chapter 10

Y/n pov

   "How much do you know about HYDRA?" I ask Wanda. "I don't understand." Wanda says. "I need to know how much you know about them." I say. She is stuttering and her eyes are scanning the room visually. "I know that you were one of their test subjects after your parents died and then you left. You had a brother that died because of Clint. I need to know how much you know." I say.

    "First Clint didn't kill him, Ultron did. Second, they didn't tell me much when I was there. But through SHIELD I was told more. I ended up realizing that they were bad and that they didn't care about anyone, they just want total control. And they'll use and kill anyone that gets in their way." She says. "What where you guys looking for on the last mission?" I ask. "We got intel that there was a base that was still active. We were told to take it down and get any files. But I guess Tony found you so we brought you back." She says with a look of confusion and worry.

    "Why does Tony hate me?" I ask. "I have know clue. I know that he was looking for who killed his mom but that's it." She says. "When you made me see that vision thing, you said that you didn't mean to do that, right? What do you mean by that?" "Well I meant to make you see a happy memory but I only got bad ones, then your mind started to drift off." She says looking down at her hands. "So you can go into my mind and bring back my memories?" I ask. "So to speak. But the mind is a very intense place. Not to mention that if it's forced it can cause some damage. And I wouldn't be able to get everything." She says.

    "Ok." I sigh leaning back into my chair. "What is this all about?" Wanda asks. "I was just curious," I answer. "I can read your mind and I know that's not all of it." She says. "I wanna know who I am, but then again if I find out I know that it's not good. And I'm still loyal to HYDRA but I can't go back. And if I say anything I'm gonna be locked up by Tony. I don't have any options." I say. "I won't tell anyone I promise." She says. I nod and am about to ask another question when Nat walks in.

    "I can't believe that you guys went out without me!" She says half jokingly half not. "I'm sorry Nat! We just wanted coffee." She pleads. "Fine. But we're going shopping afterwords because Tony has a party tonight and Y/n needs a dress." Nat says crossing her arms then comes to sit down with us. "I'm not going to a party." I say bluntly. "Unfortunately you have too. It's a rule Tony has. You need to attend every party for at least two hours." Wanda says. "Great." I say sarcastically.

    Nat and Wanda talk for about 30 minutes and I just nod not paying attention. Once their done we leave and hop into the car. Nat is on a bike and I'm following her in the car with Wanda. I wish that I was to one on the bike. She pulls into a big parking lot and there's a building that reads Mall. Wanda and I hop out of the car and meet up with nat who is parked further down. "Welcome to the mall Y/n." Nat says. "I don't think that this is a good idea." I say. "Too late we're already here." Wanda says, she's about to grab my arm but I pull away. "Sorry, I didn't-" Wanda tries to say but I cut her off. "It's fine. let's just get this done and over with." I say.

    As soon as we walk in it's swarmed with people. I take a deep breath, put my hands in my pockets, and keep my head down. I follow Wanda and Nat into a store called Lulus. Their walking around and pick up some dresses. "Y/n what about this dress?" Nat asks, holding up a red sleeveless dress that stops a little before its knees. "Pass." I say. I can't wear that, my arm is the main problem and it has a low back.

    "What about this one?" Wanda says holding up a long blue dress with very thin straps. I shake my head, I really don't want to be here. I would rather have Tony insulting me. This goes on for a while. Eventually they just pick up a bunch of dresses and make me try them on. I pick through them mostly looking at the sleeves. I don't even know what my "style" is. Eventually I find this dark blue dress with a fitted waist that then flares out and goes to my knees. The sleeves are cuffed and have a little puff. I try it on and then go out to show Nat and Wanda. "I love it!" Wanda exclaims. "def the one." Nat says.

    After we're done dress shopping we go to a place called Nikee. They basically just pick some things out for me and that's it. They got me 5 pairs of black leggings, 8 long sleeve shirts, some sports bras, and some sweatpants, and 3 shorts. Once we're done we leave and make our way back to the tower.

    Once we park the cars we take the elevator up to my floor and they help me unpack everything. "We'll be back up around 6. The party starts at 7:30." Nat says then leaves with Wanda. I go to sit at the desk in the corner and then I look at the clock that says 5:14 pm. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." I say. Bucky walks in with a big smile on his face and goes to sit on the bed. "How was shopping?" Bucky asks. "I don't like shopping. There's to many people." I say. Bucky chuckles and then goes to check his phone. "So did the girls tell you that there's a party tonight?" Bucky asks. "Yes." I says. "Want to go with me?" He asks and has a sweet smile on his face.

    "Sure." I says. "Awesome I'll be at your door at 7:15. I'll see you then." He says and then leaves. I walk out to the balcony and sit on the railing, just looking out to the city. I feel a wearied sense of peace. Suddenly Nat and Wanda burst into my room. I quickly get off of the railing and look at them. "Are you ready?" Wanda asks. "Get a shower then put on the dress." Nat commands. I don't fight back so I do as she says. I turn the water on cold and hop in. Once I'm done I put on the dress that Nat and Wanda got. I put on my gloves and walk out.

    "Wanda get the hair dryer." Nat says and is holding a bunch of weird things. They sit me in the chair by my deck and start to do my hair. They blow dry it and then curl it. Wanda holds up a brush and a thing with a bunch of colors. "It's make up, ever hear of it?" Wanda says sarcastically but I just stare at it.

    Once I'm done I get up and they roll me to the mirror. I have a shadowy eye and part of my hair is pinned back. "What do you think?" Nat asks. I don't even know what to think. I haven't really looked at myself for a while. I don't even recognize my own face. Even when I shower I never look at myself. "It's not that bad." Nat says, crossing her arm. "What?" I say and then realize that I never answered her question. "Oh you guys did great." I say sounding happy. Then there's a nock on the door. Wanda rushes over to open it up. "Hey Buck, she's all ready." Wanda says I stand up and turn around to see Bucky in a black suit. His hair is half up in a man bun and his eyes look so beautiful, it's like a wave of peace and calmness, but also protection.

    "Wow you look amazing." Bucky moaned, his mouth is gaped open and he's just staring. "You too." I say smiling. "See you two down there love birds." Nat says leaving with Wanda and I see Bucky blush. "Anyway, are you ready?" Bucky asks and holds out his arm for me to grab. I nod and walk to him and we make our way to the party.
