WMPFLMSR - Korean Drama Palace

1) Chapter 12 Korean Drama Palace (I)_[General] When the male lead falls in love with the male supporting role
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  Once again becoming a 4 or 5-year-old child, Azhuo froze for a while, feeling his soft and mushy body, and felt awkward no matter how he thought about it.

  He had already sorted out his identity this time. He was the only son of the crown prince, and his status was extremely noble. If nothing unexpected happened, his father would inherit the throne, and he would follow his father's path and become the crown prince, and finally become the most noble emperor in the country.

  Unfortunately, an accident happened.

  His father, Crown Prince Xiaolie, died in a car accident yesterday.

  Now the people in the palace are in panic. On the surface, they still look calm, as if everyone is grieving for the death of the wise crown prince, but in fact, people's hearts are surging.

  The crown prince died, leaving behind a young son, Li Lu, and the crown prince also has a younger brother, the second prince, Li Xuan. The weak son is young, but the second prince Li Xuan is in his prime, and has always been quite virtuous. The officials of the second prince's line are all ready to move. After the crown prince died, the second prince, who had no hope of inheriting the throne, became the emperor's only son and suddenly became a powerful heir to the throne.

  Crown Princess Xu Huaying was very worried. At that time, both the Crown Prince and the Second Prince were fond of her. She liked the Second Prince more, but for the sake of power, she did not choose the Second Prince who could not inherit the throne. In order to become the most noble woman in the country, she married the Crown Prince.

  But she did not expect the Crown Prince to die unexpectedly at a young age, leaving her and her son, who was less than 5 years old, with an uncertain future.

  Xu Huaying was on good terms with the Shang Gong around the Queen, and got the news that the Emperor and the Queen intended to make the Second Prince the Crown Prince to quell the domestic imperial power shock caused by the death of the Crown Prince.

  As the wife and son of the former Crown Prince, Xu Huaying and her son Li Lu would be sent abroad to avoid the instability of the imperial power, just like exile.

  Xu Huaying was very unwilling and contacted officials from the Crown Prince's line to discuss solutions.

  Azhuo was lying on the bed in the bedroom, which was the residence of the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. Because the Crown Prince died, Li Lu was frightened. Xu Huaying felt sorry for her son, so she kept her son here to accompany him to sleep. Xu Huaying was on the phone in the hall outside. Azhuo listened for a while. Xu Huaying's worries could not be concealed in her voice. It seemed that she did not get a reassuring response. Xu Huaying's voice began to become impatient.

  "New World "Palace", Mission - Regain the throne that Li Lu deserves, and capture Li Xin." The Lord God issued the mission of this world in Azhuo's mind.

  "What about the time?" Azhuo asked in confusion when he did not hear the time limit.

  "There is no time limit, but the sooner the better." The Lord God said coldly.

  Azhuo pouted, and a disobedient sneer appeared on his young face, but suddenly he heard a noise, the sound of someone opening the door, Azhuo quickly closed his eyes and lay down.

  "Xiao Lu." Xu Huaying walked to the bedside and saw her son with his eyes closed, seemingly still asleep. She couldn't help shedding tears and gently stroked her son's tender cheek. "My poor son, your father is gone, leaving us mother and son to be bullied. You are still so young, and we are forced to leave our hometown..." "

  Mother!" Azhuo suddenly opened his eyes and acted as if he was surprised and confused. "Are we leaving? Where are we going?"

  Xu Huaying was startled by her son's sudden opening of his eyes. She didn't think about it

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  She said those words only after her son woke up. Her son was still so young, how could she bear to let her son be exposed to all these at such a young age? She quickly lowered her head to wipe the tears from her face, forced a smile and said, "Xiaolu is awake, are you hungry? Can mother ask someone to cook for Xiaolu?"

  Seeing Xu Huaying's behavior, Azhuo felt warm in her heart. Although Xu Huaying was obsessed with royal power, she was also a mother who loved her children. Azhuo held Xu Huaying and would not let her go, pretending to be clinging to her mother, "Mother, I heard everything. You said we were going to be sent away, why should we go? Who wants us to go?"

  Xu Huaying's heart ached, and she could no longer bear it. She hugged her son and cried bitterly, "Xiaolu, don't worry, we will come back when you grow up. One day, mother will help you take everything back. It's Xiaolu's things, and I will never give them to others!" Azhuo

  raised her hand to wipe Xu Huaying's tears, then hugged Xu Huaying to comfort her. After Ying calmed down, Azhuo looked at Xu Huaying seriously and said, "Mother, we won't leave. I am the son of the crown prince. Mother said I would be the emperor."

  Xu Huaying was stunned, thinking that her son was throwing a tantrum, but looking at her son's serious expression, he didn't seem to be joking. Children of the royal family have always matured precociously. Her son has been very smart since he was a child. He has been sensible and has his own ideas very early. She didn't think her son was strange, but she felt sorry for her son experiencing all this at such a young age. "Xiaolu, your second uncle will become the new crown prince. They won't let us stay, and you are still young now. You can't fight for anything if you stay. When you grow up, mother will definitely help you get it back, okay?"

  Azhuo shook her head firmly, "Mother, my father is the crown prince. The crown prince is dead. There is no crown prince anymore." Then she looked at the stunned Xu Huaying and said word by word, "It's easy to be taken away, but it's hard to come back. Mother, I want to be the crown prince!"

  "Grandson..." Xu Huaying's confused eyes brightened up, and she looked at her son with a firm expression and smiled with relief, "Okay, our little Lu will be the grandson!"

  According to the law, the first son of the queen should be named the crown prince. If the first son dies in infancy, the queen's other sons will be ranked in order of age.

  So when the crown prince died, the emperor and the queen considered naming the second prince as the crown prince.

  But there is another rule, if the crown prince dies and leaves a male offspring, then the throne will be replaced by this male offspring.

  The crown prince died unexpectedly in his youth and left a son, which was not considered as a death in infancy. The first rule did not apply. It was just because Li Lu was too young that no one thought of the second rule.

  It made more sense for the crown prince's son Li Lu to inherit the rights of the crown prince and become the grandson than for the second prince to inherit the rights of his brother and become the crown prince.

  Xu Huaying herself was not from a noble family, so she was not particularly familiar with the royal etiquette. After her son reminded her, she realized that she had made a misunderstanding before. She panicked because her husband died suddenly and forgot that her son was the most promising heir to the throne.

  Seeing that Xu Huaying had figured it out, Azhuo's eyes were full of fighting spirit. He smiled in his heart, but said worriedly, "Mother, Prince Li has always been close to my father. Please ask Prince Li to raise this matter, and also ask Prince Li to secretly investigate it.

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  "Xu Huaying's eyes flashed with a dark light. There was indeed something strange about her husband's death. She asked the emperor to investigate it yesterday, but she didn't know why the emperor insisted that her husband died in an accident. In addition,

  the emperor preferred the second prince to be the crown prince. The second prince was the one who benefited from her husband's death. If there was something strange about her husband's death, what role did the second prince play in it?

  Seeing her son mature rapidly after her husband's death, Xu Huaying felt a pain in her heart. Her son's maturity further demonstrated her incompetence. She failed to protect her son, which forced her son to mature.

  Xu Huaying touched her son's head, hugged him in her arms, and said with a trembling voice, "Xiaolu, I'm sorry, mother is useless. Mother didn't protect you well."

  Azhuo smiled and comforted Xu Huaying, "Mother, it's not your fault. My father passed away. I am a man and my father's son. I should protect you. "

  After the Crown Prince's funeral, the officials of the Second Prince's faction began to stir, while the officials of the Crown Prince's faction were calm on the surface.

  In the following days, Xu Huaying began to work hard for the future of herself and her son, contacted all the Crown Prince's supporters, and tried to lobby the neutral officials to get more support. Azhuo was sometimes brought by Xu Huaying to meet with officials.

  Everyone said that although the eldest grandson of the emperor was young, he was smart and polite, and he knew how to act and retreat, and he had the demeanor of the late Crown Prince. The emperor

  was not old and had always been in good health. Everyone felt that the emperor would rule for another ten years. A few years is not a problem, and in a dozen years the eldest grandson will be old enough to take over the throne.

  So the officials on the side of the crown prince all expressed their support for Azhuo to become the crown prince. After all, they are all the people of the late crown prince. If the second prince is in power, he will definitely trust his own people more, as the saying goes, a new emperor appoints new ministers. Many neutral officials were also won over by Xu Huaying. The struggle for imperial power not only represents danger, but also opportunity.

  Prince Li is secretly investigating the cause of death of the late crown prince, and it is said that there has been progress. Today, after meeting with Prince Li, Xu Huaying returned to the palace and was in a daze.

  "I found out that the driver and bodyguard of the late crown prince and their family suddenly moved out of their original residence a month ago. After careful investigation, we found that they were sent abroad by the men of Counselor Min. "

  The sorrowful voice of Prince Li has been echoing in Xu Huaying's mind. Although she has doubted the second prince in her heart, because of their past affection, Xu Huaying is unwilling to believe that the gentle man would harm his own brother for the throne. But

  the facts do not allow her to disbelieve it. Counselor Min is the father of the second prince's wife.

  Faced with Prince Li's question whether to continue the investigation, Xu Huaying was panicked. She hurried back to the palace with the existing evidence and just said that she would think about it.

  Azhuo was called over by Xu Huaying. Xu Huaying was in a daze for a long time. Azhuo looked through the documents brought back by Xu Huaying. After reading them, he had no expression and did not look strange at all.

  Seeing that Xu Huaying was still in a daze, Azhuo called her, "Mother."

  Xu Huaying saw the documents that had been looked through and her son's eyes of understanding. She smiled bitterly. Her son was so smart. "Prince Li asked me if I want to continue the investigation. Xiaolu, what do you think?"

  Azhuo shook his head and put away the documents. "These are enough. The emperor's uncle is my father's younger brother and the emperor's grandfather's only son. "

  Xu Huaying breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and pulled her son up, tidied her clothes, held her son's hand, took the evidence, and walked towards the queen's bedroom.

  In late autumn, the trees in the palace began to shed leaves, and occasionally when the wind blew, leaves fell on their heads.

  On the way, passing the courtyard where the second prince lived, Azhuo turned his head and saw a thin boy, standing alone under the tree outside the courtyard with his lips pursed. The fallen leaves fell on his shoulders, and he took them down quietly, biting his lips and lowering his eyes.

  As if sensing Azhuo's sight, the boy looked at Azhuo without expression.

  Azhuo opened his mouth to reveal a mouthful of millet teeth, and showed a warm smile in the direction of the boy.

  The boy was stunned, his body stiffened, his face blushed and wanted to give Azhuo a smile in return, but he only showed an ugly expression stiffly, and he rarely smiled.

  Azhuo turned his head and looked ahead and continued to move forward. The boy looked at the person who left and bit his lip in annoyance.

  Xu Huaying was thinking about her own thoughts and did not notice the scene just now.

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Contact Us My Bookshelf Reading Records1) Chapter 13 Korean Drama Palace (II)_[General] When the male lead falls in love with the male supporting role
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  The palace where the queen lives.

  Queen Park was looking through a thick photo album, which contained photos of her eldest son, the crown prince, from childhood to adulthood.

  The child was a small child when he was just born, and he grew up, married a wife and gave birth to a lovely grandson. The crown prince never let her down and has always been her proudest son, but...

  Thinking of her dead son, Park's eyes were red and tears welled up in her eyes.

  Xu Huaying led her son to the outside of the queen's palace. Waiting outside was the familiar Li Shanggong. Xu Huaying helped Li Shanggong up and saluted her, "Li Shanggong, please help me inform, I want to see my mother."

  "Li Shanggong, who is outside?" The queen wiped her tears and sat upright.

  Li Shanggong pushed the door in, knelt down and saluted, "Queen, the Crown Princess and the eldest grandson of the emperor request to see you."

  "Let them in." The queen closed the open photo album.

  After entering the door, Xu Huaying and Azhu first saluted, and then knelt down opposite the queen.

  The Queen pulled Azhuo to her side, hugged Azhuo lovingly and said, "Xiao Lu is here to see the Queen."

  Azhuo looked up at the Queen, and the Queen realized that her little grandson's eyes were red and he was about to cry. She asked anxiously, "Crown Princess, what happened to Xiao Lu?"

  Xu Huaying's eyes also turned red, and she handed over the evidence in her hand, choking and saying, "Mother, please, make a decision for us!"

  "What's wrong, why are you crying?" The Queen was worried, but seeing that the Crown Princess and the eldest grandson were just crying in grievance but didn't say anything, she had to look through the things that the Crown Princess handed over. This time, she was shocked

  . The Queen was shocked and angry. Min Counselor dared to attack her son!

  "Go and call the second prince and the second prince's wife to come to see me!" The Queen ordered Li Shanggong. After Li Shanggong went out, the Queen hugged Azhuo and shed tears. She didn't dare to think, was Min Counselor's behavior her own idea, or was it instigated by her youngest son? What role did her youngest son play in the death of her eldest son?

  Azhuo reached out to wipe the tears of the emperor's wife and comforted the queen, "Grandma, don't cry."

  The queen was warmed by Azhuo's behavior, "Okay, Grandma, don't cry, Xiaolu is so good."

  Xu Huaying smiled with relief.

  The queen seemed to have made up her mind and asked Xu Huaying to take Azhuo to the inner room while she waited for her youngest son and daughter-in-law.

  "Mother." The second prince and the second prince's wife followed Li Shanggong to the queen's bedroom and bowed after entering the door. "I wonder what the mother wants to see you for?"

  The queen looked at her youngest son and couldn't suppress her anger. She raised her hand and threw the evidence at her youngest son, "Look at what you have done! You actually attacked your own brother. Are you still a human being?"

  Li Xuan widened his eyes in horror. He didn't know why his mother would say such a thing. The second prince's wife Min was shocked and looked at the queen in surprise. Seeing the anger on the queen's face, she quickly retracted her gaze, lowered her face and didn't move, but she was very flustered.

  Li Xuan picked up the messy papers and looked down at them in confusion. After seeing the contents on the paper, he stared with his eyes wide open and looked at his wife beside him. "Min!"

  Min shuddered and looked at Li Xuan as if nothing had happened.

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  , showing her usual gentle smile, "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

  Li Xuan gritted his teeth, his hands trembling uncontrollably. His brother was actually killed, and the people who killed his brother were actually his wife and his father-in-law. Li Xuan felt a sharp pain in his heart and looked at his wife with disappointment. He hated her for killing his brother, but she was the mother of his children, and he couldn't ignore her.

  Li Xuan returned the evidence to the queen, then knelt respectfully in front of the queen, bending his body to the lowest, "Mother, I'm sorry, I am willing to accept any punishment."

  Seeing that her youngest son confessed without hesitation, the queen laughed sadly, "Evil creature! That's your own brother! How could you have the heart to do that? You can kill your brothers for the throne, you are so conscienceless!"

  The queen picked up everything she could get and threw it all at Li Xuan without caring, her heart full of grief and resentment.

  Li Xuan did not dodge or avoid. When a teapot was about to hit Li Xuan's forehead, Min hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out her hand to block it. The teapot hit Min's arm and fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

  "Mother, what are you doing? Are you trying to kill the Second Prince?" Min looked at the Queen with a pleading face, "How could the Second Prince harm His Royal Highness the Crown Prince? Don't trust the villain and misunderstand the Second Prince!"

  The one who did it was Min's father. The Queen sneered at Min, pushed Min away emotionally, and shouted loudly: "Are you saying that I misunderstood you? Counselor Min is your father. I want to ask you, did you instruct your father? You are not willing to be a prince's consort. You want to be a crown princess and a queen, right?"

  At the end of the speech, the Queen's voice became hoarse. After saying the last word in a hurry, she couldn't breathe and fainted.

  Xu Huaying and Azhuo rushed out immediately and helped the Queen who fell to the ground, "Mother, what's wrong with you? Li Shanggong, please call the imperial physician! Mother fainted!"

  The Emperor who received the news hurried to the harem.

  After taking the Queen's pulse, the imperial physician went to prescribe medicine for her. The Queen had already regained consciousness. The Emperor saw the Crown Princess, the eldest grandson, the Second Prince, and the Second Prince's

  wife were all there. His eyes darkened and he sighed deeply, "You all can go back."

  Only the Emperor and the Queen were left in the room. The Emperor sat down beside the bed and helped the Queen straighten the quilt. He sighed and said, "You know everything?"

  "Xuan'er... " The Queen was choked with sobs and couldn't speak.

  The emperor smiled at the queen in a comforting way, "Don't worry, it wasn't Xuan'er who did it. The people below did it under Xuan'er's banner. I originally thought that we only have Xuan'er as a son. If we investigate further, they will implicate Xuan'er, so I don't plan to touch them for the time being."

  The queen hurriedly said, "Was Lie'er killed in vain by them?"

  The emperor shook his head, "Originally, I wanted Xuan'er to be the crown prince, so I had to endure it temporarily, but now it's not necessary. You don't have to worry. I have written down the decree to make Xiaolu the crown prince. I won't let any of those people go!" "Aren't

  you going to send Xiaolu and the crown princess away?" When the queen heard what the emperor said, she knew that the emperor had changed his mind. She was relieved to hear that her grandson didn't have to be sent away.

  "Yeah." The emperor nodded, comforted the queen for a while, let the queen have a good rest, and then left.

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  Back in the prince's bedroom, Xu Huaying hugged her son and said nothing. Not long after, a palace maid came to announce the emperor's order and asked them to go to the main hall.

  Before entering the main hall, they met the second prince's family who were also summoned by the emperor. When the second prince saw Xu Huaying and Azhuo, his eyes were full of apology. He bowed to Xu Huaying. The second prince's wife was holding her two children in a trance. When

  Li Xin saw Azhuo, his eyes were fixed on Azhuo.

  When they entered the main hall, everyone knelt down. This was not the time for court meetings, but Azhuo saw that all the princes and ministers were there.

  After they arrived, Prince Li stood up and announced the emperor's order.

  "It has been verified that the death of Crown Prince Xiaolie was not accidental. The officials involved, Min Canzan, Cao Sheren, Jiang Canpan, Yin Zhenglang, etc. were all dismissed and imprisoned. Although the second prince was unaware of it, he was guilty of negligence and was ordered to reflect on his mistakes behind closed doors for one year. The second prince's wife was stripped of all her titles and demoted from the palace."

  "Appoint Li Lu, the son of Crown Prince Xiaolie, as the Crown Prince."

  The second prince's wife collapsed to the ground. Was she divorced?

  Li Xin looked confused and didn't understand what happened. He looked at Azhuo who went up to receive the decree and thank the emperor.

  Princess Huiming, who was a few years older, lowered her head and bit her lip. She didn't expect that her mother and grandfather would actually commit murder on the crown prince. Seeing her brother with a confused face, Huiming secretly reached out and held her brother's hand. Her mother was driven out of the palace, and she was the only one who could take care of her brother in the future.

  Xu Huaying curled her lips. They won! Her son became the Crown Prince! They don't have to be exiled!

  Back in the prince's bedroom, Xu Huaying happily hugged Azhuo, "That's great, Xiaolu, you are the crown prince!" The

  second prince's palace was gloomy.

  Li Xuan didn't even look at his wife, and returned to his room expressionlessly and locked the door.

  Min wanted to hold Li Xuan back, but was thrown away by Li Xuan.

  Immediately, a palace servant came to urge Min to leave the palace. Min looked at the door locked by her husband, shed tears, and looked at her two young children.

  Huiming held her brother's hand tightly. She blamed her mother, but because she was her mother, she could not hate her, "Mother, I will take good care of my brother, you go." Min

  cried and hugged her children in her arms, "My children... Huiming, Xin..."

  Li Xin looked at her sister in panic, not understanding what was going on, "Sister, why is mother crying?"

  Min was taken away by the palace servants.

  Seeing the figure getting farther and farther away, Li Xin seemed to understand something and chased after it, crying, "Mother, mother..."

  Huiming hurriedly grabbed Li Xin, "Xin, don't cry, Xin, sister will be with you."

  "I want mother, sister, I want mother, where is mother? Please let mother come back." Li Xin cried in Huiming's arms.

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Contact Us My Bookshelf Reading Records1) Chapter 14 Korean Drama Palace (Part 3)_[General] When the male lead falls in love with the male supporting role
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  "Mission - Reclaim the throne that belongs to Li Lu, completed." The Lord God asked Azhuo with some curiosity, "Why did you start so early this time?"

  "Didn't you say the sooner the better?" Azhuo put on a faint smile.

  The Lord God choked, "Okay, keep working hard."

  Feeling that the Lord God had left, Azhuo relaxed and lay down on the bed, with the corners of his mouth raised and his eyes unusually bright.

  It's great that the Lord God didn't notice.

  Azhuo stole the power of the world.

  In the previous world, Azhuo discovered that every time he changed the plot and the development trajectory of the world changed, a strange energy would be separated, and this energy could be absorbed by him. His existence has been changing the original plot, and that energy has been absorbed by him endlessly, and the Lord God has not noticed his changes at all.

  The power separated from the world, although only a little each time, but after getting it, it brought Azhuo earth-shaking changes.

  He already knew that these worlds were incomplete. Except for the people and things mentioned in the plot, everything else was blank. After obtaining the energy separated from the world, he could already control these worlds in a small range.

  For example, if the world he thought of was unreasonable or missing, the world would automatically fill it in.

  So in the original plot, the death of Crown Prince Xiaolie was just mentioned briefly, and when Azhuo wanted to investigate the cause of death of Crown Prince Xiaolie, the world automatically filled in the cause of death of Crown Prince Xiaolie.

  Although he is still very weak compared to the Lord God, if he confronts the Lord God, he probably has no power to fight back, but Azhuo believes that since even the Lord God cannot detect this power, then he, who has a lot of power, will be able to get rid of the Lord God's control one day.

  Why does Azhuo want to get rid of the Lord God so much?

  Because he doesn't believe what the Lord God said, to train him to be a god? Azhuo is not that simple. Although Azhuo has not figured out what benefits the Lord God can get from letting them do the task, he believes that the Lord God will definitely not share his benefits with others. No matter how

  stupid a person is, he will not be stupid enough to train others to snatch things from himself, let alone a god like the Lord God who will not get up early without benefits?

  Although he is the crown prince, Azhuo is too young. The emperor and the queen are considerate of Azhuo and do not want him to feel the pressure of being the royal heir too early, so Azhuo is now only learning etiquette courses. In order to

  show their people-friendly side, the royal family also goes to school outside the palace like ordinary people, so when Azhuo was six years old, he had to go to elementary school outside the palace like ordinary children.

  Princess Huiming is two years older than Azhuo and Li Xin, and is already in the third grade of elementary school. Azhuo and Li Xin were born in the same year, and Li Xin is a few months older than Azhuo, so both of them have to go to the first grade.

  Because her mother caused the crown prince to lose his father, Princess Huiming felt deeply guilty towards Azhuo. In the past, Princess Huiming loved her cousin Li Lu very much, but since her mother was driven out of the palace, she didn't know how to get along with her, so she had to avoid this cousin, and gradually became estranged.

  As for Li Xin, he himself did not like the lonely life in the palace. There were only him, his sister and Li Lu, three filial sons in the palace. He really wanted to be with this only boy of the same age.

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  Play, but every time his sister would not let him go to Li Lu, he was very unhappy at first, but later he heard the conversation of the palace people, he gradually understood that his mother had harmed Li Lu's father, and then he never made a fuss to go to Li Lu again, he thought Li Lu probably didn't want to play with him.

  When the emperor asked Azhuo whether he wanted to go to a noble school or a commoner school, Azhuo chose the noble school.

  In Azhuo's view, the crown prince did not need to go to a commoner school to show his closeness to the people. The crown prince would do things different from the commoners in the future, and receiving commoner education would only serve as a show.

  However, Li Xin chose to experience the life of the commoners, because Li Xin was tired of the life in the palace, and he wanted to be like an ordinary person, even if it was only in school.

  This time Azhuo did not intend to cultivate feelings with Li Xin from an early age. Being too close made the other party feel accustomed to it. After Daoming Si Si, Azhuo already knew that this method was not advisable, so this time, Azhuo changed to a completely different method.

  After school, there would be a driver to take them to school every day, and a group of guards would follow and protect them.

  Azhuo was not a truly filial son, so he naturally didn't think anything of it. However, Li Xin hated the life of having a group of people following him wherever he went.

  Li Xin often shook off the guards who followed him. On the way back to the palace after receiving the emperor's teachings, Azhuo often ran into Li Xin sleeping alone behind a tree that was more than 300 years old in the imperial garden.

  Azhuo sometimes asked the guards to wait in the distance, and he went to lie beside Li Xin to accompany him.

  The first time, Li Xin was startled and opened his eyes in panic, thinking that the guards had found him, but he found Azhuo squatting in front of him and smiling at him, "Lu..." Li Xin's eyes widened in surprise.

  "What are you doing here?" Azhuo sat down next to Li Xin and leaned against the tree trunk like Li Xin.

  Li Xin pursed his lips and did not answer Azhuo's question.

  Azhuo smiled, "I just ran into your guards, they were all looking for you, are you hiding from them?"

  Li Xin pouted and lowered his head in grievance, "I don't like so many people following me."

  "But we are too young and can't protect ourselves, so we must have guards to protect us." After Azhuo saw the stubborn expression on Li Xin's face, he smiled gently and reached out to touch Li Xin's head.

  Li Xin seemed to be surprised by Azhuo's behavior, puffing up his cheeks and looking at Azhuo with wide eyes.

  Later, every time on the way back to the palace, Azhuo would take a detour to the big tree, and stop to stay with Li Xin when he met him.

  Li Xin usually doesn't like to talk much, so they often sit in silence to watch the scenery, but Li Xin doesn't know why he trusts Azhuo so much. When he has questions and troubles, he likes to ask Azhuo's opinion.

  When he was sixteen, Azhuo came back from England and saw Li Xin standing under a big tree. Li Xin looked at Azhuo for a long time, and asked Azhuo with some confusion in his eyes: "Lv, what do you want to do in the future?"

  That year, the emperor's health weakened a lot. Once he fainted during a political meeting. The imperial physician's diagnosis was not optimistic. The emperor paid more and more attention to Azhuo. Except for going to school, he stayed with the emperor all the time and accepted the emperor's words and deeds. Everyone knows that

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  , the emperor can't hold on for a few more years.

  Azhuo, who just got off the plane, still had a tired look on his face. He smiled at Li Xin and said, "I want to be a good emperor." Li Xin

  lowered his eyes. Azhuo smiled and asked, "What about Xin? What do you want to do?"

  "I don't know." Li Xin shook his head, looking at the palace that had locked him up for more than ten years. Maybe he wanted to leave?

  "It doesn't matter." Azhuo smiled gently, "Xin can do whatever he wants. Do what he wants."

  Azhuo and Li Xin are on completely different paths.

  Azhuo has always been someone Li Xin admires and admires. Always

  the first in the school, with a wide range of interests and hobbies, he won the championship in all competitions. After the age of ten, he followed the emperor to learn how to handle government affairs, and began to speak on behalf of the royal family in the news media, becoming the spokesperson for the royal family in the new era. At the

  age of sixteen, he went to the UK alone, completed the mission perfectly, and established a deep friendship with the British prince. He

  was praised as a perfect prince by domestic and foreign media, and he is even a national idol in South Korea, the dream lover of all girls.

  Such an excellent Lu.

  That's his cousin, the heir to this country, and he will become the master of the country in the future.

  Li Xin sometimes felt that Lu was too good. Lu was completely different from him. He would not have the same troubles as him, would not be as rebellious as him, would not hate his responsibilities as much as he did. Lu was perfect like a textbook.

  But he was a flawed product of the royal family, and wanted to escape from the palace all the time.

  Li Xin thought, if he were Lu, could he be as good as Lu? Like Lu, he would take on the responsibility of the family, be an excellent student in school, be the grandson of the emperor who could make the people full of hope for the royal family in front of the people, and be an excellent heir who made the officials feel hopeful... Since the

  age of five, he had not seen his mother. She said: "Xin, your father would have become the crown prince that year, otherwise... you would have become the crown prince, and you would have the right to inherit this country!"

  But Li Xin knew that he could not do it. He could not be like Lu, and he could not even do half of what Lu did! If he, who hated the palace so much, was the crown prince, it would probably be a disaster for the country.

  So he said to his mother: "Fortunately I am not, fortunately Lu is the crown prince."

  He did not look at his mother's disappointed expression again. The throne was never what he wanted. He would not listen to his mother and fight with Lu. He did not want to and was unwilling to do so.

  Li Xin thought that he would continue to live a peaceful life and move out of the palace when he came of age. Maybe he would find something interesting and do what he was interested in. But

  the next development caught him off guard.

  The imperial physician suggested that the emperor put aside the government affairs and recuperate. The emperor asked the crown prince to get married and then start ruling the country.

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  Because the emperor's body is not suitable for living in a cold place, for the sake of the emperor's health, the imperial physician suggested that the emperor go to the warm place in the south to recuperate.

  Azhuo knelt in the emperor's bedroom. The emperor was weak and could only lie on the bed. The queen and Xu Huaying sat on one side.

  The emperor looked at his grandson who always satisfied him, and said with relief on his face: "Lü, my physical condition is very poor now. I hope you can take more responsibilities."

  "Yes, I will try my best. Your health is the most important. Please take good care of yourself and don't worry." Azhuo raised his head and replied with a smile. "

  Ah, of course, I am very relieved about you." The emperor nodded, glanced at the hesitant queen, nodded to her comfortingly, then looked at Azhuo again, smiled and said: "Before that, before I leave the palace, I hope the crown prince will hold a wedding as soon as possible."

  "Wedding?" Xu Huaying was so surprised that she forgot the etiquette and spoke out during the emperor's speech. After reacting, Xu Huaying closed her mouth, but her eyes were still looking at the queen in confusion.

  The queen frowned, glanced at Azhuo who was calm, and said hesitantly to the emperor: "The crown prince is only sixteen years old, isn't it too early now?"

  "I was also sixteen years old when I married you, the queen." The emperor looked at Azhuo, "In the royal family, the crown prince who is not married is still a child. Only when he is married can he be considered an adult. Only then can the ministers and the people approve of the crown prince's participation in politics."

  As it was related to her own son, Xu Huaying couldn't help but be anxious, and couldn't help but speak, "But Lu is only sixteen years old, getting married too early..." Xu Huaying said hesitantly: "It's not good for the body to have the ceremony of husband and wife too early."

  The emperor nodded, "Just hold the wedding first, and after the wedding, the crown prince and the crown prince's wife will live in different palaces, and the ceremony will be performed after they become adults."

  Xu Huaying looked at Azhuo tangled, sighed, and had nothing to say.

  "What does the crown prince think?" The queen looked at Azhuo lovingly and asked.

  Azhuo smiled, "May I ask who the emperor chose?"

  "Ah, this engagement was made when you were only three years old." A trace of nostalgia flashed in the emperor's eyes, "I once met a good friend among the people. He has a granddaughter who is the same age as you. One time we drank together and made this engagement when we were very happy."

  "Is it a commoner?" Azhuo asked with a smile.

  The emperor nodded, "Her grandfather is a very good person. I believe that he must have educated a good child. Compared with character, birth is not very important, right?"

  Azhuo lowered his head and smiled, then said: "Although I don't approve of such behavior to show that the royal family is close to the people, since this is the person chosen by the emperor, I want to meet her before deciding."

  The emperor saw that Azhuo did not agree directly, and he was a little disappointed in his heart, and it showed on his face.

  "After all, she is the person who will spend my life with me, I hope she will be more cautious." Seeing the emperor's displeasure, Azhuo explained: "For the royal family, divorce is not as easy as ordinary people."

  After listening to Azhuo's explanation, the emperor smiled with relief, "Okay, I believe you will make the best choice."

  Azhuo smiled and bowed his head, then got up and left.

  Xu Huaying looked at the emperor and the queen, stood up and said goodbye, and walked out of the palace. Xu

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  Huaying called out to Azhuo in front of her, "Lu!"

  Azhuo stopped and turned to look at Xu Huaying, "Mother."

  Xu Huaying walked to Azhuo's side, and they walked out of the emperor's palace together. When they reached the garden and there was no one around, she frowned and complained, "What is the emperor thinking? He actually wants you to marry a girl from a commoner family."

  Azhuo smiled indifferently, "It's nothing, mother, don't worry about it."

  "How could I not care about your marriage? You are my only child." Xu Huaying glared at Azhuo.

  "Don't be anxious, mother." Azhuo quickly comforted Xu Huaying, "I have to make a decision after seeing her. Maybe the girl is as good as you, mother."

  "That's right. I am not from a different family, but I am just as good as you." Xu Huaying also came from an ordinary family. Although her family background was ordinary, Xu Huaying was very outstanding and hardworking. She married into the royal family with her own efforts. She was amused by Azhuo's words. Xu Huaying patted Azhuo's shoulder, but still couldn't hide her worry and said, "What if it's a bad person?"

  "Ah..." Just when she walked to the big tree where Li Xinchang stayed, Azhuo looked at the tree trunk under the tree where no one was leaning, and said with a smile, "In that case... no one can force me."

  On the other side, at the home of Shen Caijing, an ordinary high school girl in the Republic of Korea.

  Shen Caijing's mother was blaming Shen Caijing's father because Shen Caijing's father wrote a letter of guarantee to a friend, and the debt owed by the friend ran away fell on Shen Caijing's father.

  When Shen Caijing's mother mentioned divorce, Shen Caijing's father couldn't bear it anymore and yelled a few words, and Shen Caijing's mother stopped.

  At this time, the doorbell of their house rang.

  The bank debt collectors had contacted them several times this month, and even sent a criminal lawsuit notice. Because he was afraid that the debt collectors had come, Shen Caijing's father signaled Shen Caijing's mother to answer the phone. Shen Caijing's mother pursed her lips and ignored him. Finally, Shen Caijing's father stood up with a nervous face, walked to the entrance, and picked up the phone nervously and asked: "Who is it?"

  A man's voice came from the other end of the phone and said: "I'm from the palace."

  "Ah? The palace?" Shen Caijing's father widened his eyes in surprise.

  Shen Caijing's mother said impatiently: "Did you order noodles with soybean paste again?"

  Shen Caijing's father walked out awkwardly to open the door, thinking that it was the people from the restaurant who came to collect the money, and complained: "What a bunch of people, they said to settle the bill at the end of the month!" But when he opened the door, he saw a group of men in suits smiling at him.

  Shen Caijing's parents received the group of people from the palace nervously. The people in the palace picked up the photo frame at hand and looked at it. Shen Caijing's father introduced: "This is my father and my daughter."

  The people in the palace smiled, put down the photo frame, took out a brocade box, and said: "This is the token agreed upon by the emperor and Mr. Shen."

  Shen Caijing's parents took it, surprised and happy, holding the token, and said like a dream: "It turns out that my father's last words are true, not bragging!"

  After sending the people from the palace away, Shen Caijing's parents looked at each other and jumped up happily. Shen Caijing's mother said: "Our family actually has an engagement with the royal family! Are we also royal relatives? This is like a dream!"

  Shen Caijing

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  Shen Caijing's father said happily: "If our daughter marries the crown prince, these debts will not be a problem. The J family is so rich!"

  Shen Caijing returned home from school. There was no one at home and things were scattered on the ground. Shen Caijing didn't know what had happened. She looked at the mess on the ground worriedly, "What's wrong with the family? Why is it like this? The atmosphere is also very strange..."

  At this time, she found a stack of envelopes on the table. She opened it and saw that it was a "Notice of Takeover of All Property". Shen Caijing blinked, "What is this?" Shen Caijing

  ran to the backyard worriedly and saw her mother with a depressed expression. She ran over and sat opposite her mother and asked: "Mom, you want to divorce Dad again, right? Right?" Then she hugged her mother and said coquettishly: "Oh, don't be like that. Every time mom does this, my young heart will be hurt."

  "Oh, you are so heavy, I don't have any strength." Shen Caijing's mother pushed Shen Caijing away.

  Shen Caijing pouted her lips, holding the "Notice of Takeover of All Property" and asked: "Mom, what is this?"

  Shen Caijing's mother pretended nothing happened and said: "The loan sharks are pretending to scare us, you don't have to worry."

  "Mom, I will end your hard work with my success." Shen Caijing held her mother's hand to comfort her, "Let your future days be filled with sunshine, please believe in your daughter!" Shen

  Caijing's mother did not know whether to laugh or cry, "Princess Shen, what do you want to succeed?"

  Shen Caijing said with shining eyes: "Design, I will become a world-class designer!"

  "Don't exaggerate." Shen Caijing's mother speechlessly lowered her head to pack up the things that were drying.

  "Okay." Shen Caijing pursed her lips disappointedly, then pulled her mother and brought up the old matter: "Mom, let's talk about it. You can buy me a sewing machine, okay? Just buy one." Shen

  Caijing's mother sighed and said helplessly: "Have you seen the situation at home? I'm upset enough, don't add fuel to the fire."

  Rejected by her mother again, Shen Caijing returned to the house disappointedly. Hearing the noise, she walked into the room and saw her father rummaging through the drawers looking for something. She jumped behind her father and suddenly shouted: "Dad!"

  Shen Caijing's father was startled. Shen Caijing smiled and asked, "Are you looking for the collection notice again?"

  "No, this time I'm looking for a treasure." Shen Caijing's father said, and then sighed again, "I can't find it at all. It seems that God is against me! There's no hope! There's no hope!"

  "What's wrong? Did you lose something?" Shen Caijing asked puzzledly.

  "Yes, the ring." Shen Caijing's father raised his hand to indicate, "The ring that grandpa left before he died!"

  "Ring?" Shen Caijing stared and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered, and said, "That one!"

  Shen Caijing's father immediately looked at Shen Caijing, "Yeah."

  "Didn't it put it there when we moved?" Shen Caijing pointed to the living room.

  "Where?!" Shen Caijing's father immediately asked.

  Shen Caijing took her father to the dining table in the living room, squatted down and pointed, saying, "Look, it's here." Shen Caijing

  's father quickly lifted the table and asked Shen Caijing to take out the ring. Shen Caijing smiled and said, "It was put here when we moved, but why are you looking for it?"

  "Hehe, ha!" Shen Caijing's father smiled foolishly and snatched the ring from Shen Caijing's hand, held it in front of his eyes, looked at it for a while and jumped with excitement, "Found it, found it! That's it! Great, wife, found it, wife!"

  "Where is it?" Shen Caijing's mother ran in quickly.

  After taking the ring and looking at it, he also screamed, "Ah! Found it, Princess Shen, we found it, we found it!"

  Shen Caijing was confused, "What's going on!"

  "A token, a token!" Shen Caijing's father smiled and said, "Caijing, happy days are coming, this is the token of your engagement with the Crown Prince!"

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  In the evening, the family talked about the token and the engagement at the dinner table. Shen Caijing couldn't stand it and shouted: "How is it possible!"

  Shen Caijing's brother carefully reached out and touched the ring, with a dreamy expression on his face, "Sister is actually engaged to the Crown Prince, my sister is actually engaged to the Crown Prince! It's too unbelievable."

  Shen Caijing's father nervously snatched the ring back, and treasured it so much that he hasn't calmed down yet. It's even more amazing than winning the lottery! He put his hands together and said with nostalgia: "At that time, we all thought your grandfather was bragging, but it turned out to be true. This is really, really, hey, I really didn't expect my father to know the emperor and make an engagement for Caijing and the Crown Prince!"

  Shen Caijing's brother pursed his lips, turned his eyes, looked at Shen Caijing, looked up and down with some disgust, and said mercilessly: "No matter what, I can't imagine that my sister will marry His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

  "Hey! Brother Shen, what do you mean!" Shen Caijing's self-esteem was hit by her own brother.

  "No matter how you look at it, the Crown Prince is such a perfect person, you, your sister, are not worthy of him!" Shen Caijing's brother looked as if it was a matter of course.

  Shen Caijing was so angry that she puffed her mouth, and stood up angrily to argue with her younger brother. Shen Caijing's father and mother quickly pulled her back to stop the conflict between the siblings. Shen Caijing's father looked at the ring with his eyes shining, and said with emotion: "Although the good news from heaven is hard to believe, it is indeed true. Our Caijing, the Crown Prince Consort, it's really... really... Speaking of which, as the father of the Crown Prince Consort, I am the Prince of Fuyuan!"

  "Dad, you are too happy too early!" Shen Caijing stared at her father unhappily, "Maybe they want to dissolve the marriage. How could the Crown Prince marry a commoner? It must be like this!"

  "How could it be!" Shen Caijing's father was in high spirits when his daughter poured cold water on him. He couldn't help but agree with his daughter's statement in his heart. Although people are happy about the good things that hit their heads, they will always have doubts and uncertainties. But thinking of the benefits of marrying into the royal family, he said with a stiff upper lip: "This is the agreement between the emperor and grandpa. Agreements must always be observed!"

  Shen Caijing opened her mouth wide, "Impossible! What era is this? There are still policy marriages! Mom and Dad, how old am I? I'm just a high school student!"

  "Give me the ring, give me the token or something, I want it back!" Shen Caijing reached out to take the ring back, "Which bus is it to the palace?"

  Shen Caijing's parents hurriedly put the important ring carefully into the box.

  Shen Caijing's mother ran over to hug Shen Caijing and said, "Shen Caijing, I'll buy you a high-end sewing machine."

  "Where is the sewing machine problem now? Do mom and dad have no idea?" Seeing her parents like this, Shen Caijing walked back to her room angrily.

  Although she said so, it is impossible to say that Shen Caijing did not have any thoughts in her heart. It was inevitable that she tossed and turned all night and went to school with panda eyes the next day.

  Most of the girls in the school regarded His Royal Highness the Crown Prince as their dream lover. Every day you can hear them talking about the Crown Prince

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  Shen Caijing had no idea about the matter of His Royal Highness, but today she felt uncomfortable when she heard the term His Royal Highness.

  Azhuo stopped going to school because he started to participate in political affairs. He was only taught by teachers hired by the palace in his spare time.

  After dealing with today's political affairs, Azhuo asked, "Is that girl in the same school as Xin?"

  Azhuo's assistant nodded, "She is in the art department."

  "Then go and see." Azhuo stood up, smiled and said, "Go and see Xin too. I didn't expect that he actually likes movies."

  It is not a trivial matter for His Royal Highness to go out. There are dozens of people accompanying him to protect him. Fortunately, it was class time when they arrived at the school gate, so there was no sensation. Azhuo asked the school leaders who came out to greet him to do their own things. After asking about Xin's class, he went there by himself.

  In the classroom, the teacher was showing a movie to the students and explaining it. Azhuo looked out the window. Xin was listening to the class seriously and taking notes. Azhuo whispered to the guards to stay outside, and quietly walked in from the back door of the classroom and sat in the empty seat next to Xin.

  Sensing someone around him, Xin frowned and looked over. Seeing a familiar smiling face, he widened his eyes in surprise, "Lü!" "

  Shh." Azhuo smiled and raised his finger, signaling Xin to continue listening to the class, but he stared at Xin with a smile.

  The students in the class noticed the Crown Prince who they often saw on TV and were surprised. The girls turned their heads to look at the Crown Prince in surprise, and whispered to their good friends about it. The

  teacher in class didn't have time to get angry, but fortunately the class was over soon, so he frowned and packed up his things and left.

  Xin looked at the classmates who were eager to move around, and looked at Azhuo disapprovingly, "Why did you come to school suddenly?"

  Azhuo smiled at the excited students, and then said to Xin, "Is there a quiet place?"

  Xin stood up helplessly and took Azhuo to the vacant studio.

  The two sat on the desk facing each other. Azhuo complained aggrievedly, "Is Xin unhappy that I came?"

  Xin laughed helplessly, "No, it's just strange that Lu never comes to school to find me."

  "Actually, he didn't come to find you." Azhuo teased Xin with a smile.

  Xin's smiling face froze.

  "Haha." Azhuo was very satisfied with Xin's expression and smiled happily.

  "Lv..." Xin sighed helplessly.

  "Okay." Azhuo stopped when he saw that things were going well, "Actually, I came to see my engagement partner. She's in your school. I heard that she's in the art department."

  "You're getting married?!" Xin opened his mouth in shock and was shocked.

  Coincidentally, Shen Caijing, who happened to be passing by the studio, heard this sentence. She was sensitive to the word marriage, so she curiously looked inside through the glass on the door and saw an unexpected person. She exclaimed in her heart: "Oh! Isn't that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

  "What's going on? We are just high school students." Xin didn't know what expression to use to express his shock, and he stuttered when he spoke, "Who... is it?"

  "Grandpa Huang said that she is the granddaughter of a friend he met among the people." Azhuo blinked his eyes and complained with a smile: "Ah, I don't know what kind of person she is. Xin, do you want to go with me to see it?"

  Xin lowered his eyes and passed by.

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  After a while, he looked at Azhuo seriously, stared into Azhuo's eyes and said, "Lü doesn't want to get married."

  "Ah?" Azhuo smiled for a while, and in Xin's serious eyes, he put away his smile and nodded, "A complete stranger suddenly became my engagement partner. The emperor said that he hopes to see me get married as soon as possible, but to me, that engagement partner who I don't know is a complete stranger!"

  Xin pursed his lips and lowered his head. He had no right to interfere with the emperor's decision. He grew up in the palace and knew that as descendants of the royal family, they not only had a noble status, but also the obligation to sacrifice for the royal family. As the crown prince, Lu would no longer have the right to choose his own life.

  Azhuo quietly glanced outside the door, lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth, "That girl is just a high school student, a child from a commoner family, she has not received palace education, and does not know the etiquette of the palace. Can she bear the pressure of the Dezi Room and take on the responsibilities and obligations of being the Crown Prince's Consort?"

  Shen Caijing outside the door lowered her head in disappointment and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Although the Crown Prince's Consort is very attractive, it is not suitable for someone like me at all." Shen Caijing took a deep breath, as if a big stone was put down in her heart, and turned away.

  "Hey, Xin." Azhuo narrowed his eyes, "If you were me, what would you do?"

  "What?" Xin raised his head and looked at Azhuo.

  "If you have someone you like in your heart, but you can't be together for some reason." Azhuo looked lost, "and you have a marriage proposal, what should you do? If it's Xin, what will you do?"

  Xin saw Azhuo's expression. As children of the same royal family and the closest brothers, Xin easily empathized with the difficulties faced by Azhuo, and felt a little depressed, "Why can't we be together with the person we like? Doesn't the other person like life in the palace?"

  "Indeed." Azhuo looked at Xin deeply, "Just like Xin, I hate the palace, and because I like the other person too much, I can't force the other person to stay with me in the palace. I can't bear it."

  Xin's face burned when he saw Azhuo's eyes. He didn't know why he felt a little panicked. He turned his eyes away and coughed, saying, "If it were me, although it sounds selfish to say this, after marrying into the palace, you will no longer have your own personality. Everyone will become a puppet who loses themselves. Instead of letting the person you love encounter such a situation, it is better to find a girl you don't know. I will feel more at ease."

  "Is that so." Azhuo smiled.

  The bell for class rang, and Azhuo stood up, "Xin, go to class. I should go back to the palace."

  "Huh?" Xin asked doubtfully, "Aren't you going to meet the person you are engaged to?"

  "Yeah." Azhuo shook his head, "My mother has already asked the other party to meet in the palace tomorrow. There is no rush at this time."

  "Then why did you come today?" Xin looked at Azhuo helplessly.

  "Because I haven't seen Xin for a long time." Azhuo complained, "Since Xin became interested in movies, he rarely goes under the tree."

  "Hey..." Xin laughed, "We were together the day before yesterday!"

  "Really? Hey, what should I do? I'm not used to not seeing Xin for two days. What if Xin moves out of the palace in the future?" Azhuo looked at Xin with a curved corner of his mouth, "Xin will stay with me in the palace for the rest of my life."

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  After school, Shen Caijing refused her friend's invitation to go out and play, and returned home, and then saw her family with shining eyes.

  Shen Caijing pouted, "What's wrong with you?"

  "Caijing." Shen Caijing's father and mother spoke at the same time and looked at each other. Shen Caijing's mother gestured to Shen Caijing's father to speak. Shen Caijing's father ran to Shen Caijing, put his hands together, squinted his eyes and looked dreamy, "Caijing, there's a call from the palace."

  "What?" Shen Caijing blinked.

  "I invite you to the palace tomorrow to discuss the marriage." Shen Caijing's mother added on the side.

  After that, the whole family looked at Shen Caijing expectantly.

  Shen Caijing pursed her lips and looked at her family. She didn't resist excessively, nor was she as excited and happy as her family expected. She nodded lightly and said, "I know, I will go tomorrow."

  Shen Caijing's family was surprised. The three of them looked at each other in confusion. Shen Caijing's reaction was too flat, wasn't it?

  Shen Caijing's mother winked at Shen Caijing's father, and Shen Caijing's father blinked to show that he received it. He hugged Shen Caijing's arm and smiled ingratiatingly, "Caijing, have you thought it through? Do you want to agree to the engagement?"

  "Hehe." Shen Caijing sneered, shook her head and said word by word, "No, Mom and Dad, don't dream!"

  Then she pushed her father away, walked into the living room, put down her schoolbag and sat on the sofa, "I will go to the palace, but I am going to cancel the engagement!"

  "What!?" Shen Caijing's parents hurriedly ran to sit next to Shen Caijing, one of them pulled Shen Caijing to persuade her, "Caijing, don't be impulsive! Such a good thing, don't turn it down because of anger!"

  "I'm not angry, and I'm not impulsive!" Shen Caijing looked at her parents with a serious face, "Mom and Dad, marriage is a lifelong thing, so this is my serious and cautious decision."

  "Why? Why?" Shen Caijing's father frowned, very sad.

  Seeing her father like this, Shen Caijing felt a little sorry, "Dad, how could His Royal Highness the Crown Prince marry someone like me?"

  "Why not!" Shen Caijing's father held up the ring, "You have an engagement, you know? It's you, the Crown Prince, you two are going to get married!"

  "But the Crown Prince doesn't want to marry me at all!" Shen Caijing couldn't stand it and shouted.

  "What? How do you know? Why doesn't the Crown Prince want to marry you?" Shen Caijing's family was shocked and looked at Shen Caijing with concern.

  Shen Caijing sighed weakly, "The Crown Prince came to our school today."

  "That's too much!" Shen Caijing's father glared angrily, "How can His Royal Highness the Crown Prince do this? It's the agreement between the elders. What did he say to you at school? Did he look down on my daughter? Did he tell you that he wanted to cancel the engagement?"

  Shen's younger brother, who always admired the Crown Prince, frowned, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not that kind of person!"

  "Dad!" Shen Caijing sighed, "No, the Crown Prince didn't see me. I accidentally overheard the conversation between the Crown Prince and Prince Li Xin. The Crown Prince said he didn't want to marry a complete stranger."

  Then he imitated Azhu's worried tone and said, "That girl is just a high school student. It's ordinary. Please

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  A child from a civilian family, who has not received palace education and does not know the etiquette of the palace, can she bear the pressure of the Dezi Room and bear the responsibilities and obligations of being the Crown Prince's Consort? "Shen Caijing's

  family looked at Shen Caijing, Shen Caijing's brother pouted, Shen Caijing's father bit his lip, Shen Caijing's mother lowered her eyes, and then the three sighed together.

  Their own daughter knows herself. If it weren't for this sudden engagement, Shen Caijing's parents would not even dare to think that their daughter could marry the Crown Prince. It was indeed unworthy.

  "Anyway, this engagement is invalid! Just give up!" Shen Caijing said, pushed her parents away and went back to her room in a sullen manner.

  The next day, because she had to go to the palace and couldn't be rude, Shen Caijing put on her best clothes, and Shen Caijing's mother helped Shen Caijing tie her hair.

  Shen Caijing's father looked at his daughter and exclaimed: "She is so beautiful."

  Shen Caijing looked at herself in the mirror, lowered her eyes uncomfortably, turned her head and said: "Anyway, I... I said I don't want to do it anymore, what kind of dress is this! "

  Shen Caijing's mother lowered her head, and Shen Caijing's father did not speak. Seeing this, Shen's younger brother pouted and lay on the ground, fiddling with the keepsake ring.

  "Dad's company went bankrupt because he wrote a guarantee letter incorrectly. The family is in this situation. I know everything." Shen Caijing glanced at her father cautiously, and Shen Caijing's father sighed in shame.

  "Dad has been unemployed for more than a year. Mom works in insurance to make a living. She sent me to that expensive art high school, and it was very hard for you." Shen Caijing looked at her mother again and said, "Mom and Dad are reluctant to eat and wear to support us. I know that." Shen

  Caijing's mother also sighed.

  "But..." Shen Caijing paused here.

  Shen Caijing's parents, who felt there was a chance, immediately came over and looked at Shen Caijing nervously, "But?"

  "But, will you really feel comfortable selling me in this way? "Shen Caijing finally asked what was in her heart.

  Hearing this, Shen Caijing's parents' faces fell, looked at each other, and sighed at the same time. Shen Caijing's father thought about it, stood up, snatched the ring from his son, and threw it outside, "Forget it, just pretend it never happened!"

  Shen Caijing's mother looked at her husband's behavior in surprise, and slapped her husband angrily, "You! Are you crazy? Really..."

  Shen's younger brother rushed out to find the ring.

  Shen Caijing's father became tough at this time, "Is there anything more important than my daughter's happiness? When getting married, what conditions are there to talk about? Is money everything? Is it everything?"

  "It's everything, it's a condition!" Shen Caijing's mother said, "Caijing, you are still young, so you don't know that among women's blessings, marriage accounts for the greatest proportion. I hope you will no longer worry about your livelihood like me, so I did that, but I never thought of selling you." Shen Caijing

  lowered her head and blinked.

  "You still have to walk your own life." Shen Caijing's mother sighed, "Forget it, forget it. "Then he took out the latest sewing machine he bought for Shen Caijing.

  Shen Caijing looked at the sewing machine in surprise, pursed her lips, and said, "What is this for? Why buy such an expensive one? There is not much money at home, and we are all in debt.

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  Shen's younger brother found the ring and brought it in. When he saw the sewing machine, he pouted unhappily and said, "Who am I? I want to buy an MP3, too."

  At this time, the doorbell rang. Shen Caijing's father blinked and said, "Is it someone from the palace?"

  Unfortunately, it was not someone from the palace who came, but a loan shark.

  Several men entered the house and searched for valuables in Shen Caijing's house. They put red sticky notes on all of them and complained with disdain, "Why is this family so poor? "

  But the Shen family could only watch and could do nothing.

  First, Shen Caijing's father reflected on himself and apologized to Shen Caijing's mother. Then Shen Caijing's mother went to plead with the loan shark, but was completely ignored.

  The loan shark saw the newly bought sewing machine and went to put a note, but was stopped by the family. Shen Caijing's mother finally exploded and quarreled with the loan shark. In the chaos, the family and the loan sharks fought from inside the house to outside the house. The loan sharks won an overwhelming victory. One man even put a red strip on Shen Caijing's father's head and made fun of Shen Caijing's father for being incompetent.

  Shen Caijing was so angry that she hit the man, but was grabbed by the hair and slapped on the head.

  Shen Caijing's father hurriedly protected Shen Caijing and yelled angrily: "Do you know how noble this child is! You gangsters! "

  At this time, people from the palace arrived.

  The loan shark took a look and continued to bully the Shen family without caring.

  Shen Caijing stood up to protect her family, glared at the loan shark fiercely, then took a deep breath, made a decision in her heart, and stretched out her hand to Shen's brother and said, "Give me the ring." After

  getting the ring, Shen Caijing held it tightly in her hand, took a last look at her family, turned around and walked firmly towards the people from the palace.

  Arriving at the palace, Shen Caijing was taken to a reception room, sat and waited for a while, and someone outside announced: "The Queen is here, Huizheng Palace is here."

  Shen Caijing hurriedly stood up, the Queen and Xu Huaying walked to sit opposite Shen Caijing, looked at Shen Caijing for a while, and the Queen said, "Sit down, you are more beautiful in person than in the photo."

  "Thank you." Shen Caijing smiled shyly.

  "So, what do you think about the engagement with the Crown Prince? "The queen looked at Shen Caijing very kindly and asked.

  Shen Caijing bit her lip nervously, and looked at the queen and Xu Huaying nervously, "I... I actually came to tell you that I plan to get married."

  "Really?" Xu Huaying's face suddenly turned bad, "I thought you would strongly oppose it."

  The queen looked at Xu Huaying disapprovingly, and Xu Huaying held her breath and stopped talking. The queen smiled and asked Shen Caijing, "So, what is the reason?"

  "Well, you may all know it." Shen Caijing said in a low voice: "My father is unemployed, and my mother works in insurance."

  Hearing this, the queen was a little surprised, and Xu Huaying's face became worse, "So what?"

  "So, can you let your hard-working parents live a little more comfortably?" Shen Caijing lowered her head.

  "It seems that you want to get the corresponding compensation. You are more sophisticated than you look." Xu Huaying was really angry, "How dare you put forward any conditions for marrying into the royal family!"

  "It's not a condition, just a request..." Shen Caijing explained quickly.

  "This kind of thing should not be handled by you. "Xu Huaying said coldly.

  The queen pressed Xu Huaying down, "The future relatives of the royal family will of course be given appropriate help to maintain their dignity."

  "What?" Shen Caijing was stunned for a moment after hearing the queen's words, and then she reacted and showed a sincere smile, "Then thank you... thank you, Queen, I will work hard to get married!"

  "The Crown Prince is here!"

  Azhuo, who had just finished the archery class and arrived, happened to hear Shen Caijing say that she would work hard to get married, and couldn't help laughing, "Work hard? Work hard for what?"

  Shen Caijing overheard the conversation between Azhuo and Li Xin, so she naturally knew what Azhuo was thinking, and stood up guiltily, "I will try my best to be the Crown Prince's Consort." Then she bowed deeply to Azhuo, "Please believe me, I'm counting on you!"

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  "Lü, when you come, take Miss Shen to the palace for a walk." The Queen looked at her excellent grandson kindly and said, "The flowers in the Imperial Garden are in full bloom now."

  "Yes." Azhu nodded. It was he who asked to meet Shen Caijing before deciding whether to fulfill the engagement, so the Queen asked him to talk to Shen Caijing alone.

  Azhu took Shen Caijing to the Imperial Garden and sat down in the pavilion by the river.

  "Your name is Shen Caijing?" Azhu looked at Shen Caijing with a smile, "You are a student in the art department of the Art High School. Do you like art?"

  "Yes." Shen Caijing nodded a little stiffly. She was very nervous to be alone with the Crown Prince. After all, this is the dream lover of all Korean girls, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

  "My brother Li Xin also goes to the Art High School. Do you know him?" Seeing that Shen Caijing was so nervous, Azhu did not mention the engagement in advance, but talked about other things like chatting.

  "I know that Crown Prince Lee Shin is in the photography department." Shin Chae-jeong was relieved to see that the Crown Prince was very approachable, and she regained her usual quirky look and said, "When the Crown Prince entered school, all the girls in the school went crazy! Now there are often girls who run to the photography class under the pretext of something, all to peek at the Crown Prince."

  "Oh, it seems that Shin is very popular with girls." Azhuo smiled.

  "Crown Prince, you are even more popular." Shin Chae-jeong shook her head, completely forgetting her nervousness, and excitedly said to Azhuo, "You don't know, almost all the girls in our school, no, almost all the girls in Korea, all dream of being the Crown Prince's girlfriend."

  "Oh? Is that so." Azhuo smiled and teased Shin Chae-jeong. "You too?" Shin

  Chae-jeong seemed to have been turned on, and she stopped talking immediately, her open mouth did not close, and her expression was very interesting, Azhuo could not help laughing out loud.

  Shen Caijing lowered her head in embarrassment, blinked several times, and then said nervously: "Well... Actually, I know that someone like me is not worthy of you, the Crown Prince."

  Azhuo quietly waited for Shen Caijing's next words.

  Shen Caijing took a deep breath and went all out, "I came here today to say that I agree to get married. I know that I am overestimating myself by doing this, but I have no other choice. For my family, this is the only chance."

  "So, is there any difficulty in your family?" Azhuo did not expect Shen Caijing to agree to get married. After all, Shen Caijing clearly heard what he said yesterday.

  She hesitated to look at the Crown Prince's expression, and only when she saw that his expression did not change and he did not look down on her did she breathe a sigh of relief. "My father is unemployed and at home, and the whole family relies on my mother's insurance business to make a living. And because my father was cheated by his friends, he now owes loan sharks..."

  Shen Caijing said ashamedly, "I was thinking... If I agreed to the marriage and became the Crown Prince's consort, the situation at home would change."

  "Ah..." Azhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, "Is that so? But aren't you afraid that I'll be angry if you say it so directly? You want to marry me because of money."

  Shen Caijing bit her lip and secretly glanced at Azhuo. "Although I'm scared, I don't want to deceive you, Your Highness the Crown Prince. This is indeed my current situation."

  "Hehe." Azhuo was Shen

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  Caijing laughed at her tangled expression, "Since you are honest with me, I will be honest with you too. I already have someone I like."

  "What?" Shen Caijing widened her eyes, then felt a little disappointed and instantly relaxed, and asked curiously: "The person that His Royal Highness likes must be very outstanding, do you want to marry her?"

  "No." Azhu shook his head, "The person I like cannot be with him."

  "Why?" Shen Caijing frowned in confusion.

  Azhu smiled and did not answer.

  Seeing that Azhu did not want to talk about this topic, Shen Caijing was very tactful and did not ask any more questions. She scratched her face in tangledness, not knowing what to say, and the atmosphere between the two of them became quiet.

  "If you want to marry me." Azhu squinted his eyes and looked at the big tree not far away, "Just the Royal Highness's Consort, I can't like you as a wife, because I will only like that person in my life." Azhu stood up and looked at Shen Caijing

  . Shen Caijing looked at Azhu in a daze, and it seemed that the development of the matter was confusing.

  Seeing Shen Caijing like this, Azhuo smiled and said, "Then, go home and think about it. Whether you want to fulfill the engagement or cancel it, I respect your opinion."

  When Azhuo walked away and even his back could not be seen, Shen Caijing came back to her senses, pouted her lips in distress, and the more she thought about it, the more confused her mind became. She pressed her hands on her head and twitched her head, "What should I do? What should I do?"

  In the evening, Azhuo stayed under the big tree, sitting on the grass with his back against the tree trunk, waiting quietly.

  Li Xin, who was out for a walk, saw the figure under the big tree from a distance, smiled, and walked towards Azhuo, "Lv."

  "Yeah." Azhuo responded, and pulled Li Xin to sit down, "Xin, maybe I will get married."

  Li Xin blinked in surprise, then pursed his lips and said, "With that commoner?"

  "Yeah." Azhuo nodded, then looked at Li Xin and asked, "Is Gong really so bad?"

  "What?" Li Xin didn't understand what Azhuo meant.

  "Why would someone hate Gong so much?" Azhuo continued to ask.

  Li Xin then realized that Azhuo was talking about the person he liked. Hearing Azhuo's fragile tone, Li Xin felt bitter and distressed for Azhuo, but he had never been a talkative person. For a moment, he couldn't even think of a word of comfort. He could only call Azhuo's name dryly, "Lü..."

  Azhuo smiled, his eyes curved, "Forget it, Xin, drink with me!" Then he stood up and took Li Xin's hand, trying to pull Li Xin up.

  Li Xin saw Azhuo's smile, but he felt even more uncomfortable. He stood up obediently and was pulled by Azhuo to walk towards Azhuo's palace.

  Looking at this brother who grew up together, Li Xin felt a little depressed and sad for his brother. Who is the person Lu likes? What kind of person is he? Doesn't she like Lu? If she likes Lu, even if she doesn't like the palace, she will be willing to make concessions in order to be with the person she likes...

  In Azhuo's palace, it is said that Li Xin should accompany Azhuo to drink, but in fact, Azhuo just drank one glass after another by himself, and didn't care whether Li Xin drank or not.

  Li Xin saw Azhuo like this, so he had to bear the pain, thinking that maybe Lu would feel better if he got drunk and took a nap?

  This kind of desperate drinking

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  Soon, Azhuo, who had drunk a lot, had a red face and a blurry look in his eyes.

  Azhuo narrowed his eyes and leaned on Li Xin, "Xin, can you stay with me forever?"

  "Law?" Li Xin's shoulder suddenly felt heavy. He turned around and saw that Azhuo was drunk and his face was red. His eyes were closed and he looked like he was asleep. Was he talking in his sleep?

  Li Xin raised the corners of his mouth and smiled helplessly. He helped Azhuo to the bedroom and let Azhuo lie on the bed. He helped Azhuo take off his shoes and covered him with a quilt. He stood up and prepared to leave, but was grabbed by the wrist.

  "Don't go." Azhuo opened his eyes slightly.

  Li Xin blinked in confusion, "Law?"

  Azhuo pulled hard with his hand and brought Li Xin to himself. Li Xin lost his balance and fell on Azhuo. Azhuo coughed a few times, but he didn't let go and held Li Xin in his arms, "I like Xin..."

  Li Xin's body froze and his eyes suddenly widened.

  "I like Xin... I only like Xin..."

  After the words fell, Azhuo closed his eyes, loosened his hands softly, and looked like he was sleeping again.

  And Li Xin could no longer think that Azhuo was talking nonsense when drunk.

  At night, Shen Caijing sat on the platform outside the house, staring at the sky in a daze.

  Shen Caijing's parents were looking at Shen Caijing in the house. Shen Caijing's father frowned and said worriedly: "What's wrong with my daughter? She is like this after returning from the palace, so dispirited."

  "Who knows." Shen Caijing's mother also had a worried look on her face, "Ask her, she won't say anything."

  "Did she get bullied in the palace?" Shen Caijing's father imagined it himself, and then he was very angry about what he imagined, "It's too bullying, what's so great about the palace! They actually bullied my daughter like this!" Shen

  Caijing's mother helplessly patted Shen Caijing's father on the head to wake him up, "What are you thinking about!"

  Shen Caijing's father felt pain, rubbed his head aggrievedly, and then sighed at Shen Caijing's back.

  Shen Caijing heard the conversation between her parents in the room, and couldn't help but lower her head and laugh. After laughing, she pouted her lips again. She was so tangled!

  "Sister, your friend called you." Shen's younger brother suddenly ran over and called Shen Caijing. Shen Caijing stood up and walked into the house with a melancholy face.

  After Shen Caijing finished the call, Shen Caijing's parents finally couldn't help it, and called Shen Caijing and asked: "Caijing, what did the palace say? What about your engagement with the crown prince?"

  Shen Caijing sighed, shook her head, and then went back to the room and closed the door.

  Looking at their daughter who didn't say a word from beginning to end, Shen Caijing's parents looked at each other in confusion. What was going on? Can you give an explanation?

  The next morning, Shen Caijing was woken up. She walked out of the room in a daze and saw, wow!

  A group of people were moving things in their house!

  There is no doubt that it was another loan shark. Shen Caijing's sleepiness disappeared instantly. "Stop it! Stop it all! Don't move my things!"

  "Humph, these are not yours anymore." The loan shark snorted coldly, "Because you don't pay back the money, all of these are used to pay off the debt!"

  Shen Caijing bit her lips tightly, and a little red blood oozed out. "Pay back! Pay back the money!"

  "How can we pay back the money?" Shen Caijing's mother held her daughter, "Caijing, don't worry about it, go back to your room."

  Shen Caijing's father nodded, "Yes, Caijing, go back soon."

  "I marry! I marry the crown prince!" Shen Caijing pursed her lips and said word by word.

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  At the archery range of the palace, Azhuo and Li Xin were learning from the teacher. The teacher instructed them on the key points, corrected their movements, and then let Azhuo and Li Xin practice by themselves.

  Seeing the teacher leave, Azhuo looked at Li Xin, raised the bow and arrow in his hand and said with a smile: "Xin, let's have a competition!"

  Li Xin was stunned, looked at Azhuo with complicated eyes, then lowered his head and touched the bow and arrow in his hand, "Okay."

  Azhuo smiled even more, "Well, if I win, how about Xin agreeing to one of my requests?"

  Li Xin nodded, "Okay." Then he watched Azhuo walk to the front with great interest to shoot arrows, and his heart was tangled. Lu was still the same as before, but his heart could not calm down.

  I couldn't help but ask, "Lü, you were drunk yesterday, do you remember what you said?"

  "What?" Azhuo was preparing to shoot the arrow, but when Li Xin called out, he turned his head, his hand shook, and the arrow shot out crookedly, without a doubt not even hitting the target, "Hey, Xin is too cunning!"

  Li Xin looked at Azhuo stamping his feet in anger, lowered his head and chuckled, feeling a little helpless and a little bitter. This guy really didn't remember, so I... should forget it too.

  "Your Highness the Crown Prince." A palace servant who was waiting on the side came over, "Miss Shen Caijing wants to see you."

  "Shen Caijing?" Li Xin looked at Azhuo in confusion.

  "Ah." Azhuo handed the bow and arrow to the person next to him, smiled at Li Xin and said, "It's the one from the art department, I'll go over."

  Azhuo left, and Li Xin drew his bow alone and shot an arrow, but it was also an empty target. He was confused and couldn't concentrate.

  In a palace specially for receiving guests, Azhuo and Shen Caijing sat face to face. After the palace servants served tea and snacks and left, Azhuo asked, "Have you made a decision by coming here today?"

  "Yes." Shen Caijing nodded. Since she had made the decision, Shen Caijing looked at Azhuo firmly and said, "I hope we can complete the engagement."

  "I said, you will only be the Crown Prince's Consort." Azhuo picked up the teacup and took a sip. "Is it okay to commit your whole life to a political marriage?"

  "I've thought it through." Shen Caijing bit her lip.

  "Haha." Azhuo laughed softly, "In that case, then okay, the wedding should be held soon, so you need to learn a lot of things before the wedding, it may be very hard, I hope you can do it."

  Shen Caijing clenched her fists and said, "I will work hard!"

  After sending Shen Caijing out of the palace, Azhuo lowered his head for a long time without moving. The palace servant beside him asked: "Your Highness the Crown Prince, are you going back to the archery range?"

  "No." Azhuo shook his head, "Go to see the emperor."


  When they arrived at the emperor's bedroom, the emperor let Azhuo in after informing him. It happened that the queen was there. Azhuo saluted the two. The emperor asked Azhuo to sit down, and then asked: "Is the Crown Prince coming here to say something now? I heard that the girl from the Shen family just came?"

  "Yes." Azhuo nodded, "Please prepare the wedding for us."

  "Oh?" The emperor and the queen were surprised.

  "Okay!" The emperor put away his surprised expression, laughed, and then looked at the queen and said: "Queen, the Crown Prince's wedding is left to you, you and Huizheng Palace discuss it.

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  " Weigh and choose a good day."

  "Yes." The queen nodded, "When will the news be announced to the public?"

  "Tomorrow." The emperor said, and closed his eyes wearily. Seeing this, Azhu bowed and left.

  The marriage of the crown prince was settled.

  When Li Xin went to the queen's palace to pay his respects, the queen and Xu Huaying were using the almanac to select the nearest good day. Li Xin asked puzzledly, "Is it something you want to do?"

  "Yes, Lu is getting married, and we are picking a date." The queen smiled kindly at Li Xin, then pointed to a day and asked Xu Huaying, "This day is good and suitable for marriage. What does Huizheng Palace think?"

  "Only one month to prepare, isn't it too hasty?" Although Xu Huaying was not satisfied with the choice of her daughter-in-law, since it was a foregone conclusion, she had no choice but to try her best to arrange the marriage for her son. "

  No, the officials of the Ministry of Rites will do all the trivial matters. One month is enough. "The queen smiled, then lowered her eyes worriedly, "The emperor hopes to see the crown prince's wedding before leaving the palace. The imperial physician said that before winter comes, the emperor should go to the south as soon as possible." "

  Yes, then let's choose this day." Xu Huaying nodded quickly.

  The queen and Xu Huaying were concentrating on discussing some details of the wedding, but they did not notice Li Xin on the side, with a stiff face and clenched teeth.

  "In a month... Lu is getting married..." Li Xin felt a little disappointed.

  Returning to his palace, Li Xin looked at the photo of him and Azhuo from childhood on the table, and couldn't help but reach out and touch Azhuo's smiling face in the photo, "Lu..."

  "I like Xin..."

  "I like Xin... I only like Xin..."

  Li Xin seemed to hear Lu's confession that night again, and he closed his eyes, "What should I do..."

  The officials of the Information Department had already announced the news that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was about to get married in the news, but the candidate for the Crown Prince's Consort was not made public because of Azhuo's suggestion.

  Azhuo said: "If it is made public now, Caijing lives outside the palace and her safety cannot be guaranteed. "

  Thinking of the extraordinary charm of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in Korea, Shin Chae-jung, the lucky Cinderella, would definitely be attacked by the angry fans of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, so everyone agreed to the proposal not to disclose the identity of the Crown Prince's Consort before the wedding.

  Because the Crown Prince was about to get married, everyone in the palace became busy. The layout of each palace, the making of wedding dresses, etc. all needed to be done as soon as possible.

  Shin Chae-jung went to the palace every day and was taught by the palace's Shanggong. She began to learn court terms and the order of weddings and other strict royal education.

  Shin Chae-jung struggled to learn the strict court etiquette education. Azhuo went to see Shin Chae-jung and heard Shin Chae-jung secretly complaining: "The palace is really not a place for people to stay. You have to speak in ancient language, and there are all kinds of regulations for sitting and standing postures...ah! Really! It's so tiring, how do people in the palace survive..."

  Azhuo laughed out loud, which scared Shin Chae-jung. She quickly sat up straight. When she found that it was Azhuo who was laughing, she patted her chest and said with a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be you."

  "Well, what are you doing? "Azhuo nodded and sat down next to Shen Caijing with a smile.

  Shen Caijing smiled embarrassedly .

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  Azhuo smiled, "Nothing... Why are you here?"

  "I came to see how you've adapted." Azhuo tilted his head and looked at Shen Caijing, "Looks good."

  "Hehe..." Shen Caijing smiled awkwardly, "Did you hear everything?"

  "Yeah." Azhuo nodded, and saw Shen Caijing's nervous expression, and found it very interesting. He smiled happily and took out a bag of candy from his shirt pocket and put it next to Shen Caijing.

  "What?" Shen Caijing blinked in confusion and took the candy, "For me?"

  "Yes, I heard from Choi Sang-Gong that you performed very well." Azhuo nodded, "Open it and try it."

  "Is this a reward?" Shen Caijing opened it, took one and put it in her mouth, squinted her eyes and smiled with satisfaction, "Delicious."

  Seeing Azhuo and Shen Caijing talking and laughing, the palace people looked at each other and laughed secretly. It seems that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the future Crown Princess get along very well. After

  that, when Azhuo was free, he would bring some snacks to Shen Caijing, and the two became good friends.

  The people in the palace were happy to see the relationship between the Crown Prince and the future Crown Princess. Privately, they were rumored to have a good relationship between the Crown Prince and the future Crown Princess. It was not a political marriage at all, and they would definitely be happy after marriage.

  Hearing the conversation of the palace people, Li Xin could not help but clench his hands.

  When shooting arrows together in the afternoon, Li Xin asked Azhuo casually, "How is the future Crown Princess? I heard that you have a very good relationship."

  "She's easy to get along with." Azhuo glanced at Li Xin, noticed the ripples in Li Xin's eyes, and narrowed his eyes, "She's a very cute girl." "

  Then what about the person you like?" Li Xin's tone was a little stiff, "You changed your mind so quickly?"

  "Ah..." Azhuo blinked and asked in confusion: "Xin?"

  Li Xin froze, what happened to him? He actually questioned Lu in such an accusatory tone...

  Azhuo smiled gently at Li Xin, "Is Xin angry?"

  "No..." Li Xin shook his head and retorted, "Why should I be angry." Yes, why should he be angry, why should he be angry... Isn't it better if Lu likes Shen Caijing...

  "Hehe, Xin is obviously angry." Azhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, "Does Xin misunderstand that I am a playboy? Oh, no, the person I like will never change."

  "Then why..." Li Xin was deeply disgusted by the joy that appeared in his heart at this time.

  "Because life in the palace is so lonely, there must be someone to communicate with." Azhuo's expression was very serious, and then he said jokingly: "Otherwise, even I will become a pervert."

  Li Xin couldn't laugh, and he couldn't control his mood. "Have you asked?"

  "What?" Azhuo looked at Li Xin in confusion.

  "The person I like..." Li Xin knew that it was wrong to do so, but he couldn't control his heart. He said with difficulty: "How can Lu be sure that the other party doesn't want to?"

  Azhuo blinked, his expression frozen.

  Li Xin stared straight into Azhuo's eyes, waiting for Azhuo's answer.

  Azhuo rolled his eyes and smiled, "What's the matter?" Under Li Xin's persistent eyes, he sighed, "I asked, but the other party didn't agree."

  Then he puffed his lips, "The other party really hates Gong, that must be the case, it's definitely not because he hates me."

  Reaching out and pulling Li Xin's stiff cheek, Azhu smiled widely, "Hey, don't worry about me, I'm fine, Xin, don't be so serious, smile and see."

  Li Xin pulled up the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile that can't be called a smile, and his heart was bitter.

  Of course I don't hate you... I don't hate you, and I don't...

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  The royal family took care of all the debts of Shin Chae-jeong's family, and arranged decent jobs for Shin Chae-jeong's parents. Seeing her family's life improved, Shin Chae-jeong was happy and felt that her sacrifice was worth it.

  For this reason, Shin Chae-jeong worked harder to study with Choi Sang-gong. As a result, she was too tired and fell asleep with her head on the books while Choi Sang-gong was giving a lecture.

  The palace maid in charge of taking care of Shin Chae-jeong was about to wake her up, but was stopped by Choi Sang-gung, "Let her rest for a while. This child has been working too hard recently."

  Choi Sang-gung and the palace maid left quietly, letting Shin Chae-jeong rest quietly. When they walked outside, they saw His Royal Highness the Crown Prince waiting at the door. Putting away the surprise on her face, she quickly saluted and greeted, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

  "Isn't it class time now?" Azhuo smiled and nodded to Choi Sang-gung, then asked, "Did something happen?"

  "Ah, not really..." Choi Sang-gung looked back at Shin Chae-jeong who was sleeping soundly in the room, her lips curled up and she smiled softly, "It's just that the future Crown Princess has pushed herself too hard recently and fell asleep out of exhaustion."

  "Asleep?" Azhuo widened his eyes slightly in surprise, glanced into the room, and laughed, "Really..."

  After letting Choi Sang-gung and the palace maid leave, Azhuo walked in gently and sat down opposite Shin Chae-jeong. His eyes were looking at Shin Chae-jeong, but his thoughts drifted away.

  It's about time...

  After an unknown amount of time, Shen Caijing opened her eyes in a daze and saw Azhuo's face not far away. She blinked a few times blankly and realized that she was in the palace. But just now... No, wasn't she in class with Choi Sang-Gong? How did she fall asleep? !

  Thinking of this, Shen Caijing stared in panic, "Lü, I... Choi Sang-Gong..."

  "Hehe." Azhuo came back to his senses and looked at Shen Caijing jokingly, "Are you awake?"

  "Hmm..." Shen Caijing slapped her forehead in annoyance, "Is Choi Sang-Gong angry? I actually fell asleep during class, I'm such a pig..."

  "Don't worry, Choi Sang-Gong is not angry." Azhuo pulled down Shen Caijing's hand that was tossing her.

  "Really?" Shen Caijing couldn't believe it.

  "Why would I lie to you? Choi Sang-Gong said you've been working too hard lately, so she asked you to take a good rest..."

  Suddenly, a palace servant came to pass on a message, anxiously shouting, "Your Highness, it's bad! Crown Prince Lee Shin fell off his horse at the horse farm!"

  Azhu paused, the smile on his face immediately disappeared, and he stood up and ran out of the house.

  Shen Caijing blinked, and seeing Azhu walking very fast, she also stood up and trotted after Azhu.

  When Azhu arrived at the horse farm, he saw panicked palace servants surrounding Lee Shin. The imperial physician was not there, and no one helped to help Lee Shin up.

  "Get out of the way!" Azhu angrily pushed away the people who were surrounding him, staring at them with terrifying eyes, "Where's the imperial physician? Did you ask someone to call him? Are you all stupid? Don't you know to bring a stretcher to carry the crown prince back to the palace?"

  The palace servants were also frightened by Lee Shin's injury. If Lee Xin was injured, those who served him would not be able to escape punishment, so they were panicked, and no one in charge stepped forward to command, so now it was a mess.

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  After hearing what Azhuo said, the palace people calmed down and immediately organized themselves. Some went to the Imperial Hospital to call the imperial physician, and some went to get a stretcher. All of them took action.

  At this time, Azhuo was too lazy to continue scolding. All he could see was Li Xin, who was lying on the ground in a mess. When Li Xin fell off the horse, he instinctively protected his head. Fortunately, his head was not injured. The injured parts were his arms and left leg.

  His arm was used to protect his head, and the scratches looked serious. When he fell, his left leg landed first, and it was probably a little broken.

  Azhuo walked to Li Xin's side, squatted down and was careful not to touch Li Xin's injuries. He held Li Xin in his arms and asked in Li Xin's ear with concern: "Xin, how do you feel?"

  Li Xin was panting heavily in pain and couldn't speak. His tense body relaxed in Azhuo's arms. He forced an ugly smile and said with difficulty: "Fortunately... Lu, don't worry... I'm fine..."

  Before he finished speaking, he couldn't resist the severe pain in his body and fainted.

  Azhuo's eyes darkened, and he tightened his grip on Li Xin, staring at the palace servants who stayed behind, "Why hasn't the stretcher come yet? Go and hurry it up!"

  "Yes!" The person Azhuo was staring at trembled all over and ran away quickly. It was the first time he saw His Royal Highness the Crown Prince get angry, it was really scary...

  Shen Caijing stood aside, looking at the injured Li Xin with worry. Seeing Azhuo so worried, she wanted to go up to comfort Azhuo, "Lü, don't worry too much, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will be fine." But

  Azhuo only looked at Li Xin intently, as if he couldn't see or hear anyone else at all, and didn't respond to Shen Caijing.

  Shen Caijing bit her lip and said nothing.

  Fortunately, the palace servants soon came with a stretcher. Someone came to carry Li Xin to the stretcher, but Azhuo did not want to take over Li Xin's palace servants. She carefully lifted Li Xin up and put him on the stretcher, and then told the palace servants carrying the stretcher, "Be careful."

  "Yes," the two palace servants nodded immediately, and carefully carried Li Xin to Li Xin's palace. The imperial physician was already rushing to Li Xin's palace.

  Azhuo followed behind.

  When they arrived at Li Xin's palace, they put Li Xin on the bed, and the imperial physician also arrived. Because the wounds were all on the skin inside the clothes, the imperial physician asked Li Xin to take off his clothes, so Shen Caijing hurried out to the outer room. After the imperial physician who

  treated Li Xin's wounds left, the palace servants went to boil the medicine according to the prescription prescribed by the imperial physician. The room became quiet. Shen Caijing waited for a while, but did not see Azhuo come out. After thinking about it, she pushed the door open a crack and looked out, and then she was shocked by the scene she saw with her mouth wide open!

  In the room, Azhuo sat by the bed, holding Li Xin's hand, looking at the pale Li Xin with tenderness and care. Seeing that Li Xin was still frowning in pain in his coma, he gently kissed Li Xin's forehead. The

  sunlight outside shone in through the window. Shen Caijing looked at the two people bathed in the warm light, and an unbelievable guess came to her mind.

  Is the person that the crown prince likes Li Xin, the prince...

  But they are all men. Shen Caijing was shocked by the answer she got. At this time, she thought of that time, Azhuo said: "I have someone I like, but we can't be together..."


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  Is this the reason why the crown prince can't be with the person he likes?

  Shin Caijing felt as if her heart was grabbed by someone, and it hurt so much. Lu must be in pain...

  Shin Caijing, who felt that she knew a big secret, has been absent-minded these days, especially when she saw Azhu, she was even more distracted. Fortunately, she didn't relax when she was studying with Choi Sang-Gong.

  Finally one day, when Shin Caijing was alone with Azhu, she couldn't help asking Azhu, "Lu, have you confessed to the person you like?"

  Azhu was stunned and shook his head.

  "Why don't you fight for it?" Shin Caijing looked at Azhu with concern.

  "Because..." Azhu raised his head and looked at the sky, "It's not a problem that can be solved by fighting for it. Knowing that there is no result, it's better to suffer. I don't want the other person to be the same as me."

  Shin Caijing bit her lip and sighed heavily in her heart. Such Lu... It's really distressing.

  After a week of rest, Li Xin returned to school to continue his classes. Jiang Ren, Cui Chengke and Liu Huan saw Li Xin, who hadn't seen him for a long time, and they all surrounded him with concern.

  Several people first cared about Li Xin's health. After learning that he had recovered and was fine, Liu Huan said to Li Xin hesitantly: "Xin, can you stay for a while after school today?"

  "What's the matter?" Li Xin looked at Liu Huan in confusion.

  Liu Huan nodded, "I have something to tell you."

  "Okay." Li Xin nodded and agreed.

  Jiang Ren and Cui Chengjun looked at each other, both of them were puzzled. What did Liu Huan want to say to Li Xin behind their backs?

  After school, Li Xin followed Liu Huan away. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the place they went to was the studio that Li Xin took Azhu to when Azhu came to find Li Xin.

  "Min Hyo-rin?" Li Xin looked at the girl in the studio in confusion. He remembered that this girl was Liu Huan's friend, but he was not familiar with her. Li Xin looked at Liu Huan in confusion.

  Liu Huan looked at Min Xiaolin hesitantly, but found that the other party's eyes were all on Li Xin. Liu Huan lowered his head in disappointment and said with a forced smile: "Xin, Xiaolin asked me to ask you out. You can talk alone. I'm leaving first."

  Li Xin frowned. Seeing Liu Huan turned and left, and closed the door of the studio, he looked at Min Xiaolin, "Do you have something to do with me?"

  Shen Caijing went downstairs with her friends, but saw Li Xin and a boy enter the studio together. The boy came out, but Li Xin did not come out. Shen Caijing was puzzled. It was not for anything else, but because she thought that Li Xin's injury had not healed completely, she was worried that Li Xin might have something wrong, so she made an excuse that she had left something in the classroom and let her friends go first.

  After her friends left, Shen Caijing walked to the door of the studio and raised her hand to knock on the door, but through the glass on the door, she saw a beautiful girl who hugged Li Xin and tiptoed to kiss Li Xin's lips.

  "Xin, I like you!" Min Xiaolin blushed, looked at Li Xin expectantly and said, "Please date me!" Shen

  Caijing's hand loosened outside the door, and the things in her hand fell to the ground. In the quiet environment, the sound was harsh.

  Li Xin came back to his senses, pushed Min Xiaolin open, and looked at the door of the studio, "Who's outside!"

  Shen Caijing ran away in a panic. Li Xin walked out and opened the door. There was no one outside the door, but a picture book on the ground, "Art Class B, Shen Caijing."

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  Min Hyo-rin walked behind Li Xin and asked, "Who is outside?"

  Li Xin picked up the album, turned to look at Min Hyo-rin, and said with a cold expression, "Min Hyo-rin, I will pretend that what happened today never happened."

  "Why?" Min Hyo-rin widened her eyes and asked sadly.

  "I don't like you." Li Xin coldly rejected Min Hyo-rin, turned around and left. After walking a few steps, Li Xin suddenly thought of something, stopped and turned back and said, "Do you know that Liu Huan likes you?"

  Min Hyo-rin's eyes flashed and clenched her hands.

  However, Li Xin didn't want Min Hyo-rin to answer, and walked away directly.

  Back in the palace, Li Xin first went to the emperor and the queen's palace to pay his respects, then asked the palace servants about the palace where Shen Caijing took classes, took the album that Shen Caijing dropped, and went to find Shen Caijing.

  When Li Xin arrived, Shen Caijing had not finished her class yet, so Li Xin waited outside. When the class was over, Cui Shanggong came out and saw Li Xin standing outside the door. She was stunned for a while and said in surprise: "Why is the Crown Prince here too? I thought it was the Crown Prince."

  Li Xin smiled and nodded, then asked: "I have something to do with the future Crown Princess. Can I go in?"

  "Of course." Cui Shanggong nodded, "Today's class is over, then I'll leave first." Shen

  Caijing packed up her books and prepared to leave. When she saw someone coming, she thought it was Azhuo, so she smiled and said: "Lv, you today..."

  "It's you!" Seeing Li Xin, Shen Caijing was stunned, and then asked with a bad face: "Is there something?"

  "This..." Li Xin raised the album in his hand and looked at Shen Caijing with a smile, "Is it yours?"

  Shen Caijing's eyes widened, her heart pounding, this... By the way, did it fall at the door of the studio just now at school? It's over, he knew that the person who eavesdropped was himself!

  Li Xin smiled, put the album in front of Shen Caijing, then put his hands on the table in front of Shen Caijing, looked down at Shen Caijing and said: "Don't talk about what you saw today. If I hear any rumors..."

  "What will happen!" Shen Caijing put the album into her schoolbag, stood up and looked at Li Xin, "Your Highness is so great! Are you threatening me? You don't allow others to say what you do, and you dare not take responsibility for it?"

  Li Xin narrowed his eyes, "What?"

  Shen Caijing released the anger that she had suppressed before, and she was quite fearless. "What did I see? Was it your Highness the Crown Prince who hugged or kissed a female classmate?"

  "Shut up!" Li Xin glared, his face completely black, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

  "I'm telling the truth." Shen Caijing stared at Li Xin unwillingly. Li Xin suffered so much for him, but Li Xin was happily with someone else. Shen Caijing was very angry and felt sorry for Li Xin. Seeing that Li Xin actually threatened her, Shen Caijing was so angry that she said something without thinking, "People like you are not worthy of Li liking you!"

  Li Xin froze and looked at Shen Caijing in disbelief, "What do you know?"

  Shen Caijing realized what she had said and covered her mouth in fear, panicking.

  "Heh..." Li Xin laughed at himself, "I don't care how you know, you think people like me are

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  , I am not worthy of Lu's love, it is wrong for me to do this, right?"

  Shen Caijing nodded.

  Li Xin clenched his hands and asked Shen Caijing, "Then what should I do? What do you think I should do is right? Lu and I, we are both men..." Li Xin gritted his teeth, "What can I do!" Shen

  Caijing was stunned when she saw Li Xin's painful expression, and she opened her mouth and couldn't speak.

  Suddenly, Shen Caijing saw Azhuo who had been standing outside the door for an unknown period of time, "Lu..."

  "Lu?" Li Xin looked back at the door in panic.

  "Yeah." Azhuo raised a smile and narrowed his eyes, "Caijing, I will take you out of the palace."

  Azhuo took Shen Caijing away without looking at Li Xin.

  "That..." Shen Caijing followed Azhuo, her face full of entanglement and distress, and finally stopped Azhuo, "Lu."

  "Yeah?" Azhuo stopped, turned around and looked at Shen Caijing, and asked with a smile: "What's wrong?"

  "Lul, go find Prince Li Xin. "Shen Caijing said so.

  Azhuo put away his smile, looked at Shen Caijing, and blinked twice, "Why do you say that?"

  "The person Lu likes is Prince Li Xin, right?" Shen Caijing took a deep breath, and then said: "Prince Li Xin should also like Lu. Since they like each other, people who love each other should be together."

  "Do you know what you are saying?" Azhuo raised his eyebrows, "Don't forget, you are my fiancée." Shen

  Caijing lowered her head, and when she raised it again, she had a smile on her face, "We are just people tied together by a political marriage."

  "I agreed to get married for money and to improve the situation at home." Shen Caijing said directly without any awkwardness, "And Lu, you agreed to marry me because you didn't dare to fight for your inner feelings. Such a marriage is too funny."

  Azhuo lowered his head and said nothing.

  "I will work hard to earn money to pay off my family's debts. Our engagement is over. Lu..." Shen Caijing looked at Azhuo encouragingly, "Don't let go of the person you like, you will regret it. "

  Lu left. Did Lu hear what he said... He knew how Lu felt about him, but he pretended to know nothing. Lu must be angry, thinking that he was laughing at him.

  Li Xin left the palace in a daze and walked aimlessly. As he walked, he unexpectedly came to the big tree in the imperial garden. Li Xin was stunned and squatted down with his face buried in his legs.

  He vaguely heard what seemed to be Li Xin's choking voice, "Lu..."

  Azhuo stood three steps away from Li Xin, sighed, walked up to hug Li Xin's body, and said to the person who was frozen in his arms: "Xin, let's elope." The

  private plane they were on landed on British soil. Li Xin was a little overwhelmed. How did things turn out like this?

  He, actually ignored everything and followed Lu away, eloped?

  "Lu." Li Xin looked at Azhuo blankly, "We..."

  As if knowing that what Li Xin was going to say next was not what he wanted to hear, Azhuo reached out and covered Li Xin's mouth, "Don't worry about anything, just follow me, Xin, believe me? " Bewitched   by   the

  tenderness in Azhuo's eyes, Li Xin nodded blankly. Perhaps he didn't know what he had agreed to.

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  After leaving the scene, Azhuo took Li Xin to the parking lot. Azhuo walked to an ordinary SUV and knocked on the window. A blond foreign man got out of the car. He glanced at Li Xin who was following Azhuo and smiled at Azhuo, "Who is this?"

  "My love." Azhuo held Li Xin's hand and said to Li Xin, "This is my friend Kyle. I have asked him to find a house. Let's just go and live there." The

  car drove to the suburbs and stopped in front of a villa with a small yard. Kyle said to Azhuo and Li Xin, "I have prepared everything you need for daily life. The food is in the refrigerator. You are tired after sitting on the plane for so long. Go and rest first. When you are in good condition, I will take you out for a walk."

  "Thank you, Kyle." Azhuo didn't say anything polite to Kyle. He took a bunch of keys from Kyle, waved to Kyle, and pulled Li Xin into the villa.

  Azhuo and Li Xin lived happily in the UK, but South Korea was crazy because of their disappearance.

  I don't know what Azhuo did, but I couldn't find out where they went. The royal family was still trying to find Azhuo and Li Xin secretly, but a week passed and there was no progress.

  Azhuo and Li Xin are both well-known figures. The royal family had to keep the news secret for a week. On this day, the news that the crown prince and Li Xin lost weight finally broke out in South Korea.

  Shen Caijing's family saw the news on TV. Shen Caijing's parents were anxious and scolded the people in the country for what they were doing, and they could actually lose the crown prince! Shen Caijing lowered her head and secretly smiled, blessing in her heart, "Lv, be happy."

  At this time, England.

  Azhuo woke Li Xin up early in the morning, took Li Xin to the church, knelt on one knee in front of Li Xin, took out a pair of rings, and said to Li Xin: "Xin, the only person I want to marry in this life is you."

  Li Xin looked at the rings steadily, his eyes were wet, turned his face away and reached out to wipe the corner of his eyes. Li Xin smiled and took a ring from Azhuo's hand, put it on Azhuo's ring finger, and then stretched out his hand.

  Azhuo looked at Li Xin in surprise, held Li Xin's hand, picked up another ring and put it on Li Xin's ring finger.

  "Lu." Li Xin lowered his head and looked at their clasped hands. Azhuo couldn't see Li Xin's expression, "Lu, I also have something to give you."

  "What is it?" Azhuo asked with a smile.

  Li Xin slowly took out the plane ticket from his pocket, "You should go back to China."

  Azhuo loosened his grip on Li Xin's hand and looked at Li Xin in disbelief. Li Xin bit his lip, "I love you, but Lu, we can't be so selfish. You are the grandson of the emperor. You have to be a good emperor. You should go back to China."

  "Mission - Conquer Li Xin, completed, teleport to the next world in 24 hours."

  Hearing the cold voice of the Lord God, Azhuo's mouth curled up in a mocking arc and took the plane ticket from Li Xin.

  On the plane, Azhuo closed his eyes and absorbed the power transmitted to his body. Suddenly, he felt something strange in his soul. Azhuo concentrated his mind and probed over. After a long time, Azhuo smiled and said, "So, this is where you, Lord God, are..."

  "The latest news is that Korean Airlines flight XXX from London to Seoul has encountered an air crash. The plane crashed and all passengers were killed."

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  His sister, who was already the queen, called him, "Xin, I will go to England tomorrow. Please prepare a room for me. I will live in your house."

  Li Xin smiled helplessly, "Sister, didn't His Royal Highness Prince William prepare a place for you to live?" It

  was amazing to say that his sister, Queen Huiming, was actually in love with Prince William of England. It was said that when Prince William visited South Korea, the two of them had a spark. Because his sister was the queen, in order to be with his sister, Prince William gave up his right to inherit the king and would settle down in South Korea with his sister after marriage. This time, his sister came to England for the issue of marriage.

  "You are my brother, your home is my home, why should you live somewhere else when you have your own home!" Queen Huiming snorted unhappily, "Is it that Xin, you secretly hid someone at home so you don't let me go?"

  "How could it be..." Li Xin sighed.

  Seeing her brother depressed, Queen Huiming sighed sadly, "It has been seven years, haven't you let him go yet?"

  "Sister..." Li Xin didn't want to talk about this topic. He didn't like to talk about that person with others, and he couldn't let go of that person. It was destined that he had to remember that person for the rest of his life.

  This was what he owed.

  "Sister, I'll pick you up tomorrow. That's it. I'll hang up first." Li Xin hung up the phone and looked out the foggy window with sore eyes.

  He seemed to hear the man's voice again, "Xin, stay with me in the palace for the rest of my life."


  Li Xin used to hate the palace because life in the palace was dull and depressing, and people were like puppets without their own personalities.

  Li Xin also hates the palace now because that person is no longer in the palace.

  He can still clearly remember the first time he knew that person liked him. In addition to panic, he also felt secretly happy in his heart.

  That person was like a child, holding his arms tightly and saying in a muffled voice: "I like Xin, only Xin..."

  Although he tried hard to tell himself that the person was drunk and said nonsense when he was drunk, his heart was in chaos.

  What is the most normal reaction to knowing that the best brother likes him? You should keep a distance, right? But he secretly felt happy about it. The details that he had not noticed before, he could feel the feelings of that person for him when he recalled it.

  He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't control his mood.

  Jealous of Shen Caijing, when he heard that man was going to marry Shen Caijing, he even thought darkly that it would be better without Shen Caijing.

  Hearing from the palace people that Shen Caijing studied very hard, he said to let that man go to see Shen Caijing, but after hearing the news that that man and Shen Caijing got along very well, he became jealous and crazy.

  It's really ugly to become so ugly.

  When he heard that man said that he was afraid of being too lonely in the palace, so he hoped that someone could accompany him, he couldn't help but say: "Where is the person you like? Have you asked him? How can you be sure that he doesn't want to accompany you if you haven't asked?"

  That person laughed, "I asked, but the other party didn't want to. The palace is really an unpopular place."

  Li Xin was stunned. That person once said jokingly: "Xin will stay with me in the palace for the rest of my life." But he didn't take this sentence seriously at the time.

  The closer the wedding date of that person is, the more flustered he is .

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  , I hate seeing that person standing with Shin Chae-jeong, I hate that person defending Shin Chae-jeong who did something wrong, I hate that person taking his eyes away from me, I hate that person looking at Shin Chae-jeong more and more, and I hate that person the most telling me that Shin Chae-jeong is cute...

  Min Hyo-rin, the eldest daughter of a chaebol family in the same school, is a girl that my friend likes, but Min Hyo-rin confessed to me.

  If I like this girl, will I not be so painful?

  Shin Chae-jeong rushed out, "Yul is suffering because of you, but you are here being intimate with other girls, don't you have a heart?!"

  Why can Shin Chae-jeong blame him? Why can Shin Chae-jeong blame him? The person who stood by Lu instead of him, the person who took Lu away, why can she blame him who lost Lu? I am

  so jealous, Shin Chae-jeong, because she is a girl, because she has a marriage contract set by the emperor, so she can stand by Lu openly. But he, he can't, he can't respond to Lu's feelings, it is obviously the person he likes, but he has to push him out with his own hands!

  "I am a man, and Lu is also a man..." Li Xin raised his lips but tears flowed down, "What can I do? Tell me, what can I do!"

  But he found Lu standing outside the door. How long has Lu been here? What did he hear? Li Xin went to see him in a panic.

  "Cai Jing, let's go back to the palace." The man had a bright smile on his face, holding Shen Cai Jing's hand and walked away in front of him.

  He returned to the palace in a daze, but saw the man in his room, holding two plane tickets, with the same clean and warm smile as when he pulled him to share candy when he was a child, "Xin, let's elope."

  The tears in his eyes suddenly slipped down and dripped onto the ring on his ring finger. Li Xin missed him very much. He missed him very much.

  Li Xin lived in the UK and had not returned to Korea for many years. The last time he returned to Korea was for that person's funeral. The sky was dark, the air was depressing, and there was a photo of that person smiling brightly. The black and white color made him cold from the heart to the whole body. That was a fact he didn't want to face but had to face.

  That person, he died.

  Died on the flight he bought for him.

  Li Xin had the same dream every night. In the dream, he was very selfish and dominated that person without caring about anything. He did not book a plane ticket for that person, but he accepted that person's proposal. They settled in the UK, and two people lived in this house instead of one person...

  Every time he woke up, Li Xin hoped that the dream would be true.

  If there is an afterlife, I want to accompany you for the rest of my life.

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