Chapter 30

 Y/n's pov

    After about 3 more days stuck to the bed and no sleep, I was finally able to leave. I honestly didn't care anymore. Bruce said to take it easy and no working out. He said that my back is still raw and that my rids aren't fully healed.

    As I'm finally walking back to the room I was staying at before this mess I end up running into a little girl. "Ouch!" She exclaims. I look down and see that she ran into my metal arm. "Sorry I didn't mean too." She says. She seems to be 5 or so. She has brown hair and brown eyes. "I don't remember there being any kids." I say. 

    "Mommy and I just got back from a trip!" She says. "Who are you?" She asks. "I'm no one." I growl. "Hahaha your funny." She laughs. What is it with kids. "Where are you going?" She asks. "The room that I sleep in." I say. "So your room?" She asks. "No." I respond. She gives me a confused look. "So who's room is it?" She asks. 

    I don't respond and start to walk away. "I'm Morgen!" She exclaims. I look to her side and see that she's walking with me. "I'm 5 in a half! What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from?" She asks. "That's all confidential." I respond. "Woah!" She exclaims but I keep walking and keep my gaze forward. 

    "You have a metal hand!" She says. "Cute kid." I hear the Red Soldier say jokingly. She goes to grab it but I quickly pull away. I can't have the kid get hurt. So many people have died because of this hand. I'm about to push the button for the elevator but as I'm about to do so I see a little hand reach for it. 

    I look down at Morgan and let out a little growl. The door opens and she walks in. "Which floor ma'am?" She asks. "64." I say. "That's Uncle Steves floor! Do you know him?" She asks. Uncle Steve? That must mean that this is Bucky's kid. 

    The doors open and I see Steve, Sam, and Bucky sitting on the coach talking. "You never told me you had a kid." I say to Bucky interrupting the conversation. "What?" Bucky asks turning around and looking at me. "Ohhhh you mean Morgan? That's Tony's daughter." Bucky says. "What!" I exclaim. She runs over to Steve and hugs him.

    "Hey there Morg! How was your trip?" Steve asks her. I should not be around his kid. I end up leaving and make my way to my room. "Wait up miss!"  I hear her call out. I roll my eyes and sigh. Tony and I are starting to not hate each other as much, but me around his kid is bad news. 

    I turn around and face her. "Look kid you can't be around me."I say. "But why?" She asks. I guess that 5 year olds just don't get it. I think for a minute to find a reason besides that I'm a murder that has memory issues. "Well you see I smell really bad and I have a problem where I will start to break out into song. And not to mention I'm a terrible singer." I say.

    She just laughs. "I don't believe you." She giggles. I look up and see Steve, Sam and Bucky, looking at me with a confused look. Ignoring them I carry on. "It's true, and I also have moments where I just-" Then I go to the ground and start to sleep and snore. Where is this side of me coming from? Why am I not going all crazy. And I have this feeling in my stomach that I can't explain. Like when I'm with Peter.

    She just laughs and giggles. "Wake up!" She yells, and so I get up. "Woah what happened?" I ask playing along. She just starts to giggle and I join her. I can't remember the last time I laughed. Let alone smiled out of joy. 

    "Ok go run along now." I tell her. "Ok." She says. She runs down but once she gets to the end of the hall where the boys are she quickly turns around and and darts to me and hugs me. I'm taken back by this. "Let's be best friends!" She says. I nod and then she leaves. I get up from the ground and I see Steve, Sam, and Bucky staring at me. 

    "What was that?!" Sam yells. "You just laughed?" Steve adds. "You just let a kid A KID hug you!" Steve says. "Grow up. I'm not a complete monster." I say and then go into the no my room and go to sit on the bed. "What was that?" I ask myself. Maybe I should read that file. Maybe I could find out about my past. And If I had a family. 

    I decide to go and find a computer. I need to find out where Korbin is. As long as he's out there were all in danger. Not to mention that he got the Red Soldier out. As I make my way to the room I run into Vison. "My apologizes." He say. What is with it with people running into me? I don't respond and just keep pushing forward.

    "Shouldn't you be resting ms.Y/n?" I hear him ask. "I'm fine." I say and then I turn the corner. I walk up the stairs and make my way up 11 flights of stairs until I get to the computer room. By the 6th flight my ribs where hurting, but it's better then taking the elevator and having to stop and talk to people. 

    I enter the room and I see a girl about 5'8 ish. She has brown curly hair, brown eyes, and she probably weighs  about 130 LB. She is wearing jeans and a red shirt. "Who are you?" She asks. What is it with new people. Today is NOT my day. "You should probably kill her." I look over and see the Red Soldier leaning against a wall. 

    "Oh hi Y/n, this is MJ. She's my girlfriend." I turn around and see Peter. There's another kid next to him. They are both holding trays with snacks and drinks on them. "This is Ned, we're hanging out and playing some games. What to join?" He asks. "Like Mumbly Peg?" I ask. That's what I would play when I was board.  

    "Uhh no? I don't really know what that is." He says. "Well if you want to join you can." He says and then him and his friends go and sit in chairs infront of computers. I walk over to one in a corner and log into it. 
