Chapter 16

Y/n pov

    We are driving for about what is probably 8 miles. Then the truck comes to a stop. I hear a guard's feet pounding on the ground. I look up to see Sam, "You ready?" He whispers to me. I nod. He picks me up by the cuffs, "Wait," I whisper, he raises his eyebrow at this. "Throw me out, hard." I say. He doesn't question it, then he throws me out of the truck and onto the ground. "Get up!" I hear Sam snarl. He yanks me up and I see a bunch of guards have surrounded us.

    I hear people murmuring and whispering. "What is going on here? You are supposed to be-" Someone says, then people start to stand in a line. "Sir I have the Red Soldier." Sam says, saluting him. Good thing I trained him a little bit. "Follow me soldier." The man commands. We are walking and we come to a building, when suddenly I don't like the idea anymore. I get a sick feeling in my stomach. I try to turn around but Sam won't let me.

     We are going down a long hallway when we stop before a door, there are two guards guarding the door. And then man from before nocks on it. The door is made out of metal and the building is made out of concrete. We walk in and I see four guards and my last handler, I freeze. "Can't you see I'm busy?" He says then turns around, his eyes go wide and he looks right at me.

    I quickly turn around and kick Sam off of me. The guy from before goes after me and I jump and kick him square in the face. I quickly turn and burst through the door. Then the alarms start to go off. "Don't kill her!" My handler yells out. I go to turn the corner when four guards are standing in front of me. I am about to turn around when I see six guards behind me. I'm trapped. I start to hyperventilate. I never thought he would be here. The man I fear most.

    "Where do you think you're going, my pet?" He says. I didn't think that he'd be here. Then I see Sam behind him. My handler brings out a remote from his pocket and pushes a button. I fall to the ground with a scream. I get a feeling of electricity that goes through my body.

    "Bring her to my office." He commands, then two guards pick me up by my arms and carry me into the room from before. I see Sam follow behind him. The two guards toss me on the floor, and I look up to see my handler getting a drink. "Take a seat." He commands Sam. As he goes to sit the handler gives him a drink. He goes to sit down with a sigh.

    "Now tell me, who is responsible for bringing HYDRA's weapon back?" he asks. "I am sir." Sam replies. "I found her in Germany where I was stationed at the time." Sam explains. "I see. Thank you for returning her." He says. Sam nods. "Oh how rude of me! I forgot to say my name. I am General Korbin. I am the leader of HYDRA." He says.

    "I am Sergeant Dan at your service." Sam says. Korbin gets up out of his chair and walks over to me and kneels down. "Now what to do with you." He says and the back of his hand brushes against my face. I pull away and he bangs my head against the concrete floor. "Don't you ever turn away from me!" He yells at me. "Take her to room 93. Hang her by her wrists and I will be there to take care of her." He commands. Suddenly I am being pulled away from Sam and the room.

    As I'm being dragged I try to pry away but it's no use. We get into a poorly lit room with chains hanging from the ceiling. They lift me up and attach my wrists to the chains. My feet can't touch the floor no matter how hard I try to stretch. The one guard goes to take off my mask and he throws it to the floor. "I guess the rumors were true. The Red Soldier is heartless but has the prettiest face." He says. He goes to kiss me and then I bite his lip. He tries to pull back but I end up biting through. Suddenly I feel something hot touch my side burning part of my suit off. I pull off his bottom lip and let out a hiss. "You bitch!" He yells. "I will make you pay for that! Your going to regret doing that!" He yells.

    "Enough." I hear my handler or Korbin say. He straightens up and leaves the room. The guard straightens up and leaves the room holding his lip. "You are in for a treat. Unfortunately we will deal with you tomorrow." Korbin says. He walks up to me and goes behind me, where he grabs a knife and cuts off my top shirt. Leaving my back bare and nothing but a sports bra and pants on. "But why not get a couple hits in know right?" He asks himself. Then I feel a whip hit my back, then another, and another. After a while he leaves. I can feel the hot red liquid running down my back. I didn't scream or anything. I can't let him win.

Bucky's pov

    Once Sam and Y/n take off in the truck I start to feel worried. I don't like the idea of having her go back there. I mean who knows what they'll do to her. We make our way and on our way Wanda comes up to me, "She'll be ok." She says. "I know it's just, she just got out and know she has to go back." I say. "You really love her huh?" She asks. I give her a look as in a don't enter my mind. "I didn't have to read your mind to find that out, Barns." She says.

    Once we're back at the house it's about 2:30 am when Sam comes back. We all quickly spring up and rush over to him. "Are you ok?" Steve asks. "How did it go?" Tony adds. "Good I think. No one saw the camera. Want to watch the tape?" Sam says. "Yes, let's hook it up." Tony says. Tony hooks up the camera to the tv and we see everything that happened.

    We see them get out of the truck and walk down the halls. But we all freeze when we see Y/n start to fight back. We see her run out of the room. "Where do you think you're going, my pet?" He says. I don't like the looks of this. We see her fall to the ground letting out a little cry. Wanda covers her mouth and I'm clenching my fists so hard they turn white.

    "Bring her to my office." He commands, then they make their way back. We see her get tossed to the ground, and Sam is standing by the table. The man get's Sam and himself a drink and tells Sam to take a seat. "Now tell me, who is responsible for bringing HYDRA's weapon back?" he asks. "I am sir." Sam replies. "I found her in Germany where I was stationed at the time." Sam explains. "I see. Thank you for returning her." He says. Sam nods. "Oh how rude of me! I forgot to say my name. I am General Korbin. I am the leader of HYDRA." He says.

    "I am Sergeant Dan at your service." Sam says. Korbin gets up out of his chair and walks over to Y/n, I don't like the way this is going. "Now what to do with you." He says and the back of his hand brushes against her face. I want to rip every organ out of him. She goes to pull her head away, then he grabs her by the hair and smashes her face against the ground.

    I gasp and so does everyone else. "Don't you ever turn away from me!" He yells. "Take her to room 93. Hang her by her wrists and I will be there to take care of her." He commands. Then the video carries on but just with him checking out the building and what not.

    "I told you this was a bad idea!" I yell at Tony. "Look everything is going as planned. He is focussed on her and we can do our thing. Besides it's just a week." Tony says. "Do you know what they can do in just a week?!" I scream at him. "I agree with him." Wanda says. "We aren't taking a vote, besides it's to late anyway." Tony says. I go and storm to my room. I didn't sleep at all that night. I couldn't begin to imagine what they're doing to her and what they'll do.
