Chapter 39 (Final Chapter)

Y/n pov 

    After about an hour we made it back. As soon as I land the plane I rush into the tower. I grab a gun as I exit the plane. As I entire there's no one around. "Y/n what's going on?" Steve asks. "Keep the kids in there. And hide them," I order him. Wanda, Steve, Tony, and Bucky come out and fallow me. I entire the room and scan it. "I don't see anyone," Tony says. But that's the problem. It's to quiet, it's almost deafening. Then out of no where HYDRA agents drop and surround us. Theres too many to fight.

    "I would suggest dropping your weapons," I look over and see Korbin emerge from the shadows. "Where are they?" I ask Korbin. "Foolish girl," He says and walks up to me. But I don't fight him. "I'll be nice and give you two choices. You can kill me and your friends die, or you can come easy," He explains. "You call that nice?" I hear Tony ask. 

    "Tony Stark, what a spitting image of your father. He truly was a great man," Korbin says provoking him. "Don't you dare talk about my father!" Tony spits at Korbin. "Why take everyone if you just need me?" I ask. "Yes, let me tell you my big plan," Korbin says sarcastically. 

    "As long as the Avengers are alive there is hope. So, if we make you kill them like you did Peter Y/l/n. Then there's no hope for you. And after you kill them, we'll kill you. You lost your respect and we can't control you like we used to. But she's still in there," Korbin says. "You won't put a single hand on her!" Bucky shouts. "Ahh of course, Mr.Barnes. How are you doing? I mean living with the lady that trained you and turned you into a monster. That must not be easy. Not to mention that she killed your mother." 

    I can tell that there are tears threatening to leave his eyes. Then I can tell that Bucky is fuming with anger. He goes to charge him but I stop him. "We need to be smart about this. My sweet candy," I tell him and blink three times. He cracks a little smile a we break out into the fight of our lives. More guards start to come in and I'm almost out of ammo. "Y/n you need to go!" Bucky yells between the gun fire. "No!" I yell back. "You need to get the kids out of here before it's to late!" He yells back. 

    I know that he's right, but I don't want him to be. Bucky hands me something. It looks like a tracking device. "You'll find us using that. Go somewhere they'll never think to find you." He says. I nod and go in for a sweet, passionate kiss. I grab hold of his face, not wanting to let go of his sweet lips. He puts his hands around my waist and then he pulls back.

    He puts his forehead against mine and tells me to go. "I'll come for you, I promise." I leave for the jet and take off with Peter and Morgan. Once where about twenty miles away I put the plane on auto pilot and go to the back where Peter and Morgan are sitting.

    "Where's Daddy?" She asks in her sweet voice. "We have to save them," I tell her. "Where are we going to?" Peter asks. "Russia." Another day and another lost.

Hello lovely's!!! This will be the end of this book! I am working on book two currently it will be called A New Day. I'm also writing a new book called The survivor of the 27. I'm sorry this chapter is short but it will all be well worth it! I hope that you guy's enjoyed what was righten so far. Have a great day! ( Also sweet candy is a code word that will be explained in the next part.)
