Chapter 24

Y/n pov

    I hear a beeping noise, I realize it to be heart monitor. My whole body feels sore, numb, and heavy. I try to open my eyes, but they too feel heavy, like they're sewed shut. And it feels like there's a big wait on my chest, making it so I can't move. I try and open up my eyes but they only flutter about half way and then close. There's a bright light making it worse. Not to mention the head ache I have. I end up forcing them open, I try to lift up my arms but they're bounded to my side.

    "What's going on?" I say in a quiet but worried voice. Then I see the door open and it's some Dr. She seams to be Asian, she's about 5'8, and has medium length black hair, and brown eyes. "I see that your awake Y/n. How are you feeling?" She asks, I see her holding a clipboard and she's righting something down. I quickly scan the room and then I see that I have 4 different needles in my arm. Then I hear the heart monitor start to pick up, making me more frantic. "Y/n I need you to calm down." She says.

    I'm back at HYDRA, the mission didn't work, their going to kill everyone. I instantly think to myself.  I try to lift up my arms and I'm trying to wiggle out. "We need help in room 423." The lady says. "Shit." I whisper under my breath. Then 4 Dr.'s enter the room, they come and hold me down. I see the girl holding a needle with a clear liquid in it. 

    "Hold her still." She commands the Dr.'s . "Y/n I need you to calm down." She says again. Then she walks up to me and is about to put it in my arm, but that's when I break away. My metal arm is the first to break loos. I through the one Dr. to the wall and they start to back away. I free my other arm and then dart to the door. I try to open it but it won't budge. I start to punch it with my metal hand, but the first hit I get a shooting pain in my waist. But I don't let that stop me.

    I feel a pair of hands grab my hair and pull my head back. I jab my elbow into his side then I feel a pinch in my neck. I see that he put a needle in my neck and I quickly take it out, but I feel my vision blur. I then break down the door and force myself awake. 

    I hear sirens go off, I look to my left and I see Dr.'s start to run towards me. "Shit." I whisper underneath my breath. "Stop! Wait!" I hear one of them call. I dart the other way towards the door where I see an exit sign. I run into the door and sprint down the stairs. My left leg is killing me, and my entire body hurts.

    I hear the door burst open and then I go through the closest door. As I entire the room I see everyone. I feel confused, maybe this is just all in my head. "Y/n? What are you doing hear?" I hear Clint ask. Then I hear the door burst open. I quickly turn and see guards but they don't have the HYDRA logo on the shoulder like they normally do. 

    "shit." I whisper under neath my breath. "What's going on?" I hear a familiar voice. I turn around and see Bucky. "What's going on?" He asks. "You can't be up you've got to get back into the ICU!" The lady from before said. I don't respond, I don't move, I don't know what to do. 

    "It's ok Y/n, I'll come with you." Bucky says taking my metal arm and putting it over his shoulder. I didn't realize that I've been bent over from the pain until Bucky helped me. We make our way back to another room and Bucky set's me on the bed. He turns around but I grab his hand. "Hey it's ok, I'm not going anywhere." He says in a calm voice. The lady come's into the room, but this time with someone who looks familiar comes in with her. He is about 5'8 has and shorter curly brown hair. 

    Bucky goes to sit in the chair by the bed. I have my feet dangling off of the bed, not wanting to lay down. "That was quite the escape, considering all the wounds you have." The man says trying to brighten the mood. "Dr.Cho, will you please prep a bag with some fluids in it?" He asks, the lady or Dr.Cho nods her head and gets out one of those drippy bags. 

    Then the man takes a seat on a chair and has a clip board in his hands. "Y/n why don't you lean back. I don't want anything to get worse." He says. I look over to Bucky with dread in my eyes. "It's ok Y/n, their not the same." Bucky says, almost as if he could read my mind. I scoot to the back of the bed.

    "So you have 4 fractured ribs and 5 broken. The rest are badly bruised. You have multiple cuts on your abdomen and arm, you have a slight concussion. Your wrist is also some how raw." He says. I look down to my wrist and see that it's wrapped. Then I suddenly realize  what I'm wearing. I'm in a black sports bra with black shorts. My entire stomach and back are taped up and I see that I have some stitches on my arm and legs. 

    "You have some cuts and...umm... some burns." He says with hesitation. Then I remember the branding. I go to touch the back of my neck but only feel gauze. "You also have a split lip and some other minor bruises." Bruce finishes. I look over to Bucky who is just smiling at me. 

    Then Dr.Cho walks up to me and hangs up the drippy bag which has a tan liquid in it. She take's my hand and is about to put a needle in my arm. I quickly pull away. "Y/n we need to do this." The man commands  with a sigh. "They haven't fed you meaning that we need to get some calories in you." He says. 

    Then Bucky walks up to me and takes my hand. "It'll be ok doll. Just look at me and hold my hand." He says. The entire time I can only look at his chin. I feel the needle go in and I tense up. I hate this feeling more then being tortured. I hate it more then that damn chair. Then again I say that now. 

    "See it's all done just a little pinch." Bucky says with a smile on his lips. I look over and want to rip it out but I know that Bucky wouldn't let me. The lady secures it with some tape and then I see her with another needle in her hand. "What's that one for?" I ask trying to keep the worry out of my voice. "It'll help take the pain away." She says. "You've lost a lot of blood and have well over 200 stitches, if you get into to much pain we don't want you to rip them." The male dr. says. I can't help but think that I know him.

    I look at Bucky who's still holding my hand and looking at me. "It'll be ok, their not the same. They wont drug you or put toxins in your blood." He says with reashorznce in his voice. I let out a sigh and look down. "Ok so with this one we need to go through the neck."He says to Dr.Cho, but my eyes go wide. "Why the neck?" I ask this time I feel dread wash over me. 

    "It's the most efficient way." The dr. says. Bucky let's go of my hand and takes both of the Dr.'s outside of the room. I can't hear what there saying, so I just sit there and pick at some of the dried blood that's on my metal arm. Eventually they come back in and I look at Bucky who then looks at me a smiles. "Ok," The man sighs and pinches his nose. "I'll need you to take these pills." He says and goes into the cabinet and takes out a white bottle. He walks over to me and hands me two little white pills and a little cup of water. I take it and down it. 

    After a while Dr.Cho and the other man leave and it's just me and Bucky. He hasn't let go of my hand at all. But I don't mind his contact. I can't fully remember what happened to me. I remember walking out to a snowy sence and that's it. 
