Chapter 57

Two days later


"Regina will you stop panicking! The baby is going to be absolutely fine!" Robin sighs

I've been stressing all morning. Snow's going to check the baby to make sure everything's okay. Anything could've happened to them on that day, and if there is something wrong, I blame myself for it.

"Babe, you don't know that! Anything could've happened to them, it was a very nasty fall!" I argue

"I know, but the baby is a fighter just like you, they're going to be just fine!" he argues back

I nod back silently, tears running down my face. Robin carefully wraps me in his arms, stroking my hair and rocking me from side to side gently.

"Hey, come on, shh" he whispers

"I'm so scared Robin" I cry

"I know, I know, but if anything's wrong, we'll get through it together" he reassures me

A knocking at the door grabs both our attentions. We turn to the door to find Snow smiling at us.

"You ready?" she asks

I nod nervously, lying back and preparing for the uncertainty that my baby will be okay.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a couple of days! I've been so busy! Hopefully things should be back to normal tomorrow or at least when it comes to the weekend! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading! 
