Chapter 3

Five minutes later


The bathroom door opens, releasing the scent of lemon and lime shower gel. Robin walks out, his hair damp from the shower. I click my fingers and his hair is back to its normal colour. He giggles, not complaining like he used to.

"Thank you my love" he smiles, kissing my lips

We both look down into the crib where our little girl is sleeping still, staying in a comfortable silence.

"I can't believe how much she's changed" Robin whispers

"I know, she's grown to fast" I whisper back

"She's the image of you" he smiles

"Really?" I say

"Definitely" he nods

I'm about to reply when I hear Sophia stirring inside the crib. I whip round to find her eyes fluttering open slowly, looking around the room and trying to remember where she is.

"Mama" she says

I reach for her and lift her into my arms, rocking her gently and brushing her soft brown curls from her face. She nuzzles her face into my shoulder like she always does, grabbing a piece of my hair and twirling it around and around in her fingers.

"Happy birthday princess" I smile, tickling her tummy and making her giggle

"Shall we get you ready and go and see Auntie Snow and Auntie Emma?" I say to her

She nods, the excitement growing in her eyes. I let out a giggle and hand her to Robin while I go and get her little pink dress and purple cardigan.

I stand and watch Robin as he interacts with Sophia. He's so good with her and she adores him so much. To say he just lost his daughter not long ago, it's like all his troubles melt away when Sophia's around him and he's happy, maybe.

I head back over to them and Robin hands Sophia back over to me, kissing her forehead and making her giggle again.

"Come on princess, let's get you ready!" I say, heading over to the bed to dress her

So that's it for me tonight! I'll update again tomorrow! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far and I  promise it gets better as it goes! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!
