Chapter 80


I storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me, shutting out Regina's cries. I roll my eyes as Cora approaches me, a confused look on her face. I don't have time for this.

"Robin, dear what's going on?" she frowns

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I yell at her, making her jump back in fright as I storm down the corridor

How could she not let me do this? She never cared where I went before! Does she not care about my daughter who's in danger? Does she not want me to find her?

I feel a slight tinge of guilt for what I said to her but I don't care, I'm finding my daughter and she can't stop me!

I storm down the hallway to find Killian stood at the entrance, the potion bottle in his hand.

"I wondered when you were going to show up" he smirked

"Sorry" I sigh

"Are you sure you want to do this now mate? By the look on Regina's face when I told you, she looked upset" he asks

"I'm sure let's go" I growl, storming out the castle

We walk along the path, my daughters now enchanted scarf leading us. I walk at a slightly faster pace, taking my phone out of my pocket and switching it off, no one will want to reach me, no one cares about me.

"Robin? Are you sure you're alright?" Killian asks as we walk

"Fine mate" I mumble

"No you're not, I heard shouting as I walked down the corridor earlier, what's going on?" Killian argues

"If you must know, my wife doesn't want me to find my daughter; she didn't want me to go today because she doesn't want me to find her! She just wants things to go back to normal but they can't because I'm finding my daughter whether she likes it or not!" I snap

"Robin, she does want you to find her, trust me, but you're forgetting that she's carrying your child and she needs you to be there for her. You've pushed her away over the past few months; I've noticed how distant you are from each other. She needs you Robin; all she's asking for is some time to spend with you" he reasons with me

"No, she doesn't! She just doesn't want me to find her and that's that!" I snap
