Chapter 15

Y/n pov

    It is now Friday morning. After a week of training and making sure that everything will go smoothly, we are ready to set out for our mission. The jet will take off at 8:00 a.m. which leaves me with 2 hours till then. I already packed up my clothes, and my suit. Since I have time to kill I decide to go down to the gym and just get a quick hour in before the long flight to Cuba. I get to the gym and do my thing then come back up to my room and shower, and get dressed.

    It is now 7:38 and there's a knock on the door. "Come in." I answer. Bucky walks in with a wide grin. "Good morning, are you almost ready?" He asks. "Yeah I just have some little nicknacks.''I replied. "Are you sure you want to go through with this plan?" Bucky asks. "We don't know what they'd do to you." He says. "I'll be fine." I say. HYDRA is my home whether I like it or not. It's the only thing I've ever known, or remember. "Ok, but if things go south we'll be there." He says, I nod so he knows I'm paying attention.

    As I make my way to the jet everyone is already there. Tony is saying goodbye to a blond haired girl, and Wanda's saying bye to Vision, so forth. I go to put my bag in the plane, and then I hear footsteps walk in. "I hope the mission goes well." I turn around and see Peter standing behind me. "Me to." I respond. Peter runs up to me and tackles me in a big hug. I tighten up to the physical contact but I let him hug me. "Just be safe." He says then pulls away. He walks out of the jet and says goodbye to everyone else.

    Once they're all done saying their goodbyes, we board the jet and strap in. Tony and Clint are in the cockpit flying the jet. Once where in the air everyone unbuckles and moves around and talks to everyone. I'm still in my seat thinking about the mission, and going through every scenario. Tony and Clint end up coming out of the cockpit and said that it's on autopilot. Everyone is sound asleep. Clint goes back to the cockpit to keep flying and Tony walks over to me and sits next to me. "You could have picked another seat." I say to Tony. "I well I want to talk to you." He says. I give him a death stare. "Look we need this mission to work, we don't know what's in that base. If you know anything please tell us." He says. "Look I already told you, I don't know anything." I say. He nods then gets up and leaves.

    I end up sitting there for another hour when Tony says over intercoms that we'll be landing in 30 minutes. Everyone takes their seats and buckles up. Bucky comes and sits next to me. "Hey doll, did you get any sleep?" He asks. "Yeah, you?" I ask asif it was a lie though. I haven't slept since the party. "Yeah. You ready?" He asks. I nod. It was a bumpy landing but not too bad. We landed in a large field, there were no houses or anything for miles. There was snow everywhere. It was so beautiful. There was a house that was close. There was a forest that caved us in the field. We all grab our bags and head to the house. Once we get in, people go and start to find their rooms. I just drop my stuff on the couch, since I won't be sleeping here. It kinda unsettled me to go back. Although it's my home it's not a pleasant one. And since I've started to regain some of my memories I've realized that it's not what I thought it was.

    "Everyone come downstairs!" Tony shouts from the kitchen. Everyone comes racing down the stairs like children. I walk over and lean on the doorway. "Sam and Y/n are leaving to go to the base around 10:30, it is currently 2:30 so I need you two ready by 7:45. We leave at 7:50. The base is about an hour and a half away." Steve says. "You have the suit Sam?" Tony asks. "Yes I do." He says with a smirk. "Awesome, get some rest. It will be a long night for the two of you." Steve says.

    I leave and go to the couch. I'm not going to lie but I am really tired. I end up dozing off on the couch. I see a little girl in a nightgown staring at me with fear. I end up realizing it's the same one from the vision after the party. I end up jolting up right as I pulled the trigger. "Woah you ok Y/n?" Sam asks, he's standing in the kitchen doorway. "Fine, just a dream. What time is it?" I ask. "Almost 5." He says. I get up and take my bag and walk upstairs to find a bathroom with a shower. I go in and turn on the water as cold as it can get. I go in and do my business trying to get the image out of my head. Once I'm done I rap the towel around me and go through my bag, trying to find my suit. Suddenly I hear the bathroom door open. "OH MY GOSH!" I hear Tony yell. "What the heck Stark?!" I yell back. "Sorry!" He says then closing the door shut. His face was brighter than a tomato.

    I end up finding my suit and putting it on. It's a black leather suit, the right sleeve is missing, and on the left side of my chest has the HYDRA logo. Once I'm done putting it on I look at myself in the mirror. "Kill them all." The voice says. "Will you shut up!" I yell at the voice. Then I get a flash of a little girl with red hair. She's in a ballerina outfit, and she looks like she's crying. She seems to be around 11. Then it ends. I end up realizing that I broke part of the sink. Whoops. I try to catch my breath, I look over and see my mask and my signature knives. I take a deep breath and put on my face mask and walk out and go to the dining room.

    "Wow you really look like you wanna kill someone." Tony says. Bucky walks up to me and grabs my shoulders. "Are you sure about this?" Bucky asks. "Yes." I say. Everyone jumps at the sound of my voice. I realized that I had the voice changer mode on. I push the side of my mask and turn the voice off. "How come I didn't get that?" Bucky asks. "Because you were basically a sniper, plus I've been there longer." I respond. "That's pretty badass." Clint says. "Ok everyone we are leaving in 30 minutes." Tony says coming down the stairs.

    We start our hike to the woods. We were told that there was some cargo coming in today so were taking out the last truck and getting in that way. We are sitting deep in the woods waiting for the trucks. Clint is up in the trees with his bow. When the last truck comes he's going to shoot the wheel. The trucks start to come, there should be 6 trucks. I'm waiting behind a tree for the trucks to come. The first one comes, and I wait for the next one. Each truck has 5 minutes exactly in between. Once the last truck comes Clint shoots the tire, but shockingly the arrow deflects. I end up running to catch up to the truck and I jump in the back of the truck.

    Once I'm in I see two guards standing with guns. They both start to charge at me and start shooting at me. I grab out my knives and push the button on them that makes them electric. I stab the first guard in the chest and toss him out, then the other one starts shooting at me. I deflect the bullets with my metal arm. I end up pulling the gun out of his hands and then I slice his throat with my knife. I end up moving up front and killing the driver. I stop the car and everyone comes over.

    I get out of the vehicle and they all come up to the truck. "Why didn't the wheals pop?" Tony asks. "It's a special rubber. It deflects bullets." I say. "You should have said that earlier!" Tony yells. "Last I checked it wasn't cleared." I say. "Look now is not the time to fight. You and Sam need to go. Y/n your in the back, Bucky can you put the cuffs on her?" Steve says. Bucky comes up and is holding special cuffs. I know them too well. If you disobey you get shocked. Bucky goes to put them on me when he whispers, "You got this. We'll see you in a week." He says, I nod. Sam gets in the driver's seat and I get in the back of the truck. And where off. 

Hi I really hope that you guys liked this chapter. I had a little bit of a writers block so I do apologize. Happy Tuesday!
