Chapter 36

Y/n pov

    Memory after memory flashes through my mind. One second I'll be at HYDRA then I'll be on a mission. I'll go from being frozen to being in the chair. I can't take this anymore. It's all to much for me to handle. The visions start to become too real. I can hear it all, see it all, and worst of all, I can feel it. Everything from me walking bare feet, to every torture. At this point I'm not even in reality.

    I'm currently standing in the middle of a field, I'm surrounded by wildflowers and tall grass. Then a man appears, he has a big grin on his face. He has bright vibrant green eyes, Y/c/h that is cut short, and a well maintained beard. He's wearing jeans, a plad shirt, and suspenders to hold his pants up. He runs up to me and hugs me. I'm taken back by this, then he whispers into my ear. "You killed us." He says to me. I pull away and look at him but this time it's red skull.

    I go to turn around and I'm standing infront of a burning house. I look down and I'm holding a little boys hand. He looks up to me and smiles. "This is all your fault." He says. I let go of his hand but his grip tightens. "You should have been the one to die that night." He says. I pull off and run the other way, as I'm running I look back and I'm HYDRA. 

    "No, this is all in my head." I say grabbing my head with my hands. I fall to the ground repeating "This isn't real it's in my head. this isn't real it's in my head. This-" "Oh but it is my pet." I look up and see Korbin. "NO! Get away from me!" I shout at him. Then he disappears. "Y/n, Y/n it's me Wanda!" I hear Wanda say. "What the hell is going on?" I ask in a frantic voice with tears running down me cheeks.

    "We're in your head and I'm getting you out." She says. "I just need you to grab my hand." She says reaching her hand out to me. As I'm about to take it, my arm isn't there. But worst off all, so is Wanda. Then I'm on a table, strapped down. I look over to my right and Zola is sawing off my arm. I let out a blood curtailing scream. Then pop.

    I jolt up and I'm on the bathroom shower floor. I'm soaked and freezing. "Shhh it's ok, it's ok Y/n." I see Bucky and I feel safe now. I tackle him and hug him. Wanting, no needing to feel his touch, to smell his sent. "it was so real." I whisper into his chest. "I know, it's over. Your safe doll." He says. 

    Eventually everyone leaves and it's just me and Bucky. I ended up calming down after a while. "You should get dressed out of those wet cloths." Bucky tells me. "We need to warm you up a little." He says with a soft smile. I end up getting changed, as I do I look at myself in the mirror and look to my arm. Specifically where the metal meets the skin. The way it welds and all the scars around it, makes me remember my vision. Thinking of it makes me jump back a little.

    I put on Bucky's sweatshirt that he gave me since Natasha was doing my wash. I walk out of the bathroom and see Bucky in a new outfit as well. He's wearing gray sweatpants and a black shirt. "I can leave if you want me to." He says. I quickly shake my head, not wanting to be alone. We both go and sit on my bed, I'm practically laying on him and gripping onto his shirt. Eventually letting sleep take us over.

    I look over to the clock that reads 3:30 a.m. I jolt up and do a double take. "What's wrong Y/n?" I hear Bucky ask in a panicked voice. "Nothing, it's just that I have been sleeping for 10 hours. And I didn't have any, you know." I say. Bucky sits up and wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. "Seems like your body needed it." He says in a ruff voice. 

    We both end up laying back down on the bed. Bucky ends up falling back asleep and I just lie there being content. No voices, no flash backs, nothing. It's just me laying in bed with Bucky and that's it. 

    Once the clock reads 6:45 Bucky starts to wake up. "Good morning doll." He says in such a sweet voice. "Good morning." I say turning to my side to face him. "Did you end up going back to bed?" He asks. "No but that's ok." I say with a smile. "Hey Y/n have you seen, AHHH! I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" We both look over and see Steve putting his hand over his eyes. "Dude, where not naked." Bucky says, now sitting up. He keeps his hand covering his eyes and I can tell that his face is bright red. 

    "We, 8, meeting, have!" He says, then he runs away, closing the door. Bucky and I just chuckle. "Well you heard the boy." Bucky laughs. "We 8 meeting have." I say with a chuckle. I've never been this happy without forcing it. "I'm gonna go change, I'll see you soon." He says getting up from bed. Then I do something I never thought that I would do.

    I grabbed him by the coller of his shirt and kissed him. After a minute we both pull away and go for another kiss. Then he pulls away and smiles at me. "I need to go get changed, I'll see you in a little." He says with a smile. I smile back and wave good bye. Another day, and a new life.
