Chapter 18

Sam's pov

     I'm now on my third night. They've had me doing the basic stuff, guarding things, running errands, and that stuff. I've started to gain the trust of Korbin, thankfully. He asked to see me in his office which is where I'm heading now. The time is now 8:30 pm. I haven't seen Y/n since the beating she had. I'll try to check up on her when I'm done.

    As I approach the door there are two soldiers guarding the room. I go to knock and hear a come in. As I enter I see Korbin sitting at his desk. "How are you doing, Sergeant Dan?" He asks. "Fine sir, and you?" I respond. "Good to hear, I need you to grab me a file. It's on floor 6, room 3. There is a passcode that you need to enter.

    I need a file that reads 1944. Will you get it for me?" He asks. "Yes sir." I respond, this could be what we were looking for. "Good I knew I could count on you. The code is 5154. Oh and don't read it." He adds. I nod my head "I wouldn't dream of invading your privacy." I say then turn around and leave.

    As I make my way up I wonder what it could be. It must be important if it has a passcode I think to myself. I enter the passcode and enter, closing the door behind me. It's a little room with 10 filing cabinets. "This must be like the important stuff." I whisper to myself. I go through the cabinets and don't find anything too interesting. As I go through the one cabinet I see a file that reads The Y/l/n Family.

    I pick it up and start looking through it. It's all in Russian or something. I take pictures of the file and then I put it back and find a file that reads 1944. "Bingo." I say as I pick it up I open it and take pictures. I can tell that this is german, since I took a little bit of it in high school then switched. As I go back down I hear one of the guards. "Yeah I heard that Korbin has big plans." the one says. "Yeah I heard that's another soldier." Another chimed. "I heard that it's someone we know." The original one says.

    I end up leaving, deciding I don't want to be messed with this stuff. Once I get to Korbin's office I can hear him talking to someone, probably on the phone. I go to knock but the one guard stops me. "He's on a call." He says. "I need to get this file to him." I protest. Then The door opens and both of us salute him. "At ease. He can come in, it's fine." He says, the guard goes back to his positioning and I walk in closing the door behind me.

    I put the file on the table in front of him. "Thank you." He says. Weird to say he's very polite and kinda smells like Steve and his hair cut is a crew cut like the 40's. "You know I feel a sense of debt to you." I hear him say I raise my brow confused. "You brought my weapon back." He says and then stands up and looks out the window. "Well I mean..." I'm not the best lier, this was Stark's idea. But I guess we did take her against her will. "No, don't be so modest." He says pulling me out of my thoughts.

    He turns around facing me "How old do you think I am?" he asks me. "Umm I don't know sir, 47?" I responded. "Ha! I've been around a lot longer than that. I've been here since 1896." At this my eyes go wide. How? Cryogenic? Super soldier? "I've been here for a while and she has been the best thing that has ever happened to me." He says and you can tell that he means it.

    "Anyway enough of me blabbering you may go." He says. I go to leave then I ask him. "What is Korbins Big Plan?" I ask. "Ohh so you heard other guards talking did you?" He says. "Well unfortunately it is a surprise. As you probably know the Avengers are our biggest threat, and with SHIELD down but still going through them we need to take them out." He says. "Thank you sir." I say, what does he mean by that? "Why don't you go home and get some rest." He says. I nod and leave. I need to get this to Tony asap!

    Once I get back to the cabin it's 1:30. "Dude, what took you so long?" Tony asks. "I got major intel! Korbin has a plan to take the Avengers and the rest of SHIELD down. Also I got pictures that I need Nat and Bucky to read." I say. "What kind of intel?" Clint asks. "I found a profile on Y/n." Then I realized that I forgot to check on Y/n. "Sam what's wrong?" Steve asks me. "I forgot to check on Y/n, I haven't seen her since the beating." I say with worry.

    "What beating?" I look up to the stairs where Bucky is standing. "Oh umm... well they were beating up some guards." I quickly say. I can't let Bucky know what's happening. "Buck we need you to help decode something." Steve says. Bucky nods and makes his way down stairs and I show them the pictures I took of the 1944 file, I figured this might be a little more important. Eventually I end up falling asleep on the couch after the long and stressful day.

Sorry this chapter is short I'm having a little bit of a writers block. Thanks for 100 reads!!!
