Chapter 7

Y/n pov

    My eyes feel heavy like they're glued shut, and my limbs feel heavy and wait-less all at the same time. My senses don't seem to be at their peak either. I try to open my eyes and move my limbs. My eyes flutter open and I see a bright light. I lift up my arm to cover my eyes. Then I hear a beeping sound next to me. I look over and see a heart monitor and then I look down to my hand and see two needles in my hand. I start to freak out and hyper venal-late.

    "Hey hey it's ok your safe ok. You're safe Y/n." I look over and see Bucky. I go to take out the needles but Bucky stops me. "Hey, we need to leave them in there." he says. Then I see Bruce walk in. "Hey Y/n glad you're up. We need to get your vitals back up. When was the last time you ate?" Bruce asks. "Last night" I say. "That's not true. I tried to get you to eat but you ended up leaving. And I didn't see you eat this morning." Bucky says. "We need you to eat then. And I need you to stay here for a while so I can get some fluids in you." Bruce says.

    "But I uh I have to go, I have things to do." I stammer. "Y/n it's ok I'll stay with you."Bucky says. Bruce leaves and comes back with another drippy bag. He replaces the old one with the new one. "Hey just look at me ok don't think about anything else. Just focus on me." Bucky says. I'm looking in his eyes and I am just now realizing how beautiful his eyes are. I nod my head at him.

    After he's done that he leaves for a little then he comes back with a clipboard. "Y/n can I ask you some questions?" Bruce asks, sitting down on a chair. I nod my head. "What did you see when you were under Wanda's spell?" he asks. "I-I don't know." Is say looking down at my hands and picking at the metal. "I was back there." Is all I can get out. "HYDRA?" Bucky asks. "Yes." I whisper. "What happened when you were there?" Bruce asks.

    "Blood. There was blood everywhere. There was a body and then a tub. And..." I stopped, being to scared to relive it. "And what Y/n?" Bruce pushes. "They sawed it off. I felt it. it was so real." I say. Still trying to hold my tears back. The beeping noise starts to get faster and louder. "Sawed what off?" Bruce asks hesitantly. "My arm." I murmured. "Oh my gosh." Bucky says. The door swings open and I see the kid come in. "OH MY GOSH Y/n ARE YOU OK!!!" Peter yells. "I'm fine but I think you should leave." I say. "But I wanna make sure you're ok?" Peter says. "We'll talk later." I say. "Ok" Peter sighs and then walks away.

    "Why did you shut him out Y/n?" Bucky asks. "It doesn't matter. When can I leave?" I ask. "I want you to stay overnight. I wanna keep you for testing." Bruce answers. "What if I come over tomorrow?" I ask. "I wanna see how you do sleeping." Bruce adds. I sigh and toss my head back on the pillow. "It'll be fine Y/n I'll stay with you." Bucky says. "I'll be back please don't leave and make sure she doesn't take out the needles." Bruce says then leaves the room.

    Once Bruce leaves, Bucky turns on the Tv. We end up watching something called the Office. I don't find a lot of humor like Bucky does. After an hour and 45 minutes Bruce walks back in. "Hey guys, How we doing?" Bruce asks. "We're good." Bucky answers. Bruce nods and starts going through the cabinets for something. "This will help you sleep. I want to monitor your dreams." Bruce says. I look at the clock and it says 10:24 pm. "Well I have to go to the bathroom, so I'll be back." I say. "Ok but take the pole with you." Bruce adds. I nod and get up and make my way to the bathroom. Once I'm in I lock the door and take out the needles in my arms. I use the pole to barracked myself in the bathroom. I don't see any windows but I see a vent.

    I hop on the toilet and jump up. Then I hear a knock on the door. "Y/n are you ok in there?" I hear Bucky ask. "I'm fine." I reply. Once I'm up I close the vent and make my escape. I mapped the place out incase of an emergency. Left left right straight right left. I end up making my way to the common room where I see everyone hanging out. "Hey Y/n!" I turn around and hit my head. "Ouch" I say while rubbing my head. "Peter what are you doing here?" I whisper. "I like to hide in here. Also why are we whispering?" Peter asks. "Because Bruce wants me to stay the night and wants to put needles in my arm. I don't want them to find me." I say. "Here you can stay in my room." Peter says.

    We make our way through the vents in silence until Peter breaks it. "Why did you ask me to go away?" He asks. "Because Tony doesn't want you near me and I get the feeling that he already doesn't like me." I say. "Oh, you heard that? Well don't worry about him. Besides, I'm 17 so I can make my own choices." He says. When I look at him his face seems familiar, like I knew someone that looked like him. We arrived at his room. It's the classic teenager room, clothes scattered around the room, the bed unmade, and posters on the wall.

    We go to sit on his bed and then we barricade the door. "So how old are you?" He asks. "Umm that's a good question. How old do you think I am?" I ask back. "Well you look like you could be in your late 20s but I heard that you taught Mr. Barnes how to fight. And he's oollddd," He says. I chuckle at his sense of humor. "I actually don't know how old I am. Crazy right?" I say. "Really?.... Are you good with computers?" he asks. "Like hacking?" I ask in confusion. He nods. "Yeah I can hack, '' I tell them. "Awesome I think I know how to find out how old you are. We just need to get a computer. Come on, follow me!" he says.

    We take the vents to Tony's computer room. "Are you sure Tony wont get mad?" I ask. "He's totally cool besides he let's me in all the time." He reashers me. "Where here." He whispers. We jump down and make sure no one is around. "The computers are over there." He says. I go over and sit in the chair. I log into the computer and then try to go into HYDRA's database. I start going through the files but then I get another code to hack. Then the door burst open.
