Chapter 2 pt.2

Y/n pov

  I feel out of it and my eyes feel heavy. My eyes flutter open and I am in a white room. I'm laying on a metal table. It looks like I'm in a hospital room. I try to lift up my arms but I can't seem to. "What's going on?" I'm freaking out now. I'm trying to get out but I can't move.

    "Good luck getting out of that." It's the guy from before in the metal suit. "That right there is the third of the strongest metals on earth. I don't think you'll be getting out any time soon. So who are you?" he asks. I can't answer. I was trained not to. "Tony what are you doing!?" It's the man with the metal arm. Where did he come from? "Can't you see she's freaking out!" "Stay out of it Barnes!"

    So I guess the tin man is Tony and the metal arm is Barnes. Wait! Tony likes Tony Stark? "Who are you people?" I ask. "Hey I'm asking the questions here. Now who are you?" he commands. "Stark come on." Barnes states. "No! We need to know who she is and what side she's on." Tony states. Wait? Tony Stark? As in the Avengers? I thought they were the bad guys? HYDRA said that we were helping the world by taking them out.

    Tony walks up to me and slams his hand on the table. "Just talk damn it!" I flinch at this. Then a man with an eye patch and a long coat walks in the door. "Tony, that's enough." says the man with the eye patch. Tony backs away from the table and leaves the room while slamming the door.

    "Why don't you leave too Barnes." "Sure thing." as he's leaving he turns around and gives me a look of sorrow. "If I let you go, do you promise to not attack me?" he asks. I nod. He bends over and unlocks the cuffs. I jump out and run to the corner. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. My name is Nick Fury. But everyone calls me Fury. I am the head of shield and started the Avengers. I'm here to give you a promotion so to speak." Peaking my intentions I give in a nod telling him to proceed.

    "HYDRA has been using you; they want complete and total power. I ask that you join us to help take them down." he says. "I'll do it." I say without hesitation. HYDRA hasn't wiped me in 8 days. And in that time I realized that they are not who they said they were. "Ok then. We will meet the team very soon." he says. "Wait" I say. Nick turns around and raises his eyes. "How do I know you're telling the truth?" I ask. "Well I guess you just have to trust us," he responds.

    I don't see a lot of options right now. There are definitely guards everywhere and the avengers are here so my chances of escape are low. "Here put this on. I'll be waiting outside." he says and then throws some clothes at me. I see a little bathroom and go in there to change.

    He gave me black jeans and a long black shirt. Once I'm done changing I walk out of the room and am greeted by Fury. We are walking down a series of halls with doctors everywhere. At least this I am used to. Then we turn the corner and go into the elevator. This feels weird. Once we get out we go through more halls and then into a door. There I see a bunch of people standing. I see Tony and Barnes.

    "Avengers, I would like to introduce you to your new team mate. She will be training and sleeping with you guys." Furry says. "This is Natasha aka the Black Widow." That name sounds really familiar. "Nice to meet you. It will be nice to have another girl around." she takes out her hand for a hand shake but I just look at it. I am trained to be kept to myself no matter what.

    "This is Bruce Banner aka Hulk." "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you." Bruce just nods his head. "This is Clint Barton aka Hawkeye." "Sup little lady." I give him a death glare. "Moving on Wanda aka The Scarlet Witch." "Hi it's sooo nice to meet you!" she exclaims. "This is Vision." "Hello it is nice to have you apart of the team." Vision says. "This is Thor the god of thunder." "It is nice to meet you lady of the HYDRA." I should kill him but then I see Fury give Thor a look.

    "I believe you met Steve Rogers aka Captain America." Shield man wow he looks like he couldn't kill a rat. "And Tony Stark aka Iron Man as you remember from earlier." "Yeah I own this palace." He seems full of it. " And last but not least Bucky Barnes." "Hi." he says. "Wait, I know you." The entire room falls silent. "Yes, and I know you." I just look at him and growl. "How about I show you where you'll be sleeping." Steve says, breaking the tension. "That would be great Rogers." Fury says.

    Steve and I leave the room. I know I know him and not just the fight. I need to be quiet until I have a way out. I can't go back to HYDRA, that's for sure. "So what's you name?" Steve asks. I don't answer. I don't even think I can answer that. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to pry, '' he says. That's weird, did he just apologize? "Any way this is where you'll be staying. I'm across the hall and Bucky is next door." I nod and we go into the room.

    "Bed in the center, closet over there and then your own bathroom. We eat dinner together every other day so if you would like to join us it's at 6:30. I'll leave you to it." Steve leaves and closes the door. I have never been in a room this big let alone have a bed. I take a look around and look for any cameras and mikes. I found one camera in the corner of my room and a mike in the lamp and the bathroom shower. I go to sit on the bed and just get lost in thought.

Buckys pov

    I'm walking to Y/n hospital room to check on her. As I walk in I see Tony standing by Y/n. She seems uncomfortable. Her hands are bound to the metal table and she's trying to get out."Good luck getting out of that. That right there is third of the strongest metals on earth. So who are you?" he asks. I can see that she is confused and scared. I take this as my way in. "Tony what are you doing!?" I scold him. I can't stand to see her like this. "Can't you see she's freaking out!" "Stay out of it Barnes!" Tony yells at me.

    "Who are you people?" she asks. I can see that she is confused. "Hey I'm asking the questions here. Now who are you?" stark commands. "Stark come on." I state. "No! We need to know who she is and what side she's on." Tony states. Why can't he leave her alone? She's been through enough. Tony walks up to the table and slams his hand. I see her jolt.

    "Just talk damn it!" Tony barked. Then Fury walks in the door. "Tony that's enough," he says. Tony backs away from the table and bursts out of the room while slamming the door. "Why don't you leave too Barnes." Fury commands. "Sure thing."

    "Really Barnes! You just had to mess that up. Why do you even care about her any way?" I'm taken back by this. Sighing "She means a lot to me. She kept me going when I was with HYDRA. She protected me." I answered. (time skip to the meeting)

    "So why are we here?" Nat questions. "I don't know Fury said he wanted to talk about something." Clint says. Him and Nat are two peas in a pod. The door opens and Y/n and Fury walk in. She's wearing black jeans and a long black sleeved shirt. "Avengers, I would like to introduce you to your new team mate. She will be training and sleeping with you guys." Furry says. "This is Natasha aka the Black Widow." Fury Introduced. "Nice to meet you. It will be nice to have another girl around."

    "This is Bruce Banner aka Hulk." "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you." Bruce says. "This is Clint Barton aka Hawkeye." "Sup little lady." She did not like that. "Moving on Wanda aka The Scarlet Witch." "Hi it's sooo nice to meet you!" she exclaims. "This is Vision." "Hello it is nice to have you a part of the team." Vision says."This is Thor the god of thunder." "It is nice to meet you lady of the HYDRA." At this the room freezes until Fury moves along.

    "I believe you met Steve Rogers aka Captain America." Fury exclaims. "And Tony Stark aka Iron Man as you remember from earlier." "Yeah I own this palace." He replied " And last but not least Bucky Barnes." "Hi." I say. I don't want to make too big of a deal. "Wait, I know you." The entire room got silent. I can't lie. "Yes, and I know you." I say. She's staring me down and trying to figure me out. then she growls. "How about I show you where you'll be sleeping." Steve says, breaking the tension.

    The two of them walk out and we are left with an uncomfortable silence. You could cut the tension with a butter knife. Once everyone leaves it's just me and Fury. "Barnes, I know you know her but don't set her off. She has the highest kills than anyone and we can't afford to set her off. She is a great asset to the team." "Wait. Asset? Fury she's not just a weapon. Also she wasn't mad, she was trying to figure me out." I say.

    "Just don't say anything that can set her off. We don't have anything about her so we wouldn't be able to track her down. Unless you know something?" Fury interrogates. "From what I remember she was one of the first of HYDRA and HER name is Y/n." I say. "Thank you for this information Barnes, I will see you later." Fury leaves and I am left in the room with my thoughts.

Hi peeps!!! I hope you all had a great Week and I hope you like this chapter. Things are going to get interesting in the next couple of chapters. Hi guys I was going back and rereading and realized that I didn't fully say why Bucky collapsed. So there will be a story on that soon.
