Chapter 31

There is strong language in this chapter  

Y/n pov

    After logging into the computer I hacked into HYDRA's data base and tried to find out where Korbin could be. After about a hour and a half I hack into different country's cameras. I still found nothing. I decide to look into him and find out more about me. 

    "Ms.Y/n Tony would like to see you in the conference room." I hear Friday say. I log out of the computer and erase all data and evidence that I hacked into it. I make my way to the conference room. As I walk in I see Tony, Steve, Fury, and Bucky. Bucky has his hair up in a man bun and he's wearing a black muscle shirt with blue jeans.

    "So why am I hear?" I ask. "It's Rumlow." Steve says. "He said that he wouldn't talk us, but he would only talk to you." Tony finishes."Y/n you don't have to do it if you don't want too." Bucky says. Not gonna lie but I forgot about him. How did they even get him? "You just got out so we understand if you don't want to see him." Bucky says. 

    "What information do you need?" I ask. "We need to know how to find Korbin. We also need more information on him." Tony says. "Sam said that he was older then popsicle over here." Tony jokes, pointing to Steve. "I'll do it." I say. "Friday," Tony says. "Yes Mr.Stark?" Friday reply's. "Tell them to set up an interrogation room for Rumlow." Tony says. "Of course sir." " I don't think I'll ever get used to that." I whisper into Bucky's ear. 

    "Hahaha, I know I wont." Bucky laughs. His smile just lights up a room. And his laugh is one that I've never heard before. And his eyes, those darn blue eyes. "Alright gang you ready to make our way down?" Steve asks. 

    We make our way to the interrogation room and walk into a room. There's a one way mirror, a desk infront and some chairs. I look over and see a metal door. "You ready?" Bucky asks me holding my hand. "We'll be right here." Steve says. "You do realize that it's just Rumlow right?" I ask them. "He was never a threat. Besides I'm the one that trained him." I say. 

    I make my way to the door and open in and walk in. I see Rumlow sitting on a metal chair with his hands bound to a metal table. "Hey there princess." He says in a lover like way. "Where's Korbin?" I ask in a low voice. "Oh come one, we could have fun like we used to." He adds. He raises his eyebrows and winks at me. 

    "I'll give you one more chance." I growl. "Oh don't be like that baby." He says. In one quick movement I slam his head on the table. "FUCK!" He yells. "Wanna talk?" I ask him. "You'll pay for that you bitch!" He spits. "Don't forget who you belong to." He says with a smile. "Your turn." I say. I look over to the Red Soldier and she walks to me. 

    I give her a little control while still being me. "Listen here dickless, I am the one who trained you. And do you really think that Korbin cares for you? Your nothing more then a pawn in his game." I growl. "Ahh, hello there Soldier." He says. I rip off one of the restraints and grab his wrist and snap it in half. He lets out an agonizing scream. "Go to hell you bitch!" He yells at me. "I am hell." I growl. I punch him in the face three times with my metal hand. There is now a big gash on the left side of his head.

    "Talk." I command. "Fight" "No." I whisper. I can't let her out. "Monster," "Shut up or I'll make you!" I yell at him. "Pain" I hear the door open and I turn around. "Y/n let's stop." I hear Bucky say. "No." I grab Rumlow by the hair and tilt his head back. I whip out a pocket knife and put it to his face. 

    "Go ahead, be the monster you are." He hisses. I force his mouth open and put my hand in and rip out one of his back tooth's. "AGHHH!" I pull out another one. "WHERE IS KORBIN!" I yell at him. "Just kill me." He says. "I don't want to kill you. I want to tourter you, I want you to slowly go insane and loose your mind. I want you to think that nothing is real and that you have no purpose. You are a useless piece of shit." I say down grading him. 

    I don't hear a response so I make a move. "If you won't talk then I guess you won't be needing this." I say. I reach in again and grab his tongue and start to pull. "Top top!" He begs. I pull a little harder now. "I'll tak I'll tak!" He says so I let go. "Where is he?" I said coarsely. "I don't know, I don't know." He pants. "Do better." I say maliciously. "He- he has a a safe house!" He says. His gaze goes behind me and he looks at Steve, Tony, and Bucky. "Don't you dare look at them. You look at me and me only or I won't give you anything to look at." I growl. 

    "Where is this safe house?" Steve asks. "It's-it's in Germany. He said- he said that it's where it all began." He says in a shaky voice. "What's that supposed to mean?" Tony asks with crossed arms. "I'm not sure, he said that only Red Soldier would know." He say. "Does this mean anything to you?" Bucky asks. 

    I feel more like myself now, I look over and see her sitting in the corner. "Does this mean anything?" I ask her. "It's the house." She says. "Where is it exactly?" I ask her. "Y/n? Who are you talking to?" Tony asks. "It's in a small town in Germany right inside Goslar." She says. "It's in Goslar Germany in lower Saxony." I say. 

    "What does that resemble? You said that it meant something to the Red Soldier." Steve asks taking a step forward. "I'm not fully sure. He said that that's where the kid was buried." He says. This peaks all of our attention. "What kid?" Tony asks. "You mean they don't know?" He asks, then he laughs. "Your beloved Peter." He says. "The kid you brutally murdered. The kid that was holding you back. The kid that broke you." He says. 

Hi guess where finally going to see what Peter Parker means to her next chapter. I can't wait!!!
