Chapter 33

Bucky's pov

    "Peter is here though?" Steve asks in confusion. "Not your Peter, hers." Rumlow says. "What are you talking about?" Y/n asks him. Rumlow starts to chuckle and the entire room changes. "What are you laughing at?" She says in a chilling voice. But he keeps laughing. "ANSWER ME!" She yells at him. Then Y/n rips Rumlow from the chair and she throws him against the wall.

    "Y/n, lets calm down." Steve says, trying to calm her down. Steve walks up to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. But Y/n pushes him off. She then grabs Rumlow and pins him against the wall, choking him. "Y/n that's enough." I say in a stern voice. "Talk." She growls. I can see that she's squeezing tighter. "Y/n he won't help you if he's dead." I tell her. "Who is Peter?!" She asks again.

    "The kid" Rumlow chokes out. "What kid?" She asks. Thats enough. "Y/n!" I yell, commanding her to stop. She lets go of Rumlow and then turns around and faces me. "We can't let him win." I tell her. "I'm sorry." She says in a quiet voice. Then she runs out of the room. 

    I walk up to Rumlow, picking him up by the hair. "You know Barnes, that girlfriend of yours is quite the monster. Are you sure that you want her on your team? What about you Tony?" He says. "Don't listen to him Tony." I say in a stern voice. "She killed your mother, she didn't show mercy. Doesn't that anger you?" Rumlow says. 

    "She killed her own brother, who's to say that she won't kill Peter Parker." He says, then he pauses. "Or what about Morgen? She needs to be put down." He says. "Get my daughters name out of your mouth!" Tony growls. "And what about you Steve?" He says. "What about me?" Steve growls. "Enough! He's just trying to get into our heads." I say. "Now, tell us. Who is Korbin?" I growl. 

    "He was the founder, him and Schmitt. Only thing though, is Red Skull wasn't careful, he was willing to take risks. Korbin doesn't." He says. "What does he mean to Y/n?" I hear Tony ask. "He's her Papa or something. I never understood it." He says. "Wait, hold up. Your telling me that Korbin is her dad?" Tony asks. "No, I'm saying he is like her father. Took her and her brother in when they where little and raised her." He says. 

    "What about the brother?" Steve asks. "He was only there to keep her in line. But then once he came," He says referring to me. "We didn't need him, but we needed to kill the little girl inside her." He says. "That's how they broke her." I say under my breath. They broke me by saying that Steve died. "Percicly. She hasn't been that little girl since 45." Rumlow says. "She's been the Red Soldier for almost 80 years!" Tony says. 

    "She was there for 80 years?" Steve says in disbelief. How could anyone last that long in a hell hole like that. "No, she's been with us since she was 8, she was born 1915." Rumlow says. "Why her?" Steve asks. Rumlow doesn't answer. "Answer him." I growl. But he just smiles at me. "What about you Barnes?" He says. "Longing, rusted, seventeen." He starts. "Those words don't work on me anymore." I say. 

    "Maybe not, but they did. Meaning that HE is still in there. Tell me, what was it like to kill so many, including your own friends?" He asks. I don't respond and instead just look at him. "All those people, all that training, all those memory's, gone." He says. I can feel my blood start to boil. "You made him do those things." Steve says. "Yet he was the one holding the gun." Rumlow says. I can feel tears start to well up in my eyes. 

    "You can never forget what you've done no matter what. All that blood is still on your hands. You can never run away from us. WE still own you, and we will never leave you." He says. I lose it at this. I swing my fist in his face. I start to punch him uncontrollably. "Bucky enough!" I hear Steve say, but I don't listen. "Bucky stop!" He yells again. But it's like I'm not fully in control. I feel so much anger, so mush hatred. "BUCKY! ENOUGH!" Steve yells, this time I comply.

    "I'm sorry." Is all I can get out. "See, he's still in there." Rumlow says. "Let's go Bucky." Steve says. But I just sit there and look at my hands, blood. There's blood on my hands. All those people, all those innocent people. Dead because of me. "Come on Bucky, it's time to go." Steve says again. I get up and hang my head, in disbelief that I lost control. I was doing so well, now it doesn't matter.

    Steve and I make our way to the elevator, I don't say anything. My mind going to the screams, to the body's, to the pleads. "Talk to me Buck." Steve says. I don't respond. Steve goes to put his hand on my shoulder but I flinch and pull away. Once we get to our floor I go to my room and loch myself in, not coming out. 

Steve's pov

    Tony and I are sitting in one of his workshops talking about the events today. "He got into there heads." I say. "Yeah, even Barnes. How is he?" Tony asks. "He didn't say anything. I tried to touch him but he flinched and pulled away. Just like in the beginning." I say, sorrow filling my voice. 

    "He didn't even have to say any words to set them off."Tony says. "We can't let him near them." I say. "Agreed, the last thing we need are two super soldier assassins to be set off." Tony adds.  "What about all those things he said about Y/n?" Tony asks. "I don't know. I mean it makes sence. Bucky said that he trained her, and Rumlow is not a lier. But he is good at manipulating people." I tell Tony. He nods his head and we just sit in silence for a little, trying to process everything.

    "I say we call it a night and check on them in the morning." Tony says, breaking the silence. "Agreed." I get up to leave but then stop when Tony starts to talk. "You don't think she'll hurt Peter or Morgen, do you?" He asks with worry. "She said that she ran into a woman with a metal arm." Tony says. "We won't let her. She also seems to act different when she's around them." I say. "Yeah, more calm and light." Tony says. "We'll talk more tomorrow." I say, then leaving to go to bed. 

    Before I go into my room I stop by Bucky's room, as I'm about to knock I hear him talking. I put my ear to the door and listen in. It sounds like he's talking in Russian. I can hear little sobs, I just need to give him space, but I don't want him to be alone. Once I get in my room I lay on my bed, I din't sleep at all that night. Worried about everything, and hearing different sobs.
