Chapter 4

Y/n pov

"Y/n what happened?" Bucky asks softly. "It was something Tony said it just seemed to set me off. I'm sorry I didn't mean to break your nose and to hurt Tony," I apologize. "I know you didn't mean to. Do you know what it was that set you off?" Bucky asks softly. "He called me  pet," I mumble with a shaker voice. Bucky just nods. "Can I ask what that name means to you?" Bucky asks. "He called me that." "Who?" Bucky questions. "He had a red face. And then my new handler," I tell him.

"Wait! Did you say a red face?" Bucky asks with a shaky voice. "Yes. He's always in my dreams," I state. "We might want to tell Steve," Bucky says. I just look down at the floor hanging my head. "Hey it's going to be ok. You don't have to worry anymore," Bucky comforts. "Why am I like this? He was right. I am nothing more than a weapon a monster." I whisper. "No you're not Y/n. That wasn't you, you had no control," Bucky comforts.

Steve walks in the room with a look of sorrow on his face. "Are you ok Y/n?" Steve asks. I just stay quiet. "It wasn't you," he says. It doesn't matter. I can't even tell who I am. All the sudden that same voice in the elevator appears. "Mr. Roger Dr.Banner would like to see you in Room 219," It says. "Thank you Friday. Tell him I'll be there in one minute." Steve says.

"What is that voice?" I ask. "It's Friday. She is an AI that helps us," Steve explains. I just nod. "Steve before you go, we want to tell you something," Bucky starts. "What is it?" Steve replies. "Y/n knew Red Skull," Bucky tells Steve. I get up and leave the room. "Y/n wait!" I hear Bucky trying to get me to stay.

As I walk out I got to the stairs. "Friday, where is the gym?" I ask. I know that there would be a punching bag in there. "The gym is on the 72 floor." I make my way down from the 81 floor. As I walk in I see a row of boxing bags even better no one is there. I start off with a three two and then start adding kicks. After a while I break the bag and then move to the next.

"Excuse me miss, but your knuckles seem to be bleeding." I hear a voice of what sounds like a teen telling by the voice cracks. I ignore it and keep going. "Miss, did you hear me?" he says again. I end up kicking the bag in half, the sand starts pouring out. "Miss" "What?" I turn around and snap. "Your hand," he says with caution. I look down and see my left hand dripping in blood. "Oh," I simply say, this ain't new to me.

"I'm Peter by the way. But you might know me as Spider-Man!" he says. "Who?" I ask. His jaw drops. "You don't know me? Really? I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," he says. "Good for you kid," I reply. "Oh we should get you to Mr.Banner!" he exclaims. "I'll be fine," I replied. I then look down and then over to the bags and piles of sand on the floor. "Fine," I mumble.

As we are walking he's talking about random things. I'm not really paying attention to him until he asks me a question. "Why do you have a glove only on your right hand?" he questioned. "Oh um poor circulation," I lie. "Cool, So are you new to the Avengers? Because I haven't seen you before," he asks. "Yes," I simply reply. He just nods his head.

We come up to a door and as I look through it kinda looks like a hospital room. "Here we are. Do you want me with you?" He asks. "Uhhh sure," I answer. "Ok!" he cheers. We go into the room and see Bruce in a white lab coat, Something I'm too well used to. "Hey Peter oh and it's Y/n right?" Bruce asks, I just shrug my shoulders. "What brings you two in here?" He asks. "Oh Y/n was boxing without gloves and her hand is bleeding." Peter replies. Bruce nods and starts to come up to me. He grabs my hand and inspects it.

"How long were you boxing for?" Bruce asks. I just shrug my shoulders. I don't trust him yet so I try to keep quiet. "Ok have a seat on the bed." He commands and pointes to the hospital bed. I do as he says. "Friday, how long was Y/n boxing for?" Bruce asks. "She was in there for three hours." the AI responds. All of our eyes widened. "Wow that's crazy I can't imagine going that long! And your like crazy strong!" Peter says, trying to break the silence.

"Ok let me take a look at your hands." Bruce says. He sits on one of those wheelie chairs with no back to it, over to me. He goes to take the glove off of my right hand but I pull away. "I need to make sure that that hand is ok." he bargens. "It's fine." I growl. He just nods his head. He gets up and goes into the cabinet and gets out a needle, a towel, rubbing alcohol, and bandages. But what peaks my attention is the needle.

He comes up to me and sits down again. "Can you pull up your sleeve?" he asks. "No." I say. "This might hurt and it's only a pinch." he adds. "I'll be fine." I reply. "I don't know, I did that once and it hurt really bad you might want to." Peter says. "I've been through worst." I say. "Ok if you insist." Bruce mumbles. He takes my hand and pours rubbing alcohol and something else. I can tell that he's looking for a scream or something but I keep a straight face. Then he grabs the towel and dabs it on my knuckles. Next he goes to sew it up. "That won't be necessary." I state. "It's pretty deep." Bruce adds. "I can heel faster than Captain America, I think I'll be fine."I state. "Ok." he goes to wrap my hands and I'm done. "Thanks" I say. I get up and go to leave. Then I hear Peter. "Y/n why where you so insistent back there?" Peter asks.

"I simply didn't need the extra stuff." I reply. "Yeah but when the needle came out you seemed scared." He says. "I just don't like them." I say. "Why didn't you say so! I don't like them either. I would have held your hand or something." he says. At this I smile. "Your alright Parker." I say. He just gives me an innocent smile. He seems really familiar and the name Peter seems familiar.

Thanks for reading I hope you guys liked this chapter. If you guys have any requests I am going to be starting a oneshot soon so I will take requests. Have a good week:)
