Chapter 11

Bucky's pov : after the meeting

    "That will be it for today, Y/n, Steve, Bruce, and Tony please stay. Everyone else leave." Fury says. I give Y/n a look asking if she's ok. I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. I don't know what it is but she makes me feel a certain way that I just can't get rid of. Her eyes are gorgeous. I've never seen a color like them before, I could gaze at them forever. I walk out giving one last glance and then leave, closing the door behind me.

    Sam is standing at the doorway waiting for me. "Hey there Buck." He says, raising his eyebrows. "What do you want?" I ask him. "Nothing Want to hit the gym with me? I bet I can deadlift more than you." Sam says. "I'll race you." I say and sprint to the gym. I hear Sam yell something but I'm already out the door.

    Sam and I are lifting when Y/n walks in. She doesn't seem very happy. She looks mad or annoyed. "Hey Y/n what did they want?" I ask, hoping for a real answer. "Nothing important." She replies looking at the floor. She goes over and picks up the 80 pounder and she starts doing curls, hammers, and lateral pulls. Sam and I are just watching her in aww. Once she's done she goes over to the bench and exchanges the 80's for the 105's and lays on her back and starts pushing up.

    I can't believe how strong she is! I can tell too that she could go way heavier. Then she looks at Sam and I with an annoyed look on her face. "You going to keep staring at me Barnes?" She scoffed. "Sorry it's just impressive. I can't do that." I say with amazement. Sam and I get back to deadlifting, when Wanda comes in and walks up to the treadmill. She looks at it then walks up to Y/n. "Hey Y/n can I talk to you real quick please?" She asks. She gets up and leaves with Wanda.

    "Man your girlfriend is strong." Sam says. "She not my girlfriend, we're just friends." I protest. "Keep telling yourself that Barnes. She's really pretty and I can tell that she means a lot to you." Sam says and then pats my back. Y/n comes back in and gets back to her workout. Sam and I walk out and go our separate ways. Once I get to my room, I take a shower and get dressed in sweatpants and a black muscle shirt.

    I look at my phone and it's a message from Tony saying that there's a party for the successful mission. I chuck my phone on the bed and go to our floors kitchen and make myself a grilled cheese with some chicken. I make some extra just in case. Steve comes out of the elevator, I can tell that he's frustrated. "Hey Stevie, are you ok?" I ask. "I don't know Buck. Everything with Tony, and Y/n." He starts then sighs and throws himself on the couch. I walk over with two plates of grilled cheese and chicken, handing one plate to Steve.

    "Tony just keeps provoking Y/n and you can tell that she's trying to fit in and act normal, but Tony. And the files that she hacked into last night." Steve says. "Look I don't want to know too much about what was on the file." I say, Steve gives me a confused look. "I want her to tell me when she's ready." I explain, also I know most of the stuff. Steve nods with a grin. He goes to take a bite out of my grilled cheese and he moans. "This is incredible Bucky." Steve says with food in his mouth. "Eww didn't your mom tell you not to talk with food in your mouth?" I joke.

    Once where done lunch Steve and I watch a movie and just hang out like we used to. Eventually I part to my room and chill. Eventually I hear some giggles coming from Y/n room. I go in to see Natasha and Wanda leaving her room. I knock on her door hoping that she'll answer. "Come in." I here. I open the door and see her sitting at her desk. I instantly smile, just by looking at her makes me happy. I go to sit on the bed. It's kind hard, like it's never been slept in, but I push that aside and just smile at her. "How was shopping?" I asks. "I don't like shopping. There's to many people." She says. I chuckle at how similar we are. My phone dings so I go to check my phone. It's just a reminder from Tony about the party. I suddenly get a great Idea. "So did the girls tell you that there's a party tonight?" I asks. "Yes." She says. "Want to go with me?" I ask confidently.

    "Sure." She answers with a small smile on her face. "Awesome, I'll be at your door at 7:15. I'll see you then." I say then leaving and closing the door behind me. I go to my room and start to get ready. I take a shower and put some product in my hair. I get dressed in a black suit and put my hair half up. I walk over to Y/n's room. When I go to knock Wanda opens the door. She's wearing a light purple dress with little flowers at the bottom and her hair is braided.

    "Hey Buck she's all ready." Wanda says, opening the door for me to walk in. I see Y/n, she's standing there so perfectly. Her Y/c/h perfectly outlines her face, and she's wearing a gorgeous dark blue dress with long sleeves. And her eyes, her eyes are impeccable. I'm practically drowning in her Y/c/e.

    "Wow you look amazing." I get out, scanning her body. "You too." She says with a smile. "See you two down there love birds." Nat says leaving with Wanda. I can feel my face get hot. "Anyway, are you ready?" I ask holding out my arm for her to take. She nods and walks to take my arm. We make our way down and I just can't stop smiling at her.

Hi guess sorry this is short but this week is super busy. But the next chapter will be out soon. Have a blessed day!
