Chapter 92


I push as hard as I can and feel my baby slide out of my body and I fall into the pillows, the agonizing pain drifting away. There's a silence for a moment and then the cries of an infant fill the room and I can breathe again.

"It's a girl" Snow smiles, holding my daughter in her arms

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain and a gush of liquid come out of me. I see Snow's eyes widen in panic as she stares at my feet. Something's wrong.

"Cora take the baby, now!" Snow instructs my mother

My mother takes her hand out of my grasp and takes my daughter from Snow, placing her in Sophia's crib and rushing back over to me, grabbing my hand.

My vision blurs in and out of focus and the noises are muffled, like I'm underwater. The last thing I see is the ceiling and then everything goes black....

Uh oh!
