handsome are usually very carefree. You can't be fooled by their appearance easily."

Su Ci nodded looking at her attitude like an old hen.

You Yu found that when a girl saw a boy named Xu Ran, her eyes would always look over involuntarily.

"I also said that you are not Yan Kong! I never thought you were such a porcelain!"

Su Ci's cheeks were reddened, and she tried her best to calm down: "Everyone likes good-looking people. I just have a look. One glance is enough."

You Yu: "..." He said nonsense, looking at it three or four times.

She asked suspiciously: "Porcelain, don't you really like Xu Ran?"

Su Ci turned her cheek slightly, denying softly, "I don't have one."

She raised her eyes slightly and saw the young man not far away, who also looked over.

Su Ci retracted her gaze, leaned on You Yu's back, and urged her to go.

Xu Ran looked at the girl who was obviously hiding from him, her lips tightened slightly.

During the military training, Su Ci received several confessions, and one of the boys always brought her small gifts.

Today is no exception.

"Su Ci."

The boy followed: "Are you going to the cafeteria? I'll help you cook."

She said without looking back, "Don't follow me, I don't like you."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 891: I cover this male god【56】
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The girl was soft and soft, and her words were a little glutinous.

Well-behaved, soft and sweet,

The boy's heart was instantly broken. He especially liked Su Ci. As soon as he saw her, he made up his mind to let him be his girlfriend.

Su Ci went to the vending machine and took a can of orange juice.

The boy followed, a little boldly blocked the girl there, and asked: "Why don't you like me? Is it okay for me to change it?"

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes slightly, just about to say something, a hand behind her pulled the boy's back collar and pulled it over.

"Don't get in the way."

The boy came over and stood in front of her.

He lowered his eyes slightly and looked over.

Su Ci thought, of course, it really grew taller, taller and taller.

She pursed her lips slightly, gave it aside, and said, "Hug, sorry."

The boy behind him felt a little embarrassed, because he was such a big man, so he was easily dragged away by others.

So provocatively stepped forward: "Aren't you polite?"

Xu Ran ignored him, but took out a can of orange juice from bending over.

Su Ci's eyes dropped when she saw it, her cheeks were a little hot.

She didn't want to make herself too narcissistic.

Seeing him so tugging, the boy couldn't help stepping forward and saying: "Do you feel very proud to ask the girl to apologize to you?"

Xu Ran looked over, her eyes with indescribable coldness.

All of a sudden, the boy was stunned.

He didn't know why, he always felt that the teenagers had an indescribable feeling, completely different from their group of students. Take an analogy. Huskies and wolves are placed together, and you may not be able to distinguish them at first glance.

But you can clearly feel the difference in the aura and the look in your eyes.

It makes people feel terrified subconsciously.

"She said she didn't like you."

Xu Ran said, "You can roll now."

The boy thought it was incredible: "Who are you, why are you letting me go."

He stretched out his hand, pushed the young man, and sneered: "Which green onion are you!"

Next second.

Xu Ran stretched out his hand, shook his arm, bent back, and tightened his finger bones slightly.

The boy's face was pale, and for a moment he felt that his hand was about to break.

The boy then let go of him and said, "Go away."

Su Ci noticed that the other person was looking at her and took a few steps.

She also took a step back.

Xu Ran paused, and there was an unspeakable understanding in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. He delivered the can of orange juice to her hand and said, "I remember you like to drink this."

It's not for Su Ci to take it, nor is it not to take it.

She is holding the jar of orange juice.

I feel a little bit hopeless.

Does Xu Ran still like her?

If you don't like her.

Found that she still likes herself.

Do you feel that she is not promising.

Su Ci assumed this possibility, she said thank you, and then she didn't look at Xu Ran again.

Turn around and leave.

"All, is he still looking at me?"

System: "What to see, don't show it!"

Su Ci only felt that her hand holding the jar of orange juice was a bit hot.

But she still felt a little sad.

She called Xu Ran, but the teenager didn't answer it.

In the second year of high school.

There is a call.

Su Ci couldn't help but speak, she said, "Of course, I miss you."

But Xu Ran still didn't talk to her.

Su Ci suspected that Xu Ran didn't like her anymore.

In junior high school, the teenager never said he liked her.

They have been in an ambiguous stage.

Su Ci also felt a bit wronged.

She thought seriously.

Mingming also promised him that he would wait for him to grow taller.

Xu Ran lied to her.

He also grew taller secretly.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 892: I cover this male god【57】
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It didn't take long for this to be rumored about Su Ci and Xu Ran's scandal.

Some people said that they hugged each other, and some people said that seeing them drink the same jar of juice with their own eyes, they looked very intimate.

Then someone is sour.

"Hurt, who didn't know that Xu Ran and Su Ci were in the same school when they were in junior high school."

"At that time, everyone knew that Su Ci liked Xu Ran, and as soon as he transferred to school, he pestered him."

"Didn't Xu then come to transfer school? It is said that someone took a picture of them holding hands. Su Ci's family was very rich at the time, you should understand, who dares to offend."

"How could Xu Ran like her? It's impossible. We all know this."

When You Yu heard these words, she was so angry that she could argue with them: "Fart, Porcelain doesn't like Xu Ran! Obviously you made a mistake! She confessed to me personally, there can be fakes!"

Those people were stunned by her yelling.

Then he curled his lips: "If Su Ci doesn't like Xu Ran, she also knows why the other party is in A college."

"Yes, it is clear that I want to pester him to the end."

You Yu couldn't wait to tear up their faces, and said aggrievedly: "I told them that you don't like Xu Ran, and they still don't believe it, and they still say bad things about you."

Su Ci pursed her lips.

She looked at the girl who was about to cry, so she coaxed and said, "Well, I don't like him."

You Yu wiped her tears and said, "Then what's the matter with Xu Ran?"

Su Ci lowered her eyes, poked her little finger, and said softly, "We are not familiar."

You Yu mumbled: "I'll just say, so many boys in high school like you, no matter how good he is, we are not rare!"

The money jar jing glanced at her, not daring to speak.

Now that you have lied...Let's follow through to the end.

This matter has been spread as if it were true, and there have been several versions.

The first-year freshman learns to dominate the school and can't love it, and catches up to A.

Take a look at Xu Ran's past with Su Ci.

"You haven't noticed that Xu Ran is in a bad mood these days?"

"Can you be in a good mood? Su Ci started pestering him at junior high school, and it was because of this that Xu Ran transferred to another school."

"Yeah, whoever you are, everyone will think that you should be a good candidate."

"Xu Ran was an ordinary family back then. Su Ci's family was very rich. Her father alone donated hundreds of thousands to the school. He also donated money when she graduated. And she fell in love with Xu Ran as soon as she transferred. "

"Why is she so excessive? Does she want a face?"

It is these people who have witnessed the tall boy holding the girl's hand and blocking her in the school.

"Can you talk about it?"

The place touched by the other party was a bit hot, and Su Ci subconsciously avoided it.

She lowered her eyes slightly: "Talk, what are you talking about?"

Therefore, he missed the moment of darkness in Xu Ran's eyes. He took the girl's hand and started to walk forward: "I have something to tell you."

"what are you doing!"

You Yu came over annoyed and separated the two hands: "You are not allowed to bully Porcelain!"

She pulled the young girl behind and said, "She doesn't like you again. Don't get me wrong. You are amorous."

Not to mention it's okay.

Just to mention, the young man's face darkened for a moment, but he didn't say anything, only his eyes fell on the girl's body.

You Yu: "Porcelain, let's go."

Su Ci was obviously angry when she saw her eyes reddened again.

She looked at Xu Ran again.

The other party stared at her intently, holding her hand.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 893: I cover this male god【58】
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Su Ci pursed her lips: "I'll talk about it later if I have a chance."

She didn't know what Xu Ran wanted to tell her, did she dislike her anymore?

So make it clear.

Su Ci also didn't want to let herself think badly, but just in case.

Xu Ran stood there, watching them leave.

It took a long time to look back.

The people watching from the side were all stunned!

Didn't it mean that Su Ci was pestering Xu Ran?

What's the situation now?

The young man took the initiative to grab the opponent's hand, but Su Ci avoided him, as if he didn't want to talk to him more.

And Xu Ran's expression didn't look very good.

Since that day, the boy has not come to find himself.

Su Ci thought.

Did she guess it right?

Xu Ran came to a showdown with himself, maybe he would even bring the necklace back.

But, why.

Su Ci thought a little disappointed, she wouldn't give it.

You Yu happily said, "Porcelain, that's great, Xu Ran is troubled by someone, so who will let him act on you directly."

The girl paused, and looked over without blinking: "Is it troublesome?"

You Yu nodded and whispered: "Yeah, I just heard what someone said. He seems to have offended someone from a foreign school, so he directly named Xu Ran and asked for the trouble today. It's in the east of the city..."

Su Ci screamed, looking like it's irrelevant.

However, soon after.

You Yu was confused and could not find anyone.

Su Ci came out after putting on makeup in the toilet.

When those people saw her, they evaded her.

A look of disgust.

The money jar looked in the mirror, but was very satisfied with himself.

She looks better now than she was a few years ago.

Xu Ran must not recognize it.

Su Ci felt a little angry again, how could someone bully Xu Ran after so many years.

Hit them all on the crooked head.

A group of stinky brothers.

However, Su Ci blinked when he got there, but no one was seen.

What about bullies?

She has all the bricks ready.

Su Ci confirmed the location, and she felt that she had made no mistake.

"Who are you looking for?"

A voice came from behind.

Su Ci did not speak, silently threw the tiles in his hand, and then began to walk forward.

But he was held back by the boy.

"I think you are a bit familiar."

Su Ci's heart beat slightly, but she was wearing a mask this time, so she turned around, raised her face slightly, a little nervous, and then began to take out her mobile phone to type.

[Me, bad girl, who covers you...inside. 】

Xu Ran looked down at her and said, "I remember, when I was in junior high school, someone secretly followed me and said he wanted to protect me."

Su Ci dared not look into the boy's eyes and nodded.

"Why are you here?"

Xu Ran asked lightly.

Those peach eyes seemed to stick to his body.

Su Ci was a little flustered, but she still took the phone and typed seriously.

[I heard that others are going to bully you, so I came to give you a head start. 】

Xu Ran didn't speak, and kept staring at her.

Su Ci couldn't help asking.

[What do you see me doing? 】

She always felt that Xu Ran had to see it, but she was better at makeup skills than a few years ago, and Su's father might not recognize her as her biological daughter here.

Xu Ran's hand kept holding on to her, and then he bent over and said, "I asked someone to reveal the wind. I only told You Yu to listen to it. How do you know?"

Su Ci: "..."

She stopped talking.

Just struggling, Nuoqi said: "I don't know You Yu, I listened to others."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 894: I cover this male god【59】
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"Su Ci."

Xu Ran lowered her head, the warm breath splashed on her face, and her fingers came over.

Touched her face.

"I always knew it was you."

Su Ci subconsciously thought, is her makeup skills that bad?

My cheeks are hot again.

The boy hugged her and said: "I'm sorry, I..." He paused slightly: "I didn't mean to lie to you, I just wanted to see you."

Su Ci pursed her lips.

She didn't speak, nor did she hold the boy back like that summer.

Just a little serious thought.

I am so ugly now.

Xu Ran is still willing to hug her. Does it prove that he still likes himself a little bit?

But Su Ci wasn't sure, she didn't dare to ask.

I had to deny with a sullen face: "I am not."

The broken jar shattered, unreasonable.

Xu Ran followed her words: "If you say no, then it is not."

Su Ci thinks he still thinks he is.

And they have nothing to do with it now.

So he pushed the person away and said seriously: "I'm not a random jar, don't hug it."

Xu Ran paused slightly, her eyes fell on her face, her eyes darkened a bit.

Su Ci felt that there were signs of fever in the places he had seen.

But she still felt sad.

But there is no sad position.

Because the two were not dating when they were in junior high school, there was no need to make any promises.

Su Ci couldn't help but sniffed, and said softly, "I didn't know you would come to A major."

Xu Ran's face paled for a moment.

But soon it disappeared.

He opened his mouth and said, "Well, I know."

"Because I came with you."

Su Ci raised her small face slightly, and the boy was also looking at her, staring intently.

She felt a little embarrassed.

How satisfied I was before, now I am dissatisfied.

Especially in the past, Su Ci created cuteness, but now this identity is not inconsistent, and he will use bricks to hit people.

She couldn't help covering her face, and sullenly said: "I won't help you when others bully you in the future."

Xu Ran said in a low voice: "You have the final say."

Su Ci felt a little embarrassed to see that he kept looking at him.

She turned around and said, "Don't follow me."

Xu Ran did not speak.

Su Ci knew that he had been following himself.

She felt a little uncomfortable on her face, and it was hot, heavy makeup.

Su Ci tried to wipe her face, but felt dirty.

Then she discovered that the teenager who had been behind her had disappeared without knowing when.

Su Ci thought.

How could this person be like this, leave as he likes, come as he likes?

She pursed her lips and said nothing.

The boy walked out of a store, took her hand, and walked to the seat on the side.

Those who come and go, see the non-mainstream appearance of the girl, feel very peculiar, especially the tall and handsome boy next to her. The expression he showed was obviously amazed at how people in these two worlds would walk together. Even if he walked far away, he stretched out his hand and pointed.

Su Ci couldn't help asking, "Don't you feel ashamed to be by my side?"

She is so ugly like a ghost.

It is estimated that the child will be scared to cry when they see it.

Xu Ran stared at her face for a while, and then said, "It's very beautiful."

Su Ci is a bit tangled.

She now suspects that Xu Ran wasn't really looking at her as a cute little girl.

But what she looks like now.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 895: I cover this male god【60】
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As if seeing the girl's expression, Xu Ran stared at her face and said, "Whatever you look like, you are very beautiful."

Su Ci's cheeks were slightly hot, and she felt like a deer bumping into her heart.

The boy stretched out his fingers and pinched her face.

Only then did she realize that Xu Ran had gone to buy makeup remover just now.

With his small face up slightly, Su Ci stared at Xu Ran intently.

I found that the other party had grown taller, and his face had also opened up. Junxiu is exquisite, with thin pale red lips, and looks a bit **** in perfect shape.

It seemed that she had noticed the girl's gaze, and Xu Ran's peachy eyes followed.

Su Ci was caught off guard and met the boy's gaze.

Too late to look away.

The money jar thought about it carefully, if she avoided it now, it would prove her guilty conscience.

So he tilted his head slightly and pursed his lips: "I am not looking at you, I am looking at the scenery behind."

Xu Ran didn't speak, but the expression in his eyes sank slightly.

The boy was helping himself to remove his makeup. Although his movements were a bit unskilled, they were gentle.

Su Ci felt a little bit hopeless.

After being recognized, she still followed Xu Ran obediently. She thought to herself, if the teenager took the initiative to explain to her the reason for leaving that year.

Just reluctantly reconcile with him.

But Su Ci waited for a long time, but Xu Ran didn't mean to mention old things.

She couldn't be said to be disappointed, she was still a bit sad.

Just think.

Will Xu Ran dislike herself anymore.

But the young man lowered his head, looked at her intently, and asked, "Can I meet again in the future?" Su Ci acquiesced.

Lying on the bed in the dormitory.

She took out the necklace and held it in the palm of her hand.

Su Ci whispered: "Of course, can you continue to like me?"

But on the second day.

The girl stopped when she heard a sound of Xu Ran.

The beautiful girl passed the present.

The boy did not take it.

Su Ci stared at it without blinking and approached.

The girl who originally wanted to eavesdrop heard the girl's question: "Xu Ran, are you dating Su Ci?"

The teenager paused slightly: "No."

Su Ci felt a little pain in her heart for a moment. She blinked her eyes, her eyes moist.

Did not continue to listen.

Su Ci felt that the teenager was right. They just weren't dating, but they still felt so sad.

The other party really didn't like her anymore.

"I'm chasing her." Xu Ran said.

When the girl heard the last sentence, the corners of her lips couldn't stop rising, and her heart was very happy. But the next sentence made her smile stiff on her face.

She heard her own laugh: "But, I heard that you are in junior high school..."

The young man looked over, his eyes dark and indescribable.

He said lightly, "It's better not to talk nonsense about some things."

The girl shuddered.

For a moment.

She felt that the teenager in front of him was obviously of the same age, but it gave people a terrible feeling.

After Su Ci returned to the dormitory, she buried her furry head.

The eye circles are a little red.

She sniffed, and said softly, "He is not mine..."

Xu Ran, who belongs to the money jar, will always like her.

Su Ci almost thought a little willful.

"All, he is not..."

System: "Don't cry, cub! QvQ, when you cry, dad wants to cry too."

Su Ci hugged the pillow.

I thought, if I knew it, I would have a puppy love with Xu Ran.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 896: I cover this male god【61】
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At least I was able to get his first kiss, and I didn't know which woman should be cheaper after saving it.

Su Ci wanted to cry again: "I'm so stupid."

She said grumpily, "That's mine."

You Yu found that the girl seemed to be bullied by someone, and her heart was broken. He was busy comforting and busy cooking.

"Porcelain, have you heard the rumors outside? Don't care about what those people say, I will help you to be fair tomorrow!"

Su Ci raised her red eyes like a rabbit, and asked softly, "What?"

You Yu said angrily: "A woman went to confess to Xu Ran and asked if you were dating Xu Ran, but Xu Ran denied it. Their group of girls can't wait to celebrate with firecrackers now!"

Su Ci sniffed.

Slightly pursed lips.

not talking.

You Yu: "Don't cry. I will clarify with you tomorrow. You don't like Xu Ran at all. This is the end of this matter."

Su Ci grabbed her clothes and shook her head.

You Yu thought the girl's appearance was a little strange, but she didn't think much about it. Until she ordered a takeaway at noon and found that the phone was out of power, she said to the girl in the toilet: "Porcelain, borrow your phone to order a takeaway."

This is not the first time the two have a good relationship.

You Yu accidentally clicked into a software after placing the order.

When she saw a photo in the album, she was slightly stunned.

Isn't this... Xu Ran?

When Su Ci came out, she saw the girl sitting opposite, looking at her, "Porcelain, do you like Xu Ran?"

She saw the phone in You Yu's hand and probably guessed the reason.


Thought You Yu was angry because she deceived herself.

So he said: "I'm sorry, Yuyu, I didn't mean to lie to you."

The girl is cute and beautiful, and she speaks softly.

When people hear it, their heart is crisp.

You Yu became even more angry: "Am I angry for this! I am not! I am angry, Xu Ran what does he mean! Does he look at you to bully, so I can bully you Jin Jin!"

Su Ci shook his head and said quietly, "He just doesn't like me anymore."

You Yu felt distressed and hugged the girl and said: "If you don't like it, don't like it. Many boys who like our cute family have gone. It is not rare that he is alone."

There is noise in the girls' dormitory.

When You Yu went out, he heard those girls idiotically saying Xu Ran's name.

She looked over.

The boy was really handsome under the girls' dormitory, no wonder Porcelain was thinking about it.

But what about being handsome.

Not a scumbag yet.

You Yu hummed, and heard those girls discussing: "Who is Xu Ran waiting for?"

"I do not know."

The girls guessed, but Su Ci was not mentioned.

Yu Guang, who eats melon seeds next door, saw You Yu, and said, "Anyway, it won't be a school bachelor who thinks he is the reincarnation of Mary Su. Everyone likes her."

"Yes, I usually look like a little white flower, and only straight men who have no eyesight will be deceived."

"Xu Ran admitted personally that he didn't associate with someone."

You Yu was so stupid by these popularity that he couldn't help but angrily said, "Don't worry."

"Even if he rushes forward, our porcelain may not take care of it."

After she finished speaking, she felt a little regretful, because the girl still seemed to like each other a little bit.

But what you say is like spilled water, which can't be collected.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 897: I cover this male god【62】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 897: I cover this male god【62】
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At this moment, the girl opened the door and walked out as if hearing her swearing.

Those people happened to see Su Ci.

He specifically increased his voice and said, "Oh, well said, but Xu Ran will never like Su Ci for the rest of his life. He really doesn't like it. Don't worry."

"Yeah, it's obviously that someone made the play by himself. As a result, someone has asked Xu Ran. It was Xu Ran who said it himself and was not dating."

"Xu Ran admits to himself, can there be fakes?"

You Yu is annoyed: "You guys..."

Su Ci blinked, took You Yu's arm, looked over, and said softly: "You are right. Xu Ran doesn't even look down on me, and naturally I won't look at you."

After she finished speaking, she took You Yu back to the dormitory.

Leave the girls whose faces are distorted with anger.

Although You Yu felt a little ill, he still felt very upset.

Her porcelain is so cute.

Many boys who like her have gone.

Su Ci received a call and she looked at the phone number on it.

This is Xu Ran.

She always remembered.

Later, this number has been shut down.

Su Ci did not fight anymore.

She wanted to hang up, but she didn't know why, so she accidentally pressed another button.

Xu Ran's voice came through the electric current, and it was low and somewhat magnetic: "Can you come down? I want to see you."

Su Ci pursed her lips.

Immediately hung up the phone.

Does Xu Ran wait under the girls' dormitory every day? No one knows who he is waiting for.

On the fourth day.

Xu Ran didn't come.

Those girls don’t have a handsome guy to watch, and the excitement is no longer.

Su Ci didn't know what Xu Ran was looking for for herself. She thought about it seriously and felt that the other party might want to return the necklace.

After all, he doesn't like himself anymore.

The young girl looked at the necklace and felt a little bit reluctant. She had taken this thing for several years, and she felt a little accompaniment.

If Xu Ran really wants to go back...

Su Ci pursed her lips.

A little confused.

Should she give it or not.

Su Ci soon stopped struggling with this. In the past few days, she has once again become one of the main protagonists in the school, receiving eyes from all directions.

But the money jar jing has seen big scenes, even if the gun is put on her head, it is as stable as a mountain.

Not to mention just these rumors.

You Yu went to the library in advance to occupy a place. When she sent the message, Su Ci was still on the way.

She answered the message seriously.

Then I heard Xu Ran's name mentioned by several people next to him.

Su Ci paused slightly and looked up.

The young man stood with his seniors. He was tall and crushed each other directly.

The two should be discussing some issues.

The senior patted him on the shoulder, then turned and left.

"Xu Ran is really tall, it should be almost one meter nine."

"He is so handsome. I love his face so much, he has a cold feeling of abstinence. I don't know what it is like when you are in love?"

Su Ci also wanted to know, but unfortunately they had never been in love.

Several people who were still discussing found that the protagonist was looking over here at the next moment.

They were slightly taken aback, and a little excited, lowered their voices and said, "He's coming over here!"

The girl tilted her head slightly and found that the boy's gaze was locked on her body.

She paused slightly.

Subconsciously took a small step back, and then turned around without hesitation for the next second.

The money jar hasn't decided whether to return the necklace.

And in the voice of several girls inhaling air-conditioning.

The boy followed closely, grabbed the girl's arm, pressed her lip line slightly, and stared deeply at him: "When do you want to hide from me?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 898: I cover this male god【63】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 898: I cover this male god【63】
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Su Ci realized that she was murdered.

She pursed her lips slightly, tilted her head slightly, and said softly, "I didn't hide."

"You hide."

Xu Ran looked at her for an instant, and said in an affirmative tone that before it was over, he also brought a little grievance.

Su Ci is at a loss, she hasn't been wronged yet.

"No hiding."

The money jar essence can't admit it, and loses its momentum.

"You hide."

Xu Ran bent over, hugged him, and said in a slightly aggrieved tone: "I really want to see you, but you refused to see me. What did I do wrong?"

He leaned his head, and the warm breath poured on her neck.

Su Ci clearly heard the sound of those people taking a deep breath.

She tilted her head slightly and looked over.

I feel that something is wrong with the boy at this time.

The girl stretched out her hand and touched his forehead tentatively.

I just feel a little hot.

Su Ci thought, she really had a fever.

Only those who have a fever can be so cute. If Xu Ran is usually abstinent and cold, sometimes she doesn't even know what is in those eyes.

"you are sick."

Su Ci asked in a low voice, "Did you bring any medicine?"

Xu Ran fixedly looked at her for a while.

He bowed his head and kissed her: "You are my medicine."

The girl's cheeks were slightly hot.

Pushed him a bit, tightened his face, and said solemnly: "How can you kiss me."

The teenager was nearly 1.9 meters tall, tilted his head slightly, and asked calmly: "Why can't I kiss you?"

Su Ci slightly raised her small face, and was speechless with some shameless behavior towards him.

After holding back, he continued to tighten his face and said, "Anyway, you just can't kiss me. You said it yourself. We have nothing to do with you."

Seeing that she wanted to hide, Xu Ran stretched out her hand, grabbed her, and refused to hide.

"When did I say that?"

The girls next to them have been dumbfounded.

Xu Ran was cold and fanciful. From the moment he entered school, even if he was low-key, just standing there had already caused a sensation.

It is even more popular with girls, regardless of appearance or height, it is irresistible.

But he never accepted the girl's gestures, nor was he ambiguous.

The usual indifferent appearance is even more prohibitive.

But just such a high-cold male god, now he put down his figure, pestered a girl, and took the initiative to cling to her, not letting her go.

And this girl is Su Ci who was ridiculed before!

What is face pain, what is toothache!

This is!

If it's the other boys, it's not the same. He was born on the Su point of the human. You think he is tall, but the way he walks makes you wonder how exciting he would be when he bends to hug you.

Not to mention that face, as handsome as the protagonist from the comics.

This is the reason why Xu Ran quickly became a man of the big A, and his popularity is higher than that of any previous school. Not to mention his personal excellence. I heard that he used to go abroad for further studies, but I don’t know why he returned to China and came to A major now.

Su Ci seriously thought, don't think you are a patient now, she won't care about it.

"You told someone else."

The girl ignored his movements and did not let him touch.

Xu Ran paused slightly.

Look down.

With the other hand around her waist, he gently poked her cheek with his finger.


"We are not dating."

"I am chasing you."

Su Ci looked at people.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 899: I cover this male god【64】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 899: I cover this male god【64】
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The boy was also looking at her, those peach blossom eyes still, as if he had gone back to that summer after three years.

and so.

Is this what Xu Ran said that day?

She didn't listen to the words.

Su Ci's cheeks are a little hot.

It seemed that they had been in a big circle, and she and Xu Ran returned to their original positions.

It still hasn't changed.

Although Xu Ran's thoughts and brains are clear, he is completely different when he has a fever. He is clingy and inseparable.

Su Ci felt that the teenager was too tall.

She also didn't want Xu Ran to be so cute to be seen by other girls.

So he said: "I'll take you to the infirmary."

Xu Ran said yes.

Then obediently followed behind the girl.

But you must hold hands.

Can't help but hold hands.

If you don't hold hands, you will make trouble.

Su Ci feels a little embarrassed, but Xu Ran, who is ill, is particularly stubborn, and has his fingers tied.

She remembered that You Yu was still waiting for her.

Su Ci took out his mobile phone, because it was inconvenient to send messages, she had to call directly: "Yuyu, I can't go to the library for the time being."

You Yu asked: "Why?"

Just as Su Ci was about to say something, she noticed a head leaning over, and said calmly in a childlike tone of pride: "Because she wants to send me a needle."


Before You Yu spoke, she said softly and quickly: "I will explain to you when I come back."

Su Ci leaned back slightly and said with a sullen face: "How can you talk nonsense."

Xu Ran looked at her with a blank face and said, "I don't have one."

Su Ci is a bit softer.

Mainly, she especially likes this kind of Ranran.

So I thought to myself, forget it.

Forget it, forget it.

Su Ci pulled people around the road to the infirmary, which attracted the attention of many people.

The combination of the young man and the young girl undoubtedly blew up those people, and even the laboratory building was probed down.

This is just great.

The innocence of her money jar was not guaranteed, and the boy stuck to her.

Fortunately, the infirmary arrived soon.

But Xu Ran didn't leave.

Su Ci looked confused and asked, "Xu Ran?"

The boy looked at her for a long time and said, "You used to call me Ranran."

She paused slightly, her cheeks a little red.

"Ran Ran..."

"Alright, can we go in now?"

Su Ci pulled people.

The boy stood still, motionless: "No."

The girl felt that this scene was a bit familiar.

She lowered her head and thought about it seriously.

Then when I thought about it, I went back three years ago, that summer, that third year.

Xu Ran also had a fever. It was Su Ci who discovered the other party's little secret. As long as you have a fever, you will become a different one.

When it was about to pass the traffic lights, Xu Ran didn't leave.

At that time, she sacrificed two kisses to coax people.

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes and was ready, Xu Ran was ready to make this request again, but she felt that her relatives in the infirmary were a little embarrassed.

The system teeth are sore.

This dog man Xu Ran has been scolded since his 18th generation ancestor.


After a few years, the dog man was going to take his cubs away again.

Xu Ran lowered her eyes, bent over, and held her, breathing warmly, causing her skin to itch a little.

Su Ci couldn't help but shrank her neck.

Immediately afterwards.

She heard the young boy's low-pitched voice and said nervously in her ear: "You said you like me, okay?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 900: I cover this male god【65】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 900: I cover this male god【65】
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Su Ci did not speak.

She did not expect that the teenager would make such a request.

Xu Ran thought she would not agree, and couldn't help tightening her arms slightly, and her lip line was involuntarily lowered: "Can't you? Even if it's a lie to me?"

He heard Su Ci say he didn't like him anymore.

Even if it was two years ago, in a foreign country, and almost died, his blood has never been so cold.

Su Ci's nose is a little sour, she softly hugs humanity: "I like you, I like you the most."

Xu Ran curled her lips and said softly: "I like you too."

The fever is more than 38 degrees.

Need infusion.

The other hand of the boy held her so that the doctor couldn't stand it anymore.

"Your girlfriend is here, you can't go anywhere."

Su Ci is a little embarrassed.

Xu Ran looked at the person blankly and said coldly: "If she runs away, will you pay me?"

Doctor: "...Okay, I'll pay, you want to be fat, thin, beautiful and ugly?"

Xu Ran looked at the girl without blinking, and said calmly, "This is the case."


Okay, got it, I just eat dog food.

Su Ci accompanied someone to the infusion. She looked at the messages that You Yu had sent her, and it looked like she was about to explode.

The girl got up and wanted to go out and talk back.

But he was held back by the boy.

"Where are you going?"

Xu Ran was lying on the bed in the infirmary, looking at her.

Su Ci said softly: "I'll go to the toilet."

"Liar." Xu Ran looked at her faintly and said: "You obviously want to go back to other dogs."

Su Ci pursed her lips and silently put the phone away.

Then he coaxed softly: "I'll buy you food."

"I don't want to eat." Xu Ran was a little restless. As soon as he stretched out his non-infusion hand, he hugged her and whispered: "You are not allowed to have other dogs."

The girl was a little confused.

She doesn't... keep a dog.

The teenager rubbed against her and said quietly: "You want a little milk dog, a little wolf dog, a big wolf dog, I can give it to you."

Su Ci: "......"

Her cheeks were reddening, and she asked softly, pretending to be calm, "How can you give it to me?"

Xu Ran looked at her intently.

Until Su Ci's face turned red.

Then he held her hand, kissed, and said dumbly: "Day and night."

Su Ci: "..."


The doctor who just came here: "..."

He coldly watched the boy holding the girl and not letting go: "This classmate, you are still infusion, please pay attention."

Xu Ran glanced at him, and praised one blankly.

Turned around again.

Doctor: "..." I want to calm down, I am a doctor, I am not a murderer.

"Little girl, take care of your boyfriend, you are wrong now."

Su Ci was also a bit embarrassed, and said softly, "Surely obedient."

She felt a little thirsty, so she could get up and go to the drinking fountain at the back.

Xu Ran raised his head and hooked his finger at the doctor: "Come here, I have a secret to tell you."

The doctor looked at the little girl.

The other party is drinking water, and his small face looks very nice and pretty. No wonder the boy liked her so much.

The temperament is good, soft and sweet, and the temper is good.

Xu Ran was a little upset: "What are you staring at her for?"

The doctor walked over and sighed, "Just tell me."

Xu Ran said solemnly: "I am pregnant with her baby, you must help me watch her, don't let her go, or I will have a fetal breath, it will kill two lives."

Doctor: "..." I **** believed in your evil.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 901: I cover this male god【66】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 901: I cover this male god【66】
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Su Ci coaxed the boy to sleep, she touched the forehead, still a little hot.

But the other party looked at her intently, as if afraid that she would leave.

"You are not allowed to go."

Xu Ran said.

The girl nodded: "I will not go."

The other person looked at her with red ears, but he still pretended to be reserved and calmly said: "Can you give me a kiss?"

The system angrily said, "..... dare to give Dad an inch! Cub! Dad won't allow you to agree to him! No!"

Su Ci pursed her lips.

He poked his finger and negotiated softly: "All...he is sick now..."

System: "Isn't playing a hooligan when I'm sick?"

Xu Ran looks like a child who can't get candy, staring at people intently: "Can't you?"

Obviously it is a cold appearance, but it gives people a feeling of aggrieved.

Su Ci pursed her lips.

She couldn't resist such a lovely Xu Ran. It was like this three years ago, and it will be like this three years later.

So the system watched as his cub was stunned by the dog man opposite.

The doctor is numb.

He thought with envy and jealousy.

When I was young, why didn't I meet such a sweet love, such a sweet girlfriend.

The girl got up a little embarrassed, but was pulled over by a hand.

She hit the boy's chest.

As soon as Su Ci raised her face slightly, Xu Ran kissed him.

It fell on the corner of her lips.

The girl blinked.

Involuntarily grabbed his clothes.

After Xu Ran kissed her, he said solemnly in her ear: "Return the gift."

Su Ci's cheeks were a little hot, she touched the corners of her lips.

Then stared at the boy's lips.

Pale red, the lip line is beautiful and a bit sexy.

With a little cool touch.

Xu Ran frowned: "Don't look at me anymore."

Su Ci raised her eyes.

The young man lowered his eyes slightly, looked at her and said, "When you look at me, I want to kiss you." He frowned and said, "Not that way."

Jin Jing Zijing also realized what the other party meant, and couldn't help curling his fingers slightly.

In fact, it is not impossible.

They are all grown-ups now.

You can also fall in love.

The next moment, I heard Xu Ran touching her face, breathing heavily, and whispered: "It's the kind that bites your tongue." The boy's peachy eyes were a bit deep, and he continued to frown and said: "But he will The disease is passed on to you, so, can you be a little behaved?"

"Don't hook me like that."

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly, where did she seduce?

Xu Ran closed her eyes, holding her hands.

As long as she moved, she would open her eyelids and stare intently.

Su Ci sat in her original position, looked at the person, and said softly, "I didn't leave."

Xu Ran's pupil reflected her face in the depths, and whispered: "But in my dream, you have walked many times." His fingers gripped the girl's tightly, as if it was lost and regained. She didn't want to let go of her fingertips.

Su Ci was slightly startled.

She lowered her eyes, looked over, and said seriously: "I didn't leave, I have been here..." waiting for you to come back.

It turned out that Xu Ran had been thinking of her.

In the invisible place.

Xu Ran looked at the person firmly, and whispered for a while: "Do you still want me?"

Su Ci nodded.

He stretched out his little hand and hugged it.

Softly said: "Yes."

Relying on Xu Ran's fever, she might not remember when she waited. Boldly whispered in his ear: "Of course, I miss you so much."

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 902: I cover this male god【67】
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Later, Xu Ran seemed to be comforted, and slowly fell asleep.

Su Ci looked at the teenager.

Think seriously.

After Xu Ran gets better, she might not remember this.

But he should still like himself.

Will you still recognize these words? And kiss.

What if I don't recognize it.

Su Ci pursed her lips.

If she didn't admit it, she would **** Xu Ran's first kiss first.

That 's a deal.

But when the boy woke up, Su Ci sat in a cute position, with red ears.

She strained her face, took the lead, and said softly, "You were the one who pestered me first, and you asked me to take you to the infirmary."

Xu Ran stared at the girl for a long time.

Su Ci stared at people intently, but Guazi seriously thought, Xu Ran shouldn't really deny it.

Is she going to kiss now?

Su Ci hesitated, now that strong kiss is the best time, if it's normal, it won't be so easy.

Qian Jingzi pursed his lips, anyway, Xu Ran's first kiss must be hers.

It must not be given to others cheaply.

So the girl got up from her seat, then put the boy's soft red lips on the bed and pressed it up.

Xu Ran's body paused slightly.

Su Ci dangled her long eyelashes, but she trembled a little uneasy. She did not dare to look at the young man's expression, so she mustered up the courage to kiss.

Is about to get up.

Okay, Xu Ran’s first kiss is now hers.

But in the next second.

The arm was grabbed by a hand.

Su Ci hit the opponent's chest, and the boy lowered his head and kissed him.

She opened her eyes slightly.

The small hand tightened slightly.

Su Ci's cheeks were crimson for a while, her hands were placed on Xu Ran's chest, and she was released about two minutes later.

Those beautiful eyes just looked at people like that.


At this moment, a voice intervened: "Sorry, I didn't see anything."

Su Ci looked at the shock on the opponent's face and then changed rapidly, turned and walked out.

Xu Ran's voice came, and he whispered: "I have been seen, I have to be responsible."

Su Ci's cheeks were hot.

From that perspective, others would definitely misunderstand that she was the one who made Xu Ranbi dong, and it was Xu Ran who kissed her forcibly.

Although this is the case.

So the girl looked at the boy, staring at him with soggy eyes and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will be responsible."

The money jar is not like human beings, it is ruthless to pull X.

She is serious about feelings.

Xu Ran paused slightly and curled the corners of her lips, but did not correct the girl.


"So you are dating now?" You Yu took a deep breath and asked.

The girl sitting across from her nodded obediently.

"Now A has spread the news that you and Xu Ran were kissing in the infirmary." You Yu asked with a little shame: "Porcelain, how can you do this with him, and it's still in the infirmary!"

Su Ci said embarrassedly, "I kissed it first."

You Yu's eyes widened: "You! Strong kiss?"

She had a shocked look on her face, and she couldn't imagine the delicate and soft girl kissing Xu Ranbi on the bed.

"Ouuuuu, you have changed, you weren't like this before."

"What the **** is the matter between you and Xu Ran?"

Su Ci briefly explained what happened in the past.

You Yu frowned and said, "Xu Ran transferred to another school just because he was reported. Is he that vulnerable?"

Su Ci shook his head.

She could guess a little bit, but she didn't want to say so, so she didn't ask.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 903: I cover this male god【68】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 903: I cover this male god【68】
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"Have you ever thought that he was just to be the young master of a rich family, and he just made the boat go smoothly..." You Yu was unwilling to speculate like this, but she heard that Xu Ran's background behind him is not simple, he seems to be very rich Coming.

The girl looked over firmly: "He is not that kind of person."

The tone is firm and trusting.

You Yu was slightly taken aback, and sighed: "I'm sorry, I'm just assuming, I'm just afraid that you were cheated..." She continued a little hesitantly: "I just mind, if you waited for him so long. He. But there is no explanation, I am a little worried..."

I was worried that Xu Ran was only for the gloomy first love that could not start at all, rather than really liking her porcelain. After all, people can change, let alone an ambiguous relationship, which is not justified, and even has no qualifications for anger and questioning.

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes, clutching the girl's clothes with her little hands: "I don't know now, and I will know about it in the future."

She looked at You Yu with big eyes unblinking.

Softly said: "It doesn't matter if he doesn't say it, because I know that he likes me."

Everyone knows that Xueba School Flower and School Grass are in love.

People of high-value standing together are eye-catching no matter what they look at. People who said Su Ci before, now dare not jump out of a fart.

Because they have nothing to say.

In addition to acid or acid.

Xu Ran went to the girls’ dormitory and waited for Su Ci. He came to A University for her. He even didn't hesitate to keep people on campus, only showing a different side in front of her.

I also took the initiative to find someone.

Once a mentor was very helpless and wanted to take up a little more time, but the boy said: "No, my girlfriend is very popular. I don't want to watch, what should I do if she ran away."

This word was passed out by a senior.

A big girl is sour.

When this word reached Su Ci's ears, he also felt a little embarrassed.

You Yu was very worried at first, but after seeing it for a while, Xu Ran made regular calls and messages every day. If you are late or late, you will also report it yourself. Tell me where I went and what I did.

Only then can I relax my mind.

However, she didn't think it was Porcelain's luck at all. Instead, she felt that Xu Ran had cultivated the blessing for eight lifetimes, otherwise how could she encounter Porcelain.

Porcelain is so cute, she loves it too if she is a man.

Xu Ran also thinks that her girlfriend is cute, long ago, she felt that way.

Obviously involuntarily attracted by the other party.

But they have to work hard to restrain.

Ascetic people are cold on the outside, in the eyes of others, they are cold and ruthless as a whole. It's just because this kind of person doesn't meet the one he likes, otherwise his heart will be as hot as magma.

Just like now, the girl just bit the straw, lowered her eyes slightly, and drank the can of orange juice.

Xu Ran wanted to kiss her.

When they first fell in love, everyone wanted to stick together all the time.

Su Ci could feel the teenager's affection for her. She tilted her head slightly and stood on her toes: "Would you like a drink?"

The girl looked over with beautiful big eyes, pursed her lips slightly, and asked softly.

Xu Ran lowered his eyes slightly, pressing the back of the girl's head.

In a low voice: "I don't want to, but I want to kiss you."

Su Ci's cheeks were slightly red, and she obediently let him kiss her.

They only kissed a few times.

Xu Ran's kissing skills were based on feelings at first, but later he mastered some techniques.

Su Ci grabbed the corner of the boy's clothes.

Leave him alone.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 904: I cover this male god【69】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 904: I cover this male god【69】
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It was said that he would grow taller, Su Ci tried to drink milk, but did not meet his expectations.


Xu Ran's height, as expected, has developed toward her expectations, becoming very tall and tall.

It has become a habit for teenagers to bend over.

It's even natural.

Su Ci will turn her head to talk to him, or stretch out her little hand and pull at the corner of his clothes, for fear that Xu Ran is too high to hear her. Although this description is a bit exaggerated, Su Ci is a little embarrassed to speak loudly in public, for fear of affecting others.

Qian Jing Zi Jing is a little inferior, and even consulted a lot of information on the Internet. See if there is any chance of remedy, she is too south.

Su Ci looked at You Yu a little enviously.

You Yu is 1.73 meters tall. Although she is almost as expected, she is also very envious.

The girl held her soft face and looked at You Yu with bright eyes.

Softly asked: "Yuyu, can I ask you a question?"

You Yu was watching the show, and when he heard that he raised his head and asked: "What's the problem?"

Su Ci asked enviously: "How did you grow up so tall?"

You Yu chewed the food in his mouth, and said: "I'm not too tall, my family is very talented. My dad is 1.85 meters, my mother is 1.78 meters, my grandpa is 1.95 meters, and my cousin is also one meter. In his early eighties."

She caught a glimpse of her, and the girl watched intently, and whispered: "Does your family have any ancestral secret recipe?"

Su Ci hesitated.

You probably wouldn't tell outsiders about the secret recipes from the ancestors.

She raised her small face slightly, grabbed the girl's clothes, and said softly: "Yuyu, we are good friends, I will never forget you when I grow taller."

You Yu almost laughed: "You want to grow taller."

Su Ci's cheeks were reddish, and he nodded a little embarrassedly. With big beautiful eyes, he stared at people unblinkingly.

"Ouch, don't look at me like that."

You Yu laughed for a while, and said, "Silly Porcelain, according to your current situation, you probably won't grow taller anymore."

Su Ci was a little lost, lying on the bed, whispered: "Is there no other way?"

"Why do you suddenly want to grow taller?"

You Yu thought for a while and asked, "Is it because of Xu Ran?"

Su Ci felt a little embarrassed, but she nodded her head and pursed her lips: "He is too tall."

You Yu said: "If he is taller, he will get it."

The girl looked at her blankly.

You Yu leaned across from her, propped her cheeks and said: "You are not short, and you will not lower your genes in the future. And Xu Ran is a little bit taller and just complements each other. If he were a son, he would be tall and handsome. Yes. Daughter, she will definitely be a goddess in the future."

Su Ci Nuonuo said, "But I... I'm not worried about this."

She had long eyelashes down slightly and was a little shy.

They had just fallen in love, and You Yu had already talked about giving birth.

You Yu said: "When it's cold, Xu Ran can hold you whole in his arms, how warm it is."

After she finished speaking, she said: "And you don't know how cute your height difference is. I don't know how many people in the school envy you and Xu Ran. Especially girls, I'm so jealous of you."

Su Ci pursed her lips.

not talking.

But she still wants to grow taller.

You Yu probably didn't understand her mood.

Especially when Xu Ran's shadow covered her, Su Ci stared at her for a long time, feeling a bit wronged.

She grabbed the corner of the person's clothes, raised her face slightly and said, "You come down."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 905: I cover this male god【70】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 905: I cover this male god【70】
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Xu Ran bent over, stared at her face, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Su Ci Yu Guang caught a glimpse of his own shadow finally not being suppressed, he breathed a little, and smiled.

But she thought that Xu Ran would still change back to what she was when she stood up, her face strained again.

The girl felt a little wronged.

She stretched out her hand, held Xu Ran's neck, and pressed her face to it.


The money jar essence has to tiptoe slightly.

Su Ci sniffed: "Bad guy."

Xu Ran paused slightly, stretched out her hand, wrapped her waist around the girl, and whispered, "Did I do something wrong?"

The boy's voice is low and patient.

Su Ci clearly knew that she could not blame the other party, but she still slightly aggrieved: "You said before that you would wait for me to grow taller, but I didn't grow taller, but you secretly grew taller."

Xu Ran hooked her lips.

Turning her face slightly, she said in the girl's ear: "But I don't grow taller, I won't be able to hold you when I grow old."

The warm breath came over.

With a touch of itching.

The voice of the teenager is cooler, but with the gentleness and patience that is unique to her.

Su Ci couldn't help but blushed.

She couldn't help tightening her little hand.

I think... Xu Ran's words seem to make sense.

So she whispered and said softly: "Then I will forgive you reluctantly."

Xu Ran smiled.

Lift the girl up.

What should I do if my girlfriend is too cute?

Su Ci felt a little embarrassed, she looked around: "You let me down."

Xu Ran kissed her face: "Hey, I'll hold it for a while."

The girl hugged his neck and buried her face in it.

Hope no one acquainted will see it.

I still want to grow taller today.

But don't know.

Not to mention acquaintances, as long as they are alumni of University A, who will not recognize them.

"Why does Xu Ran like her so much? I really don't know what is good about her."

"Yeah, it doesn't look worthy at all."

That's what it says.

But one by one couldn't wait to become like Su Ci, the skin was white and soft, just showing a pair of legs could make the boys look straight.

Talking sweet and sticky.

Not to mention girls, boys also admire Xu Ran.

One by one wanted the goddess to be dumped, so they went on.


The two are enviable couples on campus, and they are also influential figures. As long as the two sides appear in each other's domain, someone will take the place of the message, as in.

"Xu Ran, my girlfriend is here!"

Su Ci lay on the boy's back, stretched out her little hand, and gently touched the other's ear.

She stared at it earnestly, watching it change color, gradually turning from white to faint crimson.

Xu Ran tapped the code quickly with his fingers, leaving the girl lying softly on his body.

Su Ci held the person and thought for a while, "I called you before, but you didn't answer it."

Xu Ran's movements slowed down.

Pause slightly: "At that time, Tang Tianrui...My dad came to me."

"My mother is just one of his women. He has no other sons, so he wants to take me back and inherit his family property."

"He looked for me three times, and the last time, I agreed."

Su Ci did not speak.

Xu Ran turned around and hugged her: "The Tang family is not that simple. After I went back, he sent me out of the country." After a slight pause, he continued: "Someone from abroad is staring, so I dare not call you. I dare not talk to you on the phone."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 906: I cover this male god【71】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 906: I cover this male god【71】
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Tang Tianrui's wife hated him when she knew that Tang Tianrui had a child before she got married. Send someone to stare at his every move, and even want him to "accidentally die."

Tang Tianrui's people were helping in the dark, Xu Ran didn't dare to gamble. He didn't want to involve the girl anymore, so he learned to forbear.

Two years ago.

Madam Tang devised a conspiracy, and Xu Ran thought she was going to die, so she dialed the number.

At the moment when I heard the girl's voice.

Xu Ran gritted his teeth, but still made no sound.

The blood in his throat has solidified a bit, and he knows that once he makes a sound, he can't help but cough vigorously.

This is enough.

Just hearing this sound is enough.

Simply because Xu Ran survived a catastrophe.

He is still alive.

"Tang Tianrui passed away half a year ago." When Xu Ran said this, he was not sad at all, as if he was telling someone else's story: "But other people dare not take me anymore."

He is not the Xu Ran he used to be, and he can only be slaughtered by others, covering his weakness firmly for fear of being known by Mrs. Tang.

Just a few words.

Su Ci felt that many things were not that simple. She hugged the teenager: "I want to know, tell me, okay? Naturally."

Xu Ran was silent for a while, then touched the girl's cheek with her lips.

In a low voice, he said, "What Tang Tianrui needs is an heir. He had a child before. But he died at the age of ten. His wife was dissatisfied that I was born earlier than her son, and he didn't want me to inherit the Tang family. So it's targeting me everywhere, but it doesn't matter now. If she wants to gain a foothold in the Tang family, she has to rely on me..."

Su Ci lay on his body and asked in a low voice: "So you are afraid, contact me, will she stare at me?"

Xu Ran hummed and said in a low voice: "Now I am not afraid." He tightened his hands slightly: "I miss you too, especially."

No one knows.

That winter abroad, when I heard the girl say that she missed him, the boy's heart was aching.

Relying on only willpower, persisted to the end.

Su Ci couldn't tell how she felt, she just hugged Xu Ran tightly and sniffed.

She knew Xu Ran must have suffered a lot.

very many.

She doesn't blame him now.

Su Ci also knew that Xu Ran should have left because of her.

Fortunately, going around and coming back again.

She held the teenager's face, pasted it, and said seriously: "When you left, I was sad, but fortunately I waited for you back."

Xu Ran hugged people.

The person who should feel fortunate is him.

He knew that he was very selfish, and after he left, he paid attention to the girl's life.


I hope she will always like him.

But the joy of youth, no one can say.

Xu Ran had also assumed that, just assuming it was already unbearable.

This time, when he caught it, he wouldn't let it go.

Su Ci never mentioned his mother to Xu Ran.

until one day.

Her hand was held by the teenager. When she turned her head, she saw a woman wearing a white hat not far away, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Su Ci blinked.

Although she doesn't meet many women, the looks of each other is unforgettable.

But Su Ci wasn't sure if it was Zhao Meixin.

Although the silhouettes of the two are similar, the woman just now looks very haggard.

She bit the straw slightly, took a sip of milk tea, and said with her little face up: "Of course, I seem to have seen my aunt."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 907: I cover this male god【72】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 907: I cover this male god【72】
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Zhao Meixin has not appeared in Xu Ran's world for three years.

Tang Tianrui appeared in front of their mother and son. Zhao Meixin left before he agreed to the party's terms.

When Xu Ran had a memory, it was not when there were no women missing for two days and one night. But this time was different. He waited for three days, and Zhao Meixin did not show up either.

The teenager opened the bedroom door.

She left in a hurry, but the identity card and other things were gone.

Xu Ran clearly realized that Zhao Meixin had left him behind and completely ignored it.

Even before, when she was not a good mother, she had never been like this.

Xu Ran thought.

She didn't even hesitate.

The boy leaned on the door for a long time and calmly accepted this fact.

At a very young age.

He was afraid that Zhao Meixin would drop him countless times, and even stayed at the door. When he heard a little movement outside, he would step on the stool to see the situation outside the cat's eye.

If it was someone else, he would jump off the stool again.

If Zhao Meixin came back, Xu Ran would immediately move the stool away calmly, and then start pretending to sleep on the sofa.

The woman never noticed it once.

Su Ci stretched out her small hand and hugged the boy.

It would be nice if she knew Xu Ran when she was a child. She would be friends with him, play games with him, and tell him stories.

The fever is so cute, and he must be so cute when he was a child.

Su Ci also knew that Xu Ran wanted to find her aunt, otherwise he would not hold his hand tightly and look in the direction where the other party was leaving.

After a while, he said, "Go back."

She stood still and raised her small face slightly and said, "Do you want to see her?"

Xu Ran looked over.

Su Ci knew that Zhao Meixin was not a good mother, so she left Xu Ran behind. She felt distressed and a little angry. But she knew that no matter what, Zhao Meixin was also the mother of a teenager, and perhaps the only relative he knew in this world.

What's more, Zhao Meixin's appearance looks very bad.

Although Su Ci was unwilling to let Zhao Meixin appear in Xu Ran's world to hurt him again, she chose to tell Xu Ran.

Because Zhao Meixin is also the mother of the other party.

The young man lowered his eyes slightly and hugged him.

There was a low hmm.

"When I was young, she wanted to throw me at the entrance of the orphanage, and then came back."

"I want to ask her why she threw me down again this time."

When I saw Zhao Meixin again, Su Ci almost couldn't recognize it.

In her memory, the woman is glamorous, with big wavy hair, red lips and snowy skin. But the woman in front of her seemed to be much older, and the fine lines at the corners of her eyes could no longer cover up.

It seems to be ten years old.

When she saw Xu Ran, she seemed a little surprised, but she quickly put away her expression and said, "I thought you wouldn't come to me."

Xu Ran said with a cold expression: "If I hadn't seen you, I would not take the initiative to find a mother who left my son behind in my life."

Zhao Meixin was slightly startled, and then smiled.

With a cigarette in her palm, she turned her gaze to the girl next to her, and said hello: "Long time no see, Porcelain."

Su Ci looked at the woman intently, pursing her lips slightly.

"long time no see."

Zhao Mei thought to herself, her son is still different from the scumbag, so infatuated. It's just that when I was a teenager, I was moved, and I was convinced.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 908: I cover this male god【73】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 908: I cover this male god【73】
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Only a little girl is willing to wait for him, but it is not always necessary to change to someone else.

The conditions of Zhao Meixin's place are average, not too bad or good. After entering the house, she said, "My son is now well-developed, and he wants to take my biological mother to enjoy the blessing? It's a pity, then I have to ask that Mrs. Tang if he wants to."

Xu Ran frowned, knowing that she has always spoken badly.

He looked at the woman's back and said, "Why don't you tell me when you are sick?"

Zhao Meixin paused slightly, moved her fingers holding the cigarette, smiled and said, "It's not for you anyway, I'm for myself."

Su Ci grasped the young man's hand, she tilted her head to look at Xu Ran.

Zhao Meixin walked over and rubbed the girl's head: "Xiao Ran, you can cook by yourself."


Su Ci still couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you want him in the first place?" She pursed her lips slightly and looked at the woman intently. She couldn't help but feel a strange emotion towards Zhao Meixin.

The money jar tilted his small face up.

The big beautiful eyes reflected the woman's face: "Even if you had to give birth to him, you shouldn't treat him as an accessory."

Su Ci has a personal emotion: "He treats you as the only relative in this world, and no one knows better than you."

Zhao Meixin was stunned, looking at the delicate girl in front of her, she felt that the girl's family conditions should be good and she was spoiled. Generally, such little girls are innocent and innocent. It's best to be protected by someone for a lifetime, but she sees transparency in the eyes of the other person.

So that there was a moment of embarrassment and confusion.

She took a deep breath: "You're right." Zhao Meixin took a breath of flue and said: "My son is very similar to me, that is, how I left him in the first place, and how he left you."

Su Ci pursed her lips and said nothing.

Zhao Meixin said: "You are smart, you shouldn't have guessed what I'm talking about." She bent her finger to light a cigarette, and continued: "I'm sorry for Han Cheng's attention to you. I don't know his background Xu Ran's father also happened to use this matter to threaten Xu Ran to compromise, and he might have added something."

"I guess Xu Ran hasn't told you these things."

"If he could, he might not say it for the rest of his life."

"In this world, there is a thing, in the name of being good for you, hiding things from you, which is actually the most hypocritical. Even in that situation, he has only one choice."

"That can't be changed, Xu Ran makes you sad."

Zhao Meixin smiled and said, "I know my son best. The things he chooses to do for you. They are all his wishful thinking. He doesn't want to say it, and would rather let you be disappointed in him at that time."

"But that's okay."

The woman's hand rubbed the girl's head.

He whispered: "He likes you very much now, and he will only do this thing that makes you so sad in his life. From now on, he will never again."

"Thank you also for waiting for him. If you haven't waited for him, I don't think he will ever come out in this life."

Zhao Meixin sighed: "Look, he is not like his dad. His dad started dating when he was fourteen."

Su Ci raised her face slightly, looked at her and said, "You still have time now."

Zhao Meixin's hand holding the cigarette trembled a little.

Shaking his head: "No, that's it, I feel awkward, and he will not be used to it."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 909: I cover this male god【74】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 909: I cover this male god【74】
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Su Ci hugged Xu Ran behind him.

The boy turned his face slightly.

Su Ci put it on his back and whispered: "You do yours and I hold me."

Xu Ran bent over and gave her a kiss.

Su Ci thought to herself that she could get rid of Han Cheng in the first place, but Xu Ran didn't know, so they missed so much.

She stretched out her little hand and hugged the boy's neck.


So she wants to make up for the past few years.

The reason why Zhao Meixin is old and thin is because of cancer.

She told Xu Ran, "Don't think about it, I just don't want my son to see me embarrassed."

Xu Ran didn't speak, but arranged a nursing home for her.

Zhao Mei felt annoyed and would run out from time to time.

She liked that Su Ci came to see her.

I often say: "Xu Ran probably has been miserable by me in this life, so that I will meet a good girl like you."

Seeing her take off her wig in front of her, Su Ci was also a little bit sad.

Zhao Meixin's cancer is a rare type of cancer, and it has worsened very seriously. Even the most advanced technology cannot change the pessimistic facts.

The fine lines around her eyes are getting more and more.

The doctor would not allow makeup, and the woman would hold the girl and complain and say: "When I was young, how many men chased me, and after Xu Ran's father dumped me, I still had a man to ask for it."

Su Ci said: "You are also beautiful now."

Zhao Meixin smiled: "I really want to see you married Xu Ran."

Su Ci's cheeks were a little red, and he said seriously: "You take a good rest, let's work hard."

Zhao Meixin laughed. She said, seeing how smart my son is, she knows that his girlfriend is the cutest girl, so when she was in junior high school, she immediately assigned the person.


Zhao Meixin's condition is getting worse and worse, and she can't leave the nursing home.

I can only wait for Su Ci and Xu Ran to come to see her.


Zhao Meixin asked Su Ci to put on makeup for her once, and her hands were shaking so badly that she could no longer touch the makeup.

The girl seemed to realize something in her heart, pursing her lips slightly.

It's also a bit sad.

Zhao Meixin looked at herself in the mirror. She had no hair anymore and could only wear a wig. This wig is very similar to her young hair.

Su Ci lowered her eyes and said softly, "Ranran chose it for you."

Zhao Meixin was taken aback for a moment, and smiled: "Fortunately, he still remembers that this was when I was twenty-four years old, and it was also my most beautiful time."

Su Ci put on her makeup, very seriously.

The woman held her hand and paused: "I originally wanted to see you get married, watch you have children... now I guess I'm going to break my promise..." Zhao Meixin said, "I know you are very good to Xu Ran. You like him very much...I also hope privately that you will like him so much for the rest of your life..."

Su Ci looked at people.

She would like Xu Ran all her life.

"This will be the end of my life." Zhao Meixin looked at the person in the mirror, touched her face, smiled and said, "You make me so beautiful."

That quiet afternoon.

Zhao Meixin is gone.

When Xu Ran shook her hand, she said, "Don't be my son in the next life, or leave, so that when your child is born in the future, it will be sad to know that he has a bad grandma."

"When you competed in the third grade, I went to watch..."

".. Porcelain, come here, I have something to tell you."

"At the bottom of the cabinet, there is a picture of Ranran when she was a child."

"Give it to you."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 910: I cover this male god【75】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 910: I cover this male god【75】
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Xu Ran's dropped hand gradually shook it.

He stared at the woman who closed his eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking.

No one will know if Zhao Meixin has regretted it, maybe, but she has now brought the answer below.

Su Ci sat on her knees and took out the picture with the cabinet at the bottom.

That was when I was taking pictures in the kindergarten.

Little Xu Ran didn't know who applied the cream, he was taken aback for a moment, looking a little shy.

Very cute.

Su Ci hid it.

When Xu Ran first entered the Tang family, everyone was able to knead him. Especially Mrs. Tang, with condescending contempt in her bones, as if looking at an ant.

Tang Tianrui regarded Xu Ran as his heir. He and Mrs. Tang were married in business, and the Tang family was not alone in the decision. There were other people coveting the Tang family's property, and Mrs. Tang still had a lot of right to speak at that time.

She can't bear sand in her eyes the most. She can accept that her husband has a woman outside and has an illegitimate child, but she can't accept that the other party already has a child before they get married. It was an insult to her, so Madam Tang didn't want to let Xu Ran be the heir.

Xu Ran's life at the Tang family was not easy at the beginning, all eyes were on him.

But no one would have thought that after two years.

When Xu Ran came back from abroad, everything changed. He was like an unsentimental minion. During Tang Tianrui's illness, even Mrs. Tang had not been so close.

When making a will.

Mrs. Tang moved her hands and feet, but no one knew that Xu Ran actually dropped her will.

And he was only eighteen years old, and he had already begun to nurture his power.

After Tang Tianrui fell ill, the Tang family was in chaos, and even Mrs. Tang slowly lost control. In the end, she actually had to rely on Xu Ran!

Mrs. Tang doubted it more than once!

It was deliberately by the boy!

He deliberately weakened her right to speak in the Tang family, and even used the Tang family as a tool.

Whenever Mrs. Tang had this conjecture, she felt terrified for a while.

She couldn't believe that at Xu Ran's age, her mind was already so deep.

But Mrs. Tang had to believe that, because she was in the Tang family now, she had to look at the youth's face and rely on the other person to gain a foothold in the Tang family.

Even in the future, we must rely on Xu Ran!

Mrs. Tang's complexion is not very good, especially when there has been recent news that Xu Ran is busy in dating, her complexion is even worse.

"On the weekend, you come with me to see Miss Bai."

The usual command tone.

Xu Ran glanced at her and said, "What do you want to do?"

Mrs. Tang drank a sip of tea: "Of course it was a blind date. I also investigated the girl you like. The family situation is still decent. But the business marriage is still a bit worse. You can play with it, but it can let the Tang family. Being laughed at by others."

Xu Ran took the servant's coat: "Don't the Tang family jokes have been seen by others a year ago?"

Madame Tang's chest rose and fell with anger.

During that time, the Tang family branch was in trouble, and the boy watched coldly, saying that there was no masterpiece of him.

Mrs. Tang didn't believe that she was killed.

"Are you going or not?"

Xu Ran turned around, and those peach blossom eyes looked over, with a condescending coldness.

"I have tried your tricks in the past three years, if you dare to hit her." The young man greeted the light, his eyes with almost treacherous knowledge.

He whispered: "Try it, will I reserve room for you like before."

Mrs. Tang broke out in a cold sweat.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 911: I cover this male god【76】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 911: I cover this male god【76】
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When her daughter told herself to fall in love, Su's father was as sad as a broken love.

He was such a cute and slick woman, but finally he was targeted by the pig.

Father Su took the photo handed over by his daughter, and his hands trembled. When he saw Xu Ran's true face, he sighed in his heart.

Fuck, his future son-in-law is really handsome.

This kind of handsome is not an ordinary handsome, even as a man, he has to admit that he is handsome.

But when Dad Su thought that it was this person who had taken his daughter over, he immediately deliberately said with a cold face: "Good girl, don't you think that someone who is too good-looking has no sense of security?

? "

The girl shook her head: "He is good-looking and very tall." She pursed her lips slightly and said seriously, "Daddy, don't worry."

Father Su:? ? ? Am I worried about this? I didn't think he was not pleasing to the eye!

"How tall is he?"

Father Su glanced at the photo again. The boy and the **** it were taken together. The girl looked at the camera and compared his heart. He put his other hand on the person's shoulder, and made a gesture with his index finger, but his eyes were looking at the girl. .

He snorted coldly: "It's fancy!"

Su Ci tilted his head slightly: "Dad, he is 1.9 meters away."

Father Su: "...so high?"

In the future, he wants to teach this kid, doesn't he have to jump up!

Fuck, why?

"Is he really one meter nine?"

Father Su desperately tried to find the other party's weakness: "How come you don't seem to have any muscle at all, can you protect my good girl?" No, the more he looks at this kid now, the more unpleasant he is.

Su Ci patted Xiaoxuexu: "It's okay, Dad, I can protect him!"

Father Su: "???"

At first glance, the money jar said that he had missed his mouth, his big eyes blinked, poked his little finger, and then softly said, "It's okay, Dad, he's actually in good shape..."

Father Su was even more heartbroken, clutching his irritated heart, and then grabbing the arm of the good girl, and said loudly, "What! How do you know that he is in good shape! You...are you..." he It was dark in front of me, and I almost backed it away: "No, Dad doesn't allow it..."

System: "???" Why does he play more than me?

Seeing what Su's father had misunderstood, Su Ci hurriedly helped someone, pursing her lips slightly, and her cheeks were slightly reddish and said, "Dad, what are you talking about? I just touched my abs..."

Father Su heard the previous sentence and it was fine, but when he heard the latter sentence, he couldn't rise up again.

Slowly for a long time.

Su Ci raised his face and hesitated: "Dad, don't you like him?"

Father Su looked at the big watery eyes of his good girl, his heart softened, and his mouth immediately said smoothly: "How could Dad not like him? My baby good girl has a good vision, and she looks like a dragon and a phoenix.. ..."

He boasted a lot of good things.

I saw the girl looking at him, blinking her eyes and said: "Then I will take him home next week, okay?"

Father Su felt as if he had hit an arrow in his chest, and then vomited a mouthful of blood.

Not only did he touch his abdominal muscles, but now he has to take the wild man home.

The baby girl really doesn't love him anymore.

When Father Su saw Xu Ran the first time, he felt that his aura was half short.

It's 1.9 meters, really high.

"Hello, uncle, it's the first time to visit..."

Young people talk well, and their temperament is extraordinary. But the more he looked at him, the more familiar he became, as if he had seen him somewhere.

When he came back to his senses.


Isn't this the continuing inheritor from the Tang family?

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 912: I cover this male god【77】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 912: I cover this male god【77】
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Su's father's scalp numb for a moment, and his beloved boyfriend is really looking for a good breed pigpen! This pig is still the most expensive pig!


Although Dad Su was a successful boss himself, his daughter suddenly abducted an heir to come back. He couldn't recover at this moment. When he came back, he found that he had a very happy conversation with Xu Ran.

Wait a minute. His original intention at the beginning was not like this. He wanted to warn this kid that if he treats his daughter badly, he will look good.

but now.

Su's father was particularly embarrassed, and even if he missed the opportunity, he really didn't know what to say when he arrived in front of Xu Ran.

In the end, he could only hold his daughter a little bit aggrieved and said, "This young master of the Tang family, why is he so tall? He doesn't usually beat you."

Su Ci felt that Su's father had misunderstood his boyfriend, and defended him: "Dad, he is not that kind of person, he is very good to me."

Father Su mumbled: "But this is too high. He can hold my baby girl with one hand. If he hadn't stood behind just now, I wouldn't have seen my baby girl. "

Su Ci: "..."

For Xu Ran, she is a bit short.

But don't the money jar essence want to grow taller!

She was a little sad and heartbroken.

Dad Su didn't know that he had offended the baby girl, and he was still staring at him.

If Xu Ran really annoys his sweet girl in the future, will he fight with someone or not.

Su's father probably didn't expect that he and Xu Ran would fight soon.

The thing is like this.

Father Su hasn't contacted a partner for a long time, and the partner's daughter used to have a school with his baby, a good girl. Then, he recently contacted himself suddenly.

Said to let him help connect with the Tang family.

When Father Su heard this, he felt something was wrong: "The Tang family? What does it have to do with the Tang family?"

The partner said: "Old Su, don't hide it. My daughter also went to A, who didn't know that your daughter was dating the heir of the Tang family. I think they were also from the same school back then... This young master of the Tang family is really affectionate towards your daughter..."

Su's father is not a fool, so let's find out a little bit and combine it with his daughter's situation.

Draw a conclusion.

The friend that the baby good girl said was the little girl who grew up to 1.8 meters in junior high school. She was actually a man, and that man was still Xu Ran!

Su's father's first reaction was anger.

I think back then, how sad his baby girl was about this. Tears fell like pearls, but I was sad.

Who knows, it turned out to be for Xu Ran.

So when they met for the second time, Su's father gave Xu Ran a meeting gift.

He threw a taekwondo suit and pointed to the second floor: "If you want to get my daughter, you have to see if you have this sincerity."

Su Ci couldn't help but look over: "Dad..."

"Good girl, Dad usually depends on you for everything, this time I can't." Dad Su said with a cold face, "Don't worry, Dad will just discuss it with him."

Su Ci was worried, but Xu Ran rubbed her head.

She had to lie on the glass in the training room and watched her father and the boy face to face.

Then the two began to move.

Father Su gave a sneer, rushed over and punched Xu Ran.

Su Ci clenched his fists and tried to open the door, but found it was closed.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 913: I cover this male god【78】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 913: I cover this male god【78】
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Su's father was also surprised. He didn't expect that Xu Ran didn't hide, and directly let him hit him.

His punch was not light.

Father Su said: "If you don't fight back, I won't stop."

Xu Ran did not speak, and then let Su's father punch a few more times.

He raised his hand and wiped the blood stains on his lips.

Father Su said with a sneer: "You think you are like this, I will rest assured that I will give my daughter to you?"


Xu Ran stood on the opposite side calmly and calmly: "I am trying to make you vent your anger." His peachy eyes looked over, without a trace of dodge, calm and calm.

The anger in Dad Su's heart was a little bit: "I checked, I don't care what you left for, maybe it is for my daughter's good. But in the final analysis, it is because of you that she was targeted. After you left, Cici was very sad. Although she didn't say it, I can feel that you are very important to her..."

Xu Ran was silent.

Because he had nothing to say, every word Su's father said, like magma, filled his heart.

With a piercing pain.

"Do you think she knows nothing?" Father Su said every word: "I have petted her since I was a child and used to her. In the eyes of others, she is like a greenhouse. But I am a father. She knew best in her heart that she just left the softest share to those close to her. She actually knew everything in her heart. She just didn't want to make you embarrassed, but asked, so she would rather turn over..."

"Young Master Tang, have you ever thought about why Porcelain is willing to wait for you?"

Xu Ran froze in place for a while, and said dumbly, "I'm sorry."

Father Su said: "You always have to explain things clearly to her in the past. You have your insincere, but my dear girl understands you and likes you, so she will be with you in the future. She is waiting for you. , What are you still caring about?"

"I'm afraid that she will blame herself, and feel that you are hurting? Or is it enough for you to bear it, and she is suitable for being held in the palm of your hand for the rest of your life?"

"Young Master Tang, she is not as delicate as you think."

Su Ci didn't know what they were saying in it, but Su's father stopped his hands anyway, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he opened his beautiful eyes and continued to stare intently.

Of course he was injured.

But Su's father is also her important person.

Su Ci was a little annoyed, she couldn't help squeezing her small fist, planning to wait a while if Su's father did it again, she would just break the door and enter.

After saying these words, Dad Su coughed and coughed: "Okay." He stared at humanity: "Do you want to use a bitter trick to make my good girl think that I am a bad person, if you don't show the truth Try to learn from me, don’t let me put my dear girl in your hands..."

Then the money jar Jing saw her father being knocked to the ground by his boyfriend.

Although I saw that Xu Ran had spared no effort.


Boyfriend and dad are fighting, how should I stand in line.

Wait online, anxious.

Fortunately, the two did not really fight afterwards, and Xu Ran had been trying to avoid the possibility of injury to Su's father.

And Su's father also found out.

This kid looks hidden! He is about 1.7 meters tall, in front of people, it is not enough!

So angry.

Father Su drove the people out with a cold snort!

Su Ci stretched out her little hand and ran into her boyfriend's arms: "Ran Ran."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 914: I cover this male god【79】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 914: I cover this male god【79】
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Father Su burst into tears.

Not staying in the female college.

Su Ci tilted her head slightly, stood still, and calmly said to Dad Su, "Dad, you are not injured."

Father Su is like a withered flower that has evolved into a happy bird. He waved his hand and said: "It's okay, he has something to do, what can I do."

I completely forgot who was hanged by the future son-in-law.

Seeing that Su's father was coaxed soon, Su Ci stood on tiptoe, touched the corners of Xu Ran's lips, pursed his lips slightly, and whispered, "Go to my room later, I'll give you medicine."

She didn't expect Su's father to be really cruel, and it hurts a little bit.

Dad Su naturally didn't expect that he would beat someone into the bedroom of a good girl with such a beating.

Like a little bee, Su Ci brought the emergency medicine box over.

Then he disinfected Xu Ran's wound.

But the boy caught his arm, Xu Ran looked over with deep eyes, then hugged her, and whispered: "In the future... I won't let you go again."

"What you want to hear, what you want to say, I will tell you, okay?"

Su Ci hugged the person back and hummed softly.

She pushed Xu Ran away, and said with a solemn face: "You can't hold me right now, I haven't given you medicine yet."

Xu Ran leaned over and grabbed the girl's hand.

"Well, you go in."

Back then, Xu Ran said it all.

Tang Tianrui did what Han Cheng did.

He also promised to be an heir, but the heir of the Tang family was not that easy to do. The deep waters and crises inside can only be understood by staying in it. Xu Ran was abroad, and at least two groups of people wanted to kill him.

Five accidents and one escape.

After two years of returning from abroad, the Tang family still didn’t give up. The turning point was when Tang Tianrui passed away...

"I really want to answer your call, and I want to hear your voice.. But she stares very closely." Xu Ran hugged people and said dumbly: "She was a lunatic at that time, I didn't dare to bet, no Dare to be lucky."

Su Ci remembered one after another in his heart.

The teenager is the person she is covering, and if these people dare to move him, they are ready.

She raised her small face slightly, and put her lips on the person's face, as if there were stars flashing in her eyes.

"Of course, after graduation, shall we get married?"


Mrs. Tang met Su Ci for the first time at Xu Ran's engagement ceremony.

She has investigated the background of the other party, and she can barely count as an excellent girl. The family background is also okay, but such girls, in the upper-class society, a lot of them are caught too much.

Mrs. Tang didn't put Su Ci in her eyes at all. How could such a soft temperament be suitable for living in a wealthy family.

Xu Ran can protect her, but she can't take people with her 24 hours a day.

It's just that Mrs. Tang still has to do a good job. Let alone Xu Ran's problem, her methods are not like those idiots, and will only make things difficult for the bright side.

She is the kind of murderer who punishes the heart and kills with the knife.

This is not.

Xu Ran ran into a daughter who had pursued him before, and that daughter came to collect it.

Mrs. Tang made a few misplaced photos taken to create an ambiguous illusion.

Then they were sent to Su Ci.

Who knows that the other party seems to have nothing happened.

Seeing Xu Ran's absence, Mrs. Tang smiled and said, "By the way, Qianjin Lu is coming as a guest today. Don't go back there. Let's stay together for dinner."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 915: I cover this male god【80】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 915: I cover this male god【80】
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Su Ci raised her long eyelashes and said cleverly, "Is Lu Qianjin the lady of the Lu family?"

Mrs. Tang said meaningfully: "Yes, by the way, when Xiaoran's father was still there, he had the idea of ​​marrying the Lu family." She lifted the lid of the tea, and breathed out: "But don't you Misunderstanding, of course I am on your side."

"Who told Xiao Ran to marry such a lovely and obedient wife."

Su Ci nodded and said softly: "Don't worry, mother, my mouth is very strict."

Madam Tang didn't understand anything, she looked silly and sweet. Just look down on the eyes, Xu Ran is good everywhere, but the vision is not good. What's the use of his wife besides having a nice face and a cute and soft temperament.

But that's good, as long as she makes good use of this, she will be able to hold Xu Ran sooner or later.

In the afternoon, Miss Lu came over.

When Mrs. Tang saw Su Ci talking with Miss Lu, her mood did not change at all. Miss Lu said many times that she had any intersection with Xu Ran before, and she was not angry.

She was hesitant in her heart.

Could it be that Su Ci is really a silly Baitian raised in a greenhouse, who doesn't understand anything, and she speaks every bite.

Wait until Miss Lu is gone.

Madam Tang sighed: "This Miss Lu, really doesn't wince at all."

Su Ci looked at the person, her red lips spit out soft words: "Actually, I have seen this Miss Lu."

Mrs. Tang pretended to be surprised.

"Someone sent me some photos." Su Ci pursed her lips, looked at the graceful woman without blinking, and said, "She is with Ranran above..."

Madam Tang pretended to be sullen and said, "What's the matter with Xu Ran? No wonder this Miss Lu is so unscrupulous today!"

Su Ci raised her face slightly and took out the photo.

Madame Tang thought she wanted to tell her sincere feelings.

Unexpectedly, Su Ci just pointed to the photo and said: "Mom, do you think they are stupid? This borrower can be seen at a glance. And my family is so handsome. They don’t use much snacks for taking pictures. It's muddled."

Mrs. Tang: "..."

Su Ci blinked and asked softly, "Mom, don't you think?"

Madam Tang said with a strong smile: "Yes, I just said Xiao Ran likes you so much, how could she do something sorry for you to Miss Lu."

In fact, secretly, he almost broke his teeth.

She couldn't understand it!

Is this Su Ci really silly or fake?

Su Ci bowed her head and pursed her lips.

Let you bully her, she won't kill you.

Later, both Mrs. Tang and the Tang family branch were cheated all over.

Especially once they have bought any stocks, they still have to do business.

Xu Ran, the wife, went to buy their counterpart.

Then they lost everything.

Xu Ran, the wife, is fine, as if all luck has gone to them.

These people in the Tang family were dissatisfied, and in the name of their elders, let Xu Ran take care of his wife.

The young grandmother of the Tang family is so ambitious that people who don't know thought she came to the Tang family for something.

Xu Ran's peachy eyes swept over everyone, and said lightly: "It's just a pocket money, she's happy."

A member of the Tang family: "........"

Pocket money, your mother, if this continues, this family has Su Ci, but not them!

With them, there is no Su Ci!

Although Mrs. Tang has shares, she has gradually lost the right to speak of this share.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 916: I cover this male god【81】
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Everything depends on Xu Ran's face, from her natal family, she is a woman who married out. Not to mention having any important status over there.

Recently, Mrs. Tang has spotted an industry, she has asked professionals to analyze it, and has established the relationship, and she is ready for the end.

But who knows, the other side regretted it.

"Mrs. Tang should look elsewhere. The boss of this industry has been fully prepared for a long time. You Tang family, we can't afford it."

The rest of the Tang family are the same as Mrs. Tang.

They have now been pulled into the blacklist.

Cooperate with your mother, who doesn't know, your Tang family has a young grandmother who buys your funded counterpart all day long. As a result, the money went to the right place, and it was as if it had been hit by evil. Whoever cooperates with you will be unlucky.

And Su Ci has also become sweet pastry.

I was asked to go out all day, or I came to visit in person.

Madame Tang was exhausted physically and mentally, so she discussed with the Tang family.

The people of the Tang family said: "We haven't done anything **** yet, so we don't look at it. If you say a few words, you didn't provoked her. What did you offend her?"

How did Mrs. Tang know that this silly Baitian was so cruel, she was like her enemy.

So everyone discussed together, pulled their faces down, and went to Xu Ranmen in person.

They are all human beings, and they have never seen any scenes, and the methods are also capable. But Su Ci is different, she is more powerful than Plague God. Xu Ran didn't marry a wife, but came back to kill them by marrying a god.

Mrs. Tang has never sighed like this: "Porcelain, some things were offensive in the past, but after all, they are all a family, you say yes, we can't let outsiders read jokes."

Su Ci ate the oranges her husband had peeled for her, and asked doubtfully: "Mom, have you done anything to sorry us?"

Xu Ran hooked her lips.

Peach Blossom Eyes looked at his wife full of pampering.

Madam Tang was so angry that she could see that Su Ci was acting stupid with them.

His face was stiff.

Others in the Tang family said: "Niece-in-law, we said some bad things in the past. Don't take it to heart. From now on, we will never say it again. Everyone is a family. Home talk..."

"From now on, you will be at ease as your Tang's young grandmother... Those of us who are elders, naturally want to take care of you, and hope that everyone will be together and happy in the future and not treat each other as outsiders."

Madam Tang was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood when she saw them one by one. These people, seeing that Xu Ran had stabilized the company and had a powerful wife, they all flattered each other, and they didn't dare to move.

But what she can do now depends on the faces of the couple.

Can only pull down his face again.

"Xiao Ran."

Mrs. Tang looked at Xu Ran and said, "I know that I have caused Porcelain to be wronged in this family. Mom used to take care of her poorly, so she must pay more attention to her in the future. You and Porcelain, just talk about it. Outsiders can also read jokes. ..."

Xu Ran glanced at her faintly. With those nice hands, peeling the orange and said, "You are doing very well, and there is nothing dissatisfied with Porcelain."

Mrs. Tang looked at the person opposite, and the other person said softly and obediently: "Yes, Mom, you are doing well."

She was a little embarrassed and said, "The days will be long in the future, don't worry."

Mrs. Tang's Tang family heard the meaning, their eyes turned black, and they almost fainted.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 917: I cover this male god【82】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 917: I cover this male god【82】
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Mrs. Tang's Tang family heard the meaning, their eyes turned black, and they almost fainted.

"Su Ci, don't you know good or bad!"

One of Tang's parents really couldn't stand it any longer, stood up, and said, "I think you are for the sake of the younger generation. What do you mean by not giving us face again and again?"

Xu Ran raised her eyes, swept across a bunch of people, and said indifferently: "Second Uncle is really a big face, the person I am accustomed to, when is it your turn to say?"

At that time, the teenager was only 18 years old. After returning to China, it was like a different person, making them feel scared in their hearts. And now, he has become the unfathomable President of the Downs. Just a look and a word brings psychological oppression to people.

They couldn't help but feel cold behind their backs.

Su Ci didn't mind, eating the orange peeled by the man, bending her eyes, softly said: "Second uncle, don't be angry, sit down and say it." She tilted her head slightly and looked over without blinking. "I heard from my family that when he first arrived at the Tang family, he was taken care of by you, so he can have today."

The people in front of them are delicate and beautiful.

However, everyone in the Tang family heard the sweet and soft voice, and instead of the chill, they felt even colder.

Invariably gave birth to a guilty conscience.

Of course, they did not do things that were detrimental to Xu Ran. After all, they coveted this huge industry one by one, and everyone wanted to occupy the greatest benefit. Every one of them present gave Xu Ran a trick.

And there is nothing more cruel than Mrs. Tang, she wanted Xu Ran's life in the first place!

"This.... It was all misunderstandings in the past!"

"Yeah, sitting together now is a family, this Tang family is such a big family. If something happens in the future, it is also to work together to overcome difficulties together."

This sentence is a little threatening.

The implication is that we are all of the Tang family and the roots of the Tang family. If you do too hard, it will be difficult to be a human in the future.

They all looked at Xu Ran one by one, expecting him to come out and speak.

But who knows, the man uses the hand that manages the 100 billion industry to peel oranges for his wife all the time, and he is very particular about it. The patterns are stripped, stripped cleanly, beautifully, and delivered to people's mouths personally.

"Is it sweet?"

Xu Ran automatically ignored the group of people in front of him, if it weren't for his wife who wanted to play, he would have blasted out all the obtrusive things.

Su Ci nodded: "Sweet." She also peeled one off to the other person, and put it to the person's lips, pursing her mouth: "You eat too."

Xu Ran lowered his head and bit the pulp slightly.

Inadvertently touched her finger.

Su Ci's cheeks were slightly red, and she quickly retracted it, a little embarrassed.

And the Tang family who was ignored by the side, looked at the scene of this large dog food, it was a little ups and downs with anger.

Mrs. Tang's face was even more ugly, if she hadn't had it, how could she have come to see the faces of these two people!

Su Ci seemed to be aware of the people nearby and blinked and said, "Excuse me, do you want to eat oranges?"

Everyone in the Tang family almost didn't mention it.

They've been here for so long, are you asking them to eat oranges now?

No, this is not about oranges. Isn't Su Ci insulting them?

Madam Tang smiled and said, "What do you want to have a good talk with us?"

She had had enough of the days when she was held back by this girl.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 918: I cover this male god【83】
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Su Ci snorted, blinked and said, "Then you have to see your mother and your sincerity." She looked at one of them, her red lips spit out soft words: "Second Uncle, I heard that you have been doing business again recently. Failed."

Raising the long eyelashes, he said sincerely: "I have a master here. Would you like to introduce me to my uncle?"

Tang Mingjie invested in a big business, which is well known. In order to avoid the curse of his nephew, many feng shui masters were deliberately found to guard against it.

The master assured him that there will be no mistakes in this business, and when the market opens, it will be the day when he turns over.

The results of it.

His wife almost divorced him!

It's okay not to mention this. Tang Mingjie almost carried it back in one breath. Fortunately, someone was supporting him to give him comfort.

He was shaking his fingers, just about to talk.

The person on the other side opened his mouth and said, "Second Uncle must be lucky enough."

She pursed her lips and smiled and said, "I learned something from the master. I saw that the second uncle's Yintang was dark, and the yang energy was insufficient, and the fundus of the eyes was swollen." Su Ci said a little worried: "Did the second uncle talk to the second My sister-in-law’s relationship is so good..."

"But the second uncle's yang energy loss is so serious, the second sister-in-law will not be too bad."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several people were subtle.

And Tang Mingjie's face became even more stiff: "What do you mean?"

Su Ci sighed and said distressedly: "I should have read it wrong, my second uncle is not such a person."

Tang Mingjie is famous for his strict wife control, and he loves his wife like his life in front of outsiders. The woman in the family is not easy to mess with, a ruthless character. No one would think that he was stealing food outside, even Mrs. Tang and the others.

But no one knew that Tang Mingjie secretly raised a little lover, and he made a perfect and secret one.

And now, he just feels that his secret seems to be seen?

Tang Mingjie was frightened in a cold sweat. If the guy at home knew about it, he wouldn't chop him with a knife!

Looking at Su Ci again, I only think that she has a delicate little face. At this moment, she is like a black and white impermanence coming from below to kill her.

Tang Mingjie lost all his blood, and quickly stepped back.

Seeing everyone watching him come over, he adjusted his clothes, and said uncomfortably, "I have something to do at home, so I will go back first."

Then he rushed out like running away.

Everyone also had a consideration in their hearts. They were not fools, and they wouldn't fail to see if Tang Mingjie's incident was true.

This Su Ci is really evil.

She looked at the other one again: "Auntie."

The person who was spotted by her felt a cold behind him, and immediately said, "I won't bother you much today. I have something to do, so I will leave first."

They now feel even more that this Su Ci looks like a silly white sweet, but in fact it is a ruthless character, the kind that is not easy to mess with.

Wait until people are leaving one after another.

Only Mrs. Tang was sitting in the seat, her face was pale and she was about to get up.

Su Ci stopped him: "Mom."

Mrs. Tang's face froze.

Su Ci got up, delivered the orange to her hand, raised her long eyelashes, and said softly, "Of course, I will trouble you to take care of things abroad." Her beautiful big eyes stared unblinkingly, calmly. It's scary.

"I will take good care of you."

Madame Tang returned to her senses and staggered out of the villa.

She peeled and ate the oranges, and the sour taste filled her whole taste buds.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 919: I cover this male god【84】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 919: I cover this male god【84】
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Madame Tang was in a cold sweat behind her back.

Su Ci here is planning to let them go, this is planning to play with them slowly.

Within a few days, everyone in the Tang family sent their sincerity.

Su Ci kept the account, held it, tilted his head slightly, and thought about it seriously.

They are really rich.

I thought I was going to go bankrupt.

The money jar essence showed a sweet smile.

Not only did she want to fiddle with them and abuse her body and mind, but she also wanted to search for their property.

Su Ci didn't forget to call everyone in the Tang family, and asked them warmly, and also cared about whether they had new investments recently.

These people are scared enough.

System: "? Cub, why didn't Dad see you so dark before?"

Su Ci said frankly while counting the money: "They are so bullying, what's wrong with me asking for some money!"

It would be nice if she didn't make them ruined.

System: "...it seems to be right."

Su Ci nodded, and said slightly distressed: "Unfortunately, they don't do business or invest anymore. Can't they not afford it?"

System: "......" How about being a man?

Su Ci counted these things and was hugged from behind by a tall and warm body.

Xu Ran bowed his head, took away all those things, and whispered: "I will use all of my cards. The money in it is yours. Good luck, they don't send me as much money as I have."

She turned around, stretched out her hand and hugged it, blinked her eyes and said, "But after all, the money she earned has a sense of achievement."

Xu Ran raised his eyebrows: "Then I will give you a chance to earn several hundred million."

Su Ci stared at the past intently, raised her small face slightly, hugged the man's neck, and said, "Um, okay."

Wait until she realizes something is wrong.

it's getting dark.

Su Ci fell asleep deeply.

Xu Ran got out of bed and went to smoke a cigarette.

With his face up slightly, he couldn't restrain the violent ups and downs in his heart.

This is his baby.

People who have met since their teens and wanted to stay together for a lifetime.

The long-cherished wish so far has been fulfilled.

Xu Ran also felt lucky. He thought he probably spent a lifetime of luck to meet Su Ci.

Because this luck is hard to come by, there will be so many misfortunes before.

She is soft and innocent, and she has an unknown side.

Xu Ran's Adam's apple rolled slightly.

The appearance of the other party doing everything for him, Xu Ran's heart was upset, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

That's why I did a bit harder on certain things.

Xu Ran couldn't control it. He knew his temperament, the more restrained, the more enthusiastic it would erupt.


Su Ci slept, and when she woke up, she found that the sky was already slightly brighter.

Xu Ran had turned over at this time and was changing clothes by the bed.

She still feels a bit shy, but the old couple’s..

The money jar can't help but open his hands, secretly glanced over, thinking seriously.

Of course, it's her husband now, and she can see what she likes.

Xu Ran's figure is very good, even if he manages the lifeblood of the Tang family, he usually manages himself strictly.

Of course, no one knows better than Su Ci.

"Don't want to get up?"

Xu Ran's fingers paused slightly, turning his face slightly.

Su Ci flushed her cheeks, buried herself in the quilt, and said softly: "Go to work, I will miss you."

Xu Ran's heart was itchy.

He took the person over and kissed her on the forehead.

After Xu Ran went to work, Su Ci woke up unhurriedly.

Butler: "Good morning, grandma."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 920: I cover this male god【85】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 920: I cover this male god【85】
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Su Ci paints occasionally, and Xu Ran held a solo exhibition for her, which attracted people from all over the country. Her paintings were named and appreciated by many painters, but Su Ci never showed up or saw anyone in person.

Many people guess that this must be a hermit old man.

It’s just that no one knows that this aura and talented painter is Xu Ran’s wife.

When Su Ci is in a good mood, he will draw a picture or go out to do charity activities.

But today she didn't want to move anything, because she was a little tired.

Su Ci went to play the piano for a while, and then sent Xu Ran a message.

The two chatted for a while.

Su Ci went to Xu Ran's study, and she could understand all Xu Ran's favorite books.

When the butler brought snacks and tea.

Su Ci suddenly remembered that there was a room next to the study, which seemed to have never been used much.

She asked casually.

The butler said: "I don't know, only Xiao Shao has the key to this room."

Su Ci couldn't help but pursed her lips slightly.

Of course she knew that Xu Ran had nothing to hide from her, nor would she do anything to apologize to herself. But let alone anyone, even a fairy will have its own curiosity.

She knew where Xu Ran's personal belongings were placed.

Su Ci hesitated, and seriously thought, since she has no reservations about herself, she should be able to watch it too... right.

The money jar fine gave himself a righteous reason.

Then found a key from the man.

Su Ci opened the door.

Walked in.

The scene before her stunned her slightly.

Gazed intently.

It was because she had imagined a lot, but she did not expect that this room was all her pictures.

System: "Is Xu Ran a pervert??"

Su Ci slightly raised her face and looked at it. Many of them were from her high school period.

It can be seen that all of them are sneak shots.

Su Ci walked over and was attracted by an unobtrusive photo in it.

That was the picture on the bulletin board of her high school and the one that was stolen.

Why is it here in Ranran?

Su Ci vaguely had an answer. She couldn't help but flushed her cheeks, and she stood on her toes slightly, trying to take it off.

Stretch out a hand behind him.

Take down the picture.

The visitor opened his mouth and said, "Why did you come here?"

Su Ci turned around, looking at the person coming, her cheeks flushed and said: "You...you..."

She was a little hard to tell.

After all, it is really a shame to be taken so many photos of myself and filled the whole room.

Especially a money jar as thin as hers.

"What am I?"

Xu Ran raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that there is no sense of guilty conscience that the secret has been discovered.

Seeing that he was so calm, but he was so shy, Su Ci couldn't help saying: "You...perverted!"

Xu Ran lowered her eyes and looked over with a familiar gaze.

For a long time, he whispered: "But I missed you so much, I was going crazy thinking about it."

No one will know that taste.

Xu Ran bent over, took the person into his arms, and said, "Porcelain, I love you."

Su Ci couldn't help but stretched out her hands, hugged the person back, and said seriously: "I love you too." She tilted her head slightly and looked at the person, with a little grievance that she hadn't noticed.

"When you came to me in college, I thought you regretted it and wanted to get the necklace back."

Xu Ran paused and laughed: "Fool, how could I take it back."

In Su Ci's eyes.

The man leaned over and whispered in her ear: "That is a gift from my grandmother to the future grandson-in-law."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 921: Xu Ran
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 921: Xu Ran
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Xu Ran knew that he had no father since he was a child, but when he was pointed at by his classmates and said that he was a wild child, he could not restrain his fists.

He pursed his lips slightly, said nothing, and stared at the person with red eyes.

That was the first time Xu Ran hit someone and was called by his parents.

He originally thought Zhao Meixin would blame herself, but he didn't.

Under the angry gaze of the opposite parent, the woman sneered: "I thought your child was the same as my child, and there was no father."

Xu Ran, who was in the third grade of elementary school, held Zhao Meixin's hand tightly, raised her head and asked, "Why?"

Zhao Meixin said: "There is no why, your father doesn't want you anymore, will you become like him in the future?"

Xu Ran looked at her for a long time and shook his head.

The woman touched his head and said, "If you have someone you like in the future, you can't leave her alone."

Grandma passed away.

Xu Ran was a little at a loss, no one in this world treated him so well.

He held the necklace tightly, couldn't help crying out softly, and said, "Could you not leave."

After growing up, Xu Ran met someone.

The girl enters the third class.

He raised his eyes and glanced, and his pale, soft face entered into his eyes.

Xu Ran lowered his eyes, his face looked abstinent and deserted.

The slight noise of the class made him frown.

I don't know why, but the unwavering mood is like a stream of spring water, which is disturbed.

The girl turned her head slightly and talked to him softly, her big beautiful eyes unblinking.

Xu Ran didn't understand if she was speaking to everyone.

Slight pressure on the lip line.

The attitude couldn't help but become cold.

Don't talk to me, don't look at me like that, why should you care about me? Why are you close to me?

Xu Ran got out of control.

"Of course, happy birthday."

The girl raised her small face slightly, her eyes were like stars in the sky under the faint light.

Xu Ran has never been tempted, no one has ever come to him desperately and through all obstacles.

Don't mind everything about him, don't mind the bad things he has.

He stretched out his hand and hugged the girl.

Xu Ran thought to himself that they were only in junior high school, but he had already thought out all the plans for the future.

Zhao Meixin's love is not beautiful, how many people's first love ends in failure.

Xu Ran's finger bones bend slightly.

It doesn't matter, he will always like her.

But the separation came so suddenly.

Xu Ran returned to the Tang family.

Not only had to deal with this group of people, but in the middle of the night, he had to take a lot of pictures of young girls.

Xu Ran looked at these photos, almost bewitched.

"The little girl is very popular."

Xu Ran was jealous a lot, but he couldn't show up. He could only miss the girl like a drug addict.

He didn't know if Su Ci was waiting for him.

If not.

Will you like others?

When Xu Ran thought of this, it became a little difficult to breathe.

There is no if.

Xu Ran thought a little coldly.

Even if there is, he will be stifled in advance.

After returning home.

Xu Ran was no longer constrained by anyone, step by step, and even got everything ready. With the ability to protect the girl, this is his only belief in the swamp of the Tang family.

Tang Tianrui was right. If he didn't protect the woman he liked, he would be a waste.

Xu Ran retrieved his baby again.

How lucky he is.


"In those three years, every day, I was thinking of you."

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