TSOW: Hug, sir

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1039: Hug, sir [1]
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【Experience: 32100】

【Supernatural power: 0.44】

[Skill: Sir, can you hug me?]

[Appearance: Mr.'s cute little girl]


The man wore a tightly fitted black suit, and his cold and rigorous face was inherently superior. The long legs under the shoulder-width and narrow waist are graceful and abstinent.

He Shen closed the door: "Today's itinerary helped me move to tomorrow noon. I have something to leave the company."

Secretary Zhang turned the phone away from his ear: "Yes, Mr. He." He hesitated and said: "Miss Li wants to talk to you."

The man who answered him was the unwavering tone of the man: "If I remember correctly, she will be graduating this year."

He Shen didn't mean to answer the call at all. Secretary Zhang heard what he meant, and she spoke to the people over there to convey the meaning, and then hung up the phone.

Secretary Zhang remembered that Miss Li was one of the students sponsored by the old man. After the old man passed away two years ago, Mr. He supported the students on his behalf.

And Miss Li has always wanted to be Mr. He's girlfriend.

Secretary Zhang glanced at the man in the back seat.

Every inch is as if carved up, perfect and deep, under the tall bridge of the nose, thin lips are cold and sexy. Especially those eyes, like a sea of ​​stars, let people indulge in them.

No wonder that Miss Li fell in love with Mr. He at first sight. There are so many women like this.

But no one can be that exception.

Secretary Zhang can hardly imagine the woman who will make President He crazy in the future, does she exist in this world?

He Shen went to the nursing home.

Jiang Chunhua's illness is getting more and more serious, and he can't see the arrogance of Fenghua many years ago. She didn't remember who the man in front of her was, crying, making noise, and beating. After being given a tranquilizer, she calmed down.

The doctor was also a little embarrassed. Yesterday, the woman who was arguing to see her son did not recognize her.

He Shen was used to it, and after staying in the nursing home for a while, he left.

He smoked a cigarette, the kind of breath and dress that belonged to the upper class, which attracted the attention of some women.

He Shen pinched the smoke out, and the pain in his stomach made him slightly wrinkle his brows.

The pain came fiercely, and the man leaned slightly there, some people only thought that he was in a bad mood, coupled with the reason of his outstanding temperament, no one dared to provoke him.

Until a pair of white sneakers came into He Shen's sight.

The girl raised her small face and pursed her red lips, her round eyes looked intently: "Need, help?"

He Shen's gaze fell on the person's face, which looked very childish. To him, it was just a child.

The child has beautiful eyes and a small face.

His eyes seemed a little too obvious.

The girl trembled her eyelashes a little embarrassedly, and asked again: "Do you want to help?"

He Shen leaned there and slowly said, "There is stomach medicine in the car."

The girl's round eyes carefully glanced around, and asked softly which one it was.

He Shen said that the car should be farther away, and then someone came over, bent over, and said in a low voice, "The car key is in my pocket."

The girl stretched out her small hand and took out the key from his right pocket.

He Shen looked at the other person's leaving figure, and it took a while before he retracted his gaze.

He twisted his eyebrows for a moment.

The location that was touched seemed to have a slight electric current.


Soon, the girl came back. She took the box of stomach medicine and bought a bottle of water intimately.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1040: Hug, sir [2]
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1040: Hug, sir [2]
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He Shen took the medicine, took a long time, and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The child raised his small face, looked at him and said, "Now, is it better?"

He Shen felt that she looked good and very small, and her white and soft face was likable, especially the wet eyes, which made people feel soft.

He stood up slightly: "Aren't you afraid that I am a bad person?"

The child glanced at him, and said obediently: "Don't be afraid." She pursed her lips slightly, as if thinking about the wording: "Bad guys, it's not like this."

"What's that like?"

He Shen raised his eyebrows slightly, interested in the bad person she identified.

The girl didn't speak, looked down at her toes, and thought hard for a while, before she said: "No, you are like this anyway."

He Shen looked at her well-behaved head, with an urge to touch it.

The girl glanced at the time, raised her face slightly, and said seriously: "I'm leaving."

He Shen asked: "Where are you going?"

The other party said softly: "School."

"Being late."

He Shen stood upright, he was a lot taller than the other person, and the other person only reached his chest, as if he was holding the child into his arms with one hand.

He bent over and said in a low voice: "I will send you off."

Su Ci sat in the co-pilot, pursing her lips slightly, and took a peek at the man next to her.

The other party seemed to be aware of it and looked up.

The money jar Jing quickly looked away and sat in a position cleverly, like a pupil.

She thought for a while and asked the system: "Everything, did I perform well just now?"

System: "One hundred faints!"

Su Ci was a little worried: "Will he see it?"

System: "Baby, you didn't have any problems at all just now, and you played normally."

Su Ci thought about it seriously, she didn't seem to have made any mistakes in her performance up to now, and she was a little relieved.

What she said just now is very complete and very brief, so she can say it smoothly.

If it's a more complicated sentence, Su Ci can't do it.

Because this body has a little defect.

Su Ci tried very hard to make herself behave normally in front of men.

He Shen could see that the child was a little nervous. He drove the person to the entrance of the school. When he got off the bus, the girl thanked him.

"What's your name?" he asked calmly.

The girl raised her small face slightly, her round eyes looked over, and her voice was soft and soft: "Su Ci."

He Shen watched people into the school.

Until it was out of sight, the car turned around and left.

"Five Middle School?"

Secretary Zhang thought for a while. He hadn't heard of this school in any prestigious school, but it was a second-rate elementary school.

He was a little surprised and didn't understand why Mr. He suddenly mentioned such a second-rate elementary school.

He Shen opened the mouth and said, "Well, you can arrange it and go to the Fifth Middle School the day after tomorrow."

Secretary Zhang was puzzled, but still arranged the process as instructed.

Two days later.

Secretary Zhang went to this elementary school with Mr. He. The director of the school was very flattered and waited early.

Then Secretary Zhang followed the man, watching the school director lead him around the campus with a flattering expression.

The school director did not know that such a big business man who could speak even in the political world suddenly visited the Fifth Middle School. He was puzzled in his heart. He didn't continue, and then he heard the man's low-pitched words: "Which building is the freshman in high school?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1041: Hug, sir [3]
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1041: Hug, sir [3]
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The school director was taken aback, and then quickly opened his mouth: "Mr. He, please come here."

The elegant and noble man did nothing, he just looked around in the first grade. He had no expression on his face, and looked steady and unfathomable.

Just when the school director was uneasy, thinking about whether to propose to go to another place.

The man stopped.

The director of the school took a look and found that this was the second and third class.

He couldn't help but glance at Secretary Zhang who was following him.

Secretary Zhang said that he didn't understand what Mr. He wanted to do.

Qian Jing Zijing was listening to the class, she yawned a little, her eyes looked very moist, she sat on her seat obediently, stared at the blackboard for a while, and secretly stuffed a candy into her mouth.

The school director could clearly see the look of the man next to him had changed, and the lines around his eyes had a slight smile.

He followed the opponent's gaze:! ! !

The school director's cold sweat was shed, and he whispered: "After class is over, I will let her go to the Academic Affairs Office."

The man glanced at him nonchalantly: "No need."

The director of the school pondered, what Mr. He meant, he didn't seem to be very happy.

He couldn't figure it out, so he nodded.

These three big living people, walking along the way, naturally attracted a lot of attention. Especially the students in the class, there is curiosity.

But as soon as I saw the school director with him, my curiosity dropped by half, but the more people didn't understand, the more they wanted to figure it out.

Especially those girls, who have never been out of society, have never seen a handsome and temperamental rich man like He Shen, they secretly watched from the corner, and they were not thinking about class.

Su Ci didn't notice anything wrong outside at first, and it was not until the person next to her was talking that she raised her long eyelashes and looked over.

When he saw the man's figure, he blinked.

The other person is also looking at her.

Su Ci stared at it for a long time, but turned away a little embarrassedly. When she went to look again, the man was no longer where she was.

Secretary Zhang didn't know what Mr. He was drawing on this trip. He only knew that the other party entered the school board of directors' office after a round in the first grade.

When the school director came out, they all smiled and couldn't hide the smile in their eyes.

Secretary Zhang guessed that Mr. He might have thrown in the money. Although he didn't know how much he had thrown in, it is estimated that he has always been generous.

For the first time, he couldn't see what Mr He was doing.

For such a small school, Secretary Zhang really couldn't see the potential value of it.

He Shen didn't intend to leave yet. He asked Secretary Zhang to get a copy of the school students' materials, as long as they were in Class 2 or 3.

Secretary Zhang followed the directors and wondered what Mr. He meant.

At the end of get out of class.

Su Ci listened to the students in the class talking excitedly: "Who is that man? It seems that his status is definitely not low. Our school directors are all behind them."

"So handsome, he must be a rich man."

"I often go out to see the world with my brother. He is definitely not an ordinary rich person. You can tell by looking at his aura and clothes."

Su Ci listened for a while, and then went out.

She looked around, and there were only students coming and going, and boys chasing each other on the sports field.

Have you gone already?

Su Ci lowered her head and thought, she walked slowly to the vending machine.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1042: Hug, sir [4]
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1042: Hug, sir [4]
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Asked for a bottle of orange juice and sipped it.

Into the eye is a pair of expensive black leather shoes.

She couldn't help but lifted her small face and looked over.

He Shen set his eyes on the girl's little face, and said, "Remember me?"

The man is still wearing formal clothes today, elegant and noble. Just standing there gives people a kind of oppressive aura.

Su Ci nodded.

Tilting his head slightly, he asked seriously: "Today, do you have a good meal?"

He Shen looked at her round and wet eyes, like the first drops of dew in the morning, clean and translucent. The furry head looked very well-behaved and wanted to be touched.

Even the caring tone is lovely.

"Well, I ate on time."

He took a few steps closer, glanced at the orange juice in the girl's hand, and said in a low voice, "These things have a lot of additives."

Su Ci glanced at her orange juice in a bewilderment, subconsciously hugged it in front of her chest, and pursed her lips: "I don't drink it often."

In fact, if possible, she would drink one bottle a day.

Su Ci was very afraid that he would continue to ask about orange juice, so after thinking about it, she changed the subject and said, "Are you coming to work?"

He Shen hummed, and said: "It just so happens that there are some things to be done here."

When Secretary Zhang came over, what he saw was Mr. He staying next to a little girl, not to mention close, but Mr. He was still lowering his head and his eyes were always on the person.

he:! ! !

Secretary Zhang didn't know whether he wanted to go there or not. When he was full of entanglements, the girl tilted her head slightly and glanced here, then raised her face and said something to Mr. He.

Mr. He glanced here, his eyes were rather cold.

Secretary Zhang:!

In fact, Su Ci originally wanted to talk to a man for a while, but she found the person behind her, so she raised her face and said, "It's going to go to class."

The man looked at her and said, "My name is He Shen."

Su Ci said seriously: "Mr. He, goodbye."

He Shen's deep gaze fell on her face, and he said, "Goodbye."

Qian Jing Zi Jing didn't know why, and a little embarrassed, she nodded, then turned and left.

It was an unexpected thing that He Shen would come to this school.

Su Ci looked back halfway and found that the man was still standing still looking at her.

She looked back like a kid caught by stealing things.

When Secretary Zhang passed by, he found that Mr. He's face was a bit unpleasant.

He murmured, always feeling that it would not be his own problem.

Cautiously said: "Mr. He, I have got the information you want."

He Shen glanced at him and walked to the vending machine: "Are there any change?"

Under Secretary Zhang's puzzled eyes.

The man calmly took out a bottle of orange juice.

Secretary Zhang was shocked. He didn't know how he used to like these colored waters. You must know that the other party's life is so self-disciplined and rigorous to a heinous level.

After getting on the bus, Secretary Zhang handed over the information.

He watched Mr. He put the bottle of orange juice aside, and didn't take a bite.

I happened to be a little thirsty again, so he said: "Mr. He, if you don't drink it, can you quench my thirst?"

In Secretary Zhang's mind, He Shen is a generous person, and he is never stingy about himself.

So when He Shen glanced at him, he refused.

Secretary Zhang’s expression is like this: "..."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1043: Hug, sir [5]
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1043: Hug, sir [5]
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Turning over the student files, the man's slender fingers looked clean and distinct, and his deep sea-like eyes scanned the pages lightly.

It didn't stop until the girl's less than a few inches of students came into view.

The girl's well-behaved white face, her black eyelashes were slightly lifted, and a small pear vortex was drawn on her lips.

He Shen glanced at his age and immediately glanced away. When he saw that there was only one family member and filled in with his aunt, he showed a thoughtful look.

Secretary Zhang couldn't understand Mr. He's thoughts, so why did he come so far for this?

What made him even more incomprehensible was that the next day, Mr. He detoured most of the way for a discussion.

Secretary Zhang couldn't help it: "Mr. He, if you go from this road, if you encounter a traffic jam, it will be half an hour later than expected."

He Shen said in a low voice, "Yes."

Secretary Zhang:?

That's it, do you have any other expressions?

Seeing that Mr. He had no intention of changing his mind at all, he had to give up the conversation, and he felt more and more that the man was weird these days.


He Shen's voice came from behind.

The confused Secretary Zhang had to lean the car aside.

The man rolled down the car window.

Secretary Zhang followed his gaze. The girl walked on the road, dressed in school uniforms, and looked very well-behaved. At this moment, she was holding bread in one hand and milk in the other. When she opened her mouth slightly, her cheeks would bulge slightly.

Chew carefully, then swallow.

A bit familiar.

.... Isn't this the kid who talked to Mr. He at the fifth high school that day?

He Shen glanced at Secretary Zhang: "Drive over."

Secretary Zhang instantly realized why Mr. He had taken such a long way.

But, Mr. He, do you think your behavior is a bit abnormal?

Su Ci had just come out of the hospital, and she hadn't had time to eat breakfast, so the kind nurse in the hospital stuffed her a little bit of food.

She bit the bread and noticed a car approaching.

He couldn't help but raised his eyes, and blinked.

"Mr. He?"

He Shen's eyes fell on the little white face of the girl, and his mood improved somehow. He sat motionless in the car and looked around at the person: "Are you sure you want to talk to me this far?"

The child's cheeks were reddish, and he leaned in embarrassedly, his eyelashes were curled and black, and thickly dropped.

The voice was soft and soft: "Good morning."

He Shen's gaze fell on the blackness of the girl's eyes, and he paused slightly: "Want to go to school?"

The child nodded obediently, his eyes trembling round.

"Come up, I'll see you off." He Shen said.

Su Ci tilted his head slightly, staring at people intently, and said reservedly: "Will it be too troublesome... Mr. He."

The man glanced at her: "Soon."

Secretary Zhang in the car: God **** on the way.

The money jar was a little happy with care, he believed in the man's words, and seriously thought that they were so fate.

Su Ci sat next to the man, and she noticed Secretary Zhang's gaze.

So he tilted his head slightly, and greeted him obediently: "Hello."

Secretary Zhang discovered that the girl's foundation is very good. Although she hasn't grown up yet, her round eyes are soft and beautiful, and her cherry-colored lips are pink and tender.

Exudes a breath of water spirit.

All in all, it is soft, tender, and cute.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1044: Hug, sir [6]
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1044: Hug, sir [6]
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Even Secretary Zhang, who likes all kinds of big beauties, couldn't help but touch her nose in her heart, Emma.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a look at it.

Not salty or light.

Secretary Zhang looked up.

President He was looking at him with a grim expression.

Secretary Zhang: "....."

Su Ci was a little nervous, she was still holding half-eaten bread and milk in her hands.

Slightly pursing his lips, I don't know if I want to continue eating. What if I am ugly to eat and are seen by a man.

So he looked tense, sitting upright in his original position, with his eyes down, looking at the toes seriously.

Focus on other things so that you don’t get hungry.


The man's low voice came.

Su Ci lifted her small face and met those deep sea-like eyes. She pressed her lips slightly, shook her head, and said every word: "It's delicious."

"Then why not eat it?"

When He Shen said this, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

There was a little smile on his lips.

Su Ci didn't realize that the other party was teasing her. He subconsciously sat more obediently, still holding bread and milk in his hand, and replied softly, "Go to school and eat again."

The man stretched out his hand.

Slender fingers approached.

Su Ci blinked her eyes and realized that her lips seemed to be touched lightly by something. He Shen looked down at her and said, "You don't need to be so restrained in front of me. Am I so scary?"

She flushed slightly, looked at the person, and shook her head.

Then grabbed the bread and ate it slowly.

When the girl got out of the car, she obediently thanked her, her black and white eyes looked over: "Mr. He, thank you."

He Shen didn't look back until he couldn't see.

"She doesn't seem to be sleeping well."

Secretary Zhang: "Mr. He, can you see this too?"

He Shen said in a low voice: "She is so close to me, why can't she tell."

Secretary Zhang: "......" That said.

He Shen said indifferently: "I also smelled a faint smell of disinfectant water. It should have just been out of the hospital. You should investigate."

Secretary Zhang: "!"

Why can't he guess anything!

It took a while for Secretary Zhang to find all the information about the girl, and it was exactly the same as Mr. He reasoned.

"Su Ci's parents are not there, and other relatives are not welcome. There is only one aunt. This aunt has no children and raised her as if she was her own child. But her husband passed away a few years ago and now has cancer and is in hospital... It's also very pitiful."

He Shen put the documents on the table together and glanced at him: "Make arrangements, I will go to the hospital tomorrow."


The girl yawned, and the nurse who came over gave her a distressed look, and whispered: "You have only slept for a few hours these days, and you have to go to class. If this continues, will your body be relieved?"

Su Ci nodded and said seriously: "I am very young, it doesn't matter."

The nurse was amused by her and showed a little smile, touched the girl's hairy head, and felt more and more distressed. I feel that sometimes fate is really unfair. Some bad people live better, and some good people will suffer the torture of fate.

The girl in front of her was so young that she could only follow her aunt for life. If her aunt left, she would really have no relatives in this world.

Su Ci entered the ward and looked at the woman lying on the bed with a confused expression.

After a while, he said: "All, can't I save her?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1045: Hug, sir【7】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1045: Hug, sir【7】
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System: "Baby, everyone has a fate, you should be the most clear."

Of course the money jar is clear. She tilted her head slightly, looked at the person, and finally took the woman's hand.

When school was over, Su Ci entered the ward, but what she saw was an empty bed.

She stared at it for a long time.

A nurse's voice came from behind: "Porcelain, your aunt has been transferred to the ward."

Su Ci looked at it and blinked her eyes: "Transfer to the ward?" She said a little confused: "But, I don't have money."

The nurse whispered: "It was transferred by a gentleman surnamed He, who looks rich." She stared at the girl's eyes and asked, "Porcelain, do you know him?"

Su Ci nodded.

Without speaking, for a while, she raised her face slightly and asked, "Where is he?"

The nurse said: "I have just walked for a while, and I don't know if I can meet him if I go out."

Su Ci chased it out. She didn't know if she could catch up. When she ran out, there were people coming and going. She looked around and was a little disappointed.

Failed to catch up.

While Su Ci was looking down, she heard the sound of footsteps and couldn't help but lifted her face, then slightly pursed her lips: "Mr. He?"

The man wore a suit and leather shoes, his tall and straight body, and his outstanding appearance attracted some attention.

He looked down at the girl and asked: "Are you looking for me?"

Su Ci nodded sincerely: "The nurse said, you are transferred to the ward." She thought about it for a while and said seriously: "Thank you, you are a great help."

The girl lowered her eyelashes and said softly, "I have nothing."

Looking at those clean and clear eyes, she said happily, "Sir, what am I going to do to thank you?"

At this moment, He Shen had a thought that he shouldn't have.

He understands that he is not doing charity, so he can even ask for more points when the child says such things.

But in the end it didn't.

He Shen is not a decent gentleman. Under his calm appearance, there are some unknown thoughts hidden.

With a low voice, he bent his lips slightly, and said, "Is there any candy that day? I want to taste it."

The child's expression was a little confused at first.

Until He Shen reminded the classroom, his cheeks were reddened little by little, the tips of his ears were red, and his eyes were wet, looking a little shy. After talking, he took out a candy from his pocket.

Putting it on the palm of his hand, he whispered: "Yes."

A little smile appeared in He Shen's eyes.

He likes to see the girl showing such a simple or even clean appearance. He quietly hid the expression in his mind, like a collector, put it into that exclusive box.

The child glanced at him and continued a little embarrassed: "Teacher, have you seen it?"

He Shen watched the girl pursed her lips slightly, and stared at herself unblinking with her big eyes. He looked a little nervous. After teasing enough, he slowly said, "No."

Su Ci was relieved, she retracted her finger.

But the man caught his fingertips.

He Shen only grabbed it, then let go, and then said nonchalantly: "Do you like candy very much?"

Su Ci nodded and shook his head again.

She didn't want to give the man the impression that she was very greedy, so she explained seriously: "Eat, you won't be sleepy."

He Shen did not speak.

Children at this age are the treasures of their parents, and the girl in front of them has nothing but an aunt.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1046: Hug, sir [8]
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1046: Hug, sir [8]
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He looked at the cyan under the girl's eyes, and said in a low voice: "I have hired a nurse to take care of it, so you don't have to work so hard."

He Shen wanted to hold the child in his arms, but he knew that this action was abrupt and might frighten the child.

Although he knew it, his motives now seemed to be very innocent.

The girl obviously also knows this truth, but she just raised her face slightly and thanked her earnestly: "Mr. He, you are a good person."


Secretary Zhang doesn't think He is always a good person.

He felt that Mr. He's current appearance was like a young girl who was in a miserable life. And they, Mr. He, are helping to transfer hospitals, and they are deliberately preparing for all of this. Isn't it the **** conspiracy?

Secretary Zhang thought, how could he not see that He was always this kind of person before, he was really a beast.

So he said: "Mr. He, did you fall in love with that kid?"

He Shen glanced at him, lit his flue and said, "She helped me."

Secretary Zhang was surprised, not knowing that there was such a connection, so he asked how to help.

The man quietly said what happened that morning.

Secretary Zhang: "........"

He Shen said calmly, "So I repay my gratitude, is there any problem?"

The man looks great and his cold face is perfect. In the words of those women, he stands on the altar of abstinence, which is beyond reach.

Secretary Zhang wanted to curse, go to **** abstinence, if it weren't for this, he would really believe it.

"No problem, but is your starting point a bit misunderstanding?" Secretary Zhang raised his own question.

He Shen lit a little soot and said lightly: "She is very pitiful, I want to help."

Secretary Zhang: There are so many poor people in this world, why didn't I see you help one by one?

He suspected that Mr. He had an attempt on people and children, but he had no evidence.

So after thinking about it, he said, "But Mr. He, have you ever thought that Su Ci would doubt your motives?"

He Shen glanced at him and raised his eyebrows slightly: "I am the funder of the school. She helped me, and I helped me back. Isn't this normal?"

Secretary Zhang: ...Damn.

He understood. He understood why President He didn't ask him to investigate the information of people and children in the first place. Instead, go to school first and make some investment. This is clearly a routine.

What a coincidence, what a coincidence. First of all, the school investor, accidentally discovered that the child who helped him was also in this school, out of a caring psychology, pay more attention. From this starting point, even if Su Ci knew about it, he would not feel disgusted.

Also greatly dispelled the precautionary psychology.

What's more, President He seems to be really doing charity.

Secretary Zhang silently glanced at the man who looked cold and abstinent, and shivered silently.

He never thought that President He, who looked rigorous and self-disciplined, turned out to be black when he cut it open.


Sun Yuan knew that she had transferred to the senior ward and had entrusted a rich man with the surname He.

She felt a little worried about He Shen's help for no reason, and even thought about it, she was a little surprised when she saw He Shen's first side.

She didn't expect He Shen to be such a young man, and he looks very good-looking.

The other party also explained his purpose, and his little niece is his lifesaver.

The man looks dignified, calm and temperamental, and does not seem to be raised by ordinary wealthy people. Sun Yuan suppressed most of the doubts in her heart and was grateful to others.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1047: Hug, sir【9】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1047: Hug, sir【9】
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In addition, when the girl secretly asked the girl, when the other party nodded and said that Mr. He was a good person, after a few days, Sun Yuan was no longer fidgeting like she was at the beginning, or even thinking about it.

In addition, this Mr. He seems to be really well-educated, a gentleman, and Sun Yuan is more polite to people.

Even the nurses thought they had met good people.

The good guy Mr. He sent a bunch of flowers over today. How many young nurses have seen such a handsome man, and they will pretend to pass by soon, even in the name of helping, just to take a look at others.

He Shen stayed for a while before leaving.

Sun Yuan's complexion looks better than some time ago, she gently pushed the girl and said: "Porcelain, you go send Mr. He off."

Su Ci nodded.

He Shen was dressed in formal attire, which did not fit in with the atmosphere of the hospital. From the side, it can be seen that he took time out of his busy schedule.

Sun Yuan understands this truth, while feeling puzzled, but also a little grateful.

Su Ci followed in the footsteps of the man. She grabbed the other's clothes and said with a small face upwards: "Mr. He, I will see you."

"You don't need to be polite to me." When He Shen speaks, his tall body brings a sense of oppression. He lowered his head and rubbed the girl's head naturally and coherently: "Your aunt asked you to come?"

The girl tilted her head slightly, hesitated, and nodded.

He Shen bent down and said in a low voice, "What about you?"

Su Ci raised her face in confusion.

The man asked: "Do you want to send me?"

Qian Jingzijing probably understood this somewhat cryptic suggestion. She stared at people intently, nodded, and said a little shyly: "Yes, Mr. He."

"You don't need to call me Mr. He." He Shen said in a somewhat seductive tone: "For another, don't call me so unfamiliar."

Su Ci looked down at her toes and thought about it seriously, but in the end, she felt that none of them were appropriate.

It's not appropriate to call it intimate, and it's not appropriate to call it cold.

The money jar was embarrassed.

He Shen was obviously aware of it. He looked at the girl's red ears, her long hanging eyelashes were well-behaved and quiet, and her red lips were slightly pursed, making her soft look.

The fingertips are a little hot.

He quietly stepped away from the misunderstanding distance, and said in a low voice, "Just call my husband."

The girl raised her face slightly and nodded.

Very well-behaved appearance.

He Shen wanted to take back the sentence just now. He thought to himself, so behaved and so soft, he probably wouldn't refuse even a little excessive request.

But he still suppressed that restless mind.

Forget it, take it slow, it's not the age when young and impulsive can't wait for anything.

So He Shen stood up straight: "Just send it here."

Su Ci stared at the figure of the man leaving, in fact, she also noticed the other party's excessive attention.

Can't help but wonder, does the husband like her?

Qian Jingzi Jing was a little embarrassed and thought, and was afraid that she would misunderstand her husband's kindness, wouldn't she become a little white-eyed wolf?

When Su Ci returned to the ward, she saw Sun Yuan secretly wiping tears.

She went over and held the woman's hand.

Sun Yuan smiled: "Mr. He is a good person, how did you meet?"

Su Ci told what happened that morning.

Sun Yuan felt that He Shen's lifesaver was a bit exaggerated, but she could see that He Shen treated her niece like a junior.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1048: Hug, sir【10】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1048: Hug, sir【10】
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She didn't want to think of such a good person with that dirty mind.

What's more, this Mr. He really helped them a lot.

Sun Yuan looked sad. She knew that she was sick, and even if she took the best treatment, she would not get better. She was just dragging her niece down.

In order to cure the illness, she even mortgaged the house.

Sun Yuan whispered: "Auntie can't bear you."

What responded to her was a hug from the girl, a warm hug.

Secretary Zhang always feels an inexplicable guilt every time she sees Sun Yuan.

It may be a sense of guilt in the same way.

He really admired Mr. He, why he didn't have any guilty conscience at all, and he handled other people's children's affairs so calmly.

Especially Mr. He said the words of the savior.

Secretary Zhang just wanted to say you want a face?

He really thinks that Mr. He is attracted to people and children, but he really has no evidence. Mr. He can directly put forward the request, and then achieve the goal.

But he didn't do this, but spent a lot of time doing these things.

The only possibility is that He always wants to be true, he wants to get the hearts of people and children.

But to get things like heart, He Shen's condition is so good, and his personality is not bad. Even if the Bingxin Jade Girl came, she had to nurture true love.

It can only be said that he really doesn't understand Mr. He's mind.

Secretary Zhang thought in a daze, Mr. He is actually not too old now, and it can be said that he is the man most wanted to marry in the hearts of many women. But compared with people and children, his age is still so...a bit worse.

Commonly known as a generation gap, after all, the children are only now in high school.

It really is a beast.

I really can't see it.

When Su Ci came out, she saw Secretary Zhang standing outside and didn't know what she was thinking. She raised her face slightly and was a little confused: "Secretary Zhang?"

Secretary Zhang glanced at the child with a guilty conscience. He was really upset for Mr. He's conscience.

So he coughed and said, "President He has gone to see Dr. Liu."

Su Ci nodded. She looked well-behaved and obedient, very inviting. Especially in this case, her sensibility became more and more valuable.

Secretary Zhang somewhat understands why Mr. He is thinking.

Children’s eyes are squishy, ​​and when they are embarrassed, their eyelashes can tremble into the apex of the heart.

Men's compassion and love for women are already great, Su Ci is obedient and obedient, not annoying, and speaks softly.

If he met such a beautiful and cute girl in school before, he would have to look at people more.

Secretary Zhang thought about it, and she understood Mr. He more and more.

But when he found that the passing nurse was maternally touching the girl's head, he quickly pulled his thoughts on the edge of danger.

Secretary Zhang thought for a while and asked: "How old are you this year?"

Su Ci looked at the person and reported a number.

Secretary Zhang: "......"

His conscience was hurting again, and he didn't understand why Mr. He didn't seem to think there was any problem at all.

Is this the reason why people become bosses? And he can only be a messenger?

Su Ci was a little sleepy. She sat in the hallway, her eyelashes drooping slightly, and after a while, she exhaled a soft breath.

When He Shen came over, he saw such a scene.

The child leaned on the seat and fell asleep.

The long and thick eyelashes fall quietly, not good enough.

He Shen's gaze shifted downward.

It fell on the child's pink lips.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1049: Hug, sir【11】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1049: Hug, sir【11】
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Like a flower and bone, it has not yet fully bloomed its beauty, delicate and beautiful, ready to bloom.

He Shen's eyes were a bit deep.

When Secretary Zhang came over, he saw their President He staring at the lips of a child like a wolf. Although the man's cold and handsome face was perfect, his whole body exuded an impossibly abstinent aura.

But he was still stunned, and then glanced at the ward with a guilty conscience, then moved over to persuade in a low voice and meaningfully: "He, you have to calm down."

No matter how the beasts, they can't do this kind of thing in front of other aunts.

He Shen glanced at the person, his expression seemed to be asking.

Secretary Zhang said: "Don't you want your relatives and children? Can you wait? The aunt is still inside." He sighed and said, "You must bear it first."

He Shen retracted his gaze on the girl, raised his eyebrows slightly, smiling but not smiling: "I have such a beast in your eyes?"

Secretary Zhang thought to himself, no, you almost took the people back to hide and raise them.

He gave a dry smile: "How can it be."

The man took off his coat, walked over, and put it on the girl. Then he stood up slightly and said, "You stay here and wait until she wakes up."

Qian Jingzijing smelled a faint smell of good smell, her little hands subconsciously grasped the source of warmth, raised her long eyelashes slightly, and aimed at a black suit jacket.

There was a slightly confused look.

Seeing that the girl woke up, Secretary Zhang explained, "Mr. He is back to the company."

Mr. He has been running to the hospital these days. The company doesn't know how many things are waiting for him to deal with, but Mr. He feels no trouble at all, and he sighs again in his heart.

Secretary Zhang has never seen Mr. He who cares so much about him.

Su Ci's cheeks were reddened, she folded her clothes seriously, and handed it over: "For me, thank you Mr. He."

Secretary Zhang waved his hand and said, "You should return it to Mr. He by yourself. I'll leave first."

Su Ci lifted her face slightly, staring at his leaving back, then lowered her head and touched the suit jacket.

Lifted slightly, sniffed.

Seriously, I thought that Mr. had a very good smell on his body, and the whole coat was his smell.

Realizing that he was a little bit idiotic, the money jar jing loosed his hand a little embarrassed.

After it’s cleaned, return it to your husband.


Sun Yuan's cancer is advanced, or a recurring and bad condition. Her condition can be delayed until now and it is considered very good.

He Shen flew foreign specialist doctors back to China, but did not get an optimistic answer.

Sun Yuan also understands her physical condition. What she can't let go of is her niece: "Mr. He, can you please don't tell Porcelain? I'm afraid she can't accept it."

The woman was in the hospital bed, pleading.

He Shen said, "She will also know sooner or later."

Sun Yuan smiled bitterly: "I grew up watching Porcelain, at least...I want to be late..." There were tears in her eyes: "You have been working hard during this time, Mr. He, your great favor. I don’t want to repay the great virtue, I can only repay you by being a cow and a horse in my next life."

She knew very well what the man in front of her helped her.

The energy and cost spent among them is definitely a lot of money.

It is precisely because of this that Sun Yuan is even more uneasy. She feels that He Shen is so kind to their aunts and nephews, so that she feels a little frightened.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1050: Hug, sir【12】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1050: Hug, sir【12】
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He Shen seemed to see the woman's thoughts buried in his heart, and said bluntly: "I understand your concerns. My father is doing charity."

Sun Yuan looked over.

He Shen stared at people with deep eyes, with a light expression: "He not only often donates to welfare institutions, but also helps many poor schools, and even sponsored many people."

"Your niece is a good boy, I have known since the first meeting."

The handsome man and the extravagance in his body give people a sense of conviction.

He said unhurriedly: "My father passed away two years ago. I always think what he did are very meaningful things, and I still think so today."

"If you agree, I will continue to support Su Ci until she finishes her studies."

"Not just for her, but also for you."

Sun Yuan showed a surprised look, her expression slightly loosened.

It is false to say that there is no heartbeat, and people are selfish.

She is a half-soiled person, and her niece is the most worried about her. If she is gone, what should the girl do? She is still so young and has some physical obstacles.

Although few people usually see this obstacle, it will be exposed over time.

Under such circumstances, her niece is already so old, what should she do in her future life?

It is precisely because Sun Yuan knows her heart that she is very shaken in her heart.

Secretary Zhang on the side sent the information and said, "This is the list of our old gentlemen's past funding. After the old gentleman's death, we were taken over by Mr. He. Ms. Sun can trust us for this."

Sun Yuan took the information, and after seeing the above things, the heart in her heart finally let go.

Although she is a little embarrassed to face men, as an elder, as Su Ci's closest relatives, she naturally thinks that she should receive the best care.

"...Thank you...Mr. He, I will remember your care for us all my life..."


Close the door of the ward. This is a high-level ward. There are no other people in the corridor. Secretary Zhang hesitated to say, "Mr. He...you did this...isn’t it too good..."

His conscience is hurting again, do you think this is human?

He Shen walked in front and said in a low voice, "Do you think I did something wrong?"

Secretary Zhang murmured in his heart, you have intentions against other children, do you see if you are a person?

Haven't waited for him to answer.

He Shen stopped. He turned his face slightly and looked at the traffic outside the window. There was a cold indifference in his eyebrows: "It would be great if her disease can be cured, but she has not much time now. Up."

"Do you think, what kind of name should I use to pick up people?"

Secretary Zhang opened his mouth, a little speechless.

The man turned around and glanced at him: "My father is doing charity, I am not." He paused slightly, and said lightly: "I won't be so hard for another person."

He Shen's words reveal a little indifference of human affection and sophistication.

Secretary Zhang froze for a moment, and realized what Mr. He meant. If someone else is doing a small favor to President He, maybe he will remember it, and then give a business card, an opportunity that others may not get in this life.

But this person is Su Ci, and President He was moved at first sight.

And this happens to happen to people and children, and those who are a little unrighteous have long gone wrong.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1051: Hug, sir【13】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1051: Hug, sir【13】
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But they, Mr. He, kept it in mind, took a lot of trouble, and even did it by himself.

What's more, Mr. He is still a businessman. The businessman focuses on his interests. If he can do this, there may not be a few in the world.

Secretary Zhang shut up quickly.

Who can do a few, as good as Mr. He?

Secretary Zhang sighed with emotion and kept up with the man's pace.

But then he thought about it carefully.

Mr. He just has thoughts about people and children, how old they are, and he wants to put people around with all his heart. This is not something to take advantage of.

It's still a beast after all.

What is the degree of beasts.

He bah.


Su Ci could feel that Sun Yuan's body was worsening every day. She knew everything in her heart. She pressed her lips slightly and peeled off an apple.

When the man went out, she raised her face slightly and said, "Auntie, I'll go take a look."

Sun Yuan grabbed the girl and coughed twice: "You don't understand when you go to read it. The doctor said that my aunt is just a little poor in health in the past few days. It will be fine if I have to wait for a while to have an operation."

Su Ci lowered her head, she was still a little sad.

She had experienced this kind of separation of life and death a long time ago.

There is nothing more sad than someone you know dies in front of you.

Su Ci thought about it seriously.

The husband is older than her.

In the future, the husband may die earlier than her.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Leave this sadness to her.

Sun Yuan had no appetite and took a few bites and then rested. Su Ci opened the door of the ward, only to see a brightly dressed woman walking over in high heels.

When he saw her, he showed a slightly surprised expression.

The woman ignored Su Ci. In her eyes, the other party was a child who knew nothing. She was about to push the door in, but was stopped by someone.

The girl raised her face slightly and asked, "What are you doing?"

The woman looked at the timetable, showing a trace of impatience: "I'm looking for Mr. He, I'm looking for him for important things."

"He is not here."

Su Ci replied, looking in the direction where the man had left just now, thinking for a while, and raised her small face slightly: "He is..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the woman in front of her.

Qin Simeng answered a phone call, interrupted her and said, "Go aside."

She stepped on her high heels and said to the other end of the phone: "I am working in the company now, do you have to ask me to accompany you at this time..."

There was a little anger in his tone.

Su Ci stared at the person's back for a while, then looked back.

What she didn't expect was that after dozens of minutes, the woman came back and followed He Shen, biting her lip, and apologizing, as if she had made some big mistake: "I'm sorry, Mr. He, I didn't expect to mess things up. I came to you, but a kid said you were not in the hospital..."

The man didn't speak, his tall and straight body wrapped in a suit and leather shoes, elegant and abstinent.

Under the perfect face, there is a cold and indifferent look.

As soon as Qin Simeng saw Su Ci, he immediately said: "Mr. He, I really came to see you, but she said that you are not here, and I was delayed for some time. Then Jiahang called over, Said that I did not give the correct answer in time, so they withdrew the order..."

The woman looked like she had cried, her eyes were a little red, and she looked very pitiful.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1052: Hug, sir【14】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1052: Hug, sir【14】
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He Shen paused slightly, then turned his head and said, "Who are you talking about?"

Qin Mengsi didn't know the identity of the girl, but she had heard that the old man had funded some people before. Relying on the relationship with the old gentleman, those people wanted to come to Mr. He.

She has automatically summarized the other party into this group of people. She doesn't know what Mr. He did when he came to the hospital. It may be that a relative in the family is sick.

So she looked at the girl, pointed at the person, bit her lip and said, "She."

Qin Simeng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart when he saw the man's expression of coldness in an instant.

She is in charge of this project, but Mr. He has not been in the company these days, and the client called. She asked Secretary Zhang, and Secretary Zhang said that Mr. He was in this hospital.

Qin Simeng's boyfriend happened to call again. The other party was on a business trip and missed her very much, so he insisted on talking and chatting with her.

She thought that it was not a half-and-a-half moment anyway, so she delayed a little time, but she didn't expect that just because of this, the time would be lost. Originally there was a chance to cooperate again, who knows, they felt that their company looked down on them, so they hung up the phone when they got angry, and was ridiculed when they called.

Qin Simeng couldn't find any remedy. She was very upset and apologized to President He until she saw the child.

An idea came to my mind.

As long as the responsibility is pushed out, wouldn't it be no big deal for her?

Besides, this kid might be the people who supported him. Who doesn't know that although Mr. He is the son of the old man, he maintains a financial relationship with these people, but he has no feelings at all.

For those who want to catch up, they are even more indifferent and even a little impatient.

Although Qian Jing Zi Jing didn't know what was going on, she could also see that the woman in front of him seemed to be pushing some pot on her.

She glanced at the man standing there.

He pursed his lips slightly and said, "I don't have one."

System: "This bitch! I'm so angry with my dad, I dare to bully my cubs! If He Shen believes in her, there will be no future!"

When Qin Simeng faced the girl, she didn't have the low posture in front of He Shen. She stepped on high heels and pulled out a little bit of resentment on her lips with lipstick: "I just asked you where Mr. He is and how did you answer? Didn’t you say that he is not here?"

The woman held her chest and said condescendingly, with an aggressive, domineering arrogance.

Su Ci did not look at her, but raised her face slightly, staring at the man intently, and repeated: "Sir, I don't."

Qin Simeng sneered: "You just said clearly that if Mr. He is not there, you still want to lie."

"If it weren't for you, Mr. He's company wouldn't have messed up a big order."

Su Ci lowered her long eyelashes, her lips pursed slightly.

not talking.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with her, she was just thinking about how to explain this matter, would the husband believe her?


If you want to explain, you have to say a long sentence to explain the ins and outs.


Su Ci looked at her toes.

She couldn't tell.

As soon as she said it, she would be exposed, revealing that she is not a normal person now.

A normal person with good physical and mental health.

"Enough." He Shen said out, and said lightly: "She said no, but she didn't."

Qin Simeng showed a look of astonishment, a little unbelievable.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1053: Hug, sir【15】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1053: Hug, sir【15】
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She stared at the girl quickly and said: "Mr. He, you can't think I'm lying just because she's a child. If you don't believe me, you can adjust the monitoring. I think the monitoring will give you all the answers."

Su Ci lifted her face.

The monitor can record pictures, but there is no sound. The other party may be emboldened because he knows this.

She pursed her lips slightly, her face tightly tightened: "I didn't, I didn't say."

Qin Simeng said aggressively: "I asked where Mr. He is. You said he is not here. Isn't that what you said?"

Su Ci stretched out her hand, grabbed the man's clothes, raised her small face, and raised her long eyelashes: "I didn't say, I want to say, she is gone."

"She doesn't listen to me."

"Don't blame Porcelain."

He Shen didn't suffer from the girl like this. He looked at the girl who was a little at a loss and tried to explain to him. He touched her face and whispered, "I believe you."

Why doesn't he believe, what she says, he believes.

Qin Simeng noticed that Mr. He looked at her with more and more indifferent eyes, and shuddered, with a kind of fear in her heart, but she still unwillingly questioned: "I haven't given you time? Obviously you didn't tell it , One more sentence, what's the problem? Isn't it your responsibility?"

"Unless you don't want to say it yourself."

System: "Fuck! Dad is so angry, how can there be such a shameless person!"

"Baby, tell He Shen! It's this woman who is shameless! Say it!"

Su Ci pursed his lips: "I said it was incomplete, he would find out, and he would find that I was an unhealthy person."

"Hehe, nothing to say."

Qin Simeng hugged his chest, condescendingly.

"I didn't." Su Ci raised her small face. She didn't dare to look at her husband's look at this time. She said loudly, "I didn't. It was you... who ran away by yourself. . After listening to me... answered the phone... ignored me... and walked away."

The girl's voice was soft and waxy, and her words were a bit incoherent, as if she was a little at a loss.

Su Ci tightened her little hand holding the man's clothes, she was taken aback for a moment, and found herself saying something.

She was a little confused and a little sad, like a secret that had been hidden for a long time, and it was just exposed in the bright sky, Chi Guoguo's.

Su Ci lowered his head and said to the system in a muffled voice: "All, I have exposed."

Nuonous, with a little grievance and sadness.

He Shen took the person into his arms and glanced at Qin Simeng indifferently: "You won't be using it for the company tomorrow."

Qin Simeng smashed his head hard as if by something.

She looked at Mr. He in front of her in disbelief, shaking her voice and said, "You mean to fire me?"

Qin Simeng was also very thoughtful of He back then, but the other party ignored him at all. She has worked in the company for three years, but now, He Shen just fired her.


Qin Simeng was taken aback and felt incredible.

Mr. He, actually fired her face to face for such a child!

He Shen's eyes were a little cold: "I'm not going to be right and wrong. I know who the problem is." He said lightly: "Anyone can take your place."

But the girl can't be aggrieved at all.

Qin Simeng still didn't know what He Shen's words meant at this time. After a while, when she went to other companies to apply for jobs and was unsatisfactory everywhere, it was too late to understand.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1054: Hug, sir【16】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1054: Hug, sir【16】
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Su Ci didn't know when the woman left. She held the man's clothes tightly with her small hands, but she didn't let go.

Not willing to look up.

He Shen hugged the person and said in a low voice, "Are you angry with Mr.?"

The girl shook her head.

She lifted her face, her eyes were a little red, and said softly: "Broken up, sir, do you blame me?"

Su Ci didn't know what kind of big project it was. Although she didn't think it was her fault, if it was messed up, it would have an impact on the company.

The money jar thought carefully.

"Do not blame you."

He Shen said indifferently: "It is not an important list, nor is it an important customer."

In his opinion, there is no project that will make the company lower its profile to seek cooperation. The person who should seek cooperation should be someone else.

Su Ci nodded.

Her husband said so, she believed it.

Just thinking of what happened just now, she was silent again, lowered her head slightly, and pressed her lips tightly.

Su Ci was a bit at a loss. She felt that she should have been exposed, and it was obvious.

Sir should know it.

She is not a healthy child.

The money jar thought carefully, let go, and took a step back, a little embarrassed and a little bit disappointed and said, "I'm sorry."

"Why do you want to say sorry?"

The man looked over with deep sea-like eyes, and there was no expression on his handsome face.

Su Ci tilted his head slightly and said seriously: "Mr., it's too close, it's impolite."

He Shen slightly twitched his eyebrows: "That's impolite? Isn't it right to get closer to your husband?"

Su Ci looked at the person, and for a while, the tips of her ears gradually turned red, and she dropped her long eyelashes a little embarrassedly, shaking and shaking.

It trembled to the apex of He Shen's heart.

He has lived so long, and no one has ever affected all his emotions.

Mr. He wanted to pick up the child and kiss him, wishing to put all the good things in the world in front of people.

"Porcelain, come here."

The deep and sweet voice came, which belonged to the unique charm of a man, as mellow as red wine, with a touch of sensuality in indifference.


He Shen is undoubtedly a very attractive man, no matter his body shape or appearance, let alone the opposite sex, he can't fault him with his sex.

He can be gentle or indifferent.

It makes you unpredictable and unable to control his mind.

But such a person can make anyone surrender by revealing the inside a little bit.

Su Ci heard her husband's voice, her cheeks were a little hot, and the tips of her ears were a little red. She raised her long eyelashes and let out a soft cry, "Mr?"

He Shen stood on the spot, his deep eyes fell on the girl, and his voice was a little petting: "Why are you crying? Did your husband make you cry?"

Su Ci rubbed her eyes, sniffed, and said softly, "I didn't cry, it's sand. It's in the eyes, sir."

He Shen looked at the girl in front of him quietly, for a while, stretched out his hands, and said: "Come here."

Su Ci tilted his head slightly and looked over.

After hesitating, he walked towards the man.

Mr. He pulled her over.

When the money jar recovered, she was already sitting on the other's lap.

The husband's big dry hand overturned and landed on the corner of her eye, wiping away tears carefully, and whispered: "I didn't cry, what is this, huh?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1055: Hug, sir【17】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1055: Hug, sir【17】
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The girl's thick long eyelashes were stained with tears, her beautiful eyeballs were wet and soft, the little hand that fell on her side was slightly tightened, and her ears were a bit red.

He Shen sighed in his heart, and gently wiped off the wetness with his fingers: "Mr. did not blame you."

Su Ci lifted her face slightly, pursing her lips a little embarrassed.

"Then you can tell sir now, why are you crying?" With Ruoyouruowu's ambiguous breath, the man held her in his arms, his comforting body with a blushing heartbeat temperature.

The money jar looked at the man.

not talking.

While she was confused, she was a little hopeful. Didn't Mr. He realize that she was unhealthy?

Su Ci moved her fingertips slightly when she thought of this.

"Have you been wronged by your husband?" He Shen whispered.

She shook her head, hesitated, and said softly: "Sir, it's a good person."

The beautiful eyeballs lowered their eyes subconsciously, for fear that their flaws would be discovered by the people in front of them. The girl's nasal voice was still a little soft: "It's porcelain...not good."

"What's wrong with you."

The man said lightly: "Look at the husband talking."

Qian Jing Zijing became a little nervous, she raised her eyes, blinked, and tried to make herself look normal: "It's just not good, it's porcelain, it's not good, let me worry about it."

He Shen stared at the people for a long time, and did not indulge her in this deception: "You have a guilty conscience. You dare not look into my eyes. Is there anything you dare not tell your husband?"

Su Ci's small hands tightened subconsciously, her eyes lowered and her lips pressed slightly.

Don't dare to look into the man's eyes.

Head down.

Has the husband discovered it already? Still angry?

Angry that she lied to him.

Still think she is very bad, a little liar.

Su Ci didn't know, she subconsciously wanted to retreat from this embrace. I don't want to see the disappointed look in those eyes, or blame, or something else.

But the man seemed to be aware of her intention, tightened his arms, and stared at her with his deep eyes, "Can't you know, Mr.?"

"Or, Mr. is just an outsider?"

The girl shook her head.

The emotion on He Shen's face was invisible, but his eyes fell on the person in his arms from beginning to end.

Because of this, Su Ci felt a little wronged.

She didn't want to say it, and she didn't want to lie to her husband.

Su Ci opened her mouth and said hard, "Sir, I don't want to know." She has already tried very hard to say this sentence alone, and she really wants to say a lot to the other party.

But Qian Jing Zi Jing knew that in front of her husband, she was able to speak normally and had done her best.

But why does this person push her?

"How do you know, I don't want to know." He Shen looked down at the person and said lightly: "As long as you say, your husband will accept it."

Su Ci looked at the person and said seriously: "It's a thing that's not very good." She pursed her lips slightly, avoiding the other's gaze, and said with her small face slightly tense, focusing on the man's face. On the look.

He Shen didn't speak.

Su Ci was at a loss, stretched out her small hand, grabbed the person, sniffed, lowered her head and said, "I am not a healthy child."

"It's different from everyone else."

The girl tried her best to explain, her squishy eyes were a little aggrieved: "Are you satisfied with your husband?"

The heart in He Shen's chest seemed to be constrained by a thread, and it pulled out a little bit of pain.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1056: Hug, sir【18】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1056: Hug, sir【18】
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He stretched out his hand, touched the girl's face, and said in a low voice: "Why are you crying? Do I dislike you?"

Su Ci stared at people intently.

He Shen rubbed the girl's head: "Silly boy."

"Sir never said that."

"You are the prettiest child your husband has ever seen, and your favorite."

Su Ci pursed her lips: "But, I speak differently from others." She looked at the man in front of her seriously and said, "Sir, don't you think it's weird?"

He Shen looked at these squishy eyes, with a little expectation in them.

Slowly said: "No."

"so cute."

Although Su Ci felt that the man was coaxing herself, she was still a little happy. She was nestled in the other's arms, a little greedy, and a little selfish not wanting to come down.

She stretched out her little hand, hugged it boldly, and said softly, "Thank you sir..."

He Shen touched the girl's head with a big hand, and there was a slight smile in his words: "So in front of your husband, you don't have to be so careful, understand?"

"I don't want to see you crying anymore."

Su Ci felt a little jar, she got out of her arms and said embarrassedly: "No, cry."

"Porcelain is a girl, so she doesn't cry."


Secretary Zhang felt that Mr. He had been absent all afternoon.

Especially at the meeting, everyone could notice that he was in a bad mood today, but the man could do two things with one heart, and he glanced at them faintly and pointed out the mistake.

Worthy of being an old beast.

When Secretary Zhang brought coffee in, he found that Mr. He was smoking a cigarette. Looking at the table, he still smoked two. He knew that Mr. He must be a little irritable now.

Secretary Zhang put the coffee down cautiously and said: "Mr. He, are you upset about the little girl?"

He Shen glanced at him without denying it.

When Secretary Zhang saw it, she knew that she had a good opportunity to get a promotion and raise her salary. No, he has to be sure, but he can't miss it: "Mr. He, in fact, a girl at this age is the most emotional time. As long as you are meticulous and give her more love, she will love you immediately. When you go out, she will take the initiative to miss you and call you..."

"I made her cry." The man interrupted his words, a little indifferent.

Secretary Zhang: What?

Makes people cry? Is that what he thought?

Secretary Zhang looked at Mr. He as if he was looking at a living beast, and he now had two choices. The first is to expose President He, and the second is to help President He conceal the crime together and get along with each other.

Just when he was faced with the most difficult choice in life.

Mr. He's deep eyes looked over, as if he understood what he was thinking, his eyes became a little subtle, and he said meaningfully: "Secretary Zhang."

This sound made Secretary Zhang seem to have walked through the ghost gate of demoted and demoted.

The back is straight: "Mr. He, have you coaxed people?"

He Shen rubbed his temples and said lightly: "When I saw her tears, I regretted it a little."

Since childhood, he has always had his own way of handling things. This is the first time that such an emotion has been born before.

Since the death of his father, all the burdens on He Shen have been on him. Doing things is even more invisible, hitting the point.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1057: Hug, sir【19】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1057: Hug, sir【19】
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He is not so slow.

Although the girl tried her best to conceal her flaws, He Shen could tell at a glance. In front of him, the opponent always has a little restraint and a little distance.

Maybe it was because he was afraid of finding out.

This gave He Shen a thorn in his heart, and he hoped that the girl would be closer to him and rely on him more.

If you don't pull out this thorn.

For him, for the girl, there will always be a barrier.

He Shen wanted to pull out this thorn with his own hands. He wanted to let the other party know that he wouldn't mind. He would protect her under the wings and make her happy and grow up happily.

In this world, all the injustice to the girl, the sadness imposed on her.

He Shen can double to make up for it.

Therefore, he did not condone the girl's avoidance, but let her choose to take the initiative to open her heart.

Only in this way can the child truly choose to accept him.

But at the moment when I saw someone’s tears, I even looked at him aggrievedly.

He Shen felt regret and felt a little cruel.

He made her sad.

Mr. He couldn't forgive himself a bit, so he was extremely upset.

Secretary Zhang said: "I didn't see it very much, Mr. He, how did you find out?"

He showed a look of admiration.

I thought to myself, before waiting for the children to miss Mr. He, thinking that Mr. He called every day, Mr. He would be fascinated here.


Sun Yuan's condition repeated again and again, and she was about to die.

Even the doctor said it was a miracle that she could persist until now.

Sun Yuan probably knew that she couldn't hide it. She took the girl's hand and said, "Does Porcelain feel good about Mr. He?"

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes, her eyes fell on the woman's sick face, and nodded: "Sir, it's a very good, very good person."

A faint smile appeared on Sun Yuan's lips, and there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes. Her perseverance is all missed by her only relative: "Mr. He is a good person, he has helped us a lot. Porcelain·We must remember Mr. He's goodness in this life."

The money jar nodded, she hugged the woman's arm and said softly: "Okay, Porcelain remembers it."

Sun Yuan touched the girl's head, her eyes a little red.

"Mr. He, Porcelain only speaks a bit slower than other children, but she is a clever child..." Before leaving, Sun Yuan still remembered the girl.

He Shen said, "I will take good care of her."

Sun Yuan has no regrets.

On that sunny afternoon, she left.

Su Ci held the woman's cold hand and stayed for a while, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

Silently fell to the ground.

Being embraced by the man, those big dry but warm hands touched her face and said, "Don't cry, I will give you all my husband's embrace in the future."

Sun Yuan's funeral was all handled by He Shen.

The selected cemetery is also the best location.

The mortgaged house was also redeemed by He Shen.

Secretary Zhang couldn't see Mr. He's operation a little bit. He was shocked, thinking that Mr. He didn't take advantage of the danger. Could it be that his conscience discovered it?

Until he heard Mr. He whispered to the child: "This is the key to the house. I promise your aunt to take good care of you."

The child looked at the key, pursed his lips slightly, and looked over with those wet eyes: "No, Mr. He, I have done a lot." She said seriously, "I'm afraid I can't afford it."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1058: Hug, sir【20】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1058: Hug, sir【20】
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Mr. He stared at the people and said with a smile: "Mr. helps you, is it to let you repay your favor?"

Seeing that the man had misunderstood what he meant, Su Ci shook his head and explained hard, "No, it's not like this..."

"But you clearly meant to see me outside." Mr. He said lightly.

Secretary Zhang: Mr. He, be your own person. You can't bully others just because their little girl talks inconveniently.

Su Ci was a little anxious. She looked down at the set of keys: "No, they are too expensive. I can't take them." The little hand stretched out and pushed the man's hand. Her cheeks were slightly red, and she said seriously: "Too expensive."

He Shen looked at the person and said for a long time: "Then you are willing to move over and live with your husband?"

Secretary Zhang immediately raised her ears:! ! !

He just said, Dare to love Mr. He did so much, just to abduct people and children into his own territory.

Pooh. ‘

Sven scum.

Do not.

He is always an ascetic, and should be called an ascetic scum.

The money jar looked at the person intently, his ears a little red.

She did not expect that Mr. He would make such remarks.

System: "This old man is shameless. Dad doesn't look like a good person."’

Su Ci glanced at the man's expression, the other person's expression was natural and open-minded. She looked at it for a while, and seriously retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, Mr. doesn't want me."

The system dad said: "Who said he didn't figure you or anything? He figured you *** you are so cheating, figure you can pinch the water.

After hearing this, Qian Jinzijing said with a little embarrassment: "Mr. conditions are so good, so many girls who meet these requirements have gone."

The system angrily said: "My cub is so cute, there can only be one in the world. He didn't give birth to the idea of ​​domineering, so Dad won't believe it."

He Shen didn't seem to mean to embarrass the girl, instead he said, "If you don't want to, your husband won't force you. Girls should be vigilant."

The voice was low and there was a reassuring breath: "In this case, Mr. will help you arrange a place to live, so you shouldn't refuse."

The driving car suddenly became a little shaky.

As soon as Su Ci leaned forward, she felt a pair of big hands, which were touched by the heat, blocking her head. Like being afraid of her, there will be any possibility of accidents.

With his small face up slightly, it was the handsome and stern face of the man.

He Shen glanced at the front, frowned slightly and said, "What's the matter?"

Secretary Zhang said: "Mr. He, there was an accident before, I walked around."

Su Ci felt the breath of the person next to her, and whispered: "I don't have it. I think my husband is a bad person." She looked at the person intently, her cheeks flushed and said, "It's just that, will it be too troublesome."

Qian Jing Zi Jing is not so hypocritical, of course she also wants to live with Mr. He, which is very desirable.

He Shen hummed, and then casually said: "Do you have anything you want to take over? I'll let someone deal with it."

Secretary Zhang couldn't help but tsk inwardly.

Look at them, Mr. He's method of coaxing the children, it's really a set.

They all said nothing, and made the little girl feel that she was wrong.

From the heart to the outside, it's all black.


System: "Baby, do you want to think about it? Dad thinks... Dad thinks that old man looks mature, stable and perfect. Don't be fooled by his appearance."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1059: Hug, sir【21】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1059: Hug, sir【21】
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Su Ci pursed her lips and retorted: "Mister is not an old man."

System: "Look at how old he is, and you said he is not an old man."

Su Ci said seriously: "Mr. looks very young."

"Looks young, is he as young as he is? Is he eighteen? Is it a little fresh meat?" The system issued three consecutive questions.

The money jar tilted his head slightly: "I don't know, you don't want small meat, you need a husband."

System: "Uuuuu, don't you love Dad?"

Su Ci: "Love, but don't talk bad about your husband anymore."


Xu Shi is all talking about old men too much, and Su Ci is also a little curious about Mr. He's age. But she knew this was a very rude thing, and when first arrived, she couldn't ask the helper who worked in the villa.

Had to suppress the inner commotion.

When Secretary Zhang came to deliver the file, she saw the girl staring at him without blinking.

Just so cute, looking at him softly and cutely.

Secretary Zhang's scalp was a little numb, and she wanted to cry without tears: Don't look at me like this, I will never steal a woman from Mr. He in my life.

He felt that he had been very careful and avoided.

But the girl didn't know where it came from.

Then, looking at him with those beautiful round eyes, he yelled softly: "Secretary Zhang."

Secretary Zhang only felt that her heart was shot by something, and she was so adorable.

He coughed: "Miss Su, what are you looking for?"

Su Ci looked at her toes, as if she was trying to organize her words, and then she said: "I want to ask, about the husband."

Secretary Zhang thought to himself, this is a good thing, it proves that Mr. He may be able to deceive people without deceiving for so long.

So he replied a little diligently: "I know the things about Mr. He very well, even if you say hello, I won't tell Mr. He."

The money jar essence gave him a look that you are a good person.

Secretary Zhang’s conscience is a little bit painful: No, no, I’m not a good person. Mr. He and I are actually in the same group. I didn’t confess him or surrender.

Su Ci poked her finger: "Sir, how old is it?"

Secretary Zhang's heart froze for a while, and his thoughts turned back and forth at this moment. Children at this age are easy to have a good impression of handsome men, not to mention that Mr. He has helped others so many times.

People and children are absolutely touched in their hearts, maybe they are already a little moved.

But, age is really an issue.

The little girl is still so young, it is not easy to break through the psychological barrier. Maybe he knows Mr. He's true age, but he feels timid.

So he coughed and said: "He is young and promising. He is only 24 years old this year."

Mr. He looks really young. If he is three years old, there should be no problem. Maybe if I knew it, I would still be grateful to him and give him a promotion and salary increase.

Secretary Zhang thought so.

He looked at the little girl, pretending to be incomprehensible: "What do you ask this for?"

Su Ci's eyes were a little erratic, and she said with some embarrassment: "Sir, there should be a girlfriend. I am here, will it be inconvenient?"

Secretary Zhang quickly said: "No, we don't have a girlfriend, Mr. He, don't get me wrong."

Su Ci nodded.

Turn around to clarify all things for Mr. He: "Sir, it's only twenty-four."

System: "Bah, this old man is definitely not so young."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1060: Hug, sir【22】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1060: Hug, sir【22】
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Su Ci said unhappily, "Mr. is so young."

The system is a bit wronged: "Baby, even if he is twenty-four, he is a bit old even if he is less than your age."

"I'm not old." The money jar said earnestly: "He is just right at this age. He is so good at such a young age. He is very powerful."

"I'm not very young, and I will be an adult soon."

"Apologize for all."


Secretary Zhang thought that his conversation with the girl was perfect, who knew he had just met Mr. He.

Conveniently said: "What did you say to my baby?"

Secretary Zhang: "Huh? Baby? President He, you have a daughter?"

Then he saw Mr. He glance at him.

Secretary Zhang reacted: I didn’t expect you to be like Mr. He!

He was stared at by the man's star-like eyes, and he couldn't hide the secret at all, so he immediately explained it.

Of course, Secretary Zhang did not stupidly reveal the question of the age of the child. He only said that the child asked him privately if he had a girlfriend.

He Shen said meaningfully: "Really?"

Secretary Zhang felt cold behind his back, feeling that his mind seemed to be seen through by Mr. He, but he still clenched his teeth and refused to admit: "Mr. He, what I said is absolutely true. I think it’s a little girl. I like you too. I'm just embarrassed to say it."

The man showed a smile.

"Do you think my baby would be so straightforward?"

Secretary Zhang: "........."

He looked at Mr. He in front of him with a scheming look, and even if he suspected that He was always cheating on him, he had to withstand the pressure and tell the truth.

Mr. He cast his eyes slightly, his eyes were cold.

Secretary Zhang hurriedly let go of things and said: "Mr. He, I have to go to work in advance, you don't need to thank me."

Su Ci still doesn't know what happened here.

Mr. He mentioned the transfer to another school, but she agreed without thinking. Not only because the original school is inconvenient, but also because I don't want to bother the other party.

He Shen also prepared a room full of clothes, shoes, and accessories for her.

There is also a pot of emerald green plants.

Mr. He said that this plant is easy to feed, and it only needs to be watered once a day.

Su Ci feels that such a Mr. He is very gentle.

Although he usually doesn't seem to be such a person, his immovable tolerance and pampering.

It made her feel that her whole heart was a little hot.

The money jar watered the flowers.

When I went downstairs, I heard the helper say: "Mr. He, you are back."

She ran down, a little impatient.

But when he arrived in front of the man, he was a little embarrassed.

Mr. He glanced at her and said in a low voice: "Come over with me."

Su Ci lifted her face, looked over, and followed the man obediently.

He Shen opened the door of the study and sat down.

"I heard what Secretary Zhang said."

The money jar opened his eyes slightly, seeming a little confused.

But then he reacted and became nervous.

Su Ci pursed his lips slightly, feeling that Secretary Zhang was unreliable, so he sold the jar as soon as he turned his head.

Jar will never kiss him again.

Secretary Zhang sneezed and rubbed his nose.

Mr. He folded his fingers, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "You want to know the age of your husband, why don't you come to ask him personally?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1061: Hug, sir【23】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1061: Hug, sir【23】
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The girl's snow-white face snorted, a beautiful pink, like the first dew in a flower bud in the morning, tender and dripping. The thick, long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and the slender, white neck was dyed with Yan Fei.

Su Ci never expected that Mr. He would speak out in person. She was like a kid who did something wrong, caught on the spot by a rigorous adult.

He straightened his back involuntarily, pursing his lips slightly, and even the tips of his ears were flushing, with a hint of shame in his beautiful eyes, a bit awkwardly apologizing: "Yes... I'm sorry."

The money jar essence dropped his eyes, his fingers were all mixed together, and he said seriously: "I'm sorry, it's impolite to be porcelain."

It is a bad thing to inquire about people behind the scenes. Now that my husband knows about it, I will definitely be disappointed in her heart.

Su Ci was a little upset and didn't know how to make up for this mistake.

"What do you apologize for." He Shen stared at the young and wet girl in front of him, and laughed blankly: "Do you want to be so polite with your husband? Huh?"

Su Ci saw that the handsome face of the man was silently pampered.

She couldn't help thinking.

My husband is really nice, so I don't get angry.

Suddenly she said with a little embarrassment: "But, it's Porcelain that has the fault first." She stared at people unblinkingly with her big beautiful eyes, pursed her lips slightly, and said seriously, "Yes, I have to apologize."

The girl raised her small face slightly, her clean and wet eyes were so clear that she was heart-warming.

At least at this moment, Mr. He wanted to take the person into his arms and then kiss him.

His deep sea-like eyes stared at the child, with an imperceptible smile: "Mr. that accepts your apology."

Su Ci blinked and nodded obediently, "Thank you, Mr."

The man stared at the person and said in a low voice, "Do you still want to know my age?"

Qian Jingzijing thought that Mr. He was teasing himself, his cheeks were hot, and he said, "No... I don't want to."

"Really don't want to?"

The man on the opposite side curled his lips: "Then why do I need to secretly inquire about Mr."

Su Ci blinked her eyes, a little ashamed.

I don't know why... She feels like her husband deliberately...

Can not help but pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Mr. He was cute enough before he said: "Do you mind Mr.'s age?"

Su Ci shook her head, the crimson color of her ears deepened, and she dropped her long eyelashes a little embarrassed: "No, I don't mind."

"Mister is eleven years older than you."

He Shen said in a low voice, "Is it a bit old?"

Su Ci lifted her face blankly and looked over.

It's different from what Secretary Zhang said.

Secretary Zhang said that Mr. Zhang is twenty-four years old this year.

The money jar smashed his fingers seriously in his heart, forget it.

Blinked his eyes.

So, is the husband actually twenty-seven years old?

System: "Look, dad said it, this old man is definitely not that old, he is 27 years old!"

Su Ci is still struggling: "Mr. 27, not very old."

System dad said coldly: "He is eleven years older than you! Eleven years old, three-year-old generation gap, these are four generation gaps!"

The money jar said happily, "...actually it's okay..."

System: "Wait for you to fall in love! He is almost thirty years old!"

Su Ci pursed her lips, thinking a little dazedly.

Sir..... It seems to be a bit big.

She bowed her head, poked her fingers, and struggled hard.

No, she can't think of sir like that.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1062: Hug, sir【24】
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Su Ci tilted his head slightly, glanced at the man in front of him, and thought a little embarrassed.

When she grows up, her husband seems to be able to be the father of other children.

Mr. He paused his fingers, looked at the child opposite, and said in an unclear mood: "Do you also think that Mr. has already begun to grow old at this age?"

Su Ci shook her head quickly, and said obediently, "No, no." She tilted her head slightly and looked at the person, thinking seriously that her husband might also care about her age.

Thinking about this, Qian Jingzi tried his best to comfort him: "Sir, I'm not old."

"Just right."

He Shen stared at the child in front of him and said meaningfully: "Although Mr. is not very young, he has always paid attention to his body."

Su Ci nodded and joined in earnestly: "Mr. looks very young, invisible, twenty-seven years old."

She thinks that a man might be so sad when he saw her so young.

A bit of embarrassment overflowed in my heart. If it weren't for her, my husband would not feel sad anymore.

The money jar was fidgeting more and more, and she felt like she was a bit bad.

Especially the husband is so gentle and so tolerant of himself.

She wants to sprinkle salt on her husband's wound.

Su Ci thought for a while, she couldn't help but pursed her lips, wondering what a man would think of her? Do you feel disappointed? Regret letting her come to him?

So the girl was a little embarrassed and sincerely said: "When the husband is old, I will take care of him."

The flickering wet eyes looked at the opposite Mr. He without blinking.

The money jar Jing's expression is very serious.

She is very well-behaved, not a bad jar, she will remember what her husband is good to her, and will be good to her husband.

He always had a moment of silence.

He folded his fingers, looked at the girl in front of him intently, and said for a while: "Mister is old, he can even hold you."

Su Ci is a little confused.

It seemed that Mr. He seemed a little unhappy, she thought about it seriously, and finally found out that something was wrong.

The husband doesn't like people saying that he is old, even in the future.

Su Ci lifted up her long eyelashes and squeezed out the pear vortex a little embarrassed.


Secretary Zhang found that Mr. He's mood has been a bit volatile recently.

For example, during a meeting, one of the shareholders just said: "Mr. He, the old employees of the company..."

After that, Mr. He was staring at him emotionally for a long time, until he stared at the shareholders and sweated coldly behind his back, he replied not coldly: ‘Save it for the next quarter. "

Secretary Zhang doesn’t understand. Did the shareholders say something wrong?

Is there any word in him that made President He unhappy?

The murdered Secretary Zhang was trembling, for fear that he would be demoted and reduced in salary.

"Am I old?"

The man looked up and asked in a low voice.

Secretary Zhang hurriedly flattered and said: "Mr. He, you are not old at all. It was when you were young and promising. Those young ladies, who didn't want to marry you, why would you feel that you are old?"

Mr. He's handsome face had no emotions, and he said lightly: "Eleven years old, is it much worse?"

Secretary Zhang: "........."

He realized what Mr. He meant. People and children are now in the first year of high school. Mr. He feels that he is old.

But... this is also true.

Secretary Zhang thought silently that if his future daughter married an eleven-year-old man, he would not agree to be killed.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1063: Hug, sir【25】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1063: Hug, sir【25】
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It seemed to see Secretary Zhang's inner thoughts.

Mr. He showed a smile that was not a smile, and said meaningfully: "It seems that Secretary Zhang has any opinion on me."

Secretary Zhang hurriedly said: "Mr. He, why do you think that way? As long as a young girl likes you, this age is not a problem. Besides, older people will still hurt people."

"As long as Mr. He, you can win any girl."

He Shen tapped his finger on the desktop: "You are right." There was a slight smile in his eyes: "The baby can't like anyone except me."

Secretary Zhang: "..." Wait, I'm not counted as an accomplice.

Can I still report Mr. He in the future.

Su Ci felt that she seemed to be unhappy with Mr. Jehe.

Although the man is in front of her as always, she just feels that her husband's mood is not very good.

The money jar essence doesn't know how to coax Mr.

She looked down at the plant in the flowerpot, and after being watered for many days, a small flower bud appeared.

Su Ci held the potted plant and wanted to share it with a man for the first time.

Through the window, I saw the car driving into the manor.

She came downstairs holding a potted plant.

As soon as Mr. He entered the door, he saw the girl running towards him, holding the potted plant in her hand, looking cute and soft.

He stretched out his hand and said in a low voice: "Slow down, what if you fall?"

Su Ci was half embraced by the man, and she didn't think there was anything wrong. She raised her small face slightly, holding the potted plant, her eyes were a little gleaming: "Sir, look."

He Shen lowered his head and looked at the potted plant, only to see a small flower bud bloomed inside, with a fascinating pink color on the top.

I believe that a beautiful flower will bloom here soon.

He quietly scanned the girl's childish and beautiful face, thinking that the child would be like this bud in the future.

Waiting for people to develop.

The chest became abnormally soft, and there was a little bit of possessiveness that was unknown.

"It's going to bloom."

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly, and said softly: "When it blooms, I will put it in the room, sir, okay?"

The girl's soft voice sounded.

Mr. He stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, his voice was low and heavy: "Okay."

Su Ci was a little happy.

She stared at the man in front of her without blinking, and said in a soft, embarrassed voice: "Mr. That's still alive, am I angry?"

"Silly boy."

"Mr. will never be angry with you."

President He lowered his head and kissed the girl's forehead: "Don't think about it."

Su Ci blinked her eyes, her cheeks a little hot.

A little shy, he took a step back and glanced at the helpers around him.

The tips of the ears are also flushing.

He Shen took a look at the child's reaction at this time immovably, and whispered: "Sorry, Mr. scared you."

Su Ci looked at the person, shook his head, and said a little embarrassed: "Ci Ci doesn't mind."

Mr. He pulls his lips.


System: "The old man is shameless and wants to kiss you."

Su Ci lay on the bed, covered herself with the quilt, and said softly, "It's just forehead,"

System: "Baby, you have changed, where do you want this old man to kiss?"

Su Ci tensed her face and said, "Mr. is not an old man. Don't say that in the future. Mister will be sad."

"He can't hear it anyway." The system said, "This old man might be trying to win your sympathy, baby, don't be fooled by him."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1064: Hug, sir【26】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1064: Hug, sir【26】
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"He's so much older than you and wants the old cow to eat tender grass, shameless!"

Su Ci squeezed the quilt in her small hand, showing one face, and whispered: "It's okay, I'm very young, I will take care of him when he gets old."

She seriously thought that even if her husband gets old in the future, he will be a handsome old man.

After sleeping for a long time, Qian Jing Zi Jing started to feel a little pain in his stomach.

I didn't pay attention at first, and waited until the pain was severe.

Su Ci opened her eyes blankly: "All, my stomach hurts."

The system immediately said anxiously: "Baby, what's the matter with you? Did you eat the wrong thing?"

Su Ci didn't know, she thought for a while and shook her head.

It hurts.

The girl curled up on the bed, hugging her body.

After waiting for a long time, the pain was not relieved.

The money jar had to get better.

Open the door.

Walked towards Mr. He's room and knocked on the door.

Wait for the door to open.

The girl raised her small face slightly and looked at the man in front of her: "Sir, my stomach hurts."

Mr. He landed on her slightly pale face, paused slightly, bent over, and picked up the person.

Su Ci held the man's neck with her little hand, pressed it against his body, and whispered, "It hurts, sir."

She hugged the man tightly, fragile and coquettish.

There was a sense of distress in He Shen's chest, and he called the private doctor over.

The big hand helped the child rub his stomach, and whispered: "Does it still hurt?"

"It hurts." Su Ci sniffed, opened his squishy eyes, and quietly leaned on the person's shoulder, muttering: "Sir, am I sick?"

"Can move, surgery?"

He Shen had deep eyes and coaxed: "You have a gentleman, don't be afraid."

Su Ci nodded.

She pursed her lips slightly.

I thought to myself, what if she really got a serious illness?

She still has to support her husband.

The doctor looked at the man in front of him. When did he see the other person so uncomfortable before, and let him be like this, it turned out to be an underage child.

He couldn't help but glanced at Mr. He silently.

Unexpectedly, He is always such a beast.

He Shen gave him a faint warning: "What's wrong with my baby?"

The doctor gave a low cough and said, "Don't worry, Mr. He, she is about to grow up."

"Although I came a bit late, it is normal. Your baby is in good health."

Mr. He paused slightly, and his eyes became soft.

Asked what needs attention.

But the money jar spirit who knew the truth felt a bit lost, and wanted to dig a pit to bury himself.

She thought she was seriously ill.

I went to find Mr. aggrieved.

Unexpectedly, the menstrual affairs just came from people.

Su Ci used to be just a jar essence, when people know that humans have to go through these troublesome things. But in this world, she also forgot about it.

This is the Oolong.

Shame in front of Mr. He.

Su Ci was a little embarrassed, her cheeks were red, and she didn't want to get up when she said anything.

Mr. He coaxed the child patiently.

"Does the stomach still hurt?"

His voice is deliberately lowered, with a bit of magnetism, like a mellow red wine, with a sensuality and a very charming.

Su Ci lifted a little quilt with her little hand, revealing her wet eyes, her cheeks were hot, and she shook her head.

Mr. He touched her face and said with a smile: "What's the embarrassment to Mr."

The money jar Jing secretly looked at the person, hesitatingly said: "Really, it doesn't hurt anymore."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1065: Hug, sir【27】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1065: Hug, sir【27】
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Mr. He did not speak, and stretched out his big hand to cover the girl's belly.

In a low voice: "Little liar."

The big hands were dry and warm.

I relieved a little pain, and drank brown sugar water.

Su Ci only felt unprecedented peace of mind.

Mr. He stayed beside her and told her stories in a low voice.

The eyes are getting blurry.

The girl rubbed her quilt, and fell asleep with a soft breath.

Mr. He and the others were sound asleep, only then got up, bent over and put a kiss on the opponent's forehead.

"Good night, baby."


The transfer procedures have been completed, and the admission process is very simple. He Shen selected the school to receive higher education.

The bad environment is also a good one.

For the sake of children, carefully selected.

Mr. He has already read the information. The girl did not have a very good life in the previous school. Being bullied by some students, his eyes darkened slightly, and he deliberately said hello to the top of the school.

Su Ci received special attention on her first day.

The girl's appearance is soft and waxy, and she speaks with this tone. It looks good and painful, and it can easily arouse boys' desire for protection.

This makes some girls feel a little oversight.

"White lotus, green tea bitch, shameless."

Individuals notice that girls are not very talkative, and even if they speak, they are much slower than ordinary people.

Privately suspect that Su Ci actually has a problem.

Human malice does not need a reason, sometimes it is just a sudden prank, or to get some pleasure from this matter.

They never feel that what they are doing is bad or wrong.

Nor will I feel that my fault will cause others what kind of pain.

"Liu Yang, don't you think there is nothing wrong with Su Ci? Then you can prove it." A girl hugged her chest and sneered at the guy on the opposite side.

Liu Yang frowned and said, "Yang Lulu, you're endless, are you sick?"

Yang Lulu said loudly: "Su Ci has a problem, can't I say it yet? Have you ever seen her communicate with other people in the class? She talks to people, not more than five sentences, only a few words in each sentence. You still Saying that she has no problem, I think she has a physical problem, her speech is not normal, what's the use of looking good. She also pretends to be a normal person, so that everyone else is a fool."

Liu Yang didn't believe her nonsense. He felt that Su Ci was normal, because the girls were unbalanced. Girls are easy to be jealous and careful.

"Do you have any evidence that something is wrong with her?"

Seeing him on the bait, Yang Lulu immediately handed over a piece of paper she had prepared, and said proudly: "If you ask her to read these words out completely, you will know if there is something wrong with her."

Liu Yang took it, glanced at the words on the note, frowned and said, "Are you boring?"

That's what he said, but he accepted it anyway.

Liu Yang's thinking was simple. He didn't want Su Ci to be talked about in private by these people. As long as her innocence was proved, these people would have nothing to say.

Liu Yang walked towards the girl.

And those people immediately watched the show.

"Su Ci, can you read these words out?" Liu Yang handed the note to the girl.

The other party raised his small face slightly and looked over.

Liu Yang blushed and said, "Can you?"

Su Ci's gaze fell on the note, and he quickly retracted his gaze and said, "No."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1066: Hug, sir【28】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1066: Hug, sir【28】
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Liu Yang immediately lowered his voice and said: "They suspect that you are ill, they are laughing at you in private, and they still talk like you. You just have to read it out and prove yourself, and they will have nothing to say."

When the surrounding people saw this, they joined in the excitement and said, "Hey, Su Ci, why didn't you go to the previous school because they didn't play with you?"

"You must have a problem, you can't speak, stammer."

Several people in the class laughed.

Their laughs are pure sarcasm, and they seem to find it interesting to tease others.

Su Ci glanced at them, red lips spit out soft words: "boring."

"Since you are not sick, you can read it out to us."

"Yes, you shouldn't really stutter."

System: "Dad is **** off, this bunch of rubbish."

Liu Yang was a little embarrassed. His intention was good, but he didn't expect to put the girl in a more delicate situation.

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes and looked at the malicious faces without blinking her eyes and said, "Trash."

The faces of the group of people changed slightly.

He cursed lowly, and then stimulated the girl with more excessive words.

But the money jars didn't mean to pay attention to them at all.

Also because of this matter.

Everyone has already determined that Su Ci is faulty and speaks abnormally, and only knows to say some simple words. They behave well in front of the teacher, but in private, they are joking about this matter.

He also gave someone a nickname called Xiao Ba.

System: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Su Ci said obediently: "Everything is not angry."

System: "How could Dad not be angry? They bullied my cubs like this, did they think I was dead?"

The money jar was awkward.

Said: "I can't stop their mouths, they just talk, and they won't lose a piece of meat anyway."

Yang Lulu and several people were playing volleyball. When they saw the girl, they winked at each other, and then deliberately hit the volleyball.

But they didn't expect that the other party would have avoided it.

Yang Lulu was angry for a moment. She hugged her chest and said, "Hey, little handicap, get the ball."

Su Ci looked at the volleyball on the ground, raised her face, and took a look.

Yang Lulu and the others saw that Su Ci was ignoring them, and they all gathered around: "I'm calling you, didn't you hear me? Are you deaf as well?"

The money jar tilted his head slightly, staring at a few people with beautiful squishy eyes.

Yang Lulu bent down, picked up the volleyball, and said with a grin: "You don't dare to play a game with us."

Su Ci stared at the volleyball, raised her face slightly, and said calmly: "I, why don't you dare?"

Yang Lulu laughed.

Imitated her and said again: "You also said that you are not a minor disability. Why don't you go to school for the disability? Why do you want to come to our normal people?"

Su Ci glanced at her: "Play, don't talk nonsense."

How did Yang Lulu think that this little disability would dare to confront her, she sneered, walked to the court, and replaced a girl.

It's two-to-two.

And the girl who partnered with Su Ci is also theirs.

The three exchanged glances, knowing each other well.

The inside should be combined with the outside.

See if they don't play with this small disability.

Anyway, this is just a school exercise. It's not normal to get some injuries or accidents?

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1067: Hug, sir【29】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1067: Hug, sir【29】
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The system dad could see what these little **** were thinking at a glance, and said angrily: "Baby, you have to be careful, they are definitely going to unite to bully you!"

Su Ci has already set up a posture to catch the ball, and tilted his head slightly after hearing the words: "How can I be so bullied."

When the three girls of Yang Lulu saw the girl's posture, their nostrils were slightly raised, and they made a disdainful snort.

"I'm going to serve."

Yang Lulu held the ball in her hand and looked at the girl with malicious eyes: "One, two..."

Before three, she hit the ball immediately.

Like a bolide, heading straight at the other side.

Yang Lulu squatted slightly and raised her chin slightly, showing a slightly smug expression.

She can guarantee that Su Ci absolutely can't take this ball.

Let’s not say that this small disability looks weak and weak, soft and soft like a white dumpling. It was enough for her to go down with such a ball.

Yang Lulu watched the ball hit the girl's face, not to mention how refreshing it was!

But the next moment.

The ball that looked like a bolide flew straight back, like a huge meteorite, flying towards Yang Lulu's facade.

Her eyes widened involuntarily, and she fell to the side in embarrassment.

Put your hands and feet on the ground.

The girl landed steadily, and no one could see what she was doing just now.

But this does not prevent Yang Lulu and the others from being quiet.

Yang Lulu was surprised, how could Su Ci catch her ball!

She looked embarrassed at this time, like a **** with legs spread out, which was extremely embarrassing.

The passing students laughed uncontrollably, then whispered and pointed.

Yang Lulu blushed with shame and anger. She stood up and stared at Su Ci on the opposite side, gritted her teeth and said, "Come again!"

This must be a coincidence! It's Su Ci's luck!

This small disability can't be said well, and the small disability of maternal-fetal dysplasia is nothing to be proud of.

Yang Lulu picked up the ball on the ground without a smile, gave Su Ci's partner on the opposite side a wink, and then started the second ball.

The girl received Yang Lulu's eyes, of course she knew what she meant.

When Su Ci was catching the ball, she pretended to grab the ball, and then knocked people down, letting this little handicap throw a dog to eat shit!

Yang Lulu directly slapped the ball towards the person.

At this moment, the girl next to Su Ci had already spotted the opportunity. When the girl jumped up to catch the ball, she rushed over.


The girl returned the ball's hand to the girl's face, making a crisp sound.

The girl stunned her cheek, showing an unbelievable expression: "Su Ci! Do you dare to hit me!"

Qian Jingzijing looked at his hand and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, Classmate Lin, I didn't know you suddenly rushed over."

The girl suspected that she was deliberate, but there was no evidence. She clutched a palm-printed hand, and reluctantly said: "Su Ci, if I find you deliberate, just wait and see."

Yang Lulu didn't know that things would turn out to be like this. She was so angry that she only felt that the **** the opposite side was really inadequate, and she stared at Su Ci coldly.

Handed the ball to another partner.

It's just that this little disability didn't know if it was intentional. Not only could it escape their deliberate serve, but it was not at all polite when it came back!

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1068: Hug, sir【30】
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Yang Lulu's pupils shrank slightly.

She screamed as if she could feel the wind blowing the ball against her cheek.

Yang Lulu said loudly: "Su Ci, do you want to disfigure me!"

The girl tilted her head slightly and said calmly: "Student Yang, can you not afford it?"

Yang Lulu was trembling with anger.

Several girls gathered around: "Lulu, are you okay."

Yang Lulu showed a hideous face and pushed people away: "Come again!"

The money jar is a bit boring.

She stood in place obediently.

The ball that can be delivered is completely contrary to her own feelings, it feels like a huge steel ball, about to smash people to death.

Extremely lethal.

Especially every time he smashed from Yang Lulu's head, it scared the other party enough.

"You little handicap deliberately!"

Yang Lulu's friend couldn't see it, cursing, and sneered: "Small handicapped, you look pretty weak, so why don't you pretend it now!"

She said it hard to hear: "I don't think there is a man around, so let's not pretend, it's really shameless!"

The girl didn't get angry either, walked up to them and nodded: "Yes, I am, deliberately."

Su Ci looked down at several people and said seriously: "Don't mess with me."

Then he pointed to the fairway on the ground: "See, do you see this? Squeeze your head, just like squeeze it."

The girl was soft and glutinous, and she was a little incoherent when she spoke. But Yang Lulu couldn't laugh at all, they looked at the girl as if they had seen something terrible.

The money jar is very satisfied with their eyes.

Dealing with disobedient people, that's how they are willing to be honest.

Su Ci tilted his head slightly, looked at the time on his wrist, and said stubbornly: "Student Yang, class is over, I'm leaving now."

"Next time you meet, don't want to call me a minor disability."

"I am not a minor disability."

System: "The cubs are mighty! Dad is so pleased, QvQ, you can take care of yourself without Dad."

Su Ci clenched her small fist and said seriously: "I have lived a long time, and their combined age is not even as old as I am."

Yang Lulu went back to the classroom and saw the girl's face as if nothing happened. She was really scared and hated.

The other people in the class didn't know what happened to the few people. They were still smiling, holding the girl in hand and joking, and also learning to talk with her.

How could Yang Lulu give up because of this.

Su Ci bit the straw and sipped orange juice.

Tilting his head slightly, he saw the person standing there for nearly 1.9 meters.

She thought a little enviously.

This person looks really strong.

If she was so strong, those people wouldn't bother herself.

Su Ci passed by slowly, but she didn't expect that she would be stopped soon.

Nearly 1.8 meters, the girl weighing two hundred jin stretched out her hand to stop her: "Are you Su Ci?"

Qian Jing Zi Jing blinked his eyes and glanced at her.

The people in the other classes poked their heads out.

"Wow, how did you provoke this fat girl, she is miserable!"

"Yeah, who didn't know that this fat man relied on his height and weight to bully other people, and even boys suffered."

Yang Lulu took a small mirror for makeup and looked at them gleefully.

The fat girl looked at the girl condescendingly and said: "You just hit me, don't you want to apologize?"

Su Ci looked at people: "I didn't hit you."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1069: Hug, sir【31】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1069: Hug, sir【31】
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The fat woman sneered, stretched out her hand, and suddenly pushed the girl.

Su Ci sat on the ground, raising her face slightly.

She pursed her lower lip slightly.

The fat girl held her chest and said, "Apologize to me, now, immediately, immediately."

System: "Why is there always something that doesn't have long eyes and troubles my cubs."

Su Ci also found it annoying.

She is just an ordinary jar, why these humans always look at the jar not pleasing to their eyes.

The jar is also very annoying.

Especially those in the class, yelling with a small handicap.

Su Ci also felt annoyed.

The husband didn't dislike her, didn't bully her, why are these people?

So Qian Jing Zijing stood up, patted the dust on his body, raised his little face slightly and said, "I'm angry."

The fat girl showed sarcasm and disdain, walked over and stretched out a finger.

But it was blocked by the girl.

Su Ci stared at the person for a long time, took her finger, and slammed her shoulders directly.

The fat woman's heavy body shook on the ground, and the fat on her body trembled.

Surrounded by the lively students: "............"

Su Ci said: "This is just for defense." She raised her face and said, "Have you all seen it?"

Part of it could not help but swallowed.

Mommy, this fat girl has to have two hundred catties, how did the girl do it!

It's terrible.

Especially the people who talked about Su Ci trembling with the fat. They looked at Su Ci's eyes with a trace of surprise and disbelief.

Su Ci stood up straight, pursing her lips and said, "Don't think, I'm very bullied, I'm super fierce."

"Do you understand?"


Mr. He came back early today.

He beckoned and recruited the kid who had just finished school and said, "How is the new school?"

Su Ci lifted her long eyelashes and let her husband hold her obediently, with nowhere to put her little hands.

Because the husband is still wearing a suit.

She is afraid of crumpled her husband's clothes, which are very expensive.

"Okay, I like porcelain very much."

Su Ci reports good news but not bad news.

She can't let Mr. He do everything for her, worry about her, she can solve her own problems.

He Shen did not speak.

He saw the dust on the child's skirt, and his baby was lying.

He Shen thought calmly.

After the child went upstairs, he called the school.

The school director didn't know that He Zonghui personally called, and it was an uneasy feeling in my heart.

He cursed again in his heart.

It's not a good idea, it was specially ordered by Mr. He to take care of it. If something happens, who can take care of it!

So quickly let the following to investigate clearly.

This investigation is incredible.

If Mr. He knew it, would he still have it?

Of course, the school manager wanted to conceal it as much as possible.

But how could President He couldn't see it, he said a little lightly.

The school director's cold sweat was shed, so he dared to hide anything, and explained the matter one to five to ten.

Especially the culprit was pushed out.

Yang Lulu, after returning home, was severely scolded by her parents.

"Anyway, you can't mess with Su Ci."

Yang Lulu was so angry that she yelled directly: "Why, mom and dad, she is just an ordinary person, what's wrong with me. When I was studying before, I didn't commit any crimes. How do you say that I use It’s not for those people who are here to hurt."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1070: Hug, sir【32】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1070: Hug, sir【32】
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Mother Yang gave her daughter a slap: "What do you know! Give me an apology tomorrow!"

Yang Lulu covered her cheeks in disbelief, her eyes widened and said: "Mom, you hit me! You hit me for Su Ci!"

She covered her face and cried, and slammed the door hard.

She thought her parents would come to coax herself as before, but there was no movement all night.

Less than a day.

Several parents came to the school manager’s office in person to apologize.

Yang Lulu stared at the girl in front of her, she would never apologize for this little disability!

Mother Yang pinched her daughter, and said coldly: "What are you doing, don't you want to apologize!"

Yang Lulu screamed and said, "Why! I won't apologize! I won't apologize!"

Su Ci also looked at the group of people in front of her with a little bewilderment. She thought she didn't have that skill now, so she let such a group of people come over and apologize willingly.

So what else can it be.

Except for Mr., there is no one else.

The girl's cheeks were a little red, and she felt that her husband was too spoiled for herself. What if she spoiled her.

Mother Yang turned pale with anger, and she looked at her daughter with hatred of iron and steel. ,

Doesn't she have the brain to think about it, what is it for them to apologize to a little girl for this group of gangsters?

If it's not for the other person, it's not someone they can afford.

How could they save this face and apologize in person.

But that person is not something they can reach.

Mother Yang wanted to go to the door to apologize in person, but the person refused to even see them.

What else can it be because they don't have this face.

Being someone else, a little bit face, has long since become irritated and embarrassed.

But how dare Mother Yang offend this person.

So Yang Lulu was pressed her head.

While crying, she said, "I don't apologize! Why should I apologize to her? When I grow up, I haven't apologized to anyone. What is she!"

Su Ci didn't care either. She glanced at the school manager and said softly: "Yes, class is in, can I leave?"

The school manager hurriedly said: "Student Su, they really want to apologize. Do you want to listen before leaving."

Su Ci shook his head.

She is a jar with a sense of time, and said seriously: "No, I'm going to class."

Mother Yang's face changed drastically, how could she let the girl go?

If the other party now walks out of this place, won't everything be lost?

So suppressed his anger in his heart, he slapped his daughter directly, and said angrily: "Apologize to me, classmate Su doesn't remember the villain, you apologize, what's the matter?"

People are bullying and afraid of hardship, if you are really an ordinary child in front of you. Don't say that Mama Yang came here in person, even if she heard it, she might not take this matter to heart.

Even if the daughter is doing something to the person, isn't she rich? Just use money to solve it.

But now it is not something that can be solved with money.

Mother Yang smiled and said: "My Lulu is ignorant and said something you don't like to listen to. Don't take it to heart. Auntie goes home and must teach her well."

Yang Lulu has never seen her mother so humbled.

While she felt unbelievable, she felt ridiculous at the same time: "Mom, you are crazy, how can you apologize to her! Is she worthy?"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1071: Hug, sir【33】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1071: Hug, sir【33】
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Mother Yang is really angry. Who is she doing this for? If it wasn't for the daughter's ignorance, would that be the case at home?

Mother Yang said coldly: "If you don't apologize, we will sever the relationship between mother and daughter."

Yang Lulu was stunned.

She looked at the girl in front of her, and she couldn't imagine that she would become what she is now.

Yang Lulu apologized humiliatingly, she had never been so embarrassed in her life.

"Mom, why should we apologize to that minor disability!"

Yang Lulu said unwillingly.

Mother Yang looked at people coldly: "If you don't apologize, then you just wait for our company to gradually go bankrupt!"

Yang Lulu was stunned.

She is used to living a superior life. When did she ever think about the possibility that the company would go bankrupt? Just because they bullied Su Ci, what does her mother want to do?


Yang Lulu was stunned: "Is it because of Su Ci's family? What is her background?"

Mother Yang said, "I don't know."

Yang Lulu felt ridiculous: "Mom, how could you not know! Didn't you all come to apologize in person? How could you not know!"

Mother Yang rubbed her temples: "We can't reach the upper level at our level. If you do something wrong and get beaten, how dare you to inquire about your identity? I don't know what your classmate is."


How could Yang Lulu dare to provoke Su Ci again? They used to be so arrogant, but now they see Su Ci's voice lowered.

But those students who talked about Su Ci were also a little scared in their hearts, thinking that she had a big background, especially when she heard that several parents had come to apologize to her personally, but they didn't dare to talk about it because of a minor disability.

When Su Ci returned home, he was the first to find her husband.

Mr. He is playing tennis alone.

She rushed over, just stretched out her little hand and hugged Mr.

Mr. He reluctantly caught her, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Sweat."

The girl sniffed, looked over with her beautiful eyes, and said seriously, "Sir, it doesn't smell at all."

Mr. He breathed a little heavy.

He stared at the girl's face for a long time before speaking, his voice had an indescribable taste: "So in such a hurry, miss me?"

Su Ci also noticed that she was a little bold, and she became a little embarrassed, but she still didn't go any further.

She is petite and her husband can hold her.

"Today, someone asked me to apologize." The money jar raised his small face and stared at the man intently: "Mr. did it, right?"

He Shen didn't deny it, but just said: "They bullied you, can your husband sit back and watch?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly: "Or is porcelain softened?"

Su Ci was slightly hot in her heart. She tilted her head slightly, hugged her little hand, and said softly, "No, I just feel that my husband is too kind to me."

Mr. He smiled softly: "If it's not good to you, who else is your husband good to."

Su Ci did not speak.

I tightened my little hand, thinking.

Mr. He treats her too much.

Yes, did you raise her as a daughter?


One class has a female teacher who has just arrived.

She found that there was a special child in the class, who was beautiful and well-behaved, but seemed to have no friends.

Although at the beginning, it was mentioned above that it should be taken care of.

But gradually, the female teacher felt distressed and affectionate towards the girl.

Children seem to be painful, a bit different from ordinary people.

The female teacher is always worried that people in the class will bully her, but after observing it, she found that no one is bullying, but the child is always alone and very lonely.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1072: Hug, sir【34】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1072: Hug, sir【34】
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The female teacher talked to the child from time to time, and brought her some biscuits that she made herself.

She worries that because of physical defects, the child will slowly become autistic.

The female teacher found that the child was so behaved, which made people feel distressed. Until one time, she accidentally saw that the girl got in a valuable car.

The female teacher was taken aback. ‘

Insomnia all night.

She started to think about it, she also read the child's file, and there is no name in the parent column above. Regarding the family information, nothing was filled in.

The more the female teacher thought about it, the more worried.

The girl is beautiful and well-behaved. She has heard some darker things a long time ago. For example, children in orphanages who have physical defects will be spotted by some abnormalities and then raised.

The more the female teacher thought about it, the more panicked she became, and she mentioned this matter to the principal in a vague manner.

But the principal told her not to be nosy.

Not long after graduating from college, the female teacher was kind-hearted. When she thought of what the girl might be suffering, she tentatively started chatting with each other.

Su Ci raised her face slightly and looked at the woman in front of her.

Put the little hand obediently, shook his head earnestly and said, "I'm fine."

The female teacher didn't believe it. She worriedly said: "You tell the teacher, the teacher will find a way for you." She promised: "The teacher will definitely save you."

Su Ci is a bit distressed.

She could feel the human breath in front of her. The other party is really kind and clean.

It has been a long time since she met such a good person.

But the money jar didn't know how to explain it: "It's not a teacher, as I thought."

"The teacher has seen it all." The female teacher said with red eyes: "The teacher saw you got in the car."

Su Ci looked at the woman in confusion, and didn't know how much she had added to her brain.

He pursed his lips slightly, and explained it again earnestly: "It's not like that, I didn't, I was cheated."

The female teacher looked at the child's behaved appearance and felt distressed. She felt that children were afraid to speak out because of fear because of fear.

"Don't you trust the teacher?" "The teacher will help you...Don't be afraid..."

"If he is really a bad person, you must cooperate with the teacher, the teacher will definitely help you, and then expose him."

Su Ci raised long eyelashes, she didn't want her husband to be misunderstood in this way.

The husband is very kind to her.


The female teacher probably wouldn't believe it.

The money jar is in my heart, thinking like this.

What can she do to prove her innocence for her husband?

System: "Prove what, Dad sees him as a veritable beast."

Su Ci pursed her lips and said unhappily: "If you do this all the time, I will ignore you."

System: "........." My father's heart hurts so badly, it can't compare to an old man.

The female teacher looked at the girl's expression a little loose, she held the hand of the child, and encouraged: "Don't be afraid, the teacher won't tell anyone. As long as you say it, the teacher will definitely be able to think of a way."

Su Ci raised long eyelashes. Squishy eyes stared intently.

The female teacher held her breath and looked around to make sure that no one else was present. Then she whispered: "If you don't feel relieved, then we can change the place and say whether it's OK."

Su Ci blinked and lowered his head, thinking for a while.

Then he raised his face and said seriously: "The teacher has misunderstood."

"He is my father."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1073: Hug, sir【35】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1073: Hug, sir【35】
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The money jar spirit mustered up the courage to finish the speech. Unexpectedly, the female teacher's eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Beast! It's just a beast!"

She shook her hands, both heartbroken and angry.

"Did he ask you to call him father?"

Su Ci tilted her head slightly and looked at the human in front of her strangely.

She had said so to prove her innocence, but how could this human being still be so angry.

Qian Jing Zi Jing pursed his lips in a daze, wondering what went wrong.

As everyone knows, in the female teacher's mind, it is the brain that makes up all the mess. The more I thought about it, the more I was trembling with anger, she clutched the child's arm: "Did your father do anything strange to you?"

strange things?

Su Ci thought hard and shook his head.

Mr. He didn't do anything strange to her.

The female teacher paused slightly, her eyes complicated: "Tell the teacher that he did not..." She gritted her teeth and said with difficulty: "Did you kiss you, hug you, and touch you..."

Su Ci lowered her head in embarrassment, looking at her toes, her cheeks were slightly hot.

Her husband sometimes kissed her on the forehead and hugged her like a princess.

If you touch...

Does the belly count?

The female teacher snorted in her heart, as if she had already encountered the worst. This was much worse than she had imagined. The girl seemed to be dependent on that father.

How could this be!

this is not right!

This is also impossible.

So the female teacher calmed down: "Porcelain, you look up at me."

Su Ci lifted her face slightly, and looked over intently, her beautiful eyes were well-behaved and soft.

The female teacher felt pain in her heart.

Children at this age should enjoy the warmth of the family and the love of their parents. But now, she was not only kept in captivity, but also distorted all her worldviews.

At the thought of this, the female teacher trembled with anger, her hands and feet were cold.

What's going on in this society? Those rich and powerful beasts who do these things are not afraid of being struck by lightning!

Her tears almost flowed down.

"Listen to the teacher, that's not your father." The female teacher took a deep breath.

Su Ci didn't blink, thinking that the other party didn't believe it, and seriously lied: "He is my father."

The female teacher tremblingly said: "Your father is not that kind of person, do you have to cooperate with the teacher to know? Only after collecting the evidence, the teacher can report him." Her brain is turning crazy, maybe there is more than the girl alone. , There are more children victimized.

So he asked in a low voice: "Have you seen your father bring other children back?"

The money jar looked at the man.

I finally know what's wrong.

Does this human think that his husband is a bad person?

Su Ci was a little unhappy. Although she knew that the other party didn't mean it, she was still upset when she heard others say bad things about her husband.

I couldn't help but raise my long eyelashes, and said word by word: "Teacher, I misunderstood."

"He really is me, Dad."

Female teacher: ".........."

The girl's face was slightly strained, and her big eyes met her small eyes.

The female teacher said embarrassingly: "That's it, it turns out that the teacher misunderstood."

Unexpectedly, he is really the child's father.

The female teacher said embarrassedly: "The teacher misunderstood, and the teacher told you I'm sorry."

Su Ci pursed her lips and said softly, "I will forgive you for Dad."

No guilty conscience at all.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1074: Hug, sir【36】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1074: Hug, sir【36】
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System: "Baby, are you not afraid of overturning? What if that old man knows what to do?"

Qian Jingzi patted Xiao Xianfu, and said frankly: "Mr. is not here, he can't hear him."

System: "Dad is jealous QvQ, boy, how can you recognize the thief as the father!"

Su Ci: "It's a lie to everyone."

System dad feels a little more comfortable now.

It’s just that the money jar sperm didn’t expect that she would tip over so quickly.

This must be all wrong.

The expensive car was parked, the window did not roll down, but Su Ci knew that Mr. was inside.

As soon as she was about to walk over, she heard a voice coming: "Porcelain, is your father here to pick you up?"

Su Ci looked up.

The female teacher said: "I thought I had seen the wrong person." She walked over and said embarrassingly: "It was the teacher who misunderstood before. The teacher wants to apologize to your father in person."

Su Ci glanced at the trolley and immediately made a serious face, trying to block the female teacher's entire body.

It's a pity that she is petite and cute, a soft one.

It's almost no different from stealing the ears and stealing the bells.

However, the girl also said solemnly: "The teacher is too polite, my father, I won't be angry." She stretched out a little hand and pushed people, for fear that her husband would find out in the next moment: "Teacher, let's go."

The female teacher looked at the other person blankly: "Is it really unnecessary? But the teacher feels sorry."

"Really, no need."

Su Ci strained her face and shook her head.

Keep pushing people.

"Porcelain, what are you doing?" The man's deep and magnetic voice came out, mellow like old wine, with subtle vibrations in his chest, straight into people's hearts.

People can't help but itchy ears.

The female teacher couldn't help but look, a little stunned.

The man in front of him is in a suit and leather shoes, slender and tall. The long legs wrapped under the suit trousers look unusually elegant, and the face is very handsome, especially the deep eyes that are as deep as the sea, it is easy to indulge in.

She didn't expect that the child's father was so young, he looked like he was in his early twenties.

In the female teacher's expression, there was a touch of surprise and surprise.

Haven't waited for her to speak.

The girl's soft and waxy voice sounded: "Teacher, didn't you say that there is something else?" She pressed her lips slightly and stared at her for a moment.

The female teacher was interrupted and looked away.


Maybe the girl really didn't want her father to know about this, she couldn't help but sighed slightly, just about to speak.

But he saw the man raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Porcelain, don't you introduce me?"

Su Ci looked at her husband and then at the female teacher, moved her little feet, and whispered, "This is the teacher."

Mr. He's eyes fell on the girl's face, and then to the woman's side.

For a moment, it was a little bit of a smile.

He stretched out a hand and said in a low voice: "Hello, I am from Porcelain..."

Money Jar Jing blinked his eyes, immediately raised his little face, stretched out his little hand, grabbed the man's sleeve, and said, "Dad!"

Mr. He: ".........."

Su Ci pressed her lips slightly, looked at her wet eyes, held on to Mr.'s sleeve, and her ears were extremely red.

Staring at people quite a little coquettishly and shamefully.


She hoped that her husband would not tear down the stage.

Mr. He paused, how could he not know the trickiness in it, so he spoke tentatively. I want to know what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1075: Hug, sir【37】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1075: Hug, sir【37】
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Thinking of this, he glanced at the female teacher and said, "My baby, I'm sorry for your care."

The tip of the money jar's ears are red.

The husband called her a baby.

Su Ci felt very embarrassed, especially when the man deliberately lowered his voice and said those two words, there was a kind of indescribable love.

The female teacher still felt a little in a dream. She still felt a little unbelievable when she looked at the man in front of her. How could such a young man be the father of a child?

She subconsciously asked: "May I ask Mr. Su, how old is this year?" The female teacher immediately squeezed out a polite smile, afraid of the other party's misunderstanding: "Because of you, it looks so young...."

Mr. He looked calm: "Keep secret."

Su Ci has never dared to look at Mr. He. After she sat down, she greeted the driver, and then sat in her seat obediently.

Then he lowered his head slightly and looked at his toes, as if he had done something wrong.


Mr. He's voice came with a little meaning.

Su Ci lifted her long eyelashes, placed her small hands, and looked at the handsome man, her lips pursed and her cheeks flushed: "I can explain it, sir."

He Shen leaned on the seat and asked unclearly, "Does Porcelain really want your husband to be your father?"

The money jar essence poked her little finger, and said shyly: "No, it's not like that, sir." She looked over with her wet eyes, and said diligently: "I can..."

Mr. He couldn't see any emotion on his face, and interrupted the child's words: "This is the first time that Mr. He is regarded as a father."

If Secretary Zhang was here, he would rant and say: Mr. He shamelessly, relying on other children's unpleasant talk, bullying other children! I beg Mr. He to be a man.

Su Ci blinked her eyes and pursed her red lips.

Mr. He, is this angry?

She was a little discouraged and thought that her husband should be angry too.

Su Ci couldn't help but stretched out her hand, grabbed the corner of the man's clothes, and said softly, "Sir, yes... I'm sorry"

He Shen looked at the girl.

The heart is soft.

He just looked at the girl, and he was reluctant to bully her.

But when Mr. He thought of what the child called him just now, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly. He should be punished.


Su Ci looked at the people and tried hard to lay down his mistakes: "Porcelain shouldn't, shouldn't take advantage of Mr.'s."

"Sir, can't you be angry?"

Mr. He gazes in people's eyes, and asks in a low voice, "Do you think this is taking advantage of Mr.?"

Su Ci nodded earnestly: "I shouldn't have ruined Mr.'s reputation..." She said a little embarrassed: "Mr. hasn't got married yet."

Mr. He sighed in his heart, his eyes became a little deep: "Do you treat your husband as if you were a father? Mr. wants to hear the truth."

His face looked a little cold.

Usually in the company, those subordinate shareholders look at it, and they feel worried.

Su Ci tilted his head slightly, also a little nervous.

She shook her head, clutching the corner of the man's clothes with her little hand: "It's not like that, I didn't treat my husband as my father."

He Shenming knew there was something hidden in this, but he just couldn't help but want to tease for a while.

"But Mr. has heard it, and the teacher also thinks that Mr. is your father."

The money jar is desperate.

But she spoke slowly and unhappily, she could only hold on to the man, opened her mouth and said a few words, her eye circles were a little red, and then said aggrieved: "No... Mr. Not Dad..."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1076: Hug, sir【38】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1076: Hug, sir【38】
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Mr. He paused slightly, and felt a bit too amused again.

Had to reach out and hug the person into his arms.

Reached out and rubbed the girl's head: "Mr. I understand."

Su Ci slightly raised her face, sniffed, clutching the person, lying in the person's arms, telling the ins and outs of the matter.

Then he asked softly: "Sir... are you still angry?"

"Mr. is not angry at all." The man wiped the wet corners of her eyes with his fingers, and said helplessly: "Little crying bag."

Su Ci looked at the person: "Ci Ci is not, Xiao Cui Bao."

There was a little grievance in his nasal voice.

Mr. He listened and wanted to be relatives.

He held the girl's slender waist and said in a low voice: "Are you angry?"

Su Ci blinked and shook his head.

Mr. He said for a while: "Mr. is not angry. Mister just thinks there is not much he can give you..." He rubbed the girl's head and said lightly: "Mr. can't be your father..."

Su Ci was a little shy. She explained earnestly: "It's Oolong, I don't have one, and treat her husband as a father..."

He Shen said unclearly, "Do you think your husband is that kind of person?"

The money jar Jing shook his head embarrassedly and said, "Mr. is a good man."

He Shen did not speak.

He is not a good person, and if he is a good person, he would not be moved by this thought.

Not at the first sight of a girl.

Some ill-intentioned thoughts came up.

Perhaps he is a good person for children.

Mr. He is a bit annoyed. He wants the children to treat him as a good person, but he doesn't want to.

So he opened his mouth and said, "Don't have too much expectation of your husband."

Su Ci lifted her face a little dazedly.

He Shen slightly raised his eyebrows, shifted his words, and said unclearly: "I didn't know before. In Cici's heart, I can be Cici's father."

Su Ci pursed her lips.

The cheeks are all red.

She thinks.

No matter how to go around, Mr. He returned to the original theme.

How can the money jar sperm be fully explained.


Online etc.


Su Ci went downstairs and drank a cup of hot milk prepared by the helper.

She glanced at the living room and asked, "Sir, are you asleep?"

The helper opened the mouth and said: "Miss Porcelain, sir is swimming in the pool."

She didn't dare to be vague about the girl at all. In this family, who doesn't know what kind of spoiled people Mr. He looks like. It is placed in the palm of the hand, so I am afraid of falling.

Su Ci is a little confused.

The weather was starting to get cold. She was a little worried about the man's body, so she asked: "Sir, how long have you stayed?"

The helper checked the time: "Oh, this should be almost an hour."

Su Ci hesitated and decided to persuade Mr.

Don't stay for too long.

If you are sick, it will be very troublesome.

So the girl opened the door with her little hand and walked to the swimming pool.

She saw her husband at a glance.

A man is underwater, his sturdy figure is like a siren in the ocean, and his smooth and powerful body draws beautiful splashes.

Su Ci blinked and squatted down by the swimming pool.

She was thinking.

When I talked to Mr. He, a huge splash of water sounded.

The man stood up from the water, walked toward this side, wiped the water on his face, and said calmly, "Porcelain?"

Su Ci raised her face slightly.

Blinked his eyes.

A little embarrassed.

But the eyes still couldn't help looking at the husband.

Sir...The figure is really good.

Su Ci thought, her cheeks became slightly hot.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1077: Hug, sir【39】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1077: Hug, sir【39】
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How could He Shen not notice the child's a little shy mood, he walked quietly, while wiping his hair with a towel, and said in a low voice, "Is there anything wrong with Mr.?"

Hey, it's a little closer.

Su Ci looked at the perfect body in front of her.

Mr. He's body lines are very smooth, and his abdominal muscles are also very beautiful. It is a good shelf for **** and slimming. Especially the waist, you can see that it has special strength at a glance.

Even the system reluctantly praised: "This old man's figure is okay."

The money pot wanted to see it but looked at it embarrassingly: "I'm worried about Mr., so come here." She raised her face slightly and said seriously: "It's cold, I'm afraid that Mr. catches a cold."

He Shen gave a low laugh, and said with deep eyes: "Mr.'s health is very good, don't worry."

The man said, and stretched out his hand.

Su Ci tilted his head slightly, and realized that the husband was going to use her to come up, so he raised his hand.

The man's hand was a little cold.

Su Ci saw the husband in front of her. She was a little shy and turned away.

But the scene just now.

Still staying in my mind.

He Shen whispered quietly as he wrapped the bath towels, "I can swim for two hours until my husband is forty years old." He looked at him with a smile.

"At that time, Mr. will take you to climb the mountain."


Su Ci returned to the room and covered herself a little shyly.

She still thought of Mr. He in the swimming pool just now.

Unable to lower his eyes slightly, the tips of his ears became a little hot.

System: "Baby, what are you thinking?"

Su Ci: "No, nothing."

The system didn't believe it: "It's nothing, you won't hold back after seeing that old man come back."

The money jar strained his small face, pursing his lips in disapproval: "It's all dirty."


Su Ci was a little embarrassed thinking about the moment the man came out of the swimming pool just now, and couldn't help thinking.

Sir, are you seduce her?

Qian Jing Zi Jing was a little suspicious, but she had no evidence.

In the next time.

Su Ci always felt that her family Mr. He seduce her.

After exercising in the gym, Mr. He will take a shower. When passing by her, he bends over and rubs her head, and then casually said: "It seems to be taller, let him hug."

Su Ci couldn't refuse the man's request, she put her arms around each other's neck.

The smell of the shower gel on Mr. He is very clear.

Smells good.

Mr. He also said: "My baby is a bit taller."

Su Ci trembled her long eyelashes, pursed her lips, flushed her face: "Long, tall?" She said softly, "I didn't notice it."

The man said in a low voice: "If you hug you, you will know it."

Su Ci felt a little embarrassed, and didn't even notice Mr. He's somewhat intimate and petting name.

Until later, Mr. He called several times.

She blushed and said seriously: "I'm almost seventeen years old...not a baby anymore..."

Mr. He curled his lips: "I cried with my husband last time, it's not a baby yet."

Su Ci did not speak.

I think my husband is a bit bad, and always likes to talk about her crying nose.

System: "Yes, this old man is so bad!"

Su Ci tried hard to think about it: "However, Mr. is still very good." He began to speak for Mr. He again: "He will see if I have a quilt properly."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1078: Hug, sir【40】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1078: Hug, sir【40】
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System: "..." Wu Wu Wu is not in the middle of staying, her cubs are turning their arms out more and more, and Dad is really sad.

Since Mr. He showed off his figure and showed off his strength.

The money jar can't help but pay attention to the boys in school.

Especially in physical education class,

She would feel that the original husband's figure is really good, and these boys can't match it.

Moreover, the husband is very powerful in all aspects, especially outstanding.

Obviously, I am always busy, but I can take care of my body very well.

Even if you exercise for a long time, you won't get out of the air.

Unlike these boys, just exercise for a short time and then get out of breath.

System: "Baby! Wake up! Don't be brainwashed by this old man! He is eleven years older than you, Babie!"

Su Ci struggled hard: "Mister is just...a little old...he doesn't look old..."

System: "Look at those little fresh meats, which one is not better than him, young and beautiful, can make people happy, and be romantic."

Su Ci asked back: "Is the husband not good-looking? My husband will make me happy, and my husband will hurt others."

System: "........" Dad...Dad was speechless.

The money jar was struggling, and poked his little finger and said, "Mr. is just a bit older than me. I, I can work hard to accept it."

She thought seriously.

Mr. He is so kind to her, and she has nothing to give her husband.

So when the husband gets old.

You must take good care of him!


Ji Jun leaned on the side and took a sip of water. He was still wearing playing clothes, and his gaze was random.

The younger brother at the side came and said, "Brother Jun, are you still playing ball?"

"Don't fight, what a bad weather."

Ji Jun curled his lips and said, "My little master is almost dead."

The little brother hurriedly took a small fan used by a girl and gave him a blower. Ji Jun just wanted to curse, but who knew that Yu Guang caught a little girl.

She is by the vending machine.

Bend down, and then picked up a can of orange juice.

Biting the straw with his lips, he sipped it.

White skin, big eyes, and special lips are still pink.

She looked very well-behaved at first glance, and didn't know why, just looking at her like this would make her heart tickled. It seems that if you don't tease her, you feel uncomfortable.

Ji Jun suddenly became interested. He set his eyes on the girl, pointed his finger at someone and asked, "Then who, do you know?"

The younger brother glanced along his fingers, scratched his head and said, "Brother Jun, I don't know him."

Ji Jun waved his hand and said, "Forget it."

He just looked at the person and said loudly: "Hey, over there, come here for me."

Ji Jun felt that there was no one who didn't know him in this school. He could see that this was a junior girl in the lower grades.

But Ji Jun, he must recognize it.

Qian Jing Zi Jing didn't feel that the other party was calling herself at all. She bit the straw, drank the orange juice seriously, and then walked away slowly.

Ji Jun: "........"

He felt a little surprised that the girl would ignore herself.

There is even more interest.

So he said: "Go and check for me, how many classes did she have in the end."

Su Ci found that some of her classmates were looking at herself while walking on the road.

There was a little bit of envy or other emotions in that gaze.

The jar is a bit at a loss.

Until she was called out from the class in person.

The handsome boy stood opposite her and said directly: "Su Ci, you can be my girlfriend."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1079: Hug, sir【41】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1079: Hug, sir【41】
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The money jar tilted his head slightly, looked at the boy in front of him, and said without thinking: "No!"

Let alone Ji Jun, even the people around him were shocked!

This is Ji Jun! The people in the school, the family is extremely rich, and will inherit the family's property in the future. Regardless of the appearance or other places, they are all first-class excellent.

There are hundreds of girls who confessed to him. But after Ji Jun heard that he had a relationship in junior high school, he had no interest in making a girlfriend. How many people are chasing, the kind that can't be chased.

But Su Ci refused in one fell swoop! Who does she call her!

Ji Jun was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the girl would immediately reject his confession, frowning and saying, "Why?"

"No reason."

Su Ci looked at the people and seriously thought that no one of her girlfriends wanted to be her girlfriend, she just wanted to be her husband's girlfriend.


The money jar smashed his fingers, but the husband was a round older than her, and it was more appropriate to describe it as a little girlfriend.

The girl's face was awe-inspiring.

She wants to be her husband's little girlfriend.

Maybe Mr. He still hurts her as a child, but it doesn't matter, wait until she grows up a little bit.

She can formally pursue Mr. He.

I even thought about the confession words money jar.

System: "?? Have you figured it out? How old are you, you can't wait to be with that old man, oh oh damn, dad doesn't want it!"

Su Ci comfortedly said: "I can still, to accompany the reunification year."

System: "QvQ dad doesn't care, what do you want to say to that old man?"

Su Ci's eyes were shining, and he clenched his fists, and said seriously: "Sir, would you like me to provide you with a pension?"


Unable to get all the responses, Qian Jing Zi Jing asked a little confused: "This, isn't it?" She said distressedly: "I... have been thinking about it for a long time."

System: "..... Good! Very good! How cute is the cub! The old man will be very happy and moved when he knows it! Dad supports you!"

Su Ci nodded seriously.

It's a pity that she hasn't officially grown up yet.

Ji Jun is in a particularly bad mood. Of course, he has a special affection for girls. He has always been a person with particularly strong mobility. So the heartbeat immediately acted, but he didn't expect that he would be rejected so simply.

"What's wrong with me?"

He has always been the lord of the confession, and finally confessed to a girl, this kind of gap made him extremely unbalanced.

The girl raised her long eyelashes and looked over with her wet eyes.

Lips are pink.

The small face is white and soft.

Ji Jun's heart softened all at once, and he looked a little silly.

I saw the person on the other side said solemnly and seriously: "I don't know you, how do I know what's wrong with you?"

Ji Jun: ".........."

The person next to him almost vomited a mouthful of blood. What's the matter with such a straightforward and irrefutable remark!

"You don't know me? You don't know who I am?" Ji Jun was going crazy, and he was so moved that he confessed in front of the class, who knew that the other party didn't even know him.

This is even more uncomfortable than rejecting people.

The girl blinked, nodded, and asked, "Are you famous?"

Ji Jun: "........."

Su Ci looked at more and more people around her. She frowned slightly, not wanting to be onlookers, so she looked at the boy with red lips and soft words: "It's class, goodbye."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1080: Hug, sir【42】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1080: Hug, sir【42】
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Ji Jun's pursuit caused a sensation in the school, and the whole school was discussing everything that he knew or not.

Su Ci is completely famous!

Originally thought Ji Jun would not take it to heart, but who knew that he continued to pursue this little stutter. Although this matter is not the kind of newspaper, but it is also a lot of noise.

When everyone talked about gossip, they didn't forget to glance at Song Wei.

Who doesn't know that this eldest daughter likes Ji Jun, this is the kind that many people know, and Song Wei's family background is not simple. She has the same family power as Ji Jun, which is why, she pesters Ji Jun, and although the other party feels a bit annoying, but for the sake of family background, she bears it.

At this time, Song Wei's friends listened to these things and mocked: "What kind of taste is Ji Jun, a little handicapped, does he like it too?"

"I went to see what people looked like, they were just average. I don't know which stuff came out of the backcountry. Comparing her with Vivi is an insult to Vivi."

Song Wei didn't speak, she sat in her seat and watched Ji Jun impatiently send a sentence, showing a chill: "Why does Ji Jun like her?"

It's so tempting to add fuel and jealousy. It's nothing more than how the little handicapped who doesn't say anything bad is trying to catch it.

Speaking of which.

One of the girls had a weird face and contempt in her eyes: "Weiwei, you don't have to fight her at all, she is just a scumbag! It's just a vulgar thing, shake these things out without having to fight, you can Let her ruin!"

Song Wei said in surprise: "Keeping?"


They told Song Wei what happened to Su Ci some time ago.

Song Wei frowned and asked, "Who is keeping her? Didn't you take a photo?"

One of them hesitated: "The man who took care of her is very mysterious. We can't find any news."

She curled her lips and said, "But no matter how powerful it is, there are not many that can shake your home."

Song Wei was puzzled for a moment, but didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the heavyweights could count it with their fingers, how could they have such a small disability.

"But, why did the Yang family apologize to Su Ci?" Zhao Ya asked puzzled.

"What are those of the Yang family?" The girl rolled her eyes: "Is something that can't be on the table, can Weiwei have a big head?"

"Tomorrow I will sort out this matter and ruin this little disability."

"Wait." Song Wei said casually: "Isn't there an art exhibition next week?" She was playing with her mobile phone and said casually: "You burst out, there is no evidence. There is only catching the wind and catching the shadow, and then let Ji Jun. Feeling sorry for her, I want to let her benefactor take the initiative to come out in front of the whole school."


It was originally scheduled to be a low-grade art exhibition, and a group of high school and high school students were scheduled.

Each piece of art in it has its history and is extremely valuable. It can be said that everything here is a high cost when converted into RMB, and some are even priceless.

Precisely because they know how precious the things here are, this group of students who laugh and scold on weekdays dare not be negligent.

At this time, Song Wei was standing with Zhao Ya.

One of the girls said: "Weiwei, don't worry, I have already arranged the manpower, there will never be any mistakes!

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1081: Hug, sir【43】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1081: Hug, sir【43】
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You just wait for the old man behind this little disability to come out! He can come out without coming out! When the time comes, not only will the minor disability be ruined, but the gold master will not be able to save her. "

The corners of Song Wei's lips raised slightly: "You are doing very well, but you must keep an eye on it. Don't let Ji Jun intervene."

"What I do, don't worry, you just wait to see this small disability get out of school tomorrow!"

The girl raised her small face slightly, staring at the artwork intently, and then pursed her lower lip, revealing a slightly puzzled look.

System: "Baby, what are you looking at?"

Su Ci retracted her gaze and shook her head: "It's nothing."

It may be that she was wrong.

The girl tilted her head slightly and stared seriously. She didn't follow until the person in front slowly walked away.

The delicate and soft girl was singled out.

And a person in the dark, stared at her for a while, when the other person walked to a certain position. Holding the phone and pretending to speak, when the girl slightly raised her face and looked at another place.

Pretending to accidentally hit someone, and then pushed someone secretly.

The things in front of him were smashed into pieces.

That is an authentic calligraphy.

And this voice attracted the attention of countless people, and they all agreed. The one who hit the person had already taken care of his posture, holding the phone in his hand, pretending to show a look of astonishment.

Looked over.

So in the eyes of this group of people, it was the girl who accidentally made such a rare calligraphy authentic and messed up.

"I'm going, isn't that Su Ci from our class!"

"Tsk tusk, she should have caused a big disaster now, that thing is very valuable at first glance!"

Some people in the school looked over, some of them gloated with misfortune, and watched the excitement.

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes slightly and looked at the person who hit her.

While holding his mobile phone, this man said, "What are you looking at me?" He said to the person on the other side of the phone: "It's just a child who accidentally bumped into something, and thought it was me who pushed her. ..."

I'm leaving when I'm finished.

Su Ci grabbed the person, keeping her eyes intently: "You, can't go."

The man said arrogantly: "Why can't I leave? Who are you?"

Not far away, the person in charge was bringing a few people over, and their expressions didn't look very good.

He didn't panic when he caught a glimpse of it, so he hung up the phone without fear, and said, "Little girl, you can't afford to pay and you can't blame others."

"What's the matter?" Frowning responsibly, her eyes fell on the girl, and then she looked at the authentic calligraphy that had been damaged, her face turned blue.

The few people behind him stood in the same place, at a loss: "Manager, this...this is the only authentic piece of Li left by the ancient Master Song!"

The man shrugged and said with a mobile phone: "I was passing by. Just now I saw this little girl staring at this original painting. As soon as I turned my head, I heard the voice. But this little girl probably didn't mean it."

The face of the person in charge was ugly, so people went to check the surveillance.

He frowned and said, "Hello, lady, what should I call you?"

Su Ci lifted her small face and said, "It wasn't me, it was broken." She pointed at the man and said, "He pushed me to me."

The man didn't panic, just stood there.

The person who went to watch the surveillance came back right now and said: "Manager, the surveillance in this area is broken."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1082: Hug, sir【44】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1082: Hug, sir【44】
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The person in charge looked at the girl and said calmly: "Little girl, whether you did it on purpose or not. This is the only real thing Master Song left. It is priceless in the market, but now you have broken it. I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation."

Because of this incident, more and more people gathered.

Pointing at him, he said: "Su Ci is in a terrible situation. In this exhibition, this is the authentic work, which is definitely the most valuable! The original work of Master Song is worth nearly several hundred million."

The people who heard his words couldn't help taking a breath.

Several hundred million!

Some of the people who watched the excitement returned to Su Ci again, wanting to see how she responded.

It just didn't happen that the girl was not as flustered as she imagined, and she didn't lose her square inch.

Instead, he stood calmly on the spot.

The soft white face, beautiful and aura, especially the wet eyes, can poke people's hearts all at once.

In the crowd.

Ji Jun frowned and rushed in: "Su Ci!"

The person in charge was taken aback for a moment and nodded: "Ji Shao."

"What's going on?" Ji Jun asked.

The person in charge briefly talked about the ins and outs of the matter.

Ji Jun sneered: "You just concluded that she did it. I want a reasonable proof."

The person in charge also did not expect that Ji Shaohui would come to help speak. He was about to speak when Song Wei in the crowd came over: "A Jun, are you going to speak for Su Ci? Do you know what she ruined? thing!"

Ji Jun frowned when he saw the visitor.

Song Wei glanced at the girl, with a sense of superiority: "I know you like her, but if you compensate for this thing for her, it depends on your uncle's answer."

Responsibly and appropriately reminded: "Miss Song, this authentic piece is priceless in the market."

In other words, this is not a value that can be measured with money at all.

Song Wei lifted her face slightly and said, "A Jun, you also heard it. If you intervene in this matter, you should also see if it is the Ji family behind you, not you!"

Ji Jun frowned. Of course he knew that this matter was a bit tricky, but he still felt that this matter was too coincidental.

He looked silent.

Let Song Wei show a satisfied expression in her eyes.

And some people around also felt that Su Ci was really unlucky. If she was not careful, she estimated that the price she would have to pay for this matter was enough to ruin her family.

And the center of everyone's attention was the eyes drooping slightly, staring at the original painting earnestly for a while.

"When is it all, she is still watching! Is it scared to be stupid!"

"Maybe, after all, it is several hundred million, but it is not something ordinary people can take out!"

The person in charge said in an official tone: "I heard them call your name, Miss Su..." Before he could finish his words, he saw the girl raise her small face, round eyes, and blinked. Look over without blinking.

Softly said: "I read less, you, don't lie to me."

As soon as these words came out, those people looked at them without knowing why.

Even being responsible: "Miss Su, what do you mean?"

The girl's red lips spit out soft words: "This is a high imitation product." She said without blinking: "At most, only one million."

This sentence comes out! The crowd is boiling!

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1083: Hug, sir【45】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1083: Hug, sir【45】
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"Is she crazy? Even this kind of thing can be said!"

"Yes, when a normal person hears several hundred million, it is good not to be scared, she is just talking nonsense!"

"Several billions become one million, she dare to say!"

No one saw that the person in charge's expression changed for a moment, but he quickly converged and said with a little cold tone: "Miss Su, if you talk nonsense any more, we will send you to the police station!"

Su Ci: "Oh."


The girl slowly said in a sincere tone: "You send it, I want to tell the police, you slander."

The money jar is a little confusing.

I don’t know where the courage of this group of humans comes from. Is it true that she has never seen the market?

She had seen more things than they had eaten.

Even if you haven't seen it, you only need to look at the jar a few more times to know whether these things are real or fake.

The person in charge said with a green face: "Miss Su, please cooperate with me! Otherwise, we will be really welcome!"

Song Wei and the others were stiff in place, a little unbelievable.

How could Su Ci know that this thing is just a high-quality imitation! Did she make a mistake by accident!

impossible! She must be talking nonsense!

It's because I'm scared, that's the case, nonsense!

At this moment, the girl raised her long eyelashes and glanced at them.

There was a chill behind Song Wei and the others. At that moment, they almost thought that they were seen through by the girl.

The money jar has a good temper, but it can also be bad.

This group of people bullied her.

The jar lowered his head, huh.

She is a polite pot, these people have spent so much thought to give her this great gift.

She also has to express her heart.

So Su Ci raised his hand and pointed to a few items on the exhibition. Without blinking his eyes, he said, "Not only this one, but that one, and that one, they are all high-quality imitations."

The moments of people around are making a noise!

They all began to hesitate as they looked at the girl's determined tone.

Su Ci's expression is too sincere, although the words are soft and sweet, it makes people feel that she is telling the truth.

Especially the look on the face of the person in charge became more and more ugly, and there was a moment of astonishment.

All began to agitate.

"Surely what Su Ci said is true."

"Who knows, maybe it's a broken jar and it's starting to slander the exhibition party. Otherwise, how can she pay for it for hundreds of millions. She just started splashing dirty water."

"Didn't she say that she has a backing in the family? Maybe she really lost it."

"Come on, no matter how rich and powerful, can Ji Jun and Song Wei's family have money?"

"Several billions, enough for her to lose her fortune!"

"But is what Su Ci said is true? If it's really a high-quality imitation, it will be difficult for me to stand on it after watching this exhibition. It's really embarrassing."

There was a voice from the crowd.

Let the responsible face suddenly become ugly.

Song Wei hugged her chest and said: "Enough, this exhibition is also internationally prestigious, Su Ci, you are so unreasonable to make trouble, but you have to bear the legal responsibility."

There was a threat in her words.

Su Ci is not afraid, looking at Humanity: "What I said is true, you know it in your heart."

"Fake, can't be true, true, can't be fake."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1084: Hug, sir【46】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1084: Hug, sir【46】
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Song Wei's heart trembled. All of this was carefully planned by them, and the purpose was to make Su Ci ruined in front of the whole school.

Rich people like to keep such gadgets. This is something everyone in the circle is familiar with. Of course Song Wei had also heard of it, and she felt disgusted and disgusted in her heart.

When she thought of how close an old man like a fat pig was to the girl in front of her, her stomach surged and she wanted to vomit it out.

The reason why Song Wei didn't break the news directly was because she was nothing more convincing than seeing it with her own eyes. If Ji Jun didn't believe it, and felt that Su Ci was pitiful, wouldn't everything she did was in vain.

That's why it made the best move, not only to force the funder behind this small disability to come out. There is also no chance for Su Ci to turn over. No matter how much this gold master likes Su Ci, it is impossible for her to clean up such a mess.

It doesn't matter even if the gold master bites the bullet and takes all this. Song Wei has reached her goal, she wants to make Su Ci lose face in front of the whole school!

Of course, this calligraphy is fake, and Song Wei would not have gone so smoothly if it were not for the help behind the exhibition. What she didn't expect was that this small disability could actually be seen as a fake!

But what about this?

Song Wei's lips pulled out a cynic arc: "Su Ci, instead of explaining here, you should think about how to bear the consequences."

"If A Jun hadn't wanted to stand up for you, I wouldn't have looked down upon you for such stubborn behavior."

Just as Ji Jun wanted to say something, he was answered by a call. After he heard the voice over there, he was a little irritable and scrupulous. He lowered his voice and started arguing with him.

Song Wei raised her lips slightly. It is always good to be prepared. If Ji Jun wants to intervene, she will let the people of the Ji family come forward and hold them back.

"Miss Su, please contact your acceptor." The person in charge said in a fairly polite tone, but there was a little threat in his eyes: "Otherwise the scene will be a big deal, I believe you and your family, The face will not look pretty."

Su Ci raised her face slightly and glanced at Song Wei and the others, as well as these people in front of her.

At a glance, you can tell that they are setting themselves up.

Mr. He has helped her a lot, and she cannot hide behind her husband for the rest of her life.

The money jar thought seriously.

Red lips opened slightly and said: "No, I will write to you."

Solve this matter first, and then...

Lined up one by one, neatly.

"Miss Su is joking?" The person in charge mocked: "This is the real work of Master Song. Do you think you can compare with Master Song?"

The people around also think that Su Ci is crazy, she thinks who she is, can she write it out?

Several people in Song Wei laughed even more.

Zhao Ya said, "Su Ci, do you know what you are talking about? This is Master Song's handwriting. If you can imitate one-tenth, I will count you as great!"

Su Ci glanced at her: "What I wrote is better than this imitation, you earned it."

She had a soft voice, but she said such big words.

It makes people laugh out loud.

The person in charge frowned: "Miss Su, this is not your place to spoil." He just wanted to invite the girl to go, and a voice came from behind him.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1085: Hug, sir【47】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1085: Hug, sir【47】
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"Unbelievable, I want to see if you, a little girl, have such a big deal."

When everyone looked at it, they saw an old man in his sixties, with a few people behind him. His tone was interesting, and he walked over, under his gray hair, dressed meticulously: "Manager Yang, get things ready."

The person in charge was taken aback when he saw the visitor: "Elder, why are you here?"

The person called the elder glanced at him lightly and said, "It's just a sudden whim. I'll have a game later, so don't waste time."

The identity of this veteran is a bit special. He can show off his elegance while at the same time in the mall. Even Manager Yang did not dare to offend at will.

He looked a little ugly, seeing the person next to him glanced at him, and whispered: "Manager..."

Manager Yang took a deep breath: "Since the veteran said so, let's go..."

The elder walked to the girl: "You said, it's just an imitation?"

Su Ci looked at the old man, nodded, squatted down, pointed at the destroyed imitation, and slightly pursed his lips, telling the deficiencies of this imitation one by one.

The veteran's face became more and more surprised. He frowned and looked at the "Master Song's authenticity" on the ground. To be honest, he brought his collaborators to take a look.

I wanted to buy it before, but this work is priceless in the market. After hearing that it was destroyed, I was furious.

But who knows, after I came, I heard this little girl say that this is an imitation.

The senator was a little angry at first, but he didn't listen to the little girl's side words. I even wanted her to face embarrassment and teach her a lesson.

Let her know what it feels like to utter misfortune from the mouth.

At a young age, I really don't know how tall he is to say such a big thing.

But now, the elder looked at the little girl in front of him with a white, tender and pink look, especially the soft and soft eyes, which made the elder feel a little compassionate.

He hasn't seen such a cute girl in a long time.

The most important thing is that when the girl in front of me said these things, he couldn't make a mistake.

The other party definitely has extraordinary attainments in calligraphy.

The elder's heart was surging, and he calmly looked at the original master Song who was destroyed in front of him, and his heart was greatly shocked.

He had also seen it before and carefully examined it, but he didn't notice anything wrong for the first time. It was only after a while that he followed the little girl's thinking and figured out a little bit of mystery.

The elders are in a complicated mood.

What surprised him even more was yet to come.

In full view, the girl held the pen and ink, whether it was gestures or movements.

All surprised the elders.

This is definitely not a layman, especially the fluent and flowing temperament of her body, which shocked the veteran even more.

The veteran didn't come back to his senses until the girl finished writing.

The people around were also agitated.

They probed over and took a breath after seeing the girl finish the handwriting. ,

It's exactly the same!

"Fuck, how did Su Ci be exactly the same!"


"Is everything she said just now true? Isn't she a lie, nor is she pretending to be a force?"

"I worshipped 666. Although I don't appreciate calligraphy, I think her writing is not bad at all, and she is more imposing."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1086: Hug, sir【48】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1086: Hug, sir【48】
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What this man said is right.

I saw that the destroyed "Master Song's original" was put together with the girl's. At first glance, it seemed exactly the same, and I couldn't tell the difference. But as long as you savour the top one, you will understand the mystery of this.


This calligraphy written by Su Ci, although the handwriting is really exactly the same. But the feeling and the aura it gives is completely different. Putting these two pictures together, the "Authentic Master Song" actually feels inferior!

All the people around took a deep breath, and the people who were still mocking Su Ci just now were even more silent.

Song Wei and the others did not expect that things would become like this.

This veteran didn't know where he came from, it's really nosy! Unable to gnash her teeth secretly, Zhao Ya even went ahead and said, "Even if it is imitated, what is destroyed is the real master Song!"

"That is, no matter how good she imitates, it is also an imitation, can it be compared with Master Song? It's just that Dongshi imitates it, making people feel like it!" Song Wei's other friend also said.

The elder was holding the calligraphy of the girl and looking at it with beaming eyes.

wonderful! It is wonderful!

He believed now that the one on the ground was a real imitation!

The senator glanced at the person in charge coldly, and said without anger, "Manager Yang, what should you explain?"

There was a little cold sweat on Manager Yang's forehead, and he couldn't help but glance at Miss Song Jia who was standing in front of the crowd. The other party held his chest and gave him a look.

Manager Yang gritted his teeth and refused to admit it: "Elder, even if this is the case, I can't prove anything. We all know how precious Master Song's authentic works are. How could I make a joke of this kind of thing?"

Outside the crowd, Boss Sun, who had gone to the toilet, hurriedly squeezed in to find the elder. When he saw the girl surrounded by the crowd, he showed a surprised look!

that is not.........

The elder frowned, glanced at the girl, and asked, "Are you sure, this is a fake?"

The money jar nodded.

Although she hadn't seen the real work of that master Song, she also knew that the skills of a master with a long history are definitely more than that.

The elder said coldly to Manager Yang: "Is it true? You will know if you find out!"

Manager Yang is in a stalemate. Although the veteran is not easy to offend, the Song family is even more difficult to offend.

Then choose the one that can offend you.

"Elder, if you think so, then we can't do anything about it. We are also doing business in business. We suspect that Miss Su deliberately destroyed Master Song's authentic work..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice.

"and many more."

A short and chubby man squeezed out of the crowd and walked over. He looked ordinary and had a beer belly. Appears to be around forty years old, although he is neatly dressed, but it is a little greasy.

Even though she was sprayed with a faint perfume and a famous brand, when passing by some girls, the girls showed a little disgust.

They watched the middle-aged man with their own eyes, walked up to the girl, and showed a smile.

Then frowned and looked at the person in charge, and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Manager Yang recognized it, and he showed a surprised look: "Boss Sun? Do you want to get in too?"

"Yes," Boss Sun said, "Anyway, today, you can't move her, or you will regret it."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1087: Hug, sir【49】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1087: Hug, sir【49】
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Manager Yang frowned upon hearing this.

This Boss Sun is indeed a bit powerful, but his tone is so big and so arrogant, he really takes himself seriously?

He looked at the middle-aged man with his face protecting the girl, the other party was a little nervous, and he looked at the delicate little beauty from time to time, and he had a guess in his heart.

"Boss Sun, you mean, you want to make this for Miss Su?"

Boss Sun sneered. It doesn't matter if he sells this favor, it doesn't matter if he offends everyone today. This group of people didn't even know who was hurting behind the girl.

That's He Shen, a man who can be shocked by stomping and stomping in S City. Who can underestimate his age, his industry, and the intricate background behind him.

"Of course, Manager Yang, although I don't know why you are trying to embarrass a little girl, I advise you to stop now."

Zhao Ya looked at Boss Sun contemptuously, and whispered: "He is the gold master behind Su Ci."

Song Wei nodded: "Otherwise, why would he want to do this for Su Ci? It seems that this small disability has completely fascinated him."

Boss Sun is a business man with a head and a face, which is true.

No wonder there was no news for a while. It is estimated that a large sum of money was spent on blockade.

Although Song Wei underestimated the gold master behind Su Ci, she didn't feel astonished, but she was just a Sun boss, and there was nothing surprising.

This boss Sun wants to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in turnover, but it is still a bit difficult in a short time. Even if he settled the matter for Su Ci, after now, everyone understands the mess inside.

Sure enough, someone in the crowd became agitated and said in a low voice: "It's disgusting, this man is probably forty years old, he can be Su Ci's father."

"I said she provoke Yang Lulu at school before, and nothing happened. It turns out that there is a lot of backing behind."

"It's disgusting, I feel like vomiting."

Listening to these words, Song Wei showed a triumphant expression, she didn't dare to be interested in what happened next. Just stand aside and watch the show, and Manager Yang will take care of the rest.

System: "Baby, do you know this man?"

Su Ci seriously looked at the middle-aged man opposite, and shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then why should he help you?"

The money jar is also a bit at a loss: "I don't know all of them."

Ji Jun felt dull, and after a fight with his family, he almost smashed his phone. Who knew that when he came back, he heard what those people said in a mess.

He immediately grabbed a human being viciously and said: "What kind of money, you can explain it to me."

The classmate was startled, but he still said, "Su Ci’s gold master, it’s a disaster. Her gold master came out to clean up the mess. She looks like she is in her forties, and she has a big beer belly. Can be her father."

Ji Jun was a little frustrated, and he could also detect that there was someone covering the girl's back, but he didn't want to go there. When he squeezed the crowd, he almost exploded when he saw the fat pig.

Is it because the girl refuses to associate with him because of such a man?

Ji Jun was furious, he strode over and was stopped by Song Wei on the side...

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1088: Hug, sir【50】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1088: Hug, sir【50】
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"Ajun, you have seen it now. She is not as clean as you thought. She was wrapped up at a young age. If it weren't for this accident, we wouldn't have thought that the gold master behind her was... .."

Listening to her words, Ji Jun was even more angry.

He liked Su Ci and fell in love at first sight. The girl bit the straw, her eyes were clean and soft, and her small face was white and tender, which still remained in his mind to this day.

Because of this, Ji Jun's emotions will be more complicated when the truth is exposed.

Anger, disappointment, and a trace of anger into anger.

Isn't he comparable to an old man? What does Ji Jun want? Is this middle-aged greasy man better than him?

Ji Jun walked to the girl's side.

Coldly said: "Su Ci, is it because of such an old man that you chose not to associate with me?"

Su Ci tilted her head and looked over, raising her small face: "It's okay with you."

Ji Jun's chest was extremely unbalanced, and he stared at the girl in front of him: "You refused me because of that old man, right? Do you like him?"

Qian Jing Zijing does not deny that she just likes her husband and wants to be her little girlfriend.

"Yes, I like him, especially."

"From now on, don't bother me."

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly, looked at the person without blinking, and admitted softly.

Ji Jun is going crazy, he is going to be **** to death, okay?

"What do you think of him, that he is rich, that he is old, and that he does not take a bath?"

Su Ci said unhappily, "You don't take a bath."

Her Mr. He is not only in good shape, but also has a good smell on his body. The money jar glared at people and said angrily: "You can't compare to him in any way."

"You shouldn't deny that you are old." Ji Jun said with a cold snort, "I am younger than him, good-looking and rich. Are you blind?"

Su Ci struggled hard.

Although the husband is a little older, he is very good, he has a good figure, and...very rich.

Although she doesn't know how rich she is, but...

Su Ci believes that Mr. He is the best in her family.

"Narcissism." The money jar looked at the person intently, and said with his chest slightly padded: "You, it's too far."

Ji Jun was silent.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the girl's arm, and said angrily: "Why am I not richer than this old man? Su Ci, if I help you solve this problem today, you can stay with me. If you are missing Money, I am also rich..."

When Mr. He arrived, he saw his baby being held by a boy, who raised his chin slightly, like a peacock opening the screen. When I meet my favorite, I can't wait to reveal everything.

Secretary Zhang can see the expression on Mr. He's face with naked eyes, and it sinks bit by bit.

Can not help but swallow.

Mr. He said nothing, and walked towards the center calmly.

The crowd who was watching the excitement was cut off.

They couldn't help but look.

The man is neatly dressed, slender and tall, looks expensive and powerful.

It looks very cold.

Suddenly caused a commotion.

When everyone was sighing and secretly guessing which incredible character this was, they saw Boss Sun, who was confronting Manager Yang, his eyes brightened, and he greeted him somewhat flatteringly, saying: "Mr. He."

Su Ci lifted her small face slightly, and met the man's eyes.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1089: Hug, sir【51】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1089: Hug, sir【51】
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Su Ci blinked, confirming what she saw.

Sir... why are you here?

When everyone saw Boss Sun, who was still arrogant and domineering just now, his expressions immediately changed. With a little compliment in the flattery, he whispered a word to the man, alive like a dog asking for credit.

And Manager Yang showed a look of uncertainty.

Zhao Ya's eyes fixed on the man, both amazing and curious.

I couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hold Song Wei's clothes and said, "Weiwei, do you know this President He?"

Song Wei couldn't help but frowned, with an incredible suspicion in her heart.

But she quickly overturned.

It can't be that person, that person is relatively low-key in the circle, and simple. But even so, there are people who are eager to fight.

Once her father tried every possible means to bridge the bridge of cooperation, but that person didn't mean it.

The Song family was considered very prestigious, and even though they were rejected, they didn't show an unhappy look.

There was still a bit of resentment in my heart.

But the identity of the other party does not need to look at their faces to act, it is this kind of capital.

Song Wei thought to herself, it might be a coincidence, and this word might also have other homophones.

He Shen didn't pay attention to Boss Sun who posted it first. He glanced at the girl, including the boy who was like a flower protector next to her, with a cold expression.

Ji Jun couldn't help frowning.

He could detect that when the man's gaze fell on him, there was a deep meaning, and there was radar between the men, and Ji Jun's vigilance suddenly came up.

He subconsciously blocked the girl behind him, curling his eyebrows to meet the man's gaze.

He Shen noticed the boy's behavior, and his expression became even more sinking. He turned away slightly, looked at the girl, and said, "Come here, Porcelain."

Su Ci looked at the man and took steps obediently, like a leaping bird, stretched out her little hand, grabbed the opponent, and raised her little face slightly: "Sir, why are you here?"

The man's big hands covered the girl's soft head, and he glanced at Manager Yang, and said in a low voice: "If I don't come, wouldn't my baby be bullied by everyone."

The elders were even more surprised.

He didn't expect that the background behind the little girl was so big. Thinking about my first thoughts again, I couldn't help but feel fortunate, okay, okay.

Thinking of this, the elder smiled and said: "Mr. He, I didn't expect to see you here. I remember when I saw Mr. He last time, I was still in Yishuiju."

Manager Yang's original look of uncertainty suddenly turned pale.

Even the veteran gave a few points to the big person in front of him, who can be counted with one hand in City S, plus the name just now, is it really that?

Thinking of this, the cold sweat from Manager Yang's back shed.

A chill rushed directly to Tianling Gai!

If he knew that Su Ci turned out to be Mr. He, even if he offended the Song family, he would not do such a thing!

Coupled with the man’s words,

Manager Yang only felt that his eyes were dark.

"Mr. He, this is a misunderstanding, I can explain..."

He stepped forward in trepidation, and then let go of his panic again.

People around could not help but whisper.

"This Mr. He, with such a big background?"

"He Shen, don't you know? Mom, I actually saw He Shen here!"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1090: Hug, sir【52】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1090: Hug, sir【52】
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"Mr. He, could it be that Mr. He?"

"Except for him, no one would have such an arrangement."

Those who don't understand are at a loss, and those who understand will only feel jealous. They are all children who have never really seen the world. Anyone who is doing business at home, a little rich and powerful, can't help but know who He Shen is.

They didn't expect that they would see the big people who their parents occasionally talked about here today.

Not only feel jealous, but also unavoidably give birth to a psychology of wonder and worship.

He Shen ignored the panic on Manager Yang's face, and just said: "I heard that my baby destroyed an authentic piece of your site?"

Manager Yang only felt that there was a lot of wet behind him, and he quickly said: "Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, Mr. He."

The man's hand was still on the girl's head, his posture was a little intimate: "Oh? Misunderstanding?"

"We misunderstood Miss Su." Manager Yang said, while leading the person behind him, bowing and apologizing: "Everything is a misunderstanding...Let us apologize to Miss Su anyway, just hope congratulations. Don't be angry, sir."

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly, looked at her husband, and said seriously, "No, misunderstanding."

Manager Yang's face became even paler.

Qian Jingzi said more truthfully: "The calligraphy is fake, and I am not wronged, people."

Secretary Zhang looked at Mr. He and said calmly, "That's fake."

Hello, Mr. He, don't you think you are a bit like the ancient monarchs who did not reign early?

Su Ci knew that her husband spoiled her very much, and he spoiled her to a certain extent, but she still raised her small face slightly, looked at the person without blinking, and said softly: "Porcelain, there is no deceit, the calligraphy is fake."

"Mr. believes in you."

President He set his sights on Manager Yang.

Let the other party sweat like rain.

At this time, a person hurried over, handed over a pair of calligraphy, and whispered to Manager Yang.

Manager Yang "shows joy" and hurriedly said, "Mr. He, I made a mistake, this is the real work of Master Song. It was dropped by a staff member, and we misunderstood Miss Su. We will definitely give it to Mr. He. A satisfactory apology..."

That calligraphy just hung up.

Then there was a soft and waxy voice: "This is also fake."

Manager Yang: "........."

He looked over with a stunned look, his face was blue and white, very ugly!

This time Manager Yang wasn't acting anymore. He really took this authentic piece over. Who knew that after hearing Su Ci's words, he almost carried it on his back.

The elder even took it over and looked at it for a while: "This is the one Yuanmou saw before. That's right." He showed a puzzled look: "Little girl, why would you say that it is also fake?" "

Qian Jing Zijing glanced at the "authentic", and said seriously: "Intuition."

Manager Yang: "........." What instinct! This is the treasure of their town, there is a market and it is priceless! Identified by famous experts!

It is He Shen who is here, and his face is a bit unpleasant: "Miss Su's words are a bit serious, but this has been appraised by a famous expert. The authentic master Song is definitely not an imitation!"

Su Ci tilted his head slightly.

"This, I can also write a picture."

The people on the scene took a breath of air-conditioning. If they had laughed at Su Ci for slanderous words before, but now, they were shocked and shocked by her words!

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1091: Hug, sir【53】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1091: Hug, sir【53】
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Mr. He sat on the scene: "Since Porcelain wants to write, then write one."

The veteran was originally amazed, but when he saw the girl and imitated this master Song's original work, it was almost exactly the same. Putting it together, it was difficult to distinguish between serious and false!

His heart was shocked!

"Little girl, you...who did you learn your calligraphy from!" The veteran's voice couldn't stop trembling. He looked at the little girl's eyes as if he were looking at a rare treasure.

The money jar raised her long eyelashes, looked at the two calligraphy, and then looked at the patriarch, a little confused: "Didn't you learn from it?"

Elder: "!"

He has lived for so long, has seen so many accomplished students, and there are people, copywriting, and he is already a genius if he can prevent the essence of seven points. Unexpectedly, he would hear such simple and relaxing words as eating and drinking in a little girl's mouth today.

He trembled his hands and said, "Since you said it is not the original piece of Master Song, did you see his original piece?"

How else should I explain all this?

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly, and finally said sincerely: "...actually I haven't seen it."

The elder didn’t know how to express his feelings at this time, but the little girl didn’t seem to be lying, his eyes were straight, he held the two calligraphy, looked here and there, and sighed: “How could it be fake? How could it be fake?"

Manager Yang's complexion was blue and white, especially the noise around him.

His face is even worse.

After such a disturbance, how could the exhibition go on!

Manager Yang Qiangyan said with a smile: "The child of Mr. He's family is naturally a dragon and a phoenix among people, but just relying on intuition to judge that this is not the real work of Master Song, is it a bit inappropriate?"

He was a little angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to offend the big Buddha in front of him.

He didn't want to swallow this breath.

He Shen: "Secretary Zhang."

"Yes, Mr. He."

Secretary Zhang looked at the man's sullen face, and knew that his family, Mr. He, was really angry this time, and this group of people also have the ability!

"Bring me three masters, Yuan, Ming and Hong." Mr. He's gaze fell on Manager Yang, and he said with a smile: "I think, Manager Yang will give them their face, right?"

Manager Yang almost weakened his legs.

These three masters are all old masters who have retired from their seclusion, let alone three, even one, it is usually difficult to invite them. But He Shen wanted to invite all three.

The places he regrets are all green, why can't he think about making this Mr. He upset, he is upset, and they will all be finished!

But Manager Yang still had a chance in his heart.

What if this Mr. He was beaten in the face!

When the time comes, the other party will find a step down instead!

Manager Yang thought so until the three masters came over.

Who knows, as soon as the three masters of Yuan Minghong arrived at the scene, they did not even look at the calligraphy, and they showed a disdainful expression: "I have seen it a long time ago, but it is a high imitation that is difficult to pick out, no matter how good it is. Fake! What's there to see!"

"Boy He family, are you calling all of us old men just for this matter?"

He Shen said in a low voice: "The kid at home has been bullied, so she can't be wronged."

"Trouble a few masters today."

The three masters didn't speak any more, and they had to give this face what they said.

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The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1092: Hug, sir【54】
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They couldn't help but glance at the child standing next to the man. It looked like a white, tender, soft girl with big eyes and beautiful water.

I didn't care about it at first, but after seeing what the elder was holding, he was a little surprised and said: "Who wrote this pair?"

The elder reluctantly handed it over. After all, there were a few national treasure-level masters on the opposite side: "It was written by the kid from Mr. He's family."

The three masters take turns, you look at it, I look at it, and the shock in my heart is no less than the other.

"Little girl, did you really write this?"

Master Yuan showed a strange look.

Su Ci stood next to He Shen and noticed that the man's eyes fell on her.

The tips of his ears are a little hot, and he nodded.

The three masters looked strange, especially when she knew that the girl hadn’t seen Master Song’s original work, she was even more shocked: "You only have seen Master Song’s handwriting on the books.

Can you tell that this is a high imitation product? "

Under the gaze of six pairs of eyes, Su Ci whispered a little embarrassedly: "I have never seen a book."

Three masters: ".........."

Why do they know in their hearts that it is not the real work of Master Song? It is because the real work has been spread abroad for a long time, and it is nowhere to be found. For decades, there hasn't been any news.

There was a guess in their hearts that Master Song's original work might have been destroyed.

The three masters were unwilling to accept this truth, and even more disdain to show up when they heard that the original master Song was recovered. These idiots also boast that they love art, antiques, and all prosperous culture. In the end, no one can see, what is this?

But now, this high imitation was seen by a little girl at a glance.

How could they not be shocked? What shocked them even more was that the girl had never seen Master Song's handwriting. In other words, she could imitate the essence of it just by copying! People can't see anything wrong!

In other words, if she read Master Song's handwriting, might she be able to write out the essence of it completely?

The three masters are surging!

Originally for He Shen, it was for a junior's matter, and the unhappiness that caused them to fight so aggressively, completely disappeared!

Their attitude has changed drastically!

Especially knowing that the little girl said there was more than one imitation at the exhibition, she immediately slapped Manager Yang in the face.

"What a shame!

"What a shame! There are so many imitations in such an art exhibition!"

"Shame! It's a shame!"

The three masters were both angry and shook their heads.

Manager Yang, who was standing by, didn't dare to say that was bullshit.

What can he say! The prestige of these three, any of them, dare not let anyone question it!

Manager Yang's mind is all over!

How could he bear such a big responsibility.

He couldn't help but looked at Song Wei with a cry for help.

Song Wei stiffened, her scalp was a little cold.

How could she have thought that the real patron behind Su Ci was actually this Mr. He!

Song Wei bit her scalp, took a step forward, and said: "Mr. He, I belong to the Song family..."

He Shen faintly interrupted her words: "Since you are a junior, then you know who you are."

Song Wei lost all her blood.

Hearing what Mr. He had said, it was not her turn to speak here.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1093: Hug, sir【55】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1093: Hug, sir【55】
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Men in this position, no matter their status or their aura, completely suppressed their group of people.

The few people who were sheltered by the family on weekdays did not dare to take a breath.

Secretary Zhang said: "Mr. He, the camera is broken by coincidence, and there is also an "witness", which seems to be a very coincidence."

Mr. He smiled meaninglessly: "Really?"

Manager Yang's legs were weak, and he looked at Song Wei, everything was self-evident.

"Porcelain, gone." He Shen said.

As soon as this sentence came out, Manager Yang didn't show a look of joy, on the contrary, his body became even colder.

From start to finish, the man did not intend to give them a chance.

He Shen's intention this time is very simple, he is just for the girl to make her debut, and will not let anyone go.

Manager Yang was ashamed, still unwilling to want to go, but was stopped by someone.

Su Ci was grasped by Mr. He, blinked and nodded.

It seems that every time, her husband gives her the chance to make her head.

How can your husband be so kind to her?

The money jar thought seriously, but she had nothing to give her husband.

How to do.

Su Ci is a bit distressed.

"and many more."

A figure blocked their way.

Ji Jun looked at the man and then at the girl. His expression was a bit strange, but due to the identity of the other party, he respectfully yelled, "Mr. He, can I say a few words to Su Ci?"

He didn't want to go where it was superfluous, after all, this was He Shen.

What makes him care about is, what is the relationship between the girl and the other party?

Su Ci raised her long eyelashes and looked over.

Just a few seconds after her eyes fell on the boy, she noticed that her husband squeezed her hand seriously, and couldn't help but tilt her head slightly, looking at it with a little bewilderment.

Mr. He stared at her with deep sea-like eyes: "Sir, do you want to avoid it?"

He said this, but his hands didn't mean to let go of the girl.

Su Ci sensed that her husband was a little bit emotional, so she looked at Ji Jun and refused his request.

Ji Jun stood there, staring strangely at the direction where the man and the girl were leaving.

There are also two people holding hands together.

That big hand, which wrapped the girl's body, also meant to declare sovereignty.

Ji Jun's face looked a little ugly.

And behind.

Song Wei still couldn't forget the man's glance, she was a little cold behind her.

It seems that the other party can see everything.

Song Wei said to herself, no, no matter how good this Mr. He is, she would only apologize to Su Ci at best. After all, the squabbles between the younger generations are just a matter of fact. Can he do anything to the Song family?

The three masters are still studying the girl's calligraphy.

The elder coughed and coughed: "...Miss Su's calligraphy, masters shouldn't be rare. Yuan Mou took it back first."

Who knows that the three masters stared at him.

Veteran "........"

The three masters snorted coldly, and turned around to discuss this calligraphy and whose house it should be placed in.

They quarreled and quarreled, and finally discussed a barely satisfactory result.

Study each one in turn.

I saw Secretary Zhang stepped forward, brought the things over, and smiled slightly: "Mr. He said, this is Miss Su's first work, and I need to take it back and collect it."

Three masters: "........"

What an angry old man! Dare to be so stingy!

Grab something with the old man!

He's shameless!

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1094: Hug, sir【56】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1094: Hug, sir【56】
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After Mr. He got in the car, he let go of his hand. He leaned on the seat and said lightly: "Why don't you call Mr. Mister after such a big incident?"

If it weren't for the phone call, wouldn't he be the last to know, and let the group of people bully the girl at will.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly, and found that her husband seemed a little angry.

She couldn't help but sat up slightly, tilting her head slightly in a bewilderment, and reaching out to grab the man's cuff: "Sir, are you angry?"

Mr. He's eyes were as deep as the sea and he looked over and said in a low voice: "Isn't Mr. worthy of your trust?"

Sir, I was really angry.

The money jar thought earnestly. She opened her red lips slightly, and said hard, "Sir, don't be angry with porcelain." The girl lifted her thick long eyelashes slightly, her wet eyes looked over: "They Bully me, I can, bully me back."

She didn't want anything to trouble her husband to help her with everything, nor did she want her husband to think she was a troublesome spirit.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly and stared at the person unblinkingly.

He Shen couldn't see any emotions on his face, and said quietly: "But Mr. But doesn't want you to be wronged a bit."

If it were in the past, the man's big hand would have been rubbed up long ago.

But Su Ci gently grabbed the opponent's cuff for a while, and did not wait for this action. She felt a little lost, but she still tried her best: "Sir, don't be angry, okay?"

Mr. He used to come to coax her.

The money jar looked at the person in front of him intently, but this time, it was she who disappointed her husband.

She wants to coax.

So Su Ci was a little shy, and shamelessly grasped her little hand, took a step closer, raised her small face slightly, and said softly, "I will, try to be a good kid."

Mr. He didn't move on his face, but his heart had already become hot.

He lowered his eyes slightly, watching the child half kneeling on the seat, raising his soft little face, staring at him with soggy eyes without blinking, his Adam's apple slipped.

"Go down."

Mr. He's voice is deep and solemn.

Su Ci tilted her head slightly and pursed her lips.

There is no meaning to go down.

If it had been in the past, the money jar was neat and obedient, but she knew it was good not to be obedient at this time. Because the husband is still angry, she has to coax him well.

Su Ci is like a milk cat, grabbing the man's hand, rubbing his face, and looking at it with wet eyes: "Sir...can you not be angry?"

"Porcelain, I will be very obedient in the future."

When Secretary Zhang came over, he saw such a scene.

Mr. He from his family stared deeply at the child who was half leaning over, with a look that a man understands.

Secretary Zhang:! ! ! Mr. He, you have to calm down!

His hand to open the door didn't know whether it should be closed or when it should be closed.

Mr. He raised his eyelids and glanced at him faintly. The warning in his eyes was still cold, and Secretary Zhang immediately closed the car door.

Su Ci couldn't help but look, her cheeks flushed.

At this moment, I took a small step back, a little shy.

What was she doing just now?

Does it seem to be seduce Mr.?

Su Ci thought, and then her arm was grabbed by a big hand. He Shen lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Do you want Mr.'s forgiveness?"

Because the man leaned over slightly, the girl leaned half of her body on his body, she had to lift her face, and just looked at him like that.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1095: Hug, sir【57】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1095: Hug, sir【57】
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Su Ci nodded obediently: "I thought." She asked, "Sir, forgive Cici, have you?"

"Sir, are you still angry?"

Even if Mr. He has great anger, it should be gone now. He stretched out a hand and rubbed the child's head: "Then do you know why your husband is angry?"

Su Ci looked at the person and nodded: "I have a husband, and they bully me, so I will call the husband over."

He Shen raised his eyebrows, with a little smile in his eyes: "Well, very good."

The man's low voice was a little spoiled.

Into the ear.

Su Ci's cheeks were slightly hot, and she realized that she was leaning on the other person's body, and she was embarrassed to step back.

But Mr. He didn't mean to let her go down this time. Instead, he said, "Let the husband hug her."

Su Ci knew that she had coaxed people well, although she was a little shy, she was still obediently nestled in her husband's arms.

"You can talk to your husband about another matter."

The man opened his mouth.

Su Ci tilted her head slightly and looked a little confused.

"Does the boy know the baby just now?"

Mr. He said in a moodless tone.

This made Su Ci subconsciously think of the scene of being told by her parents. She looked at her husband and nodded: "Forget it, know."

"You are very familiar?"

Mr. He said in an unclear tone.

Su Ci blinked and shook his head: "No, I'm very familiar."

"That is to say, will be familiar in the future?" Mr. He said lightly.

The money jar essence was a little confused by the logic of this sentence: "No, no."

"No, unfamiliar."

She explained seriously.

"What's his name?" Mr. He said quietly: "It looks familiar."

Su Ci tilted his head slightly and replied cleverly: "His name is Ji Jun, sir."

"Which class?"

Mr. He's eyes sank slightly.

Su Ci tried his best to think about it: "I am one grade higher than Cici."

"Is that what you are not familiar with?"

The man said with a smile.

The money jar tilted her head slightly, feeling that her husband seemed to be a little unhappy again. She whispered: "It's him, she said it herself."

"So Cici doesn't want to be called Mr., is it because he is your boyfriend?"

He Shen's eyes were deep.

His big hand was holding the child's hand, his aura looked a bit oppressive.

The child may have noticed it, and he was slightly stunned when he looked over at those wet eyes.

He Shen tensed his arms intentionally or unintentionally, and lowered his head slightly: "Mister, did you guess right?"

A man is born to be a superior, and only when he is in front of a girl, he will restrain that kind of breath. But now, Su Ci felt the anger under her husband's chest.


Su Ci may have realized something, and tried to explain: "No, there is no association."

"That is to admit that he is pursuing you? And you are thinking about it."

Mr. He looked at her and said.

Su Ci's two legs were so half-kneeled in the man's arms, her small hands gripped the person tightly: "No, no sir." She explained hard, wishing to say a lot.

"I do not like him."

Mr. He did not speak.

Su Ci tightened her small hand, afraid that the man would not believe it, and said, "He confessed that I didn't. Accept it."

Mr. He said in a low voice: "Why?"

His big hand was still on the girl's waist, slightly closed.

The posture looks a bit ambiguous.

Su Ci did not notice, and she did not speak. She could feel her husband's ambiguity and intimacy.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1096: Hug, sir【58】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1096: Hug, sir【58】
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But she didn't know how to tell for a while, it was because her husband liked her, or he pampered her as a child. ,

The money jar lowered his eyes.

I seriously thought, if my husband likes her too, it's not suitable to fall in love now.

If you don't like it, will your husband alienate her in the future.

Just when the heavens and humans were fighting in Su Ci's heart, she noticed that her ear was bitten slightly.

"Mister doesn't want to bear it anymore."

The man’s low and deep voice rang in his ears: "Mr. I also don't want you to fall in love with other men."

Su Ci blinked.

She shyly shrank, and raised her face slightly.

The man's hand rubbed the tip of her ears, and his eyes as deep as the sea looked over: "If you don't make a move again, don't you want to run away with someone else?"

The breath is ambiguous and warm.

Mr. He’s voice is a bit sexy.

Su Ci's cheeks were slightly red, and she stared at people intently.


He Shen bowed his head, his arms were tight, and he did not want the person in his arms to escape at all.

The girl shook her head, her cheeks a little hot: "No, no, sir."

The child is very good. ‘

Staying in his arms from beginning to end, his wet eyes looked over, like a milk cat.

He Shen paused slightly, leaned over, and kissed the child's face: "Do you like Mr.?"

The voice was a little seductive.

Su Ci nodded: "Hi, I like it." Her glutinous voice was also good and soft.

Mr. He has never seen such a child.

The look he liked at a glance.

He touched the person's head, his eyes looked a little gentle: "Mr. did not say that kind of like." He said lightly: "It's the like to be together."

When the man said this, his deep eyes fixed on the child.

It's easy to indulge in it.

Su Ci only felt that her body was a little softer, she felt that her husband's current appearance really seemed to be seduce people.

But there is no evidence for the money jar sperm.

She could only be led by the man in front of her, and nodded shyly: "Porcelain wants to be with Mr., together."

He Shen's heart tightened.

I just feel that my entire heart is captured by the child in my arms.

His lips touched the person lightly.

"Mr. likes you too."

I liked it from the first sight.

He Shen admits that he is a pervert.


The husband confessed to himself.

Su Ci hugged the pillow and buried her a little shyly.

"All, sir likes me too?"

System: "Old man, shameless."

The money jar Jing said a little upset: "Sir, there is no shame."

System: "How old are you, he is thinking of you, is that fair?"

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly: "I will grow up soon."

"That's only very fast." The system said bitterly: "Dad suspects that you were cheated by this old man."

Su Ci thought about it seriously: "Sir, it's not such a person."

But they didn't believe it.

So Qian Jin Zijing had to find her husband. She clutched her clothes and asked a little shyly: "Mr., when did you like porcelain?"

He Shen picked up the child and said calmly: "It's probably two months." He rubbed the child's head: "Mr. will like the baby more in the future."

Su Ci verified his innocence for her husband, and said solemnly: "Have you heard? My husband only likes me for two months."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1097: Hug, sir【59】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1097: Hug, sir【59】
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System: "...Dad doesn't believe me, he must be lying to you, for fear that you think he is too abnormal."

The money jar essence pretended not to hear.

She put her arms around her husband's neck, rubbed his chin, and said softly, "I want too. I like him very much."

Mr. He kissed the child's face.

With a low smile, "Okay."

The servants in the family were not surprised to see the actions of the men and the girls. From the beginning, they regarded Su Ci as the hostess of the house and came to serve them.

But Mr. He also knows that he will hold her in his arms only when there is no one.

Men’s minds have always been on work, as well as on girls. It’s a bit unclear how the Internet is advancing with the times.

At this time, the money jar will explain seriously.

"Is your husband a bit old?" The man sighed slightly, and said, "I don't understand you little young things."

Su Ci would comfort him at this time: "Sir, you are not old." She said softly, "Sir is mature."

Mr. He would bend his lips slightly and rub her head at this time.

Secretary Zhang could notice the spring breeze on Mr. He’s face these few days, and couldn’t help thinking.

It's over, Mr. He must have succeeded.

Report, do not report, this is a problem.

Secretary Zhang was particularly entangled and fell into a struggle.

He suspects that his family, Mr. He, is compulsively loving people and children.

So Secretary Zhang took an opportunity to ask: "I heard that you are in love with Mr. He?"

The girl raised her small face slightly and looked at him blankly: "In love?"

Secretary Zhang was surprised: "Don't you and Mr. He fall in love?"

Su Ci nodded and tilted his head slightly: "We are not in love."

Secretary Zhang was lost in thought. Could it be that Mr. He has been looking at the phone during this period, but he is not talking with the child, but another woman.

Mr. He, has his conscience discovered it? I don't think I can get a hand, so I'm looking back.

As for the money jar, she thought, she won't be able to fall in love with her husband until she is eighteen.

It's too small now.

None of them would agree.

Since Secretary Zhang knew that Mr. He was not in a relationship with a child, he became more and more interested in the woman that Mr. He was hiding.

But he dare not ask.

After all, President He’s privacy, no one in the company dared to inquire, including him.

But Secretary Zhang feels unwilling. Some time ago, Mr. He, didn't he get fascinated by the child to live? Which woman was it that actually took Mr. He directly?

So after making a cup of coffee.

Secretary Zhang stood beside the man.

Mr. He is looking at the file, and the phone is still on.

He took a small step slowly.

Just one look, one look is enough.

He Shen raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Secretary Zhang lightly: "You seem to be very interested in my mobile phone."

Secretary Zhang immediately hahad and said, "Mr He misunderstood. I just want to catch the flies here for Mr. He." He said and waved.

He Shen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Secretary Zhang immediately persuaded: "I just want to ask on behalf of the company, who are you in love with, President He?"

Mr. He glanced at him and said in a calm tone: "Who else can?"

Secretary Zhang asked tentatively: "Mr. He, I don't quite understand what you mean." He laughed dryly: "It's impossible to be a kid."

He Shen said: "Do you have an opinion?"

Secretary Zhang mumbled: "Where do I have any comments." He glanced at Mr. He's face cautiously and said, "That's not what kids say."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1098: Hug, sir【60】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1098: Hug, sir【60】
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The plants in the pot were blooming. When the girl found out, it was when she came back from school.

She was a little happy and wanted to share the news with her husband for the first time, so she held the flowers and ran downstairs after her husband came back.

The beautiful eyes are a bit shiny.

Mr. He handed the coat he took off to the servant on the side, and reached out his hand to hold the child steadily.

The girl held the pot of plants in her hand, as if offering a treasure, staring at the other party with soggy eyes, and said softly: "Sir, it's blooming, it's blooming."

Mr. He lowered his head and glanced at the plants in the pot, the buds were already blooming. The snow-white, a little shy, bloomed its beauty, as if it would shake and tremble gently with a touch.

He raised his eyes slightly, staring at the child with some deep eyes, and said in a low voice, "Well, it's beautiful."

Su Ci tilted her head slightly and suddenly became a little shy.

She always felt that when men said these words, they seemed to have no deep meaning, and there was a little bit of unnoticeable sexiness in the calm voice of abstinence.

"I will give it to Mr."

Su Ci's cheeks were hot, and she stared at the man in front of her without blinking, her soft red lips looked like sweet cream.

He Shen said meaningfully: "Sir for it?"

He stretched out his slender fingers, probing the knuckles with distinct knuckles, and touching the beautiful flowers with his fingertips.

The snow-white flowers seemed to move a little shyly.

Su Ci blinked her eyes, and the tips of her ears became hot. She nodded, don't know why, she always felt that her husband did this action, there was a strange feeling that she couldn't tell.

She was almost like that flower, shyly avoiding Mr. He's sight.

"Mr. likes it very much."

The man retracted his finger and said with a calm expression.

Instruct the helper on the side to bring the flowers up.

"Come here, give your husband a hug."

He Shen stretched out his hand, hugged the girl firmly, and then supported her.

Qian Jingzi held the man's neck, raised his long eyelashes, looked aside, pressed his face a little embarrassedly, and said softly, "Porcelain, it's grown up."

She tilted her head slightly, feeling that she was already this big, but she was still held by a man like a child...

Can not help but slightly pursed his lower lip.

Jars are also face-conscious.

"Don't like your husband holding you like this?" The man's low voice said in her ear: "How do you hold?"

Su Ci thought for a while, and said seriously: "Like in a TV series."

Mr. He pondered, and smiled low: "Lift up high?"

Su Ci's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was a little shy to deny: "That's not it." She raised her long eyelashes slightly, and seriously corrected: "Ci Ci has grown up, so I don't need it. I lift it up high."

Mr. He kissed the child's ear: "But Mr. wants to spoil you like this for the rest of his life."

The girl’s neck was dyed beautiful pink, like shrimps in a steamer, she tightened her arms a little embarrassedly, leaned on the man’s ear, and said softly: "...from now on, she will do it too. Good sir."

She wanted to give her husband an old age, but she didn't like it.

Su Ci clenched her small fist.

"How do you want to be nice to your husband?" The man seemed to be interested in this topic and asked.

The money jar thought about it carefully: "...to walk the dog with your husband, drink tea with your husband, and watch the sun with your husband."

He Shen: "..........."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1099: Hug, sir【61】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1099: Hug, sir【61】
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He showed a smile that was not a smile, and said meaningfully: "Is the sir very old?"

Su Ci pursed her lips.

Oops, the money jar genius seems to have accidentally revealed the future plan, what should I do?

She tilted her head slightly, looked at the man carefully, stretched out her little hand, and touched his face: "Sir, are you angry again?"

"Porcelain does not, think so."


Su Ci roared softly: "Sir, I'm not old at all."

He Shen's expression was faint: "You said that you are good to your husband, but you don't even give a name to your husband. Do you think it's embarrassing to fall in love with me?"

Su Ci was confused.

Seriously, when did he say that he didn't want to fall in love with her husband?

Then the **** was slapped, not lightly or severely.

Little by little, her cheeks turned red.

The girl looked at her wet eyes: "First, sir?"

Why did the husband spank her?

Su Ci couldn't help but pursed her lips, feeling ashamed and a little bit ashamed.

Mr. He's face was calm: "Shouldn't you fight?" His eyes were deep: "Explain to your husband, what does the phrase not to fall in love mean?"

The man looked cold.

Qian Jing Zi Jing finally found out the reason for the other party's unhappiness. She thought to herself that Secretary Zhang is really a bad person.

While trying to explain, "No, I don't want to fall in love with my husband."

Mr. He looked at her without speaking.

Su Ci pursed her lips, afraid that her husband would teach her again, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her little ass.

"Don't hit me, butt."

Mr. He looked at the child amusedly: "Mr. hasn't been wronged yet, you are wronged first."

God knows what kind of storm he experienced after hearing that sentence.

He Shen smoked a few cigarettes in a row.

There are a few conjectures.

The first is that the child regrets it and is unwilling to follow him, thinking of the kindness, so he did not reject him.

Second, the child felt that he was too old to accept it.

Third, the child is still young and does not understand what it means to be emotional. There is no qualitative, and I realize this concept ignorantly. He keeps people by his side now and will grow up later.

I also like other men, good boys of her age.

They will hug, kiss like other lovers, and the child will hug the boy like he is hugging him.

Mr. He couldn't help feeling a dark and fierce mood just thinking about it.

He stayed in the office.

A lot of ideas emerged.

For example, tie people around, or put people tighter.

Mr. He suppressed the storm in his heart. When he came back and caught the child in his arms, his mood was soothed again.

He stared at the person in his arms.

I thought, how could he be willing to let go.

Mr. He was rather cold-blooded and thought, this is his baby and the baby he has met.

This was the first time Su Ci saw a man with such a look. His eyes were as deep as the sea, staring at her, not knowing what he was thinking.

System: "Baby, why did you make this old man angry? I think he looks like he wants to imprison you."

The money jar Jing said with a little bewilderment: "Mr. thought I didn't want to fall in love with him, so he did it."

System: "...no wonder, this old man must think you are going to run away with another man."

Su Ci always thought that her husband was a gentle person, but she tilted her head slightly, looking at the man like this, thinking seriously, she might really make her husband very angry.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1100: Hug, sir【62】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1100: Hug, sir【62】
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I couldn't help but stretched out my little hand, grasping the humanity: "Sir, misunderstanding."

"Porcelain is still small."

"Not yet, fall in love."

The girl explained earnestly, staring at the person unblinkingly, her soft voice, cute and cute.

Mr. He paused slightly.

Sighed in my heart.

He forgot.

Su Ci obediently looked at people: "When Cici grows up, she can fall in love with her husband." She whispered: "Sir, can you bear it?"

Mr. He: "...um." He touched the child's face and said calmly: "Mr. can wait as long as possible."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief.

It was finally coaxing people.

He pursed his lips, revealing a pear whirlpool said: "So don't worry, Porcelain promised, it will not go back."


Mr. He always felt that he was a person with great self-control. It was not until he met a child that he knew that it was different from person to person.

Children are likable everywhere, ‘

Even if he just sits quietly and obediently next to him, biting a straw and drinking juice, Mr. He will want to hug her and touch her.

If Secretary Zhang was there, he would definitely be able to see Mr. He's thoughts.

: Mr. He! You have to calm down! Get to know it in three years!

It's a pity that there is only one money jar at the scene. With her hairy head low, she raised her small face slightly and blinked when she was touched by a man with a big hand.

At this time, Mr. He will stretch out his hand and want to hug her.

Su Ci stayed in the arms of the man obediently, reading books with her husband.

The delicate white feet will flicker.

Until he was caught by the husband.

"Why don't you wear socks?"

The man's big hand is holding her foot, it may be too delicate, as if it can be completely held by one hand.

Su Ci couldn't help but tilt his head: "It's uncomfortable to wear."

Mr. He said: "It will catch a cold."

The girl didn’t want to compromise. At this time, she would coquettishly say to her husband: “It’s very uncomfortable and I don’t want to wear it.

Mr. He looked at the child and only felt that acting like a baby was on the cusp of his heart.

Could not help but bow his head and kissed the past.

Su Ci was obedient and motionless, thinking that her husband would kiss her cheek as usual until the time when there was a tactile sensation on her lips.

She only realized it later.

After the money jar sperm was kissed, he looked at the person, touched his lips, and said seriously: "Sir, not yet, kiss me."

The tips of the ears became hot, as if they were doing something bad.

He Shen raised his eyebrows slightly and asked: "Why?"

Su Ci tightly said with a small face: "Because, Cici has not grown up yet."

Mr. He laughed low.

"But when you grow up, don't you want to be with your husband?"

Su Ci tilted her head slightly, feeling that what the other party said seemed to make sense.

She blinked.

The system jumped out and said: "Baby, this old man is lying to you."

"He just wants to kiss you, he just wants to help you, mean!"

Su Ci twisted her fingers and said earnestly: "However, what the sir said is also right."

The system brainwashed and said: "This old man doesn't really love you, love is presumptuous, love is forbearance!"

Qian Jing Zi Jing blinked his eyes and pursed his lips, "It's okay, I love Mr. enough."


Su Ci said solemnly: "He will be very old in the future. Only if I want him, he won't like others."


Dad actually thought it made sense.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1101: Hug, sir【63】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1101: Hug, sir【63】
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Su Ci suddenly felt that her husband was a bit pitiful. He had lived such a long time and had never kissed anyone.

So she didn't care about it very generously.

But when the husband took her upstairs, he kissed her again.

Su Ci's long eyelashes trembled, and her heart was struggling to push the person: "Don't, don't kiss." She blushed and said, "Today, I have kissed once."

"In this way, it's like falling in love."

Mr. He did not speak, and did not let go of his baby: "Mr. just wants to kiss you."

Su Ci met the man's deep eyes, her cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

She pursed her red lips and said in a low voice, "I will kiss again later."

Mr. He smiled and rubbed the child's head.

"Do you mind?"

Su Ci doesn't mind, she just feels a little shy, like this, it's no different from falling in love, she is for the good of her husband.

She raised her long eyelashes and shook her head embarrassedly.

Mr. He squeezed the child's ear, leaned over, and said in a low voice, "Mr. is just prepaying for the welfare of his boyfriend in one year. Isn't that OK?"

Su Ci tilted her head slightly, her mind a little shaken.

She blinked.

At that time, my husband had begun to be quite young, and he hadn't been in love since he grew up so old, it was really a bit pitiful.

So the money jar nodded.

Mr. He touched her face and smiled low.

Su Ci was a little shy by the man's smile.

She grabbed people's clothes, raised her small face, and said seriously: "You can only kiss."

Mr. He hummed: "Okay, just give it a kiss."

Qian Jing Zi Jing heard the answer and went back to bed contentedly.

"Good night, sir."

The girl said softly.

"good night."

Mr. He smiled again, leaned over, and kissed the corner of the person's mouth.

Su Ci touched her lips in a daze, and looked at Humanity: "You speak, it doesn't count."

He Shen raised his eyebrows: "What the baby said, isn't it?"

Su Ci stopped talking, she thought her husband was a bit shameless.

Can't help but stare at people, grab their clothes, and say seriously: "I didn't mean that."

"Only one kiss."

Mr. He asked calmly: "Is it one time or one time?"

Su Ci: "........"

She opened her mouth and pursed her lips.

Mr. He bullied enough, bent over to hold the child, touched the back of her neck and said, "Good night, baby."

In the end, Su Ci couldn't explain whether it was one time or just one time.


If it is said that Su Ci was the school's attention before, then she is now the school's focus.

Since the exhibition, everyone knows that there is a Mr. He behind her, who dare to make irresponsible remarks.

Even if someone doubts their relationship, they are afraid to discuss it.

Song Wei's seats are still vacant, and it is said that they have been absent from school for several days.

Some people say that they seem to be in trouble and are locked up.

Some people say that they have offended big people, and now the family is helping them wipe their butts.

Only Su Ci knew that those people brought Song Wei and the others, and wanted to see her husband.

But the husband didn't mean to meet people at all.

Maybe someone begged outside for a few days before He Shen saw someone.

The person on the other side showed a happy look, probably because he thought there was hope in this matter.

Su Ci heard the voices of regretful apologies from several girls. Her husband touched her head and asked, "Does Ci Ci forgive them?"

The girl met those people's gazes and said seriously: "People are responsible for their mistakes."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1102: Hug, sir【64】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1102: Hug, sir【64】
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Mr. He did not speak, and invited people out.

Su Ci didn't know what happened later.

She didn't know how her husband vented her anger, but Su Ci knew that her husband would not let her be aggrieved at all.

Ji Jun's mood is very complicated.

He knew that He Shen wouldn't do anything to people, but he wouldn't let it go so easily. Because of this incident, the family warned him not to upset Mr. He.

Ji Jun only knew that there was no Su Ci beside He Shen before.

He went to investigate and found that He Shen had funded some people.

Ji Jun guessed that Su Ci might be one of the funding targets of this man, but he didn't know why, he was especially special to girls.

Ji Jun felt very uncomfortable. He didn't know if He Shen liked girls, but the girls must like each other.

He still remembered the words of that time.

The girl rejected his words.

Ji Jun was a little unwilling, or stopped people in the past: "Su Ci, do you like that Mr. He?"

Su Ci looked at the boy in front of him, thinking that he was helping him to speak at that time, and said politely: "It's none of your business."

Ji Jun: "........."

He looked at the girl biting the straw, and looked extraordinarily well-behaved, even speaking so cute.

She is a little different from ordinary people, and she speaks a little slower and a bit incoherent.

But it is this soft tone.

Ji Jun's heart was tickled, and he couldn't help thinking, Isn't He Shen feeling at all?

People stay by his side, does he have no idea at all?

Ji Jun didn't believe it.

"You are together? Is he supporting you, or is he supporting you?"

Su Ci's only remaining politeness towards people also decided to take it back. She raised her small face slightly, looked at the person without blinking, and said soft words on her red lips: "It's off you, what's the matter."

Ji Jun: "........."

He pulled the person and said a little annoyed: "Do you have to like that Mr. He? He is how old you are, you count, like this kind of costumed beast, you will only be played with without bones."

Su Ci blinked and shook off the opponent's hand.

The husband doesn't like it, he will be jealous if he knows it.

I have to coax Mr. jealous.

Su Ci thought seriously.

"Mister is fine, it's not your turn, you say."

Seeing the girl turned and left, Ji Jun quickly followed, and became even more annoyed: "How old are you, do you think that Mr. He is sincere to you? You don't want to think of people like them, where the sincerity comes from? ."

"Furthermore, he can give it to you, and I can give it to you, wouldn't it be better for you to be with me?"

Su Ci was a little upset, she knew exactly what her husband was like.

So she tilted her head slightly, squeezed her small fist, and pursed her lips: "Sir, I will kill you."

Ji Jun: ".........."

He was a little jealous and said jealously: "He is so many years older than you, how embarrassed he is. Maybe the purpose is not pure at the beginning, you little girls are the easiest to be deceived.

"How can you say that! Classmate Ji!"

A woman's voice came over in surprise.

Ji Jun turned his head and saw a woman walking over with disappointment eyes, pulling the girl behind her, and angrily said: "Your thoughts are simply too bad!"

Ji Jun: "?" Who is this person?

The female teacher was very angry: "Do you know what you are talking about!"

Ji Jun doesn't know anyone, so he said politely: "It's none of your business, it's between me and her."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1103: Hug, sir【65】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1103: Hug, sir【65】
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"It's not my business anymore."

The female teacher calmly said: "I am the teacher of Porcelain. You slander her and bully her so much. Of course, as a teacher, I can't just watch and stand by."

Ji Jun was a little surprised, but thinking about the woman who appeared in this school and had reached the age of 20, there was nothing else except the position of teacher.

Although his attitude is not as bad as it was at the beginning, he still didn't say so politely: "You don't understand anything, so don't talk nonsense here. This is a matter between me and Su Ci. The teacher is better to be less nosy. "

The female teacher lowered her head and looked at the girl: "Porcelain, the teacher has seen it. Don't worry, the teacher will not let you be bullied. The teacher will never hurt you indiscriminately like before. So is the teacher. I won’t look at others and let you be hurt a second time unscrupulously.”

Su Ci tilted his head and glanced at her, thinking that this human... seemed to have misunderstood something.

The female teacher pushed the girl behind her, looked at the boy and said, "How do you know I don't understand."

She felt infinite guilt when she thought of what happened at the beginning and the oolong caused.

Thinking of her as a teacher, she would have made such a serious mistake.

Almost misunderstood the girl.

Although the misunderstanding was later resolved, every time the female teacher saw the girl, she felt a sense of guilt, self-blame, and even guilt in her heart.

Ji Jun frowned and looked at the woman in front of him.

Does the other party really know something, he couldn't help but sneered: "Since you know it, as a teacher, shouldn't you as a teacher protect students? What's your current situation?"

"Helping you to abuse?"

Seeing him talk more and more ridiculously, the female teacher burned a little anger in her chest: "Student Ji, I know you like porcelain, and you feel uncomfortable when she refuses to confess. But please don't insult her or even slander her. Your nasty words are simply too ridiculous."

"You don't know anything, so don't talk nonsense."

Ji Jun only felt confused, what on earth was this woman talking about? Doesn't she know the seriousness of the matter at all? Is that what the teacher did? Or, what bribes did she receive?

Or, this woman was sent to monitor the girl.

Thinking of this, Ji Jun couldn't help but sneer: "I see you faltering and can't say anything, there is a ghost in your heart."

The female teacher hesitated and looked at the girl.

The girl was also looking at her, her wet eyes were beautiful, which made her heart tender.

She is clean and introverted. I'm usually isolated in school, and I won't complain.

The female teacher took a deep breath and felt more distressed.

Such a clean and innocent child, how could she be willing to let others hurt her.

So the female teacher looked at the boy and said righteously: "I just heard it, classmate Ji, your thinking is really too bad. How can you think about the relationship between them like this, don't you think it's right? Is it too cruel for Su Ci?"

Ji Jun: "?"

Seeing him, the female teacher looked dazed, as if she didn't know how to reflect, her expression became more serious: "Mr. He is Cici's father, I hope you will not say these messy things in front of her, and don't get me wrong."

Ji Jun: "???"

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1104: Hug, sir【66】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1104: Hug, sir【66】
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Ji Jun didn't know when this Mr. He became Su Ci's father. When he reacted, he was dumbfounded by the female teacher. The other party had already taken the girl's hand and left.

Leave him in place.

Ji Jun couldn't help but sneered, what father, He Shen doesn't have such a big daughter.

It can be seen that the female teacher is righteous, and her expression is very indignant and determined. The boys couldn't help but feel suspicious. Could it be that He Shen really adopted Su Ci? What does he do to play and develop? It's still true fatherly love overflows.

Ji Jun felt more uncomfortable the more he thought about it, but couldn't help feeling hopeful.

So he asked his little brother casually: "If a man is ten years older than a woman, and the woman still calls his father, who is the relationship between them?"

The younger brother said: "Brother Jun, why do you ask me this question?"

Ji Jun said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense and get back to my question quickly." He added: "And this woman is only a teenager."

The younger brother didn't even think about it and said, "Is it necessary to talk about Brother Jun? Of course they have that kind of relationship."

"What kind of relationship?"

Ji Jun frowned.

The younger brother winked his eyes and said, "What kind of relationship can it be? Brother Jun, don't you know the best?"

Ji Jun was upset, slapped someone, and said, "I think you are mean, she is called Dad."

"It's all fun, don't you understand Brother Jun." The little brother covered his face aggrievedly: "Outside it is called a respectable name, and I call it Dad when I go home."

Ji Jun: "..........."

The younger brother saw that his face was green, and he was surprised: "Brother Jun, are you..." He changed his face and swallowed, "Shall we go to the kindergarten after school today?"

Ji Jun: "??? Despicable."


The girl wore small white socks and leather shoes, and her hairy head looked like she wanted to be touched.

The younger brother pushed his boss: "Boss, the person you like is here."

Ji Jun got up and walked over a little awkwardly. Although he already knew the relationship between the girl and the man, he liked this kind of thing, not that he didn't like it and didn't like it.

"For you."

The boy stuffed a box of things into the girl's hand, and then said: "Don't think too much about it, this is my apologetic apology to you."

As if afraid that the girl would not be accepted, Ji Jun took a step back, and without giving the other party a chance to refuse, he directly pulled the younger brother and left.

Su Ci glanced down at the box, raised her long eyelashes slightly, and looked at the direction where the opponent was leaving without blinking.

System: "ZiZi's charm is big, this kid is very discerning."

The stuff in the box is marshmallows.

Pink, it looks soft and sweet. Jin Jing Zi Jing likes to eat sweet things, but she did not intend to accept gifts from boys.

Su Ci decided to take the marshmallow back first, and then return it tomorrow.

When she got into the car, she blinked her eyes when she saw Mr. He: "Mr.?"

The man stared at her with deep sea-like eyes, and the corners of his lips raised slightly: "Come and pick you up."

Su Ci is a little happy. Her husband is very busy, but he will come to pick her up whenever he is free. When he saw the man stretch out his hand, he hugged him and said something about the little daughter's house to the husband softly.

Mr. He touched the child's head, and when he saw the box placed aside, he paused slightly: "What is that?"

The money jar tilted his head slightly and looked along the line of sight: "It's cotton candy."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1105: Hug, sir【67】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1105: Hug, sir【67】
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She pursed her soft lips, turned her head, fearing that her husband would find out, so she tried to change the subject and said: "Cizi is praised by the teacher today."

Mr. He looked back now.

Su Ci seriously thought in her heart that this was a fool of her husband.

But what she didn't expect was that Mr. He was not that easy to fool.

When the girl was held upstairs with her **** lifted and held by a man.

I couldn't help but grasp my little hand tightly, and said a little embarrassed: "Porcelain, yes, go by yourself."

Mr. He stopped and asked in a low voice, "Who gave the cotton candy?"

Su Ci glanced at her husband's expression, and explained with effort: "Yes, Ji Jun gave it." As soon as she finished speaking, Mr. He looked a little cold.

She stretched out her small hand, hugged the man, and dropped a soft kiss on the man's cheek softly.

"He gave me, yes, running too fast."

"Tomorrow, I will return it to him, sir not, not happy."

"Mr. Coax."

Mr. He's eyes were deep: "It's just this, but I can't coax Mr. Bad."

Su Ci is a little bit distressed.

Can't it be coaxed? But she is very useful with this trick.

But she didn't want to be misunderstood by her husband, nor did she want to upset him. ‘

So seriously: "Then, sir, what do you want?"’

Mr. He lowered his head, his warm breath approached.

Su Ci leaned slightly against the escalator, and the man's hand held her firmly.

After a while.

It was only when the money jar Jing thought that there were people in the hall. She was a little shy and didn't dare to look in that direction, because she was afraid to meet the servant's sight.

She turned her head.

The big hand dried by the husband touched his small face.

The man's eyes are like a sea of ​​stars, making people indulge in them.

Her cheeks became slightly hot, and the tips of her ears became a little hot.

The money jar said earnestly: "You don't want it, it's so bad, it's not good for others to see it."

Mr. He looked complacent and said: "Mr. is very bad to you?"

Su Ci pursed her lips and didn't want to talk to the man anymore.

She hugged each other's neck tightly.

Think seriously.

Mr. is a jealous jar.


On the second day, the whole school had a marshmallow per capita.

It is said that this is from Mr. He.

While eating the cotton candy, the younger brother said: "Brother Jun, you said Mr. He, why do you send so many cotton candy?"

Ji Jun did not speak, gritted his teeth slightly.

Mr. He waited for more than a year and waited for the child to reach adulthood.

The two officially began to fall in love.

Su Ci is very busy, busy dating her husband, and busy with the college entrance examination.

As a new teacher, Li Huanyan teaches not the third and second year of high school, but the freshmen of the first year of high school. She has been in this school for half a month, and occasionally she sees a valuable car, as if waiting for someone.

She was just a little surprised at first. Mr. He also has one of this car, but she didn't think much about it.

But when Li Huanyan saw the license plate number inadvertently, his eyes widened.

She hurriedly returned to her office, then took out her cosmetics and started to touch up her makeup, showing her best self. When other teachers saw it, they hurriedly asked, "Ms. Li is going on a date?"

Li Huanyan showed a shy smile without refuting it.

She hurried back, afraid of missing the car.

A slender hand knocked on the door of the car window.

When she saw the man's face that she had been thinking about for a long time, her eyes were slightly wet and aggrieved: "Mr. He..."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1106: Hug, sir【68】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1106: Hug, sir【68】
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He Shen frowned slightly.

Seeing the cold and strange look in his eyes, Li Huanyan couldn't help biting his lip and said: "Mr. He doesn't remember me? I am Li Huanyan."

He Shen said indifferently: "Are you busy?"

Li Huanyan looked in the car and said with a little embarrassment, "Mr. He, can I go in and sit? It's been a long time since I've seen you. I've always wanted to treat you to a meal."

The man looked over behind her and said coldly: "I have an appointment."

Li Huanyan followed his gaze, and at the moment he saw the girl, he was a little uncertain and thought, is this the person Mr. He was waiting for?

"Porcelain, come here."

The man got out of the car, and when the girl approached, he touched her head affectionately, then opened the car door and let her go in. Then he straightened up slightly and glanced at her: "Go now, you don't have to be grateful to me, after all, it is you, not me, that my father supported."

Li Huanyan watched the girl raise her long eyelashes slightly, her wet eyes looked over, as if she was being pampered by a man on the tip of her heart.

There was a stunned thought in my mind.

Li Huanyan watched the car leave unwillingly.

She inquired that the girl was named Su Ci, and it seemed that Mr. He sponsored her to study, and Mr. He was very fond of her.

When Li Huanyan heard it, his heart was greatly shocked.

He Shen did charity because he inherited his father's last wish. But he didn't intend to fund anyone. The reason for helping them was because of Mr. He's face, but what happened to the Su Ci who came out now?

Li Huanyan was full of jealousy. She was so jealous of the young girl, but she had to pretend to care and approach each other.

After all, if you want to see Mr. He, there is only one way.

But what she didn't expect was that the girl looked soft but not stupid at all.

Li Huanyan squeezed his nails into his palms and tried every means to create chance encounters, dressing up carefully every time.

"Mr. He, the old man's death day is approaching, can I accompany you to see him?"

The woman stood by the window with a sad look on her lips.

System: "Baby, what are you doing, this old man is about to run away with other women."

Su Ci glanced at it and said solemnly: "Sir, I said, I don't like her." She pursed her lips and said softly: "Sir, I only like me."

System: "..." Bah, old man, shameless.

He Shen sent the person away in a few words.

But I didn't expect that Su Ci would be hated by Li Huanyan, and in an exam, she framed the girl for cheating.

As soon as the news came out, Su Ci was said by the entire school.

Su Ci's grades are only in the upper-middle class, with little ups and downs every time. The possibility of cheating can be said to be very high.

Some people say that she has Mr. He, how could she cheat.

Some people also said contemptuously that Su Ci used such a clumsy method because he wanted to please Mr. He.

From start to finish, the girl only said one sentence: "I, I didn't cheat."

Within a few days, Li Huanyan was expelled from the school.

The woman seemed to be unable to believe what she was doing, so she showed her defeat, and when she saw Secretary Zhang, her face was ashamed.

Secretary Zhang looked at her and said: "He said, let you leave City S." He said with a little bit of sarcasm and a little pity: "If you can't afford to think of anything, you are also a student that the old man once sponsored. With this A resume, it’s going to go smoothly, but you can’t think of it, you want to touch Mr. He’s people."

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1107: Hug, sir【69】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1107: Hug, sir【69】
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Li Huanyan bit her lower lip, almost about to bite and bleed: "Why, why can she do it, I can't? How can I compare to that kid?"

Secretary Zhang: "You lost at the beginning, Mr. He didn't take you to heart at all."

But he just looked at the girl and hid the person in his heart.


The rumors in the school were suppressed, but still could not hold back some gossip in private.

Until the girl's name hung high in the first place in the grade, even if the math was a little worse, it would still be the second place.

Everyone was shocked!

Mr. He looked at the child and didn't seem surprised at all. He just touched her head and asked in a low voice, "Why did you deliberately take the exam before?"

Su Ci was found out of her little secret, so she didn't panic.

Looking at the gentleman in front of him, he stretched out his small hand, hugged the person, and said softly, "I don't want to pass the exam. That's great. Cici wants to be closer to the gentleman."

The big hand at the waist tightened slightly.

Mr. He's breath became heavy for a moment. After a while, he touched her face and said in a low voice, "Then why did you figure it out again?"

Su Ci raised long eyelashes and said seriously: "Ci Ci doesn't want to give it, sir, ashamed."

Mr. He hugged the person for a long time, and stuck to the ear and said: "The baby grows up quickly, Mr. can't wait."


Su Ci was taken to a nursing home by Mr. He and saw his mother.

Mr. He is very straightforward: "Mom, this is your daughter-in-law."

The girl followed behind the man and looked at the woman a little embarrassed.

Jiang Chunhua was still a little normal at this time. She looked at the girl and beckoned: "Child, come here and let me take a look."

Su Ci walked over and was held by the woman.

While touching her face, Jiang Chunhua said: "I look so good-looking, so beautiful, my son is promising, and I found such a good-looking daughter-in-law." Then he began to secretly take the hidden candy, and said with a smile: "Here is it." You give it to you."

The money jar sperm took the candy and said shyly, "Thank you...Mom."

Jiang Chunhua looked at the son nearby and said solemnly to the girl: "You are not allowed to give him sugar, do you know? You want to eat it alone. Last time I secretly hid it and was discovered by those people. Next Once I hide more, I can give you a lot."

He Shen: "........."

Su Ci learned later that Mr. He's mother divorced and left when he was very young. Their relationship was not good. Later, Jiang Chunhua became ill, and those people called him, and they took them to this nursing home.

Jiang Chunhua's condition is very unstable, but there is nothing serious about it. It’s just that every time I get sick, I’ll hit people in serious cases. If it is not serious, it will be unclear or nonsense.

Later, Mr. He came to see Jiang Chunhua with her once.

The woman stared at her for a long time, and said to He Shen on the side: "When did you have such a big daughter?" She said, while sighing: "When I left, you were only a tiny bit older. ..."

She gestured.

Su Ci saw Mr. He's face a little bad.

Then, when Jiang Chunhua was talking to the girl halfway through as happy as a child, he called the doctor up and said to her, "Mom, you should go to bed."

Su Ci blinked.

I always feel that Mr. He is deliberately retaliating.

Su Ci went to college and always worried that Mr. He would be lonely. She suggested to the other party whether to raise a dog.

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Home » The Strategy of Walkthrough TSOW » Chapter 1108: Hug, sir【70】
The Strategy of Walkthrough Chapter 1108: Hug, sir【70】
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This will be able to accompany Mr. He instead of her.

Because it is said on the Internet that when you get older, you will become easily sentimental. Su Ci doesn't know that her husband is not like this, she thinks her husband will be very happy too.

Then Qian Jing Zi Jing woke up the next day, not knowing where he angered Mr. He.

She was a little dazed to think, doesn't her husband like to keep dogs? What about keeping cats?

Su Ci pursed her lips, her face was awe-inspiring, thinking about this possibility seriously.

Mr. He is actually very jealous.

Su Ci has no shortage of boys to chase in college, even if she knows she has a boyfriend, she still wants to dig a corner.

One time when Mr. He came to see her, Su Ci was stopped by a boy, and the boy looked at her pitifully, almost begging.

The husband walked over, grabbed her hand, and said to the boy: "Introduce myself, I'm Cici's fiance."

Su Ci missed Mr. He very much. Mr. has been on a business trip for five days.

Regardless of the eyes of others, she stretched out her hand for a hug.

Mr. He held her steadily, while kissing her, while saying in his ear: "Why do I have so many rivals, eh? Baby, explain."

Su Ci was a little behaved, hugged Mr. He and kissed him, and said, "Sir, I miss you very much."

Mr. He told her with practical actions that night that he missed her very much.

Mr. He is very charming even at thirty. Even on the road, he will attract the attention of many people.

But Su Ci subconsciously took it to heart.

The husband has to pay attention to his body when he is getting old. Mr.'s stomach is not good, so he must take good care of him. Does the husband feel very lonely? I still have to raise a dog.

The money jar fine thought a little distressed.

Mr. He didn't notice it at first, until the girl told the servant at home and was discovered by him.

Mr. He smoked a cigarette.

He remained calm and did not express his emotions.

Qian Jingzijing took the wolfberry soaked in water, sat next to the man, and said softly: "This is delicious, sir, do you want to try it." Her beautiful wet eyes stared at Mr. He unblinkingly. , With a serious face: "Sweet, delicious."

Mr. He took the water glass, his eyes were deep, and he said meaningfully: "Did the baby misunderstand her husband? Or did her husband give you such an illusion."

Later, Mr. He proved by practical actions that he was not old at all, and it proved that he was not old at all for a few months.

Su Ci thought in a daze, she must have annoyed her husband again.

The money jar could not help but pursed his lips.

How would she coax Mr. Duck this time.

The husband has been angry for too long this time.

But I have used everything before, and Su Ci has no tricks either.

She had to get into Mr. He's arms, kissed him on the cheek, and said softly: "Mr., today, are you angry?"

Mr. He put his arm around her waist while reading the book.

Su Ci put a little face on it: "Sir, can you not be angry?" She said, "Sir, how can I be talented, not angry?"

Mr. He stretched out his hand and squeezed her face.

The eyes were as deep as the sea, and he whispered in the ears of Qian Jing Zi: "Give birth to a child for the husband."

Su Ci's cheeks are slightly red.


——Later, Mr. He thought.

What if he didn't go to the nursing home that day.

Maybe someday.

Mr. He glanced out of the window and saw the girl's figure inadvertently.

He will be as perverted as before.

Even more perverted.

I like the quick walkthrough strategy: the enchanting male god, super Su's! Please collect it: (mtlnovel.com) Quick Wear Guide: Enchanting God, Super Su's! The literature is updated the fastest.

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