ELMF: Arc 1 - Real and Fake Princess from a Wealthy Campus

Everybody loves my face [Quick Wear]
Author: Hearing is believing

Category: Urban Fiction

Status: Loading

Update: 2018-12-21 20:00:58

Latest: 112. Chapter 112

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Introduction to the novel
Yu Xi's cultivation level is not high and she has many rivals, but she has been able to live peacefully until now. Not only does she have a profound background, but also because as soon as she sees that face, no one is willing to be angry with her. Yu Xi raises his eyebrows and smiles. : Being too good-looking is also a sin. Entering various small worlds, fulfilling the client's wishes, and falling in love a few times. The validity period of love is decided by me. If you fall in love with me, you will find trouble for yourself. If I love If you fall in love with you, you will die in my hands. Travel through the world quickly: My brother's Xiao Jiaojiao (a real and fake princess from a wealthy campus) has completed, and I have cuckolded my husband (a Phoenix man who chose to abandon his wife for a cat). I have completed wearing a book girl with a cinnabar mole. (The cinnabar mole of a female supporting actor in the entertainment industry turns into mosquito blood) Reading guide: The heroine is a coquettish beauty, flirting with the world, and has no moral integrity. The biggest golden finger is the heroine's appearance, she is the best in the world...

  However, Shen Duo couldn't let the old man know what happened in the kitchen just now, so he quickly adjusted his emotions, twitched the corner of his mouth, and showed a smile: "She just regarded me as a thief. Now she is a little embarrassed."
  Shen Duo . Yu Xi also understood the reason why Shen Duo lied, but she didn't dare to look into Shen Duo's eyes, so she lowered her head and explained in a low voice: "I... I didn't know he was the eldest brother just now. I thought he was a thief, so I was a little scared." "It's my
  fault that I didn't give him anything. Look at his photo."
  Shen Yuxi shook her head and whispered softly: "It's okay, grandpa, it's getting late. I'll help you up to rest." "
  I'll do it." Shen Duo walked to Mr. Shen in two or two steps. She held him by her side and said, "You go up first."
  Shen Duo's sudden approach made Shen Yuxi a little panicked. She nodded casually, waved to her grandfather, and ran upstairs in small steps, as if there was someone behind her. Some beast was chasing her.
  She seemed to still be able to feel the thoughtful gaze behind her until she went upstairs. Shen Yuxi leaned against the wall of the corridor and gasped for air.
  He folded his hands on his chest and felt his heart beating extremely violently.
  Thinking of what just happened in the kitchen, her cheeks turned a bright red, and the most beautiful rouge in the world was nothing more than that.
  Hearing the heavy footsteps approaching downstairs, Shen Yuxi quickly opened the door to her room and hid inside.
  She leaned on the back of the door and felt the movement outside. She also heard the man's footsteps approaching and staying at the door of her room for a long time after the closing sound ended.
  Shen Yuxi's eyebrows curved, and a successful smile appeared on her face.
  The author has something to say: If you like this article, I hope you can click and save it~Thank you very much!

Chapter 2
  Shen Duo only fell asleep at midnight last night. Originally, he thought he would sleep until three o'clock in the morning and wake up. But the genius had just begun to shine, and without any external force, he suddenly opened his eyes.
  A strange fragrance traveled around the room and entered his body, waking him up from his deepest sleep.
  "It smells so good."
  He has only been away for two weeks, but the level of the chef at home has improved so quickly?
  Shen Duo took a deep breath. He originally planned to sleep for a while. But because of this unique fragrance, he couldn't resist the urge deep in his heart, put on his clothes, got up and went downstairs.
  The old man of the Shen family was already sitting in the restaurant waiting. Shen Duo greeted him and looked at the source of the scent.
  To his surprise, the person standing in the kitchen tinkering was not the chef he just thought, but the cheap sister who suddenly appeared last night.
  Shen Yuxi carefully scooped the porridge from the pot into a bowl aside. Just as she was about to reach out to pick it up, she was instantly retracted by the pain from the hot bowl wall.
  "I'll do it."
  The sudden voice startled Shen Yuxi. She shrank suddenly and looked at the person behind her in panic.
  She didn't know when Shen Duo stood behind her. When Shen Yuxi saw the visitor, her ears and neck immediately turned red, as bright as a peach or plum.
  Seeing Shen Yuxi's shy look, Shen Duo thought about what happened last night, and his heart felt a little itchy.
  This is his sister, his biological sister.
  Shen Duo cursed himself several times in his heart.
  He passed Shen Yuxi, put the bowl on the table on the tray, and put the steamer on the side in, and carried it to the restaurant.
  Shen Yuxi followed him step by step. She didn't speak softly until Shen Duo put everything on the table.
  "I...I cooked chicken porridge, and what's in the steamer is the shrimp dumplings I made myself..." Shen Yuxi looked tangled and hesitated for a long time before finally saying the title, "Brother, can you get used to it?"
  Shen Duo Before he could speak, the old man of the Shen family had already answered for him: "Xi Xi, don't worry about him. Your craftsmanship is so good, what can he not get used to?"
  Shen Duo pretended to be sad and sighed: "I'm justSitu ReadingRomance  menu
Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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After not coming home for two weeks, my grandfather no longer has a place for me in his heart. "
  As he spoke, he picked up the spoon and took a mouthful and put it into his mouth.
  The soft and glutinous rice, the tender chicken, and the unparalleled deliciousness exploded in his mouth, spreading from his throat to his limbs.
  How could Shen Duo still have it at this time? Talking in his mind, all his attention was focused on the delicious food in front of him.
  Seeing that the two of them were very satisfied with the food they made, Shen Yuxi also breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer as nervous as before.
  " How did you come up with the idea of ​​​​cooking for yourself? Isn't there a chef at home? Hearing Shen
  Duo's question, Shen Yuxi calmed down and replied softly: "Grandpa has had a bad appetite recently, so I just wanted to do something for him." Fortunately, my cooking skills are pretty good and my grandpa likes it. "
  "You are still a student, right? Don't you have to go to class recently? " Shen Duo glanced at Shen Yuxi's school uniform.
  "Well, I'm in my third year of high school. But because I just came home, my grandfather took a week off for me. During this time, I didn't go to class, so I had more time. " "
  It's just that I have to go to school today. "
  Speaking of this, Shen Yuxi glanced at the clock on the wall and suddenly looked panicked.
  "It's already seven o'clock. I have to leave first. Goodbye, brother and grandpa! Shen
  Duo took out a piece of facial tissue from the side and wiped his mouth : "I'll give it to you. It just so happens that I have to go to the company." " Shen
  Yuxi thought about what happened last night and did not immediately agree. She hesitated and wanted to refuse: "If it doesn't 't go my way, I'd better not trouble my brother. I can go there by myself.
  "Xixi, don't refuse, just let him give it to you. He is idle anyway. " "
  Shen Duo ignored Shen Yuxi's refused. He picked up the schoolbag she put aside, stood beside her, and stretched out his hand.
  Shen Yuxi stood there for a long time. Only then did she understand what Shen Duo meant by stretching out his hand in front of her.
  Shen Yuxi blushed and carefully placed her hand on Shen Duo's.
  The hot temperature in the palm of his hand warmed her heart. She
  seemed too shy until she got in the car. The little girl kept looking at the scenery outside the window without saying a word .
  No one could have imagined that she was actually talking to a mirror in her mind.
  "You, you, you!" What did you do to seduce him? "Kunlun Mirror jumped up and down in Shen Yuxi's mind, and her tone was full of disbelief, "He is your brother!
  "I'm not my brother. Why are you so excited? " "
  Knowing that Shen Duo, who was driving, could not see his expression hiding behind him, a trace of amusement flashed in the eyes of Shen Yuxi, who had looked timid and shy just now. The
  corners of his mouth were raised slightly, revealing a charm that transcended his age, The look on her face is gleaming, and it is a kind of beauty that is breathtaking.
  "Besides, doesn't the client want Shen Duo to be her brother all the time? Brother Qing is also an older brother. "
  Shen Yuxi only said one sentence and Kunlun Jing was speechless.
  Kunlun Jing saw Shen Yuxi's expression and knew that this person was interested. He would definitely not give up until he was satisfied.
  As expected. The famous demon in the God Realm is famous for not playing by common sense, so it shouldn't have hope in her.
  Shen Yuxi is the youngest daughter of the Emperor of God in the God Realm, and she is also the most favored one. Because of her status High, so she is also famous for being lawless in the heaven, and she has offended countless people, but no one can do anything to her. It’s
  just that Kunlun Mirror heard that she had recently offended a great person, and because of the calamity general So, I had to put my soul into this game to temporarily avoid the limelight.
  This is a training game " " produced by God Realm. You enter the game with your soul and assign your soul to the small world of humans. , complete the tasks issued, and improve your cultivation while having fun.
  The reason why the immortal soul can travel through time and space is because the ancient artifact Kunlun Mirror is the core of this game.
  Although Shen Yuxi has high talent, But she doesn’t love training very much and likes to be lazy. Therefore, Shen Yuxi’s way of training is not the way of swordsmanship like her father, Emperor Tian, ​​but enters the way with emotion.
  Then the tasks she needs to complete in the game are also different from others. , is mainly to fulfill the wishes of the clients in each small world.
  This is the first small world that Shen Yuxi entered.
  The reason why Shen Duo is not Shen Yuxi's biological brother is because the old man of the Shen family The people below got the wrong person.
  Shen Duo's real sister is Shen Yuxi's good friend Zhou Qiutong.
  The two grew up in the same orphanage and have been friends for many years. They also studied in the same school when they grew up.
  According to common sense He said that a family like the Shen family would definitely use a paternity test to find their lost relatives, and there should be no mistake.
  But it just so happened that a few days before the people under the Shen family quietly went to the orphanage to investigate, Zhou Qiutong had been talking to The client slept on the same bed.
  So they quietly took away the hair used for the paternity test, which Zhou Qiutong dropped on the bed.
  This made the Shen family mistakenly think that the client was the long-lost hair of the Shen family. A little princess.
  After the client was welcomed back to the Shen family, she was not very popular with the old man of the Shen family and Shen Duo because she was too shy, introverted, timid and had low self-esteem.
  Therefore, the relationship between them was very weak, and even because of such a petty personality, the Shen family did not announce to the outside world that she was the long-lost daughter of the Shen family.
  Because of the dissimilarity in personality and appearance, Shen Duo has always doubted the client's identity.
  But because of the paternity test, Shen Duo never had an attack.
  Until the client's 18th birthday, she brought her friend Zhou Qiutong back to Shen's house to celebrate together. Zhou Qiutong's face resembled that of his mother who died young, which aroused the suspicion of the two Shen family members.
  This time they quietly sent someone to do a new paternity test, and the results were unexpected. After further questioning, I found out the whole story.
  Knowing that Zhou Qiutong was the real daughter of the Shen family, the old man of the Shen family did not hesitate and took Zhou Qiutong back to the Shen family that day.
  Zhou Qiutong, who is lively, cheerful, optimistic and enthusiastic, also won the favor of the two of them immediately.
  Originally, the old man of the Shen family wanted to pay the fake client and then drive him out, but Shen Duo felt that this was too cold-blooded, so he kept the client in the Shen family.
  I don’t have to worry about food or clothing, and I still have a lot of pocket money every month.
  This was not bad at first, but the client did not expect that this would be the beginning of her tragedy.
  There are people like Zhou Qiutong who already have gems in front of them, so why bother to settle for nothing? Therefore, in the following days, the client has always been a transparent person in the Shen family.
  If it was just like this, it would be nothing, but the client gradually discovered that her former friend's attitude towards her had changed, and he would even do things secretly that disgusted the Shen family and then slandered the client. ≡This≡work≡ is provided≡ by ≡si≡Tu≡网≡≡online≡≡read≡read≡The
  client has a stupid mouth and doesn’t know how to explain it. As Zhou Qiutong wished, he was rejected by the Shen family. In the end, Mr. Shen drove him out of the Shen family.
  Not only that, there were even rumors in the school that the client had a dark psychology and was jealous that Zhou Qiutong had done all sorts of bad things to her. As a result, the client was ostracized and even suffered school violence.
  The client was already suffering from depression, and coupled with this series of external forces, he became increasingly timid.
  But even so, she never thought of committing suicide.
  Unexpectedly, Zhou Qiutong didn't want to let her go at all.
  One day, Zhou Qiutong invited his client to the rooftop, pushed her down, and pretended that she had committed suicide.
  If Zhou Qiutong hated his client because she had taken over his identity, then he could only blame the people under Mr. Shen's family.
  The client did nothing wrong from beginning to end. She didn't know that she was mistaken at first. She thought she was the long-lost daughter of the Shen family.
  She just passively accepted everything.
  Even after leaving the Shen family, Zhou Qiutong still wanted her to die.
  Therefore, her first wish is to let Zhou Qiutong get the retribution he deserves.
  Second, she wants to be able to support herself and live a good life after leaving the Shen family. Third, she hopes   that
  Shen Duo can always be her brother.
After her death, Shen Duo buried her regardless of previous suspicions, and paid homage to her every year.
  The client envied Zhou Qiutong for having such a brother.
  Jing reluctantly disappeared from Shen Yuxi's mind after repeatedly asking Shen Yuxi not to delay the mission because of fun.
  By the time Shen Duo stopped the car at the school gate, there was nothing strange about Shen Yuxi's expression.
  She took the schoolbag from Shen Duo's hand and was about to leave when Shen Duo grabbed her wrist.
  "I'm sorry for what happened last night."
  "You don't remember the faults of villains, so don't argue with me."
  Seeing Shen Yuxi's soft and well-behaved hair, Shen Duo couldn't help but reach out and put his hand on her itchy hands. He rubbed the top of his head vigorously: "Wait for me at the door after school, and I'll pick you up."
  Shen Yuxi didn't expect Shen Duo to make such an intimate gesture. She opened her eyes wide, feeling ashamed and angry.
  The delicate blush on her face was the most touching.
  She bit her lip and glared at Shen Duo, then ran away without answering.
  She couldn't help but look back when she was almost at the school gate, but by this time Shen Duo could no longer be seen.
  "Xixi! Is that you!"
  Shen Yuxi was slapped hard on the shoulder. Her skin was so delicate that the force was enough to leave a red mark on her body.
  Shen Yuxi frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the person.
  The author has something to say: It is updated at a fixed time every night ~ the update prompts at other times must be bug-catching and false updates! Please ignore it!
  I hope everyone likes the new article (≧≦)
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Chapter 3
  The man in front of me has exquisite features, pretty appearance, and warm smile. The similarities with Shen Duo can be vaguely seen in his eyebrows.
  It was Shen Yuxi's target this time, Zhou Qiutong.
  Seeing Zhou Qiutong, Shen Yuxi couldn't help but smile with joy on her face, and said with surprise: "Qiutong, what a coincidence!"
  But Shen Yuxi's smile was completely different from before, which made Zhou Qiutong feel dazed for a moment.
  At this moment, she suddenly discovered that her good friend was a little different from before.
  In fact, she had seen Shen Yuxi a long time ago, but it took her a long time to confirm before she dared to come up and say hello.
  A high and bloated sports uniform was put on Shen Yuxi, and she was able to look tall and slender in it, attracting the attention of countless people.
  But Zhou Qiutong couldn't tell exactly what was different.
  There was obviously no change in his facial features, but it was as if he had become another person.
  Although Shen Yuxi had exquisite facial features in the past, her long hair was disheveled and covered her face.
  And he has always been submissive, timid and timid, and dare not look at people when talking to them.
  Although Zhou Qiutong was jealous of Shen Yuxi's appearance, he had felt lucky for Shen Yuxi's personality many times.
  Because she doesn't like people around her to steal her limelight.
  Red flowers and green leaves, wouldn’t they be more perfect?
  It's just that Shen Yuxi hasn't been to school for a week, so why is it like she has to go back to the drawing board and reinvent herself?
  Shen Yuxi could see the changes in Zhou Qiutong's inner emotions in these few seconds, and the smile on her face became more gentle, charming, and touching.
  Zhou Qiutong suppressed the displeasure in her heart and hugged Shen Yuxi's arm as if they were intimate. The two pretty sisters became a beautiful scenery on their way to school.
  "Xixi, where have you been these past few days? You didn't come to school, and you didn't go back to the orphanage. You took so many days off in your senior year of high school. Your last mock test score... seems to be the top 500 in the school? What will happen to the college entrance examination in the future? Let's do it."
  Zhou Qiutong pretended to be worried about her friend, but in fact, he used her grades to poke her heart.
  This is full of malice. How blind was the client before that he considered her a good friend?
  Although I have seen through Zhou Qiutong's false feelings,
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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Pretend, Shen Yuxi's mood did not change at all, and her attitude remained cordial.
  She blinked, her eyes were clear, and she looked innocent. She seemed to feel a little strange: "The dean... didn't tell you? " "
  No, she didn't tell me anything. What's wrong?"
  Zhou Qiutong saw Shen Yuxi's hesitation and had a bad premonition in his heart: "What happened?" "
  ...Actually, it was my family who found me. "
  Shen Yuxi's words were soft, like a breeze blowing on his face, But a storm arose in Zhou Qiutong's heart.
  "My biological parents passed away a long time ago. It was my biological grandfather who found me, so I will never go back to the orphanage in the future."
  "Qiutong, we can't live together anymore. You don't blame me, do you?" Shen Yuxi's expression Slightly white, with a cautious attitude.
  "How could I blame you?" Zhou Qiutong's smile was stiff, and his tone was a bit forced. "It's a good thing to find your own family." "
  But your grandpa is not easy to support you in school alone, isn't it?" "
  That's not true. " Shen Yuxi shook her head gently, "In addition to grandpa, I also have an older brother who is already working." "
  And grandpa's family is also very rich."
  "Do you remember that we used to see on the roadside that we would live there when we grow up? A small bungalow?"
  "The house I live in now is bigger than that small bungalow. Qiutong, all this is like a dream..."
  Zhou Qiutong was still replaying it in his mind until he was sitting in the class. What Shen Yuxi said to her just now.
  Although Zhou Qiutong looks carefree, she has always been inferior to her identity.
  But she originally had a fellow sufferer who was born and raised in an orphanage like herself, but she didn't expect that only more than a week had passed. Shen Yuxi had already left herself behind and escaped from the sea of ​​​​suffering alone.
  Zhou Qiutong didn't know what the emotions were surging in her heart.
  Is it envy, jealousy, or other more complex emotions.
  But she not only resented her parents for abandoning her in the orphanage, she also resented Shen Yuxi for leaving her alone at this time.
  It wasn't until the teacher came to the class to distribute the test papers that Zhou Qiutong gradually adjusted his mentality.
  It doesn't matter if Shen Yuxi's family has money now, it's not her own money.
  And if we haven't gotten along with our family for so many years, how can our relationship get any better? In the end,the money would only go into her brother's pocket.
  Shen Yuxi's grades are so bad, how many points can she get in the college entrance examination?What good jobs can I find in the future? Zuo is just living under someone else’s roof!
  But she, Zhou Qiutong, is different.
  She has always had good grades and was consistently in the top ten in her grade every time she took the test.
  Her future will be broader and more promising than Shen Yuxi's, and there is no need to waste his energy on her.
  Thinking of this, Zhou Qiutong had completely calmed down. She looked back at Shen Yuxi's seat, but before looking back, she subconsciously looked to her side.
  He still didn't come today, and Zhou Qiutong felt a little disappointed.
  It seemed like she hadn't seen him for three or four days, and she thought he would be back for the exam today.
  Gu Zerui...
  Although Shen Yuxi could see clearly, she couldn't read minds. How could she know the twists and turns in Zhou Qiutong's heart.
  All she knew was that after Zhou Qiutong glanced at herself, she stared blankly at the empty seat next to her.
  What does my deskmate seem to be called, Gu Zerui?
  Because Shen Yuxi's grades were not good, the class teacher arranged for her to sit in the last row.
  Most of the people sitting in the last row had poor grades, except for her deskmate Gu Zerui.
  He got excellent grades and ranked among the top three in his grade every time. But he often doesn't come to class. Even if he comes occasionally, he just lies on the table and sleeps.
  Shen Yuxi also knew from her memory that Gu Zerui had contact with people from other schools and was an outlier.
  However, he had a strong background and was unruly, so no teacher dared to control him. It is also because of his handsome appearance and outstanding temperament that many girls in school like him.
  But what Shen Yuxi didn't expect was that Zhou Qiutong was also one of them.
  After all, the client had no idea such a thing existed before.
  This is somewhat interesting.
  Shen Yuxi raised the corners of her mouth slightly and stared at the roll. She simply sat there and attracted everyone's attention, causing the classmates to talk a lot.
  "Who is that? Was there such a beautiful woman in the class before?"
  "That's Shen Yuxi! Have you forgotten?"
  "Shen Yuxi?! But she didn't look like this before..."
  "I haven't seen you for a few days. Why, why did you suddenly become so beautiful?"
  "Okay, shut up. It's the exam. The teacher is looking over."
  After a while, the class became quiet. The students were writing furiously on the test papers, immersed in this During the exam.
  Shen Yuxi bit the tip of her pen, unexpectedly having a headache.
  I didn’t expect that this little human’s ordinary exam would be a bit difficult.
  Although she has a photographic memory, she had already read through all the textbooks last night. But it is one thing to keep it in mind; it is another thing to understand it and apply it flexibly.
  What's even more annoying is that in order to be able to be with Zhou Qiutong, the client chose science when dividing arts and sciences, instead of liberal arts, which was more advantageous for Shen Yuxi.
  Alas - she knew these words separately, but together they were like a book from heaven.
  What about solid-state lithium-sulfur batteries and battery reactions? Why couldn't she figure it out?
  Shen Yuxi sighed helplessly, with a distressed look on her face, her brows furrowed slightly, and her face looked sad.
  The beauty frowned, and people couldn't help but want to take the initiative to solve her problems.
  "This question - choose B."
  Shen Yuxi's desk was tapped impatiently. The long and strong hand with clear joints was in obvious contrast with Shen Yuxi's slender and delicate hand.
  Shen Yuxi was stunned for a moment and looked up along his hand.
  The unruly big boy was standing lazily in front of her desk, looking impatient.
  Seeing Shen Yuxi still looking at him blankly, he increased the strength on his hand: "Get up, what are you looking at me for? Don't let me in?" "
  !!! I'm sorry!"
  Shen Yuxi said delicately There was a hint of shame on her face, but she did not stand up. Instead, she turned her legs to the side and shrank back.
  Gu Zerui twitched the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows slightly. His legs rubbed against Shen Yuxi's legs. They were soft and delicate, and he could smell a faint fragrance when he passed by her.
  After sitting on his seat, Gu Zerui couldn't help but sniff Shen Yuxi's neck.
  "You smell so good. What kind of perfume are you wearing?" The
  author has something to say: Once again, the heroine has no moral integrity! Stirring up the sky and the earth! Just run away after teasing!
  If you like it, click to collect it. QAQ

Chapter 4
  Gu Zerui doesn't like the strong and heavy smell of perfume that some women spray on their bodies.
  No matter what brand of perfume it was, every time he smelled it, his nose felt itchy and he had the desire to sneeze.
  The smell of perfume mixed with the smell of sweat on the man's body made Gu Zerui feel even more nauseous.
  But this time, the smell that Gu Zerui smelled made him feel particularly comfortable. Sniffing it at such a close distance not only did not make him feel disgusted, but instead made him want to explore deeper.
  Shen Yuxi was frightened and turned pale by Gu Zerui's sudden movement.
  She shrank back, as if she was frightened, and her slender eyelashes trembled slightly: "I didn't wear any perfume! And...you...can you stay away from me... .."
  "What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before."
  Gu Zerui raised the corners of his mouth with a hint of a smirk. Seeing Shen Yuxi's appearance, his desire to tease her became even stronger.
  It looked like a frightened little white rabbit.
  delicate and charming.
  But it makes people want to bully her even more.
  "...I am Shen Yuxi, have you forgotten? I have been your deskmate for a semester."
  Her tone was soft and soft, with a hint of helplessness. Although the voice was weak, every word reached Gu Zerui's ears clearly.
  Gu Zerui was in a daze.
  Been my deskmate for a semester? How could he not have any impression of a classmate who really grew up like this?
  Seeing Gu Zerui's confused reaction, Shen Yuxi lowered her eyes.
  Gu Zerui couldn't see clearly the emotions in her eyes, but her mood seemed a little low.
  This was the first time Gu Zerui felt at a loss.
  He wanted to continue talking to her, but she ignored him. She lowered her head and stared at the test papers on her desk intently, like a good student focusing on the exam.
  But Gu Zerui clearly saw that Shen Yuxi hadn't started writing for a long time. She finally wrote an answer but it was still wrong.
  He himself had just told her what the correct answer was, but she still had to look at the paper for a long time and then chose a different answer.
  The little white rabbit rebelled and had to fight him!
  This almost made Gu Zerui very angry.
  However, it was rare to meet an interesting person, and Gu Zerui was very excited.
  Gu Zerui was fearless in school because no teacher dared to find fault with him. So he didn't have any worries when talking to Shen Yuxi, and his voice didn't weaken at all.
  At first, it only affected a small group of surrounding students, but the behavior of these students turning back and peeking from time to time aroused the curiosity of many people.
  Now even if the teacher wanted to pretend to be deaf and dumb, he could not continue.
  However, he could not and did not dare to criticize Gu Zerui, so he could only attack Shen Yuxi who was standing aside.
  "Shen Yuxi! Do you still know that this is a test? Can you be quiet?"
  "If you don't want to take the test, get out of here as soon as possible."
  Shen Yuxi, who was criticized by the teacher in front of the whole class, has always been shy. His eyes turned red instantly.
  Tears welled up in her eyes, and her reddish lips were bitten until they turned white.
  But the tears did not fall in the end, and she held them back, her red nose twitching like a kitten.
  "Teacher, I'm sorry..."
  The original smart voice was a little hoarse, and even the students who were watching could not bear it.
  Not to mention the parties involved.
  Gu Zerui suddenly stood up and slammed his palms on the table.
  His strength was so strong that veins stretched on his arms, shocking everyone in the class.
  "Gu...Gu classmate?"
  The teacher was also trembling with fright and asked tremblingly.
  "This has nothing to do with you, what are you apologizing for?"
  Gu Zerui ignored the teacher and shouted at Shen Yuxi in a rough voice.
  Shen Yuxi was startled, and the tears that had been held back in her eyes were so frightened that they slipped down her cheeks.
  Gu Zerui's anger disappeared instantly.
  Like a deflated balloon.
  He did not dare to look into Shen Yuxi's eyes anymore, for fear that he would do something to damage his image.
  "Anyway... Anyway, I was the one who just spoke. If you want to get out, it's me who should get out." After
  saying these words, Gu Zerui pushed away the table, took his schoolbag and left.
  There was silence in the classroom.
  The teacher was humiliated by Gu Zerui in front of so many people, and he wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide in. No student dared to speak out. They all looked at the test paper with their heads down tremblingly, for fear of being affected.
  Shen Yuxi was not affected at all. She stared at Gu Zerui's table in a daze.
  But there was another person who had big mood swings.
  Gu Zerui not only talked to Shen Yuxi during the exam, but even gave up the exam to protect her!
  Why did the relationship between the two of them suddenly become so good?
  Zhou Qiutong's hand tightly held the pen in his palm, and his facial expression was sometimes confused and sometimes ferocious.
  "Qiu Tong, Qiu Tong, what's wrong with you?"
  "Your pen! Your pen is broken!"
  Gu Zerui never came to school in the next few days.
  It wasn't until the results of the exam that day came out that Shen Yuxi saw him in the seat next to her.
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Ze Rui came very early today, as if he had never been so early before. Shen Yuxi saw that many people looked frightened when they saw Gu Zerui, and took out their watches to check the time repeatedly.
  Before Shen Yuxi came, Gu Zerui was still staring at her empty table with an uneasy expression.
  But when Shen Yuxi finally arrived, Gu Zerui looked at the sky and the earth again, but couldn't help but look at her.
  Seeing Gu Zerui's appearance without three hundred taels of silver, Zhou Qiutong's smile suddenly stiffened, and she subconsciously tightened her fingers around Shen Yuxi.
  "Xixi, are you really not related to Gu Zerui?"
  Zhou Qiutong asked again.
  Shen Yuxi sighed helplessly, broke Zhou Qiutong's hand and held it again: "How many times have you asked me this?
  " There is no other relationship except that."
  "Besides, Qiutong, you have asked me so many times..." Shen Yuxi bit her lip, leaned into Zhou Qiutong's ear and asked softly, " You don't like Gu Zerui, do you?"
  "How is that possible?"
  Zhou Qiutong blushed instantly and waved his hands to explain: "I'm just curious and want to ask. After all, we are friends."
  Seeing Shen Yuxi's expression that seemed to be disbelief, Zhou Qiutong gritted his teeth again: "Besides, how could I, how could I like a gangster like him who doesn't respect teachers and doesn't come to school..."
  Zhou Qiutong was mid-sentence when he felt a gust of wind behind him.
  She had a bad premonition and quickly looked towards the corridor, only to see Gu Zerui's leaving figure in time.
  "You did it on purpose?!"
  Zhou Qiutong was surprised and regretful at the same time. It was even more unbelievable that Shen Yuxi would use such methods.
  When did she become so scheming?
  "What are you talking about..." Shen Yuxi was confused and opened her eyes wide, full of doubts. "What's intentional?"
  Zhou Qiutong stared straight at Shen Yuxi, trying to judge from her eyes and Her flaw can be seen in her expression.
  After a long while, she shook her head in frustration and told Shen Yuxi that she had misunderstood.
  Even if Shen Yuxi did it on purpose, she couldn't have known that Gu Zerui would leave the classroom at this time, nor did she know that she would say such things. It
  was because she was so angry that she became angry.
  Moreover, Zhou Qiutong had been with Shen Yuxi for so many years, and he knew her best and knew that there was no way she would do such a thing intentionally.
  Shen Yuxi's emotional intelligence is so low that ordinary people can hardly imagine it.She doesn't even understand the intrigues between ordinary people, and she can see through it at a glance.
  It is the easiest and most tiring to get along with this kind of person.
  But Zhou Qiutong is used to it.
  And he couldn't do without her at this time.
  "I have no money recently, please lend me some first." Zhou Qiutong extended his hand to Shen Yuxi.
  Shen Yuxi took out her wallet from her bag as a habit, and when she was about to take money from it, she suddenly started to hesitate.
  "Qiutong, you haven't paid me back the money I borrowed from you before..."
  Zhou Qiutong's eyes instantly widened when he saw the thick stack in Shen Yuxi's wallet.
  She grabbed the wallet from Shen Yuxi's hand without any psychological burden, and took away most of the items in the wallet without counting, leaving only a few for Shen Yuxi.
  "You are so rich now. You have food and drink every day. Is it okay to lend me a little more?" "
  I will pay you back after a while."
  "But, but..." Shen Yuxi bit her lower lip. , looking embarrassed.
  Zhou Qiutong was in a good mood after receiving the money, so he patiently coaxed her: "You know I am still in the orphanage." "
  Although the orphanage provides accommodation, it does not provide food or clothing, but now I need money for food and clothing. " I
  used to have you work, but now you are no longer here."
  "I have to maintain my grades and can't work part-time. You lend me your money now, and I will definitely pay you back when I get into a good university and find a good job."
  In the past . The reason why the client's grades are poor is because all his free time after school is devoted to part-time work.
  She has to provide food and clothing for two people by herself. She works in a convenience store until midnight. It's strange that she doesn't feel sleepy when she goes to school during the day.
  Kunlun Jing, who was listening in Shen Yuxi's mind, was so angry at Zhou Qiutong's natural behavior. Isn't this a blood-sucking insect? !
  But as the person involved, Shen Yuxi didn't even change the curvature of her mouth. She even nodded, seeming to agree very much.
  "I'm sorry Qiutong, I didn't think about you."
  "Today is Friday, school will be out early in the afternoon. Why don't you accompany me to buy clothes? My eldest brother gave me a lot of cards, but I don't dare to go alone..."
  See Although Zhou Qiutong felt impatient, he still agreed to his request, and Shen Yuxi's eyebrows became gentler.
  Kunlun Mirror seemed to see a fox tail wagging proudly behind her.
  The author has something to say: The heroine is a bitch, and she also likes to pretend to be a white lotus, so you have to be mentally prepared.
  Thank you Treya for the three mines!

Chapter 5
  Not long after Shen Yuxi sat back at the table, Gu Zerui came back from outside with a cold face.
  He leaned back in his chair and played with his mobile phone. Although his eyes were fixed on the screen of the mobile phone, his ears were always paying attention to the movements around him.
  As soon as Shen Yuxi said two words, Gu Zerui immediately turned to look at her.
  Seeing Shen Yuxi's slightly surprised expression, he immediately realized that his attitude was too eager.
  So he coughed in a disguised manner and said in a deliberately calm tone: "What can I do for you?"
  "I want to say..."
  Seeing Gu Zerui's performance, Shen Yuxi had a bit of a smile in her eyes, His tone became softer and softer.
  "Thank you for the last exam."
  "Thank you for speaking for me."
  The beauty smiled, her eyes sparkling, charming. ① This ① work ① is provided by ① Si ① Rabbit ① Net ① ① Online ① ① Read ① Read ①
  Gu Zerui didn’t know why, but he felt as if his cheeks were burning, and it was so hot.
  He didn't dare to look directly into Shen Yuxi's smiling eyes anymore. He looked away and stammered, "I just can't stand it. Don't get me wrong."
  "Well, no."
  Shen Yuxi nodded with a smile. , when he saw the teacher entering the classroom, he sat up straight and looked at the podium.
  Gu Zerui didn't care about this at first, but he remembered what happened last time and made a show of it. But even though he was looking ahead, his eyes were wandering, and he glanced at the person beside him from time to time.
  It turns out that the girl's eyelashes are so long...
  her nose is so small...and her
  skin is so white...
  Gu Zerui seemed to have discovered a new world, hiding all his new discoveries deep in his heart.
  This class was the class teacher's class. He stood on the podium for a few minutes before mentioning the results of the last school mock test.
  "Everyone's performance this time was not good, and many people have regressed. But I still want to praise one classmate."
  The head teacher's expression was serious, and he relaxed a little when he said this: "Classmate Shen Yuxi."
  "The last time she took the mock test, she ranked over 500th in the grade. But this
  time, she ranked 300th!" "In one month, she has advanced by more than 200 places!"
  "Especially Chinese and English, both have the highest scores in the class! However, the science scores are not yet passing, which is holding me back." "
  You have improved so quickly in such a short period of time, which shows that you have a high learning talent. Keep working hard, you are very promising."
  This was the first time Shen Yuxi was praised by the teacher in front of so many people in the class. There was a light blush on her cheeks and a shy smile.
  The most beautiful thing is a shy girl.
  Zhou Qiutong's deskmate couldn't help but poke her arm gently with the pen cap, and asked curiously: "I remember you seem to have a good relationship with Shen Yuxi, right?"
  "What's wrong?" Zhou Qiutong's hand subconsciously asked Cover it on your own achievements.
  During the last exam, she was completely distracted by Gu Zerui, and she couldn't even concentrate on the test paper after he left.
  As a result, after the results came out, Zhou Qiutong found that his ranking suddenly dropped to the 50th in his grade.
  Zhou Qiutong didn't dare to look into the class teacher's eyes. She was afraid of seeing the disappointment in the teacher's eyes.
  "Don't you have a good relationship with her? Help me ask her how she is reviewing so fast." "
  According to the speed of her progress, there is still a lot of time before the college entrance examination. Work hard and pass the entrance examination is not a dream! "
  "How is that possible!" Zhou Qiutong clenched the test paper with her hands and subconsciously denied it.
  "Her grades were so bad originally. It would be easy for you to improve from 100 to 300. After all, the base is low and you only need to rely on rote memorization. But how many months will it take to improve from 100 to 600?"
  "Absolutely impossible!"
  "Which of us didn't study hard for three years to achieve this score? She can't just study for a month and achieve it?"
  Seeing Zhou Qiutong getting more and more excited, her deskmate quickly said to comfort: "I Just talking casually, don't get excited."
  "Maybe someone has a high talent, so we can just take care of ourselves."
  "What is a high talent..."
  Before the high talent, only 500 people were admitted?
  That’s a score you can’t even get into a bachelor’s degree!
  Maybe it was cheating...
  Zhou Qiutong suddenly remembered the noise Gu Zerui made during the last exam. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that he felt it was possible.
  Gu Zerui's grades were so good, it was not impossible to tell Shen Yuxi a few correct answers.
  No wonder, it turned out to be cheating.
  Zhou Qiutong's heart relaxed instantly, and there was a bit of disdain in his eyes.
  Zhou Qiutong originally wanted to talk to Shen Yuxi about this matter after school.
  But when she got into the car to pick up Shen Yuxi, she completely forgot about her previous plans.
  It's not like Zhou Qiutong has never made a car before, but this is her first time riding in such a high-end car. Leather seats, exquisite and compact refrigerators, clear LCD screens...
  She didn't even expect that Shen Yuxi would have a dedicated driver to pick him up and drop him off.
  Sitting in such a car, Zhou Qiutong didn't dare to speak loudly, nor did he dare to look left and right like a country bumpkin, for fear that his behavior would be seen by the driver and make him laugh secretly in his heart.
  She once again clearly realized how wealthy Shen Yuxi's family was now, and she was even more envious.
  It wasn't until Zhou Qiutong got out of the car that he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.
  It was only then that Zhou Qiutong discovered that the destination of their trip was not the places they often visited before.
  The two of them had little money before, and most of the clothes they wore were bought from cheap wholesale department stores. A piece of clothing only costs a dozen or twenty yuan, and a piece of clothing from ZARA or HM can make Zhou Qiutong happy for a long time.
  What she didn't expect was that Shen Yuxi would take her to the famous luxury street this time.
  This was a place she had never been before.
  Clothes here can't be bought simply by saving up a few days' worth of living expenses.
  Here, prices in the thousands and tens of thousands can be seen everywhere.
  Spending so much money on a set of clothes was something she couldn't even imagine.
  Zhou Qiutong also imagined that when he graduates from college, finds a job and makes money, he must come here to buy something for himself.
  But that was in the future. I really don’t know what Shen Yuxi is bringing her here for now. Does she want to show off that she is rich now?
  Zhou Qiutong looked at Shen Yuxi with a bit of dissatisfaction.
  Shen Yuxi didn't seem to notice the emotional changes in Zhou Qiutong's eyes. She took Zhou Qiutong's hand and walked straight to one of the stores.
  Originally, the other shopping guide girls in the store didn't pay much attention when they saw two students wearing uniforms from a high school. They just thought they were coming in to hang out.
  But one of the sharp-eyed shopping guides noticed that Shen Yuxi was dressed simply. But the schoolbag in her hand is a limited-edition Gucci product from next door, and the shoes on her feet are also the latest model from next door.
  This looks like a big fish.
  She immediately walked over from the counter, with a warm smile on her face, and faced Shen Yuxi kindly.
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He said hello without even looking at Zhou Qiutong beside him.
  Zhou Qiutong felt even more uncomfortable after being treated coldly by the shopping guide lady, and his dissatisfaction with Shen Yuxi gradually deepened.
  But what she didn't expect was that after saying a few words to the shopping guide, Shen Yuxi pulled herself in front of her.
  "This is my friend. She wants to buy clothes today."
  Zhou Qiutong was stunned after hearing Shen Yuxi's words, and the smile on his face was a little stiff.
  "Xixi, what are you talking about? I don't have that much money to buy clothes here."
  "Qiu Tong, you are too outspoken."
  Shen Yuxi opened her eyes wide and looked at her not very happily: "Qiu Tong, don't you think of me as a good friend anymore? How could I let you spend your own money when I brought you here?" "
  To thank you for taking care of me in the past, all the things you bought today will count . It's on my account."
  Zhou Qiutong himself didn't expect that Shen Yuxi would say such a thing.
  But instead of feeling grateful for this in her heart, after being a little surprised, Zhou Qiutong felt that this was natural.
  Yes, after all, Shen Yuxi's family is so rich now, she has drivers to take her in and out, and she rides in such a high-end car, so buying a few clothes is not a big deal to her.
  Moreover, he had taken good care of her in the past. Wasn't it just to thank him that she bought him some clothes? And how could she refuse Shen Yuxi's kindness?
  Zhou Qiutong thought so and accepted it completely without any psychological burden.
  Shen Yuxi had already selected some clothes that suited her temperament and handed them to her.
  Needless to say, Shen Yuxi's eyesight was obvious. Zhou Qiutong changed one outfit after another in the dressing room, and she couldn't put it down every one of them.
  But in the end she chose the one with the most expensive price tag.
  Later, when checking out, Shen Yuxi took out the black card from her bag, and even asked the shopping guide to ask for her phone number, saying that she would recommend new models to her when the store had them.
  Shen Yuxi smiled and agreed, but the number left behind was Zhou Qiutong's mobile phone number.
  In addition to clothes, Shen Yuxi also took Zhou Qiutong to buy shoes, bags and some exquisite jewelry.
  It was the first time for Zhou Qiutong to wear such expensive clothes. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt like she had become another person.
  No longer the ugly duckling in the orphanage, but the princess in those castles.
  Now I stand next to Shen Yuxi in school uniform, and I can see them equally, each with his or her own characteristics.
  This time when he walked into the next store, the clerks were not just surrounding Shen Yuxi. Instead, they all hugged Zhou Qiutong and kept making introductions.
  It was also the first time that Zhou Qiutong was treated by everyone. It was like a beautiful dream, and she didn't want to wake up from the dream at all.
  It's just that the good time is always particularly short, and everything that happened today came to an abrupt end when Shen Yuxi answered the phone.
  "Sorry, Qiutong."
  Shen Yuxi explained to Zhou Qiutong apologetically.
  "Grandpa called me to go home for dinner. I have to leave first. Let's see you at school next week. Have a nice weekend!"
  Looking at Shen Yuxi's leaving figure, Zhou Qiutong looked at the cowhide bag in his hand and the shoes on his feet. Glass slipper. She felt like Cinderella in Cinderella, who would be knocked back to her original shape once twelve o'clock passed.
  You can get out of this situation only by keeping things firmly in your own hands, without relying on others.
  Zhou Qiutong's desire to become the upper class was so strong for the first time.
  As soon as he got in the car, the Kunlun mirror in his mind kept chattering, which gave Shen Yuxi a headache.
  "If you keep arguing, I will throw you away."
  Shen Yuxi said softly, but Kunlun Jing trembled.
  The Kunlun Mirror has seen so much of Shen Yuxi's little white rabbit these days that it almost forgot that the man in front of it was a famous demon in the God Realm.
  It immediately stopped and didn't dare to speak anymore, but the curiosity in its heart was like a kitten scratching and scratching.
  "You want to know why I bought these luxuries for her?"
  Shen Yuxi whetted her appetite for the Kunlun Mirror in her mind after getting off the car.
  "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
  "I won't tell you."
  Shen Yuxi ignored Kunlun Jing's wailing and smiled evilly.
  It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.
  Zhou Qiutong was used to being able to obtain these unimaginable luxuries without paying any price.
  I have already enjoyed the treatment of being fawned over and fawned over.
  So what will she do once she no longer has the cash machine?
  Shen Yuxi said she was looking forward to it.
  The author has something to say: _(:з ∠)_Can you save it for me?
  Thank you again Treya for the mine!

Chapter 6
  Shen Duo was leaning at the door of Shen's house, with a cigarette in his mouth.
  He used the dim nightlight on the wall at the door, took out his lighter, lit the cigarette, and slowly blew out a white mist-like smoke ring.
  Since there was one more person in the house, Shen Duo has never smoked in the house.
  As the ash falls, the cigarette body becomes shorter and shorter until it goes out.
  Shen Duo opened the door and unexpectedly found that a small lamp was still on in the living room.
  He calmed down, took off his coat, put it on his arms and walked over.
  There was a little person lying on the large sofa.
  Shen Duo glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already a quarter past two in the morning.
  Why don't you take care of yourself so much that you can just sleep on the sofa and not be afraid of getting sick?
  Shen Duo sighed helplessly, but there was a doting look on his face that he was not even aware of.
  He leaned down, opened his arms to support Shen Yuxi's body from underneath, and picked her up.
  Shen Duo originally thought that Shen Yuxi was a person who was about to become an adult after all, so he would have some weight, so he used some strength. ╩This ╩work╩ is written by ╩Si╩Rabbit╩Online╩Read╩Read╩Netizen╩Organize╩╩Upload╩Upload╩But
  when he really held Shen Yuxi in his arms, he Only then can I truly feel it. He only knew that Shen Yuxi was thin, but he didn't expect that Shen Yuxi could be so light.
  Shen Duo thought that the reason why Shen Yuxi was so young was because he had suffered a lot in the orphanage, and he felt a little pity in his heart.
  With a petite body, slender limbs, and fair and almost transparent skin, Shen Duo could see the cyan blood vessels.
  With such close contact, he could still smell a faint fragrance. It wasn't the smell of perfume, but rather the scent of the little man in his arms, which was intoxicating.
  The person in his arms let out a low voice, which woke Shen Duo up instantly.
  Only then did he realize that he had just been looking at her so fascinated.
  Shen Duo quickly adjusted his emotions and gently placed Shen Yuxi on the sofa beside him.
  Shen Yuxi opened her eyes drowsily and found Shen Duo standing in front of her. She gently rubbed her eyes, which were still a bit tired.
  "Brother, why are you back so late... I waited for you until you fell asleep."
  She supported the sofa with her hands and stuffed her feet into the slippers beside her.
  Shen Yuxi's feet were small and delicate, and her toes were as cute and cute as her own. Shen Duo's eyes gradually deepened following her movements.
  "Well, we have a social event tonight. Are you waiting for me to come back? What's wrong?"
  Shen Duo's voice was slightly hoarse and low.
  Shen Yuxi didn't notice Shen Duo's deep gaze. She was still a little confused after just waking up. His eyes were blurred, and there was also a trace of laziness and charm媚 that he didn't usually have.
  "Grandpa said that you have a lot of social activities and drink a lot of wine, which will make you have a stomachache when you come home. Brother, you also like to smoke, which is not good for your health."
  Shen Yuxi had already smelled the smell of cigarette smoke on Shen Duo, and she frowned Her nose, with such an inelegant movement, looked very childish and playful on her body.
  "So I cooked stomach-nourishing porridge for my eldest brother. I wanted to wait for you to come back and tell me, but I fell asleep while waiting." "
  The porridge has been heating on the thermostat. The temperature should be just right when I stand. Do you want to eat?"
  Seeing the anticipation and anxiety deep in Shen Yuxi's eyes, Shen Duo held back the rejection he was about to say.
  Although he wasn't hungry at all, it didn't matter if he had a bowl.
  After all, it was his sister's wish.
  Seeing Shen Duo nodding, the surprise in Shen Yuxi's smile lit up her whole face.
  She took Shen Duo's hand and led him to the dining room and asked him to sit down. She then brought the bowl from the warmer in the kitchen, and she sat down opposite Shen Duo.
  Shen Duo is someone who has tasted Shen Yuxi's craftsmanship, so he naturally trusts the taste of her works. It's just that he did drink a lot today, and his stomach was a little bloated.
  Under such circumstances, he would find it difficult to swallow no matter how delicious the food was.
  However, when he swallowed the porridge from the spoon, he unexpectedly found that he did not feel uncomfortable. The warm and soft porridge warmed his entire stomach, and those uncomfortable symptoms disappeared little by little with the entrance of the porridge. .
  "I know that brother drank a lot before, and he definitely doesn't want to eat now. But this is the medicinal diet I specially prepared. Brother will definitely feel better after eating it."
  Shen Yuxi put her hands on the table to support her chin, her eyelashes fluttering, His small lips were slightly pursed, his eyes were blurred, and he looked very sleepy.
  Shen Duo knew that she was well-behaved and sensible, had no nightlife, and always went to bed early.
  She was holding on until now just to wait for herself...
  Shen Duo suddenly felt that the porridge in his mouth was so sweet that his heart trembled.
  Considering Shen Duo's condition, Shen Yuxi prepared not much porridge. He swallowed all the porridge left in the bowl in a few mouthfuls.
  Shen Duo stood up and put the empty bowl in the sink. When he returned to the restaurant, he stood next to Shen Yuxi. Before she could react, he picked her up.
  Shen Yuxi was still in a daze, about to fall asleep, but was frightened by Shen Duo's sudden movements and woke up instantly.
  If she hadn't been worried about her sleeping grandfather upstairs, she would have screamed.
  She felt her body was weightless and subconsciously put her hands on Shen Duo's neck to maintain her body's balance.
  The soft, boneless hands and the touch of delicate skin made Shen Duo's arms tighten even more.
  "Put me down quickly! Otherwise I'm going to tell grandpa!"
  Her soft voice pretended to be a threat, but it was just a stern look, making people laugh.
  With a smile on his face, Shen Duo walked up the stairs in a few steps and opened Shen Yuxi's door.
  What caught my eye was the room full of fans.
  The old man of the Shen family decorated this room himself. He thought that little girls would like pink.
  This was the first time Shen Duo entered Shen Yuxi's room. Seeing the color, he suddenly had a headache.
  After placing Shen Yuxi safely on the princess bed in the middle of the room, Shen Duo suddenly leaned down.
  Shen Yuxi tilted her head uncomfortably.
  The distance between the two was so close that they could feel each other's breathing. It reminded her of the contact that night, and her cheeks felt a little hot.
  "What, what's wrong?"
  "Would you like to change the decoration of the room?" It was getting late, but Shen Duo continued without deliberately teasing her, "You wouldn't like this color at your age, would you?"
  That was what he meant. .....
  Shen Yuxi breathed a small sigh of relief. She pursed her lips and shook her head gently: "No, thank you, brother. After all, this is also grandpa's intention. And this is better than what I used to do." The room is much better, I like it very much."
  Since Shen Yuxi said so, Shen Duo did not insist.
  He touched her forehead and said, "Go to bed early." He
  walked to the door and turned off the light. Shen Duo was about to close the door when he suddenly remembered something.
  Looking back, she saw Shen Yuxi's little face emerging from the quilt.
  "Are you free tomorrow?"
  "Ah..." Shen Yuxi was stunned and replied blankly, "You are free, the school doesn't make up classes, and I have nothing to do on weekends..." "
  Then You have a good night's sleep and I'll take you out tomorrow."
  Shen Duo didn't wait for Shen Yuxi's reply, said good night and closed the door.
  It was late at night, and the house was silent.
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Considering that Shen Duo was going to take her out today, Shen Yuxi specially wore a T-shirt and trousers that were easy to move around, and tied her long hair into a high ponytail.
  Even if it is a simple sports T-shirt, she still wears it with a natural beauty without any carvings.
  Shen Duo couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw Shen Yuxi like this.
  Shen Yuxi went downstairs and tilted her head when she saw Shen Duo looking at her with an unpredictable expression.
  Shen Duo sighed and couldn't help but reached out to mess up her hair.
  His sister is so pretty.
  It's just that it's a little too pretty.
  Not like the Shen family.
  The author has something to say : It doesn't look like it! The Shen family!

Chapter 7
  Gu Zerui crossed his legs and sat on the chair boredly, flipping through the magazines on the table.
  The women sitting at the next table were crowded together and chattering incessantly, which gave him a headache.
  This time Gu Zerui's mock test scores were all zeros. Although his parents didn't care much about his life, they attached great importance to Gu Zerui's results.
  Because Gu Zerui's parents didn't read much when they were young , and as they grew older, they increasingly experienced the bitter consequences of being uneducated, so I hope he doesn't have such regrets.
  So Gu Zerui's father punished him to take these guys around the city on weekends, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get pocket money this month.
  It seemed that some distant cousins ​​​​and cousins ​​​​were visiting the city. They were all unrelated relatives. Gu Zerui didn't know any of them anyway.
  Gu Zerui didn't like to accompany women, he found it annoying.
  Not to mention that each of these people was more talkative than the other, and I never heard them shut up during the whole journey.
  Gu Zerui suddenly thought of his deskmate.
  They are all girls, so why are there so many differences between them?
  Gu Zerui leaned back in his chair suddenly, covering his face with his hands, his expression a little broken.
  Why did he think of her again!
  What a hell.
  Ever since he saw Shen Yuxi smiling at him on Friday, Gu Zerui felt that something was wrong with him.
  I will think of her when I am eating, I will think of her when I am drinking, I will think of her when I am alone, and when I dream at night, my mind will be filled with her.
  After getting up in the morning, Gu Zerui could only stare at the mess under the quilt.
  Who is Gu Zerui? That was the eldest young master of the Gu family.
  Rich, powerful, and handsome.
  In order to take a shortcut to enter a wealthy family, there were many people around him with ulterior motives, both men and women.
  But no one knew that this young master of the Gu family, who looked like he had been through battle, was actually still a young boy.
  Gu Zerui didn't think there was any shame in being eighteen and inexperienced. He was just trying to keep himself clean.
  And even if he is a young boy, he is still a young boy with high vision.
  What kind of beauty has he never seen? How could someone capture him with just a smile?
  Gu Zerui was unwilling to accept this fact.
  Just when Gu Zerui was still secretly wrestling with his boyish worries, he seemed to hear the voice that haunted him again.
  Could it be that the symptoms have worsened and now they are hallucinating?
  "Brother, why did you bring me here...I, I can't ride a horse."
  The racecourse was close at hand. Turning her head slightly, Shen Yuxi could see three or five people riding horses inside. , that figure is heroic.
  Shen Yuxi was still a little girl after all. Even though she said so, there was still a bit of envy on her face.
  After all, she had been living in an orphanage before returning to the Shen family. She had never seen a real horse, let alone riding a horse.
  She was yearning and timid at the same time, her drooping fingers couldn't help twisting the corners of her clothes, and her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, making people feel pitiful and cute.
  Shen Duo saw all her little emotions.
  Still a little girl.
  He couldn't help but laugh, and he was worried that Shen Yuxi would lose face, so he tried his best to keep a straight face, but his voice was a little softer.
  "My friends and I made an appointment to have a get-together here. I was afraid that you would be bored at home alone, so I brought you over to get to know them." "It's okay if you do
  n't know how to do it. I'll teach you."
  "Really, really?"
  Shen Yu Xi's eyes lit up instantly, their eyes were so clear that they seemed to be twinkling with stars: "Won't you disturb eldest brother and friends?"
  Shen Duo was confused as he looked at it.
  "How come, you are my..."
  Just these last two words, looking into Shen Yuxi's eyes, Shen Duo didn't want to say them for some reason.
  Just at this moment, a voice broke in from the side, interrupting Shen Duo's thoughts.
  "Shen...Yu Xi?"
  The tone seemed casual, but at first glance, there was a trace of anxiety and joy hidden in it.
  Shen Duo looked over and found that he also knew this person.
  "Young Master Gu."
  With outsiders present, Shen Duo's mood calmed down and his smile was polite and distant.
  "...Mr. Shen."
  Only then did Gu Zerui notice that there was someone standing next to Shen Yuxi.
  The CEO of the Shen family, Shen Duo.
  They had met several times, but they were not familiar with each other. Also because Gu Zerui's father always praised him at home for being young and promising, and for being a typical child from other people's families, so Gu Zerui didn't take a liking to him.
  But how could Shen Yuxi be with him? Moreover, the two people behaved intimately and had an ambiguous atmosphere, making it difficult for outsiders to penetrate.
  Shen Yuxi didn't look like he could come into contact with people of Shen Duo's class.
  It's not that Gu Zerui looked down on her.
  It's just that Gu Zerui investigated Shen Yuxi's past after returning last time and knew that she was indeed his former deskmate.
  Moreover, she grew up in an orphanage, with a simple personality and simple interpersonal relationships. On weekdays, he was either in school or working. Gu Zerui couldn't think of any connection between the two. ωThis workω is provided by ωSiωRabbitω.com for online readingωAlthough
  both of them have the surname Shen, Gu Zerui did not think of them as siblings.
  After all, there were so many people with the same surname. Not only did their facial features have no similarity at all, but he had never heard of two children in the Shen family.
  Seeing Shen Yuxi's top-notch face again...
  Gu Zerui suddenly thought of a possibility.
  Is Shen Duo pursuing Shen Yuxi because he wants the old cow to eat young grass?
  Out of some subtle thought, Gu Zerui grabbed Shen Yuxi's wrist and pulled her to his side.
  "What are you doing..."
  Shen Yuxi was pulled over by him without paying attention. After she came to her senses, she quickly pulled out her wrist. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Gu Zerui warily.
  More like a rabbit when angry.
  Realizing what he was thinking, Gu Zerui looked away and coughed pretendingly: "Shen Yuxi...are you and Uncle Shen going out to play?"
  "Uncle Shen...?"
  Shen Duo repeated the title with a slight smile. Squint, look weird.
  "Young Master Gu is really good at joking."
  "Isn't it true?"
  Gu Zerui seemed not to notice the dangerous aura exuding from Shen Duo, and still responded carelessly.
  "Yes! I remember Uncle Shen is almost thirty this year, almost a round older than the two of us!" Gu Zerui also deliberately emphasized the thirty years.
  Shen Duo saw Gu Zerui's eyes drifting towards Shen Yuxi from time to time, and he understood where his inexplicable hostility came from.
  While he felt it was funny, he also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.
  The little girl is so pretty that people in school covet her.
  "You misunderstood..."
  Shen Yuxi saw that Gu Zerui was guarding against Shen Duo as much as he was guarding against thieves, and suddenly realized that he had misunderstood the relationship between the two of them. She was so embarrassed and annoyed that she didn't even dare to look at Shen Duo.
  Gu Zerui only thought that Shen Yuxi wanted to speak for Shen Duo. He was so excited that he spoke without thinking.
  "I also heard from my dad that Uncle Shen has some rumors about you and the little princess of Huawei Electronics. Is something good coming soon?" "
  If this is true, then I hope that Uncle Shen, you should pay attention to your behavior. ..."
  "Gu Zerui, classmate Gu!"
  Shen Yuxi seemed to be angry, and she spoke first before Shen Duo could explain. Her eyes were reddish, and her clear and agile eyes were covered with mist: "Please be careful what you say!"
  "I don't know what I did to cause you to have this misunderstanding, but I want to make it clear to you. "
  "He is my eldest brother, my real brother!"
  "I am very grateful to you for taking care of me in school, but what you just said is too much!"
  Wait, did he hear it wrong?
  Big brother?
  Seeing Shen Duo's expression that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Shen Yuxi's eyes were misty with tears.
  Gu Zerui slowly gave a flattering smile.
  Oops, I got into trouble.
  The author has something to say: Classmate Xiao Gu said the wrong thing_(:з」∠)_Chapter

  Because Shen Duo’s assistant suddenly called him and said that there was an important contract and some details needed to be revised, so he had an The impromptu video conference will be held immediately.
  Don't worry about the location of the meeting. The racecourse management has prepared a quiet room for Shen Duo, but Shen Duo is worried that Shen Yuxi will be scared if she stays here alone.
  So she had to temporarily entrust her to Gu Zerui. After all, she only knew them two here.
  Gu Zerui never thought that one day he would be willing to follow a girl and try to please her.
  But he has never seen anyone lose his temper like Shen Yuxi.
  No arguing, no fuss, no arguing, no arguing.
  She just walked forward slowly with her head lowered, unable to see the emotions on her face clearly.
  She would not ignore Gu Zerui when he talked to her.
  His voice was still gentle, and there was still a smile on his lips.
  But the tone was low, the smile was weak, and the breathtaking eyes were shrouded in a layer of mist, with some tears at the corners.
  He seemed very sad.
  But no matter how sad or distressed she was, she was unwilling to vent her negative emotions to others and just digested them by herself.
  Such a reaction was even more pitiful, and Gu Zerui felt even more guilty.
  He usually hated girls losing their temper, but at this time, he would rather Shen Yuxi get angry at him than sulking alone.
  "I'm sorry. I apologize for my previous words and deeds. I misunderstood the relationship between the two of you." "
  But believe me, I really didn't feel that you were being taken care of by your brother..."
  Gu Zerui thought of what he had said before. The thoughts also felt awkward, and I also found it a little difficult to express them.
  How could he come up with such a wild guess?
  "I thought my brother was an old cow eating young grass and wanted to pursue you..."
  Hearing this, Shen Yuxi burst into laughter.
  Seeing that Shen Yuxi was smiling, Gu Zerui breathed a sigh of relief, and his anxiety finally subsided a little: "I didn't know that the Shen family had lost a daughter before, so I didn't think about it as a brother and sister."
  "Misunderstanding. You and brother, I'm really sorry... I hope you can forgive me."
  "He is my brother."
  Shen Yuxi suddenly said these words, and Gu Zerui didn't understand her meaning for a moment.
  "So..." Shen Yuxi raised her head and looked into his eyes, "Why do you want to call him brother after me?"
  Shen Yuxi's eyes were crystal clear and seemed to be able to see through everything. Gu Zerui felt that deep in his heart She saw through every little thought.
  Gu Zerui suddenly didn't dare to look directly into her eyes, and he suddenly looked away.
  Shen Yuxi seemed to understand something, with a look of confusion in her eyes. She felt a little embarrassed, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.
  It was originally as pure as a white lotus
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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, the fair and almost transparent skin now reveals a light pink, like a rose in bud, delicate and charming.
  It was even more tempting than usual.
  Gu Zerui looked confused.
  How could someone be so good looking.
  Not a single flaw, every glance and smile is so touching.
  No one spoke.
  The atmosphere that was slightly awkward just now suddenly became ambiguous.
  Gu Zerui was fascinated by Shen Yuxi's shy look, and suddenly wanted to let the other party know all her thoughts.
  He was a little nervous and felt his mouth was dry, so he subconsciously stuck out his tongue lick to rub his dry lips.
  "Shen Yuxi...I..."
  "I..." I like you...
  Before he could finish the most important sentence, a female voice came out of nowhere and suddenly interrupted his words.
  "Gu Zerui, I've been looking for you for a long time. Why are you standing at the door of the women's locker room?"
  .. .
  Damn it.
  Gu Zerui looked at the visitor as if he wanted to kill someone.
  The visitor was Gu Zerui's distant cousin.
  As she got closer, she realized that there was a little girl standing in front of Gu Zerui. There was something wrong with the atmosphere between the two people.
  Gu Zerui's distant cousin laughed twice: "Am I disturbing you?"
  Gu Zerui glared at her and said angrily: "You came just in time."
  "This is my classmate. It's her first time at the racecourse. Familiar. If it's not convenient for me, please take her in to change her clothes."
  "Okay, okay, no problem."
  The little cousin knew that she was in the wrong because she had just disturbed Gu Zerui, so she agreed without saying a word, and pulled Shen Yuxi towards her with a smile. Go inside.
  "Oh, you're so beautiful!"
  "Thank you..."
  "Your skin is so good, you don't even have pores. How do you take care of it?"
  When Gu Zerui couldn't see their voices, he sighed quietly. tone.
  It doesn't matter if he was interrupted, he was really fooled by beauty just now and acted impulsively.
  We have only known each other for a few days, what if she thinks that she is a superficial person who only cares about appearance?
  Although, it seems, it seems, it's almost the same...
  Gu Zerui was so tired waiting at the door.
  He didn't know why it took so long to just go in and change into riding clothes. There were a lot of cigarette butts in the trash can next to him that he had just thrown away.
  When he had already taken out his cell phone and wanted to make a call to urge him in, he finally heard faint voices coming from the door.
  "Why did it take you so long to come out?"
  Gu Zerui frowned and complained to his little cousin. Then he looked behind her and found that no one was there. He looked a little nervous: "Where is she? Why didn't she come out? What happened?"
  The little cousin asked. He raised his eyebrows and said in a deliberately exaggerated tone: "Is she so nervous? Aren't you an ordinary classmate? I didn't know you cared so much about your classmates." "
  Stop fucking talking nonsense."
  Gu Zerui yelled at her impatiently, gritted his teeth and prepared to break in Go in.
  "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."
  The little cousin blocked Gu Zerui's path with a smile, turned around and shouted at the corner: "Little princess, your knights are anxious, come out quickly."
  After hearing her words, Gu Zerui's steps stagnated. The next second, he heard crisp footsteps coming from the corner.
  The first thing that appeared in Gu Zerui's sight was a pair of deerskin boots, tightly wrapped around the man's calves, slender and slender, with a hint of asceticism.
  Further up, pure white jodhpurs outline her long legs臀. The reddish-brown suit top is tight and tight, with a slender waist and a slim figure.
  Gu Zerui never thought that Shen Yuxi's figure hidden under the wide school uniform could be so good. He thought she was attracted to A...
  After all, her face was so tender.
  "How's it going? Is the dress I chose good?" The little cousin showed off proudly, "Oh, you don't know that I was so jealous when I saw it. The one with the thin waist actually has a waistcoat line!"
  Gu Zerui quickly covered her hands . He was holding her mouth, not wanting her to continue talking. Didn't you see that Shen Yuxi's face was already extremely red?
  Shen Yuxi tugged at the corner of her clothes and felt a little uncomfortable. This was the first time she wore this kind of clothes. She felt that the 胸 opening of the clothes was a bit tight... She
  saw Gu Zerui looking at her. Coming over, Shen Yuxi's delicate face and red lips were slightly opened.
  "Do you still look good?"
  "...There is no one better looking than you."
  Gu Zerui's voice was slightly hoarse.
  He saw the smile that suddenly bloomed on her face, and also heard his own heartbeat that was getting faster and louder.
  He knew he was finished.
  The author has something to say: I feel like my collection is frozen, and I have a frustrated look on my face. Are all the cuties just unable to read it?
  There will be an update tomorrow! It has been put in the manuscript box! Stand upright胸with pride\\^0^@)/

Chapter 9
  "You, you, you, you! What did you say you did to seduce him again!"
  Kunlun Mirror didn't even see these two people getting along. Picture, how did this woman change so quickly? !
  "What's wrong?"
  Shen Yuxi was in high spirits teasing Gu Zerui and didn't really want to talk to Kunlun Mirror.
  Her mind was full of bad thoughts, but the expression on her face became increasingly innocent and innocent.
  If a beginner wants to learn to ride a horse, he must have close contact with the instructor.
  Of course, Gu Zerui didn't want her to have close contact with other men, so he volunteered. ○ Thinking ○ Rabbit ○ Document ○ Sharing ○ and ○ Online ○ Reading ○
  But who knows that he is in pain and happy at the same time.
  Gu Zerui is a good teacher, but Shen Yuxi is not a good student.
  She didn't expect that Gu Zerui looked battle-hardened on the outside, but was so innocent on the inside.
  Shen Yuxi would often have "unconscious" skin-to-skin contact with Gu Zerui while learning to ride a horse. She liked to see him blushing and heartbeating because of her actions, and being restrained by his actions.
  It's so...cute.
  "What else did you say?" Kunlun Jing jumped angrily, "Didn't you say you wanted Shen Duo last time? Why did you seduce Gu Zerui again right away?" "
  You don't want Shen Duo?"
  "I didn't say that."
  " Then you still..."
  "Alas, domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers."
  Shen Yuxi's eyebrows were crooked and her tone was rather unkind.
  "You have to remember that the purpose of your coming to the small world is to fulfill the client's wish..."
  "Aren't I fulfilling it?" Shen Yuxi interrupted Kunlun Mirror before it finished speaking, with disgust in her words, "Can't you see Understand? You're so stupid."
  "I...I..." Kunlun Jing felt a little aggrieved.
  "You still don't admit it? Then let me ask you, if Gu Zerui likes me, who will be the most angry?"
  "...Zhou Qiutong."
  Kunlun Jing seemed to understand a little bit.
  "Building a good relationship with Gu Zerui will not only make Zhou Qiutong feel comfortable, but also help me live independently from the Shen family in the future. Why should I miss out on killing two birds with one stone?" "
  Oh, that's it!"
  Kunlun Jing suddenly realized, Looked at Shen Yuxi with admiring eyes.
  I didn’t expect that not only would she make the best use of everything, but she would also think so far ahead. She is indeed a famous demon in the God Realm!
  "Okay little idiot, now that you understand everything, can you shut up?"
  Satisfied that she felt the breath of Kunlun Mirror disappear in her mind, Shen Yuxi apologized softly to Gu Zerui who was standing aside.
  "Sorry, I was distracted and didn't hear clearly... Could you please say it again." "
  It's okay, I mean you are very smart and learn quickly. You can try it by yourself without me holding you. Take a ride."
  Gu Zerui didn't lie to make her happy, Shen Yuxi really learned quickly.
  Whatever he taught her, she could remember it after hearing it once and learn it after trying it once.
  Not to mention that Shen Yuxi seems to have a natural affinity for horses. No matter how fierce the horse is, it will become extremely docile when seeing her, which also makes the learning progress smoother.
  If it weren't for Shen Yuxi's little actions, Gu Zerui would be very satisfied with the two of them being alone together this time.
  But actually it was a sweet torture for him.
  Gu Zerui felt that every close contact with Shen Yuxi was testing his self-control.
  She always gets very close to herself while learning to ride a horse.
  The slight exhalation while speaking, the little touches between the fingers, the soft胸 soft crotch pressing tightly against his arm...
  all of this aroused Gu Zerui to the extreme.
  However, he only thought that this was his own problem, and it was all because he had designs on the person next to him, so every action of the other person had a stronger impact on him.
  "Can I really try riding a horse by myself now?"
  When Shen Yuxi first arrived at the racecourse, she saw someone galloping on a horse, with a heroic appearance and high spirits.
  She yearns for it, envies it, and fantasizes that she can be like them...
  But can she really do it? A stupid person like her...
  "Can I really do it..."
  Shen Yuxi spoke again and asked Gu Zerui cautiously.
  Her timidity, her hesitation, and her embarrassment did not make Gu Zerui feel impatient.
  He knew her past, growing up in that kind of environment, but still maintaining a pure heart. Although she is a little timid, she always tries hard and lives an optimistic and positive life, full of hope for life.
  Gu Zerui didn't know if he could be like Shen Yuxi if he grew up in an orphanage and experienced the warmth and coldness of the world since childhood.
  That's why he felt even more distressed and pitiful.
  Gu Zerui comforted him more and more patiently, and Shen Yuxi gradually became more confident.
  Seeing that she had adjusted herself, Gu Zerui stepped back to the front to stabilize the horse. He hoped that Shen Yuxi could ride the horse with his own strength but also took safety measures.
  Although he specially selected a very docile mare, he did not rule out the possibility of an accident and he could not relax.
  Shen Yuxi looked at the horse and took a deep breath. She held the saddle, stepped on the stirrups, turned over hard and sat on the horse.
  "Not bad!"
  Gu Zerui's eyes flashed with surprise. He still remembered that Shen Yuxi was a little clumsy when she first mounted the horse, but now her movements were very smooth.
  Amazing learning ability.
  Hearing Gu Zerui's compliment, Shen Yuxi pursed her lips and smiled shyly.
  At the beginning, Gu Zerui took the horse and led Shen Yuxi for a while, and then gradually let go.
  At the beginning, Shen Yuxi was so nervous that she only dared to hold the reins and let the horse walk slowly.
  After a while, she gradually gained more confidence and controlled the horse to accelerate with her legs together.
  The speed increased and the horse began to jolt violently. Shen Yuxi's figure became unstable. She swayed greatly from side to side and almost fell down several times.
  Gu Zerui, who was watching from the side, was frightened and wanted to run over to help her immediately.
  However, his attempt was stopped before it even started.
  Gu Zerui looked at the person coming, a little surprised: "Shen...brother."
  Shen Duo noticed the change in Gu Zerui's name for him, he raised his eyebrows and gave him a meaningful look.
  "Let her do it by herself."
  Gu Zerui looked at Shen Yuxi's figure worriedly.
  "She can do it, you have to believe her."
  Soon after, Gu Zerui realized that Shen Duo was right, Shen Yuxi's talent was really good.
  After running two laps, she was able to actively adjust her sitting posture, follow the ups and downs of the horse's running, and no longer sway arbitrarily.
  The horse's running speed is getting faster and faster, her figure is becoming lighter and lighter, and her movements have her own unique charm.
  Many people stopped
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Ma, his eyes couldn't help but focus on her.
  Even riding a horse can bring out the beauty, which is unique.
  Shen Duo's frowning eyebrows gradually smoothed out, and his clenched fists relaxed at some point.
  When Shen Yuxi approached the two of them, she slowed down and waved happily to them, a smile blooming on her face bit by bit.
  She was so dazzling in the sun that even her hair seemed to be glowing.
  Looking back, I smile a lot. The pink and white in the Sixth Palace are colorless, and that's just the way it is.
  Shen Duo was in a trance for a moment.
  This smile not only burned his eyes, but also illuminated the dark thoughts in his heart.
  The smile in Shen Yuxi's eyes deepened, she jumped off the horse and trotted towards the two of them.
  Before either of them could react, Shen Yuxi had already thrown herself into his arms.
  She hugged his neck tightly with both hands, her trembling body, accelerated heartbeat, and hot breath all expressed her excitement.
  "Brother, I did it!"
  After a long time, he responded.
  "You are great, I'm proud of you."
  Shen Duo's stiff body gradually relaxed and took her into his arms, his hand gently caressing the top of her head to calm her mood.
  He gently placed a kiss on her forehead.
  Be solemn and cherish.
  The author has something to say: There are three updates today! Two chapters with normal word count! A short chapter, Xiaojun!
  I posted it first in the morning, but there is no update tonight.

Chapter 10
  Zhou Qiutong is walking on the way back from school.
  "Zhou... Qiutong?"
  Hearing someone calling his name from behind, Zhou Qiutong turned around and saw a girl wearing another high school uniform who looked quite familiar.
  When she discovered that Zhou Qiutong had responded to her cry, the hesitation on the girl's face disappeared and she looked surprised.
  "I didn't expect it was really you. You've changed so much. I almost didn't recognize you when I first saw you. I'm sorry to tell you that you were afraid of mistaking the person." " ...
  Who are you ?"
  Zhou Qiutong looked at her carefully. I thought she looked familiar, as if I had seen her somewhere, but I couldn't remember her.
  "I am your classmate in junior high school, Zhang Qian, have you forgotten?"
  Junior high school...classmate...Zhang Qian...
  Zhou Qiutong thought he remembered it, but he was not very happy about this meeting.
  Because the relationship between me and the junior high school classmate in front of me was not very good before.
  In other words, she didn't have any good relationships with her junior high school classmates.
  Zhou Qiutong used to attend primary school in an orphanage. It was not until junior high school that he went to a regular school because of his good grades in the high school entrance examination. Shen Yuxi went to another school because of poor grades.
  It was only when he was in junior high school and left the orphanage environment that Zhou Qiutong realized the difference between himself and others.
  The patched clothes on her body, the shoes on her feet that were replaced by the sisters in the orphanage, her hair that was slightly greasy due to lack of hot water in winter...
  all of this made Zhou Qiutong an outlier in the class.
  Later, because she had good grades and would please the teacher, she was ostracized by a group of female classmates led by Zhang Qian.
  Zhang Qian's family is rich and she has a good personality. Many girls are willing to be friends with her, so naturally she does whatever she says.
  The exclusion among the little girls is nothing more than not being friends with her, secretly hiding her homework, and shutting her in when she goes to the toilet.
  It seems like a trivial matter now, but it had a big impact on Zhou Qiutong at the time.
  She began to care about her appearance and how she dressed, and saved up her and Shen Yuxi's living expenses to buy clothes for herself. Even if you don’t have new clothes to wear, you should keep yourself tidy every day.
  She also began to learn to be cheerful, enthusiastic, and chat with her classmates.
  By the third year of junior high school, she had become the person with the best interpersonal relationships in the class, and even Zhang Qian became her so-called best friend.
  However, Zhou Qiutong has never regarded them as friends. She still clearly remembers what they did to her when she first started in junior high school.
  Once she reached high school, she never contacted her classmates in junior high school.
  I didn't expect to meet him on the road by such a coincidence today.
  A bit unlucky.
  Although she thought so in her heart, Zhou Qiutong did not show it. She raised the corners of her lips and said hello to Zhang Qian.
  "It's such a coincidence that we met. How are you doing recently?"
  "It's not the same as before."
  Zhang Qian waved her hand casually, and looked up and down at Zhou Qiutong again. She was too far away to see clearly, but it wasn't until she got closer that she noticed something strange about Zhou Qiutong.
  Zhou Qiutong's outfit is...
  shockingly expensive.
  Zhang Qian had seen this exact skirt in the store last time. It was the latest model this season and the only one in the city.
  Zhang Qian wanted it, but after looking at the price, she could only put it down.
  Twenty-nine thousand.
  Even if her family had money, they would not buy her such expensive clothes casually.
  Not to mention the bag on her hand, the shoes on her feet, and even the simple necklace around her neck, Zhang Qian couldn't afford it.
  Moreover, the tailoring is exquisite and the fabrics are luxurious. This is definitely not the A product.
  How could she get so much money as a student?
  Zhang Qian felt strange and asked.
  Zhou Qiutong wanted to say it was a gift from a friend, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly hesitated.
  The hundreds of thousands of things were said to be gifts from friends. Even if this was true, not many people would believe it, right? ⌒思⌒Rabbit⌒Documents⌒Share⌒and⌒Online⌒Read⌒Read⌒If
  she thinks that she is deliberately lying to her, if she goes back and talks nonsense to others, saying that she is being kept... ...
  Then you’re finished!
  Zhou Qiutong looked at Zhang Qian and thought that there was a ready excuse beside him.
  "Actually... it was actually my family who found me." Zhou Qiutong directly blamed Shen Yuxi's incident on himself, "My family bought me these things to compensate me." "
  These are very Is it expensive? I don't even know the price..."
  "It's very expensive!"
  Zhang Qian nodded straightforwardly: "I can't afford all the things you have!"
  "But I'm relieved that you are living so well now. ....." Her tone suddenly became a little guilty, "Actually, I have always regretted what I did to you before. I wanted to make up for it, so I hoped to be friends with you when I was in the third grade of junior high school. "
  But you changed your mobile phone number when you entered high school, and you didn't want to see me again when you went to the orphanage. I know it's useless to say sorry now. It's okay if you don't forgive me. After all, the consequences are irreversible."
  " Fortunately, you have found your family, and your family cares about you so much. You will definitely live a happy life in the future."
  "...Really? Thank you."
  Zhou Qiutong's smile was a little forced.
  If all this is hers, then she will indeed be happy when facing Zhang Qian's blessing.
  Unfortunately not.
  So what Zhang Qian said seemed more like mocking her in Zhou Qiutong's eyes.
  "Let's do this!" Zhang Qian seemed to have thought of something. She suddenly clapped her hands and looked at Zhou Qiutong with bright eyes, "I just have something to do this weekend. I'm going to invite our former classmates to get together, just to celebrate your new girlfriend. Is it okay to celebrate life?"
  "...Isn't this not good? I have to review on the weekend..."
  Although Zhou Qiutong hesitated, there was something moving in his heart.
  She also wanted those people to see that she was living a good life now, better than all of them.
  Even if it only looks good on the surface, just think of it as a psychological comfort to yourself.
  "There's nothing wrong with that! I know you have good grades, but even if you are a senior in high school, you still have to relax and balance work and rest!"
  "Okay then..."
  Seeing that Zhou Qiutong himself agreed, Zhang Qian was afraid that She regretted it, asked for her mobile phone number and turned around to leave: "I will contact all the classmates. As long as you have time, I will call you tomorrow!"
  "See you there or not!"
  Looking at Zhang Qian's leaving back, Zhou Qiutong's expression returned to indifference.
  She raised a sarcastic smile: "See you...see you."
  Zhang Qian called Zhou Qiutong early the next morning and asked her to arrive at a KTV in the city center on time that night.
  Young people's gatherings with friends are not like middle-aged people who like to have dinner in hotels. Instead, they prefer to go to places where they can relax.
  Zhou Qiutong had also been to KTV with her classmates before, but at that time she didn't really like going to such places.
  A bottle of water costs more than a dozen, and a fruit plate costs several hundred. Even if it was just AA, Zhou Qiutong's heart was bleeding when he paid.
  Sometimes friends are concerned about her family background and will reduce her expenses.
  But this so-called considerate behavior made Zhou Qiutong even more unbearable.
  She doesn't like others looking at her with that kind of pity and sympathy, and she doesn't need to be treated as a different person.
  How did Zhou Qiutong's classmates know that their well-intentioned desire to take care of her was actually regarded as pity for her...
  Zhou Qiutong stuffed all the money he took from Shen Yuxi into his wallet, and even put makeup on his face before going out. Light makeup, radiant.
  The exquisite dress was very effective, and Zhou Qiutong's appearance at the door of the KTV really shocked her former junior high school classmates.
  Before they came, they heard Zhang Qian say that the current Zhou Qiutong would surprise them. Before they came, they also speculated about Zhou Qiutong's changes, but they didn't expect that Zhou Qiutong had changed so much.
  After three years of not seeing each other, Zhou Qiutong's facial features, which were only slightly delicate in junior high school, have fully grown.
  Although she is not as good as Shen Yuxi, Zhou Qiutong and the handsome Shen Duo are siblings, so their looks are naturally not much different.
  Among this group of girls, she is already outstanding in appearance, tall and slender.
  Not to mention that she wore exquisite makeup and beautiful clothes today. At a glance, the most eye-catching person in the crowd must be her.
  When many male classmates saw Zhou Qiutong, their eyes instantly lit up and they swarmed around her to chat.
  Seeing this scene, many girls curled their lips. One of the girls felt unhappy when she saw that the boy she liked was also around Zhou Qiutong, and the words she said didn't sound so nice.
  "It's just three years since I last saw her, not thirty years... She seems to have won the lottery. I saw that bag in the store last time. How much do you think it cost?" "How much?"
  Six figures. " !"
  "My God, where did she get so much money? She couldn't have been kept, right..."
  "What are you talking about!" As soon as Zhang Qian came, she heard a few of them talking bad about others behind their backs and stared. They glanced at each other and said, "I called you here to apologize to her, not to slander her here!"
  "Aren't we weird too..." The girl laughed awkwardly, fearing that Zhang Qian would immediately get into trouble, so she quickly explained, "Everyone is curious."
  "Then let me tell you once, don't spread the word." "
  Zhou Qiutong was lost when she was a child, and now her parents have found her. The family has money, so buying these is nothing."
  "Wow -"
  No The young man sighed with envy.
  "So pay attention to what you are saying!"
  After Zhang Qian ordered her, she took Zhou Qiutong's hand and walked upstairs to the KTV.
  Because there were so many of them, she called and booked the largest private room here.
  The price of private rooms is not cheap, and there is a minimum consumption limit.
  But fortunately, it can be done in AA mode, so there won’t be too many people per person.
  Zhang Qian was about to collect the money while everyone was around, but was suddenly stopped by Zhou Qiutong.
  "Since everyone is here for me, let me treat you today."
  Zhou Qiutong was satisfied when he saw the people in the private room cheering.
  But Zhang Qian was a little hesitant and pulled Zhou Qiutong's clothes close to her ear to whisper a reminder.
  "Qiutong, isn't this the case?
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That's great, right? When these beasts hear that someone is treating you, and they see that you are not short of money, they will definitely not show mercy when ordering something.
  "The prices here are not cheap. Have you brought enough money?" " "
  Zhou Qiutong went back and counted the money she took from Shen Yuxi last time. It was a full 20,000 yuan. She put all the money in her wallet before going out.
  This much money must be enough to buy today's order.
  Zhang Qian Zhou saw Qiutong disapproving With an expression on her face, she said no more and took her to order a song.
  Someone paid the bill, so there was no need to worry about the price. The students played more and more unscrupulously. It wasn' t
  until almost early in the morning that they were ready to break up and go home.
  As soon as Zhou Qiutong got the waiter She was stunned when the bill was handed over.
  How could it be so expensive?!

Chapter 11
  Zhou Qiutong's voice was not soft. After saying this, she remembered that there were many classmates waiting for her.
  She smiled at them. , indicating that he was fine.
  Then Zhou Qiutong pulled the waiter aside, and until he was sure that no one around could hear their conversation, he asked in a low voice: "Isn't the minimum purchase only 5,000? Why is the bill more than 30,000? ? "
  The waiter picked up the bill and pointed out several items to Zhou Qiutong: "The minimum consumption is just a minimum consumption amount for a private room. 5,000 is the lower limit, not the upper limit. "
  There's nothing else. The main thing is that several of your friends ordered French Armand de Brignac Ace of Spades Gold Edition Champagne. They ordered three bottles in total." This kind of champagne is relatively expensive, with a bottle costing 8,888. "
  A bottle of wine costs nearly 10,000 yuan?!
  " You are robbing money! "When Zhou Qiutong heard this number, she couldn't help but screamed .
  She used to come to KTV with her classmates and friends, and the cost for more than ten or twenty people was only one or two thousand yuan at most. She thought that this time it would be similar to before before she opened her mouth. She was told to pay the bill.
  Zhou Qiutong felt that the bill was only five or six thousand at most. After all, how expensive could it be to drink water or eat something?
  But how did she know that a bottle of wine here would cost nearly five figures!
  Zhang Qian reminded herself Why didn't she mention the price?!
  If she had known that these people would order without scruples, how could she have chosen to take advantage of herself?
  But now Zhou Qiutong is already in a difficult position.
  The waiter has seen this after working here for so many years. After many such situations, she still had a polite smile on her face: "Dear guests, our prices are clearly marked here, and the prices are clearly marked on the menu. "
  "If you don't believe it, you can go and have a look. Seeing that Zhou Qiutong did n't
  move, the waiter nodded and handed the bill in his hand to her: "Since you have no objection, please pay." Are you paying by cash, card or mobile phone? "
  Zhou Qiutong's face didn't look good. She only had 20,000 yuan at most. Where could she get the less 10,000 yuan?
  Invite other people to pool the money together?
  No, absolutely not!
  This is really not possible . It's too embarrassing, and if she does this, won't the lies she told before be discovered?
  After all, how can someone who can wear hundreds of thousands of dollars on his body not be able to pay a bill of thirty thousand dollars...
  Zhou Qiutong thought for a while, gritted his teeth, Pointing to the necklace around his neck with some reluctance: "I don't have that much money in my hand now, can I put my necklace here as a mortgage first? I'll get the money to redeem it tomorrow. The waiter shook his head in embarrassment: "
  No, guest, we only accept cash, credit card or mobile payment." Payment of debts in kind is not accepted. "
  The author has something to say: Because it costs 30,000 to be on the list, I will publish 700 for this chapter first to make up the word count_(:з」∠)_ Dear friends, please understand.
  I will revise and add the remaining content tomorrow! Mmmah.
  There is no update tonight, so you don’t have to wait any longer!

Chapter 12
  "This necklace belongs to the L family. I just bought it the day before yesterday. It costs 20,000!" Zhou Qiutong was unwilling to give in and emphasized the value of the necklace around her neck again in a low voice, "In addition to this necklace, I will give you nothing else. Twenty thousand cash, is that enough?"
  "I'm sorry, although I want to help you, but our regulations don't allow it. Why don't you ask your friends? See if anyone is willing to help you advance the money first. "
  Although the waiter looked apologetic, his tone was very firm, and he seemed to really disagree.
  Where did those people get so much money?
  Zhou Qiutong cursed secretly in his heart and shook his head to reject her proposal. She walked away dejectedly, thinking hard about how to solve the current situation.
  Zhang Qian saw that Zhou Qiutong hadn't paid the bill for a long time, so she came over and asked softly: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"
  "Is it...not enough money?"
  "...How could that be?" Zhou Qiutong's expression froze and he took a deep breath, not wanting Zhang Qian to see that he was lying. She pretended to be relaxed, "Actually, I left the card at home, and I was about to call someone to bring it to me." "
  Is it convenient at this late hour?"
  "It's okay." Zhou Qiutong picked up the phone and looked at it. When I saw the name in my phone’s address book, I suddenly had an idea.
  She immediately chose the number and dialed it.
  Zhou Qiutong looked relaxed on the surface, but in fact, he secretly prayed that the call would be connected.
  Beep - beep - beep -
  the waiting process was very long. She had never found that time could be so difficult.
  It seemed like a century had passed before the call was finally answered.
  Zhou Qiutong's expression instantly relaxed.
  Qiutong waited at the KTV for more than 20 minutes before hearing his cell phone ring.
  "Why are you here?" Hearing the familiar voice of the other party, Zhou Qiutong's heart was finally relieved. I also started to complain, "A group of us have been waiting for you for a long time..."
  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." ∴思∴Rabbit∴网∴Document∴Share∴with∴ ∴LINE∴Read∴Read∴Unexpectedly,
  Zhou Qiutong heard her voice coming from the stairs.
  So fast?
  Zhou Qiutong suddenly saw a group of her junior high school classmates standing around. Her expression changed, and she quickly straightened up and walked to the stairs to stop the intruders.
  Zhou Qiutong didn't want these classmates to see her.
  But her movements were still a little slow.
  When the visitor saw Zhou Qiutong on the stairs, he arched his eyebrows and waved to her happily: "Qiutong."
  Her arrival seemed to bring a spotlight, and everyone present immediately focused their attention on her. .
  Shen Yuxi noticed this detail, felt happy, and the smile on her face became sweeter.
  Zhou Qiutong stared at Shen Yuxi with great annoyance. He suddenly regretted asking Shen Yuxi to come over to rescue him and had the urge to want her to leave immediately.
  The reason why she was willing to come to today's party was because she wanted to get rid of her original impression in their minds, and at the same time improve her status and become the center of attention.
  Before Shen Yuxi arrived, everything was going smoothly.
  Zhou Qiutong enjoys how courteous the boys are to her.
  But the advantage she had spent so much money to create was that Shen Yuxi had just arrived and immediately stole everyone's attention and became the focus of everyone's attention.
  Zhou Qiutong also heard many people talking in low voices and wanted to get Shen Yuxi's contact information.
  She needs to leave quickly!
  Zhou Qiutong glared at Shen Yuxi with a cold face, walked to her side in a few steps, grabbed Shen Yuxi's wrist and dragged her towards the checkout counter.
  "Wait, wait! Slow down..."
  Before Shen Yuxi could stand still, she was suddenly forcefully dragged away by Zhou Qiutong. Her steps staggered and she almost fell.
  Fortunately, when Zhou Qiutong let go, Shen Yuxi immediately held the counter with her hands, but there was already an obvious red mark on her slender, white wrist.
  This is enough to show the great force Zhou Qiutong used just now.
  Even the manager standing behind the counter couldn't bear it and looked at Zhou Qiutong with reproachful eyes.
  Zhou Qiutong pouted, not paying much attention to the mark on Shen Yuxi's body, but still pretending to ask: "Is your hand okay? I was a little anxious just now, sorry." "
  Well, thank you."
  Shen Yuxi rubbed the sore part of her wrist. Her eyes were filled with mist from the pain, but she still smiled and shook her head in denial: "It's okay, I don't feel pain."
  Shen Yuxi still remembered the purpose of Zhou Qiutong calling her here. .
  So she took out her wallet, rummaged through the mezzanine and found a black and gold card. She hesitated and asked the manager behind the counter, "My brother asked me to use this to pay the bill."
  As soon as the manager saw Shen Yuxi The color of the card in her hand instantly stood up from the chair, with a cautious expression, she bent down and took the card in her hand with both hands.
  He inserted the card into the verification machine and confirmed that there was no problem. His attitude was also respectful and considerate.
  "It turns out to be Mr. Shen's sister."
  "Ms. Shen, I didn't know this was your friend before. I'm really sorry for asking you to come in person so late."
  After that, he bowed deeply again.
  "It's okay, it's okay. I've never been here before." Faced with the manager's behavior, Shen Yuxi was flattered and quickly reached out to help him up. "I didn't know until I got downstairs that my brother drove this..."
  " Does this KTV belong to your brother?"
  Zhou Qiutong's tone was obscure. She thought of the low-key and luxurious decoration along the way, the well-trained waiters, the overcrowded private rooms, and the unbelievably high bill...
  all of these turned out to be Shen Yu The property of the Xi family?
  "Well, you told me earlier so you don't have to go to such trouble," Shen Yuxi raised her lips shyly and took the card handed over by the manager, "Then I have to leave first. My brother who sent me here is still there. Wait for me downstairs."
  "Do you want me to take you home? It's not safe for you to go back alone so late..."
  Zhou Qiutong subconsciously wanted to refuse.
  It's just that Shen Yuxi's thin, curved eyebrows were slightly frowned because of worry. Her eyebrows were as pale as distant mountains, as if they were shrouded in pure sadness. Even her sad look was breathtakingly beautiful, making people unconsciously want to help her solve her problems. .
  Even Zhou Qiutong, who had always disliked Shen Yuxi's face, softened his stiff tone slightly and his attitude gradually softened when he saw her worried face.
  "I won't bother you anymore. My friends are all waiting for me to go back together. You go first. It's hard for you to run back and forth tonight." "
  Well, I'll leave first then. Be careful on the road!"
  Until I saw Shen Yuxi After going down the stairs, Zhang Qian immediately walked to Zhou Qiutong's side and couldn't help but be curious about the gossip: "Qiutong, that person just now was your friend..." "
  Well..." Hearing her mention Shen Yuxi, Zhou Qiutong just said My improved mood began to deteriorate again.
  Zhang Qian didn't notice Zhou Qiutong's change in mood. She was still in high spirits and chatted with other friends who gathered around her out of curiosity.
  "Beauty, what school are you from?"
  "She's a celebrity, right? She's so pretty!"
  "You don't look her age, I think she should be the same age as us."
  "And did you just see that? She took out the She has a black and gold card, and the manager treats her respectfully, which means she is very rich!" "
  I just heard from the side, her brother is the boss here..."
  "Oh my god, top-notch white and rich beauty!"
  Zhou Qiutong Her mood began to decline as they discussed, not to mention that the boys who had been fawning over her in the private room had a different look at this time.
  One by one, they came to ask her for Shen Yuxi's contact information, completely forgetting that they were so attentive to her just now.
  Zhou Qiutong's mood fell further to the bottom.
  She still had a decent smile on her face when treating her classmates, and there was nothing unusual about her. The palms placed on both sides were quietly clenched into fists, and the delicately manicured nails left a deep mark on the palms.
  The author has something to say: Today is the first time this book is on the list! Thank you everyone for your collection! bow!

Chapter 13
  Night, in front of the study
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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The floor-to-ceiling windows were covered by a thin layer of gauze to block the swaying branches outside the window.
  The bright moonlight quietly peeked in through the gaps in the tulle, filling the ground with silver light.
  There was a man sitting in front of the large desk, and the dim light of the floor illuminated the documents in his hand. The document was only a thin piece of paper, but he stared at it for a long time without making any move.
  After an unknown amount of time, he slowly exhaled a breath and sighed.
  The probability of paternity is 99.999%.
  Shen Yuxi turned out to be his biological sister.
  Facing this document, Shen Duo didn't know whether he was more grateful or disappointed.
  He felt very comfortable getting along with Shen Yuxi these days, but sometimes looking at Shen Yuxi's face he couldn't help but doubt her identity.
  His face bore no resemblance to either his grandfather or himself.
  Shen Duo asked his men to quietly investigate the time the old man of the Shen family sent someone to do a paternity test.
  There was nothing wrong with the person Mr. Shen sent. He was also equipped with a video recorder at the time. The video clearly and completely recorded the process of getting the hair that day and sending it for inspection and getting the appraisal report.
  The appraisal center that issued the appraisal report is also privately invested by Shen Duo and cannot be used by anyone with ulterior motives.
  Therefore, Shen Duo did not take Shen Yuxi's hair for another appraisal because it was not necessary.
  She is indeed his sister.
  My sister.
  But he had desires for his own sister.
  Shen Duo is an adult, and adults can more easily recognize their own thoughts.
  He could clearly understand that the emotions surging in his heart when he faced Shen Yuxi were due to a man's affection for a woman, not his brother's affection for his sister.
  But he also clearly understood that he could fall in love with anyone in the world, but he could not fall in love with Shen Yuxi .
  Fortunately, we haven't been together for long, so it's still too late to stay away while the relationship isn't deep.
  Thinking of this, Shen Duo felt inexplicably irritable. He subconsciously took out a cigarette and lit it, trying to use it to relieve the depression in his heart.
  Just looking at the lit cigarette, Shen Duo sighed again.
  He still remembered what Shen Yuxi said to him.
  In the end, he didn't put the cigarette in his mouth, but put it in the ashtray aside and let it burn until it went out.
  "Dong dong dong."
  "Come in."
  Shen Duo saw that the person knocking on the door was Shen Yuxi. As he stood up, he put the documents in his hands into the drawer beside him.
  "What's wrong?"
  Seeing Shen Yuxi biting her lip, blushing, and looking shy and introverted, Shen Duo's hardened heart softened quietly, and his tone was gentle and a little doting.
  "Are you short of pocket money and want to buy something?"
  "That's not it. My brother already gave me a lot of pocket money..." Shen Yuxi quickly shook her head in denial, and hesitated for a while before blushing. State the purpose of coming.
  "Yes, it's because my academic performance is not good..." Shen Yuxi seemed a little embarrassed to say this. She lowered her head, wrung her fingers, and said in a coy tone, "But the college entrance examination is next semester, and I'm a little bit Worried..."
  "So I want to ask my brother if he can hire a tutor for me and give me extra lessons at home every night..."
  Yes, Shen Duo remembered that her ranking in the school examination results was not very good. Come forward.
  It was rare that she still wanted to study hard after having such a family background. Shen Duo was about to agree. But when he saw the cute curls on Shen Yuxi's head, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.
  Somehow, he managed to say something out of nowhere.
  "I had good grades back then, why don't you let me help you make up your classes."
  Shen Duo regretted his words as soon as he said those words. He had made up his mind to keep a distance from Shen Yuxi a few minutes ago, so why did he suddenly make this decision?
  It was like being possessed by a ghost.
  But at this time it was too late for him to regret it. Shen Yuxi suddenly raised her head after hearing Shen Duo's words, feeling happy and surprised at the same time, "Really? It would be great if brother is willing!"
  But Shen Yuxi is very sensitive [ gǎn], you can immediately see the hesitation hidden in Shen Duo's eyes.
  Shen Yuxi's eyes dimmed for a moment, but she immediately raised a smile and pretended to be relaxed and said: "Brother is actually very busy, right? He comes back so late every night, so he shouldn't have time to make up for me."
  "I still want to find a tutor to come to my house..."
  Although she said she didn't care, the disappointment in her eyes could not deceive anyone.
  Shen Duo relented again.
  He gently pulled Shen Yuxi to his side and stroked the top of her head. Shen Yuxi's hair is like her own, slender and soft, making people fall in love with it.
  "I will definitely not go back on what I have promised you. I will arrange the time. You don't have to worry."
  Shen Duo paused, thinking of Shen Yuxi's usual words and deeds, the corners of his eyes were tender. The flickering emotion in his eyes made people unable to help but indulge in it.
  "In front of me, you can stop being so obedient and be more willful."
  "I am your brother. No matter what you do, I will be with you. I hope you have a happy life."
  He still couldn't bear to see her sad.
  Shen Yuxi is like opium, knowing it is poison but making people addicted. Shen Duo wanted to stay away, but he couldn't quit it or forget it.
  He didn't want to quit, let alone forget. △思△Rabbit△Online△△Read△Read△
  Shen Duo was in the restaurant downstairs the next morning, but he didn’t see Shen Yuxi coming down the stairs until half past seven.
  Shen Duo guessed that he had given her extra lessons last night and overslept.
  Originally, he thought that Shen Yuxi was exaggerating when she said she couldn't understand mathematics at all. But when Shen Duo saw the questions Shen Yuxi did in front of him, he realized that Shen Yuxi was telling the truth.
  Her foundation was weak and she had not mastered many basic knowledge. Shen Duo could only teach her the simplest things.
  In this way, the time spent will be extended indefinitely.
  But today is a working day, Shen Yuxi has to go to school, and she will be late if she doesn't get up at this point.
  Shen Duo went upstairs and stood in front of her door and knocked for several minutes without hearing a response from anyone inside, so he pressed the handle and opened the door.
  "Xixi, it's time to get up..."
  But when he approached Shen Yuxi's bed and saw the scene in front of him, everything he wanted to say was choked in his throat.
  Shen Yuxi's sleeping posture was not as obedient as hers. She turned sideways, with most of the quilt pressed carelessly under her legs, and her slender and straight legs were clearly visible.
  Further up, Shen Duo looked at it for a few seconds and felt his throat was a little dry.
  A pure white lace edge was exposed above the thigh, and the collar of the nightgown was also horribly low, revealing the delicate and small collarbone and the round and soft side.
  Some black hair fell on it, pure white and pure black intertwined, gorgeous.
  The sleeping face is as pure as an angel, but the body exudes an aura of temptation, extremely pure, yet extremely charming.
  This scene is extremely beautiful, addictive, and seductive.
  Shen Duo didn't know how much willpower he had to use to stop his urge to step forward and touch the smooth and soft piece. There was even a thin layer of sweat on his forehead and his Adam's apple twitched.
  He forced himself to look away and spoke louder.
  As if being awakened by his voice, Shen Yuxi frowned slightly and her thick and curled eyelashes trembled slightly.
  She half-closed her eyes, her eyes were blurred and unfocused, and she didn't seem to be fully awake. One hand was supporting the bed, and the other hand was dazedly rubbing his eyes: "Brother...? Why are you in my room..."
  Because she had just woken up, her expression was lazy and charming媚, adding a bit of temptation unique to women.
  Shen Yuxi didn't notice that because she had just stood up, her nightgown was messy and her neckline was wide, revealing a hint of cherry red.
  Shen Duo suddenly turned away his face, his voice was hoarse and low: "You're going to be late, you... quickly change your clothes, I'll wait for you downstairs."
  Without waiting for Shen Yuxi's reply, Shen Duo immediately turned around He hurriedly walked out of her room, stumbling on his feet and looking panicked.
  He didn't see that Shen Yuxi, who was sitting on the bed behind him, looked sober at this time. He didn't see the confusion just now, and there was a flash of determination in his eyes.
  The author has something to say: I wish all the cuties taking the CET-4 and CET-6 exams tomorrow good luck, 710 each!

Chapter 14
  In the car going to school, Shen Duo deliberately kept a distance from Shen Yuxi all the way, not touching or talking, which made Shen Yuxi very happy.
  When she got off the car, she arrived at school. As soon as I walked up the stairs to the corridor, I saw Zhou Qiutong standing at the door of the class early, leaning against the wall. The impatience in her eyes was obvious, and she didn't know who she was waiting for.
  Zhou Qiutong kept staring at the stairs. When he saw Shen Yuxi's figure, his eyes lit up and he walked quickly to her side.
  The first thing he started talking about was complaining.
  "You're finally here. Why are you here so late today? You'll be late in a few minutes."
  "Ah, I overslept..." Shen Yuxi replied blankly, a little at a loss. Seeing that Zhou Qiutong seemed to be looking for her for something, he asked cautiously, "Then why are you looking for me so urgently?" "
  Well... that..." Speaking of this, Zhou Qiutong's confident attitude suddenly weakened. She turned her head unnaturally, "Let's go shopping for clothes together after school today? It's the same store as last time. The clerk called me several times to tell me that new models have arrived."
  Zhou Qiutong endured a few moments when the clerk called at first. God, but in the end he couldn't get over her sweet words. Not to mention that Shen Yuxi only bought her one set of clothes. She wore this set of clothes back and forth. Many people were already wondering how she could wear one set of clothes for so long.
  Zhou Qiutong took the 20,000 yuan that he had not used at the KTV last time and went to the store to buy a few new sets of low-priced but not cheap models.
  Just buying clothes is not enough, the matching bags and shoes also need to be replaced together, but where can Zhou Qiutong get the extra money to buy them?
  At this time, she immediately thought of Shen Yuxi, the current mobile treasury.
  Zhou Qiutong originally thought that Shen Yuxi would readily agree as long as she asked, but to her surprise, Shen Yuxi refused without hesitation!
  "I'm really sorry, Qiu Tong. Yesterday, my brother and I agreed that we would go back to study for homework every night..." Shen Yuxi said apologetically, but her attitude was extremely firm, "You know my grades It's not good, but the college entrance examination is getting closer.
  If I don't make up for it, it will be too late." Zhou Qiutong didn't care if Shen Yuxi could go, the purpose of her trip was to make Shen Yuxi pay the bill.
  It's just not good to speak too bluntly. Zhou Qiutong could only hint in a roundabout way that Shen Yuxi would lend her the black card he used to pay for the last time in the store.
  Unexpectedly, Shen Yuxi refused her request.
  "It's not that I'm unwilling. If this was my card, I would definitely be willing to lend you my own money. But this is the card my brother gave me. I can't spend my brother's money wantonly..."
  " Then didn't you buy it for me last time?!" Zhou Qiutong couldn't understand Shen Yuxi's weird logic. She felt that Shen Yuxi was just looking for all kinds of messy reasons to excuse herself, "It was OK last time, but it's OK this time. No? Why don't you make up a more credible reason?" "
  I also said it last time to thank you for taking care of me over the years..." Shen Yuxi paused, her expression His tone was rare and somewhat serious.
  "Qiutong, have you noticed that you have been spending a lot of money recently? Originally, we could live a month with a few hundred yuan, but I borrowed you 20,000 yuan before, but you spent it all in a few days." "
  Originally, I borrowed 20,000 yuan from you. Your money is for your living, but you don’t care about using it to treat your friends to KTV, and finally call me to pay.”
  “Although I have helped you a few times, it doesn’t mean that I will pay for it every time. I can spend so much money to pay for you, and my brothers have to settle the accounts clearly, but we are not relatives after all. Qiu
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Tong, one should act within one's ability, and you should be more frugal now. These luxuries are not necessities for your daily life..."
  Shen Yuxi was sincere and persuasive, trying to reason with Zhou Qiutong and explain the current problems. It's not the money.
  "If you don't want to borrow, just say so, no need to use these high-sounding excuses!
  "I originally thought that the relationship between the two of us would always be very good and that we could be good best friends for life. " They all say that men will change when they have money, but they didn't expect that the same will happen when you have money! Zhou
  Qiutong was as angry as if Shen Yuxi had done something unforgivable.
  " I am your good friend. If you have any difficulties in life, I will definitely come to help you without hesitation." " Shen Yuxi rarely had a straight face, without any smile in her eyes. Her tone was firm, and she was not shaken by what Zhou Qiutong said.
  "But no one's money comes from the strong wind. If you use money to satisfy yourself, Your own vanity, I'm sorry, I don't want to, and I don't have this obligation . "
  Zhou Qiutong was so surprised. This was the first time she heard Shen Yuxi say such serious words. She wanted to refute, but she couldn't think of words for the moment.
  The atmosphere froze instantly.
  Just at this time, the preparation bell for class rang for her. Under the steps.
  "Borrow if you like!" Do you think I have no other friends besides you? "
  Zhou Qiutong angrily dropped these words and turned around to leave. She walked into the classroom without looking back and left Shen Yuxi behind.
  She was sitting on a chair. The teacher on the podium was giving a lecture, but she couldn't listen to a word. Go in.
  Zhou Qiutong completely forgot about her previous goal of getting ahead by taking the college entrance examination. After seeing the world of real rich people, all she could think about was how to get money so that she could enjoy it forever.
  And although she and Shen Yuxi had harsh words, Zhou Qiutong really couldn't find anyone else who could really spend money for herself like Shen Yuxi.
  If Shen Yuxi hadn't spoken so directly and ruthlessly, she She wouldn't say that.
  But if she were asked to bow her head and submit, Zhou Qiutong wouldn't say anything.
  Suddenly, a vibration in her pocket interrupted Zhou Qiutong's thoughts.
  She looked up at the teacher and found that he was facing away from him. The student was writing on the blackboard, and she took out her phone. She
  looked down and saw ,as expected, it was that person again.
  After Zhou Qiutong returned from KTV last time, a boy asked her for WeChat. After all, Among the people on WeChat, Zhou Qiutong only gave it to him.
  The reason why she only gave it to him was because this boy didn't ask her for Shen Yuxi's contact information like others.
  After returning, he also made appointments from time to time. Going out to play by herself, Zhou Qiutong knew what he meant, and would reject his invitation nine times out of ten.
  However, this person's enthusiasm was not dampened by Zhou Qiutong's indifference. Every time he went out to play with Zhou Qiutong, he would give her a lot of exquisite gifts. Zhou Qiutong didn't accept most of the small gifts
  . After all, she had someone she liked.
  She just remembered the brand name secretly. Although those gifts were small, Zhou Qiutong checked the prices after returning and they were not cheap. Although there was no one given to her by Shen Yuxi It’s so expensive, but it’s still a big burden for ordinary students.
  In this way, Zhou Qiutong knew that this person’s family was well off, and his attitude toward him was slightly better when they got along.
  Today, as before, he was here for Invite yourself out.
  Zhou Qiutong originally planned to refuse, but suddenly remembered the cruel words she said to Shen Yuxi.
  Isn't the person in front of her the best candidate? After
  hesitating for a long time, she finally gave a positive reply, and Ask him to pick her up at the school gate after school today.
  So after school, Shen Yuxi saw such a scene at the school gate.
  Zhou Qiutong first followed her towards the school gate, and when she was almost at the gate, she speeded up He walked past Shen Yuxi, deliberately letting her find him, and finally approached the Zhang Yang sports car parked on the roadside. A
  young man was leaning on the sports car. As soon as he saw Zhou Qiutong's arrival, he opened the passenger seat for her. Before getting into the car,
  Zhou Qiutong specifically looked back at Shen Yuxi. Seeing her looking at him, he sat in the passenger seat with satisfaction.
  After the man closed the door for her, he got into the driver's seat, started the car, and left. The roaring sound of the engine attracted the attention of many people.
  "That woman is your friend, right? "
  Shen Yuxi was startled by the voice that suddenly appeared next to her. She turned around and found that Gu Zerui was standing next to her at some point. The two of them were very close.
  She subconsciously walked a few steps to the side. He took a few steps, distanced himself, and then answered his question.
  "She is my good friend...Is something wrong?" "
  " If she is your friend, then I suggest you advise her not to associate with Zhou Rui. Seeing Shen Yuxi's confused look, Gu Zerui added an explanation for her, "That's the man who just drove the red supercar." "
  "Why... is he a bad person?" There was obvious worry in Shen Yuxi's eyes.
  "That's not the case." Seeing Shen Yuxi's nervous expression, Gu Zerui quickly comforted her, "It's not that bad. At least he doesn't dare to do things like murder and arson." "
  But because he has a strange habit, So your friend is a bit dangerous."
  Gu Zerui saw Shen Yuxi's curious eyes and deliberately let it slip: "What do you think it is?"
  Shen Yuxi was familiar with Gu Zerui a lot because of previous things, so her attitude when talking to him Very casual too. She wrinkled her nose and made a face at Gu Zerui: "If you don't tell me, forget it. I'll go back and ask my brother."
  She turned around and left.
  "Hey! Why do you ask your brother for such a trivial matter?" Gu Zerui saw that she didn't want to take this trick, so he hurriedly stepped forward to block her way, "I said what I said, and you are not as easy to lie to as before... ."
  "Playing with emotions?" Shen Yuxi was a little hard to understand, "Why do you do this?"
  "Special hobby?" Gu Zerui scratched his head. He couldn't understand Zhou Rui's approach, let alone look down on his devaluation. His behavior has never been associated with such people.
  Gu Zerui himself heard this matter mentioned by his friends.
  It is said that Zhou Rui likes to associate with girls from ordinary family backgrounds, and he responds to their requests during the relationship. But his novelty comes and goes quickly. He is as passionate as he is when he pursues someone, and he is as cold as he is when he abandons someone. He likes to break up when the relationship is at its most intense, and enjoys their confusion after the breakup and their pleading when they want to get together.
  He can be considered a scumbag. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been sacked long ago. °This°Work°Work°by°Si°Rabbit°On°Line°Read°Read°Network°Friends°Organize°Up°Publish° It’s a
  pity that Zhou Rui’s family has money, and he himself is also interested, so he never finds his target. It was hard work, so I have been living peacefully until now.
  Hearing Gu Zerui's explanation, Shen Yuxi's worry deepened. She thanked Gu Zerui and prepared to go back, thinking about finding a time to remind Zhou Qiutong.
  "Are you planning to leave like this?" Gu Zerui looked at her in disbelief.
  "...Thank you?" Shen Yuxi said hesitantly, "Shall I treat you to a meal?"
  "You don't need to treat me to a meal." Gu Zerui's mind turned around and he had an idea, "When are you free? Come with me. Just go to a place together."
  Shen Yuxi hesitated, but couldn't bear Gu Zerui's shamelessness and finally agreed.
  But the time has to be decided by her.
  Of course Gu Zerui would not object, and it was a surprise that Shen Yuxi agreed.
  The author has something to say: Tomorrow is Father’s Day, and I wish all the cute dads a long and healthy life!
  you~ I threw a mine!
  have been obsessed with the World Cup recently and have no intention of coding_(:з」∠)_Chapter

  The next day, Shen Yuxi found Zhou Qiutong and told her about the matter. He hoped that she would be more careful with Zhou Rui. Heart.
  But after Zhou Qiutong was rejected for borrowing money from school yesterday, he didn't think that Shen Yuxi's actions were out of good intentions. He just felt that she didn't want to see him well.
  What's more, the Zhou Rui she saw and the emotional liar Shen Yuxi said were two completely different people.
  Last night, Zhou Rui took her to a high-end French restaurant. This was Zhou Qiutong's first time at such a high-end restaurant. Not only could she not understand the menu, she could not even understand what the waiter said because he spoke French.
  Zhou Qiutong looked confused when he heard the waiter's question and felt extremely embarrassed. She didn't dare to look at other people's eyes, she just wanted to find a hole in the ground and burrow down.
  But not only did Zhou Rui not dislike it, he also thoughtfully helped Zhou Qiutong out of trouble, ordered food for her, and taught her dining etiquette.
  Afterwards, the fluent French conversation between him and the chef made Zhou Qiutong's eyes shine even more. Zhou Qiutong originally had a cold attitude towards him because of his ordinary appearance, but after contacting him, she found that there were many shining points in him.
  After the meal, Zhou Rui took Zhou Qiutong shopping. But Zhou Rui asked the clerk to pack everything she looked at twice, and of course he paid for it.
  Zhou Qiutong didn't want to take it at first, but Zhou Rui said that he had already paid for it, so he couldn't just throw it away, right?
  In the end, Zhou Qiutong did not refuse.
  Zhou Rui sees her good friend Zhou Qiutong, and of course he won't listen to other people's nonsense, even if this other person is her former best friend.
  However, that was the past.
  "It doesn't matter if you don't help me, but if someone else helps me, you come to me and say bad things about him to keep me away from him."
  "Shen Yuxi, can you just not see me? I really regret that I didn't see it through before. Your true face."
  "You are rich, do you still want me to be poor all my life? Let me tell you, you will not always be so lucky."
  "Don't come to me again."
  Zhou Qiutong has Now that he has a backer, his attitude towards Shen Yuxi is naturally tough. After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without thinking about Shen Yuxi's reaction after hearing her words.
  Gu Zerui, who had been hiding and eavesdropping for a long time, couldn't hold it in anymore. When he saw Zhou Qiutong walking away, he immediately ran out from behind the grass to check Shen Yuxi's mood.
  He knew that Shen Yuxi had a good relationship with her friend, and she must have been very sad to hear her friend say such harsh words for this person to agree to his request.
  Sure enough, tears welled up from Shen Yuxi's eyes, and her huge tears fell to the ground drop by drop. When she saw Gu Zerui appearing out of nowhere, she quickly turned her face and lowered her head, not wanting him to see her embarrassment.
  She wiped it with the back of her hand, but she couldn't stop it.
  Gu Zerui felt heartbroken after seeing it. He felt that his whole heart was pinched in her hands and it hurt. He quickly took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it over.
  Shen Yuxi was stunned for a moment, took the tissue with lowered eyes, and said thank you in a hoarse voice.
  "Don't be sad about this kind of thing, it's not worth it. I will warn Zhou Rui when I get back and tell him not to get close to your friends again. He dare not not listen."
  Although Gu Zerui's real idea in his heart was to rush to Zhou Qiutong and bring her back , forcing her to apologize to Shen Yuxi.
  However, Shen Yuxi regarded her as a friend and would definitely not be happy to see him do this.
  To Gu Zerui's surprise, Shen Yuxi silently shook her head and rejected his approach.
  "Thank you for helping me, but...it's not necessary."
  "I'm her friend, but I'm just a friend."
  "I can't possibly decide her own affairs for her according to my ideas. It's so forceful. Whether the melon is sweet or not, after all, it is her own choice."
  "Whether the final result is good or bad, she must bear it herself."
  "I have done everything I can do as a friend."
  " Of course, we may not be friends in the future." Shen Yuxi twitched the corners of her mouth and showed a wry smile.
  After hearing her words, Gu Zerui felt that he had met another Shen Yuxi today.
  More dazzling, more eye-catching.
  She will sincerely consider her friends and analyze the pros and cons for her. But he doesn’t overstep his authority, is mindless and kind, and only does his own thing well.
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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  At the same time, he is also very decisive and never hesitates when making decisions...
  How could Gu Zerui not like such Shen Yuxi?
  "What I promised you yesterday will be tonight." Shen Yuxi adjusted her mood and gave Gu Zerui an answer, "It just so happens that my brother is not home today because of something." "
  I thought you would refuse, after all, she..."
  "She Make her decision and I will fulfill my agreement." Shen Yuxi looked at Gu Zerui with wide eyes, a little puzzled, "There is no conflict between the two, right?" "
  But what exactly are you taking me to do?"
  Gu Zerui Pretending to be mysterious, he raised the corners of his lips and gave it away: "You'll find out tonight."
  "Get in the car."
  The helmet fell from the sky and was thrown into Shen Yuxi's arms.
  A dark black heavy motorcycle roared from a distance with a roaring accelerator, and stopped in front of Shen Yuxi in a high-profile manner. The arrogant appearance and deep black paint color reflect a dangerous light.
  The man riding the motorcycle was covered by a helmet and couldn't see his face clearly. It wasn't until he opened his mouth that Shen Yuxi realized that the person was Gu Zerui, who had disappeared all day long.
  After talking to Gu Zerui in the morning, Shen Yuxi didn't see him in school. He didn't go to class and waited until Shen Yuxi finished dinner before suddenly appeared.
  Shen Yuxi held the helmet at a loss.
  She had never ridden a motorcycle, let alone such a heavy motorcycle, which was like a big killer. The height of the fuselage was almost up to her Chest mouth, so Shen Yuxi had to crawl on her hands and knees if she wanted to get up.
  The action definitely doesn't look good.
  She suddenly had the urge to turn around and leave.
  Gu Zerui waited for a long time but saw no movement from Shen Yuxi. He simply reached out and grabbed the helmet and put it on for her.
  Then he patted the position behind him: "Come up!"
  Shen Yuxi was discouraged. She had just made a promise in the morning, and now she backed down. It couldn't be justified.
  She pursed her lips and felt cruel. She held Gu Zerui's shoulders, stepped on the steel pipe, and sat astride it.
  Seeing that Shen Yuxi had already sat down, Gu Zerui raised a chuckled on his lips: "Remember to hold on tight to me." "
  Before Shen Yuxi could react, Gu Zerui had already turned the handle, and a deafening roar sounded.
  "Hold tight!"
  The next second,the motorcycle was flying forward like an arrow from its string.
  Due to the effect of inertia, Shen Yuxi pounced forward, her front胸 firmly close to Gu Zerui's back.
  With such a close distance, there was no gap between the two of them. Shen Yuxi could clearly feel the hot temperature radiating from Gu Zerui's body, which spread bit by bit from the place where the two of them were touching to her face.
  The tip of your nose is surrounded by his unique refreshing scent, as if your whole body is wrapped in him, and he is the only scent left in the world.
  Shen Yuxi wanted to put distance between the two of them, but Gu Zerui seemed to sense her thoughts. As he moved his hands, the speed of the motorcycle accelerated further.
  The wind whistled by both sides of his ears so fast that Shen Yuxi couldn't open his eyes and could only bury her head tightly in his back.
  "Gu Zerui! Slow down - it's too fast -"
  She was a little scared, and the arms around Gu Zerui's waist tightened.
  Shen Yuxi could still feel Gu Zerui's body trembling slightly, and he actually laughed out loud.
  "I can't hear you-"
  Shen Yuxi moved her fingers to pinch his stomach to warn him to slow down, but she could only touch his abdominal muscles.
  It felt good, and she lingered a bit.
  The motorcycle shuddered, and Gu Zerui's voice was a little frightened: "Why are you touching me!"
  "Slow down!"
  The author has something to say: It was a bit embarrassing to get the time wrong yesterday (T_T) During the summer vacation, there is no impression of the day of the week. I participated in
  this article and I have a date! If the little cutie likes this article, I hope you can give me more nutrient solution, mua one!
  I may enter v next week! The specific days of the week need to be discussed with the editor. Monday is a holiday, so Tuesday can be decided...
  I hope the little cuties will continue to support me XD

Chapter 16
  Gu Zerui took Shen Yuxi to a sparsely populated winding mountain road.
  If it weren't for the occasional people riding heavy motorcycles who greeted Gu Zerui, Shen Yuxi would have thought that he had brought her here to kill someone.
  Gu Zerui was worried about Shen Yuxi behind him. Except for the speed at the beginning, he drove at a normal speed afterwards, so the time spent naturally increased. Shen Yuxi also heard Gu Zerui's cell phone ringing non-stop. She guessed it was Someone is urging.
  They didn't know how many bends they had gone around, but suddenly their eyes widened and they reached a platform on the top of the mountain.
  There are already many heavy motorcycles parked on this wide field, and people in twos and threes gather together to discuss something, which is very lively. Hearing the iconic roar of Gu Zerui's motorcycle, the already lively scene instantly boiled into excitement.
  "Brother Gu!"
  "You're finally here! You're half an hour late!"
  "Damn, I'm not dazzled. Is there a girl in Brother Gu's car?"
  "How is that possible?! Brother Gu's How could he be willing to let people ride on a precious motorcycle that would be kicked by him even if it touched him?!" "
  If you don't believe me, just see for yourself!"
  "Oh my god, it's true, where does this woman come from?"
  "Others Not to mention, this figure is really good... But this girl is still a student, right? Look at the school uniform. Brother Gu is really a beast!" "
  ...Brother Gu is still a student himself, right?" "
  ... ..."
  When Gu Zerui helped Shen Yuxi get out of the car, he took off her helmet for her. Seeing Shen Yuxi's face, there was silence for a moment.
  The next second, sighs and regrets came one after another. ◣This◣work◣◣ is provided◣ by ◣思◣Rabbit◣网◣◣◣online◣◣Read◣Read◣
  It’s like a flower stuck in cow dung!
  Many people took the opportunity to greet Gu Zerui and quietly came up to talk to Shen Yuxi. Shen Yuxi was already shy, and when she met so many enthusiastic strangers, she didn't know what to say. Many people also made fun of her and Gu Zerui. She blushed and hesitated, not knowing how to answer.
  Seeing this scene, Gu Zerui quickly came to rescue Shen Yuxi and drove them away one by one.
  Gu Zerui's actions, like those of a flower protector, caused many people to boo.
  "Are you done yet?!" Gu Zerui shouted in a rough voice at the spectators around him, "Are we here to compete today or just gossip?"
  His face was straight, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were wide open, his expression It was so fierce that it scared everyone into fear.
  Gu Zerui glanced sharply around, and was satisfied to see that everyone had calmed down. He snorted coldly: "Come on, the old rules, five kilometers." As
  soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere softened slightly, and seven or eight people heard it. As he said that, he got up, walked over to his motorcycle, and rode on it, even with a few people on the back seat.
  "Why are you standing there stupidly?"
  Shen Yuxi turned around and found that Gu Zerui had already mounted a motorcycle without knowing it, with one foot on the ground, looking down at her: "Come up."
  "You compete... I want it too Are you going up?" Shen Yuxi was hesitant. She recalled what happened on the road just now, and wanted to refuse in a roundabout way, "It's not convenient for two people, how about I wait for you here?"
  Gu Zerui clicked his tongue impatiently, Ignore Shen Yuxi's words. As soon as he bent down and stretched out his hand, he picked up Shen Yuxi.
  "!!! Put me down!"
  Shen Yuxi was suddenly suspended in the air and her feet couldn't reach the ground. Shen Yuxi was afraid that she would fall. She grabbed Gu Zerui's arm and dared not let go, her face turned pale.
  Gu Zerui gently placed her behind him and warned her never to go down by herself.
  Isn’t this just trying to catch a duck?
  Shen Yuxi couldn't help but think more. Others saw that Gu Zerui was already ready. Several motorcycles were lined up in a row, and they roared one after another.
  With a piercing sound of gunfire, several motorcycles flew out like sharp swords.
  Shen Yuxi's mind went blank and she didn't know where to put her hands. She subconsciously recalled her previous actions and hugged Gu Zerui tightly with both hands.
  This time Gu Zerui's speed seemed to have no reservations, and it was a few minutes faster than at the beginning.
  Her body seemed to be flying, the roar of the wind filled her eardrums, and the surrounding scenery receded rapidly, leaving only an afterimage.
  Five kilometers is neither long nor short.
  It didn't take long for the race to enter the final stage. Gu Zerui took the lead, with only one motorcycle following him closely, and the others had long been left behind.
  "How's it going? Do you feel good?"
  As they approached the last corner, Gu Zerui's lazy voice came from above his head, and Shen Yuxi was surprised to find that he was still in the mood to talk.
  Because of the extreme stimulation, Shen Yuxi could not think too much to answer Gu Zerui's question.
  Gu Zerui chuckled, and the speed of the motorcycle actually increased a bit!
  The sound produced by the violent friction between the tires and the ground is sharp and harsh, like a witch's roar.
  When turning the last corner, instead of slowing down, Gu Zerui accelerated extremely quickly, sliding into the finish line with a perfect drift, ending the race.
  Violent cheers exploded instantly, and many people who had been waiting at the finish line rushed forward to greet Gu Zerui.
  However, Gu Zerui ignored any of them. He turned around and took off the helmet for Shen Yuxi behind him.
  Seeing her reddish eyes, Gu Zerui laughed: "Hey, I'm so scared."
  Shen Yuxi turned her face away, wiped her eyes, and didn't want to pay attention to him.
  "Are you feeling better now? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"
  Gu Zerui's voice was light. Shen Yuxi looked up at him, only to find that he had deliberately turned his head away from her.
  "When I feel uncomfortable, I come to racing to relax. It's easy to forget those unhappy things under the stimulation of high speed." "Are
  you much better now than before?"
  If it weren't for Gu Zerui's reminder at this time, Shen Yuxi I really almost forgot everything about what happened in the morning.
  Now that I think about it, drag racing plays a really big role.
  It turned out that it was all for her...
  Shen Yuxi suddenly felt a little warm in her heart. She pulled the corner of Gu Zerui's clothes, leaned into his ear and whispered thank you.
  Gu Zerui didn't answer, his ears felt a little hot. He turned his face sideways, with a little smile in his eyes.
  Yuxi arrived home a little late.
  Although Gu Zerui won the game, they did not leave immediately. His friends were so enthusiastic that they kept pulling her to join the party they were preparing.
  Shen Yuxi asked Gu Zerui for help, but Gu Zerui pretended not to see her, so she could only stay there for a while longer.
  He was even given some wine.
  She didn't drink well, she was a little tipsy after just a little bit, and her face was a little red.
  Gu Zerui walked her to the door, lowered his head and pulled her to talk.
  Seeing her lips that were redder than before, my heart moved, but in the end I didn't take any action.
  Shen Yuxi waved to him and entered the house.
  The movement of her slippers was a little slow because she didn't turn on the light. She relied on the moonlight outside the window and groped the wall toward the stairs.
  Suddenly, the light flickered on.
  Her vision suddenly brightened from complete darkness. Shen Yuxi closed her eyes subconsciously because of the stimulation. After a while, she opened her eyes and found Shen Duo standing at the top of the stairs, looking at her quietly.
  "Brother? You are at home." Shen Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief, "Why don't you turn on the lights at home? I was just shocked."
  Shen Duo did not answer, still looking at her quietly.
  Shen Yuxi felt a little strange. She tilted her head and approached cautiously: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"
  Shen Duo smelled her scent, and his eyes became darker.
  Seeing that Shen Duo had been ignoring her, Shen Yuxi called out again, her eyes a little more uneasy.
  This time, Shen Duo finally spoke.
  "Just sent
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Who is the person you came back from? "
  Shen Yuxi couldn't clearly see the emotions in Shen Duo's eyes. She only felt an inexplicable dangerous aura. She subconsciously took a step back.
  The author has something to say: "Happy Dragon Boat Festival today, little cuties!
  Speaking of last night The German chariot overturned, and the Samba team was tied.
  Do I also need GG for my England today...
  Breakfast money!!!!!! Wuwuwuwuwu
  Betting on football is risky qaq Betting with caution

Chapter 17
  Shen Duo Shen Yuxi's attitude was so abnormal that Shen Yuxi forgot to answer his question for a moment.
  Shen Duo thought that she was unwilling to answer, and the aura around him became more and more condensed.
  He took a step forward and touched Shen Yuxi's face with his knuckled hands. . A trace of ambiguity ran across her cheek, and finally rested on her lips, with a faint light shining in her eyes.
  "You drank.
  "With your little boyfriend? "
  "Have you picked up the kiss? " " "
  "elder brother! what are you doing! Shen
  Yuxi suddenly took a few steps back and looked at him with wide eyes in disbelief: "That's not my boyfriend. He's my classmate Gu Zerui. Have you forgotten? " "
  Shen Duo slowly withdrew his hand, as if he could still feel the smooth touch. He nodded thoughtfully: "Gu Zerui, young master Gu. I remember, he liked you. "
  Shen Yuxi had a vague feeling that Gu Zerui had a crush on her, but she was not sure. At this time, Shen Duo suddenly revealed it, and she blushed instantly.
  The shy expression and the joy in her eyes, It stung Shen Duo's eyes deeply.
  Shen Duo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down the surging emotions in his heart.
  He went on a temporary business trip today, and drank a lot of wine during dinner because of need. But it's just that he went on a business trip out of town. Shen Duo wanted to see her, so he asked the driver to drive back after the dinner.
  Habits are a terrible thing.
  When he returned home, he saw the dark living room without a trace of light. Although he had known that Shen Yuxi would not be here tonight She would wait for him to come back in the living room, but Shen Duo still felt a little disappointed.
  After going upstairs, Shen Duo knocked on Shen Yuxi's door, but no one answered.
  At this time, Shen Yuxi should not have slept yet.
  He Opening the door, he was surprised to find that there was no one in the room. Seeing the situation in the room, Shen Duo knew that Shen Yuxi had not been back today. Where had
  she gone?
  Shen Duo wanted to call to ask, but in the end he didn't. He dialed the number. He just went downstairs, leaned on the sofa in the living room, closed his eyes and rested, waiting for her to come back just like Shen Yuxi did before.
  Shen Yuxi didn't keep him waiting for long. He heard the movement from the door and walked to When he looked by the window, he saw Shen Yuxi getting out of a man's car.
  Shen Yuxi's face was blushing, her eyebrows were smiling, and the two of them behaved intimately.
  Shen Duo's heart sank in vain.
  Yes, at her age, It happens to be the time when a girl is most youthful and beautiful. Not to mention that she is so good-looking. He has long known that many boys will like her.
  Now that there are people who like each other, it is possible to marry him in the future, and finally enter the palace of marriage. , forming a family with another person.
  drifting away from himself.
  Shen Duo has always understood that one day will come sooner or later, but he is completely unable to accept such a future.
  Even just guessing like this, 胸's mouth is filled with boredom It hurts.
  Shen Duo clearly knows his identity. He is her brother. He should hope that his sister finds a reliable lover.
  He has always told himself this.
  Learn to let go.
  But he saw what just happened Everything, he knew, he was unwilling.
  Shen Duo could not even accept her being in too close contact with other men.
  Just in that situation, the trapped beast that had been hidden in his heart for a long time was struggling violently in an attempt to break free. The chain called morality on his body.
  He wanted to replace that man and stand by her side.
  Hug her, kiss吻 her, or even something more intimate...
  Today, he Finally, he could no longer deceive himself.
  Shen Duo watched Shen Yuxi wave goodbye to the man, open the door and walk into the home with a smile. It wasn't until she approached the stairs that she turned on the light.
  The light illuminated the entire room. The room also illuminated Shen Yuxi's face.
  Shen Duo could also see the blush on her face more clearly, and the beast in his heart was roaring.
  But no emotion was leaked on Shen Duo's face. But there was no warmth in his eyes. He twitched the corners of his lips and smiled sarcastically: "It seems you like him too? "
  Shen Yuxi blushed and wanted to deny it, but Shen Duo didn't give her a chance to answer.
  "You can't like him. "
  "You can't like other people either. "
  "You can only be mine."
  She saw Shen Yuxi froze in place after hearing his words, her eyes widened, full of confusion and confusion, and even a trace of fear. Shen Duo chuckled and walked slowly towards her.
  Shen Duo couldn't help but take a few steps back. She looked up at her brother. Under the illumination of the light, his eyes were frighteningly bright, as if a ball of fire was burning.
  "Shen Yuxi."
  This was the first time Shen Duo called her by her first name.
  "Brother..." Shen Yuxi called out subconsciously. The person in front of her was obviously still the familiar face, but it felt like another person to her.
  She never seemed to understand him.
  "Shen Yuxi, be obedient."
  Shen Duo suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted her chin.
  Shen Yuxi looked into Shen Duo's eyes and felt that there were extremely complex emotions in his eyes, but she couldn't understand them.
  "Damn it, don't look at me like that!"
  Shen Duo's left hand covered Shen Yuxi's eyes, and Shen Yuxi only felt darkness.
  Suddenly, warm breath hit her face, and a soft touch covered her lips, with a faint smell of alcohol.
  Shen Yuxi was stunned and stiff.
  She is not a three-year-old child and knows what is happening now. △Think△Rabbit△Online△Read△Read△
  Can...Why is this?
  He first put it on his lips and sucked it gently, then slowly kissed吻, giving Shen Yuxi a tingling electric shock. The wet touch gently 舔 pecked吻 her lips, rubbing them over and over, trying to find a breakthrough.
  As time passed, Shen Yuxi found it difficult to breathe and subconsciously opened her lips.
  At this moment, the flexible and possessive tongue pried open her teeth and invaded her mouth without restraint. He sucked hard, immersed in the beauty between her lips and teeth, and even intertwined with her, wanting to invite her to sink with him.
  Shen Duo's other hand was lowered, maybe because he was confused by the wine, or because he was emboldened by the wine, and he wanted to explore deeper.
  Until...he felt warm moisture on his cheeks.
  Shen Duo's body stiffened, his movements stopped, and the hand covering her slowly fell down.
  The dark eyes were moistened with tears and looked even brighter, which highlighted the extremely dark desire he had just felt. He saw helplessness, panic, accusations against himself, and even fear towards him in her eyes.
  Shen Duo felt unprecedented frustration.
  Shen Yuxi's face did not become rosy because of the intimate behavior just now, but became pale and weak. Only the lips were slightly red and swollen because he had just kissed her, making them even more attractive.
  Shen Yuxi complained in a low voice, her voice full of disbelief: "You are my brother..."
  "I don't want to be your brother."
  Now that the matter has come to this, Shen Duo is unwilling to hide it anymore own thoughts.
  That's it, he simply broke the jar and expressed his thoughts.
  In the past, Shen Yuxi always smiled when facing him.
  Sometimes shy, sometimes shy, sometimes playful...
  He loved to see her smile the most. As soon as he saw her smile, Shen Duo would probably agree to whatever she said she wanted.
  Even the stars in the sky.
  But now there is no smile on Shen Yuxi's face, and her attitude towards him is only indifference.
  He had already expected the words she moved her lips to say, but they still put him in an ice cellar, and his boiling blood was instantly extinguished, leaving him no trace of expectation.
  "But I just want to be your sister."
  Everything is messed up.
  After coming to the Shen family, his brother who was the best to him actually had such thoughts towards him.
  Shen Yuxi never thought that even if she knew it now, she would not accept it.
  She felt a chill deep into her bones.
  She couldn't imagine what Grandpa Shen would look like if he knew about this.
  A huge scandal like brother-sister incest.
  Will she be kicked out of the Shen family?
  After being alone for so many years, I finally found a family, an amiable grandfather, a gentle and doting brother...
  But everything changed overnight.
  Her best friend left her, and even her brother no longer wanted to be her brother.
  Shen Yuxi didn't want to accept it, nor did she want to accept this terrible reality.
  She subconsciously chose to escape.
  He saw Shen Yuxi's figure running up the stairs and gradually moving away from him until he disappeared.
  Shen Duo stretched out his hand, but only grasped the empty air.
  He twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a wry smile, and stood silently, letting the night swallow him up.

Chapter 18
  The next morning, Shen Duo did not see Shen Yuxi in the restaurant.
  Seeing that he had been staring at Shen Yuxi's seat, the old man of the Shen family told him that Shen Yuxi had called the driver to go to school early in the morning.
  He said yes, he was going to school to review early.
  Didn't even have time to eat breakfast.
  Shen Duo was stunned, nodded quietly, picked up his chopsticks and lowered his head to eat.
  But it tastes like chewing wax.
  Little did he know that this was Shen Yuxi's excuse to leave home early just because she didn't want to meet him.
  He had already anticipated the consequences of saying those words last night, but now he was just reaping the consequences.
  It should.
  For a long time after that, Shen Duo could only see Shen Yuxi during dinner time at home. Most of the other times, Shen Yuxi was either not at home or hiding in the house.
  The previous daily make-up classes in the evening were naturally cancelled.
  The old man of the Shen family felt a little strange.
  The two of them had such a good relationship in the past, and Meng Buli had always been indifferent to each other, so he was a little jealous. But what happened now? Brother and sister are having trouble?
  The old man of the Shen family wanted to resolve the conflict between the two people, but no matter how he asked, both of them said it was okay. One said he was busy with studies and the other said he was busy at work.
  There was a tacit understanding when trying to prevaricate him.
  Not only the old man of the Shen family, but also Gu Zerui also discovered something unusual.
  Originally, Shen Yuxi always took classes seriously in school and never deserted. Even if she talked to her, she would look down upon her.
  But now that she didn't have to harass her, Shen Yuxi started to act dumb in class and couldn't even hear what the teacher said. Several times I was chosen to stand up and answer questions, but Gu Zerui always came to the rescue.
  Not to mention that Shen Yuxi started to become more lively by relying on Gu Zerui's daily intimacy. She could already talk and laugh with him on weekdays and communicate with her classmates.
  But I don't know what happened recently. Shen Yuxi changed back to her original appearance overnight. He is taciturn, sullen and unwilling to chat with him.
  Gu Zerui didn't want to let it go, so he racked his brains to think of topics that might interest Shen Yuxi.
  Today he forced Shen Yuxi to go to the corridor to get some air. It happened that the conversation between Zhou Qiutong and her classmate in the empty classroom next to her attracted their attention.
  "Qiutong," Zhou Qiutong's deskmate pulled her into the empty classroom next door. Seeing that no one was around, she said, "Have you been in love recently? Your grades..."
  Zhou Qiutong's original grades were among the best, although they were not as good as Gu Zerui,
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But he is also a top student and a reserve for a key university.
  But I don't know what happened recently. Her grades have been declining every time she takes a test, and she often falls asleep in class. The teacher was very worried about this, but couldn't find anything out when he asked Zhou Qiutong, so he asked her deskmate to explain.
  The classmate knew that Zhou Qiutong had recently been close to a boy from another school, but she did not tell the teacher about this situation. She just wanted to remind Zhou Qiutong in private.
  Zhou Qiutong also knew that her grades had dropped rapidly recently. In the chemistry test two days ago, she scored the same as Shen Yuxi! She couldn't accept this, but she couldn't 't change it immediately.
  Because she is indeed with Zhou Rui.
  Falling in love for the first time consumed a lot of her energy. She would go out to eat with Zhou Rui every night, sing KTV with his friends, and sometimes even go to a bar to spend the whole night.
  Sometimes Zhou Rui would accompany her to amusement parks, watch movies, and go shopping. This was a date for the two of them.
  Zhou Qiutong was immersed in such beauty and couldn't bear to get out.
  This also resulted in her not having much time to devote to studying, and the results can be imagined.
  But she doesn't care much about her grades now.
  After all, she studied hard to get into a good school and live a good life in the future. But Zhou Rui's family is rich. As long as she marries into the Zhou family in the future, why worry about not having a better life?
  Since she can take shortcuts, why should she sacrifice the near for the far .
  As for breaking up, Zhou Qiutong never thought of this possibility. After all, Zhou Rui is obedient to her and will buy her anything she wants. All his friends around him also know him.
  She calmed down and spoke casually to her deskmate.
  Seeing Zhou Qiutong's attitude, my deskmate realized that he couldn't ask anything, so he could only offer some kind words and advice. As for whether Zhou Qiutong could listen to what she said, she didn't have any expectations, but she could only do this.
  After the two of them left, Gu Zerui pulled Shen Yuxi out.
  "Qiu...Zhou Qiutong."
  "What's going on with her and that person recently?"
  This was the first thing Shen Yuxi said to Gu Zerui today. Fortunately, Gu Zerui did know about these two people every day, otherwise he would really Can't answer.
  "She was in love, and Zhou Rui bought her a lot of things."
  "Counting the time of his previous exes, they were about to break up."
  Shen Yuxi nodded, her expression was calm, no longer like before That showed concern for Zhou Qiutong.
  After all, she can't even solve her own problems, so how can she care about others?
  Rui really wants to break up with Zhou Qiutong.
  Not only because he felt tired of it when the time came, but also because he couldn't afford Zhou Qiutong's consumption level.
  Zhou Rui is a rich second generation, but his family is not as wealthy as the richest man. I have six figures of pocket money a month, no more.
  Originally, he had enough pocket money for a month, even if he was buying things for his girlfriend, he wouldn't be able to use that much. Except that you need to spend a little more in the initial pursuit, you basically don’t need to pay anything more after you get together.
  Zhou Rui has experience, but he never expected that Zhou Qiutong would not follow the routine at all this time.
  She could wipe out a month's worth of pocket money in one day.
  As his money printing machine?
  Zhou Rui has also met many people from the world. He has seen people who worship money, but he has never seen anyone who worships money like this.
  Zhou Qiutong also secretly said that he wanted him to marry her in the future. Zhou Rui agreed on the surface, but in fact he despised her in his heart.
  If he married her back home, wouldn't his family fortune be ruined by her?
  He needs to break up with her quickly!
  But before breaking up, he had to get some interest back.
  Zhou Rui's eyes flickered, he looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he took out a small bag of something from his pocket.
  He took a few of them, opened the lid of the cup, and put them into the milk tea he had already bought in the car.
  "Dong dong dong!"
  Zhou Rui trembled and quickly stuffed the thing back into his pocket. When he looked up, he found Zhou Qiutong already standing outside the car, frowning and tapping on the car glass impatiently.
  Fortunately, he had put a film on the car glass, so there was no way to see inside from the outside.
  Zhou Rui opened the door and heard Zhou Qiutong complaining to him: "Why did you park the car here? I saw you weren't at the door after school, so I looked for you for a long time!"
  Zhou Rui didn't take it seriously, but he still apologized and put the milk tea aside. Passed it over.
  "Here, you ordered it."
  Zhou Qiutong felt a little happier, took the milk tea and got into the co-pilot. While inserting the straw, she told Zhou Rui what happened in school today.
  "It's all because of you that the teacher said something to me today."
  "Oh? Why?" Zhou Rui replied perfunctorily. While controlling the steering wheel, he briefly observed Zhou Qiutong's reaction after drinking milk tea.
  I heard it takes a while for this thing to take effect.
  According to the friend who gave him this thing, as long as a little bit is used, even an elephant can lose consciousness immediately, let alone a helpless woman, and the effect is very long-lasting.
  "You said I got bad grades because of my relationship..."
  "I told you that I had good grades before, right? I was in the top ten in my grade every time I took the exam, but since I've been with you, I haven't even been in the top one hundred. No more. During this period, the teacher talked to me several times, but luckily I was able to deal with it." Zhou Qiutong took a sip of milk tea and winked at him, "This is all your fault, you have to make it up to me." "
  ...you What else do you want to buy?"
  "I fell in love with a new bag at G's house two days ago. It's not expensive and only costs tens of thousands. Can you take me to buy it tonight?" Zhou Qiutong didn't notice the change in Zhou Rui's attitude and unscrupulously Speak out your thoughts.
  Zhou Rui almost couldn't help but curse out loud. If he hadn't paid the bill, how could Zhou Qiutong, a poor student with no father or mother, afford such a thing?
  Isn’t it expensive at only tens of thousands? !
  How could she have the nerve to say such a thing!
  Zhou Rui felt extremely disgusted in his heart, but on his face he casually agreed to delay time.
  He felt that Zhou Qiutong's reaction was getting slower and slower, so he pulled over and stopped the car and turned around.
  At this time, Zhou Qiutong happened to lose consciousness and was sitting in the passenger seat. The milk tea slipped from her hand and was caught by Zhou Rui.
  Rui put the milk tea aside and gently shook Zhou Qiutong's body: "Qiu Tong? Qiu Tong? Wake up..."
  After a few minutes, Zhou Qiutong still had no reaction. \思\Rabbit\on\line\read\read\
  He finally felt relieved, hummed a little tune, restarted the car and drove to the nearest hotel.
  When Zhou Qiutong woke up, she felt a stinging pain in her lower body, and something thick was rushing through her body.
  She couldn't help but scream.
  As if stimulated by her voice, the man lying on her body pressed harder.
  The pain subsided, and she felt waves of chopstick sensations surging through her body.
  Zhou Qiutong felt as if her head had turned into paste and she could not remember anything. Even her eyes felt like a huge stone was pressing down, making it impossible for her to open them.
  Since there was nothing she could do, she simply stopped thinking about it. Driven by the feeling of chopsticks, Zhou Qiutong stretched out his arms and put his arms around the man's neck, trying his best to cooperate with his movements.
  The night is long.

Chapter 19
  Zhou Qiutong was awakened by the heavy sound of opening the door.
  She struggled to get up and took a look, only to see a woman standing in front of the bed holding a cloth, who seemed to be a cleaner.
  When the man saw Zhou Qiutong, she had a look of panic on her face: "Sorry, I knocked on the door and thought there was no one inside...I'll go out right away!"
  After the man left and Zhou Qiutong was alone in the room, she Something feels wrong.
  Her head was dizzy and she had no energy. My body was also very sore, as if I had been exercising for a long time. Zhou Qiutong's legs felt weak, especially an unspeakable part down there, which was slightly red, swollen and hot.
  Looking at the surrounding environment, Zhou Qiutong was frightened for a moment.
  Why is she in the hotel? !
  Coupled with her current physical condition, is it possible that she was...
  Zhou Qiutong gritted his teeth and began to recall what happened in his memory yesterday.
  She met Zhou Rui after school, got in the car and drank milk tea while chatting with him, and then... she lost consciousness.
  There's something wrong with that cup of milk tea!
  So Zhou Rui did all this? !
  Zhou Qiutong glanced around the room and couldn't find Zhou Rui. He quickly climbed to the bedside and picked up his cell phone to make a complaint.
  "Zhou Rui!!!! What did you do last night?!" The call was quickly connected, and Zhou Qiutong screamed at the other end.
  "What's wrong? What are you arguing about? You act like a shrew." Zhou Rui on the other end of the phone sounded lazy, and there was some noise around him.
  "You call me a shrew? You drugged me last night!!" Zhou Qiutong's attitude towards Zhou Rui was a bit unbelievable, and she had a vague feeling of bad premonition.
  "What's wrong with drugging? You're not too pretentious. No matter what I said before, you pretended to be confused with me." "
  You are raping me! I'm going to sue you!"
  "A man loves a woman, and you were also very fond of it last night. Are you comfortable? This is at best an affair, right? I didn't expect you to be so promiscuous."
  Zhou Rui's tone was light, and Zhou Qiutong couldn't think about why his attitude changed so much because his head was so dizzy.
  Zhou Qiutong had some impressions of last night, and also remembered her cooperation with Zhou Rui. It was indeed an angry statement to want to sue him.
  After all, the two are boyfriend and girlfriend, and it is natural for them to have a relationship. It's just that Zhou Qiutong didn't want to give away the first time in such a confused way. She originally wanted to save it for the wedding night...
  She is actually a relatively traditional person.
  "Then why are you not here... When I woke up and saw that you were not here, I was alone in the hotel and in that situation, I was scared to death..." Zhou Qiutong was half complaining, and half was right. Looking at Zhou Rui coquettishly, "Are you okay? You're so noisy over there."
  "Didn't you see the note I left for you?" Zhou Rui was a little surprised, "Since you didn't see it, I'll talk to you on the phone. Just tell me."
  "Let's break up. Don't pester me anymore." "
  I bought you the bag you talked about yesterday. Just treat it as overnight expenses. Hang up."
  Dududu -
  not yet By the time Zhou Qiutong reacted, Zhou Rui had already hung up the phone first.
  Zhou Qiutong's head was still a little dazed.
  What did Zhou Rui just say? He said he wanted to break up with her? ! After he slept with him? !
  One bag as overnight fee? What did he think of himself? ! A prostitute for sale? !
  Zhou Qiutong was unwilling to accept this fact. She could not imagine that Zhou Rui, who had always responded to her requests before, would actually say such things and do such things.
  But no matter how many times she called Zhou Rui, the other party did not answer the call again, but hung up the phone directly.
  If you call again, the number will have been added to the blacklist.
  Is he serious? !
  not kidding? !
  Zhou Rui really wants to break up with him? !
  Why? Why? !
  Zhou Qiutong didn't gradually accept this terrible thing until her phone ran out of battery.
  She covered her head with her hands and let out a scream in the room to vent her emotions. Zhou Qiutong felt that it was not enough, so he grabbed the phone and threw it against the wall.
  Zhou Qiutong was very powerful, and she put all the anger in her heart into it. There was only a "pop" sound, and the phone fell into pieces.
  The two of them were obviously so sweet yesterday, and she still thought about marrying Zhou Rui, becoming his wife, the hostess of the Zhou family, and enjoying endless glory and wealth in the future.
  Even after knowing that he and Zhou Rui slept, there was a hint of secret joy in his heart that Zhou Qiutong himself didn't notice. In this way, even if the rice is cooked, the relationship between him and himself will be closer.
  But Zhou Qiutong didn't expect that he could be so heartless!
  She's finished! All is lost!
  Zhou Qiutong sat on the bed frustrated, his mind went blank, and he felt like the sky was falling.
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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She chose to give up the college entrance examination for Zhou Rui, thinking only of the wealth in front of her. Zhou Qiutong thought they could make it to the future, but he didn't expect that they couldn't make it even for a year!
  I originally thought I couldn't have my cake and eat it too, but I didn't expect that I had picked up sesame seeds and lost the watermelon.
  Not only was there no way to successfully marry into a rich family, she even gave up the college entrance examination for this reason. Now that I am reviewing again, I don’t know if the remaining few months will be enough to make up for the original level.
  Zhou Qiutong finally regretted it.
  I regret why I didn’t listen to other people’s advice.
  She used to laugh at Shen Yuxi, but now her efforts are just temporary. But she didn't expect that in just such a short period of time, things would turn around and turn on her own head.
  Nowadays, she gets nothing! Get nothing!
  When Zhou Qiutong thought about his future, he felt completely cold from head to toe, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, chilling to his bones.
  Of course Zhou Qiutong was unwilling to give up. She thought that even if she didn't answer her call, she would find Zhou Rui, and the two of them would explain the matter clearly in person. Even if they have to break up in the end, she must make it clear and clear.
  Moreover, I wanted to send her away with just one package. I think she was a little too cheap. She was not the kind of casual woman.
  Wiping away her tears, Zhou Qiutong did as she said. She found many places that Zhou Rui frequented, including KTVs, coffee shops, and hotels. Finally, Zhou Rui was found in a bar owned by his friend.
  When Zhou Qiutong found him, Zhou Rui was drinking and chatting with several of his friends. There was even a woman beside him. The two of them were very close, almost touching each other.
  The woman put one hand on Zhou Rui's shoulder and kept the other hand ready to pour him wine.
  Zhou Rui refused to accept anyone who came, and Zhou Qiutong's eyes turned red with anger. For a moment, he forgot that the two of them had broken up, so he rushed forward and tried to pull the woman away.
  Zhou Rui's eyes saw a person suddenly rushing towards him. He immediately protected the woman and threw Zhou Qiutong out.
  After taking a closer look, it turned out to be Zhou Qiutong who appeared out of nowhere.
  "How did you find yourself here? Didn't I tell you on the phone that we had broken up?" When Zhou Rui saw her, the smile on his face disappeared and he felt a little unlucky. His face was full of impatience, and he didn't want to look at Zhou Qiutong again.
  "Break up. Why do you want to break up with me just after making a phone call?"
  "Weren't we fine yesterday? Why did you suddenly say break up? Is there anything wrong that I can change?"
  Zhou Qiutong didn't want to break up at all, even if Zhou Rui's attitude towards her has become like this, and she doesn't want to give up the good life that is so easy to get.
  Before Zhou Rui could speak, the friends around Zhou Rui started shouting loudly.
  "Brother Zhou, is this the money-worshiping girl you were talking about?"
  "I just heard you say that sleeping with her costs tens of thousands a night, but I don't think it's worth the price." "
  Xiaoxue is prettier than her. She has a thin waist and big breasts, and her temper is gentler and sweeter than her. She only pays a few thousand yuan a night." "
  That's right, Brother Zhou, your vision is not very good this time."
  Xiaoxue is the woman next to Zhou Rui. When she heard these people say this, she was not unhappy, but instead pursed her lips and smiled.
  Zhou Qiutong saw that the people who had been trying to please her a few days ago all changed their faces. They laughed at her and compared her to that kind of woman. She couldn't accept it for a while.
  "Why tens of thousands a night? He and I are legitimate boyfriend and girlfriend, not prostitutes for sale! He gave it to me voluntarily!"
  Zhou Qiutong was a little angry, forgetting to take into account his own image, and immediately retorted Went back.
  "Zhou Rui, your friend does this to me, and you don't care?"
  Qiu Tong still has some hope for Zhou Rui, and she doesn't want to give up yet.
  "I told you to break up, break up, and you didn't understand? Do you not understand Chinese or human language?" "
  I have long thought you were annoying, and the reason why I have endured it until now is just to get married. Please pay me back and don't let the money I spent a few days ago go to waste."
  "You really think I like you, just to play with you. We are all adults, why should we take it seriously? Can't we just get together and hang out? "
  Zhou Rui, how could you do this to me? I really like you..." Zhou Qiutong shook his head, tears almost falling down his cheeks.
  "Really like it?" Zhou Rui laughed out loud immediately after hearing Zhou Qiutong's words, "You really like my money, right? Look at what you wear, what you use on your face, and what you usually eat, what is wrong with it? Did you spend my money?"
  "How long have we been dating? You spent hundreds of thousands on me. It's good that I didn't ask you to pay back the money. You have the nerve to say this." "
  Who do you think I am? You are You voluntarily gave me the flowers! It was you who said you liked me and wanted to be with me!" "
  Well, since you like me, it's not impossible to get back together. If you have the ability, you can use the things I bought you. Return it all to me, and pay me back all the money I spent on you before. As long as you agree, I will get back together with you right away. Do you dare?"
  Of course Zhou Qiutong didn't dare.
  She did get together with Zhou Rui for his money at first, but it was only later that Zhou Rui tried to please her in every possible way that she gradually became interested in him.
  If she is asked to return the things now, wouldn't all her previous efforts be in vain? Not to mention where she got so much money.
  Doing all this just to get back together with Zhou Rui? It's not worth it.
  The hesitation on Zhou Qiutong's face was visible to everyone present. They didn't care about Zhou Qiutong and started laughing in front of her.
  "You still say you don't love money? Why are you mute?"
  "It's a beautiful thought to be a bitch and build an arch."
  "It's true that she's not a chicken, but she's worse than a chicken. At least people know her identity!"
  "I still want to marry into a rich family, maybe in the next life!"
  Every word these people said was like a sharp sword inserted deeply into Zhou Qiutong's body, but she could not say a word to refute them.
  Yesterday she thought she was the happiest person in the world, but today she fell into hell.
  In front of so many people, Zhou Rui trampled on her self-esteem and made her miserable.
  She couldn't bear the humiliation anymore and couldn't stay here any longer, so she covered her face and ran out.
  Until he ran to a deserted alley, Zhou Qiutong slowly squatted down against the wall.
  She hated Zhou Rui, hated their friends, and even started to hate Shen Yuxi.
  Shen Yuxi must know something, but she just pretended to remind herself once and never spoke to her again.
  She just wants to see her own jokes, right? !
  Zhou Qiutong hated them and wanted to cut all those who bullied him into pieces and make them all pay the price.
  But she knew that this was all just her imagination. ⊕This ⊕ work⊕ is written by ⊕思⊕Rabbit⊕ online⊕read⊕read⊕read⊕net⊕friends⊕organize⊕upload⊕upload⊕Zhou
  Qiutong is confused and scared now.
  Because she had Zhou Rui before, she ordered a lot of luxury goods in the store. You have paid a deposit, and you have to pay the balance after the goods arrive.
  But now that I don’t have any money, what money should I use to pay for it? !
  What should she do next? All is gone.
  It wasn't winter yet, but she felt a chill coming from inside her body. It was terrifyingly cold.
  "Hey, are you okay?"
  Zhou Qiutong heard a voice at the entrance of the alley, and she was stunned and turned around.
  How could it be her?

Chapter 20
  It was the woman who just sat next to Zhou Rui. Those people seemed to have mentioned her name. What does it seem to be called, Xiaoxue?
  Like a pet.
  Seeing that it was her, Zhou Qiutong covered up her previous vulnerability, stood up and raised her chin slightly.
  "What? Are you here to laugh at me?"
  If it weren't for her red eyes, Zhou Qiutong's appearance would still be quite annoying.
  "It's not my turn to be laughed at by people like you."
  Xiaoxue wasn't angry either. For people in their profession, verbal abuse and ridicule were trivial matters, and sometimes they would be punched and kicked. She shook her head with a smile and handed over the thing in her hand: "You just left your bag. Isn't this expensive?"
  Zhou Qiutong remembered that when she first saw Xiaoxue rushing up, she threw the bag aside and left. I was in a hurry and forgot to take it.
  She grabbed the bag with a cold face, without saying a word of thanks.
  Xiaoxue was also surprised that she didn't leave Zhou Qiutong's cold reception, but instead tried to talk to her.
  "Do you have a family? I heard Master Zhou say...are you an orphan?"
  "Master Zhou?" Zhou Qiutong sneered disdainfully, "What does it have to do with you whether I am an orphan?"
  Xiaoxue tried to say a few words to her. After speaking, he realized that Zhou Qiutong was very vigilant and would not say anything to him easily.
  Yes, after all, he is a good student in a key high school...
  Thinking of this, a trace of jealousy flashed in Xiaoxue's eyes. So she changed her strategy and decided to start with Zhou Qiutong's weaknesses.
  She had just listened to the whole thing in the bar, so she naturally knew what Zhou Qiutong lacked the most.
  He was thinking about his plan against her, but his face showed no trace of it. Xiaoxue calmed herself down, with a bit of sadness on her face: "I... I just feel that we are in the same boat, so I wanted to ask you if you need help." "
  Help? Sure." Zhou Qiutong's eyebrows showed a hint of sadness. Mocking, "I'm short of money, do you want to lend me money?"
  Seeing Xiaoxue didn't speak, Zhou Qiutong curled his lips, spared her and wanted to leave.
  "Actually... I have a way to make money quickly, but I think you might not be willing to do it." Xiaoxue said with some hesitation.
  Zhou Qiutong raised his eyebrows and turned to look at her: "What?"
  "Just say what you want to say."
  "You know what I do, right?"
  "You want me to go out and sell it like you?" Zhou Qiutong sneered. , and his words were not polite at all.
  After all, in her heart, a person of Xiaoxue's status was not worthy of her respect at all.
  It's not necessary, nor is it valuable.
  Xiaoxue was not angry, she just twitched the corner of her mouth and showed a wry smile: "That's not what I meant." "I
  work in a high-end club, and the manager happened to be recruiting some young and beautiful girls."
  "Our salary is very high, and it's still daily. Yes. Just drink and sing with the guests, and you get a lot of tips every day. You can earn a month's salary of an ordinary person in just one day." "
  Because it is a regular club, we don't provide the kind of service you want. . But if someone follows a guest out privately, it won't stop him." "
  I know you are alone now. If you are really short of money, you can try my place. As long as you earn enough living expenses, you can leave."
  Xiaoxue handed a golden business card to Zhou Qiutong. Zhou Qiutong did not take it and let the business card fall to the ground.
  Xiaoxue shrugged, closed her bag and turned to leave without further persuasion.
  Looking at her leaving figure, Zhou Qiutong snorted softly. She stared at the golden business card on the ground with unpredictable eyes and an inner struggle.
  After an unknown amount of time, she finally knelt down and put the business card into her bag.
  "Huh -"
  Shen Yuxi took the test paper from the teacher's hand, looked at the results on it, and breathed a sigh of relief.
  The college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and she is getting more and more worried. Fortunately, she did well in this mock test, which shows that her efforts during this period were not in vain.
  Gu Zerui saw her standing stupidly with the test paper instead of sitting down, so he came over to take a look: "Did you do well in the test this time? Your progress is getting faster and faster." "
  Just now, the teacher said how many were you in? You are already in the top 100 of your grade. "
  It's the 101st." Zhou Qiutong corrected carefully.
  "Isn't this just two short?" Gu Zerui didn't care much about such details.
  "There are hundreds of people missing the college entrance examination by only one point. It's not as easy as two. I still have to work hard."
  "Why do you think you are working so hard? The Shen family is not going to ask for it.
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Let you go out and work for others? "
  Shen Yuxi was silent for a while. She moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something. But in the end, she shook her head and said in a low voice, "You don 't understand. "
  No one can understand her.
  Although she has not had much contact with Shen Duo recently, she still doesn't want to stay at home.
  She is afraid. She
  can only try her best to leave this home.
  Seeing Shen Yuxi seems to have something on her mind, the look in Gu Zerui's eyes There was a flash of worry. Although he looked carefree, he was thoughtful and knew that Shen Yuxi seemed to have been troubled by something during this period. He wanted
  to help her and share her worries, but she refused to say anything to him.
  " Might as well be like this. " Gu Zerui clapped his hands and thought of an idea, "Aren't these two days a holiday? Go out to relax at night and think of it as a celebration of your progress.
  "It's not good to be so nervous all day long. "
  "That's your celebration too, right? " First place? " Shen Yuxi laughed, but she also felt that what Gu Zerui said was reasonable.
  "Where to go? "
  This was Shen Yuxi's first time at the bar.
  She followed Gu Zerui and was held by his hand, just like a father taking his daughter out to see the world. There was uncontrollable curiosity in her eyes.
  Dim lights and noisy environment, the loud music makes people can't help but sway to the rhythm.
  Gu Zerui pulled Shen Yuxi to turn left and right, upstairs the stairs, and came to the booth in the middle.
  The The view here is good, and the center of the bar is directly under the glass railing. , many men and women were dancing below.
  Several people were already sitting in the booths. When they saw Gu Zerui, they waved their arms vigorously. They were even more excited when they saw Shen Yuxi next to Gu Zerui.
  Shen Yuxi walked in and saw that they were all on the floor. We met when we were racing for the first time.
  "Ha, Brother Gu is finally willing to take you out
  "We have asked you many times before, but Brother Gu didn't agree! " " You
  talk a lot, don't you? "Gu Zerui pulled Shen Yuxi to the empty seat in the middle and sat down. He glanced at the wine bottles on the table. He frowned with a fierce look in his eyes, "Didn't I ask you to order a glass of juice? "
  Who comes to the bar to drink juice..."
  "Hey!" If you don't speak, you will die."Someone pulled him, winked at him, and winked at Shen Yuxi who was next to Gu Zerui.
  Oh -
  it turns out it was for this person.
  Now everyone still didn't understand what Gu Zerui meant, so they waved and shouted with a smile. The waiter standing next to him served him a glass of juice.
  Shen Yuxi leaned on the booth sofa, holding the juice in his hand and curiously watching them play the drinking game.
  Even in such dim light, Shen Yuxi was still the best The one who stood out.
  She was wearing a high school uniform, no makeup, and she was as pure and translucent as a hibiscus. Her light pink lips, clear eyes, and her whole person were like the bright moon, so beautiful that people coveted it.
  Even if the person sitting next to her was For people like Gu Zerui who don't seem to be easy to mess with, there are still many people who have the courage to ask the waiter to bring drinks to Shen Yuxi, looking forward to the beauty's visit.
  Gu Zerui is also a frequent visitor to the bar, so he naturally knows the habits here. At first, he didn't take it seriously. He was by his side anyway.
  But as time went by, more and more wine was delivered, and the table was already filled with two rows!
  Gu Zerui's face was already dark and his expression was ugly. , but there were still some people who couldn't read the eyes and came up to talk to Shen Yuxi in person.
  "This beauty, want to make friends? "While the man handed the wine glass to Shen Yuxi, he deliberately exposed the watch on his wrist and waved it in front of her.
  The watch seemed to be genuine, and the price was not low.
  If this trick really works for Zhou Qiutong, It's a pity that he wasted his efforts and looked at the blind man. How could Shen Yuxi know this? She took the glass blankly and thanked her. She
  didn't show the reaction he expected.
  What else did he want to say? , but was suddenly interrupted.
  "Oh, brother. "Gu Zerui stood up, put his arms around his neck and walked out, "Let's go out and talk. "
  Without waiting for the man to react, Gu Zerui forcibly dragged him downstairs.
  Shen Yuxi wanted to call out to Gu Zerui, but was stopped by others.
  "Oh, don't worry about Brother Gu, they will do their thing. are you bored? We're bored and we go dancing. "
  "……good. "
  Now that I'm here, I should experience everything.
  Shen Yuxi felt a little dry in the mouth, so she picked up the cup in her hand and took a sip.
  "Hey! ! That's hard liquor! ! "As soon as the edge of the cup reached his mouth, Kunlun Jing, who had been watching the show, couldn't help but stop him, "With the client's drinking capacity, he will get drunk in one sip! "
  Shen Yuxi's movements didn't pause at all. She drank one sip and then another.
  What she wanted was strong liquor.
  After all...drinking is so messy.
  Shen Yuxi was dragged downstairs to the middle dance floor.
  She finally He started to stand in the middle stupidly, not knowing where to put his hands.
  Gu Zerui's friend taught her some simple moves, and Shen Yuxi hesitated for a few seconds before following suit.
  The movement was a little stiff at first, but after a while it became smooth and even had a bit of a unique beauty.
  Shen Duo saw such a scene when he came.
  There were many people in the middle of the dance floor, but at a glance he could see the person he thought about day and night standing in the middle, following the rhythm of the music.
  She doesn't seem to know how to dance, but she has an alternative charm that attracts the attention of countless people.
  The fair face was stained with a layer of blush, and the clear eyes became particularly attractive at this time, and the waves in their eyes were breathtaking.
  Like a goblin.
  Let everyone be fascinated by her.
  Shen Duo suddenly wanted to hide her, not wanting others to see this side of her.
  Let her bloom only for herself.
  The author has something to say: Oh my god, what are you going to do next? <(`^)>
  Today’s third update is here! Will continue to update tomorrow! Thank you for your support!

  Shen Duo thought so in his heart, and his body immediately acted.
  He crossed the crowded crowd and came to Shen Yuxi's side. When I got here, I realized that because Shen Yuxi raised her hands, a small section of her waist was exposed. The white and shiny skin attracted many people's attention.
  Shen Duo's face suddenly turned dark.
  He took off his suit and covered Shen Yuxi's body, hugged her and wanted to go out.
  "Hey? What are you doing?"
  Gu Zerui's friends noticed this scene and thought that Shen Duo had the same intentions for Shen Yuxi as the men who delivered the drinks just now. They quickly blocked his way out, not wanting him to leave with Shen Yuxi.
  "Let go."
  Seeing these people's caring attitude towards Shen Yuxi, Shen Duo guessed that they should be her friends. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Shen Yuxi: "She, my biological sister."
  Gu Zerui's friends looked at him up and down with suspicious eyes.
  The black suit worn on Shen Yuxi was well-tailored, and Shen Duo was now wearing a white shirt, with a few buttons unbuttoned at the collar, revealing his muscular胸 chest, which made him a little more free and uninhibited.
  The aura he exudes and the expensive-looking watch make him look like a successful person.
  Not like a bad person.
  But that face has no resemblance to Shen Yuxi.
  If he really was his biological brother, how could he look nothing like him? Even if you are a cousin, you won’t be like this, right?
  Gu Zerui's friends didn't believe what he said and didn't want to let them go easily.
  Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, Gu Zerui came back at this time.
  "Hey, Brother Shen?"
  Gu Zerui had just returned from giving the man a lesson when he noticed that something seemed to have happened in the middle of the dance floor. When she got closer, she found that her friends were surrounding two people. One of them was Shen Yuxi, and the other turned out to be her brother Shen Duo.
  How could her brother still find this place?
  When the other party's brother discovered that he had brought his sister to such a place, Gu Zerui felt inexplicably guilty.
  His attitude towards Shen Duo was also a little more flattering.
  After all, this might be his future brother-in-law.
  "What are you doing here? Get out of the way."
  "But he..." Gu Zerui's friend wanted to complain, but suddenly remembered what Gu Zerui called this man just now, and his expression changed.
  Also named Shen?
  He is really Shen Yuxi’s brother.
  Why do these two siblings look nothing alike?
  Shen Duo naturally didn't have a good look on the brat who coveted Shen Yuxi. He nodded with a faint expression and said in a cold voice: "It's late, I took her back." "
  Ah... okay..." Gu Zerui was stunned. He nodded, disappointed but not surprised.
  But just when he wanted to go over and say goodbye to Shen Yuxi, he found that Shen Duo had held Shen Yuxi in his arms and wouldn't let him talk to her.
  Before Gu Zerui could react, he saw that Shen Duo had turned around and left with Shen Yuxi.
  "What's wrong?" Seeing him standing there in a daze, his friend pushed him, "You can't bear to leave?"
  "Fuck you." Gu Zerui glared at him and suppressed the doubts that had just arisen in his heart.
  Shen Duo seems to be very possessive of Shen Yuxi.
  Is it a sister control?
  Here, Shen Duo and Shen Yuxi walked out of the bar smoothly. Smelling the fresh air outside, Shen Duo's mood improved slightly.
  He opened the door of the back seat to let Shen Yuxi in, but found that she still lowered her head and leaned against his chest without making any movement.
  Shen Duo's movements paused for a moment, and he quickly lowered his head to check Shen Yuxi's condition.
  Then he laughed.
  No wonder you were so good today. You didn't think of avoiding him. It turned out that you were drunk.
  When Shen Duo saw Shen Yuxi's face blushing on the dance floor, he thought it was because of the heat, but he didn't expect that it was because he had drunk strong alcohol.
  Shen Duo just lowered his head and smelled the smell of brandy before he even got close. The rich aroma of wine mixed with the faint fragrance of Chen Yuxi's body, forming a special fragrance.
  It makes people addicted and difficult to extricate themselves.
  Shen Duo's throat rolled and his arms tightened subconsciously.
  "Sir?" The driver waiting in the driver's seat saw the two people standing at the door without any movement, and turned around to ask in confusion.
  "Yes." Shen Duo responded in a low voice and half-hugged Shen Yuxi into the car.
  Shen Yuxi was very obedient when she was drunk. Unlike other people who would go crazy after being drunk, she was even more obedient than when she was awake.
  After the car started, she leaned in Shen Duo's arms, half-obsessed, and said nothing.
  The two of them were so close that Shen Duo could even feel Shen Yuxi's weak breathing causing shivers on his neck.
  Shen Yuxi didn't seem to know that her smallest movements could cause a huge reaction from Shen Duo. She seemed a little uncomfortable, and she even whispered softly in his arms吟.
  "...What's wrong?" Shen Duo suddenly felt a little dazed. How long had it been since he heard her call him that?
  You only get so close to yourself when you're drunk.
  "I feel so uncomfortable, I want to vomit..."
  "How much did you drink?" Shen Duo sighed and stroked her back.
  The Shen family is a bit far away from here, and it will take a long time to go back now. It happens that he has a property nearby.
  Let's stay there temporarily tonight.
  Shen Duo used to sleep there when he worked too late, so as soon as he spoke, the driver turned the steering wheel to the left.
  Shen Duo helped Shen Yuxi get into the elevator, opened the door and closed it before taking her to the master bedroom.
  The master bedroom is the room where he usually sleeps. Although there is a guest room, it has not been cleaned. After Shen Yuxi fell asleep, Shen Duo was going to spend the night on the sofa in the living room.
  Although he liked Shen Yuxi, he had no intention of taking advantage of others, let alone their identities.
  Shen Duo was going to put Shen Yuxi on the bed first, and then he went to find the hangover medicine prepared in the room.
  But who would have thought that Shen Yuxi would hold his hand and not let him leave at all?
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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  She seemed to be very drunk, her body temperature was a little high, and her exposed skin was stained with a light pink color.
  Shen Duo's body temperature was relatively cold, and the skin-to-skin contact between the two should make her feel very comfortable, so she grabbed his hand and rubbed it against her face.
  He kept calling me "brother" and felt uncomfortable.
  Shen Duo's scream made his heart melt.
  But how could her symptoms be relieved by holding him back to get the medicine .
  Unexpectedly, Shen Yuxi looked soft and weak on the outside, but she was quite strong. Shen Duo was cruel and wanted to forcefully open her hand.
  Unexpectedly, Shen Yuxi loosened her grip, and then began to take off her clothes.
  Shen Duo was stunned on the spot without reacting. Shen Yuxi had already taken off her clothes in a few moments and wanted to put them on his body.
  The slender neck and snow-white shoulders, and further down...
  the beautiful scenery in front of him instantly robbed him of all his thinking ability.
  Shen Duo's ears were slightly red, and he turned his head, wanting to take the quilt and cover her body.
  But Shen Yuxi seemed to be extremely uncomfortable, her eyes were slightly red, and there was even a hint of crying in her voice: "Brother, I'm hot..."
  Only then did Shen Duo realize that something was wrong.
  This wouldn't happen if you drank alcohol. Could it be that... the alcohol was drugged?
  If I hadn't brought Shen Yuxi back today, wouldn't the person who was treated like this become Gu Zerui?
  What does he want to do!
  Shen Duo couldn't help but curse and decided to go find him tomorrow to ask him clearly.
  "Xixi, if you keep patiently, I'll call the doctor."
  As soon as he took out the phone, Shen Yuxi knocked him to the ground seemingly unintentionally.
  The next second, Shen Yuxi was already wrapped around him. She hugged his neck, pressed against his chest, and placed a little moist kiss on his face.
  Shen Yuxi seemed to be delirious from the fever, trying to unbutton the shirt of the man underneath. But my hands were trembling slightly, and I couldn't untie it, so I just pulled it away.
  Touching the source of the coolness, Shen Yuxi let out a comfortable sigh.
  She was sitting naked in the arms of Shen Duo, who was also shirtless. Seeing that she was about to cling to him again, Shen Duo subconsciously moved away.
  But Shen Yuxi's hand accidentally pressed on his lower abdomen, and a wave of anger spread from there to Shen Duo's whole body.
  At this time, Shen Yuxi could no longer be taken care of, and Shen Duo stood up suddenly. He stood up and wanted to walk out, not even bothering to pick up his shirt.
  But what Shen Yuxi said made him stop.
  "Brother... I feel uncomfortable, please help me..."
  "Didn't you say you would do anything for me..." "
  Brother... please..."
  "...Shen Yuxi, I am your brother ."
  Shen Duo recalled the scene that day. She raised her head and shed tears. She was so beautiful that she said ruthlessly that he was her forever brother.
  During this period, Shen Duo saw her avoiding him and rejecting him, and it also hurt her heart.
  He figured it out and decided to let it go.
  But why did she come to tease him every time when he was about to give up?
  How did Shen Yuxi know the struggle deep in Shen Duo's heart? She looked at him with tearful eyes, did not answer his questions, and kept shouting that her brother was in pain.
  He finally gave in.
  "Shen Yuxi, don't regret it."
  Shen Duo walked to the bed, and no longer endured the desire in his heart, he picked up Shen Yuxi and pressed her against the wall.
  Shen Yuxi put her hands around his neck, hooked her legs around his waist, and kissed him吻 like raindrops.
  She buried her face in his neck, feeling the impact on her lower body. She blinked, and there was no hint of drunkenness in her eyes. The red lips were slightly hooked, and she let out a low voice of satisfaction吟.
  Sleepless night.
  The author has something to say: Recently, every article I publish is waiting for high-level review, and it fails the online review N times! I didn’t dare to sleep after posting in the middle of the night, for fear of being locked_(:з」∠)_This
  chapter is for tomorrow, and tomorrow’s update is for the day after tomorrow!
  I'm traveling tomorrow, so there may not be an update the day after tomorrow!
  Of course, if I have time to code, I will definitely post it!
  Good advice threw 1 landmine.
  This neodymium man was so lazy that he threw a landmine.

Chapter 22
  When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the house, Shen Yuxi, who was sleeping with her eyes closed, opened her eyes as if feeling something. She had a severe headache, but she did not lose her memory. The memory of last night came back to her, and she instantly turned pale.
  She didn't speak, just hugged the quilt and cried silently.
  Shen Duo, who hadn't closed his eyes all night and was just waiting for the moment of judgment to come, noticed Shen Yuxi's reaction. He sighed slightly in his heart, already knowing the outcome of this matter.
  She regretted it.
  Shen Duo didn't want to embarrass Shen Yuxi, so he spoke before she could open her mouth: "What happened last night... I will treat it as if it never happened." "
  Our relationship is still the same as before. Unless you agree, I won't I'll do anything to you again."
  "It's not your fault. You don't need to blame yourself. I will make the person who did this thing pay the price."
  Seeing that Shen Yuxi still lowered her head and was unwilling to talk to her, Shen Duo He sighed heavily again: "I'll leave first. You can be alone."
  The door slammed shut in front of Shen Yuxi. ≡思≡Rabbit≡ is online≡read≡read≡
  and then raised his head. There were still tears on Shen Yuxi's face, but there was no moisture in her eyes. She moved her lips slightly and said quietly: "Smelly man, just run away after getting fucked."
  "Didn't you drive him away?" Kunlun Jing said angrily.
  "Why are you listening to me so much? Isn't it all written in the book? When the CEO woke up and saw the heroine crying, he was so angry that he forced the heroine to have sex and lay on the bed like a rag doll." Shen Yu Xi was quite disappointed, "I didn't even have fun last night, and I have to hold it in for a long time..."
  "What are you praising me for."
  Kunlun Mirror has never seen such a shameless person.
  It knows that there is nothing spring about that glass of wine!
  The man was not stupid last night, so how could he drug his drink without being sure? What's more, it kept staring at Shen Yuxi and even reminded her when she was drinking!
  She obviously seduced Shen Duo on purpose, and she forced him last night. At this time, he pretended to be more innocent than anyone else and cried more sadly than anyone else. Instead, Shen Yuxi became the victim and Shen Duo felt guilty.
  The acting skills of the Oscar-winning actress are not even one ten thousandth as good as hers!
  other side.
  Zhou Qiutong finally called the number on the business card.
  Because she is short of money.
  She had borrowed money from all the friends around her who could borrow money, but she was still a long way from paying off her credit card. If Zhou Qiutong hadn't retained some self-control, he would have thought of borrowing a loan shark.
  Of course, she didn't just listen to Xiaoxue's one-sided words. She asked some friends about this club and called after making sure that there was no forced selling of sex.
  Maybe it was because Xiaoxue mentioned her affairs to the manager last time. As soon as Zhou Qiutong explained her purpose, the man understood and asked her to go over and try it out in the evening.
  This club is located in the downtown business district. Every inch of land here is valuable, and there are also many pairs of eyes staring at it. Being able to open it here means it should be a formal place.
  Zhou Qiutong felt a little relieved.
  Xiaoxue was already waiting for her at the door. As soon as she saw her, she stepped forward with a smile and pulled her in: "The manager asked me to take you. Come, let's change clothes first, and I'll tell you the rules."
  Zhou Qiutong stared at the area where the two of them were touching. She felt a little dirty. But thinking about having to work here in the future and not being offended, I didn't let him go.
  After Xiaoxue's description, Zhou Qiutong knew that he went to work at four in the afternoon and got off work at two in the morning. Wages are calculated on a daily basis. Newcomers like Zhou Qiutong will receive less, 500 per day, while Xiaoxue and others will receive 800 per day.
  At least 15,000 yuan a month, which is still the basic salary. Like Xiaoxue, there are at least four or five single customers in one night. The people who can come here are either rich or noble, and everyone will give a lot of tips. When you're lucky, there are tens of thousands in a day.
  Zhou Qiutong was moved.
  She held the work clothes Xiaoxue handed her. It was a black and white uniform that fit very close to the body and perfectly outlined the curves of the body.
  Zhou Qiutong gritted his teeth, gritted his teeth, and put it on.
  Xiaoxue took advantage of her free time to teach her some skills and precautions, and it soon got dark.
  The soundproofing of the dressing room here is not very good, and Zhou Qiutong could hear other people's voices coming from the dressing room next door.
  "Dong dong dong, Xiaoxue, why are you hiding in there? Mr. Chen is calling you!"
  "Come right away!"
  Xiaoxue responded, pulling Zhou Qiutong and walking out: "Today you come with me first, anything else is fine. Forget, the only thing you have to remember is."
  "You must not disobey the guests!"
  "I pour the wine when I ask you to pour it, and sing when I ask you to sing. Do you understand?"
  Zhou Qiutong nodded, and Xiaoxue opened the door.
  Mr. Chen is a regular customer of hers, and he always orders her food every time he comes here. Mr. Chen happened to be taking his client with him today, so Xiaoxue simply took Zhou Qiutong with him. It would be safer to keep him under his nose.
  To save her from getting into trouble and hurting herself.
  As soon as Xiaoxue entered the box, she walked towards Mr. Chen and asked Zhou Qiutong to sit next to another guest.
  At first, Xiaoxue could still keep an eye on Zhou Qiutong, but as time went by, she didn't have any problems seeing Zhou Qiutong. Xiaoxue then put her mind at ease and served Mr. Chen wholeheartedly.
  Unexpectedly, not long after I relaxed, the sudden sound of applause caused the entire box to be silent for a moment.
  Only then did Xiaoxue notice that Zhou Qiutong had slapped the guest!
  She just felt like the sky was falling.
  Seeing Mr. Chen's face not looking good, Xiaoxue was so angry that she had difficulty breathing, fearing that her regular customer would implicate her because of this matter.
  "Tongtong!" This was the stage name the two of them had discussed in the dressing room. "What are you doing!"
  "Quickly apologize to the guests!"
  "Why should I apologize?" Zhou Qiutong also felt aggrieved, "He just Touch my leg!"
  "Will touching your leg make you lose some meat?! Apologize!"
  "If you don't want to work here, leave quickly!"
  When facing Zhou Qiutong, Xiaoxue said with a cold face, and turned to face Mr. Chen His customer became gentle and petty again: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhang, I'm so sorry..." "
  Tongtong is a newcomer who just came today. She doesn't understand the rules. She is still a student and comes here part-time to earn living expenses, so she has a bad temper. She's a bit old, and I'm not used to this. You two adults have a lot, don't argue with a little girl like her."
  That Mr. Chen had a bad temper. Even if Xiaoxue said this, he still wanted to curse with a straight face, but was stopped by the people around him. Mr. Zhang stopped him. Mr. Zhang seemed to be a good old man. He touched his face and joked with a smile: "What's the matter, Lao Chen, forget it. I'm willing to be slapped by a beautiful woman." "
  Huh." Mr. Chen snorted coldly. Looking at Zhou Qiutong with a fierce look, "Then you apologize and offer Mr. Zhang three glasses of wine.
  Just pretend that this incident never happened." Seeing Zhou Qiutong still standing there stupidly without any reaction, Xiaoxue used the hand of passing the wine to Chance whispered a warning in her ear.
  "I'm telling you, if you offend these two people, don't think about working here in the future. We can't tolerate a giant Buddha like you, so you'd better leave as soon as possible."
  Zhou Qiutong looked at the three people in front of him and felt that each of them was Extremely insidious, forcing yourself. She wanted to turn around and leave, but she thought that she would not be able to maintain her life without money.
  She finally lowered her proud head.
  "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I...respect you."
  After that day, Mr. Zhang became a frequent visitor to Zhou Qiutong, visiting her from time to time.
  I also give her a lot of tips from time to time.
  At first, Zhou Qiutong thought the money was a lot, and she wanted to save enough money to live on before leaving.
  But gradually, she was no longer satisfied.
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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People's desires are endless, and Taobao's shopping cart is always full.
  I see that the other girls who work with me change their mobile phones every once in a while, and their bags never look the same every day, let alone those expensive cosmetics and skin care products.
  Where there are many women, there is competition. Over time, Zhou Qiutong felt that he could not hold his head high in front of those women.
  She began to compromise and no longer had a bad face when faced with customers' attempts to tease her.
  Zhou Qiutong's bottom line continues to be eroded over time.
  One night, she left the club with Mr. Zhang, an old customer.
  The next day, she changed into a new bag.
  The change of attitude was so fast that even Xiaoxue, the instigator who dragged her into the water, was surprised.
  It's a pity, if she can endure it for a few more days...
  Thinking of this, Xiaoxue couldn't help but ask the manager on the side: " Manager, when will Mr. Shen come?"
  "Why do you care so much about Mr. Shen?" The manager frowned. , "You seem to have asked me this question last time? Don't you have any thoughts that you shouldn't 't have?"
  "Manager, just tell me~" Xiaoxue grabbed his arm and said coquettishly, "I Don't you want to show your face in front of the big boss? What if he falls in love with me?"
  " Stop dreaming, there are no beautiful women around Mr. Shen. Can he fall in love with you?" The manager curled his lips, "Mr. Shen Come tonight." "
  Didn't he come to inspect at the end of the month ?" Xiaoxue was a little panicked when she suddenly heard the news. Yesterday, Zhou Qiutong seemed to have said that she was taking leave today? What if the two of them miss it?
  "It is said that Mr. Shen's friend is coming. .. Hey, what are you doing!"
  Xiaoxue couldn't let this rare opportunity pass, so she took her mobile phone and called Zhou Qiutong.
  "Qiutong!" Xiaoxue opened her mouth and lied, "I'm sick today, can you come and take care of the guests for me?" "
  I'm not going today, you call someone else."
  Xiaoxue wanted to curse, she wanted to Who? This person is so ignorant!
  But she couldn't reveal her purpose . After pleading in every possible way, Zhou Qiutong finally reluctantly agreed.
  After hanging up the phone, Xiaoxue snorted coldly.
  After tonight, Zhou Qiutong had to thank herself.
  Xiaoxue met the big boss Mr. Shen in the club a few months ago and was immediately shocked. She never forgot about him and asked a lot about him.
  Knowing that he was young and promising, his family was rich and his parents died young.There is only one grandfather in the family, and my sister was lost when she was a child.
  Xiaoxue learned to read bones from her grandfather when she was a child. She saw Zhou Qiutong in a bar more than a month ago and discovered that Zhou Qiutong's facial features and bones were very similar to Mr. Shen.
  She had a premonition at that time.
  After further inquiry, I found out that Zhou Qiutong was an orphan, and I became even more certain. Xiaoxue tried her best to get her to the club and wanted her to meet Shen Duo.
  However, she is not a lively Lei Feng. She takes good care of Zhou Qiutong on weekdays, just because she wants Zhou Qiutong to repay her in the future.
  But if Zhou Qiutong is ungrateful, don't blame her for not remembering her old relationship.
  Xiaoxue smiled proudly. After all, she had a lot of leverage over Zhou Qiutong.
  A princess in distress who became a prostitute...
  tsk tsk.
  at the splendid club in front of him, Shen Duo sighed.
  Although this is Shen Duo's property, he doesn't like coming here very much. However, he does not reject the fact that a place like this is making money every day.
  Today, a friend he hadn't seen for many years had just returned to China and had decided to come here to get together.
  Recently, he had been upset about Shen Yuxi's affairs, so he simply agreed to come here to drink away his worries.
  After being led through the corridor by the manager and about to enter the box, Shen Duo accidentally glanced into the box next door.
  At that moment, it would be no exaggeration to say that his mood was like a bolt from the blue.
  The author has something to say: Oh Tongtong is going back to the Shen family!
  Baby Xixi is going to be kicked out! It's so miserable!
  This chapter about catching up on a train! Please praise me for my diligence! Quite胸!
  By the way, if I continue to drive a shabby car in the future, cuties, please don’t comment about it! I'm so cowardly, so afraid of being reported (T_T)
  Okay, see you tomorrow! Maybe there will be another chapter at 11 o'clock tomorrow!

Chapter 23
  Shen Duo's father was not at home often when he was a child, so he had no impression of his father's appearance. However, the old man of the Shen family said that he did not look like his mother and was simply a replica of his father. His mother is usually by his side, and he has a deep memory of her.
  But at that moment, he thought he saw his long-dead mother appearing in front of him.
  It was only when Shen Duo calmed down and took a closer look that he discovered that there were some subtle differences between that person and his mother.
  Those eyebrows... seemed somewhat similar to his own. Except for the eyebrows and eyes, most of the outline still looks like his mother. If you are not familiar with him, you probably won't be able to tell.
  Who is this person...?
  Until he entered the box, Shen Duo still looked obviously dazed. His friends also found it interesting when they saw that he was rarely absent-minded.
  "What's the matter? You're so distracted. You can't be fascinated by some beauty." ┆┆This book┆┆Work┆┆Product┆┆Read by┆┆Si┆┆Rabbit┆┆On┆┆Line┆┆Read┆┆Read ┆┆Network┆┆Friends┆┆Correction┆┆Management┆┆Upload┆┆Publish┆┆Shen
  Duo did not deny it immediately. Instead, he waved to the waiting manager.
  "The girl serving in the box next door."
  "Mr. Shen, you said... Tongtong?" Who among those who have stayed in such an occasion for a long time is not a human spirit? The manager immediately understood what Shen Duo meant, "Yes! I immediately asked her to come over and serve."
  When the manager went out, Shen Duo's friend looked at him in disbelief: "Shen Duo, aren't you? You haven't been before Have you never liked the girls here?"
  "Hey, what kind of beauty is Tongtong? It's rare for you to make an exception."
  Shen Duo was too lazy to pay attention to him.
  But when Zhou Qiutong walked in with doubts on his face, Shen Duo did not do what his friend imagined. Just let the girl sit aside and pour the wine, and it would take a long time before she could say a few words.
  My friend felt a little confused when he heard this. It didn't sound like flirting, but more like checking the household registration.
  Otherwise, what are the people in her family doing?
  After asking a few questions, Shen Duo was surprised to find that Shen Yuxi and the person in front of him came from the same orphanage and even attended the same high school.
  In the same orphanage, paternity testing may result in the wrong person being tested.
  If the person in front of him is his sister...
  Shen Duo has no doubt that Shen Yuxi did this. Instead, he feels that his heart, which has been dull for many days, finally has a ray of sunshine, and the depression between his eyebrows relaxes.
  However, Shen Duo did not reveal any of his speculations to Zhou Qiutong, because he could feel the deep hatred hidden in the tone of the man in front of him when he mentioned Shen Yuxi.
  After returning, he turned his arms outward without hesitation. He kept this matter secret for the time being and did not tell the old man of the Shen family.
  If Zhou Qiutong is really his sister, then he must plan carefully how to let Zhou Qiutong go home and let Shen Yuxi continue to stay by his side without being abandoned by his grandfather.
  But although Shen Duo didn't say it himself, Zhou Qiutong had some expectations.
  She is not stupid to begin with, and her time in the club has made her improve a lot.
  Although Shen Duo only asked a few questions about her life and family, she was keenly aware that there must be something wrong with it. Zhou Qiutong could see her own face in the mirror every day, so she could naturally notice the similarities between Shen Duo and her. After asking around again, I found out that the Shen family had lost a daughter, and I felt even more confident.
  Could it be that she is the daughter of the wealthy Shen family?
  Zhou Qiutong became even more impatient when he found out that Shen Duo was not only the owner of this club, but also had many properties under his name.
  If she is the lost daughter of the Shen family, then she is a real princess!
  Zhou Qiutong, who had been waiting at home for two days without receiving any news, was impatient. She gritted her teeth and ran straight to the Shen family to find the old man of the Shen family.
  Normally, people like her would be stopped as soon as they arrived at the door, but now she was lucky. Zhou Qiutong bumped into Mr. Shen's car as soon as he arrived at the door.
  When Mr. Shen saw Zhou Qiutong's face, he was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood something. He first put Zhou Qiutong in a hotel, then sent someone to investigate what was going on. Finally, he went to the hospital again to do a paternity test on Zhou Qiutong, Shen Yuxi and the Shen family.
  This time, the old man of the Shen family personally watched the whole process, and the final result was not what he expected.
  Zhou Qiutong is from the Shen family, and Shen Yuxi is just a fake.
  The old man of the Shen family seemed to have forgotten the days when he and Shen Yuxi were intimate, and he also forgot about Shen Yuxi's care for him.
  He took Zhou Qiutong home the same day he knew the result, without thinking about Shen Yuxi's feelings after knowing about it.
  Shen Duo rushed home immediately after getting the news, worried that Shen Yuxi would be sad. He came back at the right time and encountered Zhou Qiutong arrogantly teaching Shen Yuxi a lesson at the Shen family.
  God knows that Zhou Qiutong's inner anger after knowing that Shen Yuxi had stolen her identity was difficult to express in words.
  Shen Yuxi also showed off her family, her grandfather, and her brother in front of her. But all of this originally belonged to her, Zhou Qiutong! He even used her money to donate to himself!
  Zhou Qiutong once envied Shen Yuxi, but now he resents her.
  If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be reduced to working in nightclubs...
  It's all Shen Yuxi's fault!
  After hearing the old man of the Shen family announcing his identity in front of Shen Yuxi and seeing Shen Yuxi's pale and helpless expression, Zhou Qiutong felt it was not enough. She also wanted Shen Yuxi to get out of the Shen family immediately.
  Seeing that Mr. Shen had just left, Zhou Qiutong turned around and grabbed Shen Yuxi's arm to drag her down the stairs. However, she didn't expect that Shen Yuxi actually held her wrist with his backhand. The strength was unexpectedly strong. Zhou Qiutong was unable to break free for a while.
  "What are you doing?! Let me go!"
  "Qiutong, are you too proud?" Shen Yuxi was still the soft and frail person Zhou Qiutong was familiar with, but the words that came out of her mouth made Zhou Qiutong freeze on the spot. "Now Shen Duo is in charge of the Shen family. Do you think my brother will help you, my biological sister, or me, my cheap sister?"
  Before Zhou Qiutong could react, Shen Yuxi had already let go of his hand. She blinked at Zhou Qiutong, turned around and fell back towards the stairs.
  Zhou Qiutong's expression changed, and she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart. Sure enough, Shen Duo returned home at some point. He was kneeling at the bottom of the stairs and caught Shen Yuxi who fell from above.
  Seeing Shen Duo's nervous look, before Zhou Qiutong could explain, he heard Shen Yuxi preemptively speaking: "Brother... don't misunderstand Qiutong, in fact, I accidentally fell down when I went downstairs just now. ."
  "Shen Yuxi, do you think I am a three-year-old child or do you think of yourself as a three-year-old child?" There was unconcealable anger in Shen Duo's tone, "You came downstairs and turned your head to the ground? Do you have eyes in your back? " Do
  you know that if I hadn't come home just now, you might have been admitted to the hospital just now?"
  Shen Duo seemed to be angry. Shen Yuxi had never seen him be so venomous.
  It's a bit interesting.
  Seeing Shen Duo caring so much about Shen Yuxi, Zhou Qiutong thought of what Shen Yuxi had said before, and Zhou Qiutong's heart skipped a beat.
  Sure enough, after scolding Shen Yuxi, Shen Duo turned his gun on Zhou Qiutong.
  "I know everything you and grandpa said. I don't agree with letting Shen Yuxi leave."
  "The Shen family's mistake of admitting the wrong person is none of Shen Yuxi's business. There is no need for you to vent your anger on her. If there is a next time, I will not admit that I have a murderer sister."
  "...It's not me at all!! She obviously fell down by herself! She even admitted it!" Zhou Qiutong couldn't believe it, her pupils were slightly Open, nostrils dilated,
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He looked furious.
  "She did this on purpose! Just to frame me!"
  "What's more, I am your biological sister. Not only does she have nothing to do with you, she also took away my family. Why can't I drive away? She left my home!"
  Shen Duo was about to reply when he suddenly heard a slightly painful moan from Shen Yuxi in his arms.
  Shen Duo saw that Shen Yuxi was sweating on her forehead. She must have been injured somewhere. He was a little anxious, so he picked up Shen Yuxi and wanted to walk out.
  Seeing Zhou Qiutong standing in front of them with a look of disgust on his face, the patience he had just wanted to explain disappeared without a trace, and he did not give Zhou Qiutong any dignity in what he said.
  "Because this family is currently in my hands. If you don't accept it, you can get out."
  Zhou Qiutong was frightened by Shen Duo's cold attitude. He didn't dare to say any more words and could only watch them. The two left.
  She even saw Shen Yuxi, who was holding Shen Duo's neck and buried in his arms, sticking out her head and giving her a proud smile.
  When Shen Duo walked away, she dared to smash the ceramics on the side to release the anger in her heart.
  At this time, she no longer felt as arrogant and confident as when she faced Shen Yuxi before. She only felt fearful, confused and uneasy.
  She is his sister , the sister she has been looking for for many years. But why does Shen Duo only care about that impostor?
  This problem has been bothering Zhou Qiutong. During this period, because of Shen Duofang's harsh words, Zhou Qiutong did not dare to cause trouble .
  It wasn't until a few days later that she finally understood why Shen Duo's attitude towards the two people was so different.
  Because she saw Shen Yuxi walking out of her brother Shen Duo's room at five o'clock in the morning.
  The author has something to say: I have finally finished my work. I have been queuing all day today and my feet are lame.
  I feel like I will not thank all the treasures that I received today. Kiss ^3^

Chapter 24
  Zhou Qiutong's mind went blank at that time. He only had one thought, which was to quickly find a place to hide so that he would not be discovered by them.
  Because the home is not very safe, Shen Duo is very vigilant. The two of them soon separated , standing there as if talking. Because they were too far away, she couldn't hear what they said.
  After staying for a few minutes, she still heard nothing. Worried about being discovered, she quietly went downstairs.
  What Zhou Qiutong didn't know was that Shen Yuxi glanced at where she was just after she left.
  Although she didn't hear anything clearly, Zhou Qiutong could see clearly the kiss.
  She said why there was no movement for many days after Shen Duo saw her in the club. No wonder Shen Duo was lukewarm to her after knowing her identity. He even knew that she was his sister but still preferred Shen Yuxi.
  It turns out it was just because the two of them had an affair!
  Doesn't this mean that Shen Yuxi has long known that she is not from the Shen family? Otherwise, how could such a scandal as brother-sister incest be possible.
  Thinking of what Shen Yuxi had done a few days ago to deliberately frame herself, Zhou Qiutong felt that Shen Yuxi must have deliberately seduced Shen Duo in order to stay in the Shen family.
  If the old man of the Shen family knew about this, wouldn't Shen Yuxi be doomed?
  Shen Yuxi never expected that such a shameful thing would be discovered by her, right?
  The frustration that had been lingering in Zhou Qiutong's heart for the past few days finally disappeared at this time, knowing that he had something to do with Shen Yuxi's survival. Despite Shen Duo's cold gaze, Zhou Qiutong couldn't help but get carried away when facing Shen Yuxi.
  Zhou Qiutong selectively ignored the resistance on Shen Duo's face when she kissed吻 Shen Yuxi.
  Not wanting Shen Yuxi to stay at home any longer, Zhou Qiutong endured it for a few days. As soon as he collected the evidence of their relationship, he immediately put this thing on the desk of Mr. Shen's family.
  When the old man of the Shen family saw these photos, he couldn't tell what he felt in his heart.
  I didn't expect that after living for so many years, I would teach such a grandson.
  Zhou Qiutong said a lot of bad things about Shen Yuxi in front of the old man of the Shen family. Although the old man of the Shen family nodded in agreement, he did not believe a word she said.
  He has lived to this age and has been in the business world for so many years. Whether a person's character is pure or not may not be obvious at first glance, but after getting along for a long time, the old man of the Shen family believed that Shen Yuxi was not the kind of person Zhou Qiutong said.
  He has always seen Shen Yuxi's rejection of Shen Duo during this period. The old man of the Shen family didn't know the reason at first, but now he finally understands why.
  The old man of the Shen family was not angry with Shen Yuxi.
  He was just disappointed that Shen Duo would do such a thing.
  The old man of the Shen family did not believe that Shen Duo would do such a thing when he knew that Shen Yuxi was his biological sister. He only thought that Shen Duo had already known that Shen Yuxi was not his sister. And in order for the two of them to continue to get along, they will make mistakes.
  Ruining his own principles because of feelings and letting his sister stay in that place...
  He must never let the heir of the Shen family be driven by unnecessary emotions.
  We can't let the two of them continue to be in such close contact.
  The old man of the Shen family found an excuse to let Zhou Qiutong leave first. He himself found a time when Shen Duo and Zhou Qiutong were not around to talk to Shen Yuxi.
  As soon as he saw Shen Yuxi walking into his study room and seeing the photos he deliberately placed on his desk, Shen Yuxi's face instantly lost all color.
  She bit her lower lip tightly until her lips were almost bloodshot, and then she spoke slowly.
  As soon as he spoke, he apologized: "I'm sorry, Master...Mr. Shen, it's all my fault."
  "I will leave the Shen family."
  Seeing her look like this, Mr. Shen shook his head slightly tiredly: "I know it's not your fault, and I feel sorry for you. But for Shen Duo and the Shen family." "
  The Shen family can't let this kind of scandal
  happen." "I can only wrong you.
  " "I know." Shen Yuxi He pursed his lips and revealed a wry smile, "I won't embarrass you." ④Si④Rabbit④Net④Written④File④Share④with④Online④Read④Read④
  "Shen Duo..."
  "I I will also find an excuse myself so that he will not misunderstand you."
  "Thank you for taking care of me during this time. I am very happy."
  "Oh... I will give you enough money as compensation for these things." When Mr. Shen saw that Shen Yuxi wanted to refuse, he added, "You are still a student. You will definitely not be able to live without money in the future. Enough money will be more beneficial to your future. Don't refuse."
  In the end, Shen Yuxi agreed. Rather than letting Mr. Shen think wildly and worry about regretting it, it would be better to collect the things yourself to make him feel more at ease.
  And she does need it.
  In the eyes of Mr. Shen, Shen Yuxi's back as she left the study was particularly desolate. He had no idea that after she left the house, she made a phone call that could ruin his granddaughter's future.
  "You can start."
  Shen Yuxi was indeed leaving, and even the time she was discovered by Zhou Qiutong was planned by her.
  If she doesn't leave the Shen family, how can she fulfill her client's wish, that is, she can live a better life without leaving the Shen family?
  But even if she had to leave, she couldn't let Zhou Qiutong take advantage of her.
  What Shen Yuxi left to Zhou Qiutong was not the beautiful white and rich life she imagined, but countless messes.
  She did not leave quietly and go to other cities to remain anonymous as others imagined. After Shen Yuxi took the money given by Mr. Shen and left the Shen family, she bought a house near the school and moved in the next day.
  Shen Duo came over that night.
  Shen Yuxi did not see him again.
  The fact that Shen Duo came here meant that he knew what happened. He couldn't blame the grandfather who raised him, so he put all the blame on Zhou Qiutong.
  Since Shen Yuxi left, Zhou Qiutong's life in the Shen family has not been good. Although she had no worries about food and shelter, Shen Duo didn't like her. The servants just looked at the dishes and saw that the real master of the Shen family turned a blind eye to her, so they also ignored Zhou Qiutong.
  The only person Zhou Qiutong could turn to, the old man of the Shen family, had already offended Shen Duo because of Shen Yuxi, and now it was impossible for him to fall out with Shen Duo because of her. After all, the heir to the Shen family who was raised by his own hands was more important than her granddaughter who had returned halfway, and there was nothing he could do to help her.
  Zhou Qiutong became a transparent person in the Shen family.
  The pocket money given to her by the Shen family was only enough to survive. She felt that she had not even had a good time at the club, so she couldn't help but go to Xiaoxue to complain.
  "How can you think so?" Xiaoxue felt a little incredible, "You have escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and you still think that you were living a good life before?"
  "They didn't give me a penny to spend!" Zhou Qiutong was used to lavish spending, and now How could she bear the sudden return to the orphanage's economic level?
  "You don't know, just because Shen Duo doesn't like me, no one in the entire Shen family thinks highly of me! Even the servants turn a blind eye to me, who do they think they are?!" "He
  is your biological brother after all, you As long as you work hard to please him, he won't deny you."
  Hearing Zhou Qiutong say that she had no money, Xiaoxue's originally hesitant heart became a little firmer.
  If you want to get money from her, you can only use special methods. Otherwise, wouldn’t all my previous efforts be in vain? Xiaoxue never thinks of herself as a living Lei Feng, doing good deeds for free.
  Zhou Qiutong has recovered his identity, and there is always a corresponding price to pay for the benefits.
  "To please? My brother?" Zhou Qiutong sneered, quite disdainfully, "He doesn't regard me as his sister at all. He just wants me to disappear immediately and let his precious sister come back as soon as possible." "It's
  simply annoying. It’s so obvious! Nothing good happened at all!” Zhou Qiutong covered his head manically, feeling that he couldn’t live this life anymore.
  Xiaoxue paused, then suddenly leaned into Zhou Qiutong's ear and whispered: "I have something that can temporarily solve these troubles for you. Do you want to try it?"
  "...What is it?" Zhou Qiutong looked at Xiaoxue suspiciously, feeling She suddenly became very talkative.
  I saw Xiaoxue rummaging in the bag for a long time, only taking out a pack of cigarette cases, took a cigarette from it and handed it to her.
  "What, isn't it just a cigarette?" Zhou Qiutong was a little disappointed, took the cigarette and lit one skillfully, "It's not like I've never smoked before."
  This was no ordinary cigarette.
  Xiaoxue saw with satisfaction that Zhou Qiutong's expression became a little dazed as the cigarette became shorter and shorter.
  This is an addictive smoke.
  The cut tobacco of this cigarette has been specially processed and mixed with marijuana. You won’t feel it at first, but in the later stages you will gradually become addicted and become increasingly unable to leave.
  Once Zhou Qiutong became addicted to drugs, wouldn't he have to find ways to spend a lot of money to buy this special cigarette with her?
  Xiaoxue is now very grateful to the mysterious person who told her this method.
  the mysterious person Shen Yuxi capsized in the gutter at this time and encountered an unprecedented crisis.
  Originally, she had a pleasant life when she was single outside. Gu Zerui took care of her at school, and when she got home, she could see that Shen Duo was trying to please her by giving her a variety of meals every day.
  When she was alone, she would slump on the sofa regardless of her image. She didn't have to worry about being seen and ruining her image. It was so refreshing.
  Shen Yuxi was reluctant to live like this and wanted to live like this until the end of the college entrance examination.
  It was just a few days before the college entrance examination that she suddenly felt a little nauseous during class at school.
  Until she went to the bathroom and retched several times one day, Shen Yuxi suddenly had a bad feeling.
  She went to the drugstore to buy things and did a test at home. When she saw the two bars on it, Shen Yuxi felt a little dizzy.
  Oops, I won the lottery.
  The author has something to say: I have finally finished writing.
  By the way, I saw someone in the comments saying that the comments they replied to are gone.
  Let me explain that I did not delete the comments! I won’t delete it unless it’s a ginseng cock!
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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So JJ must have been beaten (T_T)

Chapter 25
  Shen Yuxi cursed the first curse word she said when she came here.
  This Shen Duo actually killed him with one shot. The Shen family's abilities are really... pretty good.
  Shen Yuxi gritted his teeth.
  "Can I have it aborted?" Shen Yuxi asked the Kunlun Mirror impatiently, as if she was afraid that it would disagree, and added, "It is guaranteed to be a painless abortion and not harm the client's body." "
  Um... no." Kunlun Jing was also frightened by this development. He quickly checked the regulations and rejected Shen Yuxi's idea.
  "The regulations say that if the client has descendants, they cannot be killed without permission."
  Seeing Shen Yuxi raising an eyebrow with disapproval, Kunlun Mirror added another warning: "If you deliberately violate it, the game will pop up immediately, and your consciousness will Suffering the punishment of the Nine Heavenly Thunders."
  Shen Yuxi sighed instantly after hearing the Nine Heavenly Thunders.
  "I obviously took the medicine left by Shen Duo that day. Isn't it for contraception? Are human contraceptive pills fake and shoddy? Whether or not contraception is available depends entirely on luck?" "
  Well..." Kunlun Jing's tone was laced. A bit gloating, "Because you are a god, your consciousness is possessed by the human body, which is a great tonic for humans. It can nourish the body and heal hidden wounds. Contraceptive pills will harm the human body to a certain extent, so it If it is excreted from the body as harmful substances, it will naturally lose its contraceptive effect."
  To put it bluntly, she only has herself to blame for this matter and cannot blame others.
  Shen Yuxi couldn' t help but shudder when she thought about having children in the future.
  No, this was absolutely not okay, she would never let such a terrible thing happen.
  This is a disaster.
  Because of the rules of the game, Shen Yuxi had to keep the child.
  But her current identity is that she has not yet reached adulthood and has not graduated from high school. She has even been Shen Duo's younger sister.
  The Shen family must not let this child know.
  Maybe Shen Duo would like his existence, but the old man of the Shen family would not allow this child who proved the brother and sister's unfaithful love to survive.
  Even if this was his great-grandson, he would not give the Shen family the possibility of being exposed to scandal. By that time, the old man of the Shen family will not treat Shen Yuxi as well as he does now.
  Shen Yuxi thought for a moment and came up with a solution.
  Isn't it in those story books that the popular domineering president falls in love with the heroine and runs away with the ball after one night?
  "As long as my wish is fulfilled, I can escape from this world?"
  "Yes, but future generations..."
  "Don't worry about this, I will consider it."
  With an extra baby in her belly, Shen Yuxi changed from her previous leisurely pace. With a vacation mentality, she decided to speed up the progress and fulfill the client's wish before the due date.
  So, when Gu Zerui sent her home after school the next day, he saw Shen Yuxi rushing off the motorcycle and covering her mouth on the street. Her face was pale and she was sweating. She seemed to be a little nauseous.
  "Are you sick?" Gu Zerui immediately parked the car and ran over to help her, "You haven't looked good these days. I'll take you to the hospital." "
  No!" Shen Yuxi, who had always been obedient, had a look on her face when she arrived at the hospital. There was strong resistance and panic, and he subconsciously covered his stomach, "I don't want to go to the hospital!"
  Seeing Shen Yuxi's weird reaction, Gu Zerui's heart skipped a beat.
  He suffered from frequent nausea and retching, subconsciously covering his stomach, and strong rejection of the hospital...
  He got an incredible answer.
  "...Are you pregnant?" Gu Zerui pursed his lips, and his heart suddenly beat a little fast. He followed Shen Yuxi closely, catching every subtle change in her expression with his eyes, unwilling to let go of any of her emotions.
  Shen Yuxi's pupils shrank slightly, revealing her uneasy heart.
  Although she immediately denied it the next second, Gu Zerui already had the answer in his heart.
  But how is this possible?
  Gu Zerui couldn't believe it.
  He stayed by Shen Yuxi's side every day and did not see any other man approaching her, except for her brother...
  Shen Duo.
  Gu Zerui's heart skipped a beat. He closed his eyes slightly and said in a hoarse voice, "It's Shen Duo."
  Gu Zerui wanted to hear Shen Yuxi refute his wild guess, but she didn't.
  She lowered her head to hide the expression on her face, but her tears still revealed her emotions and fell to the ground drop by drop.
  "That time?" Looking back now, Gu Zerui could detect a lot of things that were wrong.
  No wonder Shen Yuxi's mood has been wrong for a while, and there is so much resistance when it comes to the Shen family, especially Shen Duo.
  It turned out to be all because of this.
  But at that time, Shen Yuxi had not yet left the Shen family because of Zhou Qiutong...
  In other words, Shen Duo thought they were brothers and sisters and sent her...
  Gu Zerui roared, and the one on his arm With veins popping out, he turned around and wanted to rush to Shen, wanting to make him pay the price.
  "It's none of his business, it's all my fault." Shen Yuxi stopped him in time.
  She was worried that Gu Zerui would really come to her door, so she briefly explained the situation that day.
  Hearing that it was all because he took Shen Yuxi to the bar that day that this happened, Gu Zerui felt so regretful that he wanted to rush back and strangle himself to death that day.
  "I'm sorry..." His tone was choked, and he was about to cry.
  It was all because of what she had made up, and Shen Yuxi felt a rare feeling of guilt.
  She quickly changed the subject.
  "The college entrance examination will be in a few days... Just forget about this, okay?"
  "Then after the college entrance examination, this child..." ┇本┇WORK┇WORKS┇By┇思┇Rabbit┇On┇Online┇ Read┇Read┇Network┇Friends┇Organize┇Organize┇Upload┇Publish┇Gu
  Zerui is inclined to get rid of it.
  The college entrance examination is in two days. If you miss it, you have to wait another year. With Shen Yuxi's emphasis on the college entrance examination, Gu Zerui knew that she would not go to the hospital these days, which would have an impact on the college entrance examination. But after the college entrance examination, she no longer had worries. She had enough time to rest and recuperate...
  But seeing Shen Yuxi's attitude towards this child, Gu Zerui suddenly had a premonition.
  She wanted to keep it.
  Sure enough, Shen Yuxi's words proved his guess.
  "I want to keep him." Shen Yuxi's tone was without any hesitation. She seemed to have thought about all the consequences, but still insisted on doing so.
  "This is a life after all, and I can't bear to erase his existence."
  "But... I don't want him to know about this either."
  Gu Zerui knew who he was referring to.
  "I want to leave him and this city after the college entrance examination, and make a complete break with the past."
  "Arui, can you help me?"
  Her face was fair, and her eyes were clear and a little pleading.
  Gu Zerui was surprised to find that he couldn't even think of rejecting her. He closed his eyes and sighed.
  "As long as you want, I will help you."
  "No matter what."
  On this day, Shen Duo personally came to Shen Yuxi's door to deliver food to her as usual. During this period, Shen Yuxi's day All three meals were taken care of by him.
  Shen Duo knew that Shen Yuxi couldn't drive, but he still knocked on the door before leaving out of habit. Only this time, the door opened from the inside.
  Shen Yuxi was wearing pajamas. She seemed to have just taken a shower, her wet hair was disheveled, and her head was still filled with moisture.
  In order to prevent Shen Yuxi from deepening her dislike for him, Shen Duo, except for delivering food to her, endured his longing for her and did not bother her the rest of the time.
  He hasn't been able to see Shen Yuxi for many days. She has lost a lot of weight today. Her eyes were blue and black, her figure was thin, and she seemed to be not having a good life.
  Shen Yuxi glanced at Shen Duo and the packaging bag at the door, then opened the door halfway: "Come in."
  Shen Duo stood at the door and was stunned for a long time before he realized the meaning of Shen Yuxi's words. Carrying the packaging bag, he carefully stepped into the home where Shen Yuxi now lives for the first time.
  This place is very small, the whole house is not even as big as the Shen family's living room. But Shen Yuxi didn't feel uncomfortable at all. She greeted Shen Duo to put the food on the table, and even invited him to eat together.
  Although she let him leave after eating, it was much better than before when she didn't even want to meet him.
  In the next few days, Shen Yuxi was not only willing to have dinner with him, she would even answer his phone calls, reply to his text messages, and tell him about her daily life.
  Without Shen Duo knowing, he took the blame for so many things. When she thought about his situation after she left, she felt as hard as Yu Xi and couldn't help but shed a drop of crocodile tears for him.
  Therefore, Shen Yuxi's attitude towards him was much better when the two of them got along, making Shen Duo wonder whether the Shen Yuxi in front of him had been betrayed by someone.
  Shen Duo was completely distracted by Shen Yuxi. He didn't notice anything unusual about Zhou Qiutong at home. She was losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.
  During the two days of Shen Yuxi's college entrance examination, Shen Duo had been waiting at the door for her to come out. Even the things that needed him to solve in the company were handled by Shen Duo in the car.
  Shen Yuxi seemed to have done well in the exam. When she walked out of the examination room, her whole body was glowing, as if she had been relieved of some burden. After dinner out with Shen Duo in the evening, Shen Yuxi even went to the cinema with him to watch a love movie.
  What Shen Duo didn't know was that the beautiful process and tragic ending of this movie had already hinted at the fate of the two of them.
  Shen Yuxi's attitude towards him changed 180 degrees, and Shen Duo was flattered. He felt like he was in a sweet dream and didn't want to wake up.
  It's just that a beautiful dream is just a dream after all. When the time comes, the dream is like a bubble, which bursts when it is poked.
  It was the third day after the college entrance examination. Shen Duo and Shen Yuxi sent her home after dinner.
  Shen Yuxi got off his car and when she reached the stairs, she turned back for the first time and gave him a faint smile.
  Her eyebrows were curved, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in her eyes. In Shen Duo's eyes, it was like a grand and beautiful firework. The moment it bloomed, everything in the world stopped.
  "Brother, goodbye."
  She smiled slightly, touching the softest corner of her heart.
  Shen Duo's reply was a little slow, and he suddenly had the urge to stop her.
  My heart suddenly panicked, and I always felt like I had lost something.
  Shen Duo found out the next day that he had lost his most important thing.
  She chose to disappear completely from his world. When she left, she left with him the only sunshine in his heart.
  It has been deserted ever since.
  The author has something to say: Brother Shen took countless scapegoats forcibly, not to mention that his wife and children ran away. The author also left him with crocodile tears
  and his subsequent development... The wealthy wife ran with the ball, and the old man next door Gu Xi was in charge. father? !

Chapter 26
  Judging from the fact that Shen Duo was looking for someone like crazy during this period, Zhou Qiutong knew that Shen Yuxi actually chose to leave on her own. Looking at her previous attitude towards him, Zhou Qiutong thought she would stay in the Shen family forever.
  This was really the only good news in such a long time. Zhou Qiutong felt happy, lit another cigarette and held it in his mouth, puffing away in the room to celebrate.
  But Zhou Qiutong didn't expect that although Shen Yuxi had left, the shadow she left on herself would still hang over her.
  On the night when the college entrance examination results were released, the Shen family's phone suddenly rang. It turned out that when Zhou Qiutong heard the person on the other end of the phone claiming to be from a prestigious school, Zhou Qiutong thought she had performed exceptionally and got high marks in the exam.
  But when she heard that the man was looking for Shen Yuxi, Zhou Qiutong's face turned dark instantly.
  Only then did she know that Shen Yuxi's score was second only to Gu Zerui's top scorer in science, and ranked second in science in the province. The home contact number she left at school was the Shen family's number. If they couldn't find her, they would naturally call the Shen family.
  Just as Zhou Qiutong hung up, a second call came in.
  Not surprisingly
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I'm looking for Shen Yuxi.
  After answering the phone one after another, Zhou Qiutong discovered that the top 10 colleges and universities in the country were calling and vying for Shen Yuxi to go to their school.
  The Shen family's phone kept ringing that night . Zhou Qiutong resisted the urge to curse. After hanging up the phone at P University, he unplugged the phone line at home, and finally found peace.
  After learning about Shen Yuxi's results, she also had some expectations for herself. Zhou Qiutong felt that even someone like Shen Yuxi could get second place in the province. She herself said that her grades were better than Shen Yuxi's before. Even if she didn't review much during this period, she wouldn't be far behind, right? After all , the foundation and foundation are there.
  So when the old man of the Shen family heard that Shen Yuxi got good grades and asked her about her own scores, Zhou Qiutong specially logged into the website with the old man to check her scores.
  But the moment they saw the score, the atmosphere between the two was a little awkward.
  350 points, let alone a book, this score is just above the undergraduate level, and a few points short of even being an undergraduate.
  The old man of the Shen family had obvious disappointment on his face. If Shen Yuxi had never been his granddaughter, he might not be so disappointed, but Shen Yuxi's outstanding performance gave him better expectations for Zhou Qiutong. It's just that Zhou Qiutong not only takes less care of him than Shen Yuxi in daily life, but now he can't even show his academic performance. Who in the Shen family has ever received such a bad score? Shen Duo still sent him out in advance.
  Except for that face, there is really nothing like the Shen family.
  Recently, the old man of the Gu family next door was bragging to himself that his grandson had ranked first in the province and was the provincial champion. The old man of the Shen family was too embarrassed to say how many points his granddaughter got in the exam. Telling him 350 would only make him lose face.
  The old man of the Shen family's attitude towards Zhou Qiutong is also different from the beginning. After all, with the pearls and jade in front, who will care about the tiles and stones behind?
  Now, not only Shen Duo and the servants, but also Mr. Shen, the only one who could help her, were disappointed in her. Zhou Qiutong had truly become a transparent person in the Shen family.
  She didn' t even dare to go to school for fear of being laughed at by her former teachers and classmates, and for fear of being compared to Shen Yuxi.
  So Zhou Qiutong hung out with Xiaoxue all day long, and her addiction to cigarettes became more and more intense. She couldn't smoke other cigarettes, so she had to accept the cigarettes Xiaoxue bought for her.
  This cigarette is magical. Just one puff makes you feel like you are in the clouds and you can forget all your worries. Zhou Qiutong was unwilling to face the reality and became more and more immersed in the happiness that the cigarette brought to her.
  Xiaoxue told her that the cigarettes were specially made and expensive, so Zhou Qiutong could only give her money.
  At first it was a few thousand a day, but later she wanted more and more, that is, tens of thousands a day.
  Zhou Qiutong didn't know what was going on. She wanted to quit smoking, but when she got addicted, it was like a hundred claws scratching her heart. She lacked willpower and determination, and the end result was a stronger need for cigarettes.
  Because of Shen Duo's control and Zhou Qiutong's fall from grace in front of Mr. Shen, the Shen family didn't give Zhou Qiutong much pocket money every week. How could she spend tens of thousands a day like this?
  Zhou Qiutong could only give Xiaoxue something in exchange for the price. Xiaoxue wanted nothing else but the luxury bags and shoes she had bought before.
  But even so, those things couldn't support her from sucking.
  She soon ran out of money again.
  So what should we do? Xiaoxue would not give her cigarettes if she had no money, and she would feel uncomfortable all over. Zhou Qiutong couldn't survive a day without this cigarette.
  After Zhou Qiutong walked around the Shen family's house, he paid attention to the ornaments in the Shen family's living room.
  Mr. Shen likes antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and many of his collections are placed in the Shen family's house. Because I have never thought about the possibility of house thieves, these things are not specially guarded.
  Zhou Qiutong didn't know the value of these things at first, but until one of her friends happened to see an antique vase in the lower left corner of the photo she took at Shen's house.
  That friend also had research in this area, and he could tell at a glance that the vase had a long history and was of great value, so he and Zhou Qiutong actually offered a million dollars to buy the vase.
  Zhou Qiutong immediately agreed.
  But she is not stupid, and she knows that someone will definitely find out if something is missing from her home. So she still found her friend and asked him to make a fake. Zhou Qiutong took it home and threw it away with the real vase.
  Zhou Qiutong was initially worried about being discovered, but this imitation was very delicately made. The old man of the Shen family spends time with it at home every day, but can't see anything.
  The one million Zhou Qiutong spent it all in less than a month. Seeing that her plan was foolproof, she became even more bold. She stopped being cautious and instead dropped off the Shen family's belongings every few days.
  After she had replaced everything in the living room, Zhou Qiutong did not stop her behavior. She even had the audacity to sneak into Mr. Shen's bedroom and replace the antiques.
  The antiques that Mr. Shen can put in his bedroom must be treasures among treasures. He will look at them carefully and appreciate them every day before going to bed. He clearly remembers every trace of time on the antiques.
  So that morning, Zhou Qiutong had just taken away the landscape painting that Mr. Shen had hung on the bedroom wall, and was discovered by Mr. Shen when he returned home in the evening.
  At first, he thought it was his imagination, but after looking at it carefully with a magnifying glass, he finally confirmed that his favorite landscape painting by a famous artist had been replaced by someone else.
  He spent tens of millions to buy this with real money from the auction.
  The antique painting hanging in the bedroom every day was actually replaced with a fake one. Mr. Shen never thought about the possibility that a thief could sneak into Shen's house and steal the painting from the bedroom without anyone noticing. The Shen family's security is particularly strict. If someone intrudes from outside, the alarm will sound immediately.
  This shows what? This shows that there is a traitor in the Shen family.
  Due to privacy issues, there was no internal monitoring. The old man of the Shen family did not immediately make any announcement. He only told his close confidant, the housekeeper, and sent people to hide in the room during the day every day to try to catch him.
  The housekeeper quickly caught the person, but the thief was caught, but the identity of the person surprised him.
  Because this traitor turned out to be the new young lady of the Shen family, Zhou Qiutong. While he took Zhou Qiutong to see Mr. Shen, he felt strange in his heart.
  They all came from the same orphanage. Why is this Miss Qiutong not as good as Miss Yu Xi?
  Needless to say, I am not good at dealing with people, and my grades are not as good. Now I have stolen things from home!
  Alas, this is really...
  Mr. Shen was also very surprised when he saw the person brought by the housekeeper. He thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that it would be his own granddaughter.
  This is really day and night defense, it is difficult to guard against domestic thieves! ∴This∴work∴ is written by∴Si∴Rabbit∴online∴read∴read∴Internet∴friends∴organize∴upload∴upload∴ "Where are those
  antiques! Where are my paintings!"
  " Sold? Do you know their value?!"
  "You...how could you do such a thing!" He said with hatred, "Does our Shen family lack your money? You actually stole things! "
  I'm so disappointed in you!"
  "Disappointed? I was raised in an orphanage. What are you so disappointed about?"
  "Besides, did the Shen family give me a lot of money?" Seeing the disappointed look in Mr. Shen's eyes , Zhou Qiutong thought of the anger she had suffered in the Shen family during this period, and the grievance she had been framed by Shen Yuxi. Her father didn't love her, her brother didn't love her, and the servants looked down on her, so she simply gave up.
  She no longer concealed her emotions and showed a sneer, "I'm giving Shen Yuxi an unlimited black card. You can't give me tens of thousands a week. Are you treating me like a beggar?" "
  I've been in the Shen family for so long, but my last name is still the same. Zhou! You don't treat me as a family member at all. Why are you saying so much now!"
  "You!" The old man of the Shen family covered his mouth. He was so angry at Zhou Qiutong's words that his blood pressure rose. "If you were half as good as Shen Yuxi, we wouldn't do this! You two grew up in the same environment, but why did you become like this!" "
  After talking so much nonsense, isn't the result the same? Partiality? Shen Duo likes Shen Yuxi, even you! Usually you pretend to think that I am your granddaughter, but now you tell the truth?" Zhou Qiutong disagreed and said viciously, "Do you think Shen Yuxi is spotless? Angel? That's because you don't know her true face! Do you think she is really good to you? It's not for the money of your Shen family!"
  Mr. Shen opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. Now in this situation, she is still slandering others.
  This is because the Shen family failed to discipline her well and they cannot blame others. Mr. Shen was helpless: "Since you refuse to repent, then you should stay in the room and let me reflect."
  "I will let you out when you realize your mistake."
  He ignored Zhou Qiutong's sophistry. , letting the bodyguards on the side control her movements, and forced her back to her bedroom. At the same time, workers were sent to install iron bars on the windows, and bodyguards were posted to guard the door, and Zhou Qiutong was detained in the bedroom.
  Three meals a day are delivered to the house. There is also a bathroom, TV, computer and Internet in the house. Zhou Qiutong's daily life will not be affected.
  Except for one thing, because she hadn't smoked for a long time, she became addicted to drugs.
  Duo has been looking for Shen Yuxi for two months but there is still no news. He thought that it was the relationship between the old man of the Shen family and Zhou Qiutong that made Shen Yuxi leave without saying goodbye, so he has not returned in the past two months. Shen family.
  That day was the first time he went back in a while.
  Who would have thought that as soon as he passed Zhou Qiutong's room, he would hear roars inside.
  "Let me out!! Let me out quickly! I want a cigarette! Give
  it to me quickly!" "...What's going on?"
  Shen Duo frowned and looked at the two bodyguards guarding the door.
  "This... miss, she seems to want to go out." The bodyguard looked at each other and explained to Shen Duo the reason why she was locked in. "She has been asking for cigarettes since the morning, and we gave them to her. But she just They said the cigarettes were wrong, and we refused to send someone there, so we had to go out and find someone to buy them ourselves." "
  So we guessed that the lady wanted to take the opportunity to sneak out, so we didn't open the door for her."
  After hearing the room Feeling hysterical, Shen Duo felt something was wrong.
  If this is acting, then Zhou Qiutong's acting skills are a bit too good.
  Looking at this situation, it doesn't look like he is addicted to cigarettes, but rather...
  Shen Duo suddenly changed his expression: "You go find two doctors first!"
  The Shen family has a family doctor on call at any time, and they heard the description of the bodyguard. Came over immediately. After the two doctors were in place, the bodyguard opened the door.
  The author has something to say: The title of the next world is "I Cuckold the Current Situation".
  This is probably the story of a second cousin who rises up, kicks the phoenix man with her feet, beats the evil mother-in-law with her hands, and seduces the little fresh meat by the way.

Chapter 27
  finds herself thinking back again Thinking of the farce at home some time ago, Shen Duo sighed helplessly, feeling that he was exhausted at that time. It's rare to relax now, and I still feel a little unaccustomed to it.
  As soon as he brought the doctor in that day, he smelled a strange and pungent smell in Zhou Qiutong's bedroom. When the doctor smelled it, he said with an ugly face that it was the smell of burning marijuana.
  Before Shen Duo could react, Zhou Qiutong, who was in the room with disheveled hair, pounced on several people, biting and tearing them, and clamored for cigarettes.
  Fortunately for Shen Duo and the bodyguard, the doctor's movements were slow and he was scratched several times by Zhou Qiutong's sharp nails.
  The usually weak girl really went crazy and several grown men couldn't control her. Fortunately, the doctor brought a professionally equipped drug rehab specialist's straitjacket and put it on Zhou Qiutong, and he was able to control her.
  Needless to say what happened next, Zhou Qiutong was taken to the Shen family's hospital for supervision. At the same time, the results of the urine test and blood test were also sent to Shen Duo, and they were all positive.
  Of course it is impossible for Mr. Shen not to know about such a big matter. As soon as the news that Qiutong not only stole things but also took drugs reached his ears this week, he suddenly fainted due to elevated blood pressure and was sent to the hospital.
  Fortunately, it is not life-threatening, but it still needs to be nursed back to health.
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As soon as the news about Zhou Qiutong's drug abuse came out, Mr. Shen was really disappointed in her. Even after he woke up, he didn't ask about her situation again. It seemed that he didn't intend to recognize her as his granddaughter.
  After all, they are still brother and sister. Even if Shen Duo dislikes Shen Duo, he still assigns professional detoxification personnel to Zhou Qiutong to help her detoxify.
  While Shen Duo was busy with the two patients in the hospital, he also had to deal with the company's affairs. It didn't take long for him to lose weight, and his appearance looked much worse than before.
  He was sitting in the president's office of the branch in the next city. Shen Duo came to the branch for a routine inspection this time.
  It was lunch break at this time, and everyone in the office should go downstairs to the canteen or an outside restaurant for lunch.
  But when Shen Duo walked out of the office, he found that most of the employees were sitting in their seats with no intention of leaving.
  The branch manager on the side saw the confusion in Shen Duo's eyes and quickly explained to him: "Mr. Shen, they are not working overtime, they are just waiting for takeout from a restaurant downstairs. This is a newly opened restaurant, and it tastes good. . But because this restaurant only provides takeout service, no one goes downstairs, and they are all waiting for people to deliver it."
  As the manager was talking, two employees carrying large insulated boxes came in at the door.
  As soon as these two people came in, the quiet office suddenly became noisy. Everyone sitting in the seat stood up and went over to greet him, put the incubator on the table, opened it, and took away the meals they ordered.
  After they opened the box, Shen Duo smelled a familiar fragrance.
  His pupils shrank, his spirit instantly lifted, and he immediately strode to a person and asked, "Can you sell me this piece?"
  Although the person was reluctant to give up, because Shen Duo was the big boss, he still gave up the porridge in front of him. out.
  Shen Duo picked up the packaging box and took a sip, then closed his eyes and thought carefully.
  The taste is very similar, but if you look carefully, you can still find subtle differences. However, Shen Duo guessed that there must be some connection between the missing Shen Yuxi and this restaurant.
  After asking the manager for the address of the restaurant, he couldn't 't wait to find the location of the store.
  The name of this store is very straightforward. The simple words "Porridge Shop" clearly indicate the main meals they sell.Standing at the door, Shen Duo could see many staff coming in and out of surrounding office buildings. It looked like business was going well.
  Because it only does takeout, there is no room for tables and chairs inside the restaurant. The glass-isolated kitchen allows you to clearly see the porridge simmering in a casserole on the stove, emitting an alluring aroma.
  Shen Duo looked around and saw no familiar figure.
  He was a little disappointed.
  "Hey, the boss lady is not here today."
  "What boss lady? Why haven't I seen it before?"
  "The beautiful boss lady of this store. It seems that many of the people here come to see her..."
  " Are you really that beautiful?"
  "Definitely prettier than those celebrities!"
  Shen Duo heard their discussion when he was about to leave the restaurant and decided to try his luck here tomorrow.
  Because all his attention was focused on their discussion, Shen Duo didn't pay attention to the front for a moment and accidentally bumped into someone: "Sorry."
  "It's okay..."
  The familiar voice made the two of them freeze in place for a moment.
  There was a moment of surprise in Shen Yuxi's eyes, but she quickly adjusted herself. She reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, and greeted the person in front of her calmly: "Mr. Shen, long time no see."
  Shen Duo didn't. As calm as Shen Yuxi, he just froze on the spot, the surprise of regaining something lingering in his chest.
  The excitement was indescribable, and he couldn't take his eyes away from her.
  But Shen Duo also showed a wry smile, because he found that she seemed to be living well without him.
  "You have gained a lot of weight."
  Her face is no longer as thin as before, her complexion is rosy, her mouth is smiling, and the sadness that often appeared in her eyebrows has disappeared without a trace.
  Shen Duo didn't notice that Shen Yuxi's smile stiffened for a moment after he said this.
  When the excitement gradually subsided, Shen Duo noticed something unusual about Shen Yuxi's body.
  It seems that she is not simply gaining weight, she seems to be...
  "Are you... pregnant?"
  Shen Duo's voice was particularly hoarse, showing that he was not calm in his heart.
  "Well, it's been six months." Shen Yuxi smiled slightly and caressed her belly with a mother's brilliance, without any hint of inner unhappiness.
  This Shen Duo really can't speak. Why is she so fat? This is clearly called plumpness! Even the Cup is a lot bigger!
  Six months?
  Shen Duo was slightly startled at first, then ecstatic, and finally at a loss and fear.
  Six months, she had been away from him for less than five months. In other words, Shen Yuxi was already pregnant for more than a month when she took the college entrance examination.
  This child belongs to him, Shen Duo.
  Shen Duo suddenly felt at a loss. This was his child...
  After Shen Duo was overjoyed, he suddenly thought that he had accidentally bumped into Shen Yuxi just now, and he began to be afraid again.
  Fortunately nothing happened just now, otherwise he would regret it for the rest of his life.
  "This is my child..." He murmured, wanting to quickly step forward and hold Shen Yuxi in his arms.
  But a pair of hands suddenly appeared in Shen Duo's sight.
  Various features told Shen Duo that they were a pair of male arms. Those hands first pulled Shen Yuxi, then put their arms around her waist and hugged her.
  "I'm sorry, this is my child."
  Shen Duo raised his eyes and looked over. He was not too surprised by the visitor.
  Gu Zerui.
  In fact, Shen Duo had already been mentally prepared. Θ思ΘRabbitΘreadΘreadΘonlineΘAfter
  all, Gu Zerui and Shen Yuxi disappeared together.
  And when Shen Duo sent people to search, there was always another force stopping him.
  But Shen Duo never imagined that the relationship between the two people would be so close now.
  Shen Yuxi did not reject Gu Zerui's actions at all, and her expression was more relaxed than before. He even leaned his body against Gu Zerui and let her support him.
  Because she is older, her mobility is not very convenient, and her legs will be very uncomfortable if she stands for a long time.
  Gu Zerui adjusted the position of Shen Yuxi's arms so that she could be more comfortable. Then he looked up at Shen Duo with a less than enthusiastic smile on his lips: "Mr. Shen, it's been a long time since I last saw you. You look more mature than before. It's gone."
  Gu Zerui finally saw Shen Duo, and the anger he had held in his stomach for months was finally able to be vented, and every word that came out of his mouth was full of thorns.
  Doesn't the other meaning of this sentence mean that he looks older?
  Shen Duo's eyes flickered. He did not pay attention to the verbal dispute as much as Gu Zerui. He went directly to the topic: "Young Master Gu, can you let my sister go first?" "
  Hey, Mr. Shen also knows that this is your sister?" Gu Zerui's eyes looked back. A flash of coldness flashed, "I thought you thought she was your girlfriend, otherwise why would you accidentally say that this child is yours?"
  "This is our family matter, so I won't bother you, young master, as an outsider." Shen Duo emphasized the word outsider.
  "Outsiders?" Gu Zerui舔舔舔 lip 舔 smiled angrily, "Mr. Shen seems to have forgotten again that your biological sister is still in the hospital detoxifying. Now you are here to be a relative. At first, Why didn't you say she was your sister when the Shen family drove her away?"
  "If you really regarded her as your sister, how could you..." do that to her!
  Shen Yuxi said softly, and Gu Zerui shut up. She held Gu Zerui's hand and shook her head slightly, and he curled his lips and said nothing.
  Shen Yuxi looked at Shen Duo again, with a gentle but distant smile: "Mr. Shen, Ah Rui is young and energetic, don't be angry."
  One President Shen and the other Ah Rui made a judgment immediately about whether they were close or distant.
  Gu Zerui was happy, and Shen Duo was also blocked.
  "Xixi..." There was a hint of pleading in his tone.
  "Originally we wanted to go find you, but we happened to meet Mr. Shen today. I have a request and I'm not sure if you can agree to it."
  Shen Yuxi's voice was still soft and soft, but to Shen Duo's ears it was like a gentle knife, cutting into his heart.
  "Arui and I are going to get engaged next month, but I am an orphan with no father or mother. No one can be my elder. This is not in line with the rules of engagement." "
  I thought about it, Mr. Shen also treated me as my elder for a while. The elder brother of time. As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father."
  "Can Mr. Shen be the elder in my family and attend my engagement party that day?"
  The author has something to say: Xixi really knows how to play (⊙o ⊙)Thank you little cutie for throwing thunder!
  This chapter came out after watching Su Ya score a goal...Russia is so cruel.
  I saw the comments, so I will quietly reveal the character of the next world.
  It is not the routine of the second cousin wife + phoenix man!
  The second cousin's wife = the iceberg-type workaholic strong woman;
  the Phoenix man = the gentle and considerate cat-slave doctor
  ; don't you little cuties like this? I have been thinking about this world for a long time. Hahahaha

Chapter 28
  After many months, Zhou Qiutong finally saw the bright sunshine outside again.
  Because she had not been smoking marijuana for a long time, the time it took to detox was not as long as expected. Within a few months, Zhou Qiutong was discharged from the hospital.
  A few days before she was discharged from the hospital, Shen Duo said that someone would be sent to pick her up. But Zhou Qiutong still had a bit of resentment towards Shen Duo, so she didn't want to return to the Shen family immediately. So Zhou Qiutong left the hospital early in the morning and missed meeting them.
  Looking at the crowded streets in front of him, Zhou Qiutong felt as if he was in another world.
  It was only a few months, but it felt like a century to her. The days inside were too painful and difficult.
  She was in so much pain that she wanted to die every day and felt like she wouldn't be able to hold on, but she didn't expect that she would get through it in the end.
  Seeing the passers-by looking at her with strange expressions, Zhou Qiutong remembered that she was still wearing a hospital gown because she was in a hurry to escape. Moreover, she was detoxifying, not recuperating. The detoxification process was very torturous. She now looks sallow and thin, and her original black hair has lost its luster. The eyes are sunken and the skin on the cheeks has lost its elasticity.
  Zhou Qiutong looks many years older. From her appearance, she does not look like a young and beautiful eighteen-year-old girl, but like a middle-aged woman who has suffered a lot.
  She looked too conspicuous now, and Zhou Qiutong didn't want to attract too many people's attention. Fortunately, she still had some money in her mobile phone, so she went to a shopping mall to buy herself some clothes.
  Zhou Qiutong felt her heart bleed as she looked at the tag with a high price on it, her expression tangled. She didn't have much money now, and she left the Shen family again. What would she do after buying this outfit?
  But she hadn't been able to buy some good-looking clothes for too long. Zhou Qiutong still couldn't resist the desire to buy. Finally, she took out her mobile phone to pay and immediately went into the dressing room to change into clothes.
  I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but as soon as Zhou Qiutong walked out of the locker room, he saw the culprit who had landed him in this situation.
  Xiaoxue seemed to have arrived at the store when she walked into the dressing room. She was now facing away from Zhou Qiutong and looking at the clothes in front of her. She looks brightly dressed and well-made, making her look like a fair, rich and beautiful woman, not a girl who shows off in a club.
  She was completely different from Zhou Qiutong's current embarrassment. The two of them were like people from two different worlds.
  Zhou Qiutong's eyes were so red that he was bleeding when he saw all this. Because of the man in front of him who was detoxifying in the hospital, he turned into a human being and a ghost, but the instigator was getting better and better. What was she wearing and using on her face that wasn't money stolen from her own pocket? !
  She had caused her to become like this, but she could eat the human blood buns with peace of mind and was not affected at all!
  Zhou Qiutong wanted to rush up to her immediately and send her from heaven to hell, but he thought of the crowds of people coming and going in this shopping mall, so he resisted the urge in his heart, and quietly followed Xiaoxue after he walked out of the store.
  Her patience has improved due to drug rehab, and she follows Xiaoxue around the mall.
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Author of "Everyone Loves My Face [Quickly Wear]": Hearing is True
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After waiting for a long time, I didn't get impatient. I don't know how long it took before I finally saw Xiaoxue carrying shopping bags and walking to the underground parking garage.
  It wasn't until Xiaoxue walked to her car and opened the door to get in and leave that Zhou Qiutong took advantage of this last chance and immediately stepped forward and jumped in.
  Seeing Xiaoxue's horrified expression, Zhou Qiutong closed the car door and smiled sinisterly at her: "I didn't expect that I met you in the mall as soon as I came out. Even God was helping me.
  " The blade that came over hit Xiaoxue's face with great force, and Xiaoxue's face was already scratched and bleeding.
  "No, please, don't..." Xiaoxue felt the stinging pain on her face and was so scared that she didn't dare to move. She never thought that she would meet Zhou Qiutong one day!
  If she had known this would happen, she would have moved away long ago! But now it was too late to say anything. Xiaoxue could only squeeze out tears in an attempt to make Zhou Qiutong relent.
  "I have never offended you, why did you do this to me?" Zhou Qiutong stayed in the ward for so long, unable to contact the outside world, and he did not have a computer or mobile phone. She could only stay awake when her drug addiction didn't attack, and she could only think randomly.
  The more Zhou Qiutong thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. She and Xiaoxue had no enmity. Why did Xiaoxue treat her like this? Not only did he trick her into entering the club, he also lured her into taking drugs.
  Now Zhou Qiutong felt that she must have had an ulterior motive in approaching him in the first place.
  "You came to get close to me on purpose when you were in the bar, right?"
  Zhou Qiutong said her suspicions. When she saw Xiaoxue's eyes rolling around after hearing this sentence, she looked like she wanted to lie, so she put her hand on her The strength has deepened a bit.
  "Don't try to lie in front of me. I've already asked people to check. You should know the capabilities of the Shen family."
  "I just wanted to blackmail you for some money at first..."
  After hearing this, Zhou Qiutong already knew that Xiaoxue He could only tell the truth about his original plan and his plot against her. Not only in the club, Xiaoxue also told Zhou Qiutong everything about the mysterious man calling her.
  After hearing that Xiaoxue knew that she was Shen Duo's sister and deliberately approached him to trick her into the club, but because he wanted to watch a show and see her fall, Zhou Tong deliberately did not tell her identity. Zhou Tong was already a little broken. .
  If she could have returned to the Shen family before then, how could she, Zhou Qiutong, end up in this situation.
  When he heard this, Zhou Qiutong already wanted to torture Xiaoxue and disfigure her to vent her resentment. But when she heard that a mysterious person was planning what happened next, she suddenly calmed down.
  Who is it? Who hates her so much?
  "Who is the person who called you?"
  "I don't know either..." Xiaoxue cried hard and said tremblingly, "She seems to have used a voice changer. Her voice sounds strange, but it feels like someone Female."
  Zhou Tong knew that besides Xiaoxue, there was only one woman with whom he had a grudge.
  "Shen Yuxi." She gritted her teeth and said the name.
  How did Xiaoxue know who Zhou Qiutong was talking about Shen Yuxi? She had never heard of this name.
  But since Zhou Qiutong thought of this person immediately, it means that the two of them have a grudge. In order to survive, Xiaoxue tried her best to let this person take the blame for herself, and put all the things she did on her head: "Yes, yes, it's her!" "
  She was the one who instigated me to let me The bar approached you and asked me to take you to the club! Let me mix marijuana in your cigarette! She just wants to destroy you! Every injustice has its owner, and you can't hurt me!"
  Xiaoxue's identification made Zhou Qiutong even more convinced of everything. Everything happened was done by Shen Yuxi.
  It's her!
  It was indeed her!
  From the fact that Shen Yuxi revealed her true face when she was at the Shen family, it can be seen that all her pure and kind sides are all fake. In order to stay in the Shen family, she wanted to destroy herself! Don't let yourself threaten her position!
  In order to achieve his goal, he used any means to instigate Xiaoxue and lure her into corruption. Afterwards, he even used drugs to make her unable to get up again and fell into the abyss.
  This vicious woman!
  Thinking of what he had experienced during this period, the hatred in Zhou Qiutong's eyes almost solidified.
  She would never let such a person go unpunished. She wanted everyone to know Shen Yuxi's true face! She wanted Shen Yuxi to pay the due price!
  She wants her dead!
  Zerui didn't expect that Shen Duo actually agreed to Shen Yuxi's whimsical request. He glanced at Shen Duo beside him and saw that his expression was cold and he didn't know what he was thinking.
  At this time, the two of them were sitting on the sofa in a bridal shop, waiting for the same person hidden in their hearts to appear.
  Gu Zerui asked a designer from a famous wedding dress designer to design several sets of wedding dresses for Shen Yuxi. Because the workload was heavy and time was tight, the designer worked overtime until today to complete the production. So today he brought Shen Yuxi to try on a wedding dress, but Shen Duo didn't know where he heard the news, so he followed him shamelessly.
  A few months have passed since he proposed to Shen Yuxi, but Gu Zerui is still a little unbelievable and feels like he is in a dream. He was even vaguely uneasy, always feeling that something would happen today.
  But he must be overthinking it.
  Gu Zerui began to look forward to Shen Yuxi's wedding dress.
  The dressing room door opened at this moment.
  The lights above were bright, and a girl wearing a pure white wedding dress appeared with a slight smile. The wedding dress was specially designed according to her figure and perfectly concealed her slightly swollen belly. She was married with flowers in hand and her smile was as beautiful as a pure angel.
  The light above her head was like a spotlight, allowing everyone to see only her.
  Extremely beautiful.
  The two men held their breath at the same time, unwilling to break this beautiful scene.
  "Why don't you speak?" Shen Yuxi looked down at herself, her expression a little disappointed, "Don't you look good?
  " ...It's so beautiful." Gu Zerui stood up and went over to meet her, held her in his arms, and whispered in her ear, "I even want to hide you from others." After approaching
  Gu Zerui, I found that the front of this wedding dress was a little conservative, but the back had ulterior motives, revealing Shen Yuxi's perfect butterfly bones and back, which was very sexy.
  Gu Zerui was a little unhappy: "Is this too much exposed? How about sewing it up..."
  He even wanted to do it himself.
  "Don't even think about it." Shen Yuxi rolled her eyes at him. During this period, her temper became more and more exaggerated. "I'll go change to another one."
  She looked back at Shen Duo before walking in. He stood quietly aside. , watching the intimate conversation between the two, with deep eyes but no words.
  Shen Yuxi closed the door. It was not convenient for one person to wear the second dress, so she called another clerk in.
  The clerk seemed to be relatively introverted, keeping his head down and not talking much. When she came in, she saw Shen Yuxi playing with the dresses on the hanger with his back to her. Her blood boiled with excitement and she could not suppress her excitement. The hands on her sides clenched slightly.
  But the next second, Shen Yuxi's words were like a bucket of cold water poured on her body, making her tremble with cold.
  "Qiutong, long time no see."
  The author has something to say: Maybe, maybe, the next chapter will be the next world?

Chapter 29
  "I was shocked when I saw that you really came to me today."
  She actually knew that she was coming to find her? !
  I thought that everything was under my control, but I didn't expect that all of my actions were seen by the other party and had been anticipated.
  This is how Zhou Qiutong feels now.
  "You...why do you know..."
  Shen Yuxi turned around, and Zhou Qiutong found that she was still so beautiful, which was in sharp contrast to her current state.
  "I heard that you were discharged from the hospital and Shen Duo couldn't find you, so I guessed that you might come to me. After all, we have been friends for many years, and I know what you are thinking." "
  Otherwise, how could you think you could be so easy? Just sneak in here?"
  Shen Yuxi's tone was friendly, as if there had never been any barrier between the two. Her voice was still so soft and pleasant, but the words she spoke made Zhou Qiutong feel cold all over.
  "But Qiutong, why have you become like this now?" Shen Yuxi slowly approached her, her eyes full of pity, "Look at you, you look so haggard, I feel bad for you." "I will
  become Isn't this all your fault?! Why are you still pretending?!" Stimulated by Shen Yuxi's innocent words, Zhou Qiutong began to get excited. The timidity that had just arisen due to Shen Yuxi's weird attitude All disappeared without a trace.
  "You have known for a long time that I am the daughter of the Shen family! You are greedy for the Shen family's money and don't want me to return to the Shen family. So you deliberately let Zhou Rui get close to me, deliberately let Xiaoxue lie to me, and deliberately put marijuana in my cigarette!"
  "I have never seen such a vicious person like you!"
  "You haven't done enough harm to me, and you even took away my brother! The man I like! You clearly had an affair with Shen Duo, and now you want to marry Gu Zerui ?! Don’t you feel ashamed?!”
  “What you said is wrong.” Shen Yuxi pondered for a moment and shook her head seriously to deny what Zhou Qiutong said, “I reminded you right away about Zhou Rui when I found out about it, but at that time you You can't listen to what I said."
  "I haven't seen any Xiaoxue, Qiutong, are you in a bad mental state?"
  Shen Yuxi wanted to hold Zhou Qiutong's hand, but she opened it.
  "Don't be pretentious here. There are just the two of us here. You don't need to continue acting, right?" Zhou Qiutong sneered, "Xiaoxue told me everything. She said those things were all instigated by you!" "We are
  more than ten people . A friend of 20 years, can't you compare to that Xiaoxue?" Shen Yuxi seemed very sad, but the movements of her hands were astonishingly fast. He grabbed Zhou Qiutong's hand behind her back and took away what was in her hand.
  "Look, you brought a recorder." Shen Yuxi threw the recorder on the ground in front of Zhou Qiutong and crushed it with her feet, "Who do you want to record for?" "
  You...! "
  Zhou Qiutong's expression changed instantly when his intention was seen through by the other party.
  "Rather than saying that you were harmed by me, it's better to say that you couldn't help but be tempted." Without the recording pen, Shen Yuxi's aura suddenly became stronger, and her originally pure and pure temperament became full of evil. Shen Yuxi walked closer to Zhou Qiutong and forced her into the corner little by little.
  "I just gave you a pen, and you will write the rest of the story yourself."
  "Didn't you choose Zhou Rui yourself? You also called Xiaoxue yourself, right? She asked you to accompany her for a drink. I didn't ask you to sell yourself...even that cigarette was not addictive at all if you smoked it once, but you didn't refuse it at all. You knew there was something wrong with it, but you still deceived yourself and indulged in the illusion that the drug gave you. "
  No one forced you. There were many roads in front of you, but you chose the worst one. You are greedy and greedy. How can you blame me for this?" Zhou Qiutong was asked by
  Shen Yuxi. He was speechless every word, and he was almost led astray by her: "...You are all lying! If you hadn't seduced me, I wouldn't have made this choice at all!" "
  No, you Yes." Shen Yuxi shook her head gently and leaned into her ear, "Look, I haven't seen you since you came out, and no one has tempted you again, but you still made your choice. ."
  "Won't you take out the knife in your pocket?"
  Shen Yuxi's voice was inaudible, but it still made Zhou Qiutong feel horrified. How did she know she had a knife in her pocket? !
  Seeing Zhou Qiutong standing there in confusion, Shen Yuxi chuckled. She stretched out her hand and took out the small fruit knife from her pocket for Zhou Qiutong.
  Then Shen Yuxi stuffed the fruit knife into Zhou
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著作權侵犯線上投訴  "But sir... Sir, you lost too much blood and rescue efforts were ineffective. Please forgive me."
  The doctor was silent as he saw the emotional collapse of the two grown men in front of him at that moment. Crying until she was speechless.
  Others can't help but be moved by it.
  " "?" Yu Xi's expression was indifferent, "As long as my wish is fulfilled, I don't have to spend my life to extend her life and live for her for a lifetime, right?" "
  But the wish has not been fulfilled yet?" Kunlun Jing said cautiously, "Brother just now Didn't promise you..."
  "No, it's done." Yu Xi chuckled, "The moment he learned about my death, he had already agreed." After
  hearing what Yu Xi said, Kunlun Mirror looked back at what happened before , found that this is really the case.
  In front of Shen Yuxi's body, Shen Duo lowered his head to her forehead and said "Hello" at the same time.
  Seeing how affectionate he was, Kunlun Jing cried even more sadly.
  "Shut up and go to the next world."
  Seeing Yu Xi preparing to leave without any regrets, Kunlun Jing felt a little incredible: "Don't you have any feelings for them..." "
  Maybe I did in the past, but I am now You know, love is the most useless emotion in the world."
  So it turns out that the female devil once had a sad past?
