Chapter 38

Y/n pov

    As we board the plane everyone says their goodbye's and we take off. After about 10 minutes we all take off our seatbelts and walk around. "How long will this take?" I ask. "We'll be there in about 4 hours, but we will be in Wakanda for about a week." Tony says. "A week?!" I ask a little to harsh. Knowing that if what Rumlow was saying is true. 

    If HYDRA comes while we're gone, they won't stand a chance. "What? You've got something important going on?" Tony asks in a sarcastic voice. "No, I just don't see why we have to be there for that long. It seems unecesary." I say. "Well do you know how to get out all that stuff HYDRA put in your head out? Or even better do you know how to resist?" Tony ask. This comment makes my blood boil in anger. 

    "Ok you try having people pry in your head for about 100 years. Then tell me how easy it is." I say in a low growl. "Look we don't want to start any fights right now. We know you can't help it, but we need you to realize that this is very necessary." Steve says. "We can't let them get back their prize." Steve adds.

    "How will this even work? Huh?" I ask. "The dr, who is also the Princess of Wakanda, will go in your head and take it out. Then Wanda helps, but we need time to make sure it worked." Steve says. Great so I'll have people in my head. What makes them different from HYDRA again?

    "What about just using earplugs? Or ripping off my ears? Oh even better, you guys take control of me?" I say sarcastically. "Look I know your scared-" "I'm not scared!" I cut Bucky off. "I'm just sick and tired of people going in my head and being in labs!" I burst out. 

    Everyone looks at me with worry in their eyes. "I get it Y/n, I really do, but their not the same." Bucky says, taking my hands in his. "What makes you guys so different?" I ask him, looking him dead in the eyes. Never breaking contact.

Bucky's pov

    As the plane takes off something feels off. Y/n body language is tense and she seems worried. I get it though. I was nerves too when I first went to Wakanda. Once where in the sky, Tony puts the jet on auto pilot and we all get up and stand around the table.

    Y/n and Tony are going back and forth about something, but I'm not fully paying attention. Then I hear Y/n, breaking me from my zone. "What about just using earplugs? Or ripping off my ears? Oh even better, you guys take control of me?" She says angrily joking. "Look I know your scared-" I start but I'm quickly cut off. "I'm not scared!" Y/n roared. "I'm just sick and tired of people going in my head and being in labs!" She galled.

    Somethings not right. She's keeping eye contact with me. Somethings not right. "I get it Y/n, I really do, but their not the same." I say intertwining my hands with hers, hoping to calm her down. "What makes you guys so different?" She asks. "We're not trying to hurt you." I say in a soft voice. "Yet you left." She says. "You left and you didn't come back. Do you know what they did to me after you left?" She says in a livid tone.

    "That's not fair. I was going to come back for you. When I went back tot he base it was gone. And don't forget that you where the one who told me to run." I tell her. "And that was a mistake." She says, still never breaking eye contact. I know that this isn't her right now, but it still hurts. She ends up leaving the room and goes to a different section. I can tell that something is going on. There was nothing to set her off.

Y/n pov

    I go to one of the pods after storming out and I just sit there. Then all of the sudden my head is pounding again for no reason. "Ughh," is all I can let out. "Have fun on your trip, my pet." I peak up. "Where are you? Why are you in my head?" I ask out. "I just thought that you would want to say good bye to your friends. Oh and Rumlow, he's dead now." Then it goes quiet. I can feel my stomach drop and do flips. 

    He's there. He's at the tower and we're here on a plane, going to some weird country. I race out and go to where everyone is at. "We need to turn around!" I command. "Their- their there, -they'll -they've," I stammer. "Slow down Y/n. What are you talking about? Who's they?" Bucky asks. Out of no where Wanda lets out a scream. Steve rushes over the her and catches her right before she falls to her knees. 

    "We need to turn the plain around right now!" I command. I go to the cockpit and turn off the auto pilot and take a sharp turn. "Ouch!" I hear come from the closet near by. I look behind me and I see Morgan and Peter fall out from the closet. "What's going on Y/n?" I hear Bucky asks. He walks in and I can tell that we're thinking the same thing. 

    "What on earth are you two doing here?!" I yell at them. "If Tony finds out he'll kill me!" I say. "We don't have time for this. You two get back into the closet that way your Father doesn't find you." I command Them. They do as their told and go back into the closest. "Hold on tight you two," I command. "Everyone buckle up, it's going to be a ruff ride home." I say over intercoms. And I book it back to the tower.
