Chapter 36

2 hours later


I've been trying to stop the blood flow for two hours now and trying to get rid of all the glass in Regina's hip, but it's not working. Her wound just keeps bleeding. She's still unconscious but her face is getting paler and paler.

A loud knocking at the door pulls me to attention.

"REGINA! REGINA!" Robin yells from the other side

"Emma he can't be in here, I'm not finished yet!" I say to my daughter who's holding Regina's limp and pale hand

"I'll go and talk to him" she decides

"Thank you" I nod

She quietly lays Regina's hand onto her stomach and exits the room to talk to Robin about his soul mate; that is slowly slipping away...

Sorry for the short and awful chapter. Will Regina be okay? Comment what you think! Also, comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
