Chapter 6

This chapter contains content that may not be suitable for some readers.

Y/n pov

    The clock now reads 7:03 am. I decide that that's a reasonable time to be up. I put on a black long sleeve shirt and black leggings that Natasha gave me. I head down to the gym when I see Tony in the kitchen. "Hey there one arm." he greets. I just nod and keep going. I hate mornings they're stupid and pointless. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He adds. "Later trash can." I yell and then leave the room and go down the stairs.

    I go to the treadmill and start running, since I'm not allowed outside. An hour in a half goes by and everyone is in the gym. "Oh hey Y/n we were looking for you." Steve says. "Today is a training day. It's nice to see you're all warmed up. Everyone else start warming up." Steve adds. Bucky then comes up to me while I'm still running. "So you're going to spar with everyone a little so we can see your skills and what not. Also thanks for helping me last night." He tells me. I just nod trying to keep focus on my breathing.

    After 30 minutes we all leave and go to the room next door. There is a big mat on the floor, some pillars, beams, and some little makeshift buildings. "Ok lets have Steve versus Y/n." Tony says. I get on the mat followed by Steve. "I'll go easy on you." He whispers. "I'm not." I respond. We get into a fighting stance and then Tony says fight. Steve tries to take the first punch but I dodge it.

    I go low and sweep his leg from underneath him, making him fall on his face. He is quick to get up. Once he's on his feet I grab his arm and hit his pressure points making his arms go limp. "What the heck! Why can't I move my arms?" He says in a frightened voice. I then jump and kick him in the face. "Done!" Tony yells.

    "What the heck was that Cap?"Tony laughs. Tony goes to help him up. "How did you do that? That was crazy." Steve exclaims. "Pressure points." I say. "Ok let's go Bucky and Nat against you." Tony says. They both get on the mat and Tony gives us the green light.

    Natasha makes the first move. She goes to jump on me and she gets up on my shoulders. I throw her to the ground , the Bucky comes behind me and grabs my left arm and pulls it behind my back. I dislocate and swing around. The entire room gasps. "I'm so sor-" Bucky goes to say. But before he can finish I punch him in the face with my metal arm. I then hit him in the ribs and hit him there twice as he falls down.

    I have a glove on so I didn't break his face and do too much damage to him. I use this time to pop my shoulder back in place. Nat comes behind and tries to sweep my legs. I backflip over her and then get her in a headlock. Then she taps out. Another easy victory.

    "Wanda you're up. Powers are allowed." Tony says. She nods her head and makes her way over. "No hard feelings right?" she asks. "I should be asking you that." I reply. She goes to throw a ball of red energy at me and I dodge it. One after another. I go behind a pillar and think of the options I have. I jump from pillar to pillar and go up onto one of the beams. I then jump down behind her and go to sweep her legs. I get on her back and we flip over, I have her legs trapped and have her in a choke hold. I see her hands light up and then there on my head. The next thing I know I'm back at HYDRA.

    I'm in the torture room. I looked down at my hands and they were covered in blood. I look over and see a kid hanging by my wrists. His back has been whipped and he has cuts all over his body. He has multiple gunshot wounds. I break down and start crying uncontrollably and am startled by the gruesome scene. I couldn't have done this could I? Then the man with the red face walks in. "What did I say would happen if you disobeyed my orders?" He spits. "You must pay for your actions, my pet." he adds. Next thing I know I'm being dragged out of the room and thrown into the cryo chamber. I beg for them to let me out and start pleading. They turn on the ice and then it switches.

    Suddenly I'm in a tub of gasoline. I come up gasping for air but am suddenly pulled back down. I start to choke on the gasoline when I get pulled up. I'm gasping and spitting up the fluides. "Next time you think about poisoning me I'll set you on fire! Then I'll make you kill your brother!" The man with the red face screams. "Dunk her." And I go back under.

    Next thing I know I am lying on a metal table. My head, torso, arms, and legs are pinned down. I see Dr. Erskine is standing at the doorway and I see Dr. Zola holding a saw. I try to move but I can't. "Don't worry it will all be over soon." Dr. Zola says. He turns the saw on and walks up to me. He goes to my right side and goes to cut my arm off. Next thing I know I'm screaming at the top of my lungs and then I hear a pop. Making me then I pass out.

    Now I'm in an electric chair with my feet in water. "Splash her" a man commands. A bucket of burning hot water is thrown on me. I try not to scream but it comes out anyway. Then I see my most recent holder. "But a mussel on her." He commands. "I won't be talked over by you." he says. "You failed your mission to bring back the super soldier serum. This is your first failed mission. Red skull and I are highly disappointed in you." he says in Russian. "Two more hours then toss her in her cell." He yells at the guards around me. Then it all goes black.

Buckys pov

    After Nat and I are done sparing Bruce goes to check me out to make sure nothing is broken. Gosh that girl knows how to fight. Once Y/n and Wanda get started Steve and I are talking about the tack-tic she used on him. "Did she teach you to do that?" Steve asks. "No I didn't know she could even do that." I respond. "She's the best fighter I've ever seen. The way she fights and moves it's like she's dancing. It's just so natural to her." I say. "Yeah I mean that would make sense. Didn't you say she taught you?" Steve asks and I nod. "And that was in 45 and she was about your age so she must have been there for like 90 years." Steve says. "Wow I guess. I mean that would make sense on how she's so good, she's had a lot of experience." I add.

    Next thing I know Y/n has Wanda pinned. She goes to get up but falls to her knees. Then I see her go stiff. As Wanda gets up she falls to her knees and starts holding her head screaming. I run over to Y/n and start shaking her. "Y/n! Y/n wake up!" I yell. I look over to Wanda where Steve and Tony are trying to help her. I go over to Wanda "Wanda let her go! Try and focus!" I say. "She's- she's too strong" Wanda hick-ups out. "We need to wake Y/n up." Steve says. I go back over to Y/n, she's spaced out with tears running down her face. "Y/n you need to wake up, you're not there. Listen to my voice Y/n." I whisper into her ear. Then it sounds like she's choking. "Y/n your ok come back to me." I plead.

    Then Bruce comes over with a needle. "It'll make her sleep, it should make this stop." Bruce says. I nod and tell him to do it. Her body goes limp and falls against me. Wanda stops screaming but is reaching for air. Vision is holding her trying to calm her down. "Let's get her to my lab and I'll run some tests on her." Bruce says. I go to pick her up and follow Bruce to his lab. I set her down on the bed as Bruce hooks her up to an IV and monitor. I sit and wait for her to wake up. 

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great week!
