Chapter 53


Robin finally comes out of the bathroom about five minutes later, a cup of fresh water with a bendy straw and two painkillers in his hands. He hands the painkillers to me and I place them into my mouth, the horrible, soapy and dry texture invading my mouth. Robin passes me the straw and I drink the water, swallowing the pills carefully.

"Better?" he asks as I've swallowed them

"Not at the minute but I will be in a bit, thank you babe" I sigh

"Babe, where's Sophia? I haven't seen her yet?" I frown, realizing this for the first time

"She's with Emma for a few days while you recover, she's perfectly fine" he reassures me

I nod silently

"Now, shall we go back to sleep?" he adds, changing the subject

I nod again and he climbs under the covers and kisses my lips and then grabs my hand since he can't pull me into his warm embrace, which I'm starting to miss already.

I reach for the light switch and the room goes dark and my eyes start to become heavy and I drift off into sleep once again...

Sorry for the late update again guys! I've been revising again! I know I've asked you this a million times before but do you guys want the baby to be a boy or a girl or do you want twins because I'm seriously struggling to pick on my own! Comment what you think! Also, comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
