Chapter 32

Y/n pov

    "Peter is here though?" Steve asks in confusion. "Not your Peter, hers." He says. "What are you talking about?" I ask him. As I ask him he starts to chuckle. "What are you laughing at?" I ask him in a stern voice. But he keeps laughing. "ANSWER ME!" I yell at him. I take him from his chair and throw him against the wall. 

    "Y/n, lets calm down." Steve says. He goes to put his hand on my shoulder but I push it off. I grab Rumlow and pin him against the wall, choking him. "Y/n that's enough." Bucky says. "Talk." I growl squeezing tighter. "Y/n he won't help you if he's dead." Bucky says. "Who is Peter?!" I ask him with anger filling my voice. 

    "The kid" Is all he can choke out. "What kid?" I ask but at this point I don't feel like myself. "Y/n!" I let go of Rumlow and life is shoved back into me. I turn around and look at Bucky. "We can't let him win." Bucky says. "I'm sorry." Is all I can say. I feel shame and dread wash over me.

    I look down at my hands and see blood on them. I can feel the color of my skin drain from my body. I stand up straight and walk out of the room. I make my way to my room.  As I'm walking I can't stop thinking about what he meant by all of that. Once I get to my room I sit on the balcony and think about the entire event. Replying it in my head.

Bucky's pov

   Me, Steve, Tony, and Fury are waiting in the conference room. Then the door opens and Y/n enters. "So why am I hear?" She asks. "It's Rumlow." Steve says. "He said that he wouldn't talk us, but he would only talk to you." Tony finishes."Y/n you don't have to do it if you don't want too." I say. She just got out and I don't want her to be overwhelmed or anything like that. "You just got out so we understand if you don't want to see him." I assure her. 

    "What information do you need?" She asks. "We need to know how to find Korbin. We also need more information on him." Tony says. "Sam said that he was older then popsicle over here." Tony jokes. "I'll do it." She says. "Friday," Tony says. "Yes Mr.Stark?" Friday reply's. "Tell them to set up an interrogation room for Rumlow." Tony says. "Of course sir." " I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Y/n whispers into my ear, making me chuckle.

    "Hahaha, I know I wont." I laugh. Seeing her laugh makes my heart melt. Her eyes are like non that I've ever seen, the way they shine. And the way she smiles makes my heart so happy. I have never felt this way about anyone before. "Alright gang you ready to make our way down?" Steve asks.

    As we make our way down to the interrogation room Y/n and I walk hand in hand. As we enter the room, I am the first to break the silence. "You ready?"  I ask. "We'll be right here." Steve says. "You do realize that it's just Rumlow right?" She says with sarcasm. Even if he isn't that big of a threat I know that it's hard for her. "He was never a threat. Besides I'm the one that trained him." She says.

    Y/n makes her way into the room. Rumlow is sitting there bound to the table, with a grin on his face. Looking at him makes me sick. "Hey there princess." He says. "Where's Korbin?" She ask. "Oh come one, we could have fun like we used to." He adds. He raises his eyebrows and winks at winks at her. This makes my blood boil. 

    "I'll give you one more chance." She growls. "Oh don't be like that baby." He says. In one quick movement she slams his head on the table. "FUCK!" He yells. "Wanna talk?" She asks him, knowing that she has power over him. "You'll pay for that you bitch!" He spits. "Don't forget who you belong to." He says with a smile. "Your turn." Y/n says, her gaze is at the corner of the room. "Who is she talking to?" Steve asks. Then I remember my experience. 

    "Listen here dickless, I am the one who trained you. And do you really think that Korbin cares for you? Your nothing more then a pawn in his game." Tony laughs at this. "Ahh, hello there Soldier." He says. She rip off one of the restraints and grabs his wrist and breaks it. I tighten up, not liking the way this is going. "Go to hell you bitch!" He yells. "I am hell." She spits. I can tell that it's not her, her Russian is really coming out. She punches him and that's when I pull the plug. "Wait," Steve says grabbing my arm. "Give her a chance." He says.

   I hear her yell, I burst open the door, wanting this to stop. "Y/n let's stop." I tell her. "No." She growls. Then she grabs Rumlow by the hair and whips out a knife and puts it to his face. "Go ahead, be the monster you are." Rumlow says. She forces his mouth open and puts her hand in and rips out one of his tooth's. He screams out in pain and then she pulls another one. "WHERE IS KORBIN!" She yell at him. 

    This is going to far, this isn't Y/n anymore. "Just kill me." He says. "I don't want to kill you. I want to tourter you, I want you to slowly go insane and loose your mind. I want you to think that nothing is real and that you have no purpose. You are a useless piece of shit." She lays in a bone chilling voice. At this point her Russian accent is clear as day.

    "If you won't talk then I guess you won't be needing this." She says, then she forces her hand into his mouth.  "Top top!" He begs. We all just watch, not moving. I think we all know that this is the Red Soldier now. "I'll tak I'll tak!" He yells, then she lets go. "Where is he?" She says coarsely. "I don't know, I don't know." He pants. "Do better." She commands. "He- he has a a safe house!" He says. His gaze goes to Steve, Tony, and I. "Don't you dare look at them. You look at me and me only or I won't give you anything to look at." She growls.

    "Where is this safe house?" Steve asks. "It's-it's in Germany. He said- he said that it's where it all began." He says in a shaky voice. "What's that supposed to mean?" Tony asks with crossed arms. "I'm not sure, he said that only Red Soldier would know." He say. "Does this mean anything to you?" I ask with caution, seeing that she loosed up a little bit.

    "Does this mean anything?" She says, but looks to the corner of the room. "Where is it exactly?" She asks. I can tell that Tony and Steve are confused, but not me. "Y/n? Who are you talking to?" Tony asks. "It's in Goslar Germany in lower Saxony." She says.

    "What does that resemble? You said that it meant something to the Red Soldier." Steve asks taking a step forward. "I'm not fully sure. He said that that's where the kid was buried." He says. This peaks all of our attention. "What kid?" Tony asks. "You mean they don't know?" Rumlow says chuckling, then going into a full on laugh. "Your beloved Peter." He says. "The kid you brutally murdered. The kid that was holding you back. The kid that broke you." He says. 

  Hi guys sorry this chapter is long, but I hope you enjoy:)
