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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(109)
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  And when Chi Xia returned to the room and talked to her with a smile, the awkwardness in the air was resolved with just a few words. She gently helped her apply hand cream.

  Song Wu thought, if Jing Ci liked someone like this, then everything seemed natural. She was so gentle and generous, even she couldn't help but like her.

  She was actually not a greedy person. When she first started acting, she thought that as long as she could act, it would be fine, no matter what role. Later, when she met Jing Ci, she did not have the determination to be with him, otherwise she would not have been afraid to express her feelings.

  Probably the thing she is most persistent about in her life is acting.

  This is how she comforted herself, but why did she still feel empty inside?

  On the day Chi Xia fainted from heatstroke, everyone in the program crew was in a panic, but Song Wu still noticed Jing Ci. Jing Ci, who was always indifferent and calm, probably didn't even notice how panicked his face was. Even bystanders could see his abnormality clearly.

  The hands he held around her were shaking, and he was completely confused.

  During the recording of the last episode, the program team invited Chi Xia and Jing Ci again. She noticed something the first time she saw them appear.

  Only when he was with Chi Xia did Jing Ci feel filled up. He looked at her with love in his eyes.

  And when he subconsciously held her in his arms, Song Wu felt that something had settled.

  That day she sat at the dinner table, listening to Jing Ci telling him about his past with Chi Xia, his eyes flashing with a delicate and gentle light.

  It turned out that they had met so long ago, it turned out that their past was so colorful, it turned out that when she was trying hard to become a better person, he had already met the best person.

  It turns out that for some people, once they show up, everything is a foregone conclusion.

  After she asked the question, she looked at Jing Ci's face and smiled softly. It seemed that she had let go of something unknown to anyone through this answer.

  "I wish you happiness."

  She also went to the premiere of "Chi Mu". Song Wu is not a person who cries easily, but she burst into tears at the end of the movie. The man next to her handed her a tissue and asked her what was wrong with her. Song Wu smiled and shook her head.

  "I just think it's so good." It's well filmed and well acted.

  She looked at the two people on the stage and recalled the scene three years ago that she couldn't get over.

  Finally, Jing Ci smoked a cigarette and looked at her on the screen together. She couldn't see the emotions in his eyes in the smoke and mist.

  "She's not pretending to be strong, nor is she trying to maintain her dignity. The moment she makes her choice, she has already abandoned all leeway and fantasy. She will cut off all her retreat routes and move forward firmly. So this issue is only something that bothers the bystanders. She will just find it funny when she hears it."

  He analyzed the characters' emotions with sighs in his eyes. At the end, a wry smile appeared on his lips and his eyes softened.

  Those who are moving forward are so determined, what should those who stay where they are and feel resentful do?

  She thought, he always had his answer.

  Whether it is worth it or not is a question that only bystanders worry about. Those involved have no choice but to follow their own heart.

  The author has something to say:

  I had fun writing this story, and I hope you enjoy reading it too.

  Finally, I would like to say that Chi Xia is the kind of handsome guy that I like very much.

  Chapter 56 Redemption 1

  A new student transferred to the senior department of No. 8 Middle School. A classmate passing by saw the head of the grade leading her into the principal's office, and the news spread throughout the building in an instant.

  Although high school life is heavy and depressing, it is not so bad that a freshman can stir up a ripple. The reason why it is so eye-catching is that according to eyewitnesses, the freshman wore a white shirt and a black pleated skirt, revealing slender and fair calves, and her shoulder-length straight hair was casually scattered, and the wind blew up her bangs, which was exquisite and beautiful even from the side.

  But when she followed the section chief to the classroom at the end of the corridor, everyone's enthusiasm was suddenly dampened.

  As we all know, No. 8 Middle School organizes classes according to academic performance, and Class 15 is the worst class in the entire grade.

  The people outside the door stopped arguing, but the people inside were in an uproar.

  Even in front of the stern section chief, there were still some arrogant boys who couldn't help but whistle, and then a burst of tacit laughter rang out.

  Regardless of the boys' teasing shouts or the section chief's serious and low-pitched warnings, the people on the podium turned a blind eye. She stood there calmly with her schoolbag in her arms, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

  "My name is Ye Cen."

  Her voice is soft and sweet, but because of the flat tone, it seems stiff and dull. Just like her, she is petite and delicate, but she exudes a cold and distant aura.

  Even so, some boys deliberately asked, "Which word?"

  When she heard this question, she didn't look at the person asking the question, nor did she explain out loud. Instead, she turned around, picked up the chalk, and neatly wrote her name on the blackboard.

  The two characters, written in a flamboyant style, are completely different from her appearance.

  A beautiful and contradictory person.

  After a brief introduction, the head teacher pointed out her seat to her. The only empty seat was next to the podium. She slowly walked towards her seat, ignoring all the inquiring and curious looks, but stopped at the table.

  The whole class's attention was subconsciously on her, and she turned around to look at the head teacher.

  “There are no chairs.”

  The head teacher then remembered, looked around, and pointed casually, "You can move that chair over there and use it first."

  The head teacher pointed to an empty seat in the corner of the last row.

  Before she could make a move, the boy at the next table had already stood up and diligently helped her move a chair from the corner. He was the most active and funny boy in the class. When he put down the chair, he pretended to be enthusiastic and asked her to sit down, just like a waiter in a store. Not only classmates but also teachers could not help but laugh at him.

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Previous article: Paper Wedding_Wang Ruo【Complete】Next article: Puppy gives you a hug_Cooking Puppy [End]
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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(110)
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  "Chen Yize, your smile is too flattering."

  Someone complained loudly and directly, but the person being disliked didn't care at all, and even grinned wider. Just as he was about to retort, he heard a girl's voice.


  Chen Yize raised his head and was about to say you're welcome, but when he saw the smile on her lips, he couldn't say a joke all of a sudden. Before he could react, the girl stopped smiling and sat down silently.

  He scratched his head and just sat back in his seat when he was elbowed by the classmate next to him. He groaned but did not go back to play like usual, as if he had not yet recovered from the stunning glimpse he had just had.

  He couldn't help but look at the figure in the front. There was so much hustle and bustle behind her, but she remained unfocused. She sat there quietly, invisibly separating herself from everyone behind her.

  Luo Che, who was always late and left early, naturally didn't know about this not-so-small episode.

  When he arrived, it was class time. The teacher was writing furiously in front of the blackboard and most of the students were drowsy. He did not disturb anyone and quietly entered the room through the back door and walked towards his seat. However, when he arrived at his destination, he found that his chair was missing.

  This unexpected incident ruined his plan to sit down and sleep, and he fell silent for a moment.

  The teacher, who had just finished writing the answers, turned around and saw a tall man standing at the back of the classroom, looking unconcerned about being late. He suddenly became angry and the chalk in his hand flew over.

  "Luo Che! You might as well not come!"

  The chalk fell at his feet. Luo Che put his hands in his pockets and looked at the podium indifferently. What he saw was not only the furious teacher, the classmates who turned their heads in unison, but also a strange gaze.

  He captured that special presence almost at that moment.

  Okay, he knew why his seat had disappeared on its own.

  The unfamiliar face was sitting next to the podium, looking over with her head half tilted. As a newcomer, she showed a hint of curiosity and surprise on her face, unlike the usual attitude of watching a show by others.

  Luo Che frowned inaudibly. In the teacher's eyes, such an expression was undoubtedly a provocation to him. His scolding became more and more harsh, but the person being scolded seemed not to hear it.

  He turned and left without hesitation.

  The voice on the platform stopped abruptly, and the teacher was furious. "Where are you going? Are you not attending the class? I have something to say to you..."

  "Get a chair."

  Luo Che said this and disappeared out the back door, leaving everyone behind.

  Even after he left, the teacher did not forget to use his negative example to give earnest instructions. Unfortunately, the whole class was too lazy to even give a perfunctory lecture, and more than 40 people listened less attentively than the new student.

  But the girl he thought was concentrating actually had an interested smile in her eyes.

  When Luo Che got the chair from the General Affairs Office and returned to the classroom, the teacher on the podium had been replaced. When that teacher saw the figure carrying the chair and swaggering from the back door, he did not pause at all, as if this person did not exist.

  Naturally, he didn't care. He moved the chair behind the table, sat down, and then stretched his body on the table and fell asleep comfortably.

  During the break, Ye Cen walked past his desk and could only see his messy back of the head. His seat was in the last row, with a large gap between him and the front row. The classroom was noisy with people talking and playing, but no one approached this corner.

  Luo Che slept soundly. When he woke up, it was already noon. Most people in the classroom had left, and only a few were still packing up. He stretched, and the sound of conversation not far away became quieter.

  He didn't care about those secretive looks, he stood up and walked towards the door. As soon as he walked out of the classroom, he saw someone walking not far away. Her steps were slow and light, and she also saw him.

  She walked slowly and he walked with big strides, and they passed each other.

  In the afternoon, Luo Che came late again. When he arrived at the classroom, the teacher had already distributed the weekly test papers. Everyone was working hard on them. After he sat down, he wrote his name as usual, then pushed the paper away and continued to sleep in the scent of ink.

  The teacher didn't even stop when she passed by his seat, and she ignored him. She walked to the girl who hadn't started writing yet, leaned over and said considerately, "There is a fixed test every Wednesday afternoon. You don't have to write on your first day. Just take a look at the questions first."

  Ye Cen, who was flipping through the papers, nodded obediently when he heard this.

  But when the teacher came back after walking around, he found that she had picked up the pen again. The teacher stayed beside her curiously, wanting to know about the learning situation of this transfer student, but the more he looked at her, the more surprised his expression became.

  Ye Cen was not disturbed by the gazes from the side and never stopped writing.

  Finally, the teacher couldn't help but ask, "You, are you doing well in school?"

  The girl's pen finally stopped. She looked up at the teacher, shook her head, and then continued writing.

  The teacher was still puzzled. Logically speaking, if her grades were really that good, she shouldn't be in this class. But if they were not, almost all the answers she saw were correct.

  Ye Cen started writing late, and by the time she finished the test paper, the time was up. When the papers at the back were stacked one on top of the other and passed to her, she saw the white test paper on the top at a glance.

  On the entire paper, there was only the name column with the two words "Luo Che" written in a flowing style.

  She stacked her paper on top of his and handed it to the teacher.

  After all, it was a normal weekly exercise and it was mathematics. The results came out one after another before the evening self-study class was over.

  Luo Che, who had pried open the evening self-study class, found that he had forgotten to take his key, so he returned to school. At this time, the evening self-study class had ended, but many students would stay to continue studying spontaneously. Of course, the further he walked into the classroom, the fewer people there were.

  When he arrived in front of Class 15's classroom, Luo Che saw the head teacher's back.

  Opposite him was the new student who arrived today.

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Previous article: Paper Wedding_Wang Ruo【Complete】Next article: Puppy gives you a hug_Cooking Puppy [End]
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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (111)
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  The girl was listening quietly to the head teacher. When she saw him appear in the corridor, her eyes flashed, but she didn't say anything and just looked at him from a distance.

  The head teacher noticed that Ye Cen's attention was behind him, and he turned his head sharply, but saw only an empty corridor. He turned back in confusion.

  But he found that Ye Cen was looking at him quietly, and seemed a little puzzled by his sudden turn of head.

  "Did you hear what I just said?"

  Ye Cen nodded honestly, his eyes much brighter than before.

  Luo Che, who had already entered the classroom, walked to his seat, bent down and searched for the key in the drawer. When he saw the test paper on the table without any traces of corrections, his hand found the target.

  He stood up straight without any concern and walked out of the classroom.

  Luo Che didn't even glance in that direction, he just walked straight through the corridor and trotted down the stairs, so he couldn't see that when he walked out of the classroom, Ye Cen's eyes fell on him with a slight smile.

  But when the head teacher noticed her absent-mindedness again and wanted to look back with a frown, she retracted her gaze and spoke first.

  "Teacher, I think what you said makes sense. Thank you for your advice, but regarding the shift change, I think we should leave it at that."

  Her tone was gentle and polite, but her words implied that there was no room for negotiation.

  "It's getting late. I'm going back first."

  Ye Cen left after he finished speaking. Looking down from the building, he could just see the figure running in the night. He had long legs and took big steps, and soon he ran out of the school gate.

  The author has something to say:

  I found out that I really like two-character names.

  (I have a headache today so I'm a little late. If I don't update by 6, then it will be by 9. If I don't update, I'll ask for leave~)

  Chapter 57 Redemption 2

  Although Luo Che didn't care at all about the new student in the class.

  But he still noticed the girl.

  Just because he found that she seemed to live near his home. There was a bus stop in that community. Every morning, when the mist had not yet dissipated, he would drive his electric car past the bus stop and see her standing there quietly. Her eyes fell on the street without limit, and occasionally fell on him. Her eyes followed him, and he passed in front of her. From the rearview mirror, he could see her retracting her gaze and looking elsewhere.

  Sometimes he was waiting at the traffic light, bored and in a daze, and there happened to be a bus waiting next to him. Occasionally, he looked up and saw her sitting in the window seat of the bus. Their eyes met, both of them had calm expressions, and then they turned their heads away silently at the same time.

  The green light came on and he drove through first.

  But no matter how early or late they met, Ye Cen always arrived at school first, and it would be after who knows how many class bells had rung that that figure finally arrived.

  As for the evening, they never met because Luo Che skipped almost every evening study session.

  Only that day, he stayed in school from morning till night for the first time. Although he slept a lot, at least he did not skip classes. When he woke up slowly, the classroom was empty, with only the pale light to keep him company.

  The last person to leave left the door ajar and left the light on for him.

  He stared at the empty classroom with an unfocused gaze. After a long while, he got up and left. It was not yet time to turn off the lights and lock the classrooms. There were still some scattered people in other classrooms. Only Class 15 would leave so cleanly.

  He walked out of the school gate slowly. He arrived late in the morning and the parking spaces for electric vehicles were usually full, so he parked directly in the alley next to the school.

  The stalls outside the school have begun to close, and the empty and quiet streets are filled with the sounds of pedestrians and cars passing by and fragmented conversations.

  Because it is so quiet, the movement around the corner seems a bit conspicuous.

  Boys gathered in twos and threes in that corner, and greasy and disgusting laughter could be heard faintly. They looked like a group of hooligans who came from nowhere and seemed to be harassing someone.

  "Sister, why are you leaving school so late? Why don't you let your brothers take you home?"

  "It's so unsafe to take the bus at this time. Don't worry, we are all good people."


  But the center of the crowd did not make any sound.

  Luo Che walked around the corner and glanced at that place inadvertently, but unexpectedly saw a pair of familiar eyes through the gap in the crowd.

  is her.

  She was holding a few books in her arms and was pushed into the corner in a defensive posture. Her usually calm eyes now showed a bit of fear and uneasiness. She pursed her lips and said nothing.

  Luo Che's feet paused subconsciously.

  She immediately noticed his presence not far away, and before Luo Che could see the emotion that flashed across her eyes, he had already heard her clear voice.

  "Luo Che."

  She called his name, and although there was no expression on her face, Luo Che inexplicably felt that she seemed to be smiling.

  After seeing him, she seemed to relax immediately. Across the distance and the crowd, she looked at him as if no one was around, "You're awake."

  Luo Che did not answer, but looked at the group of people who turned around.

  That sound just now attracted the four boys to look over, and they saw Luo Che with his hands in his pockets, looking at them indifferently.

  Luo Che didn't say anything, but just stood there expressionlessly. When these people turned around, he realized that they were familiar faces.

  Obviously they recognized him as well. If the name the girl called just now still made them feel hopeful, now that they found out that the person was indeed Luo Che, the four of them looked at each other with hesitation.

  Even if they were small hooligans, they would look at the person they were dealing with. They knew that this girl was a new transfer student from No. 8 Middle School and usually went to and from school alone, so they dared to block her at the entrance of the alley.

  But why does it seem like she and Luo Che are friends?

  Seeing their eye contact, as if they were still unwilling to just leave like that, Luo Che's eyes began to become impatient and his brows furrowed. This time, before he could say anything, the four people finally tactfully dispersed.

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Previous article: Paper Wedding_Wang Ruo【Complete】Next article: Puppy gives you a hug_Cooking Puppy [End]
Similar romance novels recommended:
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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (112)
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  After they disappeared at the end of the alley, Luo Che's eyes fell on the person who was slowly walking towards him.


  Hearing her words of thanks, Luo Che remained indifferent. He did not look at her again, and turned around to leave like an irrelevant passerby.

  "Luo Che." Her voice came from behind, "Do you remember me?"

  Luo Che continued walking forward. What kind of problem was this? Even if he was indifferent to everything in school, he could still remember the faces he saw every day.

  He kept walking, but the footsteps behind him began to speed up. She trotted up to him and reached out to stop him.

  "I wanted to wait for you to wake up, but I was afraid of missing the last bus, so I left first. Just now I was wondering if you would sleep until tomorrow morning, and then I would see you."

  Luo Che listened to her in silence. Her tone was familiar, as if she was talking to a friend. He felt puzzled, but he didn't care at all. He didn't care how she knew his name, nor did he care that she called him to drive away the harassment, and he didn't care where her trust and intimacy came from.

  He listened to her, nodded, and was about to walk around her.

  But the girl in front of him was not afraid of his cold face at all, and stubbornly stopped him again.

  "So, Luo Che, you still don't remember me?"

  It was not until this moment that Luo Che looked seriously at the girl in front of him. She had already withdrawn her hand that was blocking him, and was looking at him quietly with her hands holding the book.

  Although she said that, her eyes returned to their usual calmness.

  Facing his gaze, there was no dodging.

  He seemed to remember something.

  "That day, you were upstairs."

  Luo Che didn't speak for a long time, his voice was low and hoarse, with a heavy and rough feeling.

  She raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "It's me."

  Luo Che then realized where the subtle emotions that aroused his emotions the moment he saw her on her first day in Class 15 came from.

  After all, there aren't many good memories about that day.

  At that time, he had just been through a fight. Although he won, he also suffered a lot of scars. Before he could rest, he ran into people who came to collect debts. He could only flee into the alley in a panic, and finally climbed over the wall and hid in the backyard of a house.

  He was being chased all the way and was only focused on moving forward. He had long forgotten the way. When he jumped into the yard and heard the cursing of the crowd outside the wall getting farther and farther away, he had time to take a deep breath and observe where he was running to.

  This was not a street he was familiar with, but more like an old urban area, otherwise there would not be a bungalow with a backyard. There were several willow trees planted in the backyard, and in addition to a clothesline, there were two swings on the open space. In the distance, there seemed to be a fenced-off area with something planted there.

  Looking around, one can only feel comfortable and at ease. He sat down slowly against the wall. As his mind relaxed, the pain in his body was transmitted to his brain nerves. He took a breath and rubbed the bruise on his chest skillfully.

  Then, he smelled a strong and pungent smell of Chinese medicine.

  He subconsciously looked for the source of the medicinal fragrance, his eyes falling from the wisps of smoke to the window.

  There is a white carved window on the brick-yellow wall. The sunlight shines through the delicate carvings and refracts on the ground to form a silhouette. There seems to be a fan turning in the room, and the sky blue curtains rise and fall from time to time.

  Luo Che looked at the clear blue, and the pain all over his body seemed to become vague. The afternoon wind was hot, and he sat in the shade. He felt that in such good weather, he should have a good sleep.

  He just sat quietly on the floor leaning against the wall until he heard voices in the room and came back to his senses.

  The little girl living in the room seemed to have just woken up and was mumbling something, which attracted her sister. Only faint footsteps were heard, the door creaked open, and then a gentle female voice was heard.

  The elder sister seemed to be persuading the girl to take the medicine, but the child thought it was bitter and insisted that her sister get some candy before she would drink it. The elder sister looked helpless but still walked out the door. Before leaving, she seemed to put the medicine bowl in front of the window to let it get some fresh air.

  When Luo Che saw the white bowl, he noticed that there were many small paper toys placed by the window, including paper cranes, paper boats, paper flowers, and stars...

  A breeze blew by, and he watched the paper flower, which was already half exposed, spinning around and then falling down.

  Luo Che stared at the white spot on the green for a long time.

  Then he slowly stood up with the help of the wall, walked to the window little by little, and bent down, but the next second, his hand stopped in mid-air.

  In addition to the color of dust, there was also blood stains from some unknown wound on the broad hands. After a period of time, the blood solidified and merged with the dust, and the hands with distinct joints now looked dirty and messy.

  His messy hair covered his eyebrows and eyes, so no one could see the emotions in his eyes. They only saw him wiping his hands vigorously on the only relatively clean place on his body for a few times, and then he carefully picked up the root of the paper flower and put it back to its original position.

  Perhaps the action of stretching out his hand touched the wound, and although he tried to hold it back, he couldn't help but let out a few muffled coughs.

  The little girl in the room heard the noise and stood up from the bed, then saw the dirty stranger in front of her window and screamed subconsciously.

  Luo Che raised his eyes and saw the surprise on the child's face. He heard the footsteps approaching, loosened his grip on the rhizome, and immediately turned and left.

  "What's wrong, Xiaoyi?"

  "One of the brothers seems to be injured."

  The girl's sister opened the window and saw the disheveled figure. Just as she was about to speak, the man had already nimbly climbed over the wall.

  Luo Che had just climbed over the wall and staggered before he managed to steady himself. After he got out of the yard, he dared to cough violently a few times to cough out the blood.

  Then he turned around, trying to see clearly which family this was, but unexpectedly he met a pair of eyes high up. She was standing at the window on the second floor, staring at him for an unknown amount of time.

  Due to the distance, Luo Che couldn't see her face clearly, he could only notice those silent eyes.

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Similar romance novels recommended:
The Demon Concubine Died After 100 Days_Ci Zhongzi【Complete】
Pick up a bunch of heartache_Lou Caining [Complete]
Onmyoji's daily life in metaphysics [rebirth]_Power-off Pikachu [Complete]
Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(113)
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  Now she was standing in front of him, less than three steps away. He could see clearly that her pupils were dark, like stones that could not be warmed up.

  But now, this cold stone seems to have emotions.

  There was a smile in her eyes, "I saw it, Luo Che."

  Luo Che didn't say anything for a while, but his expression became more and more indifferent. So, from the time he was fighting outside the yard, then being chased, climbing over the wall and jumping in in a panic, to the time he left in a hurry, she had been watching all the time?

  But the next second, his ferocious eyes froze.

  "That's why I called you, Luo Che, because I know you are a very good person."

  She saw it, saw him, with a face full of violence and indifference, wipe the blood off his hands, carefully pick up a paper flower and gently put it back in front of the window.

  For a person like this, he would not stand idly by even if she didn't call him out.

  The author has something to say:

  Stick to the title, friends.

  I have agreed with the editor that I will start v-ing tomorrow, and there will be three updates by then! If you like it, please support it, refills!

  Chapter 58 Redemption 3 (Update 1)

  Although it is strictly forbidden to make the ranking of scores public, they are always circulated privately.

  Usually when the ranking list was passed to Luo Che, he would just throw it to the next table, but this time he took a closer look at it when he got it.

  Then he looked at the thin figure next to the podium.

  She was wearing the blue and white school uniform of No. 8 Middle School. Maybe it was because the uniform didn't fit her well or because she was too thin, but the loose uniform looked empty on her.

  The classmate behind her poked her on the back, then showed her the test paper as she turned around, as if asking her some questions. Luo Che looked at her, glanced at the questions on the test paper, and then turned back.

  Are you so disrespectful?

  Just as this thought flashed through his mind, he saw her turn back and hand over her test paper. When she lowered her head, her hair unconsciously fell from her ears, covering her calm eyebrows.

  She didn't have the patience to explain carefully, so she just asked the man to look at the solution steps on her paper.

  Luo Che looked at that cool and clean profile, and her voice from that night rang in his ears.

  "Luo Che, my name is Ye Cen."

  When she called his name, there was an inexplicable familiarity in her, as if she had called it countless times.

  "Luo Che, look, you're such a good fighter, and my grades are so good, why don't we make a deal? You protect me, and I'll help you improve your grades."

  Luo Che looked down at Ye Cen's name on the ranking row and raised his eyebrows.

  From beginning to end, he only remembered two sentences: her name is Ye Cen and she has good grades.

  But she forgot to say that she was actually very beautiful.

  She was so beautiful that even though she had a cold face and a perfunctory and cold attitude, many people gathered around her, which led to the long-planned harassment that night.

  But, she also said something wrong.

  He was not as warm and kind as she thought, let alone a good person. So when he heard the deal she proposed, Luo Che looked indifferent, left her alone and walked away.

  "Not interested in."

  He had no interest in playing such a boring game with her.

  "It's written in great detail, just take a look." Ye Cen's expression was indifferent, and he didn't add a sentence like "If you still don't understand, just ask me."

  She doesn't like to be disturbed.

  Apparently, so did someone.

  When Ye Cen finished speaking and glanced sideways at the end, Luo Che had already retracted his gaze, passed the paper in his hand to the table next to him, and lay down again.

  They did not become closer because of that night. Instead, they became more estranged after Ye Cen's somewhat abrupt proposal. Specifically, when Luo Che drove past the bus stop later, he never looked away.

  He is a person with many edges and corners, and it is difficult to approach him.

  Ye Cen thought so, but the moment he turned around, he curled the corners of his mouth.

  System: Shouldn’t you find this difficult?

  She lowered her head and checked the answers, her bangs hiding the indifference in her eyes.

  How could it be? She was even more interested because of this. Because, the colder and harder the person is, the more passionate and soft they become after letting down their guard. Once people like them make up their minds, they will be extremely firm and stubborn.

  It’s just that the original Ye Cen didn’t dare to get close, so she didn’t know.

  Having been rejected directly, Ye Cen never looked for Luo Che again. Luo Che, who was absent from evening self-study as usual, naturally had no idea whether that group of hooligans were still pestering Ye Cen.

  Like he said, he had no interest and didn't care.

  But one day he drove past the street numbly, but did not see the figure waiting at the bus stop, and then he did not see her for three consecutive days.

  It seemed like she hadn't been to school for a week. After noticing this, even Luo Che, who was indifferent to everything, couldn't help but feel a little weird.

  No one cared much about Ye Cen's whereabouts. After all, she had only been in this class for a month, and she had not gotten close to anyone during this month.

  She always sat quietly in her seat, either reading or doing homework. When her classmates approached her, her attitude was always indifferent, so naturally no one would be tactless enough to talk to her.

  She appeared suddenly, and disappeared inexplicably. Apart from the occasional doubts raised by someone during a small talk, most of the time, it seemed that Class 15 never had a new transfer student.

  It was not until the class went to buy practice materials collectively that the study committee member walked towards the head teacher hesitantly with the list.

  "Teacher, then Ye Cen..."

  "Just remember, she's on leave."

  The man sleeping in the last row changed his posture lazily, glanced calmly at the table in the front that was already piled with papers, and slowly closed his eyes.

  The senior students of No. 8 Middle School usually only have a half-day holiday, and they have to go to school for self-study on Sunday afternoons. However, less than half of the students in Class 15 actually arrived, and Luo Che was naturally not among them.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (114)
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  The weather in late summer is always changeable. It may be sunny at noon, but it may suddenly rain heavily in the afternoon.

  Luo Che had just loaded the goods on the car. At first he insisted on moving forward in the rain, but later he couldn't stand the heavy rain anymore, so he had to stop the car and hide in a convenience store on the street.

  He walked into the convenience store and bought a pack of snacks at the checkout counter, then walked out and stood outside the store shaking his wet hair.

  He leaned against the wall, staring solemnly at the heavy rain in front of him, not caring about his wet trouser legs. After a long time, when the rain gradually subsided, he lowered his head and lit a fire.

  Then, he heard a somewhat familiar voice.

  "Sister, it seems the rain has slowed down a bit."


  The street was narrow and muddy. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a child who had just stepped out of the bookstore opposite and was leaning his head to look at the rain outside.

  It’s the little girl named Xiaoyi.

  The girl who came out behind her should be her sister, the person whose voice he only heard but whose face he never saw in the room that day.

  She was wearing a white cotton dress, with her long hair loosely tied into a bun. He couldn't see her face clearly, but he could feel the gentle aura around her.

  She reached out to feel the strength of the rain, then pulled out an umbrella from the canvas bag she was carrying.

  "It seems a little smaller, so let's go back, Grandpa is still waiting at home." She opened the umbrella and took the girl's hand, "Xiaoyi, stay closer to your sister, and remember to watch your step on the road."

  Her tone was gentle and the umbrella was tilted towards the girl.

  As the rain got lighter, many people who were watching stopped hiding and continued to walk. His eyes subconsciously followed them as they walked toward the street, merged into the crowd, crossed the traffic lights, and...

  His eyes froze. The two figures had disappeared around the corner, but he seemed to have forgotten his original purpose.

  Just because he saw a pair of eyes. Those eyes were cold and damp, without a trace of warmth, just looking at him quietly.

  When I saw her, the world seemed to be muted.

  They looked at each other across the crowd, their figures were looming, the rain was drizzling, but their eyes were equally calm and indifferent.

  It was Ye Cen, the man who had disappeared for a while and appeared out of nowhere again.

  Then, both of them looked away at the same time, she turned and left, he lowered his head to smoke, and at that moment, the sound of crowds and rain flooded into his ears.

  It seemed as if the silence just now was just an illusion.

  The cigarette in his hand had been mostly burned out just now. Luo Che took a few deep breaths and exhaled a cloud of smoke. Then, a pair of white shoes appeared in his lowered sight.

  The toes of the shoes were wet from the rain, taking on a dark grey hue, and the white shoes were mottled and covered with mud stains splashed from walking.

  Luo Che raised his head and saw Ye Cen standing in front of him holding a large black umbrella. When he looked at him, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

  She said softly, "Long time no see, Luo Che."

  He didn't know if it was his illusion, but after not seeing her for a long time, her face seemed a little paler. She was shrouded in a large black umbrella, and because she was looking down at him, her tired eyes were half-closed, making her look even colder.

  Luo Che stood up straight, put out the cigarette between his fingertips, and threw it into the trash can next to him.

  Another hand stopped him.

  Since they met, she always seemed to be stopping him, and he always seemed to be rejecting her.

  When she realized that he was about to leave, Ye Cen stretched out her hand and shook the blue raincoat in her hand.

  "The rain hasn't stopped yet, wear your raincoat."

  Luo Che raised his eyes slightly and looked at her silently. So she had just left to buy a raincoat.

  During the time when Ye Cen disappeared, Luo Che would only pay some attention to her when he passed by the bus stop. When he was bored, he even thought that it couldn't be because he rejected her too ruthlessly that she was so angry that she left.

  This speculation was groundless and outrageous, and he threw it out of his mind as soon as the thought flashed through his mind.

  Now that he was looking at her in front of him, he felt that the idea was even more ridiculous. She was not the kind of person who would give up just because of someone else's words.

  Even though his refusal to cooperate was obvious, she still stubbornly stretched out her hand.

  "Luo Che, being sick will be very uncomfortable."

  Ye Cen looked up at him, her voice gentle, and after she finished speaking, her lips formed a straight line, revealing her stubbornness. It was a long time before Luo Che understood the emotion in her eyes.

  At this time, Luo Che just moved his lips slightly, "No need."

  He walked around her and went to the electric bike, ignoring the seat that was wet from the rain, and sat on it with one leg crossed. The moment the electric bike started, he turned his head back for some reason.

  Seeing Ye Cen standing there quietly, he put down his outstretched hand.

  She didn't stop him again. She saw him turn his head and blink slowly, then watched the car disappear in the rain.

  The author has something to say:

  Crab crab babies ~ love you ~

  Chapter 59: Redemption 4 (Part 2)

  It was the first time that Luo Che realized that retribution came so quickly.

  The next day, he walked into the classroom, rubbing his heavy head, and felt weak in his hands and feet. He was not prone to catching colds and getting sick, but this time, he didn't know why, just getting caught in the rain, his nose was blocked all night.

  This made him think of what Ye Cen said yesterday. Being sick was indeed a very uncomfortable thing. Just as he was thinking about it, he found that someone had changed the seat in front of him.

  Ye Cen noticed his gaze and turned his head away.

  "He said he couldn't see the blackboard clearly, so I switched seats with him."

  Luo Che looked in the direction she pointed and saw the boy wearing glasses sitting next to the podium. Was this the guy sitting in the original seat? He had no impression.

  Then he withdrew his gaze and sat down without comment.

  It was just because his nose was blocked that he couldn't fall asleep no matter what position he was in. Finally, he could only open his eyes helplessly, and then he saw the back of the person sitting right in front of him.

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Similar romance novels recommended:
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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (115)
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  Ye Cen pulled the chair forward, her whole back pressed against it. Although there was a large open space, she only occupied a small space. She supported her head with one hand and held a pen with the other. She sometimes looked at the blackboard to listen to the class, and sometimes lowered her head to write.

  Apart from occasionally moving her hand to write, Ye Cen did not make any extra movements. She sat there honestly and quietly.

  Luo Che became distracted as he watched her, and it was not until the bell rang that he suddenly came back to his senses and found that he had been staring at her for the entire class. What was even more amazing was that the person in front of him had also been listening attentively for the entire class.

  No wonder her grades are so good. Not only is she among the top students in Class 15, she is also on par with other students in key classes.

  Why would such a person be sitting in this classroom?

  His brain seemed to become dull after he became ill, otherwise he would not have the leisure to think about such things, nor would he be so bored as to stare in a daze at the back in front of him.

  Luo Che pressed his temple again and sniffed.

  Then he saw the figure in front of him turn around.

  Ye Cen looked at him seriously: "Are you catching a cold?"

  Her expression was calm and her tone was uneventful, but when he heard her words, the veins on Luo Che's forehead couldn't help but tremble. It was hard for him not to think about the fact that he rejected her kindness yesterday.

  Although Luo Che didn't say anything, Ye Cen could still see his consent.

  She turned around and rummaged through her schoolbag. Amid the rustling sounds, Luo Che watched her take out a large bag of medicine bottles, then took out a box of pills and placed them on his desk.

  "For treating colds, take two tablets at a time, three times a day."

  How could someone bring a big bag of medicine to school every day? What does this mean? It's a foresight or a long-term plan.

  Luo Che felt that his head seemed to hurt a little more.

  Seeing that he was just looking at the box of medicine in silence, Ye Cen reached out and pushed the pills in front of him again.

  "Ten yuan a box." She paused, "Cash, WeChat or Alipay?"

  Well, it could also be for business opportunities.

  But it was fine this way. He was too lazy to run to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Luo Che looked up at her and said, "WeChat."

  "Sure, but I didn't bring my phone. I'll owe you for now."

  Luo Che paused while digging into his pocket and looked at Ye Cen who looked very righteous. It had been a long time since he, a taciturn man, felt so speechless.

  "Which serious student would bring a cell phone to school?" Ye Cen added.

  Luo Che, who was putting the phone he had taken out halfway back into his pocket, looked at Ye Cen silently. Although there was still no expression on her face, he still felt inexplicably certain that she was taking revenge.

  After all, he was the one who turned a blind eye to other people's kindness. He lowered his eyes, silently picked up the medicine box and opened it directly.

  Ye Cen looked around his desk and found that he didn't have a water cup. He subconsciously wanted to speak, but found that he had already taken out two pills and swallowed them without hesitation.

  This guy. Ye Cen looked at his indifferent face and sighed softly in his heart.

  "Luo Che, next time you should chew it up and swallow it, the effect of the medicine will be very slow this way."

  Luo Che was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect her to say that, but he didn't say anything. He just whispered thank you and lay down again.

  Ye Cen also turned around silently and did not turn back.

  Although the drug was slow to take effect, it still worked. Luo Che slept soundly in the second half. When he woke up, the classroom was empty again. It had been a long time since the noon break.

  He slowly sat up and saw a bottle of mineral water on his desk.

  He looked at the bottle of water for a while, then reached out and took it and the box of medicine away.

  When Ye Cen arrived at the classroom in the afternoon, he saw a ten-yuan note and two one-yuan coins under the book on his desk.

  "Ah Che, it's time to go off work."

  The restaurant in the town was not far from the No. 8 Middle School, just on another adjacent street. As the pointer pointed to ten o'clock, someone in the kitchen patted Luo Che on the shoulder and told him that he could leave.

  Luo Che nodded, then reached into his pocket for the key, but again found nothing.

  Perhaps because of his illness, he had been feeling listless all day and had been busy in the kitchen all night, so he felt even more tired now. Thinking about having to go back to school to get the key, his face became even more gloomy.

  But when he walked out of the back door of the restaurant, he saw a figure that shouldn't be here.

  Ye Cen stood quietly under the street light, holding a book in her hand. The light was dim, but she was reading seriously. She only looked up when she heard footsteps.

  She was enveloped by the light yellow halo, and her whole body was shrouded in a hazy light and shadow, and the glance she gave seemed to be tinged with warmth. Luo Che, who was already slow to react, was stunned, silently watching her walk towards him from the light, and into the silent darkness.

  Seeing him, Ye Cen stuffed the book into his schoolbag and walked towards him. When he got to him, he reached into his schoolbag and took out a bunch of keys.

  "When I was cleaning today, I accidentally bumped into your desk and the key fell out of the drawer. I thought it would be troublesome for you to run back to get it after get off work, especially since you were sick, so I just brought it to you."

  Luo Che had a blank expression on his face and was silent for a long time before he reached out and took the key.

  Ye Cen took out a thermos cup from his bag and said, "It contains Chinese medicine. You can drink it when you are on duty at night. Otherwise, you will not be able to handle the illness and stay up all night."

  Having said this, Luo Che had no way of remaining silent any longer.

  "Ye Cen." He called out her name for the first time, his voice hoarse and heavy, "Do we know each other?"

  After school every afternoon, Luo Che would come to the restaurant's kitchen to help out. The restaurant's business was busiest at night and they were most short of staff, so they hired him as a temporary helper. At 10 o'clock, after he got off work at the restaurant, he would rush to the 24-hour convenience store near his home to work the night shift, which would end at 4 o'clock in the morning, and he would go home to take a shower and rest.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (116)
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  So he always slept during the day at school and never seemed to get enough sleep.

  But why does Ye Cen know all this so clearly?

  His face was hidden in the shadows. Ye Cen looked into those dark and serious black eyes with a hint of smile on her lips, but although she was smiling, her tone was filled with a hint of disappointment.

  "Luo Che, you still don't remember me."

  This was the nth time she had said this. Seeing her stubbornness about this matter, Luo Che finally began to doubt his own memory. So, did he forget something?

  "I also came here last year, probably during the summer vacation."

  "In fact, it wasn't just last year. My grandparents live in this town, so I would come here occasionally during holidays. It's just that they don't live in this neighborhood, so I've never met you. Until last year..." She paused, "Something happened to me at that time, and I was in a bad mood, so I stayed here for a long time. One night I came out to relax, walking on the road alone, walking for a long time and a long way, and then I lost my way."

  She seemed to remember the scene that night, her breathing became rapid, and she subconsciously clutched the clothes on her chest, but Luo Che always looked at her calmly and attentively. In such a look that seemed to contain everything, she slowly calmed her heartbeat.

  "It was an unfamiliar dark alley. I was halfway there when I realized someone was following me. It seemed like he had been following me for a long time, but I hadn't noticed. I started to feel scared, but I kept walking deeper and deeper. Then, I heard quickening footsteps behind me..."

  This town is quiet and peaceful, but it is not absolutely safe. Even the most gentle places can breed malice, as long as there are people who nourish it.

  At that time, she was completely desperate and just wanted to find a place to escape for a short time. She was always like this. The first moment something happened, she would always choose to escape.

  She thought her life would not be more devastated than it was now, and she thought it would not matter if she died at this moment. But God always likes to increase the odds when people are desperate, and she found that there is always the possibility of being more desperate than the current devastation.

  When she was walking aimlessly on the unfamiliar path, when she suddenly realized that the figure behind her had been following her silently for a long time and was gradually approaching her, her first reaction was to feel ridiculous, ridiculous that such a farce could be even worse, and then came endless panic.

  After all, she was still afraid of death, and it turned out that there were things in this world that were more difficult to accept than death.

  She subconsciously quickened her pace, and at the same time the footsteps behind her also quickened. This was a strange and quiet path with no one around. She panicked and almost thought that she could not escape the trick of fate. She couldn't help but feel desperate.

  Suddenly, there was the roar of a motorcycle on the path, and a bright light shone on her. She turned around and saw the wretched and frightened figure, and the only source of light.

  "Then, I saw you. Although it may sound exaggerated, at that moment, I really thought I saw the light."

  He should be just a passer-by. In the dazzling light, she saw those indifferent eyes. She was stunned and didn't have time to say anything. He had stopped in front of her. But his expressionless face didn't look like a trustworthy face. She felt confused at the moment and couldn't tell which was the desperate situation.

  But the next second, she saw him turn the front of the motorcycle and point the headlight directly at the man behind her, with an undisguised warning and fierceness in his eyes. She didn't look back, but she could feel the footsteps behind her pause, and they were in a silent confrontation.

  Only then did she react and hurriedly walked past him in the bright light. She could only hear him whisper a few words as she passed by him. When she walked onto the wide avenue and turned around, the man with the obscene behavior had already left in embarrassment, and she only saw his back as he rode away on his bike.

  She was so flustered that she didn't even have time to say thank you to him.

  Luo Che listened quietly to her telling the story, but even though she told it so clearly, he still had no impression of it.

  The person in front of him looked at him intently and seriously, his slightly moist eyes seemed to be glowing. Being stared at like that, he felt awkward and at a loss for a rare moment. He moved his lips but didn't know what to say.

  In the end, he could only clench the key in his hand, feeling its hardness and remaining silent.

  Ye Cen didn't care when she didn't get a response. She smiled softly, "It's normal that you don't remember. Everyone only remembers the person who saved them."

  She was the one who was saved, so she is also the one he is obsessed with.

  And he would never know what he meant to her.

  "It seems that it is easy to say thank you casually, but it becomes embarrassing to say thank you seriously. That's why I try every possible way to express my gratitude in other ways."

  He was silent, and they were both silent. After a while, he seemed to realize that she had finished speaking and he should make a reply. So he frowned slightly, and his tone became more stiff and wooden because of the awkwardness of being at a loss.

  "What's the meaning?"


  The atmosphere froze. Ye Cen looked at the annoyance that flashed across those black eyes. His face remained expressionless, but he couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

  After a long time, so long that Luo Che's stiff body felt sore, he finally heard her answer.

  The girl in front of him looked at him with her moist eyes, her lips moved slightly, and her voice was so soft that he couldn't help but slowly bend down.

  She said, “I mean, I want to be close to you.”

  The author has something to say:

  There will be another update later~

  Chapter 60 Redemption 5 (Part 3)

  The bus arrived on time. When Ye Cen got on the bus and it stopped at the traffic light, she saw Luo Che driving his car slowly and stopping next to the bus.

  She watched him stop the car carefully, watched him put his feet on the ground, watched him turn his head and look casually at the bus, saw his eyes pause when he saw her, then she smiled and waved to him slightly.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(117)
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  Then she saw him stunned, and the next second, he looked away in embarrassment, staring stiffly ahead, without even glancing to the side.

  The smile on Ye Cen's lips deepened.

  People who are apparently indifferent to all malicious intentions, but feel proud when encountering other people's kindness.

  After hearing her last blunt words yesterday, Luo Che's pupils slightly widened and his whole body froze there, with a rare look of helplessness and confusion in his eyes.

  When he came to his senses, he found that Ye Cen had put the thermos cup in his hand.

  He subconsciously wanted to refuse.

  "This is the medicine I usually take to enhance my immunity. I asked the doctor and it can also be used for colds and typhoid fever. It's free." She put her hands behind her back, refusing to return the money. "Just consider it as an acceptance of my gratitude. Even if you think it's nothing, I really want to thank you."

  Having said that, Luo Che had no choice but to accept it.

  He said hoarsely: "Thank you."

  "I should say thank you." Ye Cen smiled, "Thank you for accepting my gratitude."

  When Ye Cen arrived at school, she saw the washed thermos cup on her desk. She picked it up and saw that it was already filled with hot water.

  After class, Luo Che had just sat down when the person in front of him turned his hands behind his back and handed him a note.

  ——How do you feel today? Are you still feeling bad? If the effect is good, I will bring you another cup today.

  Luo Che stared at the elegant but delicate handwriting on the note. Logically speaking, Chinese medicine usually contains calming ingredients, but when he drank the Chinese medicine last night, his mind was full of what she said.

  "I want to be close to you."

  The note was delivered after a long time. Ye Cen opened it and saw that it took him so long to write only a few concise words, just like his usual speaking style.

  ——It’s okay. No thanks.

  As soon as Luo Che lay down, a note was passed to him.

  ——It's just a matter of convenience. I have to fry it every day anyway. I need to get better soon so that I can do something. Okay, that's it. You can go to sleep.

  She didn't need his reply, she had already made the decision.

  Luo Che raised his eyes to look at the focused and serious figure in front of him, pursed his lips, then crumpled up the note and slowly closed his eyes.

  Luo Che was in very good physical condition, and with Ye Cen's medicine, he recovered in a few days. One morning, he passed by the bus stop, stopped in front of Ye Cen's surprised gaze, and took out his thermos.

  "I'm cured." No need to drink after that.

  Ye Cen was stunned for a moment before he reacted and took the cup. "Is that so? You recovered quickly. That's great."

  Luo Che watched her put the water cup into her schoolbag with her eyes downcast, the corners of her mouth slightly raised seemed to carry a hint of sadness. He remembered that she said she gave him just an extra dose of medicine, and his eyes subconsciously fell on her slender wrist.

  He wanted to say something, but didn't know how to start.

  Ye Cen zipped up his schoolbag and found that the person in front of him had not left yet. Instead, he was looking at him with a serious gaze.

  She blinked gently and called his name, "Luo Che."

  Luo Che came back to his senses and looked into her eyes.

  "Can you buy me a cup of soy milk on your way to school?" She turned her head and looked at the empty street again. "It seems that today's bus will be a little late. It may be too late to buy breakfast."

  Luo Che tightened the handlebars, swallowed the words "I can give you a ride" and nodded silently.

  Then he saw her take out her phone from her pocket, "Then add WeChat, I'll transfer money to you."

  Seeing Luo Che silently glance at the phone in her hand, and then silently look up at her, even though he didn't say a word, she felt that his expression was full of speechlessness.

  Ye Cen tilted his head and smiled: "Well, I've been discovered. I'm not a serious student either."

  There was a hint of smile in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up inadvertently.

  The boy with a stern face and indifferent eyes rarely smiled, and the gloom and heaviness in his eyes also faded away.

  The person in front of him was stunned, with surprise flashing in his eyes, and suddenly said: "Luo Che, do you know that you look good when you smile?"

  Although he has a handsome face, he always keeps his head down expressionlessly, with messy bangs covering his eyebrows and eyes. So, probably no one has ever noticed that he is actually so good-looking when he smiles.

  Luo Che's smile froze, he turned his head away embarrassedly, put away his phone, and drove past without even saying hello.

  But Ye Cen still didn't miss the blush on his face at that moment.

  After Luo Che bought breakfast at the breakfast shop near the school gate and took out his mobile phone to pay, he saw the red dot of the friend request. He clicked on it and saw Ye Cen’s avatar.

  It is a white kitten lying lazily in the sun, with its eyes squinting and a look of joy on its face. You can hear its comfortable purring through the photo.

  This kind of avatar looks warm and soft.

  It’s a completely different feeling from Ye Cen himself.

  No, it’s completely different.

  Luo Che woke up from his sleep, and when he looked up, he saw the sunlight shining through the glass window onto Ye Cen's body. The hair scattered behind her was covered by the sunlight, and a few strands of hair occasionally trembled playfully with her movements.

  Surrounded by the warm sunshine, her loneliness and coldness seemed to be dispelled a lot.

  Then, he suddenly discovered that there were several black marks on the back of her clean white school uniform. He slowly lowered his head and saw the uncovered black pen on his desk.

  He stayed there.

  He didn't know since when, there was no longer a huge gap between his position and the position in front of him, until one day he saw Ye Cen pull his desk forward, leaving only a small space for himself, and his entire thin body was trapped in that small place.

  "I'll feel safe this way," she said with a smile.

  He didn't know when he started to get familiar with her. She would send him a WeChat message the day before to book breakfast for the next day. She would say thank you to him when she got the breakfast and chat with him for a few minutes. Occasionally, she would pass him a note...

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (118)
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  And he had unknowingly acquiesced to her approaching him, and bought one when she bought breakfast. Before that, he was always too lazy to eat breakfast. He would poke her back after realizing that he had soiled her clothes, and touched his nose awkwardly after she turned her head away in confusion.

  "I didn't notice the pen was not capped, and then..." He gestured a few times behind her with the pen.

  Ye Cen watched his actions and realized what he meant. He subconsciously reached out and touched the clothes on the back, but of course he couldn't feel anything by touching.

  Luo Che said guiltily: "How about you give me the clothes tomorrow and I'll take them home to wash."

  "No, it's okay." Ye Cen shook his head.

  Although they all spoke in low voices, they still could not escape the eyes of the teacher at the podium.

  "Luo Che, if you don't want to study, don't disturb other students."

  The teacher's voice was neither loud nor soft, but it attracted all the students in the class to look at this corner.

  Luo Che and Ye Cen are probably the two most special people in Class 15. They both have outstanding looks and are equally difficult to approach. One is always late and leaves early, and spends most of his time sleeping at school. He is full of hostility and people dare not approach him. The other is a sudden transfer student. Although he has excellent grades, he is cold and doesn't like to talk. He is a person who cannot be approached even if you approach him.

  Over time, everyone starts to ignore this corner. When it is impossible to integrate or approach it, people seem to choose to ignore it, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

  So they didn't know when these two people became so close that they would chat in class.

  Luo Che ignored the curious and inquiring looks from those around him. Instead, he looked straight at the teacher whose eyes revealed disgust. He slowly threw away the pen in his hand and leaned back in his chair.

  The teacher's brows frowned even deeper, but just as he was about to speak again, Ye Cen stood up.

  "Teacher, I feel a little uncomfortable, so I want Luo Che to accompany me to the infirmary." Then she ignored the teacher's reaction and looked down at Luo Che, "Is it okay?"

  Although he was asking for his answer, Ye Cen's eyes were filled with a determined and gentle look.

  Luo Che was silent for a second, then stood up.

  They walked out of the classroom under everyone's gaze, their figures, one tall and one short, revealing the same recklessness.

  "You don't have to do this, and I don't care."

  Luo Che lowered his head and looked at the person next to him. There was no need for her to come out for me. After all, he could see how hard she studied in class.

  Ye Cen looked up at him, curling his lips, "I know you don't care, but I still seem to feel sad."

  Luo Che paused. Under the setting sun, her eyes were calm yet gentle.

  Then he saw her narrow her eyes and added, "Just kidding."

  And since when did they become close enough to joke with each other?

  Luo Che looked at Ye Cen, but suddenly noticed that her face had inexplicably turned pale, and her brows were slightly furrowed, as if she was enduring something. He originally thought that her saying she wanted to go to the infirmary was just an excuse, but now it seems that something is wrong.

  He hesitated and asked, "Do we need to go to the hospital?"

  "We've been discovered." Ye Cen smiled softly, then slowly put her hand on her chest. She shook her head and said weakly, "No need to go to the hospital."

  The next second, Luo Che's sleeve felt heavy and was pulled by her. He subconsciously took a step closer to her, and then he felt her head slowly leaning on his right arm.

  "Let me lean on it for a while, that's all."

  Her voice was weak, almost whispering.

  Luo Che froze there, feeling his heart sinking along with the pulled sleeve, and he seemed to be able to feel her weight where her head was resting. In this posture of trust, he slowly clenched his fists, forbearing and not daring to move.

  They stood in the corridor in front of the stairs and could vaguely hear the sound of lectures coming from the classroom, but he felt that the sound was very far away from them, so far that he could not concentrate at all and estimate the passage of time based on the content of the lectures.

  The sunlight in this season was not scorching, but he still felt inexplicably dizzy.

  After a long time, the corner of his clothes felt light.

  He heard a slow, long exhalation, and then the warmth on his right arm disappeared.

  "I'm fine." Ye Cen's hand was still against her chest, but she had stood up straight. "Maybe I forgot to eat lunch, so I feel a little dizzy."

  Luo Che then lowered his head to look at her pale and tired face. He almost instantly saw through that she was lying. She stood quietly in the sunset, her skin was white and translucent. He thought of the porcelain he saw in the window of the porcelain shop he passed by on his way home, beautiful but fragile.

  But she didn't want to say it, and he didn't have the right to ask.

  Ye Cen met his heavy gaze and said, "Don't buy me breakfast tomorrow. I will ask for leave."

  The author has something to say:

  Today's update is over~ Support from the cute little crabs~

  Chapter 61 Redemption 6

  When he received his salary transfer, Luo Che was squatting at the back door of the restaurant, smoking while looking at his phone. It had been raining continuously for the past few days, making people feel gloomy.

  Another month passed. He looked at the numbers on the card and calculated in his mind, but suddenly he remembered that the last time Ye Cen asked for leave was also at the end of the month. She had only been transferred to the school for two months and she would take a week's leave every month.

  Thinking of this, he opened WeChat and looked at the kitten's avatar. Their chat history still stopped at the day before she informed him of her leave and before she transferred money to him for breakfast.

  During the days she was away, he returned to his habit of skipping breakfast.


  The man squatting and smoking beside him called him, and somehow their topic turned to him, "What grade is Ah Che in this year?"

  Luo Che put the phone back into his pocket, "Senior year."

  The man was surprised and asked, "Isn't the college entrance examination next year?"

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[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (119)
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  "Where do you want to go?" The man wearing a chef's hat also looked over. "I remember Che is in No. 8 Middle School. His grades should be pretty good."

  There are not many middle schools in the town, and No. 8 Middle School is a pretty good one. The scores for the senior high school entrance exam are not low. If you can get into the high school department of No. 8 Middle School, you can definitely get into university.

  "I don't know." Luo Che shook off the ashes from his cigarette, his expression blank, "I haven't thought about it."

  Most of the men in the kitchen just graduated from junior high school and came out to make a living. They only remembered that Luo Che was admitted to No. 8 Middle School, but they were not aware that the school was full of good and bad students and he was currently in the worst class.

  According to the results of Class 15, it would be considered good if there were several undergraduates. He smoked a cigarette with a twinkling eye. It was not necessarily the case, after all, there was a Ye Cen in the class now.

  He remained silent, but the man next to him thought of his situation, patted him on the shoulder, and gave the others a look, asking them not to ask any more questions.

  When Luo Che came to his senses and noticed their expressions, he did not explain.

  There is little rest time in the kitchen, and soon they started to work again. Today is Friday, and there are many people eating at the restaurant. He is busy running around, so naturally he has no extra time to be in a daze, and his cell phone is kept on silent mode in his bag.

  It was not until the peak period was over that he had time to drink some water. As soon as he took out his mobile phone, he saw the missed call on WeChat. He paused holding the bottle of water, and the call came again.

  "Where's Che? Isn't it time to get off work yet?"

  "I don't know. He just received a phone call and said it was urgent, then he ran out in a hurry."

  When Luo Che ran out of the restaurant, he found that it had started raining outside again, and his umbrella was still in the restaurant. Despite this, he did not stop and trotted straight to the car.

  Even though there was an electric current on the other end of the line, he could still hear her weak voice, which carried a hint of apology.

  "Luo Che, do you have time now?"

  "It's presumptuous, but I can't seem to find anyone else."

  He drove at the maximum rpm and ran through several red lights before reaching the destination as fast as he could. From a distance he saw the empty bus stop and the girl sitting there, soaking wet.

  She heard the sound of the car, looked up, and when she saw him, she gave him a faint smile.

  At that moment, Luo Che's heart, which had been tense all the way, suddenly twitched and he felt a sharp pain.

  He drove the car in front of her and took off his helmet which was wet from the rain.

  "Luo Che, you're not wearing a raincoat." Ye Cen spoke first, with a hint of curiosity on his face, "Is it comfortable to drive in the rain?"

  Luo Che's questions were blocked by her and he fell silent for a while.

  Then after making sure she looked okay, he glanced around.

  "Why are you alone?"

  When he heard her say that she was hit by a car, his mind went blank and he drove directly here. The scenes he imagined along the way were too hideous and bloody. It was not until he saw her standing here safe and sound that he realized that if the situation was really what he thought, she should not call him but should call 120 directly.

  "I asked that person to go back first."

  The street lights in the community had not been repaired for a long time. Because it had been raining for several days in a row, they were completely out of service tonight. She was walking home with an umbrella in hand when she was hit by an electric bike that rushed out from the corner. Although both parties turned around in time, she was still knocked to the ground by the force.

  She fell down in the rainy night, and the umbrella in her hand flew out with her. The driver was so scared that he got out of the car to check on her, but saw that she had stood up by herself without saying a word. No matter how many times he asked her if she was injured or needed to go to the hospital, she just shook her head silently.

  She knew her own body best. If something really happened, she would not even be able to stand up.

  But when Ye Cen looked at Luo Che, who was rushing over in the rain, his seemingly indifferent face, and his heavy eyes, his nose suddenly felt sore.

  "Luo Che, I feel a little pain."

  Luo Che took Ye Cen back to her home. Although she didn't say it explicitly, if she could go back directly, she wouldn't call herself.

  Luo Che's home was very close to the bus stop, in the old residential area next to it. The corridor was narrow and unlit. Luo Che was parking his car, and Ye Cen stepped in first. It was pitch black.

  The next second, a light came on under my feet.

  She turned around and saw Luo Che's indifferent eyes. He was holding up the flashlight in his cell phone to help her light the way.

  "On the third floor."

  Ye Cen turned around and walked up the stairs, taking every step firmly on the stairs.

  When she reached the door, she stepped onto the upper steps, watched Luo Che take out the key and open the door, then followed him to take off his shoes, then paused hesitantly. She fell to the ground, her clothes covered in mud and stains.

  Luo Che turned on the light skillfully and noticed the person behind him standing hesitantly at the entrance.

  "It's okay, just come in."

  He walked straight into the bedroom. Less than a minute later, Ye Cen saw Luo Che coming out with a clean towel. He handed it to her without looking at her, and turned around and pointed forward.

  "The bathroom is over there, clean it up, I'll be out first."

  He spoke briefly and moved quickly. Without giving Ye Cen any time to react, he had already walked to the entrance and put on his shoes.

  "Luo Che..."

  As soon as she spoke, the door, which had not been closed, was gently opened from the outside. She saw a woman with short hair appear at the door. When she saw Ye Cen, there was a hint of surprise in both of their eyes.

  "Sister Xiao Meng, just give it to her directly."

  Hearing Luo Che's voice, the woman first glanced at him, then reached out and handed over a bag of clothes, and winked at Ye Cen playfully.

  "Inside are my clothes, they're all clean. We're about the same height, so they should fit."


  After Ye Cen took it, she glanced at Luo Che again and said with a smile: "When this guy told me, I was shocked. You are his..."

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Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (120)
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  "It's a classmate." Luo Che interrupted her and pushed her out of the door. Before closing the door, he did not forget to point his chin in the direction of the bathroom towards Ye Cen.

  The house was not soundproofed, and Ye Cen could vaguely hear the conversation outside the door. The woman seemed to be joking about something, but Luo Che did not answer. She glanced at the bag and saw that everything she needed was there.

  When Ye Cen finished cleaning up and came out, she was still the only one in the house. It was a one-bedroom and one-living room style house. Although the decoration was old, it was still clean and tidy.

  She wiped her hair and sat on the sofa, thought for a while, and took out her cell phone.

  Not long after she sent the message, she heard the sound of the door unlocking and Luo Che came in with a bag. As expected, he had returned a long time ago, but had been staying outside the door.

  Luo Che, who had just closed the door, turned around and saw the person sitting on the sofa in the living room. She was small and the clothes were particularly big for her. She quietly and obediently hugged her legs and sank into the sofa, looking at him under the light.

  He paused, then walked in calmly.

  Luo Che glanced at her roughly, put the bag in his hand on the table in the living room, and went into the house to get a hair dryer.

  "I'm too lazy to blow dry." Ye Cen looked at the hair dryer handed to him, but did not reach out for it. Instead, he shook his head.

  Luo Che still held out his hand, "You'll catch a cold."

  It was clearly a different conversation, but this posture of confrontation made it hard not to be reminded of the scene where she gave him a raincoat.

  "Having a cold is very uncomfortable." Luo Che added lightly.

  Obviously Ye Cen also remembered it. There was a hint of smile in her eyes, which looked soft and gentle under the dim light.

  "Then help me." Ye Cen looked up at him and half raised his hand, "My hand just got bumped."

  Perhaps because she was injured, she became willful for once in a while.

  Luo Che stood in front of her. From the angle he lowered his head, he could see her moist and gentle eyes, her delicate collarbone beside the wide neckline, and her fair and slender arms that were half raised.

  Like a well-behaved kitten waiting to be comforted.

  His eyes darkened, he abruptly withdrew his gaze, then turned around and went back into the room.

  Ye Cen looked at his hurriedly leaving back and sighed. It was really difficult to deal with him...

  Just a moment later, she saw him coming out again, this time with a pillow in his hand. He gently threw it into her arms, then turned behind her, bent down and inserted the plug.

  The electric fan made a rumbling sound. Ye Cen, hugging the pillow, felt the unfamiliar strength of the hands and blinked in surprise.

  It seems that it is not that difficult.

  Luo Che ruffled her hair gently and carefully. His palms were large, but the head he touched seemed small, which made his movements more gentle.

  Although the hairdresser's skill was not very good, Ye Cen still closed his eyes comfortably and slowly leaned half of his body on the sofa.

  When a kitten shows this posture, it is showing closeness.

  Luo Che's thoughts gradually drifted away in the sound of the hair dryer. It seemed that every time she came back from leave, it was a rainy day. It seemed that something would happen every time she came back, and they would become closer because of it.

  He casually changed the position of the hair dryer, and when he saw the pink ear under the soft black hair, he pursed his lips, his Adam's apple rolled uncomfortably, and he silently looked away.

  When he unplugged the plug, he saw the girl on the sofa leaning her head on the sofa, closing her eyes and looking satisfied, as if she had just had a nap. He looked at her and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

  The next second, Ye Cen, who was half-tilting his head, suddenly opened his eyes and immediately caught the smile on the corner of his mouth.

  "Luo Che, you're laughing again."

  Their eyes met, and Luo Che stood there in a daze, looking at her narrowed eyes from this angle. This time, he did not put away his smile in embarrassment, but instead raised the corners of his mouth a little more and nodded without comment.


  "So, you should smile more often. You look very handsome when you smile."

  Ye Cen was originally leaning lazily on the sofa, but as he was talking he sat up straight and half-knelt on the sofa looking at Luo Che.

  "But Luo Che, do you know when you are the most handsome?"

  Luo Che casually rolled up the cord of the hair dryer and placed it on the counter beside him. He walked around the sofa, went to the table and took out the contents of the plastic bag.

  When he heard her words, he just half raised his eyes and glanced at her.

  "When his face is expressionless." Ye Cen ignored his silence and continued to solve the mystery.

  "Although it may seem a bit cold and heartless, it also means that you won't be hurt by anything."

  Hearing this, Luo Che bent over and looked at her. He saw her sitting on the sofa hugging a pillow, with inexplicable seriousness in her eyes.

  He asked, "Is it okay if I don't go back?"

  "it does not matter."

  The author has something to say:

  Even the most hard-hearted person cannot resist the wet look of a cat!

  Chapter 62 Redemption 7

  "You should apply the medicine first and then clean up."

  Luo Che looked at the white scar on the back of Ye Cen's hand, and a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes. He was actually not as calm as he appeared to be, otherwise he would not have forgotten such basic things.

  They were getting closer, Ye Cen could smell cigarettes on him. While she was taking a shower, he must have been smoking for quite a while outside. At this moment, he was lowering his head to apply medicine to her. She looked at him, pursing his lips slightly, looking serious and careful.

  "Luo Che, do you often get hurt in fights?"

  The first time she saw him, his body was covered with scars, and there were always medicines at home. Now that he was treating the wounds so skillfully, it was hard not to have such a guess.

  Hearing the inquiry in her words, Luo Che replied indifferently.

  "Rather than fighting, I'd say I get beaten more often."

  His tone was flat and his face showed no emotion. For a moment, it was hard to tell whether this was a joke or not.

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Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (121)
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  "But I feel like they are all very afraid of you." Ye Cen was referring to the gang of hooligans who harassed her that day. Noticing his eyelids slightly raised, she realized what he wanted to ask, and then said, "After that day, they didn't dare to look for me anymore."

  Luo Che nodded imperceptibly. Her wrist was even thinner than it looked when he held it. It was almost weightless, so he didn't dare to use force.

  She asked curiously, "Isn't it because you are so good at fighting that they can't beat you?"

  "It's not that I'm good at fighting, it's just that they value their lives more." Those who value their lives and are cautious will always feel scared when they meet those who are reckless and don't care about their lives.

  Ye Cen heard the hidden meaning in his words and clenched his hands unconsciously.

  Luo Che, who was pinching her wrist to treat the wound, noticed the small fist. He raised his eyes and was slightly stunned when he saw the pity in Ye Cen's eyes.

  She said softly, "Will it hurt?"

  Luo Che lowered his head, avoiding her gaze. He was about to say that he would just get used to it, but then he thought that if he said that, she would probably feel more sympathy. Thinking of this, he changed his words.

  "It should be a little more painful than an injection."

  Ye Cen didn't expect him to answer like this. He was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his eyes were on the back of his hand.

  There was a large dark purple bruise on the back of the fair hand. It was neither a fall nor a scratch. If you looked closely, you could see densely packed pinholes on it.

  The people around him fell silent, and Luo Che did not say anything else. After he finished applying the medicine, he stood up and began to pack up the medicine box.

  Then he heard a voice behind him.

  "Will Luo Che still have to go to work later?"

  "No, I'm asking for leave."

  "Then let's chat." Her voice was filled with an inexplicable smile. "Ask each other questions, answer each other, a question-and-answer kind of chat, okay?"

  Two guys who are equally full of secrets, and both are curious about each other, such a chat doesn't sound like a bad deal.

  But Ye Cen’s first question was beyond his expectations.

  “What do you do when you’re sad?”

  He had just sat down on the sofa and thought for a while when he heard the question, "Eat spicy food." Eat very spicy food, until your stomach hurts, until you break out in cold sweats, until you can't eat anymore.

  "So, you have a light taste and your stomach is not very good, right?" After all, he is a top student and is very good at drawing inferences from one instance.

  "Well." He hesitated, "What about you?"

  “Walk, keep walking, aimlessly, with an empty mind, and keep moving forward until you can no longer walk. Then you will be too tired to have the strength and feel sad.”

  Luo Che leaned back on the sofa, watching her hands unconsciously pulling at the flowing strands of the pillow.


  She spoke for him: "So I met you in that alley that night." When she was sad, she would walk forward aimlessly. That day, she walked on an unfamiliar road, met someone with bad intentions, and then met him.

  Whenever Ye Cen mentioned this matter, her eyes would sparkle. Being stared at so intently and passionately by her, Luo Che would feel guilty, guilty that he had not remembered this matter.

  “Why do you have to work so many jobs?”

  Restaurants, convenience stores, and weekends never seem to stop.

  “To make money.”

  "Where are your parents?"

  It was so late and he was the only one at home, and the house seemed to always be filled with traces of his life.

  “My mother died.” He paused. “He owed a lot of money and ran away.”

  That man left him alone and a pile of gambling debts and ran away without any regrets, so he had to live on his own.

  They asked and answered one after another, the questioners were quick and the answerers were also without hesitation. After Luo Che finished his last sentence, they fell silent for a while.

  Ye Cen had stopped pulling his beard at some point, and was now subconsciously picking at his nails.

  She said, "It's your turn."

  "Why do you want to transfer to No. 8 Middle School?" At such a critical time in the senior year of high school, I transferred to this small town. Even though my grades were so good, I ended up in Class 15.

  Ye Cen did not hesitate, "Because of you."

  Luo Che raised his eyes, but saw that the person in front of him had a serious expression.

  "Because of what happened that day?"

  Ye Cen nodded but shook his head.

  "Luo Che, I'm not very good at comforting others. But if I tell you that I'm sick, will you feel better?"


  Very good. This was probably the most expressive thing she had seen him do since she met him. The corners of his mouth twitched and his eyes were speechless. He even changed his sitting posture and looked at her seriously, waiting for her next words.

  Ye Cen remained calm and continued in all seriousness, "It's a very difficult disease to treat. It costs a lot of money. My parents had no money so they left me with my grandfather. However, no one would have thought that in this remote and backward town, there is a peerless master. My disease is a piece of cake for him, but masters usually have quirks. His quirk is that he only treats diseases seven days a month, so I take leave every month to go to him."

  She discovered that she really had a talent for talking nonsense, and she became more and more excited as she spoke.

  But the person who was listening didn't seem to notice this talent.

  "Well then." Luo Che waited for her to finish before speaking slowly, his eyes inexplicably serious, "Are you almost done?"

  Although his eyes were calm and his tone was calm, Ye Cen paused for a moment before he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Well, it's almost done."

  Luo Che got the answer he wanted and nodded.



  They spoke in unison, and Ye Cen was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was answering her previous question.

  But Luo Che's eyes darkened.

  "I heard that sister call you A-Che, can I call you that too?"

  "what ever."

  He didn't comment, but the girl in front of him smiled happily, which made him a little uncertain. When he first met her, was she so gentle and approachable?

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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (122)
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  It seems not. He remembered that when she first transferred here, many people gathered around her, maybe because of her grades or because of her looks, but no matter who they were, her attitude was always perfunctory and indifferent. Over time, no one was willing to always put their warm faces on the cold butt.

  Later she sat in front of him, and they sat together in a corner where no one cared, becoming inconspicuous and ignored.

  This person who is so distant and indifferent to everyone else, this person who refuses everyone to get close to him, actually took the initiative to walk towards him, and he did not reject such closeness.

  So, is this what good people get rewarded for?

  Thinking of this, a hint of mockery appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became colder.

  Ye Cen looked at the man in front of him who seemed to be thinking of something and whose face was becoming increasingly stern. Although he knew that his coldness was not directed at him, he still spoke out to interrupt his increasingly gloomy thoughts.


  He looked up when he heard the voice, and his eyes returned to calm.

  "Ache, do you have a university or city you want to go to?"

  "No." The same answer as this morning.

  A life weighed down by heavy debts, a life where one has to struggle hard just to survive, seems to have lost even the qualification to imagine the future.

  They fell into silence again. Luo Che moved his fingers slightly, took out a cigarette from his pocket, then looked up at her, "Do you mind?"

  Ye Cen shook his head quietly, then watched him hold the cigarette, turn on the lighter, and suddenly speak again in the flickering light.

  "Although I haven't thought about where to go, I still want to leave here."

  The spark on his fingertips trembled, Luo Che bit the cigarette and looked up at her, but saw a silent sadness on that calm face.

  Seeing him looking at him, Ye Cen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "A Che, we are the same kind of people."

  They are both trapped in the swamp, but struggling to escape. They are both carrying a heavy burden and having difficulty living a happy life.

  Luo Che took a deep breath of cigarette, and the smoke he exhaled concealed the obscure emotions in his eyes.

  Then he saw her eyes fixed on the cigarette at his lips.

  “Are you happy when you smoke?”

  He remembered that he rushed over when he heard the news that she had been in a car accident. The first time this guy saw him, he asked him curiously, "Is it comfortable to drive in the rain?"

  Her curiosity was serious, so serious that it carried a kind of ignorant and fearless cruelty.

  He blew out a smoke ring lightly, "Not happy."

  He noticed the eagerness on her face, put out the cigarette he had just taken a few puffs of, and stood up in her disappointed eyes.

  "It's time to go to bed."

  He stood in the living room with his hands in his pockets, looking hesitant.

  "I want to sleep on the sofa." Ye Cen blinked and hugged the pillow tightly, "It's more comfortable to sleep this way."

  She likes enclosed, narrow spaces.

  Luo Che took out a large quilt from the bedroom without comment, and then gently threw it on the sofa. Ye Cen left and skillfully pulled it open, consciously crawled inside, and then heard a sound outside the quilt.

  "I have work tomorrow and will be up at seven. The bus stop is right outside the door, so you can go back by yourself."

  Luo Che looked at the bulging mass, said something, and then ran away.

  He walked to the living room, pressed his finger on the switch, and then saw the head on the sofa finally pop out, looking for his position breathlessly, and his eyes lit up when he caught him.

  He suddenly asked, "Ye Cen, did you tell a lie tonight?"

  The girl was stunned and looked at him quietly with her messy hair.

  "And you?"

  "I didn't." He answered every question throughout the night. He never lied, nor did he need to lie.

  "I see." Ye Cen smiled, "I do."

  Hearing this answer, Luo Che just nodded indifferently, then turned off the lights, turned around and was about to go into the house, but was stopped again the next second.


  Her clear and firm voice came from the darkness.

  "But when I said I came here for you, it was not a lie."

  Ye Cen looked at the figure frozen for a few seconds, then walked into the room and closed the door. She slowly lay down and buried her whole body in the quilt.

  Many people asked Ye Cen why she chose to come to this small county town. She did not answer, but she did come for him.

  It is natural for people in darkness to yearn for light. The more desperate they are, the more they desire salvation.

  She fell in love with the last light of her life, and the person she loved was trapped in his own swamp, and also met the person who saved him.

  In the dark night, she slowly placed her hand against her heart, which was beating steadily and strongly, and she could feel the irrepressible joy.

  Is it so happy just by approaching him? Compared to standing far away and watching quietly, it is true that I feel happier when I walk towards him.

  The author has something to say:

  There is no truth or dare.

  Chapter 63 Redemption 8

  The moment the alarm rang, Luo Che reached out and turned it off. He slowly opened his eyes. The sky outside the window was still foggy. He did not struggle, but stood up numbly.

  When he walked into the living room, he saw a bulge on the sofa and realized belatedly that there was another person in the room.

  The hand that was yawning paused, and the subsequent movements became cautious.

  Before leaving, Luo Che passed by the sofa and subconsciously glanced at it. When the little girl slept, she wanted to bury herself completely in the quilt, with only a small half of her face exposed.

  She was sleeping like she usually was, quiet and peaceful, and because she closed her eyes, she looked even more obedient and soft. Her long and narrow eyelashes cast a shadow, and her originally smooth bangs became a mess, with a few strands of them tangled around her eyelashes. Luo Che looked at them for a while and resisted the urge to help her pull them apart.

  Her breathing was steady, as if she was having a gentle dream, and the world in the dream seemed to make people happier than the real world.

  He stood silently, looking at her from above, but remembered last night, when he couldn't sleep and wanted to get up to go out to buy a pack of cigarettes, but when he opened the door, he saw the back of her sitting alone in the living room.

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Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (123)
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  The TV in the living room was so old that it needed to be discarded. It had a small square screen and the picture was not clear. In addition, the sound was turned off, so Luo Che thought he was watching a pantomime at first glance.

  Not a pantomime on TV, but right in front of his eyes.

  Ye Cen sat quietly in the middle of the sofa, his outline obscured by the flickering light, making it impossible to see his expression.

  The evening channel on TV was playing a documentary about wildlife. There was no commentary and no extra humans. Birds were flying in the sky, passing through the city, through the fields, and under the moon, their white feathers flashing in the wind.

  In late October in the south, the sunlight was so warm during the day that it seemed like summer was just coming, but the air at night was chilly. The living room window was wide open, and the evening breeze blew through, and he watched her hair being blown gently.

  In the silent night, the words Ye Cen said that night rang in his ears.

  She said they were the same people.

  At that time he couldn't understand the complicated expression on her face, but now he seemed to understand it a little.

  Then he quietly retreated back to the room without disturbing the thin figure. He walked to the window and looked at the cold moonlight outside. It was equally quiet inside and outside the house.

  When Ye Cen woke up, the room was empty. She sat up dazedly, waiting for her thoughts to clear up a little, and then she saw the pile of breakfast on the table.

  She walked forward and ordered the combination she ordered most often. But she remembered that this breakfast shop was at the school gate. She smelled the aroma of food and looked around, but didn't see any note.

  She finished her breakfast leisurely and was standing in the living room thinking about the next plan. Should she continue to occupy the magpie's nest or...

  The cell phone started ringing.

  "Ye Cen, you didn't go back?"

  Walking in the alley outside the courtyard, one could smell the familiar and sickening aroma of Chinese medicine. Ye Cen suppressed his desire to escape and walked into the yard with a frown.

  There was someone in the room consulting a doctor. As Ye Cen approached the door, the old man who was taking the patient's pulse looked over. When he saw Ye Cen, he simply withdrew his gaze and continued to ask the doctor about the patient's condition.

  Ye Cen stood calmly at the door, listening to the conversation in the room. He didn't know how long it had been before the consultation was over. Seeing the old man looking at him, Ye Cen walked in honestly, but couldn't help sighing in his heart.

  "Where did you go last night? Didn't you say you would have a good rest when you got home?" The old man looked serious and said in a bad tone, "Why do you look so bad? Stretch out your hand."

  Ye Cen, who was seen through at a glance, skillfully placed his hand on the cloth pillow, and then watched the old man who was taking his pulse look increasingly worse, his brows furrowed tightly.

  "Ye Cen, you should be aware of your situation."

  Ye Cen lowered his eyes, "I know..."

  "You don't know." The old man interrupted her, "If you knew, you wouldn't abuse yourself like this. Ye Cen, at least you have to be responsible for yourself."

  His eyes were sharp, as if he could see through her. Hearing his words, Ye Cen slowly raised her head and the expression on her face became cold.

  She said, “I don’t have any.”

  She did not fail to take responsibility for herself.

  After Zhong Ling gave the prepared medicine to the patient, she rushed to the main house, but another patient had already left the room. She thought for a moment, turned and walked towards the yard, and sure enough, she saw Ye Cen sitting alone in the yard.

  She walked forward with an apologetic look in her eyes, "Cen Cen, I'm sorry, you forgot to bring the medicine yesterday, so I stopped by your house this morning to give it to you, but I found out you weren't there, and when grandpa asked about it, I didn't react in time and let it slip."

  "It's okay." Ye Cen said calmly, "It's not your fault."

  Although Ye Cen's attitude was cold, Zhong Ling was used to her like this. Knowing that she was not angry, she breathed a sigh of relief and could not help but speak again: "Don't blame grandpa for being too fierce. He is just worried about you, and you always don't take your medicine properly, he..."

  "Sister Zhong Ling."

  Ye Cen, who had been lowering her head, slowly raised her head and called her name softly.

  "I know, I was ignorant and made Grandpa and you worry."

  "That's not what I meant." Zhong Ling was stunned, sighed, and touched her head with some heartache, "Who said you are immature? Cen Cen is clearly the most sensible child I have ever seen."

  "Sister Zhong Ling, I'm not a child anymore. You should save these words to comfort Xiaoyi."

  As soon as these words were spoken, smiles appeared on both of their faces.

  "Since you are here, have dinner before leaving. I have already prepared the medicine."


  After Zhong Ling left, Ye Cen's raised lips slowly lowered. She lowered her eyes and didn't even have the strength to sigh.

  She was not angry, and she understood everyone's good intentions. She was just very tired.

  The yard that Luo Che accidentally entered that time was Zhong Ling's home. Zhong Ling's grandfather was a famous doctor in the county hospital. After he retired, he opened his own clinic and many people from other places would come to visit him. Ye Cen's grandfather and Grandpa Zhong were classmates. Although Ye Cen's grandfather had passed away, because of this friendship, after Ye Cen transferred to this school, he lived alone in an empty old house and would come to Zhong's house every once in a while to ask Grandpa Zhong to get medicine for hanging bottles.

  Well, she lied to Luo Che. There was no miracle doctor, no miracle, only her own selfishness. For that selfishness, she transferred to No. 8 Middle School, lived in this small town, and got closer to the boy she wanted to get close to step by step. Although the people around her indulged her choice, they didn't agree with it in their hearts, but no one was willing to say it out loud. From that day on, everyone treated her with caution, as if they were holding the most fragile porcelain, as if they could crush her with a little force.

  She looked at the purple spot on the back of her hand for a long time, then stretched out her fingers and slowly pressed it. She used a lot of strength, but still didn't feel any pain.

  What a boring life, this kind of life.

  The story of Luo Che and Zhong Ling started from that accidental intrusion. Although Luo Che did not see Zhong Ling's face clearly that day, he remembered Xiaoyi and her sister, the one whose voices made him feel gentle. Later, when he saw them on the road, he recognized them at a glance, and Xiaoyi also discovered this brother who accidentally broke into the house. They got closer and closer little by little, he yearned for her warmth, and she also pitied his pain.

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Similar romance novels recommended:
The Demon Concubine Died After 100 Days_Ci Zhongzi【Complete】
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Onmyoji's daily life in metaphysics [rebirth]_Power-off Pikachu [Complete]
Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (124)
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  To Luo Che, Zhong Ling is warm and soft, the kind of bright existence that one would yearn for in a dark swamp. He was saved by her and fell in love with her.

  But he didn't know that there was someone who was just like him, deeply trapped in her own quagmire, which was dark and damp, and he was her light.

  People always fall in love with the one who saves them.

  Luo Che didn't return home until late in the evening. He put on the hood of his sweatshirt, hiding his entire face in the dark. No one could see the bruises and scars on his face. They could only look at him from afar with a look that said "keep away from strangers".

  In fact, this was a very common occurrence. Every day after he paid out wages, people would block the back door of the restaurant to ask for money, and when they didn't get the money, they would get furious and kick him.

  At first he would resist and fight back violently, but then he would be treated even more angrily and brutally. Later he learned to just run away, even though his posture was a little embarrassing, but no one likes to be hurt all the time.

  Sometimes when he looked at those frustrated and helpless looks, he would feel a bit sad, both for himself and for them. As for the man who caused such a sad situation and selfishly escaped, he was too lazy to even waste his resentment on him. He had regarded him as dead a long time ago.

  Over time, he would get used to such a life. Such a difficult and miserable life, where it seemed that there would never be light, and every step seemed to be in vain.

  He groaned, leaned against the wall and spat out the blood in his mouth. In his peripheral vision, he could see curious children and adults who quickly took him away by the hand. He saw their looks but didn't care.

  He just pulled his hat down further and walked quickly towards home.

  But when he reached the corridor, his steps suddenly stopped.

  There was a person sitting at the stairs with her legs crossed, in a dark corner where the afterglow of the setting sun could not reach. She stared blankly in the direction of the stairs, as if she had been waiting for him for a long time and had been in a daze for a long time.

  The moment she saw him, her eyes gradually changed from indifference to brightness. She slowly raised the corners of her mouth, and the upward arc paused after she saw his face clearly.

  The wound that she was staring at felt slightly hot.

  Luo Che subconsciously turned his head away, trying to avoid her sight.

  He didn't want her to see him in such an embarrassing state.

  The sound of passers-by talking outside the corridor came from the corners of their minds. They seemed to be talking about tonight's dinner. Such casual conversations brought him a warmth that he had not felt for a long time.

  He and she stood opposite each other, one sitting and the other standing. As dusk fell, the corridor became dark and quiet.

  Then he heard her voice.

  It was soft, erratic, desolate, yet carried with it a long-suppressed madness.

  "Luo Che."

  "Let's run away."

  He turned around in shock and saw the pair of desperate yet burning eyes, saw the wasteland burning silently, and also saw the light and heat shining on his numb and dead face.

  "Let's run away together, escape from this hopeless and broken life together."

  The author has something to say:

  When I was writing this chapter, I kept playing the song "We will do whatever you want" on repeat.

  Chapter 64 Redemption 9

  He looked at her for a long, long time, as if it was a century.

  Then he held out his hand to her.

  He took her into the car, and the girl didn't ask where they were going. She just held his sleeves tightly, with blind trust and obedience in her eyes.

  He felt the hands that were grasping his sleeves slowly loosen. She slowly opened her hands, closed her eyes, and felt the wind passing through her hair, her fingertips, and her body.

  Through their empty souls.

  Although the county town was small, it was close to the sea. They drove for a long time until they reached the end of the road and the sea.

  Ye Cen looked down at Luo Che who was sitting on the ground directly next to her. His hat was blown away by the sea breeze, revealing his handsome but scarred face.

  She also squatted down and looked at him at eye level. Luo Che turned his head with awareness, and his gaze just met her eyes.

  The night was dark, and they just stared at each other, their eyes were bottomless, filled with endless silence and sadness. The waves occasionally swept over and hit the other side, but they could only hear each other's breathing.

  In this vast universe, they are equally tiny and ignored.

  Then Luo Che turned his head first, breaking free from the silent tenderness.

  "Does Che like the sea?"


  Luo Che looked indifferently at the boundless sea in front of him, his breathing becoming heavy and slow.

  "I don't like this place, nor do I like this sea. Every time I stand here, I feel like I'm going to be swallowed up silently, and no one cares."

  He felt a hand gently resting on the back of his hand. Her hand was just as cold, but the moment she placed it on him, Luo Che felt his heart being scalded and suddenly becoming hot.

  He raised his eyes and saw her calm profile.

  "But I love the sea so much that I don't mind being swallowed by it."

  “I’m just afraid that I’ll be forgotten.”

  Ye Cen turned her head and smiled at him, her eyes as soft and gentle as her hands.

  "Ah Che, let's make a deal, okay? I'll be the one who cares about you, and you'll be responsible for remembering me."

  "Okay." He said without hesitation.

  Ye Cen tilted his head, a little surprised, "Why are you so straightforward?"

  Luo Che raised the corner of his mouth inaudibly, "Because, we are the same people."

  Their souls floated in the same sky, which was filled with haze, mud and dampness, and they were awake but unable to bear it.

  He should have walked towards her when she was walking towards him.

  He flipped his hand over and held that hand back in his palm. Her hand was so small that he could hold it easily, but he didn't dare to use any strength, as he always felt that she would break if he used any strength.

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Similar romance novels recommended:
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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (125)
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  Two equally cold and fragile souls can only keep warm by hugging each other.

  He looked at her with curved eyebrows and eyes that revealed unspeakable joy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

  That night they sat by the sea and watched the sea all night.

  Luo Che felt the person next to him nodding her head from time to time. She was struggling on the edge of sleep, and finally closed her eyes uncontrollably. He felt her leaning towards him, her body so stiff that she dared not move at all.

  He waited for a long time, until his hands at his sides began to become impatient, and finally a weight slowly fell on his shoulders as he wished.

  But before he could raise his lips, the man suddenly woke up again, and his heart suddenly felt empty. And the girl who just opened her eyes couldn't hold up her heavy eyelids the next second and fell asleep again.

  He subconsciously moved closer to her, closer and closer. He pressed against her shoulders and adjusted his height. Finally, the head in his peripheral vision slowly fell towards him again.

  The moment she leaned towards him, his clenched fists suddenly loosened, and his heart was filled to the brim. No one could see how gentle the depths of his eyes were.

  He thought, isn't the heart on the left side? But he felt that his heartbeat seemed to be in his right ear, beating slowly along with the gentle breathing of the person on his shoulder.

  She was very small, and leaned very lightly on his shoulder.

  But Luo Che felt that all the heavy things in his life could not match the weight on his shoulders at this moment.

  He suddenly felt very urgent and wanted to stand in the light, become bright and down-to-earth, and become someone who could be relied upon.

  At the moment when the sky was bright, Luo Che slowly clenched the little fist in his palm. Then he felt the person on his shoulder rustling. She woke up slowly and sat up straight.

  The sun rose above the sea level, the sunlight and the sea water blended together, and the endless sparkling waves formed the brightest and quietest existence in the world. They bathed in the same warm light together and saw the one and only sunrise in their lifetime.

  Luo Che held his breath. He felt that he no longer hated the sea.

  "Ache, you know what? I just had a dream."

  He looked down at her.

  "I dreamed that you left this remote and backward town and walked towards the shining future that belonged to you." She stretched out her hand and drew a big circle towards the light in front of her, "It is a future that is brighter than the present scene."

  Behind her was the endless sea with sparkling waves on the surface, but Luo Che felt that no matter how bright the sunshine was, it was not as dazzling and bright as the light in her eyes.

  His heart has never been so soft.

  Just when he was feeling overwhelmed by this strange feeling, he heard her voice.

  "So, Che." She looked sincere, "Morning reading is about to start, we should go to school."

  That day, the teachers and classmates at school saw for the first time that Luo Che had not slept the whole day. Although he still did not attend the class, he was actually studying with a book in his hand.

  Facing the surprised and curious looks of others, Luo Che turned a blind eye the whole time. His greatest advantage was that he could block out all interference from the outside world. No matter how well-intentioned they were, the moment they approached him, he would turn around and run away.

  This was his safety mechanism, he had always lived alone like this.

  Until I met Ye Cen.

  Many people came and went around him. Some pushed him into the abyss, some dragged him down, some accused him of self-degradation, and some stood on high ground with compassion in their eyes.

  But only Ye Cen, only she held his hand, sank with him, and held him at the end.

  Then tell him that you will have a bright future.

  This was the first time Luo Che had heard such words in his more than ten years of life. Looking at those determined eyes, he couldn't help but believe that he would have a bright future.

  They will move towards that bright future together.

  After class, Ye Cen turned around, put his notes on his desk, and then saw his frown.

  "Ache, don't frown."

  Luo Che raised his head from the difficult and obscure book and saw Ye Cen's calm but powerful gaze. He obediently relaxed his brows.

  "You've missed too many things before. It will be very hard to start working hard now. But Che, I will help you. Believe me, there is still time for everything."

  "Then what can I do for you?" Luo Che looked at the densely packed notes, raised his eyes and looked at her seriously, "Since it's a deal, I have to pay."

  Ye Cen was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You are responsible for making me happy."

  "Watching you, helping you, and working with you makes me happy."

  Colleagues at the restaurant were a little surprised to learn that Luo Che had quit his night job at the convenience store and was reading books even during his free time at work. You know, Luo Che used to make money like he was risking his life.

  When they heard him say that he was about to take the college entrance examination and wanted to focus on studying, they patted his shoulders with relief.

  "This should have been done a long time ago. I need to work hard in my last year."

  Hearing them sighing at how he suddenly got it, Luo Che just smiled faintly.

  Because if you want to reach the bright future she talked about, just making money is not enough. He has always known it, but he has never been willing to move forward.

  If he was muddle-headed before, thinking only of having enough food and clothing and surviving, now he has a direction to aspire to and naturally knows what kind of efforts he should make.

  If you want to escape from here, you must be prepared.

  Besides, he is not alone.

  He had fallen behind in too much schoolwork, and if he wanted to catch up, he needed to work a hundred times or a thousand times harder than others. He spent almost all his free time studying.

  If he was working day and night to make money before, then he is studying day and night now. Ye Cen saw it, but did not say anything to persuade him.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (126)
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  God is fair. You have to pay for what you want. The wasted time will eventually be returned in full one day.

  He only slept about three or four hours a day, which even a strong body could not bear. He didn't know how he fell asleep during the evening study session, and when he woke up, it was already the last class.

  One of his arms was placed horizontally on the table, with his palm hanging naturally. He turned his numb and stiff arm, but suddenly found that he was wearing a dark red rope on his wrist.

  The red string was tied neither too tight nor too loose, so he was unaware of it while he was sleeping.

  He looked at the thin back in front of him. The girl seemed to realize that he had woken up, but did not look back. Instead, she stretched out her right hand, half bent it behind her back, and gently waved at him.

  He looked at the identical red rope between her fair wrists, his eyes deepened, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

  Luo Che tied the red rope tighter, then rubbed his eyes vigorously and picked up the half-read book.

  Such a life is tiring but fulfilling, and he knows the meaning of moving forward at every step.

  "Is there anything unclear?" Feeling the force of the black pen on his back, Ye Cen turned around skillfully and looked carefully at the place circled by Luo Che, "This question."

  Luo Che was also looking at the test paper, but unknowingly, his eyes fell on her. She was looking at the questions intently, mumbling something while writing with her hands. As he looked at her, his eyes became softer and gentler.

  Then, he suddenly saw a trail of blood slowly flowing out of her nose and dripping slowly onto the paper. Under his horrified gaze, Ye Cen rubbed her nose gently, but her hands were covered in blood. She was stunned for a moment.

  "Feel sorry."

  He heard her say this.

  That day, everyone in the classroom watched as Luo Che, who was always indifferent and calm, ran out of the classroom holding Ye Cen. His back looked embarrassed and panicked, as if the whole world had collapsed in front of him.

  Doctors and nurses were coming and going in the hospital. Luo Che held his head and stared blankly at the gray floor. His heart was still beating violently. His blurred vision due to the intense running made it difficult for him to see the expression on the doctor's face.

  But he still felt like he was falling into an icy cave from their eyes that looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

  Until a slightly hesitant voice sounded.

  "Hello, are you Ye Cen's friend?"

  The author has something to say:

  The update time may be later, around 9 or 11 o'clock.

  Chapter 65 Redemption 10

  When Luo Che walked into the ward, the person in the room had already woken up. She was still wearing her school uniform jacket and was looking out the window quietly.

  Hearing the door open, she turned around, saw them, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

  Zhong Ling walked up from behind him quickly, walked to the bed and grabbed Ye Cen's hand, "Cen Cen, you really scared me to death."

  "I'm fine, Sister Zhong Ling." Ye Cen looked at her soothingly, as if he suddenly remembered something, "Grandpa Zhong doesn't know yet, right?"

  "I didn't dare tell him." Zhong Ling looked worried and hesitated to speak, "But, Cen Cen, if you go on like this..." She wanted to say something, but was worried and didn't say it in the end.

  Ye Cen said softly: "I know, I know it."

  It was getting late, and Grandpa Zhong didn't know what had happened, so he called to ask about Zhong Ling's whereabouts. Although she fooled him, she couldn't stay for long.

  She was still a little hesitant before leaving, "But you're alone?"

  "My friend is here." Ye Cen smiled and looked at the figure who had not spoken a word but had been watching them since entering the room.

  Under the gazes of the two people, Luo Che nodded barely audibly.

  After Zhong Ling left, the ward fell into silence.

  Ye Cen's eyes did not look at him, but fell on the bouquet of flowers on the table. She looked at the bright and juicy flowers and spoke softly.

  "Actually, I don't like flowers." She said in a light tone, "I always feel that no matter what kind of flower it is, it will eventually decay and rot."

  Luo Che looked at her calm face, and even though his eyes were sore, he still didn't want to look away. Hearing her words, he slowly clenched his hands, but still didn't say anything.

  Ye Cen turned his head and looked at him with gentle eyes and let out a sigh.

  "Ache, I will be sad if you don't talk to me."


  Luo Che closed his eyes that were so sore and painful.

  "But Ye Cen." His voice was hoarse and bitter, "I am sad too."

  No one knew that when he heard what Zhong Ling said, he felt his whole heart was clenched so tightly that he couldn't breathe. Even when he was beaten by dozens of people, he had never felt such pain.

  It hurts so much that even breathing hurts.

  Until this moment, he still couldn't believe that this was true. It turned out that she had been lying to him all along.

  He slowly opened his eyes, opened his red eyes, and saw the girl on the bed looking at him with sadness and pity in her eyes.

  "Ye Cen, why are you here?"

  He asked the question again.

  She is still the answer.

  "Even though you may not believe it, Luo Che, it's because of you."

  Luo Che finally couldn't bear it anymore, he took a big step forward and took the thin figure into his arms, using all his strength, wishing to merge her into his bones and blood, but he became gentle the moment he touched her, with endless cherishment.

  Ye Cen buried himself in Luo Che's arms, but could feel his unusual breathing.

  She reached out her hand and slowly stroked his back, her voice gentle.

  "Don't cry, Che. You won't look handsome this way."

  She heard the sound of his chest shaking, and heard his hoarse voice, filled with reluctance and pain, asking the question that had been bothering him since a while ago.

  "Ye Cen, you always talk about my future, but you never tell me, what about your future?"

  Her future... Ye Cen curled the corners of his mouth and wanted to smile, but tears fell first.

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Similar romance novels recommended:
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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (127)
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  "Me? But I can't reach my future."

  They hugged each other, unable to see each other's faces, and therefore unable to see the same despair in their eyes.

  The reason why he tried so hard was because the girl next to him was excellent and bright. Only by working harder could he leave here and go to the same future with her.

  But now, she told him that she couldn't go.

  "Ye Cen, I have money." He looked at her stubbornly and said incoherently: "I have saved a lot of money. Let's go find the best doctor. Let's..."

  If you don't know how he makes his money, you might think he is a generous and kind rich man.

  "Silly boy." It was the first time she called him so gently, with a helpless tone and a peaceful and relieved smile on her face. "I lied to you. It's not about money. This disease can no longer be cured."

  "Don't be sad, Luo Che, you should be happy for me. It's not that my parents don't love me. They are also very sad and in pain. It's just that no one can do anything about it."

  At the moment of diagnosis, everyone was like him now, unable to believe and unwilling to believe. They tried and struggled, but in the end they could only succumb to fate. But fortunately, they would still have a child, a healthy child who would not be a burden.

  But she was a person sentenced to death, and every day she was alive was a blessing.

  Luo Che squatted in front of her, pleading, "Ye Cen, can we try harder? What if, what if it works?"

  This was probably the first time that the proud and stubborn him bowed his head, the first time that he begged someone so bitterly, but she could only bite her lip and slowly shook her head, completely cutting off his only hope.

  "Ah Che, I don't want this." She was so reluctant, but still said it firmly, "I don't want to be trapped here, trapped in this square house, for the last moments of my life. I will be unhappy that way."

  "When I was in the hospital, the attending doctor once asked me what I would like to do if I only had one year left to live. I thought about it for a long time before I figured out my answer. If I only had one year left to live, I would just want to live an ordinary life, just like all 17 or 18-year-olds."

  She wanted to be like all other ordinary teenagers, going to school step by step, working hard for the goal of the college entrance examination, and occasionally when she was too tired to go on, she would look up at the boy she liked, and then she would regain her strength to continue studying.

  She wanted to live like this, as if she had a very long life in the future, living an ordinary and happy life.

  Luo Che looked at her calm and gentle face, the determination in her eyes, and the longing in her face. Because of the expectation in her words, his heart, which was overwhelmed by despair, also calmed down a little bit.

  "Will you be happy then?"

  Ye Cen smiled, "Well, this way I will be happy."


  "That's it, just do it as you want."

  If this is what you want, if this makes you happy, then so be it.

  For people like them, happiness is already difficult to come by.

  He was clearly obeying her wishes, but Ye Cen felt a sudden pain in his heart.

  Luo Che looked at the pair of hands receiving IV drips and slowly reached out to stroke the skin next to them. His fingertips felt rough, but even with such gentle force, Ye Cen still felt a wave of itchiness.

  "I was wrong."


  He looked up at her, suppressed pity in his eyes: "It can't be more painful than yours." Their pain was never comparable.

  Ye Cen stared at him blankly, and suddenly, tears fell like rain.

  "In fact, I didn't cry when I learned about my illness. I didn't cry when I was hospitalized for surgery. Everyone was devastated and sad, but I couldn't cry."

  Her soul was like a dried-up sea, unable even to make the sound of a tsunami of despair.

  "Then one day, the day before the surgery, they were discussing the details of the surgery with the doctor, and I went to the bathroom to change my clothes. But I forgot that I still had the IV in my hand."

  At that time, she had taken off half of her clothes. The wind blew and her body was covered with bumps. She stared at the blood flowing back in a daze and suddenly collapsed.

  That feeling of powerlessness, the feeling that no matter how hard she tried she had to succumb to fate, overwhelmed her in an instant.

  "Ah Che, I'm actually a guy who doesn't shed tears very often, but in front of you, I seem to cry a lot."

  She couldn't cry in front of her loved ones. She and they could only cry with their backs turned to each other, suppressing their pain and not adding to each other's despair.

  That night, Ye Cen ran out of the hospital under the cover of Luo Che. When she poked her head out from under the hat, there was a happy smile in her eyes.

  Sitting on a bench at a roadside stall, Ye Cen shouted in high spirits: "Boss, add lots of chili."


  "Don't eat too much." Luo Che said, then looked at Ye Cen who was staring at him, and explained uncomfortably: "The peppers here are very spicy, you can try it first."

  Ye Cen smiled: "I thought you would like to eat spicy food."

  ——What do you do when you feel uncomfortable?

  ——Eat spicy food. Eat a lot of spicy food.

  Luo Che was stunned for a moment, then continued to wipe the table in front of him and whispered: "It's not painful."

  When he finished wiping the table, he saw Ye Cen in front of him still holding his face and looking at him quietly, and he pursed his lips.

  "It was a bit uncomfortable at first." He almost collapsed the moment he heard it.

  His eyes have been soft since just now, "But when you say you are happy, I don't feel sad anymore."

  Because you are happy, I will feel happy too.

  That day they drove around and around the sidewalk outside the school. The teaching building was brightly lit, but they were driving in the dark and couldn't see the road ahead.

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Queen's Grace_Nightmare【Complete】
[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
My Lord, Please Don't Seek Death_Painting Hand【Complete】
I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (128)
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  Who says such a life is not happy?

  They returned to school to attend classes. No one cared about their leaving, and no one noticed their coming back. Everyone's mind was focused on that one goal, with full courses and endless exercises. Everyone was only concerned about their own destiny.

  Sometimes when his fingers ached and his head felt dizzy from doing the questions, he would look up at Ye Cen's back. Just a glance would make all the fatigue disappear. She looked like everyone else, struggling hard on the test paper. Perhaps because there was not much left, she tried even harder.

  Then, the exercises she had corrected for him were passed to him from the front, and as soon as he opened it, he saw the sticky note on it.

  ——I really want to drink, Che.

  Luo Che looked at the line of words, raised his head and saw her smiling sweetly at him.

  He discovered that this guy looked calm, safe and harmless, but in fact he was bolder and crazier than anyone else.

  Ye Cen saw the helplessness on Luo Che's face, but she laughed even more wantonly. She liked the way he was indifferent to everyone else, but was helpless with herself.

  After the evening self-study, Ye Cen followed Luo Che back home. He ran to the sofa more familiarly than Luo Che did, staring at the wine in his hand.

  And this guy who said he wanted to drink, after just a few sips, even his neck was stained with red. She looked like a steaming red glutinous rice dumpling.

  Luo Che approached her and stretched out his hand, but she dodged it. She held the bottle of wine, looking defensive.

  ...Luo Che paused, then continued to put his hand against her forehead. Her face turned so red that he was a little worried that she was allergic. But when he saw her getting closer to his hand with comfort, he was sure that she was just drunk.

  Luo Che suddenly withdrew his hand and used alcohol to suppress the gloom in his eyes.

  Ye Cen blinked at his evasive look, then slowly picked up her phone. Seeing her flushed face, she smiled softly.

  "You look like a drunkard, Che."


  Luo Che felt the strength in his hand and looked down. Her little finger was hooked on his red string. She pulled it gently, as if she was playing some game that she never got tired of. His Adam's apple rolled and he looked up at her.

  "Since you're a drunk, you can do whatever you want. I'll forget it when I wake up tomorrow anyway."

  She just looked at him quietly, with a smile on her lips and warm eyes.

  Then he couldn't help but lower his head and kissed her lips gently.

  Gentle, cherishing, compassionate, tender, tossing and turning.

  Chapter 66 Redemption 11

  There was a red birthmark on Luo Che's right arm, which looked like a butterfly. Ye Cen touched the skin there with a look of amazement on his face, not noticing Luo Che's increasingly dark eyes.

  “I really want to get a tattoo.”

  "Where do you want the tattoo?" Luo Che agreed with all her ideas without any objection. He was fulfilling their "deal" very seriously. As long as it was what she wanted and as long as it could make her happy, he would try his best to make it happen.

  "Here." Ye Cen lowered his head and pointed to the heart. "There is a scar here. Although I don't hate scars, I want to make it more beautiful."

  "Scars are not suitable for tattoos."

  "It's okay. I'm obsessed with all the inappropriate things. Among them, I'm most obsessed with you."

  Luo Che looked at the undisguised smile in her eyes, and shifted his gaze away somewhat awkwardly, and then heard Ye Cen's low laughter in return.

  After they became close, she liked teasing him more and more. She liked seeing him look embarrassed but couldn't help but curl his lips.

  He led her into a familiar alley corner. Deep in the alley was a small but uniquely decorated tattoo shop. When they entered the shop, Ye Cen was staring at the paintings on the wall in a daze. The owner of the shop had already walked out.

  As soon as they met, smiles appeared on their faces.

  It was the woman I met at Luo Che’s house last time.

  "Just like A-Che, just call me Sister Meng."

  "Sister Xiao Meng, you are so beautiful." The cute little girl smiled sweetly and said in a friendly manner, "I wanted to say it last time, but I was afraid it would be too presumptuous."

  Meng Qing couldn't help but laugh, "No, I would only be happy if I was praised."

  "Have you chosen the pattern?" Meng Qing raised his eyebrows when he saw the pattern they had chosen.

  "Is this the sea? And the sunrise?"

  The red and blue lines intersect in a disorderly manner, and above the lines is a half red sun.

  "Mine is the sea." Ye Cen looked at Luo Che with a smile, "Ache's is the mountain."

  The same tattoo, one upright and the other inverted, his is the upright mountain, she is the inverted sea, the only thing that remains unchanged is the rising scorching sun.

  "Tattoos are a lifelong thing." Meng Qing subconsciously reminded her before taking her into the house, "Don't be fooled by bad boys. Don't act rashly just for love."

  As she spoke, she deliberately glanced at Luo Che beside her, with an obvious hint that made Ye Cen frown.

  "It doesn't matter. I don't have much time left to live," she said lightly.

  Meng Qing was stunned.

  "Ye Cen." He had been silent all this time, and when he heard these words, he frowned slightly and called her name in a low voice with suspicion.

  "I was just kidding." The girl stuck out her tongue guiltily and explained to the somewhat surprised girl.

  Then he wrinkled his nose and complained quietly: "Luo Che has a really bad temper, doesn't he?"

  It was just a trick between children. Meng Qing smiled but said nothing, but his eyes were on the person on the sofa.

  The bad-tempered guy she called was reluctant to say even a harsh word to her. Although he looked helpless on the surface, there was a gentle smile in his eyes.

  She had known Luo Che for such a long time, but she had never seen the rebellious boy show such a gentle expression. In front of her, he put away all his sharpness and edges, becoming peaceful and docile, a look that even she found unfamiliar.

  When they entered the house together, Meng Qing told her what he had just thought. When the little girl heard this, she smiled happily and couldn't help shaking her feet.

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[Mermaid] Please Eat Me_We Are All Spinach [End + Extra]
My Jealous God is Spoiled_Little Cat Enchanting [End]
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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
Xuanmenji_Thirteen Wanderers【Complete】
Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lampray | A Dream in the Green Hill | I See the Blue Clouds | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (129)
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  "When did you get together? It's hard to imagine what it would be like for this guy to confess his love."


  Meng Qing was a little surprised, but then realized that her surprise was inappropriate. She subconsciously said sorry and wanted to plead for Luo Che, but the girl obviously didn't care.

  "I know he likes me, but he can't say it out loud right now. He has such a hard life, and when he's so tired and struggling, he can't express his love."

  Feelings that are simple enough for ordinary people are so heavy for some people to even express.

  "He won't say anything until he's sure he can take responsibility for the rest of his life."

  Because he cares and cherishes her, he can't say it out loud. Now he is not qualified to say that he likes her.

  Meng Qing was slightly stunned when he heard her words, and saw the tenderness in Ye Cen's eyes, and sighed.

  The last time I saw her was just a month ago, and at that time they seemed to be just classmates, but now they have become so close that they know each other well and trust each other.

  The encounters between people are truly amazing.

  What Ye Cen didn't finish saying was that, more importantly, she couldn't afford such love. He was also concerned about her, so he considerately didn't go any further.

  They are all carrying their own heavy lives, which are too heavy to say that they like each other. So when they are together, they never talk about the future, but only the present.

  "Ah Che had a very hard and unhappy life. His mother passed away when he was ten years old. I lived upstairs from him and would often hear his father coming home drunk and beating and scolding him, but I never heard Ah Che cry. Later, the man ran away with a lot of debts, leaving behind a mess. Those people couldn't get the money back, so they naturally came to trouble him every few days. It seems that when Ah Che was very young, I didn't see him happy and relaxed anymore."

  After Meng Qing finished speaking, he saw that the girl in front of him had red eyes, and he couldn't help but touch her head, "But I can see that Ache is very happy now. Although it is still very hard, he can feel happy."

  "Me too." Ye Cen's nose felt sour, but he still raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "I still can't seem to feel happy, but when I see him, I will be a little happier."

  Happiness is too difficult for them, but fortunately, they will be happier because of each other.

  After Ye Cen took off her top and lay down, Meng Qing saw her fair but too thin body. She was so thin that her ribs were clearly visible. When her eyes fell on the place where she wanted to get a tattoo, she was stunned.

  There was a hideous scar on her chest.

  "This scar?" She was always careful about her work and never asked about the privacy of her customers. However, when she saw the hideous scar on such a delicate and fair body, she couldn't help but ask. But she stopped the desire to explore the matter the next second. "Sorry, you don't have to say it if you don't want to."

  "It's okay, sister. This is a scar from surgery." Ye Cen smiled nonchalantly, then lowered his head to look at the scar on his chest, reaching out to gently touch the protruding skin, "Sometimes I have the illusion that a heart seems to have grown here."

  "I can feel it beating when I'm excited, and I felt it beating when I met Luo Che."

  Hearing her words, Meng Qing smiled, "Do you like A Che so much?"

  "Yeah." Ye Cen nodded without hesitation, "I like him very much, just like he likes me."

  Meng Qing asked curiously, "What do you like about Ah Che? Although he is very handsome, he is a taciturn person who can barely say a few words a day. Don't you find him boring?"

  Ye Cen smiled lightly: "No, I like him to be quiet."

  A silence that belonged to her alone.

  A silence that seems to encompass all sadness.

  Ah Che said he didn't like the sea, but she felt he was like the sea. In front of this silent sea, she could cry without restraint and no longer hide her sadness.

  Because he will see, remain silent, and tolerate silently.

  This is Ache's gentleness.

  Meng Qing held up the tattoo machine and said softly in a low voice, "Don't be afraid."

  Ye Cen nodded slightly.

  Until the tattoo was finished, the girl's face was calm, as if she had long been accustomed to all the pain.

  She looked at her body in the mirror and murmured in surprise: "So beautiful."

  But when she stood up, her whole body suddenly swayed, and Meng Qing was so scared that he hurried forward and reached out to hold her up.

  Ye Cen sat back in his seat, hugged Meng Qing's waist, and slowly adjusted his breathing.

  "How is it? Are you okay?"

  "Well, it's okay." Ye Cen said softly, "Sister, your waist is so thin."

  Meng Qing was shocked and felt helpless when he heard this, "Ache will be jealous if you do this."

  "Then don't tell him." Ye Cen raised his head with a clever look in his eyes.

  She understood the hidden meaning of her words and nodded slowly, which earned her a smile from the little girl.

  After they left, the girl who was still able to laugh and chat while getting a tattoo, had tears in her eyes when she saw Luo Che, and complained to him aggrievedly. The boy, who could see through her poor performance at a glance, still indulged and cooperated.

  It started to rain when they left, so she lent them an umbrella from the store. Through the mottled glass, she saw them walking slowly in the rain holding umbrellas.

  Two figures, one tall and one short, snuggled up to each other.

  Later, she never saw anyone more compatible with them. Two equally unhappy souls found redemption when they were close to each other.

  Love is truly the most wonderful thing in the world.

  Luo Che, walking in the rain, tilted his umbrella to the side, trying not to let the rain drip on him. However, Ye Cen lowered his head and looked at his feet, deliberately stepping into the puddles from time to time. The person whose leg was splashed did not even complain.

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I opened a hotel in another world [system]_lesliya [completed]
Blind Concubine Like Her_Facai【Complete+Extra】
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Special recommendation> Su Qianqian | Lu Ling | Shen Nanqiao | Fourteen Pavilions | Snow Fantasy Fox | Mei Yi | Comprehensive English and American | Mirror in the Mirror | Sa Kongkong | Lan Bao | A Dream in Qingqiu | I See Qingyun | Jin Ye | March Honey | Hanging Shutong | Rongtu | Phoenix in Gold Clothes | Wen Xun | Mi Qiumi | Wine Day |
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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (130)
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  "Ache, why do you like sleeping in the classroom?"

  She always asks some strange questions, and she seems to be curious about him. She always says that because they met for such a short time, the time they spent together is so precious, so she always wants to know more about him.

  He would always answer all her confusing questions honestly and without hesitation.

  “It’s safe to sleep in the classroom.”

  He liked sleeping in the classroom very much. It was safe for him there. The door would not be kicked open suddenly, there would be no drunken curses, and no one would grab him from his sleep and start beating him endlessly.

  Only there could he sleep soundly and peacefully.

  The answer is the same as expected.

  Our A-Che is such a pitiful existence...

  Noticing that Ye Cen had stopped, Luo Che followed Ye Cen and stopped, completely covering her with the umbrella.

  Then, he saw her look up and asked softly, "Ah Che, am I very selfish?"

  He looked at her and said nothing.

  Ye Cen smiled, but his eyes were full of sadness, "Luo Che, sometimes I feel that I am very selfish. I am about to leave, but I still come to provoke you."

  He just shook his head and heard her say it again.

  "But you are the only one I like in this world."

  Luo Che reached out his hand and gently pressed the corners of her eyes to catch the tears that were flowing out, then he hugged her and held her gently in his arms.

  "No. Ye Cen, I will be very happy. Because you have been there before, even if you will leave eventually, I will still feel happy." He said in a gentle tone, "Only you can bring me happiness."

  He has always been bad at speaking and didn't know how to express his feelings openly. It was after being with Ye Cen that he began to learn to speak his mind truthfully, because the person who heard it would care.

  His life only started to become meaningful after she appeared.

  She pressed against his chest and could hear the sound of his heart beating.

  "Ache, your heart is beating very fast."


  "Ache, do you like me so much?"

  "Yeah." After a while, he added, "I like you much more than you like me."

  He heard their conversation.

  Ye Cen slowly raised the corners of his mouth, but tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

  It fell on his chest, hot and scorching.

  ——It’s so strange, Ache, I am very happy now, but why do I want to cry when I am so happy?

  The author has something to say:

  They tattooed each other and the sunrise of that day on their bodies.

  Chapter 67 Redemption 12

  But when the second semester began, Ye Cen's body could no longer hold on. She would always faint suddenly, and blood would flow out of her nose when she lowered her head. Facing the worried and painful eyes of Luo Che and the others, Ye Cen suddenly spoke one day.

  "Then go back."

  She returned to the city hospital, to the familiar ward, and saw the gentle attending physician.

  "How is it?" He asked her with a smile, holding the medical record of her physical condition in his hand.

  Ye Cen's eyes showed a genuine smile, "Very happy."

  During that willful time, the time in the small town, and the time she was with Luo Che, she was really happy.

  Her mother saw her weak but smiling face, and turned to the arms of the man behind her crying. Ye Cen looked at the sadness in their eyes and felt helpless. In fact, she wanted to stay away from them, as far away as possible, so that she might not be so painful when she finally left.

  But she reached out and hugged them back.

  "Has it been five months?"

  She touched her mother's belly with some surprise, and carefully put her ear to the belly, as if she could hear the movement inside.

  It's amazing, such a new life.

  That winter, every weekend Luo Che would take a three-hour bus ride from the southernmost town across half the city to go to the hospital in the city center to see Ye Cen. Many times, when she woke up, she saw a tired figure curled up at the head of the bed, his hand tightly holding hers. As she pulled her hand away, he subconsciously wanted to grab it and suddenly woke up.

  Her hand fell on his brow, where there was a faint "川" character. Luo Che frowned even when he was asleep.

  "Ah Che, isn't this tiring?"

  Luo Che looked at her seriously and shook his head.

  Ye Cen asked softly, "Are you so worried? Will you feel at ease only if you can see me every week?"

  "Every day," he corrected. "I want to see you every moment of every day."

  He was worried every moment he couldn't see her. No one knew that he was thankful every time he rushed to the hospital and saw her sitting at the head of the bed and smiling at him.

  Most of the time during that short day, Luo Che was constantly practicing countless exercises, while she sat quietly on the bed reading a book. There were long periods of silence between them, but when he looked up from the test paper, he would always meet her eyes unexpectedly, then they would smile at each other and go back to their own things.

  He would bring his test papers and spread them on Ye Cen's bed one by one. He said nothing, but his eyes were full of expectation, like a child expecting praise from an adult.

  Ye Cen was amused by him, "Such a great guy, A Che, is there any reward you want?"

  "The summer after the college entrance examination, I want to go to the same sea with you as last time."

  The college entrance examination is over. Ye Cen held his hand and raised the corner of his mouth, "Okay, let's go together then."

  Because Ye Cen didn't like it, Luo Che never brought flowers. He always used discarded draft paper to fold various small things and then placed them on her bedside.

  Ye Cen looked at him folding papers seriously and suddenly asked.

  "Did you learn this from Sister Zhong Ling?"

  Luo Che raised his head and noticed the weirdness in her words. He just looked at her without answering.

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  "Sometimes I think that Che would like that kind of warm presence."

  For example, Zhong Ling, she is bright and warm, but she is also broken and rotten.

  Luo Che hooked her little finger and shook his head slowly, "I only like you."

  "Ye Cen, have you forgotten that you were the one who provoked me first? You must take responsibility."

  Ye Cen spread out his hands and interlocked his fingers with his. "If I say that I am with you, it is just because I want to find someone who will remember me after I leave..."

  He remained calm and said, "Congratulations, you found the right person."

  No one is more stubborn and obstinate than him.

  His love is also stronger and longer-lasting than others.

  There was a small dent on Luo Che's right ear, which Ye Cen discovered by chance. Later, she always liked to rub that place. She asked him how it came about, but Luo Che looked indifferent, saying that it might be caused by an accidental fall when he was a child, so Ye Cen did not ask any more questions.

  But in fact, when he was seven years old, his father was drunk and pushed him away while he was eating at the table. The food spilled all over him and his head hit the corner of the table, leaving a hole.

  He didn't say anything, not because he was brooding over it, but because he felt that Ye Cen would be heartbroken.

  There are people who work harder than him, but they always feel sorry for him.

  That day, Ye Cen touched the small dent and suddenly whispered, "A Che, do you remember the first time we met?"

  He racked his brains about that first meeting, but had no recollection of it.

  Ye Cen knew that he didn't remember, so he just smiled and said, "You said something to me at that time."

  After scaring away the dark figure with ulterior motives, Ye Cen walked forward in a panic, but still felt confused and couldn't see the way forward. Just when she was at a loss, a beam of light came on. She looked back and saw him standing in the distance holding a light for herself, and then she heard his voice.

  --Go forward.

  "You said, go forward." Ye Cen said with a smile, "and then I walked out."

  Luo Che looked at her gentle smile. Although he could not remember it, he could guess what he meant at that time. The town has many alleys and winding alleys. If an outsider is at first, he will definitely feel dizzy, but the locals know that as long as you keep going forward, you will always find the exit.

  "So, Che, keep moving forward. As long as you keep moving forward with big strides, you will eventually get out."

  One day, he was too tired and accidentally fell asleep on the bus, missing his stop. When he arrived at the hospital, it was already twelve o'clock, which was long past the visiting hours.

  But he still walked in with ease. In the wards along the way, there were radio broadcasts playing all night, snoring sounds one after another, and despair that was suppressed in tone but could not be concealed.

  The nurse on duty squinted her eyes and nodded. He walked through the silent corridor and carefully opened the ward door. The moment he saw the empty bed, his heart stopped.

  Perhaps it was because the night was too quiet and the hospital was too lonely, he could hear his own heart beating wildly. He searched like crazy but dared not make any sound.

  Finally he saw her around the corner.

  She sat astride the window in the corridor, not wearing a hospital gown but a white long-sleeved shirt and a blue skirt. Her legs swayed slightly and the hem of her skirt swayed with her.

  He suddenly thought of the night when Ye Cen went to his house for the first time. He was watching TV alone in the middle of the night. In the documentary, birds flew over a deep sea, crossing the junction of the sky and the deep sea. The white blended into the two deep and clean blues.

  It’s beautiful and free.

  "Ye Cen." He called her name softly.

  Ye Cen, who was originally looking at the sky quietly, turned around and saw him with a sweet smile on his face.

  He slowly approached, then squatted down in front of her, his voice hoarse and low due to the intense running, "Why are you still not asleep so late?"

  Ye Cen gently lifted his wet bangs and looked into his eyes.

  He let her do whatever she wanted. She had never seen such a complicated look in his eyes, filled with annoyance, fear, panic, relief after a false alarm, helpless doting, and silent tenderness.

  Who said that love is most clearly seen in the dark?

  "Because I know you will come, so I am waiting for you."

  Luo Che stood up, took off his coat, gently put it on her body, then bent down and looked her in the eyes, "Ye Cen, do you want to escape?"

  She looked at him quietly, blinked slowly, then smiled and nodded.

  After getting her answer, he slowly curled up a smile, then turned around and squatted down. Ye Cen understood and lay on his back.

  The weight on his body seemed to be lighter. Luo Che pursed his lips, suppressed the pain in his eyes, and shook himself gently, which made the little girl reach out and hug his neck.

  "Then let's run away together."


  He walked forward with her on his back, through the silent corridor, out of the quiet hospital, and slowly walked in the gentle moonlight.

  They walked through the empty underground passage and came to the bridge outside the hospital. The lights reflected soft light on the railings. There were sporadic vehicles passing by below, making rumbling sounds in the middle of the night.

  She held him obediently, put her ear close to his, breathed evenly, and muttered softly.

  And no matter what she said, the voice always agreed unconditionally.

  "Ah Che, don't smoke anymore."


  "Drink less alcohol, that stuff doesn't taste good at all."


  "You don't have to eat spicy food when you're sad. You can also go for a walk or a run. Exercise is good for your body."


  "Eat well, sleep well, and live to be old and healthy."


  Finally he heard her say.

  "Ah Che, remember me."


  That day he carried her on his back for a very long time, until the sky gradually brightened, until the sun rose, until the sunlight slowly fell on them. He turned his head and gently kissed the sleeping girl's forehead.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi【Complete】(132)
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  "Ye Cen, it's dawn."


  When the college entrance examination results came out, Luo Che was repairing his car in a car shop. He slid out from under the car and took out his mobile phone. When he saw the numbers on the screen, he silently covered his eyes with his arms.

  Someone asked: "What's wrong, Luo Che?"

  "The sun is too strong." He said in a hoarse voice.

  The sunlight was so dazzling that it hurt his eyes and he couldn't help but cry.

  "Luo Che, you will leave this small and dark world, and you will move towards the shining future that belongs to you. Even though I am a selfish person, I hope that you can be very good. It doesn't matter whether I am there or not."

  Such a bright future, but Ye Cen is no longer there.

  Under the bright sunshine, a butterfly quietly landed on his arm.

  [Ye Cen’s glass bottle looked dark, with only a faint light.

  She came to that small town just to find a place where no one would disturb her and avoid those sad eyes. She just wanted to be alone and quiet rather than receive those futile sympathies.

  But she didn't expect that she would meet Luo Che here, and meet this last ray of light when her life was almost over. This was a person who was struggling in the swamp like herself. The first time she saw him, she knew that he, like her, longed for light and warmth.

  So Ye Cen didn't dare to get close and didn't want to disturb her. She was the one who was about to leave, the one without a future, the one who had been cut off from all her aspirations.

  She transferred to No. 8 Middle School and was assigned to his class, but she never approached him. She just watched from afar.

  Watching him struggle in the quagmire, watching him work hard for his life, watching him meet his own light, watching him fall in love with that girl, watching him change for the better for her...

  Ye Cen did not see their ending, but she thought that they would all have a very good future.

  She closed her eyes while imagining this.

  And Luo Che had no idea from beginning to end that there was someone who had been standing silently in the distance looking at him.

  When she couldn't stop falling, she only hoped that those who were trapped in the quagmire like her could break free from the shackles of fate and move towards a bright and warm future.

  If such a bright future is related to her, it should be a very happy thing. Sometimes, she would think so. 】

  The author has something to say:

  I saw a trending search, which was probably about whether lovers who passed away would really turn into butterflies.

  I think Luo Che should believe it.

  Chapter 68 Redemption 13 (Extra)

  Lin Wan's school has been very popular recently, thanks to a classmate in the college who uploaded a video of Professor Luo's class to the Internet. The man in the video was wearing a black shirt with his sleeves slightly rolled up. He raised his hand to hold up his sliding glasses, and his eyes were deep, just sweeping across the phone of the person taking the video.

  To be honest, when I saw the video, although Lin Wan had a face that had been in countless classes, I still felt my heart sway when he looked at me.

  Professor Luo is the most mysterious and special professor she has ever met.

  He is knowledgeable, wise and rigorous, but he is not like any upright and reserved scholar. Even a conservative suit and shirt looks frivolous and free on him.

  There has been no news on his WeChat Moments for years, but I heard that every holiday, he would pack his backpack and travel around the world alone, climb the highest mountains, and see the most beautiful scenery.

  It seems like he is recording something for someone.

  Even students knew that there were many female teachers in the college who were attracted to him, and many leaders and colleagues wanted to introduce him to a partner, but he would refuse without hesitation every time, and he had only one reason for his refusal.

  ——I have a lover.

  But no one had ever seen his lover.

  They visited his home that time. His home was like him, cold and casual. In the cold-toned decoration style, there was a photo wall that stood out. There were hundreds of photos on the photo wall, arranged in a disorderly manner, revealing a sense of mystery in the mess.

  He was cooking in the kitchen with others. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal his sexy muscle lines. He had a red string tied around his wrist, which seemed to have been worn for a long time. Although it was worn, it was still well preserved. Through his white shirt, you could vaguely see a red tattoo on his right arm, and the man with such a tattoo was stir-frying vegetables in the pot.

  It is so contradictory and strange that one can't help but want to get closer and explore the fascinating mysteries deep inside.

  After dinner, some people stopped at the wall and marveled at the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas that the photos showed. A student asked, "Teacher, do you like traveling?"

  He stared at the photos with a hint of tenderness in his eyes. It was my lover, she liked them very much.

  In the last period of her life, he lay with her on the hospital bed, looking at one world map after another, her eyes full of longing and regret.

  "If only I had more time, I could visit every place I want to go before leaving." She kept swinging her feet, and then consoled herself: "Forget it, I'll wait for the next life. In this life, you can just go and see it for me."

  She looks well-behaved and quiet, but she is actually a rebellious person at heart.

  But fate did not give her such an opportunity.

  Luo Che didn't say anything, but just kissed her on the lips to silence her.

  The more she downplayed it, the more he couldn't help but feel distressed.

  The student hesitated: "Teacher's lover..."

  "She's gone."

  "Feel sorry."

  Luo Che turned around, saw the expressions on their faces, and smiled gently, "It's okay."

  “Just because some people exist is something we should be grateful for.”

  When he was young, he was full of resentment. He had resented fate more than once. He resented its stinginess and injustice, resented the bumpy script it had arranged for him, and resented it for cruelly taking away the only warmth he had.

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (133)
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  But then he met Ye Cen, the man who was warm even in the gutter. He also began to become gentle, just like his lover.

  Because there was such a scorching light in his life, his life thereafter could always retain its warmth.

  Just like he said, he would be happy because she had appeared, and even though she would leave, he would still be happy.

  They seldom saw Professor Luo smile. He always looked dull and didn't talk much outside of class. Naturally, they had never seen him smile so gently and sadly.

  Later he sent them out. Lin Wan turned around and saw him walking back quietly alone, with fallen leaves scattered at his feet. His back was lonely and silent, yet with a peaceful tenderness.

  What kind of person is it who just appears in his life for a brief moment and is enough to support him for the rest of his long life?


  The back of Meng Qing's tattoo shop was converted into a small pub. The middle wall was pried open to create a long corridor. After drinking, close friends would go straight to their home, lie in the house, watch a movie, listen to a song, and chat and laugh.

  On this day, the tavern welcomed a long-lost guest. The moment Meng Qing saw him, he was a little stunned. After a while, he walked up to him and gave him a hug.

  "Long time no see, Che."

  He was wearing a brown coat and black-framed glasses, looking mature and wise. Who would have thought that the once uneducated boy would one day grow up to be what he is today.

  Meng Qing hung up a "temporarily closed" sign and took a bottle of wine from the cabinet. Thinking of the video he saw a few days ago, a smile flashed in his eyes. "It can't be said that it's been a long time since we last met. After all, someone has been very popular recently, and I've seen your face quite a lot."

  "Sister Meng." Luo Che looked helpless, "Stop teasing me."

  Hearing this, Meng Qing smiled and said nothing more.

  She and Luo Che drank and chatted from time to time. This guy, in fact, has not changed much in essence. He is still a taciturn person. He doesn't talk much even to old acquaintances. I don't know how such a taciturn person can give lectures to so many people in the classroom.

  As she was thinking this, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

  “I like that he’s quiet.”

  In love, even people like them who are quiet and cold seem to become soft and gentle.

  Meng Qing looked at him drinking with his head lowered, and said hesitantly: "A Che, maybe she also hopes that you..."

  Before she finished speaking, he already knew what she meant.

  "She won't." Luo Che slowly raised the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were bitter and dark.

  "Sister Xiao Meng, I dreamed about her a few days ago. I haven't dreamed about her for a long time. So in the dream, I immediately knew that I was dreaming."

  In the dream, she was still seventeen or eighteen years old, as beautiful as when he first met her. She was sitting by the window on the balcony of his house. When he opened his eyes in the dream, he saw her smiling at him. He walked forward uncontrollably and buried his head in her shoulder.

  She just touched his head and teased him why he was crying at such a grown-up.

  He didn't even dare to speak, for fear of disturbing the dream.

  "Ah Che, you have such a bad memory, will you forget me?"

  In her memory, the little girl had always been struggling with this problem. Even though he patiently told her the answer time and time again, she was still worried and anxious.

  She was so afraid of being forgotten, so how could she hope that he would really forget her and embrace a new life.

  And how could he bear to forget her? His life became vivid and bright after he met her. How could he forget such an existence?

  "Sister Xiao Meng, I...I miss Ye Cen so much..."

  He choked up and tears fell as soon as he spoke. Even though he had grown into a mature and steady person now, he still burst into tears when that name was mentioned.

  Seeing his expression, Meng Qing said nothing more.

  Time cannot heal the past. For affectionate people, the scar will become more painful as time goes by. Every time they recall it, it will only increase the weight of the past.

  "Sometimes, I have an illusion that it is possible that Ye Cen's appearance was just a dream. Now I am still in a dream."

  But in the real reality, he did not meet Ye Cen, nor was he redeemed. He was forever trapped in that small and dark world, living a mediocre and absurd life.

  After drinking, they came to the house in the backyard. Meng Qing picked up the tattoo machine. He was one of the only two people who could still allow her to do her old job.

  He once tried desperately to escape from this place, but every few years, Luo Che would return to this small town and come to this familiar shop to get his tattoos painted.

  In fact, there is no place in the city where you can't get a tattoo. He just wanted to find someone to talk about Ye Cen, the man who had disappeared for a long time.

  "To be honest, I'm surprised." In today's fast-food age, such a story of infatuation seems like a fairy tale. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have thought that so-called deep love only belonged to fairy tales.

  But he smiled and reached out to touch the tattoo. He couldn't see it but he could feel its presence.

  "I'm not surprised. After all, she is someone that is hard to forget."

  She was stunned, and that cold and sweet smile appeared in front of her eyes, and she smiled, "Yes."

  Meng Qing watched his back gradually moving away, but remembered that many years ago, she also stood at the window and watched them leave, but he was not alone at that time, and his back did not have the loneliness that could not be relieved.

  "Who is he?" Someone approached from behind.

  "It's an old friend I haven't seen for a long time."

  "A friend?" The woman's seaweed-like hair fell on her left shoulder. She felt her arm wrapped around her waist. "Don't be an old lover."

  She smiled and held down her mischievous hand.

  "I like his lover more than him."

  "Oh?" She fiddled with her fingers, weaving them together, "What kind of person is that?"

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Quick Wear: The Monologue of the Female Supporting Character_Yi Zhi [Complete] (134)
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  "It's someone who is just like you. Once he falls in love, he can't stop." She stopped all her charming intentions by interlocking their fingers, raised her hand, and kissed the tattoo on her ring finger.

  That is the only kind of love in life. How can a person who has been saved by such love stop loving?


  When he went to Ye Cen's grave to visit her, he met her parents who were just leaving with a child. He looked at their warm backs for a long time. When he looked away, he saw a bright bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone.

  They forgot that Ye Cen didn't like flowers.

  He sat beside the tombstone and looked at the photo on it. Ye Cen in the photo did not smile, but just looked at the camera calmly.

  He caressed her eyes with infinite tenderness.

  "I went for a physical examination some time ago, and the doctor said that I am in good health. If I continue to maintain this condition, I will probably live to be 100 years old."

  He was probably the only person whose face showed no joy when he heard this. His expression almost made the doctor think that he had said the opposite of what he meant.

  No one understood, and at that moment, he suddenly felt very sad.

  "But Ye Cen, I don't want to live that long. I seem to be tired."

  After she left, he still studied hard, just like she was still by his side, and he kept the promise they made to each other. Later, he was admitted to the ideal school and left the small town. He has been working hard to live his life, step by step towards the bright future she said.

  The outside world was indeed as bright and interesting as he had imagined. He became a glamorous adult in the eyes of others and lived the life he had always hoped for. He went to many places, saw all the beautiful scenery, and lived a rich and enjoyable life.

  But occasionally, he would hear the sound of the waves that night and feel his empty soul floating outside his body. Her departure seemed to have taken away a part of him.

  The happiness that followed seemed unreal.

  "I'm very obedient, Ye Cen. I've quit smoking and don't drink much. I eat well and go to bed early and get up early."

  He paused, his eyes softening.

  "I haven't forgotten you either."

  It is said that when you dream about someone, it means that the other person is slowly forgetting you. Because of this, when you wake up, you will feel so painful that you can't breathe.

  On a gloomy rainy day, he half-knelt in front of the cold tombstone, leaning his head against the ground, and murmured in a low voice.

  "I'm such a good boy, you won't be angry if I break my promise once in a while."

  It seemed that he was unable to fulfill his promise to her and live a long life.

  "So Ye Cen, take me away."

  They agreed to run away together, but she was the first to escape from this hopeless and broken life, leaving him alone to live numbly in this world.

  So, Ye Cen, let's run away together.

  I know you are waiting for me too.

  The author has something to say:

  Some time ago, I took a long subway ride to see the sea. On the way back, I really wanted to write this story. I wanted to write about two equally cold and silent souls. They were both in the dark and no one cared about them, but fortunately they could see each other.

  This is a story I like very much. Although I feel sad, my heart was very soft when I wrote it. I personally think that the moment they met was the best ending.

  Chapter 69 Senior Sister 1

  Lianyun Sect is located on the Qishan Island. It is one of the five major sects of Taoism today. There are many disciples outside the sect. Most of those who seek immortality and the way of Taoism come to worship at the foot of the mountain, but there are very few who have the talent to enter the sect.

  When Xu Nian came out from the back mountain, a group of disciples were sweeping the path at the entrance of the mountain. They were holding brooms in their hands but were clearly making sword-wielding gestures.

  Although there are many ways to practice Taoism, Lianyun Sect is famous for swordsmanship, and most of the disciples who come to become disciples also come for sword practice.

  Seeing the immortal figure slowly approaching, the disciples who were laughing and cursing couldn't help but stop smiling and stepped forward to greet him respectfully.

  "Senior sister."

  Xu Nian nodded with his hands behind his back, glanced at them indifferently, and then suddenly stopped in the crowd.

  Apart from the punished disciples, the only ones cleaning the back mountain were the new outer disciples. They were naturally reserved and restrained in front of the legendary senior sister, and even though they occasionally gave her a few bold glances, they did not dare to be presumptuous.

  I saw the leading disciple chatting with a smile on his face.

  "Did Senior Sister just finish sword training?"

  Xu Nian didn't say anything and gave him a look that indicated he was talking nonsense. The other disciples thought she was impatient, but only Song Minglang knew that this was just the character of their senior sister, so he laughed even more happily.

  "It doesn't look like it's going well."

  It was visibly that Xu Nian's face looked even worse, causing the group of outer disciples to tremble. Could it be that Senior Brother Song had gone crazy?

  Without caring about other people's criticisms, Song Minglang smiled as brightly as his name. He moved closer to Xu Nian and muttered something. Then he saw that Xu Nian's expression relaxed a little.

  "But why are you here?" Xu Nian seemed to have just reacted.

  As an inner sect disciple, Song Minglang naturally had no responsibility for these tasks, unless he had committed some crime and was punished to clean the place. However, even though it was a punishment, he seemed relaxed and at ease, and he coaxed these outer sect disciples into obeying his orders.

  Hearing Xu Nian's question even though he already knew the answer, Song Minglang raised his chin shamelessly.

  “It’s not that this month’s mission wasn’t met.”

  Inner disciples must go to the inquiry hall every month to receive the tasks for that month, and they will be considered to have met the requirements only after completing them.

  Xu Nian had a blank expression on her face, but everyone could see the silence in her eyes. She didn't say anything else, just turned around and left.

  Only a group of fellow students who were looking up to her were left, and Song Minglang, who was jumping and shouting loudly as if he remembered something.

  "I almost forgot, Senior Sister, Senior Brother Qin is back."

  In everyone's eyes, Xu Nian's figure did not even pause, and she left their sight in a fluttering manner. As soon as she walked away, the group of immature disciples surrounded Song Minglang with shining eyes, talking at once.

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