Chapter 9

Y/n pov

   Eventually everyone comes in to eat. Bucky offered me food which I declined saying that I already ate. Bucky is talking with Wanda and everyone is talking to someone, except me. I study Natasha and am trying to put my finger on how I know her. Suddenly Tony walks in. "Everyone in the conference room in 5." Tony says taking a piece of bacon then leaving. "Alright you heard him. Everyone get ready then you all have your training time on your phone." Steve states.

    Everyone gets up and clears their plates, Bucky then walks back to me and asks if I'm ready. "I don't think I'm aloud." I respond. "He said everyone and as far as I'm concerned you are a part of this team." Steve says. I nod even though I don't get it, why would you want to be a part of a team if you can just work alone. We all enter the elevator which shockingly fits us all. Everyone is carrying on with their conversations when I catch Wanda's eyes in me. I go to look but she quickly looks away.

    We all exit the elevator on floor 68 and go to room 34. As we enter I see Nick Fury and Tony standing talking in front of a tv/white board. We all go to sit down. I'm sitting with Bucky to my right and Thor to my left. Once everyone sits down Fury starts talking. "We have found a new HYDRA base. It looks like it has been abandoned for a while, but we have gotten intel that there could be something important hiding in there." He states. "Why not just ask psycho lady." Tony provokes. "That's enough Stark, she's a good asset to the team. Anyway some of you will be heading out in two months. The list of people will be out tomorrow." Fury says.

    "Where is it?" I see Clint ask. "Cuba. It will be a week-long mission." he says. They end up talking about their last mission but I am only half listening. "That will be it for today, Y/n, Steve, Bruce, and Tony please stay. Everyone else leaves." Fury says. Bucky gives me a look almost asking if I'm ok, and I nod. After everyone is gone Tony stands up and walks to the screen. "Last night when you were at the computer we came across a file. "Tony says and then a slide pops up of a little girl.

    She has bright Y/e/c filled with life, and long Y/h/c. She is standing with a lady who has blonde hair and the same Y/e/c as the girl, she has her arm wrapped around a tall man, he is holding a little boy. "Who is she?" I ask. I meant for that to be in my head but it came out of my mouth. "You really don't know who that is?" Tony asks. "I don't remember killing her. I never killed kids." I respond. Everyone in the room is giving each other looks. "Y/n, that's you." Steve says. "We analyzed the picture and found out it was taken in 1923. That's your mother and father. And that's your brother." Bruce says pointing to the people in the picture.

    Looking at it I have so many questions. "What do you know about them?" I ask. "Y/n I know this is hard to take in and it's a lot but we don't know too much." Steve says, looking at me. "All we know is that the parents were found dead in a burnt down house in 1924, with both the kids body's missing. They thought that their bodies were just burnt to ashes." Fury says. "We will keep looking into it Y/n." Steve says.

    "Don't bother looking into it. I don't care." I respond while getting up to leave. "Y/n your safe here, you don't have to hide your emotions from us." Bruce says. "I don't have any." I hissed before leaving the room. I make my way to the main gym, as I enter I see Sam and Bucky working out. "Hey Y/n what did they want?" Bucky asks. "Nothing important." I reply. I go over and pick up the 80 pounder and start doing curls, hammers, and lateral pulls. I do 5 sets of 12, then I move on and go to the weight chair. I exchange the 80's for the 105's and lay on my back and start pushing up. Again 5 sets of 12.

    I can sense Bucky and Sam staring at me and giving me looks. Sam's mouth is gaped open and his eyes are wide. "You going to keep staring at me Barnes?" I ask annoyed, I hate it when people watch me work out. "Sorry it's just impressive. I can't do that." Bucky says. Wanda comes in and walks up to the treadmill, then comes up to me. "Hey Y/n can I talk to you real quick please?" She asks. I get up and nod, I follow her outside of the door. "Y/n I'm sorry for yesterday I didn't mean to barge in your mind like that." She says. "I... I can't" she pauses. "I can't believe that they treated you like that." She says. "How much did you see?" I ask. "Only what you saw. I'm sorry I meant for you to see something happy, I don't know what happened though." she says.

    "It's ok. Actually I have some questions for you. Do you want to meet later?" I ask. "Sure! It's really nice to have another girl in the tower. Can we go get coffee?" She says. "Sounds good." I respond. "Ok meet me in the common room at 12:30!" She says beaming with joy, then leaving. I go back to the gym and finish up my workout. When I'm done I take a shower and get dressed with black jeans and a Y/f/c sweatshirt. I put on the leather gloves I've been wearing and make my way down to the common floor.

    I see Wanda standing there wearing a red shirt with black leggings. She has a little black purse that goes across her body. "Hi Y/n are you ready?" She asks. "Let's do this." I respond. We make our way to the elevator and go to the garage. "You don't happen to know how to drive do you?" She asks. "I do. Do you not?" I ask. "I don't have my license here. Also I'm not the best driver." She says. Once we were in the garage, I let Wanda take the lead. We walk up to a black BMW, I get into the driver's seat and adjust the wheel and the seat.

    "I'll tell you where to go, this is the only place where people don't bother us. Also they have amazing coffee." She exclaims. She directs me through the city. It was about a 15 minute drive. Wanda was on the phone with Vision but still directing me. We arrive at this little coffee shop, it's an old house with vines climbing up the walls and old looking windows. We walk in and there's an older woman at the desk. She's 5'3, brown eyes, and probably weighs about 175. "Hello Wanda how are you? What can I get for you?" She asks. "I'm good Delilah! This is my friend Y/n. I'll have the bear hug please." Wanda says. "And for you?" Delilah asks me. "I'll just have a water." I say.

    "You don't want anything else?" Wanda asks. I shake my head. Delilah hands me a bottle of water, while Wanda pays. We go to a little table in the corner. "I'm so happy that you wanted to meet with me. I really wanted to get to know you." Wanda says. "Here you are Wanda." Delilah says giving her a drink that has a bear on it. "Thank you, this is lovely." Wanda says. Once Delilah leaves we get back to talking. "How much do you know about HYDRA?"   

 Hi lovely's! Thank you so much for reading this chapter I'm sorry it's kinda bland but the next chapter will be worth your while. Have a Fantastic week!
