Chapter 20

Y/n pov

    Once they unstrapped me my lungs feel raw and I can feel tears and sweat streaming down my face. I can't catch my breath and my brain is pounding and my body feels like it's on fire. They through me in a cell I instantly go in the corner and curl up into a ball. I'm a mess, my hair is sticking to my face and I'm shaking uncontrollably. 

    After a while I calmed myself down to a point where I'm not shaking as bad and I finally catch my breath for the most part. I hear the door open and I stiffen up again and close my eyes. 

    Sams pov

    Once I left Y/n I left and went into the forest to talk to everyone. "Y/n said that whatever it is will be coming later today." I tell them. "When?" I hear Clint ask. "Around 9:30. But I don't know how much longer we can stay." I say thinking about what Y/n meant by I'll be gone. "Why not?" Tony asks. "I don't know how much longer she can handle." I say. "What do you mean?" I hear Bucky ask. "She hasn't slept and they haven't fed her at all. She's lost a lot of blood and her entire torso is black and blue." I say. "We need to get her out." I hear Steve say. 

    "Ok we'll come tomorrow around 11. We need to see who this person is. Once we find out then we'll invade." Tony says. "Ok, sounds good." I respond. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, I have a feeling I wont be back till the fight is over." I say, once I hang up I enter back in. After some guarding and sneaking around I star to hear blood curdling screaming. I'm pray that Y/n is ok. After a while it stops. 

    After an hour the screaming stopped  I decided to check on Y/n. I go to her cell and go in. I see her curled up on the ground, her y/c/h sticking to her face and she seems to be shaking uncontrollably. What ever they did to her must have been worst then anything they've ever done. 

    "Y/n? It's me, Sam. Are you ok? What happened?" I ask moving closer to her. I go to put my hand on her but as soon as I do she flinches, I quickly pull back. How could someone so tough and so strong be breaking down like this? "Hey it's ok, it's ok. We're going to get you out here tomorrow. I promise." I whisper to her. "Bucky?" I hear her whisper, I'm not sure if it was a question or she was asking for him.

    "He's ok, we'll be leaving tomorrow at 11 am." I tell her. I see her look up but she looks startled and confused. "Who are you?" She asks, her voice sounds hoarse and scratchy, like she's been screaming at the top of her lungs for days. Then I remember the screaming I heard earlier.

    "It's me Y/n... Sam." I say confused. "I'm sorry just please don't hurt me." She pleads, her voice cracked. "What no I'm here to help you. Do you not remember me?" I ask concerned, I've herd Bucky talk to Steve about how he lost his memory and I'm wondering if that's what their trying to do to her. "sam?" I hear her mumble but mostly to her self. "Yeah it's me Sam. Your going to be ok alright. I just need you to hang in there a little longer. Can you do that for me?" I ask, seeing her in this state is heart breaking. "ok." she whispers hanging her head. She's still shaking pretty violently. 

    Suddenly I get a message from Tony asking it I've herd anything. I decide to call Bucky to see if he can calm Y/n down. Over at her and she seems to be talking to herself, still shaking and hyperventilating. "Come on Barnes pick up." I whisper to myself. Suddenly his face pops up on my phone. "What do you want Wilson?" He asks. "I need you to calm Y/n down." I say. His eyes widen. "Is she ok? What's wrong?" He asks in a startled state."She'll be ok but I need you to calm her down." I tell him I give my phone to Y/n and wait in the corner for a little bit.

Y/n pov

    I hear someone talking and then I feel a hand on my leg I quickly pull it away. My body feels like it's on fire and being torn apart. "Hey it's ok, it's ok. We're going to get you out here tomorrow. I promise." I hear a voice say softly. "Bucky?" I ask wondering if it was him, he told me the same thing. "He's ok, we'll be leaving tomorrow at 11 am." The man says. I lift up my head and see someone I don't remember. To be honest I can't remember a lot, and I can't focus on anything. "Who are you?" I ask.

    "It's me Y/n...Sam." he says with a confused look. He's probably here to torture me or take me back to that forsaken chair. "I'm sorry just please don't hurt me." She pleads, her voice cracked. "What no I'm here to help you. Do you not remember me?" He asks. I get a flash of a man that looks like him, he's talking with Bucky and some blond man. "sam?' I ask, asking if that was the man that I saw. 

    "Yeah it's me Sam. Your going to be ok alright. I just need you to hang in there a little longer. Can you do that for me?"He says, I don't have much of a choice so I do as he said. "ok." I reply I don't want to be here any more. I don't want to kill anyone, not any more. There's a ding and Sam walks to the corner of the cell. I bring my knees in tight and start to rock back in forth to calm myself down.

    "My name is Y/n, and my best friend is James. My name is Y/n, and my best friend is James." I repeat that to my self in different languages. I can't let my self forget Bucky. "I don't work for HYDRA, I don't work for HYDRA." I repeat again. Sam walks over to me and hands me a phone, on it I see Bucky. 

    "Y/n I'm going to help you calm down ok?" He says, and I nod. "I need you take a deep breath in and a deep breath out." I do as he says and he helps me calm down. There's something about him that calms me and makes me happy. "Y/n what did they do to you?" He asks. I don't respond, not wanting to relive it. "Y/n this will be all over soon ok. I just need you to hang on till tomorrow." Bucky says. I nod "Ok." Then he hangs up and I give the phone back to Sam and he leaves. 
