Chapter 28

Y/n pov

    I sit up with a jolt. As I do so I get a throbbing pain in my ribs and back. I let out a hiss. "Y/n, Y/n your ok, your ok!" I hear Bucky say. Ugh my head is pounding. I put my hand to my head, and then I look up. "My little dancer?" I say in Russian to Natasha. Then I see her start to cry. "You remember me?" She asks with raw emotion coming through. 

    "I'm sorry I couldn't save you." I say completely forgetting about the pain all around my body. "I thought they killed you." She says with a crack in her voice. "Yeah well it wouldn't be the first." I joke. Suddenly she runs up and hugs me. 

    I can't remember the last time I had a hug. The embracement hurts but I don't care. How could I forget her? Who else have I forgotten? She ends up pulling back and I can clearly see the tears in her eyes. "I thought that they killed you." She whimpers. 

    "Yeah well your not the first. Death doesn't agree with me." I say. She lets out a chuckle but I wasn't joking. I have died more times then I can count. "Ok I'm sorry but Y/n needs to get rest. Also it seems like your stitches on your back cam undone so we have to fix that." Bruce says. 

    Natasha gives me one last hug and then leaves with Wanda. "I'll be right outside." Bucky says and gives my hand a little squeeze then walks out the door. "Ok I'm gonna have you lay on your stomach so I can fix the stitches." Bruce says. I lay on my stomach and he starts to stitch me up. 

    Once he's done I ended up falling asleep. I ended up waking up about 4 hours later, which is a new record for me. I look over to the clock reading 8:38. "Good morning Y/n." I hear Bucky say. I look over and give him a smile, then look away. "What's wrong?" He asks. "How could I forget her?" I say in a sorrow tone. 

    "Don't blame yourself. It's HYDRA's fault, not yours." Bucky says. "Even if so, who else have I forgot?" I ask but mostly to my self. "You should get some rest Y/n. Don't beat yourself up." Bucky says. "You don't understand, you had a life before, you had friends, people to tell you who you where when you can back!" I say starting to rase my voice. 

    "I don't know my family, I don't know my birthday, I don't even know what my favorite color is!" I say no standing up out of the bed. "It'll all come back Y/n, just be patient." Bucky says trying to calm me down but I don't listen. "WHY ME!? HUH! WHY ME!!!" I scream then I feel my legs give out and I fall to my knees. Bucky ends up catching me right before I hit the floor. 

    I start to quietly sob into his chest. "why me?" I repeat. "It'll be ok doll, it'll be ok. You'll get your memories back, it just takes time." He says stroking my hair and keeping me tight to his chest. "I don't know if I should be saying this but, Sam found a file with your name on it. He took it from the base, the only problem is that it's in a bunch of different languages that we can't read." He says.

    "That's part of the problem, what if I find something I don't like or can't handle?" I ask I don't really want to know but at the same time I want to know who I was. Bucky pulls me away and puts back a piece of hair behind my ear. "Then we'll do it together." Bucky says in a soft tone. I have never known anyone as kind and caring as he is.

    I feel like a burden. This shouldn't be his job. And I have no reason to be crying. "Your weak." I look over Bucky's shoulder and see her. Why is she here? "Y/n? Are you ok?" Bucky asks breaking me out of my thoughts. "I/m fine. When will I get out of here?" I ask him. 

    "I don't know." He says with a sigh. "Here let's get you back up into the bed." He adds. He helps me up and then places me onto the bed. "Do you want blankets on or off?" He asks. "Off." I say. I feel kinda hot and blankets make me feel like I'm being strangled. 

    After about 5 seconds Peter comes bursting through the door. "Y/m are you ok?!" He asks. "I'm fine." I respond. "I was so worried I thought that you weren't going to make it. Your heart even stopped for about 5 minutes." Peter says. "It's ok kid. I'm fine." I say. "I know that you don't like fiscal contact but can I please hug you?" He asks. I give him a nod and he hugs me. 

    How is a sweet kid like this risking his life. As a spider non the less. He pulls back and then looks at Bucky. "Mr.Barnes, I know that you don't want to leave her side and all but can I talk to her alone?" He asks. "Sure kid." Bucky replies. He gets up with a grown and the leaves the room and closes the door behind him. 

    "Y/n I was so scared. I thought I wasn't going to see you again." He says. "It's all good, I'm fine. Nothing but some scrapes and bruises." I say even though I'm in hella pain. I just have to stay strong for the kid. "Yeah that's what you say." Peter jokes. "OH!" Peter bursts out. "What happened is everything ok?" I ask sitting up. But as I grab my ribs and let out a little hiss. 

    "I remembered that I go you something." He says. What? Why would he get me something? "I forgot it at home. I'll bring it tomorrow." He says with a smile on his face. "That's very kind of you Peter, but why?" I ask. No one has ever gotten me a gift, or at least that I can remember of. "Well it's a thank you for being my friend." He says. "Thank you Peter." I say with a smile. 

    I hear the door open and I turn to see Tony. "Look I'm sorry I know what you said but-" I start to say. "It's ok." Tony cuts me off. "He can be a hard person to shake away." Tony laughs. "Peter your friends are here, there waiting down stairs." Tony says. "Ok, I hope that you feel better Y/n." Peter says then leaves. "Y/n I would like to talk to you." Tony says as soon as he leaves.
