Chapter 87


I look at Regina with sympathy, knowing what the pain feels like. She's tired, fed up and stressed and has a broken heart because of Robin. I just hope it's not too late for them and their relationship will go on, despite how much Robin hurt her earlier.

"Regina I'm going to examine you again to see where we are okay?" I explain to her, taking her cold hand in mine

She nods silently, reaching out for her mother's hand, tears streaming down her face.

"It's alright darling" Cora reassures her, squeezing her hand lightly

"I feel sick" Regina whimpers

Cora quickly clicks her fingers and a bucket appears and Regina hurls into it, just getting it in the bowl in time.

She finishes after a while and lies back against the pillows, clutching her stomach as she gets a contraction. I watch as Cora winces as Regina crushes her hand.

"AHHHHHHH!! SNOW PLEASE GET THEM OUT!!!" Regina screams through a contraction

"Regina, calm down, calm down. I'm going to examine you okay?" I reassure her

She nods shakily, clutching her mother's hand even tighter than when she was going through the contraction.

I feel her body tense as I examine her, but I can't do anything to stop it because it has to be done. I feel her walls tighten and remove my hand quickly as a contraction is building

"She's still at 3 centimetres" I sigh

Cora's about to reply when Regina interrupts

"OOOOH! SHIT! SHIT! OWW! OWW!" Regina yells

"Language, Regina!" Cora snaps at her daughter

"You'd be swearing if a baby was making its way out of your, OOOOH!" she starts but is cut off by a contraction

"Snow is there anything you can do to speed things up? Or to relieve the pain at least?" Cora asks

"There isn't anything I can do, I can't stop the pain or speed things up, it's a natural process" I sigh

"I HATE ROBIN TWICE AS MUCH RIGHT NOW!!" Regina yells through another contraction
