Chapter 37

Y/n pov

    Once I get dressed and shower, I make my way to the our kitchen and wait for Bucky. As I walk in I see Steve and Sam. "Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?" He asks. "I'm good and you?" I say smiling. They both look at each other with a confused expression on their faces. 

    Then Bucky walks into the room. I look at him and smile. "Good morning doll." He says smiling back at me. "Uhhh well are you guys ready for the meeting?" Sam asks. We both nod and make our way to the meeting room. As where walking Bucky grabs my hand and we walk in unison. I can't remember the last time someone cared about me. 

    As we entire the room Bucky and I take a seat together, still holding hands. I think that we are both still shaken up from Rumlow. Once everyone gets into the meeting room, Fury stands up and is the first person to talk. "After our mission, Bucky ended up bringing Rumlow as prisoner. We found out where Korbin is and are going to take him and the rest of HYDRA down. But in order to do that we need to fix Y/n." He says. 

    Fix me? What does that mean. "What do you mean fix me?" I ask. "We need to get your trigger words out of your head." Tony says. "And how would we do that?" I ask. "We go to Wakanda." Tony says. Bucky looks at me, "It's ok. It doesn't hurt." He says with a smile. "I've already talked to T'challa and he said we could leave today." Steve says. 

    "What about Rumlow?" Bruce asks. "We'll have Bruce, Sam, Clint, Thor, Vision, and Natasha, stay here and look after him." Steve says, now standing up next to Fury. "Uhh Steve, my kids and wife where expecting me home this weekend." Clint says. "Ok we understand." Steve says. "We will be leaving for Wakanda in about three hours, we will be there for about a week. If anything happeneds call us." Steve says. 

    What! Where leaving today? What the hell is going on?! "Everyone is dismissed." Steve says. As we leave I feel all sorts of thoughts going through my head. As where walking, Bucky, Sam, Steve, and I are in the elevator. Suddenly I get a pounding in my head. Then I hear a familiar voice in my head. "Watch you back Red Soldier." It echoes through my head. I grab my head and lean against the wall. "Y/n? What's wrong? Are you ok?" Bucky asks. "I'm planing something big, not even the Avengers will be able to help you." He says. 

    "Have fun at Wakanda." Korbin says. My eyes go wide. How did he know? He was listening. But how? "Y/n, what's wrong?" Steve asks in a frighten voice. "We can't leave." I say. "Y/n I know your scared but-" Bucky starts but I cut him off. "I'm not scared! I don't think we should leave." I say. "Why?" Sam asks. "I just, I have a bad feeling." I say, not wanting to tell them. 

    "It'll be fine." Bucky says. "Look you've had a stressful couple of weeks, let's get packed and then we can leave. Think of it as a vacation." Steve says. "Pfft, a vacation? Really?" I say, under my breath. But what if it was just in my head? But then why do I feel like this? 

    Once we get to our floor we go to our rooms and start to pack. Once I have the essentials I decide to go and give Rumlow one last visit. As I exit my room, I see Steve walking out of his room. "Where are you going Y/n?" Steve asks. "We leave in 1 in a half hours." He says. I turn around to face him. "I'm just going to say bye to Nat." I say lying. "Oh ok." Steve says then walks back to his room. 

    Once I'm in the elevator I see Morgan in there. "Are you going down?" She asks in her cute little voice. "Yes." I say bluntly. "DOn't you have school?" I ask. "I'm in a.m kindergarten." She says. "Oh. What is that?" I ask her. "It's school silly." She laughs. I go over and push the button for floor number 59. "Where are you off to little miss?" I ask, seeing that her button is all the way to the first floor. "I like to ride the elevator up and down." She says. I end up laughing at this. "Fun." I say with a chuckle. 

    Once I get to my floor I say good bye and leave. As I'm walking down the hall I stop infront of Rumlow's cell, take a deep breath, then enter. As I walk in I see him lying on the bed. "Well, well, well. If it isn't for the Red Soldier." He says. "Cut the shit. What is Korbin planing?" I ask in a threatening voice. "You don't scare me." He says. "You want me to come in and beat it out of you?" I ask. "Do it, love." He says. I open up the door and walk in, I grab out a knife and put it through his leg. 

    "Where the knife is at will kill you in two minutes." I say pushing it down further. He lets out a pain full grunt. "It is laced with a deadly poison, I have the antidote, but if you don't talk you die." I say in a chilling voice. "I'll I'll talk!" He pleaded. "He, he just wan't you! He want you back! He wants you back!" He stampers. "I I don't know what he's planing. Please give me the antidote!" He begs. "45 seconds." I say, when really he has about 50. "That's it! That's it! Please!" He begs. "25." I say. "He want's to take you away when you least expect it and kill the ones you loves!" He says. 

    "Thank you." I say smiling, then leaving. He falls to his knee's and starts crying and pleading. I close the door and as I'm about to walk out I turn back to him. "Oh and, there was no poison." I say then I leave. I can here him cursing me, but that felt good. As I get back to my room I grab my bag and we leave for Wakanda. 
