Chapter 21

there is some strong language 

Y/n pov

    The door opens and I see some one that I thought I would never see again. I get chills that run down my spine and I feel my blood run cold. "Hello there sweetheart. It's been a while since I last saw you." Rumlow says with a sickening smile. 

Sams Pov

    After I left Y/n It was around 9, meaning that they would be revealing Korbins big plan soon. I make my way outside where there is a stage made out of wood. Everyone is gathering around, eager to see who this plan is. 

    Korbin walks up to the platform and takes the mic off of the stand. "Welcome gentelmen to the new beginning." He says and everyone cheers. "Now as most of you guys heard I have been working on a plan, this plan will be to take down the Avengers. We got some intel that they are all away so we plan on bombing the Avengers tower tomorrow." Korbin says and everyone cheers. "Not only that but Someone very special will be coming back, I would like you all to give Rumlow a big welcome back." 

    As Rumlow walks on stage everyone salutes. I guess he was a bigger deal then we thought. "Now let's finish the plan and take down the Avengers! HAIL HYDRA!" Korbin says and everyone follows. I quickly jet out of there with a bike I stole an I make my way over as fast as I can. Not only would this bomb take out the tower but also part of New York.

    Once I pulled up to the house I dart inside out of breath. I bust open the door and everyone is looking at me confused. "We need to attack NOW!" I exclaim. "Why What happened?" Tony asks with concern. "There planing on bombing the tower and half of New York with it at noon tomorrow. Also Rumlow is back." I say panting in between. But as I do both Steve and Bucky jolt up and look at each other. "Everyone suit up! Were are taking of in 10!" Steve yells. "Everyone suit up! We need to take them down fast!" Bucky commands. Everyone rushes to get dressed and as soon as their done we leave. 

    Everyone is in the plane and I am beside it. I have Red Wing scan the area and and check the surroundings. Their are double the guards from before, they must have found out that I wasn't a real HYDRA agent. "There are double the guards so the moment you guys get out there will be people shooting at you." I say over intercoms. "Got that." Steve says.

Y/n pov

    "Hello there sweetheart. It's been a while since I last saw you." Rumlow says with a sickening smile. "Go to hell." Whisper underneath my breath, looking at the floor. Then I feel a strong kick to the stomach, making me topple over in pain. "Watch your language bitch!" He growls. 

    Then two guards take my hands and hold them behind me. Rumlow goes down on one knee and touches my face whipping away a piece of hair. As I pull away from his touch he slaps me. "Is that all you got you pussy?" I ask. "You want to see what I can do?" He asks. "Take her to the chair. I'm done with this version. It's time to get our weapon back." As he says that the guards pull me up and take me to the chair.

    As there strapping me down I see the red book with the black star in the middle. I guess this is it. Nothing good lasts forever for me. But it was nice to taste the freedom. The one Dr. puts a mouth guard in my mouth and the head piece starts to come down. I scream out in pain and I keep hearing those damn words repeat over and over again. "Fight, Monster, Pain, Eight, Bomb, Brother, Lover, Betrayal, Dusk, Twenty two." It's repeated over and over again in russian. I can feel myself slipping away when suddenly he stops speaking. 

    The machine stops and the head piece is lifted off my head. I feel a hand on my face, I open my eye's to see Bucky. "James?" I squeak out. "Hey, hey it's me. Your gonna be ok, your safe now. It's over." He says and hugs me. "Let's get these off of you." He says and rips off the restraints holding my arms and legs. 

    He helps me up and he swings my arm around his neck and he helps me walk. As where about to leave I feel a hand grab my ankle. I swing my head around and see that it's a Dr. I kick him in the face, knocking him out. As we're moving on there are HYDRA agent's up ahead. Bucky rests me on the ground and takes out a gun and starts shooting at them. 

    I look and see a guard most likely dead, and I grab his riffle. I stand up and lean against the wall and start shooting at them. I got 5 out all perfect shots right though the middle of the skull. "Nice shot!" Bucky exclaims. "We need to keep moving, I've got your back." I say. "Are you ok to walk?" He asks with worry in his eyes. "I'll be fine, let's keep moving." I says. As we make our way out there are guards coming out left and right. Eventually we make our way out with little injury's.  

    As we come out to the snowy scene we are right in the middle of a battle. "Behind you in the tree." I hear the voice tell me, I turn around and shoot a man in the leg, making him fall from the tree. "How did you get that shot?" Bucky asks in amazement. "I said I've got your back and I meant that." I say hiding the fact that I had some help, but also meaning it. We make our way to Steve and fighting left and right.
