GTWM (QW) - Xu Yaoguang

[Entering a new world...]

  [Welcome the host to the body of the mistress Xu Yaoguang in "Diary of a Rich Family's Favor", please be prepared...]

  White light suddenly appeared, and the surrounding noise was like sound waves, drilling straight into people's eardrums, stimulating the light and making the brain tense and painful.

  "Miss Xu?"

  This cautious call steadily penetrated the noise and reached Yaoguang's ears. It seemed that at this moment, the chaotic sounds suddenly disappeared and the surroundings were quiet.

  She held a black pen in her hand, and in front of her was a divorce agreement:

  The woman is Xu Yaoguang; the man is Fang Huan.

  The man has already signed, leaving only the woman's column blank.

  "What, you regret it?"

  A mocking tone came from behind.

  Yaoguang turned his head when he heard the sound. The person speaking must be this body's legal husband, that is, Cheng Huan.

  His appearance is undoubtedly that of a CEO. His eyebrows are dark and thick, his narrow eyes are full of indifference, and his dark circles are heavy. He looks like he has not rested for several days, but today he came to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for a divorce.

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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (43)
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  The suit was already untidy, but it was obvious that it was a high-end brand and very expensive.

  The tie was crooked and there was a stain on the collar.

  There was nothing about him that was cheap, but it didn't look neat.

  Coupled with the divorce procedures from his rich wife, the only explanation is: he just went bankrupt.

  Yaoguang thought about this and didn't say anything. He picked up the pen and signed the three words "Xu Yaoguang" stroke by stroke.

  Cheng Huan's hand hanging by his side was completely clenched into a fist. He stared at Xu Yaoguang's back. The curse almost blurted out, but he was stifled back. He raised the corner of his lips and sarcastically said: " Xu Yaoguang, as long as you have money, you can be with anyone."

  Yaoguang never accepted these taunts. She signed, closed the pen and stood up. She gently stuffed a contract into the collar of Cheng Huan's suit. "I can't tell whether it's okay with anyone," she said. He smiled, revealing a meaningful and charming smile, "But I can't be with you anymore, that's for sure."

  After that, she said, as if teasingly, "Husband." The ending was charming and deliberately ambiguous, but listening to it at the moment, it sounded ridiculous no matter how you looked at it.

  The author has something to say:


  The temperature dropped so quickly. It was 30 degrees yesterday and 7 degrees today.

  This world is full of cute women who only love money and can act weird.

  Chapter 22 Xu Yaoguang

  The system became anxious: [What are you doing! 】

  Yaoguang was carrying her bag, her high heels were making a sound on the ground, and her figure was swaying: He provoked me.

  Yaoguang was unhappy in her heart. She hated being provoked by men the most in her life, especially a man she didn’t know yet, a bankrupt man. No matter whether the original owner planned to follow him or not, she would not follow him and wait for the northwest wind to get divorced. , go ahead and dream!

  The system suddenly lost its temper and said in a strange tone: [The goals of this world: Cheng Huan, Gu Yusheng. 】

  One of them, Cheng Huan, had just been ridiculed by Yaoguang and was happily divorced.

  Because of this, the system's tone is a little subtle, as if it is waiting to watch a fluctuating light show to gloat.

  Yaoguang asked: Is there a female protagonist system in this world?

  The system said quietly, "Yes, the female supporting character Xu Yaoguang despises the poor and loves the rich, is vain and materialistic. This contrasts with the female protagonist's noble character. 】

  Yaoguang: ...Is this adjective really a compliment?

  System: [Of course not, the other party is the White Lotus system. 】

  Very good, it can be seen how much Green Tea Tongzi looks down on White Lotus Tongzi.

  It turns out that there is also a chain of contempt between systems.

  The two systems do not exchange host information, and they don't even know their names.

  But a female protagonist system is a female protagonist system, and it has inherent advantages.

  The heroine's system knows Yaoguang's identity. After all, she is the female counterpart who has hurt the hero in the plot, and all kinds of information have been exposed. However, because the heroine has not yet appeared on the stage, all information is relatively hidden.

  But Fluctlight didn't care about this.

  After the system clearly explained all the information about the original owner, there was no sound.

  The original owner grew up with Gu Yusheng , his childhood sweetheart, when he was in middle school . When he entered adolescence, he first fell in love, and the two let their relationship take its course. It's a pity that the two people's family backgrounds are very different. Gu Yusheng's family is poor and he doesn't have much pocket money to support Xu Yaoguang's expenses. Xu Yaoguang's family has a few small pockets. He went to an all-girls high school and there is a serious culture of comparison in the school. , she and Gu Yusheng frequently quarreled over holiday gifts.

  Finally, in their junior year of high school, their precarious relationship came to an end.

  After graduating from college, Xu Yaoguang met Cheng Huan, a wealthy young man, through a banquet hosted by a wealthy and beautiful friend. The two soon fell in love and got married.

  As the crown prince of the group, Cheng Huan took over the company in two years. Their marriage has always been sweet and smooth, and everything seems to be in happiness.

  However, something went wrong in his investment, and he was defeated by thousands of people. Cheng Huan even almost went to jail. At this time, his loving wife filed for divorce and wanted to take away the last funds he had to make a comeback. Since it was a common property within the marriage, Cheng Huan had no choice but to comply. This was undoubtedly the strongest blow to him.

  Xu Yaoguang is short-sighted, vain and money-worshiping, vicious and heartless.

  Cheng Huan was filled with pain and hatred, wishing he could eat her alive. He only regretted that he had been dazzled by her skin and pretended beauty.

  It was Xu Yaoguang's first love Gu Yusheng who helped her fight this divorce lawsuit.

  Upon hearing the news, Cheng Huan was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot. He slapped Xu Yaoguang on the cheek, his eyes bloodshot and his head crackling with fear.

  Xu Yaoguang was hit so hard that she almost fell to the ground. She covered her face and looked at Cheng Huan in horror. Behind her, Gu Yusheng helped her up and asked her Yaoguang softly, are you okay?

  After the scene was played, Yaoguang carefully and meaningfully recalled the expression on Gu Yusheng's face when he helped the original owner up.

  He stood behind the original owner, with the upper half of his face hidden in the shadows, and his jawline was smooth and perfect, tilted in an ascetic and gentle arc. Different from his concerned tone, his lip line was slightly raised, The smile is very obvious.

  It's a pity that the original owner couldn't see it.

  It is reasonable to speculate that the original owner of Gu Yusheng Gang wanted to avenge her for abandoning her back then.

  If the plot develops as expected, the original owner will probably be deceived by Gu Yusheng into losing his pants. A man who is a lawyer has extraordinary scheming.

  From this point of view, the best solution is indeed not to divorce Cheng Huan.

  But it didn't matter, there was still a long time before Cheng Huan would be resurrected, and after much deliberation, Yaoguang was unwilling to follow him back to eat chaffy vegetables and bear the humiliation.

  If the heroine wants to go, just let her go.

  Walking out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, the steps are dense and flimsy, making it not very convenient to walk, especially wearing high heels.

  Yaoguang's long curly hair was blown by the incoming autumn wind. In front of her was a low-key luxury car. The other person rolled down the window and smiled at her, "Yaoguang."

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The dilapidated Taoist temple is still open today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea and White Moonlight [Quick Wear]_Lin Yan Ge [Complete] (44)
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  After saying that, Yaoguang felt a murderous gaze coming from behind her. She knew it was Cheng Huan without looking back. She opened the car door and got into the passenger seat. "Shengsheng, why did you come to pick me up?" She raised her voice. A sweet voice and a smile brighter than a delicate flower.

  The corners of Gu Yusheng's lips froze slightly for a moment, and he replied, "It's too cold. I don't worry about you being alone."

  Even though he acted extraordinarily naturally, Yaoguang could see his reaction, especially the name she just called. She held her chin and thought for a moment, "It's really cold," and pulled on the thin windbreaker on her body. "I left in a hurry and didn't even take my clothes. The sudden drop in temperature made it really cold." She said with a distressed look and her eyes were open. Looking at Gu Yusheng.

  Gu Yusheng understood the woman's hint: "..." He raised his hand and stroked the top of Xu Yaoguang's hair, "I'll take you to buy new ones, not his."

  "Okay!" Xu Yaoguang was indeed in high spirits, and his eyes became even brighter.

  She held Gu Yusheng's hand with both hands, "I knew you loved me the most!" She happily bent her eyes and rubbed the back of his hand with her soft cheek.

  There is no doubt that this is coquettishness.

  Seeing this, Gu Yusheng looked dazed for a moment.

  A long time ago, Xu Yaoguang also liked to act coquettishly towards him like this. When she received exquisite gifts, she would happily kiss him and say, I knew you loved me the most.

  Every time he heard her say this, his heart felt like it was soaked in sparkling water, sour and sweet at the same time.

  But she also knew clearly that those things were given to her with the money he squeezed out from his frugal life, eating only white rice and pickles.

  He doesn't have to give it, but she will definitely turn her back and lose her temper in a bored tone: "Everyone else's boyfriend can do it, why can't you? I like you, but you don't like me at all, I want to break up with you!" "

  This sentence opened the door to how Gu Yusheng had to compromise and go hungry in order to save money for Xu Yaoguang.

  No matter how I think about it now, I feel humiliated, especially when he begged Xu Yaoguang not to break up. She held an umbrella and said impatiently: "We are not the same person."

  And he was soaked to the skin, miserable, and completely injured, with his heart broken to pieces.

  Since then, Gu Yusheng has avoided women and has never been in love. The doctor said that he was psychologically traumatized, that he would constantly be suspicious of women, and that he could no longer trust women.

  And the culprit of all this still had a smile on his face.

  Gu Yusheng took a deep breath and regained his composure.

  He took Xu Yaoguang to a well-known brand store to choose clothes. Xu Yaoguang was not interested in choosing clothes. He didn't seem to be very satisfied with what he saw. After walking around for a long time, he said in disgust, "The fabric is not good and the price is low. It's hard to wear." It will definitely abrade my skin and make me uncomfortable.”

  Gu Yusheng: Do you think a five-figure windbreaker is made of cheap fabric? What are you pretending to be Princess and the Pea? !

  Gu Yusheng held back his anger and said, "Then let's go to another store and check it out."

  "The others are all like this, big or small." Xu Yaoguang's displeasure was visible to the naked eye, and he frowned nicely, "My feet hurt and I don't want to go shopping anymore." She was a little sulky.

  I have to say that Xu Yaoguang's skin is really excellent, to the extent that people think she can be charming despite her petty temperament.

  Gu Yusheng endured it again and again, feeling very choked up in his heart: "Buy two things to wear first. It's cold outside, be good. I'll contact the haute couture shop and make them tailor-made for you. Don't be unhappy."

  Gu Yusheng's expression was full of doting and helplessness, and he pinched Xu Yaoguang's cheek.

  Only then did Xu Yaoguang show his face again, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Nodding like a chicken pecking rice, she hugged his arm happily.

  By evening, the money for the high-end clothes was paid out. Xu Yaoguang requested more than a dozen sets of clothes. Together with shoes, jewelry and bags, Gu Yusheng spent a total of several million.

  When no one was around, Gu Yusheng's face was as gloomy as a cloud. It’s not that I don’t want to part with these millions, but why does it feel so frustrating?

  After Xu Yaoguang took a shower, he looked at him from a distance and smiled silently with his mouth open.

  If you are not prepared, don't seduce the rich and powerful in the world. You can't afford to raise them.

  Xu Yaoguang tilted his head and pretended to wipe his hair and walked out, "I've finished taking a shower." A voice with a high sugar content called him, "Shengsheng, hurry up and take a hot bath."

  After Gu Yusheng hid the phone for a moment, he just turned his head when a refreshing scent of shower gel hit him.

  This is the one that Gu Yusheng has been using for himself. Xu Yaoguang is only wrapped in a bath towel, revealing her proud bust and collarbone. She is half-wiping her hair, and the water drops are thrown onto his hand, wrapped in shower gel. The smell invades.

  Xu Yaoguang's skin is excellent, her pores are almost invisible, and her lips are not red.

  The original face is free from the modification of cosmetics and is more natural. Not to mention her demeanor at this moment, with a kind of tiredness and laziness in which all desires have been satisfied. It is an unworldly and dignified air that has been cultivated by money and power. Her eyes are half-closed in comfort. , like a sleepy cat.

  But her body was all filled with his scent.

  Gu Yusheng's lips tightened, and he didn't know whether it was boredom or something else. He glanced at her and looked away, "Okay, I'll go right away." He stood up and went to the bathroom.

  Xu Yaoguang pulled him at this moment, holding his with her soft and slender fingers, "Hey, wait a minute."

  Gu Yusheng almost shook off her hand, resisted the urge to move, and turned his head: "Huh?" All his attention was on his intertwined fingers with hers, but he didn't look.

  The crisp fragrance suddenly penetrated into his nose. Gu Yusheng held his breath and his hands became a little stiff.

  It turned out that she put the half-wet towel on his head, tilted her head and said, "Put the towel away for me." She arched her eyebrows as she spoke. Her long eyelashes were clearly visible, her eyes were bright, and the beautiful scenery on her chest was right in front of her eyes.

  Gu Yusheng breathed unbearably. He had a high emotional intelligence and knew that Xu Yaoguang was deliberately trying to seduce him. He was not a fool.

  My heart was filled with disgust. I hated Xu Yaoguang like this, and I hated her like this even more.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
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The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Special Topic Recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Through the Book | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xi Dao | Spirit of the Butterfly | Maple Leaf Dan | Rice and Scrambled Eggs | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | Rain Clears and Green Mountains | Xi Chi Mu | Half-Knowledge | Waterfall | Clouds in the Deep Sea | Black Cat White |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (45)
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  But he couldn't control his body's reaction, almost at the moment Shen Yaoguang finished speaking...


  Xu Yaoguang's eyes moved down and he saw that [Jinjiang is not allowed to be described, Jinjiang is not allowed to be described, Jinjiang is not allowed to be described] This Jinjiang is too forbidden to be described, Jinjiang is not allowed to be described. Just from the outside, it should be something that Jinjiang does not allow to be described.

  Suddenly, Gu Yusheng's face darkened, he shook off Xu Yaoguang's hand in shock and anger, and disappeared into the living room.

  Well, it seems that Gu Yusheng will have to take a long bath. As a man, he must work hard to improve himself.

  The author has something to say:

  Let me explain in advance.

  Because Yaoguang is doing the White Moonlight mission, there will be no plot about who Yaoguang will marry in the full text. After all, 'White Moonlight = Unobtainable Existence'

  Chapter 23 Xu Yaoguang

  Gu Yusheng rarely has such embarrassment. In fact, as an adult, his mind has rarely been on these matters. He has only been able to relieve himself a handful of times. Except for the normal time period in the morning, he is very busy. peaceful.

  But at this moment, the strong feeling even intensified, and the top was so hot that it seemed like it was going to explode.

  In a daze, Gu Yusheng seemed to remember that year...

  It was a rainy night. The two of them were traveling and encountered a downpour. They had no choice but to stay in a B&B. The two of them squeezed into a 1.5-meter bed. Xu Yaoguang was in his arms, and his breath was warm on his chest and On the neck. He exercised extra restraint, but it was hard to stop his body's reaction.

  When facing someone you really like, it's hard to say that you don't have any reaction at all.

  And she was in the quilt, whispering: "Sound."

  At that time, Gu Yusheng's attention was focused on the place where the two of them were touching each other. He moved away with difficulty and heard her low voice purring, "I want you." Her eyes were red, but her cheeks were even redder. Hong couldn't help but rub against him, and took the initiative to get closer to him.

  At that time, his brain exploded and he couldn't care about anything.

  Eating forbidden fruit is exciting, but it makes you regret it later.

  It's not that he regrets what he did and he doesn't dare to bear the consequences, but that he regrets that he shouldn't have bullied her, even if she asked him to.

  After that, Gu Yusheng was even more kind to Xu Yaoguang and obeyed her words without any complaints.

  Of course he was happy with this, and he really wanted to stay with her for a lifetime. He had goals and plans for the future, like a knight in armor, invincible.

  But what I didn't expect was that the love between the princess and the knight was only short-lived. Soon she got tired of it and wanted to pursue her prince.

  Gu Yusheng clutched Xu Yaoguang's towel, which was stained with many scents that belonged to her and him.

  It took almost two hours before I heard any movement in the bathroom.

  Xu Yaoguang turned his head and looked over. Gu Yusheng was wearing a white bathrobe and his hair had been blow-dried. When he didn't style his hair, his hair was soft and slightly fluffy, not as cold and stiff as before.

  This inexplicably softened his facial features. He put his glasses back on. His narrow eyes were blocked by the lenses, and the coldness turned into gentleness again. "Are you still sleepy?" he asked Xu Yaoguang.

  "I'm not sleepy." Xu Yaoguang lay on the sofa, leaning on his temples and looking at Gu Yusheng, "Shengsheng, you are so handsome."

  His yukata was worn very neatly, just like a plastic mannequin placed in a shopping mall. The two exposed calves had thick hair, especially the calf muscles, which were perfect and looked like they were bursting with male hormones. The son went against his ascetic and cold temperament.

  Gu Yusheng looked sideways, "You just found out today?" He raised his voice slightly and looked at her intently.

  But not too much close contact.

  It was obvious that Gu Yusheng was mysophobic and didn't want to get too close to her.

  Xu Yaoguang stretched out her soft arm, and gently touched the back of his hand on the sofa with her soft fingertips, moving it bit by bit, "I knew it the first time I saw you, Brother Gu Yusheng." She stared at him.

  The back of Gu Yusheng's hand was tense, and he took it back after a moment, "It's time to go to bed." His voice was very soft, no different from when he coaxed Xu Yaoguang before.

  "Shengsheng, will you..."


  Xu Yaoguang stared at Gu Yusheng's eyes non-stop, "You dislike me."

  Gu Yusheng's eyelashes trembled slightly, a very subtle change, but Xu Yaoguang caught it, "I have been married before, and although I have never given birth to a child, I am no longer the woman who belongs to you alone."

  Gu Yusheng replied, "I don't mind, I love you." Then he took the initiative to kiss her lips.

  The taste of peach, mixed with her fragrance.

  She opened her mouth and bit his lower lip, "Then tonight..."

  Gu Yusheng's hand pinched her waist hard.

  Dead liar.

  Gu Yusheng was probably prepared to be forced to sacrifice his life at night, right?

  He thought well, Xu Yaoguang was not so ruthless, so she tied Gu Yusheng to the bed with a tie, forcing him not to let go.

  Gu Yusheng suppressed his anger with a dark face: "Let me go, Xu Yaoguang, what are you doing?" He was stripped naked.

  Xu Yaoguang's face turned pale with anger, but her beautiful appearance could not be concealed. She was wearing a silk nightgown. "How dare you despise me, you damn scumbag? Why didn't I see you had mysophobia when you slept with me ten years ago!" She bit Gu Yusheng's lower lip so hard that blood came out on the spot and flowed out.

  Her eyes were filled with anger, just like when she was angry. His methods of revenge also seemed childish, as was the case back then, when he nearly went to the hospital with a high fever after being locked in the snow for two hours.

  "I hate you!" Xu Yaoguang glared at him.

  With a bang, the door was locked, and a gust of autumn wind blew through the half-open window. Gu Yusheng shrank his toes coldly, his teeth itching with hatred.

  After a night like this, Gu Yusheng had a fever again.

  The family doctor was a friend of Gu Yusheng's for many years. He prescribed medicine for him. He glanced at Gu Yusheng's red and purple wrists, then looked at his wounded lips, and said in a leisurely tone: "You are so big for fun. ”

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
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The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea and White Moonlight [Quick Wear]_Lin Yan Ge [Complete] (46)
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  Gu Yusheng said with a dark face, "Get out."

  The family doctor laughed out loud, but he immediately held it back with a wink. After coughing twice, he said, "Keep warm. Injections are the most effective."

  Gu Yusheng raised his arm.

  The family doctor said succinctly, "Butt." He held up the needle.

  Gu Yusheng: "?" He looked at him with murderous eyes.

  The family doctor explained, “This can only be injected there.”

  "I'll help you, doctor." Xu Yaoguang brought the porridge over and hurriedly helped Gu Yusheng take off his pants. The family doctor couldn't help laughing and burst out laughing. Gu Yusheng glared at him with an indescribable look, not forgetting to hold his pants with his hands.

  It's a pity that he forgot that his wrists had been tied up all night, and he couldn't exert any strength on his hands now. Xu Yaoguang easily pulled off his pants. She even patted his back lovingly, "Good boy, lie down." good."

  Gu Yusheng's face turned pale.

  The family doctor endured it very hard, his whole body was shaking, but his hand holding the needle was still as steady as an old dog.

  After the injection, his butt hurt and he couldn't sit down. Gu Yusheng leaned on the sofa with a numb expression on his face.

  Outside, Xu Yaoguang was talking strangely to the family doctor and asked for the doctor's instructions, "I don't know, it's my fault whether it's serious or not. Otherwise, Shengsheng wouldn't have gotten sick."

  Doctor: "..." I didn't expect that women are stronger and men are weaker? ?

  "It's okay, it's okay. He's in good health and will be fine in two days... But Miss Xu, it's better not to... uh..." The doctor considered his tone and didn't know how to summarize the word sexual intercourse.

  "I know." Xu Yaoguang smiled innocently, "I won't touch him." She raised three fingers and swore seriously.

  Family doctor: "...Very good, do you have any other questions?"

  Xu Yaoguang hesitated for a while and asked in a low voice, "Doctor, is there any medicine that can enhance that ability?"

  Family doctor: "Huh?"

  Xu Yaoguang glanced secretly behind the glass door and said, "I don't want to hurt Shengsheng's self-esteem, so you can just open it for me secretly."

  "I heard it, Xu Yaoguang!!!"

  Gu Yusheng's roar almost overturned the roof, and his calm appearance finally collapsed at this moment: Very good, Xu Yaoguang, who was both aggressive and noisy, felt like this, tortured pain.

  After the family doctor left, Xu Yaoguang stood behind the sofa, "Why are you so mean!" She put her hands on her hips and glared angrily at Gu Yusheng.

  "What are you doing?" Gu Yusheng's head hurt, but his body hurt even more, and he didn't want to look back at Xu Yaoguang.

  "Don't worry, I'm very angry."

  "It's me who should be angry, right?"

  Gu Yusheng laughed angrily, and finally turned his head with difficulty to stare at Xu Yaoguang.

  "Who told you to treat me like that last night?" Xu Yaoguang walked around the sofa in slippers, like a rabbit, "You make me unhappy, I will go back to Cheng Huan right away!"

  "Cheng Huan never wants to make me angry!"

  Gu Yusheng clenched his fists, "Are you looking for him? Okay, go find him. You have forgotten what he did to you."

  As if she suddenly remembered the scene of being slapped by Cheng Huan, Xu Yaoguang shrank her shoulders, her face turned pale, and she subconsciously covered her face.

  Seeing this, Gu Yusheng changed his words stiffly with an awkward tone for some reason, "You are already divorced."

  "It's all your fault. Who told you to suddenly come out and seduce me?" Xu Yaoguang immediately scolded him with a clear conscience.

  "I didn't." Gu Yusheng certainly would not admit such a shameful word.

  "Male mistress!" Xu Yaoguang continued to scold.


  "I'm very angry, I don't care." Xu Yaoguang sat down opposite Gu Yusheng.

  Probably because he was really angry, Gu Yusheng suddenly recalled the humiliated look on her face in bed last night, and she was so angry that she bit him while trembling all over.

  After a moment of silence, Gu Yusheng said, "What do you want."

  "I want to go out and play, give me money." Xu Yaoguang's expression changed immediately, and he smiled sweetly and stretched out his hand to him.

  Gu Yusheng took a deep breath, turned his head away and took out a card for her.

  Xu Yaoguang went to get it, but Gu Yusheng seemed reluctant to let go. Like a little squirrel guarding its food, she grinned at him and slapped his hand away.

  He said he went out to play, but he really went out to play. Xu Yaoguang disappeared in the afternoon and didn't even have lunch at home. Lunch was made by Gu Yusheng's aunt.

  At half past one in the afternoon, text messages on my cell phone began to ding.

  Open it and take a look: XXX brand store spent 90,245 yuan.

  Then the phone started to ding like it was broken.

  Manicure, hair, dress and shoes, high-end beauty shop, private VIP movie, Michelin restaurant consumption...

  A total of 2.31 million.

  After enduring all this, at five o'clock in the evening, the phone rang again, and it was a text message.

  —Our Xiaoyan has already agreed to the dinner you invited us to have. The agent has rejected all the announcements tonight. The fee has been negotiated to be five million. It will be private room 502 of the Chris Hotel at five o'clock tonight. ?

  Gu Yusheng:?

  The author has something to say:

  I wrote it before, in order to avoid some readers’ physical discomfort, so I would like to explain in advance that the original owner of all worlds is actually Yaoguang himself. You can understand that they are Yaoguang from a long, long, long time ago, so in fact, the male protagonist and male supporting characters are from beginning to end. All I love is Fluctlight, no one else.

  Chapter 24 Xu Yaoguang

  If you have money, you can really do whatever you want, even celebrities deign to spend the night with them.

  Unfortunately, before anything happened, Gu Yusheng rushed to the hotel, and it was the little star Yan who opened the door.

  Gu Yusheng's face turned livid, "Do you know that money and sex transactions are a crime?" He could barely maintain the gentle smile on his face. His expression was a little stiff, and he restrained his gaze and looked around Yan Mou inside.

  Little Star: "...who are you?" Monk Zhang Er was simply confused.

  "Xiao Yanyan, who is it?"

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Completed]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (47)
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  Xu Yaoguang appeared in front of Gu Yusheng like this. It seemed that she was fully dressed and had not had time to do anything. The smile on Gu Yusheng's lips now became a little more genuine, "As a lawyer, I advise you to stop the current transaction."

  Yan: "..."

  Xu Yaoguang said angrily, "No, if you can, call the police! Xiao Yanyan goes to take a shower."

  Yan said: "I don't dare." He was frightened.

  This is not the first time that Yan has done this kind of private work, including getting paid to sleep with a rich woman.

  "Xu Yaoguang, are you too courageous?" Gu Yusheng laughed angrily, "Do you think I really don't dare?"

  "You report it! If you don't, you are not a Chinese."

  "I [beep——], sister, please wait a moment. Don't call the police. I have an announcement tomorrow——"

  Soon after, the phone number dialed 110. Xu Yaoguang grabbed the phone quickly with quick eyes and hands. Gu Yusheng didn't really want to call the police. Seeing Xu Yaoguang rushing to grab the phone, he snorted in his heart and did not stop it.

  However, the next second, Xu Yaoguang's voice came out, "Uncle policeman, let me report with my real name. There is a prostitute in private room 502 of Chris Hotel on Linxia Road. He is my boyfriend. His name is Gu Yusheng. He has violent tendencies. Hurry up." They're going to beat me."

  Yan: "!"

  Gu Yusheng: "...???"

  Half an hour later, Xu Yaoguang wiped the non-existent tears from the corner of her eyes with a tissue and sat crying while the policewoman next to her comforted her warmly.

  The person inside was forced to fill in information. Yan didn't want to admit it, and Gu Yusheng refused to answer, until his card was found to have been leaked. Five million yuan was transferred to Yan today, and the text messages were also recorded.

  unambiguous evidence.

  Gu Yusheng's face turned dark.

  Over there, Yan was begging this person not to let anyone know, otherwise his career would be ruined.

  Xu Yaoguang groaned, looking at Gu Yusheng, and suddenly he looked at Gu Yusheng. There was no emotion in Gu Yusheng's dark eyes, and he didn't know if he was angry or not. Xu Yaoguang looked at him "highly" and then wiped his neck in provocation.

  Gu Yusheng had no expression and turned his head as if he hadn't seen him.

  "Mr. Cheng, the information here has been filled in. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

  There was a voice outside, and Xu Yaoguang subconsciously turned his head to look. The person who came in was dusty, and it was very windy outside. He was wearing a camel cape coat, and his black hair was very conspicuous.

  After stepping onto the stairs, he raised his eyebrows and looked over. The first person he saw was not the policewoman who came to greet him, but Xu Yaoguang who was sitting on the bench behind her. He was stunned for a moment.

  Xu Yaoguang didn't seem to react and smiled at him. But she quickly reacted and immediately covered her face and turned around.

  Xu Yaoguang would always look like this when he did something that made him feel guilty.

  Cheng Huan hated his understanding of Xu Yaoguang, so he pretended not to see it, looked away and took the information.

  The female police officer talked to him about the matter. After it was over, he pretended to be casual and asked, "What happened over there?"

  The female police officer raised her eyebrows and waved her hands, not caring, "My boyfriend is a prostitute and has violent tendencies. He almost beat her."

  When Cheng Huan heard this word, he almost wanted to laugh, but the last thing he said was a cold snort. After everything was done and he was about to leave, Cheng Huan walked up to Xu Yaoguang.

  Xu Yaoguang pretended not to see it and said nothing.

  Cheng Huan sneered, "Xu Yaoguang, weren't you very arrogant the day you signed the divorce agreement? There will be retribution so soon."

  Xu Yaoguang said: "I don't care if he has money."

  Cheng Huan chuckled, "I know, you only love money."

  "Yes," Xu Yaoguang hated being looked at by Cheng Huan like this, so he said, "If it weren't for the fact that you were the crown prince of the Wensheng Group, I would never have married you."

  These words are simply murderous and vicious.

  The expression on Cheng Huan's face suddenly disappeared, and his eyes were icy and cold, "Xu Yaoguang, you are very well."

  Bai Weirou heard this dialogue as soon as she stepped in. She was silent for a while, looked at Xu Yaoguang carefully, and asked the system in her heart: this really the host of the Green Tea White Moonlight System?

  [Scan completed, confirmed. 】

  Bai Weirou: Didn't you hear what she just said?

  【I heard. 】

  Bai Weirou: Can she really win against me like this?

  【……have no idea. 】

  Bai Weirou was already deep in thought, thinking this was some novel approach. Is she sure that if this is the case, Cheng Huan won't hate her even more? If someone stabbed her at night, it would be easy for her.

  Sure enough, Cheng Huan's pretty face was full of bone-gnawing hatred.

  "Ah Huan." Bai Weirou said.

  Cheng Huan immediately put away his previous attitude and gradually straightened up, but he ignored Bai Weirou's call and turned around to leave expressionlessly.

  Bai Weirou and Xu Yaoguang looked at each other far away, then turned around and followed Cheng Huan away.

  Xu Yaoguang looked at Bai Weirou's back for a while and sat quietly for a moment. Gu Yusheng's voice appeared behind her, "Are you jealous?"

  His tone was neither salty nor cool. After these two incidents, he no longer bothered to pretend to be gentle and tender in front of Xu Yaoguang, and simply mocked with a cold face.

  "Who are you jealous of?" Xu Yaoguang snorted, "Don't you need to be detained?" she asked strangely.

  "Thank you for your gift." Gu Yusheng said coldly and walked out.

  "Huh?" Xu Yaoguang tilted his head, stood up, and followed with a sloppy voice, "Shengsheng, wait for me."

  In the cold street, Gu Yusheng had a cold face, "Xu Yaoguang, aren't you embarrassed?"


  "You did it on purpose."

  Gu Yusheng raised his cell phone and asked, "If we haven't seen each other for a few years, we will be a stumbling block for others."

  "You were the one who took the trap yourself." Xu Yaoguang replied matter-of-factly, "If you didn't care about me, you wouldn't have come to this hotel, and you wouldn't have been punished. Do you blame me?"


  "And I won't sleep with him," Xu Yaoguang tiptoed closer to Gu Yusheng, staring at him without scruples, "I just want to sleep with you."

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
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The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (48)
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  Gu Yusheng's face collapsed, his chest and abdomen heaved violently, "Xu Yaoguang, please be more reserved."

  "You've already slept, why are you being reserved?" Xu Yaoguang smiled and poked his chest with his finger. The clothes he wore seemed a bit cold, but the skin under the clothes was soft.

  Gu Yusheng seemed to be burned by the flames. He said nothing, Xu Yaoguang's appearance was reflected in his eyes. My mind flashed back to that hot night ten years ago.

  She cried out in pain under him, but refused to allow him to leave, clinging to him with all her strength.

  For a moment, he felt extremely hot on the autumn street.

  At around nine o'clock in the evening, Gu Yusheng took a shower and came out to knock on Xu Yaoguang's door. The person inside was already asleep, and his smile froze on his face: Xu Yaoguang, I believe you. of evil.

  Chapter 25 Xu Yaoguang

  Early the next morning, what Xu Yaoguang saw was Gu Yusheng with a strange expression. He seemed a little angry, but he didn't show it.

  The only thing he shows is that he is as cold as ice, has a strange aura, and talks little.

  Xu Yaoguang yawned and went downstairs. Seeing this, he lay down on the escalator and looked at him. He was probably really angry. Gu Yusheng was chopping vegetables and chopping sticky boards. He didn't know who thought someone was fighting here. Woolen cloth.

  But the famous scene of the handsome guy cooking will add points no matter how you watch it.

  "You can also cook."

  Gu Yusheng raised his head when he heard the voice, and his eyes looked a little strange and cold. Xu Yaoguang blinked, and after a moment he remembered, "Oh, you can do it."

  When he was studying, Xu Yaoguang said one day: The boyfriend of the classmate next door personally cooked porridge for her, and she had breakfast in the corridor early in the morning, and she looked so happy.

  So Gu Yusheng went to learn cooking, especially various porridge cooking methods. Now, let alone being a master, his cooking skills are much better than most people. But unfortunately, he seldom cooks, and when others ask , the natural answer is that I can’t cook.

  I just didn’t expect that after all these years, I would end up making breakfast for the same person.

  Gu Yusheng's mood was very complicated. His chopping movements slowed down and he never spoke.

  The vegetable leaves were cut into thin strips, and the color looked beautiful.

  The porridge being cooked in the casserole was smelling of aroma. Xu Yaoguang cheered loudly, kicked her slippers on, and ran to the open kitchen. The lid of the casserole was covered with a wet rag. The rag opened the lid, and the aroma suddenly hit my nostrils, "Ah."

  She quickly put down the lid, and the white steam burned her hands.

  Gu Yusheng heard the sound and quickly grabbed her hand and pulled it to the faucet. The cold water column rushed down instantly and slapped Xu Yaoguang's soft fingertips, making her cry out in pain.

  "Am I missing out on your food or your drink?"

  Gu Yusheng looked unhappy and squeezed her hand unhappily, "Bear with it."

  The coolness extinguished the hot pain on his fingers. Xu Yaoguang went to Gu Yusheng and said, "I'm just hungry." She tilted her head, and Fu Er asked, "Are you angry?"

  Gu Yusheng said calmly, "It's your hand that's burning, not mine. Why should I be angry?"

  "But you said a long sentence." Xu Yaoguang smiled sweetly.

  Gu Yusheng couldn't help but feel a little depressed, but Xu Yaoguang smiled at him openly and brightly, as if he was expecting it, and his eyes were full of 'I know you love me to death'.

  After a moment's silence, Gu Yusheng suddenly grabbed her chin with one hand and kissed her lips hard.

  It's not so much a kiss as it is vicious revenge and violent demands.

  Xu Yaoguang's wet hands hooked around his neck, soaking his neat white shirt.

  This man seemed to have mysophobia, he would button up his shirt to the top button, to make it neat and clean. But at this moment, his obsessive-compulsive disorder and mysophobia, which he was so proud of, seemed to have disappeared completely.

  He held up Xu Yaoguang with one hand, and Xu Yaoguang sat on the chopping board, lifting up his wide nightgown. And his hand held her waist so hard, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

  The pink panty hung on her calf, and Gu Yusheng took the time to turn off the porridge cooker.

  Xu Yaoguang put his arms around Gu Yusheng's neck and closed his eyes distractedly.

  Until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Yaoguang lay lazily on the bed. She half-closed her eyes and said in a hoarse voice with sweetness, "Is there any contraceptive pill that men can take?"

  A question popped up in Gu Yusheng's head, "If you're pregnant, give birth to me and I'll raise you." He said this behind Xu Yaoguang.

  "Really?" Xu Yaoguang turned his face sideways, looking at him with only one eye.

  "When have I ever lied to you?" Gu Yusheng felt a little unhappy when he felt Xu Yaoguang's doubts. He pressed one eyebrow, gently placed his huge palm on Xu Yaoguang's back shoulder, and then moved it to the back of her neck, causing people to tremble.

  "If I'm pregnant..." Xu Yaoguang said in a leisurely tone and let out a playful laugh. She came closer, kissed Gu Yusheng's Adam's apple, and said under his darkening eyes, "Will you dump me?" , abandon me and let me experience the heartbreaking pain you endured ten years ago.”

  The atmosphere suddenly froze.

  Gu Yusheng didn't even move his eyebrows, and Xu Yaoguang felt that his hand on the back of his neck froze.

  Within a few moments, Gu Yusheng suddenly said, "Let's go get the certificate now." He held Xu Yaoguang's wrist as if to prove himself.

  "No need." Xu Yaoguang gently pulled back her hand, and she frowned. It was probably because Gu Yusheng's sudden seriousness made her a little disappointed, "I won't marry you."

  In fact, when he heard these words, Gu Yusheng didn't feel much. In fact, his body hadn't reacted yet and it was still hot, but his heart gradually sank when he heard these words. : "Why?" he heard himself ask.

  But Xu Yaoguang smiled playfully, "Why are you so serious?" She touched his belly with her hand, "Long live celibacy." She breathed out softly, and kissed the corner of his lips, "There is no reason."

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Completed]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong【Completed】
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Green Tea and White Moonlight [Quick Wear]_Lin Yan Ge [Complete] (49)
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (49)
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  Gu Yusheng didn't say anything else. He just thought that she was newly divorced and had a shadow on her marriage, so he didn't think much about it.

  But in the dead of night, Gu Yusheng would also doubt himself. He couldn't tell if Xu Yaoguang asked him if he would retaliate against her. When he grabbed her wrist and said that he was going to get the certificate, he was impulsive or just to dissuade her. doubt.

  The more time he spent with Xu Yaoguang, the more he realized that the traces of his deep love for her were gradually reviving, filling his broken heart inch by inch.

  Dingsheng Senior Law Firm, this afternoon, a special guest came.

  At that time, Gu Yusheng was following up on a case, which was coming to an end.

  There was a knock on the office door, and he thought it was Xu Yaoguang. He glanced at the time and called in. The cases on the table were almost dealt with, and it was time to relax.

  The door to Bu's office was pushed open, and what he heard unexpectedly was not the arrogant clicking of high heels, but light and steady steps. Gu Yusheng gently raised his head and looked over:

  A woman, a young woman.

  The other party's black shoulder-length hair was gently tied up and hung down her back, and her smooth forehead was exposed under the thick black hair. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, a high nose bridge, and very thin lips. A cool, scholarly air came to my face.

  "Lawyer Gu, I have long admired your name."

  She opened her mouth with a smile that was just right, neither flattering nor cold.

  Gu Yusheng did not answer immediately, but showed a relatively gentle smile, but the smile did not reach his eyes, and the eyes under the lenses were slightly charming. He nodded gently and motioned to the woman to continue, "Please sit down. "The voice that spoke was soft and gentlemanly.

  "Bai Weirou, I have a very difficult matter at hand, and I want to consult you." Bai Weirou shook hands with him and sat across from the desk.

  Waiting to see Gu Yusheng's face clearly, Bai Weirou's eyes flickered slightly. In fact, she was more interested in this kind of gentle male lead than Cheng Huan. The male lead was a tough nut to crack, and Cheng Huan had a bad temper. It seemed like it had just been fished out of the latrine.

  She owes him, right? She looks at his face all day long.

  Hearing this familiar name, Gu Yusheng glanced at her calmly, and the carelessness in his eyes truly turned serious. The smile on his lips instantly became much gentler. The word "Oh?" means Very deep.

  The woman beside Cheng Huan now is Bai Weirou.

  Soon, the office door was pushed open. "Who is it, Gu Yusheng, how dare you look for another woman--!!"

  A roaring voice came in.

  Bai Weirou turned her head and saw Xu Yao, wearing eight-centimeter high heels barefoot and a fiery red dress that looked very charming. Her curly hair was hanging down her shoulders, but there was a hint of anger on her delicate facial features.

  "What girl are you doing with? If you don't answer the phone or text, I'm going to be angry!! Do you not love me anymore? You're annoying me to death!"

  Bai Weirou: "..." Sister, I really don't understand your routine. Is this your first time as a host?

  As expected, Gu Yusheng's face looked a little ugly. He could hardly maintain his gentle face and said, "Xu Yaoguang." How much wine did you drink? I'm really brave!

  Holding on too tightly will only push a man further and further away, and no man likes to be controlled.

  Bai Weirou saw Gu Yusheng's expression clearly, and guessed that Gu Yusheng must be very annoyed with Xu Yaoguang at the moment.

  She stood up politely, put her business card on the desk, and said to call.

  When leaving, Bai Weirou heard Xu Yaoguang's reluctant voice in the office, "Who is she? I don't want you to contact her, throw it away, throw it away!"

  Little did they know, in the office with the door closed, after she left, Gu Yusheng's voice with a headache came: "Okay, okay." He threw the business card into the trash can without saying a word.

  "How much have you drunk? Do you want to go to heaven?" He was angry, holding Xu Yaoguang's hand with one hand and placing her on the leather sofa.

  "I don't know how to cook." Xu Yaoguang said resentfully and aggrieved, "Can you come back from get off work at noon and cook for me?"

  Did you have wine for lunch? ?

  "Shengsheng, I miss you so much." Xu Yaoguang crawled into his arms coquettishly, which instantly extinguished Gu Yusheng's anger. The office was busy with work, and sometimes he even missed his lunch. She asked her assistant to buy it, "Okay." He promised to go home from get off work and make lunch for her.

  "Yeah!" Xu Yaoguang immediately made a "yeah" sign and rubbed against his chest, "I knew Shengsheng loved me the most."

  "Isn't it time that I saw another woman tell me that I don't love you just now?" Gu Yusheng was angry.

  "What woman?" Xu Yaoguang pretended to be innocent. She didn't care about women at all. "A man who doesn't love himself is like rotten cabbage. I won't care about you. I will only throw the cabbage away after it rots." In the trash can.”

  This metaphor...

  Gu Yusheng's back felt cold.

  "What about women?" he asked.

  “There are no women who don’t love themselves, there are only beautiful women, and beautiful women who have been deceived by scumbag men.”


  The author has something to say:

  Sorry, I haven’t updated in two days... This is an epidemic, wow, wow, I’m really convinced, when will it be over?

  Chapter 26 Xu Yaoguang

  Is this view of love really normal?

  Xu Yaoguang felt that he was quite happy anyway, and there was nothing wrong with him.

  Bai Weirou waited for Gu Yusheng to contact her. After waiting for a full week, there was still no news, and questions were rising in her heart. Finally, later this month, she went to Gu Yusheng's high-end law firm again.

  It was noon time and there were few people around. Bai Weirou had already watched the plot. Normally Gu Yusheng would be alone in the office at this time and no one would disturb him.

  After explaining the purpose of his visit, the front desk replied with a smile, "Lawyer Gu is not here."

  Bai Weirou's face froze, "Huh?" Doubts flashed through her mind, "Not here? Is there a case being followed up?"

  When the receptionist heard this, his face was helpless, but his eyes were full of smiles, "No, Lawyer Gu went home to cook for his girlfriend. Our Lawyer Gu has become a good family man since we fell in love." After that, The lady at the front desk continued to add, "Look here, can I make an afternoon appointment for you? Our office opening hours are at two o'clock in the afternoon."

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Complete]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Supporting Role in the Last Days_Dream of Fox Words【Complete】
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong【Completed】
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_wipe your hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (50)
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  Bai Weirou sat in the car with a gloomy face. She asked the system: "Can Gu Yusheng cook? Doesn't he know how to cook?"

  The plot given by the system at the beginning was dead, but they were alive. Although they knew that reality would not develop exactly according to the plot, this deviation had already made Bai Weirou feel that something was wrong.

  The system couldn't answer, and it was stuck for a long time before the system said: "I really can't cook." ] But it reacted quickly and immediately continued: [After the plot officially unfolded, he has always said that he does not know how to cook. 】

  Bai Weirou raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you saying that he is suspected of lying?"

  You have to lie about whether you know how to cook or not, which means that Gu Yusheng's personal profile is very likely to be inconsistent with what the system gives.

  Bai Weirou now looked at the three key words of 'gentleness, friendliness, sincerity, and justice' given by the system. However, she found them untrustworthy and ironic.

  "But, why?" Bai Weirou frowned and thought, and after thinking for a long time, she couldn't think of a reason.

  Finally, I thought, forget it, it’s more important to conquer Cheng Huan.

  Cheng Huan is soliciting investments to discuss new projects. These days, he is extremely busy with work matters. Bai Weirou cooked chicken shredded porridge for him and took it to the company. At Cheng Huan's request, while handing him the documents, Bai Weirou also put the thermos on the desk, "Ah Huan."

  When Cheng Huan heard this, he saw the thermos pot at a glance. He understood instantly, and then he raised his head imperceptibly and looked at Bai Weirou. There was no special expression on her face, only a shallow layer of concern.

  The timing was just right. After she reminded him, her attention quickly turned to her work. When she lowered her eyes and talked to him about the project, her word order was clear and logical, and even her tone was gentle and affirmative.

  Bai Weirou and Cheng Huan were classmates in elementary school. In fact, Cheng Huan didn't remember Bai Weirou at all. However, looking at the elementary school roster, there was indeed Bai Weirou, who was short and chubby. He looks like a dumpling with breasts, and he was standing next to his childhood self when the photo was taken.

  After learning about his current situation, it was Bai Weirou who decided to be his assistant to help him without saying a word.

  Judging from Bai Weirou's resume, she can definitely find a better job, and her work ability is also very good.

  But she just stayed.

  It's impossible not to be touched at all. Cheng Huan was naturally grateful for this kind of help in times of need, but he wouldn't have it in many cases.

  Cheng Huan took another look at the thermos bucket and rubbed his fingertips slightly. This was a small movement when he was thinking. He suddenly asked: "How much?"

  Bai Weirou was still reporting on her work and didn't react, "What?"

  "Porridge." Cheng Huan pointed his chin at the thermos bucket.

  Bai Weirou was stunned for a moment before quickly waving her hands, "I made it myself, it's not worth much."

  "Labor fees are money." Cheng Huan was a man of his word and transferred two hundred yuan to Bai Weirou.

  Two hundred yuan for a bucket of porridge was already a sky-high price, and Bai Weirou was still stunned when she left.

  This wouldn't be a problem, as Cheng Huan and she were too far apart, and he didn't want to take advantage of her at all. But since the porridge was already prepared and served, he couldn't refuse, so he offered to pay.

  Such behavior is unexpectedly considerate.

  ——But when being considerate is used on Cheng Huan, it is definitely not a good thing.

  This proves that... in his heart, Bai Weirou is a strange woman who needs to draw a clear line.

  She has been trying to conquer Cheng Huan for more than four months, but Cheng Huan still refuses to change his mind. Meanwhile, Gu Yusheng has already started cooking for Xu Yaoguang!

  Is that the fucking difference?

  After staring at the bucket of porridge for a long time, Cheng Huan turned his attention to the floor-to-ceiling window. At this moment, the night scene was all over the place. The dimly lit place is also a scene of cold red lights and green wine.

  Xu Yaoguang had never cooked for him, not even ordinary white porridge.

  She is extremely arrogant, and occasionally loses her temper when she disagrees with her, but her temper comes and goes quickly, and she is heartless...

  The lawyer's name was Gu Yusheng. After checking the information, it turned out that he was Xu Yaoguang's first love. For her, in every aspect, it was the first time for her and him to exist.

  It was of extraordinary significance. Maybe Cheng Huan was not as good as him, but why did he have to leave so simply when he was bankrupt? This hit him on a deep level, so much so that the pride he had always been ashamed of began to waver. Until it's broken.

  He was unsure and hated it.

  She had made him lose himself.

  After a while, he called his friends in, and the bucket of porridge was taken down and divided among them.

  At night, Cheng Huan dreamed of Xu Yaoguang.

  She was still as cheerful as ever. When she saw him for the first time, she secretly looked at him after hearing who he was. After he found out, she turned away with a guilty conscience, like a silly sheep.

  She carries a sense of loneliness that has not yet entered society, her eyes are clear and translucent, and all her thoughts are written on her face.

  At that time, Cheng Huan was indeed powerful, and he didn't care whether others approached him because he was rich. He was handsome and had a good personality. After getting together with Xu Yaoguang, she really showed that she loved him very much.

  It was impossible for him to think that she had no love for him at all.

  People who have reached that level can get whatever they want, and just lose it if they don't like it.

  So Cheng Huan liked Xu Yaoguang, wanted Xu Yaoguang, and married Xu Yaoguang.

  The difference is that after he wanted her, he never thought about losing her. He loved her so much that he couldn't let her go.

  On the day of the divorce, he suddenly discovered that the reason for her divorce was not only his bankruptcy, but also because of some damn man who cheated on her and changed her mind.

  The extreme anger nearly made his heart burst, but Xu Yaoguang did not explain. Instead, he provoked her nonchalantly, saying, "Why should I follow you when you have no money?"

  From beginning to end, she didn't think she was wrong, let alone that she had let him down.

  So Cheng Huan beat her.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Completed]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Special Topic Recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Through the Book | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xi Dao | Spirit of the Butterfly | Maple Leaf Dan | Rice and Scrambled Eggs | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | Rain Clears and Green Mountains | Xi Chi Mu | Half-Knowledge | Waterfall | Clouds in the Deep Sea | Black Cat White |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (51)
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  He regretted it right after the beating, his heart filled with remorse and pain, but before he could react, the man behind Xu Yaoguang quickly supported her and gently asked her if she was okay.

  And her face was filled with fear and turned pale.

  Yes, she should be afraid. He was too good to her, and he never turned his sharp edge towards her.

  Cheng Huan calmed down and took a breath. Someone pushed the door open and came in with a happy face: "Mr. Cheng, the investor agreed to sign the contract!"

  Cheng Huan stood up immediately, a feeling of joy came down from the top of his head. He breathed a sigh of relief. He stood too fast and his body was shaking, and he soon lost consciousness.

  The financial gap caused by the part of the funds that Xu Yaoguang took away has finally been filled.

  At this moment, Gu Yusheng was working overtime and Xu Yaoguang was dancing.

  This was a star-studded venue. She screamed, and shiny pieces fell from the sky. She wiped the abdominal muscles of the dancing male model and stuffed the banknotes into the edge of his N-pants.

  The author has something to say:

  Auntie is in so much pain... It's almost over. I'll reply daily when it's almost over.

  Chapter 27 Xu Yaoguang

  At the same time, Xu Yaoguang received a text message on her mobile phone: Miss Xu, the luxury yacht feast you booked has been successful!

  Xu Yaoguang opened her cell phone and happily pushed away the male model who came close to please her. She stroked the male model's chest muscles with her soft fingertips. The male model's eyes lit up and he reached out to hold Xu Yaoguang's hand.

  Only then did Xu Yaoguang come back to his senses. She blew him a kiss perfunctorily, gave him a bunch of tips, pushed him away, and left.

  The male model was extremely disappointed that such a beauty could not stay for him, and she was so generous in taking action.

  This time the yacht feast was not held in City H. Xu Yaoguang turned off his phone and got on the yacht with his dress in hand.

  Gu Yusheng couldn't find Xu Yaoguang, so he almost went to the police to arrest her. Finally, he saw her on the financial channel, and he laughed angrily on the spot.

  An upright-looking man followed Xu Yaoguang into the bathroom. The person in front of him was swaying as he walked. He was wearing a moon-white waisted dress, and his long wavy hair was swaying behind him. His waist was like a charming snake spirit. , wherever you go, there is fragrance everywhere.

  And her appearance is not the tacky beauty of female Internet celebrities. On the contrary, her beauty is particularly unique. She is sharp and charming, but her eyes are innocent and ignorant of the world. Her contradictory temperament makes her look particularly charming.

  If I could sleep with her, my life would be worth it.

  After turning a corner, they arrived at the restroom. As soon as the man stepped in, a leather bag hit him in the face. The hard edges scratched his face on the spot. His face suddenly changed. Before he could curse, he heard the woman's curse:

  "You...pervert, have you never seen a woman?" Not satisfied with just one hit, she wanted to hit him a second time.

  The man was on guard now, and he grabbed her wrist that was about to hit him. He sneered, "I wanted to talk to you in a nice way, but who knew you would be so ungrateful."

  Xu Yaoguang's ten centimeter-high penis crushed the man's foot hard, and she raised a smile, "Really?" She said, increasing her strength, "Then what should I do? Is this it?"

  The man screamed and pushed her away, bent down to ease the pain, and was about to slap her away.

  Xu Yaoguang dodged away, "You look like this, and you come out to chat with beautiful women, and go to the bathroom to chat with her? With all due respect, this is a crime!" She didn't finish scolding enough, and rewarded her with a tease. The voice said, "Ugly, get out of here!"

  "Do you know who I am, bitch-"

  Halfway through cursing, a man came in at the door. When Xu Yaoguang saw the person, he immediately ran over and took his arm, "Hubby, someone is bullying me!"

  Before Cheng Huan had time to react, a familiar fragrance hit him, and Xu Yaoguang was right next to him. His pupils shrank, "Why are you-" What he wanted to ask was why are you here, and then he asked When he saw the man covering his feet by the sink, his expression suddenly turned bad.

  Xu Yaoguang leaned on Cheng Huan's chest and said, "I just came to use the toilet. Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise I don't know what would have happened. I'm just a weak woman. I'm really scared to death." I’m done woo woo woo…”

  Cheng Huan was unmoved, his hands hanging down by his side, letting Xu Yaoguang rub against his shoulders and chest, he watched her performance coldly. After all, he and her had been married for many years, and at this moment she was undoubtedly pretending to cry, she cried loudly but there was no tear at all, it was so fake.

  Most of the people who can come here are rich or noble, but she can't afford the consequences if she offends them.

  Very good, he is such a tool man.

  Cheng Huan sneered, "I don't know——"

  Xu Yaoguang looked at him pitifully, with tears in her eyes, and she held his arm tightly. The tip of her beautiful nose was slightly red, and her cherry lips were biting as if she didn't feel aggrieved.

  Cheng Huan: "..." He looked away and looked at the man, "What do you want."

  The man naturally knew Cheng Huan. Although he went bankrupt some time ago, he was actually framed by an inhumane person. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. He is a man with outstanding abilities. He has been able to enter such a situation again in just a few months. The occasion, is said that he has a project at hand, which has been negotiated with Dingsheng, and making a comeback is not a dream.

  The man was extremely frightened. He endured the pain and stood up straight, "I didn't know it was Mrs. Cheng. How offensive."

  "It's good that you know." Xu Yaoguang accepted the title 'Mrs. Cheng' very well, and even snorted disdainfully at the man. His expression looked very arrogant, "Be careful my husband makes you bankrupt!"

  Cheng Huan immediately covered her mouth and said, "...Shut your mouth." He felt a headache. It had been a long time since he had been so troubled. When the relationship between the two was good, Xu Yaoguang was also proud of himself. He often says, "Husband, I don't like so-and-so, let her go bankrupt." '

  Cheng Huan felt funny at the time, kissed her and said, "Do you think your husband is so powerful?"

  "Tianliang King Po! You are the most powerful!" After all, it is the top commercial company in the country.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Tao Tao-ing [Complete]Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became a big boss Bai Yueguang_Lijian [Complete + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Complete]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (52)
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  "...It's possible, but it's not as simple as you said. Read less romance novels."

  "You -" As expected, the man was angered and his face turned livid. However, due to Cheng Huan's presence, he didn't get angry and just left the bathroom with a gloomy face.

  As soon as the man left, there were only two people left in the bathroom.

  Xu Yaoguang immediately let go of Cheng Huan and stood one meter away from him.

  When Cheng Huan saw this, his face became even more tense, but he didn't say anything.

  Xu Yaoguang then washed his hands and pretended to touch up his makeup. He didn't see Cheng Huan go in to use the toilet, nor did he see him going out. She quietly looked at him in the mirror and couldn't help herself from running away.

  Unexpectedly, his wrist was suddenly held, "Where are you running?"

  ——It was Cheng Huan's sarcastic voice.

  "It's none of your business." Xu Yaoguang said righteously as he tried to shake him off.

  After saying that, she noticed that Cheng Huan's eyes were as cold as ice shavings. She shrank her eyes and took half a step back unconsciously, her face turning pale.

  Cheng Huan was unconsciously stunned. He moved his hand and then let go of Xu Yaoguang's wrist.

  Cheng Huan's heart was panting violently, but he looked calm. The pain was spreading and the corners of his eyes suddenly turned red. In his sight, he saw Xu Yaoguang's back running away at the speed of light.

  It was obvious that she was sorry for him, but seeing the scared look in her eyes, Cheng Huan felt that he was sorry for her.

  His heart clenched into a ball, and he twitched the corners of his lips, wanting to laugh, but he didn't.

  After gathering his mood, Cheng Huan went out and subconsciously looked around the whole place to look for Xu Yaoguang.

  She was standing next to a popular male star, smiling brightly, holding a red wine glass in her hand. There were several women beside the male star, and not only one of them was allowed to shine, but she did not flinch at all.

  What, your target is the entertainment industry?

  Cheng Huan felt bored, but he still walked over there.

  As soon as she approached there, she heard Xu Yaoguang's voice. She was a little unhappy and impatient, "Why don't you drink? Five million, finish this bottle of red wine."

  The actor looked a little embarrassed, but when he heard the money, his eyes immediately changed, and he took the bottle of red wine handed over by Xu Yaoguang without saying a word.

  He raised his head and finished it in one breath. Xu Yaoguang kept staring at him and smiled with satisfaction when he saw this.

  After Xu Yaoguang looked at it for a long time, he smiled again and said, "Eggplant." She smiled wantonly, her eyebrows were arrogant, and she pointed her phone at the actor.

  There were still red wine stains on the corners of the actor's lips, and he subconsciously adjusted his face to reveal a smile.

  The next moment, the photo was posted on Weibo by Xu Yaoguang.

  The actor wanted to say something else, but Xu Yaoguang patted him on the shoulder, "The money will be recorded in Cheng Huancheng's general ledger. I will check with his assistant later. I am his wife."

  Cheng Huan almost choked on his champagne. He turned his back to the person over there and his expression darkened.

  The actor opened his mouth and said: "Sister, I have a good drinking capacity, I can still drink another bottle."

  Xu Yaoguang was impatient, "I don't want to see it anymore, don't bother me——!" She also wanted photos.

  The women around the male star all looked unbearable. They thought the male star was reserved and aloof, but who knew that his character would be ruined after five million dollars.

  After a while, the actor found the famous CEO Cheng Huancheng. As soon as he spoke his first sentence, he saw him looking at him with murderous eyes.

  But he was shameless enough and kept his expression straight: "Your wife bought five million worth of things from me and asked me to ask you for money."

  "What?" Cheng Huan asked, raising the corners of his lips.

  "...clothes I designed myself." Of course he couldn't say what they were. He had moral integrity and wouldn't do anything to sow discord between couples.

  Cheng Huan laughed at this.

  Chapter 28 Xu Yaoguang

  When Bai Weirou was asked for money, she was still confused. She felt so unbelievable that her eyes almost jumped out of her sockets: "What did you say?"

  The actor was yelled to the point where he was even unsure, "Five million."

  Bai Weirou took a deep breath, her face looking very strange, "I mean, who is the five million for?"

  The actor felt confused and repeated: "Mrs. Cheng, her name seems to be Xu Yaoguang, Miss Xu, don't you recognize her?" Isn't she Mr. Cheng's assistant? How come you don't even recognize the CEO's wife? What a dereliction of duty.

  When Bai Weirou heard the name, she felt a burst of white light in front of her eyes. She took a breath and almost fainted, and immediately became furious: "Xu Yaoguang!"

  This move was like a blow to Bai Weirou, hitting her right on the forehead.

  Cheng Huan, who still had a clear distinction between public and private affairs and was unwilling to take advantage of her at all, turned around and spent five million on Xu Yaoguang without saying a word.

  Is he sick?

  No, he wasn't the one who was cheated on? Why did he treat her again - what happened in the middle? ? ?

  When the actor was yelled at by Bai Weirou, his expression suddenly became subtle. He looked at Bai Weirou and had some guesses in his heart. Cheng Huan. Mr. Cheng is also a talented person. There is no one who can work for him as an assistant. This is a thoughtful one. But why is she angry? It is only natural that Mr. Cheng spends money on his wife, and you are not a little kid. The assistant can comment.

  "What did Xu Yaoguang do?" Bai Weirou asked with a twisted expression.

  Actor: "...I bought the clothes I designed." This time he answered very simply.

  “You design shitty clothes.”

  It was a tone of disdain, and the male star was reluctant now, "I will go back to the design right away. You, an assistant, don't understand."

  "I don't understand. I also know that a third-tier male star's original brand cannot be sold at this price. Could it be that she Xu Yaoguang just bought you."

  Male star: "Go and tell her."

  Bai Weirou: "?" What to say.

  The actor said sincerely: "I am very willing."

  Bai Weirou: "..." That's outrageous.

  Bai Weirou gradually couldn't sit still and decided to find Xu Yaoguang to find out the details.

  Autumn gradually disappears, and the remaining tail of autumn is squeezed away by the cold of winter.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
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The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
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The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_wipe your hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (53)
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  When Bai Weirou saw Xu Yaoguang, she was wearing a white plush beret. Her long curly hair was straightened and dyed maroon and hung on her shoulders. Under her bright-colored fur coat, She was wearing an off-white hip-hugging skirt and a pair of deep white lace-up boots, which she was switching back and forth with her hands being burnt by the roasted sweet potatoes that had just come out of the oven.

  You are all dressed in top-notch brands, but you end up sitting by the flower bed eating roasted sweet potatoes for five dollars a piece...?

  "Miss Bai."

  When Xu Yaoguang saw Bai Weirou, he smiled and rolled his eyes, waving to her to tell her to come over.

  Then he broke the sweet potato in half and stuffed half of it to Bai Weirou, "It's very sweet. Look at the candy center."

  Bai Weirou took a closer look. In the honey-red meat, the charred sweet potato skin on the edges was separated from the meat by gently rubbing it. The candy heart was like honey, light golden in color, and it would pull into pieces when you pull it. .

  The fragrant smell hits your nostrils.

  Bai Weirou subconsciously said thank you and sat down next to Xu Yaoguang.

  "Ms. Xu, why are you here...?"

  “Get in line to buy this.”

  "." Bai Weirou took a bite and was instantly overwhelmed by the taste.

  "The ones you buy in line will be sweeter." Xu Yaoguang said.

  "This is all psychological..." Bai Weirou disagreed.

  "Psychological effects are also effects." Xu Yaoguang said with a smile.

  "I have something to ask you..." After this experience, Bai Weirou felt a little impressed by Xu Yaoguang, and her tone of voice unconsciously lowered her attitude.

  "Pay." Xu Yaoguang smiled cutely and stretched out his hand towards Bai Weirou.


  Bai Weirou has been with Xu Yaoguang all day today.

  Xu Yaoguang didn't actually hang around the man the whole day. He spent the whole time pleasing himself. He didn't show any mercy when spending money, and he didn't see any pain in her body. Well, maybe it was because she didn't spend her own money.

  In the evening, she also took Bai Weirou to watch the recording session of the boy band's elective program. Bai Weirou almost thought that Xu Yaoguang wanted to keep a male star, but who knew that Xu Yaoguang said he wanted to go and watch it, but he really just took a look.

  Regarding Bai Weirou's doubts, Xu Yaoguang expressed doubts, "Why should you spend money on a man? Support him? Impossible."

  Bai Weirou didn't understand. Xu Yaoguang tapped her cheek and persuaded her with a smile, "Baby, you have to know that spending money on a man will bring you eight lifetimes of bad luck."

  She smells so good.

  A leisurely fragrance seemed to be the smell of freedom, but also like the fragrance of unknown flowers. Bai Weirou's cheeks suddenly turned red, covering her cheeks and followed Xu Yaoguang. She twisted her slim waist and walked smoothly, even He was also humming a song, which matched the sound of high heels.

  Damn I was confused, this is a high-level host who underestimated the enemy!

  The next second, Bai Weirou chased after her, "Sister, wait for me——"

  That night, Xu Yaoguang and Bai Weirou danced and drank until late at night, and finally they rolled into bed together and fell asleep. Bai Weirou woke up the next day with a severe headache. She was exactly the same, with Xu Yaoguang next to her.

  Xu Yaoguang's sleeping posture can be called indecent, but extremely sexy.

  Bai Weirou covered her head and silently pulled the quilt up to cover her.

  As soon as she started shaking, she was held by the hand. Bai Weirou stepped carefully on the edge of the bed, listening to the beauty on the bed whispering coquettishly, "Husband, don't leave."

  Bai Weirou's little heart, she said to herself bitterly, "No wonder Cheng Huan can't forget that bitch, who can withstand this?"

  After going to the bathroom to clean herself up, Bai Weirou saw several broken durians on the dining table. Only then did she know where the strange smell came from. She stood next to the coffee table and looked at the embarrassing scene. She suddenly felt Thinking back to yesterday, when the two of them were drunk, they prepared to use each other's heads to break open the durian skin, and that heroic gesture of eating the pulp...

  Bai Weirou made a sound of "vomiting" at that time, turned around and ran to the toilet to vomit.

  ——She doesn’t like to eat durian, she hates it extremely, because the taste is comparable to a biological and chemical weapon.

  After brushing her teeth five or six times, Bai Weirou went to work with a dark face.

  "Were you with her last night?"

  In the office, Cheng Huan asked casually after receiving the information.

  When Bai Weirou heard this, she immediately raised her head and saw that his expressionless face was actually concerned, and she deliberately pretended not to care.

  After being speechless for a while, Bai Weirou hummed.

  Did Xu Yaoguang bewitch them?

  Bai Weirou is doubting life.

  "Take this document and ask Mr. Li to sign it." Cheng Huan didn't say anything else. He handed over a document and continued working hard.

  Bai Weirou responded, stepped forward and bent down to get the information, "I will send it to Mr. Li right now."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Huan's expression changed. He almost immediately stepped back a little distance, narrowed his eyes and looked strange: "...What did you eat?"

  He paused strangely, as if what he wanted to ask was not the word 'what', but something else.

  Bai Weirou understood instantly. She was silent for two seconds, "I didn't eat shit."

  The author has something to say:

  Come on

  Chapter 29 Xu Yaoguang

  "..." Cheng Huan said nothing, but looked at Bai Weirou with a strange and unfamiliar look throughout the whole process.

  Only then did Bai Weirou slowly realize that she had lost her character, and she fled out of the CEO's office holding the information. She got into the bathroom and covered her face and screamed silently: Ahhhh!

  [Host, calm down. 】

  The system reminded her in her brain that Bai Weirou was almost crying, "Why are you so calm? I feel like I'm going to fail. Can you check the favorability of the two male protagonists?"

  [...The male protagonist Cheng Huan is 11, and the male supporting character Gu Yusheng is -5.]

  "?" A question mark popped up in Bai Weirou's head, "Why is there another negative number?"

  "And why have I been helping Cheng Huan for so long and his favorability is only 11? Does he still have a conscience when he is riding a horse?!"

  Bai Weirou roared in a distorted manner and hammered the bathroom mirror hard.

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Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (54)
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  The system explained, [The male protagonist Cheng Huan's favorability is relatively difficult to increase, and his affection is very stingy in giving to others. But every bit of his favor is rewarded. ] Then, it gave an example: [Li Teshu, who has been with Cheng Huan for countless years, has a favorable impression of only 40, which is not even close to the passing mark. But what do you think Cheng Huan thinks of Li Teshu? 】

  Bai Weirou gasped, and after thinking about it for a while, she felt it made sense.

  Assistant Li had been with Cheng Huan for seven or eight years. Cheng Huan had nothing to say to him. His salary, holidays, bonuses, promotions and raises occasionally provided money for his family to go on vacation. Cheng Huan never said anything about his family's difficulties. Don't help, and don't expect anything in return.

  "What about Xu Yaoguang's good impression?"


  "...Is this what you said is not easy to brush?"

  Is it true that being nice to Li Teshu is because it is just a technique for controlling subordinates?

  [Cheng Huan has a love-hate relationship with Xu Yaoguang, so his favorability score is high. The score of 86 is not entirely love, but also hatred. 】

  Bai Weirou changed the subject: "Where's Gu Yusheng's?"


  "That's great." Bai Weirou took a deep breath and faced herself in the mirror with her hands on her hands. She calmed down and said, "Gu Yusheng, I can't tell that he hates me." When we met that day, the corner of Gu Yusheng's lips curled up. He smiles and has a gentle and considerate demeanor. Especially since he wears glasses, he looks gentle and gentle, with a gentle and gentle feeling.

  [Perhaps... there is a word called disguise. 】

  "I'm telling you, you're an artificial retard!" Bai Weirou cursed contemptuously, straightened her hair, sprayed mouth freshener into her mouth twice, and then went out.

  Xu Yaoguang sobered up and as soon as he returned home, he took Gu Yusheng, who was still angry, to do it.

  She took off Gu Yusheng's glasses and gently threw them on the sofa. His eyes were long and narrow, not gentle at all, and even had a natural coldness to them, but at this moment he was a little caught off guard.

  Gu Yusheng was suppressed by her and tried his best to control it before saying, "I'll get..." the condom.

  Xu Yaoguang was lying on top of him, his hands touching his lower abdomen dishonestly. "No." He said in a sweet and coquettish tone.

  "These few days are my safe period." Xu Yaoguang sighed and bit his Adam's apple, "I want to... um... stick with you..." She whispered in his ear with a breathy voice, " Feel you."

  For a moment, the energy and blood surged up, as if the anger just now was suddenly forgotten.

  Gu Yusheng never expected that he would get better on his own without being coaxed.

  Xu Yaoguang is an out-and-out carnivore, beautiful, and extremely lustful.

  She would not stop until she had drained Gu Yusheng dry. Finally, she was completely fed and lazily lay on the bed, purring like a sleeping animal. Finally, it was Gu Yusheng who cleaned her body. He was almost used to it.


  It was Xu Yaoguang calling him.

  Gu Yusheng responded.


  Xu Yaoguang didn't even open his eyes, he hooked one hand around Gu Yusheng's neck and leaned towards him.

  Soak wolfberry in a thermos cup.

  The assistant looked horrified when he saw it and glanced at Gu Lu twice.

  Gu Yusheng smiled and closed the bottle cap silently. "Put it down." He asked his assistant to put the file down.

  The assistant waved his hand and said, "Gu Lu, you have reached this age. You are indeed twenty-eight. You are already thirty. You really can't roll anymore." Because Gu Yusheng is usually approachable, there is nothing he dares to say. "Look at the new young people in the institute, each one is getting better and better. Last time I went back to the institute to get something, I saw Xiao Lin still working overtime."

  Gu Yusheng's gentle smile was almost unbearable. He bent his eyes and said, "Yeah..."

  After the assistant left, Gu Yusheng directly deleted and blocked the assistant's WeChat account.

  Go in the trash can! Also, he is twenty-eight and a half years old.

  A few days later, the assistant belatedly realized: Are you angry? ! ! !

  Since Bai Weirou knew that there was no hope of completing her mission, she never thought about attacking the two male protagonists. Instead, she hid near Xu Yaoguang when she had time. After observing her for several days, she found that she really didn't pay much attention to him. man.

  Bai Weirou seriously reflected: Could it be that the secret is to ignore men?

  On the afternoon of the seventh day, Xu Yaoguang dragged her lazily out of the high-end beauty club. She was looking at the eyelashes she had just cared for on her mobile phone screen. From the corner of her eye, she saw someone pretending to watch an advertisement not far behind her. Bai Weirou.

  Bai Weirou concentrated on pretending that she was a potted plant, pretending to be very attentive.

  As soon as she turned her head, she faced Xu Yaoguang's face. She was so frightened that she almost screamed. Fortunately, she covered her mouth at the critical moment.

  Xu Yaoguang's face looked flawless up close. She actually had pores, but her skin was much more delicate than ordinary people. Maybe it was because she had just had some care. She didn't wear much makeup, and her eyebrows were naturally well-defined.

  The 360-degree beauty with no blind spots is simply a critical hit.

  Bai Weirou was instantly embarrassed.

  "You don't have a crush on me." Xu Yaoguang had a strange expression and glanced up and down at Bai Weirou. There was even a subtle hint in his that fear?

  "I, I like men." Bai Weirou subconsciously denied it. She smiled awkwardly, "Sister, I want to learn from you." She explained weakly.

  "Oh." She seemed to be relieved, and then raised a wanton smile, "What are you studying?"

  "Learn how to conquer men." After a while, Bai Weirou took out a small notebook from behind, opened it and prepared to take notes.

  She simply took her shamelessness and thick skin to the extreme, and she didn't care whether Xu Yaoguang would agree to teach her his experience.

  "I don't like what you said." Xu Yaoguang chuckled, and a green-white finger came over to press and close Bai Weirou's open notebook.

  "Huh?" Bai Weirou didn't react, holding the pen and looking at her stupidly.

  "Men are just tools. What you should learn is how to use them to please yourself. You should learn how to conquer yourself, not how to conquer men."

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Coax you to sleep_wipe your hair【Complete】
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (55)
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  Xu Yaoguang answered slowly, and after speaking, she touched the top of Bai Weirou's hair lovingly.

  What a fresh statement.

  Bai Weirou opened her eyes wide and looked at Xu Yaoguang, " did you do your mission?" She felt strange.

  "Sleep and dump her." Xu Yaoguang thought for a moment. This was exactly what she was very good at. She smiled and said, "I just don't like to be responsible." She said that this system was tailor-made for her.

  "?!" Bai Weirou opened her mouth, "Are you a scumbag?"

  "I am." Xu Yaoguang replied matter-of-factly.

  "Don't you care what others think of you?" Bai Weirou asked.

  "I only care about money," Xu Yaoguang approached her, "Other people don't care about me."

  "Is there tuition?"

  "My tuition is over, but I want to be a scumbag too!"

  Xu Yaoguang: ...I’m not learning this.

  The author has something to say:

  Voice: Pull the box! Third District!

  Chapter 30 Xu Yaoguang

  Since Bai Weirou consulted Xu Yaoguang last time, she directly resigned from her position in Cheng Huan Company. Before leaving, she asked him for salary, down to the cent.

  Cheng Huan's face twitched at that time. He looked at her as if she were looking at a weirdo and was full of surprise. Then he called the finance department and asked the finance department to pay Bai Weirou's salary.

  But he was surprised, Cheng Huan treated Bai Weirou very well. I gave her bonuses from the projects she participated in, gave her a big red envelope to express my gratitude, and introduced her to other companies.

  Bai Weirou declined politely, "No, thank you Mr. Cheng." She said, "But I don't plan to work anymore."

  Cheng Huan didn't understand, and frowned slightly, "Something happened at home?" His expression showed just the right amount of concern.

  "No, I've made enough money. I'll go out for a few years and run out of money before I come back." Bai Wei smiled softly, "Can I still come back to work at your place then?"

  "Of course." Cheng Huan agreed quickly and smiled, "You are always welcome here."

  Bai Weirou walked away, muttering to herself: If you treat me like you are trying to win over employees, I won't serve you anymore.

  Although, it’s so cool to do this!

  The system doesn't understand why: [Host, you can't complete the task like this. 】

  Bai Weirou, wearing high heels, said half complicated and half angrily: "It can't be finished a long time ago. Xu Yaoguang has already almost brushed off the two's favorability. What else can I do?"

  The system felt very worried: [The host would not give up so easily in the past. 】

  Bai Weirou said: This is called showing off, just be yourself!

  The system didn't understand it and got stuck.

  Bai Weirou continued to show off: If you have the ability, you can kill me, but it won't matter if you can't complete the task anyway. Xu Yaoguang is right, the best way to conquer is to please yourself.

  The system is speechless: [……]

  After a while, the system said with a mechanical voice: [There is a problem with the host of the Green Tea White Moonlight System. I will apply to the higher-ups to investigate her. 】

  Green tea white moonshine?

  Bai Weirou asked in her heart: What's the problem?

  The system said: [She only completed two tasks and has already changed everyone including another host. 】

  Bai Weirou ignored its tone and started gossiping: Oh? What happened to the other host?

  The system answered: [She changed her sexual orientation. Although she is not completely heterosexual, the news is that she is now unable to accept tasks in the romance world and was sent to the Lily World. 】

  Bai Weirou: ...Oh, you are truly worthy of being Sister Yaoguang.

  Wait... No wonder Xu Yaoguang asked her if he had a crush on her that day.

  So that’s what happened.

  Xu Yaoguang was participating in the filming of a love show, but she did not participate in the recording. Instead, she sat in the studio next to the love mentor.

  When the show was broadcast, many people were still wondering who this person was.

  The love tutors are all entertainers, but the specially reserved seats and chairs next to them are even more gorgeous than those of the love tutors. Occasionally, when the camera is pointed at the tutor, it is inevitable that she will be spotted.

  Most of the time, she was holding the popcorn bucket with her legs crossed. Occasionally she looked at it with joy. Her crescent eyes were full of joy, full of the contradictory charm of cuteness and sexiness.

  The attitudes of people on the barrage towards Xu Yaoguang ranged from confusion, to surprise, and finally to envy.

  —Look at Liulin, are they also spectators? Why are the audience seats juxtaposed with the instructor?

  —To be honest, this location is the best place to watch romance dramas.

  —It keeps eating with its mouth. It looks like a little squirrel and it’s so cute.

  —By the way, this person is so beautiful, even prettier than any artist. What is his background?

  - Damn, the chair is awesome, who is it?

  —This person looks so familiar. This person is Xu Yaoguang!

  - Damn it!

  —Mom! Is it the Xu Yaoguang I know?

  —Who is Xu Yaoguang?

  —Baidu is back. As you all know, Cheng Huan is Cheng Huan’s ex-wife.

  —After bankruptcy and divorce, Cheng Huan still has to give tens of millions to his ex-wife.

  —It is said that dating a barrister is very sweet.

  —Oh my god, she is so beautiful. No wonder she was able to win the heart of President Cheng!

  —The face is simply beautiful at 360 degrees with no blind spots.

  - Divorce if you are bankrupt. I don’t think this woman is a good person.

  -is a bit.

  —'s really cool.

  — Watch idols fall in love up close.

  - Sour and admirable.

  —Laughing so freely.

  —Just now when Yuan Hao was flirting with Li Xinyan, Xu Yaoguang’s face was all bruised. It made me laugh to death. I think he’s really cute.

  The story of a wealthy ex-wife watching a love show up close quickly became a hot topic on Weibo, so Cheng Huan, who had gone bankrupt some time ago, was once again brought into discussion. The wedding photos of Xu Yaoguang and Cheng Huan went viral. , the video of the wedding scene was posted on major video platforms, with the title without exception: Marrying the one you love is like a warrior who has won a battle.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
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The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
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Green Tea and White Moonlight [Quick Wear]_Lin Yan Ge [Complete] (56)
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  In the video, Miles Huan is wearing a white suit, and Xu Yaoguang is wearing a white gauze and a sexy fishtail wedding dress. The two of them have bright smiles on their faces and dance to the beat of the music. The scene is like a light music party.

  Cheng Huan, a business tycoon who has always shown himself to be serious and ruthless, will also smile easily and brightly, with his eyes filled with stars and moonlight, and finally kiss the bride in his arms.

  Gu Yusheng has been working with a dark face these days.

  Everyone in the law firm also knows that their boss has recently been in a relationship with the heroine in the news. Now that the scandal between the heroine and her ex-husband is flying all over the world, it's strange that he can be happy.

  Even though he was as gentle as he was, he finally couldn't hold back his face.

  Xu Yaoguang laughed loudly, wearing a sling and leaning on his shoulder to poke his face, "Are you jealous?" She tilted her head to observe his expression.

  Gu Yusheng said expressionlessly: "No." Of course he wouldn't admit it.

  "We can also take wedding photos." Xu Yaoguang was obviously in a good mood at the moment and was interested in coaxing Gu Yusheng.

  "We can get married directly." Gu Yusheng stopped peeling the garlic, his voice was calm, but the movement of peeling the garlic slowed down obviously, as if he was waiting for Xu Yaoguang's answer.

  The person beside him did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a while, and stopped leaning on his shoulder. "Then you are going to get married." Her voice came over smoothly, with a sense of lack of interest.

  Gu Yusheng put the garlic down and said, "Xu Yaoguang." He looked unhappy.

  Looking into Gu Yusheng's eyes, Xu Yaoguang looked very sincere, "What I said is true. If you want to get married, you can get married."

  Gu Yusheng laughed angrily, "Are you going to be a mistress?"

  "Why should I be?" Xu Yaoguang answered matter-of-factly, "Only men can be mistresses for me, and there is no such thing as me being mistress for others."

  "Why don't you want to get married?" Gu Yusheng finally understood that Xu Yaoguang really didn't want to get married and was not joking anymore. "Is it because of the shadow of the previous failed marriage?"

  "No." Xu Yaoguang denied.

  "That is?"

  "Afraid of cheating on myself."


  "Aren't you proof?" Xu Yaoguang smiled again, and poked Gu Yusheng's chin with her slender head, "My little lover."

  While Gu Yusheng was speechless, there was a sense of ridicule in his heart. How can I describe that feeling? There was a kind of anger of being cheated, but more of it was the aggrievedness of shooting oneself in the foot.

  He held her hand, but it was pulled out. Xu Yaoguang looked at him, "Are you sad? Angry? That's not necessary." Her expression was like, 'You are a mistress and you ask me not to have a mistress, are you kidding me? '.

  Gu Yusheng paused for a long time, seeming to suppress his emotions. He replied: "No." His voice was cold.

  The author has something to say:

  My place will be closed tomorrow

  I should be able to write more tomorrow! do not need to work

  Chapter 31 Xu Yaoguang

  Because in the love variety show, Xu Yaoguang became unexpectedly popular.

  Suddenly, many entertainment companies extended an olive branch and asked Xu Yaoguang if she wanted to debut as an artist. They could customize her personality and package her image.

  Xu Yaoguang was quite interested at first, but after hearing too much, he became too lazy to pay attention to it. It was no different from going to work, and he was not happy at all.

  However, she did start a live broadcast on Weibo.

  On the day of the broadcast, many people were squatting to watch it.

  When the live broadcast started, everyone flocked to it.

  Xu Yaoguang is sitting in front of the camera. The surrounding furniture looks like a dressing table. She is taking off her earrings in front of the camera. Her expression is nonchalant and she is humming a tune in her red lips, "Good evening." Her eyes are moving so gently. Moved over and faced the camera.

  "Huh? Is the barrage broken?" No one sent a barrage. Xu Yaoguang frowned slightly and moved closer, probably studying his mobile phone.

  At this moment, her face was focused on the camera, and then a barrage appeared on the screen, "You are so beautiful."

  This sentence was like a mechanism, and the barrage that followed seemed to explode. The three words "good evening" filled the entire screen in an instant, so much so that Xu Yaoguang could not see herself on the screen. She had to slightly turn her head to look at the makeup mirror.

  "It is indeed beautiful." Xu Yaoguang replied slowly to the first comment, without any humility.

  "But it's time to remove makeup." She took the makeup remover and gently pressed it on her skin. She looked at the barrage and replied, "I attended a banquet and just came back. My Weibo followers have increased a lot. Let's start a live broadcast to see what it is. Condition."

  "What kind of banquet," Xu Yaoguang thought, rubbing his skin with one hand and raising his lips, "Of course it's a banquet with many handsome guys."

  As soon as the voice fell, someone was heard saying: [Good evening, Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, you are watching the live broadcast too. ]

  More people said: "Mr. Cheng forgot to cut the trumpet?"

  Xu Yaoguang pretended not to notice, rubbed his cheeks to remove his makeup, rubbed it for a while, then started to remove it, and turned on a soothing light music.

  Everyone on the barrage was surprised that Xu Yaoguang was wearing no makeup. Of course Xu Yaoguang was most proud of her bare makeup. She cupped her chin and replied: "It would be nice if you do more skin care."

  "Of course, if a woman doesn't treat herself well, who should she treat well? Can you feel at ease if you don't spend money on yourself?"

  "Whether I give money to my parents or not is none of your business. Do you give them money?" Xu Yaoguang looked squarely at the camera and said, "Get out."

  After saying that, she asked, "Where is the blacklisting function on Weibo?"

  The barrage was all hahaha, and some people said it was cool.

  Xu Yaoguang didn't care after scolding. The next moment she received a reward from a Weibo article. When she clicked on it, she saw that it was a big V user whose nickname was Cheng Huan. The amount of the reward was quite large. She immediately raised a sweet smile. Smile, "Thank you, Mr. Cheng, for the reward. I love you!"

  "It just so happened that LV released a new bag. I'm so happy." Xu Yaoguang didn't hide his surprise at all, smiling at the camera and blowing a kiss to him to show his love.

  The barrage filled the screen with hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha and shouting of remarriage remarriage.

  At this time, in the live broadcast room, a man walked in behind Xu Yaoguang.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Completed]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Touch of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Green Tea and White Moonlight [Quick Wear]_Lin Yan Ge [Complete] (57)
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Green Tea and White Moonlight [Quick Wear]_Lin Yan Ge [Complete] (57)
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  He had probably just taken a shower. He was only wearing a white bathrobe. He was tall and smelled of water and mint.

  "Thank you, Mr. Cheng, but you can't ask for other people's money." He bent down, and what came into the camera was a handsome face with a sharp edge. The coolness of his facial features was particularly obvious when he was not wearing glasses. , those narrow eyes were a bit cold, but there were drops of water on his hair, and the smile on his lips was very gentle.

  "Return it, the bag has been bought for you." He ordered Xu Yaoguang in a tough but gentle tone.

  And Mr. Cheng... Mr. Cheng left the live broadcast room.

  [I was laughing so hard that Cheng Huan quickly exited the live broadcast room hahahahahahaha! 】

  [Cheng Huan: He laughed angrily. 】

  [Can’t people stop watching it? Hahahahaha, why do I feel a little miserable hahaha. 】

  [Am I the only one who pays attention to the good looks of barristers? Can I resist? 】

  [It seems to be Gu Yusheng, and the name sounds nice too. 】

  Xu Yaoguang raised her head, kissed Gu Yusheng's lips, and said like a big dog, "Be good, go to the bedroom and wait for me." She glanced at the time, and gently pushed Gu Yusheng's chest with her soft palms.

  Gu Yusheng bit her lip as if in punishment, then straightened up and left.

  【Can I listen to this? 】

  [What are you going to do later? 】

  [Can the live broadcast be turned on all night/Funny]

  [Is there really no hope of remarriage? 】

  [Laughing to death, what kind of ultimate twist is this? It turns out that the barrister is a big dog, very obedient. 】

  [Ms. Xu Yaoguang is an expert in dog training. 】

  After Gu Yusheng left, Xu Yaoguang continued the live broadcast. She looked at the comments and poked the screen with her slender fingers. "Refund? Why? Buy another bag."

  "Withdraw cash now."

  One commenter was quite upright and asked: If you don’t spend time with others, why don’t you accept money and gifts? This is not a good idea.

  Xu Yaoguang sneered, "You can definitely catch someone if you chase them? Who taught you that?" She asked, "As a girl, you should be pursued by such people. It's not good for you if a man doesn't spend money for you. , how do you know whether to be with him?"

  "Do you like the kind of pursuit where you have good mornings and good evenings all day long, the baby is well fed, and you put on extra clothes when the weather is cold?"

  "This is not called a pursuer, this is called a harasser."

  "And what you pay may not necessarily be rewarded. I hope you know from elementary school knowledge that it is his business to spend money. It is a voluntary gift. You can take it if you want. At worst, wait until he regrets it and you can pay it back to him." Xu Yaoguang After applying a layer of lip gloss and popping her lips, she joked, "Normally no man can open his mouth enough to take it back."

  Xu Yaoguang's words were quite shocking to others, but surprisingly not many people scolded her on the barrage.

  On the other hand, there are a lot of unprotected men who repeatedly slander Xu Yaoguang. Xu Yaoguang just said: "The louder the scream, the happier I am. Thank you for giving me likes to increase my popularity. You poor people who want to get something for nothing."

  She gave the camera a middle finger without any hesitation and said with a smile, "Love you, baby."

  After turning off the live broadcast, Xu Yaoguang happily went to do happy things with Gu Yusheng, while Cheng Huan was sulking on the other side.

  You can use your toes to figure out what that woman is doing at the moment. She will never wrong herself and will do whatever she wants. Cheng Huan covered his forehead for a long time and said to himself: "Why can't I do it?"

  Moreover, he has not been interested in other women at all for so long. He was busy with work before, but now his interest is indeed waning.

  After sleeping all night, Xu Yaoguang disappeared the next morning.

  Gu Yusheng was obviously used to such a scene. He stayed in bed for a while, then got up to wash up and go to work.

  What is Xu Yaoguang doing?

  She was on a plane to Paris, France, wearing sunglasses and resting with her eyes closed.

  Sitting beside her was Bai Weirou, who was nagging: "Sister, what should we do first when we go to Paris? I want to check out the perfume first. Oh, by the way, I heard that French men are tall, mighty, and full of romance."

  "Nothing else, I just want to kiss a foreigner right now."

  "Just a kiss?" Xu Yaoguang turned around, the smile on his lips was meaningful and narrow.

  "I hate it." Bai Weirou pretended to be shy and rubbed her lower back, "Is Gu Yusheng so fierce? Is your waist still sore?"

  Xu Yaoguang was lying on the first-class seat. Her voice was a little hoarse due to the movement of turning over. She began to wonder, "Weren't you quite shy at first?"

  "Let yourself go."

  Xu Yaoguang was dumbfounded by this.

  French men are indeed full of romantic elements, and Bai Weirou has an Asian appearance that French men would like. Soon she got to know and get along with a French man.

  The system over there was screaming for a long time, so Bai Weirou pressed mute directly.

  On Xu Yaoguang's side, he met a man who shouldn't have appeared here.

  Cheng Huan.

  Cheng Huan is wearing a British-style windbreaker. He looks dusty, but his outstanding appearance and facial features are not concealed. "What a coincidence."

  Xu Yaoguang leaned against the lamppost and smiled, "Unfortunately, you like me so much, Mr. Cheng."

  Narcissistic and direct.

  The smile on Cheng Huan's face almost disappeared. He was silent for a while, thinking that fortunately he knew Xu Yaoguang well enough to know that she would answer like this.

  "Would you like to come back?" He also became straightforward and changed to words that she could get used to and understand.

  Cheng Huan stood next to the lamppost, orange light spread over him, and snowflakes flew, falling on his eyebrows and shoulders. His tone was very gentle, as if the ruthlessness of galloping on the battlefield was not him at all. He only showed his gentleness to one person, as if he was a two-level inversion of Gu and Sheng.

  So exciting.

  Unfortunately, the person standing opposite was not an ordinary woman, but the heartless Xu Yaoguang.

  "Hey," Xu Yaoguang said with an innocent face, "But I'm pregnant."

  Then Cheng Huan's face fell apart.

  Xu Yaoguang laughed loudly, holding the lamppost and pointing at him, laughing with tears, "Why are you making such an expression? It's ugly, okay?"

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Complete]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Green Tea White Moonlight [Quick Time Travel]_Lin Yange [Complete] (58)
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (58)
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  Cheng Huan was speechless and helpless, "Xu Yaoguang!" He angrily shouted her name.

  "My feet are sore." Xu Yaoguang stopped laughing, snorted and stood there with his arms crossed.

  Cheng Huan was now familiar with the process, and immediately went over to hug him, "Are you hungry?"

  "I'm not hungry." Xu Yaoguang replied, "But I want to eat something delicious." She tugged at Cheng Huan's earlobe and suddenly lowered her voice and said, "You won't hit me, will you?"

  Cheng Huan stiffened, "I'm sorry."

  "At that time, there was something going on in the company, and you—" Cheng Huan quickly stopped talking before he could finish his sentence, because he found that this was suspected of blaming someone else. It was meaningless to say this now, so he repeated, " Feel sorry."

  Because he was too angry and tired, his spirit could no longer bear it. At that time, Xu Yaoguang was undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back. She took away his money and made him fall from heaven to the quagmire. At that time, she was filled with hatred It's clear that he has the urge to kill.

  "You..." Xu Yaoguang lay next to his ear, speaking in an innocent yet cruel tone, "Aren't you afraid that I'll treat you like I did last time?" She added, "The scar has healed and the pain has been forgotten."

  He stood up and regained his former glory, and the first thing he did was to find her.

  "Can you?" Cheng Huan asked.

  Xu Yaoguang just smiled and replied, "I won't get married."

  Cheng Huan didn't say anything, just looked at her. She said metaphorically, "A bird that has tasted freedom will not be willing to return to the golden cage."

  "I like now. I don't live for anyone." Xu Yaoguang looked at Cheng Huan's face and kissed his temples affectionately, "Hubby, you are so handsome. I do miss you a little."

  Like a scumbag coaxing a stupid woman.

  Xu Yaoguang was also coaxing Cheng Huan.

  "Have you been good these days?" She asked him with a smile. "You can't touch other people's little hands, otherwise I will hate you."

  He kissed her lips, turning them repeatedly, as if a ferocious beast was trying to be gentle and touch the delicate flower. No matter how gentle he was, the petals were still crushed and fell in the end, which looked so pitiful.

  "Can't you live for me?" he asked.

  "Can you live for me?" Xu Yaoguang asked him, biting his lower lip, and the sharp little tiger teeth broke his.

  She tasted blood, which was sweet and fishy like rust, so she frowned squeamishly and distanced herself.

  "I can." Cheng Huan replied in a low voice.

  The two of them made love that night. It was a long-lost love.

  The high physical fit made Xu Yaoguang feel refreshed both mentally and spiritually.

  At the peak, his toes were stretched and stretched, his eyes were squinted, and his nails scratched his back.

  Cheng Huan's eyes seemed to glow red in the dark night, looking fierce.

  Only at such times can he be as fierce as he is on the battlefield.

  It seems that Xu Yaoguang is not a human being, but a shopping mall that he has a high degree of control over, allowing him to gallop and control it. When to launch a fierce attack and when to feign retreat, he is experienced and vicious.

  The next day, when Xu Yaoguang answered Bai Weirou's phone call, her voice was hoarse, but it could be heard that she was particularly knowledgeable and full of sexiness in her laziness.

  This voice made Bai Weirou blush, "Sister, what are you doing?"

  "I just woke up." Xu Yaoguang replied. He stretched out a strong hand from the quilt and clasped Xu Yaoguang's wrist. It was Cheng Huan's voice, "Baby."

  "Huh?" Xu Yaoguang responded.

  Bai Weirou screamed over there, "You bitch, who let you touch my sister? Get off her quickly, you bitch Cheng Huan!"

  Bai Weirou can hold a grudge. She especially hates Cheng Huan, who is a bastard. Working next to him makes her physically and mentally exhausted. She has never wanted to secretly stab a villain and curse him.

  Especially when attacking him, he was completely unmoved, which made Bai Weirou very suspicious that she was an ugly girl.

  Cheng Huan: "?"

  The author has something to say:

  This world is really fun to write about. Today there are 1,700 more words, and I will add more tomorrow!

  I opened an advance reservation, the title of the novel is the name of this world, it's called "I Only Like Money"

  The heroine and the fluctuating light are in the same tone. If you are interested, you can collect the quilts. I love you!

  Chapter 32 Xu Yaoguang

  Perhaps it was because Bai Weirou had completely let herself go and no longer cared about dressing up and completing tasks. She was very relaxed when facing Cheng Huan and scolded him at the top of her voice for more than ten minutes, without saying the same thing again.

  Cheng Huan lost interest after being scolded, and was quite confused as he couldn't react. He lay on Xu Yaoguang's chest and smelled her unique fragrance. It wasn't until he saw the note on the phone screen that he suddenly realized : "Bai Weirou?"

  He finally understood why Bai Weirou always felt inappropriate no matter how he looked at her...

  "Why should I call you grandma?!" Bai Weirou responded fiercely.

  "...Haha." Cheng Huan pressed his forehead, pulled the corners of his lips and let out a meaningless laugh. He stood up and got up from Xu Yaoguang, "I can't tell, Ms. Bai."

  "There are so many things that you can't see!" Bai Weirou was not satisfied. She licked her lips and continued, "Zhou Bapi!"

  Cheng Huan said: "Am I not treating you well?"

  Bai Weirou: "Please pay attention when you speak!!"

  Xu Yaoguang could imagine Bai Weirou grinning on the other side of the phone. She must be so cute. Before I could say anything, I heard a mature man's voice over there, with a charming subwoofer, and it was in French.

  Then Bai Weirou turned into a clipper, replied with a sweet voice, and quickly hung up the phone.

  "You won't lead others into trouble, will you?" Cheng Huan propped his forehead and squinted at Xu Yaoguang.

  Xu Yaoguang was very unhappy, "What are you talking about? We are all adults and know what we are doing. Weirou is not a child." Since Bai Weirou is the system host, her true age cannot be revealed. Cheng Huan was scared to death. Did she not know what she was doing?

  Cheng Huan didn't care, because he just said casually, "Don't worry about me, as long as you are happy."

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Complete]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Special Topic Recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Through the Book | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xi Dao | Spirit of the Butterfly | Maple Leaf Dan | Rice and Scrambled Eggs | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | Rain Clears and Green Mountains | Xi Chi Mu | Half-Knowledge | Waterfall | Clouds in the Deep Sea | Black Cat White |
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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Green Tea White Moonlight [Quick Travel]_Lin Yange [Complete] (59)
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (59)
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  Under the dim light, everything looked hazy and beautiful.

  His outline has been infinitely softened, but he still has a bit of the coldness of a tough guy, especially when his eyes look elsewhere, with a kind of incomprehension and indifference that only comes when thinking.

  Xu Yaoguang bit his chest and drew circles on his chest with his hands, attracting his half-smiling gaze.

  The most important thing is that Cheng Huan actually understands what kind of person Xu Yaoguang is. He married her out of arrogance and didn't care about the process or reasons, only the results.

  So he wouldn't study Xu Yaoguang's purpose of approaching him. In short, he got her.

  Xu Yaoguang said last night that she would not marry him again, and he understood.

  Marriage is just a form to him, with or without it, it actually doesn't mean much.

  What matters is that she stays by his side.

  He doesn't mind what else she did in the middle, he only cares whether he can fully possess her again after he can completely ignore the harm she has done to him.

  If not, remove other hidden dangers and don't give her any choice.

  And she, she also knew his.

  But she didn't say anything, and she acquiesced. From this, it can be seen that in her mind, the so-called first love doesn't actually have much weight, right?

  The smile on her lips had a sweet cruelty and an inexperienced sex appeal.

  She was like a ruthless queen bee, watching other men fight for her.

  Soon the media exposed it, and the news quickly spread back to the country, igniting the entire circle.

  [A wealthy couple is suspected of getting back together, and the atmosphere is wonderful on a sweet date! 】

  In the photo, Xu Yaoguang is holding the arm of a tall man, looking up at him and smiling sweetly. The man next to her is holding an ice cream in one hand and controlling her waist domineeringly with the other hand. He leans over and seems to want to Kiss her.

  This posture, this attitude, shows a strong and absolute control.

  And Xu Yaoguang didn't seem unhappy.

  People sit at home, and cuckolds come to heaven.

  After Gu Yusheng finished reading the news, he sneered, his face extremely dark.

  Did he have to thank Xu Yaoguang for letting the news appear in the newspapers, otherwise he would be kept in the dark no matter what she did.

  In the past, when they were young, Xu Yaoguang had a bottom line and a code of conduct. No matter how much she hurt him, she never cheated on her. Now her behavior was like a slap that woke him up, completely breaking away from his sinking dream.

  Xu Yaoguang is Xu Yaoguang. She was able to cheat on Cheng Huan and get back together with him, and now she is able to cheat on him and get together with other men.

  It’s your own fault, nothing surprising!

  When he deliberately seduced her and led her to cheat on him, he should have thought that this would happen.

  And he instigated Xu Yaoguang to maliciously divert Cheng Huan's comeback funds, and Cheng Huan will definitely hold a grudge.

  He was too stupid, but after only a few days of getting back together with her, he was once again confused by her and forgot his original intention of returning to her.

  You say you deserve it or not, Gu Yusheng!

  Bai Weirou clicked her tongue at this operation, almost holding the popcorn bucket and dunking a wave of 666. Facing Xu Yaoguang, she couldn't help nodding, and suddenly realized, "The more capital and energy a man invests in you, no matter what Whether he likes it or not, he will put his emotions into it."

  "It's like gambling, even if you know you may not win when you place your bet, you still..."

  "Because I have lost money before, I always want to get it back and refuse to let go." Xu Yaoguang was wearing a facial mask and lying on a beach chair in a bikini. She said this casually and didn't care.

  Bai Weirou then lay down and her tone became distant, "I was in love before I was bound to the system. I was too stupid at the time. I didn't want to spend my boyfriend's money. I always thought about him."

  "He doesn't invest for you, which means he can replace you at any time because he doesn't have to bear the loss." Xu Yaoguang turned his head and showed a strange smile, "Fool."

  Bai Weirou whined and pretended to cry, then she leaned on Xu Yaoguang's shoulder, "So this is your strategy, make men invest their capital and affection for you!"

  "That's not true."


  "Just, I just like to spend men's money."

  "Then your money..."

  "My money should be used for more meaningful things!"

  Xu Yaoguang's expression was very innocent.

  Later, Bai Weirou learned that Xu Yaoguang didn't work at all. She liked stock trading and opening stores and doing business, but she never took care of it. She collected money on time every month, and then donated the money to the poor. disaster area.

  Bai Weirou: ...Good guy, you can't spend the money you cheated on children. You're not pure, but you're quite principled?

  Gu Yusheng never called her. He was so quiet that he didn't look like he wanted to marry her a few days ago.

  After Xu Yaoguang passed through France, he went to Hawaii for two weeks before returning home.

  The scandal on Weibo has become well known to everyone, but not many people seem to pay attention to Barrister Gu, who was previously in love with Xu Yaoguang.

  Gu Yusheng looked no different from usual.

  When people from the law firm asked, he maintained a gentle smile and even joked: "Isn't this how adults fall in love, associate and break up?" Fast food style.

  Everyone agreed upon hearing this and didn’t ask any more questions.

  However, looking after Gu Yusheng didn't seem to have any impact. They all thought it was just a casual relationship, and some people joked all day long and asked Gu Yusheng what it was like to be in love with a rich woman.

  Gu Yusheng answered sincerely with two words: "Burning money." Then a group of people laughed.

  It is indeed burning money, but of course it is not just money.

  Life seemed to have returned to its former calm and peaceful state.

  Gu Yusheng got rid of the fatigue from work. After leaving the office, he took off his gentle mask while sitting in the car. He closed his eyes and took off his glasses. He pressed the soft thin cloth with his fingertips and wiped the lenses.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
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Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (60)
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  And his expression returned to expressionless. Looking at himself in the car mirror, he pulled up the corners of his lips, revealing a cold and mocking arc.

  The surveillance system beeped, indicating that someone opened the door.

  Gu Yusheng stared straight at the screen of his mobile phone. Under the surveillance, an expected woman appeared.

  She had just returned from the United States. She was wearing very cool clothes. It was obvious that she was shivering a little because of the cold. Her little steps were very broken. She opened the door with her high heels cutely raised, went in, and closed the door.

  ——Xu Yaoguang dared to come back, not only was he bold, but he also despised him.

  Xu Yaoguang was packing her luggage beautifully. After packing the bottles and jars on the dressing table for a while, she lay down and studied them again, humming a song.

  She packed up and stood up. When she turned around, she saw a man standing in the shadow of the bedroom door. She screamed in fright and almost dropped her makeup bag on the ground.

  After seeing who the person was, Xu Yaoguang scolded him angrily, and then said, "What are you doing! Scare me!"

  Gu Yusheng walked out of the shadows, and his handsome face appeared. He wore glasses and his eyes were curved, looking particularly outstanding, "You are very good, Xu Yaoguang."

  "Of course I know I'm good." Xu Yaoguang snorted and crossed his arms. "Why did you get off work so early today?" She felt very strange.

  "Of course I'm here to admire your escape." Gu Yusheng's voice was very steady, as gentle and polite as when he faced the complainant of the case. His eyes stayed on Xu Yaoguang, passing inch by inch. Like a poisonous snake, full of coolness.

  "What should I say about you?" Gu Yusheng stepped over, step by step. He smiled and uttered two words, "Idiot."

  Xu Yaoguang was not angry, but suddenly became excited, "What, what, what, what! Are you going to imprison me? Blackened play!" She threw her makeup bag on the bed.

  She looked really excited, her cheeks were rosy, and her eyes were filled with anticipation.

  Gu Yusheng: "..." He can't fix it.

  The next words were stuck in his throat.

  "I can also tie up and play, I like it!" Xu Yaoguang came over, his eyes were shining, "Tie me or tie you? A rope is not as good as an iron chain. I have wanted to try it for a long time!"

  Gu Yusheng said: "...You have changed your mind." His voice broke and his face turned livid.

  When Xu Yaoguang heard this, he put away the smile on his face and returned to serious matters.

  She frowned as if disappointed, "I knew you wouldn't dare." She put her things away and passed him directly.

  Unexpectedly, his wrist was held firmly. Xu Yaoguang raised his head to look at him and met his eyes.

  Not surprisingly, it was indeed a look that wanted to kill someone.

  The strange thing is that at this moment, Gu Yusheng seemed to understand why Cheng Huan was so angry at that time. Xu Yaoguang's logic is incomprehensible to ordinary people. She often despises others in a light and matter-of-fact tone, and her look of contempt is sharper than a knife.

  "Have you ever loved me?" Gu Yusheng asked.

  "Love?" Xu Yaoguang seemed to hear something that made her sneer. She touched the back of Gu Yusheng's hand, as if she was full of love and affection for him, but the words on her lips were shocking, "You think I don't I know why you came back to me."

  Xu Yaoguang narrowed his eyes slightly, "Do you think I'm really an idiot? Sound off."

  At this point, she still called Gu Yusheng with affectionate names.

  At that moment, Gu Yusheng's heartbeat almost stopped. His eyebrows moved and he looked at her sharply.

  Xu Yaoguang poked Gu Yusheng's chest and said with a smile, "If you want to play, I will play with you." She smiled, "After all, we are first lovers. I have hurt you before. I'm sorry, you think about it yourself." If you come to me, of course I will satisfy you.”

  "Am I good to you?" Xu Yaoguang stood on tiptoes and approached him, looking curiously into the depths of his eyes, where her own figure was reflected.

  "However, I still have to do the best for myself. How can I fall in love with you and then be dumped by you as you wish?" She put away her smile, "You can scheme against others, but you can't scheme against me."

  "You love me, I know." Xu Yaoguang repeatedly narrated Gu Yusheng's heart, like a throne reaching out to pick the fruits of his victory, without hesitation or mercy.

  "So, you don't love me." Gu Yusheng looked at Xu Yaoguang.

  "No, I love you." Xu Yaoguang replied, "But I love myself more, so I want to dump you first."

  Gu and Sheng couldn't tell whether this 'I love you' was the truth or a lie.

  In other words, the person who said it has never explored whether it is true or false. Or maybe her definition of love is naturally different from ordinary people.

  Her love is free and easy, passionate and ruthless.

  Gu Yusheng laughed, without any warmth, and said, "I really want to kill you."

  Xu Yaoguang noticed that his fists were clenched. It seemed that love and hatred coexisted, both rising to the top.

  So she took a step closer and kissed Gu Yusheng's lips. He remained unmoved and gave her a cold look. Xu Yaoguang kissed him repeatedly, licking his lips with the tip of his tongue.

  After kissing, she felt like coaxing a child, touching the top of his hair, kissing the tip of his nose and face, "Okay."

  Then she pulled her suitcase and left, "Goodbye!"

  She didn't look back and waved to him.

  Gu Yusheng remained standing, his Adam's apple sliding slightly, and there was a taste that belonged to her on his lips. The lip glaze tasted like vanilla ice cream, sweet and delicious. For him, it is poison and an abyss.

  No matter how angry she was before, she could always pour a basin of water on him and extinguish him in an instant.

  His whole body was shaking with hatred, but Xu Yaoguang was right, he was not really unmoved. He wanted to drink her blood and eat her flesh, but there was no hatred without love.

  She tossed and turned to kiss him, and he almost responded. He hated himself too.

  She was always like this, making him unable to grasp her thoughts or her.

  Cheng Huan called and asked, "Did you break up?"

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Completed]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (61)
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  Xu Yaoguang was eating and said casually, "We have never been in a relationship, so how can we break up."

  For so long, Gu Yusheng has never said let's get back together, and Xu Yaoguang has never mentioned it either.

  "When will you come back?" Cheng Huan didn't ask any more questions. In fact, he didn't want to ask more questions at all.

  "Huh?" Xu Yaoguang bit his fork, "Where are you going back to?"

  "Go home." When Cheng Huan said these two words, his tone softened in vain.

  Xu Yaoguang was laughing on the phone. Her voice had been converted by radio frequency, and her laughter was particularly pleasant. It was like the narration of the heroine in a movie, happily saying, "I am a little little bird——"

  She didn't care, "Leave me alone." I am at home everywhere and my soul is free.

  Chapter 33 Xu Yaoguang

  Obtaining a woman's sex does not mean that you have completely obtained her.

  Cheng Huan was not an ordinary person after all, so he didn't get angry when he heard Xu Yaoguang's answer. He seemed to have suddenly gotten rid of that irritable period and became patient again.

  For him, love is like a battlefield, and everything he wants must be obtained.

  When Xu Yaoguang was photographed, he was having dinner with a young hunk.

  Under the candlelight dinner, Xu Yaoguang wore a red dress and curly hair, and the precious pearls on her earlobes were round and shiny, which highlighted her bright eyes and white teeth, making her very charming.

  She held the glass of red wine in one hand, her wrist was snow-white.

  The little fresh meat opposite is the popular singer Lin Senming. After taking off the messy-colored hair and arrogant and cold stage makeup on the stage, Lin Senming in private has a cute short black hair, a white shirt and black pants, and looks like an outstanding eighteen-year-old boy.

  In the photo, the smile on Lin Senming's lips was a little shy, and only Xu Yaoguang was reflected in his eyes. The second photo shows him trying hard to hold the hand of the beauty in the red dress, while she raised her wrist slightly and gave him only her fingertips. The smile on her lips was gentle and sweet.

  The fans exploded, shouting one by one, getting rid of their pursuit of Xu Yaoguang a few days ago, and all turned the tips of their knives towards her.

  The cursing and swearing on the Internet is unsightly, but the real owner doesn't care about it at all, and even laughs while watching it.

  Lin Senming was in a state of distress. He was like a young boy who had fallen in love for the first time, but didn't know what to do. He turned around and saw Xu Yaoguang lying leisurely. He even had time to pinch a green raisin and put it into his mouth. inside.

  Lin Senming was confused for a moment, "Sister."

  "Huh?" Xu Yao didn't even raise his bald head, looking at the screen of his phone intently.

  "Aren't you angry?" Lin Senming was quite uneasy, half-kneeling in front of the sofa so that he could look at Xu Yaoguang's eye level.

  "Your fans are furious, why should I be angry?" Xu Yaoguang finally turned his head to look at Lin Senming, "How old are you this year?" She didn't even pay attention to those fans.

  Lin Senming's heart tightened and he replied, "22 years old."

  "Really..." Xu Yaoguang said in a long tone. Her eyes swept across Lin Senming's Adam's apple, then fell on his shoulders, and finally looked at his face, "22 years old?"

  "20...but I have grown up." Lin Senming did not dare to lie to Xu Yaoguang, but he hurriedly explained, wanting to prove himself.

  Xu Yaoguang smiled.

  He didn't say anything, he just took back the hand that was touching his face.

  We met Lin Senming at the bar last night. At that time, she was half drunk and dancing passionately on the stage. Lin Senming had just gotten rid of her manager and came to the bar for the first time with other artist friends. As soon as she entered, she bumped into many people on the stage. Fluct light.

  To be honest, it's not like he hasn't seen sexy actresses before, and it's not like there aren't even more beautiful women.

  But when it comes to the reason for his heartbeat, the only thing he can think of is 'feeling'. He is engaged in artistic creation, and he values ​​feeling more. It seemed like she was struck by lightning in the heart, especially the moment she looked at him while shaking her head on the stage.

  Xu Yaoguang smiled and turned the phone over, "Is this you?" She frowned.

  On the screen of the mobile phone, there is a stage photo of Lin Senming. He is kneeling on the stage with one hand holding the microphone. His gray hair is arrogant and wanton. His eyeliner, tear marks, and smoky makeup make him even more cold and domineering. His stage clothes are half open. Below, are his cream-colored abs.

  His eyes were sharp and intrusive, as if he was not just a singer, but a king.

  Then look at the current Lin Senming, who is full of breasts, and approaches Xu Yaoguang obediently, "Yeah..." He was a little embarrassed, his ears turned red, his eyes wandered and he scratched the back of his head, "It's the style given by the makeup artist. ”

  Xu Yaoguang nodded and shook his phone. "I like you like this, but I didn't expect you to be an artist." She raised her eyebrows and smiled.

  "I can do it!" Lin Senming insisted at once, "Sister, don't regret it." He looked at her eagerly. She looked cute on the outside, but deep in his eyes was an unthinking desire for Xu Yaoguang.

  "Are you really an adult? Show me your ID card." Xu Yaoguang coaxed him and touched the top of his hair.

  Lin Senming immediately took out his ID card.

  This behavior made Xu Yaoguang laugh. She looked closer at him and said softly, "Prove it to me."

  Lin Senming was stunned for a moment. He was not so bold, especially when facing Xu Yaoguang. After a long pause, he suddenly leaned over to kiss her with his heart pounding. It was a kiss rather than a dog-like lick.

  I don’t know the rules, but I am very enthusiastic.

  After a hot night, Xu Yaoguang learned about virgins.

  Although it was not satisfactory at the beginning, and she could not even find the place, she was afraid that if she did not do well, she would have a bad experience, so even with this kind of thing, Lin Senming took it seriously as if she was on the singing stage.

  The next one took longer and longer, and in the end he even said coquettishly: "Sister, can you do it again?"

  In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Senming woke up and saw Xu Yaoguang sitting on a woven wood rocking chair. Her gauze clothes were fluttering in the wind, blowing her long hair, and there was a kind of fragrance with the wind.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Completed]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The Lost Princess Returns_Daxuju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong【Completed】
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (62)
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  Xu Yaoguang noticed that he was awake and said innocently, "Baby, I forgot to tell you yesterday."

  "What?" Lin Senming asked confusedly, still a little awake.

  "After last night, your journey to stardom may not be as smooth as before."

  It took Lin Senming a while to understand what this sentence meant. He lay down on the bed again, "Oh, it doesn't matter." After a few seconds, he asked uncertainly, "Do you mean, Cheng Huan will take revenge on me?"

  "Aren't you afraid?" Are young people brave enough?

  "Don't be afraid." Lin Senming changed to a comfortable position and lied down, and his voice was much lower: "The president of Xingdong Media is my brother." He came to the entertainment industry to realize his dream and play for money.

  "However," Lin Senming held Xu Yaoguang's ankle, "Sister, you are so bad." He said it now, which must be intentional. But surprisingly, Lin Senming was not angry, but rather fascinated by her.

  He just likes bad women, and he sees too many kind and cute ones, which is boring.

  Xu Yaoguang showed a disappointed expression, "You've seen through" and said, "Oh." He suddenly lost interest.

  "elder sister."


  "Can we go on a date next time?"

  Xu Yaoguang laughed out loud, kissed his forehead, and said nothing.

  Yesterday's news has been removed today. There is not even a single comment about Xu Yaoguang on Weibo. It's so clean that it's a bit strange. Some people who don't know the truth just missed a melon.

  In the bathroom at home, Cheng Huan squatted in front of the bathtub, cleaning Xu Yaoguang's body with strong but painless hands. He had no special expression, not even anger.

  "Don't be angry, don't feel ashamed, don't hit me?" Xu Yaoguang lay in front of the bathtub and looked at him curiously.

  When Cheng Huan heard this, the veins on the back of his hands burst out, but he held it back, and within a few seconds he regained his composure, "Legs." He lifted Xu Yaoguang's legs.

  Xu Yaoguang raised his head and said, "Cheng Huan." She called his name.

  "It's washed." Cheng Huan still ignored Xu Yaoguang's topic. He pulled out the white bath towel, dried her body, picked her up and put her back on the bed.

  "If I dislike you, I would have disliked you long before you left with Gu Yusheng." Cheng Huan stood by the bed and said condescendingly, "X and love are separate here, I know."

  "Xu Yaoguang, if you dare to love anyone else, I will kill you." His face was so cold that it could bring out the ice, but his movements while putting on her panties were still gentle.

  Chapter 34 Xu Yaoguang

  Xu Yaoguang responded with a chin-supporting smile, "There will be an auction tomorrow."

  "You come with me." Cheng Huan responded and put on his underwear completely. His hands passed through Xu Yaoguang's waist and went around her arms to button the buttons. Xu Yaoguang lay comfortably on his shoulders. , narrowed his eyes slightly: "Husband... I want to buy..."

  Cheng Huan's breath was filled with the scent of Xu Yaoguang, or to be more precise, his own scent.

  He was like a possessive giant, licking his own things clean from beginning to end, and then put them into his arms.

  The auction came as scheduled. Today's highlight is the Heart of the Sky unearthed from ancient Greece. It is a blue agate crystal of extraordinary quality. It has withstood the impact of time for thousands of years and is still well preserved. Its value is inestimable. .

  It is stored in a transparent glass cover and exudes dazzling light under the soft light.

  Xu Yaoguang took a fancy to it at first sight, and Cheng Huan sold it for 100 million.

  That night, the heart of the sky was delivered to Xu Yaoguang's palm. She posted a selfie on Weibo. In the photo, her eyes were curled up happily, and her slender hands were casually squeezing the heart of the sky. Her attitude was not very serious.

  Her beauty was so unparalleled that it outshone the priceless gems.

  In this auction, Heart of the Sky was the most popular item.

  [Damn, you are richer than I imagined! 】

  [It is said that the original competitor bid 80 million, and the others raised their bids by millions and millions. Mr. Cheng breathed out 100 million. No one raised the bid at that time, and the whole audience was silent. 】

  [Xu Yaoguang’s Weibo! ! ! 】

  [Holy shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! 】

  [Sister, that’s 100 million, be careful! 】

  [There are too many zeros after the number, I have lost the concept of 100 million/Kneel down]

  [If your monthly income is 5,000, then you only need to work without food or drink for 166 years to earn 100 million! 】

  [Perform a show of grabbing the ground with your head on the spot. 】

  [Is this just a smile for Pomeranians? 】

  [So did they get back together? I thought they did, but she had an affair with Lin Senming again, which made Lin Senming's fans laugh so hard that they almost committed suicide, hahaha.]

  [Why commit suicide? 】

  [Force Lin Senming to delete Xu Yaoguang’s WeChat. ]

  [It’s so funny that the words above are so easy to understand. It’s so funny. Hahahahahaha. Lin Senming’s fans are so upset that they force Lin Senming to stay away from Xu Yaoguang. Hahahahahahahaha. 】

  [They didn’t have the guts to go to Xu Yaoguang’s comment section anymore, so they had no choice but to go to Lin Senming. 】

  And what is Lin Senming doing?

  He didn't care about the life or death of his fans, he was immersed in his own world and couldn't get out.

  Every once in a while, I would get excited and post a Weibo post. Weibo content is weird, sometimes it’s numbers, sometimes it’s letters.

  Fans looked at his Weibo as if they were trying to decipher it, and every one of them was so fucking confused.

  At the end, he sent out a piece of music. He had obviously just finished a new piece of music. Under the light, his two dark circles were particularly conspicuous, but unlike his tired appearance, his eyes were extremely excited, as if Having accomplished something extraordinary, the whole person seemed full of energy.

  Then he also favored Xu Yaoguang in an aboveboard and aboveboard manner, and even added a postscript: My muse@yaoguangV

  The most popular one is Lin Senming’s fan-famous V. She directly raised a question mark.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Similar romance novels recommended:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
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The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Kingdom of Daughters_Monsoon under the Blue Sky [Complete]
The Lost Princess Returns_Daxuju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (63)
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  Lin Senming responded quickly and prayed in a happy tone: Please listen! ! !

  Like a large golden retriever who doesn't notice that its owner is angry.

  The big fan immediately fell silent. After typing a series of ellipses, he silently liked his Weibo and sighed.

  Regarding this, fans of the opponent's family all gloated: Just pamper him! !

  Xu Yaoguang also replied to Lin Senming with an expression of rubbing his head, and Lin Senming rubbed his head crazily on her side.

  Fans were like, "I've been silent and ruined very carefully." They said: "Okay, okay, I know you like Miss Xu." But they also said: "You can't catch up with others, you can't compare with Cheng." Chief?"

  Not long after, Lin Senming personally came out to refute the rumors and posted a Weibo post.

  Lin Senming V: I have no intention of pursuing Ms. Xu. She is free, and so am I. Due to the resonance of my soul, she is indeed very attractive to me, so I really want to date her.

  Comments from outsiders: I can’t understand you doing art/damn it.

  From Cheng Huan's perspective, Lin Senming was extremely bold. Didn't this sentence just mean, 'I don't want to fall in love with her, I just want to sleep with her'?

  Cheng Huan stared at Lin Senming and wanted to kill him.

  The revenge from Dingsheng came as expected. Fortunately, Xingdong Media is not a very weak group and can manage to hold on. However, in private, why the CEO of Xingdong Media lectured his younger brother with a livid face is unknown to outsiders. Lin Senming is honest. After a long time, that explanation was deleted, but 'My Muse@ShaoguangV' still stood firm and stubbornly motionless.

  Lin Senming's album was on the hot search list the day it was released. The dreamy and addictive melody got into everyone's brain like a virus. His singles all feature a psychedelic style, and they were even jokingly called by outsiders Did you suck it? ', but it is undeniable that the style of music is novel, and both the melody and lyrics have reached a great level.

  The heroine of the MV is a dancer. She did not show her face throughout the whole process. She wore a white gauze skirt, a soft figure, and a charming temperament, which effectively restored Xu Yaoguang's demeanor that night.

  But the plot of the MV is very obscure, and no one can tell that it contains things between men and women.

  Lin Senming broke out in the industry. According to insider knowledge, this album will be submitted for Grammy review and is expected to be shortlisted.

  This album pushed Lin Senming to unprecedented heights. Fans were completely convinced and recognized Xu Yaoguang as his "muse".

  In the heart of the sky, Cheng Huan sent him to create a crystal forehead pendant. The style was drawn by Xu Yaoguang himself, and she was most satisfied.

  Gu Yusheng has been very quiet recently. He is deeply involved in a difficult case and is involved in many things. Even though Cheng Huan wanted him to die immediately, he didn't go too far because Xu Yaoguang was there.

  Gu Yusheng read the recent news one by one and suddenly smiled: "I thought you were so awesome." He muttered to himself and looked on coldly.

  Aren’t you still unable to capture Xu Yaoguang’s heart?

  With just this little thing, do you really think you can tie him down?

  It was just a murder case. He had dealt with a lot of dirty things in the past, but he still didn't put them into perspective.

  This day was Xu Yaoguang's 28th birthday. She didn't have many friends, so she didn't hold a party.

  The cake was custom-made, so of course she refused to make it herself.

  Cheng Huan put a candle for her, but Xu Yaoguang slapped it away and replaced the candle with the number 2 with 1.

  "I'm 18 years old and I haven't met you yet." Cheng Huan's face looked very calm against the candlelight.

  "On my eighteenth birthday, I dumped Gu Yusheng." Xu Yaoguang closed his eyes and made a wish, then opened his eyes.

  "I make a wish that my beauty will last until my death." Xu Yaoguang blew out the candle, "There will always be someone who loves me and I will never be forgotten."

  "You are very greedy." Cheng Huan said.

  Xu Yaoguang smiled and said, "Then I will make a wish that I can be beautiful until I die!"

  Chapter 35 Xu Yaoguang

  Xu Yaoguang's wish is to be beautiful forever, but she is quite reluctant to go for medical beauty. She admires pure natural beauty. Facts have proved that time really prefers such beauties.

  Xu Yaoguang is 28 years old and looks exactly like an 18-year-old.

  She took a group of photos. The photographer was a well-known figure in the industry. He specifically turned down the job of a big-name artist and took photos specifically for Xu Yaoguang.

  Of course the reward will not be less.

  Probably to satisfy Cheng Huan's regret, this group of photos tends to be youthful and realistic.

  Several of them were uploaded to Weibo by Cheng Huan. He had not posted on Weibo for hundreds of years. Everyone was shocked when they saw that the content was related to Xu Yaoguang, and they were immediately convinced.

  In the photo, Xu Yaoguang was wearing a pure white dress. She was holding a bouquet of white roses in her hand. She was standing quietly under a phoenix tree, with her eyes lowered and closed, headphones hanging in her ears, and a pure and moving smile on the corners of her lips.

  The man beside him was wearing a white shirt and gray suit pants. He looked sideways at the young girl beside him, his eyebrows full of probing love, and his cold outline softened for her.

  As if traveling through time and space, Cheng Huan in his heyday met the young Xu Yaoguang in the long river of time. He stood aside, looking at her with nostalgia and regret.

  In the second picture, the girl Xu Yaoguang seemed to be aware of the sight around her. She held the flowers in her hand and lowered her head slightly, but unfortunately she couldn't see Cheng Huan. All she saw was the passers-by and the The bus finally arrived.

  The smile on Cheng Huan's lips was subtle and restrained. He looked at her imaginatively and stretched out his hand as if to touch her face.

  It's a pity that these two people, in this photo, half are gray and half are bright.

  Everyone understands, this Weibo expresses regret.

  [So, I understand that the two people only met after they became adults. Mr. Cheng regretted why he did not appear when Miss Xu was young. 】

  [It’s such a subtle show of love, damn, I’m so moved. 】

  [He is not really completely reserved. He is really willing to give up to Miss Xu. He wants to give everything to her. Who can do this? 】

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Complete]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Special Topic Recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Through the Book | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xi Dao | Spirit of the Butterfly | Maple Leaf Dan | Rice and Scrambled Eggs | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | Rain Clears and Green Mountains | Xi Chi Mu | Half-Knowledge | Waterfall | Clouds in the Deep Sea | Black Cat White |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (64)
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  [In the first photo, Miss Xu is holding a white rose in her hand. This clearly means that she was not single at that time, right? 】

  [There is a skin peeling sticker from Ms. Xu on a certain flap. You can tell by just looking at it. It really surprised me. 】

  It can be said that Xu Yaoguang's background was completely wiped out by this mysterious organization.

  The post described in detail the history of Xu Yaoguang's rise to power, how he used all possible means to seduce Gu Yusheng, a legendary and aloof academic master, and then pulled him down from the altar and then despised him for being a poor man with no money. Kick him away.

  Among them, every boyfriend of Xu Yaoguang's college days was picked out. All of them were rich second generation. After graduating from college, they fell in love with Cheng Huan, the prince of Dingsheng Group. Bai Lian was so scheming that she finally dated him and successfully married into a wealthy family.

  There are also all kinds of revelations in the comment area.

  [I am from the same university as Xu Yaoguang. The real situation is even more 6[吃瓜] than what is said in the post. ]

  [The Weibo there is full of flattery and envy, which makes me afraid to tell the truth, hahahahaha, it will be terrible if I get criticized. 】

  [So Lawyer Gu had a relationship with Xu Yaoguang when he was a student? The two of them talked again some time ago, and he must have been too affectionate. 】

  [Don’t come here to comment if you’re in love, I’m laughing so hard hahahaha. 】

  [This woman is not a good person, come on, who knows if she bowed her head to Cheng Huan, check to see if she has been to Thailand [thinking]]

  The outrageous thing came later. Xu Yaoguang crossed his legs and watched with amusement. Even Thai magic was involved. As soon as Cheng Huan came out of the shower, Xu Yaoguang pulled him, "Look at me."

  Cheng Huan kissed her and said, "She is so beautiful."

  His attitude seemed a bit perfunctory, and Xu Yaoguang pulled him again, "I want you to look at me!"

  Cheng Huan was replying to his assistant's text message. He raised his head and looked at her, "What's wrong? She's so beautiful." He held her face, kissed her lips, and answered seriously.

  "Do you think there's something on my shoulder?" Xu Yaoguang asked cheerfully.

  "What?" Cheng Huan didn't see anything.

  "Kid, haven't you heard of Gumantong?" Xu Yaoguang was unhappy.

  "?" Cheng Huan glanced at her, telling her not to make trouble and continued to reply to the text message.

  "They said I raised a ghost and cast a curse on you so that you will be tied to me for the rest of your life." Xu Yaoguang twirled the ends of her hair with her slender fingers and looked at Cheng Huan's phone screen curiously.

  The screen was densely packed with incomprehensible things, all related to venture capital, and she lost interest after just one glance.

  Hearing this, Cheng Huan took the time to raise his eyebrows and looked at it with a half-smile, "If there really is such a thing, I'll give you the next one first."

  Xu Yaoguang immediately put away her smile and said, "Vicious man." She shouted loudly and turned to apply the facial mask.

  Xu Yaoguang sat there tinkering for a long time, and finally put on beautiful makeup. After changing his clothes and stepping on high heels, he was about to go out. Cheng Huan held his laptop in his hand, his expression as usual: "Where are you going?"

  Xu Yaoguang tidied his hair and said, "Play."

  She just bent down and lifted her shoes, and Cheng Huan appeared behind her. The next second, Xu Yaoguang was picked up by the waist. She screamed and pushed his chest, "What are you doing!" Angry.

  "Drain you dry." Cheng Huan sneered.

  "Let's see who gets drained first." Xu Yaoguang was quite unwilling to admit defeat.

  It was such a crazy night. Xu Yaoguang was paralyzed on the bed and couldn't get off the floor. CEO Cheng Huan had a sore back and was silent, especially the blood stains on his back. Today he wore loose-fitting clothes. He had been frustrated several times when his subordinates came to report on their work. He closed his eyes and squinted, but his subordinates didn't dare to remind him, thinking that his boss would be so sleepy after staying up late at work, so he had to keep it in his mind and say it several times.

  However, he did not forget to do his business. A certain post was deleted, and many people's accounts were blocked and unable to speak.

  He rarely posts on blogs, but this time he posted another sentence: What did Xu Yaoguang call you and tell you?

  The tone was sarcastic, and the connotation was that they didn't know where to get excited.

  Fans on Weibo thought, yes, none of Xu Yaoguang’s ex-boyfriends came forward to say what was wrong with Xu Yaoguang. Instead, men who didn’t know each other were jumping on the bandwagon. Looking at the ingredients, It's obvious.

  [Ninety-nine percent of the people who spread rumors about Miss Xu are people whom Miss Xu doesn’t know at all, and they don’t know where they got the gossip. Be careful of the court summons. It’s so funny. 】

  [This is the Pu Xin man. The women who ignore me are just small items and dirty. The women who deal with me are big items and they only care about my money. 】

  [The description above is so true, it made me laugh so hard, hahahaha. 】

  [Ms. Xu is also a rich person. There is nothing wrong with falling in love with someone who is well-matched, right? I'm not a poor person trying to climb high, so this is not okay? Do I have to fall in love with you poor people to be considered good? Oh, I understand. Not falling in love with you is called vanity. 】

  Not long after, an ex-boyfriend showed up.

  [The one who broke the news, I checked your information and saw your photo. You were a junior who pursued Miss Xu very hard back then. I remember you. I was dating her at the time. Why, I was rejected by her several times. I beat you up again and you still don’t give up. Now you come out and spread rumors? 】

  The comment area below is full of weird people, and there are also people who keep saying that the original blogger of Aite, the author of a certain post was banned, came to Weibo to vent his anger, this account is also well-known, and now it is famous again.

  As if the ex-boyfriend didn't think the heat was enough, he immediately posted several Weibo posts in succession.

  [I can guarantee that none of my friends who have dated Ms. Xu think anything bad about her. She is originally a pretty and charming young lady. She is occasionally bad but it is harmless. She is a bit squeamish and pretentious, but she is even more charming and cute. . 】

  [Are you in love? Who doesn’t spend money? For such a beautiful woman, if she doesn’t buy her the best food, the best clothes, and the best clothes, she will be nothing more than a girlfriend. All my friends are willing to do so. 】

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Similar romance novels recommended:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
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The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Supporting Role in the Last Days_Dream of Fox Words【Complete】
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (65)
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  [If you want to fall in love, a frustrated man who wants AA for a bottle of mineral water should stop embarrassing yourself [smiling with teeth]]

  The comments below are all hilarious.

  [Okay, okay, I know you are satisfied with Miss Xu, but if you obey me, it would be rude to say anything else. Account ban warning [Cheng Huan pointing face emoticon pack]]

  [Whose emoticon package, I will really laugh to death, silently save the picture hahahahaha]

  [Account ban warning! 】

  [Cheng Huan: Don’t say it! Don’t say it! Advise to delete! I have pink eye! 】

  Everyone on Weibo burst into laughter, and Xu Yaoguang’s negative information was revealed.

  Xu Yaoguang felt bored, so she went for a full-body spa, and while Cheng Huan was at work, she quickly flew to Japan.

  The author has something to say:


  Chapter 36 Xu Yaoguang

  Japan is a big country for anime. Xu Yaoguang doesn’t watch anime very much, but he was infected here and became addicted to watching anime.

  When Cheng Huan was making a video call, the light was dim. Xu Yaoguang had dark circles under his eyes, holding a can of Coke in his hand and sitting cross-legged on the tatami.

  Cheng Huan initially thought he had recognized the wrong person, and after a while he asked outrageously: "What are you doing, Xu Yaoguang?!"

  "I'm watching a TV series and haven't slept for more than 30 hours." Xu Yaoguang was weak and threw another popcorn into his mouth.

  "?" What are you doing?

  "Watch the last episode again." Xu Yaoguang paused the show and finally moved his eyes from the screen to Cheng Huan's face. "What's wrong?" After that, she quietly called her husband in Japanese.

  Cheng Huan: "..." for a long time, as if he wanted to look through her screen and scan the environment behind her, fearing that there was a wild man.

  "When will you come back?" he finally asked.

  It seems that Xu Yaoguang's addiction to Japanese comics is not a bad thing. Paper people and virtual characters are much better than real men. There is no way out, "Besides, you should go to bed."

  "Well..." Xu Yaoguang didn't speak for a long time, watching his attention disappear again.

  Cheng Huan spoke again, "Go to sleep now, and the voice actor will accompany you to dinner tomorrow."


  Xu Yaoguang opened her eyes wide and immediately put up a smile, "Thank you husband, I love you husband! The baby will go to sleep now!!" She pursed her lips and pampered the screen several times, wishing she could twist her body and rub against Cheng Cheng through the screen. Huan body.

  Even though she looked like a deadbeat the day before, Xu Yaoguang returned to her former glory the next day. She even went to a full-body spa and finally dressed up.

  The entire Japanese voice actor community was shocked. It was reported that a wealthy Chinese woman spent tens of millions of yuan to invite the male and female voice actors of a popular TV series to have dinner together.

  The female voice actor is a newbie who has just debuted, but she is very powerful. Perhaps out of nervousness or to cooperate with the sponsor, she even cosplayed the image of the heroine. When she met the male voice actor, he actually cosplayed too. The props, clothes, and hair are all available, and the makeup is done by professionals. It can be said that we are well prepared!

  The two arrived at their destination first. This is the most stylish restaurant in Tokyo. When they arrived, they found that the place had been cleared. There was not a single customer. The pianist sitting on the table was the famous one in Japan. He sat waiting in a tuxedo.

  The female voice actor's mouth widened in surprise, and the male voice actor's expression was also very artistic, "This is not ordinary rich, right, right, right?"

  The third person who arrived was an unfamiliar face, a middle-aged woman wearing a white dress. Her face was elegant and scholarly. When she saw the two of them, she greeted them politely and then introduced herself, "I am a translator. Nice to meet you." to you."

  Male and female voice actors: ...!

  It seems quite reasonable!

  Xu Yaoguang arrived late in the end. She was well dressed. She wore a bright yellow slim-fitting dress. The V-shaped neckline highlighted her proud curves. Her snow-white neck almost blinded others. He has striking facial features, a small face and a small bone frame, but his overall temperament tends to be outgoing and aggressive.

  For a while, everyone couldn't find words to describe such a woman. Her beauty is not only in appearance, but also in her eyes and temperament.

  The male voice actor has a good eye and acting skills. He performed for everyone on the spot what it means to look at a beautiful woman with straight eyes. Xu Yaoguang was deeply impressed and thought, if they don't make this money, who will?

  She waved her hand and smiled brightly, "Hello everyone, I like the character you voiced very much. It's great." The translator beside her spoke simultaneously.

  Japanese is soft and waxy, no matter what kind of words you say, it seems very gentle.

  The female voice actor was eager to try, looking at Xu Yaoguang with bright eyes, and did not hesitate to praise and love her.

  After finishing the meal, Xu Yaoguang took a photo with them. After returning to the hotel, he posted photos for more than half an hour, then happily posted them on Weibo, took a shower, lay down and watched anime.

  Xu Yaoguang has a heart of 100 million in the sky. This incident of having dinner with the "Deadly Voice Actor" is no longer shocking, and everyone accepted it very well.

  It’s not surprising that money can make people go around.

  On the contrary, the two voice actors soon exposed their Chinese financial backers on a variety show, praising their wealth and beauty, which aroused countless Japanese netizens to become curious about Xu Yaoguang. heart of.

  Then more people revealed that there are so many rich women in China, which successfully aroused the idea of ​​​​traveling to China among many Japanese.

  Someone said venomously: Traveling to China, Nanjing? Then you have to kneel down [awkward laugh.jpg]

  Attracting countless people to follow Hahahahaha.

  After returning to China, Xu Yaoguang calmed down for a long time before adjusting back to his routine. Perhaps because he was out of that environment, Xu Yaoguang did not continue to watch anime crazily, but his love for some junk food and carbonated drinks could no longer be changed. .

  Cheng Huan came out of the shower, picked up the goblet and took a sip. He thought it was red wine. After taking a sip, he thought about it with a dull face for a while, swallowed silently, and put the goblet away.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Completed]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (66)
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  After a while, there was Xu Yaoguang's voice: "Who drank my Cherry Coke!"

  Cheng Huan raised his hand obediently, "It's me."

  "As a penalty, you'll have to buy me a hundred bottles!"


  Over there, Japanese variety shows were spread to China, and netizens were happy to see Xu Yaoguang becoming famous in Japan.

  [If nothing else, Miss Xu’s appearance really makes China proud. 】

  [Hahahahaha, that’s right, that’s right! I really want to go to the United States and become famous. The impression of Asians there is that they have foxy eyes, small mouths and oval faces, which are not good-looking at all. 】

  [Call Miss Xu, I love it! 】

  [Look at the beauty of the Japanese, it really makes me laugh to death. When I mention an abalone worth a million, my eyes almost fall out, hahahahaha! 】

  [It’s so funny, I watch this variety show again every time I feel sad. 】

  After Xu Yaoguang was lazy at home for a few days, he went out to have fun again.

  Lin Senming's concert will be held in the past few days, and he has started a nationwide tour. Weibo has been warming up for it in the past few days, and he can be called a hotly searched guest.

  Xu Yaoguang became interested and started the live broadcast while waiting for the show to start.

  The scene was very hot and lively for a while.

  Outside the venue, Xu Yaoguang met someone who shouldn't be here.

  The police car sirens outside added a lot of tension to the atmosphere and attracted the attention of many passers-by. Unfortunately, the police cleared the area and set up a cordon, so not many people could get in.

  Gu Yusheng was wearing a black vest marked 'Special Police'. He was talking to someone with his head tilted and his expression was serious.

  As soon as he turned his head, Gu Yusheng saw Xu Yaoguang.

  At that time, Xu Yaoguang was wearing a denim suspender skirt, and her waistline was clearly visible. Her black curly hair was tied into two ponytails. If others wore it like this, they would definitely be said to be pretending to be young, but Xu Yaoguang suited this look very well. The style is full of youthful beauty.

  At that moment, Gu Yusheng was stunned for several seconds.

  It was as if he had seen her in her youth. She smiled brightly at him and called him affectionately.


  Xu Yaoguang did indeed call his name, but his tone was not as crisp as before, but he was very surprised.

  Chapter 37 Xu Yaoguang

  Gu Yusheng took out the glasses from his collar and put them on again.

  The rigor and sharpness he had shown when he was working seriously just now suddenly faded away, and he suddenly returned to his former gentleness and jade. However, the clothes he wore now were by no means gentle.

  Xu Yaoguang's eyes were full of surprise when he looked at Gu Yusheng. Gu Yusheng understood, so he was a little silent.

  "Aren't you a lawyer? Why, are you a policeman again?" Xu Yaoguang turned off the live broadcast as soon as she saw Gu Yusheng. She folded the instrument and stood beside him with a happy smile.

  Although he was very curious about the situation over there, he guessed it was a murder, so Xu Yaoguang only looked at it twice and then looked away.

  "Invited to be a special adviser." Gu Yusheng spoke concisely and concisely. He smiled and looked gentle. "You are here because..." He glanced at the crowded venue over there and knew clearly that her intention was not him.

  Xu Yaoguang repeated the words "special advisor" and then focused on the word "special police" on his chest. In fact, for her, finding a boyfriend who is a police officer is not a problem, it is just a matter of consideration and sound. The sudden change in identity made her feel very fresh.

  However, when he saw Gu Yusheng's demeanor, Xu Yaoguang was not happy again, "This doesn't look good."

  Gu Yusheng expressed doubts with a smile in his eyes.

  "It's like wearing a mask." The real Gu Yusheng didn't like to laugh, and he was never such a gentle person.

  "..." Gu Yusheng was silent for a short time.

  "What do you want to say?" Gu Yusheng ignored Xu Yaoguang's opinion, and even his smile did not change. "Reminiscing about the past?" But this sentence revealed his uneasy heart, which seemed a bit uneasy. It is divided into yin and yang.

  "No, I just saw you and was so handsome." Xu Yaoguang replied with a smile, as if nothing had happened between the two of them, and their expressions were as usual.

  After she said that, she stood up on her tiptoes and touched the top of Gu Yusheng's hair, "Special advisor, he should be considered a police detective, right? Detective Gu, come on and solve the case, bye!" She suddenly smiled brightly and waved to Gu Yusheng, "I'm going to be late."

  After saying goodbye, Xu Yaoguang immediately disappeared without a trace.

  Gu Yusheng stood there and stared at Xu Yaoguang's back for a while. It was the shout from behind that made him turn around.

  "Teacher Gu, do you want to take a look with the trace inspection people?" the young police officer asked.

  Gu Yusheng nodded, "Of course I want it." He finally glanced sideways in the direction of the venue and completely looked away.

  Cheng Huan's targeting was undoubtedly cruel, but Gu Yusheng not only saved the day, but also successfully infiltrated the criminal investigation.

  Xu Yaoguang had to say it was awesome after seeing it.

  Lin Senming noticed Xu Yaoguang entering the venue. In fact, not only Lin Senming noticed it, but other fans also noticed it. But unfortunately, Xu Yaoguang's aura was so strong that no one dared to come up and scold her. We were all ordinary people, and most of them scolded her harshly online, but in reality they were just cowards.

  Some even switched sides in an instant because they saw Xu Yaoguang at close range.

  Xu Yaoguang took selfies with several girls. She has always been very tolerant to girls and naturally responded to their requests.

  Not long after, a staff member wearing a work ID bent down and passed through the seats. Without blocking the view of the people in the back, he delivered the support stick to Xu Yaoguang's hand. There was also a package that was intact. small gift package.

  Inside are several packs of snacks, a bottle of drink, and a portion of cut fruit.

  The fan sitting next to Xu Yaoguang: "..." I'm so fucking redundant, spending thousands of dollars to buy my heartache.

  I really want to lose my fandom, and I don’t want to go to the concert anymore. I’m going crazy!

  However, when the performance officially started, Lin Senming with dyed white hair and milky breasts appeared in the audience and blew kisses to the audience, she immediately screamed and forgave him.

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After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Complete]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Noble Family Girl_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Touch of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (67)
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  During the concert, Lin Senming generously expressed his love many times. He scattered a bouquet of fiery red roses. The last, most beautiful one, he personally gave to Xu Yaoguang.

  The fans who got the rose almost fainted, their faces were red and their hearts were beating loudly.

  At the end of the concert, no one was angry or reluctant, and even Lin Sen's love for him grew even higher because of his act of waving roses.

  [Did you see that our roses and Miss Xu’s are from the same bouquet? What does this mean? It means that in brother’s heart, we are equally important! 】

  【exactly! We are also little roses! 】

  [Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 】

  [We are just covering our mouths and crying! 】

  When Bai Weirou saw Xu Yaoguang, she was sitting boredly in a tea restaurant. She took out a rose petal, put it into her mouth and bit it out of boredom.

  "What does a rose smell like?" Bai Weirou pulled out a chair and sat down curiously and asked.

  "Bitter, but very fragrant." Xu Yaoguang asked, "Have you ever eaten preserved rosehips?"

  "No." Bai Weirou shook her head.

  "It has nothing to do with that."

  "..." Why don't you put it here? !

  What nonsense literature.

  Xu Yaoguang, who successfully eliminated an option for Bai Weirou, was very happy, "Try it."

  "I won't eat it. This is a gift from a big star." Bai Weirou politely declined.

  So, Xu Yaoguang got excited and bought a large bouquet of red roses for Bai Weirou. Bai Weirou was still a little embarrassed while holding the flowers, thinking that no wonder the previous host was turned upside down by you!

  Unconscious flirting is the most deadly!

  Fortunately, she is determined and her favorite target is always very specific: gentle and strong men!

  Bai Weirou then asked Xu Yaoguang how long it would take for the mission to end.

  Xu Yaoguang was already eating hot pot with Bai Weirou. She was picking up vegetables. She was a little puzzled, but she didn't really care about it. "Why are you asking?"

  "Because you can't complete it, I can't escape from this world." Bai Weirou sighed, "Even if the mission fails, I have to follow the plot to the end. This is also a kind of punishment." For example, some people in the female protagonist system If the mission fails, most of them will live a miserable life. The consequence of losing the aura of the heroine is to face the world's malice towards her, and to resist until she dies of natural old age is a very scary thing.

  Of course, most people will have props that can resist this kind of debuff. Unfortunately, Bai Weirou's props just happened to be used up.

  If Xu Yaoguang could tell her in advance when the mission would end, she would be mentally prepared.

  Xu Yaoguang slowed down the movement of biting the food, let out a light ooh, and then said after a while: "There is still one last step left."

  Lin Senming would initiate a second date invitation, which Xu Yaoguang thought was expected.

  When Cheng Huan came out of the shower, Xu Yaoguang was not in the bedroom. Through surveillance, he learned that she was lying down wearing holographic glasses in the e-sports room on the third floor. The most popular anime was playing on the big screen.

  A pair of slender legs leaned against the gaming table, occasionally shaking, indicating her beautiful mood at the moment.

  The date invitation was seen by Cheng Huan. He just happened to bend down to take something from the drawer, and the screen of Xu Yaoguang's charging phone lit up.

  Her phone has no lock screen. Just like her, she has always been upright. Even if she does something weird, she is not afraid of others knowing.

  Cheng Huan's face was very calm, and his movements of wiping his hair did not change. He stood in front of the bedside table and looked out at the night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling window. The lights were bright, the street lights on both sides of the road were continuous, and the passing vehicles were like ants.

  After drying his hair completely, he hung the towel on the armrest, took out his cell phone and made a call.

  Xu Yaoguang took off his holographic glasses, and there was a vague sound of electric current passing by outside the window.

  She put her legs down and turned around to see Cheng Huan standing at the door.

  Xu Yaoguang always knew that Cheng Huan was more ruthless than Gu Yusheng.

  The author has something to say:

  If the world is demined in advance, Fluttering Light will escape to death, but no one is going to kill her. It must be her active choice, and there is a reason.

  Chapter 38 Xu Yaoguang

  "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

  Suddenly, Cheng Huan's voice came from the room.

  It was already past 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. Cheng Huan was wearing pajamas and his eyes were on Xu Yaoguang. Xu Yaoguang had just finished reading his phone and put it down. His hair looked a little wet after taking a shower.

  She didn't use a hair dryer because using it too much would damage her hair, so she rarely used it.

  "Ah," Xu Yaoguang's expression was a little confused. She did not answer immediately, "What's wrong?" she asked Cheng Huan.

  Cheng Huan walked forward, took a dry towel and wiped Xu Yaoguang's hair, "Ask." His voice was normal, sounding deep and particularly charming.

  Xu Yaoguang's hair is of very good quality. It feels smooth and moist to the touch, and the hair is soft. Even if you are very close, you can smell the scent of her just taking a shower. The shampoo and shower gel are all selected by Cheng Huan himself. The taste is naturally familiar to him.

  "What do you want?" Xu Yaoguang turned his head with an innocent expression, not afraid of his thoughts at all.

  "What do I want? Shouldn't I ask you what you want?" The question was turned into a statement by Cheng Huan. He probably didn't want to know Xu Yaoguang's answer.

  "Why are you looking at my phone?" Xu Yaoguang stared at Cheng Huan.

  "Look what's wrong." Cheng Huan also looked straight back.

  Obviously he had no intention of explaining. Rather, it was Xu Yaoguang's tone that ignited his nameless anger, so he didn't want to say that he just saw it by accident.

  "Nothing." Xu Yaoguang lowered the corners of his eyes, showing an obviously unhappy expression.

  She tilted her head slightly to avoid Cheng Huan's action of wiping her hair. Cheng Huan wiped her hair in vain, and the soft and slippery hair slipped from his fingers.

  He turned his head to look at her, only to see her annoyed look.

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
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Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The Lost Princess Returns_Daxuju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong【Completed】
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Green Tea and White Moonlight [Quick Wear]_Lin Yan Ge [Complete] (68)
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (68)
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  "Deduct points, compare, and finally give up." Cheng Huan slowly put down the half-wet towel and half-crouched in front of Xu Yaoguang. These words caught her attention, and she turned her head to look at him again, "You are like this Judge me in your heart.”

  "Yes." Xu Yaoguang admitted it straightforwardly. She curled up her feet and sat on the bed. "If you can't stand it, let's break up." There was no expression on her face, and she seemed extremely indifferent.

  "You love to play so much." Cheng Huan stood up slowly, "Just like a naughty cat, it always goes out and makes a mess and then comes back, thinking that I will always work hard and take care of you."

  He looked at Xu Yaoguang condescendingly, "A cat that is too skinny will be locked up at home."

  Xu Yaoguang's eyes reflected Cheng Huan's current appearance. He lost his gentle face and showed his true face. It was an undisguised desire for dominance. Perhaps it was the coldness that covered up his anger. He looked very calm, but it was precisely because he was too calm that he appeared terrifying.

  Xu Yaoguang's eyes widened. Novelty and excitement replaced her previous indifference, and she suddenly became lively and lively.


  Lin Senming discovered that his WeChat account had been deleted by Xu Yaoguang, and he did not wait for her reply.

  After that, no matter how much contact she made, she couldn't get in touch with Xu Yaoguang. She seemed to have disappeared from the world. "This is not her style." After muttering a few words, Lin Senming decisively called the police.

  Two days later, the police gave a reply, "Ms. Xu's personal safety is currently guaranteed, and nothing has happened as you suspected."

  "Then why are all contacts cut off? This is impossible!" Lin Senming was anxious and angry. He did not believe the police's words and was very confused.

  The operator didn't know what to say for a moment. He hesitated for a while and then said vaguely, "Maybe she doesn't want to contact you." The result that the colleague just found out was more embarrassing. It turned out that it was a couple. The relationship is so good, we are always at home...

  As for why we didn’t contact the outside world, we can only say that it’s a matter of your own free will and no one else has the right to interfere.

  Xu Yaoguang has indeed been living in a state of intoxication recently. He has tried iron chains, forced love, binding and forcing.

  In the end, what she liked most was that these props were used on others.

  To say that this woman's XP is somewhat hentai, the most indescribable time for Cheng Huan was when she hung on him, called him "police brother" with blushing cheeks, and then made some slurs.

  This is probably called role-playing.

  But his original intention at the beginning was obviously to trap her by his side, but he didn't expect that she was so--excited!

  Uniforms are basically prepared for him. She is more active than anyone else in changing his clothes, and her eyes shine.

  When the police who came to investigate a few days ago knocked on the door, Cheng Huan was wearing fox ears and a tuxedo with a tail. His shirt was torn and messy. There were strawberry hickeys on his neck. There was even one on his handsome face. Lip prints.

  The police arrived at the scene and heard the famous Miss Xu's voice coming from inside, "Who are you, are you bothering me?" She probably didn't have any clothes on, and she poked her head out from the corner, wearing bunny ears on her head.

  This is why the operator's tone was so weird when he answered Lin Senming's question.

  What a fun couple! How do you say this! It’s really outrageous, isn’t it?

  Cheng Huan originally thought that Xu Yaoguang would want to go out very much, but he did not mention this matter, and Xu Yaoguang never said anything either. She was like a mushroom growing in the room, making it very difficult for her to move. Her favorite things were video games, anime, and movies.

  The second favorite thing is that in the middle of the night, when everything was silent and he fell into a deep sleep, she pretended to be Sadako and crawled into bed, woke him up by touching him, and then leisurely revealed her face with Sadako makeup, "I just came from Climb out of the well, you can't let people go."

  Even worse, when she woke up, her hands and feet were tied to the head of the bed, while she lit a night light and held a candle in her hand with an excited look on her face, "Honey, let's do something fun today!"

  Should you imprison me, or should I imprison you?

  Of course, Cheng Huan is very happy to cooperate with Xu Yaoguang, as long as she is happy.

  However, every time he went to work in the morning, he would still be injured, which made people in the company madly shout "Battle damage to the boss", and also made the special assistant very worried about whether he had fought with Xu Yaoguang.

  But he didn't care at all, and he didn't take it to heart.

  Gu Yusheng was browsing information in the police station. When passing by the corridor, two female police officers were discussing gossip in front of the water dispenser.

  "...Yes, yes, Xiao Li went to investigate the Twelve Celebrities, but the results have not been reported so far, and I don't know why."

  "Don't you think Miss Xu has disappeared?"

  "He must have disappeared, otherwise the star named Lin would not have come to report the case."

  Twelve celebrity villas, Ms. Xu, and a celebrity named Lin reported the case.

  These labels were retained in Gu Yusheng's ears. He slowed down his browsing speed, raised his eyes slightly, and then his eyes darkened under the lenses.

  In the evening, Gu Yusheng dialed the phone. He was probably on night patrol there, and his voice was a bit chaotic. "Brother Gu, what's going on?" He was from the Northeast, and he spoke with an obvious Northeastern accent.

  Gu Yusheng leaned against the car and lit a cigarette. The light overhead passed over him, casting a stretched shadow on the ground. "Where's the night patrol? Is there anything going on?"

  "Isn't that designated? I've been very peaceful recently, so it doesn't take much effort." Xiao Li answered cheerfully.

  "I heard that a few days ago, someone reported a missing person in the Twelve Celebrity Villas?"

  "Yes, that's right." Xiao Li didn't understand why Gu Yusheng suddenly asked this. He was a little alert in his heart, but he didn't take it seriously.

  "Is there any result? Has anyone been found?"

  "No." Xiao Li answered directly without hesitation, "But Brother Gu, please don't worry about this. It's not a murder case, he ran away from home or he just didn't want to answer the phone. What a big deal." He wanted to be vague.

  This matter had been taken care of by Cheng Huan, so he kept it secret and pretended that he had not discovered it.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Complete]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_wipe your hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (69)
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  Xiao Li is not a fool, and he will definitely follow the instructions. If the private affairs of a married couple are spread out, they will be prosecuted.

  It is better to do less than to do more now.

  Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Gu Yusheng's face turned pale.

  He looked far away in the direction of the villa area of ​​the twelve celebrities, his eyes dark.

  Chapter 39 Xu Yaoguang

  Gu Yusheng prepared to sneak into Cheng Huan's villa late at night. This villa was actually replaced. When Cheng Huan went bankrupt, the villa was sealed. His assets were limited and everything that could be sold was sold. The current villa was later I stood up again and bought it again.

  The specially chosen apartment layout is no different from before, and even the decoration design is still Xu Yaoguang's favorite style.

  Cheng Huan can really endure it.

  Gu Yusheng admired this point very much.

  There was an alarm in the villa, and he accurately found and destroyed it, then followed the route he had set and entered the villa.

  Looking up at the sky, there were no lights in the entire villa. It was half past two in the morning, and he was fast asleep.

  After successfully entering the villa, Gu Yusheng's footsteps were very light and he made almost no sound when he landed. His eyes seemed to glow in the dark. He glanced at the furniture and followed it up to the second floor.

  His night vision is very good, and he has adapted to the dark night outside in advance. Now he has no pressure to see. Not to mention that in rich people's homes, they almost never turn off all the lights completely. The night light in the corridor is turned on. This is to prevent the owner from falling when walking.

  Stepping on the circular escalator and going up to the second floor, the living room on the second floor showed traces of the owner's daytime life. There was a red suspender skirt draped on the sofa. Gu Yusheng picked it up and took a look at it, frowning.

  This suspender skirt looked familiar. Xu Yaoguang had worn it, and the image of Xu Yaoguang wearing it immediately appeared in his mind.

  She is truly charming and a natural beauty.

  The cold object pressed against his lower back brought him back to his senses.

  "You are very courageous, Mr. Gu."

  The familiar voice was Cheng Huan.

  He seemed to have expected this, and his chuckle contained a sense of certainty and sarcasm.

  Personal hand gun.

  Gu Yusheng knew that Cheng Huan could do it. He turned sideways and saw Cheng Huan's silhouette in the darkness. "The knight bravely went into the tiger's den just to rescue the delicate princess. That's great."

  Anyone who can be the president of a group is undoubtedly very good at speaking. Cheng Huan is also like this when he speaks, and he is good at quoting classics to express his thoughts. When he speaks, his tone always seems so smooth and gentle, but there is a lot of content in what he says. Strong and sarcastic.

  Gu Yusheng turned around slowly, which was tacitly approved by Cheng Huan.

  "Where's Xu Yaoguang?" Gu Yusheng's face was expressionless. The moonlight came from the side and fell on his face. His glasses couldn't hide his sharpness and indifference. "Where have you been hiding?"

  "Why should you hide it?" Cheng Huan even smiled. He was wearing navy blue silk pajamas, his half-exposed chest looked very plump, and the hickeys on his neck were particularly conspicuous, "If she wants to see you, I It can’t be hidden no matter what.”

  After that, he loaded the bullet into the hall, and the sound of clicking came in the air, "I broke into the dragon's lair alone. Even if I kill you here, no one will know." Cheng Huan took two steps forward and fired the gun. Her mouth was pressed against his chest.

  Gu Yusheng's expression finally changed, but instead of being panicked, he raised his eyebrows and the curve of his lips was intriguing, "If there is no arrangement, I will not come alone."

  After patiently sizing up Cheng Huan, Gu Yusheng said in a long tone, "I really made a mistake before." He never thought about how smart Cheng Huan was. Maybe he was really scheming, or just a scheming person. On top of the mall.

  After several fights, he could be described as enduring humiliation and cruelty.

  If it weren't for the leaders of Xingdong Entertainment having their own power, I'm afraid Lin Senming would have disappeared long ago. And he was also strange. Even though he had learned Cheng Huan's thoughts long ago, he still dared to make a promise to Yaoguang for a second time.

  If you want romance at the expense of your life, don’t plant wheat to plant roses.

  Cheng Huan didn't care whether he was growing wheat or roses. He had already set his sights on him. He only had to deal with Gu Yusheng before he could spare his energy to target him.

  But Gu Yusheng was obviously not a good person, so how could he stand still and be beaten.

  Gu Yusheng was caught off guard and slashed across with a knife, trying to snatch the gun from Cheng Huan's hand. His movements were so fast that there was only an afterimage in the air. Who knew that the next second, Cheng Huan stretched out his other hand, which also held a gun.

  Gu Yusheng's pupils shrank, not thinking that he had any backup plans. He was very skilled, he was far more than just a lawyer. Cheng Huan fired, and both guns were loaded. It was precisely because he dared to shoot that he pretended to be a gunman.

  The bullet grazed the side of Gu Yusheng's face, leaving a trail of blood.

  Cheng Huan was controlled and turned over from the sofa. His speed was not as fast as Gu Yusheng, but he was well prepared and anticipated various situations early on, so he also fired a shot with his left hand.

  At this time, the lights suddenly turned on.

  Gu Yusheng and Cheng Huan were wrestling in front of the sofa, with Cheng Huan on top and Gu Yusheng on the bottom. It seemed that Cheng Huan was suppressing Gu Yusheng, but Gu Yusheng was pinching Cheng Huan's neck.

  The two people turned their heads at the same time. The dazzling light made their eyes unable to accept it. They both squinted their eyes. After a while, they saw clearly the person standing at the top of the stairs: Xu Yaoguang.

  Xu Yaoguang was wearing a white cotton nightgown. She rubbed her eyes and stood on the armrest, looking at the two people curiously. "Are you two flirting?" After saying that, she turned her eyes and stopped at Gu Yusheng. On the forearm where he was shot, bright red blood seeped out through his clothes. His face was a little pale, but his hands were very strong. Cheng Huan was pinched so hard that he could not breathe smoothly, but he also refused to admit defeat. The muzzle of the gun was pressed against Gu Yusheng's temple.

  "It turns out it's not flirting." Xu Yaoguang put down his hand, his expression very calm.

  Ever since Cheng Huan saw Xu Yaoguang, he subconsciously wanted to stop and stand up, but Gu Yusheng refused to let go, holding his neck and refusing to let go. Cheng Huan's face was livid and he stared at him angrily.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became the boss Bai Yueguang_Rizama [End + Extra]
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Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (70)
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  Gu Yusheng looked straight at Xu Yaoguang, "You're okay."

  "I'm fine." Xu Yaoguang even leaned on the bar in a good mood, poured himself a glass of warm water, took a sip and replied with a smile.

  "You are playing with me." Gu Yusheng's chest heaved and his face darkened.

  He was probably so angry that he even ignored the pain of the wound, and the trauma was nothing.

  Xu Yaoguang smiled. She was very beautiful even when she laughed at others. She drank water while laughing and then put down the water glass. The louder she laughed, the louder it became. In the end, she was laughing. She walked up to Cheng Huan and reached out to get Cheng Huan. Cheng Huan let go of the gun in his right hand and let her take it.

  Gu Yusheng's eye circles were red, and the bloodshot eyes were filled with blood. He looked angry and a little helpless.

  "I'm sorry." Xu Yaoguang bent down and apologized sincerely.

  The distance was too close, Gu Yusheng's eyes were filled with hatred as if he wanted to eat Xu Yaoguang's flesh and drink Xu Yaoguang's blood. Cheng Huan ignored this. He didn't care how Xu Yaoguang played with Gu Yusheng.

  "But it's good that you came today." Xu Yaoguang straightened up. She couldn't help but smile, and she bent her eyes to look pure and beautiful. She picked up the remote control and pressed the button. The transparent glass behind her opened from the middle on both sides. In an instant, the night wind rushed in, blowing her long hair and skirt.

  "This is the Night Breeze Corridor that I designed myself. Doesn't it look good?" Xu Yaoguang looked proud and proud, and his smile was very cute and arrogant. "Of course it was funded by Cheng Huan. Beautiful women can't spend their own money." She said She stretched out her hand. It was a manicure she had just done recently. Cheng Huan clumsily searched the process online and did it for her himself.

  The nail art pattern is a silly kitten, immature but playful.

  Gu Yusheng already hated Xu Yaoguang very much and did not say anything.

  His heart was beating violently, which was caused by the chaos of disgust, love and hate in his chest. He could hardly breathe. Finally, he asked, "What did I do wrong, Xu Yaoguang."

  "You didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who made the mistake. Haven't I always been brave enough to admit it?" Xu Yaoguang chuckled, closed his eyes and waved his hands, then tilted his head to look at the night scene outside, "I I apologized to you." She repeated emphatically.

  His heart was in pain, and blood was flowing from the gunshot wound on Gu Yusheng's face.

  "I'm really tired of it." Xu Yaoguang suddenly took back his cute tone, his tone was cold and bored.

  "This kind of life is so boring. No matter how difficult things are, they can be solved as long as you stretch out your hand. Although everyone seems to envy me and everyone wants to be me, it is really good to live this kind of life too much. Tired of it." Xu Yaoguang stretched out his hand to touch his face and opened his eyes wide, "And have you seen it, Cheng Huan, I actually have a smile line in the corner of my eye, which is obvious when I smile!"

  "I'm almost thirty years old." Xu Yaoguang frowned fiercely, "This means that I will become more and more uglier in the future."

  Cheng Huan didn't understand what Xu Yaoguang was going to say. He frowned, "Yaoguang, you-"

  "Didn't you say that making love can make people younger?" Xu Yaoguang seemed a little unhappy, "It's simply a lie."

  Cheng Huan wanted to say something, but when he heard this, his breath suddenly suffocated and his face darkened. This meant that Xu Yaoguang, who had been hanging out with him all day long recently, did not do it because he loved him, but because he wanted to Get rid of those smile lines.

  She is unwilling to undergo surgery for cosmetic surgery, thinking that she would not be her natural self.

  Such a reason is really ridiculous, or it could be that just because all of Xu Yaoguang's desires can be easily satisfied, her attention is often focused on some very small and boring things, including herself. She can never control the youth and time that are gradually slipping away from her palms.

  She won't even feel sad because of anyone, she will only feel sad because of herself.

  On the other side, Bai Weirou was lying on the bed relaxingly getting a massage. Today's professional care was given by a handsome guy she personally ordered. The technique was exquisite and she fell into a comfortable drowsiness in a short while.

  It was the system sound that suddenly sounded in her mind that suddenly woke her up.

  [Countdown to the end of the mission...]

  [Please host be prepared to leave this world...]

  Bai Weirou was so cold that goosebumps appeared at that moment. The handsome guy was a little confused. The next second, Bai Weirou jumped up from the bed, her face changed greatly, she picked up her clothes and rushed out.

  "What do you mean? Why do you suddenly say you are leaving the world?"

  Even if the mission is over, they still have to wait until they finish their lives and complete the entire plot before they can escape!

  Bai Weirou built a house to withstand any natural disaster for the sake of the other person's evil intentions in the world, and planned to live in it, but before she could move in, she was informed that she had to leave.

  How could she sit still? She subconsciously wanted to find Xu Yaoguang, but Xu Yaoguang's cell phone couldn't get through.

  The twelve celebrity villas were not far from here, so she drove over and rushed there.

  The system was stuck for a while and didn't say anything. It just kept counting down.

  In fifteen minutes, Bai Weirou rushed to the twelve celebrity villa area. From a distance, she saw the villa that Cheng Huan had bought. The glass wall on the second floor was wide open, the wind was howling, and a woman in a white skirt stood up. On the edge.

  "Sister Yaoguang!!"

  Bai Weirou opened the sunroof of the car, stretched out her head with her arms and waved to her.

  Xu Yaoguang turned his head and smiled at her from afar. Then he raised his hand and pointed the gun at his temple.

  She said something into the room, but Bai Weirou couldn't hear it. He could only see her fingertips exert a slight force and then pull the trigger.

  It was a silenced gun, the sound was almost inaudible.

  Bai Weirou turned pale with fright. Xu Yaoguang fell from the sky. The landing point was a rose bush, which was magnificent and cold red. The collision of white and red was extremely eye-catching. Cheng Huan roared with heartache. He stretched out his hand but could not catch it. Holding her, his hands intertwined with the hem of her skirt.

  Gu Yusheng was stunned and unable to react, blood flowing from his wounds. He knelt on the spot, gasping for breath, with a dazed look in his eyes.

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Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

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Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
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The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Couple in the Apocalypse_Mengyuanhuyan [Complete]
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quanwen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
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Green Tea White Moonlight [Quickly Wear]_Lin Yange [Complete] (71)
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  What Xu Yaoguang said was: I want you to love me, and hate me, and to be forever young and beautiful, engraved in your heart.

  Just kidding, Bai Yueguang will either not get it or die.

  But in the end, when she left the world, what Bai Weirou was thinking was: "Did Sister Yaoguang commit suicide because of me?"

  The last look she gave her was clearly with a gentle smile, as if to say 'I'm leaving' again.

  The system issued a warning: [Host, your heart rate is abnormal, please calm down. 】

  Bai Weirou held her heart in her hands and floated upwards. A white shooting star quickly passed by her side. She knew that it was Xu Yaoguang's soul. She replied to the system: "Don't worry, I don't like women. I just suddenly felt that I kind of like Sister Yaoguang."

  Chapter 40 Xu Yaoguang



  【……Host. 】

  "Huh?" Yaoguang closed her eyes slightly and kept quiet, feeling the rapid passage of time around her. Her soul retreated rapidly in the air, as if the night wind passed through her strands, which made Yaoguang feel very comfortable.

  [Can I stop messing around with women in the future? 】


  A question mark popped up in her head, but she didn't think much about it. "Lin Senming did it voluntarily. It doesn't matter if I take a nap." She waved her hand to indicate that it had nothing to do with her.

  【I mean Bai Weirou.】

  "...Huh?" You start to explain, what does this mean? ?

  [...The White Lotus heroine system just said that it will report us two soon. 】

  Although the system's voice was still calm and had a mechanical tone, for some reason it gave people an aggrieved look after saying this.

  "What's wrong with me?" Yaoguang felt very confused. She crossed her arms and said, "If it wasn't for the fact that I wanted to prevent her from getting hurt here, I wouldn't have run away. Wouldn't it be better to enjoy a few more years here?"

  [White Lotus Hostess System says you seduced its host. 】

  "..." Yaoguang was silent for a while, and then suddenly covered his forehead, "How old are your systems? Why are you still snitching, are you a primary school student?"

  Over there, Xu Yaoguang left the world, but its time was still running.

  At Xu Yaoguang's funeral, countless people sent bouquets of chrysanthemums.

  The place where Xu Yaoguang was buried was the rose bush. How could the twelve celebrity villas agree to bury the body in their own community? However, the power of capital is powerful, and in the end they all agreed even if they didn't agree.

  On the day of the burial, there were a lot of media people, and everyone was dressed in black without exception.

  The soil of the rose was well dug up, and Xu Yaoguang's coffin was not closed. She was lying in the coffin intact, wearing a red dress like the blazing sun, her skin was like cream, and she was lying quietly with her eyes closed, as if she Never died, just slept more deeply,

  Her black hair was braided and blown over the soft green leaves behind her. There was a budding rose in her hair, and there was even a crystal clear drop of water on it.

  Unlike ordinary people who gradually show their withering state after death, Xu Yaoguang is still plump and beautiful. There is a bouquet of red roses placed on his left temple, which covers the hole of the gun muzzle well.

  All this decorated her too perfectly.

  The fragrance of the roses around me was particularly strong, but not offensive. What lingered in the air was not only the bitter fragrance, but also a touch of sadness.

  Then someone finally couldn't help sobbing.

  Except for his pale face and dark circles under his eyes, Cheng Huan was meticulously dressed and as stiff as usual. He even used hair wax today. Not for the sake of anything else, but because I want to see Xu Yaoguang in his most perfect self.

  Cheng Huan, who was like that in the past, finally showed his obvious vulnerability. Unlike the others who were holding white chrysanthemums, Cheng Huan was holding a pure white rose in his hand.

  He could never understand Xu Yaoguang, and he could never catch up with her, let alone catch her.

  He deeply resented Gu Yusheng for occupying her youth, and regretted that he met her so late.

  I always thought that if I had met Xu Yaoguang when she was a student, she would never be like this.

  Perhaps by venting his hatred, he would not realize his own weakness and weakness.

  How could an omnipotent person fail to catch the love of his life? He would never be able to accept this.

  Everything about Xu Yaoguang was dressed up by him, and now she was lying quietly, staying by his side as obediently as he had prayed for.

  In the dead of night, he would also be in great pain. He wiped the blood off her cheek, treated her wounds, put makeup on and changed her clothes. The torment and pain in his heart also gnawed at his heart inch by inch.

  Gu Yusheng was so drunk that he accumulated a pile of wine bottles. A friend he knew came to see him. Seeing him like this, he sighed and asked a part-time worker to clean up. Then he picked up Gu Yusheng and threw him into the bathroom. "Wash it clean, or else I’ll break in and take naked photos of you soon.”

  Gu Yusheng held up the wine bottle, unmoved, with an extremely indifferent expression, as if he was immersed in his own world.

  The friend snatched the bottle of wine, "Then print it out and stick it on Xu Yaoguang's tombstone."


  When his friend broke into the house, Gu Yusheng almost drowned himself in the bathtub. His tall figure, about 1.8 meters tall, was curled up in the bathtub. Under the ripples of the water, he could see his quiet face with his eyes closed.

  He finally got angry, "Are you crazy?! Gu Yusheng!" He grabbed Gu Yusheng, picked him up from the bathtub and scolded him together, "Who are you worthy of!"

  Gu Yusheng raised a face that looked like a dead person, "In her heart, she is the most important, no one else."

  He said slowly, his voice was very hoarse. He hasn't spoken for half a month.

  "Ah yes! So what!!" My friend sighed and softened his tone, "She is already dead. Why do you care about the dead person?"

  "Why?" Gu Yusheng asked.

  His friend wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. Gu Yusheng's lips were trembling. He was like a child who was misunderstood by his parents and fell into emotions when he was a child. His eyes were red with grievance.

Tips: If you think 52 Bookstore is good, remember to bookmark the website or recommend it to your friends~ Please (>.<)
Portal: Ranking List | Good Book Recommendations | Sweet and Sweet Chong Wen Kuai Chuan Wen Lin Feast Song 

Table of contents Previous page Next page last page
Previous article: Captain Qi, I heard you like me_Taotao-ing【Complete】Next article: After reincarnating as a prince, I maxed out my salted fish skills_The whole world is in a daze [Completed]
Recommendations for similar romance novels:
After I died, I became a big boss Bai Yueguang_Lijian [Complete + Extra]
Buddhist Villain [Quick Travel]_Colorful Leaves [Complete]
Notes on the Rebirth of a Girl from an Aristocratic Family_Li Xiyin [Complete + Extras]
The broken Taoist temple is not closed today_Credit Card [Complete]
Rebirth of the White Lotus Female Supporting Role in the Last Days_Dream of Fox Words【Complete】
Exploring the Land of Women_Monsoon under the Blue Sky【Complete】
The lost princess is back_Da Xi Ju【Complete】
Orange Restaurant Business Diary_Quan Wen Beisong [Complete]
A Passion of Love_Twentine【Complete】
Coax you to sleep_Wipe your black hair【Complete】
Topic recommendation> Chang Sansi | Mei Yi | Ke Yi | Tie Ning | Chuan Shu | Nian Yi | Zhuang Qin | Wu Shi | Chu Xidao | Ling of Butterfly | Maple Leaf Pill | Fried Egg with Rice | Flower Wine | Nagano Manman | The mountains are green in the rain | Cherish the sunset | Half knowledge | Falling waterfall | Clouds in the deep sea | Black cat in vain |
The content of this site comes from the Internet, and the copyright of the books belongs to the original author! Copyright & Feedback | Author List Theme | © 2015 - 2023she can't accept herself getting older and is paranoid and sad. But I think she is free and easy. She must have changed her skin and continue to be happy."

  The girlfriend nodded, "That seems to be the case. I only became a fan of you two years after Miss Xu passed away."


  Before leaving for the new world, Yaoguang said regretfully: "Lin Senming is the only one who really understands me. If it weren't for the mission, I would be happy to date and even marry such a man."

  System: [Not good, I have an official partner behind me. 】

  Yaoguang: "This scumbag has no principles. Besides, if I hadn't left, she wouldn't have had any business."

  Just as she finished speaking, there was a sudden push from behind, and the fluctuating light sank directly into a ball of white light. She opened her eyes wide and only heard the system say: [Go away——! 】

  Fluctlight: I%*&……

  System: [Congratulations to the host for completing the mission "Diary of a Rich Family's Favor". The mission evaluation is SSS. He defeated the female protagonist system. The ownership of the male protagonist and male partner is 100%! 】
